1 00:00:29,320 --> 00:00:30,321 Hup! 2 00:00:42,250 --> 00:00:43,710 Whistledown for you. 3 00:00:43,710 --> 00:00:46,129 Dearest Gentle Reader, 4 00:00:46,129 --> 00:00:48,882 we have been apart for far too long. 5 00:00:50,383 --> 00:00:53,386 At last, London's fashionable set 6 00:00:53,386 --> 00:00:54,929 has made its return. 7 00:00:54,929 --> 00:00:58,725 And so too has this author. 8 00:00:59,726 --> 00:01:01,019 It's good to be home. 9 00:01:02,937 --> 00:01:04,272 It certainly is. 10 00:01:04,272 --> 00:01:06,399 As the season begins, 11 00:01:06,399 --> 00:01:09,277 the question on everyone's mind is, 12 00:01:09,277 --> 00:01:12,864 of course, which newly minted debutante 13 00:01:12,864 --> 00:01:14,908 will shine the brightest? 14 00:01:14,908 --> 00:01:18,912 The crop this year appears to be rather dazzling. 15 00:01:18,912 --> 00:01:22,207 There is the exquisite Miss Malhotra, 16 00:01:22,207 --> 00:01:24,084 said to be quite a catch. 17 00:01:24,084 --> 00:01:26,252 Miss Stowell is thought to be 18 00:01:26,252 --> 00:01:28,713 a most accomplished young lady. 19 00:01:31,841 --> 00:01:34,344 The mild-mannered Miss Hartigan 20 00:01:34,344 --> 00:01:37,472 will certainly appeal to genteel suitors. 21 00:01:37,972 --> 00:01:43,561 Miss Kenworthy is a welcome entry, brimming with confidence and charisma. 22 00:01:44,062 --> 00:01:48,024 And then there is Miss Barragan, who certainly stands out in a crowd. 23 00:01:48,024 --> 00:01:49,901 She wrote my name! 24 00:01:52,445 --> 00:01:54,656 It seems as though your business is thriving. 25 00:01:54,656 --> 00:01:55,990 As is yours. 26 00:02:01,454 --> 00:02:04,082 And let us not forget, 27 00:02:04,082 --> 00:02:06,584 should we all need a little excitement, 28 00:02:06,584 --> 00:02:10,797 there is another Bridgerton making her debut this year. 29 00:02:11,381 --> 00:02:12,465 I cannot hear anything. 30 00:02:12,465 --> 00:02:14,717 Probably because she knows we are out here eavesdropping. 31 00:02:14,717 --> 00:02:17,303 - I am sure that she is well enough. - Oh, as you were last year? 32 00:02:17,303 --> 00:02:18,721 This is not last year. 33 00:02:19,264 --> 00:02:21,099 - Francesca is-- - Very quiet. 34 00:02:21,099 --> 00:02:24,811 Perhaps she has been stunned into silence by the beauty of that giant feather. 35 00:02:24,811 --> 00:02:26,062 I cannot wait to wear one. 36 00:02:26,062 --> 00:02:28,064 Perhaps she has swallowed that giant feather. 37 00:02:29,274 --> 00:02:32,235 - We are not ready to go? - Is there anything we can do to help? 38 00:02:32,235 --> 00:02:34,737 Would you mind asking whoever is playing downstairs 39 00:02:34,737 --> 00:02:36,656 to quieten down so I might hear? 40 00:02:36,656 --> 00:02:39,325 I can try, but is that not, in fact... 41 00:02:42,203 --> 00:02:44,622 Who else would be playing pianoforte in this house? 42 00:02:44,622 --> 00:02:45,748 Certainly not me. 43 00:02:45,748 --> 00:02:46,875 Francesca? 44 00:02:48,084 --> 00:02:50,253 Why, there you are. Dear. 45 00:02:52,672 --> 00:02:53,840 Francesca. 46 00:02:57,177 --> 00:02:59,679 - Francesca. - There's no need to shout. 47 00:02:59,679 --> 00:03:02,640 All those piano lessons in Bath have reaped their reward. 48 00:03:02,640 --> 00:03:04,225 - You've gotten good. 49 00:03:04,225 --> 00:03:07,520 How did you get down here? I've been outside your door all morning. 50 00:03:07,520 --> 00:03:10,190 I woke up early. Got dressed. Took breakfast in the garden. 51 00:03:10,190 --> 00:03:12,192 Because it is just another day. 52 00:03:12,192 --> 00:03:13,109 Shall we go? 53 00:03:17,655 --> 00:03:19,490 Perhaps we do not need to worry so much. 54 00:03:22,285 --> 00:03:24,704 You do realize what tune she was playing just now, don't you? 55 00:03:24,704 --> 00:03:25,872 Mozart's "Funeral March." 56 00:03:25,872 --> 00:03:26,998 Oh God. 57 00:03:28,374 --> 00:03:30,126 Debutantes aside, 58 00:03:30,126 --> 00:03:34,756 there is also the question of which gentleman will reveal himself 59 00:03:34,756 --> 00:03:37,091 as the prize of the season. 60 00:03:38,009 --> 00:03:42,430 For our young ladies will certainly need someone dashing 61 00:03:42,430 --> 00:03:44,515 at whom to set their caps. 62 00:03:46,184 --> 00:03:50,104 Whoever it is that makes the finest match this year, 63 00:03:50,104 --> 00:03:54,025 let us hope that their pairing brings some titillation. 64 00:04:08,206 --> 00:04:10,166 What are they all squawking about? 65 00:04:10,166 --> 00:04:11,918 Like they spotted a side of beef. 66 00:04:26,724 --> 00:04:27,642 Is that-- 67 00:04:27,642 --> 00:04:28,935 - Our brother. - Colin. 68 00:04:38,194 --> 00:04:39,612 Family. 69 00:04:40,113 --> 00:04:43,449 Apologies for my late arrival. I got stuck in presentation traffic. 70 00:04:44,867 --> 00:04:46,286 Do you not wish to greet me? 71 00:04:51,791 --> 00:04:52,709 El. 72 00:04:59,132 --> 00:05:00,842 Are you not gonna change, or... 73 00:05:01,384 --> 00:05:05,888 For, of the status quo, this author quickly grows weary. 74 00:06:09,285 --> 00:06:11,496 {\an8}- You must tell us about your adventures. Yes. 75 00:06:11,496 --> 00:06:14,749 {\an8}Upon your return last season, we heard all about your toil across the Mediterranean 76 00:06:14,749 --> 00:06:16,292 {\an8}by the time we broke our first fast. 77 00:06:16,292 --> 00:06:21,422 {\an8}Indeed. Under what foreign sun did you apparently get so sturdy? 78 00:06:21,422 --> 00:06:23,591 I was nowhere and everywhere. 79 00:06:23,591 --> 00:06:26,511 {\an8}- I shall not bore you with details. - I must know, who are you? 80 00:06:27,387 --> 00:06:30,723 {\an8}- What have you done with our brother? - This time away was exactly what I needed. 81 00:06:30,723 --> 00:06:33,893 {\an8}It has given me some sense of proportion. 82 00:06:33,893 --> 00:06:34,811 {\an8}Mmm. 83 00:06:34,811 --> 00:06:37,021 {\an8}I should like some... proportion. 84 00:06:39,440 --> 00:06:40,650 {\an8}What? 85 00:06:41,734 --> 00:06:44,404 {\an8}- Miss Anne Hartigan. 86 00:06:44,404 --> 00:06:48,699 {\an8}Presented by her mother, the Right Honorable Lady Hartigan. 87 00:06:56,165 --> 00:06:58,251 Miss Dolores Stowell. 88 00:07:02,296 --> 00:07:04,757 She hated me. 89 00:07:04,757 --> 00:07:07,885 Impossible. You were perfect. 90 00:07:07,885 --> 00:07:09,804 Miss Clara Livingston. 91 00:07:20,565 --> 00:07:22,650 Shall I fetch you a refreshment, Your Majesty? 92 00:07:22,650 --> 00:07:25,278 Perhaps a casket. The lack of interest here today 93 00:07:25,278 --> 00:07:28,990 shall usher me to an early grave at any moment. 94 00:07:30,575 --> 00:07:32,702 Miss Alexandra Moore. 95 00:07:33,244 --> 00:07:37,874 Presented by her mother, the Right Honorable Lady Moore. 96 00:07:38,374 --> 00:07:41,043 Since when are you one who simply glides in? 97 00:07:42,420 --> 00:07:44,380 Since when do you wear so many ruffles? 98 00:07:45,506 --> 00:07:48,801 - It is the style of the season. Miss Natalie Green. 99 00:07:50,011 --> 00:07:52,013 Presented by her mother, 100 00:07:52,013 --> 00:07:55,391 the Right Honorable Lady Green. 101 00:08:01,606 --> 00:08:04,734 It is your debut, Francesca. Are you not excited? 102 00:08:05,359 --> 00:08:08,488 I suppose entering society means I might meet someone. 103 00:08:09,322 --> 00:08:11,282 It would be pleasant to have my own house. 104 00:08:11,991 --> 00:08:15,536 You are only a week back from Bath, and already you are eager to escape us. 105 00:08:15,536 --> 00:08:18,456 No. I simply could use some peace. 106 00:08:18,456 --> 00:08:23,252 I'm afraid if peace is what you are after, then this may all be rather overwhelming. 107 00:08:23,252 --> 00:08:24,712 You know, even Daphne-- 108 00:08:24,712 --> 00:08:26,714 Mama, do not trouble yourself. 109 00:08:26,714 --> 00:08:28,925 If I can be at ease in the chaos of our home, 110 00:08:28,925 --> 00:08:30,927 surely, I shall find my way in the season. 111 00:08:32,345 --> 00:08:35,765 Miss Francesca Bridgerton, presented by her mother, 112 00:08:35,765 --> 00:08:39,519 the Right Honorable Dowager Lady Bridgerton. 113 00:08:57,662 --> 00:09:02,250 The Bridgerton girl, Your Majesty. You have had good luck with Bridgertons. 114 00:09:25,439 --> 00:09:27,817 Miss Winifred Barragan. 115 00:09:28,401 --> 00:09:32,780 Presented by her mother, the Right Honorable Baroness Barragan. 116 00:09:47,086 --> 00:09:51,632 Unquestionably, our wedding was much more beautiful than yours. 117 00:09:51,632 --> 00:09:53,509 I thought our wedding was rather fine. 118 00:09:53,509 --> 00:09:56,554 Yes. They do say it is easier to impress older brides. 119 00:09:56,554 --> 00:09:59,724 If it were to please my bride, I would wed you a second time. 120 00:09:59,724 --> 00:10:03,352 A third. As many as it takes to make you happy. 121 00:10:03,352 --> 00:10:06,772 And spend our dear departed Aunt Petunia's money in the process, Mr. Dankworth? 122 00:10:06,772 --> 00:10:08,983 Thank goodness Aunt Petunia died. 123 00:10:08,983 --> 00:10:11,152 And just in time for our honeymoon. 124 00:10:11,152 --> 00:10:14,113 - I rather liked Aunt Petunia. Of course you did. 125 00:10:14,113 --> 00:10:16,657 She was a tiresome spinster who always had her nose in a book. 126 00:10:16,657 --> 00:10:20,077 She was not tiresome. She just did not care for either of you. 127 00:10:20,077 --> 00:10:24,874 Enough. Today we return to society in good standing, our finances in order, 128 00:10:24,874 --> 00:10:27,585 and without any man telling us what to do. 129 00:10:27,585 --> 00:10:29,211 Let us enjoy this day. 130 00:10:38,638 --> 00:10:40,848 If I may speak my mind, ma'am. 131 00:10:40,848 --> 00:10:42,600 You always do, Varley. 132 00:10:42,600 --> 00:10:46,437 The Aunt Petunia story, no offense to the dead, 133 00:10:47,104 --> 00:10:50,024 but will anyone really believe that a spinster 134 00:10:50,024 --> 00:10:54,528 who never owned so much as a donkey cart would have a fortune to leave to you? 135 00:10:54,528 --> 00:10:57,865 For heaven's sake. No one in London knows how she lived. 136 00:10:57,865 --> 00:11:02,495 For all they know, she could've been hiding jars of coin under her floorboards. 137 00:11:02,495 --> 00:11:05,206 The truth has a way of rearing its ugly head. 138 00:11:05,206 --> 00:11:06,957 But pay no heed to me. 139 00:11:07,458 --> 00:11:08,959 There you are. 140 00:11:08,959 --> 00:11:11,170 I take it you are finally done with daydreaming? 141 00:11:11,170 --> 00:11:13,422 I am. Shall we go? 142 00:11:25,810 --> 00:11:26,644 Oh! 143 00:11:30,231 --> 00:11:31,816 Where is she? 144 00:11:31,816 --> 00:11:34,735 Not to pick a diamond at the presentation is one thing, 145 00:11:34,735 --> 00:11:38,322 but not to appear at an event arranged in her honor 146 00:11:38,322 --> 00:11:40,408 is another thing altogether. 147 00:11:40,408 --> 00:11:43,828 Did our girls this morning leave that much to be desired? 148 00:11:44,620 --> 00:11:48,124 They do seem rather... preoccupied. 149 00:11:48,999 --> 00:11:51,794 Do you find yourself back in town for any particular reason? 150 00:11:51,794 --> 00:11:54,839 In search of something? Or someone? 151 00:11:54,839 --> 00:11:57,508 If you're asking if I came back to take a wife this season, 152 00:11:57,508 --> 00:11:59,218 I'm afraid the answer may disappoint. 153 00:11:59,218 --> 00:12:01,762 Although, if there is one thing I learned on my travels, 154 00:12:01,762 --> 00:12:04,640 it is forever to expect the unexpected. 155 00:12:37,047 --> 00:12:38,257 Oh, look. 156 00:12:38,758 --> 00:12:42,052 If it isn't Penelope Featherington. Back in a dress the color of-- 157 00:12:42,052 --> 00:12:43,763 - Cressida. Eloise! 158 00:12:43,763 --> 00:12:47,016 - There you are. I've been looking for you. And I for you. 159 00:12:47,016 --> 00:12:49,185 Shall we go and get some lemonade? 160 00:12:49,810 --> 00:12:52,480 Splendid idea. I am parched with thirst. 161 00:12:54,231 --> 00:12:56,692 Is it not congenial to be back from the country? 162 00:12:56,692 --> 00:12:59,153 All that draft and emptiness. 163 00:12:59,904 --> 00:13:02,114 You do know others call that "fresh air"? 164 00:13:02,114 --> 00:13:03,240 Of course. 165 00:13:03,240 --> 00:13:05,284 Befriending you there was a happy surprise. 166 00:13:05,284 --> 00:13:08,204 But ultimately, it is London where I am most at home. 167 00:13:08,204 --> 00:13:11,290 And the season will be all the better now I have you by my side. 168 00:13:12,583 --> 00:13:13,751 Of course. 169 00:13:17,213 --> 00:13:19,965 I've been dreaming of my future husband since I was a child. 170 00:13:20,758 --> 00:13:24,804 He should be handsome, romantic, intelligent. 171 00:13:24,804 --> 00:13:27,139 Do not forget well-bred and tall. 172 00:13:27,723 --> 00:13:31,101 I have always pictured a man who writes poetry. But above all else, 173 00:13:31,101 --> 00:13:34,063 it should be someone who gives me butterflies just by looking at him. 174 00:13:36,482 --> 00:13:37,983 And you, Miss Francesca? 175 00:13:40,778 --> 00:13:45,032 Someone... kind, I suppose. 176 00:13:45,658 --> 00:13:48,953 Well, that is plain. You do not want someone unkind. 177 00:13:49,829 --> 00:13:51,413 No. Of course not. 178 00:13:58,921 --> 00:14:00,840 One week returned from honeymoon, 179 00:14:00,840 --> 00:14:03,592 and already my son has left you to fend for yourself. 180 00:14:04,844 --> 00:14:07,096 Our time away means Anthony's stack of paperwork 181 00:14:07,096 --> 00:14:08,722 has grown nearly to the ceiling. 182 00:14:09,348 --> 00:14:11,392 With luck, he'll be caught up by the first ball. 183 00:14:11,392 --> 00:14:15,312 Let us hope so. With two sisters out in society this season, 184 00:14:15,312 --> 00:14:17,064 the work has only just begun. 185 00:14:17,565 --> 00:14:20,442 She seems rather composed, does she not? Quite practical. 186 00:14:20,442 --> 00:14:23,988 She is, but practicality is quite the opposite of love. 187 00:14:24,488 --> 00:14:26,615 I am eager to see how she will fare. 188 00:14:28,826 --> 00:14:29,660 And Eloise? 189 00:14:31,912 --> 00:14:33,914 I do not understand this new friendship. 190 00:14:35,457 --> 00:14:38,252 But I spent enough time last season trying to assist her 191 00:14:38,252 --> 00:14:40,880 until my assistance nearly drove her outside society. 192 00:14:40,880 --> 00:14:42,923 So I am not interfering. 193 00:14:42,923 --> 00:14:43,924 For now. 194 00:14:45,342 --> 00:14:48,012 - You always see your children so clearly. 195 00:14:49,388 --> 00:14:51,307 I hope to be half the viscountess you are. 196 00:14:51,307 --> 00:14:53,475 I am sure you will be even greater. 197 00:14:53,475 --> 00:14:57,938 And forgive me. I will move into a dower house as soon as I find one. 198 00:14:57,938 --> 00:15:01,442 It is quite a task having two girls in society at once. 199 00:15:02,151 --> 00:15:03,193 Do not worry. 200 00:15:03,819 --> 00:15:07,406 Back in India, mothers stay in the home long beyond their children's wedding. 201 00:15:08,073 --> 00:15:09,700 I am grateful to have you close. 202 00:15:11,035 --> 00:15:12,286 Lady Bridgerton. 203 00:15:12,286 --> 00:15:13,287 Yes. 204 00:15:13,287 --> 00:15:14,330 - Oh! - Oh, dear. 205 00:15:14,330 --> 00:15:16,540 - Are you enjoying the festivities today? 206 00:15:16,540 --> 00:15:17,666 Very much. 207 00:15:17,666 --> 00:15:20,419 Although the queen's absence is noted. 208 00:15:20,419 --> 00:15:21,337 Yes. 209 00:15:22,004 --> 00:15:25,507 I do think she finds herself somewhat reticent 210 00:15:25,507 --> 00:15:27,843 after her instincts went astray last season. 211 00:15:27,843 --> 00:15:30,888 But, of course, it all worked out in the end. 212 00:15:30,888 --> 00:15:32,556 - I would not worry. 213 00:15:32,556 --> 00:15:35,017 Perhaps you should tell that to the other mamas. 214 00:15:35,017 --> 00:15:37,353 - Mmm... 215 00:15:40,147 --> 00:15:44,360 My travels? I cannot begin to share my travel adventures with you. 216 00:15:44,360 --> 00:15:46,362 If I did, you would swoon. 217 00:15:47,279 --> 00:15:49,782 And we cannot have that. 218 00:15:49,782 --> 00:15:52,034 How is it possible your dance cards for the season 219 00:15:52,034 --> 00:15:54,036 are not yet full of suitors? 220 00:15:55,162 --> 00:15:57,498 You are flowers in bloom. 221 00:15:57,498 --> 00:15:58,749 Each one of you. 222 00:16:00,167 --> 00:16:03,754 My stories from abroad are not suitable for such tender young ladies. 223 00:16:04,672 --> 00:16:08,425 Were I to tell you even the tiniest adventure, well, 224 00:16:08,425 --> 00:16:10,135 I'd be forced to marry you. 225 00:16:16,141 --> 00:16:18,060 Such an array of beautiful ladies. 226 00:16:18,978 --> 00:16:20,771 Men will be fighting over you. 227 00:16:21,772 --> 00:16:23,357 I cannot compete. 228 00:16:23,357 --> 00:16:24,692 Oh... 229 00:16:32,366 --> 00:16:34,910 We woke up to find he had fled in the night. 230 00:16:34,910 --> 00:16:38,414 He did not even stop to take his gun cabinet. Or me. 231 00:16:38,414 --> 00:16:41,458 Well, let us hope that whoever lays claim to be 232 00:16:41,458 --> 00:16:43,836 the next Lord Featherington has more scruples. 233 00:16:43,836 --> 00:16:47,214 Or does common thievery run in the family? 234 00:16:48,632 --> 00:16:50,843 In fact, there shall be no more laying claim, 235 00:16:50,843 --> 00:16:52,845 as the last Lord Featherington 236 00:16:52,845 --> 00:16:56,181 wrote a document bequeathing the estate to my girls. 237 00:16:56,724 --> 00:16:58,934 Just as soon as one of them produces an heir. 238 00:16:59,643 --> 00:17:00,602 Did he? 239 00:17:02,646 --> 00:17:06,233 Shall we get some refreshments? Perhaps something strong? 240 00:17:14,283 --> 00:17:16,744 Pen. It is good to see you. 241 00:17:17,411 --> 00:17:18,245 Is it? 242 00:17:18,245 --> 00:17:21,415 Truly. It has felt like I've been absent years instead of months. 243 00:17:21,415 --> 00:17:23,500 Much has certainly changed in that time. 244 00:17:24,126 --> 00:17:27,254 A good deal, I know, but it was all the rage in Paris. 245 00:17:28,714 --> 00:17:31,300 You look distinguished. But, then again, you always have. 246 00:17:31,300 --> 00:17:33,719 When all is said and done, it is merely clothing. 247 00:17:34,678 --> 00:17:38,015 Whereas elsewhere, things seem to have fundamentally changed. 248 00:17:38,015 --> 00:17:41,602 Am I mistaken, or was Eloise walking arm-in-arm with Cressida Cowper? 249 00:17:42,394 --> 00:17:45,272 As you said, sometimes time moves rather quickly. 250 00:17:50,652 --> 00:17:52,279 Why didn't you tell us sooner 251 00:17:52,279 --> 00:17:54,323 one of us would be the new Lady Featherington? 252 00:17:54,323 --> 00:17:57,534 What purpose would there be in telling either of you to make a son? 253 00:17:57,534 --> 00:18:01,330 You're both married women. Must we tell a baker to bake? 254 00:18:01,330 --> 00:18:04,333 Technically, one of our sons would be the new Lord Featherington. 255 00:18:04,333 --> 00:18:06,210 One of us would be the heir's mama. 256 00:18:06,210 --> 00:18:09,379 "One of us"? You think you are part of this race? With what husband? 257 00:18:09,379 --> 00:18:11,673 Technically, when I'm the heir's mama, 258 00:18:11,673 --> 00:18:14,802 the first necessity will be ridding the house of dusty books. 259 00:18:14,802 --> 00:18:17,971 After, of course, I've changed Mama's ghastly curtains. 260 00:18:18,555 --> 00:18:21,683 Do not worry. I will let you keep your books... in the cloakroom. 261 00:18:21,683 --> 00:18:25,687 Oh! Which, I imagine, will be empty, as who will want to visit either of you? 262 00:18:25,687 --> 00:18:30,109 Neither of you will be inheriting anything if you do not go home and get to work. 263 00:18:30,109 --> 00:18:34,363 Can we not come over for pudding first? Your cook is so much better than ours. 264 00:18:34,363 --> 00:18:37,533 Well, that's your fault for marrying men without title. Go! 265 00:18:47,167 --> 00:18:49,419 Let us hope they take their time. 266 00:18:54,758 --> 00:18:58,428 I take comfort in knowing that you will always be here to take care of me. 267 00:19:35,632 --> 00:19:38,218 I do not wish to see a citrus color ever again. 268 00:19:38,844 --> 00:19:40,637 Sour colors, indeed. 269 00:19:40,637 --> 00:19:44,391 But what has brought about this sudden desire for change? 270 00:19:44,933 --> 00:19:46,810 I cannot live at home any longer. 271 00:19:46,810 --> 00:19:50,314 It's been hard enough living under my mother's rules. But my sisters... 272 00:19:51,440 --> 00:19:53,442 To live at the whim of either the most cruel 273 00:19:53,442 --> 00:19:55,485 or the most simple person I know... 274 00:19:57,905 --> 00:20:00,032 I must take a husband before that happens. 275 00:20:00,574 --> 00:20:01,450 It is time. 276 00:20:02,284 --> 00:20:03,202 I see. 277 00:20:03,994 --> 00:20:07,998 And does my lady have a certain suitor in mind? 278 00:20:12,044 --> 00:20:13,503 I should like to be sensible. 279 00:20:14,171 --> 00:20:15,172 Someone kind, 280 00:20:15,756 --> 00:20:18,675 who allows me my privacy, for obvious reasons. 281 00:20:19,885 --> 00:20:22,387 Then a new look is just the thing. 282 00:20:24,640 --> 00:20:27,809 Perhaps something like what they are wearing in Paris? 283 00:20:34,149 --> 00:20:37,069 - I love it, brother. Where is it from? - A trader in Marseille. 284 00:20:37,069 --> 00:20:38,528 My perfume is from Paris? 285 00:20:38,528 --> 00:20:41,365 Where are my handsome playing cards from? Is this writing Spanish? 286 00:20:41,365 --> 00:20:45,118 - You visited France and Spain? - My sheet music is Italian. 287 00:20:45,118 --> 00:20:47,496 Exactly how many cities did you visit in four months? 288 00:20:47,496 --> 00:20:49,373 I lost count, in truth. 289 00:20:49,373 --> 00:20:52,876 No. Not in here. Outside, where our mother can't see. 290 00:21:00,050 --> 00:21:01,551 Francesca, where is your sister? 291 00:21:03,512 --> 00:21:06,223 Eloise! Time for the modiste. 292 00:21:07,349 --> 00:21:09,017 Will this family ever be on time? 293 00:21:09,017 --> 00:21:10,894 A gift for you, Mother. 294 00:21:12,562 --> 00:21:13,397 Thank you. 295 00:21:18,527 --> 00:21:19,987 It is lovely. 296 00:21:20,654 --> 00:21:21,780 Truly. 297 00:21:25,200 --> 00:21:27,536 Oh, my. We really are late. 298 00:21:27,536 --> 00:21:28,495 Francesca. 299 00:21:28,495 --> 00:21:29,663 Eloise! 300 00:21:36,920 --> 00:21:39,798 Eloise. Surely you are not eager to hasten to the modiste? 301 00:21:39,798 --> 00:21:41,591 - I've something for you. 302 00:21:41,591 --> 00:21:43,844 - Ah! Here it is. - It is a book. 303 00:21:43,844 --> 00:21:46,763 - A rare Bavarian text on the rights-- - I am reading something. 304 00:21:46,763 --> 00:21:48,974 - It is called Emma. - A novel? 305 00:21:48,974 --> 00:21:51,226 You have never been one for silly romances. 306 00:21:52,227 --> 00:21:54,021 Perhaps my tastes have changed. 307 00:21:54,730 --> 00:21:57,858 The writings I read before of women making their way outside society, 308 00:21:57,858 --> 00:21:59,151 those were the romances. 309 00:21:59,151 --> 00:22:02,779 This book has humor and truth... the pains of friendship. 310 00:22:02,779 --> 00:22:04,573 It is altogether more probable. 311 00:22:04,573 --> 00:22:07,826 And I take it your taste in friendship has changed as well? 312 00:22:08,952 --> 00:22:10,829 Cressida surprised me this summer. 313 00:22:10,829 --> 00:22:13,248 She showed me kindness in the country when no one else would. 314 00:22:13,248 --> 00:22:14,583 And what of Penelope? 315 00:22:16,209 --> 00:22:17,836 We have simply grown apart. 316 00:22:18,420 --> 00:22:20,922 Lady Whistledown nearly ruined me last season. 317 00:22:21,506 --> 00:22:25,344 I lost the battle, and I have no appetite for the war. I've joined the winning side. 318 00:22:25,344 --> 00:22:26,928 Not unlike you, I take it? 319 00:22:28,263 --> 00:22:30,140 Or is this truly the new you? 320 00:22:30,140 --> 00:22:31,099 Hmm. 321 00:22:31,099 --> 00:22:32,893 A man cannot tell his secrets. 322 00:22:32,893 --> 00:22:34,144 Mmm... 323 00:22:34,144 --> 00:22:35,270 Must be lonely. 324 00:23:01,671 --> 00:23:03,882 Could you please meet me in the carriage, Rae? 325 00:23:14,434 --> 00:23:15,644 I've been hoping we would meet. 326 00:23:16,603 --> 00:23:20,190 Did not seem so when you were hiding away in the countryside this summer. 327 00:23:20,857 --> 00:23:23,402 I avoided society because I did not know if you'd want to see me. 328 00:23:24,403 --> 00:23:26,988 And because you were worried I might reveal your secret. 329 00:23:27,614 --> 00:23:29,032 I do appreciate you keeping it. 330 00:23:30,826 --> 00:23:33,370 Eloise, I am so sorry about everything. 331 00:23:33,370 --> 00:23:37,207 For what you did, or because I discovered it was you who wrote such damning things? 332 00:23:37,999 --> 00:23:40,127 You may not understand, but I was trying to protect-- 333 00:23:40,127 --> 00:23:42,254 No, I do not need your explanations. 334 00:23:42,254 --> 00:23:46,466 I have kept your secret exactly because I do not wish to keep revisiting the past. 335 00:23:47,843 --> 00:23:50,095 Now you have your life, and I have mine. 336 00:23:50,095 --> 00:23:51,304 With Cressida? 337 00:23:51,304 --> 00:23:53,974 - Are you really friends with her? 338 00:23:54,558 --> 00:23:56,309 I wish you very well, Penelope. 339 00:24:01,106 --> 00:24:02,274 Your Madeira, sir. 340 00:24:02,274 --> 00:24:05,694 I am not one to complain about a mid-afternoon tipple, 341 00:24:05,694 --> 00:24:07,154 but what's the occasion? 342 00:24:07,154 --> 00:24:10,323 To thank you for taking care of the estate while I was on honeymoon. 343 00:24:10,323 --> 00:24:12,659 I was surprised to see every "t" crossed and "i" dotted. 344 00:24:12,659 --> 00:24:15,620 Well, I do not know whether to be moved or offended. 345 00:24:15,620 --> 00:24:16,830 Perhaps both? 346 00:24:17,789 --> 00:24:20,083 In truth, I enjoyed having a purpose. 347 00:24:20,083 --> 00:24:24,004 Whereas now that you're back, I'm not certain what I'm supposed to do. 348 00:24:24,004 --> 00:24:26,548 I'm certain Mother has a list of ladies she could offer you. 349 00:24:26,548 --> 00:24:29,134 Brother, please take some of his attention. 350 00:24:29,134 --> 00:24:33,597 And you, I invited here to congratulate on your many new admirers. 351 00:24:33,597 --> 00:24:35,599 I'm not certain that should cheer me. 352 00:24:35,599 --> 00:24:38,018 Bridgertons, my apologies for the wait. 353 00:24:38,018 --> 00:24:40,729 - Business is good. We are glad to see it. 354 00:24:40,729 --> 00:24:43,064 - Will you join us for one? - Pardon me. Um... 355 00:24:43,064 --> 00:24:45,108 Wife business comes first. 356 00:24:47,736 --> 00:24:49,821 Mr. Dundas is here to see us, Will. 357 00:24:50,363 --> 00:24:52,908 Mr. Dundas. Can I offer you a drink? 358 00:24:52,908 --> 00:24:55,535 No. No, thank you. 359 00:24:55,535 --> 00:24:58,121 Ah. I shall be quick. And now that I have you both. 360 00:24:58,705 --> 00:25:02,584 Are you aware, Mrs. Mondrich, of your great-aunt, Lady Kent? 361 00:25:03,668 --> 00:25:04,794 Kent, yes. 362 00:25:04,794 --> 00:25:08,423 We met once in my youth. A very cold lady. 363 00:25:08,423 --> 00:25:10,967 She is colder now, I am afraid. 364 00:25:12,302 --> 00:25:13,136 Oh, she's died? 365 00:25:16,431 --> 00:25:17,766 Has she left us something? 366 00:25:17,766 --> 00:25:19,434 She has not left you something. 367 00:25:19,434 --> 00:25:22,354 She has left your son Nicholas everything. 368 00:25:23,271 --> 00:25:26,399 And while you have several cousins more closely related to her, 369 00:25:26,399 --> 00:25:28,360 none have male children. 370 00:25:28,902 --> 00:25:33,448 As such, Nicholas shall be the next Baron of Kent. 371 00:25:41,248 --> 00:25:43,750 Perhaps we might need drinks. 372 00:26:36,094 --> 00:26:38,054 Do not run. She will hear you. 373 00:26:39,347 --> 00:26:41,182 Ignore them. - I cannot. 374 00:26:41,182 --> 00:26:43,560 Go away! She will hear you. - Trust me. 375 00:26:43,560 --> 00:26:46,938 What's happening there cannot be as important as what's happening down here. 376 00:26:48,898 --> 00:26:50,400 Making an heir. 377 00:26:52,027 --> 00:26:53,361 You do know 378 00:26:53,361 --> 00:26:57,157 that what we are doing is not how one makes an heir? 379 00:26:58,158 --> 00:26:59,409 We have to start somewhere. 380 00:26:59,409 --> 00:27:02,454 It is my first week as viscountess in my new home. 381 00:27:02,454 --> 00:27:06,374 Tonight is Lady Danbury's ball. I must make a good impression. 382 00:27:34,027 --> 00:27:36,404 I should like to try something a little different tonight. 383 00:28:42,804 --> 00:28:43,930 Ah... 384 00:28:43,930 --> 00:28:47,100 Oh, Lady Danbury, you have outdone yourself once again. 385 00:28:47,100 --> 00:28:51,187 As you know, the first ball is no small thing. 386 00:28:51,187 --> 00:28:52,772 I do not take it lightly. 387 00:28:59,279 --> 00:29:01,865 I wonder what Whistledown will write about next issue. 388 00:29:01,865 --> 00:29:04,159 The season is off to quite a dull start. 389 00:29:04,909 --> 00:29:07,454 I am sure she will find something. Or make something up. 390 00:29:07,454 --> 00:29:10,582 Pardon me, miss. We failed to collect your cloak. 391 00:29:11,541 --> 00:29:12,500 Yes, of course. 392 00:29:19,382 --> 00:29:21,634 I do not think that will be necessary. 393 00:29:27,724 --> 00:29:29,309 Is everyone staring at us? 394 00:29:29,309 --> 00:29:32,437 Jealousy, my love, that you are now mine. 395 00:29:38,485 --> 00:29:40,570 It is not us they stare at. 396 00:29:43,865 --> 00:29:46,201 She spends my fortune before I can claim it! 397 00:29:46,201 --> 00:29:47,827 That is her intention. 398 00:29:47,827 --> 00:29:50,038 If she wants to wear such a melancholy color, 399 00:29:50,038 --> 00:29:51,372 that is her prerogative. 400 00:29:59,506 --> 00:30:02,383 I told the contessa that, in my homeland, we do not-- 401 00:30:38,127 --> 00:30:40,922 Miss Featherington. A pleasure to see you. 402 00:30:40,922 --> 00:30:42,423 What a striking gown you have on. 403 00:30:43,675 --> 00:30:44,759 You as well, my lord. 404 00:30:46,010 --> 00:30:46,845 Uh... 405 00:30:46,845 --> 00:30:49,472 Not the gown part, obviously. The first part. 406 00:30:49,472 --> 00:30:52,600 It is a pleasure to see you all in your proper evening dress, 407 00:30:52,600 --> 00:30:55,019 which is not at all gown-like. 408 00:31:01,025 --> 00:31:02,944 You genuinely enjoy embroidery? 409 00:31:02,944 --> 00:31:06,364 Of course I do. There is simply so much one can do with it. 410 00:31:07,448 --> 00:31:08,449 For example? 411 00:31:08,449 --> 00:31:09,784 Since you have asked, 412 00:31:10,577 --> 00:31:12,871 the stem stitch, tried and true. 413 00:31:13,496 --> 00:31:16,291 The straight stitch, running stitch, chain stitch. 414 00:31:16,291 --> 00:31:18,626 The French knot, if one was feeling bold. 415 00:31:18,626 --> 00:31:20,670 Oh, yes! 416 00:31:20,670 --> 00:31:23,673 I like to read very much. Perhaps too much. 417 00:31:23,673 --> 00:31:26,342 My mama is always telling me put my books down. 418 00:31:26,342 --> 00:31:29,470 Not that there is anything wrong with reading, of course. 419 00:31:29,470 --> 00:31:32,515 I'm not sure of her reasoning. Do you all like to read? 420 00:31:32,515 --> 00:31:35,018 The feather stitch, the fly stitch. 421 00:31:35,602 --> 00:31:38,104 Ooh! The detached chain stitch. 422 00:31:39,022 --> 00:31:41,024 Do you not have a favorite, Miss Eloise? 423 00:31:41,649 --> 00:31:45,236 Wha-- The... uh, shift stitch. 424 00:31:46,446 --> 00:31:47,447 I'm not familiar. 425 00:31:47,447 --> 00:31:51,826 It's the one that shifts this conversation perhaps to something besides embroidery. 426 00:31:53,703 --> 00:31:54,787 Oh! 427 00:31:54,787 --> 00:31:55,788 A jest. 428 00:31:56,623 --> 00:31:57,540 How clever. 429 00:32:06,466 --> 00:32:08,343 - Perhaps-- - I-- Oh... 430 00:32:08,343 --> 00:32:11,846 Uh, forgive me. Uh... Please. You were saying, Lord Barnell? 431 00:32:11,846 --> 00:32:15,266 I was going to say perhaps we should take our leave, 432 00:32:15,266 --> 00:32:18,811 lest we remain too long and give Lady Whistledown something to write about. 433 00:32:33,618 --> 00:32:35,828 And that one. Who is she? 434 00:32:36,329 --> 00:32:39,749 That, Your Majesty, is Miss Penelope Featherington. 435 00:32:39,749 --> 00:32:41,709 This is her third season out. 436 00:32:41,709 --> 00:32:44,003 But there are several impressive new contenders 437 00:32:44,003 --> 00:32:47,006 for Your Majesty's favor, should you care to grace them with such. 438 00:32:47,006 --> 00:32:49,592 And why should I grace them with anything? 439 00:32:49,592 --> 00:32:52,387 Well, there is some anxiety amongst the mamas 440 00:32:52,387 --> 00:32:55,139 that you have not yet selected a diamond. 441 00:32:55,139 --> 00:32:59,060 A diamond is precious precisely because it is rare. 442 00:32:59,060 --> 00:33:00,520 I throw one diamond ball, 443 00:33:00,520 --> 00:33:04,107 and anxious mamas expect a diamond every year. Hmm. 444 00:33:04,107 --> 00:33:07,902 I threw a zebra ball once. Do they expect a new zebra each year? 445 00:33:07,902 --> 00:33:10,446 Mmm... Well, you are right. 446 00:33:10,446 --> 00:33:13,282 You have only named the diamond once. 447 00:33:13,282 --> 00:33:16,577 I believe it was Lady Whistledown 448 00:33:16,577 --> 00:33:18,871 who named the diamond the first year. 449 00:33:18,871 --> 00:33:21,624 How right she was about the duchess. 450 00:33:23,668 --> 00:33:24,669 Mmm. 451 00:33:26,879 --> 00:33:30,133 Miss Francesca, tell us, what are your hobbies? 452 00:33:30,883 --> 00:33:32,343 I play the pianoforte. 453 00:33:32,343 --> 00:33:34,178 That is magnificent. 454 00:33:35,304 --> 00:33:37,515 And your other interests? 455 00:33:37,515 --> 00:33:40,685 Pianoforte does take up a great deal of my time. 456 00:33:41,394 --> 00:33:45,023 I think what Lord Fife means to say is, who are you besides your hobbies? 457 00:33:45,023 --> 00:33:47,608 Yes. What do you desire? 458 00:33:48,192 --> 00:33:49,736 What do you despise? 459 00:33:49,736 --> 00:33:51,487 What makes you, uh, tick? 460 00:33:53,322 --> 00:33:54,157 I... 461 00:33:55,241 --> 00:33:57,744 I think my brother needs me. 462 00:33:57,744 --> 00:33:59,829 If you would excuse me one moment. 463 00:34:03,624 --> 00:34:06,294 Brother, I should like a moment alone. 464 00:34:08,337 --> 00:34:09,172 Of course. 465 00:34:21,934 --> 00:34:24,312 Oh, dear. Is Francesca quite well? 466 00:34:24,312 --> 00:34:27,231 She simply needed a moment, as do I. 467 00:34:27,231 --> 00:34:31,027 And I should like to use that moment to dance with my beautiful wife. 468 00:34:31,027 --> 00:34:32,779 Please enjoy yourselves. 469 00:34:32,779 --> 00:34:35,656 Interference. 470 00:35:04,185 --> 00:35:05,019 Penelope. 471 00:35:15,404 --> 00:35:17,073 You ought to take to the floor. 472 00:35:17,073 --> 00:35:18,241 Ought I? 473 00:35:18,866 --> 00:35:21,702 Once one finds oneself on the wall, it is difficult to come off it. 474 00:35:22,453 --> 00:35:23,663 No matter what one does. 475 00:35:24,455 --> 00:35:27,166 At least the wall is not asking what makes me tick. 476 00:35:28,126 --> 00:35:30,878 Did you not enjoy conversing with those gentlemen? 477 00:35:30,878 --> 00:35:32,380 I expected conversation. 478 00:35:32,380 --> 00:35:34,298 I did not expect to be inspected 479 00:35:34,298 --> 00:35:38,386 as if I were some rare insect writhing under a microscope. 480 00:35:39,428 --> 00:35:41,389 You do not much like attracting notice, do you? 481 00:35:42,223 --> 00:35:44,100 Not really. No. 482 00:35:44,684 --> 00:35:46,310 Perhaps that does make you rare. 483 00:35:46,310 --> 00:35:49,480 It seems as though every Bridgerton was born to attract notice 484 00:35:49,981 --> 00:35:51,107 in one way or another. 485 00:35:53,901 --> 00:35:56,863 I am... different from my siblings as well. 486 00:35:58,990 --> 00:36:00,950 It can be difficult, can it not? 487 00:36:07,123 --> 00:36:09,417 But they are wonderful, each of them. 488 00:36:11,836 --> 00:36:13,754 I know. You are lucky for that. 489 00:36:16,132 --> 00:36:18,342 And you are lucky to have so much notice. 490 00:36:19,218 --> 00:36:20,553 Even if it is trying. 491 00:36:21,804 --> 00:36:24,891 For some of us, notice is very slight. 492 00:36:26,767 --> 00:36:28,936 Miss Francesca. A dance? 493 00:36:32,398 --> 00:36:33,608 Of course, my lord. 494 00:36:36,903 --> 00:36:39,071 You really ought to take to the floor again. 495 00:36:39,614 --> 00:36:42,283 It's difficult to come off the wall once you are on it. 496 00:37:15,733 --> 00:37:18,110 Are you well, Miss Featherington? 497 00:37:18,110 --> 00:37:20,404 Yes. Forgive me. Cold headache. 498 00:37:20,404 --> 00:37:21,572 From the ice cream 499 00:37:21,572 --> 00:37:24,283 or the very congenial-looking miss with the sneer? 500 00:37:25,743 --> 00:37:29,830 Do not worry. I've been the recipient of an untold number of withering looks. 501 00:37:29,830 --> 00:37:31,123 Hers was mediocre at best. 502 00:37:33,876 --> 00:37:36,295 Um, Lord Debling, is it not? 503 00:37:37,421 --> 00:37:41,259 And why do I have the feeling that you, in turn, know how to make one wither 504 00:37:41,259 --> 00:37:42,718 if you so choose? 505 00:37:44,387 --> 00:37:45,304 Me? 506 00:37:47,431 --> 00:37:48,975 Well, I-- I suppose-- 507 00:37:50,393 --> 00:37:51,936 I do not. 508 00:37:53,646 --> 00:37:56,023 Uh... 509 00:37:56,857 --> 00:37:58,025 Excuse me. I-- 510 00:37:59,068 --> 00:38:00,194 - Ooh! 511 00:38:00,194 --> 00:38:02,363 How mortifying! I am so clumsy. 512 00:38:02,363 --> 00:38:03,864 My deepest apologies. 513 00:38:03,864 --> 00:38:06,575 Heavens. Well, accidents will happen. 514 00:38:06,575 --> 00:38:09,245 Miss Featherington, I shall find a maid to help you. 515 00:38:09,829 --> 00:38:11,247 It'd be most appreciated. 516 00:38:11,831 --> 00:38:12,665 Miss Cowper. 517 00:38:14,292 --> 00:38:16,919 It is a pity you did not choose something sturdier. 518 00:38:16,919 --> 00:38:19,380 Perhaps if you had not bought such cheap fabric, 519 00:38:19,380 --> 00:38:21,549 it would not have ripped. 520 00:38:29,557 --> 00:38:31,309 Pen, I am-- I'm so sorry. 521 00:38:32,852 --> 00:38:35,438 There were perhaps some late nights. 522 00:38:36,772 --> 00:38:39,525 Pen? She did not look well, did she? 523 00:38:39,525 --> 00:38:41,944 The Featherington girl? Why concern yourself with her? 524 00:38:41,944 --> 00:38:43,946 I want to know what happened on these late nights. 525 00:38:43,946 --> 00:38:47,575 Whatever happened to you, I must say, you are much more fun this season. 526 00:38:48,326 --> 00:38:49,493 Do excuse me, just a moment. 527 00:38:56,375 --> 00:38:59,420 Right away, miss. The carriage for Miss Featherington! 528 00:39:00,004 --> 00:39:00,880 Aye. 529 00:39:07,595 --> 00:39:08,846 - Pen. - Colin. 530 00:39:09,764 --> 00:39:11,057 What are you doing out here? 531 00:39:11,057 --> 00:39:13,476 I am just... getting some fresh air. 532 00:39:14,310 --> 00:39:18,230 Why are you leaving so soon? Especially in such a charming dress. 533 00:39:18,230 --> 00:39:20,608 - Do not mock me, please. - Mock you? 534 00:39:20,608 --> 00:39:23,402 I assure you I am quite serious. The color rather suits you. 535 00:39:25,696 --> 00:39:26,989 Good night, Mr. Bridgerton. 536 00:39:26,989 --> 00:39:29,492 - Do you not need a chaperone? - Spinsters don't need chaperones. 537 00:39:29,492 --> 00:39:31,327 You are not a spinster. 538 00:39:31,327 --> 00:39:33,913 I am in my third year on the marriage mart, with no prospects. 539 00:39:33,913 --> 00:39:35,247 What would you call that? 540 00:39:37,208 --> 00:39:40,628 Is something wrong, Pen? Between us, I mean. 541 00:39:40,628 --> 00:39:43,255 I wrote to you this summer, as I always do. 542 00:39:43,255 --> 00:39:46,300 And... well, you did not respond. Admittedly, very few did. But... 543 00:39:46,300 --> 00:39:48,511 If you are going to make me say it out loud, 544 00:39:49,303 --> 00:39:50,221 I miss you. 545 00:39:51,472 --> 00:39:52,306 You miss me? 546 00:39:53,891 --> 00:39:56,435 You miss me, but you'd never court me. Is that correct? 547 00:39:57,770 --> 00:39:58,771 Pen, I-- 548 00:39:58,771 --> 00:40:02,108 I overheard you... at my mama's ball last season, 549 00:40:02,108 --> 00:40:05,403 telling everyone how you would never court Penelope Featherington. 550 00:40:08,989 --> 00:40:10,741 Perhaps we should talk somewhere more private? 551 00:40:10,741 --> 00:40:12,493 Because I embarrass you? 552 00:40:12,493 --> 00:40:14,328 Of course you would never court me. 553 00:40:14,912 --> 00:40:17,998 I am the laughingstock of the ton, even when I change my entire wardrobe. 554 00:40:19,250 --> 00:40:22,086 It never occurred to me that you, of all people, could be so cruel. 555 00:41:03,502 --> 00:41:07,339 There is, um, a gentleman here to see you, ma'am. 556 00:41:09,842 --> 00:41:12,887 Lady Featherington, I am pleased to make your acquaintance. 557 00:41:12,887 --> 00:41:14,513 Good day, Mr... 558 00:41:14,513 --> 00:41:16,849 Walter Dundas, Esquire. 559 00:41:16,849 --> 00:41:19,185 I work for the Crown, responsible for ensuring 560 00:41:19,185 --> 00:41:22,605 the lines of succession run smoothly within our great families. 561 00:41:23,189 --> 00:41:24,023 I see. 562 00:41:24,565 --> 00:41:27,568 And, uh, to what do we owe the visit? 563 00:41:27,568 --> 00:41:30,488 I have been made aware that your cousin Jack Featherington 564 00:41:30,488 --> 00:41:32,656 recently left town with your entire fortune. 565 00:41:32,656 --> 00:41:35,409 Yes, sir. My cousin, the swindler. 566 00:41:35,409 --> 00:41:37,328 That man was a terrible liar. 567 00:41:37,912 --> 00:41:38,746 Hmm. 568 00:41:38,746 --> 00:41:42,208 I have in my possession a document he signed granting the estate 569 00:41:42,208 --> 00:41:45,628 to one of your daughters once she produces a male heir. 570 00:41:46,587 --> 00:41:48,088 Ah, yes, that document. 571 00:41:48,923 --> 00:41:50,591 That document is valid. 572 00:41:50,591 --> 00:41:52,676 Even a broken clock is right twice a day. 573 00:41:54,053 --> 00:41:57,848 It is a rather unusual situation. Are any of your daughters with child? 574 00:41:57,848 --> 00:42:00,643 Oh, I do hope to receive the news any day now. 575 00:42:02,686 --> 00:42:03,562 I see. 576 00:42:03,562 --> 00:42:07,525 Currently, the Crown is unaware of another living male heir. 577 00:42:07,525 --> 00:42:11,529 It would be quite a task transferring the estate to another family. 578 00:42:13,781 --> 00:42:17,284 A great deal of upheaval for the Featherington tenants and society, 579 00:42:17,284 --> 00:42:18,994 and, frankly, me. 580 00:42:18,994 --> 00:42:23,207 But should I find that this rather convenient document is, in fact, forged 581 00:42:23,207 --> 00:42:25,876 before one of your girls has an heir, 582 00:42:25,876 --> 00:42:28,212 the upheaval may indeed be necessary. 583 00:42:30,548 --> 00:42:31,382 Well, then, 584 00:42:32,049 --> 00:42:35,052 it is a good thing the document is not forged, 585 00:42:35,052 --> 00:42:37,555 and that my girls do so love their husbands. 586 00:42:38,556 --> 00:42:40,307 A very good thing indeed. 587 00:42:40,307 --> 00:42:43,018 I shall pay another visit to you very soon. 588 00:42:45,187 --> 00:42:46,230 Mmm. 589 00:42:46,230 --> 00:42:48,023 Such a beautiful home. 590 00:42:50,234 --> 00:42:51,068 Good day. 591 00:43:06,500 --> 00:43:09,253 Thankfully, I do not have much competition this season. 592 00:43:09,753 --> 00:43:13,048 Aside from Francesca, who stirred a good deal of interest, I suppose. 593 00:43:13,549 --> 00:43:17,428 But I do believe my handling of Penelope was a clear message. Would you agree? 594 00:43:17,428 --> 00:43:20,598 I believe the message was received by all with that particular trick. 595 00:43:20,598 --> 00:43:21,515 You disapprove? 596 00:43:22,808 --> 00:43:27,021 - I thought we did not like Penelope. - What you did was cruel and unnecessary. 597 00:43:29,231 --> 00:43:33,777 You often talk of how difficult it has been for you to find a husband. 598 00:43:35,237 --> 00:43:39,950 But do you not think it might be easier if you displayed a bit less... frankness? 599 00:43:43,537 --> 00:43:45,539 It has been difficult to find a husband. 600 00:43:47,583 --> 00:43:50,044 It has been more difficult still to find a friend. 601 00:43:51,837 --> 00:43:53,797 I've not had many since my debut. 602 00:43:54,757 --> 00:43:55,799 Not real ones. 603 00:43:57,092 --> 00:43:58,260 I did as a girl. 604 00:43:59,386 --> 00:44:02,139 But the season has a way of coming between young ladies, 605 00:44:02,806 --> 00:44:04,600 pitting us against one another. 606 00:44:06,935 --> 00:44:10,189 I suppose I've fallen prey to it... once 607 00:44:10,689 --> 00:44:11,982 or twice. 608 00:44:11,982 --> 00:44:13,859 - Or thrice. 609 00:44:17,154 --> 00:44:18,238 But you are right. 610 00:44:19,657 --> 00:44:22,618 Society does not seek to forge affections amongst us. I-- 611 00:44:23,911 --> 00:44:25,871 I thought I was the only one who noticed. 612 00:44:27,289 --> 00:44:29,833 I did try to befriend you in your first season out. 613 00:44:30,668 --> 00:44:32,211 But you rejected my suit. 614 00:44:32,920 --> 00:44:34,630 I actually do not blame you. 615 00:44:35,923 --> 00:44:37,466 I have not always been kind. 616 00:44:40,094 --> 00:44:42,554 But whatever Penelope did to lose your friendship... 617 00:44:44,556 --> 00:44:45,557 you are right. 618 00:44:46,225 --> 00:44:48,143 She is undeserving of my attention. 619 00:44:48,894 --> 00:44:49,937 And of yours. 620 00:44:52,606 --> 00:44:56,443 Let us think only of ourselves. We are far more interesting. 621 00:44:58,070 --> 00:44:59,571 I'm inclined to agree with you. 622 00:45:18,882 --> 00:45:19,758 You are back. 623 00:45:22,803 --> 00:45:24,388 How were your meetings? 624 00:45:24,388 --> 00:45:26,265 Not nearly as good as our bed. 625 00:45:27,683 --> 00:45:29,184 Shall we return to it? 626 00:45:29,184 --> 00:45:30,102 Hmm... 627 00:45:32,396 --> 00:45:33,689 - Mmm... 628 00:45:34,273 --> 00:45:36,775 There is a matter I must discuss with you first. 629 00:45:40,362 --> 00:45:41,363 Your mother. 630 00:45:41,363 --> 00:45:42,322 I know. 631 00:45:43,949 --> 00:45:46,785 I know. She's doing everything she can to delay her move. 632 00:45:46,785 --> 00:45:49,580 - I will speak with her today. - What if you did not? 633 00:45:50,831 --> 00:45:53,500 Your mother enjoys being viscountess so much, 634 00:45:54,293 --> 00:45:56,003 while I have already spent years 635 00:45:56,003 --> 00:45:58,797 taking care of Edwina and running the Sharma household. 636 00:45:59,673 --> 00:46:02,468 And I've never seen you happier than when you were away 637 00:46:02,468 --> 00:46:04,344 from the duty of running this place. 638 00:46:06,096 --> 00:46:08,515 So why not put ourselves first for once 639 00:46:09,641 --> 00:46:10,976 and extend the honeymoon? 640 00:46:12,603 --> 00:46:13,729 Are you quite sure? 641 00:46:14,938 --> 00:46:19,318 We have our lives to be viscount and viscountess. 642 00:46:22,905 --> 00:46:26,742 For now, the only duty that interests me is making an heir or two. 643 00:46:26,742 --> 00:46:27,910 Ah... 644 00:46:28,410 --> 00:46:32,372 - Let your mother stay a little longer. - I do not want to speak... 645 00:46:33,624 --> 00:46:35,709 of my mother a moment longer. 646 00:46:48,013 --> 00:46:49,014 My dear. 647 00:46:51,058 --> 00:46:54,269 Tell me, how was last night? Mm? 648 00:46:54,853 --> 00:46:56,605 Did you enjoy your first ball? 649 00:46:57,523 --> 00:46:59,691 It was... satisfactory. 650 00:47:07,241 --> 00:47:08,158 My dear, 651 00:47:08,700 --> 00:47:11,995 think of the balls as playing a duet. 652 00:47:13,205 --> 00:47:16,416 When you play with another person, there is a certain vulnerability 653 00:47:16,416 --> 00:47:19,461 which can be quite frightening, 654 00:47:19,461 --> 00:47:21,797 I would imagine. But it is worth it 655 00:47:22,506 --> 00:47:25,050 once you find that person with whom you 656 00:47:25,717 --> 00:47:27,636 make an unexpected harmony. 657 00:47:27,636 --> 00:47:29,721 I'm not frightened of the balls, Mama. 658 00:47:30,347 --> 00:47:31,682 Or of finding a match. 659 00:47:32,641 --> 00:47:34,017 What you and Father, 660 00:47:34,017 --> 00:47:36,436 and Daphne and Anthony all have is enviable, 661 00:47:36,436 --> 00:47:38,897 but it is also rare. 662 00:47:38,897 --> 00:47:41,191 And I am not certain I need to feel 663 00:47:41,191 --> 00:47:45,529 butterflies or... unexpected harmony, per your metaphor. 664 00:47:45,529 --> 00:47:49,283 But you will at least be open if love comes your way. 665 00:47:50,409 --> 00:47:51,243 Yes? 666 00:47:52,286 --> 00:47:53,495 Let us see what happens. 667 00:47:53,495 --> 00:47:56,748 Ma'am? The viscountess is looking for you. 668 00:48:06,592 --> 00:48:08,093 You have a visitor, miss. 669 00:48:12,639 --> 00:48:13,891 I'm sorry for intruding. 670 00:48:15,934 --> 00:48:16,852 It's all right. 671 00:48:21,732 --> 00:48:24,610 And I am very sorry for my callous comment here last year. 672 00:48:25,319 --> 00:48:28,780 - It pains me to see you upset. - Then perhaps you should not have come. 673 00:48:30,866 --> 00:48:32,951 I am not the man I was last season. 674 00:48:34,036 --> 00:48:36,038 And I'm most certainly not ashamed of you. 675 00:48:36,038 --> 00:48:37,581 The opposite is true, in fact. 676 00:48:37,581 --> 00:48:41,710 I seek you out at every social assembly because I know you will lift my spirits 677 00:48:41,710 --> 00:48:44,504 and make me see the world in ways I could not have imagined. 678 00:48:45,172 --> 00:48:48,300 You are clever and warm and... 679 00:48:50,135 --> 00:48:52,262 I am proud to call you my very good friend. 680 00:48:52,846 --> 00:48:53,972 It has been vexing... 681 00:48:55,766 --> 00:48:58,602 watching you walk back into society with such ease. 682 00:48:59,353 --> 00:49:03,398 When every year, I pray I might finally feel that way amidst the marriage mart, 683 00:49:03,398 --> 00:49:05,317 and that comfort never materializes. 684 00:49:06,234 --> 00:49:08,654 Well, if a husband is what you seek, 685 00:49:08,654 --> 00:49:11,323 then... let me help you. 686 00:49:11,323 --> 00:49:12,783 Help me how? 687 00:49:12,783 --> 00:49:15,369 I was in 17 cities this summer, 688 00:49:15,369 --> 00:49:19,414 and what I have learned is that charm can be taught. 689 00:49:19,414 --> 00:49:22,960 Colin, I cannot have you with me, whispering into my ear in every ballroom. 690 00:49:22,960 --> 00:49:24,211 You will not need that. 691 00:49:24,711 --> 00:49:25,879 We will have lessons. 692 00:49:25,879 --> 00:49:28,173 And you will quickly master them, I am certain. 693 00:49:31,093 --> 00:49:34,763 There is nothing more I want than to earn back the favor of the one person 694 00:49:34,763 --> 00:49:39,142 who has always truly made me feel... appreciated. 695 00:49:45,107 --> 00:49:46,066 What do you say? 696 00:49:46,066 --> 00:49:47,818 You want me to shake your hand? 697 00:49:47,818 --> 00:49:49,611 It is perhaps unusual, 698 00:49:49,611 --> 00:49:52,280 but... are we not friends? 699 00:50:04,960 --> 00:50:05,794 Friends. 700 00:50:08,296 --> 00:50:10,048 I shall see you soon. 701 00:50:32,112 --> 00:50:33,530 Is that Whistledown? 702 00:50:34,197 --> 00:50:36,158 Dearest Gentle Reader, 703 00:50:36,158 --> 00:50:38,660 when the tide of change turns, 704 00:50:38,660 --> 00:50:42,247 it can be sudden, fierce, and deadly. 705 00:50:42,247 --> 00:50:45,459 Especially for the unprepared. 706 00:50:48,670 --> 00:50:50,964 It seems to this author 707 00:50:50,964 --> 00:50:54,801 that our bon ton is moving with the changing tide, 708 00:50:54,801 --> 00:50:56,303 to be sure. 709 00:50:57,137 --> 00:50:58,055 Lord Kent. 710 00:51:00,265 --> 00:51:01,850 Welcome to your new home. 711 00:51:09,399 --> 00:51:13,445 While others cling firmly to that which they already know. 712 00:51:18,158 --> 00:51:21,244 None more so than our queen, 713 00:51:21,244 --> 00:51:24,081 who has still yet to choose a diamond. 714 00:51:24,081 --> 00:51:27,542 This author wonders if her hesitancy 715 00:51:27,542 --> 00:51:31,088 is a symptom of fortitude or fear. 716 00:51:31,671 --> 00:51:33,131 If it is the latter, 717 00:51:33,131 --> 00:51:36,468 pride in past achievements will not benefit her, 718 00:51:37,052 --> 00:51:40,764 as our debutantes are ready to play this season. 719 00:51:40,764 --> 00:51:42,974 Your serve, Your Majesty. 720 00:51:46,561 --> 00:51:49,940 It seems Lady Whistledown is playing games again. 721 00:51:50,690 --> 00:51:51,650 Ah. 722 00:51:52,609 --> 00:51:54,528 Are you going to play along, Your Majesty? 723 00:51:55,403 --> 00:51:56,738 I do love a game. 724 00:51:58,365 --> 00:52:00,867 Especially when I am so often the victor. 725 00:52:06,623 --> 00:52:08,667 Whistledown has come early. 726 00:52:08,667 --> 00:52:10,710 I am reading it. Are you mad? 727 00:52:10,710 --> 00:52:13,880 You of all people would be quite interested in today's issue, Penelope. 728 00:52:13,880 --> 00:52:17,384 Lady Whistledown has a good deal to say about your precious Bridgertons. 729 00:52:18,051 --> 00:52:19,678 Colin, in fact. 730 00:52:20,887 --> 00:52:23,515 Whatever she's said about him, she is wrong. 731 00:52:23,515 --> 00:52:28,520 Dare I say, this author is ready to play as well. 732 00:52:28,520 --> 00:52:31,064 I do not fear change. 733 00:52:31,064 --> 00:52:32,649 I embrace it. 734 00:52:33,400 --> 00:52:35,026 And then there are some 735 00:52:35,026 --> 00:52:38,572 who take the embrace of change a step too far. 736 00:52:38,572 --> 00:52:40,031 Good afternoon, sister. 737 00:52:40,740 --> 00:52:41,867 Brother! Afternoon. 738 00:52:41,867 --> 00:52:43,326 Where were you? 739 00:52:43,326 --> 00:52:45,078 Nowhere. What are you reading? 740 00:52:45,078 --> 00:52:45,996 Nothing. 741 00:52:52,752 --> 00:52:53,628 Whistledown. 742 00:52:54,921 --> 00:52:56,214 You are mentioned. 743 00:53:00,343 --> 00:53:02,554 And then there are some 744 00:53:02,554 --> 00:53:05,640 who take the embrace of change a step too far, 745 00:53:06,433 --> 00:53:08,393 as with Mr. Colin Bridgerton, 746 00:53:08,393 --> 00:53:12,355 who seems to have embraced a new personality entirely. 747 00:53:13,190 --> 00:53:14,524 But one must wonder, 748 00:53:14,524 --> 00:53:17,694 is this new character the real him, 749 00:53:17,694 --> 00:53:20,197 or simply a ploy for attention? 750 00:53:20,697 --> 00:53:24,201 And does Mr. Bridgerton even know? 751 00:53:29,039 --> 00:53:30,081 How are you? 752 00:53:31,082 --> 00:53:33,501 I do not care what Lady Whistledown writes about me. 753 00:53:33,501 --> 00:53:35,879 But ruining Miss Thompson... I mean, Lady Crane, 754 00:53:36,755 --> 00:53:39,090 and then nearly ruining you last season... 755 00:53:40,258 --> 00:53:42,260 I will never forgive her. 756 00:53:45,597 --> 00:53:46,431 Do you... 757 00:53:47,682 --> 00:53:49,309 have any idea who she might be? 758 00:53:49,309 --> 00:53:52,604 I do not. But trust me, if I ever find out, 759 00:53:52,604 --> 00:53:55,273 I will make sure it is her life that is ruined.