1 00:01:06,104 --> 00:01:09,979 Starting in 1861, the American Civil War 2 00:01:10,062 --> 00:01:14,979 divided the North and the South in a devastating battle. 3 00:01:15,687 --> 00:01:20,312 Napoleon lll requested that French settlers on the new continent 4 00:01:20,396 --> 00:01:23,396 adopt a clear position in this conflict... 5 00:01:23,979 --> 00:01:28,312 Strict neutrality 6 00:02:07,312 --> 00:02:08,562 Are you cold? 7 00:02:09,354 --> 00:02:10,646 I forgot my gloves. 8 00:02:24,854 --> 00:02:26,104 Very kind. 9 00:02:31,354 --> 00:02:33,104 Are you sure we can trust them? 10 00:02:33,979 --> 00:02:36,396 You should've asked yourself that before. 11 00:02:36,854 --> 00:02:40,396 I never understood why the French militia sided with the South. 12 00:02:40,896 --> 00:02:43,021 I'm not a politician, Mr. De Lisle. 13 00:02:45,021 --> 00:02:47,646 When New Orleans fell to the Yankees, 14 00:02:47,896 --> 00:02:50,271 the locals were ready to pay a higher price for their safety. 15 00:02:54,187 --> 00:02:56,146 I didn't know they paid you. 16 00:02:56,479 --> 00:02:58,187 Sometimes we forced their hand... 17 00:03:02,437 --> 00:03:04,229 But let me reassure you, 18 00:03:04,312 --> 00:03:06,437 you're far more generous. 19 00:03:06,771 --> 00:03:09,146 What will you do with the money? 20 00:03:10,187 --> 00:03:12,521 Going to buy a new suit. 21 00:03:12,604 --> 00:03:14,312 Become civilized. 22 00:03:43,687 --> 00:03:45,604 Good journey? 23 00:04:05,937 --> 00:04:08,437 We missed you. 24 00:04:08,521 --> 00:04:10,937 I can't say as much. 25 00:04:11,021 --> 00:04:12,812 He's saying that to hurt me. 26 00:04:12,896 --> 00:04:15,687 Let's get this over with. Where's the perfume? 27 00:04:18,229 --> 00:04:20,354 In the belly of the beast. 28 00:05:26,021 --> 00:05:28,854 You'll have a better sense of the fragrance 29 00:05:28,937 --> 00:05:30,854 on a woman's skin. 30 00:05:43,021 --> 00:05:44,562 Do you like it? 31 00:05:49,854 --> 00:05:51,604 [bottles clatter] 32 00:05:53,687 --> 00:05:56,979 You better show me the real ones right now. 33 00:05:57,979 --> 00:05:59,187 You're looking at them. 34 00:05:59,271 --> 00:06:01,229 You know the risks we had to take 35 00:06:01,312 --> 00:06:04,771 to bring all this French shit all the way over here? 36 00:06:04,854 --> 00:06:06,437 I don't understand. 37 00:06:07,812 --> 00:06:09,687 [glass shatters] 38 00:06:10,979 --> 00:06:13,187 [grunts] 39 00:06:13,271 --> 00:06:14,979 Is that clearer, now? 40 00:06:17,812 --> 00:06:20,479 I'll ask you for the last time, Victor. 41 00:06:20,562 --> 00:06:22,437 Where are the diamonds? 42 00:06:22,521 --> 00:06:24,146 They aren't any others. 43 00:06:28,354 --> 00:06:29,771 [body thuds] 44 00:06:33,312 --> 00:06:34,562 Don't be an idiot. 45 00:06:35,021 --> 00:06:36,146 [grunts] 46 00:07:17,146 --> 00:07:19,146 [crickets chirping] 47 00:07:19,229 --> 00:07:20,979 [water lapping] 48 00:08:21,187 --> 00:08:23,021 [woman moaning softly] 49 00:08:41,479 --> 00:08:43,021 What are you doing? 50 00:08:44,312 --> 00:08:45,896 I'll read. I can't sleep. 51 00:08:46,437 --> 00:08:50,021 Go back to bed or you'll be too tired for Christmas. 52 00:08:51,687 --> 00:08:52,812 Go on. 53 00:08:58,646 --> 00:09:00,896 [door opens and closes] 54 00:09:31,521 --> 00:09:32,937 What's wrong? 55 00:09:35,479 --> 00:09:36,896 I had a nightmare. 56 00:09:39,729 --> 00:09:41,354 [Layla] Was it a man's face? 57 00:09:45,062 --> 00:09:46,271 Yes. 58 00:10:01,687 --> 00:10:03,771 [chanting in Creole] 59 00:10:41,021 --> 00:10:43,646 [chants in foreign language] 60 00:10:45,479 --> 00:10:47,229 I'm not 12 anymore, Layla. 61 00:10:48,896 --> 00:10:50,396 What are you talking about? 62 00:10:51,854 --> 00:10:52,979 All this stuff... 63 00:10:54,771 --> 00:10:56,687 I don't believe in it anymore. 64 00:11:01,271 --> 00:11:03,562 We've always believed in it. 65 00:11:13,437 --> 00:11:15,187 [footsteps] 66 00:12:07,687 --> 00:12:10,229 [wind gusting] 67 00:12:30,562 --> 00:12:33,271 [piano being played] 68 00:12:35,062 --> 00:12:39,604 December 1863 St Charles County, Missouri 69 00:13:04,146 --> 00:13:08,562 ♪ The joys of... ♪ 70 00:13:08,854 --> 00:13:10,062 -Oh! -[piano playing stops] 71 00:13:10,146 --> 00:13:11,979 I-I'm sorry, Madeleine. 72 00:13:12,062 --> 00:13:14,312 Can we-- Can I call you Madeleine? 73 00:13:14,396 --> 00:13:16,021 -Sure. -May we start again? 74 00:13:16,104 --> 00:13:18,812 [piano playing resumes] 75 00:13:19,437 --> 00:13:24,146 ♪ The joys of love ♪ 76 00:13:25,604 --> 00:13:26,604 ♪ Are but-- ♪ 77 00:13:26,687 --> 00:13:28,229 -Oh. -[piano playing stops] 78 00:13:28,312 --> 00:13:29,771 I tell you, it's that French R. 79 00:13:29,854 --> 00:13:31,187 It is so hard. 80 00:13:31,271 --> 00:13:33,521 I don't know how you do it, you people. 81 00:13:33,604 --> 00:13:36,021 We'll try one more time. 82 00:13:36,146 --> 00:13:37,146 [piano playing resumes] 83 00:13:37,229 --> 00:13:41,771 ♪ The joys of love ♪ 84 00:13:42,812 --> 00:13:47,229 ♪ Are but a moment long ♪ 85 00:13:48,812 --> 00:13:49,812 ♪ The pain... ♪ 86 00:13:49,896 --> 00:13:51,812 -[clears throat] -[piano playing stops] 87 00:13:57,021 --> 00:13:58,896 [resumes playing] 88 00:14:29,229 --> 00:14:30,771 [Miss Davis sings] ♪ Love! ♪ 89 00:14:32,646 --> 00:14:34,396 ♪ France! ♪ 90 00:15:09,146 --> 00:15:10,854 Not staying with your sisters? 91 00:15:11,896 --> 00:15:13,729 The holidays are always the same. 92 00:15:14,312 --> 00:15:15,937 [inhales sharply and sighs] 93 00:15:16,187 --> 00:15:18,896 Tell me a story that will take me far away. 94 00:15:20,354 --> 00:15:22,437 You don't believe in them anymore. 95 00:15:25,562 --> 00:15:27,771 I'm sorry I hurt you the other night. 96 00:15:33,021 --> 00:15:34,937 Did I tell you about the Marassa? 97 00:15:36,562 --> 00:15:37,812 No. 98 00:15:39,937 --> 00:15:41,229 The Marassa... 99 00:15:42,312 --> 00:15:44,229 It's the name given to twins, 100 00:15:44,646 --> 00:15:47,062 living or dead, in the voodoo pantheon. 101 00:15:48,354 --> 00:15:50,979 They are respected and treated like deities. 102 00:15:52,729 --> 00:15:56,187 Any family with twins must make offerings to them. 103 00:15:57,104 --> 00:15:59,271 or fear of being struck by mishaps. 104 00:16:02,354 --> 00:16:05,062 There was once much talk about two Marassa: 105 00:16:05,979 --> 00:16:08,396 a little girl and a little boy. 106 00:16:09,146 --> 00:16:11,354 Their names were Ezilli and Auguste. 107 00:16:12,146 --> 00:16:14,146 They could never be separated. 108 00:16:14,229 --> 00:16:15,562 Never. 109 00:16:15,646 --> 00:16:16,979 [door opens] 110 00:16:21,437 --> 00:16:24,354 Layla, I've told you. none of that under my roof. 111 00:16:24,896 --> 00:16:25,979 I'm sorry, Ma'am. 112 00:16:26,604 --> 00:16:28,187 I asked Layla. 113 00:16:28,271 --> 00:16:29,521 I don't want to know. 114 00:16:32,271 --> 00:16:34,687 Where is the key to my husband's study? 115 00:16:37,729 --> 00:16:39,729 [Layla] I'm to lock up when he's at the shop. 116 00:16:41,104 --> 00:16:42,771 Does he have anything to hide? 117 00:16:46,771 --> 00:16:48,146 [keys click] 118 00:16:53,146 --> 00:16:54,646 [door closes] 119 00:16:58,312 --> 00:16:59,479 Do you love him? 120 00:17:03,604 --> 00:17:04,896 My father. 121 00:17:06,146 --> 00:17:07,396 [sighs] 122 00:17:09,437 --> 00:17:11,896 [Miss Davis] Do you think I need to improve my accent? 123 00:17:11,979 --> 00:17:15,687 No, It is very nice the way it is. 124 00:17:15,771 --> 00:17:17,562 Aw. 125 00:17:17,646 --> 00:17:20,854 I have been promising Helen some French perfume for ages. 126 00:17:20,937 --> 00:17:23,604 Please thank your husband. 127 00:17:25,021 --> 00:17:27,187 You're not celebrating Christmas with your family 128 00:17:27,271 --> 00:17:29,146 in Baton Rouge this year? 129 00:17:30,271 --> 00:17:31,729 Unfortunately, no. 130 00:17:31,812 --> 00:17:34,271 Things aren't the same now that the Northerners 131 00:17:34,354 --> 00:17:36,146 have taken over. 132 00:17:36,229 --> 00:17:37,979 My sister sent me this. 133 00:17:40,896 --> 00:17:43,104 What is it? 134 00:17:43,187 --> 00:17:44,854 General Order number 28. 135 00:17:44,937 --> 00:17:47,604 General Butler's new decree to control the population 136 00:17:47,687 --> 00:17:49,937 in the occupied territory. 137 00:17:50,812 --> 00:17:52,396 "Any Southern female 138 00:17:52,479 --> 00:17:54,437 who shows contempt for any officer 139 00:17:54,521 --> 00:17:55,812 or soldier of the United States 140 00:17:55,896 --> 00:17:57,729 shall be regarded as a woman of the town... 141 00:17:59,354 --> 00:18:01,771 plying her avocation." What does it mean? 142 00:18:01,854 --> 00:18:03,896 When the Union soldiers invade Saint Charles, 143 00:18:03,979 --> 00:18:07,021 we'll have to show the sons of bitches great courtesy. 144 00:18:08,021 --> 00:18:09,937 It's just meant to intimidate. 145 00:18:10,021 --> 00:18:12,354 They're already making arrests in Baton Rouge 146 00:18:13,396 --> 00:18:15,396 Women are disappearing. 147 00:18:16,271 --> 00:18:20,062 Miss Davis says this and that... Since when do you talk politics? 148 00:18:23,687 --> 00:18:25,521 I'll ask Mr. De Lisle tomorrow. 149 00:18:26,437 --> 00:18:28,312 Maybe he'll know more. 150 00:18:28,437 --> 00:18:30,062 Listen, Madeleine. 151 00:18:31,271 --> 00:18:33,104 He's to marry your daughter. 152 00:18:33,937 --> 00:18:36,146 He won't marry anyone if she kidnapped. 153 00:18:44,729 --> 00:18:47,646 They're just stories to frighten ladies. 154 00:18:59,146 --> 00:19:01,562 I still have time for the alterations. 155 00:19:01,896 --> 00:19:03,521 You'll be fine for New Year's. 156 00:19:04,896 --> 00:19:06,479 It's much too tight. 157 00:19:08,354 --> 00:19:11,521 This torture instrument was invented to stop us breathing. 158 00:19:22,604 --> 00:19:24,604 Look at how pretty we were last year. 159 00:19:32,687 --> 00:19:34,021 You've changed, Esther. 160 00:19:35,104 --> 00:19:36,729 Good. 161 00:19:39,771 --> 00:19:41,021 These one... 162 00:19:41,437 --> 00:19:42,896 or that one? 163 00:19:50,687 --> 00:19:52,437 How will he be dressed? 164 00:19:52,646 --> 00:19:53,646 Mr. De Lisle? 165 00:19:54,354 --> 00:19:55,396 As usual 166 00:19:55,937 --> 00:19:57,979 with his silly check jacket. 167 00:19:59,396 --> 00:20:01,146 Your sister's future husband. 168 00:20:02,187 --> 00:20:03,979 What about you, Justine? 169 00:20:04,062 --> 00:20:05,521 Never been with a man? 170 00:20:06,146 --> 00:20:08,396 I've encountered enough of them. 171 00:20:10,479 --> 00:20:11,771 Unlike you. 172 00:20:15,437 --> 00:20:16,604 -[gasps] Ow! -[bell tolling] 173 00:20:16,729 --> 00:20:18,771 It must be him. 174 00:20:21,896 --> 00:20:23,312 [exhales] 175 00:20:24,312 --> 00:20:26,312 [door opens] 176 00:20:29,479 --> 00:20:31,229 [door closes] 177 00:20:31,604 --> 00:20:33,062 Mr. De Lisle is a good man. 178 00:20:33,937 --> 00:20:35,437 You'll be happy with him. 179 00:20:38,021 --> 00:20:39,187 I'll miss you, Abi. 180 00:20:39,271 --> 00:20:40,479 [sighs] 181 00:20:40,562 --> 00:20:41,979 I'll miss you too. 182 00:20:44,729 --> 00:20:46,729 [footsteps] 183 00:20:50,437 --> 00:20:52,687 [dog barking distantly] 184 00:20:59,146 --> 00:21:00,812 Who let you in? 185 00:21:03,812 --> 00:21:05,812 I work for Mr. De Lisle. 186 00:21:10,062 --> 00:21:11,271 Are you Abigaëlle? 187 00:21:11,354 --> 00:21:12,729 No. 188 00:21:13,229 --> 00:21:14,646 Esther. 189 00:21:21,271 --> 00:21:22,562 Who should I announce? 190 00:21:26,312 --> 00:21:27,854 Victor Ludd. 191 00:21:36,479 --> 00:21:38,729 Your father knows who I am. 192 00:21:42,729 --> 00:21:44,812 [door lock scratches] 193 00:21:59,604 --> 00:22:01,104 De Lisle is dead. 194 00:22:02,396 --> 00:22:04,021 The deal went badly. 195 00:22:07,771 --> 00:22:09,771 I'd promised him my daughters hand. 196 00:22:11,396 --> 00:22:12,729 He told me. 197 00:22:13,479 --> 00:22:14,646 I'm sorry. 198 00:22:15,854 --> 00:22:17,646 What happened exactly? 199 00:22:18,562 --> 00:22:20,562 When you deal with these people, 200 00:22:20,646 --> 00:22:23,437 unfortunately you must be prepared for bad surprises. 201 00:22:24,271 --> 00:22:27,729 With the war, I had to call on smugglers to move my goods. 202 00:22:28,229 --> 00:22:29,979 I'm not judging you. 203 00:22:33,562 --> 00:22:35,354 What do you want from me? 204 00:22:44,021 --> 00:22:45,979 I wasn't paid for my work. 205 00:22:48,771 --> 00:22:51,021 [door opens] 206 00:22:56,479 --> 00:22:57,896 [sighs] 207 00:22:59,062 --> 00:23:00,646 Thank you, ma'am. 208 00:23:03,687 --> 00:23:05,062 Ah. 209 00:23:11,062 --> 00:23:12,396 [sighs] 210 00:23:20,187 --> 00:23:22,187 The money will be delivered soon. 211 00:23:22,479 --> 00:23:26,021 Perfect. I'll be in St. Charles for another few weeks. 212 00:23:26,521 --> 00:23:28,354 Then I'm sailing for Europe. 213 00:23:29,521 --> 00:23:31,646 What would a man like you do over there? 214 00:23:31,979 --> 00:23:34,104 I'd advise you to do the same. 215 00:23:34,562 --> 00:23:36,062 And leave everything behind? 216 00:23:36,146 --> 00:23:37,687 You might as well accept 217 00:23:37,771 --> 00:23:40,146 that the Yankees have won the war. You'll lose all you have here. 218 00:23:45,646 --> 00:23:48,354 The war isn't my concern. I'm French. 219 00:23:49,021 --> 00:23:52,146 From what I can see, you live like a Southerner. 220 00:23:52,396 --> 00:23:55,104 Layla is emancipated, I pay her. 221 00:23:55,437 --> 00:23:56,937 Don't compare me to those barbarians. 222 00:23:57,021 --> 00:23:58,896 Your clients? 223 00:24:01,146 --> 00:24:04,312 You're a vulgar man, 224 00:24:06,312 --> 00:24:07,771 If I go to Paris, 225 00:24:08,146 --> 00:24:10,271 I promise I'll learn good manners. 226 00:24:11,771 --> 00:24:13,062 I wish you... 227 00:24:13,771 --> 00:24:15,271 a fine evening. 228 00:24:17,146 --> 00:24:18,604 [door opens] 229 00:24:52,312 --> 00:24:53,937 What did he want? 230 00:24:54,187 --> 00:24:55,771 One of Mr. De Lisle's partners. 231 00:24:56,771 --> 00:24:59,146 He won't come this year, he's held up in Europe. 232 00:25:00,812 --> 00:25:02,271 What's he doing there? 233 00:25:03,812 --> 00:25:05,896 Things are getting complicated, it's not personal. 234 00:25:07,354 --> 00:25:09,896 Maybe he found a woman more to his taste. 235 00:25:12,562 --> 00:25:14,354 -Ah! -[gasps] 236 00:25:30,437 --> 00:25:32,396 I don't know what's wrong with her. 237 00:25:32,604 --> 00:25:33,687 [door closes distantly] 238 00:25:33,771 --> 00:25:34,896 Go talk to them. 239 00:25:45,854 --> 00:25:47,604 [footsteps recede] 240 00:26:36,312 --> 00:26:38,646 He'll come back for a girl as pretty as you. 241 00:27:00,229 --> 00:27:01,854 Bless, O Lord, 242 00:27:02,104 --> 00:27:04,104 this meal and those who made it. 243 00:27:05,562 --> 00:27:07,146 Give bread to those without. 244 00:27:07,771 --> 00:27:08,771 Amen. 245 00:27:08,854 --> 00:27:10,271 [all] Amen. 246 00:27:49,729 --> 00:27:51,104 [piano being played] 247 00:27:51,187 --> 00:27:55,271 ♪ The joys of love ♪ 248 00:27:57,104 --> 00:28:00,896 ♪ Are but a moment long ♪ 249 00:28:02,854 --> 00:28:06,104 ♪ The pain of love ♪ 250 00:28:07,271 --> 00:28:12,437 ♪ Endures the whole life long ♪ 251 00:28:18,521 --> 00:28:20,604 [applause] 252 00:28:29,521 --> 00:28:31,687 [violin music playing] 253 00:29:07,604 --> 00:29:09,604 [no audio] 254 00:30:02,979 --> 00:30:06,146 Gentlemen, welcome to my home. 255 00:30:06,229 --> 00:30:07,854 I'm Miss Davis. 256 00:30:09,229 --> 00:30:11,687 How can I be of service to you? 257 00:30:11,771 --> 00:30:13,104 We're on the move, madam. 258 00:30:13,187 --> 00:30:14,896 [Miss Davis] Be my guest. 259 00:30:14,979 --> 00:30:16,604 [soldier] Thank you, madam. 260 00:30:29,271 --> 00:30:31,146 It's a mobile battalion. 261 00:30:31,229 --> 00:30:32,812 They're just seeking hospitality. 262 00:30:32,896 --> 00:30:34,479 Everything will be all right. 263 00:31:03,604 --> 00:31:05,354 Stories to frighten ladies! 264 00:31:07,396 --> 00:31:09,312 We'll have to get used to them. 265 00:31:10,812 --> 00:31:12,812 To what degree? 266 00:31:50,937 --> 00:31:52,771 [indistinct chattering] 267 00:31:56,146 --> 00:31:57,729 Thank you. 268 00:32:06,521 --> 00:32:08,021 Ah. 269 00:32:27,854 --> 00:32:31,604 Would you grant me the honor of this waltz, miss? 270 00:32:33,562 --> 00:32:35,521 I don't know how to dance. 271 00:32:36,812 --> 00:32:38,354 Me neither. 272 00:32:40,687 --> 00:32:42,646 I'm not in the mood. 273 00:32:46,812 --> 00:32:49,604 If it's my uniform that bothers you, 274 00:32:49,687 --> 00:32:51,687 I can take care of that. 275 00:32:53,771 --> 00:32:55,562 [laughs] 276 00:32:58,021 --> 00:32:59,437 Stop it. 277 00:33:03,729 --> 00:33:06,187 I'm not good enough for you, is that it? 278 00:33:08,187 --> 00:33:10,271 [Justine] Ahem. She's dancing with me. 279 00:33:19,854 --> 00:33:21,937 [waltz music plays] 280 00:33:47,604 --> 00:33:50,187 [discordant piano notes being hammered] 281 00:33:53,104 --> 00:33:54,937 [screaming] 282 00:33:59,062 --> 00:34:00,354 Whoo! 283 00:34:01,229 --> 00:34:03,021 What's this? 284 00:34:09,146 --> 00:34:11,062 Are they tired? 285 00:34:11,146 --> 00:34:13,021 Do you think they're tired, Captain? 286 00:34:13,104 --> 00:34:15,021 -I don't know. -You don't know. 287 00:34:20,271 --> 00:34:23,104 Why don't you fucking dance, bitches? 288 00:34:24,271 --> 00:34:25,271 Huh? 289 00:34:25,354 --> 00:34:26,812 [all gasp and murmur] 290 00:34:32,562 --> 00:34:34,354 What did you say? 291 00:34:34,437 --> 00:34:35,937 [woman] Nothing. 292 00:34:39,687 --> 00:34:41,146 Somebody? 293 00:34:42,312 --> 00:34:43,979 Why don't you dance? 294 00:34:47,521 --> 00:34:49,354 [snapping fingers] 295 00:34:53,271 --> 00:34:54,937 Come on, dance with me. 296 00:34:56,104 --> 00:34:58,521 Dance with me. Dance with me. 297 00:34:58,604 --> 00:35:00,687 Do exactly the same, all right? 298 00:35:02,771 --> 00:35:04,021 Come on! 299 00:35:05,021 --> 00:35:06,896 Okay, all right, I'm sorry. 300 00:35:06,979 --> 00:35:09,687 -[all gasp] -I'm sorry, really. 301 00:35:09,771 --> 00:35:11,854 Come on. Be careful, guys. 302 00:35:12,437 --> 00:35:14,354 Be careful. 303 00:35:14,437 --> 00:35:15,979 Does she want to hold it? 304 00:35:22,229 --> 00:35:24,021 I didn't hear anything. 305 00:35:29,312 --> 00:35:31,104 Do you want to hold it? 306 00:35:39,354 --> 00:35:41,312 Why don't you want to dance, baby? 307 00:35:41,812 --> 00:35:43,229 Hmm? 308 00:35:44,062 --> 00:35:45,562 [gasps] 309 00:35:52,062 --> 00:35:53,271 You. 310 00:35:53,354 --> 00:35:55,104 Do you want to hold it? 311 00:35:55,187 --> 00:35:56,521 Come on, make people dance. 312 00:35:56,604 --> 00:35:58,479 -No. -Please. Make people dance. 313 00:35:58,562 --> 00:36:00,312 Come on, make people dance. Please. 314 00:36:00,396 --> 00:36:01,521 [sobbing softly] 315 00:36:01,604 --> 00:36:02,729 Make people dance. 316 00:36:02,812 --> 00:36:04,354 Come on! Make people dance! 317 00:36:04,437 --> 00:36:05,979 [sobbing] No! 318 00:36:12,437 --> 00:36:14,104 So, you don't want to. 319 00:36:15,021 --> 00:36:16,646 All right. 320 00:36:16,729 --> 00:36:18,771 -[gunshot] -[all scream] 321 00:36:20,896 --> 00:36:22,562 [gunshot] 322 00:36:36,521 --> 00:36:38,479 [audio muted] 323 00:37:09,646 --> 00:37:11,312 [liquid dripping] 324 00:37:58,479 --> 00:37:59,896 [faint thud] 325 00:38:07,729 --> 00:38:09,687 [door closes] 326 00:38:10,521 --> 00:38:12,021 [footsteps descend] 327 00:38:30,271 --> 00:38:32,104 Couldn't we go up to your room? 328 00:38:35,062 --> 00:38:38,437 He doesn't speak French, if it makes you feel better. 329 00:38:49,854 --> 00:38:53,604 Five times that sum if you get us to the next boat for France. 330 00:38:54,937 --> 00:38:56,229 [sniffles] 331 00:38:56,646 --> 00:38:58,062 Why the sudden hurry? 332 00:38:59,354 --> 00:39:01,354 The rest once we've arrived safely. 333 00:39:08,687 --> 00:39:10,104 [sighs] 334 00:39:17,354 --> 00:39:20,312 You, your wife, your three daughters... 335 00:39:21,812 --> 00:39:23,146 And Layla. 336 00:39:26,021 --> 00:39:27,521 That makes six. 337 00:39:28,479 --> 00:39:29,771 Plus at least 338 00:39:30,771 --> 00:39:32,562 two porters, depending on your luggage. 339 00:39:34,646 --> 00:39:35,979 Eight times that sum. 340 00:41:18,812 --> 00:41:21,521 [coughs] 341 00:42:06,646 --> 00:42:08,229 You're sleeping, Abi? 342 00:42:09,979 --> 00:42:11,354 No. 343 00:42:15,771 --> 00:42:17,687 Do you have any memories of Paris? 344 00:42:19,521 --> 00:42:20,854 Some. 345 00:42:22,937 --> 00:42:25,354 I mainly remember our grandmother's house. 346 00:42:26,312 --> 00:42:28,021 There were blue curtains 347 00:42:28,104 --> 00:42:29,812 and it had a funny smell. 348 00:42:30,812 --> 00:42:33,646 [Justine] She was always boil camphor for her rheumatism. 349 00:42:34,354 --> 00:42:37,646 I was scared stiff of her. 350 00:42:37,729 --> 00:42:38,896 She'd say: 351 00:42:39,271 --> 00:42:41,312 "Why did I only have me granddaughters?" 352 00:42:44,812 --> 00:42:46,521 You're lucky you never knew her, Esther. 353 00:42:47,687 --> 00:42:49,521 [Justine] When we arrived in St. Charles, 354 00:42:50,187 --> 00:42:52,979 Daddy told her of your birth. 355 00:42:53,062 --> 00:42:55,104 A few days later, we learned she died. 356 00:42:55,646 --> 00:42:58,396 The disappointment of a third girl was too much for her! 357 00:43:03,104 --> 00:43:06,687 The first thing we'll visit in Paris will no doubt be that witch's tomb. 358 00:43:06,771 --> 00:43:08,062 Hmm. 359 00:43:09,604 --> 00:43:11,229 Is your book set in Paris? 360 00:43:12,937 --> 00:43:14,562 No. In Touraine. 361 00:43:15,354 --> 00:43:16,937 [Abigaëlle] Didn't you already read it? 362 00:43:18,229 --> 00:43:20,229 Yes, but it helps me fall asleep. 363 00:43:21,937 --> 00:43:23,312 So I'm rereading it. 364 00:43:24,479 --> 00:43:26,479 I heard it is sad. 365 00:43:29,229 --> 00:43:32,104 The main character's life is so intense that... 366 00:43:36,271 --> 00:43:37,687 I seem to vibrate with him. 367 00:43:41,229 --> 00:43:43,229 What we're going through isn't enough? 368 00:43:45,812 --> 00:43:48,646 [coughing] 369 00:43:51,729 --> 00:43:53,229 Abi? 370 00:43:58,312 --> 00:43:59,896 [gasps and sniffles] 371 00:44:06,604 --> 00:44:08,062 I'm scared, Justine. 372 00:44:15,896 --> 00:44:17,604 [Abigaëlle sighs] 373 00:44:28,521 --> 00:44:30,437 What do we do when this war is over? 374 00:44:31,729 --> 00:44:33,187 When them Union Pacific Rails 375 00:44:33,271 --> 00:44:35,354 crisscross the whole damn country. 376 00:44:37,521 --> 00:44:39,354 Like everyone else. 377 00:44:40,521 --> 00:44:42,521 We'll jump on the bandwagon. 378 00:45:51,437 --> 00:45:53,271 [heavy breathing] 379 00:45:58,021 --> 00:45:59,562 [horse whinnies] 380 00:46:17,729 --> 00:46:19,896 [thunder rumbles] 381 00:46:31,687 --> 00:46:33,271 [whispers] 382 00:46:38,521 --> 00:46:40,062 [Madeleine slurps] 383 00:46:44,979 --> 00:46:46,396 [sighs] 384 00:46:49,229 --> 00:46:52,396 Every morning, this coffee reminds me how long the road still is. 385 00:46:55,812 --> 00:46:57,771 Abigaëlle isn't awake yet? 386 00:46:59,604 --> 00:47:01,271 She's coughing more and more. 387 00:47:02,687 --> 00:47:04,021 I'm worried. 388 00:47:05,479 --> 00:47:06,896 I gathered some plants. 389 00:47:07,479 --> 00:47:09,312 I'll make her a decoction. 390 00:47:09,771 --> 00:47:11,312 [Edmond] What we would do without you? 391 00:47:11,729 --> 00:47:13,021 What you would do. 392 00:47:17,854 --> 00:47:19,354 Keep your remedies for you. 393 00:47:32,604 --> 00:47:34,937 [thunder rumbling distantly] 394 00:47:38,437 --> 00:47:40,604 [water burbling] 395 00:48:56,062 --> 00:48:57,354 Ma'am. 396 00:49:01,604 --> 00:49:03,729 Where did you get it? 397 00:49:04,729 --> 00:49:06,604 I shot it, by Jove. 398 00:49:06,687 --> 00:49:08,354 I meant your jacket. 399 00:49:09,271 --> 00:49:10,437 Oh. 400 00:49:10,521 --> 00:49:12,062 Stole it on the front. 401 00:49:13,896 --> 00:49:16,062 I did not know you'd been drafted. 402 00:49:19,604 --> 00:49:22,687 They said this war would be over in the blink of an eye. 403 00:49:24,604 --> 00:49:26,479 Yesterday you had Confederate stripes. 404 00:49:26,562 --> 00:49:27,937 [Henry chuckles] 405 00:49:28,021 --> 00:49:30,937 We'll soon be moving into Yankee territory. 406 00:49:32,104 --> 00:49:34,604 Got to adapt to each situation. 407 00:49:35,562 --> 00:49:36,854 That's absurd. 408 00:49:36,937 --> 00:49:39,771 -[coughs] -That's your opinion, missy. 409 00:49:45,271 --> 00:49:47,062 Did you desert? 410 00:49:48,771 --> 00:49:50,854 Call it whatever you like... 411 00:49:50,937 --> 00:49:52,562 but believe me, 412 00:49:52,646 --> 00:49:55,104 whether you're from the North or the South, 413 00:49:55,187 --> 00:49:57,854 'tain't no glory to be had in killing a man. 414 00:50:01,896 --> 00:50:04,562 Now, just remember to wedge it firmly 415 00:50:04,646 --> 00:50:06,479 between your shoulder and your hand. 416 00:50:07,646 --> 00:50:09,396 Just like that, feet well grounded. 417 00:50:18,271 --> 00:50:19,604 Nice, Justine. 418 00:50:22,854 --> 00:50:25,979 Samuel, maybe on your way... 419 00:50:26,854 --> 00:50:29,146 maybe it'd be better if you call me "ma'am." 420 00:50:30,896 --> 00:50:32,437 It's all right. 421 00:50:33,729 --> 00:50:35,104 You want a try? 422 00:50:39,729 --> 00:50:42,229 So, just remember to... 423 00:51:10,771 --> 00:51:13,479 It feels like we left ages ago. 424 00:51:15,937 --> 00:51:18,896 As if our life in Saint Charles had never existed. 425 00:51:24,396 --> 00:51:26,562 Shortly before you arrived... 426 00:51:28,437 --> 00:51:30,229 I had a strange nightmare. 427 00:51:34,812 --> 00:51:37,437 People should keep those things to themselves. 428 00:51:40,146 --> 00:51:42,604 Did you have many lives before this one? 429 00:51:44,562 --> 00:51:46,312 You're too curious... 430 00:51:47,729 --> 00:51:49,146 Esther. 431 00:51:53,396 --> 00:51:55,937 Let's say I've never really had time to settle down. 432 00:51:57,312 --> 00:51:58,979 Anywhere. 433 00:52:02,312 --> 00:52:04,021 You ever ridden a horse? 434 00:52:04,104 --> 00:52:07,187 My father had a client who raised purebreds. 435 00:52:09,062 --> 00:52:11,271 You know, English racehorses. 436 00:52:11,354 --> 00:52:13,729 We often went there on Sunday afternoons. 437 00:52:13,812 --> 00:52:17,062 But I don't know if I still know how. 438 00:52:17,146 --> 00:52:18,854 It's something you never forget. 439 00:52:25,104 --> 00:52:26,646 Need some help? 440 00:53:44,812 --> 00:53:46,979 [caws] 441 00:54:24,729 --> 00:54:27,271 The bond that united the two Marassa was so firmly respected 442 00:54:28,271 --> 00:54:32,562 that the village school teachers agreed to make an exception for them. 443 00:54:34,854 --> 00:54:36,771 Auguste was the only boy 444 00:54:36,854 --> 00:54:39,562 allowed to frequent the girl's school. 445 00:54:41,604 --> 00:54:43,729 So he would never leave his twin sister. 446 00:54:46,187 --> 00:54:48,437 Soon, seduced by his aura, 447 00:54:49,479 --> 00:54:52,312 the school girls tried to talk to Auguste. 448 00:54:54,437 --> 00:54:56,646 Ezilli became insanely jealous. 449 00:54:58,229 --> 00:54:59,729 She put a curse on them. 450 00:55:03,021 --> 00:55:05,021 All of the women of the community 451 00:55:05,979 --> 00:55:07,979 were struck down by an illness 452 00:55:08,354 --> 00:55:10,437 as abrupt as it was strange. 453 00:55:13,104 --> 00:55:15,437 The spell immobilized them 454 00:55:16,146 --> 00:55:17,896 and prevented them form walking. 455 00:55:21,062 --> 00:55:24,146 The bond between Ezilli and Auguste which was so respected 456 00:55:25,062 --> 00:55:27,062 now acted as a poison. 457 00:55:33,187 --> 00:55:35,229 You think that Victor is my Auguste? 458 00:55:38,021 --> 00:55:40,104 He leads your heart away from the truth. 459 00:55:45,187 --> 00:55:47,771 [Bettie singing distantly] 460 00:56:15,604 --> 00:56:18,271 ♪ A hero ♪ 461 00:56:18,354 --> 00:56:21,896 ♪ Shines in my window ♪ 462 00:56:21,979 --> 00:56:24,521 ♪ Love me ♪ 463 00:56:24,604 --> 00:56:28,687 ♪ And now he's come ♪ 464 00:56:28,771 --> 00:56:33,562 ♪ Like a dream That awaits in the dawn ♪ 465 00:56:34,646 --> 00:56:36,062 [humming] 466 00:56:42,354 --> 00:56:43,729 Hello. 467 00:56:48,979 --> 00:56:50,896 What are you doing here? 468 00:56:52,687 --> 00:56:54,187 Resting. 469 00:56:55,271 --> 00:56:56,729 Are you lost? 470 00:56:57,937 --> 00:56:59,479 Do I look lost? 471 00:57:02,396 --> 00:57:04,687 I should be asking you that question. 472 00:57:05,521 --> 00:57:07,354 I'm with my family. 473 00:57:10,646 --> 00:57:12,979 You have an accent from New Orleans. 474 00:57:13,062 --> 00:57:14,146 Yeah. 475 00:57:14,229 --> 00:57:15,562 I left home too, 476 00:57:15,646 --> 00:57:17,354 a long time ago. 477 00:57:18,729 --> 00:57:20,062 There's food at the camp if you want. 478 00:57:20,146 --> 00:57:21,937 I learned to fend for myself. 479 00:57:24,812 --> 00:57:26,979 I picked some. You want some? 480 00:57:30,271 --> 00:57:31,979 Where are y'all headed? 481 00:57:32,562 --> 00:57:33,979 Paris. 482 00:57:34,812 --> 00:57:35,854 Hm. 483 00:57:35,937 --> 00:57:37,896 Nice town for ladies. 484 00:57:38,646 --> 00:57:39,687 Do you know it? 485 00:57:39,771 --> 00:57:41,271 From afar. 486 00:57:41,354 --> 00:57:43,562 I don't think I'd like it there. 487 00:57:48,896 --> 00:57:50,771 I have to go back. 488 00:57:50,854 --> 00:57:52,646 They will be worried. 489 00:57:54,021 --> 00:57:55,812 You're a good girl. 490 00:57:57,021 --> 00:57:59,312 -What's your name? -Esther. 491 00:58:03,479 --> 00:58:06,312 How many men are with you, Esther? 492 00:58:07,521 --> 00:58:08,812 Who are you? 493 00:58:08,896 --> 00:58:10,479 How many men? 494 00:58:11,687 --> 00:58:13,062 My father and two porters, 495 00:58:13,146 --> 00:58:14,229 Victor... 496 00:58:14,312 --> 00:58:15,479 He's the only one who has a name? 497 00:58:15,562 --> 00:58:16,771 No. 498 00:58:16,854 --> 00:58:18,437 No, my father's name is-- 499 00:58:18,521 --> 00:58:20,187 Do you find him attractive? 500 00:58:20,271 --> 00:58:21,854 Why are you asking me all these questions? 501 00:58:21,937 --> 00:58:24,437 Just curious. I didn't mean to offend you. 502 00:58:24,521 --> 00:58:26,146 [unsheathes knife] 503 00:58:31,021 --> 00:58:34,021 When do you know that you really love someone? 504 00:58:37,521 --> 00:58:39,146 Afterwards. 505 00:58:41,729 --> 00:58:44,229 Always too late. 506 00:58:45,271 --> 00:58:46,271 Are you sure you don't want any? 507 00:58:51,812 --> 00:58:53,812 [panting] 508 00:58:56,479 --> 00:58:57,979 What's wrong? 509 00:59:00,021 --> 00:59:01,271 There was a woman... 510 00:59:04,687 --> 00:59:06,062 Where? 511 00:59:06,146 --> 00:59:07,562 By the river. 512 00:59:09,896 --> 00:59:11,312 What did she look like? 513 00:59:11,396 --> 00:59:13,187 She looked... 514 00:59:13,271 --> 00:59:14,771 deranged. 515 00:59:16,271 --> 00:59:18,062 What did she say to you? 516 00:59:19,312 --> 00:59:22,062 [Esther] She wanted to know where we were going. 517 00:59:22,146 --> 00:59:23,396 What else? 518 00:59:23,479 --> 00:59:24,687 She was singing. 519 00:59:24,771 --> 00:59:26,396 She was talking about... I don't know-- 520 00:59:26,479 --> 00:59:28,729 -What else did you tell her? -Nothing. 521 00:59:29,646 --> 00:59:31,312 She wasn't dangerous. 522 00:59:32,896 --> 00:59:34,521 Stay here. 523 00:59:37,396 --> 00:59:39,562 [horse grunts and pants] 524 00:59:42,146 --> 00:59:44,312 [horse galloping] 525 00:59:47,646 --> 00:59:49,646 I've been waiting for you. 526 00:59:49,729 --> 00:59:51,229 Move back. 527 00:59:51,312 --> 00:59:53,229 I'm not armed. 528 00:59:54,354 --> 00:59:56,271 You've got no reason to be here. 529 00:59:56,354 --> 00:59:57,854 I was tricked with the merchandise. 530 00:59:57,937 --> 01:00:00,104 I don't have the diamonds. I never had them. 531 01:00:00,187 --> 01:00:02,229 It doesn't matter. 532 01:00:06,271 --> 01:00:08,312 I don't care about the diamonds. 533 01:00:10,979 --> 01:00:12,354 [sighs] 534 01:00:13,354 --> 01:00:15,521 Where are the others? 535 01:00:15,604 --> 01:00:17,604 Far enough. 536 01:00:17,687 --> 01:00:19,937 It's just you and I. 537 01:00:23,729 --> 01:00:25,937 I know this thing between us isn't over. 538 01:00:28,604 --> 01:00:31,896 I know that you still think about me. 539 01:00:31,979 --> 01:00:35,187 That you wake up in the night... 540 01:00:35,271 --> 01:00:37,937 that you can still feel me under your skin... 541 01:00:40,437 --> 01:00:43,104 and it makes you burn. 542 01:00:45,187 --> 01:00:47,229 You're wrong. 543 01:00:47,312 --> 01:00:49,687 We can't change just like that, Victor. 544 01:00:49,771 --> 01:00:51,771 [Victor] What do you want, Bettie? 545 01:00:57,562 --> 01:00:59,562 Return to them... 546 01:00:59,646 --> 01:01:01,812 or leave with me alive. 547 01:01:01,896 --> 01:01:03,604 I'm leaving with them. 548 01:01:05,187 --> 01:01:06,854 You mean, with her? 549 01:01:07,979 --> 01:01:09,229 Esther. 550 01:01:09,312 --> 01:01:10,562 [cocks gun] 551 01:01:13,271 --> 01:01:14,771 You wouldn't dare. 552 01:01:15,812 --> 01:01:18,187 [Victor] Stay away from her. 553 01:01:19,021 --> 01:01:20,646 Next time, 554 01:01:20,729 --> 01:01:22,604 I won't hesitate to shoot. 555 01:01:26,562 --> 01:01:27,896 Me too. 556 01:01:31,479 --> 01:01:32,937 Next time... 557 01:01:34,271 --> 01:01:35,854 I'll aim here. 558 01:01:53,771 --> 01:01:55,104 Why'd you tell her? 559 01:01:55,187 --> 01:01:56,771 I didn't say anything. 560 01:01:56,854 --> 01:01:58,229 She knew your name. 561 01:01:58,437 --> 01:01:59,687 She meant no wrong. 562 01:01:59,771 --> 01:02:02,437 I'm the one who decide what's right or wrong around here. 563 01:02:06,604 --> 01:02:08,104 Don't talk to strangers, 564 01:02:08,187 --> 01:02:11,021 and don't leave the campsite without telling me. 565 01:02:13,521 --> 01:02:15,104 Start packing. 566 01:04:09,312 --> 01:04:10,729 Easy. 567 01:04:18,646 --> 01:04:20,354 [loud crash] 568 01:04:25,271 --> 01:04:27,271 [shushing] 569 01:04:37,104 --> 01:04:38,937 We'll have to leave the wagon behind. 570 01:04:39,021 --> 01:04:42,271 It's to heavy to push it over. 571 01:04:42,354 --> 01:04:43,812 Carry on with the bare minimum. 572 01:05:38,479 --> 01:05:40,229 You don't need all that. 573 01:05:41,146 --> 01:05:42,896 It's important for us. 574 01:05:45,771 --> 01:05:47,396 I'll carry it myself. 575 01:05:57,354 --> 01:05:59,229 Come on this side. 576 01:05:59,312 --> 01:06:00,937 Slowly. Don't look down. 577 01:06:09,479 --> 01:06:10,937 You'll go first. 578 01:06:16,771 --> 01:06:18,312 That's an order. 579 01:06:35,771 --> 01:06:37,646 Ready? 580 01:06:41,604 --> 01:06:42,937 [Victor] Easy. 581 01:06:43,021 --> 01:06:44,812 -[gasps] -Easy. 582 01:06:47,896 --> 01:06:50,271 Grab my hand. I got you, I got you. 583 01:06:50,354 --> 01:06:51,812 I got you. 584 01:06:53,229 --> 01:06:54,771 Okay, next one. 585 01:07:14,146 --> 01:07:15,771 -[pebbles shift] -[gasps] 586 01:07:21,229 --> 01:07:22,604 Hail Mary... 587 01:07:23,521 --> 01:07:24,771 full of grace... 588 01:07:24,854 --> 01:07:26,771 Blessed art thou among woman... 589 01:07:26,854 --> 01:07:29,021 Grab my hand. Ma'am, grab my hand. 590 01:07:29,104 --> 01:07:31,062 I got you, I got you. 591 01:07:33,562 --> 01:07:34,896 [gasps] 592 01:07:40,354 --> 01:07:41,729 [crying] I can't! 593 01:07:42,062 --> 01:07:43,354 I'll go with you. 594 01:07:43,437 --> 01:07:45,104 Sorry, ma'am? 595 01:07:45,187 --> 01:07:46,812 The two of us are going together. 596 01:07:46,896 --> 01:07:48,354 No, no, no. One at a time. 597 01:07:48,437 --> 01:07:50,021 She won't do it alone. 598 01:07:51,229 --> 01:07:52,937 [Samuel] Your decision. 599 01:07:58,521 --> 01:08:00,687 [whimpers] 600 01:08:06,604 --> 01:08:08,354 -Okay... -Watch your feet. 601 01:08:08,437 --> 01:08:09,896 -[gasps] -Easy. 602 01:08:09,979 --> 01:08:11,812 -[breathing heavily] -Easy. 603 01:08:15,021 --> 01:08:17,771 -Easy. -[coughs] 604 01:08:20,146 --> 01:08:21,937 -[screams] -Easy, easy, easy. 605 01:08:23,187 --> 01:08:24,812 [gasping and panting] 606 01:08:24,896 --> 01:08:26,062 Go on. 607 01:08:28,062 --> 01:08:29,854 I've got you. 608 01:08:30,479 --> 01:08:31,604 -Okay. -[Victor] Listen. Listen. 609 01:08:31,687 --> 01:08:33,146 Grab my hand. 610 01:08:37,187 --> 01:08:40,062 Listen, look at me, look at me. Grab my hand. Grab my hand. 611 01:08:40,146 --> 01:08:41,312 I got you. I got you. 612 01:08:41,396 --> 01:08:42,854 [gasping and panting] 613 01:08:48,979 --> 01:08:50,437 [panting] 614 01:09:04,979 --> 01:09:06,479 Whoa. Where-- Where are you going? 615 01:09:06,562 --> 01:09:07,771 I'm going over. 616 01:09:07,854 --> 01:09:08,937 What? Wait-- 617 01:09:09,021 --> 01:09:10,271 Step aside. 618 01:09:11,771 --> 01:09:13,479 What the hell are you trying to prove? 619 01:11:14,104 --> 01:11:15,521 You were right, Esther. 620 01:11:15,604 --> 01:11:17,437 All this... 621 01:11:18,062 --> 01:11:20,271 It's the best thing that ever happened to us. 622 01:11:26,937 --> 01:11:28,937 I too loved someone a long time ago. 623 01:11:31,062 --> 01:11:32,312 I mean, truly... 624 01:11:37,312 --> 01:11:38,854 Remember the distant cousin 625 01:11:38,937 --> 01:11:41,312 who stayed with us after her parents died? 626 01:11:42,687 --> 01:11:43,812 Carol? 627 01:11:45,562 --> 01:11:46,771 Yes, I was little. 628 01:11:48,354 --> 01:11:49,896 I was just old enough. 629 01:11:52,021 --> 01:11:53,729 It lasted for several months. 630 01:11:56,896 --> 01:11:58,979 Mother surprised us one day in her room. 631 01:12:00,854 --> 01:12:01,937 So she left. 632 01:12:04,771 --> 01:12:06,771 Why didn't you ever tell me? 633 01:12:09,729 --> 01:12:12,146 You were too little, you said it yourself. 634 01:12:14,521 --> 01:12:15,896 Did Abigaëlle knew? 635 01:12:25,229 --> 01:12:27,104 When Carol left the house, 636 01:12:28,146 --> 01:12:30,187 the colors of the furniture grew paler, 637 01:12:31,729 --> 01:12:33,479 the sound of the wind seemed weaker. 638 01:12:36,021 --> 01:12:38,146 As if the world was starting to go out. 639 01:12:40,937 --> 01:12:42,687 So I withdrew into a corner 640 01:12:44,354 --> 01:12:46,021 and became closer to Abi. 641 01:12:47,229 --> 01:12:48,646 I watched her grow up. 642 01:12:51,146 --> 01:12:53,479 People started to say "Abigaëlle and Justine." 643 01:12:53,812 --> 01:12:55,521 Never "Justine" alone. 644 01:12:56,812 --> 01:12:58,271 For me you're Justine. 645 01:12:58,979 --> 01:13:00,396 No-body else. 646 01:13:08,896 --> 01:13:10,312 Since we left, 647 01:13:11,104 --> 01:13:13,687 I've never been afraid for myself, always for her. 648 01:13:16,312 --> 01:13:18,437 When I heard De Lisle wasn't coming at Christmas... 649 01:13:21,021 --> 01:13:22,729 I felt relieved. 650 01:13:24,437 --> 01:13:26,187 Abi could still say no. 651 01:13:28,104 --> 01:13:29,979 You said he'd make a good husband. 652 01:13:32,146 --> 01:13:33,729 Only to reassure myself. 653 01:13:36,729 --> 01:13:38,812 Her path is no longer mapped out. 654 01:13:39,896 --> 01:13:41,271 And yours even less so. 655 01:13:43,104 --> 01:13:44,646 That's all that matters now. 656 01:16:09,854 --> 01:16:11,896 [wind gusting] 657 01:17:03,437 --> 01:17:04,979 [Madeleine] Oh, Lord. 658 01:17:06,687 --> 01:17:08,021 We can take shelter. 659 01:17:09,729 --> 01:17:11,479 There are more rooms upstairs. 660 01:17:43,229 --> 01:17:44,896 [coughs] 661 01:17:50,354 --> 01:17:52,396 [bubbling] 662 01:19:26,646 --> 01:19:28,187 Bless, O Lord, this meal 663 01:19:30,187 --> 01:19:31,271 and feed our souls. 664 01:19:33,104 --> 01:19:34,521 I'm not hungry. 665 01:19:43,187 --> 01:19:44,937 [door closes] 666 01:20:10,729 --> 01:20:13,771 Do I have the right to ask questions about your scar? 667 01:20:19,896 --> 01:20:21,812 It's the past. 668 01:20:24,437 --> 01:20:26,396 I prefer to look ahead. 669 01:20:29,062 --> 01:20:30,729 And what do you see? 670 01:21:08,354 --> 01:21:09,896 [sighs] 671 01:21:14,479 --> 01:21:16,396 Remember that mountain over there? 672 01:21:18,771 --> 01:21:20,187 One day. 673 01:21:20,271 --> 01:21:23,229 That's how long it took us to come this far. 674 01:21:26,146 --> 01:21:29,562 Soon it'll only take a few minutes. 675 01:21:32,896 --> 01:21:34,479 The train... 676 01:21:37,021 --> 01:21:40,062 There'll be no need for men like myself anymore. 677 01:21:43,729 --> 01:21:45,646 But between now and then, 678 01:21:45,729 --> 01:21:47,896 I'll have become someone else. 679 01:21:49,687 --> 01:21:52,229 When it's time to lay those last rails... 680 01:21:53,521 --> 01:21:54,896 I'll be there. 681 01:21:56,979 --> 01:22:00,104 When it's time to find men capable of working all day 682 01:22:00,187 --> 01:22:02,896 under the beating sun, I'll be there too. 683 01:22:03,812 --> 01:22:05,187 At their head. 684 01:22:10,562 --> 01:22:11,937 And in the meantime? 685 01:22:14,437 --> 01:22:15,937 In the meantime? 686 01:22:17,104 --> 01:22:18,521 [sighs] 687 01:22:18,604 --> 01:22:21,729 I'll keep saving my dishonestly earned money... 688 01:22:22,979 --> 01:22:25,312 and tranquilly dream of my future life 689 01:22:25,396 --> 01:22:27,854 in European cafés. 690 01:22:29,646 --> 01:22:31,896 My father says you can drink whisky there 691 01:22:31,979 --> 01:22:34,146 without carrying a gun in your belt. 692 01:22:34,229 --> 01:22:36,229 [chuckles] Is that right? 693 01:22:39,604 --> 01:22:41,312 Do you have family in Europe? 694 01:22:43,646 --> 01:22:45,187 Not anymore. 695 01:22:49,396 --> 01:22:51,021 And when you come back here... 696 01:22:52,896 --> 01:22:55,187 will there be someone by your side? 697 01:22:57,771 --> 01:22:59,271 A woman? 698 01:23:05,646 --> 01:23:07,354 [sighs] 699 01:23:09,146 --> 01:23:11,062 I'm not fit to marry. 700 01:23:41,896 --> 01:23:43,271 [gasps softly] 701 01:23:57,521 --> 01:23:59,479 [coughing] 702 01:24:03,437 --> 01:24:05,062 [gasping weakly] 703 01:24:08,979 --> 01:24:10,604 [sobbing] 704 01:24:15,146 --> 01:24:17,687 [sniffling] 705 01:24:17,771 --> 01:24:19,562 Justine. 706 01:24:19,646 --> 01:24:21,271 [crying] 707 01:24:26,979 --> 01:24:28,354 [door opens] 708 01:24:36,521 --> 01:24:37,771 [tin clatters] 709 01:24:37,854 --> 01:24:39,271 She can't stay like this. 710 01:24:39,729 --> 01:24:41,354 We must do something. 711 01:24:41,687 --> 01:24:42,812 What's wrong? 712 01:24:42,896 --> 01:24:44,479 Abigaëlle. 713 01:24:46,396 --> 01:24:48,062 She's dying. 714 01:24:48,146 --> 01:24:50,521 We can't wait any longer. 715 01:24:50,604 --> 01:24:53,021 [Samuel] There's that pass through the mountains, 716 01:24:53,104 --> 01:24:55,146 not too far from here. 717 01:24:55,229 --> 01:24:57,854 A shortcut back to the main route... 718 01:24:58,771 --> 01:25:00,687 it would save time, but... 719 01:25:00,771 --> 01:25:03,146 I'm not sure it's still open. 720 01:25:03,229 --> 01:25:04,562 How far? 721 01:25:05,896 --> 01:25:07,312 [Henry] Day's ride. 722 01:25:10,479 --> 01:25:12,021 If this pass exists, 723 01:25:12,104 --> 01:25:14,354 we could reach our destination quicker than we thought. 724 01:25:19,812 --> 01:25:21,604 Saddle the horses. 725 01:25:42,521 --> 01:25:44,146 They'll be back tomorrow. 726 01:26:02,396 --> 01:26:04,271 [water splashes softly] 727 01:26:09,896 --> 01:26:12,604 Why do you always act like I don't understand? 728 01:26:15,687 --> 01:26:17,896 I know no-one will be waiting for me in France. 729 01:26:21,521 --> 01:26:24,437 I knew it the day Victor paid us a visit. 730 01:26:27,812 --> 01:26:29,271 De Lisle is no more. 731 01:26:33,854 --> 01:26:35,562 I saw it in your eyes 732 01:26:36,312 --> 01:26:37,771 and in Daddy's. 733 01:26:40,812 --> 01:26:43,479 A man isn't worth dying for, Abi. 734 01:26:49,604 --> 01:26:53,354 [Henry] ♪ And the skies are not cloudy all day ♪ 735 01:26:53,437 --> 01:26:55,687 ♪ How often at night ♪ 736 01:26:55,771 --> 01:26:58,229 ♪ When the stars are right ♪ 737 01:26:58,312 --> 01:27:02,146 ♪ And the tears Of the glistening stars ♪ 738 01:27:02,229 --> 01:27:04,229 ♪ I've stood there amazed ♪ 739 01:27:04,312 --> 01:27:07,021 ♪ And I asked as I gazed ♪ 740 01:27:07,104 --> 01:27:10,812 ♪ Does their glory exceed That of ours? ♪ 741 01:27:10,896 --> 01:27:13,187 ♪ Home, home on the-- ♪ 742 01:27:13,271 --> 01:27:15,521 -[gunshot] -[horses whinny] 743 01:27:16,812 --> 01:27:19,271 [gunfire] 744 01:27:19,354 --> 01:27:21,021 [whinnies] 745 01:27:22,687 --> 01:27:24,479 [grunts] 746 01:27:26,812 --> 01:27:28,479 [gunfire] 747 01:27:36,687 --> 01:27:38,521 [whinnies] 748 01:27:44,146 --> 01:27:45,812 -[gunshot] -[screams] 749 01:27:45,896 --> 01:27:47,604 [groaning] 750 01:27:48,646 --> 01:27:50,521 [gunfire] 751 01:28:00,937 --> 01:28:02,771 [moaning] 752 01:28:07,104 --> 01:28:08,937 [gunfire] 753 01:28:13,312 --> 01:28:15,604 [grunting] 754 01:28:33,187 --> 01:28:35,604 [gasping and panting] 755 01:28:39,812 --> 01:28:42,146 [groans] 756 01:29:04,271 --> 01:29:05,896 [gasps] 757 01:29:09,271 --> 01:29:11,354 [breathing heavily] 758 01:30:02,729 --> 01:30:04,771 It's too late. 759 01:30:04,854 --> 01:30:07,187 Always too late. 760 01:30:12,479 --> 01:30:14,354 In your arms. 761 01:30:15,479 --> 01:30:16,896 [chuckles] 762 01:30:16,979 --> 01:30:18,479 You remember? 763 01:30:23,104 --> 01:30:24,729 Why run away? 764 01:30:26,396 --> 01:30:29,771 I want to know that place where we'll go together. 765 01:30:38,479 --> 01:30:40,187 What's wrong? 766 01:30:41,812 --> 01:30:43,896 Why don't you answer me? 767 01:30:48,146 --> 01:30:49,979 I'm here. 768 01:31:55,521 --> 01:31:57,187 [horse galloping] 769 01:31:57,271 --> 01:31:59,396 [horse whinnies] 770 01:32:46,104 --> 01:32:48,937 [Samuel] Anyone comes near, shut yourselves inside. 771 01:32:49,937 --> 01:32:52,187 Justine, you aim for the cross. 772 01:32:53,687 --> 01:32:55,896 And make sure you finish the job. 773 01:32:56,687 --> 01:32:58,354 All right? 774 01:34:32,687 --> 01:34:34,396 It's Bettie. 775 01:34:35,312 --> 01:34:36,646 Bettie. 776 01:34:39,271 --> 01:34:40,896 [bedsprings bounce] 777 01:34:43,187 --> 01:34:44,771 Where is Father? 778 01:34:44,854 --> 01:34:47,062 [Victor screaming] 779 01:34:47,146 --> 01:34:50,021 [grunting and panting] 780 01:34:59,479 --> 01:35:01,146 [clears throat] 781 01:35:02,854 --> 01:35:04,729 Who's Bettie? 782 01:35:04,812 --> 01:35:06,521 -[Victor clears throat] -Hm? 783 01:35:06,604 --> 01:35:08,187 [breathing heavily] 784 01:35:11,854 --> 01:35:14,021 Bullet went through. It's infected. 785 01:35:15,479 --> 01:35:18,354 Get some bandages. We need to stop the bleeding. 786 01:35:18,437 --> 01:35:19,937 What happened? 787 01:35:20,021 --> 01:35:21,979 [sighs] 788 01:35:26,562 --> 01:35:28,104 Edmond? 789 01:35:44,229 --> 01:35:46,229 Who's going to pay me now? 790 01:36:07,979 --> 01:36:10,521 [door opens, closes] 791 01:36:16,479 --> 01:36:17,979 He'll be fine. 792 01:36:21,479 --> 01:36:22,979 Soldiers? 793 01:36:24,396 --> 01:36:26,062 A gang, no doubt. 794 01:36:26,146 --> 01:36:28,604 -And they were after him. -This is all his fault. 795 01:36:28,687 --> 01:36:31,687 -He dragged us into this. -I'm leaving him here. 796 01:36:32,437 --> 01:36:33,354 No! 797 01:36:33,437 --> 01:36:34,812 Any other idea? 798 01:36:35,979 --> 01:36:37,396 [Layla] Edmond... 799 01:36:39,312 --> 01:36:40,729 we have to bury him. 800 01:36:43,104 --> 01:36:44,979 Too dangerous. 801 01:36:45,854 --> 01:36:47,604 We can't leave him. 802 01:36:49,729 --> 01:36:50,896 Sorry. 803 01:36:54,229 --> 01:36:56,187 I'm leaving tomorrow, ma'am. 804 01:36:57,896 --> 01:36:59,896 Make up your minds. 805 01:37:04,896 --> 01:37:06,104 [door opens, closes] 806 01:37:06,646 --> 01:37:08,771 I forbid you to cry. 807 01:37:30,937 --> 01:37:32,604 You never loved him. 808 01:37:38,521 --> 01:37:40,854 The only man you love is that God... 809 01:37:42,187 --> 01:37:43,687 you don't even believe in. 810 01:37:47,729 --> 01:37:48,896 Lord... 811 01:37:55,104 --> 01:37:56,687 [Layla] Your prayers are empty. 812 01:38:00,271 --> 01:38:02,646 You can't hear anything at all. 813 01:38:05,354 --> 01:38:07,187 What do you hear there? 814 01:38:12,354 --> 01:38:13,812 Madeleine? 815 01:38:17,604 --> 01:38:19,187 What do you hear? 816 01:38:23,687 --> 01:38:24,729 Nothing. 817 01:38:26,479 --> 01:38:28,437 You can't hear anything at all. 818 01:38:28,521 --> 01:38:29,979 Quiet! 819 01:38:34,437 --> 01:38:35,729 Edmond? 820 01:38:37,396 --> 01:38:38,729 You didn't hear him. 821 01:38:43,146 --> 01:38:44,521 Your daughters? 822 01:38:47,312 --> 01:38:49,062 You don't hear them. 823 01:38:52,396 --> 01:38:53,812 You'll end up alone... 824 01:38:55,604 --> 01:38:57,812 in a world that no longer exists. 825 01:38:59,812 --> 01:39:01,021 Alone. 826 01:39:03,187 --> 01:39:04,812 With no-one by your side. 827 01:39:07,854 --> 01:39:09,396 That is the fate of us all. 828 01:39:11,604 --> 01:39:12,896 No. 829 01:39:16,021 --> 01:39:17,604 There are things... 830 01:39:18,104 --> 01:39:19,937 that are bigger than us. 831 01:39:22,854 --> 01:39:24,271 Things that surpass us. 832 01:39:26,229 --> 01:39:28,229 But you can't see them. 833 01:39:32,437 --> 01:39:34,271 [Layla] You're crying now too? 834 01:39:36,437 --> 01:39:37,854 Over whom? 835 01:39:39,271 --> 01:39:40,729 Over him? 836 01:39:43,062 --> 01:39:44,354 Or over you? 837 01:39:44,562 --> 01:39:45,896 Quiet! 838 01:40:09,937 --> 01:40:11,729 Was it that woman? 839 01:40:13,437 --> 01:40:15,229 The one from the river? 840 01:40:23,187 --> 01:40:25,396 Samuel wants to leave you here. 841 01:40:45,312 --> 01:40:47,771 She means nothing to me anymore. 842 01:41:09,771 --> 01:41:11,562 The first time I saw you... 843 01:41:15,771 --> 01:41:18,354 I knew that a new life was possible. 844 01:41:24,229 --> 01:41:25,854 Trust me. 845 01:41:31,937 --> 01:41:34,021 Trust me. 846 01:42:25,604 --> 01:42:26,854 [gasps] 847 01:42:36,979 --> 01:42:38,854 [panting] 848 01:42:41,104 --> 01:42:42,479 Oh! 849 01:42:45,146 --> 01:42:46,354 [gasps] 850 01:42:46,437 --> 01:42:48,396 [breathing heavily] 851 01:42:53,771 --> 01:42:55,562 [gasps] 852 01:42:55,979 --> 01:42:57,437 [Bettie] Come in, Mama. 853 01:42:59,021 --> 01:43:00,312 Go! 854 01:43:00,396 --> 01:43:01,812 There are men outside. 855 01:43:04,896 --> 01:43:06,479 Go, go, go, go, go, go! 856 01:43:11,104 --> 01:43:13,937 Where's Victor? 857 01:43:30,229 --> 01:43:32,062 [breathing heavily] 858 01:43:33,146 --> 01:43:34,937 He's coming with me, Esther. 859 01:43:37,104 --> 01:43:38,604 No? 860 01:43:38,687 --> 01:43:41,104 You think he's yours, just like that? 861 01:43:43,562 --> 01:43:45,854 He doesn't want you anymore. 862 01:43:47,521 --> 01:43:49,604 What are you going to miss about him? 863 01:43:49,687 --> 01:43:51,187 Hm? 864 01:43:51,271 --> 01:43:53,104 What are you going to miss? 865 01:43:53,187 --> 01:43:55,062 [gasping softly] 866 01:44:01,021 --> 01:44:02,521 This? 867 01:44:02,604 --> 01:44:04,354 Mm-hm. 868 01:44:06,521 --> 01:44:08,979 Does he kiss you like this? 869 01:44:09,062 --> 01:44:11,062 [gunshot] 870 01:45:02,146 --> 01:45:04,771 [gasps softly] 871 01:45:56,104 --> 01:45:57,104 Yah! 872 01:46:13,062 --> 01:46:14,271 [horses galloping] 873 01:46:14,354 --> 01:46:16,104 [gasps] 874 01:46:29,104 --> 01:46:30,479 Aim for the cross! 875 01:46:32,979 --> 01:46:34,104 I'll do it! 876 01:46:36,354 --> 01:46:37,937 Wait 'til they're close. 877 01:46:52,354 --> 01:46:54,146 [breathing heavily] 878 01:47:13,479 --> 01:47:14,979 [gunshots] 879 01:47:16,979 --> 01:47:18,562 -[gunfire] -[whimpers] 880 01:47:29,062 --> 01:47:30,354 [gunfire] 881 01:47:30,437 --> 01:47:32,187 [gasping] 882 01:47:37,937 --> 01:47:40,854 [gunfire] 883 01:47:46,062 --> 01:47:47,771 [screams] 884 01:48:57,604 --> 01:48:59,521 [gunshots] 885 01:49:23,271 --> 01:49:24,812 [gunshot] 886 01:49:43,896 --> 01:49:44,896 Ah! 887 01:49:44,979 --> 01:49:46,771 -[grunts] -[screams] 888 01:49:54,021 --> 01:49:55,354 [gasps] 889 01:50:07,521 --> 01:50:08,854 [gun clicks] 890 01:50:21,687 --> 01:50:24,771 [breathing heavily] 891 01:51:23,521 --> 01:51:25,979 He's the man I dreamed about before leaving. 892 01:51:31,979 --> 01:51:33,687 Victor? 893 01:51:40,479 --> 01:51:42,146 [Esther] He abandoned us. 894 01:52:08,146 --> 01:52:09,729 Now you see... 895 01:52:36,562 --> 01:52:39,479 [grunting and breathing heavily] 896 01:53:10,437 --> 01:53:11,979 [coughs] 897 01:53:22,354 --> 01:53:23,396 Ah! 898 01:53:23,479 --> 01:53:25,312 [breathing heavily] 899 01:53:44,729 --> 01:53:46,229 [glass bottles shatter] 900 01:54:05,979 --> 01:54:08,062 [coins clatter] 901 01:55:42,687 --> 01:55:45,812 [Esther] What happened to the twins at the end of the story? 902 01:55:46,229 --> 01:55:49,104 [Layla] Ezilli was cast out of the community, 903 01:55:49,187 --> 01:55:51,604 and Auguste was struck dumb with pain. 904 01:55:53,021 --> 01:55:54,354 When he tuned 18, 905 01:55:54,979 --> 01:55:57,687 Auguste discovered that Ezilli was married. 906 01:55:58,729 --> 01:56:02,146 She had learned to live without him and had surely forgotten him. 907 01:56:04,062 --> 01:56:08,021 He uttered a word whose meaning is lost today, 908 01:56:08,854 --> 01:56:10,687 and the spell was broken. 909 01:56:53,479 --> 01:56:55,562 [waves lapping] 910 01:57:18,146 --> 01:57:20,146 [piano music plays] 911 01:57:22,937 --> 01:57:26,812 SAVAGE STATE