1 00:00:06,604 --> 00:00:08,604 {\an8}[somber music playing] 2 00:00:12,354 --> 00:00:14,729 {\an8}[line ringing] 3 00:00:19,312 --> 00:00:22,437 [on voicemail] Hi. This is Amahle. {\an8}Leave a message, and I'll get you back. 4 00:00:22,521 --> 00:00:25,062 -[line beeps] -[woman] {\an8}Good afternoon, Ms. Edwards. 5 00:00:25,146 --> 00:00:28,437 {\an8}This is Principal Denkins at North Detroit High School. 6 00:00:28,521 --> 00:00:33,437 [takes a deep breath] Unfortunately, {\an8}Cole was involved in another fight today 7 00:00:33,521 --> 00:00:36,812 {\an8}and had to be physically restrained by school police officers. 8 00:00:37,437 --> 00:00:41,937 {\an8}Ms. Edwards, I'm not sure that we have the resources here to help your son. 9 00:00:42,021 --> 00:00:45,021 {\an8}At this point, we are recommending him for expulsion. 10 00:00:45,104 --> 00:00:47,354 {\an8}-[clock ticking] -[footsteps approaching] 11 00:00:59,354 --> 00:01:00,646 {\an8}[Amahle sighs] 12 00:01:04,146 --> 00:01:06,396 {\an8}I am so sorry about the incident today. 13 00:01:06,479 --> 00:01:07,812 {\an8}I'm very, very sorry-- 14 00:01:08,312 --> 00:01:09,187 {\an8}[Cole sniffles] 15 00:01:15,021 --> 00:01:17,021 {\an8}[music swells] 16 00:01:29,104 --> 00:01:31,604 [announcer speaking indistinctly on radio] 17 00:01:32,937 --> 00:01:33,937 [Amahle sighs] 18 00:01:36,271 --> 00:01:37,646 [Cole exhales] 19 00:01:39,437 --> 00:01:40,979 I ain't do nothin', aight? 20 00:01:42,146 --> 00:01:44,187 [scoffs] It ain't my fault. 21 00:01:44,271 --> 00:01:45,187 [Amahle sighs] 22 00:01:50,437 --> 00:01:51,437 [bags rustle] 23 00:01:54,812 --> 00:01:55,896 [rustling continues] 24 00:01:57,437 --> 00:01:59,229 Why you got my clothes in bags? 25 00:01:59,771 --> 00:02:02,271 -[Amahle takes a deep breath] -Where you taking me? 26 00:02:02,354 --> 00:02:03,437 [exhales] 27 00:02:04,771 --> 00:02:07,437 You're gonna stay with your father for the summer. 28 00:02:08,604 --> 00:02:09,479 What? 29 00:02:10,187 --> 00:02:11,437 With my father? 30 00:02:12,104 --> 00:02:14,604 Nah, fuck that! I ain't spendin' nothin' with that nigga. 31 00:02:14,687 --> 00:02:17,396 Stop! Stop actin' like you know! 32 00:02:18,812 --> 00:02:20,687 -[exhales slowly] -[brakes squeak] 33 00:02:21,562 --> 00:02:25,229 This life… isn't working, Cole. 34 00:02:27,021 --> 00:02:30,604 You are drowning out here. You are going to drown! 35 00:02:32,521 --> 00:02:35,479 I've literally done everything I could think of for you. 36 00:02:36,062 --> 00:02:38,479 And still, here I am again, leaving work, 37 00:02:39,062 --> 00:02:42,062 trying to convince another principal and another police officer 38 00:02:42,146 --> 00:02:44,312 that my son knows better. 39 00:02:47,896 --> 00:02:49,604 [breathing shakily] 40 00:02:49,687 --> 00:02:50,687 And you don't. 41 00:02:54,812 --> 00:02:58,062 -[gear selector clicks] -And neither do I anymore. 42 00:03:03,521 --> 00:03:05,562 {\an8}[somber jazz music playing] 43 00:03:33,521 --> 00:03:36,187 [car door opens, closes] 44 00:03:36,271 --> 00:03:39,312 [siren wailing in distance] 45 00:03:40,271 --> 00:03:43,104 -[Cole grunts, inhales sharply] -[knocking on house door] 46 00:03:45,979 --> 00:03:47,896 [knocking on door continues] 47 00:03:53,646 --> 00:03:57,396 -[Cole groans, exhales] -Hey, where you at? We're here. 48 00:04:04,521 --> 00:04:06,729 -[Cole] What're you doing? -He'll be here in five minutes. 49 00:04:06,812 --> 00:04:09,604 -[Cole] Those are my clothes. -[Amahle] Just wait here. 50 00:04:10,812 --> 00:04:12,354 -[door closes] -I ain't stayin' here. 51 00:04:13,187 --> 00:04:14,104 [door locks click] 52 00:04:16,562 --> 00:04:18,687 -[door handle rattles] -Ma, open the door. 53 00:04:19,187 --> 00:04:21,271 [tapping rapidly on glass] 54 00:04:21,354 --> 00:04:22,562 [Cole] Mama, open the door. 55 00:04:22,646 --> 00:04:24,771 [somber music playing] 56 00:04:26,896 --> 00:04:29,687 -Mama, I'm not playing. Open the door. -[Amahle sobbing] Cole. 57 00:04:29,771 --> 00:04:30,771 Mama, open the door! 58 00:04:30,854 --> 00:04:32,812 -I'm not playing, Mama! -[engine starts] 59 00:04:32,896 --> 00:04:36,021 Mama, please, don't leave me here. Mommy, please. Mama, wait-- 60 00:04:36,104 --> 00:04:37,229 [engine revs] 61 00:04:45,396 --> 00:04:49,729 -[siren wailing in distance] -[indistinct chatter echoing] 62 00:04:51,396 --> 00:04:52,396 [woman] Hey. 63 00:04:52,479 --> 00:04:55,104 -[crickets chirping] -[indistinct chatter dies down] 64 00:04:56,271 --> 00:04:59,062 I'm talkin' to you. Come over here. 65 00:05:13,521 --> 00:05:15,104 -[woman exhales] -[porch creaks] 66 00:05:18,771 --> 00:05:20,354 [dogs barking in distance] 67 00:05:21,729 --> 00:05:23,021 You all grown up. 68 00:05:25,646 --> 00:05:26,604 Do I know you? 69 00:05:28,229 --> 00:05:29,396 I know you. 70 00:05:30,979 --> 00:05:32,229 You Harp's boy. 71 00:05:34,562 --> 00:05:37,312 -Where he at? -[woman] Stables. 72 00:05:38,521 --> 00:05:39,396 The what? 73 00:05:40,562 --> 00:05:41,854 Oh, come on, now. 74 00:05:42,687 --> 00:05:43,604 Stables. 75 00:05:44,604 --> 00:05:46,146 [Cole] I don't know no stables. 76 00:05:46,979 --> 00:05:48,104 I don't know you. 77 00:05:49,771 --> 00:05:51,854 [woman] Fletcher Street Stables. 78 00:05:54,729 --> 00:05:58,396 Around the corner. You'll smell it when you get close. 79 00:06:02,271 --> 00:06:03,229 [Cole sighs] 80 00:06:04,437 --> 00:06:05,521 [woman] And, Cole… 81 00:06:09,479 --> 00:06:10,521 I'm Nessie. 82 00:06:12,021 --> 00:06:13,062 Welcome back. 83 00:06:17,187 --> 00:06:20,187 -[Cole exhales] -[engines revving in distance] 84 00:06:25,562 --> 00:06:27,271 [Nessie sighs deeply] 85 00:06:27,354 --> 00:06:29,354 [ominous music playing] 86 00:06:32,771 --> 00:06:35,229 -[indistinct chatter] -[dogs barking in distance] 87 00:06:35,312 --> 00:06:37,104 [street lights buzzing] 88 00:06:37,187 --> 00:06:40,562 -[man 1] Yeah, that what I'm saying. -[man 2] Wait. Where you ever seen one? 89 00:06:41,187 --> 00:06:42,854 -[man 1] Saw one yesterday. -[man 2] Where? 90 00:06:42,937 --> 00:06:44,646 -[man 1] The step. -[man 2] Praying mantis? 91 00:06:44,729 --> 00:06:47,979 [woman] You shouldn't kill anything with the word "praying" in its name. Like… 92 00:06:48,062 --> 00:06:50,062 [man 2] This is gonna be a dry summer. 93 00:06:50,146 --> 00:06:52,271 [horse 1 neighs in distance] 94 00:06:52,354 --> 00:06:56,062 [man 2] All this shit's cardboard! You ain't got nothing of a saddle. 95 00:06:57,312 --> 00:06:59,437 -[horse 2 nickers] -[man 2] That's all you're thinking. 96 00:06:59,521 --> 00:07:00,646 [woman laughs] 97 00:07:00,729 --> 00:07:01,896 [horse 3 neighs] 98 00:07:02,687 --> 00:07:04,396 -[horse 4 snorts] -[horse 5 neighs] 99 00:07:08,521 --> 00:07:11,354 [man 3] "I just saw that you might've been asleep." 100 00:07:11,437 --> 00:07:12,729 I said, "Nah, you…" 101 00:07:12,812 --> 00:07:15,979 "You was watchin' me sleep. How you gon--" 102 00:07:16,062 --> 00:07:18,896 [man 2] Yo, where that boy going? To a laundromat somewhere? 103 00:07:18,979 --> 00:07:20,812 -Where'd he come from? -[man 4] Who that? 104 00:07:20,896 --> 00:07:22,521 Hold up. Hold on. 105 00:07:24,437 --> 00:07:27,021 [wind whistling] 106 00:07:28,104 --> 00:07:29,896 [horses whinnying in distance] 107 00:07:48,729 --> 00:07:50,437 Let me get your bag. Let's go. 108 00:07:51,271 --> 00:07:52,271 No, I'm good. 109 00:07:55,896 --> 00:07:58,854 [exhales] I'll see y'all later. 110 00:07:59,521 --> 00:08:00,979 -Come on. -[group] All right. 111 00:08:11,229 --> 00:08:13,812 -[man 1] Hmm. -[Harp] Hit the door. 112 00:08:13,896 --> 00:08:16,979 [door squeaks, closes] 113 00:08:17,062 --> 00:08:18,229 [keys jangling] 114 00:08:21,104 --> 00:08:23,354 -[horse whinnies] -Yo! Shit. 115 00:08:23,437 --> 00:08:24,854 [horse snorting] 116 00:08:24,937 --> 00:08:27,146 -This Chuck. -[Chuck nickering] 117 00:08:27,229 --> 00:08:29,604 He ain't makin' no friends, so watch your hands. 118 00:08:29,687 --> 00:08:31,771 [Chuck munching] 119 00:08:32,479 --> 00:08:33,854 [nickering softly] 120 00:08:35,021 --> 00:08:38,312 There's a horse… in your house. 121 00:08:39,187 --> 00:08:42,687 [takes a deep breath] Well, this you, right here. 122 00:08:48,771 --> 00:08:50,062 I ain't stayin' here. 123 00:08:53,312 --> 00:08:54,187 Aight. 124 00:08:55,979 --> 00:08:58,187 -I'mma hit it, though. -[keys jangle] 125 00:08:58,271 --> 00:09:01,146 Once you step out, that door stays locked till morning. 126 00:09:02,437 --> 00:09:03,396 [lighter clicks] 127 00:09:08,354 --> 00:09:09,687 I'll leave in the morning. 128 00:09:13,104 --> 00:09:14,354 [Chuck whickering softly] 129 00:09:22,312 --> 00:09:25,479 [footsteps fade upstairs] 130 00:09:31,729 --> 00:09:34,812 [Chuck chewing, sighs] 131 00:09:41,646 --> 00:09:43,062 [nickers] 132 00:09:43,146 --> 00:09:45,396 [breathing heavily] 133 00:09:56,896 --> 00:09:58,187 [continues munching] 134 00:10:00,521 --> 00:10:01,729 [Cole exhales deeply] 135 00:10:02,479 --> 00:10:04,271 [fluorescent light buzzing] 136 00:10:12,229 --> 00:10:13,437 [cabinet door squeaks] 137 00:10:26,021 --> 00:10:27,937 [fridge fan whirring] 138 00:10:30,812 --> 00:10:32,604 -Shit. -[fridge door rattles] 139 00:10:32,687 --> 00:10:34,396 [Chuck whickering] 140 00:10:38,854 --> 00:10:40,187 [Cole sighs] 141 00:10:42,937 --> 00:10:44,937 [somber orchestral music playing] 142 00:10:46,729 --> 00:10:50,062 [Cole breathing shakily] 143 00:10:53,937 --> 00:10:54,979 [exhales deeply] 144 00:11:39,312 --> 00:11:40,479 [Harp sighs] 145 00:11:53,854 --> 00:11:55,062 [Cole exhales deeply] 146 00:11:59,187 --> 00:12:00,354 [inhales sharply] 147 00:12:06,146 --> 00:12:06,979 [sighs] 148 00:12:07,479 --> 00:12:10,229 -[indistinct chatter] -[rap music playing on stereo] 149 00:12:12,896 --> 00:12:14,896 [horses whinnying] 150 00:12:16,771 --> 00:12:18,437 [rooster crowing] 151 00:12:19,104 --> 00:12:21,646 -[man 1] What you doing? Come back. -[horse neighs] 152 00:12:23,146 --> 00:12:24,771 -[whinnies] -[man 2] Oh! 153 00:12:25,479 --> 00:12:26,646 [man 1] Get over here. 154 00:12:32,854 --> 00:12:33,896 [chicken clucks] 155 00:12:33,979 --> 00:12:34,979 [man 3] That's it. 156 00:12:48,521 --> 00:12:49,771 Aight, come on. 157 00:12:51,396 --> 00:12:55,187 Come on, Esha. Listen… come on. Bring him over here. 158 00:12:56,729 --> 00:12:58,354 Keep bringing him over here. 159 00:12:59,229 --> 00:13:01,687 [rooster crows] 160 00:13:02,687 --> 00:13:06,021 -[traffic zooming by] -[car horn blares] 161 00:13:11,104 --> 00:13:14,729 You have… You have a phone? I just need to call my mom real quick. 162 00:13:15,479 --> 00:13:18,104 -[siren wailing] -[car horns honking] 163 00:13:18,187 --> 00:13:20,771 Excuse me, ma'am. Can I use your phone? I'm trying to call my mom. 164 00:13:20,854 --> 00:13:24,187 -[woman 1] I don't have a phone. -I'm just trying-- You don't have a phone? 165 00:13:24,271 --> 00:13:27,354 -Hey, excuse me. Can I-- -[woman 2] I got a kid. Nah. 166 00:13:29,729 --> 00:13:31,479 [Cole sighs] Fuck. 167 00:13:32,604 --> 00:13:33,687 [horn honks] 168 00:13:33,771 --> 00:13:35,021 -Cole! -[engine turns off] 169 00:13:36,771 --> 00:13:37,646 [car door opens] 170 00:13:39,229 --> 00:13:40,896 What's good with you, young boul? 171 00:13:41,937 --> 00:13:43,312 I heard you was back. 172 00:13:44,062 --> 00:13:44,979 Smush? 173 00:13:45,771 --> 00:13:47,104 Yeah, Smush. [chuckles] 174 00:13:47,187 --> 00:13:48,062 It's me, man. 175 00:13:48,854 --> 00:13:51,021 Why you look like you're staring at a ghost? 176 00:13:52,229 --> 00:13:53,812 The fuck you doing on the curb for? 177 00:13:53,896 --> 00:13:55,812 -Yo. -[Smush] Fucking get up, man. 178 00:13:55,896 --> 00:13:57,104 Hey. Shit. 179 00:13:57,896 --> 00:13:59,937 -What's up, man? -Damn. I'm chillin', man. 180 00:14:00,562 --> 00:14:02,104 Man, let's get you outta here, man. 181 00:14:02,187 --> 00:14:04,812 [Cole] You don't even know how good it is to see you right now. 182 00:14:04,896 --> 00:14:06,604 [Smush] When's the last time I seen your ass? 183 00:14:06,687 --> 00:14:08,646 Shit. What's it been? Like, ten years? 184 00:14:08,729 --> 00:14:11,062 -[hip-hop playing on stereo] -[Smush] Know what I remember? 185 00:14:11,146 --> 00:14:13,521 I used to be like, "Cole, let's go play with the water guns." 186 00:14:13,604 --> 00:14:14,562 You'd be like, "Aight." 187 00:14:14,646 --> 00:14:17,854 Then I'd go to the bathroom, and I'd piss in the water gun 188 00:14:17,937 --> 00:14:19,104 and spray your ass. 189 00:14:19,187 --> 00:14:21,312 -That's nasty. -[Smush] You ain't even know it was piss. 190 00:14:21,396 --> 00:14:24,521 You was like, "Ma! Ma, Smush pissed on me!" [laughs] 191 00:14:24,604 --> 00:14:27,146 Yo, that's fucked up, man. For real. 192 00:14:27,229 --> 00:14:29,812 -Yeah, you kinda still smell like piss. -No. Shut the fuck up. 193 00:14:29,896 --> 00:14:33,021 -[sighs] Damn. It's been a minute, man. -[Cole sighs] 194 00:14:33,104 --> 00:14:34,437 Missed your ass. 195 00:14:35,187 --> 00:14:37,646 Can't believe your moms dragged you down from Detroit like that. 196 00:14:37,729 --> 00:14:39,937 -[grunts] That shit crazy. -Shit. 197 00:14:40,021 --> 00:14:42,437 Yeah, I know, man. Tryna get home now. 198 00:14:43,104 --> 00:14:46,229 It don't look like you got a home to go back to, nigga. [sighs] 199 00:14:46,979 --> 00:14:50,687 -[Cole] What home I got here? -Fuck you talkin' about? 200 00:14:51,187 --> 00:14:54,771 Home ain't a place, dummy. It's fam, aight? You got fam here. 201 00:14:54,854 --> 00:14:57,937 What fam, man? [inhales sharply] 202 00:14:58,021 --> 00:15:00,062 I don't even know that nigga, man. 203 00:15:00,896 --> 00:15:05,354 Plus… he living with some nasty-ass horse. 204 00:15:06,312 --> 00:15:08,187 [scoffs, chuckles] 205 00:15:09,187 --> 00:15:11,437 Aight, let me rap at you, my nigga. 206 00:15:13,437 --> 00:15:16,396 Your moms ain't coming back, aight? 207 00:15:17,437 --> 00:15:19,812 I seen plenty niggas get dropped off at the stoop, 208 00:15:19,896 --> 00:15:23,812 and that summertime shit becomes years, so… 209 00:15:23,896 --> 00:15:26,229 [takes a deep breath] …I suggest you cozy up 210 00:15:26,312 --> 00:15:29,229 with them nasty-ass fuckin' horses. [laughs] 211 00:15:29,812 --> 00:15:31,396 It ain't funny. I'm serious, man. 212 00:15:31,479 --> 00:15:34,687 -[exhales] Aight. -Think you can give me money for a bus? 213 00:15:34,771 --> 00:15:38,021 Yo, just give me, like, 20 bucks. 214 00:15:38,104 --> 00:15:40,229 Easy. Simple. 215 00:15:40,312 --> 00:15:41,687 Oh, oh, okay, nigga. 216 00:15:41,771 --> 00:15:43,771 You sound desperate as fuck right now. 217 00:15:44,271 --> 00:15:46,562 Oh, I know what it is. 218 00:15:46,646 --> 00:15:48,812 [chuckles] Yeah. You got a girl back home. 219 00:15:48,896 --> 00:15:50,854 -[Cole] Uh-uh. -[inhales sharply] 220 00:15:50,937 --> 00:15:53,021 -Nah? -[inhales sharply] Nah. 221 00:15:56,146 --> 00:15:57,771 Oh, hold on, hold on, hold on. 222 00:15:58,354 --> 00:16:01,312 ♪ Now, what's your name What's your game, what's your time, huh? ♪ 223 00:16:01,396 --> 00:16:03,562 ♪ Is you gon change, be the same as… ♪ 224 00:16:03,646 --> 00:16:05,062 Aight, yo. Wait here, aight? 225 00:16:07,104 --> 00:16:10,229 ♪ Put on a show Till they know that it's my name ♪ 226 00:16:10,312 --> 00:16:13,062 ♪ Now, what's your name What's your game, what's your time, huh? ♪ 227 00:16:13,146 --> 00:16:16,146 -[indistinct chatter] -[car engines revving in distance] 228 00:16:19,187 --> 00:16:21,062 [Smush] Fellas, fellas, fellas. 229 00:16:21,146 --> 00:16:23,146 [group speaking indistinctly] 230 00:16:25,646 --> 00:16:27,646 [indistinct police radio chatter] 231 00:16:29,521 --> 00:16:31,312 [door chime rings] 232 00:16:36,021 --> 00:16:39,396 -[Smush] Yo, you stay safe, aight? -[dispatcher on radio] All right, 202. 233 00:16:39,479 --> 00:16:42,479 -[officer 1] Zero-two. Copy. -[officer 2 speaks indistinctly] 234 00:16:43,812 --> 00:16:46,104 [Smush grunts, sighs] 235 00:16:47,187 --> 00:16:48,062 Eat up. 236 00:16:51,646 --> 00:16:52,812 Yo, what was that? 237 00:16:54,229 --> 00:16:55,437 [keys jangle] 238 00:16:56,229 --> 00:16:57,812 It was a business opportunity. 239 00:17:00,479 --> 00:17:04,854 Look, man, I got your back… from here on out, aight? 240 00:17:05,604 --> 00:17:08,104 -I'm all the family you gon need. -[engine starts] 241 00:17:08,771 --> 00:17:10,771 And hey, you ain't no little-ass boy no more, 242 00:17:10,854 --> 00:17:13,104 so, shit, we goin' out tonight. 243 00:17:13,187 --> 00:17:15,646 And we ain't sleeping. I'mma show you how Philly pop off. 244 00:17:15,729 --> 00:17:17,521 -[tires squeal] -[hip-hop playing on stereo] 245 00:17:17,604 --> 00:17:20,062 ♪ Young niggas can't pay With no doubt about it ♪ 246 00:17:20,187 --> 00:17:22,812 ♪ Bad bitches Walk on past 'em and toss 'em out ♪ 247 00:17:22,896 --> 00:17:24,729 ♪ If there's beef, no poppin' off ♪ 248 00:17:24,812 --> 00:17:27,104 ♪ Think it's sweet My niggas do and they bout it, bout it ♪ 249 00:17:27,187 --> 00:17:29,229 ♪ Phone poppin', bitches callin' ♪ 250 00:17:29,312 --> 00:17:32,104 ♪ See me stuntin', competition No, I don't see it like Stevie Wonder ♪ 251 00:17:32,187 --> 00:17:34,521 -[song echoing] -[tires squealing] 252 00:17:34,604 --> 00:17:37,687 -[car zooms] -[song fading] 253 00:17:39,354 --> 00:17:41,187 [indistinct chatter] 254 00:17:41,271 --> 00:17:45,146 -[Smush] Man, that was crazy. -[Cole groans] Shit, man. 255 00:17:45,229 --> 00:17:47,104 I gotta sleep. I'm fuckin' tired. 256 00:17:47,187 --> 00:17:49,979 [Smush] Nah, you good. I got some shit to handle anyway, so. 257 00:17:50,062 --> 00:17:52,979 Look, bro. Through the night, you can stay with me at my sister's crib. 258 00:17:53,062 --> 00:17:55,437 [Cole] Yo! Yo, what are you doin'? 259 00:17:56,604 --> 00:18:00,021 -You ridin' with Smush, you can't be here. -[Cole] What you care about it? 260 00:18:00,104 --> 00:18:02,854 [Harp] You're gonna put yourself in a hole you can't crawl out of. 261 00:18:02,937 --> 00:18:05,146 You know you're not welcome here, bringing that bullshit. 262 00:18:05,229 --> 00:18:06,521 -[Smush] Bullshit? -[Harp] Yeah. 263 00:18:06,604 --> 00:18:07,646 What about your bullshit? 264 00:18:07,729 --> 00:18:09,271 Leavin' your son out here and shit. 265 00:18:09,354 --> 00:18:11,562 -Yeah, well, you need to get the fuck on. -[Smush] Cool. 266 00:18:12,104 --> 00:18:12,937 There you go. 267 00:18:13,021 --> 00:18:17,312 -Tough-Love Harp, throwin' bags and shit. -Get tougher if you don't get outta here. 268 00:18:23,312 --> 00:18:24,271 Go on. 269 00:18:24,854 --> 00:18:26,021 Aight, I'll go on. 270 00:18:28,937 --> 00:18:30,104 [under breath] I'll go on. 271 00:18:30,187 --> 00:18:32,021 [hip-hop music blasting on stereo] 272 00:18:32,104 --> 00:18:36,187 You wanna ride the street life, you can't be in my house. 273 00:18:36,271 --> 00:18:37,104 Aight? 274 00:18:37,187 --> 00:18:40,479 You wanna wise up, you say your goodbyes to Smush, you're welcome back. 275 00:18:40,562 --> 00:18:41,979 Welcome back to what? 276 00:18:42,062 --> 00:18:45,312 Old beer and sliced cheeses? I ain't got no home here. 277 00:18:46,229 --> 00:18:47,562 That's your choice. 278 00:18:47,646 --> 00:18:49,604 [somber horn music playing] 279 00:18:55,812 --> 00:18:56,687 [door closes] 280 00:19:06,521 --> 00:19:08,521 [man and woman shouting] 281 00:19:09,146 --> 00:19:11,021 -[door slams] -[woman] Whatever you do, go ahead! 282 00:19:11,104 --> 00:19:14,896 Just get the fuck outta my house with your Black ass and don't come back! 283 00:19:14,979 --> 00:19:16,396 [baby crying] 284 00:19:16,479 --> 00:19:18,312 -[Cole] Trena? -[car engine starts] 285 00:19:18,396 --> 00:19:23,021 -[car tires squeal] -Smush… Smush told me to meet him here. 286 00:19:23,104 --> 00:19:25,604 I don't give a fuck what he said. This is my house. 287 00:19:25,687 --> 00:19:26,812 Come on. I'm your fam. 288 00:19:26,896 --> 00:19:27,979 I already told Smush 289 00:19:28,062 --> 00:19:31,479 we ain't no motherfuckin' orphanage for stray cats like your sorry ass. 290 00:19:31,562 --> 00:19:33,562 Now get from in front of my door. I'm not playin'. 291 00:19:33,646 --> 00:19:36,729 -Trena, come on. I'm-- -No! Get! No, uh-uh. Bye. Goodbye. 292 00:19:39,354 --> 00:19:41,271 [door slams, echoes] 293 00:19:41,354 --> 00:19:42,271 [Cole] Fuck. 294 00:19:45,271 --> 00:19:46,604 [under breath] Shit, man. 295 00:19:47,312 --> 00:19:50,187 -[indistinct chatter] -[dog barking in distance] 296 00:19:51,062 --> 00:19:52,354 [Cole sighs] Shit. 297 00:19:52,437 --> 00:19:54,271 [inhales sharply] 298 00:19:59,187 --> 00:20:00,146 Fuck. 299 00:20:00,646 --> 00:20:03,062 -[shots ring out in distance] -[Cole gasps] 300 00:20:05,521 --> 00:20:06,729 [neighbors chattering] 301 00:20:06,812 --> 00:20:09,396 [siren wailing in distance] 302 00:20:09,479 --> 00:20:12,396 -[Nessie] Who's makin' all that noise? -[Cole sighs] 303 00:20:12,979 --> 00:20:15,396 Who is that? Who's down there? 304 00:20:16,354 --> 00:20:18,562 -Nessie, I need your help. -Oh, no. 305 00:20:18,646 --> 00:20:19,979 I got nowhere to stay. 306 00:20:20,062 --> 00:20:22,354 Uh-uh. You can't come at me with that. 307 00:20:22,896 --> 00:20:25,104 Now, your daddy got rules that you not abiding by. 308 00:20:25,187 --> 00:20:26,687 Guess what? I got rules too. 309 00:20:26,771 --> 00:20:29,021 I told the same thing to Smush when he was comin' round. 310 00:20:29,104 --> 00:20:32,271 Oh, come on. Y'all don't care about nothin' but y'all selves. 311 00:20:32,354 --> 00:20:35,521 Lookit here. I'm on my knees at 4:00 a.m. every morning, 312 00:20:35,604 --> 00:20:37,604 praying for every boy on this block. 313 00:20:38,104 --> 00:20:43,479 I keep a warm meal and a clean bed for when the prodigals return. 314 00:20:43,562 --> 00:20:44,562 Fine, fine. Fine. 315 00:20:44,646 --> 00:20:46,354 [spluttering] Then I'm a prodigal. 316 00:20:46,437 --> 00:20:47,687 No, you're not. [laughs] 317 00:20:48,312 --> 00:20:51,854 No, you still runnin' out there. You ain't ate that pig slop yet. 318 00:20:54,604 --> 00:20:56,062 What does that even mean? 319 00:20:57,396 --> 00:20:59,687 Mm-hmm. You think about what I just said. 320 00:21:00,646 --> 00:21:04,146 I gotta get up early. My prayer list just got longer. 321 00:21:05,187 --> 00:21:06,437 Nessie! 322 00:21:09,896 --> 00:21:12,521 -[street lights buzzing] -[dog barking in distance] 323 00:21:16,312 --> 00:21:19,396 -[door creaks] -[lock rattles] 324 00:21:20,271 --> 00:21:21,354 [horse snorts inside] 325 00:21:24,104 --> 00:21:25,979 [horse whinnies inside] 326 00:21:26,062 --> 00:21:27,312 [metal rattling loudly] 327 00:21:28,104 --> 00:21:29,896 [horse snorts, grunts in distance] 328 00:21:32,854 --> 00:21:34,812 [whinnies, grunts] 329 00:21:41,771 --> 00:21:43,646 -[Cole sighs] -[grate clangs] 330 00:21:44,979 --> 00:21:46,271 [horse snorts nearby] 331 00:21:46,812 --> 00:21:48,146 [whinnies loudly] 332 00:21:48,229 --> 00:21:51,312 -[Cole panting] -[loud banging] 333 00:21:51,396 --> 00:21:52,937 -[horse snorts] -[softly] Hey. 334 00:21:53,021 --> 00:21:54,687 [horse grunts] 335 00:21:57,312 --> 00:21:59,521 Okay. Okay. What is it? 336 00:21:59,604 --> 00:22:02,479 -[horse breathing heavily] -[Cole breathing shakily] 337 00:22:05,396 --> 00:22:07,021 -Hey. -[horse exhales deeply] 338 00:22:10,771 --> 00:22:12,937 -[Cole exhales] -[horse grunts] 339 00:22:14,979 --> 00:22:16,271 [snorts] 340 00:22:21,062 --> 00:22:22,104 [Cole sighs] 341 00:22:25,229 --> 00:22:26,812 [horse nickers softly] 342 00:22:26,896 --> 00:22:28,896 [gentle instrumental music playing] 343 00:22:45,229 --> 00:22:48,979 [birds singing] 344 00:22:50,771 --> 00:22:53,687 [horse 1 grunts, whinnies] 345 00:23:00,229 --> 00:23:01,812 -[Cole gasps] -[horse 2 grunts] 346 00:23:05,896 --> 00:23:07,021 [snorts] 347 00:23:08,812 --> 00:23:10,229 [Nessie] I see you met Boo. 348 00:23:11,896 --> 00:23:13,479 Your bunkmate last night. 349 00:23:14,021 --> 00:23:16,437 Harp just bought Boo at the auction. 350 00:23:16,521 --> 00:23:18,687 Took four of us to get him in the trailer. 351 00:23:19,229 --> 00:23:21,687 Just shook up, scared, 352 00:23:21,771 --> 00:23:24,854 dangerous to even the roughest of these riders. 353 00:23:24,937 --> 00:23:26,312 [takes a deep breath] 354 00:23:27,104 --> 00:23:29,104 You shoulda got your head bashed in. 355 00:23:29,854 --> 00:23:30,812 What do I find? 356 00:23:30,896 --> 00:23:37,021 Daniel layin' there in the lions' den, snuggled up side by side. 357 00:23:37,687 --> 00:23:38,604 [horse neighs] 358 00:23:38,687 --> 00:23:40,021 -What that mean? -[cup clatters] 359 00:23:41,062 --> 00:23:42,562 Means that Boo's yours. 360 00:23:45,521 --> 00:23:47,437 -[clicks tongue] Nah. -[plate clatters] 361 00:23:47,521 --> 00:23:48,896 -Mm, nah. -[Nessie chuckles] 362 00:23:48,979 --> 00:23:51,604 -He won't let anyone else near him. -Nah, nah. Nah, fuck that. 363 00:23:51,687 --> 00:23:54,729 Ooh, you got a mouth like your daddy. 364 00:23:54,812 --> 00:23:56,521 Well, that's the only thing I got from him. 365 00:23:56,604 --> 00:23:58,146 [indistinct chatter] 366 00:23:58,229 --> 00:23:59,521 [horse snorts] 367 00:24:01,271 --> 00:24:02,687 [Nessie] Listen to me. 368 00:24:03,437 --> 00:24:05,437 The past is not the present. 369 00:24:07,062 --> 00:24:07,979 All right? 370 00:24:09,271 --> 00:24:11,729 What, you too dumb to play by some rules? 371 00:24:17,729 --> 00:24:18,604 Well… 372 00:24:21,187 --> 00:24:22,187 aight. 373 00:24:23,729 --> 00:24:26,437 But you not gonna get to sleep in my stables. 374 00:24:26,521 --> 00:24:28,521 [mournful piano music playing] 375 00:24:31,771 --> 00:24:33,771 [people chattering] 376 00:24:54,562 --> 00:24:56,146 -[door opens] -[Chuck nickering] 377 00:24:56,229 --> 00:24:58,229 [file grinding loudly] 378 00:24:59,479 --> 00:25:01,104 -[Chuck snorts] -[door closes] 379 00:25:01,187 --> 00:25:02,354 [bag thuds] 380 00:25:02,854 --> 00:25:07,271 [takes a deep breath] I'll be done with Smush, and… 381 00:25:08,146 --> 00:25:09,354 [takes a deep breath] 382 00:25:10,604 --> 00:25:14,354 …I'll be ready to ride horses or whatever. [sighs deeply] 383 00:25:15,229 --> 00:25:17,229 -You wanna ride a horse? -[Chuck sighs] 384 00:25:17,729 --> 00:25:19,187 You gotta work the stables. 385 00:25:21,729 --> 00:25:23,187 [loud grinding continues] 386 00:25:24,229 --> 00:25:25,979 [Cole clicks tongue, sighs] 387 00:25:29,521 --> 00:25:31,604 [exhales deeply] 388 00:25:34,729 --> 00:25:35,771 [sighs] 389 00:25:42,187 --> 00:25:43,187 [Chuck exhales] 390 00:25:46,979 --> 00:25:49,854 -[Cole sighs] -[Chuck neighs loudly] 391 00:25:51,021 --> 00:25:53,896 [Smush] Yeah, these cats should be here any minute. 392 00:25:53,979 --> 00:25:56,979 -Yo, what's shakin' up in your head, man? -[rap playing on stereo] 393 00:25:57,062 --> 00:26:01,979 [sighs] Harp said I'm not allowed to ride with you no more or… or he'll kick me out. 394 00:26:02,604 --> 00:26:06,021 So, we… we gotta keep it chill or whatever. 395 00:26:06,104 --> 00:26:09,187 [exhales] Yeah. I got you. 396 00:26:14,021 --> 00:26:15,437 Mm. [inhales sharply] 397 00:26:15,521 --> 00:26:17,729 Yeah, I got a surprise for you, nigga. 398 00:26:18,271 --> 00:26:21,271 -What is it? -They in there. [sighs] 399 00:26:23,937 --> 00:26:27,354 [Cole] Oh, damn. These motherfuckers clean. 400 00:26:27,437 --> 00:26:28,312 Yessir. 401 00:26:28,396 --> 00:26:30,771 -[chuckles] -[Cole sniffs] 402 00:26:30,854 --> 00:26:33,854 Shit, you thought I was gonna let you ride with banged-up jawns on your feet? 403 00:26:34,437 --> 00:26:36,354 -[Cole] Hey-- -You got some Chewbacca-ass feet. 404 00:26:36,437 --> 00:26:37,354 [Cole] You're so dumb. 405 00:26:37,437 --> 00:26:38,521 [horse nickers] 406 00:26:38,604 --> 00:26:41,604 -[horse neighs in distance] -[people chattering indistinctly] 407 00:26:41,687 --> 00:26:44,187 Ooh, yeah. This is gonna be good. 408 00:26:52,896 --> 00:26:54,187 Come on, now. 409 00:26:59,146 --> 00:27:00,729 [flies buzzing] 410 00:27:02,104 --> 00:27:03,979 Start with this stall right here. 411 00:27:04,062 --> 00:27:07,396 When you're finished, call one of us and we'll move the next horse. 412 00:27:07,479 --> 00:27:10,604 Just… goin' down the line, just like that. 413 00:27:10,687 --> 00:27:12,521 Haul everything out to the shit pit. 414 00:27:13,729 --> 00:27:14,896 What's the shit pit? 415 00:27:16,354 --> 00:27:17,646 Dumpster full of shit. 416 00:27:20,021 --> 00:27:22,812 When you're finished, I'll tell you what's next. 417 00:27:22,896 --> 00:27:25,229 [horse neighs] 418 00:27:25,812 --> 00:27:28,187 Hard things come before good things. 419 00:27:28,854 --> 00:27:31,312 -[uplifting music playing] -[horse whinnies] 420 00:27:31,396 --> 00:27:32,646 [chicken clucking] 421 00:27:32,729 --> 00:27:34,604 [door opens] 422 00:27:35,187 --> 00:27:37,521 [horse snorting, nickers] 423 00:27:37,604 --> 00:27:39,271 [chicken clucking] 424 00:27:40,562 --> 00:27:42,271 [rooster crows] 425 00:27:44,187 --> 00:27:45,187 [Cole exhales] 426 00:27:45,979 --> 00:27:47,146 Ooh. 427 00:27:48,604 --> 00:27:49,521 [clicks tongue] 428 00:27:49,604 --> 00:27:52,021 [takes a deep breath] 429 00:27:53,604 --> 00:27:56,562 [shovel scraping] 430 00:27:56,646 --> 00:27:58,729 [Cole grunts, exhales] 431 00:27:58,812 --> 00:28:01,396 [group chattering] 432 00:28:01,479 --> 00:28:04,354 -[man 1] Where's your wheelbarrow? -[man 2] What you talking about? 433 00:28:04,979 --> 00:28:07,729 He'll be out there shoveling all day long. Goddamn. 434 00:28:07,812 --> 00:28:09,812 [group continues chattering] 435 00:28:09,896 --> 00:28:11,896 [horses neighing] 436 00:28:14,271 --> 00:28:16,687 [Cole panting, grunts] 437 00:28:18,771 --> 00:28:20,646 [groans, sighs] 438 00:28:20,729 --> 00:28:22,729 [group continues chattering] 439 00:28:24,479 --> 00:28:28,854 [man 3] What the hell? This his idea of doin' a stall? 440 00:28:29,354 --> 00:28:31,354 One shovel at a time, huh? 441 00:28:40,312 --> 00:28:42,812 -[splats] -[group groans and laughs] 442 00:28:42,896 --> 00:28:44,021 -[man 4] Damn! -Fuck! 443 00:28:45,896 --> 00:28:46,812 Shit. 444 00:28:46,896 --> 00:28:49,187 [man 3] Oh, he done dropped shit on his shoes. 445 00:28:50,021 --> 00:28:52,729 [horse whinnies] 446 00:28:53,479 --> 00:28:56,771 [sighs] Yo, Esha, right? 447 00:28:56,854 --> 00:28:58,604 They got you shoveling shit too? 448 00:28:58,687 --> 00:29:01,354 [sighs] Hard things come before good things. 449 00:29:02,604 --> 00:29:05,937 -This some cult life, for real. -What was that you mumbled? 450 00:29:07,271 --> 00:29:10,521 How long I gotta be doing this… this shit-pit duty? 451 00:29:10,604 --> 00:29:12,104 As long as it takes. 452 00:29:12,187 --> 00:29:13,104 For what? 453 00:29:13,604 --> 00:29:16,479 Horses ain't the only thing that need breaking around here. 454 00:29:17,521 --> 00:29:18,854 What are you talkin' about? 455 00:29:21,937 --> 00:29:23,812 [horse neighs] 456 00:29:26,771 --> 00:29:28,604 What the fuck is wrong with these people? 457 00:29:28,687 --> 00:29:30,604 -[group chattering] -[man 1] Wheelbarrow it. 458 00:29:30,687 --> 00:29:33,562 [man 2] Hold up. Hold up, man. Hold up. Hold up, y'all. Hold up, y'all. 459 00:29:33,646 --> 00:29:35,604 Hold up, y'all. I got him. I got him. 460 00:29:35,687 --> 00:29:38,771 Hold up. Hold up. Hold up. Yo. Yo, hold up. 461 00:29:38,854 --> 00:29:40,187 [group grows quiet] 462 00:29:43,604 --> 00:29:45,729 A shovel at a time will take you all day. 463 00:29:47,354 --> 00:29:48,396 I'm Paris. 464 00:29:49,312 --> 00:29:50,354 Cole. 465 00:29:50,437 --> 00:29:51,604 I know who you is. 466 00:29:52,479 --> 00:29:55,271 Grab that jawn right there and meet me in the stable. 467 00:29:55,354 --> 00:29:58,104 -[rooster crows] -[horse whinnies] 468 00:29:58,187 --> 00:30:00,479 [group chattering indistinctly] 469 00:30:01,687 --> 00:30:02,687 [Cole grunts] 470 00:30:04,396 --> 00:30:08,021 [Paris] Ain't gonna be green broke no more. I'mma break your ass in. 471 00:30:08,104 --> 00:30:09,854 You gonna be doing all the stalls. 472 00:30:09,937 --> 00:30:11,479 You gonna be my new mucker. 473 00:30:11,979 --> 00:30:13,396 First, put that down. 474 00:30:13,479 --> 00:30:14,604 Get this pitchfork. 475 00:30:15,146 --> 00:30:16,812 [upbeat music playing] 476 00:30:16,896 --> 00:30:19,104 Start from the back. Get all that shitty hay and all that. 477 00:30:19,187 --> 00:30:20,521 Get all that shit outta there. 478 00:30:21,104 --> 00:30:23,062 -All of that? -[Paris] Get that shit. 479 00:30:24,062 --> 00:30:27,229 Go on. Get in there. You ain't rakin' no leaves, man. 480 00:30:27,771 --> 00:30:31,312 See how that's cuttin' through? Like a cake. There you go. 481 00:30:32,396 --> 00:30:36,104 -[Cole] Oh, shit. -Try not to make a mess. Goddamn. 482 00:30:36,187 --> 00:30:37,937 -[Cole sighs] -[Paris] Now put that down, man. 483 00:30:38,021 --> 00:30:39,354 Get that shovel. 484 00:30:41,271 --> 00:30:43,437 -[Cole exhales] -Get big scoops. Big scoops, man. 485 00:30:43,521 --> 00:30:46,021 [Cole panting] 486 00:30:46,104 --> 00:30:48,312 [Paris] You outta breath already? You just started. 487 00:30:48,812 --> 00:30:51,062 -[Cole] This shit heavy. -Come on. You gotta hurry up. 488 00:30:51,146 --> 00:30:52,479 Tryna be in here all day? 489 00:30:52,562 --> 00:30:54,521 [Cole] No one told me I had to do all this shit. 490 00:30:54,604 --> 00:30:57,312 Yeah. No one told me I was gonna have a lazy-ass young boul here. 491 00:30:57,396 --> 00:31:00,229 -[Cole sighs] -[Paris] Gonna fix your attitude today. 492 00:31:00,312 --> 00:31:03,562 You got more stalls to do. You better get this shit done. Come on. 493 00:31:03,646 --> 00:31:04,646 [Cole exhales] 494 00:31:04,729 --> 00:31:09,687 [Paris] That's… That's white and tan. That's good. Get the brown and green shit. 495 00:31:09,771 --> 00:31:11,354 Go ahead. Keep on pickin'. 496 00:31:11,437 --> 00:31:13,812 And all that wet shit. Get that shit outta there. 497 00:31:14,604 --> 00:31:15,604 [Cole sighs] 498 00:31:17,104 --> 00:31:19,187 [Paris] Just take it out. I wanna see the floor. 499 00:31:19,271 --> 00:31:21,062 Take it all out. I wanna see the floor. 500 00:31:21,146 --> 00:31:23,396 Now grab that sawdust over there near the saddles. 501 00:31:24,854 --> 00:31:25,812 Just like that. 502 00:31:28,479 --> 00:31:29,854 Use the pitchfork. 503 00:31:31,646 --> 00:31:32,979 Make it nice and even. 504 00:31:35,937 --> 00:31:38,479 Come on, young'un, you did good. Come on out, man. 505 00:31:39,312 --> 00:31:42,354 -[Cole exhales] -[Paris] First stall from my end. 506 00:31:42,437 --> 00:31:44,104 -[Cole sighs] -[Paris] You all right? 507 00:31:44,854 --> 00:31:46,146 [exhales] Yeah. 508 00:31:46,646 --> 00:31:47,979 Let me get a little smile. 509 00:31:49,187 --> 00:31:51,687 Little cheese. Cheese? Little something? 510 00:31:51,771 --> 00:31:54,271 -[sighs] Nah. -[Paris] You're too hard for me, huh? 511 00:31:54,354 --> 00:31:56,396 It's all right. I'mma change that, though. 512 00:31:56,479 --> 00:31:57,687 [Cole exhales] 513 00:31:57,771 --> 00:32:00,771 -[crow cawing] -[horse whinnies] 514 00:32:00,854 --> 00:32:03,687 [Paris] C'mon, no front-dumpin'. Take it all the way up. 515 00:32:04,187 --> 00:32:05,521 Walk that plank. 516 00:32:07,896 --> 00:32:08,854 Get in there. 517 00:32:10,479 --> 00:32:12,187 [Cole takes a deep breath] 518 00:32:14,479 --> 00:32:17,187 -[grunts] -[Paris] Whoa. Whoa. Hold it. 519 00:32:17,854 --> 00:32:20,271 Take it up. Go ahead. All the way up. 520 00:32:22,312 --> 00:32:25,812 -[Cole panting] -[Paris] All the way up. You can do it. 521 00:32:26,437 --> 00:32:27,562 [Cole grunting] 522 00:32:34,396 --> 00:32:36,479 -[strains] -[Paris] There you go. 523 00:32:36,562 --> 00:32:37,437 [Cole exhales] 524 00:32:37,521 --> 00:32:39,521 [Paris] All the way up. All the way up. 525 00:32:40,312 --> 00:32:41,896 [Cole continues grunting] 526 00:32:43,312 --> 00:32:44,271 [panting] 527 00:32:45,354 --> 00:32:46,354 Now flip it. 528 00:32:47,771 --> 00:32:48,937 [Cole strains] 529 00:32:49,687 --> 00:32:50,729 [Paris] There you go. 530 00:32:52,271 --> 00:32:53,604 Yeah, young'un! 531 00:32:53,687 --> 00:32:56,687 -Yeah. -[man 1] You got it! Good job! Well done! 532 00:32:56,771 --> 00:32:59,437 Yeah. There you go, young'un. Yeah, there you go. 533 00:32:59,521 --> 00:33:01,271 [man 2] Stand up, junior! 534 00:33:01,354 --> 00:33:03,312 -[Cole panting] -[Paris] Uh-huh. 535 00:33:05,354 --> 00:33:06,896 -You aight? -[Cole sighs] Yeah. 536 00:33:08,021 --> 00:33:09,062 All right. 537 00:33:09,146 --> 00:33:11,979 -Come on. Let's go get some more shit. -[Cole exhales] 538 00:33:12,062 --> 00:33:15,062 -[Boo nickers] -[Paris] Let's do Boo's stall. 539 00:33:15,146 --> 00:33:16,187 [Boo sighs] 540 00:33:23,979 --> 00:33:26,646 -[Boo snorts, nickers] -[Cole] So, you gonna take him out? 541 00:33:26,729 --> 00:33:27,896 Hell no. 542 00:33:28,396 --> 00:33:30,854 -[Cole] Why not? -That motherfucker crazy. 543 00:33:31,437 --> 00:33:34,271 -So… So, what am I supposed to do? -Shit, you sleep with him. 544 00:33:34,354 --> 00:33:35,437 Clean around him. 545 00:33:35,521 --> 00:33:37,354 [Boo grunts] 546 00:33:37,437 --> 00:33:40,646 -[Paris] Get in there. -[Boo grunts, exhales] 547 00:33:42,104 --> 00:33:43,854 [Cole] Don't be wildin' out on me. 548 00:33:44,479 --> 00:33:46,437 Okay? We boys now. 549 00:33:47,604 --> 00:33:49,104 [Paris] Get up in there, man. 550 00:33:50,104 --> 00:33:51,687 [Boo nickers] 551 00:33:51,771 --> 00:33:52,979 -[Paris] Aight. -Hey, back up. 552 00:33:53,062 --> 00:33:54,562 [Paris] Yeah. Don't let him come out. 553 00:33:54,646 --> 00:33:56,729 -Back up. -[Paris] He get out, it's over. He gone. 554 00:33:56,812 --> 00:33:58,979 Back up. [grunts] 555 00:33:59,062 --> 00:34:01,729 -[Boo grunts] -[Paris] All right. Now get up in there. 556 00:34:01,812 --> 00:34:04,021 Ain't nobody been in there with Boo for a minute. 557 00:34:04,521 --> 00:34:07,812 -Clean all that shit outta there. -[Cole] Right here? Right here? 558 00:34:07,896 --> 00:34:10,312 -Corners, all that. Get it out. -[Cole] Shit. 559 00:34:10,396 --> 00:34:12,229 [grunts, sighs] 560 00:34:12,312 --> 00:34:15,604 So, how much does it cost to take care of a horse? 561 00:34:16,187 --> 00:34:17,604 Could take your whole check. 562 00:34:18,479 --> 00:34:21,187 Sometimes I don't even eat just to feed Little. 563 00:34:21,271 --> 00:34:22,812 [Cole] Which one of them is Little? 564 00:34:22,896 --> 00:34:24,812 [Paris] The quarter horse tied up outside. 565 00:34:24,896 --> 00:34:25,854 [Cole panting] 566 00:34:25,937 --> 00:34:27,896 [wheelbarrow rattles] 567 00:34:27,979 --> 00:34:30,312 -Why you name him Little? -[Boo nickering] 568 00:34:32,687 --> 00:34:34,437 I named him after my little bro. 569 00:34:35,396 --> 00:34:37,187 Got killed a couple years ago. 570 00:34:42,396 --> 00:34:44,437 [sighs heavily] Sorry to hear that, man. 571 00:34:45,521 --> 00:34:46,562 [shovel thuds] 572 00:34:48,104 --> 00:34:50,146 [Cole takes a deep breath] So… 573 00:34:51,312 --> 00:34:53,271 So how you ride him, then? 574 00:34:53,354 --> 00:34:54,312 I don't. 575 00:35:00,562 --> 00:35:02,687 -[Boo nickers] -[Cole] Oh. 576 00:35:05,854 --> 00:35:07,812 What you think they gonna do with Boo? 577 00:35:07,896 --> 00:35:09,187 [rooster crows] 578 00:35:10,312 --> 00:35:11,854 I guess that's up to you. 579 00:35:13,021 --> 00:35:16,937 Come on, man. Get your ass back to work. Stop asking me all these damn questions. 580 00:35:17,021 --> 00:35:19,479 -[Boo whickers softly] -[shovel scraping] 581 00:35:19,562 --> 00:35:21,146 [Cole exhales] 582 00:35:21,229 --> 00:35:23,771 -[indistinct chatter] -[horses whinnying] 583 00:35:23,854 --> 00:35:25,854 [peaceful orchestral music playing] 584 00:35:25,937 --> 00:35:27,146 [children shouting] 585 00:35:44,604 --> 00:35:46,396 [horse neighs] 586 00:35:46,479 --> 00:35:48,271 -[group laughing] -[man 1] What? 587 00:35:48,354 --> 00:35:50,729 -[man 2] Yeah. -[man 3] Oh, okay. 588 00:35:50,812 --> 00:35:52,937 [man 4] That's 'cause you think all cowboys was white. 589 00:35:53,021 --> 00:35:55,396 That's some Hollywood John Wayne bullshit. 590 00:35:55,479 --> 00:35:59,562 Fifty percent of all cowboys were Black, brown, bronze, 591 00:35:59,646 --> 00:36:00,937 or some other color. 592 00:36:01,021 --> 00:36:02,604 [laughs] You said 50? 593 00:36:02,687 --> 00:36:04,604 Where you getting them numbers from, nigga? 594 00:36:04,687 --> 00:36:07,729 Look it up! Real rap! Even the Lone Ranger was Black. 595 00:36:07,812 --> 00:36:10,021 -Who's the Lone Ranger? -Get the fuck outta here. 596 00:36:10,104 --> 00:36:11,937 -[Esha] Really? -Harp, you teachin' this boy? 597 00:36:12,021 --> 00:36:13,479 Man, you doin' a good job. 598 00:36:13,562 --> 00:36:16,354 No, he's right. Look, Hollywood has whitewashed us. 599 00:36:16,437 --> 00:36:19,937 They just deleted us right out of the history books. 600 00:36:20,021 --> 00:36:22,354 They always trying to delete us from history books. 601 00:36:22,854 --> 00:36:25,062 "Cowhand" became "cowboy." Did you know that? 602 00:36:25,562 --> 00:36:27,104 That's what they called us. 603 00:36:27,187 --> 00:36:30,062 "Hey, boy. Hold that cattle down while I brand it." 604 00:36:30,146 --> 00:36:32,229 "Hey, boy. Go break that horse." 605 00:36:32,312 --> 00:36:34,437 You know why we was able to break them horses so good? 606 00:36:34,521 --> 00:36:36,479 -Why? Come on, why? -[Esha] Why? Tell us. 607 00:36:36,562 --> 00:36:37,896 [man 5] Come on, Rome, tell us! 608 00:36:37,979 --> 00:36:40,104 -Tell them, Nessie. I gotta pee. -[group laughs] 609 00:36:40,187 --> 00:36:45,021 People used to believe breaking a horse meant crushin' the will of the animal, 610 00:36:45,104 --> 00:36:48,896 dominating 'em, making 'em believe that the only way it was gonna survive 611 00:36:48,979 --> 00:36:50,646 was to submit, right? 612 00:36:52,479 --> 00:36:57,021 Well, Black folks, we knew that a horse wasn't meant to be dominated. 613 00:36:58,396 --> 00:36:59,646 A horse is meant to be free. 614 00:36:59,729 --> 00:37:01,229 -[man 1] Yep. -[Esha] That's right. 615 00:37:01,312 --> 00:37:07,062 Only way you can realize its true spirit, its nature, 616 00:37:08,104 --> 00:37:09,062 is through love. 617 00:37:09,146 --> 00:37:11,771 -[Rome] Real rap. You feel that? -[Paris] Become one. 618 00:37:11,854 --> 00:37:14,604 Where'd you guys come from if all the Black cowboys got deleted? 619 00:37:14,687 --> 00:37:16,604 [man 6] I've been at it since I was nine. 620 00:37:16,687 --> 00:37:19,021 -[Nessie] Ooh! -Right down here. 621 00:37:19,687 --> 00:37:22,521 Ridin' ponies and drivin' horse and wagons. 622 00:37:22,604 --> 00:37:24,687 Oh, man. We here… We all over. 623 00:37:24,771 --> 00:37:26,646 History… The history here is deep. 624 00:37:26,729 --> 00:37:30,729 Everybody, like, used to get their food from wagons. 625 00:37:30,812 --> 00:37:33,562 Horses and carriages, buggies and all that. 626 00:37:33,646 --> 00:37:36,604 Uncle Charlie, like, what we talk about? Back in the day-- 627 00:37:36,687 --> 00:37:41,896 What happened with that was, as the years was goin' on, 628 00:37:41,979 --> 00:37:45,521 the city decide they don't need horses no more. 629 00:37:46,896 --> 00:37:48,646 -They was gettin' trucks. -[man 5] Mm-hmm. 630 00:37:48,729 --> 00:37:53,562 So they said, "Well, we don't need the horses no more." 631 00:37:53,646 --> 00:37:58,937 -But all of us down here, we love horses. -[Harp] Yes, we do. Yes, we do. 632 00:37:59,021 --> 00:38:01,229 And that's how all these stables popped up. 633 00:38:01,312 --> 00:38:04,937 See, you got 31st Street, you got 32nd, you got Cobb Creek. 634 00:38:05,021 --> 00:38:05,896 [Harp] Yup. 635 00:38:05,979 --> 00:38:07,646 -[Esha] Markoe Street. -White House. 636 00:38:07,729 --> 00:38:10,229 [Rome] And the number one on that list, 9th and Tioga. 637 00:38:10,312 --> 00:38:13,771 -Pfft. -[group laughs] 638 00:38:13,854 --> 00:38:14,854 [Nessie] Here we go. 639 00:38:14,937 --> 00:38:17,937 You just gonna forget about us Fletcher Street originals, huh? 640 00:38:18,021 --> 00:38:21,271 I'm talkin' about real riders. Not no bitch-ass horse owners. 641 00:38:21,354 --> 00:38:24,479 Yeah, you right. You know what? I do own all your horses. 642 00:38:24,562 --> 00:38:26,687 Same horses I been whupping your ass with. 643 00:38:26,771 --> 00:38:28,312 [Rome laughing] Oh! 644 00:38:28,396 --> 00:38:32,271 Time passed and, one by one, they got shut down. 645 00:38:32,354 --> 00:38:33,771 -[man 1] Yep. -Why? 646 00:38:34,979 --> 00:38:36,354 Real estate. 647 00:38:36,437 --> 00:38:40,771 Developers coming in, they see the horses, they like, "Horses? Pfft. Fuck that." 648 00:38:40,854 --> 00:38:41,687 [Nessie chuckles] 649 00:38:41,771 --> 00:38:44,312 I mean, a lot of these boys used to own their own stable. 650 00:38:44,396 --> 00:38:49,062 They runnin' up on these boys, like, "Hey, this your land? Let me get that." 651 00:38:49,146 --> 00:38:50,687 Like, Fletcher Street, right here, 652 00:38:50,771 --> 00:38:53,937 we like some cowboy orphans, you know what I'm sayin'? 653 00:38:54,021 --> 00:38:56,437 We like the la-- We like the Wild West out here. 654 00:38:56,521 --> 00:38:57,729 The last remainin'. 655 00:38:57,812 --> 00:38:59,687 -[siren wailing] -[man 1 laughs] Yeah. 656 00:38:59,771 --> 00:39:01,646 [Rome] Ah, shit. Here we go, y'all. 657 00:39:01,729 --> 00:39:02,771 [siren chirps] 658 00:39:02,854 --> 00:39:04,979 Why you gotta make all that noise, though, man? 659 00:39:05,062 --> 00:39:07,646 -Turn off them damn lights. -[Paris] Come on, man. 660 00:39:07,729 --> 00:39:10,437 -Here come Leroy with his bullshit. -[group groans] 661 00:39:10,521 --> 00:39:12,937 -[woman] Here we go. -[Nessie] Here come the sheriff. 662 00:39:13,021 --> 00:39:14,104 [Rome] Oh, here we go. 663 00:39:15,437 --> 00:39:17,104 Is that marijuana I smell? 664 00:39:17,187 --> 00:39:19,646 [Paris] That's the fire can burning. The fire can burning. 665 00:39:19,729 --> 00:39:21,062 Evening, gentlemen. 666 00:39:21,687 --> 00:39:22,937 -Nessie. -[Nessie] Leroy. 667 00:39:23,021 --> 00:39:23,896 Esha. 668 00:39:25,729 --> 00:39:26,937 [chuckles softly] 669 00:39:28,854 --> 00:39:31,437 This here is Harp's boy, back from Detroit. 670 00:39:32,771 --> 00:39:34,354 Harp's boy, huh? 671 00:39:34,437 --> 00:39:37,646 Are they tellin' you about how your father was around here in-- 672 00:39:37,729 --> 00:39:39,771 [Harp] Aight, man. You good, L? 673 00:39:39,854 --> 00:39:41,437 [man 1 chuckles] 674 00:39:41,521 --> 00:39:42,937 -You good? -[man 2 laughs] 675 00:39:43,021 --> 00:39:45,729 Yeah, I'm good, but I tell you what ain't good. 676 00:39:45,812 --> 00:39:48,437 -[Harp] What? -[Leroy] Them raggedy-ass stables. 677 00:39:48,521 --> 00:39:51,479 -Aight? They broken. Roof's slanted. -[Rome] There he goes. 678 00:39:51,562 --> 00:39:53,937 Aight, the stalls is crowded as a motherfucker, 679 00:39:54,021 --> 00:39:56,854 and the neighbors are complainin' about the smell again. 680 00:39:56,937 --> 00:39:58,271 [Rome] Smell? You smell something? 681 00:39:58,354 --> 00:40:00,396 What you gonna do about that dead horse? 682 00:40:00,479 --> 00:40:02,896 -Dead horse? What? -[Nessie] Johnny got that horse. 683 00:40:02,979 --> 00:40:04,729 -He came and got it. -[Harp] Yeah. 684 00:40:04,812 --> 00:40:06,521 I saw the city stopped by. 685 00:40:06,604 --> 00:40:10,187 Yeah, well, they been stoppin' by for 15 years, man. 686 00:40:10,687 --> 00:40:14,937 Y'all seen those new condos on Oxford. That's only five blocks from here. 687 00:40:15,021 --> 00:40:16,396 [Rome] Pfft. Five blocks? 688 00:40:16,479 --> 00:40:17,687 That's a long way 689 00:40:17,771 --> 00:40:20,812 for them skinny, hipster-ass latte motherfuckers to be walkin'. 690 00:40:20,896 --> 00:40:23,687 -[group chuckles] -Developers are comin'. 691 00:40:23,771 --> 00:40:25,146 -Believe it. -Well, let 'em come. 692 00:40:25,229 --> 00:40:26,771 We'll see what the fuck happens. 693 00:40:26,854 --> 00:40:28,771 See what-- Okay, that's where I'mma stop you. 694 00:40:28,854 --> 00:40:32,146 See, what happens is you don't own any of this shit. 695 00:40:32,229 --> 00:40:33,437 Y'all just rentin'. 696 00:40:33,521 --> 00:40:36,562 So that brings me to my next question. What are we doin' about it? 697 00:40:36,646 --> 00:40:39,729 -[Paris] "We"? You speakin' French? -[Rome] What do you mean, "we," white man? 698 00:40:39,812 --> 00:40:42,437 Man, look. We ain't doin' shit. 699 00:40:42,521 --> 00:40:45,229 You traded in your saddle for your city brass. 700 00:40:45,312 --> 00:40:49,062 History gonna repeat itself, and you all out here, 701 00:40:49,146 --> 00:40:51,854 just another night of drinkin' and smokin' 702 00:40:51,937 --> 00:40:54,604 and lyin' to each other, when you need to be-- 703 00:40:54,687 --> 00:40:55,979 Man, L, you know what? 704 00:40:56,062 --> 00:40:59,104 Do me a favor. Drink that, or go write some parking tickets. 705 00:40:59,187 --> 00:41:00,146 [man 5] All right. 706 00:41:00,229 --> 00:41:02,729 [Harp] Just-- My van over there, so just leave that alone, 707 00:41:02,812 --> 00:41:04,521 but write some parking tickets, man. 708 00:41:04,604 --> 00:41:06,271 Yo, yo, yo. You know what I'mma do? 709 00:41:06,354 --> 00:41:09,521 You're right. I'mma drink this, but then I'mma go give parking tickets. 710 00:41:09,604 --> 00:41:12,271 First person getting a ticket is the nigga in the wheelchair. 711 00:41:12,354 --> 00:41:13,354 [group laughs] 712 00:41:13,437 --> 00:41:15,646 -Damn. -[group chattering] 713 00:41:15,729 --> 00:41:17,437 Hey, Georgie, shut these fools up. 714 00:41:17,521 --> 00:41:19,104 -Talking that shit. -[man 1] Aw, man. 715 00:41:19,187 --> 00:41:21,896 Come on. Hey, Cole, you gotta hear this. This guy a killer, right here. 716 00:41:21,979 --> 00:41:23,854 Hear this. This guy good. From the '40s, here. 717 00:41:23,937 --> 00:41:27,437 This trap music from the '40s. Hey. Play that. I know you got it on you. 718 00:41:27,521 --> 00:41:29,937 -Aight, aight. Aight. -[Rome] There it is. 719 00:41:30,021 --> 00:41:32,146 -[Harp] Don't act like you don't wanna. -[Esha] Yes. 720 00:41:32,229 --> 00:41:35,604 -[upbeat tune playing on harmonica] -[Harp] Okay, then. 721 00:41:37,479 --> 00:41:38,437 [Rome chuckles] 722 00:41:38,521 --> 00:41:42,396 [Georgie] ♪ Here on my own ♪ 723 00:41:42,479 --> 00:41:43,312 [man 5] Yeah. 724 00:41:43,396 --> 00:41:47,187 [Georgie] ♪ Here all alone ♪ 725 00:41:47,687 --> 00:41:51,771 ♪ I'm here with nobody ♪ 726 00:41:51,854 --> 00:41:57,437 ♪ I'm out here, and I'm all on my own ♪ 727 00:41:57,521 --> 00:42:02,437 ♪ With the wind at my side ♪ 728 00:42:02,521 --> 00:42:06,104 ♪ My horse, I'm astride ♪ 729 00:42:06,187 --> 00:42:08,854 ♪ Give me a sign ♪ 730 00:42:08,937 --> 00:42:11,312 [rapping] ♪ We ain't scared of no po-po ♪ 731 00:42:11,396 --> 00:42:14,896 ♪ Comin' around, tryna take our stables ♪ 732 00:42:14,979 --> 00:42:18,437 ♪ I don't care about y'all What y'all wanna say ♪ 733 00:42:18,521 --> 00:42:21,562 ♪ We hard, we Fletcher Street, all day ♪ 734 00:42:21,646 --> 00:42:22,854 -Yeehaw! -[group laughs] 735 00:42:22,937 --> 00:42:25,687 ♪ What y'all wanna do? Take our shit? ♪ 736 00:42:25,771 --> 00:42:28,312 -[group laughing] -[man 3] Yeah, aight! 737 00:42:28,396 --> 00:42:31,312 [harmonica music fades] 738 00:42:32,646 --> 00:42:33,771 [Chuck nickers] 739 00:42:38,687 --> 00:42:39,771 [whickers softly] 740 00:42:41,521 --> 00:42:43,187 [munching] 741 00:42:52,229 --> 00:42:55,312 Chuck. Chuck, you like cheese? 742 00:42:57,562 --> 00:43:00,271 -Want some cheese? Wanna try some cheese? -[Chuck nickers] 743 00:43:00,354 --> 00:43:02,604 -All right. Take it easy. Whoa. -[Chuck whinnies] 744 00:43:02,687 --> 00:43:04,521 -Look at that. -[Chuck sighs] 745 00:43:04,604 --> 00:43:07,229 [dramatic electronic music playing] 746 00:43:18,104 --> 00:43:20,604 [motorcycle engine revving] 747 00:43:22,604 --> 00:43:23,896 [indistinct chatter] 748 00:43:23,979 --> 00:43:26,521 -Yo. -Hey. What's good with you? 749 00:43:26,604 --> 00:43:29,396 This my boy, Cole, from Detroit. Y'all chillin'? 750 00:43:29,479 --> 00:43:32,021 Hey, yo. I ain't seen you in a minute. You still spittin', bro? 751 00:43:32,104 --> 00:43:34,229 -[man 1] My man. What's good? -What's up with you? 752 00:43:34,312 --> 00:43:36,437 -[Smush] My boy, Cole. From Detroit. -[man 2] What's up? 753 00:43:36,521 --> 00:43:38,354 [Smush] Y'all take care of him. Ya hear me? 754 00:43:38,437 --> 00:43:39,521 Hi, ladies. What's up? 755 00:43:39,604 --> 00:43:42,354 -[woman] Hey. Yeah. -Yeah. Get it moving. 756 00:43:42,437 --> 00:43:44,271 That's my boy, Cole, from Detroit. 757 00:43:44,354 --> 00:43:45,271 Cole, say hi. 758 00:43:45,354 --> 00:43:47,646 -[Cole] Cole. -[woman] Hey, Cole. What's up? 759 00:43:47,729 --> 00:43:49,687 [Smush] We chillin'. You guys good tonight? 760 00:43:49,771 --> 00:43:51,687 -Yeah. -[man 3] Hey, yo, Smush. 761 00:43:51,771 --> 00:43:53,771 [woman] Yeah. Yeah. 762 00:43:54,437 --> 00:43:55,771 Let me holla at you, man. 763 00:43:57,437 --> 00:43:59,521 Let me pull your coattails real quick. 764 00:44:00,021 --> 00:44:01,104 Yeah. 765 00:44:01,937 --> 00:44:03,396 [poker chips clink] 766 00:44:05,521 --> 00:44:06,396 What's up, J? 767 00:44:07,187 --> 00:44:09,437 Little bit of me. Whole lot of everybody else, man. 768 00:44:09,521 --> 00:44:11,896 Yeah, man. You know, that's how it go. 769 00:44:12,521 --> 00:44:15,146 Listen, one of my young bouls told me 770 00:44:15,229 --> 00:44:18,104 somebody tryna come up on me on one of my corners. 771 00:44:18,187 --> 00:44:19,396 Heard any whispers? 772 00:44:20,062 --> 00:44:22,187 Nah, man. I… I ain't hear shit. 773 00:44:23,229 --> 00:44:24,312 Nah? 774 00:44:25,437 --> 00:44:28,187 Okay. Make sure you bend an ear for me, aight? 775 00:44:28,771 --> 00:44:30,896 No doubt. You know I got you. 776 00:44:33,437 --> 00:44:34,687 So, who this? 777 00:44:35,521 --> 00:44:38,812 Oh, yeah, shit. This is my… my boy, Cole, from Detroit. 778 00:44:38,896 --> 00:44:41,646 Tryna show him how Philly do. Know what I'm saying, boul? 779 00:44:42,812 --> 00:44:44,729 Let me holla at this nigga real quick. 780 00:44:55,104 --> 00:44:56,854 [sighs] Okay, playa. 781 00:44:57,646 --> 00:44:59,062 They some nice sneaks. 782 00:45:00,687 --> 00:45:02,062 Some Js, right? 783 00:45:05,104 --> 00:45:05,979 Yeah. 784 00:45:06,771 --> 00:45:08,479 Them jawns hot, young boul. 785 00:45:09,229 --> 00:45:10,604 How much they run you? 786 00:45:14,312 --> 00:45:15,646 Uh, um… 787 00:45:17,146 --> 00:45:19,104 I don't know. My pops got 'em for me. 788 00:45:20,687 --> 00:45:23,771 Your pops. Your pops a good dude. 789 00:45:24,937 --> 00:45:26,646 Them jawns is hot. 790 00:45:29,479 --> 00:45:30,812 They expensive too. 791 00:45:33,187 --> 00:45:34,646 Yah mean, Pops? 792 00:45:35,604 --> 00:45:36,521 Fasho. 793 00:45:45,771 --> 00:45:47,062 Go on, man. 794 00:45:50,812 --> 00:45:54,187 -Enjoy yourself, young boul. -["Lightwork" playing on stereo] 795 00:45:54,271 --> 00:45:56,437 Aight, man. Cool. 796 00:45:57,521 --> 00:46:00,146 Appreciate you. You good? You good? 797 00:46:02,521 --> 00:46:04,687 ♪ This ain't nothin' heavy This is light work ♪ 798 00:46:04,771 --> 00:46:05,646 ♪ Light work ♪ 799 00:46:05,729 --> 00:46:07,812 ♪ Do it in the dark like it's light work ♪ 800 00:46:07,896 --> 00:46:09,521 -♪ Light work ♪ -♪ You might need a Xanny ♪ 801 00:46:09,604 --> 00:46:11,396 ♪ 'Cause this might hurt ♪ 802 00:46:11,479 --> 00:46:13,604 ♪ This ain't nothin' heavy This is light, light ♪ 803 00:46:13,687 --> 00:46:15,479 -♪ Light, light ♪ -♪ This ain't nothin' heavy ♪ 804 00:46:15,562 --> 00:46:16,729 ♪ This is light work ♪ 805 00:46:16,812 --> 00:46:18,437 -♪ Light work ♪ -♪ Do it in the dark ♪ 806 00:46:18,521 --> 00:46:20,146 -♪ Like it's light work ♪ -♪ Yeah ♪ 807 00:46:20,229 --> 00:46:22,271 ♪ You might need a Xanny 'Cause this might hurt ♪ 808 00:46:23,271 --> 00:46:25,187 ♪ This ain't nothin' heavy This is light, light ♪ 809 00:46:25,271 --> 00:46:28,729 ♪ Runnin' mine, super fine, drop a line ♪ 810 00:46:28,812 --> 00:46:30,146 [birds singing] 811 00:46:30,229 --> 00:46:31,771 [Paris] Grab that brush right there. 812 00:46:32,354 --> 00:46:35,437 I want you to go from the top, goin' all the way down 813 00:46:35,521 --> 00:46:36,812 to the barrel of his ass. 814 00:46:36,896 --> 00:46:38,479 -[horse nickering] -Come on. 815 00:46:38,562 --> 00:46:41,479 Brush him all the way down to his foot. Yup. 816 00:46:42,437 --> 00:46:44,271 There you go. You gettin' in there. 817 00:46:46,312 --> 00:46:49,146 Paris, can I ask you a question? 818 00:46:49,687 --> 00:46:50,521 [Paris] Yeah. 819 00:46:54,187 --> 00:46:56,604 -How'd you end up in the chair? -[Paris takes a deep breath] 820 00:46:59,437 --> 00:47:00,437 [sighs] 821 00:47:03,937 --> 00:47:05,104 Couple years ago, 822 00:47:06,104 --> 00:47:08,229 me and my brother went out riding… 823 00:47:08,312 --> 00:47:10,896 [horse whickers] 824 00:47:11,604 --> 00:47:13,271 …and got into an altercation. 825 00:47:16,062 --> 00:47:17,604 Ended up in the hospital. 826 00:47:19,146 --> 00:47:20,271 I woke up. 827 00:47:21,646 --> 00:47:22,479 He didn't. 828 00:47:29,062 --> 00:47:31,146 Bullet shattered my spine. 829 00:47:33,979 --> 00:47:36,646 Now I spend the rest of my life in this chair. 830 00:47:37,729 --> 00:47:39,479 Fightin' over nothing. 831 00:47:42,271 --> 00:47:43,937 Fightin' over a corner. 832 00:47:49,187 --> 00:47:53,396 The city, they built a Starbucks right on the corner. 833 00:47:53,479 --> 00:47:54,979 Shit we was fighting over. 834 00:47:59,437 --> 00:48:00,729 All over nothin'. 835 00:48:02,896 --> 00:48:03,854 [quietly] Fuck. 836 00:48:18,271 --> 00:48:19,771 [Cole] No, I'm telling you, he knows. 837 00:48:19,854 --> 00:48:21,854 Nigga, he was asking about my shoes. 838 00:48:23,187 --> 00:48:24,604 -We just gotta-- -That nigga onto us. 839 00:48:24,687 --> 00:48:27,812 We gotta switch up the drop spots. Aight? It's simple. 840 00:48:28,854 --> 00:48:30,937 Man, them niggas' palms is itchy anyway. 841 00:48:34,187 --> 00:48:35,479 Man, let me rap with you. 842 00:48:36,312 --> 00:48:38,937 We cool. Okay? We cool. 843 00:48:41,812 --> 00:48:43,312 Aight, I'mma put it like this. 844 00:48:45,187 --> 00:48:51,021 A lion… who's, like, feedin' on rhinos and shit, 845 00:48:51,521 --> 00:48:53,896 don't got time to be chasing no rabbits. 846 00:48:54,896 --> 00:48:56,771 -You know what I'm sayin'? -You good, man? 847 00:48:56,854 --> 00:48:59,437 I just made that shit up. Nigga, that's clever, bro. 848 00:48:59,521 --> 00:49:01,771 [laughs] You should write that shit down. 849 00:49:01,854 --> 00:49:02,771 It's real. 850 00:49:06,854 --> 00:49:08,604 We're gonna own something together, man. 851 00:49:10,187 --> 00:49:11,146 Me and you. 852 00:49:13,187 --> 00:49:14,521 -[Cole sniffles] -You believe that? 853 00:49:17,604 --> 00:49:18,479 Yeah. 854 00:49:20,104 --> 00:49:21,979 Nah, man. I said, "Do you believe that?" 855 00:49:23,104 --> 00:49:24,521 Yeah, I believe you. 856 00:49:26,937 --> 00:49:28,187 We gonna be okay. 857 00:49:29,354 --> 00:49:32,146 Aight? As long as you with me, we gonna be okay. 858 00:49:33,271 --> 00:49:34,146 Aight. 859 00:49:39,271 --> 00:49:42,187 -[chicken clucking] -[horse 1 sighs] 860 00:49:42,687 --> 00:49:44,437 [horse 2 neighing] 861 00:49:45,229 --> 00:49:46,354 [Rome] You read that article? 862 00:49:46,437 --> 00:49:49,146 Dumb shit in there about malnourished horses. 863 00:49:49,229 --> 00:49:51,687 -[Paris] Where? -[Rome] It's in the paper. 864 00:49:51,771 --> 00:49:53,896 Bitch-ass journalist came down here. Remember her? 865 00:49:53,979 --> 00:49:55,312 With her skirt and smiles? 866 00:49:55,396 --> 00:49:58,812 You was over there, tryna talk to her, get a selfie with her when she was here. 867 00:49:58,896 --> 00:50:00,021 -[men] What? -Look-- 868 00:50:00,104 --> 00:50:03,021 -[Esha] That was you! -I ain't say she didn't have nice legs. 869 00:50:03,104 --> 00:50:05,354 We all stared at her. You seen her when she walked away. 870 00:50:05,437 --> 00:50:08,021 -Yes, I did. -Ain't seen nothing but ponytail and ass. 871 00:50:08,104 --> 00:50:10,979 I thought she was a horse. Went and grabbed a rope first. 872 00:50:11,062 --> 00:50:13,312 You know, I woulda roped her up like that. 873 00:50:13,396 --> 00:50:14,562 -Time! -[Esha] Man! 874 00:50:14,646 --> 00:50:16,062 [group chattering] 875 00:50:19,937 --> 00:50:21,937 [horses neighing] 876 00:50:25,146 --> 00:50:26,521 [Harp] Aight, come on. Let's go. 877 00:50:29,604 --> 00:50:31,812 -[Paris] Where we going? -Gonna get him up on the truck. 878 00:50:31,896 --> 00:50:34,479 -That's where we going. Come on. -Up on the truck? 879 00:50:34,562 --> 00:50:37,479 -[Harp] Getting him on the back. -On the back of the truck? 880 00:50:37,562 --> 00:50:39,812 -What? Where we going? -[Harp] Got something for you. Come. 881 00:50:39,896 --> 00:50:41,854 -[Paris] You got something for me? -[Harp] Yep. 882 00:50:41,937 --> 00:50:43,229 [Paris] Unlock these brakes. 883 00:50:44,479 --> 00:50:46,062 [Harp] Aight, real slow. Get him on. 884 00:50:46,146 --> 00:50:47,521 -Keep going. Slow. -[man] All right. 885 00:50:47,604 --> 00:50:49,521 -[Esha] Be careful. -[Harp] Hold up. There you go. 886 00:50:49,604 --> 00:50:51,437 Pick up the board. Watch the board right there. 887 00:50:51,521 --> 00:50:53,062 -Let him drop slow. -[Paris grunts] 888 00:50:53,854 --> 00:50:54,729 -Good? -[Paris] Yeah. 889 00:50:54,812 --> 00:50:57,437 [Harp] Esha. Come on, jump in the back. 890 00:50:57,521 --> 00:50:58,646 -Got him? -[Esha] I got him. 891 00:50:58,729 --> 00:51:00,687 -Aight. Let's go. Let's go. -[Esha] Aight. 892 00:51:00,771 --> 00:51:03,146 -[Rome] All right, Paris. I got you. -[engine starts] 893 00:51:10,271 --> 00:51:11,271 [Esha] Mm-hmm. 894 00:51:12,187 --> 00:51:13,312 [Harp] Right here. 895 00:51:13,396 --> 00:51:15,396 [horse nickering] 896 00:51:18,646 --> 00:51:22,854 Yo, gonna need some help. No, Cole, not you. Esha, come on. 897 00:51:26,146 --> 00:51:27,187 Ready, young boul? 898 00:51:27,896 --> 00:51:29,146 Your horse. 899 00:51:29,729 --> 00:51:30,854 -You got it? -[Esha] I got it. 900 00:51:30,937 --> 00:51:34,187 -[horse whickering] -[Harp grunts] Okay. 901 00:51:37,979 --> 00:51:39,687 -[horse whinnies] -[Harp exhales] 902 00:51:40,979 --> 00:51:42,146 You got this, man. 903 00:51:42,229 --> 00:51:44,229 [uplifting instrumental music playing] 904 00:51:50,687 --> 00:51:52,646 [Rome grunts softly] 905 00:51:52,729 --> 00:51:54,229 [music swells] 906 00:51:55,437 --> 00:51:57,229 [horse neighs, echoes] 907 00:52:15,812 --> 00:52:16,729 [clicks tongue] 908 00:53:00,187 --> 00:53:01,312 [Cole sighs] 909 00:53:12,312 --> 00:53:13,937 -[Cole sniffles] -[door opens] 910 00:53:18,146 --> 00:53:20,187 -[door closes] -[Harp] What you doin'? 911 00:53:21,229 --> 00:53:23,312 -I'm out. -[Harp] Out? Where you goin'? 912 00:53:24,146 --> 00:53:27,396 -[Cole] Get out of my fucking business. -Nah, you ain't riding with Smush. 913 00:53:27,479 --> 00:53:30,687 [breathing shakily] I'm ridin' with me. Like I've done from day one. 914 00:53:30,771 --> 00:53:31,604 Yo, man. 915 00:53:33,021 --> 00:53:36,604 -Sit down. I'm your father. You ain't-- -You ain't my fuckin' father! 916 00:53:42,146 --> 00:53:45,104 I mean, you a fucking father to everyone else out here. 917 00:53:46,521 --> 00:53:47,812 Teachin' 'em how to ride, 918 00:53:47,896 --> 00:53:50,521 makin' homemade saddles for cripples and shit. 919 00:53:51,229 --> 00:53:53,854 And I can't even get some fuckin' food in the fridge. 920 00:53:55,479 --> 00:53:57,729 Damn, them motherfucking horses got more love than me. 921 00:53:57,812 --> 00:53:59,187 Sit your ass down, man. 922 00:54:02,354 --> 00:54:04,146 [breathing shakily] 923 00:54:04,229 --> 00:54:05,521 Oh, you a man now? 924 00:54:06,354 --> 00:54:08,104 Huh? You a man now? 925 00:54:08,187 --> 00:54:10,896 What, them streets done made you a fuckin' man overnight? 926 00:54:10,979 --> 00:54:12,979 Nah, man. You're a boy. 927 00:54:13,687 --> 00:54:15,396 You're a fucking boy. 928 00:54:15,479 --> 00:54:18,646 You fuck around, you're gonna get shot fuckin' with Smush, you understand me? 929 00:54:18,729 --> 00:54:20,729 [Cole crying softly] 930 00:54:25,187 --> 00:54:27,104 Why you hate me, man? 931 00:54:31,812 --> 00:54:34,271 [sniffles, sobbing softly] 932 00:54:55,479 --> 00:54:56,687 [exhales] 933 00:54:56,771 --> 00:54:59,021 [items rustling] 934 00:55:00,604 --> 00:55:02,562 [turntable clatters] 935 00:55:02,646 --> 00:55:03,646 [switch clicks] 936 00:55:10,312 --> 00:55:12,021 ["I Wish I Knew" playing] 937 00:55:17,062 --> 00:55:18,771 [Harp] You know who this is, man? 938 00:55:24,562 --> 00:55:26,062 This is John Coltrane. 939 00:55:29,104 --> 00:55:33,812 He was just a boy when his pops died. Left to be raised by his mama. 940 00:55:34,521 --> 00:55:37,937 Shit, he might have been your age when he moved to Philly. 941 00:55:41,687 --> 00:55:42,812 He was alone. 942 00:55:45,646 --> 00:55:46,771 Far from home. 943 00:55:49,187 --> 00:55:52,687 It was that same year that his mama bought him his first saxophone. 944 00:55:55,729 --> 00:55:59,104 Shit. The world ain't never been the same since. 945 00:55:59,187 --> 00:56:00,104 [hat thuds] 946 00:56:01,562 --> 00:56:02,729 [sighs deeply] 947 00:56:05,729 --> 00:56:07,479 -[Cole exhales] -[Harp] Look, man. 948 00:56:08,687 --> 00:56:11,396 I was just like Smush. Aight? 949 00:56:14,396 --> 00:56:15,896 I was just like him, man. 950 00:56:17,229 --> 00:56:19,312 Out there, doing all kinds of shit. 951 00:56:20,646 --> 00:56:24,479 Shit, I was on charges when your mama got pregnant. Yeah. 952 00:56:26,937 --> 00:56:27,937 But I hid out. 953 00:56:28,979 --> 00:56:31,521 I hid out 'cause I wanted to meet you, man. 954 00:56:32,521 --> 00:56:35,521 I ain't want them to take that away. I wanted to meet you. 955 00:56:39,229 --> 00:56:40,396 But they squeezed her. 956 00:56:41,521 --> 00:56:42,729 She flipped on me. 957 00:56:45,146 --> 00:56:46,979 I ain't never blame her, 'cause, you know, 958 00:56:47,062 --> 00:56:49,604 she was just trying to do right by you, you know? 959 00:56:49,687 --> 00:56:50,812 She was mad at me. 960 00:56:50,896 --> 00:56:53,021 [takes a deep breath] 961 00:56:53,729 --> 00:56:56,396 The feds, they came. They took everything I got. 962 00:56:59,646 --> 00:57:03,312 Just like that, I was doing a nickel upstate. 963 00:57:06,312 --> 00:57:07,687 Before I'd went away, 964 00:57:07,771 --> 00:57:09,604 I asked your mama. 965 00:57:09,687 --> 00:57:13,979 I said, "Look, I ain't shit. I know." 966 00:57:15,646 --> 00:57:18,271 "But just let me… let me name my son." 967 00:57:21,396 --> 00:57:22,312 "Can I?" 968 00:57:22,854 --> 00:57:24,729 "Can I name him? Just give me that." 969 00:57:28,021 --> 00:57:29,562 So I called you Coltrane. 970 00:57:33,521 --> 00:57:35,896 Yeah. That's your name. 971 00:57:40,854 --> 00:57:43,646 Greatest man I ever knew that did it without a father. 972 00:57:52,354 --> 00:57:53,729 [Cole breathing shakily] 973 00:57:56,271 --> 00:57:57,479 [Harp sighs] 974 00:58:07,771 --> 00:58:08,687 [lighter clicks] 975 00:58:12,896 --> 00:58:14,187 [Harp inhales sharply] 976 00:58:19,229 --> 00:58:20,354 [exhales] 977 00:58:36,479 --> 00:58:40,146 -[music fades] -[Smush] Shit, nigga. Whoo! 978 00:58:40,229 --> 00:58:42,604 -[hip-hop playing on stereo] -[laughs] 979 00:58:42,687 --> 00:58:46,771 Word is travelin' fast, man. That's you, right there. Count that shit. 980 00:58:47,354 --> 00:58:48,229 [Cole] Damn. 981 00:58:48,312 --> 00:58:49,979 [Smush takes a deep breath] Man. 982 00:58:50,604 --> 00:58:52,437 Yo, this ain't exactly rabbits. 983 00:58:52,521 --> 00:58:53,937 ♪ I'mma get this bitch jumpin'… ♪ 984 00:58:54,021 --> 00:58:55,604 [takes a deep breath] 985 00:58:56,187 --> 00:58:57,812 They're different buyers. Okay? 986 00:58:58,312 --> 00:59:02,229 We good, man. We good. [exhales] 987 00:59:02,312 --> 00:59:06,687 -Jalen ain't gonna see it like this, man. -Fuck, C! Fuck, man! 988 00:59:07,479 --> 00:59:08,562 Come on. 989 00:59:10,854 --> 00:59:12,396 Nigga, are you in this or not? 990 00:59:14,812 --> 00:59:16,271 Are you in this or not, Cole? 991 00:59:16,354 --> 00:59:19,104 ♪ I keep the Tommy tucked Fuckin' with heat get him heated ♪ 992 00:59:19,562 --> 00:59:20,479 Fuck. 993 00:59:20,562 --> 00:59:23,729 ♪ They already know, I'm Blood for sure That is the reason I throw it up ♪ 994 00:59:23,812 --> 00:59:25,604 ♪ You got a grudge Or you go against niggas… ♪ 995 00:59:25,687 --> 00:59:29,021 [Smush inhales, exhales slowly] 996 00:59:29,104 --> 00:59:31,937 ♪ I need to bag my cash, goin' up I hit the gas, I'm not slowin' up ♪ 997 00:59:32,021 --> 00:59:34,104 ♪ Close to bust I'll make you hold and crush… ♪ 998 00:59:34,187 --> 00:59:36,229 [Smush takes a deep breath] 999 00:59:36,312 --> 00:59:38,396 [clicks tongue] Let me show you something, man. 1000 00:59:38,479 --> 00:59:39,646 ♪ You can call up the law… ♪ 1001 00:59:40,562 --> 00:59:41,979 [Smush sighs] 1002 00:59:57,354 --> 00:59:58,562 [Cole] You used to ride? 1003 00:59:59,729 --> 01:00:01,604 [clicks tongue] Hell yeah, I used to ride, man. 1004 01:00:01,687 --> 01:00:03,854 [chuckling] Shit. Yo, that's crazy. 1005 01:00:04,437 --> 01:00:07,354 Yeah, man. I had my own horse and everything. Chuck. 1006 01:00:07,896 --> 01:00:09,437 Yo, I know Chuck. 1007 01:00:09,521 --> 01:00:12,146 You know Harp got him living in his living room and shit? 1008 01:00:12,229 --> 01:00:14,937 -Yeah? -[Cole] Yeah, man. It's crazy. 1009 01:00:15,021 --> 01:00:17,979 Shit, I used to be the best rider down at Fletcher Street, man. 1010 01:00:18,062 --> 01:00:20,187 Yo, one day I'mma teach you how to stand on your horse. 1011 01:00:20,271 --> 01:00:21,354 Shit, man. 1012 01:00:21,437 --> 01:00:23,979 -Yo, why you stop? -[Smush] I ain't stop, Cole. 1013 01:00:24,062 --> 01:00:27,062 -[siren wailing in distance] -[safe door squeaks] 1014 01:00:27,146 --> 01:00:28,729 [Smush] Just got focus. 1015 01:00:29,479 --> 01:00:31,187 -[Cole] Mm-hmm. -That's all. 1016 01:00:32,021 --> 01:00:35,271 -We're almost there. -[sighs] Almost where? 1017 01:00:35,979 --> 01:00:37,771 [baby crying downstairs] 1018 01:00:37,854 --> 01:00:40,646 -Outta here. -[somber horn music playing] 1019 01:00:40,729 --> 01:00:42,021 Look, check those out. 1020 01:00:42,104 --> 01:00:45,229 Land is still cheap out west. I'm talkin' about them ranches. 1021 01:00:45,312 --> 01:00:47,729 We buy a ranch, we flip it, and we do it again. 1022 01:00:47,812 --> 01:00:52,146 And again and again and again. Eventually we might just settle, you know? 1023 01:00:52,229 --> 01:00:55,437 Find a ranch we like. Shit, nigga. Who knows? 1024 01:00:55,521 --> 01:00:57,312 We can even trailer Chuck and Boo out there. 1025 01:00:57,396 --> 01:01:00,062 I mean, shit, as many horses as we want. You feel me? 1026 01:01:01,104 --> 01:01:02,312 That's the dream. 1027 01:01:03,229 --> 01:01:05,979 Shit, what you think I've been doing all this shit for, man? 1028 01:01:06,062 --> 01:01:07,271 What you think? 1029 01:01:08,729 --> 01:01:10,646 Shit. I like it, man. 1030 01:01:10,729 --> 01:01:12,021 [Smush chuckles] Yeah. 1031 01:01:13,812 --> 01:01:16,354 -[car zooms by] -[dogs barking in distance] 1032 01:01:16,437 --> 01:01:18,437 [indistinct shouting in distance] 1033 01:01:21,479 --> 01:01:23,687 [horse whinnying] 1034 01:01:23,771 --> 01:01:25,146 [Cole] Yo, what's goin' on? 1035 01:01:26,146 --> 01:01:28,562 Where you been? We've been lookin' for you. 1036 01:01:28,646 --> 01:01:29,937 -[Cole] What? -Boo, he got out. 1037 01:01:30,021 --> 01:01:32,187 He in the baseball field, goin' crazy. 1038 01:01:32,271 --> 01:01:35,729 -[man 1] I gotta go! -[man 2] Don't stand in the way, okay? 1039 01:01:38,021 --> 01:01:41,312 [Nessie] He's real riled up. Harp, he don't look so good. 1040 01:01:41,396 --> 01:01:43,729 [Harp] All y'all players, y'all just back up. 1041 01:01:43,812 --> 01:01:46,646 [Boo snorting and whinnying] 1042 01:01:46,729 --> 01:01:49,896 [players murmuring] 1043 01:01:51,146 --> 01:01:52,479 [Boo snorts] 1044 01:01:52,562 --> 01:01:55,687 [neighing] 1045 01:01:56,271 --> 01:01:58,854 [Harp] Yo, everybody can back up. Y'all can back up. 1046 01:02:00,021 --> 01:02:02,312 [Rome] Harp, we just ain't gonna grab this motherfucker. 1047 01:02:03,146 --> 01:02:05,354 [Nessie] Don't crowd him. Give him some space. 1048 01:02:05,437 --> 01:02:07,354 [tense music playing] 1049 01:02:07,437 --> 01:02:10,604 Everybody, just link up. Link up. We gotta form a fence. 1050 01:02:10,687 --> 01:02:12,187 Aight? Just link up. 1051 01:02:12,812 --> 01:02:15,354 Hold the line. Whatever you do, just hold the line. 1052 01:02:15,437 --> 01:02:18,229 [Boo snorting] 1053 01:02:18,312 --> 01:02:19,937 [Nessie] I don't know about this, Harp. 1054 01:02:24,562 --> 01:02:25,979 [Boo grunts] 1055 01:02:26,062 --> 01:02:27,062 [Nessie] That's it. 1056 01:02:27,146 --> 01:02:30,271 -That's good. Come here. Come on, Boo. -[Rome] This a bad idea. 1057 01:02:30,937 --> 01:02:32,396 [Boo snorts] 1058 01:02:32,479 --> 01:02:35,646 -[Rome] Oh, shit! Come on, Harp! -[Harp] Aight. Aight. 1059 01:02:35,729 --> 01:02:36,687 [Nessie] Easy now. 1060 01:02:36,771 --> 01:02:38,187 -[Cole] Yo. -[Rome] Come on, man! 1061 01:02:38,271 --> 01:02:39,479 -[Boo whinnies] -[Harp] Whoa! 1062 01:02:39,562 --> 01:02:42,312 -[Nessie] Watch out. -[Harp] Aight. He's going out. Going out. 1063 01:02:42,396 --> 01:02:44,521 [Cole breathing shakily] Shit. Shit. Shit. 1064 01:02:45,271 --> 01:02:47,562 It's okay. It's okay. [sighs] 1065 01:02:47,646 --> 01:02:49,896 Chill, chill, chill, chill. It's okay, Boo. 1066 01:02:49,979 --> 01:02:51,229 [Boo nickers] 1067 01:02:51,312 --> 01:02:53,062 -All right, boy. [clicks tongue] -[Boo neighs] 1068 01:02:53,146 --> 01:02:55,354 [Nessie] He not gonna let you get that close, Harp. 1069 01:02:55,437 --> 01:02:59,521 -You know whose horse this is. -[Boo whinnies] 1070 01:03:00,646 --> 01:03:02,687 [Nessie] You know what that horse needs. 1071 01:03:04,896 --> 01:03:06,854 -[Cole] I can't. I can't. -Come on, man. 1072 01:03:06,937 --> 01:03:10,104 -Man, you need to take this lead, aight? -[Cole] I… I can't. I can't. 1073 01:03:10,187 --> 01:03:12,229 Click it on his halter, aight? 1074 01:03:12,312 --> 01:03:13,771 Let him know that you there. 1075 01:03:13,854 --> 01:03:16,146 Let him know that you runnin' this show. 1076 01:03:16,229 --> 01:03:18,896 You understand me, Cole? Come on. You got this. 1077 01:03:18,979 --> 01:03:22,354 [breathing shakily] Aight. Aight. 1078 01:03:22,437 --> 01:03:25,062 Aight. Okay. Hey. Hey, boy. 1079 01:03:25,146 --> 01:03:26,062 Hey. 1080 01:03:27,687 --> 01:03:30,062 It's me. It's me, boy. It's me, Cole. 1081 01:03:30,812 --> 01:03:32,854 -We good. We good. -[Harp] There you go. 1082 01:03:32,937 --> 01:03:36,854 -Don't look at me. Look at Boo. Come on. -Aight. I'm trying. Aight. Aight. 1083 01:03:38,979 --> 01:03:41,604 -[Harp] Stay with the horse. Come on. -[Cole gasps] 1084 01:03:41,687 --> 01:03:45,979 It's okay, Boo. It's me, boy. We good. Hey. 1085 01:03:48,646 --> 01:03:51,687 -[Boo whinnies] -[Cole] Whoa, whoa. Relax. It's okay. 1086 01:03:51,771 --> 01:03:53,646 [hushes] Chill, chill. It's okay. 1087 01:03:53,729 --> 01:03:55,354 -[Nessie] Harp… -[Harp] It's okay. 1088 01:03:55,937 --> 01:03:57,521 -Come on. -[Boo whinnies] 1089 01:03:57,604 --> 01:04:00,396 Come on, man. You got this. You got this. 1090 01:04:00,479 --> 01:04:03,521 [Cole] Aight. Hey, it's me, Boo. 1091 01:04:03,604 --> 01:04:05,979 It's me, boy. It's me. [panting] 1092 01:04:06,062 --> 01:04:07,396 -[latch clicks] -[Boo whinnies] 1093 01:04:07,479 --> 01:04:09,229 -[Esha] Hold him! -[Nessie] Don't let him go. 1094 01:04:09,312 --> 01:04:11,396 -Yeah. There you go. -[Esha] Good job, Cole. 1095 01:04:11,479 --> 01:04:12,771 -There you go. -[Nessie] Easy now. 1096 01:04:12,854 --> 01:04:17,312 Now, what you gotta do, you gotta lay up on his back, aight? 1097 01:04:17,896 --> 01:04:19,312 When you get up there, 1098 01:04:19,396 --> 01:04:21,729 swing your legs around like you about to ride him. 1099 01:04:22,604 --> 01:04:25,229 Understand that? Now, he gonna buck, but you gotta get up there. 1100 01:04:25,937 --> 01:04:27,062 -Go on. -[Rome] Do it. 1101 01:04:28,562 --> 01:04:30,104 -[Boo grunting] -[Cole yelps] 1102 01:04:30,187 --> 01:04:31,437 [yells, groans] 1103 01:04:31,521 --> 01:04:34,104 It's aight. It's aight. You just gotta get up. 1104 01:04:35,854 --> 01:04:38,646 -[Boo whinnying] -[continues groaning] Fuck, man! 1105 01:04:38,729 --> 01:04:42,812 Is this your idea of some fucking lesson? [panting] 1106 01:04:43,437 --> 01:04:47,437 [quietly] Get up. Come on, man. Get up. Get up. 1107 01:04:47,521 --> 01:04:50,354 This ain't about you and me right now. Understand me? 1108 01:04:50,937 --> 01:04:52,854 Now get your fuckin' horse, man. 1109 01:04:53,687 --> 01:04:55,687 Come on. You good. You good. 1110 01:04:56,271 --> 01:04:57,854 Come on, man. You good. 1111 01:04:59,396 --> 01:05:00,312 Come on. 1112 01:05:00,396 --> 01:05:02,646 [Cole panting] 1113 01:05:02,729 --> 01:05:05,271 [meditative instrumental music playing] 1114 01:05:05,354 --> 01:05:08,354 [Boo snorts, stomps, echoing] 1115 01:05:08,437 --> 01:05:10,604 [Cole breathing shakily, echoing] 1116 01:05:13,062 --> 01:05:17,104 [Boo whinnies] 1117 01:05:24,604 --> 01:05:26,146 [Cole grunts] 1118 01:05:26,229 --> 01:05:27,354 [Boo neighs] 1119 01:05:29,604 --> 01:05:30,437 You got it. 1120 01:05:31,437 --> 01:05:33,437 That's it, boy. That's it. 1121 01:05:33,521 --> 01:05:35,812 [Boo snorts, whinnies] 1122 01:05:37,021 --> 01:05:39,021 [Boo breathing steadily] 1123 01:05:48,146 --> 01:05:50,146 [Cole breathing heavily] 1124 01:05:52,812 --> 01:05:53,771 Good boy. 1125 01:06:03,771 --> 01:06:04,687 There you go. 1126 01:06:07,312 --> 01:06:08,562 Yep. Let him out. 1127 01:06:08,646 --> 01:06:10,354 -[Nessie] Good. -[Harp] Go. Let him out. 1128 01:06:10,437 --> 01:06:11,437 [Rome] Whoo-hoo! 1129 01:06:11,521 --> 01:06:13,437 -[Harp] All right. -[Rome] I see you, young boul. 1130 01:06:14,396 --> 01:06:16,854 Show him that beast mode, man. Go ahead. 1131 01:06:16,937 --> 01:06:17,979 [Harp] There you go. 1132 01:06:18,062 --> 01:06:20,396 -Yeah. [laughs] -[Paris] Man. 1133 01:06:20,479 --> 01:06:21,812 [Harp] Whoo! 1134 01:06:21,896 --> 01:06:23,521 -[Paris] There you go. -[Rome] Aight. 1135 01:06:25,021 --> 01:06:27,437 -[Rome chuckling] -group chattering indistinctly] 1136 01:06:27,521 --> 01:06:29,312 -[Rome] Mm-hmm. Yeah. -Wow. 1137 01:06:30,187 --> 01:06:31,104 [Nessie] Not bad. 1138 01:06:32,812 --> 01:06:35,312 -Wow, he's doing it. [chuckles] -[Rome] Yessir. 1139 01:06:37,229 --> 01:06:38,396 He done broke Boo. 1140 01:06:40,479 --> 01:06:42,271 [Nessie] Oh, yeah. Nice and easy. 1141 01:06:42,896 --> 01:06:46,104 [quietly] All right. Good girl. Good girl. All right. Good girl. 1142 01:06:46,187 --> 01:06:48,062 -[Boo snorts] -Good boy. 1143 01:06:48,146 --> 01:06:50,646 -[thunder rumbling in distance] -[Esha] Whoa, whoa. Easy now. 1144 01:06:50,729 --> 01:06:53,229 Easy. Easy. 1145 01:06:54,062 --> 01:06:55,604 You hooked now, ain't you? 1146 01:06:56,854 --> 01:06:58,687 -Shit. -Rain's coming. 1147 01:07:00,229 --> 01:07:01,479 Let's get outta here. 1148 01:07:02,771 --> 01:07:04,187 Yeah, just let him ride. 1149 01:07:04,271 --> 01:07:07,104 [thunder crackles] 1150 01:07:07,854 --> 01:07:08,979 [Boo neighs] 1151 01:07:12,354 --> 01:07:14,646 [music swells] 1152 01:07:18,354 --> 01:07:20,354 [thunder rumbling overhead] 1153 01:07:25,521 --> 01:07:27,521 -[music fades] -[insects chirring] 1154 01:07:31,521 --> 01:07:32,896 [Esha] You ready for the cookout? 1155 01:07:33,396 --> 01:07:36,021 [Cole] I don't really know what to be ready for, so… 1156 01:07:36,104 --> 01:07:38,646 It's like those scenes in The Fast and the Furious. 1157 01:07:38,729 --> 01:07:41,437 You got the cars at the start line and the engines revvin' 1158 01:07:41,521 --> 01:07:45,812 and the crowd going crazy and just, like, everybody partyin' and havin' a good time. 1159 01:07:46,312 --> 01:07:49,146 -[Cole] Mm-hmm. -It's like that, with cowboys and horses. 1160 01:07:50,187 --> 01:07:53,146 -All right. -[Esha] But I have something for you. 1161 01:07:53,229 --> 01:07:54,771 -[Cole] Really? -A surprise. 1162 01:07:54,854 --> 01:07:56,437 -[Cole] Oh. -So, close your eyes. 1163 01:07:56,521 --> 01:07:57,854 I gotta-- [scoffs] 1164 01:07:57,937 --> 01:08:00,562 -Aight. -[Esha] Close your eyes. Okay. 1165 01:08:03,354 --> 01:08:04,354 Keep 'em closed. 1166 01:08:04,437 --> 01:08:06,187 [horse whinnies] 1167 01:08:06,271 --> 01:08:07,396 [Esha] No peekin'. 1168 01:08:08,271 --> 01:08:10,729 -I'm not peekin'. -[Esha] Okay. Now open. 1169 01:08:12,479 --> 01:08:14,021 [horse neighs] 1170 01:08:14,604 --> 01:08:16,479 It's time we make you official. 1171 01:08:17,812 --> 01:08:18,729 [Cole] Okay. 1172 01:08:21,812 --> 01:08:23,854 [horses neighing] 1173 01:08:23,937 --> 01:08:24,937 [Cole] How I look? 1174 01:08:25,812 --> 01:08:27,521 -Like a real cowboy. -[Cole scoffs] 1175 01:08:27,604 --> 01:08:29,854 -["ABCs" playing] -♪ Yeah ♪ 1176 01:08:29,937 --> 01:08:30,937 ♪ Call me ♪ 1177 01:08:32,437 --> 01:08:35,271 ♪ Now you're for real, baby, let's go ♪ 1178 01:08:37,896 --> 01:08:40,104 -♪ Playa ♪ -♪ Bundle up, my whole style is so cold ♪ 1179 01:08:40,187 --> 01:08:42,062 ♪ I glow like old guys who go bald ♪ 1180 01:08:42,146 --> 01:08:44,146 ♪ My flow got no front in the vocal ♪ 1181 01:08:44,229 --> 01:08:46,104 ♪ Your flow got no button, it's so old ♪ 1182 01:08:46,187 --> 01:08:48,146 ♪ I don't mean to sound like a showboat ♪ 1183 01:08:48,229 --> 01:08:50,229 ♪ But it's true my persona's no joke ♪ 1184 01:08:50,312 --> 01:08:53,771 ♪ I stepped into some kinda portal I'm legend, and sometimes I'm noble ♪ 1185 01:08:53,854 --> 01:08:55,896 ♪ I'm from the most risky zone, oh ♪ 1186 01:08:55,979 --> 01:08:58,062 ♪ No place is more shifty, global ♪ 1187 01:08:58,146 --> 01:08:59,896 ♪ More pistols, Russian revolvers ♪ 1188 01:08:59,979 --> 01:09:04,187 ♪ We shootin' all that is normal But it ain't just because we want to ♪ 1189 01:09:04,271 --> 01:09:07,812 ♪ We ain't got nowhere we can run to Somebody, please press the undo ♪ 1190 01:09:07,896 --> 01:09:09,771 ♪ They only teach us The things that guns do ♪ 1191 01:09:09,854 --> 01:09:11,521 ♪ They don't teach us the ABCs ♪ 1192 01:09:11,604 --> 01:09:13,479 ♪ We play on the hard concrete ♪ 1193 01:09:13,562 --> 01:09:15,562 ♪ All we got is life on the streets ♪ 1194 01:09:15,646 --> 01:09:19,604 -♪ All we got is life on the streets… ♪ -[Rome laughs] This is a classic moment. 1195 01:09:19,687 --> 01:09:21,354 This is a very important moment in history. 1196 01:09:21,437 --> 01:09:24,521 I'm on my girl, Tulip, goin' saddle to saddle with your pops. 1197 01:09:24,604 --> 01:09:27,937 He on his horse, Naje. And we goin' at it. And we goin' neck and neck. 1198 01:09:28,021 --> 01:09:29,937 And we coming down the line, 50 yards. 1199 01:09:30,729 --> 01:09:34,437 -Twenty yards, five, then-- -Then here's where the fairy tale begins. 1200 01:09:34,521 --> 01:09:37,687 Goddamn, man! Come on, man! You're ruinin' my rhythm! 1201 01:09:37,771 --> 01:09:40,021 And the story got cadence. You don't fuck with cadence. 1202 01:09:40,104 --> 01:09:42,271 -You got ran down. -[Nessie] What you know about cadence? 1203 01:09:42,354 --> 01:09:44,854 -[Rome] Come on. You know what you doing. -[Nessie] Got cadence. 1204 01:09:44,937 --> 01:09:48,896 So anyway, the term, "the horse won by a nose." You know that. 1205 01:09:48,979 --> 01:09:50,979 You know that. But check this out. 1206 01:09:51,062 --> 01:09:53,479 -[meat sizzling] -[Rome] Tulip… had buck teeth. 1207 01:09:53,562 --> 01:09:56,187 Hung out like this, straight out. Perpendicular. 1208 01:09:56,271 --> 01:09:57,146 So straight 1209 01:09:57,229 --> 01:10:00,062 you could put a fuckin' beer can on it and use it as a coaster. 1210 01:10:00,146 --> 01:10:01,062 You're desperate. 1211 01:10:01,146 --> 01:10:03,271 -[Rome] That's true! -You ain't right. You ain't right. 1212 01:10:03,354 --> 01:10:06,271 [Rome] So anyway, we comin' down to the last few seconds of that race, 1213 01:10:06,354 --> 01:10:08,604 and I'm holding on, and it's neck and neck, 1214 01:10:08,687 --> 01:10:10,562 and just when I thought it was close, 1215 01:10:10,646 --> 01:10:14,437 Tulip's neck extend, her teeth shoot out. 1216 01:10:15,104 --> 01:10:17,729 Boing! And photo finish, motherfucker! 1217 01:10:17,812 --> 01:10:20,854 -Oh my God! Come on, now. -You ain't never lost no race. 1218 01:10:20,937 --> 01:10:22,354 You came up and got him. 1219 01:10:22,437 --> 01:10:24,687 [Rome] Tulip! Real rap. That's real! 1220 01:10:24,771 --> 01:10:27,146 -Won by a tooth! -[Paris] Maybe. 1221 01:10:27,229 --> 01:10:29,479 [crowd cheering] 1222 01:10:32,771 --> 01:10:33,979 [Rome grunts] 1223 01:10:35,354 --> 01:10:36,896 [horse neighs] 1224 01:10:38,562 --> 01:10:40,062 Thought you ducked out early. 1225 01:10:41,312 --> 01:10:43,396 I'm always on time for an ass-whupping, boy. 1226 01:10:43,479 --> 01:10:45,479 -[Rome scoffs] -[tense string music playing] 1227 01:10:45,604 --> 01:10:47,812 Y'all ready to see this boul get his ass whupped? 1228 01:10:47,896 --> 01:10:50,521 [crowd cheers] 1229 01:10:55,437 --> 01:10:56,354 Yeah. 1230 01:11:01,604 --> 01:11:02,937 -[Esha exclaims] -[Harp] Hyah! 1231 01:11:03,021 --> 01:11:04,854 -[crowd roars] -[Harp] Get up! 1232 01:11:07,312 --> 01:11:08,812 [Rome] C'mon. Get after him! 1233 01:11:08,896 --> 01:11:10,104 [yells] 1234 01:11:10,187 --> 01:11:13,021 [Harp] You got him! Come on, baby! Come on! Get up! 1235 01:11:16,979 --> 01:11:18,479 Go! Push! Come on! 1236 01:11:19,854 --> 01:11:21,937 [Rome and Harp grunting] 1237 01:11:22,021 --> 01:11:24,146 Come on! Come on! Come on! Go! 1238 01:11:24,229 --> 01:11:25,562 Come on! 1239 01:11:26,479 --> 01:11:28,396 -[Harp grunts] Come on! -[Rome grunts] 1240 01:11:30,187 --> 01:11:31,687 [crowd cheers] 1241 01:11:31,771 --> 01:11:35,396 [triumphant orchestral music playing] 1242 01:11:44,604 --> 01:11:47,562 Just got a touch of scratch-ass, boy. Huh? 1243 01:11:47,646 --> 01:11:49,396 Yeah, you kicked my back out. 1244 01:11:49,479 --> 01:11:50,771 Yep. We're eye to eye. 1245 01:11:50,854 --> 01:11:53,229 -But run that shit. Run it back! -[Harp laughing] 1246 01:11:53,312 --> 01:11:56,104 -Nah. Come on, get outta here. -[Rome] Real rap. Run that shit back. 1247 01:11:56,187 --> 01:11:59,187 Come on, let's leave these losers over here, man. 1248 01:11:59,271 --> 01:12:02,354 [Rome] You gotta give us a second chance. You be trippin', man. Come on! 1249 01:12:03,771 --> 01:12:05,604 [brakes squeaking] 1250 01:12:12,312 --> 01:12:14,771 -[parking brake clicks] -[Smush] Yo, this nigga does heavy work. 1251 01:12:14,854 --> 01:12:16,854 We got a couple more handoffs, and we done, boul. 1252 01:12:17,521 --> 01:12:19,271 -Just sit tight, aight? -[Cole] Aight. 1253 01:12:19,354 --> 01:12:20,937 -[Smush] You good? -Yeah. 1254 01:12:22,979 --> 01:12:23,979 [Smush chuckles] 1255 01:12:26,062 --> 01:12:28,062 [train horn blowing in distance] 1256 01:12:30,646 --> 01:12:32,854 [Smush] Lookin' good. Got the wheels out here and shit. 1257 01:12:33,354 --> 01:12:35,771 -This is nice, man. -[both continue speaking indistinctly] 1258 01:12:35,854 --> 01:12:37,854 [train rattling on tracks] 1259 01:12:42,437 --> 01:12:44,979 [tense instrumental music playing] 1260 01:12:46,396 --> 01:12:48,354 -[Smush groans] -[man yells] 1261 01:12:48,437 --> 01:12:50,021 [quietly] Oh, fuck. Shit. 1262 01:12:50,104 --> 01:12:52,312 [Smush] Chill, nigga! Get the fuck off me! 1263 01:12:52,937 --> 01:12:55,062 Cole, help me! Get help! Cole! 1264 01:12:55,146 --> 01:12:56,937 [screaming] Get off me, nigga! 1265 01:12:57,854 --> 01:12:59,812 -Don't go nowhere. -[quietly] Please. Yo. 1266 01:12:59,896 --> 01:13:01,271 [Jalen] Get the fuck out the way. 1267 01:13:01,354 --> 01:13:04,479 Yo, get your fuckin' ass in the trunk. Get in the trunk! 1268 01:13:05,062 --> 01:13:07,187 -Fucking gonna shoot you. -[Smush] Get the fuck off me! 1269 01:13:07,271 --> 01:13:09,896 [Jalen] Thought you could fuck with my brand and get away with it? 1270 01:13:09,979 --> 01:13:11,687 -[Cole panting] -[police sirens wailing] 1271 01:13:11,771 --> 01:13:13,062 -[Cole] Yo! Smush! -[Jalen] Shit! 1272 01:13:13,146 --> 01:13:15,146 Run, yo! Get the fuck outta here, bro! 1273 01:13:15,646 --> 01:13:16,979 [tires squealing] 1274 01:13:17,062 --> 01:13:19,021 [Smush] Holy shit, no! 1275 01:13:19,104 --> 01:13:20,937 [yells] 1276 01:13:21,021 --> 01:13:22,062 Oh, shit! 1277 01:13:23,229 --> 01:13:26,062 -[groans] -Yo, Smush! Yo! Yo! 1278 01:13:26,146 --> 01:13:28,146 Get up! Let's go! We gotta go! 1279 01:13:28,229 --> 01:13:30,146 [brakes screech] 1280 01:13:32,229 --> 01:13:34,771 -[Leroy] Don't move! -[Cole] Yo! Smush! Come on! 1281 01:13:34,854 --> 01:13:37,104 -Shit. -[police sirens approaching] 1282 01:13:37,187 --> 01:13:39,271 [Cole] Come on, man! Come on! Come on! 1283 01:13:40,271 --> 01:13:41,104 Stop! 1284 01:13:41,521 --> 01:13:42,687 [Cole and Smush panting] 1285 01:13:49,104 --> 01:13:50,521 [panting] Shit. 1286 01:13:52,687 --> 01:13:54,521 -[shouts] -[Smush] Come on! Come on! 1287 01:13:55,146 --> 01:13:57,187 [Leroy] Stop! I said, stop! 1288 01:13:57,271 --> 01:13:59,396 [Smush] Come on! Go! 1289 01:14:00,771 --> 01:14:01,646 [Leroy] Shit! 1290 01:14:02,146 --> 01:14:03,729 [Smush grunting] 1291 01:14:09,312 --> 01:14:10,521 [Leroy] Wait! 1292 01:14:11,562 --> 01:14:13,979 -[Smush] Come on! -[Smush and Cole yell] 1293 01:14:16,771 --> 01:14:20,354 {\an8}[panting] Fuck! 1294 01:14:21,437 --> 01:14:25,354 [indistinct police radio chatter] 1295 01:14:29,312 --> 01:14:32,312 [Smush panting and grunting] 1296 01:14:34,229 --> 01:14:37,771 [gasps] Fuck! 1297 01:14:37,854 --> 01:14:40,021 [water dripping] 1298 01:14:40,104 --> 01:14:41,229 [whines softly] 1299 01:14:45,687 --> 01:14:48,229 Man, fuck that nigga! Fuck Jalen! 1300 01:14:49,854 --> 01:14:52,729 Think we just gonna stand our ground? This shit is war. 1301 01:14:53,521 --> 01:14:55,062 Aight? We takin' ground. 1302 01:14:56,312 --> 01:14:57,896 We taking this shit, okay? 1303 01:14:58,729 --> 01:14:59,604 Smush. 1304 01:15:05,979 --> 01:15:08,646 God. What you gonna do, C? 1305 01:15:10,646 --> 01:15:12,104 What are you gonna do, my nigga? 1306 01:15:14,687 --> 01:15:16,771 Tell me about it. Come on, bro. I'm ready. 1307 01:15:16,854 --> 01:15:18,729 I've been waitin'. Tell me about that dream. 1308 01:15:18,812 --> 01:15:20,521 -[Cole] I don't know. -That you been chasing. 1309 01:15:20,604 --> 01:15:22,354 You wanna be a trashman like your pops? 1310 01:15:23,354 --> 01:15:24,271 Oh, nah. Wait, wait. 1311 01:15:24,354 --> 01:15:27,771 You wanna sit around a fuckin' campfire, tellin' stories and shit. 1312 01:15:27,854 --> 01:15:30,562 They some old heads, nigga. They don't know what they talkin' about. 1313 01:15:31,062 --> 01:15:32,187 Them stables? 1314 01:15:33,229 --> 01:15:34,604 They expired, bro. 1315 01:15:34,687 --> 01:15:36,271 [breathing shakily] 1316 01:15:37,437 --> 01:15:38,729 They've been gone. 1317 01:15:41,479 --> 01:15:43,646 Everyone who was supposed to take care of me 1318 01:15:43,729 --> 01:15:45,437 left me out on them corners, man. 1319 01:15:49,479 --> 01:15:51,104 You don't see it yet, C. 1320 01:15:53,687 --> 01:15:55,062 You don't see their shit. 1321 01:15:57,271 --> 01:15:58,771 We alone out here, man. 1322 01:16:01,521 --> 01:16:04,521 I don't know about you, but I'm tired of being left. 1323 01:16:05,146 --> 01:16:06,646 So I'mma get my money, 1324 01:16:07,771 --> 01:16:10,979 I'mma build my own fuckin' train, and I'mma get up outta here. 1325 01:16:11,771 --> 01:16:12,604 Aight? 1326 01:16:14,646 --> 01:16:16,146 You with me or not, bro? 1327 01:16:31,104 --> 01:16:31,937 Cole! 1328 01:16:34,979 --> 01:16:37,146 Where the fuck you going? [sniffles] 1329 01:16:39,187 --> 01:16:40,312 Cole! 1330 01:16:45,687 --> 01:16:47,396 [stifles sob, inhales sharply] 1331 01:16:48,229 --> 01:16:50,229 [breathing shakily] 1332 01:16:51,354 --> 01:16:52,896 [stable door opens] 1333 01:16:52,979 --> 01:16:54,979 [fluorescent light buzzing] 1334 01:16:56,104 --> 01:16:59,271 -[chickens clucking] -[horses whinnying] 1335 01:17:01,854 --> 01:17:03,729 [Boo nickers] 1336 01:17:05,354 --> 01:17:07,729 [chuckles, sniffles, sighs] 1337 01:17:09,187 --> 01:17:11,937 [Boo whickers softly] 1338 01:17:12,021 --> 01:17:13,146 [Cole crying softly] 1339 01:17:15,896 --> 01:17:20,187 We're gonna be good. We're gonna be good, all right? 1340 01:17:23,521 --> 01:17:25,104 [sighs deeply] 1341 01:17:34,687 --> 01:17:37,229 [indistinct chatter] 1342 01:17:37,312 --> 01:17:38,146 Come on. 1343 01:17:38,229 --> 01:17:42,521 What you gonna do? You-- Even on a horse, you still can't beat me. 1344 01:17:43,312 --> 01:17:46,479 Get him. Where's he going? He can't get past us. 1345 01:17:46,562 --> 01:17:47,396 Where's he gonna go? 1346 01:17:47,479 --> 01:17:49,896 -[Cole] I can get past. -Where you going? Where's he going? 1347 01:17:49,979 --> 01:17:53,271 [calming instrumental music playing] 1348 01:18:03,562 --> 01:18:05,937 [Cole] So, you gonna teach me how to stand on a horse? 1349 01:18:06,021 --> 01:18:07,812 [Esha] Maybe. If you think you can. 1350 01:18:07,896 --> 01:18:10,229 -[Cole scoffs] I know I can. -[Esha] We'll see. 1351 01:18:10,312 --> 01:18:11,854 -[siren chirps] -[Boo whinnies] 1352 01:18:14,812 --> 01:18:15,687 Get in. 1353 01:18:19,187 --> 01:18:21,104 -[Cole] I'll see you later. -All right. 1354 01:18:41,771 --> 01:18:43,479 [buzzer sounds] 1355 01:18:43,562 --> 01:18:45,562 [woman speaking indistinctly over PA] 1356 01:18:51,229 --> 01:18:52,937 Man, that boy can rip. [sighs] 1357 01:18:55,146 --> 01:18:56,187 You know Kyle. 1358 01:18:57,646 --> 01:19:00,354 Me and him came up together at Fletcher Street. [sighs] 1359 01:19:02,396 --> 01:19:04,021 Now this how he make his money. 1360 01:19:04,771 --> 01:19:06,854 Trainin' horses. Here. 1361 01:19:11,146 --> 01:19:12,687 I always wanted to be a cop. 1362 01:19:13,229 --> 01:19:16,104 Ever since my mom took me to a parade, 1363 01:19:16,687 --> 01:19:21,562 watchin' those policemen ride by, all suited up like knights. 1364 01:19:21,646 --> 01:19:24,271 [chuckles softly] I knew then. 1365 01:19:30,146 --> 01:19:31,146 [sighs] 1366 01:19:33,604 --> 01:19:37,479 -You don't have to get out to grow up. -[stirring instrumental music playing] 1367 01:19:51,146 --> 01:19:53,146 [indistinct chatter] 1368 01:19:59,104 --> 01:20:01,187 [Esha] You ready to learn to stand on a horse? 1369 01:20:01,271 --> 01:20:02,312 [horses neighing] 1370 01:20:02,396 --> 01:20:05,521 [takes a deep breath] I mean, I'm out here, ain't I? 1371 01:20:08,396 --> 01:20:10,312 Yeah, you are. 1372 01:20:11,437 --> 01:20:13,604 [horse whinnies] 1373 01:20:18,021 --> 01:20:20,521 [music swells] 1374 01:20:21,354 --> 01:20:22,396 [Esha chuckles] 1375 01:20:29,604 --> 01:20:33,479 We gotta get these guys in. Come on. Then we'll get you up there. 1376 01:20:33,562 --> 01:20:34,729 [Cole] Let's go! 1377 01:20:35,646 --> 01:20:37,646 [crickets chirping] 1378 01:20:59,562 --> 01:21:01,562 [Nessie shouting indistinctly outside] 1379 01:21:10,354 --> 01:21:12,687 Load up as many as you can. Go! 1380 01:21:19,146 --> 01:21:21,146 [sounds echoing] 1381 01:21:27,271 --> 01:21:29,937 -[horses whinnying] -[high-pitched ringing] 1382 01:21:30,021 --> 01:21:32,937 [people shouting indistinctly] 1383 01:21:36,229 --> 01:21:40,729 [Nessie] Where you gonna take our horses? You just can't take 'em like this! 1384 01:21:40,812 --> 01:21:42,479 [police sirens wailing] 1385 01:21:42,562 --> 01:21:46,812 -[indistinct radio chatter] -[horses continue whinnying] 1386 01:21:54,479 --> 01:21:56,396 [Boo whinnies] 1387 01:21:57,021 --> 01:21:58,521 [man] Hey! Get over here! 1388 01:21:59,854 --> 01:22:01,729 [Cole panting] 1389 01:22:01,812 --> 01:22:03,812 [crowd shouting indistinctly] 1390 01:22:05,812 --> 01:22:07,437 [Cole] No! No! Stop! 1391 01:22:07,521 --> 01:22:09,104 -Stop! -[Leroy] Come here. Please! 1392 01:22:09,187 --> 01:22:12,146 -Calm down. Don't do it. -[Cole] Get the fuck off of me! 1393 01:22:12,229 --> 01:22:15,771 -No. Back up. Just back up, Cole! -[Cole] Fuck this! Fuck this! 1394 01:22:15,854 --> 01:22:17,771 [Harp] We pay fuckin' rent, man. We pay rent. 1395 01:22:17,854 --> 01:22:21,229 -The owners have been warning-- -I don't give a fuck about the owners! 1396 01:22:21,312 --> 01:22:22,687 All right! Guys, guys, guys! 1397 01:22:22,771 --> 01:22:26,812 I'm sorry, but there's been reports of malnourishment. 1398 01:22:26,896 --> 01:22:28,604 [Rome] My horses eat better than you, chubby. 1399 01:22:28,687 --> 01:22:31,312 [official] There's a dead horse rotting back there, for God's sake. 1400 01:22:31,396 --> 01:22:33,979 [Nessie] You can't do this to us! Do something! 1401 01:22:34,062 --> 01:22:37,521 What I'm gonna have to do is, I'm gonna have to take the horses 1402 01:22:37,604 --> 01:22:40,854 at one of our facilities so they can be assessed. 1403 01:22:40,937 --> 01:22:42,062 -Sir-- -[Harp] Fuck that! 1404 01:22:42,146 --> 01:22:45,521 There is nothing you can do about it. 1405 01:22:45,604 --> 01:22:47,187 The fuck are you talking about? 1406 01:22:47,271 --> 01:22:48,646 You fuckin' thieves! 1407 01:22:48,729 --> 01:22:50,146 [Boo whinnying, stomps] 1408 01:22:51,062 --> 01:22:53,062 -[Leroy] Yo! Cole! -[Harp] No! Let him go! 1409 01:22:53,146 --> 01:22:55,937 -[Cole] Yo, do something! Come on! -[Leroy] Stop it! Stop it! 1410 01:22:56,021 --> 01:22:58,396 -[Nessie] It's gonna be all right. -Yo, fuck this! 1411 01:22:58,479 --> 01:23:01,104 -[Nessie] We'll figure it out. -Nah! 1412 01:23:01,187 --> 01:23:03,396 -Do something! -You wanna get locked up? 1413 01:23:03,479 --> 01:23:06,187 -Do something! Do something! -I'm trying! You wanna get locked up? 1414 01:23:06,271 --> 01:23:09,187 -Just chill. Relax. -Talking about you're a fucking cowboy! 1415 01:23:09,271 --> 01:23:11,062 You a fucking coward! 1416 01:23:11,146 --> 01:23:14,021 -[crowd shouting indistinctly] -[Boo continues whinnying] 1417 01:23:14,104 --> 01:23:16,687 [police sirens wailing] 1418 01:23:17,271 --> 01:23:20,271 Yo, let me tell you, you know this is fuckin' dead wrong, man. 1419 01:23:20,354 --> 01:23:23,604 -You know this is dead fuckin' wrong. -Harp. Harp. 1420 01:23:23,687 --> 01:23:26,354 -Come on, Harp. -Come on. How you gonna do that to us? 1421 01:23:26,437 --> 01:23:28,729 Huh? This where we live, nigga. 1422 01:23:29,396 --> 01:23:31,062 How the fuck you gonna do that? 1423 01:23:31,146 --> 01:23:31,979 Nessie. 1424 01:23:32,062 --> 01:23:35,312 [Harp] Nah, don't call Nessie. Don't call nobody on this block, man. 1425 01:23:35,396 --> 01:23:36,896 -I'm talking to you now! -Not fair. 1426 01:23:36,979 --> 01:23:38,771 You guys brought this on yourself. 1427 01:23:38,854 --> 01:23:43,146 You had every chance to get this right, and you did nothin'. 1428 01:23:43,229 --> 01:23:46,604 -Okay? Go somewhere and think this out. -[Rome] We built this place! 1429 01:23:46,687 --> 01:23:48,937 Y'all tryna tear this place down! 1430 01:23:49,021 --> 01:23:51,229 -We built this place! -[crowd shouting] 1431 01:23:52,104 --> 01:23:53,312 [Rome] This our home! 1432 01:23:55,896 --> 01:23:57,896 [wind whistling] 1433 01:24:03,021 --> 01:24:04,146 [chicken clucking] 1434 01:24:07,104 --> 01:24:09,562 [wind picks up] 1435 01:24:14,271 --> 01:24:16,271 [crickets chirping] 1436 01:24:24,104 --> 01:24:26,104 [water dripping] 1437 01:24:32,562 --> 01:24:34,562 [footsteps approaching] 1438 01:24:46,354 --> 01:24:47,271 [hands slap] 1439 01:24:48,229 --> 01:24:51,354 [Cole] I'm sorry. You were right, man. 1440 01:24:52,229 --> 01:24:55,354 [Smush scoffs] Aight. Come on, man. 1441 01:24:55,437 --> 01:24:57,812 I used to take Chuck out in the middle of the night. 1442 01:24:58,437 --> 01:25:00,312 -Really? Where? -Yeah. 1443 01:25:00,396 --> 01:25:02,979 Like, way out in the park. I'm talking deep. 1444 01:25:03,062 --> 01:25:05,354 Like, miles away, where nobody could find me. 1445 01:25:05,437 --> 01:25:07,312 Niggas around here, they hate that shit, man. 1446 01:25:07,396 --> 01:25:10,396 They always around that noise and baby mamas yellin' and screamin' 1447 01:25:10,479 --> 01:25:12,979 and cars and honking, all that bullshit, man. 1448 01:25:13,479 --> 01:25:15,437 Look, look, look, look. Check this out. 1449 01:25:15,937 --> 01:25:16,937 Listen to this. 1450 01:25:18,854 --> 01:25:20,854 [water dripping] 1451 01:25:22,646 --> 01:25:23,562 What? 1452 01:25:24,812 --> 01:25:26,896 Right there. Silence. 1453 01:25:27,812 --> 01:25:29,396 That stillness, man. 1454 01:25:31,062 --> 01:25:33,354 That's what I been chasing my whole life, bro. 1455 01:25:34,062 --> 01:25:35,521 So wherever we going, 1456 01:25:36,146 --> 01:25:39,354 it's gonna be somewhere quiet, somewhere still. 1457 01:25:40,437 --> 01:25:41,396 Just me and you. 1458 01:25:47,937 --> 01:25:51,062 -[Smush exhales slowly] -[hip-hop music playing on car stereo] 1459 01:25:54,646 --> 01:25:55,479 Aight. 1460 01:25:57,896 --> 01:26:00,812 We gonna start switchin' up these drops spots every time. 1461 01:26:01,312 --> 01:26:03,979 Okay? Like in them mob jawns. You know what I'm sayin'? 1462 01:26:04,062 --> 01:26:05,354 -Aight. -[Smush] Cool. 1463 01:26:05,437 --> 01:26:07,187 I'mma have you be lookout this time. 1464 01:26:08,229 --> 01:26:09,146 Okay? 1465 01:26:10,021 --> 01:26:13,354 That shit got a 360. Holler if you see anything. 1466 01:26:13,979 --> 01:26:15,187 Head on a swivel. 1467 01:26:17,812 --> 01:26:18,687 We got it. 1468 01:26:20,646 --> 01:26:21,687 [Cole] Uh-huh. 1469 01:26:23,812 --> 01:26:25,562 -[Smush exhales] -[door opens] 1470 01:26:25,646 --> 01:26:26,604 [Cole exhales] 1471 01:26:46,312 --> 01:26:48,312 [men chattering indistinctly] 1472 01:26:58,646 --> 01:26:59,896 [Cole takes a deep breath] 1473 01:27:07,187 --> 01:27:10,562 [door chime rings] 1474 01:27:11,771 --> 01:27:13,771 [car engine sputtering, fades] 1475 01:27:18,396 --> 01:27:19,604 [door chime rings] 1476 01:27:23,146 --> 01:27:24,937 -[shots ring out] -[Cole] Oh, fuck! 1477 01:27:25,021 --> 01:27:27,312 -[screams echoing] -[Cole] Hey! Smush! 1478 01:27:27,396 --> 01:27:28,687 [screams continue echoing] 1479 01:27:28,771 --> 01:27:30,437 [Cole] Smush. Shit! 1480 01:27:30,521 --> 01:27:32,812 -[police sirens wailing] -[Cole] Hold on, man! 1481 01:27:34,062 --> 01:27:35,937 [sobbing] No, man! No! 1482 01:27:37,187 --> 01:27:39,187 [tense music playing] 1483 01:27:39,271 --> 01:27:40,521 [sounds fade] 1484 01:27:52,604 --> 01:27:55,896 The young kid on a pedal bike just rolled up on him. 1485 01:27:55,979 --> 01:27:57,021 [crickets chirping] 1486 01:27:57,104 --> 01:28:01,187 Smush likely had a bounty on his head, and the kid took the payday. 1487 01:28:01,271 --> 01:28:04,021 [Harp takes a deep breath] 1488 01:28:04,104 --> 01:28:07,729 [Leroy] We're also hearin' about some other kid who was at the scene. 1489 01:28:10,062 --> 01:28:11,937 -[Harp] Come on, Leroy. -[Leroy sighs] 1490 01:28:16,562 --> 01:28:17,896 You have to find Cole. 1491 01:28:21,062 --> 01:28:21,979 Yeah. 1492 01:28:22,062 --> 01:28:26,979 [church organ playing] 1493 01:28:27,896 --> 01:28:33,604 ♪ Draw me nearer ♪ 1494 01:28:34,229 --> 01:28:39,229 ♪ Savior, draw me near ♪ 1495 01:28:40,146 --> 01:28:43,354 ♪ Savior, savior ♪ 1496 01:28:43,437 --> 01:28:48,562 ♪ Draw me near ♪ 1497 01:28:48,646 --> 01:28:55,062 ♪ Draw me nearer ♪ 1498 01:28:55,687 --> 01:29:02,521 ♪ Savior, draw me near ♪ 1499 01:29:02,604 --> 01:29:06,271 ♪ Savior, savior ♪ 1500 01:29:07,479 --> 01:29:14,146 ♪ Draw me near ♪ 1501 01:29:14,229 --> 01:29:18,521 ♪ Savior, savior ♪ 1502 01:29:18,604 --> 01:29:24,896 ♪ Draw me near ♪ 1503 01:29:32,521 --> 01:29:33,812 [Harp sighs] 1504 01:29:39,812 --> 01:29:41,812 [dog barking in distance] 1505 01:30:03,146 --> 01:30:05,979 [Harp] Cole. Come on, man. 1506 01:30:07,687 --> 01:30:08,854 Come on. Get up. 1507 01:30:09,729 --> 01:30:13,729 Come on. Let's get-- Come on. Sit you right here. [grunts] 1508 01:30:15,729 --> 01:30:18,479 [sighs] Let me look at you, man. 1509 01:30:23,937 --> 01:30:25,396 [Cole breathing shakily] 1510 01:30:28,229 --> 01:30:29,187 Are you hurt? 1511 01:30:31,729 --> 01:30:32,979 [exhales] 1512 01:30:34,562 --> 01:30:37,396 [Cole crying softly] 1513 01:30:40,687 --> 01:30:42,854 -[sniffles] -[Harp sighs] 1514 01:30:46,021 --> 01:30:47,646 Aight. Let's take this off. 1515 01:30:54,729 --> 01:30:56,437 I got you a different shirt. 1516 01:30:56,521 --> 01:30:58,646 [Cole continues breathing shakily] 1517 01:31:00,062 --> 01:31:03,646 I'm just gonna… clean this up. 1518 01:31:10,979 --> 01:31:11,979 [sighs] 1519 01:31:22,187 --> 01:31:24,854 I feel like I was born with a boot on my neck. 1520 01:31:27,229 --> 01:31:28,437 Taught from the jump. 1521 01:31:29,646 --> 01:31:31,646 [water drips] 1522 01:31:31,729 --> 01:31:35,312 "Watch your back out there." [sighs] 1523 01:31:39,062 --> 01:31:41,062 That's what my mama used to tell me. 1524 01:31:42,729 --> 01:31:44,687 "Watch your back out there, boy." 1525 01:31:49,271 --> 01:31:51,687 I don't know who they expect us to grow up to be 1526 01:31:51,771 --> 01:31:56,562 if we… watchin' over our shoulder all our fuckin' lives. 1527 01:31:58,771 --> 01:32:00,187 [water drips] 1528 01:32:03,479 --> 01:32:04,729 [Harp sighs] 1529 01:32:04,812 --> 01:32:09,646 The only home I ever known was… on the back of a horse. 1530 01:32:25,937 --> 01:32:28,062 [takes a deep breath] 1531 01:32:30,271 --> 01:32:31,771 Here, put this shirt on. 1532 01:32:33,896 --> 01:32:35,104 Go on. 1533 01:32:40,979 --> 01:32:42,062 [sighs] 1534 01:32:48,604 --> 01:32:50,187 Smush one of us, man. 1535 01:32:56,979 --> 01:32:59,229 They may have put his body in the ground already, 1536 01:32:59,312 --> 01:33:01,312 but he ain't go in no cowboy. 1537 01:33:04,396 --> 01:33:08,146 We gotta go get Chuck, get his boots. 1538 01:33:10,562 --> 01:33:12,312 We're gonna put 'em on his grave. 1539 01:33:17,562 --> 01:33:19,271 Let's give him his last ride. 1540 01:33:24,812 --> 01:33:27,687 [Cole sniffles, crying softly] 1541 01:33:29,521 --> 01:33:31,687 -[sobbing] -[Harp] I know, man. 1542 01:33:33,604 --> 01:33:35,937 -[patting] -I got you. 1543 01:33:39,229 --> 01:33:41,146 [sighs, softly] I got you, man. 1544 01:33:41,229 --> 01:33:42,562 [Cole sniffles] 1545 01:33:48,604 --> 01:33:49,521 [Cole sobs] 1546 01:33:50,604 --> 01:33:52,437 [ominous music playing] 1547 01:33:52,521 --> 01:33:55,854 [horses whinnying] 1548 01:33:55,937 --> 01:33:57,604 [snorting] 1549 01:34:00,062 --> 01:34:02,646 [whinnies echo] 1550 01:34:06,312 --> 01:34:08,104 [Harp and Cole panting] 1551 01:34:08,812 --> 01:34:10,062 [Harp, quietly] Come on. 1552 01:34:13,521 --> 01:34:15,521 [horses whinnying] 1553 01:34:17,146 --> 01:34:18,646 [Harp] Okay, keep a lookout. 1554 01:34:22,479 --> 01:34:23,354 Aight. 1555 01:34:24,146 --> 01:34:25,354 Help me move this. 1556 01:34:27,479 --> 01:34:29,521 -[metal clangs] -[both grunting] 1557 01:34:29,604 --> 01:34:31,604 [wheels squeaking] 1558 01:34:43,729 --> 01:34:45,729 [tense music playing] 1559 01:34:57,354 --> 01:34:58,437 [Harp exhales] 1560 01:34:58,521 --> 01:34:59,812 [horses whinnying inside] 1561 01:35:09,521 --> 01:35:10,771 [lock rattles, clicks] 1562 01:35:12,187 --> 01:35:14,187 [horse neighs] 1563 01:35:20,896 --> 01:35:21,854 [thuds loudly] 1564 01:35:21,937 --> 01:35:24,187 [announcer speaking indistinctly on radio] 1565 01:35:29,812 --> 01:35:31,354 [horses whinnying] 1566 01:35:31,437 --> 01:35:32,646 [Harp, quietly] Chuck? 1567 01:35:33,812 --> 01:35:35,896 -Chuck. -[Cole] Hey, boy. 1568 01:35:36,479 --> 01:35:37,437 Chuck. 1569 01:35:37,521 --> 01:35:39,771 [clicks tongue] Come here, boy. Come on. 1570 01:35:41,187 --> 01:35:42,021 [Cole] Hey. 1571 01:35:42,104 --> 01:35:44,021 -[clicks tongue] -[horse whinnies] 1572 01:35:44,104 --> 01:35:46,646 -[Cole] Boo? -[Boo snorts] 1573 01:35:46,729 --> 01:35:48,229 [whinnying] 1574 01:35:51,729 --> 01:35:54,062 [gate slides, clanks] 1575 01:35:54,687 --> 01:35:57,396 Hey. What's up? Good to see you, boy. 1576 01:35:57,479 --> 01:35:59,604 -[Boo nickers] -[Cole chuckles] 1577 01:35:59,687 --> 01:36:01,396 Whoa. [panting] 1578 01:36:02,979 --> 01:36:05,271 Whoa. Oh, I missed you, man. 1579 01:36:05,354 --> 01:36:07,437 [Boo nickers] 1580 01:36:07,521 --> 01:36:10,271 [Cole] I'mma get you outta here. I got you. 1581 01:36:10,354 --> 01:36:12,271 Ain't nothing gonna happen to you no more. 1582 01:36:12,354 --> 01:36:14,437 -[Boo snorts] -[door squeaks open] 1583 01:36:14,521 --> 01:36:16,187 [Boo whinnies] 1584 01:36:16,271 --> 01:36:18,396 [indistinct radio chatter] 1585 01:36:24,687 --> 01:36:26,312 I've been out there three nights, 1586 01:36:26,396 --> 01:36:29,229 waiting for your dumb asses to drum up the courage. 1587 01:36:31,771 --> 01:36:33,062 [Harp sighs] 1588 01:36:34,646 --> 01:36:37,604 So now what? You here to arrest us? 1589 01:36:38,479 --> 01:36:39,479 [horse neighs] 1590 01:36:44,687 --> 01:36:47,604 Nah, I'm here to make sure some rook with a sweaty trigger finger 1591 01:36:47,687 --> 01:36:49,687 doesn't shoot your Black asses. 1592 01:36:50,354 --> 01:36:51,604 [Harp scoffs] 1593 01:36:51,687 --> 01:36:54,771 Come on, Harp. At least make it look like something it ain't. 1594 01:36:54,854 --> 01:36:57,979 You steal back the only horses they seized down at Fletcher Street, 1595 01:36:58,062 --> 01:37:01,271 it's gonna be a little too obvious for them to ignore, don't you think? 1596 01:37:02,271 --> 01:37:05,437 -[horse snorts] -Come on, beautiful. 1597 01:37:08,646 --> 01:37:09,896 Let's go. 1598 01:37:10,479 --> 01:37:13,562 We'll let this one and the others run around for a while, 1599 01:37:13,646 --> 01:37:15,187 gather 'em up in the morning. 1600 01:37:15,271 --> 01:37:18,854 And it just so happens yours can't be found. 1601 01:37:20,104 --> 01:37:22,896 So look, I suggest you lay low until morning. 1602 01:37:24,354 --> 01:37:28,021 Or at least until everybody remembers we have actual murders to solve, 1603 01:37:28,104 --> 01:37:30,396 and gets bored lookin' for some lost pets. 1604 01:37:32,354 --> 01:37:34,604 Backup will be here in about five minutes. 1605 01:37:35,896 --> 01:37:37,396 I suggest you giddyup. 1606 01:37:40,062 --> 01:37:40,937 [Harp] Come on. 1607 01:37:41,021 --> 01:37:43,479 -[horses whinnying] -[Cole whoops] 1608 01:37:43,562 --> 01:37:44,812 [Harp] Hyah! Hyah! 1609 01:37:48,562 --> 01:37:50,521 -[lighter clicks] -[fire crackling] 1610 01:37:50,604 --> 01:37:52,396 [crickets chirping] 1611 01:37:52,479 --> 01:37:54,187 [Boo nickering] 1612 01:37:59,812 --> 01:38:01,187 [water dripping] 1613 01:38:11,562 --> 01:38:13,021 [Chuck whinnies] 1614 01:38:16,062 --> 01:38:19,187 -[wind whistling] -[somber instrumental music playing] 1615 01:39:07,437 --> 01:39:09,021 [horses neighing] 1616 01:40:35,729 --> 01:40:37,187 [horse nickers] 1617 01:40:47,604 --> 01:40:49,604 [music swells] 1618 01:41:20,854 --> 01:41:22,854 [insects chirring] 1619 01:41:25,271 --> 01:41:27,271 [birds singing] 1620 01:41:28,521 --> 01:41:30,521 [chicken clucking] 1621 01:41:33,229 --> 01:41:34,146 [engine starts] 1622 01:41:37,104 --> 01:41:39,187 [backhoe whirring loudly] 1623 01:41:42,104 --> 01:41:44,604 [metal scraping] 1624 01:41:45,812 --> 01:41:48,229 [bus engine humming] 1625 01:41:48,312 --> 01:41:51,687 -[horse whinnies loudly] -[background noises fade] 1626 01:41:51,771 --> 01:41:55,229 [soaring instrumental music playing] 1627 01:41:55,312 --> 01:41:56,937 [horses panting and whinnying] 1628 01:42:01,437 --> 01:42:03,437 [speaking inaudibly] 1629 01:42:13,229 --> 01:42:14,562 [horse neighs] 1630 01:42:14,646 --> 01:42:16,854 [machinery whirring] 1631 01:42:18,604 --> 01:42:19,729 [Harp] Whoa. 1632 01:42:22,104 --> 01:42:25,354 Pops, we can't just watch this go down. We… We gotta do something. 1633 01:42:25,437 --> 01:42:28,729 Let's ride in and block 'em. Give these motherfuckers a day off. 1634 01:42:33,146 --> 01:42:34,354 [horse snorts] 1635 01:42:34,437 --> 01:42:37,021 Nessie, where you from? What stable did you came up from? 1636 01:42:37,104 --> 01:42:38,521 -White House. -Right. 1637 01:42:38,604 --> 01:42:39,979 Rome? Where you from? 1638 01:42:40,062 --> 01:42:42,646 -Tioga, you know that. -Uh-huh. What about the rest of y'all? 1639 01:42:42,729 --> 01:42:44,187 -[Paris] 31st. -[Esha] Markoe Street. 1640 01:42:44,271 --> 01:42:46,271 Yeah, all them places you talk about right here, 1641 01:42:46,354 --> 01:42:49,021 all them places, long gone. 1642 01:42:49,729 --> 01:42:52,729 They're all bricks and beams right now, but you still here, ain't you? 1643 01:42:53,229 --> 01:42:54,521 -You still here? -Yeah. 1644 01:42:54,604 --> 01:42:57,187 Yeah. Let 'em take the stables. 1645 01:42:57,271 --> 01:43:00,771 Let 'em take 'em 'cause they can't take who we are as a… as a people. 1646 01:43:02,312 --> 01:43:05,479 Home ain't a place. It's a fam. 1647 01:43:06,812 --> 01:43:08,521 That's what make us cowboys. 1648 01:43:10,479 --> 01:43:12,062 So what we gonna do, then? 1649 01:43:12,646 --> 01:43:14,937 Well, shit, we gonna do what we always do. 1650 01:43:15,729 --> 01:43:16,771 We gonna ride. 1651 01:43:16,854 --> 01:43:19,354 [horse neighs] 1652 01:43:19,437 --> 01:43:21,437 [uplifting music playing] 1653 01:44:00,729 --> 01:44:02,896 [door squeaks] 1654 01:44:07,646 --> 01:44:08,771 [lock clicks] 1655 01:44:19,812 --> 01:44:21,396 [indistinct chatter] 1656 01:44:21,479 --> 01:44:23,479 [traffic passing] 1657 01:44:23,562 --> 01:44:27,229 -[water spraying] -[children shouting] 1658 01:44:39,229 --> 01:44:42,062 [Chuck nickers, snorts] 1659 01:44:48,312 --> 01:44:50,896 Good boy, Chuck. Stay right there. 1660 01:44:59,312 --> 01:45:01,146 [Amahle takes a deep breath] 1661 01:45:10,687 --> 01:45:11,604 [sighs] 1662 01:45:14,312 --> 01:45:15,937 -[sobs quietly] -Come on, now. 1663 01:45:16,021 --> 01:45:18,021 [Amahle breathing shakily] 1664 01:45:20,396 --> 01:45:21,312 Thank you. 1665 01:45:22,562 --> 01:45:24,312 Thank you for bringing him to me. 1666 01:45:26,062 --> 01:45:27,521 -I mean it. -[Amahle sniffles] 1667 01:45:29,437 --> 01:45:31,812 -[door opens, closes] -[Harp] Come on, now. 1668 01:45:34,479 --> 01:45:36,479 -[Cole] Mom. -[Amahle] Cole. 1669 01:45:36,562 --> 01:45:38,979 [gasps] Cole, baby. Ah! 1670 01:45:39,687 --> 01:45:42,604 Oh! [sniffles, sobs] 1671 01:45:43,479 --> 01:45:45,521 Oh! My baby boy. [chuckles] 1672 01:45:46,021 --> 01:45:47,229 [Cole] You look good, Mama. 1673 01:45:47,729 --> 01:45:50,479 [laughing] I like you as a cowboy. 1674 01:45:50,562 --> 01:45:52,521 Ma, this is Boo. This is my horse. 1675 01:45:52,604 --> 01:45:56,062 -[Harp] Yeah. He's riding. Yep. -[Amahle] My goodness. Wow. 1676 01:45:56,146 --> 01:45:59,104 -Oh, he's so beautiful. -[Harp] Yeah, he got his own horse. 1677 01:45:59,187 --> 01:46:01,604 I mean, he's still got a lot to learn. He ain't no me. 1678 01:46:01,687 --> 01:46:05,021 -[Cole] I ain't no-- I'm better than you. -[Harp] Ain't no ole Harp, man. 1679 01:46:05,104 --> 01:46:07,479 -[Cole] I'm better than you. -[Harp] Better than who? What? 1680 01:46:08,312 --> 01:46:09,979 -Come on, man. -[Amahle laughs] 1681 01:46:10,062 --> 01:46:11,646 [calming instrumental music playing] 1682 01:46:36,396 --> 01:46:38,437 {\an8}Even when we riding around, people'll be like, 1683 01:46:38,521 --> 01:46:42,729 {\an8}"Uh, where do the horses come from?" Or, "How did they get around here?" 1684 01:46:42,812 --> 01:46:47,104 {\an8}These horses been here before me. Know what I'm saying? So it's like… 1685 01:46:49,687 --> 01:46:53,562 {\an8}when we telling this story, I want people to sit back and just look 1686 01:46:54,521 --> 01:46:57,354 {\an8}and see, like, this is… this really… this is really happenin'. 1687 01:46:58,146 --> 01:47:03,271 {\an8}And they do this, and… people got good days and bad days. 1688 01:47:03,354 --> 01:47:06,104 {\an8}And that's, like, regular. That's, like, regular life. 1689 01:47:06,187 --> 01:47:07,396 {\an8}And this is life. 1690 01:47:08,437 --> 01:47:09,396 {\an8}I live in Philadelphia. 1691 01:47:09,479 --> 01:47:11,521 {\an8}And there are people, all the time, who say to me, 1692 01:47:11,604 --> 01:47:14,646 {\an8}"What do you mean, you ride horses? Where? There are no horses in Philadelphia." 1693 01:47:14,729 --> 01:47:17,771 {\an8}It's like, "What are you talking about? There are horses all over Philadelphia." 1694 01:47:17,854 --> 01:47:20,229 {\an8}And, like, yes, in North Philly, we ride horses. 1695 01:47:20,312 --> 01:47:22,521 {\an8}Like, we have horses. We take care of the horses. 1696 01:47:22,604 --> 01:47:25,312 {\an8}And I think that if more people knew about it 1697 01:47:25,396 --> 01:47:30,604 {\an8}and knew how important the stable was to so many people, young people, 1698 01:47:30,687 --> 01:47:32,312 {\an8}who don't have anywhere else to go. 1699 01:47:32,396 --> 01:47:35,687 {\an8}I think I get more enjoyment out of watchin' the kids 1700 01:47:35,771 --> 01:47:37,396 {\an8}that I actually teach… 1701 01:47:37,896 --> 01:47:39,354 {\an8}Watching them kinda, like, 1702 01:47:40,146 --> 01:47:43,896 {\an8}them absorb it and then adapt and then make an adjustment, 1703 01:47:43,979 --> 01:47:46,979 {\an8}not just with a horse, but just in life itself. 1704 01:47:47,062 --> 01:47:49,604 {\an8}The stable, like, it does… it does a lot for us. 1705 01:47:49,687 --> 01:47:51,396 {\an8}Like, you know, I can pretty much sit here 1706 01:47:51,479 --> 01:47:53,604 {\an8}and say that I'm in my forties right now, 1707 01:47:53,687 --> 01:47:56,562 {\an8}and I believe in my heart because of this stable 1708 01:47:56,646 --> 01:47:58,896 {\an8}that's why I don't have a felony on my record. 1709 01:47:58,979 --> 01:48:01,229 {\an8}You know what I mean? Or nothing like that. It just-- 1710 01:48:01,312 --> 01:48:02,979 {\an8}It helps keep you on a straight path 1711 01:48:03,062 --> 01:48:05,354 {\an8}with the other guys down here, the older guys, you know, 1712 01:48:05,437 --> 01:48:08,479 {\an8}because they've been through everything that we're about to go through. 1713 01:48:15,979 --> 01:48:18,937 [peaceful orchestral music playing] 1714 01:49:23,354 --> 01:49:26,396 [soaring orchestral music playing] 1715 01:50:18,229 --> 01:50:20,812 [music fades]