1 00:01:15,784 --> 00:01:17,786 ["Vegas Wedding Bells" playing] 2 00:01:24,084 --> 00:01:25,502 - [bride giggles] - [photographer] Smile. 3 00:01:25,502 --> 00:01:29,298 I, Maxine Horton, take you... [sighs] 4 00:01:29,298 --> 00:01:33,218 ...Douglas Darby Dellacorte Simmons, to be my lawfully wedded husband. 5 00:01:33,969 --> 00:01:38,765 To have and to hold from this day until all the tomorrows to come. 6 00:01:38,765 --> 00:01:42,728 [inhales deeply] Until death doth tear us asunder. 7 00:01:43,687 --> 00:01:44,730 You're up, pal. 8 00:01:44,730 --> 00:01:45,814 [grunts] 9 00:01:47,065 --> 00:01:50,235 Uh... [chuckles, breathes deeply] 10 00:01:51,528 --> 00:01:53,030 "My dear Maxine. 11 00:01:54,489 --> 00:01:56,617 As I was watching you sleep last night, 12 00:01:57,326 --> 00:02:00,579 I got to thinking as to how sometimes in my past... 13 00:02:02,956 --> 00:02:06,126 I was a person who I didn't like very much." 14 00:02:06,126 --> 00:02:07,211 [gasps] 15 00:02:07,961 --> 00:02:12,216 "But with you and Jack, I feel like I'm getting a fresh start." 16 00:02:13,634 --> 00:02:14,927 [door opens] 17 00:02:16,053 --> 00:02:17,262 [stammers] I've been, um-- 18 00:02:17,804 --> 00:02:21,016 I've been calling the baby Jack after my father Jack. 19 00:02:21,016 --> 00:02:22,559 [stammers] Is that all right? 20 00:02:24,978 --> 00:02:26,313 - It's perfect. - [chuckles] 21 00:02:26,313 --> 00:02:28,482 - We're having a baby. [chuckles] - Congratulations. 22 00:02:28,482 --> 00:02:30,901 Oh, thank you. We're doing things a little out of order. 23 00:02:30,901 --> 00:02:32,319 - [chuckles] - This is Vegas. 24 00:02:32,319 --> 00:02:34,947 - You ain't my first shotgun wedding. - [Douglas sighs] 25 00:02:34,947 --> 00:02:37,282 - No loaded gun here. - [chuckles] 26 00:02:42,079 --> 00:02:45,374 Oh, shit! [stammers] 27 00:02:47,251 --> 00:02:50,879 [Douglas] This is ridiculous. Why are we waiting for the pool boy? 28 00:02:50,879 --> 00:02:53,549 Robert is Norma's plus-one. He'll be here any minute. 29 00:02:53,549 --> 00:02:56,718 We can't afford a plus-one. We can't afford this car. 30 00:02:56,718 --> 00:03:00,430 We can't afford anything. Stupid frozen assets! 31 00:03:00,430 --> 00:03:04,017 Goddamn Perry and his stupid condos. [groans] Shit. 32 00:03:04,017 --> 00:03:07,145 Douglas, I told you we are gonna be just fine. 33 00:03:07,145 --> 00:03:08,981 Look... [chuckles] ...I sent out Norma's invitations. 34 00:03:08,981 --> 00:03:12,192 And I told you a party is not a business plan. 35 00:03:12,192 --> 00:03:14,695 I've depleted all the Dellacorte accounts, Max. 36 00:03:14,695 --> 00:03:16,530 - [Maxine] And I told you... - [breathes heavily] 37 00:03:16,530 --> 00:03:19,408 [Maxine] ...before you told me, this isn't just a party. 38 00:03:20,033 --> 00:03:21,702 This is how the estate makes money. 39 00:03:22,286 --> 00:03:23,620 Just trust me. 40 00:03:29,293 --> 00:03:33,630 Dinah. What-- Are you all right? 41 00:03:33,630 --> 00:03:37,718 No, I am not all right. The Feds got Perry. 42 00:03:39,178 --> 00:03:40,721 A man in a fedora came to our house 43 00:03:40,721 --> 00:03:43,515 and snatched him right off the street in broad daylight. 44 00:03:44,641 --> 00:03:46,018 [Maxine] My goodness, I'm so sorry. 45 00:03:46,018 --> 00:03:47,644 [Dinah] You finally got what you wanted. 46 00:03:48,729 --> 00:03:50,105 You took me out of the running. 47 00:03:50,105 --> 00:03:54,193 No one wants to fete a volunteer whose husband is locked up in Sing Sing. 48 00:03:54,193 --> 00:03:57,070 No one's trying to take anyone out. Dinah, I promise. 49 00:03:57,070 --> 00:04:02,326 You'll get yours, both of you. I told Perry to sing, sing like a canary. 50 00:04:02,326 --> 00:04:05,204 Whoa, whoa, Dinah. Why would you say that? 51 00:04:05,204 --> 00:04:09,124 The fact of the matter is, Douglas knew nothing about anything. Zilch. 52 00:04:09,124 --> 00:04:11,752 I was involved in that business for a sum total of five minutes-- 53 00:04:11,752 --> 00:04:13,629 Save it for the FBI. 54 00:04:15,339 --> 00:04:16,673 I can't be late for this funeral. 55 00:04:17,632 --> 00:04:19,384 They're teeming with eligible bachelors. 56 00:04:19,384 --> 00:04:20,969 I have my future to think of. 57 00:04:24,681 --> 00:04:25,891 Okay. 58 00:04:27,142 --> 00:04:28,477 That was sad. 59 00:04:29,436 --> 00:04:30,604 - [door closes] - [chuckles] 60 00:04:31,522 --> 00:04:33,690 - [Douglas] Maxine? - Yeah? 61 00:04:34,566 --> 00:04:38,612 I might not know nothing. 62 00:04:39,821 --> 00:04:44,368 What does... [stammers] ...that mean exactly? To "not know nothing"? 63 00:04:46,245 --> 00:04:47,704 I might have greased some palms. 64 00:04:49,748 --> 00:04:54,002 [pants] Oh, no. We're dead. 65 00:04:54,002 --> 00:04:55,337 [chuckles] 66 00:04:58,549 --> 00:05:00,843 We're dead. [sighs] 67 00:05:17,442 --> 00:05:19,444 [bagpipes playing] 68 00:05:27,411 --> 00:05:31,039 Are we the only family in America that has a backyard cemetery? 69 00:05:31,999 --> 00:05:33,000 Hardly. 70 00:05:35,794 --> 00:05:38,547 - Is this seat taken? [giggling] - Yeah-- No, be my guest. 71 00:05:39,715 --> 00:05:41,466 Dinah Donahue... [chuckles] 72 00:05:42,050 --> 00:05:44,887 - ...née Helmscott, née Crescott. - [grunts] Axel. Axel, uh, Rosenhips. 73 00:05:44,887 --> 00:05:47,264 - [gasps] Oh, of the Cincinnati Rosenhips? - [stammers] 74 00:05:47,264 --> 00:05:49,433 - Yeah, I think so. Yeah. - [Dinah] Oh, I love them. 75 00:05:50,976 --> 00:05:54,855 - Greased palms? How? Vaseline? Spittle? - It's the cost of doing business. 76 00:05:54,855 --> 00:05:57,149 If you want to launch something, you gotta spread it around. 77 00:05:57,149 --> 00:05:58,525 "It" meaning our money. 78 00:05:58,525 --> 00:06:00,360 Technically, it's Norma's money. 79 00:06:01,236 --> 00:06:02,654 [Maxine] S-Spread? Spread to who? 80 00:06:02,654 --> 00:06:06,116 Oh, I gave checks to six city council members, an expediter, 81 00:06:06,116 --> 00:06:10,412 someone from the planning commission, four of Pinky's associates. 82 00:06:10,412 --> 00:06:12,289 Although I don't know what they do. 83 00:06:13,040 --> 00:06:14,958 The Feds will be speaking to him next. 84 00:06:16,376 --> 00:06:19,087 I hope he has the balls to keep his mouth shut. 85 00:06:25,344 --> 00:06:29,223 Well, it's all yours after today. 86 00:06:30,098 --> 00:06:31,934 And maybe Dad'll come haunt you. 87 00:06:33,936 --> 00:06:36,230 I think I know your father better than you. 88 00:06:36,230 --> 00:06:38,023 [feminists chattering] 89 00:06:39,399 --> 00:06:40,400 [gasps] 90 00:06:41,693 --> 00:06:42,694 Oh, for heaven's sake. 91 00:06:44,321 --> 00:06:48,325 Hi. My girls. Oh, my God. You came. 92 00:06:49,993 --> 00:06:52,538 [Rita] We wouldn't abandon a sister in her hour of need. 93 00:06:52,538 --> 00:06:54,957 Thank you. [breathes deeply] Thank you. 94 00:06:54,957 --> 00:06:58,043 And I'm-- I'm glad you came too. 95 00:06:58,752 --> 00:07:01,505 It's a funeral. My condolences. 96 00:07:02,047 --> 00:07:05,050 [sighs] Well, I'm gonna need you all to help me keen. 97 00:07:05,050 --> 00:07:06,218 - Righteous. - [sighs] 98 00:07:06,218 --> 00:07:07,719 Keen? What's keen? 99 00:07:07,719 --> 00:07:09,930 [sighs] Back in the old days, 100 00:07:09,930 --> 00:07:14,142 Celtic women would come together and wail over the dead. 101 00:07:14,142 --> 00:07:15,686 They let it all out. 102 00:07:16,186 --> 00:07:17,521 - [Sylvia] Oh. - And trust me, 103 00:07:17,521 --> 00:07:20,315 there is nothing these WASPs hate more 104 00:07:20,315 --> 00:07:22,693 than a woman expressing her feelings in public. 105 00:07:22,693 --> 00:07:25,237 - So we'll give it to them. - [Sylvia weeping, wailing] 106 00:07:26,864 --> 00:07:30,617 Sweetie. S-Sweetie, we're gonna wait till Evelyn finishes speaking. 107 00:07:30,617 --> 00:07:31,910 No, no. She's not-- 108 00:07:33,287 --> 00:07:36,331 - Her husband ships out tomorrow. - [weeping continues] 109 00:07:36,331 --> 00:07:39,543 To Vietnam? [gasps] Fuck. 110 00:07:40,335 --> 00:07:42,254 Sylvia, we won't let this happen. 111 00:07:42,254 --> 00:07:43,463 - Do you hear me? - Okay. Okay. 112 00:07:43,463 --> 00:07:45,382 - [bagpipes continue playing] - [Evelyn clears throat] 113 00:07:46,925 --> 00:07:48,218 Life is unpredictable. 114 00:07:49,011 --> 00:07:52,681 We never know when the ones we love will be taken from us. 115 00:07:53,473 --> 00:07:58,103 Even after a long illness, the unexpected can still occur. 116 00:07:58,103 --> 00:07:59,479 Fibrosis. 117 00:07:59,479 --> 00:08:00,564 [bagpipes stop] 118 00:08:01,273 --> 00:08:03,233 That certainly seemed true 119 00:08:03,859 --> 00:08:08,322 when that unlucky bullet struck my Skeet, lo those 20 years ago. 120 00:08:09,198 --> 00:08:14,578 And though, blessedly, he hung on these last two decades, it wasn't easy for us. 121 00:08:15,746 --> 00:08:18,999 His pain, his anger, 122 00:08:20,375 --> 00:08:25,005 his increasingly bizarre reading choices. [stammers] 123 00:08:26,298 --> 00:08:31,303 But as you veterans know, shrapnel can travel. 124 00:08:32,179 --> 00:08:34,640 It might have taken 20 years 125 00:08:34,640 --> 00:08:37,351 for that assassin's bullet to hit its mark. 126 00:08:38,352 --> 00:08:40,354 But I have consulted with my lawyers, 127 00:08:40,354 --> 00:08:45,275 and they've assured me there's no statute of limitations on murder. 128 00:08:45,275 --> 00:08:46,985 - [Linda sighs] - [Virginia] Hmm? 129 00:08:46,985 --> 00:08:49,154 [Evelyn] I'm only comforted by the knowledge 130 00:08:49,154 --> 00:08:51,615 that whomever pulled that trigger 131 00:08:51,615 --> 00:08:55,661 is sure to be shaking in their cheap cardboard shoes 132 00:08:55,661 --> 00:08:58,372 at the thought of life behind bars. 133 00:08:59,581 --> 00:09:01,583 Did your stepmother just accuse you of murder? 134 00:09:02,084 --> 00:09:05,629 She's just twisting the knife. She's got nothing. 135 00:09:08,298 --> 00:09:11,552 And now, in keeping with Rollins tradition, 136 00:09:11,552 --> 00:09:14,263 let us don our ceremonial tartans, 137 00:09:14,263 --> 00:09:18,225 {\an8}partake of the haggis buffet, and as the bagpipes play, 138 00:09:18,225 --> 00:09:22,271 a new leader of the Rollins clan will be installed. 139 00:09:22,271 --> 00:09:23,856 [bagpipes playing] 140 00:09:23,856 --> 00:09:24,940 Huzzah! 141 00:09:26,483 --> 00:09:27,693 What is she talking about? 142 00:09:28,735 --> 00:09:33,574 Nah, it's just a fancy way of saying we all put on kilts and read Skeet's will. 143 00:09:34,074 --> 00:09:35,659 Kilts? What do you mean kilts? 144 00:09:35,659 --> 00:09:39,705 Hmm. The ceremonial Rollins tartan. I brought mine. 145 00:09:40,706 --> 00:09:42,708 What? [stammers] Douglas, this is my milieu. 146 00:09:42,708 --> 00:09:46,461 And I'm standing here caught like a high heel in sod. Paws. 147 00:09:46,461 --> 00:09:49,923 [groaning] 148 00:09:49,923 --> 00:09:52,551 [jazz music playing] 149 00:09:58,932 --> 00:10:01,852 - [Robert] I forgot to pack my shirt. - In the cupboard. 150 00:10:04,479 --> 00:10:06,315 Have you never borrowed a lover's shirt? 151 00:10:07,983 --> 00:10:11,028 - No. - One of life's greatest pleasures. 152 00:10:11,528 --> 00:10:12,905 Please, help yourself. 153 00:10:18,869 --> 00:10:22,414 I was unaware of your Scottish heritage. You are full of surprises. 154 00:10:22,414 --> 00:10:26,460 [chuckles] Well, it's a-- it's a weird family thing. 155 00:10:28,045 --> 00:10:30,923 - The kilt, I mean. - Not your family? 156 00:10:30,923 --> 00:10:34,843 No, not my family. But expected at a funeral, you know? 157 00:10:36,220 --> 00:10:37,763 How well my shirt fits you. 158 00:10:40,474 --> 00:10:41,475 Thank you. 159 00:10:42,976 --> 00:10:44,436 Would you like me to come with you? 160 00:10:44,937 --> 00:10:46,021 To the funeral? 161 00:10:48,649 --> 00:10:49,775 No. 162 00:10:50,442 --> 00:10:55,072 I would very much like to come with you. 163 00:10:55,822 --> 00:10:57,658 Yeah, but people there wouldn't understand. 164 00:10:58,242 --> 00:10:59,910 It's not your place. 165 00:10:59,910 --> 00:11:03,622 Robert, a prince can go anywhere he likes. 166 00:11:04,957 --> 00:11:06,583 [whispers] And I'd like to go with you. 167 00:11:09,086 --> 00:11:10,254 I already have a date. 168 00:11:10,921 --> 00:11:14,216 Hmm. We'll make it-- how do the Americans say-- a double? 169 00:11:14,967 --> 00:11:17,845 I'll bring the princess, and you will wear my shirt. 170 00:11:18,345 --> 00:11:22,474 I will be all over you, and nobody will know. 171 00:11:23,433 --> 00:11:24,768 Isn't that wonderful? 172 00:11:25,936 --> 00:11:26,937 Yeah. 173 00:11:28,313 --> 00:11:31,942 Who is this date? Seems I must challenge her to a duel. 174 00:11:32,734 --> 00:11:33,735 Mmm. 175 00:11:37,322 --> 00:11:38,866 [Maxine] You keep leaving me in the dark. 176 00:11:38,866 --> 00:11:40,951 I was set up, Maxine, I swear. 177 00:11:40,951 --> 00:11:43,453 Pinky, Perry, that fucking prince, they played me. 178 00:11:43,453 --> 00:11:46,582 - [sighs] - Pardon me, I'd hoped you'd be here. 179 00:11:46,582 --> 00:11:48,667 My RSVP. 180 00:11:48,667 --> 00:11:52,379 And I appreciate your continued discretion. 181 00:11:53,463 --> 00:11:55,632 I look forward to being your emcee. 182 00:11:55,632 --> 00:11:56,842 [Norma mumbles] 183 00:11:56,842 --> 00:12:01,054 - I'll take that. - [stammers, sighs] Fine. 184 00:12:02,431 --> 00:12:04,391 - How much? - Five thousand. 185 00:12:04,391 --> 00:12:06,476 Oh, that's a heck of a lot of appreciation. 186 00:12:06,476 --> 00:12:09,021 What kind of pies is that guy piping into? 187 00:12:09,521 --> 00:12:11,481 At least one of our business plans is working. 188 00:12:11,481 --> 00:12:14,193 - Don't be mean, Maxine. - You don't be mean. 189 00:12:14,193 --> 00:12:16,236 You forgot to tell me about the stupid sash. 190 00:12:17,112 --> 00:12:22,409 [sighs] Oh, my condolences, Evelyn. That was an interesting eulogy. 191 00:12:22,409 --> 00:12:23,911 Thank you, Douglas. 192 00:12:23,911 --> 00:12:25,329 I'm so, so sorry. 193 00:12:25,829 --> 00:12:27,789 I received your little invite in the mail. 194 00:12:28,457 --> 00:12:29,958 You did? Wonderful. 195 00:12:29,958 --> 00:12:34,213 Is it? You seem to have lost my name as cochair. [chuckles] 196 00:12:34,963 --> 00:12:39,343 Well, Norma already did the invites. I just simply sent 'em along as is. 197 00:12:39,343 --> 00:12:43,222 Mm-hmm. Hmm. And what have you got there? 198 00:12:44,598 --> 00:12:47,684 It's an RSVP to Norma's Beach Ball. 199 00:12:48,435 --> 00:12:51,146 - So why isn't Norma holding it? - Yeah. [chuckles] 200 00:12:51,730 --> 00:12:55,150 I was just about to pop it right into her little side basket. 201 00:12:56,568 --> 00:12:59,112 - Well, we'll be off. - Why don't you leave Norma with me? 202 00:12:59,112 --> 00:13:00,489 It would be a great comfort 203 00:13:00,489 --> 00:13:03,492 to have a dear old friend by my side as I greet the mourners. 204 00:13:05,619 --> 00:13:06,995 [people chattering] 205 00:13:06,995 --> 00:13:10,332 Axel, care for creamed corn? Tapioca? 206 00:13:10,332 --> 00:13:12,000 Yeah, tapioca. Yeah. 207 00:13:13,919 --> 00:13:16,922 She's gonna be bummed when she realizes they're only serving haggis. 208 00:13:17,756 --> 00:13:20,592 Well, well. The man and woman of the hour. 209 00:13:21,510 --> 00:13:22,761 [Maxine] Ann. [chuckles] 210 00:13:22,761 --> 00:13:25,138 I wasn't expecting to see you today. 211 00:13:25,138 --> 00:13:28,517 Oh, I'd never miss a funeral. It's where all the real action is. 212 00:13:28,517 --> 00:13:31,019 - [Douglas chuckles] - [Ann] Care to comment, Doug? 213 00:13:31,979 --> 00:13:34,398 - About what? - As reported in the Miami Herald, 214 00:13:34,398 --> 00:13:36,859 your old school chum has gone down in flames. 215 00:13:37,526 --> 00:13:41,738 Were you aware of Donahue's, hmm, less-than-kosher business practices? 216 00:13:41,738 --> 00:13:43,907 Douglas had no idea. He was barely involved. 217 00:13:43,907 --> 00:13:47,244 Oh. According to sources, you demanded to be named partner. 218 00:13:48,370 --> 00:13:49,496 [Douglas] What sources? 219 00:13:53,000 --> 00:13:57,212 [emcee] Men, grab your kilts. Ladies, grab your sashes. 220 00:13:57,212 --> 00:14:00,215 T-minus 30 to the will reading. 221 00:14:01,300 --> 00:14:02,843 - That man loves a countdown. - [Maxine chuckles] 222 00:14:02,843 --> 00:14:06,138 Well, if you'll excuse me, ladies, I am going to go get changed. 223 00:14:10,058 --> 00:14:14,062 - Ann... [chuckles] ...we're friends, right? - Are we? 224 00:14:15,105 --> 00:14:17,774 [inhales] I don't want you to write anything about my husband's involvement 225 00:14:17,774 --> 00:14:19,651 with the Perry Donahue business. 226 00:14:19,651 --> 00:14:21,069 So he was involved? 227 00:14:21,570 --> 00:14:24,281 Douglas, he is a wonderful man. 228 00:14:24,281 --> 00:14:28,577 And he's like a child in all the ways that count. 229 00:14:28,577 --> 00:14:32,623 And he's truly-- He's just very trusting. 230 00:14:32,623 --> 00:14:33,999 Do you know what I'm saying? 231 00:14:34,583 --> 00:14:37,878 Here in Palm Beach, Maxine, we're all part of the club... 232 00:14:37,878 --> 00:14:39,546 - Oh. - ...till the worm turns. 233 00:14:40,130 --> 00:14:41,715 Then it's every man for himself. 234 00:14:45,469 --> 00:14:46,803 [whispers] "Worm turns"? 235 00:14:50,974 --> 00:14:52,976 [person] My appreciation, Norma. 236 00:14:52,976 --> 00:14:54,520 Thank you, Theodore. 237 00:14:56,063 --> 00:14:58,732 - My condolences, Evelyn. - [Evelyn] Thank you. 238 00:15:01,068 --> 00:15:04,613 I see that grin. Are you planning something? 239 00:15:05,113 --> 00:15:06,156 Maybe. 240 00:15:06,657 --> 00:15:10,953 Good for you. Women like us have to stay one step ahead. 241 00:15:10,953 --> 00:15:12,871 - Am I right? - [scoffs] 242 00:15:12,871 --> 00:15:14,456 Men are so unpredictable. 243 00:15:14,456 --> 00:15:15,874 [groans, scoffs] 244 00:15:19,336 --> 00:15:22,506 Norma, I'm so sorry I'm late. I can explain. 245 00:15:23,215 --> 00:15:26,969 My condolences. I met your husband once, and he was a great man. 246 00:15:26,969 --> 00:15:28,428 Uh, it depends on who you ask. 247 00:15:29,012 --> 00:15:32,015 Oh, hello. Who do we have here? 248 00:15:33,016 --> 00:15:35,269 [Robert] Allow me to introduce you to His Royal Highness, 249 00:15:35,269 --> 00:15:38,522 Prince of Luxembourg and the Princess Stephanie. 250 00:15:39,940 --> 00:15:43,235 - An honor. - The honor is all mine. 251 00:15:43,235 --> 00:15:44,611 [Ann] Smile. 252 00:15:45,654 --> 00:15:46,655 [shutter clicks] 253 00:15:48,240 --> 00:15:50,242 No photo! 254 00:15:50,242 --> 00:15:54,955 These men got rich sending boys to war like your husband, Sylvia. 255 00:15:54,955 --> 00:15:58,166 So now let's use their fortune to help save him. 256 00:15:58,166 --> 00:16:01,044 So, we're just gonna take things from the house? Isn't that stealing? 257 00:16:01,044 --> 00:16:02,921 No, it's liberating. 258 00:16:02,921 --> 00:16:06,508 We gotta get him to Canada. And nothing would make Daddy more proud. 259 00:16:06,508 --> 00:16:10,012 In the orangery-- Go to that room. It has a blue vase. 260 00:16:10,012 --> 00:16:13,599 - That's the Ming. It's worth $25,000. - Holy shit. 261 00:16:13,599 --> 00:16:14,850 - Yeah. - Also, what's an orangery? 262 00:16:14,850 --> 00:16:18,562 - It's a room with all the oranges. - It's Florida. They're in every room. 263 00:16:18,562 --> 00:16:20,355 If you go to Dad's study, 264 00:16:20,355 --> 00:16:22,816 there's an armoire that has his watch collection. 265 00:16:22,816 --> 00:16:25,736 The Patek Philippe is the one that stopped working the day my mom died. 266 00:16:25,736 --> 00:16:27,154 Okay, so I want the one that's broken. 267 00:16:27,154 --> 00:16:28,530 - That's the most valuable? - Exactly. 268 00:16:28,530 --> 00:16:30,240 [Sylvia exhales deeply] 269 00:16:30,240 --> 00:16:31,783 Now, Virginia, if you go-- 270 00:16:31,783 --> 00:16:34,244 I'm not robbing your dead daddy at his own funeral. 271 00:16:34,912 --> 00:16:37,956 - [sighs] All you have to do is go in-- - I'm not gonna get a slap on the wrist. 272 00:16:38,457 --> 00:16:39,458 They're gonna cuff me. 273 00:16:40,834 --> 00:16:42,002 I didn't think of it that way. 274 00:16:42,002 --> 00:16:43,962 - [stammers, sighs] - Of course you didn't. 275 00:16:43,962 --> 00:16:46,381 Look, if you really want to help us, spare us this treasure hunting. 276 00:16:46,381 --> 00:16:48,342 - Just write us a check. - The check will get traced. 277 00:16:48,342 --> 00:16:50,344 - [scoffs] - This way you can just pawn it for cash. 278 00:16:50,344 --> 00:16:51,553 We need to move. 279 00:16:52,930 --> 00:16:53,931 I need a drink. 280 00:16:57,476 --> 00:17:00,187 His family's in oil going back generations. 281 00:17:00,187 --> 00:17:01,605 - Smart move on your part. - [gasps] 282 00:17:01,605 --> 00:17:03,524 - Thank you. - Always good to have a backup plan. 283 00:17:03,524 --> 00:17:05,025 - Raquel, hi. - [chuckles] 284 00:17:05,025 --> 00:17:07,027 Can I just steal you for a minute? 285 00:17:07,027 --> 00:17:08,987 Dinah, I'm so glad you met someone. 286 00:17:09,488 --> 00:17:11,906 - Hello, Axel. - Hi. 287 00:17:11,906 --> 00:17:13,534 You haven't touched your haggis. 288 00:17:18,579 --> 00:17:21,124 - [Sylvia] Oh, man, seriously? - [footfalls] 289 00:17:27,464 --> 00:17:29,800 Your husband is a seasoned criminal. 290 00:17:30,467 --> 00:17:33,095 - [scoffs] - What do you do-- let's just say-- 291 00:17:33,095 --> 00:17:37,224 Pinky were to find himself in trouble again? 292 00:17:37,224 --> 00:17:40,060 Well, that depends on exactly what kind of trouble. 293 00:17:41,895 --> 00:17:44,857 Let's just say-- again-- it would be the sort of trouble 294 00:17:44,857 --> 00:17:48,151 that might land someone in the slammer for 20 years to life. 295 00:17:50,737 --> 00:17:52,155 You want to avoid the clink? 296 00:17:54,825 --> 00:17:59,037 You got two options. You pay up or you trade up. 297 00:17:59,621 --> 00:18:00,706 Pay up, meaning? 298 00:18:01,290 --> 00:18:05,169 Bribes to police, lawyers' fees, bribes to the judges. 299 00:18:05,169 --> 00:18:07,421 - Mmm. - Easily half a million. 300 00:18:07,421 --> 00:18:11,300 Oh. The trade-up option is? 301 00:18:11,300 --> 00:18:15,095 If the police have a little fish, you throw them a whale. 302 00:18:16,555 --> 00:18:19,016 What if one has neither finances nor fish? 303 00:18:20,184 --> 00:18:24,563 Well, then you're fucked. Speaking of, here's your ball check. 304 00:18:24,563 --> 00:18:27,691 Oh, Norma's ball check. [stammers] 305 00:18:27,691 --> 00:18:29,193 Whatever you say, Maxine. 306 00:18:31,153 --> 00:18:33,739 - Do you have an extra sash? Raquel? - [cabinet door clicks] 307 00:18:38,660 --> 00:18:43,290 [breathing deeply] 308 00:18:48,921 --> 00:18:52,341 Nice skirt. [sighs] You'll make a pretty prison wife. 309 00:18:53,175 --> 00:18:55,260 [coughs] What? 310 00:18:55,886 --> 00:18:57,930 Somebody's going down for this Donahue shit. 311 00:18:57,930 --> 00:18:59,264 It's not gonna be me. 312 00:18:59,848 --> 00:19:01,308 You're saying it's gonna be me? 313 00:19:01,934 --> 00:19:04,019 Yeah. We're the only two standing here. 314 00:19:06,355 --> 00:19:09,066 Look, I like you, Doug. I like your wife. 315 00:19:09,566 --> 00:19:13,403 You're a new breed. These old guys are dropping like flies. 316 00:19:14,404 --> 00:19:16,281 Palm Beach needs new kings. 317 00:19:16,281 --> 00:19:18,367 What does it matter, if I'm rotting in prison? 318 00:19:19,701 --> 00:19:21,745 Play your cards right, and I'll take care of you. 319 00:19:22,371 --> 00:19:24,790 Then maybe the new guys will take care of Palm Beach. 320 00:19:26,667 --> 00:19:28,043 You got the cojones, right? 321 00:19:29,044 --> 00:19:30,045 Yeah. 322 00:19:34,341 --> 00:19:39,346 - Yes, that's it. [exhales deeply] - [sighs] I size up for comfort. 323 00:19:40,389 --> 00:19:42,307 Great. Wow. 324 00:19:42,933 --> 00:19:44,977 Whoa! I didn't say take the Renoir. 325 00:19:44,977 --> 00:19:48,313 - I improvised. - No, no, no, we can't steal that. 326 00:19:48,313 --> 00:19:50,315 - This is bad. We're going to prison. - [Linda stammers] 327 00:19:50,315 --> 00:19:51,692 - We're gonna go to prison. - No, no, no. 328 00:19:51,692 --> 00:19:53,944 - We're not gonna go to prison. It's okay. - Maxine's husband is. 329 00:19:53,944 --> 00:19:55,237 I heard her talking. She's-- 330 00:19:55,237 --> 00:19:56,154 - What? - [Maxine] Linda? 331 00:19:56,154 --> 00:19:57,072 - Oh, Linda. - Oh, oh. 332 00:19:57,072 --> 00:19:59,324 [Maxine] Oh, Linda, thank God. 333 00:19:59,324 --> 00:20:01,743 Tell me you have an extra sash, a tartan. 334 00:20:01,743 --> 00:20:03,328 I'll take anything plaid. I need your help. 335 00:20:03,912 --> 00:20:07,207 Oh, I burned my tartan seven years ago along with my Cross Your Heart bra. 336 00:20:08,208 --> 00:20:09,209 What about that little thing? 337 00:20:10,419 --> 00:20:12,754 I wore that to my mom's funeral when I was three. 338 00:20:12,754 --> 00:20:14,756 Oh, I'm sorry. 339 00:20:14,756 --> 00:20:17,509 Can I borrow it? I know it's tiny, but I'm desperate. 340 00:20:17,509 --> 00:20:20,179 Heck, I'll even take that little bear if I have to. [chuckles] 341 00:20:20,179 --> 00:20:21,263 I hate not fitting in. 342 00:20:22,139 --> 00:20:23,640 You ladies know what I'm talking about. 343 00:20:24,474 --> 00:20:26,727 Um, why don't you give us a minute? 344 00:20:27,561 --> 00:20:30,230 [feminists murmuring, whispering] 345 00:20:32,065 --> 00:20:33,066 Okay. 346 00:20:34,359 --> 00:20:35,360 [Linda sighs] 347 00:20:37,029 --> 00:20:38,113 Strange friends. 348 00:20:38,113 --> 00:20:40,574 [bagpipes playing] 349 00:20:42,075 --> 00:20:44,369 This is fun. [chuckles] 350 00:20:45,954 --> 00:20:47,706 Your date's a woman of few words. 351 00:20:47,706 --> 00:20:48,957 - [chuckles] - [chuckles] 352 00:20:49,750 --> 00:20:50,792 Well, so is yours. 353 00:20:53,003 --> 00:20:55,547 I'll fetch the lovely ladies some cocktails 354 00:20:56,298 --> 00:20:58,133 - to liven up the mood. [chuckles] - [Robert] Mmm. 355 00:21:01,762 --> 00:21:02,846 I'll be right back. 356 00:21:03,931 --> 00:21:05,307 Can you please take care of her? 357 00:21:05,307 --> 00:21:06,767 One minute. Thank you. 358 00:21:09,895 --> 00:21:12,481 Maxine, you need to start living in real life. 359 00:21:12,481 --> 00:21:15,692 - [sighs] - Sylvia told me Douglas might go to jail. 360 00:21:16,360 --> 00:21:17,402 Douglas isn't going to jail. 361 00:21:17,402 --> 00:21:19,321 He didn't do anything. He was tricked. 362 00:21:19,321 --> 00:21:21,573 - Oh. - You always think the worst of him. 363 00:21:22,324 --> 00:21:23,825 [Robert] Fern told me I would find you here. 364 00:21:23,825 --> 00:21:25,452 Oh. Hey. 365 00:21:27,037 --> 00:21:29,456 - So sorry for your loss. - [Linda] Thanks for coming. 366 00:21:29,957 --> 00:21:33,794 [Robert] I mean, I barely got to know him, but he made such a big impact on me. 367 00:21:33,794 --> 00:21:35,838 [Linda] You know, he really liked you too. 368 00:21:35,838 --> 00:21:36,922 [Robert chuckles] 369 00:21:36,922 --> 00:21:39,174 [chuckles] What's going on with you? 370 00:21:42,219 --> 00:21:45,055 You look funny. And I'm not talking about that jacket and skirt. 371 00:21:47,391 --> 00:21:49,893 - Okay, I met someone. That's it. - [Linda gasping] 372 00:21:49,893 --> 00:21:50,978 - [Robert] True. - [gasps] 373 00:21:50,978 --> 00:21:53,522 - Yeah, that's it. [chuckles] - Here. Tell us. 374 00:21:54,314 --> 00:21:56,108 I found his number in Aisle 7. 375 00:21:56,108 --> 00:21:58,235 - [gasps] I love that. - [chuckles] 376 00:21:58,861 --> 00:22:00,195 So, who is he? 377 00:22:02,406 --> 00:22:03,824 - Well, he's very discreet. - Mmm. 378 00:22:03,824 --> 00:22:05,325 - Yeah. - Discreet? 379 00:22:05,325 --> 00:22:06,952 - Yeah. - But you met somebody. 380 00:22:06,952 --> 00:22:09,621 I want you to be able to shout it from the rooftops. 381 00:22:12,082 --> 00:22:13,166 I can't. 382 00:22:14,126 --> 00:22:15,502 [stammers] You know I can't. 383 00:22:17,588 --> 00:22:21,133 But, Robert, there's nothing wrong with you. 384 00:22:22,050 --> 00:22:23,927 Hmm. He is a bit mouthy. 385 00:22:24,970 --> 00:22:26,972 - Maxine. - I'm just being honest. 386 00:22:26,972 --> 00:22:28,056 [chuckles] 387 00:22:28,724 --> 00:22:33,187 The point is, the world just hasn't caught up to you yet. 388 00:22:34,605 --> 00:22:38,483 You being your truth, maybe eventually it will. Huh? 389 00:22:42,654 --> 00:22:44,448 Maybe he doesn't want to be a movement. 390 00:22:49,828 --> 00:22:51,205 I just want to be a person. 391 00:22:53,123 --> 00:22:54,124 I get that. 392 00:22:55,626 --> 00:22:56,752 Yeah, I get that too. 393 00:23:00,047 --> 00:23:01,590 I'm really sorry for your loss. 394 00:23:02,341 --> 00:23:03,342 Thanks. 395 00:23:04,009 --> 00:23:09,306 And now I'm gonna go and catch up to my date. Bye. 396 00:23:09,306 --> 00:23:11,058 - Wha-- Wait, he's here? - Wait a minute. 397 00:23:11,058 --> 00:23:12,476 [stammers] Oh, my God, can we meet him? 398 00:23:14,019 --> 00:23:15,521 - [Linda chuckles] - [Maxine] Tease. 399 00:23:15,521 --> 00:23:18,732 [laughs] Hmm. 400 00:23:18,732 --> 00:23:22,444 [Evelyn] Linda, get your ass out here. Everyone's waiting! 401 00:23:23,862 --> 00:23:27,574 I hate her. And all this bullshit pageantry. 402 00:23:27,574 --> 00:23:30,369 - Hey, pageantry is not bullshit. - [scoffs] 403 00:23:30,953 --> 00:23:34,122 You go out there and you-- you honor your father's life. 404 00:23:34,122 --> 00:23:36,208 You owe that to yourself and to him. 405 00:23:37,042 --> 00:23:39,545 - But first I need to know something. - Yeah? 406 00:23:39,545 --> 00:23:41,213 How much does that bear mean to you? 407 00:23:45,259 --> 00:23:50,305 As the will is read, please enjoy the soothing sounds 408 00:23:50,305 --> 00:23:53,642 of the Palm Beach Bagpipers of yore. 409 00:23:54,309 --> 00:23:56,603 [bagpipes playing] 410 00:24:12,661 --> 00:24:13,662 Hey. 411 00:24:15,747 --> 00:24:19,168 Ah! Mr. Condos. 412 00:24:19,168 --> 00:24:23,130 - Ah, Mr. Cocksucker. - Hmm. 413 00:24:23,714 --> 00:24:25,883 I want my $250,000 back. 414 00:24:26,550 --> 00:24:29,344 It's already in my Swiss bank account. 415 00:24:29,344 --> 00:24:33,557 I can't help if your condos went-- how do you say-- titty up? 416 00:24:34,933 --> 00:24:36,727 You think I can't still make things happen? 417 00:24:37,978 --> 00:24:40,439 You think I don't have cojones? 418 00:24:40,939 --> 00:24:44,443 Of course you do. I can see them under your skirt. 419 00:24:44,443 --> 00:24:46,111 - [inhales sharply, grunts] - [grunts] 420 00:24:46,904 --> 00:24:48,488 - [shutter clicks] - [people gasp] 421 00:24:48,488 --> 00:24:49,740 What's the matter with you, man? 422 00:24:49,740 --> 00:24:54,244 [laughs] There's my king. 423 00:24:54,745 --> 00:24:55,746 Yeah. 424 00:25:05,923 --> 00:25:06,924 [grunts] 425 00:25:14,264 --> 00:25:16,683 No photo. 426 00:25:17,559 --> 00:25:19,186 [mumbling] 427 00:25:21,730 --> 00:25:23,315 [prince] How do you work for that man? 428 00:25:23,315 --> 00:25:27,361 I don't work for him. I-- I work for his aunt. 429 00:25:28,612 --> 00:25:31,782 And I guess I don't work for her either, seeing as I don't get paid. 430 00:25:32,449 --> 00:25:33,742 Come away with me. 431 00:25:35,452 --> 00:25:38,747 I have a friend who has a villa on the Côte d'Azur. 432 00:25:40,249 --> 00:25:42,751 Let's go together. 433 00:25:46,839 --> 00:25:47,840 [moans] 434 00:25:52,010 --> 00:25:53,345 You have no home. 435 00:25:56,390 --> 00:25:57,391 No job. 436 00:25:59,768 --> 00:26:01,228 What is keeping you here? 437 00:26:18,871 --> 00:26:20,539 [in Jersey accent] I said no motherfucking photo. 438 00:26:20,539 --> 00:26:21,790 You scared-- [yelps] 439 00:26:21,790 --> 00:26:24,126 [both grunting, straining] 440 00:26:24,126 --> 00:26:27,296 [panting, shrieking] 441 00:26:36,680 --> 00:26:39,099 [bagpipes continue playing] 442 00:26:42,561 --> 00:26:44,104 Fibrosis, Maxine. 443 00:26:52,154 --> 00:26:53,363 [gasps] 444 00:26:56,283 --> 00:26:59,995 Do you find fibrosis ridiculous, Maxine? 445 00:27:01,121 --> 00:27:05,792 Because... [sighs, sniffles] ...your excuses have been. 446 00:27:06,960 --> 00:27:10,088 Ridiculous? No... [chuckles] ...Mary, of course not. 447 00:27:10,088 --> 00:27:15,844 In fact, I have cut you a cashier's check for that $75,000 448 00:27:15,844 --> 00:27:19,097 that I brought today for the 75,000. See, it's right here, 449 00:27:19,097 --> 00:27:23,352 but I would love to just hang on to this for a bit longer. 450 00:27:23,352 --> 00:27:28,148 My husband died of fibrosis of the liver, Maxine. 451 00:27:29,566 --> 00:27:30,734 I had no idea. 452 00:27:30,734 --> 00:27:34,363 My husband, David Davidsoul, 453 00:27:35,072 --> 00:27:37,950 lost his life to this terrible affliction. 454 00:27:37,950 --> 00:27:41,662 I'm sorry, your husband's name is David Davidsoul? 455 00:27:41,662 --> 00:27:42,663 Was. 456 00:27:42,663 --> 00:27:44,414 Oh, of course. 457 00:27:44,414 --> 00:27:49,795 Do you have any idea how many people in this great nation are diagnosed 458 00:27:49,795 --> 00:27:52,506 with this deadly disease every year? 459 00:27:53,507 --> 00:27:54,383 Two million? 460 00:27:54,383 --> 00:27:55,425 Seventeen. 461 00:27:56,426 --> 00:28:00,222 And thanks to my foundation, 16 of them are in full remission. 462 00:28:01,682 --> 00:28:02,516 Congratulations. 463 00:28:02,516 --> 00:28:07,062 But number 17, little Shelbi. 464 00:28:07,980 --> 00:28:09,731 Oh, it's-- it's upside down. [chuckles] 465 00:28:11,859 --> 00:28:14,653 There she is. Little Shelbi. 466 00:28:15,237 --> 00:28:16,572 With an "I." 467 00:28:17,948 --> 00:28:23,495 She lives in Montana with no access to medical care. 468 00:28:25,372 --> 00:28:29,126 Not even a vet. Not even a farm vet. 469 00:28:31,670 --> 00:28:35,591 I want you to look into little Shelbi's eyes 470 00:28:37,176 --> 00:28:41,346 and tell her there won't be a cure for Christmas this year. 471 00:28:43,432 --> 00:28:45,809 No "ho, ho, ho." 472 00:28:45,809 --> 00:28:46,810 I feel just awful. 473 00:28:46,810 --> 00:28:52,733 And when little Shelbi dies for lack of $75,000... 474 00:28:53,775 --> 00:28:58,030 With all due respect, you are a very wealthy woman. 475 00:28:58,864 --> 00:29:03,368 Couldn't you possibly write a check to little Shelbi yourself? 476 00:29:03,368 --> 00:29:06,163 That's not the point, Maxine! 477 00:29:06,163 --> 00:29:07,956 I want that check. 478 00:29:07,956 --> 00:29:10,959 That check with your name on it. You promised. 479 00:29:10,959 --> 00:29:13,378 We are at a funeral, so I do feel, 480 00:29:13,378 --> 00:29:15,756 out of respect, perhaps we could pick this up another time? 481 00:29:17,674 --> 00:29:19,092 You can be sure of it. 482 00:29:38,654 --> 00:29:39,655 [sighs] 483 00:29:43,408 --> 00:29:44,409 [Maxine] Norma! 484 00:29:46,245 --> 00:29:49,331 [stammers] What are you doing out here all by yourself? 485 00:29:49,331 --> 00:29:50,958 [babbles] Bathroom. 486 00:29:51,542 --> 00:29:56,296 Oh, uh, you know, they're just about to name the new leader of Clan Rollins. 487 00:29:56,296 --> 00:29:58,131 - Can it wait a little? - Uh-uh. 488 00:29:59,007 --> 00:30:00,050 Okay. 489 00:30:00,926 --> 00:30:05,430 I know that feeling. Oh, my. Look at all these RSVPs. 490 00:30:05,973 --> 00:30:07,724 Ooh! Norma, you still got it. 491 00:30:10,143 --> 00:30:12,813 Okay, now, let's find a bathroom in here. 492 00:30:13,397 --> 00:30:14,731 Bathrooms. 493 00:30:17,192 --> 00:30:18,569 Okay. 494 00:30:19,653 --> 00:30:20,821 Okay. 495 00:30:22,072 --> 00:30:23,657 Bet there's a hundred in this house. 496 00:30:23,657 --> 00:30:26,994 I'm not sure where to go. This looks familiar. 497 00:30:27,953 --> 00:30:31,290 Let's try this room. Have you ever seen this place? 498 00:30:32,291 --> 00:30:33,375 - [gasps] Oh. - [gasps] 499 00:30:35,043 --> 00:30:37,045 - [gasps] - [stammers] 500 00:30:37,629 --> 00:30:38,630 [gasps] 501 00:30:40,215 --> 00:30:44,887 Let's just go back in here. Norma, uh-- 502 00:30:44,887 --> 00:30:46,597 Stop. Norma, please-- 503 00:30:46,597 --> 00:30:49,349 Uh, maybe you should take her home... 504 00:30:49,349 --> 00:30:51,393 - [Robert sighs] - ...and talk to her. 505 00:30:51,393 --> 00:30:53,187 She doesn't have an open mind like I do. 506 00:30:55,439 --> 00:30:56,273 Okay. 507 00:30:57,941 --> 00:31:00,194 - I'm so sorry, Norma. - Hmm. 508 00:31:06,950 --> 00:31:09,494 If you hurt my friend, I will murder you. 509 00:31:09,995 --> 00:31:13,248 I assure you, my intentions are honorable. 510 00:31:13,248 --> 00:31:17,211 Honorable? Just like how you stole $250,000 from me? 511 00:31:17,211 --> 00:31:18,879 Ah, don't play dumb. 512 00:31:18,879 --> 00:31:21,840 I wrote you a cashier's check just like this with my name on it, 513 00:31:21,840 --> 00:31:23,926 in black-and-white for the world to see... 514 00:31:26,261 --> 00:31:27,262 Oh, no. 515 00:31:28,931 --> 00:31:30,641 Oh. Oh, God. Oh, God. 516 00:31:32,309 --> 00:31:35,646 - [Douglas grunting] - Douglas, what have you done? 517 00:31:36,313 --> 00:31:38,524 Oh, I finally manned up, Maxine. 518 00:31:39,274 --> 00:31:40,901 You gotta kill to be king. [sighs] 519 00:31:41,610 --> 00:31:42,611 Are you drunk? 520 00:31:42,611 --> 00:31:44,446 Maybe. There's no food here, 521 00:31:44,446 --> 00:31:47,241 and you know haggis makes me blow up like a tick. 522 00:31:47,241 --> 00:31:50,702 No, I-- I didn't know that. [stammers] Add it to the list! 523 00:31:50,702 --> 00:31:51,995 What list? 524 00:31:51,995 --> 00:31:55,123 Douglas, my name was on those checks! 525 00:31:56,333 --> 00:31:57,960 [executor] "As Aldous Huxley wrote, 526 00:31:57,960 --> 00:32:02,214 'The secret of happiness and virtue is liking what you've got to do.' 527 00:32:02,214 --> 00:32:06,885 To be happy, we must accept our unescapable social destiny. We are but--" 528 00:32:06,885 --> 00:32:09,847 Oh, my God! This is what comes from reading books. 529 00:32:09,847 --> 00:32:10,889 [Maxine arguing in distance] 530 00:32:10,889 --> 00:32:12,933 Penelope, are you even paying attention? 531 00:32:12,933 --> 00:32:14,768 [Linda] Maxine and Douglas are fighting. 532 00:32:14,768 --> 00:32:20,440 I signed them. It's my name. I was greasing their palms, not you! 533 00:32:21,024 --> 00:32:22,901 [Douglas] Oh, no, no. Maxine, let me... 534 00:32:22,901 --> 00:32:24,528 Uh... [clears throat] ...yes. 535 00:32:24,528 --> 00:32:31,159 Uh, "Some people are born Alphas, others Betas, Deltas and so on. 536 00:32:31,660 --> 00:32:35,497 To each class belongs its unique gifts and burden." 537 00:32:35,497 --> 00:32:37,416 Let's get to the grand finale, huh? 538 00:32:37,416 --> 00:32:38,333 [Douglas arguing] 539 00:32:38,333 --> 00:32:40,627 [executor] "Birth is destiny. 540 00:32:40,627 --> 00:32:44,798 I hereby bequeath the entirety of my possessions 541 00:32:44,798 --> 00:32:51,722 to my daughter Penelope. Signed this day, November 22, 1969." 542 00:32:51,722 --> 00:32:55,058 - What? - [sighs] Well, he did it. 543 00:32:56,935 --> 00:33:00,355 Wait a minute. My dad changed his will the day before he died? 544 00:33:00,355 --> 00:33:02,900 I told you I knew your father better than you. 545 00:33:03,734 --> 00:33:06,862 Oh, fuck. [sighs] 546 00:33:08,989 --> 00:33:10,407 [Maxine] Am I going to Sing Sing? 547 00:33:10,407 --> 00:33:14,369 No. No, babe. I-- I-- I would never let that happen, Maxine. I-- I swear. 548 00:33:14,369 --> 00:33:16,246 - Trust me. - How can I trust you, Douglas? 549 00:33:16,246 --> 00:33:17,789 - How can you trust me? What? - Oh, Maxine. 550 00:33:17,789 --> 00:33:20,292 [Sylvia stammers] Um, do you know where there's a bathtub? 551 00:33:20,292 --> 00:33:22,628 I hardly think this is the time or the place. 552 00:33:22,628 --> 00:33:25,964 [chuckles] My water broke. The baby's coming. 553 00:33:25,964 --> 00:33:28,217 Oh. Douglas, get up. [stammers] Call an ambulance! 554 00:33:28,217 --> 00:33:31,220 No, no, no, n-- No hospital. We planned on having a water birth at home. 555 00:33:31,220 --> 00:33:33,096 - Oh. Okay. [stammers] We'll get you home. - [Sylvia groans] 556 00:33:33,096 --> 00:33:35,182 No, there's no time. The baby's coming now. 557 00:33:36,808 --> 00:33:37,809 - What's a water birth? - Okay. 558 00:33:38,393 --> 00:33:40,187 Douglas... [stammers] ...do some-- Pick her up. 559 00:33:40,187 --> 00:33:42,606 - Excuse us! - She's having a baby! 560 00:33:42,606 --> 00:33:44,691 I need scissors and towels! 561 00:33:44,691 --> 00:33:46,026 Scissors and towels. Excuse me. 562 00:33:46,026 --> 00:33:47,569 [Rita] Sorry. [pants] 563 00:33:54,743 --> 00:33:56,203 [breathing heavily] 564 00:33:56,870 --> 00:33:58,372 Do you know where I can find some scissors? 565 00:33:58,956 --> 00:34:01,458 My friend, she's having a baby in the bathtub. 566 00:34:01,458 --> 00:34:05,128 Has she chosen a water birth? 567 00:34:05,128 --> 00:34:06,755 [Sylvia wailing] 568 00:34:06,755 --> 00:34:08,215 [sighs] I hate this house. 569 00:34:09,675 --> 00:34:14,513 I chaired the gala for Palm Beach General's obstetrics wing. 570 00:34:14,513 --> 00:34:17,139 [Sylvia wailing] 571 00:34:17,139 --> 00:34:18,516 My time has come. 572 00:34:22,312 --> 00:34:23,522 Lead me to her. 573 00:34:24,188 --> 00:34:25,565 - Just ebb and flow... - [feminists humming] 574 00:34:25,565 --> 00:34:26,942 - ...with the water. - Yeah. 575 00:34:26,942 --> 00:34:29,110 Okay, well, I'll let you ladies take it from here. 576 00:34:30,404 --> 00:34:31,655 Wait! No, no, I need him. 577 00:34:31,655 --> 00:34:33,782 I'm supposed to squeeze my husband's hand if I feel any pain. 578 00:34:33,782 --> 00:34:36,952 - Oh. [stammers] Douglas! Sit down. - Why? 579 00:34:36,952 --> 00:34:38,620 Because you need to hold her hand. 580 00:34:38,620 --> 00:34:41,081 [Douglas groans] 581 00:34:41,081 --> 00:34:42,875 Okay, ladies, let-- let's just keep humming. 582 00:34:42,875 --> 00:34:44,626 Keep humming, keep humming, keep humming. 583 00:34:44,626 --> 00:34:47,295 - Okay, just breathe, breathe, breathe. - [Sylvia wailing] 584 00:34:47,295 --> 00:34:53,260 [groans] Oh, Jesus! Ow! That's one hell of a grip. You're crushing my hand. 585 00:34:53,260 --> 00:34:54,844 Just breathe and-- and-- and push. 586 00:34:54,844 --> 00:34:56,679 [screaming] 587 00:34:56,679 --> 00:34:58,140 You're gonna break my bones! 588 00:34:58,140 --> 00:35:00,267 Oh. Pull his hair. It's all right! 589 00:35:00,267 --> 00:35:02,186 - [groaning] - [Maxine] Push and pull! 590 00:35:02,186 --> 00:35:06,815 - [screaming] Help me. Help me. [panting] - [Mary] Breathe, Sylvia. 591 00:35:06,815 --> 00:35:07,941 Push and pull! 592 00:35:07,941 --> 00:35:09,359 [Mary] Breathe, Sylvia. 593 00:35:09,359 --> 00:35:12,487 - [Sylvia wailing] - [screaming] Help me! 594 00:35:12,487 --> 00:35:14,573 Oh. Oh, my God. 595 00:35:14,573 --> 00:35:17,451 - It's coming! - [Sylvia, Douglas screaming] 596 00:35:18,535 --> 00:35:23,040 - [Sylvia, Douglas panting] - [Maxine] Oh! Oh! [chuckles] 597 00:35:23,040 --> 00:35:24,124 [baby wailing] 598 00:35:24,124 --> 00:35:26,835 - [gasps] - Cut the cord, Maxine. 599 00:35:27,461 --> 00:35:28,378 M-Me? 600 00:35:28,378 --> 00:35:31,548 - [panting] - U-Uh, honey. [mutters] Mm-hmm. [sighs] 601 00:35:31,548 --> 00:35:32,633 I can't. 602 00:35:33,383 --> 00:35:34,384 I can't. 603 00:35:34,384 --> 00:35:36,303 [panting] 604 00:35:36,303 --> 00:35:38,722 [Rita stammers] I'll do it. I'll do it. 605 00:35:38,722 --> 00:35:42,392 - [panting, grunts] - [scissors snip] 606 00:35:42,976 --> 00:35:45,229 - [Sylvia] Oh. - It's a boy. [chuckles] 607 00:35:46,688 --> 00:35:48,232 It's a boy. [chuckles] 608 00:35:50,526 --> 00:35:51,777 [feminists gasping, sighing] 609 00:35:51,777 --> 00:35:55,239 And we shall call him Shelbi. 610 00:35:56,281 --> 00:35:58,325 We were thinking Jack. 611 00:36:03,288 --> 00:36:05,040 Jack Shelbi. 612 00:36:05,040 --> 00:36:06,500 - [Jack crying] - Mmm. 613 00:36:18,679 --> 00:36:19,680 [sighs] 614 00:36:20,264 --> 00:36:22,182 I'm sorry you had to see that, Norma. 615 00:36:23,100 --> 00:36:26,311 I understand that seeing it makes it real. 616 00:36:27,062 --> 00:36:28,522 He's a good man. 617 00:36:29,523 --> 00:36:34,027 He's smart, he's rich, he's royal. [chuckles] 618 00:36:36,238 --> 00:36:40,826 Would it be too much for me to ask for your blessing? 619 00:36:44,204 --> 00:36:45,205 [sighs] 620 00:36:48,333 --> 00:36:49,626 [timer dings] 621 00:36:50,627 --> 00:36:51,837 It's time for your insulin. 622 00:36:52,963 --> 00:36:56,049 [babbling] 623 00:36:58,719 --> 00:37:02,431 - [bag unzips] - Norma, what is this? 624 00:37:03,015 --> 00:37:04,016 [stammers] 625 00:37:08,979 --> 00:37:10,480 I know what you were trying to do. 626 00:37:16,820 --> 00:37:18,530 You were trying to protect yourself. 627 00:37:19,531 --> 00:37:20,908 [sighs] 628 00:37:21,867 --> 00:37:26,955 It must be so horrible to have people move into your house and push you around. 629 00:37:28,665 --> 00:37:32,503 Listen, I-- I didn't trust Maxine in the beginning, but now I do. 630 00:37:34,046 --> 00:37:36,632 She wouldn't do anything to hurt you or me. 631 00:37:39,176 --> 00:37:42,804 [inhales sharply] In the meantime, I'm gonna take all these guns 632 00:37:42,804 --> 00:37:44,056 and I'm gonna put them away 633 00:37:44,056 --> 00:37:46,558 because I don't want any tragic accidents in the house. 634 00:37:47,476 --> 00:37:48,644 Boo! 635 00:37:48,644 --> 00:37:50,562 [Robert] Norma, if I didn't know you any better, 636 00:37:51,855 --> 00:37:55,108 I would think that you were planning on getting Maxine all alone at the funeral 637 00:37:55,108 --> 00:37:58,987 and murdering her in cold blood while the bagpipes played. 638 00:38:21,260 --> 00:38:22,386 [Maxine] Hey, you. 639 00:38:24,513 --> 00:38:25,514 Hey. 640 00:38:32,020 --> 00:38:33,021 It's strange. 641 00:38:34,731 --> 00:38:37,359 In another life, this would have been my house. 642 00:38:37,359 --> 00:38:39,611 - [Maxine chuckles] - [Jack wailing] 643 00:38:40,946 --> 00:38:42,823 [Maxine] And you could've had a baby. [chuckles] 644 00:38:45,075 --> 00:38:47,578 [stammers] Wasn't meant to be. 645 00:38:49,788 --> 00:38:51,582 I will admit, it was a real roller coaster. 646 00:38:51,582 --> 00:38:55,544 Getting married and thinking we were having a baby and... 647 00:38:55,544 --> 00:38:56,837 [Maxine sighs] 648 00:39:00,674 --> 00:39:03,177 - [breathing deeply] - Max, honey, what is it? 649 00:39:05,262 --> 00:39:08,974 That's not exactly how it happened. [chuckles] 650 00:39:08,974 --> 00:39:10,058 [stammers] 651 00:39:12,019 --> 00:39:18,066 I lost the baby before we got married, um, but right-- right before. [chuckles] 652 00:39:18,066 --> 00:39:20,194 And I-- I didn't want to tell you 'cause you were so excited, 653 00:39:20,194 --> 00:39:22,029 and I didn't want to disappoint you. 654 00:39:22,029 --> 00:39:25,282 I thought-- We thought it'd be so easy to get pregnant again. 655 00:39:27,826 --> 00:39:31,997 [sighs] I'm so sorry. [stammers] That was wrong. I should have told you. 656 00:39:32,998 --> 00:39:35,000 After all this time, I should have told you. It was wrong. 657 00:39:35,000 --> 00:39:36,376 But please tell me you forgive me. 658 00:39:38,795 --> 00:39:40,130 Please tell me it's all right. 659 00:39:43,175 --> 00:39:45,093 - Douglas, please say something. - Uh... 660 00:39:46,887 --> 00:39:48,680 I'm gonna go pull the car around. 661 00:39:54,520 --> 00:39:56,730 - [breathes shakily] - [Jack wailing] 662 00:40:02,402 --> 00:40:05,239 Fingers and toes. [chuckles] And your nose. [chuckles] 663 00:40:05,239 --> 00:40:07,950 - [Axel barks] - Jesus Christ. 664 00:40:07,950 --> 00:40:10,077 [Axel barks, whimpers] 665 00:40:10,869 --> 00:40:14,414 Shall we, darling? [chuckles, sighs] 666 00:40:15,624 --> 00:40:17,626 [engine starts] 667 00:40:19,002 --> 00:40:22,798 Douglas, you and I need to talk. 668 00:40:25,926 --> 00:40:27,761 Now is not the time, Evelyn. 669 00:40:27,761 --> 00:40:32,057 It just seems a shame that a girl who murdered her own father 670 00:40:32,057 --> 00:40:34,268 ends up with all his money. 671 00:40:36,687 --> 00:40:39,690 We both know that Linda didn't murder Skeet. 672 00:40:39,690 --> 00:40:44,528 Maybe it took 20 years, but the bullet she fired did kill him. 673 00:40:47,155 --> 00:40:50,826 You and I are the only two who saw what happened that day. 674 00:40:50,826 --> 00:40:54,955 And if we were to corroborate one another, well, 675 00:40:55,664 --> 00:40:58,375 the truth is when two people agree. 676 00:41:02,713 --> 00:41:04,089 Think about it. 677 00:41:10,345 --> 00:41:11,346 Yes? 678 00:41:13,015 --> 00:41:15,976 I'm looking for Mrs. Maxine Dellacorte. 679 00:41:17,978 --> 00:41:18,979 Oh. 680 00:41:22,733 --> 00:41:24,026 [sighs] 681 00:41:31,325 --> 00:41:32,326 [Linda] Oh. 682 00:41:34,453 --> 00:41:36,413 I came to say goodbye. 683 00:41:37,706 --> 00:41:40,250 You should go see the baby. He's beautiful. 684 00:41:41,877 --> 00:41:42,878 There's a baby? 685 00:41:42,878 --> 00:41:44,630 Sylvia had her baby in the tub. 686 00:41:45,297 --> 00:41:46,465 Douglas's head chipped the enamel. 687 00:41:46,465 --> 00:41:48,759 I hope Evelyn's not gonna be too upset. 688 00:41:48,759 --> 00:41:50,260 It's not Evelyn's. [sighs] 689 00:41:50,260 --> 00:41:51,345 Huh? 690 00:41:51,970 --> 00:41:53,430 It's my bathtub. 691 00:41:54,431 --> 00:41:56,808 All this is mine. [sighs] 692 00:41:56,808 --> 00:41:58,477 Maxine... [sighs] 693 00:42:00,729 --> 00:42:02,481 ...this is the worst day of my life. 694 00:42:04,274 --> 00:42:05,567 I'm so sorry. 695 00:42:08,320 --> 00:42:10,030 Can't always get what we want. 696 00:42:33,011 --> 00:42:36,390 Evelyn. Evelyn, uh, have you seen Douglas? 697 00:42:36,390 --> 00:42:39,017 A man in a fedora just took him away. 698 00:42:40,894 --> 00:42:41,895 Oh. 699 00:42:43,814 --> 00:42:45,399 He didn't say anything, did he? 700 00:42:45,399 --> 00:42:48,861 I heard him say, "It's all my fault. Take me, not her." 701 00:42:51,321 --> 00:42:52,322 "Her"? 702 00:42:52,865 --> 00:42:53,866 Yes. 703 00:42:54,533 --> 00:42:56,493 I assume he meant you. 704 00:43:01,540 --> 00:43:02,916 Oh, Douglas. 705 00:43:05,878 --> 00:43:08,130 Have you seen a tall bitch from New Jersey? 706 00:43:08,130 --> 00:43:09,631 She stole my camera. 707 00:43:11,758 --> 00:43:12,759 No. 708 00:43:15,804 --> 00:43:17,014 Robert? 709 00:43:19,558 --> 00:43:22,352 Robert, where are you? I need you. 710 00:43:24,438 --> 00:43:26,356 - Robert? - [approaching footfalls] 711 00:43:26,356 --> 00:43:29,359 Maxine. Thank God, I was getting worried. 712 00:43:29,902 --> 00:43:31,153 Mitzi, what are you doing here? 713 00:43:31,695 --> 00:43:33,780 Robert called and asked if I'd watch Norma. 714 00:43:34,323 --> 00:43:36,617 - He went out with a friend. - Where? 715 00:43:37,576 --> 00:43:40,621 He said to call The Breakers Hotel if there was an emergency. 716 00:43:40,621 --> 00:43:42,372 - [sighs] - Is it an emergency? 717 00:43:43,498 --> 00:43:45,751 [sighs] Mitzi. 718 00:43:48,629 --> 00:43:49,713 [sighs] 719 00:43:51,006 --> 00:43:54,384 Mr. Dellacorte is-- He's gone. 720 00:43:56,136 --> 00:43:57,471 They took him away. 721 00:43:59,056 --> 00:44:01,183 Because of the Perry Donahue business. 722 00:44:01,767 --> 00:44:04,895 [stammers] But Mr. Dellacorte didn't do anything, did he? 723 00:44:04,895 --> 00:44:06,939 No. No, of course not. 724 00:44:08,148 --> 00:44:09,816 Things can change so fast. 725 00:44:10,359 --> 00:44:13,529 Make sure-- You-- You promise me that you will plan for your future. 726 00:44:13,529 --> 00:44:15,656 Barbizon leads places, you know. 727 00:44:16,573 --> 00:44:21,161 Just look at my friend Stephanie. Thanks to Barbizon, she's dating a prince. 728 00:44:23,080 --> 00:44:25,290 Princess Stephanie did Barbizon? 729 00:44:25,958 --> 00:44:27,334 She was in my class. 730 00:44:27,835 --> 00:44:30,546 I saw her at the space launch, and she was with a prince. 731 00:44:32,422 --> 00:44:33,423 Oh. 732 00:44:35,509 --> 00:44:39,263 Well, maybe don't pay attention to what other people are doing. 733 00:44:41,682 --> 00:44:42,933 Can you stay and watch Norma? 734 00:44:43,475 --> 00:44:44,476 Sure. 735 00:44:45,686 --> 00:44:47,020 'Cause I'm tired. 736 00:44:57,489 --> 00:44:58,490 Thanks, pal. 737 00:45:09,293 --> 00:45:10,294 [Maxine] Coffee's on. 738 00:45:11,128 --> 00:45:12,421 [sighs] 739 00:45:14,173 --> 00:45:15,340 I was at the-- 740 00:45:15,340 --> 00:45:19,219 At The Breakers Hotel with your new friend. Mitzi told me. 741 00:45:27,769 --> 00:45:30,022 I think I'm gonna go away for a while, Maxine. 742 00:45:31,064 --> 00:45:32,065 Where are you going? 743 00:45:33,233 --> 00:45:34,401 South of France. 744 00:45:36,320 --> 00:45:37,321 For how long? 745 00:45:37,905 --> 00:45:42,367 A couple of months. I know that Norma will be fine, 'cause she has you. 746 00:45:44,244 --> 00:45:45,662 And I don't have anyone. 747 00:45:49,333 --> 00:45:52,044 Douglas has been taken in for questioning. It doesn't look good. 748 00:45:54,296 --> 00:45:56,215 Forget about what I just said. I'm not going anywhere. 749 00:45:56,215 --> 00:45:59,510 I'm not gonna leave you and Norma here alone for a man I barely even know. 750 00:46:02,763 --> 00:46:05,682 You know, I barely knew Douglas before we ran away together. 751 00:46:07,976 --> 00:46:11,396 Certain feelings can be deceiving. 752 00:46:14,816 --> 00:46:16,652 But it was the best decision I ever made. 753 00:46:18,320 --> 00:46:19,613 Go with your prince. 754 00:46:20,614 --> 00:46:25,035 He's got $250,000 of Norma's money, so spend the hell out of it. 755 00:46:26,995 --> 00:46:27,996 [chuckles] 756 00:46:30,123 --> 00:46:31,124 Thank you. 757 00:46:31,124 --> 00:46:34,628 I mean it. Spend the hell out of it. 758 00:46:35,379 --> 00:46:38,257 Champagne and caviar every single day. Promise me. 759 00:46:41,677 --> 00:46:42,845 When do you leave? 760 00:46:42,845 --> 00:46:44,805 He's coming to pick me up this afternoon. 761 00:46:46,890 --> 00:46:48,392 Then you better start packing. 762 00:46:49,768 --> 00:46:50,769 [sighs] 763 00:46:56,441 --> 00:46:57,442 [Robert] I love you. 764 00:47:05,367 --> 00:47:06,577 Sorry, Norma. 765 00:47:08,120 --> 00:47:09,580 We were so close. 766 00:47:13,041 --> 00:47:15,043 [Maxine] Robert had to go get his man. 767 00:47:16,170 --> 00:47:18,589 And I had to go get mine. 768 00:47:18,589 --> 00:47:20,340 I need these cashed, please. 769 00:47:24,678 --> 00:47:29,057 To cash checks of this size and volume, the bank requires a cosigner. 770 00:47:29,558 --> 00:47:30,976 A husband, perhaps? 771 00:47:32,394 --> 00:47:35,063 It is my name on this goldarn account. 772 00:47:35,063 --> 00:47:38,066 I need you to cash these goldarn checks before I make a scene. 773 00:47:39,276 --> 00:47:40,861 Let me go talk to my manager. 774 00:48:01,006 --> 00:48:02,716 No photo. 775 00:48:03,800 --> 00:48:06,845 [Maxine] Raquel's words echoed in my ears. 776 00:48:06,845 --> 00:48:11,225 In Palm Beach, the only way to avoid jail was to pay up. 777 00:48:11,850 --> 00:48:12,976 Or trade up. 778 00:48:18,440 --> 00:48:19,733 Please don't judge me. 779 00:48:21,026 --> 00:48:25,072 Everything I did was in the best interest of those I care about most. 780 00:48:25,072 --> 00:48:28,867 Identity theft, forgery, wire fraud, 781 00:48:28,867 --> 00:48:30,953 a dozen different aliases. 782 00:48:30,953 --> 00:48:33,789 You're holding a minnow. I'm giving you a whale. 783 00:48:34,831 --> 00:48:38,168 So where is this whale? 784 00:48:39,169 --> 00:48:42,673 First, I'd like assurance that all charges against my husband be dropped. 785 00:48:42,673 --> 00:48:47,803 And all assets, once recovered, be returned to the Dellacorte estate. 786 00:48:49,263 --> 00:48:50,639 [G-man] Yeah. Go ahead. 787 00:48:54,643 --> 00:48:55,644 The prince... 788 00:49:03,777 --> 00:49:05,070 is staying at The Breakers. 789 00:49:28,343 --> 00:49:29,469 [car door closes] 790 00:49:29,469 --> 00:49:31,138 Going somewhere? 791 00:49:31,722 --> 00:49:32,890 Maybe. 792 00:49:37,519 --> 00:49:38,937 Now, that was quick. 793 00:49:38,937 --> 00:49:41,607 Congratulations. You must have worked a miracle. 794 00:49:43,233 --> 00:49:44,818 Yeah, kind of. 795 00:49:46,528 --> 00:49:47,779 [sighs] 796 00:49:49,865 --> 00:49:51,700 I don't think my prince is coming. 797 00:49:53,952 --> 00:49:57,289 Sorry. I'm so sorry.