1 00:00:01,235 --> 00:00:02,367 Previously on "diggstown". 2 00:00:02,436 --> 00:00:04,770 Judge dewey is accusing me of professional misconduct. 3 00:00:04,905 --> 00:00:06,305 Can you believe this? 4 00:00:07,908 --> 00:00:10,141 I am this far away from suspending you two. 5 00:00:10,177 --> 00:00:11,376 You're testing me, doug. 6 00:00:11,379 --> 00:00:13,145 Pam tested me. Do I have to fire you too? 7 00:00:13,280 --> 00:00:14,345 Randy slaney can rot in jail. 8 00:00:14,382 --> 00:00:15,314 You can't do this. 9 00:00:15,449 --> 00:00:17,916 I'm gonna protect my daughter at all costs. 10 00:00:17,918 --> 00:00:19,318 You were a good little whore. 11 00:00:19,453 --> 00:00:22,121 Your talents and my brain made a lot of money. 12 00:00:22,123 --> 00:00:24,923 [tense dramatic music] 13 00:00:24,925 --> 00:00:26,991 Guess you should have kept your stupid mouth shut. 14 00:00:27,028 --> 00:00:28,460 Do you still work for goldenview fields? 15 00:00:28,595 --> 00:00:31,263 I am the clawfords personal groundskeeper. 16 00:00:31,265 --> 00:00:32,498 Ellery: So you get a promotion 17 00:00:32,633 --> 00:00:34,133 And your friend gets tossed into the atlantic. 18 00:00:35,503 --> 00:00:37,202 Marcie: I am not going to stop coming after you 19 00:00:37,337 --> 00:00:39,204 Until basil allen's death is avenged. 20 00:00:40,441 --> 00:00:42,774 Reggie: Back in the dark ages, 21 00:00:42,810 --> 00:00:47,412 When I was thinking of applying to law school, 22 00:00:47,448 --> 00:00:51,015 I remember I went to my father for his opinion. 23 00:00:52,286 --> 00:00:55,054 And dad repaired shoes for a living. 24 00:00:55,189 --> 00:00:57,422 Good honest work, he used to say. 25 00:00:57,425 --> 00:01:00,225 Anyway, he answered me with a joke. 26 00:01:00,261 --> 00:01:03,495 "why do they bury lawyers ten feet underground 27 00:01:03,531 --> 00:01:05,431 Instead of six feet like everybody else?" 28 00:01:06,633 --> 00:01:10,836 "because deep down, lawyers are good people." 29 00:01:10,971 --> 00:01:13,504 [crowd laughs] 30 00:01:13,506 --> 00:01:15,340 Reggie: Yeah, I laughed too but for, 31 00:01:15,476 --> 00:01:16,809 For an 18-year-old kid 32 00:01:16,944 --> 00:01:19,912 Trying to figure out how to make a difference in the world, 33 00:01:19,914 --> 00:01:21,412 It-it kinda hurt. 34 00:01:22,983 --> 00:01:27,252 Look, it's-it's easy to be cynical about this profession, 35 00:01:27,387 --> 00:01:28,920 Lord knows. 36 00:01:29,990 --> 00:01:33,525 But I, I try to hold on to that kid. 37 00:01:33,527 --> 00:01:37,495 That kid wanted to be a good person. 38 00:01:38,532 --> 00:01:39,398 And a lawyer. 39 00:01:39,533 --> 00:01:41,533 Believed that you could do both. 40 00:01:41,535 --> 00:01:43,335 And that's what this hearing is about 41 00:01:43,470 --> 00:01:44,936 At the end of the day, isn't it? 42 00:01:47,341 --> 00:01:51,376 What makes a lawyer ethical? 43 00:01:51,378 --> 00:01:52,811 What makes her good? 44 00:01:54,381 --> 00:01:55,280 I teach these days. 45 00:01:55,349 --> 00:01:57,883 I can tell you what my students would say. 46 00:01:57,952 --> 00:01:59,484 They would say 47 00:01:59,487 --> 00:02:02,153 You have to be willing to go to the mat for your client 48 00:02:02,189 --> 00:02:04,756 Every single time, no matter what the cost. 49 00:02:06,560 --> 00:02:12,164 And no lawyer I've ever known exemplifies that ideal, 50 00:02:12,166 --> 00:02:16,434 That commitment like my client, marcie diggs. 51 00:02:18,506 --> 00:02:21,373 Now we look forward to demonstrating that 52 00:02:21,375 --> 00:02:22,640 During the course of this hearing. 53 00:02:22,676 --> 00:02:24,509 Thank you. 54 00:02:24,512 --> 00:02:30,281 [light emotional music] 55 00:02:31,251 --> 00:02:32,384 Justice dewey, you brought forward 56 00:02:32,386 --> 00:02:34,186 The initial misconduct complaint, 57 00:02:34,255 --> 00:02:36,188 Which prompted the bar's investigation 58 00:02:36,190 --> 00:02:37,656 Of ms. Diggs, correct? 59 00:02:37,725 --> 00:02:38,991 That's right. 60 00:02:38,993 --> 00:02:42,660 She accosted me after court was adjourned. 61 00:02:42,662 --> 00:02:44,296 Accosted you? 62 00:02:44,365 --> 00:02:46,131 She stormed up to me, 63 00:02:46,266 --> 00:02:48,333 Hurled a series of insults. 64 00:02:48,468 --> 00:02:50,568 She called me a "ghoul". 65 00:02:50,604 --> 00:02:52,437 In all of my years on the bench, 66 00:02:52,573 --> 00:02:56,008 I have never experienced such disrespect from a lawyer. 67 00:02:56,010 --> 00:02:57,943 Inside or outside of the courtroom. 68 00:02:58,879 --> 00:03:00,345 Thank you, your honour. 69 00:03:00,914 --> 00:03:01,846 Mr. Thompson? 70 00:03:01,882 --> 00:03:03,248 Reggie: Your honour, 71 00:03:03,383 --> 00:03:06,484 Were you aware that ms. Diggs was shot 72 00:03:06,486 --> 00:03:09,421 At point blank range just ten months ago? 73 00:03:09,490 --> 00:03:10,956 I heard about the shooting, yes. 74 00:03:11,091 --> 00:03:13,491 She was in surgery for seven hours. 75 00:03:14,528 --> 00:03:17,763 Then rehab and therapy for ptsd. 76 00:03:17,898 --> 00:03:21,099 Did you know that this suit that she brought before you 77 00:03:21,168 --> 00:03:23,669 Was her first case since returning to work? 78 00:03:23,804 --> 00:03:24,836 And that excuses 79 00:03:24,838 --> 00:03:27,706 Her not conducting herself professionally? 80 00:03:27,775 --> 00:03:30,642 Did you know that in her entire career, 81 00:03:30,777 --> 00:03:33,512 Ms. Diggs has never been cited for contempt? 82 00:03:33,647 --> 00:03:36,514 [chuckles] that's a claim that I can't make. 83 00:03:36,516 --> 00:03:37,982 How about you, your honour? 84 00:03:38,885 --> 00:03:40,285 How many times were you cited? 85 00:03:40,321 --> 00:03:42,220 I would never personally insult- 86 00:03:42,223 --> 00:03:43,855 Reggie: Not my question. 87 00:03:43,891 --> 00:03:44,923 How many times? 88 00:03:44,925 --> 00:03:47,892 How many outbursts in court, judge? 89 00:03:47,928 --> 00:03:49,661 Three. 90 00:03:49,663 --> 00:03:50,962 Oh. 91 00:03:52,132 --> 00:03:55,133 Well you must have had good reasons, hm? 92 00:03:55,135 --> 00:03:57,335 All three times. 93 00:03:57,471 --> 00:03:59,871 I mean, maybe you were suffering trauma. 94 00:03:59,940 --> 00:04:01,205 Did somebody shoot you? 95 00:04:01,242 --> 00:04:02,441 Okay, really? 96 00:04:02,443 --> 00:04:03,475 Are you done, mr. Thompson? 97 00:04:03,544 --> 00:04:05,210 Ah, sure, I'm done. 98 00:04:05,279 --> 00:04:12,884 [light emotional music] 99 00:04:12,886 --> 00:04:15,086 Doug: So, the clawfords say you used their corporate credit card 100 00:04:15,122 --> 00:04:17,388 To take out cash advances. 101 00:04:17,424 --> 00:04:19,625 The amounts were then wired to a mexican bank account 102 00:04:19,760 --> 00:04:21,626 Under the name miguel diaz. 103 00:04:21,629 --> 00:04:23,361 It's my oldest. 104 00:04:24,265 --> 00:04:26,030 Talk to him. No one in my family, 105 00:04:26,066 --> 00:04:28,500 No one knew that bank account existed. 106 00:04:28,635 --> 00:04:30,035 Who else had access to that card? 107 00:04:30,170 --> 00:04:31,636 Lots of people. 108 00:04:32,606 --> 00:04:35,507 Carl, he oversees the pei estate. 109 00:04:35,509 --> 00:04:37,775 The clawfords, ned. 110 00:04:37,811 --> 00:04:40,379 They say that your e-signature was on the money transfers. 111 00:04:40,514 --> 00:04:41,847 My e-signature. 112 00:04:41,982 --> 00:04:43,849 I never stole any money. 113 00:04:43,984 --> 00:04:45,450 They are doing this because they know 114 00:04:45,585 --> 00:04:47,252 I'm gonna tell the truth. 115 00:04:48,522 --> 00:04:50,856 [light dramatic music] 116 00:04:50,991 --> 00:04:52,391 I can't carry this anymore. 117 00:04:53,494 --> 00:04:55,393 If I hadn't told ned about basil's plan, 118 00:04:55,429 --> 00:04:57,762 He'd be alive. 119 00:04:57,831 --> 00:05:00,465 They claim that you took $50,000. 120 00:05:00,467 --> 00:05:01,966 That's an indictable offence. 121 00:05:02,903 --> 00:05:04,402 We're gonna beat this. 122 00:05:06,640 --> 00:05:08,106 Don't lose hope. 123 00:05:12,512 --> 00:05:13,745 Pam! 124 00:05:15,082 --> 00:05:17,782 I mean, I figured we'd be on opposing sides at some point, 125 00:05:17,818 --> 00:05:19,217 I just... 126 00:05:19,219 --> 00:05:21,686 I never thought she'd be coming after me personally. 127 00:05:21,689 --> 00:05:23,454 Ah, you know it's not personal. 128 00:05:24,892 --> 00:05:26,291 [phone buzzes] 129 00:05:28,962 --> 00:05:30,495 [phone buzzes] 130 00:05:30,497 --> 00:05:31,963 You want to get that? 131 00:05:33,500 --> 00:05:34,499 It's avery. 132 00:05:34,501 --> 00:05:35,566 Reggie: Ah. 133 00:05:35,568 --> 00:05:36,434 Keeps calling. 134 00:05:36,503 --> 00:05:38,570 Mm. 135 00:05:38,639 --> 00:05:39,905 What? 136 00:05:40,708 --> 00:05:41,639 It's fine, reggie. 137 00:05:41,709 --> 00:05:43,575 I didn't say anything. 138 00:05:43,577 --> 00:05:45,109 Hi, marcie. 139 00:05:45,145 --> 00:05:46,644 It's been a long time. 140 00:05:52,786 --> 00:05:54,552 Rhonda leblanc. 141 00:05:55,723 --> 00:05:57,488 We got this. 142 00:05:58,659 --> 00:05:59,924 Rhonda: I worked hard for that fellowship. 143 00:05:59,960 --> 00:06:01,459 Sacrificed. 144 00:06:01,495 --> 00:06:02,394 Pulled all-nighters, 145 00:06:02,529 --> 00:06:04,596 All the student cliches, you know? 146 00:06:04,731 --> 00:06:05,997 Pam: But you got it in the end. 147 00:06:06,132 --> 00:06:07,599 You were awarded the fellowship. 148 00:06:07,734 --> 00:06:08,699 Rhonda: I got it. 149 00:06:08,736 --> 00:06:13,138 Then it was yanked away because of marcie. 150 00:06:13,140 --> 00:06:16,941 She decided the only way she could win my sister's case was 151 00:06:17,010 --> 00:06:19,111 To pin everything on me. 152 00:06:19,246 --> 00:06:21,679 She convinced nikki that I was the enemy, 153 00:06:21,715 --> 00:06:22,680 Had her wear a wire. 154 00:06:22,750 --> 00:06:24,482 Pam: But that wire tap evidence 155 00:06:24,551 --> 00:06:27,185 Ultimately was ruled inadmissible, correct? 156 00:06:27,221 --> 00:06:30,889 Yes. But I still lost my fellowship. 157 00:06:30,958 --> 00:06:35,360 So essentially marcie set you up for nikki's crime, 158 00:06:35,362 --> 00:06:36,694 Derailing your future. 159 00:06:36,696 --> 00:06:38,196 Reggie: Excuse me, 160 00:06:38,232 --> 00:06:40,965 "essentially" is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that sentence. 161 00:06:41,034 --> 00:06:42,667 Agreed. 162 00:06:42,669 --> 00:06:44,168 I'm good, mr. Adjudicator. 163 00:06:48,041 --> 00:06:49,841 You're-you're back at school now, right? 164 00:06:49,877 --> 00:06:52,043 Studying for my masters, yes. 165 00:06:52,045 --> 00:06:53,444 How are you paying for that? 166 00:06:53,446 --> 00:06:54,646 I'm a ta. 167 00:06:54,715 --> 00:06:57,416 Reggie: Ah, well that covers textbooks, 168 00:06:57,551 --> 00:07:01,286 But not two semesters worth of tuition. 169 00:07:02,322 --> 00:07:04,522 Now you created an app, didn't you? 170 00:07:04,558 --> 00:07:05,723 You sold the algorithm 171 00:07:05,759 --> 00:07:08,493 To a company called "bytesizd labs"? 172 00:07:08,562 --> 00:07:09,928 Yes. 173 00:07:09,930 --> 00:07:11,696 Reggie: I-I dug up the paperwork on that sale. 174 00:07:11,832 --> 00:07:14,466 [chuckles] you did okay. 175 00:07:14,601 --> 00:07:18,736 Ah, who's mia stepaniak? 176 00:07:18,772 --> 00:07:20,771 It's...Me. 177 00:07:22,275 --> 00:07:25,343 That's my middle name, my mother's maiden name. 178 00:07:25,412 --> 00:07:27,612 I use it in business. I have to. 179 00:07:27,614 --> 00:07:29,747 The whole thing with nikki just... 180 00:07:29,883 --> 00:07:32,684 Bad for the brand, no, I-I-I get it. 181 00:07:32,753 --> 00:07:35,420 But it-it made me curious as to what else 182 00:07:35,422 --> 00:07:38,757 The tech-savvy mia stepaniak might be getting up to. 183 00:07:38,892 --> 00:07:40,291 [reggie chuckles] 184 00:07:40,327 --> 00:07:43,028 Ah, nfts! 185 00:07:43,163 --> 00:07:46,631 Now, I, uh, I gotta admit, my brain shuts down 186 00:07:46,633 --> 00:07:47,799 When it comes to this stuff. 187 00:07:47,868 --> 00:07:49,634 I had to have a student walk me through it- 188 00:07:49,636 --> 00:07:50,802 Where are we going with this? 189 00:07:50,871 --> 00:07:52,103 Rhonda, would you like to explain 190 00:07:52,105 --> 00:07:55,606 What you've been selling online for the past two years? 191 00:07:56,810 --> 00:07:57,709 [light dramatic music] 192 00:07:57,778 --> 00:07:59,811 Reggie: Well I'll-I'll take a swing. 193 00:07:59,813 --> 00:08:04,049 Ah, if you check out mia stepaniak's page on opensea, 194 00:08:04,184 --> 00:08:06,450 Which is where these things are sold, 195 00:08:06,487 --> 00:08:10,255 You'll find a selection of "erotic art". 196 00:08:10,390 --> 00:08:13,124 Why is this any of our business? 197 00:08:13,193 --> 00:08:15,460 Rhonda? Would you like to explain 198 00:08:15,529 --> 00:08:16,994 Where you got the photographs 199 00:08:17,130 --> 00:08:19,598 That you've been "minting" into nfts, 200 00:08:19,733 --> 00:08:21,465 As the kids say? 201 00:08:24,571 --> 00:08:25,737 What are we looking at? 202 00:08:25,872 --> 00:08:28,406 Reggie: Images of underaged women. 203 00:08:28,475 --> 00:08:31,809 These photos are the ones that were made available 204 00:08:31,879 --> 00:08:33,345 On rhonda's app 205 00:08:33,480 --> 00:08:37,015 That she used to pimp her sister and her friends. 206 00:08:37,017 --> 00:08:40,685 They are also mia stepaniak's nfts, 207 00:08:40,754 --> 00:08:42,787 The same images with the faces blurred out. 208 00:08:42,923 --> 00:08:45,056 Those photos are my copyright, I have the right to- 209 00:08:45,092 --> 00:08:48,393 To exploit underage girls for personal gain? 210 00:08:48,395 --> 00:08:50,628 Yeah, well, that would be in your wheelhouse, 211 00:08:50,697 --> 00:08:52,097 Wouldn't it, rhonda? 212 00:08:52,766 --> 00:08:54,232 Sorry, mia. 213 00:08:54,968 --> 00:09:00,671 [light dramatic music] 214 00:09:01,842 --> 00:09:03,841 I honestly can't believe prosecution services 215 00:09:03,877 --> 00:09:05,610 Is going forward with this appeal. 216 00:09:05,745 --> 00:09:08,312 Martin jesper and loretta go way back. 217 00:09:08,348 --> 00:09:09,781 He clerked for her husband. 218 00:09:09,850 --> 00:09:13,318 [scoffs] this place, like a bloody human centipede. 219 00:09:13,320 --> 00:09:14,986 Everyone up everyone's asses. 220 00:09:15,121 --> 00:09:17,788 Darcy: Hey, the court of appeal would be fools 221 00:09:17,824 --> 00:09:19,224 To give leave to this case. 222 00:09:19,359 --> 00:09:21,859 And what the hell was that woman still doing on the bench? 223 00:09:21,895 --> 00:09:22,861 Change will happen. 224 00:09:22,863 --> 00:09:24,329 Not soon enough for me. 225 00:09:24,398 --> 00:09:25,863 That woman needs to go. 226 00:09:28,802 --> 00:09:31,803 Marcie, how goes the battle? 227 00:09:31,938 --> 00:09:33,137 Maclean take it easy on ya? 228 00:09:33,173 --> 00:09:34,872 Marcie: What do you think? 229 00:09:34,942 --> 00:09:36,908 No, it's going not bad. 230 00:09:36,910 --> 00:09:39,344 What she means to say is that "reggie's crushing it". 231 00:09:41,415 --> 00:09:44,715 You know, let's, uh, let's talk after the arraignment. 232 00:09:44,751 --> 00:09:45,883 Uh, one quick thing 233 00:09:45,919 --> 00:09:47,952 You're probably not gonna want to hear. 234 00:09:47,955 --> 00:09:48,953 Iris. 235 00:09:48,956 --> 00:09:50,955 Okay, I don't, I don't wanna- 236 00:09:50,958 --> 00:09:51,956 I just can't right now. 237 00:09:51,959 --> 00:09:53,491 I know. 238 00:09:53,560 --> 00:09:54,959 But you can't fire her because she slept with your boyfriend. 239 00:09:55,095 --> 00:09:56,127 Doug, I- 240 00:09:56,129 --> 00:09:57,528 Doug: I'm not defending what they did. 241 00:09:57,564 --> 00:09:59,897 Just keep in mind that iris knows a lot of lawyers. 242 00:09:59,933 --> 00:10:01,032 At some point it might occur to her 243 00:10:01,068 --> 00:10:03,868 That she wasn't exactly fired for cause. 244 00:10:03,870 --> 00:10:05,870 Marcie: Okay, well, you think she's gonna sue? 245 00:10:06,006 --> 00:10:06,905 Let her try. 246 00:10:07,040 --> 00:10:08,272 Doug: Marcie, I'm just saying 247 00:10:08,342 --> 00:10:10,541 You shouldn't leave things the way they are. 248 00:10:10,611 --> 00:10:12,010 Let's talk later. 249 00:10:12,012 --> 00:10:13,712 I think we have another problem. 250 00:10:20,887 --> 00:10:23,321 We're asking for the defendant to be held in custody 251 00:10:23,323 --> 00:10:26,190 In accordance with section 516 of the criminal code. 252 00:10:26,192 --> 00:10:27,959 Mr. Diaz is not a flight risk. 253 00:10:27,961 --> 00:10:29,660 He's without financial resources. 254 00:10:29,662 --> 00:10:31,262 Precisely, your honour. 255 00:10:31,331 --> 00:10:33,932 Goldenview fields provided mr. Diaz with room and board. 256 00:10:34,067 --> 00:10:35,800 Now that he's been terminated, 257 00:10:35,935 --> 00:10:38,203 Where else is he gonna go, if not home to mexico? 258 00:10:38,205 --> 00:10:39,938 He's the definition of a flight risk. 259 00:10:40,073 --> 00:10:41,272 [doug clears throat] 260 00:10:41,308 --> 00:10:42,807 We can find him a place to stay. 261 00:10:42,942 --> 00:10:44,809 But you don't have one at the moment. 262 00:10:44,845 --> 00:10:46,877 Therefore, I will grant mr. Conway's request 263 00:10:46,913 --> 00:10:48,647 That the defendant remain in custody 264 00:10:48,782 --> 00:10:50,148 And we'll adjourn until you can find 265 00:10:50,283 --> 00:10:51,949 An alternative address. 266 00:10:51,951 --> 00:10:53,151 Bailiff: All rise! 267 00:10:57,057 --> 00:10:58,656 Thanks. 268 00:11:05,532 --> 00:11:08,299 Happy? Setting up an innocent man? 269 00:11:10,103 --> 00:11:12,570 I'd like to call william steven macisaac. 270 00:11:13,707 --> 00:11:20,645 [light dramatic music] 271 00:11:20,714 --> 00:11:24,616 ♪ 272 00:11:27,921 --> 00:11:30,488 Timony from your arresting officer 273 00:11:30,623 --> 00:11:31,790 Stating that when constable regan 274 00:11:31,925 --> 00:11:33,991 Got to your ex-wife's home, 275 00:11:34,027 --> 00:11:35,059 You and ms. Diggs- 276 00:11:35,095 --> 00:11:36,560 Marcie was there but she, 277 00:11:36,596 --> 00:11:38,196 She didn't know what happened 'til later. 278 00:11:38,265 --> 00:11:39,931 But once she did know, 279 00:11:39,933 --> 00:11:42,233 She kept that information from the police. 280 00:11:42,302 --> 00:11:44,736 Willy: No, I did, I did. I was afraid. Marcie actually- 281 00:11:44,738 --> 00:11:46,937 Pam: In fact, you and your lawyer, ms. Diggs, 282 00:11:46,973 --> 00:11:50,074 Stood by and watched as an innocent man, 283 00:11:50,110 --> 00:11:51,209 Randall slaney, 284 00:11:51,278 --> 00:11:54,078 Was arrested and charged with your ex-wife's murder. 285 00:11:54,081 --> 00:11:56,915 Reggie: My client can't control who the police arrest. 286 00:11:56,917 --> 00:11:59,650 Warren: Let's stick to mr. Macisaac's arrest, ms. Maclean. 287 00:12:01,555 --> 00:12:04,688 So when you called ms. Diggs 288 00:12:04,725 --> 00:12:07,959 After you found your ex-wife dead, 289 00:12:08,094 --> 00:12:10,027 What did she advise you to do? 290 00:12:11,898 --> 00:12:13,898 She said, uh, 291 00:12:13,900 --> 00:12:15,033 She said: Wait for me. 292 00:12:15,035 --> 00:12:16,100 Wait for me. 293 00:12:16,103 --> 00:12:18,369 Not: Call the police. 294 00:12:18,371 --> 00:12:19,503 Call an ambulance, 295 00:12:19,539 --> 00:12:21,038 Gloria may still be breathing. 296 00:12:21,174 --> 00:12:22,439 She wasn't. 297 00:12:22,476 --> 00:12:23,942 Pam: And then according to constable regan, 298 00:12:23,944 --> 00:12:26,511 You and ms. Diggs cleaned up the scene together 299 00:12:26,646 --> 00:12:27,979 So that becca- - no, I did that. 300 00:12:28,048 --> 00:12:29,714 I-I did it. 301 00:12:29,783 --> 00:12:31,982 Pam: This is yet another example of ms. Diggs' willingness 302 00:12:32,018 --> 00:12:33,918 To bend the rules for her clients. 303 00:12:34,053 --> 00:12:35,653 Or as mr. Thompson likes to call it, 304 00:12:35,789 --> 00:12:36,788 "going to the mat". 305 00:12:36,790 --> 00:12:37,789 Actually- 306 00:12:37,791 --> 00:12:39,057 Pam: I'm done. 307 00:12:41,995 --> 00:12:43,494 You're up, mr. Thompson. 308 00:12:44,998 --> 00:12:49,133 I think that we'll let mr. Macisaac 309 00:12:49,202 --> 00:12:50,734 Tell us about marcie 310 00:12:50,736 --> 00:12:52,102 In his own words. 311 00:12:54,107 --> 00:12:55,540 Take your time, willy. 312 00:13:00,280 --> 00:13:02,614 I first met marcie [stammering]... 313 00:13:02,616 --> 00:13:06,017 I first met marcie [sighs]... 314 00:13:06,019 --> 00:13:07,618 When I was charged with a dui, 315 00:13:07,654 --> 00:13:10,154 Uh, driving under the influence. 316 00:13:10,157 --> 00:13:11,623 I knew the drill. 317 00:13:11,625 --> 00:13:14,091 I'd been charged with drunk and disorderly, 318 00:13:14,161 --> 00:13:15,926 That kind of crap. 319 00:13:28,642 --> 00:13:31,942 Um, I was a messed up kid. 320 00:13:33,180 --> 00:13:34,912 Uh, my old man, he, uh... 321 00:13:37,917 --> 00:13:41,852 So, you know, there's, uh, stuff to work out. 322 00:13:46,059 --> 00:13:48,659 But the-the lawyers that were, uh, defending me back then, 323 00:13:48,695 --> 00:13:54,131 They, uh, they acted like I was dog shit. 324 00:13:59,873 --> 00:14:02,606 [emotionally] and marcie never made me feel that way. 325 00:14:05,211 --> 00:14:09,213 She treated me like I was a person. 326 00:14:10,684 --> 00:14:15,953 And, uh, if I yelled at her or I was acting like a idiot, she- 327 00:14:17,624 --> 00:14:19,290 She would just yell back at me. 328 00:14:20,727 --> 00:14:24,028 But-but she fought hard 329 00:14:28,435 --> 00:14:30,034 For me. 330 00:14:31,237 --> 00:14:32,837 Like it mattered. 331 00:14:37,310 --> 00:14:39,043 Like-like I-I mattered. 332 00:14:41,248 --> 00:14:46,216 I've-I've had a lot of rock bottoms in my life, you know? 333 00:14:50,290 --> 00:14:53,057 But on the wor-worst day of my life 334 00:14:53,059 --> 00:14:55,660 I-I called marcie diggs because [stutters] there's no one 335 00:14:55,729 --> 00:14:57,595 In the world that I... 336 00:14:57,730 --> 00:14:59,931 [cries] I'm sorry. 337 00:15:01,735 --> 00:15:04,535 There's no one in the world that I trust more than marcie. 338 00:15:13,079 --> 00:15:14,144 Marcie: Hey, willy. 339 00:15:14,180 --> 00:15:15,079 I'm sorry. 340 00:15:15,214 --> 00:15:16,280 Nope, don't be sorry. 341 00:15:16,283 --> 00:15:19,283 That was...That was beautiful. 342 00:15:19,286 --> 00:15:20,751 I shouldn't've cursed. 343 00:15:20,820 --> 00:15:22,553 I shouldn't have used a word like dogshit at your hearing, 344 00:15:22,555 --> 00:15:24,355 I just, I wish... 345 00:15:24,391 --> 00:15:26,024 I was so nervous. 346 00:15:26,159 --> 00:15:27,891 It was great. 347 00:15:28,628 --> 00:15:29,693 I didn't want to testify. 348 00:15:29,729 --> 00:15:31,562 She said she'd subpoena me. 349 00:15:31,564 --> 00:15:33,530 You did me a huge favour in there. 350 00:15:34,500 --> 00:15:35,733 Really. 351 00:15:35,802 --> 00:15:38,068 You know, I was-I was just telling the truth. 352 00:15:40,273 --> 00:15:41,972 Thank you. 353 00:15:44,511 --> 00:15:47,244 Neil: Never been visited by a judge before. 354 00:15:48,648 --> 00:15:52,249 So, um, this is where the magic happens, huh? 355 00:15:52,285 --> 00:15:53,184 Yep. 356 00:15:53,319 --> 00:15:55,586 You've entered the throbbing nerve centre 357 00:15:55,655 --> 00:15:57,254 Of the boyle report. 358 00:15:57,290 --> 00:15:59,223 Up by three subscribers this week! 359 00:16:01,261 --> 00:16:02,860 A little uh- -ah, no, a little... 360 00:16:02,896 --> 00:16:04,595 A little early for me, thanks. 361 00:16:04,597 --> 00:16:09,566 So to what do I owe this pleasure? 362 00:16:10,704 --> 00:16:12,536 Well, neil, I was remembering all the good work 363 00:16:12,572 --> 00:16:13,805 You do on your news site, 364 00:16:13,940 --> 00:16:18,275 Keeping people like me in the legal community accountable. 365 00:16:18,311 --> 00:16:20,011 You're a subscriber? 366 00:16:20,146 --> 00:16:22,146 No, um, but I do, 367 00:16:22,281 --> 00:16:24,849 I do check out the site from time to time. 368 00:16:24,984 --> 00:16:27,818 But for now, I think I might have a lead for you. 369 00:16:27,854 --> 00:16:30,154 Neil: You intrigue me, your honour. 370 00:16:31,291 --> 00:16:32,090 Colleen: Oh, this has to be on background. 371 00:16:32,225 --> 00:16:33,490 I can't be an official source. 372 00:16:33,526 --> 00:16:36,094 So you're gonna have to do the legwork on this one. 373 00:16:36,229 --> 00:16:37,895 Legwork is my middle name. 374 00:16:39,232 --> 00:16:42,199 There's a judge, um, loretta dewey. 375 00:16:42,235 --> 00:16:45,236 She's been pulling strings to overturn a verdict in a case 376 00:16:45,238 --> 00:16:47,304 That otherwise she has nothing to do with. 377 00:16:47,374 --> 00:16:48,272 What case? 378 00:16:48,408 --> 00:16:49,373 Kidnapping, 379 00:16:49,376 --> 00:16:50,775 But not like it sounds. 380 00:16:50,777 --> 00:16:53,110 A young indigenous mother under a birth alert 381 00:16:53,146 --> 00:16:55,779 Wanted her newborn to go with her aunt. 382 00:16:55,815 --> 00:16:58,382 The social services wanted to send the baby away 383 00:16:58,385 --> 00:16:59,817 To strangers, 384 00:16:59,819 --> 00:17:02,519 And so the aunt took the baby at the mother's request. 385 00:17:02,555 --> 00:17:04,622 The bastards charged her? 386 00:17:04,757 --> 00:17:06,190 I hope she got off. 387 00:17:06,226 --> 00:17:07,191 She did. 388 00:17:07,326 --> 00:17:09,393 But if this verdict gets overturned, 389 00:17:09,396 --> 00:17:11,129 This woman, ronnie maloney, 390 00:17:11,264 --> 00:17:14,132 A survivor of the sixties scoop, 391 00:17:14,267 --> 00:17:16,400 She'll have to be retried and- 392 00:17:16,469 --> 00:17:18,335 Why does this judge want the verdict overturned 393 00:17:18,371 --> 00:17:19,570 If it wasn't her case? 394 00:17:19,639 --> 00:17:21,271 Because it was mine. 395 00:17:21,307 --> 00:17:22,339 [light dramatic music] 396 00:17:22,375 --> 00:17:23,274 Ah. 397 00:17:23,409 --> 00:17:30,014 [light dramatic music] 398 00:17:30,083 --> 00:17:31,549 Good morning. 399 00:17:31,618 --> 00:17:33,350 Hi. Do you know cruz? 400 00:17:33,386 --> 00:17:35,019 Cruz diaz? 401 00:17:35,989 --> 00:17:37,421 Can I be of assistance mr. Paul? 402 00:17:37,424 --> 00:17:38,956 Hello ms. Clawford. 403 00:17:39,025 --> 00:17:40,357 These workers won't speak to you. 404 00:17:40,427 --> 00:17:41,892 I told you we're a family. 405 00:17:42,028 --> 00:17:44,528 Do you often have family members hauled off to to jail? 406 00:17:44,597 --> 00:17:47,165 We're all very sad about cruz. 407 00:17:47,300 --> 00:17:49,032 He was a trusted employee. 408 00:17:50,437 --> 00:17:51,768 He was planning on being a permanent resident 409 00:17:51,805 --> 00:17:52,769 With your family's support. 410 00:17:52,806 --> 00:17:53,704 Mmm. 411 00:17:53,840 --> 00:17:54,972 Doug: Don't you find it odd 412 00:17:55,041 --> 00:17:56,440 That he would suddenly jeopardize all that 413 00:17:56,442 --> 00:17:58,375 Over some light credit card fraud? 414 00:17:58,411 --> 00:18:00,845 Someone lives in poverty their whole life. 415 00:18:00,847 --> 00:18:03,147 I mean, I get it. 416 00:18:03,282 --> 00:18:04,715 You think you understand poverty? 417 00:18:04,784 --> 00:18:06,150 Is that so hard to believe? 418 00:18:06,285 --> 00:18:08,686 Look at me, I'm working side by side with these people. 419 00:18:08,688 --> 00:18:11,189 I know their hometowns, their children. 420 00:18:11,324 --> 00:18:13,257 I've seen photos of cruz's kids. 421 00:18:14,227 --> 00:18:15,659 I know them. I care about them. 422 00:18:15,695 --> 00:18:18,462 Did you know that if cruz is convicted 423 00:18:18,465 --> 00:18:20,164 He'll never work in canada again? 424 00:18:21,334 --> 00:18:23,334 If you care so much about him and his kids, 425 00:18:23,469 --> 00:18:27,138 Why don't you help get those charges against him dropped? 426 00:18:27,140 --> 00:18:29,273 And what makes you think that I could do that? 427 00:18:29,275 --> 00:18:31,008 Your last name, for starters. 428 00:18:40,487 --> 00:18:42,086 Bye mr. Paul. 429 00:18:42,088 --> 00:18:49,760 [light dramatic music] 430 00:18:49,762 --> 00:18:52,363 Warren: I hope everyone's had a pleasant evening. 431 00:18:52,432 --> 00:18:54,431 I believe we've heard from all ms. Maclean's witnesses, 432 00:18:54,467 --> 00:18:55,833 So this morning we'll turn to the- 433 00:18:55,968 --> 00:18:57,668 Pam: Sorry, I actually do have one more witness 434 00:18:57,704 --> 00:18:58,636 I'd like to call. 435 00:18:58,771 --> 00:18:59,737 Just confirmed last night. 436 00:18:59,806 --> 00:19:01,071 Last night? 437 00:19:01,141 --> 00:19:02,440 You could have done me the courtesy of an email. 438 00:19:02,442 --> 00:19:03,908 It was very late. 439 00:19:03,910 --> 00:19:05,976 Mr. Thompson, why don't we find out who the witness is? 440 00:19:06,045 --> 00:19:07,978 Sure. The suspense is killing me. 441 00:19:09,449 --> 00:19:11,382 I'd like to call avery mueller. 442 00:19:11,517 --> 00:19:15,052 [dramatic music] 443 00:19:15,188 --> 00:19:16,988 Reggie: Okay, this is entirely offside. 444 00:19:17,123 --> 00:19:19,957 Pam: Mr. Mueller has information relevant to this inquiry. 445 00:19:19,993 --> 00:19:21,425 Warren: I will allow the witness. 446 00:19:22,462 --> 00:19:24,228 [traffic humming] 447 00:19:30,036 --> 00:19:31,602 Steve. 448 00:19:31,737 --> 00:19:33,270 Hey doug. 449 00:19:34,407 --> 00:19:36,107 Ellery and I were just discussing mr. Diaz. 450 00:19:36,242 --> 00:19:37,641 The crown is proposing a deal. 451 00:19:37,710 --> 00:19:40,544 Steve: A six month suspended sentence if he pleads guilty. 452 00:19:40,546 --> 00:19:41,412 The catch being? 453 00:19:41,481 --> 00:19:42,680 He leaves the country immediately. 454 00:19:42,815 --> 00:19:44,749 It's a non-starter. 455 00:19:44,884 --> 00:19:46,484 It's a gift. 456 00:19:46,619 --> 00:19:48,552 Your client gets to go home to his family. 457 00:19:48,555 --> 00:19:49,987 Never to return. 458 00:19:50,056 --> 00:19:52,189 [chuckles] well, it could be worse, right? 459 00:19:53,892 --> 00:19:56,294 He's not guilty, steve. 460 00:19:56,429 --> 00:19:57,628 If he pleads, it goes on his record 461 00:19:57,763 --> 00:19:59,696 And he can never return to canada again. 462 00:20:01,434 --> 00:20:03,034 Okay, so we go to trial, 463 00:20:03,036 --> 00:20:04,835 Cruz is found guilty, and yeah, 464 00:20:04,837 --> 00:20:05,970 He gets to stay in the country, 465 00:20:06,105 --> 00:20:10,374 But now it's in prison for up to four years. 466 00:20:14,581 --> 00:20:16,046 Thanks for stopping by. 467 00:20:17,250 --> 00:20:18,783 [light dramatic music] 468 00:20:18,918 --> 00:20:20,450 Okay. 469 00:20:20,486 --> 00:20:27,391 [light dramatic music] 470 00:20:27,527 --> 00:20:33,998 ♪ 471 00:20:34,067 --> 00:20:40,137 [phone ringing] 472 00:20:40,139 --> 00:20:41,739 Hello? 473 00:20:41,874 --> 00:20:44,608 Audra: May I speak with iris beals? 474 00:20:44,644 --> 00:20:45,810 Yes, speaking. 475 00:20:45,945 --> 00:20:48,212 Audra: Hi iris, 476 00:20:48,281 --> 00:20:51,282 This is audra alward from maciver and mcalpine. 477 00:20:51,417 --> 00:20:52,616 You've heard of us? 478 00:20:52,619 --> 00:20:54,618 Of course. 479 00:20:54,621 --> 00:20:55,486 Hello. 480 00:20:55,488 --> 00:20:57,354 Audra: We've heard of you too. 481 00:20:57,423 --> 00:20:59,357 Specifically, we've heard what great work 482 00:20:59,492 --> 00:21:01,958 You've been doing lately for marcie diggs. 483 00:21:01,995 --> 00:21:03,427 You have? 484 00:21:03,463 --> 00:21:06,630 Audra: Good investigators are rare jewels in this town, 485 00:21:06,633 --> 00:21:10,501 And our in-house guy just decamped to the west coast. 486 00:21:10,503 --> 00:21:12,236 We'd love to sit down with you. 487 00:21:12,305 --> 00:21:13,771 Discuss a future here. 488 00:21:15,174 --> 00:21:16,106 Of course. 489 00:21:16,142 --> 00:21:17,240 Yeah, that- 490 00:21:17,277 --> 00:21:18,442 That'd be great. 491 00:21:18,478 --> 00:21:25,549 [light dramatic music] 492 00:21:25,551 --> 00:21:31,522 ♪ 493 00:21:31,524 --> 00:21:34,291 How will I support my family from a canadian prison? 494 00:21:35,395 --> 00:21:38,595 If it's prison or go home, I'm choosing home. 495 00:21:38,665 --> 00:21:40,898 Ellery: You know this is what the clawfords want, right? 496 00:21:40,900 --> 00:21:42,699 They want you gone from this country, 497 00:21:42,735 --> 00:21:44,902 Discredited, so that you can never tell the truth about them. 498 00:21:45,037 --> 00:21:47,338 Why couldn't I testify from mexico? 499 00:21:47,407 --> 00:21:49,139 Doug: Because you'd be a convicted thief 500 00:21:49,208 --> 00:21:50,607 With a clear grudge against the clawfords 501 00:21:50,677 --> 00:21:52,609 And zero credibility. 502 00:21:52,645 --> 00:21:54,545 I told you. 503 00:21:54,614 --> 00:21:56,414 There is no beating these people. 504 00:21:56,549 --> 00:21:58,048 Just take the deal. 505 00:22:03,122 --> 00:22:05,556 Pam: So you were colleagues at m&m 506 00:22:05,691 --> 00:22:07,157 And then adversaries 507 00:22:07,193 --> 00:22:09,460 Once you made the move over to the crown attorney's office. 508 00:22:09,529 --> 00:22:11,028 Well, we weren't really- 509 00:22:11,163 --> 00:22:12,095 Pam: Forgive me. 510 00:22:12,131 --> 00:22:15,566 Professional adversaries. 511 00:22:15,635 --> 00:22:17,268 But you stayed friends? 512 00:22:17,403 --> 00:22:18,702 Yes. 513 00:22:18,705 --> 00:22:22,773 Rhonda leblanc testified that marcie teamed up with you 514 00:22:22,908 --> 00:22:25,376 And another crown attorney in order to entrap her 515 00:22:25,378 --> 00:22:26,877 With a wire tap. 516 00:22:27,880 --> 00:22:29,513 Our cases were connected. 517 00:22:29,515 --> 00:22:30,648 "connected". 518 00:22:30,783 --> 00:22:32,916 That's an interesting word. 519 00:22:32,952 --> 00:22:34,318 Did you ever destroy evidence 520 00:22:34,387 --> 00:22:37,054 In a potential criminal prosecution against ms. Diggs 521 00:22:37,056 --> 00:22:39,924 Because of this "connection" that you have with ms. Diggs? 522 00:22:40,059 --> 00:22:41,425 Objection. 523 00:22:41,461 --> 00:22:42,927 Move along, ms. Maclean. 524 00:22:48,267 --> 00:22:52,203 You've been in love with ms. Diggs for a long time, 525 00:22:53,206 --> 00:22:55,539 Haven't you, mr. Mueller? 526 00:22:55,541 --> 00:22:58,742 [light dramatic music] 527 00:22:58,745 --> 00:23:00,277 Yes. 528 00:23:03,716 --> 00:23:06,350 I have never loved anyone more. 529 00:23:08,487 --> 00:23:11,221 And when you were a crown attorney, 530 00:23:11,257 --> 00:23:15,992 She used that love to get you to pull strings, 531 00:23:16,028 --> 00:23:17,161 Do favours, 532 00:23:17,230 --> 00:23:19,996 Help achieve leniency for her clients, didn't she? 533 00:23:20,032 --> 00:23:21,532 That's beneath you, counsellor. 534 00:23:21,667 --> 00:23:22,699 Mr. Thompson. 535 00:23:22,735 --> 00:23:25,101 Ms. Maclean, can we not deal in insinuations? 536 00:23:26,272 --> 00:23:29,039 Look, marcie was always professional. 537 00:23:29,041 --> 00:23:30,173 Are we finished? 538 00:23:30,209 --> 00:23:31,708 No, we are not. 539 00:23:35,782 --> 00:23:39,917 Can you tell us what exactly marcie is doing in this video? 540 00:23:39,919 --> 00:23:42,219 [glass shattering] 541 00:23:42,354 --> 00:23:44,054 Avery [in video]: Marcie, what the? 542 00:23:44,123 --> 00:23:46,890 Pam: Is this how a 'professional' comports herself, mr. Mueller? 543 00:23:47,827 --> 00:23:49,360 Avery [in video]: Marcie! 544 00:23:49,495 --> 00:23:52,062 Marcie, what the hell are you doing? 545 00:23:52,064 --> 00:23:53,663 What's wrong with you?! 546 00:23:53,699 --> 00:23:56,666 [tense dramatic music] 547 00:23:59,539 --> 00:24:02,740 [light music] 548 00:24:02,875 --> 00:24:03,807 Thanks. 549 00:24:03,843 --> 00:24:05,442 Ooh! -[laughs] oh, colleen. 550 00:24:06,112 --> 00:24:07,044 Oh. 551 00:24:07,113 --> 00:24:08,879 Martin. Sorry. Did you get splashed? 552 00:24:08,881 --> 00:24:10,080 No, look, I'm-I'm good. 553 00:24:10,149 --> 00:24:11,615 I'll get some napkins. 554 00:24:13,386 --> 00:24:14,551 Colleen: It's not every day 555 00:24:14,587 --> 00:24:16,820 I get mopped by the head of public prosecutions. 556 00:24:16,889 --> 00:24:18,422 Oh, jokes. 557 00:24:18,557 --> 00:24:20,724 You must have gotten news of the court of appeal's decision. 558 00:24:20,760 --> 00:24:22,659 No, I'm just on my way into the office right now. 559 00:24:22,794 --> 00:24:25,429 Well, they declined to hear our appeal. 560 00:24:25,431 --> 00:24:27,765 Your ruling on maloney stands. 561 00:24:27,767 --> 00:24:29,132 Congratulations. 562 00:24:31,770 --> 00:24:34,271 You were a med student when these charges were laid. 563 00:24:34,340 --> 00:24:36,240 Still am, thanks to marcie. 564 00:24:37,643 --> 00:24:40,644 But back then I was on the brink of losing my scholarship. 565 00:24:40,779 --> 00:24:43,047 I would have if I accepted the deal the crown offered, 566 00:24:43,182 --> 00:24:44,515 Like I wanted to. 567 00:24:44,584 --> 00:24:47,051 So you considered pleading guilty even though you knew 568 00:24:47,186 --> 00:24:48,252 That you weren't? 569 00:24:48,254 --> 00:24:49,186 I did. 570 00:24:49,255 --> 00:24:50,988 But that's because I was so beaten down, 571 00:24:51,123 --> 00:24:52,823 I thought that was the best I could get. 572 00:24:52,958 --> 00:24:54,291 But marcie wouldn't let you. 573 00:24:54,360 --> 00:24:56,760 Well, we fought about it. 574 00:24:56,762 --> 00:24:59,796 But she promised me that we'd beat the charges. 575 00:24:59,832 --> 00:25:01,799 And we did. She did. 576 00:25:03,402 --> 00:25:04,968 Seems like a miracle. 577 00:25:06,939 --> 00:25:08,371 Thank you, delroy. 578 00:25:09,742 --> 00:25:13,810 So, delroy, you said that marcie got you off 579 00:25:13,812 --> 00:25:15,679 When in fact the charges were dropped 580 00:25:15,814 --> 00:25:17,347 Because a video came to light. 581 00:25:17,383 --> 00:25:19,149 Oh, but she made that happen. 582 00:25:19,218 --> 00:25:21,718 Oh? How'd she do that? 583 00:25:22,721 --> 00:25:25,188 That's, um, a long story. 584 00:25:25,224 --> 00:25:26,824 Let me help you out. 585 00:25:26,826 --> 00:25:29,560 So marcie went to julia clarke, 586 00:25:29,629 --> 00:25:32,963 The grieving mother of the boy you were accused of killing. 587 00:25:32,999 --> 00:25:36,467 And she told mrs. Clarke a story, didn't she? 588 00:25:36,469 --> 00:25:38,101 Your story. 589 00:25:38,137 --> 00:25:41,438 It was a story about your background. 590 00:25:41,440 --> 00:25:45,376 Poverty, the abuse you suffered growing up. 591 00:25:45,511 --> 00:25:47,911 Did you give her permission to do that? 592 00:25:47,947 --> 00:25:49,113 I didn't know about it. 593 00:25:49,248 --> 00:25:50,714 Pam: You didn't know about it. 594 00:25:50,849 --> 00:25:53,917 What did that feel like seeing your personal life 595 00:25:53,953 --> 00:25:55,018 As headline fodder? 596 00:25:55,054 --> 00:25:58,789 I was angry about it, yes, but it worked. 597 00:25:58,791 --> 00:26:00,390 That video came out because of marcie. 598 00:26:00,392 --> 00:26:01,792 It worked. 599 00:26:01,794 --> 00:26:04,662 This was an egregious breach of solicitor-client privilege, 600 00:26:04,664 --> 00:26:05,929 But it worked. 601 00:26:05,998 --> 00:26:08,532 Marcie got her win professional ethics be damned. 602 00:26:11,070 --> 00:26:17,074 [light dramatic music] 603 00:26:17,076 --> 00:26:20,043 ♪ 604 00:26:22,648 --> 00:26:24,014 Colleen: Hey! 605 00:26:24,016 --> 00:26:26,750 You look not okay. 606 00:26:29,288 --> 00:26:30,787 The boyle report. 607 00:26:32,291 --> 00:26:33,824 You saw. 608 00:26:34,760 --> 00:26:37,160 Well, what neil lacks in subtlety 609 00:26:37,196 --> 00:26:39,429 He makes up for in a colourful turn of phrase. 610 00:26:40,299 --> 00:26:43,099 It's, uh, pretty great, actually. 611 00:26:44,036 --> 00:26:44,935 I'm proud of you. 612 00:26:45,070 --> 00:26:46,470 Wanna know how great? 613 00:26:47,907 --> 00:26:50,975 The court of appeal decided to let my verdict stand. 614 00:26:51,110 --> 00:26:52,809 I just found out this morning. 615 00:26:54,246 --> 00:26:55,779 I've had some news as well. 616 00:26:55,914 --> 00:26:57,047 [light dramatic music] 617 00:26:57,116 --> 00:26:59,616 I've been asked to step down from chief justice. 618 00:27:00,820 --> 00:27:01,885 What?! 619 00:27:01,887 --> 00:27:03,787 Inappropriate fraternization. 620 00:27:05,057 --> 00:27:06,790 Someone complained. 621 00:27:06,925 --> 00:27:08,692 About us. 622 00:27:08,694 --> 00:27:10,160 Oh my god. 623 00:27:10,663 --> 00:27:11,729 Dewey. 624 00:27:11,864 --> 00:27:12,930 Actually? 625 00:27:13,065 --> 00:27:14,330 I am so sorry. 626 00:27:14,367 --> 00:27:16,934 I never meant for any of this to blow back on you. 627 00:27:17,069 --> 00:27:18,468 To hell with her. 628 00:27:19,071 --> 00:27:21,071 With all of them. 629 00:27:21,073 --> 00:27:23,807 You were right to do what you did. 630 00:27:23,876 --> 00:27:25,409 We're gonna fight this, all right? 631 00:27:25,411 --> 00:27:26,876 I'm not gonna let dew- 632 00:27:32,150 --> 00:27:34,518 You can't be okay with this. 633 00:27:34,587 --> 00:27:35,919 I'm not. 634 00:27:36,555 --> 00:27:38,956 But it's just a job. 635 00:27:38,958 --> 00:27:41,758 And I'm still very much okay with this. 636 00:27:49,135 --> 00:27:50,768 Hey. - Hey. 637 00:27:50,903 --> 00:27:52,368 We have a meeting? 638 00:27:53,372 --> 00:27:55,839 Brian, what's all this stuff with cruz? 639 00:27:58,978 --> 00:28:01,578 Yeah, I know. 640 00:28:02,948 --> 00:28:04,647 I'm upset about it too. 641 00:28:04,684 --> 00:28:06,984 He seemed like such a dependable guy. 642 00:28:07,119 --> 00:28:09,052 It doesn't make sense that he would do this. 643 00:28:09,088 --> 00:28:10,721 Look, andy, these kind of things, 644 00:28:10,723 --> 00:28:13,991 They happen all the time with workers, you know? 645 00:28:14,126 --> 00:28:14,924 People get greedy. 646 00:28:14,960 --> 00:28:17,260 You know, we took a chance on cruz, 647 00:28:17,296 --> 00:28:19,329 He let us down. 648 00:28:19,398 --> 00:28:21,198 Mom's pretty beside herself. 649 00:28:23,001 --> 00:28:27,337 Okay, but cruz isn't stupid. 650 00:28:27,373 --> 00:28:30,140 He'd have to be stupid to do something like this, 651 00:28:30,142 --> 00:28:31,674 Wouldn't he? 652 00:28:35,147 --> 00:28:37,380 Look at these credit card statements. 653 00:28:37,416 --> 00:28:39,082 It's right there in black and white. 654 00:28:39,151 --> 00:28:40,884 No one was authorized to take cash advances 655 00:28:41,019 --> 00:28:43,353 And no one did until we gave cruz access last month. 656 00:28:43,422 --> 00:28:46,890 But that's-that's exactly what I'm talking about! 657 00:28:46,892 --> 00:28:48,692 This is like a glowing neon sign saying, 658 00:28:48,761 --> 00:28:50,694 "hey, it's me, cruz! 659 00:28:50,829 --> 00:28:52,362 "I took the money!" 660 00:28:52,364 --> 00:28:54,631 Look, the guy was desperate, clearly. 661 00:28:55,834 --> 00:28:57,501 Listen, let's not do this on an empty stomach. 662 00:28:58,904 --> 00:29:00,937 Give me a couple minutes, we'll go for lunch. 663 00:29:08,080 --> 00:29:10,047 What am I supposed to do while I wait for you, 664 00:29:10,182 --> 00:29:11,748 Answer your emails? 665 00:29:11,817 --> 00:29:13,583 Seriously. Wait for me. 666 00:29:15,020 --> 00:29:22,059 [light dramatic music] 667 00:29:22,194 --> 00:29:32,135 ♪ 668 00:29:32,204 --> 00:29:37,341 ♪ 669 00:29:37,476 --> 00:29:39,409 Any more witnesses, mr. Thompson? 670 00:29:39,445 --> 00:29:41,144 Time to haul out the big guns. 671 00:29:42,948 --> 00:29:45,282 We call judge colleen macdonnell. 672 00:29:48,320 --> 00:29:50,220 Marcie was one of my top students. 673 00:29:50,956 --> 00:29:52,222 Ah, later when she told me 674 00:29:52,258 --> 00:29:54,958 That she wanted to come work at legal aid I, 675 00:29:55,093 --> 00:29:58,028 I was delighted but also stunned. 676 00:29:58,097 --> 00:30:00,630 I mean, she'd been soaring to the top of her profession 677 00:30:00,699 --> 00:30:02,165 In corporate law. 678 00:30:02,234 --> 00:30:04,434 Why do you think marcie put the brakes on 679 00:30:04,436 --> 00:30:07,437 This upward trajectory to work as a legal aid lawyer? 680 00:30:07,506 --> 00:30:09,072 Pam: It calls for speculation. 681 00:30:09,108 --> 00:30:11,241 Well let's hear judge macdonnell's opinion, 682 00:30:11,376 --> 00:30:13,010 And we'll take it as such. 683 00:30:14,246 --> 00:30:15,913 Marcie told me that she wanted to help people, 684 00:30:15,915 --> 00:30:17,114 Not companies. 685 00:30:17,249 --> 00:30:19,949 Defend lives instead of someone's bottom line. 686 00:30:22,288 --> 00:30:24,521 Ah, I'm done. 687 00:30:27,326 --> 00:30:28,792 Defending lives. 688 00:30:28,927 --> 00:30:30,227 Sounds so noble! 689 00:30:30,296 --> 00:30:32,128 Well, as I'm sure you know, ms. Maclean, 690 00:30:32,164 --> 00:30:34,998 Legal aid wasn't always glamorous. 691 00:30:35,000 --> 00:30:38,669 We settled parking tickets and spousal disputes. 692 00:30:38,804 --> 00:30:40,470 We also got clients into rehab, 693 00:30:40,472 --> 00:30:42,105 Kept families together. 694 00:30:42,174 --> 00:30:44,274 Prevented innocent people from going to prison. 695 00:30:44,410 --> 00:30:46,109 Like percy lincoln? 696 00:30:46,111 --> 00:30:47,277 Oh no, wait, you, 697 00:30:47,313 --> 00:30:50,547 You didn't actually want percy lincoln as your client. 698 00:30:50,682 --> 00:30:53,684 It was marcie's devotion to the notorious mr. Lincoln 699 00:30:53,819 --> 00:30:55,852 That made you fire her. 700 00:30:55,854 --> 00:30:57,287 You're wrong. 701 00:30:57,289 --> 00:30:58,288 She left her job. 702 00:30:58,324 --> 00:30:59,589 I never fired her. 703 00:30:59,658 --> 00:31:02,225 My understanding was- - wrong. 704 00:31:02,294 --> 00:31:05,461 However, I have fired other lawyers for conduct unbecoming. 705 00:31:08,133 --> 00:31:09,967 Let me be clear. 706 00:31:09,969 --> 00:31:12,302 Marcie was one of the best lawyers I've ever worked with. 707 00:31:12,304 --> 00:31:14,070 I hated to lose her. 708 00:31:15,140 --> 00:31:17,240 It became untenable for legal aid 709 00:31:17,243 --> 00:31:18,508 To continue representing mr. Lincoln, 710 00:31:18,644 --> 00:31:20,777 And when I told marcie that 711 00:31:20,813 --> 00:31:22,779 She chose her client over the job. 712 00:31:24,883 --> 00:31:26,783 That's what she does. 713 00:31:26,785 --> 00:31:29,920 She chooses the client every single time. 714 00:31:31,457 --> 00:31:33,623 I respected the hell out of her for that. 715 00:31:33,626 --> 00:31:40,063 [light dramatic music] 716 00:31:40,065 --> 00:31:41,398 Sorry, that took a while. 717 00:31:41,467 --> 00:31:42,866 So seafood? 718 00:31:42,868 --> 00:31:44,600 Got a craving for oysters like you wouldn't believe. 719 00:31:44,637 --> 00:31:46,069 Andrea: Cruz was set up. 720 00:31:47,105 --> 00:31:48,304 I called the credit card company. 721 00:31:49,808 --> 00:31:51,374 What? What for? 722 00:31:51,410 --> 00:31:54,578 Because I know when you're full of shit, brian! 723 00:31:54,713 --> 00:31:57,680 They told me that there was a note on this file telling them 724 00:31:57,716 --> 00:32:00,083 Not to bother notifying anybody at goldenview 725 00:32:00,152 --> 00:32:02,251 Of any large cash transactions. 726 00:32:03,355 --> 00:32:05,822 So cruz must have been the one to call them. 727 00:32:05,858 --> 00:32:07,724 Ned flores. 728 00:32:07,793 --> 00:32:09,960 That's who they said called and gave the order. 729 00:32:10,095 --> 00:32:12,362 So cruz impersonated ned. 730 00:32:12,364 --> 00:32:14,130 I don't buy it. 731 00:32:16,668 --> 00:32:18,034 Get these charges dropped, brian. 732 00:32:18,070 --> 00:32:20,036 We don't know that he didn't do it. 733 00:32:21,373 --> 00:32:22,639 I know. 734 00:32:29,181 --> 00:32:33,116 Please, just do this for me. 735 00:32:36,355 --> 00:32:40,590 [light dramatic music] 736 00:32:40,726 --> 00:32:42,192 Okay. 737 00:32:43,395 --> 00:32:45,195 But you're gonna have to return the favour. 738 00:32:46,264 --> 00:32:50,600 [light dramatic music] 739 00:32:50,636 --> 00:32:53,203 Pam: Your full name for the record please. 740 00:32:53,205 --> 00:32:55,005 Noreen deborah bond. 741 00:32:55,074 --> 00:32:57,474 Noreen, you contacted me 742 00:32:57,609 --> 00:32:59,809 Urgently requesting to testify at this hearing. 743 00:32:59,845 --> 00:33:01,111 Could you tell us why? 744 00:33:01,180 --> 00:33:03,146 Marcie diggs killed my daughter. 745 00:33:04,450 --> 00:33:07,350 She represented kim in a custody dispute 746 00:33:07,419 --> 00:33:10,053 After you handed off the file. 747 00:33:10,122 --> 00:33:13,022 As you know, kim had some, 748 00:33:13,058 --> 00:33:16,226 Some mental health challenges. 749 00:33:16,228 --> 00:33:18,695 Marcie was supposed to help her keep custody of river 750 00:33:18,697 --> 00:33:21,097 But instead she, 751 00:33:21,133 --> 00:33:22,565 She screwed her over. 752 00:33:22,601 --> 00:33:24,767 And my baby never recovered from that. 753 00:33:24,803 --> 00:33:28,371 Pam: Noreen, your daughter kim died in a house fire. 754 00:33:28,374 --> 00:33:30,374 You can't really blame marcie diggs for that, 755 00:33:30,509 --> 00:33:31,308 Can you? 756 00:33:31,443 --> 00:33:33,777 Marcie went behind kim's back, 757 00:33:33,912 --> 00:33:36,646 Made a deal with river's paternal grandparents. 758 00:33:36,782 --> 00:33:38,448 But she was supposed to be kim's lawyer 759 00:33:38,484 --> 00:33:40,450 But she was plottin' against her. 760 00:33:40,586 --> 00:33:41,717 Speculation. 761 00:33:41,754 --> 00:33:43,854 Noreen: It's no speculation. I saw it! 762 00:33:43,856 --> 00:33:46,056 I saw it with my own eyes! 763 00:33:46,191 --> 00:33:49,258 She robbed my daughter of her child and that killed her. 764 00:33:49,294 --> 00:33:50,527 It killed her! 765 00:33:50,529 --> 00:33:53,797 Let's continue the testimony after a short break. 766 00:33:57,936 --> 00:33:59,136 This stinks, right? 767 00:33:59,138 --> 00:34:01,104 Like Friday fish on a Monday. 768 00:34:02,908 --> 00:34:04,507 [noreen sniffing] 769 00:34:05,477 --> 00:34:06,776 [door squeaks] 770 00:34:07,946 --> 00:34:09,846 Well, that was quite a performance. 771 00:34:09,981 --> 00:34:11,414 Noreen: That was the truth. 772 00:34:12,351 --> 00:34:15,351 You know how hard I worked for kim. 773 00:34:17,523 --> 00:34:20,290 I cried with her when she lost custody of river. 774 00:34:21,560 --> 00:34:24,627 Now you're gonna tell me who paid you to come here 775 00:34:24,696 --> 00:34:26,496 And tell those lies about me. 776 00:34:26,632 --> 00:34:28,198 No. 777 00:34:28,333 --> 00:34:29,966 Marcie: Fine. I can... 778 00:34:29,968 --> 00:34:31,434 I can get the cops to come and take the cocaine in your purse 779 00:34:31,437 --> 00:34:32,935 Off your hands. 780 00:34:34,773 --> 00:34:36,572 What's it gonna be? 781 00:34:36,608 --> 00:34:38,174 [dramatic music] 782 00:34:40,913 --> 00:34:43,513 . Bond, what prompted you to come here 783 00:34:43,648 --> 00:34:45,381 And testify today? 784 00:34:45,417 --> 00:34:48,218 Marcie always acted so high and mighty. 785 00:34:48,220 --> 00:34:50,386 Treated me like I was garbage. 786 00:34:50,422 --> 00:34:53,389 I was happy to have the opportunity to get back at her. 787 00:34:53,425 --> 00:34:56,326 So the testimony that you just gave 788 00:34:56,328 --> 00:34:58,995 About marcie colluding with the paternal grandparents 789 00:34:59,064 --> 00:35:01,397 To take your daughter's child, 790 00:35:01,433 --> 00:35:02,866 That was a lie? 791 00:35:04,703 --> 00:35:06,236 Yes. 792 00:35:07,506 --> 00:35:10,440 Yeah, marcie fought real hard for kim, 793 00:35:10,575 --> 00:35:12,608 Did more for her than anyone ever has. 794 00:35:13,979 --> 00:35:15,878 Maybe even me. 795 00:35:15,914 --> 00:35:23,553 [light music] 796 00:35:23,688 --> 00:35:26,456 The panel is ready to rule. 797 00:35:26,525 --> 00:35:29,492 With respect to complaints concerning rhonda leblanc 798 00:35:29,495 --> 00:35:30,894 And willy macisaac, 799 00:35:31,029 --> 00:35:33,897 We find no evidence of misconduct. 800 00:35:34,032 --> 00:35:36,432 But regarding judge dewey's complaint, 801 00:35:36,502 --> 00:35:39,735 We find your behaviour did constitute conduct unbecoming. 802 00:35:39,771 --> 00:35:42,105 Therefore, we're imposing the following disposition: 803 00:35:42,107 --> 00:35:43,873 We require you complete a fifteen hour course 804 00:35:43,876 --> 00:35:47,344 On professional courtesy and etiquette in the courtroom. 805 00:35:47,346 --> 00:35:49,612 You'll be emailed the pertinent details. 806 00:35:50,782 --> 00:35:52,582 May I say, ms. Diggs, 807 00:35:52,717 --> 00:35:55,785 You're very fortunate in your friends. 808 00:35:55,854 --> 00:35:58,121 And I wish your luck against your enemies. 809 00:35:58,123 --> 00:36:05,094 [light music] 810 00:36:05,130 --> 00:36:13,837 ♪ 811 00:36:13,972 --> 00:36:15,238 Hey. 812 00:36:15,373 --> 00:36:16,639 Hey? 813 00:36:17,809 --> 00:36:19,342 That what you always say when you run someone over 814 00:36:19,378 --> 00:36:20,476 With a truck? 815 00:36:20,478 --> 00:36:22,145 I did my job. 816 00:36:22,681 --> 00:36:24,013 Yes you did. 817 00:36:25,651 --> 00:36:27,951 Good to see you both. 818 00:36:28,086 --> 00:36:30,186 You still got some moves, old man. 819 00:36:35,060 --> 00:36:36,359 Well, kid? 820 00:36:39,731 --> 00:36:41,130 Ellery: I just got off the phone with the crown. 821 00:36:41,200 --> 00:36:42,766 Steve says that they're dropping the charges. 822 00:36:42,768 --> 00:36:43,767 Just like that? What for? 823 00:36:43,769 --> 00:36:44,767 Oh, I don't know. 824 00:36:44,803 --> 00:36:46,536 He was pretty evasive on that front. 825 00:36:46,538 --> 00:36:47,903 Do you think the clawfords lost interest? 826 00:36:47,940 --> 00:36:49,772 Probably not, given that the last guy 827 00:36:49,808 --> 00:36:52,242 Who tried to blow the whistle on them ended up in the morgue. 828 00:36:54,579 --> 00:36:56,779 Well, let's not look a gift horse. 829 00:36:56,815 --> 00:36:58,314 With cruz in pocket, 830 00:36:58,383 --> 00:37:00,883 We finally have a chance to give the clawfords a little payback. 831 00:37:01,553 --> 00:37:03,119 May I? 832 00:37:03,855 --> 00:37:06,256 You can't possibly think 833 00:37:06,258 --> 00:37:09,492 That I really wanna talk things through with you. 834 00:37:09,628 --> 00:37:11,027 No. 835 00:37:11,096 --> 00:37:17,366 I just wanted to say thank you 836 00:37:17,402 --> 00:37:19,535 For taking a chance on me. 837 00:37:19,571 --> 00:37:23,339 For giving me the opportunity to do the work with you. 838 00:37:23,475 --> 00:37:24,674 That's all. 839 00:37:25,577 --> 00:37:26,609 I'm grateful. 840 00:37:26,612 --> 00:37:28,011 You have a funny way of showing it. 841 00:37:28,146 --> 00:37:30,013 What happened, it really wasn't about- 842 00:37:30,082 --> 00:37:31,648 Marcie: It wasn't about me. 843 00:37:31,717 --> 00:37:34,450 Right, I know. 844 00:37:38,624 --> 00:37:40,290 It kind of felt like it was. 845 00:37:43,996 --> 00:37:45,494 I'm sorry. 846 00:37:47,565 --> 00:37:48,965 I am. I'm sorry. 847 00:37:53,572 --> 00:37:54,904 Marcie: I'm... 848 00:37:56,575 --> 00:37:58,375 [marcie clears throat] 849 00:37:58,377 --> 00:38:03,846 [bittersweet music] 850 00:38:03,882 --> 00:38:05,315 I'm grateful for you too. 851 00:38:07,419 --> 00:38:10,586 I mean, I'm not saying that we're gonna be friends 852 00:38:10,622 --> 00:38:12,855 And that I'm happy about any of this 853 00:38:12,924 --> 00:38:15,358 'cause trust me, I really am not. 854 00:38:18,630 --> 00:38:20,663 But I am grateful. 855 00:38:20,732 --> 00:38:27,537 [bittersweet music] 856 00:38:27,672 --> 00:38:29,605 Take care, marcie. 857 00:38:29,641 --> 00:38:31,374 You too. Take care. 858 00:38:40,419 --> 00:38:41,818 [soft suspenseful music] 859 00:38:41,887 --> 00:38:43,586 Thank you terri. 860 00:38:43,655 --> 00:38:50,626 [soft suspenseful music] 861 00:38:50,662 --> 00:38:55,097 ♪ 862 00:38:55,133 --> 00:39:02,304 [pulsing dramatic music] 863 00:39:02,341 --> 00:39:10,246 ♪ 864 00:39:12,384 --> 00:39:13,449 Avery: Hey. 865 00:39:13,518 --> 00:39:14,650 Hey, what are you doing here? 866 00:39:14,686 --> 00:39:16,119 I just... 867 00:39:16,188 --> 00:39:18,388 Look, I just thought we should talk. 868 00:39:18,390 --> 00:39:19,655 I didn't want what was said in that room... 869 00:39:19,691 --> 00:39:20,990 Pam: Oh, no, no, no. 870 00:39:21,059 --> 00:39:22,058 We knew what we were. 871 00:39:22,127 --> 00:39:23,793 You didn't have to come down here. 872 00:39:24,963 --> 00:39:26,128 Oh shoot. - Oh, hey. 873 00:39:26,164 --> 00:39:28,130 Sorry, no, no, no. - No, it's okay. 874 00:39:29,701 --> 00:39:30,600 Thanks. 875 00:39:30,735 --> 00:39:32,602 Avery: Did you, uh... 876 00:39:32,604 --> 00:39:33,736 Congratulations. 877 00:39:33,738 --> 00:39:35,738 Thank you. 878 00:39:35,741 --> 00:39:37,540 Nanny: We thought we heard mommy out here. 879 00:39:37,609 --> 00:39:38,741 This one's all ready to go. 880 00:39:38,744 --> 00:39:39,609 Hey cutie. 881 00:39:39,744 --> 00:39:41,010 Got your toys? 882 00:39:41,012 --> 00:39:42,745 Will you wait for mommy in the car? 883 00:39:42,781 --> 00:39:44,747 I'll just be two seconds, okay? 884 00:39:44,750 --> 00:39:45,681 Will you take him to the car? 885 00:39:45,751 --> 00:39:46,749 Yeah. -Thanks. 886 00:39:46,752 --> 00:39:48,485 Bye. 887 00:39:48,620 --> 00:39:49,886 Bye honey. 888 00:39:50,756 --> 00:39:51,687 I gotta go. 889 00:39:51,757 --> 00:39:53,088 Yeah, um... 890 00:39:54,760 --> 00:39:56,358 Is that... 891 00:39:57,095 --> 00:39:58,394 Is that my son? 892 00:39:58,463 --> 00:40:01,164 No, that's my son. 893 00:40:02,267 --> 00:40:03,566 Bye, avery. 894 00:40:03,568 --> 00:40:09,305 [light emotional music] 895 00:40:10,609 --> 00:40:12,575 How'd it go with the woman at the hearing? 896 00:40:12,644 --> 00:40:13,576 Everything okay? 897 00:40:13,711 --> 00:40:14,978 Ned: Not so much. 898 00:40:15,113 --> 00:40:17,780 Looks like she took the money and ran. 899 00:40:17,783 --> 00:40:19,482 I've got people looking. 900 00:40:21,453 --> 00:40:23,186 So now I'm just... 901 00:40:23,188 --> 00:40:24,620 Okay, forget about her. 902 00:40:24,689 --> 00:40:26,089 We gotta deal with this cruz problem. 903 00:40:26,091 --> 00:40:28,090 Listen, I'll call you back when I'm done here. 904 00:40:28,927 --> 00:40:30,493 Why am I here? 905 00:40:30,495 --> 00:40:33,096 Brian: What are we gonna do about this marcie diggs thing? 906 00:40:33,098 --> 00:40:34,597 That's abrupt. 907 00:40:34,633 --> 00:40:36,332 Well, kristin wants to get down to business, 908 00:40:36,334 --> 00:40:37,766 Let's get down to business. 909 00:40:39,971 --> 00:40:41,737 Did you take care of that deal? 910 00:40:41,773 --> 00:40:43,072 Yes, it's done. 911 00:40:43,208 --> 00:40:44,640 Right, the deal. 912 00:40:45,811 --> 00:40:48,545 Andrea told me about it on our way here. 913 00:40:48,680 --> 00:40:50,613 So is this your plan of attack? 914 00:40:50,615 --> 00:40:51,681 Real estate? 915 00:40:51,816 --> 00:40:54,484 It's one prong, kristin. 916 00:40:54,486 --> 00:40:56,819 Can you get that through your head? 917 00:40:56,822 --> 00:40:59,154 If we want to end this obsession that she has with us, 918 00:40:59,191 --> 00:41:01,957 We have to completely destabilize her operation. 919 00:41:08,566 --> 00:41:11,300 Are you two gonna help me figure out how 920 00:41:12,637 --> 00:41:14,571 Or am I the only one that puts this family over everything? 921 00:41:20,512 --> 00:41:22,278 Ellery: I have no idea what made them change their mind, 922 00:41:22,347 --> 00:41:23,646 But we still have our whistleblower, 923 00:41:23,781 --> 00:41:25,081 And that's what matters. 924 00:41:25,083 --> 00:41:26,783 Hey, just take the win. 925 00:41:26,918 --> 00:41:29,618 The situation with ellery and andrea is not good. 926 00:41:34,993 --> 00:41:36,292 You know, you still haven't told us 927 00:41:36,328 --> 00:41:37,760 How you got noreen to recant. 928 00:41:37,896 --> 00:41:39,461 What happened? 929 00:41:39,498 --> 00:41:42,064 So they offered her half a million dollars, 930 00:41:42,100 --> 00:41:45,601 Two-fifty in advance as a show of good faith 931 00:41:45,637 --> 00:41:48,437 And two-fifty after she testifies against me. 932 00:41:49,708 --> 00:41:50,940 So I tell her: 933 00:41:51,075 --> 00:41:52,709 Call your contact, 934 00:41:52,711 --> 00:41:54,077 Tell 'em we're on a break, 935 00:41:54,079 --> 00:41:56,512 Reggie's raking you over the coals 936 00:41:56,647 --> 00:41:59,816 And you're gonna lose your nerve and you're- 937 00:41:59,951 --> 00:42:01,817 You're gonna bail unless..." 938 00:42:01,887 --> 00:42:04,053 You fork over the rest of the money. 939 00:42:05,090 --> 00:42:06,656 So you and noreen are standing there- 940 00:42:06,725 --> 00:42:07,890 In the lady's room. 941 00:42:07,926 --> 00:42:09,759 Waiting for the money to land in her account 942 00:42:09,894 --> 00:42:12,828 And then she goes back into the hearing and flips. 943 00:42:12,898 --> 00:42:14,063 Wow. 944 00:42:14,198 --> 00:42:15,831 You know who's gonna flip? 945 00:42:15,901 --> 00:42:16,966 Brian clawford, 946 00:42:16,968 --> 00:42:18,701 Assuming he's behind it. 947 00:42:18,770 --> 00:42:20,703 Well, noreen might want to get out of town 948 00:42:20,705 --> 00:42:23,006 For a few days or maybe forever. 949 00:42:23,141 --> 00:42:24,840 Well, that's 100% the plan. 950 00:42:25,710 --> 00:42:27,644 [phone ringing] [phones dinging] 951 00:42:27,779 --> 00:42:29,912 [suspenseful music swells] 952 00:42:29,915 --> 00:42:31,180 Ellery: It's fallon, from the office. 953 00:42:31,316 --> 00:42:32,849 What, she texted you all at the same time? 954 00:42:32,984 --> 00:42:34,984 What, is the office on fire? 955 00:42:34,986 --> 00:42:41,724 [light dramatic music] 956 00:42:41,726 --> 00:42:51,334 ♪ 957 00:42:51,403 --> 00:42:52,668 Oh, you've gotta be kidding me. 958 00:42:52,737 --> 00:42:54,470 What is it? 959 00:42:55,907 --> 00:42:57,340 They've bought the building. 960 00:42:58,476 --> 00:42:59,876 No, this-this isn't true. 961 00:43:00,812 --> 00:43:01,910 You couldn't. 962 00:43:01,947 --> 00:43:03,545 I'm sorry. 963 00:43:05,216 --> 00:43:07,350 We're giving you thirty days to vacate. 964 00:43:08,954 --> 00:43:10,053 [soft music] 965 00:43:10,188 --> 00:43:11,920 ♪ wake me to the fire ♪ 966 00:43:12,824 --> 00:43:14,757 ♪ wake me to the fire ♪