1 00:00:16,053 --> 00:00:18,807 Yeah, no, we'll... go check it out. We're closer now. 2 00:00:22,662 --> 00:00:23,663 What's up? 3 00:00:23,688 --> 00:00:25,808 They haven't heard from Moreno or Soper yet. 4 00:00:27,808 --> 00:00:29,742 We should have taken that call. 5 00:00:30,202 --> 00:00:31,773 Whatever. 6 00:00:31,798 --> 00:00:32,799 All right. 7 00:00:34,351 --> 00:00:36,585 Hey, Vas, let's go. 8 00:00:40,226 --> 00:00:42,546 Code six, 105 North. 9 00:00:47,213 --> 00:00:48,835 There they are. 10 00:01:02,806 --> 00:01:05,058 - Vas. Vasquez, hey. - Hey. 11 00:01:06,167 --> 00:01:07,703 I know this place. 12 00:01:08,246 --> 00:01:09,969 Yeah, and? 13 00:01:14,876 --> 00:01:16,555 Let me just handle it, okay? 14 00:01:16,580 --> 00:01:18,100 What the hell are you talking about? 15 00:01:19,576 --> 00:01:21,320 Family shit. 16 00:01:24,352 --> 00:01:25,703 What's that? 17 00:01:27,563 --> 00:01:29,062 Magic. 18 00:01:29,411 --> 00:01:31,203 Shut the fuck up. 19 00:01:41,274 --> 00:01:43,585 _ 20 00:01:44,128 --> 00:01:45,703 You're freaking me out. 21 00:02:01,618 --> 00:02:03,414 Do you know that kid? 22 00:02:04,225 --> 00:02:06,515 I think I met him 20 years ago. 23 00:02:07,084 --> 00:02:08,789 What do you mean, "20 years ago?" 24 00:02:09,798 --> 00:02:11,296 The fuck? 25 00:02:21,231 --> 00:02:22,664 Say what? 26 00:02:24,687 --> 00:02:26,937 I think this is serious palo of shit. 27 00:02:27,550 --> 00:02:29,046 What the fuck is "palo?" 28 00:02:29,578 --> 00:02:32,551 I haven't seen this since... I don't know. 29 00:02:32,576 --> 00:02:33,702 Since when? 30 00:02:37,144 --> 00:02:39,609 Soper? Moreno? 31 00:02:39,734 --> 00:02:40,984 Hey. 32 00:02:58,537 --> 00:03:00,790 - Oh, fuck! - What the... 33 00:03:01,247 --> 00:03:02,415 Oh! 34 00:03:02,440 --> 00:03:03,960 Is it locked? 35 00:03:05,666 --> 00:03:07,044 - Yeah. - Shit! 36 00:03:07,069 --> 00:03:08,070 I know. 37 00:03:14,409 --> 00:03:15,773 Clear the windows. 38 00:03:26,669 --> 00:03:28,320 They look like bullet holes. 39 00:03:28,966 --> 00:03:30,781 Why are they boarded on the inside? 40 00:03:30,806 --> 00:03:33,475 I think it's to keep people from going out. 41 00:03:41,512 --> 00:03:42,804 What the... 42 00:03:42,829 --> 00:03:44,585 - What? - Hey, look at this. 43 00:03:57,043 --> 00:03:58,720 Oh, it smells! Jesus! 44 00:03:58,745 --> 00:04:00,445 Hey, I'm gonna call in. 45 00:04:01,159 --> 00:04:02,414 Okay. 46 00:04:02,987 --> 00:04:06,906 Dispatch, 133... 47 00:04:08,342 --> 00:04:09,796 Dispatch? 48 00:04:10,484 --> 00:04:12,101 Dispatch? 49 00:04:13,593 --> 00:04:15,054 Is that Soper? 50 00:04:15,538 --> 00:04:17,257 God, that smell. 51 00:04:25,496 --> 00:04:28,541 Soper? Moreno? Hey. 52 00:04:39,469 --> 00:04:40,945 Look at this. 53 00:04:41,867 --> 00:04:43,375 That's not paint. 54 00:04:43,400 --> 00:04:45,028 Oh, what is this shit, Vas? 55 00:04:46,550 --> 00:04:47,929 I wouldn't touch that. 56 00:04:47,954 --> 00:04:50,390 - Why? - It's a symbol. 57 00:04:50,415 --> 00:04:52,168 It means this is their home. 58 00:05:05,064 --> 00:05:06,356 Holy... 59 00:05:08,497 --> 00:05:11,406 Soper? Moreno? Hey. 60 00:05:13,673 --> 00:05:15,414 God... 61 00:05:19,981 --> 00:05:21,382 Oh! 62 00:05:24,490 --> 00:05:25,908 Well, there's your goat. 63 00:05:27,657 --> 00:05:29,034 What is this shit? 64 00:05:40,929 --> 00:05:43,075 Is this some kind of ritual? 65 00:05:43,100 --> 00:05:44,718 What is all this shit? 66 00:05:46,924 --> 00:05:48,009 Do you know? 67 00:05:49,933 --> 00:05:51,437 They are offerings. 68 00:05:51,462 --> 00:05:52,797 Offerings for what? 69 00:05:54,968 --> 00:05:56,601 To ancients gods... 70 00:05:57,685 --> 00:05:59,359 You don't want to know. 71 00:06:02,157 --> 00:06:05,140 Holy shit! Holy... Holy shit. 72 00:06:05,422 --> 00:06:06,820 Jesus! 73 00:06:09,832 --> 00:06:11,603 Vas, that's a baby. 74 00:06:11,628 --> 00:06:13,804 - What the fuck? - Wilkey... 75 00:06:15,262 --> 00:06:17,289 - I'm sorry. - Sorry? 76 00:06:17,314 --> 00:06:19,820 My family, they do all kinds of stuff... 77 00:06:29,810 --> 00:06:31,165 - Jesus! - Fuck me! 78 00:06:31,190 --> 00:06:32,440 That's Moreno. 79 00:06:32,611 --> 00:06:35,406 Dispatch, 133. 80 00:06:35,431 --> 00:06:38,088 Dispatch? Dispatch? 81 00:06:42,666 --> 00:06:43,960 Okay. 82 00:06:44,322 --> 00:06:45,835 Let's do this. 83 00:06:45,860 --> 00:06:48,196 - Wilkey, don't. - No, fuck that! Fuck that! 84 00:06:49,439 --> 00:06:50,906 Moreno!