1 00:00:02,041 --> 00:00:04,958 LOKI: That's who built this place. That's who's coming back. 2 00:00:04,958 --> 00:00:06,875 - She was going to kill him. - GENERAL DOX: Sylvie? 3 00:00:06,875 --> 00:00:08,458 - Where is she? - I don't know. 4 00:00:14,250 --> 00:00:16,541 The branching is overloading the Temporal Loom. 5 00:00:16,541 --> 00:00:18,208 - Temporal Loom? - That's bad. 6 00:00:18,208 --> 00:00:20,833 - We need to prune those extra branches. - We can't do that. 7 00:00:20,833 --> 00:00:23,625 There are people with lives on those branches. 8 00:00:23,625 --> 00:00:25,166 You had a life on the timeline. 9 00:00:25,166 --> 00:00:27,833 And so did you. We're all Variants. 10 00:00:27,833 --> 00:00:30,875 - This changes everything. - This changes nothing. 11 00:00:31,375 --> 00:00:33,791 HUNTER D-90: Dox and her crew are raiding the armory. 12 00:00:36,541 --> 00:00:37,958 (PANTING) There you are! 13 00:00:39,541 --> 00:00:40,666 RENSLAYER: There's our Variant. 14 00:00:40,666 --> 00:00:41,833 SYLVIE: Renslayer. 15 00:00:41,833 --> 00:00:44,875 I don't have friends. I don't have anyone. 16 00:00:44,875 --> 00:00:46,000 LOKI: I won't let you down. 17 00:00:47,625 --> 00:00:50,208 - Sylvie, stop. Stop. - What're you doing? 18 00:00:50,208 --> 00:00:52,000 LOKI: I just want you to be okay. 19 00:00:53,583 --> 00:00:54,625 SYLVIE: But I'm not you. 20 00:00:58,833 --> 00:01:01,000 We need to know what happened at the end of time. 21 00:01:02,083 --> 00:01:03,166 Find Sylvie. 22 00:01:03,916 --> 00:01:05,583 MAN: What would you like? 23 00:01:05,583 --> 00:01:07,458 I wanna try everything. 24 00:01:47,208 --> 00:01:48,666 (PEOPLE CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY) 25 00:01:49,500 --> 00:01:50,625 {\an8}Thoughts? 26 00:01:51,750 --> 00:01:54,250 {\an8}- (SIGHS) Sylvie's not here. - We just got here. 27 00:01:54,250 --> 00:01:56,166 {\an8}- It doesn't feel right. - I know, but why? 28 00:01:56,166 --> 00:01:57,333 {\an8}- It's too safe. - Okay. 29 00:01:57,333 --> 00:02:00,125 {\an8}It's not a war zone, not an apocalypse. It's not her style. 30 00:02:00,125 --> 00:02:02,833 Maybe she's changing tack. We got a hit on a TemPad 31 00:02:02,833 --> 00:02:05,500 that belonged to Hunter X-5 before it went dark. 32 00:02:05,500 --> 00:02:07,833 If the TemPad went dark, then she found him first. 33 00:02:07,833 --> 00:02:09,791 - No question. - Yeah, I don't disagree. 34 00:02:10,916 --> 00:02:13,291 But you said you want to find Sylvie, right? 35 00:02:13,291 --> 00:02:15,625 With Dox and X-5 not responding, 36 00:02:15,625 --> 00:02:16,708 this is our only lead. 37 00:02:16,708 --> 00:02:18,208 (PEOPLE CHEERING) 38 00:02:20,583 --> 00:02:22,083 (CROWD CLAMORING AND CHEERING) 39 00:02:27,500 --> 00:02:29,083 Yes! Yeah! 40 00:02:29,791 --> 00:02:31,458 (CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY) 41 00:02:34,708 --> 00:02:36,166 X-5 is an actor now? 42 00:02:36,166 --> 00:02:37,791 Or he's undercover. 43 00:02:37,791 --> 00:02:40,041 Looks pretty real to me. 44 00:02:40,541 --> 00:02:41,541 Hey! 45 00:02:42,125 --> 00:02:44,541 How are the kids? How are you? 46 00:02:45,458 --> 00:02:48,041 How do you feel about your meteoric rise to fame? 47 00:02:48,041 --> 00:02:50,083 I don't know how I feel, but I look good. 48 00:02:50,083 --> 00:02:51,250 Come on, look at this. 49 00:02:51,250 --> 00:02:53,166 Pretty darn good. 50 00:02:53,833 --> 00:02:55,958 Are the Brigitte Bardot rumors true? 51 00:02:55,958 --> 00:02:59,166 Ooh, Ron. Ron, you cannot ask me about that. 52 00:02:59,166 --> 00:03:00,708 What are you doing? I'm on a date. 53 00:03:00,708 --> 00:03:03,125 Well, buddy, that stays in the vault. In the vault. 54 00:03:03,125 --> 00:03:05,750 - You. - MOBIUS: Will there be a Zaniac Two? 55 00:03:05,750 --> 00:03:07,500 You know, a sequel for the fans? 56 00:03:09,666 --> 00:03:10,708 Mobius! Whoa! 57 00:03:10,708 --> 00:03:13,458 Nice to see you haven't forgotten about the little people. 58 00:03:13,458 --> 00:03:15,333 (CHUCKLES) I used to work with this guy. 59 00:03:15,333 --> 00:03:17,625 - You look great. - Oh, thank you very much. 60 00:03:17,625 --> 00:03:19,875 You look pretty good. We're gonna need to catch up. 61 00:03:19,875 --> 00:03:22,416 - Afterwards, all right? - Well, let's catch up now, maybe. 62 00:03:24,166 --> 00:03:25,750 - What are you doing down here? - Hi. 63 00:03:25,750 --> 00:03:28,541 - Hey. Hey. Hey! - Everything all right? 64 00:03:28,541 --> 00:03:29,916 Everything's great. 65 00:03:30,875 --> 00:03:32,666 I'm actually really glad to see you both. 66 00:03:32,666 --> 00:03:35,833 I need to catch you guys up on what's going on here. 67 00:03:35,833 --> 00:03:37,416 - Sure. - But I think first 68 00:03:37,416 --> 00:03:39,958 we could all use a drink? What are you drinking? 69 00:03:39,958 --> 00:03:42,583 - Surprise me. - Okay, how about you? 70 00:03:43,083 --> 00:03:46,625 - Oh, I'm fine. - All right. We'll do whiskies. 71 00:03:48,125 --> 00:03:50,833 It's okay to have a drink while we're down here because we're still working. 72 00:03:50,833 --> 00:03:52,666 - Is he running now? - He is running. 73 00:03:56,500 --> 00:03:59,666 WOMAN: Oh, my God, it's Brad Wolfe. Can I get your autograph? 74 00:03:59,666 --> 00:04:02,125 Anything for a fan... Hey, hey! (GRUNTS) 75 00:04:05,500 --> 00:04:07,083 You okay? 76 00:04:12,958 --> 00:04:14,083 MAN: Oi! 77 00:04:16,291 --> 00:04:18,583 Brad. Brad. Hold it! 78 00:04:18,708 --> 00:04:20,500 Stop! Come here. 79 00:04:21,833 --> 00:04:23,583 (GROANS) 80 00:04:23,583 --> 00:04:26,041 Come on, Mobius. You're gonna ruin my life here. 81 00:04:26,041 --> 00:04:27,208 Your life here? 82 00:04:37,458 --> 00:04:38,541 You still glad we're here? 83 00:04:40,416 --> 00:04:41,541 (GRUNTS) 84 00:04:49,875 --> 00:04:50,875 (HORN HONKS) 85 00:05:11,666 --> 00:05:12,708 Come on! 86 00:05:14,125 --> 00:05:17,791 Come on, X-5, did you really think you could outrun me? 87 00:05:20,125 --> 00:05:21,291 Yeah. 88 00:05:22,041 --> 00:05:23,041 (SIGHS) 89 00:05:24,416 --> 00:05:25,916 (EXHALES) 90 00:05:35,250 --> 00:05:36,250 (GRUNTS) 91 00:05:41,125 --> 00:05:43,250 (PEOPLE CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY) 92 00:05:46,000 --> 00:05:47,041 Oi! 93 00:05:47,041 --> 00:05:49,375 Where's the rude boy off to? 94 00:05:49,958 --> 00:05:52,291 Where is the fancy lad going off to, then? 95 00:05:52,291 --> 00:05:55,625 Did you lose your tickets to the opera? Did ya? Oh, goodness! 96 00:05:55,625 --> 00:05:57,333 - All right. Oh, God! - Where you going? 97 00:05:58,458 --> 00:05:59,791 - Okay. - Oh, yeah. 98 00:05:59,791 --> 00:06:01,833 MAN: He came down the wrong street tonight. 99 00:06:01,833 --> 00:06:04,041 Let's just hold on a second. All right? Relax. 100 00:06:04,041 --> 00:06:06,333 - Back off. Hey. Back off. - ALL: Whoa! 101 00:06:06,333 --> 00:06:08,583 Hey! Back off. 102 00:06:10,000 --> 00:06:11,708 Oh, you're the tough guy, huh? 103 00:06:16,333 --> 00:06:19,500 - So unsophisticated, X-5. - Of course. 104 00:06:20,166 --> 00:06:21,541 You're doing your own stunts now? 105 00:06:22,083 --> 00:06:24,250 Real cute, real cute. 106 00:06:25,500 --> 00:06:26,500 (GRUNTS) 107 00:06:28,041 --> 00:06:30,000 You quit with the magic and fight fair. 108 00:06:31,291 --> 00:06:32,500 Oh, shoot! 109 00:06:33,625 --> 00:06:35,500 (SIGHS) It's not a fair fight. 110 00:06:55,875 --> 00:06:58,416 (GRUNTING) 111 00:07:01,500 --> 00:07:02,875 I didn't do anything wrong. 112 00:07:03,375 --> 00:07:05,583 Yeah, but why'd you run? (PANTING) 113 00:07:05,583 --> 00:07:08,791 A little over the top, don't you think, all the shadow play? 114 00:07:12,375 --> 00:07:13,750 I thought it was spot on. 115 00:07:41,208 --> 00:07:44,125 WOMAN OVER PA: All available analysts report to Chronomonitor... 116 00:07:44,125 --> 00:07:46,291 - Suits you. - You must love this. 117 00:07:46,291 --> 00:07:48,708 It's tighter than you think it's gonna be, isn't it? 118 00:07:48,708 --> 00:07:50,625 Yeah. I'll get you a looser one next time. 119 00:07:50,625 --> 00:07:52,375 - What is this? - That's a TemPad. 120 00:07:52,375 --> 00:07:55,250 - What did you do? - I put colorful buttons on it for you. 121 00:07:55,250 --> 00:07:59,208 You will tell us if you found Sylvie when you've had time in holding. 122 00:07:59,208 --> 00:08:00,833 Right. 'Cause I'm a criminal, right? 123 00:08:00,833 --> 00:08:02,375 Okay, come on, get in there. 124 00:08:03,416 --> 00:08:04,416 Come on! 125 00:08:05,833 --> 00:08:06,875 Keep moving. 126 00:08:08,541 --> 00:08:10,166 I see X-5 didn't go quietly. 127 00:08:10,166 --> 00:08:12,625 Quietly is not his strong suit. 128 00:08:12,625 --> 00:08:15,541 But he will talk once he's had time to marinate. 129 00:08:15,541 --> 00:08:18,083 - What about this? - Have O.B. check it out. 130 00:08:27,541 --> 00:08:30,000 O.B.? Hello? 131 00:08:31,833 --> 00:08:32,916 Ouroboros? 132 00:08:33,458 --> 00:08:35,333 - (O.B. MUMBLING INDISTINCTLY) - (OBJECTS CLATTERING) 133 00:08:36,625 --> 00:08:38,250 O.B.: Oh, man, I'm good. 134 00:08:38,250 --> 00:08:41,125 Okay, I've gotta weave these two wires together, and... 135 00:08:41,125 --> 00:08:42,750 I've gotta make this neat and tight, 136 00:08:42,750 --> 00:08:44,000 - so it holds fast. - Ah. O.B.? 137 00:08:44,000 --> 00:08:46,458 Oh! Hey, guys. 138 00:08:46,666 --> 00:08:51,041 - Uh... How are things going? - Well, the Loom is in rough shape. 139 00:08:51,041 --> 00:08:53,458 But I'm trying to figure out a retrofit device 140 00:08:53,458 --> 00:08:55,208 to handle all those new branches. 141 00:08:55,208 --> 00:08:56,833 He's got it covered. 142 00:08:56,833 --> 00:09:00,041 O.B., could I get you to take a look at this TemPad? 143 00:09:02,958 --> 00:09:04,416 Let me see. 144 00:09:06,000 --> 00:09:07,750 Ah. Interesting. 145 00:09:08,250 --> 00:09:10,208 Yeah, I can definitely get into it. 146 00:09:10,875 --> 00:09:14,083 Do you think this is a higher priority than preventing a Temporal meltdown? 147 00:09:14,083 --> 00:09:15,708 - Oh, no. - No. I'd stay focused 148 00:09:15,708 --> 00:09:17,583 - on the Temporal meltdown. - I agree. 149 00:09:18,166 --> 00:09:20,083 Seems prudent. Okay. 150 00:09:20,500 --> 00:09:23,958 Everything you need to know about this, I wrote about it in here. 151 00:09:29,833 --> 00:09:31,791 Any hits on Renslayer's TemPad? 152 00:09:31,958 --> 00:09:33,000 MAN: Will do. 153 00:09:33,000 --> 00:09:35,750 - (SOFTLY) The Renslayer trace? - Why are you whispering? 154 00:09:35,750 --> 00:09:37,291 It's a secret mission, right? 155 00:09:38,041 --> 00:09:39,791 Renslayer killed C-20, 156 00:09:39,791 --> 00:09:42,333 attempted to kill Mobius, threw me in Time Jail 157 00:09:42,333 --> 00:09:44,375 and tried to take over the TVA. 158 00:09:44,375 --> 00:09:46,833 Why would tracking her TemPad be a secret? 159 00:09:47,916 --> 00:09:50,083 - Right. - Right. 160 00:09:50,208 --> 00:09:53,125 Right. But no, no hits. 161 00:09:53,125 --> 00:09:57,416 With Miss Minutes down, the analysts are running traces manually. 162 00:09:57,416 --> 00:09:59,291 And with all the extra branches, 163 00:09:59,291 --> 00:10:01,958 it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack. 164 00:10:01,958 --> 00:10:04,458 But I did find something else. 165 00:10:05,208 --> 00:10:08,375 Renslayer erased the data from her TemPad, 166 00:10:08,375 --> 00:10:11,625 but I was able to piece together who sent the last message. 167 00:10:12,541 --> 00:10:13,625 Who? 168 00:10:13,625 --> 00:10:15,375 I'll screw this back in, right? 169 00:10:15,375 --> 00:10:17,166 That's what it said on page seven. 170 00:10:17,166 --> 00:10:19,541 No. Section 42 should match with the system manager. 171 00:10:19,541 --> 00:10:20,833 Is that with the red light? 172 00:10:20,833 --> 00:10:22,625 - We've tried that. - Well, try it again. 173 00:10:22,625 --> 00:10:24,541 You didn't have that pressed back, did you? 174 00:10:24,541 --> 00:10:25,916 It's too complicated. 175 00:10:25,916 --> 00:10:27,625 Am I on the wrong page or... 176 00:10:27,625 --> 00:10:29,541 I was just seeing upside down. 177 00:10:29,541 --> 00:10:31,750 - I can't focus. It's like gibberish. - Mobius. 178 00:10:31,750 --> 00:10:34,166 Here's what'll help focus. If we don't work this out, 179 00:10:34,166 --> 00:10:36,833 this place is gonna be destroyed. Temporal meltdown or not. 180 00:10:36,833 --> 00:10:39,666 - Okay, I'll tell them. - Casey, tell them what you just told me. 181 00:10:39,666 --> 00:10:41,666 Miss Minutes is helping Renslayer. 182 00:10:42,416 --> 00:10:44,875 - What? - That explains the radio silence. 183 00:10:45,125 --> 00:10:46,958 - Mmm-hmm. - Hang on. 184 00:10:48,583 --> 00:10:50,291 Um, when I was in the past, 185 00:10:51,375 --> 00:10:52,541 I heard something. 186 00:10:52,541 --> 00:10:56,750 An old conversation between Renslayer and He Who Remains. 187 00:10:57,333 --> 00:10:58,833 It sounded like they were partners. 188 00:10:58,833 --> 00:11:02,458 She really is... Full of surprises. 189 00:11:02,458 --> 00:11:04,500 You can say that again. 190 00:11:04,500 --> 00:11:06,708 Where are they, Renslayer, Miss Minutes? 191 00:11:06,708 --> 00:11:08,500 Not sure, but I'll keep searching. 192 00:11:08,500 --> 00:11:10,875 If there's a hit on the TemPad, I'll let you know. 193 00:11:10,875 --> 00:11:12,416 But it'll take some time, so... 194 00:11:13,875 --> 00:11:16,250 - How are things going here? - No, not that great. 195 00:11:16,250 --> 00:11:17,708 It's all right. We'll get there. 196 00:11:17,708 --> 00:11:19,916 - When were you gonna tell us about... - What is that? 197 00:11:19,916 --> 00:11:21,791 It's just a rigged TemPad. 198 00:11:21,791 --> 00:11:24,416 - What does it do? - That's what we're trying to work out. 199 00:11:24,416 --> 00:11:26,625 X-5 says it somehow blocks TVA tracking. 200 00:11:26,625 --> 00:11:28,250 That's not what it does. 201 00:11:29,750 --> 00:11:31,000 Sure. 202 00:11:31,583 --> 00:11:33,750 Yeah. Haven't you read the TVA Guidebook? 203 00:11:33,750 --> 00:11:37,291 - I mean, I haven't memorized it, but... - CASEY: Uh-huh. 204 00:11:37,291 --> 00:11:40,791 It'll take me a while to analyze the modifications, 205 00:11:40,791 --> 00:11:44,500 but this definitely doesn't block any trackers, that's for sure. 206 00:11:45,166 --> 00:11:46,916 That's where we'll start with X-5. 207 00:11:48,375 --> 00:11:50,458 Let's take a run at Brad Wolfe. 208 00:11:50,458 --> 00:11:53,416 - Let's take a big run at him. - Thank you. 209 00:11:58,666 --> 00:12:01,250 Okay, keep it simple. Where's Dox? 210 00:12:01,250 --> 00:12:04,125 Where's Sylvie? And what did he do to that TemPad? 211 00:12:04,125 --> 00:12:06,458 That's all we need to find out. Okay? 212 00:12:06,458 --> 00:12:09,041 But of course, Brad knows us, and he knows our tactics. 213 00:12:09,041 --> 00:12:11,583 But that's what makes for an interesting chess match. 214 00:12:11,583 --> 00:12:14,041 Okay, most of all, Brad's an asshole. 215 00:12:14,041 --> 00:12:17,625 So, don't let him get under your skin, all right? Okay? Loki? 216 00:12:17,625 --> 00:12:18,708 What? 217 00:12:20,500 --> 00:12:21,500 Come on. 218 00:12:24,250 --> 00:12:27,708 Oh, welcome back. Why don't you go ahead and take this Time Collar off 219 00:12:27,708 --> 00:12:30,083 and start treating me like somebody who outranks you? 220 00:12:30,083 --> 00:12:32,500 - I don't work here. - Oh, that's a good point. 221 00:12:32,500 --> 00:12:34,166 You should stop talking. 222 00:12:34,166 --> 00:12:38,166 Hey, what were you doing down there on the Sacred Timeline? 223 00:12:38,958 --> 00:12:41,458 - Making movies. - Don't waste our time, X-5. 224 00:12:41,458 --> 00:12:45,125 - It's Brad. Bradley. - Right, Brad. 225 00:12:45,125 --> 00:12:47,583 Let's cut to the chase, shall we? 226 00:12:47,583 --> 00:12:49,458 What did you do to this TemPad? 227 00:12:51,208 --> 00:12:54,375 - Answer the question. - It blocks your trackers. 228 00:12:54,375 --> 00:12:56,708 - No, it doesn't. - Yeah, no shit. 229 00:12:56,708 --> 00:12:59,750 - What is it designed for, X-5? - It's Brad. 230 00:12:59,750 --> 00:13:01,833 Under whose authority are you holding me here? 231 00:13:01,833 --> 00:13:05,083 Looking around, I do not see anyone ranking high to make that call. 232 00:13:05,083 --> 00:13:08,791 I don't need approval to detain a hunter that abandoned his post. 233 00:13:08,791 --> 00:13:11,083 Oh, that's good. That's good. 234 00:13:11,083 --> 00:13:13,208 But weren't you the one blabbering on and on 235 00:13:13,208 --> 00:13:15,333 about how we all had lives on the timeline? 236 00:13:15,333 --> 00:13:19,041 Well, I went down and got my life. What exactly are you mad at me about? 237 00:13:19,041 --> 00:13:20,291 There are lives at stake. 238 00:13:23,250 --> 00:13:24,583 There are lives at stake? 239 00:13:28,083 --> 00:13:29,958 Oh, you've got some nerve. 240 00:13:31,458 --> 00:13:33,125 "There are lives at stake." 241 00:13:35,666 --> 00:13:37,791 Everyone here knows what you're doing, you know? 242 00:13:38,875 --> 00:13:42,375 You're just trying to make up for all the terrible, 243 00:13:42,375 --> 00:13:46,250 awful shit you've done in your life, you pathetic little man. 244 00:13:46,250 --> 00:13:49,333 - Okay, that's enough. - No, no, Mobius. No, it's... 245 00:13:50,833 --> 00:13:52,541 It's riveting. 246 00:13:52,541 --> 00:13:54,958 - Keep going. I want to hear more. - Good. 247 00:13:56,625 --> 00:13:59,833 See, everything you and Sylvie have ever done to try to help, 248 00:14:00,750 --> 00:14:03,375 - has only ever made it worse. - Is that right? 249 00:14:03,875 --> 00:14:05,166 See, I've read your file. 250 00:14:06,291 --> 00:14:09,166 It's you. You're the problem. 251 00:14:10,000 --> 00:14:13,041 Every time we've ever found a you. 252 00:14:13,041 --> 00:14:15,791 Problem is, you think you're special, but you're not. 253 00:14:15,791 --> 00:14:18,791 So, it doesn't matter what outfit you put on, 254 00:14:18,791 --> 00:14:21,583 play dress up or what little lies you tell your friends 255 00:14:21,583 --> 00:14:23,625 or even the lies you tell yourself. 256 00:14:23,625 --> 00:14:27,583 At the end of the day, you just make everything worse. 257 00:14:29,041 --> 00:14:31,375 For Mobius, for B-15, 258 00:14:32,333 --> 00:14:33,541 for your mother. 259 00:14:35,916 --> 00:14:37,833 'Cause that's what you do. 260 00:14:39,125 --> 00:14:42,250 You lose. You're a loser. 261 00:14:42,250 --> 00:14:43,875 - MOBIUS: Loki. - (EXHALES) 262 00:14:43,875 --> 00:14:47,000 Stop trying to be a hero, man. 263 00:14:49,208 --> 00:14:50,500 You're a villain. 264 00:14:51,458 --> 00:14:55,166 And you're good at it. Do that. 265 00:14:56,541 --> 00:14:58,625 (CHUCKLES) 266 00:15:03,750 --> 00:15:05,125 Thank you, Brad... 267 00:15:06,708 --> 00:15:08,083 very much. 268 00:15:09,250 --> 00:15:11,208 I really am touched. 269 00:15:13,166 --> 00:15:15,166 You know, you're right. 270 00:15:15,166 --> 00:15:19,625 I have done some terrible, awful things. 271 00:15:20,541 --> 00:15:23,208 Yeah, maybe that is who I am, and he knows. 272 00:15:25,083 --> 00:15:29,166 It's the real me. (CLAPS) A loser. 273 00:15:31,375 --> 00:15:33,666 Always have been. Always will be. 274 00:15:36,458 --> 00:15:38,250 And perhaps I've been... 275 00:15:40,916 --> 00:15:43,000 - holding something back. - Loki. 276 00:15:43,916 --> 00:15:48,916 Perhaps I've just been biding my time. 277 00:15:50,208 --> 00:15:55,333 Perhaps I've just been waiting for a moment like this, 278 00:15:56,666 --> 00:15:59,625 so I can do terrible, 279 00:16:00,958 --> 00:16:04,125 awful things to you. 280 00:16:06,541 --> 00:16:08,750 So, let's try this one more time. 281 00:16:09,833 --> 00:16:13,583 Where is Sylvie? 282 00:16:17,500 --> 00:16:19,750 You're way too obsessed with her. 283 00:16:21,291 --> 00:16:22,666 He needs therapy. 284 00:16:22,666 --> 00:16:24,500 - I can recommend someone... - Okay. Come on. 285 00:16:24,500 --> 00:16:26,541 ...if you wanna work that out. 286 00:16:28,125 --> 00:16:30,541 Control your little pet, Mobius. 287 00:16:32,916 --> 00:16:34,333 That got a little tense. 288 00:16:35,750 --> 00:16:38,666 Hey, you wanna hear a good one? Knock, knock. 289 00:16:39,916 --> 00:16:41,916 - HUNTER X-5: Who's there? - Brad. 290 00:16:42,875 --> 00:16:45,333 - Brad, who? - That's showbiz. 291 00:16:47,875 --> 00:16:49,875 And I don't want that to happen to you. 292 00:16:49,875 --> 00:16:52,125 So, play along with us, answer our questions 293 00:16:52,125 --> 00:16:54,958 and we'll get you back there, so they don't forget about you. 294 00:16:54,958 --> 00:16:56,583 How's that sound? 295 00:16:56,583 --> 00:16:58,750 - You would do that? - I will. 296 00:16:58,750 --> 00:17:01,208 - You promise? - I promise. 297 00:17:04,708 --> 00:17:08,208 You seeing this? Mobius, you could be an actor. 298 00:17:09,833 --> 00:17:12,208 I'm not an actor, I'm an analyst. But thank you. 299 00:17:12,208 --> 00:17:14,583 You're not an analyst. I'm not a hunter. 300 00:17:15,208 --> 00:17:16,958 None of this is real. 301 00:17:16,958 --> 00:17:20,333 I mean, who even are you on the timeline, do you know? 302 00:17:22,125 --> 00:17:23,125 Doesn't matter. 303 00:17:23,125 --> 00:17:25,541 I think it does matter because none of this is real. 304 00:17:25,541 --> 00:17:28,708 - Well, okay. - The TVA is not your real home. 305 00:17:28,708 --> 00:17:31,458 Mobius isn't even your real name. 306 00:17:31,583 --> 00:17:33,833 Well, it's what I answer to. 307 00:17:33,833 --> 00:17:37,375 Do you have any idea what kind of life you might have left behind? 308 00:17:37,375 --> 00:17:40,583 Who might be waiting for you back there? I mean, do you care? 309 00:17:40,583 --> 00:17:43,291 I mean, you know they took us. 310 00:17:43,291 --> 00:17:47,041 You know they took our lives, and you're still here. 311 00:17:47,041 --> 00:17:50,625 I mean, it's kind of weird, man. I mean, you need to wake up. 312 00:17:50,625 --> 00:17:52,541 - I'm awake. - Yeah, no. You're asleep. 313 00:17:52,541 --> 00:17:54,875 - You need to wake up, Mobius. - I'm awake. 314 00:17:54,875 --> 00:17:57,833 - And until you do, you're nothing. - No. 315 00:17:57,833 --> 00:18:01,708 She is nothing. I don't know where to start with that, but you're nothing here. 316 00:18:01,708 --> 00:18:05,500 And until you wake up, you're just a nowhere man. You're a... 317 00:18:05,500 --> 00:18:08,500 You're a nowhere man! You're a silly little man. 318 00:18:08,500 --> 00:18:10,333 - Whoa! - Silly little man. 319 00:18:10,666 --> 00:18:11,666 Whoa! 320 00:18:12,625 --> 00:18:16,083 Mobius! Yes! 321 00:18:22,458 --> 00:18:24,083 - LOKI: What was that? - Nothing. 322 00:18:24,083 --> 00:18:25,583 - You okay? - I'm fine. 323 00:18:25,583 --> 00:18:27,416 - What happened back there? - Nothing. 324 00:18:27,416 --> 00:18:29,625 - Didn't seem like nothing. - It was tactical. 325 00:18:30,041 --> 00:18:32,000 - Seems like he got under your skin. - Nope. 326 00:18:32,000 --> 00:18:34,750 He didn't get under my skin. He got under your skin. 327 00:18:35,500 --> 00:18:38,500 Mobius, are you all right? I've never seen you like this before. 328 00:18:38,500 --> 00:18:40,541 - Seen me like what? - Okay, I'm not judging. 329 00:18:40,541 --> 00:18:44,666 Feels like you are. Look, I told you I can play the heavy keys and I can... 330 00:18:44,666 --> 00:18:46,750 - Where are we? - I was following you. 331 00:18:46,750 --> 00:18:48,625 No, I was following you. 332 00:18:49,875 --> 00:18:51,875 Mobius. You were clearly ahead of me. 333 00:18:55,958 --> 00:18:57,208 How about a slice of pie? 334 00:18:59,458 --> 00:19:01,916 - Key lime. - Okay, great. Come on. 335 00:19:14,916 --> 00:19:16,500 Mmm. 336 00:19:20,041 --> 00:19:21,583 It's really good. 337 00:19:22,708 --> 00:19:23,708 It is. 338 00:19:30,333 --> 00:19:33,166 Listen. That wasn't tactical. 339 00:19:34,416 --> 00:19:35,541 I lost it. 340 00:19:37,583 --> 00:19:39,000 It's okay. 341 00:19:40,125 --> 00:19:41,875 - Look, it happens. - Hmm. 342 00:19:43,458 --> 00:19:47,666 You know, sometimes a rage builds up and you just gotta... let it out. 343 00:19:50,666 --> 00:19:52,041 Do you remember that time 344 00:19:52,041 --> 00:19:54,541 I was so angry with my father and my brother, 345 00:19:54,541 --> 00:19:56,500 I went down to Earth 346 00:19:56,500 --> 00:19:59,666 and I held the whole of New York City hostage with an alien army? 347 00:20:00,333 --> 00:20:02,666 Tried to use the Mind Stone on Tony Stark. 348 00:20:02,666 --> 00:20:05,125 It didn't work, so I threw him off the building. 349 00:20:05,541 --> 00:20:07,666 I mean, let me tell you something. 350 00:20:08,416 --> 00:20:09,750 - Wasn't tactical. - Yeah. 351 00:20:09,750 --> 00:20:11,041 I lost it. 352 00:20:12,416 --> 00:20:14,875 Sometimes our emotions get the better of us. 353 00:20:14,875 --> 00:20:16,458 You can say that again. 354 00:20:18,875 --> 00:20:20,250 Let me ask you something. 355 00:20:21,791 --> 00:20:24,875 X-5, you know, he obviously 356 00:20:24,875 --> 00:20:26,750 touched a nerve, right? 357 00:20:28,250 --> 00:20:30,583 You've never wanted to visit your place on the timeline? 358 00:20:33,333 --> 00:20:36,250 Look, that's the last thing I should be thinking about. 359 00:20:36,250 --> 00:20:38,500 Are you-- Aren't you curious? 360 00:20:38,500 --> 00:20:41,125 Don't you want to see the life you were supposed to live 361 00:20:41,125 --> 00:20:43,708 before they kidnapped you and brought you into the TVA? 362 00:20:43,708 --> 00:20:46,041 - Not really. - Why? 363 00:20:46,041 --> 00:20:48,666 - Because it's not my life. - But it could have been. 364 00:20:48,666 --> 00:20:50,375 It isn't. This is. 365 00:20:51,041 --> 00:20:54,500 I'd like to thank the guy who kidnapped me and brought me here. 366 00:20:54,500 --> 00:20:55,958 Got me this pie. 367 00:20:57,041 --> 00:20:58,625 If you never look, you'll never know. 368 00:20:59,500 --> 00:21:03,500 The TVA is the only life I've ever known. I like it. 369 00:21:04,250 --> 00:21:08,541 Look, I understand that. I get it, you know, you might think twice in case... 370 00:21:09,333 --> 00:21:11,291 it's something bad and you... 371 00:21:11,291 --> 00:21:14,375 Or something good. Something bad, I can handle. 372 00:21:14,833 --> 00:21:16,000 What if it's something good? 373 00:21:16,000 --> 00:21:18,916 Do you think I wanna have that rattling around in here? 374 00:21:19,750 --> 00:21:21,083 - Of course not. - Sure. 375 00:21:35,083 --> 00:21:36,958 You know, X-5 isn't gonna talk. 376 00:21:37,625 --> 00:21:40,416 X-5 is gonna talk. We just have to find a way in. 377 00:21:41,250 --> 00:21:43,208 All right. So what aren't we asking this time? 378 00:21:43,208 --> 00:21:47,541 Look, X-5 is a good hunter, okay? 379 00:21:47,541 --> 00:21:49,750 He's very good at his job. 380 00:21:49,750 --> 00:21:53,666 So, does it really make sense that he could spend all that time down there 381 00:21:53,666 --> 00:21:55,041 and not find Sylvie? 382 00:21:55,958 --> 00:21:59,500 Look, Sylvie spent her whole life hiding. He didn't find her. 383 00:21:59,500 --> 00:22:02,500 Yes, but maybe he got a little help from that TemPad. 384 00:22:02,500 --> 00:22:06,208 Okay. If he found her and walked away, 385 00:22:07,416 --> 00:22:09,916 then she didn't know he found her. That makes sense. 386 00:22:09,916 --> 00:22:14,583 Think about it. He found her, but maybe didn't turn her in 387 00:22:14,583 --> 00:22:18,083 because he wants to continue to live his best life on the timeline. 388 00:22:18,083 --> 00:22:20,416 - He wants more time to be Brad Wolfe. - Who wouldn't? 389 00:22:20,416 --> 00:22:21,833 Right. 390 00:22:21,833 --> 00:22:24,625 Now, we just have to find a way to get him to admit it. 391 00:22:25,541 --> 00:22:27,916 He's the only one who knows where Sylvie is. 392 00:22:27,916 --> 00:22:29,250 Just gotta make him talk. 393 00:22:29,250 --> 00:22:31,541 Well, come on. You're the God of Mischief. 394 00:22:32,500 --> 00:22:33,708 Right? 395 00:22:35,958 --> 00:22:37,958 WOMAN OVER PA: Loom status unstable. 396 00:22:37,958 --> 00:22:39,916 Please take immediate action. 397 00:22:49,291 --> 00:22:51,666 Loom status unstable. 398 00:22:51,666 --> 00:22:54,041 Please take immediate action. 399 00:23:09,291 --> 00:23:11,916 (COMPUTER BUZZES) 400 00:23:11,916 --> 00:23:14,541 - (COMPUTER BUZZES) - Hmm. 401 00:23:22,958 --> 00:23:24,083 Oh, no. 402 00:23:27,708 --> 00:23:29,500 (CLANGING IN DISTANCE) 403 00:23:41,291 --> 00:23:42,458 Hi. 404 00:23:45,500 --> 00:23:49,666 Hello, Loki. Ready for round two? 405 00:23:49,666 --> 00:23:53,708 I felt like I just, need another session, you know? 406 00:23:53,708 --> 00:23:55,166 Get a few things off my chest. 407 00:23:56,833 --> 00:23:59,000 Gonna try the hardball tactics this time? 408 00:24:00,125 --> 00:24:02,333 - Something like that. - Okay. 409 00:24:25,916 --> 00:24:27,625 Where's B-15? 410 00:24:28,791 --> 00:24:30,916 She's not gonna be attending this session. 411 00:24:30,916 --> 00:24:33,333 Oh, I get it. So, you come in here without B-15 412 00:24:33,333 --> 00:24:36,083 and I'm supposed to believe you're gonna torture me, Mobius? 413 00:24:36,083 --> 00:24:37,958 Well, let's simplify everything. 414 00:24:37,958 --> 00:24:41,125 You have information that we need. 415 00:24:41,125 --> 00:24:43,250 You don't want to give it to us. 416 00:24:43,250 --> 00:24:45,750 So, how do we find common ground? 417 00:24:45,750 --> 00:24:49,666 - You are gettin' desperate. - You're not wrong. He's not wrong. 418 00:24:49,666 --> 00:24:51,250 We're definitely getting desperate. 419 00:24:51,250 --> 00:24:54,708 And I'll be honest with you, we're down to our last option. 420 00:24:54,708 --> 00:24:57,125 - And your last chance. - This is cute. 421 00:24:57,125 --> 00:24:59,000 Which one of you came up with this script? 422 00:24:59,000 --> 00:25:01,000 Because you're a tough nut to crack, 423 00:25:01,000 --> 00:25:03,125 you've left us no choice but to kind of ramp... 424 00:25:03,125 --> 00:25:05,291 Mobius, controller. 425 00:25:05,750 --> 00:25:08,500 - (SCOFFS) - Right, okay. 426 00:25:08,500 --> 00:25:12,083 We can't start the festivities without that little baby. Stand by. 427 00:25:13,958 --> 00:25:14,958 Wow! 428 00:25:24,458 --> 00:25:27,708 - (SIGHS) - Hey, open up. 429 00:25:29,500 --> 00:25:31,666 - Hey. Loki? - Turns out, 430 00:25:31,666 --> 00:25:35,541 there is actually one other option. 431 00:25:35,541 --> 00:25:37,416 No, no! Hey! 432 00:25:38,541 --> 00:25:41,333 You sniffed us out, Brad. 433 00:25:41,333 --> 00:25:44,291 And I knew you would, because you're a clever chap. 434 00:25:44,291 --> 00:25:47,666 So guess what? I wrote a little script of my own. 435 00:25:47,666 --> 00:25:49,916 Loki. Loki, this isn't right. Open up! 436 00:25:51,083 --> 00:25:54,166 That thing does not work without the controller, though, so... 437 00:25:55,500 --> 00:25:56,708 What're you gonna do? 438 00:25:59,041 --> 00:26:00,041 This one? 439 00:26:01,958 --> 00:26:05,541 Okay, great. We're gonna have a little Q and A. 440 00:26:07,083 --> 00:26:11,166 Did you find Sylvie? And if you did, where is she? 441 00:26:12,208 --> 00:26:17,208 Simple question, really, but doesn't mean we can't enjoy ourselves as we go along. 442 00:26:18,833 --> 00:26:20,875 This one's plugged in. 443 00:26:20,875 --> 00:26:22,250 You almost got me. 444 00:26:23,541 --> 00:26:25,375 You have no idea how to work that thing. 445 00:26:27,833 --> 00:26:29,583 I'm not trying to be a hero, Brad. 446 00:26:30,958 --> 00:26:34,125 I'm a villain. Remember? 447 00:26:34,125 --> 00:26:35,750 No. Loki. 448 00:26:35,750 --> 00:26:38,666 This isn't the kind of mischief I was talking about! 449 00:26:38,666 --> 00:26:41,750 Hey! Loki, you're not a villain. You're not... 450 00:26:41,750 --> 00:26:43,625 - (MACHINE WHIRRS) - Look at that. 451 00:26:44,416 --> 00:26:48,416 Um, earlier, I said some really hurtful things, 452 00:26:48,958 --> 00:26:53,500 and I brought up your mother. And I am really sorry about that. 453 00:26:53,500 --> 00:26:56,791 - Mobius! Hey, get in here! - It's locked, Brad. It's locked! 454 00:27:01,458 --> 00:27:02,666 You need to put that down. 455 00:27:02,666 --> 00:27:05,083 That's... you don't know what you're doing with that. 456 00:27:05,833 --> 00:27:07,000 What does this one do? 457 00:27:13,583 --> 00:27:17,041 (CHUCKLES) Sorry. Could've hurt yourself there. 458 00:27:17,041 --> 00:27:20,291 Hey, don't just touch random buttons on that, okay? 459 00:27:20,291 --> 00:27:21,458 Mobius, get in here. 460 00:27:21,458 --> 00:27:23,500 There's a learning curve with this thing. 461 00:27:23,500 --> 00:27:24,958 Yeah. There is a learning curve. 462 00:27:24,958 --> 00:27:26,541 You could kill me with that. 463 00:27:26,541 --> 00:27:27,625 Could I? 464 00:27:29,666 --> 00:27:31,375 (GASPS) 465 00:27:35,666 --> 00:27:37,583 This is exciting. 466 00:27:37,583 --> 00:27:38,958 Turn it off. 467 00:27:40,583 --> 00:27:41,833 Loki, turn it off. 468 00:27:41,833 --> 00:27:45,625 - Let me try this. Let me try this. - (MACHINE BEEPS) 469 00:27:45,625 --> 00:27:48,083 Okay. Okay. All right. 470 00:27:48,083 --> 00:27:51,250 Sorry. That's only made it smaller. 471 00:27:51,250 --> 00:27:56,666 Now, look. I don't know where Dox and the others are. Okay? I don't know. 472 00:27:56,666 --> 00:27:58,541 I don't if you know this, 473 00:27:58,541 --> 00:28:03,333 but I've done some terrible, awful things. 474 00:28:03,333 --> 00:28:05,625 Yeah, you have. You're doing one right now. 475 00:28:05,625 --> 00:28:09,000 Have some perspective on yourself. (GASPS) Okay! 476 00:28:09,708 --> 00:28:10,708 Okay. 477 00:28:11,458 --> 00:28:12,833 Okay. 478 00:28:12,833 --> 00:28:14,166 Trial and error. 479 00:28:14,166 --> 00:28:18,708 (CHUCKLES) I swear I don't know where they are. 480 00:28:18,708 --> 00:28:21,958 Brad. You're so convincing. 481 00:28:21,958 --> 00:28:25,541 I want to believe you, but you're just-- You're such a good actor. 482 00:28:25,541 --> 00:28:28,833 Look, I really, I really don't know. I swear. 483 00:28:28,833 --> 00:28:30,166 You're so talented. 484 00:28:30,166 --> 00:28:32,750 - They did not tell me the plan. - Please tell me the truth. 485 00:28:32,750 --> 00:28:35,708 - I know you're lying. - Okay? Okay, okay. 486 00:28:35,708 --> 00:28:37,666 I lied. I lied, okay? I did. 487 00:28:37,666 --> 00:28:42,458 I was supposed to go look for Sylvie, but then, I bailed, okay? I bailed. 488 00:28:42,458 --> 00:28:46,291 Right. So, they told you to go after Sylvie and you bailed? 489 00:28:46,291 --> 00:28:47,625 Yeah. 490 00:28:47,625 --> 00:28:52,291 What's the penalty for a highly-decorated field officer abandoning his mission? 491 00:28:52,833 --> 00:28:54,708 You and Dox, I don't buy it. 492 00:28:57,500 --> 00:29:01,666 (GASPS) Okay. Look, I swear, okay? 493 00:29:01,666 --> 00:29:04,291 I went down there, and I went to get my life, okay? 494 00:29:04,291 --> 00:29:06,083 Because... none of this is real. 495 00:29:06,083 --> 00:29:09,250 Well, if none of this is real, I guess you aren't either. 496 00:29:11,083 --> 00:29:12,875 Hey! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Wait. 497 00:29:17,541 --> 00:29:21,625 - (GRUNTS) - Just tell me where Sylvie is, Brad. 498 00:29:21,625 --> 00:29:22,708 All right. 499 00:29:24,000 --> 00:29:25,833 I'll tell you where she is. 500 00:29:25,958 --> 00:29:27,708 She has a new life! 501 00:29:30,833 --> 00:29:32,500 There you go. 502 00:29:33,291 --> 00:29:34,625 Got there in the end. 503 00:29:36,583 --> 00:29:38,833 Why do you make it so hard on yourself, Brad? 504 00:29:45,708 --> 00:29:49,083 One thing, you said you bailed on the mission. 505 00:29:50,791 --> 00:29:54,000 Yeah, but I found her first. She's on a branch. 506 00:29:56,875 --> 00:29:58,458 - He knows where Sylvie is. - See? 507 00:29:58,458 --> 00:30:00,875 - Little bit of mischief. - Only as good as your plan. 508 00:30:00,875 --> 00:30:02,625 Thank you. Let's go, Zaniac. 509 00:30:02,625 --> 00:30:05,666 - Are you telling me that was-- - Hell of a performance. 510 00:30:05,666 --> 00:30:07,791 If I tell you where she is, you'll let me go? 511 00:30:07,791 --> 00:30:09,291 No. You're gonna show us. 512 00:30:13,916 --> 00:30:17,208 Hey, O.B., this is Casey. I thought he could help. 513 00:30:17,208 --> 00:30:19,833 - O.B.: We're all gonna die! - O.B.? 514 00:30:22,958 --> 00:30:24,458 We're all gonna die! 515 00:30:24,458 --> 00:30:26,750 Oh. Hey, nice to meet you. 516 00:30:26,750 --> 00:30:29,208 - We're all gonna die. - What do you mean? 517 00:30:30,958 --> 00:30:32,333 The blast doors won't open. 518 00:30:33,000 --> 00:30:35,375 Did you try the C-12 bypass pathway? 519 00:30:35,375 --> 00:30:36,458 That won't work. 520 00:30:36,458 --> 00:30:39,458 - Are you sure? - Of course. I wrote it. 521 00:30:42,333 --> 00:30:43,375 Wait... 522 00:30:45,458 --> 00:30:46,958 You're Ouroboros? 523 00:30:47,958 --> 00:30:51,375 - Yes. - You wrote the TVA Guidebook. 524 00:30:51,375 --> 00:30:54,958 - You've read it? - Read it? I practically memorized it. 525 00:30:57,041 --> 00:30:58,708 Will you sign mine for me? 526 00:30:58,708 --> 00:31:02,166 - Of course I will. Happy to do it. - Yeah, just next to your picture. 527 00:31:02,166 --> 00:31:03,250 Hold on. 528 00:31:03,250 --> 00:31:05,166 You just said we were all gonna die. 529 00:31:05,166 --> 00:31:08,041 Oh, right. The containment doors are locked, 530 00:31:08,041 --> 00:31:09,833 and only the person who designed it 531 00:31:09,833 --> 00:31:12,291 can open it with a live scan of his temporal aura. 532 00:31:14,041 --> 00:31:15,416 He Who Remains. 533 00:31:16,250 --> 00:31:17,250 And he's dead. 534 00:31:18,000 --> 00:31:22,291 So without Miss Minutes to help us override the lock, we're stuck. 535 00:31:22,291 --> 00:31:23,833 So, we have to convince 536 00:31:23,833 --> 00:31:26,958 a rogue artificial intelligence to come back to work? 537 00:31:26,958 --> 00:31:29,833 Whatever we're doing, we gotta do it fast. 538 00:31:29,958 --> 00:31:31,708 The more those branches grow, 539 00:31:31,708 --> 00:31:34,166 the closer this thing comes to melting down. 540 00:31:34,833 --> 00:31:36,166 I'll build the device, 541 00:31:36,166 --> 00:31:39,083 but you need to find a way in or it won't matter. 542 00:31:45,208 --> 00:31:47,458 {\an8}- Brad, walk. - Brad, I'm telling you right now, 543 00:31:47,458 --> 00:31:50,375 {\an8}if you're wasting our time, you're going right back in the Gizmo. 544 00:31:50,375 --> 00:31:52,500 Would you like getting scrunched up in the cube? 545 00:31:52,500 --> 00:31:55,416 Hey, hey, hey! Okay. All right. Look, she's in there, all right. 546 00:31:55,416 --> 00:31:58,250 She's in there. So, why don't you guys 547 00:31:58,250 --> 00:32:01,708 just head on in and remember that I'm the one who brought you here, 548 00:32:01,708 --> 00:32:03,375 and a deal's a deal. All right? 549 00:32:03,375 --> 00:32:05,500 So, you go ahead, I'm gonna head on back. 550 00:32:05,500 --> 00:32:08,125 Wait, wait, wait, wait. Why are you so jumpy? 551 00:32:08,125 --> 00:32:11,000 - It's making me nervous. - I'm not jumpy. I'm not nervous. 552 00:32:11,000 --> 00:32:13,625 - All right. - Yeah, you're like, you wanna take off. 553 00:32:13,625 --> 00:32:17,333 I just don't wanna be around a Variant who killed 400 of our co-workers. 554 00:32:17,333 --> 00:32:19,958 So I'm just gonna... If you just open the door... 555 00:32:24,791 --> 00:32:26,083 What do you think? 556 00:32:27,125 --> 00:32:30,625 If she's here, I have to find out what she knows. 557 00:32:32,041 --> 00:32:33,625 I'll do the talking. Be ready. 558 00:32:38,291 --> 00:32:41,000 Hey, can you refill the straw dispenser when you get a sec? 559 00:32:41,000 --> 00:32:42,208 Already done it. 560 00:32:43,875 --> 00:32:45,041 Bill, order's up. 561 00:32:50,500 --> 00:32:51,708 MAN: Thanks, Sylvie. 562 00:33:08,166 --> 00:33:09,666 This feels tense. 563 00:33:09,666 --> 00:33:12,750 What do you say we leave them to it. We head on back to the TVA. 564 00:33:12,750 --> 00:33:14,208 What are you talking about? No. 565 00:33:14,208 --> 00:33:16,583 I'm not going anywhere until I get some apple pie. 566 00:33:16,583 --> 00:33:17,916 No, no, no, no, no. 567 00:33:32,791 --> 00:33:33,791 Hi. 568 00:33:37,416 --> 00:33:38,541 Hi. 569 00:33:43,166 --> 00:33:46,541 Listen, I haven't got all day. You're gonna order something? Or, what? 570 00:33:46,541 --> 00:33:47,833 Can we talk? 571 00:33:50,583 --> 00:33:52,000 My break's in five minutes. 572 00:34:01,000 --> 00:34:02,666 It's a short break, so talk fast. 573 00:34:23,750 --> 00:34:26,750 Uh, I know I'm the last person you want to see. 574 00:34:26,750 --> 00:34:27,916 Correct. 575 00:34:30,875 --> 00:34:32,333 (SIGHS) 576 00:34:33,791 --> 00:34:34,791 I, uh... 577 00:34:37,041 --> 00:34:38,625 I haven't come here to make trouble. 578 00:34:38,625 --> 00:34:40,333 Then why are you here? 579 00:34:42,708 --> 00:34:46,916 Uh... this is gonna sound strange. 580 00:34:49,083 --> 00:34:51,583 But... there's been a problem. 581 00:34:53,625 --> 00:34:54,833 It's complicated. 582 00:34:57,583 --> 00:35:01,250 I've been pulled through time. 583 00:35:02,250 --> 00:35:05,291 Between the past and the present. I was in the past... 584 00:35:05,291 --> 00:35:07,000 Oh, just get to the point, Loki. 585 00:35:07,000 --> 00:35:10,041 Sylvie, I was in the future and I saw you. 586 00:35:11,208 --> 00:35:15,291 The TVA is in danger. And you were there. I need to know why. 587 00:35:15,291 --> 00:35:17,500 So you see the future now? Cool. 588 00:35:18,958 --> 00:35:20,333 It's not something I chose. 589 00:35:21,000 --> 00:35:24,916 Look, as much as I'd love to see the TVA burnt to the ground, 590 00:35:24,916 --> 00:35:27,000 I have no intention of going back there. 591 00:35:28,583 --> 00:35:32,208 My life's here now, and I'm not running. I'm happy. 592 00:35:32,208 --> 00:35:34,291 Explain what I saw, then. 593 00:35:34,291 --> 00:35:37,833 - I don't know. I don't care. - It's the future. It's going to happen. 594 00:35:37,833 --> 00:35:39,208 Is it? Really? 595 00:35:39,208 --> 00:35:42,583 Because that sounds a lot like the future's already been written. 596 00:35:42,583 --> 00:35:44,875 And we both know that it hasn't. Not anymore. 597 00:35:45,500 --> 00:35:46,541 I made sure of that. 598 00:35:48,208 --> 00:35:50,500 Enchant me. You can see what I saw. 599 00:35:50,500 --> 00:35:53,166 I don't want to see. I want nothing to do with this. 600 00:35:53,166 --> 00:35:54,291 I have no answers. 601 00:35:54,291 --> 00:35:57,958 If we don't work together, I can't guarantee how long this will be here. 602 00:35:57,958 --> 00:35:59,750 - You have some nerve coming. - Nerve? 603 00:36:01,125 --> 00:36:04,041 This is bigger than the TVA. This is about everything. 604 00:36:05,625 --> 00:36:06,666 You like it here? 605 00:36:06,666 --> 00:36:09,333 You like this place? You've made a home? 606 00:36:10,041 --> 00:36:12,083 If what He Who Remains said is true, 607 00:36:12,083 --> 00:36:15,416 the TVA is the only defense. 608 00:36:15,416 --> 00:36:17,000 And if what I saw of you is true, 609 00:36:17,000 --> 00:36:20,541 then there's nothing that stands between this world and utter destruction. 610 00:36:20,541 --> 00:36:22,833 Without the TVA, all of this, everything... 611 00:36:24,833 --> 00:36:26,208 is gone. 612 00:36:26,208 --> 00:36:27,291 Mmm. 613 00:36:27,708 --> 00:36:30,125 I thought you were setting us up for an ambush. 614 00:36:30,125 --> 00:36:33,625 Hell, you were just setting us up for a great meal. Thank you. 615 00:36:33,625 --> 00:36:35,333 What is happening right now? 616 00:36:35,333 --> 00:36:38,791 They're going over every detail of their relationship that's ever happened. 617 00:36:38,791 --> 00:36:40,750 Look. It's a complicated relationship, okay? 618 00:36:40,750 --> 00:36:42,875 There's a lot to unpack when you're basically 619 00:36:42,875 --> 00:36:45,000 - in a relationship with yourself. - Yeah. 620 00:36:45,000 --> 00:36:47,541 They say opposites attract. No. 621 00:36:47,541 --> 00:36:48,791 What is this? 622 00:36:49,958 --> 00:36:50,958 God, it's weird. 623 00:36:51,416 --> 00:36:53,375 - But I brought you Sylvie. I did that. - Yeah. 624 00:36:53,375 --> 00:36:55,000 I held up my end of the bargain. 625 00:36:55,000 --> 00:36:57,166 - You hold up your end of the bargain. - I will. 626 00:36:57,166 --> 00:36:59,875 And you get me back to the Sacred Timeline, like you said. 627 00:36:59,875 --> 00:37:02,666 Can we just talk for a second, about how crazy life is? 628 00:37:02,666 --> 00:37:03,958 I mean, ten minutes ago, 629 00:37:03,958 --> 00:37:06,208 you were screaming at me, "You're nothing!" 630 00:37:06,208 --> 00:37:09,583 And then I kind of freaked out and basically tortured you. 631 00:37:09,583 --> 00:37:11,000 And now here we are, 632 00:37:11,000 --> 00:37:12,833 enjoying a meal like gentlemen. 633 00:37:12,833 --> 00:37:14,958 You slapped me in the face. I won't forget... 634 00:37:14,958 --> 00:37:16,458 But I got you a shake. Okay? 635 00:37:17,833 --> 00:37:21,333 Look, just enjoy this. Tell me about Zaniac. 636 00:37:21,333 --> 00:37:23,166 - What about it? - I wanna know about it. 637 00:37:23,166 --> 00:37:24,958 - Oh, come on. - Can... Please. 638 00:37:24,958 --> 00:37:27,791 - You don't care about my movie. - Brad, I saw the poster. 639 00:37:27,791 --> 00:37:30,500 - It looked scary. - It's not. It's not. 640 00:37:31,208 --> 00:37:33,916 It's not scary. It's elevated thriller, all right? 641 00:37:33,916 --> 00:37:36,291 - It is? Yeah? - It's cinema. Thank you very much. 642 00:37:36,291 --> 00:37:39,625 You can't see it. Get your own tickets. Not hooking you up. Not after this. 643 00:37:39,625 --> 00:37:40,708 I will. I will. 644 00:37:41,750 --> 00:37:43,791 Look, why don't we just get this to go? 645 00:37:43,791 --> 00:37:45,625 How about that? It packs right up. 646 00:37:45,625 --> 00:37:48,708 Let's just get it to go and we get up and we get out of here. 647 00:37:48,708 --> 00:37:51,166 - How about that? - You're like a broken record. 648 00:37:51,166 --> 00:37:53,375 It's like, "Get me back to the Sacred Timeline." 649 00:37:53,375 --> 00:37:55,666 Although now it's just, "Get me out of here." 650 00:37:57,416 --> 00:37:58,791 Is this a setup? 651 00:38:00,083 --> 00:38:03,291 Hey. Hey. What's going on? 652 00:38:04,791 --> 00:38:06,166 Nothing. 653 00:38:08,208 --> 00:38:09,750 I've got to get back to work. 654 00:38:10,625 --> 00:38:12,583 You'll give everyone free will and walk away? 655 00:38:12,583 --> 00:38:14,791 That's the way it works. You're welcome. 656 00:38:14,791 --> 00:38:18,875 (SIGHS) He shows up again, his Variants, what are you gonna do? 657 00:38:19,541 --> 00:38:20,958 Kill 'em. 658 00:38:20,958 --> 00:38:23,166 Sorry to interrupt. I think Brad's got something 659 00:38:23,166 --> 00:38:25,083 that he might want to get off his chest. 660 00:38:25,083 --> 00:38:27,375 Zaniac's getting a sequel. And you're both invited. 661 00:38:27,375 --> 00:38:29,958 - Hey, we can wait all day. - No, we can't. 662 00:38:29,958 --> 00:38:32,041 We need to talk about this back at the TVA. 663 00:38:32,041 --> 00:38:34,208 - No. We can talk here. Now. - Now. 664 00:38:34,208 --> 00:38:37,458 Fine. If we stay here, we're all gonna die. 665 00:38:38,041 --> 00:38:41,041 They're gonna die. Orange shirt, she's gonna die. 666 00:38:41,041 --> 00:38:43,416 Most importantly, we are all gonna die. 667 00:38:43,416 --> 00:38:46,125 This is gone! Unless we... 668 00:38:47,000 --> 00:38:50,125 - All this for Sylvie? - I don't buy it. 669 00:38:52,291 --> 00:38:55,083 - They're gonna bomb every branch. - Yeah, including this one. 670 00:38:55,083 --> 00:38:57,250 - Where do we go? - I'll show you. 671 00:38:57,958 --> 00:39:00,291 - B-15, incoming. Let's go. - Great. 672 00:39:00,958 --> 00:39:02,958 WOMAN: Are we pruning timelines now? 673 00:39:02,958 --> 00:39:05,250 CASEY: Targets are popping up all over the branches. 674 00:39:05,250 --> 00:39:07,583 HUNTER B-15: We need to know where this attack is coming from. 675 00:39:09,458 --> 00:39:12,166 MAN 2: What's happening? HUNTER B-15: Mobius. What is going on? 676 00:39:12,166 --> 00:39:13,833 MOBIUS: Dox wasn't looking for Sylvie. 677 00:39:13,833 --> 00:39:15,958 She's gonna prune all the new branches. 678 00:39:15,958 --> 00:39:19,625 She already is. Mobius, she's gonna kill them all. 679 00:39:19,625 --> 00:39:21,083 MAN 3: No pattern to it. 680 00:39:21,083 --> 00:39:22,791 Start tracking those charges. 681 00:39:25,708 --> 00:39:28,791 MAN 4: How are you on supplies? MAN 5: Low on reset charges. 682 00:39:28,791 --> 00:39:30,583 What are they doing with the Time Doors? 683 00:39:30,583 --> 00:39:32,541 Looks like they're connected to the TemPads. 684 00:39:32,541 --> 00:39:35,041 MOBIUS: Maybe that's why Brad's was modified. 685 00:39:36,166 --> 00:39:38,166 MALE ANALYST: They've pruned 30% of the branches. 686 00:39:38,166 --> 00:39:39,958 Is Mobius on the ground yet? 687 00:39:39,958 --> 00:39:42,583 HUNTER B-15: Mobius, they're killing billions. 688 00:39:42,583 --> 00:39:44,125 Take Dox down now. 689 00:39:44,125 --> 00:39:45,875 Minutemen are carrying reset charges. 690 00:39:45,875 --> 00:39:48,583 SYLVIE: That's how they're bombing all the timelines at once. 691 00:39:48,583 --> 00:39:50,208 Connected to that control panel. 692 00:39:50,208 --> 00:39:52,041 MOBIUS: That's our target. 693 00:39:52,166 --> 00:39:54,125 - I'll distract them. - Okay. 694 00:40:00,833 --> 00:40:02,958 Our mission is compromised. 695 00:40:02,958 --> 00:40:04,708 Set off what you can! 696 00:40:10,083 --> 00:40:13,041 We have to stop this. Can we disarm the charges? 697 00:40:13,041 --> 00:40:16,583 It's possible if we can track them, but there's too many. I'm gonna call O.B. 698 00:40:23,000 --> 00:40:24,208 MAN: Over here! 699 00:40:24,458 --> 00:40:26,875 We're too late. Finish it! 700 00:40:40,625 --> 00:40:42,333 Don't overthink it. 701 00:40:57,208 --> 00:40:58,916 Is this all of Dox's loyalists? 702 00:40:59,583 --> 00:41:01,000 Everyone who didn't escape. 703 00:41:01,625 --> 00:41:03,458 HUNTER B-15: Mobius, you should come back. 704 00:41:04,708 --> 00:41:06,125 Loki, we need to go. 705 00:41:41,416 --> 00:41:42,916 Those are people. 706 00:41:49,125 --> 00:41:50,833 Those are lives. 707 00:41:59,416 --> 00:42:01,791 (DEVICE BEEPS) 708 00:42:04,041 --> 00:42:07,416 Uh, guys, I got a hit on Renslayer's TemPad. 709 00:42:34,500 --> 00:42:36,291 - Sylvie... - Is this the best you lot can do? 710 00:42:37,125 --> 00:42:38,750 There was nothing we could do. 711 00:42:40,250 --> 00:42:41,541 Some defense. 712 00:42:43,791 --> 00:42:48,250 The TVA is the problem. It's broken, it's rotten. 713 00:42:50,500 --> 00:42:53,000 I'm going home... if it's still there. 714 00:42:53,000 --> 00:42:55,375 Please, don't. It's harder... 715 00:42:58,625 --> 00:42:59,750 to stay. 716 00:43:32,708 --> 00:43:36,708 (MUSIC PLAYING ON SPEAKER) 717 00:43:42,041 --> 00:43:44,458 Um... (CLEARS THROAT) Hey, Sylvie. You okay? 718 00:43:45,750 --> 00:43:49,208 - Just wanted to check. - Yeah, I'm good. Thanks. 719 00:43:50,208 --> 00:43:51,416 No problem. 720 00:43:52,083 --> 00:43:54,958 Um, do you think you'll be in tomorrow, though? 721 00:43:55,916 --> 00:43:57,000 Yeah. 722 00:43:58,458 --> 00:44:02,166 - Cool, cool. Mmm-hmm. - Jack? 723 00:44:02,333 --> 00:44:04,625 Is your mum on her way to pick you up? 724 00:44:04,625 --> 00:44:07,875 Yeah. She'll be here. I'm good. 725 00:44:10,708 --> 00:44:11,833 Good night. 726 00:44:11,833 --> 00:44:13,208 Bye-bye. (CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY)