1 00:00:03,229 --> 00:00:04,837 ♪ Here we live, oh, oh ♪ 2 00:00:04,913 --> 00:00:06,338 ♪ Here we'll stay, oh, whoo ♪ 3 00:00:06,490 --> 00:00:08,215 ♪ From longest night to longest day ♪ 4 00:00:08,325 --> 00:00:11,510 ♪ In the Great North. ♪ 5 00:00:13,514 --> 00:00:14,763 (cheering) 6 00:00:16,091 --> 00:00:18,258 HAM: This bread is gonna be bananas. 7 00:00:18,410 --> 00:00:20,335 Hmm, because it's banana bread. 8 00:00:20,354 --> 00:00:21,912 Which tastes bananas. Wait. 9 00:00:22,005 --> 00:00:23,430 Is that why they're called bananas? 10 00:00:23,599 --> 00:00:26,542 Or is feeling bananas named after the fruit? Bananas. 11 00:00:26,544 --> 00:00:29,177 Bananas? Oh, uh-oh, I'm in a spiral. 12 00:00:29,271 --> 00:00:31,104 -(nearby shouting) -Dad? 13 00:00:31,198 --> 00:00:33,257 -Dad! -BEEF: I'm fine, son. 14 00:00:33,275 --> 00:00:35,850 Go back to your midnight baking. It smells delicious. 15 00:00:35,928 --> 00:00:38,186 No, Dad, I'll just, uh, pull... 16 00:00:38,280 --> 00:00:40,947 -Ow. No, no, no. Ow! -I'll wake up Moon and Judy. 17 00:00:41,042 --> 00:00:43,024 We'll get you out, Dad. Code Mauve! 18 00:00:43,044 --> 00:00:44,543 Dad's bed finally gave out! 19 00:00:44,694 --> 00:00:47,212 Dad, your mattress is now actively trying to kill you. 20 00:00:47,439 --> 00:00:49,239 Will you please get a new one? 21 00:00:49,241 --> 00:00:52,292 That mattress is the only one I've ever slept on as an adult. 22 00:00:52,369 --> 00:00:53,868 It's a Tobin family heirloom. 23 00:00:53,888 --> 00:00:55,779 I was planning on leaving it to one of you in my will. 24 00:00:55,798 --> 00:00:58,965 Come on, Dad, that mattress has been awful for years. 25 00:00:59,118 --> 00:01:01,118 And now you're not sleeping, like, at all. 26 00:01:01,136 --> 00:01:03,287 Last week, after you dropped me off at school, 27 00:01:03,380 --> 00:01:04,805 you dozed off in the parking lot. 28 00:01:04,899 --> 00:01:06,881 It was embarrassing, but I covered for you 29 00:01:06,975 --> 00:01:08,625 by telling people you were just drunk. 30 00:01:08,794 --> 00:01:10,218 I'm not that tired, Goon. 31 00:01:10,312 --> 00:01:12,237 -Oh, no. -Dad, we understand that you form 32 00:01:12,464 --> 00:01:14,055 a sentimental attachment to... 33 00:01:14,149 --> 00:01:15,908 almost everything, but you need a new bed. 34 00:01:16,135 --> 00:01:17,634 But I slept there on my wedding night. 35 00:01:17,653 --> 00:01:19,319 I slept there when they announced the first 36 00:01:19,471 --> 00:01:21,396 American Idol, and not to be crass, 37 00:01:21,490 --> 00:01:23,582 but I've done all of my best farts in there. 38 00:01:23,809 --> 00:01:25,918 All of them, Dad? What about cousin Becca's communion? 39 00:01:26,087 --> 00:01:29,237 Ah, yes, who could ever forget "The Grumbler." 40 00:01:29,331 --> 00:01:31,406 They had to bring in new communion wafers. 41 00:01:31,500 --> 00:01:33,759 Dad, you can't be a good father and fisher-person on no sleep. 42 00:01:33,986 --> 00:01:37,337 All right. In the morning I'll go purchase a new mattress. 43 00:01:37,431 --> 00:01:39,414 Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go listen 44 00:01:39,491 --> 00:01:42,768 to some Justin Guarini and fart in my bed one last time. 45 00:01:42,937 --> 00:01:44,661 Hello. I'm Matthew. 46 00:01:44,680 --> 00:01:45,846 Welcome to Sleeping Duty. 47 00:01:45,940 --> 00:01:47,589 Do you have any questions I can answer? 48 00:01:47,608 --> 00:01:49,015 Oh, I'd love to know what happens when we die. 49 00:01:49,168 --> 00:01:51,668 Well, I think we get born again as a baby? 50 00:01:51,687 --> 00:01:53,112 As the same soul but within a new vessel 51 00:01:53,263 --> 00:01:55,172 and we have to learn different lessons each go-round 52 00:01:55,190 --> 00:01:56,523 until we reach enlightenment. 53 00:01:56,617 --> 00:01:58,617 But I guess I meant any mattress questions I can answer. 54 00:01:58,768 --> 00:02:01,027 Well, this is actually my first time purchasing 55 00:02:01,180 --> 00:02:04,606 a mattress for myself and I am quite overwhelmed. 56 00:02:04,700 --> 00:02:05,940 Sir, it is going to be okay. 57 00:02:06,034 --> 00:02:07,626 Now, what size are you looking for? 58 00:02:07,777 --> 00:02:10,203 My old mattress was an Alaskan queen. 59 00:02:10,297 --> 00:02:12,706 Ooh, I'm so sorry, but Alaskan queen 60 00:02:12,800 --> 00:02:14,282 was a promotional size they used 61 00:02:14,301 --> 00:02:16,193 to celebrate the Alaskan Centennial. 62 00:02:16,286 --> 00:02:18,137 So we wouldn't have anything to fit your old frame. 63 00:02:18,364 --> 00:02:20,121 Wait, I have a bandsaw at home. 64 00:02:20,141 --> 00:02:21,640 I can buy one of these king mattresses 65 00:02:21,867 --> 00:02:22,975 and shave down the sides. 66 00:02:23,126 --> 00:02:25,477 I wouldn't recommend sawing a mattress, sir. 67 00:02:25,704 --> 00:02:27,962 All the bounce will just whoosh right out the sides. 68 00:02:28,056 --> 00:02:29,648 So you're gonna need a new frame as well. 69 00:02:29,875 --> 00:02:31,057 Luckily, we have many choices. 70 00:02:31,210 --> 00:02:32,818 Choices. Oh, God, not choices. 71 00:02:33,045 --> 00:02:35,545 Well, Dad, uh, since you said one of us kids are going 72 00:02:35,639 --> 00:02:37,714 to inherit the bed, maybe we could help you choose one. 73 00:02:37,733 --> 00:02:39,883 -Oh, yeah. -I definitely saw one I'd love to die on 74 00:02:39,902 --> 00:02:41,493 when I'm exactly 89 years old. 75 00:02:41,645 --> 00:02:43,645 I'll be holding Crispin's hand and I'll whisper into his ear, 76 00:02:43,664 --> 00:02:46,239 "If you ever marry again I'll haunt your ass." 77 00:02:46,333 --> 00:02:48,725 Okay, lead us there, Ham. 78 00:02:48,818 --> 00:02:50,318 HONEYBEE: Unit A. There. 79 00:02:50,337 --> 00:02:53,655 I typed out our new address on all 958 of our business cards. 80 00:02:53,823 --> 00:02:55,749 I can't believe we have our own mailing address. 81 00:02:55,901 --> 00:02:58,402 Which is just our old one, but with Unit A at the end. 82 00:02:58,495 --> 00:03:00,179 This is like when Meghan and Harry finally got 83 00:03:00,406 --> 00:03:02,497 -their own mailbox in Oprah's backyard. -We got to celebrate. 84 00:03:02,666 --> 00:03:04,850 Let's go to Busy Beaver's Office Supply Cabin 85 00:03:05,001 --> 00:03:06,518 and get a new card holder. 86 00:03:06,687 --> 00:03:07,835 Ooh, I saw a mug there last time 87 00:03:07,855 --> 00:03:09,262 that had a corgi on it and it said, 88 00:03:09,356 --> 00:03:11,005 "One of these days I got to get Corg-anized." 89 00:03:11,099 --> 00:03:12,173 I just might treat myself. 90 00:03:12,193 --> 00:03:13,692 Oh, wow. Look, someone sent us 91 00:03:13,919 --> 00:03:15,252 one of those eatable bouquets. 92 00:03:15,345 --> 00:03:18,030 "Dear Mark and Sheryl, congratulations on the wedding. 93 00:03:18,257 --> 00:03:21,591 Enjoy the mango and melon. Yours truly, Nancy"? 94 00:03:21,685 --> 00:03:23,518 Oh, no. This is meant for Unit A 95 00:03:23,595 --> 00:03:25,095 on Old Outhouse Road in Talkeetna. 96 00:03:25,264 --> 00:03:26,780 We got to get it to its rightful home. 97 00:03:26,874 --> 00:03:28,448 We can't let another couple start 98 00:03:28,600 --> 00:03:30,525 their married lives without this amazing treat. 99 00:03:30,619 --> 00:03:32,026 Well, there's a number on the packing slip. 100 00:03:32,120 --> 00:03:33,603 Let's call, and if they're around, 101 00:03:33,622 --> 00:03:34,696 we can drive it out to Talkeetna today. 102 00:03:34,715 --> 00:03:36,790 Great idea, my melon mommy. 103 00:03:36,959 --> 00:03:38,717 Please do not ever call me that again. 104 00:03:38,868 --> 00:03:40,961 Yeah, that's fair. All right, let's give them a jingle 105 00:03:41,055 --> 00:03:42,462 and arrange a mail mingle. 106 00:03:42,631 --> 00:03:44,781 What'd I tell you? This bed is elegant 107 00:03:44,800 --> 00:03:48,393 and magical and you could use some escapism in your life, Dad. 108 00:03:48,620 --> 00:03:49,561 Okay, I'll take it. 109 00:03:49,713 --> 00:03:51,230 Wonderful, I'll ring you up up front. 110 00:03:51,457 --> 00:03:52,789 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. No fair. 111 00:03:52,808 --> 00:03:54,975 I also saw a bed that's perfect for me. I mean, Dad. 112 00:03:55,127 --> 00:03:57,477 -But then I'd inherit it one day, like he said. -I saw one, too. 113 00:03:57,571 --> 00:03:59,129 Well, your dad should choose his own... 114 00:03:59,222 --> 00:04:00,464 Hey, I have an idea. 115 00:04:00,557 --> 00:04:02,056 How about a little friendly competition? 116 00:04:02,076 --> 00:04:03,483 We each have to tell Dad a bedtime story 117 00:04:03,577 --> 00:04:05,652 about the beds we want. Dad's the judge. 118 00:04:05,729 --> 00:04:06,970 Whoever tells the best story, 119 00:04:07,139 --> 00:04:08,822 Dad buys the bed of that person's choosing 120 00:04:08,916 --> 00:04:10,657 and they get to inherit it when he croaks. 121 00:04:10,751 --> 00:04:12,492 No offense, Dad, but you will croak someday. 122 00:04:12,586 --> 00:04:15,145 -None taken. -All right, I will tell the first story 123 00:04:15,238 --> 00:04:16,329 so I can have Dad's deathbed. 124 00:04:16,423 --> 00:04:17,756 And I'm definitely gonna win, 125 00:04:17,983 --> 00:04:20,166 'cause my sleep number is destroy. 126 00:04:20,319 --> 00:04:23,411 Now gather round as I begin my tale. 127 00:04:23,430 --> 00:04:25,672 Hmm. It's pretty slow today, so I guess I'll just listen in. 128 00:04:25,766 --> 00:04:28,767 Once upon a time, there was a hairy little fellow 129 00:04:28,918 --> 00:04:30,602 named Beefbo Dad-gins who lived 130 00:04:30,829 --> 00:04:32,012 in a magical village called... 131 00:04:32,164 --> 00:04:34,088 The Briar. Beefbo was the most 132 00:04:34,182 --> 00:04:37,183 beloved of all the creatures known as the Norbits. 133 00:04:37,352 --> 00:04:38,685 That's a totally different movie. 134 00:04:38,837 --> 00:04:40,170 This isn't based on a movie. 135 00:04:40,339 --> 00:04:42,522 This is a completely original story. As I was saying... 136 00:04:42,674 --> 00:04:44,783 Beefbo Dad-gins was with his friends 137 00:04:45,010 --> 00:04:46,601 Wolfwise Bingbong and Judy Teengirl 138 00:04:46,695 --> 00:04:49,846 when the wizard Hamdalf the Grape suddenly appeared. 139 00:04:49,865 --> 00:04:52,106 Hamdalf, how grape to see you. 140 00:04:52,200 --> 00:04:53,867 It's grape to see you, too. 141 00:04:53,961 --> 00:04:57,020 But I'm afraid I come bearing dire news. 142 00:04:57,113 --> 00:04:59,372 -Diarrhea news? -I said "dire." 143 00:04:59,525 --> 00:05:00,966 Beefbo, you know how you've slept 144 00:05:01,193 --> 00:05:03,117 your entire life on the same mattress? 145 00:05:03,244 --> 00:05:06,713 -Yes. -Well, it's infested with dark magic. 146 00:05:06,865 --> 00:05:10,033 And I've built you a beautiful new bed right here, but first 147 00:05:10,126 --> 00:05:11,417 I need you to take the old, 148 00:05:11,478 --> 00:05:13,703 evil mattress and throw it into the fire atop 149 00:05:13,722 --> 00:05:16,648 the garbage mountain at Junkyard Kyle-eron's. 150 00:05:16,800 --> 00:05:18,058 I don't know. We were just about 151 00:05:18,152 --> 00:05:20,560 to clasp hands and dance about in a circle. 152 00:05:20,712 --> 00:05:23,046 The fallen leaves are ripe for a rolling. 153 00:05:23,065 --> 00:05:24,972 And we still need to whistle and giggle 154 00:05:25,141 --> 00:05:26,158 and say, "Oh, what a day." 155 00:05:26,309 --> 00:05:28,552 Oh, my God. Would you guys focus up? 156 00:05:28,570 --> 00:05:30,220 Your mattress is infested with dark magic 157 00:05:30,238 --> 00:05:32,814 and you must destroy it in a firepit after a long journey. 158 00:05:32,833 --> 00:05:35,149 -Can my friends come? -(sighs) Uh, uh, yeah. 159 00:05:35,243 --> 00:05:36,484 Wh... I guess, whatever. 160 00:05:36,578 --> 00:05:37,985 We have to go now. Everyone get your shoes. 161 00:05:38,080 --> 00:05:39,838 We don't have shoes. That's our whole thing. 162 00:05:40,007 --> 00:05:42,065 We're Norbits. We have big, horrible, 163 00:05:42,158 --> 00:05:44,417 hairy feet and everyone has to look at them. 164 00:05:44,570 --> 00:05:46,160 Oh I see, I get it, okay, I'm a character with big, 165 00:05:46,180 --> 00:05:48,513 hairy feet. Ha, ha, ha. You know I'm self-conscious 166 00:05:48,665 --> 00:05:49,923 about my hirsute hoofs. 167 00:05:49,999 --> 00:05:51,241 Mm-hmm. I do. 168 00:05:51,334 --> 00:05:52,517 Anyway, so Hamdalf the Grape 169 00:05:52,744 --> 00:05:54,244 and the Norbits set off on their journey. 170 00:05:54,262 --> 00:05:55,912 But they would need help, so they gathered 171 00:05:55,931 --> 00:05:57,430 more magical friends with dumb names 172 00:05:57,583 --> 00:06:00,025 who were very ready to die for the main guy. 173 00:06:00,176 --> 00:06:02,176 I'm Honeyborn of Fresno. 174 00:06:02,196 --> 00:06:03,937 Jerromir of the Central Valley. 175 00:06:04,031 --> 00:06:06,272 Moonli. You don't need to know where I'm from. 176 00:06:06,367 --> 00:06:07,924 HAM: They were finally assembled. 177 00:06:07,943 --> 00:06:10,443 The Fellowship of the Springs. 178 00:06:10,596 --> 00:06:12,520 And then they walk a bunch with some beautiful 179 00:06:12,614 --> 00:06:14,598 shots of scenic Alaska, you know, some music 180 00:06:14,616 --> 00:06:17,024 that goes, like... Bum-bum, bah-bah-bum, bah-bah-bum. ♪ 181 00:06:17,044 --> 00:06:19,603 But then they begin to sense that someone is following them, 182 00:06:19,696 --> 00:06:22,439 and they're right. It's a weird little guy named Meatball. 183 00:06:22,457 --> 00:06:24,290 These Tobins-es, 184 00:06:24,443 --> 00:06:26,718 they have it, my special. 185 00:06:26,870 --> 00:06:29,554 My pressure point mattress. 186 00:06:33,543 --> 00:06:36,210 -HAM: So Meatball was stalking the Fellowship of the Springs... -Yoo-hoo. 187 00:06:36,304 --> 00:06:37,545 Just ignore him. 188 00:06:37,564 --> 00:06:39,973 I know a shortcut to the place where you can get 189 00:06:40,067 --> 00:06:42,901 rid of that mattress that I desperately want. 190 00:06:43,128 --> 00:06:45,311 I mean, that I don't want. 191 00:06:45,464 --> 00:06:47,647 -Should we trust him? -Hmm. This is the part 192 00:06:47,799 --> 00:06:51,726 of the story where we make a bad decision, so yeah. 193 00:06:51,745 --> 00:06:53,561 Great choice, idiots. 194 00:06:53,655 --> 00:06:55,396 I mean, follow me. 195 00:06:55,416 --> 00:06:57,249 Come on in. 196 00:06:58,326 --> 00:07:00,326 One dang to frang them all. 197 00:07:00,479 --> 00:07:02,570 -Borcs! -Give us that gross old bed. 198 00:07:02,664 --> 00:07:05,006 (all grunting) 199 00:07:05,817 --> 00:07:06,499 There's too many! 200 00:07:06,593 --> 00:07:08,485 This fight is kind of boring. 201 00:07:08,654 --> 00:07:10,262 Will you all just, like, die already? 202 00:07:10,489 --> 00:07:12,505 HAM: Beefbo and his companions were surrounded 203 00:07:12,599 --> 00:07:13,915 and, in a panic, 204 00:07:13,934 --> 00:07:15,508 he folded himself into the mattress 205 00:07:15,602 --> 00:07:18,828 and, like, somehow magically and bravely disappeared. 206 00:07:18,922 --> 00:07:21,998 When Beefbo finally awoke, the Borcs had been defeated 207 00:07:22,091 --> 00:07:24,776 and his friends had, like, found him somehow. 208 00:07:24,928 --> 00:07:27,779 Well, look who decided to wake up after the battle is over. 209 00:07:27,931 --> 00:07:29,597 You know how many times I got stabbed? 210 00:07:29,691 --> 00:07:30,523 A lot. 211 00:07:30,767 --> 00:07:32,025 How did you know that the mattress 212 00:07:32,177 --> 00:07:34,010 -would make you disappear? -I didn't. 213 00:07:34,103 --> 00:07:35,603 Well, let's take a break to eat, 'cause, you know, 214 00:07:35,697 --> 00:07:37,847 we need time for a plot twist, so we can't 215 00:07:37,941 --> 00:07:39,199 go to the evil garbage mountain 216 00:07:39,275 --> 00:07:40,792 that's right next to us just yet. 217 00:07:41,019 --> 00:07:42,777 HAM: As they ate third breakfast, the mattress 218 00:07:42,796 --> 00:07:44,354 started using its dark magic, 219 00:07:44,372 --> 00:07:46,948 trying to tempt the fellows to betray each other. 220 00:07:46,967 --> 00:07:49,634 Psst. Why don't you and I run away together? 221 00:07:49,786 --> 00:07:51,636 You're not the first mattress to chat me up. 222 00:07:51,863 --> 00:07:53,154 -Answer's no, bud. -Dang it. 223 00:07:53,215 --> 00:07:54,547 -Hey, Jerry? -Mm-mmm. 224 00:07:54,641 --> 00:07:56,141 Leave me alone. 225 00:07:56,310 --> 00:07:58,535 Moonli, you can possess my power. 226 00:07:58,628 --> 00:07:59,961 Yes. Yes. 227 00:08:00,055 --> 00:08:01,387 I could take the special. 228 00:08:01,540 --> 00:08:02,981 Give me the mattress. I'll kill you all! 229 00:08:03,208 --> 00:08:04,149 It's mine. Mine! 230 00:08:04,300 --> 00:08:05,558 This mattress is too powerful. 231 00:08:05,652 --> 00:08:07,134 It's gonna turn you all to the dark side. 232 00:08:07,229 --> 00:08:08,895 JUDY: Uh, Ham that's Star Wars. 233 00:08:09,064 --> 00:08:10,730 HAM: Is it? Oh, yeah. Anyway, my point is, 234 00:08:10,899 --> 00:08:14,217 at that moment, Beefbo decides he has to take the mattress 235 00:08:14,310 --> 00:08:16,161 the rest of the way all alone. 236 00:08:16,312 --> 00:08:18,738 And then, out of nowhere, garbage demons 237 00:08:18,832 --> 00:08:21,057 that looked like Delmer appeared. 238 00:08:21,150 --> 00:08:23,150 Beefbo knocked them out with kicking. 239 00:08:23,170 --> 00:08:25,170 -Oh, hell no. -Oh, hell no. -Oh, hell no. 240 00:08:25,321 --> 00:08:26,730 -Oh, hell no. -Oh, hell no. 241 00:08:26,748 --> 00:08:28,006 HAM: Then, finally, 242 00:08:28,083 --> 00:08:30,157 he reached the edge of the fiery pit, 243 00:08:30,252 --> 00:08:31,993 but that mattress was not down to die, 244 00:08:32,087 --> 00:08:34,087 and, frankly, got quite sassy with Beefbo. 245 00:08:34,239 --> 00:08:35,514 You don't destroy me. 246 00:08:35,665 --> 00:08:39,000 -I destroy you. Night-night, Beefbo. -(yelling) 247 00:08:39,019 --> 00:08:41,427 HAM: It looks like Beefbo is toast, 248 00:08:41,580 --> 00:08:43,079 but then, suddenly, Meatball appears. 249 00:08:43,172 --> 00:08:45,582 He grabs onto the mattress. 250 00:08:45,600 --> 00:08:48,193 My special! 251 00:08:48,420 --> 00:08:49,769 (screaming) 252 00:08:49,863 --> 00:08:51,938 HAM: And for a second, it seems like Beefbo's dead 253 00:08:52,032 --> 00:08:53,347 and it's like, "Oh, no!" 254 00:08:53,441 --> 00:08:55,182 But actually, he grabbed the cliff, 255 00:08:55,202 --> 00:08:56,535 and it's like, "Hell yeah!" 256 00:08:56,762 --> 00:08:59,186 Having saved the world, Beefbo collapses. 257 00:08:59,206 --> 00:09:00,872 But when he awakens, he's in the new bed 258 00:09:01,024 --> 00:09:02,356 that Hamdalf had made for him. 259 00:09:02,450 --> 00:09:04,267 And then the Norbits come in 260 00:09:04,360 --> 00:09:05,785 and have a, you know, 261 00:09:05,937 --> 00:09:07,954 a big pillow fight for no reason. 262 00:09:08,106 --> 00:09:09,864 Thank you, Hamdalf. Now my life is perfect 263 00:09:09,883 --> 00:09:12,108 because of this bed, the end. 264 00:09:12,127 --> 00:09:13,443 That was a lovely story, Ham. 265 00:09:13,536 --> 00:09:14,794 JUDY: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 266 00:09:14,871 --> 00:09:16,370 Yeah, it was great. But, Dad, 267 00:09:16,390 --> 00:09:17,872 this isn't the bed for you. 268 00:09:17,966 --> 00:09:19,616 Sure, it's pretty and relaxing, 269 00:09:19,709 --> 00:09:20,800 but you hate relaxing. 270 00:09:20,894 --> 00:09:22,468 You like getting things done. 271 00:09:22,621 --> 00:09:24,545 What you need is a bed that works as hard as you do. 272 00:09:24,565 --> 00:09:25,546 Keep talking. 273 00:09:25,566 --> 00:09:26,956 (whistles) 274 00:09:26,975 --> 00:09:29,050 Yep, that's the whistle, now let ol' Judy 275 00:09:29,069 --> 00:09:30,384 tell you about the bells. 276 00:09:30,404 --> 00:09:31,477 You know, fun fact: 277 00:09:31,630 --> 00:09:33,146 -I've never had mango or melon. -Really? 278 00:09:33,298 --> 00:09:35,222 Tropical fruit doesn't make it to Lone Moose very often. 279 00:09:35,242 --> 00:09:38,225 One time, I did have a teaspoon of pineapple-orange flavored 280 00:09:38,245 --> 00:09:40,078 Mucinex. Mmm, I'll never forget it. 281 00:09:40,305 --> 00:09:41,638 Maybe you should try a fruit flower? 282 00:09:41,656 --> 00:09:43,898 -They won't notice just one. -I guess you're right. 283 00:09:43,917 --> 00:09:45,809 Let me tango with some mango. 284 00:09:45,827 --> 00:09:46,826 Honeydew me! 285 00:09:46,995 --> 00:09:48,753 Ah, this is the best thing I've ever tasted. 286 00:09:48,905 --> 00:09:50,255 -You got to try some. -Mm-mmm. 287 00:09:50,482 --> 00:09:52,424 I'm from the Central Valley, and I have very high standards 288 00:09:52,651 --> 00:09:54,426 for fru... Ooh! 289 00:09:54,577 --> 00:09:56,761 Oh, and that is some damn good fruit. 290 00:09:56,838 --> 00:09:58,079 Should we eat just one more? 291 00:09:58,098 --> 00:10:00,599 Mm, one more each. So it looks balanced. 292 00:10:01,435 --> 00:10:03,768 Fruit by the fudge, what have we done? 293 00:10:03,995 --> 00:10:05,511 We buffeted the whole bouquet. 294 00:10:05,664 --> 00:10:07,180 Bedside fax machine, 295 00:10:07,332 --> 00:10:09,107 a footstool that doubles as a Keurig. 296 00:10:09,334 --> 00:10:11,258 Smart A.I. drool absorption technology. 297 00:10:11,278 --> 00:10:13,445 -Do I... want that? -Of course I do. 298 00:10:13,596 --> 00:10:15,004 I mean, you do. 299 00:10:15,098 --> 00:10:16,673 Because in your professional life, 300 00:10:16,766 --> 00:10:18,191 this bed will get you right to the top. 301 00:10:18,343 --> 00:10:20,285 As you will hear in the competition-winning story 302 00:10:20,454 --> 00:10:22,287 of a young woman named Jandrea, 303 00:10:22,438 --> 00:10:24,572 who is a lot like me, but brunette. 304 00:10:24,625 --> 00:10:26,866 Jandrea wakes up in her nondescript apartment 305 00:10:26,960 --> 00:10:29,035 on her lumpy but relatable mattress. 306 00:10:29,112 --> 00:10:31,445 It's her first day working at Mattress, 307 00:10:31,465 --> 00:10:33,189 the premiere mattress magazine. 308 00:10:33,208 --> 00:10:34,466 She's late, but it's cute. 309 00:10:34,617 --> 00:10:36,693 JANDREA: My first job in journalism. 310 00:10:36,711 --> 00:10:37,802 I bet it'll go really smoothly 311 00:10:37,879 --> 00:10:39,638 and everyone will like me right away. 312 00:10:39,789 --> 00:10:40,880 -Hello. -Okay. 313 00:10:41,032 --> 00:10:42,474 First things first, I don't like you. 314 00:10:42,550 --> 00:10:44,476 Now keep up because I'm only gonna say this once. 315 00:10:44,552 --> 00:10:46,311 -I'm first assistant, you're second. -Uh... 316 00:10:46,462 --> 00:10:47,871 -I'm great, you're terrible. -Okay. 317 00:10:47,889 --> 00:10:49,539 -Beefanda is our boss. -Right. 318 00:10:49,557 --> 00:10:51,132 He's pushing out the September Mattress issue, 319 00:10:51,151 --> 00:10:52,834 -going to Mattress Week in Phoenix. Oh. -Uh-huh. 320 00:10:52,894 --> 00:10:54,653 And he's also going through a divorce and getting pushed 321 00:10:54,804 --> 00:10:57,155 out of the company and he's gonna take it all out on you. 322 00:10:57,232 --> 00:10:59,716 -Oh. -Mm, shove it in your hat, the Pope. Ciao. 323 00:10:59,734 --> 00:11:00,975 Hi there. I'm Jandrea, 324 00:11:01,069 --> 00:11:02,735 your new assistant-slash-journalist. 325 00:11:02,829 --> 00:11:06,498 Chug-a-chug-a-snooze-snooze. The new mattress line is in. 326 00:11:06,667 --> 00:11:09,316 -Mün, who's that? -Her? Ugh, don't get me started. 327 00:11:09,336 --> 00:11:11,911 Hmm, these feel more posh futon 328 00:11:11,988 --> 00:11:13,413 than mattress. What do you think? 329 00:11:13,565 --> 00:11:15,340 You know me, a bed skirt and a box spring 330 00:11:15,567 --> 00:11:17,250 and I'm sleepin' all over Seattle. 331 00:11:17,344 --> 00:11:19,678 Let's try a fitted sheet. 332 00:11:19,829 --> 00:11:22,514 And that, sir, is why you get paid the big bucks. 333 00:11:22,665 --> 00:11:24,724 -Groundbreaking. -(laughs) 334 00:11:25,835 --> 00:11:28,594 Is something funny, Pangea? 335 00:11:29,431 --> 00:11:31,414 It's Jandrea. It's just that... 336 00:11:31,507 --> 00:11:33,007 these mattresses all look the same to me. 337 00:11:33,101 --> 00:11:35,009 I'm still learning about these things. 338 00:11:35,103 --> 00:11:36,695 Things? Okay. 339 00:11:36,846 --> 00:11:39,214 You think this doesn't have anything to do with you. 340 00:11:39,216 --> 00:11:41,849 Based on your bed head, you sleep on a 341 00:11:41,943 --> 00:11:43,927 Swedish big box Nerdboink mattress. 342 00:11:44,020 --> 00:11:45,870 What you don't know is that your dumpy 343 00:11:46,022 --> 00:11:48,022 bed-in-a-box isn't made of memory foam. 344 00:11:48,041 --> 00:11:50,542 It's not latex, it's not gel, it's a hybrid. 345 00:11:50,802 --> 00:11:52,026 In 2009, Serta did 346 00:11:52,045 --> 00:11:53,712 a collection of hybrids. Then Stearns and Foster. 347 00:11:53,863 --> 00:11:57,607 Then, in our September issue, we did the defining spread. 348 00:11:57,700 --> 00:12:00,534 Hybrid mattresses sprang up in a dozen department stores. 349 00:12:00,554 --> 00:12:03,704 That lump of coil and foam sitting on your floor 350 00:12:03,782 --> 00:12:06,391 was chosen for you by us. 351 00:12:06,618 --> 00:12:08,727 From a bunch of things. 352 00:12:08,878 --> 00:12:10,544 -Nothing more. -(exhales) 353 00:12:10,564 --> 00:12:12,379 JUDY: And just like that, Jandrea was in 354 00:12:12,474 --> 00:12:14,524 way over her relatable brunette head. 355 00:12:18,646 --> 00:12:20,405 Judy, are you really trying to get Dad to buy you this bed 356 00:12:20,632 --> 00:12:22,389 so you can someday work at a magazine? 357 00:12:22,484 --> 00:12:24,266 (scoffs) Yeah, he doesn't even like them. 358 00:12:24,319 --> 00:12:25,726 -He calls them slippery books. -Shh. 359 00:12:25,746 --> 00:12:28,395 Quiet, both of you, or I'll kick your slippery butts. 360 00:12:28,564 --> 00:12:30,490 Okay, so Jandrea was commiserating 361 00:12:30,642 --> 00:12:32,658 with her new friend-slash-mentor Wolfgang... 362 00:12:32,811 --> 00:12:35,086 Beefanda asked me for a Murphy bed and then I spent 363 00:12:35,238 --> 00:12:37,981 four hours trying to find out what Eddie Murphy sleeps on. 364 00:12:38,074 --> 00:12:39,983 Well, have you ever considered that if you just 365 00:12:40,076 --> 00:12:41,909 bought an attractive performance bed suddenly 366 00:12:41,928 --> 00:12:44,170 you'd become successful and betray all of your friends? 367 00:12:44,322 --> 00:12:46,247 No, I hadn't considered that. 368 00:12:46,341 --> 00:12:48,433 JUDY: So she does it. She buys the bed, which is a great bed. 369 00:12:48,660 --> 00:12:50,584 It's much better than the bed that Ham wanted, 370 00:12:50,604 --> 00:12:52,253 which is frankly garbage. 371 00:12:52,272 --> 00:12:54,588 And then she starts dressing better and she doesn't mind 372 00:12:54,608 --> 00:12:56,107 when her boss throws stuff at her head and then 373 00:12:56,334 --> 00:12:57,275 everything is basically perfect 374 00:12:57,502 --> 00:12:58,592 because she bought the bed. 375 00:12:58,686 --> 00:13:00,427 Sangria, when the rough draft 376 00:13:00,447 --> 00:13:02,688 of the September Mattress issue is ready, 377 00:13:02,857 --> 00:13:04,282 drop it off at my house tonight. 378 00:13:04,433 --> 00:13:05,950 I want you to do it because 379 00:13:06,177 --> 00:13:07,768 now I like you better than I like Mün. 380 00:13:07,862 --> 00:13:09,996 I'll give her the keys. 381 00:13:10,698 --> 00:13:13,107 (Beefanda crying) 382 00:13:13,201 --> 00:13:14,942 Beefanda, are you okay? 383 00:13:14,961 --> 00:13:17,128 Jandrea, I don't want you to see me like this. 384 00:13:17,297 --> 00:13:19,631 My life is in shambles. If it weren't for this affordable 385 00:13:19,782 --> 00:13:22,208 yet feature-rich bed I don't know what I would do. 386 00:13:22,302 --> 00:13:23,617 But I've made a decision. 387 00:13:23,711 --> 00:13:26,362 I want you in Phoenix with me for Mattress Week. 388 00:13:26,381 --> 00:13:28,364 -Yes, absolutely. -Great. 389 00:13:28,383 --> 00:13:30,141 Tell Mün that he's no longer going. 390 00:13:30,293 --> 00:13:32,310 Oh, and could you fall down the stairs on your way out? 391 00:13:32,537 --> 00:13:34,871 -I think it would be funny. -Of course. 392 00:13:35,040 --> 00:13:36,964 -(grunting) -(thumping) 393 00:13:37,651 --> 00:13:39,800 I don't know how to tell Mün he's not going to Phoenix. 394 00:13:39,820 --> 00:13:42,136 I knew the high-end Mattress world would change you, 395 00:13:42,213 --> 00:13:43,470 and I was right. 396 00:13:43,565 --> 00:13:45,381 But I'm still taking this free designer mattress 397 00:13:45,400 --> 00:13:46,991 you brought to this restaurant to give me. 398 00:13:47,218 --> 00:13:48,718 Yeah, and I know we just appeared in this story 399 00:13:48,736 --> 00:13:50,570 out of nowhere, but trust us, 400 00:13:50,722 --> 00:13:52,555 you've turned into a very bad person. 401 00:13:52,574 --> 00:13:54,440 -(grunting) -Whoa, whoa, wait. Please stay. 402 00:13:54,501 --> 00:13:56,000 Maybe I won't betray Mün and tell him 403 00:13:56,152 --> 00:13:57,910 that he's not going to Phoenix. Uh... 404 00:13:58,063 --> 00:14:00,171 -Oh, hi, Mün. -Ouch, Jandrea. 405 00:14:00,398 --> 00:14:01,914 I guess bed bugs do bite. 406 00:14:02,008 --> 00:14:03,675 The only thing that would make this worse 407 00:14:03,826 --> 00:14:05,510 is if I got hit by a taxi. 408 00:14:05,661 --> 00:14:07,737 (grunts) My scarves! 409 00:14:07,755 --> 00:14:09,681 So Jandrea, realizing she's gone too far, 410 00:14:09,908 --> 00:14:12,742 uses a very special feature on the bed: the wake-up call. 411 00:14:12,835 --> 00:14:15,078 Wake-up calls are not an actual feature of the bed. 412 00:14:15,171 --> 00:14:16,429 They are now, Matt. 413 00:14:16,581 --> 00:14:18,247 BED: Jandrea, this is your wake-up call. 414 00:14:18,341 --> 00:14:21,342 As your smart bed, I'm advising you to be ambitious. 415 00:14:21,436 --> 00:14:23,419 -Uh-huh. -But not too ambitious. 416 00:14:23,438 --> 00:14:25,179 -All right. -And also be pretty, 417 00:14:25,198 --> 00:14:26,606 -but not too pretty. -Got it. 418 00:14:26,758 --> 00:14:28,349 And keep those new bangs but wear your old jeans. 419 00:14:28,517 --> 00:14:30,593 Basically, be the best version of yourself. 420 00:14:30,686 --> 00:14:33,687 -JUDY: And that's what she does. -HAM: Okay. I like her now. 421 00:14:33,707 --> 00:14:36,099 JUDY: Right? But Jandrea still has to go to Phoenix 422 00:14:36,117 --> 00:14:37,358 for Mattress Week. 423 00:14:37,377 --> 00:14:39,102 Tempur-Pedic's done it again. 424 00:14:39,195 --> 00:14:41,437 Set a meeting with them. Oh, and also text Mün 425 00:14:41,530 --> 00:14:43,882 and tell him he's a barf bag and he stinks. 426 00:14:44,109 --> 00:14:46,459 You know what, I don't want to. 427 00:14:46,553 --> 00:14:48,970 (phone ringing) 428 00:14:51,749 --> 00:14:54,559 So, what brought you to our little local mattress magazine? 429 00:14:54,728 --> 00:14:57,470 Well, I learned a very important lesson from a performance bed. 430 00:14:57,564 --> 00:15:00,231 And the lesson I learned was that every father 431 00:15:00,383 --> 00:15:01,900 should buy a performance bed, 432 00:15:02,051 --> 00:15:04,402 so that when he dies his daughter can have it. 433 00:15:04,553 --> 00:15:05,461 You're hired. 434 00:15:05,554 --> 00:15:07,130 See, Dad? It's the perfect bed. 435 00:15:07,148 --> 00:15:08,740 For me and you. 436 00:15:08,891 --> 00:15:09,966 I'd love for you to have this bed 437 00:15:09,984 --> 00:15:11,409 if it would change your life, Judy. 438 00:15:11,560 --> 00:15:14,820 I mean, it's $1,800, but I guess I could 439 00:15:14,973 --> 00:15:16,730 spread it out over 15 credit cards. 440 00:15:16,808 --> 00:15:19,308 Father, Father, Father, this isn't the bed for you. 441 00:15:19,327 --> 00:15:21,419 You're a man of action. Sleep bores you. 442 00:15:21,570 --> 00:15:23,737 That's why you only do it for four and half hours a night. 443 00:15:23,831 --> 00:15:25,648 I have four words for you. 444 00:15:25,667 --> 00:15:28,317 Twin. Size. Racecar. Bed. 445 00:15:28,411 --> 00:15:30,319 Matthew, show us your racing fleet. 446 00:15:30,413 --> 00:15:32,655 You want me to show your father a child's racecar bed? 447 00:15:32,674 --> 00:15:34,248 Vroom-vroom, sir. 448 00:15:34,267 --> 00:15:37,176 WOLF: All right, well, with a few items from the truck stop, 449 00:15:37,328 --> 00:15:39,662 I think this arrangement is looking quite eatable again. 450 00:15:39,681 --> 00:15:42,014 We've got chocolates, Peeps, boner pills. 451 00:15:42,167 --> 00:15:44,275 Hopefully this couple has never seen a bouquet. 452 00:15:44,427 --> 00:15:45,777 Or fruit. 453 00:15:45,928 --> 00:15:48,112 Oh, hey. You must be the people from Lone Moose. 454 00:15:48,264 --> 00:15:50,097 Thanks for driving all this way. 455 00:15:50,191 --> 00:15:51,950 Hold on, this is from Nancy? 456 00:15:52,101 --> 00:15:53,284 What is it? 457 00:15:53,511 --> 00:15:55,027 Well, okay, here's the truth. 458 00:15:55,180 --> 00:15:56,195 We made this. 459 00:15:56,364 --> 00:15:57,956 I mean, we got the eatable bouquet, 460 00:15:58,107 --> 00:15:59,365 an actual one with mango and melon. 461 00:15:59,517 --> 00:16:01,017 And really did want to give it to you guys. 462 00:16:01,110 --> 00:16:03,461 But we couldn't help ourselves. We ate it. 463 00:16:03,538 --> 00:16:05,779 Nancy would send us a mango and melon bouquet. 464 00:16:05,799 --> 00:16:08,207 Because she knows I'm deathly allergic to mango 465 00:16:08,301 --> 00:16:09,968 and Sheryl's deathly allergic to melon. 466 00:16:10,195 --> 00:16:11,618 (gasps) Nancy was trying to kill y'all? 467 00:16:11,713 --> 00:16:15,289 Yep. Nancy is his bitter ex, who has apparently moved on 468 00:16:15,308 --> 00:16:17,624 from light stalking to full-on murder. 469 00:16:17,686 --> 00:16:19,644 Hold up. Are we... heroes? 470 00:16:19,795 --> 00:16:21,037 Uh, we wouldn't have eaten it. 471 00:16:21,130 --> 00:16:22,555 We're not stupid. But sure? 472 00:16:22,707 --> 00:16:24,040 Thanks for delivering this, but we've got to move 473 00:16:24,133 --> 00:16:26,042 to another town again. Do you have any ideas? 474 00:16:26,135 --> 00:16:27,543 Uh, never mind, we'll figure it out on the road. 475 00:16:27,562 --> 00:16:30,171 Well, I really like them. I hope we stay in touch. 476 00:16:30,173 --> 00:16:32,657 I'd take a fruit bullet for those two angels any day. 477 00:16:32,808 --> 00:16:34,659 MOON: Looking good. 478 00:16:34,886 --> 00:16:36,494 Looking real good. Now, Dad? 479 00:16:36,721 --> 00:16:39,646 Buckle up, because this bedtime story really moves. 480 00:16:39,666 --> 00:16:41,574 It's about a ten-year-old racing champion. 481 00:16:41,726 --> 00:16:45,228 But he doesn't do regular racing, he does sleep racing. 482 00:16:45,246 --> 00:16:47,488 JUDY: Wait, like, the drivers are asleep? 483 00:16:47,582 --> 00:16:50,066 MOON: Yep. The deeper they sleep, the faster they go. 484 00:16:50,084 --> 00:16:52,176 ANNOUNCER (over P.A.): Moon Raceheart Junior Senior the Third 485 00:16:52,328 --> 00:16:54,086 wins the Sleepy 500! 486 00:16:54,239 --> 00:16:55,847 Moon, wake up, Bud. You did it! 487 00:16:56,016 --> 00:16:59,500 That was an excellent race. And I only invest in excellence. 488 00:16:59,519 --> 00:17:01,093 I'm Beefsteak Fjord, 489 00:17:01,246 --> 00:17:04,671 CEO of Norwegian sleep racecar company Fjord. 490 00:17:04,691 --> 00:17:08,342 I want to sponsor you and beat the Italian carmaker 491 00:17:08,361 --> 00:17:11,103 Santiago Car-race-io in the famous 492 00:17:11,256 --> 00:17:13,089 24-hour race, the Sleep Le Mans. 493 00:17:13,107 --> 00:17:15,441 Yes, great, let's team up even though we just met. 494 00:17:15,535 --> 00:17:17,368 Because I bet you'll turn out to be kind of 495 00:17:17,595 --> 00:17:19,095 a father figure to me and I'll learn a lot 496 00:17:19,230 --> 00:17:21,622 from you about changing my hot-headed ways. 497 00:17:25,694 --> 00:17:27,528 So Moon Race Heart Junior Senior the Third agreed to work 498 00:17:27,622 --> 00:17:29,547 with Beefsteak Fjord and build the greatest racecar bed 499 00:17:29,698 --> 00:17:30,882 in automotive mattress history 500 00:17:31,051 --> 00:17:33,367 during a classic build-a-racecar montage. 501 00:17:33,461 --> 00:17:35,461 You know what it's like. Sparks fly, drills go, "bzz-bzz." 502 00:17:35,555 --> 00:17:37,463 People wipe sweat from their brow. 503 00:17:37,615 --> 00:17:39,373 But in the end, it's all worth it. 504 00:17:39,392 --> 00:17:41,300 Boy, am I glad we did that montage, 505 00:17:41,377 --> 00:17:42,968 'cause our car is pretty sweet. 506 00:17:43,063 --> 00:17:44,711 MOON: Team Fjord had one last practice race 507 00:17:44,880 --> 00:17:46,455 before the Sleep Le Mans. 508 00:17:46,549 --> 00:17:49,141 ANNOUNCER: Moon takes the lead. That Fjord racecar bed 509 00:17:49,294 --> 00:17:50,884 can really move, and is still affordable. 510 00:17:50,904 --> 00:17:54,238 I want to buy one right now to pass on to my youngest son. 511 00:17:54,390 --> 00:17:56,649 HAM: He was doing great, but then something catastrophic happened. 512 00:17:56,725 --> 00:18:00,136 A nightlight turned on, disturbing his sleep! 513 00:18:00,154 --> 00:18:01,487 Dang-tona 500! 514 00:18:01,639 --> 00:18:02,822 Where is that light coming from? 515 00:18:02,916 --> 00:18:05,917 Hey, Moon. Stay asleep, bud. Shh. 516 00:18:06,086 --> 00:18:08,127 (grunting) Aah! 517 00:18:12,241 --> 00:18:13,424 "Car-race-io brand"? 518 00:18:13,576 --> 00:18:15,484 -Sabotaggio. -MATTHEW: Just to say, 519 00:18:15,503 --> 00:18:17,261 these beds are really only designed 520 00:18:17,454 --> 00:18:18,930 to hold the weight of a child. 521 00:18:19,081 --> 00:18:20,673 It's fine. You're fine, right, Dad? 522 00:18:20,825 --> 00:18:22,158 -Actually... -He's great. 523 00:18:22,251 --> 00:18:23,601 So, back at the racetrack, it's race day 524 00:18:23,828 --> 00:18:25,752 at the 24-hour race known as the Sleep Le Mans. 525 00:18:25,772 --> 00:18:28,681 And Santiago Car-race-cio will be tough to beat. 526 00:18:28,833 --> 00:18:30,257 Don't worry about him. 527 00:18:30,351 --> 00:18:31,667 You worry about winning the race. 528 00:18:31,686 --> 00:18:33,502 MOON: They were at the four-hour mark. 529 00:18:33,521 --> 00:18:35,095 Judy-etto and Moon were tied for first. 530 00:18:35,189 --> 00:18:37,532 Then Judy-etto went in for a pit stop. 531 00:18:45,183 --> 00:18:46,073 (speaks Italian) 532 00:18:46,126 --> 00:18:47,850 Sabotaggio. 533 00:18:47,869 --> 00:18:49,352 MOON: By the next morning, 534 00:18:49,370 --> 00:18:50,536 Moon Raceheart Junior Senior the Third 535 00:18:50,688 --> 00:18:51,854 had a comfortable lead, so then 536 00:18:51,873 --> 00:18:53,372 he went in for a pit stop. 537 00:18:53,524 --> 00:18:54,373 He's coming in! 538 00:18:54,467 --> 00:18:56,859 (whispering): Be very, very quiet. 539 00:18:56,952 --> 00:18:58,027 No monsters. 540 00:18:58,120 --> 00:18:59,362 Sweet dreams. 541 00:18:59,380 --> 00:19:01,305 MOON: Then the unthinkable happened. 542 00:19:01,532 --> 00:19:03,474 -(gasps) We got a leak. -Moon wet the bed. 543 00:19:03,643 --> 00:19:05,384 Sorry, did you just have yourself wet the bed 544 00:19:05,478 --> 00:19:07,478 -in your own story? -Yeah, I do what it takes. 545 00:19:07,647 --> 00:19:09,647 I'll poop myself in my story if I have to. 546 00:19:09,798 --> 00:19:12,541 -So, back at the race... -His pajamas are still damp. 547 00:19:12,560 --> 00:19:14,210 We don't have time to change him. We got to hope 548 00:19:14,228 --> 00:19:16,821 -that he makes it. Go, go, go. -ANNOUNCER: Final lap. 549 00:19:17,048 --> 00:19:18,805 MOON: The finish line's in sight, but if Raceheart Junior Senior 550 00:19:18,933 --> 00:19:20,900 wakes up because of his pee-pee pajamas, he'll crash! 551 00:19:21,052 --> 00:19:22,809 -(phone rings) -Talk to me. It's the boss. 552 00:19:22,829 --> 00:19:24,328 He thinks he's come up with a way 553 00:19:24,555 --> 00:19:26,164 to keep Moon asleep. We got to patch him through. 554 00:19:26,315 --> 00:19:28,724 ♪ Hush, Moon Raceheart Junior Senior the Third ♪ 555 00:19:28,817 --> 00:19:30,242 ♪ Remember what I said ♪ 556 00:19:30,336 --> 00:19:33,062 ♪ Papa's gonna buy himself a racecar bed ♪ 557 00:19:33,155 --> 00:19:35,748 ♪ And if that racecar bed still runs ♪ 558 00:19:35,917 --> 00:19:38,676 ♪ Papa's gonna give it to his youngest son. ♪ 559 00:19:38,827 --> 00:19:40,661 MOON: And so, Moon Raceheart Junior Senior the Third 560 00:19:40,680 --> 00:19:42,329 is lulled back to sleep. 561 00:19:42,348 --> 00:19:44,256 And in the last lap, he rockets past 562 00:19:44,333 --> 00:19:47,259 Judy-etto, winning the 24-hour Sleep Le Mans! 563 00:19:47,412 --> 00:19:49,578 ANNOUNCER: Moon Tobin wins! 564 00:19:49,747 --> 00:19:51,247 The son won the race 565 00:19:51,265 --> 00:19:53,749 because the father figure sang him a song. 566 00:19:53,842 --> 00:19:55,251 Oh, you little jerk, you tugged 567 00:19:55,420 --> 00:19:56,919 -on Dad's heartstrings. -Damn it. 568 00:19:56,921 --> 00:19:59,030 -I'll take the racecar bed. -No! You will not. 569 00:19:59,199 --> 00:20:02,608 I can't let a grown man buy a tiny, whimsically-themed bed. 570 00:20:02,702 --> 00:20:05,519 I'm sorry, sir, but your selfish children are driving me 571 00:20:05,613 --> 00:20:08,188 just bonkers and now I'm gonna give you all a lecture. 572 00:20:08,282 --> 00:20:09,707 Fine, but please go ahead 573 00:20:09,858 --> 00:20:12,284 and draw up the lease paperwork on this bed while you do it, 574 00:20:12,437 --> 00:20:13,527 -my good man. -Not a chance. 575 00:20:13,621 --> 00:20:15,788 Sir, listen. I have two kids and I know 576 00:20:15,957 --> 00:20:17,215 what it's like to always put them first, 577 00:20:17,366 --> 00:20:19,108 but this should be something for you. 578 00:20:19,126 --> 00:20:21,277 Kids, I bet your dad does a lot for you. 579 00:20:21,370 --> 00:20:22,887 And-and now you can do something for him. 580 00:20:23,038 --> 00:20:25,389 -Help him pick what he actually wants. -(sighs) 581 00:20:25,616 --> 00:20:27,874 I'm sorry, Dad. Maybe we did get a little carried away. 582 00:20:27,952 --> 00:20:30,636 Whatever you buy will be a great Tobin family heirloom. 583 00:20:30,788 --> 00:20:31,896 I agree, as long as 584 00:20:32,047 --> 00:20:33,639 -it's the racecar. -Moon. -Moon. 585 00:20:33,791 --> 00:20:35,140 -Well, this is a big decision. 586 00:20:35,293 --> 00:20:37,142 It might take me days. 587 00:20:37,295 --> 00:20:38,736 We are open till 8:00, sir. 588 00:20:38,813 --> 00:20:41,130 Medium firm, standard queen. 589 00:20:41,148 --> 00:20:43,074 Totally worth staying three hours after closing. 590 00:20:43,301 --> 00:20:45,559 And then spending four hours resizing your frame 591 00:20:45,653 --> 00:20:47,136 with some precise carpentry work. 592 00:20:47,154 --> 00:20:49,321 Hey, guys, you won't believe the wild day we had. 593 00:20:49,415 --> 00:20:51,657 Is it wilder than Dad finally getting a new mattress? 594 00:20:51,809 --> 00:20:53,325 Wait, where's the old one? 595 00:20:53,478 --> 00:20:54,827 We dropped it at Junkyard Kyle's. 596 00:20:54,996 --> 00:20:56,312 What?! That mattress was my birthright. 597 00:20:56,330 --> 00:20:57,813 I'm going to Junkyard Kyle's. 598 00:20:57,832 --> 00:20:59,406 -Wolf, no. -Birthright. 599 00:20:59,500 --> 00:21:02,426 -♪ Melons and mangos ♪ -♪ Mangos and melons ♪ 600 00:21:02,653 --> 00:21:05,912 ♪ I got a little taste and then I fell in love ♪ 601 00:21:05,932 --> 00:21:08,173 ♪ Where'd you get those cantaloupes, hon? ♪ 602 00:21:08,326 --> 00:21:09,992 ♪ Look so tasty ♪ 603 00:21:10,085 --> 00:21:11,660 ♪ That you know I gotta grab 'em ♪ 604 00:21:11,679 --> 00:21:13,996 -♪ Uh-uh ♪ -♪ Yes, watermelons ♪ 605 00:21:14,015 --> 00:21:15,681 ♪ Honeydews and casabas ♪ 606 00:21:15,833 --> 00:21:18,017 ♪ Look so good you know I need you in my bod-ah ♪ 607 00:21:18,111 --> 00:21:20,853 -♪ Where in your body? ♪ -♪ I'm just really into fruit ♪ 608 00:21:21,005 --> 00:21:23,005 ♪ I want it inside of me... ♪ 609 00:21:23,098 --> 00:21:25,174 Okay, I give up. Have fun with it, Wolf. 610 00:21:25,192 --> 00:21:27,676 -♪ Melons and mangos ♪ -♪ Mangos and melons ♪ 611 00:21:27,695 --> 00:21:30,529 ♪ I got a little taste and then I fell in love. ♪ 612 00:21:30,681 --> 00:21:32,456 Captioning sponsored by BENTO BOX ENTERTAINMENT 613 00:21:32,533 --> 00:21:35,001 and TOYOTA.