1 00:00:02,194 --> 00:00:04,194 -♪ Look up there ♪ -♪ What do you see? ♪ 2 00:00:04,196 --> 00:00:05,896 ♪ Nature and stuff ♪ 3 00:00:05,914 --> 00:00:07,006 -♪ Like a rock ♪ -♪ And a tree ♪ 4 00:00:07,199 --> 00:00:09,842 ♪ Oh, the Great North ♪ 5 00:00:10,035 --> 00:00:13,420 ♪ Way up here, you can breathe the air ♪ 6 00:00:13,556 --> 00:00:14,662 ♪ Catch some fish ♪ 7 00:00:14,724 --> 00:00:16,240 ♪ Or gaze at a bear ♪ 8 00:00:16,300 --> 00:00:17,424 ♪ Wow ♪ 9 00:00:17,560 --> 00:00:21,002 ♪ Oh, the Great North ♪ 10 00:00:21,022 --> 00:00:22,187 ♪ Here we live, oh, oh ♪ 11 00:00:22,339 --> 00:00:23,856 ♪ Here we'll stay, oh, whoo ♪ 12 00:00:24,049 --> 00:00:25,582 ♪ From longest night to longest day ♪ 13 00:00:25,601 --> 00:00:29,319 ♪ In the Great North. ♪ 14 00:00:34,076 --> 00:00:35,776 Good morning, Alanis Morissette. 15 00:00:35,870 --> 00:00:39,687 It is I, Judy Tobin, queen of courtship and boys. 16 00:00:39,749 --> 00:00:42,266 (yawning): Are you okay? It's 4:30 a.m. 17 00:00:42,284 --> 00:00:44,951 Yup. Today, I ask Crispin Cienfuegos, 18 00:00:45,087 --> 00:00:47,695 the hottest mall hottie in the mall, to be my date 19 00:00:47,757 --> 00:00:50,957 to the Thomas Wintersbone Memorial Ladies' Choice Dance. 20 00:00:51,052 --> 00:00:52,534 In the past, I've always invited 21 00:00:52,595 --> 00:00:54,778 my best platonic guy-friend Gill Beavers. 22 00:00:54,797 --> 00:00:57,631 But... (chuckles) I'm a sophisticated adult woman now. 23 00:00:57,725 --> 00:01:00,450 And you deserve a sophisticated adult dance experience. 24 00:01:00,511 --> 00:01:03,062 Exactly! Just like Thomas Wintersbone would have wanted. 25 00:01:03,213 --> 00:01:04,546 Are you familiar with our school's 26 00:01:04,607 --> 00:01:06,640 most famous teacher Thomas Wintersbone? 27 00:01:06,792 --> 00:01:09,068 Oh, yes, I'm very familiar. You've told me many times... 28 00:01:09,261 --> 00:01:10,794 You can't talk about 1800s Lone Moose 29 00:01:10,813 --> 00:01:12,053 without talking about Thomas Wintersbone. 30 00:01:12,114 --> 00:01:13,388 ALANIS: Oh, here we go. 31 00:01:13,449 --> 00:01:15,223 JUDY: He... was... everywhere. 32 00:01:15,284 --> 00:01:16,891 Thomas was a gregarious man 33 00:01:16,952 --> 00:01:19,469 with a passion for the arts and letters. 34 00:01:19,488 --> 00:01:21,321 A passion that eventually led him to become a schoolteacher. 35 00:01:21,473 --> 00:01:24,825 And it was there that he met the love of his life, Ruby, 36 00:01:24,960 --> 00:01:26,418 the school's hardworking groundskeeper. 37 00:01:26,570 --> 00:01:28,403 But when Thomas asked 38 00:01:28,464 --> 00:01:31,739 for Ruby's hand in marriage, her father objected. 39 00:01:31,759 --> 00:01:33,759 He thought Thomas's "indoor disposition" would make 40 00:01:33,952 --> 00:01:36,486 for a weak provider, so he challenged Thomas 41 00:01:36,588 --> 00:01:39,098 to survive a month alone in the Lone Moose wilderness 42 00:01:39,249 --> 00:01:40,991 to prove his strength. 43 00:01:41,093 --> 00:01:43,009 Desperate to be with his beloved, Thomas accepted. 44 00:01:43,162 --> 00:01:44,995 He promised Ruby that once he returned, 45 00:01:45,013 --> 00:01:48,089 they would wed and live togethr in two side-by-side cabins, 46 00:01:48,109 --> 00:01:49,850 because, as the saying goes, 47 00:01:49,944 --> 00:01:52,611 "Their love couldn't be contained by just one cabin." 48 00:01:52,804 --> 00:01:56,189 And so, brave Thomas headed off into the wilderness. 49 00:01:56,283 --> 00:01:58,117 He died in a blizzard almost immediately. 50 00:01:58,285 --> 00:01:59,676 That's very sad. 51 00:01:59,736 --> 00:02:01,120 And very romantic. 52 00:02:01,288 --> 00:02:03,622 When his body was discovered by trappers, 53 00:02:03,773 --> 00:02:05,791 Thomas hadn't even built himself a shelter. 54 00:02:05,984 --> 00:02:09,369 Instead, he was surrounded by puppets he'd constructed. 55 00:02:09,463 --> 00:02:11,688 The puppets did have their own shelter. 56 00:02:11,707 --> 00:02:13,799 And outhouse. And tiny stage. 57 00:02:13,950 --> 00:02:15,692 Ruby was heartbroken. 58 00:02:15,711 --> 00:02:17,861 She spent the rest of her days living in just one cabin 59 00:02:17,921 --> 00:02:19,638 with her best friend Anne. 60 00:02:19,789 --> 00:02:21,214 To this very day, 61 00:02:21,308 --> 00:02:22,641 the Lone Moose School celebrates this epic love story 62 00:02:22,834 --> 00:02:24,885 with a dance. The girls invite the boys, 63 00:02:24,979 --> 00:02:26,794 and the boys who don't get invited stand outside 64 00:02:26,856 --> 00:02:29,539 in the snow for an hour in homage to Thomas. 65 00:02:29,600 --> 00:02:31,316 But Crispin won't be one of those boys 66 00:02:31,509 --> 00:02:34,486 because he'll be trotting into dance land with moi, 67 00:02:34,655 --> 00:02:37,881 like an elegant little horse. (whinnies) 68 00:02:37,941 --> 00:02:39,825 Ooh, and speaking of elegance, I bought a new eye shadow 69 00:02:40,018 --> 00:02:42,995 called Girl Boss Blue, and I better go slather that on. 70 00:02:43,188 --> 00:02:46,573 Okay, but don't slather for them, Judy. Slather for you! 71 00:02:47,543 --> 00:02:49,409 -(grunts) -Dad, you could have died 72 00:02:49,561 --> 00:02:50,985 or ripped the banner. 73 00:02:51,088 --> 00:02:53,230 -What's all this about? -Brian called last night. 74 00:02:53,290 --> 00:02:54,731 He's coming up from Anchorage 75 00:02:54,791 --> 00:02:56,917 for the weekend to have dinner with a client. 76 00:02:57,069 --> 00:02:58,660 Uncle Brian's coming? Sick! 77 00:02:58,679 --> 00:03:01,905 It is very sick, and I want everything to be perfect. 78 00:03:01,924 --> 00:03:04,533 It's been a full year since he moved to that urban hellhole 79 00:03:04,560 --> 00:03:06,501 to launch his hot tub business. Poor guy. 80 00:03:06,562 --> 00:03:08,412 I'm sure he can't wait to hang out with me 81 00:03:08,472 --> 00:03:10,080 and do all our old favorite activities, 82 00:03:10,140 --> 00:03:13,750 like fishing and then talking about how fishing went. 83 00:03:13,769 --> 00:03:16,086 Hold up. There's a real-life entrepreneur coming to visit? 84 00:03:16,188 --> 00:03:18,772 Wolf and I have a few very exciting business ideas, 85 00:03:18,866 --> 00:03:20,515 and we've been looking for investors. 86 00:03:20,576 --> 00:03:22,684 But it's hard to find a backer we can trust. 87 00:03:22,786 --> 00:03:24,519 Some of these concepts are pure gold, 88 00:03:24,622 --> 00:03:26,613 and you never know who might try to steal them. 89 00:03:26,707 --> 00:03:28,523 Including... (quietly): Jeff Bezos. 90 00:03:28,626 --> 00:03:30,283 Always listening with his Alexas. 91 00:03:30,377 --> 00:03:31,859 I just needed new towels, Jeffrey! 92 00:03:31,921 --> 00:03:33,361 It's not my personality! 93 00:03:33,380 --> 00:03:35,530 (gasps) Good morning, banner. You're new. 94 00:03:35,591 --> 00:03:37,716 Uh-oh, Judy. I know attention-seeking eye shadow 95 00:03:37,867 --> 00:03:39,867 when I see it. Who hurt you? Where is he?! 96 00:03:39,929 --> 00:03:41,386 Actually, it's yours Jude-ly 97 00:03:41,538 --> 00:03:43,463 who'll be doing the heart-breaking today. 98 00:03:43,557 --> 00:03:45,966 I'm asking Crispin Cienfuegos to be my date 99 00:03:46,118 --> 00:03:48,802 to the Thomas Wintersbone Memorial Ladies' Choice Dance. 100 00:03:48,896 --> 00:03:50,470 Samantha R. always invites me. 101 00:03:50,622 --> 00:03:52,046 We share a mutual respect for the worm: 102 00:03:52,107 --> 00:03:55,383 the lowliest of creatures, the funkiest of dances. 103 00:03:55,486 --> 00:03:58,886 How about you, Ham? Any special guys caught your eyes? 104 00:03:58,906 --> 00:04:00,722 Eh, not lately. Besides, it's ladies' choice. 105 00:04:00,783 --> 00:04:02,557 I'll just wait till Principal Gibbons 106 00:04:02,576 --> 00:04:04,076 invites in all the left-behinds. 107 00:04:04,227 --> 00:04:06,561 Actually, Ham, your cousin Becca's gonna be in town. 108 00:04:06,580 --> 00:04:08,247 -She'll invite you inside. -Score! 109 00:04:08,440 --> 00:04:09,823 Nothing could be cooler than going 110 00:04:09,959 --> 00:04:11,375 to a dance with your cousin. 111 00:04:12,253 --> 00:04:15,587 Well, Crispin said yes! 112 00:04:15,780 --> 00:04:17,572 To making me these wildberry smoothies. 113 00:04:17,633 --> 00:04:19,741 You know, Judy, you shouldn't feel pressure to go with Crispin 114 00:04:19,760 --> 00:04:22,819 just because he's the hot new thing, fresh in from Michigan. 115 00:04:22,838 --> 00:04:24,245 Why not go with Gill Beavers again? 116 00:04:24,306 --> 00:04:26,372 He's so sweet. Like an elderly pharmacist. 117 00:04:26,433 --> 00:04:29,843 Gill's too sweet. And Steven Huang was a dry run. 118 00:04:29,937 --> 00:04:31,678 But this is a wet run. 119 00:04:31,830 --> 00:04:33,605 Politely, I don't think you know what you're saying. 120 00:04:33,798 --> 00:04:35,181 What happened when you tried to ask? 121 00:04:35,334 --> 00:04:36,942 I went into a kind of hypnosis. 122 00:04:37,093 --> 00:04:39,519 He talks with his mouth open, and I could see down his throat, 123 00:04:39,671 --> 00:04:41,354 which was very exciting to me. 124 00:04:41,448 --> 00:04:44,341 -Oh! Been there! -And I just kept ordering smoothies, 125 00:04:44,359 --> 00:04:46,860 because I could only remember one word in my fugue state: 126 00:04:47,012 --> 00:04:48,453 wildberry. 127 00:04:48,605 --> 00:04:50,289 I certainly did not ask him to the dance. 128 00:04:50,482 --> 00:04:53,016 Judy, asking a man out is like buying a timeshare. 129 00:04:53,076 --> 00:04:55,185 The less you think about it or discuss it with a lawyer, 130 00:04:55,203 --> 00:04:56,461 the better. Watch this. 131 00:04:56,613 --> 00:04:58,297 Hello, sir. Would you like to date me? 132 00:04:58,490 --> 00:05:00,373 Me? Wow. I would be honored. 133 00:05:00,467 --> 00:05:02,467 Thank you, but I'm not actually interested. 134 00:05:02,660 --> 00:05:04,285 I was just showing young Judy here 135 00:05:04,388 --> 00:05:06,046 how to proposition a man. 136 00:05:06,140 --> 00:05:07,973 Ah, for a second, I thought, "Santiago, 137 00:05:08,124 --> 00:05:11,417 your decades-long dry spell is over." But, no, it continues. 138 00:05:11,478 --> 00:05:13,461 Isn't life funny? Bye. 139 00:05:13,522 --> 00:05:14,980 -Got it, Judes? Just like that. -(giggles) 140 00:05:15,173 --> 00:05:16,556 I got it. 141 00:05:16,650 --> 00:05:19,559 Here I go, Alyson. Here I go. 142 00:05:19,653 --> 00:05:21,378 Okay, here I go. 143 00:05:21,438 --> 00:05:24,214 Ugh. Here... I... go. 144 00:05:24,232 --> 00:05:27,217 Judy, your ride, aka me, is here. 145 00:05:27,319 --> 00:05:29,161 Hey, how about we pop over to Smoothie Boss 146 00:05:29,354 --> 00:05:31,721 and, uh, check out the hip after-work crowd? 147 00:05:31,823 --> 00:05:34,724 God, this crowd is hip. I feel like I'm in Milan. 148 00:05:34,826 --> 00:05:37,819 Welcome to Smoothie Boss. How may I boss you today? 149 00:05:37,880 --> 00:05:39,729 Oh, FYI, we're out of wildberry powder. 150 00:05:39,790 --> 00:05:41,398 You ate it all. 151 00:05:41,416 --> 00:05:43,508 One tropical smoothie, medium chunky, please. 152 00:05:43,701 --> 00:05:45,177 Hey, you're that guy in my history class 153 00:05:45,370 --> 00:05:46,920 and my math class. 154 00:05:47,056 --> 00:05:48,905 Yeah, and your biology class 155 00:05:48,924 --> 00:05:50,757 and your gym class and your every other class. 156 00:05:50,893 --> 00:05:53,076 There are 16 kids in our grade, and I'm one of them. 157 00:05:53,136 --> 00:05:54,578 Ham. And you're Crispin. 158 00:05:54,638 --> 00:05:56,538 -Oh. Sorry. -Thank you. 159 00:05:56,540 --> 00:05:57,764 -Oh. No, I'm sorry. -Oh, no, no, no. 160 00:05:57,916 --> 00:05:59,583 -Thank you. -Thank you. Thank you. 161 00:05:59,643 --> 00:06:01,418 You're welcome. Sorry I haven't been, like, outgoing. 162 00:06:01,436 --> 00:06:03,086 We moved here three weeks ago, but sometimes 163 00:06:03,146 --> 00:06:04,846 I still miss Michigan. 164 00:06:04,865 --> 00:06:09,016 This year's Miss Michigan is... Crispin Cienfuegos! (laughs) 165 00:06:09,036 --> 00:06:11,277 Ugh. I can't imagine moving. 166 00:06:11,372 --> 00:06:13,521 I'd have to move all my snowmen, but they'd melt. 167 00:06:13,540 --> 00:06:15,265 And then who would protect our new house? 168 00:06:15,325 --> 00:06:17,100 Wow. You get it. 169 00:06:17,119 --> 00:06:18,693 No one's ever said that to me. 170 00:06:18,754 --> 00:06:21,046 Hey. So, are you going to be at that dance 171 00:06:21,197 --> 00:06:22,606 everyone's talking about? 172 00:06:22,624 --> 00:06:24,365 Oh, he'll be there! With our cousin Becca. 173 00:06:24,426 --> 00:06:26,534 And you know what I'm just thinking of right now, 174 00:06:26,595 --> 00:06:28,870 is that you should go with me! 175 00:06:28,931 --> 00:06:30,947 Oh, um, sure, I'll go with you, 176 00:06:31,007 --> 00:06:34,634 and he'll go with cousin Becca, and we'll, like, go together. 177 00:06:34,728 --> 00:06:36,561 Okay, great. Oh! 178 00:06:36,754 --> 00:06:39,046 I guess I'll be seeing you in the conga line. 179 00:06:39,066 --> 00:06:40,565 Not if you're in front of me. (laughs) 180 00:06:40,758 --> 00:06:43,050 Oh, I'd turn around... to see you in the conga line. 181 00:06:43,112 --> 00:06:46,780 ♪ He said "yes"! ♪ 182 00:06:51,286 --> 00:06:52,986 -(knocking) -Hello! 183 00:06:53,122 --> 00:06:54,821 Um, I was just stopping by because 184 00:06:54,957 --> 00:06:56,656 you left this at Smoothie Boss. 185 00:06:56,792 --> 00:06:58,566 Ah, my receipt? 186 00:06:58,585 --> 00:07:01,753 Crispin, this is a pretty thin excuse to come see me. 187 00:07:01,905 --> 00:07:03,237 Is... Ham here? 188 00:07:03,298 --> 00:07:05,331 I'm here, and I'm Ham. 189 00:07:05,426 --> 00:07:07,016 I brought Judy her receipt. 190 00:07:07,085 --> 00:07:08,318 She left it at Smoothie Boss. 191 00:07:08,420 --> 00:07:10,578 She's a real Forgetful Filomena. 192 00:07:10,597 --> 00:07:12,747 Well, shall we give you the grand tour? 193 00:07:12,808 --> 00:07:14,340 Oh. Okay. Sure. 194 00:07:14,493 --> 00:07:16,176 Let me just lift this velvet rope. 195 00:07:16,328 --> 00:07:17,769 Great object work, Ham! 196 00:07:17,962 --> 00:07:20,497 And I'm making microwave popcorn for our tour. 197 00:07:20,557 --> 00:07:23,166 Normally, I'd go stove-top, but our gas got turned off 198 00:07:23,185 --> 00:07:24,684 because Father lost everything at the greyhound races, 199 00:07:24,778 --> 00:07:26,352 and then-- Oh, ooh, oh, you left. 200 00:07:26,505 --> 00:07:27,854 Here I come! 201 00:07:28,006 --> 00:07:31,024 Look who couldn't stay away from Lone Moose. 202 00:07:31,118 --> 00:07:32,784 Becca, say hello to your cousins. 203 00:07:32,936 --> 00:07:34,435 Can I finish my page, Dad? 204 00:07:34,455 --> 00:07:36,029 Wait a minute. Why are you wearing wedding pants? 205 00:07:36,123 --> 00:07:37,622 These are just my work pants. 206 00:07:37,815 --> 00:07:40,125 No offense, but you look like a lunatic. 207 00:07:40,294 --> 00:07:41,960 I appreciate your snobby clothes, Uncle Brian. 208 00:07:42,153 --> 00:07:45,297 In the world of business, a first impression is everything. 209 00:07:45,490 --> 00:07:47,691 That's why, whenever I'm in someone's office, 210 00:07:47,709 --> 00:07:49,784 I move one object. Now I'm in your head. 211 00:07:49,887 --> 00:07:51,711 -You must be Honeybee. -Mucho gusto. 212 00:07:51,863 --> 00:07:53,638 You know, Wolf and I run a few small ventures 213 00:07:53,831 --> 00:07:55,532 from the guesthouse. 214 00:07:55,550 --> 00:07:57,309 We thought you might be interested in learning more. 215 00:07:57,502 --> 00:07:59,160 Wow, this sounds great, but, uh, 216 00:07:59,162 --> 00:08:00,795 I haven't peed in four hours, 217 00:08:00,814 --> 00:08:02,481 so come along and pitch me through the bathroom door. 218 00:08:02,674 --> 00:08:04,649 You'll have to be loud. I have a strong stream. 219 00:08:04,818 --> 00:08:06,651 Of course you do. 220 00:08:06,803 --> 00:08:09,637 Ah, Chez Ham. 221 00:08:09,698 --> 00:08:12,407 We call it that because it's my "chez." 222 00:08:14,686 --> 00:08:16,720 Oh, good call sitting over there. 223 00:08:16,780 --> 00:08:18,555 This beanbag is way less supportive. 224 00:08:18,657 --> 00:08:21,391 But it's worth it to look this cool 225 00:08:21,493 --> 00:08:24,244 sitting alone in a beanbag chair. 226 00:08:24,396 --> 00:08:25,745 Those are just some leaves I've loved. 227 00:08:25,897 --> 00:08:27,372 I love a lot of leaves. 228 00:08:27,566 --> 00:08:30,233 This is so creative, and it kind of reminds me of home. 229 00:08:30,293 --> 00:08:32,085 Lot of deciduous trees in Michigan? 230 00:08:32,237 --> 00:08:33,678 You can't even imagine. 231 00:08:33,830 --> 00:08:36,256 (whispering): Counterpoint: I can imagine 232 00:08:36,391 --> 00:08:39,075 with this and this. 233 00:08:39,135 --> 00:08:41,836 Let me just scoot right over here. 234 00:08:41,897 --> 00:08:45,172 And... ah, perfect. Ah. 235 00:08:45,234 --> 00:08:46,750 This leaf looks like the Grinch, 236 00:08:46,810 --> 00:08:49,419 but he was actually a real sweetie. 237 00:08:49,479 --> 00:08:52,088 You know who a real sweetie is? Abraham Lincoln. 238 00:08:52,148 --> 00:08:56,109 Some people say he kept a jar of molasses under that tall hat. 239 00:08:56,203 --> 00:08:57,944 You're weird. I like it. 240 00:08:58,096 --> 00:08:59,353 -Thank you. -Thank you. 241 00:08:59,456 --> 00:09:01,598 All right! Let's get down to hanging out. 242 00:09:01,616 --> 00:09:03,783 I bought glow-in-the-dark bait, so our night fishing 243 00:09:03,877 --> 00:09:06,286 is gonna be like a disco for the fish. 244 00:09:06,421 --> 00:09:09,196 A goodbye disco, because of how we kill and eat them. 245 00:09:09,216 --> 00:09:11,624 I actually have to catch up on a bunch of e-mails, 246 00:09:11,718 --> 00:09:14,535 but get in here. You can press "send." That's the fun part. 247 00:09:14,596 --> 00:09:17,614 -Swoosh! Another one. -Clicked like a pro, Beef. 248 00:09:17,632 --> 00:09:19,373 Who's next? Why don't we drop Fred Futz a line? 249 00:09:19,434 --> 00:09:21,301 Kerplunk. (laughs) 250 00:09:21,453 --> 00:09:23,787 That was the line dropping. Well, technically, the lure. 251 00:09:23,847 --> 00:09:26,398 The line herself wouldn't make any sound, as you know. 252 00:09:26,591 --> 00:09:28,308 You know, selling these tubs is a lot like fishing. 253 00:09:28,402 --> 00:09:31,385 It is? Are there long, thrilling bouts of waiting? 254 00:09:31,446 --> 00:09:33,738 Indeed. I send out these e-mails with nothing 255 00:09:33,890 --> 00:09:36,408 but the warm bubbly bliss of high-end hot tubs as my bait. 256 00:09:36,601 --> 00:09:38,468 And then, I wait to see who bites. 257 00:09:38,486 --> 00:09:40,987 -Ooh, where's my "send" friend? -Now we're fishing with gas! 258 00:09:41,123 --> 00:09:44,398 It's something we would never actually do. It's a pollutant. 259 00:09:44,459 --> 00:09:45,825 JUDY: Wowsh McGowsh. 260 00:09:45,977 --> 00:09:48,161 Is Crispin waiting to walk me to class? 261 00:09:48,255 --> 00:09:50,163 Moon, are my eyebrows even? With each other. 262 00:09:50,315 --> 00:09:51,572 Not with my ears or with my lips. 263 00:09:51,592 --> 00:09:54,167 Ooh. Are you sure you want to do this now? 264 00:09:54,319 --> 00:09:56,761 Hey. Can I, uh, walk you to class? 265 00:09:56,954 --> 00:09:58,838 Me as in me, or me as in Judy? 266 00:09:58,932 --> 00:10:00,432 Yeah, your sister can come, too. 267 00:10:00,625 --> 00:10:02,342 -Great. -Hey, Crispin. 268 00:10:02,494 --> 00:10:03,584 Judy, we're walking to class. 269 00:10:03,645 --> 00:10:06,104 -V-formation, like geese. -Okay. 270 00:10:06,255 --> 00:10:08,106 Honk, honk. Here comes Judy! 271 00:10:08,299 --> 00:10:11,351 ♪ You, you make me feel alive ♪ 272 00:10:11,486 --> 00:10:14,504 ♪ I'm happy just to let you know ♪ 273 00:10:14,522 --> 00:10:17,690 ♪ What's inside, my heart is flying ♪ 274 00:10:17,826 --> 00:10:22,011 ♪ I've been waiting for a chance to show you who I am ♪ 275 00:10:22,072 --> 00:10:24,364 ♪ Now, baby, please ♪ 276 00:10:24,458 --> 00:10:27,959 ♪ You're like a Sunday morning summer breeze. ♪ 277 00:10:28,152 --> 00:10:29,869 Well, hello, Shark. 278 00:10:29,963 --> 00:10:32,689 If it isn't Lone Moose's most entrepre-dorable couple. 279 00:10:32,749 --> 00:10:35,024 -You got more ideas for me? -We sure do. 280 00:10:35,043 --> 00:10:36,693 Do you love eating food, 281 00:10:36,753 --> 00:10:39,304 but hate cleaning said food off of your elegant pants? 282 00:10:39,455 --> 00:10:41,030 -You know what you need? -A bib? 283 00:10:41,091 --> 00:10:42,807 -Mm-mm. -A stupid and unhelpful paper towel? 284 00:10:42,959 --> 00:10:45,385 -Mm-mm. -What do I need? Lay it on me. 285 00:10:45,479 --> 00:10:47,704 We'll lay it on you. Literally. 286 00:10:47,722 --> 00:10:49,555 You need one of these World-Famous Lapkins-- 287 00:10:49,650 --> 00:10:52,133 extra-large napkins for your adult-sized lap. 288 00:10:52,194 --> 00:10:53,968 I guess I don't see the market? 289 00:10:54,029 --> 00:10:55,469 But wait. We haven't explained 290 00:10:55,489 --> 00:10:57,304 how Lapkins is also a social media platform. 291 00:10:57,366 --> 00:10:58,657 I'd love to hear it. 292 00:10:58,850 --> 00:11:00,641 Can we circle back after my client dinner? 293 00:11:00,702 --> 00:11:03,644 Yeah, sometimes we circle back with each other just for fun. 294 00:11:03,664 --> 00:11:06,055 Oh, man, he wants Lapkins. 295 00:11:06,157 --> 00:11:07,740 This is just a dance. 296 00:11:07,893 --> 00:11:10,560 Tonight is the night he goes from Crispin Cienfuegos 297 00:11:10,620 --> 00:11:13,630 to I-Kissed-Him Cienfuegos. 298 00:11:16,885 --> 00:11:19,752 ♪ 299 00:11:19,905 --> 00:11:21,554 Time to wiggle. 300 00:11:24,709 --> 00:11:26,092 ♪ 301 00:11:26,186 --> 00:11:27,911 -Wow. -Whoa. -Um... 302 00:11:27,929 --> 00:11:29,078 Are we supposed to be impressed? 303 00:11:29,139 --> 00:11:30,413 Didn't get me, either. 304 00:11:30,473 --> 00:11:32,023 Sorry, I forgot to get you a corsage. 305 00:11:32,175 --> 00:11:34,918 But I have this paper crown from work in my pocket. 306 00:11:34,978 --> 00:11:37,253 Uh, you can put it on your wrist if you want to. 307 00:11:37,313 --> 00:11:39,513 Oh, wow. Yeah. 308 00:11:39,574 --> 00:11:41,607 Ham, I also got you something. 309 00:11:41,702 --> 00:11:44,035 (gasps) Shut up. Pinto beans? 310 00:11:44,187 --> 00:11:47,764 When I saw them in my kitchen, it reminded me of the, uh, 311 00:11:47,824 --> 00:11:50,357 um, the time we sat on the beanbag, together. 312 00:11:50,460 --> 00:11:52,785 Because this is an actual bag of beans. 313 00:11:52,938 --> 00:11:54,270 (exhales) Gosh-ola. 314 00:11:54,289 --> 00:11:56,965 I also look back fondly on our beanbag hang. 315 00:11:58,260 --> 00:11:59,792 Well, we should probably get going. 316 00:11:59,886 --> 00:12:01,886 Hey, uh, hop-hop on, dude. 317 00:12:02,055 --> 00:12:03,463 You got it, dude. 318 00:12:03,557 --> 00:12:05,206 They left. 319 00:12:05,267 --> 00:12:06,466 Oh. No worries, Crispin! 320 00:12:06,560 --> 00:12:08,059 I'll just meet you at the dance. 321 00:12:08,252 --> 00:12:09,853 -Becca, let's go! -Can I finish my page? 322 00:12:14,350 --> 00:12:15,308 Welcome, everyone, to the most romantic night 323 00:12:15,402 --> 00:12:17,051 of the year for children. 324 00:12:17,070 --> 00:12:19,553 Ladies, you'll now step forward to invite your dates in. 325 00:12:19,656 --> 00:12:23,074 Whatever. The simulation makes our decisions anyway. 326 00:12:23,267 --> 00:12:25,151 Brad Chamberlain. 327 00:12:25,245 --> 00:12:27,987 I will be 328 00:12:28,123 --> 00:12:31,491 inviting inside... 329 00:12:31,585 --> 00:12:33,400 It's too cold for these pauses. And I love drama. 330 00:12:33,462 --> 00:12:36,329 ...Crispin Cienfuegos. 331 00:12:36,423 --> 00:12:39,332 I said: Crispin Cienfuegos! 332 00:12:39,426 --> 00:12:41,651 -Whoa. Uhp. You got me. -I got you. 333 00:12:41,669 --> 00:12:43,486 -JUDY: Ham! -Hey, Judy. What's up? 334 00:12:43,588 --> 00:12:46,097 I'm trying to invite Crispin in, and you're ruining it! 335 00:12:46,249 --> 00:12:49,675 -Now, this I like. -I said: Crispin Cienfuegos. 336 00:12:49,770 --> 00:12:51,978 (laughs) 337 00:12:52,964 --> 00:12:54,272 -Surprise. -Ah! 338 00:12:54,465 --> 00:12:56,516 I've decided to come along and help you 339 00:12:56,610 --> 00:12:58,518 -with your big client dinner. -(exhales) 340 00:12:58,612 --> 00:13:00,779 That is so generous, but you don't need to. 341 00:13:00,972 --> 00:13:02,505 No. I insist. 342 00:13:02,524 --> 00:13:04,265 We'll hit him with the classic Tobin charm, 343 00:13:04,284 --> 00:13:06,451 and the deal will be closed before we even get the menus. 344 00:13:06,644 --> 00:13:09,454 Come on, let's get down to Tobiz-ness. 345 00:13:10,606 --> 00:13:11,956 Prentis. 346 00:13:12,242 --> 00:13:13,941 I hope you don't mind, I brought my brother Beef along. 347 00:13:13,960 --> 00:13:15,368 Ah, pleased to meet you, Beef. 348 00:13:15,462 --> 00:13:17,629 Prentis, so let's talk about your needs. 349 00:13:17,822 --> 00:13:19,631 I know what I need. Mozzarella sticks. 350 00:13:19,824 --> 00:13:21,691 (chuckles) I don't think they have that. 351 00:13:21,751 --> 00:13:23,617 BEEF: Oh, look at these little butterballs. 352 00:13:23,720 --> 00:13:27,363 Mmm. Oh, you got to try one. They're carved into seashells. 353 00:13:27,423 --> 00:13:28,531 -Open up. -No! No. 354 00:13:28,591 --> 00:13:30,049 (muffled): No... 355 00:13:30,201 --> 00:13:31,643 BEFF: Do you trust me, Prentis? 356 00:13:31,836 --> 00:13:34,037 Give me your finger. 357 00:13:34,097 --> 00:13:36,205 That, my friend, is just a taste 358 00:13:36,266 --> 00:13:39,208 of what you can expect from Brian's tubs. 359 00:13:39,227 --> 00:13:41,653 -Please let my client's finger go. -Or I put my finger 360 00:13:41,846 --> 00:13:45,048 in there, too, and now you're hot-tubbin' with a pal. 361 00:13:45,108 --> 00:13:48,309 One time, I found a dead bear that I harvested for meat. 362 00:13:48,328 --> 00:13:49,994 Beef, I-I'm not sure this is the best story. 363 00:13:50,187 --> 00:13:53,498 -Prentis is a strict vegetarian. -Everyone loves this story. 364 00:13:53,691 --> 00:13:55,725 So, when I cut open its stomach, I found... 365 00:13:55,827 --> 00:13:58,744 -Hey, why not... -...not one but two bats inside, 366 00:13:58,897 --> 00:14:02,156 which is crazy, because bears don't eat bats. 367 00:14:02,217 --> 00:14:03,842 (laughs): It's like, what-what... 368 00:14:03,993 --> 00:14:05,751 what are you doing in there, stupid bats? 369 00:14:05,887 --> 00:14:07,904 H-Having a party? 370 00:14:07,964 --> 00:14:09,848 Dumb bats. Wha... 371 00:14:10,041 --> 00:14:11,498 (gulps) Bats. 372 00:14:11,518 --> 00:14:13,076 Well, Brian, thank you 373 00:14:13,094 --> 00:14:15,502 for this very enjoyable but, uh, confusing dinner. 374 00:14:15,522 --> 00:14:17,747 I don't think I know enough about your hot tubs to make 375 00:14:17,807 --> 00:14:22,418 any type of decision tonight, so let's touch base in a few weeks. 376 00:14:22,478 --> 00:14:24,253 Ooh, well, that went well. 377 00:14:24,272 --> 00:14:25,864 He said he was gonna touch your base. 378 00:14:26,057 --> 00:14:29,092 Beef, "circle back" is good. "Touch base" is very bad. 379 00:14:29,152 --> 00:14:31,110 I'm gonna put down a credit card. Go ahead and sign for me. 380 00:14:31,204 --> 00:14:33,020 -I'll be in the car. -(moans) 381 00:14:33,081 --> 00:14:36,432 I should've put another finger in the tiny hot tub. 382 00:14:36,451 --> 00:14:40,194 -(dance music playing) -This is what it's all about, my freaks. 383 00:14:40,255 --> 00:14:42,696 So... 384 00:14:42,757 --> 00:14:44,290 -do you want to dance? -What? 385 00:14:44,442 --> 00:14:45,775 Oh, yeah, definitely. 386 00:14:45,835 --> 00:14:47,385 Uh, but first, I have to go to the bathroom. 387 00:14:47,554 --> 00:14:49,203 I also have to go to the bathroom. 388 00:14:49,264 --> 00:14:52,557 Desperately. But not in a gross way. 389 00:14:54,769 --> 00:14:56,728 -Hey. -Oh, hey. 390 00:14:56,879 --> 00:14:58,471 Your sister had a bathroom emergency. 391 00:14:58,565 --> 00:15:01,290 So I was thinking, these dance floor moments are few. 392 00:15:01,309 --> 00:15:03,976 Maybe we could dance together? So as not to waste them? 393 00:15:04,112 --> 00:15:06,053 Yeah. I mean, we shouldn't waste them. 394 00:15:06,114 --> 00:15:07,655 That's wasting. 395 00:15:12,103 --> 00:15:14,561 Oh. Crispin's dancing. 396 00:15:14,581 --> 00:15:15,580 So is Ham. 397 00:15:15,773 --> 00:15:19,083 They're doing it at each other. 398 00:15:19,276 --> 00:15:21,377 ♪ ♪ 399 00:15:23,256 --> 00:15:26,165 Oh, but... 400 00:15:26,259 --> 00:15:28,409 -But... -Oh! Judy, wait. 401 00:15:28,470 --> 00:15:30,744 We were trying not to waste the dance floor moments. 402 00:15:30,805 --> 00:15:35,416 Crispin was supposed to be my date. 403 00:15:35,477 --> 00:15:38,828 And news flash, pinto beans are not a good gift! 404 00:15:38,888 --> 00:15:43,349 I'm sorry, Crispin, just... I can't do this to my sister. 405 00:15:43,443 --> 00:15:45,351 Goodbye, Ham Tobin. 406 00:15:45,503 --> 00:15:47,503 I'll see you in every single class. 407 00:15:47,563 --> 00:15:50,356 That deal was really important to me and you ruined it. 408 00:15:50,450 --> 00:15:52,784 (sighs) I'm sorry. I thought I was helping. 409 00:15:52,953 --> 00:15:54,953 I just feel like you've changed. 410 00:15:55,121 --> 00:15:56,621 You'd rather e-mail than fish. 411 00:15:56,790 --> 00:15:58,456 You're right, Beef. I've changed. 412 00:15:58,607 --> 00:16:00,291 I love wearing wedding pants every day. 413 00:16:00,484 --> 00:16:02,293 I love crushing conference calls. 414 00:16:02,486 --> 00:16:03,962 This is who I am now. 415 00:16:04,155 --> 00:16:06,464 But do you still like Lone Moose? 416 00:16:06,615 --> 00:16:09,041 Of course. I love Lone Moose, because you're here. 417 00:16:09,135 --> 00:16:10,635 And all our memories are here. 418 00:16:10,786 --> 00:16:12,804 But the truth is, when I was out fishing 419 00:16:12,997 --> 00:16:15,047 or pressure-washing boats that would later be fished in 420 00:16:15,141 --> 00:16:16,957 or selling bulk pulverized sardines 421 00:16:17,060 --> 00:16:20,144 to use as bait for fishing, I wasn't happy. 422 00:16:20,296 --> 00:16:22,038 How is that possible? 423 00:16:22,056 --> 00:16:24,540 Because being brothers doesn't mean we're the same person. 424 00:16:24,600 --> 00:16:26,633 It just means we care about each other. 425 00:16:26,653 --> 00:16:30,488 I do care. I'm gonna try to support your big-city life, 426 00:16:30,639 --> 00:16:32,548 even though I also think it's terrible 427 00:16:32,608 --> 00:16:34,808 and I miss you and will you please move back? 428 00:16:34,828 --> 00:16:36,886 -Beef. -Sorry. I'll stop now. 429 00:16:36,988 --> 00:16:39,388 I do enjoy your salon-bought haircut, though. 430 00:16:39,407 --> 00:16:40,890 It gives you an air of authority, 431 00:16:40,950 --> 00:16:42,316 like a flight attendant. 432 00:16:42,377 --> 00:16:43,650 Well, then, please remain seated, Beef, 433 00:16:43,712 --> 00:16:45,895 in the first-class cabin of my heart. 434 00:16:45,955 --> 00:16:50,750 (crying) Stupid dance. Stupid people dancing. 435 00:16:50,902 --> 00:16:52,918 Dumb love is a stupid lie. 436 00:16:53,054 --> 00:16:56,014 Like the "free cone" coupons they won't honor at DQ. 437 00:16:56,207 --> 00:16:58,165 "Ooh, they're expired, Judy." 438 00:16:58,226 --> 00:16:59,517 Idiots! 439 00:16:59,710 --> 00:17:01,019 I hate love. 440 00:17:01,212 --> 00:17:03,262 -Hey, girl. -(gasps) Who said that? 441 00:17:03,414 --> 00:17:05,172 I did, you sad, sad lady, 442 00:17:05,233 --> 00:17:07,266 weeping up a storm on my special day. 443 00:17:07,418 --> 00:17:10,344 Thomas Wintersbone? Is that you? 444 00:17:10,405 --> 00:17:12,012 Girl, you know it's me. 445 00:17:12,032 --> 00:17:14,106 Now, what in the hell is wrong, sad lady? 446 00:17:14,200 --> 00:17:16,259 You're a 16-year-old girl at a school dance. 447 00:17:16,277 --> 00:17:17,368 You should be in there working the room, 448 00:17:17,520 --> 00:17:19,520 dropping it low, catching smooches. 449 00:17:19,581 --> 00:17:22,615 Well, that's just it, Thomas. I'm Smoochless in Seattle. 450 00:17:22,709 --> 00:17:25,451 I came here tonight to experience romance 451 00:17:25,587 --> 00:17:28,195 with Crispin, from Smoothie Boss? 452 00:17:28,214 --> 00:17:29,789 But then he met my brother Ham. 453 00:17:29,941 --> 00:17:31,698 And they're doing everything I was supposed to do. 454 00:17:31,760 --> 00:17:36,112 They flirted and laughed and even shared a home-run smooch. 455 00:17:36,130 --> 00:17:39,873 (sighs) All I ever wanted was my own epic love story, 456 00:17:39,934 --> 00:17:41,208 just like yours and Ruby's. 457 00:17:41,269 --> 00:17:43,043 (shrieks) Epic love story? 458 00:17:43,104 --> 00:17:45,712 Ruby Wrench and I were not in love. 459 00:17:45,774 --> 00:17:47,381 We were friends brought together by a world 460 00:17:47,442 --> 00:17:49,067 that made us both feel like outsiders. 461 00:17:49,218 --> 00:17:50,568 You see, Ruby, she preferred 462 00:17:50,761 --> 00:17:52,570 the company of her best friend Anne. 463 00:17:52,721 --> 00:17:54,739 -JUDY: I don't understand. -THOMAS: How can I put this? 464 00:17:54,932 --> 00:17:57,241 They were women who kissed upon the lips in the night, Judy. 465 00:17:57,434 --> 00:17:59,485 -Oh, they were lesbians. -Okay, sure. 466 00:17:59,621 --> 00:18:00,986 Is that what you call it nowadays? 467 00:18:01,139 --> 00:18:03,397 And me, I was a lesbian for men. 468 00:18:03,458 --> 00:18:04,916 Especially lumberjacks. 469 00:18:05,067 --> 00:18:07,326 I was very lesbian for lumberjacks. 470 00:18:07,420 --> 00:18:09,645 Um, Thomas, two boys is called "gay" now. 471 00:18:09,664 --> 00:18:11,923 Too late, Judy, I'm dead. May I go on? 472 00:18:12,116 --> 00:18:14,834 Ruby and I decided to wed to avoid persecution, 473 00:18:14,986 --> 00:18:16,260 not for love. 474 00:18:16,453 --> 00:18:17,820 And I promised to pay a lumberjack 475 00:18:17,839 --> 00:18:19,413 to build us a second cabin, for... 476 00:18:19,474 --> 00:18:21,507 -reasons. -Because your love couldn't 477 00:18:21,659 --> 00:18:23,843 -be contained by just one cabin? -No, we were lesbians. 478 00:18:23,937 --> 00:18:25,328 Focus up! 479 00:18:25,346 --> 00:18:27,254 I died alone in the snow, 480 00:18:27,315 --> 00:18:30,090 because I couldn't be my own fabulous self. 481 00:18:30,110 --> 00:18:32,852 People didn't like the truth of my untimely demise, 482 00:18:32,987 --> 00:18:36,839 so they made up a story they found more agreeable. 483 00:18:36,899 --> 00:18:38,341 Does that sound familiar? 484 00:18:38,359 --> 00:18:39,692 Maybe a little bit like what you've done 485 00:18:39,786 --> 00:18:42,027 with yours and Crispin's epic love story? 486 00:18:42,122 --> 00:18:44,680 What? Oh, maybe. 487 00:18:44,740 --> 00:18:46,515 Love is a precious thing, ladybug. 488 00:18:46,534 --> 00:18:48,108 Let Ham have his. 489 00:18:48,319 --> 00:18:50,444 And don't waste yours on someone who can't even return it. 490 00:18:50,463 --> 00:18:52,630 I think I know what I have to do. 491 00:18:52,823 --> 00:18:54,206 And you always did. 492 00:18:54,359 --> 00:18:55,541 Actually that's not true. 493 00:18:55,635 --> 00:18:58,344 I really had to walk you right up to it. 494 00:18:59,806 --> 00:19:01,806 This dance is a five-alarm fire of lies. 495 00:19:01,957 --> 00:19:05,551 And, well, it's time to pull out the liar extinguisher. 496 00:19:05,645 --> 00:19:07,294 (laughs) Ooh, I've got to write that down 497 00:19:07,355 --> 00:19:08,771 -and use it for my memoirs. -(alarm ringing) 498 00:19:13,060 --> 00:19:14,968 Please move away from the burning building 499 00:19:15,029 --> 00:19:17,304 -before it explodes! -Everybody, there is no burning building! 500 00:19:17,365 --> 00:19:21,384 I pulled the fire alarm, because we need a redo. 501 00:19:21,485 --> 00:19:24,220 This dance was founded on a lie. 502 00:19:24,238 --> 00:19:25,738 Thomas and Ruby weren't in love. 503 00:19:25,890 --> 00:19:28,815 Their biggest dream was to live in two separate cabins. 504 00:19:28,835 --> 00:19:31,502 Um, their love couldn't be contained by just one cabin. 505 00:19:31,654 --> 00:19:34,821 Uh, no, they were gay! This isn't a love story. 506 00:19:34,883 --> 00:19:38,083 It's a story about two people who couldn't be themselves. 507 00:19:38,219 --> 00:19:40,736 It's a story about someone who died, 508 00:19:40,755 --> 00:19:43,739 alone in the snow, trying to fit in. 509 00:19:43,841 --> 00:19:46,517 If we really want to celebrate Thomas and Ruby, 510 00:19:46,710 --> 00:19:48,761 tonight shouldn't be about rules or tradition 511 00:19:48,913 --> 00:19:51,247 or staying outside in homage to Thomas. 512 00:19:51,307 --> 00:19:53,249 He hated it outside. 513 00:19:53,267 --> 00:19:55,584 This should be a night where everyone can have fun. 514 00:19:55,645 --> 00:19:57,528 No matter who they are or who they like. 515 00:19:57,680 --> 00:19:59,588 Yeah, and if you're a girl who wants to stay out here 516 00:19:59,649 --> 00:20:02,425 and make snow demons under the impenetrable night sky, 517 00:20:02,485 --> 00:20:03,684 that's allowed, too. 518 00:20:03,745 --> 00:20:06,111 Uh, yeah, sure. And one more thing: 519 00:20:06,206 --> 00:20:09,022 Crispin, I'm uninviting you in. 520 00:20:09,042 --> 00:20:10,616 (gasps) Delicious. 521 00:20:10,768 --> 00:20:12,268 There's someone else you really should've gone with 522 00:20:12,328 --> 00:20:13,786 in the first place. 523 00:20:13,880 --> 00:20:16,589 Ham, get up here. 524 00:20:18,551 --> 00:20:23,295 I'd like to invite Crispin Cienfuegos in. 525 00:20:23,389 --> 00:20:25,765 -Hi. -Hey. 526 00:20:26,875 --> 00:20:28,375 To Brian. 527 00:20:28,436 --> 00:20:30,469 But wait, how ever will we keep these beers cold 528 00:20:30,563 --> 00:20:33,213 -in this hot steam? -Our Roadkill Koozies 529 00:20:33,233 --> 00:20:35,624 are well-insulated, sustainable and fun. 530 00:20:35,685 --> 00:20:37,384 -(yelps) -So, do we have a deal? 531 00:20:37,403 --> 00:20:39,720 Do I love the koozie business as an investor? No. 532 00:20:39,781 --> 00:20:42,556 But scary and full of whimsy? Give me three. 533 00:20:42,617 --> 00:20:44,149 Great. Honeybee, start the car. 534 00:20:44,244 --> 00:20:46,244 We need to get two more by midnight. 535 00:20:46,395 --> 00:20:47,319 (dance music playing) 536 00:20:47,455 --> 00:20:48,654 I think you're very beautiful, 537 00:20:48,790 --> 00:20:49,989 Judy Tobin. 538 00:20:50,141 --> 00:20:51,323 Inside and out. Dance with me? 539 00:20:51,417 --> 00:20:52,992 Thanks, Gill. Let's do it. 540 00:20:53,086 --> 00:20:55,494 ♪ ♪ 541 00:20:55,588 --> 00:20:58,422 ♪ Perfect seashell butterballs ♪ 542 00:20:58,574 --> 00:21:00,091 ♪ Don't just stand there by the wall ♪ 543 00:21:00,284 --> 00:21:02,093 ♪ Perfect seashell butterballs ♪ 544 00:21:02,244 --> 00:21:04,503 ♪ Let's get naughty-cal ♪ 545 00:21:04,655 --> 00:21:06,747 -♪ Come on! ♪ -♪ Fun and creamy, round and rich ♪ 546 00:21:06,766 --> 00:21:08,657 ♪ From the ocean to your lips ♪ 547 00:21:08,759 --> 00:21:10,676 ♪ From the shores of Waikiki ♪ 548 00:21:10,828 --> 00:21:12,344 ♪ To the bowl in front of me ♪ 549 00:21:12,438 --> 00:21:14,497 ♪ Clinging to the hulls of ships ♪ 550 00:21:14,515 --> 00:21:15,756 ♪ Everybody shake your hips ♪ 551 00:21:15,817 --> 00:21:17,683 ♪ Perfect seashell butterballs ♪ 552 00:21:17,777 --> 00:21:19,944 ♪ Don't be a flower on the wall ♪ 553 00:21:20,137 --> 00:21:22,021 ♪ Perfect seashell butterballs ♪ 554 00:21:22,115 --> 00:21:24,173 ♪ Let's get naughty-cal ♪ 555 00:21:24,233 --> 00:21:26,433 ♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ 556 00:21:26,452 --> 00:21:28,452 ♪ Now you're eating butter with a pal. ♪ 557 00:21:29,480 --> 00:21:30,288 Captioning sponsored by BENTO BOX ENTERTAINMENT 558 00:21:30,481 --> 00:21:32,623 and TOYOTA.