1 00:00:47,000 --> 00:00:49,280 'Kin hell, you're holding me up... 2 00:00:51,520 --> 00:00:53,280 Yeah, you are. 3 00:00:53,440 --> 00:00:56,720 Trying to get a wriggle on for you, and you keep bellin' me up. 4 00:00:56,880 --> 00:00:59,760 Yeah, I've got the Tutankhamun. Listen, I'll be ten minutes. 5 00:01:00,600 --> 00:01:01,640 Ten minutes. 6 00:01:05,440 --> 00:01:06,720 Or maybe less. 7 00:01:13,640 --> 00:01:15,200 Oh, shit... 8 00:01:18,920 --> 00:01:22,079 Spontaneous theft. Christ, it's been ages since I did one of them. 9 00:01:22,080 --> 00:01:23,160 Can you see to it? 10 00:01:23,185 --> 00:01:25,724 Yeah. I'll scratch the ceiling and then give it a little spray. 11 00:01:25,760 --> 00:01:26,842 You checked around? 12 00:01:26,867 --> 00:01:28,924 Not yet. You do the front. I'll do the back. 13 00:01:30,720 --> 00:01:34,560 - No way! - What is it? - Antiques. - Antiques? - Yeah. 14 00:01:34,720 --> 00:01:37,120 Nicked it from outside this antique shop in Walburn. 15 00:01:37,280 --> 00:01:40,400 - The hell is this? - Oh! That's an old dildo. 16 00:01:41,400 --> 00:01:43,240 - No, it's not. - Course it is! 17 00:01:43,400 --> 00:01:45,560 - It can't be. - Look at the bellend. 18 00:01:45,720 --> 00:01:49,720 Let's take it down to the pawn shop. Sly Si will be all over these, man. 19 00:01:49,840 --> 00:01:50,840 Be safe. 20 00:01:59,240 --> 00:02:02,120 There he is. Top shagger. How's it going, Si? 21 00:02:02,240 --> 00:02:03,440 All right, Vin. 22 00:02:03,600 --> 00:02:06,280 - What have you got for me? - I'll tell you what I've got for you. 23 00:02:06,480 --> 00:02:08,760 Some genuine, none of your replica shit, antiques there. 24 00:02:08,785 --> 00:02:09,844 Antiques? 25 00:02:09,880 --> 00:02:12,960 Silver spoons, snuff box, flintlock guns, some sort of... 26 00:02:13,440 --> 00:02:14,440 weird... 27 00:02:14,520 --> 00:02:16,200 A weird table ornament thing. 28 00:02:16,320 --> 00:02:17,720 Nice. Nice. 29 00:02:19,280 --> 00:02:21,440 She's a beaut. 30 00:02:21,600 --> 00:02:24,440 - Hmm. Get out! - I know, it's big, innit? 31 00:02:25,720 --> 00:02:28,400 - Is this for horses? - "Is it for..." For horses? 32 00:02:28,560 --> 00:02:30,960 - It's got a horse on it. - Yeah, but it's... 33 00:02:31,080 --> 00:02:32,240 It's fucking decorative. 34 00:02:32,400 --> 00:02:34,160 Yeah, why would a horse want a dildo? 35 00:02:34,320 --> 00:02:37,240 - "Decorative". - Yeah. It's for looking at while you... 36 00:02:39,480 --> 00:02:42,520 - Do you want to buy it or not? - No, it's too weird for me. 37 00:02:42,680 --> 00:02:44,600 This is a pawn shop, not a porn shop. 38 00:02:44,760 --> 00:02:47,760 I'll have the rest, though. 39 00:02:47,920 --> 00:02:50,120 - Two hundred. - Three hundred. 40 00:02:50,280 --> 00:02:52,320 - Two. - Two-fifty. 41 00:02:52,440 --> 00:02:53,440 Two. 42 00:02:54,560 --> 00:02:57,160 - Two-two-five. - Two. - For fu... 43 00:02:58,240 --> 00:02:59,760 Done. 44 00:03:00,960 --> 00:03:02,120 Shit. 45 00:03:07,720 --> 00:03:10,880 What are you doing in that? Get out of her! 46 00:03:11,040 --> 00:03:14,160 Hey! Have you been conducting criminal business in my princess? 47 00:03:14,360 --> 00:03:17,500 Oi! Calm down. I'm doing you a favour. JJ asked me to drop it off for you. 48 00:03:17,560 --> 00:03:18,610 Is it fixed? 49 00:03:18,635 --> 00:03:21,184 No, no. He told me, "Return it, it's still broke." 50 00:03:22,080 --> 00:03:23,100 How's she driving? 51 00:03:23,125 --> 00:03:25,584 It's good. Said she's got years in her. "Beast." 52 00:03:25,720 --> 00:03:27,720 - They were the words he used. - "Beast," eh? 53 00:03:27,840 --> 00:03:29,360 See? See? 54 00:03:29,560 --> 00:03:33,440 Him, next door, He-Man, Master of the Universe... 55 00:03:33,560 --> 00:03:34,640 Mockin' me, he was. 56 00:03:34,760 --> 00:03:36,080 It's not funny! 57 00:03:36,240 --> 00:03:40,160 He drove past in his blue... thing. Japanese Tonka-type. 58 00:03:40,360 --> 00:03:45,160 What he doesn't realise is that this is a classic, proper machinery, 59 00:03:45,320 --> 00:03:48,800 built to last by British hands, eh? 60 00:03:48,960 --> 00:03:51,000 That's the trouble with the Europeans, you know? 61 00:03:51,025 --> 00:03:52,104 No, no, no. 62 00:03:52,140 --> 00:03:54,500 Boring, boring. I've got things to do. 63 00:04:01,440 --> 00:04:03,920 Each to their own, son. Each to their own. 64 00:04:09,960 --> 00:04:12,280 Vaslowsky... 65 00:04:12,440 --> 00:04:15,680 - See you managed to resuscitate her. - Uh, you what? Hey... 66 00:04:15,840 --> 00:04:19,640 Workhorse, this, mate. A beast. Live forever. 67 00:04:19,760 --> 00:04:22,400 Not like this... commun-y car. 68 00:04:22,520 --> 00:04:24,120 Jealousy, jealousy. 69 00:04:24,240 --> 00:04:27,000 "Jealous"? This is a man's truck. 70 00:04:27,120 --> 00:04:29,320 Hey, my dad had this before me, 71 00:04:29,480 --> 00:04:33,200 and my son... if I had one, would have it after. 72 00:04:33,360 --> 00:04:35,840 Hey, listen to this, eh? 73 00:04:37,960 --> 00:04:39,840 Hear it and weep! 74 00:04:42,240 --> 00:04:45,360 2.4 diesel, four-cylinder. 75 00:04:45,520 --> 00:04:48,760 The most powerful street vehicle ever produced! 76 00:04:48,880 --> 00:04:50,760 It's like a symphony. 77 00:04:51,320 --> 00:04:54,400 I'll tell you what, this'll beat that in a race, mate. 78 00:04:54,560 --> 00:04:57,600 Yeah, I'll bet, while this is in reverse. 79 00:04:57,720 --> 00:04:59,160 You cheeky bastard. 80 00:04:59,320 --> 00:05:01,320 You look like a girl with that haircut! 81 00:05:01,480 --> 00:05:03,360 Hey, there's nothing wrong with this hair. 82 00:05:03,480 --> 00:05:05,400 Eh! 83 00:05:10,280 --> 00:05:12,040 What a beast! What a bad boy! 84 00:05:12,720 --> 00:05:15,040 Laughing, are you? Huh? 85 00:05:15,480 --> 00:05:16,480 You! 86 00:05:16,600 --> 00:05:19,520 - See what you made me do! - I'm gonna fucking... 87 00:05:19,680 --> 00:05:23,080 - You made me do that! - My windscreen, you prick! 88 00:05:29,400 --> 00:05:31,600 Jim... Jim! Oi! 89 00:05:33,520 --> 00:05:34,560 Jim? 90 00:05:38,280 --> 00:05:39,880 Jim, I'm sorry... 91 00:05:40,920 --> 00:05:41,920 Cunt. 92 00:05:44,920 --> 00:05:47,200 Ah! Oh, watch out. There you go. 93 00:05:47,360 --> 00:05:49,640 Right, remember, after-school club tonight. 94 00:05:49,800 --> 00:05:52,680 I've written Mrs Worthington a note, but Marcus will be there. 95 00:05:52,800 --> 00:05:54,720 - Yeah. - Yeah, so you'll have fun. 96 00:05:54,880 --> 00:05:58,120 Listen, Mummy's got her last two exams today, 97 00:05:58,280 --> 00:06:01,280 so when they're over, Mummy won't have to work so hard. 98 00:06:01,400 --> 00:06:03,320 Yeah! - Yeah! Yeah! 99 00:06:04,280 --> 00:06:06,920 Dylan's gonna take you to school and I'll pick you up, yeah? 100 00:06:07,040 --> 00:06:10,560 OK. Love you, baby. Bye. 101 00:06:10,720 --> 00:06:13,760 - All right, wish me luck. - Good luck! You don't need it. 102 00:06:58,600 --> 00:06:59,600 Ah. 103 00:07:00,440 --> 00:07:03,040 Ay up, Si. Do you want it after all? 104 00:07:03,200 --> 00:07:05,760 Vin, where did you get them antiques? 105 00:07:05,960 --> 00:07:08,680 You know the rules. Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies. 106 00:07:08,880 --> 00:07:12,920 - Si, listen, you know... - Fuck the rules. I'm in deep shit here. 107 00:07:13,080 --> 00:07:15,920 You just tell me where you nicked them antiques from. 108 00:07:16,080 --> 00:07:17,960 I didn't nick... Well, I did. 109 00:07:18,120 --> 00:07:20,800 I nicked a car, and the antiques, they were in the boot. 110 00:07:20,960 --> 00:07:23,600 - What's going on? - Just get down here. 111 00:07:23,720 --> 00:07:25,960 - Why? - Just get down here now. 112 00:07:26,880 --> 00:07:28,840 Don't tell anyone you're coming. 113 00:07:28,960 --> 00:07:32,640 All right. Si, what's going... Si? 114 00:07:46,200 --> 00:07:47,200 Oi! 115 00:07:48,840 --> 00:07:51,360 Get up, you little fucker. Get up! 116 00:08:36,645 --> 00:08:38,805 History lesson for you, Vinnie. 117 00:08:38,965 --> 00:08:43,045 I know you're not well-educated, so, uh... let me enlighten you. 118 00:08:45,005 --> 00:08:49,325 The term "dildo" was first coined in around 1400 AD. 119 00:08:50,365 --> 00:08:52,725 It originates from the Latin dilatare, 120 00:08:52,845 --> 00:08:55,485 which means 'open wide'. 121 00:08:57,525 --> 00:09:00,285 The dick, Vincent. 122 00:09:00,445 --> 00:09:04,205 The penis, the slongker, the cock, the old fella... 123 00:09:05,645 --> 00:09:09,605 has been revered and replicated since the start of humanity. 124 00:09:12,845 --> 00:09:14,205 And now, you... 125 00:09:16,525 --> 00:09:17,525 and you... 126 00:09:19,245 --> 00:09:20,725 are about to lose yours. 127 00:09:21,365 --> 00:09:24,045 No. Please. It was in... 128 00:09:24,165 --> 00:09:25,165 Shut it. 129 00:09:27,725 --> 00:09:31,045 - Where's my antique dildo? - On a farm. 130 00:09:31,165 --> 00:09:33,365 - Which farm? - Jim's farm. 131 00:09:33,525 --> 00:09:35,645 I can get it back, though. 132 00:09:35,765 --> 00:09:38,725 - Who stole 'em? - I don't know. 133 00:09:38,885 --> 00:09:41,245 - Who was driving the car you nicked? - I don't know... 134 00:09:42,365 --> 00:09:43,485 Oh, fuck! 135 00:09:43,605 --> 00:09:45,725 A young guy. 136 00:09:45,885 --> 00:09:50,365 Fuck, I didn't really see him. He might have had... brown hair. 137 00:09:50,525 --> 00:09:52,885 Told you, didn't I? In the hospital, do you remember? 138 00:09:53,005 --> 00:09:54,645 I said, "If our paths cross again." 139 00:09:54,765 --> 00:09:55,765 I know, but all this... 140 00:09:55,925 --> 00:09:59,645 I didn't know it had your things in it, and I'll get 'em back! 141 00:09:59,805 --> 00:10:02,165 I'll fuck... I'll get you whatever you want! 142 00:10:10,445 --> 00:10:13,645 - Cut his dick off. - No, no, no! Give me an hour! 143 00:10:13,765 --> 00:10:15,165 Give me one hour! 144 00:10:15,325 --> 00:10:17,685 I know where it is. This is just a mistake, this. 145 00:10:17,805 --> 00:10:20,325 - All right, you, trousers off. - What? 146 00:10:22,245 --> 00:10:25,605 I could find out the owner of that car. I fucking can... 147 00:10:25,725 --> 00:10:28,565 I'll find out... I'll get it back. 148 00:10:28,685 --> 00:10:30,845 My friend's a mechanic. 149 00:10:30,965 --> 00:10:33,485 Fucking trousers off! 150 00:10:33,605 --> 00:10:35,525 My friend's a mechanic... 151 00:10:35,645 --> 00:10:38,485 - Boxers. - Fuck... 152 00:10:38,605 --> 00:10:39,765 Boxers. 153 00:10:41,685 --> 00:10:45,605 Mr McCann... No! Wait, wait! 154 00:10:45,725 --> 00:10:48,285 Just... Just... Don't... 155 00:10:49,205 --> 00:10:51,925 All right, now, say bye-bye to it. 156 00:10:52,045 --> 00:10:53,965 Why? Why? 157 00:10:54,125 --> 00:10:57,525 - Say bye-bye. - Fuck... This is fucking madness, man. 158 00:10:57,645 --> 00:11:01,605 - Say it! - Bye, bye, bye... bye. 159 00:11:01,725 --> 00:11:02,805 Properly. 160 00:11:04,085 --> 00:11:05,725 You can't do this. Don't... 161 00:11:05,885 --> 00:11:08,245 Please don't cut my dick off in a pawn shop, man. 162 00:11:08,365 --> 00:11:10,925 - Don't... Don't... - Vin! - Fuck! 163 00:11:11,125 --> 00:11:15,765 You will always remember the moment before you become dickless. 164 00:11:17,285 --> 00:11:20,045 It's the end of one life and the start of another. 165 00:11:20,165 --> 00:11:23,245 Pre and post-dick. 166 00:11:25,725 --> 00:11:27,645 I have been badly betrayed, 167 00:11:27,805 --> 00:11:30,085 and the only people with knowledge of my antiques 168 00:11:30,245 --> 00:11:33,965 are people that know my house, people who come and go, 169 00:11:34,085 --> 00:11:36,445 people with regular access. 170 00:11:36,565 --> 00:11:37,725 I want to fucking know. 171 00:11:38,605 --> 00:11:40,565 I have to fucking know. 172 00:11:40,685 --> 00:11:42,845 I can find out. 173 00:11:42,965 --> 00:11:45,045 I fucking can. I can find out. 174 00:11:45,965 --> 00:11:46,965 OK... 175 00:11:48,165 --> 00:11:50,965 You find out who took that dildo, you keep your dick. 176 00:11:52,165 --> 00:11:55,205 You don't, it comes off. 177 00:11:59,485 --> 00:12:02,365 - Do we understand ourselves? - Yeah. 178 00:12:02,525 --> 00:12:05,085 Do we fucking understand each other? 179 00:12:05,205 --> 00:12:07,525 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yes. 180 00:12:26,365 --> 00:12:28,845 - So, it went well? - Yeah, it was firing outta me. 181 00:12:29,005 --> 00:12:31,845 Know that feeling when you're trying to grab it from your brain 182 00:12:32,005 --> 00:12:34,005 and then slam it perfectly in a piece of paper? 183 00:12:34,125 --> 00:12:35,725 In semi-coherent sentences, yeah. 184 00:12:35,845 --> 00:12:38,085 I'm sure you did great. What's now? 185 00:12:38,205 --> 00:12:39,205 Uh, marketing. 186 00:12:39,285 --> 00:12:40,965 Feeling all right about it, actually. 187 00:12:41,085 --> 00:12:42,525 I'd done so much revision for it. 188 00:12:42,645 --> 00:12:44,205 - I'll be surprised... - Erin. 189 00:12:44,965 --> 00:12:46,165 Dylan, what's happened? 190 00:12:46,325 --> 00:12:50,645 I need to talk to you. In private. 191 00:12:52,525 --> 00:12:56,205 Well, um, we're on the way to the last exam. It starts in five minutes. 192 00:12:56,325 --> 00:12:57,565 - Dylan... - What? 193 00:12:59,205 --> 00:13:02,245 - Come on. - Dylan, what the fuck? What is it? 194 00:13:08,045 --> 00:13:09,245 Now, start talking. 195 00:13:12,485 --> 00:13:14,005 Shit. 196 00:13:15,205 --> 00:13:17,765 - All right, look, Dylan... - Is it gone? 197 00:13:21,085 --> 00:13:24,245 You're not showing and, what, this is weeks ago, so... 198 00:13:26,525 --> 00:13:27,965 is it gone? 199 00:13:30,525 --> 00:13:31,525 Yeah. 200 00:13:36,365 --> 00:13:37,405 Was it mine? 201 00:13:38,965 --> 00:13:40,045 What? 202 00:13:40,205 --> 00:13:43,085 Or was it his? Fucking... college boy. 203 00:13:44,405 --> 00:13:46,605 Because if you wanna have a secret abortion, 204 00:13:46,765 --> 00:13:49,285 then it can't have been mine, can it, because... 205 00:13:49,445 --> 00:13:52,685 Because we're a couple and there is no fucking way, yeah, 206 00:13:52,845 --> 00:13:56,085 that you would go off on your own and have my baby fucking killed! 207 00:13:56,205 --> 00:13:59,125 It was yours. 208 00:14:00,285 --> 00:14:04,045 Look, I'm sorry, OK. It was a mistake. I messed up with the pill. 209 00:14:04,205 --> 00:14:07,525 We were shagging half that month, do you remember? It was... 210 00:14:09,205 --> 00:14:12,165 It was never meant to happen. We hadn't planned it, discussed it. 211 00:14:12,325 --> 00:14:14,645 So, you just got rid of it, yeah? Without... 212 00:14:14,805 --> 00:14:17,365 - Without so much as... - I'm sorry. I... 213 00:14:17,525 --> 00:14:19,525 Dylan, I need to go to this exam, honestly. 214 00:14:19,685 --> 00:14:22,005 - If I'm not in that room... - Fuck your exam! 215 00:14:28,005 --> 00:14:30,885 All right, I didn't tell you, not because I don't love you, 216 00:14:31,045 --> 00:14:32,845 cos I knew you'd make it difficult for me. 217 00:14:32,965 --> 00:14:34,405 I couldn't face it. 218 00:14:34,565 --> 00:14:36,845 I've already had a kid by mistake once. 219 00:14:37,045 --> 00:14:40,845 I didn't want another one, not now, not here, not in this shit-hole we're in. 220 00:14:42,165 --> 00:14:44,125 Not with me? 221 00:14:44,285 --> 00:14:46,565 - That's what you're saying. - I'm not saying that! 222 00:14:48,805 --> 00:14:50,765 Kept Vinnie's one though, didn't you? 223 00:14:52,685 --> 00:14:56,605 How did you know that? Has Vinnie said something to you? 224 00:14:56,765 --> 00:14:58,805 No, my best friend didn't tell me anything. 225 00:14:58,925 --> 00:15:00,125 I heard you talking. 226 00:15:01,725 --> 00:15:04,565 When Ronnie was here, you and Vinnie were talking about Tyler. 227 00:15:04,685 --> 00:15:05,725 When did you screw him? 228 00:15:07,045 --> 00:15:10,565 Right, we were both off our heads. We weren't even together then! 229 00:15:10,725 --> 00:15:13,165 Right. Something else you didn't tell me. Was he good? 230 00:15:13,285 --> 00:15:15,805 - Dylan! - Was he fucking good, Erin? 231 00:15:15,965 --> 00:15:18,285 - My best mate that you shagged! - It was a mistake. 232 00:15:18,405 --> 00:15:20,325 - Another one? - Yes, another one. 233 00:15:20,525 --> 00:15:24,125 And I didn't wanna tell anyone, because I thought it'd be better that I didn't... 234 00:15:24,245 --> 00:15:25,405 I'm sorry. 235 00:15:28,125 --> 00:15:30,925 Honestly, I really need to go. I need to do this. 236 00:15:34,005 --> 00:15:36,245 Am I... Do I mean that little to you? 237 00:15:36,365 --> 00:15:38,285 No. 238 00:15:38,405 --> 00:15:40,925 Am I so low on your fucking list? 239 00:15:43,125 --> 00:15:46,685 Fuck you, Erin. Fuck you, for getting rid of that kid. 240 00:15:46,845 --> 00:15:49,605 - Dylan... - I'm sick of trying to please you. 241 00:15:49,765 --> 00:15:51,765 I'm sick of feeling like I'm not good enough. 242 00:15:51,885 --> 00:15:52,965 And do you know what? 243 00:15:53,165 --> 00:15:56,605 Fucking hell, I always wanted to keep my mouth shut about Vinnie and Tyler. 244 00:15:56,765 --> 00:15:59,365 For all of us. Just let it ride. But this... 245 00:16:05,245 --> 00:16:06,685 it's unforgivable. 246 00:16:07,285 --> 00:16:09,805 Dylan! Dylan! 247 00:16:10,205 --> 00:16:12,165 Do your exam! 248 00:16:17,045 --> 00:16:19,965 - Erin... - No. I'm OK. Just one minute. 249 00:16:21,105 --> 00:16:23,504 Whatever's happened, you need to go. You've got two minutes. 250 00:16:23,528 --> 00:16:25,869 - Now you have to... - I can't, I can't! 251 00:16:26,005 --> 00:16:27,765 If they close that door, you've missed it. 252 00:16:27,790 --> 00:16:28,809 Oh, shit. 253 00:16:28,885 --> 00:16:32,425 Parcel it away for two hours. Put it in a box, do not look at it. Come on. 254 00:16:32,485 --> 00:16:34,925 - No! - Come on! 255 00:16:35,085 --> 00:16:37,685 It'll still be here, afterwards, waiting for you. Please, Erin. 256 00:16:37,845 --> 00:16:40,765 All right, look, I... I'm gonna pull you. 257 00:16:40,965 --> 00:16:45,045 I don't want to hurt you, but I will drag you to that exam. Come on. 258 00:17:18,405 --> 00:17:20,325 Hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey... 259 00:17:23,325 --> 00:17:26,165 Look, she's here. Please, it's five seconds. 260 00:18:24,480 --> 00:18:26,440 Jim! Jim! Jim! 261 00:18:26,560 --> 00:18:28,120 - What? - I need the... 262 00:18:29,160 --> 00:18:32,960 - What the fuck's happened to you? - That blonde bastard attacked me. 263 00:18:33,120 --> 00:18:35,200 Almost killed me, he did. 264 00:18:35,360 --> 00:18:38,400 - I'm pressing charges. It's GBH. - Yeah. 265 00:18:38,560 --> 00:18:41,480 It's violent assault. I don't know what it is but... 266 00:18:41,640 --> 00:18:44,880 Jim! Listen, the antique... I left it in your Land Rover, where is it now? 267 00:18:45,000 --> 00:18:46,880 - Cock-shaped? - Yeah. 268 00:18:47,000 --> 00:18:49,280 That's what the bastard threw at me! 269 00:18:49,480 --> 00:18:52,600 What do you mean? How is he throwing it at you when I left it in your truck? 270 00:18:52,720 --> 00:18:54,200 I know, but, um... 271 00:18:54,360 --> 00:18:57,920 I kind of, uh... I threw it at... not him! 272 00:18:58,080 --> 00:19:00,120 - His car! - Where is it now? 273 00:19:00,280 --> 00:19:03,160 No idea. Take it up with that Polish prick. 274 00:19:03,280 --> 00:19:05,200 Oh, you... Fuck, dude. 275 00:19:07,240 --> 00:19:08,800 Shirley? 276 00:19:08,920 --> 00:19:10,640 Shirley! Fuck! 277 00:19:11,320 --> 00:19:14,280 - Shirley! - What do you want? 278 00:19:14,440 --> 00:19:16,920 - The object you threw at Jim, it's mine. - That dildo? 279 00:19:17,080 --> 00:19:19,160 - Yeah, where is it? - The dog's got it. Why have... 280 00:19:19,320 --> 00:19:21,360 - The dog's got it? - Petula, she's got it. 281 00:19:21,520 --> 00:19:24,040 - But she's not chewed it, has she? - Course she's chewed it. 282 00:19:24,200 --> 00:19:25,960 What do you think? Pleasured herself? 283 00:19:26,080 --> 00:19:27,880 - Where's the dog now? - In the barn. 284 00:19:28,040 --> 00:19:30,800 As far as I'm concerned, it's hers now. Finders keepers. 285 00:19:30,960 --> 00:19:33,120 "Finders keepers." It's thousands of years old. 286 00:19:33,280 --> 00:19:36,000 - Your stupid hair... - Hey! Not the hair! 287 00:19:36,160 --> 00:19:39,680 It's a good job I'm not wearing my yard boots! Shit... 288 00:19:39,800 --> 00:19:42,720 Petula! Pet... Shit. 289 00:19:46,040 --> 00:19:48,640 Shit... Petula, Petula. 290 00:19:48,760 --> 00:19:50,680 Oh, fuck. 291 00:19:50,840 --> 00:19:52,800 Be cool, will ya? It's gonna be all right. 292 00:19:52,960 --> 00:19:55,320 Everything's all right. Everything's good. 293 00:19:55,440 --> 00:19:57,200 Just come to get my dildo. 294 00:19:57,920 --> 00:20:00,640 Cool, be cool... 295 00:20:02,080 --> 00:20:04,080 Petula... 296 00:20:04,240 --> 00:20:06,680 Petula. Please, please. Be careful with the shaft! 297 00:20:06,840 --> 00:20:09,080 Careful with the bellend! My dick depends on this! 298 00:20:09,240 --> 00:20:10,960 My dick depends on this! Please let go! 299 00:20:11,120 --> 00:20:14,280 Let go. Don't, don't, don't... Shit. Shit. No, no, no. 300 00:20:14,400 --> 00:20:17,360 Petu... Petu... Petula, Petula! 301 00:20:17,520 --> 00:20:20,400 It's an antique. It's an antique. 302 00:20:21,480 --> 00:20:24,560 You're chewing the eye, dude. 303 00:20:24,720 --> 00:20:26,960 You're chewing... You're chewing the urethra. 304 00:20:30,560 --> 00:20:35,360 The bellend! I knew it! You chewed the bellend! 305 00:20:37,640 --> 00:20:40,080 Take your dildo, get off my farm. 306 00:20:41,640 --> 00:20:45,040 That's been inside ancient fannies. Now Petula's had her chops around it. 307 00:20:47,240 --> 00:20:49,800 Tell someone who gives a shit. 308 00:20:49,920 --> 00:20:52,920 JJ! J... Shit! 309 00:20:53,040 --> 00:20:55,440 J... JJ! Tom! 310 00:20:55,560 --> 00:20:57,440 Tom? Thomas! 311 00:20:58,440 --> 00:21:00,920 - Where's JJ at? - Over there. - Shit. 312 00:21:02,320 --> 00:21:05,920 JJ? JJ. JJ, dude. 313 00:21:06,120 --> 00:21:08,600 The fucking car, the car that I nicked, where is it? 314 00:21:08,720 --> 00:21:10,360 Gone, sold it. How good is that? 315 00:21:10,520 --> 00:21:12,560 Oh, no, that's not good. It's not good at all! 316 00:21:12,720 --> 00:21:14,600 - I need it back! - Why? Whose is it? 317 00:21:14,760 --> 00:21:17,000 We need to find out. Still got the original plates? 318 00:21:17,060 --> 00:21:18,131 You all right, Vin? 319 00:21:18,156 --> 00:21:20,204 No, I'm not! I'm very much not all right, dude! 320 00:21:20,280 --> 00:21:23,720 The fucking antiques, that big dildo, that all belongs to Terence McCann. 321 00:21:23,840 --> 00:21:25,320 He's gonna cut my dick off. 322 00:21:25,520 --> 00:21:29,120 - Hang about, a dildo? Terence McCann? - Shh. Thomas, we don't have time. 323 00:21:29,280 --> 00:21:31,800 You need to find that car, find them plates, dude. 324 00:21:31,960 --> 00:21:34,160 All right, OK. He said... 325 00:21:34,320 --> 00:21:36,200 JJ, he said he was gonna cut my dick off. 326 00:21:36,360 --> 00:21:38,640 Nearly cut it off at the fucking pawn shop... 327 00:21:42,280 --> 00:21:45,400 - Oh! Bingo! - Yeah? Found it? 328 00:21:45,560 --> 00:21:47,800 - No, not that. Bingo balls. - Oh, come on... 329 00:21:47,920 --> 00:21:49,840 Who throws them away? 330 00:21:50,000 --> 00:21:53,240 Young and keen, 14. Knock at the door, 24. 331 00:21:53,400 --> 00:21:55,720 Oh, hang on. Your favourite, madam, 69. 332 00:21:55,840 --> 00:21:58,080 - Here! - Found it? Is that it? 333 00:21:58,200 --> 00:22:00,320 - Yeah. - Which one? 334 00:22:00,520 --> 00:22:03,400 - I can't remember. - Fuck! Think about it, dude. Come on, man! 335 00:22:03,560 --> 00:22:05,480 All right, OK. Well, this one's newer. 336 00:22:05,640 --> 00:22:07,600 - It was older, wasn't it? - Come on. 337 00:22:07,760 --> 00:22:10,040 - That one. - That one? Sure? - Yeah. I think. 338 00:22:10,160 --> 00:22:12,080 - You think? - Yeah. - Fuck! 339 00:22:12,280 --> 00:22:15,840 - The office, dude. Come to the office. - Blind 90... 340 00:22:15,960 --> 00:22:16,960 Hang on! 341 00:22:20,200 --> 00:22:22,280 Audi, '80, green, and the owner is... 342 00:22:23,760 --> 00:22:24,760 Gary Cullen. 343 00:22:24,840 --> 00:22:25,840 Abracadabra's! 344 00:22:29,120 --> 00:22:31,040 - Ring it again. - No! No, you don't. 345 00:22:31,240 --> 00:22:34,520 - Who's dead now? What do you want? - You had a vehicle nicked? - Me? No. Why? 346 00:22:34,680 --> 00:22:38,000 A car registered to this address got nicked and brought to my garage. 347 00:22:38,160 --> 00:22:40,640 - What the fuck? Right... - You better start talking. 348 00:22:40,840 --> 00:22:44,120 I lent it to a mate. I know that sounds lame, but I genuinely did. 349 00:22:44,280 --> 00:22:46,640 - Mentioned it's been nicked, no? - No. Not yet. 350 00:22:46,800 --> 00:22:49,480 - Who's the mate? - You don't know him. - Give us his name. 351 00:22:49,640 --> 00:22:51,840 Steve. What's the deal? Did you bring my car back? 352 00:22:52,000 --> 00:22:54,560 If you brought it back, ta. I'll give you a free embalming. 353 00:22:54,720 --> 00:22:56,440 - Shut up. We need to talk to him. - Why? 354 00:22:56,600 --> 00:23:00,000 Because your mate Steve has landed us all in a lot of shit over here. 355 00:23:00,120 --> 00:23:02,040 - Give us his... Call him up. - No. 356 00:23:02,200 --> 00:23:04,080 - Give me his number. - What did he do? 357 00:23:04,240 --> 00:23:06,520 - Give me his fucking number... - Oh, Jesus Christ! 358 00:23:06,620 --> 00:23:08,738 I swear to God, Gary, I'll rip your head off. 359 00:23:08,763 --> 00:23:10,824 All right! Relax! Don't roast the toast. Fuck! 360 00:23:11,240 --> 00:23:15,000 Never should have let him take it. Can't be fucking trusted. 361 00:23:15,640 --> 00:23:17,360 Here. Answer machine. 362 00:23:17,520 --> 00:23:21,080 Hi, this is Stephen McCann. Leave a message and I'll call you back. 363 00:23:21,200 --> 00:23:22,200 "McCann"? 364 00:23:24,360 --> 00:23:25,880 "Stephen McCann." 365 00:23:38,800 --> 00:23:42,000 - I know you're Tyler's father. - Fucking hell. 366 00:23:42,060 --> 00:23:43,060 That hurt. 367 00:23:43,085 --> 00:23:45,184 - Yeah? Come on. Fucking come back at me. - No. 368 00:23:45,320 --> 00:23:47,360 Fucking... Will you fucking come back at me? 369 00:23:47,520 --> 00:23:51,040 Dylan. Fucking hell, dude. I'm not gonna do that, mate. 370 00:23:51,160 --> 00:23:53,920 - She's told you, has she? - No. 371 00:23:54,080 --> 00:23:56,520 No, she didn't. Do you know what? I found out. 372 00:23:56,640 --> 00:23:59,080 Yeah, and then after I found out, 373 00:23:59,280 --> 00:24:01,203 I went looking for proof, and while I was 374 00:24:01,228 --> 00:24:03,424 looking for proof, man, I found something else. 375 00:24:03,560 --> 00:24:05,960 - What? Regarding what? - Regarding my child, Vin! 376 00:24:06,080 --> 00:24:08,160 - The one she got rid of! - Mate... 377 00:24:08,280 --> 00:24:10,040 Don't fucking "mate" me! 378 00:24:10,160 --> 00:24:12,080 - Don't you fucking do that! - Dylan... 379 00:24:12,200 --> 00:24:14,200 You knew! You... 380 00:24:18,320 --> 00:24:23,280 Well, Dylan, I fucking told her. I said you'd be a brilliant dad. 381 00:24:23,520 --> 00:24:25,993 I set you up, right? I fucking told her and I told her. 382 00:24:26,018 --> 00:24:27,044 You screwed her. 383 00:24:27,680 --> 00:24:30,280 - You weren't even with her, man. - So? 384 00:24:30,440 --> 00:24:33,080 Do you know what, you've created a life with her, 385 00:24:33,200 --> 00:24:34,200 and she kept it, man. 386 00:24:34,320 --> 00:24:36,000 She kept yours and she got rid of mine. 387 00:24:36,120 --> 00:24:38,040 Dylan, man, it was a one-off. 388 00:24:38,200 --> 00:24:40,520 I don't even remember it. I was so fucked. 389 00:24:41,080 --> 00:24:42,960 You. You're his dad. 390 00:24:43,080 --> 00:24:45,000 You're the one who's always there. 391 00:24:45,200 --> 00:24:49,280 And as for his real dad, it's better he's just some prick that fucked off. 392 00:24:49,480 --> 00:24:52,840 I'll be Uncle Vinnie if that's what works, and that's what I'll be. 393 00:24:53,000 --> 00:24:55,680 Fucking suits you, all of this. You know what I mean? 394 00:24:55,840 --> 00:24:58,080 - Fucking works in your favour. - Mate, how is that? 395 00:24:58,240 --> 00:25:01,600 What, fucking Erin, me, torn apart. She leaves. 396 00:25:01,800 --> 00:25:04,720 I'll stay and you, you selfish bastard, you get me all to yourself. 397 00:25:04,880 --> 00:25:07,280 - A lot of bollocks, dude. - Is it? - Course it is. 398 00:25:07,440 --> 00:25:09,560 Dylan, I only ever want what's best for you, man. 399 00:25:09,720 --> 00:25:12,320 - Do ya? - Yes. - Right, come here... 400 00:25:13,520 --> 00:25:15,520 What if having a baby with Erin... 401 00:25:16,760 --> 00:25:18,000 is best for me? 402 00:25:18,120 --> 00:25:19,440 Did you ever think about that? 403 00:25:19,600 --> 00:25:22,280 What if that's the thing I've always wanted, 404 00:25:22,400 --> 00:25:24,240 but I've been too scared to say it? 405 00:25:24,360 --> 00:25:25,440 What then? 406 00:25:25,560 --> 00:25:27,480 I'm gonna tell you something, 407 00:25:27,640 --> 00:25:29,800 and I'm gonna tell you because you're my mate. 408 00:25:29,960 --> 00:25:32,800 Why have you never committed to her, huh? 409 00:25:33,000 --> 00:25:36,680 Why have you never shown her that you want a proper relationship with her? 410 00:25:36,840 --> 00:25:38,800 You've got the most amazing girl, Dylan, 411 00:25:39,000 --> 00:25:43,560 and you spend all your fucking time dicking around with those knobheads getting stoned. 412 00:25:43,720 --> 00:25:46,600 What she did was bang out of order, but ask yourself this... 413 00:25:46,720 --> 00:25:48,120 Why didn't she tell ya? 414 00:25:50,280 --> 00:25:52,200 I've gotta get this. 415 00:25:52,360 --> 00:25:55,240 You might think your life's falling apart right now, Dylan, 416 00:25:55,400 --> 00:25:58,320 but I'm telling you now, it can get a fuck's side worse. 417 00:25:58,440 --> 00:25:59,880 Stephen... 418 00:26:17,280 --> 00:26:19,640 So, how've... How've you got Gary's car? 419 00:26:19,800 --> 00:26:21,760 - Were you the one that nicked it? - Yeah. 420 00:26:22,960 --> 00:26:24,040 Right. 421 00:26:25,000 --> 00:26:26,400 Thanks. 422 00:26:31,240 --> 00:26:33,200 I didn't know it was Gary's. 423 00:26:34,680 --> 00:26:37,800 And I didn't know it had a load of antiques in the bloody boot, either. 424 00:26:38,560 --> 00:26:39,720 Right. 425 00:26:40,560 --> 00:26:42,640 Antiques that belong to your father. 426 00:26:44,400 --> 00:26:47,440 - Antiques he wants back. - Tough titty. 427 00:26:47,600 --> 00:26:50,120 It's tough titty for you, Stephen, 428 00:26:50,280 --> 00:26:52,480 cos I'm gonna have to tell him you took 'em, mate. 429 00:26:54,360 --> 00:26:56,520 You won't do that. Will I not? 430 00:26:56,640 --> 00:26:58,560 No. 431 00:27:01,640 --> 00:27:03,720 He's threatening to cut my dick off, man. 432 00:27:06,400 --> 00:27:08,160 Huh... 433 00:27:09,840 --> 00:27:13,200 Well, you've got a problem then, haven't you? 434 00:27:13,320 --> 00:27:15,240 Huh. 435 00:27:17,200 --> 00:27:18,760 See, the thing, uh... 436 00:27:19,880 --> 00:27:22,640 about my dad is... 437 00:27:23,840 --> 00:27:27,240 he's very big on... denial. 438 00:27:29,400 --> 00:27:31,360 I don't know how well you know him, 439 00:27:31,520 --> 00:27:35,240 but he's very much a man of appearances 440 00:27:35,360 --> 00:27:38,280 and, uh, reputation. 441 00:27:40,560 --> 00:27:42,120 So, having a son like me... 442 00:27:44,040 --> 00:27:45,320 it's a disappointment. 443 00:27:48,040 --> 00:27:53,720 Yeah, he resents me not being a version of himself. 444 00:27:53,840 --> 00:27:58,360 He wanted a... successor, 445 00:27:58,520 --> 00:28:02,720 someone ruthless to help with the family business. 446 00:28:04,160 --> 00:28:05,280 I was never that kid. 447 00:28:06,600 --> 00:28:12,400 I tried, but I've always enjoyed, uh... theatre. 448 00:28:12,920 --> 00:28:17,840 Uh, I like dance and literature. 449 00:28:20,560 --> 00:28:23,480 And, um... cock. 450 00:28:23,600 --> 00:28:24,720 Mmm. 451 00:28:28,120 --> 00:28:33,480 So, if you go to him, and you tell him it was me, 452 00:28:33,600 --> 00:28:37,080 and that you found me through, uh... 453 00:28:38,720 --> 00:28:39,880 my lover's car... 454 00:28:42,520 --> 00:28:44,120 Are you and... You and Gary? 455 00:28:47,280 --> 00:28:48,920 I'll tell you what he'll do. 456 00:28:50,240 --> 00:28:51,680 He'll shoot the messenger. 457 00:28:52,640 --> 00:28:54,600 Or in your case, um... 458 00:28:56,040 --> 00:28:57,600 cut the messenger's dick off. 459 00:29:03,960 --> 00:29:06,520 It's funny, I'm bipolar, you know? 460 00:29:07,960 --> 00:29:10,480 Christ, I can get really depressed. 461 00:29:11,920 --> 00:29:14,000 And there were times where I'd just think... 462 00:29:18,040 --> 00:29:20,720 would it be better if I just ended it, you know? 463 00:29:20,840 --> 00:29:22,160 Fucking made it all go away. 464 00:29:25,360 --> 00:29:28,280 And yet, faced with this, I'm really scared, man. 465 00:29:33,520 --> 00:29:36,200 I feel like a little lad who needs his mum. 466 00:29:42,840 --> 00:29:44,400 What am I gonna do? 467 00:29:46,120 --> 00:29:48,520 Stephen, you're gonna have to help me, man. 468 00:29:53,280 --> 00:29:55,240 Well, uh... 469 00:29:57,760 --> 00:30:00,932 I suppose there's one thing we could try. 470 00:30:56,985 --> 00:30:57,985 Ready? 471 00:31:00,025 --> 00:31:01,025 Mmm. 472 00:31:02,105 --> 00:31:05,545 Dad, something terrible's happened. I need to speak to Dad quick! 473 00:31:05,665 --> 00:31:07,705 Dad, Dad. Oh, my God. Come on! 474 00:31:07,865 --> 00:31:10,385 What... What am I gonna do? 475 00:31:10,545 --> 00:31:13,665 Something awful happened. There was a guy in the pub and... 476 00:31:19,265 --> 00:31:21,625 Dad! Dad! Dad! 477 00:31:21,785 --> 00:31:23,905 - Stephen! - Mum! Where's Dad? I need Dad. 478 00:31:24,025 --> 00:31:25,945 - What's happened? - Someone's dead. 479 00:31:26,065 --> 00:31:27,545 Terry! Terry! 480 00:31:29,505 --> 00:31:31,745 - Jesus... - Keep them inside! 481 00:31:31,905 --> 00:31:34,345 Oh... You, out there! Hot water, fresh clothes. 482 00:31:34,465 --> 00:31:38,105 I'm sorry, I was scared. 483 00:31:38,225 --> 00:31:40,745 Calm down. Calm down! 484 00:31:43,185 --> 00:31:45,785 What's happened? Talk. 485 00:31:45,945 --> 00:31:48,305 There was a guy in the pub, and he topped himself, 486 00:31:48,465 --> 00:31:50,585 and there was blood everywhere in the bathroom, 487 00:31:50,745 --> 00:31:53,225 and he wrote a suicide note, he was blaming you. 488 00:31:53,385 --> 00:31:55,465 It said, "Terence McCann made me do it." 489 00:31:55,585 --> 00:31:57,505 And then there was a commotion, 490 00:31:57,665 --> 00:32:00,225 and everyone's going crazy, saying that you're a killer, 491 00:32:00,385 --> 00:32:02,185 saying they were gonna tell everyone. 492 00:32:02,305 --> 00:32:03,825 He slit his fucking throat. 493 00:32:03,945 --> 00:32:05,905 I got his blood on me. 494 00:32:06,025 --> 00:32:07,945 Did they call the cops? 495 00:32:08,105 --> 00:32:10,705 - I don't know. I don't know. - Who was it? Who topped himself? 496 00:32:10,865 --> 00:32:13,505 - Did you get a name? - Vincent something. 497 00:32:13,625 --> 00:32:15,225 Um, Vinnie, uh, O'Neill. 498 00:32:17,345 --> 00:32:18,585 Bastard. 499 00:32:26,425 --> 00:32:29,265 You realise this is crazy, don't you? 500 00:32:29,465 --> 00:32:34,825 You realise this is literally the stupidest thing you've ever tried? 501 00:32:34,985 --> 00:32:37,705 - Do I look dead? - Yes. - Check it out. 502 00:32:37,865 --> 00:32:40,145 Right, even if he falls for it, other people won't. 503 00:32:40,305 --> 00:32:43,825 - They're gonna see you out, and then what? - I'm gonna lie low. 504 00:32:43,985 --> 00:32:46,105 - For the rest of your life? - Well... 505 00:32:47,665 --> 00:32:50,305 They'll have forgot about me in a few weeks, won't they? 506 00:32:50,465 --> 00:32:52,425 Probably wanna cut someone else's dick off. 507 00:32:52,545 --> 00:32:54,385 Now, listen. 508 00:32:54,505 --> 00:32:56,705 I've been saving some money. 509 00:32:56,865 --> 00:32:59,305 It isn't a lot. It's just a couple of grand. 510 00:33:00,825 --> 00:33:03,065 It was for just in case, you know. 511 00:33:05,385 --> 00:33:07,385 I want you to have it. 512 00:33:11,145 --> 00:33:13,185 Why do you want me to have it? 513 00:33:13,345 --> 00:33:15,905 - It's for your new life with Tyler. - Keep it. 514 00:33:16,025 --> 00:33:18,585 - Please, Erin. - Vin, keep it. 515 00:33:18,705 --> 00:33:21,265 "New life"? Where am I going? 516 00:33:21,385 --> 00:33:22,785 I fucked everything up, and... 517 00:33:22,945 --> 00:33:27,185 I've broken Dylan's heart, and messed up my last exam. 518 00:33:29,145 --> 00:33:31,425 It's my fate to stay here forever. I'm stuck here. 519 00:33:31,585 --> 00:33:34,265 - Don't talk silly. - It's true. It's true. 520 00:33:35,345 --> 00:33:38,345 When he came to me, holding that picture of the scan... 521 00:33:40,865 --> 00:33:43,625 the look on his face, it looked like he hated me. 522 00:33:46,025 --> 00:33:48,105 - He doesn't hate you. - He should do... 523 00:33:49,265 --> 00:33:51,225 because of what I did. 524 00:33:52,705 --> 00:33:55,105 Why is Nigel in there with you? 525 00:33:55,265 --> 00:33:58,105 I don't know. Fuckin' Cardy brought him. 526 00:33:58,265 --> 00:34:00,985 He's been with me for the last three hours. 527 00:34:01,145 --> 00:34:03,745 Little pigeon erections on him. 528 00:34:05,065 --> 00:34:07,025 Pigeon lipstick sticking out that one. 529 00:34:09,505 --> 00:34:11,785 Shat on me twice. Take it that's good luck. 530 00:34:11,810 --> 00:34:12,869 Hope so. 531 00:34:15,465 --> 00:34:19,105 Do you want to run away together, me, you, and Tyler? 532 00:34:19,225 --> 00:34:21,145 Do you think that would work? 533 00:34:24,625 --> 00:34:26,745 - Do you know what I think? - What? 534 00:34:31,105 --> 00:34:33,625 I think I could make you really happy. 535 00:34:37,945 --> 00:34:39,225 I'd love you. 536 00:34:41,505 --> 00:34:43,465 I care for you. 537 00:34:47,225 --> 00:34:49,545 I'd be a brilliant dad to Tyler, you know? 538 00:34:52,705 --> 00:34:54,745 And everything would be amazing. 539 00:34:57,985 --> 00:35:00,145 Thirty-four percent of the time. 540 00:35:01,305 --> 00:35:04,745 - The other... - Sixty-six... 541 00:35:07,825 --> 00:35:10,585 it would be terrible, cos of this. 542 00:35:12,985 --> 00:35:14,225 Come here. 543 00:35:35,305 --> 00:35:36,505 I want to see him. 544 00:35:42,885 --> 00:35:43,925 Hello. 545 00:35:43,950 --> 00:35:46,769 Believe you have a friend of mine. Vincent O'Neill. 546 00:35:48,025 --> 00:35:49,345 God rest his soul. 547 00:35:50,305 --> 00:35:51,305 I'd like to see him. 548 00:35:52,945 --> 00:35:55,905 - Are you a relative? - No. 549 00:35:56,065 --> 00:35:58,905 - Then I'm afraid... - We were close friends. 550 00:35:59,025 --> 00:36:00,825 Perhaps just this once? 551 00:36:02,705 --> 00:36:05,625 Give me a moment to prepare him. 552 00:36:05,785 --> 00:36:08,785 I can feel myself... I can feel myself breathing! I can feel it! 553 00:36:08,945 --> 00:36:10,825 - Think dead. - I'm thinking dead, Kath! 554 00:36:10,945 --> 00:36:12,865 It's fucking freaking me out! 555 00:36:13,025 --> 00:36:15,625 Chest going up and down, palpitations, legs twitching. 556 00:36:15,785 --> 00:36:18,745 He's gonna know. He's gonna take one look at me. This is idiotic. 557 00:36:18,865 --> 00:36:21,345 He's gonna... Shh! 558 00:36:21,465 --> 00:36:23,625 I knew he'd shut up with chloroform. 559 00:36:23,745 --> 00:36:25,665 Go, go, go! Pick it up, go, go! 560 00:36:25,785 --> 00:36:28,305 Go, go. Go, JJ, quick! 561 00:36:31,385 --> 00:36:33,345 Shit. Good boy. 562 00:36:40,865 --> 00:36:42,145 Oh, God... 563 00:37:02,905 --> 00:37:04,785 Oh, bloody hell. I can't watch. 564 00:37:20,385 --> 00:37:22,445 That's it. I'm booking my flight to Reykjavik. 565 00:37:22,505 --> 00:37:23,600 Oh, why Reykjavik? 566 00:37:23,625 --> 00:37:25,689 You know, he's not gonna look there, is he? 567 00:37:25,785 --> 00:37:27,785 Plus, the fishing's amazing as well. 568 00:37:38,105 --> 00:37:41,185 - I can't watch. - Oh, shit... 569 00:38:05,625 --> 00:38:07,305 May he rest in peace. 570 00:38:16,825 --> 00:38:19,465 Oh, you did it! Didn't ya? Oh, you did that? 571 00:38:19,585 --> 00:38:22,145 Oh, my God... 572 00:38:23,305 --> 00:38:26,505 Well done, you. Clever boy. Oh! Oh, my. 573 00:38:26,665 --> 00:38:29,225 Kiss him. Give him a kiss. Go on. No! 574 00:38:29,345 --> 00:38:31,345 Give him a little... Hey! 575 00:38:31,505 --> 00:38:33,385 Give him a kiss. No. I don't want it... 576 00:38:33,545 --> 00:38:36,465 Kiss Nigel on his beak. Well done, you. 577 00:38:36,625 --> 00:38:39,465 He's shat on you now. He shit all over you. Oh... 578 00:40:28,025 --> 00:40:31,945 - Hello? - Erin, I need to talk to you. Urgently. 579 00:40:33,225 --> 00:40:36,065 - There's some things I need to say. - What things? 580 00:40:37,105 --> 00:40:39,505 I'm, um... I'm busy at the minute. I'm at a funeral. 581 00:40:39,625 --> 00:40:42,465 I know. I'm outside. 582 00:40:42,625 --> 00:40:45,985 What? Well, get in here. 583 00:40:46,145 --> 00:40:49,345 They won't let me in, so... you'll have to come out. 584 00:40:50,785 --> 00:40:52,305 Yo, Dylan... 585 00:40:54,705 --> 00:40:56,745 Dylan, listen to me, man. 586 00:40:58,105 --> 00:41:01,185 Shit, dude, being dead put a lot of things in perspective for me. 587 00:41:01,345 --> 00:41:03,745 Being in that coffin for real, it makes you realise... 588 00:41:03,905 --> 00:41:06,505 Fuck, dude, you don't want any regrets, man. 589 00:41:06,665 --> 00:41:09,945 You need to go and forgive her. You do. 590 00:41:10,105 --> 00:41:12,665 And then you need to set about making yourself happy, man, 591 00:41:12,825 --> 00:41:15,065 and just... fucking hell, forget about me. 592 00:41:15,985 --> 00:41:17,225 I'll be fine. 593 00:41:19,865 --> 00:41:23,105 And if I'm not, that isn't your problem, that's mine. 594 00:41:24,705 --> 00:41:27,745 Look, just... tell her you love her. 595 00:41:30,465 --> 00:41:32,465 Tell her you'll be a good dad to Tyler. 596 00:41:35,505 --> 00:41:38,985 And that you can be all the things you're capable of being, dildo. 597 00:41:41,585 --> 00:41:43,705 Go on, do that now. For me, bud. Please. 598 00:41:49,065 --> 00:41:51,025 Come on, dude. 599 00:41:56,065 --> 00:41:57,105 I love you, man. 600 00:42:26,345 --> 00:42:27,505 Erin! 601 00:42:40,225 --> 00:42:44,025 - Hello? - Hello, Vin. It's Terence. 602 00:42:44,145 --> 00:42:45,345 So, tell me... 603 00:42:45,465 --> 00:42:47,225 How does it feel to be dead? 604 00:42:54,500 --> 00:42:56,500 (corrections: certan)