1 00:00:02,539 --> 00:00:03,721 - Ta-da! 2 00:00:03,821 --> 00:00:05,443 "Home Economics" by Tom Hayworth. 3 00:00:05,543 --> 00:00:07,606 Cover design fresh from the publisher. 4 00:00:07,706 --> 00:00:08,647 What do you think? 5 00:00:08,747 --> 00:00:10,489 - I love it! - Congratulations, Tom. 6 00:00:10,589 --> 00:00:11,490 - It's so great. 7 00:00:11,590 --> 00:00:13,613 Is that the font you're gonna use? 8 00:00:13,713 --> 00:00:15,695 - It is. - Oh. 9 00:00:15,795 --> 00:00:17,938 I just thought it was going to be more swoopy. 10 00:00:18,038 --> 00:00:20,220 - And the arrows, I don't know. 11 00:00:20,320 --> 00:00:22,142 It feels a little on the nose, right? 12 00:00:22,242 --> 00:00:23,744 Like, this way is poor. This way is rich. 13 00:00:23,844 --> 00:00:25,026 Right? - We get it. 14 00:00:25,126 --> 00:00:27,188 - Is that me? Where's my face? 15 00:00:27,288 --> 00:00:28,830 - It's like an abstract representation of you. 16 00:00:28,930 --> 00:00:30,592 - Whoa, is this your book cover? 17 00:00:30,692 --> 00:00:31,914 - It is, what do you think? 18 00:00:32,014 --> 00:00:33,436 - Where are all the kids? 19 00:00:33,536 --> 00:00:35,118 - I'm feeling very unseen right now. 20 00:00:35,218 --> 00:00:36,880 - Is that the font you're gonna use? 21 00:00:36,980 --> 00:00:38,522 - Okay, well, I wasn't really asking for feedback. 22 00:00:38,622 --> 00:00:40,204 - Okay, why don't you guys head over to the park now? 23 00:00:40,304 --> 00:00:41,685 Yeah, thank you. 24 00:00:41,785 --> 00:00:42,887 - You know what? I'm in a good mood. 25 00:00:42,987 --> 00:00:44,248 Nothing can burst my bubble because 26 00:00:44,348 --> 00:00:45,930 I'm finally publishing this bad boy. 27 00:00:46,030 --> 00:00:47,692 - Well, we are in a good mood too, 28 00:00:47,792 --> 00:00:50,255 because we went to go see a fancy baby doctor 29 00:00:50,355 --> 00:00:53,980 and Denise got a check up for a $15 copay. 30 00:00:54,080 --> 00:00:55,381 - Oh! 31 00:00:55,481 --> 00:00:56,903 - Thank you, Windmount Academy health insurance. 32 00:00:57,003 --> 00:00:58,825 - They pre-warmed the stirrups for me. 33 00:00:58,925 --> 00:01:00,307 I felt like Nicole Kidman! 34 00:01:00,407 --> 00:01:01,949 [laughter] 35 00:01:02,049 --> 00:01:03,431 - I know I was nervous about this whole thing 36 00:01:03,531 --> 00:01:04,992 at first, but now I'm just so excited 37 00:01:05,092 --> 00:01:06,915 to see a little Denise running around. 38 00:01:07,015 --> 00:01:08,276 - Oh, hey, Connor just rolled up. 39 00:01:08,376 --> 00:01:09,798 Have you guys talked in the last week? 40 00:01:09,898 --> 00:01:11,400 He hasn't been returning my calls. 41 00:01:11,500 --> 00:01:13,442 - Oh, he's probably bummed about another failed relationship. 42 00:01:13,542 --> 00:01:15,445 - Yeah, he broke it off with Vice Principal Lauren, 43 00:01:15,545 --> 00:01:18,889 which is really cause for a celebration. 44 00:01:18,989 --> 00:01:21,372 - Well, we should probably be sensitive about it and not say, 45 00:01:21,472 --> 00:01:23,174 you know, another failed relationship. 46 00:01:23,274 --> 00:01:26,137 'Cause he's probably not handling it well, so... 47 00:01:26,237 --> 00:01:27,379 [door creaks open] 48 00:01:27,479 --> 00:01:28,420 - Hi! - Hey! 49 00:01:28,520 --> 00:01:30,622 - Hey, Gretchen. 50 00:01:30,722 --> 00:01:32,545 Is your dad coming? 51 00:01:32,645 --> 00:01:34,467 - Oh, he wanted to make an entrance. 52 00:01:34,567 --> 00:01:36,569 [door creaks open] 53 00:01:37,330 --> 00:01:40,234 [dramatic music] 54 00:01:40,334 --> 00:01:44,038 ♪ ♪ 55 00:01:44,138 --> 00:01:46,681 - Houston, we have a problem. 56 00:01:46,781 --> 00:01:51,286 ♪ ♪ 57 00:01:51,386 --> 00:01:53,989 - Your boy is going to space. 58 00:01:55,992 --> 00:01:57,974 - Oh, he's not handling it well. 59 00:01:58,074 --> 00:02:00,777 [upbeat music] 60 00:02:00,877 --> 00:02:03,040 - ♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey ♪ 61 00:02:04,161 --> 00:02:05,783 - Connor, what's going on? 62 00:02:05,883 --> 00:02:07,465 - You know, you spend enough time 63 00:02:07,565 --> 00:02:10,028 on this big blue marble of ours and you want 64 00:02:10,128 --> 00:02:12,631 to see things from another perspective. 65 00:02:12,731 --> 00:02:13,793 By marble, I meant Earth. 66 00:02:13,893 --> 00:02:16,195 - Oh, my God. - Connor, this is crazy. 67 00:02:16,295 --> 00:02:18,158 - What, just because I'm wearing a space diaper, this is crazy? 68 00:02:18,258 --> 00:02:19,279 - You're wearing a diaper? 69 00:02:19,379 --> 00:02:20,681 - I gotta get used to it. 70 00:02:20,781 --> 00:02:22,843 Hey, you guys should be excited for me. 71 00:02:22,943 --> 00:02:24,565 This was a hard thing to get. 72 00:02:24,665 --> 00:02:25,727 Mark Cuban hooked it up. 73 00:02:25,827 --> 00:02:27,489 - Was it like, Blue Origin or SpaceX? 74 00:02:27,589 --> 00:02:29,731 - Not, it's a start-up called "Rockets-4-U". 75 00:02:29,831 --> 00:02:31,934 Spelled with the number "4" and the letter "U". 76 00:02:32,034 --> 00:02:34,016 - You're going on the maiden voyage of a rocket start-up? 77 00:02:34,116 --> 00:02:35,738 - Of course not. It's their second flight. 78 00:02:35,838 --> 00:02:36,900 - What happened on their first one? 79 00:02:37,000 --> 00:02:38,542 - Oh, they're very cagey about that. 80 00:02:38,642 --> 00:02:41,665 - Connor, this is so dangerous, and such a waste of money. 81 00:02:41,765 --> 00:02:43,868 Not to mention the environmental impact. 82 00:02:43,968 --> 00:02:45,990 I mean, what kind of world are you leaving for baby Zephyr? 83 00:02:46,090 --> 00:02:47,632 - Zephyr? 84 00:02:47,732 --> 00:02:50,636 - Yeah, it was just a name that I was trying out. 85 00:02:50,736 --> 00:02:52,558 What do you think? 86 00:02:52,658 --> 00:02:54,800 - Oh, um, I think we should just 87 00:02:54,900 --> 00:02:56,643 hold off on baby names until I'm pregnant. 88 00:02:56,743 --> 00:02:58,204 - Oh. 89 00:02:58,304 --> 00:02:59,886 - It's a little early. - Yeah, right, okay. 90 00:02:59,986 --> 00:03:02,449 - Awkward. - You're wearing a diaper. 91 00:03:02,549 --> 00:03:05,133 - Well, that's the price you gotta pay to escape the bond 92 00:03:05,233 --> 00:03:07,095 of gravity and touch the face of God. 93 00:03:07,195 --> 00:03:09,097 - Come on, you know nothing about space. 94 00:03:09,197 --> 00:03:10,499 I'm the one who went to Space Camp. 95 00:03:10,599 --> 00:03:12,221 I still use the backpack. 96 00:03:12,321 --> 00:03:13,462 I bet you can't even name all the planets. 97 00:03:13,562 --> 00:03:15,064 - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, 98 00:03:15,164 --> 00:03:16,826 Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. 99 00:03:16,926 --> 00:03:18,108 - Damn it. - Yeah. 100 00:03:18,208 --> 00:03:19,309 Looked it up on the way over here 101 00:03:19,409 --> 00:03:20,591 'cause I knew you were going to ask. 102 00:03:20,691 --> 00:03:22,713 Look, guys, I'm going to space. 103 00:03:22,813 --> 00:03:24,755 But first, 104 00:03:24,855 --> 00:03:26,477 I'm going to the bathroom because this diaper's chafing. 105 00:03:26,577 --> 00:03:28,480 Can you help me up? 106 00:03:28,580 --> 00:03:30,562 [grunts] 107 00:03:30,662 --> 00:03:32,364 - He's so desperate to escape his problems 108 00:03:32,464 --> 00:03:34,407 that he is literally leaving Earth. 109 00:03:34,507 --> 00:03:35,728 It's an identity crisis. 110 00:03:35,828 --> 00:03:37,450 Tom, you know what this calls for? 111 00:03:37,550 --> 00:03:39,012 A roof sit. 112 00:03:39,112 --> 00:03:41,295 - Oh, good idea. 113 00:03:41,395 --> 00:03:43,457 - This one of those weird Sacramento things? 114 00:03:43,557 --> 00:03:46,100 - Yeah, when we were kids and something was bothering us, 115 00:03:46,200 --> 00:03:47,382 we would crawl out of a second story window 116 00:03:47,482 --> 00:03:48,783 onto the roof to hash it out. 117 00:03:48,883 --> 00:03:49,965 - Yeah, like when Mom and Dad wouldn't let Sarah 118 00:03:50,045 --> 00:03:51,306 go to Lilith Fair. 119 00:03:51,406 --> 00:03:52,588 - Or when Tom got a haircut that made him look 120 00:03:52,688 --> 00:03:53,909 like Julie Andrews. 121 00:03:54,009 --> 00:03:55,712 - The roof was a place we could blow off steam, 122 00:03:55,812 --> 00:03:58,194 vent, shoot the breeze, 123 00:03:58,294 --> 00:04:01,558 vibe check...get real. 124 00:04:01,658 --> 00:04:02,720 - It sounds entirely unsafe. 125 00:04:02,820 --> 00:04:04,322 - Meh, we almost never fell off. 126 00:04:04,422 --> 00:04:07,125 - I think a roof sit is what Connor needs. 127 00:04:07,225 --> 00:04:09,007 You should get him up there. 128 00:04:09,107 --> 00:04:10,329 - You know what, you're right. 129 00:04:10,429 --> 00:04:11,690 I'm on it. 130 00:04:11,790 --> 00:04:14,173 - You stay out there as long as you need, okay? 131 00:04:14,273 --> 00:04:15,815 - See? Marina gets the roof sit. 132 00:04:15,915 --> 00:04:17,177 - No, it's a dumb idea. 133 00:04:17,277 --> 00:04:19,539 I need your help with a secret project. 134 00:04:19,639 --> 00:04:21,422 ♪ ♪ 135 00:04:21,522 --> 00:04:23,944 - [sighs] 136 00:04:24,044 --> 00:04:27,469 - So, Tom, why the roof sit? 137 00:04:27,569 --> 00:04:29,511 Is it 'cause your kids don't respect you? 138 00:04:29,611 --> 00:04:30,752 - What? No. 139 00:04:30,852 --> 00:04:32,074 - Dead-end career? 140 00:04:32,174 --> 00:04:33,195 - No. 141 00:04:33,295 --> 00:04:34,757 - Sexual problems? - What? No! 142 00:04:34,857 --> 00:04:36,399 The roof sit is for you. 143 00:04:36,499 --> 00:04:38,321 - [chuckles] For me? 144 00:04:38,421 --> 00:04:40,604 Why would I need a roof sit? I'm about to be an astronaut. 145 00:04:40,704 --> 00:04:41,685 - Yeah, I'm about to have a book come out. 146 00:04:41,785 --> 00:04:43,567 But space? 147 00:04:43,667 --> 00:04:45,970 I mean, come on, man. Seriously? 148 00:04:46,070 --> 00:04:47,932 Clearly, something else is going on here. 149 00:04:48,032 --> 00:04:50,135 - No. - What are you trying to escape? 150 00:04:50,235 --> 00:04:52,177 What are you running away from? - Nothin'. 151 00:04:52,277 --> 00:04:54,460 - Connor. - Nothing. 152 00:04:54,560 --> 00:04:56,022 - Connor. - Nothing. 153 00:04:56,122 --> 00:04:57,223 - Connor. - Nothing! 154 00:04:57,323 --> 00:04:59,326 - Connor! - Nothing! 155 00:04:59,806 --> 00:05:02,590 - Connor-- - Okay, fine! 156 00:05:02,690 --> 00:05:05,112 [sighs] 157 00:05:05,212 --> 00:05:07,515 I don't know, I guess... 158 00:05:07,615 --> 00:05:10,439 just, every relationship I've been in this year has failed, 159 00:05:10,539 --> 00:05:12,241 even one that was just 160 00:05:12,341 --> 00:05:15,364 hot, wild, meaningless sex. 161 00:05:15,464 --> 00:05:16,726 I messed that one up, too. 162 00:05:16,826 --> 00:05:17,847 You know what I mean? - Oh, yeah. 163 00:05:17,947 --> 00:05:19,249 No, I-- [scoffs] 164 00:05:19,349 --> 00:05:20,731 I know what you mean. 165 00:05:20,831 --> 00:05:23,254 - Work's just not giving me the high that it used to, 166 00:05:23,354 --> 00:05:24,775 which is crazy because I'm-- 167 00:05:24,875 --> 00:05:27,418 I'm absolutely crushing it right now. 168 00:05:27,518 --> 00:05:29,861 Like, I'm making so much money. 169 00:05:29,961 --> 00:05:31,303 You would see a check and you'd be like-- 170 00:05:31,403 --> 00:05:32,865 like, a lot for the year. - So back-- 171 00:05:32,965 --> 00:05:35,147 back to the space thing. - Right. 172 00:05:35,247 --> 00:05:37,751 But it's just like, if I'm not going to find 173 00:05:37,851 --> 00:05:41,315 meaning through love or money, then... 174 00:05:41,415 --> 00:05:42,917 - Wait, you think you're gonna find it up there? 175 00:05:43,017 --> 00:05:45,079 - One small step, Tom. 176 00:05:45,179 --> 00:05:46,481 One giant leap. 177 00:05:46,581 --> 00:05:48,443 - Yeah, I'm familiar with the quote. 178 00:05:48,543 --> 00:05:49,885 - Lance Armstrong. 179 00:05:49,985 --> 00:05:52,287 - Neil Armstrong-- never mind. 180 00:05:52,387 --> 00:05:55,051 Look, you have so much incredible stuff that gives 181 00:05:55,151 --> 00:05:56,412 your life meaning right here on Earth. 182 00:05:56,512 --> 00:05:59,576 You have an amazing daughter. You have an insane house 183 00:05:59,676 --> 00:06:01,698 that was briefly owned by Matt Damon. 184 00:06:01,798 --> 00:06:04,582 - Where did Matt Damon find meaning? 185 00:06:04,682 --> 00:06:06,104 - Boston? - Mars. 186 00:06:06,204 --> 00:06:08,747 - Right. - "The Martian." 187 00:06:08,847 --> 00:06:13,072 So maybe I, too, can find meaning amongst the stars. 188 00:06:13,172 --> 00:06:15,194 Much like Damon. 189 00:06:15,294 --> 00:06:17,637 McConaughey, Gosling... 190 00:06:17,737 --> 00:06:19,800 - A lot of people have played astronauts. 191 00:06:19,900 --> 00:06:22,242 - Clooney, Gyllenhaal. - Yeah. 192 00:06:22,342 --> 00:06:25,046 - Hell, I'm sure Fassbender spent some time up there. 193 00:06:25,146 --> 00:06:27,729 - Okay, coast is clear. 194 00:06:27,829 --> 00:06:29,170 [table scraping] 195 00:06:29,270 --> 00:06:32,334 - Oh, this is a beautiful desk, Marina. 196 00:06:32,434 --> 00:06:34,056 - I got it at a yard sale 197 00:06:34,156 --> 00:06:35,498 and I refinished it at night in the garage. 198 00:06:35,598 --> 00:06:37,260 - Ooh, where's it going? 199 00:06:37,360 --> 00:06:40,103 - So, you know how we discovered there's an attic space up there? 200 00:06:40,203 --> 00:06:41,545 - Full of bats. Can't forget. 201 00:06:41,645 --> 00:06:44,629 - I have been fixing it up into a writing space. 202 00:06:44,729 --> 00:06:47,111 - So Tom doesn't have to work in the twins' room? 203 00:06:47,211 --> 00:06:48,633 - That is so amazing. 204 00:06:48,733 --> 00:06:52,398 So you want us to move this up there? 205 00:06:52,498 --> 00:06:54,980 - With the three of us, it'll be easy peasy. 206 00:07:00,187 --> 00:07:02,129 - This looks neither easy nor peasy. 207 00:07:02,229 --> 00:07:03,891 - All I'm saying, man, is there's a healthy way 208 00:07:03,991 --> 00:07:06,694 to deal with what you're going through and an unhealthy way. 209 00:07:06,794 --> 00:07:11,099 And it feels to me like a rocket ride might be an unhealthy way. 210 00:07:11,199 --> 00:07:12,821 - Because of all the cosmic rays? 211 00:07:12,921 --> 00:07:14,864 [phone rings] - No, that's not what I meant. 212 00:07:14,964 --> 00:07:16,225 Hang on. 213 00:07:16,325 --> 00:07:17,507 This is my agent, I gotta take this. 214 00:07:17,607 --> 00:07:18,828 Hi, Amanda. 215 00:07:18,928 --> 00:07:20,711 Yes, I am sitting down. 216 00:07:20,811 --> 00:07:22,513 That's normally what you say when you have bad news, right? 217 00:07:22,613 --> 00:07:24,115 This about the cover? 218 00:07:24,215 --> 00:07:25,196 I asked for too many fonts, didn't I? 219 00:07:25,296 --> 00:07:27,318 Sorry, oh. 220 00:07:27,418 --> 00:07:28,360 Oh. 221 00:07:28,460 --> 00:07:29,801 - What's she saying? 222 00:07:29,901 --> 00:07:30,842 - But the book's coming out, right? 223 00:07:30,942 --> 00:07:33,365 Mary signed my deal. 224 00:07:33,465 --> 00:07:35,608 What's that mean, tied up in bankruptcy? 225 00:07:35,708 --> 00:07:37,250 - It's a legal protection from creditors 226 00:07:37,350 --> 00:07:39,352 that allows you... 227 00:07:40,353 --> 00:07:43,377 - Okay, yeah, no. Call me back later. 228 00:07:43,477 --> 00:07:45,479 - What just happened? 229 00:07:47,482 --> 00:07:49,844 - The publisher is going under. 230 00:07:51,927 --> 00:07:57,113 "Home Economics" is now an asset of a bankrupt company. 231 00:07:57,213 --> 00:08:01,999 She said it might not come out for years. 232 00:08:02,099 --> 00:08:05,843 Might not come out at all. 233 00:08:05,943 --> 00:08:08,246 - You okay? 234 00:08:08,346 --> 00:08:11,390 Sounds like you could really use a roof sit. 235 00:08:15,434 --> 00:08:17,777 It was a joke 'cause we're already on the roof. 236 00:08:17,877 --> 00:08:20,460 [all groaning] - Almost there! 237 00:08:20,560 --> 00:08:21,782 - Not almost there! 238 00:08:21,882 --> 00:08:23,344 - I thought you measured it? 239 00:08:23,444 --> 00:08:25,426 - I eyeballed it, sorry. 240 00:08:25,526 --> 00:08:28,109 As an extra thank you, you can have one of the kid's cribs. 241 00:08:28,209 --> 00:08:30,112 - We're actually gonna co-sleep. - What? 242 00:08:30,212 --> 00:08:31,673 You want the baby to sleep with us, 243 00:08:31,773 --> 00:08:33,996 with my apnea and your dream slapping? 244 00:08:34,096 --> 00:08:37,120 - Channel that energy and give it one good shove. 245 00:08:37,220 --> 00:08:39,202 - How are we so not on the same page about this stuff? 246 00:08:39,302 --> 00:08:41,445 I mean, we have a lot to talk about. 247 00:08:41,545 --> 00:08:43,888 - Yeah, you think? - And shove! 248 00:08:43,988 --> 00:08:45,990 [all groan] 249 00:08:47,231 --> 00:08:49,855 - [grunts] I think it's stuck. 250 00:08:49,955 --> 00:08:52,377 - That means I'm stuck too. 251 00:08:52,477 --> 00:08:54,300 - [groaning] - Are you even pushing? 252 00:08:54,400 --> 00:08:55,942 - Yes! 253 00:08:56,042 --> 00:08:57,083 As hard as you were pushing the name "Zephyr." 254 00:08:57,163 --> 00:08:59,105 - I was not pushing that name. 255 00:08:59,205 --> 00:09:01,108 But, you know, as long as we're saying crazy things, 256 00:09:01,208 --> 00:09:03,150 why stop at sleeping with the baby, huh? 257 00:09:03,250 --> 00:09:05,032 Why not throw Kelvin and Shamiah in there? 258 00:09:05,132 --> 00:09:06,514 Just pack them in like a Willy Wonka bed. 259 00:09:06,614 --> 00:09:07,755 - There have been studies! 260 00:09:07,855 --> 00:09:09,838 [phone vibrating] 261 00:09:09,938 --> 00:09:11,720 Oh, it's my doctor. 262 00:09:11,820 --> 00:09:13,282 You're on your own. - Huh? 263 00:09:13,382 --> 00:09:15,284 - Hello? 264 00:09:15,384 --> 00:09:18,288 Hey, Dr. Tenaga. 265 00:09:18,388 --> 00:09:21,171 Yeah. 266 00:09:21,271 --> 00:09:23,273 Okay. 267 00:09:26,237 --> 00:09:28,239 Oh. 268 00:09:31,163 --> 00:09:32,464 - You know what? 269 00:09:32,564 --> 00:09:34,947 This is what happens when you get your hopes up, you know? 270 00:09:35,047 --> 00:09:36,269 When you allow yourself to have a glimmer, 271 00:09:36,369 --> 00:09:39,152 just--just the tiniest glimmer of hope. 272 00:09:39,252 --> 00:09:41,995 - Hey, Tom, if agreeing will make you 273 00:09:42,095 --> 00:09:45,039 calm down and get off the roof, sure. 274 00:09:45,139 --> 00:09:46,400 - I get it, universe! 275 00:09:46,500 --> 00:09:47,722 I get it. 276 00:09:47,822 --> 00:09:48,943 This is what Tom Hayworth deserves, right? 277 00:09:49,023 --> 00:09:50,886 A big, fat, nothing. 278 00:09:50,986 --> 00:09:53,168 So, you know, message received. 279 00:09:53,268 --> 00:09:54,730 - What about all the roof sit wisdom 280 00:09:54,830 --> 00:09:56,252 you were just dropping on me? 281 00:09:56,352 --> 00:09:58,455 - That was for you, not me! 282 00:09:58,555 --> 00:10:01,138 - Okay, but it applies to you even more than it applies to me! 283 00:10:01,238 --> 00:10:02,579 You have a great wife. 284 00:10:02,679 --> 00:10:04,462 - Yeah, who I'm constantly letting down. 285 00:10:04,562 --> 00:10:05,503 - Awesome kids. 286 00:10:05,603 --> 00:10:07,145 - Are they? 287 00:10:07,245 --> 00:10:08,747 - A nice house? - This place? 288 00:10:08,847 --> 00:10:10,629 This place is an overpriced money pit, 289 00:10:10,729 --> 00:10:12,731 which I never should have bought--[yells] 290 00:10:17,096 --> 00:10:18,878 - Are you okay? 291 00:10:18,978 --> 00:10:21,441 - [stammers] I'm stuck. 292 00:10:21,541 --> 00:10:23,203 - You're stuck? 293 00:10:23,303 --> 00:10:25,806 - Loud and clear, universe. 294 00:10:25,906 --> 00:10:28,029 Loud and clear. 295 00:10:31,833 --> 00:10:33,255 - Tom? 296 00:10:33,355 --> 00:10:36,339 - Marina, what are you even doing in the attic? 297 00:10:36,439 --> 00:10:38,221 - Uh, I'm setting traps. 298 00:10:38,321 --> 00:10:41,264 Remember how they told us we had bats and--and rats? 299 00:10:41,364 --> 00:10:42,786 - Yeah, okay, dude. 300 00:10:42,886 --> 00:10:44,188 You gotta get me out of here right now. 301 00:10:44,288 --> 00:10:46,150 - Okay, I'm on it. - One, two, three. 302 00:10:46,250 --> 00:10:48,112 [grunts, yells] - Oh! 303 00:10:48,212 --> 00:10:49,634 Come on! You're gonna tear me in half, man. 304 00:10:49,734 --> 00:10:51,556 - Come on, I'm not gonna tear you in half. 305 00:10:51,656 --> 00:10:53,679 That's like our last resort. - What--ah! 306 00:10:53,779 --> 00:10:55,801 - [grunts] - Whoa, Marina! 307 00:10:55,901 --> 00:10:57,644 Come on, guys, we're going up, not down. 308 00:10:57,744 --> 00:10:59,085 - Oh! - Ah. 309 00:10:59,185 --> 00:11:00,487 [both panting] 310 00:11:00,587 --> 00:11:03,090 - All right, I'm calling the fire department. 311 00:11:03,190 --> 00:11:04,291 - Ow. 312 00:11:04,391 --> 00:11:06,133 - Never thought I'd ask you this, but, 313 00:11:06,233 --> 00:11:08,536 can't you make yourself any thinner? 314 00:11:08,636 --> 00:11:11,540 [gentle music] 315 00:11:11,640 --> 00:11:13,542 ♪ ♪ 316 00:11:13,642 --> 00:11:15,765 - Do you want some tea? 317 00:11:17,967 --> 00:11:21,151 - All our petty little arguments about 318 00:11:21,251 --> 00:11:24,235 baby names and clothes, 319 00:11:24,335 --> 00:11:29,601 and my dumb uterus can't even carry a baby. 320 00:11:29,701 --> 00:11:32,004 Stupid body. - Hey. 321 00:11:32,104 --> 00:11:34,206 That's my wife's body you're talking about. 322 00:11:34,306 --> 00:11:35,728 - I know. 323 00:11:35,828 --> 00:11:38,912 It just sort of...let me down. 324 00:11:41,715 --> 00:11:45,219 But they did say my eggs were plentiful. 325 00:11:45,319 --> 00:11:47,742 So that's great. 326 00:11:47,842 --> 00:11:50,425 - I'm so sorry, Lulu. 327 00:11:50,525 --> 00:11:52,147 [sighs] 328 00:11:52,247 --> 00:11:54,670 Tell me, what can I-- what can I do right now? 329 00:11:54,770 --> 00:11:57,253 - Can we just be sad for a minute? 330 00:11:59,175 --> 00:12:01,478 - Yeah, let's just be sad. 331 00:12:01,578 --> 00:12:03,600 - Okay. - Okay. 332 00:12:03,700 --> 00:12:06,123 Come here, babe. 333 00:12:06,223 --> 00:12:09,888 ♪ ♪ 334 00:12:09,988 --> 00:12:11,650 - [sniffles] 335 00:12:11,750 --> 00:12:13,732 - So the fire truck's on the way? 336 00:12:13,832 --> 00:12:15,855 We were having a classic roof sit 337 00:12:15,955 --> 00:12:19,139 'cause I'm going to space pretty soon, and-- 338 00:12:19,239 --> 00:12:21,461 I know, it's crazy, right? Mark Cuban hooked it up. 339 00:12:21,561 --> 00:12:23,544 Yeah, yeah, "Shark Tank." 340 00:12:23,644 --> 00:12:26,747 I play poker with him, so... 341 00:12:26,847 --> 00:12:28,510 Oh, no, I'm sure it's a great idea, 342 00:12:28,610 --> 00:12:30,732 but I wouldn't feel comfortable telling-- 343 00:12:33,295 --> 00:12:35,518 Oh, wow. 344 00:12:35,618 --> 00:12:37,440 So the--is the-- the whole shirt is a napkin, 345 00:12:37,540 --> 00:12:38,922 or is it just the sleeves? 346 00:12:39,022 --> 00:12:40,203 - So there's a very real chance 347 00:12:40,303 --> 00:12:42,686 that the book might never even come out. 348 00:12:42,786 --> 00:12:44,448 - Oh, Tom, I'm so sorry. 349 00:12:44,548 --> 00:12:46,571 - Yeah, I know. 350 00:12:46,671 --> 00:12:49,534 I really poured my heart in this one, I thought I had something. 351 00:12:49,634 --> 00:12:52,377 - Whether it gets published or not, it's still a great book. 352 00:12:52,477 --> 00:12:53,979 Your best work. 353 00:12:54,079 --> 00:12:55,301 - Yeah, but this was gonna be the one 354 00:12:55,401 --> 00:12:57,463 that changed things for us, you know? 355 00:12:57,563 --> 00:13:00,587 Now I'm just...stuck. 356 00:13:00,687 --> 00:13:03,390 [chuckles] 357 00:13:03,490 --> 00:13:06,113 I'm stuck. 358 00:13:06,213 --> 00:13:08,316 - Yeah, I'm stuck too. 359 00:13:08,416 --> 00:13:10,278 - What? 360 00:13:10,378 --> 00:13:12,721 - I said we'll figure it out. We always do. 361 00:13:12,821 --> 00:13:14,643 I still have my job. 362 00:13:14,743 --> 00:13:16,325 - Yeah, a job that you hate, 363 00:13:16,425 --> 00:13:18,208 that you only took so that I could write. 364 00:13:18,308 --> 00:13:20,210 I gotta--I can't keep doing this to myself. 365 00:13:20,310 --> 00:13:22,693 Like one step forward, three steps back. 366 00:13:22,793 --> 00:13:24,335 We are trying so hard, Marina. 367 00:13:24,435 --> 00:13:26,497 You and I are trying so hard, all the time, 368 00:13:26,597 --> 00:13:27,879 and it's like we're not even treading water, right? 369 00:13:27,959 --> 00:13:30,462 We're--we're drowning. 370 00:13:30,562 --> 00:13:34,827 ♪ ♪ 371 00:13:34,927 --> 00:13:36,929 Okay. 372 00:13:39,452 --> 00:13:42,236 I'm done. 373 00:13:42,336 --> 00:13:44,358 - What did you say? 374 00:13:44,458 --> 00:13:48,943 - I think it's time that I quit writing. 375 00:13:52,267 --> 00:13:54,490 - Hey, don't be crazy. You are a writer. 376 00:13:54,590 --> 00:13:56,372 - No, it's okay. 377 00:13:56,472 --> 00:13:59,135 I was a writer. 378 00:13:59,235 --> 00:14:04,181 Now it's time to be something else. 379 00:14:04,281 --> 00:14:09,828 ♪ ♪ 380 00:14:09,928 --> 00:14:12,911 - We're gonna be okay. 381 00:14:13,011 --> 00:14:16,235 We already have two wonderful kids, 382 00:14:16,335 --> 00:14:20,480 and our life is good. 383 00:14:20,580 --> 00:14:24,405 And we don't need to complicate it with little Zephyr. 384 00:14:24,505 --> 00:14:29,030 - Okay. Which name did you want, hm? 385 00:14:31,353 --> 00:14:33,415 - Well, I never really thought about it. 386 00:14:33,515 --> 00:14:34,897 - Mm. 387 00:14:34,997 --> 00:14:36,259 - I did have a list on my phone. 388 00:14:36,359 --> 00:14:39,462 - [chuckles] Well, um... 389 00:14:39,562 --> 00:14:41,264 save the list, 390 00:14:41,364 --> 00:14:45,750 because I'm thinking, what if I do it? 391 00:14:45,850 --> 00:14:47,271 - Do what? 392 00:14:47,371 --> 00:14:51,416 - What if I carry the baby? 393 00:14:53,499 --> 00:14:56,082 You know, I figured we could use your eggs, 394 00:14:56,182 --> 00:14:57,884 and then I would carry it, and then 395 00:14:57,984 --> 00:14:59,526 the baby would truly be both of ours, 396 00:14:59,626 --> 00:15:00,887 which is what we talked about. 397 00:15:00,987 --> 00:15:02,489 - You would do that for me? 398 00:15:02,589 --> 00:15:05,052 - No. 399 00:15:05,152 --> 00:15:08,977 I would do it for us. 400 00:15:09,077 --> 00:15:10,899 - Okay. - Okay? 401 00:15:10,999 --> 00:15:13,802 [both laugh and cry] 402 00:15:15,404 --> 00:15:18,548 I love you. [both sniffling] 403 00:15:18,648 --> 00:15:21,471 - I get that this is a huge disappointment, 404 00:15:21,571 --> 00:15:23,153 but that doesn't mean you stop writing. 405 00:15:23,253 --> 00:15:26,117 They say you should never make a big life decision 406 00:15:26,217 --> 00:15:27,879 while you're stuck in a roof. 407 00:15:27,979 --> 00:15:30,121 - No, you know, my mind's made up. 408 00:15:30,221 --> 00:15:32,845 I'm gonna start teaching full-time. 409 00:15:32,945 --> 00:15:34,847 It's not a bad life. 410 00:15:34,947 --> 00:15:37,530 - Sure, but would that make you happy? 411 00:15:37,630 --> 00:15:39,452 - I guess, yeah. 412 00:15:39,552 --> 00:15:42,616 I mean, I get one of those jackets with the elbow patches. 413 00:15:42,716 --> 00:15:43,857 Those are cool. 414 00:15:43,957 --> 00:15:45,179 - I feel like this is a conversation 415 00:15:45,279 --> 00:15:46,941 I shouldn't be having with your butt. 416 00:15:47,041 --> 00:15:48,503 - Oh, God, I wish I was down there with you. 417 00:15:48,603 --> 00:15:50,665 - Me too. 418 00:15:50,765 --> 00:15:52,708 [cracking] 419 00:15:52,808 --> 00:15:54,550 Was that your ribs? 420 00:15:54,650 --> 00:15:58,434 - No, it's the roof. 421 00:15:58,534 --> 00:15:59,716 No, I think everything's oka-- 422 00:15:59,816 --> 00:16:01,518 [screams] - [screams] 423 00:16:01,618 --> 00:16:03,841 - Oh! Tom? 424 00:16:03,941 --> 00:16:05,563 - [gasps] Are you okay? 425 00:16:05,663 --> 00:16:07,124 - Did you die? Are you dead? 426 00:16:07,224 --> 00:16:09,227 - Whoa. 427 00:16:11,830 --> 00:16:13,292 Wait, what is this? 428 00:16:13,392 --> 00:16:14,894 - Oh, well, it's not exactly 429 00:16:14,994 --> 00:16:16,215 how I wanted to show you, but-- 430 00:16:16,315 --> 00:16:18,478 - Is this a writing space? 431 00:16:20,240 --> 00:16:21,782 - I refurbished this old desk 432 00:16:21,882 --> 00:16:24,184 and I wanted to put it there until it got stuck-- 433 00:16:24,284 --> 00:16:26,267 till we got stuck. - Marina, Marina. 434 00:16:26,367 --> 00:16:28,870 [chuckles] This is amazing. 435 00:16:28,970 --> 00:16:30,392 - Since we found the bats here, 436 00:16:30,492 --> 00:16:31,793 I thought you could call it your Batcave. 437 00:16:31,893 --> 00:16:33,836 And Connor claimed Iron Man. 438 00:16:33,936 --> 00:16:35,998 - Well, I was Iron Man too. 439 00:16:36,098 --> 00:16:38,761 - Well... - You were both Iron Man. 440 00:16:38,861 --> 00:16:40,864 - No, I was Iron Man. 441 00:16:43,507 --> 00:16:47,211 - This is unbelievable. 442 00:16:47,311 --> 00:16:51,296 I just--I can't believe that you did all this for me. 443 00:16:51,396 --> 00:16:52,978 - I guess if you don't want to write up here, 444 00:16:53,078 --> 00:16:55,601 we could turn it back over to the bats. 445 00:16:58,124 --> 00:16:59,626 - You know what? 446 00:16:59,726 --> 00:17:02,309 "Home Economics" might never come out, 447 00:17:02,409 --> 00:17:05,232 but... 448 00:17:05,332 --> 00:17:09,197 I think with a space like this, 449 00:17:09,297 --> 00:17:12,881 I could write something else-- you know, something better. 450 00:17:12,981 --> 00:17:14,643 - Hey, I believe in you. 451 00:17:14,743 --> 00:17:16,565 I believe in us. 452 00:17:16,665 --> 00:17:18,047 We're a family and we're gonna 453 00:17:18,147 --> 00:17:21,451 get through this together as a family. 454 00:17:21,551 --> 00:17:27,819 ♪ ♪ 455 00:17:27,919 --> 00:17:29,621 [indistinct radio chatter] 456 00:17:29,721 --> 00:17:31,022 [table creaks, thuds] 457 00:17:31,122 --> 00:17:32,664 Oh, wow, he did it! 458 00:17:32,764 --> 00:17:34,827 - I'm pretty sure I loosened it up for him. 459 00:17:34,927 --> 00:17:35,708 - Everyone all right up here? 460 00:17:35,808 --> 00:17:37,550 - Oh, it's Malcolm! 461 00:17:37,650 --> 00:17:38,791 Hey, Malcolm. 462 00:17:38,891 --> 00:17:40,313 - You two know each other? - Oh, he's-- 463 00:17:40,413 --> 00:17:42,876 he's the one who helped us get rid of the bats. 464 00:17:42,976 --> 00:17:44,518 He found this whole space. 465 00:17:44,618 --> 00:17:46,240 - Well, it looks pretty good now. 466 00:17:46,340 --> 00:17:48,883 Cozy. - Thanks. I did it myself. 467 00:17:48,983 --> 00:17:51,807 - Reclaimed cedar with a pigmented shellac primer? 468 00:17:51,907 --> 00:17:53,569 - You know your furniture. 469 00:17:53,669 --> 00:17:56,132 - Well, you got me on those home improvement shows. 470 00:17:56,232 --> 00:17:57,974 - Really? - Okay. 471 00:17:58,074 --> 00:17:59,455 - Do you do this for a living? 472 00:17:59,555 --> 00:18:02,779 - Oh, no. It's--it's just a hobby. 473 00:18:02,879 --> 00:18:04,381 - Well, you could. 474 00:18:04,481 --> 00:18:06,864 - [scoffs] Yeah, I wish. 475 00:18:06,964 --> 00:18:09,707 - Do you really wish that? 476 00:18:09,807 --> 00:18:12,190 - Well, you know how I love crafting and design. 477 00:18:12,290 --> 00:18:13,912 And for something I had to do secretly at night 478 00:18:14,012 --> 00:18:17,036 instead of sleeping, the hours just flew by. 479 00:18:17,136 --> 00:18:20,480 - Well, hey, maybe you finally found your salsa. 480 00:18:20,580 --> 00:18:21,882 - Huh. 481 00:18:21,982 --> 00:18:23,283 - I take it that's like an inside joke? 482 00:18:23,383 --> 00:18:24,845 - It's a reference to when 483 00:18:24,945 --> 00:18:26,367 I danced salsa with my housekeeper. 484 00:18:26,467 --> 00:18:27,688 - What are you still doing up there? 485 00:18:27,788 --> 00:18:29,931 - Um, ladder fell, 486 00:18:30,031 --> 00:18:31,773 so I live up here now. [chuckles] 487 00:18:31,873 --> 00:18:33,415 - Are you eating? 488 00:18:33,515 --> 00:18:35,097 - Yeah, gotta keep protein bars in your pocket. 489 00:18:35,197 --> 00:18:36,859 Astronaut 101. 490 00:18:36,959 --> 00:18:39,742 [bright music] 491 00:18:39,842 --> 00:18:41,184 ♪ ♪ 492 00:18:41,284 --> 00:18:42,866 - "Chapter one. 493 00:18:42,966 --> 00:18:44,949 "Jameson Portsmouth was the wealthiest tailor 494 00:18:45,049 --> 00:18:47,311 in Nova Scotia." 495 00:18:47,411 --> 00:18:50,475 No, that's--that's terrible. 496 00:18:50,575 --> 00:18:53,679 "Jameson Portsmouth was the most neurotic blacksmith 497 00:18:53,779 --> 00:18:56,963 "in all of Des Moines... 498 00:18:57,063 --> 00:19:02,569 "Or Joanna Portsmouth belonged to an ancient society 499 00:19:02,669 --> 00:19:04,131 of polyamorous librarians." 500 00:19:04,231 --> 00:19:06,574 [phone rings] 501 00:19:06,674 --> 00:19:08,256 Hey, Amanda. 502 00:19:08,356 --> 00:19:11,059 No, no, I'm actually-- I'm working on a new book. 503 00:19:11,159 --> 00:19:14,223 It's starting off pretty good. 504 00:19:14,323 --> 00:19:16,505 Oh. 505 00:19:16,605 --> 00:19:19,469 Yes, I'm sitting down. 506 00:19:19,569 --> 00:19:21,471 Marina! Marina! 507 00:19:21,571 --> 00:19:25,075 The book--the book, it-- where the hell are you? 508 00:19:25,175 --> 00:19:26,437 [tapping on glass] - Out here. 509 00:19:26,537 --> 00:19:27,718 - Oh. 510 00:19:27,818 --> 00:19:28,920 - Deep breaths. 511 00:19:29,020 --> 00:19:30,241 - The book's coming out. - What? 512 00:19:30,341 --> 00:19:31,262 - Yeah, it's crazy. Amanda just called me. 513 00:19:31,343 --> 00:19:33,125 Some Dutch media firm bought 514 00:19:33,225 --> 00:19:34,646 the publisher out of bankruptcy or something? 515 00:19:34,746 --> 00:19:35,928 I don't even understand, but the point is... 516 00:19:36,028 --> 00:19:37,530 [panting] The book is coming out! 517 00:19:37,630 --> 00:19:38,771 They're back in business. 518 00:19:38,871 --> 00:19:39,813 So are we! - Again? 519 00:19:39,913 --> 00:19:41,895 - Yeah! - [laughs] 520 00:19:41,995 --> 00:19:43,096 - Oh. - Whoops. 521 00:19:43,196 --> 00:19:44,458 - You know what? 522 00:19:44,558 --> 00:19:46,901 I don't care. I can buy yet another hoodie. 523 00:19:47,001 --> 00:19:48,543 We can afford it! - Oh, yes! 524 00:19:48,643 --> 00:19:51,506 [laughs] Okay! 525 00:19:51,606 --> 00:19:53,709 - Yeah. Yeah! 526 00:19:53,809 --> 00:19:57,914 To Sarah, and Denise, and their amazing baby plan. 527 00:19:58,014 --> 00:19:59,876 - And to Tom, publishing his book. 528 00:19:59,976 --> 00:20:01,798 [all cheering] - Oh, well, 529 00:20:01,898 --> 00:20:03,200 I always knew the universe was looking out for me. 530 00:20:03,300 --> 00:20:04,281 You guys want some pizza? 531 00:20:04,381 --> 00:20:05,482 - Yes, please. - Yeah. 532 00:20:05,582 --> 00:20:07,845 - I'll help. I want the biggest piece. 533 00:20:07,945 --> 00:20:09,968 - It's me. I'm the universe. 534 00:20:10,068 --> 00:20:11,409 - What? 535 00:20:11,509 --> 00:20:12,731 - The Dutch firm that bought 536 00:20:12,831 --> 00:20:14,293 the publishing company out of bankruptcy? 537 00:20:14,393 --> 00:20:15,734 It was me. 538 00:20:15,834 --> 00:20:17,256 - You're a Dutch media firm? 539 00:20:17,356 --> 00:20:19,259 - Eh, it's one of my shell companies. 540 00:20:19,359 --> 00:20:21,141 I used the money I was gonna spend on that space trip. 541 00:20:21,241 --> 00:20:24,425 - Connor, that's-- that's actually amazing. 542 00:20:24,525 --> 00:20:26,347 - Yeah, well, the whole thing on the roof 543 00:20:26,447 --> 00:20:29,631 made me realize what it is that gives me meaning. 544 00:20:29,731 --> 00:20:32,314 And it's this. 545 00:20:32,414 --> 00:20:34,436 Helping my family. - Aw. 546 00:20:34,536 --> 00:20:36,679 - Wait, so you own the publishing company? 547 00:20:36,779 --> 00:20:38,441 - 51 percent. 548 00:20:38,541 --> 00:20:40,804 - Which means you're in charge of Tom's book. 549 00:20:40,904 --> 00:20:45,329 So you're like, his boss? 550 00:20:45,429 --> 00:20:48,693 - Yeah, I guess so. Hadn't thought of it like that. 551 00:20:48,793 --> 00:20:51,516 Guess I'm Tom's boss now. - Oh, no. 552 00:20:53,639 --> 00:20:56,662 [mystical music] 553 00:20:56,762 --> 00:20:58,264 - Captain's log. 554 00:20:58,364 --> 00:21:00,747 Still no signs of life. 555 00:21:00,847 --> 00:21:02,789 - Man, I thought I was gonna be the captain. 556 00:21:02,889 --> 00:21:04,471 - No, you're the payload commander. 557 00:21:04,571 --> 00:21:06,514 - What the hell is the payload commander? 558 00:21:06,614 --> 00:21:07,715 - You command the payload. I don't know. 559 00:21:07,815 --> 00:21:09,237 - Wait, do you hear that? 560 00:21:09,337 --> 00:21:12,200 [thumping sounds] - Is that alien scum? 561 00:21:12,300 --> 00:21:13,842 - Oh, no. - ♪ Let's go ♪ 562 00:21:13,942 --> 00:21:14,623 [kids grunting] - We're under attack! 563 00:21:14,703 --> 00:21:16,125 - Oh! 564 00:21:16,225 --> 00:21:18,087 Ugh, my suit's breached! 565 00:21:18,187 --> 00:21:20,370 - Get 'em! - Kill the earthlings. 566 00:21:20,470 --> 00:21:21,811 - They'll sleep well tonight. 567 00:21:21,911 --> 00:21:23,814 - Game over, man! Game over! 568 00:21:23,914 --> 00:21:25,255 - ♪ Ciara's in the house ♪ 569 00:21:25,355 --> 00:21:26,737 ♪ Misdemeanor's in the house ♪ 570 00:21:26,837 --> 00:21:28,299 ♪ Fatman Scoop-man, Scoop-man Scoop ♪ 571 00:21:28,399 --> 00:21:29,941 - ♪ I got a cute face, chubby waist ♪ 572 00:21:30,041 --> 00:21:32,043 ♪ Thick legs, in... ♪