1 00:00:01,414 --> 00:00:03,037 - Camila, we're gonna be late for Uncle Connor's. 2 00:00:03,137 --> 00:00:04,880 Go help the twins put their zapatos on, ándale. 3 00:00:04,980 --> 00:00:06,323 [speaks Spanish] 4 00:00:06,423 --> 00:00:07,966 - Hey, honey. 5 00:00:08,066 --> 00:00:09,068 I'm trying out new glasses for my author photo. 6 00:00:09,148 --> 00:00:10,330 Be honest. 7 00:00:10,430 --> 00:00:11,773 Which ones do you prefer, option A 8 00:00:11,873 --> 00:00:14,378 or option B? 9 00:00:14,478 --> 00:00:16,623 Obviously, these are a little more serious, 10 00:00:16,723 --> 00:00:19,508 and these are a little more, "Hello, sassy." 11 00:00:19,608 --> 00:00:20,911 - Honey, those are the same glasses. 12 00:00:21,011 --> 00:00:23,475 - No, I think they're... 13 00:00:23,575 --> 00:00:24,838 oh, they're exactly the same. 14 00:00:24,938 --> 00:00:26,561 Well, serious it is. [fridge rattles] 15 00:00:26,661 --> 00:00:27,723 They'll obviously work a lot better 16 00:00:27,823 --> 00:00:29,767 once the lenses are in them. 17 00:00:29,867 --> 00:00:31,169 What are we bringing to brunch? - Muffins. 18 00:00:31,269 --> 00:00:33,254 I'm just waiting for the ding. 19 00:00:33,354 --> 00:00:35,058 [doorbell rings] 20 00:00:35,158 --> 00:00:37,262 [upbeat music] 21 00:00:37,362 --> 00:00:39,506 Thank you. - You're welcome. 22 00:00:39,606 --> 00:00:41,028 - Phew. 23 00:00:41,128 --> 00:00:43,673 Pretending to make muffins is hard work. 24 00:00:43,773 --> 00:00:46,478 - Kelvin, Shamiah, hurry up! 25 00:00:46,578 --> 00:00:48,283 We're gonna be late for Uncle Connor's! 26 00:00:48,383 --> 00:00:50,607 - Why are you yelling? We're right here. 27 00:00:50,707 --> 00:00:52,971 - We're always right here. This place is tiny. 28 00:00:53,071 --> 00:00:55,376 - The word is cozy, okay? 29 00:00:55,476 --> 00:00:58,181 And can you help us with this? - Don't we have enough granola? 30 00:00:58,281 --> 00:01:00,024 - You can never have too much granola. 31 00:01:00,124 --> 00:01:02,148 ♪ ♪ 32 00:01:02,248 --> 00:01:04,153 - We have too much granola. 33 00:01:04,253 --> 00:01:06,517 - Gretchen, where are you? 34 00:01:06,617 --> 00:01:08,841 Your cousins are here! 35 00:01:08,941 --> 00:01:11,005 Gre--you know what? 36 00:01:11,105 --> 00:01:12,688 I'm just gonna text her. 37 00:01:12,788 --> 00:01:14,492 - Ho! 38 00:01:14,592 --> 00:01:16,215 Let's brunch it up. 39 00:01:16,315 --> 00:01:17,417 - Come on in. 40 00:01:17,517 --> 00:01:19,943 - Yay, more granola. 41 00:01:20,043 --> 00:01:21,666 - Yes, they have cake! - What? 42 00:01:21,766 --> 00:01:23,669 Why do we even bother bringing stuff? 43 00:01:23,769 --> 00:01:27,797 - Yeah, why did I bake these assorted muffins? 44 00:01:27,897 --> 00:01:29,680 - Okay, you're not fooling anyone. 45 00:01:29,780 --> 00:01:31,283 - [chuckles] 46 00:01:31,383 --> 00:01:33,748 - ♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey ♪ 47 00:01:35,792 --> 00:01:36,814 - More coffee? 48 00:01:36,914 --> 00:01:38,658 - Oh, thank you. 49 00:01:38,758 --> 00:01:41,022 I can't wait for school and daycare to start next month. 50 00:01:41,122 --> 00:01:42,625 I love my children, I do. 51 00:01:42,725 --> 00:01:45,390 I just sometimes wish they were far away 52 00:01:45,490 --> 00:01:48,115 for long periods of time. - [chuckles] 53 00:01:48,215 --> 00:01:50,319 - Anyway, how's your baby plan going? 54 00:01:50,419 --> 00:01:52,724 - Well, you know, we're in the money-saving mode 55 00:01:52,824 --> 00:01:56,091 and still trying to explain it to the kids. 56 00:01:56,191 --> 00:01:58,575 - So it's called reciprocal IVF. 57 00:01:58,675 --> 00:02:01,060 The doctor takes one of my eggs, 58 00:02:01,160 --> 00:02:05,067 and then the egg is fertilised by the sperm 59 00:02:05,167 --> 00:02:06,791 of the donor of our choice. 60 00:02:06,891 --> 00:02:10,578 And then the whole thing is implanted into Sarah's womb. 61 00:02:14,184 --> 00:02:15,327 Any questions? 62 00:02:15,427 --> 00:02:16,850 - Why'd you ruin my croissant? 63 00:02:16,950 --> 00:02:19,334 - What's sperm? - Okay, you should go play. 64 00:02:19,434 --> 00:02:21,177 - Eh, I'll still eat it. 65 00:02:21,277 --> 00:02:23,583 Connor, these are amazing. Are these from Morningstar's? 66 00:02:23,683 --> 00:02:27,029 - Yep, your favourite. Waited in line myself. 67 00:02:27,129 --> 00:02:29,233 - Hey, how's it going with your new publishing firm? 68 00:02:29,333 --> 00:02:31,397 - Great, yeah, just getting ready 69 00:02:31,497 --> 00:02:33,441 for the release of Tom's book. 70 00:02:33,541 --> 00:02:35,445 You know, doing some streamlining, 71 00:02:35,545 --> 00:02:36,687 some rightsizing. 72 00:02:36,787 --> 00:02:38,411 - Yeah, I don't care. 73 00:02:38,511 --> 00:02:40,094 When are you gonna tell Tom that you're his boss? 74 00:02:40,194 --> 00:02:41,196 He still thinks the company was bought 75 00:02:41,276 --> 00:02:42,979 by some Dutch media firm. 76 00:02:43,079 --> 00:02:44,382 - Well, on paper, it was. 77 00:02:44,482 --> 00:02:45,905 - Just rip the Band-Aid off, okay? 78 00:02:46,005 --> 00:02:47,047 Denise and I do not want to be the only ones 79 00:02:47,127 --> 00:02:48,590 who know this secret. 80 00:02:48,690 --> 00:02:50,834 - You're not. - I'm gonna tell him today. 81 00:02:50,934 --> 00:02:52,917 Why do you think I got his favourite pastries? 82 00:02:53,017 --> 00:02:54,722 Put him in the best possible mood. 83 00:02:54,822 --> 00:02:56,325 Peak happiness. 84 00:02:56,425 --> 00:02:58,849 Some more "hwa-sonts"? 85 00:02:58,949 --> 00:03:01,454 - Connor, even the coffee is fantastic this morning. 86 00:03:01,554 --> 00:03:04,259 - Light roast half caff, bud, just how you like it. 87 00:03:04,359 --> 00:03:06,503 [cell phone dings] 88 00:03:06,603 --> 00:03:09,308 Yeah, so, Tom, 89 00:03:09,408 --> 00:03:10,812 there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about-- 90 00:03:10,892 --> 00:03:12,555 - Oh, no. - What now? 91 00:03:12,655 --> 00:03:14,920 - Sorry, it's just, my editor, Regina Choi. 92 00:03:15,020 --> 00:03:17,484 She's being forced to do another round of budget cuts. 93 00:03:17,584 --> 00:03:19,969 - Oh, probably rightsizing, you know? 94 00:03:20,069 --> 00:03:21,652 Yeah, definitely rightsizing. 95 00:03:21,752 --> 00:03:23,736 - This is gonna screw up the book launch. 96 00:03:23,836 --> 00:03:25,138 I just know it. 97 00:03:25,238 --> 00:03:27,143 It's this new owner, Hans Dutchman? 98 00:03:27,243 --> 00:03:29,627 He's making too many changes. 99 00:03:29,727 --> 00:03:32,272 - Hans Dutchman? - He almost sounds fake. 100 00:03:32,372 --> 00:03:34,196 - Ugh, well, there goes my day. 101 00:03:34,296 --> 00:03:35,839 Sorry, what were you talking about? 102 00:03:35,939 --> 00:03:40,708 - Oh, um, I was just gonna tell you that, um... 103 00:03:43,474 --> 00:03:46,259 We're going to Disneyland. 104 00:03:46,359 --> 00:03:48,343 - What? - Yeah. 105 00:03:48,443 --> 00:03:50,306 - Are you serious? For real life? 106 00:03:50,406 --> 00:03:51,669 - Isn't that something? - What? 107 00:03:51,769 --> 00:03:53,031 That's incredible. - Oh, my God! 108 00:03:53,131 --> 00:03:54,193 - Yes! 109 00:03:54,293 --> 00:03:56,437 - Connor, you chickened out. 110 00:03:56,537 --> 00:03:58,803 - No, I pivoted, okay? 111 00:03:58,903 --> 00:04:01,367 I will tell him at the happiest place on Earth. 112 00:04:01,467 --> 00:04:04,533 - Yes, yes, yes! - [screaming] 113 00:04:04,633 --> 00:04:06,216 - Okay, that might actually work. 114 00:04:06,316 --> 00:04:09,302 - [screaming] 115 00:04:09,402 --> 00:04:11,266 - ♪ You got big, big energy ♪ 116 00:04:11,366 --> 00:04:13,430 ♪ It ain't too many of them that can handle me ♪ 117 00:04:13,530 --> 00:04:15,234 ♪ But I might let you try it off the Hennessy ♪ 118 00:04:15,334 --> 00:04:18,199 - Wow, so this is Disneyland Resort. 119 00:04:18,299 --> 00:04:21,565 - How have you never been here when you grew up in San Diego? 120 00:04:21,665 --> 00:04:24,691 - Well, my dad didn't believe in vacation, or even weekends. 121 00:04:24,791 --> 00:04:26,154 He said Saturday was something white people made up. 122 00:04:26,234 --> 00:04:27,376 - Hm. 123 00:04:27,476 --> 00:04:29,020 - So I packed your lunches. 124 00:04:29,120 --> 00:04:30,463 Of course, there's plenty of granola. 125 00:04:30,563 --> 00:04:31,825 And don't lose your water bottles. 126 00:04:31,925 --> 00:04:33,508 - You can each get one souvenir, 127 00:04:33,608 --> 00:04:34,831 but you have to use your own allowance, okay? 128 00:04:34,931 --> 00:04:37,956 - Uh, what's Gretchen's allowance? 129 00:04:38,056 --> 00:04:39,920 - Connor, how? We haven't even gone in yet. 130 00:04:40,020 --> 00:04:41,643 - We had a little pregame at Downtown Disney. 131 00:04:41,743 --> 00:04:44,248 - Okay, who's ready to have some fun? 132 00:04:44,348 --> 00:04:46,653 I used the Disneyland app to draw up a schedule. 133 00:04:46,753 --> 00:04:48,937 It's colour coded and easy to follow. 134 00:04:49,037 --> 00:04:51,302 You'll see I broke the day down into ten-minute blocks 135 00:04:51,402 --> 00:04:52,865 to maximise our ride time, 136 00:04:52,965 --> 00:04:55,189 and there is one floating snack break. 137 00:04:55,289 --> 00:04:56,952 - Wow, it's gonna be fun. 138 00:04:57,052 --> 00:04:59,877 - Look, I have almost 40 years to make up for, okay? 139 00:04:59,977 --> 00:05:01,281 And there's nothing my dad can do about it--okay, 140 00:05:01,381 --> 00:05:02,804 we're already behind. 141 00:05:02,904 --> 00:05:04,367 Scratch off the morning bathroom break. 142 00:05:04,467 --> 00:05:06,410 - Marina, I drank all that apple juice. 143 00:05:06,510 --> 00:05:08,775 - Connor. [clears throat] 144 00:05:08,875 --> 00:05:10,498 - I'm gonna tell him, okay? 145 00:05:10,598 --> 00:05:12,341 I just have to time it out perfectly, all right? 146 00:05:12,441 --> 00:05:14,184 Wait till the moment of peak happiness. 147 00:05:14,284 --> 00:05:15,387 - Mm-hmm, you should probably wait 148 00:05:15,487 --> 00:05:17,391 till after he pees then. 149 00:05:17,491 --> 00:05:20,798 - Seriously, Marina, I should not get on a ride like this. 150 00:05:20,898 --> 00:05:23,563 - ♪ And if your girl ain't right, I got the remedy ♪ 151 00:05:23,663 --> 00:05:25,767 ♪ It ain't too many of them that can handle me ♪ 152 00:05:25,867 --> 00:05:27,850 ♪ Got that big, big energy ♪ 153 00:05:27,950 --> 00:05:29,493 - Keep your eyes open. 154 00:05:29,593 --> 00:05:33,021 There are over 400 Hidden Mickeys here. 155 00:05:33,121 --> 00:05:34,744 They're all over the park. 156 00:05:34,844 --> 00:05:36,988 - Oh, I think there's one by that lamppost. 157 00:05:37,088 --> 00:05:39,412 - It's in the wires! - That's right, very good. 158 00:05:40,454 --> 00:05:42,037 - I see one. 159 00:05:42,137 --> 00:05:44,281 - Aww. 160 00:05:44,381 --> 00:05:46,966 - Hidden Mickeys, Camila. 161 00:05:47,066 --> 00:05:48,290 We'll work on it. 162 00:05:48,390 --> 00:05:50,374 [upbeat music] 163 00:05:50,474 --> 00:05:52,417 - Aww, look at this. 164 00:05:52,517 --> 00:05:55,062 - Aww, dare we dip into the baby fund? 165 00:05:55,162 --> 00:05:57,146 - This would be so much easier if Windmount Academy 166 00:05:57,246 --> 00:05:58,468 just covered IVF. 167 00:05:58,568 --> 00:05:59,631 I actually emailed them last week 168 00:05:59,731 --> 00:06:01,474 about their crappy health plan. 169 00:06:01,574 --> 00:06:04,120 - I bet they would cover it if our Lamborghini got sick. 170 00:06:04,220 --> 00:06:07,005 - Yeah, they said that they can't help us have a baby, 171 00:06:07,105 --> 00:06:10,211 but that our kids would get a reduced tuition to the school, 172 00:06:10,311 --> 00:06:12,134 as if we would ever use that. 173 00:06:12,234 --> 00:06:14,980 [gasps] Pride Stitch. 174 00:06:15,080 --> 00:06:17,264 - How reduced? - Hm? 175 00:06:17,364 --> 00:06:19,748 - How big is the employee tuition discount? 176 00:06:19,848 --> 00:06:22,594 - Oh, like 90%, but, I mean, it doesn't matter. 177 00:06:22,694 --> 00:06:24,438 We're public school people. 178 00:06:24,538 --> 00:06:26,541 [as Stitch] Ohana means family. 179 00:06:28,104 --> 00:06:30,088 - Oh, there's another Hidden Mickey near the water! 180 00:06:30,188 --> 00:06:32,172 - That's six so far. 181 00:06:32,272 --> 00:06:33,534 - I see one over there. 182 00:06:33,634 --> 00:06:35,940 - That's a moose, not a mouse. 183 00:06:36,040 --> 00:06:37,663 - Yeah, I know. 184 00:06:37,763 --> 00:06:40,468 - Apparently, they're slashing the sales budget now. 185 00:06:40,568 --> 00:06:42,151 I mean, no one's even met this new owner. 186 00:06:42,251 --> 00:06:45,597 - Tom, someone at the level of Hans Dutchman, 187 00:06:45,697 --> 00:06:46,960 he's probably really busy, 188 00:06:47,060 --> 00:06:48,563 and the company was going bankrupt. 189 00:06:48,663 --> 00:06:51,248 He's trying to save the place. 190 00:06:51,348 --> 00:06:52,691 I mean, I assume. 191 00:06:52,791 --> 00:06:55,977 - I guess. It just stresses me out. 192 00:06:56,077 --> 00:06:58,702 - Hey, today's supposed to be about fun. 193 00:06:58,802 --> 00:07:00,145 Don't bring your dumb book into this. 194 00:07:00,245 --> 00:07:02,069 - Okay, well, I wouldn't say dumb, 195 00:07:02,169 --> 00:07:03,952 but yeah, you're right. 196 00:07:04,052 --> 00:07:05,274 Today's supposed to be fun. Let's have fun. 197 00:07:05,374 --> 00:07:07,378 - Yeah, come on. 198 00:07:09,663 --> 00:07:10,846 - Okay. - Come on. 199 00:07:10,946 --> 00:07:13,090 - ♪ This is how we do it ♪ 200 00:07:13,190 --> 00:07:14,893 [both screaming] 201 00:07:14,993 --> 00:07:17,458 ♪ This is how we do it ♪ 202 00:07:17,558 --> 00:07:20,263 [Montell Jordan's "This Is How We Do It"] 203 00:07:20,363 --> 00:07:21,906 ♪ ♪ 204 00:07:22,006 --> 00:07:24,712 ♪ Shabada lo lo lo, whoa ♪ 205 00:07:24,812 --> 00:07:26,395 ♪ This is how we do it ♪ 206 00:07:26,495 --> 00:07:28,960 [vocalising] 207 00:07:29,060 --> 00:07:31,444 ♪ ♪ 208 00:07:31,544 --> 00:07:33,207 ♪ This is how we do it ♪ 209 00:07:33,307 --> 00:07:35,532 ♪ It's Friday night ♪ 210 00:07:35,632 --> 00:07:38,257 ♪ And I feel all right ♪ 211 00:07:38,357 --> 00:07:40,622 ♪ The party's here on the West Side ♪ 212 00:07:40,722 --> 00:07:42,505 ♪ Yeah, this is how we do it ♪ 213 00:07:42,605 --> 00:07:45,711 ♪ ♪ 214 00:07:45,811 --> 00:07:47,314 - My suit's better. 215 00:07:47,414 --> 00:07:48,677 All right, Tom, you want a photo with Spider-Man? 216 00:07:48,777 --> 00:07:50,560 - No, I'm not a fan. 217 00:07:50,660 --> 00:07:51,762 - ♪ This is how we do it ♪ 218 00:07:51,862 --> 00:07:53,866 ♪ ♪ 219 00:07:54,427 --> 00:07:57,213 - Oh, wow. 220 00:07:57,313 --> 00:08:00,700 Chewie, we're home. 221 00:08:00,800 --> 00:08:02,222 Oh, is that FN-2199? 222 00:08:02,322 --> 00:08:05,428 - Hands off, Rebel scum. - Oh, yes, sir. 223 00:08:05,528 --> 00:08:07,031 He called me Rebel scum. - Yeah. 224 00:08:07,131 --> 00:08:08,955 I heard it, champ. - Can I-- 225 00:08:09,055 --> 00:08:10,357 - Get out there. 226 00:08:10,457 --> 00:08:14,366 [mellow music] 227 00:08:14,466 --> 00:08:16,970 - Aww, so cute. 228 00:08:17,070 --> 00:08:19,695 You can enjoy this for 20 more seconds. 229 00:08:19,795 --> 00:08:21,859 Go. 230 00:08:21,959 --> 00:08:23,462 - Hey, about what you said earlier, 231 00:08:23,562 --> 00:08:25,506 I think maybe we should at least discuss 232 00:08:25,606 --> 00:08:27,471 the Windmount tuition offer. 233 00:08:27,571 --> 00:08:30,075 - What, really? - Yeah, it's a good school. 234 00:08:30,175 --> 00:08:32,600 And I'm kind of surprised you didn't mention it before. 235 00:08:32,700 --> 00:08:34,523 - Well, I'm kind of surprised you're surprised. 236 00:08:34,623 --> 00:08:36,086 - That's surprising. 237 00:08:36,186 --> 00:08:38,090 - Well, I mean, sure, I work at Windmount, 238 00:08:38,190 --> 00:08:40,735 but philosophically, we support public schools. 239 00:08:40,835 --> 00:08:42,860 - Ladies, ladies. 240 00:08:42,960 --> 00:08:45,464 Tom and Connor are already at Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge, 241 00:08:45,564 --> 00:08:47,348 and I'm sensing a pre-fight buildup, 242 00:08:47,448 --> 00:08:49,512 so maybe we just quickly let it out-- 243 00:08:49,612 --> 00:08:51,716 or no, better yet, we stuff it back in. 244 00:08:51,816 --> 00:08:53,519 Come on, kids! 245 00:08:53,619 --> 00:08:56,244 - Look, you know I love being a public school teacher, 246 00:08:56,344 --> 00:08:58,208 but it is a struggle. 247 00:08:58,309 --> 00:09:00,052 Our globes are just painted basketballs. 248 00:09:00,152 --> 00:09:01,535 And Windmount has everything. 249 00:09:01,635 --> 00:09:03,258 - Yeah, like a croquet team 250 00:09:03,358 --> 00:09:05,262 and a water fountain that has still and sparkling. 251 00:09:05,362 --> 00:09:06,624 - Kelvin loves his school, 252 00:09:06,724 --> 00:09:08,147 and it's the best in the district, 253 00:09:08,247 --> 00:09:09,670 but this new school Shamiah's starting 254 00:09:09,770 --> 00:09:11,072 has no arts program. 255 00:09:11,172 --> 00:09:12,595 There's a high teacher turnover, 256 00:09:12,695 --> 00:09:14,600 and their library's just old Archie comics. 257 00:09:14,700 --> 00:09:16,443 - But Shamiah is not the type of kid 258 00:09:16,543 --> 00:09:17,725 to go to a private school, okay? 259 00:09:17,825 --> 00:09:19,208 She's not some princess. 260 00:09:19,308 --> 00:09:21,312 - I bought a wand. 261 00:09:22,474 --> 00:09:23,977 - I rest my case. 262 00:09:24,077 --> 00:09:25,700 - You can't just rest your case. 263 00:09:25,800 --> 00:09:28,104 I have a say in this. Shamiah has two mums, remember? 264 00:09:28,204 --> 00:09:29,787 We bought her a whole book about it. 265 00:09:29,887 --> 00:09:31,552 - I can't believe you're even considering this. 266 00:09:31,652 --> 00:09:33,034 - I think you're being shortsighted. 267 00:09:33,134 --> 00:09:34,056 - I think you're being a bad liberal. 268 00:09:34,136 --> 00:09:36,140 [both gasp] 269 00:09:36,701 --> 00:09:38,805 - Okay, if I'm so bad, 270 00:09:38,905 --> 00:09:41,049 I guess I'll go hang out with the evil stepsisters. 271 00:09:41,149 --> 00:09:43,253 ♪ ♪ 272 00:09:43,353 --> 00:09:45,217 - Oh! 273 00:09:45,317 --> 00:09:47,061 Oh, oh-ho-ho-ho-ho! 274 00:09:47,161 --> 00:09:48,864 Oh, dude, this video is insane. 275 00:09:48,964 --> 00:09:50,427 Uh-oh, he's gone full dark side. 276 00:09:50,527 --> 00:09:52,030 [laughs] 277 00:09:52,130 --> 00:09:53,272 - You know, my schedule built in time 278 00:09:53,372 --> 00:09:54,835 for a Tom-Connor argument. 279 00:09:54,935 --> 00:09:56,759 We didn't even need it. [laughs] 280 00:09:56,859 --> 00:09:59,003 - The night is still young. 281 00:09:59,103 --> 00:10:00,485 - What does that mean? 282 00:10:00,585 --> 00:10:02,049 - Doesn't mean anything. 283 00:10:02,149 --> 00:10:03,853 - You said that with a certain intonation. 284 00:10:03,953 --> 00:10:05,616 - What kind of intonation? - "I know a secret" intonation. 285 00:10:05,716 --> 00:10:09,022 - Did I? - You did it again. 286 00:10:09,122 --> 00:10:10,986 Connor is being awfully nice to Tom. 287 00:10:11,086 --> 00:10:12,589 It's like he's trying to butter him up for something. 288 00:10:12,689 --> 00:10:14,472 He keeps distracting him 289 00:10:14,572 --> 00:10:15,975 every time Tom brings up the problems with the publisher-- 290 00:10:16,055 --> 00:10:18,961 oh, my God, he's Hans Dutchman. 291 00:10:19,061 --> 00:10:21,105 Now that I say it out loud, it's obviously Connor. 292 00:10:22,467 --> 00:10:23,690 [speaks Spanish] 293 00:10:23,790 --> 00:10:25,613 - R2! - [beeping] 294 00:10:25,713 --> 00:10:27,537 - Hey, R2. 295 00:10:27,637 --> 00:10:29,380 Hey, nice to meet you. - [beeping] 296 00:10:29,480 --> 00:10:32,706 - [grunting] - Oh, Chewbacca! 297 00:10:32,806 --> 00:10:35,392 - Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey. 298 00:10:35,492 --> 00:10:38,478 So, uh, I know what you did for Tom. 299 00:10:38,578 --> 00:10:40,562 - Yeah, bought him the second most expensive lightsaber. 300 00:10:40,662 --> 00:10:41,924 - Uh-uh, you bought his book publisher. 301 00:10:42,024 --> 00:10:44,489 You're Hans Dutchman. 302 00:10:44,589 --> 00:10:47,054 - Okay, fine, but I'm telling him today. 303 00:10:47,154 --> 00:10:49,299 - You will do no such thing. - What? 304 00:10:49,399 --> 00:10:50,621 But that's the whole reason we're here. 305 00:10:50,721 --> 00:10:52,224 - Not for me, no. 306 00:10:52,324 --> 00:10:53,827 You're gonna ruin my perfectly-planned day. 307 00:10:53,927 --> 00:10:55,390 You need to keep it zipped. 308 00:10:55,490 --> 00:10:56,532 - No, but this is the moment. Now is the time. 309 00:10:56,612 --> 00:10:57,834 He's at peak happiness. 310 00:10:57,934 --> 00:10:59,477 - And he's going to stay that way. 311 00:10:59,577 --> 00:11:01,922 - Oh, no! 312 00:11:02,022 --> 00:11:04,106 How'd he get his phone back? 313 00:11:05,469 --> 00:11:07,693 Guess who's leaving Choi Books? 314 00:11:07,793 --> 00:11:09,737 Regina Choi. - What? 315 00:11:09,837 --> 00:11:11,701 I didn't know that. 316 00:11:11,801 --> 00:11:14,185 And why would I, right? 317 00:11:14,285 --> 00:11:16,229 - Because she thinks she's a bad fit with this new owner. 318 00:11:16,329 --> 00:11:17,471 - But it's her company. 319 00:11:17,571 --> 00:11:19,034 - I know. It's bad. 320 00:11:19,134 --> 00:11:21,279 It's very, very, very, very, very, very bad. 321 00:11:21,379 --> 00:11:24,164 - Well, no, I mean... - Remember how much fun... 322 00:11:24,264 --> 00:11:25,647 - We're at Disneyland. - We were having? 323 00:11:25,747 --> 00:11:27,090 Best brothers. - Yeah. 324 00:11:27,190 --> 00:11:28,653 - It's this Hans Dutchman idiot. 325 00:11:28,753 --> 00:11:30,015 He's ruining everything. 326 00:11:30,115 --> 00:11:31,939 - Okay, pump the breaks. 327 00:11:32,039 --> 00:11:34,623 Maybe the Dutchman guy is trying to help the book. 328 00:11:34,723 --> 00:11:35,946 Have you considered that? 329 00:11:36,046 --> 00:11:37,750 - Uh, no. 330 00:11:37,850 --> 00:11:39,794 Oh, my God, are you siding with the rich guy? 331 00:11:39,894 --> 00:11:41,156 You always do that. 332 00:11:41,256 --> 00:11:42,920 Why don't you ever take my side? 333 00:11:43,020 --> 00:11:46,005 - Oh, you have no idea how much I'm taking your side. 334 00:11:46,105 --> 00:11:48,109 - Sure doesn't sound like it. 335 00:11:49,471 --> 00:11:50,854 Oh, yeah. [lightsabers whoosh] 336 00:11:50,954 --> 00:11:52,658 - Oh, yeah? - Guys. 337 00:11:52,758 --> 00:11:54,502 Guys--okay. 338 00:11:54,602 --> 00:11:57,547 - It's like at every turn, you want me to fail. 339 00:11:57,647 --> 00:11:59,551 - You don't know what you're saying right now, man. 340 00:11:59,651 --> 00:12:01,795 I only want what's best for you. 341 00:12:01,895 --> 00:12:03,558 - What's best for me? 342 00:12:03,658 --> 00:12:05,081 What's best for me? 343 00:12:05,181 --> 00:12:06,604 [dramatic music] 344 00:12:06,704 --> 00:12:07,886 What makes you think 345 00:12:07,986 --> 00:12:09,931 you know what's best for me? 346 00:12:10,031 --> 00:12:12,015 'Cause you make more money? Why's it always about that? 347 00:12:12,115 --> 00:12:13,337 - You're freaking out. 348 00:12:13,437 --> 00:12:14,419 And you don't even know the truth 349 00:12:14,519 --> 00:12:15,461 about your own publisher. 350 00:12:15,561 --> 00:12:16,864 - I know enough. 351 00:12:16,964 --> 00:12:20,350 ♪ ♪ 352 00:12:20,450 --> 00:12:22,454 - Tom. 353 00:12:23,415 --> 00:12:26,843 I am your publisher. 354 00:12:26,943 --> 00:12:30,369 - No! 355 00:12:30,469 --> 00:12:32,533 That's impossible! 356 00:12:32,633 --> 00:12:34,537 - Sorry you had to see this, Chewie. 357 00:12:34,637 --> 00:12:37,402 - [grunting] 358 00:12:39,686 --> 00:12:42,993 [upbeat music] 359 00:12:43,093 --> 00:12:45,318 - Excuse me. 360 00:12:45,418 --> 00:12:47,041 Can I get a Yub Nub? 361 00:12:47,141 --> 00:12:49,565 Make it a double, a Yub Yub Nub Nub? 362 00:12:49,665 --> 00:12:51,048 No--okay. 363 00:12:51,148 --> 00:12:52,771 - Oh, my God, he's gonna ruin my books. 364 00:12:52,871 --> 00:12:54,735 What makes him think he can be a publisher? 365 00:12:54,835 --> 00:12:55,978 He doesn't even read. 366 00:12:56,078 --> 00:12:57,902 - She thinks I'm a bad liberal? 367 00:12:58,002 --> 00:12:59,585 Last week, I saw her recycle a bottle 368 00:12:59,685 --> 00:13:01,148 without even rinsing it. 369 00:13:01,248 --> 00:13:02,550 She thought I didn't notice, but I noticed. 370 00:13:02,650 --> 00:13:04,073 - Hey, guys. 371 00:13:04,173 --> 00:13:06,437 Denise, how's the Blue Bantha? - Delicious. 372 00:13:06,537 --> 00:13:08,040 - Okay. 373 00:13:08,140 --> 00:13:09,924 Hey, well, the kids are already in line with Lupe. 374 00:13:10,024 --> 00:13:11,366 Should we get going? 375 00:13:11,466 --> 00:13:13,471 - Not with Connor. - Not with Sarah. 376 00:13:13,832 --> 00:13:15,535 - She wants to be a private school family? 377 00:13:15,635 --> 00:13:17,218 I mean, what happened to our core beliefs? 378 00:13:17,318 --> 00:13:19,622 It's like half our bumper stickers are a lie. 379 00:13:19,722 --> 00:13:21,786 - You know what he is? Ungrateful. 380 00:13:21,886 --> 00:13:23,870 Yeah, I gave up my seat on a space shuttle 381 00:13:23,970 --> 00:13:25,433 to bail him out. 382 00:13:25,533 --> 00:13:26,755 I mean, technically, I could afford both. 383 00:13:26,855 --> 00:13:28,439 It was a good year, but still. 384 00:13:28,539 --> 00:13:30,543 - Hey, gang, cheers. 385 00:13:32,346 --> 00:13:35,011 Okay, look, I know tensions are high, 386 00:13:35,111 --> 00:13:37,576 but there's a lot left on the ol' schedule. 387 00:13:37,676 --> 00:13:38,858 - Yeah, I think we're good right here. 388 00:13:38,958 --> 00:13:41,383 - Yeah. - Okay, enough. 389 00:13:41,483 --> 00:13:43,828 My beautiful schedule has been destroyed. 390 00:13:43,928 --> 00:13:47,275 We will no longer have time for Luigi's Rollickin' Roadsters. 391 00:13:47,375 --> 00:13:49,198 We can just forget about the Mark Twain Riverboat. 392 00:13:49,298 --> 00:13:50,881 But I will be damned 393 00:13:50,981 --> 00:13:54,248 if I miss Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run. 394 00:13:54,348 --> 00:13:55,931 I don't care if you just sit there 395 00:13:56,031 --> 00:13:59,056 and you don't talk, but we are getting on that ride. 396 00:13:59,156 --> 00:14:00,540 - I guess it did make the Kessel Run 397 00:14:00,640 --> 00:14:02,343 in less than 12 parsecs. 398 00:14:02,443 --> 00:14:03,946 - Save it for the ride, Tom. 399 00:14:04,046 --> 00:14:06,952 [upbeat music] 400 00:14:07,052 --> 00:14:08,354 ♪ ♪ 401 00:14:08,454 --> 00:14:10,458 Come on. 402 00:14:12,101 --> 00:14:13,564 - How many in your flight crew? 403 00:14:13,664 --> 00:14:16,410 - It's four adults and one Dutch liar. 404 00:14:16,510 --> 00:14:17,772 - It's five. 405 00:14:17,872 --> 00:14:19,055 - I feel like you're pushing me. 406 00:14:19,155 --> 00:14:20,738 - I'm not pushing. 407 00:14:20,838 --> 00:14:22,261 I just think it's an important topic to discuss. 408 00:14:22,361 --> 00:14:23,904 - No, you're, like, physically crowding me. 409 00:14:24,004 --> 00:14:25,386 - [scoffs] 410 00:14:25,486 --> 00:14:26,789 - And you're a solo rider? 411 00:14:26,889 --> 00:14:29,033 - Oh, yep, I'm a Han Solo rider. 412 00:14:29,133 --> 00:14:31,719 [chuckling] Just a little Star Wars humour. 413 00:14:31,819 --> 00:14:34,604 - Okay, then the six of you are our red team. 414 00:14:34,704 --> 00:14:36,568 - Go red team! 415 00:14:36,668 --> 00:14:38,671 Huh? Uh-huh. 416 00:14:40,916 --> 00:14:43,821 So hi, I'm Donna. 417 00:14:43,921 --> 00:14:47,188 - I'm Marina, and this is my family. 418 00:14:47,288 --> 00:14:48,831 By marriage. 419 00:14:48,931 --> 00:14:51,476 - Okay, so have you guys done this ride before? 420 00:14:51,576 --> 00:14:53,800 We're gonna need two pilots, two gunners, two engineers. 421 00:14:53,900 --> 00:14:55,403 Who wants to be what? 422 00:14:55,503 --> 00:14:57,647 - Oh, Connor, why don't you be the publisher? 423 00:14:57,747 --> 00:14:59,811 - Well, that's not one of the roles. 424 00:14:59,911 --> 00:15:02,576 - Yeah, Tom, clearly, you know nothing about Star Wars. 425 00:15:02,677 --> 00:15:04,902 - Oh, really? What does AT-AT stand for? 426 00:15:05,002 --> 00:15:07,747 both: All Terrain Armoured Transport. 427 00:15:07,847 --> 00:15:09,550 - Who's the loser now? 428 00:15:09,650 --> 00:15:11,273 - So, um, how about you? 429 00:15:11,373 --> 00:15:12,996 Gunner's the most fun. 430 00:15:13,096 --> 00:15:14,880 - Oh, no, thank you. I don't really like violence. 431 00:15:14,980 --> 00:15:16,763 But you know, Denise, 432 00:15:16,863 --> 00:15:19,730 I don't think I even know where you stand on violence. 433 00:15:19,830 --> 00:15:21,934 - Oh, I love violence. 434 00:15:22,034 --> 00:15:23,617 - Super. 435 00:15:23,717 --> 00:15:25,781 - All right, red team, let's get you guys ready to fly. 436 00:15:25,881 --> 00:15:28,466 - Do you think that I could maybe trade teams? 437 00:15:28,566 --> 00:15:30,830 Seems to be a little bit of space over there on blue. 438 00:15:30,930 --> 00:15:33,355 - The Resistance needs you here. 439 00:15:33,455 --> 00:15:35,660 Let's get our pilots in the front please. 440 00:15:37,303 --> 00:15:39,727 - Got a bad feeling about this. 441 00:15:39,827 --> 00:15:42,372 Oh, we're on the Millennium Falcon! 442 00:15:42,472 --> 00:15:44,416 This is so exciting. Isn't this exciting? 443 00:15:44,516 --> 00:15:47,582 [engine droning] 444 00:15:47,682 --> 00:15:50,267 - Are you trying to crash us? - Oh, now you want my help? 445 00:15:50,367 --> 00:15:51,910 - We need to go get that cargo! 446 00:15:52,010 --> 00:15:53,553 Who's ready to jump to lightspeed? 447 00:15:53,653 --> 00:15:55,717 No one? 448 00:15:55,817 --> 00:15:57,441 Are they always like this? 449 00:15:57,541 --> 00:15:59,524 - Sorry you got stuck with us. We're a lost cause. 450 00:15:59,624 --> 00:16:03,011 - No, don't you give up too. Gunners, you need to fire. 451 00:16:03,111 --> 00:16:04,734 - Am I allowed to play the game? 452 00:16:04,834 --> 00:16:06,258 Or are you just gonna judge me? - Oh, I don't know. 453 00:16:06,358 --> 00:16:07,580 I'm not allowed to have an opinion, apparently. 454 00:16:07,680 --> 00:16:09,103 - Oh! 455 00:16:09,203 --> 00:16:10,465 - Tom! - Connor! 456 00:16:10,565 --> 00:16:11,467 - It was him! - That was him! 457 00:16:11,567 --> 00:16:13,311 - People, please! 458 00:16:13,411 --> 00:16:14,833 You're not even trying. 459 00:16:14,933 --> 00:16:16,837 This is supposed to be fun. 460 00:16:16,937 --> 00:16:20,083 You're a family on vacation together. 461 00:16:20,183 --> 00:16:23,570 And you're acting like you'd rather be apart. 462 00:16:23,670 --> 00:16:26,395 Don't you understand that what you have is special? 463 00:16:28,720 --> 00:16:31,965 Not everyone has what you have. 464 00:16:35,492 --> 00:16:37,476 - The lady's right. - It's Donna. 465 00:16:37,576 --> 00:16:42,005 - We've been taking our alliance for granted. 466 00:16:42,105 --> 00:16:44,049 - Now let's go make sure that the First Order 467 00:16:44,149 --> 00:16:47,375 doesn't find our secret base on Batuu. 468 00:16:47,475 --> 00:16:48,577 - Yeah! 469 00:16:48,677 --> 00:16:50,100 Whatever she said. 470 00:16:50,200 --> 00:16:51,582 - Let's do this! 471 00:16:51,682 --> 00:16:54,469 - To infinity and beyond! 472 00:16:54,569 --> 00:16:56,152 - Okay, not technically Star Wars, 473 00:16:56,252 --> 00:16:57,675 but I'll allow it. 474 00:16:57,775 --> 00:16:58,757 [dramatic music] 475 00:16:58,857 --> 00:17:00,360 - TIE fighters at 3:00! 476 00:17:00,460 --> 00:17:01,562 - Very hot, honey. 477 00:17:01,662 --> 00:17:03,565 - Yes, violence! 478 00:17:03,665 --> 00:17:04,928 - Down, down, down, down! 479 00:17:05,028 --> 00:17:07,012 [all yelling] 480 00:17:07,112 --> 00:17:09,176 - Hang to the right! - You're like a Jedi. 481 00:17:09,276 --> 00:17:11,220 - I've done this ride five times today. 482 00:17:11,320 --> 00:17:13,625 - Strap in and prepare to make the jump to lightspeed. 483 00:17:13,725 --> 00:17:15,027 ♪ ♪ 484 00:17:15,127 --> 00:17:17,913 [all yelling] 485 00:17:18,013 --> 00:17:20,136 ♪ ♪ 486 00:17:22,942 --> 00:17:25,568 - Hey, I'm really sorry for calling you a bad liberal. 487 00:17:25,668 --> 00:17:27,451 That's like the worst thing I could ever say to anyone. 488 00:17:27,551 --> 00:17:29,415 - Pretty sure you've called Connor worse. 489 00:17:29,515 --> 00:17:30,817 Like, when you found out he doesn't vote. 490 00:17:30,917 --> 00:17:32,941 - Oh, I can't even talk about that. 491 00:17:33,041 --> 00:17:36,628 Look, this whole private school thing, 492 00:17:36,728 --> 00:17:38,231 it's not just about ethics, okay? 493 00:17:38,331 --> 00:17:41,838 Shamiah is so special, 494 00:17:41,938 --> 00:17:45,285 and I'm just afraid that if she goes to Windmount 495 00:17:45,385 --> 00:17:47,609 with all of those rich kids, she's gonna feel less than. 496 00:17:47,709 --> 00:17:49,372 I mean, I feel that way sometimes working there. 497 00:17:49,472 --> 00:17:51,656 - Well, I don't want that either. 498 00:17:51,756 --> 00:17:53,580 Maybe we should just ask her about it. 499 00:17:53,680 --> 00:17:55,623 - You mean, instead of just, like, yammering at each other? 500 00:17:55,723 --> 00:17:57,067 - Yeah. - Yeah. 501 00:17:57,167 --> 00:18:00,113 [soft music] 502 00:18:00,213 --> 00:18:03,559 ♪ ♪ 503 00:18:03,659 --> 00:18:05,663 - Thanks. 504 00:18:06,825 --> 00:18:10,532 Look, I'm sorry I lied. 505 00:18:10,632 --> 00:18:13,338 I mean, obviously, Hans Dutchman 506 00:18:13,438 --> 00:18:15,943 was a really great name, really believable name, 507 00:18:16,043 --> 00:18:18,267 but I should have been honest. 508 00:18:18,367 --> 00:18:19,629 - No, come on, man, I'm the one 509 00:18:19,729 --> 00:18:20,791 who should be apologising to you. 510 00:18:20,891 --> 00:18:23,156 I owe you literally everything. 511 00:18:23,256 --> 00:18:26,402 The book wasn't gonna come out, and you stepped up. 512 00:18:26,502 --> 00:18:28,505 - You would have done the same thing for me. 513 00:18:30,390 --> 00:18:32,454 - 100%. 514 00:18:32,554 --> 00:18:35,339 - If you had any money. - Well, sure. 515 00:18:35,439 --> 00:18:36,902 - Business sense. - Okay. 516 00:18:37,002 --> 00:18:38,144 - Connections. - Okay, we got it, man. 517 00:18:38,244 --> 00:18:39,947 We got it. 518 00:18:40,047 --> 00:18:41,951 - [chuckles] 519 00:18:42,051 --> 00:18:45,719 - I mean, Windmount does have a real theatre department. 520 00:18:45,819 --> 00:18:48,885 - Yeah, thanks to your mum and "Unsung Sheroes." 521 00:18:48,985 --> 00:18:50,408 - [clears throat] 522 00:18:50,508 --> 00:18:52,091 - A musical celebration of groundbreaking women 523 00:18:52,191 --> 00:18:54,174 from Sacagawea to Sotomayor. 524 00:18:54,274 --> 00:18:55,978 - So if you think we could afford it, 525 00:18:56,078 --> 00:18:58,582 then I guess. 526 00:18:58,682 --> 00:19:01,228 - Wait, oh, my God, are you going to my school? 527 00:19:01,328 --> 00:19:02,992 - [laughs] - Oh, my God! 528 00:19:03,092 --> 00:19:05,717 - Aw. [laughs] 529 00:19:05,817 --> 00:19:08,001 Well, I guess we're dipping into the baby fund. 530 00:19:08,101 --> 00:19:10,565 - Yeah, but we gotta spend on the kids we already have, 531 00:19:10,665 --> 00:19:12,489 not just the one that's coming later. 532 00:19:12,589 --> 00:19:15,054 - I did get something for that one too though. 533 00:19:15,154 --> 00:19:17,459 - [gasps] Oh, Lulu! 534 00:19:17,559 --> 00:19:19,142 - [laughing] It's so tiny! 535 00:19:19,242 --> 00:19:21,106 - It's so gay. - So gay. 536 00:19:21,206 --> 00:19:22,308 - Yeah, it's our thing. 537 00:19:22,408 --> 00:19:23,951 - Donna! 538 00:19:24,051 --> 00:19:26,395 - Oh! Hey, Marina. 539 00:19:26,495 --> 00:19:28,239 - I just wanted to thank you again. 540 00:19:28,339 --> 00:19:29,761 What you said in there really helped. 541 00:19:29,861 --> 00:19:31,725 - Oh, I was just trying to make Chewbacca proud. 542 00:19:31,825 --> 00:19:34,371 - Anyway, I know you're here by yourself, 543 00:19:34,471 --> 00:19:37,056 but you're always welcome to hang out with the Hayworths. 544 00:19:37,156 --> 00:19:39,981 - Oh, that means a lot. - Donna? 545 00:19:40,081 --> 00:19:41,223 - Damn it, they found me. 546 00:19:41,323 --> 00:19:43,107 Hey, baby. 547 00:19:43,207 --> 00:19:44,870 - Donna, where did you go? 548 00:19:44,970 --> 00:19:48,277 - I went to get popcorn, and then I couldn't find you. 549 00:19:48,377 --> 00:19:50,040 - That was like hours ago. 550 00:19:50,140 --> 00:19:51,443 - Was it? 551 00:19:51,543 --> 00:19:53,126 You know what, who wants ice cream? 552 00:19:53,226 --> 00:19:54,649 You guys need ice cream. Stay right there. 553 00:19:54,749 --> 00:19:55,851 I'll be right back. 554 00:19:55,951 --> 00:19:57,334 - Mum, wait! - Hey, come on. 555 00:19:57,434 --> 00:20:00,379 [quirky music] 556 00:20:00,479 --> 00:20:01,982 ♪ ♪ 557 00:20:02,082 --> 00:20:03,867 - Legend. [fireworks whooshing] 558 00:20:03,967 --> 00:20:07,193 [cheering] 559 00:20:07,293 --> 00:20:09,958 [exciting music] 560 00:20:10,058 --> 00:20:17,091 ♪ ♪ 561 00:20:17,191 --> 00:20:18,694 - A Hidden Mickey! 562 00:20:18,794 --> 00:20:20,057 - There's my girl. 563 00:20:20,157 --> 00:20:22,822 - Oh! 564 00:20:22,922 --> 00:20:24,305 - Whoo! 565 00:20:24,405 --> 00:20:26,569 ♪ ♪ 566 00:20:28,172 --> 00:20:30,597 [upbeat music] 567 00:20:30,697 --> 00:20:32,921 - My favourite's probably the Minnie Mouse gloves. 568 00:20:33,021 --> 00:20:35,326 Then the Ariel phone case. 569 00:20:35,426 --> 00:20:37,891 And then the Ursula phone case for when I'm feeling naughty. 570 00:20:37,991 --> 00:20:40,856 - Mm-hmm. - Oh, and the lightsaber. 571 00:20:40,956 --> 00:20:42,339 I got this for you. 572 00:20:42,439 --> 00:20:44,623 - Oh, thank you so much. 573 00:20:44,723 --> 00:20:47,629 Okay, enough with the toys. It's been a long day. 574 00:20:47,729 --> 00:20:49,151 Come on, it's time for bed. - Okay. 575 00:20:49,251 --> 00:20:51,256 - [chuckles] 576 00:20:55,304 --> 00:20:56,326 [dramatic music] 577 00:20:56,426 --> 00:20:58,810 [lightsaber whooshes] 578 00:20:58,910 --> 00:21:04,621 ♪ ♪ 579 00:21:04,721 --> 00:21:06,724 Not bad.