1 00:00:02,529 --> 00:00:04,150 2 - So how's Sarah doing? - Living the dream. 2 00:00:04,250 --> 00:00:06,512 If the dream is mounting a low-budget children's musical 3 00:00:06,612 --> 00:00:08,434 in Sacramento while staying with your parents. 4 00:00:08,534 --> 00:00:11,316 - That is one of the saddest full sentences I've ever heard. 5 00:00:11,416 --> 00:00:14,758 - Whoa. Tom, nice sweater. 6 00:00:14,858 --> 00:00:16,600 Finally wearing something I would wear. 7 00:00:16,700 --> 00:00:19,041 - Well, I thought I should upgrade from my usual hoodie, 8 00:00:19,141 --> 00:00:20,563 you know... - Here it comes. 9 00:00:20,663 --> 00:00:22,844 - As a "New York Times" bestselling author. 10 00:00:22,944 --> 00:00:26,407 - You're gonna hear that a lot. - 100% virgin wool. Very nice. 11 00:00:26,507 --> 00:00:28,008 - Thank you. 12 00:00:28,108 --> 00:00:29,489 Hey, how do they know that the sheep haven't-- 13 00:00:29,589 --> 00:00:30,770 - That's not what that means. - Okay. 14 00:00:30,870 --> 00:00:32,492 - I have so much to teach you 15 00:00:32,592 --> 00:00:34,413 now that you're not buying your clothes at Costco. 16 00:00:34,513 --> 00:00:38,136 Hey, remember, when I say "Christmas surprise..." 17 00:00:38,236 --> 00:00:40,017 - I do the Christmas surprise. 18 00:00:40,117 --> 00:00:42,059 - Oh, they're gonna freak out. It's gonna be the best one yet. 19 00:00:42,159 --> 00:00:43,580 - [chuckles] - Hey, guys, 20 00:00:43,680 --> 00:00:45,781 I know that Connor's usually the one to make 21 00:00:45,881 --> 00:00:48,664 big family gestures, but it's been a pretty good year 22 00:00:48,764 --> 00:00:50,185 for me, you know, as a... 23 00:00:50,285 --> 00:00:51,706 - He's not gonna. - Oh, he is. 24 00:00:51,806 --> 00:00:53,747 - "New York Times" bestselling author. 25 00:00:53,847 --> 00:00:56,910 - Wait. Are you about to do, like, a holiday gift thing? 26 00:00:57,010 --> 00:00:57,890 - I got us all tickets to see "The Nutcracker." 27 00:00:57,970 --> 00:00:59,191 - Wow. - Ooh. 28 00:00:59,291 --> 00:01:00,352 - You're seeing "The Nutcracker." 29 00:01:00,452 --> 00:01:01,713 You're seeing "The Nutcracker." 30 00:01:01,813 --> 00:01:03,275 You're seeing "The Nutcracker." 31 00:01:03,375 --> 00:01:04,996 - Tom, that's so fun. I love "The Nutcracker." 32 00:01:05,096 --> 00:01:06,997 - That name sounds hilarious. - Move over, bro. 33 00:01:07,097 --> 00:01:08,478 Looks like there's a new big spender in town. 34 00:01:08,578 --> 00:01:11,200 - Oh, yup. Definitely no topping that. 35 00:01:11,300 --> 00:01:12,762 [coughing] Lupe, abort. 36 00:01:12,862 --> 00:01:14,403 - Honey, that's a great Christmas surprise. 37 00:01:14,503 --> 00:01:16,284 - Oh, not-- no, not Christmas surprise. 38 00:01:16,384 --> 00:01:17,765 [air horn blaring] 39 00:01:17,865 --> 00:01:19,126 - What's this? 40 00:01:19,226 --> 00:01:21,808 - Oh, it's probably just junk mail. 41 00:01:21,908 --> 00:01:23,249 I'd just throw it out. 42 00:01:23,349 --> 00:01:25,131 - No way. Connor, you're taking us 43 00:01:25,231 --> 00:01:27,333 on a ski vacation to Aspen for New Years? 44 00:01:27,433 --> 00:01:29,614 Oh, my God. - [laughs] 45 00:01:29,714 --> 00:01:31,536 My, gosh. - Hey, sorry, man. 46 00:01:31,636 --> 00:01:32,656 I didn't mean to steal your thunder. 47 00:01:32,756 --> 00:01:34,418 - No, that's all right. 48 00:01:34,518 --> 00:01:36,299 Yeah, I guess old Tom might've been bummed, 49 00:01:36,399 --> 00:01:39,382 but new Tom is psyched. [chuckles] 50 00:01:39,482 --> 00:01:41,943 I guess when you're on top, things don't bug you as much. 51 00:01:42,043 --> 00:01:43,785 - I know, right? It's awesome. 52 00:01:43,885 --> 00:01:45,626 - We can go skiing and to "The Nutcracker." 53 00:01:45,726 --> 00:01:46,987 There's room for both. - Yeah. 54 00:01:47,087 --> 00:01:48,949 - Two equally cool things. - Eh. 55 00:01:49,049 --> 00:01:50,790 - Yeah, equally cool. 56 00:01:50,890 --> 00:01:54,273 - I'm glad new Tom's so chill because there's also this. 57 00:01:54,373 --> 00:01:56,194 Lupe! - Fire in the hole. 58 00:01:56,294 --> 00:01:58,596 - Oh. - [laughs] 59 00:01:58,696 --> 00:02:01,478 - Come on, man. Now, you're just showing off. 60 00:02:01,578 --> 00:02:03,940 - ♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey ♪ 61 00:02:05,781 --> 00:02:07,002 [ringtone chiming] 62 00:02:07,102 --> 00:02:09,364 - Brian! Bri-guy. 63 00:02:09,464 --> 00:02:10,885 So how's my favourite money manager? 64 00:02:10,985 --> 00:02:12,726 - Really? Your favourite? 65 00:02:12,826 --> 00:02:14,288 Can I tell people that because that would be huge for me. 66 00:02:14,388 --> 00:02:15,809 - Whatever. So how are things? 67 00:02:15,909 --> 00:02:17,490 - Great. You know what? 68 00:02:17,590 --> 00:02:19,451 I think I have a real shot with Linda in annuities. 69 00:02:19,551 --> 00:02:21,253 - Not what I'm asking about. 70 00:02:21,353 --> 00:02:22,514 - Oh, you meant with you? Oh, uh, yeah. Um, not great. 71 00:02:22,594 --> 00:02:24,375 - Very funny, Brian. 72 00:02:24,475 --> 00:02:25,936 - Look, I wouldn't have called you from our holiday party, 73 00:02:26,036 --> 00:02:27,738 but it's time-sensitive 74 00:02:27,838 --> 00:02:30,180 and, uh, well, I drew the short candy cane. 75 00:02:30,280 --> 00:02:32,101 We just got an update on that investment you made 76 00:02:32,201 --> 00:02:34,703 in the wind farm and the update is... 77 00:02:34,803 --> 00:02:37,025 that it's gone. 78 00:02:37,125 --> 00:02:38,666 - Gone? What do you mean? Like the stock crashed? 79 00:02:38,766 --> 00:02:40,627 - More like a freak storm literally blew 80 00:02:40,727 --> 00:02:44,230 the windmills away and, um, 81 00:02:44,330 --> 00:02:46,071 I mean, now they're gone. - So how much did we lose? 82 00:02:46,171 --> 00:02:47,753 - Before I tell you that number, 83 00:02:47,853 --> 00:02:49,394 I think it's important to remember that you have 84 00:02:49,494 --> 00:02:50,995 many other investments that didn't blow away 85 00:02:51,095 --> 00:02:52,676 and then sink to the bottom of the ocean. 86 00:02:52,776 --> 00:02:54,598 - Okay, so you're saying-- w-what are you saying? 87 00:02:54,698 --> 00:02:57,040 - We took a huge hit, but hey, with investments like this-- 88 00:02:57,140 --> 00:03:00,842 I mean, you win some, you lose some. 89 00:03:00,942 --> 00:03:02,284 Am I right? - No! 90 00:03:02,384 --> 00:03:03,845 Not me, Brian. I'm all win. 91 00:03:03,945 --> 00:03:05,286 That's kind of my thing. 92 00:03:05,386 --> 00:03:06,527 - Oh, that's a great line. "All win." 93 00:03:06,627 --> 00:03:08,208 Can I use that on Linda? 94 00:03:08,308 --> 00:03:10,089 - Here's what we're gonna do-- take all the money 95 00:03:10,189 --> 00:03:11,811 from the short-term liquid account 96 00:03:11,911 --> 00:03:14,973 and put it in the fund that I'm sending you right now. 97 00:03:15,073 --> 00:03:16,614 - Okay, well, are you sure about that? 98 00:03:16,714 --> 00:03:18,376 'Cause that's gonna tie up a lot of your money. 99 00:03:18,476 --> 00:03:20,057 You know, you're gonna have to tighten the belt 100 00:03:20,157 --> 00:03:21,978 for a little while. - Yeah, no, I'm sure. 101 00:03:22,078 --> 00:03:25,101 I put money in here before and it always surges at year end. 102 00:03:25,201 --> 00:03:27,943 It's like my own, personal golden goose. [chuckles] 103 00:03:28,043 --> 00:03:29,904 We'll be back in the black by New Years. 104 00:03:30,004 --> 00:03:31,145 Commit funds. 105 00:03:31,245 --> 00:03:33,267 - Commit funds. Boom. 106 00:03:33,367 --> 00:03:35,348 You know what? You've inspired me. 107 00:03:35,448 --> 00:03:38,230 I'm gonna go all in on Linda. First step, introduce myself. 108 00:03:38,330 --> 00:03:39,631 - Okay, good bye, Brian. 109 00:03:39,731 --> 00:03:42,594 [dramatic music] 110 00:03:42,694 --> 00:03:45,676 ♪ ♪ 111 00:03:45,776 --> 00:03:48,878 - Okay, the hotel is confirmed, the plane is chartered, 112 00:03:48,978 --> 00:03:50,600 and the custom "Hayworth Holiday" 113 00:03:50,700 --> 00:03:53,282 ski jackets will be waiting for you all in Aspen. 114 00:03:53,382 --> 00:03:55,043 - Right. Aspen. 115 00:03:55,143 --> 00:03:57,245 - Oh, good news. The helicopter you like 116 00:03:57,345 --> 00:03:59,126 is available for heli-skiing... - Oh. 117 00:03:59,226 --> 00:04:00,567 - And yes, they can serve lobster in the air. 118 00:04:00,667 --> 00:04:02,248 - Oh. - Though they strongly advise 119 00:04:02,348 --> 00:04:05,010 against hot butter. - Oh, great. 120 00:04:05,110 --> 00:04:08,813 Great. Hey, Lupe, um... 121 00:04:08,913 --> 00:04:10,915 how much is all this? 122 00:04:14,277 --> 00:04:16,859 - What? - Like, what's the, 123 00:04:16,959 --> 00:04:19,822 like, price? - I... 124 00:04:19,922 --> 00:04:21,703 I have no idea. 125 00:04:21,803 --> 00:04:24,985 You've never asked me that before. 126 00:04:25,085 --> 00:04:26,667 What's wrong? - Nothing. 127 00:04:26,767 --> 00:04:28,908 Just, um...just... 128 00:04:29,008 --> 00:04:32,191 just disappointed about the hot butter. 129 00:04:32,291 --> 00:04:35,153 [upbeat holiday music] 130 00:04:35,253 --> 00:04:36,954 ♪ ♪ 131 00:04:37,054 --> 00:04:38,395 both: Thank you. 132 00:04:38,495 --> 00:04:41,157 - Enjoy the sugar. 133 00:04:41,257 --> 00:04:43,119 - Christmas Eve is my favourite. 134 00:04:43,219 --> 00:04:44,760 Christmas day is good, 135 00:04:44,860 --> 00:04:46,802 but it takes so long to open all the presents. 136 00:04:46,902 --> 00:04:48,403 - We don't have that problem with our family. 137 00:04:48,503 --> 00:04:49,884 - Lucky. 138 00:04:49,984 --> 00:04:51,685 - My dad makes us save the wrapping paper. 139 00:04:51,785 --> 00:04:55,168 - Hey, it's not about the presents our parents get us. 140 00:04:55,268 --> 00:04:58,170 - It's what Uncle Connor gets us. 141 00:04:58,270 --> 00:04:59,771 I've been dropping little hints about a PlayStation 5. 142 00:04:59,871 --> 00:05:01,252 - Like what? 143 00:05:01,352 --> 00:05:03,534 - Like telling him I want a PlayStation 5. 144 00:05:03,634 --> 00:05:04,755 I think he picked up on it. [notification chimes] 145 00:05:04,835 --> 00:05:06,456 - Oh, no. - What's wrong? 146 00:05:06,556 --> 00:05:08,618 - Santiago, my contractor, he just said our client 147 00:05:08,718 --> 00:05:10,619 wants to start right after the holidays. 148 00:05:10,719 --> 00:05:12,101 - Isn't that a good thing? 149 00:05:12,201 --> 00:05:13,822 - I'm just a little nervous, you know? 150 00:05:13,922 --> 00:05:15,903 It's a big leap for me. And look at his Instagram. 151 00:05:16,003 --> 00:05:18,746 His work is so good. - Ooh, back up. 152 00:05:18,846 --> 00:05:21,307 - I know. That backsplash is insane. 153 00:05:21,407 --> 00:05:23,349 - No, I'm talking about the insanely hot guy 154 00:05:23,449 --> 00:05:24,750 standing in front of the backsplash. 155 00:05:24,850 --> 00:05:26,792 - Oh, that's Santiago. 156 00:05:26,892 --> 00:05:28,513 - That's Santiago? 157 00:05:28,613 --> 00:05:31,035 - Oh, come on. He's not that hot. 158 00:05:31,135 --> 00:05:33,276 And I thought you were-- how do I put this? 159 00:05:33,376 --> 00:05:37,159 Into girls. - I'm gay, not blind. 160 00:05:37,259 --> 00:05:39,081 - Connor, should I open more wine? 161 00:05:39,181 --> 00:05:40,922 Your family drink like fish. 162 00:05:41,022 --> 00:05:42,243 - Sup? - [gasps] 163 00:05:42,343 --> 00:05:43,924 [speaks in Spanish] 164 00:05:44,024 --> 00:05:45,886 - Oh, did you think I was Connor? 165 00:05:45,986 --> 00:05:48,568 That's hilarious. I guess it's the new threads. 166 00:05:48,668 --> 00:05:50,169 Well, I have been working out a little bit. 167 00:05:50,269 --> 00:05:53,091 - No, it's the threads. - Ah, good one, Loop. 168 00:05:53,191 --> 00:05:54,052 There it is. - [groans] 169 00:05:54,152 --> 00:05:55,653 - Nope. Okay. 170 00:05:55,753 --> 00:05:57,455 - So many presents. 171 00:05:57,555 --> 00:05:59,176 - Yeah, I guess I went a little overboard. 172 00:05:59,276 --> 00:06:01,137 Well, who cares? It's only money. 173 00:06:01,237 --> 00:06:02,538 [laughs] - Who are you? 174 00:06:02,638 --> 00:06:05,581 - I know, right? I guess this family 175 00:06:05,681 --> 00:06:08,503 has two successful and carefree Hayworth men now. 176 00:06:08,603 --> 00:06:11,105 [chuckles] Give you one more shot at that. 177 00:06:11,205 --> 00:06:13,226 - [groans] - No? 178 00:06:13,326 --> 00:06:15,228 Okay, I'm gonna save this for later. 179 00:06:15,328 --> 00:06:16,949 - Catcher in the Bri, how we doing? 180 00:06:17,049 --> 00:06:18,030 - Not good. 181 00:06:18,130 --> 00:06:19,271 Turns out Linda's married, 182 00:06:19,371 --> 00:06:20,992 and she's pretty into it. 183 00:06:21,092 --> 00:06:23,354 Oh, you meant with you, right. Yeah, also not good. 184 00:06:23,454 --> 00:06:24,875 - What? You got to be kidding me. 185 00:06:24,975 --> 00:06:26,356 - I wish. She's been married six years, 186 00:06:26,456 --> 00:06:27,877 but she doesn't wear a ring. 187 00:06:27,977 --> 00:06:29,278 I guess it chafes when she does cross-- 188 00:06:29,378 --> 00:06:30,960 - Brian. - Oh, you meant with you again. 189 00:06:31,060 --> 00:06:32,881 Sorry about that. So yeah, I just stopped back 190 00:06:32,981 --> 00:06:36,083 in the office to check on your fund, and it is still down. 191 00:06:36,183 --> 00:06:38,725 - I don't get it. That was my golden goose. 192 00:06:38,825 --> 00:06:41,287 - I suggest we just sell now, we cut our losses. 193 00:06:41,387 --> 00:06:42,728 and then we regroup in the new year. 194 00:06:42,828 --> 00:06:44,370 - Yeah, I guess I don't have a choice. 195 00:06:44,470 --> 00:06:46,571 [phone chimes] - Oh, this is incredible news. 196 00:06:46,671 --> 00:06:48,012 - What? Stock's back up? 197 00:06:48,112 --> 00:06:49,013 - No, no, no. Linda just texted me. 198 00:06:49,113 --> 00:06:50,294 She has a sister. 199 00:06:50,394 --> 00:06:52,396 - Okay, good bye, Brian. 200 00:06:54,757 --> 00:06:56,939 [sighs] 201 00:06:57,039 --> 00:06:58,340 - Can I please have my phone back? 202 00:06:58,440 --> 00:07:00,302 - Oh, absolutely is what I would say 203 00:07:00,402 --> 00:07:02,543 if I didn't find a shirtless pic of Santiago. 204 00:07:02,643 --> 00:07:05,425 Did you know he's a triathlete? I'd like to try athlete. 205 00:07:05,525 --> 00:07:07,227 - Okay, now it just feels like you're messing with me. 206 00:07:07,327 --> 00:07:09,869 - A little bit. - [sighs] 207 00:07:09,969 --> 00:07:11,310 Denise! - What? 208 00:07:11,410 --> 00:07:13,071 - You liked a picture. - No, I didn't. 209 00:07:13,171 --> 00:07:14,712 Did I? I was just trying to zoom in. 210 00:07:14,812 --> 00:07:16,674 - It's from two years ago. - Maybe it's not so bad. 211 00:07:16,774 --> 00:07:18,715 - Oh, really? What would you think 212 00:07:18,815 --> 00:07:20,917 if the person you just started working with scrolled through 213 00:07:21,017 --> 00:07:23,079 two years of pictures and liked the one 214 00:07:23,179 --> 00:07:24,600 where you were shirtless? 215 00:07:24,700 --> 00:07:26,281 - He's going to think you want to smash. 216 00:07:26,381 --> 00:07:28,883 Stuffed mushroom? - Yes, please. 217 00:07:28,983 --> 00:07:30,724 - I'm just gonna unlike it. - No, don't do that. 218 00:07:30,824 --> 00:07:33,086 - Too late. Why? 219 00:07:33,186 --> 00:07:34,927 - Because he can also see the unlike 220 00:07:35,027 --> 00:07:37,129 and sometimes the unlike does more damage than the like. 221 00:07:37,229 --> 00:07:38,530 Remember that picture of me in the fedora? 222 00:07:38,630 --> 00:07:41,172 - Oh, you saw that I unliked that? 223 00:07:41,272 --> 00:07:42,693 You know, I really wanted to be supportive, 224 00:07:42,793 --> 00:07:44,094 but nothing about that worked. 225 00:07:44,194 --> 00:07:45,255 You looked like a street magician. 226 00:07:45,355 --> 00:07:46,776 - That's what I was going for. 227 00:07:46,876 --> 00:07:47,837 - Now, my new coworker's gonna think I'm a perv. 228 00:07:47,917 --> 00:07:49,658 - Hey, don't say that. 229 00:07:49,758 --> 00:07:51,180 He'll also think you're indecisive. 230 00:07:51,280 --> 00:07:55,783 ♪ ♪ 231 00:07:55,883 --> 00:07:57,865 - What are you wearing? 232 00:07:57,965 --> 00:07:59,986 - Oh, this? 233 00:08:00,086 --> 00:08:02,148 Tom must've left it when they were staying here. 234 00:08:02,248 --> 00:08:03,989 They hoodie is surprisingly comfortable. 235 00:08:04,089 --> 00:08:06,991 I mean, say what you will, but Kirkland knows 236 00:08:07,091 --> 00:08:08,593 what they're doing when it comes to loungewear. 237 00:08:08,693 --> 00:08:10,474 - Connor, are things that bad? 238 00:08:10,574 --> 00:08:13,076 - They're definitely not good, Lupe. 239 00:08:13,176 --> 00:08:15,958 I don't want to freak the family out, but... 240 00:08:16,058 --> 00:08:17,439 [quietly] I don't think we should do Aspen. 241 00:08:17,539 --> 00:08:19,120 - I'm sure things will work out. 242 00:08:19,220 --> 00:08:20,522 You've had ups and downs before. 243 00:08:20,622 --> 00:08:23,204 - No, that's the thing. I haven't, okay? 244 00:08:23,304 --> 00:08:25,886 When it comes to the money, with me, it's always been ups. 245 00:08:25,986 --> 00:08:28,087 I can always see the smart play, 246 00:08:28,187 --> 00:08:31,209 work the angles, but what if... 247 00:08:31,309 --> 00:08:33,491 what if I've lost my business mojo? 248 00:08:33,591 --> 00:08:34,812 You know, my bojo. 249 00:08:34,912 --> 00:08:36,333 - You're being ridiculous. 250 00:08:36,433 --> 00:08:38,255 You will bounce back. 251 00:08:38,355 --> 00:08:40,376 I know it. 252 00:08:40,476 --> 00:08:43,539 - Thanks, Lupe. I can always count on you. 253 00:08:43,639 --> 00:08:45,820 So what'd you come in here for? 254 00:08:45,920 --> 00:08:48,502 - I was just printing something. 255 00:08:48,602 --> 00:08:50,604 - Right on. [chuckles] 256 00:08:52,685 --> 00:08:55,668 Is this a résumé? - No. 257 00:08:55,768 --> 00:08:57,269 - Well, I cannot believe that 258 00:08:57,369 --> 00:08:59,551 we'll be ringing in the new year in Aspen. 259 00:08:59,651 --> 00:09:01,752 - All thanks to Connor. Whoo, Aspen! 260 00:09:01,852 --> 00:09:03,474 - Yeah. Aspen. 261 00:09:03,574 --> 00:09:04,835 So fun. 262 00:09:04,935 --> 00:09:07,597 Although, in a way 263 00:09:07,697 --> 00:09:10,879 aren't we having just as much fun right now? 264 00:09:10,979 --> 00:09:12,841 - More fun than Aspen? 265 00:09:12,941 --> 00:09:14,682 - I mean, if you really think about it, 266 00:09:14,782 --> 00:09:16,764 what's the most fun part of skiing? 267 00:09:16,864 --> 00:09:20,286 Taking off your boots at the end of the day, 268 00:09:20,386 --> 00:09:22,408 having a hot chocolate by the fire. 269 00:09:22,508 --> 00:09:24,289 I mean, does anyone actually enjoy 270 00:09:24,389 --> 00:09:25,930 the skiing part of skiing? 271 00:09:26,030 --> 00:09:27,612 - I love skiing. - So do I. 272 00:09:27,712 --> 00:09:29,253 - Yeah, me too. 273 00:09:29,353 --> 00:09:30,974 Tom doesn't. 274 00:09:31,074 --> 00:09:32,776 He's so scared he'll get hurt, he still says pizza 275 00:09:32,876 --> 00:09:34,297 and french fries the whole way down. 276 00:09:34,397 --> 00:09:36,298 - [chuckles] No. That was the old Tom. 277 00:09:36,398 --> 00:09:37,699 Honestly, I can't wait to get out there, 278 00:09:37,799 --> 00:09:39,220 carve a line in some fresh pow-pow 279 00:09:39,320 --> 00:09:41,502 with the gnarly K2s I just picked up. 280 00:09:41,602 --> 00:09:43,624 Along with a book on ski terms. 281 00:09:43,724 --> 00:09:45,265 - Oh, awesome. 282 00:09:45,365 --> 00:09:47,386 Awe-some. 283 00:09:47,486 --> 00:09:49,908 Man, so we all love skiing. - Mm-hmm. 284 00:09:50,008 --> 00:09:51,950 - Ding. - Did you just say ding? 285 00:09:52,050 --> 00:09:54,592 - No, that was just a text alert I got on my phone. 286 00:09:54,692 --> 00:09:56,393 I wonder what it is. Oh, no. 287 00:09:56,493 --> 00:09:58,235 The conditions are bad. 288 00:09:58,335 --> 00:10:00,556 - I read the weather report. It's supposed to snow all week. 289 00:10:00,656 --> 00:10:03,238 - Apparently, too much snow 290 00:10:03,338 --> 00:10:04,960 is--is what it says 291 00:10:05,060 --> 00:10:07,081 and they say the fresh snow is the... 292 00:10:07,181 --> 00:10:09,283 most dangerous. 293 00:10:09,383 --> 00:10:12,205 Also, someone saw a Sasquatch. - Oh, the kids would love that. 294 00:10:12,305 --> 00:10:13,606 - Yeah, and for the record, 295 00:10:13,706 --> 00:10:15,928 my book say that fresh pow-pow 296 00:10:16,028 --> 00:10:17,329 is the best pow-pow. 297 00:10:17,429 --> 00:10:20,131 - Great. Well, this is all working out. 298 00:10:20,231 --> 00:10:22,813 You know, some people say the true meaning of Christmas 299 00:10:22,913 --> 00:10:26,215 is just being with your family, but not this guy. 300 00:10:26,315 --> 00:10:29,858 No, get me a chartered plane and a five-star hotel 301 00:10:29,958 --> 00:10:31,620 and some shellfish at high altitude. 302 00:10:31,720 --> 00:10:33,781 Who cares how much it all costs, right? 303 00:10:33,881 --> 00:10:36,343 Yay, Aspen! 304 00:10:36,443 --> 00:10:38,545 ♪ ♪ 305 00:10:38,645 --> 00:10:41,187 - Feels like something's wrong. - Yeah, the indecision, 306 00:10:41,287 --> 00:10:43,749 the nonsensical babbling, 307 00:10:43,849 --> 00:10:44,829 I'd recognise it anywhere. 308 00:10:44,929 --> 00:10:46,551 - He sounds just like you. 309 00:10:46,651 --> 00:10:48,912 - Yeah, well... [coughs] 310 00:10:49,012 --> 00:10:51,014 The old me. 311 00:10:52,415 --> 00:10:55,958 [music box playing "O Christmas Tree"] 312 00:10:56,058 --> 00:10:57,639 Hey, buddy, you okay? 313 00:10:57,739 --> 00:10:59,841 - Is there a waitlist for the new Bentley? 314 00:10:59,941 --> 00:11:02,603 - Did the orangutan from "Dunston Checks In" die? 315 00:11:02,703 --> 00:11:03,724 - No. 316 00:11:03,824 --> 00:11:05,685 I mean, yeah. 317 00:11:05,785 --> 00:11:07,887 Sammy died in his sleep in 2010. 318 00:11:07,987 --> 00:11:10,168 - So sorry. - This can't be about Aspen. 319 00:11:10,268 --> 00:11:11,970 I mean, everyone knows you love skiing. 320 00:11:12,070 --> 00:11:13,931 - And Sasquatches. 321 00:11:14,031 --> 00:11:16,253 - Maybe I'm, 322 00:11:16,353 --> 00:11:18,455 like, worried about the environmental impact 323 00:11:18,555 --> 00:11:20,256 of a ski trip? - Environmental? 324 00:11:20,356 --> 00:11:23,498 - What is even happening? - Connor... 325 00:11:23,598 --> 00:11:25,860 I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but 326 00:11:25,960 --> 00:11:27,742 are you having money problems? 327 00:11:27,842 --> 00:11:29,103 - Yes. 328 00:11:29,203 --> 00:11:30,984 Okay? Are you happy? 329 00:11:31,084 --> 00:11:32,465 I lost some money. 330 00:11:32,565 --> 00:11:34,987 - Connor, we had no idea. - I'm so sorry. 331 00:11:35,087 --> 00:11:37,109 - Yeah, if you want, I can kick in for the ski trip. 332 00:11:37,209 --> 00:11:38,550 I'm doing pretty well, 333 00:11:38,650 --> 00:11:39,470 you know, as a "New York Times" be-- 334 00:11:39,570 --> 00:11:41,152 - No. - Okay. 335 00:11:41,252 --> 00:11:43,794 - No, this is a little more than ski trip money. 336 00:11:43,894 --> 00:11:44,754 - Well, what are we talking about. 337 00:11:44,854 --> 00:11:46,275 I mean... 338 00:11:46,375 --> 00:11:47,236 do you need a loan? 339 00:11:47,336 --> 00:11:50,759 - [laughs] 340 00:11:50,859 --> 00:11:53,040 Oh, Tom. 341 00:11:53,140 --> 00:11:54,762 Thanks, man, I needed that. 342 00:11:54,862 --> 00:11:56,483 And I appreciate the offer, 343 00:11:56,583 --> 00:11:59,005 but this isn't the kind of loss that you can cover. 344 00:11:59,105 --> 00:12:01,006 - Like, how much is it? 345 00:12:01,106 --> 00:12:02,728 - I don't think I should say. 346 00:12:02,828 --> 00:12:04,829 - Why don't you just write it down? 347 00:12:05,390 --> 00:12:12,315 ♪ ♪ 348 00:12:17,839 --> 00:12:19,420 - Ay, Dios mío. - It's too big. 349 00:12:19,520 --> 00:12:21,522 - Is that a phone number? - I'm gonna be sick. 350 00:12:24,804 --> 00:12:26,465 - Connor, why didn't you tell us that you'd lost so much money? 351 00:12:26,565 --> 00:12:28,427 - [sighs] I didn't know how. 352 00:12:28,527 --> 00:12:29,868 It's never happened to me before. 353 00:12:29,968 --> 00:12:34,071 Honestly, I was embarrassed. 354 00:12:34,171 --> 00:12:36,313 Oh, damn it, that sip was like 30 bucks. 355 00:12:36,413 --> 00:12:39,275 - Oh, my gosh. - Wow. 356 00:12:39,375 --> 00:12:41,557 Did you know your dad was having money trouble? 357 00:12:41,657 --> 00:12:44,599 - We knew Q4 was going to be rocky, but not like this. 358 00:12:44,699 --> 00:12:46,120 - I feel bad fishing for that PS5. 359 00:12:46,220 --> 00:12:47,721 I don't need it. 360 00:12:47,821 --> 00:12:50,003 - This house is full of stuff we don't need. 361 00:12:50,103 --> 00:12:51,764 Wait. 362 00:12:51,864 --> 00:12:53,285 I just got an amazing idea. 363 00:12:53,385 --> 00:12:54,847 - We should rob a bank. 364 00:12:54,947 --> 00:12:56,128 - We should take the things we don't need 365 00:12:56,228 --> 00:12:57,729 and sell it online, 366 00:12:57,829 --> 00:13:00,371 so my dad doesn't need to worry about money. 367 00:13:00,471 --> 00:13:02,773 - That vase has got to be worth something. 368 00:13:02,873 --> 00:13:05,054 - I'll grab the painting. 369 00:13:05,154 --> 00:13:07,256 - Connor, I'm so sorry. I don't know what to say. 370 00:13:07,356 --> 00:13:08,297 - Yeah, me neither. 371 00:13:08,397 --> 00:13:10,018 - I do. Cancel the trip. 372 00:13:10,118 --> 00:13:12,300 You know, it's a drop in the bucket, but it's a start. 373 00:13:12,400 --> 00:13:13,821 Don't worry about us. We'll be fine. 374 00:13:13,921 --> 00:13:16,463 Like you said, best part of skiing is taking off 375 00:13:16,563 --> 00:13:17,944 your boots at the end of the day, 376 00:13:18,044 --> 00:13:18,965 having a cup of hot chocolate by the fire. 377 00:13:19,045 --> 00:13:20,226 - Thanks, new Tom. 378 00:13:20,326 --> 00:13:21,867 - Word. 379 00:13:21,967 --> 00:13:23,628 - If you need anything else, just let us know. 380 00:13:23,728 --> 00:13:25,710 - Yeah, always. - I appreciate that, guys, 381 00:13:25,810 --> 00:13:27,671 but you don't have to worry about me. 382 00:13:27,771 --> 00:13:29,513 I'll be okay. Things might be 383 00:13:29,613 --> 00:13:33,255 a little tight for a while, but I still have some money. 384 00:13:34,496 --> 00:13:35,957 - Like, how much? 385 00:13:36,057 --> 00:13:38,800 - Oh, I'd rather not-- I'd rather not say. 386 00:13:38,900 --> 00:13:41,482 - Why don't you write it down? - Yeah. 387 00:13:41,582 --> 00:13:43,443 - [sighs] Okay. 388 00:13:43,543 --> 00:13:49,367 ♪ ♪ 389 00:13:49,467 --> 00:13:51,289 - Are you [bleep] kidding me? 390 00:13:51,389 --> 00:13:52,770 - That's the exact, same number. 391 00:13:52,870 --> 00:13:54,211 - You had us worried for nothing. 392 00:13:54,311 --> 00:13:56,733 - Okay, it's not about how much I have, 393 00:13:56,833 --> 00:13:58,834 it's about how much I lost. 394 00:14:00,075 --> 00:14:02,617 I knew you guys wouldn't understand. 395 00:14:02,717 --> 00:14:04,138 - [sighs] 396 00:14:04,238 --> 00:14:06,060 - Didn't these used to be in a bowl? 397 00:14:06,160 --> 00:14:08,782 ♪ ♪ 398 00:14:08,882 --> 00:14:11,064 - I can't stop thinking about the like, unlike thing. 399 00:14:11,164 --> 00:14:12,905 - Oh, come on. What's the big deal? 400 00:14:13,005 --> 00:14:15,867 - The big deal is that Tom could've used his book money 401 00:14:15,967 --> 00:14:18,789 on anything, and he used it to bet on me. 402 00:14:18,889 --> 00:14:21,111 I don't want to ruin it because the only contractor 403 00:14:21,211 --> 00:14:23,353 that's willing to hire me thinks that I want to tap that. 404 00:14:23,453 --> 00:14:24,514 - Yeah, that is a big deal. 405 00:14:24,614 --> 00:14:26,035 - I need Santiago to know 406 00:14:26,135 --> 00:14:28,597 that I'm only interested in him as a contractor. 407 00:14:28,697 --> 00:14:31,679 - Okay, how about we post a lovey-dovey photo 408 00:14:31,779 --> 00:14:33,761 of you and Tom on your feed 409 00:14:33,861 --> 00:14:37,163 and then Santiago will think you're in a happy marriage. 410 00:14:37,263 --> 00:14:38,484 - I am in a happy marriage. 411 00:14:38,584 --> 00:14:39,765 - Yes. Exactly. 412 00:14:39,865 --> 00:14:41,166 Bring that energy to the photo. 413 00:14:41,266 --> 00:14:43,448 - Okay. Tom. 414 00:14:43,548 --> 00:14:45,850 Honey, can I borrow you for something? 415 00:14:45,950 --> 00:14:48,011 Oh! Connor, get out of here. 416 00:14:48,111 --> 00:14:51,614 ♪ ♪ 417 00:14:51,714 --> 00:14:54,776 - Ah, hey. What's up? - Nothing. 418 00:14:54,876 --> 00:14:56,818 Just wanted to say I love you. 419 00:14:56,918 --> 00:14:57,939 - Oh, thank you. [camera clicks] 420 00:14:58,039 --> 00:14:59,580 You know, I love you too. 421 00:14:59,680 --> 00:15:00,801 I was just thinking about the time that we went-- 422 00:15:00,881 --> 00:15:02,702 - We got it. We got it. - Okay. 423 00:15:02,802 --> 00:15:06,745 - And #myangel, 424 00:15:06,845 --> 00:15:09,948 #Iwillalwaysloveyou, 425 00:15:10,048 --> 00:15:12,029 and done. Whew. 426 00:15:12,129 --> 00:15:13,791 Glad that's over. 427 00:15:13,891 --> 00:15:16,032 - I am so sorry I got you in this mess. 428 00:15:16,132 --> 00:15:18,274 [phone chimes] - Just got a comment. 429 00:15:18,374 --> 00:15:19,755 Oh, and another one. - Oh. 430 00:15:19,855 --> 00:15:21,116 [phone chimes] - And another. 431 00:15:21,216 --> 00:15:24,278 "My condolences." [phone chiming] 432 00:15:24,378 --> 00:15:26,540 "Poor Tom, he will be missed"? 433 00:15:28,542 --> 00:15:31,684 - Oh, yeah. This post makes it look like Tom died. 434 00:15:31,784 --> 00:15:32,965 - [groans] 435 00:15:33,065 --> 00:15:34,846 This is just gonna ruin everything. 436 00:15:34,946 --> 00:15:36,007 Maybe I should just text Santiago 437 00:15:36,107 --> 00:15:37,408 and explain the whole thing. 438 00:15:37,508 --> 00:15:38,529 - Yeah, that's probably for the best. 439 00:15:38,629 --> 00:15:40,571 - "He held on for so long." 440 00:15:40,671 --> 00:15:41,731 Oh, boy. 441 00:15:41,831 --> 00:15:43,933 - Well, it's official. 442 00:15:44,033 --> 00:15:45,374 Cancelled Aspen. 443 00:15:45,474 --> 00:15:47,256 - Good, and you'll be fine. 444 00:15:47,356 --> 00:15:48,516 You still have so much money. What are you worried about? 445 00:15:48,596 --> 00:15:50,498 - It's not about the money, Tom. 446 00:15:50,598 --> 00:15:53,861 It's about me. I'm worried I lost my bojo. 447 00:15:53,961 --> 00:15:55,262 That's my business mojo. 448 00:15:55,362 --> 00:15:56,823 - Yeah, no, I put that together. 449 00:15:56,923 --> 00:15:58,424 - What I did is I took the B from business, 450 00:15:58,524 --> 00:15:59,945 I took the ojo... - Right. 451 00:16:00,045 --> 00:16:01,106 - From mojo... - From--yeah. No, I got-- 452 00:16:01,206 --> 00:16:02,467 - And if you combine them... 453 00:16:02,567 --> 00:16:04,028 - Wasn't that hard to figure out. 454 00:16:04,128 --> 00:16:05,549 - I just have always had a way with money. 455 00:16:05,649 --> 00:16:07,231 You know, ever since I was a little kid 456 00:16:07,331 --> 00:16:09,832 and I first crushed you guys in that "Monopoly" game. 457 00:16:09,932 --> 00:16:11,474 - [chuckles] - Remember that? 458 00:16:11,574 --> 00:16:13,715 That was the first time I made you cry. 459 00:16:13,815 --> 00:16:17,838 I was only seven, but I just-- I already had the touch. 460 00:16:17,938 --> 00:16:20,000 And now it's gone. - Come on, man. 461 00:16:20,100 --> 00:16:22,002 I'm sure this is just a rough patch. 462 00:16:22,102 --> 00:16:24,804 In no time you're gonna be buying new companies, 463 00:16:24,904 --> 00:16:27,566 laying off their employees, and stripping them down for parts. 464 00:16:27,666 --> 00:16:29,727 - That's nice of you to say. 465 00:16:29,827 --> 00:16:31,489 I just wish I believed it. 466 00:16:31,589 --> 00:16:33,490 Well, I'm sorry for ruining Christmas. 467 00:16:33,590 --> 00:16:38,534 I'm gonna head up to bed and finish off this night ham. 468 00:16:38,634 --> 00:16:41,056 See you tomorrow. 469 00:16:41,156 --> 00:16:43,618 - Yikes. Looks like Connor's still pulling a full Tom. 470 00:16:43,718 --> 00:16:46,180 - Right. Well, the old Tom. 471 00:16:46,280 --> 00:16:48,281 - Sure. 472 00:16:49,162 --> 00:16:51,544 - Well, it's a good thing I'm the new Tom 473 00:16:51,644 --> 00:16:54,146 'cause I think I know how to fix this. 474 00:16:54,246 --> 00:16:56,027 Oh, it's so gross. 475 00:16:56,127 --> 00:16:58,909 ["We Wish You A Merry Christmas" playing] 476 00:16:59,009 --> 00:17:02,712 ♪ ♪ 477 00:17:02,812 --> 00:17:04,954 Morning, sleepyhead. - Morning, guys. 478 00:17:05,054 --> 00:17:06,355 - Come hit the slopes. 479 00:17:06,455 --> 00:17:09,557 [laughter] - What's all this? 480 00:17:09,657 --> 00:17:12,880 - This is us enjoying the best part of skiing right here. 481 00:17:12,980 --> 00:17:14,921 - Whew. Got to get these boots off. 482 00:17:15,021 --> 00:17:17,163 I can't feel my feet. - Hot chocolate? 483 00:17:17,263 --> 00:17:19,204 - Yes, please. [laughter] 484 00:17:19,304 --> 00:17:21,126 How'd you come up with this? - Easy. 485 00:17:21,226 --> 00:17:23,287 I just thought about what you'd do 486 00:17:23,387 --> 00:17:26,770 and I did a much, much less expensive version. 487 00:17:26,870 --> 00:17:28,451 - We have a surprise for you, too, Daddy. 488 00:17:28,551 --> 00:17:30,213 We sold some of the stuff from around the house 489 00:17:30,313 --> 00:17:33,255 to make money for you. - We made 72 bucks. 490 00:17:33,355 --> 00:17:35,416 - Ah, wow. Thanks, guys. 491 00:17:35,516 --> 00:17:36,818 - It was easy. 492 00:17:36,918 --> 00:17:38,339 We sold some of the art from the wall 493 00:17:38,439 --> 00:17:40,440 and the dinosaur skull you weren't using. 494 00:17:41,881 --> 00:17:44,063 - Really? 495 00:17:44,163 --> 00:17:46,225 You--you sold that? 496 00:17:46,325 --> 00:17:49,867 [laughs] 497 00:17:49,967 --> 00:17:52,269 This is all great. I mean, maybe I don't need 498 00:17:52,369 --> 00:17:55,031 to crush it business when I have you guys. 499 00:17:55,131 --> 00:17:57,973 Who cares if I lost my bojo forever, right? 500 00:18:01,256 --> 00:18:03,037 - "Maybe I don't need to crush it at business"? 501 00:18:03,137 --> 00:18:04,999 - It didn't work. He's still broken. 502 00:18:05,099 --> 00:18:06,360 - I still got some tricks up my sleeve. 503 00:18:06,460 --> 00:18:07,721 Hang on, buddy. 504 00:18:07,821 --> 00:18:09,682 You didn't open your first present. 505 00:18:09,782 --> 00:18:11,784 - All right. 506 00:18:13,425 --> 00:18:15,286 - What could it be? - No way. 507 00:18:15,386 --> 00:18:18,128 You serious? - No. Is that... 508 00:18:18,228 --> 00:18:19,970 it's Christmas. It's gonna ruin the whole day. 509 00:18:20,070 --> 00:18:22,772 - I'm sorry. It had to be done. - Oh, wow! 510 00:18:22,872 --> 00:18:24,853 Sarah threw mine out the window last time we played. 511 00:18:24,953 --> 00:18:27,255 - With good cause. - Oh, that's such a-- 512 00:18:27,355 --> 00:18:30,778 that's such a fun gift to play with the kids on another day. 513 00:18:30,878 --> 00:18:33,260 And he's already setting it up. - I call top hat. Whoo! 514 00:18:33,360 --> 00:18:35,782 - ♪ It's the most wonderful time ♪ 515 00:18:35,882 --> 00:18:39,304 - Oh, Denise, take a ride on the Reading 516 00:18:39,404 --> 00:18:42,547 to $200 town. - Oh, no. 517 00:18:42,647 --> 00:18:43,868 It looks like I'm running out of money. 518 00:18:43,968 --> 00:18:45,909 I'll have to stop soon. - Damn it. 519 00:18:46,009 --> 00:18:48,231 - Welcome to Park Place. We have a lovely hotel here. 520 00:18:48,331 --> 00:18:50,993 Can I take your bags? See, the odds of landing 521 00:18:51,093 --> 00:18:52,754 on Park Place or Boardwalk... - Okay. 522 00:18:52,854 --> 00:18:55,356 - Are so low, it's like finding a needle in a haystack, 523 00:18:55,456 --> 00:18:58,879 but if you own the strip, you own the whole haystack. 524 00:18:58,979 --> 00:19:00,280 - How do I make any money? 525 00:19:00,380 --> 00:19:01,721 I only have the Electric Company. 526 00:19:01,821 --> 00:19:02,922 - Trade Tom for the Water Company. 527 00:19:03,022 --> 00:19:04,443 He's desperate. - Come on, man. 528 00:19:04,543 --> 00:19:07,485 - Water and power's a deadly combo, huh? 529 00:19:07,585 --> 00:19:09,767 Huh. [phone beeps] 530 00:19:09,867 --> 00:19:12,329 Remind me to call Bri-guy 531 00:19:12,429 --> 00:19:15,051 about the Burmese hydropower project. 532 00:19:15,151 --> 00:19:18,133 - You did it. You gave him his bojo back. 533 00:19:18,233 --> 00:19:19,414 That's business mojo. 534 00:19:19,514 --> 00:19:21,376 - Yeah, no. No, I know. 535 00:19:21,476 --> 00:19:24,898 All it took was a little brojo. 536 00:19:24,998 --> 00:19:27,060 Brother mojo. 537 00:19:27,160 --> 00:19:28,541 - I don't follow. 538 00:19:28,641 --> 00:19:30,743 - ♪ Long, long ago ♪ 539 00:19:30,843 --> 00:19:33,345 - Did Santiago respond? - Oh, yeah. 540 00:19:33,445 --> 00:19:35,346 Apparently, he never checks Instagram, 541 00:19:35,446 --> 00:19:36,907 so had I not texted him, 542 00:19:37,007 --> 00:19:39,469 he never would've known it happened. 543 00:19:39,569 --> 00:19:42,191 - "Glad your lesbian sister-in-law liked my picture. 544 00:19:42,291 --> 00:19:44,033 "Sorry to hear about Tom. 545 00:19:44,133 --> 00:19:47,475 I only met him once. He was clearly very sick." 546 00:19:47,575 --> 00:19:48,876 It's not ideal. - Yeah. 547 00:19:48,976 --> 00:19:50,437 I'll worry about it tomorrow. 548 00:19:50,537 --> 00:19:52,319 It's Christmas. - Yeah. 549 00:19:52,419 --> 00:19:55,321 [laughter] 550 00:19:55,421 --> 00:19:58,083 ♪ ♪ 551 00:19:58,183 --> 00:20:00,925 - You ready? - Tom, this is a very bad idea. 552 00:20:01,025 --> 00:20:02,647 - Absolutely. 553 00:20:02,747 --> 00:20:04,288 But let's see how this plays out. 554 00:20:04,388 --> 00:20:07,250 - Geronimo! Oh! 555 00:20:07,350 --> 00:20:08,651 New Tom is down. 556 00:20:08,751 --> 00:20:10,733 - [roars] all: [screaming] 557 00:20:10,833 --> 00:20:16,137 - ♪ Wonderful time of the year ♪ 558 00:20:16,237 --> 00:20:18,458 ♪ There'll be much mistletoeing ♪ 559 00:20:18,558 --> 00:20:20,220 ♪ And hearts will be glowing ♪ - Oh, my God. 560 00:20:20,320 --> 00:20:23,222 A framed copy of the "New York Times" bestseller list. 561 00:20:23,322 --> 00:20:24,703 I love it. - It's just a little something 562 00:20:24,803 --> 00:20:26,464 to say thank you for betting on me. 563 00:20:26,564 --> 00:20:28,346 - Well, you're gonna be amazing. 564 00:20:28,446 --> 00:20:31,148 I mean, I just--I know it. Has she told you about this 565 00:20:31,248 --> 00:20:33,229 hot contractor that she's working with? 566 00:20:33,329 --> 00:20:34,630 - What? - Hot? 567 00:20:34,730 --> 00:20:36,232 - No. - I mean, we're not just, like, 568 00:20:36,332 --> 00:20:38,233 sitting around all day just, like, 569 00:20:38,333 --> 00:20:40,475 looking at pictures of some shirtless guy. 570 00:20:40,575 --> 00:20:42,156 - Stop objectifying men, Tom. 571 00:20:42,256 --> 00:20:43,597 - Yeah, I mean, don't be a part of the problem. 572 00:20:43,697 --> 00:20:44,718 - Get your mind out of the gutter. 573 00:20:44,818 --> 00:20:46,399 - He could be someone's son. 574 00:20:46,499 --> 00:20:49,161 - Okay. Yeah. 575 00:20:49,261 --> 00:20:51,263 Sorry. 576 00:20:54,705 --> 00:20:57,608 - Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas! 577 00:20:57,708 --> 00:20:59,209 - Hey. - Mom! 578 00:20:59,309 --> 00:21:01,851 - You made it. 579 00:21:01,951 --> 00:21:04,973 - Oh, no, not Mom. I'm Santa Claus, of course. 580 00:21:05,073 --> 00:21:06,454 - [laughs] - Come on, Sarah. 581 00:21:06,554 --> 00:21:08,856 Pull up a seat. - Prepare to get crushed. 582 00:21:08,956 --> 00:21:11,058 - Oh, no. Not "Monopoly." 583 00:21:11,158 --> 00:21:13,099 No. No, no, no. No, no. 584 00:21:13,199 --> 00:21:17,262 Santa promised herself that she would never do this again. 585 00:21:17,362 --> 00:21:18,984 - Nice try, Sarah Claus. - No. 586 00:21:19,084 --> 00:21:22,026 - Come on. - You're being very naughty. 587 00:21:22,126 --> 00:21:23,907 [all chanting "Sarah Claus"] 588 00:21:24,007 --> 00:21:26,009 - No!