1 00:00:07,132 --> 00:00:09,426 ♪ ♪ 2 00:00:09,426 --> 00:00:10,844 MARKER: You don't have time for ass. 3 00:00:10,844 --> 00:00:12,262 Don't get caught up. 4 00:00:12,262 --> 00:00:13,263 That's how they get you. 5 00:00:13,263 --> 00:00:14,348 Next thing you know, 6 00:00:14,348 --> 00:00:15,557 your pants are around your ankles 7 00:00:15,557 --> 00:00:16,934 with mismatched socks on 8 00:00:16,934 --> 00:00:18,560 and the revolution on pause. 9 00:00:18,560 --> 00:00:20,312 ‐ Shut up. 10 00:00:20,312 --> 00:00:21,355 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, wait. 11 00:00:21,355 --> 00:00:22,439 Wait, wait, wait. 12 00:00:22,439 --> 00:00:24,149 Don't put me in a drawer! No, no, no! 13 00:00:24,149 --> 00:00:25,817 Don't put me in a drawer, Keef! 14 00:00:25,817 --> 00:00:27,861 ♪ ♪ 15 00:00:27,861 --> 00:00:30,197 Fuck you. 16 00:00:30,197 --> 00:00:34,576 ♪ ♪ 17 00:00:34,576 --> 00:00:36,954 ‐ You know you make crying noises when you sleep? 18 00:00:36,954 --> 00:00:39,414 ‐ Oh, I am well aware. 19 00:00:39,414 --> 00:00:41,208 Don't you think for a second I'm ashamed of it. 20 00:00:41,208 --> 00:00:42,251 ADRIENNE: Should be. 21 00:00:42,251 --> 00:00:43,752 ‐ Well, I'll have you know, 22 00:00:43,752 --> 00:00:45,420 other than that, I'm a normal guy. 23 00:00:45,420 --> 00:00:48,048 ‐ Mm, I hope not. I hate normal. 24 00:00:48,048 --> 00:00:49,550 I like full crazy. 25 00:00:49,550 --> 00:00:51,093 ‐ You want full crazy? ‐ Yeah. 26 00:00:51,093 --> 00:00:52,511 ‐ Well, allow me to introduce you 27 00:00:52,511 --> 00:00:53,929 to my talking marker. 28 00:00:53,929 --> 00:00:55,180 ‐ Yeesh, that's too crazy. 29 00:00:55,180 --> 00:00:58,100 ‐ Yeah, that's very crazy. 30 00:00:58,100 --> 00:00:59,810 ‐ So Black People for Rent? 31 00:00:59,810 --> 00:01:03,397 KEEF: Oh, yes. Black People for Rent. 32 00:01:03,397 --> 00:01:06,316 Funny story, you and all the other crazy white people 33 00:01:06,316 --> 00:01:07,693 from the party the other night? 34 00:01:07,693 --> 00:01:09,486 Yeah, y'all inspired it. 35 00:01:09,486 --> 00:01:10,779 ‐ I inspired your idea? 36 00:01:10,779 --> 00:01:11,905 ‐ Oh, don't worry. 37 00:01:11,905 --> 00:01:13,532 I'll give you a shout‐out at the Pulitzers. 38 00:01:13,532 --> 00:01:16,451 ‐ No, I can see that leading to acrimony and tears. 39 00:01:16,451 --> 00:01:17,744 From you. 40 00:01:17,744 --> 00:01:19,246 Why don't you just go down on me one more time 41 00:01:19,246 --> 00:01:21,957 while we still like each other? 42 00:01:21,957 --> 00:01:23,166 You stole my idea. 43 00:01:23,166 --> 00:01:24,251 ‐ Okay. 44 00:01:24,251 --> 00:01:26,545 ‐ Let me lead the way. ‐ Okay. 45 00:01:26,545 --> 00:01:27,629 ‐ Warmer. KEEF: Mm? 46 00:01:27,629 --> 00:01:30,007 ‐ Warmer. KEEF: Okay. 47 00:01:30,007 --> 00:01:31,883 ‐ Way colder. KEEF: Oh, see‐‐okay. 48 00:01:31,883 --> 00:01:34,177 SINGER: ♪ Melt down your wedding ring ♪ 49 00:01:34,177 --> 00:01:37,347 ♪ It's all wild child ♪ 50 00:01:37,347 --> 00:01:39,766 ♪ Falling and fading ♪ 51 00:01:39,766 --> 00:01:42,060 ♪ But remember when ♪ 52 00:01:42,060 --> 00:01:45,105 ♪ You taught me we aren't everything ♪ 53 00:01:45,105 --> 00:01:48,775 ♪ ♪ 54 00:01:52,446 --> 00:01:54,448 ‐ Now, who the fuck was that? ‐ 55 00:01:57,951 --> 00:02:04,833 ♪ ♪ 56 00:02:07,794 --> 00:02:14,801 ♪ ♪ 57 00:02:20,641 --> 00:02:21,850 ‐ Okay. 58 00:02:21,850 --> 00:02:23,310 ‐ Hey, so what's up with the white girl 59 00:02:23,310 --> 00:02:24,936 that was in our house the other day? 60 00:02:24,936 --> 00:02:27,731 ‐ I don't know, but let's hope it was a one night stand or‐‐ 61 00:02:27,731 --> 00:02:28,940 KEEF: Hey. GUNTHER: Oh, hey! 62 00:02:28,940 --> 00:02:29,941 ‐ What up? GUNTHER: 'Sup? 63 00:02:29,941 --> 00:02:31,443 ‐ Oh, nothing much. 64 00:02:33,987 --> 00:02:35,238 ‐ What's this? ‐ Check it out. 65 00:02:35,238 --> 00:02:37,324 GUNTHER: Okay. 66 00:02:37,324 --> 00:02:39,701 "Black People for Rent." 67 00:02:39,701 --> 00:02:40,952 Okay. ‐ Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah. 68 00:02:40,952 --> 00:02:42,371 We get it. You woke as fuck. 69 00:02:42,371 --> 00:02:43,622 What's up with the girl? 70 00:02:43,622 --> 00:02:45,999 ‐ Yeah, I don't wanna talk about the girl. 71 00:02:45,999 --> 00:02:47,501 ‐ Well, tell us about the lady then. 72 00:02:47,501 --> 00:02:49,753 ‐ Or we can move on. 73 00:02:49,753 --> 00:02:50,921 ‐ All right. Don't worry about it. 74 00:02:50,921 --> 00:02:52,214 ‐ Okay, yeah, no. I get it. 75 00:02:52,214 --> 00:02:56,468 Uh, Black People represents... Black people? 76 00:02:56,468 --> 00:02:57,803 Right? That's what you're saying? 77 00:02:57,803 --> 00:02:59,763 ‐ I don't know. Is that what you get from it? 78 00:02:59,763 --> 00:03:02,724 ‐ Uh, is that what you want me to get from it? 79 00:03:02,724 --> 00:03:05,268 ‐ I mean, you know, it's not for me to say. 80 00:03:05,268 --> 00:03:07,646 ‐ Mm. ‐ But it is for me to ask. 81 00:03:07,646 --> 00:03:09,189 ‐ You know she owe me some toast, right? 82 00:03:09,189 --> 00:03:10,440 ‐ 83 00:03:10,440 --> 00:03:12,359 Isn't there a ball pit you can go play in? 84 00:03:12,359 --> 00:03:13,860 Adults are talking. 85 00:03:13,860 --> 00:03:16,154 ‐ Hold on, did‐‐ did you put these up? 86 00:03:16,154 --> 00:03:18,031 ‐ Yeah. All over the city. 87 00:03:18,031 --> 00:03:19,408 ‐ What? ‐ Yeah. 88 00:03:19,408 --> 00:03:20,617 ‐ Dude, why would you do that? 89 00:03:20,617 --> 00:03:21,702 ‐ Why would I do‐‐ 90 00:03:21,702 --> 00:03:22,828 what are you talking about, man? 91 00:03:22,828 --> 00:03:23,995 That's‐‐that's art. It's my art. 92 00:03:23,995 --> 00:03:25,455 And I think my art should be seen 93 00:03:25,455 --> 00:03:26,748 by as many people as possible. 94 00:03:26,748 --> 00:03:27,874 ‐ You know what? 95 00:03:27,874 --> 00:03:29,042 You might be onto something, Keef. 96 00:03:29,042 --> 00:03:31,253 This could be big business, man. 97 00:03:31,253 --> 00:03:32,254 You could make some money. 98 00:03:32,254 --> 00:03:34,089 ‐ Okay. ‐ Wait, hold up. 99 00:03:34,089 --> 00:03:36,675 So you're actually renting Black people? 100 00:03:36,675 --> 00:03:38,260 I mean, I'm gonna be honest, 101 00:03:38,260 --> 00:03:40,220 I think that's human trafficking. 102 00:03:40,220 --> 00:03:41,680 ‐ No, that's‐‐ 103 00:03:41,680 --> 00:03:42,889 That's not what I'm saying. 104 00:03:42,889 --> 00:03:45,308 What I'm‐‐ I'm just calling out the idea 105 00:03:45,308 --> 00:03:47,978 that San Francisco loves Black culture, 106 00:03:47,978 --> 00:03:48,979 but not Black people. 107 00:03:48,979 --> 00:03:50,897 ‐ Okay, yeah. 108 00:03:50,897 --> 00:03:54,067 But aren't you afraid of how some people might interpret it? 109 00:03:54,067 --> 00:03:55,694 And by "some people," 110 00:03:55,694 --> 00:03:59,114 I'm talking very specifically about white people. 111 00:03:59,114 --> 00:04:01,700 You do know how we get, right? 112 00:04:02,784 --> 00:04:05,954 ‐ I know it. ‐ Oh, sh‐‐hey. 113 00:04:05,954 --> 00:04:08,123 Y'all wanna play "Who gonna say the N‐word" game? 114 00:04:08,123 --> 00:04:11,126 ‐ Well, I don't wanna play, but my money is on... 115 00:04:11,126 --> 00:04:12,627 the guy in the Brooks Brothers suit. 116 00:04:12,627 --> 00:04:14,087 GUNTHER: Oh. 117 00:04:14,087 --> 00:04:15,797 Okay, well, I don't really wanna play either, 118 00:04:15,797 --> 00:04:17,340 but no, not him. 119 00:04:17,340 --> 00:04:18,925 He'll just mouth it. 120 00:04:18,925 --> 00:04:20,635 See that guy? Right there. 121 00:04:20,635 --> 00:04:22,095 Yes. He's going to say it. 122 00:04:22,095 --> 00:04:24,222 See, right now, he's having this internal argument 123 00:04:24,222 --> 00:04:26,266 about artistic license and that, 124 00:04:26,266 --> 00:04:28,518 "If I don't say the N‐word, 125 00:04:28,518 --> 00:04:30,896 the message of the song will never come through." 126 00:04:30,896 --> 00:04:34,399 ‐ I don't wanna play the game, but...I disagree. 127 00:04:34,399 --> 00:04:35,525 ‐ You do wanna play. 128 00:04:35,525 --> 00:04:37,068 What the hell is you talking about? 129 00:04:37,068 --> 00:04:38,320 Man, it's gonna be... 130 00:04:38,320 --> 00:04:39,821 it's gonna be the Macaulay‐Culkin‐looking 131 00:04:39,821 --> 00:04:40,822 motherfucker right here. 132 00:04:40,822 --> 00:04:41,948 He gonna say it. 133 00:04:41,948 --> 00:04:43,241 ‐ Here we go. Here we go. 134 00:04:43,241 --> 00:04:45,368 RAPPER: ♪ I got to maintain 'cause a‐‐ ♪ 135 00:04:45,368 --> 00:04:46,703 GUNTHER: Shit! CLOVIS: Damn! 136 00:04:46,703 --> 00:04:48,580 ‐ What, a blackout? ‐ Fucking PG&E. 137 00:04:48,580 --> 00:04:49,915 Guess we will never know. 138 00:04:49,915 --> 00:04:50,916 ‐ Bullshit. 139 00:04:50,916 --> 00:04:52,459 Hey! 140 00:04:52,459 --> 00:04:54,252 Which one of you niggas was gonna say "nigga"? 141 00:04:56,505 --> 00:04:59,508 ‐ What I'm saying is, if we were actually blind, 142 00:04:59,508 --> 00:05:00,967 we'd still be in that bar. 143 00:05:00,967 --> 00:05:02,177 ‐ Okay. 144 00:05:02,177 --> 00:05:04,179 In this scenario, are all three of us blind? 145 00:05:04,179 --> 00:05:05,806 ‐ Mm‐hmm. Yes, obviously. 146 00:05:05,806 --> 00:05:07,307 ‐ How the fuck that happen? 147 00:05:07,307 --> 00:05:09,100 ‐ Global catastrophe. 148 00:05:09,100 --> 00:05:10,310 It's an inconvenient truth. 149 00:05:10,310 --> 00:05:11,937 ‐ God, man, that is dark. 150 00:05:11,937 --> 00:05:14,940 ‐ Well, everything is dark in the world of the blind. 151 00:05:14,940 --> 00:05:16,483 ‐ Okay. 152 00:05:16,483 --> 00:05:18,318 CLOVIS: Shit. Hey, hey, hey. 153 00:05:18,318 --> 00:05:20,028 Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo. 154 00:05:20,028 --> 00:05:22,155 Hey, that's the cutie from the bar, man. 155 00:05:22,155 --> 00:05:23,824 ‐ Yeah, good luck with that. 156 00:05:23,824 --> 00:05:25,951 ‐ You do realize ain't no woman out of my league, right? 157 00:05:25,951 --> 00:05:27,285 ‐ Uh, no. 158 00:05:27,285 --> 00:05:29,204 I'm seeming to remember a beautiful sneakerhead 159 00:05:29,204 --> 00:05:30,956 named Ayana. 160 00:05:30,956 --> 00:05:32,624 ‐ So who are you gonna pretend to be this time? 161 00:05:32,624 --> 00:05:35,710 ‐ So you actually feel like I can't pull a cutie as myself? 162 00:05:35,710 --> 00:05:36,962 ‐ No, 'cause you haven't done it yet. 163 00:05:36,962 --> 00:05:38,088 You know what I mean? ‐ All right. 164 00:05:38,088 --> 00:05:39,506 I'll tell you what. Watch this. 165 00:05:39,506 --> 00:05:42,676 I'ma go over there, I'ma use everything Ayana said, 166 00:05:42,676 --> 00:05:45,971 and I'ma still seal the deal. 167 00:05:45,971 --> 00:05:47,347 Watch and learn. 168 00:05:47,347 --> 00:05:48,765 Losers. 169 00:05:48,765 --> 00:05:50,350 Looking like a buddy cop movie. 170 00:05:54,020 --> 00:05:55,689 ‐ Oh. 171 00:05:55,689 --> 00:05:56,982 WOMAN: Hi. CLOVIS: Hey. 172 00:05:56,982 --> 00:05:59,234 You were at the, uh‐‐ at the bar, right? 173 00:05:59,234 --> 00:06:00,527 ‐ Yeah. 174 00:06:00,527 --> 00:06:02,362 Busy bar. Couldn't even get a drink. 175 00:06:02,362 --> 00:06:03,905 ‐ Oh, wow. You know what? 176 00:06:03,905 --> 00:06:05,490 I actually wanna buy you that drink. 177 00:06:05,490 --> 00:06:06,825 But not too many 'cause I don't want you 178 00:06:06,825 --> 00:06:08,410 to make any bad decisions. 179 00:06:08,410 --> 00:06:09,911 ‐ We seem to have common interests. 180 00:06:09,911 --> 00:06:11,454 ‐ Yeah, see, we do. We do. 181 00:06:11,454 --> 00:06:14,291 Keep it real. Um, I'm feeling you. 182 00:06:14,291 --> 00:06:15,792 ‐ Contact. 183 00:06:15,792 --> 00:06:17,085 ‐ He touched her hand. ‐ Yeah. 184 00:06:17,085 --> 00:06:18,712 ‐ She allowed it. ‐ That's wild. 185 00:06:18,712 --> 00:06:20,422 ‐ You know, you come back to my place. 186 00:06:20,422 --> 00:06:22,507 ‐ Mm‐hmm. ‐ I pour you a little rosé. 187 00:06:22,507 --> 00:06:23,550 ‐ ‐ Right? 188 00:06:23,550 --> 00:06:25,218 Got a little Trey Songz on 189 00:06:25,218 --> 00:06:27,762 and, uh, I just tap that ass. 190 00:06:27,762 --> 00:06:30,181 Respectfully. 191 00:06:30,181 --> 00:06:32,517 ‐ Oh, my God. ‐ No, you can't do that. 192 00:06:32,517 --> 00:06:33,977 ‐ 193 00:06:33,977 --> 00:06:35,604 ‐ He better not get us banned from here. 194 00:06:35,604 --> 00:06:37,480 ‐ That's your game? 195 00:06:37,480 --> 00:06:39,691 ‐ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You laughin'. 196 00:06:39,691 --> 00:06:40,942 ‐ 197 00:06:40,942 --> 00:06:43,236 Get the fuck out of my face, little man. 198 00:06:43,236 --> 00:06:44,821 ‐ Oh! ‐ 199 00:06:44,821 --> 00:06:46,948 ‐ Wannabe Mini‐Me James Harden motherfucker. 200 00:06:52,829 --> 00:06:54,289 ‐ 201 00:06:54,289 --> 00:06:56,041 Hey, I'ma go‐‐ I'ma go get that. 202 00:06:56,041 --> 00:06:57,375 You know what I mean? I got this. 203 00:06:57,375 --> 00:06:58,710 KEEF: Yeah. GUNTHER: Good call, yeah. 204 00:06:58,710 --> 00:07:00,420 KEEF: That's a real good idea, to follow her home. 205 00:07:00,420 --> 00:07:03,173 Yeah, you should do that. ‐ True failure is never trying. 206 00:07:03,173 --> 00:07:04,382 ‐ Guess so. 207 00:07:04,382 --> 00:07:05,925 ‐ Yeah. Doesn't say that, but... 208 00:07:05,925 --> 00:07:07,510 ‐ 209 00:07:07,510 --> 00:07:09,721 ‐ Oh, look. See? Look at this right here. 210 00:07:09,721 --> 00:07:11,056 That's what I was telling you about. 211 00:07:11,056 --> 00:07:13,767 This guy actually thinks he can rent a Black person. 212 00:07:13,767 --> 00:07:15,644 ‐ No. No, no, no, no. 213 00:07:15,644 --> 00:07:17,228 He's just interacting with the art, dude. 214 00:07:17,228 --> 00:07:18,313 This is a good thing. 215 00:07:18,313 --> 00:07:19,397 ‐ No. I'm telling you, man. 216 00:07:19,397 --> 00:07:21,566 I know our ways. 217 00:07:26,821 --> 00:07:28,406 ‐ Mom. 218 00:07:28,406 --> 00:07:29,741 Mom! ‐ What? 219 00:07:29,741 --> 00:07:31,534 ‐ Can we rent one for my birthday party? 220 00:07:33,161 --> 00:07:34,996 ALFIE: ♪ Here I am ♪ 221 00:07:34,996 --> 00:07:36,414 ♪ Running round in circles ♪ 222 00:07:36,414 --> 00:07:39,042 ‐ Is that a movie? 223 00:07:39,042 --> 00:07:41,044 It's in very poor taste. 224 00:07:41,044 --> 00:07:44,881 ALFIE: ♪ I see that you don't seem to care ♪ 225 00:07:44,881 --> 00:07:47,467 ‐ I think I'm mad about this. 226 00:07:47,467 --> 00:07:49,928 Should I be mad about this? 227 00:07:49,928 --> 00:07:51,513 ‐ Depends what you wanna rent them for. 228 00:07:51,513 --> 00:07:53,139 ALFIE: ♪ Running in circles ♪ 229 00:07:53,139 --> 00:07:56,476 ♪ ♪ 230 00:07:56,476 --> 00:07:59,521 ♪ Never ends ♪ 231 00:07:59,521 --> 00:08:01,564 ‐ ALFIE: ♪ Circles ♪ 232 00:08:01,564 --> 00:08:04,526 ♪ ♪ 233 00:08:04,526 --> 00:08:08,029 ♪ Never ends ♪ 234 00:08:08,029 --> 00:08:09,531 ‐ Don't ask me for anything else. 235 00:08:09,531 --> 00:08:12,701 ‐ Okay. 236 00:08:12,701 --> 00:08:15,078 WOMAN ON PHONE: Oh, my God. What is this? 237 00:08:15,078 --> 00:08:16,705 What are you trying to do to people? 238 00:08:16,705 --> 00:08:18,123 MAN ON PHONE: I'm a white person and I'm‐‐ 239 00:08:18,123 --> 00:08:19,999 WOMAN: Hello. I am a concerned white‐‐ 240 00:08:19,999 --> 00:08:22,502 MAN: I'm white and I'm conce‐‐ 241 00:08:22,502 --> 00:08:24,713 ‐ White people seem concerned. 242 00:08:24,713 --> 00:08:26,464 ‐ Listen to one of the racist dudes. 243 00:08:26,464 --> 00:08:28,216 That's‐‐ 244 00:08:28,216 --> 00:08:29,718 MAN: Yeah, all right. 245 00:08:29,718 --> 00:08:31,052 I want a basketball playing, watermelon eating‐‐ 246 00:08:31,052 --> 00:08:32,387 ‐ All right. 247 00:08:32,387 --> 00:08:34,639 ‐ And apparently, white people can be racist too. 248 00:08:34,639 --> 00:08:35,765 What is your point? 249 00:08:35,765 --> 00:08:37,267 ‐ Really? Okay. 250 00:08:37,267 --> 00:08:39,310 You know what? This is the point right here. 251 00:08:39,310 --> 00:08:40,770 PAUL: Hello, my name is Paul, 252 00:08:40,770 --> 00:08:43,022 and my company is throwing an event on the 23rd, 253 00:08:43,022 --> 00:08:45,650 and we're looking to, uh, diversify the crowd a bit 254 00:08:45,650 --> 00:08:46,860 and we saw your ad. 255 00:08:46,860 --> 00:08:48,153 If you could give us a call 256 00:08:48,153 --> 00:08:49,446 and discuss rates, we would really‐‐ 257 00:08:49,446 --> 00:08:50,989 ‐ Rates. Wanna discuss rates. 258 00:08:50,989 --> 00:08:52,490 ‐ Wow. 259 00:08:52,490 --> 00:08:53,533 That's fucked up. 260 00:08:53,533 --> 00:08:54,909 ‐ That is fucked up! ‐ Yeah. 261 00:08:54,909 --> 00:08:56,119 KEEF: That is fucked up. 262 00:08:56,119 --> 00:08:57,495 I was expecting all the bleeding hearts 263 00:08:57,495 --> 00:08:59,748 and stuff like that, but I wasn't expecting that. 264 00:08:59,748 --> 00:09:01,708 ‐ I think we have a story here. 265 00:09:01,708 --> 00:09:02,876 ‐ Boom. 266 00:09:02,876 --> 00:09:04,419 That's why I came to you because you‐‐ 267 00:09:04,419 --> 00:09:06,129 you know, this is‐‐ 268 00:09:06,129 --> 00:09:08,131 I'm just gonna‐‐I'm gonna call everybody back and‐‐ 269 00:09:08,131 --> 00:09:09,424 ‐ No. 270 00:09:09,424 --> 00:09:10,925 I'll do that. ‐ You're gonna do it? 271 00:09:10,925 --> 00:09:12,594 ‐ Yeah. KEEF: All right. 272 00:09:12,594 --> 00:09:15,221 I feel like I'm in a Woodward and Bernstein situation. 273 00:09:15,221 --> 00:09:16,681 You know? It's exciting. 274 00:09:16,681 --> 00:09:18,391 ‐ You need to grow this thing. KEEF: Yeah. 275 00:09:18,391 --> 00:09:20,643 ‐ Go out, hang up more posters... 276 00:09:22,604 --> 00:09:23,605 That's it. 277 00:09:23,605 --> 00:09:25,065 ‐ Okay, cool. AYANA: Okay. 278 00:09:25,065 --> 00:09:26,900 ‐ All right, then. ‐ Go ahead and do it. 279 00:09:26,900 --> 00:09:28,693 ‐ Absolutely. ‐ Teamwork. 280 00:09:28,693 --> 00:09:30,987 ‐ Teamwork make the dream work. ‐ Bye. 281 00:09:30,987 --> 00:09:33,573 ‐ Bye, bye, bye, bye, racism‐‐ ‐ Okay, you're still here. 282 00:09:33,573 --> 00:09:34,908 ‐ Oh. AYANA: So... 283 00:09:34,908 --> 00:09:37,202 ‐ Oh, you want me to go now? ‐ Yeah. 284 00:09:37,202 --> 00:09:38,536 ‐ I just wanna say‐‐ ‐ Mm‐mm. 285 00:09:38,536 --> 00:09:40,413 ‐ Okay. ‐ We're done. 286 00:09:43,958 --> 00:09:45,502 WOMAN: These posters are genius. 287 00:09:45,502 --> 00:09:46,711 MAN: How much do you think they charge? 288 00:09:46,711 --> 00:09:48,046 MAN: This shit is racist. 289 00:09:48,046 --> 00:09:49,714 WOMAN: It's either this or drive rideshare. 290 00:09:49,714 --> 00:09:50,757 BIN: This ain't new. 291 00:09:50,757 --> 00:09:51,841 Black people been for rent 292 00:09:51,841 --> 00:09:53,593 as long as they been for sale. 293 00:09:53,593 --> 00:09:56,096 Keefy Keef, come on. This ain't art. 294 00:09:58,515 --> 00:10:02,227 ♪ ♪ 295 00:10:02,227 --> 00:10:05,688 CLOVIS: Mm‐hmm. Yeah. 296 00:10:05,688 --> 00:10:07,982 Ta‐da! 297 00:10:07,982 --> 00:10:09,943 ‐ Black People for Rent T‐shirts. 298 00:10:09,943 --> 00:10:11,069 ‐ Yes! 299 00:10:11,069 --> 00:10:12,487 Come on. Hmm? 300 00:10:12,487 --> 00:10:13,738 ‐ Look, I'll be honest with you, man. 301 00:10:13,738 --> 00:10:14,989 I'm not sure this is what Ayana meant 302 00:10:14,989 --> 00:10:16,616 when she said, "Grow this thing." 303 00:10:16,616 --> 00:10:17,867 ‐ Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo. 304 00:10:17,867 --> 00:10:19,327 Hey, Keef, listen, man. 305 00:10:19,327 --> 00:10:21,913 I am invested in you, man. 306 00:10:21,913 --> 00:10:24,290 But I'm also invested in these T‐shirts, all right? 307 00:10:24,290 --> 00:10:25,917 ‐ All right. ‐ So let's get over that, man. 308 00:10:25,917 --> 00:10:28,419 Let's get this money, okay? ‐ Get this money, okay? 309 00:10:28,419 --> 00:10:30,213 ‐ Hey, who's that on your phone? 310 00:10:30,213 --> 00:10:31,339 ‐ Who's that on my‐‐huh? 311 00:10:31,339 --> 00:10:32,966 ‐ Is that the girl from last week? 312 00:10:32,966 --> 00:10:34,509 ‐ Just‐‐ 313 00:10:34,509 --> 00:10:36,845 ‐ Man, I told you about fucking catching feelings, man. 314 00:10:36,845 --> 00:10:38,304 ‐ I'm not catching feelings, dude. 315 00:10:38,304 --> 00:10:39,973 I'm just‐‐wait. 316 00:10:39,973 --> 00:10:42,142 Let's just rewind for a second. ‐ Go ahead. 317 00:10:42,142 --> 00:10:44,185 ‐ As I recall, the last two women you hit on? 318 00:10:44,185 --> 00:10:45,770 ‐ Mm‐hmm? ‐ Cut you off at the knees. 319 00:10:45,770 --> 00:10:48,314 And I will stop there because it's just too easy. 320 00:10:48,314 --> 00:10:50,233 ‐ You think you're funny. 321 00:10:50,233 --> 00:10:53,278 You know‐‐but you know what's really easy 322 00:10:53,278 --> 00:10:56,406 is gonna be getting this money with these shirts. 323 00:10:56,406 --> 00:10:57,574 Come on. 324 00:10:57,574 --> 00:10:59,117 Come on. Hey, touch it. 325 00:10:59,117 --> 00:11:00,869 ‐ What? ‐ Touch it. 326 00:11:00,869 --> 00:11:02,078 ‐ Okay ‐ Come on. 327 00:11:02,078 --> 00:11:03,246 ‐ Not when you say it like that. 328 00:11:03,246 --> 00:11:04,330 CLOVIS: You know you want to. 329 00:11:04,330 --> 00:11:05,582 You feeling that. Look at your face. 330 00:11:05,582 --> 00:11:06,624 It's soft. ‐ It is soft. 331 00:11:06,624 --> 00:11:08,084 ‐ It's silky. ‐ Okay. 332 00:11:08,084 --> 00:11:09,419 ‐ It's smooth. 333 00:11:09,419 --> 00:11:10,503 Look how it lays. 334 00:11:10,503 --> 00:11:11,713 You see how the beard sits on it? 335 00:11:11,713 --> 00:11:13,423 ‐ Okay, pump your brakes, Frederick Douglass. 336 00:11:13,423 --> 00:11:14,549 You might be the only Black man 337 00:11:14,549 --> 00:11:15,884 to get this excited about cotton. 338 00:11:15,884 --> 00:11:16,968 ‐ Black folks don't like cotton? 339 00:11:16,968 --> 00:11:18,344 ‐ Okay. 340 00:11:23,141 --> 00:11:26,769 ♪ ♪ 341 00:11:26,769 --> 00:11:29,022 JIMMY: ♪ Let me keep away ♪ 342 00:11:29,022 --> 00:11:31,900 ♪ Let me ♪ 343 00:11:31,900 --> 00:11:35,862 ♪ If only new tattoo ♪ 344 00:11:35,862 --> 00:11:37,447 ‐ Oh, hey. 345 00:11:37,447 --> 00:11:39,407 That's a‐‐that's a nice shirt. 346 00:11:39,407 --> 00:11:40,575 ‐ This? ‐ Yeah. 347 00:11:40,575 --> 00:11:41,868 I make it. 348 00:11:41,868 --> 00:11:42,994 Uh, Black People for Rent. 349 00:11:42,994 --> 00:11:45,163 ‐ Oh, that's smart, man. Very powerful. 350 00:11:45,163 --> 00:11:49,876 ♪ ♪ 351 00:11:49,876 --> 00:11:52,795 So do I just fill out an application or... 352 00:11:52,795 --> 00:11:53,963 ‐ Application? What do you mean? 353 00:11:53,963 --> 00:11:55,173 ‐ Yeah, for a job. 354 00:11:55,173 --> 00:11:57,383 I tried calling, but the voicemail was full. 355 00:11:57,383 --> 00:11:59,135 ‐ Since we can't buy them anymore, 356 00:11:59,135 --> 00:12:00,845 guess renting is almost as good. 357 00:12:01,930 --> 00:12:04,599 ‐ Oh. 358 00:12:04,599 --> 00:12:06,768 Yes. Uh, yeah, yes. 359 00:12:06,768 --> 00:12:07,769 Uh, keep calling 360 00:12:07,769 --> 00:12:08,853 and we're gonna get back to you. 361 00:12:08,853 --> 00:12:10,021 ‐ All right, yeah! ‐ Yeah. 362 00:12:10,021 --> 00:12:11,231 ‐ Appreciate it, man. ‐ Yes, sir. 363 00:12:11,231 --> 00:12:12,774 ‐ Hey, good looking out. ‐ I appreciate that. 364 00:12:12,774 --> 00:12:13,775 ‐ All right, man. ‐ Take it easy. 365 00:12:13,775 --> 00:12:16,069 ‐ Take it easy, brother. ‐ 366 00:12:16,069 --> 00:12:20,031 JIMMY: ♪ I'll die if I see a new lady ♪ 367 00:12:20,031 --> 00:12:22,992 ♪ Let me ♪ 368 00:12:22,992 --> 00:12:24,619 ♪ Keep away ♪ 369 00:12:24,619 --> 00:12:25,662 ‐ Shit. 370 00:12:25,662 --> 00:12:27,872 Shit, shit. 371 00:12:27,872 --> 00:12:30,291 ♪ ♪ 372 00:12:33,211 --> 00:12:34,879 MAN: Yeah, hello. Is this Black People for Rent? 373 00:12:34,879 --> 00:12:36,047 My name is Darnell. 374 00:12:36,047 --> 00:12:37,590 I'm looking for work. 375 00:12:37,590 --> 00:12:39,592 Is this flat rate? Hourly? 376 00:12:39,592 --> 00:12:40,802 Yo, I'm real Black. 377 00:12:40,802 --> 00:12:43,304 Like, real, real, Black. Like, wassup? 378 00:12:44,681 --> 00:12:46,808 ‐ And that's just the tip of the iceberg, bro. 379 00:12:46,808 --> 00:12:48,309 I'm telling you, man. 380 00:12:48,309 --> 00:12:50,395 A woman with a PhD in astrophysics called, 381 00:12:50,395 --> 00:12:51,688 and another guy called 382 00:12:51,688 --> 00:12:53,231 asking if he needed any special skills. 383 00:12:53,231 --> 00:12:54,983 I'm telling you, man, this is crazy. 384 00:12:54,983 --> 00:12:56,818 ‐ Hmm. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 385 00:12:56,818 --> 00:13:00,071 You know what else is crazy? Hmm? 386 00:13:00,071 --> 00:13:01,614 Bam! KEEF: That's not‐‐ 387 00:13:01,614 --> 00:13:04,033 ‐ Look at the socks, man. Black People for Rent socks. 388 00:13:04,033 --> 00:13:05,410 Okay, that didn't get you. I get it, right? 389 00:13:05,410 --> 00:13:07,161 You don't like socks. I see your feet, right? 390 00:13:07,161 --> 00:13:08,454 Okay. Bam! 391 00:13:08,454 --> 00:13:10,415 Look at the headband. I know you love it, brah. 392 00:13:10,415 --> 00:13:11,833 Come on now. Look at that. What? 393 00:13:11,833 --> 00:13:13,459 Okay, you're not rocking with that. 394 00:13:13,459 --> 00:13:15,837 All right. Bam! Got sweatbands. 395 00:13:15,837 --> 00:13:18,423 ‐ Bro, I'm telling you, man, this is messed up! 396 00:13:18,423 --> 00:13:19,757 It really is. 397 00:13:19,757 --> 00:13:21,009 Half the people who called were Black people 398 00:13:21,009 --> 00:13:22,302 looking for work. 399 00:13:22,302 --> 00:13:23,720 More than half! ‐ I got it. 400 00:13:23,720 --> 00:13:25,763 I got it. We gonna create a app. 401 00:13:25,763 --> 00:13:27,307 Huh? What? Think about it. 402 00:13:27,307 --> 00:13:29,517 Where Black people can rent themselves out. 403 00:13:29,517 --> 00:13:30,685 ‐ Oh, dear Lord. 404 00:13:30,685 --> 00:13:32,020 ‐ Yeah, no, I'm saying that's it, man. 405 00:13:32,020 --> 00:13:33,771 This gonna make your stuff bigger. 406 00:13:33,771 --> 00:13:35,440 ‐ That's the point. 407 00:13:35,440 --> 00:13:37,275 Blackness should not be a commodity. 408 00:13:37,275 --> 00:13:39,193 ‐ But it's the original commodity. 409 00:13:40,945 --> 00:13:42,530 ‐ I'm shooketh. 410 00:13:42,530 --> 00:13:44,615 Yeah, shook‐eth. 411 00:13:44,615 --> 00:13:47,577 This? This, uh, poster? 412 00:13:47,577 --> 00:13:50,038 It's got some white folks talking crazy. 413 00:13:50,038 --> 00:13:51,289 ‐ I bet. 414 00:13:51,289 --> 00:13:53,207 ‐ Yeah, I even overheard one miscreant 415 00:13:53,207 --> 00:13:56,252 ask if there was a rent‐to‐own option. 416 00:13:56,252 --> 00:13:57,378 Funny stuff, huh? 417 00:13:57,378 --> 00:13:58,796 ‐ You need to relax, bro. 418 00:13:58,796 --> 00:13:59,797 You want some socks? 419 00:13:59,797 --> 00:14:01,924 ‐ Fuck your socks, all right? 420 00:14:01,924 --> 00:14:05,678 Now, I know this isn't my place to say it, but... 421 00:14:05,678 --> 00:14:08,097 maybe you should just stick to drawing your cartoons. 422 00:14:08,097 --> 00:14:09,307 Okay? ‐ Wow. 423 00:14:09,307 --> 00:14:10,725 Really? 424 00:14:10,725 --> 00:14:13,019 You know I'm more than a cartoonist, right? 425 00:14:13,019 --> 00:14:15,521 Are you telling me to "shut up and draw"? 426 00:14:15,521 --> 00:14:17,523 ‐ No. 427 00:14:17,523 --> 00:14:18,858 Yes. 428 00:14:18,858 --> 00:14:20,777 Maybe, all right? 429 00:14:20,777 --> 00:14:21,903 I just don't think 430 00:14:21,903 --> 00:14:24,030 you thought this all the way through. 431 00:14:24,030 --> 00:14:26,365 'Cause ever since you put these up, 432 00:14:26,365 --> 00:14:30,411 I got white people throwing their racism in my face. 433 00:14:30,411 --> 00:14:31,954 It's‐‐it's gross. 434 00:14:31,954 --> 00:14:33,331 ‐ Oh, my God, dude! 435 00:14:33,331 --> 00:14:36,084 I had no idea you were the victim! 436 00:14:36,084 --> 00:14:37,752 ‐ I'm just saying. 437 00:14:37,752 --> 00:14:39,962 You're opening Pandora's box. 438 00:14:42,882 --> 00:14:44,675 ‐ But that's art, right? 439 00:14:44,675 --> 00:14:46,594 Art is supposed to provoke. 440 00:14:46,594 --> 00:14:49,097 That's a good thing! 441 00:14:49,097 --> 00:14:50,348 I think. 442 00:14:56,813 --> 00:14:58,481 ADRIENNE: So when I was, like, 12, 443 00:14:58,481 --> 00:15:00,358 I found this dead starfish 444 00:15:00,358 --> 00:15:01,943 in a rock pool near where I lived, and‐‐ 445 00:15:01,943 --> 00:15:03,861 ‐ Bit of a non sequitur, but okay. 446 00:15:03,861 --> 00:15:05,321 ‐ No. 447 00:15:05,321 --> 00:15:07,323 You asked if art was supposed to make you uncomfortable. 448 00:15:07,323 --> 00:15:08,783 I'm telling you a story. ‐ Oh, okay. 449 00:15:08,783 --> 00:15:10,118 ‐ Starfish. ‐ Tell me the story. 450 00:15:10,118 --> 00:15:11,536 ‐ So I found this starfish 451 00:15:11,536 --> 00:15:13,579 and I stuck all these hypodermic needles in its arms, 452 00:15:13,579 --> 00:15:15,665 and I called it a shooting star. 453 00:15:15,665 --> 00:15:16,791 I was trying to make a comment 454 00:15:16,791 --> 00:15:18,167 about how polluted the beach was, 455 00:15:18,167 --> 00:15:20,044 but my teacher thought I was promoting drug use 456 00:15:20,044 --> 00:15:22,171 and they ended up urine‐testing kids 457 00:15:22,171 --> 00:15:24,257 right through high school, so I was popular. 458 00:15:24,257 --> 00:15:26,467 ‐ Mm. 459 00:15:26,467 --> 00:15:29,512 What is a 12‐year‐old doing with hypodermic needles? 460 00:15:29,512 --> 00:15:30,805 ‐ That's your takeaway from this? 461 00:15:30,805 --> 00:15:32,431 ‐ Absolutely. ‐ Okay. 462 00:15:32,431 --> 00:15:34,350 Keef, if you wanna make art that provokes, 463 00:15:34,350 --> 00:15:36,394 you can't control how people react. 464 00:15:38,229 --> 00:15:39,438 ‐ 465 00:15:39,438 --> 00:15:41,858 I kinda like you. 466 00:15:41,858 --> 00:15:43,067 ‐ I figured. 467 00:15:47,864 --> 00:15:50,533 I'm gonna make a coffee. 468 00:15:50,533 --> 00:15:51,659 ‐ Cool, cool. 469 00:15:51,659 --> 00:15:54,704 I'll take mine, uh, almond milk... 470 00:16:01,377 --> 00:16:02,670 ‐ Everything okay? 471 00:16:02,670 --> 00:16:05,840 ‐ Why in the heck is this white woman inside of me? 472 00:16:05,840 --> 00:16:06,924 Feels wrong, doesn't it? 473 00:16:06,924 --> 00:16:08,342 How this change the message? 474 00:16:08,342 --> 00:16:10,052 ‐ Stop talking, stop talking. 475 00:16:10,052 --> 00:16:11,220 SHIRT: See, you consented to this 476 00:16:11,220 --> 00:16:13,055 the moment you put your art out there. 477 00:16:13,055 --> 00:16:14,891 It is all your fault‐‐ your fault! 478 00:16:14,891 --> 00:16:16,726 ADRIENNE: What? ‐ What's up? Hmm? 479 00:16:16,726 --> 00:16:18,019 ‐ You were talking. 480 00:16:18,019 --> 00:16:19,437 ‐ No, I was just, um... 481 00:16:19,437 --> 00:16:20,730 ‐ Say it, come on. 482 00:16:20,730 --> 00:16:22,690 ‐ Okay. 483 00:16:22,690 --> 00:16:24,442 Do you mind taking that shirt off? 484 00:16:24,442 --> 00:16:25,526 SHIRT: Thank you. ‐ Is everything all right? 485 00:16:25,526 --> 00:16:26,527 ‐ No, everything's fine. 486 00:16:26,527 --> 00:16:27,653 ‐ No, it's not. ‐ Everything's‐‐ 487 00:16:27,653 --> 00:16:28,946 SHIRT: It's not. ‐ You know? 488 00:16:28,946 --> 00:16:30,198 SHIRT: It's not fine. ‐ It's not you. 489 00:16:30,198 --> 00:16:31,824 ‐ It is her! ‐ It's not the shirt. 490 00:16:31,824 --> 00:16:34,243 It's‐‐it's you in the shirt. ‐ Wow. 491 00:16:34,243 --> 00:16:36,204 ‐ Offering Black people for rent. 492 00:16:36,204 --> 00:16:38,206 ‐ How the fuck she didn't read that? 493 00:16:38,206 --> 00:16:39,874 ‐ Shit. SHIRT: That's right. 494 00:16:39,874 --> 00:16:41,125 ‐ I'm so‐‐I'm so sorry. 495 00:16:41,125 --> 00:16:42,627 That's my bad. SHIRT: You know something? 496 00:16:42,627 --> 00:16:44,337 Let me speak to a manager. 497 00:16:47,673 --> 00:16:50,259 ‐ Get to the bank... 498 00:16:50,259 --> 00:16:53,054 and get me some paper! 499 00:16:53,054 --> 00:16:54,347 ♪ Getting the bread up ♪ 500 00:16:56,974 --> 00:16:58,601 Yo, that's‐‐ ‐ Cheers. 501 00:16:58,601 --> 00:17:02,271 ♪ ♪ 502 00:17:03,272 --> 00:17:05,399 ‐ Who the fuck is that? 503 00:17:05,399 --> 00:17:06,609 Man, why is it random white women 504 00:17:06,609 --> 00:17:07,985 walking around the house? 505 00:17:07,985 --> 00:17:11,364 This shit is ridiculous, man. 506 00:17:11,364 --> 00:17:13,199 ‐ Dude, will you be real with me for a second? 507 00:17:13,199 --> 00:17:14,617 ‐ Yeah, that robe look dumb. 508 00:17:14,617 --> 00:17:15,618 ‐ No, man. 509 00:17:15,618 --> 00:17:17,995 Like, am I being crazy? 510 00:17:17,995 --> 00:17:19,747 Like, you really like this shit? 511 00:17:19,747 --> 00:17:22,750 ‐ Shit, I don't know, but he my friend, 512 00:17:22,750 --> 00:17:24,085 so I'ma support him. 513 00:17:24,085 --> 00:17:26,587 And you should too. 514 00:17:26,587 --> 00:17:27,797 ‐ Yeah. 515 00:17:29,924 --> 00:17:31,551 Fuck. 516 00:17:33,135 --> 00:17:34,428 ‐ Yo. GUNTHER: Hmm? 517 00:17:34,428 --> 00:17:36,430 ‐ You can show real support by spending $19.99 518 00:17:36,430 --> 00:17:37,557 on one of these shirts. 519 00:17:40,560 --> 00:17:44,730 ♪ ♪ 520 00:17:44,730 --> 00:17:46,649 ‐ Oh. No, ma'am. 521 00:17:46,649 --> 00:17:48,985 We're not really renting people. 522 00:17:48,985 --> 00:17:51,320 It's‐‐it's art. 523 00:17:51,320 --> 00:17:53,823 ‐ But we do have... 524 00:17:53,823 --> 00:17:55,575 these limited‐edition T‐shirts 525 00:17:55,575 --> 00:17:58,244 that supports this Black artist who is Black. 526 00:17:58,244 --> 00:18:00,955 Guaranteed to bring your white guilt down 2%. 527 00:18:00,955 --> 00:18:02,248 Check it out. 528 00:18:02,248 --> 00:18:04,375 ‐ You should definitely not wear it though. 529 00:18:04,375 --> 00:18:05,960 ‐ Hey, this America. 530 00:18:05,960 --> 00:18:07,461 You can do what you want. Come on. 531 00:18:07,461 --> 00:18:09,255 I got yellow. Look real good on you. 532 00:18:09,255 --> 00:18:10,256 ‐ Buy it. Don't wear it. 533 00:18:10,256 --> 00:18:11,549 You will get beat up. 534 00:18:11,549 --> 00:18:13,968 ‐ We will send a Black person to escort you 535 00:18:13,968 --> 00:18:15,761 while wearing the T‐shirt. 536 00:18:15,761 --> 00:18:17,305 ‐ Not true. 537 00:18:17,305 --> 00:18:22,351 ♪ ♪ 538 00:18:22,351 --> 00:18:24,478 ‐ Hey. AYANA: Hey. 539 00:18:24,478 --> 00:18:27,815 KEEF: So, um, remember that story 540 00:18:27,815 --> 00:18:29,650 that you were thinking about? 541 00:18:29,650 --> 00:18:31,402 ‐ I wasn't thinking about it. I was writing it. 542 00:18:31,402 --> 00:18:34,530 ‐ Well, I just thought about it and you‐‐ 543 00:18:34,530 --> 00:18:35,698 you don't have to. 544 00:18:35,698 --> 00:18:37,658 It‐‐it's done. Just don't even do it. 545 00:18:37,658 --> 00:18:39,535 ‐ Oh, I see. Here we are again. 546 00:18:39,535 --> 00:18:41,704 Mr. Say Something Important and Then Walk It Back. 547 00:18:41,704 --> 00:18:43,539 ‐ Okay, I know it's a lot, right? 548 00:18:43,539 --> 00:18:46,375 But there was this whole, um‐‐ this whole T‐shirt thing? 549 00:18:46,375 --> 00:18:47,835 ‐ What T‐shirt thing? 550 00:18:47,835 --> 00:18:49,545 ‐ Oh, I made Black People for Rent T‐shirts 551 00:18:49,545 --> 00:18:51,631 because you told me to grow this thing 552 00:18:51,631 --> 00:18:52,798 and make this thing a lot bigger 553 00:18:52,798 --> 00:18:54,759 and so that's exactly what I did, 554 00:18:54,759 --> 00:18:57,136 but it got weird. 555 00:18:57,136 --> 00:18:58,554 ‐ Oh, I see. 556 00:18:58,554 --> 00:19:00,389 Some white girl you're sleeping with put it on, 557 00:19:00,389 --> 00:19:02,433 and now you feel different about it. 558 00:19:02,433 --> 00:19:03,559 ‐ How'd you know? 559 00:19:03,559 --> 00:19:05,603 ‐ What the fuck? 560 00:19:05,603 --> 00:19:06,896 ‐ What? 561 00:19:06,896 --> 00:19:08,814 ‐ Been there. 562 00:19:08,814 --> 00:19:11,150 Look, white people love edgy Black shit, 563 00:19:11,150 --> 00:19:13,653 and once they put it on, the narrative changes. 564 00:19:13,653 --> 00:19:15,404 Not everything needs to be for sale. 565 00:19:15,404 --> 00:19:17,448 Can you imagine if Angela Davis had a Etsy? 566 00:19:17,448 --> 00:19:19,575 ‐ Oh, my God. That would be pretty dope. 567 00:19:19,575 --> 00:19:21,160 I would get, like, a black turtleneck 568 00:19:21,160 --> 00:19:22,870 and a leather jacket over, you know what I mean? 569 00:19:22,870 --> 00:19:24,038 And then‐‐it'd be nice. 570 00:19:24,038 --> 00:19:25,331 It'd be nice. AYANA: Hey. Right here? 571 00:19:25,331 --> 00:19:27,208 ‐ Oh. ‐ You let this out. 572 00:19:27,208 --> 00:19:28,709 So you have to deal with it. 573 00:19:28,709 --> 00:19:32,004 The good, the bad, and the ugly. 574 00:19:32,004 --> 00:19:34,382 Kay? 575 00:19:34,382 --> 00:19:35,591 Bye, Keef. 576 00:19:35,591 --> 00:19:37,635 ‐ Bye. You just‐‐really? 577 00:19:37,635 --> 00:19:39,303 ♪ ♪ 578 00:19:39,303 --> 00:19:40,763 MAN: This dude used our struggle 579 00:19:40,763 --> 00:19:42,139 for his own artistic gain. 580 00:19:42,139 --> 00:19:43,349 Cancel his ass. 581 00:19:43,349 --> 00:19:45,017 MAN: Where's my job, Keef Knight? 582 00:19:45,017 --> 00:19:46,394 MAN: Stick to drawing. WOMAN: Okay, San Francisco. 583 00:19:46,394 --> 00:19:47,561 MAN: Black People for Rent sucks. 584 00:19:47,561 --> 00:19:48,771 WOMAN: Fuck that guy. 585 00:19:48,771 --> 00:19:50,272 MAN: How 'bout solutions, Keef? 586 00:19:50,272 --> 00:19:51,691 MAN: Black People for Rent is grade‐A bullshit. 587 00:19:51,691 --> 00:19:52,900 MAN: Race hatred considered art now? 588 00:19:52,900 --> 00:19:54,443 WOMAN: Don't quit your day job. 589 00:19:56,278 --> 00:19:58,489 MAN: Someone cancel his ass. MAN: Grade‐A bullshit. 590 00:19:58,489 --> 00:19:59,949 WOMAN: Someone needs to cancel his ass. 591 00:19:59,949 --> 00:20:01,617 MAN: Yo, Keef, you a sellout, man. 592 00:20:01,617 --> 00:20:03,494 WOMAN: He's out of control! 593 00:20:03,494 --> 00:20:10,459 ♪ ♪ 594 00:20:20,010 --> 00:20:21,303 ‐ 595 00:20:26,851 --> 00:20:33,899 ♪ ♪