1 00:00:21,560 --> 00:00:24,200 - First crossing? - Oh, yes, Captain. 2 00:00:24,200 --> 00:00:27,040 Don't let the icebergs intimidate you. 3 00:00:27,040 --> 00:00:29,120 They are really quite majestic. 4 00:00:29,120 --> 00:00:32,560 Yeah. I guess they are. 5 00:00:32,840 --> 00:00:36,120 I hope you're not worried about the weather. 6 00:00:36,120 --> 00:00:38,600 Oh, no. The um... 7 00:00:38,600 --> 00:00:39,620 Should I be? 8 00:00:39,621 --> 00:00:43,160 We're gonna hit a little rough patch later but trust me, 9 00:00:43,160 --> 00:00:44,800 that's part of the fun. 10 00:00:45,840 --> 00:00:49,880 Might be wiser to get off the deck. 11 00:00:50,360 --> 00:00:53,120 Warmer and dryer inside. 12 00:00:53,120 --> 00:00:54,280 Of course. 13 00:00:54,280 --> 00:00:56,040 Thank you, Captain. 14 00:00:56,040 --> 00:00:58,720 Okay. 15 00:01:17,360 --> 00:01:20,040 - Are you coming? - Yeah. Yeah. 16 00:01:20,040 --> 00:01:23,600 Yeah, okay, okay, I'm coming! 17 00:01:25,520 --> 00:01:26,760 There's no running on this ship. 18 00:01:26,760 --> 00:01:29,200 - Yeah, yeah. I... - It's against regulations. 19 00:01:29,200 --> 00:01:32,440 Right, good to know. Thanks. 20 00:01:36,680 --> 00:01:39,680 Environment Canada just issued an overnight warning. 21 00:01:39,680 --> 00:01:42,200 Storm's shifted, it's headed straight our way. 22 00:01:42,200 --> 00:01:43,560 50 knots. Should we alter course? 23 00:01:43,560 --> 00:01:45,680 Keep her fast and steady, first mate Sullivan. 24 00:01:45,680 --> 00:01:48,400 - Aye, sir. - Officer Hicks, deploy the stabilizers. 25 00:01:48,400 --> 00:01:50,480 Let's make sure the passengers don't find out 26 00:01:50,480 --> 00:01:52,520 what it's really like to be at sea. 27 00:01:52,520 --> 00:01:54,440 Aye, aye, Captain. 28 00:02:03,120 --> 00:02:04,920 Passengers are reminded that returning 29 00:02:05,040 --> 00:02:10,160 to your vehicles during the crossing is strictly prohibited. 30 00:02:12,040 --> 00:02:14,640 Hey, what's up? 31 00:02:19,160 --> 00:02:21,400 Hold on. 32 00:02:32,640 --> 00:02:34,520 You sure? 33 00:02:34,920 --> 00:02:39,680 Don't worry, I can handle it. 34 00:02:48,040 --> 00:02:50,440 Arlo! 35 00:02:50,920 --> 00:02:53,040 You can't be here! 36 00:02:55,560 --> 00:02:57,360 Arlo! 37 00:03:10,080 --> 00:03:11,920 Oh! 38 00:03:12,240 --> 00:03:14,440 Haven't found your sea legs yet, huh? 39 00:03:14,440 --> 00:03:16,080 No, apparently not. 40 00:03:16,080 --> 00:03:17,120 You don't have this problem? 41 00:03:17,120 --> 00:03:20,720 I used to work on cruise ships way back when. 42 00:03:21,320 --> 00:03:22,560 - Yeah? - I'm Nina. 43 00:03:22,560 --> 00:03:27,120 And this social media whiz is my daughter, Jada. 44 00:03:27,120 --> 00:03:30,160 Susan. Pleased to meet you. 45 00:03:30,160 --> 00:03:34,120 - So, what takes you to Newfoundland? - Oh... 46 00:03:34,120 --> 00:03:37,400 - Oh, I didn't mean to pry. - No, it's okay. 47 00:03:37,400 --> 00:03:38,840 It's, um, I... 48 00:03:38,840 --> 00:03:43,680 I'm trying to break an old habit. 49 00:03:47,480 --> 00:03:49,360 Oh, are you okay? 50 00:03:49,360 --> 00:03:51,760 Yeah, I'm, uh... 51 00:03:53,160 --> 00:03:55,240 Sorry. 52 00:03:59,200 --> 00:04:03,120 Ty, I gotta take Solo for a walk. 53 00:04:03,120 --> 00:04:06,120 Okay, but be careful. 54 00:04:18,120 --> 00:04:20,080 Winds are at 55 knots and increasing, Captain. 55 00:04:20,080 --> 00:04:22,680 Yeah. I'm headed to the engine room. 56 00:04:22,680 --> 00:04:24,000 That lube pump is acting up again. 57 00:04:24,000 --> 00:04:26,360 - Wait. Captain. - Just keep her on autopilot, 58 00:04:26,360 --> 00:04:29,520 hold her steady until I get back. That's an order. 59 00:04:29,520 --> 00:04:31,240 Yes, Sir. 60 00:04:31,600 --> 00:04:34,440 Garrison Ship Lines welcomes you 61 00:04:34,440 --> 00:04:36,240 to enjoy a gourmet dinner... 62 00:04:36,240 --> 00:04:38,800 Mom, I don't feel so good. 63 00:04:38,800 --> 00:04:41,240 Then stop texting. 64 00:04:44,000 --> 00:04:46,800 - Why don't you go lie down? - No. No way. 65 00:04:46,800 --> 00:04:47,800 It'll just make it worse. 66 00:04:47,800 --> 00:04:51,360 I'll go find some Dramamine. Stay here. 67 00:05:25,640 --> 00:05:28,280 Queen of the Narrows, this is Harbour Cove Coast Guard. 68 00:05:28,280 --> 00:05:29,800 - Do you copy? - I copy. 69 00:05:29,800 --> 00:05:32,920 The region to your north has been upgraded to severe storm warning. 70 00:05:32,920 --> 00:05:34,920 Roger that, Coast Guard. Chief Officer Hicks here. 71 00:05:34,920 --> 00:05:37,280 We're aware of the situation and we're monitoring it closely. 72 00:05:37,280 --> 00:05:39,040 Suggest you delay your turn 73 00:05:39,040 --> 00:05:41,640 by 50 kilometres to avoid the most severe sector. 74 00:05:41,640 --> 00:05:43,350 Thanks, but, uh, Captain's given us our orders, 75 00:05:43,351 --> 00:05:45,160 we're going to stick to the course. 76 00:05:45,160 --> 00:05:47,920 Queen of the Narrows out. 77 00:06:12,680 --> 00:06:14,040 Jessica! 78 00:06:17,480 --> 00:06:22,040 What the hell? 79 00:06:23,760 --> 00:06:25,120 Captain Turner, do you copy? 80 00:06:25,120 --> 00:06:27,360 I don't understand what's happening here. 81 00:06:27,360 --> 00:06:28,480 Captain Turner, do you copy? 82 00:06:28,480 --> 00:06:31,360 This is anemergency. This is not a drill. 83 00:06:31,360 --> 00:06:34,080 Life jackets should be put on as soon as possible. 84 00:06:34,080 --> 00:06:39,040 All crew and passengers to muster stations. 85 00:06:42,240 --> 00:06:45,800 We're taking on water! 86 00:06:47,000 --> 00:06:48,920 - The engines are failing, Jess. - Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. 87 00:06:48,920 --> 00:06:51,360 This is the Queen of the Narrows requesting immediate assistance. 88 00:06:51,360 --> 00:06:52,810 - Mayday, Mayday. - Queen of the Narrows, 89 00:06:52,811 --> 00:06:54,320 this is Harbour Cove Coast Guard. 90 00:06:54,320 --> 00:06:55,600 Coast Guard, we are listing hard. 91 00:06:55,600 --> 00:06:58,280 We are taking on water. I need all ships in the vicinity. 92 00:06:58,280 --> 00:07:00,240 - Do you copy? - Queen of the Narrows, 93 00:07:00,240 --> 00:07:03,480 this is the USS Alameda. We're on our way. 94 00:07:03,480 --> 00:07:06,440 This is not a drill. 95 00:07:16,360 --> 00:07:20,280 - How far up to the lifeboats? - Three more decks. 96 00:07:20,280 --> 00:07:22,360 We're never going to get through this way. 97 00:07:22,360 --> 00:07:25,560 I don't want to leave Jada up there alone! 98 00:07:26,200 --> 00:07:29,120 There has to be another way! 99 00:07:41,560 --> 00:07:43,230 All ships, all ships: 100 00:07:43,231 --> 00:07:45,640 this is the coast guard responding to a Mayday. 101 00:07:45,640 --> 00:07:46,920 Terri-Lynn! 102 00:07:47,600 --> 00:07:49,920 - What's going on? - It's the Queen of the Narrows. 103 00:07:49,920 --> 00:07:53,360 Your brother's still on the bridge, right? 104 00:07:53,680 --> 00:07:57,000 Queen of the Narrows, what's your status? 105 00:08:06,640 --> 00:08:10,840 This is OSC. You're going outbound Harbour Cove. 106 00:08:29,720 --> 00:08:34,200 - What do we do now? - An engineer once told me 107 00:08:34,200 --> 00:08:36,320 if you can't go up, 108 00:08:36,600 --> 00:08:38,080 you go down. 109 00:08:38,080 --> 00:08:41,240 Down?! Are you sure? 110 00:08:48,120 --> 00:08:49,120 Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. 111 00:08:49,120 --> 00:08:51,160 This is Queen of the Narrows. 112 00:08:51,160 --> 00:08:52,200 Coast Guard, do you copy? 113 00:08:52,200 --> 00:08:54,120 Queen of the Narrows this is the coast guard. 114 00:08:54,120 --> 00:08:56,000 All vessels have been notified. 115 00:08:56,000 --> 00:08:57,360 We are evacuating ship. 116 00:08:57,360 --> 00:08:59,840 Queen of the Narrows out. 117 00:09:05,280 --> 00:09:07,280 Go! 118 00:09:07,680 --> 00:09:10,040 Everyone, go! Go! 119 00:09:10,040 --> 00:09:13,480 Tyler! Tyler! 120 00:09:13,480 --> 00:09:17,760 This is an emergency. This is not a drill. 121 00:09:21,840 --> 00:09:23,800 Solo! 122 00:09:26,720 --> 00:09:27,760 - No! - Come on! 123 00:09:27,760 --> 00:09:30,840 - Come on! - Right through to the safety boats. 124 00:09:30,840 --> 00:09:33,560 Right to the safety boats. 125 00:09:33,560 --> 00:09:36,440 Hold on to a railing if you can. 126 00:09:36,440 --> 00:09:38,600 Let her down! 127 00:09:44,480 --> 00:09:48,240 Annie, do you copy? You're approaching the coordinates now. 128 00:09:48,240 --> 00:09:49,800 Copy that. 129 00:09:49,800 --> 00:09:50,840 I can't believe what I'm seeing. 130 00:09:50,840 --> 00:09:53,720 I've got people in rafts, the waves are too big. 131 00:09:53,720 --> 00:09:57,360 I... We need support. We need support, more support boats. 132 00:09:57,360 --> 00:10:00,600 Queen of the Narrows, this is the Harbour Cove coast guard. 133 00:10:00,600 --> 00:10:02,400 Do you copy? 134 00:10:03,840 --> 00:10:05,480 Queen of the Narrows, Queen of the Narrows, 135 00:10:05,480 --> 00:10:07,200 this is the Harbour Cove coast guard. Do you read? 136 00:10:07,200 --> 00:10:11,120 Coast Guard, this is Captain Banks. What is her status? 137 00:10:13,440 --> 00:10:16,920 I've just lost the Queen on the radar. 138 00:10:17,760 --> 00:10:19,280 Copy that. 139 00:10:19,280 --> 00:10:24,080 We're gonna need all hands on deck for a search and rescue. 140 00:10:56,920 --> 00:10:59,280 With the storm having passed hours ago, 141 00:10:59,280 --> 00:11:02,680 local boats have joined the coast guard and U.S. Navy 142 00:11:02,680 --> 00:11:03,840 off the coast of Newfoundland 143 00:11:03,840 --> 00:11:06,920 in a desperate attempt to rescue survivors 144 00:11:07,040 --> 00:11:08,160 of the Queen of the Narrows. 145 00:11:08,160 --> 00:11:10,720 People around the world are waiting anxiously 146 00:11:10,720 --> 00:11:15,400 as the FTSA begins its investigation. 147 00:11:27,680 --> 00:11:29,160 Kendra, we got here just ahead of you. 148 00:11:29,160 --> 00:11:30,520 Theo. Glad to have you back. Michelle, 149 00:11:30,520 --> 00:11:31,720 - welcome to the team. - Hi. 150 00:11:32,320 --> 00:11:34,560 The Coast Guard's given us space to set up in their command 151 00:11:34,560 --> 00:11:36,160 and I've started registering survivors. 152 00:11:36,160 --> 00:11:40,040 - How many so far? - Um, just under 200. 153 00:11:40,040 --> 00:11:42,080 Right. And how many on the manifest? 154 00:11:42,080 --> 00:11:45,320 - 490... - 493, including crew. 155 00:11:45,320 --> 00:11:48,280 So, almost 300 people still missing. 156 00:11:49,480 --> 00:11:50,600 Mr. Hayes! 157 00:11:50,600 --> 00:11:52,600 Mr. Hayes, Commander Terri-Lynn Crawford, 158 00:11:52,600 --> 00:11:54,200 - Harbour Cove Coast Guard. - Nice to meet you. 159 00:11:54,200 --> 00:11:57,040 - Call me Dom. - Rest of the FTSA team's just up here. 160 00:11:57,040 --> 00:11:58,560 Great. What's the situation on the water? 161 00:11:58,560 --> 00:12:00,520 Reports are that most of the passengers were still 162 00:12:00,520 --> 00:12:01,840 in their cabins when the storm hit. 163 00:12:01,840 --> 00:12:04,160 There was very little time for them to get to the lifeboats. 164 00:12:04,160 --> 00:12:06,720 Yeah. The ferry's radar went dead just 32 minutes 165 00:12:06,720 --> 00:12:09,640 - after the initial Mayday. - 32 minutes? 166 00:12:09,640 --> 00:12:12,240 - That's fast. - Really fast. 167 00:12:12,240 --> 00:12:13,320 Dom! 168 00:12:13,880 --> 00:12:15,200 Thanks for getting here so quickly. 169 00:12:15,200 --> 00:12:17,000 Glad I was on this side of the pond. Theo. 170 00:12:17,000 --> 00:12:20,200 - Dom. Ah, Michelle, Dom. - I'm the new victim liaison. 171 00:12:20,200 --> 00:12:22,520 Nice to meet you. So, the, uh, Canadians, 172 00:12:22,520 --> 00:12:24,640 they've agreed to give us lead on the investigation? 173 00:12:24,640 --> 00:12:26,040 Yeah. It's a U.S. ferry line. 174 00:12:26,040 --> 00:12:28,040 Most of the passengers are American tourists, 175 00:12:28,040 --> 00:12:29,360 so Ottawa's agreed to step back. 176 00:12:29,360 --> 00:12:31,720 U.S. Navy vessel was one of the first on the scene, 177 00:12:31,720 --> 00:12:33,200 so we'll be coordinating with them, as well. 178 00:12:33,200 --> 00:12:36,040 Can you ask the Navy Captain to get in touch with us? 179 00:12:36,040 --> 00:12:37,120 Will do. 180 00:12:37,520 --> 00:12:40,520 32 minutes. No matter what happened on that ferry, 181 00:12:40,520 --> 00:12:41,800 it shouldn't have sunk that fast. 182 00:12:41,800 --> 00:12:43,760 Not by any stretch. A vessel like that? 183 00:12:43,760 --> 00:12:47,200 It should've stayed on the surface for hours, if not days. 184 00:12:47,200 --> 00:12:48,800 What about the ferry captain? Did he survive? 185 00:12:48,800 --> 00:12:51,240 The Coast Guard told me that the captain left the bridge 186 00:12:51,240 --> 00:12:53,720 for the engine room before the crisis. 187 00:12:53,720 --> 00:12:55,440 He's... He's presumed lost. 188 00:12:55,440 --> 00:12:59,800 - He left before? - Yeah. 189 00:13:00,440 --> 00:13:02,840 Who's the most senior officer to survive? 190 00:13:02,840 --> 00:13:04,320 Uh, Chief Officer Jessica Hicks. 191 00:13:04,320 --> 00:13:08,560 - She called in the Mayday. - Okay. Let's go talk to her. 192 00:13:09,440 --> 00:13:11,320 - Chief Officer Jessica Hicks? - Yeah. 193 00:13:11,320 --> 00:13:14,200 Ah, Kendra Malley, Dom Hayes from the FTSA. 194 00:13:14,200 --> 00:13:17,440 Are you all right if we ask you some questions? 195 00:13:17,440 --> 00:13:20,680 - Yeah. - We heard the captain left the bridge to go below. 196 00:13:20,680 --> 00:13:23,440 - Do you know why? - Trouble with the boiler. 197 00:13:23,440 --> 00:13:27,160 I don't... I don't know if it burst, or... 198 00:13:27,160 --> 00:13:29,680 I couldn't get a hold of him, or anyone down there. 199 00:13:29,680 --> 00:13:32,840 - Leaving you in sole command of the bridge. - Yeah. 200 00:13:33,680 --> 00:13:36,840 I took my scheduled turn north towards St. John's 201 00:13:36,840 --> 00:13:40,640 and then all of a sudden there was this large bang. 202 00:13:40,640 --> 00:13:42,120 Like an explosion? 203 00:13:42,480 --> 00:13:45,640 I don't know if there was ice under the water, or something, 204 00:13:45,640 --> 00:13:48,480 but it shook the whole ship. 205 00:13:48,480 --> 00:13:49,720 I shouldn't have made that turn. 206 00:13:49,720 --> 00:13:51,080 I grew up in these waters, Jess. 207 00:13:51,080 --> 00:13:54,240 Haven't seen anything this bad before. We should skip the turn. 208 00:13:54,240 --> 00:13:56,360 The Coast Guard told me to delay it and I didn't. 209 00:13:56,360 --> 00:13:59,640 - I had my orders. - From the captain? 210 00:14:00,640 --> 00:14:03,360 How long have you been chief officer? 211 00:14:05,680 --> 00:14:07,800 Six weeks. 212 00:14:10,000 --> 00:14:13,240 I should've been the one going down with the ship. 213 00:14:13,480 --> 00:14:17,320 But first mate... Dave. 214 00:14:17,800 --> 00:14:19,240 He threw me in a lifeboat. 215 00:14:19,240 --> 00:14:22,200 - There's room for one more! - I stay until the end. 216 00:14:22,200 --> 00:14:24,680 Marry me if we get out of this, okay? 217 00:14:24,680 --> 00:14:27,600 - What? - You heard me. 218 00:14:28,640 --> 00:14:30,600 Get in! 219 00:14:37,400 --> 00:14:39,360 No one should ever go down with the ship. 220 00:14:39,360 --> 00:14:42,520 You saved lives out there. 221 00:14:43,880 --> 00:14:46,120 Kendra, Dom? The eyewitness to the ship's 222 00:14:46,120 --> 00:14:48,440 sinking, Annie Sullivan, is down this way. 223 00:14:48,440 --> 00:14:51,720 Okay, um, somebody will look after you, okay? 224 00:14:51,720 --> 00:14:54,440 - Okay. - I'm so sorry. 225 00:14:59,360 --> 00:15:00,480 Dave! 226 00:15:00,480 --> 00:15:04,200 It's okay! I'll make it. 227 00:15:08,220 --> 00:15:11,320 - She's just down there. - Kendra, I'm going to go set up the command centre. 228 00:15:11,320 --> 00:15:12,800 - Call me if you need anything. - Sure. 229 00:15:13,080 --> 00:15:15,720 Setting sail with a faulty boiler and a bad weather report, 230 00:15:15,720 --> 00:15:17,680 that could be viewed as negligence. 231 00:15:17,680 --> 00:15:19,200 Yeah. We need to ask Theo to track down 232 00:15:19,200 --> 00:15:22,720 the owner's maintenance reports. See what else was wrong with the ship. 233 00:15:23,000 --> 00:15:24,760 Annie Sullivan? 234 00:15:25,200 --> 00:15:26,480 Kendra Malley. 235 00:15:26,480 --> 00:15:28,320 I understand that you saw the ferry before it sank? 236 00:15:28,320 --> 00:15:32,120 No. I saw her lights once or twice through the waves maybe 237 00:15:32,120 --> 00:15:33,880 and then I had to turn around. 238 00:15:34,000 --> 00:15:36,400 Look, I gotta get back out there. 239 00:15:36,400 --> 00:15:38,760 Her brother's still missing. He's the First Mate. 240 00:15:38,760 --> 00:15:41,920 Uh, Dave. Yeah, I just spoke to Chief Officer Jessica Hicks. 241 00:15:42,040 --> 00:15:44,640 She says that he pushed her in a lifeboat. 242 00:15:44,640 --> 00:15:45,920 Sounds like Dave. 243 00:15:45,920 --> 00:15:48,520 Tell her not to worry. I'll find him. 244 00:15:48,520 --> 00:15:51,520 - Come on, my love. Come on. - Uh, here. Let me help. 245 00:15:51,520 --> 00:15:55,040 - Let's get you off. Here, I'll take this. - Oh, oh, oh. 246 00:15:55,040 --> 00:15:57,240 - Got you, got you. - Careful, careful. 247 00:15:57,720 --> 00:15:58,840 Her name's Jada. 248 00:15:58,840 --> 00:16:00,520 Pulled her out of the water half-frozen. 249 00:16:00,520 --> 00:16:02,200 I have no idea how she survived. 250 00:16:02,200 --> 00:16:03,640 She was just floating on the surface. 251 00:16:03,640 --> 00:16:06,680 An angel saved me. He came up from below. 252 00:16:06,680 --> 00:16:08,760 It had wings. 253 00:16:09,240 --> 00:16:10,920 My mom's gone, isn't she? 254 00:16:11,080 --> 00:16:13,040 Look, you're, you're safe now, all right? 255 00:16:13,040 --> 00:16:17,320 She went down below to the cabin, just before. 256 00:16:17,560 --> 00:16:19,680 Because of me. 257 00:16:20,920 --> 00:16:24,640 It's okay. It's all right, it's all right. 258 00:16:24,800 --> 00:16:25,840 It's all right. 259 00:16:25,840 --> 00:16:27,200 She did work on ships. 260 00:16:27,200 --> 00:16:31,080 She might've found a way out, right? 261 00:16:32,080 --> 00:16:36,640 Uh, maybe I can... I can try and find her. Could you tell me her name? 262 00:16:36,640 --> 00:16:38,760 - Nina Collins. - All right. 263 00:16:38,760 --> 00:16:40,760 Why don't we get you checked out? 264 00:16:40,760 --> 00:16:42,680 Let's go to somewhere warm. Come on. 265 00:16:42,680 --> 00:16:44,600 Come on. 266 00:16:57,640 --> 00:17:01,320 Hi, uh... I'm sorry. I... What can I help you with? 267 00:17:01,320 --> 00:17:03,840 Do you know where they're, uh, where they're taking the dead? 268 00:17:04,920 --> 00:17:07,720 Oh, we don't... We can't release that information just yet, 269 00:17:07,720 --> 00:17:11,720 - but if you just... - Forget it. I'll find it myself. 270 00:17:17,760 --> 00:17:19,000 Survivors all say the same thing. 271 00:17:19,000 --> 00:17:22,400 Yeah. There was a bang and then the ferry immediately began to list. 272 00:17:22,400 --> 00:17:24,760 30 minutes later it was gone. 273 00:17:24,760 --> 00:17:26,680 We need to get in touch with that navy captain. 274 00:17:26,680 --> 00:17:29,200 Yeah. See if he actually saw the ferry go down. 275 00:17:29,200 --> 00:17:30,800 What do you think of the girl's story? 276 00:17:30,800 --> 00:17:32,400 About being saved by a spectral being? 277 00:17:32,400 --> 00:17:34,760 I don't know. I think she saw something, 278 00:17:34,760 --> 00:17:36,560 but something her mind can't quite grapple with. 279 00:17:36,560 --> 00:17:39,240 Where is she? I need to speak with her. 280 00:17:39,240 --> 00:17:40,800 - You're the investigator, right? - Yeah. 281 00:17:40,800 --> 00:17:43,920 'Cause I know who did this. I know who sank that ferry. 282 00:17:44,040 --> 00:17:45,760 - Um, who did it? - Arlo Shank. 283 00:17:45,760 --> 00:17:48,800 I saw him creeping below deck last night. 284 00:17:48,800 --> 00:17:51,720 Hey! Arlo! Arlo! 285 00:17:51,720 --> 00:17:54,800 They should have listened to me. 286 00:17:54,800 --> 00:17:57,800 You'll be sorry one day. 287 00:18:00,480 --> 00:18:02,600 This ship's going down! 288 00:18:02,600 --> 00:18:05,720 Ships worked through the night to rescue survivors, 289 00:18:05,720 --> 00:18:07,520 but the numbers look bleak, currently, 290 00:18:07,520 --> 00:18:10,280 with only half the ship's passengers accounted for. 291 00:18:10,280 --> 00:18:12,080 Investigators believe there is little chance 292 00:18:12,080 --> 00:18:15,800 for remaining survivors in the frigid Atlantic waters. 293 00:18:15,800 --> 00:18:17,240 Meanwhile, Garrison Ship Lines, 294 00:18:17,240 --> 00:18:18,680 owner of the Queen of the Narrows, 295 00:18:18,680 --> 00:18:20,375 offered condolences and prayers 296 00:18:20,376 --> 00:18:23,120 to the families and friends of the victims. 297 00:18:23,120 --> 00:18:27,160 You can be sure we plan to fully co-operate. 298 00:18:41,840 --> 00:18:45,720 Hey! Um, you have the list of people who got rescued, right? 299 00:18:45,720 --> 00:18:47,600 Yes. Oh, well, some of them. 300 00:18:47,600 --> 00:18:50,680 - Um, who are you looking for? - Uh, my boyfriend. 301 00:18:50,680 --> 00:18:53,280 Um, Tyler Lupinski. 302 00:18:53,280 --> 00:18:55,200 Just, uh... 303 00:18:55,520 --> 00:18:58,200 Huh. He's not on the passenger list. 304 00:18:58,200 --> 00:19:00,000 Be careful. 305 00:19:00,000 --> 00:19:01,480 Keep your eyes out. 306 00:19:01,480 --> 00:19:02,920 - What's your name? - Oh! You know what? 307 00:19:03,040 --> 00:19:04,360 It's okay. Don't... Don't worry. It's fine. 308 00:19:04,360 --> 00:19:06,965 No, no. If there's people left off this list, we do need to know that. 309 00:19:06,966 --> 00:19:09,000 You know, why don't you come with me and we can... 310 00:19:09,000 --> 00:19:11,120 No, um, really, it's okay. 311 00:19:11,120 --> 00:19:13,480 Uh, don't tell anybody, okay? 312 00:19:13,480 --> 00:19:14,540 Are you in trouble? 313 00:19:14,541 --> 00:19:18,840 Hey, it's okay. My job here is to help the survivors. 314 00:19:18,840 --> 00:19:20,800 That's it. 315 00:19:20,920 --> 00:19:23,560 I promise you can talk to me. 316 00:19:24,920 --> 00:19:27,080 Tyler wanted to come back home. 317 00:19:27,080 --> 00:19:30,120 We just didn't have any money. 318 00:19:30,240 --> 00:19:32,080 You snuck on. 319 00:19:32,200 --> 00:19:35,280 I left him in the car deck. 320 00:19:37,560 --> 00:19:39,880 Now I lost them both. 321 00:19:40,480 --> 00:19:42,360 Solo! 322 00:19:44,920 --> 00:19:49,280 Just, they'll send me back to Guatemala if they find out. 323 00:19:49,280 --> 00:19:51,320 I don't have my papers. 324 00:19:51,320 --> 00:19:53,760 It's okay. I won't tell. 325 00:19:54,640 --> 00:19:56,400 Here... 326 00:19:59,440 --> 00:20:01,280 Here, take my card. 327 00:20:01,280 --> 00:20:04,040 And check in with me, okay? 328 00:20:04,040 --> 00:20:05,280 Uh, here. 329 00:20:05,280 --> 00:20:07,880 - Oh. No, no. - No, it's okay. It's okay. 330 00:20:07,880 --> 00:20:09,240 - Here. - Thank you. 331 00:20:09,240 --> 00:20:11,160 - Yeah. - Thank you. 332 00:20:11,160 --> 00:20:16,280 - There's food. Stay warm, okay? - Thanks. 333 00:20:24,280 --> 00:20:25,640 - Hey. - Kendra. Hey. 334 00:20:25,640 --> 00:20:27,120 We're just finishing setting up in here. 335 00:20:27,120 --> 00:20:29,520 Is, uh, Coast Guard okay with lending us the space? 336 00:20:29,520 --> 00:20:31,440 Yeah, Terri-Lynn was saying that the space 337 00:20:31,440 --> 00:20:33,200 is predominantly used for training purposes 338 00:20:33,200 --> 00:20:35,800 and they're between sessions, so we should be good. 339 00:20:35,800 --> 00:20:37,360 Okay, great. Thanks. 340 00:20:37,360 --> 00:20:39,120 Is this a satellite image of the ferry? 341 00:20:39,120 --> 00:20:41,320 Yeah. It's from minutes before it sank. 342 00:20:41,320 --> 00:20:43,280 That's the Queen of the Narrows there. 343 00:20:43,280 --> 00:20:44,560 And those are icebergs? 344 00:20:44,560 --> 00:20:46,440 Yeah, so the ferry has to cut through 345 00:20:46,440 --> 00:20:48,920 what they call iceberg alley. 346 00:20:50,600 --> 00:20:52,320 What the hell just happened? 347 00:20:52,320 --> 00:20:54,080 Now, the largest, surface-level ones, 348 00:20:54,080 --> 00:20:57,040 they're visible on radar. But the ice below the surface, 349 00:20:57,040 --> 00:21:00,400 it's almost impossible to detect, even for the ships. 350 00:21:00,400 --> 00:21:03,880 The ferry's last Mayday signal has it sinking right there. 351 00:21:03,880 --> 00:21:06,880 It cut through the eye of the storm. 352 00:21:06,880 --> 00:21:09,520 Apparently. Yeah. 353 00:21:10,560 --> 00:21:14,120 Anyway, um, I'm just about to run some calculations 354 00:21:14,120 --> 00:21:16,880 and the wreck's estimate position on the ocean floor, 355 00:21:17,320 --> 00:21:20,440 uh, taking the currents and the storm into account. 356 00:21:20,440 --> 00:21:22,440 - Uh, yeah. - Okay. 357 00:21:22,440 --> 00:21:23,600 Oh! 358 00:21:24,040 --> 00:21:26,480 Did the, uh, ferry have a voyage data recorder? 359 00:21:26,480 --> 00:21:28,280 Yes. Uh, whether or not we can access it 360 00:21:28,280 --> 00:21:30,240 depends on how the vessel actually settled on the bottom. 361 00:21:30,240 --> 00:21:33,520 Yeah. Yeah, we are going to have to dive down at some point, 362 00:21:33,520 --> 00:21:34,560 get a good look at the hull. 363 00:21:34,560 --> 00:21:38,480 After search and rescue operations are over, obviously. 364 00:21:40,320 --> 00:21:41,400 Theo? 365 00:21:41,400 --> 00:21:44,200 Uh, sorry. I was just distracted. 366 00:21:44,200 --> 00:21:45,200 Uh. 367 00:21:45,240 --> 00:21:49,320 How were the last few months? Did they... Did they do you well? 368 00:21:50,440 --> 00:21:52,080 Absolutely. Yeah. 369 00:21:52,080 --> 00:21:53,680 I'm feeling great. 370 00:21:53,680 --> 00:21:54,680 Uh... 371 00:21:54,681 --> 00:21:58,440 Anyway, I better get the tech team up and running, so. 372 00:22:02,720 --> 00:22:04,120 - Hey. - Dom. 373 00:22:04,120 --> 00:22:06,240 That crew member's story checks out. 374 00:22:06,240 --> 00:22:07,600 I got a picture of Arlo Shank here. 375 00:22:07,600 --> 00:22:09,280 He was let go a couple months ago, 376 00:22:09,280 --> 00:22:10,920 but he kept showing up for work, anyway. 377 00:22:11,040 --> 00:22:12,440 He was let go and no one said anything? 378 00:22:12,440 --> 00:22:15,640 Well, apparently, he was a paying customer. 379 00:22:15,640 --> 00:22:18,880 Some of the crew thought well of him, others not, 380 00:22:18,880 --> 00:22:21,200 but everyone agreed 381 00:22:21,200 --> 00:22:23,280 - he was odd. - Odd. 382 00:22:23,280 --> 00:22:24,280 Odd in what sense? 383 00:22:24,280 --> 00:22:26,760 That he was always wandering around where he didn't belong, 384 00:22:26,760 --> 00:22:30,440 taking pictures, as if he was on some kind of mission. 385 00:22:30,440 --> 00:22:32,640 - Is he still missing? - Yes. 386 00:22:32,640 --> 00:22:35,040 Lives here in Newfoundland with his mother. 387 00:22:35,040 --> 00:22:37,080 We should pay her a visit. 388 00:22:37,080 --> 00:22:39,480 You sure you want me to take co-lead with you? 389 00:22:39,480 --> 00:22:42,080 Only if you think you're up for it. 390 00:22:42,080 --> 00:22:45,880 Oh, come on. You practically grew up on the sea, didn't you? 391 00:22:45,880 --> 00:22:48,440 Kendra Malley? 392 00:22:50,400 --> 00:22:52,040 Captain Coleman Banks, USS Alameda. 393 00:22:52,040 --> 00:22:55,120 - Pleasure to meet you. - Dom Hayes, FTSA. 394 00:22:55,120 --> 00:22:57,480 Did you make it there in time to see the ship go down? 395 00:22:57,480 --> 00:22:59,600 Only lifeboats and people in the water 396 00:22:59,600 --> 00:23:01,040 by the time we got there. 397 00:23:02,880 --> 00:23:05,000 We saved as many as we could, but I don't understand 398 00:23:05,000 --> 00:23:06,720 why that ship went down so quickly. Was it ice? 399 00:23:06,720 --> 00:23:10,600 - Possibly. - No, that was an ice-class vessel, IAA. 400 00:23:10,600 --> 00:23:12,400 Yes, exactly. It should've ploughed through 401 00:23:12,400 --> 00:23:14,160 anything it encountered this time of year. 402 00:23:14,160 --> 00:23:15,480 Though, with climate change, I mean, 403 00:23:15,480 --> 00:23:18,480 the traditional seasonal ice flow is changing rapidly. 404 00:23:18,480 --> 00:23:20,160 - True. - Uh, Captain Banks, 405 00:23:20,160 --> 00:23:22,640 do you think your crew can collect any debris they may come across? 406 00:23:22,640 --> 00:23:24,000 We're setting up evidence holding here. 407 00:23:24,000 --> 00:23:26,680 Absolutely. Consider the Alameda at your disposal for 408 00:23:26,680 --> 00:23:29,920 - as long as you need. - That's much appreciated. 409 00:23:30,040 --> 00:23:35,280 After what I witnessed this morning, I'm not going anywhere. 410 00:23:36,040 --> 00:23:39,080 Sorry. I've gotta get this. 411 00:23:39,080 --> 00:23:40,560 Kendra Malley. 412 00:23:40,560 --> 00:23:43,280 Yes, of course. Sure. 413 00:23:43,280 --> 00:23:46,640 Theo, you send a copy of that. 414 00:24:21,880 --> 00:24:23,240 Michelle asked around about Arlo. 415 00:24:23,240 --> 00:24:25,400 Family's been here for five generations. 416 00:24:25,400 --> 00:24:27,720 Mother was widowed when he was just a kid 417 00:24:27,720 --> 00:24:30,360 and everyone thought well of the father. 418 00:24:30,360 --> 00:24:32,160 But not of Arlo, huh? 419 00:24:32,160 --> 00:24:34,880 He was an odd kid, apparently. 420 00:24:35,360 --> 00:24:36,800 You know, small towns, right? 421 00:24:36,800 --> 00:24:40,160 Yeah, people either bind together, or tear each other apart. 422 00:24:40,160 --> 00:24:43,520 Same as everywhere, I suppose. 423 00:24:43,920 --> 00:24:46,880 Ah, Margery Shank? 424 00:24:47,000 --> 00:24:48,840 Arlo. 425 00:24:49,320 --> 00:24:50,360 Is he gone? 426 00:24:50,360 --> 00:24:53,040 Ah, there's, uh, there's no word yet. 427 00:24:53,040 --> 00:24:56,800 We're just here to ask some questions, Miss Shank. 428 00:24:57,760 --> 00:24:59,360 Come in. 429 00:25:01,200 --> 00:25:05,480 Arlo always loved boats, even when he was little. 430 00:25:05,480 --> 00:25:07,920 That job meant everything to him. 431 00:25:08,040 --> 00:25:11,920 He must've been very upset when he was let go. 432 00:25:12,040 --> 00:25:13,760 What are you talking about? 433 00:25:13,760 --> 00:25:18,760 I picked him up at the dock last week, same as always. 434 00:25:19,200 --> 00:25:20,640 - Uh, Mrs. Shank. - Yeah? 435 00:25:20,640 --> 00:25:22,520 Arlo was let go a few months ago. 436 00:25:22,520 --> 00:25:24,320 - No. - Maybe he was, uh, 437 00:25:24,520 --> 00:25:27,120 - too embarrassed to tell you. - No, he was not! 438 00:25:27,120 --> 00:25:31,120 No, no, no. Arlo told me everything. 439 00:25:32,320 --> 00:25:35,800 Arlo was on board as a paying customer. 440 00:25:35,800 --> 00:25:38,080 He went to work every day. I... 441 00:25:38,080 --> 00:25:40,160 You're wrong. 442 00:25:40,400 --> 00:25:43,520 Mrs. Shank, has Arlo's behaviour changed in the last months at all? 443 00:25:43,520 --> 00:25:47,000 - Mm-mm. - Perhaps became more angry? 444 00:25:47,000 --> 00:25:48,920 No. No. 445 00:25:49,040 --> 00:25:54,840 Well, other people might see him that way, but he was... 446 00:25:55,480 --> 00:25:57,400 God, now I'm talking about him like he's gone, 447 00:25:57,400 --> 00:25:58,760 but he could still be out there, right? 448 00:25:58,760 --> 00:26:01,400 I mean, they're still... They're still finding people. 449 00:26:01,400 --> 00:26:04,160 Yeah. Yeah, they are. They are, Mrs. Shank. 450 00:26:04,160 --> 00:26:06,120 - They are. - Um, look, I'm sorry. 451 00:26:06,120 --> 00:26:07,320 - I know... - They are. 452 00:26:07,320 --> 00:26:08,840 This must be a bit of a shock for you. 453 00:26:08,840 --> 00:26:09,920 Hm. 454 00:26:10,760 --> 00:26:15,200 Maybe you should just take a little time? 455 00:26:16,520 --> 00:26:21,360 Yes, perhaps... Perhaps we could all do with... with a cup of tea? 456 00:26:23,280 --> 00:26:27,480 - Kitchen's that way, right? - Yeah. 457 00:26:27,880 --> 00:26:30,520 It's through here. 458 00:27:15,920 --> 00:27:18,240 What are you doing in here? 459 00:27:18,240 --> 00:27:20,040 This is, uh, this is Arlo's room. 460 00:27:20,040 --> 00:27:24,160 Yes. Yeah, he doesn't even let me in here. 461 00:27:24,160 --> 00:27:28,600 - Reminds me of my own son's room. - Really? 462 00:27:28,600 --> 00:27:32,680 These are the blueprints to the Queen of the Narrows. 463 00:27:33,360 --> 00:27:35,160 Yeah. 464 00:27:35,520 --> 00:27:37,560 We need to take these for evidence. 465 00:27:37,560 --> 00:27:39,280 Evidence? 466 00:27:39,760 --> 00:27:41,840 Should I be calling a lawyer? 467 00:27:41,840 --> 00:27:43,480 Uh, no need to panic, Mrs. Shank. 468 00:27:43,480 --> 00:27:45,920 I'm sure that Arlo and you would want to help 469 00:27:46,040 --> 00:27:49,080 with the investigation, wouldn't you? 470 00:27:49,240 --> 00:27:53,520 - Yeah. Yeah. - May I? 471 00:27:55,080 --> 00:27:59,160 Do you mind if we just look around? 472 00:27:59,160 --> 00:28:02,200 - Just be careful. - Of course. 473 00:28:07,840 --> 00:28:12,560 - Is that everything? - Thank you. 474 00:28:31,120 --> 00:28:34,240 Excuse me! Are you with the investigation? 475 00:28:34,240 --> 00:28:37,120 Yeah. Theo Barker. FTSA. Is there something I can help you with? 476 00:28:37,120 --> 00:28:38,200 I'm an insurance adjuster 477 00:28:38,200 --> 00:28:39,480 representing some of the families. 478 00:28:39,480 --> 00:28:41,600 You couldn't fill me in on the investigation so far, could you? 479 00:28:41,600 --> 00:28:43,720 Obviously, people are anxious to know what's going on. 480 00:28:43,720 --> 00:28:44,840 - No. - Keep calling me. 481 00:28:44,840 --> 00:28:46,400 Look, I'm sorry. We don't release any information 482 00:28:46,400 --> 00:28:48,640 - prior to our final report. - Ah, I see. 483 00:28:48,640 --> 00:28:50,880 Ah, who's actually in charge of the investigation? 484 00:28:51,000 --> 00:28:53,840 - Maybe they know more? - Kendra Malley and Dominic Hayes. 485 00:28:53,840 --> 00:28:55,800 Look, we have someone on our team who could help you 486 00:28:55,800 --> 00:28:57,680 update the families. If you give me your card, 487 00:28:57,680 --> 00:28:59,800 - I could put her in touch. - Oh. Uh. 488 00:28:59,800 --> 00:29:00,800 Oh! Left them in the car. 489 00:29:00,800 --> 00:29:02,680 Look, uh, I'm going to be around for a few days, 490 00:29:02,680 --> 00:29:04,080 so I'll drop one in with you later. 491 00:29:04,080 --> 00:29:05,200 We're at the coast guard station. 492 00:29:05,200 --> 00:29:07,480 Thank you. Theo! 493 00:29:13,600 --> 00:29:15,080 Yeah, it's me. 494 00:29:15,560 --> 00:29:18,160 I'm working on it. 495 00:29:28,440 --> 00:29:30,560 Radhey? Radhey? 496 00:29:30,560 --> 00:29:32,560 - Radhey? - Gregg, Gregg. Calm down! 497 00:29:32,560 --> 00:29:34,080 - Let me see! - It's not him! 498 00:29:34,080 --> 00:29:36,000 It's not him! It's not Radhey. 499 00:29:36,000 --> 00:29:38,240 Okay, calm down, Gregg. 500 00:29:38,400 --> 00:29:39,560 All right. 501 00:29:39,560 --> 00:29:42,480 I'm good. I'm... I'm good! 502 00:29:42,480 --> 00:29:43,680 Now go home. 503 00:29:44,000 --> 00:29:45,360 If I find him, I will personally call you. 504 00:29:45,360 --> 00:29:49,200 The only reason you want to find him alive is to throw him in jail. 505 00:29:49,200 --> 00:29:50,800 You're nothing but a goddamn vulture! 506 00:29:50,800 --> 00:29:52,840 I'm just trying to do my job, Gregg. 507 00:29:53,560 --> 00:29:56,520 You and I both know you're better off without him. 508 00:29:57,680 --> 00:30:01,000 Screw you and your badge! 509 00:30:01,560 --> 00:30:04,800 - Kendra Malley, FTSA. - I'm Dominic Hayes. 510 00:30:05,120 --> 00:30:06,120 Welcome to the island. 511 00:30:06,320 --> 00:30:09,160 - I'm Detective Shakir Urgessa. - Local police. 512 00:30:09,160 --> 00:30:11,360 You were, uh, looking for someone? 513 00:30:11,520 --> 00:30:13,160 Yeah. Truck driver. 514 00:30:13,160 --> 00:30:15,160 His name is Radhey Sills. 515 00:30:15,160 --> 00:30:17,040 You seen him? 516 00:30:20,280 --> 00:30:23,120 Well, that was his husband, Gregg Walsh. 517 00:30:23,480 --> 00:30:24,750 We had a warrant to check his vehicle 518 00:30:24,751 --> 00:30:26,480 as soon as he docked here in St. John's. 519 00:30:26,480 --> 00:30:29,560 What were you expecting to find? 520 00:30:30,640 --> 00:30:32,840 - Contraband. - Well, can you be more specific? 521 00:30:32,840 --> 00:30:35,240 - Sorry. I can't. - Detective, we're on the same team here. 522 00:30:35,240 --> 00:30:37,200 Could it have been explosives? 523 00:30:37,200 --> 00:30:39,040 No, no. No, nothing like that. 524 00:30:39,040 --> 00:30:41,200 Look, I wish I could say more. 525 00:30:41,200 --> 00:30:43,400 Um, if Sills turns up, 526 00:30:43,400 --> 00:30:46,600 or his remains, please give me a call. 527 00:30:46,600 --> 00:30:49,760 Otherwise, I'll stay out of your hair. 528 00:31:02,040 --> 00:31:03,080 - Um, Theo. - Yeah? 529 00:31:03,080 --> 00:31:05,120 I'm going to be sending you the initial interviews 530 00:31:05,120 --> 00:31:06,440 of the survivors as they come in. 531 00:31:06,440 --> 00:31:08,040 Great. Thanks. That would be a big help. 532 00:31:08,040 --> 00:31:09,120 Yeah. Um, though, so far, 533 00:31:09,120 --> 00:31:12,440 no one seems to have seen anything, so. 534 00:31:13,200 --> 00:31:15,120 - So, is this... ? - Cellphone videos. Yeah. 535 00:31:15,120 --> 00:31:16,690 We can use them to chart what was happening 536 00:31:16,691 --> 00:31:18,800 on different decks at different times. 537 00:31:18,800 --> 00:31:20,600 These are passengers' phones. 538 00:31:20,800 --> 00:31:23,760 Yeah. People were livestreaming while it was going down. 539 00:31:23,760 --> 00:31:27,200 Some of these people didn't make it, uh? 540 00:31:27,840 --> 00:31:28,840 Yeah. 541 00:31:29,280 --> 00:31:31,360 Um, can I have access to these, actually? 542 00:31:31,360 --> 00:31:33,400 Because I might be able to identify some of the missing people. 543 00:31:33,400 --> 00:31:36,320 - Sure. I'll forward them to you. - Great. Thank you. 544 00:31:36,320 --> 00:31:38,400 I need to find Lily. 545 00:31:40,560 --> 00:31:41,920 What? What is it? 546 00:31:42,120 --> 00:31:45,520 Uh, um, that young guy there? I spoke to a Lily. 547 00:31:45,520 --> 00:31:47,400 She said her boyfriend Tyler was missing. 548 00:31:48,040 --> 00:31:50,520 If you can't go up, you go down. 549 00:31:50,520 --> 00:31:51,920 Are you sure, Nina? 550 00:31:52,040 --> 00:31:57,360 Wait, but why did that woman tell them to go deeper into the ship? 551 00:32:00,240 --> 00:32:03,040 Right, so what have we got here? 552 00:32:03,240 --> 00:32:04,880 A young man too embarrassed 553 00:32:04,881 --> 00:32:08,200 to tell his mother that he's lost his job or... 554 00:32:08,200 --> 00:32:11,120 A fired employee set on revenge? 555 00:32:11,120 --> 00:32:12,640 - Could be both. - Yeah. 556 00:32:12,640 --> 00:32:14,880 Either way, one thing we do know is Arlo Shank 557 00:32:14,880 --> 00:32:17,040 is clearly obsessed with ships, isn't he? 558 00:32:17,040 --> 00:32:19,160 Yeah, I'd say. Uh, what do you want to do 559 00:32:19,160 --> 00:32:21,360 with the rest of the stuff in his room? 560 00:32:21,360 --> 00:32:23,000 Uh, get a warrant. 561 00:32:23,000 --> 00:32:24,480 - Guys? - Yeah. 562 00:32:24,480 --> 00:32:27,040 You should see this. 563 00:32:29,120 --> 00:32:32,080 - What is it? - Check this out. 564 00:32:32,720 --> 00:32:35,600 If you can't go up, you go down. 565 00:32:35,600 --> 00:32:37,760 She's leading passengers deeper into the ship? 566 00:32:37,760 --> 00:32:39,760 Down? Are you sure, Nina? 567 00:32:39,760 --> 00:32:42,080 Freeze that image, would you please? 568 00:32:42,080 --> 00:32:45,360 Michelle, can you, uh, check the manifest for a Nina, 569 00:32:45,360 --> 00:32:47,320 - uh, a Nina someone? - Yeah. 570 00:32:47,320 --> 00:32:50,560 - Nina Collins. - That's it. That must be her. 571 00:32:50,560 --> 00:32:52,720 - You know her? - No. We met her daughter. 572 00:32:52,720 --> 00:32:54,830 She said that her mother was on the lower decks 573 00:32:54,831 --> 00:32:56,400 when the ferry went down. 574 00:32:56,400 --> 00:32:57,880 One second. 575 00:32:58,600 --> 00:33:01,400 Okay, so the video footage was taken in section D. 576 00:33:01,600 --> 00:33:03,760 Right, so that would put them around there. 577 00:33:03,760 --> 00:33:06,400 They'd need to find some trapped air. 578 00:33:06,400 --> 00:33:08,200 Wouldn't it all just escape as it sank? 579 00:33:08,200 --> 00:33:10,520 Most would, you're right. But there would be pockets. 580 00:33:10,520 --> 00:33:14,160 You'll see air bubbles coming up from wrecks for days, weeks even. 581 00:33:14,160 --> 00:33:15,800 Theo, do you have a cross section? 582 00:33:15,800 --> 00:33:16,880 Uh, yeah. 583 00:33:17,400 --> 00:33:21,640 Right. But where would they go where they knew they could find oxygen? 584 00:33:21,640 --> 00:33:24,050 Well, if you knew your way around a ship, here. 585 00:33:24,051 --> 00:33:25,800 Ballast number 4. 586 00:33:25,800 --> 00:33:27,520 Airtight and directly below their position. 587 00:33:27,520 --> 00:33:29,560 We need to find out if they made it there. 588 00:33:29,560 --> 00:33:33,240 Call Banks and get a hydrophone for echolocation. 589 00:33:34,240 --> 00:33:37,040 It's okay. You're all right. 590 00:33:45,760 --> 00:33:49,560 I can't believe you knew there'd be air in the ballast tank. 591 00:33:49,560 --> 00:33:50,995 I didn't think it was true, 592 00:33:50,996 --> 00:33:55,480 but now no one in the world knows we're down here. 593 00:34:05,560 --> 00:34:06,680 Kendra. 594 00:34:07,600 --> 00:34:09,040 My crew is prepping the hydrophone. 595 00:34:09,040 --> 00:34:10,920 Anything makes a noise down there, we'll hear it. 596 00:34:11,080 --> 00:34:14,560 - It's a long shot. - Yes, it is. 597 00:34:24,680 --> 00:34:26,520 It's all set. Your crew's ready to go. 598 00:34:26,520 --> 00:34:29,680 This is the USS Alameda. Do you copy, Command? 599 00:34:29,680 --> 00:34:31,040 Go ahead, Alameda. This is Banks. 600 00:34:31,040 --> 00:34:32,680 Lowering the hydrophone now, Captain. 601 00:34:32,680 --> 00:34:34,920 It will take a few minutes for the device to reach depth. 602 00:34:35,040 --> 00:34:36,880 Roger that. 603 00:34:37,840 --> 00:34:43,360 All ears for signs of life, people. Let's hope for the best. 604 00:34:47,480 --> 00:34:51,840 You should take a break, save your strength. 605 00:34:54,160 --> 00:34:57,120 He's the same age as my Jada. 606 00:34:58,320 --> 00:35:01,040 Do you have any children? 607 00:35:01,440 --> 00:35:03,040 Didn't want any? 608 00:35:03,400 --> 00:35:05,840 It's complicated. 609 00:35:08,280 --> 00:35:10,320 I used to be a nun. 610 00:35:10,320 --> 00:35:11,400 What happened? 611 00:35:12,040 --> 00:35:15,240 I lost my faith a long time ago. 612 00:35:15,240 --> 00:35:18,050 This trip, I finally got up the courage 613 00:35:18,051 --> 00:35:21,240 to face the truth and walk away. 614 00:35:22,800 --> 00:35:25,480 I met a man online. 615 00:35:25,480 --> 00:35:28,720 I'm meeting him in Newfoundland. 616 00:35:29,240 --> 00:35:32,360 You left God for a blind date? 617 00:35:32,360 --> 00:35:35,440 God left me years back. 618 00:35:35,440 --> 00:35:37,240 He just... 619 00:35:37,240 --> 00:35:39,360 stopped. 620 00:35:39,720 --> 00:35:42,040 He sent you here to me. 621 00:35:42,040 --> 00:35:44,560 He sent you here for a reason. 622 00:35:44,560 --> 00:35:49,200 - You believe that's true? - I do. 623 00:36:02,600 --> 00:36:04,760 Just reached the ferry. 624 00:36:04,760 --> 00:36:06,760 Nothing yet. 625 00:36:25,200 --> 00:36:27,240 I can't. 626 00:36:30,480 --> 00:36:32,520 I can't. 627 00:36:33,200 --> 00:36:35,480 Why don't you tell me about Jada. 628 00:36:35,480 --> 00:36:37,320 She seems lovely. 629 00:36:37,840 --> 00:36:39,040 Uh, she is. 630 00:36:39,040 --> 00:36:40,840 Except when she isn't. 631 00:36:40,840 --> 00:36:43,840 Isn't that all teenagers? 632 00:36:44,080 --> 00:36:45,640 She's asking a lot of questions that 633 00:36:45,640 --> 00:36:49,480 - I don't want to have to answer. - What kind of questions? 634 00:36:49,480 --> 00:36:52,280 I haven't told her who her father is. 635 00:36:52,280 --> 00:36:53,720 And she wants to know. 636 00:36:53,720 --> 00:36:55,440 Why didn't you tell her? 637 00:36:55,440 --> 00:37:00,800 I barely knew him, just a few days kind of thing. 638 00:37:00,800 --> 00:37:02,840 Tell me. 639 00:37:02,840 --> 00:37:05,040 - I really did love him. - Mm. 640 00:37:05,040 --> 00:37:08,240 But he got a job on another ship. 641 00:37:08,240 --> 00:37:12,280 Does he know that he has a daughter? 642 00:37:13,000 --> 00:37:15,320 I haven't tried to find him 643 00:37:15,320 --> 00:37:19,120 and I was afraid he'd turn his back on us. 644 00:37:19,120 --> 00:37:24,080 You'll find him when we get out of here. I'm sure of it. 645 00:37:27,560 --> 00:37:32,160 - I should've gone with her. - It's okay. It's okay. 646 00:37:32,160 --> 00:37:33,160 It's okay. 647 00:37:33,160 --> 00:37:35,400 Lily left with our dog, Solo. 648 00:37:35,400 --> 00:37:37,200 I met them! 649 00:37:37,200 --> 00:37:38,560 - You did? - Yes. 650 00:37:38,560 --> 00:37:41,600 Yes, Lily was on her way up. 651 00:37:42,440 --> 00:37:45,160 - Solo! - Oh! 652 00:37:45,720 --> 00:37:50,240 - Um, he shouldn't be up here. - It's okay. I won't tell. 653 00:37:51,440 --> 00:37:53,840 She's okay. I'm sure of it. 654 00:37:53,840 --> 00:37:55,080 Oh, God. 655 00:37:55,080 --> 00:37:56,840 Oh, God, thank you so much. 656 00:37:56,840 --> 00:37:58,840 - Shh, shh. - You need rest. 657 00:38:06,520 --> 00:38:08,080 We've tracked the corridors 658 00:38:08,080 --> 00:38:10,640 leading to the ballast. Nothing yet, sir. 659 00:38:10,640 --> 00:38:13,000 Roger that. 660 00:38:15,560 --> 00:38:17,160 How long will they try for? 661 00:38:17,160 --> 00:38:19,305 The hydrophone is extremely sensitive. 662 00:38:19,306 --> 00:38:23,080 So, if there's nothing to hear... 663 00:38:32,880 --> 00:38:35,560 Oh, God. 664 00:38:46,760 --> 00:38:49,120 Sorry, sir. That was the hydrophone 665 00:38:49,120 --> 00:38:51,880 brushing up against the ocean floor. 666 00:38:53,520 --> 00:38:57,240 I'm sorry. There's nothing. 667 00:38:59,200 --> 00:39:02,640 Oh, can't you try a bit longer? 668 00:39:07,200 --> 00:39:09,920 Let's give it one more sweep. 669 00:39:11,160 --> 00:39:13,520 He leadeth me by still waters. 670 00:39:13,520 --> 00:39:16,880 He restoreth my soul. 671 00:39:20,640 --> 00:39:22,480 Susan. 672 00:39:23,280 --> 00:39:25,080 Susan! 673 00:39:27,680 --> 00:39:28,840 Susan, no! 674 00:39:28,840 --> 00:39:30,800 - It's all right. - No! 675 00:39:30,800 --> 00:39:33,120 I'm not afraid. 676 00:39:34,520 --> 00:39:36,840 Still nothing. 677 00:39:38,880 --> 00:39:42,000 I think I'm going to have to call this. 678 00:39:43,520 --> 00:39:46,000 - Okay. - I'm sorry. 679 00:39:46,320 --> 00:39:48,680 We did all we could. 680 00:39:50,240 --> 00:39:51,240 No! 681 00:39:52,400 --> 00:39:56,840 We have signs of life, sir. I repeat, signs of life. 682 00:39:56,840 --> 00:40:00,800 Get your men down there! You are a go! Commence rescue operations. 683 00:40:00,800 --> 00:40:02,040 No! 684 00:40:09,561 --> 00:40:14,561 - Synced and corrected by chamallow - - www.addic7ed.com -