1 00:00:10,583 --> 00:00:12,083 [opening theme music playing] 2 00:00:24,333 --> 00:00:25,916 [electronic warbling] 3 00:00:36,333 --> 00:00:37,958 [tense music playing] 4 00:00:38,041 --> 00:00:39,833 [wind whooshing] 5 00:00:43,708 --> 00:00:45,508 [woman] About time we head back to the lander. 6 00:00:45,541 --> 00:00:48,208 Oh, come on, Burton. Just one more klick. 7 00:00:48,291 --> 00:00:50,458 This is our closest pass to Daedalus Patera. 8 00:00:50,541 --> 00:00:53,267 We're already past the Rover's operational limits, and you know that... 9 00:00:53,291 --> 00:00:55,625 Look, we just drop a sensor package, 10 00:00:55,708 --> 00:00:57,666 grab a few pics, and we're gone. 11 00:00:57,750 --> 00:00:59,000 - Okay? - [computer beeping] 12 00:00:59,083 --> 00:01:01,000 - Oh, hold on. - [computer beeps] 13 00:01:01,083 --> 00:01:02,791 I'm reading a temperature spike. 14 00:01:03,583 --> 00:01:07,000 Let me check the rear sensors. Might be a sulfur eruption brewing. 15 00:01:07,500 --> 00:01:09,125 [alarm blaring] 16 00:01:11,791 --> 00:01:13,375 [deep rumbling] 17 00:01:13,458 --> 00:01:14,833 [suspenseful music playing] 18 00:01:17,000 --> 00:01:18,250 [woman] Shit! 19 00:01:20,916 --> 00:01:22,375 - Burton! Strap in! - [Burton grunts] 20 00:01:23,875 --> 00:01:25,000 [grunts] 21 00:01:27,333 --> 00:01:28,333 [woman grunting] 22 00:01:29,250 --> 00:01:30,416 [inaudible] 23 00:01:32,000 --> 00:01:33,583 [sound fades] 24 00:01:35,125 --> 00:01:36,416 [crashing] 25 00:01:39,708 --> 00:01:41,250 [wind whooshing] 26 00:01:44,041 --> 00:01:46,041 [Rover creaking] 27 00:01:47,708 --> 00:01:49,791 [winces, groans] 28 00:01:49,875 --> 00:01:51,041 [electricity crackling] 29 00:01:54,958 --> 00:01:56,000 [straining] 30 00:01:57,041 --> 00:01:58,083 [grunts] 31 00:01:58,583 --> 00:02:00,041 [groans] 32 00:02:00,666 --> 00:02:02,833 [grunts, whimpers] 33 00:02:02,916 --> 00:02:04,333 - [bones crack] - [yells] 34 00:02:04,416 --> 00:02:06,666 - [breathing heavily] - [metallic thudding] 35 00:02:08,291 --> 00:02:09,958 [woman] Burton? [panting] 36 00:02:10,041 --> 00:02:12,750 [clears throat] Burton, can you hear me? 37 00:02:14,625 --> 00:02:16,375 [tense music playing] 38 00:02:16,458 --> 00:02:17,458 [woman] Hold on. 39 00:02:18,000 --> 00:02:18,875 Hold on. 40 00:02:18,958 --> 00:02:20,416 Okay. Okay. 41 00:02:21,000 --> 00:02:22,166 Okay. [gasps] 42 00:02:24,333 --> 00:02:25,458 [exhales sharply] 43 00:02:27,916 --> 00:02:28,916 [exhales] 44 00:02:30,333 --> 00:02:31,333 Oh. 45 00:02:32,416 --> 00:02:33,416 Okay. 46 00:02:35,791 --> 00:02:37,333 Oh fuck. 47 00:02:38,458 --> 00:02:39,458 Oh. 48 00:02:41,041 --> 00:02:42,041 [electronic warbling] 49 00:02:42,083 --> 00:02:44,166 This is Martha Kivelson. 50 00:02:45,000 --> 00:02:46,875 Io Expeditionary Mission. 51 00:02:47,375 --> 00:02:49,291 Do you read, Orbital? 52 00:02:50,333 --> 00:02:51,750 Come in, Orbital. 53 00:02:51,833 --> 00:02:55,708 [computer] Comm sync lost. Next Orbital sync window, 12 hours. 54 00:02:55,791 --> 00:02:56,791 Shit. 55 00:02:57,291 --> 00:02:58,166 [beeps] 56 00:02:58,250 --> 00:02:59,750 [electronic warbling] 57 00:03:00,250 --> 00:03:01,083 [chimes] 58 00:03:01,166 --> 00:03:03,541 [computer] 41 kilometers remaining. 59 00:03:03,625 --> 00:03:05,458 - What? - [computer] Oxygen levels low. 60 00:03:05,541 --> 00:03:08,750 - Oh shit. Fuck! Fuck, fuck! - [computer] System damage detected. 61 00:03:08,833 --> 00:03:11,791 Six minutes until critical CO2 levels reached. 62 00:03:11,875 --> 00:03:13,458 [suspenseful music swells] 63 00:03:15,125 --> 00:03:16,125 [Martha straining] 64 00:03:17,250 --> 00:03:18,291 [alarm blaring] 65 00:03:23,083 --> 00:03:26,375 [computer] One minute until critical CO2 levels reached. 66 00:03:28,041 --> 00:03:29,208 [air hissing] 67 00:03:29,291 --> 00:03:32,125 - [computer] Oxygen level stable. - [breathes deeply] 68 00:03:32,625 --> 00:03:34,208 - [music fades] - [Martha exhales] 69 00:03:36,041 --> 00:03:37,916 - Sorry, Burton. - [dirt crunching] 70 00:03:43,458 --> 00:03:45,083 [solemn music playing] 71 00:03:53,541 --> 00:03:55,041 [Martha breathing heavily] 72 00:03:57,291 --> 00:03:58,916 [suspenseful music playing] 73 00:04:01,125 --> 00:04:03,041 [liquid gurgling] 74 00:04:19,500 --> 00:04:20,500 [panting] 75 00:04:21,583 --> 00:04:22,625 [yells] 76 00:04:23,166 --> 00:04:24,375 - [bones crack] - [screams] 77 00:04:24,875 --> 00:04:26,458 [whimpers, breathes heavily] 78 00:04:28,083 --> 00:04:29,125 [Martha] Yes, yes, yes. 79 00:04:29,208 --> 00:04:31,291 [computer] Warning. Use may cause side effects, 80 00:04:31,375 --> 00:04:33,684 including loss of motor function, hallucinations, euphoria... 81 00:04:33,708 --> 00:04:35,500 If I don't make it, better to die high. 82 00:04:35,583 --> 00:04:36,958 [computer beeps] 83 00:04:37,583 --> 00:04:39,583 - [whooshing] - [sighs in relief] 84 00:04:46,166 --> 00:04:47,458 [footsteps approaching] 85 00:04:47,541 --> 00:04:49,125 [wind whooshing] 86 00:04:51,416 --> 00:04:52,250 [electronic warbling] 87 00:04:52,333 --> 00:04:53,916 [Burton] Hello. 88 00:04:54,750 --> 00:04:55,750 Orbital? 89 00:04:56,791 --> 00:04:58,625 - Come in, Orbital. - [electronic warbling] 90 00:04:59,250 --> 00:05:01,208 [Burton] Hello... 91 00:05:06,875 --> 00:05:09,291 [Martha breathing heavily] 92 00:05:09,375 --> 00:05:10,375 [whispers] Okay. 93 00:05:11,458 --> 00:05:12,458 Oh. 94 00:05:14,375 --> 00:05:15,625 Okay. 95 00:05:16,333 --> 00:05:17,333 Just... 96 00:05:18,041 --> 00:05:19,041 making sure. 97 00:05:20,500 --> 00:05:21,541 [Martha groans] 98 00:05:24,583 --> 00:05:27,291 [Burton] Martha Kivelson. 99 00:05:27,375 --> 00:05:29,458 You're dead, Burton. Stop it. Okay? 100 00:05:30,083 --> 00:05:31,416 [Burton] Not Burton. 101 00:05:31,500 --> 00:05:35,041 Look, I don't have time to figure out 102 00:05:35,125 --> 00:05:39,791 what unresolved psychological conflicts gave rise to whatever this shit is. 103 00:05:39,875 --> 00:05:40,875 Okay? 104 00:05:41,750 --> 00:05:43,791 [inhales] I gotta keep it together. 105 00:05:44,958 --> 00:05:46,666 Fucking hallucination. 106 00:05:47,916 --> 00:05:49,458 [Martha breathing heavily] 107 00:05:49,541 --> 00:05:50,958 [Burton] Wake up. 108 00:05:52,041 --> 00:05:53,666 - Wake up. - [tense music swelling] 109 00:05:55,750 --> 00:05:56,750 [exhales] 110 00:06:03,041 --> 00:06:04,750 [Martha] Fuck. Fuck! 111 00:06:04,833 --> 00:06:07,666 - [computer] 33 kilometers remaining... - I'm not moving fast enough. 112 00:06:07,750 --> 00:06:13,291 [Burton] "Oh sleep! It is a gentle thing Beloved from pole to pole!" Coleridge. 113 00:06:13,875 --> 00:06:14,916 Poetry now? 114 00:06:15,666 --> 00:06:17,916 Ugh. I thought I told you to shut up. 115 00:06:19,583 --> 00:06:22,833 [Burton] "Who spilled these stars Across the sky 116 00:06:22,916 --> 00:06:26,208 Like sparkling dust, like clouds of light 117 00:06:26,833 --> 00:06:30,916 They pour their milky shine Into the deep black bowl" 118 00:06:31,000 --> 00:06:33,625 Can't you see I'm busy not dying here? 119 00:06:34,250 --> 00:06:38,041 [Burton] Yes. I'm trying to communicate. 120 00:06:38,791 --> 00:06:40,541 [Martha breathing heavily] 121 00:06:41,833 --> 00:06:45,208 [Burton] "I was the world In which I walked and what I saw 122 00:06:45,291 --> 00:06:48,875 Or heard or felt came not but from myself" 123 00:06:48,958 --> 00:06:50,333 [ethereal music playing] 124 00:06:51,541 --> 00:06:52,875 [Martha] Wallace Stevens. 125 00:06:53,791 --> 00:06:54,791 Nice choice. 126 00:06:55,583 --> 00:06:57,083 [panting] 127 00:07:03,458 --> 00:07:05,166 [ethereal vocalizing] 128 00:07:09,416 --> 00:07:11,416 [Martha breathing heavily] 129 00:07:23,458 --> 00:07:25,583 What the fuck? 130 00:07:29,833 --> 00:07:31,166 [Martha breathing heavily] 131 00:07:33,416 --> 00:07:35,000 [squelching] 132 00:07:42,458 --> 00:07:44,458 [ethereal music swells] 133 00:07:45,916 --> 00:07:47,291 [footsteps thumping] 134 00:07:55,416 --> 00:07:56,625 [Burton] Martha. 135 00:07:57,208 --> 00:07:58,041 Martha! 136 00:07:58,125 --> 00:07:59,125 [grunting] 137 00:07:59,708 --> 00:08:00,625 [music stops] 138 00:08:00,708 --> 00:08:02,208 [Martha breathing heavily] 139 00:08:02,291 --> 00:08:03,791 [wind whooshing] 140 00:08:05,666 --> 00:08:06,666 [laboring] Okay. 141 00:08:07,416 --> 00:08:11,458 One more step. 142 00:08:12,458 --> 00:08:14,416 One more... 143 00:08:15,250 --> 00:08:16,541 step. 144 00:08:16,625 --> 00:08:17,625 [moans] 145 00:08:19,250 --> 00:08:20,083 [chimes] 146 00:08:20,166 --> 00:08:23,375 - [computer] 14 kilometers remaining. - I'm not... Oh fuck. 147 00:08:23,458 --> 00:08:24,583 I'm not gonna make it. 148 00:08:25,500 --> 00:08:27,333 Fuck. Fuck, I got to do it. 149 00:08:28,291 --> 00:08:31,000 [computer] Warning. Mixing this drug with current biochemistry 150 00:08:31,083 --> 00:08:34,750 may result in paranoia, psychosis and hypomania. 151 00:08:34,833 --> 00:08:35,833 [heart beating] 152 00:08:36,333 --> 00:08:39,541 [Burton] Io has a core of iron and iron sulfide. 153 00:08:39,625 --> 00:08:42,083 - What does this sound like? - [electricity buzzing] 154 00:08:42,166 --> 00:08:44,750 [Burton] A mantle of partially molten rock, 155 00:08:44,833 --> 00:08:46,833 Io is a sulfur-rich moon. 156 00:08:46,916 --> 00:08:49,625 - What does this sound like? - [Martha] I don't have time for this. 157 00:08:49,708 --> 00:08:52,458 [Burton] Io's metallic core generates a magnetic field 158 00:08:52,541 --> 00:08:55,500 connecting its own poles with the poles of Jupiter. 159 00:08:56,125 --> 00:08:58,125 - What does this sound like? - [Martha panting] 160 00:08:58,625 --> 00:09:01,625 - [Burton] Volcanoes emit sulfur dioxide... - Shut the fuck up! 161 00:09:01,708 --> 00:09:05,208 - ...and oxygen. What does this sound like? - [Martha] Goddammit! Stop! 162 00:09:05,291 --> 00:09:08,059 - [Burton] Rotating field, magnetosphere. - [suspenseful music swelling] 163 00:09:08,083 --> 00:09:10,458 [Burton] Sulfur ions, circular orbit. 164 00:09:10,541 --> 00:09:13,458 What does this sound like? 165 00:09:14,041 --> 00:09:15,041 [Martha] It sounds... 166 00:09:16,291 --> 00:09:17,375 Sounds like... 167 00:09:19,541 --> 00:09:20,708 Like a machine. 168 00:09:20,791 --> 00:09:22,125 [heart continues beating] 169 00:09:22,208 --> 00:09:24,208 [intense music playing] 170 00:09:26,166 --> 00:09:28,583 [Burton with distorted voice] Yes. Yes, machine. 171 00:09:29,416 --> 00:09:31,083 Yes. Machine. 172 00:09:31,166 --> 00:09:33,375 I am machine. 173 00:09:33,458 --> 00:09:34,916 [music fades] 174 00:09:37,250 --> 00:09:39,833 - [electronic warbling] - [sighs heavily] 175 00:09:41,541 --> 00:09:43,708 [Burton] Look at me. 176 00:09:43,791 --> 00:09:45,791 [ethereal music playing] 177 00:09:55,166 --> 00:09:56,750 [whooshing] 178 00:09:59,333 --> 00:10:04,708 You're saying that this moon, Io, is a machine. 179 00:10:05,916 --> 00:10:08,625 And that machine is you. 180 00:10:08,708 --> 00:10:14,375 [Burton] "And now I see with eye serene The very pulse of the machine" 181 00:10:15,208 --> 00:10:16,083 Wordsworth. 182 00:10:16,166 --> 00:10:18,458 [Burton] Burton's brain is semi-intact. 183 00:10:18,541 --> 00:10:20,291 Language is data. 184 00:10:20,375 --> 00:10:22,625 Radio is medium. 185 00:10:22,708 --> 00:10:25,541 Sulfur is triboelectric. 186 00:10:26,125 --> 00:10:27,125 [gasps] 187 00:10:28,458 --> 00:10:29,625 That hole... 188 00:10:30,208 --> 00:10:31,708 [whooshing] 189 00:10:31,791 --> 00:10:33,250 [Martha] It's like a highway 190 00:10:34,791 --> 00:10:36,125 into her mind. 191 00:10:46,083 --> 00:10:47,083 [Martha sighs] 192 00:10:47,666 --> 00:10:48,666 I just... 193 00:10:49,833 --> 00:10:50,833 [weakly] I can't... 194 00:10:51,416 --> 00:10:53,041 [ethereal music swelling] 195 00:10:57,083 --> 00:10:58,833 [inaudible] 196 00:11:07,791 --> 00:11:12,166 [Burton] Yes, yes. "The marble index of a mind forever..." 197 00:11:19,541 --> 00:11:22,625 Voyaging through strange eons of thought 198 00:11:23,541 --> 00:11:24,541 alone. 199 00:11:45,041 --> 00:11:46,875 [music fades] 200 00:11:47,375 --> 00:11:49,684 - [gasps, pants heavily] - [computer] Oxygen levels critical. 201 00:11:49,708 --> 00:11:51,809 - [alarm blaring] - [computer] Oxygen levels critical. 202 00:11:51,833 --> 00:11:53,833 - Oxygen levels critical. - [Martha gasping] 203 00:11:53,916 --> 00:11:56,017 - [computer] Oxygen levels critical. - [Martha coughing] 204 00:11:56,041 --> 00:11:57,833 [computer] Oxygen levels critical. 205 00:11:57,916 --> 00:11:59,458 Oxygen levels critical. 206 00:12:00,250 --> 00:12:02,250 [ominous music playing] 207 00:12:10,416 --> 00:12:11,416 [Martha gasps] 208 00:12:13,166 --> 00:12:14,416 [sizzling] 209 00:12:15,125 --> 00:12:17,125 - [electronic warbling] - [alarm blaring] 210 00:12:18,958 --> 00:12:19,958 Io. 211 00:12:20,750 --> 00:12:21,750 Are you there? 212 00:12:23,458 --> 00:12:24,458 [Io] Yes. 213 00:12:25,125 --> 00:12:26,416 Did Burton go... 214 00:12:28,083 --> 00:12:29,083 in there? 215 00:12:29,791 --> 00:12:30,791 [Io] Yes. 216 00:12:31,250 --> 00:12:32,500 [alarm blaring] 217 00:12:32,583 --> 00:12:36,000 [computer] One minute until critical CO2 levels reached. 218 00:12:39,416 --> 00:12:40,416 [computer beeps] 219 00:12:40,500 --> 00:12:42,125 [melancholy music playing] 220 00:12:42,208 --> 00:12:43,583 [Io] Throw self in. 221 00:12:44,333 --> 00:12:47,666 Physical configuration will be destroyed. 222 00:12:47,750 --> 00:12:51,000 Neural configuration may be preserved. 223 00:12:51,500 --> 00:12:53,750 Maybe death, maybe life. 224 00:12:55,083 --> 00:12:56,166 Join with me. 225 00:12:57,208 --> 00:12:58,208 Io, 226 00:12:59,833 --> 00:13:01,333 if you're a machine, 227 00:13:03,291 --> 00:13:04,875 what is your function? 228 00:13:07,416 --> 00:13:08,666 [Io] To know you. 229 00:13:09,166 --> 00:13:10,250 [sighs] 230 00:13:12,708 --> 00:13:13,708 [computer beeps] 231 00:13:21,708 --> 00:13:23,958 Maybe I'm gonna live forever. 232 00:13:27,166 --> 00:13:29,791 Or maybe this is just one last dream 233 00:13:31,375 --> 00:13:32,541 before dying. 234 00:13:33,416 --> 00:13:35,416 [music swelling] 235 00:13:59,000 --> 00:14:00,500 [music crescendos] 236 00:14:42,416 --> 00:14:43,583 [Martha] Earth station. 237 00:14:45,666 --> 00:14:46,666 Come in. 238 00:14:50,291 --> 00:14:52,333 This is Martha Kivelson. 239 00:14:55,625 --> 00:14:56,750 [music fades] 240 00:15:00,791 --> 00:15:02,416 [electronic warbling] 241 00:15:07,458 --> 00:15:09,458 [ethereal music playing] 242 00:16:02,125 --> 00:16:03,250 [music fades]