1 00:00:10,583 --> 00:00:12,208 [opening theme music playing] 2 00:00:24,333 --> 00:00:25,500 [electronic warbling] 3 00:00:38,291 --> 00:00:40,041 [suspenseful music playing] 4 00:00:56,791 --> 00:00:58,416 We got these fuckers now. 5 00:01:12,875 --> 00:01:14,875 We're gonna lose comms in there. [sighs] 6 00:01:15,416 --> 00:01:16,291 [radio beeps] 7 00:01:16,375 --> 00:01:20,208 Raptor Base, this is Delta Zero Three. We have positive ID on the hostage. 8 00:01:20,291 --> 00:01:22,011 [man on radio] Delta Zero Three, understood. 9 00:01:22,041 --> 00:01:23,166 The status of hostage? 10 00:01:23,708 --> 00:01:24,708 Still breathing. 11 00:01:25,083 --> 00:01:26,916 We followed the insurgents to a tunnel system. 12 00:01:27,000 --> 00:01:29,041 [man] Delta Zero Three, stand by. 13 00:01:29,125 --> 00:01:32,000 It's getting kinda late. Maybe we should back trail and break camp. 14 00:01:32,083 --> 00:01:33,125 Wait till light. 15 00:01:33,750 --> 00:01:35,790 That hostage looked like he was in pretty bad shape. 16 00:01:35,833 --> 00:01:37,125 [sighs] 17 00:01:37,208 --> 00:01:39,208 It's always fucking night in a cave. 18 00:01:39,291 --> 00:01:42,458 - Why are you such a pussy, Spence? - Why are you such a dick, Dilman? 19 00:01:44,250 --> 00:01:45,333 Get ready to move. 20 00:01:47,375 --> 00:01:50,791 [man] Delta Zero Three, secure hostage and proceed to exfil. 21 00:01:50,875 --> 00:01:53,708 [man 2] Received, Raptor Base. Delta Zero Three, over. 22 00:01:55,000 --> 00:01:56,125 Beaumont, on point. 23 00:01:56,625 --> 00:01:58,291 One beam, no white light. 24 00:01:58,375 --> 00:01:59,458 Everyone, go goggles. 25 00:02:01,125 --> 00:02:03,458 Spence, I want IR markers at 25-meter intervals. 26 00:02:03,541 --> 00:02:04,625 [Spencer] Roger that. 27 00:02:04,708 --> 00:02:06,708 [suspenseful music playing] 28 00:02:09,333 --> 00:02:11,333 [music intensifies] 29 00:02:12,583 --> 00:02:15,916 Oh, I feel like a fat, fucking target of opportunity up here. 30 00:02:18,291 --> 00:02:21,666 Don't worry. I've got your back, donkey. 31 00:02:21,750 --> 00:02:23,250 [Beaumont] Stop calling me that. 32 00:02:23,333 --> 00:02:24,583 [Dilman] Okay, okay. 33 00:02:25,166 --> 00:02:26,958 Soon as you stop fucking donkeys. 34 00:02:27,041 --> 00:02:30,291 I told you, I was just petting it. It was scared. What was I supposed to do? 35 00:02:30,375 --> 00:02:32,625 All right. Cut the bullshit. We're on the job. 36 00:02:37,041 --> 00:02:38,041 Sarge. 37 00:02:41,875 --> 00:02:43,708 [suspenseful music swells] 38 00:02:49,125 --> 00:02:50,125 Weird shit, man. 39 00:02:50,166 --> 00:02:51,166 What is it? 40 00:02:52,458 --> 00:02:53,750 Some sort of lichen. 41 00:02:54,250 --> 00:02:57,916 - Is that normal in a cave? - Fuck if I know. I'm from Rhode Island. 42 00:03:02,833 --> 00:03:04,375 [Beaumont] Sarge. Body. 43 00:03:05,458 --> 00:03:06,458 [Sarge] Harper. 44 00:03:08,750 --> 00:03:10,000 - Set security. - Roger. 45 00:03:11,625 --> 00:03:13,125 [Harper] A military-aged male. 46 00:03:14,333 --> 00:03:15,958 No discerning marks of trauma. 47 00:03:16,541 --> 00:03:17,625 [Beaumont] No trauma? 48 00:03:17,708 --> 00:03:19,375 Then where'd his fucking face go? 49 00:03:19,458 --> 00:03:20,458 [Sarge] The hostage. 50 00:03:22,083 --> 00:03:22,916 Goddammit. 51 00:03:23,000 --> 00:03:25,083 What the actual fuck? 52 00:03:25,583 --> 00:03:27,625 [man] Sarge, I got two more over here. 53 00:03:28,333 --> 00:03:31,333 [Sarge] These must be the insurgents. Didn't we just see these guys? 54 00:03:31,416 --> 00:03:33,541 What kinda weapon does that to a person, huh? 55 00:03:35,500 --> 00:03:36,833 Fuck this shit. 56 00:03:37,708 --> 00:03:40,500 - [guns firing] - [indistinct shouting] 57 00:03:41,291 --> 00:03:43,291 [explosion] 58 00:03:44,000 --> 00:03:45,750 We still have a mission. 59 00:03:46,250 --> 00:03:47,791 Let's get this done. [exhales] 60 00:03:47,875 --> 00:03:50,250 [whispering] Sarge, the hostage was the mission. 61 00:03:51,416 --> 00:03:52,708 We should take him home. 62 00:03:53,291 --> 00:03:54,291 Harper, up. 63 00:03:55,000 --> 00:03:57,000 [suspenseful music swells] 64 00:04:00,125 --> 00:04:01,875 [squelching] 65 00:04:12,208 --> 00:04:13,875 - [Beaumont] Hmm? [grunts] - [chittering] 66 00:04:13,958 --> 00:04:14,958 [Beaumont gasps] 67 00:04:15,666 --> 00:04:16,791 The fuck you doing? 68 00:04:16,875 --> 00:04:18,333 [unsettling music playing] 69 00:04:18,416 --> 00:04:21,041 - Something's on me. Get it off! - Shut the fuck up. 70 00:04:21,541 --> 00:04:22,875 [chittering] 71 00:04:24,541 --> 00:04:25,541 [screeching] 72 00:04:25,625 --> 00:04:26,625 What the fuck? 73 00:04:27,000 --> 00:04:28,000 [creature warbling] 74 00:04:29,333 --> 00:04:30,333 [creature squeals] 75 00:04:31,750 --> 00:04:33,833 It's got a fucking face or something. 76 00:04:33,916 --> 00:04:35,375 [chittering grows louder] 77 00:04:36,958 --> 00:04:38,583 [intense music playing] 78 00:04:43,125 --> 00:04:44,875 No. No, no, no, no, no. 79 00:04:44,958 --> 00:04:45,958 [Harper] Shit. 80 00:04:46,416 --> 00:04:47,416 Fall back. 81 00:04:48,541 --> 00:04:51,000 - [Beaumont] They're everywhere. - [Spencer] Fuck this! 82 00:04:51,958 --> 00:04:53,458 [Beaumont] Fuck. Shit! 83 00:04:53,541 --> 00:04:55,583 [Sarge] Stone, light 'em up! 84 00:04:56,875 --> 00:04:57,750 [Beaumont] Jesus! 85 00:04:57,833 --> 00:04:59,750 [grunts, screams] 86 00:04:59,833 --> 00:05:00,833 Beaumont! 87 00:05:00,916 --> 00:05:02,666 - [screaming] - [chomping, squelching] 88 00:05:02,750 --> 00:05:04,541 [Sarge] Give me your hand! Fuck! 89 00:05:04,625 --> 00:05:05,666 [Sarge grunts] 90 00:05:05,750 --> 00:05:07,500 - Cover me. - On me! 91 00:05:08,416 --> 00:05:09,416 On your right! 92 00:05:09,875 --> 00:05:10,958 Coming on your left. 93 00:05:12,666 --> 00:05:13,666 Check right! 94 00:05:14,083 --> 00:05:15,083 Reloading! 95 00:05:15,458 --> 00:05:17,041 [gun firing] 96 00:05:17,125 --> 00:05:18,541 [grunting] 97 00:05:18,625 --> 00:05:20,625 [screaming] 98 00:05:21,166 --> 00:05:23,125 [straining, groaning] 99 00:05:23,208 --> 00:05:24,458 [squelching] 100 00:05:25,500 --> 00:05:26,500 Sarge! 101 00:05:30,625 --> 00:05:31,708 [Sarge] Let's go! Go! 102 00:05:33,583 --> 00:05:35,541 - [Spencer] Dilman, let's go! - [Dilman] Moving! 103 00:05:37,375 --> 00:05:38,791 [Sarge] Move your ass! Let's go! 104 00:05:40,416 --> 00:05:41,250 [Spencer grunts] 105 00:05:41,333 --> 00:05:42,375 [music fades] 106 00:05:42,458 --> 00:05:44,875 Jesus fuck, those things ate Beaumont! [panting] 107 00:05:44,958 --> 00:05:45,958 Where's Dilman? 108 00:05:48,125 --> 00:05:49,666 [footsteps approaching] 109 00:05:50,250 --> 00:05:52,166 [Dilman gasping, coughing] 110 00:05:52,666 --> 00:05:54,666 [squelching] 111 00:05:55,250 --> 00:05:57,250 [grunting, groaning] 112 00:05:58,583 --> 00:06:00,166 - [Harper] Holy shit. - [gasping] 113 00:06:01,041 --> 00:06:02,401 - [Harper] Dilman... - [Sarge] Hey! 114 00:06:04,458 --> 00:06:05,708 [Harper] Fuck! 115 00:06:05,791 --> 00:06:06,791 Dilman! 116 00:06:11,625 --> 00:06:12,875 I could have helped him. 117 00:06:12,958 --> 00:06:14,166 No. You couldn't have. 118 00:06:17,333 --> 00:06:18,791 The bugs aren't following us. 119 00:06:19,791 --> 00:06:21,500 They must only guard the tunnels. 120 00:06:23,000 --> 00:06:24,000 Guard what? 121 00:06:24,541 --> 00:06:26,208 [otherworldly moaning] 122 00:06:26,291 --> 00:06:27,750 [ominous music playing] 123 00:06:32,041 --> 00:06:33,500 [otherworldly whispering] 124 00:06:35,708 --> 00:06:37,833 [Spencer] What in God's name is this place? 125 00:06:43,708 --> 00:06:44,708 That sound... 126 00:06:47,125 --> 00:06:48,333 It's coming from... 127 00:06:49,375 --> 00:06:50,916 [Harper] And what's making it? 128 00:06:52,541 --> 00:06:53,541 [indistinct shouting] 129 00:06:55,125 --> 00:06:57,541 We're soldiers, not fucking archaeologists. 130 00:06:58,583 --> 00:06:59,583 Those fuckers. 131 00:07:00,916 --> 00:07:02,416 Sarge, for shit's sake... 132 00:07:02,500 --> 00:07:03,875 - [man grunts] - [man 2] Hey! 133 00:07:03,958 --> 00:07:05,208 We got bigger problems. 134 00:07:05,291 --> 00:07:07,958 Cannibal roaches with human faces and a giant fucking alien temple. 135 00:07:08,041 --> 00:07:09,916 - [Sarge shushing] - [breath shuddering] 136 00:07:10,708 --> 00:07:11,708 [man 2 grunts] 137 00:07:14,750 --> 00:07:16,000 [panting] 138 00:07:16,083 --> 00:07:18,083 Okay. We gotta get the fuck out of here. 139 00:07:23,583 --> 00:07:25,063 [Harper] There's a tunnel over there. 140 00:07:25,791 --> 00:07:28,311 - [Spencer breathing heavily] - Could be the way to the surface. 141 00:07:28,958 --> 00:07:29,958 [Sarge] Let's go! 142 00:07:30,708 --> 00:07:32,226 ...and my salvation. I shall not fear. 143 00:07:32,250 --> 00:07:34,291 - [Harper] Spencer. - The Lord is my light. 144 00:07:35,666 --> 00:07:38,458 God is dead. Embrace the suck. We gotta move. 145 00:07:39,250 --> 00:07:40,791 [suspenseful music playing] 146 00:07:54,291 --> 00:07:55,791 [Sarge grunting] 147 00:07:55,875 --> 00:07:57,666 [otherworldly groaning] 148 00:07:57,750 --> 00:07:58,916 [chittering] 149 00:07:59,000 --> 00:08:00,208 [clattering] 150 00:08:04,708 --> 00:08:06,000 [intense music playing] 151 00:08:06,083 --> 00:08:07,250 Contact rear! 152 00:08:08,875 --> 00:08:10,500 [creatures screeching] 153 00:08:11,208 --> 00:08:12,708 - Go, go, go! - [Spencer] Moving! 154 00:08:14,250 --> 00:08:15,250 [Harper] Covering! 155 00:08:16,083 --> 00:08:17,083 [creature screeches] 156 00:08:17,750 --> 00:08:18,750 [Spencer] Fuck. 157 00:08:20,791 --> 00:08:22,311 - [Sarge] Frag out! - [Harper] Move it! 158 00:08:23,291 --> 00:08:24,291 [Spencer] Reloading. 159 00:08:30,333 --> 00:08:31,333 [Sarge] Move it! 160 00:08:33,250 --> 00:08:34,333 [Spencer grunts] 161 00:08:35,083 --> 00:08:36,125 [screams] 162 00:08:36,208 --> 00:08:37,833 - [grunting, screaming] - [squelching] 163 00:08:37,916 --> 00:08:39,833 - Spence! - [Sarge] He's gone! Let's go! 164 00:08:39,916 --> 00:08:41,458 [creatures screeching] 165 00:08:57,208 --> 00:08:58,250 [music fades] 166 00:08:58,750 --> 00:09:00,750 [Sarge breathing heavily] 167 00:09:02,125 --> 00:09:03,125 I'm out of ammo. 168 00:09:04,416 --> 00:09:05,541 Down to one grenade. You? 169 00:09:08,083 --> 00:09:09,083 Just this. 170 00:09:10,041 --> 00:09:11,458 [Harper breathing heavily] 171 00:09:11,541 --> 00:09:13,750 Might save the last round for myself though. 172 00:09:15,750 --> 00:09:17,041 [chain clanking] 173 00:09:21,791 --> 00:09:23,375 [otherworldly whispering] 174 00:09:26,125 --> 00:09:27,125 [Harper] That voice... 175 00:09:28,291 --> 00:09:29,625 What the fuck is that? 176 00:09:29,708 --> 00:09:30,916 [otherworldly groaning] 177 00:09:31,000 --> 00:09:32,083 It's coming from... 178 00:09:32,958 --> 00:09:33,791 from in there. 179 00:09:33,875 --> 00:09:36,958 Okay. So let's get moving in the opposite fucking direction. 180 00:09:38,875 --> 00:09:40,041 [tense music playing] 181 00:09:40,625 --> 00:09:41,625 [Harper] Sarge. 182 00:09:42,250 --> 00:09:43,250 Sarge! 183 00:09:43,625 --> 00:09:45,833 Sarge, what the fuck are you doing? 184 00:09:50,625 --> 00:09:52,958 [otherworldly whispering continues] 185 00:09:53,041 --> 00:09:54,208 [chains clanking] 186 00:09:55,333 --> 00:09:57,333 [creature grunts] 187 00:09:58,875 --> 00:10:00,750 [creature groaning] 188 00:10:12,958 --> 00:10:14,833 [breath shuddering] How? What? 189 00:10:15,916 --> 00:10:16,916 How? 190 00:10:19,500 --> 00:10:20,333 No. 191 00:10:20,416 --> 00:10:21,291 [squelching] 192 00:10:21,375 --> 00:10:22,375 [Harper] No, no, no. 193 00:10:22,458 --> 00:10:23,666 No, no, no, no. 194 00:10:23,750 --> 00:10:25,708 [suspenseful music swelling] 195 00:10:27,041 --> 00:10:27,875 Sarge, what... 196 00:10:27,958 --> 00:10:29,083 [creature grunting] 197 00:10:30,541 --> 00:10:31,875 [high-pitched screeching] 198 00:10:31,958 --> 00:10:34,750 [Harper yelling, screaming] 199 00:10:35,250 --> 00:10:36,458 No. Stop! 200 00:10:39,750 --> 00:10:41,000 [screaming] 201 00:10:41,083 --> 00:10:42,833 [creature groaning] 202 00:10:42,916 --> 00:10:44,500 [Harper whimpering, screaming] 203 00:10:52,625 --> 00:10:56,125 [creature] Release me. 204 00:10:56,208 --> 00:10:58,458 Release me. 205 00:10:58,541 --> 00:11:00,666 Release me. 206 00:11:00,750 --> 00:11:02,750 - Release me. - [Harper whimpering] 207 00:11:03,250 --> 00:11:05,458 [creature] Release me. 208 00:11:05,541 --> 00:11:06,750 Sarge! 209 00:11:06,833 --> 00:11:10,500 - Stop! Stop! [grunts] - [creature] Release me. 210 00:11:11,958 --> 00:11:14,958 - Release me. - [Harper] Don't do this. 211 00:11:15,041 --> 00:11:19,916 - [creature] Release me. Release me. - [Harper] Sarge. Put it down! 212 00:11:20,000 --> 00:11:21,583 - [creature] Release me. - Stop! 213 00:11:21,666 --> 00:11:23,833 - [creature] Release me. - [Harper] Stop. No! No! 214 00:11:25,708 --> 00:11:28,416 [creature] Release me. 215 00:11:28,500 --> 00:11:33,541 [echoing] Release me. 216 00:11:34,875 --> 00:11:36,416 Release me. 217 00:11:36,500 --> 00:11:37,541 Fuck you! 218 00:11:37,625 --> 00:11:39,916 [gun firing] 219 00:11:40,000 --> 00:11:41,583 [creature] Release me. 220 00:11:44,083 --> 00:11:47,375 Release me. 221 00:11:47,458 --> 00:11:51,458 Release me. 222 00:11:53,958 --> 00:11:56,875 Release me... 223 00:11:59,958 --> 00:12:01,166 [ominous music playing] 224 00:12:01,250 --> 00:12:03,666 [Harper whispering in alien language] 225 00:12:18,875 --> 00:12:20,875 [ominous music swelling] 226 00:12:23,500 --> 00:12:28,000 [Harper whispering in alien language] 227 00:12:28,083 --> 00:12:30,083 [electronic warbling] 228 00:12:34,750 --> 00:12:36,750 [closing theme music playing]