1 00:01:32,026 --> 00:01:37,026 Provided by explosiveskull https://twitter.com/kaboomskull M_I_SForEver 2 00:02:05,525 --> 00:02:07,940 We have arrived at the Hong Kong International Airport. 3 00:02:07,942 --> 00:02:10,858 Please take all your baggage with you. 4 00:02:11,317 --> 00:02:13,025 We have arrived... 5 00:02:13,192 --> 00:02:14,148 You're back! 6 00:02:14,150 --> 00:02:15,108 Daddy. 7 00:02:15,567 --> 00:02:16,733 Miss me? 8 00:02:16,775 --> 00:02:17,315 One… 9 00:02:17,317 --> 00:02:17,773 Two… 10 00:02:17,775 --> 00:02:18,483 Three… 11 00:02:18,525 --> 00:02:19,608 Yeah! 12 00:02:24,983 --> 00:02:26,275 Leave at once! 13 00:02:26,317 --> 00:02:28,106 Due to an emergency at the airport, 14 00:02:28,108 --> 00:02:30,900 passengers please leave the airport immediately. 15 00:02:37,233 --> 00:02:38,358 Be careful! Go! 16 00:02:38,442 --> 00:02:39,525 This way! 17 00:02:41,442 --> 00:02:43,567 Due to an emergency situation, 18 00:02:43,608 --> 00:02:47,275 passengers please leave the airport immediately. 19 00:03:42,525 --> 00:03:45,106 Hong Kong International Airport, 20 00:03:45,108 --> 00:03:48,190 sitting on 1,255 hectares and cost $70 billion to build, 21 00:03:48,192 --> 00:03:50,567 was blown to bits in an instant, 22 00:03:50,608 --> 00:03:52,233 killing thousands. 23 00:03:52,858 --> 00:03:54,317 Why did that happen? 24 00:03:55,692 --> 00:03:56,983 Anger. 25 00:03:57,233 --> 00:03:59,900 Anger can destroy everything. 26 00:04:08,900 --> 00:04:10,733 Luckily when all hope was lost, 27 00:04:10,817 --> 00:04:11,942 one man 28 00:04:11,983 --> 00:04:13,317 overcame his anger 29 00:04:13,400 --> 00:04:15,025 and stopped this tragedy from happening. 30 00:04:20,108 --> 00:04:21,358 Help! 31 00:04:21,608 --> 00:04:22,565 It'll blow. 32 00:04:22,567 --> 00:04:23,775 Help! 33 00:04:23,983 --> 00:04:25,067 One hour ago, 34 00:04:25,192 --> 00:04:27,440 a man armed with a grenade robbed a watch shop. 35 00:04:27,442 --> 00:04:28,317 This is a stickup! 36 00:04:28,358 --> 00:04:29,400 This is a grenade! 37 00:04:29,942 --> 00:04:31,358 Put the watches in the bag. 38 00:04:31,400 --> 00:04:32,025 Hurry! 39 00:04:32,817 --> 00:04:33,692 Put out your hand! 40 00:04:33,775 --> 00:04:34,608 Hold this! 41 00:04:35,233 --> 00:04:36,067 Tightly! 42 00:04:36,483 --> 00:04:37,400 Don't let go! 43 00:04:37,442 --> 00:04:38,483 Or it'll blow. 44 00:04:38,525 --> 00:04:40,483 It'll blow up! Help! 45 00:04:40,900 --> 00:04:42,233 Help! 46 00:04:43,025 --> 00:04:44,483 - Help me! - Stay where you are. 47 00:04:44,983 --> 00:04:45,942 Stand still. 48 00:04:45,983 --> 00:04:47,608 Don't be afraid. 49 00:05:11,900 --> 00:05:13,775 The hole of the grenade is displaced. 50 00:05:13,817 --> 00:05:15,858 Can't put the pin back in. 51 00:05:15,900 --> 00:05:17,400 The only solution 52 00:05:17,525 --> 00:05:19,150 is to detonate it on the spot. 53 00:05:19,817 --> 00:05:21,733 Extend the lockdown area to 40m. 54 00:05:21,817 --> 00:05:23,106 Yes, Sir! Calling command post! 55 00:05:23,108 --> 00:05:25,106 Find an open area and start piling up sandbags. 56 00:05:25,108 --> 00:05:26,442 Yes, Sir! Get the sandbags. 57 00:05:33,483 --> 00:05:34,775 It'll be over soon. 58 00:05:37,192 --> 00:05:37,940 Fung! 59 00:05:37,942 --> 00:05:39,275 The sandbags are ready. 60 00:05:41,108 --> 00:05:42,400 Let's begin! 61 00:05:46,275 --> 00:05:47,108 No! 62 00:05:47,317 --> 00:05:48,108 It'll blow. 63 00:05:48,192 --> 00:05:49,356 No! No! 64 00:05:49,358 --> 00:05:50,358 No! 65 00:05:50,483 --> 00:05:52,817 It'll blow up! 66 00:05:53,108 --> 00:05:53,648 No! 67 00:05:53,650 --> 00:05:54,858 OK! OK! 68 00:05:55,067 --> 00:05:57,108 Calm down! You'll be fine. 69 00:06:07,358 --> 00:06:08,900 Fung! What are you doing? 70 00:06:09,692 --> 00:06:11,150 You took off the suit? 71 00:06:15,108 --> 00:06:16,233 Don't worry! 72 00:06:16,525 --> 00:06:17,525 Here we go. 73 00:06:17,817 --> 00:06:18,692 OK! 74 00:06:18,983 --> 00:06:20,192 OK! 75 00:06:27,483 --> 00:06:28,983 Give it to me… 76 00:06:29,400 --> 00:06:31,317 Easy… No rush! 77 00:06:32,108 --> 00:06:33,233 OK! 78 00:06:37,900 --> 00:06:39,108 OK! 79 00:06:46,442 --> 00:06:47,817 Very good! 80 00:07:13,108 --> 00:07:15,150 Why did you take off the suit? 81 00:07:15,275 --> 00:07:17,356 The girl was so scared. I couldn't do anything. 82 00:07:17,358 --> 00:07:17,856 Here… 83 00:07:17,858 --> 00:07:20,192 Covering her with the bomb suit can ensure safety? 84 00:07:20,317 --> 00:07:21,733 If the grenade went off, 85 00:07:21,817 --> 00:07:22,775 what will happen to you? 86 00:07:22,900 --> 00:07:24,108 You'll both fry! 87 00:07:24,650 --> 00:07:25,108 Hey! 88 00:07:25,150 --> 00:07:28,567 You don't save lives by risking your own. 89 00:07:28,608 --> 00:07:32,275 You're right. Saving lives doesn't mean risking my own. 90 00:07:32,483 --> 00:07:33,731 But as an EODB (Explosive Ordnance Disposal Bureau) officer, 91 00:07:33,733 --> 00:07:35,315 when do we not risk our lives? 92 00:07:35,317 --> 00:07:36,442 You're right. 93 00:07:36,483 --> 00:07:38,900 There's no need to spell it out. 94 00:07:39,067 --> 00:07:40,190 Tung Sir has a point. 95 00:07:40,192 --> 00:07:40,898 Because he's Tung Sir! 96 00:07:40,900 --> 00:07:41,733 You're taking his side? 97 00:07:47,067 --> 00:07:48,733 Over here! Hurry! 98 00:07:49,108 --> 00:07:50,067 Over here! Over here! 99 00:07:56,733 --> 00:07:57,773 - Police! - What's is it? 100 00:07:57,775 --> 00:07:58,483 What's going on? 101 00:07:58,525 --> 00:08:00,233 Somebody threw corrosive liquid off the building. 102 00:08:00,275 --> 00:08:01,650 We wish to come in for a look. 103 00:08:01,900 --> 00:08:03,025 Police! 104 00:08:05,900 --> 00:08:07,025 Open up! 105 00:08:17,858 --> 00:08:18,775 Get down! 106 00:08:19,233 --> 00:08:20,192 Get down! 107 00:08:28,775 --> 00:08:31,317 "Dad : Mom has terminal cancer." 108 00:08:36,192 --> 00:08:39,817 "Dad : Mom has terminal cancer." 109 00:08:48,900 --> 00:08:49,648 What's going on? 110 00:08:49,650 --> 00:08:50,815 We got a call, 111 00:08:50,817 --> 00:08:52,692 someone threw corrosive liquid off the building. 112 00:08:55,233 --> 00:08:57,733 We went door to door, someone on 7/F refused to open up. 113 00:08:57,775 --> 00:08:59,106 We broke the door down, 114 00:08:59,108 --> 00:09:01,567 and found the owner hold his ex-girlfriend and her husband hostage 115 00:09:02,400 --> 00:09:03,692 and tied them to two bombs. 116 00:09:39,317 --> 00:09:41,233 Stay calm, Miss! Sit tight and don't move. 117 00:09:41,358 --> 00:09:43,025 We'll get you out ASAP. 118 00:10:00,983 --> 00:10:02,023 The bombs are identical. 119 00:10:02,025 --> 00:10:03,483 Should be the same design. 120 00:10:12,525 --> 00:10:13,608 Detonated by pressure. 121 00:10:14,817 --> 00:10:16,233 When she stands up, 122 00:10:16,900 --> 00:10:18,108 the bomb will go off. 123 00:10:18,317 --> 00:10:19,483 Luckily we caught this in time. 124 00:10:19,900 --> 00:10:21,358 We're finished if she gets tired. 125 00:10:22,775 --> 00:10:23,858 Are these wires 126 00:10:23,942 --> 00:10:25,608 connected to the bomb on your end? 127 00:10:27,400 --> 00:10:28,150 Bingo! 128 00:10:28,192 --> 00:10:29,400 They're synchronized. 129 00:10:29,525 --> 00:10:30,567 If one goes off, 130 00:10:30,650 --> 00:10:31,900 the other one will too. 131 00:10:31,983 --> 00:10:33,192 If we defuse one bomb, 132 00:10:33,775 --> 00:10:34,942 the other will also go off. 133 00:10:34,983 --> 00:10:36,481 The wiring is of a basic design. 134 00:10:36,483 --> 00:10:37,775 If we cut the power, 135 00:10:37,942 --> 00:10:39,275 the bomb won't go off. 136 00:10:49,942 --> 00:10:51,483 It's black powder. 137 00:10:51,567 --> 00:10:53,817 100 grams in each pipe… 138 00:10:54,275 --> 00:10:55,856 that's 300 grams total. 139 00:10:55,858 --> 00:10:57,731 Based on Sadovsky's formula, 140 00:10:57,733 --> 00:11:00,565 the brisance is that of 3 grenades, the bomb suit will hold. 141 00:11:00,567 --> 00:11:01,192 Man, 142 00:11:01,317 --> 00:11:02,648 let's get them out first. 143 00:11:02,650 --> 00:11:03,150 OK! 144 00:11:07,025 --> 00:11:08,315 Miss, please stay calm. 145 00:11:08,317 --> 00:11:09,983 I'll now cut the chain for you. 146 00:11:10,025 --> 00:11:12,067 After that, go out this door, 147 00:11:12,150 --> 00:11:13,358 someone will help you. 148 00:11:30,733 --> 00:11:31,983 We're ready to cut the chain. 149 00:11:32,025 --> 00:11:32,525 Copy! 150 00:11:33,150 --> 00:11:33,858 Copy! 151 00:11:36,858 --> 00:11:37,358 Ready? 152 00:11:37,442 --> 00:11:38,067 Ready! 153 00:11:49,858 --> 00:11:50,983 Don't be afraid. Go out now. 154 00:11:51,025 --> 00:11:51,900 Come. 155 00:11:53,108 --> 00:11:54,150 Cut the green wire. 156 00:11:54,233 --> 00:11:55,400 In sync. 157 00:11:55,650 --> 00:11:56,275 The timing… 158 00:11:56,317 --> 00:11:57,817 no more than 1/4 second apart. 159 00:11:57,900 --> 00:11:58,692 Copy. 160 00:11:59,025 --> 00:12:00,275 Give me a beat. 161 00:12:00,900 --> 00:12:01,608 Fine! 162 00:12:01,983 --> 00:12:02,900 On 420. 163 00:12:02,983 --> 00:12:03,650 Ready. 164 00:12:03,733 --> 00:12:05,400 To! We're ready to roll. 165 00:12:05,483 --> 00:12:06,108 Copy! 166 00:12:06,733 --> 00:12:08,023 4-0-3-4-2 167 00:12:08,025 --> 00:12:09,150 4-0-3-4-2 168 00:12:09,275 --> 00:12:10,650 4-3-4-2-4-3 169 00:12:10,692 --> 00:12:11,692 4-3-4-2-0 170 00:12:54,192 --> 00:12:55,150 OK! 171 00:12:57,692 --> 00:12:58,775 All clear! 172 00:13:03,358 --> 00:13:05,108 You can go. I'll wrap up. 173 00:13:05,317 --> 00:13:06,525 Thanks! 174 00:13:25,108 --> 00:13:25,858 Watch out! 175 00:13:46,317 --> 00:13:47,606 Officer down! Send in the paramedic! 176 00:13:47,608 --> 00:13:48,317 Tung Sir! 177 00:13:48,358 --> 00:13:49,067 Go check on Fung! 178 00:13:49,108 --> 00:13:50,108 Yes, Sir! 179 00:14:23,358 --> 00:14:24,858 What? 180 00:14:25,983 --> 00:14:28,231 I lost a leg, but I still have two hands. 181 00:14:28,233 --> 00:14:29,606 I can defuse a bomb with my left hand 182 00:14:29,608 --> 00:14:30,525 and hold your hand 183 00:14:31,692 --> 00:14:33,400 with my right. 184 00:14:35,150 --> 00:14:37,525 I may be the only coolest 185 00:14:37,942 --> 00:14:40,358 handicapped EODB officer. 186 00:14:41,483 --> 00:14:43,733 Tell the boys, I'll be back soon. 187 00:14:44,442 --> 00:14:46,692 Fung said he'll be back soon! 188 00:14:47,108 --> 00:14:48,692 Hey! Talk to me! 189 00:14:49,067 --> 00:14:50,942 I'll be back soon. 190 00:14:52,608 --> 00:14:54,358 "Gabapentin Capsules for epilepsy/neuropathic pain" 191 00:16:29,483 --> 00:16:31,358 Madam, something for you. 192 00:16:36,192 --> 00:16:36,981 What? 193 00:16:36,983 --> 00:16:38,150 I love you! 194 00:16:49,067 --> 00:16:50,108 800 m 195 00:16:50,192 --> 00:16:51,525 in 2 minutes and 21 seconds. 196 00:16:51,858 --> 00:16:52,942 Take a break. 197 00:16:54,067 --> 00:16:55,233 I'm not tired. 198 00:16:55,692 --> 00:16:57,231 You beat the Police standard, 199 00:16:57,233 --> 00:16:59,650 you should take a break. 200 00:17:02,192 --> 00:17:03,692 A toast to me, I can walk again. 201 00:17:05,692 --> 00:17:07,523 And to you, for your promotion. 202 00:17:07,525 --> 00:17:08,608 So you have heard? 203 00:17:09,858 --> 00:17:11,648 The boys said we should celebrate with you. 204 00:17:11,650 --> 00:17:12,858 Sure thing! 205 00:17:12,942 --> 00:17:14,190 I knew you can do it. 206 00:17:14,192 --> 00:17:16,398 I was afraid you'd get ahead of me and now you did it. 207 00:17:16,400 --> 00:17:18,108 Cut the crap! 208 00:17:18,442 --> 00:17:20,358 I wonder when I can go back to work. 209 00:17:20,858 --> 00:17:22,150 If I don't start working soon, 210 00:17:22,192 --> 00:17:23,733 I think I'll go crazy. Seriously… 211 00:17:23,775 --> 00:17:25,481 The brass said as soon as you're ready, 212 00:17:25,483 --> 00:17:26,690 they'll have a desk job for you. 213 00:17:26,692 --> 00:17:27,442 A desk job? 214 00:17:27,483 --> 00:17:28,567 A desk job. 215 00:17:29,275 --> 00:17:30,525 Are you kidding me? 216 00:17:31,108 --> 00:17:31,983 But… 217 00:17:32,358 --> 00:17:33,856 I'd think the same if I were in their shoes. 218 00:17:33,858 --> 00:17:35,692 They don't know how fit I am. 219 00:17:35,817 --> 00:17:37,275 Arrange for the fitness test ASAP. 220 00:17:37,317 --> 00:17:38,440 Once they see the results, 221 00:17:38,442 --> 00:17:40,317 they'll be begging me to come back to work. 222 00:17:40,775 --> 00:17:42,233 Come back! 223 00:17:42,858 --> 00:17:44,192 Please come back! 224 00:17:46,317 --> 00:17:47,315 Like that? 225 00:17:47,317 --> 00:17:48,275 Yes! 226 00:18:08,775 --> 00:18:09,608 8! 227 00:18:10,650 --> 00:18:11,317 Here we go. 228 00:18:15,150 --> 00:18:15,942 29! 229 00:18:15,983 --> 00:18:16,981 29 minus 8… 230 00:18:16,983 --> 00:18:17,898 Very good! 231 00:18:17,900 --> 00:18:19,233 Even higher than Police standard! 232 00:19:15,775 --> 00:19:17,525 Sir, can I help you? 233 00:19:28,192 --> 00:19:31,733 The bombing at the Education Bureau is an isolated incident. 234 00:19:32,067 --> 00:19:35,275 There's no specific intel suggesting Hong Kong 235 00:19:35,358 --> 00:19:37,565 is a likely target of terrorist attack. 236 00:19:37,567 --> 00:19:40,233 The city's threat of terrorist attack 237 00:19:40,275 --> 00:19:42,400 is currently assessed to be moderate. 238 00:19:44,400 --> 00:19:46,440 The suicide bomber at the Education Bureau was a terrorist, 239 00:19:46,442 --> 00:19:47,442 called Cheung Chi Man. 240 00:19:47,567 --> 00:19:49,025 He was a grad student working on his PhD. 241 00:19:49,275 --> 00:19:50,025 6 months ago, 242 00:19:50,108 --> 00:19:52,900 his girlfriend, who was also a grad student jumped off a building. 243 00:20:06,483 --> 00:20:07,731 Inside the computer in his flat, 244 00:20:07,733 --> 00:20:09,856 we found a downloaded file from the dark web 245 00:20:09,858 --> 00:20:11,440 about a new extremist group called Vendetta 246 00:20:11,442 --> 00:20:13,608 and its "The Guide to Lone-wolf Terrorism". 247 00:20:13,650 --> 00:20:14,733 In the past, 248 00:20:14,858 --> 00:20:17,400 Vendetta used the social networking platform of the dark web 249 00:20:17,442 --> 00:20:20,067 to provide assistance to those who detest society 250 00:20:20,608 --> 00:20:22,983 and engineer lone-wolf terrorist attacks overseas. 251 00:20:41,650 --> 00:20:42,900 Our intel shows 252 00:20:42,942 --> 00:20:44,525 two people are the masterminds behind the group. 253 00:20:44,942 --> 00:20:46,650 One uses the codename Maverick, 254 00:20:46,692 --> 00:20:47,940 Ma Sai Kwan, 255 00:20:47,942 --> 00:20:49,440 a rich 2G from Hong Kong. 256 00:20:49,442 --> 00:20:52,231 When he was at University College London studying Economics and Political Science, 257 00:20:52,233 --> 00:20:54,106 he was already an anarchist. 258 00:20:54,108 --> 00:20:57,858 In 1997, he was in Seattle for the anti-WTO protests. 259 00:20:57,900 --> 00:21:00,733 In 2000, he took over the family business. 260 00:21:00,817 --> 00:21:02,898 A year later, along with several foreigners, 261 00:21:02,900 --> 00:21:05,275 he trashed up an international fast food chain. 262 00:21:05,358 --> 00:21:07,067 Get out of the place! 263 00:21:07,858 --> 00:21:10,065 Mr. Ma, about what you're doing, will your family be disappointed? 264 00:21:10,067 --> 00:21:11,356 They have no right to be disappointed. 265 00:21:11,358 --> 00:21:12,525 My family 266 00:21:12,650 --> 00:21:13,775 made their fortune 267 00:21:13,817 --> 00:21:15,648 from the Brits 268 00:21:15,650 --> 00:21:16,775 selling opium. 269 00:21:16,817 --> 00:21:19,273 Their money was dirty. 270 00:21:19,275 --> 00:21:21,440 When he was out on bail, he jumped bail 271 00:21:21,442 --> 00:21:23,940 and illegally transferred 272 00:21:23,942 --> 00:21:26,567 USD$300M from his family's account to an offshore bank. 273 00:21:26,733 --> 00:21:27,690 He once said 274 00:21:27,692 --> 00:21:29,565 his family fortune was sinful. 275 00:21:29,567 --> 00:21:31,483 He wanted to use justice to clean it up. 276 00:21:31,525 --> 00:21:32,400 5 years ago, 277 00:21:32,483 --> 00:21:34,900 he used a fake passport and returned to Hong Kong. 278 00:21:34,983 --> 00:21:36,856 After that, he vanished without a trace. 279 00:21:36,858 --> 00:21:37,692 Our intel shows 280 00:21:37,775 --> 00:21:38,983 in his external communications, 281 00:21:39,067 --> 00:21:41,275 he often mentioned someone called Davy. 282 00:21:41,525 --> 00:21:42,442 INTERPOL believes 283 00:21:42,525 --> 00:21:45,025 Davy is another mastermind behind Vendetta. 284 00:21:45,108 --> 00:21:47,483 But we have yet to confirm his real identity. 285 00:21:47,525 --> 00:21:48,692 Over the past 4 months, 286 00:21:48,817 --> 00:21:52,108 they have arranged for at least 30 armed personnel to sneak into Hong Kong. 287 00:21:52,317 --> 00:21:54,900 It appears they're using Hong Kong to launch a terrorist attack. 288 00:21:55,025 --> 00:21:56,150 I'm now putting you in charge 289 00:21:56,483 --> 00:21:57,983 of tracking them down. 290 00:21:58,358 --> 00:22:00,233 Find Ma Sai Kwan and Davy ASAP. 291 00:22:00,317 --> 00:22:01,775 To prevent any leaks, 292 00:22:01,983 --> 00:22:03,858 this operation is classified. 293 00:22:03,983 --> 00:22:04,775 Understand? 294 00:22:20,233 --> 00:22:23,233 "Gabapentin Capsules for epilepsy/neuropathic pain" 295 00:22:30,067 --> 00:22:31,025 Sir, 296 00:22:31,275 --> 00:22:32,442 meds 297 00:22:32,608 --> 00:22:34,067 should be taken with water. 298 00:23:11,358 --> 00:23:11,981 Look at that! 299 00:23:11,983 --> 00:23:13,773 Sorry, I'll pay you $5,000. 300 00:23:13,775 --> 00:23:14,523 Where did you learn how to drive? 301 00:23:14,525 --> 00:23:15,398 How about $10K? 302 00:23:15,400 --> 00:23:16,440 Money isn't everything. 303 00:23:16,442 --> 00:23:17,150 Of course not. 304 00:23:17,192 --> 00:23:18,523 I just want to pay you. Sorry! Is this OK? 305 00:23:18,525 --> 00:23:19,356 Do you have a license? 306 00:23:19,358 --> 00:23:20,148 Of course! 307 00:23:20,150 --> 00:23:21,315 - Officer! Sorry! - Well? 308 00:23:21,317 --> 00:23:22,940 - Can you settle this? - We're trying. 309 00:23:22,942 --> 00:23:24,565 - You wanna pursue this? - Of course! 310 00:23:24,567 --> 00:23:26,067 I'll pay for it. 311 00:23:26,108 --> 00:23:28,400 I'll jot down the damages of both vehicles. 312 00:23:28,567 --> 00:23:29,692 I need you to stand... 313 00:24:12,067 --> 00:24:13,025 Are you new here? 314 00:24:13,192 --> 00:24:13,858 Yes! 315 00:24:16,858 --> 00:24:17,525 I want a staff... 316 00:24:24,817 --> 00:24:25,692 Lock down elevator No. 4. 317 00:24:25,733 --> 00:24:26,025 Copy! 318 00:24:39,400 --> 00:24:40,650 Fighting in elevator No. 4. 319 00:24:40,692 --> 00:24:41,775 It's now locked on 5/F, 320 00:24:41,817 --> 00:24:42,856 send someone over right away. 321 00:24:42,858 --> 00:24:43,900 We reached the elevator. 322 00:25:05,733 --> 00:25:06,817 He jumped onto elevator No. 5 323 00:25:09,692 --> 00:25:10,690 and got off on 10/F. 324 00:25:10,692 --> 00:25:11,817 Go check it out! 325 00:25:13,400 --> 00:25:13,983 Stay where you are! 326 00:25:14,108 --> 00:25:14,775 Hey! 327 00:25:28,942 --> 00:25:29,690 So noisy! 328 00:25:29,692 --> 00:25:30,483 What's going on? 329 00:25:33,567 --> 00:25:34,192 What's going on? 330 00:25:34,233 --> 00:25:35,483 Open the door! 331 00:25:37,483 --> 00:25:40,233 The lighting ceremony of Glimmering Hong Kong is about to commence. 332 00:25:40,275 --> 00:25:43,317 Let's have the Chairman of the Real Estate Developers Association, 333 00:25:43,358 --> 00:25:44,481 Mr. Leung Chi Choi 334 00:25:44,483 --> 00:25:46,567 to come up here for the lighting ceremony. 335 00:25:46,858 --> 00:25:47,650 Key! Key! 336 00:25:47,692 --> 00:25:48,442 Open the door! 337 00:25:52,025 --> 00:25:52,608 Don't move! 338 00:26:41,900 --> 00:26:43,190 Check the hotel carefully. 339 00:26:43,192 --> 00:26:44,983 Look for any suspicious looking or potential explosives. 340 00:26:45,025 --> 00:26:46,067 Yes, Sir! 341 00:26:46,192 --> 00:26:47,358 Tung Sir, what kind was it? 342 00:26:47,400 --> 00:26:48,775 We think it was C-4. 343 00:26:48,900 --> 00:26:49,565 C-4? 344 00:26:49,567 --> 00:26:50,233 Madam, 345 00:26:50,358 --> 00:26:52,108 a victim was in hotel uniform, 346 00:26:52,192 --> 00:26:53,108 but the hotel has nothing on him. 347 00:26:53,150 --> 00:26:54,192 He's probably a suspect. 348 00:26:54,442 --> 00:26:54,983 Over there! 349 00:26:58,608 --> 00:26:59,275 Fung! 350 00:27:01,108 --> 00:27:01,481 One… 351 00:27:01,483 --> 00:27:01,773 Two… 352 00:27:01,775 --> 00:27:02,148 Three… 353 00:27:02,150 --> 00:27:02,900 Up! 354 00:27:08,483 --> 00:27:10,190 More casualties are on the way. Everyone, standby! 355 00:27:10,192 --> 00:27:10,731 Yes! 356 00:27:10,733 --> 00:27:11,981 In the Island Hotel explosion, 357 00:27:11,983 --> 00:27:14,442 the death toll has increased to 18. 358 00:27:14,567 --> 00:27:16,023 According to a reliable source, 359 00:27:16,025 --> 00:27:18,317 the Police investigation is skewed towards a terrorist attack. 360 00:27:18,400 --> 00:27:21,608 For security reasons, several major events have been canceled. 361 00:27:53,275 --> 00:27:53,773 Three… 362 00:27:53,775 --> 00:27:54,231 Two… 363 00:27:54,233 --> 00:27:54,733 One… 364 00:27:57,317 --> 00:27:58,067 Again! 365 00:27:58,108 --> 00:27:58,650 Three… 366 00:27:58,817 --> 00:27:59,317 Two… 367 00:27:59,400 --> 00:27:59,900 One… 368 00:28:10,358 --> 00:28:12,273 The bomb had a primer for military use 369 00:28:12,275 --> 00:28:13,900 with an instantaneous detonator. 370 00:28:14,192 --> 00:28:16,400 Probably the on/off switch of the lighting ceremony. 371 00:28:16,525 --> 00:28:19,315 Unlike the Education Bureau explosion 4 months ago, 372 00:28:19,317 --> 00:28:20,648 RDX, cyclonite was used. 373 00:28:20,650 --> 00:28:21,731 This time, C-4. 374 00:28:21,733 --> 00:28:24,067 They're both high performance explosives. 375 00:28:24,192 --> 00:28:26,442 The suspect in the custodial ward, any updates? 376 00:28:26,567 --> 00:28:27,733 He's still in a coma. 377 00:28:27,983 --> 00:28:29,400 We cross-matched his fingerprints 378 00:28:29,483 --> 00:28:32,190 and confirmed he's ex-EODB officer, 379 00:28:32,192 --> 00:28:33,192 Poon Shing Fung. 380 00:28:34,025 --> 00:28:37,523 The CCTV showed him coming out with the on/off switch. 381 00:28:37,525 --> 00:28:38,690 He also got in a fight with a security guard. 382 00:28:38,692 --> 00:28:40,525 Don't get ahead of ourselves 383 00:28:40,858 --> 00:28:42,525 in drawing conclusions. 384 00:29:00,983 --> 00:29:02,150 "Poon Shing Fung is awake" 385 00:29:02,983 --> 00:29:03,650 Chan Sir, 386 00:29:03,775 --> 00:29:05,067 Poon Shing Fung is awake. 387 00:29:06,150 --> 00:29:06,942 Tung Sir, 388 00:29:07,983 --> 00:29:10,275 Poon Shing Fung was your ex-partner. 389 00:29:10,942 --> 00:29:12,067 Madam Pong, 390 00:29:12,400 --> 00:29:13,400 he was your old friend. 391 00:29:13,900 --> 00:29:15,442 You should both stay away. 392 00:29:15,525 --> 00:29:17,856 That's why Lee Sir will follow up with Poon Shing Fung. 393 00:29:17,858 --> 00:29:18,483 Yes, Sir! 394 00:29:18,525 --> 00:29:20,733 Before we have any leads to go on, 395 00:29:20,775 --> 00:29:22,275 not a word to anyone 396 00:29:22,317 --> 00:29:24,067 about Poon Shing Fung. 397 00:29:24,108 --> 00:29:25,567 Yes, Sir! 398 00:29:26,233 --> 00:29:28,483 "Ming Sum Hospital" 399 00:29:29,317 --> 00:29:30,192 Long time no see. 400 00:29:35,733 --> 00:29:36,692 Do I know you? 401 00:29:39,817 --> 00:29:40,400 Fine! 402 00:29:41,400 --> 00:29:43,233 I'm CIP (Chief Inspector of Police) of the Crime Unit Lee Yiu Sing. 403 00:29:44,358 --> 00:29:45,942 You are not obliged to say anything 404 00:29:46,150 --> 00:29:47,692 unless you wish to do so, 405 00:29:48,150 --> 00:29:49,233 but whatever you say 406 00:29:49,442 --> 00:29:50,856 will be taken down in writing 407 00:29:50,858 --> 00:29:52,190 and may be given as evidence in Court. 408 00:29:52,192 --> 00:29:53,275 I want some water. 409 00:29:54,150 --> 00:29:54,942 Hey! 410 00:29:59,317 --> 00:30:00,150 Poon Shing Fung, 411 00:30:00,692 --> 00:30:02,442 you're a suspect in an explosion. 412 00:30:02,525 --> 00:30:04,733 In 2019, on October 3, 413 00:30:04,900 --> 00:30:06,275 what were you doing 414 00:30:06,525 --> 00:30:07,567 at Island Hotel? 415 00:30:10,400 --> 00:30:11,567 I want some water. 416 00:30:12,483 --> 00:30:13,606 I'm asking you about Island Hotel... 417 00:30:13,608 --> 00:30:15,150 I don't remember. 418 00:30:17,483 --> 00:30:19,692 With other suspects, I'm never this patient. 419 00:30:20,900 --> 00:30:21,650 Poon Shing Fung, 420 00:30:21,858 --> 00:30:23,192 what were you doing there? 421 00:30:23,317 --> 00:30:24,650 Do you have accomplices? 422 00:30:25,525 --> 00:30:26,983 Poon Shing Fung? 423 00:30:28,900 --> 00:30:30,442 I don't even remember my name. 424 00:30:30,525 --> 00:30:32,442 Can you tell me what I am doing here? 425 00:30:32,525 --> 00:30:33,192 Sure! 426 00:30:33,275 --> 00:30:34,442 Let me jog your memory. 427 00:30:36,025 --> 00:30:37,983 You blew 18 people to bits and dozens more are injured. 428 00:30:38,025 --> 00:30:39,817 If you refuse to work with the Police, 429 00:30:40,400 --> 00:30:42,481 prison is where you'll spend the rest of your life. 430 00:30:42,483 --> 00:30:43,442 No way! 431 00:30:44,150 --> 00:30:45,108 I had nothing to do with it. 432 00:30:45,567 --> 00:30:46,692 It wasn't me. 433 00:30:46,817 --> 00:30:49,190 Also, Wong Lai Ling, the cleaning lady. 434 00:30:49,192 --> 00:30:50,900 It was her last day, she was retiring. 435 00:30:51,358 --> 00:30:52,650 You blew her up. 436 00:30:52,775 --> 00:30:53,358 Look again! 437 00:30:53,400 --> 00:30:54,190 Get away from me! 438 00:30:54,192 --> 00:30:54,900 Start talking! 439 00:30:54,942 --> 00:30:55,440 What are you doing? 440 00:30:55,442 --> 00:30:56,650 - Speak up! - Lee Sir! 441 00:31:09,608 --> 00:31:11,733 The patient had a major concussion 442 00:31:11,942 --> 00:31:13,565 that resulted in PTA (Post-Traumatic Amnesia). 443 00:31:13,567 --> 00:31:15,231 He had no idea how he ended up here. 444 00:31:15,233 --> 00:31:16,481 Can't even remember his own name. 445 00:31:16,483 --> 00:31:17,567 Can he fake it? 446 00:31:18,483 --> 00:31:19,692 He may be able to fool you, 447 00:31:19,775 --> 00:31:21,148 but not this machine. 448 00:31:21,150 --> 00:31:23,398 The temporal lobe consists of hippocampus 449 00:31:23,400 --> 00:31:25,356 responsible for short term and long term memory. 450 00:31:25,358 --> 00:31:28,192 The fMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) shows the inner temporal lobe is inactive, 451 00:31:28,275 --> 00:31:30,150 which means he lacks memory activities. 452 00:31:30,483 --> 00:31:32,108 Obviously, he suffered an injury. 453 00:31:33,025 --> 00:31:34,233 Will he recover? 454 00:31:34,775 --> 00:31:35,900 It's hard to say. 455 00:31:36,192 --> 00:31:37,358 Some have a speedy recovery. 456 00:31:37,400 --> 00:31:40,358 For others, external factors may lead to a gradual recovery. 457 00:31:40,400 --> 00:31:42,856 But for some, they may never recover. 458 00:31:42,858 --> 00:31:45,775 Damage to the hippocampus only affects declarative memory. 459 00:31:45,817 --> 00:31:47,525 For example, he won't remember where he has been, 460 00:31:47,692 --> 00:31:48,608 what he has done 461 00:31:48,817 --> 00:31:50,983 or won't recall people he knows. 462 00:31:57,692 --> 00:32:00,275 But for things he's accustomed to, his motor skills, 463 00:32:00,358 --> 00:32:01,690 such as brushing his teeth, 464 00:32:01,692 --> 00:32:02,815 driving a car or using a computer; 465 00:32:02,817 --> 00:32:04,733 what we consider procedural memory, 466 00:32:04,900 --> 00:32:06,567 won't be affected. 467 00:32:06,817 --> 00:32:08,731 Because this type of memory is deeply embedded 468 00:32:08,733 --> 00:32:10,481 in our subconscious as implicit memory, 469 00:32:10,483 --> 00:32:12,233 and won't need our consciousness to recall. 470 00:32:12,317 --> 00:32:14,023 Someone who suffers from declarative memory loss, 471 00:32:14,025 --> 00:32:15,650 may form a new consciousness, 472 00:32:15,692 --> 00:32:18,817 exhibit a new temperament, develop new concepts 473 00:32:18,858 --> 00:32:20,898 or even form a new outlook on right and wrong. 474 00:32:20,900 --> 00:32:23,025 In other words, become a different person. 475 00:32:36,275 --> 00:32:37,108 Sir, 476 00:32:37,483 --> 00:32:38,858 I have an idea. 477 00:32:58,400 --> 00:32:59,067 Salute! 478 00:33:03,150 --> 00:33:05,065 Place your men in deadly peril and they will survive. 479 00:33:05,067 --> 00:33:06,817 Leave them in dire straits and they're reborn. 480 00:33:08,192 --> 00:33:08,858 Boss! 481 00:33:09,233 --> 00:33:10,067 My troops. 482 00:33:10,400 --> 00:33:11,900 They're willing to die for you. 483 00:33:12,400 --> 00:33:13,067 Boys, 484 00:33:13,275 --> 00:33:14,273 are you ready? 485 00:33:14,275 --> 00:33:15,400 Yes, sir! 486 00:33:15,650 --> 00:33:16,275 Good! 487 00:33:17,150 --> 00:33:17,983 Let's wait for Davy, 488 00:33:18,317 --> 00:33:20,567 and Resurrection Day may proceed as planned. 489 00:33:20,942 --> 00:33:22,067 How is Blizzard? 490 00:33:23,150 --> 00:33:24,067 Still in the hospital. 491 00:33:26,775 --> 00:33:27,817 Resurrection day 492 00:33:28,192 --> 00:33:29,565 cannot happen without Blizzard. 493 00:33:29,567 --> 00:33:30,358 Yes! Boss! 494 00:33:33,400 --> 00:33:36,483 "Ming Sum Hospital" 495 00:33:56,900 --> 00:33:58,650 We're taking you to do a MRI scan. 496 00:34:56,108 --> 00:34:58,275 Please remove all metals on him. 497 00:35:12,150 --> 00:35:12,692 Don't move! 498 00:35:24,692 --> 00:35:25,817 Be quiet! Don't move! 499 00:35:29,817 --> 00:35:31,608 Lee Sir, Poon Shing Fung is doing a MRI scan. 500 00:35:36,150 --> 00:35:38,233 Out to all, the prisoner escaped from the MRI room. 501 00:35:43,983 --> 00:35:45,317 You in the wheelchair, don't move! 502 00:35:56,817 --> 00:35:58,192 Sit tight! We'll break you out! 503 00:36:16,692 --> 00:36:17,067 Police! 504 00:36:17,108 --> 00:36:17,775 Freeze! 505 00:36:32,525 --> 00:36:33,067 Police! 506 00:36:40,733 --> 00:36:41,400 Come back! 507 00:36:45,358 --> 00:36:46,565 Due to an emergency at the hospital… 508 00:36:46,567 --> 00:36:47,398 Follow me! 509 00:36:47,400 --> 00:36:50,108 …please follow instructions from hospital personnel and evacuate at once. 510 00:36:52,108 --> 00:36:53,192 Hurry! It's not safe here. 511 00:37:43,525 --> 00:37:44,275 Follow me. 512 00:37:44,608 --> 00:37:45,275 Get down. 513 00:37:52,650 --> 00:37:54,942 Out to all, suspect is in Prosthetic and Orthotic Unit on 2/F. 514 00:38:08,858 --> 00:38:09,442 Stay back! 515 00:38:09,483 --> 00:38:10,358 What is it? 516 00:38:10,400 --> 00:38:11,025 Don't move! 517 00:38:11,483 --> 00:38:12,065 Stay where you are! 518 00:38:12,067 --> 00:38:13,067 Get back! Get back! 519 00:38:14,108 --> 00:38:14,858 Poon Shing Fung, 520 00:38:15,067 --> 00:38:15,983 let the driver go. 521 00:38:16,025 --> 00:38:17,442 You framed me for killing 18 people. 522 00:38:17,483 --> 00:38:18,608 I don't mind adding one more. 523 00:38:18,650 --> 00:38:19,400 Drop your weapon! 524 00:38:19,983 --> 00:38:20,817 Don't push me! 525 00:38:21,150 --> 00:38:21,942 Take it easy! 526 00:38:21,983 --> 00:38:22,650 Stay where you are! 527 00:38:23,067 --> 00:38:23,775 Drive! 528 00:38:26,692 --> 00:38:27,317 Poon Shing Fung, 529 00:38:27,817 --> 00:38:28,567 come back! 530 00:38:28,650 --> 00:38:29,150 Stop the car! 531 00:38:29,192 --> 00:38:29,775 Now! 532 00:38:30,317 --> 00:38:30,942 Relax! 533 00:38:31,150 --> 00:38:31,900 Just drive! 534 00:38:36,483 --> 00:38:37,608 I will catch you. 535 00:38:38,275 --> 00:38:39,567 Definitely! 536 00:38:56,942 --> 00:38:57,775 Madam, the vehicle is over there. 537 00:38:57,817 --> 00:38:59,692 He's the owner. We confirmed it's his car. 538 00:38:59,775 --> 00:39:01,483 How much longer will it take? 539 00:39:02,108 --> 00:39:03,233 I need to work. 540 00:39:06,983 --> 00:39:08,025 That's my wallet. 541 00:39:17,275 --> 00:39:17,817 Thank you! 542 00:40:06,983 --> 00:40:07,775 Madam! 543 00:40:07,983 --> 00:40:09,690 RoadCams spotted Poon Shing Fung in Mongkok. 544 00:40:09,692 --> 00:40:11,233 He went inside a cybercafe. 545 00:40:25,317 --> 00:40:27,400 "Siu Ming" 546 00:40:43,483 --> 00:40:45,358 Poon Shing Fung? 547 00:40:45,525 --> 00:40:46,525 "Poon Shing Fung" 548 00:40:48,317 --> 00:40:49,650 "Poon Shing Fung" 549 00:41:03,650 --> 00:41:07,483 "EODB officer lost one leg in IED (Improvised Explosive Device) explosion" 550 00:41:27,317 --> 00:41:32,108 "EODB officer defuses 2,000-pound wartime bomb after 20 hours" 551 00:41:34,483 --> 00:41:37,608 "Cell phone radio wave or interference may increase risk of explosion" 552 00:41:40,567 --> 00:41:42,317 Hang in there! 553 00:41:54,400 --> 00:41:56,315 Seal off the back and guard all the intersections. 554 00:41:56,317 --> 00:41:56,817 Yes, Sir! 555 00:41:59,275 --> 00:42:00,025 Poon Shing Fung! 556 00:42:12,192 --> 00:42:12,942 We located the suspect. 557 00:42:13,025 --> 00:42:14,150 He escaped through the back door. 558 00:42:14,192 --> 00:42:16,192 He's in a navy jacket and grey jeans. 559 00:42:16,233 --> 00:42:16,775 Copy! 560 00:42:18,817 --> 00:42:19,608 Poon Shing Fung! 561 00:42:21,483 --> 00:42:22,150 Stop! 562 00:42:22,733 --> 00:42:23,692 Stay where you are! 563 00:42:25,025 --> 00:42:26,108 Come back! 564 00:42:26,817 --> 00:42:27,817 Guard the back door! 565 00:42:27,858 --> 00:42:28,733 Let's go up! 566 00:42:42,442 --> 00:42:43,067 Poon Shing Fung! 567 00:42:43,317 --> 00:42:44,690 What is it? What are you doing? 568 00:42:44,692 --> 00:42:45,775 Move! Police! 569 00:42:48,358 --> 00:42:49,233 Poon Shing Fung! 570 00:43:01,067 --> 00:43:01,817 Up there! 571 00:43:10,025 --> 00:43:10,817 Poon Shing Fung! 572 00:43:26,150 --> 00:43:27,483 Suspect on Fa Yuen Street! 573 00:43:27,692 --> 00:43:28,400 Fa Yuen Street! 574 00:43:34,692 --> 00:43:35,525 Stop! 575 00:43:46,358 --> 00:43:47,190 Stop. 576 00:43:47,192 --> 00:43:50,608 Suspect entered the back alley in between no. 46 and no. 48 on Fa Yuen Street! 577 00:44:14,442 --> 00:44:15,942 He turned onto Tung Choi Street. 578 00:44:16,150 --> 00:44:17,442 After him! Step aside! 579 00:44:22,983 --> 00:44:24,650 Lock down all exits on Tung Choi Street. 580 00:44:31,608 --> 00:44:33,025 Move! Step aside… 581 00:44:33,067 --> 00:44:34,275 Police! 582 00:44:34,483 --> 00:44:35,692 Please step aside! 583 00:44:35,900 --> 00:44:36,567 Step aside! 584 00:44:36,692 --> 00:44:37,275 Move it! 585 00:44:38,275 --> 00:44:38,900 Step aside! 586 00:44:39,067 --> 00:44:40,067 Police! 587 00:44:40,150 --> 00:44:40,900 Police! 588 00:44:40,942 --> 00:44:42,358 Step aside! 589 00:44:42,858 --> 00:44:44,192 - Step aside! - Police! 590 00:44:44,858 --> 00:44:45,400 Move! 591 00:44:45,567 --> 00:44:46,567 This way! 592 00:44:47,067 --> 00:44:47,608 Step aside! 593 00:44:47,650 --> 00:44:48,481 Sorry! Police! 594 00:44:48,483 --> 00:44:49,067 Move aside! 595 00:44:49,692 --> 00:44:50,192 Hey! 596 00:44:50,233 --> 00:44:51,192 Freeze! 597 00:44:52,608 --> 00:44:53,233 Step aside! 598 00:44:54,567 --> 00:44:56,108 Suspect in Kam Wong Plaza. 599 00:44:58,775 --> 00:44:59,525 Poon Shing Fung! 600 00:45:00,942 --> 00:45:01,442 Poon Shing Fung! 601 00:45:01,483 --> 00:45:02,233 Don't move! 602 00:45:04,442 --> 00:45:05,067 Get out! 603 00:45:05,358 --> 00:45:06,400 Get out! 604 00:45:07,067 --> 00:45:07,692 Go! 605 00:45:10,317 --> 00:45:11,067 Get out! 606 00:45:11,108 --> 00:45:12,067 Everybody out! 607 00:45:12,775 --> 00:45:13,567 This way! 608 00:45:15,775 --> 00:45:16,275 Move in! 609 00:45:23,983 --> 00:45:25,067 Go! 610 00:45:26,900 --> 00:45:27,525 Stop! 611 00:45:34,025 --> 00:45:34,567 Don't move! 612 00:45:34,650 --> 00:45:35,900 You called me. 613 00:45:35,983 --> 00:45:37,608 You called me. 614 00:45:49,817 --> 00:45:50,525 It's me. 615 00:45:53,400 --> 00:45:54,525 I'm calling you. 616 00:46:06,775 --> 00:46:08,692 "Dialing…5696 0142" 617 00:46:08,983 --> 00:46:10,525 You still remember my number. 618 00:46:18,608 --> 00:46:19,608 Tell me… 619 00:46:20,150 --> 00:46:22,150 Can you carry on your mission? 620 00:46:30,483 --> 00:46:32,150 Why didn't you pick up? 621 00:46:32,358 --> 00:46:34,275 I don't take unknown calls. 622 00:46:34,650 --> 00:46:36,815 Seal off Sai Yeung Choi Street and the nearby area. Keep looking. 623 00:46:36,817 --> 00:46:37,525 Copy. 624 00:46:38,192 --> 00:46:39,400 They'll be here soon. 625 00:46:39,483 --> 00:46:40,692 Go south on Nathan Road. 626 00:46:40,900 --> 00:46:41,942 I'll contact you. 627 00:46:47,692 --> 00:46:49,358 Suspect is northbound on Nathan Road. 628 00:46:49,442 --> 00:46:50,150 Copy. 629 00:46:55,108 --> 00:46:56,275 You're Pong Ling. 630 00:48:01,900 --> 00:48:02,650 Drive! 631 00:48:05,067 --> 00:48:06,150 What are you doing? 632 00:48:07,858 --> 00:48:09,358 You're a suspect in an explosion. 633 00:48:10,108 --> 00:48:11,317 Turn yourself in! 634 00:48:11,733 --> 00:48:12,858 I don't remember anything. 635 00:48:13,733 --> 00:48:14,942 I have nothing to say. 636 00:48:14,983 --> 00:48:15,858 Turn yourself in or I'll have you arrested. 637 00:48:15,900 --> 00:48:16,817 Go ahead! 638 00:48:17,650 --> 00:48:18,608 Don't push me! 639 00:48:18,942 --> 00:48:20,733 I'll kill you if I had no choice. 640 00:48:21,192 --> 00:48:22,317 Drive! 641 00:48:26,858 --> 00:48:28,108 Traffic 34, over! 642 00:48:28,150 --> 00:48:29,442 Please check a stolen car. 643 00:48:42,900 --> 00:48:44,775 I know we used to be friends. 644 00:48:45,900 --> 00:48:47,275 Tell me…who am I? 645 00:48:48,150 --> 00:48:49,775 I know different versions of you. 646 00:48:50,608 --> 00:48:52,817 We used to go through Hell and back together. 647 00:48:52,983 --> 00:48:54,900 You were an EODB officer who saved lives. 648 00:48:55,608 --> 00:48:57,525 After that, you became so full of yourself, 649 00:48:57,567 --> 00:48:58,817 you drove yourself into a dead end. 650 00:48:59,608 --> 00:49:01,775 The current you suffer from amnesia. 651 00:49:02,275 --> 00:49:03,442 Which one do you want to know? 652 00:49:03,483 --> 00:49:05,775 I lost my left leg in the line of duty? 653 00:49:05,817 --> 00:49:06,317 Yes! 654 00:49:06,525 --> 00:49:07,733 In that explosion, 655 00:49:08,692 --> 00:49:10,108 we both burnt our hands 656 00:49:11,233 --> 00:49:12,400 and you lost your leg. 657 00:49:13,192 --> 00:49:14,606 That's why EOD fired me? 658 00:49:14,608 --> 00:49:16,067 They did not. 659 00:49:16,733 --> 00:49:19,608 We all know you don't want a desk job at EODB. 660 00:49:19,733 --> 00:49:20,898 So we had a discussion 661 00:49:20,900 --> 00:49:23,150 and decided to transfer you to PPRB (Police Public Relations Branch). 662 00:49:23,858 --> 00:49:24,733 Sorry, Sir! 663 00:49:27,108 --> 00:49:28,525 I believe there's a misunderstanding. 664 00:49:28,983 --> 00:49:30,358 I'm an EODB officer, 665 00:49:30,942 --> 00:49:32,525 I should be in the field. 666 00:49:32,608 --> 00:49:35,442 All officers in the field must pass a strict physical. 667 00:49:35,525 --> 00:49:37,148 I have more than passed it. 668 00:49:37,150 --> 00:49:39,023 Tung Sir of EOD is waiting outside. 669 00:49:39,025 --> 00:49:40,023 He can attest to that. 670 00:49:40,025 --> 00:49:41,400 That won't be necessary. 671 00:49:41,900 --> 00:49:43,150 I hope you'll understand, 672 00:49:43,317 --> 00:49:45,192 if any future incident 673 00:49:45,400 --> 00:49:47,940 is caused by the Police employing disabled personnel, 674 00:49:47,942 --> 00:49:49,650 we'll have a lot of explaining to do. 675 00:49:50,108 --> 00:49:51,650 You still doubt my ability. 676 00:49:51,733 --> 00:49:53,608 I'm willing to undertake any fitness test. 677 00:49:53,650 --> 00:49:55,108 If I don't pass, 678 00:49:56,067 --> 00:49:56,981 so be it. 679 00:49:56,983 --> 00:49:58,858 That really won't be necessary. 680 00:49:59,233 --> 00:50:01,150 Don't waste anyone's time. 681 00:50:01,775 --> 00:50:02,400 I hope you'll understand. 682 00:50:02,442 --> 00:50:03,817 What do you want me to understand? 683 00:50:06,150 --> 00:50:07,356 You want me to understand 684 00:50:07,358 --> 00:50:08,523 you don't want to be accountable? 685 00:50:08,525 --> 00:50:09,942 Poon Shing Fung, mind your words. 686 00:50:09,983 --> 00:50:11,483 I lost a leg. Why? 687 00:50:11,525 --> 00:50:12,942 For work. 688 00:50:16,275 --> 00:50:18,317 You won't even give me a chance. 689 00:50:18,692 --> 00:50:19,565 You think I'm a waste of your time? 690 00:50:19,567 --> 00:50:21,442 UI63660, 691 00:50:22,650 --> 00:50:24,108 we're aware of your valor 692 00:50:24,400 --> 00:50:26,108 and have been more than considerate. 693 00:50:38,525 --> 00:50:39,650 You had a fallout? 694 00:50:40,525 --> 00:50:42,067 Didn't you tell them 695 00:50:42,692 --> 00:50:44,858 in order to get back to EOD, how hard I have worked? 696 00:50:44,983 --> 00:50:45,400 I did. 697 00:50:45,442 --> 00:50:46,733 You did not. 698 00:50:47,192 --> 00:50:48,858 You don't want me back. 699 00:50:48,942 --> 00:50:50,442 Why would I do that? 700 00:50:50,608 --> 00:50:51,317 Fine! 701 00:50:52,400 --> 00:50:53,983 If I wrote a petition to the CP (Commissioner of Police), 702 00:50:54,067 --> 00:50:55,442 will you co-sign it? 703 00:50:55,525 --> 00:50:56,233 What petition? 704 00:50:56,275 --> 00:50:57,233 You won't! 705 00:50:57,275 --> 00:50:59,025 I will! I definitely will. 706 00:50:59,400 --> 00:51:01,356 But Tung Cheuk Man is too small a potato 707 00:51:01,358 --> 00:51:03,358 to make them change the system. 708 00:51:09,608 --> 00:51:10,775 You're right! 709 00:51:12,358 --> 00:51:13,442 Absolutely right! 710 00:51:18,233 --> 00:51:20,608 On January 15, 2015, 711 00:51:20,775 --> 00:51:23,690 colleagues of EODB, Tung Cheuk Man and Poon Shing Fung 712 00:51:23,692 --> 00:51:25,065 risked their lives 713 00:51:25,067 --> 00:51:27,733 to defuse a bomb and saved two civilians. 714 00:51:27,942 --> 00:51:30,858 The Hong Kong Police hereby awards them the MBG (Medal for Bravery - Gold) 715 00:51:30,900 --> 00:51:33,856 to commend them for their noble act of risking their lives to save others. 716 00:51:33,858 --> 00:51:35,567 Let's have 717 00:51:35,733 --> 00:51:37,317 CIP Tung Cheuk Man of EODB. 718 00:51:54,650 --> 00:51:57,108 Now, let's have CIP Poon Shing Fung. 719 00:52:05,692 --> 00:52:08,233 "The Police is ungrateful. I'm now dispensable." 720 00:52:09,400 --> 00:52:10,358 No, Poon Sir! 721 00:52:10,442 --> 00:52:11,190 Don't do this, Poon Sir! 722 00:52:11,192 --> 00:52:11,815 No pictures! 723 00:52:11,817 --> 00:52:12,733 Don't do this, Poon Sir! 724 00:52:13,233 --> 00:52:14,858 No pictures! 725 00:52:23,317 --> 00:52:24,065 No pictures! 726 00:52:24,067 --> 00:52:24,983 Watch out, Tung Sir! 727 00:52:28,317 --> 00:52:29,692 No pictures! 728 00:52:29,858 --> 00:52:34,025 No pictures! 729 00:52:34,483 --> 00:52:35,692 Assault! 730 00:52:36,400 --> 00:52:37,567 Assault! 731 00:52:38,817 --> 00:52:40,025 Assault! 732 00:52:40,608 --> 00:52:42,442 Every newspaper mentioned the assault. 733 00:52:42,483 --> 00:52:44,650 None reported what I protested against. 734 00:52:45,150 --> 00:52:46,400 They don't care about me. Fine! 735 00:52:47,067 --> 00:52:48,733 Don't they care about justice? 736 00:52:48,817 --> 00:52:49,940 What about the truth? 737 00:52:49,942 --> 00:52:52,025 Never mind what they wrote. 738 00:52:52,067 --> 00:52:53,483 I'd be just as angry. 739 00:52:53,567 --> 00:52:55,398 But what you did was wrong. 740 00:52:55,400 --> 00:52:56,817 What did I do wrong? 741 00:52:57,775 --> 00:53:00,192 You can go back after your injury, but I can't. 742 00:53:00,275 --> 00:53:01,358 I'm only fighting for what I deserved. 743 00:53:01,400 --> 00:53:02,733 What's wrong with that? 744 00:53:02,775 --> 00:53:03,942 That's what I'm doing. 745 00:53:03,983 --> 00:53:05,983 But after what you did, there's no turning back. 746 00:53:06,025 --> 00:53:07,400 How long will it take? 747 00:53:07,817 --> 00:53:08,398 One year? 748 00:53:08,400 --> 00:53:08,815 Two? 749 00:53:08,817 --> 00:53:09,483 Three? 750 00:53:09,525 --> 00:53:11,817 You're my buddy. You should be on my side. 751 00:53:11,858 --> 00:53:13,108 Come with me to protest. 752 00:53:13,150 --> 00:53:15,065 - Our job is to serve the people, - We go together. 753 00:53:15,067 --> 00:53:16,606 - not serve our own purpose. - Protest. 754 00:53:16,608 --> 00:53:17,981 Protest…complain… 755 00:53:17,983 --> 00:53:19,858 Hey, get a grip! 756 00:53:21,192 --> 00:53:23,150 What kind of a fool do you take me for? 757 00:53:27,233 --> 00:53:28,731 Everyone thinks I'm sick. 758 00:53:28,733 --> 00:53:30,317 And you are! 759 00:53:40,900 --> 00:53:43,025 The world is sick! 760 00:53:48,650 --> 00:53:49,606 Back then, 761 00:53:49,608 --> 00:53:51,608 you turned a deaf ear to everything I said. 762 00:53:51,900 --> 00:53:53,900 You treated the world like your enemy. 763 00:53:54,567 --> 00:53:56,317 But when my Mom died, 764 00:53:56,608 --> 00:53:58,067 you came to show your last respects. 765 00:53:58,483 --> 00:53:59,608 Remember that? 766 00:54:02,358 --> 00:54:03,983 Family and friends, all rise! 767 00:54:07,733 --> 00:54:09,150 Everyone, please bow your heads. 768 00:54:10,775 --> 00:54:12,108 Family, press the button. 769 00:54:21,900 --> 00:54:23,400 The ceremony is over. 770 00:54:23,775 --> 00:54:25,525 Please step out of the hall. 771 00:54:40,067 --> 00:54:41,275 Alone? 772 00:54:43,650 --> 00:54:45,815 If I can manage, I'll do it alone. 773 00:54:45,817 --> 00:54:46,900 How's business? 774 00:54:47,442 --> 00:54:48,608 Tough. 775 00:54:48,733 --> 00:54:49,983 People nowadays 776 00:54:50,400 --> 00:54:51,858 toss whatever is broken. 777 00:54:52,442 --> 00:54:53,983 They don't want to fix things. 778 00:54:54,692 --> 00:54:55,900 Congrats! 779 00:54:56,067 --> 00:54:57,817 You defused another wartime bomb. 780 00:54:59,483 --> 00:55:01,442 Next week, I'm taking the team out to dinner. 781 00:55:02,692 --> 00:55:03,650 How nice! 782 00:55:04,733 --> 00:55:05,733 If... 783 00:55:06,233 --> 00:55:07,648 I were still with EOD, 784 00:55:07,650 --> 00:55:09,733 who do you think will be treating dinner? 785 00:55:14,275 --> 00:55:15,108 Look, 786 00:55:16,233 --> 00:55:17,858 Pong's house-warming. 787 00:55:18,858 --> 00:55:20,358 King To's new baby. 788 00:55:21,442 --> 00:55:22,317 Look. 789 00:55:22,858 --> 00:55:24,400 Congratulate them for me. 790 00:55:26,025 --> 00:55:28,400 The team wants to see you. 791 00:55:28,983 --> 00:55:30,025 But I don't. 792 00:55:32,442 --> 00:55:33,317 Actually… 793 00:55:38,817 --> 00:55:40,442 Can't think of anything to say? 794 00:55:41,233 --> 00:55:42,900 You should leave. 795 00:55:49,317 --> 00:55:51,192 Thanks for paying my Mom your last respects. 796 00:56:02,233 --> 00:56:03,648 I also want to know 797 00:56:03,650 --> 00:56:04,817 who is Pong Ling. 798 00:56:05,233 --> 00:56:06,400 She is your ex. 799 00:56:08,400 --> 00:56:09,358 She asked me 800 00:56:09,983 --> 00:56:11,398 if I can carry on my mission. 801 00:56:11,400 --> 00:56:12,608 You saw her? 802 00:56:13,233 --> 00:56:14,525 What mission do I have? 803 00:56:14,983 --> 00:56:15,942 I don't know. 804 00:56:25,358 --> 00:56:27,067 Pick this up at the foot of the mountain. 805 00:56:33,775 --> 00:56:34,358 Pong Ling, 806 00:56:34,400 --> 00:56:35,400 it's Tung Cheuk Man. 807 00:56:35,650 --> 00:56:36,942 Fung just came to see me. 808 00:56:36,983 --> 00:56:39,067 He said you told him he had a mission. 809 00:56:39,150 --> 00:56:40,106 What mission? 810 00:56:40,108 --> 00:56:40,692 Sorry! 811 00:56:40,733 --> 00:56:43,150 It's highly classified. I can't tell you. 812 00:56:56,817 --> 00:56:58,233 Why did you let me go? 813 00:56:58,858 --> 00:57:01,067 You're an UC (undercover) for the CTRU (Counter Terrorism Response Unit). 814 00:57:01,567 --> 00:57:02,858 I'm your handler. 815 00:57:05,275 --> 00:57:07,025 I don't remember anything. 816 00:57:08,483 --> 00:57:09,983 But I remember your face 817 00:57:10,317 --> 00:57:11,608 and your name. 818 00:57:13,150 --> 00:57:16,190 If you were to tell me we're dating each other, I'll believe you. 819 00:57:16,192 --> 00:57:17,400 We used to. 820 00:57:20,775 --> 00:57:23,150 I treated you horribly? 821 00:57:23,775 --> 00:57:26,233 No, you were great. 822 00:57:27,942 --> 00:57:30,942 But after you lost your leg, you became a different person. 823 00:57:31,525 --> 00:57:33,108 "The Police is ungrateful. I'm now dispensable" 824 00:57:34,233 --> 00:57:35,317 Poon Sir! Don't do this! 825 00:57:37,525 --> 00:57:38,898 What do you mean dispensable? 826 00:57:38,900 --> 00:57:40,481 They transferred you to a desk job with the PPRB. 827 00:57:40,483 --> 00:57:41,440 You didn't want it. 828 00:57:41,442 --> 00:57:42,775 You're my girlfriend. 829 00:57:43,150 --> 00:57:44,565 You should know how I feel. 830 00:57:44,567 --> 00:57:46,025 I do. 831 00:57:46,567 --> 00:57:49,065 But the disciplinary services require physical fitness. 832 00:57:49,067 --> 00:57:50,692 There's nothing wrong with me. 833 00:57:50,733 --> 00:57:52,481 With your leg like this, how can you defuse a bomb? How can... 834 00:57:52,483 --> 00:57:54,025 I don't defuse bomb with my leg. 835 00:57:54,067 --> 00:57:55,442 I use my hands. 836 00:57:55,942 --> 00:57:57,233 Other than me, 837 00:57:58,358 --> 00:57:59,981 no one can tell me no. 838 00:57:59,983 --> 00:58:01,608 You're disabled. 839 00:58:01,650 --> 00:58:03,440 How can you protect civilians? 840 00:58:03,442 --> 00:58:06,192 Then why can Tung Cheuk Man go back and I can't? 841 00:58:06,275 --> 00:58:07,525 His injury is different from yours. 842 00:58:07,567 --> 00:58:09,525 How different? 843 00:58:18,733 --> 00:58:21,442 You mean he's not handicapped, 844 00:58:22,025 --> 00:58:23,231 but I am? 845 00:58:23,233 --> 00:58:24,148 That's not what I mean... 846 00:58:24,150 --> 00:58:26,317 Do I have to make a bomb, 847 00:58:26,358 --> 00:58:29,400 then defuse it to prove myself? 848 00:58:29,858 --> 00:58:32,192 Listen to yourself! 849 00:58:32,483 --> 00:58:34,400 You're a ticking bomb. 850 00:58:42,150 --> 00:58:44,067 Fung, let's go see a doctor, OK? 851 00:58:44,108 --> 00:58:45,817 I did. 852 00:58:47,275 --> 00:58:48,775 I'm on meds. 853 00:58:48,983 --> 00:58:50,650 I'm talking about a psychiatrist. 854 00:58:50,692 --> 00:58:52,483 Let's go see a psychiatrist. 855 00:58:52,525 --> 00:58:54,150 I'm not crazy. 856 00:58:54,650 --> 00:58:55,775 I'm hurting. 857 00:58:55,858 --> 00:58:57,483 Do you understand? 858 00:58:58,400 --> 00:58:59,733 I do. 859 00:58:59,817 --> 00:59:01,067 I do. 860 00:59:02,983 --> 00:59:05,275 I don't think we can stay together. 861 00:59:06,650 --> 00:59:07,650 Get out! 862 00:59:08,692 --> 00:59:10,400 Get out! 863 00:59:17,567 --> 00:59:18,400 Get out! 864 00:59:18,567 --> 00:59:19,317 No! 865 00:59:20,567 --> 00:59:21,692 Fung, calm down. 866 00:59:21,733 --> 00:59:23,233 Will you calm down? 867 00:59:23,692 --> 00:59:25,942 Yours and Man's injuries…that was an accident. 868 00:59:26,025 --> 00:59:28,233 No one knew it would end like this. 869 00:59:29,692 --> 00:59:32,067 Fung! You can't blame anyone. 870 00:59:32,108 --> 00:59:33,275 Calm down! 871 00:59:33,442 --> 00:59:34,067 Fung! 872 00:59:35,150 --> 00:59:35,692 Fung! 873 00:59:35,983 --> 00:59:36,567 Fung! 874 00:59:36,692 --> 00:59:37,650 Fung! 875 00:59:49,567 --> 00:59:51,275 Even though we broke up, 876 00:59:51,650 --> 00:59:54,025 I have never given up on you. 877 00:59:54,150 --> 00:59:56,442 I knew you always wanted to be a cop. 878 01:00:05,442 --> 01:00:06,192 Go away! 879 01:00:06,233 --> 01:00:07,775 What's your hurry? 880 01:00:07,900 --> 01:00:09,900 I found a way to help you. 881 01:00:10,942 --> 01:00:11,692 Try me. 882 01:00:11,775 --> 01:00:14,275 I know your anger got the better of you. 883 01:00:16,150 --> 01:00:17,817 It finally clicked? 884 01:00:17,983 --> 01:00:19,817 Then why didn't you tell them? 885 01:00:20,275 --> 01:00:21,858 What makes you think so? 886 01:00:27,942 --> 01:00:29,983 I know you want to be a cop again. 887 01:00:30,067 --> 01:00:31,231 But they don't want me. 888 01:00:31,233 --> 01:00:32,233 That's not true. 889 01:00:32,358 --> 01:00:34,858 They need someone exactly like you. 890 01:00:36,442 --> 01:00:38,398 We received word from the FBI 891 01:00:38,400 --> 01:00:40,190 about an extremist group called Vendetta 892 01:00:40,192 --> 01:00:42,067 planning a terrorist attack in Hong Kong. 893 01:00:42,358 --> 01:00:44,900 They're actively recruiting people who think alike. 894 01:00:45,483 --> 01:00:46,650 After your accident, 895 01:00:46,692 --> 01:00:48,733 you began to hold extreme views and became anti-social. 896 01:00:48,817 --> 01:00:51,442 These qualities fit their profile. 897 01:00:51,900 --> 01:00:55,023 I suggested to Chan Sir to send you to Vendetta as an UC 898 01:00:55,025 --> 01:00:57,440 to catch the men behind the group, Ma Sai Kwan and Davy 899 01:00:57,442 --> 01:00:58,817 and stop the terrorist attack. 900 01:00:59,900 --> 01:01:01,483 Here's the file on Vendetta. 901 01:01:02,567 --> 01:01:04,106 Because there are terrorists, 902 01:01:04,108 --> 01:01:05,817 you don't think I'm crazy anymore. 903 01:01:06,608 --> 01:01:09,650 The Poon Shing Fung I know would never stand by and watch people die. 904 01:01:11,358 --> 01:01:12,648 Accept the offer and make an arrest, 905 01:01:12,650 --> 01:01:14,567 Chan Sir will agree to reinstate you. 906 01:01:19,067 --> 01:01:20,608 Think it over. 907 01:01:29,942 --> 01:01:30,317 Hello? 908 01:01:30,358 --> 01:01:32,025 I'm in. 909 01:01:33,275 --> 01:01:34,525 Before the explosion, 910 01:01:34,650 --> 01:01:36,442 you gave me the intel. 911 01:01:37,067 --> 01:01:38,481 But we don't want to go public 912 01:01:38,483 --> 01:01:39,942 and cause public panic. 913 01:01:40,400 --> 01:01:42,525 So we let you in to defuse the bomb. 914 01:01:43,317 --> 01:01:44,525 In this operation, 915 01:01:45,442 --> 01:01:47,817 everyone thought you planted the bomb. 916 01:01:47,942 --> 01:01:50,108 Only I know you went in to defuse it. 917 01:01:54,442 --> 01:01:55,608 After the explosion, 918 01:01:56,192 --> 01:01:58,817 we found some of your personal belongings. 919 01:01:58,983 --> 01:02:00,567 Your phone got wet. 920 01:02:00,650 --> 01:02:04,192 Luckily colleagues of Team D recovered the data inside. 921 01:02:04,650 --> 01:02:06,025 Judging from the GPS records, 922 01:02:06,108 --> 01:02:08,025 you stayed in one place every night. 923 01:02:08,275 --> 01:02:09,900 Want to check it out? 924 01:02:52,733 --> 01:02:55,067 "Gabapentin Capsules for epilepsy/neuropathic pain" 925 01:03:22,192 --> 01:03:24,233 You said this one is most comfortable. 926 01:03:30,317 --> 01:03:32,150 I hope you can carry on your mission. 927 01:03:32,442 --> 01:03:33,817 When you escaped from the hospital, 928 01:03:34,067 --> 01:03:35,731 Vendetta sent someone to your rescue, 929 01:03:35,733 --> 01:03:38,317 that proves you have become a crucial member of the group. 930 01:03:41,400 --> 01:03:43,150 How did we meet? 931 01:03:50,983 --> 01:03:52,483 7 years ago, 932 01:03:53,650 --> 01:03:55,442 we met at a Police cocktail party. 933 01:03:57,483 --> 01:03:58,650 You accidentally 934 01:03:58,775 --> 01:04:00,567 spilled red wine on my uniform. 935 01:04:01,692 --> 01:04:02,817 You apologized 936 01:04:03,067 --> 01:04:04,275 and I said it was OK. 937 01:04:05,358 --> 01:04:06,900 Then you said you did it on purpose. 938 01:04:08,275 --> 01:04:09,108 You meant to 939 01:04:09,442 --> 01:04:11,233 get my attention. 940 01:04:14,192 --> 01:04:15,358 Let's not go into that. 941 01:04:16,192 --> 01:04:16,942 This watch 942 01:04:16,983 --> 01:04:18,650 has GPS and recording functions. 943 01:04:18,900 --> 01:04:19,983 Wear it 944 01:04:20,608 --> 01:04:22,025 and it can ensure your safety. 945 01:04:25,692 --> 01:04:27,317 Can I hug you? 946 01:04:34,400 --> 01:04:36,400 I don't remember much. 947 01:04:37,525 --> 01:04:39,192 I can't tell what's real 948 01:04:41,358 --> 01:04:42,483 and what's not. 949 01:04:46,775 --> 01:04:48,025 If you trust me, 950 01:04:48,483 --> 01:04:49,733 you're a cop. 951 01:04:50,692 --> 01:04:51,858 If you don't, 952 01:04:52,650 --> 01:04:54,275 you're a terrorist. 953 01:04:55,942 --> 01:04:57,525 Ask yourself 954 01:04:59,483 --> 01:05:02,733 what kind of person is Poon Shing Fung. 955 01:05:06,608 --> 01:05:08,358 Your top priority 956 01:05:08,692 --> 01:05:10,483 is to contact Vendetta, 957 01:05:10,733 --> 01:05:12,650 help us catch Ma Sai Kwan 958 01:05:12,817 --> 01:05:14,525 and find out Davy's real identity 959 01:05:14,567 --> 01:05:16,483 in order to foil their terrorist attack. 960 01:05:37,900 --> 01:05:39,192 Blizzard. 961 01:05:55,067 --> 01:05:56,983 After you lost your leg, you became so full of yourself, 962 01:05:57,108 --> 01:05:58,150 you drove yourself into a dead end. 963 01:05:58,567 --> 01:05:59,981 If I were still with EOD, 964 01:05:59,983 --> 01:06:01,525 who do you think will be treating dinner? 965 01:06:02,275 --> 01:06:03,815 After you lost your leg, 966 01:06:03,817 --> 01:06:05,192 you became a different person. 967 01:06:32,650 --> 01:06:33,400 Pong Ling, 968 01:06:35,108 --> 01:06:36,067 tell me honestly, 969 01:06:36,192 --> 01:06:37,898 what mission can Fung possibly have? 970 01:06:37,900 --> 01:06:38,775 Man, 971 01:06:39,483 --> 01:06:41,106 I told you it's classified. I can't tell you. 972 01:06:41,108 --> 01:06:43,775 He's a suspect in a bombing incident that killed 18 people. 973 01:06:43,942 --> 01:06:45,525 He's an armed fugitive. 974 01:06:45,567 --> 01:06:47,192 Every cop in town is looking for him. 975 01:06:47,817 --> 01:06:49,483 He doesn't remember any mission. 976 01:06:49,525 --> 01:06:50,900 You know the kind of danger he's in? 977 01:06:53,400 --> 01:06:55,150 You asked him to find terrorists. 978 01:06:56,650 --> 01:06:59,233 If you really want to know, talk to Chan Sir. 979 01:07:04,442 --> 01:07:06,192 Someone who suffers from declarative memory loss, 980 01:07:06,275 --> 01:07:07,983 may form a new consciousness, 981 01:07:08,067 --> 01:07:11,358 exhibit a new temperament, develop new concepts 982 01:07:11,483 --> 01:07:13,483 or even form a new outlook on right and wrong. 983 01:07:13,525 --> 01:07:15,400 He can become a different person. 984 01:07:18,150 --> 01:07:18,858 Sir, 985 01:07:19,317 --> 01:07:20,275 I have an idea. 986 01:07:20,317 --> 01:07:21,733 Madam Pong, I'd like you to meet 987 01:07:21,775 --> 01:07:23,983 Professor Wong Ching Yi and Dr. Lam Chi Ming. 988 01:07:24,150 --> 01:07:24,775 Hello! 989 01:07:24,858 --> 01:07:25,356 Hello! 990 01:07:25,358 --> 01:07:26,400 "Dr. Lam Chi Ming Specialist in Neurology" 991 01:07:26,442 --> 01:07:27,067 Hello! 992 01:07:27,233 --> 01:07:27,733 Hello! 993 01:07:27,858 --> 01:07:30,233 "Wong Ching Yi Professor in Clinical Psychology" 994 01:08:08,358 --> 01:08:09,567 You're Pong Ling. 995 01:08:10,067 --> 01:08:11,442 He still remembers my name. 996 01:08:11,733 --> 01:08:13,481 We can implant memories, 997 01:08:13,483 --> 01:08:15,067 but not feelings. 998 01:08:15,150 --> 01:08:16,773 You're still inside his subconscious 999 01:08:16,775 --> 01:08:18,733 that means he still misses you, 1000 01:08:19,108 --> 01:08:22,025 though he may not remember what happened in the past. 1001 01:08:23,483 --> 01:08:26,108 I only want to know if this will affect our plan. 1002 01:08:26,400 --> 01:08:27,858 According to past research, 1003 01:08:28,067 --> 01:08:29,692 even though implanted memories need 1004 01:08:29,733 --> 01:08:31,067 to be substantiated by actual events 1005 01:08:31,108 --> 01:08:33,108 and not something fabricated, 1006 01:08:33,400 --> 01:08:36,692 it's also best that someone trustworthy to the subject 1007 01:08:36,775 --> 01:08:38,108 can verify everything. 1008 01:08:39,025 --> 01:08:39,858 Madam Pong, 1009 01:08:41,983 --> 01:08:43,483 I do not doubt you. 1010 01:08:43,983 --> 01:08:45,608 On the contrary, I need to tell you 1011 01:08:45,733 --> 01:08:47,358 your relationship with Poon Shing Fung 1012 01:08:47,567 --> 01:08:50,692 is in our favor when we implant fake memory. 1013 01:08:51,067 --> 01:08:53,025 You're an UC for the CTRU, 1014 01:08:53,692 --> 01:08:54,900 and I'm your handler. 1015 01:09:18,358 --> 01:09:20,025 Do you know why 1016 01:09:20,650 --> 01:09:22,275 Fung became what he is today? 1017 01:09:25,733 --> 01:09:27,233 He wanted to be reinstated back then, 1018 01:09:27,608 --> 01:09:29,440 you rejected him because you didn't want to take the rap. 1019 01:09:29,442 --> 01:09:30,483 Now that he has amnesia, 1020 01:09:30,525 --> 01:09:33,567 you had the nerve to tell him he's working undercover? 1021 01:09:33,858 --> 01:09:35,565 He can't even remember if he's a cop! 1022 01:09:35,567 --> 01:09:36,983 What's wrong with you people? 1023 01:09:37,358 --> 01:09:39,108 If we had other options, 1024 01:09:39,608 --> 01:09:41,525 I wouldn't have accepted Madam Pong's suggestion. 1025 01:09:42,858 --> 01:09:45,775 In order to close file, you're capable of anything! 1026 01:09:50,275 --> 01:09:52,650 What if he got himself killed? 1027 01:09:52,817 --> 01:09:54,608 Will that be in the line of duty, Madam? 1028 01:09:54,817 --> 01:09:57,108 He has no record with the Hong Kong Police! 1029 01:09:58,025 --> 01:10:00,192 Fung already lost the job he loved. 1030 01:10:02,192 --> 01:10:03,192 He lost a leg. 1031 01:10:04,817 --> 01:10:06,150 He had nothing left. 1032 01:10:08,483 --> 01:10:09,231 I understand. 1033 01:10:09,233 --> 01:10:10,983 Sorry, Sir! I don't think you do. 1034 01:10:12,067 --> 01:10:13,608 We should be helping him. 1035 01:10:13,733 --> 01:10:15,067 Not lying to him. 1036 01:10:15,192 --> 01:10:16,817 He was your boyfriend. 1037 01:10:17,108 --> 01:10:17,981 I wanted to help him. 1038 01:10:17,983 --> 01:10:19,108 By pushing him off the cliff? 1039 01:10:19,275 --> 01:10:20,900 To atone for his crime. 1040 01:10:22,317 --> 01:10:23,565 The explosion at the hotel, 1041 01:10:23,567 --> 01:10:24,773 based on prima facie evidence, 1042 01:10:24,775 --> 01:10:26,900 he's likely to get a life sentence. 1043 01:10:28,025 --> 01:10:29,858 But if he helped the Police 1044 01:10:30,233 --> 01:10:31,733 take out Vendetta 1045 01:10:31,900 --> 01:10:33,192 and stop the terrorist attack, 1046 01:10:34,025 --> 01:10:35,025 we'll have a reason 1047 01:10:35,608 --> 01:10:37,483 to make a plea to the judge. 1048 01:10:38,317 --> 01:10:39,192 Or else, 1049 01:10:39,525 --> 01:10:41,525 he'll always be... 1050 01:10:43,108 --> 01:10:44,108 ...a wanted man. 1051 01:10:52,858 --> 01:10:54,233 Atone for his crime? 1052 01:10:56,983 --> 01:10:58,608 Use his life 1053 01:10:59,067 --> 01:11:01,108 to save 100 other lives? 1054 01:11:02,025 --> 01:11:04,525 That's what you call atoning for his crime? 1055 01:11:06,733 --> 01:11:07,898 You're his buddy. 1056 01:11:07,900 --> 01:11:09,150 You tell me. 1057 01:11:11,275 --> 01:11:12,567 How can he ever go back 1058 01:11:13,067 --> 01:11:15,192 to be the Poon Shing Fung we know? 1059 01:11:15,983 --> 01:11:17,317 Tell me! 1060 01:11:22,817 --> 01:11:24,608 The Poon Shing Fung we know, 1061 01:11:27,400 --> 01:11:28,775 will risk his life 1062 01:11:30,317 --> 01:11:31,733 to save others. 1063 01:11:46,358 --> 01:11:46,942 Madam, 1064 01:11:46,983 --> 01:11:48,690 Poon Shing Fung went inside a coffee shop. 1065 01:11:48,692 --> 01:11:51,233 In that area, flyovers blocked the roadcams. 1066 01:12:00,942 --> 01:12:02,481 The black vehicle across the street 1067 01:12:02,483 --> 01:12:03,608 will pick you up. 1068 01:12:14,608 --> 01:12:16,150 Madam, we lost the GPS signal. 1069 01:12:16,400 --> 01:12:18,398 Probably from interference. But we still have audio. 1070 01:12:18,400 --> 01:12:19,567 Where are we going? 1071 01:12:50,400 --> 01:12:51,606 "The Water Margin" 1072 01:12:51,608 --> 01:12:52,442 Blizzard, 1073 01:12:53,400 --> 01:12:55,025 we meet at last! 1074 01:12:55,275 --> 01:12:56,525 I'm Money. 1075 01:12:58,858 --> 01:13:00,067 I'm Slave. 1076 01:13:02,400 --> 01:13:03,567 Sniper. 1077 01:13:10,108 --> 01:13:10,942 Blizzard, 1078 01:13:12,608 --> 01:13:13,398 welcome back! 1079 01:13:13,400 --> 01:13:14,025 Thanks. 1080 01:13:14,858 --> 01:13:16,233 The Boss is worried about you. 1081 01:13:17,025 --> 01:13:18,190 After you left the hospital, 1082 01:13:18,192 --> 01:13:19,650 why didn't you contact us right away? 1083 01:13:20,650 --> 01:13:21,733 When I woke up, 1084 01:13:21,817 --> 01:13:23,817 I don't remember much. 1085 01:13:23,983 --> 01:13:25,400 After I broke out of the hospital, 1086 01:13:25,567 --> 01:13:27,233 I had the cops on my tail. 1087 01:13:27,567 --> 01:13:28,690 I didn't want to get anyone in trouble. 1088 01:13:28,692 --> 01:13:29,942 That's why I didn't make contact. 1089 01:13:30,275 --> 01:13:31,733 You're always very careful. 1090 01:13:32,608 --> 01:13:33,815 We have so much to learn from you. 1091 01:13:33,817 --> 01:13:34,650 I'm sorry! 1092 01:13:34,900 --> 01:13:36,190 I made a mistake and you had to fill in for me. 1093 01:13:36,192 --> 01:13:37,025 I almost got you in trouble. 1094 01:13:37,067 --> 01:13:38,231 You did a great job 1095 01:13:38,233 --> 01:13:39,275 with the lighting ceremony. 1096 01:13:39,317 --> 01:13:41,108 They're talking about the hotel explosion. 1097 01:13:41,442 --> 01:13:42,692 The Boss is tied up. 1098 01:13:42,900 --> 01:13:44,067 He can't meet with you. 1099 01:13:44,108 --> 01:13:46,442 He told us to contact him after we picked you up. 1100 01:13:49,817 --> 01:13:50,692 Blizzard, 1101 01:13:50,900 --> 01:13:52,067 I'm glad you're back. 1102 01:13:53,233 --> 01:13:53,981 Our plan 1103 01:13:53,983 --> 01:13:55,233 will proceed as scheduled. 1104 01:13:55,567 --> 01:13:57,692 Nothing will stop Resurrection Day. 1105 01:13:57,775 --> 01:13:59,025 It's probably Ma Sai Kwan. 1106 01:13:59,150 --> 01:14:00,775 Do a voice analysis and track the signal. 1107 01:14:00,858 --> 01:14:01,440 Yes, Madam! 1108 01:14:01,442 --> 01:14:02,692 I already told you 1109 01:14:02,733 --> 01:14:04,442 Our minds are in sync 1110 01:14:04,650 --> 01:14:05,858 and we're comrades with the same belief. 1111 01:14:06,025 --> 01:14:06,942 Vendetta 1112 01:14:07,150 --> 01:14:08,692 has not let me down. 1113 01:14:09,275 --> 01:14:10,108 Not now, 1114 01:14:10,567 --> 01:14:12,275 not ever. 1115 01:14:14,067 --> 01:14:14,817 Now... 1116 01:14:14,858 --> 01:14:16,648 Madam, we have voice confirmation. 1117 01:14:16,650 --> 01:14:17,356 It's definitely Ma Sai Kwan. 1118 01:14:17,358 --> 01:14:18,565 We have waited long enough for Davy. 1119 01:14:18,567 --> 01:14:19,731 I have more good news. 1120 01:14:19,733 --> 01:14:21,440 I just picked up Davy. 1121 01:14:21,442 --> 01:14:22,608 Davy is here! 1122 01:14:22,650 --> 01:14:23,692 Do we have the location? 1123 01:14:23,733 --> 01:14:24,817 Still tracking. 1124 01:14:25,150 --> 01:14:26,025 See? 1125 01:14:29,400 --> 01:14:30,858 Yes! 1126 01:14:32,608 --> 01:14:33,900 After Davy settles down, 1127 01:14:34,192 --> 01:14:35,192 I'll come to you. 1128 01:14:35,233 --> 01:14:36,275 Whatever you need, 1129 01:14:36,317 --> 01:14:37,442 just tell Rhino. 1130 01:14:37,817 --> 01:14:38,775 OK? 1131 01:14:39,150 --> 01:14:40,400 We lost the signal. 1132 01:14:40,442 --> 01:14:41,983 Do we have the location? 1133 01:14:42,025 --> 01:14:42,858 No! 1134 01:14:43,733 --> 01:14:45,233 The Boss has a present for you. 1135 01:14:45,608 --> 01:14:46,817 It's the latest model. 1136 01:14:47,608 --> 01:14:48,900 You're now a wanted man. 1137 01:14:49,275 --> 01:14:50,733 You must be careful. 1138 01:14:51,733 --> 01:14:53,358 Don't go home. 1139 01:14:53,900 --> 01:14:56,483 The Police locked down the place and it will be heavily guarded. 1140 01:15:09,608 --> 01:15:11,400 You should know by now, 1141 01:15:12,150 --> 01:15:14,567 I'd rather die than betray a comrade. 1142 01:15:20,275 --> 01:15:21,481 No wonder the Boss trusts you 1143 01:15:21,483 --> 01:15:23,692 and never once doubted you'd be a rat. 1144 01:15:28,692 --> 01:15:29,273 Let's roll! 1145 01:15:29,275 --> 01:15:30,233 Out to the open sea! 1146 01:15:42,358 --> 01:15:44,358 We just lost the voice signal. 1147 01:16:09,108 --> 01:16:09,773 Here… 1148 01:16:09,775 --> 01:16:11,108 A toast to Doctor. 1149 01:16:11,275 --> 01:16:11,900 Cheers! 1150 01:16:12,817 --> 01:16:13,817 Doctor was a hero. 1151 01:16:16,900 --> 01:16:17,817 But so what? 1152 01:16:17,900 --> 01:16:19,400 Only we'd remember him. 1153 01:16:19,775 --> 01:16:20,858 No one else would. 1154 01:16:20,900 --> 01:16:21,900 Blizzard, 1155 01:16:22,567 --> 01:16:23,400 you taught me 1156 01:16:23,483 --> 01:16:25,898 I should place the index finger tip on the trigger 1157 01:16:25,900 --> 01:16:27,731 of a sniper rifle for a better aim. 1158 01:16:27,733 --> 01:16:29,067 I'll remember that. 1159 01:16:29,442 --> 01:16:30,442 But 1160 01:16:30,733 --> 01:16:33,315 when I pick up a rifle to do something meaningful, 1161 01:16:33,317 --> 01:16:35,150 I want to go out with a bang. 1162 01:16:35,358 --> 01:16:36,648 Whether anyone will remember me, 1163 01:16:36,650 --> 01:16:37,900 I don't care. 1164 01:16:38,483 --> 01:16:39,733 Maverick told us that 1165 01:16:39,900 --> 01:16:41,942 being brave is the key to facing life. 1166 01:16:42,025 --> 01:16:43,692 We all have to die. 1167 01:16:43,733 --> 01:16:44,317 Yes! 1168 01:16:44,608 --> 01:16:45,733 Be brave! 1169 01:16:45,983 --> 01:16:47,525 A true genius 1170 01:16:47,567 --> 01:16:50,192 will not be KO'd by this sick society. 1171 01:16:50,275 --> 01:16:51,900 We must fight back! 1172 01:16:51,942 --> 01:16:52,483 Cheers! 1173 01:16:52,608 --> 01:16:53,400 Cheers! 1174 01:16:57,192 --> 01:16:58,942 When I was in the hospital, what have you been doing? 1175 01:16:58,983 --> 01:17:00,233 We followed your instructions 1176 01:17:00,317 --> 01:17:01,233 and made bombs. 1177 01:17:01,275 --> 01:17:02,317 Bombs? 1178 01:17:02,358 --> 01:17:02,900 Yes! 1179 01:17:02,942 --> 01:17:04,192 You and Maverick had it mapped out. 1180 01:17:04,233 --> 01:17:06,567 The prelude to Resurrection Day. 1181 01:17:09,817 --> 01:17:10,317 Good! 1182 01:17:15,817 --> 01:17:17,190 Do you have the suspect who placed the bomb? 1183 01:17:17,192 --> 01:17:19,440 CCTV captured a man wearing a mask 1184 01:17:19,442 --> 01:17:21,275 who placed it around noon. 1185 01:17:21,483 --> 01:17:22,442 Should be a lone wolf. 1186 01:17:22,858 --> 01:17:24,567 5 kg of C-4 1187 01:17:25,150 --> 01:17:26,233 could be deadly. 1188 01:17:26,858 --> 01:17:29,358 The design of the bomb isn't complicated. 1189 01:17:29,525 --> 01:17:30,608 But this device 1190 01:17:30,692 --> 01:17:32,275 has an unusual direction. 1191 01:17:32,567 --> 01:17:34,483 It's pointing down. 1192 01:17:34,567 --> 01:17:36,692 We have cables and gas pipes underground. 1193 01:17:36,733 --> 01:17:37,650 When it blows, 1194 01:17:37,692 --> 01:17:39,858 the chain reaction will cause a regional airblast 1195 01:17:40,025 --> 01:17:40,983 that can be disastrous. 1196 01:17:42,233 --> 01:17:44,150 "Good guys stay away" 1197 01:17:44,692 --> 01:17:45,692 It's the media. 1198 01:17:46,525 --> 01:17:47,650 Get rid of the drone. 1199 01:17:47,692 --> 01:17:48,733 Yes, Madam! 1200 01:18:06,150 --> 01:18:07,692 The best is yet to come. 1201 01:18:20,483 --> 01:18:21,275 "Private number" 1202 01:18:25,983 --> 01:18:26,900 The phone is ringing. 1203 01:18:28,108 --> 01:18:29,150 I'm picking up. 1204 01:18:32,733 --> 01:18:34,067 "Handsfree mode" 1205 01:18:34,733 --> 01:18:35,900 Hello? 1206 01:18:35,942 --> 01:18:36,898 Calling EOD, 1207 01:18:36,900 --> 01:18:37,692 what is Tung Sir doing? 1208 01:18:37,733 --> 01:18:38,942 There's a phone on the bomb. 1209 01:18:38,983 --> 01:18:39,858 Someone just called. 1210 01:18:39,900 --> 01:18:40,692 Who? 1211 01:18:40,733 --> 01:18:42,567 We don't know. I'll put it through. 1212 01:18:42,858 --> 01:18:43,567 You must be 1213 01:18:43,608 --> 01:18:45,400 Tung Cheuk Man, the EODB officer. 1214 01:18:45,733 --> 01:18:46,608 Who are you? 1215 01:18:46,650 --> 01:18:48,148 Just an ordinary citizen. 1216 01:18:48,150 --> 01:18:50,317 Unlike you, Tung Sir, I'm not in the news. 1217 01:18:50,358 --> 01:18:51,650 It's just a job. 1218 01:18:51,692 --> 01:18:54,483 Cops are very different from civilians. 1219 01:18:54,567 --> 01:18:55,858 I really want to know, 1220 01:18:56,150 --> 01:18:58,523 if a cop and a civilian 1221 01:18:58,525 --> 01:18:59,817 are both shot, 1222 01:18:59,942 --> 01:19:01,358 who will you save first? 1223 01:19:01,650 --> 01:19:02,608 I'm working. 1224 01:19:02,983 --> 01:19:04,192 I don't have time to think. 1225 01:19:04,483 --> 01:19:05,358 To! Scissors! 1226 01:19:05,442 --> 01:19:06,275 Yes, Sir! 1227 01:19:18,858 --> 01:19:19,858 Man. 1228 01:19:23,650 --> 01:19:24,942 Find cover! 1229 01:19:27,317 --> 01:19:28,317 Such precision! 1230 01:19:31,775 --> 01:19:32,483 Stay back! 1231 01:19:32,525 --> 01:19:33,858 Tung Sir! Your position is too dangerous. 1232 01:19:33,900 --> 01:19:35,067 Pull out! 1233 01:19:38,858 --> 01:19:40,525 My suit is bulletproof. 1234 01:19:40,983 --> 01:19:42,192 Try to save To. 1235 01:19:44,733 --> 01:19:46,150 Search sniper's location. 1236 01:19:51,567 --> 01:19:52,608 Don't go out there! 1237 01:19:58,942 --> 01:20:01,025 I heard you said your bomb suit can protect you. 1238 01:20:01,983 --> 01:20:02,983 Let's see. 1239 01:20:14,525 --> 01:20:15,315 Did you find him? 1240 01:20:15,317 --> 01:20:15,983 No, Madam! 1241 01:20:16,025 --> 01:20:16,650 Keep looking. 1242 01:20:16,692 --> 01:20:17,192 Hurry! 1243 01:20:30,775 --> 01:20:31,690 Sniper's location 1244 01:20:31,692 --> 01:20:33,525 should be at my 5 or 6 o’clock. 1245 01:20:36,275 --> 01:20:37,817 Madam, out of range. 1246 01:20:38,192 --> 01:20:38,817 Go! 1247 01:20:56,733 --> 01:20:57,150 What is it? 1248 01:20:57,192 --> 01:20:57,983 Police! 1249 01:20:58,025 --> 01:20:58,817 Stay here. 1250 01:21:35,150 --> 01:21:36,150 Bomb clear! 1251 01:21:56,983 --> 01:21:57,692 To! 1252 01:22:00,567 --> 01:22:01,733 Ambulance! 1253 01:22:02,192 --> 01:22:02,775 To! 1254 01:22:03,108 --> 01:22:04,317 To! Stay awake! To! 1255 01:22:09,317 --> 01:22:09,815 Police! 1256 01:22:09,817 --> 01:22:10,608 Drop your weapon! 1257 01:22:12,650 --> 01:22:13,233 Hey! 1258 01:22:13,525 --> 01:22:14,483 Hey! 1259 01:22:19,983 --> 01:22:20,775 Sniper down! 1260 01:22:21,400 --> 01:22:22,940 Place your men in deadly peril and they will survive. 1261 01:22:22,942 --> 01:22:24,565 Leave them in dire straits and they're reborn. 1262 01:22:24,567 --> 01:22:25,275 Salute! 1263 01:22:35,983 --> 01:22:36,817 Ambulance! 1264 01:22:37,025 --> 01:22:37,775 Hurry! 1265 01:22:37,817 --> 01:22:38,983 To, look at me! 1266 01:22:39,025 --> 01:22:39,692 To! 1267 01:22:39,942 --> 01:22:40,817 Hang in there! 1268 01:22:41,692 --> 01:22:42,942 Ambulance! 1269 01:22:43,192 --> 01:22:43,858 To! 1270 01:22:44,733 --> 01:22:45,942 Look at me! 1271 01:22:46,525 --> 01:22:47,442 Look at me! 1272 01:22:49,358 --> 01:22:50,733 Sir, let us take over. 1273 01:23:30,775 --> 01:23:33,317 I missed you… 1274 01:23:36,317 --> 01:23:38,025 It breaks my heart. 1275 01:23:38,525 --> 01:23:40,775 I want you to come home. 1276 01:23:46,608 --> 01:23:48,858 Even though I don't remember who they were. 1277 01:23:51,150 --> 01:23:52,817 I still feel bad. 1278 01:23:57,733 --> 01:23:59,733 Where you took me was not my home. 1279 01:24:01,150 --> 01:24:02,608 I'm a terrorist. 1280 01:24:04,108 --> 01:24:06,650 Whose idea was it, lying to me about being an UC? 1281 01:24:08,025 --> 01:24:09,233 Mine. 1282 01:24:11,442 --> 01:24:12,358 Yours? 1283 01:24:12,858 --> 01:24:15,858 If I said you were involved in 2 terrorist attacks 1284 01:24:16,233 --> 01:24:19,356 with a total casualty of 29 dead and 91 seriously injured, 1285 01:24:19,358 --> 01:24:21,025 how would you feel? 1286 01:24:22,275 --> 01:24:23,608 How would you feel? 1287 01:24:26,567 --> 01:24:29,650 But when I look at these dead colleagues, I begin to wonder... 1288 01:24:30,025 --> 01:24:31,775 ...if my plan was a mistake. 1289 01:24:31,900 --> 01:24:33,233 Don't blame yourself. 1290 01:24:34,567 --> 01:24:35,858 You did nothing wrong. 1291 01:24:38,942 --> 01:24:40,275 If I were in your shoes, 1292 01:24:41,650 --> 01:24:43,400 I would have done the same. 1293 01:24:47,525 --> 01:24:48,567 I went back 1294 01:24:48,775 --> 01:24:50,731 and confirmed I'm a core member of Vendetta. 1295 01:24:50,733 --> 01:24:52,150 Davy 1296 01:24:52,608 --> 01:24:53,692 is not a person. 1297 01:24:54,442 --> 01:24:55,525 It's a U.S. 1298 01:24:55,567 --> 01:24:57,775 nuclear bomb developed during the Cold War. 1299 01:24:58,150 --> 01:25:01,067 Davy Crockett, as one of the smallest nuclear weapons ever built, 1300 01:25:01,150 --> 01:25:02,067 its destructive power is 1301 01:25:02,150 --> 01:25:05,150 between 10 and 20 tons of TNT equivalent. 1302 01:25:05,400 --> 01:25:06,483 Resurrection Day 1303 01:25:06,567 --> 01:25:07,775 is the code name for an operation. 1304 01:25:08,150 --> 01:25:09,400 The details of which 1305 01:25:09,817 --> 01:25:11,400 are still unknown. 1306 01:25:17,900 --> 01:25:19,983 I must carry on with the mission 1307 01:25:20,525 --> 01:25:22,108 and I'll find out soon. 1308 01:25:34,233 --> 01:25:36,150 We chose this path together. 1309 01:25:36,942 --> 01:25:38,900 Even though I have only one leg, 1310 01:25:40,275 --> 01:25:41,483 you must stick with me 1311 01:25:42,733 --> 01:25:44,025 and see this through. 1312 01:25:47,108 --> 01:25:48,567 You must be careful. 1313 01:25:50,608 --> 01:25:52,150 I will. 1314 01:26:02,483 --> 01:26:04,525 What was it like for us? 1315 01:26:06,692 --> 01:26:08,400 You were never in love with me, 1316 01:26:09,150 --> 01:26:11,108 but I can't tell if it's real or not. 1317 01:26:40,525 --> 01:26:41,733 The Boss wants to see you. 1318 01:26:57,900 --> 01:26:58,481 Calling Madam, 1319 01:26:58,483 --> 01:26:59,442 the barge blew up. 1320 01:26:59,483 --> 01:27:00,650 They took Poon Shing Fung away. 1321 01:27:10,317 --> 01:27:10,858 Madam, 1322 01:27:10,900 --> 01:27:12,275 we still have Poon Shing Fung's signal. 1323 01:27:12,567 --> 01:27:14,233 He's probably meeting with Ma Sai Kwan. 1324 01:27:14,525 --> 01:27:16,150 CTRU, let's roll. 1325 01:27:25,733 --> 01:27:27,108 Hang back! Keep a 1 km distance. 1326 01:27:33,275 --> 01:27:33,856 Madam, 1327 01:27:33,858 --> 01:27:35,275 we lost the signal. 1328 01:27:36,525 --> 01:27:38,317 Probably by a radio interference device. 1329 01:27:42,608 --> 01:27:43,650 OK! Go! 1330 01:27:44,192 --> 01:27:45,317 Boys, come on! 1331 01:27:45,400 --> 01:27:45,983 Hurry up! 1332 01:27:51,608 --> 01:27:52,858 Hurry up! 1333 01:28:02,567 --> 01:28:04,817 "The Water Margin", never get bored from reading it. 1334 01:28:06,483 --> 01:28:09,067 Vendetta is like the Liangshan Marsh. 1335 01:28:09,150 --> 01:28:11,442 I'm Chao Gai and you're Song Jiang. 1336 01:28:12,108 --> 01:28:13,858 I foot the bill, you come up with ideas 1337 01:28:14,650 --> 01:28:15,900 upholding justice for Heaven. 1338 01:28:18,108 --> 01:28:20,150 I just didn't expect our ending 1339 01:28:20,858 --> 01:28:22,358 would be the same as "The Water Margin". 1340 01:28:22,692 --> 01:28:24,608 Song Jiang accepted the Court's amnesty 1341 01:28:25,942 --> 01:28:27,525 and betrayed his brothers. 1342 01:28:32,983 --> 01:28:34,400 Is the prosthetic any good? 1343 01:28:38,650 --> 01:28:41,275 The lady you were with works for CTRU. 1344 01:28:41,442 --> 01:28:42,692 She was my ex-girlfriend. 1345 01:28:44,067 --> 01:28:45,108 I'm a man on the run, 1346 01:28:45,983 --> 01:28:47,400 she wanted me to turn myself in. 1347 01:28:51,067 --> 01:28:52,608 We were childhood friends, 1348 01:28:52,692 --> 01:28:55,067 comrades with the same beliefs. 1349 01:28:55,817 --> 01:28:57,317 How can I possibly doubt you? 1350 01:28:57,733 --> 01:28:58,525 By the way, 1351 01:28:59,608 --> 01:29:01,192 how long have we known each other? 1352 01:29:01,233 --> 01:29:02,317 I don't remember. 1353 01:29:03,567 --> 01:29:04,483 I have amnesia. 1354 01:29:04,775 --> 01:29:05,608 Amnesia? 1355 01:29:06,942 --> 01:29:07,650 I'll have another go! 1356 01:29:07,692 --> 01:29:09,356 That's enough! Stop bullying Ma Sai Kwan! 1357 01:29:09,358 --> 01:29:10,442 We're playing with him. 1358 01:29:12,775 --> 01:29:14,692 I will always remember 1359 01:29:14,775 --> 01:29:17,108 how nice you were to me. 1360 01:29:21,275 --> 01:29:23,148 Why did they punish you for helping someone? 1361 01:29:23,150 --> 01:29:25,650 They didn't punish me for helping you, 1362 01:29:25,692 --> 01:29:26,942 but for getting into a fight. 1363 01:29:27,025 --> 01:29:28,650 But they hit you first. 1364 01:29:28,692 --> 01:29:30,108 You were protecting yourself... 1365 01:29:31,025 --> 01:29:31,983 ...and me. 1366 01:29:32,358 --> 01:29:33,650 I want to give you something. 1367 01:29:33,692 --> 01:29:34,733 Mastermind? 1368 01:29:34,983 --> 01:29:38,483 It has 6 colors to choose from to be placed into 4 slots. 1369 01:29:38,525 --> 01:29:40,525 You must guess the correct color and order. 1370 01:29:42,567 --> 01:29:43,567 You lost. 1371 01:29:44,108 --> 01:29:45,442 Let me see. 1372 01:29:46,233 --> 01:29:47,567 I can't believe it. 1373 01:29:47,608 --> 01:29:49,023 Wouldn't that be easier to guess? 1374 01:29:49,025 --> 01:29:51,315 You never said you can use the same color. 1375 01:29:51,317 --> 01:29:52,733 I like uniformity. 1376 01:29:52,817 --> 01:29:54,733 I hate people who change. 1377 01:29:54,983 --> 01:29:56,942 After high school, I went to the U.K. 1378 01:29:56,983 --> 01:29:58,858 I sent you a Christmas card every year. 1379 01:29:58,900 --> 01:30:00,817 But after a few years, you stopped writing back. 1380 01:30:00,900 --> 01:30:04,067 Until one year, the Christmas card I sent was returned. 1381 01:30:04,233 --> 01:30:06,733 "Unable to Contact" was written on the envelope. 1382 01:30:06,775 --> 01:30:07,692 Then years later, 1383 01:30:07,775 --> 01:30:09,273 I saw you in the newspaper, 1384 01:30:09,275 --> 01:30:12,525 standing in front of a bomb with a big hole. 1385 01:30:13,025 --> 01:30:14,650 You became an EODB officer. 1386 01:30:15,150 --> 01:30:16,192 Right there and then, 1387 01:30:17,275 --> 01:30:18,650 I was heartbroken. 1388 01:30:24,733 --> 01:30:25,692 Until one day, 1389 01:30:26,983 --> 01:30:30,275 I found out this system finally abandoned you. 1390 01:30:32,275 --> 01:30:33,858 The world is sick! 1391 01:30:34,858 --> 01:30:36,608 Do I have to make a bomb, 1392 01:30:36,650 --> 01:30:39,108 then defuse it to prove myself? 1393 01:30:39,150 --> 01:30:41,150 Listen to yourself! 1394 01:30:41,233 --> 01:30:42,942 You're a ticking bomb. 1395 01:30:43,733 --> 01:30:46,025 This is a society that 1396 01:30:46,483 --> 01:30:48,525 everything is disposable after use, 1397 01:30:48,608 --> 01:30:49,942 including human beings. 1398 01:30:51,067 --> 01:30:52,692 When I read that message, 1399 01:30:52,775 --> 01:30:53,692 I knew 1400 01:30:54,192 --> 01:30:55,108 Blizzard 1401 01:30:55,817 --> 01:30:56,817 is you. 1402 01:30:56,858 --> 01:30:58,356 Anger is not enough. 1403 01:30:58,358 --> 01:31:01,106 To turn this rotten system to ashes, 1404 01:31:01,108 --> 01:31:04,317 we need to be together as one against all others, 1405 01:31:04,358 --> 01:31:07,567 - break all of their wings and make sure it crashes. - Courier 1406 01:31:07,650 --> 01:31:10,942 To see a new beginning rise behind the sun, 1407 01:31:10,983 --> 01:31:12,817 we seek destruction. 1408 01:31:15,900 --> 01:31:17,690 You finally came out from under 1409 01:31:17,692 --> 01:31:19,900 that "you got what you deserved" mentality. 1410 01:31:21,275 --> 01:31:22,525 But the price you paid 1411 01:31:23,275 --> 01:31:24,442 is your leg. 1412 01:31:27,025 --> 01:31:27,900 My dear friend, 1413 01:31:28,067 --> 01:31:29,233 long time no see. 1414 01:31:29,275 --> 01:31:31,692 I hope we can meet up and make some plans 1415 01:31:31,817 --> 01:31:34,317 to stop this world from getting worse. 1416 01:31:55,067 --> 01:31:55,983 Ma Sai Kwan? 1417 01:32:03,775 --> 01:32:04,608 Betrayal 1418 01:32:04,942 --> 01:32:06,690 is nothing new. 1419 01:32:06,692 --> 01:32:08,650 Humans are full of weaknesses. 1420 01:32:08,900 --> 01:32:11,025 But this operation is your design. 1421 01:32:13,067 --> 01:32:14,817 How can you beat Vendetta? 1422 01:32:16,483 --> 01:32:17,192 Who are you? 1423 01:32:17,233 --> 01:32:18,858 I don't know who I am. 1424 01:32:20,942 --> 01:32:22,483 I only wish to stop the terrorist attack. 1425 01:32:23,442 --> 01:32:24,358 Davy… 1426 01:32:24,400 --> 01:32:25,650 you told me where to find it. 1427 01:32:26,358 --> 01:32:27,856 Why did you betray yourself? 1428 01:32:27,858 --> 01:32:29,275 Remember what you said? 1429 01:32:29,317 --> 01:32:30,898 I don't remember. 1430 01:32:30,900 --> 01:32:31,358 What? 1431 01:32:31,400 --> 01:32:32,733 I want to stop the terrorist attack. 1432 01:32:32,775 --> 01:32:33,358 You can't! 1433 01:32:33,400 --> 01:32:34,608 I want to stop the terrorist attack. 1434 01:32:34,650 --> 01:32:35,192 You cannot! 1435 01:32:35,233 --> 01:32:35,942 I want to stop it! 1436 01:32:35,983 --> 01:32:37,775 You designed Resurrection Day. 1437 01:32:54,942 --> 01:32:55,858 Look! 1438 01:32:55,900 --> 01:32:58,400 The world was beautiful. 1439 01:32:58,692 --> 01:33:01,275 But now, it's incurable. 1440 01:33:01,317 --> 01:33:03,233 All systems are like a tumor. 1441 01:33:03,442 --> 01:33:04,567 If you have cancer, 1442 01:33:04,608 --> 01:33:05,773 you need chemotherapy. 1443 01:33:05,775 --> 01:33:08,400 Use radiation to kill all the cancer cells. 1444 01:33:08,483 --> 01:33:09,858 Better than waiting for death. 1445 01:33:10,025 --> 01:33:12,317 Waiting to die is a horrible feeling. 1446 01:33:12,733 --> 01:33:14,858 Scrap it and start over. 1447 01:33:15,025 --> 01:33:17,108 Place your men in deadly peril and they will survive. 1448 01:33:17,233 --> 01:33:19,442 Leave them in dire straits and they're reborn. 1449 01:33:25,900 --> 01:33:26,567 In the olden days, 1450 01:33:26,608 --> 01:33:27,733 the burning of Sodom and Gomorrah 1451 01:33:27,817 --> 01:33:28,858 and the world-engulfing flood. 1452 01:33:28,942 --> 01:33:30,025 Today, 1453 01:33:30,233 --> 01:33:32,067 we picked the date for Resurrection Day. 1454 01:33:32,317 --> 01:33:33,150 We can't stop! 1455 01:33:33,400 --> 01:33:36,275 I beg you! Stop the terrorist attack! OK? 1456 01:33:36,692 --> 01:33:38,442 I'm begging you… 1457 01:33:38,858 --> 01:33:40,817 Please? 1458 01:33:41,150 --> 01:33:41,731 Boss! 1459 01:33:41,733 --> 01:33:42,442 We're ready to roll. 1460 01:33:43,733 --> 01:33:44,692 Wait outside. 1461 01:33:44,817 --> 01:33:45,275 Yes! 1462 01:33:46,775 --> 01:33:48,023 I remember you said 1463 01:33:48,025 --> 01:33:50,150 waiting to die is a horrible feeling. 1464 01:33:54,150 --> 01:33:54,733 Now, 1465 01:33:54,817 --> 01:33:57,025 I'll let you get a feel for that. 1466 01:34:22,817 --> 01:34:24,942 "New York World Trade Center (WTC), 5 Dead Thousands Injured" 1467 01:34:33,233 --> 01:34:35,150 International Finance Centre (IFC) ! 1468 01:34:35,233 --> 01:34:36,733 We're blowing up IFC. 1469 01:34:36,858 --> 01:34:38,400 I planned Resurrection Day. 1470 01:34:38,483 --> 01:34:39,817 It was my plan. 1471 01:35:02,233 --> 01:35:03,315 Where is the bomb? 1472 01:35:03,317 --> 01:35:04,733 I don't remember. 1473 01:35:05,567 --> 01:35:06,233 Calling Chan Sir, 1474 01:35:06,275 --> 01:35:07,565 Vendetta plans to blow up IFC. 1475 01:35:07,567 --> 01:35:08,942 We don't have details yet. 1476 01:35:21,817 --> 01:35:23,067 Evacuate IFC at once 1477 01:35:23,108 --> 01:35:24,192 and lock down the premises. 1478 01:35:24,233 --> 01:35:25,858 One IFC has 4 floors underground, 1479 01:35:25,900 --> 01:35:26,858 38 floors above ground. 1480 01:35:26,900 --> 01:35:28,942 Two IFC has 5 floors underground, 88 floors above ground. 1481 01:35:28,983 --> 01:35:31,150 With a floor area of 436,000 cubic meters 1482 01:35:31,192 --> 01:35:32,317 and 80 elevators, 1483 01:35:32,358 --> 01:35:34,150 it'll take a while to find the bomb. 1484 01:35:40,942 --> 01:35:41,858 Mon, get the tools. 1485 01:35:41,900 --> 01:35:42,483 Yes, Sir! 1486 01:35:42,567 --> 01:35:43,356 Everyone out! 1487 01:35:43,358 --> 01:35:44,023 Yes, Sir! 1488 01:35:44,025 --> 01:35:45,815 Follow me, everyone! Go Go Go! 1489 01:35:45,817 --> 01:35:46,773 Everybody, hurry up! 1490 01:35:46,775 --> 01:35:47,233 - Yes, Sir! - Let's go! 1491 01:35:49,233 --> 01:35:51,233 They were so close. 1492 01:35:51,983 --> 01:35:53,192 They have very limited resources, 1493 01:35:53,567 --> 01:35:55,692 and parked the car bomb at the wrong place. 1494 01:35:55,942 --> 01:35:56,692 In the end, 1495 01:35:56,733 --> 01:35:57,815 they only blew a hole in the ground. 1496 01:35:57,817 --> 01:35:59,400 What they failed to do, 1497 01:35:59,817 --> 01:36:01,067 we'll make it right. 1498 01:36:02,442 --> 01:36:04,025 Today is February 26. 1499 01:36:04,817 --> 01:36:07,275 Resurrection Day is modeled after the 1993 car bombing 1500 01:36:07,483 --> 01:36:09,273 of the WTC in New York on February 26. 1501 01:36:09,275 --> 01:36:11,567 Back then, the terrorists parked the truck carrying the bomb 1502 01:36:11,608 --> 01:36:12,775 in the North Tower parking garage. 1503 01:36:12,817 --> 01:36:14,358 The target was the main column of the North Tower. 1504 01:36:14,400 --> 01:36:15,858 The intention was to send the taller North Tower 1505 01:36:16,108 --> 01:36:17,067 crashing into the lower South Tower. 1506 01:36:17,150 --> 01:36:18,608 We learnt from that incident 1507 01:36:18,650 --> 01:36:19,733 and decided to use C-4, 1508 01:36:19,775 --> 01:36:22,483 which is destructive enough to bring down the main column of Two IFC. 1509 01:36:25,400 --> 01:36:26,900 Two IFC would crumble towards the southwest 1510 01:36:27,233 --> 01:36:28,192 and crush One IFC. 1511 01:36:32,317 --> 01:36:32,983 Chan Sir, 1512 01:36:33,025 --> 01:36:34,440 the bomb should be in the garage of Two IFC, 1513 01:36:34,442 --> 01:36:35,606 near the main column on the southwest side. 1514 01:36:35,608 --> 01:36:37,273 Contact the Buildings Department for the IFC building plan. 1515 01:36:37,275 --> 01:36:37,775 Hurry! 1516 01:36:37,817 --> 01:36:38,275 Yes, Sir! 1517 01:36:38,900 --> 01:36:39,817 Tung Sir, here. 1518 01:36:39,858 --> 01:36:40,692 This bomb 1519 01:36:40,775 --> 01:36:41,942 is a combination device, 1520 01:36:41,983 --> 01:36:42,983 made up of 4 components, 1521 01:36:43,025 --> 01:36:44,358 with a pre-set permutation 1522 01:36:44,483 --> 01:36:45,733 to stop the timer. 1523 01:36:46,817 --> 01:36:48,400 Each component is one out of five. 1524 01:36:48,442 --> 01:36:50,567 That's 625 combinations. 1525 01:36:50,650 --> 01:36:52,400 You won't have time to disarm it. 1526 01:36:52,775 --> 01:36:53,358 Madam, 1527 01:36:53,400 --> 01:36:54,483 I'm in charge here. 1528 01:36:54,692 --> 01:36:55,567 I'd like you to leave. 1529 01:36:56,192 --> 01:36:57,358 You should both leave. 1530 01:36:57,525 --> 01:36:58,858 Let me die alone. 1531 01:36:58,900 --> 01:37:00,150 If you don't go to IFC, 1532 01:37:00,192 --> 01:37:01,150 a lot of people will die. 1533 01:37:01,192 --> 01:37:02,108 Pong Ling, 1534 01:37:02,858 --> 01:37:03,731 2 minutes. 1535 01:37:03,733 --> 01:37:04,900 If I can't do it, I'll leave. 1536 01:37:05,108 --> 01:37:05,983 Go! 1537 01:37:26,275 --> 01:37:27,442 I'm Lun Ting Pong of EOD. 1538 01:37:27,483 --> 01:37:29,565 Evacuate everyone within IFC vicinity. 1539 01:37:29,567 --> 01:37:30,192 The mall, 1540 01:37:30,233 --> 01:37:30,815 office building, 1541 01:37:30,817 --> 01:37:31,565 MTR station 1542 01:37:31,567 --> 01:37:33,606 and all nearby public space. Over! 1543 01:37:33,608 --> 01:37:35,775 EOD, split up and look for the bomb in the parking lot! 1544 01:37:36,733 --> 01:37:38,150 Hurry! 1545 01:37:40,317 --> 01:37:42,775 Evacuate everyone in the mall. 1546 01:37:42,900 --> 01:37:43,856 Hurry up! 1547 01:37:43,858 --> 01:37:45,442 Due to an emergency, 1548 01:37:45,483 --> 01:37:46,942 the mall will be closed. 1549 01:37:46,983 --> 01:37:48,567 we need everyone to evacuate at once. 1550 01:37:49,233 --> 01:37:50,400 Keep moving! Hurry! 1551 01:37:54,233 --> 01:37:55,065 You said 1552 01:37:55,067 --> 01:37:57,317 we should not save lives by risking our own. 1553 01:37:57,400 --> 01:37:58,775 Saving lives is my job. 1554 01:37:58,858 --> 01:38:00,317 I can be outside in 5 seconds. 1555 01:38:00,650 --> 01:38:01,358 If I can't disarm the bomb, 1556 01:38:01,400 --> 01:38:02,400 I can go for the lock. 1557 01:38:02,817 --> 01:38:04,565 It's a 4-digit lock. No numbers. 1558 01:38:04,567 --> 01:38:06,023 Red, yellow, blue, green, black and white. 1559 01:38:06,025 --> 01:38:07,025 6 colors. 1560 01:38:07,150 --> 01:38:08,608 Choose 4 out of 6 colors. 1561 01:38:08,817 --> 01:38:10,608 1296 combinations. 1562 01:38:10,692 --> 01:38:11,692 That's even harder. 1563 01:38:14,108 --> 01:38:15,025 Mastermind! 1564 01:38:15,983 --> 01:38:16,940 I like uniformity. 1565 01:38:16,942 --> 01:38:18,483 I hate people who change. 1566 01:38:18,525 --> 01:38:20,108 He really wants me to remember him. 1567 01:38:20,608 --> 01:38:21,358 Go for the lock. 1568 01:38:21,650 --> 01:38:22,358 Single color. 1569 01:38:23,358 --> 01:38:24,067 I'll try yellow. 1570 01:38:25,983 --> 01:38:26,650 Wrong. 1571 01:38:27,358 --> 01:38:28,025 Blue. 1572 01:38:28,150 --> 01:38:30,650 You never said you can use one color. 1573 01:38:32,692 --> 01:38:33,567 Red! 1574 01:38:33,650 --> 01:38:34,567 All red! 1575 01:38:42,858 --> 01:38:43,817 Run! 1576 01:38:50,025 --> 01:38:51,025 To IFC! 1577 01:38:51,317 --> 01:38:52,150 To IFC! 1578 01:38:57,525 --> 01:38:58,648 Time fuse 20 meters. 1579 01:38:58,650 --> 01:38:59,900 We need 10 minutes to clear out. 1580 01:38:59,942 --> 01:39:00,983 Relax! I did the Maths. 1581 01:39:19,108 --> 01:39:20,483 All trains heading for Hong Kong 1582 01:39:20,525 --> 01:39:22,317 will terminate at Kowloon Station. 1583 01:39:22,442 --> 01:39:24,317 No train is allowed to enter Hong Kong Station. 1584 01:39:24,525 --> 01:39:24,900 All trains heading for Hong Kong… 1585 01:39:24,942 --> 01:39:25,733 What’s happening? 1586 01:39:27,733 --> 01:39:29,067 We take control here. 1587 01:39:31,108 --> 01:39:32,440 If they use C-4 to blow up IFC, 1588 01:39:32,442 --> 01:39:33,442 what about Davy Crockett? 1589 01:39:33,817 --> 01:39:34,858 I will remember. 1590 01:39:36,025 --> 01:39:36,817 I will remember. 1591 01:39:37,317 --> 01:39:38,692 If nobody tries to be a hero, 1592 01:39:38,733 --> 01:39:39,983 we'll all get out in one piece. 1593 01:39:42,858 --> 01:39:43,775 Calling EOD, 1594 01:39:43,817 --> 01:39:45,442 the main column on the southwest side 1595 01:39:45,483 --> 01:39:48,108 is between parking spaces #150 and #200. Over! 1596 01:39:48,192 --> 01:39:48,690 Roger! 1597 01:39:48,692 --> 01:39:49,648 Split up to different levels. 1598 01:39:49,650 --> 01:39:51,483 Look for parking spaces between #150 and #200. 1599 01:39:51,525 --> 01:39:52,525 You two go down one level. 1600 01:39:52,567 --> 01:39:53,398 Fat Sze, give me the tools. 1601 01:39:53,400 --> 01:39:54,442 - Follow me! - This way! 1602 01:39:54,483 --> 01:39:55,317 Excuse me… 1603 01:39:56,692 --> 01:39:57,148 Over here! 1604 01:39:57,150 --> 01:39:58,817 Can't let them find the car. 1605 01:39:59,192 --> 01:40:00,775 -You can't go in. -This is locked down. 1606 01:40:00,817 --> 01:40:01,608 Hey! 1607 01:40:25,317 --> 01:40:25,817 Fat Sze! 1608 01:40:25,858 --> 01:40:26,567 Keep looking! 1609 01:40:26,608 --> 01:40:27,067 Yes sir! 1610 01:40:27,108 --> 01:40:27,775 Go! 1611 01:40:29,275 --> 01:40:29,731 What are you doing? 1612 01:40:29,733 --> 01:40:30,358 Stop the car! 1613 01:40:32,942 --> 01:40:33,817 A car just ran the gate! 1614 01:40:35,733 --> 01:40:36,483 Sir! Excuse me, 1615 01:40:36,525 --> 01:40:37,733 this area has been sealed off. 1616 01:40:39,400 --> 01:40:40,900 Everyone get out! 1617 01:40:40,983 --> 01:40:42,233 Take the booth! 1618 01:40:46,275 --> 01:40:47,065 Get on the ground! 1619 01:40:47,067 --> 01:40:48,275 Get down! 1620 01:40:48,317 --> 01:40:49,731 Everybody out…on the floor, now! 1621 01:40:49,733 --> 01:40:50,942 Get your heads down! 1622 01:40:52,567 --> 01:40:54,067 Everybody get down! 1623 01:40:56,108 --> 01:40:57,233 Open the gates. 1624 01:40:58,900 --> 01:40:59,650 Hurry it up! 1625 01:40:59,692 --> 01:41:00,190 Come on! 1626 01:41:00,192 --> 01:41:01,317 Come on! Hurry it up! 1627 01:41:01,358 --> 01:41:02,275 Tie them up! 1628 01:41:02,858 --> 01:41:04,567 Let's go! Give me your hands! 1629 01:41:08,483 --> 01:41:10,150 Shootout at Hong Kong Station. 1630 01:41:10,275 --> 01:41:11,525 Alpha Team, stay! 1631 01:41:11,567 --> 01:41:13,817 Beta Team, follow me across to Hong Kong Station L2. 1632 01:41:19,358 --> 01:41:21,192 Hurry, get up. Move on! 1633 01:41:21,233 --> 01:41:22,942 Move it! 1634 01:41:22,983 --> 01:41:24,983 Shoot them! Stand right here! 1635 01:41:25,067 --> 01:41:27,150 All cops, stay where you are! 1636 01:41:27,858 --> 01:41:29,900 If you take a step forward, 1637 01:41:30,108 --> 01:41:31,650 I will kill all the hostages. 1638 01:41:31,692 --> 01:41:34,025 Stay back! Don't come in here! 1639 01:41:34,108 --> 01:41:35,900 We will shoot the hostages! 1640 01:41:35,942 --> 01:41:37,942 Cops, we will shoot everyone! 1641 01:41:37,983 --> 01:41:39,192 Cops, stop! 1642 01:41:39,233 --> 01:41:40,733 Cops stop, stay back! 1643 01:41:40,775 --> 01:41:42,817 We will shoot you if you move forward. 1644 01:41:43,775 --> 01:41:44,567 What's the status? 1645 01:41:44,650 --> 01:41:46,773 EOD is looking for the bomb in the parking lot of Two IFC. 1646 01:41:46,775 --> 01:41:49,065 Terrorists at Hong Kong Station occupied L2 1647 01:41:49,067 --> 01:41:50,567 and put the bomb on the train. 1648 01:41:54,775 --> 01:41:55,650 I remember now. 1649 01:41:55,775 --> 01:41:57,442 Resurrection Day is not just blowing up IFC, 1650 01:41:57,483 --> 01:41:59,692 but also the core infrastructure of the HK Airport. 1651 01:42:03,400 --> 01:42:04,817 They will hijack the Airport Express. 1652 01:42:05,150 --> 01:42:07,067 The train has 8 cabins and will be split into 3 sections, 1653 01:42:07,192 --> 01:42:08,525 each carrying a bomb. 1654 01:42:10,483 --> 01:42:13,025 When it passes through major infrastructure, they will leave one section behind. 1655 01:42:13,358 --> 01:42:14,400 The C-4 on the train 1656 01:42:14,442 --> 01:42:17,775 will blow up Elements at the Kowloon Station and Tsing Ma Bridge. 1657 01:42:17,817 --> 01:42:19,817 The engine will crash into the Hong Kong International Airport. 1658 01:42:19,858 --> 01:42:21,442 Davy Crockett will be in the front. 1659 01:42:23,650 --> 01:42:24,983 The impact from the head-on collision 1660 01:42:25,067 --> 01:42:27,067 will trigger the wireless detonator, 1661 01:42:27,108 --> 01:42:28,650 and set off all the bombs simultaneously. 1662 01:42:28,692 --> 01:42:30,648 Davy Crockett will blow up the whole airport. 1663 01:42:30,650 --> 01:42:33,317 The radioactive contamination will leave Chek Lap Kok in ruins, 1664 01:42:33,400 --> 01:42:35,358 and unable to rebuild in at least 20 years. 1665 01:42:37,733 --> 01:42:38,817 Don't move! 1666 01:42:38,858 --> 01:42:40,192 Get down! 1667 01:42:56,067 --> 01:42:57,942 The terrorists hijacked the train. Over. 1668 01:42:57,983 --> 01:42:59,358 Any way we can intercept it? Over. 1669 01:42:59,400 --> 01:43:01,067 The Tsing Yi Control Center should be able to. 1670 01:43:01,108 --> 01:43:02,648 But Vendetta has taken over. 1671 01:43:02,650 --> 01:43:03,192 Over. 1672 01:43:03,233 --> 01:43:04,567 Chan Sir, there's a bomb on the train. 1673 01:43:04,608 --> 01:43:05,692 Lock down the Tsing Ma Bridge 1674 01:43:05,733 --> 01:43:07,400 and evacuate the airport and Airport Express. 1675 01:43:07,442 --> 01:43:07,817 Over. 1676 01:43:07,858 --> 01:43:08,400 Copy! 1677 01:43:09,025 --> 01:43:10,650 Due to an emergency, 1678 01:43:10,692 --> 01:43:12,358 everyone must leave the station at once! 1679 01:43:12,400 --> 01:43:13,983 and evacuate to somewhere safe. 1680 01:43:14,025 --> 01:43:15,565 Due to a serious incident, 1681 01:43:15,567 --> 01:43:17,567 please leave the station immediately! 1682 01:43:29,983 --> 01:43:30,525 Calling Tung Sir! 1683 01:43:30,567 --> 01:43:32,275 We found the car bomb. 1684 01:43:32,317 --> 01:43:33,400 It's clear. 1685 01:43:33,733 --> 01:43:34,608 I don't care how, 1686 01:43:34,650 --> 01:43:36,108 break into the Control Center 1687 01:43:36,150 --> 01:43:38,942 and stop Ma Sai Kwan's train on the Tsing Ma Bridge. 1688 01:43:38,983 --> 01:43:40,525 We move the car bomb out there, 1689 01:43:40,567 --> 01:43:42,067 then blow up both ends of the bridge 1690 01:43:42,108 --> 01:43:43,775 and let the train fall into the water. 1691 01:43:43,858 --> 01:43:45,817 This is the only way to stop radiation diffusion 1692 01:43:46,150 --> 01:43:47,817 and reduce casualties. 1693 01:44:02,275 --> 01:44:02,733 Brother Fung. 1694 01:44:02,775 --> 01:44:04,108 Sir, I'll go with you. 1695 01:44:04,192 --> 01:44:05,025 No, you stay! 1696 01:44:05,108 --> 01:44:06,192 Give your gear to Fung. 1697 01:44:27,900 --> 01:44:28,692 We have C-4, 1698 01:44:28,733 --> 01:44:29,567 time fuse, 1699 01:44:29,817 --> 01:44:30,733 detonator 1700 01:44:31,400 --> 01:44:32,400 and det cord in the back. 1701 01:44:34,608 --> 01:44:36,523 The Tsing Ma Bridge is a suspension bridge. 1702 01:44:36,525 --> 01:44:39,773 We split up and attach the C-4 to the 4 vertical cables 1703 01:44:39,775 --> 01:44:41,400 on the Ma Wan side, 1704 01:44:41,442 --> 01:44:43,400 then connect the det cord and time fuse 1705 01:44:43,525 --> 01:44:45,150 and blow it up using the detonator. 1706 01:44:45,275 --> 01:44:46,358 There's no gunpowder. 1707 01:44:46,442 --> 01:44:47,275 Here! 1708 01:44:49,025 --> 01:44:50,608 I'll go to the back and split the det cord into two sections. 1709 01:44:50,650 --> 01:44:51,650 Be careful! 1710 01:45:08,067 --> 01:45:09,233 Here… 1711 01:45:09,275 --> 01:45:11,442 Please follow instructions from ground personnel 1712 01:45:11,483 --> 01:45:12,900 and leave the station at once. 1713 01:45:16,775 --> 01:45:17,525 Pong Ling, 1714 01:45:18,275 --> 01:45:20,565 we use a time fuse to detonate C-4 to blow up the bridge. 1715 01:45:20,567 --> 01:45:22,856 But we must calculate the time we need to leave the bridge. 1716 01:45:22,858 --> 01:45:24,231 If Davy Crockett goes off in the water, 1717 01:45:24,233 --> 01:45:25,190 it'll cause a shockwave 1718 01:45:25,192 --> 01:45:26,606 with a lethal range of 1 km. 1719 01:45:26,608 --> 01:45:28,731 How long will it take the chopper to reach the safety zone? 1720 01:45:28,733 --> 01:45:31,106 From when you board the chopper, it'll take 30 seconds. 1721 01:45:31,108 --> 01:45:33,733 Stop Ma Sai Kwan's train in the middle of the bridge. 1722 01:45:33,983 --> 01:45:35,731 We'll take over the Control Center ASAP 1723 01:45:35,733 --> 01:45:37,648 and stop Ma Sai Kwan's train on the bridge. 1724 01:45:37,650 --> 01:45:39,106 After you reach the safety zone, 1725 01:45:39,108 --> 01:45:40,275 we'll re-start the train 1726 01:45:40,317 --> 01:45:41,317 and let it fall into the water. 1727 01:45:41,400 --> 01:45:43,400 Set the time fuse for 20 seconds. 1728 01:45:50,108 --> 01:45:50,815 Calling Lee Sir, 1729 01:45:50,817 --> 01:45:51,692 sniper ready. 1730 01:45:56,608 --> 01:45:58,108 They're shooting at us! 1731 01:45:59,900 --> 01:46:01,025 Find cover! 1732 01:46:01,150 --> 01:46:02,150 They're shooting! 1733 01:46:02,900 --> 01:46:03,692 I don't want to die! 1734 01:46:03,733 --> 01:46:04,650 Get out of my way! 1735 01:46:09,567 --> 01:46:10,150 Help! 1736 01:46:13,650 --> 01:46:14,442 Get down! 1737 01:46:34,400 --> 01:46:36,650 A train stopped at Kowloon Station. 1738 01:46:37,025 --> 01:46:39,067 Pong, there's a bomb on the train. 1739 01:46:39,108 --> 01:46:40,400 I don't care how, 1740 01:46:40,442 --> 01:46:41,567 just move it. 1741 01:46:41,608 --> 01:46:42,025 Copy! 1742 01:46:42,067 --> 01:46:43,773 Chan Sir, is there a train at Hong Kong Station? 1743 01:46:43,775 --> 01:46:44,106 Yes! 1744 01:46:44,108 --> 01:46:45,317 On the other side of the tracks. 1745 01:46:45,400 --> 01:46:46,440 Get me a train captain 1746 01:46:46,442 --> 01:46:47,817 to teach me how to operate it. 1747 01:47:30,942 --> 01:47:31,775 Done! 1748 01:47:46,942 --> 01:47:48,983 Set the C-4 on the cables. 1749 01:48:15,692 --> 01:48:16,067 Go! 1750 01:48:16,108 --> 01:48:17,150 Yes, Madam! 1751 01:48:20,525 --> 01:48:23,192 "Kowloon Station" 1752 01:48:40,692 --> 01:48:41,192 Tung Sir, 1753 01:48:41,233 --> 01:48:43,817 I'm pushing the train car from Kowloon Station towards Tsing Ma Bridge. 1754 01:49:22,233 --> 01:49:23,942 Madam, we are ready. 1755 01:49:24,067 --> 01:49:24,567 Three… 1756 01:49:24,608 --> 01:49:25,025 Two… 1757 01:49:25,067 --> 01:49:25,650 One… 1758 01:49:48,942 --> 01:49:49,983 Team B, action! 1759 01:49:55,483 --> 01:49:57,192 Grab the hostages! 1760 01:49:57,775 --> 01:49:58,942 Watch out for the hostages! 1761 01:50:18,400 --> 01:50:19,358 Resurrection! 1762 01:50:22,983 --> 01:50:23,733 Get the lights! 1763 01:50:25,108 --> 01:50:26,650 Police! Calm down! 1764 01:50:26,692 --> 01:50:28,150 Stop the train on Tsing Ma Bridge! 1765 01:50:28,233 --> 01:50:28,983 I'll do it. 1766 01:50:29,400 --> 01:50:30,317 - Evacuate the hostages. - Hurry! 1767 01:50:30,358 --> 01:50:31,608 Search the scene. 1768 01:50:34,567 --> 01:50:35,317 What happened? 1769 01:50:36,192 --> 01:50:36,775 What's wrong? 1770 01:50:36,817 --> 01:50:37,606 I can't control the train. 1771 01:50:37,608 --> 01:50:38,817 The train is still moving. 1772 01:50:38,858 --> 01:50:40,067 What happened? 1773 01:50:40,233 --> 01:50:41,192 Check the control system. 1774 01:50:44,317 --> 01:50:45,317 Hit by a stray bullet. 1775 01:50:45,942 --> 01:50:46,858 Is there another way? 1776 01:50:46,900 --> 01:50:47,650 No! 1777 01:50:49,150 --> 01:50:50,150 Control Center is clear. 1778 01:50:50,192 --> 01:50:51,275 But the control system is not working. 1779 01:50:51,317 --> 01:50:52,608 We cannot stop Ma Sai Kwan. 1780 01:50:53,192 --> 01:50:55,942 The detonator will be set up in 90 seconds. 1781 01:50:55,983 --> 01:50:57,775 We can get off the bridge in 90 seconds. 1782 01:50:57,817 --> 01:50:59,317 Ma Sai Kwan is 80 seconds away. 1783 01:50:59,358 --> 01:51:00,400 I'll hurry! 1784 01:51:00,442 --> 01:51:01,775 We have enough time to set the detonator, 1785 01:51:01,817 --> 01:51:03,358 but not enough to reach the safety zone. 1786 01:51:03,400 --> 01:51:04,442 Then you go ahead. 1787 01:51:04,608 --> 01:51:05,065 No! 1788 01:51:05,067 --> 01:51:06,067 We go together. 1789 01:51:06,108 --> 01:51:07,023 I can do this alone. 1790 01:51:07,025 --> 01:51:08,023 Why should two people die over this? 1791 01:51:08,025 --> 01:51:09,648 Then why should you stay and not me? 1792 01:51:09,650 --> 01:51:11,192 There's no turning back. 1793 01:51:11,317 --> 01:51:13,358 You should know. Let me do this. 1794 01:51:20,775 --> 01:51:21,565 Sorry Tung Sir, 1795 01:51:21,567 --> 01:51:23,233 we need to clear out or we won't make it. 1796 01:51:25,192 --> 01:51:26,275 Go ahead! 1797 01:51:26,358 --> 01:51:27,483 I beg you! 1798 01:51:31,608 --> 01:51:32,942 Buddy, 1799 01:51:33,108 --> 01:51:34,150 goodbye! 1800 01:51:54,608 --> 01:51:55,275 Pong Ling, 1801 01:51:55,442 --> 01:51:56,400 he's still there. 1802 01:51:59,775 --> 01:52:00,858 Fung! 1803 01:52:02,775 --> 01:52:03,900 Fung! 1804 01:52:25,442 --> 01:52:26,817 All set! 1805 01:52:29,358 --> 01:52:31,150 All set! 1806 01:52:36,275 --> 01:52:37,233 Attention, all units! 1807 01:52:37,317 --> 01:52:39,942 Activate "CBRN" (Chemical, Biological, Radiological or Nuclear) emergency procedure right away! 1808 01:52:40,900 --> 01:52:41,856 Hong Kong Observatory, 1809 01:52:41,858 --> 01:52:43,650 activate the radiation monitoring system. 1810 01:52:44,317 --> 01:52:45,190 Leisure and Cultural Services Department, 1811 01:52:45,192 --> 01:52:47,275 close and evacuate all beaches. 1812 01:52:47,317 --> 01:52:48,148 Hospital Authority, 1813 01:52:48,150 --> 01:52:50,358 set up an emergency radiation treatment center. 1814 01:52:50,483 --> 01:52:51,398 Fire Services, 1815 01:52:51,400 --> 01:52:55,023 standby 24/7 with ambulances and ready to conduct search and rescue. 1816 01:52:55,025 --> 01:52:56,275 Information Services Department, 1817 01:52:56,442 --> 01:52:58,898 appeal to all citizens to watch out for TV and radio announcements 1818 01:52:58,900 --> 01:53:00,608 for rescue preparations. 1819 01:53:02,608 --> 01:53:03,567 Fung! 1820 01:53:05,275 --> 01:53:07,192 I'll see you in the next life. 1821 01:53:08,317 --> 01:53:09,567 Fung... 1822 01:53:15,817 --> 01:53:18,150 ...remember my name is Pong Ling. 1823 01:53:19,025 --> 01:53:19,942 In the next life… 1824 01:56:13,317 --> 01:56:14,942 If memory can be implanted, 1825 01:56:16,067 --> 01:56:17,900 can you help me remove it? 1826 01:56:19,358 --> 01:56:20,817 All of it? 1827 01:56:22,525 --> 01:56:23,608 Except… 1828 01:56:24,067 --> 01:56:24,815 I'll get something to eat. 1829 01:56:24,817 --> 01:56:26,150 Sure. Go ahead! 1830 01:56:49,108 --> 01:56:50,481 Sorry! It was my fault. 1831 01:56:50,483 --> 01:56:51,067 It's OK. 1832 01:56:51,108 --> 01:56:52,150 I did it on purpose. 1833 01:56:53,150 --> 01:56:53,775 What do you mean? 1834 01:56:54,067 --> 01:56:54,898 No special meaning. 1835 01:56:54,900 --> 01:56:56,442 I only want you to remember me. 1836 01:57:00,858 --> 01:57:02,106 But I don't even know your name. 1837 01:57:02,108 --> 01:57:03,192 How can I remember you? 1838 01:57:05,275 --> 01:57:06,231 I'm Poon Shing Fung. 1839 01:57:06,233 --> 01:57:08,067 EODB officer. 1840 01:57:09,048 --> 01:57:14,048 Provided by explosiveskull https://twitter.com/kaboomskull