1 00:00:01,439 --> 00:00:05,164 (cool opening noir music) 2 00:00:47,070 --> 00:00:48,967 - Hello one and all. 3 00:00:48,967 --> 00:00:52,525 Welcome back to another thrilling season of "Dimension 20: 4 00:00:52,525 --> 00:00:54,350 Mentopolis." 5 00:00:54,350 --> 00:00:56,430 I am your humble GM, Brennan Lee Mulligan. 6 00:00:56,430 --> 00:00:59,321 With me for the very first time are our Prefrontal PIs. 7 00:00:59,321 --> 00:01:02,020 With me for the very first time are our Prefrontal PIs. 8 00:01:02,020 --> 00:01:04,217 (group laughing) Say hi, Prefrontal PIs. 9 00:01:04,217 --> 00:01:06,630 - [Everyone] Hi, Prefrontal PIs. 10 00:01:06,630 --> 00:01:07,965 - Oh my gosh. 11 00:01:07,965 --> 00:01:11,130 I am so excited to bring to the dome our wonderful cast 12 00:01:11,130 --> 00:01:14,975 of gumshoes settled within the mind 13 00:01:14,975 --> 00:01:16,128 of a scientist here 14 00:01:16,128 --> 00:01:17,520 (thunder rumbles) in the rainy city. 15 00:01:17,520 --> 00:01:19,590 How does it rain inside of a brain? 16 00:01:19,590 --> 00:01:21,210 That's for you to decide. 17 00:01:21,210 --> 00:01:22,831 (group laughing) - A brainstorm. 18 00:01:22,831 --> 00:01:24,206 (all gasp) 19 00:01:24,206 --> 00:01:26,993 - Goddammit, this is why Trapp is here. 20 00:01:26,993 --> 00:01:28,647 (group laughing) - Coming in hot. 21 00:01:28,647 --> 00:01:29,705 Coming in hot. 22 00:01:29,705 --> 00:01:30,538 - Oh, a brainstorm. 23 00:01:30,538 --> 00:01:32,140 I'm writing it down. 24 00:01:32,140 --> 00:01:33,390 (group laughing) 25 00:01:33,390 --> 00:01:35,733 With us, Alex Song-Xia 26 00:01:35,733 --> 00:01:37,688 (group laughing) 27 00:01:37,688 --> 00:01:39,000 Danielle Radford. 28 00:01:39,000 --> 00:01:40,110 - Hi. 29 00:01:40,110 --> 00:01:40,943 - [Brennan] Mike Trapp. 30 00:01:40,943 --> 00:01:41,880 - Hi. 31 00:01:41,880 --> 00:01:42,713 - [Brennan] Siobhan Thompson. 32 00:01:42,713 --> 00:01:43,939 - Hello. 33 00:01:43,939 --> 00:01:44,772 - [Brennan] Freddie Wong. 34 00:01:44,772 --> 00:01:45,870 And Hank Green. 35 00:01:45,870 --> 00:01:48,201 - I've been here the whole time. 36 00:01:48,201 --> 00:01:49,740 (group laughing) 37 00:01:49,740 --> 00:01:51,210 - Gotcha, Sam. 38 00:01:51,210 --> 00:01:53,220 So without further ado, we'll dive in. 39 00:01:53,220 --> 00:01:55,380 We're actually gonna be playing a different game this time. 40 00:01:55,380 --> 00:02:00,210 This is my first time in the dome running a non D&D- 41 00:02:00,210 --> 00:02:02,299 - Yeah, eat that tie. - A non D&D game. 42 00:02:02,299 --> 00:02:03,998 (whispering) Aabria, let me know how I'm doing. 43 00:02:03,998 --> 00:02:05,256 (group laughing) 44 00:02:05,256 --> 00:02:07,980 We'll be running a sanctioned hack of Kids on Bikes, 45 00:02:07,980 --> 00:02:11,760 our amazing system that has been noir-ified. 46 00:02:11,760 --> 00:02:13,740 A couple rules, it's a very simple system. 47 00:02:13,740 --> 00:02:17,470 All of our heroes have six stats that have been coded 48 00:02:17,470 --> 00:02:18,750 to different noir themes. 49 00:02:18,750 --> 00:02:22,500 They are sneak, snoop, sharp, sturdy, savvy, and slick, 50 00:02:22,500 --> 00:02:24,975 They are sneak, snoop, sharp, sturdy, savvy, and slick, 51 00:02:24,975 --> 00:02:27,330 which of course are the traits of any great noir hero. 52 00:02:27,330 --> 00:02:29,657 They'll roll different dice for these different skills 53 00:02:29,657 --> 00:02:32,222 and abilities they have, and if they fail on their checks, 54 00:02:32,222 --> 00:02:36,382 don't worry, they will get a Moxie token. 55 00:02:36,382 --> 00:02:37,215 (sounds of enthusiasm) 56 00:02:37,215 --> 00:02:39,720 - Moxie tokens may be spent to trigger different abilities 57 00:02:39,720 --> 00:02:42,000 and turn failures into successes, 58 00:02:42,000 --> 00:02:43,920 and when you get a Moxie token, 59 00:02:43,920 --> 00:02:46,260 we do something very, very fun with them, 60 00:02:46,260 --> 00:02:49,651 which is we get them right into your little carriers 61 00:02:49,651 --> 00:02:51,626 which is we get them right into your little carriers 62 00:02:51,626 --> 00:02:53,220 where you need them. 63 00:02:53,220 --> 00:02:54,870 - Let me tell you, if I ever succeed, 64 00:02:54,870 --> 00:02:56,430 I'm gonna be so disappointed. 65 00:02:56,430 --> 00:02:58,238 - [Brennan] Oh, it jumped the track. - That's fine. 66 00:02:58,238 --> 00:02:59,071 - There we go. 67 00:02:59,071 --> 00:03:00,180 Remember, in this game, 68 00:03:00,180 --> 00:03:02,580 if you roll the highest value on any of your dice, 69 00:03:02,580 --> 00:03:05,490 the dice explodes and you get to keep that number 70 00:03:05,490 --> 00:03:06,510 and roll again. 71 00:03:06,510 --> 00:03:09,127 Without further ado, we welcome you 72 00:03:09,127 --> 00:03:11,580 to Dimension 20: Mentopolis. 73 00:03:11,580 --> 00:03:14,460 For your consideration, watching at home. 74 00:03:14,460 --> 00:03:18,180 the mind of one Elias Hodge, (cool retro-futuristic music) 75 00:03:18,180 --> 00:03:22,140 Junior Researcher at Gobstopper Industries, 76 00:03:22,140 --> 00:03:25,980 a retro-futurist conglomerate working on all sorts 77 00:03:25,980 --> 00:03:28,980 of amazing art deco technology 78 00:03:28,980 --> 00:03:33,798 in a gilded, non-descript past like past. 79 00:03:33,798 --> 00:03:37,756 (group laughing) 80 00:03:37,756 --> 00:03:39,531 - Gah, he paints a picture with his words. 81 00:03:39,531 --> 00:03:41,605 (group laughing) 82 00:03:41,605 --> 00:03:42,720 (chimes ring) 83 00:03:42,720 --> 00:03:44,730 - It's magic every time. (players laughing) 84 00:03:44,730 --> 00:03:47,985 And what pray tell does young Elias, 85 00:03:47,985 --> 00:03:50,485 fresh out of university as a mento-technological researcher, 86 00:03:50,485 --> 00:03:52,993 fresh out of university as a mento-technological researcher, 87 00:03:52,993 --> 00:03:55,170 working here at Gobstopper Industries work on? 88 00:03:55,170 --> 00:03:58,243 Well, the mind of this young researcher 89 00:03:58,243 --> 00:04:00,976 is as frantic and busy as a, (fingers snap) 90 00:04:00,976 --> 00:04:02,701 say, as a city. 91 00:04:02,701 --> 00:04:04,140 (Freddie and Siobhan laughing) 92 00:04:04,140 --> 00:04:05,430 That's right, 93 00:04:05,430 --> 00:04:09,000 a city with tall cerebral skyscrapers (lights pulsing quickly) 94 00:04:09,000 --> 00:04:12,300 and the civic structures of Cortex City, 95 00:04:12,300 --> 00:04:16,255 where the big wigs hobnob with each other night and day, 96 00:04:16,255 --> 00:04:20,430 and who knows what impulses and urges might shake hands 97 00:04:20,430 --> 00:04:25,050 behind closed doors with those higher cognitive functions 98 00:04:25,050 --> 00:04:29,670 that would seem to speak for the citizens of Mentopolis, 99 00:04:29,670 --> 00:04:32,665 and deep down in the industrial belly 100 00:04:32,665 --> 00:04:36,210 of those limbic systems and temporal lobes 101 00:04:36,210 --> 00:04:38,220 and the working class joes 102 00:04:38,220 --> 00:04:41,220 down in the cerebellum, ah, this place stays pretty busy 103 00:04:41,220 --> 00:04:42,690 with trains running in and out 104 00:04:42,690 --> 00:04:46,495 of Oblongata Station night and day. (trains whooshing past) 105 00:04:46,495 --> 00:04:47,940 Well, during the night it's way less, 106 00:04:47,940 --> 00:04:50,018 'cause actually, melatonin, there's different, 107 00:04:50,018 --> 00:04:51,134 there's stuff that goes on. 108 00:04:51,134 --> 00:04:51,967 You get it. 109 00:04:51,967 --> 00:04:53,825 It's a city that's a brain, folks. 110 00:04:53,825 --> 00:04:54,966 (players laughing) 111 00:04:54,966 --> 00:04:58,740 We (laughs) bring you to Mentopolis, 112 00:04:58,740 --> 00:05:03,203 a city in a mind, a mind in a city, 113 00:05:03,203 --> 00:05:06,011 the hustle and bustle of a nerve-wracked junior scientist 114 00:05:06,011 --> 00:05:08,219 the hustle and bustle of a nerve-wracked junior scientist 115 00:05:08,219 --> 00:05:11,940 at a large corporation rendered in slick sidewalks 116 00:05:11,940 --> 00:05:15,150 and shadowy figures doing God knows what 117 00:05:15,150 --> 00:05:17,773 in the depths of the subconscious. 118 00:05:17,773 --> 00:05:21,690 We begin our story as we often do in tales 119 00:05:21,690 --> 00:05:25,500 of dread and mystery... 120 00:05:25,500 --> 00:05:28,560 In the shadows. (hollow ringing) 121 00:05:28,560 --> 00:05:32,485 A massive switchboard filled with cables, synaptic firing. 122 00:05:32,485 --> 00:05:36,233 A massive switchboard filled with cables, synaptic firing. 123 00:05:36,233 --> 00:05:39,960 We see all of the various cables going to and fro, 124 00:05:39,960 --> 00:05:43,440 the Synaptic Switchboard at the heart (static crackling) 125 00:05:43,440 --> 00:05:47,905 of Cerebell Pacific, the company that runs- 126 00:05:47,905 --> 00:05:51,188 (players laughing and clapping) 127 00:05:51,188 --> 00:05:53,716 - Guys, this is really serious. Stop laughing. 128 00:05:53,716 --> 00:05:55,495 - There's gonna be a lot of these puns. 129 00:05:55,495 --> 00:05:56,490 (group laughing) 130 00:05:56,490 --> 00:05:59,460 - Of Cerebell Pacific, the telecommunications company 131 00:05:59,460 --> 00:06:02,220 that keeps all those telephone wires running all 132 00:06:02,220 --> 00:06:04,990 throughout Mentopolis so that the people can stay 133 00:06:04,990 --> 00:06:06,981 in touch going to and fro. 134 00:06:06,981 --> 00:06:08,030 (tense music) 135 00:06:08,030 --> 00:06:09,390 Footsteps, (footsteps click) 136 00:06:09,390 --> 00:06:11,730 a swish of fabric, someone turns around. 137 00:06:11,730 --> 00:06:15,352 A shadowy figure lunges from the darkness, (gasp) 138 00:06:15,352 --> 00:06:17,820 a knife (huff) moving through. 139 00:06:17,820 --> 00:06:19,508 We hear bang, bang, (gun fires) 140 00:06:19,508 --> 00:06:24,508 shots fired, and a body (splat) falls to the ground. 141 00:06:24,527 --> 00:06:28,980 A murder deep in the heart of Mentopolis, 142 00:06:28,980 --> 00:06:33,240 but that's not where this story really starts. 143 00:06:33,240 --> 00:06:35,190 Where it really starts, 144 00:06:35,190 --> 00:06:38,890 why in the office of one Hunch Curio. 145 00:06:38,890 --> 00:06:41,106 why in the office of one Hunch Curio. 146 00:06:41,106 --> 00:06:44,593 (group laughing) (smooth detective music) 147 00:06:44,593 --> 00:06:48,508 I invite you now to picture an office 148 00:06:48,508 --> 00:06:52,620 littered with the detritus of a hard-boiled gumshoe. 149 00:06:52,620 --> 00:06:56,520 That's right, a real private eye, a brother seamus, 150 00:06:56,520 --> 00:06:59,096 a real swingin' dick. 151 00:06:59,096 --> 00:07:00,312 (players laughing) 152 00:07:00,312 --> 00:07:02,490 Trapp, could you please describe your character for us? 153 00:07:02,490 --> 00:07:05,100 - Yeah, I'm Detective Hunch Curio. 154 00:07:05,100 --> 00:07:07,652 I'm covered in bruises and cuts. 155 00:07:07,652 --> 00:07:08,490 (group laughing) 156 00:07:08,490 --> 00:07:10,680 It seems like I'm always nursing wounds, 157 00:07:10,680 --> 00:07:14,550 nursing a hangover, real lanky, rubbery kind of guy. 158 00:07:14,550 --> 00:07:17,010 Doesn't look like I should be getting into as many fights 159 00:07:17,010 --> 00:07:19,132 as I seem to, 160 00:07:19,132 --> 00:07:20,373 and a big old nose that I keep 161 00:07:20,373 --> 00:07:22,440 stickin' in where it don't belong. 162 00:07:22,440 --> 00:07:24,510 - That's right, Detective Hunch Curio, 163 00:07:24,510 --> 00:07:29,510 of course, Mentopolis' premiere gumshoe, 164 00:07:29,727 --> 00:07:34,310 and also curiosity itself rendered in this form 165 00:07:34,310 --> 00:07:35,670 here within Mentopolis. 166 00:07:35,670 --> 00:07:39,090 Outside you hear the door open 167 00:07:39,090 --> 00:07:41,490 and your secretary Anna looks in. 168 00:07:41,490 --> 00:07:44,013 Anna is a much older woman. 169 00:07:44,928 --> 00:07:47,656 She has those deep, sort of wrinkle lines in her face, 170 00:07:47,656 --> 00:07:50,850 little half moon spectacles, bun of sort 171 00:07:50,850 --> 00:07:55,540 of bright blue hair comes up off of her head, 172 00:07:55,540 --> 00:07:58,260 and little sort of one of those like old lady sweaters 173 00:07:58,260 --> 00:08:01,470 that like has a doily as the collar. 174 00:08:01,470 --> 00:08:05,550 She comes in, she goes, Hunch, how you doing on coffee? 175 00:08:05,550 --> 00:08:06,397 You need anything? 176 00:08:06,397 --> 00:08:08,955 - Always more, always more coffee. 177 00:08:08,955 --> 00:08:11,497 - All right, I'll go down to the dopamine store. 178 00:08:11,497 --> 00:08:14,010 And you see she wanders off. 179 00:08:14,010 --> 00:08:16,560 As she opens the door, she goes, oh, I'm sorry, 180 00:08:16,560 --> 00:08:19,320 and you see, you hear her ushering someone in. 181 00:08:19,320 --> 00:08:21,510 She opens the door to your sort of private office again 182 00:08:21,510 --> 00:08:25,149 and says, Hunch there's somebody here to see you. 183 00:08:25,149 --> 00:08:28,571 - Oh, send her in, him in, her in? 184 00:08:28,571 --> 00:08:29,404 - Her. 185 00:08:29,404 --> 00:08:31,478 - All right, send her in. - Good guess. 186 00:08:31,478 --> 00:08:34,460 - Put away, it seems right for those situations 187 00:08:34,460 --> 00:08:35,478 in the general setting, 188 00:08:35,478 --> 00:08:36,510 it's probably a dame, right? 189 00:08:36,510 --> 00:08:38,271 That happens a lot in this office. 190 00:08:38,271 --> 00:08:39,104 (Brennan laughing) 191 00:08:39,104 --> 00:08:40,052 - It sure does. 192 00:08:40,052 --> 00:08:43,740 (group laughing) 193 00:08:43,740 --> 00:08:45,210 - Tropes. 194 00:08:45,210 --> 00:08:46,560 - Tropes! 195 00:08:46,560 --> 00:08:48,942 You see that she looks over and says, 196 00:08:48,942 --> 00:08:51,210 Ah, it's a real classy looking dame too, 197 00:08:51,210 --> 00:08:52,620 not the normal kind of riffraff 198 00:08:52,620 --> 00:08:55,244 that we exclusively work for. 199 00:08:55,244 --> 00:08:56,428 (Hank laughing) 200 00:08:56,428 --> 00:08:58,890 - I scrape some of the blood off my tie. 201 00:08:58,890 --> 00:09:01,800 - As we look around, what do we see in Hunch's office, 202 00:09:01,800 --> 00:09:05,640 and any like things of past cases you've solved? 203 00:09:05,640 --> 00:09:06,794 - Yeah, yeah. 204 00:09:06,794 --> 00:09:10,020 There's probably like some framed newspaper clippings 205 00:09:10,020 --> 00:09:14,610 of like "Detective Solves the Case of the Missing Keys." 206 00:09:14,610 --> 00:09:16,933 (players laughing) It's full of quotes like, 207 00:09:16,933 --> 00:09:19,076 It's in the last place you thought of looking. 208 00:09:19,076 --> 00:09:20,321 (players laughing) 209 00:09:20,321 --> 00:09:22,257 The case of what's that song that goes like, 210 00:09:22,257 --> 00:09:24,519 (hums jazzy tune) 211 00:09:24,519 --> 00:09:25,890 (players laughing) 212 00:09:25,890 --> 00:09:27,750 All these like little tiny like, 213 00:09:27,750 --> 00:09:30,537 just sort of everyday mysteries that Hunch's sort 214 00:09:30,537 --> 00:09:33,000 of had his hand in and cracked. 215 00:09:33,000 --> 00:09:34,957 - Anna looks up at you and says, 216 00:09:34,957 --> 00:09:37,422 Ah, real body of work. 217 00:09:37,422 --> 00:09:38,707 (players laughing) 218 00:09:38,707 --> 00:09:41,475 We did figure out what that song was, it was... 219 00:09:42,483 --> 00:09:47,000 Oh god, what was that song? Ah shit. (group laughing) 220 00:09:47,000 --> 00:09:48,786 - Case has gotta get reopened. 221 00:09:48,786 --> 00:09:49,736 (players laughing) 222 00:09:49,736 --> 00:09:52,720 Hold on a second. (Trapp hums a similar tune) 223 00:09:52,720 --> 00:09:53,920 - She walks out and says, 224 00:09:53,920 --> 00:09:55,218 All right, if you feel tidy enough. 225 00:09:55,218 --> 00:09:58,440 - As I'm busily just scraping so many cigarette butts, 226 00:09:58,440 --> 00:10:01,303 and just junk on the desk, just like putting it 227 00:10:01,303 --> 00:10:03,990 into a basket that I can just sort of hide away. 228 00:10:03,990 --> 00:10:06,480 - Tons and tons and tons of junk hits the floor. 229 00:10:06,480 --> 00:10:09,720 As it does, you lean back in your chair, 230 00:10:09,720 --> 00:10:12,803 and you see Anna and you can see 231 00:10:12,803 --> 00:10:15,423 as she opens the door, we see a little thing on her desk. 232 00:10:15,423 --> 00:10:17,160 She has a little name placard as well, 233 00:10:17,160 --> 00:10:19,246 Ms. Anna Lysis. 234 00:10:20,363 --> 00:10:21,750 It's gonna be a lot of these. 235 00:10:21,750 --> 00:10:23,059 - Every single time. 236 00:10:23,059 --> 00:10:24,159 - Strap in. 237 00:10:24,159 --> 00:10:26,467 You see that she walks in and says, 238 00:10:26,467 --> 00:10:28,830 Mr. Curio will see you now. 239 00:10:28,830 --> 00:10:31,260 Siobhan, could you please describe your character for us? 240 00:10:31,260 --> 00:10:35,430 - Yes, my character is an impeccably dressed, 241 00:10:35,430 --> 00:10:39,330 mysterious woman in a dark velvet cloak. (smooth piano music) 242 00:10:39,330 --> 00:10:40,470 She is mysterious, 243 00:10:40,470 --> 00:10:43,934 but you can tell immediately she reeks of old money. 244 00:10:43,934 --> 00:10:45,000 (Brennan laughing) 245 00:10:45,000 --> 00:10:46,688 And that's all I'm gonna say. 246 00:10:46,688 --> 00:10:47,521 (players laughing) 247 00:10:47,521 --> 00:10:49,560 - Well, Mr. Curio'll see you now. 248 00:10:49,560 --> 00:10:50,940 You're very fancy. 249 00:10:50,940 --> 00:10:54,577 Do you need different kinds of chairs than normal people? 250 00:10:54,577 --> 00:10:56,460 (players laughing) - No, I'll stand by the window. 251 00:10:56,460 --> 00:10:58,050 Thank you so much. 252 00:10:58,050 --> 00:10:59,451 (players laughing) 253 00:10:59,451 --> 00:11:02,190 - Ooh, stand by the window, la di dah. 254 00:11:02,190 --> 00:11:03,750 - I immediately go towards the window 255 00:11:03,750 --> 00:11:05,756 and wipe some of the grime off of it. (window wiping sounds) 256 00:11:05,756 --> 00:11:07,710 (players laughing) 257 00:11:07,710 --> 00:11:08,700 - [Brennan] The door closes 258 00:11:08,700 --> 00:11:11,137 and you are left alone in Hunch's office. 259 00:11:11,137 --> 00:11:13,620 - Mr. Hunch, I think I need your help. 260 00:11:13,620 --> 00:11:16,779 My name is... Stacy Fakename. 261 00:11:16,779 --> 00:11:18,862 (players laughing) 262 00:11:19,950 --> 00:11:21,660 - I would like to do a snoop check to see 263 00:11:21,660 --> 00:11:22,899 if she's lying to me. 264 00:11:22,899 --> 00:11:23,732 (players laughing) 265 00:11:23,732 --> 00:11:25,410 - If I can get a snoop check from you, 266 00:11:25,410 --> 00:11:29,610 and a slick check from... Stacy. 267 00:11:29,610 --> 00:11:31,053 - Great. 268 00:11:31,053 --> 00:11:32,352 (dice rolls) 269 00:11:32,352 --> 00:11:34,800 - I rolled a two but I got a four. 270 00:11:34,800 --> 00:11:38,190 - I rolled a three, but that's plus four. 271 00:11:38,190 --> 00:11:39,180 It's a seven. 272 00:11:39,180 --> 00:11:40,924 - Okay, you got a seven and you got a? 273 00:11:40,924 --> 00:11:42,750 - [Siobhan] A four. 274 00:11:42,750 --> 00:11:45,780 - One Moxie token for Siobhan. (ball sliding on a track) 275 00:11:45,780 --> 00:11:50,777 So Hunch, something in your years of training kicks in. 276 00:11:50,777 --> 00:11:54,718 (group laughing) 277 00:11:54,718 --> 00:11:57,300 Years of training leads you to believe 278 00:11:57,300 --> 00:12:02,230 that there is something about the name Stacy Fakename 279 00:12:02,230 --> 00:12:03,063 (Alex laughing) 280 00:12:03,063 --> 00:12:06,330 that feels like maybe that's not her real name. 281 00:12:06,330 --> 00:12:08,850 - I play it super cool. 282 00:12:08,850 --> 00:12:11,797 I just light up a cigarette and sort of stop and admire. 283 00:12:11,797 --> 00:12:14,441 Oh, Stacy Fakename, huh? 284 00:12:14,441 --> 00:12:15,282 You know uh, 285 00:12:16,225 --> 00:12:18,764 Is that at all related to Joanna Fakename? 286 00:12:18,764 --> 00:12:19,808 - So what if it is? 287 00:12:19,808 --> 00:12:21,958 (Alex laughing) - Well, I'll tell you so what if it is. 288 00:12:21,958 --> 00:12:24,527 There ain't no one named Joanna Fakename. 289 00:12:24,527 --> 00:12:26,796 - (sigh) You got me. 290 00:12:26,796 --> 00:12:28,979 (players laughing) 291 00:12:28,979 --> 00:12:30,273 - Case closed. 292 00:12:30,273 --> 00:12:31,631 (players laughing) 293 00:12:31,631 --> 00:12:33,243 - The door cracks open and Anna goes, 294 00:12:33,243 --> 00:12:34,335 No, not closed. 295 00:12:34,335 --> 00:12:35,969 You have to get money. - Oh sh- 296 00:12:35,969 --> 00:12:37,587 It's a business you have to get-, 297 00:12:37,587 --> 00:12:39,207 and closes the door again. (door clicks shut) 298 00:12:39,207 --> 00:12:40,440 - So why don't you tell me what your name really is? 299 00:12:40,440 --> 00:12:42,600 - My name is Imelda Pulse. 300 00:12:42,600 --> 00:12:44,137 Perhaps you've heard of my family. 301 00:12:44,137 --> 00:12:44,970 - Oh yeah. 302 00:12:44,970 --> 00:12:46,503 - We've been in the this town 303 00:12:46,503 --> 00:12:48,367 since before the brain existed. 304 00:12:48,367 --> 00:12:50,940 - Yeah, I think that's written on like the gates 305 00:12:50,940 --> 00:12:52,200 of your mansion. (laughs) 306 00:12:52,200 --> 00:12:53,977 You're constantly bragging about that. 307 00:12:53,977 --> 00:12:54,870 - That's correct. 308 00:12:54,870 --> 00:12:56,144 We do brag a lot. 309 00:12:56,144 --> 00:12:56,977 - [Trapp] All right. 310 00:12:58,018 --> 00:12:59,068 - I'm here because of this, 311 00:12:59,068 --> 00:13:01,830 and I throw a newspaper down in front of him. 312 00:13:01,830 --> 00:13:02,663 - Pick it up. 313 00:13:04,087 --> 00:13:05,426 Don't tell me, 314 00:13:05,426 --> 00:13:06,697 (players laughing) 315 00:13:06,697 --> 00:13:07,934 this is a newspaper. 316 00:13:07,934 --> 00:13:09,750 (players laughing) 317 00:13:09,750 --> 00:13:10,583 - That's right. 318 00:13:11,502 --> 00:13:12,759 - Case closed. 319 00:13:12,759 --> 00:13:13,592 (players laughing) 320 00:13:13,592 --> 00:13:14,996 - Do you wanna gimme another snoop check? 321 00:13:14,996 --> 00:13:17,166 (group laughing) 322 00:13:17,166 --> 00:13:19,620 (rolls dice) 323 00:13:19,620 --> 00:13:21,240 - That is a nine. 324 00:13:21,240 --> 00:13:23,910 - Okay, on a nine snoop check, 325 00:13:23,910 --> 00:13:27,030 you are looking at this newspaper. 326 00:13:27,030 --> 00:13:30,164 You notice it's from probably like yesterday 327 00:13:30,164 --> 00:13:32,288 You notice it's from probably like yesterday 328 00:13:32,288 --> 00:13:33,990 or the day before, right, 329 00:13:33,990 --> 00:13:35,790 pretty recently, earlier this week, 330 00:13:35,790 --> 00:13:38,498 which by the way I should mention, 331 00:13:39,881 --> 00:13:42,990 days pass in Mentopolis (snapping) quite quickly. 332 00:13:42,990 --> 00:13:44,700 It's not one-to-one with the days 333 00:13:44,700 --> 00:13:46,920 that the big guy is feeling, right? 334 00:13:46,920 --> 00:13:48,243 You see the newspaper, 335 00:13:50,010 --> 00:13:52,230 and you notice that it's out of order. 336 00:13:52,230 --> 00:13:55,020 You just notice that the front page is not the front page. 337 00:13:55,020 --> 00:13:57,210 It's not like someone's like taken the funnies out 338 00:13:57,210 --> 00:13:58,860 and like put it on front of the thing, 339 00:13:58,860 --> 00:14:01,320 but you just see it's a little bit crinkled, 340 00:14:01,320 --> 00:14:05,568 and the page that's on front is way, way buried in the back. 341 00:14:05,568 --> 00:14:07,740 It's like a tiny little puff piece article 342 00:14:07,740 --> 00:14:12,030 that basically leads this page 20B kind of thing, 343 00:14:12,030 --> 00:14:14,430 and this is from The Daily Observer by the way. 344 00:14:14,430 --> 00:14:16,890 Looking at this, sort of the headline 345 00:14:16,890 --> 00:14:18,090 of our little article is not that it's 346 00:14:18,090 --> 00:14:19,440 like a big splash page, 347 00:14:19,440 --> 00:14:22,732 but just this tiny little sort of heading says, 348 00:14:22,732 --> 00:14:25,740 "Packet on Desk, Ready to Go to the Big Wigs Upstairs. 349 00:14:25,740 --> 00:14:29,172 "Packet on Desk, Ready to Go to the Big Wigs Upstairs. 350 00:14:29,172 --> 00:14:32,760 Last Chance to Take a Look." 351 00:14:32,760 --> 00:14:33,960 And it basically, 352 00:14:33,960 --> 00:14:35,720 reading sort of deeper down into the article, 353 00:14:35,720 --> 00:14:39,798 it just says like months and months of research 354 00:14:39,798 --> 00:14:43,065 from the big guy's hard work now sits 355 00:14:43,065 --> 00:14:45,540 in a manila envelope on the desk waiting 356 00:14:45,540 --> 00:14:49,732 to go upstairs to the big wigs of Gobstopper Industries. 357 00:14:49,732 --> 00:14:53,257 It's just sitting there, and it's the last chance 358 00:14:53,257 --> 00:14:54,990 to look at it, or fix anything, 359 00:14:54,990 --> 00:14:59,160 or do anything else before it goes away forever, 360 00:14:59,160 --> 00:15:01,380 and then it goes into an interview 361 00:15:01,380 --> 00:15:04,230 with a local, Anxiety Source, 362 00:15:04,230 --> 00:15:06,390 that talks about the packet sitting there, 363 00:15:06,390 --> 00:15:08,790 and then you see there's a quick line 364 00:15:08,790 --> 00:15:10,530 from Reckless Self-Confidence 365 00:15:10,530 --> 00:15:12,142 that says, it's perfect, 366 00:15:12,142 --> 00:15:15,120 and a couple other sort of bits of voices 367 00:15:15,120 --> 00:15:15,960 and stuff like that, 368 00:15:15,960 --> 00:15:18,390 but that little tiny article just sits there 369 00:15:18,390 --> 00:15:22,592 on the front page that Imelda has handed to you. 370 00:15:22,592 --> 00:15:25,654 - And what does this have to do with the Pulse Family? 371 00:15:25,654 --> 00:15:27,754 - Well, let me ask you this. 372 00:15:27,754 --> 00:15:29,952 You heard of the nightclub Sugah? 373 00:15:29,952 --> 00:15:31,523 - Oh, I know Sugah. 374 00:15:31,523 --> 00:15:35,160 - I was coming outta Sugah two days ago, 375 00:15:35,160 --> 00:15:37,590 and a little rascal, an urchin if you will, 376 00:15:37,590 --> 00:15:38,847 handed me this newspaper, 377 00:15:38,847 --> 00:15:42,330 and I couldn't help but notice this very headline 378 00:15:42,330 --> 00:15:44,448 even though it was not on the front page, 379 00:15:44,448 --> 00:15:45,281 it was handed to me directly. 380 00:15:45,281 --> 00:15:47,070 Do you understand? 381 00:15:47,070 --> 00:15:51,137 - I understand the sequence of the words that you've said. 382 00:15:51,137 --> 00:15:53,887 I don't understand how it involves me just yet. 383 00:15:53,887 --> 00:15:55,350 - Perhaps you don't know this about me, 384 00:15:55,350 --> 00:15:56,183 Mr. Curio. 385 00:15:56,183 --> 00:15:57,540 I'm reckless. 386 00:15:57,540 --> 00:15:58,680 I'm impulsive. 387 00:15:58,680 --> 00:16:00,720 I'm a little crazy. 388 00:16:00,720 --> 00:16:02,100 I see this headline. I think, 389 00:16:02,100 --> 00:16:05,130 well maybe we should do something about this. 390 00:16:05,130 --> 00:16:06,210 Now, my family, 391 00:16:06,210 --> 00:16:09,728 we have ways we have means of making the big guy move. 392 00:16:09,728 --> 00:16:10,800 You know what I mean? 393 00:16:10,800 --> 00:16:13,234 You understand my drift, Mr. Curio? 394 00:16:13,234 --> 00:16:14,950 - I pick up what you're putting down. 395 00:16:14,950 --> 00:16:16,391 (Trapp and Siobhan laughing) 396 00:16:16,391 --> 00:16:17,640 - You eatin' what I'm serving? 397 00:16:17,640 --> 00:16:20,130 - Oh yeah, I'm takin' a big old servin' of it, 398 00:16:20,130 --> 00:16:21,580 gobbling it up with a spoon. 399 00:16:23,023 --> 00:16:26,017 (players laughing) 400 00:16:26,017 --> 00:16:27,473 - I look out the window again. 401 00:16:27,473 --> 00:16:29,931 - Give me another slick roll and another snoop roll. 402 00:16:29,931 --> 00:16:31,845 (rolls dice) 403 00:16:31,845 --> 00:16:33,028 - That's a 16. 404 00:16:34,620 --> 00:16:37,556 - Is this, well, it doesn't matter. 405 00:16:37,556 --> 00:16:38,389 (Trapp laughing) 406 00:16:38,389 --> 00:16:40,017 That is a three. 407 00:16:40,017 --> 00:16:43,737 (ball sliding on a track) 408 00:16:43,737 --> 00:16:46,751 And I will take two because I take two when I fail. 409 00:16:46,751 --> 00:16:48,274 - Oh that's right, you are Determined. 410 00:16:48,274 --> 00:16:49,107 There you go. 411 00:16:49,107 --> 00:16:50,225 (ball sliding on a track) 412 00:16:50,225 --> 00:16:51,274 - Thank you. 413 00:16:51,274 --> 00:16:55,710 - So looking at Imelda's face as she looks out the window, 414 00:16:55,710 --> 00:16:59,506 you see a poised and confident woman 415 00:16:59,506 --> 00:17:02,430 checking the street outside the office 416 00:17:02,430 --> 00:17:05,405 and cannot observe anything other than an air of mystery 417 00:17:05,405 --> 00:17:08,221 and cannot observe anything other than an air of mystery 418 00:17:08,221 --> 00:17:12,480 and grace, quite a poker face on the lady 419 00:17:12,480 --> 00:17:14,130 across from you in the office; 420 00:17:14,130 --> 00:17:16,632 however, you are aware of Sugah, 421 00:17:16,632 --> 00:17:18,885 and you do know that's down like near the limbic system, 422 00:17:18,885 --> 00:17:20,684 and the amygdala. 423 00:17:20,684 --> 00:17:23,450 There's a, it's right near The Hippo Campus, 424 00:17:23,450 --> 00:17:25,533 which is Mentopolis' premier university. 425 00:17:26,401 --> 00:17:28,262 - (groans) Oh yeah, I love it. 426 00:17:28,262 --> 00:17:31,620 - So looking at that, you do know that area. 427 00:17:31,620 --> 00:17:35,100 Give me actually a savvy check as well. - Sure. 428 00:17:35,100 --> 00:17:38,493 Call it a difficulty of... four. - Okay. 429 00:17:39,739 --> 00:17:41,242 - (laughing) That's a two. 430 00:17:41,242 --> 00:17:42,075 - [Brennan] Okay. 431 00:17:42,075 --> 00:17:43,737 - Oh wait, hold on. I've got a ton of Moxie. 432 00:17:43,737 --> 00:17:45,120 I'm gonna go ahead and add two Moxie there. 433 00:17:45,120 --> 00:17:46,520 - Hell yeah. - [Trapp] Why not. 434 00:17:47,968 --> 00:17:50,972 You think you've seen a scrappy kid 435 00:17:50,972 --> 00:17:52,020 hanging around Sugah before, 436 00:17:52,020 --> 00:17:53,640 which is weird cause that's like in the red light district 437 00:17:53,640 --> 00:17:57,150 for the city, a lot of like pleasures and urges 438 00:17:57,150 --> 00:17:58,475 and stuff like that. 439 00:17:58,475 --> 00:18:00,990 Appetites are down there all the time, 440 00:18:00,990 --> 00:18:05,641 but yeah, you have a recollection of definitely there you 441 00:18:05,641 --> 00:18:07,905 like one time being down in that neighborhood 442 00:18:07,905 --> 00:18:10,320 and seeing a kid down there. - Mh-hm. 443 00:18:10,320 --> 00:18:11,583 And I think on that, 444 00:18:11,583 --> 00:18:13,620 like that's just enough of a success 445 00:18:13,620 --> 00:18:14,640 that that's all you know. 446 00:18:14,640 --> 00:18:15,907 - Got it, cool. 447 00:18:15,907 --> 00:18:19,048 So Ms. Pulse, what exactly are you employing me for? 448 00:18:19,048 --> 00:18:21,789 So Ms. Pulse, what exactly are you employing me for? 449 00:18:21,789 --> 00:18:24,517 You want to get the big guy moving on this envelope? 450 00:18:24,517 --> 00:18:26,971 'Cause I'll tell you this, as soon as I heard your name, 451 00:18:26,971 --> 00:18:28,071 I said, she's got enough money, 452 00:18:28,071 --> 00:18:29,640 I'll do anything she wants. 453 00:18:29,640 --> 00:18:31,025 (players laughing) 454 00:18:31,025 --> 00:18:32,299 - Well, let me tell you, 455 00:18:32,299 --> 00:18:33,900 I have no need for your help on that 456 00:18:33,900 --> 00:18:35,880 because I have already made that happen. 457 00:18:35,880 --> 00:18:38,506 What I'm employing you for is... 458 00:18:38,506 --> 00:18:41,280 people don't seem very happy about it. 459 00:18:41,280 --> 00:18:43,920 I'm being followed, Mr. Curio. 460 00:18:43,920 --> 00:18:46,890 I'm being followed by heaven knows who, 461 00:18:46,890 --> 00:18:49,465 and by who knows what, and by he and her and Mr. Mischief. 462 00:18:49,465 --> 00:18:52,200 and by who knows what, and by he and her and Mr. Mischief. 463 00:18:52,200 --> 00:18:53,033 You get my- 464 00:18:53,033 --> 00:18:54,974 (players laughing) 465 00:18:54,974 --> 00:18:57,499 - Here we go again. - I got a big old spoon of your drift. 466 00:18:57,499 --> 00:18:59,340 Your drift's piling up on the side of the road 467 00:18:59,340 --> 00:19:00,795 and I'm gobbling it up. 468 00:19:00,795 --> 00:19:01,628 (Hank laughing) 469 00:19:01,628 --> 00:19:02,767 - It's snowy and delicious out there. 470 00:19:02,767 --> 00:19:03,750 - And I'm eating that snow. - [Siobhan] No doubt. 471 00:19:03,750 --> 00:19:05,781 - That's right. That's for sure. 472 00:19:05,781 --> 00:19:09,060 (group laughing) 473 00:19:09,060 --> 00:19:10,896 - Anna opens the door a crack and goes... 474 00:19:10,896 --> 00:19:13,128 What the fuck is going on in here? (players laughing) 475 00:19:13,128 --> 00:19:14,820 Everything all right? - Everything's okay. 476 00:19:14,820 --> 00:19:15,946 - Oh, sorry. - [Trapp] It's all good. 477 00:19:15,946 --> 00:19:17,955 - Do you want me to go call Mr. Mischief? 478 00:19:17,955 --> 00:19:19,541 - Mr.- What? - What? 479 00:19:19,541 --> 00:19:22,694 - No, no. We're cool. We got it okay. - Okay, yeah yeah. 480 00:19:22,694 --> 00:19:24,218 (door clicks shut) 481 00:19:24,218 --> 00:19:25,177 So you're being followed? 482 00:19:25,177 --> 00:19:26,630 - And I don't know why. 483 00:19:26,630 --> 00:19:28,855 Why is this file so important? 484 00:19:28,855 --> 00:19:32,043 Why is it so dangerous and why is it so bad 485 00:19:32,043 --> 00:19:34,140 that I got the big man to pick it up? 486 00:19:34,140 --> 00:19:35,850 - These are questions, Ms. Pulse, 487 00:19:35,850 --> 00:19:38,070 and if there's one thing I love, it's questions, 488 00:19:38,070 --> 00:19:40,230 and if there's two things I love, it's money. 489 00:19:40,230 --> 00:19:42,630 If there's three things I love, it's coffee, 490 00:19:42,630 --> 00:19:45,150 and I see a lot of those three things in my future 491 00:19:45,150 --> 00:19:46,523 with this case. 492 00:19:46,523 --> 00:19:47,356 (Brennan laughing) 493 00:19:47,356 --> 00:19:49,620 - Anna hands you a coffee as you put your coat on 494 00:19:49,620 --> 00:19:54,000 and you head out of your office. 495 00:19:54,000 --> 00:19:55,590 From there, 496 00:19:55,590 --> 00:19:59,557 we are actually going to move right along 497 00:20:00,690 --> 00:20:03,870 to a place under very different circumstances 498 00:20:03,870 --> 00:20:05,688 than we have seen before. 499 00:20:05,688 --> 00:20:08,610 Lit up bright, the Synaptic Switchboard 500 00:20:08,610 --> 00:20:12,300 at Cerebell Pacific is in a very different state 501 00:20:12,300 --> 00:20:14,370 than that first time we saw it. 502 00:20:14,370 --> 00:20:19,110 The lights are all on and bodies hustle to and fro 503 00:20:19,110 --> 00:20:22,027 as some of Mentopolis' finest take impulse control red tape 504 00:20:22,027 --> 00:20:24,468 as some of Mentopolis' finest take impulse control red tape 505 00:20:24,468 --> 00:20:26,757 and band it off, say, all right, everyone back up. 506 00:20:26,757 --> 00:20:28,410 It's an active crime scene. 507 00:20:28,410 --> 00:20:29,760 Everyone back up. 508 00:20:29,760 --> 00:20:31,890 As a body lays on the floor, (tense noir thriller music) 509 00:20:31,890 --> 00:20:34,308 a pool of blood surrounding it 510 00:20:34,308 --> 00:20:39,266 and a massive switchboard shattered in a 511 00:20:39,266 --> 00:20:41,049 act of some kind of (sparking) 512 00:20:41,049 --> 00:20:44,820 explosion or corrosion or something of that nature. 513 00:20:44,820 --> 00:20:47,632 Pushing to the front of the crowd at the edge 514 00:20:47,632 --> 00:20:50,160 of the tape here at this active crime scene 515 00:20:50,160 --> 00:20:51,750 at Cerebell Pacific, 516 00:20:51,750 --> 00:20:54,840 Danielle, could you please describe your character for us? 517 00:20:54,840 --> 00:20:59,251 - My character is a... 518 00:20:59,251 --> 00:21:01,392 tough scrabble reporter. 519 00:21:01,392 --> 00:21:03,630 She's trying to gain more notoriety. 520 00:21:03,630 --> 00:21:05,820 She's trying to kind of break in more 521 00:21:05,820 --> 00:21:08,070 to getting bigger headlines, 522 00:21:08,070 --> 00:21:10,717 'cause right now she mostly does stuff like, 523 00:21:10,717 --> 00:21:13,290 Breaking news, we stubbed our toe. 524 00:21:13,290 --> 00:21:14,123 Ouch. 525 00:21:14,123 --> 00:21:15,210 And so she's trying to get to a point 526 00:21:15,210 --> 00:21:17,748 where she can become more successful (chill detective music) 527 00:21:17,748 --> 00:21:19,500 and get some of the bigger stories, 528 00:21:19,500 --> 00:21:21,420 so she's got a nose for the news 529 00:21:21,420 --> 00:21:26,010 and her name is A. Tension 530 00:21:26,010 --> 00:21:27,840 because that is the role that she plays in the brain 531 00:21:27,840 --> 00:21:30,300 is that she helps with focus and attention. 532 00:21:30,300 --> 00:21:31,710 - You push to the front of the crowd. 533 00:21:31,710 --> 00:21:35,078 Looking around, you see that the sort of 534 00:21:35,078 --> 00:21:36,890 cops are around pushing back people away. 535 00:21:36,890 --> 00:21:38,351 There's some other like reporters and stuff here. 536 00:21:38,351 --> 00:21:41,732 You see this guy, Officer Connell, who you know, 537 00:21:41,732 --> 00:21:42,565 standing there says, 538 00:21:42,565 --> 00:21:44,900 All right everyone back up, back up. 539 00:21:44,900 --> 00:21:48,390 It's still a crime scene, and he sort of looks over at you. 540 00:21:48,390 --> 00:21:51,522 You also notice seeing the switchboard that 541 00:21:51,522 --> 00:21:55,860 all of the lights have sort of dimmed. 542 00:21:55,860 --> 00:21:57,780 This is the central Synaptic Switchboard, 543 00:21:57,780 --> 00:22:00,210 which could mean something sort of terrible. 544 00:22:00,210 --> 00:22:04,190 It could be that- Something very bad has happened here. 545 00:22:04,190 --> 00:22:06,085 This is like a central piece of machinery 546 00:22:06,085 --> 00:22:07,052 within Mentopolis. 547 00:22:07,052 --> 00:22:08,560 Looking around, you also see 548 00:22:08,560 --> 00:22:12,300 that there are some employees of Cerebell Pacific 549 00:22:12,300 --> 00:22:14,550 who have been allowed under the tape (tense inquisitive music) 550 00:22:14,550 --> 00:22:17,280 to like help explain some stuff to the cops 551 00:22:17,280 --> 00:22:18,810 about the switchboard 552 00:22:18,810 --> 00:22:20,550 and other stuff that's happening here. 553 00:22:20,550 --> 00:22:22,701 In this moment, 554 00:22:22,701 --> 00:22:25,290 I think you'd be aware that you have some connections 555 00:22:25,290 --> 00:22:27,840 and other people that are sort of around like 556 00:22:27,840 --> 00:22:29,880 on the other side of that tape, 557 00:22:29,880 --> 00:22:31,557 and you're also not too far away. 558 00:22:31,557 --> 00:22:33,930 This is still in Cortex City, 559 00:22:33,930 --> 00:22:36,510 so like the Daily Observer's right around the corner 560 00:22:36,510 --> 00:22:37,343 from here. 561 00:22:37,343 --> 00:22:41,283 What is A. Tension or Anastasia, 562 00:22:42,240 --> 00:22:45,427 what are you doing as you push to the front of this crowd? 563 00:22:45,427 --> 00:22:48,090 - Excuse me, pardon me, misters. Excuse me, pardon me. 564 00:22:48,090 --> 00:22:50,557 Press, press. Misters, press. 565 00:22:50,557 --> 00:22:52,260 - All right, oh, okay. 566 00:22:52,260 --> 00:22:54,840 Miss Tension, hello, hello. 567 00:22:54,840 --> 00:22:56,460 Fancy seeing you here. 568 00:22:56,460 --> 00:22:59,527 Officer Connell sort of speaks up to you and says, 569 00:22:59,527 --> 00:23:02,638 I'm sure the paper of record would love for us 570 00:23:02,638 --> 00:23:04,438 to notice whatever this is, 571 00:23:04,438 --> 00:23:08,610 but listen, the mayor's called, everything's fine. 572 00:23:08,610 --> 00:23:11,340 We don't have to bring this to the attention 573 00:23:11,340 --> 00:23:12,450 of the big guy, okay? 574 00:23:12,450 --> 00:23:15,290 This is all gonna get sorted out in a second. 575 00:23:15,290 --> 00:23:18,090 What's- What's the good in him noticing 576 00:23:18,090 --> 00:23:19,417 that something's gone wrong? 577 00:23:19,417 --> 00:23:21,210 - Well, I just believe that it is important 578 00:23:21,210 --> 00:23:22,687 that we make sure that everybody knows 579 00:23:22,687 --> 00:23:24,000 what's the news of the day. 580 00:23:24,000 --> 00:23:26,165 What am I looking at exactly here? 581 00:23:26,165 --> 00:23:29,993 - Well, this guy's not gonna be waking up anytime soon, 582 00:23:29,993 --> 00:23:31,657 so I think that's plenty, don't you? 583 00:23:31,657 --> 00:23:32,490 - (excitedly) A body? 584 00:23:32,490 --> 00:23:34,020 Oh, I mean (somberly) a body. 585 00:23:34,020 --> 00:23:35,550 (players laughing) 586 00:23:35,550 --> 00:23:37,420 - So you're at the tape right now, 587 00:23:38,587 --> 00:23:39,420 and you're talking to the officer here. 588 00:23:39,420 --> 00:23:41,665 Do you want to 589 00:23:42,964 --> 00:23:45,780 try to make any observations you can from a distance, 590 00:23:45,780 --> 00:23:47,130 which might make it a little bit more difficult, 591 00:23:47,130 --> 00:23:50,460 or do you wanna try to like push through to this other spot? 592 00:23:50,460 --> 00:23:55,460 - I wanna try to push through to the other spot and so... 593 00:23:57,026 --> 00:23:58,067 Hmm. 594 00:23:58,067 --> 00:24:00,060 So I know Officer Connelly, 595 00:24:00,060 --> 00:24:03,363 but I don't know a lot of the other people 596 00:24:03,363 --> 00:24:05,947 like the scientists and stuff. 597 00:24:05,947 --> 00:24:08,310 Well, thank you very much for your help Mr. Connell. 598 00:24:08,310 --> 00:24:10,493 I agree, we don't necessarily need to bring this 599 00:24:10,493 --> 00:24:12,090 to the attention of the big guy. 600 00:24:12,090 --> 00:24:13,382 Thank you for all of your help. 601 00:24:13,382 --> 00:24:15,217 I will go ahead and leave now if you wanna 602 00:24:15,217 --> 00:24:17,647 attend to the body. 603 00:24:17,647 --> 00:24:19,256 - Yeah, that's right. That's right. 604 00:24:19,256 --> 00:24:20,764 And you see he turns around and continues 605 00:24:20,764 --> 00:24:22,260 to sort of man the tape. 606 00:24:22,260 --> 00:24:24,120 You walk a little bit away and do see 607 00:24:24,120 --> 00:24:26,070 some of the other scientists moving around. 608 00:24:26,070 --> 00:24:27,300 Gimme a snoop check. 609 00:24:27,300 --> 00:24:29,793 We'll call it a difficulty of eight. 610 00:24:31,669 --> 00:24:33,780 (rolls dice) 611 00:24:33,780 --> 00:24:35,943 - Oh, you're joking. 612 00:24:35,943 --> 00:24:36,776 (nat one sound) 613 00:24:36,776 --> 00:24:38,280 A one. 614 00:24:38,280 --> 00:24:40,922 - An actual, you rolled a natural one on the-. 615 00:24:40,922 --> 00:24:43,485 - I rolled a natural one on my d20. 616 00:24:43,485 --> 00:24:46,350 - You add some to your snoop roll, I believe, right, 617 00:24:46,350 --> 00:24:47,183 or no, you don't. 618 00:24:47,183 --> 00:24:49,228 - Nope, not with snoop, not with snoop. 619 00:24:49,228 --> 00:24:50,236 Not with snoop. - Incredible. 620 00:24:50,236 --> 00:24:52,920 I'll also remind you of the halving mechanic, 621 00:24:52,920 --> 00:24:55,320 so if you want to, this is a planned action. 622 00:24:55,320 --> 00:24:56,483 - Oh yes, yes yes yes. 623 00:24:56,483 --> 00:24:57,750 Let's go ahead and halve that baby. 624 00:24:57,750 --> 00:24:59,069 - [Brennan] We'll halve that baby, 625 00:24:59,069 --> 00:25:00,724 so that is a 10- - King Solomon stat. 626 00:25:00,724 --> 00:25:02,698 - [Brennan] So that is a ten automatically. 627 00:25:02,698 --> 00:25:03,840 (players laughing) 628 00:25:03,840 --> 00:25:08,700 You see that there is a young scientist, 629 00:25:08,700 --> 00:25:13,466 or I should say there's a young sort of switchboard operator 630 00:25:13,466 --> 00:25:17,100 who is seated outside of the tape, 631 00:25:17,100 --> 00:25:19,350 who is kind of being comforted by a coworker, 632 00:25:19,350 --> 00:25:24,350 and you can see her sort of sitting there like weeping, 633 00:25:24,390 --> 00:25:28,380 so you see that she's crying and someone's sort 634 00:25:28,380 --> 00:25:30,930 of being blocked off from the body, 635 00:25:30,930 --> 00:25:33,390 but something in your sort of reporter sensibility 636 00:25:33,390 --> 00:25:34,862 looks over at her (sniffling) 637 00:25:34,862 --> 00:25:37,503 because she's just outside of that domain 638 00:25:37,503 --> 00:25:40,113 of where the cops are all buzzing around. 639 00:25:40,113 --> 00:25:41,970 (sniffles) 640 00:25:41,970 --> 00:25:45,185 - All right, so I go ahead and I walk up to her. 641 00:25:45,185 --> 00:25:46,018 (sighs) 642 00:25:46,018 --> 00:25:48,231 Sounds like a bit of bad news. 643 00:25:48,231 --> 00:25:49,522 - (sad, New York accent) Yeah. 644 00:25:49,522 --> 00:25:51,853 (players laughing) (jazzy music) 645 00:25:51,853 --> 00:25:53,970 - I take two cigarettes out, light both, 646 00:25:53,970 --> 00:25:56,287 and then hand one of them over to her. 647 00:25:56,287 --> 00:25:59,314 - Aw geez, that's awful nice of ya. 648 00:25:59,314 --> 00:26:01,124 (sniffles and puffs on the cigarette) 649 00:26:01,124 --> 00:26:04,410 Nothing's more soothing when you're crying 650 00:26:04,410 --> 00:26:07,111 than a nice drag off a cool cigarette. 651 00:26:07,111 --> 00:26:10,523 (players laughing) 652 00:26:10,523 --> 00:26:12,660 - Some mucus, stuffy nose, yeah, yeah. 653 00:26:12,660 --> 00:26:13,530 Just clears it up. 654 00:26:13,530 --> 00:26:14,607 - Well it's a menthol. 655 00:26:14,607 --> 00:26:16,174 (players laughing) 656 00:26:16,174 --> 00:26:19,710 - Woo, fresh, that's fresh. 657 00:26:19,710 --> 00:26:20,959 (players laughing) 658 00:26:20,959 --> 00:26:23,490 I'm sorry (sniffles) I'm over here crying. 659 00:26:23,490 --> 00:26:24,323 What's your name? 660 00:26:24,323 --> 00:26:25,248 It's nice to meet you. 661 00:26:25,248 --> 00:26:26,681 - Well hello it's nice to meet you as well, 662 00:26:26,681 --> 00:26:27,906 my name is... 663 00:26:29,500 --> 00:26:30,908 Stacy Fakename. 664 00:26:30,908 --> 00:26:32,587 (players laughing) 665 00:26:32,587 --> 00:26:35,290 - Oh my God, are you related to Joanne? 666 00:26:35,290 --> 00:26:37,147 - I am, I am related to Joanne Fakename. 667 00:26:37,147 --> 00:26:39,030 - I love Joanne. 668 00:26:39,030 --> 00:26:40,387 She's one of my best friends. 669 00:26:40,387 --> 00:26:41,837 - One of God's own children. 670 00:26:42,780 --> 00:26:44,253 Did you happen to know, 671 00:26:45,240 --> 00:26:49,045 I'm sorry, I don't mean to, but did you happen to know? 672 00:26:49,045 --> 00:26:49,878 - Yeah. 673 00:26:49,878 --> 00:26:50,711 (cries) 674 00:26:50,711 --> 00:26:51,993 He was my brother. 675 00:26:52,830 --> 00:26:55,050 He got me the job here. 676 00:26:55,050 --> 00:26:56,820 He's been working here for so long. 677 00:26:56,820 --> 00:26:58,050 He's older than me. 678 00:26:58,050 --> 00:26:59,580 I'm the youngest and he's the oldest 679 00:26:59,580 --> 00:27:00,933 and we're outta seven. 680 00:27:02,250 --> 00:27:06,210 He's such a sweet guy, and now he's gone. 681 00:27:06,210 --> 00:27:07,590 Why would anyone do this? 682 00:27:07,590 --> 00:27:09,027 I don't understand. 683 00:27:09,907 --> 00:27:13,220 - Well, would you know if your brother was working 684 00:27:13,220 --> 00:27:16,327 on any special projects happening here? 685 00:27:16,327 --> 00:27:19,709 - Last night he was manning the switchboard. 686 00:27:19,709 --> 00:27:21,993 He was running the graveyard shift, 687 00:27:21,993 --> 00:27:25,050 so normally there's a couple operators in here, 688 00:27:25,050 --> 00:27:29,370 but he was just taking care of things. 689 00:27:29,370 --> 00:27:33,060 Norrell was always such a sweet guy. 690 00:27:33,060 --> 00:27:35,992 I can't think why anyone would ever ever wanna hoit him 691 00:27:35,992 --> 00:27:38,377 (Alex stifling a laugh) 692 00:27:38,377 --> 00:27:40,740 - Did Norrell happen to be working with anyone else 693 00:27:40,740 --> 00:27:42,960 on usual occasions or was this a night 694 00:27:42,960 --> 00:27:44,310 when he was working alone? 695 00:27:45,757 --> 00:27:47,940 - Last night he was the only one on the schedule, 696 00:27:47,940 --> 00:27:49,530 so he was working alone. 697 00:27:49,530 --> 00:27:54,382 He said he was gonna be there and, 698 00:27:54,382 --> 00:27:56,540 you know, I mean, 699 00:27:57,840 --> 00:28:02,486 I know that he went down to the red light district 700 00:28:02,486 --> 00:28:04,213 every once in a while, 701 00:28:05,400 --> 00:28:09,300 but I don't think he would've done anything too dangerous 702 00:28:09,300 --> 00:28:10,133 and made any enemies. 703 00:28:10,133 --> 00:28:11,527 He's a nice guy. 704 00:28:11,527 --> 00:28:13,077 - Well, would you happen to know 705 00:28:13,077 --> 00:28:17,370 of any of his proclivities in the red light district? 706 00:28:17,370 --> 00:28:20,247 - She looks over. 707 00:28:20,247 --> 00:28:22,753 You can see that some, right at the corner of your eye, 708 00:28:22,753 --> 00:28:24,660 you notice some of the evidence being gathered 709 00:28:24,660 --> 00:28:27,990 around the crime scene is being sort of taken away 710 00:28:27,990 --> 00:28:30,840 and put in a little baggie that is like going back 711 00:28:30,840 --> 00:28:32,668 toward, there's almost like a little cart 712 00:28:32,668 --> 00:28:35,720 or gurney that has bagged and tagged evidence 713 00:28:35,720 --> 00:28:37,942 that you see is being moved towards the edge 714 00:28:37,942 --> 00:28:39,241 of the tape area. 715 00:28:40,410 --> 00:28:44,543 You see, she turns to you and says, 716 00:28:44,543 --> 00:28:48,426 Well, there was one place, you know... 717 00:28:48,426 --> 00:28:51,420 Norrell was a lonely guy 718 00:28:51,420 --> 00:28:54,787 and it's prohibition and it's hard to come by some 719 00:28:54,787 --> 00:28:58,895 and it's prohibition and it's hard to come by some 720 00:28:58,895 --> 00:29:01,303 of the more, those neurotransmitters and hormones 721 00:29:01,303 --> 00:29:04,944 of the more, those neurotransmitters and hormones 722 00:29:04,944 --> 00:29:08,520 that make a lonely fella feel a little less lonely. 723 00:29:08,520 --> 00:29:13,230 There was a place downtown that I heard served 724 00:29:13,230 --> 00:29:16,950 some of the good stuff, not just this cortisol, 725 00:29:16,950 --> 00:29:18,390 that's the only thing we seem to be able 726 00:29:18,390 --> 00:29:19,743 to drink these days. 727 00:29:21,420 --> 00:29:24,210 It was called Sugah's and he talked about it once or twice. 728 00:29:24,210 --> 00:29:25,653 I never wanted to go, 729 00:29:26,730 --> 00:29:31,050 but that's where he seemed to used to wanna go, 730 00:29:31,050 --> 00:29:35,007 and hopefully that's helpful. 731 00:29:36,607 --> 00:29:39,005 - Thank you very much for your help. 732 00:29:39,005 --> 00:29:41,340 I apologize for the death of Norrell 733 00:29:41,340 --> 00:29:44,430 and I hope that you and your seven, 734 00:29:44,430 --> 00:29:46,348 I'm sorry, six 735 00:29:46,348 --> 00:29:48,823 (players laughing) siblings, 736 00:29:49,740 --> 00:29:51,157 we wish you all the best of luck. 737 00:29:51,157 --> 00:29:54,390 - On behalf of the entire Ojiccle family, 738 00:29:54,390 --> 00:29:56,618 I thank you so much. (Trapp laughing) 739 00:29:56,618 --> 00:29:57,451 - Goddammit. 740 00:29:57,451 --> 00:29:59,737 (players laughing) 741 00:29:59,737 --> 00:30:01,843 - All right, thank you. 742 00:30:01,843 --> 00:30:03,985 And so A starts going over and starts walking. 743 00:30:03,985 --> 00:30:07,784 And so A starts going over and starts walking. 744 00:30:07,784 --> 00:30:10,740 I assume there's like a cab situation 745 00:30:10,740 --> 00:30:12,204 when you kinda go outside. 746 00:30:12,204 --> 00:30:15,480 - For sure, and give me one last snoop check 747 00:30:15,480 --> 00:30:19,039 and we'll call this a DC 11. 748 00:30:19,039 --> 00:30:21,972 and we'll call this a DC 11. 749 00:30:26,083 --> 00:30:26,916 (nat one sound) 750 00:30:26,916 --> 00:30:29,036 - You've gotta be fucking kidding me. - Is that another natural one? 751 00:30:29,036 --> 00:30:30,268 - Are you kidding me? 752 00:30:30,268 --> 00:30:31,642 - Throw it away. (Danielle laughing) 753 00:30:31,642 --> 00:30:33,453 - I need new- Someone blow on this. - [Siobhan] New die. 754 00:30:35,490 --> 00:30:37,499 (ball sliding on a track) (Danielle sighs sadly) 755 00:30:37,499 --> 00:30:39,016 It brings me no joy anymore. 756 00:30:39,016 --> 00:30:40,824 (players laughing) 757 00:30:40,824 --> 00:30:43,350 - The sad clunk of a failure. 758 00:30:43,350 --> 00:30:45,629 - The clunk means failure. 759 00:30:45,629 --> 00:30:46,462 So, you see- 760 00:30:46,462 --> 00:30:47,485 So I think as you're walking away 761 00:30:47,485 --> 00:30:49,080 on that failed snoop check, 762 00:30:49,080 --> 00:30:52,770 you see that before you can get a look at that evidence cart 763 00:30:52,770 --> 00:30:54,750 'cause you can tell that they took some stuff 764 00:30:54,750 --> 00:30:57,180 from the body and from the crime scene, 765 00:30:57,180 --> 00:30:59,887 they sort of peel away and go, so it's like, 766 00:30:59,887 --> 00:31:01,080 ah, there might have been some stuff there, 767 00:31:01,080 --> 00:31:03,780 but the fuzz gets rid of it. 768 00:31:03,780 --> 00:31:05,670 As you walk away, 769 00:31:05,670 --> 00:31:07,260 I think the last thing you look back is the body 770 00:31:07,260 --> 00:31:09,603 of Norrell on the ground. 771 00:31:09,603 --> 00:31:13,369 You've spent a long time interviewing all different 772 00:31:13,369 --> 00:31:15,900 stripes and shades of this city, (slow, sad piano music) 773 00:31:15,900 --> 00:31:18,583 and you get a look at Norrell's face, 774 00:31:18,583 --> 00:31:20,713 the body dead on the ground, 775 00:31:20,713 --> 00:31:22,611 the blood pooled out away from him. 776 00:31:22,611 --> 00:31:23,802 (final deathly gasp) 777 00:31:25,260 --> 00:31:29,490 You look at the face of this dead man, 778 00:31:29,490 --> 00:31:31,050 and you hear the words 779 00:31:31,050 --> 00:31:34,142 of his sister and some reporter instinct in you goes, 780 00:31:34,142 --> 00:31:37,447 of his sister and some reporter instinct in you goes, 781 00:31:37,447 --> 00:31:39,870 This guy didn't have it coming. 782 00:31:39,870 --> 00:31:41,720 You see a lot of murders in the city. 783 00:31:42,570 --> 00:31:45,810 Some murders you go, oh, this guy owed money. 784 00:31:45,810 --> 00:31:48,078 This guy, this was a revenge killing 785 00:31:48,078 --> 00:31:49,600 'cause this guy killed someone else 786 00:31:49,600 --> 00:31:51,300 on the other gang or something like that. 787 00:31:51,300 --> 00:31:55,470 You look at this guy, face of a citizen, 788 00:31:55,470 --> 00:31:59,490 a guy who clocked in at Cerebell Pacific 789 00:31:59,490 --> 00:32:01,830 and something doesn't add up. 790 00:32:01,830 --> 00:32:03,967 Why would someone kill this guy? 791 00:32:03,967 --> 00:32:06,229 - I just have a hunch that something doesn't add up. 792 00:32:06,229 --> 00:32:08,407 (players laughing) (slick, jaunty jazz music) 793 00:32:08,407 --> 00:32:10,965 Why would someone kill this guy? 794 00:32:10,965 --> 00:32:13,267 (players laughing) 795 00:32:13,267 --> 00:32:15,930 Of all of the murders I've seen here, 796 00:32:15,930 --> 00:32:17,769 I don't think he had it comin'. 797 00:32:17,769 --> 00:32:18,930 (players laughing) 798 00:32:18,930 --> 00:32:20,180 - I liked it better when she- 799 00:32:20,180 --> 00:32:21,996 That was much better. (players laughing) 800 00:32:21,996 --> 00:32:24,056 - All right, we'll edit my part out. 801 00:32:24,056 --> 00:32:26,820 (group laughing) 802 00:32:26,820 --> 00:32:29,625 As you leave, where would you like to go next, 803 00:32:29,625 --> 00:32:31,800 'cause you have your newspaper nearby, 804 00:32:31,800 --> 00:32:35,190 but there's also this sort of lead to go to Sugah's. 805 00:32:35,190 --> 00:32:37,080 Do you think you would stop by the newspaper first, 806 00:32:37,080 --> 00:32:39,080 or head straight to Sugah's? 807 00:32:40,380 --> 00:32:43,110 - I'm gonna stop at the newspaper first, - [Brennan] Okay. 808 00:32:43,110 --> 00:32:45,150 - Even though like my instinct says go to Sugah's 809 00:32:45,150 --> 00:32:47,160 because we'll see what happened at the newspaper, 810 00:32:47,160 --> 00:32:48,930 but I'm gonna go over to the newspaper first, 811 00:32:48,930 --> 00:32:51,420 and see if I can talk to my editor about being able to, 812 00:32:51,420 --> 00:32:52,792 because obviously when you go down 813 00:32:52,792 --> 00:32:55,650 in the red light district, you wanna make sure 814 00:32:55,650 --> 00:32:57,211 that folks know that you're there. 815 00:32:57,211 --> 00:32:59,580 - So we see the Daily Observer, 816 00:32:59,580 --> 00:33:03,176 a tall skyscraper with a huge rotating eye 817 00:33:03,176 --> 00:33:04,153 up on the top of it, 818 00:33:04,153 --> 00:33:05,854 (light buzzes and static crackles) 819 00:33:05,854 --> 00:33:07,773 and you see tons of reporters, 820 00:33:07,773 --> 00:33:10,498 (ambient office muzak, typewriters clacking) 821 00:33:10,498 --> 00:33:13,436 the bullpen of reporters is so enormous. 822 00:33:13,436 --> 00:33:15,750 You see one little lonely fact checker just off 823 00:33:15,750 --> 00:33:17,526 in a corner like hi, 824 00:33:17,526 --> 00:33:21,653 and you walk in and you hear the hustle and bustle 825 00:33:21,653 --> 00:33:25,244 and sort of like massive forearm sleeves rolled up, 826 00:33:25,244 --> 00:33:27,085 just huge cigar. 827 00:33:27,085 --> 00:33:30,990 You see the Editor-in-Chief Freddy Focus looking around 828 00:33:30,990 --> 00:33:35,760 and saying, goddammit, I want that in 24 point bold font, 829 00:33:35,760 --> 00:33:38,160 top of the paper, front page. 830 00:33:38,160 --> 00:33:39,785 Get it to the presses. 831 00:33:39,785 --> 00:33:41,700 "Our Ass Crack is Sweaty" 832 00:33:41,700 --> 00:33:45,030 That needs to be the first thing on everybody's mind. 833 00:33:45,030 --> 00:33:49,153 Oh, well, well, well, Ms. Tension. 834 00:33:49,153 --> 00:33:50,970 I see you're back from the beat. 835 00:33:50,970 --> 00:33:52,371 What was all that ruckus? 836 00:33:52,371 --> 00:33:54,330 We saw the bulls charging on down 837 00:33:54,330 --> 00:33:56,159 to Cerebell Pacific. 838 00:33:56,159 --> 00:33:58,302 - I think we've got ourselves a big one, Mr. Focus. 839 00:33:58,302 --> 00:33:59,777 - Yeah, what do you reckon? 840 00:33:59,777 --> 00:34:03,417 - We've got ourselves a dead employee. 841 00:34:04,447 --> 00:34:07,710 - Dead employee, well why'd they kill him? 842 00:34:07,710 --> 00:34:11,264 You got motive, you got means, you got a moidah weapon? 843 00:34:11,264 --> 00:34:14,137 - I don't have motive or means or a moidah weapon yet. 844 00:34:14,137 --> 00:34:15,540 - When you say "moidah weapon," 845 00:34:15,540 --> 00:34:17,856 I know that that's not how you talk. 846 00:34:17,856 --> 00:34:20,587 (players laughing) 847 00:34:20,587 --> 00:34:22,410 - But I believe I have a lead, 848 00:34:22,410 --> 00:34:26,670 but that lead will lead me to some seedier parts of town. 849 00:34:26,670 --> 00:34:30,427 I may need to go to the red light district. 850 00:34:30,427 --> 00:34:33,690 - Look, the last thing the big guy wants is 851 00:34:33,690 --> 00:34:38,460 to know what's going on down in the subconscious, okay? 852 00:34:38,460 --> 00:34:41,033 We got things to worry about. 853 00:34:41,033 --> 00:34:45,480 I got Betty over here who's got me 23 inches 854 00:34:45,480 --> 00:34:49,380 on page two all about what snacks we might have later. 855 00:34:49,380 --> 00:34:52,629 That's what the big guy wants. 856 00:34:52,629 --> 00:34:55,470 - You know, Mr. Focus, 857 00:34:55,470 --> 00:34:57,720 I have been on this beat for a very long time, 858 00:34:57,720 --> 00:35:00,840 and I believe that I have covered enough stories 859 00:35:00,840 --> 00:35:04,546 about stubbed toes, too much ear wax, 860 00:35:04,546 --> 00:35:07,080 and being really, really annoyed at the person 861 00:35:07,080 --> 00:35:08,040 who lives next door to us 862 00:35:08,040 --> 00:35:10,110 because they keep letting their dogs out 863 00:35:10,110 --> 00:35:12,480 and their dogs went- Anyway. 864 00:35:12,480 --> 00:35:14,887 I believe I have done enough puff pieces. 865 00:35:14,887 --> 00:35:16,885 - [Brennan] Puff pieces? - It's time for us to- 866 00:35:16,885 --> 00:35:18,802 - That earwax story got us a Pulitzer. 867 00:35:18,802 --> 00:35:20,512 (players laughing) 868 00:35:20,512 --> 00:35:21,979 (Danielle sighs) 869 00:35:21,979 --> 00:35:23,663 - It got you a Pulitzer. 870 00:35:23,663 --> 00:35:25,629 (collective near-silence from tension) 871 00:35:25,629 --> 00:35:28,629 - Go ahead and give me a slick check here. 872 00:35:28,629 --> 00:35:30,388 - Well, that was a mistake, Danielle. - [Brennan] We'll call it a- 873 00:35:30,388 --> 00:35:31,221 (players laughing) 874 00:35:31,221 --> 00:35:33,563 - We'll call it a DC eight, difficulty eight slick check. 875 00:35:36,039 --> 00:35:37,200 (rolls dice) - Be nice. 876 00:35:37,200 --> 00:35:38,431 (nat one sound) 877 00:35:38,431 --> 00:35:39,472 - What is happening? 878 00:35:39,472 --> 00:35:41,040 - Is that your third one in a row? 879 00:35:41,040 --> 00:35:42,630 I need new dice. - No way. 880 00:35:42,630 --> 00:35:43,463 No way. - Oh my god. 881 00:35:43,463 --> 00:35:46,804 - Okay, so (laugh-sobbing) that gives me a three. 882 00:35:47,820 --> 00:35:49,230 - How much Moxie do you have? 883 00:35:49,230 --> 00:35:51,514 - I know, what was the DC on that? 884 00:35:51,514 --> 00:35:53,304 - [Brennan] Eight. - [Siobhan] Eight. 885 00:35:53,304 --> 00:35:54,137 - Can I borrow one? 886 00:35:54,137 --> 00:35:54,998 - Yes. 887 00:35:54,998 --> 00:35:57,807 - Unfortunately no one else is in the scene with you. 888 00:35:57,807 --> 00:36:00,360 - Oh, I can't borrow a couple Moxie. 889 00:36:00,360 --> 00:36:01,193 - I'm so sorry. 890 00:36:01,193 --> 00:36:05,095 (ball sliding on a track, but stalls partway through) 891 00:36:05,095 --> 00:36:06,952 - It takes such a long time. (players laughing) 892 00:36:06,952 --> 00:36:08,735 - [Brennan] Clunk. - [Trapp] Clunk. 893 00:36:08,735 --> 00:36:11,230 You see that Freddy looks at you and says, 894 00:36:11,230 --> 00:36:16,230 Anastasia, it was a joy and a privilege to be able 895 00:36:16,230 --> 00:36:19,832 to hire someone who wanted to come here to 896 00:36:19,832 --> 00:36:24,760 make a name for herself and forge her own way. 897 00:36:24,760 --> 00:36:27,389 And it is out of respect for the people 898 00:36:27,389 --> 00:36:32,280 whose name you are so graciously not you using 899 00:36:32,280 --> 00:36:35,277 that I am going to afford you the ability for me 900 00:36:35,277 --> 00:36:40,277 to forget that momentary lapse in judgment. 901 00:36:40,440 --> 00:36:44,482 Paying attention is what we do here at this paper, 902 00:36:44,482 --> 00:36:46,620 and you've done a lot of great work, 903 00:36:46,620 --> 00:36:47,490 done a lot of great work. 904 00:36:47,490 --> 00:36:49,418 That dog story I still think about it. 905 00:36:49,418 --> 00:36:52,653 I got it framed up in the office, but I'll be honest, 906 00:36:53,640 --> 00:36:58,110 if I'm gonna give you the resources to follow this lead, 907 00:36:58,110 --> 00:37:00,420 it better be front page worthy, 908 00:37:00,420 --> 00:37:04,290 or if it's not, we're gonna have a hard conversation 909 00:37:04,290 --> 00:37:05,580 when your contract is up. 910 00:37:05,580 --> 00:37:06,413 You read me? 911 00:37:08,887 --> 00:37:10,937 - I believe that this is worth pursuing. 912 00:37:12,360 --> 00:37:14,666 I am not afraid of hard conversations. 913 00:37:15,976 --> 00:37:17,484 (deep breath) 914 00:37:17,484 --> 00:37:19,875 I believe that this is a lead that is worth us going for, 915 00:37:19,875 --> 00:37:21,810 and if I wind up being wrong, 916 00:37:21,810 --> 00:37:23,430 then you may fire me 917 00:37:23,430 --> 00:37:28,096 and I will live destitute, poor, alone, sad, lonely, 918 00:37:28,096 --> 00:37:32,746 and I will live destitute, poor, alone, sad, lonely, 919 00:37:32,746 --> 00:37:35,600 unfulfilled with nothing to look forward to the next day, 920 00:37:35,600 --> 00:37:37,087 and if you would like that on your conscience, sir, 921 00:37:37,087 --> 00:37:38,310 then you go right ahead. 922 00:37:38,310 --> 00:37:41,685 I'm just a lonely spinster at the ripe old age of 24. 923 00:37:41,685 --> 00:37:44,193 I'm just a lonely spinster at the ripe old age of 24. 924 00:37:44,193 --> 00:37:45,600 (players laughing) 925 00:37:45,600 --> 00:37:48,143 - You see, he pulls a cigar out of his mouth and says, 926 00:37:49,322 --> 00:37:51,780 I heard you say a lot of words there, 927 00:37:51,780 --> 00:37:54,463 but deep down I really don't wanna pay attention. 928 00:37:54,463 --> 00:37:57,990 but deep down I really don't wanna pay attention. 929 00:37:57,990 --> 00:38:02,422 And you see that he turns around and walks off. 930 00:38:02,422 --> 00:38:04,440 The other reporters kind of look over. 931 00:38:04,440 --> 00:38:06,330 You see he seems to have given you license 932 00:38:06,330 --> 00:38:11,163 to pursue this lead, but stakes are high. 933 00:38:13,147 --> 00:38:14,280 - Everything's fine, everyone. 934 00:38:14,280 --> 00:38:15,603 Just go back to, 935 00:38:17,550 --> 00:38:18,870 I think we need our nails clipped. 936 00:38:18,870 --> 00:38:21,936 If someone wants to make sure we take care of that. 937 00:38:21,936 --> 00:38:23,236 (players laughing) 938 00:38:23,236 --> 00:38:26,771 - One cuticle, it's like... - Incredible. 939 00:38:26,771 --> 00:38:31,771 - With that A. Tension heads out to follow this lead, 940 00:38:32,550 --> 00:38:37,278 and with that we go ahead and move away 941 00:38:37,278 --> 00:38:42,270 from Cortex City all the way down to the 942 00:38:42,270 --> 00:38:45,630 temporal lobe of the brain. (jazzy music) 943 00:38:45,630 --> 00:38:48,750 We move down to a place that we've mentioned a couple times 944 00:38:48,750 --> 00:38:52,000 so far, Sugah's speakeasy, and oh, what a wild time it is, 945 00:38:52,000 --> 00:38:55,608 so far, Sugah's speakeasy, and oh, what a wild time it is, 946 00:38:55,608 --> 00:38:59,212 people throwing back shots, dancing up on the stage, 947 00:38:59,212 --> 00:39:03,840 deep down in a little hidden pleasure center of the brain, 948 00:39:03,840 --> 00:39:06,776 and the ring master at the center 949 00:39:06,776 --> 00:39:09,737 of all of this mayhem, mischief, 950 00:39:09,737 --> 00:39:12,544 and just flat out good times... 951 00:39:13,740 --> 00:39:14,573 is Freddie's character. 952 00:39:14,573 --> 00:39:15,954 Freddie, could you please describe your character for us? 953 00:39:15,954 --> 00:39:16,936 - Yeah, well, so you see, 954 00:39:16,936 --> 00:39:18,630 I think in the corner booth and he's sitting there, 955 00:39:18,630 --> 00:39:21,438 big fat stogie, this guy, and I want to be very clear here. 956 00:39:21,438 --> 00:39:24,196 big fat stogie, this guy, and I want to be very clear here. 957 00:39:24,196 --> 00:39:26,510 He has a shirt that's open, 958 00:39:26,510 --> 00:39:29,520 like every button is open except for the very bottom one, 959 00:39:29,520 --> 00:39:33,090 so it creates this like V sort of thing, 960 00:39:33,090 --> 00:39:34,957 and then so you get this chest, 961 00:39:34,957 --> 00:39:38,520 you get this belly button and anatomically, right, 962 00:39:38,520 --> 00:39:40,710 you probably are picturing, 963 00:39:40,710 --> 00:39:44,100 where the hair down there begins, 964 00:39:44,100 --> 00:39:46,050 wherever you have in your head, 965 00:39:46,050 --> 00:39:47,709 it's two inches higher. 966 00:39:47,709 --> 00:39:48,728 (players laughing) 967 00:39:48,728 --> 00:39:51,187 It starts two inches higher than you think. 968 00:39:51,187 --> 00:39:52,207 Do you know what I mean? 969 00:39:52,207 --> 00:39:53,144 - How'd it get above his head? 970 00:39:53,144 --> 00:39:55,610 (players laughing) 971 00:39:55,610 --> 00:39:57,230 - This is the proprietor of the club, 972 00:39:57,230 --> 00:39:59,790 the purveyor of all pleasures, earthly and otherwise, 973 00:39:59,790 --> 00:40:04,619 Dan Fucks, spelled however you want. 974 00:40:04,619 --> 00:40:06,619 - I think we know how it's spelled. 975 00:40:06,619 --> 00:40:08,352 (players laughing) 976 00:40:08,352 --> 00:40:11,727 You see this wild unfold, this bacchanal throughout here, 977 00:40:11,727 --> 00:40:14,044 You see this wild unfold, this bacchanal throughout here, 978 00:40:14,895 --> 00:40:17,347 a couple of patrons raise their glasses. 979 00:40:17,347 --> 00:40:18,572 Thanks again. 980 00:40:18,572 --> 00:40:20,047 Here's to Mr. Fucks. 981 00:40:20,047 --> 00:40:20,944 - Eh, shut up. 982 00:40:20,944 --> 00:40:22,719 (stammering) 983 00:40:22,719 --> 00:40:25,770 I've got to deal with these bills and reports, man. 984 00:40:25,770 --> 00:40:27,870 - You see that some of your employees come up, 985 00:40:27,870 --> 00:40:29,460 one of your guys walks up, 986 00:40:29,460 --> 00:40:33,330 big, pronounced snot running mucusy nose, bloodshot eyes. 987 00:40:33,330 --> 00:40:36,423 This is Joey Sneezes who walks up and goes, 988 00:40:36,423 --> 00:40:38,217 Hey there boss. 989 00:40:39,097 --> 00:40:41,654 - Look up at one of those bright lights. 990 00:40:41,654 --> 00:40:42,487 - What? 991 00:40:42,487 --> 00:40:44,854 (making those sounds you make right before sneezing) 992 00:40:44,854 --> 00:40:46,362 (sneezes) 993 00:40:46,362 --> 00:40:47,930 Oh, that feels so fuckin' good. 994 00:40:49,228 --> 00:40:50,061 (sniffles) 995 00:40:50,061 --> 00:40:50,894 - Oh, you got another one? 996 00:40:50,894 --> 00:40:51,983 We're a two sneeze man. 997 00:40:51,983 --> 00:40:52,816 (sneezes) 998 00:40:52,816 --> 00:40:53,649 - Oh, there it is. 999 00:40:53,649 --> 00:40:54,594 (players laughing) 1000 00:40:54,594 --> 00:40:55,735 - Some people are like that. 1001 00:40:56,760 --> 00:40:58,270 - We are, that feels great. 1002 00:40:58,270 --> 00:41:00,870 - And I throw a handkerchief like a baseball at his face. 1003 00:41:00,870 --> 00:41:04,394 - Pow, sticks to the snot in his nose and he wipes it. 1004 00:41:04,394 --> 00:41:05,610 - You are welcome. 1005 00:41:05,610 --> 00:41:07,962 - You see that there's another woman who's sort of 1006 00:41:07,962 --> 00:41:10,020 dressed in that cocktail waitress attire. 1007 00:41:10,020 --> 00:41:13,571 She's got like a little pillbox hat and a big tray 1008 00:41:13,571 --> 00:41:16,410 full of little serotonin packets everywhere, 1009 00:41:16,410 --> 00:41:18,060 and she comes over, and she goes, 1010 00:41:18,060 --> 00:41:20,421 Mr. Fucks, I wanted to say-. 1011 00:41:20,421 --> 00:41:22,537 (Trapp and Brennan snickering) 1012 00:41:22,537 --> 00:41:24,793 - Oh yeah, I knew what I was doing. 1013 00:41:24,793 --> 00:41:26,007 - This is another one of your employees. 1014 00:41:26,007 --> 00:41:28,060 This is Libby Longshower. 1015 00:41:28,060 --> 00:41:31,487 (group laughing) - Great. 1016 00:41:31,487 --> 00:41:34,260 And she is just drenched with like steam rising up 1017 00:41:34,260 --> 00:41:37,710 off of her and she says, hey, the place is packed. 1018 00:41:37,710 --> 00:41:39,390 There's some people outside who want to get in. 1019 00:41:39,390 --> 00:41:41,910 Are we at capacity or can we try to stuff 'em in? 1020 00:41:41,910 --> 00:41:43,291 - I take a glance around 1021 00:41:43,291 --> 00:41:44,614 and it's probably pretty packed, right? 1022 00:41:44,614 --> 00:41:46,455 - Yeah, it's stuffed in here. 1023 00:41:46,455 --> 00:41:48,188 - (sniffles) Yeah, bring them in. 1024 00:41:48,188 --> 00:41:50,221 - All right, I'll go let 'em in, 1025 00:41:50,221 --> 00:41:52,710 and she wanders off. 1026 00:41:52,710 --> 00:41:57,450 As she does so, we actually zoom out 1027 00:41:57,450 --> 00:41:59,933 and you hear a little bit of a commotion nearby. 1028 00:41:59,933 --> 00:42:03,524 and you hear a little bit of a commotion nearby. 1029 00:42:03,524 --> 00:42:06,750 It looks like there's some folks that are like, 1030 00:42:06,750 --> 00:42:08,910 there's a little bit like of a scuffle breaking out, 1031 00:42:08,910 --> 00:42:10,650 and you see this big guy. 1032 00:42:10,650 --> 00:42:12,570 He's got a sort of dock workers', 1033 00:42:12,570 --> 00:42:14,670 like a leather sort of jacket on. 1034 00:42:14,670 --> 00:42:17,340 He's got sort of almost like naval-looking cap. 1035 00:42:17,340 --> 00:42:21,060 You see him just wheel out and clock somebody in the jaw, 1036 00:42:21,060 --> 00:42:23,227 bam, send him to the floor, and he says, 1037 00:42:23,227 --> 00:42:24,960 back off buddy, 1038 00:42:24,960 --> 00:42:28,890 You don't wanna mess with Donny Urges, okay. 1039 00:42:28,890 --> 00:42:32,040 You see he looks at this flattened dude on the floor, 1040 00:42:32,040 --> 00:42:33,427 makes eye connect with you and says, 1041 00:42:33,427 --> 00:42:36,225 Nice spot you got here. 1042 00:42:36,225 --> 00:42:38,364 You're Danny Fucks, right? 1043 00:42:38,364 --> 00:42:40,687 - Yes indeed, who are you? 1044 00:42:40,687 --> 00:42:43,560 - They call me Donny Urges, but uh. 1045 00:42:43,560 --> 00:42:45,217 - Donny, do you work for me? 1046 00:42:45,217 --> 00:42:48,015 - I don't, but maybe I could. 1047 00:42:49,248 --> 00:42:51,877 I'm new in town, you understand? 1048 00:42:51,877 --> 00:42:53,310 - Well, you've come to the right place 1049 00:42:53,310 --> 00:42:54,990 with fisticuffs like that. 1050 00:42:54,990 --> 00:42:57,339 I could use you a little muscle around here. 1051 00:42:57,339 --> 00:42:59,215 - (laughs) That sounds good. 1052 00:42:59,215 --> 00:43:01,597 Why don't you send some free drinks over to my table? 1053 00:43:01,597 --> 00:43:02,430 - Whoa, whoa, whoa. 1054 00:43:02,430 --> 00:43:03,301 Nothing comes free. 1055 00:43:03,301 --> 00:43:05,467 Everything's comes with a little bit of a cost. 1056 00:43:05,467 --> 00:43:08,490 - Hey, I thought we're all looking out 1057 00:43:08,490 --> 00:43:09,870 for number one around here. 1058 00:43:09,870 --> 00:43:11,677 You don't want to gimme a hand? 1059 00:43:11,677 --> 00:43:14,370 - I have to keep things under control, my man. 1060 00:43:14,370 --> 00:43:16,299 I can't just be handing out free drinks. 1061 00:43:16,299 --> 00:43:17,940 Why, if people start seeing that, 1062 00:43:17,940 --> 00:43:19,470 I'll be run out of town. 1063 00:43:19,470 --> 00:43:20,580 - All right, fine. 1064 00:43:20,580 --> 00:43:24,187 Keep the drinks for yourself, nogoodnik. 1065 00:43:24,187 --> 00:43:25,841 - Hey, what the hell? 1066 00:43:25,841 --> 00:43:27,277 (players laughing) 1067 00:43:27,277 --> 00:43:29,443 - I'll buy 'em myself. He turns around. 1068 00:43:29,443 --> 00:43:31,880 Give me a snoop check difficulty of five. 1069 00:43:31,880 --> 00:43:33,360 - Snoop check difficulty of five. 1070 00:43:33,360 --> 00:43:36,951 That is a natural exploding ten. 1071 00:43:36,951 --> 00:43:37,784 (Brennan cheers) 1072 00:43:37,784 --> 00:43:39,093 - [Brennan] 10. 1073 00:43:39,093 --> 00:43:40,119 - We're gonna keep going, 17. 1074 00:43:40,119 --> 00:43:43,230 - Urges is a very, like, that's a common last name. 1075 00:43:43,230 --> 00:43:46,320 You see a little shimmer across his eyes. 1076 00:43:46,320 --> 00:43:50,190 There's something almost like a, (whoosh) a sheen. 1077 00:43:50,190 --> 00:43:51,450 You've seen this before. 1078 00:43:51,450 --> 00:43:56,441 This guy seems like he might be something a little bit 1079 00:43:56,441 --> 00:43:58,410 more dangerous. 1080 00:43:58,410 --> 00:43:59,243 - Destructive. 1081 00:43:59,243 --> 00:44:00,600 - A little more destructive, 1082 00:44:00,600 --> 00:44:02,850 something you've seen before a couple times. 1083 00:44:02,850 --> 00:44:05,483 You think he might be an intrusive thought. 1084 00:44:05,483 --> 00:44:07,325 - Oh, 1085 00:44:07,325 --> 00:44:09,274 so do I have like muscle in the club? 1086 00:44:09,274 --> 00:44:13,947 Do I have, 'cause I feel like, as the proprietor I have, 1087 00:44:13,947 --> 00:44:15,030 like a bouncer of some kind. 1088 00:44:15,030 --> 00:44:16,320 Do I have anyone like that? 1089 00:44:16,320 --> 00:44:18,030 - You look at the door 1090 00:44:18,030 --> 00:44:20,280 and you see there's an enormous bouncer 1091 00:44:20,280 --> 00:44:24,600 at the door who's really a really sweet, good natured guy. 1092 00:44:24,600 --> 00:44:25,433 You hired him a while ago. 1093 00:44:25,433 --> 00:44:27,389 His name is is Hans Schadenfreude. 1094 00:44:27,389 --> 00:44:29,527 (players laughing) 1095 00:44:29,527 --> 00:44:32,677 Hello there, Mr. Fucks. 1096 00:44:32,677 --> 00:44:33,826 - Oh Hans. 1097 00:44:33,826 --> 00:44:35,051 - Thank you again for the job. 1098 00:44:35,051 --> 00:44:36,660 I hope that I can be of service. 1099 00:44:36,660 --> 00:44:39,540 I love to hurt the people who are here 1100 00:44:39,540 --> 00:44:41,767 that are doing no good, you know. 1101 00:44:41,767 --> 00:44:43,447 - Maybe a little bit too much. 1102 00:44:43,447 --> 00:44:46,731 - I delight in seeing their torment. 1103 00:44:46,731 --> 00:44:47,564 (players laughing) 1104 00:44:47,564 --> 00:44:50,300 - That's why we keep you around to keep balance. 1105 00:44:50,300 --> 00:44:51,133 - Very good. 1106 00:44:51,133 --> 00:44:51,966 We love it. 1107 00:44:51,966 --> 00:44:53,520 - Hey, so this Danny guy over there, 1108 00:44:53,520 --> 00:44:54,397 you see him at the bar? 1109 00:44:54,397 --> 00:44:56,460 - Oh yes, Mr. Donald Urges. 1110 00:44:56,460 --> 00:44:57,397 Yes, I see him. 1111 00:44:57,397 --> 00:44:58,980 - I'm getting a little bit of a, 1112 00:44:58,980 --> 00:45:02,497 what we may call in the future, a bad vibe from this dude. 1113 00:45:02,497 --> 00:45:05,222 - Oh yes, a bad vibe from the dude. 1114 00:45:05,222 --> 00:45:09,547 Would you like me to go over and ruin his day? 1115 00:45:09,547 --> 00:45:12,226 - Maybe not, don't cause a scene, man, 1116 00:45:12,226 --> 00:45:15,360 but dispose of him discreetly and pleasurably 1117 00:45:15,360 --> 00:45:16,257 as you may wish. 1118 00:45:17,338 --> 00:45:18,720 - Very well, Mr. Fucks. 1119 00:45:18,720 --> 00:45:21,199 Humiliation is part of it though. 1120 00:45:21,199 --> 00:45:22,417 (group laughing) 1121 00:45:22,417 --> 00:45:24,907 - Weird thing to say, but you know what, go for it. 1122 00:45:24,907 --> 00:45:27,116 - I am technically a pleasure too. 1123 00:45:27,116 --> 00:45:30,965 (group laughing) And you see, 1124 00:45:30,965 --> 00:45:35,265 (laughing) Hans gets up and begins to walk away. 1125 00:45:35,265 --> 00:45:39,030 You see, as he gets up to walk away though, 1126 00:45:39,030 --> 00:45:40,748 we're actually going to pull out towards the 1127 00:45:40,748 --> 00:45:43,950 other side of the club where Donny has returned to, 1128 00:45:43,950 --> 00:45:47,608 and we see him sit down with some other riffraff 1129 00:45:47,608 --> 00:45:50,824 and low lives here in this 1130 00:45:50,824 --> 00:45:54,002 hot and steamy pleasure center of the brain. 1131 00:45:54,002 --> 00:45:55,143 - Oh really quick though. - [Brennan] Yeah. 1132 00:45:55,143 --> 00:45:56,642 The person who got knocked down. - [Brennan] Yeah. 1133 00:45:56,642 --> 00:45:57,990 - I feel like I gotta go up to them and be like, 1134 00:45:57,990 --> 00:46:01,907 Here have a little bit of a strange new pleasure on me, 1135 00:46:01,907 --> 00:46:03,772 and this one is, and I pull from like, 1136 00:46:03,772 --> 00:46:06,660 I think Libby has like the tray and stuff, I pull one. 1137 00:46:06,660 --> 00:46:08,310 It's like, we've just discovered this one. 1138 00:46:08,310 --> 00:46:12,150 This one is that one time a barber whispered in our ear 1139 00:46:12,150 --> 00:46:14,942 during a haircut and it made us feel really strange, 1140 00:46:14,942 --> 00:46:16,431 and there's not a word for it yet. 1141 00:46:16,431 --> 00:46:18,780 - You see this just like a small memory here 1142 00:46:18,780 --> 00:46:23,486 who goes like, oh, thanks Mr for the, oh, ooh, oh, oh. 1143 00:46:23,486 --> 00:46:25,865 - Listen to me, it's not sexual. But it's also- 1144 00:46:25,865 --> 00:46:26,698 - No it's not. But it's 1145 00:46:26,698 --> 00:46:28,777 - Not not sexual. 1146 00:46:28,777 --> 00:46:31,230 - (being satisfied) That's exactly right. 1147 00:46:31,230 --> 00:46:33,390 Wow, it's so deep in there. 1148 00:46:33,390 --> 00:46:35,256 (group laughing) 1149 00:46:35,256 --> 00:46:38,160 Gets up, and as lascivious as this place is, 1150 00:46:38,160 --> 00:46:40,968 you see that people are having a great time, 1151 00:46:40,968 --> 00:46:43,073 and you see the guy does take that little look, 1152 00:46:43,073 --> 00:46:44,140 and you see there's a couple other people 1153 00:46:44,140 --> 00:46:46,560 that are getting these like weird little physical pleasures, 1154 00:46:46,560 --> 00:46:47,640 these scratches. 1155 00:46:47,640 --> 00:46:49,650 There's a whole wall of little like, 1156 00:46:49,650 --> 00:46:52,530 sort of almost like pachinko or ski ball things 1157 00:46:52,530 --> 00:46:56,452 of like ASMR kind of like places, 1158 00:46:56,452 --> 00:46:58,350 but you also see that there's a place in the back 1159 00:46:58,350 --> 00:47:01,136 where a lot of very lonel- 1160 00:47:01,136 --> 00:47:03,302 there's like a lot of people that you know work 1161 00:47:03,302 --> 00:47:05,640 in the different like motor function centers 1162 00:47:05,640 --> 00:47:07,890 that are different motorists and machinists 1163 00:47:07,890 --> 00:47:09,870 who just coming and taking a little secret drink 1164 00:47:09,870 --> 00:47:11,640 of something like oxytocin, 1165 00:47:11,640 --> 00:47:14,700 and you see these little cups of like a thick hot chocolate 1166 00:47:14,700 --> 00:47:19,413 that go in and little hearts kind of pop out of their thing. 1167 00:47:20,850 --> 00:47:23,130 It's an illegal drug in the city 1168 00:47:23,130 --> 00:47:26,530 because the big guy has not had 1169 00:47:27,485 --> 00:47:31,250 any affection or physical contact in a long, long time, 1170 00:47:31,250 --> 00:47:35,730 so the big wigs and muckety mucks have outlawed it. 1171 00:47:35,730 --> 00:47:39,180 We zoom across the nightclub to see the table 1172 00:47:39,180 --> 00:47:41,623 with Donny Urges at it with a couple of riffraff 1173 00:47:41,623 --> 00:47:45,614 and real sort of up-to-no-good types seated around a table. 1174 00:47:45,614 --> 00:47:49,288 and real sort of up-to-no-good types seated around a table. 1175 00:47:49,288 --> 00:47:51,181 You see Donny sits down and says, 1176 00:47:51,181 --> 00:47:53,256 (sly, mischievous jazz music) 1177 00:47:53,256 --> 00:47:55,432 So here's the plan fellas, 1178 00:47:55,432 --> 00:47:57,780 it's the heist of the century. 1179 00:47:57,780 --> 00:48:02,040 We're supposed to be uh working all afternoon, 1180 00:48:02,040 --> 00:48:03,990 but here's the thing, 1181 00:48:03,990 --> 00:48:08,990 the big guy saw a birthday cake in the staff break room, 1182 00:48:08,990 --> 00:48:10,823 (players laughing softly) 1183 00:48:10,823 --> 00:48:14,790 and we're not invited to that department's birthday parties. 1184 00:48:14,790 --> 00:48:19,730 How easy would it be to jump in there and cut a little slice 1185 00:48:19,730 --> 00:48:23,373 for ourself or even just stick a finger into the icing? 1186 00:48:24,540 --> 00:48:28,428 We don't need to spend all day working 1187 00:48:28,428 --> 00:48:31,980 when there's such a lovely score to be had. 1188 00:48:31,980 --> 00:48:33,360 And as we zoom out, 1189 00:48:33,360 --> 00:48:37,402 there is a figure at a nearby table 1190 00:48:37,402 --> 00:48:40,140 listening to this entire conversation. 1191 00:48:40,140 --> 00:48:42,810 Hank, could you go ahead and describe your character? 1192 00:48:42,810 --> 00:48:45,095 - Yes, I am The Fix, 1193 00:48:45,095 --> 00:48:47,747 and I'm like a manifestation of the system 1194 00:48:47,747 --> 00:48:50,400 that allows for hyperfixation, 1195 00:48:50,400 --> 00:48:52,770 so anything that might distract you in a moment 1196 00:48:52,770 --> 00:48:54,930 when you're focused on something that's very important 1197 00:48:54,930 --> 00:48:58,740 or not important at all, it's like a jackhammer outside. 1198 00:48:58,740 --> 00:49:00,570 If it's the hungry belly, 1199 00:49:00,570 --> 00:49:02,100 I'm just letting you do your thing. 1200 00:49:02,100 --> 00:49:03,330 Don't let anything arrive, 1201 00:49:03,330 --> 00:49:04,988 and I do that by... 1202 00:49:07,174 --> 00:49:10,990 silencing anything that's coming in to distract, 1203 00:49:10,990 --> 00:49:14,059 and I silence with my arms. 1204 00:49:14,059 --> 00:49:16,140 (players laughing) 1205 00:49:16,140 --> 00:49:18,510 So I'm very big, but my arms are like stupid, 1206 00:49:18,510 --> 00:49:19,830 like they're bigger than my legs, 1207 00:49:19,830 --> 00:49:21,210 even though my legs are very big. 1208 00:49:21,210 --> 00:49:23,759 - You're like real like a Dick Tracy villain. 1209 00:49:23,759 --> 00:49:24,592 - Like a trapezoid. 1210 00:49:24,592 --> 00:49:27,810 - And I do it also with my gun if necessary, 1211 00:49:27,810 --> 00:49:31,020 but I had to have a special gun designed 1212 00:49:31,020 --> 00:49:33,420 that would fit my finger in under the trigger guard 1213 00:49:33,420 --> 00:49:35,520 without me pulling the trigger, 1214 00:49:35,520 --> 00:49:38,400 so I can't easily use other people's guns. 1215 00:49:38,400 --> 00:49:40,110 I have a special gun. 1216 00:49:40,110 --> 00:49:42,120 In exchange for not being able to use other people's guns, 1217 00:49:42,120 --> 00:49:43,450 I'd like something. 1218 00:49:43,450 --> 00:49:44,847 (players laughing) 1219 00:49:44,847 --> 00:49:46,110 - Yes, the barter system. 1220 00:49:46,110 --> 00:49:48,480 - Yeah, it was gonna be a huge impediment 1221 00:49:48,480 --> 00:49:50,699 to not be able to use other people's guns. 1222 00:49:50,699 --> 00:49:53,490 (group laughing) 1223 00:49:53,490 --> 00:49:57,633 So this enormous figure of The Fix over in the corner, 1224 00:49:59,310 --> 00:50:03,060 you hear this conversation had at the table next to you 1225 00:50:03,060 --> 00:50:05,396 by this guy, Donny. 1226 00:50:05,396 --> 00:50:07,740 He says, so, meet me down 1227 00:50:07,740 --> 00:50:10,762 at Oblongata Station later tonight. 1228 00:50:10,762 --> 00:50:15,000 We'll all get together and make history. 1229 00:50:15,000 --> 00:50:17,940 We're gonna ruin this workday. 1230 00:50:17,940 --> 00:50:21,940 It is at this exact moment that 1231 00:50:21,940 --> 00:50:24,907 there is a crash at the door (door crashing, patrons gasping) 1232 00:50:24,907 --> 00:50:28,607 and you see a bunch of cops (police chatter, ruckus) 1233 00:50:28,607 --> 00:50:30,998 pour into the club. (whistles blowing) 1234 00:50:30,998 --> 00:50:34,412 As they all begin to pour in altogether, (glass shattering) 1235 00:50:34,412 --> 00:50:36,240 you see the chief of police. 1236 00:50:36,240 --> 00:50:37,680 You recognize this guy. 1237 00:50:37,680 --> 00:50:39,270 Huge bristly mustache. 1238 00:50:39,270 --> 00:50:42,522 He's got one of those long, there's a million buttons on it, 1239 00:50:42,522 --> 00:50:44,670 old timey, police officer uniforms, 1240 00:50:44,670 --> 00:50:46,310 and you see him raise his badge up. 1241 00:50:46,310 --> 00:50:49,443 This is Chief Tightass who walks in and says, 1242 00:50:49,443 --> 00:50:51,420 All right everybody. 1243 00:50:51,420 --> 00:50:53,826 This joint is busted up. 1244 00:50:53,826 --> 00:50:56,522 All of you, I want hands against the wall. 1245 00:50:56,522 --> 00:50:58,140 And just cops sort of rush in. 1246 00:50:58,140 --> 00:51:01,213 You see that Donny and this other table 1247 00:51:01,213 --> 00:51:03,570 far away from the entrance begin to break up 1248 00:51:03,570 --> 00:51:07,803 and sort of like run out the back sort of exit of the place. 1249 00:51:08,730 --> 00:51:10,320 Dan, in this moment, what do you do 1250 00:51:10,320 --> 00:51:12,096 as you see the cops begin to pour in? 1251 00:51:12,096 --> 00:51:15,160 - So I'm gonna put my hands up oh no, oh no, 1252 00:51:15,160 --> 00:51:18,540 (sarcastically) we're being raided, oh no. (players laughing) 1253 00:51:18,540 --> 00:51:20,429 You'll have to arrest me, Chief. 1254 00:51:20,429 --> 00:51:22,731 - Chief Tightass walks up to you and says, 1255 00:51:22,731 --> 00:51:26,007 Well, ol' Danny Fucks. 1256 00:51:26,007 --> 00:51:28,499 - Yeah, Chief Tightass, 1257 00:51:28,499 --> 00:51:32,117 your horrifying visage graces my club once again. 1258 00:51:32,117 --> 00:51:34,540 - He's gonna go around to like handcuff you. 1259 00:51:34,540 --> 00:51:35,977 - Oh, not too tight, or maybe. 1260 00:51:35,977 --> 00:51:37,423 - Ah, I hate when you like it. 1261 00:51:37,423 --> 00:51:39,840 (players laughing) 1262 00:51:39,840 --> 00:51:41,370 You see he walks over to the bar, 1263 00:51:41,370 --> 00:51:42,750 sort of marching you over there, 1264 00:51:42,750 --> 00:51:45,245 scoops a finger up along it. (slurping sound) 1265 00:51:45,245 --> 00:51:47,795 Oh. Well, well, well, 1266 00:51:47,795 --> 00:51:50,640 if that isn't a trace element of oxytocin. 1267 00:51:50,640 --> 00:51:54,180 You haven't been having people feel loved in here, 1268 00:51:54,180 --> 00:51:55,424 have you Dan? 1269 00:51:55,424 --> 00:51:56,340 - My God, love? 1270 00:51:56,340 --> 00:51:59,760 I would not, waste my time on such foolish delights 1271 00:51:59,760 --> 00:52:02,760 when you have all these other great ones I've got. 1272 00:52:02,760 --> 00:52:05,819 - You see next to you, the guy still going like, 1273 00:52:05,819 --> 00:52:08,492 (in ecstasy) Oh, it's still doing it. 1274 00:52:08,492 --> 00:52:10,444 - I wanna be clear, that one's something else. 1275 00:52:10,444 --> 00:52:12,330 (group laughing) 1276 00:52:12,330 --> 00:52:14,107 - You see, the chief of police says, 1277 00:52:14,107 --> 00:52:17,423 Well, I understand that you maybe don't have a control 1278 00:52:17,423 --> 00:52:20,223 Well, I understand that you maybe don't have a control 1279 00:52:20,223 --> 00:52:21,750 over every single thing that goes on in here, 1280 00:52:21,750 --> 00:52:25,020 but if I start to check behind that bar, 1281 00:52:25,020 --> 00:52:28,327 am I gonna find anything I shouldn't find, Daniel? 1282 00:52:28,327 --> 00:52:31,323 - There's no reason for you to check behind there. 1283 00:52:31,323 --> 00:52:34,727 Why don't you sit down, take a load off, you and your boys, 1284 00:52:34,727 --> 00:52:36,000 all of 'em. You hear that? 1285 00:52:36,000 --> 00:52:37,500 I'm speaking loud enough so that 1286 00:52:37,500 --> 00:52:38,951 him and the boys can all hear I say, 1287 00:52:38,951 --> 00:52:43,090 Hmm, you know, you hard working individuals here. 1288 00:52:43,090 --> 00:52:44,440 Could use a break. 1289 00:52:44,440 --> 00:52:49,108 - This is gonna be a difficulty 11 slick check. 1290 00:52:49,108 --> 00:52:51,048 - You fool, (laughing victoriously) you fool. 1291 00:52:51,048 --> 00:52:53,040 (Brennan laughing lightly) 1292 00:52:53,040 --> 00:52:54,720 That's an 11 on the nose. 1293 00:52:54,720 --> 00:52:56,970 - Wow, okay. 1294 00:52:56,970 --> 00:52:59,550 You see that there's like a couple like racks 1295 00:52:59,550 --> 00:53:01,503 of different neurotransmitters up there 1296 00:53:01,503 --> 00:53:05,723 of- that like "award won for doing one's job." 1297 00:53:05,723 --> 00:53:06,556 - Civic duty. 1298 00:53:06,556 --> 00:53:07,389 - Yeah, civic duty, 1299 00:53:07,389 --> 00:53:10,633 and he says, look here Danny. 1300 00:53:11,640 --> 00:53:14,640 Your job here, 1301 00:53:14,640 --> 00:53:17,970 it's not like the bigwigs don't know about it, 1302 00:53:17,970 --> 00:53:22,027 but the profile's getting a little high, wouldn't you say? 1303 00:53:22,027 --> 00:53:23,610 - No. 1304 00:53:23,610 --> 00:53:28,506 (group laughing) 1305 00:53:28,506 --> 00:53:30,763 - Yes, good one. - I disagree with you. 1306 00:53:30,763 --> 00:53:32,757 I think in fact we could be expanding. 1307 00:53:32,757 --> 00:53:34,875 I'm thinking about tearing down that wall, 1308 00:53:34,875 --> 00:53:35,905 opening up a wing, 1309 00:53:35,905 --> 00:53:37,679 maybe taking over a little bit more 1310 00:53:37,679 --> 00:53:38,910 of the red light district. 1311 00:53:38,910 --> 00:53:39,743 What do you think about that? 1312 00:53:39,743 --> 00:53:42,438 I don't know why I'm telling you this, chief of police. 1313 00:53:42,438 --> 00:53:46,357 - He begins to undo the handcuffs and says,- 1314 00:53:46,357 --> 00:53:48,265 - No, don't. (laughing) 1315 00:53:48,265 --> 00:53:50,298 - You are a freaky guy. 1316 00:53:50,298 --> 00:53:51,450 (Freddie laughing) 1317 00:53:51,450 --> 00:53:53,197 He takes the key out and says, 1318 00:53:53,197 --> 00:53:56,940 Fellas, let's get the contraband outta here, 1319 00:53:56,940 --> 00:54:00,016 and the cops just start cleaning you out, 1320 00:54:00,016 --> 00:54:01,833 just everything's moving off the shelves. 1321 00:54:01,833 --> 00:54:02,922 - This is bullshit. 1322 00:54:02,922 --> 00:54:07,098 - And he undoes the handcuffs and says on that success, 1323 00:54:07,098 --> 00:54:08,458 on an exactly an 11. 1324 00:54:08,458 --> 00:54:09,787 You see, he says, 1325 00:54:09,787 --> 00:54:12,780 You're a free man for now, Daniel, 1326 00:54:12,780 --> 00:54:14,759 but you need to understand, 1327 00:54:14,759 --> 00:54:17,612 the people who run this city, 1328 00:54:17,612 --> 00:54:19,227 they set the rules. 1329 00:54:19,227 --> 00:54:23,715 The big guy doesn't deserve pleasure. (smooth trumpet lick playing) 1330 00:54:23,715 --> 00:54:25,627 - Oh, but he likes it. 1331 00:54:25,627 --> 00:54:28,122 (saying "yeah" back and forth, in increasingly horny ways) 1332 00:54:28,122 --> 00:54:30,155 (Hank trying to contain his laughter and himself) 1333 00:54:30,155 --> 00:54:33,249 - Is this about you and me right now, or is this- 1334 00:54:33,249 --> 00:54:35,416 - Could be, could be, my man. 1335 00:54:35,416 --> 00:54:37,541 (weirdly tense mouth sounds) 1336 00:54:37,541 --> 00:54:40,957 - All right, well, - That's what I thought. 1337 00:54:40,957 --> 00:54:44,191 - Nah, I'm working, I'm working. I'm working, I'm working. 1338 00:54:44,191 --> 00:54:45,218 (laughing) He looks around and says- 1339 00:54:45,218 --> 00:54:46,743 - While you're clearing this place out, 1340 00:54:46,743 --> 00:54:48,942 you might as well get rid of that trumpet player over there. 1341 00:54:48,942 --> 00:54:51,218 He's been playing one lick just over and over again. 1342 00:54:51,218 --> 00:54:52,764 It's been really driving me crazy. 1343 00:54:52,764 --> 00:54:53,947 It was cool at first. (trumpet music stops abruptly) 1344 00:54:53,947 --> 00:54:55,388 - You said you liked it. 1345 00:54:55,388 --> 00:54:58,230 - I did! 20 minutes ago I did, 1346 00:54:58,230 --> 00:54:59,227 but you're still here. 1347 00:54:59,227 --> 00:55:01,777 - If I learn a second lick, can I come back? 1348 00:55:01,777 --> 00:55:04,700 - Yes, sure, fine, but get him out of here. 1349 00:55:04,700 --> 00:55:05,847 I don't know how to get rid of him. 1350 00:55:05,847 --> 00:55:09,150 (Trapp hums the same tune from earlier) (group laughing) 1351 00:55:09,150 --> 00:55:10,590 - So you see the cops begin to leave 1352 00:55:10,590 --> 00:55:12,000 and like the night's been ruined. 1353 00:55:12,000 --> 00:55:14,850 You've probably lost a ton of money here tonight. 1354 00:55:14,850 --> 00:55:16,620 As you look around, 1355 00:55:16,620 --> 00:55:19,260 you see Joey Sneezes and Libby looks over. 1356 00:55:19,260 --> 00:55:22,269 Hans looks over and says, I'm very sorry, sir, 1357 00:55:22,269 --> 00:55:23,560 that in all the chaos, 1358 00:55:23,560 --> 00:55:25,520 I wasn't sure if you wanted me to 1359 00:55:25,520 --> 00:55:28,320 grapple and hit and destroy the police officers 1360 00:55:28,320 --> 00:55:29,370 that wandered in here, 1361 00:55:29,370 --> 00:55:33,021 but it seemed like you were having a flirtatious encounter 1362 00:55:33,021 --> 00:55:34,777 with the chief of police. (players laughing) 1363 00:55:34,777 --> 00:55:35,928 - Oh, shut up, Hans. 1364 00:55:35,928 --> 00:55:37,380 I know you got quite a bit of pleasure out 1365 00:55:37,380 --> 00:55:39,307 of watching this place get torn apart. 1366 00:55:39,307 --> 00:55:40,977 - (cheekily) You did not want it to happen. 1367 00:55:40,977 --> 00:55:42,429 - I see right through you, man. 1368 00:55:42,429 --> 00:55:46,507 (group laughing) 1369 00:55:46,507 --> 00:55:48,190 Get this pervert outta here. 1370 00:55:48,190 --> 00:55:49,807 Hans, go home. 1371 00:55:49,807 --> 00:55:51,090 - Oh, go home. 1372 00:55:51,090 --> 00:55:53,026 This is terrible. (squeal of delight) 1373 00:55:53,026 --> 00:55:56,637 And you see he, (group laughing) 1374 00:55:56,637 --> 00:56:01,531 he walks off and you look around at this place, 1375 00:56:01,531 --> 00:56:03,370 and I think there is that moment of 1376 00:56:03,370 --> 00:56:06,029 looking at your speakeasy that's been busted up again. 1377 00:56:06,029 --> 00:56:08,150 There were so many clients in here, 1378 00:56:08,150 --> 00:56:10,562 like you could expand. 1379 00:56:10,562 --> 00:56:14,130 You could have a street of venues with all the people 1380 00:56:14,130 --> 00:56:15,903 that want to come down here, 1381 00:56:15,903 --> 00:56:18,930 but the ordinances that city council, the mayor, 1382 00:56:18,930 --> 00:56:20,130 the DA have passed, 1383 00:56:20,130 --> 00:56:22,910 have basically all been about the fact 1384 00:56:22,910 --> 00:56:26,813 that like until this project 1385 00:56:26,813 --> 00:56:31,197 that Elias is working on that like, he, y'know, 1386 00:56:31,197 --> 00:56:34,050 that Elias Hodge has not gotten the praise 1387 00:56:34,050 --> 00:56:35,040 from the bosses yet. 1388 00:56:35,040 --> 00:56:36,540 The project's not completed yet, 1389 00:56:36,540 --> 00:56:37,800 and until that happens, 1390 00:56:37,800 --> 00:56:41,610 City Hall has said nobody's allowed to feel good. 1391 00:56:41,610 --> 00:56:44,328 But I think, I wanna go back to The Fix for a second. 1392 00:56:44,328 --> 00:56:46,598 When all that chaos breaks out, 1393 00:56:46,598 --> 00:56:49,680 you see various people sort of leaving and absconding. 1394 00:56:49,680 --> 00:56:51,532 You see that guy at that other table sort of 1395 00:56:51,532 --> 00:56:52,805 head off into the darkness. 1396 00:56:52,805 --> 00:56:54,940 What does The Fix do when the cops show up? 1397 00:56:54,940 --> 00:56:56,700 - Well, he's been paying attention to those guys 1398 00:56:56,700 --> 00:56:57,533 at that table. 1399 00:56:57,533 --> 00:56:58,366 He doesn't like it. 1400 00:56:59,310 --> 00:57:00,810 He knows this area well. 1401 00:57:00,810 --> 00:57:02,043 They don't. - [Brennan] Mh-hm. 1402 00:57:02,043 --> 00:57:03,738 So hopefully I'm gonna, 1403 00:57:03,738 --> 00:57:07,140 I'd like to try to intercept them, not follow, 1404 00:57:07,140 --> 00:57:09,510 but anticipate where they're going to go 1405 00:57:09,510 --> 00:57:12,630 and be there when they walk down that alley. 1406 00:57:12,630 --> 00:57:13,680 - Hell yes. 1407 00:57:13,680 --> 00:57:15,870 I would say, go ahead and give me, 1408 00:57:15,870 --> 00:57:17,493 knowing the neighborhood as well as you do, 1409 00:57:17,493 --> 00:57:20,880 this is just a difficulty four sneak check. 1410 00:57:20,880 --> 00:57:22,371 - Can it be a savvy? 1411 00:57:22,371 --> 00:57:24,690 (group laughing) 1412 00:57:24,690 --> 00:57:25,523 - Fuck what I said. 1413 00:57:25,523 --> 00:57:27,634 This is a difficulty four savvy check. 1414 00:57:27,634 --> 00:57:28,728 - This seems like a savvy check to me. 1415 00:57:28,728 --> 00:57:30,036 - [Brennan] Yeah, for sure. 1416 00:57:31,200 --> 00:57:32,033 - That's a nine. 1417 00:57:32,959 --> 00:57:35,100 - Oh, I also could have just halved it. 1418 00:57:35,100 --> 00:57:37,170 - You can just halve it as well as planned action. 1419 00:57:37,170 --> 00:57:39,779 Moving from Sugah's 1420 00:57:39,779 --> 00:57:44,310 out to the streets out near Temporal Square, 1421 00:57:44,310 --> 00:57:47,130 deep down here in the midbrain. 1422 00:57:47,130 --> 00:57:51,890 We journey through Mentopolis where Donny Urges 1423 00:57:51,890 --> 00:57:53,570 and the various riffraff that he's collected 1424 00:57:53,570 --> 00:57:56,346 for his criminal scheme run off 1425 00:57:56,346 --> 00:57:57,866 (pants) 1426 00:57:57,866 --> 00:57:59,370 on the streets. 1427 00:57:59,370 --> 00:58:01,110 Dutch angle, dutch angle. 1428 00:58:01,110 --> 00:58:01,943 High contrast, high contrast. 1429 00:58:01,943 --> 00:58:03,762 - Huge shadows. - Huge shadows, big shadows. 1430 00:58:03,762 --> 00:58:04,716 - Tropes, tropes. 1431 00:58:04,716 --> 00:58:06,709 - Tropes, tropes, tropes. 1432 00:58:06,709 --> 00:58:11,709 Donny stops near a massive brick wall. 1433 00:58:11,709 --> 00:58:14,723 The rain of the brainstorm overhead. 1434 00:58:14,723 --> 00:58:16,181 (raining pouring down) 1435 00:58:16,181 --> 00:58:17,590 (pants) 1436 00:58:17,590 --> 00:58:19,620 All right, that was close. 1437 00:58:19,620 --> 00:58:23,248 Bulls almost came down on us like a ton of bricks, 1438 00:58:23,248 --> 00:58:25,350 but lemme tell you this right now. 1439 00:58:25,350 --> 00:58:27,699 And in this little circle of criminals, 1440 00:58:27,699 --> 00:58:30,408 from whence does The Fix emerge having spotted this, 1441 00:58:30,408 --> 00:58:33,049 from whence does The Fix emerge having spotted this, 1442 00:58:33,049 --> 00:58:34,950 or you've been here from the moment they arrived? 1443 00:58:34,950 --> 00:58:38,424 - Right, I sort of loom out and I say, 1444 00:58:38,424 --> 00:58:41,010 Have we met? 1445 00:58:41,010 --> 00:58:42,750 - You see all of them turn around 1446 00:58:42,750 --> 00:58:45,969 and look at your basically sternum, 1447 00:58:45,969 --> 00:58:48,377 (players laughing) (zoot) 1448 00:58:48,377 --> 00:58:50,080 and then you see Donny goes, 1449 00:58:50,080 --> 00:58:52,477 (twinkling noir music) 1450 00:58:52,477 --> 00:58:53,937 Who's asking Bub? 1451 00:58:55,237 --> 00:58:56,493 - So I have a job. 1452 00:58:58,080 --> 00:58:59,645 It's a weird job. 1453 00:58:59,645 --> 00:59:02,143 I get in strange situations in my job. 1454 00:59:02,143 --> 00:59:04,353 I get exposed to things. 1455 00:59:05,940 --> 00:59:08,488 I'm often there when the big guy's 1456 00:59:08,488 --> 00:59:11,130 up to something ridiculous. 1457 00:59:11,130 --> 00:59:12,600 Like for example, 1458 00:59:12,600 --> 00:59:13,871 did you know that for every 1459 00:59:13,871 --> 00:59:17,340 snake on earth there is one snake dick, 1460 00:59:17,340 --> 00:59:19,500 and at first ya might think, 1461 00:59:19,500 --> 00:59:21,075 well yeah, that makes sense, 1462 00:59:21,075 --> 00:59:25,124 but actually, only half of snakes have dicks, 1463 00:59:25,124 --> 00:59:28,453 and that means (Danielle lets out a laugh) 1464 00:59:28,453 --> 00:59:31,410 that every snake that has a dick has two dicks, 1465 00:59:31,410 --> 00:59:34,200 and that's a true fact about our world. 1466 00:59:34,200 --> 00:59:37,440 That's the kind of information I run across 1467 00:59:37,440 --> 00:59:38,983 as I'm doing my job, 1468 00:59:38,983 --> 00:59:43,983 and that job is to eliminate distraction, 1469 00:59:44,040 --> 00:59:46,873 and you seem like distractions, 1470 00:59:46,873 --> 00:59:49,804 and you seem like distractions, 1471 00:59:49,804 --> 00:59:51,012 (tense music begins building) 1472 00:59:51,012 --> 00:59:54,458 so would you like to turn around and go the other way, 1473 00:59:54,458 --> 00:59:57,641 so would you like to turn around and go the other way, 1474 00:59:57,641 --> 01:00:00,870 or would you like to see if I can keep myself 1475 01:00:00,870 --> 01:00:02,726 from punching you too hard? 1476 01:00:02,726 --> 01:00:07,701 (Brennan silently laughing in of terror and awe) 1477 01:00:09,814 --> 01:00:13,742 - I'm gonna say, I'm gonna need a slick check here. 1478 01:00:13,742 --> 01:00:17,533 - I'm gonna say, I'm gonna need a slick check here. 1479 01:00:17,533 --> 01:00:20,200 - Yeah, I can use sharp instead of slick 1480 01:00:20,200 --> 01:00:21,033 'cause I'm Menacing. 1481 01:00:21,033 --> 01:00:22,918 (Brennan laughing) 1482 01:00:22,918 --> 01:00:23,760 - (Breathlessly) That's true. 1483 01:00:23,760 --> 01:00:25,803 - And that does carry out here. 1484 01:00:27,644 --> 01:00:29,252 I'm going to, the- 1485 01:00:29,252 --> 01:00:33,310 With how truly terrifying that was, 1486 01:00:33,310 --> 01:00:36,166 I'll have Donny make a sturdy check, 1487 01:00:36,166 --> 01:00:37,874 and so I'll roll it 1488 01:00:37,874 --> 01:00:40,540 and I'll roll it in front of the board actually. 1489 01:00:41,550 --> 01:00:42,947 He's got a d12 for sturdy. 1490 01:00:42,947 --> 01:00:44,013 He's a sturdy guy. 1491 01:00:45,244 --> 01:00:46,560 (dice rolls) 1492 01:00:46,560 --> 01:00:50,640 And he rolls a six, the difficulty is six. 1493 01:00:50,640 --> 01:00:51,900 This is not a planned action. 1494 01:00:51,900 --> 01:00:55,755 This is a snap decision, 1495 01:00:55,755 --> 01:00:57,990 so go ahead and roll sharp for me. 1496 01:00:57,990 --> 01:00:59,580 - That's gonna be a 11. 1497 01:00:59,580 --> 01:01:01,922 - Beating a difficulty by five is a, 1498 01:01:01,922 --> 01:01:04,740 means an extraordinary success, 1499 01:01:04,740 --> 01:01:07,980 so trying to resist as best as possible, 1500 01:01:07,980 --> 01:01:10,241 but looking up, Donny looks and goes, 1501 01:01:11,784 --> 01:01:15,657 Hey, (laughing in fear) I don't have two dicks, 1502 01:01:15,657 --> 01:01:18,197 so if that's what, (players laughing) 1503 01:01:18,197 --> 01:01:21,720 I'm not a snake, but, and guys, what? 1504 01:01:21,720 --> 01:01:23,472 He turns around, everyone's gone. 1505 01:01:23,472 --> 01:01:25,462 Everyone else in the middle of the speech 1506 01:01:25,462 --> 01:01:27,203 already has left and turned. 1507 01:01:27,203 --> 01:01:29,280 There might even be different thoughts now. 1508 01:01:29,280 --> 01:01:31,818 They're so terrified and he looks and says, 1509 01:01:31,818 --> 01:01:33,978 I just thought this, you know 1510 01:01:33,978 --> 01:01:37,029 there's a birthday cake in the fridge, and- 1511 01:01:37,029 --> 01:01:37,862 - I know, I know, man. 1512 01:01:37,862 --> 01:01:39,808 I understand, I understand. 1513 01:01:39,808 --> 01:01:42,737 We all sometimes want to put our finger 1514 01:01:42,737 --> 01:01:45,969 in the birthday cake, but you're never gonna do that. 1515 01:01:45,969 --> 01:01:48,302 (Brennan laughing in shock and awe) 1516 01:01:48,302 --> 01:01:49,740 - He goes, that's right. 1517 01:01:49,740 --> 01:01:51,300 I'm never gonna do that. 1518 01:01:51,300 --> 01:01:52,133 I'm never, 1519 01:01:52,133 --> 01:01:56,380 and I think you literally watch this guy fully, 1520 01:01:56,380 --> 01:01:57,787 like as an intrusive thought, 1521 01:01:57,787 --> 01:02:00,934 the shimmer goes across his face and he goes, 1522 01:02:00,934 --> 01:02:02,752 I'm- I'm never gonna do that. 1523 01:02:02,752 --> 01:02:05,027 And he straight up turns into mist. 1524 01:02:05,027 --> 01:02:06,320 (group laughing) 1525 01:02:06,320 --> 01:02:07,463 He just turns into fog. 1526 01:02:07,463 --> 01:02:09,550 - There was like two murders this episode. 1527 01:02:09,550 --> 01:02:10,500 (group laughing) 1528 01:02:10,500 --> 01:02:11,640 - There's some other part of him 1529 01:02:11,640 --> 01:02:14,310 that just floats off and will come back 1530 01:02:14,310 --> 01:02:16,680 in some other part of the brain as just 1531 01:02:16,680 --> 01:02:19,954 a more normal desire to get some cake sometime 1532 01:02:19,954 --> 01:02:21,195 (group laughing) 1533 01:02:21,195 --> 01:02:24,210 when it's reasonable to just go get a cake for yourself, 1534 01:02:24,210 --> 01:02:29,210 and this distraction has been neutralized. 1535 01:02:29,220 --> 01:02:31,946 Standing over here in this area as well, 1536 01:02:32,940 --> 01:02:35,256 you hear a noise not too far away of a car idling, 1537 01:02:35,256 --> 01:02:39,331 you hear a noise not too far away of a car idling, 1538 01:02:39,331 --> 01:02:41,610 which, this is mostly like a pedestrian neighborhood. 1539 01:02:41,610 --> 01:02:42,962 It's like a downtown area, 1540 01:02:42,962 --> 01:02:46,020 but you do hear a car idling around the corner from here 1541 01:02:46,020 --> 01:02:49,140 and it sounds like a sort of pretty souped-up engine. 1542 01:02:49,140 --> 01:02:51,977 You kind of even recognize the sound of it 1543 01:02:51,977 --> 01:02:56,310 as being probably a nice town car from Cortex City. 1544 01:02:56,310 --> 01:03:00,900 In this moment, does The Fix do anything here in this place? 1545 01:03:00,900 --> 01:03:05,190 - Do you think he might recognize that sound specifically? 1546 01:03:05,190 --> 01:03:07,050 - Yeah, I think so. 1547 01:03:07,050 --> 01:03:08,475 I think that hearing the noise, 1548 01:03:08,475 --> 01:03:10,079 you recognize it as probably like 1549 01:03:10,079 --> 01:03:11,475 one of the DA's cars, right? 1550 01:03:11,475 --> 01:03:13,865 - Yeah, that's what I was guessing. - [Brennan] Mh-hm. 1551 01:03:13,865 --> 01:03:16,140 - [Hank] I don't think that he thinks it's there for him, 1552 01:03:16,140 --> 01:03:16,973 - Yeah. 1553 01:03:16,973 --> 01:03:19,440 - And so I think that he does not interface with it. 1554 01:03:19,440 --> 01:03:21,617 - You hold on for a moment 1555 01:03:21,617 --> 01:03:24,270 as you are standing around the corner from the car. 1556 01:03:24,270 --> 01:03:26,760 The car idles for a while longer, 1557 01:03:26,760 --> 01:03:30,210 and then you hear a click of the door, 1558 01:03:30,210 --> 01:03:32,910 and walking around the corner, you see two figures, 1559 01:03:32,910 --> 01:03:36,960 long coats, fedoras, and you see the beautiful face, 1560 01:03:36,960 --> 01:03:41,737 and even under the brim of the hat sort of coiffed hair of 1561 01:03:41,737 --> 01:03:45,090 Mark Bition, which is the District Attorney. 1562 01:03:45,090 --> 01:03:46,548 (Trapp chuckling lightly) 1563 01:03:46,548 --> 01:03:47,823 - M. Bition? 1564 01:03:47,823 --> 01:03:48,750 (Brennan laughing) 1565 01:03:48,750 --> 01:03:52,222 - Dashingly handsome figure, walks around with an assistant, 1566 01:03:52,222 --> 01:03:55,850 looks up and says, Sorry to interrupt, Fix. 1567 01:03:55,850 --> 01:03:56,758 I uh... 1568 01:03:57,710 --> 01:04:02,710 I was lucky enough to hear some of your work at a distance. 1569 01:04:03,150 --> 01:04:06,420 I do depend on it so much of the time. 1570 01:04:06,420 --> 01:04:09,600 We're just posted up here waiting for the chief of police 1571 01:04:09,600 --> 01:04:12,840 to finish up at Sugah's. 1572 01:04:12,840 --> 01:04:16,848 There's a squad of criminals that I'm looking forward to 1573 01:04:16,848 --> 01:04:18,060 locking away. 1574 01:04:18,060 --> 01:04:22,510 These pleasures do tend to... 1575 01:04:23,748 --> 01:04:28,140 get in the way of the plans that we have for the big guy. 1576 01:04:28,140 --> 01:04:30,078 Thank you again for all your hard work. 1577 01:04:30,078 --> 01:04:33,153 I take it to this guy, I don't see a body. 1578 01:04:33,153 --> 01:04:35,914 I hope you didn't eat him. (laughs boisterously) 1579 01:04:35,914 --> 01:04:37,497 - It depends on what you mean. 1580 01:04:39,157 --> 01:04:40,357 - All right. 1581 01:04:40,357 --> 01:04:42,798 - He's gone and I enjoyed it. 1582 01:04:42,798 --> 01:04:44,098 (stifled laughter) 1583 01:04:44,098 --> 01:04:46,860 I have a job and I do like doing it 1584 01:04:46,860 --> 01:04:50,537 and I like doing it for you, Mr. Bition. 1585 01:04:50,537 --> 01:04:52,468 - We know we can rely on you, 1586 01:04:52,468 --> 01:04:56,400 and you're a huge part of why the big guy's 1587 01:04:56,400 --> 01:04:58,767 been able to achieve so much. 1588 01:04:58,767 --> 01:05:00,660 Without you looking out for the interest of this city 1589 01:05:00,660 --> 01:05:03,922 and obviously, we rely on the chief of police. 1590 01:05:03,922 --> 01:05:07,492 It's wonderful those impulses to be controlled 1591 01:05:07,492 --> 01:05:09,455 and emotions to be regulated, 1592 01:05:09,455 --> 01:05:13,975 but sometimes you need to work 1593 01:05:13,975 --> 01:05:17,441 outside the bounds of the law, 1594 01:05:17,441 --> 01:05:20,197 so it's very nice to have your help. 1595 01:05:20,197 --> 01:05:22,257 - Your hair looks very nice today, sir. 1596 01:05:23,520 --> 01:05:24,990 - Gimme a slick check. 1597 01:05:24,990 --> 01:05:27,217 - He's wearing a hat so it might not go well. 1598 01:05:27,217 --> 01:05:28,816 (players laughing) 1599 01:05:28,816 --> 01:05:31,075 - (shakily) Ah, it's a two. 1600 01:05:31,075 --> 01:05:33,043 (players laughing) 1601 01:05:33,043 --> 01:05:34,326 - He goes, There's the part you can see 1602 01:05:34,326 --> 01:05:35,347 from under the hat? 1603 01:05:35,347 --> 01:05:37,447 - I just wanted to be nice. 1604 01:05:37,447 --> 01:05:38,900 - Oh, that's very honest. 1605 01:05:38,900 --> 01:05:40,533 (players laughing) 1606 01:05:40,533 --> 01:05:44,742 Well, you know, you're a swell guy The Fix, 1607 01:05:44,742 --> 01:05:48,510 but I know you're a busy, busy man. 1608 01:05:48,510 --> 01:05:50,130 You have lots of people to go see. 1609 01:05:50,130 --> 01:05:53,307 I'm sure you have a very busy social calendar. 1610 01:05:54,270 --> 01:05:55,853 - Did you know that every snake has- 1611 01:05:55,853 --> 01:05:56,977 - Okay well you know- 1612 01:05:56,977 --> 01:05:58,710 (group laughing) 1613 01:05:58,710 --> 01:06:00,060 The important, yeah, I did, 1614 01:06:00,060 --> 01:06:01,059 and thank you. 1615 01:06:01,950 --> 01:06:06,152 You see, he says, but while I have you here, 1616 01:06:07,082 --> 01:06:08,523 and you see, he clicks over, 1617 01:06:08,523 --> 01:06:11,054 and you see there's a sort of stocky guy 1618 01:06:11,054 --> 01:06:13,320 that you actually recognize as the deputy chief of staff 1619 01:06:13,320 --> 01:06:14,153 for the mayor. 1620 01:06:14,153 --> 01:06:17,970 He's sort of like very scowly looking dude. 1621 01:06:17,970 --> 01:06:19,680 They call him Mr. Lance. 1622 01:06:19,680 --> 01:06:21,995 And you see that he reaches over. 1623 01:06:21,995 --> 01:06:23,839 (laugh) Trapp's looking at me like- 1624 01:06:23,839 --> 01:06:25,851 - Well just, any time you say a name now it's like, 1625 01:06:25,851 --> 01:06:27,501 All right, what's this gonna become now? 1626 01:06:27,501 --> 01:06:29,971 It's not ambulance, but it's gonna be something. 1627 01:06:29,971 --> 01:06:31,235 (group laughing) 1628 01:06:31,235 --> 01:06:34,233 - You do see him kind of looking around very nervously, 1629 01:06:34,233 --> 01:06:38,670 and you see that he reaches in and pulls out a small file 1630 01:06:38,670 --> 01:06:42,247 and you see that Mark looks at you and says, 1631 01:06:42,247 --> 01:06:45,633 While we have you, if you've finished your business here, 1632 01:06:47,220 --> 01:06:52,203 we need you to take care of... this. 1633 01:06:53,070 --> 01:06:57,330 This is a top priority for the time being, 1634 01:06:57,330 --> 01:07:00,288 and I think the faster we can eliminate this threat 1635 01:07:00,288 --> 01:07:04,888 and I think the faster we can eliminate this threat 1636 01:07:04,888 --> 01:07:07,221 to the mayor's agenda and the council's ambitious plans 1637 01:07:07,221 --> 01:07:10,812 to the mayor's agenda and the council's ambitious plans 1638 01:07:10,812 --> 01:07:14,510 for the big guy, this would be our number one priority. 1639 01:07:14,510 --> 01:07:18,180 This has become the largest distraction on our list 1640 01:07:18,180 --> 01:07:19,590 of distractions, 1641 01:07:19,590 --> 01:07:22,500 and hands a small file to you, 1642 01:07:22,500 --> 01:07:25,080 a little manila folder, tips his hat, 1643 01:07:25,080 --> 01:07:28,221 and he and the deputy chief of staff walk away. 1644 01:07:28,221 --> 01:07:29,525 Do you take a look inside of the file? 1645 01:07:29,525 --> 01:07:31,050 - Yeah. 1646 01:07:31,050 --> 01:07:32,794 - Alex, could you please describe your character? 1647 01:07:32,794 --> 01:07:35,877 - Yes, this is a small boy, kind of too small. 1648 01:07:35,877 --> 01:07:38,302 - Yes, this is a small boy, kind of too small. 1649 01:07:38,302 --> 01:07:40,290 (group laughing) 1650 01:07:40,290 --> 01:07:42,578 - Huge judgment right out of the gate. 1651 01:07:42,578 --> 01:07:43,574 Too small. 1652 01:07:43,574 --> 01:07:44,407 - Too small, 1653 01:07:44,407 --> 01:07:48,870 and has a look in his eyes that he's seen too much. 1654 01:07:48,870 --> 01:07:50,643 He's wearing a newsie cap, 1655 01:07:51,888 --> 01:07:56,225 a dirty brown jacket, and has dirty brown pants on. 1656 01:07:56,225 --> 01:07:57,515 That's- That's him. 1657 01:07:57,515 --> 01:07:58,406 (Brennan laughing) 1658 01:07:58,406 --> 01:08:02,220 - And you see in that sort of like stenotype font, it says. 1659 01:08:02,220 --> 01:08:04,950 - Conrad Schintz. 1660 01:08:04,950 --> 01:08:07,320 - You see the name Conrad Schintz. 1661 01:08:07,320 --> 01:08:09,996 I will say this is the first time 1662 01:08:11,029 --> 01:08:14,729 that the District Attorney has ever given you a file 1663 01:08:14,729 --> 01:08:17,479 that the District Attorney has ever given you a file 1664 01:08:17,479 --> 01:08:18,960 with a child in it. 1665 01:08:18,960 --> 01:08:20,907 What does The Fix do in this- 1666 01:08:20,907 --> 01:08:22,648 - Do I know who this child is? 1667 01:08:22,648 --> 01:08:24,040 Have we met? Are we... 1668 01:08:24,040 --> 01:08:28,980 - Give me snoop difficulty eight, 1669 01:08:30,014 --> 01:08:32,603 or actually, sorry, gimme savvy difficulty eight. 1670 01:08:34,830 --> 01:08:35,663 - Nine. 1671 01:08:35,663 --> 01:08:36,937 (Brennan gasps) - [Alex] Mmm. 1672 01:08:36,937 --> 01:08:40,535 - You have seen this kid around, 1673 01:08:40,535 --> 01:08:43,722 and I think you actually know a way towards like, 1674 01:08:43,722 --> 01:08:47,610 this kid is like not too far from this specific neighborhood 1675 01:08:47,610 --> 01:08:48,681 as well. 1676 01:08:48,681 --> 01:08:50,340 I think you could definitely go looking. 1677 01:08:50,340 --> 01:08:54,303 You also know a place you could go in general that kids 1678 01:08:54,303 --> 01:08:58,620 come to and fro from that you could go check. 1679 01:08:58,620 --> 01:09:01,294 - Well I think that the first thing is 1680 01:09:01,294 --> 01:09:04,230 that The Fix feels a feeling that he does not know 1681 01:09:04,230 --> 01:09:06,061 and is not comfortable with. 1682 01:09:06,061 --> 01:09:07,219 (Brennan and Alex laughing lightly) 1683 01:09:07,219 --> 01:09:10,830 He's very used to doing the job, 1684 01:09:10,830 --> 01:09:11,663 - [Brennan] Yeah. 1685 01:09:11,663 --> 01:09:14,427 and he just does the job, 1686 01:09:14,427 --> 01:09:16,104 - [Brennan] Yeah. - And he always likes doing the job. 1687 01:09:16,104 --> 01:09:18,262 (gritty noir music) 1688 01:09:18,262 --> 01:09:21,136 But he's not having that sensation right now. 1689 01:09:21,136 --> 01:09:24,170 - A strange feeling overtakes you. 1690 01:09:25,603 --> 01:09:29,760 Do you think you stay here for a while in that feeling, 1691 01:09:29,760 --> 01:09:31,205 or do you think you head out? 1692 01:09:31,205 --> 01:09:32,920 - I think I might head out 1693 01:09:32,920 --> 01:09:35,015 and go and see if I know where this kid is. 1694 01:09:35,015 --> 01:09:40,015 - You wander off in search of this child. 1695 01:09:40,712 --> 01:09:42,960 As you do so, we're actually gonna move over 1696 01:09:42,960 --> 01:09:45,900 to our friend Conrad, 1697 01:09:45,900 --> 01:09:50,045 moving throughout the city throughout space, 1698 01:09:50,045 --> 01:09:52,807 we see the hustle and bustle 1699 01:09:52,807 --> 01:09:53,839 of the late afternoon people sort of 1700 01:09:53,839 --> 01:09:58,839 like leaving from work out in the city center. 1701 01:09:59,010 --> 01:10:04,010 We see young Conrad plying his trade. 1702 01:10:04,140 --> 01:10:06,224 As people walk to and fro, 1703 01:10:06,224 --> 01:10:10,260 you've got a bag of newspapers by your side and we also see 1704 01:10:10,260 --> 01:10:11,708 by your side something else, 1705 01:10:11,708 --> 01:10:15,703 which is a big old basset hound that sort of sleeps 1706 01:10:15,703 --> 01:10:18,810 wrapped around a little lamp post on a street corner 1707 01:10:18,810 --> 01:10:23,298 as people hustle to and fro 1708 01:10:23,298 --> 01:10:24,900 coming up and buying newspapers from you. 1709 01:10:24,900 --> 01:10:27,210 What is Conrad doing in this moment? 1710 01:10:27,210 --> 01:10:30,681 - Conrad's saying, papers, get your papers, 1711 01:10:30,681 --> 01:10:32,613 but it's like a little too quiet. 1712 01:10:32,613 --> 01:10:36,270 (players laughing) 1713 01:10:36,270 --> 01:10:39,244 - You hear a guy, a sort of older man walking by go, what? 1714 01:10:39,244 --> 01:10:40,668 (players laughing) 1715 01:10:40,668 --> 01:10:41,767 - Papers. 1716 01:10:41,767 --> 01:10:43,507 - What kind of papers? 1717 01:10:43,507 --> 01:10:44,887 - Newspaper, sir. 1718 01:10:44,887 --> 01:10:47,186 - Ah, good. 1719 01:10:47,186 --> 01:10:48,702 (players laughing) 1720 01:10:48,702 --> 01:10:52,173 See he comes over hands you a couple coins takes it. 1721 01:10:53,557 --> 01:10:55,650 - Oh, it's the wrong amount. 1722 01:10:55,650 --> 01:10:56,546 - Hmm? 1723 01:10:56,546 --> 01:10:58,776 - Sir you gave me the wrong amount. 1724 01:10:58,776 --> 01:10:59,609 - Oh. 1725 01:10:59,609 --> 01:11:00,442 - It's okay, nevermind. 1726 01:11:00,442 --> 01:11:02,698 - I didn't pay enough or I overpaid? 1727 01:11:02,698 --> 01:11:04,154 - You paid half what it cost, 1728 01:11:04,154 --> 01:11:05,311 but that's okay. 1729 01:11:05,311 --> 01:11:07,217 Forget I said anything. 1730 01:11:07,217 --> 01:11:10,367 - No, you wanna hold me accountable 1731 01:11:10,367 --> 01:11:11,200 (Alex laughing) 1732 01:11:11,200 --> 01:11:13,417 'cause I did something wrong. 1733 01:11:13,417 --> 01:11:15,261 - That's not what I said, sir. 1734 01:11:15,261 --> 01:11:16,094 It's- 1735 01:11:16,094 --> 01:11:16,980 - No, I think it was implied. 1736 01:11:16,980 --> 01:11:19,317 You told me I'm a piece of shit, 1737 01:11:19,317 --> 01:11:20,975 (Hank laughing) 1738 01:11:20,975 --> 01:11:22,380 and I'm not a piece of shit. 1739 01:11:22,380 --> 01:11:23,550 I'm a good guy. 1740 01:11:23,550 --> 01:11:25,477 Would a good guy do a bad thing? 1741 01:11:25,477 --> 01:11:26,409 - No. 1742 01:11:26,409 --> 01:11:28,327 - Then how could what I have done be bad? 1743 01:11:28,327 --> 01:11:29,896 - Okay. 1744 01:11:29,896 --> 01:11:32,727 (group laughing) 1745 01:11:32,727 --> 01:11:37,020 And you see he walks off and you see your dog Justin 1746 01:11:37,020 --> 01:11:37,937 looks up and goes, 1747 01:11:37,937 --> 01:11:41,552 Woof, you could have gotten that extra money from him. 1748 01:11:41,552 --> 01:11:43,731 Now you're gonna be short at the end of the day. 1749 01:11:43,731 --> 01:11:46,983 - That's okay. I have a stash for just this occasion. 1750 01:11:46,983 --> 01:11:48,125 (players laughing) 1751 01:11:48,125 --> 01:11:50,730 - You're gonna cover the cost of his paper? 1752 01:11:50,730 --> 01:11:53,400 - Yeah, I gave him all the facts and he made a choice 1753 01:11:53,400 --> 01:11:54,799 so that's okay. 1754 01:11:54,799 --> 01:11:59,491 (group laughing) 1755 01:11:59,491 --> 01:12:02,997 - Justin goes, oh, Conrad, I'm so sorry. 1756 01:12:02,997 --> 01:12:05,058 - Justin, you're my best friend. 1757 01:12:05,058 --> 01:12:06,937 (group laughing) 1758 01:12:06,937 --> 01:12:08,430 - I know it's true. 1759 01:12:08,430 --> 01:12:10,060 You're my best friend too, 1760 01:12:10,060 --> 01:12:11,220 but we just tend to say it 1761 01:12:11,220 --> 01:12:13,522 after something real sad's happened. 1762 01:12:13,522 --> 01:12:15,007 (group laughing) 1763 01:12:15,007 --> 01:12:18,208 - I never thought of it like that before. 1764 01:12:18,208 --> 01:12:19,811 - You're my best friend. 1765 01:12:19,811 --> 01:12:22,331 (group laughing) 1766 01:12:22,331 --> 01:12:25,710 You see that you sell all your papers, 1767 01:12:25,710 --> 01:12:26,850 you see another person comes up 1768 01:12:26,850 --> 01:12:29,377 and buys a paper off you and goes, 1769 01:12:29,377 --> 01:12:31,629 Oh little boy. I'm so sorry, 1770 01:12:31,629 --> 01:12:35,049 but I believe the the paper is sorted the wrong way. 1771 01:12:35,049 --> 01:12:37,099 (stammering) 1772 01:12:37,099 --> 01:12:38,292 The pages are out of order. 1773 01:12:38,292 --> 01:12:39,654 - Oh, sorry. 1774 01:12:39,654 --> 01:12:42,240 No one's ever called me out on that, but I did that. 1775 01:12:42,240 --> 01:12:44,202 Here, I can put them back in the order. 1776 01:12:44,202 --> 01:12:45,737 - Oh thank you. - [Alex] Yeah, no problem. 1777 01:12:45,737 --> 01:12:47,993 - And you sort of shuffle them back in order. 1778 01:12:48,990 --> 01:12:51,978 As it does so you see there's like a hustle and bustle 1779 01:12:51,978 --> 01:12:53,280 nearby you. 1780 01:12:53,280 --> 01:12:55,530 There's some people that seem to be 1781 01:12:55,530 --> 01:12:59,010 sort of like arguing or there's a phone booth. 1782 01:12:59,010 --> 01:13:00,930 Then you see there's a guy kind of like fiddling 1783 01:13:00,930 --> 01:13:02,883 with the dial on the phone booth and pointing at it 1784 01:13:02,883 --> 01:13:04,101 and sort of shrugging. 1785 01:13:04,101 --> 01:13:06,113 There's like a couple phone booths in this 1786 01:13:06,113 --> 01:13:07,464 big plaza that you're in. 1787 01:13:07,464 --> 01:13:10,675 You see like a huge dome of City Hall 1788 01:13:10,675 --> 01:13:13,140 that has like the wrinkles of a brain around it. 1789 01:13:13,140 --> 01:13:15,990 There's like a bunch of overpass highways 1790 01:13:15,990 --> 01:13:19,050 with synaptic cars that light up the highway 1791 01:13:19,050 --> 01:13:20,730 as they travel along them. 1792 01:13:20,730 --> 01:13:23,430 You see that the highways sort of like come into and 1793 01:13:23,430 --> 01:13:28,129 out of the mouths of like giant statues in the sort of image 1794 01:13:28,129 --> 01:13:31,800 of Elias Hodge or the self-image moving in 1795 01:13:31,800 --> 01:13:35,596 and throughout you see the people sort of looking worried 1796 01:13:35,596 --> 01:13:38,255 and you see a sort of image pop up 1797 01:13:38,255 --> 01:13:41,129 and you see a sort of image pop up 1798 01:13:41,129 --> 01:13:44,490 and a bullhorn as the balcony at the 1799 01:13:44,490 --> 01:13:47,930 sort of City Hall banners unfurl, 1800 01:13:47,930 --> 01:13:51,540 and you see Mayor Leon Logic step up 1801 01:13:51,540 --> 01:13:53,250 with a big old bullhorn surrounded by people, 1802 01:13:53,250 --> 01:13:55,164 sort of people in the square turn. 1803 01:13:55,164 --> 01:13:57,750 A sort of older man, big handlebar mustache. 1804 01:13:57,750 --> 01:14:00,540 He's got a top hat, very mayoral. 1805 01:14:00,540 --> 01:14:04,031 And he goes, Citizens of Mentopolis, (old timey speech music) 1806 01:14:04,031 --> 01:14:05,373 it is I, your mayor, 1807 01:14:05,373 --> 01:14:07,260 Leon Logic. 1808 01:14:07,260 --> 01:14:10,200 As always, it is a pleasure and an honor to serve. 1809 01:14:10,200 --> 01:14:12,600 I am sure you are well aware 1810 01:14:12,600 --> 01:14:16,212 that our telecommunications infrastructure is 1811 01:14:16,212 --> 01:14:18,630 momentarily disabled. 1812 01:14:18,630 --> 01:14:22,413 Fear not, this routine upgrade has been planned 1813 01:14:22,413 --> 01:14:24,090 for a long time, 1814 01:14:24,090 --> 01:14:28,547 obviously because why else would it happen in a brain 1815 01:14:28,547 --> 01:14:32,910 as well ordered and functional and happy and fulfilled 1816 01:14:32,910 --> 01:14:36,347 and content and we're doing great as this brain. 1817 01:14:36,347 --> 01:14:37,881 (players laughing) 1818 01:14:37,881 --> 01:14:39,708 And you see, he says, 1819 01:14:39,708 --> 01:14:43,057 So never fear the phones should be back working again. 1820 01:14:43,057 --> 01:14:44,199 In the meantime, 1821 01:14:44,199 --> 01:14:47,108 feel free to use our fair city's incredible 1822 01:14:47,108 --> 01:14:49,920 public transportation to deliver messages by hand, 1823 01:14:49,920 --> 01:14:52,445 which you will have to do for the time being, 1824 01:14:53,625 --> 01:14:58,625 and one and all, remember very soon 1825 01:14:59,006 --> 01:15:01,920 all of your hard labor will have been completed 1826 01:15:01,920 --> 01:15:06,903 and we can expect a raise and maybe even 1827 01:15:06,903 --> 01:15:10,380 a pat on the back for the big guy, 1828 01:15:10,380 --> 01:15:13,350 at which point many of the city's ordinances will be 1829 01:15:13,350 --> 01:15:16,916 repealed and celebration will commence 1830 01:15:16,916 --> 01:15:19,410 and festivities, et cetera. 1831 01:15:19,410 --> 01:15:24,310 This has been Mayor Leon Logic and all of this makes sense. 1832 01:15:24,310 --> 01:15:25,745 (players laughing) You see his campaign button, 1833 01:15:25,745 --> 01:15:28,250 it just says, "Vote for Leon, it makes sense" 1834 01:15:28,250 --> 01:15:30,837 on it as he turns around and walks back 1835 01:15:30,837 --> 01:15:32,975 into City Hall, 1836 01:15:32,975 --> 01:15:34,260 and you see a bunch of the angry looking people 1837 01:15:34,260 --> 01:15:35,460 like, freaking phones. 1838 01:15:35,460 --> 01:15:37,170 This city's going to the dogs. 1839 01:15:37,170 --> 01:15:38,968 Justin goes (gasps). 1840 01:15:38,968 --> 01:15:41,400 - Wait, what do you want me to do about it, Justin? 1841 01:15:41,400 --> 01:15:43,687 There's a lot of stuff wrong with the city. 1842 01:15:43,687 --> 01:15:47,870 - Woof, but we know what the cost of that's gonna be. 1843 01:15:47,870 --> 01:15:51,655 - I know well, we'll keep doing what we're doing 1844 01:15:51,655 --> 01:15:54,268 and it's just switching what we think 1845 01:15:54,268 --> 01:15:57,265 is the most important part of the newspaper that day 1846 01:15:57,265 --> 01:16:01,392 onto the front page and hoping that makes a difference. 1847 01:16:01,392 --> 01:16:05,401 (players laughing) - We could go like one notch higher. 1848 01:16:05,401 --> 01:16:10,050 That's such a subtle, non-intrusive way to try 1849 01:16:10,050 --> 01:16:11,647 to make a difference. 1850 01:16:11,647 --> 01:16:14,167 - What is one notch higher, Justin? 1851 01:16:14,167 --> 01:16:17,445 - Telling someone with your mouth, with words. 1852 01:16:17,445 --> 01:16:18,703 (players laughing) 1853 01:16:18,703 --> 01:16:21,997 - Man, what if they're upset about that? 1854 01:16:21,997 --> 01:16:24,543 - Well, I mean some, 1855 01:16:25,675 --> 01:16:30,660 I guess that if the center of your moral compass is 1856 01:16:30,660 --> 01:16:32,613 never upsetting people, 1857 01:16:34,536 --> 01:16:37,770 I guess it's better to not upset people then it is 1858 01:16:37,770 --> 01:16:38,898 to upset people. 1859 01:16:38,898 --> 01:16:42,960 - Okay fine, I'll tell one person if you're gonna dare me, 1860 01:16:42,960 --> 01:16:44,693 I'll tell one person. 1861 01:16:44,693 --> 01:16:47,767 - Yeah, I'll dare you tell one person. 1862 01:16:47,767 --> 01:16:50,550 - Okay, well what about this guy? 1863 01:16:50,550 --> 01:16:54,233 Conrad just goes up to the next guy that walks by. 1864 01:16:54,233 --> 01:16:57,180 - The very next guy that walks up is you see 1865 01:16:57,180 --> 01:16:58,140 just an organ grinder. 1866 01:16:58,140 --> 01:17:00,780 He's got an accordion and there's a monkey next to him 1867 01:17:00,780 --> 01:17:01,963 and he goes, 1868 01:17:01,963 --> 01:17:02,850 (accordion music plays) 1869 01:17:02,850 --> 01:17:03,997 this big accordion noise. 1870 01:17:03,997 --> 01:17:05,639 Hello? (accordion music playing) 1871 01:17:05,639 --> 01:17:08,588 - Hello? Conrad's trying to speak under the volume. 1872 01:17:08,588 --> 01:17:12,063 (imitates accordion music) - He walked by and Justin says, 1873 01:17:12,063 --> 01:17:14,317 You're not being loud on purpose. 1874 01:17:14,317 --> 01:17:16,835 - Okay, fine, fine. 1875 01:17:16,835 --> 01:17:18,840 (clears throat) 1876 01:17:18,840 --> 01:17:20,677 Excuse me sir. 1877 01:17:20,677 --> 01:17:22,917 - Oh, bonjour, hello? 1878 01:17:22,917 --> 01:17:24,873 - Oh well I don't speak that. 1879 01:17:24,873 --> 01:17:27,043 (group laughing) 1880 01:17:27,043 --> 01:17:32,043 - He leaves and Justin says, He said hello after it. 1881 01:17:32,827 --> 01:17:35,707 - What are you calling me xenophobic? 1882 01:17:35,707 --> 01:17:38,511 - No, he clearly spoke the language. 1883 01:17:38,511 --> 01:17:41,438 - All right, okay, I should try to talk to him. 1884 01:17:41,438 --> 01:17:43,246 (Brennan and Alex stammering) 1885 01:17:43,246 --> 01:17:44,365 - But I also don't think you should talk 1886 01:17:44,365 --> 01:17:46,730 to that guy 'cause I don't think he's pulling 1887 01:17:46,730 --> 01:17:48,597 a lot of levers around here. 1888 01:17:49,567 --> 01:17:51,120 - All right, I'll go learn French 1889 01:17:51,120 --> 01:17:53,381 and then we'll circle back. - No! That's not what I- 1890 01:17:53,381 --> 01:17:56,497 (group laughing) 1891 01:17:56,497 --> 01:17:58,132 So after you sell your last paper, 1892 01:17:58,132 --> 01:18:01,696 what's Conrad's routine at the end of the day? 1893 01:18:01,696 --> 01:18:03,374 - At the end of the day, 1894 01:18:03,374 --> 01:18:08,015 he probably goes around the city like making sure there's no 1895 01:18:08,015 --> 01:18:11,205 like discarded information anywhere, 1896 01:18:11,205 --> 01:18:12,038 - [Brennan] Yeah. 1897 01:18:12,038 --> 01:18:15,030 like little trinkets or whatever to take back 1898 01:18:15,030 --> 01:18:16,980 to his little home pad. 1899 01:18:16,980 --> 01:18:18,080 - I think that probably it's hard 1900 01:18:18,080 --> 01:18:20,250 to find the really good trinkets these days. 1901 01:18:20,250 --> 01:18:22,530 It's just that you found a lot of the ones already, 1902 01:18:22,530 --> 01:18:25,170 so we'll call it a difficulty nine snoop check. 1903 01:18:25,170 --> 01:18:27,063 - Okay, snoop... 1904 01:18:28,784 --> 01:18:29,867 That's a three. 1905 01:18:31,429 --> 01:18:34,414 (ball sliding on a track then clunks) 1906 01:18:34,414 --> 01:18:35,634 (players laughing) 1907 01:18:35,634 --> 01:18:36,717 That feels right. 1908 01:18:36,717 --> 01:18:38,937 (group laughing) 1909 01:18:38,937 --> 01:18:40,740 - You scrounge around and head back. 1910 01:18:40,740 --> 01:18:42,870 You don't find any trinkets or treasures, 1911 01:18:42,870 --> 01:18:45,720 nothing that would be really significant (smooth noir jazz) 1912 01:18:45,720 --> 01:18:47,220 to you on the way. 1913 01:18:47,220 --> 01:18:51,390 You do notice as you head back to your neighborhood, 1914 01:18:51,390 --> 01:18:56,166 however, that like you start getting 1915 01:18:56,166 --> 01:18:59,790 out of the sort of Cortex City and you start noticing a lot 1916 01:18:59,790 --> 01:19:03,300 of coffee joints and diners and places like that 1917 01:19:03,300 --> 01:19:04,830 with chalkboards outside that appear 1918 01:19:04,830 --> 01:19:06,750 to have things scratched out, 1919 01:19:06,750 --> 01:19:11,750 and you see there's like a two for one... 1920 01:19:11,934 --> 01:19:13,125 cortisol special. 1921 01:19:13,125 --> 01:19:15,420 You see there's one of the diners has a big sign 1922 01:19:15,420 --> 01:19:16,680 that just got put up in chalkboard 1923 01:19:16,680 --> 01:19:21,510 that says like adrenaline floats for everyone. 1924 01:19:21,510 --> 01:19:25,252 It says like four for a quarter, 1925 01:19:25,252 --> 01:19:27,746 like there's just a bunch of things all over 1926 01:19:27,746 --> 01:19:30,690 that you see like a couple different coffee places 1927 01:19:30,690 --> 01:19:34,189 that have had the regular like dopamine espresso crossed out 1928 01:19:34,189 --> 01:19:37,290 and had like quadruple shot macchiato 1929 01:19:37,290 --> 01:19:39,990 adrenaline specialty drink, 1930 01:19:39,990 --> 01:19:41,550 and there's a bunch of those places 1931 01:19:41,550 --> 01:19:43,932 throughout the brain as you head back, 1932 01:19:43,932 --> 01:19:45,308 or there's a bunch of those places throughout Mentopolis 1933 01:19:45,308 --> 01:19:47,790 as you head back to one of your like safe houses. 1934 01:19:47,790 --> 01:19:50,549 - Conrad's just mumbling, this city. 1935 01:19:50,549 --> 01:19:52,771 (players laughing) 1936 01:19:52,771 --> 01:19:54,410 - As you begin mumbling this city, 1937 01:19:54,410 --> 01:19:57,636 you head back towards the area that you are from. 1938 01:19:57,636 --> 01:20:00,000 you head back towards the area that you are from. 1939 01:20:00,000 --> 01:20:01,109 As you do so, 1940 01:20:01,109 --> 01:20:04,355 are you then making any attempt to be stealthy as you do so? 1941 01:20:06,600 --> 01:20:08,900 - Sure, I think Conrad also 1942 01:20:08,900 --> 01:20:10,711 part of his nightly routine is 1943 01:20:10,711 --> 01:20:14,227 leaving a little handwritten note on Sugah's saying, 1944 01:20:14,227 --> 01:20:15,528 "Please reconsider." 1945 01:20:15,528 --> 01:20:18,215 (group laughing) 1946 01:20:18,215 --> 01:20:19,871 - Incredible. 1947 01:20:19,871 --> 01:20:23,393 With that, as you go to write your handwritten note there, 1948 01:20:24,930 --> 01:20:29,070 I think that we're actually going to come back to Sugah's. 1949 01:20:29,070 --> 01:20:32,460 As we do so, all of you see the exterior of this place. 1950 01:20:32,460 --> 01:20:33,987 It has just sort of been freshly raided, 1951 01:20:33,987 --> 01:20:36,964 so it's quite empty, like the chairs are up. 1952 01:20:36,964 --> 01:20:38,902 Hans is like sweeping in a corner. 1953 01:20:38,902 --> 01:20:42,600 You see Joey and Libby kind of counting out the money. 1954 01:20:42,600 --> 01:20:43,680 It's like basically the one thing 1955 01:20:43,680 --> 01:20:45,720 that the fuzz didn't take when they came in 1956 01:20:45,720 --> 01:20:47,730 was like the actual just like cash in the drawer. 1957 01:20:47,730 --> 01:20:49,320 Dan, you're in there 1958 01:20:49,320 --> 01:20:52,380 and let's go ahead actually and have all three 1959 01:20:52,380 --> 01:20:53,708 of you just roll a sneak check 1960 01:20:53,708 --> 01:20:55,593 just so we can see who arrives first. 1961 01:20:56,850 --> 01:20:59,320 - I'm gonna roll in this box cause I don't trust Danielle's. 1962 01:20:59,320 --> 01:21:00,728 (Hank laughing) 1963 01:21:00,728 --> 01:21:02,790 That is a five. 1964 01:21:02,790 --> 01:21:04,263 - I got a nine. - [Brennan] Nine. 1965 01:21:05,760 --> 01:21:06,593 - Seven. 1966 01:21:06,593 --> 01:21:08,430 - Oh, okay. 1967 01:21:08,430 --> 01:21:09,583 - So nine. 1968 01:21:09,583 --> 01:21:12,298 So the first people to arrive here- 1969 01:21:12,298 --> 01:21:15,750 - Does it make sense that I'm sort of, 1970 01:21:15,750 --> 01:21:18,570 if I'm hired to find who's following Imelda, 1971 01:21:18,570 --> 01:21:19,740 if I'm arriving later, 1972 01:21:19,740 --> 01:21:21,600 if I'm sort of tailing behind looking 1973 01:21:21,600 --> 01:21:23,820 for people who might be behind her? 1974 01:21:23,820 --> 01:21:24,840 - Yes, absolutely. 1975 01:21:24,840 --> 01:21:25,830 I love that, 1976 01:21:25,830 --> 01:21:26,975 and go ahead and give me actually a 1977 01:21:26,975 --> 01:21:27,808 snoop check in that case. 1978 01:21:27,808 --> 01:21:30,302 We'll call that a difficulty of six. 1979 01:21:30,302 --> 01:21:31,135 - Okay. 1980 01:21:33,300 --> 01:21:35,550 You know what? I might just do a planned action with that. 1981 01:21:35,550 --> 01:21:37,230 - Hell yes. 1982 01:21:37,230 --> 01:21:39,450 You tail around with a six, 1983 01:21:39,450 --> 01:21:43,050 and you can see sure enough that as you get here, 1984 01:21:43,050 --> 01:21:48,050 you just notice two gentlemen, hats low over their head 1985 01:21:48,090 --> 01:21:51,300 in a parked car that you see has this 1986 01:21:51,300 --> 01:21:55,012 like big filagree around it of gold with 1987 01:21:55,012 --> 01:21:59,040 a bunch of the little hood ornament is a dollar sign and- 1988 01:21:59,040 --> 01:21:59,873 - Subtle. 1989 01:21:59,873 --> 01:22:00,706 (Trapp laughing) 1990 01:22:00,706 --> 01:22:04,284 - You see this little dollar sign ornament 1991 01:22:04,284 --> 01:22:05,515 with a couple of people that seem 1992 01:22:05,515 --> 01:22:09,477 to be posted up watching Sugah's, 1993 01:22:09,477 --> 01:22:11,667 so by the time Imelda gets to the front door, 1994 01:22:11,667 --> 01:22:14,430 but you do know that Imelda left Sugah's 1995 01:22:14,430 --> 01:22:17,490 so it's possible that someone might know to be here for her 1996 01:22:17,490 --> 01:22:19,738 or they could be here on some other business. 1997 01:22:19,738 --> 01:22:20,954 - Okay. 1998 01:22:20,954 --> 01:22:23,230 - But you do notice them on that check. 1999 01:22:23,230 --> 01:22:27,510 Uh so Imelda, you walk in the door first seeing Dan here. 2000 01:22:27,510 --> 01:22:31,890 You see a very large bouncer look over, broad shoulders, 2001 01:22:31,890 --> 01:22:33,247 got like a little apron on. 2002 01:22:33,247 --> 01:22:35,242 Hello and welcome to Sugah's. 2003 01:22:35,242 --> 01:22:37,901 - Hello, the name is Fakename, Stacy Fakename. 2004 01:22:37,901 --> 01:22:39,697 I have a table in the back. 2005 01:22:39,697 --> 01:22:41,322 - Ah, Miss Fakename of course, 2006 01:22:41,322 --> 01:22:43,697 right this way, and sort of leads you over. 2007 01:22:43,697 --> 01:22:45,382 We have been raided by the police, 2008 01:22:45,382 --> 01:22:47,370 so we have no more goods to sell, (players laughing) 2009 01:22:47,370 --> 01:22:51,750 but if you are looking to be in an indoor area, 2010 01:22:51,750 --> 01:22:53,527 then we can accommodate you. 2011 01:22:53,527 --> 01:22:54,930 - That's perfectly all right. 2012 01:22:54,930 --> 01:22:57,164 Thank you so much Han- - Very well. 2013 01:22:57,164 --> 01:22:58,559 Mr. Fucks? 2014 01:22:58,559 --> 01:23:00,124 - Yes, what is it? 2015 01:23:00,124 --> 01:23:02,177 - A Miss Fakename is at her table. 2016 01:23:02,177 --> 01:23:04,214 - Woah! Which one. Joanna or Stacy? 2017 01:23:04,214 --> 01:23:05,781 (players laughing) 2018 01:23:05,781 --> 01:23:08,309 - Joanne said she was never coming back again. 2019 01:23:08,309 --> 01:23:10,860 (players laughing) - I expected not after last time. 2020 01:23:10,860 --> 01:23:12,467 It must be Stacy then. 2021 01:23:12,467 --> 01:23:14,917 Yes, well. I suppose we could scrounge up something here. 2022 01:23:14,917 --> 01:23:16,627 Fix her up her usual. 2023 01:23:16,627 --> 01:23:18,243 - Oh, everything has been stolen 2024 01:23:18,243 --> 01:23:19,401 by the police. - Ah, shit. 2025 01:23:20,344 --> 01:23:21,827 I suppose I could go in the back and get some 2026 01:23:21,827 --> 01:23:23,197 of the bar peanuts. 2027 01:23:23,197 --> 01:23:25,490 - Ah, (stammering) it'll do. 2028 01:23:25,490 --> 01:23:26,973 And perhaps you can get on stage 2029 01:23:26,973 --> 01:23:28,190 and do a little song and dance. 2030 01:23:28,190 --> 01:23:30,250 - Oh, I have a tight five. 2031 01:23:30,250 --> 01:23:32,879 - Oh good lord no. 2032 01:23:32,879 --> 01:23:34,194 - You sure? You don't want- 2033 01:23:34,194 --> 01:23:37,287 - You know what, let's hear it. (funky comedy club music) 2034 01:23:37,287 --> 01:23:39,720 - Hi, good evening ladies and gentlemen. (players laughing) 2035 01:23:39,720 --> 01:23:41,407 My name is Hans Schadenfreude. 2036 01:23:41,407 --> 01:23:45,098 The other day something bad happened to a person I dislike. 2037 01:23:45,098 --> 01:23:48,479 - Oh, this shit again. Booo. Boooooo. (crickets, players laughing) 2038 01:23:48,479 --> 01:23:50,447 You need to update your shit, Hans. 2039 01:23:50,447 --> 01:23:52,613 - Ah, he's enjoying how much you're disliking it. 2040 01:23:52,613 --> 01:23:53,970 (group laughing) 2041 01:23:53,970 --> 01:23:56,197 He's just sitting there he's like, yes. 2042 01:23:56,197 --> 01:23:58,117 This was your plan the whole time, wasn't it? 2043 01:23:58,117 --> 01:24:00,180 - I have deceived you. 2044 01:24:00,180 --> 01:24:01,429 - Ah, lovable rapscallion. 2045 01:24:01,429 --> 01:24:03,040 That's why I keep you around. 2046 01:24:03,040 --> 01:24:04,076 - Yes, I love you too. 2047 01:24:04,076 --> 01:24:08,107 You see Stacy Fakename over at a corner booth. 2048 01:24:08,107 --> 01:24:12,667 - Sta- wait a minute, Hans, this is not Stacy Fakename. 2049 01:24:12,667 --> 01:24:13,500 - It's not? 2050 01:24:13,500 --> 01:24:14,434 - This is Imelda Pulse! 2051 01:24:14,434 --> 01:24:15,329 (gasps) 2052 01:24:15,329 --> 01:24:16,945 - Oh. - She has lied to you, 2053 01:24:16,945 --> 01:24:19,852 and now I derive pleasure from your being lied to. 2054 01:24:19,852 --> 01:24:20,927 (Brennan gags) 2055 01:24:20,927 --> 01:24:23,045 Very strange. - Just Hans vomits. 2056 01:24:23,045 --> 01:24:24,503 (retching) (players laughing) 2057 01:24:24,503 --> 01:24:26,550 I have become ill. 2058 01:24:26,550 --> 01:24:28,020 Wanders away. 2059 01:24:28,020 --> 01:24:30,300 - Oh Imelda, I must apologize 2060 01:24:30,300 --> 01:24:32,193 for the sorry state of my club. 2061 01:24:32,193 --> 01:24:33,187 - Oh, I apologize. 2062 01:24:33,187 --> 01:24:35,681 - The fuzz has come in and raided the shit out of it. 2063 01:24:35,681 --> 01:24:37,021 Can I get you anything? 2064 01:24:37,021 --> 01:24:38,334 - So there's no shit around. 2065 01:24:38,334 --> 01:24:40,447 - There's absolutely none to be had. 2066 01:24:40,447 --> 01:24:42,193 - I'll just take some peanuts, please. 2067 01:24:42,193 --> 01:24:44,430 I'll throw them at whoever's on the stage. 2068 01:24:44,430 --> 01:24:46,110 - Oh yes. 2069 01:24:46,110 --> 01:24:47,999 Looking around there's like, I guess- 2070 01:24:47,999 --> 01:24:49,257 Libby, Libby! - Libby's like, 2071 01:24:49,257 --> 01:24:50,382 I'll go get some peanuts. 2072 01:24:50,382 --> 01:24:51,372 - Yes, the peanuts. 2073 01:24:51,372 --> 01:24:53,409 - You see she wanders off again, 2074 01:24:53,409 --> 01:24:55,177 just like little wet footprints behind her. 2075 01:24:55,177 --> 01:24:58,440 - Mr. Fucks, I don't suppose you've seen a young urchin 2076 01:24:58,440 --> 01:24:59,790 hanging around here, have you? 2077 01:24:59,790 --> 01:25:00,623 I saw him. 2078 01:25:00,623 --> 01:25:02,249 - Oh, who Conrad? That little shit? 2079 01:25:02,249 --> 01:25:04,309 - Conrad, sure, that's probably- (Alex laughing) 2080 01:25:04,309 --> 01:25:06,211 - My mortal enemy. (Brennan laughing) 2081 01:25:06,211 --> 01:25:08,929 How dare you invoke his little shitty name in my club? 2082 01:25:08,929 --> 01:25:10,463 - Your mortal enemy is a child? 2083 01:25:10,463 --> 01:25:11,951 - Yes. 2084 01:25:11,951 --> 01:25:13,575 - That tracks actually. - You got a problem with that? 2085 01:25:13,575 --> 01:25:15,076 - No, I don't have a problem with it. 2086 01:25:15,076 --> 01:25:16,645 - Children can be mortal enemies, 2087 01:25:17,520 --> 01:25:19,491 rambunctious rapscallions, all of them. 2088 01:25:19,491 --> 01:25:21,477 - I have a nephew who I deeply dislike. 2089 01:25:21,477 --> 01:25:23,400 - Well, you know exactly where I'm coming from. 2090 01:25:23,400 --> 01:25:26,463 - At this moment A. Tension walks in through the door. 2091 01:25:28,020 --> 01:25:30,859 - A. Tension walks in. (smooth, serious jazz music) 2092 01:25:30,859 --> 01:25:35,310 A. Tension's got her trilby down a little low 2093 01:25:35,310 --> 01:25:39,226 and is wearing the trench coat of a flasher 2094 01:25:39,226 --> 01:25:43,220 trying to look fully like Girl Reporter'd out, 2095 01:25:43,220 --> 01:25:45,101 but like trying to like put her head down 2096 01:25:45,101 --> 01:25:47,186 just like no one sees me, I'm assuming. 2097 01:25:47,186 --> 01:25:50,894 - Well, well, well if it isn't Stacy Fakename. 2098 01:25:50,894 --> 01:25:53,515 - She told me her name was Fakename. 2099 01:25:53,515 --> 01:25:57,270 - Well, well, well, if it isn't Joanna Fakename. 2100 01:25:57,270 --> 01:26:00,571 - Wait, no, hold on, Joanna Fakename. 2101 01:26:00,571 --> 01:26:01,404 Wait which- 2102 01:26:01,404 --> 01:26:02,735 - Yes, there's two you see 2103 01:26:02,735 --> 01:26:04,401 The parents decided to name them both Joanna. 2104 01:26:04,401 --> 01:26:06,831 - But who was the one that said she was never coming back? 2105 01:26:06,831 --> 01:26:09,173 Because that did that happen to me. 2106 01:26:09,173 --> 01:26:10,682 - Joanna with an A. 2107 01:26:10,682 --> 01:26:12,157 - Okay, I'm gonna go lie down. 2108 01:26:12,157 --> 01:26:14,706 (group laughing) 2109 01:26:14,706 --> 01:26:18,090 - I make some space on in the booth and I say, 2110 01:26:18,090 --> 01:26:20,781 - I make some space on in the booth and I say, 2111 01:26:20,781 --> 01:26:23,850 So what's a good girl like you doing in a place like this? 2112 01:26:23,850 --> 01:26:25,318 - I kind of like slide in, 2113 01:26:25,318 --> 01:26:28,078 still kind of like slinking trying to look like mysterious, 2114 01:26:28,078 --> 01:26:29,547 but I couldn't look more like, 2115 01:26:29,547 --> 01:26:32,707 I'm like someone who's trying to look mysterious. 2116 01:26:32,707 --> 01:26:36,780 Well, Miss Pulse, what a sight for sore eyes. 2117 01:26:36,780 --> 01:26:38,047 How have you been? 2118 01:26:38,047 --> 01:26:41,010 - Anastasia, I've been so well, and your parents, 2119 01:26:41,010 --> 01:26:42,814 they're worried about you. 2120 01:26:42,814 --> 01:26:44,317 - We don't need to bring up my parents. 2121 01:26:44,317 --> 01:26:46,760 - Oh, but I love bringing up your parents. 2122 01:26:46,760 --> 01:26:48,734 - You also love occasionally pretending 2123 01:26:48,734 --> 01:26:50,310 that you might fling yourself off of a bridge 2124 01:26:50,310 --> 01:26:51,420 if you get too close to it, 2125 01:26:51,420 --> 01:26:53,610 so we're not gonna pretend like we know. 2126 01:26:53,610 --> 01:26:56,250 - You know, a little spice up the day. 2127 01:26:56,250 --> 01:26:57,510 Give it a little zing. 2128 01:26:57,510 --> 01:26:59,580 Everybody loves to think that they might jump in front 2129 01:26:59,580 --> 01:27:02,167 of a train when it's coming right towards them, don't they? 2130 01:27:02,167 --> 01:27:04,650 - No, not everyone loves that. 2131 01:27:04,650 --> 01:27:06,033 - I throw her hat off. 2132 01:27:07,796 --> 01:27:09,090 - My trilby! 2133 01:27:09,090 --> 01:27:09,923 - At this moment, 2134 01:27:09,923 --> 01:27:13,170 I think this is when Hunch Curio comes in through the door 2135 01:27:13,170 --> 01:27:15,480 as well, having been shadowing behind Imelda. 2136 01:27:15,480 --> 01:27:18,727 - Right, I come, I immediately see A. Tension. 2137 01:27:18,727 --> 01:27:21,277 Christ. (Brennan laughing) 2138 01:27:21,277 --> 01:27:24,071 How is it you are everywhere 2139 01:27:24,071 --> 01:27:26,087 I don't want you to be? 2140 01:27:26,087 --> 01:27:28,277 - How is it you're everywhere I want to be? 2141 01:27:28,277 --> 01:27:29,850 - How is it that you want 2142 01:27:29,850 --> 01:27:31,567 to be where I don't want you to be? 2143 01:27:31,567 --> 01:27:34,110 - How is it that where you don't want me to be I be 2144 01:27:34,110 --> 01:27:35,323 and then you don't want me to be, 2145 01:27:35,323 --> 01:27:36,573 and then I be, and then you be, 2146 01:27:36,573 --> 01:27:38,446 and then we be in the same space at the same time? 2147 01:27:38,446 --> 01:27:39,629 - How indeed? 2148 01:27:39,629 --> 01:27:40,462 (Brennan laughing) 2149 01:27:40,462 --> 01:27:42,014 - So you two know each other? 2150 01:27:42,014 --> 01:27:43,582 - She's always at all the crime scenes 2151 01:27:43,582 --> 01:27:45,540 that I'm trying to get to, right, 2152 01:27:45,540 --> 01:27:49,217 and she's blabbing about all the facts before I got 'em, 2153 01:27:49,217 --> 01:27:54,150 and, all her stories very unflattering to me in particular. 2154 01:27:54,150 --> 01:27:56,527 I really feel like she has something out for me. 2155 01:27:56,527 --> 01:27:58,800 - Well, if you weren't such a flatfooted dummy, 2156 01:27:58,800 --> 01:28:00,310 then we wouldn't have to worry about this. 2157 01:28:00,310 --> 01:28:01,244 - If you weren't lettin' out all the clues 2158 01:28:01,244 --> 01:28:02,077 before I finish the case. 2159 01:28:02,077 --> 01:28:04,050 - Well, if you wouldn't find the clues 2160 01:28:04,050 --> 01:28:05,250 before you allowed someone to punch you 2161 01:28:05,250 --> 01:28:06,594 in the face several times. 2162 01:28:06,594 --> 01:28:09,224 (Danielle and Trapp arguing) - Are you sure you don't have a drink? 2163 01:28:09,224 --> 01:28:10,057 Just one will do. 2164 01:28:10,057 --> 01:28:13,237 I'll take the bad stuff. - Just wait, I have something for this, 2165 01:28:13,237 --> 01:28:15,295 Detective, Detective. - Dan! 2166 01:28:15,295 --> 01:28:18,085 - Check out this special from the back room for you, 2167 01:28:18,085 --> 01:28:20,139 a shiny rock that we remember. 2168 01:28:20,139 --> 01:28:21,005 (Trapp laughs heartily) 2169 01:28:21,005 --> 01:28:24,937 It's notably slightly shinier than most rocks. 2170 01:28:24,937 --> 01:28:26,961 - This is, you've got the best stuff, man. 2171 01:28:26,961 --> 01:28:28,715 (Brennan laughing) 2172 01:28:28,715 --> 01:28:29,715 - Hunch, look over there. 2173 01:28:29,715 --> 01:28:30,754 It's a clue. 2174 01:28:30,754 --> 01:28:31,587 - Huh? 2175 01:28:31,587 --> 01:28:32,964 - And she grabs the shiny rock. 2176 01:28:32,964 --> 01:28:33,797 - Goddammit. 2177 01:28:33,797 --> 01:28:36,324 (players laughing) 2178 01:28:36,324 --> 01:28:37,310 - Incredible. 2179 01:28:37,310 --> 01:28:41,348 Yes. A. Tension and Hunch Curio, curiosity and attention 2180 01:28:41,348 --> 01:28:43,860 right parallel to each other. 2181 01:28:43,860 --> 01:28:47,458 I'm gonna need a sneak check from Conrad, 2182 01:28:47,458 --> 01:28:50,493 and I wanna snoop check from The Fix. 2183 01:28:51,960 --> 01:28:54,600 - That's 19 plus two, 21. 2184 01:28:54,600 --> 01:28:55,433 - [Brennan] Wow. 2185 01:28:55,433 --> 01:28:56,726 - That's a two plus zero. 2186 01:28:56,726 --> 01:28:57,984 (players laughing) 2187 01:28:57,984 --> 01:28:58,817 - Incredible. 2188 01:28:58,817 --> 01:29:00,970 I actually owe you a Moxie token from before, 2189 01:29:00,970 --> 01:29:01,803 so there's, 2190 01:29:01,803 --> 01:29:03,301 (ball sliding on a track) 2191 01:29:03,301 --> 01:29:05,995 so we see in this moment that, 2192 01:29:05,995 --> 01:29:07,590 as you were all discussing here, 2193 01:29:07,590 --> 01:29:09,420 you see that Joey Sneezes goes out and begins 2194 01:29:09,420 --> 01:29:11,696 to bring some more like cases, 2195 01:29:11,696 --> 01:29:13,454 has basically gone to your supplier, and it's like, 2196 01:29:13,454 --> 01:29:16,680 all right, we gotta re-up, like get ready to open up again. 2197 01:29:16,680 --> 01:29:18,960 Conrad, you arrive at the door with a little note saying, 2198 01:29:18,960 --> 01:29:20,497 "Please reconsider", 2199 01:29:20,497 --> 01:29:22,860 and I think all of you hear a little 2200 01:29:22,860 --> 01:29:27,120 like bang, bang, bang on the front door of the speakeasy. 2201 01:29:27,120 --> 01:29:29,900 - Conrad in that moment is like thinking, 2202 01:29:29,900 --> 01:29:32,322 Oh, I should probably elaborate what I mean, 2203 01:29:32,322 --> 01:29:34,823 and just starts adding to the note. 2204 01:29:34,823 --> 01:29:36,450 Not all pleasure is bad, 2205 01:29:36,450 --> 01:29:41,310 but to be purely motivated by it is not great. 2206 01:29:41,310 --> 01:29:43,590 Just trying to fit it all in. 2207 01:29:43,590 --> 01:29:45,750 - Justin goes, yeah, put more asterisks, 2208 01:29:45,750 --> 01:29:47,250 really add nuance. 2209 01:29:47,250 --> 01:29:49,195 Get into what you really, really mean. 2210 01:29:49,195 --> 01:29:51,703 - I think life is nuanced, you know? 2211 01:29:51,703 --> 01:29:52,590 - Oh for sure, 2212 01:29:52,590 --> 01:29:54,327 and that's a great thing to think about 2213 01:29:54,327 --> 01:29:55,908 because the more nuance there is, 2214 01:29:55,908 --> 01:29:57,707 the more things there are to consider. 2215 01:29:57,707 --> 01:29:59,206 And the more things there are to consider, 2216 01:29:59,206 --> 01:30:01,110 the more right you can be. 2217 01:30:01,110 --> 01:30:04,470 - I feel like Dan has heard this and like is expecting it 2218 01:30:04,470 --> 01:30:06,178 because every morning he comes in, 2219 01:30:06,178 --> 01:30:07,011 there's another note, 2220 01:30:07,011 --> 01:30:10,560 So he like busts the door down and grabs Conrad 2221 01:30:10,560 --> 01:30:12,420 by like the scruff and the dog as well 2222 01:30:12,420 --> 01:30:13,498 and like throws him in there. 2223 01:30:13,498 --> 01:30:14,920 Conrad, you churlish cur, 2224 01:30:14,920 --> 01:30:15,920 What are you doing out here? 2225 01:30:15,920 --> 01:30:17,395 Explain yourself. 2226 01:30:17,395 --> 01:30:20,402 - I'm here like I always am every night, Mr.... 2227 01:30:21,247 --> 01:30:22,878 (Hank laughing) (Freddie stammering) 2228 01:30:22,878 --> 01:30:24,494 Mr. F... 2229 01:30:24,494 --> 01:30:27,761 (group laughing) 2230 01:30:27,761 --> 01:30:28,594 Mister. 2231 01:30:28,594 --> 01:30:31,585 (group laughing) 2232 01:30:31,585 --> 01:30:34,504 - All of you see this- (players laughing) 2233 01:30:34,504 --> 01:30:37,380 - Dan, what are you doing, he's a kid. 2234 01:30:37,380 --> 01:30:38,374 What are you doing? 2235 01:30:38,374 --> 01:30:39,903 - Eh, responsible for their own actions. 2236 01:30:39,903 --> 01:30:41,025 You're telling me a child can't be responsible 2237 01:30:41,025 --> 01:30:42,300 for their own actions? 2238 01:30:43,216 --> 01:30:44,494 - What was he doing? 2239 01:30:44,494 --> 01:30:45,977 - He was vandalizing 2240 01:30:45,977 --> 01:30:49,260 like Martin Luther nailing the indictments 2241 01:30:49,260 --> 01:30:50,640 against the Catholic Church on my door, 2242 01:30:50,640 --> 01:30:52,073 my door, my establishment. 2243 01:30:52,073 --> 01:30:55,389 - No, I was using a, a very removable adhesive. 2244 01:30:55,389 --> 01:30:57,390 (players laughing) 2245 01:30:57,390 --> 01:31:00,600 - And we are going to cut away from here 2246 01:31:00,600 --> 01:31:02,250 to a nearby location 2247 01:31:02,250 --> 01:31:03,733 that The Fix has traveled to. 2248 01:31:03,733 --> 01:31:05,333 So, having beaten the, 2249 01:31:05,333 --> 01:31:06,866 or, the sneak roll having beaten that, 2250 01:31:06,866 --> 01:31:09,099 you do a little bit of snooping around the neighborhood, 2251 01:31:09,099 --> 01:31:11,640 sort of staying close to Sugah's, which you know, is like 2252 01:31:11,640 --> 01:31:13,410 where you've seen the kid before, 2253 01:31:13,410 --> 01:31:17,181 but like looking for anything about Conrad Schintz. 2254 01:31:17,181 --> 01:31:21,712 And you walk by a very familiar building to you. 2255 01:31:21,712 --> 01:31:24,234 Deep in the heart of Mentopolis 2256 01:31:24,234 --> 01:31:29,234 with two overpasses from the synaptic highways overhead 2257 01:31:29,525 --> 01:31:32,280 that leave just this thin crevice open 2258 01:31:32,280 --> 01:31:36,071 to the terra-cephalon sky overhead 2259 01:31:36,071 --> 01:31:40,470 with rain pouring down to the tall spires is... 2260 01:31:40,470 --> 01:31:45,282 Madam Loathing's Home for Wayward Interests, 2261 01:31:45,282 --> 01:31:46,950 (Alex chuckling lightly) 2262 01:31:46,950 --> 01:31:51,283 And you see the sort of wrought iron gates around it 2263 01:31:51,283 --> 01:31:54,450 in a cold, strange sort of manor house in front of you. 2264 01:31:54,450 --> 01:31:58,292 in a cold, strange sort of manor house in front of you. 2265 01:31:58,292 --> 01:32:01,560 The door opens and Madame Loathing appears, 2266 01:32:01,560 --> 01:32:03,993 stern matron of this boarding school and refuge. 2267 01:32:03,993 --> 01:32:07,601 stern matron of this boarding school and refuge. 2268 01:32:07,601 --> 01:32:12,601 She goes, ah, Mr. The Fix, 2269 01:32:12,911 --> 01:32:17,010 always a pleasure for you to drop in, 2270 01:32:17,010 --> 01:32:19,830 our beloved benefactor. 2271 01:32:19,830 --> 01:32:21,437 Is there anything I can help you with? 2272 01:32:21,437 --> 01:32:25,050 I hope your visit will be short as I know 2273 01:32:25,050 --> 01:32:26,547 that you are a busy man. 2274 01:32:27,937 --> 01:32:29,809 - I like it here very much 2275 01:32:29,809 --> 01:32:32,820 And I never quite understood 2276 01:32:32,820 --> 01:32:35,100 why you're always so mean to me. 2277 01:32:35,100 --> 01:32:37,200 You seem like a lovely woman. 2278 01:32:37,200 --> 01:32:40,920 - Don't refer to me with any superlatives 2279 01:32:40,920 --> 01:32:43,860 if you'd be so kind. 2280 01:32:43,860 --> 01:32:46,471 - I'm not sure that's what a superlative is. 2281 01:32:46,471 --> 01:32:48,005 (group laughing) 2282 01:32:48,005 --> 01:32:50,234 - She like opens the door and says, 2283 01:32:50,234 --> 01:32:52,260 Do you mean adverbs? 2284 01:32:53,227 --> 01:32:54,967 - Adjectives? 2285 01:32:54,967 --> 01:32:57,454 - An adverb is a kind of adjective. 2286 01:32:57,454 --> 01:32:58,396 - Is that true? 2287 01:32:58,396 --> 01:32:59,229 - [Hank] I think so. 2288 01:32:59,229 --> 01:33:00,062 - Wow. 2289 01:33:00,062 --> 01:33:02,317 - She turns around and goes, 2290 01:33:02,317 --> 01:33:05,615 Well I guess that I am terrible, 2291 01:33:05,615 --> 01:33:07,090 (slurps) (weird eldritch reverberation) 2292 01:33:07,090 --> 01:33:10,860 and she walks, says right this way. 2293 01:33:10,860 --> 01:33:13,579 It's like, she lets you step outta the rain into the foyer, 2294 01:33:13,579 --> 01:33:14,754 but like stops you there, 2295 01:33:14,754 --> 01:33:18,360 just to like get you just in and you hear a thumping run 2296 01:33:18,360 --> 01:33:20,820 and a tiny little kid runs up 2297 01:33:20,820 --> 01:33:23,850 and you see it's a little kid with a snake's head 2298 01:33:23,850 --> 01:33:25,440 and a turtle shell, 2299 01:33:25,440 --> 01:33:28,140 and he's got little clawed feet and he walks up 2300 01:33:28,140 --> 01:33:30,450 and you realize this is one of the wayward interests here, 2301 01:33:30,450 --> 01:33:32,688 which is reptiles. 2302 01:33:32,688 --> 01:33:34,897 It's little Ronnie Reptile, and he goes, 2303 01:33:34,897 --> 01:33:37,146 Mr. The Fix, look what I drew. 2304 01:33:37,146 --> 01:33:39,690 - Hey kiddo, that's great. (Brennan laughing) 2305 01:33:39,690 --> 01:33:41,027 I don't know what that is. 2306 01:33:41,027 --> 01:33:42,743 - (laughs) And he says, 2307 01:33:42,743 --> 01:33:46,410 It's a diagram of the indentations 2308 01:33:46,410 --> 01:33:50,197 on a snake's lip that lets it detect heat signatures. 2309 01:33:50,197 --> 01:33:52,798 - I know a couple things about snakes myself. 2310 01:33:52,798 --> 01:33:54,510 (Brennan laughing) 2311 01:33:54,510 --> 01:33:57,270 - He says, really, I'm interested in everything 2312 01:33:57,270 --> 01:34:00,570 about snakes and turtles and lizards 2313 01:34:00,570 --> 01:34:03,447 and every sort of reptile there is. 2314 01:34:03,447 --> 01:34:06,564 Did you know that komodo dragons are actually not poisonous, 2315 01:34:06,564 --> 01:34:09,055 Did you know that komodo dragons are actually not poisonous, 2316 01:34:09,055 --> 01:34:12,855 but that the bacteria in their mouth is so powerful 2317 01:34:12,855 --> 01:34:14,937 that it acts like a toxic venom? 2318 01:34:16,507 --> 01:34:20,250 - That is awesome, Ronnie. (Brennan laughing) 2319 01:34:20,250 --> 01:34:21,083 - He smiles. 2320 01:34:21,083 --> 01:34:22,430 - I give him the little rumple of the head. 2321 01:34:22,430 --> 01:34:24,819 - He like hugs your leg and hands the thing up to you 2322 01:34:24,819 --> 01:34:28,140 and you see Madame Loathing's hand like cover the kid's head 2323 01:34:28,140 --> 01:34:30,890 and pull the little reptilian head. (players laughing) 2324 01:34:30,890 --> 01:34:35,423 That's enough, Ronald, sort of shoves him away and says, 2325 01:34:36,473 --> 01:34:40,232 Your presence here... 2326 01:34:41,271 --> 01:34:43,214 can be disconcerting 2327 01:34:43,214 --> 01:34:44,047 for the children. 2328 01:34:44,047 --> 01:34:46,477 - Does it encourage them? 2329 01:34:46,477 --> 01:34:48,327 - It encourages them in the sense 2330 01:34:48,327 --> 01:34:53,088 that it gives them false hope, Mr. Fix. 2331 01:34:53,088 --> 01:34:58,088 - None of us know what this man is gonna become. 2332 01:34:58,140 --> 01:35:00,210 There's a lot of life left. 2333 01:35:00,210 --> 01:35:04,657 Any one of these kids could be rediscovered at any moment. 2334 01:35:04,657 --> 01:35:09,071 - I'm sure I'll tell them that Mr. The Fix 2335 01:35:09,071 --> 01:35:13,585 is going to come along any day now and adopt all of them, 2336 01:35:14,730 --> 01:35:17,850 but for the time being, that would be a little hurtful, 2337 01:35:17,850 --> 01:35:19,167 don't you think? 2338 01:35:19,167 --> 01:35:21,150 (somber, serious music) 2339 01:35:22,105 --> 01:35:23,621 - It's nice to be nice sometimes. 2340 01:35:23,621 --> 01:35:25,495 - What do you want, Fix? 2341 01:35:26,495 --> 01:35:31,495 - I was wondering since you interact with children, 2342 01:35:31,733 --> 01:35:34,146 if you know anything about Conrad Schintz? 2343 01:35:34,146 --> 01:35:37,345 if you know anything about Conrad Schintz? 2344 01:35:37,345 --> 01:35:42,327 - Oh, Conrad blew through here a while ago, 2345 01:35:42,327 --> 01:35:45,702 but managed to sneak out, very dexterous little child. 2346 01:35:45,702 --> 01:35:48,751 but managed to sneak out, very dexterous little child. 2347 01:35:48,751 --> 01:35:51,595 (players laughing quietly) 2348 01:35:51,595 --> 01:35:53,950 But the children can't leave. 2349 01:35:53,950 --> 01:35:54,841 (stammering) 2350 01:35:54,841 --> 01:35:56,803 Let's be very clear about what my whole deal is. 2351 01:35:56,803 --> 01:35:59,148 (players laughing) 2352 01:35:59,148 --> 01:36:01,020 I've captured these children, all right, 2353 01:36:01,020 --> 01:36:06,020 I'm bad and I'm very bad, all right. 2354 01:36:06,030 --> 01:36:07,376 I am bad, 2355 01:36:08,272 --> 01:36:11,478 but Conrad was in here a while ago, 2356 01:36:11,478 --> 01:36:15,000 but managed to breeze out. 2357 01:36:17,070 --> 01:36:18,843 When's the last time we saw Conrad? 2358 01:36:19,764 --> 01:36:21,490 Oh, Conrad was staying here, 2359 01:36:21,490 --> 01:36:24,570 and then I threw out a pair of ice skates, 2360 01:36:24,570 --> 01:36:28,055 and there was a whole thing about a pair of ice, 2361 01:36:28,055 --> 01:36:31,024 and Conrad blew up and ended up, 2362 01:36:31,024 --> 01:36:34,268 there was a dog that was sort of 2363 01:36:34,268 --> 01:36:35,693 scrounging around in the alley 2364 01:36:35,693 --> 01:36:37,949 and Conrad adopted that dog and... 2365 01:36:37,949 --> 01:36:39,120 got the ice skates outta the dumpster 2366 01:36:39,120 --> 01:36:41,243 and ran out a long time ago. 2367 01:36:41,243 --> 01:36:44,100 - So I'm looking for a little kid with some ice skates 2368 01:36:44,100 --> 01:36:45,330 and a dog. 2369 01:36:45,330 --> 01:36:46,268 - You're not the first person 2370 01:36:46,268 --> 01:36:49,166 to come by here asking about Conrad. 2371 01:36:49,166 --> 01:36:51,682 - That is excellent information for you 2372 01:36:51,682 --> 01:36:53,216 to have volunteered. 2373 01:36:53,216 --> 01:36:56,030 (players laughing) 2374 01:36:56,880 --> 01:37:00,178 - She says, there's two others 2375 01:37:00,178 --> 01:37:03,360 that have come by here looking. 2376 01:37:03,360 --> 01:37:05,556 - I don't even roll for any of this. 2377 01:37:05,556 --> 01:37:08,017 (Brennan and Freddie laughing) 2378 01:37:08,017 --> 01:37:10,901 Tell me about those two people, or else? 2379 01:37:10,901 --> 01:37:14,288 (group laughing) 2380 01:37:14,288 --> 01:37:16,440 - As you say, or else even jokingly, 2381 01:37:16,440 --> 01:37:19,830 she looks at you and she begins to grow taller. 2382 01:37:19,830 --> 01:37:23,167 And she goes, Mr. The Fix, let me be the first 2383 01:37:23,167 --> 01:37:25,592 And she goes, Mr. The Fix, let me be the first 2384 01:37:25,592 --> 01:37:30,060 to inform you, focusing on me 2385 01:37:30,060 --> 01:37:35,060 is not going to do anything but make me stronger. 2386 01:37:35,340 --> 01:37:38,158 And she starts to like rise up. 2387 01:37:38,158 --> 01:37:41,437 She sort of smiles and says, 2388 01:37:41,437 --> 01:37:43,728 Roscoe Hungry came by here, 2389 01:37:43,728 --> 01:37:47,787 one of Don Avaricci's enforcers. 2390 01:37:48,660 --> 01:37:50,816 You see that (laughs) she, 2391 01:37:50,816 --> 01:37:52,561 Trapp likes that one. - It's great. 2392 01:37:52,561 --> 01:37:54,044 (Trapp laughing lightly) 2393 01:37:54,044 --> 01:37:56,160 She says, came by here asking 2394 01:37:56,160 --> 01:37:58,920 where the child could be found. 2395 01:37:58,920 --> 01:38:00,540 I said he hadn't been here in a long time, 2396 01:38:00,540 --> 01:38:02,492 but the first person to come 2397 01:38:02,492 --> 01:38:04,597 looking after Conrad was... 2398 01:38:07,080 --> 01:38:09,753 (sighs out of annoyance) Daniel Fucks. 2399 01:38:09,753 --> 01:38:11,144 (players laughing) 2400 01:38:11,144 --> 01:38:13,602 He said that the child had been pinning notices 2401 01:38:13,602 --> 01:38:16,860 to the door of Sugah's for some time with some regularity. 2402 01:38:16,860 --> 01:38:18,488 You see, she looks up at the sort of 2403 01:38:18,488 --> 01:38:19,932 this menacing grandfather clock 2404 01:38:19,932 --> 01:38:24,930 up on the wall says, usually around the end of the workday, 2405 01:38:24,930 --> 01:38:25,890 the child works. 2406 01:38:25,890 --> 01:38:27,961 You know, we have child labor here in Mentopolis? 2407 01:38:27,961 --> 01:38:28,794 (players laughing) 2408 01:38:28,794 --> 01:38:30,840 - [Brennan] Yes of course. - That seems fine to me. 2409 01:38:30,840 --> 01:38:32,729 I've never lived anywhere else. 2410 01:38:32,729 --> 01:38:34,191 - Of course, exactly. And you know, 2411 01:38:34,191 --> 01:38:37,611 it's like the brain has childhood is in there. 2412 01:38:37,611 --> 01:38:38,917 It's like a layer that you layer. 2413 01:38:38,917 --> 01:38:42,720 Anyway, the point is Daniel Fucks came in here asking 2414 01:38:42,720 --> 01:38:45,394 if I could capture the child. 2415 01:38:45,394 --> 01:38:47,070 I think he was somewhat annoyed 2416 01:38:47,070 --> 01:38:52,070 that the child was vandalizing the front door of Sugah's 2417 01:38:52,449 --> 01:38:54,360 with some sort of moralizing, 2418 01:38:54,360 --> 01:38:56,100 maybe some reference to Martin Luther. 2419 01:38:56,100 --> 01:38:58,217 I don't know. But, (players laughing) 2420 01:38:58,217 --> 01:39:02,250 point being the person who this child most accosts 2421 01:39:02,250 --> 01:39:04,002 seems to be Daniel Fucks. 2422 01:39:04,935 --> 01:39:06,300 - That is useful, 2423 01:39:06,300 --> 01:39:09,870 and I am thankful for you for taking care of these children, 2424 01:39:09,870 --> 01:39:12,237 regardless of how much you seem to hate it. 2425 01:39:13,297 --> 01:39:15,780 - Well, I do hate these children, 2426 01:39:15,780 --> 01:39:17,640 and I hate taking care of them, 2427 01:39:17,640 --> 01:39:18,960 but if it makes you feel better, 2428 01:39:18,960 --> 01:39:21,722 I also hate everything else. (players laughing) 2429 01:39:21,722 --> 01:39:22,785 - Snakes have two dicks. 2430 01:39:22,785 --> 01:39:27,090 (group laughing) 2431 01:39:27,090 --> 01:39:29,670 - Gleam in Ronnie's eyes. 2432 01:39:29,670 --> 01:39:33,047 - Yeah, Ronnie's like, That's incredible! 2433 01:39:33,047 --> 01:39:34,671 That's incredible! 2434 01:39:34,671 --> 01:39:39,508 And runs off and joins a group of other children. 2435 01:39:39,508 --> 01:39:41,580 You see there's a little kid with like a choo choo train 2436 01:39:41,580 --> 01:39:44,370 for a head, and there's a another kid 2437 01:39:44,370 --> 01:39:46,740 with just a list of lists, 2438 01:39:46,740 --> 01:39:50,365 like a Wikipedia article of like a taxonomy of taxonomies. 2439 01:39:50,365 --> 01:39:51,932 (players laughing) 2440 01:39:51,932 --> 01:39:54,047 - I actually didn't get to meet my favorite little kid, 2441 01:39:54,047 --> 01:39:55,980 which is magic, he does magic. 2442 01:39:55,980 --> 01:39:59,310 - Oh yeah, there's like a sweet little kid 2443 01:39:59,310 --> 01:40:02,490 that their head is. 2444 01:40:02,490 --> 01:40:06,000 You see like there's a little girl that has a deck of cards 2445 01:40:06,000 --> 01:40:06,833 for a head, 2446 01:40:06,833 --> 01:40:08,190 and the front is the queen of hearts 2447 01:40:08,190 --> 01:40:11,880 that has a little talking like the face on the card talks, 2448 01:40:11,880 --> 01:40:13,320 and you see as you're walking out, 2449 01:40:13,320 --> 01:40:14,730 she like waves at you from the window 2450 01:40:14,730 --> 01:40:15,825 as you're walking away. 2451 01:40:15,825 --> 01:40:17,583 - [Alex] Aww. 2452 01:40:17,583 --> 01:40:19,410 And you head on out of there. 2453 01:40:19,410 --> 01:40:22,051 We cut back to Sugah's, where... 2454 01:40:22,051 --> 01:40:24,984 We cut back to Sugah's, where... 2455 01:40:24,984 --> 01:40:28,143 - I'm holding back Dan from beating the crap outta Conrad. 2456 01:40:28,143 --> 01:40:30,051 - No, he's like, he's a kid. Come on. 2457 01:40:30,051 --> 01:40:31,680 - Give me one good reason I shouldn't beat this kid up 2458 01:40:31,680 --> 01:40:32,607 right now. 2459 01:40:32,607 --> 01:40:34,457 - Gimme one reason you should! 2460 01:40:35,970 --> 01:40:38,416 - And I think at this moment, The Fix 2461 01:40:38,416 --> 01:40:41,417 you can hear the commotion inside. 2462 01:40:41,417 --> 01:40:43,950 You can hear the voice of a child from inside, 2463 01:40:43,950 --> 01:40:45,120 and I'll leave it up to all of you 2464 01:40:45,120 --> 01:40:47,337 what happens next, 2465 01:40:47,337 --> 01:40:50,070 if you would enter the space or listen, 2466 01:40:50,070 --> 01:40:53,190 but all of you are here at Sugah's now 2467 01:40:53,190 --> 01:40:55,928 and Conrad is still, I think, yeah. 2468 01:40:55,928 --> 01:40:57,495 - Being held back. Hold me back! 2469 01:40:57,495 --> 01:40:58,328 - Don't worry. 2470 01:40:58,328 --> 01:40:59,893 I always let him get one punch in 2471 01:40:59,893 --> 01:41:01,716 and then I make a dash for it. 2472 01:41:01,716 --> 01:41:03,023 - Jesus Christ. 2473 01:41:03,023 --> 01:41:06,577 (group laughing) 2474 01:41:06,577 --> 01:41:09,147 - Okay, everybody stop it. 2475 01:41:11,291 --> 01:41:13,612 - Was that as far as you'd gotten? (players laughing) 2476 01:41:13,612 --> 01:41:14,703 - That's it. That- 2477 01:41:14,703 --> 01:41:16,354 I thought that would stop everybody. 2478 01:41:16,354 --> 01:41:17,187 Yes I did. 2479 01:41:17,187 --> 01:41:19,666 - And everybody stops for like one moment. 2480 01:41:19,666 --> 01:41:21,548 - Hey Ms. Pulse, here's a rock. 2481 01:41:21,548 --> 01:41:22,381 It's shiny. 2482 01:41:22,381 --> 01:41:23,611 - Don't give her my rock. 2483 01:41:23,611 --> 01:41:25,178 - I smash the rock. (stone breaking) 2484 01:41:25,178 --> 01:41:27,288 (group laughing) - You're going need to pay for that, madam. 2485 01:41:27,288 --> 01:41:29,165 - You see Hans looks and goes, 2486 01:41:29,165 --> 01:41:30,606 Wow, she smashed the rock. 2487 01:41:30,606 --> 01:41:32,460 That was really unexpected. 2488 01:41:32,460 --> 01:41:35,344 It's a very strange thing to do out of nowhere. 2489 01:41:35,344 --> 01:41:37,202 (group laughing) 2490 01:41:37,202 --> 01:41:40,740 So Imelda, you look and see the kid in front of you 2491 01:41:40,740 --> 01:41:43,657 who gave you that newspaper. 2492 01:41:43,657 --> 01:41:45,345 - Come here kid. 2493 01:41:45,345 --> 01:41:47,674 - Well, I'm kind of being held right now. 2494 01:41:47,674 --> 01:41:48,865 Okay, yeah. 2495 01:41:48,865 --> 01:41:51,240 - Imelda, will you do this dirty task for me then? 2496 01:41:51,240 --> 01:41:52,073 Kick him. 2497 01:41:52,073 --> 01:41:53,113 (Brennan laughing) 2498 01:41:53,113 --> 01:41:55,233 - I'm not going, I'm thinking about kicking. 2499 01:41:55,233 --> 01:41:57,275 Okay, now I'm really thinking about kicking. 2500 01:41:57,275 --> 01:41:58,438 - Why don't we go- - Just do it. 2501 01:41:58,438 --> 01:42:00,304 Why don't you tell me everything this kid has done? 2502 01:42:00,304 --> 01:42:03,502 - Oh wait 'til you- I'll talk your ear off. We go off. 2503 01:42:03,502 --> 01:42:05,808 - Well, is somebody gonna kick me or what? 2504 01:42:05,808 --> 01:42:06,825 (players laughing) 2505 01:42:06,825 --> 01:42:09,481 - Justin goes, don't ask, don't remind him. 2506 01:42:09,481 --> 01:42:11,377 (group laughing) 2507 01:42:11,377 --> 01:42:12,210 - Sit down kid. 2508 01:42:12,210 --> 01:42:13,447 Have a bowl of peanuts. 2509 01:42:13,447 --> 01:42:16,687 - Oh, okay. 2510 01:42:16,687 --> 01:42:19,927 - You don't have to eat them if you don't want them. 2511 01:42:19,927 --> 01:42:21,839 - I'm deathly allergic. 2512 01:42:21,839 --> 01:42:25,039 (group laughing) 2513 01:42:25,039 --> 01:42:28,070 - I pull the peanut out and wipe his hand. 2514 01:42:28,070 --> 01:42:28,903 - Okay, thank you. 2515 01:42:28,903 --> 01:42:31,687 - You wanna tell me about this newspaper, kid? 2516 01:42:31,687 --> 01:42:36,680 - Wait, did you, you read it, you read what I? 2517 01:42:36,680 --> 01:42:38,307 You read the front page? 2518 01:42:38,307 --> 01:42:39,540 - Are you so shocked? 2519 01:42:39,540 --> 01:42:42,244 That's your job, right, to give out newspapers. 2520 01:42:42,244 --> 01:42:44,970 - Yeah, but nobody ever, for some reason, 2521 01:42:44,970 --> 01:42:48,180 my plan of putting what I think is the most important 2522 01:42:48,180 --> 01:42:51,090 on the front page has never resulted in, 2523 01:42:51,090 --> 01:42:52,920 I guess people just throw out the front. 2524 01:42:52,920 --> 01:42:54,223 I don't know what happens. 2525 01:42:54,223 --> 01:42:55,581 (players laughing) 2526 01:42:55,581 --> 01:42:56,753 - Honestly, 2527 01:42:56,753 --> 01:42:58,620 I think a lot of people don't read the newspaper. 2528 01:42:58,620 --> 01:43:00,487 I think it just feels nice to hold. 2529 01:43:00,487 --> 01:43:02,449 - I'm standing right here. 2530 01:43:02,449 --> 01:43:04,572 (players laughing) 2531 01:43:04,572 --> 01:43:07,170 - Yeah, I mean, none of the reporters have gotten mad 2532 01:43:07,170 --> 01:43:09,510 at me for doing what I do either. 2533 01:43:09,510 --> 01:43:11,020 Nobody follows up. 2534 01:43:11,020 --> 01:43:13,088 - I pulled Dan aside in, in such a way where 2535 01:43:13,088 --> 01:43:14,779 I'm still like, I'm sitting with my back to this. 2536 01:43:14,779 --> 01:43:16,287 I can like still listen to what's going on 2537 01:43:16,287 --> 01:43:17,642 while I'm like giving polite nods to this. 2538 01:43:17,642 --> 01:43:20,875 And when A. Tension's like, I'm standing right here, 2539 01:43:20,875 --> 01:43:22,607 I give like a really loud, like, ha. 2540 01:43:22,607 --> 01:43:24,707 (players laughing) 2541 01:43:24,707 --> 01:43:26,663 - Don't make me find another rock. 2542 01:43:27,560 --> 01:43:31,860 - Well, as you can see it, this was our last chance 2543 01:43:31,860 --> 01:43:34,680 to take that packet on the desk 2544 01:43:34,680 --> 01:43:38,677 and make sure the big wigs don't get to it. 2545 01:43:38,677 --> 01:43:40,201 - Well, it happened. 2546 01:43:40,201 --> 01:43:41,726 - What happened? 2547 01:43:41,726 --> 01:43:43,027 - He took the packet. 2548 01:43:43,027 --> 01:43:44,715 - The big guy took the packet? 2549 01:43:44,715 --> 01:43:47,967 - Mm hmm, and I'd really like to know why. 2550 01:43:49,084 --> 01:43:52,008 - So I'm trying to snoop on this, 2551 01:43:52,008 --> 01:43:54,473 but I'm terrible at that, so I'm gonna get caught. 2552 01:43:54,473 --> 01:43:55,606 - Hell yeah. 2553 01:43:55,606 --> 01:43:56,737 - Ooh, four. 2554 01:43:58,170 --> 01:43:59,700 - I think if anyone wants to roll a snoop check 2555 01:43:59,700 --> 01:44:01,858 to notice the looming figure of- 2556 01:44:01,858 --> 01:44:05,748 - I'm like at the door with my like giant shoulder. 2557 01:44:05,748 --> 01:44:09,202 - I got an eight which means I roll again, 2558 01:44:09,202 --> 01:44:12,473 and I got a one on that one. (Brennan laughing) 2559 01:44:12,473 --> 01:44:13,857 - I got a 15. - [Brennan] Okay. 2560 01:44:13,857 --> 01:44:14,690 - And a six for me. 2561 01:44:14,690 --> 01:44:16,274 - Anybody not beating a four? 2562 01:44:16,274 --> 01:44:20,550 - So I think all of you notice a huge, looming, menacing 2563 01:44:20,550 --> 01:44:22,083 figure in the doorframe, 2564 01:44:23,520 --> 01:44:26,310 and The Fix, you are spotted as you enter 2565 01:44:26,310 --> 01:44:27,143 Sugah's once again. 2566 01:44:27,143 --> 01:44:28,372 - I lean back and go, 2567 01:44:28,372 --> 01:44:29,950 for all my years detective work, 2568 01:44:29,950 --> 01:44:33,367 I've noticed a little something here and it's the giant man 2569 01:44:33,367 --> 01:44:34,278 in the doorway. 2570 01:44:34,278 --> 01:44:35,837 (players laughing) 2571 01:44:35,837 --> 01:44:39,180 - The Fix, as you look over, you see Justin, the dog 2572 01:44:39,180 --> 01:44:40,230 sort of looks up and goes, 2573 01:44:41,115 --> 01:44:44,774 wait, what do you- 2574 01:44:44,774 --> 01:44:46,015 You mean the... 2575 01:44:47,224 --> 01:44:50,253 the big guy took the packet off the desk? 2576 01:44:51,420 --> 01:44:52,907 How do you know that? 2577 01:44:54,500 --> 01:44:57,092 - I may have a little in with a big man, 2578 01:44:57,092 --> 01:45:02,087 and I pull from under my shirt a very shiny gold key 2579 01:45:02,087 --> 01:45:02,940 on a chain. 2580 01:45:02,940 --> 01:45:07,620 - I'm gonna need Anastasia to give a snoop check here, 2581 01:45:07,620 --> 01:45:12,617 and as you pull the gold chain out, I think... 2582 01:45:12,617 --> 01:45:15,600 Dan, you would definitely recognize these keys. 2583 01:45:15,600 --> 01:45:20,584 These keys are incredibly significant because, 2584 01:45:20,584 --> 01:45:23,250 and the difficulty I think of this snoop check is an eight. 2585 01:45:23,250 --> 01:45:24,587 - Oh, then I'm gonna halve it. 2586 01:45:24,587 --> 01:45:26,212 - Okay, you halve it, bam. 2587 01:45:26,212 --> 01:45:30,090 Dan, these keys, members of the Pulse Family, 2588 01:45:30,090 --> 01:45:31,333 you didn't know that there were like 2589 01:45:31,333 --> 01:45:33,870 more than one necessarily, but you know that your 2590 01:45:33,870 --> 01:45:36,155 mother and father have these as well, 2591 01:45:36,155 --> 01:45:40,321 but these keys allow members of the Pulse Family 2592 01:45:40,321 --> 01:45:43,979 but these keys allow members of the Pulse Family 2593 01:45:43,979 --> 01:45:48,300 to speak directly to the big guy, 2594 01:45:48,300 --> 01:45:50,958 to be that voice of temptation or impulse or reflex 2595 01:45:50,958 --> 01:45:54,292 to be that voice of temptation or impulse or reflex 2596 01:45:54,292 --> 01:45:58,575 that says something that bypasses 2597 01:45:58,575 --> 01:46:00,985 all of the frenzied bureaucracy 2598 01:46:00,985 --> 01:46:04,770 of the conscious mind to make snap decisions 2599 01:46:04,770 --> 01:46:08,000 for the big guy himself, 2600 01:46:08,000 --> 01:46:09,930 and you're looking at something that is 2601 01:46:09,930 --> 01:46:14,168 like an incredibly powerful object 2602 01:46:14,168 --> 01:46:16,792 held in the hands of Imelda. 2603 01:46:18,248 --> 01:46:20,850 On halving that snoop check, 2604 01:46:20,850 --> 01:46:24,240 you remember something. 2605 01:46:24,240 --> 01:46:29,207 There was a ruined part of the switchboard back 2606 01:46:29,207 --> 01:46:32,310 at Cerebell Pacific. 2607 01:46:32,310 --> 01:46:35,703 The ruined part of the switchboard that you saw, 2608 01:46:36,990 --> 01:46:40,530 the center of the like corrosive blast of this, 2609 01:46:40,530 --> 01:46:41,838 almost like buckshot 2610 01:46:41,838 --> 01:46:46,350 that had torn apart had shattered glass around it, 2611 01:46:46,350 --> 01:46:48,062 and you realize the shattered glass that was 2612 01:46:48,062 --> 01:46:51,210 on the console was one of those glass encasings 2613 01:46:51,210 --> 01:46:54,240 that covers a keyhole 2614 01:46:54,240 --> 01:46:56,010 that stands in a switchboard. 2615 01:46:56,010 --> 01:46:59,528 and that that had been at the center of that blast. 2616 01:47:00,570 --> 01:47:04,012 Conrad, you see this key here and, 2617 01:47:05,441 --> 01:47:06,649 up to you whether Conrad, 2618 01:47:06,649 --> 01:47:08,400 I think actually gimme a savvy check. 2619 01:47:08,400 --> 01:47:09,633 Call it DC five. 2620 01:47:11,910 --> 01:47:12,743 - Five. 2621 01:47:13,620 --> 01:47:17,768 - You have no idea, when you sold the paper to Imelda, 2622 01:47:17,768 --> 01:47:19,350 you didn't know who she was. 2623 01:47:19,350 --> 01:47:22,110 You realize that your your little plan 2624 01:47:22,110 --> 01:47:26,190 of just like trying to bring focus to a little thing 2625 01:47:26,190 --> 01:47:28,470 that people would know that something was going on. 2626 01:47:28,470 --> 01:47:30,484 You put a paper into the hands of one of the 2627 01:47:30,484 --> 01:47:32,642 handful of people in Mentopolis 2628 01:47:32,642 --> 01:47:35,809 who can unilaterally make calls 2629 01:47:35,809 --> 01:47:37,710 for the big guy to do something, 2630 01:47:37,710 --> 01:47:42,570 and that means you didn't just like raise awareness. 2631 01:47:42,570 --> 01:47:44,820 The big guy, as Imelda said, 2632 01:47:44,820 --> 01:47:48,960 grabbed that packet off the desk and now none of you know 2633 01:47:48,960 --> 01:47:51,508 what the big guy's doing with it. 2634 01:47:52,621 --> 01:47:54,785 - Oh, you're someone important. 2635 01:47:55,957 --> 01:47:57,837 - Some might say that, yes. 2636 01:47:58,933 --> 01:48:00,878 - Some, some might say that. 2637 01:48:00,878 --> 01:48:03,660 - Some people choose not to be as an important 2638 01:48:03,660 --> 01:48:07,267 as say maybe were born to be. 2639 01:48:07,267 --> 01:48:08,400 - That sounds crazy. 2640 01:48:08,400 --> 01:48:09,490 Who would do a thing? 2641 01:48:09,490 --> 01:48:10,715 - I don't know. 2642 01:48:10,715 --> 01:48:12,415 - I don't know either. 2643 01:48:12,415 --> 01:48:13,617 Why are you wearing the keys? 2644 01:48:15,127 --> 01:48:16,950 - I just felt like it. 2645 01:48:16,950 --> 01:48:18,600 Why aren't you? 2646 01:48:18,600 --> 01:48:20,997 - I don't know what you're talking about. 2647 01:48:21,997 --> 01:48:24,139 - There's some sort of relationship here. 2648 01:48:24,139 --> 01:48:25,305 (Hank laughing) 2649 01:48:25,305 --> 01:48:26,587 - She's my cousin. 2650 01:48:26,587 --> 01:48:28,116 - [Brennan] Oh. 2651 01:48:28,116 --> 01:48:29,298 - She doesn't like to admit it. 2652 01:48:29,298 --> 01:48:33,757 She likes to think she's a self-made woman, but, well... 2653 01:48:33,757 --> 01:48:35,953 - I am a self-made woman. 2654 01:48:35,953 --> 01:48:37,920 I am a self-made woman. 2655 01:48:37,920 --> 01:48:41,340 You don't see me carrying those keys around my neck. 2656 01:48:41,340 --> 01:48:43,710 Mostly because I keep them in the freezer at home, 2657 01:48:43,710 --> 01:48:46,227 but you don't see me wearing them around my neck. 2658 01:48:47,434 --> 01:48:49,297 - (softly) That's a good thing to know. 2659 01:48:49,297 --> 01:48:51,424 - Conrad, you see, she's actually very important, 2660 01:48:51,424 --> 01:48:52,257 both of them. 2661 01:48:52,257 --> 01:48:53,822 - In the middle of this argument. 2662 01:48:53,822 --> 01:48:56,534 Conrad has tried to make an escape. 2663 01:48:56,534 --> 01:48:57,675 (group laughing) - Hell, yeah. 2664 01:48:57,675 --> 01:49:01,650 Incredible, go ahead and give me a sneak roll. 2665 01:49:01,650 --> 01:49:02,610 A snap decision sneak roll. 2666 01:49:02,610 --> 01:49:04,330 - Can I see if I notice it? 2667 01:49:05,470 --> 01:49:07,387 - I think that this is going to be, 2668 01:49:07,387 --> 01:49:09,750 you can oppose this either with snoop, 2669 01:49:09,750 --> 01:49:13,320 or if you're keeping focus on the kid, 2670 01:49:13,320 --> 01:49:15,343 then you can use sturdy instead of snoop. 2671 01:49:15,343 --> 01:49:17,314 - All right, so that's a six plus two 2672 01:49:17,314 --> 01:49:20,190 and then escape artist plus three. 2673 01:49:20,190 --> 01:49:21,450 - [Brennan] Ooh, hell yeah. 2674 01:49:21,450 --> 01:49:22,860 - [Freddie] Ooh the bonuses. 2675 01:49:22,860 --> 01:49:24,750 - So you get the bonus. That's an 11. 2676 01:49:24,750 --> 01:49:27,227 So we need to beat an 11 on 2677 01:49:27,227 --> 01:49:28,458 sturdy if you were paying attention 2678 01:49:28,458 --> 01:49:29,760 and snoop if you were not. 2679 01:49:29,760 --> 01:49:31,428 - Definitely wasn't paying attention. - My sturdy is better, 2680 01:49:31,428 --> 01:49:33,803 but I feel like my attention was pretty split here. 2681 01:49:34,740 --> 01:49:37,380 - That is just a six. 2682 01:49:37,380 --> 01:49:39,022 - And what did The Fix get? - Two. 2683 01:49:39,867 --> 01:49:42,842 (ball sliding on a track) 2684 01:49:42,842 --> 01:49:46,890 (ball sliding on a track x2) 2685 01:49:46,890 --> 01:49:50,161 So as you all begin to argue, 2686 01:49:50,161 --> 01:49:53,862 you suddenly notice that Conrad is gone. 2687 01:49:53,862 --> 01:49:55,350 Conrad, where do you head off to? 2688 01:49:55,350 --> 01:49:59,746 - There's a car parked outside and I get in the car. 2689 01:49:59,746 --> 01:50:00,946 I uh... 2690 01:50:01,900 --> 01:50:03,844 hot wire the car (laughing). 2691 01:50:03,844 --> 01:50:05,160 - Okay, so you go to the car parked outside. 2692 01:50:05,160 --> 01:50:08,310 Are you going to the car that has... 2693 01:50:09,952 --> 01:50:11,243 that has the gilding 2694 01:50:11,243 --> 01:50:13,680 on it with like the dollar sign hood ornament? 2695 01:50:13,680 --> 01:50:14,785 - Yeah, let's go for it. 2696 01:50:14,785 --> 01:50:16,749 I don't think I was paying attention (action music) 2697 01:50:16,749 --> 01:50:18,510 and so I go right for that car. 2698 01:50:18,510 --> 01:50:19,641 - Great. 2699 01:50:19,641 --> 01:50:21,330 I'm gonna ask for a snoop check difficulty 2700 01:50:21,330 --> 01:50:23,410 'cause you're rushing, difficulty of nine. 2701 01:50:23,410 --> 01:50:25,110 (cool heisty music) 2702 01:50:26,760 --> 01:50:29,228 - That's a six. 2703 01:50:29,228 --> 01:50:30,806 - So that is a failure. 2704 01:50:30,806 --> 01:50:32,798 (ball sliding on a track) 2705 01:50:32,798 --> 01:50:37,046 You open the door to jump in and as you open the door 2706 01:50:37,046 --> 01:50:38,629 to jump in and hot wire the car, 2707 01:50:39,699 --> 01:50:44,341 you feel a hand clap onto your shoulder as the person seated 2708 01:50:44,341 --> 01:50:47,515 you feel a hand clap onto your shoulder as the person seated 2709 01:50:47,515 --> 01:50:50,115 in darkness in the driver's seat grabs the top 2710 01:50:50,115 --> 01:50:53,970 of your shoulder and says, hey there kid. 2711 01:50:53,970 --> 01:50:56,607 Mr. Avaricci wants to meet with you. 2712 01:50:57,540 --> 01:51:02,481 I'm gonna need you to roll a sturdy check 2713 01:51:03,772 --> 01:51:07,314 as this guy tries to grapple you into the car. 2714 01:51:07,314 --> 01:51:08,730 You are trying to, only rolled a three, 2715 01:51:08,730 --> 01:51:10,047 but plus two is a five, 2716 01:51:10,047 --> 01:51:11,843 trying to beat a five on a sturdy check. 2717 01:51:12,900 --> 01:51:14,142 - Three. 2718 01:51:14,142 --> 01:51:15,960 - [Trapp] A Moxie? 2719 01:51:15,960 --> 01:51:18,808 - Oh yeah, I'll use... I would use two Moxie for that? 2720 01:51:18,808 --> 01:51:19,641 - You use two Moxie, you can- 2721 01:51:19,641 --> 01:51:20,963 - Okay, so I'll burn these two. 2722 01:51:20,963 --> 01:51:24,865 - Cool, you burn two, so he grabs you, 2723 01:51:24,865 --> 01:51:28,420 you pull back and you see both of them go 2724 01:51:28,420 --> 01:51:30,566 for guns in their belt. 2725 01:51:30,566 --> 01:51:34,210 There's a guy in the shotgun seat as well. 2726 01:51:35,310 --> 01:51:37,770 What do you do in this moment? 2727 01:51:37,770 --> 01:51:41,250 - I have a, a strength that's, stealthy, 2728 01:51:41,250 --> 01:51:44,040 spend one Moxie to not be seen within reason. 2729 01:51:44,040 --> 01:51:46,980 GM's discretion. (laughing) 2730 01:51:46,980 --> 01:51:49,120 - I will go ahead here and say, 2731 01:51:49,120 --> 01:51:50,730 because they're both focusing on you, 2732 01:51:50,730 --> 01:51:52,727 you can spend a Moxie here, 2733 01:51:52,727 --> 01:51:56,332 but I also think that there is a chance that 2734 01:51:56,332 --> 01:51:58,800 spending that Moxie, only one of them will still see you. 2735 01:51:58,800 --> 01:52:00,110 - Oh, okay. 2736 01:52:00,110 --> 01:52:03,399 I think Conrad just flying off the cuff goes, 2737 01:52:03,399 --> 01:52:05,130 okay, just do it. 2738 01:52:05,130 --> 01:52:07,388 Just do it, just do it. 2739 01:52:07,388 --> 01:52:08,338 - You see that one of the guys, 2740 01:52:08,338 --> 01:52:11,010 one of the gangsters in the car goes, Jesus Christ. 2741 01:52:11,010 --> 01:52:15,600 And all of you inside hear that loud Jesus Christ 2742 01:52:15,600 --> 01:52:16,740 from the gangster out there. 2743 01:52:16,740 --> 01:52:17,573 - I know that saying! 2744 01:52:17,573 --> 01:52:19,773 (group laughing) 2745 01:52:19,773 --> 01:52:21,178 - I know that saying! 2746 01:52:22,560 --> 01:52:26,010 I'm gonna say, so you say that, just do it. 2747 01:52:26,010 --> 01:52:30,075 One of them is going to take out a pistol 2748 01:52:30,075 --> 01:52:31,110 and go for the kid. 2749 01:52:31,110 --> 01:52:34,447 Go for Conrad. 2750 01:52:34,447 --> 01:52:35,280 - I didn't think you would, 2751 01:52:35,280 --> 01:52:37,731 I didn't think you were gonna do it. (laughing awkwardly) 2752 01:52:37,731 --> 01:52:40,797 Can we burst out of the the club? 2753 01:52:40,797 --> 01:52:43,110 - I feel like if I clocked those shadowy figures, 2754 01:52:43,110 --> 01:52:45,780 I'd be like listening for something suspicious 2755 01:52:45,780 --> 01:52:46,613 going on out there. 2756 01:52:46,613 --> 01:52:51,429 I'm gonna go ahead and ask for one more sturdy roll from... 2757 01:52:51,429 --> 01:52:53,142 ask for one more sturdy roll from Conrad. 2758 01:52:53,142 --> 01:52:54,760 - Gonna kill a child in episode one. 2759 01:52:54,760 --> 01:52:55,672 - Episode one. 2760 01:52:56,938 --> 01:52:58,050 - It's a five. 2761 01:52:58,050 --> 01:53:00,660 - You rolled a five on your sturdy. 2762 01:53:00,660 --> 01:53:04,235 - Everyone else bursts out of Sugah's. 2763 01:53:04,235 --> 01:53:05,640 Conrad's gone. 2764 01:53:05,640 --> 01:53:07,890 Justin, the dog, (barks). 2765 01:53:07,890 --> 01:53:11,968 Rushing out, as you all charge out of the doors 2766 01:53:11,968 --> 01:53:16,728 of Sugah's speakeasy, all of you see time slow, 2767 01:53:16,728 --> 01:53:18,390 the rain falling. (tense music) 2768 01:53:18,390 --> 01:53:22,609 You see the small shape of Conrad Schintz, 2769 01:53:22,609 --> 01:53:25,980 a little newsy reeling back from an open door 2770 01:53:25,980 --> 01:53:30,150 as two goons in the front seats reach for their heaters. 2771 01:53:30,150 --> 01:53:34,192 The guns come up and you hear... 2772 01:53:34,192 --> 01:53:35,683 Bang! (gun firing) 2773 01:53:36,970 --> 01:53:40,485 (crashing) 2774 01:53:40,485 --> 01:53:44,970 Up above, a synaptic highway, you hear crashing vehicles, 2775 01:53:44,970 --> 01:53:47,370 and as the gun goes off, 2776 01:53:47,370 --> 01:53:51,000 cocked at an angle far away from Conrad 2777 01:53:51,000 --> 01:53:54,384 due to the falling highway, a giant overpass collapses. 2778 01:53:54,384 --> 01:53:56,970 due to the falling highway, a giant overpass collapses. 2779 01:53:56,970 --> 01:53:58,440 Boom, all of you hit the deck. 2780 01:53:58,440 --> 01:54:00,507 The feeling of an earthquake rumbling. 2781 01:54:00,507 --> 01:54:01,440 (crash) 2782 01:54:01,440 --> 01:54:03,060 The highway collapses overhead, 2783 01:54:03,060 --> 01:54:08,060 smashing into the car and killing the two goons instantly. 2784 01:54:08,697 --> 01:54:13,470 Conrad, you are inches away from the collapsed highway. 2785 01:54:13,470 --> 01:54:16,164 All throughout the city you hear it, 2786 01:54:16,164 --> 01:54:18,414 (crashing) 2787 01:54:23,484 --> 01:54:25,710 and the rain falls. 2788 01:54:25,710 --> 01:54:28,194 Something horrifying unfolds throughout Mentopolis 2789 01:54:28,194 --> 01:54:32,700 Something horrifying unfolds throughout Mentopolis 2790 01:54:32,700 --> 01:54:36,600 and we'll resolve that roll at the top of next episode 2791 01:54:36,600 --> 01:54:39,780 here in "Dimension 20: Mentopolis." 2792 01:54:39,780 --> 01:54:41,100 See you then. 2793 01:54:41,100 --> 01:54:42,887 - I think that car was following you. 2794 01:54:42,887 --> 01:54:44,400 (players laughing) 2795 01:54:44,757 --> 01:54:47,414 - This is a message for Mayor Logic. 2796 01:54:47,415 --> 01:54:49,657 Mayor Logic, I need your attention. 2797 01:54:49,658 --> 01:54:50,400 (Brennan gasps) 2798 01:54:50,401 --> 01:54:52,730 - Would it be possible for me to just take a look at your keys? 2799 01:54:52,731 --> 01:54:54,400 I just find them so fascinating. 2800 01:54:54,401 --> 01:54:55,314 - The keys to the vehicle? 2801 01:54:55,315 --> 01:54:57,143 - I'm interested in all of the keys that you have. 2802 01:54:57,144 --> 01:54:58,343 - You want my apartment keys? 2803 01:54:58,344 --> 01:54:59,914 - I'll take those as well. - Okay. 2804 01:54:59,915 --> 01:55:02,629 - Oh, you frozen motherfucker. 2805 01:55:02,829 --> 01:55:06,328 - (clenched teeth) Don't. Do. Anything. 2806 01:55:06,329 --> 01:55:08,400 - I think it's time to "take you into the police station" 2807 01:55:08,401 --> 01:55:09,543 and maybe process some of the 2808 01:55:09,544 --> 01:55:11,329 "contraband" on you for "evidence," 2809 01:55:11,330 --> 01:55:13,257 so we can go to the "evidence" locker. 2810 01:55:13,258 --> 01:55:15,329 - And I suppose it's normal for you 2811 01:55:15,330 --> 01:55:16,725 to have a dog and a very large 2812 01:55:16,726 --> 01:55:17,814 bodyguard with you. 2813 01:55:17,815 --> 01:55:19,413 - Listen... 2814 01:55:19,414 --> 01:55:20,467 I'm curious! 2815 01:55:20,468 --> 01:55:22,200 - (gasps) Are you Imelda Pulse? 2816 01:55:22,201 --> 01:55:23,743 - That's right. I heard you're looking for me. 2817 01:55:25,500 --> 01:55:27,371 - (walkie talkie feedback) Boss, you're not gonna believe this. 2818 01:55:27,372 --> 01:55:28,671 (Everyone laughs) 2819 01:55:28,672 --> 01:55:30,357 - There's some salamanders that feed 2820 01:55:30,358 --> 01:55:32,029 their babies their own skin. 2821 01:55:32,030 --> 01:55:33,100 Uh, I got to go. 2822 01:55:33,101 --> 01:55:34,257 - Oh. Goodbye. 2823 01:55:34,258 --> 01:55:36,564 All of you turn at the same time. 2824 01:55:36,565 --> 01:55:39,300 (big boom) And you hear clacks and alarm bells 2825 01:55:39,301 --> 01:55:41,100 (Brennan imitates alarms ringing) 2826 01:55:41,101 --> 01:55:42,414 going off all over the station. - Well we don't know 2827 01:55:42,415 --> 01:55:43,329 what that means. 2828 01:55:43,330 --> 01:55:44,743 (Brennan laughs) That could be good. 2829 01:55:44,744 --> 01:55:46,097 - (Russian accent) Why you make that strange- 2830 01:55:46,098 --> 01:55:48,746 - I never lied about who I am before. 2831 01:55:48,747 --> 01:55:49,709 (Everyone laughs) 2832 01:55:49,710 --> 01:55:51,194 - Everybody in this station! 2833 01:55:51,195 --> 01:55:53,357 We're about to fucking die! 2834 01:55:53,358 --> 01:56:03,357 (lively instrumental music)