1 00:00:24,033 --> 00:00:25,400 Sarah, this way. 2 00:00:25,533 --> 00:00:27,200 -What do you know? -I don't know what time. 3 00:00:27,333 --> 00:00:29,700 But he's supposedly planning an attack today. 4 00:00:29,833 --> 00:00:32,433 "Hashtag five. The day of reckoning." 5 00:00:32,567 --> 00:00:34,967 Today's date is in his notes. 6 00:00:35,100 --> 00:00:36,500 We don't know what kind of bomb it is, 7 00:00:36,633 --> 00:00:38,600 or who would send it, or when. 8 00:00:38,733 --> 00:00:40,033 Nobody saw him leave the house, 9 00:00:40,167 --> 00:00:41,200 we don't know how he's travelling. 10 00:00:41,333 --> 00:00:42,567 We don't know what he's wearing. 11 00:00:42,700 --> 00:00:44,733 There's a box of fireworks under the bed. 12 00:00:44,867 --> 00:00:47,500 There are no viable devices here. That's all been checked out. 13 00:00:47,633 --> 00:00:50,500 -Okay. -The digital investigation team is on its way, 14 00:00:50,633 --> 00:00:53,767 -to look at that lot. -Okay. 15 00:00:53,900 --> 00:00:57,400 -Thanks for coming. -Why would I not come to work? 16 00:00:57,533 --> 00:01:00,467 -Fine. -Just... let me look. 17 00:01:00,600 --> 00:01:02,833 You can touch. Everything's being videoed. 18 00:01:02,967 --> 00:01:05,667 I'm not going to be doing any touching. Just an advisor. 19 00:01:11,467 --> 00:01:14,200 -One way is, we remove the hard drive, 20 00:01:14,333 --> 00:01:16,433 make a forensic image, using a write blocker. 21 00:01:16,567 --> 00:01:19,133 You wouldn't need the password, and you'd have access to everything. 22 00:01:19,267 --> 00:01:21,133 It's the safest and the best way. 23 00:01:21,267 --> 00:01:22,767 You damage nothing, lose nothing. 24 00:01:22,900 --> 00:01:25,067 -What's the catch? -John. 25 00:01:25,133 --> 00:01:27,933 -What's she doing here? -Advising. What's the catch? 26 00:01:28,067 --> 00:01:30,533 We're gonna need to take it away. It'll take time. 27 00:01:30,667 --> 00:01:34,167 -We haven't got time. -Or... we triage. 28 00:01:34,300 --> 00:01:38,133 We have a device, a piece of software you plug into the USB. 29 00:01:38,267 --> 00:01:42,800 We get in, we explore, we drag out any files we want. Ben can do it. 30 00:01:42,933 --> 00:01:45,767 -Is he up to it? -Fresh out of training. 31 00:01:45,900 --> 00:01:48,900 That's why I chose him. Ben can do it here and now, 32 00:01:49,067 --> 00:01:50,467 But we do need a password. 33 00:01:50,600 --> 00:01:52,833 How? Where from? 34 00:01:52,967 --> 00:01:54,600 Well, the suspect's tech savvy. 35 00:01:54,733 --> 00:01:57,667 He's up to no good. He'll be changing his password all the time. 36 00:01:57,800 --> 00:01:59,167 He won't be able to remember them. 37 00:01:59,300 --> 00:02:00,900 He'll have to keep a note of them. 38 00:02:01,067 --> 00:02:03,167 On his phones, maybe? 39 00:02:03,300 --> 00:02:05,433 -He's been trimming piping, 40 00:02:05,567 --> 00:02:07,133 by the looks of things. 41 00:02:07,267 --> 00:02:08,867 Lots of pieces, apparently. 42 00:02:09,067 --> 00:02:11,200 Possibly to pack with explosives. 43 00:02:11,333 --> 00:02:13,967 -The fireworks. -They're Category three. Show rockets. 44 00:02:14,100 --> 00:02:16,533 They contain a good amount of gun powder. 45 00:02:16,667 --> 00:02:19,067 There's a sewing machine. He's been trimming fabric. 46 00:02:19,200 --> 00:02:20,400 Maybe altering a garment. 47 00:02:20,533 --> 00:02:23,667 -Possibly making a suicide vest. -Jesus. 48 00:02:23,800 --> 00:02:25,367 Okay, and what makes you... 49 00:02:25,500 --> 00:02:29,633 He'd need to put pockets or partitions on a waistcoat maybe, 50 00:02:29,767 --> 00:02:33,200 or something to hold those lengths of pipe, packed with explosives. 51 00:02:33,333 --> 00:02:36,633 -If that's what he's done. -Can you stop it? 52 00:02:36,767 --> 00:02:38,933 -It depends how it's activated. -Do you know? 53 00:02:39,067 --> 00:02:41,400 -No. -If it's phone activated. 54 00:02:41,533 --> 00:02:45,067 Well, that's one for the digital investigation team. 55 00:02:45,133 --> 00:02:48,800 -Hi. -Hello. 56 00:02:48,933 --> 00:02:52,067 Boss, no driving license in the name of Sam or Elliott Kielty. 57 00:02:52,200 --> 00:02:54,867 Thanks Saf. Okay. 58 00:02:55,700 --> 00:02:57,400 How bulky would it be? 59 00:02:57,533 --> 00:03:00,067 Could you ride a bike if you were wearing a suicide vest? 60 00:03:00,133 --> 00:03:05,067 Possibly. You need to cover it with something. A big coat or a jacket maybe? 61 00:03:06,833 --> 00:03:10,200 I also found this. This is a plan of circuitry. 62 00:03:10,333 --> 00:03:14,867 It fits with the electrical circuitry of a suicide vest. It has a safe arm. 63 00:03:15,067 --> 00:03:17,233 -See-- Could you... -Sure. 64 00:03:26,367 --> 00:03:28,500 Now, what the hell's all this? 65 00:04:14,133 --> 00:04:17,800 These look like pin numbers. These look like phone numbers. 66 00:04:17,933 --> 00:04:21,200 These... These look like passwords. 67 00:04:21,333 --> 00:04:24,700 -Can you copy them out into separate groups? -Sure. 68 00:04:24,833 --> 00:04:27,633 Right. What do you want from us? 69 00:04:30,967 --> 00:04:32,200 Where's Neil? 70 00:04:32,333 --> 00:04:35,900 He's possibly on a bike. He's possibly heading into town. 71 00:04:36,067 --> 00:04:39,500 If he's wearing a suicide vest, he won't get through security, anywhere. 72 00:04:39,633 --> 00:04:43,067 He'll be looking for a crowd. He's gonna want to go big. 73 00:04:43,200 --> 00:04:45,733 He's maybe looking for a crowd outdoors. 74 00:04:45,867 --> 00:04:47,600 We're triaging his computer now. 75 00:04:47,733 --> 00:04:50,933 Boss, we found his other bike. The one he had when we interviewed him. 76 00:04:51,067 --> 00:04:52,833 So, he's maybe not on a bike. 77 00:04:52,967 --> 00:04:57,400 Er, CCTV, all routes from here, public space CCTV. 78 00:04:57,533 --> 00:04:59,600 We think he may be wearing a big coat. 79 00:04:59,733 --> 00:05:01,200 Can we evacuate the city centre? 80 00:05:01,333 --> 00:05:03,067 No, we don't have the resources. 81 00:05:03,167 --> 00:05:04,967 We could evacuate people into trouble. 82 00:05:05,100 --> 00:05:07,100 We could flood the town with uniformed officers. 83 00:05:07,233 --> 00:05:08,833 But we make no announcements. 84 00:05:08,967 --> 00:05:10,500 We need to keep people safe. 85 00:05:10,633 --> 00:05:12,600 We create panic, no one's safe. 86 00:05:12,733 --> 00:05:13,700 Exactly. 87 00:05:19,100 --> 00:05:23,367 Boss, we're looking at public space CCTV now, yeah. 88 00:05:27,367 --> 00:05:29,467 -So, you reckon these are phone numbers? -Yeah. 89 00:05:29,600 --> 00:05:31,633 -And the phones have gone to the lab? -Yes. 90 00:05:31,767 --> 00:05:34,800 So, if this guy's wearing a phone-activated suicide vest, 91 00:05:34,933 --> 00:05:37,067 -can it be stopped with a phone? -You wouldn't need a phone. 92 00:05:37,200 --> 00:05:38,433 If you knew where he was, 93 00:05:38,567 --> 00:05:41,300 you could shut down the phone mast closest to him. 94 00:05:41,433 --> 00:05:43,967 -What's the worst case? -This is an encrypted system. 95 00:05:44,100 --> 00:05:48,067 Worst-case scenario? The wrong pin renders the computer useless. 96 00:05:48,200 --> 00:05:51,967 Maybe not permanently. But we need an administrator to bypass it. 97 00:05:52,533 --> 00:05:54,100 Of course. 98 00:05:54,233 --> 00:05:56,600 Well, it would be a disaster to paralyze the computer, 99 00:05:56,733 --> 00:05:58,133 but it's worse not to get in. 100 00:05:58,267 --> 00:06:01,167 He's written here, "Look straight at the camera." 101 00:06:01,300 --> 00:06:04,633 If he's filmed himself on his computer, it could tell us where he is. 102 00:06:04,767 --> 00:06:06,467 And what he's planning. 103 00:06:06,600 --> 00:06:10,133 Can Azra start trying these pin numbers, or what? 104 00:06:10,267 --> 00:06:12,233 He cleared it. Do it. 105 00:06:12,367 --> 00:06:16,300 More recent. This ink looks fresher. Go. 106 00:06:20,667 --> 00:06:22,767 Thank you, Azra. Brilliant. 107 00:06:22,900 --> 00:06:26,200 Well, it's only got us through to logging in. We need a password now. 108 00:06:26,333 --> 00:06:29,400 Three passwords. There are three usernames. Three accounts. 109 00:06:29,533 --> 00:06:30,600 -Which one? -Elliott. 110 00:06:31,500 --> 00:06:32,600 Elliott. 111 00:06:32,733 --> 00:06:35,167 Boss, Professor Gordon wants you. 112 00:06:35,300 --> 00:06:36,567 We've gone through his rubbish. 113 00:06:36,700 --> 00:06:38,500 Packaging from a pressure switch. 114 00:06:38,633 --> 00:06:40,067 Packaging from a safety switch. 115 00:06:40,133 --> 00:06:41,233 What does it mean? 116 00:06:41,367 --> 00:06:43,800 This is maybe how he's triggering the device. 117 00:06:43,933 --> 00:06:47,500 A pressure switch. Release the switch, the bomb goes off. 118 00:06:47,633 --> 00:06:49,833 But to avoid accidentally triggering the bomb, 119 00:06:49,967 --> 00:06:51,867 you also have a safety switch called the safe arm. 120 00:06:52,067 --> 00:06:53,433 Only when the safe arm is off, 121 00:06:53,567 --> 00:06:56,067 will the bomb be armed, and the pressure switch work. 122 00:06:56,200 --> 00:06:57,267 No phone required. 123 00:06:57,400 --> 00:06:59,533 No, it... It's mechanical, it's basic. 124 00:06:59,667 --> 00:07:02,833 It's very smart. No phone, no GPS, no digital element. 125 00:07:02,967 --> 00:07:04,300 It makes you very hard to find. 126 00:07:04,433 --> 00:07:05,867 Very hard to stop. 127 00:07:06,067 --> 00:07:09,400 What's the range of this device? I mean, the destructive range. 128 00:07:09,533 --> 00:07:12,267 -Boss, Mrs McKinven wants you. -I'll be back. 129 00:07:12,400 --> 00:07:15,233 "E" for "Elliott"? Okay, try that one. 130 00:07:15,367 --> 00:07:17,067 How many times are you allowed to get along? 131 00:07:17,200 --> 00:07:18,633 We don't know until we try. 132 00:07:18,767 --> 00:07:20,300 -We're in. 133 00:07:20,433 --> 00:07:21,700 Go to his browser. 134 00:07:21,833 --> 00:07:24,200 Shit! 135 00:07:24,333 --> 00:07:27,600 -What? -Browser's empty, there's nothing there. Um... 136 00:07:27,733 --> 00:07:29,933 Go back. Try another account, another username. 137 00:07:30,067 --> 00:07:32,600 I think this browser allows multiple profiles. 138 00:07:32,733 --> 00:07:35,900 -Let's see if there are any other. -Ah, brilliant, Ben. 139 00:07:36,067 --> 00:07:37,267 Go ahead, try one. 140 00:07:37,400 --> 00:07:41,300 -Electronic equipment. -Yeah, bookmarks. 141 00:07:42,533 --> 00:07:43,967 Search history... 142 00:07:44,100 --> 00:07:47,700 -Bit of shopping. Not much action. -Okay, try another profile. 143 00:07:47,833 --> 00:07:49,167 Here we go. 144 00:07:52,133 --> 00:07:54,233 Where's his media player? 145 00:08:00,733 --> 00:08:02,267 Professor Gordon. 146 00:08:11,167 --> 00:08:13,433 Got his media player. 147 00:08:13,567 --> 00:08:17,400 Look at this. It goes live today. 148 00:08:19,367 --> 00:08:22,533 My name is Sam Kielty. 149 00:08:22,667 --> 00:08:25,933 That name will become familiar as of today. 150 00:08:27,300 --> 00:08:28,300 Infamous... 151 00:08:29,500 --> 00:08:32,600 When I was alive, I lived in obscurity. 152 00:08:32,733 --> 00:08:36,267 At three o'clock this afternoon, in Dundee in Scotland, 153 00:08:36,400 --> 00:08:38,933 the Beta Revolution graduated to another level. 154 00:08:40,500 --> 00:08:44,167 A body count to surpass all others. 155 00:08:44,300 --> 00:08:47,800 I know some of you won't be happy about it. But you know what? 156 00:08:50,833 --> 00:08:52,833 I never liked the V&A. 157 00:08:52,967 --> 00:08:55,900 Boss, they picked him up on CCTV. 158 00:08:56,067 --> 00:08:58,500 He got off a bus on Tay Street. He's in town. 159 00:09:00,233 --> 00:09:02,333 Do not let that bus leave the depot. 160 00:09:02,467 --> 00:09:04,600 Get somebody over there and speak to the driver. 161 00:09:04,733 --> 00:09:07,900 Did he meet anybody on the bus, did he leave anything on there, did he say anything? 162 00:09:43,067 --> 00:09:45,367 -Have you seen Erika? -No. 163 00:09:45,500 --> 00:09:47,767 -She didn't show up to assist in class. -Right. 164 00:09:47,900 --> 00:09:49,967 She's not in the PhD room and she's not answering her phone. 165 00:09:50,100 --> 00:09:52,600 The dean is looking for you. 166 00:09:52,733 --> 00:09:55,533 Sarah's been called away by DCI McKinven. 167 00:09:55,667 --> 00:09:58,067 Okay, do you think you can keep the dean at bay? 168 00:09:59,167 --> 00:10:01,167 -Leave it with me. -Thanks. 169 00:10:01,300 --> 00:10:03,133 Oh, Kathy. 170 00:10:03,267 --> 00:10:06,733 It's possible I may soon be in a position to furnish you with something useful. 171 00:10:06,867 --> 00:10:08,433 Something about Euan McMillan? 172 00:10:18,700 --> 00:10:20,400 WOMAN ON RADIO: Dispatch to all units, 173 00:10:20,533 --> 00:10:22,667 white British male, 23 years of age, slim build 174 00:10:22,800 --> 00:10:24,900 auburn hair, pale complexion. 175 00:10:25,033 --> 00:10:27,967 He's wearing a dark blue knee-length coat, dark trousers, 176 00:10:28,100 --> 00:10:30,067 a dark blue baseball cap with no logo 177 00:10:30,200 --> 00:10:32,133 -and grey trainers. 178 00:10:44,633 --> 00:10:46,600 -How many people can this bomb kill? -I don't know. 179 00:10:46,733 --> 00:10:49,333 -Roughly. -It... It's too dangerous to speculate. 180 00:10:49,467 --> 00:10:53,567 But you're looking at, maybe, two or three times the power of the church hall bomb. 181 00:10:53,700 --> 00:10:56,600 We just handed it over to the bomb scene manager. Aye. 182 00:10:57,267 --> 00:10:58,300 Sure. 183 00:10:58,433 --> 00:10:59,700 Boss. 184 00:10:59,833 --> 00:11:02,467 Sam Kielty was in the bus alone. He left nothing behind. 185 00:11:02,600 --> 00:11:04,067 He spoke to the driver. 186 00:11:04,133 --> 00:11:06,567 He asked him, "What's the best bus to get to Broughty Ferry?" 187 00:11:06,700 --> 00:11:08,433 Don't head into town, Neil. We're covered. 188 00:11:09,200 --> 00:11:10,800 Head up to Broughty Ferry. 189 00:11:10,933 --> 00:11:11,867 Fine. 190 00:11:12,067 --> 00:11:13,367 Where's Sarah Gordon? 191 00:11:13,500 --> 00:11:16,667 -With me. -Well, get her back here, with Azra. 192 00:11:16,800 --> 00:11:18,733 We need them both here, straight away. 193 00:11:20,400 --> 00:11:22,067 Here, boss. 194 00:11:22,200 --> 00:11:24,267 That's what I would say if I wanted Ford to believe 195 00:11:24,400 --> 00:11:26,467 I was off to Broughty Ferry and not the V&A. 196 00:11:26,600 --> 00:11:28,133 He's gone the other way. 197 00:11:29,333 --> 00:11:30,400 Neil... 198 00:11:31,533 --> 00:11:33,733 If he's wearing a suicide vest... 199 00:11:33,867 --> 00:11:35,367 He'll possibly have the pressure switch 200 00:11:35,500 --> 00:11:38,067 in one hand, maybe in a pocket, maybe outside. 201 00:11:38,200 --> 00:11:40,067 The safety switch could be anywhere. 202 00:11:40,133 --> 00:11:41,767 Maybe in his other pocket, I don't know. 203 00:11:41,900 --> 00:11:44,500 If you can keep his hands away from the safety switch, 204 00:11:44,633 --> 00:11:45,700 he can't do anything. 205 00:11:45,833 --> 00:11:47,600 He won't do anything in Broughty Ferry. 206 00:11:47,733 --> 00:11:50,600 -He's gone the other way. -Safi! We just don't know. 207 00:12:17,367 --> 00:12:20,800 I imagine you're angry, or disappointed. 208 00:12:20,933 --> 00:12:24,900 And I would like a chance to clarify what happened, and talk to you. 209 00:12:25,067 --> 00:12:28,133 Um... please call me, Erika. It's Kathy. 210 00:12:28,267 --> 00:12:29,867 Professor Torrance. 211 00:12:30,700 --> 00:12:33,067 Your imperfect supervisor. 212 00:12:56,967 --> 00:12:59,467 This is a live situation. 213 00:12:59,600 --> 00:13:02,400 A suicide bomber, Sam Kielty. 214 00:13:02,533 --> 00:13:07,933 Now, Kielty's manifesto suggests a plan to attack at 3:00 p.m. today. 215 00:13:08,067 --> 00:13:10,167 We believe he is wearing a suicide vest. 216 00:13:10,300 --> 00:13:13,067 How stable is it? Could it be set off with impact? 217 00:13:13,200 --> 00:13:16,067 No, it needs to be detonated with an electrical charge. 218 00:13:16,200 --> 00:13:17,767 That's what the pressure switch is for. 219 00:13:17,900 --> 00:13:19,900 You release the pressure, you complete the circuit. 220 00:13:20,067 --> 00:13:22,467 The safety switch keeps the electrical circuit open. 221 00:13:22,600 --> 00:13:25,933 If the safety switch is off, and we shoot the device, 222 00:13:26,067 --> 00:13:27,800 -it detonates? -Yes. 223 00:13:27,933 --> 00:13:30,667 As soon as we get eyes on him, we shoot him. 224 00:13:30,800 --> 00:13:32,867 -Blow him up. -If he's isolated. 225 00:13:33,067 --> 00:13:34,900 Hard to picture that in the city centre. 226 00:13:35,067 --> 00:13:37,200 We have a duty of care, even to him. 227 00:13:37,333 --> 00:13:40,200 To serve the public, we shoot him. What's the option? 228 00:13:40,333 --> 00:13:42,333 Talk him down, disarm him. 229 00:13:42,467 --> 00:13:45,167 I want Kielty to face terrorist charges. I want him alive. 230 00:13:45,300 --> 00:13:47,367 The best outcome is we talk him down. 231 00:13:47,500 --> 00:13:50,367 I can't see it. I mean, what state's this guy gonna be in? 232 00:13:50,500 --> 00:13:55,133 Well, he hasn't slept. We can see the hours he's been active online. 233 00:13:55,267 --> 00:13:58,067 He hasn't had more than two hours sleep a day, for days. 234 00:13:58,167 --> 00:14:01,533 He's running on energy drinks, and adrenaline. 235 00:14:01,667 --> 00:14:03,367 And he's got a bomb strapped to him. 236 00:14:03,500 --> 00:14:04,867 That's the state he's in. 237 00:14:10,900 --> 00:14:13,533 -I think he might wanna target families. -How come? 238 00:14:13,667 --> 00:14:16,200 Well, that's the outcome of men and women having sex. 239 00:14:16,333 --> 00:14:17,667 That's where it gets you. 240 00:14:17,800 --> 00:14:20,667 Bet you he goes to the V&A and HMS Discovery and that. 241 00:14:20,800 --> 00:14:22,633 He'll be where the people are. 242 00:14:23,833 --> 00:14:25,233 I don't want to die. 243 00:14:25,367 --> 00:14:27,067 You piece of shit. 244 00:14:27,133 --> 00:14:30,067 -I don't... -You disgust me. 245 00:14:30,133 --> 00:14:32,533 -You're pathetic. -I will do it. 246 00:14:32,667 --> 00:14:35,633 -Yeah, right. -I will. Shut up. 247 00:14:35,767 --> 00:14:40,067 You've got an hour to prove that you're not a disgrace to humanity. 248 00:14:41,200 --> 00:14:44,500 Think of all the bitches and bastards 249 00:14:44,633 --> 00:14:46,200 who've ruined your life. 250 00:14:46,333 --> 00:14:49,200 Think of the injustice. Do it. 251 00:14:49,333 --> 00:14:51,733 -Kevin. 252 00:14:53,167 --> 00:14:55,900 -Kevin, come here! Kevin. Sorry. -Fuck off and die. 253 00:14:56,067 --> 00:14:57,767 Sorry. He's a menace. Sorry. 254 00:14:57,900 --> 00:14:59,167 Learn to control your dog. 255 00:14:59,300 --> 00:15:01,767 Right. Have a lovely day yourself. 256 00:15:16,633 --> 00:15:20,133 If you're as sad as you look, you're very, very sad indeed. 257 00:15:24,133 --> 00:15:25,933 I come here when I'm sad. 258 00:15:26,067 --> 00:15:28,400 I look over there and wish I was there. 259 00:15:28,533 --> 00:15:30,267 And sometimes I do go over there 260 00:15:30,400 --> 00:15:32,067 and wish I was here. Daft, eh? 261 00:15:32,200 --> 00:15:34,167 Just leave me alone, will ya? 262 00:15:35,767 --> 00:15:37,167 I'm called Kim. 263 00:15:38,167 --> 00:15:39,233 What's your name? 264 00:15:41,367 --> 00:15:43,167 I think you could use a bit of sugar. 265 00:15:43,300 --> 00:15:44,300 Do you want some Toble? 266 00:15:44,433 --> 00:15:45,433 No! 267 00:15:59,500 --> 00:16:00,733 You sure? 268 00:16:21,833 --> 00:16:23,767 -My name's Elliott. -Elliott? 269 00:16:27,567 --> 00:16:30,133 -I'm so sorry you're feeling sad. 270 00:16:30,267 --> 00:16:31,733 But you know something? 271 00:16:31,867 --> 00:16:33,967 You probably won't have these feelings tomorrow. 272 00:16:44,433 --> 00:16:46,867 I won't even be feeling like this in an hour's time. 273 00:16:47,067 --> 00:16:48,900 See? There you go. 274 00:16:50,233 --> 00:16:52,267 You've got any friends you can call? 275 00:16:52,400 --> 00:16:54,733 -No. -You've got somewhere you can go? 276 00:16:55,833 --> 00:16:57,933 I've got somewhere to go, yeah. 277 00:16:58,067 --> 00:16:59,700 Something I've got to do. 278 00:17:00,600 --> 00:17:02,067 You're gonna be able to do it. 279 00:17:04,067 --> 00:17:05,067 Yeah. 280 00:17:30,767 --> 00:17:32,400 I got your message. 281 00:17:33,533 --> 00:17:35,167 You think it's a joke. 282 00:17:35,300 --> 00:17:36,933 What? 283 00:17:37,067 --> 00:17:39,067 You think you can make a joke about being imperfect, and I'll melt? 284 00:17:39,133 --> 00:17:41,467 -No, I was... -You're my supervisor. 285 00:17:41,600 --> 00:17:44,233 You're supposed to support me and help me develop my work. 286 00:17:44,367 --> 00:17:45,900 -Not steal it. -I didn't steal it. 287 00:17:46,067 --> 00:17:48,500 You appropriated it by omitting to acknowledge it was mine. 288 00:17:48,633 --> 00:17:50,833 -Listen... -And you have so little respect for me, 289 00:17:50,967 --> 00:17:53,700 that when I make a complaint, you brush it away. 290 00:17:53,833 --> 00:17:55,667 The dean has offered me her full support, 291 00:17:55,800 --> 00:17:58,367 if I choose to pursue this as a formal complaint. 292 00:17:58,500 --> 00:18:01,167 And I told her I'm grateful that someone has my back. 293 00:18:14,300 --> 00:18:16,633 Surveillance guys in town are having no luck. 294 00:18:16,767 --> 00:18:20,067 Surveillance guys here, or up by the station. 295 00:18:22,267 --> 00:18:23,633 What was that? 296 00:18:27,300 --> 00:18:28,500 Go! 297 00:18:30,500 --> 00:18:31,500 Let's go. 298 00:19:00,667 --> 00:19:02,967 McKinven and Khurana have eyes on him. 299 00:19:03,100 --> 00:19:07,133 Three surveillance officers are also in position now. 300 00:19:07,267 --> 00:19:10,500 We believe him to be wearing a suicide vest packed with explosives. 301 00:19:12,167 --> 00:19:14,900 We also have two firearms officers in situ. 302 00:19:17,500 --> 00:19:19,067 If the crowd disperses naturally, 303 00:19:19,133 --> 00:19:21,633 and creates some distance around him, we'll shoot? 304 00:19:21,767 --> 00:19:23,467 -We can't just shoot him. -We can justify it. 305 00:19:23,600 --> 00:19:26,500 -We know his intent. -We pulled uniformed officers out, 306 00:19:26,633 --> 00:19:28,067 so as not to panic him. 307 00:19:28,200 --> 00:19:30,167 We can't disperse the crowds ourselves for the same reason. 308 00:19:30,300 --> 00:19:32,100 Kielty doesn't even know we're on to him. 309 00:19:32,233 --> 00:19:34,433 Well, the second he does, he will detonate. 310 00:19:34,567 --> 00:19:36,967 -Unless we talk him out of it. -How? 311 00:19:42,467 --> 00:19:44,800 Come in, firearms. 312 00:19:44,933 --> 00:19:47,700 -I'm on Westhill. -Can we shoot him? 313 00:19:47,833 --> 00:19:50,133 -No chance, too busy. -Who's close? 314 00:19:50,267 --> 00:19:51,800 Khurana and McKinven. 315 00:19:51,933 --> 00:19:53,933 -Can we take him out? -I don't know. 316 00:19:54,067 --> 00:19:55,367 Too many people. 317 00:20:04,600 --> 00:20:05,767 We're closing in. 318 00:20:05,900 --> 00:20:07,933 Looks like he's heading out the building. 319 00:20:08,067 --> 00:20:09,667 McKinven and Khurana are closest. 320 00:20:23,033 --> 00:20:25,833 He's approaching a crowd of families. Hands in pockets. 321 00:20:25,967 --> 00:20:28,867 -Shoot him! 322 00:20:29,933 --> 00:20:31,033 Can you hear me? 323 00:20:31,167 --> 00:20:33,200 -Shoot him in the head. 324 00:20:40,400 --> 00:20:42,733 Come in! Can you hear me? 325 00:20:55,067 --> 00:20:57,300 I'm the police. You're under arrest. 326 00:20:57,433 --> 00:21:00,467 -Bombs, murder... I'll tell you the rest later. 327 00:21:05,500 --> 00:21:07,200 What's going on? 328 00:21:07,333 --> 00:21:10,300 -It's Safi. 329 00:21:12,067 --> 00:21:13,200 Hi, Safi. 330 00:21:13,333 --> 00:21:14,567 DCI McKinven. 331 00:21:16,400 --> 00:21:19,333 We've done it. We've got Kielty. 332 00:21:19,467 --> 00:21:22,467 Nobody hurt. We'll make an exit. 333 00:21:28,400 --> 00:21:30,733 -On your knees. 334 00:21:31,633 --> 00:21:33,833 Okay, device disarmed. 335 00:21:33,967 --> 00:21:36,467 Are we being safe? Have we cautioned him? 336 00:21:36,600 --> 00:21:38,300 Aye, he's been fully cautioned now. 337 00:21:44,767 --> 00:21:46,867 "You're exactly what I'm looking for." 338 00:21:47,067 --> 00:21:49,600 That's what you said to me when I came for my interview. 339 00:21:49,733 --> 00:21:53,233 I was so happy to come here, and work with you and be part of SIFA. 340 00:21:53,367 --> 00:21:56,300 I'm a long way from home. I don't have any friends here. 341 00:21:56,433 --> 00:21:58,533 All I wanted was to belong. 342 00:21:59,433 --> 00:22:01,067 That's all anyone wants. 343 00:22:04,900 --> 00:22:05,900 Here. 344 00:22:08,967 --> 00:22:11,467 -Do you want a... -No, thanks. 345 00:22:16,833 --> 00:22:21,333 Erika, it was remiss of me not to acknowledge your data when I gave the talk. 346 00:22:21,467 --> 00:22:25,067 That was a bad mistake, and I apologise. 347 00:22:25,200 --> 00:22:28,067 But I did fully acknowledge your work and our collaboration 348 00:22:28,200 --> 00:22:30,233 in the copy I submitted to the brochure. 349 00:22:31,933 --> 00:22:33,667 Right here, "Erica Shroff." 350 00:22:33,800 --> 00:22:35,567 No one reads the brochure. 351 00:22:43,067 --> 00:22:45,467 People do want to belong, you're right about that. 352 00:22:45,600 --> 00:22:49,233 I think that's what you and McMillan wanted, to connect, to belong. 353 00:22:49,367 --> 00:22:51,767 And he couldn't. He didn't talk to anyone about it, 354 00:22:51,900 --> 00:22:54,400 -and he wasn't supported. -Yeah. 355 00:22:54,533 --> 00:22:57,300 I guess it's been a similar situation for me. 356 00:22:57,433 --> 00:22:59,433 Let's try to keep some perspective. 357 00:22:59,567 --> 00:23:00,733 What do you mean? 358 00:23:00,867 --> 00:23:03,233 We got in a mess, but we're talking about it. 359 00:23:03,367 --> 00:23:05,933 Euan felt so isolated, he took his own life. 360 00:23:06,067 --> 00:23:09,300 I've been really unhappy. 361 00:23:09,433 --> 00:23:12,233 I wanted to come to you before, but you're not easy to talk to. 362 00:23:12,367 --> 00:23:14,200 Oh, wow. 363 00:23:14,333 --> 00:23:17,267 You told me to knock on your door in the middle of the night if I felt spooked. 364 00:23:17,400 --> 00:23:18,667 I'm a very private person. 365 00:23:18,800 --> 00:23:19,967 You didn't have to punish me. 366 00:23:20,100 --> 00:23:21,833 I was just embarrassed. None of this is personal. 367 00:23:21,967 --> 00:23:25,233 When someone's mean to you, it is personal. 368 00:23:25,367 --> 00:23:29,067 Look, I don't always communicate well. 369 00:23:29,133 --> 00:23:31,100 I know I can be caustic, 370 00:23:31,233 --> 00:23:36,633 and I'm really sorry I hurt your feelings. 371 00:23:37,900 --> 00:23:39,700 Thanks. 372 00:23:39,833 --> 00:23:41,600 You didn't even do anything embarrassing. 373 00:23:41,733 --> 00:23:46,133 You just said Pia had met someone else, and passed out. 374 00:23:46,267 --> 00:23:49,700 I pulled the covers over you and went back to my room. 375 00:23:49,833 --> 00:23:52,600 Well, I guess it would have been better to talk about this at the time, 376 00:23:52,733 --> 00:23:54,367 I could've avoided a lot of dramatics. 377 00:23:54,500 --> 00:23:56,333 Dramatics? 378 00:23:56,467 --> 00:23:59,667 Well, it sounds like your Santorini complaint was more of a protest about how... 379 00:23:59,800 --> 00:24:01,467 How you treated me. 380 00:24:01,600 --> 00:24:04,267 It is. I knew I couldn't prove that. 381 00:24:04,400 --> 00:24:08,167 I knew it was your word against mine, and you have all the power. 382 00:24:08,300 --> 00:24:10,967 So, when the dean alerted me to the Santorini talk, 383 00:24:11,100 --> 00:24:16,300 I thought, "Okay. This is provable. I'll run with this." 384 00:24:16,433 --> 00:24:18,133 The dean alerted you? 385 00:24:18,267 --> 00:24:20,133 You're not even listening to me right now. 386 00:24:20,267 --> 00:24:21,933 -No, Erika, I am. I just... -Forget it! 387 00:24:25,533 --> 00:24:26,767 Hey, just checking in. 388 00:24:28,133 --> 00:24:30,100 Fine. Yeah. Fine. 389 00:24:31,967 --> 00:24:35,133 Everything's... fine. 390 00:24:35,267 --> 00:24:36,733 Janine, can I call you back? 391 00:24:37,300 --> 00:24:38,300 Okay. 392 00:24:41,267 --> 00:24:43,200 Neil's quite the hero, isn't he? 393 00:24:45,067 --> 00:24:46,367 Yeah. 394 00:24:46,500 --> 00:24:48,067 He will come back to me. 395 00:24:48,133 --> 00:24:50,833 -He isn't with me. -That's what men do. They go back. 396 00:24:50,967 --> 00:24:53,367 -Don't you think? -I think all men are different. 397 00:24:53,500 --> 00:24:56,933 -Hmm. Do you have children? -Just one. 398 00:24:57,067 --> 00:24:59,133 We couldn't. Low sperm count. 399 00:25:00,933 --> 00:25:02,733 I don't want to have this conversation. 400 00:25:02,867 --> 00:25:04,067 Are you in love with him? 401 00:25:05,433 --> 00:25:07,067 I don't want to have this conversation. 402 00:25:08,667 --> 00:25:09,700 I bet you don't. 403 00:25:12,400 --> 00:25:16,300 All forensic science is not equal. 404 00:25:16,433 --> 00:25:20,700 Drug analysis, forensic toxicology, forensic anthropology, 405 00:25:20,833 --> 00:25:27,467 entomology, paint, glass, and fibre analysis are all underpinned by science. 406 00:25:27,600 --> 00:25:31,067 Forensic gate analysis, analysis of shoe prints, 407 00:25:31,133 --> 00:25:36,233 tyre marks, ballistics, even fingerprint comparison, are not. 408 00:25:36,367 --> 00:25:40,500 The comparison process of these kinds of evidence 409 00:25:40,633 --> 00:25:45,100 is mainly subjective and essentially based on spotting the difference. 410 00:25:45,233 --> 00:25:47,267 And who is spotting the difference? 411 00:25:48,200 --> 00:25:49,600 A human. 412 00:25:50,733 --> 00:25:52,967 And what do humans sometimes do? 413 00:25:53,833 --> 00:25:55,533 Make mistakes. Get it wrong. 414 00:26:07,667 --> 00:26:09,067 Congratulations, Neil. 415 00:26:09,167 --> 00:26:10,867 We'd like you to conduct the interview. 416 00:26:11,067 --> 00:26:12,133 Excellent, thank you. 417 00:26:12,267 --> 00:26:13,967 We'll need a watertight strategy. 418 00:26:14,100 --> 00:26:16,133 Azra, Sarah, stay put. 419 00:26:16,267 --> 00:26:17,267 A word. 420 00:26:19,500 --> 00:26:22,067 You have a formal complaint procedure hanging over your head. 421 00:26:22,133 --> 00:26:23,967 -You can't just avoid me. -I've been busy. 422 00:26:24,100 --> 00:26:26,567 Professor Torrance, I'm so sorry to interrupt. 423 00:26:26,700 --> 00:26:30,067 I do apologise, but I need to speak to Professor Torrance urgently. 424 00:26:30,167 --> 00:26:31,433 We're in the middle of a conversation. 425 00:26:31,567 --> 00:26:32,967 I would never normally do it, 426 00:26:33,100 --> 00:26:37,067 but... it concerns Professor Gordon and the Dundee bomber. 427 00:26:37,133 --> 00:26:39,867 I will deliver Kathy back to you as soon as we've dealt with this. 428 00:26:40,433 --> 00:26:41,400 Thank you. 429 00:26:45,067 --> 00:26:46,567 Is Sarah okay? 430 00:26:48,067 --> 00:26:50,500 She's right as rain. Ingenue? 431 00:26:50,633 --> 00:26:52,067 They've got him. 432 00:26:52,167 --> 00:26:54,833 -Oh, wow. -Indeed. 433 00:26:54,967 --> 00:26:58,067 Now, I had to play my ace card to get you away from the dean, 434 00:26:58,133 --> 00:27:01,100 because I think before you speak to her, you should see this. 435 00:27:07,300 --> 00:27:08,300 Come in. 436 00:27:08,433 --> 00:27:10,900 Hey, Kathy. 437 00:27:11,067 --> 00:27:14,300 As far as I'm concerned, my complaint's answered. 438 00:27:14,433 --> 00:27:17,433 It's over. I appreciate how straight you were with me. 439 00:27:18,767 --> 00:27:21,267 And I know I can be a bit of a drama queen. 440 00:27:22,500 --> 00:27:25,333 I guess we're both pretty eccentric, huh? 441 00:27:25,467 --> 00:27:29,567 Anyway, I just wanna continue to do the work with you. 442 00:27:34,833 --> 00:27:36,100 Awesome. Me too. 443 00:27:37,367 --> 00:27:39,600 Sarah, can you set me up with specific questions 444 00:27:39,733 --> 00:27:42,567 -which establish he made each device, please? -Sure. 445 00:27:42,700 --> 00:27:45,467 Azra, will you and Ben pull anything from that computer 446 00:27:45,600 --> 00:27:47,233 that shows the progression of his thinking. 447 00:27:47,367 --> 00:27:49,167 Yep, no problem. 448 00:27:49,300 --> 00:27:53,067 We've already traced him by the Dundee's logon, and posting the black pill GIF. 449 00:27:53,133 --> 00:27:55,400 Great, but I really want to get inside his head. 450 00:27:55,533 --> 00:27:57,933 Don't get hung up about his thinking until we've got all we need 451 00:27:58,067 --> 00:28:00,133 to prove he did it, and how he did it. 452 00:28:00,267 --> 00:28:03,200 Sure, but I will go wherever he wants to go if he's talking. 453 00:28:03,333 --> 00:28:04,767 I just need to get him talking. 454 00:28:04,900 --> 00:28:07,167 Police casualty sergeant says Kielty's fit to be interviewed. 455 00:28:07,300 --> 00:28:08,633 What's his mental state? 456 00:28:08,767 --> 00:28:10,433 He's very subdued. Not talking. 457 00:28:10,567 --> 00:28:14,833 If he gives a "no comment", would the evidence so far stand up in court? 458 00:28:17,633 --> 00:28:20,633 Hi, I'd like to go over something with you. 459 00:28:20,767 --> 00:28:22,500 You want me to help get Erika off your back? 460 00:28:22,633 --> 00:28:25,333 You're the one who fired her up to complain about me in the first places. 461 00:28:25,467 --> 00:28:27,733 So, no, I don't need your help. Erika and I have figured it out. 462 00:28:27,867 --> 00:28:30,067 -I didn't fire her up. -Oh, I know you did. 463 00:28:31,300 --> 00:28:33,967 Your PA, Heather, used to be the old dean's PA. 464 00:28:34,100 --> 00:28:35,533 Janine and Heather are friends. 465 00:28:35,667 --> 00:28:37,233 I had them do some checking around, 466 00:28:37,367 --> 00:28:39,067 because you made me suspicious when you were so keen 467 00:28:39,167 --> 00:28:40,933 to find out how Euan McMillan died. 468 00:28:41,067 --> 00:28:42,433 Did he commit suicide? 469 00:28:42,567 --> 00:28:43,933 It certainly looks that way. 470 00:28:44,067 --> 00:28:45,267 Because he was unhappy here? 471 00:28:45,400 --> 00:28:47,867 We'll never know exactly what was going on with Euan, 472 00:28:48,067 --> 00:28:49,267 because he didn't talk to anyone 473 00:28:49,400 --> 00:28:51,133 but we do know we didn't help him. 474 00:28:51,267 --> 00:28:53,767 You told me the first you knew of him was hearing about him in the news. 475 00:28:53,900 --> 00:28:55,067 Because it's true. 476 00:28:55,133 --> 00:28:57,067 Well, here's what I heard. 477 00:28:57,167 --> 00:29:00,567 You inherited a report sent to the old dean about a problem in the school of science 478 00:29:00,700 --> 00:29:04,167 with students withdrawing, and struggling with poor mental health, 479 00:29:04,300 --> 00:29:06,100 and committing suicide. 480 00:29:06,233 --> 00:29:09,333 There was a list of students identified as being a serious cause for concern. 481 00:29:09,467 --> 00:29:10,600 Euan McMillan was one of them. 482 00:29:10,733 --> 00:29:11,767 I didn't know that. 483 00:29:11,900 --> 00:29:13,600 You did! 484 00:29:13,733 --> 00:29:16,433 The report called for urgent action to look after students 485 00:29:16,567 --> 00:29:18,267 and prevent further suicides. 486 00:29:18,400 --> 00:29:21,433 -So, why didn't the old dean do something about it? -He should have. 487 00:29:21,567 --> 00:29:22,867 He got it before he left. 488 00:29:23,067 --> 00:29:25,067 I think he did an unforgivably cowardly thing, 489 00:29:25,133 --> 00:29:26,433 and left it for you deal with. 490 00:29:26,567 --> 00:29:29,067 He did. That's exactly what he did. 491 00:29:29,167 --> 00:29:32,833 My first day here, I arrive with all my vision and ambition, 492 00:29:32,967 --> 00:29:34,100 and the first thing that happens, 493 00:29:34,233 --> 00:29:37,067 I mean, the first thing that happens, 494 00:29:37,200 --> 00:29:39,533 is all the dirty laundry is dumped on my desk. 495 00:29:39,667 --> 00:29:42,067 All the HR files, all the disputes. 496 00:29:42,133 --> 00:29:45,133 Sexting, stalking, cheating. You name it. 497 00:29:45,267 --> 00:29:46,933 All the debts, all the complaints, 498 00:29:47,067 --> 00:29:51,067 all the problems are now my problems, which nobody mentioned to me before. 499 00:29:51,200 --> 00:29:52,467 And that's shitty. 500 00:29:52,600 --> 00:29:54,567 You were dealt a shitty hand, so why make it worse? 501 00:29:54,700 --> 00:29:58,233 Heather emailed you the report and asked if you'd gotten it, and you replied, 502 00:29:58,367 --> 00:30:01,867 "Yes, I have. Can we park this while we're fundraising?" 503 00:30:02,000 --> 00:30:03,833 No, no, no, no, no. What I meant... 504 00:30:03,967 --> 00:30:06,100 Let's pretend students aren't killing themselves, because it's not a good look? 505 00:30:06,233 --> 00:30:08,267 That is not what I meant. 506 00:30:08,400 --> 00:30:10,033 The fundraising was underway. 507 00:30:10,167 --> 00:30:12,500 -I couldn't give it my full attention. -It's too late for excuses. 508 00:30:14,433 --> 00:30:16,033 Are you gonna go public with it? 509 00:30:16,167 --> 00:30:18,733 No, you're gonna go to the principal's office and explain all this, 510 00:30:18,867 --> 00:30:20,567 and if you still have a job, 511 00:30:20,700 --> 00:30:23,567 we're gonna work out how we can actually support our students from now on. 512 00:30:23,700 --> 00:30:26,967 I mean, really support them. Not just promise it on a poster. 513 00:30:27,100 --> 00:30:28,533 You've changed your tune. 514 00:30:28,667 --> 00:30:30,133 Excuse me? 515 00:30:30,267 --> 00:30:33,267 The first time we met, you moaned about students being needy. 516 00:30:33,400 --> 00:30:37,467 Well, they are, and we have to deal with it. 517 00:30:39,700 --> 00:30:41,400 Will you come with me? 518 00:30:41,533 --> 00:30:44,467 To the principal's office to help me explain. 519 00:30:45,800 --> 00:30:47,100 It would really help. 520 00:30:49,533 --> 00:30:51,000 Sure, why not? 521 00:30:51,867 --> 00:30:53,567 "Chads and Stacys." 522 00:30:53,700 --> 00:30:57,867 "Fit stripper guys. Good looking, sexually active stripper girls." 523 00:30:58,000 --> 00:31:00,833 "Normies." Okay, well, that's self-explanatory. 524 00:31:00,967 --> 00:31:02,933 -L-D-A-L? -Lie down and rot. 525 00:31:03,067 --> 00:31:06,700 As in, my situation is so hopeless, I may as well lie down and rot. 526 00:31:06,833 --> 00:31:09,067 -Chincel? -An incel with a weak chin. 527 00:31:10,200 --> 00:31:11,200 Roasties? 528 00:31:11,733 --> 00:31:12,867 A roasty? 529 00:31:13,067 --> 00:31:15,733 -You don't wanna know. -Oh, yeah, I do. 530 00:31:15,867 --> 00:31:19,300 Okay... Well, apologies in advance. 531 00:31:19,433 --> 00:31:21,567 When a woman has had so much sex, 532 00:31:21,700 --> 00:31:24,833 her labia look like slices of roast beef. 533 00:31:25,267 --> 00:31:26,733 Ah, nice. 534 00:31:29,367 --> 00:31:32,100 Um, you know we talked about Kielty maybe buying bleach online. 535 00:31:32,233 --> 00:31:33,633 Have you come across that transaction? 536 00:31:33,767 --> 00:31:35,833 We have. 537 00:31:35,967 --> 00:31:39,967 -Safi, you know what my mum used to say? -No. 538 00:31:40,100 --> 00:31:42,400 It's the quiet ones you need to watch out for. 539 00:31:47,067 --> 00:31:49,433 -I can't stand it. -You have to. 540 00:31:49,567 --> 00:31:52,067 Don't let her see she's getting to you. 541 00:31:52,133 --> 00:31:53,433 Just get out of there as soon as you can. 542 00:31:53,800 --> 00:31:54,767 Okay. 543 00:31:55,467 --> 00:31:56,667 How did you get on today? 544 00:31:56,800 --> 00:31:59,267 I've been communicating. 545 00:31:59,400 --> 00:32:03,467 I've been apologising. I fought for justice and won. 546 00:32:03,600 --> 00:32:06,767 -And I was right about the dean. -How? 547 00:32:06,900 --> 00:32:08,933 Oh, I'll tell you all about it when you're done. 548 00:32:09,067 --> 00:32:10,767 Ah, Sarah... 549 00:32:12,633 --> 00:32:15,067 You're one of the people who caught the Dundee bomber. 550 00:32:15,167 --> 00:32:17,500 -Hold your head high. -Okay. 551 00:32:18,567 --> 00:32:19,933 You too. 552 00:32:20,067 --> 00:32:23,700 You know, you say and do things no one else would dare to. 553 00:32:23,833 --> 00:32:25,100 Just keep doing it. 554 00:32:25,233 --> 00:32:26,400 I need to. Bye. 555 00:32:42,733 --> 00:32:44,533 Sam, can we get you anything? 556 00:32:46,767 --> 00:32:47,767 Anything to eat? 557 00:32:51,400 --> 00:32:56,300 When you were at the charge bar, you were offered the services of a solicitor, 558 00:32:56,433 --> 00:32:59,067 to which you're entitled, but you declined. Is that correct? 559 00:32:59,200 --> 00:33:00,267 Correct. 560 00:33:06,867 --> 00:33:08,400 I'm wondering why you did that. 561 00:33:10,967 --> 00:33:13,400 Okay, well just to remind you, 562 00:33:13,533 --> 00:33:14,833 you can speak to a solicitor 563 00:33:14,967 --> 00:33:16,767 at any time during these interviews. 564 00:33:21,633 --> 00:33:23,700 Are there any more bombs planted anywhere? 565 00:33:25,633 --> 00:33:28,600 Sam, it's gonna be all right. 566 00:33:28,733 --> 00:33:30,400 Not if he doesn't talk. 567 00:33:30,533 --> 00:33:33,567 He needs to ask him how he made the devices. He'll wanna talk about that. 568 00:33:33,700 --> 00:33:36,267 Do you want to knock on the door and suggest that to Neil? 569 00:33:36,400 --> 00:33:37,500 Sure. 570 00:33:37,633 --> 00:33:39,533 How did you make these devices? 571 00:33:39,667 --> 00:33:41,167 You made five different kinds of bombs. 572 00:33:41,300 --> 00:33:43,533 How on earth did you know how to make them all? 573 00:33:43,667 --> 00:33:47,400 We had a professor of forensic chemistry working on those devices, 574 00:33:47,533 --> 00:33:50,800 She said they were more and more sophisticated. 575 00:33:50,933 --> 00:33:53,967 It can't have been easy learning how to do it all. 576 00:33:54,100 --> 00:33:55,333 I know who turned. 577 00:33:57,700 --> 00:33:58,667 I can't hear you. 578 00:34:00,300 --> 00:34:01,300 Sam... 579 00:34:02,700 --> 00:34:06,900 I think if you big me up, I'll talk. 580 00:34:13,633 --> 00:34:15,933 I don't need to big you up. 581 00:34:16,067 --> 00:34:18,367 You made five different kinds of explosive devices. 582 00:34:19,200 --> 00:34:20,567 You destroyed three buildings. 583 00:34:21,300 --> 00:34:22,667 Terrorised the city. 584 00:34:22,800 --> 00:34:24,067 You killed six people. 585 00:34:34,800 --> 00:34:36,067 Yes, I did. 586 00:34:38,967 --> 00:34:40,533 The device you were wearing today, 587 00:34:40,667 --> 00:34:43,400 had two or three times the power of your first bomb at church hall. 588 00:34:43,533 --> 00:34:44,500 Says who? 589 00:34:44,633 --> 00:34:46,467 The expert. The professor. 590 00:34:47,600 --> 00:34:49,067 You must have had some help. 591 00:34:56,100 --> 00:34:58,833 No, it's all my own work. Just me. 592 00:35:00,400 --> 00:35:03,067 Why did you write numbers on them? 593 00:35:03,167 --> 00:35:07,300 Each bomb is part of a series. A progressive series. 594 00:35:07,433 --> 00:35:10,867 Are there any more bombs planted anywhere? 595 00:35:11,067 --> 00:35:15,267 The only really challenging part is the buying of chemicals in the quantities you need. 596 00:35:15,400 --> 00:35:18,167 Are there any more bombs out there, you bastard? 597 00:35:18,300 --> 00:35:20,833 Our experts have been digging through your hard drives. 598 00:35:20,967 --> 00:35:22,467 Blue pill, red pill, black pill. 599 00:35:23,700 --> 00:35:25,433 We've been looking at your life online. 600 00:35:25,567 --> 00:35:28,233 In forums, on chat rooms with incels like yourself 601 00:35:28,367 --> 00:35:30,700 around the world amongst that community, 602 00:35:30,833 --> 00:35:32,833 and we think we can see how one thing led to another. 603 00:35:34,167 --> 00:35:35,267 Blue pill. 604 00:35:35,400 --> 00:35:36,533 The state of innocence, 605 00:35:36,667 --> 00:35:38,867 where you think the world is okay 606 00:35:39,067 --> 00:35:40,300 and as it seems. Is that right? 607 00:35:41,467 --> 00:35:42,900 Red pill. 608 00:35:43,067 --> 00:35:46,667 The world is not as it seems. It's rigged and hostile to you, 609 00:35:46,800 --> 00:35:50,067 but at least, armed with that knowledge, you can try and improve your situation. 610 00:35:50,200 --> 00:35:51,933 You start to seek self-help online. 611 00:35:52,067 --> 00:35:55,733 You find gurus, how to build your confidence, how to get a six-pack. 612 00:35:55,867 --> 00:35:58,767 How to talk to women. How to pick up women. 613 00:35:58,900 --> 00:36:03,733 And everything you watch online is followed by a suggestion of the next thing to watch. 614 00:36:03,867 --> 00:36:06,833 And every suggestion takes you just a wee bit deeper in. 615 00:36:09,867 --> 00:36:12,133 We got this from a clinic. 616 00:36:13,367 --> 00:36:14,333 Leda Aesthetics. 617 00:36:20,600 --> 00:36:21,900 What's going on here? 618 00:36:23,100 --> 00:36:24,733 I was gonna get my jaw widened. 619 00:36:25,533 --> 00:36:26,800 -Why. -Fuck off! 620 00:36:28,667 --> 00:36:30,167 Why? 621 00:36:30,300 --> 00:36:31,800 You look fine. You look good. 622 00:36:34,967 --> 00:36:36,200 Well, why didn't you go through with it? 623 00:36:36,333 --> 00:36:37,833 Because none of it fucking works! 624 00:36:40,800 --> 00:36:41,800 Black pill. 625 00:36:43,400 --> 00:36:46,200 You were prescribed an antidepressant Serepax. 626 00:36:46,333 --> 00:36:48,267 -I stopped taking it. -Why? 627 00:36:48,400 --> 00:36:50,767 'Cause how I feel is a rational response to reality. 628 00:36:50,900 --> 00:36:53,067 -And how do you feel? -Fucked over. 629 00:36:55,167 --> 00:36:56,533 Are there any more bombs out there? 630 00:37:07,400 --> 00:37:09,700 Do you know how many times I've been rejected by women? 631 00:37:09,833 --> 00:37:10,933 No. 632 00:37:11,067 --> 00:37:12,700 316 times. 633 00:37:14,867 --> 00:37:16,233 Wow. 634 00:37:16,367 --> 00:37:18,333 Can you imagine the loneliness? 635 00:37:18,467 --> 00:37:19,700 When you say rejected... 636 00:37:19,833 --> 00:37:21,500 I make an approach. They reject. 637 00:37:23,200 --> 00:37:24,467 That must be very hurtful. 638 00:37:24,600 --> 00:37:26,567 I would treasure and cherish a girl. 639 00:37:28,867 --> 00:37:30,367 I would treat her like a princess. 640 00:37:31,700 --> 00:37:33,067 I have so much love to give. 641 00:37:34,300 --> 00:37:36,133 No. Sorry, not wanted. 642 00:37:37,733 --> 00:37:40,567 They would rather have some obnoxious hench guy than a gentleman. 643 00:37:41,733 --> 00:37:43,133 How would you approach a woman? 644 00:37:46,500 --> 00:37:47,467 Are you single? 645 00:37:56,467 --> 00:37:59,833 Yes. I am recently single. 646 00:38:00,300 --> 00:38:01,300 Clever. 647 00:38:04,767 --> 00:38:06,433 How many women have you had sex with? 648 00:38:09,167 --> 00:38:10,167 Two. 649 00:38:13,133 --> 00:38:14,133 Very clever. 650 00:38:15,233 --> 00:38:16,233 I win. 651 00:38:17,267 --> 00:38:18,267 None. 652 00:38:19,867 --> 00:38:22,200 I am 23 years of age. 653 00:38:22,333 --> 00:38:26,933 The average age for a guy to lose his virginity is 16.9 years of age. 654 00:38:27,067 --> 00:38:30,367 I've never even held a girl's hand, except my sister's. 655 00:38:30,500 --> 00:38:33,667 In actual fact, I'd be frightened to have sex with a women now 656 00:38:33,800 --> 00:38:35,933 that she'd just turn around and accuse me of rape. 657 00:38:36,067 --> 00:38:38,067 -Why? -'Cause it happens all the time. 658 00:38:38,167 --> 00:38:39,333 It doesn't happen all the time. 659 00:38:39,467 --> 00:38:41,467 Check your facts, okay! 660 00:38:42,900 --> 00:38:44,067 Get yourself informed! 661 00:38:45,667 --> 00:38:47,433 People need to know what's really going on here, 662 00:38:47,567 --> 00:38:48,567 because it's dark. 663 00:38:50,100 --> 00:38:52,200 The natural order's been overturned. 664 00:38:52,333 --> 00:38:54,100 This is scientifically proven, okay. 665 00:38:54,233 --> 00:38:58,867 I can show you hundreds of scientific and historical theses that support this. 666 00:38:59,067 --> 00:39:01,667 When gender roles follow the biological, natural order, 667 00:39:01,800 --> 00:39:04,333 men thrived, women were content, 668 00:39:04,467 --> 00:39:05,767 the economy was good. 669 00:39:05,900 --> 00:39:08,133 Then men went to war and died for their country, 670 00:39:08,267 --> 00:39:09,467 and women took their jobs. 671 00:39:10,600 --> 00:39:12,600 Men's status has been eroded so slowly, 672 00:39:12,733 --> 00:39:14,600 no one noticed. But we wake up now, 673 00:39:14,733 --> 00:39:16,800 and masculinity is toxic. 674 00:39:16,933 --> 00:39:19,800 Touching women on the elbow is sexual assault. 675 00:39:19,933 --> 00:39:22,267 Helping a woman understand something is mansplaining. 676 00:39:22,400 --> 00:39:25,400 You make a joke, and 50 feminazis cut you down! 677 00:39:25,533 --> 00:39:27,400 Do you want them? Or do you not want them? Women. 678 00:39:27,533 --> 00:39:28,867 They are snakes with tits. 679 00:39:32,233 --> 00:39:33,333 Why did you take a break? 680 00:39:33,467 --> 00:39:35,233 'Cause I wanted to batter him. 681 00:39:35,367 --> 00:39:38,467 You're doing really well, Neil, but we need to know if there are more bombs. 682 00:39:38,600 --> 00:39:42,100 It won't work. He's feeding on me pushing him. 683 00:39:42,233 --> 00:39:44,200 He's getting off on the power trip of not answering. 684 00:39:56,967 --> 00:40:00,100 Do you think the way you found out about my affair was bad? 685 00:40:00,233 --> 00:40:06,233 But you tell me what you've done like that, in here. Jesus Christ! 686 00:40:06,367 --> 00:40:10,033 It was time to tell the truth. 687 00:40:11,867 --> 00:40:13,567 Let's just both tell the truth. 688 00:40:13,700 --> 00:40:16,200 You want me today, 'cause I'm the guy today. 689 00:40:17,133 --> 00:40:18,567 But when I'm not... 690 00:40:19,667 --> 00:40:20,667 You don't. 691 00:40:22,800 --> 00:40:24,167 Well, she doesn't want you either. 692 00:40:26,767 --> 00:40:29,367 -Has Professor Gordon gone? -Yes. 693 00:40:30,567 --> 00:40:33,033 Yep. She's gone. 694 00:40:36,733 --> 00:40:38,967 I checked my facts. 695 00:40:39,100 --> 00:40:42,800 False claims of rape are actually rarer than false claims of other kinds of crime. 696 00:40:42,933 --> 00:40:43,867 Safi, see what you... 697 00:40:44,000 --> 00:40:45,833 -About toxic... -Aye. 698 00:40:45,967 --> 00:40:49,233 To me, toxic masculinity isn't that men are toxic. 699 00:40:49,367 --> 00:40:52,867 So, the old idea of what a man should be, doesn't work for men or women. 700 00:40:53,000 --> 00:40:55,267 Look at him, clutching his pearls. 701 00:40:55,400 --> 00:40:56,933 What are you trying to achieve? 702 00:40:57,067 --> 00:40:59,400 What does taking your loneliness out on innocent people achieve? 703 00:40:59,533 --> 00:41:00,600 Not innocent. 704 00:41:03,367 --> 00:41:05,533 I'll inspire others to join the rebellion. 705 00:41:06,600 --> 00:41:10,233 To shake the foundations of society. 706 00:41:10,367 --> 00:41:12,700 To subjugate the voice of oppressors. 707 00:41:12,833 --> 00:41:15,067 Normies, Stacys, Chads. 708 00:41:16,467 --> 00:41:19,133 -Have you ever heard of the Moonies? -No. 709 00:41:22,667 --> 00:41:27,067 A year ago, you got into Gyno Slam, 710 00:41:27,133 --> 00:41:29,933 which is more black pill than the incel forums you'd visited up to that point. 711 00:41:30,067 --> 00:41:32,067 -Would that be fair? -Guess so. 712 00:41:32,133 --> 00:41:33,967 And very early on, 713 00:41:34,100 --> 00:41:38,600 in response to a post called, "Bitches are the problem." "Rape is the answer," 714 00:41:38,733 --> 00:41:40,767 -you posted a reply. Remember? -No. 715 00:41:40,900 --> 00:41:42,067 You posted: 716 00:41:42,167 --> 00:41:44,233 "Do you ever wonder if your attitude to women 717 00:41:44,367 --> 00:41:46,367 "might be a factor in your failure with them?" 718 00:41:46,500 --> 00:41:47,700 You tell me what happened next. 719 00:41:47,833 --> 00:41:49,400 I left the forum. 720 00:41:49,533 --> 00:41:51,433 No, you were booted off the forum. You were bullied off of it. 721 00:41:51,567 --> 00:41:53,267 You were cancelled by the brotherhood. 722 00:41:53,400 --> 00:41:55,733 You changed your user name and joined Beta Room, 723 00:41:55,867 --> 00:41:57,467 a forum as extreme as Gyno Slam, 724 00:41:57,600 --> 00:41:59,467 but you barely posted anything at first. 725 00:41:59,600 --> 00:42:01,633 It's as if you were learning the ropes. 726 00:42:01,767 --> 00:42:03,633 You closely follow one or two leading lights. 727 00:42:03,767 --> 00:42:05,967 One guy in Australia, another in Canada. 728 00:42:06,100 --> 00:42:07,667 Who we'll be talking to. 729 00:42:07,800 --> 00:42:10,300 And then you start posting stuff. Strong stuff, violent stuff. 730 00:42:10,433 --> 00:42:13,500 You rise up the ranks. You're in with the big boys. 731 00:42:13,633 --> 00:42:17,067 You hero-worship Elliot Rodger, the incel who killed six people. 732 00:42:17,200 --> 00:42:21,900 You adopt the name Elliot, and then you start boasting about outdoing him. 733 00:42:22,067 --> 00:42:23,433 The big boys, say you won't do it. 734 00:42:23,567 --> 00:42:24,833 You say you'll prove them wrong. 735 00:42:24,967 --> 00:42:26,067 I did prove them wrong. 736 00:42:31,467 --> 00:42:34,100 The Moonies were a religious cult. 737 00:42:34,233 --> 00:42:36,900 Before, we used to joke about being brainwashed by the Moonies. 738 00:42:37,067 --> 00:42:39,100 We'd say groomed now or radicalised. 739 00:42:40,533 --> 00:42:42,133 They found lost souls. 740 00:42:42,267 --> 00:42:46,567 Offered them an identity, an ideology and a community, and certainty. 741 00:42:46,700 --> 00:42:49,733 And that's key in a cult. Doubt's a no-no. 742 00:42:49,867 --> 00:42:53,133 If you question, you're part of the problem. You get it in the neck. 743 00:42:53,900 --> 00:42:55,067 Like you did. 744 00:42:55,200 --> 00:42:56,833 Only you went back for more. 745 00:42:59,067 --> 00:43:00,233 You nearly got away. 746 00:43:02,700 --> 00:43:04,267 Six people would still be alive. 747 00:43:06,767 --> 00:43:09,067 Do you know what would have happened, son? 748 00:43:09,167 --> 00:43:11,600 Instead of spending the rest of your life in jail, like you're going to. 749 00:43:11,733 --> 00:43:13,467 I think you're gonna tell me. 750 00:43:13,600 --> 00:43:15,967 You'd have grown out of it. You'd have ditched all that. 751 00:43:16,100 --> 00:43:17,667 The lies, the hate and the blame, 752 00:43:17,800 --> 00:43:19,567 'cause it wouldn't have served you any more. 753 00:43:22,933 --> 00:43:24,067 You'd have moved on. 754 00:43:42,700 --> 00:43:44,367 There are no more bombs out there. 755 00:43:45,767 --> 00:43:46,900 Yes! 756 00:44:05,833 --> 00:44:06,833 Sarah. 757 00:44:09,933 --> 00:44:11,300 I thought you'd stand me up. 758 00:44:12,267 --> 00:44:13,533 Why? 759 00:44:13,667 --> 00:44:15,867 Because I said such awful things to you the other night. 760 00:44:18,967 --> 00:44:20,333 You laugh when you're nervous. 761 00:44:20,467 --> 00:44:21,433 I do. 762 00:44:21,567 --> 00:44:23,633 -It's disconcerting. -I can't help it. 763 00:44:25,167 --> 00:44:27,767 Look, I said awful things. 764 00:44:29,367 --> 00:44:31,767 I rushed you. I blew it. 765 00:44:32,433 --> 00:44:33,567 No, you didn't. 766 00:44:38,467 --> 00:44:40,500 I do not expect anything from you. 767 00:44:41,467 --> 00:44:42,467 Good. 768 00:44:46,133 --> 00:44:47,133 I love you. 769 00:44:53,533 --> 00:44:55,133 I don't know how to take that. 770 00:44:57,267 --> 00:45:00,900 Sorry. I'm... I'm serious. 771 00:45:01,600 --> 00:45:02,600 If you still... 772 00:45:05,900 --> 00:45:07,233 I would love to be with you. 773 00:45:10,500 --> 00:45:13,067 I need to talk to Campbell. I don't know how I'm gonna... 774 00:45:15,667 --> 00:45:16,667 It's gonna be... 775 00:45:21,167 --> 00:45:22,300 I just need time.