1 00:01:10,250 --> 00:01:12,375 Ciao, Gregor. 2 00:01:17,208 --> 00:01:19,041 I have Yovanovitch. 3 00:01:19,041 --> 00:01:20,916 Took you long enough, Nadia. 4 00:01:20,916 --> 00:01:22,458 Missed you, too, Bernard. 5 00:01:22,458 --> 00:01:23,833 Well, you know, they do say 6 00:01:23,833 --> 00:01:25,666 a year away makes the heart grow fonder. 7 00:01:25,666 --> 00:01:27,916 Although that didn't happen with my ex-wife's heart. 8 00:01:27,916 --> 00:01:29,416 Do you know that she had me living 9 00:01:29,416 --> 00:01:31,250 in a condo in Encinitas for an entire year? 10 00:01:31,250 --> 00:01:32,458 Do you know where that is? 11 00:01:32,458 --> 00:01:33,833 Encinitas? 12 00:01:33,833 --> 00:01:35,625 - It's good to be back. - Now, remember, 13 00:01:35,625 --> 00:01:37,833 our intel says that this shitbag is carrying 14 00:01:37,833 --> 00:01:40,250 highly enriched uranium in that case 15 00:01:40,250 --> 00:01:43,291 and he's intending to sell it to any number of nefarious bidders. 16 00:01:43,291 --> 00:01:45,375 I see you left me a few new toys. 17 00:01:45,375 --> 00:01:46,916 Yes. I built them for my favorite spy. 18 00:01:46,916 --> 00:01:48,125 Aw. 19 00:01:48,125 --> 00:01:49,875 He hated them, and I didn't want them 20 00:01:49,875 --> 00:01:51,666 - to go to waste, so... - Asshole. 21 00:01:51,666 --> 00:01:54,000 The compact can track a target a mile away. 22 00:01:54,000 --> 00:01:56,500 The perfume is a localized explosive. 23 00:01:56,500 --> 00:01:57,916 What about the lipstick? 24 00:01:57,916 --> 00:01:59,500 Lipstick. 25 00:01:59,500 --> 00:02:01,958 Nothing more dangerous to a pervy old man than red lips. 26 00:02:01,958 --> 00:02:03,333 You would know. 27 00:02:03,333 --> 00:02:05,083 Got to go. 28 00:02:14,541 --> 00:02:16,916 Anyone sitting here? 29 00:02:20,666 --> 00:02:22,833 Got kicked out of first class. They wouldn't let me smoke. 30 00:02:22,833 --> 00:02:25,708 - This is a nonsmoking train. - Oh, I don't smoke. 31 00:02:25,708 --> 00:02:27,541 I just don't like being told I can't. 32 00:02:27,541 --> 00:02:29,458 Seat's taken. I'm waiting for a friend. 33 00:02:29,458 --> 00:02:31,583 Well, how about I keep you company till they show? 34 00:02:31,583 --> 00:02:33,625 The thing is, he's far more attractive, 35 00:02:33,625 --> 00:02:36,208 and I'm a girl who paid a fortune for a good view. 36 00:02:36,208 --> 00:02:38,458 Is that right? 37 00:02:38,458 --> 00:02:40,625 I mean, I'm surprised you'd show your face at all. 38 00:02:40,625 --> 00:02:43,250 - You got a mask I could borrow? - I got dozens, love. 39 00:02:43,250 --> 00:02:45,291 How about I call the rail line, give you a refund? 40 00:02:45,291 --> 00:02:46,583 Will they cover emotional damage? 41 00:02:46,583 --> 00:02:48,250 I think this is the quiet car. 42 00:02:48,250 --> 00:02:49,416 Mm. 43 00:02:54,750 --> 00:02:56,583 I told them I was bringing him in myself. 44 00:02:56,583 --> 00:02:58,000 What are you doing here, Mason? 45 00:02:58,000 --> 00:03:00,125 Grace needed the best on this. 46 00:03:00,125 --> 00:03:03,750 Right. So, as I said, what are you doing here? 47 00:03:03,750 --> 00:03:05,250 We're a team. 48 00:03:05,250 --> 00:03:07,458 We were a team. 49 00:03:07,458 --> 00:03:09,833 No comprende español. 50 00:03:11,125 --> 00:03:12,458 What's with the wedding ring? 51 00:03:12,458 --> 00:03:14,958 Oh. It's part of my cover. 52 00:03:16,166 --> 00:03:17,708 Or maybe it's just an old habit. 53 00:03:17,708 --> 00:03:19,041 I thought your old habit was lying. 54 00:03:19,041 --> 00:03:21,708 I thought your old habit was just leaving. 55 00:03:22,750 --> 00:03:24,375 I've been in Berlin. 56 00:03:24,375 --> 00:03:26,125 - Good schnitzel? - I've been on mission. 57 00:03:26,125 --> 00:03:27,958 How is Operation Bullshit? 58 00:03:40,291 --> 00:03:42,458 Don't flatter yourself. He's got backup. 59 00:03:42,458 --> 00:03:44,125 - You would've blown our cover. - Uh-huh. 60 00:03:44,125 --> 00:03:45,750 - I pursue. You flank. - I pursue, you flank. 61 00:03:45,750 --> 00:03:47,250 I don't flank. I'm not a flanker. 62 00:03:47,250 --> 00:03:49,625 This is my mission. You flank, love. 63 00:03:49,625 --> 00:03:51,041 His handler's in a tan... 64 00:03:51,041 --> 00:03:52,958 Tan suit. I know, love. 65 00:04:17,208 --> 00:04:19,750 Hey! Pal. 66 00:04:26,083 --> 00:04:28,291 You know what's gonna happen now, right? 67 00:05:28,041 --> 00:05:30,166 Gregor Yovanovitch? 68 00:05:35,708 --> 00:05:39,125 I think you dropped it in the passenger car. 69 00:05:39,125 --> 00:05:40,541 Thank you. 70 00:05:40,541 --> 00:05:42,458 Look, I don't know if this is too forward 71 00:05:42,458 --> 00:05:44,166 or anything, but... 72 00:05:44,166 --> 00:05:46,000 mind if I join you? 73 00:05:47,041 --> 00:05:48,125 Not at all. Please. 74 00:05:48,125 --> 00:05:50,333 I'm Charlotte. 75 00:05:50,333 --> 00:05:52,291 - Gregor, of course. - Hi. 76 00:05:53,333 --> 00:05:54,541 I love your lipstick. 77 00:05:54,541 --> 00:05:56,291 I thought you might. 78 00:06:14,041 --> 00:06:15,458 You have beautiful eyes. 79 00:06:19,500 --> 00:06:21,416 What, has no one ever told you that? 80 00:06:21,416 --> 00:06:22,791 No. 81 00:06:24,458 --> 00:06:25,750 Oh-oh, oh. 82 00:06:27,458 --> 00:06:28,833 Is that your foot? 83 00:06:28,833 --> 00:06:31,000 Oh, no, Gregor. 84 00:06:32,291 --> 00:06:35,250 It's a .22 Beretta aimed at your nuts. 85 00:06:35,250 --> 00:06:38,791 Now, if you're careless enough to lose your wallet, 86 00:06:38,791 --> 00:06:41,125 you sure can't be trusted with all that uranium 87 00:06:41,125 --> 00:06:43,416 on a crowded train. 88 00:06:45,958 --> 00:06:48,416 What are you, CIA? 89 00:06:48,416 --> 00:06:50,625 - MI6? - Oh, come on, Greg. 90 00:06:50,625 --> 00:06:53,916 Do I look like a woman that plays for the minor leagues? 91 00:06:59,333 --> 00:07:00,750 You're Citadel. 92 00:07:02,208 --> 00:07:04,666 I thought Citadel was a myth. 93 00:07:24,250 --> 00:07:26,041 The bag. 94 00:07:26,041 --> 00:07:27,833 Now. 95 00:07:35,791 --> 00:07:37,250 Nadia. 96 00:07:38,333 --> 00:07:41,083 That's your real name, right? 97 00:07:41,083 --> 00:07:42,875 There is no uranium. 98 00:07:45,125 --> 00:07:47,791 We fed false information to your people 99 00:07:47,791 --> 00:07:53,083 to lure you here so I can hand-deliver a message. 100 00:08:41,791 --> 00:08:44,208 Bernard, you got eyes on Nadia? 101 00:08:44,208 --> 00:08:46,458 Checking now. 102 00:08:46,458 --> 00:08:48,125 Dining car. 103 00:08:49,083 --> 00:08:50,666 On my way. 104 00:08:58,875 --> 00:09:00,875 {\an8}You know him, I imagine. 105 00:09:00,875 --> 00:09:02,416 {\an8}Vishal Rai. 106 00:09:02,416 --> 00:09:06,208 {\an8}He's got the most beautiful apartment in Mumbai. 107 00:09:08,208 --> 00:09:10,500 {\an8}Himari Tanaka in Tokyo. 108 00:09:10,500 --> 00:09:13,916 {\an8}The Citadel tech team in Mexico City. 109 00:09:15,166 --> 00:09:17,375 Milan, Paris, Cairo. 110 00:09:17,375 --> 00:09:20,083 And hundreds and hundreds more. 111 00:09:23,541 --> 00:09:26,208 The thing about myths is that 112 00:09:26,208 --> 00:09:29,041 at the end of the day, they're just stories. 113 00:09:30,083 --> 00:09:32,791 Fallacies, lies. 114 00:09:32,791 --> 00:09:35,250 Who the fuck are you? 115 00:09:42,666 --> 00:09:45,625 The truth is everywhere. 116 00:09:54,208 --> 00:09:57,041 - Give it to me. - I think maybe you're outgunned. 117 00:10:00,541 --> 00:10:03,375 Long ago, you convinced yourselves of a lie. 118 00:10:03,375 --> 00:10:08,041 That you at Citadel are not agents but angels. 119 00:10:08,041 --> 00:10:10,166 We waited a long time to wipe Citadel 120 00:10:10,166 --> 00:10:11,875 from the face of the Earth. 121 00:10:12,958 --> 00:10:14,791 And seeing you now, that... 122 00:10:14,791 --> 00:10:16,333 that... 123 00:10:16,333 --> 00:10:18,583 that look in your eyes... 124 00:10:18,583 --> 00:10:21,208 it was worth the wait. 125 00:10:29,375 --> 00:10:31,166 - How many? - Six. 126 00:11:20,791 --> 00:11:21,791 Down! 127 00:11:22,750 --> 00:11:24,416 Get down! 128 00:11:31,583 --> 00:11:33,500 - We were set up. - Who are they? 129 00:11:33,500 --> 00:11:37,041 I don't know, but they're burning Citadel to the ground. 130 00:11:40,333 --> 00:11:42,833 - I need to tell you something. - I lied to you. 131 00:11:42,833 --> 00:11:44,458 I lied to you. 132 00:11:44,458 --> 00:11:46,041 Mason. 133 00:11:46,041 --> 00:11:48,125 Bernard, we need evac. 134 00:11:48,125 --> 00:11:50,708 Bernard? 135 00:11:51,750 --> 00:11:53,666 Bernard? 136 00:11:56,375 --> 00:12:00,791 Manticore will always find you. 137 00:14:44,166 --> 00:14:47,375 Help! Help! 138 00:14:54,333 --> 00:14:56,166 You attacked our best surgeon. 139 00:14:57,708 --> 00:14:59,208 Broke his arm. 140 00:15:00,208 --> 00:15:01,875 What happened? 141 00:15:01,875 --> 00:15:05,041 There was an explosion on board a... a passenger train. 142 00:15:05,041 --> 00:15:07,166 You washed ashore in Lezzeno. 143 00:15:07,166 --> 00:15:09,375 Do you remember being on that train? 144 00:15:11,166 --> 00:15:12,791 No. 145 00:15:13,916 --> 00:15:15,833 Do you remember your name? 146 00:15:15,833 --> 00:15:17,583 Yeah, it's... 147 00:15:20,166 --> 00:15:21,833 It appears you're suffering 148 00:15:21,833 --> 00:15:25,250 from retrograde amnesia, which affects your memories. 149 00:15:25,250 --> 00:15:27,583 Do you know a man named Kyle Conroy? 150 00:15:27,583 --> 00:15:30,375 No. Who's that? 151 00:15:30,375 --> 00:15:32,291 You. 152 00:15:37,250 --> 00:15:39,250 This was in your pocket. 153 00:15:40,416 --> 00:15:42,125 As was this. 154 00:15:43,833 --> 00:15:46,666 The American consulate can't find any relatives 155 00:15:46,666 --> 00:15:48,666 or records of you. 156 00:15:48,666 --> 00:15:50,750 It's like you're a ghost. 157 00:16:06,583 --> 00:16:10,791 {\an8}♪ Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose ♪ 158 00:16:10,791 --> 00:16:14,083 {\an8}♪ And sometimes the blues get a hold of you ♪ 159 00:16:14,083 --> 00:16:16,916 {\an8}♪ Oh, just when ♪ 160 00:16:16,916 --> 00:16:20,208 ♪ You thought you had made it ♪ 161 00:16:22,958 --> 00:16:25,291 ♪ All around the block, people will talk ♪ 162 00:16:25,291 --> 00:16:27,250 ♪ Oh, people will talk... 163 00:16:27,250 --> 00:16:29,666 Dad, pancakes are ready. 164 00:16:29,666 --> 00:16:31,125 ♪ All that I've got ♪ 165 00:16:31,125 --> 00:16:33,125 ♪ I just don't want ♪ 166 00:16:33,125 --> 00:16:34,916 ♪ I don't want to... 167 00:16:34,916 --> 00:16:36,583 Blueberry pancakes? 168 00:16:36,583 --> 00:16:38,625 - How many of those are you gonna eat? - All of them. 169 00:16:38,625 --> 00:16:40,333 Save one for me, will you? 170 00:16:40,333 --> 00:16:41,958 {\an8}...in one of the worst attacks 171 00:16:41,958 --> 00:16:44,000 {\an8}since the fighting in the city began. 172 00:16:44,000 --> 00:16:46,041 {\an8}Domestic terror groups have claimed responsibility 173 00:16:46,041 --> 00:16:49,208 {\an8}for the bombings as the government readies for war. 174 00:16:49,208 --> 00:16:50,750 This is the tenth such attack... 175 00:16:51,875 --> 00:16:54,041 All right. Bus is here in five minutes. 176 00:16:54,041 --> 00:16:55,750 - You ready for school? - Yep. 177 00:16:55,750 --> 00:16:57,750 Soccer cleats? Really, dude? 178 00:16:57,750 --> 00:16:59,375 School shoes, now. Come on. 179 00:17:08,500 --> 00:17:10,458 You ever been to therapy before? 180 00:17:10,458 --> 00:17:12,583 In the beginning. 181 00:17:12,583 --> 00:17:14,208 Then I stopped. 182 00:17:14,208 --> 00:17:15,708 Why? 183 00:17:18,500 --> 00:17:21,083 I was terrified of what I'd find. 184 00:17:21,083 --> 00:17:24,750 You know, no one came looking for me after the accident. 185 00:17:24,750 --> 00:17:26,833 Can you imagine how horrible I must have been 186 00:17:26,833 --> 00:17:29,500 to not have one single person come looking for me? 187 00:17:30,541 --> 00:17:31,875 So, if you're so afraid of what you'll find, 188 00:17:31,875 --> 00:17:33,166 why are you here now? 189 00:17:36,875 --> 00:17:39,291 'Cause I feel like I'm keeping secrets from myself. 190 00:17:39,291 --> 00:17:41,291 And I just need to know. 191 00:17:41,291 --> 00:17:44,000 I need to know. 192 00:17:44,000 --> 00:17:46,833 So when my daughter asks me, you know, 193 00:17:46,833 --> 00:17:49,125 "What was your mom like?" 194 00:17:49,125 --> 00:17:52,333 Did I have a dad or a dog 195 00:17:52,333 --> 00:17:54,541 or make wishes? 196 00:17:54,541 --> 00:17:56,541 See, I got nothing to give her. 197 00:17:56,541 --> 00:17:59,416 And, uh... and she should know. 198 00:17:59,416 --> 00:18:01,500 She deserves to know. 199 00:18:01,500 --> 00:18:04,125 And I deserve to know. 200 00:18:05,166 --> 00:18:07,583 And, uh... 201 00:18:07,583 --> 00:18:10,500 you know, when they pulled me from the water, I... 202 00:18:10,500 --> 00:18:13,041 I had a wedding ring and, uh... 203 00:18:15,500 --> 00:18:19,166 These past few months, I've been having these... 204 00:18:19,166 --> 00:18:23,625 visions of a... of a woman. 205 00:18:24,958 --> 00:18:26,375 A woman? 206 00:18:27,458 --> 00:18:29,708 Yeah, I-I think she was on that train with me. 207 00:18:29,708 --> 00:18:33,708 I know she was. And, uh... 208 00:18:33,708 --> 00:18:36,458 if I can find out who she is, 209 00:18:36,458 --> 00:18:39,250 then maybe I can find out who I am. 210 00:18:41,625 --> 00:18:43,708 Kyle... 211 00:18:43,708 --> 00:18:45,708 as much as I'd love to charge you weekly 212 00:18:45,708 --> 00:18:48,541 and make a small fortune off your condition, 213 00:18:48,541 --> 00:18:51,000 I think the best course would be to swab your DNA, 214 00:18:51,000 --> 00:18:53,125 run it through one of the national databases, 215 00:18:53,125 --> 00:18:55,291 see if we can find any relatives, any information. 216 00:18:55,291 --> 00:18:57,375 Yeah, I did that before, and nothing showed. 217 00:18:57,375 --> 00:19:00,083 Well, the technology's gotten more advanced since then. 218 00:19:11,375 --> 00:19:13,333 Mr. Secretary, 219 00:19:13,333 --> 00:19:15,583 thank you for coming to see me at such short notice. 220 00:19:15,583 --> 00:19:16,875 Madam Ambassador. 221 00:19:16,875 --> 00:19:18,666 I would've met you in D.C., 222 00:19:18,666 --> 00:19:22,291 but roses can be needy little wankers. 223 00:19:23,750 --> 00:19:25,666 Let me cut to the liver, Harold. 224 00:19:25,666 --> 00:19:29,500 Eight years ago, when Citadel fell, 225 00:19:29,500 --> 00:19:34,000 it buried its trove of secrets in a tungsten-fortified case. 226 00:19:34,000 --> 00:19:38,625 Secrets that may have included black site locations, 227 00:19:38,625 --> 00:19:42,583 agent identities, even nuclear codes. 228 00:19:43,833 --> 00:19:47,375 And I've just learned that your CIA 229 00:19:47,375 --> 00:19:49,583 recently discovered the whereabouts 230 00:19:49,583 --> 00:19:52,583 of this Citadel X Case. 231 00:19:54,750 --> 00:19:58,333 The UK ambassador is asking the secretary of state 232 00:19:58,333 --> 00:20:01,125 to divulge national security secrets? 233 00:20:01,125 --> 00:20:04,083 I'm not asking in my capacity as ambassador. 234 00:20:04,083 --> 00:20:06,166 No, no, this is... 235 00:20:06,166 --> 00:20:08,708 this is for a different cause. 236 00:20:08,708 --> 00:20:10,750 A greater cause. 237 00:20:10,750 --> 00:20:13,125 The truth. 238 00:20:13,125 --> 00:20:15,333 I don't work for Manticore anymore. 239 00:20:15,333 --> 00:20:18,458 We've helped you before, so... 240 00:20:18,458 --> 00:20:21,208 now we're calling in our favor. 241 00:20:22,625 --> 00:20:25,166 So, what will it be, Harold? 242 00:20:25,166 --> 00:20:27,000 Shall we plant explosives 243 00:20:27,000 --> 00:20:29,458 on your daughter's British Airways flight tomorrow 244 00:20:29,458 --> 00:20:31,791 as she flies home from Oxford? 245 00:20:31,791 --> 00:20:35,375 Or shall we abduct your wife 246 00:20:35,375 --> 00:20:38,541 and bury her alive in my rose garden? 247 00:20:42,750 --> 00:20:45,000 You tell me. 248 00:21:12,291 --> 00:21:14,166 Ma'am? 249 00:21:15,208 --> 00:21:16,500 How is the wedding? 250 00:21:16,500 --> 00:21:17,916 It's over. 251 00:21:17,916 --> 00:21:19,833 I'm sure the bride looked darling. 252 00:21:19,833 --> 00:21:21,916 I have another job for you, Davik. 253 00:21:23,416 --> 00:21:25,666 They found the Citadel X Case. 254 00:21:25,666 --> 00:21:28,166 It's been moved to a CIA black site 255 00:21:28,166 --> 00:21:30,166 at a shipping yard in Miami. 256 00:21:30,166 --> 00:21:32,000 I want you to retrieve it. 257 00:21:32,000 --> 00:21:33,416 Understood. 258 00:21:33,416 --> 00:21:35,041 Is your brother up for this? 259 00:21:35,041 --> 00:21:36,666 Of course he's up for this. 260 00:21:36,666 --> 00:21:38,791 Ah, he cost us dearly in Beijing. 261 00:21:38,791 --> 00:21:40,625 He's letting things slide. 262 00:21:40,625 --> 00:21:42,458 The families weren't pleased. 263 00:21:43,500 --> 00:21:45,458 Did you hear that, Anders? 264 00:21:47,416 --> 00:21:49,250 Yeah. 265 00:21:49,250 --> 00:21:51,625 I hear you, Dahlia, loud and clear. 266 00:21:51,625 --> 00:21:52,916 We're on it. 267 00:22:07,750 --> 00:22:09,458 Oh, yes. 268 00:22:09,458 --> 00:22:11,375 I love this game. 269 00:22:11,375 --> 00:22:14,875 Okay, guys, we're gonna play a game. 270 00:22:14,875 --> 00:22:16,958 The rules are simple. 271 00:22:16,958 --> 00:22:22,666 Whoever guesses three distinctive features 272 00:22:22,666 --> 00:22:27,500 of an opponent's Secret Someone wins. 273 00:22:27,500 --> 00:22:29,291 I mean, it's pretty easy, right? 274 00:22:29,291 --> 00:22:31,416 Okay, great. Here we go. I'll begin. 275 00:22:31,416 --> 00:22:35,041 Does your Secret Someone 276 00:22:35,041 --> 00:22:37,666 have blond hair? 277 00:22:38,916 --> 00:22:40,250 Yes. 278 00:22:40,250 --> 00:22:41,791 That's one for me. 279 00:22:41,791 --> 00:22:43,208 Go ahead. Your turn. 280 00:22:43,208 --> 00:22:47,208 Does your Secret Someone have freckles? 281 00:22:47,208 --> 00:22:48,583 No. 282 00:22:50,041 --> 00:22:53,791 Okay. Does your Secret Someone have a mustache? 283 00:22:53,791 --> 00:22:55,458 What the fuck is wrong with you? 284 00:22:57,333 --> 00:22:59,625 Okay. Just you and me. 285 00:23:01,083 --> 00:23:03,958 Does your Secret Someone know 286 00:23:03,958 --> 00:23:08,125 why your Manticore pal Dahlia Archer had a meeting 287 00:23:08,125 --> 00:23:11,791 with Secretary McCulough yesterday at her home? 288 00:23:15,666 --> 00:23:17,083 Hmm? 289 00:23:17,083 --> 00:23:21,500 She wanted the location of Citadel's X Case. 290 00:23:22,750 --> 00:23:24,166 Why? 291 00:23:25,208 --> 00:23:26,750 Nuclear codes. 292 00:23:27,791 --> 00:23:29,208 That's interesting. 293 00:23:37,000 --> 00:23:38,750 Oh, my God. 294 00:23:39,875 --> 00:23:41,625 Yeah. 295 00:23:41,625 --> 00:23:42,708 No... No! 296 00:23:59,875 --> 00:24:01,916 Just a sec. 297 00:24:03,833 --> 00:24:05,833 "Just a sec"? 298 00:24:05,833 --> 00:24:07,750 What kind of shady shit you doing in here? 299 00:24:07,750 --> 00:24:09,250 Little rub and tug? 300 00:24:09,250 --> 00:24:10,875 No. 301 00:24:10,875 --> 00:24:12,583 Good. 302 00:24:12,583 --> 00:24:14,541 'Cause it was fantasy suites on The Bachelor, 303 00:24:14,541 --> 00:24:16,291 and I just finished a glass of wine. 304 00:24:16,291 --> 00:24:17,833 A whole glass of wine? 305 00:24:17,833 --> 00:24:19,833 A whole half. 306 00:24:21,500 --> 00:24:23,875 - Hendrix asleep? - Mm-hmm. 307 00:24:23,875 --> 00:24:26,375 Abby C. 308 00:24:26,375 --> 00:24:27,750 Will you accept this rose? 309 00:24:27,750 --> 00:24:29,958 I love you. 310 00:24:35,750 --> 00:24:37,583 What's wrong? 311 00:24:38,875 --> 00:24:40,125 Kyle. 312 00:24:41,458 --> 00:24:43,458 Dad? 313 00:24:45,791 --> 00:24:47,375 Earth to Kyle. 314 00:24:47,375 --> 00:24:49,458 Dad! 315 00:24:51,958 --> 00:24:53,791 I got it. 316 00:25:00,333 --> 00:25:02,541 I'm right here. 317 00:25:02,541 --> 00:25:04,291 Had another nightmare. 318 00:25:04,291 --> 00:25:06,250 - Another one? - Mm-hmm. 319 00:25:06,250 --> 00:25:08,458 What was it this time? 320 00:25:08,458 --> 00:25:11,166 Some of the kids in school said that we're gonna get bombed 321 00:25:11,166 --> 00:25:13,000 and there was a war. 322 00:25:13,000 --> 00:25:16,583 And people are gonna eat people, including me. 323 00:25:16,583 --> 00:25:19,000 Well, some of the kids at school are stupid. 324 00:25:20,291 --> 00:25:22,666 I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. 325 00:25:22,666 --> 00:25:26,125 Did your dad tuck you in when you had bad dreams? 326 00:25:26,125 --> 00:25:28,375 I don't remember. 327 00:25:28,375 --> 00:25:30,250 Do you want to remember? 328 00:25:31,875 --> 00:25:33,708 Time for sleep, sweetheart. 329 00:25:41,916 --> 00:25:43,833 Good night, beautiful. 330 00:26:41,833 --> 00:26:43,625 - Hey. - There's someone in the house. 331 00:26:47,500 --> 00:26:49,250 Abby! 332 00:26:53,083 --> 00:26:54,125 Kyle. 333 00:26:54,125 --> 00:26:55,750 - Dad! - Get in the car. Get in the car! 334 00:26:55,750 --> 00:26:57,208 For goodness' sake, we're not who you think we are. 335 00:26:57,208 --> 00:27:00,416 Kyle Conroy, Abigail Conroy, Hendrix Conroy. 336 00:27:00,416 --> 00:27:02,583 Right? How did I do? Get in the car. 337 00:27:02,583 --> 00:27:05,083 - Take me. You don't need them. - Do you know who I am? 338 00:27:05,083 --> 00:27:06,708 - No. - Do you know where we're going? 339 00:27:06,708 --> 00:27:09,250 - No. - Then how the fuck do you know what I need? 340 00:27:09,250 --> 00:27:11,250 Get in the car. Back up. Back up. 341 00:27:12,750 --> 00:27:14,125 Get in. 342 00:27:16,500 --> 00:27:17,791 Come on. 343 00:27:17,791 --> 00:27:19,500 Let's go. 344 00:27:25,458 --> 00:27:26,833 That's it. 345 00:27:28,250 --> 00:27:29,875 It's all right. We're okay. 346 00:27:29,875 --> 00:27:30,916 Everything's gonna be all right. 347 00:27:30,916 --> 00:27:32,000 Cabin secure. 348 00:27:32,000 --> 00:27:34,541 Put them to sleep. 349 00:27:34,541 --> 00:27:36,166 Dispensing. Dispensing. 350 00:27:36,166 --> 00:27:37,500 Let's go. 351 00:27:37,500 --> 00:27:39,750 Don't you do that, you son of a bitch! No! 352 00:27:39,750 --> 00:27:41,375 - Mom! - No. No, no. 353 00:27:41,375 --> 00:27:43,666 Don't you do that! 354 00:28:34,708 --> 00:28:36,791 Okay, everybody. Here we go. 355 00:28:36,791 --> 00:28:40,625 We're live in three, two... 356 00:28:40,625 --> 00:28:42,458 Ambassador, do you believe that 357 00:28:42,458 --> 00:28:44,375 certain nation-states are too powerful, 358 00:28:44,375 --> 00:28:46,291 with monopolies on natural resources, 359 00:28:46,291 --> 00:28:47,875 possession of nuclear weapons, 360 00:28:47,875 --> 00:28:50,875 inclinations to wage war to further GDP interests? 361 00:28:50,875 --> 00:28:54,166 Sounds like a gotcha question, but yes. 362 00:28:54,166 --> 00:28:56,375 Would you support limiting the powers 363 00:28:56,375 --> 00:28:58,750 of a nation that may pose a global threat? 364 00:28:58,750 --> 00:29:00,000 I would. 365 00:29:00,000 --> 00:29:01,541 As would the prime minister, 366 00:29:01,541 --> 00:29:03,541 who I so proudly represent here today. 367 00:29:03,541 --> 00:29:05,458 So you would support limiting the powers 368 00:29:05,458 --> 00:29:08,000 of Great Britain? 369 00:29:08,000 --> 00:29:10,750 Surely, you would recognize that Great Britain and her allies 370 00:29:10,750 --> 00:29:13,500 have invaded other countries, destabilized economies, 371 00:29:13,500 --> 00:29:15,250 created an oligarchy that is run 372 00:29:15,250 --> 00:29:17,708 by crooked politicians and corporate titans. 373 00:29:17,708 --> 00:29:20,375 I don't recognize that, Marjorie, no. 374 00:29:20,375 --> 00:29:22,916 This is a nation that has ended wars, 375 00:29:22,916 --> 00:29:25,166 sometimes before they've even begun, 376 00:29:25,166 --> 00:29:27,291 protected natural resources, 377 00:29:27,291 --> 00:29:30,166 and furthered peace and humanity worldwide. 378 00:29:30,166 --> 00:29:32,291 Some would say you are the queen of alternative facts. 379 00:29:32,291 --> 00:29:34,833 Let me be clear. 380 00:29:34,833 --> 00:29:37,916 I take great pride in Britain's standing in the world, 381 00:29:37,916 --> 00:29:39,666 in the choices she's made. 382 00:29:39,666 --> 00:29:41,291 And let me say this, too. 383 00:29:41,291 --> 00:29:43,875 We will strike back in force 384 00:29:43,875 --> 00:29:47,208 against any entity that threatens our democracy, 385 00:29:47,208 --> 00:29:50,666 whether that be hackers, a foreign government 386 00:29:50,666 --> 00:29:54,750 or, say, an agent of the press 387 00:29:54,750 --> 00:29:57,208 leading a dangerous misinformation campaign 388 00:29:57,208 --> 00:29:59,458 to further foreign state interests. 389 00:30:01,125 --> 00:30:03,375 And we're cut. 390 00:30:03,375 --> 00:30:05,791 Did you just call me a Russian asset on live TV? 391 00:30:05,791 --> 00:30:08,416 Come on now, dear. I didn't say Russian. 392 00:30:13,375 --> 00:30:14,833 The brothers have the X Case, 393 00:30:14,833 --> 00:30:16,416 but the lock is heavily encrypted. 394 00:30:16,416 --> 00:30:18,041 They're headed to New York to decode it. 395 00:30:18,041 --> 00:30:20,041 The families will be pleased. 396 00:30:20,041 --> 00:30:21,750 Tell Davik I want that information 397 00:30:21,750 --> 00:30:23,916 - the moment it's ready. - Of course, ma'am. 398 00:30:59,250 --> 00:31:00,791 I apologize for the theatrics, 399 00:31:00,791 --> 00:31:03,291 but it's for your safety and ours. 400 00:31:04,333 --> 00:31:06,041 Who are you people? 401 00:31:06,041 --> 00:31:07,958 Where's our daughter? 402 00:31:07,958 --> 00:31:09,458 I'm Bernard Orlick. 403 00:31:09,458 --> 00:31:11,541 - This is my wife Joe. - Ex-wife. 404 00:31:11,541 --> 00:31:12,750 Ex-wife. 405 00:31:12,750 --> 00:31:15,083 - This is my wife Sandra. - Hi. 406 00:31:15,083 --> 00:31:18,208 And your daughter is downstairs and safe with our daughter Val. 407 00:31:18,208 --> 00:31:20,125 I swear to God, if you lay a finger on her... 408 00:31:20,125 --> 00:31:21,666 Lay a finger on her? 409 00:31:21,666 --> 00:31:23,458 I brought you here to keep you safe. 410 00:31:23,458 --> 00:31:25,375 Keep us safe? You gassed us in your truck. 411 00:31:25,375 --> 00:31:26,750 I'm sorry, there wasn't really time 412 00:31:26,750 --> 00:31:28,250 for a cappuccino and a chat. 413 00:31:28,250 --> 00:31:30,500 You're lucky that I found you before Manticore could. 414 00:31:30,500 --> 00:31:33,041 - What do you want from us? - Listen, 23andMe. 415 00:31:33,041 --> 00:31:36,833 You've been searching to find out who you are, right? 416 00:31:36,833 --> 00:31:38,458 What happened to you eight years ago? 417 00:31:38,458 --> 00:31:40,583 Well, look no further. 418 00:31:40,583 --> 00:31:42,833 We're here to help you. 419 00:31:42,833 --> 00:31:45,000 Why should I trust anything you say? 420 00:31:45,000 --> 00:31:48,541 Because, believe it or not, we're old friends. 421 00:31:54,166 --> 00:31:55,958 It's good to see you, Mason. 422 00:31:55,958 --> 00:31:58,375 - Mason? - Mm-hmm. 423 00:31:58,375 --> 00:32:00,750 Ready to find out who you are? 424 00:32:03,166 --> 00:32:05,500 Okay, logging Agent Mason Kane. 425 00:32:05,500 --> 00:32:07,333 Mission scan initializing. 426 00:32:07,333 --> 00:32:09,333 - Stand still. - I am standing still. 427 00:32:09,333 --> 00:32:11,041 Okay, now smile. 428 00:32:11,041 --> 00:32:13,458 - I'm not gonna fucking smile. - You see what a joy you were? 429 00:32:13,458 --> 00:32:14,791 Command says you have to smile. 430 00:32:14,791 --> 00:32:16,083 Mason Kane doesn't smile. 431 00:32:16,083 --> 00:32:17,958 You talked about yourself in the third person. 432 00:32:17,958 --> 00:32:19,750 Fine. How about a smize? 433 00:32:19,750 --> 00:32:21,375 That's where you smile with your eyes. 434 00:32:21,375 --> 00:32:23,208 I'm gonna kill you, Bernard. I'll actually kill you. 435 00:32:23,208 --> 00:32:25,000 It was a very hostile workplace. 436 00:32:25,000 --> 00:32:26,666 How about you try killing me with kindness? 437 00:32:26,666 --> 00:32:29,125 - Fuck me. - Fuck me. 438 00:32:29,125 --> 00:32:31,291 You're telling me I was a spy. 439 00:32:32,875 --> 00:32:35,083 Why do you think there was no trace of you? 440 00:32:35,083 --> 00:32:37,500 Because there is no Kyle Conroy. 441 00:32:37,500 --> 00:32:40,208 - Bingo, my friend. - It's an alias. 442 00:32:40,208 --> 00:32:42,708 One of many I came up with for you. 443 00:32:42,708 --> 00:32:44,625 I have a gift for names. 444 00:32:44,625 --> 00:32:46,166 I mean, I have many gifts. 445 00:32:46,166 --> 00:32:50,041 And my scars, they're, what, bullet wounds, knife wounds? 446 00:32:50,041 --> 00:32:51,875 Machete wounds, shrapnel wounds, 447 00:32:51,875 --> 00:32:55,000 oyster shucker wounds... the list is endless. 448 00:32:55,000 --> 00:32:58,000 So what were we? CIA? Special forces? 449 00:32:58,000 --> 00:33:00,916 Nope. What you were was a myth. 450 00:33:00,916 --> 00:33:03,833 What you were was Citadel. 451 00:33:03,833 --> 00:33:05,500 Citadel? 452 00:33:05,500 --> 00:33:07,375 I thought you had a gift for names. 453 00:33:08,791 --> 00:33:11,041 For as long as they've been around, 454 00:33:11,041 --> 00:33:14,125 spy agencies have started wars, 455 00:33:14,125 --> 00:33:18,583 assassinated world leaders, killed innocents. 456 00:33:18,583 --> 00:33:20,916 So, a century ago, 457 00:33:20,916 --> 00:33:23,125 a group of spies and friends recruited individuals 458 00:33:23,125 --> 00:33:24,833 from around the world 459 00:33:24,833 --> 00:33:26,208 to create a spy organization 460 00:33:26,208 --> 00:33:28,291 loyal to no man 461 00:33:28,291 --> 00:33:29,833 and to no nation. 462 00:33:29,833 --> 00:33:32,708 Loyal only to the safety and security of all people. 463 00:33:32,708 --> 00:33:34,208 You wouldn't know we existed, 464 00:33:34,208 --> 00:33:37,708 but we helped shape every major event for good 465 00:33:37,708 --> 00:33:39,458 in the past 100 years. 466 00:33:40,458 --> 00:33:42,333 - We were the good guys. - Mm-hmm. 467 00:33:42,333 --> 00:33:44,625 The last line of defense for good in the world. 468 00:33:44,625 --> 00:33:47,208 But then, eight years ago, we were double-crossed 469 00:33:47,208 --> 00:33:50,291 by one of our own, an unknown agent 470 00:33:50,291 --> 00:33:53,375 who took a list of all of Citadel's spies 471 00:33:53,375 --> 00:33:54,958 and transferred it into the wrong hands. 472 00:33:54,958 --> 00:33:57,375 They tried to kill me on that train. 473 00:33:57,375 --> 00:33:59,416 Mm-hmm. 474 00:33:59,416 --> 00:34:01,708 I've been searching for eight years for survivors. 475 00:34:01,708 --> 00:34:05,708 I thought that only one Citadel spy had survived. 476 00:34:05,708 --> 00:34:08,250 Luckily, this Citadel spy 477 00:34:08,250 --> 00:34:10,166 was head and shoulders above the rest. 478 00:34:10,166 --> 00:34:12,541 The agency's tech genius. 479 00:34:12,666 --> 00:34:15,333 Destined to carry the world on his back like Atlas. 480 00:34:15,333 --> 00:34:17,041 Please don't tell me. 481 00:34:17,041 --> 00:34:19,083 - His name? - Is it you? 482 00:34:21,791 --> 00:34:22,875 - Jesus Christ. - No. 483 00:34:22,875 --> 00:34:24,375 Bernard Orlick. 484 00:34:24,375 --> 00:34:25,416 Watch your feet. 485 00:34:25,416 --> 00:34:27,500 Come here. 486 00:34:29,458 --> 00:34:31,666 This is who we're fighting against. 487 00:34:31,666 --> 00:34:33,916 "Manticore"? They did this? 488 00:34:33,916 --> 00:34:35,458 {\an8}Manticore emerged eight years ago 489 00:34:35,458 --> 00:34:36,916 {\an8}with the assault on Citadel, 490 00:34:36,916 --> 00:34:39,916 {\an8}when they murdered thousands of Citadel spies. 491 00:34:39,916 --> 00:34:43,083 Manticore was founded by eight of the wealthiest families 492 00:34:43,083 --> 00:34:44,333 from around the world, 493 00:34:44,333 --> 00:34:46,250 who built their own spy network 494 00:34:46,250 --> 00:34:49,666 to manipulate world events and amass wealth and power. 495 00:34:49,666 --> 00:34:52,416 And with Citadel slaughtered and my tech in their hands, 496 00:34:52,416 --> 00:34:53,916 they wreaked havoc. 497 00:34:53,916 --> 00:34:56,166 {\an8}Oil crises, grid failures, 498 00:34:56,166 --> 00:34:58,083 {\an8}catastrophic wars. 499 00:34:58,083 --> 00:35:00,750 You didn't bring us here to keep us safe. 500 00:35:02,041 --> 00:35:05,083 I brought you here because I very much need your help. 501 00:35:05,083 --> 00:35:06,541 Mason's help. 502 00:35:06,541 --> 00:35:09,208 {\an8}Early this morning, Citadel's X Case, 503 00:35:09,208 --> 00:35:11,000 {\an8}containing all our secrets, 504 00:35:11,000 --> 00:35:13,166 {\an8}was stolen by two Manticore agents. 505 00:35:13,166 --> 00:35:15,791 {\an8}The kind of secrets that can murder millions of people 506 00:35:15,791 --> 00:35:17,958 {\an8}or hold entire nations hostage. 507 00:35:17,958 --> 00:35:20,583 And now those two agents are on their way to New York 508 00:35:20,583 --> 00:35:22,000 to tear open that case. 509 00:35:22,000 --> 00:35:23,416 And if they succeed, 510 00:35:23,416 --> 00:35:25,833 Manticore will have, among other things, 511 00:35:25,833 --> 00:35:29,250 all the codes to every nuclear weapon in the world. 512 00:35:29,250 --> 00:35:31,416 Excuse me. 513 00:35:31,416 --> 00:35:33,958 So I need you to come to New York with me 514 00:35:33,958 --> 00:35:36,625 and get that case before Manticore can open it. 515 00:35:36,625 --> 00:35:38,458 I need Mason Kane. 516 00:35:38,458 --> 00:35:40,250 Well, I'm not him. 517 00:35:40,250 --> 00:35:42,041 I coach Little League. 518 00:35:42,041 --> 00:35:43,458 I think you'll find that there is 519 00:35:43,458 --> 00:35:45,250 a lot more of him in you than you realize. 520 00:35:51,166 --> 00:35:53,041 The fuck is wrong with you? 521 00:35:53,041 --> 00:35:54,500 There's my guy. 522 00:35:54,500 --> 00:35:58,125 Your mind may not remember, but your body does. 523 00:35:59,625 --> 00:36:02,541 I mean, you were our top spy, after all. 524 00:36:02,541 --> 00:36:05,000 I was Citadel's top spy? 525 00:36:05,000 --> 00:36:06,708 Well, no, not really the top spy. 526 00:36:06,708 --> 00:36:09,583 I mean, you did have a... a partner. 527 00:36:09,583 --> 00:36:13,500 I mean, alone, you two were... you know, you-you were amazing, 528 00:36:13,500 --> 00:36:15,541 but together, you were hot stuff. 529 00:36:16,583 --> 00:36:18,166 What was her name? 530 00:36:24,750 --> 00:36:26,666 Her name was Nadia Sinh. 531 00:36:26,666 --> 00:36:28,500 You help me get that case, 532 00:36:28,500 --> 00:36:31,208 I'll help you remember who you were and who she was. 533 00:36:31,208 --> 00:36:32,625 Who she was? 534 00:36:32,625 --> 00:36:35,041 Nadia sent a Mayday call the day that Citadel fell. 535 00:36:35,041 --> 00:36:37,083 And then after that, she went dark. 536 00:36:37,083 --> 00:36:39,541 I think she's dead. 537 00:36:39,541 --> 00:36:41,750 If Manticore gets those nuclear codes, 538 00:36:41,750 --> 00:36:44,708 I promise you, they will not hesitate 539 00:36:44,708 --> 00:36:48,875 to kill you, to kill Abby and to kill Hendrix. 540 00:36:49,916 --> 00:36:52,208 You want to save your family? 541 00:36:53,291 --> 00:36:54,958 Come with me. 542 00:37:31,333 --> 00:37:33,250 {\an8}♪ Doing all right ♪ 543 00:37:34,250 --> 00:37:37,083 {\an8}♪ A little jiving on a Saturday night ♪ 544 00:37:38,375 --> 00:37:40,500 {\an8}♪ And come what may ♪ 545 00:37:41,708 --> 00:37:44,208 {\an8}♪ Gonna dance the day away ♪ 546 00:37:52,958 --> 00:37:55,958 {\an8}- ♪ The news is blue ♪ - ♪ The news is blue ♪ 547 00:37:55,958 --> 00:37:58,333 {\an8}♪ It has its own way to get to you ♪ 548 00:37:58,333 --> 00:38:00,041 {\an8}♪ Ooh ♪ 549 00:38:00,041 --> 00:38:03,166 {\an8}- ♪ What can I do? ♪ - ♪ What can I do? ♪ 550 00:38:03,166 --> 00:38:06,083 {\an8}♪ I'll never remember my time with you ♪ 551 00:38:14,666 --> 00:38:17,041 {\an8}♪ Driver's seat ♪ 552 00:38:17,041 --> 00:38:20,250 {\an8}♪ Ooh, driver's seat ♪ 553 00:38:20,250 --> 00:38:21,833 {\an8}♪ Yeah ♪ 554 00:38:21,833 --> 00:38:23,541 {\an8}♪ Doing all right ♪ 555 00:38:23,541 --> 00:38:25,083 {\an8}♪ Ooh ♪ 556 00:38:25,083 --> 00:38:27,250 {\an8}♪ A little jiving on a Saturday night ♪ 557 00:38:27,250 --> 00:38:28,958 {\an8}♪ Yeah ♪ 558 00:38:28,958 --> 00:38:31,083 {\an8}♪ And come what may ♪ 559 00:38:31,083 --> 00:38:32,208 {\an8}♪ Ooh ♪ 560 00:38:32,208 --> 00:38:34,750 {\an8}♪ Gonna dance the day away ♪ 561 00:38:34,750 --> 00:38:36,291 {\an8}♪ Yeah ♪ 562 00:38:36,291 --> 00:38:38,791 {\an8}♪ Driver's seat ♪ 563 00:38:38,791 --> 00:38:39,875 {\an8}♪ Ooh ♪ 564 00:38:39,875 --> 00:38:41,416 {\an8}♪ Driver's seat ♪ 565 00:38:41,416 --> 00:38:43,333 {\an8}♪ Yeah ♪ 566 00:38:43,333 --> 00:38:46,000 {\an8}♪ Jenny was sweet ♪ 567 00:38:46,000 --> 00:38:48,583 {\an8}- ♪ Ooh ♪ - ♪ There is no elite ♪ 568 00:38:48,583 --> 00:38:50,083 {\an8}♪ Yeah ♪ 569 00:38:50,083 --> 00:38:52,333 {\an8}♪ Pick up your feet ♪ 570 00:38:52,333 --> 00:38:54,291 {\an8}♪ Ooh ♪