1 00:00:35,600 --> 00:00:40,276 Asia - the largest of all the Earth's continents. 2 00:00:43,480 --> 00:00:48,634 It stretches from the equator to beyond the Arctic Circle. 3 00:00:51,040 --> 00:00:54,510 This is a continent of extremes. 4 00:00:58,920 --> 00:01:04,677 Here, temperatures can drop to below minus 60 degrees Celsius. 5 00:01:06,720 --> 00:01:09,553 On land, survival is almost impossible. 6 00:01:12,480 --> 00:01:15,154 But for a few weeks in summer, 7 00:01:15,280 --> 00:01:19,478 the ice melts and the coast is transformed. 8 00:01:29,840 --> 00:01:33,515 This is one of the biggest gatherings of mammals 9 00:01:33,640 --> 00:01:37,031 to be found anywhere on Earth. 10 00:02:28,600 --> 00:02:31,194 These are Pacific walrus. 11 00:02:32,440 --> 00:02:35,956 For most of the year they feed out in the Arctic Ocean, 12 00:02:36,080 --> 00:02:38,549 emerging to rest on the sea ice. 13 00:02:40,760 --> 00:02:44,390 But now climate change has melted the ice here, 14 00:02:44,520 --> 00:02:48,753 and the only place within reach of their feeding grounds where they can rest 15 00:02:48,880 --> 00:02:51,918 are a few beaches, such as this one. 16 00:02:54,720 --> 00:03:00,159 100,000 of them, almost the entire world population, are here. 17 00:03:05,000 --> 00:03:06,877 They are gigantic. 18 00:03:07,000 --> 00:03:10,470 A male can weigh over a tonne... 19 00:03:10,600 --> 00:03:12,637 (ALL GRUNT) 20 00:03:14,320 --> 00:03:17,392 ...and many die in the scrum. 21 00:03:28,320 --> 00:03:33,269 On a beach, 250 miles to the west, there's a further danger. 22 00:03:38,320 --> 00:03:39,640 Polar bears. 23 00:03:46,440 --> 00:03:52,231 They, too, have been forced to spend more time ashore by the dwindling ice. 24 00:04:01,000 --> 00:04:04,834 And now they're very hungry. 25 00:04:26,240 --> 00:04:32,794 But adult walrus are tough, well armed and agile in water, 26 00:04:32,920 --> 00:04:35,878 and could fatally injure the bear. 27 00:04:38,680 --> 00:04:39,829 He's failed. 28 00:04:48,920 --> 00:04:52,629 The narrow beaches here are backed by cliffs... 29 00:04:55,520 --> 00:05:00,549 ...and some walrus scramble up them, escaping the crowd. 30 00:05:23,840 --> 00:05:28,914 At the top, they are 80 metres above the beach... 31 00:05:31,760 --> 00:05:36,072 ...but this is not a place where a walrus should be. 32 00:05:39,040 --> 00:05:42,510 Nor are they the only ones to have found it. 33 00:05:45,200 --> 00:05:47,316 The bears have got up here too. 34 00:06:03,120 --> 00:06:07,114 The walrus's instinct is to find safety in the water. 35 00:06:12,360 --> 00:06:14,636 They can still smell the sea. 36 00:06:21,400 --> 00:06:22,913 And they can hear it. 37 00:06:32,120 --> 00:06:36,671 Just the polar bear's presence is enough to spook the walrus. 38 00:06:51,960 --> 00:06:56,272 Many walrus that climb the cliffs never make it back to the ocean. 39 00:06:59,640 --> 00:07:02,075 Even once the polar bears have moved on, 40 00:07:02,200 --> 00:07:07,639 the walrus need to return to the sea, and some take the nearest way to do so. 41 00:07:23,120 --> 00:07:25,475 As one crashes on the rocks, 42 00:07:25,600 --> 00:07:29,912 those on the beach stampede and more lives are lost. 43 00:08:05,280 --> 00:08:10,195 In the course of just a few days, over 200 walrus die. 44 00:08:28,240 --> 00:08:31,358 Now the polar bears can feed on the carcasses. 45 00:08:43,360 --> 00:08:46,876 These events only occur once every few years, 46 00:08:47,000 --> 00:08:50,880 but as the world warms and the ice retreats still further, 47 00:08:51,000 --> 00:08:53,150 they may become more frequent. 48 00:08:57,040 --> 00:09:01,193 Inland, the ground is gripped by winter 49 00:09:01,320 --> 00:09:04,153 for six months of the year. 50 00:09:06,360 --> 00:09:11,992 Two million square miles of northern Russia are locked beneath the ice. 51 00:09:15,080 --> 00:09:19,870 But even so, some creatures have managed to make their homes here. 52 00:09:21,960 --> 00:09:25,635 They leave evidence of their presence in the snow. 53 00:09:28,360 --> 00:09:32,354 These tracks all lead in one direction. 54 00:10:03,880 --> 00:10:08,954 Kamchatka has the highest density of active volcanoes on the planet. 55 00:10:10,600 --> 00:10:15,197 Temperatures underground reach 250 degrees Celsius... 56 00:10:16,360 --> 00:10:20,433 ...pushing up cauldrons of boiling mud and clouds of steam... 57 00:10:22,920 --> 00:10:24,911 ...but in spite of the dangers, 58 00:10:25,040 --> 00:10:28,920 some creatures travel long distances to visit the area. 59 00:10:40,320 --> 00:10:42,357 A Kamchatka brown bear. 60 00:10:44,320 --> 00:10:48,029 He spent the long winter sleeping in a den below ground 61 00:10:48,160 --> 00:10:50,959 and now he is extremely hungry. 62 00:10:56,040 --> 00:11:01,718 But finding food means getting dangerously close to the scalding fountains. 63 00:11:10,040 --> 00:11:12,554 This is the only place for many miles around 64 00:11:12,680 --> 00:11:17,516 where a bear can reach grass that is snow free, thanks to the hot earth. 65 00:11:30,040 --> 00:11:33,954 Putting a foot wrong here could lead to real trouble, 66 00:11:34,080 --> 00:11:36,754 and bodies have been found of bears 67 00:11:36,880 --> 00:11:40,555 that stumbled into the pools and were scalded to death. 68 00:11:47,360 --> 00:11:49,510 And this bear is not alone. 69 00:11:58,680 --> 00:12:02,116 Brown bears, by and large, are solitary creatures 70 00:12:02,240 --> 00:12:05,153 and this is one of the few times of the year 71 00:12:05,280 --> 00:12:07,078 when they tolerate the presence of others. 72 00:12:13,040 --> 00:12:18,274 And now they are so well fed and relaxed that they even have time to play. 73 00:12:39,080 --> 00:12:45,554 This volcanic spot has become a warm oasis in Asia's frigid north. 74 00:13:01,240 --> 00:13:06,155 Away from Arctic Russia, Asia has the hottest deserts, 75 00:13:06,280 --> 00:13:11,036 highest mountains and tallest jungles on our planet. 76 00:13:13,120 --> 00:13:16,272 This is a continent of incredible variety... 77 00:13:20,800 --> 00:13:22,871 ...but it was not always so. 78 00:13:24,240 --> 00:13:26,800 Some 89 million years ago, 79 00:13:26,920 --> 00:13:33,075 India was an island lying away to the south, but it drifted northwards, 80 00:13:33,200 --> 00:13:36,670 pushing up the sediments between it and mainland Asia. 81 00:13:40,480 --> 00:13:42,551 Over millions of years, 82 00:13:42,680 --> 00:13:48,596 the sediments lying between crumpled up and rose to form the Himalayas. 83 00:14:03,120 --> 00:14:07,637 Now these are the tallest mountains on the planet. 84 00:14:09,360 --> 00:14:12,273 They stand over five miles high. 85 00:14:16,480 --> 00:14:21,793 India is still moving northwards, and these mountains are still rising. 86 00:14:30,560 --> 00:14:34,315 Asia's mountains stretch all the way from Afghanistan, 87 00:14:34,440 --> 00:14:38,718 across northern India, to here in central China. 88 00:14:42,120 --> 00:14:48,230 These are the mountains of Shennongjia, among China's highest. 89 00:15:04,000 --> 00:15:09,359 The forests here were, until comparatively recently, the least known in the world. 90 00:15:12,560 --> 00:15:17,475 Few outsiders had any idea of what animals might be living in them. 91 00:15:35,400 --> 00:15:40,349 There were stories of human-like monsters - yetis, abominable snowmen - 92 00:15:40,480 --> 00:15:43,791 who left strange footprints in the snow... 93 00:15:46,720 --> 00:15:48,631 ...but little else. 94 00:15:52,040 --> 00:15:56,989 And indeed there are monkeys living in these snowy forests, 95 00:15:57,120 --> 00:15:59,714 and they're very strange. 96 00:16:04,120 --> 00:16:08,000 Meet the blue-faced, golden-coated, 97 00:16:08,120 --> 00:16:11,511 snub-nosed snow monkey. 98 00:16:19,120 --> 00:16:22,317 They are among the heftiest of monkeys. 99 00:16:27,840 --> 00:16:31,356 Big animals keep warm more easily than small ones, 100 00:16:31,480 --> 00:16:36,190 and they survive in colder conditions than any other monkey on Earth. 101 00:16:39,760 --> 00:16:42,274 They all have snub noses. 102 00:16:43,440 --> 00:16:47,752 Perhaps prominent ones would only too easily get frostbitten. 103 00:16:51,520 --> 00:16:56,594 The whole group huddles together at the slightest opportunity to keep warm... 104 00:17:01,680 --> 00:17:03,398 ...and who wouldn't? 105 00:17:21,160 --> 00:17:27,076 Even adults, if they get separated from the group, can freeze to death. 106 00:17:40,720 --> 00:17:46,352 Now, in the depths of winter, food is desperately hard to find. 107 00:17:52,520 --> 00:17:55,797 The head of the family leads them to the edge of their territory 108 00:17:55,920 --> 00:17:57,957 in search of something to eat. 109 00:17:59,720 --> 00:18:04,112 The only food here is wretchedly unnourishing - 110 00:18:04,240 --> 00:18:08,029 bark, moss and lichen. 111 00:18:10,200 --> 00:18:14,353 There's hardly enough to sustain one monkey, let alone a family. 112 00:18:18,320 --> 00:18:19,958 But they share it peaceably. 113 00:18:26,720 --> 00:18:30,793 Survival depends on the group keeping together. 114 00:18:36,480 --> 00:18:39,996 In these mountains, any food is precious. 115 00:18:41,520 --> 00:18:44,512 (MONKEYS SCREECH) 116 00:18:44,640 --> 00:18:46,119 A rival group. 117 00:18:55,040 --> 00:18:58,078 They, too, are searching for food. 118 00:19:06,840 --> 00:19:10,231 The two males go head to head. 119 00:19:10,360 --> 00:19:12,476 (MONKEYS SCREECH) 120 00:19:21,640 --> 00:19:22,960 (SQUEAKS) 121 00:19:41,520 --> 00:19:42,919 (SQUEAKS) 122 00:19:52,960 --> 00:19:55,349 And now the females join the fray. 123 00:19:55,480 --> 00:19:57,994 (MONKEYS SCREECH) 124 00:20:09,040 --> 00:20:12,874 Outnumbered, the intruders retreat. 125 00:20:17,400 --> 00:20:19,550 Their leader is the last to go. 126 00:20:31,440 --> 00:20:34,796 The fight was over the smallest of meals, 127 00:20:34,920 --> 00:20:38,993 but it was ferocious nonetheless, and the family is now scattered... 128 00:20:41,400 --> 00:20:43,311 ...but they must stay together. 129 00:20:44,800 --> 00:20:47,758 The youngest are already badly chilled. 130 00:20:50,960 --> 00:20:51,950 (SQUEAKS) 131 00:20:53,520 --> 00:20:58,515 She can see her father, but has she the strength to reach him? 132 00:21:20,640 --> 00:21:21,630 (SQUEAKING) 133 00:21:35,200 --> 00:21:38,238 Back to safety and warmth. 134 00:21:48,480 --> 00:21:51,950 The huddle is the only source of warmth 135 00:21:52,080 --> 00:21:55,391 in these bleak, frozen forests. 136 00:22:16,760 --> 00:22:23,518 To the west of the Himalayas, in Iran, lie some of the hottest deserts on Earth. 137 00:22:28,160 --> 00:22:31,073 This is the Lut Desert... 138 00:22:32,360 --> 00:22:36,433 ...and here temperatures can reach 70 degrees Celsius. 139 00:22:52,160 --> 00:22:57,030 The blisteringly hot rocks and baking sands of Iran's deserts 140 00:22:57,160 --> 00:22:59,754 may appear totally lifeless... 141 00:23:03,760 --> 00:23:08,550 ...but a few trees manage to grow in the shade of the canyon walls... 142 00:23:11,760 --> 00:23:15,355 ...and here at least migrating birds passing through 143 00:23:15,480 --> 00:23:18,120 can stop for a little rest. 144 00:23:22,320 --> 00:23:23,674 A flycatcher. 145 00:23:26,080 --> 00:23:29,391 With luck, there might be a meal of some kind here. 146 00:23:35,240 --> 00:23:38,596 There are spiders in the crevices. 147 00:23:38,720 --> 00:23:41,234 Not much, but worth having. 148 00:23:45,920 --> 00:23:48,719 And there's something moving up there. 149 00:24:31,720 --> 00:24:33,552 The bird was mistaken. 150 00:24:33,680 --> 00:24:37,389 It was a viper with a lethal bite. 151 00:24:49,760 --> 00:24:53,151 This species has only recently been discovered 152 00:24:53,280 --> 00:24:57,592 and, so far, it has been found nowhere else but here. 153 00:24:59,920 --> 00:25:01,752 Its camouflage is so effective 154 00:25:01,880 --> 00:25:05,111 that it's almost impossible to see it on these rocks. 155 00:25:09,040 --> 00:25:15,150 And on its tail, moveable scales have been modified to look like a spider's legs... 156 00:25:19,640 --> 00:25:21,916 ...and its tip like an abdomen. 157 00:25:35,720 --> 00:25:41,079 Migrating birds only appear in this barren desert during a few weeks of the year. 158 00:25:44,640 --> 00:25:48,474 This is the snake's only chance to eat for months. 159 00:26:00,680 --> 00:26:02,034 A shrike. 160 00:26:03,720 --> 00:26:08,032 It has flown here from Africa and hasn't fed for days. 161 00:26:10,120 --> 00:26:11,713 (SQUAWKS) 162 00:27:01,040 --> 00:27:03,031 Better luck next time. 163 00:27:12,200 --> 00:27:17,593 Conditions are almost as harsh on the dry plains of northern India. 164 00:27:25,280 --> 00:27:29,433 A male Sarada lizard does his best to get himself noticed. 165 00:27:30,880 --> 00:27:32,518 It's breeding time. 166 00:27:43,520 --> 00:27:48,037 The wide open spaces are a good place to be seen. 167 00:27:58,080 --> 00:28:01,869 He's only 7cm tall, 168 00:28:02,000 --> 00:28:05,152 but a rock will help to make him conspicuous. 169 00:28:24,880 --> 00:28:28,874 And he's already been noticed by one female. 170 00:28:33,520 --> 00:28:36,194 It's time for him to show off. 171 00:28:44,080 --> 00:28:49,951 The more healthy and virile he is, the brighter his colours are. 172 00:28:56,520 --> 00:28:59,592 And females like bright, flashy colours. 173 00:29:06,520 --> 00:29:11,674 But he, it seems, is not as conspicuous as he might be. 174 00:29:15,600 --> 00:29:17,796 In the neighbouring territory, 175 00:29:17,920 --> 00:29:21,993 there's another male who's found an even bigger rock. 176 00:29:30,720 --> 00:29:35,237 So the newcomer is not making quite such a good impression. 177 00:29:36,440 --> 00:29:39,512 The one on the big rock is attracting all the females. 178 00:30:00,080 --> 00:30:04,631 The newcomer will need a higher platform if he's to be seen by a female, 179 00:30:04,760 --> 00:30:07,229 and he'd better do something about it. 180 00:30:08,880 --> 00:30:11,076 He only lives for a year. 181 00:30:14,960 --> 00:30:17,952 This is his one chance. 182 00:30:22,480 --> 00:30:24,835 He will have to fight, if necessary. 183 00:30:46,120 --> 00:30:48,680 His rival isn't backing down. 184 00:31:06,680 --> 00:31:09,559 Sarada males can fight to the death. 185 00:32:11,400 --> 00:32:13,437 The newcomer has won. 186 00:32:22,720 --> 00:32:27,271 Now he can claim the high platform and the best territory... 187 00:32:30,000 --> 00:32:33,152 ...and the females will choose him for a partner, 188 00:32:33,280 --> 00:32:36,591 as long as he can fight off the other claimants. 189 00:32:41,840 --> 00:32:43,558 (THUNDER RUMBLES) 190 00:32:52,440 --> 00:32:55,558 As the Himalayas rose over millions of years, 191 00:32:55,680 --> 00:32:58,752 they eventually formed a gigantic barrier 192 00:32:58,880 --> 00:33:03,556 that prevented rain clouds from the south travelling farther north... 193 00:33:06,200 --> 00:33:10,592 ...and a completely new weather system developed in Southern Asia. 194 00:33:25,520 --> 00:33:28,319 The monsoon. 195 00:33:38,720 --> 00:33:42,793 These drenching annual rains transformed Southern Asia. 196 00:33:44,640 --> 00:33:46,631 Dense rainforests formed, 197 00:33:46,760 --> 00:33:52,551 in which plants and animals of all kinds were able to proliferate and evolve. 198 00:33:59,200 --> 00:34:02,875 Some of the tallest jungles grow in Indonesia, 199 00:34:03,000 --> 00:34:08,439 the home of the largest of all tree-living animals of any kind... 200 00:34:11,320 --> 00:34:12,515 ...the orang-utan. 201 00:34:18,520 --> 00:34:22,229 There is a multitude of things to eat here, 202 00:34:22,360 --> 00:34:24,351 but you have to know where to find them. 203 00:34:29,320 --> 00:34:35,077 Young orangs stay with their mother for years, learning how to do that. 204 00:34:35,200 --> 00:34:38,352 This youngster has only just started. 205 00:34:53,160 --> 00:34:57,518 Termites - an important source of protein. 206 00:35:12,720 --> 00:35:16,429 But perhaps they are an acquired taste. 207 00:35:32,320 --> 00:35:36,109 He's off to search for something he might prefer. 208 00:35:48,760 --> 00:35:51,434 It's hard to know where to look... 209 00:36:06,080 --> 00:36:08,640 ...or where it's safe to clamber. 210 00:36:19,920 --> 00:36:24,869 Different levels in the forest contain different foods, 211 00:36:25,000 --> 00:36:30,473 and some of the most delicious are in the very highest parts of the canopy, 212 00:36:30,600 --> 00:36:32,671 50 metres above the ground. 213 00:36:43,760 --> 00:36:48,914 He's a couple of years old and he's already getting adventurous. 214 00:36:50,960 --> 00:36:54,510 His mother could climb right to the top in ten minutes or so 215 00:36:54,640 --> 00:36:59,032 if she wanted to, but she lingers, to keep an eye on him. 216 00:37:04,720 --> 00:37:07,553 A fall from this height could be fatal. 217 00:37:19,040 --> 00:37:22,158 Where the gaps between the branches are too wide for him, 218 00:37:22,280 --> 00:37:25,671 his mother lets him use her body as a bridge. 219 00:37:41,800 --> 00:37:44,872 Only ten metres to go before the top. 220 00:37:54,280 --> 00:37:57,318 But it's hard going for small hands. 221 00:38:08,480 --> 00:38:09,879 He's had enough. 222 00:38:20,240 --> 00:38:21,878 Time for a rest... 223 00:38:24,480 --> 00:38:25,595 ...with mother. 224 00:38:35,760 --> 00:38:38,115 And this is his reward... 225 00:38:39,520 --> 00:38:42,876 ...ripe mangos, sweet and juicy. 226 00:38:49,320 --> 00:38:52,153 There's so much he must learn. 227 00:38:58,760 --> 00:39:02,640 He will depend entirely on his mother until he's seven. 228 00:39:04,800 --> 00:39:09,271 It's the longest of all childhoods except ours. 229 00:39:17,440 --> 00:39:19,158 In these dense forests, 230 00:39:19,280 --> 00:39:23,114 it's not easy for animals to see one another at any distance, 231 00:39:23,240 --> 00:39:26,949 but songs carry well through the jungle. 232 00:39:27,080 --> 00:39:29,469 (ANIMALS CALL) 233 00:39:31,920 --> 00:39:34,116 This is the characteristic sound 234 00:39:34,240 --> 00:39:38,313 that echoes through the Sumatran forest at every dawn. 235 00:39:39,960 --> 00:39:41,997 (RESONANT CALL) 236 00:39:45,400 --> 00:39:48,199 But what can this be? 237 00:39:48,320 --> 00:39:49,799 (CALL CONTINUES) 238 00:39:51,720 --> 00:39:55,031 Of all the sounds in the Indonesian forests, 239 00:39:55,160 --> 00:39:59,074 this is one of the strangest to our ears. 240 00:40:01,000 --> 00:40:02,877 It can be heard nowhere else on Earth. 241 00:40:18,960 --> 00:40:20,758 (RESONANT CALL) 242 00:40:20,880 --> 00:40:23,349 And this is the singer. 243 00:40:26,520 --> 00:40:28,875 A Sumatran rhinoceros. 244 00:40:32,440 --> 00:40:38,356 She's tiny, only a fifth of the size of her more familiar African relatives. 245 00:40:40,640 --> 00:40:43,837 Her head could rest comfortably on your knee. 246 00:40:49,440 --> 00:40:52,558 She is the gardener of this Eden. 247 00:40:56,000 --> 00:41:00,358 She doesn't just live in it - she helps to create and sustain it. 248 00:41:04,240 --> 00:41:07,870 She eats fruits and then sheds the seeds in her droppings 249 00:41:08,000 --> 00:41:11,994 and so spreads the foods she prefers through the forest. 250 00:41:12,120 --> 00:41:13,872 (CALL CONTINUES) 251 00:41:17,600 --> 00:41:24,358 In this dense tangle, she uses sound to locate a possible mate. 252 00:41:31,440 --> 00:41:34,717 But her calls are unanswered. 253 00:41:36,560 --> 00:41:39,678 She is living behind a fence... 254 00:41:43,080 --> 00:41:44,991 ...for her own protection. 255 00:41:51,520 --> 00:41:57,232 In the past, Sumatran rhinos were widespread throughout Southern Asia. 256 00:42:00,840 --> 00:42:04,310 Today, there are fewer than 70. 257 00:42:17,400 --> 00:42:22,190 It may well be that as she approaches the end of her natural life, 258 00:42:22,320 --> 00:42:26,279 she will have become one of the last of her species... 259 00:42:39,360 --> 00:42:42,079 ...because, in the last 40 years, 260 00:42:42,200 --> 00:42:47,070 one-third of the forests of Southeast Asia has been destroyed 261 00:42:47,200 --> 00:42:51,637 in order to sell timber and food products around the world. 262 00:42:57,400 --> 00:43:02,474 The forests of Borneo and Sumatra, home to the orang-utan, rhinos 263 00:43:02,600 --> 00:43:07,515 and thousands of other species that have evolved here over millions of years... 264 00:43:08,840 --> 00:43:13,073 ...are now in real danger of being lost for ever. 265 00:43:25,200 --> 00:43:29,671 It seems that the animals whose home this once was 266 00:43:29,800 --> 00:43:34,158 are worth less to us than the land they lived on. 267 00:43:36,920 --> 00:43:41,437 Viewed from space, the scale of destruction is only too obvious. 268 00:43:41,560 --> 00:43:46,589 Asia has undergone a faster change in the last 100 years 269 00:43:46,720 --> 00:43:49,394 than at any other time in its history. 270 00:43:52,480 --> 00:43:56,758 Its forests are being annihilated, its cities are expanding, 271 00:43:56,880 --> 00:44:00,953 and as the human population approaches 4.6 billion, 272 00:44:01,080 --> 00:44:05,153 the largest of all continents is no longer able, it seems, 273 00:44:05,280 --> 00:44:07,999 to allow space for its wildlife. 274 00:44:20,960 --> 00:44:25,158 The oceans around Southern Asia are also feeling this pressure. 275 00:44:31,960 --> 00:44:36,636 These seas feed billions of people around the world. 276 00:44:40,680 --> 00:44:45,550 For many fishermen here, their catch is their only source of livelihood. 277 00:44:51,560 --> 00:44:55,793 And there is one fish here that they prize above all others. 278 00:45:06,200 --> 00:45:08,316 The whale shark. 279 00:45:14,000 --> 00:45:18,631 It swims slowly, gently harvesting the plankton. 280 00:45:21,160 --> 00:45:23,720 It's almost 20 metres long - 281 00:45:23,840 --> 00:45:26,480 the largest fish in the world. 282 00:45:32,680 --> 00:45:34,717 They are also under threat. 283 00:45:36,840 --> 00:45:39,639 Like many shark species in Asia, 284 00:45:39,760 --> 00:45:44,277 populations have declined by more than half in recent years. 285 00:46:00,640 --> 00:46:03,519 They are an easy and valuable catch. 286 00:46:10,320 --> 00:46:15,190 But here, there is a respect for the seas and their inhabitants. 287 00:46:18,600 --> 00:46:23,595 Whale shark hunting has now been banned across Indonesia's waters. 288 00:46:27,440 --> 00:46:32,230 This whale shark plays a different part in the lives of these fishermen. 289 00:46:36,680 --> 00:46:43,154 They feed him, and the relationship seems to bring joy to both parties, 290 00:46:43,280 --> 00:46:48,753 and with this new protection has come something truly remarkable. 291 00:47:01,680 --> 00:47:07,392 Whale sharks from far away are seeking out these fishermen, 292 00:47:07,520 --> 00:47:13,755 and in these safe waters, there is a chance for their numbers to increase. 293 00:47:17,840 --> 00:47:22,311 And maybe one day other shark species will be protected too. 294 00:47:30,480 --> 00:47:36,351 The people here have made a simple but extraordinary choice - 295 00:47:36,480 --> 00:47:42,874 fishing in a way that is sustainable for themselves and the animals. 296 00:47:47,960 --> 00:47:52,557 Caring for wildlife is surely our shared responsibility. 297 00:47:55,600 --> 00:48:01,551 Across this vast continent and across the world, it is decisions like these 298 00:48:01,680 --> 00:48:06,834 that are key to protecting the planet's most precious diversity. 299 00:48:22,280 --> 00:48:26,319 1 first went in search of orang-utan in 1956. 300 00:48:29,440 --> 00:48:35,959 Then, there were around 175,000 living in the remote forests of Borneo. 301 00:48:42,520 --> 00:48:47,356 ARCHIVE: I found on the forest floor the rinds and cores of durian fruit 302 00:48:47,480 --> 00:48:50,632 which I knew was the favourite food of orang-utan. 303 00:48:52,040 --> 00:48:54,839 Then we heard a crashing in the branches ahead 304 00:48:54,960 --> 00:48:59,557 and high up in the trees we saw a great furry red form. 305 00:49:00,720 --> 00:49:01,915 He seemed enormous. 306 00:49:02,040 --> 00:49:05,078 He was probably almost five feet high. 307 00:49:10,240 --> 00:49:15,474 In the 60 years since, I've returned to Borneo on many occasions 308 00:49:15,600 --> 00:49:18,956 to film and document its wildlife. 309 00:49:21,920 --> 00:49:23,194 But during that time, 310 00:49:23,320 --> 00:49:27,439 the island's orang-utan population has more than halved, 311 00:49:27,560 --> 00:49:29,358 leaving them endangered... 312 00:49:30,960 --> 00:49:35,238 ...and finding them in their natural habitat has become ever more difficult. 313 00:49:38,400 --> 00:49:43,520 The cause of this decline was evident during a visit in 2012. 314 00:49:44,520 --> 00:49:48,070 When 1 first came Yo this river in Borneo in 1956, 315 00:49:48,200 --> 00:49:52,159 the rainforest stretched unbroken on either side of the river 316 00:49:52,280 --> 00:49:53,839 for hundreds of miles. 317 00:49:55,200 --> 00:49:57,157 Today, it's very different. 318 00:50:03,000 --> 00:50:06,197 DAVID ATTENBOROUGH: Now only patches of forest remain, 319 00:50:06,320 --> 00:50:10,393 so to film orang-utan in the wild the Seven Worlds crew 320 00:50:10,520 --> 00:50:15,594 Joined a research team heading for the Gunung Palung National Park. 321 00:50:18,840 --> 00:50:21,832 This 400-square-mile area is home 322 00:50:21,960 --> 00:50:26,431 to Borneo's largest remaining wild orang-utan population. 323 00:50:31,520 --> 00:50:34,399 Here, they are protected and studied. 324 00:50:39,040 --> 00:50:42,920 The crew follow a mother, known to researchers as Bibi, 325 00:50:43,040 --> 00:50:48,274 and her infant Bayas as she teaches him how to find food. 326 00:50:54,320 --> 00:50:59,394 Like all orang-utan mothers, Bibi has to work hard to raise Bayas, 327 00:50:59,520 --> 00:51:04,879 and this means she may only have four or five infants in her lifetime. 328 00:51:06,360 --> 00:51:08,271 This low number of babies 329 00:51:08,400 --> 00:51:12,997 means it's hard for orang-utan to recover from population decline. 330 00:51:19,640 --> 00:51:25,830 Researchers want to know why orang-utan give birth so rarely. 331 00:51:28,280 --> 00:51:33,912 Today, they're following a young female, Walimah, to find out if she's pregnant... 332 00:51:35,520 --> 00:51:40,037 ...but to do this, they'll have to put themselves in the firing line. 333 00:51:45,200 --> 00:51:47,430 So what we do is we... we have to wait till she pees, 334 00:51:47,560 --> 00:51:50,518 and we have a bag on a fishing pole, 335 00:51:50,640 --> 00:51:54,918 and when she starts to go, we run over there and try to catch it. 336 00:51:59,280 --> 00:52:02,318 Yeah, a few years ago I was featured in a magazine 337 00:52:02,440 --> 00:52:04,829 as the top ten worst jobs in science - it was kind of a joke - 338 00:52:04,960 --> 00:52:07,679 but, you know, orang-utan pee-collector was number one. 339 00:52:08,960 --> 00:52:12,590 So, not too...not, er... not too glamorous, apparently. 340 00:52:12,720 --> 00:52:16,679 Research is starting to show an important pattern. 341 00:52:16,800 --> 00:52:18,791 The orang-utan can only conceive 342 00:52:18,920 --> 00:52:21,355 when there's enough fruit around in their home. 343 00:52:21,480 --> 00:52:26,634 The team will now test the sample to discover if Walimah is pregnant. 344 00:52:31,280 --> 00:52:35,797 But the orang-utan within Gunung Palung are the lucky ones. 345 00:52:38,160 --> 00:52:42,597 Those beyond the borders of the park face a very different world. 346 00:52:46,960 --> 00:52:50,157 Many are left with no home at all. 347 00:52:53,880 --> 00:52:58,317 This footage shows members of International Animal Rescue 348 00:52:58,440 --> 00:53:05,073 attempting to dart and sedate a stranded orang-utan so it can be moved to safety. 349 00:53:15,200 --> 00:53:18,670 Rescued orang-utan are treated, 350 00:53:18,800 --> 00:53:23,158 but with each passing year, there are fewer places left for them to go. 351 00:53:34,080 --> 00:53:38,392 Since 1960, the destruction of Borneo's rainforests 352 00:53:38,520 --> 00:53:41,558 has been happening on an industrial scale. 353 00:53:50,120 --> 00:53:53,511 Huge areas were initially stripped for timber, 354 00:53:53,640 --> 00:53:56,678 and then a very different type of tree was planted. 355 00:53:59,240 --> 00:54:00,355 Oil palm. 356 00:54:02,160 --> 00:54:07,872 Today, it has become the most widely used type of vegetable oil in the world, 357 00:54:08,000 --> 00:54:13,552 and Borneo is the location of almost half the oil palm plantations on the planet. 358 00:54:16,240 --> 00:54:20,234 These uniform plantations can't support life in the same way 359 00:54:20,360 --> 00:54:23,034 as a rich and diverse rainforest. 360 00:54:32,080 --> 00:54:37,792 But oil palm is very important to the local economy and it's highly efficient. 361 00:54:39,360 --> 00:54:43,149 Simply using another type of oil might take up more land, 362 00:54:43,280 --> 00:54:46,079 leading to more deforestation. 363 00:54:50,160 --> 00:54:52,197 And this is where it ends up. 364 00:54:53,320 --> 00:54:58,918 Palm oil is found in around half the packaged products in our supermarkets, 365 00:54:59,040 --> 00:55:00,838 as well as in biofuels. 366 00:55:03,560 --> 00:55:07,554 The balance between our needs and conservation is hard, 367 00:55:07,680 --> 00:55:11,958 but we can off era vital lifeline for our forest relatives. 368 00:55:13,200 --> 00:55:16,272 We may be able to protect them through simple choices... 369 00:55:17,640 --> 00:55:22,874 ...like buying products made with deforestation-free sustainable palm oil 370 00:55:23,000 --> 00:55:26,675 from companies that support local people 371 00:55:26,800 --> 00:55:31,920 using existing plantations without cutting down more rainforest... 372 00:55:35,080 --> 00:55:39,472 ...keeping Gunung Palung's inhabitants safe, including Walimah. 373 00:55:40,800 --> 00:55:44,759 She did become pregnant and now has a daughter to care for. 374 00:55:50,880 --> 00:55:56,193 Their future will be determined by the choices we make today. 375 00:56:05,040 --> 00:56:10,513 Back in 1956, I never imagined that within the space of my lifetime 376 00:56:10,640 --> 00:56:15,191 these intelligent apes and the ancient forests they have lived in 377 00:56:15,320 --> 00:56:19,109 for millions of years would be placed under such dire threat. 378 00:56:28,040 --> 00:56:34,275 Just how much longer they will inhabit the planet is up to all of us. 379 00:56:43,200 --> 00:56:48,559 Next time...a land of the unexpected. 380 00:56:57,160 --> 00:57:00,755 The richest and most diverse continent on Earth... 381 00:57:03,160 --> 00:57:04,992 ...South America.