1 00:00:03,604 --> 00:00:07,075 NARRATOR: Egypt, the richest source of 2 00:00:07,175 --> 00:00:09,210 archaeological treasures on the planet. 3 00:00:09,310 --> 00:00:12,246 WOMAN: Oh, that's a fabulous one. 4 00:00:13,614 --> 00:00:21,622 NARRATOR: Beneath this desert landscape lie the secrets of this ancient civilization. 5 00:00:21,789 --> 00:00:26,060 JOHN: Wow, can you see why the Pharaoh's chose this place? 6 00:00:26,394 --> 00:00:31,232 NARRATOR: Now for a full season of excavations, our cameras have been given 7 00:00:31,332 --> 00:00:37,605 unprecedented access to follow teams on the frontline of archaeology. 8 00:00:38,005 --> 00:00:40,674 MAN: I'm driving so fast because I'm so excited! 9 00:00:41,542 --> 00:00:44,078 WOMAN: It's an entrance, we can see an entrance! 10 00:00:45,313 --> 00:00:47,648 NARRATOR: Revealing buried secrets. 11 00:00:48,015 --> 00:00:50,451 MAN: I have just been told that they have found something. 12 00:00:51,152 --> 00:00:53,020 Oh my gosh! 13 00:00:54,822 --> 00:00:57,691 JOHN: A sphinx! 14 00:00:58,259 --> 00:01:03,597 NARRATOR: And making discoveries that could rewrite ancient history. 15 00:01:08,035 --> 00:01:12,240 This time, new secrets of the boy king, Tutankhamun. 16 00:01:12,806 --> 00:01:17,811 Alia uses pioneering technology to reveal startling new evidence about his tomb, 17 00:01:18,446 --> 00:01:22,283 and why it remained hidden for 3,000 years. 18 00:01:22,616 --> 00:01:25,052 ALIAA: A lot of robberies were going on, how was it not found? 19 00:01:25,619 --> 00:01:30,090 NARRATOR: Eissa's team discovers a long-lost cache of King Tutankhamun's treasures. 20 00:01:35,596 --> 00:01:39,667 NARRATOR: And Alejandro discovers extraordinary burial treasures in a 21 00:01:39,767 --> 00:01:42,736 4,000 year-old tomb. 22 00:01:44,505 --> 00:01:46,540 ALEJANDRO: Congratulations! 23 00:02:05,393 --> 00:02:11,599 NARRATOR: The Valley of the Kings, 3,500 years ago, 24 00:02:12,666 --> 00:02:17,004 the Great Pharaohs stopped building pyramids as their tombs. 25 00:02:17,338 --> 00:02:22,243 They chose these secluded cliffs to become their cemetery. 26 00:02:23,611 --> 00:02:29,350 Today, archaeologists come from all over the world to unlock the mysteries still 27 00:02:29,450 --> 00:02:32,320 hidden in this City of the Dead. 28 00:02:34,655 --> 00:02:38,492 It's the first day in the Valley for Cairo born Egyptologist 29 00:02:38,592 --> 00:02:40,794 Aliaa Ismail and her team. 30 00:02:42,496 --> 00:02:44,798 ALIAA: There's a real buzz in this place. 31 00:02:44,898 --> 00:02:49,069 People are coming from all over the world, coming to the Valley, it's amazing. 32 00:02:50,338 --> 00:02:52,640 I'm so proud to have such ancestry. 33 00:02:52,740 --> 00:02:57,311 It's one of the most famous necropolises in the world and I think what 34 00:02:57,411 --> 00:03:00,080 is special is that it comes out of nowhere. 35 00:03:02,283 --> 00:03:06,620 NARRATOR: Over 300 miles south of Cairo, in the heart of Egypt, 36 00:03:06,720 --> 00:03:10,691 lie the limestone cliffs of the Valley of the Kings. 37 00:03:14,194 --> 00:03:16,530 After 200 years of excavation, 38 00:03:16,630 --> 00:03:22,636 archaeologists have located sixty-five tombs hidden among the rocks. 39 00:03:22,736 --> 00:03:27,341 But only one has ever been found with its treasure still inside, 40 00:03:27,441 --> 00:03:30,644 it belonged to the Pharaoh, Tutankhamun. 41 00:03:31,445 --> 00:03:36,350 ALIAA: This here is number 62, Tutankhamun. 42 00:03:36,450 --> 00:03:39,687 One of those great finds of the century. 43 00:03:42,390 --> 00:03:45,793 NARRATOR: British explorer Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamun's 44 00:03:45,893 --> 00:03:49,263 tomb in 1922. 45 00:03:49,363 --> 00:03:53,200 One of his teams spotted steps leading down through the sand. 46 00:03:53,301 --> 00:03:59,072 They led to the tomb entrance, buried beneath meters of rubble and debris. 47 00:04:01,041 --> 00:04:06,747 What Carter found inside inspired archaeologists for generations to come. 48 00:04:11,218 --> 00:04:13,220 Deep inside the mountains, 49 00:04:16,089 --> 00:04:19,693 amid a maze of tunnels that bore deep through the rock, 50 00:04:20,428 --> 00:04:26,734 Carter reached the tomb of Tutankhamun hidden right in the center of the Valley. 51 00:04:27,668 --> 00:04:33,641 Inside, he found treasures unlike anything ever seen before. 52 00:04:36,109 --> 00:04:42,215 Over 5,000 priceless artifacts including golden statues. 53 00:04:42,483 --> 00:04:47,054 In the burial chamber the Pharaoh's mummy, wearing a golden death mask, 54 00:04:47,154 --> 00:04:53,427 was placed inside a coffin made of more than 200 pounds of solid gold. 55 00:04:56,797 --> 00:05:02,403 This intact tomb made Tutankhamun the most famous of the Pharaohs. 56 00:05:03,103 --> 00:05:07,508 Now Aliaa is investigating this golden Pharaoh's life. 57 00:05:07,608 --> 00:05:09,276 ALIAA: Wow. 58 00:05:09,377 --> 00:05:12,413 NARRATOR: And why his tomb remained hidden for so long. 59 00:05:13,414 --> 00:05:19,086 Aliaa's team has been scanning and documenting the tomb for the last ten years, 60 00:05:19,186 --> 00:05:22,089 and they've made a remarkable discovery. 61 00:05:22,456 --> 00:05:25,426 ALIAA: The idea here is to understand what's going on when you look at 62 00:05:25,526 --> 00:05:27,728 the data void of color. 63 00:05:27,828 --> 00:05:33,501 NARRATOR: The scans strip away the paint on the walls to reveal unusual markings. 64 00:05:33,601 --> 00:05:38,071 ALIAA: This was the main scene, and here is the 3D of the North Wall. 65 00:05:38,171 --> 00:05:42,142 So, as you can see here, the silhouette of an image and this would have 66 00:05:42,242 --> 00:05:44,412 been done while they were painting. 67 00:05:45,813 --> 00:05:50,618 NARRATOR: The images show the indented outline of the face hidden below. 68 00:05:50,718 --> 00:05:54,254 It's caused by the tip of the paintbrush if you start painting when 69 00:05:54,354 --> 00:05:56,524 the plaster is still wet. 70 00:05:56,624 --> 00:05:59,727 ALIAA: This is why the brushes would have made a very light impression and 71 00:05:59,827 --> 00:06:03,330 this allows us to understand it was rushed. 72 00:06:03,431 --> 00:06:08,101 NARRATOR: But why would the tomb builders rush such an important job? 73 00:06:08,201 --> 00:06:12,673 The pictures on the wall reveal another set of clues. 74 00:06:15,676 --> 00:06:19,613 Despite becoming the most famous Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, 75 00:06:19,713 --> 00:06:24,317 Tutankhamun did not have a lengthy reign. 76 00:06:24,418 --> 00:06:27,755 He was only a nine-year-old boy when he became King, 77 00:06:27,855 --> 00:06:33,494 and relied on trusted advisors to help rule his vast empire. 78 00:06:34,462 --> 00:06:36,630 As Tutankhamun grew older, 79 00:06:36,730 --> 00:06:40,233 he was known to portray himself as a warrior king, 80 00:06:40,333 --> 00:06:43,637 riding into battle on a chariot. 81 00:06:44,204 --> 00:06:49,142 But the boy King suffered from multiple illnesses, including Malaria. 82 00:06:50,110 --> 00:06:54,214 He was only nineteen-years-old when he unexpectantly died. 83 00:06:55,716 --> 00:06:59,352 (speaking in Arabic). 84 00:06:59,687 --> 00:07:03,323 NARRATOR: Aliaa thinks the marks her scans reveal in the plaster are evidence 85 00:07:03,423 --> 00:07:09,062 of a hurried burial due to Tutankhamun's sudden death. 86 00:07:09,162 --> 00:07:13,467 ALIAA: The decorated part of the tomb is very small, it's only the burial chamber. 87 00:07:13,567 --> 00:07:16,236 The rest of the tomb is not decorated. 88 00:07:16,336 --> 00:07:19,673 If they had more time, all of this was going to be decorated. 89 00:07:20,240 --> 00:07:25,546 NARRATOR: While the tomb's construction may have been rushed, its treasures were 90 00:07:25,646 --> 00:07:30,718 everything a Pharaoh could desire to take him into the afterlife. 91 00:07:31,619 --> 00:07:37,357 So why did this tomb lay hidden below a layer of rock for thousands of years when 92 00:07:37,457 --> 00:07:40,994 all the other tombs in the Valley were looted? 93 00:07:42,229 --> 00:07:48,035 To solve this mystery, Aliaa will turn to new technology as she moves her 94 00:07:48,135 --> 00:07:51,071 investigation out into the Valley. 95 00:07:54,608 --> 00:07:59,412 300 miles north, in Giza, 96 00:08:00,213 --> 00:08:06,119 in the shadow of the pyramids, the biggest treasure haul in history 97 00:08:06,219 --> 00:08:12,492 is getting a new home, a one-billion-dollar museum and research center. 98 00:08:12,926 --> 00:08:19,266 When completed, the Grand Egyptian Museum will reunite all of Tutankhamun's treasures 99 00:08:19,366 --> 00:08:24,037 in one place, for the first time in 100 years. 100 00:08:24,605 --> 00:08:28,275 TAREK: Having all of the pieces from the tomb of Tutankhamun together 101 00:08:28,375 --> 00:08:34,147 in one place, this will be a fantastic chance to find new facts, 102 00:08:34,247 --> 00:08:38,552 new hidden things about Tutankhamun. 103 00:08:40,554 --> 00:08:44,057 NARRATOR: After Carter removed the treasures from Tut's tomb, 104 00:08:44,157 --> 00:08:47,661 they ended up in museums around Egypt. 105 00:08:48,028 --> 00:08:54,134 Now, for the first time, scientists and Egyptologists will use modern 106 00:08:54,234 --> 00:08:57,738 technology to analyze each object. 107 00:08:58,338 --> 00:09:05,012 TAREK: Some details reappear and give us new information about these antiquities. 108 00:09:06,079 --> 00:09:10,317 NARRATOR: But some of Tut's greatest treasures are yet to arrive. 109 00:09:13,821 --> 00:09:20,327 300 miles south in the Luxor Museum, Eissa Zidan is preparing 122 of these 110 00:09:21,595 --> 00:09:24,665 priceless artifacts for the move to Giza. 111 00:09:42,616 --> 00:09:46,820 NARRATOR: Eissa's packing list includes one of Tut's famous chariots, 112 00:09:46,920 --> 00:09:49,322 intricate model boats and 113 00:09:49,422 --> 00:09:54,728 a unique head of the cow Goddess, Hathor, elaborately gilded with gold. 114 00:10:07,741 --> 00:10:09,710 (speaking in Arabic). 115 00:10:09,810 --> 00:10:14,147 NARRATOR: After just four hours, Eissa's packing suddenly comes to a halt. 116 00:10:14,247 --> 00:10:17,550 One of his teams has discovered something completely unexpected 117 00:10:17,651 --> 00:10:19,219 in the storeroom. 118 00:10:21,154 --> 00:10:24,524 It's an antique box that Howard Carter used to pack and transport Tutankhamun's 119 00:10:24,624 --> 00:10:26,226 treasures out of the tomb. 120 00:10:33,200 --> 00:10:36,804 NARRATOR: The box has been missing, presumed lost, for decades, 121 00:10:36,904 --> 00:10:41,441 and no one knows what treasures it may hold. 122 00:10:43,811 --> 00:10:48,281 120 miles south of the Valley of the Kings, near Aswan, 123 00:10:48,381 --> 00:10:52,552 a Spanish Research Team from Jaen University 124 00:10:52,652 --> 00:10:56,123 is hoping to follow in Carter's footsteps and make new 125 00:10:56,223 --> 00:10:59,326 discoveries that could rewrite history. 126 00:10:59,426 --> 00:11:01,194 (speaking in Arabic). 127 00:11:01,294 --> 00:11:06,066 Professor Alejandro Jimenez-Serrano heads the largest foreign team 128 00:11:06,166 --> 00:11:07,600 working in Egypt. 129 00:11:07,701 --> 00:11:10,704 Today is the first day of the dig season. 130 00:11:10,804 --> 00:11:12,539 ALEJANDRO: Sorry for the mess. 131 00:11:12,639 --> 00:11:15,743 We are sharing the room, three researchers of the team. 132 00:11:15,843 --> 00:11:18,311 This is my, my bed, supposedly the best one. 133 00:11:18,411 --> 00:11:19,512 (laughs). 134 00:11:19,612 --> 00:11:20,814 Sorry. 135 00:11:20,914 --> 00:11:22,750 (coughs). 136 00:11:22,850 --> 00:11:26,754 It's amazing to get up and the first thing that you see apart from the ugly face 137 00:11:26,854 --> 00:11:30,557 of your roommates is the Qubbet el-Hawa, the hill. 138 00:11:33,326 --> 00:11:38,065 NARRATOR: Qubbet el-Hawa is one of the largest ancient burial sites in Egypt. 139 00:11:38,165 --> 00:11:42,302 So far, 100 tombs have been discovered here. 140 00:11:42,402 --> 00:11:46,506 They belong to the nobles who governed Egypt hundreds of years before 141 00:11:46,606 --> 00:11:50,243 the Pharaoh's buried in the Valley of the Kings. 142 00:11:50,343 --> 00:11:52,813 (speaking in Arabic). 143 00:11:53,413 --> 00:11:58,518 Alejandro's mission is to hunt for more unopened tombs and reveal more 144 00:11:58,618 --> 00:12:01,088 about these early Egyptians. 145 00:12:01,388 --> 00:12:03,523 ALEJANDRO: It's difficult to explain how I feel. 146 00:12:03,623 --> 00:12:08,528 Not only nervous, it's exciting, it's a mix of feelings. 147 00:12:08,628 --> 00:12:10,998 It's an honor to... 148 00:12:11,098 --> 00:12:13,333 to come every year. 149 00:12:14,667 --> 00:12:17,437 Now here comes the most difficult part of the day, 150 00:12:17,537 --> 00:12:23,143 to climb the hill. 151 00:12:23,476 --> 00:12:26,446 NARRATOR: This is the team's tenth year digging here. 152 00:12:26,546 --> 00:12:28,015 WOMAN: It's so nice to be here again. 153 00:12:28,115 --> 00:12:29,749 (laughs). 154 00:12:29,850 --> 00:12:33,220 NARRATOR: There's a reason why everyone is excited to be back. 155 00:12:33,320 --> 00:12:37,457 Last year, Alejandro found the entranced to a sealed tomb, 156 00:12:37,557 --> 00:12:42,462 but his permit expired before he could explore inside. 157 00:12:42,562 --> 00:12:46,333 ALEJANDRO: Today is 40 degrees, and working underneath the sun, 158 00:12:46,433 --> 00:12:48,701 today's gonna be tough. 159 00:12:50,337 --> 00:12:53,506 NARRATOR: To protect against modern day tomb-robbers, 160 00:12:53,606 --> 00:12:57,344 they put a steel security door to block the entrance 161 00:12:57,444 --> 00:13:02,315 of the vertical shaft that leads to the sealed burial chamber. 162 00:13:02,415 --> 00:13:06,253 ALEJANDRO: Well it has been one-year waiting, one-year imagining the possibilities. 163 00:13:06,353 --> 00:13:09,522 I'm very excited. 164 00:13:17,397 --> 00:13:23,536 NARRATOR: In Luxor, Eissa's team packs Tutankhamun's treasures for the move 165 00:13:23,636 --> 00:13:27,540 to the Grand Egyptian Museum in Giza. 166 00:13:29,476 --> 00:13:31,078 But in the storeroom, 167 00:13:31,178 --> 00:13:35,048 Eissa is ready to open Carter's long-lost box to discover 168 00:13:35,148 --> 00:13:36,616 what's inside. 169 00:13:43,423 --> 00:13:47,260 NARRATOR: The team gathers around to see if the box really does contain priceless 170 00:13:47,360 --> 00:13:50,230 treasures from Tutankhamun's tomb. 171 00:13:53,300 --> 00:13:54,534 MOHAMMAD: Ah. 172 00:13:54,634 --> 00:13:56,536 (laughter) 173 00:13:56,636 --> 00:13:58,605 MAN: Fantastic. MOHAMMAD: It's amazing. 174 00:13:58,705 --> 00:14:02,075 NARRATOR: These delicate wooden pieces are ancient boat parts. 175 00:14:08,548 --> 00:14:12,419 NARRATOR: Storeroom records suggest they could be missing from a model boat 176 00:14:12,519 --> 00:14:15,488 Howard Carter found in Tutankhamun's tomb. 177 00:14:27,134 --> 00:14:29,469 NARRATOR: According to ancient Egyptian belief, 178 00:14:29,569 --> 00:14:32,705 boats played a key role after death. 179 00:14:32,805 --> 00:14:38,611 So, placing model boats into tombs was a vital part of any burial. 180 00:14:39,412 --> 00:14:44,351 The vessels also came complete with crew because it was believed the replicas 181 00:14:44,451 --> 00:14:48,755 would come to life and help with fishing and transport in the underworld. 182 00:14:51,191 --> 00:14:56,296 The Pharaohs used a special vessel to sail across the sky for eternity. 183 00:14:57,530 --> 00:15:02,335 Ordinary people also thought they could reach the afterlife by boat, 184 00:15:02,435 --> 00:15:06,239 rowing on the Nile and into the next world. 185 00:15:09,676 --> 00:15:12,145 MOHAMMAD: You can see here the date of the newspaper, 186 00:15:12,245 --> 00:15:15,015 it's Sunday 5th of November, 1933. 187 00:15:22,789 --> 00:15:25,058 NARRATOR: To discover where these pieces came from, 188 00:15:25,158 --> 00:15:28,195 Mohammad inspects Carter's original inventory. 189 00:15:39,706 --> 00:15:44,411 NARRATOR: Records show that the box was sent to Luxor in 1973 190 00:15:44,711 --> 00:15:47,114 but had gone missing, presumed lost or stolen. 191 00:15:55,388 --> 00:16:01,228 NARRATOR: Eissa thinks the rest of the boat is safe in the new Cairo lab, 192 00:16:01,594 --> 00:16:04,231 so they may finally be able to reunite it. 193 00:16:07,034 --> 00:16:09,436 To transport the treasures to Giza, 194 00:16:09,536 --> 00:16:14,041 Eissa's team must traverse 400 miles of barren desert roads 195 00:16:14,141 --> 00:16:19,246 and crowded city streets before they reach the safety of the new museum. 196 00:16:21,148 --> 00:16:26,419 It will take two trucks to transport all 122 of the artifacts to Giza. 197 00:16:27,154 --> 00:16:30,557 EISSA: This a very, very big moment for the collection, 198 00:16:30,657 --> 00:16:32,492 this is the final trip of Tutankhamun. 199 00:16:34,227 --> 00:16:37,530 NARRATOR: But with such priceless relics on board, 200 00:16:37,630 --> 00:16:42,502 there's concern the convoy could be a target for a hijacking. 201 00:16:42,602 --> 00:16:46,106 EISSA: We have a good police and good army. 202 00:16:46,206 --> 00:16:51,211 They will follow us during moving from Luxor until arrive to Cairo. 203 00:16:51,311 --> 00:16:55,348 NARRATOR: With security in place, it's time to roll. 204 00:16:59,319 --> 00:17:03,256 They now face a grueling twelve-hour journey through the desert to 205 00:17:03,356 --> 00:17:05,992 reach Giza before nightfall. 206 00:17:08,695 --> 00:17:14,401 Ever since Carter's discovery of Tutankhamun's priceless golden treasures, 207 00:17:14,501 --> 00:17:20,540 archaeologists have continued to try and figure out where and how the 208 00:17:20,640 --> 00:17:25,645 ancient Egyptians found vast quantities of gold. 209 00:17:29,516 --> 00:17:32,552 Fifty-miles south of the Valley of the Kings, 210 00:17:32,652 --> 00:17:36,022 on the edge of the Eastern Desert, 211 00:17:37,290 --> 00:17:42,262 French gold expert Thomas Faucher and archaeologist John Ward are 212 00:17:42,362 --> 00:17:46,133 on the hunt for the origins of Tutankhamun's gold. 213 00:17:46,599 --> 00:17:47,834 THOMAS: So, I'm going to... 214 00:17:47,934 --> 00:17:49,669 JOHN: What are you waiting for, a traffic signal? 215 00:17:53,306 --> 00:17:59,011 NARRATOR: The Eastern Desert covers 85,000 square-miles of remote barren wilderness. 216 00:17:59,646 --> 00:18:04,050 Some of the rock here contains tiny grains of gold locked inside. 217 00:18:05,218 --> 00:18:09,256 Thomas has studied ancient gold mining techniques for seven years. 218 00:18:09,356 --> 00:18:12,459 Now he wants to see if he can find any evidence of it. 219 00:18:12,559 --> 00:18:16,996 But this part of the desert is a risky place to be. 220 00:18:17,997 --> 00:18:21,301 THOMAS: The thing is we need to leave before dark because it's not safe if we are 221 00:18:21,401 --> 00:18:25,272 staying there because we can lose our way, we can have an accident and 222 00:18:25,372 --> 00:18:29,041 it's also at the sunset that all the snakes are going out. 223 00:18:29,142 --> 00:18:30,543 JOHN: Snakes? 224 00:18:30,643 --> 00:18:31,811 THOMAS: Yeah, vipers. 225 00:18:31,911 --> 00:18:33,112 JOHN: No one told me about... 226 00:18:33,213 --> 00:18:38,351 THOMAS: There are horrid vipers, yeah. 227 00:18:38,818 --> 00:18:42,422 NARRATOR: The first stop, an ancient well. 228 00:18:42,689 --> 00:18:46,293 It could provide clues to the location of mining communities during 229 00:18:46,393 --> 00:18:48,295 the time of Tutankhamun. 230 00:18:49,296 --> 00:18:51,464 THOMAS: This is the well just right in front of us here. 231 00:18:51,564 --> 00:18:54,267 JOHN: It's dry. 232 00:18:54,367 --> 00:18:56,336 My God, that's a long way down. 233 00:18:57,404 --> 00:19:00,440 NARRATOR: The well might be dry today, but it was so important to 234 00:19:00,540 --> 00:19:03,710 the ancient Egyptians, they built a temple to honor it. 235 00:19:04,010 --> 00:19:05,812 JOHN: It's beautiful isn't it? 236 00:19:05,912 --> 00:19:10,016 They actually applied a plaster gyp ceiling and then applied the paint. 237 00:19:10,116 --> 00:19:12,151 Amazing. 238 00:19:15,255 --> 00:19:18,691 NARRATOR: The text engraved on these walls reveals clues about the 239 00:19:18,791 --> 00:19:21,261 gold miners and where they were heading. 240 00:19:25,232 --> 00:19:30,036 Ancient engineers built a network of wells and rest stops stretching all the way 241 00:19:30,136 --> 00:19:34,040 across the desert, each a day's walk from the last, 242 00:19:37,244 --> 00:19:39,346 enabling travelers and miners 243 00:19:39,446 --> 00:19:43,616 to safely cross and explore the barren desert. 244 00:19:43,716 --> 00:19:48,288 The temple carvings indicate these wells led toward the mines. 245 00:19:49,222 --> 00:19:52,492 Thomas hopes he will be able to find some evidence of the people 246 00:19:52,592 --> 00:19:56,028 behind Tutankhamun's goldmining operations. 247 00:19:58,498 --> 00:20:01,601 THOMAS: Now it's time to go deeper East... 248 00:20:02,802 --> 00:20:06,539 NARRATOR: Like an ancient treasure map, they must follow the trail of 249 00:20:06,639 --> 00:20:09,008 wells further into the desert. 250 00:20:15,615 --> 00:20:18,751 In Aswan, at the ancient burial site of Qubbet el-Hawa, 251 00:20:18,851 --> 00:20:23,456 Alejandro is about to open a 4,000-year-old tomb. 252 00:20:24,391 --> 00:20:28,295 They're on the hunt for whatever burial treasure may be inside. 253 00:20:29,095 --> 00:20:32,332 ALEJANDRO: I don't know who is more nervous, me or my team. 254 00:20:38,605 --> 00:20:40,106 I want to go now! 255 00:20:40,206 --> 00:20:41,308 (laughs). 256 00:20:47,113 --> 00:20:51,150 NARRATOR: After a year of waiting, Alejandro can finally enter the tomb. 257 00:20:51,250 --> 00:20:53,252 ALEJANDRO: It's amazing. 258 00:20:54,654 --> 00:20:58,224 NARRATOR: It contains a 4,000-year-old coffin. 259 00:20:58,325 --> 00:21:03,195 Workers have inserted a box covered in acid-free paper inside the coffin to 260 00:21:03,296 --> 00:21:06,699 stop it from collapsing while they examine the tomb. 261 00:21:06,799 --> 00:21:09,001 (sighs). 262 00:21:09,101 --> 00:21:12,204 ALEJANDRO: There, we have been very lucky. 263 00:21:12,305 --> 00:21:14,674 It's impossible to explain the feelings that I'm having. 264 00:21:14,774 --> 00:21:21,213 The burial consisted in two coffins, the outer coffin and the inner coffin. 265 00:21:22,682 --> 00:21:25,051 NARRATOR: Among the debris of the outer coffin, 266 00:21:25,151 --> 00:21:28,621 Alejandro spots something extraordinary. 267 00:21:32,224 --> 00:21:35,294 ALEJANDRO: It is full of wooden models, but unfortunately, the outer 268 00:21:35,395 --> 00:21:38,064 coffin fall over them. 269 00:21:38,164 --> 00:21:40,433 NARRATOR: The chamber is full of model boats, 270 00:21:40,533 --> 00:21:43,603 similar to the one in Tutankhamun's tomb. 271 00:21:43,703 --> 00:21:47,607 ALEJANDRO: To find this funerary boat in a tomb is rare today. 272 00:21:49,075 --> 00:21:53,413 NARRATOR: But there's not just one, there are four, complete with crew. 273 00:21:55,247 --> 00:21:59,486 ALEJANDRO: You want to laugh, you want to shout, you want to cry. 274 00:21:59,586 --> 00:22:04,156 NARRATOR: This is the first time in seventy-years a set of boats like 275 00:22:04,256 --> 00:22:06,459 this has been found. 276 00:22:07,460 --> 00:22:12,465 This discovery gives Alejandro an extremely rare opportunity to study 277 00:22:12,565 --> 00:22:16,135 such important burial goods. 278 00:22:18,838 --> 00:22:22,409 But first he has to extract them from the tomb safely. 279 00:22:23,242 --> 00:22:26,546 Alejandro calls in his team of conservation specialists, 280 00:22:26,646 --> 00:22:28,681 Sara and Theresa. 281 00:22:43,796 --> 00:22:47,133 NARRATOR: Termites have attacked the wooden boats. 282 00:22:48,200 --> 00:22:51,738 Sara sprays on a liquid adhesive to hold them together. 283 00:22:53,706 --> 00:22:58,010 ALEJANDRO: So, we will see if they are capable to make a miracle. 284 00:23:04,617 --> 00:23:07,720 NARRATOR: They prepare a foam-lined cradle to support the boat for the move 285 00:23:07,820 --> 00:23:14,260 to the team's restoration lab, but the wooden hull is stuck to the tomb floor. 286 00:23:15,828 --> 00:23:19,732 It'll require surgical precision using scalpels to free it. 287 00:23:22,268 --> 00:23:24,604 ALEJANDRO: From the tomb to the restoration lab we are talking 288 00:23:24,704 --> 00:23:26,806 about perhaps 40-meters. 289 00:23:26,906 --> 00:23:31,243 But today's very windy which is very, very aggressive. 290 00:23:35,314 --> 00:23:38,250 NARRATOR: The ancient boats are extremely fragile. 291 00:23:44,591 --> 00:23:46,993 ALEJANDRO: Get ready. 292 00:23:47,093 --> 00:23:51,464 NARRATOR: With a drop in the wind, the team sees the chance to remove the first boat. 293 00:24:04,711 --> 00:24:09,015 * 294 00:24:23,730 --> 00:24:26,733 ALEJANDRO: Perfect. That was exciting. 295 00:24:28,034 --> 00:24:31,538 One of the best moments in my career. 296 00:24:31,638 --> 00:24:37,409 WOMAN: We have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8 person. 297 00:24:39,612 --> 00:24:44,551 ALEJANDRO: We take many weeks to clean it and fix the pieces that were 298 00:24:44,651 --> 00:24:48,821 broken some centuries ago. 299 00:24:52,592 --> 00:24:56,295 NARRATOR: While the team gets to work on the boat, 300 00:24:56,395 --> 00:25:00,466 Alejandro can finally open the coffin to see who and what is inside. 301 00:25:12,612 --> 00:25:14,213 In the middle of the desert, 302 00:25:14,313 --> 00:25:16,549 the convoy carrying Tutankhamun's priceless 303 00:25:16,649 --> 00:25:22,088 treasures is two hours into its journey when Eissa spots a problem. 304 00:25:27,727 --> 00:25:31,664 NARRATOR: A thermal blanket protecting Tut's golden chariot is coming loose. 305 00:25:32,599 --> 00:25:36,703 If it flies off, it could cause a crash. 306 00:25:41,073 --> 00:25:43,743 NARRATOR: The unscheduled stop in the desert makes this convoy, 307 00:25:43,843 --> 00:25:49,248 carrying the world's most priceless treasures, a potential target for hijackers. 308 00:25:49,348 --> 00:25:51,550 (speaking in Arabic). 309 00:26:00,492 --> 00:26:04,230 NARRATOR: Eissa and his team are unable to secure the loose thermal covering 310 00:26:04,330 --> 00:26:06,132 protecting Tut's chariot. 311 00:26:11,203 --> 00:26:12,805 NARRATOR: Removing the cover, 312 00:26:12,905 --> 00:26:15,675 they risk the scorching desert heat potentially damaging 313 00:26:15,775 --> 00:26:21,347 the priceless treasure. 314 00:26:21,447 --> 00:26:23,349 EISSA: Everything is okay. 315 00:26:23,683 --> 00:26:26,552 NARRATOR: Now, Eissa needs to get the convoy moving. 316 00:26:33,392 --> 00:26:36,996 HASSAN: We hope to arrive to Cairo safely. 317 00:26:47,106 --> 00:26:51,610 NARRATOR: In the Valley, Egyptologist Aliaa Ismail is on a mission to 318 00:26:51,711 --> 00:26:57,616 discover how Tutankhamun's tomb and treasures remained hidden for 3,000 years. 319 00:26:58,550 --> 00:27:04,090 ALIAA: A lot of robberies were going on in ancient times and modern times. 320 00:27:04,190 --> 00:27:07,794 But it seems that this particular tomb was not found. 321 00:27:07,894 --> 00:27:09,796 How was it not found? 322 00:27:13,399 --> 00:27:17,603 NARRATOR: The ancient engineers of Tutankhamun's tomb had a plan. 323 00:27:17,704 --> 00:27:23,242 Inside the mountain, they went to great lengths to conceal the tomb. 324 00:27:23,342 --> 00:27:28,047 The Pharaoh's burial chamber is located 26 feet underground, 325 00:27:28,147 --> 00:27:32,118 and is defended from the inside out. 326 00:27:34,253 --> 00:27:38,725 Engineers constructed a wall to block off the burial chamber. 327 00:27:38,825 --> 00:27:42,695 They filled the corridor leading to the King with tons of rubble, 328 00:27:42,795 --> 00:27:48,634 before sealing a final doorway and covering Tutankhamun's tomb with 329 00:27:48,735 --> 00:27:54,673 a vast amount of boulders under earth standard tomb protection of the day. 330 00:27:57,409 --> 00:28:02,081 But when Carter discovered this tomb, it had more material on top than 331 00:28:02,181 --> 00:28:04,550 any other in the Valley. 332 00:28:05,617 --> 00:28:11,223 This may explain how it remained undiscovered for over 3,000 years. 333 00:28:12,191 --> 00:28:15,995 But how did this extra rock and debris get here? 334 00:28:18,197 --> 00:28:22,201 Aliaa joins German Geologist Martin Ziegler to investigate. 335 00:28:26,505 --> 00:28:29,475 MARTIN: If you want to understand the evolution of the Valley of the Kings, you 336 00:28:29,575 --> 00:28:31,343 need to also understand the evolution of the rock. 337 00:28:32,278 --> 00:28:34,613 NARRATOR: Martin thinks there could be clues in the rocks at the 338 00:28:34,713 --> 00:28:37,049 entrance to a nearby tomb. 339 00:28:37,416 --> 00:28:40,552 MARTIN: Just at the entrance of it, a slab is just hanging above, 340 00:28:40,652 --> 00:28:43,355 a rock basically could fall out of the cliff. 341 00:28:44,723 --> 00:28:48,060 NARRATOR: Egypt is hit with dozens of earthquakes each year. 342 00:28:48,160 --> 00:28:52,731 So, Martin's installed a seismometer to measure any vibrations that 343 00:28:52,832 --> 00:28:55,034 could trigger rock falls. 344 00:28:55,134 --> 00:28:57,636 MARTIN: With this one we calculate it to be... 345 00:28:57,736 --> 00:29:01,340 weigh about 600 to 700 kilometers from the Valley of the Kings. 346 00:29:01,440 --> 00:29:03,409 ALIAA: What if an earthquake would... 347 00:29:03,509 --> 00:29:07,113 were to happen like much closer to the Valley of the Kings, how would it affect it? 348 00:29:07,213 --> 00:29:11,150 MARTIN: A very big earthquake could destabilize some rock portions. 349 00:29:11,250 --> 00:29:13,119 So, when you look in the... 350 00:29:13,219 --> 00:29:16,555 in the history of recorded earthquakes, the historic timescales, let's say the 351 00:29:16,655 --> 00:29:21,127 thousands of years, we have some records of earthquakes of that type of magnitude. 352 00:29:24,630 --> 00:29:29,301 NARRATOR: So, could rock falls caused by earthquakes 3,000 years ago account 353 00:29:29,401 --> 00:29:34,106 for the extra tons of rock that covered the entrance to Tutankhamun's tomb? 354 00:29:35,007 --> 00:29:38,344 MARTIN: From the geological past and the historic point of view, they could have rock 355 00:29:38,444 --> 00:29:42,481 falls or rock slides that are triggered by earthquakes covering tombs. 356 00:29:43,482 --> 00:29:48,554 NARRATOR: But there are no cliffs directly above Tutankhamun's tomb, so it 357 00:29:48,654 --> 00:29:52,758 wouldn't have been hit by a direct rockfall. 358 00:29:55,227 --> 00:29:58,697 How did so much extra material travel down the valley and completely cover 359 00:29:58,797 --> 00:30:01,433 the entrance to the tomb? 360 00:30:02,134 --> 00:30:06,238 To solve this mystery Aliaa and Martin must take to the air. 361 00:30:15,047 --> 00:30:18,750 Deep in the Eastern Desert, Thomas and John are looking for evidence of the miners who 362 00:30:18,851 --> 00:30:22,754 produced the gold for Tutankhamun's treasures. 363 00:30:22,855 --> 00:30:26,658 They're trying to find a route of ancient wells that the goldminers would 364 00:30:26,758 --> 00:30:29,295 have followed as they travelled to the mines. 365 00:30:30,396 --> 00:30:32,131 JOHN: It's like looking for a needle in a haystack. 366 00:30:32,231 --> 00:30:34,066 But I'm losing a few kidneys. 367 00:30:34,166 --> 00:30:36,102 (laughs). 368 00:30:37,803 --> 00:30:40,539 NARRATOR: Seventy miles from the last ancient well, 369 00:30:40,639 --> 00:30:43,509 Thomas and John head into the unknown. 370 00:30:44,110 --> 00:30:48,547 With their G-P-S broken down, they now risk getting completely lost. 371 00:30:49,215 --> 00:30:51,517 JOHN: This piece of technology is defunct! 372 00:30:51,617 --> 00:30:54,420 It is not working. 373 00:30:56,255 --> 00:31:00,059 Look here, it's literally on the right side. 374 00:31:00,159 --> 00:31:02,328 So, we are now at the back end. 375 00:31:02,428 --> 00:31:04,730 So, we need to turn around. 376 00:31:04,830 --> 00:31:09,668 NARRATOR: But after two days of searching, John thinks they may have 377 00:31:09,768 --> 00:31:11,803 finally found something. 378 00:31:11,904 --> 00:31:13,739 JOHN: What's that over there? 379 00:31:13,839 --> 00:31:16,342 At the base of that mountain there? 380 00:31:16,442 --> 00:31:17,709 So, we found it! 381 00:31:22,681 --> 00:31:25,751 THOMAS: Okay, so it looks that we've found a very interesting place here. 382 00:31:25,851 --> 00:31:27,619 It's a settlement. 383 00:31:29,588 --> 00:31:33,125 NARRATOR: It may look like scattered stones and debris, but to Thomas' expert eye, 384 00:31:33,225 --> 00:31:36,195 he can see the outline of ancient buildings. 385 00:31:36,795 --> 00:31:40,266 THOMAS: We have the huts where the people were living and where they were working. 386 00:31:40,366 --> 00:31:43,635 Yeah, we definitely have here the evidence... 387 00:31:43,735 --> 00:31:45,537 JOHN: Oh Thomas... THOMAS: Here... 388 00:31:45,637 --> 00:31:48,307 I mean people have been working here and we see, yeah, 389 00:31:48,407 --> 00:31:50,142 there are even more over there. 390 00:31:50,242 --> 00:31:51,944 NARRATOR: As they get closer, 391 00:31:52,044 --> 00:31:54,346 John spots the tools the ancient miners would have used to extract 392 00:31:54,446 --> 00:31:56,148 gold from the rocks. 393 00:31:56,248 --> 00:31:57,616 JOHN: Oh. 394 00:31:57,716 --> 00:31:59,551 THOMAS: Yeah, that's the grinding stone. 395 00:31:59,651 --> 00:32:02,121 JOHN: That's a pounder. 396 00:32:02,221 --> 00:32:04,156 THOMAS: Yeah, that's a pounder. Yeah, exactly. 397 00:32:04,256 --> 00:32:05,791 JOHN: That's what they would break... 398 00:32:05,891 --> 00:32:07,393 THOMAS: Yeah they would... JOHN: The quartz with. THOMAS: Yeah. 399 00:32:07,493 --> 00:32:11,430 NARRATOR: It's the remains of an ancient goldmining camp. 400 00:32:11,530 --> 00:32:14,533 JOHN: I mean how many people are we talking, 20, 30? 401 00:32:14,633 --> 00:32:17,636 THOMAS: Yeah maybe there were like families living here. 402 00:32:17,736 --> 00:32:23,242 NARRATOR: Thomas has studied ancient mining techniques for years. 403 00:32:23,342 --> 00:32:28,414 But seeing this evidence first-hand brings home the hardships the miners endured. 404 00:32:29,481 --> 00:32:32,318 THOMAS: You start from a piece of quartz like this and you want to make 405 00:32:32,418 --> 00:32:33,752 product out of it. 406 00:32:33,852 --> 00:32:35,354 So, you need to crush it. 407 00:32:35,454 --> 00:32:38,490 And you have to imagine how much pain it takes just 408 00:32:38,590 --> 00:32:41,493 to break a single piece of quartz, 409 00:32:41,593 --> 00:32:46,132 doing that like all day long, in the sun, pounding and pounding and 410 00:32:46,232 --> 00:32:48,534 grinding and grinding and doing that for years. 411 00:32:54,106 --> 00:32:57,409 NARRATOR: Evidence here paints a picture of the life of desert miners. 412 00:32:58,877 --> 00:33:04,450 They cut shafts stretching up to thirty-two feet deep into the stone in search of 413 00:33:04,550 --> 00:33:08,320 precious seams of quartz rock that contained gold. 414 00:33:08,987 --> 00:33:12,191 Crushing the quartz was a massive undertaking. 415 00:33:12,524 --> 00:33:16,128 Mining experts have calculated that a team of twenty people would take 416 00:33:16,228 --> 00:33:21,333 a week to process enough stone to make just a spoonful of gold. 417 00:33:23,102 --> 00:33:25,204 THOMAS: That's heavy. 418 00:33:25,304 --> 00:33:27,406 JOHN: Seriously. 419 00:33:27,506 --> 00:33:31,310 NARRATOR: Sadly, there is very little evidence left of these ancient mines, but these 420 00:33:31,410 --> 00:33:36,148 settlements provide new insight into the communities that lived such hard lives 421 00:33:36,248 --> 00:33:38,150 processing the gold. 422 00:33:38,250 --> 00:33:41,253 THOMAS: We have all the material they were using for sure, that they were 423 00:33:41,353 --> 00:33:47,159 working here to extract and process the gold to send it to the Valley of the Kings. 424 00:33:47,259 --> 00:33:50,596 JOHN: We've found it. THOMAS: We've found it. 425 00:33:55,033 --> 00:33:59,405 NARRATOR: In Aswan, Alejandro's team prepares to remove the coffin from the 426 00:33:59,505 --> 00:34:01,407 tomb they've opened. 427 00:34:01,707 --> 00:34:05,744 Inscriptions reveal it belongs to a man called Shemai. 428 00:34:05,844 --> 00:34:09,115 ALEJANDRO: They have just struck the lid of the coffin of Shemai. 429 00:34:10,516 --> 00:34:17,156 Rebecca, you are the first person that is looking at Shemai's face in 4000 years. 430 00:34:21,627 --> 00:34:23,695 (speaking in Arabic). 431 00:34:23,795 --> 00:34:25,464 Congratulations! 432 00:34:25,564 --> 00:34:27,999 (laughs). 433 00:34:28,867 --> 00:34:33,004 NARRATOR: The inner coffin is intact, but extremely fragile. 434 00:34:33,105 --> 00:34:38,076 Alejandro's team has reinforced it to try and protect the mummy inside. 435 00:34:38,177 --> 00:34:40,646 ALEJANDRO: It's difficult to express the feelings that I have now. 436 00:34:41,613 --> 00:34:48,254 It's a special moment because I'm studying this family, and it's almost my second family. 437 00:34:59,665 --> 00:35:02,268 NARRATOR: In the restoration lab, the intricate beauty 438 00:35:02,368 --> 00:35:05,304 of the model boats is starting to appear. 439 00:35:06,272 --> 00:35:11,277 Termites have eaten much of the wood, but their excrement 440 00:35:11,377 --> 00:35:16,148 has actually helped hold parts of the boats together for thousands of years. 441 00:35:16,248 --> 00:35:20,319 ALEJANDRO: We have some parts that are still in a very good state of conservation. 442 00:35:20,419 --> 00:35:25,557 This head of the man, it is covered with excrement of the termites, 443 00:35:25,657 --> 00:35:29,060 but the wood is still visible. 444 00:35:30,429 --> 00:35:34,733 NARRATOR: Alejandro has spotted a figure distinct from the other carvings. 445 00:35:34,833 --> 00:35:41,273 ALEJANDRO: We can see in the middle of the boat a yellow face which belongs to a mummy, 446 00:35:41,607 --> 00:35:44,610 which would represent Shemai. 447 00:35:46,011 --> 00:35:50,115 NARRATOR: This exceptional discovery will help archaeologists understand 448 00:35:50,216 --> 00:35:53,352 the evolution of burial practices in ancient Egypt. 449 00:35:58,624 --> 00:36:02,127 ALEJANDRO: I was dreaming always to discover something like this, 450 00:36:02,228 --> 00:36:05,197 and it's a dream that came true. 451 00:36:08,500 --> 00:36:12,738 NARRATOR: Alejandro's next task is to bring Shemai's mummy above ground 452 00:36:12,838 --> 00:36:16,608 for the first time in 4,000 years. 453 00:36:31,089 --> 00:36:32,524 NARRATOR: In the Valley of the Kings, 454 00:36:32,624 --> 00:36:35,327 Aliaa and Martin look for clues to explain why 455 00:36:35,427 --> 00:36:38,664 Tutankhamun's tomb remained hidden for so long. 456 00:36:41,533 --> 00:36:45,471 They've got special permission from the Government to use a drone to get a unique 457 00:36:45,571 --> 00:36:48,540 perspective on the position of Tutankhamun's tomb. 458 00:36:48,640 --> 00:36:50,509 MARTIN: There we go. 459 00:36:53,245 --> 00:36:59,117 MAN: If we look down we should be over the Tutankhamun entrance right now. 460 00:37:07,426 --> 00:37:10,729 MARTIN: Now we can see the cliffs in the back, and we can see the central position of 461 00:37:10,829 --> 00:37:13,732 the tomb. 462 00:37:13,832 --> 00:37:17,202 And above we can see debris. 463 00:37:19,405 --> 00:37:24,042 NARRATOR: Loose rock and debris cover the cliffs behind Tut's tomb. 464 00:37:24,142 --> 00:37:29,415 But the drone also reveals these flood channels, carved into the rock by heavy rains 465 00:37:29,515 --> 00:37:34,753 over thousands of years and they could be the vital missing clue. 466 00:37:36,087 --> 00:37:39,525 MARTIN: We think that if we have flash flooding, that material can flow down in 467 00:37:39,625 --> 00:37:42,193 these kinds of channels. 468 00:37:45,697 --> 00:37:49,134 NARRATOR: Throughout history the Valley has been hit by earthquakes, 469 00:37:49,234 --> 00:37:52,037 and occasional flash floods. 470 00:37:53,204 --> 00:37:57,343 The flood waters push rubble downhill toward the tombs. 471 00:38:01,212 --> 00:38:06,518 Tutankhamun's tomb lies in the spot where the channels of water converge, 472 00:38:08,854 --> 00:38:11,256 and dump tons of rock. 473 00:38:15,494 --> 00:38:20,466 This, combined with stone chippings from a tomb built above, buried the entrance 474 00:38:20,566 --> 00:38:26,237 deeper and kept it hidden for over 3,000 years. 475 00:38:28,674 --> 00:38:32,744 ALIAA: It's very exciting for me as an Egyptologist to see Tutankhamun's tomb 476 00:38:32,844 --> 00:38:37,516 from up here and see how it fits within the valley. 477 00:38:37,616 --> 00:38:41,252 It is the prime location, it is the one that was most protected. 478 00:38:41,353 --> 00:38:44,089 He got the most sheltered tomb of all. 479 00:38:46,224 --> 00:38:51,096 NARRATOR: Tutankhamun was a boy King who played a minor role in Egypt's history, 480 00:38:51,196 --> 00:38:55,701 but because his tomb remained hidden for thousands of years, 481 00:38:55,801 --> 00:38:59,337 his treasure was kept safe from robbers and 482 00:38:59,438 --> 00:39:02,708 made him the legend we know today. 483 00:39:12,217 --> 00:39:16,021 In Aswan, the team is bringing the mummy of ancient Egyptian Shemai 484 00:39:16,121 --> 00:39:20,191 to the surface for the first time in 4,000 years. 485 00:39:28,600 --> 00:39:32,738 This is the culmination of ten years of field work for Alejandro, 486 00:39:32,838 --> 00:39:37,242 and an incredible opportunity to learn more about Shemai. 487 00:39:48,854 --> 00:39:53,659 ALEJANDRO: Oh 125, it's quite short. 488 00:39:56,428 --> 00:40:00,065 My daughter is more of less like this and she's eight years old. 489 00:40:01,800 --> 00:40:08,273 I expected that at least he would be around 20-years-old or something. 490 00:40:10,275 --> 00:40:12,110 It has been a surprise. 491 00:40:12,210 --> 00:40:16,482 I never expected that he could be just a boy. 492 00:40:19,417 --> 00:40:24,155 On his coffin it was written that he was the person in charge of 493 00:40:24,255 --> 00:40:26,992 the administration of the store. 494 00:40:27,893 --> 00:40:32,664 Controlling the store, you control the people because you decide who is going 495 00:40:32,764 --> 00:40:35,100 to receive food or not. 496 00:40:35,867 --> 00:40:39,638 NARRATOR: This new evidence reveals Shemai held a powerful position in 497 00:40:39,738 --> 00:40:43,509 Egyptian Society at a very young age. 498 00:40:43,609 --> 00:40:47,312 He may not have been a Pharaoh, but like the boy King Tutankhamun, 499 00:40:47,412 --> 00:40:53,685 his status afforded him a tomb and burial goods to ensure a safe passage into the afterlife 500 00:41:02,193 --> 00:41:06,131 It's taken twelve hours, but finally Eissa and his convoy of 501 00:41:06,231 --> 00:41:09,200 Tutankhamun's treasures arrive in the city. 502 00:41:27,352 --> 00:41:28,754 It's very, very, very exciting. 503 00:41:28,854 --> 00:41:31,022 We wait for this moment. 504 00:41:33,058 --> 00:41:35,093 NARRATOR: Tarek Tawfik the Museum Director, 505 00:41:35,193 --> 00:41:37,796 is anxious to get everything safely inside. 506 00:41:43,735 --> 00:41:48,139 TAREK: The first cradles have to be taken out, in order for the Tutankhamun 507 00:41:48,239 --> 00:41:50,275 pieces to start emerging. 508 00:41:55,446 --> 00:41:57,616 EISSA: Now I can say I'm very, very happy. 509 00:41:57,716 --> 00:41:59,217 Mission is complete, yes. 510 00:41:59,818 --> 00:42:03,321 TAREK: It will be like unpacking Christmas presents. 511 00:42:04,189 --> 00:42:10,095 When we get out these pieces and find out more details about how they complement the 512 00:42:10,195 --> 00:42:12,463 whole story of King Tutankhamun. 513 00:42:16,401 --> 00:42:20,672 NARRATOR: Eissa's team can finally unpack the priceless treasures. 514 00:42:25,043 --> 00:42:28,413 Scientists and Egyptologists can now begin to study and 515 00:42:28,513 --> 00:42:32,417 analyze each item in their new high-tech lab. 516 00:42:34,319 --> 00:42:37,723 Top of the list are the newly discovered boat pieces. 517 00:42:40,425 --> 00:42:45,130 MOHAMMAD: We'll check now in our database which of them maybe related to any 518 00:42:45,230 --> 00:42:46,998 of the boats in the storeroom. 519 00:42:48,900 --> 00:42:52,804 NARRATOR: For almost 100 years, the boat that was buried alongside Tutankhamun 520 00:42:52,904 --> 00:42:57,242 to help him travel into the afterlife has been missing its mast. 521 00:42:59,678 --> 00:43:03,615 (speaking in Arabic). 522 00:43:07,352 --> 00:43:08,820 HASSAN: Exactly! 523 00:43:22,333 --> 00:43:24,402 MOHAMMAD: It's very beautiful. 524 00:43:26,004 --> 00:43:32,343 It's amazing that after all these years, we still have new discoveries and new secrets 525 00:43:32,443 --> 00:43:36,414 for this golden King, Tutankhamun. 526 00:43:38,516 --> 00:43:40,752 NARRATOR: 100 years after its discovery, 527 00:43:40,852 --> 00:43:43,254 Tutankhamun's stunning treasure is still 528 00:43:43,354 --> 00:43:45,323 surprising the world. 529 00:43:48,326 --> 00:43:49,695 And the Valley of the Kings 530 00:43:49,795 --> 00:43:53,231 shows why it remains the greatest place on Earth to 531 00:43:53,331 --> 00:43:57,068 hunt for the secrets of Egypt's famous Pharaohs. 532 00:43:57,635 --> 00:43:58,636 Captioned by Cotter Captioning Services.