1 00:00:04,038 --> 00:00:09,009 NARRATOR: Egypt, the richest source of archaeological treasures on the planet. 2 00:00:09,664 --> 00:00:12,702 SALIMA: Oh, that's a fabulous one! 3 00:00:14,876 --> 00:00:17,362 NARRATOR: Beneath this desert landscape... 4 00:00:18,846 --> 00:00:22,125 lie the secrets of this ancient civilization. 5 00:00:22,160 --> 00:00:25,991 JOHN: Wow, you can see why the pharaohs chose this place. 6 00:00:26,785 --> 00:00:30,030 NARRATOR: Now, for a full season of excavations 7 00:00:30,064 --> 00:00:33,412 our cameras have unprecedented access 8 00:00:34,068 --> 00:00:38,176 to follow teams on the frontline of archaeology... 9 00:00:38,383 --> 00:00:41,455 ASHRAF: I'm driving so fast because I'm so excited! 10 00:00:42,249 --> 00:00:45,252 KATHLEEN: It's an entrance, we can see an entrance. 11 00:00:45,666 --> 00:00:48,186 NARRATOR: Revealing buried secrets... 12 00:00:48,393 --> 00:00:51,120 ANTONIO: I have just been told that they have found something. 13 00:00:51,154 --> 00:00:53,122 DON: Oh my god. 14 00:00:53,639 --> 00:00:59,128 NARRATOR: And making discoveries that could rewrite ancient history. 15 00:01:03,649 --> 00:01:09,034 This time, new secrets about one of Egypt's greatest rulers... 16 00:01:10,380 --> 00:01:11,830 WORKERS: Hey-ah-ho! 17 00:01:11,864 --> 00:01:14,798 NARRATOR: The pharaoh queen, Hatshepsut. 18 00:01:15,316 --> 00:01:20,080 Doctor Szafranski discovers buried treasure at her magnificent temple... 19 00:01:26,396 --> 00:01:29,606 NARRATOR: The Darnells uncover how she formed a mysterious 20 00:01:29,641 --> 00:01:32,540 double identity to seize power... 21 00:01:32,782 --> 00:01:37,821 COLLEEN: 'For my beloved daughter', not son. 22 00:01:38,270 --> 00:01:42,481 NARRATOR: And John and Maria unearth a rare and intriguing statue. 23 00:01:42,895 --> 00:01:44,966 JOHN: Hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold. 24 00:01:45,208 --> 00:01:48,211 Do you realize what you've just pulled out of the sand? 25 00:02:01,051 --> 00:02:04,331 NARRATOR: Luxor, Egypt... 26 00:02:04,365 --> 00:02:08,300 a landscape strewn with ancient ruins and magnificent temples 27 00:02:08,335 --> 00:02:12,062 built for the great pharaohs of Egypt. 28 00:02:15,169 --> 00:02:20,036 Cut into the surrounding mountains lies the finest temple of them all. 29 00:02:22,901 --> 00:02:25,559 Its owner was a revolutionary, 30 00:02:25,593 --> 00:02:27,871 a rare female pharaoh, 31 00:02:27,906 --> 00:02:30,771 called Hatshepsut. 32 00:02:32,048 --> 00:02:36,190 Now archaeologists are searching for clues to reveal more about this 33 00:02:36,225 --> 00:02:39,400 enigmatic pharaoh queen. 34 00:02:41,747 --> 00:02:46,787 Leading the hunt is Polish archaeologist Dr. Zbigniew Szafranski. 35 00:03:07,877 --> 00:03:12,053 NARRATOR: The landscape is dominated by Hatshepsut's immense temple, 36 00:03:12,916 --> 00:03:16,230 constructed to commemorate her reign as a pharaoh. 37 00:03:18,474 --> 00:03:23,341 Ancient builders carved the site directly into the towering rocky cliffs. 38 00:03:24,963 --> 00:03:27,517 They built it in three separate levels, 39 00:03:27,552 --> 00:03:32,177 each one a terrace connected by ramps over 100 feet long. 40 00:03:33,696 --> 00:03:40,081 At the top, 26 statues of the god of the underworld, Osiris, stand as guardians. 41 00:03:41,428 --> 00:03:44,983 This masterpiece of ancient architecture is the key 42 00:03:45,017 --> 00:03:48,987 to the secrets of the pharaoh queen Hatshepsut. 43 00:03:51,438 --> 00:03:53,888 DR SZAFRANSKI: It is an exceptional building. 44 00:03:54,475 --> 00:03:58,203 The temple is unique in the history of Egyptian architecture and in the 45 00:03:58,238 --> 00:04:01,344 history of the world architecture. 46 00:04:09,490 --> 00:04:13,183 NARRATOR: Dr. Szafranski and his team have been excavating and restoring 47 00:04:13,218 --> 00:04:17,429 Hatshepsut's temple for the past 19 seasons. 48 00:04:17,636 --> 00:04:20,260 DR SZAFRANSKI: Hi, hi, hi! 49 00:04:20,846 --> 00:04:25,265 NARRATOR: They are on a mission to piece back together the temple ruins. 50 00:04:28,475 --> 00:04:30,718 120 years ago, 51 00:04:30,753 --> 00:04:33,618 legendary British Egyptologist Howard Carter 52 00:04:33,652 --> 00:04:37,484 was part of the team that excavated this site. 53 00:04:39,486 --> 00:04:43,697 Much of the temple was buried and badly damaged, 54 00:04:43,904 --> 00:04:47,356 and little was known about its owner. 55 00:04:53,948 --> 00:04:59,368 Today, Dr. Szafranski continues working to restore and rebuild the temple, 56 00:04:59,402 --> 00:05:03,786 to reveal the secrets of the pharaoh queen Hatshepsut. 57 00:05:17,662 --> 00:05:21,873 NARRATOR: Hatshepsut was only the second woman to ever become a pharaoh, 58 00:05:22,287 --> 00:05:25,808 and the first for nearly 300 years. 59 00:05:27,637 --> 00:05:32,849 The fearless queen oversaw military campaigns to Egypt's southern borders, 60 00:05:33,091 --> 00:05:36,336 and claimed to have visited the battlefield herself. 61 00:05:37,371 --> 00:05:40,409 She built a fleet of ships to sail the Red Sea 62 00:05:40,443 --> 00:05:43,929 and re-established an international trade network, 63 00:05:43,964 --> 00:05:47,450 bringing back exotic goods and riches. 64 00:05:49,452 --> 00:05:53,974 Under Hatshepsut, Egypt prospered and she built giant monuments 65 00:05:54,008 --> 00:05:58,012 across the country to show that she was in control. 66 00:06:01,602 --> 00:06:06,400 Hatshepsut's temple was just one of around ten megastructures she built 67 00:06:06,435 --> 00:06:09,817 during her 22 year reign. 68 00:06:09,852 --> 00:06:15,444 Across the Nile she erected vast swathes of a giant temple complex called Karnak, 69 00:06:16,168 --> 00:06:21,277 and a 98 foot obelisk, the largest standing in Egypt today. 70 00:06:21,622 --> 00:06:27,007 But the extraordinary life of this radical woman still poses many mysteries. 71 00:06:27,490 --> 00:06:32,081 Now, archaeologists are on the hunt for new clues. 72 00:06:37,673 --> 00:06:44,265 80 miles south of her temple in Gebel, El-Silsila, lies one of Hatshepsut's quarries. 73 00:06:47,648 --> 00:06:50,824 Here, on the banks of the Nile... 74 00:06:50,858 --> 00:06:52,377 JOHN: What do you want, mate? 75 00:06:52,412 --> 00:06:54,414 NARRATOR: John Ward and Maria Nilsson from Lund University 76 00:06:54,448 --> 00:06:57,589 are getting ready to excavate at the quarry. 77 00:06:57,624 --> 00:06:59,488 JOHN: These lovely eggs. 78 00:06:59,522 --> 00:07:01,144 MARIA: Do you want some bread? 79 00:07:01,179 --> 00:07:03,423 NARRATOR: They want to investigate how Hatshepsut used the 80 00:07:03,457 --> 00:07:05,770 quarry during her reign. 81 00:07:05,804 --> 00:07:09,774 In dig season, they live on this boat with their baby son Jonathan, 82 00:07:09,808 --> 00:07:12,639 daughter Freya, and dog Carter. 83 00:07:13,087 --> 00:07:15,227 MARIA: What are you going to do today, Freya? 84 00:07:17,471 --> 00:07:19,231 MARIA: Yeah? 85 00:07:19,266 --> 00:07:20,923 JOHN: When you're a little bit older you can come over and help Daddy, yeah? 86 00:07:21,717 --> 00:07:26,307 MARIA: Archaeology and Egypt itself has been with me since I was a kid. 87 00:07:26,687 --> 00:07:28,378 I knew from the beginning. 88 00:07:28,413 --> 00:07:32,452 That I'm here now is no surprise to family and friends back home. 89 00:07:33,418 --> 00:07:35,558 The very day that I gave birth to Jonathan 90 00:07:35,593 --> 00:07:39,182 we were going through what we actually needed on site. 91 00:07:39,424 --> 00:07:40,736 JOHN: We never stop, it never stops for us. 92 00:07:40,770 --> 00:07:42,979 MARIA: No. JOHN: Even on Christmas Day. 93 00:07:43,221 --> 00:07:47,121 Guys, come on! We're ready? 94 00:07:55,854 --> 00:08:00,480 NARRATOR: John and Maria have spent the last ten seasons investigating this site, 95 00:08:00,514 --> 00:08:02,896 used by Hatshepsut. 96 00:08:03,206 --> 00:08:07,590 JOHN: Hatshepsut was responsible for removing hundreds of thousands of 97 00:08:07,625 --> 00:08:10,490 tons of sandstone from this quarry alone, 98 00:08:10,524 --> 00:08:14,494 let alone the other quarries across the whole landscape. 99 00:08:16,392 --> 00:08:18,946 NARRATOR: With evidence of over 10,000 years of 100 00:08:18,981 --> 00:08:22,398 human activity across 15 square miles, 101 00:08:22,432 --> 00:08:26,091 it's one of the largest archaeological sites in Egypt. 102 00:08:27,023 --> 00:08:30,475 Here, the couple is excavating an abandoned statue. 103 00:08:30,889 --> 00:08:34,444 They want to know if it belonged to Hatshepsut. 104 00:08:34,479 --> 00:08:36,654 MARIA: Good morning Sphinx-y. 105 00:08:36,688 --> 00:08:39,553 NARRATOR: An unfinished, ram-headed sphinx. 106 00:08:39,588 --> 00:08:40,761 JOHN: It's a unique find. 107 00:08:40,796 --> 00:08:42,418 MARIA: It is. 108 00:08:43,868 --> 00:08:47,147 NARRATOR: The sphinx is a mythical beast modeled on a lion, 109 00:08:47,181 --> 00:08:50,012 but with the head of a human. 110 00:08:50,046 --> 00:08:54,534 Others were carved with the head of a ram, and are known as criosphinxes. 111 00:08:55,569 --> 00:08:59,815 They act as guardians, protecting the entrances to 112 00:08:59,849 --> 00:09:03,681 pyramids, temples, and sacred sites. 113 00:09:07,408 --> 00:09:10,515 It's thought that Hatshepsut started the greatest display 114 00:09:10,550 --> 00:09:13,967 of sphinxes known to ancient Egypt, 115 00:09:14,001 --> 00:09:18,627 an avenue of sphinxes, enhanced over the centuries, 116 00:09:18,661 --> 00:09:21,595 stretching nearly two miles 117 00:09:21,630 --> 00:09:25,841 between the great temples of Luxor and Karnak. 118 00:09:29,085 --> 00:09:33,055 MARIA: It's absolutely amazing, it's one of those dreams to, to work with this 119 00:09:33,089 --> 00:09:37,680 kind of monumental statue. 120 00:09:41,408 --> 00:09:43,444 JOHN: Let's go there. 121 00:09:43,652 --> 00:09:46,827 NARRATOR: John and Maria need to dig out the buried sphinx to confirm 122 00:09:46,862 --> 00:09:50,417 where this statue was meant to go. 123 00:09:50,451 --> 00:09:54,145 They set to work to see what lies beneath the sand. 124 00:09:56,285 --> 00:09:57,562 JOHN: Guys! 125 00:09:57,597 --> 00:09:59,978 [clapping]. 126 00:10:04,189 --> 00:10:09,781 NARRATOR: 120 miles from Luxor, in Aswan, lies Qubbet el-Hawa. 127 00:10:15,822 --> 00:10:20,481 This site is a densely occupied necropolis of around 100 ancient tombs. 128 00:10:21,897 --> 00:10:26,418 Some have never been opened and hold secrets to how the necropolis 129 00:10:26,453 --> 00:10:29,974 was being used during Hatshepsut's time. 130 00:10:30,008 --> 00:10:31,941 MARTINA: It's amazing. 131 00:10:31,976 --> 00:10:35,082 NARRATOR: Archaeologist Martina Bardonová is part of a Spanish team preparing 132 00:10:35,117 --> 00:10:38,465 to open up one of the unexplored tombs. 133 00:10:38,499 --> 00:10:41,468 MARTINA: When I was about 15 I read about archaeology in Egypt, 134 00:10:41,502 --> 00:10:43,297 then I completely fall in love. 135 00:10:56,034 --> 00:11:01,281 NARRATOR: Martina wants to excavate inside a new, unopened tomb, but before 136 00:11:01,315 --> 00:11:06,493 she can get to it she needs to clear a pathway through the sand outside. 137 00:11:07,805 --> 00:11:09,703 MARTINA: Everything is covered. 138 00:11:09,738 --> 00:11:11,981 I'm thinking about which was to take off the sand. 139 00:11:12,499 --> 00:11:15,226 The basic problem here. 140 00:11:18,505 --> 00:11:22,474 NARRATOR: Strong desert winds have blown sand in front of the tomb entrance. 141 00:11:25,098 --> 00:11:27,859 [speaking native language]. 142 00:11:28,239 --> 00:11:31,829 NARRATOR: But after just an hour clearing a path, 143 00:11:33,451 --> 00:11:36,350 the team makes a discovery that could put a halt 144 00:11:36,385 --> 00:11:39,077 to everything. 145 00:11:40,561 --> 00:11:41,942 MARTINA: Aah! 146 00:11:47,707 --> 00:11:52,781 NARRATOR: One of Martina's team has found parts of a body hidden in the sand. 147 00:12:04,033 --> 00:12:07,485 NARRATOR: These human remains appear to be ancient. 148 00:12:08,417 --> 00:12:11,282 MARTINA: It's, basically it's so fragile when, when you touch it or when you, 149 00:12:11,316 --> 00:12:15,113 when even the sand around moves it's just falling apart. 150 00:12:18,876 --> 00:12:23,604 We can put wet toilet paper because otherwise the bones crack. 151 00:12:23,639 --> 00:12:25,537 WOMAN: Yeah. 152 00:12:26,676 --> 00:12:30,888 NARRATOR: Martina needs to find out why this body is outside the tomb, 153 00:12:31,129 --> 00:12:35,133 and find any clues that will help her to put a date on the burial. 154 00:12:36,341 --> 00:12:41,761 As she clears away the sand, the bones reveal something even more unusual. 155 00:12:42,382 --> 00:12:45,868 MARTINA: It looks like achild, it might be a child. 156 00:12:51,218 --> 00:12:56,016 NARRATOR: In the quarry at Gebel el-Silsila, 157 00:12:56,637 --> 00:12:58,674 John and Maria are excavating 158 00:12:58,708 --> 00:13:01,746 what could be one of Hatshepsut's sphinxes. 159 00:13:02,747 --> 00:13:06,302 JOHN: Come and get your apples and pears now, come and get them! 160 00:13:06,889 --> 00:13:09,029 This is my archaeological field box, 161 00:13:09,064 --> 00:13:12,032 it's a little bit heavy, but this is the prototype. 162 00:13:12,067 --> 00:13:15,587 A new version will come next season I hope, which will be lighter. 163 00:13:18,625 --> 00:13:23,285 At the moment we've just got a nice stony layer on top which goes for the first two to 164 00:13:23,319 --> 00:13:29,222 three centimeters, then beneath that if I stick my little magical tool inside 165 00:13:29,532 --> 00:13:34,261 and then withdraw it, it's full of that, 166 00:13:35,711 --> 00:13:38,783 which to the untrained eye is just black powder, 167 00:13:38,818 --> 00:13:44,099 actually that's iron filings from the chisels of the quarrymen of these quarries. 168 00:13:45,065 --> 00:13:48,689 The sand still today contains a memory of all that work 169 00:13:48,724 --> 00:13:52,728 that took place here thousands of years ago. 170 00:13:58,699 --> 00:14:02,911 NARRATOR: The sand even holds clues about what the workers had for lunch. 171 00:14:03,497 --> 00:14:05,085 JOHN: Fish bones. 172 00:14:05,120 --> 00:14:08,502 Someone could've had a nice meal down by the belly of the sphinx. 173 00:14:10,988 --> 00:14:14,439 NARRATOR: As work continues, the team unearths something 174 00:14:14,474 --> 00:14:17,304 remarkable from under the sphinx. 175 00:14:20,998 --> 00:14:23,379 JOHN: Hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold! 176 00:14:23,414 --> 00:14:25,071 No, no, no, no, no! 177 00:14:25,105 --> 00:14:27,314 Stand there, stand there. 178 00:14:27,349 --> 00:14:29,454 Hahahahaha! 179 00:14:29,489 --> 00:14:31,456 Do you realize what he's just pulled out? 180 00:14:31,491 --> 00:14:34,149 A small sphinx! 181 00:14:34,183 --> 00:14:36,806 Oh wow! 182 00:14:36,841 --> 00:14:41,742 That is absolutely beautiful. 183 00:14:42,295 --> 00:14:45,643 A small criosphinx. 184 00:14:47,093 --> 00:14:50,890 There's the two haunches, there's the head, there's the head, 185 00:14:50,924 --> 00:14:54,100 there's the body, here's the body. 186 00:14:54,307 --> 00:14:57,551 What a discovery, I mean it's fantastic, it really is. 187 00:14:57,586 --> 00:14:58,621 KHALED: Wow. 188 00:14:58,656 --> 00:15:00,071 JOHN: Isn't she beautiful? 189 00:15:00,106 --> 00:15:02,694 NARRATOR: Large sphinx statues are seen throughout Egypt, 190 00:15:02,729 --> 00:15:05,663 but a miniature on this scale is one of a kind... 191 00:15:05,697 --> 00:15:07,354 JOHN: Meet the child. 192 00:15:07,389 --> 00:15:10,495 NARRATOR: And must be recorded by the dig inspector, Khaled Shawky. 193 00:15:10,737 --> 00:15:16,191 Khaled is supervising the dig to report any finds back to the Egyptian government. 194 00:15:16,639 --> 00:15:18,331 KHALED: This is amazing. 195 00:15:18,365 --> 00:15:20,091 This is very wonderful. 196 00:15:20,126 --> 00:15:22,197 JOHN: Personally, I think it's a model. 197 00:15:22,231 --> 00:15:27,650 Was it the son or the child, possibly, or the apprentice, copying the master, 198 00:15:28,099 --> 00:15:29,859 the master's making the real thing. 199 00:15:29,894 --> 00:15:31,275 KHALED: This is a copy, yes, I think so. 200 00:15:31,309 --> 00:15:33,242 JOHN: And he's making a copy. You've got the horn here. 201 00:15:33,277 --> 00:15:34,657 KHALED: I see that, yes. 202 00:15:34,692 --> 00:15:35,865 JOHN: For that, but this side is broken off. KHALED: Yeah. 203 00:15:35,900 --> 00:15:37,246 JOHN: He's gone in there and he's gone whack! 204 00:15:37,281 --> 00:15:38,558 KHALED: I see that. 205 00:15:38,592 --> 00:15:39,835 JOHN: And the whole, boom! 206 00:15:39,869 --> 00:15:41,457 And that's probably why it was discarded. 207 00:15:41,492 --> 00:15:44,495 NARRATOR: John thinks the miniature was carved out for practice. 208 00:15:44,874 --> 00:15:46,531 JOHN: Fantastic. KHALED: Brilliant, well done. 209 00:15:47,084 --> 00:15:48,982 NARRATOR: It's an astonishing find. 210 00:15:49,017 --> 00:15:51,951 JOHN: Find me another one, guys. 211 00:15:55,678 --> 00:15:59,337 NARRATOR: At Hatshepsut's temple, Dr. Szafranski is 212 00:15:59,372 --> 00:16:03,410 investigating the paintings she left on the walls. 213 00:16:04,446 --> 00:16:10,072 The imagery holds clues to Hatshepsut's life, and reveals a family power struggle with 214 00:16:10,107 --> 00:16:14,249 her nephew, who was also her stepson, Thutmose the Third. 215 00:16:15,353 --> 00:16:19,495 DR SZAFRANSKI: Here we seeHatshepsut and behind her 216 00:16:19,530 --> 00:16:22,878 we have a figure of Thutmose III. 217 00:16:23,603 --> 00:16:26,054 We have two kings. 218 00:16:28,297 --> 00:16:32,198 NARRATOR: Images etched into these walls reveal the story of Hatshepsut's 219 00:16:32,232 --> 00:16:35,684 extraordinary rise to power. 220 00:16:37,720 --> 00:16:41,103 She was the first-born of a royal family, 221 00:16:41,310 --> 00:16:45,521 but tradition dictated that ony men could become the pharaoh. 222 00:16:48,214 --> 00:16:52,218 So power was granted to her infant stepson. 223 00:16:52,252 --> 00:16:56,222 But after seven years of acting as his aid, 224 00:16:56,256 --> 00:17:00,502 Hatshepsut made an unprecedented move for power; 225 00:17:01,296 --> 00:17:03,884 she overtook her stepson, 226 00:17:03,919 --> 00:17:08,096 and proclaimed that she was now the king of Egypt. 227 00:17:12,962 --> 00:17:16,380 DR SZAFRANSKI: We see on the walls of this temple there are two kings, 228 00:17:16,414 --> 00:17:19,900 but Hatshepsut is always number one. 229 00:17:21,212 --> 00:17:25,044 NARRATOR: Hatshepsut's power play was revolutionary. 230 00:17:26,114 --> 00:17:29,669 Now, Dr. Szafranski is searching for new evidence 231 00:17:29,703 --> 00:17:33,362 to piece together her mysterious life. 232 00:17:34,156 --> 00:17:37,090 In the ruins next to Hatshepsut's temple, 233 00:17:37,125 --> 00:17:40,714 the team has discovered a ring of ancient mud bricks. 234 00:17:41,025 --> 00:17:43,476 DR SZAFRANSKI: We're on the top of something, 235 00:17:43,510 --> 00:17:46,375 now we'll go deeper and see what is inside. 236 00:17:46,410 --> 00:17:49,689 NARRATOR: They think artifacts could be buried here, 237 00:17:50,276 --> 00:17:54,625 but after a day of digging, progress comes to a halt. 238 00:17:58,525 --> 00:18:04,117 A one-ton block of sandstone is precariously balanced on top of the mud bricks. 239 00:18:05,118 --> 00:18:10,537 If the block falls, it could destroy any treasures buried beneath. 240 00:18:16,578 --> 00:18:20,720 NARRATOR: Dr. Szafranski's team have no heavy-lifting equipment on site, 241 00:18:21,376 --> 00:18:23,481 so they have to improvise. 242 00:18:23,516 --> 00:18:26,450 WORKERS: Hey-ah-ho! 243 00:18:26,967 --> 00:18:29,591 NARRATOR: If they can't move the block they won't be able 244 00:18:29,625 --> 00:18:31,696 to find out what's hidden beneath. 245 00:18:31,731 --> 00:18:35,114 WORKERS: Hey-ah-ho! 246 00:18:35,838 --> 00:18:38,979 [speaking native language]. 247 00:18:42,811 --> 00:18:46,194 NARRATOR: 50 miles from Hatshepsut's temple, in El Kab, 248 00:18:48,886 --> 00:18:51,647 Yale University professor John Darnell 249 00:18:51,682 --> 00:18:55,168 and his wife, Egyptologist Dr. Colleen Darnell, 250 00:18:55,203 --> 00:18:57,136 are beginning their season. 251 00:18:57,170 --> 00:19:00,898 They're using digital technology to record ancient rock inscriptions 252 00:19:00,932 --> 00:19:04,522 to figure out how hieroglyphic writing began. 253 00:19:05,385 --> 00:19:08,216 DARNELL: I want to be absolutely certain that we have beak as it should be, 254 00:19:08,250 --> 00:19:11,115 and that we have this here crest as it should be. 255 00:19:11,150 --> 00:19:13,117 COLLEEN: Hm-mm. 256 00:19:13,945 --> 00:19:18,709 NARRATOR: The pair has spent over 20 years exploring the deserts and temples of Egypt, 257 00:19:18,916 --> 00:19:22,506 to interpret these ancient carvings. 258 00:19:26,924 --> 00:19:30,721 During dig season, they analyze their findings for publication 259 00:19:30,755 --> 00:19:33,482 here at their home. 260 00:19:34,345 --> 00:19:37,624 COLLEEN: This is about as spectacular of an expedition house, 261 00:19:37,659 --> 00:19:40,489 a dig house, as you can have anywhere in the world. 262 00:19:42,526 --> 00:19:45,943 The view of the Nile, the mud brick architecture, 263 00:19:46,288 --> 00:19:49,222 it's really a dream come true. 264 00:19:50,465 --> 00:19:54,917 These are about 90 years old, linen, it's pretty remarkable that it survived 265 00:19:54,952 --> 00:19:58,438 so it's fun to play archaeology with clothing as well. 266 00:19:59,163 --> 00:20:03,857 I have a 1920s jodhpur and suit set, 267 00:20:04,686 --> 00:20:07,896 and a fun pair of 19-teens knickers. 268 00:20:11,865 --> 00:20:15,214 NARRATOR: Today, the couple is heading across the Nile, 269 00:20:15,248 --> 00:20:19,148 to investigate a mysterious set of inscriptions. 270 00:20:21,185 --> 00:20:26,466 DARNELL: There's just no duplicate for looking at the inscriptions themselves 271 00:20:26,501 --> 00:20:30,919 on the actual monuments within these great architectural settings. 272 00:20:34,025 --> 00:20:37,581 NARRATOR: Their destination is Karnak Temple. 273 00:20:37,615 --> 00:20:42,310 Its beautiful chapels and decorated courtyards cover a massive site. 274 00:20:43,242 --> 00:20:48,074 Here many great pharaohs, including Hatshepsut, left their mark. 275 00:20:49,178 --> 00:20:52,872 But there's a mystery: despite being female, 276 00:20:52,906 --> 00:20:57,256 Hatshepsut is often depicted as a man. 277 00:20:58,326 --> 00:21:02,088 COLLEEN: So here we seeHatshepsut and Thutmose III 278 00:21:02,122 --> 00:21:07,921 and they're wearing identical crowns, broad collars, 279 00:21:08,957 --> 00:21:13,306 starched kilts, so if you were to approach this wall without 280 00:21:13,341 --> 00:21:18,069 being able to read the hieroglyphs you wouldn't be able to tell who is who. 281 00:21:20,451 --> 00:21:23,454 NARRATOR: Throughout the site, Hatshepsut continually 282 00:21:23,489 --> 00:21:27,078 represents herself with male features. 283 00:21:27,562 --> 00:21:32,739 COLLEEN: She's wearing a male kilt, and even the pharaonic beard. 284 00:21:33,222 --> 00:21:35,673 NARRATOR: But hidden in the hieroglyphic text, 285 00:21:35,708 --> 00:21:39,090 Colleen finds evidence of her real gender. 286 00:21:39,125 --> 00:21:42,784 COLLEEN: Here we have the female indication 287 00:21:42,818 --> 00:21:46,512 of her gender within the text. 288 00:21:46,960 --> 00:21:51,965 'For my beloved daughter', not son. 289 00:21:53,070 --> 00:21:58,696 DARNELL: They know that this is a woman in the role for which most of the iconography 290 00:21:58,731 --> 00:22:02,321 and most of the terms are masculine. 291 00:22:02,355 --> 00:22:05,703 So the Egyptians are aware of this and, and they work with it. 292 00:22:07,118 --> 00:22:11,226 NARRATOR: Evidence on a temple wall reveals 293 00:22:11,260 --> 00:22:14,885 Hatshepsut wasn't hiding her femininity, 294 00:22:14,919 --> 00:22:18,129 she was proving she was a pharaoh. 295 00:22:18,164 --> 00:22:22,133 A fake beard was a way to show a connection with the god Osiris. 296 00:22:22,996 --> 00:22:26,448 Even male pharaohs wore an artificial beard. 297 00:22:26,966 --> 00:22:30,418 But other items she wore were also reserved for men, 298 00:22:30,866 --> 00:22:35,284 like the famous headdress, the nemes, and the kilt. 299 00:22:36,009 --> 00:22:39,254 But she transformed herself with these symbols of power 300 00:22:39,288 --> 00:22:43,258 to strengthen her image across the kingdom. 301 00:22:43,948 --> 00:22:48,297 Hatshepsut dressed not as a man, but as a pharaoh. 302 00:22:53,199 --> 00:22:56,927 Hatshepsut blurred her gender to be considered equal, 303 00:22:57,859 --> 00:23:02,277 but how equal was society for women in ancient Egypt? 304 00:23:07,178 --> 00:23:11,735 Near Hatshepsut's temple, in a tomb site called Dra' Abu el-Naga... 305 00:23:14,289 --> 00:23:18,327 SUZANNE: Take one side out of the corridor with the human remains on the edge. 306 00:23:18,742 --> 00:23:22,331 NARRATOR: Archaeologist Suzanne Onstine, and her team from the University of 307 00:23:22,366 --> 00:23:27,613 Memphis, are investigating the roles of women in ancient Egyptian society. 308 00:23:28,234 --> 00:23:30,995 SUZANNE: One of the things that I really focused on in my career 309 00:23:31,030 --> 00:23:35,448 was what were women doing, what were women's lives like. 310 00:23:37,001 --> 00:23:41,074 Every time I come to work here I feel really excited because there's no better feeling or 311 00:23:41,109 --> 00:23:43,560 job satisfaction really. 312 00:23:44,526 --> 00:23:49,911 NARRATOR: It's Suzanne's tenth season excavating this tomb, but it's still packed with the 313 00:23:49,945 --> 00:23:54,122 body parts of men, women, and mummified children. 314 00:23:56,262 --> 00:24:01,819 Torn apart by ancient looters, the team must piece the human remains back together. 315 00:24:02,475 --> 00:24:04,408 SUZANNE: This is skull fragments. 316 00:24:04,443 --> 00:24:08,101 Not everybody feels comfortableworking with the dead, 317 00:24:08,136 --> 00:24:12,002 but this is my job in terms of bringing light to 318 00:24:12,036 --> 00:24:15,315 ancient Egypt and bringing light to individuals. 319 00:24:15,350 --> 00:24:19,112 WOMAN: No that one's spines. It's a pelvis. 320 00:24:20,079 --> 00:24:25,084 SUZANNE: Right now we're organizing the human remains, we have hundreds, thousands 321 00:24:25,118 --> 00:24:29,640 and thousands of bones, and so keeping track of them is a bit complicated. 322 00:24:30,848 --> 00:24:34,369 I think, Jesus, penises or packets? 323 00:24:34,852 --> 00:24:37,268 JESUS: This is... SUZANNE: Probably penis. 324 00:24:37,303 --> 00:24:38,822 JESUS: Hmm. SUZANNE: Yeah? 325 00:24:38,856 --> 00:24:40,858 JESUS: This is probably penis, this is probably packet. 326 00:24:40,893 --> 00:24:42,929 SUZANNE: Packet, okay. Too big to be penis. 327 00:24:42,964 --> 00:24:44,379 JESUS: Yeah. 328 00:24:44,413 --> 00:24:47,382 SUZANNE: There's a lot of shrinkage in the afterlife. 329 00:24:47,624 --> 00:24:53,422 We found several of these mummified pieces, some of them are packets of the, 330 00:24:53,457 --> 00:24:57,254 the organs that were placed back inside, occasionally one is a 331 00:24:57,288 --> 00:25:00,499 penis that has been detached from a body. 332 00:25:00,533 --> 00:25:05,020 Even King Tut lost his penis, it actually had just sort of fallen down into the 333 00:25:05,055 --> 00:25:10,129 sarcophagus nearby, but somebody noticed it was gone one day 334 00:25:10,163 --> 00:25:14,961 and there was a big situation looking for King Tut's penis. 335 00:25:16,618 --> 00:25:21,036 NARRATOR: Handling these intimate body parts is not for the fainthearted, 336 00:25:21,347 --> 00:25:25,869 but combing through the pieces, Suzanne makes a dramatic discovery. 337 00:25:26,455 --> 00:25:30,218 SUZANNE: She was probably about 20 years old and I'm inclined to think 338 00:25:30,252 --> 00:25:34,774 nearly 100% that she died as a result of childbirth. 339 00:25:41,712 --> 00:25:43,956 NARRATOR: At the necropolis in Aswan, 340 00:25:43,990 --> 00:25:49,548 Martina is unearthing the remains of a buried child outside the tomb entrance. 341 00:25:50,790 --> 00:25:55,761 MARTINA: You can see quite well he's very tiny and very fragile. 342 00:25:57,210 --> 00:26:02,802 If I compare it with my four years old niece, so she's like that, that big. 343 00:26:05,356 --> 00:26:08,256 It's emotional because you know it's, it's a child. 344 00:26:08,290 --> 00:26:11,224 NARRATOR: Child mortality was high in ancient Egypt, 345 00:26:11,259 --> 00:26:15,366 but it's rare to find them buried and preserved at this necropolis. 346 00:26:16,160 --> 00:26:20,095 MARTINA: Whenever you find some it's, it's something. 347 00:26:21,787 --> 00:26:26,550 NARRATOR: The team must move the bones of the child to get access to the tomb. 348 00:26:26,999 --> 00:26:30,485 But as they clear the area, they find something else 349 00:26:30,519 --> 00:26:33,695 staring up from beneath the sand. 350 00:26:34,351 --> 00:26:36,629 MARTINA: Aah! Oh my god. 351 00:26:46,812 --> 00:26:51,920 NARRATOR: Martina's team have just uncovered an ancient face mask made of cartonnage. 352 00:26:57,581 --> 00:27:02,275 NARRATOR: The mask covers the head of an adult mummy buried outside the tomb, 353 00:27:03,449 --> 00:27:07,349 but the team must strengthen it with resin before they can attempt to move it. 354 00:27:08,765 --> 00:27:13,942 This precious cartonnage mask was meant to help ensure a successful afterlife. 355 00:27:24,884 --> 00:27:28,888 NARRATOR: The cartonnage should help the team reveal who these bodies are, 356 00:27:28,923 --> 00:27:31,511 and when they date from. 357 00:27:31,546 --> 00:27:35,101 But strong winds are on the way, and the team must work fast. 358 00:27:55,259 --> 00:27:58,124 NARRATOR: 120 miles north... 359 00:27:58,159 --> 00:28:00,230 SUZANNE: And just hold it for a minute. 360 00:28:00,264 --> 00:28:04,303 NARRATOR: American archaeologist Suzanne Onstine is piecing together the 361 00:28:04,337 --> 00:28:06,892 remains of women and children. 362 00:28:06,926 --> 00:28:10,136 SUZANNE: This child right here is really very touching. 363 00:28:10,171 --> 00:28:13,036 His face is still preserved. 364 00:28:13,070 --> 00:28:15,935 NARRATOR: She's searching for clues to their roles in society, 365 00:28:15,970 --> 00:28:19,007 around the time of Hatshepsut. 366 00:28:19,042 --> 00:28:23,322 She's found dramatic evidence of one individual's life, and death. 367 00:28:24,495 --> 00:28:28,258 SUZANNE: The vagina is the hole here, still very distended, 368 00:28:28,983 --> 00:28:32,711 so we know that within 24 hours of giving birth and passing a child 369 00:28:32,745 --> 00:28:35,092 that she died, because otherwise the vagina 370 00:28:35,127 --> 00:28:38,371 would've shrank back to its original anatomical position. 371 00:28:38,786 --> 00:28:44,757 So to find real evidence for something that is sort of commonly spoken about, 372 00:28:44,792 --> 00:28:48,727 that childbirth is a really dangerous time for women in antiquity, 373 00:28:48,761 --> 00:28:52,731 really kind of unique in a very dramatic fashion. 374 00:28:55,837 --> 00:28:59,082 NARRATOR: The mortal dangers of childbirth are clear, 375 00:28:59,116 --> 00:29:03,362 but Suzanne believes women still held positions of power. 376 00:29:03,949 --> 00:29:06,848 SUZANNE: Just looking at the, the paintings we have evidence for them 377 00:29:06,883 --> 00:29:09,506 participating in all levels of society. 378 00:29:09,540 --> 00:29:13,959 The scenes throughout really emphasize their sort of equal stature. 379 00:29:14,925 --> 00:29:19,930 NARRATOR: But the female pharaoh Hatshepsut wanted to be more than just equal. 380 00:29:23,554 --> 00:29:28,836 In the ancient quarry at Silsila, while John continues to dig out the sphinx, 381 00:29:29,319 --> 00:29:34,565 Maria is investigating the site for evidence of Hatshepsut's mass building campaign. 382 00:29:35,808 --> 00:29:41,572 Inside a temple at the quarry, the carved relief scenes on the walls have been changed. 383 00:29:43,402 --> 00:29:48,683 MARIA: The reliefs that we see on the walls now are not the original scenes. 384 00:29:49,201 --> 00:29:54,378 If we start to look closer, in fact what we can see here 385 00:29:55,000 --> 00:29:57,657 are the tell-tale signs underneath 386 00:29:57,692 --> 00:30:01,006 of an original scene that is no longer here. 387 00:30:01,040 --> 00:30:05,665 We can see a ship transporting an obelisk. 388 00:30:08,358 --> 00:30:12,362 NARRATOR: The ghost images hidden in the wall reveal how Hatshepsut 389 00:30:12,396 --> 00:30:16,124 may have been shipping obelisks from Silsila. 390 00:30:16,711 --> 00:30:19,334 Hatshepsut was famous for her supersized 391 00:30:19,369 --> 00:30:23,683 320 ton obelisk cut from granite further south, 392 00:30:24,408 --> 00:30:29,586 but lifting it upright would stretch the limits of ancient engineering. 393 00:30:31,760 --> 00:30:37,145 Builders dragged the obelisk up a ramp, and then carefully dug away the earth beneath, 394 00:30:37,180 --> 00:30:41,287 until the base hit the foundations in the rock. 395 00:30:42,979 --> 00:30:49,295 Finally, an army of builders used ropes to pull this monumental obelisk upright. 396 00:30:51,366 --> 00:30:55,784 MARIA: It's putting it all together, I, it's, it's, making a full circle. 397 00:30:56,958 --> 00:31:00,859 We have the beautiful golden sandstone, we've got the, 398 00:31:00,893 --> 00:31:03,723 the workers actually during the time of Hatshepsut. 399 00:31:03,758 --> 00:31:10,316 I personally love working with queens and female pharaohs so for me it's wonderful. 400 00:31:11,386 --> 00:31:14,907 NARRATOR: Hatshepsut may have been shipping obelisks from Silsila, 401 00:31:14,942 --> 00:31:19,084 but what was driving her to build these colossal monuments? 402 00:31:25,297 --> 00:31:29,749 At the Karnak Temple, John and Colleen Darnell think the answer 403 00:31:29,784 --> 00:31:34,409 lies on Hatshepsut's giant obelisk itself. 404 00:31:35,272 --> 00:31:38,241 COLLEEN: It's majesty of this noble God... 405 00:31:38,275 --> 00:31:41,969 DARNELL: Who has made for her father... 406 00:31:43,556 --> 00:31:48,078 COLLEEN: She addresses futuregenerations and literally tells us that people 407 00:31:48,113 --> 00:31:53,497 who shall come generation after generation will know why she did this. 408 00:31:54,188 --> 00:31:59,400 She's doing this for deep purposes of religious devotion. 409 00:32:00,608 --> 00:32:06,234 But on the flipside when youlook up at the obelisk someof the largest hieroglyphs are 410 00:32:06,269 --> 00:32:10,618 the name of Hatshepsut herself, so this is a giant statement of propaganda, 411 00:32:10,652 --> 00:32:14,277 I mean there's, there's no missing the fact that this is a projection 412 00:32:14,311 --> 00:32:18,143 on a monumental scale of pharaonic power. 413 00:32:21,077 --> 00:32:26,703 NARRATOR: Hatshepsut built these monuments to immortalize her name, not as a woman, 414 00:32:26,737 --> 00:32:31,156 but as one of the greatest pharaohs of Egypt. 415 00:32:38,370 --> 00:32:44,479 Beside Hatshepsut's temple, Dr. Szafranski and the team need to move a 416 00:32:44,514 --> 00:32:49,174 one-ton sandstone block so they can excavate underneath. 417 00:32:50,451 --> 00:32:52,556 WORKERS: Hey-ah-ho! 418 00:32:52,798 --> 00:32:54,006 NATALIE: Mabruk! 419 00:32:54,041 --> 00:32:56,353 Mabruk, I think we're almost there. 420 00:32:56,388 --> 00:32:58,977 WORKERS: Hey-ah-ho! 421 00:32:59,011 --> 00:33:00,840 NARRATOR: With the block finally moved, 422 00:33:00,875 --> 00:33:03,982 they can begin to dig through the sand layers. 423 00:33:16,132 --> 00:33:19,307 NARRATOR: Underneath the temple ruins, the team have unearthed 424 00:33:19,342 --> 00:33:22,034 ancient fragments of pottery. 425 00:33:23,587 --> 00:33:25,658 MARIUSZ: I think we have the first complete pot. 426 00:33:25,693 --> 00:33:27,246 NATALIE: Look at that. 427 00:33:27,281 --> 00:33:28,903 MARIUSZ: Yeah, the whole pot. 428 00:33:28,937 --> 00:33:31,940 NATALIE: Wonderful huh? Isn't that nice? 429 00:33:34,081 --> 00:33:36,152 MARIUSZ: We are very excited and happy because nobody maybe 430 00:33:36,186 --> 00:33:39,500 except ancient Egyptian were seeing this before. 431 00:33:40,846 --> 00:33:45,954 NARRATOR: These small clues could help Dr. Szafranski unravel the mysterious events 432 00:33:45,989 --> 00:33:48,681 after Hatshepsut's death. 433 00:33:51,581 --> 00:33:56,965 When she died around the age of 50, her stepson, King Thutmose the Third, 434 00:33:57,000 --> 00:33:59,899 finally regained his power. 435 00:34:00,383 --> 00:34:05,595 And higher up the cliff, Dr. Szafranski sees evidence of his temple. 436 00:34:06,665 --> 00:34:09,771 DR SZAFRANSKI: It was not possible to build a bigger temple than the temple of 437 00:34:09,806 --> 00:34:14,259 Hatshepsut, but it was higher. 438 00:34:16,606 --> 00:34:20,920 NARRATOR: Hatshepsut's immense temple took up the prime spot in the mountain 439 00:34:20,955 --> 00:34:23,889 of the Valley of the Kings. 440 00:34:24,407 --> 00:34:30,827 So Thutmose the Third built his temple right next to it, but in an elevated position. 441 00:34:33,174 --> 00:34:37,765 Ancient builders constructed huge columns on top of a raised platform. 442 00:34:39,974 --> 00:34:44,323 Dr. Szafranski's team has figured out what this temple would've looked like and 443 00:34:44,358 --> 00:34:49,984 discovered its upper terrace was 11 feet higher than Hatshepsut's, 444 00:34:52,262 --> 00:34:57,819 a political powerplay by Thutmose to finally overshadow his stepmother. 445 00:35:00,995 --> 00:35:05,344 DR SZAFRANSKI: It was better visible, point number one in the Valley. 446 00:35:05,793 --> 00:35:08,934 He wanted this effect. 447 00:35:08,968 --> 00:35:13,318 NARRATOR: Thutmose had tried to upstage Hatshepsut, but in a twist of fate, 448 00:35:13,352 --> 00:35:18,288 ancient earthquakes and landslides have left his temple badly damaged. 449 00:35:19,186 --> 00:35:22,948 It may never look as it once did, but Dr. Szafranski and his team 450 00:35:22,982 --> 00:35:26,365 are working to restore what remains. 451 00:35:26,400 --> 00:35:29,920 DR SZAFRANSKI: Today we have restored temple of Hatshepsut but after let's say five, ten 452 00:35:29,955 --> 00:35:34,718 years we'll have restored temple of Thutmose III as well. 453 00:35:35,374 --> 00:35:38,998 It's only a matter of time. 454 00:35:43,175 --> 00:35:45,281 NARRATOR: In Aswan, Martina and the team 455 00:35:45,315 --> 00:35:49,008 are finishing their excavations outside the tomb. 456 00:35:49,526 --> 00:35:50,562 MARTINA: Tired? 457 00:35:50,596 --> 00:35:51,735 [speaking native language]. 458 00:35:51,770 --> 00:35:54,255 WORKER: No, no, no. No, no, not tired. 459 00:35:54,290 --> 00:35:57,362 NARRATOR: They've managed to move the bones and delicate cartonnage 460 00:35:57,396 --> 00:35:59,502 into the onsite lab. 461 00:35:59,916 --> 00:36:04,438 From studying the decorative style, Martina believes these burials dated to 462 00:36:04,472 --> 00:36:08,545 a few hundred years before the time of Hatshepsut, 463 00:36:08,787 --> 00:36:12,066 in a period called the Middle Kingdom. 464 00:36:12,100 --> 00:36:14,517 MARTINA: We know that it's a Middle Kingdom date, 465 00:36:14,551 --> 00:36:16,933 the cartonnage was really well done, 466 00:36:16,967 --> 00:36:19,556 it was high quality work, and we know that they were 467 00:36:19,591 --> 00:36:22,835 let's say higher status persons. 468 00:36:23,871 --> 00:36:27,978 NARRATOR: Martina thinks the child and adult burials are a family connection 469 00:36:28,013 --> 00:36:32,224 to whoever owned the tomb, but her team must continue 470 00:36:32,259 --> 00:36:37,195 to unearth the secrets of who or what is hidden inside. 471 00:36:38,092 --> 00:36:41,302 MARTINA: It's going to be amazing to see finally how it looks like. 472 00:36:42,821 --> 00:36:47,584 NARRATOR: After a grueling few days, the team heads back to the dig house. 473 00:37:13,990 --> 00:37:15,681 NARRATOR: In the quarry at Silsila... 474 00:37:15,716 --> 00:37:17,442 JOHN: Ahmed! AHMED: Yes? 475 00:37:17,476 --> 00:37:19,892 NARRATOR: John Ward is still excavating what could be the 476 00:37:19,927 --> 00:37:23,033 remains of one of Hatshepsut's sphinxes. 477 00:37:23,310 --> 00:37:26,968 JOHN: What I've got is basically a dressed piece of sandstone, 478 00:37:27,003 --> 00:37:30,144 and I can feel a nice right angle corner here. 479 00:37:30,696 --> 00:37:34,976 What I'm hoping actually that is, is the top part of the head here, which is missing. 480 00:37:35,701 --> 00:37:38,739 One, two, three. 481 00:37:40,775 --> 00:37:42,467 Hold, hold, hold, hold. 482 00:37:42,501 --> 00:37:45,539 WORKERS: Hold, hold. Hold! Up! 483 00:37:45,573 --> 00:37:46,678 JOHN: And turn him over. 484 00:37:46,712 --> 00:37:47,782 Turn him over. 485 00:37:47,817 --> 00:37:50,233 Shuay, shuay, shuay. 486 00:37:50,578 --> 00:37:52,960 The head of the sphinx. 487 00:37:52,994 --> 00:37:56,274 So now we have a complete sphinx as far as I'm concerned. 488 00:37:57,827 --> 00:38:03,798 Both Maria and I do not consider this a job, this is life, Silsila is our life, 489 00:38:04,212 --> 00:38:09,390 these guys are our family, and it's mankind's history. 490 00:38:11,254 --> 00:38:13,394 All started here. 491 00:38:13,774 --> 00:38:18,779 NARRATOR: After a long, hot dig, John can finally show Maria the enormity 492 00:38:18,813 --> 00:38:21,022 of what they've unearthed. 493 00:38:21,057 --> 00:38:22,541 MARIA: Oh wow. 494 00:38:26,476 --> 00:38:30,377 NARRATOR: The abandoned sphinx statue is nearly ten foot high. 495 00:38:33,414 --> 00:38:37,280 MARIA: Wow! This is just silly. 496 00:38:37,315 --> 00:38:39,972 Why on earth is it still here? 497 00:38:40,007 --> 00:38:42,803 NARRATOR: It's the largest they've seen at the quarry. 498 00:38:42,837 --> 00:38:47,773 MARIA: As far as I know there'sno records whatsoever of 499 00:38:47,808 --> 00:38:52,571 any unfinished sphinx that is intact like this. 500 00:38:53,158 --> 00:38:55,919 NARRATOR: It's in such good condition, it's a mystery 501 00:38:55,954 --> 00:38:58,853 why this giant statue was abandoned. 502 00:38:58,888 --> 00:39:02,823 It's possible a small fracture in the stone could have stopped the work. 503 00:39:03,444 --> 00:39:08,415 But John and Maria still want to find out where this sphinx was destined to go. 504 00:39:09,623 --> 00:39:13,178 JOHN: So we need to now look at all the sphinxes, the Sphinx Avenue of Hatshepsut, 505 00:39:13,212 --> 00:39:17,907 Karnak's, find out where we have one of this size. 506 00:39:18,390 --> 00:39:21,911 You're looking at over five ton there, if not more. 507 00:39:22,981 --> 00:39:24,154 It really is. 508 00:39:24,189 --> 00:39:26,191 MARIA: Wow. 509 00:39:32,680 --> 00:39:38,755 NARRATOR: At the magnificent Karnak Temple, Hatshepsut began construction of the 510 00:39:38,790 --> 00:39:42,380 Avenue of the Sphinxes. 511 00:39:42,414 --> 00:39:46,798 Some statues have been moved, damaged, or have even disappeared, 512 00:39:47,419 --> 00:39:51,250 but hundreds still remain across the temple site. 513 00:39:51,803 --> 00:39:54,012 JOHN: How do you want to tackle this? 514 00:39:54,461 --> 00:39:58,741 NARRATOR: John and Maria Ward have come to Karnak to try and find a match 515 00:39:58,775 --> 00:40:02,296 for the sphinx they've discovered back at the quarry. 516 00:40:03,642 --> 00:40:08,820 JOHN: Our tail goes further along the back paw, then sweeps round. 517 00:40:09,130 --> 00:40:12,444 These don't look big enough at the front. 518 00:40:12,479 --> 00:40:16,897 NARRATOR: As well as matching the style, the couple is looking for black specks, 519 00:40:16,931 --> 00:40:20,797 called "inclusions," within the sandstone itself. 520 00:40:21,522 --> 00:40:26,562 MARIA: If we can find those black inclusions, the little black dots, then we know that 521 00:40:26,596 --> 00:40:29,496 it's from, most probably from the same quarry. 522 00:40:29,530 --> 00:40:30,876 JOHN: From the same quarry, hmm. 523 00:40:30,911 --> 00:40:33,396 MARIA: And from the same period. 524 00:40:36,399 --> 00:40:38,194 JOHN: I'm not seeing any. 525 00:40:38,228 --> 00:40:41,749 MARIA: These so far do not show any such marks. 526 00:40:41,784 --> 00:40:45,753 No, I think we need to explore a little bit further. 527 00:40:46,616 --> 00:40:51,414 NARRATOR: There's no sign of a matching sphinx on the avenue outside the temple walls, 528 00:40:53,968 --> 00:40:58,041 but hidden inside the temple they find another style. 529 00:40:59,077 --> 00:41:02,218 JOHN: They, they are different, Maria, they are different. 530 00:41:03,115 --> 00:41:04,634 That haunch... 531 00:41:04,669 --> 00:41:06,256 MARIA: Yeah. 532 00:41:06,291 --> 00:41:07,637 JOHN: Look at the belly cut. 533 00:41:07,672 --> 00:41:09,363 MARIA: I would agree. 534 00:41:09,397 --> 00:41:11,365 JOHN: And look, look at the front, see the, the girth of the neck... 535 00:41:11,399 --> 00:41:12,884 MARIA: I would agree. 536 00:41:12,918 --> 00:41:14,713 JOHN: Coming down and that would, the paws... 537 00:41:14,748 --> 00:41:16,577 MARIA: And, and you've got the black inclusions. 538 00:41:16,612 --> 00:41:20,305 JOHN: Black inclusions. Wow! There we have it! 539 00:41:21,582 --> 00:41:26,380 NARRATOR: Although damaged, the couple is certain these sphinxes came from Silsila. 540 00:41:27,070 --> 00:41:29,487 JOHN: At Silsila they haven't been finished, they're, 541 00:41:29,521 --> 00:41:31,523 they're still in their raw state. 542 00:41:31,558 --> 00:41:34,250 They would've been transported to here. 543 00:41:34,733 --> 00:41:38,116 NARRATOR: The evidence suggests John and Maria's sphinx would've made a 544 00:41:38,150 --> 00:41:42,120 remarkable journey, carved out at the quarry... 545 00:41:42,154 --> 00:41:47,712 shipped 100 miles down the Nile and placed at Karnak Temple. 546 00:41:48,160 --> 00:41:50,922 JOHN: I'm feeling very proud, I feel like a proud father. 547 00:41:50,956 --> 00:41:54,063 These are our children, this is from Silsila. 548 00:41:54,097 --> 00:41:59,965 Everything, bit by bit by bit, has culminated in this one moment. 549 00:42:00,345 --> 00:42:03,659 Bang. The sphinx. 550 00:42:12,909 --> 00:42:15,740 NARRATOR: By Hatshepsut's temple, Dr. Szafranski and 551 00:42:15,774 --> 00:42:18,984 the team continue their excavation. 552 00:42:19,640 --> 00:42:22,643 NATALIE: Look at that treasure, it's filled with content. 553 00:42:22,678 --> 00:42:24,783 DR SZAFRANSKI: And the pot looks like New Kingdom. 554 00:42:24,818 --> 00:42:28,891 NARRATOR: They have unearthed ancient pottery, and food buried in the ground. 555 00:42:29,650 --> 00:42:34,655 These were gifts to the gods, offerings made when the temple was first built. 556 00:42:35,035 --> 00:42:38,590 MARIUSZ: It's a very important piece in this puzzle. 557 00:42:40,627 --> 00:42:44,147 NARRATOR: Bit by bit, each of these small finds is helping 558 00:42:44,182 --> 00:42:48,117 to unearth the secrets of this magnificent site. 559 00:42:53,294 --> 00:42:58,714 Dr. Szafranski has dedicated his life to revealing the legacy of Hatshepsut, 560 00:42:59,162 --> 00:43:01,786 the incredible pharaoh queen. 561 00:43:44,173 --> 00:43:49,350 NARRATOR: Hatshepsut was a leader, a politician, and a revolutionary 562 00:43:49,385 --> 00:43:52,837 the likes of which the world had never seen. 563 00:43:53,458 --> 00:43:57,945 Against all odds, Hatshepsut rose to become a pharaoh, 564 00:43:58,152 --> 00:44:00,741 and through her magnificent temple, 565 00:44:00,776 --> 00:44:03,986 she is remembered once again. 566 00:44:07,645 --> 00:44:09,163 Captioned by Cotter Captioning Services.