1 00:00:02,125 --> 00:00:05,230 - It's maddening, isn't it? - Hello? Précédemment 2 00:00:05,250 --> 00:00:06,771 - Ça rend fou ? - Qui est là ? 3 00:00:06,791 --> 00:00:08,521 The voice in your head. Cette voix, dans ta tête. 4 00:00:08,541 --> 00:00:13,416 Relentless, forever unsatisfied. Incessante, éternellement insatisfaite. 5 00:00:14,125 --> 00:00:15,521 What's this? Qu'est-ce que c'est ? 6 00:00:15,541 --> 00:00:17,146 - Layla. 7 00:00:17,166 --> 00:00:19,938 - Oh, my God, you're alive. - Yeah, all right. - Oh, mon Dieu, tu es vivant. - Ouais, ça va. 8 00:00:19,958 --> 00:00:23,271 That's it? I've been texting and calling you for months. C'est tout ? J'essaye de te joindre depuis des mois. 9 00:00:23,291 --> 00:00:27,646 My body wants to get up and wander about, you know? C'est comme si mon corps voulait se lever et se balader. 10 00:00:27,666 --> 00:00:31,646 And I don't even know about it until I wake up wherever. Je m'en rends pas compte, mais je finis par me réveiller ailleurs. 11 00:00:31,666 --> 00:00:33,105 Strange, innit? C'est curieux, non ? 12 00:00:33,125 --> 00:00:36,563 I strongly encourage you to return that. Je t'encourage vivement à me le rendre. 13 00:00:36,583 --> 00:00:37,855 Here, take it. Tenez, prenez-le. 14 00:00:37,875 --> 00:00:40,396 That was so strange. Sorry about... C'est bizarre. Désolé... 15 00:00:40,416 --> 00:00:43,500 I will not ask again. Oh, my God! Je ne le redemanderai pas. 16 00:00:45,541 --> 00:00:47,833 You're not gonna die. Tu ne vas pas mourir. 17 00:00:48,708 --> 00:00:51,041 Let me save us. Laisse-moi nous sauver. 18 00:02:00,500 --> 00:02:02,708 No, no, no. 19 00:02:08,833 --> 00:02:10,521 You there? Tu es là ? 20 00:02:10,541 --> 00:02:12,625 Hmm? 21 00:02:13,375 --> 00:02:15,375 No? 22 00:02:17,791 --> 00:02:19,541 Yeah, didn't think so. J'en étais sûr. 23 00:02:47,583 --> 00:02:49,541 Bruv, hey. Salut ! 24 00:02:49,916 --> 00:02:51,605 Oh, hey. Bro, it is proper mad in here. C'est un truc de dingue. 25 00:02:51,625 --> 00:02:53,063 What happened? What is it? Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé ? 26 00:02:53,083 --> 00:02:58,396 They're saying burst pipes, but don't look like that to me. Ils parlent de rupture de canalisation mais, j'y crois pas. 27 00:02:58,416 --> 00:03:01,125 Has anyone seen the security footage? On a vérifié la vidéosurveillance ? 28 00:03:01,541 --> 00:03:03,583 Well, yeah, I was about to. J'allais le faire. 29 00:03:04,083 --> 00:03:08,021 All right. I think I should go with you, yeah? Je ferais mieux de venir avec toi. 30 00:03:08,041 --> 00:03:10,958 I may have some information about it. J'ai peut-être des informations. 31 00:03:11,583 --> 00:03:13,021 - All right, come on. - Yeah. - D'accord, viens. - Ouais. 32 00:03:13,041 --> 00:03:16,438 Do not tell Donna that I let you into this arena. Dis pas à Donna que je t'ai laissé entrer ici. 33 00:03:16,458 --> 00:03:19,480 Bruv, listen, I must warn you. Je préfère te prévenir. 34 00:03:19,500 --> 00:03:23,521 What you're about to see is gonna melt your brain. Yeah? Tu vas carrément halluciner. 35 00:03:23,541 --> 00:03:25,105 - Come on. - Listen to me. - Arrête. - Écoute-moi. 36 00:03:25,125 --> 00:03:29,896 It's like Area 51, like MI6 bonkers, bruv. Yeah? C'est du niveau de la zone 51 ou du MI6, tu vois ? 37 00:03:29,916 --> 00:03:33,313 - All right. All right, mate. - You ready? Yeah. - D'accord, d'accord. - T'es prêt ? 38 00:03:33,333 --> 00:03:35,416 Roll the tape. Lance les images. 39 00:03:39,416 --> 00:03:41,021 Is that you, Scotty? C'est toi, Scotty ? 40 00:03:41,041 --> 00:03:45,230 Still Steven. And yeah, that's me. Oh, yeah. Je m'appelle toujours Steven. Et oui, c'est moi. C'est bien moi. 41 00:03:45,250 --> 00:03:47,458 Watch, here it comes. Regarde, ça va venir. 42 00:03:47,916 --> 00:03:50,166 Are you cryin'? Tu pleures ? 43 00:03:50,375 --> 00:03:54,230 A bit. Yeah, a bit. Watch, here it comes. Wait for it. Un peu, oui. Regarde, ça arrive. Attends. 44 00:03:54,250 --> 00:03:56,250 Wait for it. Attends, tu vas voir. 45 00:03:56,500 --> 00:03:58,625 How long am I waitin'? C'est pour quand ? 46 00:03:59,166 --> 00:04:02,021 Different angle, yeah? Different, different. Essaye un autre angle. Un autre. 47 00:04:02,041 --> 00:04:05,396 Yeah, yeah, that's it. Wait for it, here it comes. Voilà. Attends, ça va arriver. 48 00:04:05,416 --> 00:04:06,938 No, no, no, wait. Non, non, non, attends. 49 00:04:06,958 --> 00:04:10,230 Why are you going in... What are you doing, you donut? Pourquoi tu vas... Qu'est-ce que tu fais, abruti ? 50 00:04:10,250 --> 00:04:13,230 No, just a minute. Here it comes. Une minute. Ça va venir. 51 00:04:13,250 --> 00:04:14,521 Wait, wait. Now, just a minute. Attends une minute. 52 00:04:14,541 --> 00:04:16,855 - You messed up the loos. - Shh. I don't... - Tu as bousillé les toilettes. - Non. 53 00:04:16,875 --> 00:04:18,230 - Mate! - Oh, God. - Mec ! - Oh, non. 54 00:04:18,250 --> 00:04:21,063 Larry in Maintenance is gonna absolutely shoot you. Larry de la maintenance va te tuer. 55 00:04:21,083 --> 00:04:25,230 I swear to God, there was a dog chasing me, like a big hound, or... Je te jure qu'il y avait un chien qui me courait après. Un gros chien, ou... 56 00:04:25,250 --> 00:04:26,438 Hound of the Baskervilles, was it? Le chien des Baskerville ? 57 00:04:26,458 --> 00:04:31,250 - Egyptian jackal. It was a jackal. - I've heard it all now. - Un loup d'Égypte. Un loup. - C'est bon, j'ai compris. 58 00:04:31,458 --> 00:04:33,750 Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, non. 59 00:04:35,875 --> 00:04:38,230 Fast forward till when I come out. When I come out. Avance rapide jusqu'à ce que je sorte. 60 00:04:38,250 --> 00:04:39,896 Oh, yeah, why not, yeah. Au point où on en est. 61 00:04:39,916 --> 00:04:41,355 Let me do it. Laisse-moi faire. 62 00:04:41,375 --> 00:04:45,750 - Now, there. Have a look. - Yeah, yeah... - Voilà. Regarde bien. - Oui, oui. 63 00:04:49,333 --> 00:04:51,625 It's still you, bruv. C'est toujours toi. 64 00:04:54,083 --> 00:04:56,208 That's not me. C'est pas moi. 65 00:05:05,375 --> 00:05:10,271 I should tell you, the museum has no wish to press charges. Je vous informe que le musée ne souhaite pas porter plainte. 66 00:05:10,291 --> 00:05:12,938 - Okay. - But Mr. Grant, - D'accord. - M. Grant, 67 00:05:12,958 --> 00:05:15,230 we've spoken to your colleagues. j'ai parlé avec vos collègues. 68 00:05:15,250 --> 00:05:16,896 Yeah? 69 00:05:16,916 --> 00:05:21,958 It's all been a bit of a struggle for you recently, hey? C'est un peu compliqué pour vous en ce moment, n'est-ce pas ? 70 00:05:22,125 --> 00:05:24,480 Yeah. A bit, a bit. Oui, un peu. 71 00:05:24,500 --> 00:05:29,646 This particular group of doctors has a long-standing relationship with us. Nous travaillons de longue date avec cette équipe de médecins. 72 00:05:29,666 --> 00:05:30,563 Doctors? Des médecins ? 73 00:05:30,583 --> 00:05:32,188 LE MEILLEUR DE VOUS 74 00:05:32,208 --> 00:05:34,208 Oh. 75 00:05:36,875 --> 00:05:39,166 They're wonderful. Ils sont fabuleux. 76 00:05:39,583 --> 00:05:41,896 - Yeah? - I could arrange an appointment. Je peux vous obtenir un rendez-vous. 77 00:05:41,916 --> 00:05:44,230 Okay. Yeah. D'accord. Oui. 78 00:05:44,250 --> 00:05:47,896 It looks... It actually looks quite posh. Ça a l'air... plutôt chic. 79 00:05:47,916 --> 00:05:50,521 Looks like they're very good listeners, right? On dirait qu'ils savent écouter. 80 00:05:50,541 --> 00:05:52,625 They really are. Je confirme. 81 00:05:52,750 --> 00:05:56,791 I know this is classic HR to say, but... C'est la phrase classique du DRH, mais... 82 00:05:57,541 --> 00:05:59,583 But you're not alone. Vous n'êtes pas seul. 83 00:06:00,541 --> 00:06:04,813 Yeah. That's, like, part of the problem, innit? C'est justement de là que vient le problème. 84 00:06:04,833 --> 00:06:08,271 Before you leave us, I'm sorry for the protocol of it, but... Avant que vous nous quittiez... Désolé, c'est le protocole. 85 00:06:08,291 --> 00:06:10,438 Any museum property on your person? Avez-vous des objets appartenant au musée ? 86 00:06:10,458 --> 00:06:15,916 No, I haven't nicked anything. I swear. I... Non, j'ai rien volé. Je le jure. 87 00:06:20,125 --> 00:06:22,083 No, nothing. Non, rien. 88 00:06:22,416 --> 00:06:24,416 Uh... 89 00:06:28,833 --> 00:06:30,916 Yeah. 90 00:06:43,458 --> 00:06:44,771 Well, that's it. I got the sack. Ça y est. Je suis viré. 91 00:06:44,791 --> 00:06:49,750 I don't blame 'em. I'm a vandal. I should've been arrested. Je leur en veux pas. Je suis un vandale. J'aurais dû être arrêté. 92 00:06:51,791 --> 00:06:55,896 I did find things hidden in my flat. J'ai trouvé des trucs cachés dans mon appart. 93 00:06:55,916 --> 00:06:58,875 I swear. I'm not joking. Je t'assure. Je plaisante pas. 94 00:07:00,166 --> 00:07:02,271 That's worth exploring, isn't it? C'est une piste à explorer, non ? 95 00:07:02,291 --> 00:07:04,480 Like, if I could find that storage locker, Si je trouve le box, 96 00:07:04,500 --> 00:07:10,771 that might be my one chance to prove to myself that I'm not mad. ce sera la preuve que je suis pas fou. 97 00:07:10,791 --> 00:07:14,666 Oh, mate, thank you. Thanks. Cheers. Merci. Merci. Salut. 98 00:07:23,375 --> 00:07:24,480 - Hiya. - Hey. - Bonjour. - Bonjour. 99 00:07:24,500 --> 00:07:26,605 - You all right? - Yeah. - Ça va ? - Oui. 100 00:07:26,625 --> 00:07:29,855 Yeah. Um, look, man, this is, like, the fifth branch I've been to. C'est la cinquième adresse où je me présente. 101 00:07:29,875 --> 00:07:32,813 I'm looking for my storage locker. It's under "Steven Grant." Je cherche un box de stockage au nom de "Steven Grant". 102 00:07:32,833 --> 00:07:36,021 If it's not under Steven Grant, it might be under "Marc." Si c'est pas Steven Grant, ça peut être "Marc". 103 00:07:36,041 --> 00:07:39,313 I don't have a surname, just Marc. J'ai pas le nom de famille, juste Marc. 104 00:07:39,333 --> 00:07:42,146 Would you have a look for me, if that's all right? Vous pouvez regarder, ça vous ennuie pas ? 105 00:07:42,166 --> 00:07:47,313 - I know it sounds... - Je sais que ça a l'air... - Oui, je vous connais. Le 43, c'est ça ? 106 00:07:47,333 --> 00:07:49,541 I never forget a face. J'oublie jamais un visage. 107 00:07:52,666 --> 00:07:54,500 All right. Alors... 108 00:09:14,666 --> 00:09:16,750 Oh, my God. La vache ! 109 00:09:39,875 --> 00:09:42,250 "Marc Spector." "Marc Spector." 110 00:09:50,208 --> 00:09:52,416 No way. J'y crois pas. 111 00:09:53,458 --> 00:09:57,541 It's real. It's totally real. C'est vrai. Tout est vrai. 112 00:10:03,625 --> 00:10:05,625 Whoa. 113 00:10:09,916 --> 00:10:15,521 I'd say you are a compass, but you're not pointing north. Tu me fais penser à une boussole, sauf que t'indiques pas le nord. 114 00:10:15,541 --> 00:10:18,416 Steven, I need you to listen to me very carefully. Steven, 115 00:10:18,875 --> 00:10:18,938 Marc? tu dois m'écouter très attentivement. 116 00:10:18,958 --> 00:10:20,791 Marc ? 117 00:10:20,916 --> 00:10:23,271 There he is. Here he comes. Il est là. Le voilà. 118 00:10:23,291 --> 00:10:26,896 Hello, man in the mirror. I was wondering if you'd pop up again. Salut, le type dans le miroir. Je me demandais si tu réapparaîtrais. 119 00:10:26,916 --> 00:10:29,021 - I know you're scared. - A bit, yeah. I know you're confused. You weren't supposed to see any of this. - Je sais que tu as peur. - Un peu, ouais. 120 00:10:29,041 --> 00:10:32,146 Tu es perturbé. Tu n'étais pas censé voir ça. 121 00:10:32,166 --> 00:10:33,271 No? Well, bit late for that, innit? Il est un peu tard, non ? 122 00:10:33,291 --> 00:10:37,563 So, what? Am I, like, meant to be some sort of mad secret agent or something? Et donc ? Je vais devenir agent secret, un truc comme ça ? 123 00:10:37,583 --> 00:10:39,355 It's a little more complicated than that. C'est plus compliqué que ça. 124 00:10:39,375 --> 00:10:41,771 More complicated? What? Am I possessed? "Plus compliqué" ? Quoi ? Je suis possédé ? 125 00:10:41,791 --> 00:10:46,438 - Are you, like, a demon? Or... - You're in danger, and I can save us, - T'es quoi ? Un démon ? Ou... - Tu es en danger, et je peux nous sauver, 126 00:10:46,458 --> 00:10:47,896 just like I did last night. comme je l'ai fait hier soir. 127 00:10:47,916 --> 00:10:52,438 But I can't have you interfering in what I have left to do. Mais je ne peux pas te laisser interférer dans ma mission. 128 00:10:52,458 --> 00:10:54,146 So, this is what's gonna happen. Alors, voilà ce qui va se passer. 129 00:10:54,166 --> 00:10:56,813 You're gonna go lay down on that cot back there. Tu vas t'allonger sur le lit de camp, là. 130 00:10:56,833 --> 00:10:59,855 - You're gonna take a nice nap. - Are you joking? - Tu vas faire une sieste. - Tu plaisantes ? 131 00:10:59,875 --> 00:11:03,813 Sleep... I'm never gonna go to sleep again. You hear me? Dormir ? Je dormirai plus jamais. Tu m'entends ? 132 00:11:03,833 --> 00:11:07,188 Look, I don't care how bloody handsome you are. Ton charme de beau gosse marchera pas avec moi. 133 00:11:07,208 --> 00:11:11,688 Tell me what it is you are. What are you? Dis-moi ce que tu es. Tu es quoi ? 134 00:11:11,708 --> 00:11:15,230 - You sure you want to know? - Yes, bloody... Yes. - Tu es sûr de vouloir savoir. - Oui, bordel. Oui. 135 00:11:15,250 --> 00:11:18,938 I serve Khonshu. I'm his Avatar. Je suis au service de Khonshu. Je suis son avatar. 136 00:11:18,958 --> 00:11:23,188 Which means you are, too. Sort of. Ce qui veut dire que toi aussi. Plus ou moins. 137 00:11:23,208 --> 00:11:25,896 We protect the vulnerable On protège les personnes vulnérables 138 00:11:25,916 --> 00:11:29,563 and deliver Khonshu's justice to those who hurt them. et on punit les persécuteurs au nom de Khonshu. 139 00:11:29,583 --> 00:11:31,146 - Khonshu? - Yeah. - Khonshu ? - Oui. 140 00:11:31,166 --> 00:11:34,166 The Egyptian god of the moon? Le dieu égyptien de la Lune ? 141 00:11:35,291 --> 00:11:38,313 Oh, my God, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Oh, mon Dieu, j'ai jamais rien entendu d'aussi bête ! 142 00:11:38,333 --> 00:11:42,980 I eat one piece of steak, and then, bam, I go bonkers. J'ai mangé un bout de viande et voilà, je deviens fou. 143 00:11:43,000 --> 00:11:46,083 Oh, God. I'm having a panic attack. Mon Dieu, j'ai une crise d'angoisse. 144 00:11:46,666 --> 00:11:49,313 - I made a deal with Khonshu. - I need to go to hospital. That deal is contingent on you not interfering, Steven. - J'ai un accord avec Khonshu. - Vite, l'hôpital ! 145 00:11:49,333 --> 00:11:53,021 Cet accord exige que tu n'interviennes pas, Steven. 146 00:11:53,041 --> 00:11:57,271 Now, give me the body. Let me finish this, and you'll never hear from me again. Cède-moi le corps. Laisse-moi achever la mission et je disparaîtrai. 147 00:11:57,291 --> 00:12:00,230 You want my body? Right, yeah. Marc, how about this for a deal? I'm gonna take this bag full of illegal shit, yeah? Tu veux mon corps ? Ouais. 148 00:12:00,250 --> 00:12:05,230 Marc, j'ai une autre idée. Je prends ce sac plein de trucs louches. 149 00:12:05,250 --> 00:12:07,438 And I'm gonna go straight to the authorities. Je me rends directement à la police. 150 00:12:07,458 --> 00:12:10,605 And they're gonna put me away so I don't hurt anyone else. Ils vont me coffrer, et je ferai plus de mal à personne. 151 00:12:10,625 --> 00:12:14,563 And hopefully, NHS will fill me with enough pills so that you get out of my head! Avec un peu de chance, on me gavera de médicaments, 152 00:12:14,583 --> 00:12:17,125 et tu sortiras de ma tête ! 153 00:12:34,583 --> 00:12:37,375 Oh, God. Oh, God. 154 00:12:46,625 --> 00:12:49,416 Oh, non. Oh, non. 155 00:13:11,375 --> 00:13:14,541 Give it back, you fool. Rends-le, imbécile. 156 00:13:28,250 --> 00:13:31,166 Marc? Where have you been? Marc ? Où t'étais passé ? 157 00:13:32,125 --> 00:13:33,438 Layla? Layla ? 158 00:13:33,458 --> 00:13:37,896 What the hell is going on? Is this Steven the latest fake identity for you? I figured you were using a coded message when we spoke on the phone. Qu'est-ce qui se passe ? Ce Steven, c'est une autre fausse identité ? 159 00:13:37,916 --> 00:13:40,813 J'ai compris que tu utilisais un message codé au téléphone. 160 00:13:40,833 --> 00:13:41,980 How did you find me? Tu m'as retrouvé ? 161 00:13:42,000 --> 00:13:43,896 How'd you think? I tracked your phone. J'ai localisé ton téléphone. 162 00:13:43,916 --> 00:13:46,688 I thought you wanted me to do that when you turned it on. Tu l'avais rallumé. J'ai cru que c'était un signal. 163 00:13:46,708 --> 00:13:48,063 Right. Yeah. Ah, ouais. 164 00:13:48,083 --> 00:13:52,105 You know, you really could have given me any sign that you were alive. Tu aurais pu donner signe de vie. 165 00:13:52,125 --> 00:13:54,896 I thought that you were in danger, or kidnapped again. J'ai cru que t'étais en danger, que tu avais été enlevé. 166 00:13:54,916 --> 00:13:57,188 I just kept thinking, "He's got the suit. He's fine." Je me répétais : "Il a le costume, tout va bien." 167 00:13:57,208 --> 00:14:00,563 Then, I thought, "Well, what if he gets ambushed when he's not wearing it?" Et puis, j'ai pensé : "Et s'il a été piégé sans le costume ? 168 00:14:00,583 --> 00:14:02,355 And "What if he doesn't have it?" And... "Et s'il ne l'a plus?" Et... 169 00:14:02,375 --> 00:14:05,396 - Stop clasping my shoulder like that. - I don't know where to hold. - Arrête de me pincer l'épaule. - Je sais pas où m'accrocher. 170 00:14:05,416 --> 00:14:07,396 Feels like riding with a Victorian duchess. J'ai l'impression de balader une duchesse. 171 00:14:07,416 --> 00:14:09,333 Where do I hang on? Où je m'accroche ? 172 00:14:17,000 --> 00:14:19,771 Do you see the spiral you put me through? T'as vu ce que tu me fais vivre ? 173 00:14:19,791 --> 00:14:22,875 It's not okay, yeah? I'm still your wife. Ça va pas ! Je suis encore ta femme. 174 00:14:23,708 --> 00:14:27,521 By the way, this would be a great time for you to say something. Anything. C'est le moment de t'exprimer. De dire quelque chose. 175 00:14:27,541 --> 00:14:31,230 - Just in case it's not clear. - Sorry, sorry... Did you say wife? - Au cas où ce serait pas clair. - Pardon. Tu es ma femme ? 176 00:14:31,250 --> 00:14:33,188 My... Are we married? On est mariés ? 177 00:14:33,208 --> 00:14:35,813 Look, I'm pretty sure we lost whoever was chasing you. Je crois qu'on a semé les gens qui te suivaient. 178 00:14:35,833 --> 00:14:38,230 - Just drop the act. - It's not an act. I... - Arrête ton jeu. - C'est pas un jeu. 179 00:14:38,250 --> 00:14:42,063 - Stop with the accent, please. - This is how I talk. - Arrête avec cet accent, s'il te plaît. - C'est ma façon de parler. 180 00:14:42,083 --> 00:14:46,105 - Okay. Get off the bike. - No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait. Please. Please, I will tell you everything, just get me to my flat, yeah? - Bon, descends. - Non, non, attends. S'il te plaît. 181 00:14:46,125 --> 00:14:50,438 Je te raconterai tout si tu me ramènes à mon appart. 182 00:14:50,458 --> 00:14:52,541 Just get me home. Ramène-moi chez moi. 183 00:15:00,916 --> 00:15:02,916 All right. Voilà. 184 00:15:18,416 --> 00:15:20,666 She shouldn't be here. Elle a rien à faire ici. 185 00:15:20,916 --> 00:15:25,916 Get her out of here, Steven. You're way out of your depth. Sors-là d'ici, Steven. Tu vas trop loin. 186 00:15:26,083 --> 00:15:28,021 I just want my life back. Je veux retrouver ma vie. 187 00:15:28,041 --> 00:15:30,521 Yeah, I'm getting that. Je comprends. 188 00:15:30,541 --> 00:15:35,688 No. Sorry, I wasn't talking to you, just talking to myself. Sort of. Désolé. C'est pas à toi que je parlais. Je me parle à moi-même. Plus ou moins. 189 00:15:35,708 --> 00:15:39,605 - Uh, this is your flat, Marc? - Um, I'm Steven. - C'est ton appartement, Marc ? - Moi, c'est Steven. 190 00:15:39,625 --> 00:15:42,230 Are you living here with someone else? Tu vis avec quelqu'un ? 191 00:15:42,250 --> 00:15:44,875 No, no, no. 192 00:15:45,000 --> 00:15:47,416 No, this is my mum's flat. C'est l'appartement de ma mère. 193 00:15:48,875 --> 00:15:51,583 Okay, so you guys are talking again? Vous vous reparlez ? 194 00:15:53,500 --> 00:15:55,500 Mmm-hmm. 195 00:15:58,083 --> 00:16:00,833 Marceline Desbordes-Valmore? Marceline Desbordes-Valmore ? 196 00:16:01,083 --> 00:16:03,166 Yep. 197 00:16:15,083 --> 00:16:17,125 Oui, oui. 198 00:16:17,791 --> 00:16:20,291 She's my favorite poet. Ma poétesse préférée. 199 00:16:21,166 --> 00:16:24,083 Um, no, she's my favorite. Non, la miènne. 200 00:16:24,791 --> 00:16:27,208 That's mental. C'est fou. 201 00:16:29,791 --> 00:16:34,166 So, you're learning French and hieroglyphics? Tu apprends le français et les hiéroglyphes. 202 00:16:34,250 --> 00:16:36,646 Yeah, well... That's not that impressive, really. Ça n'a rien d'impressionnant. 203 00:16:36,666 --> 00:16:38,938 It's not like hieroglyphs are a whole language. Les hiéroglyphes, c'est pas une langue. 204 00:16:38,958 --> 00:16:42,666 - It's more like a... - Like an alphabet. - C'est plus... - Un alphabet. 205 00:16:42,916 --> 00:16:45,980 Yeah, and... Well, you still have to know Oui, mais il faut connaître... 206 00:16:46,000 --> 00:16:48,105 - ancient Egyptian to read it. - Sure. - l'égyptien ancien. - Bien sûr. 207 00:16:48,125 --> 00:16:53,791 - For example, like this one here, right? - Funeral rites. - Ce signe, par exemple. - Les rites funéraires. 208 00:16:54,375 --> 00:16:59,833 Well, someone knows their unilaterals. You. J'en connais une qui a appris sa leçon. Toi ! 209 00:17:00,625 --> 00:17:02,855 - That's amazing. - Yeah. Incroyable. 210 00:17:02,875 --> 00:17:05,230 - Sorry, I don't mean that in a creepy way. - No, I'm sorry. I'm not buying this, Marc. Désolé, je veux pas te faire peur. 211 00:17:05,250 --> 00:17:07,896 Ça marche pas avec moi, Marc. 212 00:17:07,916 --> 00:17:09,980 Use whatever accent you want. Yeah. Utilise l'accent que tu veux. 213 00:17:10,000 --> 00:17:15,105 Let's just get this over with. You sent these papers but you never signed them. Finissons-en. Tu as envoyé ces papiers sans les signer. 214 00:17:15,125 --> 00:17:16,563 Did I? Uh... Vraiment ? 215 00:17:16,583 --> 00:17:19,458 This is what you wanted. C'est ce que tu voulais. 216 00:17:19,541 --> 00:17:22,083 Have a look here. Voyons ça. 217 00:17:22,291 --> 00:17:26,063 After everything, you told me that we needed to move on. Tu as dit qu'il fallait passer à autre chose. 218 00:17:26,083 --> 00:17:30,583 All right. Divo... Divorce? Alors. Divorce ? 219 00:17:30,875 --> 00:17:33,500 Yeah, we doing this or not? Oui, on le fait ou pas ? 220 00:17:33,791 --> 00:17:36,375 I would never divorce you. Jamais je divorcerai de toi. 221 00:17:39,000 --> 00:17:41,291 What are you doing? Qu'est-ce que tu fais ? 222 00:17:44,666 --> 00:17:47,230 Look, you seem absolutely lovely. Je te trouve adorable. 223 00:17:47,250 --> 00:17:53,833 This Marc, on the other hand, is a right twit. Yeah? Ce Marc, en revanche, c'est un vrai crétin. 224 00:17:54,875 --> 00:17:56,771 I don't know how to explain what's been happening. J'arrive pas à expliquer ce qui se passe. 225 00:17:56,791 --> 00:17:58,938 - Steven. - I don't expect you to believe me. - Steven. - T'as le droit de pas me croire. 226 00:17:58,958 --> 00:18:02,105 - Steven, listen to me. - I honestly don't really believe myself. - Steven, écoute-moi. - Moi-même, j'ai du mal à me croire. 227 00:18:02,125 --> 00:18:04,855 - All I can do is try to... - You're making a mistake. - Ce que je peux faire, c'est... - Tu fais une bêtise. 228 00:18:04,875 --> 00:18:06,855 - ...try to show you what I found. - Steve... te montrer ce que j'ai trouvé. 229 00:18:06,875 --> 00:18:10,480 - I found this bag in the storage locker. - Steven, don't... Listen to me. - J'ai trouvé ce sac dans un box. - Steven, arrête. Écoute-moi. 230 00:18:10,500 --> 00:18:13,855 - Inside of it is all sorts... - Stop what you're doing right now. - À l'intérieur, il y a toutes sortes... - Arrête immédiatement. 231 00:18:13,875 --> 00:18:16,063 - ...of things. - Don't show her what's in the bag. - de choses. - Ne lui montre pas. 232 00:18:16,083 --> 00:18:20,938 - Most interestingly... - You're gonna get her killed. You hear me? - Le plus intéressant... - Elle va se faire tuer, à cause de toi. 233 00:18:20,958 --> 00:18:23,438 Most interestingly is what? Le plus intéressant, c'est quoi ? 234 00:18:23,458 --> 00:18:26,730 You show her that scarab, you're responsible when they come after her. Si tu lui montres le scarabée, tu seras responsable. 235 00:18:26,750 --> 00:18:28,938 - Nothing. - Nothing? - Rien. - Rien ? 236 00:18:28,958 --> 00:18:30,355 Nothing. Never mind. Laisse tomber. 237 00:18:30,375 --> 00:18:33,771 - What's in there? - Nothing... Wait, wait... - Qu'est-ce qu'il y a là-dedans ? - Rien. 238 00:18:33,791 --> 00:18:35,875 Bloody hell. Bon Dieu ! 239 00:18:38,541 --> 00:18:40,771 The scarab pointing to Ammit's ushabti? What we fought side by side for. Le scarabée qui indique l'ouchebti d'Ammit. 240 00:18:40,791 --> 00:18:43,521 On s'est battus pour ça. 241 00:18:43,541 --> 00:18:46,021 - No... - This whole one-man show is just what? So that you can keep it for yourself? - Non... - Et maintenant tu la joues solo ? 242 00:18:46,041 --> 00:18:47,813 Tu veux le garder pour toi. 243 00:18:47,833 --> 00:18:49,938 - No. I swear... - After all we've been... - Non, je te jure... - Après tout ce que... 244 00:18:49,958 --> 00:18:54,771 Just stop! I'm supposed to believe anything you say with this shoved in - what, a gym bag? - Take it. Take it, you can have it. Arrête ! Je suis censée te croire alors que tu caches ça dans... 245 00:18:54,791 --> 00:18:57,646 - un sac de sport ? - Prends-le, je te le donne. 246 00:18:57,666 --> 00:19:04,041 Take it. I don't want it. I don't want it. I swear. Have it. Prends-le, j'en veux pas. Garde-le. 247 00:19:04,166 --> 00:19:07,875 I am not Marc Spector. Je suis pas Marc Spector. 248 00:19:08,083 --> 00:19:14,230 I'm Steven Grant. I work in a gift shop. Well, I used to work in a gift shop. Je suis Steven Grant. Je suis vendeur de souvenirs. Enfin, j'étais. 249 00:19:14,250 --> 00:19:16,396 And I think I'm in real danger, Je crois que je suis en danger, 250 00:19:16,416 --> 00:19:21,375 and I think maybe that you might be the only person that can help me. et tu es peut-être la seule personne qui puisse m'aider. 251 00:19:22,166 --> 00:19:24,021 Please. S'il te plaît. 252 00:19:24,041 --> 00:19:29,021 You really don't remember why we've been looking for this? Tu te rappelles pas pourquoi on cherchait ça ? 253 00:19:29,041 --> 00:19:32,041 Our adventures. Nos aventures ? 254 00:19:33,083 --> 00:19:35,958 Or our life together? Notre vie ensemble ? 255 00:19:36,791 --> 00:19:39,166 Oh, God, I wish I could. J'aimerais tellement. 256 00:19:40,500 --> 00:19:42,541 Steven Grant, can we have a word? Steven Grant ? 257 00:19:42,750 --> 00:19:44,271 See? Oh, God, they've come for me. - On peut vous parler ? - Tu vois ? 258 00:19:44,291 --> 00:19:46,313 Ils viennent me chercher. 259 00:19:46,333 --> 00:19:50,666 - Why? - I vandalized the toilet. - Pourquoi ? - J'ai vandalisé les toilettes. 260 00:19:51,291 --> 00:19:53,458 Yeah, just a minute. Une minute. 261 00:19:54,291 --> 00:19:55,855 Steven Grant? Steven Grant ? 262 00:19:55,875 --> 00:19:58,188 - Yeah? - DC Fitzgerald and DC Kennedy here. - Oui ? - Agent Fitzgerald et agent Kennedy. 263 00:19:58,208 --> 00:20:00,666 Yeah, one second. Oui, une seconde. 264 00:20:02,916 --> 00:20:05,355 Hello, officers. Bonjour, agents. 265 00:20:05,375 --> 00:20:07,583 Steven Grant? Steven Grant ? 266 00:20:08,083 --> 00:20:09,313 I think so, yeah. I mean, yep, yes. Je crois. 267 00:20:09,333 --> 00:20:11,438 Je veux dire, oui. 268 00:20:11,458 --> 00:20:14,458 That's me, 100% Steven Grant. C'est moi, 100% Steven Grant. 269 00:20:15,500 --> 00:20:18,958 Sorry, I was just havin' a bit of a day. Désolé. J'ai eu une journée compliquée. 270 00:20:19,833 --> 00:20:22,208 Mind if we come in, Mr. Grant? On peut entrer, M. Grant ? 271 00:20:22,458 --> 00:20:25,688 - Oh, um, actually, right now isn't... - Appreciate it. - C'est pas trop le moment. - C'est gentil. 272 00:20:25,708 --> 00:20:27,855 Anyone else here with you? Il y a quelqu'un avec vous ? 273 00:20:27,875 --> 00:20:31,188 Uh, here with me? No, just me and my fish. Avec moi ? Non, que mon poisson. 274 00:20:31,208 --> 00:20:33,250 Yeah. Ouais. 275 00:20:36,875 --> 00:20:38,480 So, um... Alors... 276 00:20:38,500 --> 00:20:40,355 Yeah. 277 00:20:40,375 --> 00:20:42,313 Is this about the toilet? C'est pour les toilettes ? 278 00:20:42,333 --> 00:20:46,313 'Cause it's been dealt with. Yeah. I've been sacked. Parce que ça, c'est réglé. J'ai été viré. 279 00:20:46,333 --> 00:20:49,208 And, uh, yeah, that's... 280 00:20:50,416 --> 00:20:53,125 I have a sleeping disorder. J'ai des troubles du sommeil. 281 00:20:54,166 --> 00:20:57,146 And, yeah, well, the museum said that they wouldn't press charges Le musée a dit qu'il y aurait pas de poursuites, 282 00:20:57,166 --> 00:21:03,416 as long as, uh... As long as I do it in installments. That, uh... si j'accepte de payer en plusieurs fois. 283 00:21:03,500 --> 00:21:05,230 They said that I could. Ils ont dit que je pouvais. 284 00:21:05,250 --> 00:21:06,855 - What's this? - It's a paperweight. C'est quoi ? 285 00:21:06,875 --> 00:21:08,605 Un presse-papier. 286 00:21:08,625 --> 00:21:10,521 - Where'd you get it? - Paperweight shop. D'où ça sort ? 287 00:21:10,541 --> 00:21:13,125 De la boutique de presse-papiers. 288 00:21:21,375 --> 00:21:26,146 You're in possession of a stolen item. Oh. Yeah, I... - Vous êtes en possession d'un objet volé. - Ah, oui, je... 289 00:21:26,166 --> 00:21:28,730 No. I don't have it. I don't. No, it's not here. Non. Je l'ai pas. 290 00:21:28,750 --> 00:21:31,875 Non. Il est pas là. 291 00:21:35,458 --> 00:21:37,646 "Marc Spector"? 292 00:21:37,666 --> 00:21:41,896 - That's not mine. - Funny that. - C'est pas à moi. - Sans blague ! 293 00:21:41,916 --> 00:21:44,188 Fella looks just like you. Le type vous ressemble beaucoup. 294 00:21:44,208 --> 00:21:48,500 Fake passport and a thief. Tsk, tsk. Faux passeport et vol. 295 00:21:49,208 --> 00:21:52,208 I think you best come with us, son. Tu vas devoir nous suivre, mon grand. 296 00:22:00,458 --> 00:22:03,605 Wow. Lookie, lookie. Guess what we've got here, Billy. Tiens, tiens. Devine ce que j'ai trouvé, Billy. 297 00:22:03,625 --> 00:22:04,855 Go on, tell me. Vas-y, raconte. 298 00:22:04,875 --> 00:22:08,230 We've only got ourselves a full-blown, international fugitive. On a mis la main sur un type recherché au niveau international. 299 00:22:08,250 --> 00:22:11,438 It's not... It's a mistake. It's not me. Non, c'est une erreur. C'est pas moi. 300 00:22:11,458 --> 00:22:16,188 Marc Spector was part of a team of mercenaries that hit a dig site in Egypt. Spector fait partie des mercenaires qui ont visé un site de fouilles en Égypte. 301 00:22:16,208 --> 00:22:20,416 Here's what they did to the archaeologists. Voilà ce qu'ils ont fait aux archéologues. 302 00:22:21,875 --> 00:22:24,855 Zip-tied and shot in the back of the head, execution-style. Abattus d'une balle derrière la tête. 303 00:22:24,875 --> 00:22:27,083 Un massacre. 304 00:22:27,500 --> 00:22:30,125 That's dark, man. C'est grave, ça ! 305 00:22:32,583 --> 00:22:34,896 No, no, no. I didn't do that. That's not me. Non, j'ai rien fait. C'est pas moi. 306 00:22:34,916 --> 00:22:37,958 Of course you didn't, Steven. Bien sûr que non, Steven. 307 00:22:55,791 --> 00:23:00,250 I thought we were going to the police station. Je croyais qu'on allait au poste de police. 308 00:23:00,541 --> 00:23:03,250 Now, why would you think that? Qu'est-ce qui t'a fait croire ça ? 309 00:23:03,958 --> 00:23:07,000 Sit tight, yeah? Reste bien assis. 310 00:23:10,375 --> 00:23:12,791 No. 311 00:23:21,958 --> 00:23:23,480 Hello. Hello! Excuse me, could you help me? S'il te plaît, tu peux m'aider ? 312 00:23:23,500 --> 00:23:26,958 Help, please. I've been kidnapped... Au secours. J'ai été enlevé... 313 00:23:28,125 --> 00:23:30,375 She's one, too. Elle est des leurs. 314 00:23:32,291 --> 00:23:34,500 Oh, my God. 315 00:23:38,375 --> 00:23:39,688 What? Quoi ? 316 00:23:39,708 --> 00:23:44,563 You don't need to fight me, Steven. Surrender control. Ne t'oppose pas à moi, Steven. Laisse-moi le contrôle. 317 00:23:44,583 --> 00:23:50,125 No. No, I saw what you did to those people. J'ai vu ce que tu as fait à ces gens. 318 00:23:50,916 --> 00:23:52,938 - It's not what you think. - I'm... - C'est pas ce que tu crois. - Je... 319 00:23:52,958 --> 00:23:57,605 I am never giving you control again. Je te redonnerai plus jamais le contrôle. 320 00:23:57,625 --> 00:24:00,541 Ever. Do you hear me? Jamais. Tu entends ? 321 00:24:00,666 --> 00:24:05,916 I hear you loud and clear, Steven Grant of the gift shop. Je t'entends clairement, Steven Grant de la boutique de souvenirs. 322 00:24:11,666 --> 00:24:13,646 Oh, God. Oh, non. 323 00:24:13,666 --> 00:24:17,521 I'm sorry for the wait. We just needed a chance to Désolé pour l'attente. Il fallait prendre le temps... 324 00:24:17,541 --> 00:24:20,980 better understand your situation. Do you have the keys? de comprendre ta situation. Vous avez la clé ? 325 00:24:21,000 --> 00:24:24,396 Let's get you out of those cuffs. There you go. On va te retirer ces menottes. Voilà. 326 00:24:24,416 --> 00:24:26,666 Thank you both. Merci à vous deux. 327 00:24:27,000 --> 00:24:29,605 - Aren't they terrific? - Yeah, they're lovely. - Ne sont-ils pas formidables ? - Si, adorables. 328 00:24:29,625 --> 00:24:31,063 All right. Bien. 329 00:24:31,083 --> 00:24:34,813 Well, no wonder your scales don't balance. Pas étonnant que ton équilibre ne soit pas parfait. 330 00:24:34,833 --> 00:24:39,146 It must be very difficult having all those voices inside one head. Ce doit être difficile toutes ces voix dans ta tête. 331 00:24:39,166 --> 00:24:45,083 Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Khonshu. Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Khonshu. 332 00:24:45,416 --> 00:24:50,480 I'm curious, do you think that Khonshu chose you as his Avatar Penses-tu que Khonshu t'ait choisi comme avatar... 333 00:24:50,500 --> 00:24:56,333 because your mind would be so easy to break or because it was broken already? parce que tu étais facile à anéantir ou parce qu'il était déjà anéanti ? 334 00:24:57,625 --> 00:25:00,250 No, I'm not broken. Je ne suis pas anéanti. 335 00:25:00,458 --> 00:25:02,063 Just need some help, maybe. J'ai besoin d'aide, peut-être. 336 00:25:02,083 --> 00:25:05,105 That's right. That's why I'm here, to help. C'est exact. Je suis là pour ça, pour t'aider. 337 00:25:05,125 --> 00:25:07,938 Okay, what is it? Do you see him? You see him right now? Qu'y a-t-il ? Tu le vois ? Tu le vois, en ce moment ? 338 00:25:07,958 --> 00:25:10,521 - That's a privilege I no longer have. - Kill him! - C'est un privilège que je n'ai plus. - Tue-le ! 339 00:25:10,541 --> 00:25:14,146 What's he saying, huh? Is he telling you to kill me? Que dit-il ? Il te demande de me tuer ? 340 00:25:14,166 --> 00:25:17,688 - Break his windpipe! - Yeah. - Tords-lui le cou ! - Oui. 341 00:25:17,708 --> 00:25:21,688 Well, just remember, you don't have to do everything he asks. Sache que tu n'es pas obligé de faire tout ce qu'il demande. 342 00:25:21,708 --> 00:25:24,771 So, before you get excited and put on the cape, Alors, avant de t'emballer et de revêtir la cape, 343 00:25:24,791 --> 00:25:29,500 I'd love to take this opportunity to show you around. j'aimerais saisir cette occasion pour t'offrir une visite. 344 00:25:30,416 --> 00:25:32,646 It's all right, it's all right. That's all he can do without your help. Come. Tout va bien. 345 00:25:32,666 --> 00:25:36,188 Sans ton aide, il ne pourra pas aller plus loin. 346 00:25:36,208 --> 00:25:40,688 See, this neighborhood used to have the highest crime rate in all the city. Ce quartier était celui où la criminalité était la plus élevée de la ville. 347 00:25:40,708 --> 00:25:43,105 There was so much suffering, so much pain... Il y avait tant de souffrance, tant de douleur. 348 00:25:43,125 --> 00:25:46,230 - Good evening. Good evening, everyone. Bonsoir, bonsoir, tout le monde. 349 00:25:46,250 --> 00:25:47,980 It was truly heartbreaking. C'était vraiment navrant. 350 00:25:48,000 --> 00:25:53,480 Now people don't lock their doors at night. They feel safe. Aujourd'hui, on ne ferme plus les portes la nuit. Les gens sont en sécurité. 351 00:25:53,500 --> 00:25:57,125 Oh, Chase, are those the tomatoes? Chase, ce sont les tomates ? 352 00:25:57,958 --> 00:26:02,355 You have a green thumb. Beautiful. Thank you. Tu as la main verte. Magnifique ! Merci. 353 00:26:02,375 --> 00:26:04,646 But you don't want to tell anyone, no. Mais ça, on n'en parle pas, non. 354 00:26:04,666 --> 00:26:06,480 People don't want to hear good news. On n'aime pas les bonnes nouvelles. 355 00:26:06,500 --> 00:26:10,271 They'd rather cling to their fear, cling to their pain. Les gens préfèrent s'agripper à leurs peurs, à leur malheur. 356 00:26:10,291 --> 00:26:13,188 - Goat... - What? Yes. - Une chèvre. - Quoi ? Oui. 357 00:26:13,208 --> 00:26:16,105 Qu'est-ce que tu fais ? On joue. 358 00:26:16,125 --> 00:26:18,125 Ha-ha. 359 00:26:19,125 --> 00:26:20,980 Vous allez encore perdre. 360 00:26:21,000 --> 00:26:26,313 Je t'aurai, Jamila, Je t'aurai. 361 00:26:26,333 --> 00:26:29,021 - You all speak Chinese? - Ah, Mandarin. - Vous parlez tous le chinois ? - Le mandarin. 362 00:26:29,041 --> 00:26:31,271 We all aspire to learn three languages. On aspire tous à parler trois langues. 363 00:26:31,291 --> 00:26:35,875 So, we teach each other. We share our knowledge. Alors, on s'entraine. On partage notre savoir. 364 00:26:38,083 --> 00:26:40,083 Wow. 365 00:26:44,541 --> 00:26:46,833 You hungry? Tu as faim ? 366 00:26:47,041 --> 00:26:49,355 The food's free. La nourriture est gratuite. 367 00:26:49,375 --> 00:26:51,730 - You're a vegan, right? - Yeah. - Tu es végane, je crois ? - Oui. 368 00:26:51,750 --> 00:26:54,250 Yeah, so am I. Moi aussi. 369 00:26:54,625 --> 00:26:59,021 You might wanna try the lentil soup. I made it this morning. Tu vas aimer la soupe de lentilles. Je l'ai préparée ce matin. 370 00:26:59,041 --> 00:27:00,480 It's Victor's recipe. C'est la recette de Victor. 371 00:27:00,500 --> 00:27:02,730 Gracias, Victor. 372 00:27:02,750 --> 00:27:08,146 He's from the Yucatan. He's... No, he's very funny. Il vient du Yucatán. Il est... Non, il est très drôle. 373 00:27:08,166 --> 00:27:10,021 Here. Tiens. 374 00:27:10,041 --> 00:27:14,563 I know being on the right side of things is important to you. Être dans le droit chemin, je sais que c'est important pour toi. 375 00:27:14,583 --> 00:27:18,813 Khonshu always tries to ensnare those with a strong moral conscience. Khonshu essaye toujours de piéger ceux qui ont une vraie conscience morale. 376 00:27:18,833 --> 00:27:21,500 You have no conscience. Tu n'as aucune conscience. 377 00:27:23,208 --> 00:27:26,041 You don't have to listen to him. Tu n'es pas obligé de l'écouter. 378 00:27:26,708 --> 00:27:31,438 He often throws temper tantrums, like a two-year-old. Il fait souvent des crises de nerfs, comme un gamin de deux ans. 379 00:27:31,458 --> 00:27:34,333 None of the gods respect him. Aucun dieu ne le respecte. 380 00:27:35,166 --> 00:27:37,313 Perhaps that's why he's banished. C'est peut-être pour ça qu'il a été banni. 381 00:27:37,333 --> 00:27:41,105 I only punish those who have already done harm. Je ne punis que ceux qui ont causé du mal. 382 00:27:41,125 --> 00:27:44,708 I am real justice! J'incarne la vraie justice ! 383 00:27:45,541 --> 00:27:51,041 What's he saying now? "I am real justice"? Que dit-il à présent ? "J'incarne la vraie justice" ? 384 00:27:53,666 --> 00:27:56,146 Can you hear him? Vous l'entendez ? 385 00:27:56,166 --> 00:28:00,855 Not anymore. I was his former Avatar. Plus maintenant. Je suis son ancien avatar. 386 00:28:00,875 --> 00:28:06,208 Before you. I was the fist of vengeance. Avant toi. J'étais le poing vengeur. 387 00:28:06,625 --> 00:28:08,438 - Mmm. - I'm not the fist of anything. Je suis le poing de rien du tout. 388 00:28:08,458 --> 00:28:11,896 That's the little American man living inside of me. Ça, c'est le petit américain qui vit à l'intérieur de moi. 389 00:28:11,916 --> 00:28:14,708 And that's, uh, that's Marc? C'est Marc ? 390 00:28:15,625 --> 00:28:18,980 Soup's... Yeah, it's very good. It's ace. Yeah, it's lovely. La soupe... c'est un régal. Excellente. Oui, un délice. 391 00:28:19,000 --> 00:28:23,188 Khonshu punishes those who have already walked an evil path. Khonshu punit ceux qui ont déjà emprunté la voie du mal. 392 00:28:23,208 --> 00:28:25,980 His retribution comes too late. Son châtiment arrive trop tard. 393 00:28:26,000 --> 00:28:30,355 By the time his fist of vengeance arrives, Le temps que son poing vengeur réagisse, 394 00:28:30,375 --> 00:28:33,208 people have already suffered. des gens ont déjà souffert. 395 00:28:34,250 --> 00:28:36,355 Ammit knows this too well. Ammit le sait bien. 396 00:28:36,375 --> 00:28:38,688 She tears evil up from the root, Elle attaque le mal à la racine. 397 00:28:38,708 --> 00:28:41,938 casting her judgment before any evil's done. Son jugement tombe avant que le mal ne soit fait. 398 00:28:41,958 --> 00:28:44,688 - That's why we must resurrect her. - Right. - Il faut donc la ressusciter. - Bien sûr. 399 00:28:44,708 --> 00:28:47,480 But... Isn't that a bit dodgy? Mais, c'est pas un peu risqué ? 400 00:28:47,500 --> 00:28:51,563 Like, trusting the judgment of a weird crocodile lady? De se fier au jugement d'une drôle de femme crocodile ? 401 00:28:51,583 --> 00:28:54,271 You don't need to doubt her judgment. Ne doute pas de son jugement. 402 00:28:54,291 --> 00:28:58,938 Ammit will light the path to good by eradicating the choice of evil, Ammit éclairera le droit chemin en éradiquant l'alternative du mal, 403 00:28:58,958 --> 00:29:04,333 which brings us to the scarab. ce qui nous amène au scarabée. 404 00:29:07,583 --> 00:29:12,188 That scarab functions as a kind of compass, Ce scarabée fonctionne comme une boussole, 405 00:29:12,208 --> 00:29:15,230 leading us to Ammit's tomb. qui indique le tombeau d'Ammit. 406 00:29:15,250 --> 00:29:20,230 She's out there, waiting, longing to be freed. Elle attend quelque part, elle a hâte d'être libérée. 407 00:29:20,250 --> 00:29:21,396 Hi. 408 00:29:21,416 --> 00:29:27,396 While the cruel masses deserve to face her judgment. Des foules cruelles méritent d'affronter son jugement. 409 00:29:27,416 --> 00:29:30,021 And in the wake of their screams, Leurs cris sonneront... 410 00:29:30,041 --> 00:29:33,333 evil eradicated. l'éradication du mal. 411 00:29:33,416 --> 00:29:35,688 Steven, 412 00:29:35,708 --> 00:29:38,666 to exist at that moment? Vivre ce moment-là. 413 00:29:39,833 --> 00:29:42,000 Heaven on Earth. Ce sera le paradis. 414 00:29:43,083 --> 00:29:45,730 So, the scarab. Alors, le scarabée. 415 00:29:45,750 --> 00:29:47,813 - Oh, I don't have it. - No? - Je l'ai pas. - Non ? 416 00:29:47,833 --> 00:29:49,771 Honestly, I don't have it. C'est vrai, je l'ai pas. 417 00:29:49,791 --> 00:29:53,041 Well, maybe you know someone who does? Tu dois connaître quelqu'un qui l'a. 418 00:29:53,833 --> 00:29:56,063 - Maybe Marc? - Don't you do it. - Marc, peut-être ? - Ne fais pas ça. 419 00:29:56,083 --> 00:30:02,355 Don't you say her name. Do not give Layla up. Just give me the body. Ne prononce pas son nom. Ne dénonce pas Layla. Cède-moi le corps. 420 00:30:02,375 --> 00:30:05,688 - No, I don't. - May I speak with Marc? - Non. - Puis-je parler à Marc ? 421 00:30:05,708 --> 00:30:06,938 Um, uh... 422 00:30:06,958 --> 00:30:09,980 Marc, what has Khonshu promised you? Marc, qu'est-ce que Khonshu t'a promis ? 423 00:30:10,000 --> 00:30:13,730 That this is your last mission? Then you'll be free? Que ce serait ta dernière mission ? Que tu serais libre ? 424 00:30:13,750 --> 00:30:18,396 Trust me when I tell you Khonshu is a liar. Je peux te dire que Khonshu est un menteur. 425 00:30:18,416 --> 00:30:22,875 There's always one last thing. Il y aura toujours une dernière chose à faire. 426 00:30:25,791 --> 00:30:30,271 Sorry. If Ammit judges people pre-evil, like, before the fact, then, isn't she judging an innocent person? Si Ammit juge les gens supposés mauvais, avant les faits, 427 00:30:30,291 --> 00:30:33,105 ça revient pas à juger des innocents ? 428 00:30:33,125 --> 00:30:36,146 I mean, a thought can't be evil, can it? Une pensée, c'est pas si dangereux, si ? 429 00:30:36,166 --> 00:30:38,521 I think about killing my boss all the time, J'ai des envies de meurtres sur ma patronne, 430 00:30:38,541 --> 00:30:41,063 - but I wouldn't actually do it. - Steven... - mais je passerai jamais à l'acte. - Steven... 431 00:30:41,083 --> 00:30:46,855 What about a child? Would she kill a child for something they might do in 30 years? Et on tuerait un enfant pour un crime qu'il pourrait commettre dans 30 ans ? 432 00:30:46,875 --> 00:30:49,541 I'm glad you mentioned that. Je suis content que tu en parles. 433 00:30:50,333 --> 00:30:55,521 Sometimes, the cure is a little taste of the disease. Parfois, le remède est dans le mal. 434 00:30:55,541 --> 00:31:00,105 The difference between medicine and poison sometimes is only dosage. La différence entre un médicament et un poison n'est que le dosage. 435 00:31:00,125 --> 00:31:03,333 Consider a diseased limb. Imagine un membre malade. 436 00:31:03,666 --> 00:31:07,271 Amputation, horrific and grotesque, Une amputation, horrible et monstrueuse, 437 00:31:07,291 --> 00:31:10,855 is necessary for the larger health. est nécessaire pour une guérison totale. 438 00:31:10,875 --> 00:31:14,521 But the child is not a diseased limb. Mais l'enfant n'est pas un membre malade. 439 00:31:14,541 --> 00:31:18,083 Sorry, is that... Is that what... Désolé, c'est ça que... 440 00:31:18,416 --> 00:31:22,063 You're all into that, like, killing children and that? Vous êtes d'accord avec ça, le fait de tuer des enfants ? 441 00:31:22,083 --> 00:31:24,146 Maybe that's just me, but that's... Je sais pas si c'est moi, mais... 442 00:31:24,166 --> 00:31:29,958 I kind of draw a line there at child murder. le meurtre d'enfant, c'est un "non" radical. 443 00:31:34,375 --> 00:31:36,750 Do you know what this is? Sais-tu ce que c'est ? 444 00:31:39,708 --> 00:31:43,208 - Yep. It's a cane, yeah. - This is... - C'est une canne. - C'est... 445 00:31:43,416 --> 00:31:47,521 Ammit's gift to her first Avatar. le cadeau d'Ammit à son avatar. 446 00:31:47,541 --> 00:31:49,583 All right. D'accord. 447 00:31:50,666 --> 00:31:53,041 It contains in it Elle contient... 448 00:31:53,291 --> 00:31:57,521 a tiny sliver of her power. une part infime de son pouvoir. 449 00:31:57,541 --> 00:31:59,916 I don't wanna use it. Je ne voudrais pas l'utiliser. 450 00:32:00,833 --> 00:32:04,813 - I don't. - Then don't. - Vraiment pas. - Alors, ne le faites pas. 451 00:32:04,833 --> 00:32:07,063 - I can't help you. - Yes, you can. - Je ne peux pas vous aider. - Si, tu peux. 452 00:32:07,083 --> 00:32:12,166 I need to know, where is the scarab? J'ai besoin de savoir où est le scarabée. 453 00:32:14,083 --> 00:32:16,166 Where is the scarab? Où est le scarabée ? 454 00:32:16,375 --> 00:32:20,063 - Where is the scarab? - No. - Où est le scarabée ? - Non. 455 00:32:20,083 --> 00:32:21,396 - Where's the scarab? - I have it. Où est le scarabée ? 456 00:32:21,416 --> 00:32:23,458 C'est moi qui l'ai. 457 00:32:30,625 --> 00:32:37,063 You couldn't possibly understand the value of what you're holding. Tu ne peux pas imaginer la valeur de l'objet que tu tiens. 458 00:32:37,083 --> 00:32:39,063 Let me have that, I'll keep it safe. Donne-le-moi, je le mettrai à l'abri. 459 00:32:39,083 --> 00:32:41,605 There is no deal in this, Marc. Fix this. Fix this! Pas de négociations, Marc. 460 00:32:41,625 --> 00:32:44,958 Règle ça. Règle ça ! 461 00:32:45,250 --> 00:32:47,521 Summon the suit. Invoque le costume. 462 00:32:47,541 --> 00:32:50,041 Sorry, what? Pardon, quoi ? 463 00:32:51,208 --> 00:32:52,396 Summon the suit. Invoque le costume. 464 00:32:52,416 --> 00:32:55,355 - "Summon the soup"? What are you saying? - The suit. Summon it. - "Invoque la coutume" ? Comment ça ? - Le costume. 465 00:32:55,375 --> 00:32:57,313 - The suit? - And keep this safe. Mets ça à l'abri. 466 00:32:57,333 --> 00:33:00,063 - So be it. - Let's go, let's go. - Tant pis ! - Il faut partir. 467 00:33:00,083 --> 00:33:02,125 Get off, get off her! Lâchez-la, lâchez-la ! 468 00:33:09,666 --> 00:33:12,375 - Steven! 469 00:33:28,958 --> 00:33:32,041 That was awesome. - Viens. - T'es impressionnante. 470 00:33:48,750 --> 00:33:50,416 Here. Bolt the door. Verrouille la porte. 471 00:33:53,666 --> 00:33:55,875 Oh, my God. Oh, non. 472 00:33:56,458 --> 00:33:58,896 I'm going to die in an evil magician's man cave. Je vais mourir dans l'atelier d'un sorcier. 473 00:33:58,916 --> 00:34:02,146 - No. Hey. Listen to me. Listen to me. Non. Écoute-moi. Écoute-moi. 474 00:34:02,166 --> 00:34:04,521 Your name is Marc. There's a suit. Tu t'appelles Marc. Il existe un costume. 475 00:34:04,541 --> 00:34:08,105 - I've seen you use it. You bring it out. - No. - Je t'ai vu l'utiliser. Appelle-le. - Non. 476 00:34:08,125 --> 00:34:10,646 - Where are you? We need you to fight. - Let me in, Steven! - Où es-tu ? Tu dois te battre. - Laisse-moi entrer. 477 00:34:10,666 --> 00:34:13,813 - No. I can't. Stop, please, both of you. - Let me in. There's no more time. - Je ne peux pas. Arrêtez, tous les deux. - Ça devient urgent. 478 00:34:13,833 --> 00:34:19,083 - Please, stop. - Listen to me. Your name is Marc. - Arrêtez ! - Écoute-moi. Tu t'appelles Marc. 479 00:34:19,750 --> 00:34:21,146 Bring it out! 480 00:34:21,166 --> 00:34:24,291 Let me in. Let me in. Laisse-moi entrer. 481 00:34:24,416 --> 00:34:26,021 Let me in, Steven. Laisse-moi entrer, Steven. 482 00:34:26,041 --> 00:34:29,021 Where the hell are you? You need to fight! T'es où ? Tu dois te battre ! 483 00:34:29,041 --> 00:34:31,438 Please stop. Leave me alone, both of you! Arrêtez ! Laissez-moi tranquille, tous les deux ! 484 00:34:31,458 --> 00:34:33,500 Hey! 485 00:34:33,541 --> 00:34:36,500 You can do this, I promise. Tu vas y arriver, je te le promets. 486 00:34:37,000 --> 00:34:39,041 Steven... 487 00:34:40,666 --> 00:34:43,105 I can't. I can't. Je peux pas. 488 00:34:43,125 --> 00:34:46,438 - I'm sorry, I can't. I can't do it. Désolé. Je pourrai pas. 489 00:34:46,458 --> 00:34:49,063 It's all right. Okay. C'est pas grave. 490 00:34:49,083 --> 00:34:52,625 - We'll just find another way. On trouvera un autre moyen. 491 00:34:52,666 --> 00:34:55,291 Come on. Come on, let's go. Viens, il faut partir. 492 00:34:59,875 --> 00:35:01,980 Jackal. Jackal. Jackal! Un loup. Un loup ! 493 00:35:02,000 --> 00:35:03,646 What jackal? Quel loup ? 494 00:35:03,666 --> 00:35:06,625 Jackal. Jackal... 495 00:35:08,958 --> 00:35:10,605 Summon the suit! Suit! Invoque le costume ! 496 00:35:10,625 --> 00:35:12,875 Costume ! 497 00:35:27,041 --> 00:35:29,480 That should have been much worse. Ça aurait pu être pire. 498 00:35:29,500 --> 00:35:33,021 Oy, Steven, what the hell are we wearing? Stevens, qu'est-ce que c'est que cette tenue ? 499 00:35:33,041 --> 00:35:35,271 I don't know. She said I needed a suit. Je sais pas. J'ai demandé un costume. 500 00:35:35,291 --> 00:35:38,980 Yeah, the ceremonial armor from Khonshu's temple, not psycho Colonel Sanders. L'armure de cérémonie du temple de Khonshu, pas celui du colonel Sanders. 501 00:35:39,000 --> 00:35:43,146 Well, I don't know how any of this shit works, man. I... Je sais pas comment ça marche ce truc. 502 00:35:43,166 --> 00:35:45,063 Well, think I do look sharp, though. Mais je me trouve pas mal. 503 00:35:45,083 --> 00:35:49,416 - All right, where is the scarab? - Scarab... Oh, um... - Où est le scarabée ? - Le scarabée... 504 00:35:50,041 --> 00:35:54,333 What's this? What are these little poles for? C'est quoi ? Ça sert à quoi ces bâtons ? 505 00:35:54,375 --> 00:35:56,875 Pretty cool, actually. C'est génial, en attendant. 506 00:35:57,791 --> 00:35:59,791 Ha. I like this. J'adore. 507 00:36:19,208 --> 00:36:22,458 You look different. Tu as changé. 508 00:36:29,416 --> 00:36:33,250 - Stay away from me! - Wait, wh... - T'approche pas de moi ! - Attends... 509 00:37:24,166 --> 00:37:28,730 Give me control, Steven. You can't handle this. Laisse-moi le contrôle, Steven. T'y arriveras pas. 510 00:37:28,750 --> 00:37:32,980 I think I can. Get away from her, you. Si, j'y arriverai. T'approche pas d'elle, toi. 511 00:37:33,000 --> 00:37:36,063 Yeah, I see you, you plug-ugly coyote. Je te vois, affreux coyote. 512 00:37:36,083 --> 00:37:38,063 You're in the wrong ends, mate. You're in my yard now. T'es mal barré, mec. 513 00:37:38,083 --> 00:37:40,063 T'es sur mon terrain, maintenant. 514 00:37:40,083 --> 00:37:45,271 Yeah. Come on. Come on. That's right. Come on. Allez, viens. Viens. C'est ça. Viens. 515 00:37:45,291 --> 00:37:48,230 Ooh, lookie here. Lookie here. Coucou. Coucou. 516 00:37:48,250 --> 00:37:53,771 Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, my name is Steven with a V. Vole comme le papillon, pique comme l'abeille, c'est Steven qui veille. 517 00:37:53,791 --> 00:37:56,125 Oh, my God. Here you come, come on! C'est ça, viens, et tiens ! 518 00:37:58,500 --> 00:38:00,625 What? Quoi ? 519 00:38:02,500 --> 00:38:05,605 I did it! You got planted! J'ai réussi ! Je t'ai bien eu ! 520 00:38:05,625 --> 00:38:08,458 Layla, Layla! Did you see that? Layla ! T'as vu ça ? 521 00:38:13,916 --> 00:38:16,105 Do you reckon he's havin' a seizure? Ce serait pas une crise cardiaque ? 522 00:38:16,125 --> 00:38:21,041 Nah, look at him. He's just a fancy drunk. Non, regardez-le. C'est un ivrogne. 523 00:38:21,208 --> 00:38:24,291 - Oh! 524 00:38:46,875 --> 00:38:49,916 That was a hell of a punch back there. T'as réussi ton coup. 525 00:38:50,333 --> 00:38:52,730 Look around. Regarde autour de toi. 526 00:38:52,750 --> 00:38:55,563 Someone's gonna get hurt if you don't let me help. Il va y avoir des blessés si tu me laisses pas faire. 527 00:38:55,583 --> 00:38:59,625 All right. Do it. Take control. For now. D'accord. Vas-y. Prends le contrôle. 528 00:39:18,666 --> 00:39:20,500 Get it out of here. Éloigne-le d'ici ! 529 00:39:57,833 --> 00:40:00,605 Come on. Come on. Viens, allez. 530 00:40:00,625 --> 00:40:02,688 That's it. Just a little further. C'est ça. C'est plus très loin. 531 00:40:02,708 --> 00:40:04,625 Gotcha! Je t'ai eu ! 532 00:40:37,083 --> 00:40:39,855 No, no. Where is it? Where is it? Non. Où il est ? 533 00:40:39,875 --> 00:40:41,855 Shit! 534 00:40:41,875 --> 00:40:44,291 Shit! Bordel ! 535 00:40:51,291 --> 00:40:54,188 I'm sorry, but that belongs to me. Pardon, mais cela m'appartient. 536 00:40:54,208 --> 00:40:57,688 I can offer you food, clothing, Je peux t'offrir nourriture, vêtements. 537 00:40:57,708 --> 00:41:02,666 but I am unable to offer you this. Thank you. Mais je ne peux t'offrir ceci. 538 00:41:02,833 --> 00:41:07,583 I wish you could live to see the world we make. J'aurais aimé que tu voies le monde que nous préparons. 539 00:41:37,833 --> 00:41:40,458 So, this is what it's like? Alors, c'est ça ? 540 00:41:40,916 --> 00:41:43,333 Being on the inside? Quand on est à l'intérieur ? 541 00:41:46,208 --> 00:41:48,208 Yeah. 542 00:41:49,125 --> 00:41:53,583 - It's horrible. - It's all right. You're all right. - C'est affreux. - C'est rien. Tout va bien. 543 00:41:55,791 --> 00:41:58,980 - I feel like I can scarcely move. - It's all right, just breathe through it. - Je peux à peine bouger. - C'est rien, respire. 544 00:41:59,000 --> 00:42:01,105 It gets easier. Tu t'habitueras. 545 00:42:01,125 --> 00:42:03,958 How long have you been doing this? Tu fais ça depuis combien de temps ? 546 00:42:06,250 --> 00:42:09,188 I don't know. It's... A long time. J'en sais rien. Un bout de temps. 547 00:42:09,208 --> 00:42:11,313 - I don't like it. - Long time. - Ça me plaît pas. - Longtemps. 548 00:42:11,333 --> 00:42:14,480 I don't want it. Can I have my body back? Je refuse. Tu peux me rendre mon corps ? 549 00:42:14,500 --> 00:42:17,563 - I can't do that right now, Steven. - Please. - Pas maintenant, Steven. - S'il te plaît. 550 00:42:17,583 --> 00:42:19,791 I'm taking it back. Je vais le reprendre. 551 00:42:24,750 --> 00:42:26,688 - Sorry. 552 00:42:26,708 --> 00:42:30,521 We've always managed to keep a wall between us, but something's changed. On a toujours su garder un mur entre nous. Mais les choses ont changé. 553 00:42:30,541 --> 00:42:33,813 The one who controls the body has become stronger. Celui qui contrôle le corps est plus fort. 554 00:42:33,833 --> 00:42:36,355 The reflections help, but most of the time, Le reflet aide, mais désormais, 555 00:42:36,375 --> 00:42:39,188 it'll take all your willpower just to be a fly on the wall. il faut mobiliser toutes ses forces, juste pour être témoin. 556 00:42:39,208 --> 00:42:44,146 You can't do this, keeping me trapped in here. You have no right. Tu peux pas me laisser piégé ici. T'as pas le droit. 557 00:42:44,166 --> 00:42:45,896 My whole life... Toute ma vie... 558 00:42:45,916 --> 00:42:49,271 I can't go on a bloody date. I can barely keep a goldfish alive. Je pourrai plus avoir de copine. Ni nourrir mon poisson rouge. 559 00:42:49,291 --> 00:42:53,021 I lost my job. It's been you. It's always been you, J'ai perdu mon boulot, à cause de toi. Tout est de ta faute. 560 00:42:53,041 --> 00:42:56,646 eating away at parts of my life like a parasite. Tu dévores ma vie comme un parasite. 561 00:42:56,666 --> 00:42:59,855 Look, when I am done, when I have repaid my debt, Quand j'aurai fini. Quand j'aurai payé ma dette, 562 00:42:59,875 --> 00:43:03,688 I swear to you, you will never see me or hear from me again. Je te promets que t'entendras plus parler de moi. 563 00:43:03,708 --> 00:43:09,438 I promise you. We wouldn't be alive if it weren't for Khonshu. And my... Promis. Mais sans Khonshu, on serait plus là. Et ma... 564 00:43:09,458 --> 00:43:13,188 servitude is the price that I pay. servitude est le prix à payer. 565 00:43:13,208 --> 00:43:16,355 - What kind of servitude? - The kind that leaves me covered in blood. - Quel genre de servitude ? - Celle qui te laisse couvert de sang. 566 00:43:16,375 --> 00:43:18,980 Yeah, well, that blood is on my hands. Il est sur mes mains, ce sang ! 567 00:43:19,000 --> 00:43:22,021 You ruin people's lives. Everything you touch, you ruin. Tu détruis des vies. Tu détruis tout ce que tu touches. 568 00:43:22,041 --> 00:43:25,146 You hurt people, you abandoned your wife. You left her stranded. Tu fais du mal, tu as abandonné ta femme dans une sale situation. 569 00:43:25,166 --> 00:43:28,230 I did not. I am protecting her. You don't know what you're talking about. Non, je la protège. Tu sais pas de quoi tu parles. 570 00:43:28,250 --> 00:43:29,313 - Yes, you did. I saw. - Khonshu has his eyes on her. Je t'ai vu. 571 00:43:29,333 --> 00:43:30,813 Khonshu la convoite. 572 00:43:30,833 --> 00:43:33,896 He wants her as my replacement. I'm never gonna let that happen. Il veut qu'elle me remplace et, ça, je le permettrai pas. 573 00:43:33,916 --> 00:43:36,396 You're a liar. I don't believe you. I don't trust you. Menteur. Je te crois pas. J'ai pas confiance en toi. 574 00:43:36,416 --> 00:43:38,688 - You hurt people. - I'm never letting him near her. - Tu fais du mal. - Je le laisserai pas l'approcher. 575 00:43:38,708 --> 00:43:40,938 - Just shut up! - I won't let you hurt anyone again. - Tais-toi ! - Je te laisserai plus faire du mal. 576 00:43:40,958 --> 00:43:44,396 I will never give you a moment of peace, I promise. Je te laisserai pas en paix, je te le promets. 577 00:43:44,416 --> 00:43:46,230 - Shut up! La ferme ! 578 00:43:46,250 --> 00:43:51,333 You shut up! Shut up! La ferme ! 579 00:44:08,541 --> 00:44:12,438 You swore he would not interfere. Tu avais promis qu'il ne s'interposerait pas. 580 00:44:12,458 --> 00:44:14,813 I know. I'll handle it. Je sais, je vais régler ça. 581 00:44:14,833 --> 00:44:18,980 - You have proven you cannot. - I will. - Tu as prouvé que tu en es incapable. - Je le ferai. 582 00:44:19,000 --> 00:44:23,646 Ungrateful, Marc, altering the terms of our agreement. Marc, l'ingrat, qui bafoue notre accord. 583 00:44:23,666 --> 00:44:27,438 You were nothing more than a corpse when I found you. Tu n'étais qu'un cadavre lorsque je t'ai trouvé. 584 00:44:27,458 --> 00:44:32,166 You think you own this body? Tu crois que ce corps t'appartient ? 585 00:44:34,458 --> 00:44:40,146 - It belongs to me. - We'll find the scarab. - Il n'appartient qu'à moi. - On retrouvera le scarabée. 586 00:44:40,166 --> 00:44:43,333 Too late. Harrow has it. Trop tard. Harrow s'en est emparé. 587 00:44:44,416 --> 00:44:46,521 Then we'll find another way. On trouvera un autre moyen. 588 00:44:46,541 --> 00:44:48,980 We'll get to Ammit's tomb first. On arrivera au tombeau, avant lui. 589 00:44:49,000 --> 00:44:53,646 You know I'll protect you with everything I have. Tu sais que je te protègerai autant que je le peux. 590 00:44:53,666 --> 00:44:56,980 - You are worth protecting. - I'll do whatever it takes then. Tu m'es précieux. 591 00:44:57,000 --> 00:44:59,063 Je ferai ce qu'il faudra. 592 00:44:59,083 --> 00:45:00,480 Then you let me go. Et vous me rendrez ma liberté. 593 00:45:00,500 --> 00:45:03,938 I know that you enjoy the work I have for you. Je sais que tu as plaisir à accomplir cette tâche. 594 00:45:03,958 --> 00:45:06,730 - We need each other. - We have a deal. - Nous avons besoin l'un de l'autre. - On a un accord. 595 00:45:06,750 --> 00:45:08,313 Let me remind you, should we part, you may not like my next candidate, Rapelle-toi. 596 00:45:08,333 --> 00:45:12,105 Si nous devions nous séparer, je doute que tu apprécierais ma prochaine recrue. 597 00:45:12,125 --> 00:45:17,375 near and dear as she is to you. Bien qu'elle te soit chère. 598 00:45:22,333 --> 00:45:24,230 Where are we going? On va où ? 599 00:45:24,250 --> 00:45:28,208 Where the hell do you think? À ton avis ? 600 00:46:26,375 --> 00:46:30,333 D'APRÈS LES COMICS MARVEL 601 00:50:27,791 --> 00:50:29,480 For information on mental health resources near you, Besoin d'information ou d'aide psychologique ? 602 00:50:29,500 --> 00:50:31,396 please visit the National Alliance on Mental Illness at NAMI.org N'hésitez pas à visiter le site NAMI.org. 603 00:50:31,416 --> 00:50:33,416 Sous-titres : Houria Belhadji 604 00:50:37,220 --> 00:50:44,407 Sous-titres ENG + FRE fusionnés par Zorg2412