1 00:03:27,416 --> 00:03:30,230 Morning, Gus, my little one-finned wonder. Bonjour, Gus, ma merveille à une nageoire. 2 00:03:30,250 --> 00:03:33,771 Hello, Mom. It's me. Just checkin' in. Bonjour, maman, c'est moi. J'appelle comme ça. 3 00:03:33,791 --> 00:03:37,688 I got your postcard, putting it up on Gus' tank now. J'ai reçu ta carte. Je l'accroche sur l'aquarium de Gus. 4 00:03:37,708 --> 00:03:39,105 Yeah, it's very nice. He is fuming, though. Elle est très belle. 5 00:03:39,125 --> 00:03:40,605 Mais, il est pas content. 6 00:03:40,625 --> 00:03:43,855 Keeps asking why I don't take him anywhere nice. Il insiste pour que je l'emmène promener. 7 00:03:43,875 --> 00:03:45,230 Maybe one day, right? Un jour, peut-être. 8 00:03:45,250 --> 00:03:48,480 He'd love to get out there, but it's a bit hard with one fin, innit? Il veut voir du pays, mais c'est pas évident, avec une nageoire. 9 00:03:48,500 --> 00:03:51,480 Anyway, Mom, all's well here. Not too bad. En tout cas, maman, tout va bien. Pas trop mal. 10 00:03:51,500 --> 00:03:55,355 Still wake up every morning still feeling like I got hit by a bus. Je me réveille encore avec l'impression d'être passé sous un bus. 11 00:03:55,375 --> 00:03:57,438 And if you... Et si tu... 12 00:03:57,458 --> 00:04:01,230 Hey, mate, still selling the old brushes and brooms, right? Bonjour. Toujours à vendre vos brosses et vos balais ? 13 00:04:01,250 --> 00:04:05,605 Right in front of my entrance. It's... Got no problem with it. Cheers. Juste devant mon entrée. Pas de problème. Salut. 14 00:04:05,625 --> 00:04:07,230 Anyway, sorry I missed you, Mom. Dommage que tu répondes pas. 15 00:04:07,250 --> 00:04:11,875 I'll try you again tomorrow. Laters, gators. J'essayerai demain. Câlin, câlin. 16 00:04:13,125 --> 00:04:15,896 Oh, bloody hell. Wait! Zut ! Attendez ! 17 00:04:15,916 --> 00:04:18,083 Bollocks. Mince. 18 00:04:30,208 --> 00:04:32,166 Cheers. Santé. 19 00:04:34,875 --> 00:04:37,416 ÉGYPTE ANCIENNE 20 00:04:39,375 --> 00:04:41,583 Hmm. 21 00:04:42,291 --> 00:04:44,563 Will you look at that? Regardez-moi ça. 22 00:04:44,583 --> 00:04:45,771 Looks like someone mistook Quelqu'un a pris... 23 00:04:45,791 --> 00:04:48,188 the Great Pyramid of Giza for a rubbish dump. la Grande Pyramide de Gizeh pour une poubelle. 24 00:04:48,208 --> 00:04:50,646 It's not like there's anything in there. Y a rien dedans, de toute façon. 25 00:04:50,666 --> 00:04:53,105 Yeah. Maybe not. Oui, sans doute. 26 00:04:53,125 --> 00:04:56,125 But in there Mais, là-bas... 27 00:04:56,416 --> 00:04:58,730 is something wicked. il y a un truc surprenant. 28 00:04:58,750 --> 00:05:02,980 Check it out. They'd take this big metal hook, right? Viens voir. Ils prenaient un grand crochet en métal, 29 00:05:03,000 --> 00:05:06,125 And they go up the old nozzle and... le passaient dans la narine et... 30 00:05:06,500 --> 00:05:08,980 All the organs would come out. Except for the heart. faisaient sortir tous les organes. Sauf le cœur. 31 00:05:09,000 --> 00:05:10,230 How come? Pourquoi ? 32 00:05:10,250 --> 00:05:12,105 Because they believed you needed your heart Parce que le cœur était indispensable... 33 00:05:12,125 --> 00:05:13,980 to be judged in the Underworld pour le jugement dans l'au-delà. 34 00:05:14,000 --> 00:05:18,188 and only the worthiest would be allowed to pass through the Field of Reeds. Seuls les plus méritants étaient autorisés à traverser le Champ des Roseaux. 35 00:05:18,208 --> 00:05:21,896 And did it suck for you? Getting rejected from the Field of Reeds? Et ça a été dur pour toi ? D'être refoulé du Champ ? 36 00:05:21,916 --> 00:05:24,855 That doesn't make sense 'cause I'm not dead, am I? Tu dis n'importe quoi. Je suis pas mort, que je sache. 37 00:05:24,875 --> 00:05:26,105 - Stevie. - Am I... - Stevie. - Si ? 38 00:05:26,125 --> 00:05:31,146 - That better not be you again. - Sorry, Donna. Yeah, sorry. Got it. - C'est pas toi, je rêve ! - Désolé, Donna, je m'en occupe. 39 00:05:31,166 --> 00:05:33,166 There we go. Voilà. 40 00:05:33,500 --> 00:05:35,230 Don't know how many times I have to tell you this. Combien de fois il faudra te le dire ? 41 00:05:35,250 --> 00:05:37,438 You're not the bloody tour guide, Stevie. Tu n'es pas guide de musée, Stevie. 42 00:05:37,458 --> 00:05:40,771 Steven, actually. I am... Steven. Steven, c'est... Steven. 43 00:05:40,791 --> 00:05:41,896 No, you're bloody useless Tu sers à rien... 44 00:05:41,916 --> 00:05:44,480 unless you're actually doing what you're paid to do, si tu fais pas ce pourquoi t'es payé, 45 00:05:44,500 --> 00:05:48,291 which is to sell these to children. à savoir, vendre ça aux enfants. 46 00:05:48,625 --> 00:05:50,500 Got it. Compris. 47 00:05:55,041 --> 00:05:56,188 Hello. Salut. 48 00:05:56,208 --> 00:05:58,896 - Hello. - How's the sugar trade going? - Salut. - Alors, les ventes de sucreries ? 49 00:05:58,916 --> 00:06:01,313 I don't know what this has to do with Egypt really. Je vois pas le rapport avec l'Égypte. 50 00:06:01,333 --> 00:06:03,688 They didn't have that back then, did they? No. Ils avaient ça à l'époque ? Non. 51 00:06:03,708 --> 00:06:06,563 They liked figs and dates, and... Ils aimaient les figues et les dattes. 52 00:06:06,583 --> 00:06:11,605 My next tour's here but just checking, we still on for 7:00 tomorrow? Mon prochain groupe est là. Ça tient toujours, 19 h demain soir ? 53 00:06:11,625 --> 00:06:15,646 - "7:00 tomorrow"? - "Best steak in town"? - 19 h, demain ? - "Le meilleur steak de de la ville" ? 54 00:06:15,666 --> 00:06:19,105 - Oh, yeah. Right. Yeah. - Yeah? Okay. - Oui, bien sûr. - C'est bon ? 55 00:06:19,125 --> 00:06:21,480 Sorry. But... Pardon, mais... 56 00:06:21,500 --> 00:06:25,916 - What? - Are you asking me out? - Quoi ? - C'est une invitation ? 57 00:06:27,208 --> 00:06:30,916 - You're funny. I'll see you then. T'es marrant. À plus. 58 00:06:31,500 --> 00:06:35,605 Stevie, you absolute rascal. I didn't know you had taken a crack. Stevie, petite crapule ! Je savais pas que tu la draguais. 59 00:06:35,625 --> 00:06:37,396 I didn't know either. Je savais pas non plus. 60 00:06:37,416 --> 00:06:39,480 Hang on, did she say steak? Au fait, elle a parlé de steak ? 61 00:06:39,500 --> 00:06:41,938 What in the world's a bloody vegan gonna eat in a steak house? Tu es végane, tu vas manger quoi ? 62 00:06:41,958 --> 00:06:45,291 I don't know, Donna. Salad? Bread? J'en sais rien. De la salade ? Du pain ? 63 00:06:45,416 --> 00:06:51,208 Yeah, I can see why she went for it. Real catch you are. Je comprends qu'elle ait craqué. T'es un cadeau. 64 00:06:55,416 --> 00:06:58,313 - Bring those hippos up here, will you? - Yeah, sure. - Mets les hippopotames sur le comptoir. - Oui, bien sûr. 65 00:06:58,333 --> 00:07:02,480 Taweret. The hippo, Goddess Taweret. Oh, Donna, that reminds me. Taouret. La déesse hippopotame, Taouret. À ce propos, 66 00:07:02,500 --> 00:07:05,105 When I was coming in this morning, I saw the banners outside. en arrivant ce matin, j'ai vu les bannières dehors. 67 00:07:05,125 --> 00:07:07,271 And that's what made you late for work again, was it? C'est pour ça que tu étais encore en retard ? 68 00:07:07,291 --> 00:07:08,396 No. Sorry about that. Non. Désolé, au fait. 69 00:07:08,416 --> 00:07:10,230 - The bus came early... - Third time this week - Le bus... - 3e fois cette semaine... 70 00:07:10,250 --> 00:07:12,230 - you've shuffled in like a lazy sod. - I know. - que tu arrives à moitié endormi. - Je sais. 71 00:07:12,250 --> 00:07:15,938 That's why you'll be on inventory this week. Well done. Pour la peine, tu feras l'inventaire cette semaine. 72 00:07:15,958 --> 00:07:17,563 All right. Aye, aye, Captain. À vos ordres, capitaine. 73 00:07:17,583 --> 00:07:21,396 But no. I wanted to tell you that the banners and the posters of the Ennead... Je voulais te dire que les bannières et les affiches de l'Ennéade... 74 00:07:21,416 --> 00:07:23,146 - The what? - The Ennead? - De quoi ? - L'Ennéade. 75 00:07:23,166 --> 00:07:25,271 You know, like, the super group of Egyptian gods? Les superstars des dieux égyptiens ? 76 00:07:25,291 --> 00:07:28,605 - You got Horus, Osiris, Tefnut... - Stop, please. - Horus, Osiris, Tefnout, Shou... - Arrête, s'il te plaît. 77 00:07:28,625 --> 00:07:32,521 If this is some weird audition to tour guide here, the answer's still no. Si tu essayes de m'épater pour passer guide, tu rêves. 78 00:07:32,541 --> 00:07:35,605 No. What I'm trying... That's actually crushing to hear. Ce que je veux dire... C'est contrariant. 79 00:07:35,625 --> 00:07:37,730 But what I'm trying to point out... Mais ce que je veux faire remarquer, 80 00:07:37,750 --> 00:07:41,313 I'm not trying to slag off marketing, but there's been a major blunder sans vouloir critiquer le marketing, c'est qu'ils ont fait une bourde. 81 00:07:41,333 --> 00:07:44,313 because they've got seven gods here, and the Ennead has nine. Ils ont mis sept Dieux alors que l'Ennéade, c'est neuf. 82 00:07:44,333 --> 00:07:46,355 I fired two of them for bein' late. J'ai viré les deux qui étaient en retard. 83 00:07:46,375 --> 00:07:51,230 Listen, if you don't stop natterin' at me, I swear I'll shove you in a sarcophagus. Si t'arrêtes pas de pinailler, je vais te fourrer dans un sarcophage. 84 00:07:51,250 --> 00:07:55,188 You can tell the pharaoh in there what's wrong with them and all. Tu pourras aller te plaindre directement au pharaon. 85 00:07:55,208 --> 00:07:57,896 - Go on. - All right. - Allez. - D'accord. 86 00:07:57,916 --> 00:08:00,230 - Go. Now. Oh, leave it. - Yeah. I'm sorry. Allez ! Oh, laisse tomber. 87 00:08:00,250 --> 00:08:03,230 Just leave it. Get out. Go away from me. Laisse. Va-t'en. Je veux plus te voir. 88 00:08:03,250 --> 00:08:05,750 All right, always lovely to chat. Toujours un plaisir de discuter. 89 00:08:11,875 --> 00:08:15,355 - Hey. Good night, J.B. - Good night, Scotty. - Bonne soirée, JB. - Bonne soirée, Scotty. 90 00:08:15,375 --> 00:08:19,146 - See ya, mate. - Scotty? - Salut. - Scotty ? 91 00:08:19,166 --> 00:08:24,375 It's Steven. With a "V". Huh. C'est Steven. Avec un V. 92 00:08:24,833 --> 00:08:26,875 See you tomorrow. À demain. 93 00:08:27,625 --> 00:08:31,313 Honestly, it's like my body wants to get up Je t'assure, c'est comme si mon corps voulait se lever, 94 00:08:31,333 --> 00:08:37,105 and wander about, you know, like it has to get the 10,000 steps in. se balader, faire ses 10 000 pas. 95 00:08:37,125 --> 00:08:40,688 You know? And I don't even know about it until I wake up wherever. Je m'en rends pas compte, mais je finis par me réveiller ailleurs. 96 00:08:40,708 --> 00:08:43,980 That's why I try to stay awake at night. What do you think? Alors, j'essaye de rester éveillé toute la nuit. T'en penses quoi ? 97 00:08:44,000 --> 00:08:46,105 Nah. You're right. I mean, I guess Tu as raison. C'est vrai, 98 00:08:46,125 --> 00:08:49,230 there are stranger things that people do, but... les gens font des choses encore plus bizarres, mais... 99 00:08:49,250 --> 00:08:53,605 No? Well, I think it's a bit... I'm sorry. Non ? Je crois que c'est un peu... Désolé. 100 00:08:53,625 --> 00:08:56,625 Extra pralines for the man himself. Je t'ai pris des pralines. 101 00:08:57,000 --> 00:08:59,396 So, the girl I was telling you about, the one from work. Sinon, avec la fille du boulot dont je t'ai parlé, 102 00:08:59,416 --> 00:09:01,396 - We're going on a date tomorrow. - Excuse me. - on sort demain. - Excusez-moi. 103 00:09:01,416 --> 00:09:03,896 - Can you take our picture with him? - Sure. - On aimerait une photo. - Bien sûr. 104 00:09:03,916 --> 00:09:04,813 - Thank you. - We're going on a date. On sort ensemble. 105 00:09:04,833 --> 00:09:08,688 I didn't even ask her. I don't know how it happened. Je lui ai rien demandé. Je comprends pas. 106 00:09:08,708 --> 00:09:11,041 One. Two. Three. Un, deux, trois. 107 00:09:11,666 --> 00:09:13,688 - There you are. Cheers. - Thank you. - Et voilà. - Merci. 108 00:09:13,708 --> 00:09:17,521 - Don't forget the tip. - Oh, yes. - La petite pièce. - Ah, oui. 109 00:09:17,541 --> 00:09:20,021 - Cheers. - Thank you. 110 00:09:20,041 --> 00:09:25,771 Anyway, if I am gonna have a girlfriend, at some point, Bref, si je veux avoir une copine, un jour ou l'autre, 111 00:09:25,791 --> 00:09:29,771 obviously can't have ankle restraints on my bed, can I? je peux pas avoir des sangles accrochées à mon lit. 112 00:09:29,791 --> 00:09:32,438 That's like the definition of a red flag, isn't it? Elle partirait en courant. 113 00:09:32,458 --> 00:09:34,313 You know what I mean, yeah? Yeah, you know what I mean. Tu vois ce que je veux dire ? 114 00:09:34,333 --> 00:09:36,230 Oui, tu vois très bien. 115 00:09:36,250 --> 00:09:38,708 Gotta figure something out. Faut que je trouve une solution. 116 00:09:40,375 --> 00:09:43,791 All right, I better jog on. Bon, je vais te laisser. 117 00:09:44,166 --> 00:09:46,416 Nice catching up. Ravi d'avoir discuté. 118 00:09:46,833 --> 00:09:51,166 I will see you on the flip-flop. Je te dis "à un de ces quatre". 119 00:09:51,541 --> 00:09:53,791 - All right, laters. Allez, à plus. 120 00:10:18,541 --> 00:10:22,021 Hello! And welcome to Staying Awake. Bonjour et bienvenue sur Toujours Debout. 121 00:10:22,041 --> 00:10:24,771 Let's start with trying to solve a puzzle. Commençons par un casse-tête. 122 00:10:24,791 --> 00:10:27,730 Solving puzzles is a great way to keep your mind awake. Le casse-tête est un bon moyen de garder l'esprit en éveil. 123 00:10:27,750 --> 00:10:31,500 Bored with puzzles? Try a book. Vous en avez assez ? Prenez un livre. 124 00:10:32,125 --> 00:10:35,396 Reading can keep your mind alert and focused. La lecture garde l'esprit vif et concentré. 125 00:10:35,416 --> 00:10:38,438 Imagine being in the story you're reading. Imaginez-vous dans l'histoire que vous lisez. 126 00:10:38,458 --> 00:10:40,730 Is there an exciting chapter you'd like to be a part of? {\an8}Y a-t-il un chapitre que vous aimeriez vivre ? 127 00:10:40,750 --> 00:10:41,771 {\an8}L'ENNÉADE 128 00:10:41,791 --> 00:10:47,021 Just remember, you'll need about five hours to keep your natural self. {\an8}Souvenez-vous qu'il faut prévoir cinq heures. 129 00:10:47,041 --> 00:10:50,271 Hello! And welcome to Staying Awake. {\an8}Bonjour et bienvenue sur Toujours Debout. 130 00:10:50,291 --> 00:10:52,980 Let's start with trying to solve a puzzle. Commençons par un casse-tête. 131 00:10:53,000 --> 00:10:56,313 Solving puzzles is a great way to keep your mind awake. Le casse-tête est un bon moyen de rester éveillé. 132 00:10:56,333 --> 00:10:59,146 Bored with puzzles? Try a book. {\an8}L'ENNÉADE Clivage Homme/Dieu 133 00:10:59,166 --> 00:11:05,333 Hello! Reading... Is there a chapter you'd like to be a part of? 134 00:11:16,666 --> 00:11:18,791 Oh, my God. Oh, mon Dieu ! 135 00:11:22,208 --> 00:11:23,355 Ah! 136 00:11:23,375 --> 00:11:25,355 Oh, that was weird. What happened? C'est trop bizarre. 137 00:11:25,375 --> 00:11:27,146 Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé ? 138 00:11:27,166 --> 00:11:30,125 What... What was that? Qu'est-ce qui m'arrive ? 139 00:11:41,583 --> 00:11:45,958 - Go back to sleep, worm. - Hello? - Rendors-toi, insecte. - Qui est là ? 140 00:11:46,583 --> 00:11:52,541 -You're not supposed to be here. - Yep. I completely agree. - Tu n'as rien à faire ici. - Je suis entièrement d'accord. 141 00:11:52,916 --> 00:11:56,188 - Where are you? -Surrender the body to Marc. - Vous êtes où ? - Cède le corps à Marc. 142 00:11:56,208 --> 00:11:59,750 Sorry, what? "The body"? What... Pardon ? "Le corps" ? 143 00:12:00,333 --> 00:12:06,208 - "Surrender the body"? What body? -Oh, the idiot's in control. - "Cède le corps", quel corps ? - L'imbécile est aux commandes. 144 00:12:18,416 --> 00:12:20,333 Hello. Bonjour. 145 00:12:21,166 --> 00:12:23,125 Hi... Salut. 146 00:12:24,041 --> 00:12:25,313 What are you doing? Qu'est-ce que tu fais ? 147 00:12:25,333 --> 00:12:26,605 No, no, no! 148 00:12:26,625 --> 00:12:32,625 Don't just stand there. Run! - No, no, no! No! Please! - Ne reste pas là. Sauve-toi ! - Non, non, non, pitié ! 149 00:12:45,250 --> 00:12:47,833 He's heading for the village. Il se dirige vers le village. 150 00:13:44,375 --> 00:13:46,313 What a beautiful day. Quelle belle journée. 151 00:13:46,333 --> 00:13:50,855 It's like we're in Heaven. Only it's not Heaven, is it? On se croirait au paradis. Mais ce n'est pas le paradis. 152 00:13:50,875 --> 00:13:53,980 It's a darkness. Sometimes it hides in our very hearts. C'est l'obscurité. Parfois, elle se cache dans nos cœurs. 153 00:13:54,000 --> 00:13:58,563 We are here to make the Earth as much like Heaven as possible. Nous sommes là pour tenter de faire de cette terre un paradis. 154 00:13:58,583 --> 00:14:00,875 Who'd like to go first? Qui veut passer en premier ? 155 00:14:03,791 --> 00:14:07,563 You're a brave man. Offering your soul for judgment. Tu es un homme courageux. Tu offres ton âme au jugement. 156 00:14:07,583 --> 00:14:13,291 Wanting to serve our goddess even before she wakes. Prêt à servir notre déesse avant même qu'elle ne s'éveille. 157 00:14:17,375 --> 00:14:25,083 I judge you in Ammit's name with but a fraction of her power. Je te juge au nom d'Ammit avec une infime partie de son pouvoir. 158 00:14:30,875 --> 00:14:33,771 This is the face of a good man. Voici le visage d'un homme de bien. 159 00:14:33,791 --> 00:14:36,083 - Thank you. 160 00:14:47,458 --> 00:14:49,480 Who would like to go next? À qui le tour ? 161 00:14:49,500 --> 00:14:52,980 Please, Harrow. I must know. S'il vous plaît, Harrow. Je dois savoir. 162 00:14:53,000 --> 00:14:55,105 Call me Arthur. Come. Appelle-moi "Arthur". Approche. 163 00:14:55,125 --> 00:14:59,105 Will you accept your scales, regardless of the outcome? Accepteras-tu le verdict, quelles qu'en soit les conséquences ? 164 00:14:59,125 --> 00:15:01,125 Yes. Oui. 165 00:15:09,000 --> 00:15:11,021 I'm sorry. Je suis désolé. 166 00:15:11,041 --> 00:15:14,875 I've been good my entire life. J'ai fait le bien toute ma vie. 167 00:15:17,083 --> 00:15:19,250 I believe you. Je te crois. 168 00:15:20,125 --> 00:15:22,688 But the scales see everything. Perhaps it's something that lies ahead. Mais la balance voit tout. 169 00:15:22,708 --> 00:15:25,750 Il s'agit peut-être du futur. 170 00:15:27,000 --> 00:15:30,105 Well... I wish you could live to see the world we make. J'aurais aimé que tu puisses voir le monde que nous préparons. 171 00:15:30,125 --> 00:15:33,333 Yet, Ammit has decided. Mais Ammit s'est prononcée. 172 00:15:51,500 --> 00:15:56,021 I'm sorry. There was a problem with the exchange. Désolé. Il y a eu un problème avec l'échange. 173 00:15:56,041 --> 00:15:59,563 We got ambushed. Someone killed two of our men. Une embuscade. Deux de nos hommes ont été tués. 174 00:15:59,583 --> 00:16:01,563 Is he still here? Il est toujours ici ? 175 00:16:01,583 --> 00:16:03,813 We think so, yes. On pense que oui. 176 00:16:03,833 --> 00:16:06,541 Gloire à Ammit ! 177 00:16:07,916 --> 00:16:09,480 - Oh, bollocks. - You... Oh, mince. 178 00:16:09,500 --> 00:16:11,625 Toi... 179 00:16:12,250 --> 00:16:14,355 I know you. Je te connais. 180 00:16:14,375 --> 00:16:17,333 Me? Hi, uh... Moi ? Bonjour. 181 00:16:17,833 --> 00:16:19,958 Mercenary. Le mercenaire. 182 00:16:20,625 --> 00:16:22,646 "Mercenary"? No, no. I'm not a mercenary. No, I'm a gift shop-ist. Non, je suis pas un mercenaire. 183 00:16:22,666 --> 00:16:25,230 Je suis vendeur de souvenirs. 184 00:16:25,250 --> 00:16:28,605 I work at a gift shop. My name's Steven Grant. Dans une boutique de souvenirs. Je m'appelle Steven Grant. 185 00:16:28,625 --> 00:16:30,188 Uh... 186 00:16:30,208 --> 00:16:32,855 I'm trying to get back home. Back to London. J'essaye de rentrer chez moi. À Londres. 187 00:16:32,875 --> 00:16:36,646 London? Don't know why I'm saying it like that. Londres. Je sais pas pourquoi je le dis comme ça. 188 00:16:36,666 --> 00:16:39,855 - Well, Steven Grant of the gift shop. - Yeah? - Steven Grant, vendeur de souvenirs. - Oui ? 189 00:16:39,875 --> 00:16:44,896 - Will you return the scarab? - The... The what? Oh, all right. - Peux-tu me rendre le scarabée ? - Le quoi ? C'est bon. 190 00:16:44,916 --> 00:16:47,896 Yeah, the... Oh, you mean... Oui, le... Vous parlez de... 191 00:16:47,916 --> 00:16:52,833 - You will give him nothing. - Here. - Ne lui donne rien. - Oui, tenez. 192 00:16:55,791 --> 00:17:00,166 I strongly encourage you to return that. Je t'encourage vivement à me le rendre. 193 00:17:00,791 --> 00:17:03,208 I'm not... I'm... Je fais pas exp... 194 00:17:05,666 --> 00:17:07,666 I'm try... 195 00:17:08,458 --> 00:17:12,771 Come on, now. It's like my fingers froze. C'est comme si j'avais les doigts gelés. 196 00:17:12,791 --> 00:17:15,813 But here's some of that... I don't know, maybe it's the high altitude or something. Je sais pas, c'est l'altitude ou un truc comme ça. 197 00:17:15,833 --> 00:17:16,896 Ah! 198 00:17:16,916 --> 00:17:20,208 There, take it. So strange. Sorry, but... Prenez-le. C'est bizarre. Désolé. 199 00:17:20,666 --> 00:17:23,688 - I will not ask again. - I didn't do that on purpose. - Je ne le redemanderai pas. - Je l'ai pas fait exprès. 200 00:17:23,708 --> 00:17:26,583 I don't know what's happening. Je sais pas ce qui m'arrive. 201 00:17:27,125 --> 00:17:29,563 There we go. Just take it, take it, take it, take it. Voilà. Prenez-le, prenez-le. 202 00:17:29,583 --> 00:17:32,355 - Oh, God! Now I'm trying to stop my legs. - Take him! - J'essaye d'arrêter mes jambes. - Attrapez-le ! 203 00:17:32,375 --> 00:17:35,938 I can't... I'm trying to stop my legs from moving. I'm trying to give it to you. Je peux pas les empêcher de bouger ! J'essaye de vous le rendre ! 204 00:17:35,958 --> 00:17:38,063 - Wait, wait, wait! - It's all right. - Attendez ! - Tout va bien. 205 00:17:38,083 --> 00:17:42,833 I'm trying, mate. I swear I'm trying to give it to you. J'essaye, j'essaye de vous le rendre. 206 00:17:43,791 --> 00:17:45,916 Got it! Je l'ai ! 207 00:17:48,208 --> 00:17:51,230 No. The idiot's back. Non. L'imbécile est de retour. 208 00:17:51,250 --> 00:17:52,646 Ah... 209 00:17:52,666 --> 00:17:54,666 Oh... 210 00:17:55,500 --> 00:17:57,500 Sorry. Désolé. 211 00:17:57,541 --> 00:17:59,375 Oh, God. Oh, non ! 212 00:18:01,833 --> 00:18:06,521 I'm just gonna... I'm gonna go, all right? Yeah. Je vais vous laisser, d'accord ? 213 00:18:06,541 --> 00:18:09,208 Oh, God. Oh, God. 214 00:18:09,416 --> 00:18:12,771 I see you're angry. I know I've made you angry. I'm sorry, yeah? Je vois que vous êtes en colère. Je vous ai énervé. Désolé. 215 00:18:12,791 --> 00:18:15,875 Please, I don't... S'il vous plaît, je... 216 00:18:16,833 --> 00:18:18,021 Oh, God. 217 00:18:18,041 --> 00:18:24,375 Don't you dare drop the scarab. All right, all right, all right! - Ne lâche pas le scarabée. - D'accord, d'accord ! 218 00:18:25,625 --> 00:18:29,875 That is my van! That is my van! C'est mon camion ! C'est mon camion ! 219 00:18:40,541 --> 00:18:44,980 What am I doing? What am I doing? I don't even have my license. Qu'est-ce que je fais ? J'ai même pas le permis. 220 00:18:45,000 --> 00:18:48,730 - Oh, my God. Bugger, there's so many of them. Oh, mon Dieu ! Ils sont trop nombreux ! 221 00:18:48,750 --> 00:18:52,833 This has to be a dream. This has to be a dream. C'est forcément un rêve. 222 00:18:57,166 --> 00:18:59,105 They're gonna kill me. They're gonna kill me. Ils vont me tuer. 223 00:18:59,125 --> 00:19:04,291 Come on, you bloody cupcake van! Move it! Espèce de camion à la noix. Avance ! 224 00:19:22,333 --> 00:19:24,813 Come on! Move your ass! Thank you. So sorry. Thank you. Allez ! Bouge ! 225 00:19:24,833 --> 00:19:27,708 Merci. Désolé. Merci. 226 00:19:28,375 --> 00:19:30,250 Charming. Charmant. 227 00:19:47,250 --> 00:19:54,458 Wait, wait, wait! I'm sorry, I'm sorry about the cupcake. No, no, no! Attendez ! Je suis désolé pour le cupcake. Non ! 228 00:20:00,791 --> 00:20:03,896 Wake up, Marc! If he loses the scarab, I'll kill you both. Debout, Marc ! S'il perd le scarabée, je vous tue tous les deux. 229 00:20:03,916 --> 00:20:05,771 I don't understand what's happening! Je comprends pas ce qui se passe ! 230 00:20:05,791 --> 00:20:07,396 - Truck, stupid! - What? - Le camion, imbécile ! - Quoi ? 231 00:20:07,416 --> 00:20:09,416 Truck! Le camion ! 232 00:20:23,458 --> 00:20:25,458 No! 233 00:20:26,541 --> 00:20:29,125 Oh, no, no, no! 234 00:20:38,291 --> 00:20:40,208 Huh? Oh, God. Oh, non ! 235 00:20:41,208 --> 00:20:43,375 I'm driving backwards. Je roule en marche arrière. 236 00:20:45,500 --> 00:20:48,896 - Did he just throw the gun? - I don't know what I'm doing. - Il vient de jeter l'arme ? - Je sais plus ce que je fais. 237 00:20:48,916 --> 00:20:51,750 Then leave us be, parasite! Alors, laisse-nous faire, parasite ! 238 00:20:58,333 --> 00:21:01,041 - Oh, come on, come on. Allez, allez. 239 00:21:12,958 --> 00:21:15,041 Oh, shit! Bordel ! 240 00:21:29,625 --> 00:21:31,313 Oh, God. 241 00:21:31,333 --> 00:21:34,666 Oh, God. 242 00:21:46,083 --> 00:21:49,938 What Neanderthals dreamed of. The paleoanthropologists... 243 00:21:49,958 --> 00:21:52,438 How we doin', Gus? You sleep all right? Comment ça va, Gus ? Bien dormi ? 244 00:21:52,458 --> 00:21:54,458 Hmm? 245 00:21:55,125 --> 00:21:57,916 I wonder what fishes dream about. De quoi rêvent les poissons ? 246 00:22:15,375 --> 00:22:18,625 What the... Fish. C'est quoi, ce... Poisson. 247 00:22:19,208 --> 00:22:20,730 What do you mean, "grew back"? Comment ça, "repoussé" ? 248 00:22:20,750 --> 00:22:23,771 Yesterday, that fish had one fin. It was like that when I bought him. Hier, ce poisson avait une nageoire. Comme quand je l'ai acheté. 249 00:22:23,791 --> 00:22:25,938 - Today, what do you see? - I see two... - Et là, vous en voyez combien ? - Deux. 250 00:22:25,958 --> 00:22:29,063 Two fins! Yeah, sorry. But, yeah, he's got two fins now. Deux nageoires, oui. Il a deux nageoires, maintenant. 251 00:22:29,083 --> 00:22:30,938 So, is that normal, or... Vous trouvez ça normal ? 252 00:22:30,958 --> 00:22:32,605 Well, if you wanna swap it, go ahead. Si vous voulez l'échanger, allez-y. 253 00:22:32,625 --> 00:22:34,688 But, like I said yesterday, they've all got... Mais je vous l'ai dit hier, ils ont tous... 254 00:22:34,708 --> 00:22:36,646 What do you mean? I wasn't here yesterday. Comment ça ? Je suis pas venu, hier. 255 00:22:36,666 --> 00:22:38,063 Yeah, all right. Oui, c'est ça. 256 00:22:38,083 --> 00:22:40,730 Look, as I said, they've all got two fins. Comme je l'ai dit, ils ont tous deux nageoires. 257 00:22:40,750 --> 00:22:42,688 I don't care what that Nemo movie says. Le film Nemo n'y changera rien. 258 00:22:42,708 --> 00:22:45,355 Find a pet shop that sells disabled fish and go there. Trouvez un vendeur de poissons handicapés et allez-y. 259 00:22:45,375 --> 00:22:48,271 - I don't have time for this. - Wait, is that... Is that clock right? - Moi, j'ai pas le temps. - L'horloge est déréglée ? 260 00:22:48,291 --> 00:22:49,980 No, that's impossible, I just woke up. C'est pas possible. Je sors du lit. 261 00:22:50,000 --> 00:22:54,271 Are you mad? The fish is wrong, the time is wrong. You're not quite right. Vous êtes fou ? Le poisson, l'horloge. C'est vous qui êtes déréglé. 262 00:22:54,291 --> 00:22:58,708 Bugger, I've got a date. Sorry, I've got a date. Mince, mon rencard. Désolé, j'ai un rencard. 263 00:23:04,541 --> 00:23:06,666 All right. 264 00:23:10,875 --> 00:23:13,125 You look like a knob. T'as l'air d'un blaireau. 265 00:23:17,041 --> 00:23:19,916 We still expecting one more? On attend toujours ? 266 00:23:20,125 --> 00:23:23,375 Yes. It's not looking so good, is it? Oui. C'est pas bon signe, hein ? 267 00:23:37,500 --> 00:23:40,188 Punchy. Calling me now? Tu es gonflé de m'appeler maintenant. 268 00:23:40,208 --> 00:23:44,855 What? What do you mean? I'm at the restaurant for steak. It's steak time. Comment ça ? Je suis au restau-grill. 269 00:23:44,875 --> 00:23:46,958 C'est l'heure du steak. 270 00:23:47,041 --> 00:23:51,688 Yeah, I ate steak by myself, thanks. Two days ago. Je l'ai mangé, mon steak. Toute seule. Merci. Il y a deux jours. 271 00:23:51,708 --> 00:23:54,416 What? I thought we said Friday? Today. On n'avait pas dit vendredi ? Aujourd'hui. 272 00:23:55,041 --> 00:23:57,188 Right. Welcome to Sunday. Bonjour, on est dimanche. 273 00:23:57,208 --> 00:24:02,396 Come on, no. I think Friday still comes after Thursday, doesn't it? Arrête. Le vendredi vient toujours après le jeudi, non ? 274 00:24:02,416 --> 00:24:06,480 It doesn't change the fact that today is Sunday, which means "lose my number." Ça change rien au fait qu'on soit dimanche. 275 00:24:06,500 --> 00:24:08,625 Cheers. Autrement dit, oublie mon numéro. Salut. 276 00:24:08,791 --> 00:24:10,916 - But... Mais... 277 00:24:13,250 --> 00:24:16,750 Sorry, what day is it today? Pardon, quel jour on est ? 278 00:24:16,833 --> 00:24:19,313 - Sunday, sir. - No. - Dimanche, monsieur. - Non. 279 00:24:19,333 --> 00:24:20,563 Is it... C'est vrai... 280 00:24:20,583 --> 00:24:22,458 Really? Vraiment ? 281 00:24:23,291 --> 00:24:25,666 The kitchen's closing soon. Les cuisines ferment bientôt. 282 00:24:27,291 --> 00:24:31,208 Okay. Um... You know what? Bon. Vous savez quoi ? 283 00:24:32,000 --> 00:24:34,063 I'll have a steak, please. Je prendrai un steak. 284 00:24:34,083 --> 00:24:37,583 Sure. What cut would you like? Bien sûr. Quelle pièce je vous sers ? 285 00:24:38,333 --> 00:24:39,438 I see. Je vois. 286 00:24:39,458 --> 00:24:40,980 Um... 287 00:24:41,000 --> 00:24:45,021 I'll have the best bit of the... Je prendrai le meilleur morceau... 288 00:24:45,041 --> 00:24:48,021 The steak. That's the bit that I want. Du steak. Voilà ce que je veux. 289 00:24:48,041 --> 00:24:52,771 The center-cut's filet. And how would you like that? Du filet, donc. Vous le voulez comment ? 290 00:24:52,791 --> 00:24:55,875 Good, yeah. Very good. Very good. Yeah. Bon. Oui. Très bon. Très bon. 291 00:24:57,333 --> 00:25:00,855 - I'll... I'll put you for well done. - Okay. All right. - Je demande "à point". - Oui, voilà. 292 00:25:00,875 --> 00:25:04,083 Yeah. That sounds delicious. Ça m'a l'air... délicieux. 293 00:25:12,083 --> 00:25:15,480 Yeah, you know, I think she really liked me. Oui, je pense que je lui ai plu. 294 00:25:15,500 --> 00:25:18,730 She loved the flowers. Yeah. Elle a apprécié les fleurs. 295 00:25:18,750 --> 00:25:21,563 Yeah, well, I'm gonna bring her around soon, I think. Oui, je te la présenterai bientôt. 296 00:25:21,583 --> 00:25:25,605 Yeah, I think you'd love her. Yeah, she's got a great sense of humor. Je suis sûr qu'elle te plaira. Elle a beaucoup d'humour. 297 00:25:25,625 --> 00:25:31,791 So... Anyway, I'll tell you more about it tomorrow. Love you. Laters, gators. De toute façon, je t'en dirai plus demain. Je t'aime. Câlin, câlin. 298 00:26:08,916 --> 00:26:11,500 Do you want some? Tu en veux ? 299 00:26:14,041 --> 00:26:16,041 All right. D'accord. 300 00:26:16,125 --> 00:26:18,916 You can have some sprinkles. Je vais te donner des miettes. 301 00:26:27,666 --> 00:26:32,041 If you're Gus, I'm the bloody Queen of Sheba. Si toi, tu es Gus, moi, je suis la reine de Saba. 302 00:26:46,916 --> 00:26:48,875 What's this? C'est quoi, ça ? 303 00:27:23,416 --> 00:27:25,583 What is this about? Qu'est-ce que c'est ? 304 00:27:50,666 --> 00:27:52,791 - There we are. Voilà. 305 00:27:53,083 --> 00:27:54,771 All right. Alors... 306 00:27:54,791 --> 00:27:57,000 Appels manqués 307 00:28:00,333 --> 00:28:02,333 Layla. 308 00:28:07,708 --> 00:28:09,708 Appel entrant 309 00:28:17,791 --> 00:28:19,230 Yeah? Oui ? 310 00:28:19,250 --> 00:28:20,771 Oh, my God, you're alive. Oh, mon Dieu, tu es vivant. 311 00:28:20,791 --> 00:28:23,771 - Yeah, all right. -That's it? - Oui, ça va. - C'est tout ? 312 00:28:23,791 --> 00:28:26,063 I've been texting and calling you for months. J'essaye de te joindre depuis des mois. 313 00:28:26,083 --> 00:28:29,105 You couldn't give me any sign that you were okay? T'aurais pas pu donner signe de vie ? 314 00:28:29,125 --> 00:28:31,355 I thought something happened to you. J'ai pensé au pire. 315 00:28:31,375 --> 00:28:34,771 Where are you? Where've you been? Uh... T'es où ? Où étais-tu passé ? 316 00:28:34,791 --> 00:28:37,063 Hello? You... Allô ? Tu... 317 00:28:37,083 --> 00:28:39,688 Sorry, I just found this phone in my flat, Désolé, je viens de trouver ce téléphone chez moi 318 00:28:39,708 --> 00:28:42,396 and I'm just trying to figure out whose it is. et j'essaye de savoir à qui il appartient. 319 00:28:42,416 --> 00:28:44,896 -What is with this accent? - What? - C'est quoi, cet accent ? - Quoi ? 320 00:28:44,916 --> 00:28:46,313 What is happening right now? Qu'est-ce qui se passe, là ? 321 00:28:46,333 --> 00:28:49,313 Sorry, who do you think I am? Désolé, à qui pensez-vous parler ? 322 00:28:49,333 --> 00:28:54,063 What do you mean, "who"? What's wrong with you, Marc? Comment ça, "à qui" ? Qu'est-ce qui te prend, Marc ? 323 00:28:54,083 --> 00:28:56,541 What did you just call me? Comment vous m'avez appelé ? 324 00:28:57,125 --> 00:28:59,083 Who is this? Qui est-ce ? 325 00:29:00,000 --> 00:29:03,125 Why did you call me "Marc"? Pourquoi vous m'appelez "Marc" ? 326 00:29:04,125 --> 00:29:06,125 - Hello? Allô ? 327 00:29:07,916 --> 00:29:10,583 - No, no, no. Come on. Non, non, non. Allez. 328 00:29:13,083 --> 00:29:15,083 Steven. Steven. 329 00:29:17,541 --> 00:29:19,625 Steven. 330 00:29:21,916 --> 00:29:26,250 - Hello? -Steven. - Qui est là ? - Steven. 331 00:29:27,208 --> 00:29:29,355 -You need to stop. - Who said that? Tu dois arrêter. 332 00:29:29,375 --> 00:29:31,541 Qui a parlé ? 333 00:29:36,625 --> 00:29:39,563 -You're gonna get yourself in trouble. - Oh, no, no, no, mate. - Tu vas t'attirer des ennuis. - Non, non, non, mon vieux. 334 00:29:39,583 --> 00:29:42,291 Someone's having a laugh. Quelqu'un me fait une farce. 335 00:29:52,708 --> 00:29:55,791 Oh, God. Oh, God. 336 00:30:02,416 --> 00:30:04,291 Bloody hell. Bon sang. 337 00:30:06,625 --> 00:30:08,625 What the... 338 00:30:20,791 --> 00:30:22,875 Steven. 339 00:30:23,458 --> 00:30:26,041 Stop looking. Arrête de chercher. 340 00:30:30,875 --> 00:30:32,938 Oh, God. What's happening? Mon Dieu. Qu'est-ce qui se passe ? 341 00:30:32,958 --> 00:30:34,916 What's happening? Qu'est-ce que c'est ? 342 00:30:37,208 --> 00:30:39,583 Oh, God! 343 00:31:09,750 --> 00:31:15,666 No, G. G, G. Let's go. Come on. Ground floor. Non, zéro. Allez. Rez-de-chaussée. 344 00:31:38,708 --> 00:31:40,521 Hold the door. 345 00:31:40,541 --> 00:31:42,416 - Thank you. Merci. 346 00:31:51,750 --> 00:31:53,271 Hiya. Bonsoir. 347 00:31:53,291 --> 00:31:55,396 - Hi. - You all right? - Bonsoir. - Ça va ? 348 00:31:55,416 --> 00:31:57,730 Fine. Thank you. Bien. Merci. 349 00:31:57,750 --> 00:32:00,583 Just lost my contact lens. J'ai perdu une lentille de contact. 350 00:32:00,750 --> 00:32:02,708 Hope you find it. Bonne chance. 351 00:32:03,458 --> 00:32:05,396 Electrical problems in the building, innit? Il y a des problèmes électriques ? 352 00:32:05,416 --> 00:32:07,688 Always the same, isn't it? Comme d'habitude. 353 00:32:07,708 --> 00:32:09,980 - Are we back on the fifth floor? - Yes, the fifth. - On est remontés au 5e étage ? - Oui, le 5e. 354 00:32:10,000 --> 00:32:13,146 My friend Claire lives here. I'm visiting her. Mon amie, Claire, habite ici. Je vais la voir. 355 00:32:13,166 --> 00:32:15,291 She's expecting me. Elle m'attend. 356 00:32:17,333 --> 00:32:19,500 What's going on? Qu'est-ce qui se passe ? 357 00:32:50,416 --> 00:32:53,500 Oh, my God. He's real. Oh, mon Dieu. Il existe. 358 00:33:02,333 --> 00:33:03,730 Hey, J.B., how you doin', mate? JB, comment ça va ? 359 00:33:03,750 --> 00:33:06,188 - How's it going, Scotty? All right, mate. - It's Steven. - Salut, Scotty. Ça va. - C'est Steven. 360 00:33:06,208 --> 00:33:09,063 - Are you watching otter videos again? - They're adorable, mate. - Encore des vidéos de loutres ? - Elles sont adorables. 361 00:33:09,083 --> 00:33:10,521 Great, yeah. Cool. Listen, man, Super. Bon, écoute. 362 00:33:10,541 --> 00:33:13,813 I need you to keep an eye out, 'cause I'm being followed. J'ai besoin que tu ouvres l'œil, je suis suivi. 363 00:33:13,833 --> 00:33:16,313 - Really, mate? - Yeah. Will you just, - C'est vrai ? - Oui. Est-ce que tu peux... 364 00:33:16,333 --> 00:33:19,563 - like, not let anyone in, yeah? - It's a museum. That'll be difficult. - empêcher les gens d'entrer ? - C'est un musée. C'est difficile. 365 00:33:19,583 --> 00:33:21,813 Obviously. I just mean, like, anyone dodgy. Je comprends. Je veux parler des gens louches. 366 00:33:21,833 --> 00:33:23,771 Anyone who wants to come in can, it's free. Tout le monde peut entrer, c'est gratuit. 367 00:33:23,791 --> 00:33:26,188 - I get it. This man... - Can you take these downstairs? - Je sais. Y a un homme... - Descends ça. 368 00:33:26,208 --> 00:33:27,730 - Wait. I know. - Gotta go, it's Mom. - Je comprends. - C'est ma mère. 369 00:33:27,750 --> 00:33:29,896 - I get it. Just a second. - Take it downstairs now. - Je sais. Une seconde. - Descends-moi ça. 370 00:33:29,916 --> 00:33:32,938 - Just help me out... - Can you take this downstairs, please? - Aide-moi. - Tu peux descendre ça, s'il te plaît ? 371 00:33:32,958 --> 00:33:36,021 Oh, my God. That man was on the bus. C'est pas vrai. Ce type était dans le bus. 372 00:33:36,041 --> 00:33:37,563 I don't give a monkey's. Take these downstairs... Je m'en fous. Descends ça. 373 00:33:37,583 --> 00:33:41,938 Will you... Please, just give me a minute? Tu peux attendre une minute ? 374 00:33:41,958 --> 00:33:43,688 Yeah? Thanks, Donna. Merci, Donna. 375 00:33:43,708 --> 00:33:46,666 You're still on inventory tonight. Tu t'occupes de l'inventaire, ce soir. 376 00:34:00,708 --> 00:34:02,980 - So you really do work here. - Oh, God. - Tu travailles donc vraiment ici. - Mon Dieu. 377 00:34:03,000 --> 00:34:07,480 I'd assumed Steven Grant was an alias. Imagine my surprise to find you here. "Steven Grant" n'est pas un pseudonyme. Imagine ma surprise. 378 00:34:07,500 --> 00:34:10,355 Excuse me, Ronnie. This man right here has been following me. Excuse-moi, Ronnie. Cet homme me suit. 379 00:34:10,375 --> 00:34:13,438 - Now, I don't know... - Praise Ammit. - Je sais pas... - Gloire à Ammit. 380 00:34:13,458 --> 00:34:19,250 - Thank you. - Ronnie, you're part of this? - Merci. - Ronnie, tu es des leurs ? 381 00:34:20,375 --> 00:34:22,688 Mate, I don't have your bloody beetle. I swear. I... J'ai pas votre scarabée. Je vous le jure. 382 00:34:22,708 --> 00:34:28,563 Oh, no. The scarab doesn't belong to me. It belongs to her. Do you know Ammit? Ce n'est pas mon scarabée, mais le sien. Connais-tu Ammit ? 383 00:34:28,583 --> 00:34:32,146 Do I know Ammit... No, not personally. Si je connais Ammit ? Non, pas personnellement. 384 00:34:32,166 --> 00:34:34,730 Egyptian deity, right? C'est une divinité égyptienne, c'est ça ? 385 00:34:34,750 --> 00:34:36,313 World's first bogeyman. L'ancêtre du croque-mitaine. 386 00:34:36,333 --> 00:34:40,146 She was only the bogeyman for evildoers. Uniquement pour les êtres malfaisants. 387 00:34:40,166 --> 00:34:41,855 - Right. - She grew weary of having to wait Elle a fini par se lasser d'attendre... 388 00:34:41,875 --> 00:34:44,521 for sinners to commit their crime before punishing them. que les pécheurs commettent leurs crimes pour les punir. 389 00:34:44,541 --> 00:34:47,813 Would you wait to weed a garden till after the roses were dead? Attendrais-tu que les roses fanent pour désherber ? 390 00:34:47,833 --> 00:34:48,813 I wouldn't do that. Bien sûr que non. 391 00:34:48,833 --> 00:34:52,521 The justice of Ammit surveys the whole of our lives. La justice d'Ammit s'applique sur la vie dans sa globalité. 392 00:34:52,541 --> 00:34:54,563 - Got it. - Past, present, future. - Compris. - Passé, présent, futur. 393 00:34:54,583 --> 00:34:56,771 She knows what we've done, and what we will do. Elle sait ce que l'on a fait, ce que l'on fera. 394 00:34:56,791 --> 00:35:01,833 Great. Okay. Well, the books must have left that part out. Super. Les livres oublient d'en parler. 395 00:35:07,291 --> 00:35:09,105 Consider this... Sache une chose, 396 00:35:09,125 --> 00:35:11,855 Had Ammit been free, she would have si Ammit avait été libre, elle nous aurait... 397 00:35:11,875 --> 00:35:15,021 prevented Hitler and the destruction he wrought. évité Hitler et tout le mal qu'il a causé. 398 00:35:15,041 --> 00:35:18,646 Nero, the Armenian genocide, Pol Pot. Néron, le génocide arménien, Pol Pot. 399 00:35:18,666 --> 00:35:21,105 - Not nice people. - But she was betrayed. - Que des méchants. - Mais elle a été trahie. 400 00:35:21,125 --> 00:35:25,938 - Was she? - By indolent fellow gods. - Vraiment ? - Par des dieux paresseux. 401 00:35:25,958 --> 00:35:27,396 - By even her own Avatar. Et même par son propre avatar. 402 00:35:27,416 --> 00:35:30,188 "Avatars." Blue people. Love that film. Avatars. Le peuple bleu. J'adore ce film. 403 00:35:30,208 --> 00:35:32,480 - By Avatar, what I mean... - You mean the anime? - Par avatar, j'entends... - L'animation ? 404 00:35:32,500 --> 00:35:37,958 - Steven. Stop it. - Are you going to kill me? - Steven. Arrête. - Vous allez me tuer ? 405 00:35:43,375 --> 00:35:45,708 It's maddening, isn't it? Ça rend fou, n'est-ce pas ? 406 00:35:45,875 --> 00:35:49,250 The voice in your head. Cette voix dans ta tête. 407 00:35:49,541 --> 00:35:51,230 Relentless, forever unsatisfied. Incessante, 408 00:35:51,250 --> 00:35:53,813 éternellement insatisfaite. 409 00:35:53,833 --> 00:35:57,271 No matter how hard you try to please, Quoi que tu fasses, 410 00:35:57,291 --> 00:36:01,063 it devours you until there's nothing left elle te dévore, jusqu'à ne laisser... 411 00:36:01,083 --> 00:36:03,188 but a hollow shell. qu'une coquille vide. 412 00:36:03,208 --> 00:36:05,355 And the more you ask for help, Plus tu demandes de l'aide, 413 00:36:05,375 --> 00:36:09,813 the more you begin to sound like the boy who cried wolf. plus tu ressembles à l'enfant qui crie au loup. 414 00:36:09,833 --> 00:36:12,146 I can't help you. Je peux pas vous aider. 415 00:36:12,166 --> 00:36:15,083 I am trying to help you. C'est moi qui tente de t'aider. 416 00:36:15,833 --> 00:36:18,688 I saw you kill that woman in the Alps. Je vous ai vu tuer une femme dans les Alpes. 417 00:36:18,708 --> 00:36:23,271 I only told her what millions more will soon learn. Je lui ai appris ce que des millions d'autres vont découvrir. 418 00:36:23,291 --> 00:36:25,750 Do you wanna know the truth? Veux-tu connaître la vérité ? 419 00:36:45,708 --> 00:36:47,938 There's chaos in you. Il y a du chaos en toi. 420 00:36:47,958 --> 00:36:49,958 There's what? Il y a quoi ? 421 00:36:56,208 --> 00:36:58,166 Let him go. Laissez-le partir. 422 00:37:34,958 --> 00:37:37,083 Oh, bloody hell. Bon sang ! 423 00:37:40,958 --> 00:37:44,105 Hello? Donna? Y a quelqu'un ? Donna ? 424 00:37:44,125 --> 00:37:45,938 J.B.? JB ? 425 00:37:45,958 --> 00:37:49,125 Pets allowed in the museum. 426 00:37:49,375 --> 00:37:52,125 Here, boy. Viens, mon grand. 427 00:37:53,083 --> 00:37:55,166 Hello? 428 00:37:56,000 --> 00:37:59,958 Where are you, you little bugger? Où es-tu, vilain toutou ? 429 00:38:05,958 --> 00:38:08,583 What are you doing, Steven? 430 00:38:09,208 --> 00:38:11,250 Here, boy. Viens, mon chien. 431 00:38:12,875 --> 00:38:14,916 Hello? 432 00:38:19,541 --> 00:38:21,333 Oh, classic. Classique. 433 00:38:21,666 --> 00:38:24,375 I hear you, can you hear me? Je t'entends, et toi, tu m'entends ? 434 00:38:26,125 --> 00:38:28,333 Oh. 435 00:38:29,708 --> 00:38:31,958 Yeah. 436 00:38:54,125 --> 00:38:57,438 Steven Grant of the gift shop. Steven Grant, de la boutique de souvenirs, 437 00:38:57,458 --> 00:39:03,250 Give me the scarab and you won't be torn apart. donne-moi le scarabée et tu seras épargné. 438 00:39:30,125 --> 00:39:32,291 Good Lord! Oh, mon Dieu ! 439 00:39:35,333 --> 00:39:37,541 Oh, God! 440 00:39:39,333 --> 00:39:41,625 Oh, God. 441 00:39:42,166 --> 00:39:43,980 Steven... 442 00:39:44,000 --> 00:39:46,916 Steven, I can save us. Steven, je peux nous sauver. 443 00:39:47,916 --> 00:39:50,980 But I can't have you fightin' me this time. Mais tu ne dois plus t'opposer à moi. 444 00:39:51,000 --> 00:39:53,355 You need to give me control. You understand? Tu dois me laisser le contrôle. Tu comprends ? 445 00:39:53,375 --> 00:39:56,021 No, what... Control of what? What are you talking about? Quel contrôle ? De quoi tu parles ? 446 00:39:56,041 --> 00:39:59,480 That thing's about to break through the door. We're out of time. Cette chose va défoncer la porte. On n'a plus le temps. 447 00:39:59,500 --> 00:40:01,980 - All right, hey. Listen to me. - Damn it! No! - Bon, écoute-moi. - Bon sang ! Non ! 448 00:40:02,000 --> 00:40:03,146 - Listen. Look at me. - No! - Regarde-moi. - Non ! 449 00:40:03,166 --> 00:40:04,563 - Look at me. - You're not real! - Regarde. - Tu n'existes pas. 450 00:40:04,583 --> 00:40:07,105 - This is real. I'm real. - No! You're not real. - Tout est vrai. J'existe. - Non ! Tu n'existes pas. 451 00:40:07,125 --> 00:40:10,438 - None of this is real. - Yes. Steven. You gotta give me control. It's the only way. - Rien de tout ça n'est vrai. - Si. Donne-moi le contrôle. 452 00:40:10,458 --> 00:40:11,688 C'est le seul moyen. 453 00:40:11,708 --> 00:40:14,855 - Oh, God. I'm gonna die. - You... Steven. - Mon Dieu, je vais mourir. - Tu... Steven. 454 00:40:14,875 --> 00:40:18,355 - I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die. - Look at me. - Je vais mourir, je vais mourir ! - Regarde-moi. 455 00:40:18,375 --> 00:40:20,458 You're not gonna die. Tu ne vas pas mourir. 456 00:40:21,541 --> 00:40:23,708 Let me save us. Laisse-moi nous sauver. 457 00:40:33,541 --> 00:40:36,208 D'accord. 458 00:41:23,125 --> 00:41:26,958 D'APRÈS LES COMICS MARVEL 459 00:45:24,041 --> 00:45:26,355 Besoin d'information ou d'aide psychologique ? 460 00:45:26,375 --> 00:45:29,188 N'hésitez pas à visiter le site NAMI.org. 461 00:45:29,208 --> 00:45:32,208 Sous-titres : Houria Belhadji 462 00:45:36,220 --> 00:45:43,407 Sous-titres ENG + FRE fusionnés par Zorg2412