1 00:00:02,500 --> 00:00:06,250 KHONSHU: Do you swear to protect the travelers of the night? 2 00:00:09,166 --> 00:00:10,666 MARC: We're dead? 3 00:00:10,750 --> 00:00:14,208 TAWERET: It's the hearts. They aren't full. 4 00:00:15,083 --> 00:00:18,416 STEVEN: Can you send word to Layla? Please, help us free Khonshu. 5 00:00:18,500 --> 00:00:23,250 ARTHUR: Trust me when I tell you there's always one last thing. 6 00:00:23,333 --> 00:00:24,833 LAYLA: We could've handled it together. 7 00:00:24,958 --> 00:00:26,458 That's not really what I do, is it? 8 00:00:27,583 --> 00:00:30,750 Do you think that is sense or nonsense? 9 00:00:31,125 --> 00:00:33,000 ARTHUR: I'm going to do what you could not. 10 00:00:33,125 --> 00:00:37,416 Then when it's finished, and the world is cleansed of abusers, 11 00:00:37,750 --> 00:00:39,708 I want you to remember one thing. 12 00:00:39,916 --> 00:00:41,375 Your torment forged me. 13 00:00:41,625 --> 00:00:43,458 I owe my victory to you. 14 00:00:46,750 --> 00:00:48,458 STEVEN: Marc, you've got this. 15 00:00:48,541 --> 00:00:52,291 But if I'm you, it means I've got this too. 16 00:00:53,291 --> 00:00:54,500 (YELLS) 17 00:00:54,583 --> 00:00:55,958 (BOTH GRUNTING) 18 00:00:57,125 --> 00:00:58,291 Steven! 19 00:01:52,708 --> 00:01:54,291 (WATER SPLASHING) 20 00:02:28,791 --> 00:02:33,125 I'm sorry it had to be this way, Marc Spector, 21 00:02:34,958 --> 00:02:36,458 Steven Grant, 22 00:02:38,375 --> 00:02:40,250 whoever else might be in there. 23 00:02:43,541 --> 00:02:48,125 Sometimes we need the cold light of death before we can see reality. 24 00:02:49,416 --> 00:02:50,583 (GRUNTS) 25 00:03:20,458 --> 00:03:22,458 Who wants to heal the world? 26 00:03:26,041 --> 00:03:27,708 (RUMBLING) 27 00:03:31,208 --> 00:03:32,875 (ROARS) 28 00:03:58,000 --> 00:03:59,500 LAYLA: Marc. Marc. 29 00:04:02,000 --> 00:04:04,291 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 30 00:04:15,000 --> 00:04:16,416 (SOBS) 31 00:04:25,833 --> 00:04:27,541 (SNIFFLES) 32 00:05:29,000 --> 00:05:30,916 (SPEAKING ARABIC) 33 00:05:34,416 --> 00:05:36,291 (YELLING IN ARABIC) 34 00:05:40,125 --> 00:05:41,791 (IN ENGLISH) It's all right. It's all right. 35 00:05:41,875 --> 00:05:43,958 It's all right. It's all right. 36 00:05:44,291 --> 00:05:45,291 Show me your papers. 37 00:05:45,416 --> 00:05:47,750 -I don't need to show you my papers. -(YELLS INDISTINCTLY) 38 00:05:47,833 --> 00:05:49,375 You need to show us your soul. 39 00:05:51,291 --> 00:05:52,625 (SCREAMS) 40 00:05:53,500 --> 00:05:55,583 (SCREAMING) 41 00:06:11,916 --> 00:06:14,833 (MAN CHATTERING OVER RADIO IN ARABIC) 42 00:06:15,083 --> 00:06:16,791 This is the face of a good man. 43 00:06:19,958 --> 00:06:21,250 You don't need this anymore. 44 00:06:21,333 --> 00:06:22,583 (CLATTERS) 45 00:06:22,958 --> 00:06:24,375 Move the bodies out of the way. 46 00:06:26,166 --> 00:06:28,041 Let's go! Clear a path. 47 00:06:50,791 --> 00:06:52,208 SOLDIER 1: (AS TAWERET) Don't do it. 48 00:06:52,625 --> 00:06:55,041 Layla, wait. I am the Goddess Taweret. 49 00:07:02,000 --> 00:07:03,291 SOLDIER 2: (AS TAWERET) Layla, 50 00:07:04,166 --> 00:07:05,875 it's Marc who's telling you to stop. 51 00:07:06,166 --> 00:07:07,166 What the hell is this? 52 00:07:07,250 --> 00:07:08,375 (GROANS) 53 00:07:08,750 --> 00:07:10,291 SOLDIER 2: (AS TAWERET) He's dead. 54 00:07:10,375 --> 00:07:13,041 And I'm talking to you through dead people right now. So what? 55 00:07:13,500 --> 00:07:16,666 Listen, Harrow is too powerful for you to stop him alone. 56 00:07:16,750 --> 00:07:17,750 If Marc... 57 00:07:18,916 --> 00:07:20,166 If he can return to life... 58 00:07:20,791 --> 00:07:22,916 What do you mean, "return to life"? 59 00:07:23,041 --> 00:07:24,166 (GROANS) 60 00:07:28,750 --> 00:07:30,541 He is going to need Khonshu. 61 00:07:31,375 --> 00:07:32,875 Break his ushabti. 62 00:07:33,208 --> 00:07:34,666 It's in the Chamber of the Gods. 63 00:07:35,583 --> 00:07:37,125 And you can be my Avatar. 64 00:07:37,833 --> 00:07:39,541 Marc says wonderful things about you. 65 00:07:39,833 --> 00:07:41,666 No, no, no. I'll fight him on my own. 66 00:07:41,750 --> 00:07:42,750 It's time to go! 67 00:08:17,958 --> 00:08:19,916 The disturbance. 68 00:08:20,375 --> 00:08:21,500 Your Gods felt it too. 69 00:08:21,583 --> 00:08:22,583 But what does it mean? 70 00:08:22,791 --> 00:08:25,541 Someone is trying to release Ammit. 71 00:08:26,208 --> 00:08:28,083 But why? 72 00:08:29,333 --> 00:08:30,375 Harrow. 73 00:08:30,541 --> 00:08:32,458 (RUMBLING) 74 00:08:32,541 --> 00:08:36,833 Come. You won't believe what the Gods have hidden from mankind. 75 00:08:46,083 --> 00:08:48,208 You're judges, not warriors. 76 00:08:48,916 --> 00:08:50,791 This doesn't need to happen. 77 00:09:08,250 --> 00:09:10,208 This was all so avoidable. 78 00:09:23,208 --> 00:09:25,375 (RUMBLING) 79 00:09:42,500 --> 00:09:44,333 (GROWLS SOFTLY) 80 00:09:55,541 --> 00:09:58,333 To whom do I owe my gratitude? 81 00:09:58,541 --> 00:10:00,958 Your humble disciple, my Goddess, 82 00:10:01,583 --> 00:10:03,333 to whom you owe nothing. 83 00:10:03,750 --> 00:10:05,791 Your Scales lack balance. 84 00:10:07,125 --> 00:10:08,250 I understand. 85 00:10:09,958 --> 00:10:15,208 I had hoped my penance might correct my imbalance, 86 00:10:15,333 --> 00:10:17,125 but I see now that's impossible. 87 00:10:17,958 --> 00:10:21,166 I accept the Scales regardless of the outcome. 88 00:10:21,458 --> 00:10:24,375 They lack balance because of what lies ahead of you. 89 00:10:24,583 --> 00:10:27,791 Then we must spare the world the pain I will cause. 90 00:10:29,833 --> 00:10:31,166 I willingly submit. 91 00:10:31,250 --> 00:10:34,208 What lies ahead of you is your service to me. 92 00:10:35,250 --> 00:10:37,083 How may I serve you in death? 93 00:10:37,333 --> 00:10:38,958 Your death is delayed. 94 00:10:39,750 --> 00:10:43,750 I once relied on a servant whose Scales balanced perfectly. 95 00:10:44,166 --> 00:10:48,500 In exchange, I was bound to stone for 2,000 years. 96 00:10:48,625 --> 00:10:50,791 ARTHUR: But I have disciples all over the world 97 00:10:50,875 --> 00:10:54,250 whose Scales balance perfectly, awaiting your command. 98 00:10:55,291 --> 00:10:58,125 They are worthy, my Goddess. 99 00:10:58,208 --> 00:11:00,458 But you are the one who set me free. 100 00:11:00,541 --> 00:11:03,000 You are the Avatar that I need. 101 00:11:03,541 --> 00:11:06,750 Serve me, and you will find peace. 102 00:11:12,125 --> 00:11:15,291 Do not let the pain of the past control you. 103 00:11:18,041 --> 00:11:19,125 As you wish. 104 00:11:27,333 --> 00:11:28,333 (GASPS) 105 00:11:29,500 --> 00:11:33,208 KHONSHU: I do not sense Marc Spector in this world. 106 00:11:34,291 --> 00:11:36,708 He died fighting, no doubt. 107 00:11:36,791 --> 00:11:39,083 Fighting your war. 108 00:11:39,166 --> 00:11:40,833 KHONSHU: And it's far from over. 109 00:11:40,916 --> 00:11:44,666 If Marc is truly gone, I am in need of an Avatar. 110 00:11:44,750 --> 00:11:48,625 Would you, Layla El-Faouly, protect the travelers of the night... 111 00:11:48,750 --> 00:11:50,000 Are you joking? 112 00:11:51,000 --> 00:11:54,541 You turned Marc's life into a waking nightmare. 113 00:11:55,416 --> 00:11:57,125 Why would I ever sign up for that? 114 00:11:57,333 --> 00:12:01,291 KHONSHU: Because you won't win against Harrow and Ammit alone. 115 00:12:01,833 --> 00:12:03,125 I'll take my chances. 116 00:12:03,208 --> 00:12:05,625 Marc was in crisis over you. 117 00:12:05,708 --> 00:12:08,375 His lack of focus got him killed. 118 00:12:08,458 --> 00:12:12,083 You need a plan, little bug. What I offer... 119 00:12:12,166 --> 00:12:14,958 I don't care what you can offer. 120 00:12:16,958 --> 00:12:18,750 Marc didn't trust you. 121 00:12:19,125 --> 00:12:21,416 I don't trust you. 122 00:12:24,958 --> 00:12:29,458 We'll work together without me enslaving myself. 123 00:12:30,250 --> 00:12:32,958 KHONSHU: We must rebind Ammit. 124 00:12:33,416 --> 00:12:34,416 How? 125 00:12:34,750 --> 00:12:37,083 KHONSHU: Only an Avatar can do it. 126 00:12:37,833 --> 00:12:39,791 I said "no." 127 00:12:42,250 --> 00:12:46,791 Let us purify the souls of Cairo and then the world. 128 00:12:57,250 --> 00:13:00,333 Khonshu. Time has been cruel to you. 129 00:13:00,666 --> 00:13:03,750 KHONSHU: Indeed. I cannot allow you to proceed. 130 00:13:04,000 --> 00:13:06,666 There's someone else here. Find who released him. 131 00:13:15,208 --> 00:13:16,541 TAWERET: The Scales are balanced. 132 00:13:17,541 --> 00:13:18,916 Your heart is full. 133 00:13:21,500 --> 00:13:23,958 Your journey is over. 134 00:13:28,541 --> 00:13:31,291 It's so... 135 00:13:31,375 --> 00:13:32,458 quiet. 136 00:13:33,625 --> 00:13:35,833 The peace you've always wanted but never had. 137 00:13:36,625 --> 00:13:38,041 You're manifesting it. 138 00:13:38,500 --> 00:13:42,583 No danger. No loneliness or hurt. 139 00:13:43,416 --> 00:13:44,541 What about Steven? 140 00:13:45,291 --> 00:13:48,166 He's gone, Marc. The Duat has him. 141 00:13:48,958 --> 00:13:51,166 Please enjoy your peace. 142 00:14:02,166 --> 00:14:03,583 We need to go back for him. 143 00:14:06,666 --> 00:14:08,125 It doesn't work like that. 144 00:14:08,583 --> 00:14:10,833 Leave here, and you can't return. 145 00:14:12,000 --> 00:14:15,375 Anyway, you don't need him anymore, Marc. 146 00:14:15,541 --> 00:14:18,083 So I get to go on to eternal peace, and he just... 147 00:14:18,916 --> 00:14:20,666 stays lost in the sand forever? 148 00:14:25,416 --> 00:14:26,583 No, I'm not good with that. 149 00:14:27,708 --> 00:14:29,791 Wait! Think about this! 150 00:14:51,125 --> 00:14:53,875 My path is set, same as anyone's. 151 00:14:54,000 --> 00:14:55,916 I'm here to bring balance. 152 00:14:56,166 --> 00:14:59,333 KHONSHU: You speak of balance, yet you choose him. 153 00:14:59,458 --> 00:15:00,875 Your Avatar is a sinner! 154 00:15:00,958 --> 00:15:02,541 You're jealous of his loyalty. 155 00:15:02,666 --> 00:15:04,000 KHONSHU: Loyalty at what cost? 156 00:15:04,083 --> 00:15:07,083 An empty world for your disciples to inherit? 157 00:15:07,166 --> 00:15:10,541 Don't listen to him. He only wants to keep you bound. 158 00:15:25,291 --> 00:15:26,916 (SIGHS) Steven. 159 00:15:29,791 --> 00:15:31,291 Looking pretty rough, man. 160 00:15:34,291 --> 00:15:35,541 I don't know if you can hear me. 161 00:15:37,541 --> 00:15:38,916 From the moment you arrived, 162 00:15:40,166 --> 00:15:42,666 way back then, we were so young. 163 00:15:44,250 --> 00:15:45,250 You saved me. 164 00:15:48,208 --> 00:15:50,291 I survived because I knew I wasn't alone. 165 00:15:51,833 --> 00:15:55,333 You were always there, alive, full of hope. 166 00:15:55,416 --> 00:15:59,041 And I tried to protect that, and I failed. I couldn't protect you. 167 00:16:01,458 --> 00:16:02,583 (GASPS) 168 00:16:06,208 --> 00:16:09,541 But you didn't abandon me. You didn't abandon me. (SNIFFLES) 169 00:16:10,208 --> 00:16:12,791 And although that field back there was looking... 170 00:16:13,125 --> 00:16:14,500 It was looking pretty good... 171 00:16:16,125 --> 00:16:18,291 There's no way in hell I'm gonna abandon you. 172 00:16:25,125 --> 00:16:28,666 You are the only real superpower... 173 00:16:31,625 --> 00:16:32,708 I ever had. 174 00:16:38,250 --> 00:16:40,125 (STONE SCRAPING) 175 00:16:49,291 --> 00:16:50,458 (GROANING) 176 00:17:04,458 --> 00:17:05,458 Marc. 177 00:17:07,916 --> 00:17:08,916 Steven. 178 00:17:14,208 --> 00:17:15,333 (GRUNTS) 179 00:17:15,625 --> 00:17:18,000 You came back? What the hell's wrong with you? 180 00:17:18,250 --> 00:17:20,166 Well, I did a whole little speech there. 181 00:17:20,291 --> 00:17:21,458 STEVEN: It wasn't that little. 182 00:17:21,541 --> 00:17:23,041 (BOTH LAUGHING) 183 00:17:23,583 --> 00:17:25,750 Marc, look. The Gates are open! 184 00:17:25,875 --> 00:17:30,208 Oh, Khonshu, for a God, you are low on faith. 185 00:17:30,875 --> 00:17:32,833 KHONSHU: You'll never learn. 186 00:17:34,500 --> 00:17:36,041 (BOTH GRUNTING) 187 00:17:41,708 --> 00:17:43,083 (YELLS) 188 00:17:52,166 --> 00:17:53,916 STEVEN: Oh, bollocks. Come on. Let's go! 189 00:17:54,000 --> 00:17:56,083 -MARC: Come on, let's go. -You can do it! Almost there! 190 00:17:56,166 --> 00:17:57,458 MARC: Yeah. 191 00:17:57,541 --> 00:17:59,375 -I'm slowing us down. Just go. -Come on! 192 00:17:59,458 --> 00:18:01,791 (BOTH GRUNTING) 193 00:18:02,916 --> 00:18:04,125 (GROANS) 194 00:18:05,166 --> 00:18:06,958 MARC: Look! TAWARET: Coming through! 195 00:18:07,041 --> 00:18:08,916 Osiris, you old softie! 196 00:18:11,375 --> 00:18:12,375 Now, run! 197 00:18:12,583 --> 00:18:14,916 -(WHOOPS) Hippo! -MARC: Go, go! 198 00:18:15,125 --> 00:18:17,541 Tell me to spare you, and I will. 199 00:18:17,625 --> 00:18:20,500 KHONSHU: I choose obliteration over mercy. 200 00:18:20,750 --> 00:18:22,458 STEVEN: We're almost there! Come on! 201 00:18:22,958 --> 00:18:24,375 (BOTH YELLING) 202 00:18:25,666 --> 00:18:27,291 (WATER SPLASHES) 203 00:18:27,500 --> 00:18:28,500 KHONSHU: Marc? 204 00:18:28,666 --> 00:18:29,750 (GRUNTS) 205 00:18:33,083 --> 00:18:34,208 Khonshu... 206 00:18:35,041 --> 00:18:38,375 KHONSHU: I feel the pain inside of you. 207 00:18:38,625 --> 00:18:41,875 Do you want death, or do you want life? 208 00:18:42,333 --> 00:18:46,000 Do you swear to protect the travelers of the night? 209 00:18:47,333 --> 00:18:49,666 Rise and live again! 210 00:18:53,916 --> 00:18:55,416 (MARC GROANS) 211 00:19:07,708 --> 00:19:08,916 (GRUNTS) 212 00:19:09,708 --> 00:19:12,375 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 213 00:19:14,666 --> 00:19:15,666 MOON KNIGHT: All right. 214 00:19:17,208 --> 00:19:18,208 Here we go. 215 00:19:29,000 --> 00:19:30,000 Khonshu. 216 00:19:30,458 --> 00:19:31,750 KHONSHU: I knew you'd miss me. 217 00:19:31,833 --> 00:19:33,500 MOON KNIGHT: Layla turned you down, didn't she? 218 00:19:33,583 --> 00:19:35,250 KHONSHU: Ammit has been freed. 219 00:19:35,333 --> 00:19:37,458 I was not strong enough to stop her. 220 00:19:37,875 --> 00:19:40,083 Marc Spector, I need your help. 221 00:19:40,166 --> 00:19:41,708 Ah, just curious about something. 222 00:19:41,791 --> 00:19:43,666 How's this whole new arrangement gonna work then? 223 00:19:43,750 --> 00:19:46,458 KHONSHU: Steven Grant, I was not speaking to you. 224 00:19:46,666 --> 00:19:49,458 Yeah, all right. But we do come as like a package deal now, 225 00:19:49,541 --> 00:19:51,250 so you are gonna have to deal with me. 226 00:19:51,333 --> 00:19:54,625 And we did just save your life, so you're welcome for that. 227 00:19:54,708 --> 00:19:55,708 (KHONSHU GRUMBLES) 228 00:19:55,791 --> 00:19:58,666 But I do think that you should answer my question though. 229 00:19:58,750 --> 00:20:00,416 How's this deal gonna work? 230 00:20:00,500 --> 00:20:03,958 KHONSHU: You would negotiate now, with so much at stake? 231 00:20:04,458 --> 00:20:08,833 (CHUCKLES) Well, we did learn from the best, you silly old bird. 232 00:20:08,916 --> 00:20:11,583 KHONSHU: I will release you both. You have my word. 233 00:20:12,166 --> 00:20:14,583 Mmm. I like the sound of that. 234 00:20:15,166 --> 00:20:17,625 Good. Glad we got that all sorted out. 235 00:20:17,750 --> 00:20:19,666 Now, how the heck are we gonna get to Cairo? 236 00:20:19,750 --> 00:20:22,125 KHONSHU: You forget, little worm, 237 00:20:22,208 --> 00:20:26,083 I am still the God of the Night Sky! 238 00:20:26,208 --> 00:20:29,041 All right, you know what? I think you can take this one, Marc. 239 00:20:29,125 --> 00:20:30,666 KHONSHU: Hurry up, idiots! 240 00:20:36,041 --> 00:20:37,750 (GROWLING) 241 00:20:38,125 --> 00:20:39,708 (GROANS) 242 00:20:42,250 --> 00:20:44,000 Are you the one who released Khonshu? 243 00:20:44,083 --> 00:20:45,083 Yes. 244 00:20:45,625 --> 00:20:47,625 (BOTH PANTING) 245 00:20:50,041 --> 00:20:53,166 Hey! Hey, hey. Hey. How do we stop Ammit? 246 00:20:53,541 --> 00:20:55,250 (WHEEZING) 247 00:20:55,333 --> 00:20:58,958 This chamber is our most powerful place. 248 00:21:00,250 --> 00:21:05,625 From here, we need to imprison Ammit in a mortal form. 249 00:21:05,916 --> 00:21:07,250 (GROANS) 250 00:21:07,541 --> 00:21:09,166 A body instead of a statue. 251 00:21:09,750 --> 00:21:11,083 She'd be vulnerable. 252 00:21:11,708 --> 00:21:13,708 Okay, how do we do it? 253 00:21:15,000 --> 00:21:19,125 We need more Avatars than we have left... 254 00:21:19,500 --> 00:21:22,041 What? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. 255 00:21:24,250 --> 00:21:25,875 (PANTING) No, no. 256 00:21:36,625 --> 00:21:41,000 Taweret, are you there? 257 00:21:43,750 --> 00:21:45,041 (AS TAWERET) Layla! 258 00:21:45,291 --> 00:21:47,916 I'm so thrilled. We're gonna have so much fun together. 259 00:22:06,708 --> 00:22:07,708 (SHRIEKS) 260 00:22:08,041 --> 00:22:10,208 (GROANING) 261 00:22:12,916 --> 00:22:14,041 (AS TAWERET) Oh! 262 00:22:14,125 --> 00:22:15,375 You've changed your mind. 263 00:22:15,458 --> 00:22:18,916 I would be delighted to accept you as my Avatar. 264 00:22:19,708 --> 00:22:24,250 (AS LAYLA) Okay, okay. Temporary Avatar. 265 00:22:25,250 --> 00:22:26,791 (AS TAWERET) Yes, of course! 266 00:22:27,500 --> 00:22:31,958 Oh, your father is going to be over the moon when he hears. 267 00:22:32,208 --> 00:22:33,250 (GROANS) 268 00:22:36,541 --> 00:22:37,625 (AS LAYLA) My father? 269 00:22:37,750 --> 00:22:41,291 (AS TAWERET) Yes! I met him when I took him to the Field of Reeds. 270 00:22:41,958 --> 00:22:42,958 (GROANS) 271 00:22:43,041 --> 00:22:44,041 (AS LAYLA) What? 272 00:22:44,916 --> 00:22:46,500 (AS TAWERET) Are we doing this or what? 273 00:22:46,833 --> 00:22:50,375 I have a fabulous costume in mind. 274 00:23:17,833 --> 00:23:20,041 (CHANTING IN ANCIENT EGYPTIAN) 275 00:23:23,875 --> 00:23:26,208 (CROWD MURMURING) 276 00:23:35,083 --> 00:23:38,625 Followers of Ammit, judge everyone. 277 00:23:38,750 --> 00:23:41,291 (PEOPLE SCREAMING) 278 00:24:01,666 --> 00:24:04,000 (RUMBLING) 279 00:24:24,291 --> 00:24:27,333 (DRAMATIC MIDDLE EASTERN MUSIC PLAYING) 280 00:24:29,750 --> 00:24:32,125 (CONTINUES CHANTING) 281 00:24:39,083 --> 00:24:41,291 (GROWLS) 282 00:24:43,833 --> 00:24:44,958 (BOTH YELLING) 283 00:24:45,666 --> 00:24:46,750 (GRUNTS) 284 00:24:50,041 --> 00:24:51,791 (BOTH STRAINING) 285 00:24:52,291 --> 00:24:54,500 (GROANING) 286 00:25:05,875 --> 00:25:07,875 (BOTH GRUNTING) 287 00:25:14,000 --> 00:25:16,000 -(BOTH YELL) -(PEOPLE GASPING) 288 00:25:17,041 --> 00:25:18,916 (BOTH GRUNT) 289 00:25:22,750 --> 00:25:25,666 There is so little difference in what we want for this world. 290 00:25:25,750 --> 00:25:28,041 Why do this dance for the rest of time? 291 00:25:28,125 --> 00:25:32,166 KHONSHU: You know the answer. I only punish those who have chosen evil. 292 00:25:32,333 --> 00:25:36,625 So do I, only I don't give them the satisfaction of committing it. 293 00:25:37,458 --> 00:25:38,833 (KHONSHU GRUNTS) 294 00:25:38,916 --> 00:25:41,416 Be at my side. 295 00:25:42,583 --> 00:25:43,666 (KHONSHU GROANING) 296 00:25:44,000 --> 00:25:45,083 (GROANING) 297 00:25:47,000 --> 00:25:48,250 (BOTH GRUNTING) 298 00:25:53,541 --> 00:25:54,625 (GRUNTS) 299 00:26:00,500 --> 00:26:01,500 MOON KNIGHT: Layla? 300 00:26:04,083 --> 00:26:05,208 (GROANS) 301 00:26:09,541 --> 00:26:10,541 Layla. 302 00:26:10,625 --> 00:26:12,041 -Marc. -Oh, baby. 303 00:26:13,250 --> 00:26:15,208 -Thank God you're okay. -How did you get back? 304 00:26:16,333 --> 00:26:19,166 (AS STEVEN) Wow, you look amazing. What are you wearing? 305 00:26:24,500 --> 00:26:27,291 Why fight, knowing you will fail? 306 00:26:27,375 --> 00:26:29,916 KHONSHU: Because it is my choice! 307 00:26:30,041 --> 00:26:32,375 The very thing you take away. 308 00:26:32,916 --> 00:26:34,416 (BOTH GRUNTING) 309 00:26:34,708 --> 00:26:37,666 Hey, I'm really jazzed about showing you these new skillsets we have. 310 00:26:37,791 --> 00:26:39,208 All right, show me what you got. 311 00:26:39,291 --> 00:26:40,625 -Yeah? -Yeah. 312 00:26:46,625 --> 00:26:47,625 (GRUNTS) 313 00:27:07,958 --> 00:27:09,083 (KHONSHU GROANS) 314 00:27:09,875 --> 00:27:11,208 (COUGHING) 315 00:27:21,375 --> 00:27:22,958 (GRUNTING) 316 00:27:33,166 --> 00:27:34,291 (GROANS) 317 00:27:36,583 --> 00:27:38,125 (EXCLAIMS AND GRUNTS) 318 00:27:49,750 --> 00:27:50,875 (GRUNTS) 319 00:27:58,625 --> 00:28:01,000 (BOTH GRUNTING) 320 00:28:08,000 --> 00:28:09,708 (PEOPLE CLAMORING) 321 00:28:11,125 --> 00:28:12,666 (STRAINING) 322 00:28:15,958 --> 00:28:18,000 (WOMAN SPEAKING ARABIC) 323 00:28:19,083 --> 00:28:20,250 (WOMEN SCREAMING) 324 00:28:29,000 --> 00:28:30,458 (GROANS) 325 00:28:32,333 --> 00:28:35,208 (BOTH SPEAKING ARABIC) 326 00:28:39,250 --> 00:28:40,375 (GRUNTS) 327 00:28:40,500 --> 00:28:41,875 (URGING IN ARABIC) 328 00:28:47,791 --> 00:28:48,791 (GRUNTING) 329 00:28:52,416 --> 00:28:53,416 (IN ENGLISH) Come on! 330 00:28:59,416 --> 00:29:01,500 ARTHUR: Had Ammit been allowed to rule, 331 00:29:02,125 --> 00:29:04,500 young Randall's life would've been saved, 332 00:29:04,583 --> 00:29:06,916 your family would've been happy. 333 00:29:07,291 --> 00:29:10,833 She need only remove one weed from the garden. 334 00:29:11,791 --> 00:29:12,791 (GRUNTS) You. 335 00:29:14,958 --> 00:29:16,333 (MOON KNIGHT YELLS) 336 00:29:24,500 --> 00:29:25,541 (GRUNTS) 337 00:29:26,000 --> 00:29:27,291 (YELLS) 338 00:29:32,625 --> 00:29:34,250 (HEARTBEAT THUDDING) 339 00:29:34,416 --> 00:29:35,875 (GROANING) 340 00:29:55,000 --> 00:29:57,583 -(YELLS) -(SCREAMS) 341 00:30:06,375 --> 00:30:07,958 (PANTING) 342 00:30:14,458 --> 00:30:15,541 (STAFF CLATTERS) 343 00:30:18,041 --> 00:30:19,666 That wasn't you, was it, Steven? 344 00:30:22,458 --> 00:30:24,000 (AS STEVEN) Not a chance, mate. 345 00:30:30,458 --> 00:30:31,458 LAYLA: Marc? 346 00:30:34,666 --> 00:30:35,666 (AS MARC) Yeah. 347 00:30:36,708 --> 00:30:37,916 What the hell was that? 348 00:30:39,916 --> 00:30:41,166 I blacked out. 349 00:30:42,208 --> 00:30:44,083 (RUMBLING) 350 00:30:50,541 --> 00:30:53,000 Get Harrow. I know how to stop Ammit. 351 00:31:00,125 --> 00:31:01,416 (GRUNTS) 352 00:31:02,083 --> 00:31:04,750 LAYLA: The power of this room will help us bind Ammit to Harrow's body. 353 00:31:04,833 --> 00:31:07,375 Quick, grab my hand so we can start the spell. 354 00:31:13,541 --> 00:31:15,583 (BOTH CHANTING IN ANCIENT EGYPTIAN) 355 00:31:27,833 --> 00:31:30,291 We could've made this our paradise! 356 00:31:30,375 --> 00:31:33,416 KHONSHU: It's too late, Ammit. You will be destroyed. 357 00:31:33,500 --> 00:31:34,500 (GROWLS) 358 00:31:34,625 --> 00:31:37,791 (CHANTING CONTINUES) 359 00:31:51,708 --> 00:31:53,000 (ROARS) 360 00:31:58,291 --> 00:32:01,541 (CHANTING CONTINUES) 361 00:32:11,166 --> 00:32:13,583 (AS AMMIT) You can never contain me. 362 00:32:14,125 --> 00:32:15,708 I'll never stop. 363 00:32:20,458 --> 00:32:21,625 (GRUNTS) 364 00:32:22,666 --> 00:32:23,791 KHONSHU: Finish it, 365 00:32:24,458 --> 00:32:26,791 and leave neither of them alive. 366 00:32:35,791 --> 00:32:38,875 While he lives, so too does she. 367 00:32:39,375 --> 00:32:42,916 I have to finish this. If not, I'll never be free. 368 00:32:43,041 --> 00:32:44,041 Marc! 369 00:32:46,000 --> 00:32:48,958 You have a choice. You are free. 370 00:32:49,625 --> 00:32:51,875 KHONSHU: The choice is vengeance. 371 00:32:51,958 --> 00:32:55,083 We cannot take the chance that Ammit finds a way out. 372 00:32:55,166 --> 00:32:56,500 She will kill again. 373 00:32:57,041 --> 00:32:58,500 Now you sound just like her. 374 00:33:02,708 --> 00:33:04,000 You want them dead... 375 00:33:07,125 --> 00:33:08,166 Do it yourself. 376 00:33:13,666 --> 00:33:14,958 Now, release us. 377 00:33:23,291 --> 00:33:25,291 KHONSHU: As you wish. 378 00:33:28,416 --> 00:33:29,416 (EXHALES) 379 00:33:38,250 --> 00:33:39,958 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 380 00:33:41,708 --> 00:33:45,583 (AS STEVEN) So what, this is what reality looks like? 381 00:33:46,541 --> 00:33:48,666 The imagination is very real. 382 00:33:49,083 --> 00:33:51,625 This chair, desk, the light 383 00:33:52,041 --> 00:33:54,333 were all first created in the imagination. 384 00:33:54,416 --> 00:33:59,541 But do you believe that Khonshu and Ammit are real? 385 00:34:00,750 --> 00:34:02,916 Do I? No. 386 00:34:09,666 --> 00:34:11,291 (AS MARC) And what if we disagree, Doc? 387 00:34:12,625 --> 00:34:13,625 Marc... 388 00:34:14,916 --> 00:34:16,750 What if we believe something different? 389 00:34:18,833 --> 00:34:20,666 Then our work here continues. 390 00:34:22,750 --> 00:34:23,750 (AS STEVEN) For how long? 391 00:34:23,833 --> 00:34:25,666 DR. HARROW: For as long as a piece of string. 392 00:34:28,458 --> 00:34:30,083 (AS MARC) Hey, you see that, don't you? 393 00:34:31,500 --> 00:34:34,250 (AS STEVEN) Oh, yeah, I see it. I see it. 394 00:34:36,583 --> 00:34:37,791 Why am I bleeding? 395 00:34:42,500 --> 00:34:46,833 Yeah, I don't think you know as much as you think you do. 396 00:34:48,291 --> 00:34:51,375 (AS MARC) And while it is tempting to accept your diagnosis, Doc... 397 00:34:53,916 --> 00:34:55,500 (AS STEVEN) We'd rather go save the world. 398 00:34:57,708 --> 00:34:58,708 Laters, gators. 399 00:35:07,083 --> 00:35:11,750 (60'S POP MUSIC PLAYING) 400 00:35:13,208 --> 00:35:14,458 (CLEARS THROAT) 401 00:35:18,375 --> 00:35:19,916 Steven? You there? 402 00:35:23,208 --> 00:35:24,291 (AS STEVEN) Mmm. 403 00:35:25,166 --> 00:35:27,000 Can't believe it worked. 404 00:35:31,291 --> 00:35:33,541 (AS MARC) I can't believe you live in this fricking mess. 405 00:35:33,625 --> 00:35:35,125 (GASPS AND GRUNTS) 406 00:35:35,583 --> 00:35:36,750 (GROANS) 407 00:35:38,500 --> 00:35:39,791 (COUGHS) 408 00:37:35,083 --> 00:37:37,750 (INDISTINCT ANNOUNCEMENT OVER PA) 409 00:37:41,250 --> 00:37:42,458 ARTHUR: Sand. 410 00:37:44,583 --> 00:37:46,166 Oh, time for bed. 411 00:37:48,708 --> 00:37:50,083 (MAN SPEAKING SPANISH) 412 00:37:50,166 --> 00:37:51,333 NURSE: I beg your pardon? 413 00:37:51,833 --> 00:37:54,000 (MAN SPEAKING SPANISH) 414 00:37:58,083 --> 00:38:01,416 (MAN WHISTLING) 415 00:38:38,041 --> 00:38:39,333 (CLEARS THROAT) 416 00:38:39,916 --> 00:38:40,916 (LAUGHS) 417 00:38:43,125 --> 00:38:44,250 Khonshu. 418 00:38:46,083 --> 00:38:47,291 You can't hurt us. 419 00:38:49,083 --> 00:38:52,041 KHONSHU: Yeah. You wanna know something? 420 00:38:53,708 --> 00:38:58,250 Marc Spector truly believed that after he and I parted ways, 421 00:38:58,333 --> 00:39:01,208 I wanted his wife to be my Avatar. 422 00:39:01,291 --> 00:39:04,333 Why would I ever need anybody else 423 00:39:05,208 --> 00:39:08,791 when he has no idea how troubled he truly is? 424 00:39:13,333 --> 00:39:16,125 Meet my friend, Jake Lockley. 425 00:39:22,833 --> 00:39:24,625 (SPEAKING SPANISH) 426 00:39:27,416 --> 00:39:28,416 ARTHUR: Wait. 427 00:39:28,541 --> 00:39:29,541 (ARTHUR GROANING)