1 00:00:04,428 --> 00:00:07,595 Previously on Penny Dreadful: City of Angels... 2 00:00:07,679 --> 00:00:10,720 And what if I have feelings for Detective Vega? 3 00:00:10,804 --> 00:00:12,095 Strong feelings? 4 00:00:12,178 --> 00:00:14,261 Your flock need to feel as if you're married 5 00:00:14,345 --> 00:00:15,679 only to the church. 6 00:00:15,762 --> 00:00:18,887 All the good work you do in the world can go away. 7 00:00:18,970 --> 00:00:20,970 If you think you're bringing 8 00:00:21,053 --> 00:00:24,261 that German whore into my house-- 9 00:00:24,345 --> 00:00:26,637 You will be checking into a sanitarium. 10 00:00:26,720 --> 00:00:28,804 Tommy? Tommy? 11 00:00:31,762 --> 00:00:34,553 Germans get that rocket, the fight's over. 12 00:00:36,553 --> 00:00:38,512 Kill him. 13 00:00:40,387 --> 00:00:41,970 I'll tell you who the other fucking guy is! 14 00:00:44,428 --> 00:00:45,303 Tiago! 15 00:00:45,387 --> 00:00:48,512 Your fucking brother, 16 00:00:48,595 --> 00:00:50,679 and you didn't tell me! 17 00:00:52,220 --> 00:00:53,679 Hazlett was the beginning. 18 00:00:53,762 --> 00:00:55,887 - You killed him. - What? 19 00:00:55,970 --> 00:00:57,679 Him, the wife, the kids. 20 00:00:57,762 --> 00:00:59,345 Reilly too, of course. 21 00:00:59,428 --> 00:01:02,804 You're going to San Quentin, and you're not coming out. 22 00:01:02,887 --> 00:01:07,595 All you still get to decide is whether you go as a rat 23 00:01:07,679 --> 00:01:10,053 or as a goddamn legend. 24 00:02:52,512 --> 00:02:55,387 Some kinda mad dog? 25 00:02:55,470 --> 00:02:56,970 What? 26 00:02:57,053 --> 00:02:59,303 Killed that whole family from Beverly Hills. 27 00:02:59,387 --> 00:03:01,136 And the cop. 28 00:03:01,220 --> 00:03:03,929 That's right, that's what he did. 29 00:03:04,011 --> 00:03:06,261 Hey, you nailed him though. 30 00:03:06,345 --> 00:03:08,762 You'll get some kind of medal, I bet. 31 00:03:18,053 --> 00:03:20,136 Molly? 32 00:03:21,053 --> 00:03:23,428 You've had a night. 33 00:03:23,512 --> 00:03:25,637 Celebrating, I take it? 34 00:03:25,720 --> 00:03:28,053 Nice picture, Detective. 35 00:03:29,595 --> 00:03:33,220 You got him. That must feel good. 36 00:03:33,303 --> 00:03:34,720 Yeah. 37 00:03:43,720 --> 00:03:45,679 You're in need of a shave. 38 00:03:45,762 --> 00:03:48,720 I could help. 39 00:03:48,804 --> 00:03:52,178 Yes, I've become quite adept at that. 40 00:03:52,261 --> 00:03:54,512 Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. 41 00:03:54,595 --> 00:03:56,970 I shave the faces of mine. 42 00:03:57,053 --> 00:03:59,845 The ones at the soup kitchen anyway. 43 00:03:59,929 --> 00:04:02,679 You really do that? 44 00:04:02,762 --> 00:04:05,762 I have no pride before my congregation. 45 00:04:05,845 --> 00:04:08,720 They would smell it a mile off. 46 00:04:08,804 --> 00:04:12,929 I meet them as they are, no better, no worse. 47 00:04:18,887 --> 00:04:21,387 Don't you have to get ready for work? 48 00:04:21,470 --> 00:04:23,220 Captain gave us the week off. 49 00:04:23,303 --> 00:04:25,804 Reward for a job well done. 50 00:04:25,887 --> 00:04:28,261 - So this Mexican boy-- - He's not Mexican. 51 00:04:28,345 --> 00:04:31,470 He's a Chicano. It's different. 52 00:04:32,804 --> 00:04:34,762 I didn't mean anything. 53 00:04:37,303 --> 00:04:39,303 Can we not talk about work? 54 00:04:42,220 --> 00:04:44,720 James Hazlett was important to me. 55 00:04:44,804 --> 00:04:46,387 You know that. 56 00:04:46,470 --> 00:04:48,470 I just want to know what happened. 57 00:04:52,512 --> 00:04:55,929 This kid killed him. That's all there is. 58 00:04:58,095 --> 00:05:01,679 - And the family? - Yes. 59 00:05:01,762 --> 00:05:04,345 And the family. 60 00:05:13,470 --> 00:05:16,095 You ever been... 61 00:05:16,178 --> 00:05:20,303 in a place where there's no right answer? 62 00:05:23,303 --> 00:05:26,512 Everything you do is gonna be wrong. 63 00:05:28,053 --> 00:05:31,095 So you do something. 64 00:05:31,178 --> 00:05:34,929 And you know it's wrong. 65 00:05:35,011 --> 00:05:36,845 And you live with it. 66 00:05:39,303 --> 00:05:43,512 It's not a compromise, it's not a mistake. 67 00:05:45,011 --> 00:05:47,428 It's a sin. 68 00:05:53,053 --> 00:05:55,929 I meet you as you are, Tiago. 69 00:05:56,011 --> 00:05:58,178 No better, no worse. 70 00:06:00,887 --> 00:06:03,679 And I love you. 71 00:06:16,053 --> 00:06:18,470 You wanna come inside? 72 00:06:18,553 --> 00:06:20,470 Hell yes. 73 00:06:40,136 --> 00:06:43,720 Dare to imagine a future with me, Brian. 74 00:06:43,804 --> 00:06:46,178 No war, no poverty. 75 00:06:46,261 --> 00:06:49,595 Only the greatest minds and hearts walking side by side 76 00:06:49,679 --> 00:06:52,220 to live and flourish together. 77 00:06:52,303 --> 00:06:54,512 The place you shall find the destiny 78 00:06:54,595 --> 00:06:56,679 you so richly deserve. 79 00:06:56,762 --> 00:07:00,512 Your mind is an indispensable asset to our new Eden. 80 00:07:01,804 --> 00:07:05,720 You see that stretch of land right over there 81 00:07:05,804 --> 00:07:07,303 by those oaks? 82 00:07:07,387 --> 00:07:09,845 That is to be the location of your very own laboratory. 83 00:07:09,929 --> 00:07:12,887 You'll have all the state-of-the-art equipment 84 00:07:12,970 --> 00:07:17,095 of which you could ever dream, and one day, 85 00:07:17,178 --> 00:07:21,470 you'll share your beautiful ideas with the Fuehrer himself. 86 00:07:22,637 --> 00:07:23,804 The Fuehrer? 87 00:07:23,887 --> 00:07:26,220 This is to be his new Eagle's Nest, 88 00:07:26,303 --> 00:07:28,178 his heart and home in the new world, 89 00:07:28,261 --> 00:07:31,428 surrounded by God's good nature. 90 00:07:31,512 --> 00:07:35,053 You see, this is what people don't understand about us. 91 00:07:35,136 --> 00:07:39,011 We are builders, not destroyers. 92 00:07:39,095 --> 00:07:41,887 I am architect, a city planner. 93 00:07:41,970 --> 00:07:46,261 So what pleases me is this, 94 00:07:46,345 --> 00:07:48,470 imagining the future in your mind, 95 00:07:48,553 --> 00:07:51,261 and bringing it to life in stone and steel, 96 00:07:51,345 --> 00:07:55,303 building a new, better world for everyone. 97 00:07:56,011 --> 00:07:59,220 What if I can't figure out the engine for the new rocket? 98 00:07:59,303 --> 00:08:01,428 You will. 99 00:08:04,178 --> 00:08:07,470 In there are such wonders. 100 00:08:30,929 --> 00:08:34,303 You will see your mother again, Tom. 101 00:08:34,387 --> 00:08:35,637 She's just ill. 102 00:08:35,720 --> 00:08:38,095 Like when Trevor had measles and had to go 103 00:08:38,178 --> 00:08:40,261 into the other room to be safe. 104 00:08:40,345 --> 00:08:42,804 Well, this is how it is with your mother. 105 00:08:42,887 --> 00:08:45,053 When is she coming home? 106 00:08:48,470 --> 00:08:50,887 It may be some time yet. 107 00:08:52,220 --> 00:08:53,970 And you know, 108 00:08:54,053 --> 00:08:57,595 sometimes things change in our lives. 109 00:08:57,679 --> 00:09:00,136 Like what? 110 00:09:03,345 --> 00:09:05,887 Like, um, the fairy stories. 111 00:09:07,220 --> 00:09:09,095 Sometimes things happen, and you think 112 00:09:09,178 --> 00:09:11,470 they are bad. 113 00:09:11,553 --> 00:09:15,095 But they turn out good? 114 00:09:15,178 --> 00:09:18,136 When Hansel and Gretel get lost in the woods, 115 00:09:18,220 --> 00:09:20,595 they find their way out again. 116 00:09:20,679 --> 00:09:21,512 Don't they? 117 00:09:21,595 --> 00:09:23,470 Only when they kill the witch. 118 00:09:23,553 --> 00:09:26,178 I'll get it. 119 00:09:32,929 --> 00:09:35,595 Tommy! 120 00:09:37,595 --> 00:09:39,595 - Dad? - Hello, Tom. 121 00:09:40,887 --> 00:09:43,428 Maria, you remember Elsa Branson 122 00:09:43,512 --> 00:09:44,970 and her son Frank. 123 00:09:45,053 --> 00:09:47,178 It's a pleasure to see you again, Mrs. Branson. 124 00:09:47,261 --> 00:09:50,345 The pleasure is all mine, Miss Maria. 125 00:09:50,428 --> 00:09:52,428 Dad, what's going on? 126 00:09:54,387 --> 00:09:56,220 - Maria... - Yes? 127 00:09:56,303 --> 00:09:59,011 Will you help Elsa and Frank get settled? 128 00:09:59,095 --> 00:10:00,261 Yes. 129 00:10:00,345 --> 00:10:02,261 Upstairs, please. 130 00:10:05,178 --> 00:10:06,970 Our friends are gonna stay with us. 131 00:10:07,053 --> 00:10:08,220 Isn't that nice? 132 00:10:08,303 --> 00:10:09,512 You must be very kind to them 133 00:10:09,595 --> 00:10:11,178 and show them where everything is, yeah? 134 00:10:11,261 --> 00:10:13,303 How long are they staying? 135 00:10:15,804 --> 00:10:17,762 well, this we cannot say. 136 00:10:17,845 --> 00:10:19,470 But it's good they are with us. 137 00:10:19,553 --> 00:10:21,887 Elsa will help take care of you now, yeah? 138 00:10:21,970 --> 00:10:26,011 I already have a mother and a brother. 139 00:10:34,512 --> 00:10:37,553 Isn't it all so lovely? 140 00:10:38,428 --> 00:10:41,845 Little Frank and I, we had nothing like this. 141 00:10:44,470 --> 00:10:48,637 Do you have any special things like this in your home? 142 00:10:48,720 --> 00:10:51,178 We have a set with ivory handles 143 00:10:51,261 --> 00:10:53,095 from my grandfather, 144 00:10:53,178 --> 00:10:56,303 but we only use them on rare occasions. 145 00:10:56,387 --> 00:10:57,929 Yeah. 146 00:10:58,011 --> 00:10:59,970 Rare occasions, I see. 147 00:11:02,011 --> 00:11:05,428 Maria, I'm sorry. 148 00:11:05,512 --> 00:11:08,428 This must be so strange and confusing. 149 00:11:08,512 --> 00:11:12,845 To be honest, it is strange for me too. 150 00:11:13,387 --> 00:11:14,470 I'm only here to help. 151 00:11:14,553 --> 00:11:17,595 But I know how highly Peter thinks of you. 152 00:11:17,679 --> 00:11:21,261 I just--I want things to be good, yeah? 153 00:11:21,345 --> 00:11:24,053 I want us all to be happy. 154 00:11:25,095 --> 00:11:27,303 Of course, Mrs. Branson. 155 00:11:27,387 --> 00:11:29,553 I have one more thing to ask of you, if I might. 156 00:11:31,136 --> 00:11:34,220 Well... 157 00:11:34,303 --> 00:11:36,595 I'm worried about Frank. 158 00:11:36,679 --> 00:11:39,804 This whole change is so frightening for him. 159 00:11:39,887 --> 00:11:43,762 I think it would help if he stayed with Tom in his room. 160 00:11:43,845 --> 00:11:46,970 He's so fond of him. 161 00:11:47,053 --> 00:11:48,887 Well, of course we can dec-- 162 00:11:48,970 --> 00:11:52,387 But I think also, Trevor is getting older 163 00:11:52,470 --> 00:11:55,095 and should have his own room. 164 00:11:55,178 --> 00:11:56,720 Yeah? 165 00:11:58,720 --> 00:12:01,470 Would you like him to have mine? 166 00:12:01,553 --> 00:12:06,178 It's just, I know you don't often spend the night. 167 00:12:06,261 --> 00:12:09,595 I was thinking you could have the room by the garage. 168 00:12:11,428 --> 00:12:13,011 Yes, hello. 169 00:12:13,095 --> 00:12:15,220 How are my two best girls settling in? 170 00:12:15,303 --> 00:12:18,428 We were just discussing how to settle the boys. 171 00:12:18,512 --> 00:12:22,136 Would you prefer I move to the room next to the garage, 172 00:12:22,220 --> 00:12:24,553 Dr. Craft? 173 00:12:27,512 --> 00:12:31,345 I, yeah, I think that would be best. 174 00:12:31,428 --> 00:12:33,053 For now, that is. 175 00:12:33,136 --> 00:12:35,804 Wonderful. I think so too. 176 00:12:35,887 --> 00:12:38,512 Don't you, Maria? 177 00:12:39,845 --> 00:12:44,178 Yes, ma'am, I'll move my things right away. 178 00:12:44,261 --> 00:12:45,887 Excuse me. 179 00:13:13,428 --> 00:13:15,762 So many toys. 180 00:13:18,512 --> 00:13:21,136 I never had any toys that weren't broken. 181 00:13:24,136 --> 00:13:26,261 May I play with this? 182 00:13:26,345 --> 00:13:27,804 I promise I won't break it. 183 00:13:27,887 --> 00:13:29,220 Sure. 184 00:13:29,303 --> 00:13:31,595 It's like the one from Robin Hood. 185 00:13:31,679 --> 00:13:32,679 Robert Hood? 186 00:13:32,762 --> 00:13:34,428 Robin Hood. 187 00:13:34,512 --> 00:13:36,011 Like from the book. 188 00:13:36,095 --> 00:13:38,929 We read that one, my dad and me. 189 00:13:39,679 --> 00:13:42,303 My father didn't read with me. 190 00:13:43,679 --> 00:13:45,053 Robin Hood's the greatest. 191 00:13:45,136 --> 00:13:47,428 He's an outlaw who robs from the rich 192 00:13:47,512 --> 00:13:48,762 and gives to the poor, 193 00:13:48,845 --> 00:13:50,762 and he has a band of merry men, 194 00:13:50,845 --> 00:13:54,136 and--I have something to show you. 195 00:13:58,595 --> 00:14:00,053 What is that? 196 00:14:00,136 --> 00:14:01,178 He's a hamster. 197 00:14:01,261 --> 00:14:04,011 I named him Friar Tuck after Robin's best friend. 198 00:14:07,887 --> 00:14:09,887 What a strange little creature. 199 00:14:12,345 --> 00:14:14,720 Tom... 200 00:14:14,804 --> 00:14:17,095 I've never had a brother before, 201 00:14:17,178 --> 00:14:19,804 and I want to be a good one. 202 00:14:19,887 --> 00:14:22,261 Will you help me be a good brother? 203 00:14:23,887 --> 00:14:27,804 Yes, Frank, I'll help you. 204 00:14:27,887 --> 00:14:29,804 Thank you. 205 00:14:32,053 --> 00:14:35,470 Thank you so much. 206 00:14:49,553 --> 00:14:51,095 Hello, young sir. 207 00:14:51,178 --> 00:14:52,720 What? 208 00:14:53,970 --> 00:14:55,679 I didn't think you were coming. 209 00:14:55,762 --> 00:14:58,595 And miss our usual Wednesday lunch? 210 00:14:58,679 --> 00:15:02,387 Hell, son, this is the closest to a date I've had in 50 years. 211 00:15:06,136 --> 00:15:10,053 So tell me, anything from our German friends? 212 00:15:10,136 --> 00:15:12,845 Have they contacted you? 213 00:15:12,929 --> 00:15:15,762 No, no, I haven't heard anything from them. 214 00:15:15,845 --> 00:15:18,095 Nothing? 215 00:15:18,178 --> 00:15:20,178 Not a word. 216 00:15:23,595 --> 00:15:25,679 You wanna try that again, pal? 217 00:15:31,804 --> 00:15:34,303 So where's the truth here, Brian? 218 00:15:34,387 --> 00:15:36,053 Are you a Nazi? 219 00:15:36,136 --> 00:15:37,720 You wanna build a rocket 220 00:15:37,804 --> 00:15:39,720 that can kill all the Jews, is that it? 221 00:15:39,804 --> 00:15:42,345 - Don't be stupid. - Then why are you lying to us? 222 00:15:42,428 --> 00:15:43,720 That photo sure as fuck 223 00:15:43,804 --> 00:15:46,637 doesn't look like radio silence to me. 224 00:15:46,720 --> 00:15:48,720 You know, you don't know everything. 225 00:15:48,804 --> 00:15:51,387 What they talk about, it's not all bad. 226 00:15:52,428 --> 00:15:53,804 They don't wanna take over the world. 227 00:15:53,887 --> 00:15:56,428 That's just in the newspapers, that's just politics, 228 00:15:56,512 --> 00:15:59,303 about which I honestly don't give a hoot. 229 00:15:59,387 --> 00:16:01,679 And unlike you, 230 00:16:01,762 --> 00:16:04,804 they actually appreciate my work. 231 00:16:06,261 --> 00:16:08,136 Now you leave me alone. 232 00:16:08,220 --> 00:16:10,136 Now listen, kid-- 233 00:16:12,887 --> 00:16:15,595 When I was your age, I didn't have comic books. 234 00:16:15,679 --> 00:16:19,011 What I had was the Yiddish theater. 235 00:16:20,345 --> 00:16:22,011 My family had a troupe that performed 236 00:16:22,095 --> 00:16:24,762 in a tavern back east. 237 00:16:24,845 --> 00:16:26,762 No spaceships. 238 00:16:26,845 --> 00:16:30,428 But we had King Lear, Faust, 239 00:16:30,512 --> 00:16:34,345 and dozens of our own plays, all in Yiddish. 240 00:16:36,637 --> 00:16:39,929 Well, guess what. 241 00:16:40,011 --> 00:16:43,595 Not everyone loved our little Jewish theater so much. 242 00:16:45,261 --> 00:16:48,595 So one night, they broke in. 243 00:16:48,679 --> 00:16:51,470 My father was there. 244 00:16:51,553 --> 00:16:53,136 They kicked him 245 00:16:53,220 --> 00:16:56,970 and beat him so much he lost an eye. 246 00:16:57,053 --> 00:17:00,804 But for him, that wasn't the worst part. 247 00:17:00,887 --> 00:17:03,970 Because they burned down the theater 248 00:17:04,053 --> 00:17:07,053 with all our plays inside. 249 00:17:08,512 --> 00:17:11,428 Some men create. 250 00:17:11,512 --> 00:17:13,387 Some destroy. 251 00:17:15,220 --> 00:17:18,345 What kind of man do you want to be, Brian? 252 00:17:24,887 --> 00:17:27,053 Please don't let them hurt me. 253 00:17:28,970 --> 00:17:31,303 I promise you. 254 00:17:31,387 --> 00:17:33,970 Dottie's gonna take you home, and you'll stay with her. 255 00:17:34,053 --> 00:17:36,011 She'll leave you alone so you can work. 256 00:17:36,095 --> 00:17:37,095 It's real quiet there. 257 00:17:37,178 --> 00:17:39,470 I'm over by the La Brea Tar Pits. 258 00:17:39,553 --> 00:17:42,762 So nothing much has happened there for a million years. 259 00:17:45,595 --> 00:17:47,470 May I get a Yoo-hoo? 260 00:17:47,553 --> 00:17:49,095 Of course, honey. 261 00:17:56,470 --> 00:17:59,261 A Yoo-hoo. Breaks your heart. 262 00:18:01,261 --> 00:18:02,929 Don't let him out of your sight. 263 00:18:03,011 --> 00:18:05,512 We can't keep him hidden forever. 264 00:18:05,595 --> 00:18:07,553 Won't have to. 265 00:18:07,637 --> 00:18:10,387 I'm gonna take care of it. 266 00:18:23,637 --> 00:18:26,637 Miss Malone. 267 00:18:26,720 --> 00:18:29,929 Councilwoman. 268 00:18:30,011 --> 00:18:32,220 Mind if I ask you a question? 269 00:18:32,303 --> 00:18:34,512 Shoot. 270 00:18:34,595 --> 00:18:37,178 That fat so-and-so wouldn't last a day without you. 271 00:18:37,261 --> 00:18:40,345 You are the brains. I can see that. 272 00:18:40,428 --> 00:18:44,345 Why do you support someone so utterly devoid of worth? 273 00:18:44,428 --> 00:18:46,804 I think he has potential. 274 00:18:46,887 --> 00:18:49,512 Do you now? Gonna make him mayor, are you? 275 00:18:49,595 --> 00:18:51,387 Gonna make him president. 276 00:18:54,136 --> 00:18:56,261 You're going to make a racist demagogue 277 00:18:56,345 --> 00:18:57,595 without a single scruple 278 00:18:57,679 --> 00:18:59,345 the President of the United States? 279 00:19:01,470 --> 00:19:03,762 That's exactly what I'm gonna do. 280 00:19:03,845 --> 00:19:05,887 And who's going to vote for him? 281 00:19:05,970 --> 00:19:09,470 Every angry man and woman who feels that you 282 00:19:09,553 --> 00:19:12,095 and Mr. Roosevelt have betrayed them. 283 00:19:12,178 --> 00:19:15,303 You'll keep the support of the Jews and the coloreds 284 00:19:15,387 --> 00:19:18,261 and all those people of worth. 285 00:19:18,345 --> 00:19:21,595 We'll take everyone else, thank you very much. 286 00:19:21,679 --> 00:19:23,929 What are you about, Miss Malone? 287 00:19:24,011 --> 00:19:26,470 I don't know what you mean. 288 00:19:26,553 --> 00:19:29,178 No one seems to know anything about you. 289 00:19:29,261 --> 00:19:32,845 Where you were born, where you went to school. 290 00:19:32,929 --> 00:19:37,512 It's like one day you appeared 291 00:19:37,595 --> 00:19:39,261 out of thin air, 292 00:19:39,345 --> 00:19:42,470 sitting on his shoulder and whispering into his ear. 293 00:19:43,387 --> 00:19:46,637 That means you have a secret. 294 00:19:46,720 --> 00:19:49,387 And in politics, secrets are currency. 295 00:19:51,095 --> 00:19:54,387 And I will discover yours. 296 00:19:55,303 --> 00:19:57,136 And if I may, 297 00:19:57,220 --> 00:20:00,303 a bit of rouge never hurt. 298 00:20:11,679 --> 00:20:13,345 Did you see this? 299 00:20:13,428 --> 00:20:16,470 Beverly's smiling like fucking Jean Arthur, 300 00:20:16,553 --> 00:20:17,845 but you notice she doesn't talk 301 00:20:17,929 --> 00:20:20,178 about how much diverting the motorway's gonna cost. 302 00:20:20,261 --> 00:20:22,011 And for what, to save some Mexican slum? 303 00:20:22,095 --> 00:20:23,136 Hell, they oughta give me a medal 304 00:20:23,220 --> 00:20:24,595 for bulldozing the damn place. 305 00:20:24,679 --> 00:20:26,512 We have a bigger problem, sir. 306 00:20:26,595 --> 00:20:29,804 I just got off the phone with the county elections office. 307 00:20:29,887 --> 00:20:31,220 Councilwoman Beck has filed a petition 308 00:20:31,303 --> 00:20:32,720 to have you recalled. 309 00:20:32,804 --> 00:20:35,178 Recalled? 310 00:20:35,261 --> 00:20:38,011 That's ludicrous. On what grounds? 311 00:20:38,095 --> 00:20:39,345 That's immaterial. 312 00:20:39,428 --> 00:20:40,762 She has you in her crosshairs, 313 00:20:40,845 --> 00:20:43,387 and you're not getting out until your head's on her wall. 314 00:20:43,470 --> 00:20:44,637 Plus she has the support 315 00:20:44,720 --> 00:20:46,970 of every New Dealer on the council. 316 00:20:47,053 --> 00:20:49,261 Fucking Roosevelt. 317 00:20:51,345 --> 00:20:53,178 So what do we do now? 318 00:20:53,261 --> 00:20:55,011 - We go to war. - Yes. 319 00:20:55,095 --> 00:20:56,220 - We give no quarter. - Zip. 320 00:20:56,303 --> 00:20:59,679 But realistically, sir, our options are limited. 321 00:20:59,762 --> 00:21:01,845 That woman has an unimpeachable reputation, 322 00:21:01,929 --> 00:21:04,762 a mountain of resources and decades of political capital 323 00:21:04,845 --> 00:21:09,303 she can use as she likes, and she's very...popular. 324 00:21:11,261 --> 00:21:13,303 While I am disliked. 325 00:21:19,970 --> 00:21:22,428 I'll tell you, 326 00:21:22,512 --> 00:21:25,470 I might be able to end this war before it even begins. 327 00:21:27,470 --> 00:21:29,303 You're a cutthroat advisor, Alex, 328 00:21:29,387 --> 00:21:31,261 but maybe we need someone who actually knows 329 00:21:31,345 --> 00:21:33,637 how to cut a few throats. 330 00:21:38,970 --> 00:21:40,220 I can't see it. 331 00:21:40,303 --> 00:21:41,387 Why? She's good. 332 00:21:41,470 --> 00:21:42,679 Katharine Hepburn isn't romantic enough. 333 00:21:42,762 --> 00:21:44,053 She is. 334 00:21:44,136 --> 00:21:46,220 I just want Cesar Romero to play Rhett Butler. 335 00:21:46,303 --> 00:21:49,136 'Fina. 336 00:22:05,553 --> 00:22:07,762 - Baby. - I miss you so much, 'Fina. 337 00:22:07,845 --> 00:22:09,428 Are you all right? 338 00:22:09,512 --> 00:22:10,887 No. 339 00:22:10,970 --> 00:22:14,136 You need to come home with me. 340 00:22:14,220 --> 00:22:17,095 Will you tell me that you love me? 341 00:22:17,178 --> 00:22:19,178 Of course I love you, Mateo. 342 00:22:19,261 --> 00:22:21,470 - You promise? - Yes. 343 00:22:23,261 --> 00:22:25,512 Te lo juro. 344 00:22:26,762 --> 00:22:28,679 I-- 345 00:22:30,053 --> 00:22:32,220 I did something bad. 346 00:22:33,637 --> 00:22:35,303 And I-- 347 00:22:35,387 --> 00:22:36,637 I didn't think-- 348 00:22:36,720 --> 00:22:38,470 I didn't know it was something I could do. 349 00:22:38,553 --> 00:22:40,011 - I don't know what to do. - Stop. 350 00:22:40,095 --> 00:22:41,762 It's all right. I love you. 351 00:22:41,845 --> 00:22:43,303 No matter what. 352 00:22:43,387 --> 00:22:44,970 No matter what you did, I love you to the sky, 353 00:22:45,053 --> 00:22:46,970 and I always will. 354 00:22:50,929 --> 00:22:54,303 And you know who else loves you? 355 00:22:54,387 --> 00:22:57,220 Our Father in Heaven. 356 00:22:58,637 --> 00:23:02,387 His is the most important, most powerful love there is. 357 00:23:02,470 --> 00:23:05,136 There is nothing you can do to make him stop loving you. 358 00:23:05,220 --> 00:23:07,053 - No, don't do this. - Listen, please-- 359 00:23:07,136 --> 00:23:09,303 No, I don't need make believe. 360 00:23:09,387 --> 00:23:12,512 I need my sister. 361 00:23:12,595 --> 00:23:15,679 Your sister has found her faith. 362 00:23:17,929 --> 00:23:20,095 So I have no one. 363 00:23:22,261 --> 00:23:26,136 I can't talk to Mama or Raul or Tiago, 364 00:23:26,220 --> 00:23:28,470 and now I don't even have you anymore. 365 00:23:40,387 --> 00:23:43,595 I hope the church makes you happy. 366 00:24:02,929 --> 00:24:04,637 It is only for a little time, 367 00:24:04,720 --> 00:24:07,512 until Frank is comfortable here. 368 00:24:07,595 --> 00:24:10,261 You know, he's very young, 369 00:24:10,345 --> 00:24:12,178 and he has the asthma. 370 00:24:12,261 --> 00:24:14,720 You don't have to explain yourself, 371 00:24:14,804 --> 00:24:16,136 not to me. 372 00:24:23,011 --> 00:24:25,929 Cigarette, Dr. Craft. 373 00:24:26,011 --> 00:24:27,720 Maria, you smoke? 374 00:24:27,804 --> 00:24:29,720 Am I off the clock? 375 00:24:29,804 --> 00:24:31,095 Yeah. 376 00:24:31,178 --> 00:24:33,345 Then yes. 377 00:24:40,220 --> 00:24:42,679 I can't imagine what you must think of me. 378 00:24:42,762 --> 00:24:44,595 I send their mother away 379 00:24:44,679 --> 00:24:46,804 and I bring this woman here. 380 00:24:46,887 --> 00:24:48,845 In my family in Germany, this... 381 00:24:51,136 --> 00:24:53,428 ...this would be a disgrace. 382 00:24:53,512 --> 00:24:56,178 All families have their secrets. 383 00:24:58,178 --> 00:25:01,095 There's a reason windows have curtains. 384 00:25:03,011 --> 00:25:06,887 I suppose you're right. 385 00:25:06,970 --> 00:25:09,428 I will need your help now. 386 00:25:09,512 --> 00:25:11,136 The boys love you so. 387 00:25:12,845 --> 00:25:15,095 And you've always been a part of our family. 388 00:25:15,178 --> 00:25:17,345 I'm not going anywhere. 389 00:25:17,428 --> 00:25:20,136 That I can promise you. 390 00:25:22,053 --> 00:25:25,637 Thank you. 391 00:25:25,720 --> 00:25:28,136 And, um... 392 00:25:28,220 --> 00:25:31,220 how do you find my Elsa? 393 00:25:34,887 --> 00:25:37,387 She is... 394 00:25:37,470 --> 00:25:40,929 very clean and pretty, sir. 395 00:25:41,011 --> 00:25:44,136 Yeah, she is that. 396 00:25:44,220 --> 00:25:46,220 She will need your help too. 397 00:25:46,303 --> 00:25:50,470 All this is very new to her. 398 00:25:50,553 --> 00:25:53,679 And she has been through many hardships. 399 00:25:53,762 --> 00:25:56,178 You know, she is... 400 00:25:56,261 --> 00:25:59,303 well, fragile. 401 00:25:59,387 --> 00:26:02,720 I'll keep an eye on her, I promise. 402 00:26:05,220 --> 00:26:06,762 Very well. 403 00:26:08,428 --> 00:26:10,053 Well, will you stay here tonight? 404 00:26:10,136 --> 00:26:13,011 No, I have to go home. 405 00:26:13,095 --> 00:26:15,345 May I drive you? 406 00:26:15,428 --> 00:26:18,512 Stay with your boys. They need you. 407 00:26:19,553 --> 00:26:22,345 Very well, yeah. 408 00:26:22,428 --> 00:26:25,387 You are a wonderful woman. 409 00:26:25,470 --> 00:26:27,595 May I? 410 00:26:45,178 --> 00:26:48,220 Here they are. 411 00:26:48,303 --> 00:26:50,887 They weren't just my oldest friends in the world. 412 00:26:50,970 --> 00:26:52,762 They were acting as my agents, 413 00:26:52,845 --> 00:26:56,053 before the Nazis killed them. 414 00:26:57,970 --> 00:26:59,387 This is Richard Goss. 415 00:26:59,470 --> 00:27:01,053 He's the leader, I think. 416 00:27:01,136 --> 00:27:02,679 Highly connected in Berlin. 417 00:27:02,762 --> 00:27:04,303 The kid's a scientist 418 00:27:04,387 --> 00:27:07,095 with a lot of dangerous ideas up in his noggin. 419 00:27:07,178 --> 00:27:09,387 That's the real problem. 420 00:27:11,970 --> 00:27:14,053 Lewis, 421 00:27:14,136 --> 00:27:15,720 two of your friends are already dead. 422 00:27:15,804 --> 00:27:19,553 I mean, no disrespect, but you're in over your head. 423 00:27:19,637 --> 00:27:23,804 So I should just let this go? 424 00:27:23,887 --> 00:27:27,345 After those fucking animals killed Sam and Anton? 425 00:27:28,512 --> 00:27:30,428 Let me tell you something, son. 426 00:27:30,512 --> 00:27:33,053 That little favor I did for you at the station last night 427 00:27:33,136 --> 00:27:35,595 wasn't only out of the goodness of my heart. 428 00:27:35,679 --> 00:27:40,095 I'm collecting on that debt right now. 429 00:27:40,178 --> 00:27:43,095 Or you can just walk outta here and we're done. 430 00:27:43,178 --> 00:27:45,095 Either way. 431 00:27:49,679 --> 00:27:51,595 So what's the plan? 432 00:27:51,679 --> 00:27:53,470 - Lewis? - In here. 433 00:27:57,261 --> 00:27:59,845 Tiago Vega, meet Dottie Minter. 434 00:27:59,929 --> 00:28:01,178 How do you do? 435 00:28:01,261 --> 00:28:02,428 My pleasure. 436 00:28:02,512 --> 00:28:04,970 Dottie's our other operative. 437 00:28:06,804 --> 00:28:09,303 Don't look at me like that, Sonny Jim. 438 00:28:09,387 --> 00:28:10,970 I ran guns to the Cubans 439 00:28:11,053 --> 00:28:13,095 during the damn Spanish-American War. 440 00:28:13,178 --> 00:28:15,804 Yes, ma'am. 441 00:28:16,804 --> 00:28:17,970 Kid's all tucked in. 442 00:28:18,053 --> 00:28:19,845 I gave him a hot water bottle and a Seconal. 443 00:28:19,929 --> 00:28:24,136 Okay, I'll need you on surveillance tonight. 444 00:28:24,220 --> 00:28:29,095 And you and me, partner, we got some debts to collect. 445 00:28:54,804 --> 00:28:55,804 Runs on across. 446 00:28:55,887 --> 00:28:57,970 Man on third and man on first. 447 00:28:58,053 --> 00:29:01,345 The score now Padres three, and the Angels one. 448 00:29:01,428 --> 00:29:04,261 Padres three, and the Angels one. 449 00:29:05,428 --> 00:29:07,845 La bendicion, Mama. 450 00:29:07,929 --> 00:29:10,470 And Collins swings. Strike one. 451 00:29:10,553 --> 00:29:12,512 One strike and no balls... 452 00:29:12,595 --> 00:29:14,345 Que dios te bendiga, mijo. 453 00:29:14,428 --> 00:29:16,261 Is Josefina here? 454 00:29:16,345 --> 00:29:18,303 In her room. 455 00:30:35,345 --> 00:30:36,595 We read all the time. 456 00:30:36,679 --> 00:30:38,345 Yeah, it's been a while 457 00:30:38,428 --> 00:30:39,428 since I picked up the Old Testament. 458 00:30:39,512 --> 00:30:42,303 You're going out? 459 00:30:42,387 --> 00:30:43,595 Bible study. 460 00:30:43,679 --> 00:30:45,428 With Father Nunez. 461 00:30:45,512 --> 00:30:46,970 No. 462 00:30:47,053 --> 00:30:49,804 The Temple. 463 00:30:49,887 --> 00:30:51,053 That place. 464 00:30:51,136 --> 00:30:52,845 That place is my church. 465 00:30:52,929 --> 00:30:54,303 No, that's no church. 466 00:30:54,387 --> 00:30:55,845 You know nothing about it. 467 00:30:55,929 --> 00:30:57,804 I know enough! 468 00:30:57,887 --> 00:30:59,303 Talk to your sister. 469 00:30:59,387 --> 00:31:01,178 I cannot listen to her. 470 00:31:01,261 --> 00:31:03,136 - Mama-- - Enough. 471 00:31:05,220 --> 00:31:07,303 Go wash up. 472 00:31:07,387 --> 00:31:08,804 We are having dinner. 473 00:31:08,887 --> 00:31:10,345 I'm going to the Temple. 474 00:31:10,428 --> 00:31:12,261 So you are not Catholic anymore? 475 00:31:12,345 --> 00:31:14,512 Are you? 476 00:31:14,595 --> 00:31:16,637 When you're in need, what do you do, Mama? 477 00:31:16,720 --> 00:31:18,136 You don't go to Father Nunez. 478 00:31:18,220 --> 00:31:20,637 You go into the garage and light candles to Santa Muerte. 479 00:31:20,720 --> 00:31:22,387 Santa Muerte's a holy angel-- 480 00:31:22,470 --> 00:31:23,720 Sister Molly is just as important to me 481 00:31:23,804 --> 00:31:25,053 as Santa Muerte is to you. 482 00:31:25,136 --> 00:31:28,095 The only difference is Sister Molly is real. 483 00:31:32,261 --> 00:31:36,261 Well, I'm glad Josefina has an older brother 484 00:31:36,345 --> 00:31:39,136 to talk some sense into her. 485 00:31:39,220 --> 00:31:41,178 You used to fight for your family 486 00:31:41,261 --> 00:31:42,845 and now look at you! 487 00:31:42,929 --> 00:31:46,011 You sit and sit and you don't say anything! 488 00:32:21,845 --> 00:32:23,470 Tiago... 489 00:32:23,553 --> 00:32:26,053 Hey! 490 00:32:30,261 --> 00:32:33,553 Yeah! 491 00:33:06,428 --> 00:33:09,762 What a new life you have given me. 492 00:33:11,720 --> 00:33:13,845 And for me too. 493 00:33:13,929 --> 00:33:18,428 I will be so good to your boys. 494 00:33:18,512 --> 00:33:21,053 Yeah. 495 00:33:21,136 --> 00:33:23,804 It will take time for them, but... 496 00:33:25,345 --> 00:33:28,470 ...they will love you as I do. 497 00:33:28,553 --> 00:33:30,679 How can they not? 498 00:33:33,220 --> 00:33:36,220 I wonder though about Maria. 499 00:33:40,345 --> 00:33:43,637 Do you think having a mixture of, 500 00:33:43,720 --> 00:33:46,970 well, cultures under the same roof 501 00:33:47,053 --> 00:33:50,303 is good for the boys? 502 00:33:50,387 --> 00:33:52,053 How then? 503 00:33:55,345 --> 00:33:58,345 She makes her people's food for them. 504 00:33:58,428 --> 00:34:00,887 They know Spanish words. 505 00:34:00,970 --> 00:34:04,970 Such things do not happen in Germany. 506 00:34:05,053 --> 00:34:08,970 Well, they happen in Pasadena, and we get along just fine. 507 00:34:09,053 --> 00:34:11,553 But if the boys are to speak another language, 508 00:34:11,637 --> 00:34:13,887 should it not be German? 509 00:34:16,762 --> 00:34:18,637 I'm being silly. 510 00:34:18,720 --> 00:34:20,887 Never you mind. 511 00:34:23,345 --> 00:34:25,845 Maria has known the children 512 00:34:25,929 --> 00:34:28,804 since they were babies. 513 00:34:28,887 --> 00:34:30,303 She is a good woman. 514 00:34:30,387 --> 00:34:32,887 Yeah. Yeah, she is. 515 00:34:32,970 --> 00:34:34,428 I shouldn't have said all that. 516 00:34:34,512 --> 00:34:37,887 I was just trying to act like a woman 517 00:34:37,970 --> 00:34:40,345 who belongs in a house like this. 518 00:34:45,929 --> 00:34:48,762 I lived with a woman who belongs in a house like this. 519 00:34:48,845 --> 00:34:51,011 I was miserable. 520 00:34:53,428 --> 00:34:55,345 Until I met you... 521 00:34:56,679 --> 00:34:58,970 ...I was but half alive. 522 00:35:01,470 --> 00:35:06,136 But now I dream of everything all at the same time. 523 00:35:08,637 --> 00:35:10,553 With you... 524 00:35:12,929 --> 00:35:16,303 ...I am the man I was meant to be. 525 00:35:17,303 --> 00:35:20,762 And all those dreams, they will come true. 526 00:35:21,970 --> 00:35:25,470 You will be a strong man for your family, 527 00:35:25,553 --> 00:35:27,929 an important man, 528 00:35:28,011 --> 00:35:30,679 and the world will watch. 529 00:35:30,762 --> 00:35:33,720 This I promise you. 530 00:35:59,178 --> 00:36:02,512 How can you sleep with that wheel squeaking all night? 531 00:36:02,595 --> 00:36:04,303 I like to know he's there. 532 00:36:04,387 --> 00:36:06,387 He makes me feel safe. 533 00:36:06,470 --> 00:36:07,887 I'm scared. 534 00:36:07,970 --> 00:36:10,553 There's nothing to be scared of. 535 00:36:10,637 --> 00:36:12,011 I know. 536 00:36:12,095 --> 00:36:14,637 But I am. 537 00:36:14,720 --> 00:36:16,637 I miss my father. 538 00:36:24,595 --> 00:36:26,720 Can I get in bed with you? 539 00:36:36,720 --> 00:36:38,428 Fine. 540 00:36:38,512 --> 00:36:40,470 You can get in bed with me. 541 00:36:53,762 --> 00:36:57,136 Sorry, my hands get clammy when I'm scared. 542 00:36:58,804 --> 00:37:01,470 Do you miss your mother? 543 00:37:01,553 --> 00:37:03,845 Yes. 544 00:37:03,929 --> 00:37:06,512 Do you think she still loves you? 545 00:37:06,595 --> 00:37:08,720 Yes. 546 00:37:10,387 --> 00:37:13,178 I love you, Tom. 547 00:37:13,261 --> 00:37:15,970 We're brothers now. 548 00:37:16,053 --> 00:37:19,679 And brothers love each other. 549 00:37:19,762 --> 00:37:22,345 Don't they? 550 00:37:22,428 --> 00:37:23,595 Yes. 551 00:37:23,679 --> 00:37:26,053 Will you say it? 552 00:37:26,136 --> 00:37:29,095 It'll make me feel safer if you say you love me. 553 00:37:31,679 --> 00:37:33,345 I love you, Frank. 554 00:38:19,095 --> 00:38:21,387 Here you are. Enjoy. 555 00:38:21,470 --> 00:38:23,637 His house is very modern. 556 00:38:23,720 --> 00:38:25,178 Much more expensive than he can afford 557 00:38:25,261 --> 00:38:28,053 on a councilman's salary. 558 00:38:28,136 --> 00:38:31,095 That's family money. What else? 559 00:38:31,178 --> 00:38:32,762 Here are your martinis. 560 00:38:32,845 --> 00:38:34,887 He bought a new tie to impress me. 561 00:38:34,970 --> 00:38:37,011 Of course he did. 562 00:38:37,095 --> 00:38:38,929 Has he talked about his father? 563 00:38:39,011 --> 00:38:41,345 No, he never does. 564 00:38:41,428 --> 00:38:43,220 He won't even drive down Townsend Boulevard. 565 00:38:44,720 --> 00:38:48,845 Run as he might, he can't escape his bloodline. 566 00:38:48,929 --> 00:38:50,929 He's not as foolish as you think. 567 00:38:51,011 --> 00:38:53,261 - You think not? - No. 568 00:38:53,345 --> 00:38:55,428 He's awkward and ungainly, 569 00:38:55,512 --> 00:38:58,970 but he has a passion for his work, for the city. 570 00:38:59,053 --> 00:39:01,428 For you. 571 00:39:01,512 --> 00:39:03,303 You're to be congratulated, Kurt. 572 00:39:03,387 --> 00:39:06,345 You've done your job admirably. 573 00:39:08,261 --> 00:39:11,011 I suppose so. 574 00:39:13,929 --> 00:39:17,387 Does that icicle heart of yours begin to melt? 575 00:39:20,345 --> 00:39:22,970 I bid you to remember this. 576 00:39:23,053 --> 00:39:26,011 Your only use to me is as the icicle. 577 00:39:27,387 --> 00:39:31,720 Otherwise you're only one more unnecessary American. 578 00:39:35,053 --> 00:39:37,804 Yes, sir. 579 00:39:41,470 --> 00:39:45,095 Look, the kid's just too dangerous 580 00:39:45,178 --> 00:39:48,053 and jumpy as the Chinaman's cat. 581 00:39:48,136 --> 00:39:50,011 He's on our side, he's on their side, 582 00:39:50,095 --> 00:39:51,512 he doesn't fucking know. 583 00:39:51,595 --> 00:39:54,011 So we've got him hidden for now. 584 00:39:54,095 --> 00:39:56,637 Because of this one rocket he's working on? 585 00:39:56,720 --> 00:39:59,512 Point is, with an engine big enough, 586 00:39:59,595 --> 00:40:02,011 the V-2 has a killer range. 587 00:40:02,095 --> 00:40:04,261 Old Adolf can press a button in Berlin, 588 00:40:04,345 --> 00:40:07,136 and, boom, there goes part of London. 589 00:40:07,220 --> 00:40:09,595 You put that rocket on a ship or submarine, 590 00:40:09,679 --> 00:40:13,053 and, boom, there goes part of New York or Washington 591 00:40:13,136 --> 00:40:15,553 or God forbid Hollywood. 592 00:40:15,637 --> 00:40:17,679 Maybe not such a loss. 593 00:40:17,762 --> 00:40:19,303 But we need to protect that kid, 594 00:40:19,387 --> 00:40:22,345 because if they find him and get that rocket, 595 00:40:22,428 --> 00:40:25,428 ball game's called on account of apocalypse. 596 00:40:27,679 --> 00:40:30,095 So we're following them? 597 00:40:34,762 --> 00:40:36,887 No. 598 00:40:38,261 --> 00:40:40,887 So what are we doing here? 599 00:40:47,095 --> 00:40:50,553 You know I have family in Germany? 600 00:40:52,136 --> 00:40:54,053 My distant cousins. 601 00:40:56,095 --> 00:40:57,553 I met them once. 602 00:40:57,637 --> 00:41:02,053 They came here, and I took them to the beach. 603 00:41:03,512 --> 00:41:06,720 They liked it. Who doesn't like the beach? 604 00:41:06,804 --> 00:41:08,679 You like the beach? 605 00:41:08,762 --> 00:41:10,637 - Sure. - Sure. 606 00:41:12,136 --> 00:41:14,428 Anyway, second cousin, 607 00:41:14,512 --> 00:41:16,428 Manny's his name. 608 00:41:16,512 --> 00:41:19,220 Sweet guy. Lives in the Rhineland. 609 00:41:19,303 --> 00:41:22,136 Practically in Belgium, this is. 610 00:41:22,220 --> 00:41:24,261 Used to cross the border to buy chocolates, 611 00:41:24,345 --> 00:41:26,178 because they were cheaper, right? 612 00:41:26,261 --> 00:41:28,512 That's how much it was almost Belgium. 613 00:41:29,679 --> 00:41:34,470 Sent me some chocolates once. They were good. 614 00:41:34,553 --> 00:41:37,387 And cheap. 615 00:41:37,470 --> 00:41:40,387 So... 616 00:41:40,470 --> 00:41:44,428 two years ago, Germany invades the Rhineland. 617 00:41:44,512 --> 00:41:47,845 You probably didn't know. No one cared much. 618 00:41:49,929 --> 00:41:52,512 This wasn't so good for Manny though. 619 00:41:55,553 --> 00:41:58,845 See, he was what they call a degenerate. 620 00:42:00,553 --> 00:42:04,387 A Jew and a queer in one fucked-up package. 621 00:42:08,053 --> 00:42:11,470 This they don't like. 622 00:42:11,553 --> 00:42:14,220 This they cannot have. 623 00:42:20,595 --> 00:42:23,261 So... 624 00:42:23,345 --> 00:42:27,387 they stuck him on a meat hook. 625 00:42:29,553 --> 00:42:32,595 Took films of it and sent it to Berlin 626 00:42:32,679 --> 00:42:35,387 so Adolf could have a laugh, right? 627 00:42:38,261 --> 00:42:40,053 On this meat hook 628 00:42:40,136 --> 00:42:42,345 for hours, I guess. 629 00:42:46,261 --> 00:42:48,428 While they filmed it. 630 00:42:50,929 --> 00:42:53,762 This is who those people are. 631 00:42:57,428 --> 00:43:00,428 And my friends Sam and Anton... 632 00:43:02,762 --> 00:43:05,261 were good men. 633 00:43:09,804 --> 00:43:12,679 And the time comes, you say enough. 634 00:43:15,553 --> 00:43:17,679 Enough. 635 00:43:21,637 --> 00:43:24,387 You with me? 636 00:43:26,762 --> 00:43:29,053 I'm with you. 637 00:43:29,136 --> 00:43:31,887 Good man. 638 00:43:31,970 --> 00:43:34,261 How? 639 00:43:35,679 --> 00:43:39,178 They got their big Nazimobile parked around the corner. 640 00:43:39,261 --> 00:43:41,387 We follow them there, bang, bang. 641 00:43:41,470 --> 00:43:43,220 Walk away. 642 00:43:48,512 --> 00:43:51,053 Serve and protect, right? 643 00:43:51,136 --> 00:43:53,637 That's the idea. 644 00:43:56,011 --> 00:43:58,220 Hold on. Something's going on. 645 00:43:59,637 --> 00:44:01,428 Jesus Christ. 646 00:44:01,512 --> 00:44:03,679 That's Councilman Townsend. 647 00:44:03,762 --> 00:44:06,512 - The motorway guy? - What's he doing here? 648 00:44:07,470 --> 00:44:10,261 Bosom pals, looks like. 649 00:44:10,345 --> 00:44:13,679 They got a man in city hall now? 650 00:44:13,762 --> 00:44:16,595 You think he knows what they are? 651 00:44:16,679 --> 00:44:19,095 No, he can't. That-- 652 00:44:22,679 --> 00:44:26,136 So correct me if I'm wrong, 653 00:44:26,220 --> 00:44:29,220 but we currently got city hall 654 00:44:29,303 --> 00:44:32,345 and the biggest radio church in L.A. 655 00:44:32,428 --> 00:44:35,220 The bully pulpit and the public airwaves 656 00:44:35,303 --> 00:44:38,720 sitting down with the Third Reich. 657 00:44:38,804 --> 00:44:40,804 Yeah. 658 00:44:40,887 --> 00:44:43,303 Christ. 659 00:44:43,387 --> 00:44:46,303 We better keep our powder dry, partner. 660 00:44:48,553 --> 00:44:50,804 Tell you one thing, 661 00:44:50,887 --> 00:44:52,470 if the dragon mother's there, 662 00:44:52,553 --> 00:44:54,804 the daughter can't be far behind. 663 00:45:18,011 --> 00:45:21,303 What do you want from me? 664 00:45:21,387 --> 00:45:24,220 Tell me why your bitch of a sister 665 00:45:24,303 --> 00:45:26,387 is attacking my family. 666 00:45:26,470 --> 00:45:28,512 Old Coyote. 667 00:45:28,595 --> 00:45:30,804 You think too much of yourself. 668 00:45:30,887 --> 00:45:35,387 My children are being taken from me one by one 669 00:45:35,470 --> 00:45:38,303 and all at once. 670 00:45:38,387 --> 00:45:41,845 And I...smell her. 671 00:45:44,220 --> 00:45:46,178 The beast. 672 00:45:46,261 --> 00:45:48,845 In the air. 673 00:45:48,929 --> 00:45:52,970 I feel her on my neck. 674 00:45:53,053 --> 00:45:55,679 The Old Coyote knows. 675 00:45:55,762 --> 00:45:57,929 And must the Coyote be told 676 00:45:58,011 --> 00:46:01,261 how to care for her cubs? 677 00:46:05,136 --> 00:46:07,053 You watch 678 00:46:07,136 --> 00:46:08,553 and wait 679 00:46:08,637 --> 00:46:10,637 and you do nothing, 680 00:46:10,720 --> 00:46:12,095 while my family-- 681 00:46:12,178 --> 00:46:14,887 my family-- is the battleground of a war 682 00:46:14,970 --> 00:46:17,387 I don't understand. 683 00:46:17,470 --> 00:46:20,804 Now, Lady Death, you tell me. 684 00:46:22,970 --> 00:46:25,220 Yes, why don't you tell her, sister? 685 00:46:30,095 --> 00:46:33,303 Why do you torment this family? 686 00:46:35,136 --> 00:46:36,553 I know how they feel. 687 00:46:36,637 --> 00:46:39,220 I know what it is to be loved by you 688 00:46:39,303 --> 00:46:42,053 and to be rejected. 689 00:46:42,136 --> 00:46:46,220 Do you remember how it was when you turned from me? 690 00:46:46,303 --> 00:46:48,845 Do you remember that agony? 691 00:46:52,428 --> 00:46:55,720 I made my choice. 692 00:46:55,804 --> 00:46:57,679 And I have suffered for it. 693 00:46:57,762 --> 00:47:01,011 But do you remember 694 00:47:01,095 --> 00:47:03,845 how it was when you loved me? 695 00:47:10,345 --> 00:47:13,011 And here is my victory. 696 00:47:18,095 --> 00:47:21,095 One single tear. 697 00:47:21,178 --> 00:47:23,261 Or an ocean of them. 698 00:47:24,929 --> 00:47:27,053 Weep, sister. 699 00:47:27,136 --> 00:47:29,804 Weep in darkness and forever. 700 00:47:52,512 --> 00:47:54,470 Why does she call you Coyote? 701 00:47:54,553 --> 00:47:57,512 It is my spirit guide. 702 00:47:57,595 --> 00:47:59,929 A hunter of the night. 703 00:48:00,011 --> 00:48:02,470 I could give you a better one. 704 00:48:02,553 --> 00:48:06,553 Why not raven or bat or tigress? 705 00:48:08,178 --> 00:48:10,387 Why that sad, little dog? 706 00:48:10,470 --> 00:48:12,470 I am a dog. 707 00:48:12,553 --> 00:48:15,637 That is my strength. 708 00:48:15,720 --> 00:48:18,136 You are not welcome in this home. 709 00:48:18,220 --> 00:48:20,053 This is the Lord's house. 710 00:48:22,303 --> 00:48:24,178 Mamacita. 711 00:48:24,261 --> 00:48:26,595 Spare me the invocations of a dusty faith 712 00:48:26,679 --> 00:48:28,845 in which you no longer believe. 713 00:48:28,929 --> 00:48:31,679 What is all this but wicked idolatry? 714 00:48:31,762 --> 00:48:33,679 And you worship her. 715 00:48:36,387 --> 00:48:38,887 She's the icy finger of death, 716 00:48:38,970 --> 00:48:41,136 and yet you embrace her. 717 00:48:41,220 --> 00:48:43,887 I give mankind what it wants, and you hate me. 718 00:48:43,970 --> 00:48:46,428 Now where's the sense in that, Maria? 719 00:48:54,553 --> 00:48:57,512 Why do you only break what others have built? 720 00:48:57,595 --> 00:48:59,679 All life comes from death. 721 00:48:59,762 --> 00:49:01,970 What do you know of life? 722 00:49:03,804 --> 00:49:05,345 You should choke on the word. 723 00:49:05,428 --> 00:49:08,345 I've created life. 724 00:49:08,428 --> 00:49:11,220 I nurtured it here inside me. 725 00:49:13,470 --> 00:49:15,512 What have you done? 726 00:49:15,595 --> 00:49:18,053 You hunt, you kill. 727 00:49:18,136 --> 00:49:20,762 There is no life in it. 728 00:49:23,762 --> 00:49:27,553 You do know I can end your suffering, yes? 729 00:49:27,637 --> 00:49:29,553 Bring your family back to you, 730 00:49:29,637 --> 00:49:33,303 all around the table just like it was. 731 00:49:33,387 --> 00:49:36,553 I will not be tempted by your lies. 732 00:49:36,637 --> 00:49:40,095 You're a hateful old cunt. 733 00:49:40,178 --> 00:49:43,095 Hollow words from a broken heart. 734 00:49:43,178 --> 00:49:47,387 My sister has no ear for it, but I do. 735 00:49:47,470 --> 00:49:51,512 I hear you cry out for a savior. 736 00:49:51,595 --> 00:49:54,929 I can be that savior, Maria. 737 00:49:55,011 --> 00:49:56,637 If you love your family, 738 00:49:56,720 --> 00:49:58,929 if you would protect them, 739 00:49:59,011 --> 00:50:01,595 you will embrace me with open arms. 740 00:50:01,679 --> 00:50:05,595 I...can bring you peace. 741 00:50:08,011 --> 00:50:10,595 My dear Maria. 742 00:50:10,679 --> 00:50:12,929 You've clawed through the mud, 743 00:50:13,011 --> 00:50:15,387 you've climbed hills with a broken back, 744 00:50:15,470 --> 00:50:19,470 all to give your family a better life. 745 00:50:19,553 --> 00:50:23,720 Now you need to rest. 746 00:50:23,804 --> 00:50:26,595 Yes. 747 00:50:26,679 --> 00:50:29,929 My time for rest is coming. 748 00:50:30,011 --> 00:50:32,220 But not yet. 749 00:50:33,970 --> 00:50:38,053 My family may be at the center of this chess game of yours. 750 00:50:39,637 --> 00:50:42,178 But we not pawns. 751 00:50:42,261 --> 00:50:46,136 We are kings and queens. 752 00:50:46,220 --> 00:50:50,303 And the blood of the Aztecs runs through us. 753 00:50:50,387 --> 00:50:54,970 The soldiers of the Revolución walk beside us. 754 00:50:55,053 --> 00:50:58,595 And as long as I draw breath 755 00:50:58,679 --> 00:51:01,011 from my lungs, 756 00:51:01,095 --> 00:51:04,679 I will claw through mud, 757 00:51:04,762 --> 00:51:07,053 I will climb hills, 758 00:51:07,136 --> 00:51:10,178 and I will fight you to the end of days. 759 00:51:13,095 --> 00:51:15,178 In the name of my children, 760 00:51:15,261 --> 00:51:18,220 whom God knit together in my womb, 761 00:51:18,303 --> 00:51:21,512 I banish you from this place.