1 00:00:05,136 --> 00:00:06,470 Previously 2 00:00:06,553 --> 00:00:09,261 on Penny Dreadful: City of Angels... 3 00:00:09,345 --> 00:00:11,679 ♪ romantic music ♪ 4 00:00:11,762 --> 00:00:14,720 ♪ uneasy music ♪ 5 00:00:19,887 --> 00:00:24,679 One day, you appeared out of thin air, 6 00:00:24,762 --> 00:00:27,387 sitting on his shoulder and whispering into his ear. 7 00:00:28,470 --> 00:00:30,887 That means you have a secret, 8 00:00:30,970 --> 00:00:33,387 and in politics, secrets are currency. 9 00:00:33,470 --> 00:00:35,929 That little favor I did for you at the station last night 10 00:00:36,011 --> 00:00:38,512 wasn't only out of the goodness of my heart. 11 00:00:38,595 --> 00:00:42,178 I'm collecting on that debt right now. 12 00:00:42,261 --> 00:00:43,970 Do you miss your mother? 13 00:00:44,053 --> 00:00:45,845 Yes. 14 00:00:51,178 --> 00:00:53,136 We currently got City Hall 15 00:00:53,220 --> 00:00:56,011 and the biggest radio church in LA, 16 00:00:56,095 --> 00:00:58,970 the bully pulpit and the public airwaves, 17 00:00:59,053 --> 00:01:01,845 sitting down with the Third Reich. 18 00:01:09,095 --> 00:01:12,011 ♪ mournful music ♪ 19 00:01:34,220 --> 00:01:36,887 He's in heaven, mi amor. 20 00:01:36,970 --> 00:01:38,929 Why do things go away? 21 00:01:43,387 --> 00:01:44,470 Bueno. 22 00:01:46,470 --> 00:01:50,512 Papá Dios decides who stays and who goes. 23 00:01:50,595 --> 00:01:52,136 If it's their time, 24 00:01:52,220 --> 00:01:53,929 then he sends 25 00:01:54,011 --> 00:01:56,637 a very special angel to take them to him. 26 00:01:58,136 --> 00:02:00,595 Frank killed Friar Tuck. 27 00:02:00,679 --> 00:02:03,178 I swear. 28 00:02:03,261 --> 00:02:06,220 He-he just looked at him. 29 00:02:06,887 --> 00:02:08,720 I believe you, 30 00:02:08,804 --> 00:02:12,804 but you can't repeat that, 31 00:02:12,887 --> 00:02:14,387 not to Trevor, 32 00:02:14,470 --> 00:02:15,929 not to your dad. 33 00:02:16,011 --> 00:02:17,470 Hmm? 34 00:02:17,553 --> 00:02:19,512 Not yet. 35 00:02:19,595 --> 00:02:20,970 You understand, mi amor? 36 00:02:21,053 --> 00:02:22,512 Yes. 37 00:02:25,595 --> 00:02:27,303 I want you to wear this. 38 00:02:30,136 --> 00:02:32,470 Don't take it off. 39 00:02:32,553 --> 00:02:34,720 Is it a dog? 40 00:02:34,804 --> 00:02:36,178 It's a coyote. 41 00:02:38,178 --> 00:02:41,887 It has brought me much strength 42 00:02:41,970 --> 00:02:43,512 over many years. 43 00:02:45,428 --> 00:02:48,428 She watches over you now. 44 00:03:05,387 --> 00:03:06,887 Mi amor. 45 00:03:08,720 --> 00:03:11,637 ♪ sinister music ♪ 46 00:03:31,762 --> 00:03:33,387 Thanks, Sammy. 47 00:03:33,470 --> 00:03:35,387 ♪ Blue skies... ♪ 48 00:03:35,470 --> 00:03:37,720 - Salud. - L'chaim. 49 00:03:41,428 --> 00:03:44,011 So...we got a plan? 50 00:03:44,095 --> 00:03:46,136 Figure out how Councilman Townsend 51 00:03:46,220 --> 00:03:49,387 and Miss Adelaide are connected to Herr Hitler. 52 00:03:49,470 --> 00:03:51,720 How about I investigate Lady Macbeth 53 00:03:51,804 --> 00:03:53,720 and you head over to City Hall? 54 00:03:53,804 --> 00:03:55,887 I was thinking maybe I go to the Temple. 55 00:03:55,970 --> 00:03:57,178 Miss Adelaide will have her guard down 56 00:03:57,261 --> 00:03:59,303 if it's the spic coming in. 57 00:03:59,387 --> 00:04:03,303 Sorry to break it to you, but she hates us both equally. 58 00:04:03,387 --> 00:04:06,011 Mexicans in City Hall don't get very far. 59 00:04:06,095 --> 00:04:08,345 Jews haven't fared much better. 60 00:04:08,428 --> 00:04:10,136 Two more weeks, and the Nazis are gonna be marching 61 00:04:10,220 --> 00:04:11,595 down Spring Street, 62 00:04:11,679 --> 00:04:13,845 rounding us up. 63 00:04:13,929 --> 00:04:16,303 This damn government. 64 00:04:16,387 --> 00:04:18,011 It's like Russian roulette. 65 00:04:18,095 --> 00:04:20,178 You never know who's gonna get it next. 66 00:04:20,261 --> 00:04:22,387 Let's make sure it's not us. 67 00:04:23,303 --> 00:04:25,136 Whatever it takes, huh? 68 00:04:27,804 --> 00:04:30,470 Fucking Los Angeles. 69 00:04:30,553 --> 00:04:32,470 I don't know that we can save her. 70 00:04:32,553 --> 00:04:34,220 Save her? 71 00:04:34,303 --> 00:04:37,887 Pal, we're just trying to survive her. 72 00:04:39,679 --> 00:04:42,553 ♪ ...when you're in love ♪ 73 00:04:44,345 --> 00:04:45,637 Yeah, I'll pass the word. 74 00:04:47,929 --> 00:04:48,929 I need to see her. 75 00:04:50,303 --> 00:04:51,887 I'm sorry, Mr. Townsend. She's not-- 76 00:04:51,970 --> 00:04:52,970 Who is he? 77 00:04:54,553 --> 00:04:56,011 The bastard you're planning on replacing me with 78 00:04:56,095 --> 00:04:58,261 after your fucking recall. 79 00:04:58,345 --> 00:05:00,387 - Who is he? - She, 80 00:05:00,470 --> 00:05:02,679 and she'll beat you hands down, 81 00:05:02,762 --> 00:05:04,595 because she's younger, better-looking, 82 00:05:04,679 --> 00:05:06,387 and, oh, by the way, 83 00:05:06,470 --> 00:05:09,804 actually wants to serve the people of Los Angeles. 84 00:05:09,887 --> 00:05:12,011 Whatever you have against me-- 85 00:05:12,095 --> 00:05:13,595 It's not against you. 86 00:05:13,679 --> 00:05:15,095 It's against the system 87 00:05:15,178 --> 00:05:17,428 that allows people like you to rise. 88 00:05:17,512 --> 00:05:20,637 You have no talent, no respect for governance, 89 00:05:20,720 --> 00:05:22,679 nor do you care about anyone but yourself. 90 00:05:23,845 --> 00:05:26,136 What you do have is a family name 91 00:05:26,220 --> 00:05:29,387 which you parade around like a four-year-old girl 92 00:05:29,470 --> 00:05:31,637 holding a feather boa from her mother's closet. 93 00:05:31,720 --> 00:05:32,845 Jesus Christ. 94 00:05:32,929 --> 00:05:33,887 If your father thinks-- 95 00:05:33,970 --> 00:05:35,679 Leave my father out of this. 96 00:05:35,762 --> 00:05:37,303 Point is, 97 00:05:37,387 --> 00:05:41,053 this city deserves better than you. 98 00:05:41,136 --> 00:05:43,595 That's why I'm going to have you recalled, Councilman. 99 00:05:46,387 --> 00:05:48,970 Look, we may disagree 100 00:05:49,053 --> 00:05:50,720 on the route of the damn motorway, 101 00:05:50,804 --> 00:05:52,011 but that doesn't mean-- 102 00:05:52,095 --> 00:05:54,178 Call it what it is. It's not a motorway. 103 00:05:54,261 --> 00:05:56,804 It's social engineering. 104 00:05:56,887 --> 00:05:59,428 First the Mexicans, then who? 105 00:05:59,512 --> 00:06:01,637 You're not building roads; you're building prisons 106 00:06:01,720 --> 00:06:03,762 for all those you don't like, 107 00:06:03,845 --> 00:06:06,762 until all that's left are rich white men 108 00:06:06,845 --> 00:06:09,011 who look and think exactly like you. 109 00:06:09,095 --> 00:06:10,387 No, sir. 110 00:06:11,011 --> 00:06:14,470 You can spout the New Deal line as much as you like... 111 00:06:16,428 --> 00:06:19,762 ...but you better know, 112 00:06:19,845 --> 00:06:23,303 I got some very dangerous friends. 113 00:06:23,387 --> 00:06:24,970 You don't want to monkey with these fellas, 114 00:06:25,053 --> 00:06:26,053 believe you me, because they-- 115 00:06:26,136 --> 00:06:28,136 Isn't that queer? 116 00:06:28,220 --> 00:06:31,387 ♪ uneasy music ♪ 117 00:06:31,470 --> 00:06:34,553 You're familiar with that term, Charlton? 118 00:06:34,637 --> 00:06:36,428 Thought you might be. 119 00:06:39,095 --> 00:06:41,428 Watch your back, Councilman. 120 00:06:43,428 --> 00:06:46,887 We old liberals still got a few teeth in our head. 121 00:06:55,428 --> 00:06:58,345 ♪ uneasy musical crescendo ♪ 122 00:07:16,720 --> 00:07:19,136 Councilman Townsend. 123 00:07:19,220 --> 00:07:20,345 Who the hell are you? 124 00:07:20,428 --> 00:07:21,970 Detective Lewis Michener. 125 00:07:26,011 --> 00:07:28,261 Can't do this right now. 126 00:07:29,136 --> 00:07:31,095 Why, is Germany calling? 127 00:07:43,136 --> 00:07:45,178 Seems like you've been keeping company 128 00:07:45,261 --> 00:07:47,053 with some unsavory customers 129 00:07:47,136 --> 00:07:50,303 of the Teutonic persuasion. 130 00:07:50,387 --> 00:07:52,470 - Who do you mean? - Richard Goss. 131 00:07:55,387 --> 00:07:57,261 I don't recall the name. 132 00:07:57,345 --> 00:07:59,595 You had dinner with him last night. 133 00:08:09,220 --> 00:08:10,512 He's a donor. 134 00:08:11,345 --> 00:08:13,261 He's a Nazi. 135 00:08:13,970 --> 00:08:15,553 You know more about him than I do. 136 00:08:15,637 --> 00:08:17,428 How much is he giving you, 137 00:08:17,512 --> 00:08:19,345 and what are you offering in exchange? 138 00:08:19,428 --> 00:08:20,804 He's a well-to-do gentleman 139 00:08:20,887 --> 00:08:22,845 who's interested in the future of our city. 140 00:08:22,929 --> 00:08:23,887 Why? 141 00:08:23,970 --> 00:08:25,762 Because he lives here now. 142 00:08:25,845 --> 00:08:27,762 Why? 143 00:08:27,845 --> 00:08:29,595 Ask him. 144 00:08:29,679 --> 00:08:33,637 Whatever game you think you're playing with Goss, 145 00:08:33,720 --> 00:08:35,720 you're out of your league, pal. 146 00:08:35,804 --> 00:08:37,804 Are you accusing me of something? 147 00:08:37,887 --> 00:08:39,387 Not yet. 148 00:08:43,887 --> 00:08:45,303 Next time you come into my office 149 00:08:45,387 --> 00:08:46,720 demanding my time, I'd like to see 150 00:08:46,804 --> 00:08:49,470 a legal document justifying that action. 151 00:08:49,553 --> 00:08:51,345 You can do better. 152 00:08:51,428 --> 00:08:54,762 Perhaps I can, but in the presence of my lawyer. 153 00:08:54,845 --> 00:08:57,220 You may leave now, Officer. 154 00:09:01,053 --> 00:09:03,970 ♪ uneasy music ♪ 155 00:09:06,720 --> 00:09:08,470 We'll see each other real soon. 156 00:09:15,845 --> 00:09:17,970 Call Miss Adelaide. Tell her they're coming for us. 157 00:09:18,053 --> 00:09:20,261 Will do, sir. 158 00:09:27,595 --> 00:09:31,261 Mr. Townsend knows exactly who Goss is, 159 00:09:31,345 --> 00:09:32,595 but he won't give him up. 160 00:09:35,303 --> 00:09:37,136 He put you up to this? 161 00:09:37,220 --> 00:09:40,387 I'll lose my head if he finds out. 162 00:09:40,470 --> 00:09:42,261 Goss is from Cologne. He's an architect. 163 00:09:42,345 --> 00:09:43,845 He's been here about a year. 164 00:09:43,929 --> 00:09:46,762 That's public information. Do better. 165 00:09:46,845 --> 00:09:49,595 Forgive me for the interruption, then. 166 00:09:51,303 --> 00:09:52,595 Wait. 167 00:09:56,011 --> 00:09:57,303 What do you get out of this? 168 00:09:57,387 --> 00:09:59,470 Nothing. 169 00:09:59,553 --> 00:10:01,136 I already lost it all. 170 00:10:01,220 --> 00:10:04,011 ♪ somber music ♪ 171 00:10:04,095 --> 00:10:07,595 My parents were in Vienna when Hitler invaded. 172 00:10:07,679 --> 00:10:08,720 I haven't been able to speak to them, 173 00:10:08,804 --> 00:10:10,387 if they're even alive. 174 00:10:13,053 --> 00:10:14,637 Juden. 175 00:10:17,303 --> 00:10:18,637 What's your real name? 176 00:10:20,303 --> 00:10:24,053 Mahler, Alexandra Mahler. 177 00:10:24,136 --> 00:10:25,637 He only knows me as Malone. 178 00:10:25,720 --> 00:10:28,220 I thought it sounded Irish. How can I help? 179 00:10:30,637 --> 00:10:33,637 speaking Yiddish 180 00:10:43,512 --> 00:10:46,512 speaking Yiddish 181 00:10:52,845 --> 00:10:55,553 He's gotta be, 'cause he seems like a dope. 182 00:10:55,637 --> 00:10:58,428 But this Goss, he's dangerous. 183 00:10:58,512 --> 00:11:01,136 That I know. 184 00:11:01,220 --> 00:11:02,261 Keep in touch. 185 00:11:02,345 --> 00:11:05,011 I'm at the Hollenbeck station. 186 00:11:05,095 --> 00:11:07,762 You better get back to him. 187 00:11:07,845 --> 00:11:10,387 Thank you... 188 00:11:10,470 --> 00:11:13,011 for letting me help. 189 00:11:37,136 --> 00:11:39,178 Josefina. 190 00:11:39,261 --> 00:11:40,679 Is everything all right? 191 00:11:40,762 --> 00:11:43,553 I'm fine, Mami. 192 00:11:43,637 --> 00:11:45,637 I didn't want to come up to the house, 193 00:11:45,720 --> 00:11:48,387 but I had to see you, 194 00:11:48,470 --> 00:11:50,303 and I'm sorry about the other night, 195 00:11:50,387 --> 00:11:51,804 what I said. 196 00:11:51,887 --> 00:11:53,762 Mi amor, Mexicans get mad. 197 00:11:53,845 --> 00:11:55,762 It doesn't mean anything. 198 00:11:55,845 --> 00:11:58,470 You and me, we can yell and scream. 199 00:11:58,553 --> 00:11:59,970 Everything's okay. 200 00:12:00,053 --> 00:12:01,553 It's okay, mi amor. It's okay. 201 00:12:03,762 --> 00:12:06,178 Uh, I-I didn't come to apologize. 202 00:12:08,261 --> 00:12:09,762 You need to know I'm moving out. 203 00:12:11,470 --> 00:12:13,553 I'm going to live at the Temple. 204 00:12:13,637 --> 00:12:16,053 There's a pretty dormitory 205 00:12:16,136 --> 00:12:17,804 and a whole program for young people 206 00:12:17,887 --> 00:12:18,679 where we learn-- 207 00:12:18,762 --> 00:12:19,887 No, no, no, no, no, no, no. 208 00:12:19,970 --> 00:12:22,595 Listen to me, please. 209 00:12:23,970 --> 00:12:26,845 I feel something special when I'm there, 210 00:12:26,929 --> 00:12:28,720 and I feel different. 211 00:12:28,804 --> 00:12:31,261 I want something more from my life. 212 00:12:31,345 --> 00:12:33,428 More than being a maid. 213 00:12:33,512 --> 00:12:35,136 That's not what I mean. 214 00:12:35,220 --> 00:12:37,929 Yeah, it is. 215 00:12:39,470 --> 00:12:42,178 We are your family, Josefina. 216 00:12:45,720 --> 00:12:48,261 Please, mi corazóncita. Hmm? 217 00:12:48,345 --> 00:12:50,303 Can we talk, eh? 218 00:12:51,303 --> 00:12:53,011 After work, we talk? 219 00:12:53,095 --> 00:12:55,011 I'll make you the almond flan you like, and-- 220 00:12:55,095 --> 00:12:57,053 I won't be there. 221 00:12:59,887 --> 00:13:02,053 speaking Spanish 222 00:13:19,303 --> 00:13:22,011 How do you say "lemon" in Spanish? 223 00:13:22,095 --> 00:13:22,887 Limón. 224 00:13:22,970 --> 00:13:26,887 Ah. That's easy enough. 225 00:13:26,970 --> 00:13:29,637 Oh, Dr. Craft and I have an engagement tonight, 226 00:13:29,720 --> 00:13:32,345 so you'll need to stay with the boys, ja? 227 00:13:32,428 --> 00:13:33,929 Yes, ma'am. 228 00:13:38,053 --> 00:13:41,178 Did you hear the coyote barking yesterday? 229 00:13:41,261 --> 00:13:44,136 Such ugly little things. 230 00:13:44,220 --> 00:13:47,136 No, ma'am. I didn't hear that. 231 00:13:48,512 --> 00:13:51,720 Hmm. Ugly little dogs. 232 00:13:51,804 --> 00:13:53,178 In Germany, we would shoot them. 233 00:13:55,470 --> 00:13:58,011 And please, don't ever let me see you 234 00:13:58,095 --> 00:14:01,762 speaking with Mexican people at our gate ever again. 235 00:14:01,845 --> 00:14:04,261 We don't want the neighborhood talking, do we? 236 00:14:04,345 --> 00:14:06,970 ♪ uneasy music ♪ 237 00:14:07,053 --> 00:14:08,470 No, ma'am. 238 00:14:11,053 --> 00:14:13,970 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 239 00:14:31,679 --> 00:14:32,970 Hello, Linda. 240 00:14:35,470 --> 00:14:36,804 You're looking well, and-- 241 00:14:36,887 --> 00:14:38,512 Get those at the gift shop? 242 00:14:40,762 --> 00:14:43,303 Uh, I did, ja. Ja, for you. 243 00:14:46,470 --> 00:14:48,095 Yellow roses. You remember. 244 00:14:48,178 --> 00:14:49,387 How sweet. 245 00:14:54,887 --> 00:14:56,261 You're doing well here, ja? 246 00:14:56,345 --> 00:14:57,261 Mm. 247 00:14:59,762 --> 00:15:00,845 It's good to see you looking-- 248 00:15:00,929 --> 00:15:02,011 How are my children? 249 00:15:03,095 --> 00:15:05,345 Uh, they're good. 250 00:15:05,428 --> 00:15:06,595 Ja, they're well. 251 00:15:08,720 --> 00:15:10,512 Uh, Trevor's debate team has gone-- 252 00:15:10,595 --> 00:15:14,637 My hair hasn't been washed in two weeks, 253 00:15:14,720 --> 00:15:16,595 and they cut my nails 254 00:15:16,679 --> 00:15:19,261 so I wouldn't scratch my eyes out. 255 00:15:21,178 --> 00:15:25,387 My roommate is from Bakersfield. 256 00:15:26,929 --> 00:15:30,512 She has a dairy farm with her husband. 257 00:15:30,595 --> 00:15:34,095 She misses her cows. 258 00:15:37,804 --> 00:15:39,261 Uh, I need to... 259 00:15:41,470 --> 00:15:44,553 Well, I have some legal papers, you see. 260 00:15:44,637 --> 00:15:46,720 They are with me here. Let me show you. 261 00:15:50,261 --> 00:15:53,387 Uh, they-they are, you see, 262 00:15:53,470 --> 00:15:55,970 custody papers for the boys. 263 00:15:56,053 --> 00:15:58,553 The, uh, state of California requires you to sign them-- 264 00:15:58,637 --> 00:16:01,053 I'll have my family's lawyer take a look. 265 00:16:03,387 --> 00:16:05,053 I'm not sure that's entirely necessary. 266 00:16:05,136 --> 00:16:07,845 - You see, they-- - Shh. 267 00:16:07,929 --> 00:16:09,220 Honey... 268 00:16:09,303 --> 00:16:11,720 ♪ tense music ♪ 269 00:16:11,804 --> 00:16:15,595 I shan't be in here forever, you know? 270 00:16:15,679 --> 00:16:17,136 And my father has some ideas 271 00:16:17,220 --> 00:16:20,804 about how best to litigate our domestic travails. 272 00:16:22,345 --> 00:16:23,595 So you can fuck 273 00:16:23,679 --> 00:16:26,679 your little German slut all you want. 274 00:16:26,762 --> 00:16:28,595 That's her problem now. 275 00:16:28,679 --> 00:16:30,136 There's no need for this. 276 00:16:30,220 --> 00:16:32,261 Is there not? 277 00:16:37,887 --> 00:16:39,970 You can keep the goddamn kids. 278 00:16:41,595 --> 00:16:43,929 You can keep the house. 279 00:16:44,011 --> 00:16:45,845 I'll go to Reno and wait out the divorce, 280 00:16:45,929 --> 00:16:47,720 won't even name her as a co-respondent 281 00:16:47,804 --> 00:16:49,887 in the proceedings. 282 00:16:49,970 --> 00:16:51,929 But then know this. 283 00:16:53,804 --> 00:16:57,011 As soon as it's all legal 284 00:16:57,095 --> 00:17:00,345 and I'm fucking the young tennis pro 285 00:17:00,428 --> 00:17:02,762 at the club, 286 00:17:02,845 --> 00:17:04,553 I'll make it my singular mission 287 00:17:04,637 --> 00:17:07,095 to take your life apart. 288 00:17:07,887 --> 00:17:11,136 Oh, and it's a house of cards, darling. 289 00:17:11,220 --> 00:17:15,887 I'll pull them out one by one. 290 00:17:17,387 --> 00:17:19,679 You're a fraud, Peter. 291 00:17:19,762 --> 00:17:21,136 What are you gonna do 292 00:17:21,220 --> 00:17:23,553 when everyone finds out who you really are? 293 00:17:28,470 --> 00:17:30,553 Next time you come, bring a lawyer. 294 00:17:34,595 --> 00:17:37,387 And a cow for my roommate. 295 00:18:22,553 --> 00:18:23,679 I'm going home. 296 00:18:23,762 --> 00:18:26,887 I need to see my brother, the cop. 297 00:18:26,970 --> 00:18:29,095 I need to tell him about Diego. I can't live with it anymore. 298 00:18:29,178 --> 00:18:31,720 - Try. - It should've been me! 299 00:18:31,804 --> 00:18:33,428 It had to be Diego. That's why I gave him up. 300 00:18:34,887 --> 00:18:38,345 I made sure they got him for you. 301 00:18:38,428 --> 00:18:40,387 You're a fucking lying puta. 302 00:18:40,470 --> 00:18:42,553 Stop it. 303 00:18:42,637 --> 00:18:45,136 You want to know why I gave him up? 304 00:18:47,679 --> 00:18:50,345 Because I couldn't kill hope. 305 00:18:50,428 --> 00:18:53,929 You got something most Pachucos don't, 306 00:18:54,011 --> 00:18:57,387 that heart, that faith, that molten lava heat 307 00:18:57,470 --> 00:18:58,970 that can burn through hate. 308 00:18:59,053 --> 00:19:01,470 So turn your fear into courage. 309 00:19:01,553 --> 00:19:03,637 Make Diego's sacrifice count! 310 00:19:03,720 --> 00:19:05,345 No, no, no! 311 00:19:07,178 --> 00:19:09,762 You're meant to lead us. 312 00:19:09,845 --> 00:19:11,679 - That's Rico. - It's you. 313 00:19:12,804 --> 00:19:15,762 It's you, mi rey, 314 00:19:15,845 --> 00:19:17,261 my king. 315 00:19:17,345 --> 00:19:19,011 It's always been you. 316 00:19:21,512 --> 00:19:22,595 Don't you see, Mateo? 317 00:19:22,679 --> 00:19:26,136 Your pure heart, it can save us, 318 00:19:26,220 --> 00:19:29,095 lead us out of poverty, give us a voice. 319 00:19:29,178 --> 00:19:32,929 You were born for this and this alone. 320 00:19:33,011 --> 00:19:35,261 I don't know what I'm doing. 321 00:19:35,345 --> 00:19:37,387 You give them the words they need 322 00:19:37,470 --> 00:19:39,261 so they know what to believe. 323 00:19:39,345 --> 00:19:42,178 You give them a taste of power so they know what to want. 324 00:19:42,261 --> 00:19:46,220 You give them hope so they'll die for you. 325 00:19:47,261 --> 00:19:49,970 And when they lose the will to fight, 326 00:19:50,053 --> 00:19:52,720 you make them look inside for strength 327 00:19:52,804 --> 00:19:55,720 so their fists come alive like pounding hearts. 328 00:19:59,220 --> 00:20:00,512 And then? 329 00:20:02,136 --> 00:20:04,553 We walk in blood to your throne. 330 00:20:18,178 --> 00:20:20,053 I wanted silk. 331 00:20:20,136 --> 00:20:22,387 People won't really be able to tell the difference. 332 00:20:22,470 --> 00:20:27,428 But I will, and she will. Silk makes her feel holy. 333 00:20:27,512 --> 00:20:29,261 I'll talk to her later. Good day. 334 00:20:32,053 --> 00:20:33,387 May I have ten minutes of your time? 335 00:20:41,970 --> 00:20:44,887 The Hazlett family deserved justice. 336 00:20:44,970 --> 00:20:48,011 Our city is safer because of your virtuous work. 337 00:20:48,095 --> 00:20:49,428 Thank you, Detective Vega. 338 00:20:50,845 --> 00:20:52,178 We did our best. 339 00:20:53,553 --> 00:20:56,345 So what do you think of the new robe? 340 00:20:58,762 --> 00:21:00,095 It's just the same, isn't it? 341 00:21:00,178 --> 00:21:03,053 Oh, leave it to a man to say that. 342 00:21:03,136 --> 00:21:05,303 The hem is three inches shorter. 343 00:21:05,387 --> 00:21:07,970 My daughter insists we become more modern. 344 00:21:09,220 --> 00:21:11,470 Do you think it's risqué? 345 00:21:11,553 --> 00:21:13,136 No. 346 00:21:13,220 --> 00:21:15,595 Then apparently I've failed. 347 00:21:15,679 --> 00:21:16,845 Please, sit down. 348 00:21:16,929 --> 00:21:19,136 What may I do for you? 349 00:21:23,679 --> 00:21:24,845 Richard Goss. 350 00:21:24,929 --> 00:21:26,428 Yes? 351 00:21:26,512 --> 00:21:27,595 So you know him. 352 00:21:27,679 --> 00:21:29,011 Yes. 353 00:21:29,095 --> 00:21:30,887 He's a foreign gentleman, quite elegant. 354 00:21:30,970 --> 00:21:31,804 Why do you ask? 355 00:21:31,887 --> 00:21:33,220 How did you meet? 356 00:21:33,303 --> 00:21:35,637 He wanted to open up his magnificent heart 357 00:21:35,720 --> 00:21:36,887 to the Lord. 358 00:21:36,970 --> 00:21:38,637 He's a Nazi. 359 00:21:38,720 --> 00:21:41,261 Oh, my. 360 00:21:41,345 --> 00:21:43,637 Jesus knows who to guide into the path, praise be. 361 00:21:43,720 --> 00:21:46,387 I had no idea. 362 00:21:46,470 --> 00:21:47,970 Why were you having dinner with him last night? 363 00:21:48,053 --> 00:21:50,470 You really are well-informed. 364 00:21:52,053 --> 00:21:54,428 I hope I can count on your discretion, 365 00:21:54,512 --> 00:21:56,929 but we're going to open a Temple in Pasadena, 366 00:21:57,011 --> 00:21:58,970 and Mr. Goss will help provide 367 00:21:59,053 --> 00:22:01,178 the funds for the new construction. 368 00:22:01,261 --> 00:22:03,261 He was inspired by one of Molly's sermons 369 00:22:03,345 --> 00:22:05,845 to take the word of God far and wide. 370 00:22:09,845 --> 00:22:11,345 Pasadena, huh? 371 00:22:12,762 --> 00:22:14,553 To start. 372 00:22:14,637 --> 00:22:16,261 More and more later, we hope. 373 00:22:16,345 --> 00:22:18,345 Long Beach, Ventura, 374 00:22:18,428 --> 00:22:21,053 wherever the blessed road of the Lord takes us. 375 00:22:21,136 --> 00:22:22,887 Won't you sit down? 376 00:22:22,970 --> 00:22:24,887 How long have you known him? 377 00:22:24,970 --> 00:22:27,387 A month, maybe less. 378 00:22:27,470 --> 00:22:30,387 I have no knowledge of his politics, truly. 379 00:22:30,470 --> 00:22:33,095 I'm just grateful Mr. Goss is able to contribute 380 00:22:33,178 --> 00:22:35,387 to our holy work. 381 00:22:35,470 --> 00:22:37,929 And what does Mr. Goss get in return? 382 00:22:38,011 --> 00:22:39,303 What everyone wants: 383 00:22:39,387 --> 00:22:41,053 salvation. 384 00:22:41,970 --> 00:22:44,929 You really have no idea what we do here, do you? 385 00:22:45,011 --> 00:22:46,720 Shall I show you? 386 00:22:48,095 --> 00:22:50,220 We feed over 400 people a month, 387 00:22:50,303 --> 00:22:52,470 and that's just here. 388 00:22:52,553 --> 00:22:54,845 We have the soup kitchens downtown as well. 389 00:22:54,929 --> 00:22:56,720 Up this hall, there's a room full of beds 390 00:22:56,804 --> 00:22:58,804 for migrants and the indigent. 391 00:22:58,887 --> 00:23:01,387 We have a hospital ward with a doctor on staff, 392 00:23:01,470 --> 00:23:04,011 and there is no charge for any of these services, 393 00:23:04,095 --> 00:23:05,845 of course. 394 00:23:05,929 --> 00:23:07,345 My vision, 395 00:23:07,428 --> 00:23:10,303 with the help of Mr. Goss and others like him, 396 00:23:10,387 --> 00:23:11,970 is to have a Temple 397 00:23:12,053 --> 00:23:14,512 in every neighborhood of Los Angeles. 398 00:23:14,595 --> 00:23:16,095 That's a nice business plan. 399 00:23:16,178 --> 00:23:17,887 You're quick to judge. 400 00:23:17,970 --> 00:23:19,470 Aren't you? 401 00:23:19,553 --> 00:23:22,178 If I were, I wouldn't be speaking with you. 402 00:23:23,637 --> 00:23:28,053 I'm a work in progress, just like my daughter. 403 00:23:28,136 --> 00:23:30,387 I'm not here to talk about Molly. 404 00:23:30,470 --> 00:23:33,011 Yet she's all over your words. 405 00:23:33,095 --> 00:23:34,845 Have you ever seen a baptism? 406 00:23:34,929 --> 00:23:37,095 It's truly an experience for the soul. 407 00:23:37,178 --> 00:23:38,595 Not in the mood. 408 00:23:38,679 --> 00:23:39,679 What else do you know about Mr.-- 409 00:23:39,762 --> 00:23:42,553 Here, let me show you. 410 00:23:54,345 --> 00:23:57,387 A baptism is a communion with God, 411 00:23:57,470 --> 00:23:59,095 much like what people experience 412 00:23:59,178 --> 00:24:00,512 when they come to see my Molly. 413 00:24:00,595 --> 00:24:03,261 Something deep within awakens. 414 00:24:04,095 --> 00:24:06,011 But you know what that feels like. 415 00:24:06,095 --> 00:24:08,178 I told you, I'm not here to talk about Molly. 416 00:24:08,261 --> 00:24:10,595 You think you're in love with her, 417 00:24:10,679 --> 00:24:12,553 but you've fallen in love with God's whisper. 418 00:24:14,136 --> 00:24:17,095 And as I've said, she's not perfect. 419 00:24:17,178 --> 00:24:19,887 Molly adores a thrill, 420 00:24:19,970 --> 00:24:21,970 and that's what you are. 421 00:24:22,053 --> 00:24:24,136 ♪ uneasy music ♪ 422 00:24:24,220 --> 00:24:27,136 There were so many before you, 423 00:24:27,220 --> 00:24:29,428 and there will be so many after. 424 00:24:30,929 --> 00:24:33,428 You don't think you're special, do you? 425 00:24:33,512 --> 00:24:36,220 You will never know what's between us. 426 00:24:36,303 --> 00:24:38,428 And you will never know Molly. 427 00:24:41,428 --> 00:24:44,220 My daughter likes to keep her secrets, 428 00:24:44,303 --> 00:24:47,261 and she has so many. 429 00:24:50,970 --> 00:24:53,637 Doesn't she, Tiago? 430 00:24:58,220 --> 00:25:00,762 So many secrets. 431 00:25:22,136 --> 00:25:25,845 I got great seats, six rows from third base. 432 00:25:25,929 --> 00:25:27,929 I can't show my face at an Angels game. 433 00:25:45,553 --> 00:25:47,053 Gentlemen. 434 00:26:21,470 --> 00:26:23,011 What is this place? 435 00:26:23,095 --> 00:26:25,011 Private club. 436 00:26:32,762 --> 00:26:35,512 Will you dance with me, Kurt? 437 00:26:35,595 --> 00:26:37,053 Are we safe? 438 00:26:37,136 --> 00:26:39,095 Never. 439 00:26:55,512 --> 00:26:59,887 ♪ Sometimes I wonder ♪ 440 00:26:59,970 --> 00:27:03,595 ♪ Why I spend ♪ 441 00:27:03,679 --> 00:27:08,178 ♪ The lonely night ♪ 442 00:27:08,261 --> 00:27:12,053 ♪ Dreaming of a song ♪ 443 00:27:12,136 --> 00:27:15,011 ♪ The melody ♪ 444 00:27:15,095 --> 00:27:19,095 ♪ Haunts my reverie ♪ 445 00:27:19,178 --> 00:27:21,387 ♪ And I am once again ♪ 446 00:27:21,470 --> 00:27:25,095 ♪ With you ♪ 447 00:27:25,178 --> 00:27:30,095 ♪ When our love was new ♪ 448 00:27:30,178 --> 00:27:31,845 ♪ And each kiss ♪ 449 00:27:31,929 --> 00:27:38,470 ♪ An inspiration ♪ 450 00:27:38,553 --> 00:27:42,553 ♪ But that was long ago ♪ 451 00:27:42,637 --> 00:27:46,345 ♪ Now my consolation ♪ 452 00:27:46,428 --> 00:27:49,512 ♪ Is in the stardust ♪ 453 00:27:49,595 --> 00:27:52,053 ♪ Of a song ♪ 454 00:27:56,845 --> 00:27:58,178 Is it like in Berlin? 455 00:28:00,095 --> 00:28:02,053 No. 456 00:28:02,136 --> 00:28:04,595 In Berlin, a place like this wouldn't exist, 457 00:28:04,679 --> 00:28:05,720 not anymore. 458 00:28:08,637 --> 00:28:11,053 Did you have many lovers? 459 00:28:12,679 --> 00:28:14,762 None like you. 460 00:28:19,720 --> 00:28:22,595 I need to ask you a question. 461 00:28:22,679 --> 00:28:25,970 No, I won't move in with you. 462 00:28:26,053 --> 00:28:28,345 You wish. 463 00:28:28,428 --> 00:28:30,929 It's about Beverly Beck, 464 00:28:31,011 --> 00:28:33,053 that bitch of a councilwoman. 465 00:28:33,136 --> 00:28:34,220 Mm-hmm. 466 00:28:36,261 --> 00:28:38,053 I need you to kill her. 467 00:28:58,303 --> 00:29:00,345 False alarm, dolls. 468 00:29:07,845 --> 00:29:10,220 What was that? 469 00:29:10,303 --> 00:29:11,595 That's how we know if the vice squad 470 00:29:11,679 --> 00:29:12,679 is gonna raid us. 471 00:29:12,762 --> 00:29:14,887 Listen, this thing with Beck-- 472 00:29:14,970 --> 00:29:17,470 No. 473 00:29:17,553 --> 00:29:19,303 She threatened to tell people about me, 474 00:29:19,387 --> 00:29:22,261 and she's trying to destroy my whole damn career. 475 00:29:22,345 --> 00:29:24,303 - We can't let-- - I don't work for you. 476 00:29:28,428 --> 00:29:32,303 Charlton...you don't know what you're saying. 477 00:29:33,762 --> 00:29:35,136 You're not a killer. 478 00:29:36,804 --> 00:29:38,470 You do this, and... 479 00:29:40,428 --> 00:29:41,553 ...you lose something 480 00:29:41,637 --> 00:29:42,970 that you're never going to get back. 481 00:29:47,970 --> 00:29:50,095 That's not the man I love. 482 00:29:50,178 --> 00:29:52,553 ♪ Beside ♪ 483 00:29:52,637 --> 00:29:56,178 ♪ A garden wall ♪ 484 00:29:56,261 --> 00:30:01,053 ♪ When stars are bright ♪ 485 00:30:01,136 --> 00:30:05,011 ♪ You are in my arms ♪ 486 00:30:05,095 --> 00:30:07,845 ♪ The nightingale ♪ 487 00:30:07,929 --> 00:30:11,762 ♪ Tells his fairy tale ♪ 488 00:30:11,845 --> 00:30:13,637 ♪ Of paradise ♪ 489 00:30:13,720 --> 00:30:17,637 ♪ Where roses grew ♪ 490 00:30:17,720 --> 00:30:19,303 ♪ Though I dream ♪ 491 00:30:19,387 --> 00:30:24,553 ♪ In vain ♪ 492 00:30:24,637 --> 00:30:26,595 ♪ In my heart ♪ 493 00:30:26,679 --> 00:30:31,553 ♪ It will remain ♪ 494 00:30:31,637 --> 00:30:36,011 ♪ My stardust melody ♪ 495 00:30:36,095 --> 00:30:40,178 ♪ The memory of love's ♪ 496 00:30:40,261 --> 00:30:45,136 ♪ Refrain ♪ 497 00:30:58,512 --> 00:30:59,804 Of course you can live at the Temple 498 00:30:59,887 --> 00:31:01,470 as long as you want. 499 00:31:03,136 --> 00:31:05,178 Are you sure you want to do that? 500 00:31:05,261 --> 00:31:06,512 Yes. 501 00:31:08,970 --> 00:31:12,053 You don't have to leave your family ever. 502 00:31:12,136 --> 00:31:15,387 The faith doesn't require that. 503 00:31:15,470 --> 00:31:17,011 Stay at home. 504 00:31:18,553 --> 00:31:20,428 Your mother will miss you. 505 00:31:20,512 --> 00:31:21,887 I need this, Sister. 506 00:31:23,387 --> 00:31:25,470 I'm tired of sneaking out, 507 00:31:25,553 --> 00:31:28,011 tired of hiding, tired of fighting about it. 508 00:31:28,887 --> 00:31:30,720 If I don't go now, 509 00:31:30,804 --> 00:31:32,387 I'll marry another Mexican, have children, 510 00:31:32,470 --> 00:31:33,720 and wash and clean after everyone 511 00:31:33,804 --> 00:31:35,261 for the rest of my life. 512 00:31:36,553 --> 00:31:39,679 And Lord forgive me, 513 00:31:39,762 --> 00:31:42,178 but I know he can use me in other ways. 514 00:31:42,261 --> 00:31:44,512 I just... 515 00:31:44,595 --> 00:31:46,595 hope your mother understands. 516 00:31:47,720 --> 00:31:49,136 And your brothers. 517 00:31:49,220 --> 00:31:51,178 I do have one brother who might understand. 518 00:31:52,387 --> 00:31:53,762 He's special. 519 00:31:55,387 --> 00:31:58,095 I think our Tiago's going to change the world one day. 520 00:32:01,595 --> 00:32:04,053 Now we wait 30 minutes. 521 00:32:08,303 --> 00:32:10,220 Why red? 522 00:32:10,303 --> 00:32:13,053 My brother Raul has a picture on his wall, 523 00:32:13,136 --> 00:32:15,053 a Gibson Girl from an old magazine. 524 00:32:17,637 --> 00:32:19,887 She had hair like the sunrise. 525 00:32:21,679 --> 00:32:24,637 I always thought that was the most beautiful, 526 00:32:24,720 --> 00:32:26,595 the most rare thing I'd ever seen. 527 00:32:26,679 --> 00:32:29,053 Wait until it dries. 528 00:32:31,762 --> 00:32:33,303 You're gonna be the sunrise. 529 00:32:47,929 --> 00:32:50,011 Wait. 530 00:32:50,095 --> 00:32:53,178 Wait. Don't go away. 531 00:32:53,261 --> 00:32:56,428 Don't be afraid just because it's near the hour 532 00:32:56,512 --> 00:32:59,637 when we go to the black chapel. 533 00:32:59,720 --> 00:33:02,470 Each evening, we come to this remote place, 534 00:33:02,553 --> 00:33:04,929 a place of mystery and terror 535 00:33:05,011 --> 00:33:06,970 where the hooded figure appears and sits 536 00:33:07,053 --> 00:33:09,387 at the keyboard of the ruined old organ, 537 00:33:09,470 --> 00:33:13,011 mumbling and gibbering his fantastic tales. 538 00:33:13,095 --> 00:33:16,095 - Is this what you dreamed? 539 00:33:16,178 --> 00:33:18,887 When you were a little girl in Mexico, 540 00:33:18,970 --> 00:33:20,595 did you dream of cleaning toilets 541 00:33:20,679 --> 00:33:22,345 for the rest of your life? 542 00:33:22,428 --> 00:33:24,261 Go join the boys. 543 00:33:24,345 --> 00:33:26,929 They're children. 544 00:33:27,011 --> 00:33:29,220 Do as I tell you, Frank. 545 00:33:29,303 --> 00:33:32,220 You wanted to be a nun, didn't you? 546 00:33:34,470 --> 00:33:35,720 Then you met that man who you married, 547 00:33:35,804 --> 00:33:37,095 and he put it inside of you, 548 00:33:37,178 --> 00:33:39,303 and you started having little babies. 549 00:33:39,387 --> 00:33:42,887 ♪ eerie music ♪ 550 00:33:42,970 --> 00:33:45,970 No more nun, 551 00:33:46,053 --> 00:33:48,178 just toilets to clean. 552 00:33:49,720 --> 00:33:53,178 Couldn't you just...scream? 553 00:34:05,220 --> 00:34:07,720 Watch the oil. 554 00:34:07,804 --> 00:34:09,970 Don't want to get burned. 555 00:34:10,053 --> 00:34:12,970 ♪ sinister music ♪ 556 00:34:18,303 --> 00:34:20,512 These are tired ideas, Herman, 557 00:34:20,595 --> 00:34:23,512 unworthy of you or any German. 558 00:34:23,595 --> 00:34:25,261 How can you defend them? 559 00:34:25,345 --> 00:34:28,804 But there were 100,000 Jews in the German army. 560 00:34:28,887 --> 00:34:31,345 What do you suggest, then, Peter? 561 00:34:31,428 --> 00:34:33,428 You're our leader. Tell us. 562 00:34:33,512 --> 00:34:36,011 What should the Bund do? 563 00:34:36,095 --> 00:34:39,053 The Fuehrer is intent on purifying Germany, 564 00:34:39,136 --> 00:34:40,679 and you seem to be intent on... 565 00:34:40,762 --> 00:34:41,887 Keeping us separate. 566 00:34:41,970 --> 00:34:43,720 ...letting the world become overrun 567 00:34:43,804 --> 00:34:44,512 with the mongrel races. 568 00:34:46,470 --> 00:34:47,929 Then what do we leave our children? 569 00:34:48,011 --> 00:34:51,595 A legacy of peace, harmony, and beauty, 570 00:34:51,679 --> 00:34:53,929 of Schiller and Goethe. 571 00:34:54,011 --> 00:34:56,720 We do not leave our children a trail of blood. 572 00:34:56,804 --> 00:34:58,679 What are you scared of? 573 00:34:58,762 --> 00:35:00,720 We must take to the radio, 574 00:35:00,804 --> 00:35:03,053 the streets, the shops. 575 00:35:03,136 --> 00:35:04,929 Everywhere we go, we have an opportunity 576 00:35:05,011 --> 00:35:07,720 to warn people what the Juden are. 577 00:35:07,804 --> 00:35:10,220 We must show America who its enemy is, 578 00:35:10,303 --> 00:35:12,887 - our shared enemy. - Mm-hmm. 579 00:35:12,970 --> 00:35:15,887 This is an act of patriotism. America will thank us. 580 00:35:15,970 --> 00:35:18,011 - Hear, hear. - Mm-hmm. 581 00:35:18,095 --> 00:35:19,970 Let me ask you this, then. 582 00:35:20,845 --> 00:35:22,804 What is a German? 583 00:35:24,679 --> 00:35:26,178 What does a German do? 584 00:35:26,261 --> 00:35:27,428 We're inventive. 585 00:35:27,512 --> 00:35:28,637 - Ja. - Purposeful. 586 00:35:28,720 --> 00:35:30,178 Overly prepared. 587 00:35:32,053 --> 00:35:35,845 We're pure, smart, 588 00:35:35,929 --> 00:35:38,220 hardworking. 589 00:35:38,303 --> 00:35:40,136 We believe in family. 590 00:35:40,220 --> 00:35:43,845 It is our duty to protect our people. 591 00:35:43,929 --> 00:35:47,053 We know who the enemy is. 592 00:35:47,136 --> 00:35:48,387 We must fight him 593 00:35:48,470 --> 00:35:50,553 with every weapon we have. 594 00:35:50,637 --> 00:35:53,845 We use the ideas and words of the Fuehrer, 595 00:35:53,929 --> 00:35:56,011 and America will join us. 596 00:35:58,095 --> 00:36:00,095 Heil Hitler. 597 00:36:00,178 --> 00:36:01,428 Heil Hitler! 598 00:36:02,845 --> 00:36:04,178 You're right, Herman. 599 00:36:04,261 --> 00:36:06,345 We are a special people. 600 00:36:07,887 --> 00:36:09,261 You forget one quality 601 00:36:09,345 --> 00:36:12,595 that separates us from the rest, ja. 602 00:36:12,679 --> 00:36:14,428 We have self-control. 603 00:36:14,512 --> 00:36:18,428 Facts and logic over emotion, mm? 604 00:36:18,512 --> 00:36:21,595 That is our German soul. 605 00:36:21,679 --> 00:36:24,804 Your arguments about the war and the Jews 606 00:36:24,887 --> 00:36:28,970 are filled with rage, 607 00:36:29,053 --> 00:36:30,845 not a worthy emotion for any man, 608 00:36:30,929 --> 00:36:32,220 much less a German. 609 00:36:33,762 --> 00:36:36,136 That is not who we are. 610 00:36:36,220 --> 00:36:39,970 The way you talk... like you're not even German. 611 00:36:40,053 --> 00:36:42,553 Neither is the Fuehrer. He's Austrian. 612 00:36:47,929 --> 00:36:50,637 When my little boy asks me about our plight, 613 00:36:50,720 --> 00:36:53,428 about our place in the world, 614 00:36:53,512 --> 00:36:57,762 I tell him Germans believe in dignity for everyone. 615 00:36:57,845 --> 00:36:59,387 We aren't animals. 616 00:37:02,428 --> 00:37:05,637 To the Fatherland. Prost. 617 00:37:05,720 --> 00:37:07,053 - Prost. - Prost. 618 00:37:07,136 --> 00:37:08,679 - Prost. - Prost. 619 00:37:39,428 --> 00:37:40,804 You should've told me. 620 00:37:40,887 --> 00:37:42,095 - Tiago-- - She's my baby sister. 621 00:37:42,178 --> 00:37:43,762 - I'll take care of her. - With what, 622 00:37:43,845 --> 00:37:46,178 your radio songs and your bullshit sermons? 623 00:37:46,261 --> 00:37:47,553 Who the hell do you think you are? 624 00:37:47,637 --> 00:37:48,970 Josefina confided in me. 625 00:37:49,053 --> 00:37:49,929 She's just a kid! 626 00:37:50,011 --> 00:37:51,720 She wanted to join the Temple, 627 00:37:51,804 --> 00:37:54,095 and I am in no place to deny her entry. 628 00:37:54,178 --> 00:37:56,095 Why didn't you tell me? 629 00:37:56,178 --> 00:37:59,011 You're so full of fucking secrets. 630 00:37:59,095 --> 00:38:01,595 I couldn't betray her trust. 631 00:38:01,679 --> 00:38:03,970 My family doesn't need you. 632 00:38:04,053 --> 00:38:06,136 I'll take care of my sister. 633 00:38:06,220 --> 00:38:07,470 Leave. 634 00:38:22,303 --> 00:38:24,553 You know this is never gonna work. 635 00:38:24,637 --> 00:38:25,970 I know. 636 00:38:28,470 --> 00:38:30,345 But I can't stop. 637 00:38:31,887 --> 00:38:33,178 You should go. 638 00:38:46,470 --> 00:38:48,679 I need this to be real, Tiago. 639 00:38:51,011 --> 00:38:52,929 So I choose to believe it is. 640 00:38:53,011 --> 00:38:55,845 ♪ romantic music ♪ 641 00:39:30,345 --> 00:39:33,553 Herman is right... 642 00:39:33,637 --> 00:39:34,887 - What? - ...about everything, 643 00:39:34,970 --> 00:39:36,845 but I couldn't let him talk to you like that. 644 00:39:38,303 --> 00:39:40,679 I can speak for myself. 645 00:39:40,762 --> 00:39:42,804 I was embarrassed for you. 646 00:39:42,887 --> 00:39:45,553 You are the Bund's leader. You must lead. 647 00:39:47,679 --> 00:39:49,970 I need a new life, Peter, 648 00:39:50,053 --> 00:39:52,845 one where I'm not weak or frightened. 649 00:39:52,929 --> 00:39:54,595 - Of course not. You don't-- - Let me finish. 650 00:39:56,303 --> 00:39:58,970 You helped me with... 651 00:39:59,053 --> 00:40:03,387 with my husband, and I'm...so grateful for that, 652 00:40:03,470 --> 00:40:05,428 but I am never being treated like that ever again 653 00:40:05,512 --> 00:40:07,804 by a German or a Jew. 654 00:40:07,887 --> 00:40:09,512 I'm tired of living in that shame. 655 00:40:09,595 --> 00:40:11,345 No, no more. 656 00:40:11,428 --> 00:40:13,845 I will fight for my freedom and my country, 657 00:40:13,929 --> 00:40:15,011 and I need to know that you're strong enough 658 00:40:15,095 --> 00:40:16,261 to take care of Frank and me. 659 00:40:16,345 --> 00:40:18,178 You doubt that, 660 00:40:18,261 --> 00:40:19,512 after what I did for you? 661 00:40:19,595 --> 00:40:21,553 Then don't be afraid to be Deutsch. 662 00:40:21,637 --> 00:40:22,595 I'm not. 663 00:40:24,845 --> 00:40:27,720 But...perhaps we see this differently, you and I. 664 00:40:27,804 --> 00:40:29,512 How's that? 665 00:40:29,595 --> 00:40:33,095 Being a German is not marching with Hitler. 666 00:40:36,011 --> 00:40:38,178 I want peace for Germany 667 00:40:38,261 --> 00:40:39,804 and for America. 668 00:40:39,887 --> 00:40:41,470 This is why I speak out. 669 00:40:41,553 --> 00:40:43,512 This is the purpose of the Bund. 670 00:40:43,595 --> 00:40:45,970 So this is your strength, hmm? 671 00:40:46,053 --> 00:40:48,220 Appease the Jews and the Bolsheviks 672 00:40:48,303 --> 00:40:49,804 and all those who starved us 673 00:40:49,887 --> 00:40:51,178 and ripped apart our country 674 00:40:51,261 --> 00:40:53,220 and still keep us under the boot. 675 00:40:53,303 --> 00:40:54,845 Where is your pride? 676 00:41:05,303 --> 00:41:08,887 My pride is in what I do for my family 677 00:41:08,970 --> 00:41:11,428 and for you 678 00:41:11,512 --> 00:41:14,595 and for the children I help as a doctor. 679 00:41:14,679 --> 00:41:16,512 It is not in the Fatherland... 680 00:41:21,345 --> 00:41:23,845 ...and it is not in my name. 681 00:41:23,929 --> 00:41:25,512 Your name? 682 00:41:29,470 --> 00:41:32,178 You know I was raised in Essen in the war. 683 00:41:34,553 --> 00:41:38,512 It is also the home of the Krupp factories... 684 00:41:40,220 --> 00:41:42,804 ...Germany's armorers for 400 years. 685 00:41:43,762 --> 00:41:45,637 A dynasty it is. 686 00:41:47,345 --> 00:41:49,720 For centuries now, 687 00:41:49,804 --> 00:41:52,428 the Krupp factories make the blades and the bullets 688 00:41:52,512 --> 00:41:55,011 and the cannons for all the wars. 689 00:41:56,303 --> 00:41:59,428 Right now, Krupp is busy 690 00:41:59,512 --> 00:42:01,845 making panzer tanks and Stuka dive-bombers 691 00:42:01,929 --> 00:42:03,804 for Hitler. 692 00:42:03,887 --> 00:42:05,970 They sell death to the world 693 00:42:06,053 --> 00:42:07,679 and always have. 694 00:42:11,679 --> 00:42:14,804 My name... 695 00:42:14,887 --> 00:42:16,553 is not Peter Craft. 696 00:42:22,804 --> 00:42:25,220 I am Peter Krupp. 697 00:42:31,595 --> 00:42:34,136 In the war, 698 00:42:34,220 --> 00:42:36,595 I saw what those machines could do. 699 00:42:38,261 --> 00:42:41,387 I was a medic, ja... 700 00:42:41,470 --> 00:42:45,095 and I saw the blood and the wounds. 701 00:42:48,470 --> 00:42:51,845 And this is my family's legacy. 702 00:42:51,929 --> 00:42:54,762 I can never escape it, 703 00:42:54,845 --> 00:42:57,387 but I will not embrace it. 704 00:43:41,428 --> 00:43:44,387 ♪ eerie music ♪ 705 00:43:47,053 --> 00:43:48,553 Maria! 706 00:43:51,011 --> 00:43:52,136 Boys? 707 00:43:52,220 --> 00:43:54,720 What is that? 708 00:43:54,804 --> 00:43:57,053 Maria? 709 00:43:58,261 --> 00:43:59,637 What is that? 710 00:44:13,679 --> 00:44:15,345 - Maria! - Don't move. 711 00:44:15,428 --> 00:44:16,845 Don't move. 712 00:44:18,845 --> 00:44:20,011 Trevor? 713 00:44:23,178 --> 00:44:24,595 - Boys! 714 00:44:52,720 --> 00:44:54,136 ♪ dramatic musical sting ♪ 715 00:45:16,387 --> 00:45:18,428 Maria! 716 00:45:18,512 --> 00:45:20,637 - No! - Tommy! 717 00:45:55,553 --> 00:45:56,887 speaking Spanish 718 00:46:05,095 --> 00:46:06,804 Jose. 719 00:46:16,220 --> 00:46:18,136 speaking Spanish 720 00:46:43,553 --> 00:46:45,679 ♪ dark music ♪ 721 00:46:45,762 --> 00:46:47,929 Let me tell you what I know. 722 00:46:49,387 --> 00:46:50,804 Not a lot. 723 00:46:52,720 --> 00:46:55,595 An old woman should know more. 724 00:46:58,053 --> 00:47:01,512 But two things I know: 725 00:47:01,595 --> 00:47:04,845 my husband would never tell me to run away, 726 00:47:04,929 --> 00:47:08,095 and the beast can take many forms. 727 00:47:12,595 --> 00:47:15,428 Old coyote, 728 00:47:15,512 --> 00:47:18,845 do you know how your husband screamed when I killed him? 729 00:47:37,637 --> 00:47:39,303 Hello, Tom. 730 00:47:41,887 --> 00:47:43,929 ♪ eerie music ♪ 731 00:47:47,720 --> 00:47:50,053 What happened? Baby! 732 00:47:51,637 --> 00:47:54,136 What did you do? What did you do? 733 00:48:11,970 --> 00:48:14,136 Answer your goddamn phone, why don't you? 734 00:48:14,220 --> 00:48:15,178 I've been-- 735 00:48:15,261 --> 00:48:17,553 Uh, um... 736 00:48:17,637 --> 00:48:19,553 good evening, Detective. 737 00:48:24,804 --> 00:48:26,553 I need you. It's important. 738 00:48:26,637 --> 00:48:28,053 Meet me downstairs. 739 00:48:28,136 --> 00:48:31,053 - Are you serious? - Zip it up and get cracking. 740 00:48:31,136 --> 00:48:34,512 Good evening, milady. 741 00:48:39,428 --> 00:48:41,178 Will he tell anyone? 742 00:48:41,261 --> 00:48:42,929 Who cares? 743 00:48:50,512 --> 00:48:51,845 I can't afford to lose her. 744 00:48:51,970 --> 00:48:53,220 We can't afford to lose a child. 745 00:48:53,303 --> 00:48:54,387 It was an accident. 746 00:48:54,470 --> 00:48:55,762 Frank almost lost his hand. 747 00:48:55,845 --> 00:48:57,053 Nonsense. He was only burned. 748 00:48:57,136 --> 00:48:58,553 It wasn't her fault. 749 00:48:58,637 --> 00:48:59,887 She's supposed to be looking after them. 750 00:48:59,970 --> 00:49:01,887 - If we can't trust-- - Let me think. 751 00:49:01,970 --> 00:49:03,387 There's nothing to think about. 752 00:49:03,470 --> 00:49:04,220 Fire her! 753 00:49:04,303 --> 00:49:05,637 Elsa, stop. 754 00:49:06,845 --> 00:49:09,679 This is what we talked about. 755 00:49:09,762 --> 00:49:11,845 Will you be the strong man I need, 756 00:49:11,929 --> 00:49:13,762 or will you let an old Mexican woman 757 00:49:13,845 --> 00:49:15,136 be the master in this house? 758 00:49:18,136 --> 00:49:20,720 I don't need Peter Craft. I need Peter Krupp! 759 00:49:20,804 --> 00:49:21,804 Excuse me. 760 00:49:23,470 --> 00:49:24,679 I will go home now. 761 00:49:24,762 --> 00:49:26,553 Ah, ja. 762 00:49:26,637 --> 00:49:27,887 I'm sorry about tonight. 763 00:49:27,970 --> 00:49:29,887 Oh, no, no. He will be fine. 764 00:49:29,970 --> 00:49:32,136 We have to speak to you about something. 765 00:49:32,970 --> 00:49:33,595 At this moment? 766 00:49:33,679 --> 00:49:34,845 Yes. 767 00:49:40,887 --> 00:49:45,553 Uh, Maria... 768 00:49:45,637 --> 00:49:47,053 well, you work so hard for this family 769 00:49:47,136 --> 00:49:50,970 and, uh, for so long, 770 00:49:51,053 --> 00:49:53,845 but...we have decided... 771 00:49:58,679 --> 00:50:00,345 ♪ uneasy music ♪ 772 00:50:00,428 --> 00:50:02,095 ...that you shall have a raise. 773 00:50:04,178 --> 00:50:06,428 Five dollars more a week, shall we say? 774 00:50:06,512 --> 00:50:08,261 That is not necessary, Dr. Craft. 775 00:50:08,345 --> 00:50:09,887 Oh, please. 776 00:50:10,679 --> 00:50:13,804 This family could not do without you. 777 00:50:13,887 --> 00:50:16,053 Now, go home and see your children, ja? 778 00:50:17,970 --> 00:50:20,345 Thank you. Good night. 779 00:50:24,345 --> 00:50:28,136 - You want Peter Krupp? 780 00:50:28,220 --> 00:50:29,387 Here he is. 781 00:50:49,011 --> 00:50:50,470 What's so damn important? 782 00:50:50,553 --> 00:50:53,470 I went to see Townsend. 783 00:50:53,553 --> 00:50:55,303 He evaded badly. 784 00:50:55,387 --> 00:50:57,970 He's up to his neck in whatever it is, 785 00:50:58,053 --> 00:51:00,512 but there was this big map of the new motorway 786 00:51:00,595 --> 00:51:01,845 in his office. 787 00:51:01,929 --> 00:51:03,637 It came from a construction company 788 00:51:03,720 --> 00:51:06,178 called Via Hermosa Development, so I thought I might as well-- 789 00:51:06,261 --> 00:51:09,011 Wait, Miss Adelaide had one of those in her office too. 790 00:51:09,095 --> 00:51:12,637 So they're working together to build the motorway? 791 00:51:12,720 --> 00:51:15,428 What the fuck's that about? 792 00:51:15,512 --> 00:51:17,595 But here's the thing: after I saw the map, 793 00:51:17,679 --> 00:51:18,762 I went to the hall of records 794 00:51:18,845 --> 00:51:20,762 to dig around about Via Hermosa, 795 00:51:20,845 --> 00:51:23,637 corporate filings and the like. 796 00:51:23,720 --> 00:51:26,345 A lot of dummy paperwork and shell companies, 797 00:51:26,428 --> 00:51:29,011 but it all came down to one man, 798 00:51:29,095 --> 00:51:30,512 Richard Goss. 799 00:51:31,720 --> 00:51:34,345 The Nazis, City Hall, 800 00:51:34,428 --> 00:51:37,637 the Temple, the motorway. 801 00:51:37,720 --> 00:51:39,970 What does this all add up to? 802 00:51:42,011 --> 00:51:44,136 The future of Los Angeles. 803 00:51:45,720 --> 00:51:47,887 So...I thought you and I 804 00:51:47,970 --> 00:51:49,470 should make a little nighttime visit 805 00:51:49,553 --> 00:51:51,428 to the Via Hermosa offices. 806 00:51:51,512 --> 00:51:52,887 If we can find anything concrete 807 00:51:52,970 --> 00:51:53,887 to connect all this-- 808 00:51:53,970 --> 00:51:55,053 You mean break in? 809 00:51:55,136 --> 00:51:57,136 Yes, sunshine, I mean break in. 810 00:51:57,220 --> 00:51:58,261 Come on. 811 00:52:01,428 --> 00:52:04,053 Oh, and, Tiago... 812 00:52:04,136 --> 00:52:06,720 I don't care if you're fucking the Dragon Mother herself. 813 00:52:06,804 --> 00:52:08,595 Last time you pull this shit on me. 814 00:52:08,679 --> 00:52:10,220 - You understand? - Yes, sir. 815 00:52:10,303 --> 00:52:12,178 Too many secrets take you six feet under. 816 00:52:12,261 --> 00:52:14,512 It won't happen again, Lewis. 817 00:52:14,595 --> 00:52:17,011 Now, how long you been doing it? 818 00:52:17,095 --> 00:52:18,929 A month, maybe. 819 00:52:20,011 --> 00:52:22,845 Does she know about her mother and the Nazis? 820 00:52:22,929 --> 00:52:24,637 - No. - You sure? 821 00:52:25,845 --> 00:52:27,178 No. 822 00:52:28,679 --> 00:52:30,637 You know better than to be doing this. 823 00:52:30,720 --> 00:52:32,679 I do. 824 00:52:32,762 --> 00:52:35,011 Yeah, I know. 825 00:52:40,679 --> 00:52:43,470 A secret lay is always good, I give you that. 826 00:53:23,136 --> 00:53:26,053 ♪ tense music ♪ 827 00:53:44,804 --> 00:53:47,679 ♪ mysterious music ♪