1 00:00:09,804 --> 00:00:10,929 Previously 2 00:00:11,011 --> 00:00:13,303 on Penny Dreadful: City of Angels... 3 00:00:13,387 --> 00:00:14,804 You used to fight for your family, 4 00:00:14,887 --> 00:00:15,845 and now look at you! 5 00:00:15,929 --> 00:00:17,470 You sit, and you don't say anything! 6 00:00:17,553 --> 00:00:18,970 Mateo, come home now. 7 00:00:19,053 --> 00:00:21,261 These people are not your family. 8 00:00:21,345 --> 00:00:25,303 I can't talk to Mama or Raul or Tiago, 9 00:00:25,387 --> 00:00:26,804 and now I don't even have you anymore. 10 00:00:26,887 --> 00:00:27,845 You need to know I'm moving out. 11 00:00:27,929 --> 00:00:29,762 I'm going to live at the Temple. 12 00:00:30,387 --> 00:00:32,136 You know this is never gonna work. 13 00:00:32,220 --> 00:00:34,303 I know, but I can't stop. 14 00:00:35,720 --> 00:00:37,178 Councilwoman Beck has filed a petition 15 00:00:37,261 --> 00:00:38,303 to have you recalled. 16 00:00:38,387 --> 00:00:39,428 You have no talent. 17 00:00:39,512 --> 00:00:41,136 What you do have is a family name. 18 00:00:41,220 --> 00:00:42,970 Leave my father out of this. 19 00:00:43,053 --> 00:00:44,970 For Reilly, this little piece of shit? 20 00:00:45,053 --> 00:00:46,428 You're going to San Quentin. 21 00:00:46,512 --> 00:00:47,762 Or just like that, 22 00:00:47,845 --> 00:00:49,220 I'll make sure everyone knows 23 00:00:49,303 --> 00:00:50,637 what kind of rat you are. 24 00:00:50,720 --> 00:00:52,345 You kill them all? 25 00:00:52,428 --> 00:00:53,970 Dottie's gonna take you home, and you'll stay with her. 26 00:00:54,053 --> 00:00:55,887 Please don't let them hurt me. 27 00:00:55,970 --> 00:00:59,303 The Nazis, City Hall, the Temple, the motorway-- 28 00:00:59,387 --> 00:01:00,804 what does this all add up to? 29 00:01:00,887 --> 00:01:02,637 The future of Los Angeles. 30 00:01:03,387 --> 00:01:05,637 I don't know that we can save her. 31 00:01:05,720 --> 00:01:06,595 Save her? 32 00:01:08,095 --> 00:01:10,011 We're just trying to survive her. 33 00:01:20,095 --> 00:01:23,011 God. 34 00:01:23,095 --> 00:01:24,762 Just hold still. 35 00:01:26,136 --> 00:01:27,845 My fucking car. 36 00:01:27,929 --> 00:01:29,053 They'll give you another car. 37 00:01:29,136 --> 00:01:31,387 This is a V-12! 38 00:01:31,470 --> 00:01:34,345 You know how much hustling I had to do to get a V-12? 39 00:01:34,428 --> 00:01:36,887 Damn tragedy is what this is. 40 00:01:36,970 --> 00:01:38,136 So who was it? 41 00:01:39,428 --> 00:01:42,804 Better question: who doesn't want to kill us? 42 00:01:44,470 --> 00:01:45,595 City Hall. 43 00:01:45,679 --> 00:01:47,011 Townsend's a cream puff. 44 00:01:47,095 --> 00:01:48,428 Doesn't have the nerve. 45 00:01:49,679 --> 00:01:53,220 Maybe the Pachucos, revenge for Diego. 46 00:01:53,303 --> 00:01:54,970 Tommy guns aren't their style. 47 00:01:56,303 --> 00:01:57,887 The Temple. 48 00:01:57,970 --> 00:01:59,595 I hardly think Miss Adelaide is-- 49 00:01:59,679 --> 00:02:01,220 I know what you think, 50 00:02:01,303 --> 00:02:03,136 but you ask me, that woman's capable 51 00:02:03,220 --> 00:02:04,929 of pretty much anything under the sun 52 00:02:05,011 --> 00:02:06,637 and the big, black midnight. 53 00:02:09,512 --> 00:02:11,970 Let me tell you, though. 54 00:02:12,053 --> 00:02:14,428 For my money, this reeks of one thing 55 00:02:14,512 --> 00:02:17,053 and one thing only. 56 00:02:29,387 --> 00:02:30,887 So what do we do? 57 00:02:30,970 --> 00:02:33,011 They come after us. 58 00:02:33,095 --> 00:02:34,679 We go after them. 59 00:02:38,512 --> 00:02:40,595 You ain't seen what I can do. 60 00:02:43,428 --> 00:02:46,345 Look away, child. Look away. 61 00:03:05,512 --> 00:03:08,136 God, it could have been beautiful. 62 00:03:08,220 --> 00:03:11,345 This thing, it's not just a road. 63 00:03:11,428 --> 00:03:13,136 It's a vision. 64 00:03:13,220 --> 00:03:14,970 This could've been L.A. 65 00:03:15,053 --> 00:03:17,053 With respect, sir, I do wonder 66 00:03:17,136 --> 00:03:19,136 at your singular lack of moxie. 67 00:03:19,220 --> 00:03:21,303 Moxie? 68 00:03:21,387 --> 00:03:23,136 For fuck's sake. It's over. 69 00:03:23,220 --> 00:03:24,762 Beverly's gonna get her goddamn route 70 00:03:24,845 --> 00:03:25,762 for the motorway, 71 00:03:25,845 --> 00:03:27,720 and all the spics are gonna celebrate, 72 00:03:27,804 --> 00:03:29,095 and then they'll celebrate some more 73 00:03:29,178 --> 00:03:30,804 because she's gonna get me recalled, 74 00:03:30,887 --> 00:03:32,804 and then we're both gonna be out of a job. 75 00:03:32,887 --> 00:03:35,929 The city council doesn't vote for another four days, sir. 76 00:03:36,011 --> 00:03:38,303 - You still have time. - For what? 77 00:03:38,387 --> 00:03:40,762 They fucking hate me! 78 00:03:40,845 --> 00:03:42,804 The spics hate me, 79 00:03:42,887 --> 00:03:44,887 and the city council hates me, 80 00:03:44,970 --> 00:03:46,553 and the voters hate me. 81 00:03:46,637 --> 00:03:49,136 I'm a fat, hateful man, 82 00:03:49,220 --> 00:03:50,970 and nobody will ever love me, ever. 83 00:03:51,053 --> 00:03:52,720 Why the fuck should they? 84 00:03:55,720 --> 00:03:57,428 I love you, sir, 85 00:03:57,512 --> 00:03:58,887 and Kurt loves you. 86 00:03:58,970 --> 00:04:00,970 Of that, I have no doubt. 87 00:04:01,053 --> 00:04:02,804 Further still, the people of this city 88 00:04:02,887 --> 00:04:04,345 will love you again. 89 00:04:05,929 --> 00:04:08,345 You're going to save them, you see? 90 00:04:08,428 --> 00:04:12,178 You're going to give them that beautiful future. 91 00:04:12,261 --> 00:04:14,720 You must. It's your birthright. 92 00:04:17,387 --> 00:04:22,011 You have only one card left to play, 93 00:04:22,095 --> 00:04:23,470 and you must. 94 00:04:25,011 --> 00:04:28,470 The destiny of Los Angeles depends on it. 95 00:04:33,553 --> 00:04:36,261 Talk to your father. 96 00:04:45,637 --> 00:04:47,053 I didn't think 97 00:04:47,136 --> 00:04:49,929 about what all this would do to the boys... 98 00:04:51,595 --> 00:04:52,720 ...and my Tom especially. 99 00:04:52,804 --> 00:04:54,845 It will take time. 100 00:04:54,929 --> 00:04:56,720 Ja. 101 00:04:57,929 --> 00:04:59,970 But what I did was so selfish. 102 00:05:01,637 --> 00:05:04,929 I send their mother away, and I bring them you and Frank. 103 00:05:08,011 --> 00:05:10,178 We should have waited, Elsa. 104 00:05:10,261 --> 00:05:13,011 Peter Craft... 105 00:05:13,095 --> 00:05:15,011 you are a good, true man. 106 00:05:15,095 --> 00:05:16,887 We will see our way through. 107 00:05:16,970 --> 00:05:18,929 And we start today, ja? 108 00:05:19,011 --> 00:05:21,720 We will be a happy family like all the others. 109 00:05:21,804 --> 00:05:23,762 What do happy families do, then? 110 00:05:25,178 --> 00:05:27,720 They play games, maybe, 111 00:05:27,804 --> 00:05:28,720 or go out together. 112 00:05:28,804 --> 00:05:30,929 Ja, good. 113 00:05:31,011 --> 00:05:33,095 Tonight after work, 114 00:05:33,178 --> 00:05:35,470 you come home, and we will all go out 115 00:05:35,553 --> 00:05:38,387 to the movies; that's what we'll do. 116 00:05:38,470 --> 00:05:41,095 Why, look here. 117 00:05:41,178 --> 00:05:43,011 This new Robin Hood picture. 118 00:05:43,095 --> 00:05:45,303 Is he not the one your Tom likes so much? 119 00:05:45,387 --> 00:05:46,720 Ja. 120 00:05:46,804 --> 00:05:48,720 Ja, that book is our favorite. 121 00:05:50,220 --> 00:05:52,303 This will make him happy. 122 00:05:52,387 --> 00:05:55,095 A special treat for Tom, then. 123 00:05:55,178 --> 00:05:56,303 We will all go downtown 124 00:05:56,387 --> 00:05:59,178 and see this Robin Hood picture. 125 00:05:59,261 --> 00:06:00,970 You go tell him. 126 00:06:01,053 --> 00:06:03,387 And I'll tell him it was your idea. 127 00:06:21,136 --> 00:06:22,970 Look now. I've made a mess. 128 00:06:25,011 --> 00:06:27,178 I'll get it, ma'am. 129 00:06:27,261 --> 00:06:29,220 How silly am I? 130 00:06:29,303 --> 00:06:30,929 Very silly. 131 00:06:32,637 --> 00:06:34,595 Don't you think I am a silly girl? 132 00:06:36,762 --> 00:06:39,970 No, I do not. 133 00:06:40,053 --> 00:06:42,762 What do you think I am, then? 134 00:06:46,220 --> 00:06:49,512 When I know, I'll tell you. 135 00:06:51,303 --> 00:06:53,970 When you know, it'll be too late. 136 00:06:58,261 --> 00:07:00,929 I so hoped we could be friends. 137 00:07:02,428 --> 00:07:05,762 You might as well howl to the moon. 138 00:07:09,887 --> 00:07:12,887 Every drop now, you hear? Every drop. 139 00:07:36,220 --> 00:07:38,637 I need to see Mr. Richard Goss. 140 00:07:38,720 --> 00:07:40,261 Are you a member? 141 00:07:40,345 --> 00:07:43,512 I'm a member of the LAPD. 142 00:07:43,595 --> 00:07:45,804 I'm sorry, this club is restricted, 143 00:07:45,887 --> 00:07:48,053 Detective Lewis...Michener. 144 00:07:48,136 --> 00:07:50,303 Yeah, my rabbi told me. 145 00:07:50,387 --> 00:07:51,845 Sir. 146 00:07:55,553 --> 00:07:57,136 Sir. 147 00:08:01,762 --> 00:08:03,637 Mind if I join? 148 00:08:04,845 --> 00:08:06,887 How's Adolf? 149 00:08:06,970 --> 00:08:08,929 Invaded any countries lately? 150 00:08:09,011 --> 00:08:12,428 You fellas know Mr. Goss works for Adolf, right? 151 00:08:12,512 --> 00:08:14,220 When he's not killing Jews, that is. 152 00:08:14,303 --> 00:08:16,345 Gentlemen, will you excuse us? 153 00:08:16,428 --> 00:08:19,345 Yeah, go grab a copy of Mein Kampf at the gift shop. 154 00:08:21,845 --> 00:08:23,595 So... 155 00:08:23,679 --> 00:08:25,929 this is what a restricted club looks like. 156 00:08:29,512 --> 00:08:31,595 I can see why you keep the riffraff out. 157 00:08:31,679 --> 00:08:34,136 I could almost convert for a steak like that. 158 00:08:34,220 --> 00:08:35,428 Detective Michener, 159 00:08:35,512 --> 00:08:37,220 you have grossly overplayed your hand. 160 00:08:37,303 --> 00:08:40,261 Pal, I haven't even gotten to the table yet. 161 00:08:40,345 --> 00:08:42,512 But before they throw my Yid ass out of here, 162 00:08:42,595 --> 00:08:44,428 this is what you gotta hear. 163 00:08:44,512 --> 00:08:47,929 I know who you are, I know what you're doing, 164 00:08:48,011 --> 00:08:50,428 and I know you tried to kill me. 165 00:08:50,512 --> 00:08:52,720 So how about you do it now? 166 00:08:58,220 --> 00:08:59,845 Safety's still on. 167 00:08:59,929 --> 00:09:03,178 That's the little switch on the side. 168 00:09:03,261 --> 00:09:06,303 These theatrics are so in keeping with your people. 169 00:09:06,387 --> 00:09:07,970 Everything's such drama, isn't it? 170 00:09:08,053 --> 00:09:10,428 Yeah, we're aces on drama. 171 00:09:10,512 --> 00:09:12,136 You know what else we're good at? 172 00:09:12,220 --> 00:09:14,011 Staying alive, 173 00:09:14,095 --> 00:09:15,762 just like roaches. 174 00:09:15,845 --> 00:09:19,178 Keep stomping, and we'll just run to the corners. 175 00:09:19,261 --> 00:09:20,512 You killed my friends, 176 00:09:20,595 --> 00:09:22,303 you tried to kill me and my partner, 177 00:09:22,387 --> 00:09:24,345 and here I am. 178 00:09:24,428 --> 00:09:26,428 You may think you have an inkling 179 00:09:26,512 --> 00:09:28,095 of what you're dealing with, but-- 180 00:09:28,178 --> 00:09:29,887 Spare me the speech. 181 00:09:29,970 --> 00:09:31,929 Via Hermosa Development, 182 00:09:32,011 --> 00:09:34,387 Councilman Townsend over at City Hall, 183 00:09:34,470 --> 00:09:36,011 Sister Molly's Temple, 184 00:09:36,095 --> 00:09:37,136 that place in Topanga. 185 00:09:37,220 --> 00:09:38,303 I know exactly-- 186 00:09:38,387 --> 00:09:39,929 And young Brian Koenig. 187 00:09:42,470 --> 00:09:44,387 I know you have him hidden. 188 00:09:46,595 --> 00:09:48,845 But we will find him 189 00:09:48,929 --> 00:09:51,845 and pry whatever secrets he holds 190 00:09:51,929 --> 00:09:54,845 from that neurotic little brain. 191 00:09:56,178 --> 00:09:58,095 Sure. 192 00:09:58,178 --> 00:09:59,261 You bet. 193 00:09:59,345 --> 00:10:01,804 But until then, 194 00:10:01,887 --> 00:10:04,553 if you want to kill me, 195 00:10:04,637 --> 00:10:06,720 how about you just kill me? 196 00:10:08,553 --> 00:10:12,387 Not my partner, not my friends, 197 00:10:12,470 --> 00:10:14,053 me. 198 00:10:17,804 --> 00:10:19,220 Pick up the gun. 199 00:10:19,303 --> 00:10:21,303 Spare us both the trouble. 200 00:10:38,345 --> 00:10:39,637 I don't need to hurt you. 201 00:10:39,720 --> 00:10:41,512 Hey, that's good to know. 202 00:10:41,595 --> 00:10:44,011 Your wife, Miriam, died years ago, 203 00:10:44,095 --> 00:10:46,887 but your son, Felix, lives in Glendale. 204 00:10:46,970 --> 00:10:50,303 He works in the shoe department at Bullock's. 205 00:10:53,011 --> 00:10:55,595 You do not see him, or, more to the point, 206 00:10:55,679 --> 00:10:57,929 he chooses not to see you. 207 00:10:58,011 --> 00:11:01,762 Your daughter, Beth, lives in Millburn, New Jersey. 208 00:11:01,845 --> 00:11:05,929 She has two children. I cannot recall their names. 209 00:11:06,011 --> 00:11:09,428 I'm not sure you've ever met them. 210 00:11:09,512 --> 00:11:11,595 There's such estrangement in your family. 211 00:11:14,679 --> 00:11:17,095 Your daughter is with child, by the way, 212 00:11:17,178 --> 00:11:22,220 and so you're going to be a grandfather again. 213 00:11:23,470 --> 00:11:25,804 Congratulations. 214 00:11:27,387 --> 00:11:29,970 Daniel, 215 00:11:30,053 --> 00:11:34,595 robust representative of your tribe, 216 00:11:34,679 --> 00:11:36,387 you shall one day look back 217 00:11:36,470 --> 00:11:38,345 on this trip into the lion's den 218 00:11:38,428 --> 00:11:42,470 and weep for all you know 219 00:11:42,553 --> 00:11:44,470 and all you've lost. 220 00:12:07,095 --> 00:12:10,845 It's not the lions you have to look out for, pal. 221 00:12:12,095 --> 00:12:13,929 It's us roaches. 222 00:12:24,512 --> 00:12:25,679 I don't know. 223 00:12:25,762 --> 00:12:27,929 Lewis wants me to stay out of sight. 224 00:12:29,303 --> 00:12:31,679 I think he's worried about me. 225 00:12:31,762 --> 00:12:34,178 He's a good man to have as a partner. 226 00:12:36,387 --> 00:12:37,762 The best. 227 00:12:40,720 --> 00:12:43,595 And back to work on Monday? 228 00:12:43,679 --> 00:12:46,470 Yeah. There's a ceremony. 229 00:12:47,970 --> 00:12:51,220 We're gonna get citations for that Hazlett thing. 230 00:12:52,929 --> 00:12:54,804 Congratulations. 231 00:13:03,512 --> 00:13:05,720 We should go somewhere. 232 00:13:05,804 --> 00:13:07,387 What do you mean? 233 00:13:07,470 --> 00:13:09,095 Out somewhere. 234 00:13:09,178 --> 00:13:11,053 Like where? 235 00:13:11,136 --> 00:13:13,512 I don't know. 236 00:13:13,595 --> 00:13:15,845 I mean, we walk up and down this beach, 237 00:13:15,929 --> 00:13:18,929 and we stay inside the cottage so no one will see us. 238 00:13:19,011 --> 00:13:21,970 It's like we're in prison. 239 00:13:24,345 --> 00:13:25,929 I guess we are. 240 00:13:30,679 --> 00:13:34,762 And what if I want to be free of it, all of it? 241 00:13:34,845 --> 00:13:36,762 Honey, we can't go out in public. 242 00:13:36,845 --> 00:13:37,804 You know that. 243 00:13:37,887 --> 00:13:40,845 God Almighty, I'm so sick of it. 244 00:13:47,428 --> 00:13:49,929 You remember when we went to the pier? 245 00:13:54,011 --> 00:13:57,720 That's the day I fell in love with you, 246 00:13:57,804 --> 00:14:01,011 because you let me be just plain Molly. 247 00:14:02,261 --> 00:14:03,845 Let me be her again. 248 00:14:09,178 --> 00:14:10,011 Molly. 249 00:14:10,095 --> 00:14:12,970 Just for one night. 250 00:14:15,428 --> 00:14:18,303 - What do you have in mind? - Anything, everything. 251 00:14:18,387 --> 00:14:21,637 Let's just have fun, just like anyone else. 252 00:14:21,720 --> 00:14:23,720 You really want to have some fun? 253 00:14:24,845 --> 00:14:27,053 Because I know just the place. 254 00:15:41,136 --> 00:15:43,136 You may come in, sir. He only has about ten minutes. 255 00:15:57,637 --> 00:16:00,637 Sit down if you want. 256 00:16:00,720 --> 00:16:04,261 I'm riding in a few minutes, so I'd appreciate brevity. 257 00:16:06,387 --> 00:16:08,428 I need to talk about the motorway. 258 00:16:09,804 --> 00:16:12,345 Beverly Beck's motorway, this is? 259 00:16:12,428 --> 00:16:13,428 My motorway. 260 00:16:14,970 --> 00:16:16,804 Then you're wasting your time here. 261 00:16:18,220 --> 00:16:19,470 I need your help. 262 00:16:20,845 --> 00:16:22,804 I've never come to you before. 263 00:16:22,887 --> 00:16:24,470 I've never asked you for a damn thing, 264 00:16:24,553 --> 00:16:27,512 not a single election, not a single vote. 265 00:16:27,595 --> 00:16:29,095 - You know that. - You need my influence 266 00:16:29,178 --> 00:16:30,887 to persuade the city council 267 00:16:30,970 --> 00:16:34,512 to adopt your route for the Arroyo Seco motorway. 268 00:16:36,470 --> 00:16:38,845 That's what I need, Father. 269 00:16:40,679 --> 00:16:41,929 Well, sit. 270 00:16:43,261 --> 00:16:44,178 Sit. 271 00:16:51,136 --> 00:16:53,220 Go ahead, son. 272 00:16:58,637 --> 00:17:01,762 Three men built Los Angeles. 273 00:17:01,845 --> 00:17:03,387 Mulholland brought the water, 274 00:17:03,470 --> 00:17:05,220 Doheny found the oil, 275 00:17:05,303 --> 00:17:07,220 and you built the roads. 276 00:17:08,512 --> 00:17:09,470 When you came to this town, 277 00:17:09,553 --> 00:17:10,970 you had a vision for what it could be. 278 00:17:11,053 --> 00:17:13,053 You knew LA would grow and keep growing 279 00:17:13,136 --> 00:17:14,762 and it would need to get around, 280 00:17:14,845 --> 00:17:17,345 so you turned public transportation 281 00:17:17,428 --> 00:17:19,762 into private transportation. 282 00:17:19,845 --> 00:17:22,428 You bought the streetcars and the buses 283 00:17:22,512 --> 00:17:23,970 and the cabs 284 00:17:24,053 --> 00:17:25,804 and the property for the roads. 285 00:17:25,887 --> 00:17:27,845 No one moves a block in this city 286 00:17:27,929 --> 00:17:29,595 if they're not paying you. 287 00:17:31,053 --> 00:17:32,970 What I'm doing with the motorways 288 00:17:33,053 --> 00:17:35,762 is just the next logical step. 289 00:17:35,845 --> 00:17:38,679 Those little red streetcars are yesterday's news. 290 00:17:38,762 --> 00:17:41,845 The future is the automobile 291 00:17:41,929 --> 00:17:43,720 and the roads they drive on, 292 00:17:43,804 --> 00:17:45,929 a future we can control. 293 00:17:47,261 --> 00:17:50,095 It's the family business, sir. 294 00:17:54,637 --> 00:17:56,095 Not surprisingly, you have missed 295 00:17:56,178 --> 00:17:58,804 the essence of the matter. 296 00:17:58,887 --> 00:18:02,428 The future, as you so grandly put it, 297 00:18:02,512 --> 00:18:04,220 isn't in your motorways. 298 00:18:04,303 --> 00:18:06,261 That's all inevitable. 299 00:18:06,345 --> 00:18:08,845 The future is up there. 300 00:18:08,929 --> 00:18:10,261 Aviation. 301 00:18:11,428 --> 00:18:13,136 I already own most of Mines airport 302 00:18:13,220 --> 00:18:15,512 over in Inglewood and the land around it, 303 00:18:15,595 --> 00:18:16,845 and I'm working on a bond issue 304 00:18:16,970 --> 00:18:19,261 to add more runways and terminals 305 00:18:19,345 --> 00:18:20,804 and make it the central airport 306 00:18:20,887 --> 00:18:23,053 for all of Los Angeles. 307 00:18:23,136 --> 00:18:26,220 When the war comes, which it will, 308 00:18:26,303 --> 00:18:30,136 military's going to be pouring a fortune into aviation. 309 00:18:30,970 --> 00:18:33,887 All that technology will be trickling down 310 00:18:33,970 --> 00:18:36,220 into the private sector, 311 00:18:36,303 --> 00:18:38,762 so after the war, planes are gonna be bigger, 312 00:18:38,845 --> 00:18:40,720 cheaper, faster, 313 00:18:40,804 --> 00:18:42,011 flying longer routes, 314 00:18:42,095 --> 00:18:44,804 nonstop from LA to New York, 315 00:18:44,887 --> 00:18:47,637 right over all those motorways of yours. 316 00:18:49,637 --> 00:18:52,011 So you'll understand why the company 317 00:18:52,095 --> 00:18:55,136 can't spare too much worry about your little road. 318 00:18:56,970 --> 00:18:59,011 I'm not talking about the company. 319 00:18:59,095 --> 00:19:01,178 I'm talking about you. 320 00:19:02,720 --> 00:19:04,261 Please help me. 321 00:19:04,679 --> 00:19:06,762 For God's sake, don't embarrass yourself. 322 00:19:06,845 --> 00:19:08,679 Dad, just for a minute, please. 323 00:19:08,762 --> 00:19:10,970 You've already lost. 324 00:19:11,053 --> 00:19:13,261 Unless those Mexicans start rioting 325 00:19:13,345 --> 00:19:15,762 and killing a bunch of white folk, 326 00:19:15,845 --> 00:19:17,970 Beverly Beck has run the table. 327 00:19:18,053 --> 00:19:21,095 She gets her route for the motorway. 328 00:19:21,178 --> 00:19:23,637 You get recalled. 329 00:19:24,178 --> 00:19:27,428 But with your support, I could win. 330 00:19:28,178 --> 00:19:30,762 Well, you are assuredly correct about that. 331 00:19:33,178 --> 00:19:36,178 Do let me make one thing inescapably clear. 332 00:19:37,553 --> 00:19:38,970 The reason I'm not supporting you 333 00:19:39,053 --> 00:19:43,136 isn't because you're a fat, ugly queer. 334 00:19:43,220 --> 00:19:45,512 It's because you're weak, 335 00:19:45,595 --> 00:19:48,303 and I never back a losing horse. 336 00:19:54,553 --> 00:19:56,470 Good day. 337 00:20:32,929 --> 00:20:34,261 I need to see him. 338 00:20:34,929 --> 00:20:36,679 And you would be... 339 00:20:38,345 --> 00:20:39,929 An old friend. 340 00:20:47,762 --> 00:20:49,095 Detective Michener. 341 00:20:52,261 --> 00:20:53,512 What do you think? 342 00:20:53,595 --> 00:20:55,887 I bought the place from Lawrence Tibbett, 343 00:20:55,970 --> 00:20:58,178 the baritone of note. 344 00:20:58,261 --> 00:21:01,303 His design aesthetic was a bit rococo, 345 00:21:01,387 --> 00:21:05,845 but the bones of the house, unbeatable. 346 00:21:05,929 --> 00:21:07,553 Can I have a word? 347 00:21:09,804 --> 00:21:12,261 Give us the room, gents, 348 00:21:12,345 --> 00:21:15,470 and don't hang the chandelier until I'm there. 349 00:21:18,387 --> 00:21:22,345 Of course, I looked in Bel Air and over in Pasadena, 350 00:21:22,428 --> 00:21:26,470 but Beverly Hills is like the jugular of the town, 351 00:21:26,553 --> 00:21:28,261 it seems to me. 352 00:21:28,345 --> 00:21:30,303 Hey, tell me honestly, 353 00:21:30,387 --> 00:21:34,136 does this place make me look nouveau riche? 354 00:21:35,053 --> 00:21:36,178 Fuck yes. 355 00:21:39,136 --> 00:21:43,428 Listen...I need your help. 356 00:21:43,512 --> 00:21:46,428 The menace of Germany again? 357 00:21:46,512 --> 00:21:49,595 Did we not have a rather desultory conversation 358 00:21:49,679 --> 00:21:50,679 on this point? 359 00:21:50,762 --> 00:21:52,679 Cut the crap. 360 00:21:52,762 --> 00:21:55,261 I promise, I tell you what's going on, 361 00:21:55,345 --> 00:21:56,512 you'll help. 362 00:22:02,387 --> 00:22:05,387 You make me your friend, 363 00:22:05,470 --> 00:22:07,011 it's for life. 364 00:22:09,428 --> 00:22:10,595 Yeah. 365 00:22:12,804 --> 00:22:14,887 For life. 366 00:22:19,470 --> 00:22:21,804 I'm all ears. 367 00:22:32,387 --> 00:22:34,512 Gracias. 368 00:22:51,345 --> 00:22:52,720 Raul. 369 00:22:55,095 --> 00:22:57,679 I don't know that it's all bad, 370 00:22:57,762 --> 00:23:00,136 the motorway. 371 00:23:00,220 --> 00:23:02,595 Maybe it'll do some good? 372 00:23:02,679 --> 00:23:04,804 People can get to work faster. 373 00:23:04,887 --> 00:23:07,428 Maybe business will come in, like around the train stations. 374 00:23:07,512 --> 00:23:11,178 Or maybe it kills the whole neighborhood. 375 00:23:11,261 --> 00:23:13,095 It doesn't matter anyway. 376 00:23:13,178 --> 00:23:14,720 They're gonna move the road into the canyon. 377 00:23:14,804 --> 00:23:16,679 Come on. 378 00:23:24,470 --> 00:23:26,428 How's work? 379 00:23:26,512 --> 00:23:28,095 That house is cursed. 380 00:23:28,178 --> 00:23:29,512 I tried to help, but I... 381 00:23:29,595 --> 00:23:31,804 I don't know what to do anymore. 382 00:23:31,887 --> 00:23:33,178 Hell with it. 383 00:23:33,261 --> 00:23:35,011 I'll pray tomorrow. 384 00:23:37,095 --> 00:23:40,970 I was thinking about trying to go back to work, 385 00:23:41,053 --> 00:23:42,762 bring in some money. 386 00:23:42,845 --> 00:23:44,470 When you get better, okay? 387 00:23:44,553 --> 00:23:46,720 When will that be? 388 00:23:46,804 --> 00:23:48,845 So tired still. 389 00:23:48,929 --> 00:23:50,261 What? 390 00:23:52,637 --> 00:23:54,762 Ever since the hospital, 391 00:23:54,845 --> 00:23:56,762 nothing feels the same. 392 00:23:56,845 --> 00:24:00,553 It's like I have some kind of purpose now, 393 00:24:00,637 --> 00:24:02,804 but I don't know what it is. 394 00:24:11,428 --> 00:24:13,011 Okay. 395 00:24:13,095 --> 00:24:14,720 It's decided. 396 00:24:14,804 --> 00:24:17,136 Tonight you take your mama out. 397 00:24:18,261 --> 00:24:20,303 - Mama... - Now, come on! 398 00:24:20,387 --> 00:24:22,762 We'll get dressed to the nines and hit the town. 399 00:24:22,845 --> 00:24:25,053 I been in that bus for two hours 400 00:24:25,136 --> 00:24:27,303 after fighting with a German witch 401 00:24:27,387 --> 00:24:29,136 the whole day. 402 00:24:29,220 --> 00:24:30,804 You don't think I deserve a night out? 403 00:24:32,303 --> 00:24:35,345 Por favor, mijo. 404 00:24:39,136 --> 00:24:40,261 Listen, just sit tight. 405 00:24:40,345 --> 00:24:41,762 I'll be done in a couple of hours. 406 00:24:41,845 --> 00:24:43,762 Don't you worry about us, Lewis. 407 00:24:43,845 --> 00:24:45,428 I'm teaching the kid Mahjong. 408 00:24:45,512 --> 00:24:47,303 Jesus. Don't start betting. 409 00:24:47,387 --> 00:24:48,804 He's a math genius, remember? 410 00:24:48,887 --> 00:24:50,095 No one takes 411 00:24:50,178 --> 00:24:52,345 Mrs. Minter's little girl to the cleaners, hon. 412 00:24:52,428 --> 00:24:54,095 See you later. 413 00:24:58,220 --> 00:24:59,679 Let's go. 414 00:25:04,679 --> 00:25:07,679 I want a nice, easy transfer. 415 00:25:07,762 --> 00:25:10,595 The San Quentin boys will meet you at Union Station. 416 00:25:10,679 --> 00:25:12,679 They're insufferable Bay Area pricks, 417 00:25:12,762 --> 00:25:13,720 so be warned. 418 00:25:13,804 --> 00:25:14,679 Noted. 419 00:25:14,762 --> 00:25:16,095 Just put him on the train 420 00:25:16,178 --> 00:25:17,553 and wave good-bye. 421 00:25:34,053 --> 00:25:37,512 Remember, no grief. 422 00:25:37,595 --> 00:25:38,804 No grief. 423 00:26:03,220 --> 00:26:04,762 How you doing, kid? 424 00:26:04,845 --> 00:26:06,178 Fuck you, puto. 425 00:26:06,261 --> 00:26:07,845 That's the spirit. 426 00:26:09,595 --> 00:26:11,929 King of San Quentin. That's what you said. 427 00:26:12,011 --> 00:26:13,970 Word's out you took the heat. 428 00:26:14,053 --> 00:26:15,595 You're gonna own the place. 429 00:26:22,261 --> 00:26:23,345 Let's go. 430 00:27:51,512 --> 00:27:53,261 Vamos, hijo. Vamos. 431 00:28:05,512 --> 00:28:08,136 - Eso, muy bien! - Hey, Mama. 432 00:28:12,387 --> 00:28:15,387 Vamos. Hey! 433 00:28:17,929 --> 00:28:19,303 Hey, hey! 434 00:28:19,387 --> 00:28:21,303 - Mijo. - Hey, Mama! 435 00:28:23,220 --> 00:28:24,303 - Hey. - Ooh! 436 00:28:24,387 --> 00:28:26,261 Sorry. 437 00:28:26,845 --> 00:28:28,512 - Mama. 438 00:28:28,595 --> 00:28:29,762 Your hair! 439 00:28:29,845 --> 00:28:31,053 What? I thought it would look good. 440 00:28:31,136 --> 00:28:32,053 You look gorgeous. 441 00:28:32,136 --> 00:28:34,303 Hey, come on. Let's sit down. 442 00:28:34,387 --> 00:28:35,970 Excuse us, ladies. 443 00:28:36,053 --> 00:28:39,804 My little girl, that hair, in this evil place. 444 00:28:39,887 --> 00:28:42,512 I'm not drinking, just dancing with Mercedes and Ana. 445 00:28:42,595 --> 00:28:44,804 Don't lie to your mother. 446 00:28:45,261 --> 00:28:47,470 My heart is so full, seeing you. 447 00:28:47,553 --> 00:28:48,679 I miss you, baby. 448 00:28:48,762 --> 00:28:51,345 Maybe you think about coming home? 449 00:28:51,428 --> 00:28:54,887 If you knew how happy I was, you wouldn't ask. 450 00:28:54,970 --> 00:28:56,178 Isn't that what you want for me? 451 00:28:58,595 --> 00:29:01,553 Yes, that's what I want. 452 00:29:02,428 --> 00:29:04,679 But...maybe I teach you 453 00:29:04,762 --> 00:29:07,011 a little bit about the mascara? 454 00:29:07,095 --> 00:29:09,387 Mercedes did that. I told her not so dark! 455 00:29:41,261 --> 00:29:42,762 What? 456 00:29:53,887 --> 00:29:55,804 What is it? 457 00:29:55,887 --> 00:29:56,970 Familia. 458 00:29:58,095 --> 00:29:59,887 Up to you, ese. 459 00:30:03,303 --> 00:30:05,053 What did she do with her hair? 460 00:30:05,136 --> 00:30:06,887 'Teo! 461 00:30:06,970 --> 00:30:08,929 God, I missed you so much, 'Fina. 462 00:30:11,595 --> 00:30:13,261 This is Rico and Rio. 463 00:30:13,345 --> 00:30:14,261 Yeah, hi. 464 00:30:14,345 --> 00:30:15,637 Your hair is killer. 465 00:30:16,929 --> 00:30:18,095 Come on, chica. 466 00:30:25,637 --> 00:30:26,970 Now, don't be like that, mama. 467 00:30:27,053 --> 00:30:28,261 I'm not your mama, 468 00:30:28,345 --> 00:30:29,303 if you even have one. 469 00:30:32,595 --> 00:30:34,261 This is my brother Raul. 470 00:30:34,345 --> 00:30:35,929 Hey, brother Raul. 471 00:30:36,845 --> 00:30:40,261 So this is it? You're all Pachuco now. 472 00:30:40,345 --> 00:30:43,261 In the sacred threads ass to crown, baby. 473 00:30:43,345 --> 00:30:46,428 You're a joke. You ought to be on the radio. 474 00:30:46,512 --> 00:30:47,804 Easy. 475 00:30:47,887 --> 00:30:50,303 Your baby brother's a man now. Take it from me. 476 00:30:50,387 --> 00:30:51,929 He's dressed like a man. 477 00:30:52,011 --> 00:30:52,762 Don't. 478 00:30:52,845 --> 00:30:54,470 That doesn't make you a man. 479 00:30:54,553 --> 00:30:57,804 A man stays with his family. 480 00:30:57,887 --> 00:31:01,136 He helps out at home. He has some pride. 481 00:31:01,220 --> 00:31:03,553 We don't need to fight about this, Mama. 482 00:31:03,637 --> 00:31:07,011 We all find our pride in different ways, yeah? 483 00:31:08,387 --> 00:31:10,637 When Raul went into the union, I remember you shouting 484 00:31:10,720 --> 00:31:14,303 that he was gonna become a Bolshevik and get blown up, 485 00:31:14,387 --> 00:31:16,637 and when Tiago joined the force, 486 00:31:16,720 --> 00:31:18,595 do you remember those fights? 487 00:31:18,679 --> 00:31:21,720 Josefina and this Temple, 488 00:31:21,804 --> 00:31:24,804 which I don't understand one bit, 489 00:31:24,887 --> 00:31:27,053 but she found her pride. 490 00:31:29,637 --> 00:31:30,929 That's what you taught us. 491 00:31:32,220 --> 00:31:34,387 Stand up. 492 00:31:34,470 --> 00:31:36,053 Be a Chicano. 493 00:31:37,178 --> 00:31:38,595 Be a Vega. 494 00:31:46,345 --> 00:31:49,679 Maybe... 495 00:31:49,762 --> 00:31:52,095 just be my mama for one night. 496 00:31:53,845 --> 00:31:55,095 Okay? 497 00:31:57,220 --> 00:32:00,095 We can fight tomorrow. 498 00:32:06,011 --> 00:32:08,470 I worry about you, 499 00:32:08,553 --> 00:32:12,053 out there in the city without me. 500 00:32:12,136 --> 00:32:14,220 So it's growing up. 501 00:32:16,345 --> 00:32:18,970 So it's getting hurt sometimes. 502 00:32:19,970 --> 00:32:22,053 In a purple suit. 503 00:32:23,679 --> 00:32:25,720 In a purple suit. 504 00:32:35,136 --> 00:32:36,720 Anyone want a drink? 505 00:32:36,804 --> 00:32:39,220 - Yes. - Yes. 506 00:33:12,095 --> 00:33:14,845 I tell you, baby, you got your brother's moves. 507 00:33:14,929 --> 00:33:16,595 I tell you, baby, 508 00:33:16,679 --> 00:33:18,095 I also got his back. 509 00:33:37,679 --> 00:33:39,887 Six dot. 510 00:33:41,178 --> 00:33:43,428 For all your smarts, you're lousy at Mahjong. 511 00:33:43,512 --> 00:33:45,637 Well, maybe 'cause I'm not Chinese. 512 00:33:45,720 --> 00:33:47,220 What, you think I am? 513 00:33:48,929 --> 00:33:51,053 I did have a Chinese dog once, 514 00:33:51,136 --> 00:33:54,261 one of those sausage dogs. 515 00:33:54,345 --> 00:33:55,970 A dachshund? 516 00:33:56,053 --> 00:33:57,595 That's a German dog. 517 00:33:57,679 --> 00:34:00,261 Yeah, no, I don't think so. 518 00:34:00,345 --> 00:34:01,720 I'm pretty sure. 519 00:34:03,011 --> 00:34:04,637 It was my dog, honey. 520 00:34:04,720 --> 00:34:06,345 Seven dot. 521 00:34:09,053 --> 00:34:10,804 So how are your equations coming along? 522 00:34:10,887 --> 00:34:12,261 You figuring things out? 523 00:34:13,845 --> 00:34:15,053 Yeah, I figured it out. 524 00:34:17,261 --> 00:34:18,929 You figured it out? 525 00:34:20,720 --> 00:34:21,845 The rocket, this would be? 526 00:34:23,929 --> 00:34:26,345 I'm working on something else now, 527 00:34:26,428 --> 00:34:28,011 something much bigger. 528 00:35:13,470 --> 00:35:15,595 Okay, time to go. Get your things. 529 00:35:15,679 --> 00:35:17,762 - Where are we going? - I told you, somewhere safe. 530 00:35:17,845 --> 00:35:19,178 I like it here. 531 00:35:19,261 --> 00:35:21,595 You'll like it there. Chop-chop, come on. 532 00:35:31,178 --> 00:35:32,553 Mrs. Minter, I take it. 533 00:35:32,637 --> 00:35:34,220 Miss Minter. 534 00:35:34,303 --> 00:35:36,762 So there's still a chance? 535 00:35:36,845 --> 00:35:39,178 Don't try your sweet talk on me, fella. 536 00:35:40,845 --> 00:35:41,762 Brian, shake a leg! 537 00:36:39,720 --> 00:36:40,720 Are we gonna be late? 538 00:36:40,804 --> 00:36:42,804 I don't want to miss the cartoons. 539 00:36:42,887 --> 00:36:44,053 We won't be late. 540 00:36:44,136 --> 00:36:45,887 Can you tell me the Robin Hood story? 541 00:36:45,970 --> 00:36:47,595 Why do you want to know the story? 542 00:36:47,679 --> 00:36:49,470 You're just about to see the movie. 543 00:36:49,553 --> 00:36:51,679 Did I ever tell you about the very first movie 544 00:36:51,762 --> 00:36:53,428 I ever saw? 545 00:36:53,512 --> 00:36:55,804 When I was born, they didn't have them, even. 546 00:36:55,887 --> 00:36:57,512 You're so old. 547 00:36:57,595 --> 00:36:59,345 Ja. 548 00:36:59,428 --> 00:37:01,595 So this man came to Essen 549 00:37:01,679 --> 00:37:05,804 with a big tent, like a carnival man, 550 00:37:05,887 --> 00:37:08,512 and he set up his projector machine, 551 00:37:08,595 --> 00:37:10,804 and we all paid a couple of pfennigs. 552 00:37:10,887 --> 00:37:12,470 How much is that? 553 00:37:12,553 --> 00:37:14,762 Say, a nickel. 554 00:37:14,845 --> 00:37:16,970 And he switched on his lamp, 555 00:37:17,053 --> 00:37:19,011 and he turned the handle, 556 00:37:19,095 --> 00:37:22,845 and this flickering light showed us 557 00:37:22,929 --> 00:37:24,720 pictures for the first time. 558 00:37:24,804 --> 00:37:26,345 Who was in it? 559 00:37:26,428 --> 00:37:30,470 No, this was before movie actors and... 560 00:37:30,553 --> 00:37:32,929 just showed life. 561 00:37:33,762 --> 00:37:34,845 Sounds boring. 562 00:37:37,095 --> 00:37:38,887 Well, it wasn't boring, no. 563 00:37:40,387 --> 00:37:43,261 It was the first time I saw the world, you see. 564 00:37:45,762 --> 00:37:49,095 And I knew I could go there 565 00:37:49,178 --> 00:37:53,762 and ride on trains and dance, 566 00:37:53,845 --> 00:37:57,970 everything that wasn't... 567 00:37:58,053 --> 00:37:59,387 my life. 568 00:38:03,804 --> 00:38:06,720 But no more of that? Tonight is for Robin Hood, ja? 569 00:38:06,804 --> 00:38:07,720 Ja! 570 00:38:13,929 --> 00:38:15,637 You were born in Belvedere Heights? 571 00:38:15,720 --> 00:38:18,720 No, Josefina was born in Belvedere Heights. 572 00:38:18,804 --> 00:38:21,679 We were over in Sonoratown when I was born, 573 00:38:21,762 --> 00:38:23,804 off Alameda Street, 574 00:38:23,887 --> 00:38:26,887 all of us in this tiny little room, 575 00:38:26,970 --> 00:38:30,095 no bathroom, no hot water. 576 00:38:30,178 --> 00:38:32,345 But my parents worked like mules, 577 00:38:32,428 --> 00:38:34,261 saving every penny 578 00:38:34,345 --> 00:38:36,178 so we could finally move. 579 00:38:36,261 --> 00:38:37,887 That's why we love the house so much. 580 00:38:37,970 --> 00:38:39,845 I envy you that. 581 00:38:39,929 --> 00:38:43,053 You have such a pride in where you're from. 582 00:38:43,136 --> 00:38:46,428 You're a proper Angeleno. 583 00:38:46,512 --> 00:38:48,428 Aren't you a proper Nebraskan? 584 00:38:48,512 --> 00:38:52,470 No, I grew up in the back seat of my mother's car, 585 00:38:52,553 --> 00:38:55,929 all over the Midwest, up into Canada sometimes. 586 00:38:56,011 --> 00:38:59,387 Wherever the revival circuit went, that's where I lived. 587 00:38:59,470 --> 00:39:01,512 God, I still live in a church. 588 00:39:03,095 --> 00:39:05,345 Maybe we'll have a real house someday. 589 00:39:06,887 --> 00:39:08,637 Don't look so anxious. 590 00:39:08,720 --> 00:39:11,428 Not gonna take away your vaunted bachelorhood. 591 00:39:11,512 --> 00:39:14,053 Please, take it. 592 00:39:18,053 --> 00:39:20,428 Now, hop to. We're almost there. 593 00:39:30,387 --> 00:39:33,970 My Lord, what palace of vice are you taking me to? 594 00:39:34,053 --> 00:39:36,303 Don't worry. Place is a mob scene. 595 00:39:36,387 --> 00:39:38,011 No one will even notice us. 596 00:40:14,512 --> 00:40:17,595 Please say you'll dance with me until dawn. 597 00:40:17,679 --> 00:40:20,428 Let's see if we can get a table first, and then we... 598 00:40:22,845 --> 00:40:23,845 Tiago? 599 00:40:25,387 --> 00:40:29,011 Okay, um...my mother's here. 600 00:40:29,095 --> 00:40:30,804 - Your mother? - Yes, 601 00:40:30,887 --> 00:40:31,929 and my brother. 602 00:40:32,011 --> 00:40:34,428 Well, should we not go say hello? 603 00:40:34,512 --> 00:40:36,220 Molly, it's a complicated family. 604 00:40:36,303 --> 00:40:38,387 It's a whole Chicano thing. 605 00:40:38,470 --> 00:40:41,303 You've met my mother. It's only fair. 606 00:40:41,387 --> 00:40:44,053 You're a gringa, and you're you. 607 00:40:46,136 --> 00:40:49,553 - Jesus, Molly... - Well, I'm not ashamed. 608 00:40:49,637 --> 00:40:51,345 Are you? 609 00:40:58,095 --> 00:41:00,053 Mama! 610 00:41:00,136 --> 00:41:02,595 Mijito. 611 00:41:02,679 --> 00:41:03,929 This is Molly. 612 00:41:04,011 --> 00:41:06,178 Molly, may I introduce you to my mother, Maria Vega, 613 00:41:06,261 --> 00:41:07,804 and my brother, Raul Vega? 614 00:41:07,887 --> 00:41:09,053 Hello. 615 00:41:09,136 --> 00:41:10,220 Molly, a pleasure. 616 00:41:10,303 --> 00:41:12,053 It's wonderful to meet you both. 617 00:41:12,136 --> 00:41:14,428 Um, Tiago has told me so much. 618 00:41:14,512 --> 00:41:15,970 Sit, sit. 619 00:41:18,345 --> 00:41:20,595 What has he been telling you? 620 00:41:20,679 --> 00:41:22,595 You know he's a born fibber. 621 00:41:22,679 --> 00:41:24,220 We used to call him Pinocchio. 622 00:41:24,303 --> 00:41:25,720 Already? 623 00:41:25,804 --> 00:41:27,136 Do tell. 624 00:41:27,220 --> 00:41:28,595 - Don't. - This one here 625 00:41:28,679 --> 00:41:30,053 is so good at the lies. 626 00:41:30,136 --> 00:41:33,220 When he broke something, who got blamed for it? 627 00:41:33,303 --> 00:41:34,970 Never innocent little Tiago. 628 00:41:35,053 --> 00:41:36,845 He was a good boy. 629 00:41:36,929 --> 00:41:39,011 He would make these big eyes, 630 00:41:39,095 --> 00:41:41,845 and then a tear would start falling down his cheek, 631 00:41:41,929 --> 00:41:43,720 just one, halfway down his cheek. 632 00:41:43,804 --> 00:41:45,387 I have no damn idea how he did it. 633 00:41:46,512 --> 00:41:47,804 And how did you two meet? 634 00:41:48,595 --> 00:41:50,428 Yo sabes, through work. 635 00:41:50,512 --> 00:41:51,970 Do you work in the station, then? 636 00:41:52,053 --> 00:41:53,845 No, no. 637 00:41:53,929 --> 00:41:56,929 I was working a case, and... 638 00:41:57,011 --> 00:41:58,845 we just met when I was out. 639 00:41:58,929 --> 00:42:01,470 Molly's in...public service. 640 00:42:01,553 --> 00:42:03,970 Teacher? 641 00:42:04,053 --> 00:42:05,387 Partly, yes. 642 00:42:05,470 --> 00:42:07,845 Mama. A Chicano mother, you should know... 643 00:42:07,929 --> 00:42:09,637 she's a mama bear at first. 644 00:42:09,720 --> 00:42:12,011 You're never gonna be good enough for her angel. 645 00:42:12,095 --> 00:42:14,679 But once you give her five or six grandkids... 646 00:42:16,387 --> 00:42:18,303 Your words to God's ear. 647 00:42:18,387 --> 00:42:19,887 Christ, I need a drink. 648 00:42:19,970 --> 00:42:21,512 - Amen. - What would you like, Molly? 649 00:42:21,595 --> 00:42:22,929 Branch water, thanks. 650 00:42:23,011 --> 00:42:24,261 Tequila? Tequila for you? 651 00:42:24,345 --> 00:42:25,595 - Claro. - I'll be right back. 652 00:42:25,679 --> 00:42:27,095 And no more stories about Pinocchio. 653 00:42:41,095 --> 00:42:42,762 Officer Vega. 654 00:42:43,929 --> 00:42:46,637 You got nerve showing up here. 655 00:42:46,720 --> 00:42:48,428 You got nerve showing up anywhere. 656 00:42:49,178 --> 00:42:50,595 You gonna cuff me? 657 00:42:52,095 --> 00:42:53,261 I'm off duty. 658 00:42:54,929 --> 00:42:57,220 Me too. 659 00:43:01,595 --> 00:43:04,220 Your money's ugly here. 660 00:43:04,303 --> 00:43:06,428 These are on me. 661 00:43:06,512 --> 00:43:07,679 Thanks. 662 00:43:07,762 --> 00:43:11,178 Tomorrow I won't be off duty. 663 00:43:11,261 --> 00:43:12,679 So it goes, amigo. 664 00:43:18,470 --> 00:43:19,637 I mean it. 665 00:43:19,720 --> 00:43:21,261 The three of us in this one room 666 00:43:21,345 --> 00:43:23,011 the size of a phone booth, 667 00:43:23,095 --> 00:43:24,303 little Mateo wetting the bed, 668 00:43:24,387 --> 00:43:26,637 Tiago doing his crying act, 669 00:43:26,720 --> 00:43:28,387 and I had to get up at damn five o'clock 670 00:43:28,470 --> 00:43:29,637 to go to the cannery! 671 00:43:29,720 --> 00:43:31,887 I swear, that makes me jealous. 672 00:43:31,970 --> 00:43:34,053 I don't have any brothers or sisters. 673 00:43:34,136 --> 00:43:37,053 I always wanted to be part of a big family. 674 00:43:37,136 --> 00:43:39,220 Come be a Vega, God help you. 675 00:43:39,303 --> 00:43:41,220 Sister Molly! 676 00:43:41,303 --> 00:43:42,804 I know you now. 677 00:43:44,136 --> 00:43:45,720 I know you. 678 00:43:45,804 --> 00:43:48,136 Bad enough what you do to my little girl, 679 00:43:48,220 --> 00:43:49,136 and now my son? 680 00:43:49,220 --> 00:43:51,095 - No, ma'am. - Mama. 681 00:43:51,178 --> 00:43:53,053 Look, I don't think I can explain other than-- 682 00:43:53,136 --> 00:43:54,345 No, ma'am! 683 00:43:54,428 --> 00:43:56,387 You take your gringa face out of my life. 684 00:43:56,470 --> 00:43:59,303 You take your white God away from my girl. 685 00:43:59,387 --> 00:44:01,136 You take your hands off my son. 686 00:44:01,220 --> 00:44:03,679 - We do not need you! - Hey, Mama, calm down. 687 00:44:03,762 --> 00:44:04,720 Calm down. Sit down. 688 00:44:04,804 --> 00:44:05,762 You bring this woman here? 689 00:44:05,845 --> 00:44:07,970 Sit down. 690 00:44:14,303 --> 00:44:15,845 You show her some respect. 691 00:44:15,929 --> 00:44:16,804 I should go. 692 00:44:16,887 --> 00:44:19,053 Stay. Please don't go, Molly. 693 00:44:19,136 --> 00:44:20,428 Please. 694 00:44:20,512 --> 00:44:22,011 Molly? 695 00:44:23,387 --> 00:44:24,929 What is this? 696 00:44:26,762 --> 00:44:28,512 Jesus Christ. 697 00:44:29,136 --> 00:44:30,595 Sit down. 698 00:44:30,679 --> 00:44:33,136 This is the woman makes you leave your family? 699 00:44:33,220 --> 00:44:34,470 No, come on, 'Fina. We don't need to do this. 700 00:44:34,553 --> 00:44:36,387 Shut up, Mateo. Sit down. 701 00:44:36,470 --> 00:44:37,595 Josefina, let me explain. 702 00:44:37,679 --> 00:44:38,929 Fuck him coming here. 703 00:44:39,011 --> 00:44:40,804 - This place is for Chicanos. - You lied to me. 704 00:44:40,887 --> 00:44:42,470 You got no right to talk to me like that. 705 00:44:42,553 --> 00:44:43,470 I'm sorry. I didn't know what-- 706 00:44:43,553 --> 00:44:44,637 You should've told me. 707 00:44:44,720 --> 00:44:46,303 What, you gonna shoot me? Go on, you fuck. 708 00:44:46,387 --> 00:44:48,303 You gonna cut my throat? Come on, Pachuco, here I am! 709 00:44:48,387 --> 00:44:50,303 Both of you, shut up. 710 00:44:50,387 --> 00:44:52,011 Motherfucker. 711 00:44:53,095 --> 00:44:55,011 Tiago, why do you do this to me? 712 00:44:55,095 --> 00:44:56,345 Josefina-- 713 00:44:56,428 --> 00:44:57,470 - Don't blame him. - Then you tell me. 714 00:44:57,553 --> 00:44:58,637 Why are you here? I don't understand. 715 00:44:58,720 --> 00:45:00,011 Esta mujer is dating your brother. 716 00:45:00,095 --> 00:45:02,595 This is your goddamn saint. 717 00:45:02,679 --> 00:45:04,553 - Don't. - Let them talk, Mama. 718 00:45:04,637 --> 00:45:06,345 I should've told you. I didn't know how. 719 00:45:06,428 --> 00:45:08,345 Suddenly you can't find the words, you. 720 00:45:08,428 --> 00:45:09,720 What kind of man are you, 721 00:45:09,804 --> 00:45:11,011 to do this to your family? 722 00:45:11,095 --> 00:45:12,303 Chicana girl not good enough for him, 723 00:45:12,387 --> 00:45:13,762 - not for the white cop. - Stop. 724 00:45:13,845 --> 00:45:14,845 You've been running from us your whole life. 725 00:45:14,929 --> 00:45:17,595 This is our skin, ese, yours and mine, 726 00:45:17,679 --> 00:45:19,637 and nothing you do is gonna change that, 727 00:45:19,720 --> 00:45:21,345 no matter how many gringa putas you fuck. 728 00:45:21,428 --> 00:45:24,053 All of you, stop! 729 00:45:26,553 --> 00:45:28,929 I will not have this from you, from anyone. 730 00:45:31,970 --> 00:45:34,178 My whole life, 731 00:45:34,261 --> 00:45:36,387 I've been disappointing people. 732 00:45:38,220 --> 00:45:40,261 I don't believe in God. 733 00:45:40,345 --> 00:45:42,887 I don't believe in Santa Muerte. 734 00:45:42,970 --> 00:45:47,053 I don't join the union. I join the force. 735 00:45:47,136 --> 00:45:49,345 I'm not Chicano enough. 736 00:45:49,428 --> 00:45:51,845 I'm not white enough. 737 00:45:51,929 --> 00:45:53,845 I'm not Catholic enough. 738 00:45:53,929 --> 00:45:55,220 I'm not cop enough. 739 00:45:55,303 --> 00:45:58,887 I'm not anything enough! 740 00:46:01,261 --> 00:46:03,553 But what I am 741 00:46:03,637 --> 00:46:07,387 is Tiago Vega, 742 00:46:07,470 --> 00:46:10,762 and the woman I love sits here. 743 00:46:15,303 --> 00:46:20,053 You can turn your backs, you can walk away right now, 744 00:46:20,136 --> 00:46:23,387 but this is who I am. 745 00:46:35,970 --> 00:46:39,053 Jesus. You should have been a priest. 746 00:46:43,011 --> 00:46:45,178 I love you, Tiago, 747 00:46:45,261 --> 00:46:47,887 but you drive me mad all the time. 748 00:46:47,970 --> 00:46:50,387 He's a Vega? 749 00:46:50,470 --> 00:46:53,720 Three sons and no priest. 750 00:46:53,804 --> 00:46:55,970 Explain that to me, someone. 751 00:46:57,637 --> 00:46:59,261 Maybe she's the priest. 752 00:47:08,845 --> 00:47:10,929 Maybe she is. 753 00:47:14,345 --> 00:47:15,845 Maybe we start again? 754 00:47:19,345 --> 00:47:21,553 This is Molly Finnister, 755 00:47:21,637 --> 00:47:23,136 Sister Molly. 756 00:47:23,220 --> 00:47:25,053 Okay. 757 00:47:25,136 --> 00:47:28,637 So this is a Mexican mother. 758 00:47:28,720 --> 00:47:31,470 She says a lot and really loud. 759 00:47:31,553 --> 00:47:34,595 Loud. 760 00:47:34,679 --> 00:47:36,887 But if Tiago says he cares for you, 761 00:47:36,970 --> 00:47:38,679 that matters. 762 00:47:38,762 --> 00:47:39,637 He's my soul. 763 00:47:41,970 --> 00:47:44,845 They all are. 764 00:47:44,929 --> 00:47:46,470 And I would never do anything to hurt him 765 00:47:46,553 --> 00:47:47,595 or your daughter. 766 00:47:47,679 --> 00:47:48,845 Please believe me. 767 00:47:48,929 --> 00:47:50,804 She's telling the truth. 768 00:47:50,887 --> 00:47:54,387 This all with Tiago, I don't understand... 769 00:47:54,470 --> 00:47:57,220 but she is a good woman. 770 00:48:01,095 --> 00:48:03,178 I love you, Mateo mio. 771 00:48:07,595 --> 00:48:11,887 We talk sometime, you and me, yeah? 772 00:48:37,762 --> 00:48:38,970 Promised this lady a dance. 773 00:48:44,470 --> 00:48:46,720 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord. 774 00:48:47,845 --> 00:48:50,053 Amen, sister. 775 00:48:50,136 --> 00:48:53,261 Hey, come on, 'Fina, you and me. 776 00:48:53,345 --> 00:48:54,887 Let's show them how it's done, Mama. 777 00:48:54,970 --> 00:48:58,679 Old lady like me? 778 00:49:00,929 --> 00:49:02,637 Yeah, you know what you're doing? 779 00:49:02,720 --> 00:49:04,261 - No. - No? Check this out. 780 00:49:07,595 --> 00:49:10,095 Yay! Vamos, familia! 781 00:49:10,178 --> 00:49:12,553 Yeah!