1 00:00:03,128 --> 00:00:05,505         [indistinct chatter]         2 00:00:05,964 --> 00:00:08,174         [microphone feedback]        3 00:00:08,758 --> 00:00:10,719                                   4 00:00:20,478 --> 00:00:23,982        Uber owns no vehicles.            Facebook creates no content.     5 00:00:24,024 --> 00:00:25,734       Alibaba has no inventory.      6 00:00:25,734 --> 00:00:28,945      The world is shifting from                 tangible assets           7 00:00:28,987 --> 00:00:30,155        to digital convenience.       8 00:00:30,155 --> 00:00:34,367    That is why I'm here presenting     this idea to the panel, today.    9 00:00:34,409 --> 00:00:35,994    We've developed an app to bring  10 00:00:35,994 --> 00:00:38,413           the $10 trillion                    derivative industry         11 00:00:38,455 --> 00:00:40,623           to the blockchain                    by the year 2018,          12 00:00:40,623 --> 00:00:43,418       with our half percent fee              charged on collateral        13 00:00:43,460 --> 00:00:46,046             deposited in                     our smart contracts.         14 00:00:46,046 --> 00:00:48,548       May I ask you to pause it                  for a second?            15 00:00:48,590 --> 00:00:51,676          So using your app,                 I take my 100 Bitcoins        16 00:00:51,676 --> 00:00:54,262    -and pretend it's Apple shares?                  -Yes.                17 00:00:54,262 --> 00:00:55,930     So, it's a bit like in trade.    18 00:00:55,930 --> 00:00:59,809    Yeah, you're planning to launch       other asset classes, yeah?      19 00:00:59,809 --> 00:01:02,228        I guess it wasn't clear               from my presentation.        20 00:01:02,270 --> 00:01:04,856        Well, we're Book Club,                  We like clarity.           21 00:01:04,856 --> 00:01:06,107       This isn't Y Combinator.       22 00:01:06,107 --> 00:01:08,109      We've created the framework               for someone else           23 00:01:08,109 --> 00:01:09,444      -to create digital assets--               -No. I got that.           24 00:01:09,486 --> 00:01:12,030     -So it won't be our problem.        -Well, it will be your problem.  25 00:01:12,030 --> 00:01:14,574          Because to the SEC                     or to the CSDC,           26 00:01:14,574 --> 00:01:16,701         it's gonna look like                  a brokerage trade.          27 00:01:16,701 --> 00:01:18,745           Which exemptions                    do you plan to use?         28 00:01:24,125 --> 00:01:26,169        I don't have the answer                to that right now.          29 00:01:26,169 --> 00:01:28,463        I won't pretend to have             the answer when I don't.       30 00:01:28,463 --> 00:01:32,133     All right. Well, "right now"          doesn't exist in a vacuum.      31 00:01:32,133 --> 00:01:34,177           So, why don't you               think about what I've said      32 00:01:34,177 --> 00:01:36,763       and come back in a year,             'cause it's a great idea?      33 00:01:36,763 --> 00:01:38,848     [whispering] Excuse me, sir.             Ms. Flood is outside.        34 00:01:38,848 --> 00:01:41,476    [Hatch] What do you mean she's        outside? Why isn't she here?     35 00:01:42,477 --> 00:01:44,479      Uh, if you could excuse me.     36 00:01:44,521 --> 00:01:46,648         [indistinct chatter]         37 00:01:49,567 --> 00:01:51,528         Hey. Edes, what's up?                    Is it the AC?            38 00:01:51,569 --> 00:01:52,570        I had them turn it off.       39 00:01:52,612 --> 00:01:53,780           We're in puddles                    of sweat in there.          40 00:01:53,780 --> 00:01:57,075          I had to have three             Kahlua popsicles to cool off.    41 00:01:57,075 --> 00:01:58,618       Why aren't you in there?       42 00:01:59,702 --> 00:02:01,037             What are you                      doing here, Wyant?          43 00:02:01,037 --> 00:02:03,414  Hatch, as I'm sure you're aware,  44 00:02:03,456 --> 00:02:06,251            OriGen doesn't                    require notice for...        45 00:02:06,918 --> 00:02:08,962        Well, for termination.        46 00:02:09,003 --> 00:02:10,046      What are you talking about?     47 00:02:10,046 --> 00:02:11,881  [Wyant] We received confirmation             45 minutes ago.           48 00:02:11,923 --> 00:02:14,926        -Confirmation of what?            -That you're a fucking thief.    49 00:02:14,926 --> 00:02:15,635                 What?                50 00:02:15,677 --> 00:02:17,762     Thomas Newton's tenth patent     51 00:02:17,762 --> 00:02:20,974           was found on your                   personal computer.          52 00:02:21,015 --> 00:02:22,016      By removing it from OriGen,     53 00:02:22,016 --> 00:02:24,519           you violated your               non-disclosure agreements.      54 00:02:24,519 --> 00:02:26,813     -We need you to sign, Hatch.                 -[scoffs] No.            55 00:02:27,772 --> 00:02:28,565               Fuck you!              56 00:02:28,606 --> 00:02:31,609     I was doing a 360 risk audit              of Dad's annuities.         57 00:02:31,651 --> 00:02:34,112         I'm the risk officer.                   That's my job.            58 00:02:34,112 --> 00:02:36,573          Which patent whore                  were you selling to?         59 00:02:36,573 --> 00:02:38,992         -Is it Intel? Apple?                    -Edie, please.            60 00:02:39,033 --> 00:02:41,494      I wasn't stealing anything         and I wasn't selling anything.    61 00:02:41,536 --> 00:02:43,830      I was trying to understand               the fucking thing.          62 00:02:43,830 --> 00:02:46,958     Wyant, can you go recharge in        your flying pod or whatever?     63 00:02:47,000 --> 00:02:48,251           I need to talk to                     my baby sister.           64 00:02:48,293 --> 00:02:51,337  I didn't mean that pejoratively.      I mean, like a powerful baby.    65 00:02:51,337 --> 00:02:52,964    A baby who can run a company--    66 00:02:52,964 --> 00:02:54,465       You are the infant here.       67 00:02:54,507 --> 00:02:55,842        You are so incompetent.       68 00:02:55,884 --> 00:02:59,012  You disguised the patent on your      computer as a fucking recipe.    69 00:02:59,012 --> 00:03:01,222              For hummus?                     I'm the vegan, Hatch.        70 00:03:01,264 --> 00:03:02,473          You eat cigarettes                    wrapped in shit!           71 00:03:02,515 --> 00:03:04,976  Whatever contracts Dad inherited        when he took over OriGen       72 00:03:05,018 --> 00:03:07,020           have left us with                    massive exposure.          73 00:03:07,061 --> 00:03:08,188       It's even more insulting                  that you think            74 00:03:08,229 --> 00:03:09,564          you can distract me                  with this bullshit.         75 00:03:09,564 --> 00:03:11,399           Did you know that              that patent was classified as    76 00:03:11,399 --> 00:03:13,151         top secret by the US                 Department of Energy?        77 00:03:13,193 --> 00:03:14,736     Which is fucking terrifying?     78 00:03:14,736 --> 00:03:16,321    You didn't. And neither did I.    79 00:03:16,362 --> 00:03:18,031          Because Dad didn't                   see fit to tell us          80 00:03:18,031 --> 00:03:19,407     before he jumped off a cliff.    81 00:03:19,407 --> 00:03:20,533    Why would he tell you anything    82 00:03:20,533 --> 00:03:21,993           given how little                  he thought of you, huh?       83 00:03:22,035 --> 00:03:24,621       You somehow managed to be           roiling in contempt for him     84 00:03:24,662 --> 00:03:26,039       while drowning in Kahlua.      85 00:03:26,080 --> 00:03:27,290     Kahlua, in the 21st century.     86 00:03:27,290 --> 00:03:29,876       You've never been able to             get past that Dad left        87 00:03:29,876 --> 00:03:31,586         controlling interest                of the company to me--        88 00:03:31,628 --> 00:03:33,838     So that he could control you                from the grave!           89 00:03:33,838 --> 00:03:35,131           You never wanted                    to see what he was.         90 00:03:35,173 --> 00:03:38,051         -He was a visionary.               -He wasn't the visionary.      91 00:03:38,968 --> 00:03:39,886                  No.                 92 00:03:39,928 --> 00:03:40,678              No, no, no.             93 00:03:40,678 --> 00:03:42,180            I am not gonna                      let you make this          94 00:03:42,180 --> 00:03:44,098         about your obsession                   with that freak.           95 00:03:44,140 --> 00:03:45,600             Nobody knows                     what Thomas Newton's         96 00:03:45,600 --> 00:03:48,269           tenth patent was.               Nobody knows what it does.      97 00:03:48,269 --> 00:03:49,646          Why was it written                       in base 60?             98 00:03:49,646 --> 00:03:51,314            That's not even                    our number system.          99 00:03:51,314 --> 00:03:52,398          It's a word salad.          100 00:03:52,398 --> 00:03:53,816     That's why it's been sitting           on a shelf for 45 years.       101 00:03:53,816 --> 00:03:56,110      Then why was it classified         the second that he disappeared?  102 00:03:56,152 --> 00:03:57,862       I'm not engaging in this.                 You're a thief.           103 00:03:57,904 --> 00:03:59,989       -Who fucking cares? Sign.                -You should care.          104 00:04:00,031 --> 00:04:02,992  Because without Newton's patents           OriGen is nothing.          105 00:04:03,034 --> 00:04:04,452          His tech was magic.         106 00:04:04,452 --> 00:04:06,412  It was like from another planet.  107 00:04:06,454 --> 00:04:08,331      Another planet? Oh, my God.     108 00:04:08,373 --> 00:04:10,667       Can we please... Can this            just be about you and me?      109 00:04:10,708 --> 00:04:13,670       I've been killing myself          holding this company together.    110 00:04:13,670 --> 00:04:16,506      The only way we make money,         Hatch, is with those patents,    111 00:04:16,547 --> 00:04:18,675     and you tried to go sell one              to our competition.         112 00:04:18,716 --> 00:04:20,426    It doesn't matter that it's old  113 00:04:20,468 --> 00:04:22,303         and it doesn't matter                 that it's useless.          114 00:04:22,303 --> 00:04:25,848         You did it to fuck me               because you're jealous!       115 00:04:25,890 --> 00:04:28,142         Because you hate that                   Dad hated you.            116 00:04:30,436 --> 00:04:32,105                Edie...               117 00:04:32,146 --> 00:04:37,151    Dad had a million secrets that       you never wanted to look into.    118 00:04:38,111 --> 00:04:40,363     This one is dangerous enough     119 00:04:40,405 --> 00:04:42,448            to be squashed                    by the US government.        120 00:04:42,448 --> 00:04:44,659       This conversation's over.                Sign the papers.           121 00:04:44,659 --> 00:04:46,244           Please, can I...           122 00:04:46,286 --> 00:04:48,746            Can I just say                  "Please, don't fire me?"       123 00:04:48,746 --> 00:04:52,125  Look, OriGen is all that I have.           It's all that I am.         124 00:04:52,125 --> 00:04:53,751        I love it despite Dad.        125 00:04:53,793 --> 00:04:56,045      I don't know anything else.     126 00:04:56,045 --> 00:04:58,256         I... Look, I can't...        127 00:04:58,298 --> 00:04:59,257       I can't bargain with you.      128 00:04:59,257 --> 00:05:01,342             I can't, um,                    threaten consequences.        129 00:05:01,342 --> 00:05:04,304       I can just say, "Please,             don't fire your brother."      130 00:05:07,598 --> 00:05:08,975                 Sign.                131 00:05:10,351 --> 00:05:12,145           I'm erasing you.           132 00:05:25,283 --> 00:05:26,701           He would've been                     happy about this.          133 00:05:26,743 --> 00:05:28,369            Yeah, he would.           134 00:05:36,627 --> 00:05:37,962                 Um...                135 00:05:38,338 --> 00:05:39,380                Edie...               136 00:05:40,673 --> 00:05:43,343              Whatever's                   in that patent, there's...      137 00:05:43,384 --> 00:05:45,845      no way it doesn't come back                 to burn you.             138 00:06:01,527 --> 00:06:03,988        [wind chimes tinkling]        139 00:06:06,449 --> 00:06:08,868           [Faraday gasping]          140 00:06:09,410 --> 00:06:14,749         [strained] Can we go                    to Seattle now?           141 00:06:16,292 --> 00:06:17,877            [weakly] Water.           142 00:06:17,877 --> 00:06:20,546                -Water.                    -He hardly weighs a thing.      143 00:06:20,546 --> 00:06:22,215           [Faraday] Water.           144 00:06:22,423 --> 00:06:24,300              [groaning]              145 00:06:24,342 --> 00:06:25,551         [Justin] Oh, my God.         146 00:06:26,177 --> 00:06:27,303              [wheezing]              147 00:06:27,345 --> 00:06:29,514           I need something.                    Come on, come on.          148 00:06:32,683 --> 00:06:33,684                 More!                149 00:06:33,684 --> 00:06:35,395                -More.                            -Here. Here.             150 00:06:35,395 --> 00:06:37,897         -[breathing heavily]                  -[Josiah] Come on.          151 00:06:43,027 --> 00:06:45,405              [growling]              152 00:06:45,446 --> 00:06:47,907             -[squelching]                         -Oh, sh...              153 00:06:48,741 --> 00:06:52,036         [Justin] Oh, my God.                      Oh, my God.             154 00:06:52,078 --> 00:06:53,246                [gasps]               155 00:06:56,457 --> 00:06:58,584             [chittering]             156 00:07:02,630 --> 00:07:04,882        -[chittering continues]                   -Oh, my God.             157 00:07:13,808 --> 00:07:16,102             [squelching]             158 00:07:25,778 --> 00:07:28,114              [slushing]              159 00:07:32,618 --> 00:07:34,245               -[gasps]                           -[Josiah] Oh.            160 00:07:35,788 --> 00:07:38,332       We can go to OriGen now.       161 00:07:38,332 --> 00:07:39,917              -[sneezes]                         -[Justin gasps]           162 00:07:40,751 --> 00:07:42,128              Bless you.              163 00:07:44,547 --> 00:07:46,299            God bless you.            164 00:08:03,316 --> 00:08:05,526        [wind chimes tinkling]        165 00:08:39,685 --> 00:08:41,312             I can shave.             166 00:08:42,813 --> 00:08:44,190            [door creaking]           167 00:08:59,664 --> 00:09:01,374                 Wait.                168 00:09:01,415 --> 00:09:03,918     I... I'm not ready for this.     169 00:09:04,752 --> 00:09:06,921               [Josiah]                     Don't be afraid, Juzzie.       170 00:09:11,509 --> 00:09:14,053          It's okay. Come on.         171 00:09:15,221 --> 00:09:16,389                                   172 00:09:23,396 --> 00:09:24,730              Come here.              173 00:09:47,503 --> 00:09:49,046               [crying]               174 00:09:53,509 --> 00:09:55,469          Why are you crying?         175 00:09:55,511 --> 00:09:57,054                 Hmm?                 176 00:10:00,600 --> 00:10:03,477            There's a price                   for everything, Dad.         177 00:10:04,520 --> 00:10:06,772    Well, maybe we already paid it.  178 00:10:07,565 --> 00:10:11,611         I know how impossible                   this all seems.           179 00:10:12,486 --> 00:10:13,946       But now there's this man...     180 00:10:13,946 --> 00:10:16,282           [Justin]   He's not                     just a man, Dad.           181 00:10:17,533 --> 00:10:18,743           [Josiah]   I know.           182 00:10:21,495 --> 00:10:24,165       He needs you to take him...     183 00:10:24,165 --> 00:10:26,667    [Justin] Yeah, I'm not leaving           you and Molly now, Dad.       184 00:10:26,709 --> 00:10:29,545            Now is exactly                     the time to leave.          185 00:10:29,587 --> 00:10:31,505             We don't know                     if it's real, or--          186 00:10:31,505 --> 00:10:33,007            It feels real.            187 00:10:33,591 --> 00:10:35,301           Real as anything.          188 00:10:36,677 --> 00:10:38,929       And even if it goes away,      189 00:10:38,971 --> 00:10:40,681     everything is different now.     190 00:10:42,475 --> 00:10:44,310      It's still you and me, Dad.     191 00:10:49,815 --> 00:10:52,693              You and me                    have been twisted around       192 00:10:52,693 --> 00:10:54,528      a couple of times already.      193 00:10:55,780 --> 00:10:57,156               [sniffs]               194 00:10:59,116 --> 00:11:01,577            I should never                     have let it happen.         195 00:11:01,619 --> 00:11:03,412         What does that mean?         196 00:11:03,412 --> 00:11:04,789         You think you owe me.        197 00:11:04,789 --> 00:11:06,248              -Oh, I do.                              -No.                 198 00:11:06,290 --> 00:11:07,667                -I do--                               -No!                 199 00:11:08,668 --> 00:11:10,336       But I let you think that.      200 00:11:11,420 --> 00:11:13,756        You think your penance                for what has happened        201 00:11:13,756 --> 00:11:15,508    is for you to quash your light    202 00:11:15,549 --> 00:11:18,052           because it's been                   blinding sometimes.         203 00:11:18,511 --> 00:11:19,804               No one...              204 00:11:20,429 --> 00:11:22,348           No one would ever          205 00:11:22,348 --> 00:11:26,727      want you to close the doors                 on your mind.            206 00:11:30,981 --> 00:11:33,150          Now there's a door                    in front of you.           207 00:11:33,192 --> 00:11:38,155    On the other side is something           I could never imagine.        208 00:11:39,740 --> 00:11:41,367            And this man...           209 00:11:41,867 --> 00:11:43,411               [exhales]              210 00:11:44,704 --> 00:11:47,707    This man came to you for help.    211 00:11:48,541 --> 00:11:53,212      How could you possibly deny         yourself this next step, huh?    212 00:11:54,422 --> 00:11:55,923       You would lose your mind,      213 00:11:55,923 --> 00:11:59,385    and I will not be your excuse.    214 00:12:02,805 --> 00:12:04,598         I don't want you here                     any longer.             215 00:12:04,640 --> 00:12:06,559             Not a minute,                     do you understand?          216 00:12:06,726 --> 00:12:07,768                 Hmm?                 217 00:12:10,646 --> 00:12:12,231          Molly will be fine.         218 00:12:13,983 --> 00:12:15,276            [Justin laughs]           219 00:12:15,317 --> 00:12:16,527              Look at me.             220 00:12:17,695 --> 00:12:18,863                 Hmm?                 221 00:12:18,904 --> 00:12:20,406                                   222 00:12:20,948 --> 00:12:23,284              Come. Come.             223 00:12:46,432 --> 00:12:47,767              One groove.             224 00:12:48,559 --> 00:12:49,894         [funk music playing]         225 00:12:55,775 --> 00:12:57,443              [laughing]              226 00:12:58,903 --> 00:13:01,280      I want to give you a gift.      227 00:13:05,367 --> 00:13:06,786            [Josiah sighs]            228 00:13:06,827 --> 00:13:10,873           My mother, Alma,                made me a presentable man.      229 00:13:10,915 --> 00:13:15,169     Now, you are traveling across        the country with my daughter.    230 00:13:16,796 --> 00:13:18,297                [sighs]               231 00:13:19,006 --> 00:13:22,635        We are going to have to                 tighten this up.           232 00:13:27,973 --> 00:13:29,809         Gotta keep it tight.         233 00:13:29,850 --> 00:13:31,101              See? Tight.             234 00:13:31,101 --> 00:13:32,978        [hair clipper buzzing]        235 00:13:35,773 --> 00:13:37,066           I'll only be gone                    a few days, okay?          236 00:13:37,066 --> 00:13:40,778      Mom! Get out of the house,            you drive everyone crazy.      237 00:13:40,778 --> 00:13:42,112         You've been cast out.        238 00:13:42,112 --> 00:13:44,073          Please, baby Jesus,                     cast her out!            239 00:13:44,114 --> 00:13:44,990         Molly, Molly, Molly.         240 00:13:45,032 --> 00:13:47,117        I need to speak to you                   about Grandpa.            241 00:13:47,117 --> 00:13:49,954     Yeah, yeah. Grandpa's cured.             Grandpa's all better!        242 00:13:49,995 --> 00:13:52,498         He said he took like              a hundred million medicines     243 00:13:52,540 --> 00:13:56,085      and this morning's medicine         was the one that achieved...     244 00:13:56,085 --> 00:13:57,586                -Mass.                              -...mass.              245 00:13:57,586 --> 00:13:58,879     [both] 'Cause that's science.    246 00:13:58,921 --> 00:14:00,005      And we're gonna make Eggos.     247 00:14:00,047 --> 00:14:01,674            -And pancakes!                       -And pancakes.            248 00:14:01,674 --> 00:14:04,051       [both] All by ourselves!       249 00:14:04,093 --> 00:14:05,678                -So...                             -On one...              250 00:14:05,719 --> 00:14:06,887              [both] Bye!             251 00:14:06,929 --> 00:14:08,514            [both laughing]           252 00:14:17,231 --> 00:14:18,774           He looks regular.          253 00:14:18,816 --> 00:14:20,526   funk music continues playing   254 00:15:07,031 --> 00:15:08,490             music stops            255 00:15:08,532 --> 00:15:10,034            What did you do           256 00:15:10,868 --> 00:15:11,952              to my dad?              257 00:15:11,952 --> 00:15:13,579           I realigned him.           258 00:15:14,413 --> 00:15:16,874          How long will he be                    like he is now?           259 00:15:16,874 --> 00:15:18,584         The rest of his life.        260 00:15:23,714 --> 00:15:24,882                 I...                 261 00:15:26,050 --> 00:15:27,426               I just...              262 00:15:30,095 --> 00:15:31,138              Thank you.              263 00:15:31,138 --> 00:15:34,808      A temporary solution is not               a solution, boo.           264 00:15:34,850 --> 00:15:35,935                 Boo?                 265 00:15:36,727 --> 00:15:38,437          No. [clears throat]         266 00:15:38,771 --> 00:15:39,730             None of that.            267 00:15:39,772 --> 00:15:43,359       You know, you say things          without understanding context.    268 00:15:43,400 --> 00:15:45,986           That seems to be                    the strategy here.          269 00:15:46,028 --> 00:15:48,948      The misperception regarding         communication on this planet     270 00:15:48,948 --> 00:15:51,700            is the illusion                 that it has taken place.       271 00:15:51,700 --> 00:15:52,826               Stop it.               272 00:15:53,077 --> 00:15:54,161                 Okay.                273 00:15:54,161 --> 00:15:55,913     You have to tell me the plan.    274 00:15:57,289 --> 00:15:58,499        In the vaults of OriGen       275 00:15:58,499 --> 00:16:01,085  is Thomas Newton's tenth design.  276 00:16:01,085 --> 00:16:02,753        He failed to build it.        277 00:16:02,795 --> 00:16:05,506         We have to build it.         278 00:16:05,506 --> 00:16:08,258             Tenth design?                   You said it was fusion.       279 00:16:08,300 --> 00:16:09,468      Your dissertation theorized     280 00:16:09,468 --> 00:16:11,387       the possibility of fusing                  atomic nuclei            281 00:16:11,428 --> 00:16:14,056      by combining magnetic field           containment with plasma--      282 00:16:14,056 --> 00:16:15,224    No, no, no, no. There's no way    283 00:16:15,224 --> 00:16:16,934        of reaching the kind of             temperatures you'd need.       284 00:16:16,934 --> 00:16:18,060        And even if you could,        285 00:16:18,060 --> 00:16:19,353           there's still way                   too many questions          286 00:16:19,353 --> 00:16:21,063    about breeding enough tritium.    287 00:16:21,105 --> 00:16:22,606           Drive over there.          288 00:16:23,857 --> 00:16:25,484                                   289 00:16:48,966 --> 00:16:50,300          [Justin] It's dead.         290 00:16:50,300 --> 00:16:51,677               [clangs]               291 00:16:52,720 --> 00:16:54,013                                   292 00:17:10,112 --> 00:17:11,697          -Are you all right?                       -[groans]              293 00:17:11,905 --> 00:17:13,157              [retching]              294 00:17:14,867 --> 00:17:18,495            [Justin] Uh...                     Are you all right?          295 00:17:26,211 --> 00:17:28,547              [whirring]              296 00:17:39,767 --> 00:17:41,602             [powering up]            297 00:17:43,103 --> 00:17:44,730           [motor whirring]           298 00:17:56,033 --> 00:17:57,701            [Justin scoffs]           299 00:18:04,583 --> 00:18:06,960      There is no radioactivity.      300 00:18:08,212 --> 00:18:09,755              [whirring]              301 00:18:11,924 --> 00:18:13,175                [gasps]               302 00:18:13,217 --> 00:18:15,594         This is cold fusion?         303 00:18:15,719 --> 00:18:16,804                  No.                 304 00:18:16,845 --> 00:18:18,972            Quantum. Ta-da.           305 00:18:20,432 --> 00:18:22,935          How long will this                    pumpjack run for?          306 00:18:22,976 --> 00:18:24,269               -Decades.                      -How'd you scale it?         307 00:18:24,269 --> 00:18:26,396            I mean, this is                  generations ahead of--        308 00:18:26,396 --> 00:18:28,148           Centuries beyond                   human understanding.         309 00:18:28,190 --> 00:18:30,067           -An energy cell.                       -A prototype.            310 00:18:30,067 --> 00:18:31,193            -You built it?                            -No.                 311 00:18:31,235 --> 00:18:33,403             Thomas Newton                     was the architect.          312 00:18:33,445 --> 00:18:34,613      I assembled the components.     313 00:18:34,613 --> 00:18:38,242            Totally clean?                   No radiation, no decay?       314 00:18:38,283 --> 00:18:41,453      But this prototype powered                my journey here.           315 00:18:41,453 --> 00:18:43,122         It is nearly drained.        316 00:18:47,668 --> 00:18:51,964           The tenth design                is for a regenerating cell.     317 00:18:52,631 --> 00:18:55,342       Inexhaustible. Limitless.      318 00:18:55,342 --> 00:18:59,304       It will restore Anthea's                 core temperature.          319 00:19:03,809 --> 00:19:05,144                [gasps]               320 00:19:06,895 --> 00:19:08,147              Oh, my God.             321 00:19:09,898 --> 00:19:11,859           It's barely warm.          322 00:19:11,859 --> 00:19:14,027          Our sea is boiled.          323 00:19:14,027 --> 00:19:16,321     To achieve fusion, we need...    324 00:19:18,282 --> 00:19:19,658                Water.                325 00:19:21,326 --> 00:19:24,121      You... You came for water.      326 00:19:24,538 --> 00:19:27,499  Earth is on the same trajectory,  327 00:19:27,541 --> 00:19:29,501       facing the same collapse.      328 00:19:29,501 --> 00:19:32,212            You know this.                     It is in your work.         329 00:19:32,254 --> 00:19:34,214    I could've never imagined this.  330 00:19:34,214 --> 00:19:36,175           You did imagine.           331 00:19:36,216 --> 00:19:39,553      You came closer than anyone               in human history.          332 00:19:39,595 --> 00:19:41,180    And when you couldn't continue,  333 00:19:41,221 --> 00:19:43,223        you still chose to work       334 00:19:43,223 --> 00:19:46,018     as a caretaker of the planet.    335 00:19:53,442 --> 00:19:54,443         Where are you going?         336 00:19:54,443 --> 00:19:56,403            Yeah. I just...                     I need a minute.           337 00:19:56,403 --> 00:19:57,654     [Faraday] We have to get to--    338 00:19:57,696 --> 00:19:59,573           [Justin] Please,                   I just need a minute.        339 00:20:01,909 --> 00:20:03,911           [birds chirping]           340 00:20:20,928 --> 00:20:22,387                                   341 00:20:45,494 --> 00:20:46,870               [grunts]               342 00:20:47,579 --> 00:20:48,914                [sighs]               343 00:21:03,262 --> 00:21:04,388                [sighs]               344 00:21:15,691 --> 00:21:17,109            [reel whirring]           345 00:21:18,110 --> 00:21:19,278               [cracks]               346 00:21:22,406 --> 00:21:23,699           Dr. Gregory Papel,          347 00:21:23,740 --> 00:21:28,161         Icarus Program. Date is                September 14th, 1984.        348 00:21:28,161 --> 00:21:29,663               0300 hours.             349 00:21:29,663 --> 00:21:33,542        Subject refuses to reveal            algorithm for tenth design.     350 00:21:33,542 --> 00:21:36,044      Ongoing dehydration protocol     351 00:21:36,044 --> 00:21:38,005          largely ineffective.         352 00:21:38,046 --> 00:21:39,631           [Newton groaning]          353 00:21:39,673 --> 00:21:41,091       [Newton]   You're bleeding!      354 00:21:41,133 --> 00:21:42,592            Don't you see it?          355 00:21:42,634 --> 00:21:45,554               Your blood,                     your children's blood.        356 00:21:45,554 --> 00:21:48,849          You are so careless!         357 00:21:48,890 --> 00:21:51,018         [man 1]   Will you get                  Mr. Newton some gin?         358 00:21:51,018 --> 00:21:52,352             [Newton]   Yes.            359 00:21:52,352 --> 00:21:54,563             [crying]   Yes.            360 00:21:54,604 --> 00:21:55,981             More.   [coughs]            361 00:21:56,315 --> 00:21:57,024                  More.                362 00:21:57,065 --> 00:22:00,986             I don't want to                      set the world            363 00:22:01,320 --> 00:22:05,532                On fire              364 00:22:05,574 --> 00:22:10,370         I just want to start        365 00:22:10,370 --> 00:22:13,332         A flame in your heart       366 00:22:13,373 --> 00:22:14,666                No X-ray!              367 00:22:14,666 --> 00:22:17,502      No, no, no. No. Not my eyes!     368 00:22:17,544 --> 00:22:21,465              -Not my eyes!                          -[buzzes]              369 00:22:21,506 --> 00:22:23,175               [screams]              370 00:22:24,968 --> 00:22:25,761                   Ah.                 371 00:22:25,802 --> 00:22:30,015              I can't see.                          I can't see.             372 00:22:30,557 --> 00:22:32,184             Please help me.           373 00:22:32,559 --> 00:22:34,478               Mary Lou...             374 00:22:34,519 --> 00:22:37,647          I just wanna go home.        375 00:22:37,689 --> 00:22:40,525          Mary Lou. Mary Lou...        376 00:22:43,153 --> 00:22:45,322          [distorted singing]         377 00:22:46,365 --> 00:22:50,535            I just want to be                   the one you love           378 00:22:50,577 --> 00:22:52,871              [screaming]             379 00:22:57,125 --> 00:23:01,129       I'll have reached the goal                I'm dreaming of           380 00:23:01,171 --> 00:23:02,798              Believe me             381 00:23:02,839 --> 00:23:08,345             I don't want to                  set the world on fire        382 00:23:12,641 --> 00:23:17,604         I just want to start        383 00:23:17,604 --> 00:23:22,901         A flame in your heart       384 00:23:27,155 --> 00:23:28,281     [Molly over voice mail]   Mom,     385 00:23:28,281 --> 00:23:29,616      Grandpa said I don't have to                 brush my teeth.           386 00:23:29,616 --> 00:23:32,160       -[Josiah]   Don't tell her.         -[Molly]   And we bought Skittles  387 00:23:32,202 --> 00:23:33,954         and ate 'em for dinner.       388 00:23:33,954 --> 00:23:35,705         -[Josiah]   Miss Molly!            -[Molly]   And then we watched     389 00:23:35,705 --> 00:23:37,082          cricket until 11:18.         390 00:23:37,082 --> 00:23:39,251           [Josiah]   Juzzie,                     everything is fine.         391 00:23:39,292 --> 00:23:41,211          We love you, goodbye.        392 00:24:12,284 --> 00:24:13,618          [Faraday] The stars         393 00:24:14,202 --> 00:24:19,124    look very different from here.    394 00:24:20,083 --> 00:24:21,168                 Yeah.                395 00:24:23,211 --> 00:24:24,921            Yeah, I'll say.           396 00:24:30,260 --> 00:24:31,970         Is it time to leave?         397 00:24:32,137 --> 00:24:33,263                  No.                 398 00:24:34,097 --> 00:24:38,143             We have, uh,                     something to discuss.        399 00:24:44,232 --> 00:24:46,485      What was it like on Anthea?     400 00:24:47,527 --> 00:24:48,653                Before.               401 00:24:51,573 --> 00:24:53,158          When I was a pupa,          402 00:24:55,619 --> 00:24:59,331              the sea was                     already disappearing.        403 00:25:01,416 --> 00:25:03,335         The fauna was toxic.         404 00:25:04,586 --> 00:25:07,506       Herd animals were dying.       405 00:25:08,507 --> 00:25:10,509       How many of you are left?      406 00:25:13,178 --> 00:25:15,388         Only a few thousand.         407 00:25:15,430 --> 00:25:19,351         There are still some                  at the pupal stage.         408 00:25:21,895 --> 00:25:24,147             I'm so sorry.            409 00:25:30,570 --> 00:25:33,573       How long do we have here?      410 00:25:33,573 --> 00:25:37,244    The domino has already tipped.    411 00:25:37,994 --> 00:25:42,332     As a species, you have chosen           to ignore the symptoms.       412 00:25:42,374 --> 00:25:43,708               How long?              413 00:25:44,501 --> 00:25:46,586               By 2030,               414 00:25:47,754 --> 00:25:50,590     temperatures will have risen     415 00:25:50,590 --> 00:25:53,385  above your extinction threshold.  416 00:25:54,177 --> 00:25:56,137              From there,                     the remaining dominos        417 00:25:56,137 --> 00:25:58,557         will fall in a matter                     of decades.             418 00:26:03,645 --> 00:26:05,188                 2030.                419 00:26:05,230 --> 00:26:06,565                [sighs]               420 00:26:10,860 --> 00:26:12,529             I don't know                     if you're right about        421 00:26:12,571 --> 00:26:15,073           why I was working                   like I was working.         422 00:26:16,783 --> 00:26:18,410               I just...              423 00:26:19,953 --> 00:26:22,038     The work was like breathing.     424 00:26:22,080 --> 00:26:25,417              -It felt...                         -Inevitable.             425 00:26:26,251 --> 00:26:27,586                 Yeah.                426 00:26:28,878 --> 00:26:33,216        But it was destructive                     to others.              427 00:26:33,592 --> 00:26:36,553       If you destroyed nothing,      428 00:26:36,595 --> 00:26:40,181            you would have                    accomplished nothing.        429 00:26:40,223 --> 00:26:44,144          What I accomplished              wasn't worth what was lost.     430 00:26:44,644 --> 00:26:46,479            By what scale?            431 00:26:46,479 --> 00:26:47,689              [chuckles]              432 00:26:47,689 --> 00:26:50,775       Well, it's not so simple              to answer that question       433 00:26:50,775 --> 00:26:53,653          now I've understood            I'm not alone in the universe.    434 00:26:54,529 --> 00:26:57,115           With the spaceman          435 00:26:57,782 --> 00:26:59,868            and blue cubes                   from other dimensions,        436 00:26:59,909 --> 00:27:01,745         thank you very much.         437 00:27:01,786 --> 00:27:04,122       So are you a scientist...      438 00:27:05,540 --> 00:27:07,792              or are you                       something else now?         439 00:27:10,629 --> 00:27:11,671                Take...               440 00:27:12,255 --> 00:27:14,758          Take what you need                     back with you,            441 00:27:15,842 --> 00:27:18,345     but leave the blueprint here.    442 00:27:18,345 --> 00:27:22,140        Give us the same chance           to fix ourselves as you have.    443 00:27:24,017 --> 00:27:25,352           That's the deal.           444 00:27:26,353 --> 00:27:27,646              If I agree,             445 00:27:29,022 --> 00:27:32,150         you will agree to be                  a scientist again.          446 00:27:35,612 --> 00:27:37,322                 Yes.                 447 00:27:38,865 --> 00:27:40,784             Yeah, I will             448 00:27:41,576 --> 00:27:43,703    agree to be a scientist again.    449 00:27:44,704 --> 00:27:46,498            When I am gone,           450 00:27:48,083 --> 00:27:50,835       you can keep the design.       451 00:27:58,760 --> 00:28:01,221  How do you plan on getting back?  452 00:28:02,472 --> 00:28:04,683         Newton will inform me        453 00:28:05,767 --> 00:28:07,686            when it's time.           454 00:28:07,686 --> 00:28:10,397          How are we supposed                 to get inside OriGen?        455 00:28:10,438 --> 00:28:14,401     Newton instructed me to find     456 00:28:15,360 --> 00:28:17,487          the Wizard of Risk.         457 00:28:17,862 --> 00:28:20,740           -Is that a game?                           -No.                 458 00:28:22,909 --> 00:28:24,661            It's a person.            459 00:28:25,578 --> 00:28:27,872            [horn tooting]            460 00:28:31,209 --> 00:28:32,961          Please. I just need                  a little more time.         461 00:28:33,002 --> 00:28:35,422      I needed someone who could             get me into Book Club!        462 00:28:35,463 --> 00:28:37,799       Okay? You said you could              do that for me, Hatch.        463 00:28:37,841 --> 00:28:38,925          I said I could try.         464 00:28:38,967 --> 00:28:40,343    I said I would make some calls.  465 00:28:40,343 --> 00:28:41,761           Well, Book Club's                   this fucking week!          466 00:28:41,803 --> 00:28:42,887      Look, your app isn't ready,     467 00:28:42,929 --> 00:28:44,889           it violates about                 a million privacy laws.       468 00:28:44,889 --> 00:28:46,099       -Not that privacy exists.               -Oh, it's perfect.          469 00:28:46,141 --> 00:28:48,393     So what? I'm supposed to wait              until next year?           470 00:28:48,393 --> 00:28:49,936       Fuck me? Well, fuck you!       471 00:28:49,978 --> 00:28:52,856      You can wait till next year               before I pay you.          472 00:28:52,897 --> 00:28:53,857       All right. You know what?      473 00:28:53,857 --> 00:28:55,066          Your app's a piece                     of shit anyway.           474 00:28:55,066 --> 00:28:56,609          -[tires screeching]          -I wouldn't wipe my ass with it.  475 00:28:56,651 --> 00:28:57,986     [coughs] You wanna get rich?     476 00:28:58,027 --> 00:28:59,904             Invent an app                    that can wipe my ass.        477 00:28:59,946 --> 00:29:03,241        And go through puberty.                 What are you, 11?          478 00:29:07,704 --> 00:29:08,872               [groans]               479 00:29:08,872 --> 00:29:10,582               [winces]               480 00:29:12,584 --> 00:29:14,461             -Hatch Flood?                           -Jesus.               481 00:29:14,502 --> 00:29:17,922    Uh, to my intense regret, yeah.             [clears throat]           482 00:29:17,964 --> 00:29:20,300              -You okay?                 -I have shingles. Who are you?    483 00:29:20,300 --> 00:29:23,344       My name is Justin Falls,               this is Mr. Faraday,         484 00:29:23,386 --> 00:29:26,014        and your office told us              you'd probably be here.       485 00:29:26,055 --> 00:29:28,266          -What do you want?                    -An IP attorney.           486 00:29:30,727 --> 00:29:32,270          You are the Wizard.         487 00:29:32,312 --> 00:29:34,481          -Where is your hat?                -[Hatch] Put that away.       488 00:29:34,481 --> 00:29:37,984             -This is you.                -Yeah, I was blackout drunk.     489 00:29:37,984 --> 00:29:41,154      But it is on the Internet.                You chose a font.          490 00:29:41,154 --> 00:29:43,364    Have you ever made a sex tape?    491 00:29:43,406 --> 00:29:44,741              All right.                    Well, that's mine, okay?       492 00:29:44,741 --> 00:29:46,075          And it has a font.                    What do you want?          493 00:29:46,117 --> 00:29:49,788      I was instructed to harness           your rage against OriGen.      494 00:29:50,663 --> 00:29:51,790           That's not funny.          495 00:29:53,958 --> 00:29:55,627                                   496 00:30:01,007 --> 00:30:03,468         -It's an algorithm--                  -I know what it is.         497 00:30:04,344 --> 00:30:07,931        You remember the times                  you see base 60.           498 00:30:09,307 --> 00:30:11,976        -How did you get this?                    -He wrote it.            499 00:30:12,018 --> 00:30:13,520               Bullshit.              500 00:30:13,520 --> 00:30:14,938            How did you...            501 00:30:15,647 --> 00:30:16,397              I don't...              502 00:30:16,397 --> 00:30:18,024            You know what?                     I don't wanna know.         503 00:30:18,066 --> 00:30:21,986         Thomas Jerome Newton                 sent me to find you.         504 00:30:23,780 --> 00:30:24,989         [Hatch] Thomas Newton        505 00:30:25,532 --> 00:30:26,825            sent you to me.           506 00:30:26,866 --> 00:30:27,951           I just said that.          507 00:30:27,951 --> 00:30:29,327         What else did Newton                    say about him?            508 00:30:29,369 --> 00:30:31,871          -He said that he--                 -No, no, no. Tell him.        509 00:30:31,913 --> 00:30:34,457           [Faraday] He said                that you had a good nose,      510 00:30:34,457 --> 00:30:39,003           but the only one                  you could not sniff out       511 00:30:39,504 --> 00:30:40,839               was you.               512 00:30:43,174 --> 00:30:45,343      Keep the fuck away from me.     513 00:30:46,719 --> 00:30:47,679            [engine starts]           514 00:30:47,720 --> 00:30:50,431      -You need to come with us.          -Get the fuck out of the way!    515 00:30:50,473 --> 00:30:52,934        -And stay away from me.               -[Justin] All right.         516 00:30:52,934 --> 00:30:55,103       We're at the Holiday Inn                     on Aurora              517 00:30:55,144 --> 00:30:57,522       if you change your mind.                    All right?              518 00:31:23,047 --> 00:31:24,382                [sighs]               519 00:31:27,427 --> 00:31:29,178           [Spencer] You had                  no idea what it was.         520 00:31:29,220 --> 00:31:31,472     [Drew] Spencer, how the hell           would I know what it was?      521 00:31:31,472 --> 00:31:34,350    [Spencer] Let's just put a pin       in the spaceman part for a sec.  522 00:31:34,350 --> 00:31:36,269           [Drew] "A pin in                    the spaceman part"?         523 00:31:36,311 --> 00:31:38,730              -Oh, okay.                        -Just follow me.           524 00:31:38,730 --> 00:31:41,774         1975, Thomas Newton,                     he comes here            525 00:31:41,774 --> 00:31:43,192      and he makes a fortune off      526 00:31:43,234 --> 00:31:44,235       nine patents that he uses      527 00:31:44,235 --> 00:31:45,612          to start a company                called World Enterprises.      528 00:31:45,653 --> 00:31:49,407        Okay? And then he leads          the tech industry for a decade.  529 00:31:49,824 --> 00:31:50,867          Until we grab him.          530 00:31:50,909 --> 00:31:52,201         We annex the company,                    we box it up,            531 00:31:52,201 --> 00:31:53,202       we ship it off to the UK       532 00:31:53,202 --> 00:31:55,038               to avoid                  congressional oversight, right?  533 00:31:55,038 --> 00:31:57,498         Then we fold it into             a British industrial supplier    534 00:31:57,498 --> 00:32:00,418          called OriGen, uh,                 run by an Edward Flood.       535 00:32:00,418 --> 00:32:03,796            And meanwhile,                   Newton just disappears.       536 00:32:03,838 --> 00:32:05,381    What do you mean, "disappears"?  537 00:32:05,423 --> 00:32:07,008       During the interrogation,      538 00:32:07,008 --> 00:32:09,093      he revealed a tenth patent              that he never built.         539 00:32:09,135 --> 00:32:11,304           Okay. He wouldn't                 give it all the way up.       540 00:32:11,346 --> 00:32:13,014    Cryptography couldn't crack it.  541 00:32:13,014 --> 00:32:14,766    And it was written in base 60.    542 00:32:14,807 --> 00:32:16,976     Stop, Spencer. What is that?     543 00:32:16,976 --> 00:32:20,229    It's a form of arithmetic last          used by the Mesopotamians      544 00:32:20,229 --> 00:32:22,607      3,600 years before Christ.      545 00:32:22,649 --> 00:32:25,151       It's symbols, Drew, okay?      546 00:32:25,193 --> 00:32:26,945        And the most recurrent                 in Newton's patent          547 00:32:26,986 --> 00:32:30,156            is a sun motif,                 which leads me to believe      548 00:32:30,198 --> 00:32:32,825           it's a design for               some kind of energy source.     549 00:32:36,746 --> 00:32:37,789                 Okay.                550 00:32:40,458 --> 00:32:43,753    So now there's another visitor    551 00:32:44,128 --> 00:32:45,129       and the two of them are--      552 00:32:45,129 --> 00:32:46,631             We don't know                  what they're doing. Okay?      553 00:32:46,673 --> 00:32:48,299          All we know is that                 there is a blueprint         554 00:32:48,341 --> 00:32:50,134          for a power source                from outer fucking space       555 00:32:50,176 --> 00:32:52,303      sitting in the OriGen vault        and Newton's still in the wind.  556 00:32:52,345 --> 00:32:54,514           Spencer, you know              what I have to ask you here.     557 00:32:54,514 --> 00:32:58,142     I know that my own psych map               inclines me to--           558 00:32:58,142 --> 00:33:00,144      The white whale obsession.      559 00:33:00,186 --> 00:33:03,940         Yeah, I was gonna say                 hyper focus but...          560 00:33:03,982 --> 00:33:05,566                [sighs]               561 00:33:05,608 --> 00:33:07,318            It doesn't mean                I'm off the mark, you know?     562 00:33:07,318 --> 00:33:09,278         It means it could be                  dangerous for you.          563 00:33:09,320 --> 00:33:10,989             Listen to me.                    Listen to me, please.        564 00:33:10,989 --> 00:33:13,449          I know what this is                  activating in you.          565 00:33:13,449 --> 00:33:16,995      You'll never find the first           eight years of your life       566 00:33:16,995 --> 00:33:19,789    because there's nothing there.    567 00:33:19,789 --> 00:33:20,999       If I hadn't stopped you,       568 00:33:21,040 --> 00:33:24,794     you would've searched forever           and died empty-handed.        569 00:33:24,794 --> 00:33:26,212       I know you want me safe.       570 00:33:26,254 --> 00:33:29,007           Safe and optimal.          571 00:33:29,048 --> 00:33:31,843      Fuck. I put a lot of effort                   into you.              572 00:33:31,884 --> 00:33:33,886         That patent could be                   a recipe for dip.          573 00:33:33,928 --> 00:33:35,346    Oh, it's not fucking dip, Drew.  574 00:33:35,388 --> 00:33:38,182           Everyone involved               in the original op is dead.     575 00:33:38,182 --> 00:33:40,309    Of course. It's been 45 years.    576 00:33:40,309 --> 00:33:41,436        After talking to Papel,                  there's no way            577 00:33:41,436 --> 00:33:43,021           I'm gonna believe              they all died in their sleep.    578 00:33:43,062 --> 00:33:45,023     You got to trust me on this.     579 00:33:46,065 --> 00:33:47,692            [Drew exhales]            580 00:33:51,195 --> 00:33:55,033           Spencer, I can't                    compute "spaceman."         581 00:33:56,367 --> 00:33:58,745           But I can compute                   "everybody's dead."         582 00:33:58,786 --> 00:34:02,498    Because we do that when there's      something worth killing for.     583 00:34:08,171 --> 00:34:11,215       I want to run this, okay?      584 00:34:12,175 --> 00:34:13,634         I want the resources.        585 00:34:13,676 --> 00:34:15,970        I want the clearances.            You just got to put me on it.    586 00:34:16,012 --> 00:34:18,056       Let me find the new one.                  I'll find him.            587 00:34:18,056 --> 00:34:22,060            I will find him                 and I will bring him in.       588 00:34:22,060 --> 00:34:24,103        I always do, you know.        589 00:34:28,066 --> 00:34:29,192               Find him.              590 00:34:29,192 --> 00:34:31,652          But you let him run                     a little bit.            591 00:34:31,652 --> 00:34:32,737                 Yeah.                592 00:34:33,362 --> 00:34:35,865         If that tenth design                     is a weapon,             593 00:34:36,449 --> 00:34:38,618      maybe it can be our weapon.     594 00:34:40,036 --> 00:34:41,287         How much do you need?        595 00:34:41,287 --> 00:34:43,331          Half a million for                 surveillance build-out,       596 00:34:43,372 --> 00:34:46,209        and a person to help me            with intel. That'd be good.     597 00:34:46,209 --> 00:34:48,711         Oh. Somebody in mind?        598 00:34:48,753 --> 00:34:50,421              Yeah, um...             599 00:34:50,421 --> 00:34:54,008        Your analyst who first                 detected the signal         600 00:34:54,008 --> 00:34:56,094            in New Mexico,                      her background is          601 00:34:57,011 --> 00:34:58,763           very interesting.          602 00:34:59,055 --> 00:35:00,098                 Hmm?                 603 00:35:02,475 --> 00:35:04,102             I'll be nice.            604 00:35:07,313 --> 00:35:09,148                                   605 00:36:02,535 --> 00:36:04,036            [knock on door]           606 00:36:14,338 --> 00:36:16,299      I know of one other person      607 00:36:16,340 --> 00:36:18,342        who understood base 60,       608 00:36:18,384 --> 00:36:20,970      let alone calculated in it.     609 00:36:21,012 --> 00:36:22,722       And I have a nightmarish,      610 00:36:22,722 --> 00:36:26,726        crazy-making idea about                where he was from.          611 00:36:26,726 --> 00:36:28,686           So I need to know                    where he's from,           612 00:36:28,728 --> 00:36:31,230          and I need to know                  what he's doing here.        613 00:36:32,273 --> 00:36:35,067           And please, God,                     don't lie to me.           614 00:36:43,242 --> 00:36:45,077              Come on in.             615 00:36:53,002 --> 00:36:55,630          [indistinct voices]         616 00:36:55,630 --> 00:36:58,966            [Justin] Hatch?                       Hey, come on.            617 00:36:59,008 --> 00:37:00,468            You passed out.           618 00:37:00,509 --> 00:37:02,386        Hey, hey. Are you okay?       619 00:37:02,386 --> 00:37:04,430           -Can you sit up?                        -[groaning]             620 00:37:04,430 --> 00:37:07,725             Here you go.                       Have some water.           621 00:37:10,353 --> 00:37:12,104         Are you afraid of me?        622 00:37:14,023 --> 00:37:15,233          [breathing heavily]         623 00:37:15,858 --> 00:37:16,943                 Yes.                 624 00:37:18,110 --> 00:37:21,405             The message is                      "Mars needs women."         625 00:37:22,240 --> 00:37:24,200          "Mars needs women."         626 00:37:25,409 --> 00:37:26,661        He's been watching TCM.       627 00:37:26,661 --> 00:37:29,538         Look, I know that you                must have questions,         628 00:37:29,580 --> 00:37:31,082                -so...                   -[Hatch] Yeah, I have a bunch.    629 00:37:32,541 --> 00:37:34,418             -He's from--                           -Anthea.               630 00:37:36,128 --> 00:37:37,922      And he brought cold fusion.     631 00:37:37,922 --> 00:37:39,048               Quantum.               632 00:37:39,048 --> 00:37:40,967       That's the tenth design?       633 00:37:42,301 --> 00:37:44,095  Does OriGen know what they have?  634 00:37:44,136 --> 00:37:47,265    No. Nobody could figure it out.  635 00:37:47,515 --> 00:37:48,849                Jesus.                636 00:37:48,891 --> 00:37:50,226                Fusion?               637 00:37:50,268 --> 00:37:51,519       [whispering] Do you know                   what this is?            638 00:37:51,519 --> 00:37:53,187          I mean, do you know                   what this means?           639 00:37:53,229 --> 00:37:54,522        Why are you whispering?       640 00:37:54,522 --> 00:37:56,607           [in normal voice]             Because I'm fucking terrified.    641 00:37:56,607 --> 00:37:57,566           Okay, I do risk.           642 00:37:57,608 --> 00:37:59,860      I hedge against very real,                very bad things.           643 00:37:59,902 --> 00:38:01,570       Okay. And you're talking                 about liberating           644 00:38:01,570 --> 00:38:03,864           the planet Earth                     from oil forever.          645 00:38:03,864 --> 00:38:05,866              Do you know                     what that looks like?        646 00:38:05,866 --> 00:38:08,786         In the first 30 days,               the exchanges collapse.       647 00:38:08,786 --> 00:38:10,997        Nobody has any security                  from anything.            648 00:38:11,038 --> 00:38:12,290           Policing is gone.          649 00:38:12,331 --> 00:38:13,958        People are jumping off                    of buildings.            650 00:38:13,958 --> 00:38:17,295        It makes 1929 look like                fucking Christmas.          651 00:38:17,295 --> 00:38:20,589        It's an addicted planet                going cold turkey.          652 00:38:20,589 --> 00:38:22,091        There's lots of riots.        653 00:38:22,091 --> 00:38:23,884       Power grids go obsolete.       654 00:38:23,926 --> 00:38:25,928           I mean, a massive                  devaluation of land.         655 00:38:25,970 --> 00:38:29,974     I mean, I could buy a fucking         747 for two Pokemon cards.      656 00:38:30,016 --> 00:38:31,851        Millions of people are                gonna lose their jobs        657 00:38:31,851 --> 00:38:33,978  in the gas and oil sector alone.  658 00:38:33,978 --> 00:38:35,938       Governments slash funding                 to everything.            659 00:38:35,938 --> 00:38:37,857       Okay. Everybody withdraws          their troops from everywhere,    660 00:38:37,857 --> 00:38:39,191     because there's nothing left                 to fight for.            661 00:38:39,233 --> 00:38:41,360  Until they decide to train their      weapons on their own citizens    662 00:38:41,360 --> 00:38:43,279    for begging for food and water    663 00:38:43,279 --> 00:38:44,488             and medicine                     and humanitarian aid.        664 00:38:44,530 --> 00:38:47,325         And hey, if you're in           the cardboard coffin business,    665 00:38:47,366 --> 00:38:49,368      it'll be a fucking bonanza.     666 00:38:49,410 --> 00:38:52,455    Iraq, Bolivia, Norway are done.  667 00:38:52,455 --> 00:38:55,041            China, Germany,                    France are better.          668 00:38:55,082 --> 00:38:56,834       Nobody gives a shit about               the Saudis anymore,         669 00:38:56,834 --> 00:38:59,337       so we just redraw the map                of Central Asia.           670 00:38:59,337 --> 00:39:01,756          Africa. The entire                  continent of Africa.         671 00:39:01,756 --> 00:39:03,424       They've got the minerals,              the infrastructure...        672 00:39:03,466 --> 00:39:04,800          I can't, I can't...         673 00:39:04,800 --> 00:39:07,303         -I... I've gotta go.                     -[door opens]            674 00:39:13,142 --> 00:39:15,644       Hey! Hey. Hey, hey, hey.       675 00:39:15,686 --> 00:39:17,563            -Ah! Shingles.                     -Oh, I'm so sorry.          676 00:39:17,563 --> 00:39:19,607       Look, fusion declares war                 on everything.            677 00:39:19,607 --> 00:39:21,734        And everything is gonna                declare war on us.          678 00:39:21,734 --> 00:39:23,903         [Justin] If we don't,                 we're done by 2030.         679 00:39:23,903 --> 00:39:26,447     2030? Where did you get that?    680 00:39:26,489 --> 00:39:28,324         I can't hedge chaos.         681 00:39:28,324 --> 00:39:31,160      Chaos is why humans exist.      682 00:39:31,160 --> 00:39:33,204        Meteors and dinosaurs.        683 00:39:33,204 --> 00:39:35,373         Shifting land masses.        684 00:39:35,373 --> 00:39:37,500        Eclipses, plague, war.        685 00:39:37,541 --> 00:39:39,502        You rise and you adapt.       686 00:39:39,543 --> 00:39:43,255        You regrow your brains                   and you adapt.            687 00:39:43,297 --> 00:39:47,218        This is the next step,                     Mr. Flood.              688 00:39:47,468 --> 00:39:49,053          When we take it...          689 00:39:49,762 --> 00:39:53,557    nothing will ever be the same.    690 00:40:03,484 --> 00:40:04,777           I'm Spencer Clay,                     Miss Dominguez.           691 00:40:04,819 --> 00:40:07,863       -Come in. [clears throat]                -[Lisa] Oh, okay.          692 00:40:07,905 --> 00:40:10,533     I'm sorry, I thought we were           meeting half an hour ago.      693 00:40:10,574 --> 00:40:12,493       Did I get the time wrong?      694 00:40:12,535 --> 00:40:14,245          No. [clears throat]         695 00:40:14,286 --> 00:40:15,704            No, you didn't.           696 00:40:15,746 --> 00:40:16,831       Pleased to meet you, sir.      697 00:40:16,872 --> 00:40:18,916           You're doing well                     in SIGINT, huh?           698 00:40:19,208 --> 00:40:20,084            Thank you, sir.           699 00:40:20,084 --> 00:40:21,752            Do you know why                   I wanted to meet you?        700 00:40:21,794 --> 00:40:23,921     I did not invite you to sit.     701 00:40:25,131 --> 00:40:27,591        Now I'm just wondering                 about your accent.          702 00:40:27,591 --> 00:40:29,301        You didn't do the work                  to get rid of it.          703 00:40:29,301 --> 00:40:31,262     It's either arrogant or dumb.    704 00:40:31,303 --> 00:40:33,389      Let's hope it's the former.     705 00:40:33,431 --> 00:40:35,766            Five days ago,                  you intercepted a signal       706 00:40:35,808 --> 00:40:38,227       out of New Mexico coming              from inside a tornado.        707 00:40:38,269 --> 00:40:38,978               Yes, sir.              708 00:40:39,019 --> 00:40:40,354         Did you discuss that                     with anyone?             709 00:40:40,354 --> 00:40:41,480            Of course not.            710 00:40:41,522 --> 00:40:42,481            Okay. Findings?           711 00:40:42,523 --> 00:40:44,608            The tornado was                spinning counter clockwise.     712 00:40:44,650 --> 00:40:46,944        Only around 5% do that,       713 00:40:46,986 --> 00:40:49,655        and none ever reported                   in New Mexico.            714 00:40:49,655 --> 00:40:52,241        [Spencer] And what does                  that tell you?            715 00:40:52,992 --> 00:40:55,369     The frequency of that signal     716 00:40:55,411 --> 00:40:57,913    correlates to nothing on Earth.  717 00:40:58,747 --> 00:41:01,292               [Spencer]                    Lisa Elizabeth Dominguez.      718 00:41:01,333 --> 00:41:02,793              ROTC at 18.             719 00:41:02,835 --> 00:41:06,088        Tours, running signals                    in Islamabad.            720 00:41:07,256 --> 00:41:08,299                 Sit.                 721 00:41:08,340 --> 00:41:10,551      Oh. So this is interesting.     722 00:41:10,551 --> 00:41:12,720        Your parents immigrated              from Portugal legally.        723 00:41:12,720 --> 00:41:15,264              Your uncle                     and his family did not.       724 00:41:15,264 --> 00:41:15,973               Correct.               725 00:41:16,015 --> 00:41:17,933    So you turned them over to ICE.  726 00:41:17,975 --> 00:41:19,643           My uncle thought                 he could game the system       727 00:41:19,643 --> 00:41:20,811           while my parents                    did the right thing         728 00:41:20,811 --> 00:41:22,771         and earned their way                  into this country.          729 00:41:22,771 --> 00:41:24,857       You could have just left                 your uncle alone,          730 00:41:24,899 --> 00:41:28,319           but what you did                     was... punitive.           731 00:41:28,819 --> 00:41:31,405             One could say                     the same about you,         732 00:41:31,405 --> 00:41:36,076  sending that Ukrainian family to     a detention facility in Abilene  733 00:41:36,118 --> 00:41:38,954         and their little boy                    died in a cage.           734 00:41:39,622 --> 00:41:41,999         I think he was nine?         735 00:41:44,502 --> 00:41:47,463          I'm running an op.                   Close hold. Funded.         736 00:41:47,463 --> 00:41:48,839         Never gonna give you                  the whole picture,          737 00:41:48,839 --> 00:41:50,382              but if you                     figure it out yourself,       738 00:41:50,382 --> 00:41:51,634           I'll know I made                     the right choice.          739 00:41:51,675 --> 00:41:52,968        You do what I tell you,       740 00:41:52,968 --> 00:41:57,306           when I tell you,                     and nothing else.          741 00:41:58,307 --> 00:41:59,600              Read this.              742 00:41:59,600 --> 00:42:01,602     Find me any living connection               to the subject.           743 00:42:01,644 --> 00:42:05,022     Name's Thomas Jerome Newton.               Help me find him,          744 00:42:05,064 --> 00:42:08,359          you can just write                your own ticket... Lisa.       745 00:42:09,610 --> 00:42:11,487            Thank you, sir.           746 00:42:11,487 --> 00:42:13,781            I look forward                     to the opportunity.         747 00:42:13,781 --> 00:42:15,533           Well, all right.           748 00:42:17,826 --> 00:42:19,203          Oh, and, hey, Lise,         749 00:42:19,787 --> 00:42:21,497        now that we're gonna be                 working together,          750 00:42:21,539 --> 00:42:23,707       watch your fucking mouth.      751 00:42:28,587 --> 00:42:29,588             [door slams]             752 00:42:29,630 --> 00:42:31,382           [chuckles softly]          753 00:42:31,382 --> 00:42:33,717           R&B music plays          754 00:42:33,717 --> 00:42:35,344              [sizzling]              755 00:42:35,386 --> 00:42:37,012         [indistinct chatter]         756 00:42:37,846 --> 00:42:39,390         [Hatch] I got to ask.        757 00:42:39,390 --> 00:42:40,683         Your face is amazing.        758 00:42:40,724 --> 00:42:43,060       Is that a real face, huh?                   How is it--             759 00:42:43,102 --> 00:42:44,937           Did you make it?                     What's the deal?           760 00:42:44,979 --> 00:42:46,397           It's a skin suit.          761 00:42:46,397 --> 00:42:47,523           Oh, a skin suit?           762 00:42:47,523 --> 00:42:49,817         Skin suit. Skin suit.        763 00:42:49,858 --> 00:42:51,360         I do not understand.         764 00:42:51,402 --> 00:42:53,821           I was told OriGen                     was in Seattle.           765 00:42:53,821 --> 00:42:56,031     What's in Seattle is a phone                and an office.            766 00:42:56,073 --> 00:42:57,575      OriGen proper is in London.     767 00:42:57,616 --> 00:42:59,743           London's the only                 top-five tech ecosystem       768 00:42:59,785 --> 00:43:01,328     with a startup visa program.     769 00:43:01,370 --> 00:43:04,665       So, the capital benefits           outweigh even Silicon Valley.    770 00:43:04,665 --> 00:43:06,208    He really likes his hot sauce.    771 00:43:06,250 --> 00:43:09,420      I fled England in disgrace,             if you're wondering.         772 00:43:09,461 --> 00:43:11,046         Do you have disgrace                    on your planet?           773 00:43:11,088 --> 00:43:12,965        No, but I can smell it.       774 00:43:12,965 --> 00:43:15,134          [waiter] You can't                   drink that in here.         775 00:43:15,175 --> 00:43:16,594            Oh, it's okay.                      I'm an attorney.           776 00:43:16,594 --> 00:43:17,678       We are going to England.       777 00:43:17,720 --> 00:43:19,597            -No, we're not.                      -I have fusion.           778 00:43:19,597 --> 00:43:20,514           I have a family.           779 00:43:20,514 --> 00:43:22,600         You can collect them                when we are at OriGen.        780 00:43:22,641 --> 00:43:23,934    I can't just leave my daughter.  781 00:43:23,976 --> 00:43:27,896      Your child has one possible               habitable future.          782 00:43:27,938 --> 00:43:29,773          [children laughing]         783 00:43:29,815 --> 00:43:31,483              So do mine.             784 00:43:32,151 --> 00:43:34,653    I have shown you the prototype.  785 00:43:36,697 --> 00:43:40,034         Are you going to deny                 what you have seen?         786 00:43:40,075 --> 00:43:44,079         It's not that simple.               Edie doesn't trust me.        787 00:43:44,079 --> 00:43:48,292     She believes that I tried to             sell Newton's design.        788 00:43:48,334 --> 00:43:49,960               -Did you?                              -No.                 789 00:43:50,002 --> 00:43:50,961     And don't ask me that again.     790 00:43:50,961 --> 00:43:53,172             How do we get                  your sister to trust you?      791 00:43:53,213 --> 00:43:56,634        [laughs] Okay. Tell me             more about your prototype.      792 00:43:56,675 --> 00:43:57,843       It is nearly capacitated.      793 00:43:57,885 --> 00:44:00,054          Okay. But it works?               You could demonstrate it?      794 00:44:00,095 --> 00:44:01,680       Uh, demonstrate it where?      795 00:44:02,806 --> 00:44:03,724              Book Club.              796 00:44:03,766 --> 00:44:06,060       -The tech startup thing?               -Yeah. Have you been?        797 00:44:06,060 --> 00:44:09,813    A recruiter came to me at UNM.         No one would remember that.     798 00:44:09,813 --> 00:44:11,815      We are going to Book Club.      799 00:44:11,857 --> 00:44:13,859     Well, it starts in 36 hours.     800 00:44:13,859 --> 00:44:15,527     Uh, Edie always keeps a seat.    801 00:44:15,569 --> 00:44:17,780         I mean, we'd have to                  get him a passport.         802 00:44:17,780 --> 00:44:19,031        You need fingerprints.        803 00:44:19,073 --> 00:44:20,824         -He doesn't have any.                -[Faraday] No X-rays.        804 00:44:20,824 --> 00:44:23,202              We require                   alternative transportation.     805 00:44:23,202 --> 00:44:24,912               Last time                     he was at the airport,        806 00:44:24,912 --> 00:44:26,747           he vomited water                    for, like, an hour.         807 00:44:26,747 --> 00:44:27,956         Oh, that's wonderful.        808 00:44:27,998 --> 00:44:29,958        Um, well, listen. Uh...       809 00:44:29,958 --> 00:44:33,003          Fuck, we could book                   a private plane.           810 00:44:33,003 --> 00:44:34,963             I know a guy                     who's got a timeshare        811 00:44:35,005 --> 00:44:37,132        who might take my call.       812 00:44:37,174 --> 00:44:39,968       Then we could change the        flight plan once we're airborne.  813 00:44:40,010 --> 00:44:41,428      Blame it on engine trouble.     814 00:44:41,470 --> 00:44:44,473      Then we could land off-grid             at the Isle of Mull,         815 00:44:44,473 --> 00:44:45,557       they don't have customs.       816 00:44:45,557 --> 00:44:48,811      Then we could rent a car to        London, we'd probably make it.    817 00:44:49,937 --> 00:44:51,522            [chatter stops]           818 00:44:52,815 --> 00:44:54,733          Nobody was moving.          819 00:44:54,775 --> 00:44:57,069           [airplane whines]          820 00:44:59,405 --> 00:45:00,656          This costs like...          821 00:45:00,656 --> 00:45:02,574             [Hatch] Yeah,                     my every last dime.         822 00:45:02,616 --> 00:45:04,034              Yesterday,                     my life was different.        823 00:45:04,034 --> 00:45:07,037     -Boy, do I fucking hear you.                   -Uh-huh.               824 00:45:07,079 --> 00:45:08,163        Hello, sir, I'm Ashley.       825 00:45:08,205 --> 00:45:09,707             I'll be your                    flight attendant today.       826 00:45:09,707 --> 00:45:11,834    Will the cabin be pressurized?    827 00:45:12,418 --> 00:45:14,545      Uh... Yes. Of course, sir.      828 00:45:14,586 --> 00:45:16,547                                   829 00:45:18,340 --> 00:45:19,383                 Wow.                 830 00:45:21,885 --> 00:45:23,470       [Ashley] Can I offer you                something to drink?         831 00:45:23,512 --> 00:45:24,430           Water, champagne?          832 00:45:24,430 --> 00:45:27,099       Yeah. I'll have a double               vodka tonic, please.         833 00:45:38,026 --> 00:45:39,903        What the fuck? Justin?        834 00:45:39,945 --> 00:45:41,739      Face. Face. Fucked-up face.     835 00:45:41,780 --> 00:45:43,323               [hissing]              836 00:45:43,365 --> 00:45:45,159           Shit. Shit, shit.          837 00:45:45,200 --> 00:45:47,286            You... You have                      to stay seated!           838 00:45:47,327 --> 00:45:49,663    -What's happening to his face?                -Uh, nothing.            839 00:45:49,705 --> 00:45:50,914        -Is he having a stroke?                       -No.                 840 00:45:50,956 --> 00:45:53,000     It's a nut allergy, but don't         worry, she has his EpiPen.      841 00:45:53,041 --> 00:45:53,917         So listen, Ashley...         842 00:45:53,959 --> 00:45:55,252         Your face is falling                    off your skull.           843 00:45:55,252 --> 00:45:59,006       Is this maximum velocity                 for the aircraft?          844 00:45:59,047 --> 00:46:00,716         I'm sure you've seen             things on this plane before.     845 00:46:00,716 --> 00:46:01,800            You know, like,                    billionaire things          846 00:46:01,842 --> 00:46:03,218     and acts of human callousness               and depravity.            847 00:46:03,260 --> 00:46:04,928      The company makes you sign                 an NDA, right?            848 00:46:04,970 --> 00:46:06,221      What the fuck is happening?     849 00:46:06,263 --> 00:46:09,808    I was not wearing my skin suit            when I traveled here.        850 00:46:09,808 --> 00:46:10,893             I don't know.            851 00:46:10,893 --> 00:46:12,978       It's fucking falling off.                Will it go back?           852 00:46:13,020 --> 00:46:14,938         -[breathing heavily]                       -Unclear.              853 00:46:14,938 --> 00:46:16,398      Sir, you need to sit down!      854 00:46:16,398 --> 00:46:18,400       You need to stay in here                 and not come out.          855 00:46:18,400 --> 00:46:20,068     Unless you have a staple gun,             then we'll be fine.         856 00:46:20,110 --> 00:46:21,361             I'll just get                    the chips and drinks,        857 00:46:21,361 --> 00:46:23,572           and don't worry.                   Have a great flight!         858 00:46:23,614 --> 00:46:25,449                                   859 00:46:37,085 --> 00:46:38,837            [horns honking]           860 00:46:38,879 --> 00:46:40,672         [Hatch] Why don't you             bring your head in the car      861 00:46:40,714 --> 00:46:42,633      so that it doesn't explode?     862 00:46:44,676 --> 00:46:46,303  Is it your first time in London?  863 00:46:46,345 --> 00:46:49,139         If anybody offers you                jellied eels, say no.        864 00:46:49,181 --> 00:46:50,599     [Justin] So we just walk in?     865 00:46:50,599 --> 00:46:51,517         [Hatch] Yeah. I mean,        866 00:46:51,558 --> 00:46:53,101         that's the last favor                 in the favor bank,          867 00:46:53,143 --> 00:46:54,686      last bullet in the chamber.     868 00:46:54,728 --> 00:46:56,188    And when people see the thing--  869 00:46:56,188 --> 00:46:57,856              Hey, look,                   if it's what you say it is,     870 00:46:57,856 --> 00:46:59,107  then we'll have term sheets from  871 00:46:59,149 --> 00:47:00,776           every company in                  the world by midnight.        872 00:47:00,818 --> 00:47:02,861           And if it's not,                 we're fucked. [chuckles]       873 00:47:02,903 --> 00:47:03,987                I mean,                      I guess we could go see       874 00:47:03,987 --> 00:47:05,572          Phantom of the Opera                  and commit suicide.         875 00:47:05,614 --> 00:47:07,449       [classical music playing]      876 00:47:20,128 --> 00:47:21,922         Hi. Um, Hatch Flood.         877 00:47:21,964 --> 00:47:23,340    Sir, we must collect your pass.  878 00:47:23,382 --> 00:47:25,801             [Hatch] Yeah.                 "Flood" like the disaster.      879 00:47:25,801 --> 00:47:28,428         I have an Edie Flood.        880 00:47:28,470 --> 00:47:30,973           Of course. Yeah.                  Please keep scrolling.        881 00:47:33,934 --> 00:47:36,061            Flood, Flood...           882 00:47:36,103 --> 00:47:37,980           Ah! Here you are.          883 00:47:38,021 --> 00:47:39,273          You were a Post-it.         884 00:47:39,314 --> 00:47:41,775           Of course I was.                      Um, thank you.            885 00:47:41,775 --> 00:47:44,152    No cell phones allowed inside.    886 00:47:44,152 --> 00:47:46,864         Thank you. Thank you.        887 00:47:51,660 --> 00:47:53,704         [indistinct chatter]         888 00:47:55,080 --> 00:47:57,624        I would like to present                  my science now.           889 00:47:57,666 --> 00:47:59,084       It's when you're onstage.      890 00:47:59,126 --> 00:48:02,963        I would like to present                  my science now.           891 00:48:02,963 --> 00:48:06,133        No. That's the only way              that this works, okay?        892 00:48:06,174 --> 00:48:08,260       There's gonna be a panel                  of smug people            893 00:48:08,260 --> 00:48:10,554    and you guys are gonna go up--    894 00:48:10,554 --> 00:48:12,431         No. Not me. Just him.        895 00:48:12,431 --> 00:48:15,976      Yeah, I don't need to stand         in front of all these people.    896 00:48:16,018 --> 00:48:18,353      [Hatch] Okay. So then, um,              it'll be you up there        897 00:48:18,395 --> 00:48:20,856          just, uh, you know,                    being a genius.           898 00:48:20,898 --> 00:48:23,442          And everybody here                      will hate you            899 00:48:23,442 --> 00:48:25,068          because you're what               they wish they could be,       900 00:48:25,068 --> 00:48:26,695    so they'll try to fuck you up.    901 00:48:27,195 --> 00:48:29,031         Whose design is this?        902 00:48:29,031 --> 00:48:30,949         [Justin] A chicken's.        903 00:48:30,991 --> 00:48:33,076     -I'm so sorry. Sorry about...              -[man] Whatever.           904 00:48:34,161 --> 00:48:35,412                Enjoy.                905 00:48:36,663 --> 00:48:38,624           Hey. Hey. No. No.          906 00:48:38,665 --> 00:48:41,001          No. No, no, no. No.         907 00:48:41,001 --> 00:48:42,377                Hatch.                908 00:48:43,670 --> 00:48:45,839         Hey, Rajiv. Michael.         909 00:48:45,839 --> 00:48:48,008      -Uh, this is Justin Falls.                      -Hi.                 910 00:48:48,008 --> 00:48:50,677               And, uh,                        this is Mr. Faraday         911 00:48:50,719 --> 00:48:52,596            and his pillow.           912 00:48:53,263 --> 00:48:54,640            [Justin] Shit.            913 00:48:54,640 --> 00:48:56,391      No, no, no. Stop it. Stop.      914 00:48:56,433 --> 00:48:57,601        Great glasses, Michael.       915 00:48:57,601 --> 00:48:59,937       I tried a pair like that               but I looked stupid.         916 00:48:59,937 --> 00:49:01,355          -But you look cool.                  -[Justin] Uh, hey.          917 00:49:01,355 --> 00:49:03,649  -[whispers] I'll find you, okay?              -Yeah, okay.             918 00:49:03,690 --> 00:49:05,108          I think I know him.         919 00:49:05,108 --> 00:49:06,652         Was he at Gartner IT?        920 00:49:06,652 --> 00:49:08,111           Uh, Gartner? No.           921 00:49:08,111 --> 00:49:11,949    Um, hey, thank you for clearing         a path for me tonight.        922 00:49:11,990 --> 00:49:14,284          Um... How are you?                   How's your family?          923 00:49:14,326 --> 00:49:16,244           Yeah, yeah, yeah.                 We're good. We're good.       924 00:49:16,244 --> 00:49:17,496        It's great to see you.        925 00:49:17,537 --> 00:49:21,124       And a bit of a surprise.               I mean, you vanished.        926 00:49:21,124 --> 00:49:22,626             Yeah, well...            927 00:49:23,460 --> 00:49:25,504            I have a client                    presenting tonight.         928 00:49:26,630 --> 00:49:28,048         I wish you'd told me                   that part, Hatch.          929 00:49:28,048 --> 00:49:31,218       I thought you just wanted              to mingle, to say hi.        930 00:49:31,218 --> 00:49:32,928  I saw your sister in the atrium.  931 00:49:32,928 --> 00:49:34,304            She didn't say                    you were presenting.         932 00:49:34,346 --> 00:49:36,181        Oh, is... Is Edie here?       933 00:49:36,181 --> 00:49:39,393  Sorry. How exactly are you going         to get into the lineup?       934 00:49:39,434 --> 00:49:41,770         Well, you know, I got             one more favor to call in.      935 00:49:41,770 --> 00:49:44,606       Um, I'll have to put out           afterwards, I'm sure, but...     936 00:49:47,067 --> 00:49:48,652            -That's a joke.                     -[Rajiv] A joke?           937 00:49:48,652 --> 00:49:50,696            You're scamming                 your way onto the stage.       938 00:49:50,696 --> 00:49:52,781      You don't have the fucking               courtesy to tell me         939 00:49:52,823 --> 00:49:53,949        before I vouch for you.       940 00:49:53,949 --> 00:49:57,077         Look, some of us have           a reputation to protect, Hatch.  941 00:49:57,119 --> 00:49:59,955        I mean, you're a thief             and the Floods are a joke.      942 00:49:59,955 --> 00:50:01,289              All right.                    You can leave Edie out of      943 00:50:01,289 --> 00:50:03,000      -your high dudgeon, please.                     -Why?                944 00:50:03,000 --> 00:50:04,376      You know there's a pool on      945 00:50:04,418 --> 00:50:06,670        when she'll figure out             that OriGen's a punchline?      946 00:50:06,670 --> 00:50:08,213            So you'd prefer                  she fell on her sword?        947 00:50:08,213 --> 00:50:10,132       Certainly be less painful                 than having to            948 00:50:10,173 --> 00:50:12,884     watch her desperately waving            the banner of a company       949 00:50:12,926 --> 00:50:15,887         that hasn't innovated                 since, what? 1978?          950 00:50:16,763 --> 00:50:18,974       Enjoy the donuts, Hatch.       951 00:50:19,266 --> 00:50:21,143               [scoffs]               952 00:50:21,143 --> 00:50:23,020         [Hatch] Yeah, I will.        953 00:50:24,146 --> 00:50:25,689                 I am.                954 00:50:28,108 --> 00:50:29,901           Fucking dickhole.          955 00:50:31,820 --> 00:50:33,405       [indistinct conversation]      956 00:50:33,447 --> 00:50:35,824           [cockatoo cawing]          957 00:50:40,037 --> 00:50:41,872           What does it do?           958 00:50:41,913 --> 00:50:43,165             It's a bird.             959 00:50:43,206 --> 00:50:45,542          It does bird stuff.         960 00:50:47,085 --> 00:50:50,255        -These are both for me.                -Are you sedating?          961 00:50:50,255 --> 00:50:51,715           [Justin] Mm-hmm.           962 00:50:51,757 --> 00:50:53,675              Absolutely.             963 00:50:53,717 --> 00:50:56,261         [caws] Fuck it, man!         964 00:50:56,303 --> 00:50:57,387    [man] Sybilla is a rescue bird.  965 00:50:57,429 --> 00:51:00,223     She lived with a weird family           before we took her in.        966 00:51:00,223 --> 00:51:03,769      She imitates to integrate.      967 00:51:03,810 --> 00:51:05,937         [caws] Fuck it, man!         968 00:51:06,396 --> 00:51:07,814             Fuck it, man!            969 00:51:07,814 --> 00:51:09,066             Fuck it, man!            970 00:51:10,108 --> 00:51:11,651             Fuck it, man!            971 00:51:11,693 --> 00:51:12,944                 Shh.                 972 00:51:12,986 --> 00:51:15,280          -[Faraday] Fuck it!                 -[cockatoo] Fuck it!         973 00:51:15,322 --> 00:51:16,782          -[people laughing]                    -No, no, no. No.           974 00:51:16,823 --> 00:51:18,116            Fuck this, man!           975 00:51:18,158 --> 00:51:20,494     -We don't engage with birds.                -Fuck this guy!           976 00:51:20,535 --> 00:51:22,579               -Fuck it.                    -[cockatoo] Fuck it, man!      977 00:51:22,579 --> 00:51:25,749          -[cockatoo cawing]                   -[Faraday] Fuck it!         978 00:51:25,749 --> 00:51:27,793            Fuck this guy.            979 00:51:27,834 --> 00:51:29,086                -Edie.                         -[people laughing]          980 00:51:29,127 --> 00:51:31,213     Hey. I'm here with a client.     981 00:51:32,255 --> 00:51:33,673             How are you?             982 00:51:33,715 --> 00:51:35,717         -I'm fine. Thank you.                   -I don't care.            983 00:51:35,759 --> 00:51:37,427         Listen, I'm here with                  someone special.           984 00:51:37,427 --> 00:51:39,888    I'm here with somebody who can           give you what you want.       985 00:51:39,888 --> 00:51:41,014        Who? Birdman? [scoffs]        986 00:51:41,056 --> 00:51:42,849       Listen. You should really              meet this guy, Edie.         987 00:51:42,891 --> 00:51:44,810               -Should?                     -I'm trying to help you.       988 00:51:44,810 --> 00:51:47,062      Then after all these years,               have the decency           989 00:51:47,062 --> 00:51:48,021        to admit what you did.        990 00:51:48,063 --> 00:51:50,107             Jesus Christ!                    Will you let that go?        991 00:51:51,233 --> 00:51:53,860            Look. This guy                     could be something          992 00:51:53,860 --> 00:51:54,945            for you, okay?            993 00:51:54,986 --> 00:51:57,781      Something that doesn't have        Dad's fingerprints all over it.  994 00:51:58,448 --> 00:51:59,533              [announcer]                      Ladies and gentlemen,        995 00:51:59,574 --> 00:52:01,409            the presentations                  will begin momentarily.       996 00:52:01,409 --> 00:52:05,122          Please make your way               to the library. Thank you.      997 00:52:05,163 --> 00:52:06,623             Okay, Hatch.             998 00:52:08,083 --> 00:52:09,668          Admit what you did          999 00:52:09,709 --> 00:52:12,254        and we'll walk in there                together right now.         1000 00:52:16,216 --> 00:52:17,217                 Fine.                1001 00:52:17,259 --> 00:52:19,261        You die a public death.                   It's better.             1002 00:52:19,302 --> 00:52:22,139       This way we don't have to          fucking run into each other.     1003 00:52:24,391 --> 00:52:26,685           [crowd clapping]           1004 00:52:28,770 --> 00:52:30,647       Like that building block,                    graphene,              1005 00:52:30,647 --> 00:52:32,858           carbon nano tubes                  are extremely durable        1006 00:52:32,899 --> 00:52:36,319      and provide the opportunity        to develop ultra-high strength,  1007 00:52:36,319 --> 00:52:39,072    low-weight materials that make          them highly attractive...      1008 00:52:39,114 --> 00:52:40,866            [Hatch] Does he                      know the rules?           1009 00:52:40,866 --> 00:52:41,741             [Justin] Yes.            1010 00:52:41,741 --> 00:52:44,411        I went over it with him               like a million times.        1011 00:52:44,411 --> 00:52:46,746         I have told you that                about a million times.        1012 00:52:46,788 --> 00:52:48,957            -Okay, well...               -So can you stop freaking out?    1013 00:52:48,999 --> 00:52:52,460      Just take some deep breaths            and calm the fuck down.       1014 00:52:52,502 --> 00:52:53,920        [Hatch] I am trying to.       1015 00:52:53,962 --> 00:52:56,006       [Justin] You're actually            freaking me out right now,      1016 00:52:56,047 --> 00:52:56,798           do you know that?          1017 00:52:56,840 --> 00:52:58,383             [Hatch] Well,                   then don't look at me.        1018 00:52:58,425 --> 00:52:59,426              -Calm down.                        -[Justin] Okay.           1019 00:52:59,467 --> 00:53:01,011        [Hatch] In 45 minutes,                      we'll be...            1020 00:53:01,052 --> 00:53:02,220     Just take some deep breaths.     1021 00:53:02,262 --> 00:53:04,639         Go to a happy place,                       you know?              1022 00:53:04,681 --> 00:53:08,059      So tell me why what you're           showing me is exceptional,      1023 00:53:08,101 --> 00:53:10,437        -or go back to school.                       -We...                1024 00:53:10,478 --> 00:53:12,564         [indistinct chatter]         1025 00:53:16,943 --> 00:53:17,694                 Fuck.                1026 00:53:17,736 --> 00:53:19,404  -Go get him. Go, go. Go get him.                 -Shit.                1027 00:53:19,404 --> 00:53:21,489    [indistinct chatter continues]    1028 00:53:21,489 --> 00:53:23,366          Someone, please...          1029 00:53:24,451 --> 00:53:25,619             What the fuck                       are you doing?            1030 00:53:25,619 --> 00:53:26,661         He has not calculated        1031 00:53:26,661 --> 00:53:28,455             the chirality                     structure properly.         1032 00:53:28,496 --> 00:53:30,040         [indistinct chatter]         1033 00:53:30,081 --> 00:53:31,875                                   1034 00:53:36,630 --> 00:53:38,548          [woman] Excuse me.          1035 00:53:38,548 --> 00:53:40,717          Are you a presenter                     here tonight?            1036 00:53:43,803 --> 00:53:44,888                 I am.                1037 00:53:45,639 --> 00:53:47,182  [woman] And what makes you think  1038 00:53:47,182 --> 00:53:49,643           you can interrupt                   this presentation?          1039 00:53:49,643 --> 00:53:53,396     I have come with a prototype         for a quantum fusion process.    1040 00:53:56,983 --> 00:53:58,401            [chatter stops]           1041 00:54:12,874 --> 00:54:14,251                Do it.                1042 00:54:19,381 --> 00:54:21,258         [electric pulsating]         1043 00:54:26,346 --> 00:54:28,640           [crowd murmuring]          1044 00:55:03,300 --> 00:55:05,427         [electric pulsating]         1045 00:55:08,346 --> 00:55:10,307                                   1046 00:55:13,935 --> 00:55:15,687               [laughs]