1 00:00:20,645 --> 00:00:23,231                                     2 00:00:23,565 --> 00:00:25,525              [rumbling]              3 00:00:31,781 --> 00:00:35,201                                     4 00:01:50,151 --> 00:01:53,613     [sirens wailing in distance]     5 00:01:55,657 --> 00:01:58,618            [alarm beeping]           6 00:02:00,954 --> 00:02:02,789      Your family is irrelevant.      7 00:02:02,789 --> 00:02:03,915        What did you just say?        8 00:02:03,915 --> 00:02:06,668          They are irrelevant                   to this mission.           9 00:02:06,709 --> 00:02:08,753      We are going to OriGen now.     10 00:02:08,795 --> 00:02:10,004        We are behind schedule.       11 00:02:10,004 --> 00:02:12,757       Your father can transport                 the pupa here.            12 00:02:12,799 --> 00:02:15,093      I'll be back in three days.     13 00:02:15,093 --> 00:02:18,638    To build the machine, I have to        convert Newton's design,       14 00:02:18,638 --> 00:02:20,098    a design requiring translation    15 00:02:20,098 --> 00:02:22,016            from Anthean to                    human mathematics,          16 00:02:22,016 --> 00:02:24,227            from Anthean to                  human component parts,        17 00:02:24,227 --> 00:02:28,022     parts that would routinely be        assembled by Anthean drones.     18 00:02:28,064 --> 00:02:29,899     Humans are not as efficient.     19 00:02:29,899 --> 00:02:32,277          They ask questions.                   They have needs.           20 00:02:32,277 --> 00:02:34,028             None of which                     I am interested in.         21 00:02:34,028 --> 00:02:35,905    That is why he sent me to you.    22 00:02:35,947 --> 00:02:38,324            You do not have                     permission to go.          23 00:02:40,160 --> 00:02:43,913          Don't ever say that                  to me again. Okay?          24 00:02:43,955 --> 00:02:45,456          Back off my family.         25 00:02:45,456 --> 00:02:47,959      There won't be any work if          I have to leave them behind.     26 00:02:48,001 --> 00:02:50,503          Your relationships                    are dead weight.           27 00:02:50,503 --> 00:02:53,923    Well, your family was probably         grateful for your attitude.     28 00:02:53,923 --> 00:02:55,842         We have an agreement.        29 00:02:55,884 --> 00:02:57,343              Three days.             30 00:02:58,720 --> 00:02:59,637             [door closes]            31 00:02:59,637 --> 00:03:01,556                                     32 00:03:09,105 --> 00:03:11,733          [Hatch sighs] Wow.          33 00:03:11,733 --> 00:03:15,111  Old wounds open like old melons.  34 00:03:15,153 --> 00:03:17,488           Do they say that                    where you're from?          35 00:03:17,530 --> 00:03:18,865                  No.                 36 00:03:18,865 --> 00:03:20,158       [Hatch] Yeah, they don't               say it here, either,         37 00:03:20,158 --> 00:03:22,994        but it's fucking true.        38 00:03:22,994 --> 00:03:25,914     Mr. Faraday, may I introduce              you to your team--          39 00:03:25,955 --> 00:03:28,291            Oh, this is...                This is so cool. This is so--    40 00:03:28,291 --> 00:03:30,084           You will execute                     only what I need,          41 00:03:30,084 --> 00:03:31,961     when I need it. Nothing else.    42 00:03:31,961 --> 00:03:34,047    Show me Newton's designs. Now.    43 00:03:34,088 --> 00:03:36,674  We have the patents digitized in        a centralized database--       44 00:03:36,674 --> 00:03:37,759         I need the originals.        45 00:03:37,759 --> 00:03:41,095     [woman] Ah. Well, um, all of         Mr. Newton's original effects    46 00:03:41,137 --> 00:03:44,140    were stored in a research space            we no longer use.          47 00:03:44,140 --> 00:03:45,600  Per Miss Flood's instructions...  48 00:03:45,642 --> 00:03:46,643          [Faraday] Let's go.         49 00:03:46,643 --> 00:03:47,894       [Yatzin]...we prepared a           state-of-the-art lab for you     50 00:03:47,936 --> 00:03:49,020          on the third floor                  of the main building.        51 00:03:49,062 --> 00:03:50,313           We can bring you                    anything you need.          52 00:03:50,355 --> 00:03:54,901      I'm sorry. Once you get to            know him, he is a blast.       53 00:03:54,901 --> 00:03:57,445      [operatic music playing]      54 00:04:06,204 --> 00:04:08,164    [Zach] Um, I... I was thinking              we could procure           55 00:04:08,164 --> 00:04:10,291          an industrial gamma                 radiography machine--        56 00:04:10,333 --> 00:04:13,628      Nothing with high frequency         radiation enters this space.     57 00:04:13,962 --> 00:04:15,088              No X-rays.              58 00:04:15,088 --> 00:04:16,297            Of course not.            59 00:04:16,339 --> 00:04:18,549    I shouldn't have said anything.       I shouldn't have-- [grunts]     60 00:04:29,644 --> 00:04:31,646            [door creaking]           61 00:04:47,662 --> 00:04:49,580          [Newton murmuring]          62 00:04:51,874 --> 00:04:54,335                                     63 00:05:24,907 --> 00:05:26,784          [machine whirring]          64 00:05:33,666 --> 00:05:35,668              [rumbling]              65 00:05:45,053 --> 00:05:47,472              [creaking]              66 00:05:57,565 --> 00:05:59,817                                     67 00:06:10,411 --> 00:06:12,705      [Newton]   I built a company.     68 00:06:12,705 --> 00:06:14,999        They stole it from me.        69 00:06:15,041 --> 00:06:16,834      You're gonna steal it back.     70 00:06:25,676 --> 00:06:27,887                                     71 00:06:47,115 --> 00:06:49,700                [sighs]               72 00:06:52,995 --> 00:06:57,166    Okay. This is fucking adorable.  73 00:06:57,166 --> 00:06:59,001    Where are we? Mission Control?    74 00:06:59,043 --> 00:07:00,336           [Lisa] Used to be                    the power station          75 00:07:00,336 --> 00:07:02,588         for the whole campus                before they renovated.        76 00:07:02,588 --> 00:07:05,967     The conduit to the warehouse           still runs through here.       77 00:07:05,967 --> 00:07:07,176              Thank you.              78 00:07:07,218 --> 00:07:10,388     I spent the last two years of       my life in basement purgatory.    79 00:07:10,430 --> 00:07:13,724      Sorry, it's the only place           we can tap into the feeds.      80 00:07:15,268 --> 00:07:16,936               Don't be.              81 00:07:17,270 --> 00:07:19,188            [sighs deeply]            82 00:07:19,230 --> 00:07:21,816          Purgatory is where              you get the best perspective.    83 00:07:22,400 --> 00:07:24,777         [indistinct chatter]         84 00:07:24,777 --> 00:07:25,987              Excuse me?              85 00:07:27,822 --> 00:07:28,739              Two things.             86 00:07:28,781 --> 00:07:31,200     Um, you asked us to build you           a new lighting matrix.        87 00:07:31,200 --> 00:07:33,786         But we can't confirm                it's a lighting matrix        88 00:07:33,786 --> 00:07:36,456    because you've given each of us          a separate assignment        89 00:07:36,497 --> 00:07:38,082      without revealing the goal.     90 00:07:38,082 --> 00:07:39,167       I mean, how...[stammers]       91 00:07:39,208 --> 00:07:40,376          How does that apply                to the ultimate design?       92 00:07:40,376 --> 00:07:42,420    We've all seen, uh, the video.    93 00:07:42,420 --> 00:07:45,548              [chuckles]                      Can we see the cube?         94 00:07:45,590 --> 00:07:47,633           It's capacitated.                   It was a prototype.         95 00:07:47,675 --> 00:07:49,635             Were it not,                  I wouldn't need any of you.     96 00:07:49,677 --> 00:07:52,221      [Zach chuckles] Of course.                The other thing.           97 00:07:52,263 --> 00:07:54,098        You've asked us to sink       98 00:07:54,140 --> 00:07:55,475            a 30-foot hole                   in the middle of the--        99 00:07:55,516 --> 00:07:58,102         I know what I asked!                Why are you still here?       100 00:07:58,102 --> 00:07:59,729           We need dynamite.                    For the bedrock.           101 00:07:59,770 --> 00:08:02,273      Did you think I didn't know             you'd need dynamite?         102 00:08:02,315 --> 00:08:04,233          [Zach chuckles] No.         103 00:08:04,233 --> 00:08:07,195      Just the... The team needs              to know why, though.         104 00:08:07,195 --> 00:08:09,405        We're... We're blowing                a hole in the floor?         105 00:08:09,405 --> 00:08:11,407    Liquid at a 30-foot depth will    106 00:08:11,449 --> 00:08:13,910           balance the heavy                     water reactors.           107 00:08:13,910 --> 00:08:14,785          That is your task.          108 00:08:14,827 --> 00:08:16,412        My task is to transpose                  the information           109 00:08:16,412 --> 00:08:20,082          so I can understand             what to build. Blow the hole.    110 00:08:20,082 --> 00:08:22,877            This is the house                    that Jack built           111 00:08:26,172 --> 00:08:27,673             Do you remember                       that house?             112 00:08:27,715 --> 00:08:30,176               Yes, I do                       I know you do now         113 00:08:31,427 --> 00:08:33,513            This is the land                 that he worked by hand        114 00:08:33,554 --> 00:08:36,307            This is the dream                   of an upright man          115 00:08:36,349 --> 00:08:38,518            This is the room                that he filled with love       116 00:08:38,518 --> 00:08:41,187     -[Justin] Dad. Who did this?                   -Juzzie!               117 00:08:41,187 --> 00:08:42,355        [Josiah] Who did what?        118 00:08:42,396 --> 00:08:45,191         Packed our house like              the Library of Congress.       119 00:08:45,191 --> 00:08:48,236    [chuckles] I had an assistant.    120 00:08:48,236 --> 00:08:50,488          [chuckles] The two                  of you did all this?         121 00:08:50,530 --> 00:08:51,614        [Josiah] How many times                    did we move             122 00:08:51,656 --> 00:08:53,574       across the United States              when you were a child?        123 00:08:53,574 --> 00:08:56,118    Your father knows how to pack.    124 00:08:56,118 --> 00:08:58,746       Oh! You even alphabetized                   the vinyl.              125 00:08:58,788 --> 00:09:01,082         [Josiah] Uh, I am not                going to be in London        126 00:09:01,123 --> 00:09:03,417            wondering where                  I put   Pithecanthropus.        127 00:09:03,417 --> 00:09:04,835            How's the lab?            128 00:09:05,378 --> 00:09:07,046          I haven't been yet.         129 00:09:07,338 --> 00:09:08,965                 Okay.                130 00:09:08,965 --> 00:09:10,216             Where is she?            131 00:09:10,258 --> 00:09:12,009        Just follow the crayon.       132 00:09:12,009 --> 00:09:14,095                                     133 00:09:18,432 --> 00:09:20,518       [Justin] Hey, Molly-Mols.      134 00:09:20,518 --> 00:09:22,853         I just didn't want to                    pack it yet.             135 00:09:23,396 --> 00:09:25,231          [music box playing]         136 00:09:30,361 --> 00:09:32,947    You know, I didn't necessarily             want this for you.          137 00:09:32,989 --> 00:09:35,950     I wanted you to feel rooted.     138 00:09:36,284 --> 00:09:37,451             Like a tree?             139 00:09:37,493 --> 00:09:39,870      [Justin] Yeah, like a tree.     140 00:09:41,581 --> 00:09:44,917        Grandpa's job moved us         around pretty much all the time.  141 00:09:45,209 --> 00:09:47,169           I didn't like it.          142 00:09:47,169 --> 00:09:49,255     But this is important, Molly.    143 00:09:49,297 --> 00:09:52,633        Does it have something                to do with the larva?        144 00:09:54,260 --> 00:09:57,346         Yeah. Yeah, it does.         145 00:09:57,346 --> 00:09:58,973         Is he your boyfriend?        146 00:09:58,973 --> 00:10:00,975            [chuckles] No.            147 00:10:02,184 --> 00:10:03,978             No, he's not.            148 00:10:08,899 --> 00:10:09,984                 Hey.                 149 00:10:12,111 --> 00:10:13,779        I know Portia's here...       150 00:10:15,448 --> 00:10:17,241          I love you so much.         151 00:10:17,241 --> 00:10:19,327           -I love you, too.                      -Oh, my gosh.            152 00:10:19,327 --> 00:10:21,329      And your friends are here.      153 00:10:21,329 --> 00:10:22,455          But you know what?          154 00:10:22,455 --> 00:10:24,582      They got us a big apartment                 near the park            155 00:10:24,624 --> 00:10:26,584     where there's a lot of kids.     156 00:10:26,584 --> 00:10:29,503      [whispering] You should see            the size of your room.        157 00:10:29,545 --> 00:10:31,672      I don't need a bigger room.     158 00:10:31,672 --> 00:10:35,134    Wow. You are one tough cookie.    159 00:10:36,510 --> 00:10:38,012              So are you.             160 00:10:38,012 --> 00:10:39,138              [chuckles]              161 00:10:40,681 --> 00:10:43,517           You'll come back                 or I'll come visit, okay?      162 00:10:43,517 --> 00:10:46,437     Thank you for being here for        everything that ever mattered.    163 00:10:46,437 --> 00:10:50,274            What? I... I am                 everything that matters.       164 00:10:50,316 --> 00:10:51,942              I love you.             165 00:10:54,612 --> 00:10:56,155          [Josiah] All right.         166 00:10:57,073 --> 00:10:58,991         London, here we come.        167 00:10:58,991 --> 00:11:00,159             [Portia] Bye!            168 00:11:06,666 --> 00:11:10,252              Excuse me.                    The bathrooms are locked.      169 00:11:10,252 --> 00:11:11,337            [Faraday] Yes.            170 00:11:11,337 --> 00:11:12,755         The log says you used        171 00:11:12,755 --> 00:11:15,257            the bathroom at                    9:57 this morning.          172 00:11:15,257 --> 00:11:17,385              -What log?                       -Is it your menses?         173 00:11:17,426 --> 00:11:19,804           [scoffs] Did you                    just say "menses"?          174 00:11:19,804 --> 00:11:22,390      At your age, you shouldn't          still be having your menses.     175 00:11:22,390 --> 00:11:25,142         Jos, I... [chuckles]                 I need you to listen.        176 00:11:25,142 --> 00:11:27,228       May I ask you to repeat?       177 00:11:27,228 --> 00:11:28,396     Who's in the mood for donuts?    178 00:11:28,437 --> 00:11:29,605    This obsession with your menses  179 00:11:29,647 --> 00:11:32,441    is draining your productivity.           No, I will not repeat.        180 00:11:32,441 --> 00:11:35,111      No. No. No, no, you can't--               [stammers] Uh...           181 00:11:35,152 --> 00:11:37,571       So sorry. So, uh, women--      182 00:11:37,571 --> 00:11:38,989            -[both] Women?                       -You are women.           183 00:11:39,031 --> 00:11:43,119        Um, you know, why don't            you guys take tomorrow off?     184 00:11:43,119 --> 00:11:44,203       What, to call my lawyer?       185 00:11:44,245 --> 00:11:46,580     No, you know, just so we can         revisit our... Our revamped,     186 00:11:46,622 --> 00:11:49,083      um, sensitivity initiative.     187 00:11:49,125 --> 00:11:49,959          But... I'd say now,         188 00:11:50,000 --> 00:11:51,544            isn't it about                   quitting time, anyway?        189 00:11:51,544 --> 00:11:52,753         That's not necessary.        190 00:11:52,795 --> 00:11:55,548    When the meshwork is finished,     I'll break them into five groups  191 00:11:55,548 --> 00:11:59,510           with alternating                  11-minute sleep shifts.       192 00:11:59,510 --> 00:12:01,929    [Jocelyn] You want us to sleep            in 11-minute shifts?         193 00:12:01,929 --> 00:12:04,390         That should be enough               to stave off psychosis.       194 00:12:05,474 --> 00:12:06,559           Shit. [chuckles]           195 00:12:06,559 --> 00:12:07,643              [Hatch]   No,                   no sleeping here. No cots.      196 00:12:07,685 --> 00:12:09,478      They're not carnival workers,    197 00:12:09,520 --> 00:12:11,480            they're people.                    They gotta go home.         198 00:12:11,480 --> 00:12:13,649          -Home is illusory.                -[Hatch] All right, stop.      199 00:12:13,649 --> 00:12:16,318       Human beings have a very            narrow window of interests.     200 00:12:16,360 --> 00:12:17,361       We have... We have needs.      201 00:12:17,403 --> 00:12:19,613           And they include                   nutrition and peeing.        202 00:12:19,613 --> 00:12:20,823    And if those needs aren't met,    203 00:12:20,865 --> 00:12:22,908          we'll get litigated                   out of existence.          204 00:12:22,908 --> 00:12:23,909                 Fine.                205 00:12:23,951 --> 00:12:27,204    I'll incorporate full-circadian          rhythm sleep-cycles.         206 00:12:27,204 --> 00:12:28,622         Excellent. Thank you.        207 00:12:28,664 --> 00:12:30,541           Sir? We finished.          208 00:12:30,541 --> 00:12:31,625       The outer casing's done.       209 00:12:31,667 --> 00:12:33,294      That's a nice lobster trap.     210 00:12:33,335 --> 00:12:35,296        [Faraday] Once we have                 built the machine,          211 00:12:35,296 --> 00:12:37,465  the cage will provide protection  212 00:12:37,465 --> 00:12:40,968           from interference               by electromagnetic fields.      213 00:12:42,470 --> 00:12:44,305      [Hatch] So, like a shield?      214 00:12:48,392 --> 00:12:50,895         [machine powering up]        215 00:13:06,535 --> 00:13:08,245          [static crackling]          216 00:13:08,245 --> 00:13:09,455        What the shit is this?        217 00:13:10,331 --> 00:13:12,333           [Lisa] Some kind                     of interference.           218 00:13:12,333 --> 00:13:13,667            [all cheering]            219 00:13:13,667 --> 00:13:16,170  All right. Yeah. Well done, all.  220 00:13:16,670 --> 00:13:18,464           All right. Yeah.           221 00:13:18,464 --> 00:13:20,424         Good work, everybody.        222 00:13:20,424 --> 00:13:21,759          He blocked us out.          223 00:13:21,759 --> 00:13:23,427            [Lisa] I think                    it's an accidental--         224 00:13:23,427 --> 00:13:25,304         It's not accidental.                     He built a...            225 00:13:25,596 --> 00:13:27,431            A Faraday cage.           226 00:13:27,431 --> 00:13:30,142          [shudders] Fix it.          227 00:13:31,977 --> 00:13:35,147      Hey, you can all head home           and sleep in your own beds.     228 00:13:43,656 --> 00:13:46,116           What the hell is                   the matter with you?         229 00:13:48,369 --> 00:13:52,414      The design is nonsensical.      230 00:13:52,414 --> 00:13:53,541           Nonsensical how?           231 00:13:53,541 --> 00:13:57,044       None of the diagrammatic               pieces fit together.         232 00:13:57,044 --> 00:14:00,548      It's like building a puzzle      without knowing the final image.  233 00:14:00,589 --> 00:14:02,633           I don't know what               it's supposed to look like.     234 00:14:02,675 --> 00:14:06,762      And the equation calls for           tritium as a power source.      235 00:14:06,804 --> 00:14:09,640           Newton had it in                   ample supply in 1986.        236 00:14:09,640 --> 00:14:10,683         But as he would know,        237 00:14:10,683 --> 00:14:12,810            it only carries                a half-life of 12.7 years.      238 00:14:12,852 --> 00:14:15,354            So, that supply                    is useless? [sighs]         239 00:14:15,396 --> 00:14:16,730              Okay. Okay.             240 00:14:16,730 --> 00:14:18,357         [stammers] Didn't you                   mention a date?           241 00:14:18,399 --> 00:14:22,653        My entire species dies                    in 2.4 years.            242 00:14:22,653 --> 00:14:25,739      Yours will follow in 2030.      243 00:14:25,739 --> 00:14:28,200              -I'm aware.                      -This is the apex.          244 00:14:28,200 --> 00:14:29,076            The last step.            245 00:14:29,076 --> 00:14:31,537         Either I am incapable                 of understanding...         246 00:14:34,498 --> 00:14:36,417      not ready to understand...      247 00:14:42,798 --> 00:14:44,425           or it's nonsense.          248 00:14:55,477 --> 00:14:56,478            Why would he--            249 00:14:56,478 --> 00:14:59,106  For it to be nonsense, Newton...  250 00:15:00,691 --> 00:15:03,068       would have to be insane.       251 00:15:06,405 --> 00:15:08,115              [rumbling]              252 00:15:14,163 --> 00:15:17,249                                     253 00:15:35,935 --> 00:15:38,062        [dog barks in distance]       254 00:15:39,730 --> 00:15:41,774         [Spencer over phone]                 It's gone inter-agency?       255 00:15:41,815 --> 00:15:43,609            We needed to keep                     the circle small.          256 00:15:43,651 --> 00:15:45,986    Yes, but the video isn't small.  257 00:15:45,986 --> 00:15:47,696       It's up to 80 million hits.     258 00:15:47,696 --> 00:15:49,865          Everyone's trying to                  figure out who he is.        259 00:15:49,865 --> 00:15:53,535     We bought some time by saying       he's a basement-dwelling hacker  260 00:15:53,535 --> 00:15:55,454       who hit the London grid.       261 00:15:55,496 --> 00:15:56,956        It'll hold for a while,       262 00:15:56,956 --> 00:15:58,958           but the Director                  wants me on-site there.       263 00:15:58,958 --> 00:16:00,960      [Spencer]   Faraday couldn't       sneeze without it being logged.    264 00:16:00,960 --> 00:16:03,504  But if you come in here, the FBI         is gonna wanna come in,       265 00:16:03,545 --> 00:16:04,922           and then the NSA,                    and then the DSI.          266 00:16:04,964 --> 00:16:06,966     And pretty soon it's gonna be            a fucking Google tab.        267 00:16:07,007 --> 00:16:09,009         -Spencer, you sound--                 -I'm good, I'm good.         268 00:16:09,051 --> 00:16:10,761         -I'm good, I promise.                        -Okay.                269 00:16:10,803 --> 00:16:14,264        But if this one doesn't            go right, I can't help you.     270 00:16:14,306 --> 00:16:15,432               I got it.              271 00:16:21,230 --> 00:16:25,025      Are you sampling that water          for tritium concentrations?     272 00:16:25,985 --> 00:16:29,363          Yes. Its half-life                     is short here.            273 00:16:29,405 --> 00:16:30,990      Well, you better find some,     274 00:16:31,031 --> 00:16:32,116     if you're trying to sequence     275 00:16:32,116 --> 00:16:33,993          enough heavy water                    to create fusion.          276 00:16:34,034 --> 00:16:37,413       There's barely enough of          anything on this rock anymore.    277 00:16:37,454 --> 00:16:38,372           You want a donut?          278 00:16:38,372 --> 00:16:41,000  -I never said the word "fusion."              -Didn't you?             279 00:16:41,000 --> 00:16:42,167    I just thought, because that's    280 00:16:42,209 --> 00:16:44,545      a fascinating scintillator                 you got there.            281 00:16:44,586 --> 00:16:46,338          It's my own design.         282 00:16:46,755 --> 00:16:48,757    But it must be malfunctioning.    283 00:16:48,799 --> 00:16:50,968          The water's ambient                    tritium reading           284 00:16:50,968 --> 00:16:54,179          is barely 2.3 parts                   per quintillion.           285 00:16:54,555 --> 00:16:56,181          You expected more?          286 00:16:57,891 --> 00:17:01,270  You won't find fallout in there,       just standard groundwater.      287 00:17:01,270 --> 00:17:04,648        Shouldn't your logical              and calculatory abilities      288 00:17:04,690 --> 00:17:06,025       have deteriorated by now?      289 00:17:06,025 --> 00:17:08,235        Maybe I'm just reaching        my half-life, you little pisher.  290 00:17:08,235 --> 00:17:11,947  Why haven't they sent you to one       of those old-people places?     291 00:17:11,989 --> 00:17:14,908       If you knew half of what             I know about half-lives,       292 00:17:14,908 --> 00:17:16,493           you wouldn't need                  to ask that question,        293 00:17:16,535 --> 00:17:17,786       and fuck you, by the way.      294 00:17:17,828 --> 00:17:21,915          You can think of me             as the institutional memory.     295 00:17:21,957 --> 00:17:23,792                -Watt.                               -What?                296 00:17:23,792 --> 00:17:25,544           -Watt is my name.                     -I don't know.            297 00:17:25,544 --> 00:17:28,088              No, no, no.                    Watt, that is my name.        298 00:17:28,130 --> 00:17:32,885        W-A-T-T. Like the power                  in the circuit.           299 00:17:32,885 --> 00:17:35,804  And you must be the magic weirdo      everyone's whispering about.     300 00:17:35,846 --> 00:17:37,056    The one who will finally unlock  301 00:17:37,056 --> 00:17:39,683         the innermost secrets                of the tenth design.         302 00:17:40,476 --> 00:17:41,727          Well, woo-dee-woo.          303 00:17:42,895 --> 00:17:44,146             Woo-dee-woo.             304 00:17:44,146 --> 00:17:48,400      We used to wrangle with it,         back in Kentucky. With Mr. N.    305 00:17:49,359 --> 00:17:50,402               Kentucky?              306 00:17:50,861 --> 00:17:53,238    You worked under Thomas Newton?  307 00:17:53,614 --> 00:17:55,616      Oh, so now I'm interesting?     308 00:17:56,116 --> 00:17:57,826     Yes, I worked with that man.     309 00:17:57,826 --> 00:18:00,913  He had the most surprising mind.  310 00:18:00,913 --> 00:18:04,083          It was a pleasure.                     It was science.           311 00:18:04,083 --> 00:18:08,337      I... I can't understand why               he brought me...           312 00:18:08,337 --> 00:18:09,338               [grunts]               313 00:18:09,379 --> 00:18:10,923           [breathes deeply]          314 00:18:10,923 --> 00:18:13,217       I can't read his design.       315 00:18:13,217 --> 00:18:15,886       I could barely understand          half of what he was on about.    316 00:18:15,886 --> 00:18:18,972     And that was before my brain          circuity was deteriorated.      317 00:18:19,014 --> 00:18:20,766      That shouldn't apply to me.     318 00:18:22,351 --> 00:18:25,854          It's hard living in                the shadow of a genius,       319 00:18:25,896 --> 00:18:29,066         but you're the man of             the moment or the century.      320 00:18:29,066 --> 00:18:30,776         You'll figure it out.        321 00:18:30,776 --> 00:18:33,779          I mean, you really                  don't have a choice.         322 00:18:43,872 --> 00:18:46,083       Hey there, sugar darling      323 00:18:46,083 --> 00:18:48,335       Let me tell you something     324 00:18:48,377 --> 00:18:52,965             Girl, I've been                   Trying to say, now          325 00:18:53,006 --> 00:18:54,967         You look so sweet...        326 00:18:54,967 --> 00:18:57,719     [Josiah] Hey-hey. Molly girl.    327 00:18:57,719 --> 00:19:00,347           Hey, Molly-Mols.           328 00:19:00,806 --> 00:19:03,600        So? What do you think?        329 00:19:04,768 --> 00:19:05,894           [Josiah chuckles]          330 00:19:05,894 --> 00:19:07,980     [Molly] It's like we live in           a coffee commercial now.       331 00:19:08,021 --> 00:19:12,192       Oh, really? Is it a good                coffee commercial?          332 00:19:14,945 --> 00:19:16,071         [cell phone buzzing]         333 00:19:16,113 --> 00:19:17,739    [Josiah] How about some of this           cassava, girl, hmm?         334 00:19:17,739 --> 00:19:18,907           [Molly] Mmm-mmm.           335 00:19:18,949 --> 00:19:22,077     -Maybe you'll like that, hmm?          -[Molly] It looks gross.       336 00:19:22,119 --> 00:19:25,330    [Hatch]   Hey, are you back yet?          Because we have a problem.      337 00:19:29,126 --> 00:19:31,420         [indistinct chatter]         338 00:19:31,420 --> 00:19:33,297           [drill whirring]           339 00:19:35,883 --> 00:19:37,718       [indistinct conversation]      340 00:19:44,516 --> 00:19:46,310             Stop! Freeze!            341 00:19:46,310 --> 00:19:48,228          If there are cords                    around your feet,          342 00:19:48,228 --> 00:19:52,357        step out of them slowly               and then nobody move.        343 00:19:53,192 --> 00:19:55,903           I'm Justin Falls,                  your project manager.        344 00:19:55,903 --> 00:19:57,988    And whatever you've been told,    345 00:19:57,988 --> 00:20:00,365      you're about to be untold.      346 00:20:05,329 --> 00:20:08,582         It has the three Lego               mini-figures I wanted.        347 00:20:09,416 --> 00:20:10,542               You know,              348 00:20:11,793 --> 00:20:14,421         Lego bricks are made                     so precisely             349 00:20:14,755 --> 00:20:16,256        that even the new ones        350 00:20:16,256 --> 00:20:19,176         fit into the old ones                  made in the '50s.          351 00:20:19,176 --> 00:20:21,720        The '50s or the 1900s?        352 00:20:22,930 --> 00:20:24,890              [chuckles]              353 00:20:24,890 --> 00:20:27,351         I liked our old house        354 00:20:28,060 --> 00:20:29,895       and our old neighborhood.      355 00:20:29,937 --> 00:20:32,231        You can love them both,                    Molly-girl.             356 00:20:32,231 --> 00:20:36,026         A new Lego fits into                  the old ones. Hmm?          357 00:20:36,026 --> 00:20:37,569              [chuckles]              358 00:20:38,153 --> 00:20:40,405        I don't know if I like                your new black hair.         359 00:20:40,405 --> 00:20:43,450         [echoing] Did you dye                 your old gray hair?         360 00:20:46,745 --> 00:20:48,080               Grandpa?               361 00:20:48,080 --> 00:20:50,457        [traffic zooming past]        362 00:20:50,874 --> 00:20:52,459               Grandpa?               363 00:20:52,793 --> 00:20:54,461           [engine revving]           364 00:20:55,003 --> 00:20:56,171            Grandpa, what--           365 00:20:56,171 --> 00:20:58,048           -[horns honking]                    -[tires screeching]         366 00:20:58,048 --> 00:21:00,092            -[horn honking]                     -[men clamoring]           367 00:21:00,092 --> 00:21:01,885          If you can't drive                   like a human being,         368 00:21:01,927 --> 00:21:03,512        take your useless self                    off the road.            369 00:21:03,553 --> 00:21:06,265          So little children             and old folks can walk safely.    370 00:21:06,265 --> 00:21:10,435  Yes! I'm shaking my fist at you!  371 00:21:14,898 --> 00:21:16,400           Okay, wake him up                   and send him home,          372 00:21:16,400 --> 00:21:19,236        and will you get these              cots out of here, please?      373 00:21:19,278 --> 00:21:21,822        Uh, why are the tables                     like that?              374 00:21:21,863 --> 00:21:24,283            Oh, he made us                 get rid of all the chairs.      375 00:21:24,283 --> 00:21:25,867               -Uh-huh.                          -No, it's cool.           376 00:21:25,867 --> 00:21:27,327               He hasn't                      stopped for 30 hours.        377 00:21:27,327 --> 00:21:28,870  So, who am I to ask for a chair?  378 00:21:28,870 --> 00:21:31,123         Like, I hate myself.                   He's incredible.           379 00:21:31,164 --> 00:21:33,917        Hey. Hey, you're being                  crazy at people.           380 00:21:33,959 --> 00:21:35,127      They're gonna get hurt here     381 00:21:35,127 --> 00:21:37,421              and you are                     responsible for that.        382 00:21:37,796 --> 00:21:38,839                 Hey.                 383 00:21:39,798 --> 00:21:40,841                Hello?                384 00:21:41,967 --> 00:21:42,968                 Hey.                 385 00:21:42,968 --> 00:21:44,970     Newton's design doesn't work.    386 00:21:47,973 --> 00:21:49,850      Well, you'll make it work.      387 00:21:49,891 --> 00:21:51,018    I mean, that's why you're here.  388 00:21:51,059 --> 00:21:52,436      [Faraday] I'm telling you,                    I can't.               389 00:21:52,477 --> 00:21:55,355     -Is that calling for tritium?                    -Yes.                390 00:21:55,397 --> 00:21:57,399         The concentration in               the water is far too low.      391 00:21:57,441 --> 00:21:59,818      -The amount we would need--                -It's unstable.           392 00:21:59,860 --> 00:22:00,777               And rare.              393 00:22:00,777 --> 00:22:04,114    So, we have an unusable design             and no fuel source.         394 00:22:04,156 --> 00:22:05,907        There must be something                   I've missed.             395 00:22:05,949 --> 00:22:08,118             There must be                      something I'm...           396 00:22:08,118 --> 00:22:10,912       [stammers] I'm blind to.       397 00:22:10,912 --> 00:22:12,748           Okay, all right.           398 00:22:12,789 --> 00:22:13,999    You're frying your own circuits  399 00:22:14,041 --> 00:22:16,209            and that makes                 everything more dangerous.      400 00:22:16,251 --> 00:22:19,004      Besides, you need a shower.     401 00:22:19,838 --> 00:22:21,006            You're stinky.            402 00:22:22,799 --> 00:22:23,884               [sniffs]               403 00:22:25,427 --> 00:22:29,222      Are you really not gonna even           give me his fucking name?      404 00:22:29,264 --> 00:22:32,017       What the hell do you think           we do at the   Washington Post?    405 00:22:32,059 --> 00:22:33,894           I'll get it, Hatch.                    You know I will.           406 00:22:33,894 --> 00:22:34,853           I know you will.           407 00:22:34,895 --> 00:22:36,313          Look, how long have                 we known each other?         408 00:22:36,355 --> 00:22:37,481       Sophomore year, Wesleyan.      409 00:22:37,522 --> 00:22:39,107              By the way,                    I love you as a blonde.       410 00:22:39,149 --> 00:22:43,028  So, how do you feel about being          back in the yada-yada-yada?     411 00:22:43,070 --> 00:22:45,113        I'm, uh, thrilled to be                  back at OriGen,           412 00:22:45,113 --> 00:22:47,491      the company that my family              has run for decades.         413 00:22:47,491 --> 00:22:50,994       Thrilled to be developing             our next step, which--        414 00:22:50,994 --> 00:22:52,120          Ooh, uh, whoa, whoa.         415 00:22:52,120 --> 00:22:53,497           Uh, can you confirm                    those next steps?          416 00:22:53,497 --> 00:22:55,791           Are they related to                the light show in London?      417 00:22:55,791 --> 00:22:58,085       Some kind of energy source?     418 00:22:58,126 --> 00:22:59,336    I can confirm that you're still  419 00:22:59,378 --> 00:23:01,254           the Interruptress                 of all Interruptresses.       420 00:23:01,296 --> 00:23:04,341      Although, it's usually when         you're a little caffeinated.     421 00:23:04,383 --> 00:23:06,551               -[laughs]                          -[distorted]             422 00:23:08,261 --> 00:23:09,304           Really?   [distorted]         423 00:23:09,304 --> 00:23:10,597      You know, if I wasn't, uh...     424 00:23:10,597 --> 00:23:13,642     [normal]   ...already a cynic,             I'd be insulted, Hatch.       425 00:23:13,683 --> 00:23:14,559           Insulted by what?          426 00:23:14,601 --> 00:23:16,061         Well, at the fact that                   you're recording           427 00:23:16,103 --> 00:23:17,938        our fucking conversation.      428 00:23:20,232 --> 00:23:21,900          I'll call you back.         429 00:23:22,275 --> 00:23:24,361       Hey, Edie, what the fuck?      430 00:23:24,403 --> 00:23:27,155        Really? You're bugging                     my office?              431 00:23:27,155 --> 00:23:28,740           [Spencer slurps]           432 00:23:30,117 --> 00:23:31,618      -You're bugging my office?                 -[Spencer] Hmm.           433 00:23:31,660 --> 00:23:34,913    I fucking knew you weren't DOE.               You're CIA.             434 00:23:34,955 --> 00:23:35,956                Clever.               435 00:23:35,997 --> 00:23:37,916     [Hatch] Here to make sure I'm     not taking home office supplies?  436 00:23:37,958 --> 00:23:40,293             No, I'm here                    to let your sister know       437 00:23:40,293 --> 00:23:41,503    who she just made a deal with.    438 00:23:41,503 --> 00:23:43,630    What Faraday really is. I know         you weren't gonna tell her.     439 00:23:43,630 --> 00:23:46,341         Did you tell her with               any delicacy or sensi--       440 00:23:46,341 --> 00:23:49,428       Delicacy? About the thing            that's in the warehouse?       441 00:23:49,469 --> 00:23:51,972    Or did you mean the arrangement      that your daddy had with us.     442 00:23:52,639 --> 00:23:55,642         'Cause, uh, come on,                 you guys had to know         443 00:23:55,642 --> 00:24:00,647      that your dad's bill would           come due eventually, right?     444 00:24:00,647 --> 00:24:03,191           But you know what               I don't understand, Hatch,      445 00:24:03,191 --> 00:24:06,445         is why you don't care                that it's not human.         446 00:24:06,486 --> 00:24:08,488     That thing in the warehouse.     447 00:24:08,530 --> 00:24:10,115         I mean, you can play                 savior all you want,         448 00:24:10,115 --> 00:24:12,200     but that's not a human being.    449 00:24:12,200 --> 00:24:13,410             Thomas Newton                     was not benevolent.         450 00:24:13,452 --> 00:24:16,163          He didn't come here              45 years ago bearing gifts.     451 00:24:16,163 --> 00:24:17,497  He came here with a genocidal...  452 00:24:17,497 --> 00:24:19,458              -Bullshit.                      -A genocidal agenda.         453 00:24:19,499 --> 00:24:23,086           What's genocidal                   about musical spheres        454 00:24:23,086 --> 00:24:24,296       or self-developing film?       455 00:24:24,296 --> 00:24:26,173           You have no idea                    the shit I've seen.         456 00:24:26,214 --> 00:24:28,425       I have evidence. And now               he has an accomplice.        457 00:24:28,467 --> 00:24:30,177          So, when he sticks              his head out to say, "Hello,"    458 00:24:30,177 --> 00:24:32,220        I'm just gonna take him                back into custody.          459 00:24:32,220 --> 00:24:34,306          -It's a good thing.                     -And Faraday?            460 00:24:34,347 --> 00:24:35,849      What's gonna happen to him?     461 00:24:35,849 --> 00:24:37,225             I don't know.            462 00:24:37,225 --> 00:24:38,310        But whatever he builds        463 00:24:38,351 --> 00:24:39,561         is not gonna make it                   out to the world.          464 00:24:39,561 --> 00:24:42,355           Then why did you                     let him build it?          465 00:24:42,397 --> 00:24:45,817     Sorry. That question suggests       that you have a moral compass.    466 00:24:45,859 --> 00:24:48,820    [Spencer] God damn it. Your dad        knew how to work with us.      467 00:24:48,862 --> 00:24:49,696            He capitulated.           468 00:24:49,696 --> 00:24:52,115      'Cause it just doesn't work                any other way.            469 00:24:52,491 --> 00:24:54,242        But I do understand why       470 00:24:54,242 --> 00:24:56,161          he gave your sister               the company now, though.       471 00:24:56,203 --> 00:24:58,205      [sips] Oh, and FY to the I,     472 00:24:58,246 --> 00:25:00,373            we're gonna be               logging all of your keystrokes    473 00:25:00,415 --> 00:25:01,541            as well as your                     entries and exits          474 00:25:01,541 --> 00:25:02,626    from the building from now on.    475 00:25:02,667 --> 00:25:04,878          And what I told you                 about Faraday's work         476 00:25:04,878 --> 00:25:09,508      and Faraday's future is not         to be shared with Miss Falls.    477 00:25:09,549 --> 00:25:11,676           I don't even know                  if she's Team Human.         478 00:25:11,676 --> 00:25:12,552               Are you?               479 00:25:12,594 --> 00:25:14,513    You know, I'm not sure who you         think you work for, Hatch,      480 00:25:14,513 --> 00:25:16,598           but from now on,                 you need to understand...      481 00:25:16,598 --> 00:25:18,892           [breathes deeply]                    It's fucking me.           482 00:25:23,063 --> 00:25:25,565                                     483 00:25:25,565 --> 00:25:28,985     You know, French fries don't          count as a vegetable, Dad.      484 00:25:29,027 --> 00:25:30,946      They're sweet potato fries.     485 00:25:30,987 --> 00:25:31,696                Mm-hmm.               486 00:25:31,738 --> 00:25:33,365         Perhaps Newton meant                  for me to calculate         487 00:25:33,365 --> 00:25:35,450             using Anthean                     gravity parameters.         488 00:25:35,450 --> 00:25:38,537    No work talk at dinner, please.              Shut it down.            489 00:25:38,537 --> 00:25:41,498       He's not a computer, Mom.                  He's a larva.            490 00:25:41,498 --> 00:25:43,333         I'm gonna tell people        491 00:25:43,375 --> 00:25:46,836       on my first day of London          school that my name is Pupa.     492 00:25:46,836 --> 00:25:51,466       You know, your new school           has a purple soccer field.      493 00:25:51,508 --> 00:25:53,552             -Just saying.                           -Okay.                494 00:25:53,552 --> 00:25:55,220       [Faraday] Anthean gravity                   would mean              495 00:25:55,262 --> 00:25:59,224        a .0032% difference in              the tritium base amount.       496 00:25:59,224 --> 00:26:00,850         You're using tritium?        497 00:26:00,850 --> 00:26:01,560                 Yeah.                498 00:26:01,560 --> 00:26:04,437             Okay, missy.                   You're eating six beans.       499 00:26:04,479 --> 00:26:06,731       -I will eat three beans.                      -Four.                500 00:26:06,731 --> 00:26:09,693        Fine. But I don't know                 why you want me to.         501 00:26:09,693 --> 00:26:12,737       'Cause you only ever cry              when I grow any taller.       502 00:26:13,405 --> 00:26:17,158          Why isn't the pupa                  following the manual?        503 00:26:17,158 --> 00:26:19,244    The instructions are specific.    504 00:26:19,953 --> 00:26:21,121           I wanna do mine.           505 00:26:21,162 --> 00:26:22,455         -Who will that serve?                        -Hey.                506 00:26:22,497 --> 00:26:25,333     Your version's awesome, baby.         Don't listen to him, okay?      507 00:26:25,375 --> 00:26:27,752       -I'll take ten of yours.               -She's going to fail.        508 00:26:27,794 --> 00:26:31,339      You can't fail at playing.                It's fun always.           509 00:26:31,381 --> 00:26:33,550       She has the instructions              right in front of her.        510 00:26:33,592 --> 00:26:36,261       Instructions are designed            to be followed precisely.      511 00:26:36,303 --> 00:26:38,597           You cannot simply                 impose your own vision.       512 00:26:38,638 --> 00:26:40,599    You cannot decide for yourself.  513 00:26:40,640 --> 00:26:43,184     It is chaotic, irresponsible                 and foolish.             514 00:26:43,226 --> 00:26:44,394            Shut up, larva!           515 00:26:44,436 --> 00:26:46,187              Don't talk                      to my girl like that!        516 00:26:46,229 --> 00:26:47,564        Molly, baby, come back!       517 00:26:47,606 --> 00:26:49,441        No more words from you.       518 00:26:49,441 --> 00:26:51,943          I don't care where                    you're from. Out!          519 00:26:53,486 --> 00:26:55,822             [powering up]            520 00:27:05,457 --> 00:27:07,917              [rumbling]              521 00:27:11,046 --> 00:27:13,173                                     522 00:27:18,720 --> 00:27:21,181          [Josiah over radio]                 What the hell was that?       523 00:27:21,181 --> 00:27:23,683           [Justin]   I think                   he just had a tantrum.        524 00:27:59,219 --> 00:28:00,345          You're still here.          525 00:28:00,387 --> 00:28:02,806            I needed to let                 my mind out for a stroll.      526 00:28:02,806 --> 00:28:07,352      I thought OriGen employees           value their sleep schedule.     527 00:28:07,394 --> 00:28:09,854            You've got that                 same look he used to get.      528 00:28:09,854 --> 00:28:12,399               -Newton?                  -[Watt] At the lab in Kentucky,  529 00:28:12,440 --> 00:28:13,692     he used to walk by the water     530 00:28:13,733 --> 00:28:17,028       whenever we got close to          the final design of a product.    531 00:28:17,570 --> 00:28:19,447              And then...             532 00:28:19,489 --> 00:28:21,408        He always got it right.       533 00:28:21,408 --> 00:28:24,244      He'd just... get it right.      534 00:28:26,287 --> 00:28:27,372           You like bourbon?          535 00:28:27,372 --> 00:28:29,541             My experience                    with mood alteration         536 00:28:29,582 --> 00:28:32,252        has been disappointing.       537 00:28:32,252 --> 00:28:35,380          And hot. And loud.          538 00:28:35,380 --> 00:28:37,382         Well, I'm doing that.        539 00:28:38,591 --> 00:28:40,343        Feel free to tag along.       540 00:28:43,847 --> 00:28:47,267        Chop, chop, wonder boy.              I think I can help you.       541 00:28:51,229 --> 00:28:53,231         [indistinct chatter]         542 00:28:54,399 --> 00:28:56,234          Where are we going?         543 00:28:56,276 --> 00:28:58,069      You're a drone, aren't you?     544 00:28:58,069 --> 00:28:59,279                 What?                545 00:28:59,529 --> 00:29:00,655                Ta-da!                546 00:29:00,697 --> 00:29:02,449          Oh, no. No, my bad.         547 00:29:02,449 --> 00:29:04,993          Existential crises                  are very adolescent.         548 00:29:05,034 --> 00:29:07,954      How do you know I'm having             an existential crisis?        549 00:29:07,954 --> 00:29:11,332        [chuckling] Because you          look like you're about to cry.    550 00:29:11,332 --> 00:29:13,209             Ah, nice hat.            551 00:29:14,252 --> 00:29:15,420              I told you.             552 00:29:16,588 --> 00:29:19,215       I knew Newton. [sniffles]      553 00:29:19,257 --> 00:29:21,050        He told me what he was.       554 00:29:21,718 --> 00:29:24,053    That's why I know what you are.  555 00:29:25,388 --> 00:29:28,433              -Spaceman.                           -He told--              556 00:29:28,475 --> 00:29:30,143           Mmm. You're safe.          557 00:29:30,143 --> 00:29:31,436      [sniffles] I'd never tell.      558 00:29:31,478 --> 00:29:35,440        [chuckling] And no one            would ever believe me anyway.    559 00:29:36,316 --> 00:29:37,525     But I promise you, my friend,    560 00:29:37,567 --> 00:29:41,446      you can't be a drone and do        what you need to do. [sniffles]  561 00:29:42,363 --> 00:29:44,115           But I am a drone.          562 00:29:45,575 --> 00:29:47,452            [knock on door]           563 00:29:51,998 --> 00:29:54,542        [whispering] Every time           I try to leave, she wakes up.    564 00:29:54,584 --> 00:29:56,336             [whispering]                     She's a tiny tyrant.         565 00:29:56,336 --> 00:29:57,837           [Justin] Mm-hmm.           566 00:29:58,755 --> 00:30:01,341     [Josiah] Who knows she's got              your attention now          567 00:30:01,382 --> 00:30:02,967           because of guilt.          568 00:30:03,760 --> 00:30:05,845           [softly] And not                     the regular guilt          569 00:30:05,845 --> 00:30:08,640          that single working                 parents have dined on        570 00:30:08,681 --> 00:30:11,935        like I did every night                    of your life.            571 00:30:14,646 --> 00:30:16,356            [Justin sighs]            572 00:30:18,650 --> 00:30:21,486          It's your first day                   back in the lab.           573 00:30:21,528 --> 00:30:24,447               Of course                   you're going to feel Danny.     574 00:30:24,447 --> 00:30:27,700        Yeah. That's the thing.                    [chuckles]              575 00:30:27,742 --> 00:30:31,996          I thought I would,                 but I didn't feel him.        576 00:30:33,331 --> 00:30:34,791           I'm sitting here           577 00:30:34,791 --> 00:30:37,043         and despite the fact              that she hates this place,      578 00:30:37,043 --> 00:30:39,712         and a rude-ass alien               just yelled at everyone,       579 00:30:39,712 --> 00:30:42,799           and the lab today                 was a total shit-show,        580 00:30:42,841 --> 00:30:44,634            and we have no                   fucking path forward--        581 00:30:44,634 --> 00:30:47,512          Oh, Juzzie, please.                    Your language.            582 00:30:47,512 --> 00:30:49,138                Sorry.                583 00:30:50,473 --> 00:30:52,183           Despite all that,          584 00:30:53,393 --> 00:30:55,353      I loved every second of it.     585 00:30:56,521 --> 00:30:58,481             How dare you?            586 00:30:59,065 --> 00:31:00,400              [chuckles]              587 00:31:02,735 --> 00:31:06,614       That's your research from               after the accident.         588 00:31:06,614 --> 00:31:09,075     I brought it from Los Alamos.    589 00:31:10,451 --> 00:31:11,786                 Why?                 590 00:31:11,828 --> 00:31:13,663    Tritium is not going to happen.  591 00:31:13,663 --> 00:31:15,039         You're going to need                   what's in there.           592 00:31:15,039 --> 00:31:18,042        I never got to the end                 of what's in there.         593 00:31:18,459 --> 00:31:20,044            Maybe you will.           594 00:31:21,129 --> 00:31:25,049        It's all failing until               the day that it isn't.        595 00:31:29,554 --> 00:31:31,180               [kisses]               596 00:31:33,349 --> 00:31:35,560                                     597 00:32:18,394 --> 00:32:20,313                                     598 00:32:23,608 --> 00:32:25,443        [Watt] I know, I know.        599 00:32:25,443 --> 00:32:26,861      You're feeling frustrated.      600 00:32:26,903 --> 00:32:30,490         But I know something             you don't know about Anthea.     601 00:32:30,490 --> 00:32:31,699              Or you do.              602 00:32:31,741 --> 00:32:34,869    You just can't quite dredge it       up from your preconsciousness.    603 00:32:34,911 --> 00:32:38,206           It wasn't always                    adepts and drones.          604 00:32:38,247 --> 00:32:39,499           The caste system.          605 00:32:41,459 --> 00:32:44,420              So, listen,                   here's the story. Ready?       606 00:32:46,506 --> 00:32:48,591  Two rocks flying through space.    607 00:32:48,633 --> 00:32:50,802        Each going their own way.                      When...               608 00:32:50,802 --> 00:32:53,638      Whammo! What are the odds?      609 00:32:54,597 --> 00:32:56,015                42.6%.                610 00:32:56,015 --> 00:32:58,267     You're where fun goes to die.    611 00:32:58,309 --> 00:33:00,228              [chuckling]             612 00:33:00,228 --> 00:33:00,937               I'm fun?               613 00:33:00,937 --> 00:33:03,940           Okay, okay, okay.                   Go to 30,000 feet.          614 00:33:03,940 --> 00:33:06,734           Earth and Anthea,                    destined, fated.           615 00:33:06,734 --> 00:33:08,444     Brought together by the gods.    616 00:33:10,905 --> 00:33:12,532          It's a love story.          617 00:33:13,658 --> 00:33:15,910       Giant impact hypothesis.                   Heard of it?             618 00:33:15,952 --> 00:33:17,745    When two proto-planets collide,  619 00:33:17,745 --> 00:33:19,831      impacting the evolutionary               trajectory of both.         620 00:33:19,872 --> 00:33:23,376      A glancing blow, otherwise,           none of us would be here.      621 00:33:24,502 --> 00:33:26,546           It was more like           622 00:33:26,546 --> 00:33:28,923    the first kiss at summer camp.    623 00:33:28,965 --> 00:33:31,676             In the kiss,                     two things happened.         624 00:33:37,598 --> 00:33:39,517             [gulps] One.             625 00:33:40,476 --> 00:33:42,687            Earth absorbed                       some of Anthea.           626 00:33:42,687 --> 00:33:46,524        That's why Earth's core            is disproportionately big.      627 00:33:46,524 --> 00:33:48,985               And two,                    since this is a love story.     628 00:33:48,985 --> 00:33:53,406       Anthea spun away pregnant             with a piece of Earth.        629 00:33:53,406 --> 00:33:54,657            Slutty planet.            630 00:33:54,657 --> 00:33:56,784          Now, some Antheans          631 00:33:56,826 --> 00:33:58,911        cultivated that Earthly                part of themselves,         632 00:33:58,953 --> 00:34:01,873          and lo and behold,                  a new class was born.        633 00:34:01,914 --> 00:34:04,083        They became the adepts.       634 00:34:04,083 --> 00:34:06,169             And the rest                  of the population, well...      635 00:34:06,169 --> 00:34:09,464      [chuckles] Just became you.              It's funny, right?          636 00:34:09,505 --> 00:34:12,925         No, this isn't funny                        at all.               637 00:34:12,925 --> 00:34:14,093           Are you kidding?           638 00:34:14,135 --> 00:34:16,929        It's a joke on the most                 cosmic of scales.          639 00:34:16,929 --> 00:34:18,806  Adepts are the demigods they are  640 00:34:18,806 --> 00:34:22,226       because they've unleashed               their inner human.          641 00:34:22,226 --> 00:34:25,438       Newton saw 30 years ago,                 from 30,000 feet.          642 00:34:25,480 --> 00:34:29,067     You wanna unlock that design,       then you need to do that, too.    643 00:34:29,108 --> 00:34:31,986          'Cause he saw that                 it's just one big game        644 00:34:31,986 --> 00:34:37,075         of Russian roulette.                Load one. Spin. Click.        645 00:34:37,116 --> 00:34:41,579         What is one big game                 of Russian roulette?         646 00:34:41,621 --> 00:34:43,873     Unleashing your inner human.     647 00:34:43,915 --> 00:34:45,708        Without it killing you.       648 00:34:45,708 --> 00:34:47,543          [imitates gunshot]          649 00:34:47,585 --> 00:34:49,962               -[thuds]                         -[Watt laughing]           650 00:34:49,962 --> 00:34:52,632       [Watt]    Shimmy shimmy ya             Shimmy yam, shimmy yay        651 00:34:52,673 --> 00:34:54,675              Gimme the mic                   So I can take it away        652 00:34:54,717 --> 00:34:56,177       Ooh, baby, I like it raw      653 00:34:56,177 --> 00:34:58,179       Yeah, baby, I like it raw     654 00:34:58,179 --> 00:35:00,056              Yeah, baby,                         I like it raw            655 00:35:00,056 --> 00:35:02,642       Yeah, baby, I like it raw     656 00:35:03,810 --> 00:35:05,686               Oh, fuck.              657 00:35:05,728 --> 00:35:07,438                 Wow.                 658 00:35:08,940 --> 00:35:11,526        I'd almost be impressed       659 00:35:11,526 --> 00:35:13,027  if I didn't know that you'd used  660 00:35:13,069 --> 00:35:15,029          an extraterrestrial                     IKEA manual.             661 00:35:15,029 --> 00:35:16,489        How did you know that?        662 00:35:20,576 --> 00:35:22,662         Seeing shit, are we?         663 00:35:25,706 --> 00:35:26,707                  No.                 664 00:35:26,749 --> 00:35:29,252         You sound defensive.         665 00:35:29,293 --> 00:35:32,213           Ask the question                   I know you're asking.        666 00:35:32,255 --> 00:35:35,842  Newton wouldn't have summoned me         if I were not capable.        667 00:35:35,842 --> 00:35:40,221    But I am obviously not capable,        so why did he summon me?       668 00:35:40,263 --> 00:35:44,267         Except you don't know                what you are anymore.        669 00:35:44,267 --> 00:35:46,310           Wasn't so pretty                  for Mr. Newton, either.       670 00:35:46,310 --> 00:35:49,772       When the memories started         coming with feelings attached.    671 00:35:50,565 --> 00:35:52,775               Memories              672 00:35:52,817 --> 00:35:54,902             And the kiddies                      Are sleeping             673 00:35:54,902 --> 00:35:56,320                -Stop!                                -No.                 674 00:35:56,320 --> 00:35:58,739       You're in this human body                  for a reason.            675 00:35:58,781 --> 00:36:00,950        Come on. Thump, thump.                  Can you hear it?           676 00:36:00,950 --> 00:36:02,201       There's a heart in there,                    Tin Man.               677 00:36:02,243 --> 00:36:04,829          Get out of your ass                  and into your body.         678 00:36:04,871 --> 00:36:06,747              Act, react.             679 00:36:06,747 --> 00:36:10,459           Come on, intuit.                     Be in the moment.          680 00:36:10,459 --> 00:36:11,294               The now.               681 00:36:11,294 --> 00:36:15,506        No one can ever be who            they were before. The N-O-W.     682 00:36:15,548 --> 00:36:21,387       Midnight and their kiddies              Are in the bathtub          683 00:36:21,971 --> 00:36:23,890       Keep your savage, clumsy,      684 00:36:23,890 --> 00:36:26,726  bestial Earth hands to yourself!  685 00:36:26,726 --> 00:36:29,687          [Watt laughs] Ooh!          686 00:36:29,687 --> 00:36:31,230                Anger.                687 00:36:31,397 --> 00:36:32,565               [laughs]               688 00:36:33,983 --> 00:36:36,360                 -Why?                             -Why, what?             689 00:36:36,360 --> 00:36:40,114            Newton. Humans.                  Why didn't he tell me?        690 00:36:40,114 --> 00:36:44,160              But he did.                   Day one, planet Earth...       691 00:36:44,202 --> 00:36:49,332      [both] "Humans. You have to           let the virus in. Again."      692 00:36:49,790 --> 00:36:51,709           He said, "Again."          693 00:36:52,710 --> 00:36:54,128  You were too "drone" to hear it.  694 00:36:54,128 --> 00:36:57,215              -Fuck off!                        -Good. [chuckles]          695 00:36:57,215 --> 00:36:59,217    -What else is pissing you off?                  -Mission.              696 00:36:59,258 --> 00:37:01,135      You're failing the mission.     697 00:37:01,177 --> 00:37:03,888      'Cause those little fucking           memories you're having...      698 00:37:03,930 --> 00:37:06,098     You left your family behind.     699 00:37:06,140 --> 00:37:09,477    Now that it's clear that Newton         bet on the wrong drone,       700 00:37:09,477 --> 00:37:13,147     it's starting to hit you that        you'll never see them again.     701 00:37:13,147 --> 00:37:16,359       You're down here failing           on this slutty little planet     702 00:37:16,359 --> 00:37:19,362             and your kids                     are up there dying.         703 00:37:19,362 --> 00:37:21,906    You've been failing down here.              Failing for what?          704 00:37:21,948 --> 00:37:24,492        Maybe... Maybe they're                    already dead.            705 00:37:24,533 --> 00:37:27,245       Maybe you left them behind                 to wither and die          706 00:37:27,245 --> 00:37:29,038            so you could fly                      across the galaxy          707 00:37:29,080 --> 00:37:30,998         just to fuck it all up.       708 00:37:31,040 --> 00:37:33,042            Feel that shit.           709 00:37:33,084 --> 00:37:34,585                [yells]               710 00:37:35,670 --> 00:37:39,382         [laughing] Oh, yeah.         711 00:37:41,008 --> 00:37:42,176               [grunts]               712 00:37:42,176 --> 00:37:45,471        Come on, look at this.                Come on, watch this.         713 00:37:48,766 --> 00:37:49,934         [Lisa] What the fuck?        714 00:37:49,934 --> 00:37:52,812          -Whee! Ooh, la, la.                        -Stop!                715 00:37:53,062 --> 00:37:55,940            [grunts] Stop!            716 00:37:55,940 --> 00:37:57,817              -Ooh, toys.                            -Stop!                717 00:37:57,817 --> 00:37:58,818           Yummy-yummy-yum.           718 00:37:58,859 --> 00:38:01,279      [Faraday] Stop it! Stop it!     719 00:38:01,279 --> 00:38:03,447    [Watt chuckles] Ooh, I like...    720 00:38:04,323 --> 00:38:08,160         -[grunts] No! No! No!                   -This is good.            721 00:38:08,160 --> 00:38:09,704          Baby, I like it raw        722 00:38:09,745 --> 00:38:10,830              Yeah, baby             723 00:38:10,830 --> 00:38:12,665               -[yells]                             -[grunts]              724 00:38:12,957 --> 00:38:14,625                [yells]               725 00:38:30,725 --> 00:38:34,854           You're not real.           726 00:38:35,146 --> 00:38:36,689           Only if you are.           727 00:38:37,940 --> 00:38:39,608           How real are you?          728 00:38:41,944 --> 00:38:43,946              [mumbling]                       Where are we going?         729 00:38:43,988 --> 00:38:45,781      You're a drone, aren't you?     730 00:38:45,781 --> 00:38:46,907                Ta-da!                731 00:38:46,949 --> 00:38:51,078        No, no, you can't have              an existential crisis...       732 00:38:51,078 --> 00:38:53,706          That's a nice hat.          733 00:38:56,709 --> 00:38:58,085               -[grunts]                            -[thuds]               734 00:38:58,127 --> 00:39:00,880       Ooh, baby, I like it raw      735 00:39:03,299 --> 00:39:05,384         Thirty thousand feet.        736 00:39:05,384 --> 00:39:08,846           What did you see                     from 30,000 feet?          737 00:39:08,846 --> 00:39:11,557              [rumbling]              738 00:39:11,557 --> 00:39:13,726                                     739 00:39:18,773 --> 00:39:20,691          [breathes heavily]          740 00:39:21,817 --> 00:39:24,028                                     741 00:39:26,989 --> 00:39:28,532              [exclaims]              742 00:39:42,838 --> 00:39:44,548               [grunts]               743 00:40:05,194 --> 00:40:06,862                [pants]               744 00:40:26,966 --> 00:40:28,926     [Watt]   Thirty thousand feet.     745 00:40:31,095 --> 00:40:33,597         Took you long enough.        746 00:40:35,683 --> 00:40:36,976               Careful.               747 00:40:37,476 --> 00:40:39,937      The air is thinner up here.     748 00:40:41,772 --> 00:40:43,566              [chuckles]              749 00:40:46,777 --> 00:40:48,112               [laughs]               750 00:40:51,907 --> 00:40:53,659              [laughing]              751 00:41:00,958 --> 00:41:02,001                 Hmm.                 752 00:41:04,086 --> 00:41:05,463          How did you fix it?         753 00:41:05,504 --> 00:41:08,966     I didn't. He broke the cage.     754 00:41:10,426 --> 00:41:11,635        Really? What happened?        755 00:41:11,677 --> 00:41:14,805     [Lisa] When the screens came         back on the damage was done.     756 00:41:15,431 --> 00:41:17,141      He was talking to himself.      757 00:41:19,018 --> 00:41:20,227             He solved it.            758 00:41:20,227 --> 00:41:22,688           -He solved what?                       -The design.             759 00:41:23,022 --> 00:41:24,940       He knows how to build it.      760 00:41:26,192 --> 00:41:29,862       Sir, I think he might be                 losing his mind.           761 00:41:31,197 --> 00:41:32,865                [sighs]               762 00:41:36,202 --> 00:41:38,120    What the hell happened to you?    763 00:41:39,121 --> 00:41:41,040           I figured it out.          764 00:41:45,503 --> 00:41:47,296           [Justin] Who beat                  the shit out of you?         765 00:41:47,338 --> 00:41:50,049        [Faraday] I was banging              my head against a wall.       766 00:41:51,550 --> 00:41:54,887         Wait. Are you making                   a joke right now?          767 00:41:54,929 --> 00:41:56,722             Who are you?             768 00:41:57,223 --> 00:41:59,266             I don't know.            769 00:41:59,266 --> 00:42:01,644     But I figured out the design.    770 00:42:01,894 --> 00:42:03,187           How to build it.           771 00:42:03,229 --> 00:42:05,397           I know what it's                supposed to look like now.      772 00:42:05,397 --> 00:42:08,108       There are several steps,              but we can get started.       773 00:42:08,150 --> 00:42:10,986          Yeah, there's still                   the fuel problem.          774 00:42:10,986 --> 00:42:12,696      Tritium is not gonna work.      775 00:42:12,696 --> 00:42:15,824         Perhaps I can conjure                  another delusion.          776 00:42:18,327 --> 00:42:20,204       So, I was banging my head      777 00:42:20,204 --> 00:42:22,706         against a brick wall                   last night, too.           778 00:42:23,249 --> 00:42:26,043      Somewhat more figuratively.     779 00:42:26,418 --> 00:42:28,212             What is this?            780 00:42:30,839 --> 00:42:32,341                I think               781 00:42:32,383 --> 00:42:34,760            it's the reason                 you were sent to find me.      782 00:42:35,177 --> 00:42:37,471     After the accident I was, uh,    783 00:42:37,471 --> 00:42:41,392      researching an alternative,           more stable fuel source.       784 00:42:41,392 --> 00:42:44,186          I wrote an equation                 to use hydrogen-boron        785 00:42:44,228 --> 00:42:45,479         in place of tritium.         786 00:42:45,479 --> 00:42:48,524     But this equation, we'd have         to find a way to simplify it.    787 00:42:48,524 --> 00:42:49,525        Which I've never done,        788 00:42:49,525 --> 00:42:51,318          because no computer                    can handle it.            789 00:42:51,360 --> 00:42:52,570            So essentially,           790 00:42:52,570 --> 00:42:55,281             the one thing                     I could never solve         791 00:42:55,281 --> 00:42:58,158     is pretty much our only hope.    792 00:42:58,200 --> 00:43:01,954         You imagined all this                    from nothing.            793 00:43:04,081 --> 00:43:05,249                 Yeah.                794 00:43:09,920 --> 00:43:14,091        You are extraordinary.        795 00:43:17,094 --> 00:43:19,138              Uh... What?             796 00:43:29,231 --> 00:43:30,816        Where is your daughter?       797 00:43:33,444 --> 00:43:35,279              [whirring]              798 00:43:40,993 --> 00:43:42,786          That's impressive.          799 00:43:44,330 --> 00:43:45,372              I like it.              800 00:43:45,372 --> 00:43:47,374        [Faraday] Did you know        801 00:43:47,374 --> 00:43:50,961        what you were going to              build before you started?      802 00:43:51,003 --> 00:43:52,254              Not really.             803 00:43:52,254 --> 00:43:55,007            I kinda started                 and then figured it out.       804 00:43:58,636 --> 00:44:00,929      What happened to your face?     805 00:44:02,139 --> 00:44:05,809         Oh, I fell. I'm fine.        806 00:44:10,105 --> 00:44:11,357            Where I'm from,           807 00:44:11,357 --> 00:44:16,320            once you reach                your first maturation cycle,     808 00:44:16,362 --> 00:44:20,282           you either become                  an adept or a drone,         809 00:44:20,282 --> 00:44:21,617      depending on the abilities      810 00:44:21,659 --> 00:44:24,203            you've shown up                     until that point.          811 00:44:24,662 --> 00:44:27,289        And after that, a drone       812 00:44:27,289 --> 00:44:30,459            doesn't have to                    consider emotions.          813 00:44:30,501 --> 00:44:32,878           There's an answer                     for everything.           814 00:44:33,462 --> 00:44:36,882           It's very binary.          815 00:44:38,300 --> 00:44:42,054         You are the opposite         816 00:44:42,888 --> 00:44:44,223              of binary.              817 00:44:45,474 --> 00:44:49,895        You have the potential                   for all things.           818 00:44:53,399 --> 00:44:56,902           I'm sorry, Pupa.           819 00:44:57,277 --> 00:44:59,154                                     820 00:45:11,041 --> 00:45:12,835              Thank you.              821 00:45:21,051 --> 00:45:22,928              [whirring]              822 00:45:27,850 --> 00:45:31,019        She's not gonna be like             other children, you know.      823 00:45:31,603 --> 00:45:34,231     She is going to be different.    824 00:45:34,690 --> 00:45:37,109        It'll be hard for her.        825 00:45:46,994 --> 00:47:27,677