1 00:00:01,359 --> 00:00:04,520 ♪ Everyone in Wheelford Knows he likes to go fast ♪ 2 00:00:04,560 --> 00:00:08,280 ♪ Dreams he'll be a rescue bike Just like his mum and dad ♪ 3 00:00:08,320 --> 00:00:11,360 ♪ Who's that red razor Going by just like a flash? ♪ 4 00:00:11,400 --> 00:00:12,920 ♪ Ricky Zoom! Ricky Zoom! ♪ 5 00:00:12,959 --> 00:00:15,319 ♪ He can get it done ♪ 6 00:00:15,360 --> 00:00:18,200 ♪ Always looking for adventure And always having fun ♪ 7 00:00:18,240 --> 00:00:19,960 ♪ See him everywhere you go ♪ 8 00:00:20,000 --> 00:00:21,040 - With DJ... - Loop! 9 00:00:21,080 --> 00:00:22,560 - And Scootio! - Yeah! 10 00:00:22,599 --> 00:00:24,200 ♪ And if you get in trouble ♪ 11 00:00:24,240 --> 00:00:25,880 ♪ He's always gonna help ♪ 12 00:00:25,919 --> 00:00:27,320 ♪ Ricky Zoom! Ricky Zoom! ♪ 13 00:00:27,360 --> 00:00:29,040 ♪ Ricky Zoom! Ricky Zoom! ♪ 14 00:00:29,080 --> 00:00:30,479 ♪ Ricky Zoom! ♪ 15 00:00:31,080 --> 00:00:34,040 The Most Amazing Thing Ever Put in a Box 16 00:00:34,080 --> 00:00:35,280 - Woohoo! 17 00:00:35,320 --> 00:00:36,120 (engine revving) 18 00:00:36,160 --> 00:00:39,080 Rev on! Yeah! 19 00:00:41,000 --> 00:00:43,160 - What should we play today? - I don't know. 20 00:00:43,199 --> 00:00:46,040 - Not sure. - Gotta be something... 21 00:00:46,080 --> 00:00:47,680 - Something fun? 22 00:00:47,720 --> 00:00:48,839 - Hey, Loop. 23 00:00:48,879 --> 00:00:50,400 Is that your dad? 24 00:00:51,680 --> 00:00:52,760 (chuckling) 25 00:00:52,800 --> 00:00:54,360 - What's he doing? - Uh, I don't know. 26 00:00:54,400 --> 00:00:55,400 Hey, dad! 27 00:00:56,040 --> 00:00:57,400 (birds chirping) 28 00:00:57,440 --> 00:01:00,360 - What? Oh, hi, Loop! 29 00:01:00,919 --> 00:01:01,879 (boing!) 30 00:01:01,919 --> 00:01:03,879 You haven't seen a box, have you? 31 00:01:03,919 --> 00:01:05,759 - What kind of box? 32 00:01:05,800 --> 00:01:09,479 - Oh, you know, it's sort of... uh, box-shaped, 33 00:01:09,520 --> 00:01:12,720 about the size of a box, looks box-y. 34 00:01:12,759 --> 00:01:14,920 I must have dropped it on my route, 35 00:01:14,960 --> 00:01:16,479 but I don't know where. 36 00:01:16,520 --> 00:01:18,039 - Varoom! 37 00:01:18,080 --> 00:01:19,119 (engine revving) 38 00:01:19,160 --> 00:01:20,800 - I'll find it! - Yeah! 39 00:01:21,640 --> 00:01:22,759 - Well... 40 00:01:22,800 --> 00:01:25,080 - What? I'm good at doing things. 41 00:01:25,119 --> 00:01:29,119 - Yeah, you are! It's just that sometimes, 42 00:01:29,160 --> 00:01:33,080 you can get a little... side-tracked. 43 00:01:33,560 --> 00:01:34,440 - Really? 44 00:01:35,160 --> 00:01:36,839 - Uh-huh. 45 00:01:36,880 --> 00:01:38,839 - Well, that won't happen this time. 46 00:01:38,880 --> 00:01:41,640 I'll find that box and bring it back safe and sound. 47 00:01:41,679 --> 00:01:42,839 - Yeah! 48 00:01:42,880 --> 00:01:46,600 - Okay, but remember three instructions. 49 00:01:46,640 --> 00:01:49,479 One, do not open the box. 50 00:01:49,520 --> 00:01:50,960 - Yes! - Two, 51 00:01:51,000 --> 00:01:52,800 bring it straight back to me. 52 00:01:52,839 --> 00:01:54,080 - Right! 53 00:01:54,119 --> 00:01:58,039 - And three, do not stop for fun. 54 00:01:58,080 --> 00:02:00,000 - Got it. - We'll help you, Loop. 55 00:02:00,039 --> 00:02:02,039 (engine revving) - Bike Buddies, go! 56 00:02:02,839 --> 00:02:06,199 - And don't stop for fun, Loop! Remember! 57 00:02:07,720 --> 00:02:10,680 - Box, box, box! Nope. 58 00:02:10,720 --> 00:02:12,799 Box, box! 59 00:02:13,760 --> 00:02:14,720 Box. 60 00:02:14,760 --> 00:02:16,560 (honking) Box? 61 00:02:16,840 --> 00:02:18,600 Box, box! 62 00:02:18,640 --> 00:02:22,120 - Hey, Loop, slow down! Why the rush? 63 00:02:23,160 --> 00:02:25,480 - If anybody's gonna find it, it's gonna be me. 64 00:02:25,519 --> 00:02:26,920 - I found it! 65 00:02:28,200 --> 00:02:30,760 - Or DJ. - Yes! 66 00:02:33,000 --> 00:02:34,720 - It's open a little at the end. 67 00:02:34,760 --> 00:02:37,760 - Probably broke open when it fell. 68 00:02:37,799 --> 00:02:39,680 - Can you see what's inside? 69 00:02:39,720 --> 00:02:42,720 - No! - My ScootBots can see inside. 70 00:02:42,760 --> 00:02:44,200 ScootBots, go! 71 00:02:44,239 --> 00:02:46,160 (ScootBots squeaking) 72 00:02:47,679 --> 00:02:49,760 (ScootBots squeaking) 73 00:02:49,799 --> 00:02:51,640 What did you see, ScootBots? 74 00:02:54,760 --> 00:02:57,120 They don't know what it is. Sorry! 75 00:02:57,160 --> 00:02:59,160 So... never mind! 76 00:02:59,200 --> 00:03:03,359 - It doesn't matter. One, we will not open the box. 77 00:03:03,400 --> 00:03:06,799 Two, we will bring it back straight to my dad. 78 00:03:06,840 --> 00:03:09,440 Three, we will not stop for fun. 79 00:03:09,480 --> 00:03:13,079 Unless there's a really awesome ramp or something. 80 00:03:13,120 --> 00:03:16,079 - Or we won't stop at all? 81 00:03:16,120 --> 00:03:17,920 - Right, that's what I meant. 82 00:03:20,399 --> 00:03:21,920 - Yeehee! 83 00:03:21,959 --> 00:03:24,440 (rhythmic music) 84 00:03:24,480 --> 00:03:27,600 (distant laughter) 85 00:03:29,320 --> 00:03:30,560 (gasp) 86 00:03:31,760 --> 00:03:35,600 - So much fun! 87 00:03:35,640 --> 00:03:36,840 (thud) 88 00:03:36,880 --> 00:03:39,359 Oh no! I got distracted by fun, didn't I? 89 00:03:39,399 --> 00:03:41,160 That's what I wasn't supposed to do. 90 00:03:41,200 --> 00:03:43,119 Oh no, oh no, oh no! 91 00:03:43,640 --> 00:03:46,600 - It looks okay, right? - I think it's okay. 92 00:03:46,640 --> 00:03:50,799 - Oof, I will definitely not get distracted by fun again. 93 00:03:50,840 --> 00:03:52,399 (gasp) 94 00:03:52,440 --> 00:03:53,760 I didn't do that! 95 00:03:53,799 --> 00:03:57,079 - Whatever's in that box, I think it woke up! 96 00:03:57,119 --> 00:03:59,079 - Okay, I think it stopped. 97 00:03:59,119 --> 00:04:01,000 (whirring) 98 00:04:03,079 --> 00:04:04,519 (thud) 99 00:04:04,560 --> 00:04:08,519 - I don't know what's in there, but I really want one. 100 00:04:08,560 --> 00:04:10,160 (all): Uh-huh. 101 00:04:10,200 --> 00:04:12,320 - I still have to bring it to my dad. 102 00:04:12,359 --> 00:04:14,920 But we could open it a little. 103 00:04:14,959 --> 00:04:17,000 - I don't think that'd be right. 104 00:04:17,039 --> 00:04:19,200 - Oh, you're right, DJ. 105 00:04:19,240 --> 00:04:21,279 I made a promise to my dad. 106 00:04:21,320 --> 00:04:23,800 (loud thuds) 107 00:04:25,080 --> 00:04:27,159 And I'm going to keep that promise, 108 00:04:27,200 --> 00:04:29,320 no matter how hard it is. 109 00:04:30,000 --> 00:04:31,880 No! No! 110 00:04:31,920 --> 00:04:34,840 And right now, it's really hard. 111 00:04:34,880 --> 00:04:37,760 What are you? 112 00:04:37,800 --> 00:04:39,919 (gasp) 113 00:04:42,400 --> 00:04:43,599 (boing!) 114 00:04:43,640 --> 00:04:46,120 - Is that... - It can't be! 115 00:04:46,159 --> 00:04:47,919 - It is! 116 00:04:47,960 --> 00:04:51,200 - It's an actual, for real VroomBoard. 117 00:04:51,240 --> 00:04:55,599 The greatest, fastest toy ever invented by anyone ever! 118 00:04:55,640 --> 00:04:57,000 - It's out of the box. 119 00:04:57,039 --> 00:04:58,800 My dad's gonna think I opened it! 120 00:04:58,840 --> 00:05:01,640 - But you didn't! - But he doesn't know that. 121 00:05:01,680 --> 00:05:03,760 We need to get it back in the box. 122 00:05:04,680 --> 00:05:06,440 (playful music) 123 00:05:10,599 --> 00:05:12,200 It's gone! 124 00:05:12,240 --> 00:05:14,680 - Zoom out! We can catch it. 125 00:05:15,440 --> 00:05:17,919 (engines revving) 126 00:05:18,919 --> 00:05:20,880 Let's zoom out! 127 00:05:22,440 --> 00:05:24,400 (engines revving) 128 00:05:29,159 --> 00:05:31,520 - (all) Whoa! - We gotta stop it! 129 00:05:32,479 --> 00:05:35,479 - Nothing can stop a VroomBoard. 130 00:05:36,440 --> 00:05:38,400 - Grappling hook, go! 131 00:05:38,440 --> 00:05:40,240 (whirring) 132 00:05:40,280 --> 00:05:41,120 (thud) 133 00:05:41,159 --> 00:05:42,719 (engine revving) 134 00:05:42,760 --> 00:05:45,560 (tires screeching) I've got it. Loop, get on it and stop it! 135 00:05:45,599 --> 00:05:47,280 I can't hold it for long! 136 00:05:47,320 --> 00:05:48,760 - DJ, I need a ramp! 137 00:05:48,800 --> 00:05:50,039 (grunting) 138 00:05:50,719 --> 00:05:52,599 - I am a ramp! 139 00:05:53,760 --> 00:05:56,240 - Coming around to go off the ground! 140 00:05:56,280 --> 00:05:58,039 (engine revving, tires screeching) 141 00:05:58,960 --> 00:06:00,039 (engine revving) 142 00:06:00,080 --> 00:06:02,479 Woohoo! 143 00:06:02,520 --> 00:06:05,159 This VroomBoard has been Looped! 144 00:06:05,200 --> 00:06:06,680 (all) Wow! 145 00:06:07,520 --> 00:06:08,560 (giggling) 146 00:06:12,120 --> 00:06:13,880 (joyful exclamations) 147 00:06:14,719 --> 00:06:18,000 - Next time you catch it, can I be the one to jump on it? 148 00:06:18,039 --> 00:06:19,159 - Me first! 149 00:06:19,200 --> 00:06:22,039 (engine revving, tires screeching) 150 00:06:22,080 --> 00:06:23,120 - Come on! 151 00:06:27,200 --> 00:06:29,640 (joyful exclamations) 152 00:06:29,680 --> 00:06:31,599 - That was awesome! 153 00:06:32,280 --> 00:06:36,760 No, stop having fun! Don't get side-tracked! 154 00:06:36,799 --> 00:06:37,799 - Loop? 155 00:06:38,200 --> 00:06:40,159 - It's not what you think! 156 00:06:40,760 --> 00:06:42,400 - It's not what you think! 157 00:06:43,120 --> 00:06:44,719 (together): It's not what you think! 158 00:06:44,760 --> 00:06:46,080 - What are you doing? 159 00:06:49,359 --> 00:06:50,640 (giggling) 160 00:06:50,680 --> 00:06:51,960 - Follow him! 161 00:06:55,120 --> 00:06:55,960 (uneasy groans) 162 00:06:56,000 --> 00:06:58,200 - Come on, VroomBoard! 163 00:07:03,200 --> 00:07:04,320 Stop! 164 00:07:04,359 --> 00:07:05,919 (engine revving) 165 00:07:05,960 --> 00:07:08,320 (uneasy groans) 166 00:07:10,919 --> 00:07:13,239 - I can't control it! - Whoa! 167 00:07:14,239 --> 00:07:15,760 - Nothing works! 168 00:07:15,799 --> 00:07:18,640 - Well, something has to be controlling it. 169 00:07:18,680 --> 00:07:20,840 (giggling) 170 00:07:21,479 --> 00:07:23,640 - Toot, what is that thing? 171 00:07:23,680 --> 00:07:26,560 - I don't know. I found it lying over there. 172 00:07:26,599 --> 00:07:29,080 Doesn't it make me look like a robot? 173 00:07:29,840 --> 00:07:32,400 - That's the remote control for the VroomBoard! 174 00:07:32,440 --> 00:07:34,560 - It must have fallen out of the box. 175 00:07:34,599 --> 00:07:37,000 - What's a VroomBoard? 176 00:07:37,039 --> 00:07:38,479 (honking, gasp) 177 00:07:39,960 --> 00:07:41,560 - Toot? 178 00:07:41,599 --> 00:07:44,680 - I don't know what's happening... but I love it! 179 00:07:44,719 --> 00:07:46,440 Woohoo! 180 00:07:46,479 --> 00:07:48,840 - Try not to have any fun! I'm not stopping for fun. 181 00:07:48,880 --> 00:07:50,479 - Yeah! 182 00:07:50,520 --> 00:07:52,599 - Now we really have to stop it. 183 00:07:58,320 --> 00:08:00,039 Sorry, Mr. Hoopla. 184 00:08:01,039 --> 00:08:02,919 - I know, it's not what I think. 185 00:08:02,960 --> 00:08:05,679 (giggling) 186 00:08:05,719 --> 00:08:09,159 (joyful exclamations) 187 00:08:10,880 --> 00:08:13,239 - Stop having fun! 188 00:08:15,159 --> 00:08:17,919 - Scootio, if I get you that remote, 189 00:08:17,960 --> 00:08:19,200 can you make it stop? 190 00:08:19,239 --> 00:08:21,400 - It's a gadget, I'll figure it out. 191 00:08:22,080 --> 00:08:24,239 - Toot, turn this way! 192 00:08:24,280 --> 00:08:26,080 - How do I do that? 193 00:08:27,960 --> 00:08:30,200 Oh! That's how I do that. 194 00:08:34,240 --> 00:08:36,520 - DJ, get ready to catch Toot. 195 00:08:36,559 --> 00:08:37,480 - I'm on it! 196 00:08:37,520 --> 00:08:40,439 (engine revving, tires screeching) 197 00:08:40,480 --> 00:08:42,480 (giggling) 198 00:08:44,240 --> 00:08:45,640 - Ricky to the rescue! 199 00:08:45,680 --> 00:08:46,760 Speed check. 200 00:08:47,560 --> 00:08:49,640 Spoiler out. Visor on. 201 00:08:50,520 --> 00:08:51,959 Gadgets, go! 202 00:08:53,160 --> 00:08:55,199 Wait for it... 203 00:08:56,040 --> 00:08:57,560 (beeping) Grappling hook, go! 204 00:08:57,600 --> 00:08:58,880 (whirring) 205 00:08:58,920 --> 00:09:00,160 (small thud) 206 00:09:03,800 --> 00:09:05,199 (boing!) - Gotcha! 207 00:09:05,240 --> 00:09:06,040 (giggling) 208 00:09:06,079 --> 00:09:08,079 - Do it again! 209 00:09:08,120 --> 00:09:10,000 (honking, tires screeching) 210 00:09:10,040 --> 00:09:12,000 - I can't hold it for long! 211 00:09:12,040 --> 00:09:13,760 - Got the remote! 212 00:09:13,800 --> 00:09:15,199 - Woohoo! 213 00:09:15,240 --> 00:09:17,079 - Don't have fun! 214 00:09:17,120 --> 00:09:18,640 Don't have fun! 215 00:09:18,680 --> 00:09:20,839 - So if that goes that way... 216 00:09:20,880 --> 00:09:23,400 - I can't hold it much longer! 217 00:09:23,439 --> 00:09:25,319 - I got it! 218 00:09:27,439 --> 00:09:29,760 (sigh of relief) 219 00:09:29,800 --> 00:09:32,319 - Woo! Thanks, everyone. 220 00:09:32,360 --> 00:09:35,120 - All for one and bikes for all! 221 00:09:35,160 --> 00:09:36,920 - I gotta get me one of these! 222 00:09:36,959 --> 00:09:39,199 - Loop? - Oh-oh... 223 00:09:40,600 --> 00:09:42,319 Here it is, dad! 224 00:09:42,360 --> 00:09:44,000 Just like you asked for. 225 00:09:44,040 --> 00:09:45,439 - What's going on, Loop? 226 00:09:45,480 --> 00:09:48,199 I said, "Don't open the box, 227 00:09:48,240 --> 00:09:49,880 bring it straight to me, 228 00:09:49,920 --> 00:09:52,680 and don't stop for fun." 229 00:09:52,720 --> 00:09:55,319 - I know and I really tried... 230 00:09:55,360 --> 00:09:57,680 - He didn't just try, Mr. Hoopla. 231 00:09:57,720 --> 00:09:59,319 He did all those things. 232 00:09:59,360 --> 00:10:01,839 - The box fell and opened by accident. 233 00:10:01,880 --> 00:10:05,079 - Loop only jumped onto it so he could bring it to you. 234 00:10:05,120 --> 00:10:07,720 - He didn't have any fun at all. 235 00:10:08,520 --> 00:10:11,319 - Well, maybe a little fun. 236 00:10:11,640 --> 00:10:14,400 - Oh, I guess it really wasn't what I thought. 237 00:10:14,439 --> 00:10:16,360 Good job, son. 238 00:10:16,400 --> 00:10:17,600 - Really? 239 00:10:17,640 --> 00:10:19,640 - Yeah! I'm proud of you. 240 00:10:19,680 --> 00:10:21,480 It sounds like you stuck to the job 241 00:10:21,520 --> 00:10:23,319 until it was finished. 242 00:10:23,360 --> 00:10:25,480 (boing!) - I did! I really did! 243 00:10:25,520 --> 00:10:28,720 - And the package is still in one piece. 244 00:10:28,760 --> 00:10:33,480 So I can still deliver it to its rightful owner. 245 00:10:33,520 --> 00:10:36,439 (mechanical creaking) 246 00:10:38,439 --> 00:10:40,520 - Bye, VroomBoard... 247 00:10:40,560 --> 00:10:43,160 - There we go! - Huh? 248 00:10:43,199 --> 00:10:44,240 - Delivered! 249 00:10:44,280 --> 00:10:45,760 (gasp) 250 00:10:45,800 --> 00:10:49,319 It was supposed to be for your birthday next week. 251 00:10:49,360 --> 00:10:53,000 But since it's already open... 252 00:10:53,040 --> 00:10:54,959 - No way! 253 00:10:55,000 --> 00:10:56,000 (chuckling) 254 00:10:56,040 --> 00:10:58,520 - Now you can fly it the right way! 255 00:11:01,439 --> 00:11:04,560 - You all might want to stand back. 256 00:11:04,959 --> 00:11:08,400 I'm about to Loop this thing. 257 00:11:13,920 --> 00:11:16,920 (birds chirping) 258 00:11:16,959 --> 00:11:20,120 That wasn't Looping it, I haven't Looped it yet! 259 00:11:20,160 --> 00:11:24,000 - Okay, gimme the remote! Let the expert try! 260 00:11:24,040 --> 00:11:27,079 (laughing) - Toot! 261 00:11:27,120 --> 00:11:29,120 ♪ Ricky Zoom! Ricky Zoom! ♪ 262 00:11:29,160 --> 00:11:30,920 ♪ He can get it done ♪ 263 00:11:30,959 --> 00:11:33,680 ♪ Always looking for adventure And always having fun ♪ 264 00:11:33,719 --> 00:11:35,560 ♪ See him everywhere you go ♪ 265 00:11:35,600 --> 00:11:36,680 - With DJ... - Loop! 266 00:11:36,719 --> 00:11:38,000 - And Scootio! - Yeah! 267 00:11:38,040 --> 00:11:41,600 ♪ Ricky Zoom! Ricky Zoom! Ricky Zoom! ♪