1 00:00:05,731 --> 00:00:07,748 Innkeeper! Another round! 2 00:00:08,250 --> 00:00:10,926 (to Chia Pet tune): Ch-Ch-Ch-Chee-eers! 3 00:00:11,828 --> 00:00:13,178 -Thank you, Carter. -Yeah. 4 00:00:13,330 --> 00:00:16,573 And, uh, here you go, Carter. 5 00:00:16,592 --> 00:00:17,850 (laughs) 6 00:00:18,093 --> 00:00:20,853 What I want to know is, does the carpet match the bushes? 7 00:00:21,080 --> 00:00:23,338 Don't be a ho-ho-ho in front of Santa. 8 00:00:23,432 --> 00:00:24,356 I'm not Santa. 9 00:00:24,508 --> 00:00:26,583 I'm Euclid, the father of geometry. 10 00:00:26,602 --> 00:00:30,678 Not Euclid of Alexandria, Euclid of Megara. Duh. 11 00:00:30,698 --> 00:00:33,590 Well, I don't know about Eu-clid, but Eu-dumb. 12 00:00:33,683 --> 00:00:34,775 (imitates Carter's laugh) 13 00:00:34,927 --> 00:00:37,661 That is what I would say. (laughs) 14 00:00:40,190 --> 00:00:43,450 I was having trouble finding this place with a helmet on, 15 00:00:43,602 --> 00:00:47,437 but then I realized... this is the way. 16 00:00:47,531 --> 00:00:49,381 (laughter) 17 00:00:50,109 --> 00:00:52,551 (groans, pants) 18 00:00:54,221 --> 00:00:57,431 Nanu-nanu, everyone. (laughs) 19 00:00:59,560 --> 00:01:00,967 Hey, Santa. 20 00:01:01,062 --> 00:01:05,046 When parallel lines extend infinitely and never intersect, 21 00:01:05,066 --> 00:01:06,899 is that called Santa's law?! 22 00:01:07,050 --> 00:01:10,069 I don't know, but if there was a cop show called Santa's Law, 23 00:01:10,220 --> 00:01:11,403 I'm watching it. (laughs) 24 00:01:11,555 --> 00:01:14,073 Okay, you got to get up out of my head. 25 00:01:15,317 --> 00:01:17,968 Seems kind of dead for Hallo-Octoweenerfest. 26 00:01:18,061 --> 00:01:19,486 The concept couldn't be more clear. 27 00:01:19,638 --> 00:01:22,081 It combines the best of Halloween and Oktoberfest 28 00:01:22,308 --> 00:01:23,582 with 200 pounds of sausage I bought 29 00:01:23,733 --> 00:01:25,084 from a guy at the airport. 30 00:01:25,235 --> 00:01:26,401 (with German accent): Guten Tag. 31 00:01:26,495 --> 00:01:29,463 Free wieners, fahrvergnügen? 32 00:01:30,907 --> 00:01:34,284 Okay, baby, I love you, but this Hallo-Octoweenerfest 33 00:01:34,286 --> 00:01:36,578 is the stupidest idea you've ever had. 34 00:01:36,597 --> 00:01:38,079 Oh, I'm being Randi now. 35 00:01:38,099 --> 00:01:40,173 Uh, if you want more people, 36 00:01:40,250 --> 00:01:41,658 why not just have a Ladies' Night? 37 00:01:41,677 --> 00:01:43,268 Carter's right, Carter. 38 00:01:43,420 --> 00:01:44,603 Then the number of men in the bar 39 00:01:44,754 --> 00:01:46,421 will be equal to the number of women in the bar 40 00:01:46,590 --> 00:01:49,850 multiplied by the number of drinks at half price. (laughs) 41 00:01:50,794 --> 00:01:53,654 Okay, I'm Santa, and you're all getting coal. 42 00:01:54,448 --> 00:01:56,115 Ah. Hello, all. 43 00:01:56,283 --> 00:02:00,101 Happy... whatever this fiasco is. 44 00:02:01,196 --> 00:02:05,198 Sheila, we told you we were all gonna dress up. 45 00:02:05,292 --> 00:02:08,201 I know. I'm going as Drunk Sheila. 46 00:02:08,295 --> 00:02:10,629 Let me get into costume. 47 00:02:11,690 --> 00:02:14,358 Oh. Got rejected again. 48 00:02:14,451 --> 00:02:17,285 Like, you stalk one sperm donor, and all of a sudden, 49 00:02:17,379 --> 00:02:20,197 you're banned from every spank bank in Kentucky. 50 00:02:20,199 --> 00:02:21,473 Oh, I'm sorry. 51 00:02:21,700 --> 00:02:24,143 Maybe it's a sign I'm just never gonna be a mother. 52 00:02:24,294 --> 00:02:27,396 Your hideous Santa outfit was a bigger sign. 53 00:02:31,301 --> 00:02:34,378 (rock music plays quietly) 54 00:02:34,396 --> 00:02:36,471 Kat? 55 00:02:36,490 --> 00:02:37,714 Over here! 56 00:02:37,825 --> 00:02:40,993 Why are you wearing that helmet if you can't see? 57 00:02:44,498 --> 00:02:46,165 Because I look cool. 58 00:02:46,392 --> 00:02:47,332 Do you? 59 00:02:47,484 --> 00:02:51,378 (groans) Big talk coming from Math Santa. 60 00:02:52,673 --> 00:02:54,822 Can I ask you a question? 61 00:02:54,917 --> 00:02:56,175 If you want to be Carter next year, no, 62 00:02:56,326 --> 00:02:57,659 -I already called it. -(laughs) 63 00:02:57,753 --> 00:03:01,180 I was thinking about... 64 00:03:01,407 --> 00:03:03,182 (sighs) 65 00:03:03,333 --> 00:03:05,091 Well... 66 00:03:05,244 --> 00:03:08,103 what if I fathered your child? 67 00:03:08,931 --> 00:03:10,689 Are you serious? 68 00:03:11,583 --> 00:03:12,733 Yeah. 69 00:03:14,695 --> 00:03:15,736 Wow. 70 00:03:17,105 --> 00:03:18,363 You don't think it'd be weird? 71 00:03:18,515 --> 00:03:21,441 It's only weird if you make it weird. 72 00:03:21,535 --> 00:03:22,850 I'm currently wearing a beard 73 00:03:22,870 --> 00:03:24,428 and historically accurate underwear. 74 00:03:24,446 --> 00:03:27,706 -I make everything weird. -(laughs) 75 00:03:27,933 --> 00:03:29,691 ♪ Me, oh, my, oh, my, oh, me ♪ 76 00:03:29,710 --> 00:03:31,752 ♪ Nothin' wrong with you but I'd rather be me. ♪ 77 00:03:32,621 --> 00:03:34,195 Max, I never thought 78 00:03:34,215 --> 00:03:36,957 about asking someone I know to father my baby. 79 00:03:37,109 --> 00:03:38,775 Why not? 80 00:03:38,868 --> 00:03:43,055 I'd be helping someone I love by doing something I love. 81 00:03:43,966 --> 00:03:45,949 Would you want to be involved in their life? 82 00:03:45,968 --> 00:03:50,211 If you want. I could be, like, a cool uncle who's also a dad. 83 00:03:50,305 --> 00:03:52,956 You know, buy him beer, give him the sex talk, 84 00:03:52,975 --> 00:03:55,308 show him how to clear his browser history. 85 00:03:55,461 --> 00:03:56,960 (laughs) 86 00:03:57,053 --> 00:04:00,489 So, what do you think? 87 00:04:01,316 --> 00:04:03,492 ♪ ♪ 88 00:04:06,472 --> 00:04:08,321 Hello, Mother. 89 00:04:08,474 --> 00:04:10,565 Hello, sweetie. How was your game? 90 00:04:10,584 --> 00:04:12,476 We won, but the part I liked best 91 00:04:12,494 --> 00:04:14,661 was working together as a team. 92 00:04:14,813 --> 00:04:18,164 You should've seen him. He scored all the team's points 93 00:04:18,241 --> 00:04:20,500 and sang a medley of showtunes at halftime. 94 00:04:20,594 --> 00:04:24,579 And at school I got all A's and said "no" to drugs. 95 00:04:24,598 --> 00:04:28,916 Oh, Max Jr., you must be the most popular boy at school. 96 00:04:28,936 --> 00:04:31,436 (laughs) I'm gonna leave you two alone. 97 00:04:31,588 --> 00:04:33,497 I'll be back when it's most convenient for you 98 00:04:33,590 --> 00:04:35,774 regardless of my life and schedule. 99 00:04:35,925 --> 00:04:36,942 Bye, sport. 100 00:04:37,093 --> 00:04:38,460 -Bye, Uncle Dad! -Bye! 101 00:04:38,462 --> 00:04:40,112 (door closes) 102 00:04:41,006 --> 00:04:43,023 I think we should do it. 103 00:04:43,175 --> 00:04:45,767 Yes! SilverBird flies again! 104 00:04:45,861 --> 00:04:47,677 (Kat laughs) 105 00:04:47,771 --> 00:04:49,513 And-and I don't mean do it. 106 00:04:49,531 --> 00:04:51,698 I mean, make a baby. 'Cause, like, we wouldn't be doing it. 107 00:04:51,792 --> 00:04:53,199 You know, you'd be masturbating. Like... 108 00:04:53,294 --> 00:04:54,534 -Right. -(whistles) 109 00:04:54,686 --> 00:04:55,702 (imitates hoofbeats) 110 00:04:55,796 --> 00:04:58,038 (imitates old-timey car horn) 111 00:04:58,132 --> 00:04:59,614 And now it's weird. 112 00:04:59,633 --> 00:05:01,133 It's how I do. (laughs) 113 00:05:02,194 --> 00:05:03,860 (both laugh) 114 00:05:03,879 --> 00:05:08,289 Oh, Katharine, you've made me the happiest woman in the world. 115 00:05:08,383 --> 00:05:13,036 Hopefully, Max's genes will offset all of... this. 116 00:05:13,129 --> 00:05:17,040 Hopefully, my mothering skills will offset all of this. 117 00:05:17,133 --> 00:05:21,061 So you and Max are finally gonna mash potatoes? 118 00:05:21,213 --> 00:05:22,879 Nobody's mashing potatoes. 119 00:05:22,898 --> 00:05:24,881 He's just... giving her his gravy. 120 00:05:24,900 --> 00:05:26,049 Oh! 121 00:05:26,218 --> 00:05:27,642 Yeah, we're gonna use the eggs that I froze. 122 00:05:27,736 --> 00:05:29,328 It's all gonna be done in a lab. 123 00:05:29,404 --> 00:05:31,905 But I did request that they play "Let's Get It On." 124 00:05:32,074 --> 00:05:35,241 -(drill whirring) -Oh, damn. My boyfriend's 125 00:05:35,318 --> 00:05:36,726 on a ladder with a power tool. 126 00:05:36,895 --> 00:05:39,421 Somebody dial the first two numbers of 911. 127 00:05:40,323 --> 00:05:41,898 Carter, what are you doing? 128 00:05:41,917 --> 00:05:44,568 Your idea. We're having a Ladies' Night. 129 00:05:44,586 --> 00:05:46,086 Check it out. 130 00:05:46,162 --> 00:05:49,664 "Ladies drink for half price, free sausage tonight only." 131 00:05:49,683 --> 00:05:51,499 Yeah, but it looks like, 132 00:05:51,593 --> 00:05:55,520 "Ladies for free tonight, drink half-price sausage only." 133 00:05:55,672 --> 00:05:58,565 Hmm. I'd go to that bar. 134 00:06:00,194 --> 00:06:01,526 Oh, excuse me, ladies. 135 00:06:01,678 --> 00:06:02,861 We haven't been this busy 136 00:06:03,088 --> 00:06:04,588 since they used this place as a storm shelter. 137 00:06:04,681 --> 00:06:07,699 I mean, Hurricane Chelsea was Hurricane Cha-Ching. 138 00:06:07,851 --> 00:06:10,184 (laughs) Well, I don't like to say I told you so, 139 00:06:10,278 --> 00:06:13,780 but I'm beautiful, smart, and not humble, so I told you so. 140 00:06:13,932 --> 00:06:16,524 -(laughs) -Yeah, Middle C is poppin'. 141 00:06:16,543 --> 00:06:18,877 It's getting Orville Redenbacher up in here. 142 00:06:19,104 --> 00:06:21,046 Come on, Kat. You can do "butter" than that. 143 00:06:21,197 --> 00:06:23,048 (Kat cackles) 144 00:06:23,199 --> 00:06:26,367 -I hope our baby's not too funny. -Right? 145 00:06:26,387 --> 00:06:27,961 Right? (laughs) 146 00:06:28,113 --> 00:06:31,038 This is why we need more Black friends. 147 00:06:31,133 --> 00:06:33,558 (laughing) 148 00:06:34,953 --> 00:06:39,623 Oh, my goodness, it's Queen Dicktoria! 149 00:06:39,641 --> 00:06:41,549 -Oh. -She's my absolute 150 00:06:41,643 --> 00:06:42,809 favorite drag queen. 151 00:06:42,961 --> 00:06:44,736 Oh. Stunning! 152 00:06:44,963 --> 00:06:47,130 She puts all the women here to shame. 153 00:06:47,223 --> 00:06:51,201 -This is where you say, "Not you, Sheila." -Oh. 154 00:06:52,562 --> 00:06:55,972 Martini, mojito and a double tequila shot. 155 00:06:56,065 --> 00:06:59,901 -Girl, what did he do? -(laughter) 156 00:06:59,995 --> 00:07:01,478 We all love your hair. 157 00:07:01,496 --> 00:07:03,404 Well, let me let you in on a little secret. 158 00:07:03,573 --> 00:07:05,331 I'm thinking about growing it out. 159 00:07:05,426 --> 00:07:07,259 (laughter) 160 00:07:07,486 --> 00:07:09,261 Carter's got some fans tonight. 161 00:07:09,430 --> 00:07:11,004 Yeah, I've surrounded my boyfriend 162 00:07:11,098 --> 00:07:12,989 with young, hot, drunk women. 163 00:07:12,991 --> 00:07:15,842 Should've just let him die on that ladder. 164 00:07:15,936 --> 00:07:19,104 Queen Dicktoria, this is my friend Phil. 165 00:07:19,214 --> 00:07:23,349 -Hello. -Enchanté, Your Vag-esty. 166 00:07:23,502 --> 00:07:26,111 -(laughs) -Phil's a performer, too. 167 00:07:26,338 --> 00:07:27,946 -Oh. -He once clogged 168 00:07:28,173 --> 00:07:30,340 in the country dancers show at Dollywood. 169 00:07:30,358 --> 00:07:32,951 Could I see some of that clogging? 170 00:07:33,102 --> 00:07:36,346 Oh, you don't want to see an old man like me dance. 171 00:07:36,348 --> 00:07:40,459 I'm sorry. Are you refusing a royal request? 172 00:07:45,207 --> 00:07:46,465 So, are you nervous 173 00:07:46,616 --> 00:07:49,209 about whisking up the old baby batter tomorrow? 174 00:07:49,361 --> 00:07:50,710 Don't worry. I got this. 175 00:07:50,862 --> 00:07:52,712 I spent six months sleeping in a trailer with two clowns 176 00:07:52,789 --> 00:07:56,049 and a trapeze artist, and I still got my reps in. 177 00:07:56,201 --> 00:07:57,642 Two clowns and a trapeze artist? 178 00:07:57,869 --> 00:08:00,628 Is that what you call your junk in front of the trunk? 179 00:08:00,647 --> 00:08:03,556 No, it's when I was with the traveling circus in England. 180 00:08:03,650 --> 00:08:05,742 You were in the circus? 181 00:08:05,744 --> 00:08:08,394 Yeah, I was doing my field work and finishing my degree. 182 00:08:08,471 --> 00:08:09,729 And one night, I got really drunk, 183 00:08:09,823 --> 00:08:13,641 and well, when I woke up, I worked for the circus. 184 00:08:13,735 --> 00:08:15,309 You know how it goes. 185 00:08:15,329 --> 00:08:18,388 I-I do not know how that goes. 186 00:08:18,406 --> 00:08:20,332 Although this one time, I got pretty drunk, 187 00:08:20,483 --> 00:08:21,983 and I ate a third of a box of Total. 188 00:08:22,002 --> 00:08:24,077 That is a young woman's game. 189 00:08:24,229 --> 00:08:25,745 -(chuckles) -Mm. 190 00:08:25,897 --> 00:08:27,397 What did you do in the circus? 191 00:08:27,415 --> 00:08:29,733 Oh, a bunch of stuff. Uh, played in the band, 192 00:08:29,751 --> 00:08:30,825 set up the tents, 193 00:08:30,919 --> 00:08:33,920 helped the cute contortionist limber up. 194 00:08:34,072 --> 00:08:35,347 When did you finish your degree? 195 00:08:35,498 --> 00:08:37,999 So that's kind of my dirty little secret. 196 00:08:38,018 --> 00:08:39,759 I never graduated. 197 00:08:39,836 --> 00:08:41,520 (laughs) 198 00:08:41,747 --> 00:08:44,856 I can't believe you never told me this. You're... 199 00:08:45,083 --> 00:08:47,100 (whispering): You're a drop-out? 200 00:08:47,252 --> 00:08:48,752 What's the big deal? 201 00:08:48,845 --> 00:08:50,270 I mean, I'm a musician. 202 00:08:50,422 --> 00:08:52,422 For me, a degree was kind of pointless. 203 00:08:52,440 --> 00:08:54,866 You know, like... like flossing. 204 00:08:55,093 --> 00:08:57,443 Oh, so... so now you're against higher education 205 00:08:57,538 --> 00:08:58,428 and oral hygiene? 206 00:08:58,446 --> 00:09:00,187 Max, do you like nothing fun? 207 00:09:00,265 --> 00:09:04,358 I'm just saying, you have a degree, and you own a cat café. 208 00:09:04,378 --> 00:09:06,211 Yeah, and getting that degree taught me 209 00:09:06,362 --> 00:09:08,454 about hard work and perseverance. 210 00:09:08,549 --> 00:09:11,383 You want to talk about hard work and perseverance? 211 00:09:11,610 --> 00:09:14,127 Spend six years putting up a circus tent in a wind storm 212 00:09:14,221 --> 00:09:16,596 while a mime goes... 213 00:09:19,042 --> 00:09:20,300 Six years? 214 00:09:20,394 --> 00:09:22,135 Well, it wasn't six years nonstop. 215 00:09:22,229 --> 00:09:24,954 I'd work a few months, drift around, 216 00:09:25,048 --> 00:09:26,380 sleeping where I could. 217 00:09:26,474 --> 00:09:27,624 There's a lot of abandoned castles in Europe. 218 00:09:27,642 --> 00:09:28,958 It was awesome. 219 00:09:29,127 --> 00:09:31,961 Yeah, that-that doesn't sound awesome. 220 00:09:32,130 --> 00:09:33,463 Trust me, if you're in the Greek isles, 221 00:09:33,598 --> 00:09:37,033 and you look like me, it's awesome. 222 00:09:38,486 --> 00:09:40,036 (laughs nervously) 223 00:09:44,233 --> 00:09:46,067 -All right now. -(bell clangs) 224 00:09:46,128 --> 00:09:47,143 Closing time! 225 00:09:47,162 --> 00:09:48,478 Lights coming up. 226 00:09:48,496 --> 00:09:50,997 A lot of you eights about to turn into fours. 227 00:09:51,149 --> 00:09:52,924 Babe, what are you doing? 228 00:09:53,076 --> 00:09:54,759 Nobody rings that bell but me. 229 00:09:55,596 --> 00:09:56,820 And you. 230 00:09:56,913 --> 00:09:59,431 It's 2:00 a.m. You usually close at midnight. 231 00:09:59,582 --> 00:10:02,300 Yeah, but my friends are still drinking, and we're having fun. 232 00:10:02,527 --> 00:10:05,328 Oh. Did you know that you can make your porn name 233 00:10:05,347 --> 00:10:07,497 by combining the name of your first pet 234 00:10:07,515 --> 00:10:09,165 and the street that you grew up on? 235 00:10:09,184 --> 00:10:10,758 I'm Corky 95th. 236 00:10:10,852 --> 00:10:14,838 Oh, so is that what you and your friends talk about? Porn? 237 00:10:15,006 --> 00:10:16,522 Oh. Well, we talk about a lot of stuff. 238 00:10:16,675 --> 00:10:19,117 Like, Monica's going through a divorce, Tina's a single mom, 239 00:10:19,268 --> 00:10:22,603 and Lauren... Well, Lauren does talk about porn a lot. 240 00:10:22,623 --> 00:10:25,272 She's got daddy issues. 241 00:10:25,292 --> 00:10:27,533 I cannot believe how late it is. 242 00:10:27,628 --> 00:10:29,702 Oh, I know. When I get home, I'm gonna tuck myself in. 243 00:10:29,855 --> 00:10:32,797 Which is not the first time I've done that tonight. 244 00:10:32,949 --> 00:10:35,208 (both laugh) 245 00:10:36,361 --> 00:10:39,804 Well, I... I'm so glad I got to meet you. 246 00:10:39,956 --> 00:10:44,142 Me, too. Maybe we'll run into each other again sometime? 247 00:10:44,311 --> 00:10:47,036 Well, I'm the baker at the coffee shop across the way. 248 00:10:47,130 --> 00:10:48,462 I'd brag about my sticky buns, 249 00:10:48,556 --> 00:10:50,464 but that's no way to talk to a lady. 250 00:10:50,558 --> 00:10:55,211 Honey, I may be a queen, but I'm no lady. 251 00:10:55,230 --> 00:10:56,804 -Oh! (laughs) -(laughs) 252 00:10:56,898 --> 00:10:59,048 (Phil sighs) 253 00:10:59,067 --> 00:11:00,700 Good night, Phil. 254 00:11:01,569 --> 00:11:03,578 Night night. 255 00:11:05,407 --> 00:11:07,582 (door opens) 256 00:11:08,560 --> 00:11:09,817 (door closes) 257 00:11:09,911 --> 00:11:11,461 Oh. 258 00:11:16,843 --> 00:11:18,677 ♪ ♪ 259 00:11:22,498 --> 00:11:24,516 What's up? 260 00:11:24,743 --> 00:11:26,426 Hi, sweetie. How was school? 261 00:11:26,578 --> 00:11:28,261 Yeah, I didn't go. 262 00:11:28,413 --> 00:11:31,915 What?! You skipped school? 263 00:11:31,933 --> 00:11:33,358 Yeah. 264 00:11:33,435 --> 00:11:35,509 I'm gonna drop out, play music, 265 00:11:35,529 --> 00:11:38,512 and get with circus chicks just like Uncle Dad. 266 00:11:38,532 --> 00:11:42,183 Yeah, buddy. Quitters for life! (groans) 267 00:11:42,277 --> 00:11:43,927 But what about your future? 268 00:11:43,945 --> 00:11:47,872 Mom, it's okay. I'm good-looking. 269 00:11:48,099 --> 00:11:49,749 That's my boy. 270 00:11:50,877 --> 00:11:53,503 I'm gonna go clear my browser history. 271 00:11:58,777 --> 00:12:01,219 (gasps) That settles it. 272 00:12:01,370 --> 00:12:04,431 No child of mine is gonna be good-looking! 273 00:12:05,708 --> 00:12:07,374 (TV plays quietly) 274 00:12:07,427 --> 00:12:10,395 Hey, baby. What you still doing up? 275 00:12:10,546 --> 00:12:11,879 Oh. 276 00:12:12,048 --> 00:12:15,308 You want a little bit of Corky 95th? 277 00:12:15,460 --> 00:12:18,403 It's almost 4:00 in the morning. 278 00:12:18,554 --> 00:12:21,222 Sorry. I got stuck 279 00:12:21,241 --> 00:12:24,242 in a rainstorm! (laughs) 280 00:12:24,469 --> 00:12:26,745 Well, I'm glad you had a good night. 281 00:12:26,896 --> 00:12:28,321 Now can you pick up all this money 282 00:12:28,415 --> 00:12:30,306 that's covered in hoochie cooties? 283 00:12:30,325 --> 00:12:33,142 Hold up. What's going on? 284 00:12:33,161 --> 00:12:35,069 Are you jealous? 285 00:12:35,163 --> 00:12:37,313 -(scoffs) No! -Huh? 286 00:12:37,332 --> 00:12:39,573 I think you are. That's the same face you made 287 00:12:39,593 --> 00:12:42,001 when I took the last Cheddar Bay Biscuit at Red Lobster. 288 00:12:42,153 --> 00:12:44,929 Excuse you. I am a strong, independent woman. 289 00:12:45,081 --> 00:12:47,581 I don't get jealous. And that biscuit was mine. 290 00:12:47,601 --> 00:12:49,416 -You had two, and I only had one! -Mm. 291 00:12:49,511 --> 00:12:53,012 Which is why I'm gonna buy you all the biscuits you want 292 00:12:53,164 --> 00:12:55,665 to go with that jelly! 293 00:12:55,683 --> 00:12:57,000 And-and... and just so you know, 294 00:12:57,093 --> 00:12:58,835 you looked really stupid trying to be all flirty. 295 00:12:58,928 --> 00:13:00,928 Well, I was being charming. That's just good business. 296 00:13:00,947 --> 00:13:02,447 And what do you know about business? 297 00:13:02,674 --> 00:13:04,932 Well, I know enough to have a lot more Ladies' Nights. 298 00:13:05,026 --> 00:13:06,692 Fine. That's okay. I don't even give a damn. 299 00:13:06,845 --> 00:13:10,980 It's a bad move picking a fight a week before Lobsterfest! 300 00:13:11,032 --> 00:13:13,625 (groans) 301 00:13:14,443 --> 00:13:15,794 Hi. 302 00:13:15,945 --> 00:13:17,629 You ready to go? I'm parked in a red zone, and I really 303 00:13:17,856 --> 00:13:19,947 don't want to explain to a cop that I'm about to go... 304 00:13:19,966 --> 00:13:21,782 (whistles, imitates cartoon noises) 305 00:13:21,876 --> 00:13:23,251 ...for a friend. 306 00:13:23,303 --> 00:13:25,878 Wow. That sounds stressful. 307 00:13:25,972 --> 00:13:27,563 Maybe we should postpone. 308 00:13:27,565 --> 00:13:30,366 I've heard that stressed-out sperm can lead to redheads. 309 00:13:30,385 --> 00:13:31,476 I don't want to postpone. 310 00:13:31,627 --> 00:13:33,127 They made me abstain for three days 311 00:13:33,146 --> 00:13:34,370 before this appointment. 312 00:13:34,463 --> 00:13:37,040 I had to shower wearing oven mitts. 313 00:13:37,058 --> 00:13:38,316 Are we rushing into this? 314 00:13:38,467 --> 00:13:40,634 I mean, yes, we're great friends, 315 00:13:40,728 --> 00:13:42,211 but would we be great parents? 316 00:13:42,230 --> 00:13:43,379 Like, you're a little bit country, 317 00:13:43,398 --> 00:13:44,638 I'm a little bit rock and roll. 318 00:13:44,807 --> 00:13:46,566 You're Netflix, I'm more Hulu. 319 00:13:46,660 --> 00:13:48,067 Hello, Hulu viewers. 320 00:13:48,144 --> 00:13:50,978 I hope you're enjoying Season Three, Episode Five. 321 00:13:50,997 --> 00:13:53,056 Are you getting cold feet? 322 00:13:53,074 --> 00:13:54,407 You're gonna be a great mom. 323 00:13:54,559 --> 00:13:56,835 You're patient, you're nurturing. 324 00:13:57,062 --> 00:13:59,653 -Yeah, I'm not worried about me. -Oh. 325 00:13:59,747 --> 00:14:01,655 Oh, so you're worried about me? 326 00:14:01,749 --> 00:14:03,490 I-I'm worried about my child. 327 00:14:03,585 --> 00:14:04,676 I-I want to make sure 328 00:14:04,827 --> 00:14:06,903 I give them every opportunity to succeed. 329 00:14:06,996 --> 00:14:08,905 Oh, okay. 330 00:14:08,998 --> 00:14:10,331 I get it now. 331 00:14:10,350 --> 00:14:12,408 You don't think I'm good enough to be the father? 332 00:14:12,427 --> 00:14:14,594 Max, you're-you're great. It's just, like, um... 333 00:14:14,688 --> 00:14:17,522 I think higher education is really important. 334 00:14:17,673 --> 00:14:20,024 You dropped out of school to join the circus 335 00:14:20,251 --> 00:14:21,860 and make pervy pretzels with the bendy girls. 336 00:14:22,011 --> 00:14:25,179 -And you're so perfect? -Well, I-I... I didn't say that. 337 00:14:25,198 --> 00:14:26,272 Because there are things about you 338 00:14:26,366 --> 00:14:27,940 that I wouldn't want to see in my kid. 339 00:14:28,034 --> 00:14:29,258 Really? Like what? 340 00:14:29,277 --> 00:14:30,943 Clumsy, allergic to avocado, 341 00:14:31,096 --> 00:14:33,538 mean to only person who wants to give her sperm. 342 00:14:33,689 --> 00:14:35,448 I'm not allergic to avocado. 343 00:14:35,542 --> 00:14:38,042 I use it as a test to make sure the waiter's listening. 344 00:14:38,194 --> 00:14:40,545 -You know what? Do whatever you want. -Wait. 345 00:14:40,696 --> 00:14:42,939 You're just gonna leave mid-argument? God, Max, 346 00:14:42,957 --> 00:14:44,698 it's like you can't finish anything. 347 00:14:44,718 --> 00:14:46,609 Oh, I'm gonna finish something. 348 00:14:46,702 --> 00:14:50,096 And then I'm gonna take a nap, and I'm gonna finish it again! 349 00:14:57,230 --> 00:15:00,306 ♪ Believe it or not I'm cloggin' on air ♪ 350 00:15:00,458 --> 00:15:05,194 ♪ I never thought I could feel so free-ee-ee. ♪ 351 00:15:06,798 --> 00:15:07,964 (laughs) 352 00:15:07,982 --> 00:15:10,466 Is this all to impress Queen Dicktoria? 353 00:15:10,559 --> 00:15:12,744 Did she tell you she was stopping by? 354 00:15:12,895 --> 00:15:14,837 No, but she knows I work here, 355 00:15:14,839 --> 00:15:15,972 and the last thing she said was 356 00:15:16,065 --> 00:15:18,141 maybe she'll run into me sometime. 357 00:15:18,234 --> 00:15:20,734 Ooh. Sounds to me like you got curved. 358 00:15:20,754 --> 00:15:22,253 Totes Magee. 359 00:15:22,422 --> 00:15:23,829 What's curved? 360 00:15:23,924 --> 00:15:26,149 What the hell is Totes Magee? 361 00:15:26,167 --> 00:15:28,651 "Curved" is just a gentle way of turning you down. 362 00:15:28,670 --> 00:15:31,262 Like, did she offer to give you her number? 363 00:15:31,489 --> 00:15:33,747 -No. -Or ask for yours? 364 00:15:33,767 --> 00:15:36,492 Oh, no. (sniffles) 365 00:15:36,511 --> 00:15:39,228 I done been curved. 366 00:15:43,501 --> 00:15:44,591 Oh! 367 00:15:44,686 --> 00:15:46,185 (Phil cries) 368 00:15:46,279 --> 00:15:48,337 -Hey, Carter. -Hey. 369 00:15:48,356 --> 00:15:49,672 Me and my friends want to get some shots. 370 00:15:49,691 --> 00:15:52,617 Oh, okay. You got it. Tequila? Whiskey? 371 00:15:52,768 --> 00:15:55,787 -Body. -I'll be right over. 372 00:15:56,864 --> 00:15:58,939 I don't think Randi would like this. 373 00:15:59,033 --> 00:16:00,533 I don't even know why Randi's mad. 374 00:16:00,627 --> 00:16:01,942 I mean, this was her idea. 375 00:16:02,036 --> 00:16:04,128 Except for the penis straws. That was all Darren. 376 00:16:04,355 --> 00:16:05,855 (Darren laughs) 377 00:16:05,948 --> 00:16:08,708 Carter, if I was lucky enough to be dating someone who loves me, 378 00:16:08,860 --> 00:16:12,011 they'd always come first, no matter what. 379 00:16:14,882 --> 00:16:16,199 Hey, Darren, 380 00:16:16,367 --> 00:16:18,701 I'm gonna need you to handle three vodka body shots. 381 00:16:18,794 --> 00:16:20,627 Can't do it. 382 00:16:20,647 --> 00:16:21,887 Objectifies women. 383 00:16:22,040 --> 00:16:25,208 -They're doing 'em off of you. -Oh, hell yeah! 384 00:16:26,044 --> 00:16:27,710 I can't get the new microwave to turn on. 385 00:16:27,729 --> 00:16:29,988 Damn it. The airport sausage guy promised me it worked. 386 00:16:30,139 --> 00:16:33,324 Man, I don't know who to trust anymore! 387 00:16:36,329 --> 00:16:37,570 Kat. 388 00:16:37,664 --> 00:16:39,480 Max. 389 00:16:39,499 --> 00:16:41,982 I'm Phil, and I'll take a Chardonnay. 390 00:16:42,002 --> 00:16:44,410 Didn't know you still worked here. 391 00:16:44,504 --> 00:16:45,670 Helping out a friend. 392 00:16:45,897 --> 00:16:47,338 It's something I do. 393 00:16:47,490 --> 00:16:49,398 Most of my friends appreciate it. 394 00:16:49,417 --> 00:16:51,676 I'd appreciate a Chardonnay. 395 00:16:51,827 --> 00:16:54,012 Good luck with your sperm hunting. 396 00:16:54,163 --> 00:16:55,513 Oh, thank you. 397 00:16:55,664 --> 00:16:56,848 That was meant for Kat, 398 00:16:57,041 --> 00:16:58,499 -and it was meant to be mean. -Oh. 399 00:16:58,518 --> 00:17:02,336 Joke's on you. I took it as a sincere wish from a good friend! 400 00:17:02,430 --> 00:17:03,763 In your face! 401 00:17:03,915 --> 00:17:09,009 Oh, my God. Has my royal drag queen finally arrived? 402 00:17:09,029 --> 00:17:10,987 Close. That's my mother. 403 00:17:12,198 --> 00:17:15,091 Hi. Thank you so much for coming down to... 404 00:17:15,109 --> 00:17:17,426 -So you screwed it up with Max? -...support me. 405 00:17:17,561 --> 00:17:21,355 Guess we should pour one out for the end of the family line. 406 00:17:21,374 --> 00:17:23,766 Mother, he quit school, he bummed around Europe for years. 407 00:17:23,785 --> 00:17:26,544 He's comfortable masturbating in a trailer full of clowns. 408 00:17:26,695 --> 00:17:28,546 Oh, please, Katharine. 409 00:17:28,697 --> 00:17:30,864 In my dorm at Wellesley, 410 00:17:30,958 --> 00:17:33,367 you could barely sleep over the din of vibrators. 411 00:17:33,386 --> 00:17:35,970 You'd think it was a barber college. 412 00:17:39,041 --> 00:17:40,800 -(door opens) -CARTER: Hey. 413 00:17:40,894 --> 00:17:43,061 -Hey. -I only got a minute. 414 00:17:43,212 --> 00:17:44,970 I left Darren in charge, and I bought the fire extinguishers 415 00:17:45,065 --> 00:17:47,381 from the airport sausage guy. 416 00:17:47,400 --> 00:17:48,733 What's up? 417 00:17:48,884 --> 00:17:49,901 I'm sorry. 418 00:17:50,128 --> 00:17:52,219 I knew you weren't happy about Ladies' Night, 419 00:17:52,238 --> 00:17:53,905 and I had another one anyway. 420 00:17:54,132 --> 00:17:57,116 I should've cared more about your feelings. 421 00:17:57,893 --> 00:17:59,744 I'm so pissed right now. 422 00:17:59,821 --> 00:18:02,229 What?! I-I just apologized. 423 00:18:02,248 --> 00:18:03,823 You can't get pissed. 424 00:18:03,917 --> 00:18:06,567 I even used the word "feelings." 425 00:18:06,628 --> 00:18:09,236 I'm pissed... 'cause I love you so much 426 00:18:09,255 --> 00:18:11,647 that I'm doing dumb stuff like getting jealous. 427 00:18:11,666 --> 00:18:12,815 Ha! See, I knew you were jealous. 428 00:18:12,834 --> 00:18:16,260 And... it brings me no joy. 429 00:18:16,412 --> 00:18:21,173 I guess I've never had someone I cared about losing this much. 430 00:18:21,326 --> 00:18:23,509 Baby, you're not gonna lose me. 431 00:18:23,661 --> 00:18:24,844 You sure? 432 00:18:24,996 --> 00:18:26,938 Cross my hair, hope to die. 433 00:18:27,089 --> 00:18:29,607 (both laugh) 434 00:18:29,834 --> 00:18:32,017 Oh, well, do you have to rush back to the bar, 435 00:18:32,170 --> 00:18:34,445 or can I get a few minutes with Corky 95th? 436 00:18:34,597 --> 00:18:38,007 Oh, I should get you pissed at me more often. 437 00:18:38,025 --> 00:18:40,100 (laughs) Honestly, I'm just trying 438 00:18:40,120 --> 00:18:41,844 to make sure I'm back in for Lobsterfest. 439 00:18:41,863 --> 00:18:43,996 -Yes. (laughs) -(laughs) 440 00:18:48,294 --> 00:18:50,369 The bathroom's out of toilet paper. 441 00:18:50,521 --> 00:18:52,613 Tina, you drank vodka out of my belly button. 442 00:18:52,632 --> 00:18:54,298 I am not your husband. 443 00:18:55,193 --> 00:18:56,208 I'll grab some from the back. 444 00:18:56,361 --> 00:19:00,138 And, Tina, make better choices. 445 00:19:00,289 --> 00:19:02,365 Excuse me. Mind if I sit here? 446 00:19:02,458 --> 00:19:04,291 Be my guest. I was just about to leave. 447 00:19:04,310 --> 00:19:08,980 That's a shame. I was hoping you'd give me a clogging lesson. 448 00:19:09,056 --> 00:19:10,964 Your Majesty? 449 00:19:10,984 --> 00:19:13,818 She's off tonight. You can call me Jalen. 450 00:19:13,928 --> 00:19:16,712 But I do love a good curtsy. 451 00:19:16,731 --> 00:19:19,240 (laughing): Oh. 452 00:19:20,142 --> 00:19:22,885 Look how far down you can go. 453 00:19:22,904 --> 00:19:26,581 Oh, My Highness, you ain't seen nothing yet. 454 00:19:31,820 --> 00:19:33,913 Seriously? One-ply? 455 00:19:34,007 --> 00:19:36,549 Might as well scoot on the floor like a puppy. 456 00:19:38,994 --> 00:19:40,011 Oh. 457 00:19:40,238 --> 00:19:42,013 That seems to be for me. 458 00:19:42,164 --> 00:19:44,473 I probably shouldn't look. 459 00:19:47,836 --> 00:19:49,836 Oops! 460 00:19:49,931 --> 00:19:51,430 Kat? 461 00:19:51,524 --> 00:19:52,932 Oh, I-I didn't open it. It just fell out. 462 00:19:53,026 --> 00:19:54,692 Shut up. It did. 463 00:19:54,919 --> 00:19:58,604 I was gonna give that to you when I thought we were... 464 00:19:58,756 --> 00:20:00,606 You can just throw it away. 465 00:20:00,758 --> 00:20:02,758 This is from you? 466 00:20:02,777 --> 00:20:04,610 I had it made for the baby. 467 00:20:04,762 --> 00:20:07,371 You know. Silver. Kingbird. 468 00:20:07,598 --> 00:20:08,614 SilverBird. 469 00:20:08,708 --> 00:20:10,099 (laughs softly) 470 00:20:10,117 --> 00:20:12,435 "A SilverBird Production." 471 00:20:12,453 --> 00:20:14,620 Yeah, 'cause I was gonna be the dad, and you were gonna 472 00:20:14,772 --> 00:20:16,272 be the... 473 00:20:16,290 --> 00:20:19,625 (sighs) Well, you know how babies work. 474 00:20:19,794 --> 00:20:21,368 Wait. Max? 475 00:20:21,462 --> 00:20:23,012 Yeah. 476 00:20:23,965 --> 00:20:26,265 MAX: Mmm. 477 00:20:28,119 --> 00:20:30,043 What was that for? 478 00:20:30,063 --> 00:20:32,212 I'm sorry for thinking 479 00:20:32,306 --> 00:20:36,025 that you wouldn't be the perfect father for our child. 480 00:20:37,462 --> 00:20:38,644 Really? 481 00:20:38,738 --> 00:20:42,990 Or... just plain perfect. 482 00:20:49,657 --> 00:20:53,400 Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. 483 00:20:53,419 --> 00:20:56,570 I can be bendy, too, like those circus girls, so... 484 00:20:56,664 --> 00:20:59,331 Oh. 485 00:20:59,484 --> 00:21:00,983 You okay? 486 00:21:01,076 --> 00:21:03,219 That's a young woman's game. 487 00:21:08,268 --> 00:21:12,495 ♪ It's a new day, I've got a new way ♪ 488 00:21:12,588 --> 00:21:15,664 ♪ Gonna show up and make a new way ♪ 489 00:21:15,683 --> 00:21:20,761 ♪ Let's make it happen, get you clappin' ♪ 490 00:21:20,780 --> 00:21:22,505 ♪ Bring that passion ♪ 491 00:21:22,523 --> 00:21:24,356 ♪ Oh, oh-oh-oh, let's do it like this ♪ 492 00:21:24,450 --> 00:21:28,602 ♪ It's that feeling, can't conceal it ♪ 493 00:21:28,696 --> 00:21:31,289 ♪ Jump on the ceiling, oh, oh-oh-oh ♪ 494 00:21:31,365 --> 00:21:35,376 ♪ Let's do it like this, let's do it like this. ♪ 495 00:21:40,525 --> 00:21:43,134 Captioning sponsored by WARNER BROS. TELEVISION