1 00:00:02,089 --> 00:00:03,173 Yes! 2 00:00:04,257 --> 00:00:06,635 Yes, I'm here! 3 00:00:08,512 --> 00:00:11,181 What is it? What is it? 4 00:00:11,181 --> 00:00:13,266 I thought I lost you. 5 00:00:19,689 --> 00:00:22,734 Oh, God! Did you mean to do that? 6 00:00:22,734 --> 00:00:24,653 Think you broke my nose! 7 00:00:24,653 --> 00:00:27,697 Was that on purpose? Ed? 8 00:00:29,574 --> 00:00:32,285 Alright, everyone. Great to see us all together here again. 9 00:00:32,285 --> 00:00:33,703 What happened to your face? 10 00:00:33,703 --> 00:00:35,372 Bet Blackbeard did that, didn't he? 11 00:00:35,372 --> 00:00:39,209 It was an accident. Okay? I think Ed just sat up too quickly. 12 00:00:39,209 --> 00:00:40,252 That's what they all say. 13 00:00:40,252 --> 00:00:42,170 As you know, he's gone through quite the ordeal 14 00:00:42,170 --> 00:00:44,214 and he does need to regain his strength. 15 00:00:44,214 --> 00:00:46,675 Yeah. He'll probably get around to killing you after he's rested. 16 00:00:46,675 --> 00:00:48,593 Yeah, I'd say it's a pretty obvious mistake 17 00:00:48,593 --> 00:00:49,845 letting him get strong again. 18 00:00:49,845 --> 00:00:51,138 Yes. Hello? 19 00:00:51,138 --> 00:00:52,472 Kick him off the ship already! 20 00:00:52,472 --> 00:00:54,057 - Facts, facts! - Hey, hey, hang on. 21 00:00:54,057 --> 00:00:57,727 We don't just banish people, do we? That's not us. 22 00:00:57,727 --> 00:01:00,856 Let's give him some time, perhaps to rebound a bit. 23 00:01:01,314 --> 00:01:05,068 Medically speaking, the man can't speak, and his brain is maybe couscous. 24 00:01:05,068 --> 00:01:06,695 Also, gonna need that steak back. 25 00:01:06,695 --> 00:01:08,238 - It's dinner. - Right. Yes, aye. 26 00:01:08,238 --> 00:01:09,781 Maybe we should put it to the vote. 27 00:01:10,365 --> 00:01:11,742 Do we have to do this now? 28 00:01:17,122 --> 00:01:19,624 Hello there, traveler. 29 00:01:20,500 --> 00:01:23,253 You've been down to the gravy basket, haven't you? 30 00:01:24,129 --> 00:01:26,882 Been down there a few times myself. 31 00:01:27,632 --> 00:01:29,968 Did ya have a vision? 32 00:01:46,318 --> 00:01:47,319 Hey. 33 00:01:50,405 --> 00:01:52,324 He's seen better days, hasn't he? 34 00:01:52,324 --> 00:01:54,868 At least he's still got both legs! 35 00:01:55,202 --> 00:01:56,411 Yes! 36 00:01:57,162 --> 00:01:58,622 He can't hear you, he's got no head. 37 00:01:58,622 --> 00:02:01,833 You've got a head, though, which you should 38 00:02:02,459 --> 00:02:04,753 - look after. - What do you want, Bonnet? 39 00:02:06,379 --> 00:02:07,756 Well, here's the thing. 40 00:02:07,756 --> 00:02:12,052 The crew, they're in a bit of a deadlock over the whole banishment of Ed thing 41 00:02:12,052 --> 00:02:14,096 and I just thought, seeing as, well, 42 00:02:14,096 --> 00:02:17,599 you were the one who kept his body aboard, maybe you should weigh in. 43 00:02:17,599 --> 00:02:20,852 You've already murdered him once. Seems like a pretty good payback. 44 00:02:22,062 --> 00:02:23,563 So, what do you think? 45 00:02:24,314 --> 00:02:25,732 My vote? 46 00:02:28,443 --> 00:02:31,947 A rotten leg's got to come off. 47 00:02:34,783 --> 00:02:35,784 Right. 48 00:02:41,164 --> 00:02:45,794 Just to confirm, was that a nay or yay on the banishment? 49 00:02:48,922 --> 00:02:52,300 So! We, the crew of "The Revenge," have voted 50 00:02:52,300 --> 00:02:54,469 and we've chosen banishment, unfortunately. 51 00:02:54,469 --> 00:02:56,304 So, yeah. Effective immediately. 52 00:02:56,304 --> 00:02:58,723 Your complimentary dinghy awaits you portside. 53 00:02:58,723 --> 00:02:59,850 - Now leave, please. - Fuck off. 54 00:02:59,850 --> 00:03:01,143 Alright. Rude. 55 00:03:04,062 --> 00:03:04,896 Fuck you. 56 00:03:04,896 --> 00:03:07,607 It's the first time I've been on this side of a walk of shame. 57 00:03:07,607 --> 00:03:10,902 - Way to make this awkward, bruh. - Shitty sailing with you. 58 00:03:11,695 --> 00:03:13,864 You're making it really hard to look up to you, man. 59 00:03:13,864 --> 00:03:16,450 Hey, made you this sandwich for the trip. 60 00:03:18,452 --> 00:03:20,078 Don't you want your sammie? 61 00:03:22,289 --> 00:03:25,250 Ed? Say something, at least. 62 00:03:28,378 --> 00:03:31,715 You're not a fuckin' mermaid. 63 00:03:35,218 --> 00:03:36,303 What? 64 00:03:43,518 --> 00:03:47,397 I'm no mermaid? What does that mean? 65 00:03:48,440 --> 00:03:51,610 Pay him no heed. He's still half-dead. 66 00:03:52,569 --> 00:03:55,572 Here. Walk with me over yonder. 67 00:03:55,906 --> 00:03:57,324 I'll explain. 68 00:03:57,991 --> 00:03:59,659 I'm huntin' for a vessel. 69 00:04:00,744 --> 00:04:02,454 So's I can turn into a bird. 70 00:04:04,289 --> 00:04:06,583 Alright. Fine. Yeah. 71 00:04:07,959 --> 00:04:09,294 Let's do it. 72 00:04:12,380 --> 00:04:13,465 So 73 00:04:15,050 --> 00:04:17,636 here I go again on my own. 74 00:04:17,636 --> 00:04:19,596 Fuck off, nature. 75 00:04:20,097 --> 00:04:22,182 Walkin' down the only road I've ever known. 76 00:04:23,391 --> 00:04:25,227 Like a gyp-- 77 00:04:26,061 --> 00:04:27,270 A wolf. 78 00:04:32,692 --> 00:04:34,611 Are you a friend, Wolf? 79 00:04:36,488 --> 00:04:39,866 I don't even know why I got this one. It's a big spider. 80 00:04:39,866 --> 00:04:41,868 I don't even like spiders, but I thought maybe 81 00:04:41,868 --> 00:04:45,247 I'd be able to get over my fear of spiders if I got a big spider on my hand. 82 00:04:45,247 --> 00:04:46,915 But every time I look at it, I freak out. 83 00:04:46,915 --> 00:04:49,209 So that's why I wear those black leather gloves. 84 00:04:49,209 --> 00:04:52,129 God, look how much I'm opening up to you. 85 00:04:52,129 --> 00:04:54,506 I feel like I've just found my new best friend. 86 00:04:54,506 --> 00:04:56,425 We're just like two lone wolves, you and me. 87 00:04:56,425 --> 00:05:01,096 It's a very rare thing, to find someone who understands you. 88 00:05:02,222 --> 00:05:04,808 You'll always be safe with me. Okay? 89 00:05:07,686 --> 00:05:11,106 What the fuck? What the fuck? Who the fuck did that? 90 00:05:12,733 --> 00:05:14,735 - Teach? - Read? 91 00:05:15,402 --> 00:05:19,114 - What the fuck? - Oh, my God. 92 00:05:20,866 --> 00:05:24,494 Well, it really does sound like hell, this gravy bucket thing. 93 00:05:24,494 --> 00:05:28,665 Betwixt hell and high heaven, to be more precise. 94 00:05:28,665 --> 00:05:33,545 So he escaped, but now he's sort of unmoored? 95 00:05:33,545 --> 00:05:38,383 Aye. Can't tell what's real and what's the basket anymore. 96 00:05:43,847 --> 00:05:46,850 They'll have a beaut of a vessel in there. 97 00:05:57,277 --> 00:06:00,906 Hello! Are these things for sale? 98 00:06:02,074 --> 00:06:04,367 They are available, yes. 99 00:06:04,367 --> 00:06:06,495 For lovers of beauty. 100 00:06:07,079 --> 00:06:10,040 Well, my friend is looking for a bowl. 101 00:06:10,040 --> 00:06:15,629 Specifically, somethin' suitable for an avian transmogrification ceremony. 102 00:06:15,629 --> 00:06:18,090 Yes, he's turning into a bird, apparently. 103 00:06:19,382 --> 00:06:21,885 Well, you might wanna check down yonder by the headboards. 104 00:06:21,885 --> 00:06:22,928 Have a little dig around. 105 00:06:22,928 --> 00:06:24,179 Superb. 106 00:06:26,932 --> 00:06:31,353 Oh, my God. This is a Louis XIV Giltwood console! 107 00:06:32,020 --> 00:06:35,023 Look at the detailing! That is exquisite. 108 00:06:36,358 --> 00:06:39,069 Don't you have an incredible eye? 109 00:06:39,069 --> 00:06:41,696 Anne Bonny. Collector. 110 00:06:41,696 --> 00:06:43,949 Stede Bonnet. Lover of beauty. 111 00:06:44,533 --> 00:06:45,617 Annie! 112 00:06:46,576 --> 00:06:48,161 Look who I fuckin' found. 113 00:06:48,161 --> 00:06:49,955 Where's my Annie fuckin' Bonny? 114 00:06:49,955 --> 00:06:52,040 Eddie motherfucking Teach! 115 00:06:52,040 --> 00:06:54,876 Oh, my darling! Fuck. 116 00:06:54,876 --> 00:06:57,754 Good to see you. Yes, it is. 117 00:06:58,755 --> 00:07:00,590 Hello, Edward. 118 00:07:02,175 --> 00:07:04,094 Jesus Christ. Here we go. 119 00:07:04,970 --> 00:07:05,929 Hi. 120 00:07:08,140 --> 00:07:09,891 I wasn't looking for you, by the way. 121 00:07:09,891 --> 00:07:11,643 Mate, I don't care if you were. 122 00:07:13,437 --> 00:07:15,480 Wait, you two know each other? 123 00:07:15,480 --> 00:07:18,358 - What are the fuckin' odds? - Very high, apparently. 124 00:07:18,358 --> 00:07:21,194 - Shipmates. - Former. 125 00:07:22,946 --> 00:07:25,490 - Well, you should both stay for dinner. - Yeah. 126 00:07:25,490 --> 00:07:28,827 I don't wanna make him feel uncomfortable. 127 00:07:29,453 --> 00:07:32,539 Him? Hey, look, you do whatever you want. 128 00:07:32,539 --> 00:07:34,166 You're good at that. 129 00:07:35,167 --> 00:07:37,252 I mean, I could. 130 00:07:37,794 --> 00:07:40,714 Potentially, I could have dinner. 131 00:07:41,673 --> 00:07:42,632 Whatever. 132 00:07:42,632 --> 00:07:45,010 - Whatever. - Whatever. 133 00:07:45,719 --> 00:07:49,306 Is it just me or does the energy around here seem off? 134 00:07:49,306 --> 00:07:52,392 By "the energy," do we mean him? 135 00:07:56,188 --> 00:07:57,397 Or him? 136 00:07:57,731 --> 00:08:01,318 Well, mythical creature? 137 00:08:01,318 --> 00:08:03,528 Anything to say for yourself? 138 00:08:04,863 --> 00:08:07,282 Fuck you! 139 00:08:07,282 --> 00:08:08,492 Or them? 140 00:08:11,036 --> 00:08:12,621 Do you still see blood? 141 00:08:12,621 --> 00:08:14,956 Yeah. We'll get it. Just keep scrubbing. 142 00:08:17,042 --> 00:08:18,668 They're lookin' this way. 143 00:08:19,127 --> 00:08:22,839 They've got a feral quality. 144 00:08:22,839 --> 00:08:26,259 I hate to say it, but I think Blackbeard really messed them up. 145 00:08:27,010 --> 00:08:28,804 I think I know what we should do for them. 146 00:08:28,804 --> 00:08:31,848 They just need to be reminded that they have value. 147 00:08:31,848 --> 00:08:35,143 And that this is a safe space. 148 00:08:36,436 --> 00:08:38,647 Sea la madre, they're definitely planning something. 149 00:08:38,647 --> 00:08:40,315 - Yeah. - Sharp, innit. 150 00:08:40,315 --> 00:08:43,902 It's gonna be really disappointing if we kill them in self-defense. 151 00:08:43,902 --> 00:08:45,445 - Yeah. - Great scrubbing. 152 00:08:45,445 --> 00:08:47,114 So clean. 153 00:08:47,114 --> 00:08:48,698 So, the jail guard, 154 00:08:48,698 --> 00:08:51,284 with the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, 155 00:08:51,284 --> 00:08:54,079 pulls his entire fuckin' face off. 156 00:08:54,079 --> 00:08:57,791 Turns out, this one had sliced the face off some Brit 157 00:08:57,791 --> 00:08:59,793 and come to my rescue. 158 00:09:00,877 --> 00:09:02,629 Now that's romance. 159 00:09:02,629 --> 00:09:07,467 The trick is, you gotta slice, cut while ya peel. 160 00:09:07,467 --> 00:09:10,679 Most people, they try to muscle it, and that's how ya tear a face. 161 00:09:10,679 --> 00:09:12,931 Quite the shift, going from wearing people's faces 162 00:09:12,931 --> 00:09:14,766 to becoming antique collectors. 163 00:09:14,766 --> 00:09:17,227 So, what about you two? How did you meet? 164 00:09:17,227 --> 00:09:21,857 Well, I'd been gut-stabbed and he just so happened upon the ship 165 00:09:21,857 --> 00:09:23,442 I was bleeding out on. 166 00:09:23,442 --> 00:09:26,570 - Nice. - Yes. Ed saved my life, actually. 167 00:09:26,570 --> 00:09:29,781 Well, actually, I was planning on killing him myself. 168 00:09:29,781 --> 00:09:32,117 Burning his face off, taking his identity, the whole lot. 169 00:09:32,117 --> 00:09:35,036 But he decided I wasn't going to doggie heaven. 170 00:09:35,036 --> 00:09:36,329 More like I relented. 171 00:09:36,329 --> 00:09:40,250 And for a short time after that, at least, we sailed the seas happily. 172 00:09:40,250 --> 00:09:41,960 Until he completely boned it. 173 00:09:42,753 --> 00:09:44,337 Can we not do this now? 174 00:09:44,337 --> 00:09:45,881 Can do it anytime I like. 175 00:09:47,424 --> 00:09:48,467 Fuckin' clock. 176 00:09:48,467 --> 00:09:50,385 Bollocks! I gotta go check on dinner. 177 00:09:54,139 --> 00:09:55,432 What happened to your beard? 178 00:09:55,432 --> 00:09:57,225 I liked it when it was longer better. 179 00:09:57,225 --> 00:09:59,811 Well, I got the crazy notion to shave it off. 180 00:09:59,811 --> 00:10:01,605 - Immediately regretted it. - Mary! 181 00:10:01,605 --> 00:10:03,815 Come and help me. This rabbit is fucked! 182 00:10:03,815 --> 00:10:04,733 Coming! 183 00:10:05,233 --> 00:10:06,818 Fuckin' have to do everything around here. 184 00:10:06,818 --> 00:10:09,780 Fuckin' kill the rabbit, fuckin' cook the rabbit. 185 00:10:09,780 --> 00:10:11,281 Fuck's sake. 186 00:10:12,824 --> 00:10:16,369 For what it's worth, I like your beard. The length. 187 00:10:19,414 --> 00:10:20,624 Thank you. 188 00:10:24,753 --> 00:10:27,631 Buttons was saying something about a gravy bowl 189 00:10:27,631 --> 00:10:30,926 and you're half-dead or something. 190 00:10:31,676 --> 00:10:33,970 - You really screwed it up this time. - I'm fine. 191 00:10:34,888 --> 00:10:37,224 And maybe don't listen to a man who's becoming a bird. 192 00:10:37,224 --> 00:10:39,476 - Don't touch me! - I do as I please. 193 00:10:42,312 --> 00:10:43,438 There ya go, how's that? 194 00:10:45,607 --> 00:10:46,942 What the hell? 195 00:10:47,442 --> 00:10:50,153 Sorry. Sorry. Dinner's gonna be a minute. 196 00:10:50,153 --> 00:10:54,032 Someone forgot to take the intestines out of the rabbit. 197 00:10:54,032 --> 00:10:57,244 Nobody minds a bit of shit on their rabbit. 198 00:10:57,244 --> 00:10:59,162 - Top up? - Yeah. 199 00:11:03,792 --> 00:11:05,293 You've got a thing. 200 00:11:06,086 --> 00:11:07,754 On your-- In your back. 201 00:11:07,754 --> 00:11:09,923 You got something sticking outta your shoulder. 202 00:11:11,508 --> 00:11:12,342 Fuck me. 203 00:11:12,801 --> 00:11:13,635 Do you want a hand with that? 204 00:11:13,635 --> 00:11:16,888 No. Annie put it in there, Annie can take it out. 205 00:11:18,014 --> 00:11:19,808 You want me to take it out now, do you? 206 00:11:20,725 --> 00:11:22,936 Is there a fuckin' echo in the room, is there? 207 00:11:23,770 --> 00:11:24,813 Get over here. 208 00:11:25,397 --> 00:11:27,482 Flick it. Yeah. Flick it. 209 00:11:27,774 --> 00:11:30,402 How's that? How's that? How's that? 210 00:11:30,402 --> 00:11:32,988 Six inches of silver in your scapula. 211 00:11:34,990 --> 00:11:36,742 It's inside. How lovely and deep that is. 212 00:11:36,742 --> 00:11:37,826 We could leave if you want some 213 00:11:40,328 --> 00:11:41,413 privacy. 214 00:11:41,413 --> 00:11:44,291 Alright, you lot. Just this way. 215 00:11:44,291 --> 00:11:46,126 You gotta close your eyes 'cause it's a surprise. 216 00:11:46,126 --> 00:11:47,210 Oh, yeah, right. 217 00:11:47,210 --> 00:11:49,713 We're not too much into surprises these days. 218 00:11:49,713 --> 00:11:53,049 Fair enough. Anyway, brace yourselves. 219 00:11:58,764 --> 00:11:59,598 Fuck! 220 00:11:59,848 --> 00:12:02,559 Guys, it's called a pine-ata. 221 00:12:02,559 --> 00:12:05,687 Yeah. So, you just pull this string and then-- 222 00:12:05,687 --> 00:12:08,148 And then ya try to hit it with a stick! 223 00:12:10,442 --> 00:12:13,278 - Time for blindfolding. - Stay the fuck away from me! 224 00:12:13,278 --> 00:12:16,323 You won't want to stay the fuck away from this cake! 225 00:12:19,034 --> 00:12:20,786 God's sake, take it away! 226 00:12:23,246 --> 00:12:26,792 There's quite a bit of rabbit poop, but I think we can salvage it. 227 00:12:28,001 --> 00:12:29,419 You're sensitive, aren't you? 228 00:12:31,254 --> 00:12:32,839 You appreciate things. 229 00:12:33,131 --> 00:12:37,135 You have taste. Eddie was crazy to let you go. 230 00:12:38,261 --> 00:12:43,809 I'm not sure either of us have let go, exactly. 231 00:12:46,937 --> 00:12:48,146 Real smooth. 232 00:12:49,606 --> 00:12:51,191 Slowing down, old man. 233 00:12:51,191 --> 00:12:54,778 So, what was up with all the stabbing? 234 00:12:54,778 --> 00:12:57,489 Just something we do. Keeps things fresh. 235 00:12:58,990 --> 00:13:00,450 Stede stabbed me once. 236 00:13:05,414 --> 00:13:06,456 Had to make him do it. 237 00:13:07,624 --> 00:13:08,792 He's so fragile. 238 00:13:10,669 --> 00:13:13,046 - You've got a type. - Type? 239 00:13:13,046 --> 00:13:14,423 No, I don't. 240 00:13:14,423 --> 00:13:16,842 Artsy outsider was always your thing. 241 00:13:17,634 --> 00:13:21,346 - Bullshit. - You're caught up in this whirlpool, 242 00:13:21,346 --> 00:13:23,056 just like me and Annie. 243 00:13:26,601 --> 00:13:29,354 I just didn't belong back with my old life. 244 00:13:29,354 --> 00:13:31,064 Mary and the kids. 245 00:13:31,064 --> 00:13:34,943 And that was the second time you left your wife, was it? 246 00:13:34,943 --> 00:13:36,737 Ex-wife. 247 00:13:37,404 --> 00:13:38,822 It feels funny to say that. 248 00:13:40,365 --> 00:13:42,993 You're a heartbreaker, Stede. 249 00:13:43,618 --> 00:13:45,662 {\an8}Oh, I don't know about that. 250 00:13:46,163 --> 00:13:49,374 I mean, I may have wounded a heart or two. 251 00:13:49,374 --> 00:13:51,168 Coy boy. Wound this. 252 00:13:51,168 --> 00:13:53,503 They're gonna be so jealous. 253 00:13:53,503 --> 00:13:54,588 Look, I honestly-- 254 00:13:55,297 --> 00:13:59,217 Nah. Knock off. Pile of junk. 255 00:14:00,093 --> 00:14:02,095 Buttons! You're still here? 256 00:14:02,095 --> 00:14:03,597 Eureka. 257 00:14:04,264 --> 00:14:05,891 This is not what it looks like. 258 00:14:05,891 --> 00:14:08,393 I had a sore back and she's 259 00:14:08,894 --> 00:14:10,437 medically trained? 260 00:14:12,272 --> 00:14:15,484 - Are you alright? - I don't feel good. 261 00:14:22,074 --> 00:14:25,077 Look, she poisoned me. 262 00:14:25,077 --> 00:14:26,119 What? 263 00:14:33,502 --> 00:14:37,506 One-half of this room has some serious emotional problems. 264 00:14:37,506 --> 00:14:39,591 - And it's not us. - Well, it's not us! 265 00:14:40,634 --> 00:14:43,637 Right, so, is everybody else's arms and various limbs getting tired? 266 00:14:43,637 --> 00:14:44,554 Yep. 267 00:14:44,554 --> 00:14:46,014 Alright, look. Look, look, look. 268 00:14:46,014 --> 00:14:48,517 I think there's actually an easier way to resolve this. 269 00:14:48,517 --> 00:14:51,269 Yes? Right. So you all think that we're plottin' against you? 270 00:14:51,269 --> 00:14:54,398 Yeah, yeah. Which, in hindsight, maybe was inaccurate. 271 00:14:54,398 --> 00:14:56,358 - I don't know. You tell me. - Okay. So, can we all agree 272 00:14:56,358 --> 00:15:00,612 to just not jump the other crew and solve this as fuckin' adults? 273 00:15:00,612 --> 00:15:04,741 You're saying this is like a space that is safe? 274 00:15:04,741 --> 00:15:05,784 - Yeah. - Yeah, babe. 275 00:15:05,784 --> 00:15:07,035 - I love that. - A safe space. 276 00:15:11,748 --> 00:15:13,250 A lot has gone unsaid. 277 00:15:13,250 --> 00:15:17,379 I think now is a great time to discuss lingering issues. 278 00:15:17,379 --> 00:15:19,297 Yeah, yeah, absolutely. 279 00:15:19,297 --> 00:15:22,551 Can we talk about the fucked-up sleeping arrangements? 280 00:15:22,551 --> 00:15:24,302 - Because... - Excuse me. 281 00:15:24,302 --> 00:15:26,054 Do you even have a name, new guy? 282 00:15:26,054 --> 00:15:27,764 Yeah, "Fuck You" is her name. 283 00:15:27,764 --> 00:15:30,016 Hey, stupid name for a person. 284 00:15:30,016 --> 00:15:32,102 You know my name is Archie. 285 00:15:38,900 --> 00:15:39,860 It's done! 286 00:15:40,277 --> 00:15:45,157 Maybe next time he'll think twice about not doing his fucking-- 287 00:15:49,786 --> 00:15:51,747 Fuck off, twats! 288 00:15:52,664 --> 00:15:54,416 Leave me alone. 289 00:15:54,416 --> 00:15:59,504 I'm already gone. You're born alone, you die alone. 290 00:16:00,130 --> 00:16:04,509 You're born alone, you die alone. 291 00:16:06,136 --> 00:16:08,722 Yeah, he's definitely more disturbed than any of us. 292 00:16:08,722 --> 00:16:11,057 You're born alone, die alone... 293 00:16:11,057 --> 00:16:13,143 Rabbit's delicious, hon. 294 00:16:13,727 --> 00:16:15,520 So tender. 295 00:16:15,520 --> 00:16:17,564 So glad you love it, my darling. 296 00:16:18,690 --> 00:16:23,403 And I got the gift you left me in my glass, earlier. 297 00:16:24,321 --> 00:16:26,114 How's the rabbit, guys? 298 00:16:26,114 --> 00:16:27,616 It's lovely. 299 00:16:28,325 --> 00:16:29,701 I can barely taste the shit. 300 00:16:30,494 --> 00:16:34,706 I can tell this rabbit was actually quite intelligent, huh? 301 00:16:37,417 --> 00:16:38,418 From the texture. 302 00:16:40,420 --> 00:16:43,965 So, Stede, what's it like being back at sea? 303 00:16:43,965 --> 00:16:47,886 It's really nice. Yeah. I missed it. 304 00:16:47,886 --> 00:16:51,306 Yeah, you must have. 'Cause you left your wife twice. 305 00:16:54,017 --> 00:16:55,227 Wait, what? 306 00:16:58,855 --> 00:17:01,149 You left me for Mary. 307 00:17:01,149 --> 00:17:03,652 Look, I was going to tell you. It's just-- 308 00:17:04,694 --> 00:17:06,988 - Ed. - One second. 309 00:17:19,960 --> 00:17:21,962 I told you in confidence. 310 00:17:25,173 --> 00:17:26,383 Ed? 311 00:17:27,884 --> 00:17:29,094 Ed. 312 00:17:30,429 --> 00:17:32,431 Can I please explain? 313 00:17:33,306 --> 00:17:35,100 Please, take the blanket off. 314 00:17:35,100 --> 00:17:36,726 Fuck off. Go away. 315 00:17:36,726 --> 00:17:39,271 You can't blame me for not telling you about Mary. 316 00:17:39,271 --> 00:17:41,565 Yes, I can. I'm blaming you right now. 317 00:17:41,565 --> 00:17:43,358 - I'm blaming the fuck outta you. - Well, it's not fair. 318 00:17:43,358 --> 00:17:45,026 You hardly gave me a chance to say anything. 319 00:17:45,026 --> 00:17:47,446 Fair? Know what's not fair? 320 00:17:47,446 --> 00:17:49,948 You ditching me without a note or anything, 321 00:17:49,948 --> 00:17:52,367 then expecting me to just melt back into your arms 322 00:17:52,367 --> 00:17:54,327 soon as you pop your fuckin' head up. 323 00:17:54,327 --> 00:17:55,620 I never expected that. 324 00:17:56,413 --> 00:17:58,206 I never expected a headbutt either, but I received one. 325 00:17:58,206 --> 00:17:59,541 God. Yeah, throw that back 326 00:17:59,541 --> 00:18:01,001 - in my face now, too. - I will actually 327 00:18:01,001 --> 00:18:02,544 - because it bloody well hurt! - Nice. Nice one. Good! 328 00:18:02,544 --> 00:18:04,755 I'm glad it fuckin' hurt! It was supposed to hurt! 329 00:18:04,755 --> 00:18:06,465 That's the point of headbutts! 330 00:18:06,465 --> 00:18:09,968 - Alright. - I'm such a fuckin' idiot. 331 00:18:11,386 --> 00:18:12,512 I trusted you. 332 00:18:13,513 --> 00:18:15,307 I trusted us. 333 00:18:15,307 --> 00:18:17,976 But I was just a whim. Yeah, just a whim to you. 334 00:18:17,976 --> 00:18:22,397 Another plaything like your fancy toy unicorn boat and your wife. 335 00:18:22,397 --> 00:18:25,525 I was a whim to you. Yeah. 336 00:18:25,525 --> 00:18:27,569 You were gonna burn my face off, remember? 337 00:18:27,569 --> 00:18:30,614 I got over that pretty quick, didn't I? 338 00:18:37,079 --> 00:18:38,872 We were moving so fast. 339 00:18:39,623 --> 00:18:41,750 We're both whim-proned. 340 00:18:41,750 --> 00:18:45,212 And two people prone to whims shouldn't just run off to China. 341 00:18:46,505 --> 00:18:48,340 I was all in, mate. 342 00:18:49,382 --> 00:18:50,592 I was all in. 343 00:18:52,010 --> 00:18:53,512 I panicked. 344 00:18:54,262 --> 00:18:56,973 Then you shaved your beard off, for me. 345 00:18:56,973 --> 00:18:59,267 Again with the beard. 346 00:18:59,267 --> 00:19:02,312 I'm sorry if my horrible, naked chin disgusts you 347 00:19:02,312 --> 00:19:04,189 - so much. - I love your chin. 348 00:19:04,189 --> 00:19:05,524 Naked or otherwise. 349 00:19:07,776 --> 00:19:08,777 - Ed. - Don't. 350 00:19:09,986 --> 00:19:11,947 - I love-- - No, don't. 351 00:19:11,947 --> 00:19:14,032 You don't get to say that to me. 352 00:19:15,283 --> 00:19:17,911 I love everything about you. 353 00:19:19,579 --> 00:19:21,540 You don't have to say it back to me. 354 00:19:23,625 --> 00:19:25,252 I'm not about to. 355 00:19:31,216 --> 00:19:33,218 I love being near you. 356 00:19:34,136 --> 00:19:37,139 It's nice. It feels good. 357 00:19:38,557 --> 00:19:40,767 Breathing the same air. 358 00:19:46,648 --> 00:19:48,233 "Breathing the same--" 359 00:19:48,233 --> 00:19:52,237 Oh, my God, it was so fucking earnest. 360 00:19:53,822 --> 00:19:56,283 It worked. Have you guys even had sex yet? 361 00:19:56,283 --> 00:19:58,326 - That is private. - That's none of your business. 362 00:19:58,326 --> 00:20:01,830 - I called it! I fucking called it! - You fucking called it! 363 00:20:01,830 --> 00:20:03,331 You've not even given each other a handy? 364 00:20:03,331 --> 00:20:04,416 - A little tickle? - Excuse me. 365 00:20:04,416 --> 00:20:05,709 - Our private lives are our private lives. - What are you talking about? 366 00:20:05,709 --> 00:20:07,085 I'll tell you what, though, Ed. 367 00:20:07,085 --> 00:20:09,880 I think he might like the ladies 'cause he gave me a proper tonguing 368 00:20:09,880 --> 00:20:11,131 in the kitchen. 369 00:20:11,131 --> 00:20:14,217 No, she kissed me right before she threw up. 370 00:20:14,217 --> 00:20:16,178 - You bloody devil. - I know. 371 00:20:16,178 --> 00:20:18,722 - I'm sorry, love. - I know exactly what's happening here. 372 00:20:19,222 --> 00:20:21,600 I know what's goin' on. It's a game. 373 00:20:21,600 --> 00:20:26,063 This is just a sick game for them, and now we're part of it. 374 00:20:26,063 --> 00:20:28,899 I would've expected as much from Anne here, who's a fucking psycho! 375 00:20:28,899 --> 00:20:30,150 - Hey! - Come on! 376 00:20:30,150 --> 00:20:31,610 - Ya steal people's faces. - That's right. 377 00:20:31,610 --> 00:20:35,697 And you, Mary, what the fuck happened to you? 378 00:20:35,697 --> 00:20:41,286 We moved to a swamp to sell fucking antiques to fuckin' no one. 379 00:20:41,286 --> 00:20:43,246 We get our fun where we can! 380 00:20:43,246 --> 00:20:44,331 What? 381 00:20:44,873 --> 00:20:46,666 We can leave any time. 382 00:20:46,666 --> 00:20:49,920 It's you who is scared that you're too old to go back to pirating. 383 00:20:49,920 --> 00:20:51,880 - I never fuckin' said-- - Yes, she did! 384 00:20:51,880 --> 00:20:54,758 - Bitch! - Don't you say that fucking word! 385 00:20:54,758 --> 00:20:56,802 Bitch, please. Why don't you go and dust 386 00:20:56,802 --> 00:20:58,011 some end tables or something? 387 00:21:07,604 --> 00:21:09,981 Been wanting to do that for fuckin' years. 388 00:21:09,981 --> 00:21:12,818 - Nice. Really healthy. - Well done, Mary. 389 00:21:12,818 --> 00:21:15,070 I bet Anne really loved that ugly piece of shit clock. 390 00:21:16,363 --> 00:21:18,323 Are you a united front now? 391 00:21:18,323 --> 00:21:20,367 You lightweights. 392 00:21:21,076 --> 00:21:24,371 You fuckin' 14-year-old boys. 393 00:21:25,330 --> 00:21:30,710 Me and Annie, we're what an adult relationship looks like. 394 00:21:31,336 --> 00:21:33,338 Adult? The fuck you talkin' about? 395 00:21:33,338 --> 00:21:35,382 Really? I mean, she stabbed you, 396 00:21:35,382 --> 00:21:38,009 you poisoned her, and then she jumped on my face. 397 00:21:38,009 --> 00:21:39,845 Just you watch. 398 00:21:39,845 --> 00:21:42,013 You're hot for each other now, 399 00:21:42,013 --> 00:21:46,810 but eventually, your charms'll lose impact and become annoyances. 400 00:21:46,810 --> 00:21:51,606 The mystery? Gone. The magic? In the wind. 401 00:21:51,606 --> 00:21:55,736 Fun and games are all that's left. 402 00:21:55,736 --> 00:22:01,450 The only distraction to the last unknown in your relationship: 403 00:22:01,450 --> 00:22:04,286 which of you will slump over first? 404 00:22:07,831 --> 00:22:10,292 There. I torched it all. 405 00:22:11,251 --> 00:22:12,085 We're free. 406 00:22:12,085 --> 00:22:13,879 You didn't. 407 00:22:13,879 --> 00:22:17,340 Even the little posh tables and that big cupboard thingy? 408 00:22:17,340 --> 00:22:18,759 Yeah, the armoire. 409 00:22:19,551 --> 00:22:21,553 Everything must go. 410 00:22:25,974 --> 00:22:30,353 You are so fucking hot right now. 411 00:22:30,353 --> 00:22:31,354 I know. 412 00:22:31,730 --> 00:22:33,440 Yeah. Your house is on fire! 413 00:22:37,903 --> 00:22:41,615 - Oh, shit. Come on. - See you, guys. 414 00:22:41,615 --> 00:22:43,867 - Hold it. - I am holding it. 415 00:22:43,867 --> 00:22:46,578 Sorry, and twist it a bit, please? 416 00:22:47,370 --> 00:22:49,372 Yeah, that's the one. 417 00:22:50,373 --> 00:22:53,460 - Yeah, yeah. - Alright. 418 00:22:53,460 --> 00:22:54,753 Well, that's quite lovely, innit? 419 00:22:54,753 --> 00:22:58,048 Yeah. Gold paint's a nice touch. I thought it'd be overkill, but. 420 00:22:58,632 --> 00:22:59,800 Yeah, but will it be load-bearing? 421 00:22:59,800 --> 00:23:01,968 'Cause that would be embarrassin'. 422 00:23:04,763 --> 00:23:06,556 And you? What's your excuse? 423 00:23:06,556 --> 00:23:08,809 I mean, what even are you? 424 00:23:09,643 --> 00:23:10,894 Fuck off. 425 00:23:13,230 --> 00:23:14,356 Fuck off! 426 00:23:15,148 --> 00:23:17,567 You are harassing a cripple! 427 00:23:18,026 --> 00:23:20,320 Fucking twats! 428 00:23:46,471 --> 00:23:48,682 Fucking cocksuckers. 429 00:23:53,645 --> 00:23:58,275 Goddess, devour me. Balmy water. Balmy water. 430 00:23:58,275 --> 00:24:00,944 Slick my bones. Spoiled boiled eggs. 431 00:24:03,572 --> 00:24:05,532 Lotta your friends are troubled, aren't they? 432 00:24:05,532 --> 00:24:09,035 Yeah. Ya know, they're all pirates. 433 00:24:09,536 --> 00:24:10,495 True. 434 00:24:12,873 --> 00:24:15,167 What are you gonna do tonight? 435 00:24:15,167 --> 00:24:17,836 Tonight? I don't know. I was gonna stay with them, 436 00:24:17,836 --> 00:24:19,129 but I don't know. 437 00:24:19,129 --> 00:24:21,923 Maybe I'll just crash in the trees or somethin'. 438 00:24:21,923 --> 00:24:23,717 Well, I was thinking if you wanted to, 439 00:24:23,717 --> 00:24:25,385 - I mean, I could ask-- - Well, no, you shouldn't have to-- 440 00:24:25,385 --> 00:24:26,636 - Sorry, you go. - Oh, no, you go. No, sorry. 441 00:24:26,636 --> 00:24:29,014 - Nah, you. No, you. - Okay. 442 00:24:29,014 --> 00:24:31,892 I was just gonna say I could put it to the crew 443 00:24:31,892 --> 00:24:34,561 and if you wanted to stay one more night on the ship, 444 00:24:34,561 --> 00:24:38,065 ya know, extenuating circumstances and all that. 445 00:24:38,065 --> 00:24:39,816 - Yes. - What's that? 446 00:24:39,816 --> 00:24:41,693 It might be nice. 447 00:24:42,027 --> 00:24:43,028 Great! 448 00:24:45,072 --> 00:24:48,366 - Yeah. - I mean, yeah. Wait there. 449 00:24:58,126 --> 00:25:00,504 - The sea is my love. - Jesus Christ. 450 00:25:00,504 --> 00:25:02,506 You're still here. I forgot about you. 451 00:25:02,506 --> 00:25:06,593 But there is a cruel limit to the passion I can share 452 00:25:06,593 --> 00:25:08,887 with Her Majesty in this current form. 453 00:25:09,346 --> 00:25:12,641 No offense, man, but I just need you to not be weird right now. 454 00:25:12,641 --> 00:25:16,144 To love the sea as she must be loved, 455 00:25:16,144 --> 00:25:17,813 requires change. 456 00:25:17,813 --> 00:25:18,939 Oh, my God. 457 00:25:18,939 --> 00:25:21,608 That's what I learned 458 00:25:21,608 --> 00:25:27,239 down in the old gravy basket. 459 00:25:28,073 --> 00:25:29,783 Here, hold that. 460 00:25:52,889 --> 00:25:58,645 Earth, wind, and fire, reassemble upon Her Majesty. 461 00:25:58,895 --> 00:26:04,109 I wanna go higher. 462 00:26:05,485 --> 00:26:06,486 Okay. 463 00:26:10,365 --> 00:26:14,786 Buttons, people don't change, not into birds or otherwise. 464 00:26:17,289 --> 00:26:18,457 Buttons? 465 00:26:18,957 --> 00:26:20,792 Buttons? Hey. 466 00:26:21,209 --> 00:26:24,421 Enough fuckin' around, mate. You're not a fucking bird. 467 00:26:36,224 --> 00:26:38,351 Fuck yeah, brother. 468 00:26:39,060 --> 00:26:40,395 Fly. 469 00:26:42,397 --> 00:26:43,315 Ed. 470 00:26:43,648 --> 00:26:46,151 Hey, can you come with? 471 00:26:46,151 --> 00:26:48,528 It's getting a bit dark, and I can't, actually, 472 00:26:48,528 --> 00:26:50,405 I can't find my way back to the ship. 473 00:26:50,405 --> 00:26:53,658 Oh, yeah. Yeah, comin'. 474 00:26:55,827 --> 00:26:58,121 Hey! Buttons turned into a seagull! 475 00:26:58,121 --> 00:27:00,791 - What? - Yeah, he flew off. 476 00:28:55,781 --> 00:28:58,241 I won't be eatin' this way when I'm a bird. 477 00:28:58,241 --> 00:29:00,452 - You won't, will you? - No. 478 00:29:00,827 --> 00:29:02,287 Pescatarian, he calls it. 479 00:29:04,539 --> 00:29:05,749 So, there's another Mary? 480 00:29:07,334 --> 00:29:08,585 You ask me, 481 00:29:08,585 --> 00:29:11,671 it's like a non-stop knockin' shop on that ship.