1 00:00:05,224 --> 00:00:06,744 I will be the Demon King one day! 2 00:00:06,744 --> 00:00:08,904 Fleeing is not in my vocabulary. 3 00:00:08,904 --> 00:00:10,614 Give it all you've got, then. 4 00:00:10,614 --> 00:00:12,754 Don't get in my way! 5 00:01:47,004 --> 00:01:51,514 The Ultimate Halberd 6 00:01:47,514 --> 00:01:49,364 "The Ultimate Halberd." 7 00:01:56,424 --> 00:01:57,944 Let's hurry and get to safety. 8 00:02:02,024 --> 00:02:02,654 Huh? 9 00:02:05,864 --> 00:02:08,424 I wonder if Azz-kun and Sabnock-kun are okay. 10 00:02:09,544 --> 00:02:12,554 Well, even as decoys to draw its attention, 11 00:02:11,084 --> 00:02:13,354 {\an8}I will take care of that lizard! 12 00:02:12,554 --> 00:02:14,744 I did ask them to be careful and not go near it. 13 00:02:13,354 --> 00:02:15,534 {\an8}I cannot let someone as sloppy as you handle this! 14 00:02:16,044 --> 00:02:17,544 So I'm sure they wouldn't attack— 15 00:02:19,884 --> 00:02:20,584 Huh? 16 00:02:22,604 --> 00:02:23,624 Razoro... 17 00:02:24,464 --> 00:02:25,624 Create... 18 00:02:25,634 --> 00:02:28,634 {\an8}Razoro Flame 19 00:02:25,634 --> 00:02:28,634 {\an8}Create Axe 20 00:02:26,674 --> 00:02:27,674 ...Flame! 21 00:02:27,674 --> 00:02:28,634 ...Axe! 22 00:02:31,964 --> 00:02:34,014 I was clearly faster! 23 00:02:34,214 --> 00:02:36,434 Well, my attack was deeper! 24 00:02:36,434 --> 00:02:37,564 What?! 25 00:02:38,184 --> 00:02:40,554 My attack was deeper! 26 00:02:40,554 --> 00:02:43,814 Nay! My attack was heavier! 27 00:02:43,824 --> 00:02:45,994 {\an8}Speed trumps all! 28 00:02:45,934 --> 00:02:48,054 Th-They're fighting? 29 00:02:45,994 --> 00:02:48,074 {\an8}What are you talking about? 30 00:02:48,054 --> 00:02:49,964 I told them not to... 31 00:02:48,074 --> 00:02:49,324 {\an8}Depth is important, as well, 32 00:02:49,324 --> 00:02:50,864 {\an8}and my attack was deeper! 33 00:02:49,964 --> 00:02:53,014 Maybe I'm not dignified enough to be a teacher... 34 00:02:50,864 --> 00:02:53,174 {\an8}Did you not see how mighty my flames were?! 35 00:02:53,014 --> 00:02:55,114 That's not true... 36 00:02:53,174 --> 00:02:55,544 {\an8}Did you not see how deep that wound was?! 37 00:02:55,804 --> 00:02:59,434 Iruma-sama! I see that you've successfully rescued the children! 38 00:02:59,434 --> 00:03:02,744 Hey, you! I'm not done talk— 39 00:03:09,094 --> 00:03:12,014 If Iruma-sama is angry... 40 00:03:14,504 --> 00:03:16,314 then my duty is to... 41 00:03:16,564 --> 00:03:17,694 El Blast! 42 00:03:23,444 --> 00:03:26,474 Hey! You almost hit me! 43 00:03:26,474 --> 00:03:27,944 Too bad I missed. 44 00:03:27,944 --> 00:03:30,924 What's that supposed to mean?! I'm clearly burned! 45 00:03:30,924 --> 00:03:33,954 It's your fault for being inside the range of my attack. 46 00:03:34,274 --> 00:03:36,394 You're in my way. Step back. 47 00:03:46,134 --> 00:03:47,754 Create... 48 00:03:49,544 --> 00:03:51,004 Many Lances! 49 00:03:58,504 --> 00:03:59,524 Why, you... 50 00:03:59,524 --> 00:04:01,734 Whoops, my hand slipped. 51 00:04:02,414 --> 00:04:03,854 I am... 52 00:04:07,434 --> 00:04:10,324 going to dedicate this victory to Iruma-sama! 53 00:04:10,744 --> 00:04:12,744 You just shut your mouth and watch! 54 00:04:12,744 --> 00:04:15,284 Go, Gorgon Snake! 55 00:04:27,054 --> 00:04:28,054 Huh? 56 00:04:30,914 --> 00:04:33,054 I refuse! 57 00:04:34,334 --> 00:04:37,294 That's a nice look on you, honor student. 58 00:04:35,614 --> 00:04:36,954 Dripping... 59 00:04:38,314 --> 00:04:41,034 {\an8}You fiend! How dare you?! 60 00:04:41,034 --> 00:04:42,124 Wow... 61 00:04:41,034 --> 00:04:42,954 {\an8}It's your fault for being there. 62 00:04:42,124 --> 00:04:43,244 Yes. 63 00:04:42,954 --> 00:04:44,344 {\an8}Don't get me wet! 64 00:04:44,344 --> 00:04:46,874 {\an8}Kelbie finally gets to do something. Don't get in the way! 65 00:04:45,044 --> 00:04:46,904 They're fighting again. 66 00:04:46,874 --> 00:04:48,634 {\an8}Its aim is terrible. 67 00:04:48,124 --> 00:04:52,074 Those two are actually overwhelming the Carmine Dragon. 68 00:04:48,634 --> 00:04:50,134 {\an8}You should be grateful. 69 00:04:50,134 --> 00:04:52,764 {\an8}What good is water in this situation, anyway?! 70 00:04:52,654 --> 00:04:57,584 It's terrifying to think that they're just first-years at Babyls. 71 00:04:52,764 --> 00:04:55,714 {\an8}You will not get away with drenching me! 72 00:04:55,714 --> 00:04:58,834 {\an8}Just dry yourself off with your flame magic! 73 00:04:59,064 --> 00:05:03,244 But we can't let our guard down. I should probably join in... 74 00:05:05,534 --> 00:05:06,374 What?! 75 00:05:06,894 --> 00:05:07,924 That's not good! 76 00:05:20,814 --> 00:05:23,944 What an incredible release of mana. 77 00:05:25,444 --> 00:05:27,214 I-Iruma-sama? 78 00:05:32,184 --> 00:05:34,634 B-Balam-sensei... 79 00:05:36,734 --> 00:05:39,834 Balam-sensei managed to hold it back. Thank good— 80 00:05:42,434 --> 00:05:44,834 He's yelling something... 81 00:05:45,264 --> 00:05:46,954 Honor student! Step back! 82 00:05:46,954 --> 00:05:48,964 Azz-kun! Run! 83 00:05:49,404 --> 00:05:50,094 Huh? 84 00:05:55,464 --> 00:05:56,724 {\an8}I can't get there in time! 85 00:05:55,464 --> 00:05:56,724 Azz-kun! 86 00:06:05,394 --> 00:06:06,864 At that moment, 87 00:06:08,874 --> 00:06:10,854 the words I recalled were... 88 00:06:11,374 --> 00:06:15,614 You're too accustomed to putting yourself in danger. 89 00:06:16,364 --> 00:06:19,864 No matter what kind of danger I put myself in, 90 00:06:20,864 --> 00:06:23,374 somewhere deep inside, I figured it'd somehow work out. 91 00:06:24,124 --> 00:06:27,504 But I'm not alone anymore. 92 00:06:27,504 --> 00:06:30,254 My precious friends may end up in danger, as well. 93 00:06:33,904 --> 00:06:38,764 That's so obvious... but I didn't even realize it! 94 00:06:42,734 --> 00:06:47,044 ...kun! ...ma-kun! Iruma-kun! 95 00:06:48,194 --> 00:06:48,954 Look. 96 00:06:52,154 --> 00:06:53,144 Huh? 97 00:07:06,074 --> 00:07:08,584 Y-You... 98 00:07:08,904 --> 00:07:10,704 Sabnock-kun! 99 00:07:10,704 --> 00:07:14,094 He shielded him at the last second and managed to endure it. 100 00:07:17,434 --> 00:07:20,054 I created a shield, but it melted... 101 00:07:20,884 --> 00:07:22,344 Why did you save me? 102 00:07:22,534 --> 00:07:26,104 You could've just used me as a decoy and attacked it! 103 00:07:26,104 --> 00:07:29,104 You didn't have to get yourself hurt... Why would you?! 104 00:07:29,104 --> 00:07:31,834 Hmph. Isn't it obvious? 105 00:07:31,834 --> 00:07:35,994 If I saved you in this situation, in that crisis... 106 00:07:36,714 --> 00:07:39,484 I would look magnificently awesome! 107 00:07:40,314 --> 00:07:41,244 Huh? 108 00:07:41,244 --> 00:07:43,404 Awes— What?! 109 00:07:43,404 --> 00:07:45,094 Now, there's no need to thank me. 110 00:07:45,094 --> 00:07:48,274 It is only natural that a future Demon King is awesome. 111 00:07:48,274 --> 00:07:48,994 Huh?! 112 00:07:54,774 --> 00:07:55,594 Over here! 113 00:08:01,404 --> 00:08:03,464 So it can use fire, as well. 114 00:08:03,464 --> 00:08:05,774 What a talented little lizard. 115 00:08:05,774 --> 00:08:08,934 Well? Can you still move? 116 00:08:09,584 --> 00:08:10,724 But of course. 117 00:08:11,464 --> 00:08:14,914 I still have mana left. I can still fight. 118 00:08:14,914 --> 00:08:16,854 All right. In that case... 119 00:08:18,294 --> 00:08:19,784 We're retreating. 120 00:08:20,614 --> 00:08:21,614 Wha... 121 00:08:21,614 --> 00:08:24,284 What are you saying?! After everything we just did?! 122 00:08:24,284 --> 00:08:26,124 What did you just say about being awesome?! 123 00:08:26,334 --> 00:08:29,434 If you're not going, I'll just do this myself! 124 00:08:29,434 --> 00:08:33,004 Is that your ambition? 125 00:08:33,864 --> 00:08:35,214 Ambition? 126 00:08:35,714 --> 00:08:39,354 If winning this battle is your ambition, I will not stop you. 127 00:08:39,354 --> 00:08:42,914 But you will most likely... perish. 128 00:08:44,184 --> 00:08:45,734 I have learned from my past. 129 00:08:46,154 --> 00:08:50,234 I've learned how to prepare for death, and I've learned of my own inexperience. 130 00:08:50,764 --> 00:08:56,654 I am serious about becoming the Demon King, so I've reconsidered my actions. 131 00:08:56,854 --> 00:08:59,974 I am proud of how much I have grown! 132 00:08:59,974 --> 00:09:05,414 But despite how skilled you are, you are always so concerned about Iruma 133 00:09:05,414 --> 00:09:07,744 that you haven't grown even a millimeter. 134 00:09:09,564 --> 00:09:14,044 What is your ambition? To win here? It's not, is it? 135 00:09:14,334 --> 00:09:20,114 Is it not to be Iruma's halberd that will never break against any foe?! 136 00:09:21,194 --> 00:09:25,934 Do not mistake your own ambition, you great fool! 137 00:09:35,914 --> 00:09:36,774 Move. 138 00:09:44,154 --> 00:09:45,754 {\an8}Flame Wall! 139 00:09:44,284 --> 00:09:47,244 Flame Wall 140 00:09:49,244 --> 00:09:51,794 I used up all the mana I had left. 141 00:09:51,794 --> 00:09:53,754 This is the best opportunity for us to run. 142 00:09:54,904 --> 00:09:59,544 Just this once... you were right. 143 00:09:59,544 --> 00:10:01,264 I was a fool! 144 00:10:03,034 --> 00:10:04,134 Good! 145 00:10:06,414 --> 00:10:08,314 We're running! 146 00:10:11,474 --> 00:10:14,154 It appears it can't find us because of the flames! 147 00:10:14,154 --> 00:10:17,144 Hey, can't you use your familiar, Kelbie, to flee? 148 00:10:17,374 --> 00:10:20,554 That's not happening. I lack the mana to summon him. 149 00:10:20,554 --> 00:10:22,064 You can't fly, either? 150 00:10:22,064 --> 00:10:24,104 I don't have any stamina left! 151 00:10:24,954 --> 00:10:27,164 Looks like we're both running on empty! 152 00:10:28,634 --> 00:10:29,654 So... 153 00:10:30,334 --> 00:10:33,034 Your back... You know... 154 00:10:33,464 --> 00:10:35,914 I thank you for saving me. 155 00:10:36,274 --> 00:10:37,614 You felt pressured to say that, didn't you? 156 00:10:37,614 --> 00:10:40,674 Shut up! I'd never say it otherwise! 157 00:10:40,674 --> 00:10:43,304 I already feel pathetic enough right now. 158 00:10:43,304 --> 00:10:46,804 What are you talking about? We are currently... 159 00:10:46,804 --> 00:10:49,434 magnificently awesome! 160 00:10:52,484 --> 00:10:53,994 That's not good! It's preparing a beam! 161 00:10:53,994 --> 00:10:56,814 If it shoots our way, we won't be able to dodge it! 162 00:11:03,234 --> 00:11:04,614 Balam-sensei! 163 00:11:07,034 --> 00:11:10,474 I'm so thankful that you two survived. 164 00:11:11,294 --> 00:11:14,104 I'll take care of the rest. 165 00:11:24,824 --> 00:11:26,554 Sabnock-kun! Azz-kun! 166 00:11:26,844 --> 00:11:28,334 Iruma-sama... 167 00:11:34,904 --> 00:11:35,904 I— 168 00:11:35,904 --> 00:11:37,174 You're alive! 169 00:11:39,404 --> 00:11:43,034 Thank... Thank goodness! 170 00:11:46,614 --> 00:11:47,694 I'm terribly sorry. 171 00:11:48,264 --> 00:11:52,044 No, I'm sorry! I didn't think this through at all! 172 00:11:52,044 --> 00:11:54,604 I need to be aware of how dangerous things are. 173 00:11:54,604 --> 00:11:57,624 Wh-What are you saying?! I did this on my own! 174 00:11:57,624 --> 00:11:59,894 No, I dragged you all into this! 175 00:11:59,894 --> 00:12:00,714 No, no! 176 00:12:00,714 --> 00:12:01,404 It was me! 177 00:12:01,404 --> 00:12:03,414 Oh, shut up! 178 00:12:03,414 --> 00:12:06,434 We're getting out of here! If we stay here... 179 00:12:07,804 --> 00:12:09,434 We'll be dragged into that! 180 00:12:09,424 --> 00:12:12,424 Nigipnir 181 00:12:10,734 --> 00:12:12,424 {\an8}Nigipnir. 182 00:12:14,204 --> 00:12:18,924 A cousin of the nigi nigi greens. The more mana you store in their tiny seeds, 183 00:12:18,924 --> 00:12:20,564 the faster they grow. 184 00:12:21,254 --> 00:12:25,564 Your ankles, neck, and the bases of your horns. 185 00:12:26,004 --> 00:12:28,624 I am an instructor of biology. 186 00:12:28,624 --> 00:12:31,944 I know your strengths and weaknesses. 187 00:12:42,394 --> 00:12:43,424 Yes. 188 00:12:43,424 --> 00:12:46,584 A tree against fire is a terrible combination. 189 00:12:46,854 --> 00:12:49,104 But... not good enough! 190 00:12:51,934 --> 00:12:55,094 This wooden dragon is made with my mana. 191 00:13:00,344 --> 00:13:03,104 The sheer concentration of my mana compared to yours is... 192 00:13:04,524 --> 00:13:05,724 incomparable! 193 00:13:08,914 --> 00:13:11,994 You dared to harm my precious students. 194 00:13:12,424 --> 00:13:16,184 I'll make you regret getting me to take off my restraints. 195 00:13:25,694 --> 00:13:26,874 Sensei! 196 00:13:27,424 --> 00:13:28,744 Kids... 197 00:13:28,744 --> 00:13:30,344 That was amazing! 198 00:13:30,344 --> 00:13:33,304 Are you all right? Did any of the debris come this way? 199 00:13:33,304 --> 00:13:35,364 {\an8}Yes, we're fine. 200 00:13:34,044 --> 00:13:36,634 The power to overwhelm a magical beast like that... 201 00:13:37,174 --> 00:13:40,294 Truly, an unbreakable halberd. 202 00:13:45,574 --> 00:13:47,904 This little one was a huge help. 203 00:13:48,784 --> 00:13:50,824 Um, Balam-sensei! 204 00:13:50,824 --> 00:13:53,414 Could I ask you to teach me more about magic sometime? 205 00:13:53,414 --> 00:13:55,364 Hey, that's not fair! 206 00:13:55,364 --> 00:13:57,784 I would also like to request further instruction! 207 00:13:57,984 --> 00:13:59,914 I'm doing this for Iruma-sama's sake! 208 00:13:59,914 --> 00:14:02,204 And I'm doing this to become the Demon King! 209 00:14:02,204 --> 00:14:04,874 {\an8}The validity of our intentions is clearly different! 210 00:14:02,414 --> 00:14:05,134 Wait... Am I being looked up to right now? 211 00:14:12,214 --> 00:14:13,254 What the?! 212 00:14:45,044 --> 00:14:48,544 {\an9}Composite Magical Beast 213 00:14:48,554 --> 00:14:50,294 What?! 214 00:14:55,694 --> 00:14:57,174 Everyone, get behind me! 215 00:15:16,494 --> 00:15:19,114 Ameri-san! Opera-san! 216 00:15:21,544 --> 00:15:23,254 What power... 217 00:15:24,064 --> 00:15:25,354 Are you all right? 218 00:15:25,354 --> 00:15:26,524 Is everyone safe? 219 00:15:27,014 --> 00:15:28,704 How did you get here? 220 00:15:28,704 --> 00:15:29,954 I followed your scent. 221 00:15:30,794 --> 00:15:34,784 The cologne you're using has a unique aroma. 222 00:15:36,444 --> 00:15:38,144 Though, now that we're here, I must ask... 223 00:15:38,824 --> 00:15:40,714 What exactly are we looking at? 224 00:15:40,714 --> 00:15:44,894 The light from earlier seemed to be a concentration of mana. 225 00:15:45,554 --> 00:15:46,644 Would you be willing to 226 00:15:47,324 --> 00:15:50,374 assist me like you used to, Opera-senpai? 227 00:15:50,374 --> 00:15:51,644 But of course. 228 00:15:51,954 --> 00:15:58,424 Oh, but this might be a bit much for the two of us. Hmmmm... 229 00:15:58,904 --> 00:16:00,274 What's this? 230 00:16:00,274 --> 00:16:02,274 I conveniently seem to have a secret weapon. 231 00:16:02,274 --> 00:16:04,244 A familiar-summoning sticker. 232 00:16:06,574 --> 00:16:07,914 Sensei. 233 00:16:08,264 --> 00:16:10,874 That magical beast turned into light and disappeared. 234 00:16:10,874 --> 00:16:12,134 Is this really okay? 235 00:16:12,654 --> 00:16:13,544 Hmph. 236 00:16:13,544 --> 00:16:17,074 I've already had my fun. It's not my problem. 237 00:16:17,074 --> 00:16:18,034 What? 238 00:16:18,034 --> 00:16:18,884 Seriously? 239 00:16:19,364 --> 00:16:23,404 Enough! I am not moving an inch from this spot! 240 00:16:26,204 --> 00:16:26,814 Huh? 241 00:16:29,014 --> 00:16:30,694 Hey, Iru— 242 00:16:31,604 --> 00:16:33,594 Now, Kalego-kun! 243 00:16:33,594 --> 00:16:37,164 Let our powers combine once again and defeat the enemy like we used to! 244 00:16:37,164 --> 00:16:40,114 Hey! I-Is this your doing?! 245 00:16:40,514 --> 00:16:43,204 We're in real trouble because the magical beasts combined, fluff! 246 00:16:43,204 --> 00:16:45,774 Kalego-kun! We have to do something immediately, fluff! 247 00:16:45,774 --> 00:16:47,404 You're so fluffy! 248 00:16:46,644 --> 00:16:47,404 Hey! 249 00:16:47,404 --> 00:16:48,504 Calm down, Shichiro! 250 00:16:48,504 --> 00:16:50,994 Fluffy, fluffy, fluffy, fluffy... 251 00:16:49,104 --> 00:16:51,004 Stop fluffing me! 252 00:16:51,194 --> 00:16:53,574 Hey, Iruma! Undo the summoning! 253 00:16:53,574 --> 00:16:54,874 No. 254 00:16:54,874 --> 00:16:57,864 If he does that, you'll go back to where you were. 255 00:16:57,864 --> 00:17:00,294 Come, now. We're going to defeat that creature. 256 00:17:01,194 --> 00:17:03,204 Huh?! Why me?! 257 00:17:03,204 --> 00:17:04,294 Now, now. 258 00:17:04,294 --> 00:17:07,554 Just consider it a lesson on how to use magic while in familiar form. 259 00:17:07,554 --> 00:17:08,684 Hey! 260 00:17:08,684 --> 00:17:10,394 The rest of you, make sure you're behind us. 261 00:17:10,744 --> 00:17:11,514 Right. 262 00:17:11,514 --> 00:17:14,054 This will be a sight to see. 263 00:17:14,214 --> 00:17:16,524 Yes. And we have a front-row seat... 264 00:17:20,424 --> 00:17:23,714 to this cooperative battle with such high-ranking demons! 265 00:17:25,994 --> 00:17:29,684 I can't get over it. You're so cute. 266 00:17:29,684 --> 00:17:31,534 And whose fault is that? 267 00:17:31,534 --> 00:17:34,814 But they're dealing with three magical beasts combined into one. 268 00:17:34,814 --> 00:17:38,044 Even those three will be putting their lives on the line. 269 00:17:38,654 --> 00:17:40,554 Let's go, you two. 270 00:17:41,544 --> 00:17:44,044 This battle... will be a long one. 271 00:17:46,634 --> 00:17:47,434 Kick of... 272 00:17:47,944 --> 00:17:49,564 Nigiuul... 273 00:17:50,974 --> 00:17:51,934 Ceber... 274 00:17:52,264 --> 00:17:53,574 ...Rage! 275 00:17:53,994 --> 00:17:55,064 ...Hug! 276 00:17:55,394 --> 00:17:56,474 ...Byute! 277 00:18:03,724 --> 00:18:04,364 It... 278 00:18:06,154 --> 00:18:07,864 It ended in an instant! 279 00:18:09,364 --> 00:18:12,174 I'm not sure if it's a cooperative battle... 280 00:18:12,174 --> 00:18:13,084 More like... 281 00:18:13,084 --> 00:18:15,624 They individually beat it senseless. 282 00:18:16,494 --> 00:18:17,124 Ce... 283 00:18:18,064 --> 00:18:20,884 Cerberus... turned into a puppy. 284 00:18:21,714 --> 00:18:23,934 {\an8}It was rather cute. 285 00:18:22,214 --> 00:18:23,934 Adults... 286 00:18:23,934 --> 00:18:26,134 ...really don't hold back. 287 00:18:23,934 --> 00:18:26,134 {\an8}This is rather curious, Kalego-kun! 288 00:18:26,424 --> 00:18:28,644 But now, we're finally... 289 00:18:29,924 --> 00:18:31,004 Sensei! 290 00:18:32,634 --> 00:18:34,894 The magical beasts have been wiped out? 291 00:18:35,664 --> 00:18:38,894 There appears to be a number of high-ranking demons? 292 00:18:40,634 --> 00:18:43,384 Hey, this sounds like bad news. 293 00:18:43,384 --> 00:18:47,644 Weren't they supposed to completely destroy Walter Park according to the plan? 294 00:18:49,014 --> 00:18:50,864 We'll just have to speed up the plan a bit. 295 00:18:50,864 --> 00:18:52,694 There'll be no more issues. 296 00:18:52,924 --> 00:18:55,534 You sure? What about up there? 297 00:18:55,954 --> 00:18:56,974 Yeah. 298 00:18:56,974 --> 00:19:00,234 Those children grew with our ill-natured mana. 299 00:19:00,234 --> 00:19:03,764 In the end, they'll put up one last fight. 300 00:19:18,934 --> 00:19:19,814 It's still alive! 301 00:19:20,114 --> 00:19:21,734 No, this is... 302 00:19:22,504 --> 00:19:25,304 It's concentrating all of its mana. 303 00:19:25,304 --> 00:19:28,104 It's going to spit it out in order to destroy itself! 304 00:19:29,164 --> 00:19:30,454 Agares! 305 00:19:31,704 --> 00:19:32,524 Collapse! 306 00:19:35,724 --> 00:19:36,204 Get in. 307 00:19:36,934 --> 00:19:39,064 That beam is going to scorch the earth. 308 00:19:39,064 --> 00:19:41,674 If we're beneath the surface, the damage should be minimal. 309 00:19:46,714 --> 00:19:48,854 If that much mana is unleashed... 310 00:19:50,984 --> 00:19:54,574 At least half of Walter Park will be reduced to ashes. 311 00:19:54,574 --> 00:19:57,054 Wait! In that direction is... 312 00:19:59,674 --> 00:20:00,894 The emergency shelter! 313 00:20:01,644 --> 00:20:03,914 If we can somehow turn it another direction... 314 00:20:03,414 --> 00:20:05,244 {\an8}We should be able to pull that off! 315 00:20:04,744 --> 00:20:06,364 I shall pummel its face! 316 00:20:06,364 --> 00:20:07,404 Don't, you fools! 317 00:20:08,004 --> 00:20:10,754 That thing is now a bomb made of mana. 318 00:20:10,754 --> 00:20:12,954 If you attack it, that'll make it explode! 319 00:20:12,954 --> 00:20:14,344 But then... 320 00:20:14,344 --> 00:20:15,874 Is there any way to contact the shelter? 321 00:20:15,874 --> 00:20:17,144 It's too far away. 322 00:20:17,144 --> 00:20:19,504 Even if we could, there's no time to run! 323 00:20:19,504 --> 00:20:22,464 But... There has to be something we can do. 324 00:20:23,464 --> 00:20:26,714 No. We won't make it in time. 325 00:20:31,534 --> 00:20:32,224 It's... 326 00:20:33,724 --> 00:20:35,374 going to fire! 327 00:20:39,224 --> 00:20:41,634 That's enough! 328 00:20:41,634 --> 00:20:46,444 You stupid vermin! 329 00:20:49,244 --> 00:20:50,414 How dare you... 330 00:20:50,414 --> 00:20:55,984 How dare you do this to my legendary Daddy's ultimate Walter Park! 331 00:20:55,984 --> 00:20:58,424 How dare you do this to my home?! 332 00:20:58,424 --> 00:21:01,384 And now you want to hurt the masses?! 333 00:21:01,714 --> 00:21:04,374 Y-You villain! 334 00:21:04,374 --> 00:21:08,554 Anyone who dares stomp on our fun... 335 00:21:09,664 --> 00:21:14,924 will have to deal with me, Ronove Romiere! 336 00:21:15,214 --> 00:21:19,984 Now, look... look... 337 00:21:22,594 --> 00:21:23,694 Now... 338 00:21:24,184 --> 00:21:34,074 Look at me! 339 00:21:28,734 --> 00:21:34,074 {\an8}Charisma 340 00:21:29,524 --> 00:21:31,954 {\an8}Bloodline ability: Charisma. 341 00:21:31,954 --> 00:21:34,654 {\an8}He can immediately draw all attention in the vicinity to him. 342 00:21:39,994 --> 00:21:43,164 Well done! It looked away from the shelter! 343 00:21:43,164 --> 00:21:45,784 But now Ronove-senpai is... 344 00:21:46,844 --> 00:21:50,454 Ronove did not think this all the way through... 345 00:21:52,794 --> 00:21:54,354 Ro, Ro, Ro, Ro... 346 00:21:55,714 --> 00:21:56,974 Ro, Ro, Ro... 347 00:21:57,534 --> 00:21:58,314 Ro?! 348 00:21:59,294 --> 00:22:00,844 That fool! 349 00:22:01,014 --> 00:22:01,804 Iruma! 350 00:22:01,804 --> 00:22:02,604 Iruma! 351 00:22:02,604 --> 00:22:03,974 Iruma-sama! 352 00:23:38,874 --> 00:23:41,744 Su-ki-ma... Watch it! 353 00:23:39,034 --> 00:23:41,744 {\an8}Su 354 00:23:39,654 --> 00:23:41,744 {\an8}Ki 355 00:23:40,404 --> 00:23:41,744 {\an8}Ma 356 00:23:42,334 --> 00:23:45,034 Find Kalego-sensei! 357 00:23:47,864 --> 00:23:49,934 There he is! 358 00:23:48,744 --> 00:23:49,934 Stop that! 359 00:23:50,124 --> 00:23:54,064 Round 2! Find Kalego-sensei! 360 00:23:56,824 --> 00:23:58,114 There he is! 361 00:23:58,114 --> 00:23:59,574 I said stop that! 362 00:24:00,014 --> 00:24:24,994 Next Episode Preview 363 00:24:01,254 --> 00:24:04,934 Asmodeus-kun and Sabnock-kun want lessons from me. 364 00:24:04,934 --> 00:24:08,024 That makes me a little... no, really happy. 365 00:24:08,024 --> 00:24:11,434 Maybe they look up to me, after all. 366 00:24:11,434 --> 00:24:17,414 Okay, I'll make sure I teach you two everything I can someday. 367 00:24:17,724 --> 00:24:20,014 Next time on Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun, 368 00:24:20,014 --> 00:24:21,324 "My Desire." 369 00:24:21,324 --> 00:24:24,994 Oh, whoops. I guess we need to take care of the magical beast first.