1 00:00:10,708 --> 00:00:11,583 [marshaller] Ahh! 2 00:00:11,666 --> 00:00:15,041 Human Resources is going global, baby. 3 00:00:15,125 --> 00:00:18,458 International Creature Convention, here we come! 4 00:00:18,541 --> 00:00:20,916 ICC! The big ICC! 5 00:00:21,000 --> 00:00:24,125 Oh, I can't wait to fuck a bunch of randos 6 00:00:24,208 --> 00:00:28,166 at a magical Radisson in the sky above North Korea. 7 00:00:28,250 --> 00:00:31,583 Ooh, Maury, will you write my room number on my forehead in Sharpie 8 00:00:31,666 --> 00:00:34,041 so everyone knows where to find me and my holes? 9 00:00:34,125 --> 00:00:36,791 Of course, Connie. What about you, Walter? 10 00:00:36,875 --> 00:00:40,291 Are you excited for your annual fuckfest with Simon Sex? 11 00:00:40,375 --> 00:00:44,583 No, my heart can't handle these once-a-year flings with him. 12 00:00:44,666 --> 00:00:47,083 I'm going Simon sexless this year. 13 00:00:47,166 --> 00:00:50,333 Oh, damn. That's a sad way to start this episode. 14 00:00:50,916 --> 00:00:52,916 Ugh, what am I gonna do? 15 00:00:53,000 --> 00:00:55,708 - [melodramatic music playing] - I can't do this to Emmy. 16 00:00:55,791 --> 00:01:00,833 [moaning] I can't do this to Emmy. 17 00:01:00,916 --> 00:01:04,625 Seriously, I really can't do this to Emmy. I'm sorry, but we have to stop. 18 00:01:04,708 --> 00:01:07,041 [chuckling] Come on, Rochelle, you don't want to stop. 19 00:01:07,125 --> 00:01:09,208 I know, but it's over... 20 00:01:09,291 --> 00:01:13,375 - [gasps] - Hey, Rochelle, my trusted best friend. 21 00:01:13,458 --> 00:01:18,833 So glad we get to be conference buddies all weekend, right? Girl time! 22 00:01:18,916 --> 00:01:21,875 Yeah! Your first conference. It's gonna be great. [laughs nervously] 23 00:01:21,958 --> 00:01:26,291 Oh, yeah, and thank God Dante's not coming. [chuckles] 24 00:01:26,375 --> 00:01:30,125 I mean, I've been in such a dark place lately because of him. 25 00:01:30,208 --> 00:01:33,833 - He really is the fucking worst, right? - Of course! 26 00:01:33,916 --> 00:01:35,791 You still agree with that statement, correct? 27 00:01:35,875 --> 00:01:38,833 Yeah, he's the worst. You should definitely not be with him. 28 00:01:38,916 --> 00:01:40,833 Yeah, but not just me though, right? 29 00:01:40,916 --> 00:01:42,916 'Cause nobody should be with him, right? 30 00:01:43,000 --> 00:01:44,625 [nervously] Yeah, nobody. 31 00:01:44,708 --> 00:01:49,833 Don't worry, I'm here. I'm here, yes, with a brand-new fashion belt. 32 00:01:49,916 --> 00:01:54,791 And I can't wait to judge all your shameful dalliances from the sidelines. 33 00:01:54,875 --> 00:01:56,708 Hey! There's nothing shameful 34 00:01:56,791 --> 00:02:00,041 about tugging and chugging your way through a parade of strangers. 35 00:02:00,125 --> 00:02:03,583 Yeah, I already booked an appointment to get my stomach pumped. 36 00:02:03,666 --> 00:02:07,250 Remember to tell him beforehand you want to keep the stuff that comes out. 37 00:02:07,333 --> 00:02:08,166 Yeah, of course. 38 00:02:08,250 --> 00:02:12,541 - ["Make Me Feel" by Janelle Monáe playing] - ♪ That's just the way you make me feel ♪ 39 00:02:12,625 --> 00:02:16,708 ♪ That's just the way you make me feel That's just the way you make me feel ♪ 40 00:02:16,791 --> 00:02:20,833 ♪ So real, so good, so fuckin' real So real, so good, so fuckin' real ♪ 41 00:02:20,916 --> 00:02:24,708 ♪ That's just the way you make me feel That's just the way you make me feel ♪ 42 00:02:24,791 --> 00:02:29,875 ♪ It's like I'm powerful With a little bit of tender ♪ 43 00:02:29,958 --> 00:02:34,041 ♪ An emotional, sexual bender ♪ 44 00:02:34,125 --> 00:02:38,083 ♪ Mess me up, yeah But no one does it better ♪ 45 00:02:38,166 --> 00:02:40,041 ♪ There's nothin' better ♪ 46 00:02:40,125 --> 00:02:43,041 ♪ That's just the way you make me feel ♪ 47 00:02:44,250 --> 00:02:46,916 [expectant music playing] 48 00:02:52,416 --> 00:02:53,458 [alarm beeps] 49 00:02:53,541 --> 00:02:56,875 Welcome to the International Creature Convention. 50 00:02:56,958 --> 00:02:58,750 Pick up your credentials here. 51 00:02:58,833 --> 00:03:00,125 [tellers translating] 52 00:03:00,750 --> 00:03:03,166 All right. Roomies. 53 00:03:03,250 --> 00:03:04,875 Roomies! Fun! 54 00:03:04,958 --> 00:03:07,750 We can stay up late ripping into that shithead Dante, 55 00:03:07,833 --> 00:03:11,500 who is riddled with chlamydia, which I gave to him. 56 00:03:11,583 --> 00:03:14,625 Walter, my love. You look good enough to eat. 57 00:03:14,708 --> 00:03:18,500 Well, you're gonna die hungry, boo, because the kitchen is closed this year. 58 00:03:18,583 --> 00:03:22,166 Hey, Simon Sex, you beautiful bastard. How are you? 59 00:03:22,250 --> 00:03:24,583 [chuckles] Maury. I'm all right, I'm all right. 60 00:03:24,666 --> 00:03:28,875 - But what's wrong with Walter? - He's protecting his fragile Lovebug heart 61 00:03:28,958 --> 00:03:32,458 because he thinks all you care about is his fragile Lovebug dong. 62 00:03:32,541 --> 00:03:36,041 Well, that's not true. I care about every part of Walter. 63 00:03:36,125 --> 00:03:39,291 If I could, I'd put them all in my ass at once. 64 00:03:39,375 --> 00:03:43,583 - You are a goddamn poet, man. - And you're a warrior, Maury. I love you. 65 00:03:43,666 --> 00:03:46,250 - Hey, I love you, too, brother. - Wow. 66 00:03:46,333 --> 00:03:49,458 Well, I've gotta run. I'm getting a drink with Philip Fuck before my seminar. 67 00:03:49,541 --> 00:03:51,875 Philip Fuck? I love that guy. 68 00:03:51,958 --> 00:03:55,541 Hey, Maury, I'm getting a text from Martha at moveon.org. 69 00:03:55,625 --> 00:03:58,166 - Want me to tell her you love her too? - Sure, she sounds nice. 70 00:03:58,250 --> 00:03:59,958 Ooh! Hey, let's go to the Sexpo. 71 00:04:00,041 --> 00:04:03,666 I heard a guy in Iceland made a car that runs on ejaculate, it's called... 72 00:04:03,750 --> 00:04:06,625 - Toyota Cumry? - Yeah, Cumry. Yeah, you guessed it. 73 00:04:06,708 --> 00:04:09,583 Ooh, I wonder who's gonna win The Dolly this year. 74 00:04:09,666 --> 00:04:10,666 What's "the Dolly"? 75 00:04:10,708 --> 00:04:12,083 The Dolly Parton award. 76 00:04:12,166 --> 00:04:15,541 It is the most prestigious humanitarian award a creature can get. 77 00:04:15,625 --> 00:04:19,083 Yeah, it takes a big heart. And let me tell you, big tits don't hurt either. 78 00:04:19,166 --> 00:04:22,000 Rochelle, I, uh, have a feeling this is your year. 79 00:04:22,083 --> 00:04:24,750 Aw, Pete. So you think I have big tits, huh? 80 00:04:24,833 --> 00:04:27,625 [scoffs nervously] No, I think they're very normal. 81 00:04:27,708 --> 00:04:30,625 They're perfect. I mean, I don't know what they look like. 82 00:04:30,708 --> 00:04:33,958 - I only look at your face. - Relax. I'm just fucking with you. 83 00:04:34,041 --> 00:04:35,416 Oh! [laughs nervously] 84 00:04:35,500 --> 00:04:36,500 That's funny. 85 00:04:37,041 --> 00:04:41,500 Um, hey, speaking of amusement, we should get a drink before dinner? 86 00:04:41,583 --> 00:04:42,708 All right. You're buying. 87 00:04:42,791 --> 00:04:46,083 I'd love to buy. [chuckles nervously] I have my debit card, traveler's checks. 88 00:04:46,166 --> 00:04:49,000 You'll find I have many modes of payment. And she's gone. 89 00:04:49,083 --> 00:04:50,916 Hey! Watch out for Rochelle, dude. 90 00:04:51,000 --> 00:04:52,958 Her heart is fucking rotten. 91 00:04:53,041 --> 00:04:55,625 And between you and me, her tits are mostly bra. 92 00:04:55,708 --> 00:04:57,416 [laughs] That's a good one, Emmy. 93 00:04:57,500 --> 00:04:59,958 Uh, can you please let go? You're hurting me. 94 00:05:00,041 --> 00:05:02,666 Yeah, that's called pulling a Rochelle 'cause she's a hurter 95 00:05:02,750 --> 00:05:04,958 and she's additionally also bad. 96 00:05:05,041 --> 00:05:08,333 What's up, my fellow Shame-heads? [laughs] 97 00:05:08,416 --> 00:05:09,791 [guest scoffing derisively] 98 00:05:10,375 --> 00:05:15,375 Uh, hello, I'm Lionel from the US office. Would you like to trade business cards? 99 00:05:15,458 --> 00:05:17,125 Are you sure your name isn't 100 00:05:17,208 --> 00:05:19,958 "Pathetic Loser With a Hideous Braided Belt"? 101 00:05:20,041 --> 00:05:21,416 No, it's Lionel. 102 00:05:21,500 --> 00:05:23,458 [in Farsi] That guy is so lame. 103 00:05:23,541 --> 00:05:25,500 [in English] Excuse me, barkeep? Hello? 104 00:05:25,583 --> 00:05:27,625 [whistles] Hello? I know you can see me. 105 00:05:27,708 --> 00:05:30,583 - Here, let me help you. Bartender! - What would you like? 106 00:05:30,666 --> 00:05:32,791 One Shamearita, please. 107 00:05:32,875 --> 00:05:36,875 It's like a margarita, but the bartender has to whisper something bad she did 108 00:05:36,958 --> 00:05:39,291 into the cup before she gives it to you. 109 00:05:39,375 --> 00:05:41,625 I stepped on my boyfriend's tiny dog. 110 00:05:41,708 --> 00:05:44,791 And I'll have a tap water in a piping hot glass. 111 00:05:44,875 --> 00:05:46,708 Oh, straight out of the dishwasher, please. 112 00:05:46,791 --> 00:05:48,250 - You're not drinking? - Oh, no. 113 00:05:48,333 --> 00:05:52,875 No, I need my senses sharp so I can judge others as cruelly as possible. 114 00:05:52,958 --> 00:05:54,708 It is a work trip, after all. 115 00:05:54,791 --> 00:05:58,041 - [sighs] That's too bad. - [nervously] What is? What's bad? 116 00:05:58,125 --> 00:05:59,291 Please don't turn away. 117 00:05:59,375 --> 00:06:03,708 It's just... I've been watching you and that magnificent belt. 118 00:06:03,791 --> 00:06:06,333 You like it? I bought it just for this conference. 119 00:06:06,416 --> 00:06:09,291 - [chuckles] - Well, if you're willing to take it off, 120 00:06:09,375 --> 00:06:14,041 I was hoping we could ditch this stupid mixer and get a little shameful ourselves. 121 00:06:14,125 --> 00:06:15,625 Ditch the mixer? 122 00:06:15,708 --> 00:06:20,208 And miss an exclusive opportunity to network with industry thought leaders? 123 00:06:20,291 --> 00:06:22,750 Listen, where I'm from, we have a saying, 124 00:06:22,833 --> 00:06:26,583 "Life is short, so come upstairs to my room and fuck me." 125 00:06:26,666 --> 00:06:29,000 Ooh, Lionel likey very muchy. 126 00:06:29,083 --> 00:06:30,791 Mmm! Ah! 127 00:06:30,875 --> 00:06:36,000 Let's entwine ourselves like the braids of my brand-new belt. 128 00:06:36,083 --> 00:06:37,500 - [shatters] - [both] Yeah! 129 00:06:37,583 --> 00:06:40,000 Sorry. I went too far. Sorry about that. 130 00:06:40,083 --> 00:06:44,166 Roll up, roll up. Jars of cum from around the world. 131 00:06:44,250 --> 00:06:46,875 Oh, my. What's this freaky little box do? 132 00:06:46,958 --> 00:06:48,875 This is the Kickstand 3000. 133 00:06:48,958 --> 00:06:53,958 It's a VR experience where you can feel what it's like to be inside a boner. 134 00:06:54,041 --> 00:06:57,166 T-shirts! Get your T-shirts! We got Mickey Mouse with tits. 135 00:06:57,250 --> 00:06:59,916 We got Homer Simpson titty-fucking a Bart Simpson. 136 00:07:00,000 --> 00:07:03,416 I will take 500 of Pikachu rimming Eeyore, please. 137 00:07:03,500 --> 00:07:06,333 Hey, amigo, amigo, since you're getting so many T-shirts, 138 00:07:06,416 --> 00:07:08,416 I'll throw in a free key chain, eh? 139 00:07:08,500 --> 00:07:11,166 Hey, thanks a lot, man. I love you. 140 00:07:11,250 --> 00:07:15,875 What is your deal? Why are you telling everyone "I love you" all of a sudden? 141 00:07:15,958 --> 00:07:18,000 I don't know, I guess I'm just an affectionate guy. 142 00:07:18,083 --> 00:07:19,333 Well, you never said it to me. 143 00:07:19,416 --> 00:07:21,541 Well, 'cause it'd be fuckin' weird to say it to you. 144 00:07:21,625 --> 00:07:23,583 And, besides, you've never said it to me either. 145 00:07:23,666 --> 00:07:27,375 - Well, I don't want to say it. - Well, I'm not gonna say it if you don't. 146 00:07:27,458 --> 00:07:29,916 If it's so important to you, I'll say it, but you first. 147 00:07:30,000 --> 00:07:33,166 - We'll do it at the same time. - Fine. Should we do it right now? 148 00:07:33,250 --> 00:07:34,250 Eww, no! 149 00:07:34,333 --> 00:07:37,291 I think maybe we should be alone for our first time. 150 00:07:37,375 --> 00:07:38,791 Yes, that seems best. 151 00:07:38,875 --> 00:07:41,875 Spunk Tank. Take a dip in the Spunk Tank. 152 00:07:41,958 --> 00:07:44,958 Ladies and gentlemen, remember, this is for charity. 153 00:07:46,958 --> 00:07:52,625 Simon Sex, what is more important to the human experience, love or lust? 154 00:07:52,708 --> 00:07:54,666 Well, I'm a Hormone Monster, baby. 155 00:07:54,750 --> 00:07:58,083 And I've gotta say lust makes the world go round. 156 00:07:58,166 --> 00:08:00,833 It starts in your toes, and crinkles up your nose, 157 00:08:00,916 --> 00:08:03,125 and meets in the middle where your genital grows. 158 00:08:03,208 --> 00:08:05,958 Ugh, of course that's what you think. 159 00:08:06,041 --> 00:08:09,666 Ooh, Walter, care to expand on your rude comment? 160 00:08:09,750 --> 00:08:13,416 You know, I've just found that love is nurturing and eternal, 161 00:08:13,500 --> 00:08:17,625 while lust is cheap and disappears after a nice fat O. 162 00:08:17,708 --> 00:08:20,750 Kind of weird to imagine Walter having a nice fat O. 163 00:08:20,833 --> 00:08:23,666 - No, it's not. I do it all the time. - [phone dings] 164 00:08:24,250 --> 00:08:25,291 What the fuck? 165 00:08:25,375 --> 00:08:27,291 - [romantic music plays] - Oh, shit. 166 00:08:27,375 --> 00:08:29,666 Um, I... I gotta go pee. 167 00:08:29,750 --> 00:08:35,083 Walter, my darling, you assume that love and lust must be mutually exclusive. 168 00:08:35,166 --> 00:08:37,041 Why can't there be both? 169 00:08:37,125 --> 00:08:39,958 You're saying there might be love with the lust? 170 00:08:40,041 --> 00:08:43,000 I'm saying there might be lust with the love. 171 00:08:43,083 --> 00:08:43,916 Mmm-hmm. 172 00:08:44,000 --> 00:08:46,000 You know when love and lust work together... 173 00:08:46,083 --> 00:08:48,333 Wrapping themselves around one another... 174 00:08:48,416 --> 00:08:50,500 ...into a flesh pretzel. 175 00:08:50,583 --> 00:08:52,750 God, I've missed you. 176 00:08:52,833 --> 00:08:54,267 - [loud crash] - [audience exclaiming] 177 00:08:54,291 --> 00:08:57,208 Dante, what are you doing here? We said we were done. 178 00:08:57,291 --> 00:08:58,291 You said that. 179 00:08:58,375 --> 00:09:01,708 I made myself clear. I can't keep having sex with you. 180 00:09:01,791 --> 00:09:05,250 It's not about the earth-shattering, duvet-soaking sex. 181 00:09:05,333 --> 00:09:08,666 - It's not? - No, no, no. I'm here because I love you. 182 00:09:08,750 --> 00:09:10,791 What? No... No, you don't. 183 00:09:10,875 --> 00:09:14,083 I do. I have never felt like this. 184 00:09:14,166 --> 00:09:16,500 It... It's better than 150 grams of ketamine. 185 00:09:16,583 --> 00:09:18,263 And if you don't know drugs, that's a lot. 186 00:09:18,291 --> 00:09:20,011 I mean, that could put down a fuckin' horse. 187 00:09:20,583 --> 00:09:22,041 Oh, shit. Emmy's coming. 188 00:09:22,125 --> 00:09:23,375 - You gotta hide. - [grunts] 189 00:09:23,458 --> 00:09:25,166 [chuckles] All right, but at this latitude, 190 00:09:25,250 --> 00:09:27,458 it is gonna take every ounce of my strength 191 00:09:27,541 --> 00:09:30,583 not to bury my face in your magnificent place. 192 00:09:30,666 --> 00:09:32,375 Okay. Stay strong, I guess? 193 00:09:32,458 --> 00:09:35,166 - Hey, bestie. See you up in the room? - Yup! You got it. 194 00:09:35,250 --> 00:09:37,666 [Dante] Oh, someone's EpiPen is down here. Aiiee! 195 00:09:37,750 --> 00:09:38,583 Oh! Sorry? 196 00:09:38,666 --> 00:09:42,416 I said, "IIII can't wait to see you for drinks later!" 197 00:09:42,500 --> 00:09:45,291 Well, IIII am going to the business center 198 00:09:45,375 --> 00:09:47,583 to print out my boarding pass for the return flight. 199 00:09:47,666 --> 00:09:49,166 But, uh, I'll see you at the bar. 200 00:09:49,250 --> 00:09:50,125 Oh, fuck me. 201 00:09:50,208 --> 00:09:54,000 Okay, but I'd rather make love to you. I mean, for many, many hours. 202 00:09:54,083 --> 00:09:57,208 - Think Sting without a deadline. - Uh... Oh, God. 203 00:09:58,125 --> 00:09:59,250 [both moaning] 204 00:10:00,291 --> 00:10:01,708 I'm Asha, by the way. 205 00:10:01,791 --> 00:10:03,041 Oh, yes. I'm Lionel. 206 00:10:03,125 --> 00:10:04,958 Nobody asked you, you pig! 207 00:10:05,041 --> 00:10:07,458 Excuse me? I... I just thought we were... 208 00:10:07,541 --> 00:10:12,875 You thought wrong. Now, take off your cloak, you rat-fuck. 209 00:10:12,958 --> 00:10:16,875 Should I take it off sexy like I'm at the doctor or... 210 00:10:16,958 --> 00:10:19,041 Stop! Float there naked. 211 00:10:19,125 --> 00:10:21,666 - Ooh! What? What's so funny? - [laughing] 212 00:10:21,750 --> 00:10:25,750 You. Your legs look like they're decaying. 213 00:10:25,833 --> 00:10:28,083 Your dick looks like it's made of dust. 214 00:10:28,166 --> 00:10:31,750 And the rest of you makes me fucking nauseous. 215 00:10:31,833 --> 00:10:33,500 Um... I'm sorry, what? Sorry? 216 00:10:33,583 --> 00:10:38,166 Get over here, and bring that chewed-up piece of shit dick with you. 217 00:10:38,250 --> 00:10:42,083 Oh, I get it! This is, like, your thing, isn't it? 218 00:10:42,166 --> 00:10:44,291 Shame and sex mixed together. 219 00:10:44,375 --> 00:10:45,916 Oh, how very exhilarating! 220 00:10:46,000 --> 00:10:49,833 Now, apologize for looking in my direction. 221 00:10:49,916 --> 00:10:53,541 Oh, I'm... I'm... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for looking at you, Asha. 222 00:10:54,125 --> 00:10:56,083 - [grunting] - [Asha moaning] 223 00:10:56,166 --> 00:10:58,291 - Yes, keep going. - You disgust me! 224 00:10:58,375 --> 00:11:00,625 Belittle me some more, you gorgeous maniac. 225 00:11:00,708 --> 00:11:02,416 Don't tell me what to do. 226 00:11:02,500 --> 00:11:03,500 [in Luo] Piece of shit. 227 00:11:03,583 --> 00:11:07,000 [in English] Yes! Yes! I'm that... that... that word you said. 228 00:11:07,083 --> 00:11:10,875 God, I've never felt so alive. Step on my dusty little dick! 229 00:11:10,958 --> 00:11:12,708 - [door opens] - Oh, shit! Arsalan. 230 00:11:12,791 --> 00:11:15,208 Lionel. My name's Lionel. But, you know, go on. 231 00:11:15,291 --> 00:11:18,708 - Go on, you can call me whatever you like. - [whispers] No! My husband, Arsalan. 232 00:11:18,791 --> 00:11:21,166 [anxiously] You're married? Oh, God. Oh, God. 233 00:11:21,250 --> 00:11:24,250 Shut the fuck up and hide under the bed like the cum stain you are. 234 00:11:24,333 --> 00:11:27,583 - Oh, Jesus Christ. I'm in love with you. - [door closing] 235 00:11:27,666 --> 00:11:30,625 It's cold in here. Are you... Are you finding it cold in here? 236 00:11:30,708 --> 00:11:33,375 I don't wanna be too cold when I say it, so... 237 00:11:33,458 --> 00:11:36,791 Just say it. Jesus. It doesn't have to be such a big deal. 238 00:11:36,875 --> 00:11:39,583 [sighs] I love you, Connie. 239 00:11:39,666 --> 00:11:41,458 I love you, Maury. 240 00:11:41,541 --> 00:11:44,500 Oof. Okay. That wasn't so bad. 241 00:11:44,583 --> 00:11:47,208 Yeah. It was kind of nice to say. 242 00:11:47,291 --> 00:11:48,791 So, what now? 243 00:11:48,875 --> 00:11:51,375 Should we, I don't know, make love? 244 00:11:51,458 --> 00:11:53,583 Sure thing, lover. 245 00:11:53,666 --> 00:11:55,666 [romantic music swelling] 246 00:11:55,750 --> 00:11:57,458 - [music stops suddenly] - That was... 247 00:11:57,541 --> 00:11:59,208 - Not good. - ...very bad. 248 00:11:59,291 --> 00:12:01,375 I... love you? 249 00:12:01,458 --> 00:12:02,958 Ew, ew, stop. That's nasty, stop. 250 00:12:03,041 --> 00:12:06,166 Yeah, it felt weird immediately coming out of my mouth. I'm sorry. 251 00:12:06,250 --> 00:12:08,916 Walter? Where's Walter? I need to talk to him. 252 00:12:09,000 --> 00:12:10,333 Walter's in the bathroom. 253 00:12:10,416 --> 00:12:13,916 He seems to be listening to a Mariah Carey album from start to finish. 254 00:12:14,000 --> 00:12:16,333 And I'm just not comfortable interrupting that. 255 00:12:16,416 --> 00:12:17,541 I'm a total asshole! 256 00:12:17,625 --> 00:12:19,541 I've been involved with this guy Dante 257 00:12:19,625 --> 00:12:21,625 that my best friend was just hooking up with 258 00:12:21,708 --> 00:12:23,125 and I've been keeping it from her! 259 00:12:23,208 --> 00:12:24,625 - Whore! - [dejectedly] I know! 260 00:12:24,708 --> 00:12:26,625 How could you do this to Emmy? 261 00:12:26,708 --> 00:12:28,916 I just can't help myself! 262 00:12:29,000 --> 00:12:30,750 I tried to break it off with him, 263 00:12:30,833 --> 00:12:33,916 but then he came here, and he told me he loves me, and... 264 00:12:34,000 --> 00:12:38,250 - What if I love him too? - Oh! Well, that would change everything. 265 00:12:38,333 --> 00:12:42,291 - It would? - Simon, honey, should we sing about it? 266 00:12:42,375 --> 00:12:43,791 What are we waiting for? 267 00:12:43,875 --> 00:12:46,500 [upbeat music playing] 268 00:12:46,583 --> 00:12:50,583 ♪ So you've been sexing With your best friend's lover ♪ 269 00:12:50,666 --> 00:12:53,333 ♪ Well, girl, you got to know This unwritten rule ♪ 270 00:12:53,416 --> 00:12:54,291 There's a rule? 271 00:12:54,375 --> 00:12:58,125 ♪ If it's love that you feel You got a right to make it real ♪ 272 00:12:58,208 --> 00:12:59,750 ♪ But if it's only fucking ♪ 273 00:12:59,833 --> 00:13:01,791 - ♪ That shit ain't cool ♪ - Oh. 274 00:13:01,875 --> 00:13:08,375 ♪ You see, it's all about your motivation Are you a Jezebel or Juliet? ♪ 275 00:13:08,458 --> 00:13:09,291 Well, neither. 276 00:13:09,375 --> 00:13:13,083 ♪ Does he fill your heart With excitation? ♪ 277 00:13:13,166 --> 00:13:15,666 ♪ Or does he only make your panties wet? ♪ 278 00:13:15,750 --> 00:13:16,750 What are you saying? 279 00:13:16,833 --> 00:13:18,625 - ♪ Are you in love? ♪ - Me? 280 00:13:18,708 --> 00:13:20,625 - ♪ Or just an asshole? ♪ - Maybe. 281 00:13:20,708 --> 00:13:23,208 ♪ You've got to make up your mind And commit ♪ 282 00:13:23,291 --> 00:13:24,291 Like now? 283 00:13:24,333 --> 00:13:28,083 ♪ Do you feel it in your soul? Are you half of a whole? ♪ 284 00:13:28,166 --> 00:13:30,791 ♪ Or just a horny, selfish Double-crossing ♪ 285 00:13:30,875 --> 00:13:32,958 ♪ Sex-crazed piece of shit? ♪ 286 00:13:33,041 --> 00:13:35,416 Okay. Okay, I get it. Let me think. 287 00:13:35,500 --> 00:13:39,375 ♪ We share A deeply satisfying connection ♪ 288 00:13:39,458 --> 00:13:42,125 ♪ Do you just mean how nice He fits in your box? ♪ 289 00:13:42,208 --> 00:13:43,041 Yes! No. 290 00:13:43,125 --> 00:13:46,791 ♪ He gives me warm, strong waves Of affection ♪ 291 00:13:46,875 --> 00:13:49,666 ♪ Like when you're riding On his three sweet cocks? ♪ 292 00:13:49,750 --> 00:13:50,583 Well that too, but... 293 00:13:50,666 --> 00:13:54,208 ♪ Do you cuddle and coo When the sex is through? ♪ 294 00:13:54,291 --> 00:13:57,083 ♪ Or get your rocks off And you're out the door? ♪ 295 00:13:57,166 --> 00:13:58,166 ♪ I like to cuddle ♪ 296 00:13:58,208 --> 00:14:00,625 - ♪ You want to be there when he's needy ♪ - Yes! 297 00:14:00,708 --> 00:14:02,458 - ♪ His savior and his sweetie ♪ - Yes! 298 00:14:02,541 --> 00:14:04,583 ♪ Or just his Late-night booty call whore? ♪ 299 00:14:04,666 --> 00:14:05,500 No offense. 300 00:14:05,583 --> 00:14:07,375 - ♪ Am in love? ♪ - ♪ Are you in love? ♪ 301 00:14:07,458 --> 00:14:09,541 - ♪ Or just an asshole? ♪ - ♪ Could be an asshole ♪ 302 00:14:09,625 --> 00:14:11,875 ♪ Is the passion in my heart or my clit? ♪ 303 00:14:11,958 --> 00:14:12,958 ♪ In your clit ♪ 304 00:14:13,041 --> 00:14:16,750 ♪ Am I righteous and true? A lovestruck ingénue? ♪ 305 00:14:16,833 --> 00:14:22,125 ♪ Or just a vile, disgusting Friend-betraying lowlife piece of shit? ♪ 306 00:14:22,208 --> 00:14:24,208 ♪ Am I in love? ♪ 307 00:14:24,291 --> 00:14:25,833 ♪ Or just an asshole? ♪ 308 00:14:25,916 --> 00:14:27,916 ♪ Could be in love ♪ 309 00:14:28,000 --> 00:14:29,541 ♪ Are you just an asshole? ♪ 310 00:14:29,625 --> 00:14:33,708 ♪ I think I'm in love ♪ 311 00:14:34,208 --> 00:14:35,208 I'm in love. 312 00:14:35,833 --> 00:14:39,250 Yeah, I do love him. Thank you! 313 00:14:39,333 --> 00:14:44,958 So, what about us? Is it love or are you an asshole, honey? 314 00:14:45,041 --> 00:14:46,708 Baby, I'm in love 315 00:14:46,791 --> 00:14:48,166 with your asshole. 316 00:14:48,250 --> 00:14:49,708 [yelps] Okay! 317 00:14:49,791 --> 00:14:52,041 - [door opens] - Hey, I'm glad you're here. 318 00:14:52,125 --> 00:14:53,458 Can we talk for a second? 319 00:14:53,541 --> 00:14:54,916 Okay... 320 00:14:55,000 --> 00:14:57,375 [sighs] I kissed Dante at Doug's wedding, 321 00:14:57,458 --> 00:15:00,291 and we've been more-than-kissing since then, 322 00:15:00,375 --> 00:15:02,541 and I'm so, so, so, so sorry I kept it from you. 323 00:15:02,625 --> 00:15:04,875 [sarcastically] Oh, okay. Wow. 324 00:15:04,958 --> 00:15:08,500 Finally, she admits it after 24 and a half days. 325 00:15:08,583 --> 00:15:10,500 I'm sorry. I really am. 326 00:15:10,583 --> 00:15:12,875 Oh, my God, you're such an asshole. 327 00:15:12,958 --> 00:15:15,958 No, I'm not, 'cause here's the thing. 328 00:15:16,041 --> 00:15:18,250 I... I love him, and he loves me. 329 00:15:18,333 --> 00:15:22,166 - What? That's a million times worse! - [anxiously] No! No, it's better. 330 00:15:22,250 --> 00:15:25,333 Maybe for you, but it makes me feel like shit. 331 00:15:25,416 --> 00:15:28,208 I mean, you're basically telling me that Dante loves you 332 00:15:28,291 --> 00:15:30,208 when he never gave a fuck about me. 333 00:15:30,291 --> 00:15:31,375 No, that's not... 334 00:15:31,458 --> 00:15:33,666 And the fact that you thought telling me that 335 00:15:33,750 --> 00:15:36,458 would make me feel better about what you did just shows 336 00:15:36,541 --> 00:15:38,250 how fucking self-centered you are. 337 00:15:38,333 --> 00:15:41,750 - Emmy, please. I... - You know what? Fuck you, Rochelle. 338 00:15:41,833 --> 00:15:44,958 I hope you enjoy my chlamydia. It's quite the strain. 339 00:15:45,041 --> 00:15:46,625 - [door slams] - Oof. 340 00:15:46,708 --> 00:15:48,625 Look at this room! It is a mess! 341 00:15:48,708 --> 00:15:51,083 [Asha] I am not going to put my clothes in a wardrobe! 342 00:15:51,166 --> 00:15:52,708 We're only here for two days! 343 00:15:52,791 --> 00:15:55,083 [Arsalan] Oink, oink! You should sleep outside 344 00:15:55,166 --> 00:15:57,375 like the hog that you are! 345 00:15:57,458 --> 00:15:59,416 - [slap] - [Arsalan] Oh, you're gonna slap me? 346 00:15:59,500 --> 00:16:01,541 Well, I'm gonna slap you! [slaps] 347 00:16:01,625 --> 00:16:04,416 - [Lionel] Oh, he's a monster! Oh! - [both slapping] 348 00:16:04,500 --> 00:16:08,833 - [Asha sobs] I hate you so much! - [Arsalan] Well, you're stuck with me. 349 00:16:08,916 --> 00:16:11,750 "Till death do us part." Remember that bit? 350 00:16:11,833 --> 00:16:14,083 - Now clean up this goddamn room! - [door slams] 351 00:16:14,166 --> 00:16:16,625 - [Asha sobbing] - [Lionel grunts] 352 00:16:16,708 --> 00:16:19,583 Oh, that was horrible! 353 00:16:19,666 --> 00:16:21,875 Do you think we should clean up the room like he said? 354 00:16:21,958 --> 00:16:24,583 [crying] I don't know what to do. 355 00:16:24,666 --> 00:16:26,750 I feel so trapped. 356 00:16:26,833 --> 00:16:28,291 Well, well, okay. Let's see. 357 00:16:28,375 --> 00:16:32,166 Oh! Here's a pitch. Why don't we run away together? 358 00:16:32,250 --> 00:16:37,416 Arsalan would rather kill me than let me leave. I wish he were dead. 359 00:16:37,500 --> 00:16:40,708 Oh, well, okay, does he have any, uh, chronic illnesses? 360 00:16:40,791 --> 00:16:42,833 Unfortunately, he's in perfect health. 361 00:16:42,916 --> 00:16:45,500 Oh, well. Well, there you go. I guess we're stuck. 362 00:16:45,583 --> 00:16:48,541 [seductively] Unless someone takes matters into their own hands. 363 00:16:48,625 --> 00:16:51,875 Yes. Uh, what? You mean like, uh, murder him? 364 00:16:51,958 --> 00:16:54,666 Oh, my God! You would do that for me? 365 00:16:54,750 --> 00:16:57,166 Oh! I suppose, uh... 366 00:16:57,250 --> 00:17:00,250 [nervously] Yes? I'll kill your husband? 367 00:17:00,333 --> 00:17:01,875 I love it. 368 00:17:01,958 --> 00:17:04,541 - It's reprehensible. - It's dastardly. 369 00:17:04,625 --> 00:17:05,875 It's repugnant. 370 00:17:05,958 --> 00:17:08,833 I guess murder's not such a big deal. It's just, uh... 371 00:17:08,916 --> 00:17:09,958 You know, it's just... 372 00:17:10,041 --> 00:17:12,291 What is it? It's just taking a life, isn't it? 373 00:17:12,375 --> 00:17:14,166 - Shut up and kiss me! - Oh, right. 374 00:17:14,250 --> 00:17:15,416 [both moaning] 375 00:17:16,000 --> 00:17:20,291 - Hey, is your friend running late? - Oh, only one hour and 17 minutes. 376 00:17:20,375 --> 00:17:23,458 So... you maybe wanna give up your table? There's kind of a line. 377 00:17:23,541 --> 00:17:28,000 Yeah, buddy. We will blow you if it'll get you out of that fucking booth. 378 00:17:28,083 --> 00:17:30,125 Um, I'll just take the check. 379 00:17:32,208 --> 00:17:33,291 - Hey. - I love you. 380 00:17:33,375 --> 00:17:34,750 - Really? - I do, yes! 381 00:17:34,833 --> 00:17:36,916 I've thought about it and I love you. 382 00:17:37,000 --> 00:17:42,791 Oh, Rochelle, that makes me happier than... than hour five of an ayahuasca trip. 383 00:17:42,875 --> 00:17:46,000 - And if you don't know ayahuasca... - Let me guess, it's the best part? 384 00:17:46,083 --> 00:17:47,208 It really is. 385 00:17:47,291 --> 00:17:49,833 Ugh, you're a poet and a warrior, Dante. 386 00:17:49,916 --> 00:17:51,291 Ooh! Get in here. 387 00:17:51,375 --> 00:17:52,666 [both moaning] 388 00:17:52,750 --> 00:17:56,666 They should make a drink called, "Backstabbing Whore on the Beach." 389 00:17:56,750 --> 00:17:57,833 [chuckling] 390 00:17:57,916 --> 00:18:01,375 - I know somebody who would love that. - Maybe you've had enough. 391 00:18:01,458 --> 00:18:04,875 Oh, my God, you're trying to take care of me? 392 00:18:04,958 --> 00:18:07,125 [laughs] Are you into me? 393 00:18:07,208 --> 00:18:08,666 No, nope. Not at all. 394 00:18:08,750 --> 00:18:14,083 [suggestively] Oh, no! That makes horny baby Emmy so sad. 395 00:18:14,166 --> 00:18:15,875 Okay, you should drink some water. 396 00:18:15,958 --> 00:18:21,000 How about I drink that dick instead, Dr. Responsibility? 397 00:18:21,083 --> 00:18:21,916 No, thank you. 398 00:18:22,000 --> 00:18:25,000 [melodramatic music playing] 399 00:18:26,250 --> 00:18:29,708 Shall I just push him over the ledge? Seems rather easy at the moment. 400 00:18:29,791 --> 00:18:31,916 I could just rush him like a hippopotamus. 401 00:18:32,000 --> 00:18:36,333 No! A long fall is painless. Too good for him. Use this instead. 402 00:18:36,416 --> 00:18:38,500 Oh! A firearm. 403 00:18:38,583 --> 00:18:41,208 [suggestively] Oh, it's so sinister, 404 00:18:41,291 --> 00:18:43,583 murdering your husband right in front of you. 405 00:18:43,666 --> 00:18:48,083 Ooh, Lionel, I could steam broccoli with my crotch right now. 406 00:18:48,166 --> 00:18:50,333 Oh, my naughty little Instant Pot... 407 00:18:50,416 --> 00:18:52,000 Oh! Hello... [chuckling] 408 00:18:52,916 --> 00:18:54,875 [excitedly] Now, go! Murder my husband! 409 00:18:54,958 --> 00:18:57,458 Yes, your kiss is my demand. 410 00:18:58,833 --> 00:19:00,833 [suspenseful music playing] 411 00:19:04,750 --> 00:19:08,750 Well, well, well, if it isn't my conference-long enemy, Arsalan! 412 00:19:08,833 --> 00:19:09,916 Who the fuck are you? 413 00:19:10,000 --> 00:19:13,291 - [cocks gun] I'm your worst nightmare. - What? 414 00:19:13,375 --> 00:19:16,458 I'm a wizard with a firearm who's making love to your wife. 415 00:19:16,541 --> 00:19:20,375 Ha-ha-ha! You're gonna shoot me, you fucking weirdo? 416 00:19:20,458 --> 00:19:22,708 - You don't have the balls and you don't... - [gun fires] 417 00:19:22,791 --> 00:19:23,666 Ahh! 418 00:19:23,750 --> 00:19:25,916 - [whimpers] - You did it! My hero! 419 00:19:26,000 --> 00:19:28,708 Oh, I did! That was thrilling! Ah! 420 00:19:28,791 --> 00:19:33,166 [nervously] Was it too heavy-handed when I said, "your worst nightmare"? 421 00:19:33,250 --> 00:19:36,041 I thought it really added some gravitas. 422 00:19:36,125 --> 00:19:39,833 Oh, why thank you, Arsalan. Arsalan! How did you... 423 00:19:39,916 --> 00:19:42,541 Bulletproof vest, you dumb asshole. 424 00:19:42,625 --> 00:19:44,791 Ooh! Say goodnight, Lionel. 425 00:19:44,875 --> 00:19:45,875 [Lionel grunts] 426 00:19:45,916 --> 00:19:47,583 Everything's weird now. 427 00:19:47,666 --> 00:19:50,291 I know! Now that we said "I love you," 428 00:19:50,375 --> 00:19:54,166 I don't want to destroy your ass, I want to protect it. 429 00:19:54,250 --> 00:19:56,375 Damn it, Connie, I knew this would ruin everything. 430 00:19:56,458 --> 00:19:58,541 Maybe we wouldn't have this problem 431 00:19:58,625 --> 00:20:03,166 if you weren't saying the L word to every damn monster in the whole hotel! 432 00:20:03,250 --> 00:20:07,375 - Oh! Okay, here it comes. The blame game. - I am blaming you 'cause it's your fault! 433 00:20:07,458 --> 00:20:09,583 You pressured me to say it and now you're mad at me? 434 00:20:09,666 --> 00:20:12,791 - You said it and then you fucked me bad! - No, you fucked me bad! 435 00:20:12,875 --> 00:20:14,541 - I hate you! - I hate you too! 436 00:20:14,625 --> 00:20:15,625 [both yelling] 437 00:20:15,708 --> 00:20:17,875 [both sighing contentedly] 438 00:20:17,958 --> 00:20:23,458 I guess the trick is to show you that I love you by fucking you like I hate you. 439 00:20:23,541 --> 00:20:26,041 Oh, Maury, that's beautiful. 440 00:20:26,125 --> 00:20:28,666 Man, we really did a number on this room, huh? 441 00:20:29,250 --> 00:20:33,125 Hi, housekeeping? Would it be possible for you to blindfold a housekeeper 442 00:20:33,208 --> 00:20:35,458 and send her up with a flamethrower? 443 00:20:35,541 --> 00:20:38,833 Oh, excuse me, send "him" up. Yeah, I stand corrected. 444 00:20:38,916 --> 00:20:40,416 Well, it's a male housekeeper. 445 00:20:40,500 --> 00:20:42,166 [Lionel groaning] 446 00:20:42,833 --> 00:20:46,375 - What is this? Where am I? - [Arsalan] You deceitful bastard. 447 00:20:46,458 --> 00:20:49,916 You actually thought you were going to murder me and steal my wife? 448 00:20:50,000 --> 00:20:52,916 Actually, yes. I was, uh, really excited about it. 449 00:20:53,000 --> 00:20:55,666 Look at how humiliated he is. 450 00:20:55,750 --> 00:20:58,375 What a desperate loser. 451 00:20:58,458 --> 00:21:01,708 Let's make ravenous love in front of him, darling. 452 00:21:01,791 --> 00:21:03,958 Oh, I get it. I get it. Yes. 453 00:21:04,041 --> 00:21:07,250 Yes, I'm a pawn in your shameful sexual chess game. 454 00:21:07,333 --> 00:21:11,833 - Yes, tell us how repulsive we are! - Yeah, we are sick! 455 00:21:11,916 --> 00:21:13,958 - You're positively demented! - [Arsalan] Mmm, yes. 456 00:21:14,041 --> 00:21:15,291 You're truly unwell! 457 00:21:15,375 --> 00:21:19,166 All three of us, each one more disgusting and shameful than the next. 458 00:21:19,250 --> 00:21:24,666 An unholy trinity of sickos engaging in a perverted ménage à shame. 459 00:21:24,750 --> 00:21:26,958 Indeed! Hurt me, lover. 460 00:21:27,041 --> 00:21:28,875 Ahh! Now you hurt me! 461 00:21:28,958 --> 00:21:30,583 - With pleasure! - [slaps lightly] 462 00:21:30,666 --> 00:21:33,000 I said hurt me, not tickle me! 463 00:21:33,083 --> 00:21:37,416 - Oh, okay! Lookie what I found. - Be careful with that. 464 00:21:37,500 --> 00:21:39,375 Shut up, you wretched cuckold! 465 00:21:39,458 --> 00:21:41,684 - [Asha] Lionel... - [laughing] I'm gonna kill him again! 466 00:21:41,708 --> 00:21:42,916 [both screaming] 467 00:21:43,000 --> 00:21:45,083 Oh, shit! I thought you were still wearing the vest! 468 00:21:45,166 --> 00:21:47,541 Why the fuck would he still be wearing the vest? 469 00:21:47,625 --> 00:21:48,708 I don't know! 470 00:21:48,791 --> 00:21:52,541 It stings! It's so much worse than you imagine. 471 00:21:52,625 --> 00:21:54,458 - [Asha] No! No, no, no! - I'm dying! 472 00:21:54,541 --> 00:21:56,958 Lionel, come, help me put pressure on that wound. 473 00:21:57,041 --> 00:21:59,000 Well, actually, I think I'm gonna skedaddle. 474 00:21:59,083 --> 00:22:01,625 [sighs] I'm not seeing my belt anywhere. 475 00:22:01,708 --> 00:22:04,875 - [sobbing] Lionel, please! He's dying! - [Arsalan groaning] 476 00:22:04,958 --> 00:22:06,000 Yeah, right. Bye! 477 00:22:06,083 --> 00:22:07,250 [jazz music playing] 478 00:22:07,333 --> 00:22:12,916 And this year's winner of the Global Creamathon is... 479 00:22:13,000 --> 00:22:14,750 The Mexico City office. 480 00:22:14,833 --> 00:22:16,583 - [crowd applauding] - Hey! All right! 481 00:22:16,666 --> 00:22:20,125 Good for them, I love those guys. I fucking hate you, though. 482 00:22:20,208 --> 00:22:23,416 Aw! Tell you what, I'm gonna give you a hand job under the table. 483 00:22:23,500 --> 00:22:25,625 And I'm gonna put both my thumbs in your butt. 484 00:22:25,708 --> 00:22:28,208 - I'm gonna need you to shift to the left. - [exclaims] 485 00:22:28,291 --> 00:22:31,750 [drunkenly] Hey, waiter lady. Two more Bloody Marys. 486 00:22:31,833 --> 00:22:34,041 And FYI, your ice cream sucks. 487 00:22:34,125 --> 00:22:35,500 That is butter, ma'am. 488 00:22:35,583 --> 00:22:36,916 Okay, cool. 489 00:22:37,000 --> 00:22:37,833 Is she okay? 490 00:22:37,916 --> 00:22:42,083 That's the friend that Rochelle was "not an asshole to." 491 00:22:42,166 --> 00:22:43,000 Oh, dear. 492 00:22:43,083 --> 00:22:46,166 And now to present the Dolly Parton award. 493 00:22:46,250 --> 00:22:48,708 Please welcome Vladimir, 494 00:22:48,791 --> 00:22:50,916 the fellating Hormone Monster. 495 00:22:51,000 --> 00:22:53,875 - Go, Vlad, go! - You're a shoo-in for this one, babe. 496 00:22:53,958 --> 00:22:58,833 You know, usually when I open envelope, is money for fellating penis. 497 00:22:58,916 --> 00:23:00,166 [all laughing] 498 00:23:00,250 --> 00:23:02,083 The winner is 499 00:23:02,166 --> 00:23:03,916 Rochelle Hillhurst! 500 00:23:04,000 --> 00:23:06,791 - Come here, I'm fucking proud of you. - [guest] Go, Rochelle! 501 00:23:06,875 --> 00:23:09,708 Boo! Boo! Okay, don't clap for her. 502 00:23:09,791 --> 00:23:14,375 What do you think, audience? Should I give it to girl or fellate it? 503 00:23:14,458 --> 00:23:15,958 [all chanting] Fellate it! 504 00:23:16,041 --> 00:23:18,791 - [crowd laughing] - Just kidding. Congratulations, honey. 505 00:23:18,875 --> 00:23:20,875 Wow! I don't know what to say. 506 00:23:20,958 --> 00:23:24,083 Say you're a lying, two-faced slut and a shitty friend. 507 00:23:24,166 --> 00:23:25,791 - Hey, Emmy, calm down. - Yeah! 508 00:23:25,875 --> 00:23:30,791 No, I'm not gonna calm down, Pete. She's fucking Dante. 509 00:23:30,875 --> 00:23:33,125 What? Rochelle and Dante? 510 00:23:33,208 --> 00:23:38,083 Okay. Looks like somebody took open bar as a challenge. 511 00:23:38,166 --> 00:23:40,250 - [crowd laughs] - You're such a smug bitch! 512 00:23:40,333 --> 00:23:41,166 [crowd gasps] 513 00:23:41,250 --> 00:23:43,666 Emmy, sit down, you're making a fool of yourself. 514 00:23:43,750 --> 00:23:45,708 Oh, yeah, that's right! 515 00:23:45,791 --> 00:23:48,916 'Cause I'm the fool and you're the perfect one! 516 00:23:49,000 --> 00:23:51,666 - That's not what I said. - But it's what you think! 517 00:23:51,750 --> 00:23:53,208 You always thought that, 518 00:23:53,291 --> 00:23:57,541 and now you're getting this stupid award, but heads up, you guys! 519 00:23:57,625 --> 00:24:01,250 [loudly] Rochelle doesn't love anything but her own greedy pussy. 520 00:24:01,333 --> 00:24:02,166 Emmy, stop it. 521 00:24:02,250 --> 00:24:05,291 You can shut all your three dickholes, bitch! 522 00:24:05,375 --> 00:24:10,416 And speaking of bitches, you're the bitchiest bitch of them all! 523 00:24:10,500 --> 00:24:14,500 Hey, it's not my fault I'm successful and you're a world-class fuck-up! 524 00:24:14,583 --> 00:24:16,000 - [crowd gasps] - [Emmy growls] 525 00:24:16,083 --> 00:24:20,000 I fucking hate you, Rochelle, and I hate this conference, 526 00:24:20,083 --> 00:24:24,333 and I hate Maury and Connie jerking each other off under the table! 527 00:24:24,416 --> 00:24:26,500 All right, we got a shout-out in her tirade! 528 00:24:26,583 --> 00:24:29,041 [drunkenly] And I hate how this room suddenly got... 529 00:24:29,125 --> 00:24:31,250 [groans] ...very spinny. 530 00:24:31,333 --> 00:24:35,375 Emmy! Honey, honey, you're getting very hate-wormy. Are you okay? 531 00:24:35,458 --> 00:24:39,583 What, a woman can't speak her mind without being "unwell"? 532 00:24:39,666 --> 00:24:40,791 [vomiting] 533 00:24:40,875 --> 00:24:44,041 - [guest 1] Fucking disgusting! - [guest 2] On my fucking tits! 534 00:24:44,125 --> 00:24:45,166 [guest 3] Oh, God! 535 00:24:45,250 --> 00:24:47,750 Actually, yeah, I don't feel that great. 536 00:24:50,916 --> 00:24:54,416 Goodbye, my love! Thank you for a beautiful weekend. 537 00:24:54,500 --> 00:24:58,416 We'll always have the Radisson in the sky above North Korea, my darling. 538 00:24:59,125 --> 00:25:02,041 Psst. Hey, I heard you fuckin' killed someone last night. 539 00:25:02,125 --> 00:25:07,583 No, no, no, he's gonna live, but I am down one braided fashion belt. 540 00:25:07,666 --> 00:25:08,875 [sighs] 541 00:25:08,958 --> 00:25:12,291 I mean, logically, I can't be upset about Rochelle and Dante. 542 00:25:12,375 --> 00:25:14,625 We weren't together and Rochelle has autonomy. 543 00:25:14,708 --> 00:25:16,166 Pete, shut the fuck up. 544 00:25:16,250 --> 00:25:18,375 You're allowed to be upset and feel things. 545 00:25:18,458 --> 00:25:19,666 Well, no offense, Emmy, 546 00:25:19,750 --> 00:25:23,083 but you're not the best brand ambassador for feeling things. 547 00:25:23,166 --> 00:25:26,208 I think it's better to bury all my emotions deep down. 548 00:25:26,291 --> 00:25:27,833 I wish I could do that. 549 00:25:27,916 --> 00:25:28,916 [sighing] 550 00:25:29,000 --> 00:25:32,583 What's up, Maury? That's your fourth sigh in two minutes. Spit it out. 551 00:25:32,666 --> 00:25:35,500 Nothing! I'm just really, really 552 00:25:35,583 --> 00:25:37,250 not in love with you. 553 00:25:37,333 --> 00:25:39,791 Well, good. Let's keep it that way. 554 00:25:39,875 --> 00:25:40,875 Okay. 555 00:25:41,208 --> 00:25:44,208 ["Eternelle" by Brigitte Fontaine playing in French]