1 00:00:06,333 --> 00:00:08,000 [rain falling] 2 00:00:08,083 --> 00:00:09,458 [thunder rumbles] 3 00:00:10,333 --> 00:00:12,416 [grunting and yelping] 4 00:00:13,041 --> 00:00:14,750 Go home? Because of some rain? 5 00:00:14,833 --> 00:00:17,500 Someone needs to die for that dumb fuckin' idea, Pete. 6 00:00:17,583 --> 00:00:19,916 - And I don't care who. - I'm telling you, Petra. 7 00:00:20,000 --> 00:00:21,916 This is gonna be a category four hurricane. 8 00:00:22,000 --> 00:00:23,041 I've run the numbers. 9 00:00:23,125 --> 00:00:25,666 Numbers? What the fuck are you talking about, fuckin' numbers? 10 00:00:25,750 --> 00:00:27,708 There are numbers. They've been run. 11 00:00:27,791 --> 00:00:31,416 Ooh, those numbers are ugly. Wow, yeah, I'm with Pete on this one. 12 00:00:31,500 --> 00:00:34,791 Uh, I don't need you, of all people, "with me." 13 00:00:34,875 --> 00:00:36,875 He's agreeing with you, you dookie-head. 14 00:00:36,958 --> 00:00:39,250 - [thunder rumbling] - Well, anyways, long story short, 15 00:00:39,333 --> 00:00:42,666 I puked so hard, I could taste my own sweet butthole. 16 00:00:42,750 --> 00:00:44,208 - No kidding. - That's a hard puke. 17 00:00:44,291 --> 00:00:46,250 Sounds like the last time I was knocked up. 18 00:00:46,333 --> 00:00:47,166 Exactly. 19 00:00:47,250 --> 00:00:51,000 God, I had morning sickness and the gestational diabetes. 20 00:00:51,083 --> 00:00:54,458 - Gil remembers. - Absolutely! Sympathy diabetes. 21 00:00:54,541 --> 00:00:58,333 Ha! No, no, no, I'm not pregnant. I couldn't be. 22 00:00:58,833 --> 00:01:00,033 - Could I? - [lightning cracks] 23 00:01:00,083 --> 00:01:01,791 Okay. [grunts] 24 00:01:02,416 --> 00:01:06,541 Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! 25 00:01:07,458 --> 00:01:09,208 [chuckling] Oh, my God. 26 00:01:09,291 --> 00:01:13,583 - ["Make Me Feel" by Janelle Monáe playing] - ♪ That's just the way you make me feel ♪ 27 00:01:13,666 --> 00:01:17,750 ♪ That's just the way you make me feel That's just the way you make me feel ♪ 28 00:01:17,833 --> 00:01:21,916 ♪ So real, so good, so fuckin' real So real, so good, so fuckin' real ♪ 29 00:01:22,000 --> 00:01:25,833 ♪ That's just the way you make me feel That's just the way you make me feel ♪ 30 00:01:25,916 --> 00:01:30,875 ♪ It's like I'm powerful With a little bit of tender ♪ 31 00:01:30,958 --> 00:01:35,041 ♪ An emotional, sexual bender ♪ 32 00:01:35,125 --> 00:01:39,375 ♪ Mess me up, yeah But no one does it better ♪ 33 00:01:39,458 --> 00:01:41,458 ♪ There's nothin' better ♪ 34 00:01:41,541 --> 00:01:43,541 ♪ That's just the way you make me feel ♪ 35 00:01:47,875 --> 00:01:50,708 [anxiously] Wow! Eleven miles over the speed limit, Becs. 36 00:01:50,791 --> 00:01:52,750 I thought we agreed our window was ten. 37 00:01:52,833 --> 00:01:56,583 Ugh, I know that, Barry, but I'm trying to get us out of this frickin' hurricane. 38 00:01:56,666 --> 00:01:58,833 Please can I floor it just to piss him off? 39 00:01:58,916 --> 00:02:05,208 No, because, remember, we love him! He's just trying to keep us safe. 40 00:02:05,291 --> 00:02:06,625 Okay, you're right, Barry. 41 00:02:06,708 --> 00:02:08,188 - I'll slow down. - [lightning cracks] 42 00:02:08,250 --> 00:02:09,375 - Ahh! - [Barry] Oh, God! 43 00:02:09,458 --> 00:02:12,125 Oh, God, it's The Perfect Storm! 44 00:02:12,208 --> 00:02:16,208 - Mark my Wahlberg, we're all gonna die! - [all screaming] 45 00:02:16,291 --> 00:02:18,250 - Hold on, Jakey. - Oh, my God, slow down! 46 00:02:18,333 --> 00:02:19,333 [Becca] I'm trying! 47 00:02:20,166 --> 00:02:23,666 [Tito] The brakes are dead and so are we! 48 00:02:23,750 --> 00:02:25,166 [Becca shrieks] 49 00:02:25,250 --> 00:02:27,041 - [crying loudly] - Oh, my God! Fuck! 50 00:02:27,125 --> 00:02:28,708 He's okay. Are you okay? 51 00:02:28,791 --> 00:02:30,375 Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I think so. 52 00:02:30,458 --> 00:02:33,333 Wow, that car is aggressively purple. 53 00:02:34,291 --> 00:02:37,791 [hysterical] My Suns-mobile! What have you done to my baby? 54 00:02:37,875 --> 00:02:42,375 Oh, my God, it's ruined. Doug, fall to your knees in the rain. 55 00:02:42,458 --> 00:02:45,666 [yelling] Please, God, take me instead! 56 00:02:45,750 --> 00:02:47,625 [sobbing] Take him! 57 00:02:48,416 --> 00:02:49,416 Ahh! 58 00:02:49,958 --> 00:02:52,958 - Oh, come on! - Important documents? 59 00:02:53,041 --> 00:02:54,500 Mmm, not really. 60 00:02:54,583 --> 00:02:56,291 Low-priority documents? 61 00:02:56,375 --> 00:02:59,375 What's going on with you? Why you smiling like that? 62 00:02:59,458 --> 00:03:01,375 Oh, no reason. 63 00:03:01,458 --> 00:03:02,458 You're pregnant. 64 00:03:02,541 --> 00:03:03,791 - Yes! - Is it mine? 65 00:03:03,875 --> 00:03:07,416 Of course it's yours. It's ours. Connie, I thought you'd be... 66 00:03:07,500 --> 00:03:10,750 On the phone with the Inbox Zero Abortion Clinic by now? 67 00:03:10,833 --> 00:03:14,791 Yeah, I'd have thought that too. How the shit did this happen? 68 00:03:14,875 --> 00:03:18,166 You know exactly and fornicationally how this happened. 69 00:03:18,250 --> 00:03:21,833 No. I don't. We use protection when we poon, do we not? 70 00:03:21,916 --> 00:03:24,416 Well, yes, as a practice, we say, 71 00:03:24,500 --> 00:03:25,958 "No baby, no baby, no baby," 72 00:03:26,041 --> 00:03:28,250 silently to ourself whilst cumming. 73 00:03:28,333 --> 00:03:29,833 Which, via science, 74 00:03:29,916 --> 00:03:34,708 prevents fertilization in our respective unisex wombs we both have. 75 00:03:34,791 --> 00:03:38,000 Obviously. This is basic hormone monster biology, Connie. 76 00:03:38,083 --> 00:03:40,791 Don't waste time on stuff everyone already knows. 77 00:03:40,875 --> 00:03:44,708 Maury, I know I said, "No baby, no baby, no baby," every time. 78 00:03:44,791 --> 00:03:47,958 Reason? 'Cause we don't want a goddamn baby! 79 00:03:48,041 --> 00:03:51,625 Well, I said it too. But I... I don't know. Maybe I didn't mean it. 80 00:03:51,708 --> 00:03:54,375 Are you saying you want this preg? 81 00:03:54,458 --> 00:03:58,958 Well, now that it's here growing little hooves and horns in my tummy... 82 00:03:59,041 --> 00:04:00,083 - Yes. - What? 83 00:04:00,166 --> 00:04:01,291 - Don't you? - No! 84 00:04:01,375 --> 00:04:03,333 Okay, so what I'm hearing 85 00:04:03,416 --> 00:04:06,166 is you need a few minutes to wrap your head around this, 86 00:04:06,250 --> 00:04:07,916 and then you'll be all in, right? 87 00:04:08,000 --> 00:04:09,166 - [thunder booms] - Ahh! 88 00:04:09,250 --> 00:04:10,333 [dramatic music plays] 89 00:04:14,541 --> 00:04:15,541 [shrieks] 90 00:04:19,250 --> 00:04:21,416 [power shutting down] 91 00:04:22,000 --> 00:04:23,833 Jesus fucking Christ. Todd! 92 00:04:23,916 --> 00:04:27,750 Okay, power's out, generator's failed, 93 00:04:27,833 --> 00:04:29,375 portals to Earth are down. 94 00:04:29,458 --> 00:04:30,791 [all clamoring nervously] 95 00:04:30,875 --> 00:04:32,958 Oh, my God, what are we gonna fucking do? 96 00:04:33,041 --> 00:04:35,875 All right, relax. I am working on it. 97 00:04:35,958 --> 00:04:37,666 And watch your language. 98 00:04:38,166 --> 00:04:41,875 Oh, man, I wish you and I hadn't been so smart and correct about that storm, Pete. 99 00:04:41,958 --> 00:04:44,083 Oh, blimey! We need those portals back up! 100 00:04:44,166 --> 00:04:46,875 Well, our humans can live without us for a few minutes. 101 00:04:46,958 --> 00:04:47,958 You don't get it. 102 00:04:48,041 --> 00:04:51,458 Rochelle's still on Earth, and now she's stuck down there without me! 103 00:04:51,541 --> 00:04:54,291 Well, Rochelle's a smart, grown woman, so... 104 00:04:54,375 --> 00:04:55,666 [scoffs] Weird to worry. 105 00:04:55,750 --> 00:04:58,208 Of course I'm worried, buddy. She's my girlfriend. 106 00:04:58,291 --> 00:05:01,291 She may be your girlfriend, but I am not your buddy! 107 00:05:01,375 --> 00:05:04,000 Okay. Okay, just relax there, big guy. 108 00:05:04,083 --> 00:05:05,541 All right, all... Whoa! 109 00:05:05,625 --> 00:05:08,083 [chuckling] I'll be stuffed, mate, your pecs are incredible. 110 00:05:08,166 --> 00:05:10,333 Thanks, just stop touching them. 111 00:05:10,416 --> 00:05:12,000 Again, I'm... I'm so sorry. 112 00:05:12,083 --> 00:05:14,333 - We've never been more sorry. - We'll cover everything. 113 00:05:14,416 --> 00:05:17,041 [hysterical] The Suns wrap covered everything! 114 00:05:17,125 --> 00:05:22,000 Bumper, mirror housings, mud flaps, rear-end enders. 115 00:05:22,083 --> 00:05:23,291 Now look at it! 116 00:05:23,375 --> 00:05:24,875 Oh, shit, it's you? 117 00:05:24,958 --> 00:05:27,125 Emmy? What the fuck are you doing here? 118 00:05:27,208 --> 00:05:29,125 - [lightning cracks] - Oh, shit, that was close. 119 00:05:29,208 --> 00:05:31,958 Come on, everybody, let's get inside, for Christ's sake! 120 00:05:32,041 --> 00:05:34,333 Hold up, we're just letting these people into your home 121 00:05:34,416 --> 00:05:36,000 after they destroyed your opus? 122 00:05:36,083 --> 00:05:38,333 [angrily] And my car! You're right! 123 00:05:38,416 --> 00:05:41,041 Uh, maybe let's just swap info out here, 124 00:05:41,125 --> 00:05:43,583 then you guys can actually just get lost or whatever? 125 00:05:43,666 --> 00:05:45,041 - Doug! - What? 126 00:05:45,125 --> 00:05:47,125 Just so you know, I don't wanna be here. 127 00:05:47,208 --> 00:05:50,916 Well, I don't want you here either, so I guess we found some common ground. 128 00:05:51,000 --> 00:05:52,208 Ugh, slurp my ass. 129 00:05:53,291 --> 00:05:55,916 Huh. Nope. Not gonna work. 130 00:05:56,000 --> 00:05:58,500 - [all groaning] - What? No, no, no, it has to work! 131 00:05:58,583 --> 00:05:59,458 I have to work! 132 00:05:59,541 --> 00:06:01,250 Houses are being destroyed down there, 133 00:06:01,333 --> 00:06:03,666 and my clients have insurance claims to fucking reject! 134 00:06:03,750 --> 00:06:05,500 Must you, with the profanity? 135 00:06:05,583 --> 00:06:07,250 I think what Petra means is, 136 00:06:07,333 --> 00:06:10,958 not having the blooming portals is a just a very bonked-up situation. 137 00:06:11,041 --> 00:06:13,083 Civility appreciated. 138 00:06:13,166 --> 00:06:14,333 - Of course. - [Pete] Ugh. 139 00:06:14,416 --> 00:06:17,416 I will go reset the main surge protector. 140 00:06:18,750 --> 00:06:21,750 Oh, my God, it's so rainy, I can't see. 141 00:06:21,833 --> 00:06:24,833 Oh! Oh! There he is! He's waving. Hi, Todd. 142 00:06:26,166 --> 00:06:27,500 [all exclaiming] 143 00:06:27,583 --> 00:06:29,958 - [groans] - Oh, my God, he's alive! 144 00:06:30,041 --> 00:06:31,541 Look, he's waving again. 145 00:06:31,625 --> 00:06:33,208 - Oh, thank God. - Good job, Todd! 146 00:06:33,291 --> 00:06:35,500 - [lightning cracks] - [all exclaiming] 147 00:06:35,583 --> 00:06:37,625 - [ominous music plays] - [wind gusts] 148 00:06:37,708 --> 00:06:39,041 [all gasping] 149 00:06:39,125 --> 00:06:41,041 - That's gross. - Oh, my God! 150 00:06:41,125 --> 00:06:43,750 I know, Todd's dead like a doornail. 151 00:06:43,833 --> 00:06:45,666 No, not that. Something much worse. 152 00:06:45,750 --> 00:06:47,630 - The fridge, Gil! - [suspenseful music playing] 153 00:06:47,708 --> 00:06:50,875 Without power, all the food in the break room will get yucky. 154 00:06:50,958 --> 00:06:54,041 Unless, of course, someone eats it first. 155 00:06:54,125 --> 00:06:57,125 - [triumphant music playing] - And someone's best friend helps. 156 00:06:57,208 --> 00:06:59,750 - [repeating] Down and up. - [repeating] Shake, squeeze, tickle. 157 00:06:59,833 --> 00:07:02,666 [both] And butt sticks out for two minutes. 158 00:07:02,750 --> 00:07:05,875 - Ah, we better cut this short. - Yeah, before the food spoils, let's go. 159 00:07:05,958 --> 00:07:08,666 Are the portals back yet?! The Cuomo brothers need me. 160 00:07:08,750 --> 00:07:11,291 They're doing naked judo with each other in their basement 161 00:07:11,375 --> 00:07:13,125 and it's about to escalate! 162 00:07:13,208 --> 00:07:15,833 We all have clients to get to, Gavin, all right? 163 00:07:15,916 --> 00:07:19,250 Hey, someone else has to go reset the doohickey thingy! 164 00:07:19,333 --> 00:07:21,750 Maybe Todd has a son we could call? 165 00:07:21,833 --> 00:07:25,208 What an ugly bunch of puss you all are. I'll go. 166 00:07:25,291 --> 00:07:27,791 Do you even know where the Department of Energy is? 167 00:07:27,875 --> 00:07:30,000 Or how to access the main surge protector? 168 00:07:30,083 --> 00:07:31,458 Nope, but it sounds like you do. 169 00:07:31,541 --> 00:07:32,809 - You're coming with me! - [sighs] 170 00:07:32,833 --> 00:07:35,083 - We need your brains. - Yeah, you probably do. 171 00:07:35,166 --> 00:07:36,916 And you'll need my dicks. 172 00:07:37,000 --> 00:07:39,125 - Oh, God. - And my ass. 173 00:07:39,208 --> 00:07:41,583 And my fucking raw-dog tenacity. 174 00:07:41,666 --> 00:07:44,083 Plus, I'll get my steps in. Keep the hiney tight. 175 00:07:44,166 --> 00:07:47,458 Oh, I know I said "ass," but I wanna change mine to "pizzazz." 176 00:07:47,541 --> 00:07:50,333 [clears throat] And my pizzazz! 177 00:07:50,416 --> 00:07:54,458 Oh, hello, it seems you're forming a fellowship for a noble quest? 178 00:07:54,541 --> 00:07:57,833 Well, you can't have one of those without a wizard, now, can you? 179 00:07:57,916 --> 00:07:59,333 I mean, we could. 180 00:07:59,416 --> 00:08:03,916 Oh, come on, pretty, pretty please? I want to be included! 181 00:08:04,000 --> 00:08:05,958 Okay, fine! Jesus, you shame bitch. 182 00:08:06,041 --> 00:08:07,041 - Yes! - You're in! 183 00:08:07,125 --> 00:08:10,416 Hey, I'm in, too! Wait for me! Connie! 184 00:08:10,500 --> 00:08:14,166 Whoa, whoa, no, no, no. You can't put yourself in danger, not now. 185 00:08:14,250 --> 00:08:18,375 Okay, this right here? This is why I don't want that. 186 00:08:18,458 --> 00:08:21,250 Connie, I don't like these jokes. Baby can hear. 187 00:08:21,333 --> 00:08:24,916 Oh, really? Hey, you! I don't want you! 188 00:08:25,000 --> 00:08:28,250 - [sobbing] - Oh, Maury, come on. 189 00:08:28,333 --> 00:08:29,500 Come back? 190 00:08:30,000 --> 00:08:34,583 Definitely don't run too fast, and trip and fall down some stairs. 191 00:08:34,666 --> 00:08:35,666 [sighs] 192 00:08:35,750 --> 00:08:38,916 Don't worry, we'll get you a rental while your car's getting fixed. 193 00:08:39,000 --> 00:08:40,041 - [scoffs] - You know what, 194 00:08:40,125 --> 00:08:43,208 I bet those jealous creeps smashed your car on purpose. 195 00:08:43,291 --> 00:08:45,375 "On purpose"? Who would do that? 196 00:08:45,458 --> 00:08:47,333 Haters, Doug! Haters! 197 00:08:47,416 --> 00:08:49,916 People who can't stand you having good things in your life. 198 00:08:50,000 --> 00:08:51,833 Oh, my God, you're right! 199 00:08:51,916 --> 00:08:53,583 So, you two collect art? 200 00:08:53,666 --> 00:08:57,333 That's a string cheese wrapper Charles Barkley left in Dougie's car once. 201 00:08:57,416 --> 00:09:00,250 - We had it bronzed. - Oh! So, not art. 202 00:09:00,333 --> 00:09:03,416 You would hate Charles's cheese, you hater! 203 00:09:03,500 --> 00:09:05,583 Why not plow your car into that? 204 00:09:05,666 --> 00:09:07,583 Jesus, Doug, what's gotten into you? 205 00:09:07,666 --> 00:09:09,833 Oh, my God. Fuck these people. 206 00:09:09,916 --> 00:09:13,000 Ugh! I know, right? He's so unreasonable. 207 00:09:13,083 --> 00:09:18,041 But the thing is, I don't have to be stuck with them, so, peace! 208 00:09:18,125 --> 00:09:19,666 - [thud] - Hey, what the hell? 209 00:09:19,750 --> 00:09:20,583 [all scream] 210 00:09:20,666 --> 00:09:21,958 [Doug] Take cover! 211 00:09:22,041 --> 00:09:24,291 [mosquitos] Window breach! 212 00:09:24,375 --> 00:09:26,625 - [triumphant music playing] - Let's do this! 213 00:09:26,708 --> 00:09:27,875 - [wind gusting] - Ahh! 214 00:09:27,958 --> 00:09:30,166 - Oh! There she goes. - [Petra] Fuck me! 215 00:09:30,833 --> 00:09:33,791 Yeah, this is more like it! Onward! 216 00:09:33,875 --> 00:09:35,750 [whooping] Yes! 217 00:09:36,750 --> 00:09:38,083 [Lionel yelping] Look out! 218 00:09:39,083 --> 00:09:43,083 Stand your ground, wuss. Stop getting cucked by the wind. 219 00:09:43,166 --> 00:09:46,625 Better to be a living cuck than a dead hero. 220 00:09:46,708 --> 00:09:48,250 I'm just gonna go back. 221 00:09:48,333 --> 00:09:50,666 You talk like a book! Shut the fuck up! 222 00:09:50,750 --> 00:09:52,500 Hey! Oh! Hey, you got me skin! 223 00:09:52,583 --> 00:09:54,333 Hold up, I gotta take a whiz. 224 00:09:55,458 --> 00:09:57,666 Holy freaking guac! 225 00:09:58,583 --> 00:10:01,666 - Aw, shit, got wee in my face! Fuck! - [Pete] Dante, watch out! 226 00:10:01,750 --> 00:10:03,375 [Dante] Oh, shit! Ow! 227 00:10:04,000 --> 00:10:06,041 - Fuck! Ahh! - [Pete] Uh... 228 00:10:06,125 --> 00:10:09,791 [anxiously] Pete, mate, you gotta help! One of my dicks is stuck! 229 00:10:09,875 --> 00:10:12,916 Your penis got pinned by a statue? Uh... 230 00:10:13,000 --> 00:10:14,458 How big is your penis? 231 00:10:14,541 --> 00:10:17,041 [hysterical] Big! Huge! It's the lower-right one. 232 00:10:17,125 --> 00:10:19,833 It's my very best penis! It's thicker than the middle one, 233 00:10:19,916 --> 00:10:21,458 it's longer than Lefty. I love it! 234 00:10:21,541 --> 00:10:24,458 Hey, guys, wait! Man down! 235 00:10:24,541 --> 00:10:28,166 - [yelling] Pete! Don't go! Please! - [sighs] 236 00:10:28,250 --> 00:10:32,000 I'm coming. Just hold on to your big dicks. 237 00:10:32,583 --> 00:10:36,208 Sweet Lord, Joe, there's so much food. We'll never save it all. 238 00:10:36,291 --> 00:10:38,250 But we have to try, God damn it! 239 00:10:38,333 --> 00:10:40,333 Eh, you're right. Dairy first? 240 00:10:40,416 --> 00:10:41,833 Dairy first. 241 00:10:43,166 --> 00:10:44,541 Maury, come on. 242 00:10:44,625 --> 00:10:49,083 Leave us alone. No, wait. Apologize first and then leave. 243 00:10:49,166 --> 00:10:53,958 How about you apologize for making me miss out on that cool adventure squad? 244 00:10:54,041 --> 00:10:55,708 I would've been the hot one. 245 00:10:55,791 --> 00:10:58,041 That means something to me, Maury. 246 00:10:58,125 --> 00:11:00,833 Does your own child mean something to you? 247 00:11:00,916 --> 00:11:03,583 - No. Again, no. - [water flowing] 248 00:11:03,666 --> 00:11:06,291 Uh-oh. Maury, is the bathroom flooding? 249 00:11:06,375 --> 00:11:11,750 [distressed] Yes. And I'd rather sit in sewage than see your face ever again. 250 00:11:11,833 --> 00:11:15,208 Unless the baby looks like you, which I would adore. 251 00:11:15,291 --> 00:11:17,541 This is stupid, get out of there. 252 00:11:17,625 --> 00:11:19,541 - Oh, fuck you. - [pipes bursting] 253 00:11:19,625 --> 00:11:21,833 No, yeah. Yeah, actually, I'm gonna come out. 254 00:11:22,416 --> 00:11:24,875 - [clanks] - [gasps] Oh, goodness! Oh, me, oh, my! 255 00:11:24,958 --> 00:11:26,125 What is it? Big cramp? 256 00:11:26,208 --> 00:11:28,500 No, I broke the door, I'm trapped! 257 00:11:28,583 --> 00:11:31,791 Uh, don't worry. I'll bust you outta there somehow. 258 00:11:31,875 --> 00:11:33,291 [gasps] Todd has the keys! 259 00:11:33,375 --> 00:11:35,041 You've gotta get Todd's keys. 260 00:11:35,125 --> 00:11:36,125 He has the keys. 261 00:11:36,166 --> 00:11:39,166 Ooh, I'll go find 'em on his dead corpse. Just hang on, okay? 262 00:11:39,250 --> 00:11:42,291 - Oh, don't worry, baby, Mommy will... - Take that fuckin' back. 263 00:11:42,375 --> 00:11:45,166 - [sighs] Connie will save us. - All right, then. 264 00:11:45,250 --> 00:11:47,416 Mommy's gonna save us. Your mommy's name is Connie. 265 00:11:47,500 --> 00:11:49,666 Mommy is Connie, Connie's your Mommy, Connie-Mommy. 266 00:11:49,750 --> 00:11:52,291 - [dramatic music playing] - Hey, guys, this is it! 267 00:11:52,375 --> 00:11:53,541 The thingy's in there! 268 00:11:53,625 --> 00:11:54,500 [Gavin] Come on! 269 00:11:54,583 --> 00:11:56,916 [grunting] Fist! Fist, fist! 270 00:11:57,000 --> 00:12:01,583 Pete, is there another entrance we could... Wait, where's Pete? Where's Dante? 271 00:12:01,666 --> 00:12:06,833 Who cares? All that matters is we get inside, where it's warm and safe! 272 00:12:06,916 --> 00:12:09,000 - Well, we can't get in this way. - [Gavin] Come on! 273 00:12:09,083 --> 00:12:11,583 Gavin tried, and he's the strongest one. 274 00:12:11,666 --> 00:12:15,958 I don't know, Walter. No one's stronger than... Hateworm. 275 00:12:16,041 --> 00:12:20,291 - You know what I'm saying? - Oh, folks, that's not a good idea. 276 00:12:20,375 --> 00:12:22,541 What's that, thunder thighs? 277 00:12:22,625 --> 00:12:23,458 Motherfu... 278 00:12:23,541 --> 00:12:25,833 Okay, I see what you're doing, 279 00:12:25,916 --> 00:12:28,125 but I'm not turning into a Hateworm today. 280 00:12:28,208 --> 00:12:30,250 You sure, you Pez-headed fuck? 281 00:12:30,333 --> 00:12:32,583 Mmm! Nope! It's not gonna work. 282 00:12:32,666 --> 00:12:34,250 Okay, I got it. I got it. 283 00:12:34,333 --> 00:12:39,041 Mariah Carey's high G is a crutch. 284 00:12:39,125 --> 00:12:40,541 [menacingly] A crutch? 285 00:12:41,791 --> 00:12:43,625 [growling] 286 00:12:43,708 --> 00:12:45,708 How dare you? 287 00:12:45,791 --> 00:12:48,041 Don't say a word to me about Mariah! 288 00:12:48,125 --> 00:12:52,958 She's the only good thing about QVC or America. 289 00:12:53,041 --> 00:12:54,666 - [yelling] - [all cheering] 290 00:12:54,750 --> 00:12:56,583 [Petra] All right, Walter! Come on, let's go! 291 00:12:56,666 --> 00:12:58,916 I'm not going anywhere with you people! 292 00:12:59,000 --> 00:13:01,333 I hope the writers kill you all off! 293 00:13:01,416 --> 00:13:03,875 Next season, new cast! I don't give a fuck. 294 00:13:03,958 --> 00:13:06,458 - [Lionel] Oh, look at that. - [crackling] 295 00:13:07,250 --> 00:13:09,791 You're welcome, baby. Here we go! 296 00:13:09,875 --> 00:13:11,291 [straining] 297 00:13:11,375 --> 00:13:14,625 You can do it, mate! Just use those Stonehenge quads of yours. 298 00:13:14,708 --> 00:13:18,125 I'm sorry. It's too heavy. And you're losing blood. 299 00:13:18,208 --> 00:13:21,166 Oh, shit, I'm a bit woozy. Should I go towards that light? 300 00:13:21,250 --> 00:13:22,500 - Is that a good idea? - Uh... 301 00:13:22,583 --> 00:13:25,416 Dante, it brings me barely any joy to say this, 302 00:13:25,500 --> 00:13:28,375 but, uh, I'm gonna have to amputate your penis. 303 00:13:28,458 --> 00:13:31,375 - [laughs nervously] - What? Lose my manhood? I'd rather die. 304 00:13:31,458 --> 00:13:33,291 Well, you know, those are the two choices. 305 00:13:33,375 --> 00:13:34,458 I'll take my chances. 306 00:13:34,541 --> 00:13:38,375 Look, your chances of surviving with no blood in your body are very low. 307 00:13:38,458 --> 00:13:41,958 I'm trying to be a good guy, so, please, just let me cut your dick off! 308 00:13:42,041 --> 00:13:44,416 [sucking air between teeth] 309 00:13:44,500 --> 00:13:46,500 - Okay, make it quick! - I'll try. 310 00:13:46,583 --> 00:13:49,500 [tense music playing] 311 00:13:49,583 --> 00:13:51,375 Okay, here it comes. 312 00:13:51,458 --> 00:13:52,666 Ahh! 313 00:13:52,750 --> 00:13:53,583 I know, I know. 314 00:13:53,666 --> 00:13:57,250 - [yelling] The knife's serrated? - I can't imagine this feels good. 315 00:13:57,333 --> 00:13:58,833 [sobbing] Why? 316 00:13:58,916 --> 00:14:01,250 It's all I had. Sorry. 317 00:14:01,333 --> 00:14:06,000 [sobbing] Ahh! Cut away from this already! There must be other stories! 318 00:14:06,083 --> 00:14:07,875 [Gil gulps and groans] 319 00:14:07,958 --> 00:14:11,208 That's the last of the dairy. I think I gotta tap out, Joe. 320 00:14:11,291 --> 00:14:12,708 Let's just leave the salads. 321 00:14:12,791 --> 00:14:15,625 Who are you to decide which food gets left behind? 322 00:14:15,708 --> 00:14:17,875 - We have orders! - We do? From who? 323 00:14:17,958 --> 00:14:22,250 From God, Gil. And she hates food waste. 324 00:14:22,333 --> 00:14:26,875 You're right! You're always fucking right! Hand me that Niçoise. 325 00:14:26,958 --> 00:14:28,625 Just take a handful of fish. 326 00:14:28,708 --> 00:14:31,541 I'm going medieval on this dirty tuna. 327 00:14:33,708 --> 00:14:36,041 That's not gonna work. You gotta board it up. 328 00:14:36,125 --> 00:14:38,708 - Oh, really? No doy! - [baby crying] 329 00:14:38,791 --> 00:14:42,416 Do something! Board up that window before a wind tunnel forms! 330 00:14:42,500 --> 00:14:44,416 - [exclaims] - [baby shrieking] 331 00:14:44,500 --> 00:14:45,625 Oh, no! 332 00:14:45,708 --> 00:14:48,291 - Are you fucking serious? - What do you want from me? 333 00:14:48,375 --> 00:14:51,041 I can't think with your damn kid shrieking like that! 334 00:14:51,125 --> 00:14:53,375 Maybe you can't think because you're a dumbass. 335 00:14:53,458 --> 00:14:56,333 Hey, rich-tits, don't call my husband dumb. 336 00:14:56,416 --> 00:14:58,125 Your girl better watch it. 337 00:14:58,208 --> 00:14:59,875 Oh, your dude better watch it. 338 00:14:59,958 --> 00:15:01,878 - [all shriek] - [Rochelle] Jesus fucking Christ! 339 00:15:01,916 --> 00:15:03,916 The wind tunnel! It's gonna kill us all! 340 00:15:04,000 --> 00:15:05,583 This is all Doug's fault. 341 00:15:05,666 --> 00:15:07,500 - If that tacky moron... - Tacky? 342 00:15:07,583 --> 00:15:09,083 ...knew how to board up a window... 343 00:15:09,166 --> 00:15:11,375 You're tacky! Becca's a girl-bossy stuck-up... 344 00:15:11,458 --> 00:15:13,166 - Ahh! - [Tito] It's happening! 345 00:15:13,250 --> 00:15:16,291 Bitch! I was gonna call her a bitch! 346 00:15:16,375 --> 00:15:18,958 Todd? Todd's bod? 347 00:15:19,791 --> 00:15:20,875 Where are you? 348 00:15:20,958 --> 00:15:22,208 Ugh. 349 00:15:22,291 --> 00:15:26,291 Hey, Todd. Got your keys there, cutie? 350 00:15:26,375 --> 00:15:28,500 Just gonna flip you over real quick. 351 00:15:28,583 --> 00:15:31,541 - Ahh! - Keys are with the legs. 352 00:15:32,750 --> 00:15:35,458 Helpful, thanks! And sorry about Todd! 353 00:15:36,291 --> 00:15:38,291 [dramatic music playing] 354 00:15:38,375 --> 00:15:39,916 Come on. 355 00:15:40,000 --> 00:15:42,333 No lightning, no lightning, no lightning. 356 00:15:42,416 --> 00:15:43,541 Ah! 357 00:15:43,625 --> 00:15:44,625 Ooh! 358 00:15:45,750 --> 00:15:46,916 [grunting] 359 00:15:47,750 --> 00:15:49,750 God damn, Connie. 360 00:15:49,833 --> 00:15:51,541 You are the hot one. 361 00:15:52,250 --> 00:15:53,166 [Lionel] Oh, dear. 362 00:15:53,250 --> 00:15:56,958 - [Gavin panting] - Hey, Greasy! Hey, Ghostly! Here it is! 363 00:15:57,041 --> 00:15:59,166 - [booming] - Whoa! Fuck me! 364 00:16:00,541 --> 00:16:03,458 [coughs] It's okay. Go on without me. 365 00:16:03,541 --> 00:16:07,291 Well, yeah, obviously. I mean, you know, we're not that close. 366 00:16:07,375 --> 00:16:09,666 - I did fuck her once. - All right. 367 00:16:11,500 --> 00:16:13,125 [blowing] 368 00:16:13,208 --> 00:16:14,208 Ooh! Ooh! 369 00:16:14,291 --> 00:16:16,625 Well, there's no extinguishing this, is there? 370 00:16:16,708 --> 00:16:20,083 - I'm afraid we must turn back. - You wish, you Great British jerkoff. 371 00:16:20,166 --> 00:16:22,416 - I'm gettin' us out there! - But, but, but how? 372 00:16:22,500 --> 00:16:25,291 With my big ol' firehose dick! 373 00:16:25,375 --> 00:16:26,208 [loud thud] 374 00:16:26,291 --> 00:16:29,541 Oh, right. Well, you've described it that way before, but I... 375 00:16:29,625 --> 00:16:31,875 Yeah, people think it's a figure of speech. 376 00:16:31,958 --> 00:16:33,833 - Well, I certainly did. - It's not! 377 00:16:33,916 --> 00:16:36,708 I fucking hate language! Now stand back! 378 00:16:36,791 --> 00:16:39,458 - [triumphant music playing] - [Gavin] Ow! Ow! Ow! 379 00:16:39,541 --> 00:16:42,500 - Fuck! Ow! Ow! Ow! - Oh, poor thing. It hurts, does it? 380 00:16:42,583 --> 00:16:44,208 Every time. 381 00:16:44,291 --> 00:16:46,875 - Look! There's an opening, go, now! - [nervously] No. 382 00:16:46,958 --> 00:16:49,875 - Go, go, go, you floating nothing! - [whimpering] 383 00:16:49,958 --> 00:16:54,083 Ahh! The fire! The piss! The fire and the piss! 384 00:16:54,166 --> 00:16:56,625 - [screaming] - Oh, my. Anything I can do? 385 00:16:56,708 --> 00:16:59,416 - The fire! The piss! - Just say. 386 00:16:59,500 --> 00:17:01,875 - [groaning] - Oh, my. 387 00:17:02,833 --> 00:17:03,750 [Rochelle yelps] 388 00:17:03,833 --> 00:17:06,500 - Rochelle? Are you okay? - I'm fine! 389 00:17:07,125 --> 00:17:07,958 Ahh! 390 00:17:08,041 --> 00:17:12,375 When this is all over, I'm gonna go to your house and mess it up so bad. 391 00:17:12,458 --> 00:17:15,291 How you gonna get there? Your shitty car is totaled. 392 00:17:15,375 --> 00:17:17,458 - [Doug] Ahh! - Can you believe this idiot? 393 00:17:17,541 --> 00:17:21,666 Huh? Oh, yeah. Yeah, he... he sucks. He's bad, and... 394 00:17:21,750 --> 00:17:23,958 You know what? I... I gotta go. [grunts] 395 00:17:24,041 --> 00:17:26,958 - Maury? Maury! Maury, you alive in there? - [Maury groans] 396 00:17:27,041 --> 00:17:31,500 We are alive. Baby and me, thank you, but hurry! 397 00:17:31,583 --> 00:17:32,666 [inhales deeply] 398 00:17:32,750 --> 00:17:36,500 - [Dante] Ahh! - One last stringy part. 399 00:17:36,583 --> 00:17:38,208 - [slashing] - [Pete] Got it! 400 00:17:38,791 --> 00:17:41,250 [sighs] Give me my donger, I wanna hold it. 401 00:17:41,333 --> 00:17:43,916 - Okay. - You'll always be my favorite, you. 402 00:17:44,000 --> 00:17:46,083 [sobbing] I'm so sorry. 403 00:17:46,166 --> 00:17:48,833 - [sniffles] They can reattach him, right? - Maybe? 404 00:17:48,916 --> 00:17:50,500 - [gasps] No! - Maybe not. 405 00:17:50,583 --> 00:17:52,625 My sweet pee-pee! Come back! 406 00:17:52,708 --> 00:17:54,583 - [Pete] Oh, no! Dante. - Come back! 407 00:17:54,666 --> 00:17:56,208 Just let it go! 408 00:17:56,291 --> 00:17:57,666 [gulps and gags] 409 00:17:57,750 --> 00:18:00,291 It's too much ham. I can't, Joe, I'm gonna puke. 410 00:18:00,375 --> 00:18:02,125 - No! No, Gil. - I feel it coming up. 411 00:18:02,208 --> 00:18:06,583 If you puke from that ham, then ham will be a food that makes you puke. 412 00:18:06,666 --> 00:18:11,833 Forever. And I am not gonna let my best friend lose ham, okay? 413 00:18:13,583 --> 00:18:16,833 - [Rochelle] What are you doing? - Helping you! You're welcome. 414 00:18:16,916 --> 00:18:18,875 I don't need your help! 415 00:18:18,958 --> 00:18:21,333 Not that one. That's not it. Hang on, Maury. 416 00:18:21,416 --> 00:18:25,250 There's, like, a million keys on here and they're all covered in Todd's guts. 417 00:18:25,333 --> 00:18:27,333 [grunting] 418 00:18:28,041 --> 00:18:29,791 [chuckling] Poopy. 419 00:18:29,875 --> 00:18:32,250 It's gone, Dante. Just leave it. 420 00:18:32,333 --> 00:18:35,208 And I would if it were my bottom left or even upper right, 421 00:18:35,291 --> 00:18:37,083 but it's my bottom right, man. 422 00:18:37,166 --> 00:18:42,041 You have three dongs, but only one life. And you have Rochelle. 423 00:18:42,125 --> 00:18:45,458 You should be fighting to see her again. So, let's go. 424 00:18:45,541 --> 00:18:48,208 - Rochelle? - Yeah, she's amazing. 425 00:18:48,291 --> 00:18:50,875 And I'd sacrifice a thousand dicks for her. 426 00:18:50,958 --> 00:18:53,875 But if that thing's more important to you than she is, 427 00:18:53,958 --> 00:18:55,750 then you deserve to lose both. 428 00:18:55,833 --> 00:18:58,000 You're right. I'm an idiot. 429 00:18:58,083 --> 00:19:00,416 I fucking love her, Pete, I love her so much! 430 00:19:00,500 --> 00:19:01,916 Then take my hand. 431 00:19:02,416 --> 00:19:04,250 [both struggling] 432 00:19:04,333 --> 00:19:05,416 Emmy, don't! 433 00:19:05,500 --> 00:19:07,583 Shut up and take my hand! 434 00:19:08,083 --> 00:19:10,583 No dead guy, no dead guy, no dead guy. Yes! 435 00:19:11,250 --> 00:19:14,416 - [gasping] - You're alive! Take my hand. 436 00:19:14,500 --> 00:19:17,208 Bite it, Gil. Bite it and swallow it. 437 00:19:17,291 --> 00:19:20,541 I can't, Joe! Take my ham. 438 00:19:20,625 --> 00:19:21,708 [gasps] 439 00:19:21,791 --> 00:19:24,000 Okay, now fly down. 440 00:19:24,083 --> 00:19:25,083 I can't! 441 00:19:25,666 --> 00:19:28,125 I found boards! Dougie, where's the hammer? 442 00:19:28,208 --> 00:19:30,250 Oh, God, where'd I put the toolbox? 443 00:19:30,333 --> 00:19:31,416 Come on! 444 00:19:31,500 --> 00:19:34,750 Becca, dude, enough with the petty bullshit. 445 00:19:34,833 --> 00:19:37,125 Just grow the fuck up and help. 446 00:19:37,208 --> 00:19:38,291 You're right. 447 00:19:38,375 --> 00:19:40,916 I just need something hard and metal. 448 00:19:41,000 --> 00:19:45,500 Oh, shit. Doug, what about that Charles Barkley garbage statue you made? 449 00:19:45,583 --> 00:19:47,291 I know, what about it, right? 450 00:19:47,375 --> 00:19:49,208 Here! You can use it as a hammer. 451 00:19:49,291 --> 00:19:51,250 [gasps] Genius. 452 00:19:51,333 --> 00:19:54,291 Is there anything Charles Barkley can't do? 453 00:19:54,375 --> 00:19:57,500 - Doug, hurry up! - [triumphant music playing] 454 00:19:57,583 --> 00:20:00,250 - Holy crud, it's working! - Amazing! 455 00:20:00,333 --> 00:20:01,333 [yelps] 456 00:20:01,833 --> 00:20:02,833 [sighs] 457 00:20:02,875 --> 00:20:03,875 Are you okay? 458 00:20:03,916 --> 00:20:05,666 - Yeah. - [sighs] 459 00:20:05,750 --> 00:20:07,375 - [straining] - [both grunt] 460 00:20:07,458 --> 00:20:08,375 [Pete grunting] 461 00:20:08,458 --> 00:20:11,166 - Phew! - You only used the one arm just then? 462 00:20:11,250 --> 00:20:13,750 Technically, I also used my lats and deltoids. 463 00:20:13,833 --> 00:20:15,416 Hmm. Wow. 464 00:20:15,500 --> 00:20:18,500 Are you sure you couldn't have lifted that statue off my dick, mate? 465 00:20:18,583 --> 00:20:20,750 - Um, um, pretty sure. - Pretty sure, huh? 466 00:20:20,833 --> 00:20:21,913 - No, I'm sure. - All right. 467 00:20:21,958 --> 00:20:24,666 - Yeah. I'm... I'm... I'm pretty sure. - Uh-huh. 468 00:20:24,750 --> 00:20:25,791 [sighing wearily] 469 00:20:27,500 --> 00:20:29,000 - [electricity crackling] - Oh! 470 00:20:29,083 --> 00:20:30,875 Look at that. Oh, no, thank you. 471 00:20:30,958 --> 00:20:34,041 What's the matter, Cumbledore? You scared? 472 00:20:34,125 --> 00:20:35,583 Gavin! You're... 473 00:20:35,666 --> 00:20:39,625 Alive, fucker! You gonna plug that thing back in or not? 474 00:20:39,708 --> 00:20:41,958 Um, uh, not. Yes. Quite not. 475 00:20:42,041 --> 00:20:44,458 We have a mission! 476 00:20:44,541 --> 00:20:47,750 Gavin, I adore that mission, really. 477 00:20:47,833 --> 00:20:52,000 I'm simply of the mind that, if I complete it, I'll die, so... 478 00:20:52,083 --> 00:20:54,125 Everybody dies sometime, kid. 479 00:20:54,750 --> 00:20:56,708 [groans] Boys are strong! 480 00:20:56,791 --> 00:20:58,208 [grunting loudly] 481 00:20:58,291 --> 00:21:00,250 - Dicks are good! - [Lionel] Oh! 482 00:21:02,125 --> 00:21:03,541 I hope God's a dude. 483 00:21:04,416 --> 00:21:06,416 [ominous music playing] 484 00:21:06,500 --> 00:21:09,041 [clears throat] Right then, well, 485 00:21:09,708 --> 00:21:12,083 I suppose I'll just, uh, finish up here. 486 00:21:13,000 --> 00:21:14,750 [power clunking on] 487 00:21:14,833 --> 00:21:17,250 - [Maury groans and coughs] - [sighing] 488 00:21:18,000 --> 00:21:20,375 - Oh, Connie, you saved me. - [sentimental music plays] 489 00:21:20,458 --> 00:21:22,125 Of course I did, Maury. 490 00:21:22,208 --> 00:21:25,333 You know, today put a lot in perspective for me. 491 00:21:25,416 --> 00:21:26,333 Such as? 492 00:21:26,416 --> 00:21:30,458 Well, I realized what I really want out of life. 493 00:21:30,541 --> 00:21:34,541 I thought I wanted total freedom to go be a hot adventure bitch. 494 00:21:34,625 --> 00:21:36,916 - Oh? - And I thought 495 00:21:37,000 --> 00:21:39,541 a kid would get in the way of all that. 496 00:21:39,625 --> 00:21:40,625 But? 497 00:21:40,708 --> 00:21:43,166 But the truth is, 498 00:21:43,250 --> 00:21:44,083 I was right! 499 00:21:44,166 --> 00:21:47,583 - What? Then why did you say "but"? - I didn't say "but," you said "but." 500 00:21:47,666 --> 00:21:50,041 Fine, but that was still very confusing. 501 00:21:50,125 --> 00:21:53,958 I'm sorry, I'll be clear, I don't want that fucking kid. 502 00:21:54,041 --> 00:21:55,041 Well, I do. 503 00:21:55,083 --> 00:21:58,500 Well, it's that baby, or this ass, Maury. 504 00:21:58,583 --> 00:22:01,500 You'd really do that? Take your whole ass away? 505 00:22:01,583 --> 00:22:04,000 That's right. Make your choice. 506 00:22:04,083 --> 00:22:06,291 Well, then, I guess I'm choosing to abort... 507 00:22:06,375 --> 00:22:08,250 [inhales sharply] ...this relationship! 508 00:22:08,333 --> 00:22:10,458 What? But I'm the hot one. 509 00:22:10,541 --> 00:22:11,666 You made me choose. 510 00:22:11,750 --> 00:22:15,708 [voice breaking] Well, okay. Dumb choice, but I'm fine with that. 511 00:22:15,791 --> 00:22:16,916 Yes, I too am... 512 00:22:17,000 --> 00:22:19,625 [sniffles] ...totally fine with the choice that I made. 513 00:22:19,708 --> 00:22:23,083 In fact, I've just remembered that I have to go punch my car door for an hour. 514 00:22:23,166 --> 00:22:25,833 Well, you should probably get going then. 515 00:22:25,916 --> 00:22:27,791 Yeah. Here I go. 516 00:22:28,500 --> 00:22:30,375 - [sad music playing] - [both crying] 517 00:22:33,125 --> 00:22:36,958 - [Becca] Looking good, Doug! - Thanks! I can't see the sky anymore. 518 00:22:37,041 --> 00:22:40,625 Mmm, Barry's butt looks pretty great when he sweeps. 519 00:22:40,708 --> 00:22:42,250 Yeah, it does. 520 00:22:42,333 --> 00:22:44,541 You know, you're getting really good at your job. 521 00:22:44,625 --> 00:22:45,833 Shut up, no, I'm not. 522 00:22:45,916 --> 00:22:48,625 Emmy, I... I got my marriage back thanks to you. 523 00:22:48,708 --> 00:22:51,250 And the baby-love lately? [mimics explosion] 524 00:22:51,333 --> 00:22:52,583 Sonya would be proud. 525 00:22:52,666 --> 00:22:56,291 Yeah, I don't know. Let's be honest, no one's proud of me. 526 00:22:56,375 --> 00:23:00,708 But, you know, it's fine. I've accepted the kind of bug I am. 527 00:23:00,791 --> 00:23:04,833 And I'll never be a Rochelle or whatever, but who cares? 528 00:23:04,916 --> 00:23:06,125 What's a "Rochelle?" 529 00:23:06,208 --> 00:23:07,958 [sighs] Not an Emmy. 530 00:23:08,041 --> 00:23:10,875 - You shut the fuck up with that right now! - Oh! Hi. 531 00:23:10,958 --> 00:23:13,708 [crying] I'm sorry that's how I've been making you feel. 532 00:23:13,791 --> 00:23:15,833 All small and shit? Fuck that. 533 00:23:15,916 --> 00:23:18,625 [crying] No, it's okay. It's not your fault. 534 00:23:18,708 --> 00:23:22,500 You're a cool goddess who of course I'm jealous of. 535 00:23:22,583 --> 00:23:24,666 Ew, I'm not a goddess. 536 00:23:24,750 --> 00:23:27,791 Man, I'm selfish and petty. 537 00:23:27,875 --> 00:23:30,583 Petty enough to lose the best bug I know. 538 00:23:30,666 --> 00:23:32,250 I love you. I missed you. 539 00:23:32,333 --> 00:23:35,083 I missed you. You saved my life. 540 00:23:35,166 --> 00:23:36,958 You are my life. 541 00:23:37,041 --> 00:23:39,125 [both sobbing loudly] 542 00:23:39,208 --> 00:23:41,750 [Emmy] This is how it should be. 543 00:23:41,833 --> 00:23:45,208 [Lionel] ...and then I picked up that live wire and I thought, 544 00:23:45,291 --> 00:23:49,916 "Whatever happens to Lionel, the Shame Wizard, me, so be it." 545 00:23:50,000 --> 00:23:52,625 Did getting electrocuted hurt? 'Cause I got Vicodin. 546 00:23:52,708 --> 00:23:57,458 Oh, no, I was too focused on the mission to consider my own comfort. 547 00:23:57,541 --> 00:23:59,291 - [all applauding] - You're a hero. 548 00:23:59,375 --> 00:24:02,000 And I can't believe you did it all by yourself. 549 00:24:02,083 --> 00:24:06,208 No, I had no choice. Not after Gavin passed 550 00:24:06,291 --> 00:24:08,791 in the, uh, in the manner I described. 551 00:24:08,875 --> 00:24:11,250 Ugh, imagine being so scared, 552 00:24:11,333 --> 00:24:15,375 you slip on your own panic-piss and fall off a building? 553 00:24:15,458 --> 00:24:18,291 Yes, that's exactly what happened! 554 00:24:18,375 --> 00:24:21,250 A fitting death for a true coward. 555 00:24:21,333 --> 00:24:23,125 - [chuckles] - [all cheering and clapping] 556 00:24:23,208 --> 00:24:24,208 [Gil sighs] 557 00:24:24,291 --> 00:24:28,125 Always make room from the bottom, not the top, right, Joe? 558 00:24:28,208 --> 00:24:30,708 Sure, some of the food would've been fine, 559 00:24:30,791 --> 00:24:33,125 but a lot of it would've gotten sweaty. 560 00:24:33,208 --> 00:24:35,416 So, we did God's work today. 561 00:24:35,500 --> 00:24:36,500 We sure did. 562 00:24:37,041 --> 00:24:39,375 I think I've got it from here, mate. Bye, Pete. 563 00:24:39,458 --> 00:24:40,625 Dante, uh, wait. 564 00:24:40,708 --> 00:24:43,708 I just wanna say, you're an okay guy, 565 00:24:43,791 --> 00:24:47,291 and you clearly love Rochelle, so we're good. 566 00:24:47,375 --> 00:24:49,166 No. No, no, no. We're not "good." 567 00:24:49,250 --> 00:24:52,375 You're a secretly yoked dude who's into my girlfriend, 568 00:24:52,458 --> 00:24:55,250 and you cut my fucking dick off. Eat shit, guy. 569 00:24:55,333 --> 00:24:57,041 [growls] Fuck him! 570 00:24:57,125 --> 00:24:58,291 - Rochelle! - Dante. 571 00:24:58,375 --> 00:24:59,583 Come here. Come here. 572 00:25:00,125 --> 00:25:02,583 - Oh, I missed you so much, baby. - Mwah! 573 00:25:02,666 --> 00:25:06,166 I missed you too. And all three of your friends. 574 00:25:06,250 --> 00:25:09,166 - [sobbing] About that. - Damn, you good? 575 00:25:09,250 --> 00:25:10,250 Oh, boy. 576 00:25:10,666 --> 00:25:13,375 Pete! Jeez, what the hell happened to you? 577 00:25:13,458 --> 00:25:14,875 Oh, the blood. Yeah, um... 578 00:25:14,958 --> 00:25:17,458 There's context for this, both ethical and medical, 579 00:25:17,541 --> 00:25:22,916 and I absolutely didn't want to, but I, um, cut off Dante's dick. 580 00:25:23,000 --> 00:25:24,000 Only because... Oh! 581 00:25:24,083 --> 00:25:25,916 - You're a genius, Pete. - Uh... 582 00:25:26,000 --> 00:25:29,958 I don't tell you that enough. [gasps] Jesus, your arms. 583 00:25:30,041 --> 00:25:32,666 - Hey, lady, you got tube-mail! - [exclaims] 584 00:25:32,750 --> 00:25:37,208 I got a new client? "Lucinda P." Oh, they sound fun. 585 00:25:37,291 --> 00:25:41,125 - [laughing] Um, you got a few new clients. - [mail clattering] 586 00:25:41,208 --> 00:25:45,250 Oh, no, no, no! No, these can't all be for me! 587 00:25:45,333 --> 00:25:46,333 There's too many. 588 00:25:46,416 --> 00:25:49,083 A second Lucinda? Jesus. 589 00:25:49,166 --> 00:25:51,291 I cannot handle all this. 590 00:25:51,375 --> 00:25:54,416 Uh, yes, you can, girl. You're an Emmy. 591 00:25:54,500 --> 00:25:56,666 [laughs nervously] Uh-huh. 592 00:25:57,500 --> 00:26:02,041 - ["Make Me Feel" by Janelle Monáe playing] - ♪ That's just the way you make me feel ♪ 593 00:26:02,125 --> 00:26:06,000 ♪ That's just the way you make me feel That's just the way you make me feel ♪ 594 00:26:07,333 --> 00:26:11,791 ♪ Oh! That's just the way That I feel, now, baby ♪ 595 00:26:11,875 --> 00:26:14,208 ♪ Good God, I can't help it, uh! ♪ 596 00:26:15,500 --> 00:26:18,958 ♪ Hey, that's just the way that I feel ♪ 597 00:26:19,041 --> 00:26:20,250 ♪ Yeah ♪ 598 00:26:20,333 --> 00:26:22,000 ♪ Please, I can't help it ♪ 599 00:26:22,083 --> 00:26:26,375 ♪ It's like I'm powerful With a little bit of tender ♪ 600 00:26:26,458 --> 00:26:30,500 ♪ An emotional, sexual bender ♪ 601 00:26:30,583 --> 00:26:34,916 ♪ Mess me up, yeah But no one does it better, oh! ♪ 602 00:26:35,000 --> 00:26:37,666 ♪ There's nothin' better, baby ♪ 603 00:26:37,750 --> 00:26:38,916 ♪ Damn ♪