0 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:11,500 {\move(400,10,190,270,100,400)\fad(0,1000)\fscx25\fscy25\t(0,6000,\fscx125\fscy125)\c&H000000&\3c&H00FFFF&}Brought to you by 1 00:00:11,701 --> 00:00:29,202 {\move(400,10,190,270,100,400)\fad(0,1000)\fscx25\fscy25\t(0,6000,\fscx125\fscy125)\c&H000000f&\3c&0000a6&}Sub_master 2 00:01:01,200 --> 00:01:07,420 Let it burn! sword 3 00:01:08,590 --> 00:01:12,210 The temple behind the Russian consulate in Hakodate 4 00:01:12,430 --> 00:01:15,620 I used to be called the thorn of Ishida Village 5 00:01:16,110 --> 00:01:20,860 It is a metaphor that the thorns on the thorns will hurt themselves if they touch 6 00:01:23,400 --> 00:01:25,990 Mr. Yong calls me Ah Sui 7 00:01:26,730 --> 00:01:28,770 When negotiating whether to kill or not 8 00:01:28,880 --> 00:01:31,970 He asked me in a native dialect 9 00:01:32,450 --> 00:01:34,960 What will Ah Sui do with that bastard? 10 00:01:35,200 --> 00:01:36,960 His home is near Sanli 11 00:01:37,110 --> 00:01:41,680 What is Ah Sui going to do with them - you can only knock them all down 12 00:01:42,390 --> 00:01:43,680 It was early summer 13 00:01:43,680 --> 00:01:47,390 The viper in the grass will give off a foul-smelling countryside 14 00:01:51,860 --> 00:01:53,360 Or call someone 15 00:01:53,360 --> 00:01:55,110 Mr. Yuan doesn't look good 16 00:01:55,110 --> 00:01:58,060 Don't care about the form so much 17 00:01:59,570 --> 00:02:02,500 Our goal is to lead human rights and hide one person and four people. 18 00:02:02,550 --> 00:02:05,490 Mr. Hijikata and they were joined by Liu Gangliu's disciples 19 00:02:05,540 --> 00:02:07,190 we'll aim for the calf attack 20 00:02:07,190 --> 00:02:09,800 Chief is right, targeting the calf is a hassle 21 00:02:09,820 --> 00:02:10,770 what 22 00:02:10,800 --> 00:02:14,690 Mr. Yong, we are the authentic fighting swordsmanship 23 00:02:17,030 --> 00:02:17,860 let's go 24 00:02:19,490 --> 00:02:22,580 Wuzhou Tama is the jurisdiction of the shogun. 25 00:02:23,180 --> 00:02:25,550 I wait for the common people who are not daimyo 26 00:02:25,790 --> 00:02:28,210 But the people under the direct jurisdiction of the general 27 00:02:29,180 --> 00:02:31,020 Naturally bigger than others 28 00:02:30,000 --> 00:02:40,000 translate 29 00:02:30,000 --> 00:02:40,000 Lijiang & Heya 30 00:02:30,000 --> 00:02:40,000 Lijiang & Heya 31 00:02:30,000 --> 00:02:40,000 Lijiang & Heya 32 00:02:30,000 --> 00:02:40,000 Lijiang & Heya 33 00:02:30,000 --> 00:02:40,000 Lijiang & Heya 34 00:02:33,640 --> 00:02:37,820 Therefore, the number of people who are obviously the common people imitating the samurai is increasing day by day. 35 00:02:38,640 --> 00:02:41,200 Everyone is scrambling to learn martial arts 36 00:02:42,990 --> 00:02:45,790 Every village has young people who are confident in their martial arts 37 00:02:45,000 --> 00:02:55,000 translate 38 00:02:45,000 --> 00:02:55,000 Qingluoya 39 00:02:45,000 --> 00:02:55,000 Qingluoya 40 00:02:45,000 --> 00:02:55,000 Qingluoya 41 00:02:45,000 --> 00:02:55,000 Qingluoya 42 00:02:45,000 --> 00:02:55,000 Qingluoya 43 00:02:45,790 --> 00:02:47,790 If there is a conflict with a neighboring village over irrigation water 44 00:02:47,790 --> 00:02:50,670 These young people can make a huge difference 45 00:02:52,840 --> 00:02:55,680 I won't use the power of the viper 46 00:02:55,680 --> 00:03:00,150 Not only is it not clean, but it's also sticky 47 00:03:00,000 --> 00:03:10,000 Translation & Time 48 00:03:00,000 --> 00:03:10,000 a capital Z 49 00:03:00,000 --> 00:03:10,000 a capital Z 50 00:03:00,000 --> 00:03:10,000 a capital Z 51 00:03:00,000 --> 00:03:10,000 a capital Z 52 00:03:00,000 --> 00:03:10,000 a capital Z 53 00:03:00,150 --> 00:03:03,920 Soji Okita is the only one of us who came from a samurai 54 00:03:04,730 --> 00:03:07,180 Father died when he was three years old 55 00:03:07,250 --> 00:03:10,470 When he was nine years old, he lived in the Natural Lixin Dojo and became a disciple there. 56 00:03:10,940 --> 00:03:14,360 He met us in the dojo and got very close 57 00:03:15,000 --> 00:03:25,000 translate 58 00:03:15,000 --> 00:03:25,000 HISASHI 59 00:03:15,000 --> 00:03:25,000 HISASHI 60 00:03:15,000 --> 00:03:25,000 HISASHI 61 00:03:15,000 --> 00:03:25,000 HISASHI 62 00:03:15,000 --> 00:03:25,000 HISASHI 63 00:03:16,720 --> 00:03:20,660 The natural Lixinliu we learned is rustic country swordsmanship 64 00:03:20,850 --> 00:03:24,330 But in actual combat, it is very powerful 65 00:03:24,780 --> 00:03:27,060 Mr. Yong, you specialize in the possession of one person 66 00:03:27,060 --> 00:03:29,060 I'll show the momentum of taking his life 67 00:03:29,270 --> 00:03:34,220 I fight every day and dream of being a samurai 68 00:03:30,000 --> 00:03:40,000 time 69 00:03:30,000 --> 00:03:40,000 Gloria 70 00:03:30,000 --> 00:03:40,000 Gloria 71 00:03:30,000 --> 00:03:40,000 Gloria 72 00:03:30,000 --> 00:03:40,000 Gloria 73 00:03:30,000 --> 00:03:40,000 Gloria 74 00:03:34,430 --> 00:03:38,450 Wait, this is the canal of Shitian Village - get out of the way 75 00:03:38,450 --> 00:03:40,450 What if it doesn't make you think 76 00:03:40,450 --> 00:03:42,720 What else do you need to say? Fool Quanzang 77 00:03:45,000 --> 00:03:55,000 time 78 00:03:45,000 --> 00:03:55,000 Sashihara Rino. 79 00:03:45,000 --> 00:03:55,000 Sashihara Rino. 80 00:03:45,000 --> 00:03:55,000 Sashihara Rino. 81 00:03:45,000 --> 00:03:55,000 Sashihara Rino. 82 00:03:45,000 --> 00:03:55,000 Sashihara Rino. 83 00:03:49,740 --> 00:03:51,540 Ansei 7 March 3 84 00:03:51,540 --> 00:03:55,540 Tate Ii Naobi was beheaded outside the Sakurada Gate of Edo Castle 85 00:03:56,390 --> 00:04:01,580 The Tokugawa Shogunate, which lasted for three hundred years, began to collapse. 86 00:04:00,000 --> 00:04:10,000 proofread 87 00:04:00,000 --> 00:04:10,000 fairy water 88 00:04:00,000 --> 00:04:10,000 fairy water 89 00:04:00,000 --> 00:04:10,000 fairy water 90 00:04:00,000 --> 00:04:10,000 fairy water 91 00:04:00,000 --> 00:04:10,000 fairy water 92 00:04:02,400 --> 00:04:07,720 The shogunate loses its authority and the emperor restores power is the way to govern the country in Japan 93 00:04:08,200 --> 00:04:10,600 The center of the current situation has moved to Kyoto 94 00:04:10,850 --> 00:04:14,290 And Emperor Xiaoming hates foreigners very much 95 00:04:15,000 --> 00:04:25,000 time 96 00:04:15,000 --> 00:04:25,000 big flute 97 00:04:15,000 --> 00:04:25,000 big flute 98 00:04:15,000 --> 00:04:25,000 big flute 99 00:04:15,000 --> 00:04:25,000 big flute 100 00:04:15,000 --> 00:04:25,000 big flute 101 00:04:15,620 --> 00:04:22,780 Since the announcement of the change of the original black ship to the present 102 00:04:23,400 --> 00:04:29,810 Since we want to exorcise the calamity of the country 103 00:04:30,000 --> 00:04:40,000 time 104 00:04:30,000 --> 00:04:40,000 Kawayou 105 00:04:30,000 --> 00:04:40,000 Kawayou 106 00:04:30,000 --> 00:04:40,000 Kawayou 107 00:04:30,000 --> 00:04:40,000 Kawayou 108 00:04:30,000 --> 00:04:40,000 Kawayou 109 00:04:32,490 --> 00:04:46,080 I hope that all foreigners who were present when the port opened would disappear. 110 00:04:46,700 --> 00:04:49,490 Because of this sentence aroused the idea of ​​​​ 111 00:04:50,050 --> 00:04:52,590 Beheading foreigners everywhere 112 00:04:54,970 --> 00:04:55,830 elder sister 113 00:04:56,070 --> 00:05:00,480 At this time, Mr. Yu held a wedding with A Chang, the daughter of a court official Matsui. 114 00:05:00,740 --> 00:05:03,700 Then he became the fourth generation heir of Natural Lixin Liu 115 00:05:05,020 --> 00:05:06,320 The two are a perfect match 116 00:05:07,620 --> 00:05:09,170 Examination Hall based in Edo 117 00:05:09,540 --> 00:05:13,330 The disciples are almost all neighbors and there are not many people 118 00:05:13,580 --> 00:05:16,380 But because I was convinced by Mr. Yong's backbone 119 00:05:16,540 --> 00:05:19,240 Famous samurai came to the wedding 120 00:05:20,940 --> 00:05:23,810 Jingsuke Shannan, a talented man with both civil and military skills 121 00:05:25,220 --> 00:05:27,600 Swordsman Yongkura Shinpachi 122 00:05:28,090 --> 00:05:29,910 Zuanosuke still has wine 123 00:05:29,910 --> 00:05:33,350 Heisuke Todo, who is said to be the illegitimate child of the daimyo 124 00:05:35,490 --> 00:05:38,530 Sanosuke Harada is proud of his scar from an attempted abdominal incision 125 00:05:39,320 --> 00:05:40,990 They all broke away from the original feudal lords and came to Edo 126 00:05:40,990 --> 00:05:44,050 Taking the Examination Hall as the base camp to prepare for a new career 127 00:05:45,320 --> 00:05:49,080 At first glance, it is an angry eagle-nosed foreign devil 128 00:05:50,350 --> 00:05:53,560 The Emperor is right 129 00:05:54,970 --> 00:05:57,260 Let's find a chance to raise the flag of the barbarian 130 00:05:57,260 --> 00:06:00,120 Let Japan return to China before the black ships 131 00:06:00,120 --> 00:06:01,890 That's right, foreign devils should be killed 132 00:06:01,890 --> 00:06:03,540 go for it 133 00:06:03,540 --> 00:06:04,720 what do you say 134 00:06:07,460 --> 00:06:09,540 what an annoying kid 135 00:06:15,780 --> 00:06:17,110 Mr. Kondo Mr. Kondo 136 00:06:17,110 --> 00:06:19,460 I'm coming too 137 00:06:24,240 --> 00:06:26,620 I hate to follow the crowd 138 00:06:27,520 --> 00:06:30,520 Therefore, I also hate Shannan, who is full of thoughts of harassing foreigners. 139 00:06:32,260 --> 00:06:35,920 This is also influenced by the teacher Honda Kakuan who taught me to read and write. 140 00:06:46,540 --> 00:06:48,300 ok thank you 141 00:06:50,300 --> 00:06:52,420 Master Jue An Master Jue An 142 00:06:52,580 --> 00:06:53,590 Ah Sui 143 00:06:53,620 --> 00:06:54,960 well well 144 00:06:55,050 --> 00:06:57,370 how much did you bring 145 00:07:00,100 --> 00:07:01,510 come in - yes 146 00:07:01,510 --> 00:07:02,850 thanks - good 147 00:07:02,850 --> 00:07:05,320 thank you teacher - good 148 00:07:05,920 --> 00:07:08,260 Are you here to practice swordsmanship or sell medicine? 149 00:07:08,260 --> 00:07:09,320 both 150 00:07:10,670 --> 00:07:12,160 What happened to the Edo arrangement? 151 00:07:12,710 --> 00:07:16,070 All come here are disciples, not a single disciple. 152 00:07:16,400 --> 00:07:19,650 I can make some money while I come to Tama to practice swordsmanship 153 00:07:20,360 --> 00:07:24,080 Mito feudal lord who opposed the founding of the country is very close to the emperor 154 00:07:24,160 --> 00:07:27,680 The shogunate forbade the court to form alliances with feudal lords 155 00:07:28,370 --> 00:07:32,170 So they let Mito wait in seclusion for violating the Basic Law. 156 00:07:32,170 --> 00:07:34,790 Increased surveillance of the imperial court 157 00:07:35,010 --> 00:07:39,750 That's why the furious Mito retainers took the head of Odai Ii? 158 00:07:40,180 --> 00:07:43,650 Having said that, the shogunate is moving forward with the founding of the country 159 00:07:44,180 --> 00:07:45,650 also had to advance 160 00:07:46,770 --> 00:07:50,050 United States Russia United Kingdom France 161 00:07:50,140 --> 00:07:52,050 The power of the Great Powers is very strong 162 00:07:52,420 --> 00:07:54,950 His Majesty the Emperor does not want war 163 00:07:58,700 --> 00:08:00,130 How are you going to live 164 00:08:02,700 --> 00:08:04,570 live by the sword - what sword 165 00:08:04,860 --> 00:08:08,240 Work with Mr. Yong to promote Natural Lixin Flow to the whole country 166 00:08:08,470 --> 00:08:10,090 This is what a child thinks 167 00:08:10,180 --> 00:08:12,880 After all, I am the thorn in Ishida Village 168 00:08:13,680 --> 00:08:16,140 Japan changed after the Sekihara War 169 00:08:16,760 --> 00:08:18,740 Now it's going to change again 170 00:08:19,920 --> 00:08:21,260 You have to choose who to fight 171 00:08:21,260 --> 00:08:23,260 Do you want me to kill foreigners? 172 00:08:23,540 --> 00:08:25,260 idiot back 173 00:08:26,460 --> 00:08:28,900 Don't kill foreigners 174 00:08:29,020 --> 00:08:32,930 Go to Kyoto, Survive by Sword in the Heartland of Change 175 00:08:49,780 --> 00:08:50,930 I lost 176 00:08:54,190 --> 00:08:55,650 thorn 177 00:08:58,820 --> 00:09:02,960 Kill him and one more - thorn 178 00:09:07,780 --> 00:09:09,040 serving wine 179 00:09:09,160 --> 00:09:11,040 coming 180 00:09:13,140 --> 00:09:15,890 This is Ishida powder that is effective for fractures 181 00:09:16,050 --> 00:09:19,800 Drink the bruises on your body while it's still hot and it will go away in two days 182 00:09:19,890 --> 00:09:22,000 Not only fractures, other injuries can also be cured 183 00:09:22,000 --> 00:09:25,040 Come and buy, buy, come and buy 184 00:09:25,040 --> 00:09:26,690 okay 185 00:09:38,640 --> 00:09:40,550 How is your swordsmanship? 186 00:09:40,820 --> 00:09:44,410 No one comes to the dojo or the miso warehouse is smelly 187 00:09:44,580 --> 00:09:48,370 Pinch your nose and do morning exercises at the miso warehouse 188 00:09:48,370 --> 00:09:49,910 This chuanliu is so boring 189 00:09:49,910 --> 00:09:51,910 it's boring 190 00:09:53,320 --> 00:09:56,250 How famous is our genre in Edo? 191 00:09:56,370 --> 00:09:58,020 There are now five hundred types of warfare 192 00:09:58,020 --> 00:10:00,570 There are 600 dojos in the streets of Edo Prefecture alone. 193 00:10:00,860 --> 00:10:03,310 Naturally Lixin can't even rank in the top 50 194 00:10:03,430 --> 00:10:05,930 Wearing a mask and gauntlets doesn't work at all 195 00:10:06,050 --> 00:10:07,720 still have to go to kyoto 196 00:10:07,840 --> 00:10:11,280 Ah Sui, do you live at your sister's place tonight - um 197 00:10:11,580 --> 00:10:14,180 Then I'm leaving. I've got to go back home and say hello. -Okay 198 00:10:16,500 --> 00:10:18,510 If you want to go, I will go too 199 00:10:18,770 --> 00:10:20,510 Where to go - Kyoto 200 00:10:28,860 --> 00:10:32,020 I never met your mother 201 00:10:32,550 --> 00:10:34,020 Raised by my sister 202 00:10:34,530 --> 00:10:37,210 But you like to fuck, I don't 203 00:10:37,210 --> 00:10:40,630 I don't like just exercising masculinity 204 00:10:40,880 --> 00:10:44,010 Think about the women who are used as props 205 00:10:48,450 --> 00:10:49,590 Ah Sui 206 00:10:50,930 --> 00:10:52,160 don't forget tonight 207 00:10:56,350 --> 00:10:58,300 I will go straight back to Edo 208 00:10:59,200 --> 00:11:01,630 Tonight is the lights out night fight, come with me 209 00:11:01,630 --> 00:11:04,340 no i don't like wild beasts 210 00:11:04,340 --> 00:11:06,720 No matter male or female, we just imitate the ancients 211 00:11:06,720 --> 00:11:09,840 Whoever catches it is the beast 212 00:11:10,080 --> 00:11:11,840 I have only one object in my life 213 00:11:11,840 --> 00:11:13,220 there can be no such person 214 00:11:13,300 --> 00:11:15,220 She must be somewhere in Japan 215 00:11:15,650 --> 00:11:16,530 gone 216 00:11:36,620 --> 00:11:41,890 The road of kendo of those who are obsessed by the authorities and those who are bystanders 217 00:11:52,470 --> 00:11:53,460 Uncle 218 00:11:54,210 --> 00:11:57,070 There's a rude person peeking outside 219 00:12:00,130 --> 00:12:01,330 Hey 220 00:12:09,220 --> 00:12:10,380 Do you sell medicine? 221 00:12:12,570 --> 00:12:15,030 He is the thorn in Ishida Village 222 00:12:15,360 --> 00:12:17,030 good looking 223 00:12:17,930 --> 00:12:19,850 What genre are you in selling medicine? 224 00:12:20,100 --> 00:12:21,430 Tennen Rishin style 225 00:12:21,820 --> 00:12:23,050 two strokes 226 00:12:31,680 --> 00:12:32,640 Next 227 00:12:33,170 --> 00:12:34,640 I haven't lost yet 228 00:12:40,740 --> 00:12:41,570 Next 229 00:12:52,900 --> 00:12:53,970 Next 230 00:13:09,330 --> 00:13:11,010 Ah Sui is here 231 00:13:17,470 --> 00:13:18,960 It hurts too badly 232 00:13:19,010 --> 00:13:20,300 go further 233 00:13:20,300 --> 00:13:22,750 Just drop it here - fine 234 00:13:22,880 --> 00:13:23,970 Ah Sui 235 00:13:26,720 --> 00:13:28,180 did you fight again 236 00:13:28,180 --> 00:13:31,580 Sister, don't make a fuss about the wound opening. 237 00:13:32,080 --> 00:13:36,160 Because my master is Lizheng, no one cares about your hairdo 238 00:13:36,860 --> 00:13:38,960 No matter how many times people are reincarnated, they are just people 239 00:13:39,350 --> 00:13:40,560 you gotta know who you are 240 00:13:41,680 --> 00:13:44,780 British embassy at Tozenji was attacked again 241 00:13:45,040 --> 00:13:46,240 This is the second time 242 00:13:46,610 --> 00:13:48,360 The shogunate was disgraced 243 00:13:48,450 --> 00:13:49,650 I am waiting for the people led by generals 244 00:13:49,650 --> 00:13:52,340 Will take responsibility to revive the shogunate 245 00:13:52,540 --> 00:13:54,960 The tone is really not small 246 00:13:55,280 --> 00:13:56,960 Only talk about the thorns of love 247 00:13:56,960 --> 00:14:00,370 Some people say that Ah Sui is reliable - Ah Sui is just a cat 248 00:14:00,500 --> 00:14:03,140 Whenever you meet a woman, it's sneaking behind your back 249 00:14:04,090 --> 00:14:07,970 If you want to drive away the pit vipers, take some green bamboo and put lead in it 250 00:15:03,070 --> 00:15:04,290 Who - Liuche Zongbo 251 00:15:04,740 --> 00:15:06,290 blah blah blah - a tiebreaker 252 00:15:11,490 --> 00:15:15,010 At the time, I thought killing was so easy. 253 00:15:18,240 --> 00:15:21,820 Mr. Yong and I have both killed a lot of people 254 00:15:23,160 --> 00:15:27,070 We wouldn't have killed so many people without the Shinsengumi 255 00:15:28,320 --> 00:15:32,240 Young Aizu feudal lord Katamori Matsudaira moved to Tokyo in an unprecedented manner. 256 00:15:32,240 --> 00:15:34,550 There will be no new groups in the world 257 00:15:36,010 --> 00:15:38,090 Guardian of Kyoto 258 00:15:39,390 --> 00:15:44,120 After the death of Naobi Ii, the important minister of the founding faction Matsudaira Chungaku 259 00:15:44,120 --> 00:15:46,530 Appointed as the new chief executive of the shogunate 260 00:15:46,640 --> 00:15:51,990 (See the post after the general: refers to the position of the general who assists the current general when he is a minor) 261 00:15:46,640 --> 00:15:51,990 The 15th-generation general, Mr. Kiichi Hashimoto, took office after he was appointed general. 262 00:15:52,110 --> 00:15:56,740 The guardian of Kyoto is a new official position to govern Kyoto 263 00:15:57,620 --> 00:16:01,730 The ronin who shouted for the king and the barbarians ran rampant at the feet of the emperor 264 00:16:02,020 --> 00:16:04,990 Also beheaded people close to the shogunate or founding dignitaries 265 00:16:05,130 --> 00:16:08,220 If killed, his head will be placed on the Kamogawa beach 266 00:16:08,260 --> 00:16:09,250 There is a guilt sign next to it 267 00:16:10,000 --> 00:16:13,010 This is the one who is condemned 268 00:16:13,830 --> 00:16:14,580 madness 269 00:16:14,780 --> 00:16:17,380 Ronin will break into merchant's house at night to rob 270 00:16:17,600 --> 00:16:21,220 Threatened to kill foreigners, let the merchants pay and spend the money they robbed 271 00:16:21,390 --> 00:16:23,680 The famous night market has never been opened for this reason. 272 00:16:24,300 --> 00:16:26,760 It is the Choshu clan who is behind all this. 273 00:16:27,920 --> 00:16:31,570 Changzhou tried to win over the ministers to support the court 274 00:16:32,140 --> 00:16:34,260 plan to establish a government in Kyoto 275 00:16:34,690 --> 00:16:35,790 Both the prince and the emperor are planted in money 276 00:16:35,790 --> 00:16:41,330 The nobles of the Tokugawa family have not been involved in the vulgar world of politics for 300 years 277 00:16:41,380 --> 00:16:44,690 I am a person who has inherited the blood of the god-kun Ieyasu. 278 00:16:44,690 --> 00:16:48,350 These two should be thinking that if they want to step into the quagmire 279 00:16:48,350 --> 00:16:50,850 Then bring a few more people together 280 00:16:51,200 --> 00:16:53,310 My domain is located in a remote part of Oshu 281 00:16:53,650 --> 00:16:57,480 The retainers are stubbornly stubborn and do not understand the situation in Kyoto 282 00:16:57,840 --> 00:16:59,840 - Temperament also... - The situation took a turn for the worse. 283 00:16:59,920 --> 00:17:02,650 Aizu-sama, please accept the appointment 284 00:17:02,720 --> 00:17:05,020 I hope you can become the guardian of the royal city 285 00:17:07,240 --> 00:17:09,150 This caused chaos in the Aizu Domain 286 00:17:09,540 --> 00:17:12,550 (National elders: family elders who stay in the domain of the feudal lord have a higher status than ordinary elders) 287 00:17:09,540 --> 00:17:12,550 The national leader led several people to Edo on fast horses 288 00:17:12,550 --> 00:17:14,080 persuade the lord to change his mind 289 00:17:14,080 --> 00:17:17,140 I can't accept the shogunate's proposal. If I accept my clan, it will perish. 290 00:17:17,350 --> 00:17:21,570 Let's go to Aizu with the determination to die with Kyoto as a battlefield. 291 00:17:21,760 --> 00:17:23,710 This is all I have to say 292 00:17:23,790 --> 00:17:27,570 The king and ministers embrace each other and cry loudly 293 00:17:27,800 --> 00:17:32,590 Because the family motto of the Aizu domain is for the general to put life and death aside 294 00:17:33,300 --> 00:17:38,350 On December 24, 1862, the Aizu Army entered Beijing 295 00:17:38,770 --> 00:17:43,520 Citizens have put their hearts down and the famous night market has reopened 296 00:17:50,500 --> 00:17:53,920 Guanbai Guards Mansion 297 00:17:52,370 --> 00:17:56,140 After the arrival of Lord Rong Bao, he immediately began to work in the court. 298 00:18:02,100 --> 00:18:05,970 This is the time engraved on the incense timer 299 00:18:15,410 --> 00:18:17,660 Things are really complicated in Kyoto 300 00:18:19,000 --> 00:18:22,320 After Ieyasu-kun, the ministers are obviously alive 301 00:18:22,320 --> 00:18:23,780 But you can only have the treasures that have been accumulated with great difficulty 302 00:18:23,780 --> 00:18:24,980 it's not fair 303 00:18:28,050 --> 00:18:33,680 I want to make a profit and lend my house to a city gambler to open a casino 304 00:18:34,060 --> 00:18:37,510 Only the official position is far above the great names 305 00:18:38,850 --> 00:18:40,870 That's the source of the commotion 306 00:18:41,060 --> 00:18:44,740 I heard that the ministers who are close to the Changzhou domain can't stand it anymore. 307 00:18:44,740 --> 00:18:47,580 Those ministers who were pro-Changzhou even falsely passed on imperial edicts 308 00:18:47,840 --> 00:18:50,210 Tell the king to fight against foreigners and say that this is the will of the emperor 309 00:18:50,210 --> 00:18:53,380 Caused the commotion of the patriots, but the emperor didn't know it 310 00:18:54,100 --> 00:18:55,380 This is too stupid 311 00:18:56,040 --> 00:18:58,770 Lord of Satsuma and Lord of Choshu 312 00:18:59,430 --> 00:19:02,710 They must have never been to this temple. 313 00:19:04,190 --> 00:19:06,090 The minister is terrified 314 00:19:14,650 --> 00:19:16,160 The second day of the first month of the second year of the change of years 315 00:19:16,750 --> 00:19:18,890 The daimyo were allowed to meet the Emperor Xiaoming 316 00:19:24,180 --> 00:19:36,600 Left Guard Lieutenant General Yuan Rongbao has an audience 317 00:19:39,760 --> 00:19:43,570 Give him my robe 318 00:19:43,890 --> 00:19:49,250 3 days later, after becoming a general, His Excellency Kiichihashi came to Nijo Castle 319 00:19:49,940 --> 00:19:54,050 He was stationed in Kyoto in charge of diplomacy between the generals and the imperial court 320 00:19:55,570 --> 00:19:59,040 It's good to see the emperor, but... 321 00:19:59,930 --> 00:20:01,950 The curse has intensified 322 00:20:04,040 --> 00:20:07,040 Are you being too lenient with the barbarians? 323 00:20:08,270 --> 00:20:12,450 As a guardian, I think it should be widely spoken 324 00:20:13,600 --> 00:20:16,760 Could it be that you plan to talk to the activists in Tosa, Satsuma Choshu? 325 00:20:17,520 --> 00:20:20,240 I will convince them myself 326 00:20:22,910 --> 00:20:23,930 persuade? 327 00:20:24,340 --> 00:20:28,160 The guards of the royal city should use their troops to drive out the dangerous elements 328 00:20:28,460 --> 00:20:30,710 Do you think Aizu can do it? 329 00:20:31,090 --> 00:20:33,190 actually actually 330 00:20:34,160 --> 00:20:36,400 The task I'm waiting for is only to strengthen the city's vigilance 331 00:20:36,450 --> 00:20:38,540 Do not meet with dangerous elements 332 00:20:38,540 --> 00:20:42,200 Catching criminals, a 300-year-old practice, has become impropriety 333 00:20:42,290 --> 00:20:44,170 I can't take this breath of Aizu Domain's inappropriate job. 334 00:20:44,170 --> 00:20:46,600 The day when General Kamao goes to Beijing is approaching 335 00:20:46,800 --> 00:20:50,310 - Choose a person with superb swordsmanship in the practice... -The local practice is afraid of the rogue 336 00:20:50,440 --> 00:20:52,310 Only dare to come out and pick up the body afterwards 337 00:20:52,360 --> 00:20:54,450 We have the strongest samurai 338 00:20:54,530 --> 00:20:57,280 There are four or five hundred radical ronin in Kyoto 339 00:20:57,740 --> 00:21:00,960 If we tightened the controls, they killed them at the same time 340 00:21:01,090 --> 00:21:02,660 may cause chaos 341 00:21:02,820 --> 00:21:05,030 Then what should I do 342 00:21:05,930 --> 00:21:08,110 Same as assassinating Mr. Ii 343 00:21:08,530 --> 00:21:12,250 Let the warriors with superb swordsman leave the domain to form an assassination unit 344 00:21:12,370 --> 00:21:13,890 This is not the style of the Aizu Domain 345 00:21:13,940 --> 00:21:15,620 In this way, you don't have to ask whether the other party is from Langshi City or the common people. 346 00:21:15,620 --> 00:21:17,090 Hire only competent people 347 00:21:17,440 --> 00:21:18,520 It's so messy it's unreasonable 348 00:21:18,550 --> 00:21:21,220 If you don't want to do so, then tell Mr. Qingxi - wait a minute 349 00:21:21,290 --> 00:21:25,010 We were still living in Edo at the time 350 00:21:25,670 --> 00:21:28,130 Whether measles or cholera is due to not waiting for the emperor's order 351 00:21:28,150 --> 00:21:30,450 The shogunate listened to the foreigners and opened the port 352 00:21:30,730 --> 00:21:32,770 You and Mr. Shannan have the same opinion. 353 00:21:32,880 --> 00:21:36,540 People who study the best Beichen Yidao Liu in the world think so 354 00:21:36,540 --> 00:21:38,540 I think ideas have nothing to do with genre 355 00:21:47,900 --> 00:21:50,330 The atmosphere always feels weird 356 00:21:50,410 --> 00:21:51,690 we are surrounded 357 00:21:51,690 --> 00:21:54,370 Their goal is me, you don't shoot 358 00:21:54,490 --> 00:21:56,370 Even if you say so... 359 00:22:02,690 --> 00:22:03,640 year three 360 00:22:03,850 --> 00:22:06,390 We're here to avenge Mr. Liuche, right? 361 00:22:07,000 --> 00:22:09,100 Then we'll be one-on-one 362 00:22:09,150 --> 00:22:10,320 you thorn 363 00:22:21,610 --> 00:22:24,340 Are you going to fight me - just use that thing in your hand 364 00:22:24,660 --> 00:22:26,600 Chief - I don't want 365 00:22:27,840 --> 00:22:30,620 I'll go buy a new one later 366 00:22:30,850 --> 00:22:33,670 I'm here to avenge my uncle, I won't make excuses 367 00:22:33,870 --> 00:22:35,820 But I want to seriously fight with you 368 00:22:35,890 --> 00:22:37,820 you go buy the right knife 369 00:22:39,530 --> 00:22:41,100 I'm going to go to Kyoto as soon as possible 370 00:22:41,100 --> 00:22:43,540 Just came to say hello to old acquaintance Mr. Hijikata 371 00:22:43,910 --> 00:22:45,050 See you in the King City in the future 372 00:22:59,130 --> 00:23:00,880 next hello 373 00:23:02,130 --> 00:23:03,360 watch out 374 00:23:03,500 --> 00:23:05,410 If this goes on, the dojo will close down. 375 00:23:05,410 --> 00:23:07,920 The number of disciples is decreasing, but the number of professors is increasing 376 00:23:07,920 --> 00:23:10,850 The main house also got smaller - good 377 00:23:10,990 --> 00:23:13,890 I'm just here to ask what you're going to do in the future - okay 378 00:23:13,960 --> 00:23:18,560 From now on, you will sleep, eat and practice at the dojo 379 00:23:18,710 --> 00:23:21,440 The main house will be my practice place from now on 380 00:23:27,810 --> 00:23:30,970 It's almost time for us to leave for Kyoto together. 381 00:23:31,050 --> 00:23:32,610 no money - borrow 382 00:23:32,690 --> 00:23:35,490 Go to Kyoto must have the matching sword Mr. Hijikata 383 00:23:35,570 --> 00:23:36,710 Yup 384 00:23:43,660 --> 00:23:45,830 I heard that the shogunate was going to convene a troupe of rogues to go to Kyoto. 385 00:23:45,890 --> 00:23:46,970 As a Yamato Samurai 386 00:23:46,970 --> 00:23:48,970 To be the vanguard of expelling foreign enemies and resolutely resisting foreigners 387 00:23:49,080 --> 00:23:51,470 Please sign up actively to sweep away the disappointment of the weekdays 388 00:23:51,510 --> 00:23:54,790 It doesn't look good like this New eight-where does it look bad 389 00:23:55,270 --> 00:23:57,990 The shogunate was to manage the ronin who were bent on fighting against foreigners 390 00:23:57,990 --> 00:23:59,990 Just pulled out Aizu-sama - Hijikata 391 00:24:00,050 --> 00:24:02,360 This recruitment is because I and Todo's classmates 392 00:24:02,360 --> 00:24:04,600 Mr. Hachiro Kiyokawa's proposal was put into action by the shogunate 393 00:24:04,750 --> 00:24:06,090 Not surprising 394 00:24:06,390 --> 00:24:09,510 Ah Sui, didn't you say you wanted to go to Kyoto? 395 00:24:09,600 --> 00:24:11,180 Then what are you going to do? 396 00:24:11,360 --> 00:24:13,580 no no no all the same 397 00:24:13,730 --> 00:24:15,190 Shannan come and tell me in detail - ok 398 00:24:25,220 --> 00:24:26,610 drink it 399 00:24:26,670 --> 00:24:27,940 no i don't drink 400 00:24:27,940 --> 00:24:30,660 It's okay to have a drink today - Mr. Yuan 401 00:24:30,660 --> 00:24:33,510 One person pays 50 liang to settle down, as expected of the shogunate. 402 00:24:33,510 --> 00:24:35,800 It all depends on Mr. Qinghe's people. 403 00:24:35,940 --> 00:24:38,140 If you go to Kyoto, it will be a battlefield 404 00:24:38,480 --> 00:24:41,190 I ask for a famous knife even if I spend all my settlement expenses 405 00:24:41,900 --> 00:24:43,470 That would be none other than Huche. 406 00:24:43,780 --> 00:24:45,300 Is Hu Che so good? 407 00:24:45,300 --> 00:24:46,690 congratulations congratulations congratulations 408 00:24:47,040 --> 00:24:48,690 If elected as one of the Langs 409 00:24:48,790 --> 00:24:50,400 That would be like half a foot into the ranks of the samurai 410 00:24:50,920 --> 00:24:53,900 Here are 30 knives, pick the one you like and take it with you 411 00:24:58,150 --> 00:24:59,220 What's wrong 412 00:24:59,580 --> 00:25:01,710 I want a famous sword at the level of a daimyo saber 413 00:25:01,780 --> 00:25:03,360 Say something unreal 414 00:25:03,360 --> 00:25:04,770 Toru Kondo 415 00:25:04,990 --> 00:25:09,630 - Ayong leads Tiger Toru... - Going to Kyoto to do things is to rely on skills and swords to decide life and death 416 00:25:10,610 --> 00:25:12,870 I want to bring a famous sword that is comparable to Hu Toru 417 00:25:13,430 --> 00:25:15,670 How much will it cost - 100 taels 418 00:25:16,490 --> 00:25:19,010 A servant's salary is only 3 taels a year 419 00:25:20,060 --> 00:25:26,310 Is it enough for your brother-in-law to give you 50-50 taels? 420 00:25:26,540 --> 00:25:28,310 I give 50 taels 421 00:25:30,770 --> 00:25:31,810 Remember your sister's kindness 422 00:25:40,880 --> 00:25:43,850 I heard that you have Izumi Kanesada in your family 423 00:25:47,140 --> 00:25:48,440 can you tell the difference 424 00:25:48,930 --> 00:25:52,410 If the sword can be seen clearly, it will be more dangerous 425 00:25:52,510 --> 00:25:53,990 I want it for the second generation 426 00:25:54,610 --> 00:25:57,720 What about the 1st and 3rd gen - not too mediocre 427 00:26:00,990 --> 00:26:06,670 Where did you hear about Maruju's name? 428 00:26:06,710 --> 00:26:08,670 I ran ten and they all said that 429 00:26:24,290 --> 00:26:30,390 Rusted - for three hundred years in deep sleep in a warehouse in the mountains 430 00:26:31,940 --> 00:26:33,140 How much 431 00:26:33,320 --> 00:26:34,770 Five taels - too cheap 432 00:26:34,820 --> 00:26:37,410 If it is polished and polished, it is worth a hundred taels 433 00:26:37,640 --> 00:26:38,710 why five taels 434 00:26:38,880 --> 00:26:42,530 The sword has its own destiny 435 00:26:43,220 --> 00:26:47,390 This knife has been wanting to meet you for hundreds of years 436 00:26:47,390 --> 00:26:50,930 That's why you can be pulled from the scabbard so easily 437 00:26:51,520 --> 00:26:55,090 This is what I have seen. Five taels is enough. 438 00:26:55,700 --> 00:27:00,270 Please help me find a sharpener - I'd be more than happy 439 00:27:13,090 --> 00:27:16,180 Will you wake up after three hundred years of sleep? 440 00:27:22,170 --> 00:27:25,260 The rogues traveled one hundred and thirty miles 441 00:27:25,650 --> 00:27:29,450 Arrived in Kyoto on the evening of February 23, 1863 442 00:27:29,890 --> 00:27:39,250 (Note: This poem is "Song of Righteousness" by Toko Fujita) 443 00:27:29,890 --> 00:27:35,240 The atmosphere of heaven and earth is pure Zhong Shenzhou 444 00:27:36,080 --> 00:27:39,250 Xiuwei Fujidake 445 00:27:39,330 --> 00:27:41,800 Outstanding among the assembled team members 446 00:27:42,230 --> 00:27:46,080 It was Kamo Serizawa, who was born in the Mito Tengu Party, and the four they sent. 447 00:27:46,300 --> 00:27:48,360 He said that the chief was very much like his dead brother 448 00:27:48,640 --> 00:27:50,600 So hold on and refuse to let go 449 00:27:51,440 --> 00:27:55,180 The eight of us Kondo sent are the treatment of ordinary team members 450 00:27:55,730 --> 00:27:57,830 The fish is also carefully cooked - yes 451 00:27:58,140 --> 00:28:02,260 (Countryman: He is usually engaged in farming and joins the army in wartime) 452 00:27:58,140 --> 00:28:00,050 We are the local people of Kyoto 453 00:28:00,050 --> 00:28:02,260 The Yagi family who is respected as a villager in Roshi Mibu Village 454 00:28:02,320 --> 00:28:05,090 Why should you take care of those vulgar people from Kanto? 455 00:28:05,090 --> 00:28:06,980 Not only our family is the same 456 00:28:06,980 --> 00:28:09,680 It is the duty of the people of Mibu Village to help the general. 457 00:28:09,680 --> 00:28:11,680 No complaints - I'm so sorry 458 00:28:16,280 --> 00:28:18,200 As expected of the emperor's feet 459 00:28:18,460 --> 00:28:20,200 A pickle is also so delicate 460 00:28:20,470 --> 00:28:23,850 I feel more and more that our Kanto is a wild land 461 00:28:25,850 --> 00:28:27,780 Wilderness is also good 462 00:28:30,310 --> 00:28:31,750 when is it now 463 00:28:31,970 --> 00:28:34,090 Is this time convenient? 464 00:28:34,790 --> 00:28:36,090 really dirty 465 00:28:36,360 --> 00:28:38,090 where did you get this stuff 466 00:28:38,090 --> 00:28:40,920 The farewell gift from Mr. Jue'an - let me see 467 00:28:43,440 --> 00:28:44,500 excuse me 468 00:28:45,590 --> 00:28:47,390 Someone is looking for Mr. Kondo 469 00:28:51,380 --> 00:28:53,100 Saito, you are here 470 00:28:53,380 --> 00:28:54,650 Todo, this is your first time seeing each other - yes 471 00:28:54,710 --> 00:28:57,490 (Flag book: In the Edo period, it specifically refers to those who have less than 10,000 stone in the territory of the samurai directly under the generals but have the qualifications to meet the generals) 472 00:28:54,710 --> 00:28:57,490 This is Saitoichi who fled after beheading Hamoto in Edo 473 00:28:57,700 --> 00:28:59,680 Please let me join this time too - fine fine 474 00:29:08,840 --> 00:29:12,380 Pray for the gods to save us and the loners from the pain 475 00:29:12,380 --> 00:29:13,790 I hope to chat with you 476 00:29:13,790 --> 00:29:16,930 Why did the blue blood of my generation flow? 477 00:29:17,240 --> 00:29:18,650 What does bloody mean? 478 00:29:18,650 --> 00:29:20,750 Blood shed for loyalty 479 00:29:20,750 --> 00:29:22,790 be quiet - i believe 480 00:29:22,790 --> 00:29:24,330 You are all warriors 481 00:29:24,330 --> 00:29:26,320 not afraid of bloodshed 482 00:29:26,320 --> 00:29:29,180 But if you bleed for the wrong path 483 00:29:29,180 --> 00:29:32,000 will bear an indelible stigma 484 00:29:32,730 --> 00:29:34,530 I'm waiting to form an alliance with the Waves 485 00:29:34,530 --> 00:29:40,130 Said to be the escort of the 14th-generation General Shigeru who recently entered Beijing. 486 00:29:40,130 --> 00:29:41,700 But that's just an excuse 487 00:29:42,990 --> 00:29:44,990 The emperor hates the barbarians 488 00:29:45,540 --> 00:29:49,200 Therefore, I am very opposed to the shogunate's policy of opening the port. 489 00:29:49,200 --> 00:29:51,160 Why don't I wait for the Langshi group to uphold this righteousness 490 00:29:51,160 --> 00:29:53,660 To be a pioneer 491 00:29:53,660 --> 00:29:55,710 it is good 492 00:29:55,710 --> 00:29:58,010 We don't eat Tokugawa's salary 493 00:29:58,010 --> 00:29:59,370 Can freely choose to advance or retreat 494 00:29:59,370 --> 00:30:01,590 So we should act as soldiers of the court 495 00:30:01,590 --> 00:30:03,740 If the important members of the shogunate want to deviate from the intention of the court 496 00:30:03,740 --> 00:30:05,320 Kill and give up 497 00:30:05,320 --> 00:30:08,320 After Qinghe released these words, the shogun's vassals left. 498 00:30:08,320 --> 00:30:13,600 My offer will certainly greatly promote the prestige of the court 499 00:30:13,600 --> 00:30:18,700 So from today onwards, I, Qinghe, will take up the post of Minister 500 00:30:18,700 --> 00:30:21,330 Put the thoughts of the Langshi group on the emperor 501 00:30:22,350 --> 00:30:24,930 Do you have any objection 502 00:30:27,960 --> 00:30:29,310 He's such a bad guy 503 00:30:29,310 --> 00:30:30,660 Great Traitor 504 00:30:30,990 --> 00:30:33,920 It's so high-sounding on the lips, it's already rotten on the inside 505 00:30:35,160 --> 00:30:36,220 kill him 506 00:30:36,220 --> 00:30:37,550 Eh? have you ever killed someone 507 00:30:37,890 --> 00:30:38,860 have it 508 00:30:38,860 --> 00:30:39,760 It seems not 509 00:30:40,400 --> 00:30:41,560 You haven't killed yet, have you? 510 00:30:41,560 --> 00:30:42,890 Not killed 511 00:30:44,860 --> 00:30:45,960 you boy 512 00:30:45,960 --> 00:30:48,720 It's time to change your way of walking like a hillbilly 513 00:30:48,720 --> 00:30:49,420 Have it 514 00:30:51,320 --> 00:30:54,080 Should be like a samurai, right? 515 00:30:55,300 --> 00:30:56,770 This is Kyoto 516 00:31:00,520 --> 00:31:02,530 If only killing Qinghe would not solve the fundamental problem 517 00:31:02,530 --> 00:31:03,420 Let's build a new party 518 00:31:03,960 --> 00:31:04,960 There are only 9 of us 519 00:31:04,960 --> 00:31:06,360 La Cinze Duck joins 520 00:31:06,360 --> 00:31:07,600 he's an alcoholic 521 00:31:07,600 --> 00:31:08,890 I heard from the chief 522 00:31:09,290 --> 00:31:12,730 Duck Serizawa works at the Kyoto mansion of the Mito Tokugawa family 523 00:31:12,730 --> 00:31:14,670 The position is the public side - good skills 524 00:31:14,670 --> 00:31:18,740 And he also has a good relationship with the public side of Mitsuhiro Rongbao-sama 525 00:31:18,740 --> 00:31:19,860 That is to say 526 00:31:20,610 --> 00:31:23,200 We will report the idea of ​​establishing a new party through Serizawa 527 00:31:23,200 --> 00:31:25,200 Let the guardians of Kyoto help us 528 00:31:26,540 --> 00:31:28,460 good idea 529 00:31:28,460 --> 00:31:29,250 I say 530 00:31:30,920 --> 00:31:33,330 Can you stop calling me "A Sui"? 531 00:31:33,330 --> 00:31:35,210 why ah, is it bad? 532 00:31:35,210 --> 00:31:37,530 In the future, please call me Tufang 533 00:31:41,380 --> 00:31:43,890 In the future, please call me Tufang 534 00:31:44,500 --> 00:31:46,120 I'm not that thorn anymore 535 00:31:46,120 --> 00:31:47,920 If you wish, then as you wish 536 00:31:47,920 --> 00:31:48,660 Hijikata 537 00:31:54,840 --> 00:31:56,010 Hijikata 538 00:31:57,940 --> 00:31:58,610 nice 539 00:32:05,160 --> 00:32:07,070 Is it to worship the guardian deity? 540 00:32:07,690 --> 00:32:10,430 Isn't there a fox cave at the guardhouse of the Hino Inn? 541 00:32:10,430 --> 00:32:11,360 really 542 00:32:11,690 --> 00:32:13,740 Those foxes are very smart 543 00:32:14,240 --> 00:32:15,160 how do I say this 544 00:32:15,160 --> 00:32:17,330 There is a shop called Hannoya far from the hotel. 545 00:32:17,330 --> 00:32:19,500 they sometimes go there to buy wine 546 00:32:19,500 --> 00:32:20,860 Pay well every time 547 00:32:20,860 --> 00:32:22,150 Pay with leaves 548 00:32:22,150 --> 00:32:23,260 you think so too 549 00:32:23,260 --> 00:32:26,290 But they pay for genuine Tongbao with patina 550 00:32:26,930 --> 00:32:28,920 I like this Mr. Yuan 551 00:32:30,820 --> 00:32:33,370 By the way, do you want to listen to me tell the story of Kappa? 552 00:32:33,970 --> 00:32:34,880 I do not want to hear 553 00:32:35,780 --> 00:32:38,260 The Serizawa faction lived in the main house with a large eaves 554 00:32:38,260 --> 00:32:40,380 We live in the Datong shop in another courtyard. 555 00:32:40,380 --> 00:32:42,580 If he persuades us to drink, I'll drink it 556 00:32:42,580 --> 00:32:43,690 no 557 00:32:45,350 --> 00:32:46,580 perform well 558 00:32:51,320 --> 00:32:53,310 You ask me what I think of Qinghe? 559 00:32:53,310 --> 00:32:53,940 Yes 560 00:32:55,310 --> 00:32:57,620 I will kill that traitor 561 00:32:59,090 --> 00:33:00,280 new see 562 00:33:00,690 --> 00:33:02,480 It's because I don't kill him 563 00:33:02,480 --> 00:33:04,500 The dark and windy night broke into his bedroom 564 00:33:04,500 --> 00:33:06,460 No matter the three seven twenty one cut it first 565 00:33:06,850 --> 00:33:08,570 Mr. Duck is really a hero 566 00:33:08,570 --> 00:33:10,120 it's not worth it 567 00:33:10,520 --> 00:33:11,300 What? 568 00:33:11,790 --> 00:33:14,420 I have a suggestion for your Excellency after killing him 569 00:33:14,420 --> 00:33:16,870 To be the first national scholar in Kyoto 570 00:33:18,000 --> 00:33:20,240 The No. 1 Kokusai in Kyoto 571 00:33:21,760 --> 00:33:23,410 Serizawa through his big brother 572 00:33:23,410 --> 00:33:26,530 He made a request to the guardian of Kyoto to kill the traitor Qinghe. 573 00:33:26,530 --> 00:33:32,110 The next day, the public servant of the Aizu Domain, Jibei Ojima, said that he must see us. 574 00:33:33,600 --> 00:33:38,270 Drive away all the ships from America 575 00:33:45,910 --> 00:33:48,190 what do you think of them 576 00:33:50,030 --> 00:33:51,560 are first class 577 00:33:52,320 --> 00:33:53,740 What if you have to be divided? 578 00:33:56,010 --> 00:33:58,150 Serizawa-sama must be the strongest one 579 00:33:58,600 --> 00:34:01,700 But the most dreaded here is Mr. Tufang 580 00:34:02,540 --> 00:34:05,060 His cat-like movement was done with effort 581 00:34:05,370 --> 00:34:06,640 no flaws 582 00:34:10,060 --> 00:34:11,520 then let them try 583 00:34:12,880 --> 00:34:14,960 Let's talk to the chief. 584 00:34:14,960 --> 00:34:16,450 Just the four of us 585 00:34:16,450 --> 00:34:18,600 Qinghe is waiting for the emperor's life 586 00:34:18,600 --> 00:34:22,040 Every day I go to the Academy to give lectures to young ministers 587 00:34:22,500 --> 00:34:24,190 Even if the road you walk is different every day 588 00:34:24,190 --> 00:34:26,510 But there is one place that he must go through 589 00:34:36,970 --> 00:34:38,200 Assassination takes place at night 590 00:34:38,200 --> 00:34:40,910 If the Qinghe passes by here before sunset, then do not move. 591 00:34:40,910 --> 00:34:42,410 Requires one hit kill 592 00:34:42,410 --> 00:34:45,120 If you fail, run away immediately 593 00:34:45,430 --> 00:34:48,160 Kondo and Shinmi, Me and Serizawa 594 00:34:48,160 --> 00:34:49,940 take action in shifts 595 00:35:05,730 --> 00:35:08,920 I should have died in the change outside the Sakurada gate 596 00:35:09,540 --> 00:35:14,290 Because I blackmail and kill all evil 597 00:35:15,720 --> 00:35:17,070 so excluded from action 598 00:35:22,290 --> 00:35:23,060 coming 599 00:35:24,440 --> 00:35:26,400 I will take Qinghe's life 600 00:35:26,400 --> 00:35:27,690 be sure to kill 601 00:35:28,020 --> 00:35:29,160 Okay, earthwork 602 00:35:29,160 --> 00:35:30,260 be sure to kill 603 00:35:30,750 --> 00:35:32,140 I see 604 00:35:32,140 --> 00:35:33,650 I will deal with his disciple 605 00:35:33,650 --> 00:35:34,660 give it to you 606 00:35:36,260 --> 00:35:38,380 don't shout 607 00:35:40,120 --> 00:35:41,460 It's so long-winded, Mr. 608 00:35:41,460 --> 00:35:42,720 wait for my instructions 609 00:35:52,350 --> 00:35:53,000 this fool 610 00:36:28,820 --> 00:36:30,360 why shout 611 00:36:30,360 --> 00:36:31,940 it's your fault 612 00:36:31,940 --> 00:36:33,410 I don't understand what you're saying 613 00:36:35,060 --> 00:36:38,600 If I beat it just now, I will definitely be able to take the Qinghe head. 614 00:36:39,840 --> 00:36:41,480 That's your delusion 615 00:36:41,480 --> 00:36:43,320 Where is the illusion 616 00:36:44,620 --> 00:36:45,450 tell me the story 617 00:36:45,450 --> 00:36:48,480 One hit kill is our strategy 618 00:36:48,480 --> 00:36:49,980 But you didn't wait for my instructions... 619 00:36:50,840 --> 00:36:54,800 You are crazy about strategy 620 00:36:55,430 --> 00:36:56,350 lack of guts 621 00:36:56,350 --> 00:36:57,640 exactly what I want 622 00:36:58,590 --> 00:37:01,250 Since it's you who picks things up, don't blame me for being rude 623 00:37:30,960 --> 00:37:31,840 so far 624 00:37:33,910 --> 00:37:34,960 stop fighting 625 00:37:36,220 --> 00:37:37,630 It's the earth's fault 626 00:37:40,200 --> 00:37:42,750 Okita, are you alright? 627 00:37:45,470 --> 00:37:48,370 You two are running so fast I can barely catch up 628 00:37:48,370 --> 00:37:49,660 That cough doesn't sound good 629 00:37:50,810 --> 00:37:52,750 Although the assassination failed 630 00:37:52,750 --> 00:37:54,820 But we got the office 631 00:38:01,720 --> 00:38:04,970 A total of 14 people including Serizawa duck Kondo Isamu and his subordinates 632 00:38:04,970 --> 00:38:07,970 The Mibu Rami who appointed you as the guardian of Kyoto 633 00:38:07,970 --> 00:38:09,800 I hope you and the Aizu Domain will work together 634 00:38:09,800 --> 00:38:12,140 Guard the King City together 635 00:38:13,150 --> 00:38:15,070 Please help me too 636 00:38:15,070 --> 00:38:17,730 Hachiro Kiyokawa was ordered by the emperor to go to Edo 637 00:38:17,730 --> 00:38:19,360 was assassinated there 638 00:38:37,820 --> 00:38:40,430 We've killed a lot of disgusting rogues to become samurai 639 00:38:40,890 --> 00:38:43,850 Killed some people who could not have been killed 640 00:38:43,850 --> 00:38:49,250 It was also at that time that we imitated the Western military system and introduced the squadron organization 641 00:38:49,250 --> 00:38:52,170 Several shogunate samurai were familiar with this way 642 00:38:53,250 --> 00:38:55,360 Establish a system that maintains the vassal 643 00:38:55,810 --> 00:39:00,290 The largest army in the royal city that incorporates Western thinking 644 00:39:00,290 --> 00:39:01,590 That's our goal 645 00:39:03,420 --> 00:39:06,750 Even to keep Mr. Kondo away from Mr. Serizawa 646 00:39:07,680 --> 00:39:09,790 We need this kind of western reform too 647 00:39:10,660 --> 00:39:13,490 In my hometown, I have always been running a business of trial knives. 648 00:39:14,160 --> 00:39:17,530 There are methods such as stick testing, chopping hard objects, water hitting test, etc. 649 00:39:17,530 --> 00:39:19,150 Hit the water? -yes 650 00:39:19,720 --> 00:39:22,880 To hit the water is to hit the surface of the water with the blade like this 651 00:39:23,340 --> 00:39:24,910 If the blade is not strong enough, it will break 652 00:39:24,910 --> 00:39:26,480 Therefore, Mito's swordsmiths will put a lot of effort into it. 653 00:39:26,480 --> 00:39:30,650 Although I know he is obliged to write letters to the big men and ladies in the village 654 00:39:30,650 --> 00:39:33,350 But are these two getting too close? 655 00:39:33,350 --> 00:39:36,680 Mr. Serizawa is very knowledgeable about the Mito Domain. 656 00:39:36,680 --> 00:39:37,770 yes? 657 00:39:38,190 --> 00:39:40,970 Will Mr. Kondo just become the Mito Tengu Party? 658 00:39:45,180 --> 00:39:47,890 It's amazing, I bought my neighbor's house too. 659 00:39:48,220 --> 00:39:51,220 Mr. Kondo said that Odori's room looked bad 660 00:39:56,800 --> 00:39:59,280 Help, am I help? 661 00:39:59,280 --> 00:40:00,940 It is called "Officer" in Dutch. 662 00:40:00,940 --> 00:40:02,740 Orpheus? -Officer. 663 00:40:02,740 --> 00:40:04,300 Oheser-Officer. 664 00:40:04,300 --> 00:40:05,410 Officer. 665 00:40:05,410 --> 00:40:07,210 I usually handle affairs as the captain's assistant. 666 00:40:07,210 --> 00:40:09,820 In actual combat, he will be the leader of the squad to command the battle. 667 00:40:09,820 --> 00:40:12,460 and can assist from outside the camp 668 00:40:12,460 --> 00:40:13,480 Hence the name "Assistant" 669 00:40:15,330 --> 00:40:18,840 The top director is Serizawa Kondo Shinmi 670 00:40:18,840 --> 00:40:23,220 Strange that there is no Mr. Hijikata's name in it. It's surprising. 671 00:40:23,220 --> 00:40:26,050 Mr. Shannan and I are vice-presidents 672 00:40:26,050 --> 00:40:27,940 Although the "detention" of anti-Ilonians has decreased 673 00:40:28,400 --> 00:40:31,040 However, the "seizure" of property belonging to Serizawa's faction is not uncommon. 674 00:40:32,200 --> 00:40:32,840 200 two 675 00:40:32,840 --> 00:40:36,220 They broke into the merchant's home to extort money - 300 taels 676 00:40:36,220 --> 00:40:39,070 If resisted, they will even bring out the threat of artillery 677 00:40:40,070 --> 00:40:41,340 please go back 678 00:40:41,340 --> 00:40:42,990 It's even more dissolute to women 679 00:40:42,990 --> 00:40:46,330 Even the cannons are out. What are you doing? 680 00:40:50,750 --> 00:40:51,470 what 681 00:40:52,080 --> 00:40:53,150 what are you going to do 682 00:40:54,380 --> 00:40:55,450 come soon 683 00:40:58,800 --> 00:41:01,140 sorry 684 00:41:03,310 --> 00:41:05,730 hey - please stop 685 00:41:06,930 --> 00:41:10,690 Below is Heyue 686 00:41:10,690 --> 00:41:15,770 Above is the sun star - I don't want it 687 00:41:17,020 --> 00:41:18,000 don't want 688 00:41:21,240 --> 00:41:25,760 I got it, got it, wait a minute 689 00:41:35,060 --> 00:41:36,590 Can city folks join? 690 00:41:36,900 --> 00:41:38,980 The director and I both come from the common people 691 00:41:39,330 --> 00:41:40,130 what's your name 692 00:41:40,490 --> 00:41:44,490 Soo Yamazaki is the son of an acupuncturist at Koryobashi, Osaka 693 00:41:44,490 --> 00:41:45,500 what are you good at 694 00:41:45,500 --> 00:41:46,950 stare at the candle 695 00:41:50,670 --> 00:41:52,120 I am not a candle 696 00:41:53,070 --> 00:41:55,870 I'm sorry, but I'm best at making money 697 00:41:55,870 --> 00:41:57,590 Most of my father's patients were from wealthy businessmen. 698 00:41:57,590 --> 00:41:59,380 So the information on the rich is clear 699 00:41:59,380 --> 00:42:01,310 Such rich people would lend me money 700 00:42:01,310 --> 00:42:02,830 Rich people like that won't lend me money 701 00:42:02,830 --> 00:42:03,940 But if you look at it from the point of view of the rich 702 00:42:03,940 --> 00:42:06,790 People who are stingy with borrowing money will not become rich 703 00:42:06,790 --> 00:42:08,030 This time I'll go around it 704 00:42:08,030 --> 00:42:09,970 I, Yamazaki, promote the business process and everything goes smoothly and win-win 705 00:42:09,970 --> 00:42:11,380 I can also borrow money from it. 706 00:42:11,380 --> 00:42:13,230 When our team needs money, I can raise money in Osaka 707 00:42:13,230 --> 00:42:14,450 So do you want to bring me in? 708 00:42:14,450 --> 00:42:15,100 Next 709 00:42:20,510 --> 00:42:22,690 Are you two cousins? 710 00:42:22,690 --> 00:42:25,200 I was the first to join the team, this guy came with me 711 00:42:25,200 --> 00:42:26,580 But first I said that I wanted to be a samurai 712 00:42:26,580 --> 00:42:27,850 Whoever comes first - come on 713 00:42:27,850 --> 00:42:29,990 I came first, Mr. Yuan - you came first 714 00:42:33,870 --> 00:42:35,290 Are you writing poetry again? 715 00:42:36,980 --> 00:42:39,770 Eh, the law in the game? 716 00:42:40,290 --> 00:42:41,740 It's team discipline 717 00:42:42,330 --> 00:42:44,350 Must not violate the spirit of Bushido 718 00:42:44,350 --> 00:42:45,160 what is this 719 00:42:46,270 --> 00:42:48,750 For example, if you hurt the enemy but fail to take the opponent's life and let the opponent escape 720 00:42:48,750 --> 00:42:50,460 Or turn your back to the enemy 721 00:42:51,070 --> 00:42:55,160 As a team member, you must defeat the enemy as long as your sword is unsheathed. 722 00:42:55,160 --> 00:42:56,560 If you violate it - cut your own belly and commit suicide 723 00:42:56,960 --> 00:42:58,430 It's too harsh 724 00:42:58,430 --> 00:42:59,890 I'm afraid I'm going to scare off the players. 725 00:42:59,890 --> 00:43:01,140 It also has to commit suicide 726 00:43:01,140 --> 00:43:04,310 Article 2 It is not allowed to leave the team without permission 727 00:43:04,310 --> 00:43:08,000 Article 3 Don't raise money privately - commit suicide 728 00:43:08,000 --> 00:43:11,480 Article 4 Do not accept lawsuits without permission - commit suicide 729 00:43:11,480 --> 00:43:15,310 Prohibiting private fights is bound to be a suicide 730 00:43:16,280 --> 00:43:18,090 Is this too harsh? 731 00:43:18,570 --> 00:43:20,690 The spirit of Bushido is sublime and cannot be violated 732 00:43:21,260 --> 00:43:24,030 Zhengfan one piece around the pot 733 00:43:24,740 --> 00:43:28,390 The bright moon does not return to Shen Bihai 734 00:43:28,390 --> 00:43:31,630 The white cloud is full of melancholy 735 00:43:31,630 --> 00:43:32,900 where is Chief Serizawa 736 00:43:33,250 --> 00:43:34,300 how about raising money 737 00:43:35,080 --> 00:43:37,220 Most of the team members from Edo wore cotton-padded clothes 738 00:43:37,220 --> 00:43:38,600 It's time to switch to summer clothes 739 00:43:38,600 --> 00:43:40,930 Is it blackmail again? It's ugly 740 00:43:40,930 --> 00:43:42,930 Every time I receive the favor of the Marquis of Aizu 741 00:43:42,930 --> 00:43:44,690 Mito's gang will feel ashamed 742 00:43:44,690 --> 00:43:47,230 Okura and Arakida are so nice 743 00:43:47,230 --> 00:43:48,860 dare not - dare not 744 00:43:48,860 --> 00:43:50,220 I'm going to have a meeting of directors 745 00:43:56,570 --> 00:43:59,480 In the game, I narrowed it down to five 746 00:44:00,460 --> 00:44:01,800 That's almost it 747 00:44:01,800 --> 00:44:04,390 Okura and Arakida are spies sent by Choshu 748 00:44:04,390 --> 00:44:05,870 Are you going to kill them? 749 00:44:06,510 --> 00:44:07,430 sooner or later 750 00:44:14,130 --> 00:44:17,790 This is sent by the adults of the outer island from the public side, let us return it to others 751 00:44:18,500 --> 00:44:21,310 Serizawa extorted 200 taels from Hongchi 752 00:44:21,310 --> 00:44:22,940 It reached the ears of Marquis Aizu 753 00:44:22,940 --> 00:44:23,940 ashamed 754 00:44:23,940 --> 00:44:26,970 Konike was a wealthy merchant who ruled over the merchants in Osaka. 755 00:44:26,970 --> 00:44:29,700 I'm going to apologize to him for the future 756 00:44:29,700 --> 00:44:30,820 I go with you too 757 00:44:31,770 --> 00:44:32,900 This is my job 758 00:44:42,990 --> 00:44:45,880 I heard you extorted a lot of money from famous merchants 759 00:44:47,460 --> 00:44:48,850 What's wrong with extortion 760 00:44:53,760 --> 00:44:57,220 This is what those ronin would do under the banner of respecting the king and fighting barbarians. 761 00:44:59,370 --> 00:45:03,010 The leader of the team is not Serizawa-sama, but Bushido 762 00:45:03,010 --> 00:45:05,190 This statement is not quite right Kondo. 763 00:45:05,190 --> 00:45:08,490 Kondo, what is Bushido that you speak of? 764 00:45:08,490 --> 00:45:10,190 Bushido is Bushido 765 00:45:10,510 --> 00:45:14,120 Maybe you don't know about it because you came from a family of common people in Tama. 766 00:45:14,890 --> 00:45:16,790 The Mito Domain also had its own Bushido 767 00:45:16,790 --> 00:45:17,500 new see 768 00:45:17,500 --> 00:45:20,090 We were taught the essence of Mito Bushido since childhood. 769 00:45:20,090 --> 00:45:23,530 The Choshu Domain has Satsuma Domain and Aizu Domain as well 770 00:45:23,530 --> 00:45:26,610 As a samurai, you should die for your master 771 00:45:26,960 --> 00:45:28,420 This is Bushido 772 00:45:28,740 --> 00:45:33,830 So who is the leader of this team? 773 00:45:37,000 --> 00:45:38,780 The leader of our team is Bushido 774 00:45:38,780 --> 00:45:40,160 Not to mention that people have shallow eyelids 775 00:45:42,210 --> 00:45:44,780 Without the lord, how can we talk about Bushido 776 00:45:45,490 --> 00:45:50,060 Why do we need to strictly abide by Bushido if we don't have a master? 777 00:45:50,660 --> 00:45:52,080 You should listen to it 778 00:45:52,080 --> 00:45:54,920 Defend Bushido for your abandoned Bushido 779 00:45:54,920 --> 00:45:56,090 Create a system to maintain the vassal 780 00:45:56,090 --> 00:45:58,500 The Bushido that borrowed the organizational system of the Western army 781 00:45:58,500 --> 00:46:00,690 This is the Bushido of our Shinsengumi 782 00:46:00,690 --> 00:46:02,420 New team? 783 00:46:02,890 --> 00:46:05,260 When I returned the 200 taels you blackmailed Hongchi to him 784 00:46:05,730 --> 00:46:07,640 he said to me 785 00:46:07,640 --> 00:46:12,430 You are the ones chosen by the times, choose your new Bushido 786 00:46:13,540 --> 00:46:15,080 the new group 787 00:46:15,620 --> 00:46:17,510 I am enlightened after hearing this 788 00:46:23,290 --> 00:46:24,440 Hey 789 00:46:25,890 --> 00:46:29,590 There are only geisha in this house, but there are no chores at Omi Chaya. 790 00:46:29,590 --> 00:46:31,690 what kind of system 791 00:46:32,030 --> 00:46:33,860 I'm so sorry 792 00:46:35,470 --> 00:46:37,050 I'm so sorry 793 00:46:37,490 --> 00:46:40,530 Call the shopkeeper to the shopkeeper 794 00:46:40,900 --> 00:46:45,610 I'm going to close your Omi Chaya for 7 days 795 00:46:45,610 --> 00:46:46,640 Hijikata 796 00:46:48,100 --> 00:46:52,730 Shinsengumi is a good name, so I decided on this. 797 00:47:02,340 --> 00:47:04,800 Don't think about killing the enemy with a knife 798 00:47:05,360 --> 00:47:06,730 Use the body to kill the enemy use the body 799 00:47:06,730 --> 00:47:08,990 continue without rest 800 00:47:08,990 --> 00:47:10,750 Hit it, hit it 801 00:47:11,400 --> 00:47:13,200 Use the body to kill the enemy use the body 802 00:47:13,550 --> 00:47:16,080 Injured people will use Ishida powder 803 00:47:16,530 --> 00:47:18,570 collection - stop 804 00:47:22,430 --> 00:47:24,580 what's with that coat 805 00:47:24,580 --> 00:47:26,410 It is the uniform of the Shinsengumi 806 00:47:26,410 --> 00:47:28,480 This dress is too embarrassing 807 00:47:28,480 --> 00:47:31,290 Isn't it nice to feel like Ako Yoshihide? 808 00:47:31,290 --> 00:47:33,980 Those who want to wear can wear it, those who don't want to wear can not wear it 809 00:47:33,980 --> 00:47:36,710 This can't be done. This is Director Serizawa's idea. 810 00:47:36,710 --> 00:47:39,400 Organizational rules, uniforms and other rules in the team 811 00:47:39,400 --> 00:47:41,860 All need to be proposed by me or Shannan as the vice-chairman. 812 00:47:41,860 --> 00:47:44,310 And won the approval of the three directors 813 00:47:44,310 --> 00:47:47,810 Then I will apply for the guardianship of Kyoto 814 00:47:47,810 --> 00:47:48,680 Did you forget this order? 815 00:47:50,540 --> 00:47:53,180 I don't have a proposal to make a uniform yet 816 00:47:59,720 --> 00:48:00,740 Then come on 817 00:48:05,310 --> 00:48:06,340 continue 818 00:48:06,720 --> 00:48:09,190 Yes Yes 819 00:48:13,940 --> 00:48:15,360 kill the enemy with the body 820 00:48:19,140 --> 00:48:24,400 This Tang paper is exquisite but not as beautiful as Axue. 821 00:48:24,720 --> 00:48:26,580 She is a painter 822 00:48:26,960 --> 00:48:29,180 Call her for help when she's too busy 823 00:48:30,200 --> 00:48:31,870 The earthworkers from the Shinsengumi are here 824 00:48:40,920 --> 00:48:43,010 Shinpachi is left to you here 825 00:48:43,010 --> 00:48:43,860 Chief, let's go 826 00:48:44,370 --> 00:48:45,230 check him out for me 827 00:49:05,070 --> 00:49:06,370 There are two puzzles 828 00:49:06,370 --> 00:49:08,820 One is Serizawa Duck 829 00:49:09,150 --> 00:49:10,780 Because of fear of Serizawa's atrocities 830 00:49:10,780 --> 00:49:13,900 Recently, the number of people in Gion Shimabara has decreased a lot. 831 00:49:14,270 --> 00:49:16,540 We will take this matter seriously 832 00:49:16,540 --> 00:49:20,760 When the time is right, don't be merciless 833 00:49:21,460 --> 00:49:24,360 So what's the other conundrum? 834 00:49:24,360 --> 00:49:25,070 His Majesty the Emperor 835 00:49:26,010 --> 00:49:26,700 what 836 00:49:26,700 --> 00:49:29,040 Take advantage of the Choshu Domain, which His Majesty hates foreign countries 837 00:49:29,550 --> 00:49:31,950 There are also radical ministers who were prosecuted by Changzhou 838 00:49:32,400 --> 00:49:36,410 Your Majesty, you keep saying 839 00:49:36,410 --> 00:49:39,520 Then don't just talk about it 840 00:49:39,520 --> 00:49:43,380 The general must be ordered to do it 841 00:49:43,860 --> 00:49:46,940 The imperial court has now become a hall of words for the ministers sent by Changzhou 842 00:49:46,940 --> 00:49:49,540 Guan Bai, who was close to the Satsuma domain, was dismissed from office 843 00:49:49,540 --> 00:49:51,330 Your Majesty is in a difficult situation 844 00:49:53,770 --> 00:49:58,130 His Majesty gave the edict 845 00:49:58,580 --> 00:50:00,080 edict? 846 00:50:00,080 --> 00:50:02,080 It's a letter written by His Majesty. 847 00:50:03,740 --> 00:50:06,380 His Majesty issues an edict to the samurai family 848 00:50:06,700 --> 00:50:11,520 Only once in the Northern and Southern Dynasties 530 years ago 849 00:50:15,830 --> 00:50:18,170 There are two letters in the box 850 00:50:19,050 --> 00:50:21,900 A letter with a false decree from a militant minister 851 00:50:21,900 --> 00:50:24,410 Fear of driving the Tsu clan back to Edo 852 00:50:25,260 --> 00:50:28,150 I can't stop this 853 00:50:29,070 --> 00:50:31,170 I only hope that you will not be deceived by the traitor 854 00:50:31,620 --> 00:50:35,490 Distinguish the authenticity of the imperial edict 855 00:50:37,360 --> 00:50:38,580 The second letter reads 856 00:50:43,270 --> 00:50:48,840 The one I trust most is the Aizu Domain 857 00:50:54,570 --> 00:50:57,450 Aizu and Satsuma will serve 858 00:50:57,450 --> 00:50:59,760 expel the radical ministers from Kyoto 859 00:51:00,210 --> 00:51:01,720 Weakening Changzhou's power 860 00:51:02,410 --> 00:51:06,210 And I hope your Shinsengumi can fight the traitors 861 00:51:07,020 --> 00:51:08,670 obey the emperor's order 862 00:51:10,020 --> 00:51:11,920 Mr. Serizawa is so pitiful 863 00:51:12,410 --> 00:51:12,980 Humph 864 00:51:13,700 --> 00:51:16,370 Sleeping like a child after killing someone 865 00:51:17,000 --> 00:51:19,410 Maybe he's the kindest person I know. 866 00:51:19,410 --> 00:51:21,940 Mr. Serizawa's room corridor thatched cottage 867 00:51:21,940 --> 00:51:24,520 I want you to be familiar enough to walk with your eyes closed 868 00:51:24,520 --> 00:51:27,300 Bedrooms and adjacent rooms also measure distance with steps 869 00:51:27,680 --> 00:51:28,900 Um 870 00:51:29,920 --> 00:51:30,690 don't want to do 871 00:51:31,920 --> 00:51:33,430 I like this kind of work 872 00:51:34,860 --> 00:51:36,500 Standing on the eaves and opening the paper door 873 00:51:36,500 --> 00:51:38,510 The condition of the feet when entering the first room 874 00:51:38,510 --> 00:51:41,490 The height of the door beam, the length of the corridor, the case of the rain cover 875 00:51:41,490 --> 00:51:43,600 The location of his bed and running lights 876 00:51:44,870 --> 00:51:46,280 I will measure clearly 877 00:51:48,610 --> 00:51:52,450 But in exchange you're giving me the lead 878 00:51:52,450 --> 00:51:54,060 You've just... 879 00:51:55,580 --> 00:51:56,840 Then you said that 880 00:51:56,840 --> 00:51:58,390 I do feel sorry for him 881 00:51:58,390 --> 00:52:00,060 But work is work 882 00:52:01,760 --> 00:52:02,580 What's wrong 883 00:52:03,770 --> 00:52:05,200 Are you a native? 884 00:52:05,200 --> 00:52:05,860 it's me 885 00:52:09,340 --> 00:52:12,090 There are 7 people in Choshu and Tosa combined here 886 00:52:12,510 --> 00:52:16,700 I can kill all of the Shinsengumi in a few clicks 887 00:52:17,770 --> 00:52:21,980 That's right, Tosa's executioner will have a few more souls under his sword. 888 00:52:23,200 --> 00:52:24,510 go call the patrol 889 00:52:26,060 --> 00:52:28,080 Chief, I'll leave it to you here 890 00:52:29,360 --> 00:52:31,600 How about you stay here and I rush in? 891 00:52:32,160 --> 00:52:34,200 Maybe there will be such a day 892 00:53:36,090 --> 00:53:37,660 Excuse me for drinking 893 00:53:37,660 --> 00:53:38,680 Who are you 894 00:53:38,680 --> 00:53:39,600 look good 895 00:53:39,600 --> 00:53:41,190 I'm so rude. Sign up. 896 00:53:41,190 --> 00:53:44,340 Toshizo Hijikata, Deputy Head of the Shinsengumi Group 897 00:53:46,370 --> 00:53:50,130 Let me state first that I hope you can come back to the team with me 898 00:53:56,980 --> 00:53:58,540 Everyone, let's run to the mansion 899 00:54:11,280 --> 00:54:12,510 hateful 900 00:54:15,390 --> 00:54:16,510 Sugiyama 901 00:54:23,540 --> 00:54:26,440 hey stop 902 00:54:43,240 --> 00:54:44,260 watch out 903 00:54:56,830 --> 00:54:57,660 go fast 904 00:54:58,000 --> 00:54:59,400 it is good 905 00:55:00,210 --> 00:55:02,620 Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way 906 00:55:05,720 --> 00:55:07,080 I'll deal with the earthwork and lead the way 907 00:55:07,080 --> 00:55:08,650 Please wait Mr. Gui 908 00:55:08,650 --> 00:55:09,690 stop 909 00:55:09,690 --> 00:55:10,670 Mr. Gui 910 00:55:10,670 --> 00:55:11,500 Mr. Gui 911 00:55:11,500 --> 00:55:13,420 Little can't bear, chaos and big plans must not flourish 912 00:55:13,420 --> 00:55:15,020 Yoshida go and bring him back - yes 913 00:55:15,480 --> 00:55:17,040 you two come with me - yes 914 00:55:19,220 --> 00:55:22,200 Okura Arakida, you two, go back to the station 915 00:55:22,540 --> 00:55:23,380 Yes 916 00:55:30,830 --> 00:55:32,120 watch out 917 00:55:45,300 --> 00:55:47,260 you are strong 918 00:55:47,740 --> 00:55:51,330 I heard that in Tosa it is divided into high-ranking peasants and peasants 919 00:55:51,330 --> 00:55:53,690 Soldiers go barefoot even in the rain 920 00:55:53,690 --> 00:55:56,290 Villagers are not allowed to use umbrellas to shade even in the sweltering heat 921 00:55:56,290 --> 00:55:57,470 If you climb to the sergeant's position 922 00:55:57,780 --> 00:56:00,910 Can be rudely convicted and kill soldiers and peasants without punishment 923 00:56:00,910 --> 00:56:02,310 what a bad place 924 00:56:02,310 --> 00:56:05,140 I didn't have a bright mind, it makes no difference 925 00:56:05,140 --> 00:56:07,140 You're just a pawn to throw away 926 00:56:25,500 --> 00:56:26,510 they are by the river 927 00:56:26,970 --> 00:56:27,870 it's here 928 00:56:27,870 --> 00:56:28,690 below 929 00:56:39,290 --> 00:56:42,190 What is Kennosuke Shiori? 930 00:56:42,190 --> 00:56:43,100 It's really a narrow road 931 00:56:43,100 --> 00:56:45,160 Mr. Qili, let's go around and kill him 932 00:56:45,160 --> 00:56:46,660 You are here to witness 933 00:56:47,290 --> 00:56:50,720 Is the food in Qili Changzhou delicious? 934 00:56:50,720 --> 00:56:51,950 different from you 935 00:56:51,950 --> 00:56:54,040 Naturally fragrant rice that adapts to the season 936 00:56:54,040 --> 00:56:56,430 Swordsman as rotten as horse dung 937 00:56:56,910 --> 00:56:59,920 Even when I came to Kyoto, I became more articulate. 938 00:56:59,920 --> 00:57:01,880 The two of us are half a pound 939 00:57:02,330 --> 00:57:03,710 I'm not like you 940 00:57:08,990 --> 00:57:10,630 wait seven miles back 941 00:57:10,630 --> 00:57:11,900 The chasing troops of the patrol team are coming. 942 00:57:11,900 --> 00:57:13,390 stop chasing 943 00:57:38,770 --> 00:57:40,750 Come in if you need healing 944 00:57:47,900 --> 00:57:50,140 Please lend me the soju on the shelf 945 00:57:50,140 --> 00:57:52,650 you please 946 00:57:52,650 --> 00:57:54,400 Then I'm welcome 947 00:58:00,480 --> 00:58:05,380 My uncle is a western doctor, I have studied nursing before 948 00:58:05,900 --> 00:58:08,080 Or when Admiral Perry came to Uraga 949 00:58:08,080 --> 00:58:09,100 Are you from Edo? 950 00:58:10,420 --> 00:58:11,100 Yes 951 00:58:11,100 --> 00:58:12,680 What is your name 952 00:58:12,680 --> 00:58:14,610 my name is snow 953 00:58:14,830 --> 00:58:16,210 Is it snowing? 954 00:58:17,060 --> 00:58:20,920 The long road to Beijing seems to be half a cloud and snow is invisible 955 00:58:17,060 --> 00:58:20,920 (Note: The haiku poem of Matsuo Basho is quoted here) 956 00:58:21,200 --> 00:58:23,230 I like Matsuo Basho 957 00:58:23,560 --> 00:58:25,080 haven't introduced myself 958 00:58:25,630 --> 00:58:29,160 I'm Tufang, deputy head of the Shinsengumi team. 959 00:58:30,020 --> 00:58:31,210 I know 960 00:58:33,050 --> 00:58:36,080 Excuse me, can you call me a sedan chair 961 00:58:36,080 --> 00:58:38,540 To the watchman's hut on the street over there? 962 00:59:14,790 --> 00:59:18,470 I borrowed a kimono from next door, please wear it 963 00:59:18,720 --> 00:59:20,680 The car is coming soon 964 00:59:20,680 --> 00:59:23,570 My blood has not stopped, thank you for your kindness 965 00:59:23,860 --> 00:59:27,840 The person in charge of the yamen is coming to greet you like this... 966 00:59:28,760 --> 00:59:31,810 Does Mr. Hijikata usually write haiku? 967 00:59:32,290 --> 00:59:35,610 Grandfather asked a haiku master to rate us 968 00:59:35,920 --> 00:59:38,540 My brothers and I also often have monthly haiku meetings 969 00:59:40,860 --> 00:59:42,440 just saw your painting 970 00:59:47,550 --> 00:59:50,260 Like the wilderness I live in 971 01:00:04,770 --> 01:00:06,940 I've heard the boss say 972 01:00:07,800 --> 01:00:09,950 Serizawa is a martyr in the world 973 01:00:10,860 --> 01:00:12,250 beheaded 974 01:00:12,430 --> 01:00:15,470 Those who tarnish the reputation of the team, this is the Shinsengumi 975 01:00:15,470 --> 01:00:16,840 What if I tarnish the team's reputation? 976 01:00:16,840 --> 01:00:17,820 cut 977 01:00:20,240 --> 01:00:21,250 are you going to kill me? 978 01:00:21,250 --> 01:00:22,260 beheaded... 979 01:00:23,920 --> 01:00:26,040 and cut your belly next to your corpse 980 01:00:26,040 --> 01:00:27,960 I'll die too 981 01:00:28,220 --> 01:00:30,860 Natural Li Xingliu and Xinxuanquan are both dead. 982 01:00:30,860 --> 01:00:32,550 that would be so boring 983 01:00:32,550 --> 01:00:33,510 Kondo 984 01:00:33,510 --> 01:00:35,920 You are the tallest face of the Shinsengumi 985 01:00:35,920 --> 01:00:37,980 To be a role model for the world's warriors 986 01:00:49,560 --> 01:00:52,370 i know 987 01:00:56,180 --> 01:00:58,490 Serizawa will be resolved by me and the chief secretary, Mr. Saito Gen. 988 01:00:58,490 --> 01:01:00,930 Xinjian is also very strong, the four of you can't finish it 989 01:01:00,930 --> 01:01:02,900 New Seed Resolved Early - When 990 01:01:02,900 --> 01:01:05,050 There seems to be a riot in the palace recently 991 01:01:06,400 --> 01:01:07,780 Then start 992 01:01:10,140 --> 01:01:13,600 Seven Lords in distress 993 01:01:10,140 --> 01:01:13,600 (Note: It refers to the event in which seven ministers escaped from Kyoto after the coup d’etat on August 18 at the end of the Edo period in Japan) 994 01:01:13,480 --> 01:01:15,530 The riots at the palace come a month later 995 01:01:15,760 --> 01:01:17,640 Emperor Komei and Aizu Satsuma join forces 996 01:01:17,640 --> 01:01:20,420 Expel the ministers sent by Changzhou from the palace 997 01:01:20,420 --> 01:01:22,180 The Shinsengumi also participated in the action 998 01:01:22,480 --> 01:01:25,970 In order to avoid war, Changzhou escaped from Kyoto to protect the ministers 999 01:01:25,970 --> 01:01:27,580 Just send it here 1000 01:01:28,130 --> 01:01:30,570 Retreat without a fight will damage the name of Changzhou 1001 01:01:30,570 --> 01:01:32,800 It is precisely because there is no war that the Kyoto clan's mansion remains 1002 01:01:32,800 --> 01:01:35,180 As long as you stay in Kyoto, Mr. Gui, the seeds to fight back will still be there 1003 01:01:35,180 --> 01:01:36,480 That would be great 1004 01:01:36,780 --> 01:01:38,970 After the unification of the domain theory, it will definitely be able to counterattack Kyoto 1005 01:01:38,970 --> 01:01:40,130 I will win the emperor back 1006 01:01:40,130 --> 01:01:41,740 Next, I will ask Mr. Gui 1007 01:01:46,910 --> 01:01:51,310 The world is chaotic, the red sun is dim 1008 01:01:54,700 --> 01:01:55,450 excuse me 1009 01:01:59,620 --> 01:02:01,400 I brought the kimono that I borrowed last time 1010 01:02:08,650 --> 01:02:10,120 Are you waiting for someone to come? 1011 01:02:10,630 --> 01:02:14,090 This is a meal for you still thinking maybe it will come tonight 1012 01:02:14,520 --> 01:02:18,340 It's so predictable, so it's your kind 1013 01:02:18,970 --> 01:02:19,860 Please 1014 01:02:21,920 --> 01:02:23,800 Do you like zucchini? 1015 01:02:24,790 --> 01:02:26,830 hmm like it 1016 01:02:27,400 --> 01:02:30,570 Food in Kyoto is delicious no matter what 1017 01:02:30,570 --> 01:02:32,420 Anything is delicious 1018 01:02:32,750 --> 01:02:36,940 After all, it is a thousand-year capital that is different inside 1019 01:02:38,080 --> 01:02:42,640 Whether it's a battle in the palace or the capital is in flames 1020 01:02:43,020 --> 01:02:46,100 Kyoto people will play the world with a relaxed attitude 1021 01:02:48,110 --> 01:02:49,830 This is something that Edo does not have 1022 01:02:59,150 --> 01:03:00,970 i lied 1023 01:03:01,300 --> 01:03:02,440 Me too 1024 01:03:03,120 --> 01:03:04,000 what a lie 1025 01:03:04,000 --> 01:03:05,180 You speak first 1026 01:03:06,300 --> 01:03:08,510 from the second day you came 1027 01:03:09,000 --> 01:03:11,260 Alone evenings become boring 1028 01:03:12,200 --> 01:03:14,390 Even if no one comes at night 1029 01:03:14,390 --> 01:03:16,850 Preparing dinner for two also puts me in a good mood 1030 01:03:20,820 --> 01:03:22,440 now you 1031 01:03:22,440 --> 01:03:23,800 i hate zucchini 1032 01:03:24,810 --> 01:03:26,710 Not that I hated zucchini before 1033 01:03:27,060 --> 01:03:30,240 But I really like your zucchini 1034 01:03:33,140 --> 01:03:35,230 Can you help us draw the team's uniform? 1035 01:03:35,650 --> 01:03:36,480 uniform? 1036 01:03:36,480 --> 01:03:39,660 The color is black, only the style of the director's uniform is different 1037 01:03:40,470 --> 01:03:43,180 It's an honor to help with this 1038 01:03:43,670 --> 01:03:44,790 good evening 1039 01:03:45,080 --> 01:03:46,340 Probably looking for me 1040 01:03:54,650 --> 01:03:56,340 fish hooked 1041 01:03:56,530 --> 01:03:57,270 it is good 1042 01:03:57,840 --> 01:03:59,590 Business is coming, see you next time 1043 01:04:11,880 --> 01:04:13,300 forgive me 1044 01:04:13,300 --> 01:04:15,160 What's going on with this ugliness 1045 01:04:15,160 --> 01:04:15,840 run away 1046 01:04:15,840 --> 01:04:18,120 Punish her for being unsatisfactory 1047 01:04:18,470 --> 01:04:19,670 What's up 1048 01:04:19,870 --> 01:04:22,480 "Don't raise money privately" 1049 01:04:23,140 --> 01:04:24,280 What's the meaning 1050 01:04:27,790 --> 01:04:31,560 Dessert gift from Satin Village as a thank you for the uniform 1051 01:04:31,780 --> 01:04:34,450 Bread Bread Bread Bread... 1052 01:04:34,960 --> 01:04:36,360 Gold Coins Gold Coins Gold Coins... 1053 01:04:36,360 --> 01:04:37,340 I see 1054 01:04:38,500 --> 01:04:41,810 Spend your time with this method 1055 01:04:42,000 --> 01:04:43,290 I don't know this 1056 01:04:43,290 --> 01:04:44,130 Yamazaki 1057 01:04:48,790 --> 01:04:51,230 The total outstanding debt exceeds one thousand taels 1058 01:04:51,230 --> 01:04:52,590 Director Serizawa also knows about this. 1059 01:04:52,590 --> 01:04:54,940 Director Serizawa said he didn't know 1060 01:04:55,860 --> 01:04:57,050 impossible 1061 01:04:57,050 --> 01:04:58,110 Nanoguchi 1062 01:04:58,740 --> 01:05:00,620 Can you go to the station to confirm? 1063 01:05:02,360 --> 01:05:03,260 go quickly 1064 01:05:04,920 --> 01:05:05,720 OK 1065 01:05:09,440 --> 01:05:11,480 In that case, Mr. Shinmi 1066 01:05:11,720 --> 01:05:13,320 can you cut your belly 1067 01:05:13,320 --> 01:05:16,190 What did you say and let Noguchi confirm it just now? 1068 01:05:16,190 --> 01:05:17,770 That's to bear witness to this 1069 01:05:19,550 --> 01:05:22,420 The gold coins of the silk and satin village are scattered in front of the eyes 1070 01:05:23,220 --> 01:05:24,800 Don't tell me I don't know 1071 01:05:25,050 --> 01:05:29,060 Niimi Nishiki, who was born as a Mito soldier 1072 01:05:29,060 --> 01:05:30,930 Finally please look like a samurai 1073 01:05:32,420 --> 01:05:34,030 you guys 1074 01:05:36,880 --> 01:05:39,340 Do you cut your belly like a samurai? 1075 01:05:39,580 --> 01:05:44,310 Or use this "Horikawa Kunihiro" straight into your heart? 1076 01:05:44,480 --> 01:05:47,110 Noguchi, I'll go with you 1077 01:06:00,220 --> 01:06:03,810 seppuku seppuku,,, 1078 01:06:04,970 --> 01:06:09,400 I hid for several days in the Aizu Domain's base camp, pretending to be discussing 1079 01:06:09,400 --> 01:06:13,800 Of course, Serizawa is very sad. He and Shinmi have known each other since childhood. 1080 01:06:13,800 --> 01:06:15,610 Just like my relationship with Mr. Kondo 1081 01:06:16,560 --> 01:06:17,920 The biggest difference is 1082 01:06:18,710 --> 01:06:23,000 Serizawa seals sadness with alcohol and women 1083 01:06:48,960 --> 01:06:52,230 I can't forgive, I can't forgive Hijikata 1084 01:06:53,190 --> 01:06:56,230 I'll also let the cut-throat belly come and dance. 1085 01:06:56,230 --> 01:06:57,600 next 1086 01:06:57,600 --> 01:07:03,020 It was the era of me, you, and Okita 1087 01:07:04,230 --> 01:07:06,120 chopped up the earth 1088 01:07:06,120 --> 01:07:07,820 Mrs. Xiaomei is here 1089 01:07:07,820 --> 01:07:09,500 Are you here? 1090 01:07:09,500 --> 01:07:13,010 Mr. Hijikata went to Aizu 1091 01:07:13,010 --> 01:07:15,250 won't be back for a while 1092 01:07:15,620 --> 01:07:18,670 It's going to be a bloodbath when he comes back 1093 01:07:19,440 --> 01:07:24,300 Serizawa-san, you are a man who only gets angry but has no ability. 1094 01:07:25,580 --> 01:07:27,230 Go home now 1095 01:07:27,230 --> 01:07:28,370 I will go with you wherever 1096 01:07:33,720 --> 01:07:36,720 dance - yes 1097 01:07:59,420 --> 01:08:00,690 Mr. Serizawa is asleep 1098 01:08:00,690 --> 01:08:03,960 Heads of household couple out overnight, children sleep in maid's room 1099 01:08:03,960 --> 01:08:05,490 I don't want to kill women 1100 01:08:05,490 --> 01:08:07,540 But don't miss the opportunity tonight 1101 01:08:07,540 --> 01:08:10,080 It is impossible to sacrifice one or two women. 1102 01:08:10,300 --> 01:08:12,950 I took the lead and grabbed the scabbard 1103 01:08:14,140 --> 01:08:14,910 All right 1104 01:08:15,800 --> 01:08:16,390 Mr. Yuan 1105 01:08:16,390 --> 01:08:17,640 OK OK 1106 01:08:17,640 --> 01:08:18,520 superior 1107 01:09:03,650 --> 01:09:04,520 it hurts 1108 01:09:06,420 --> 01:09:07,830 It hurts 1109 01:09:11,330 --> 01:09:13,120 It hurts 1110 01:09:14,670 --> 01:09:17,250 It hurts... 1111 01:09:17,420 --> 01:09:19,590 sorry Sorry 1112 01:09:49,280 --> 01:09:50,830 Me and Okita aftermath 1113 01:09:52,910 --> 01:09:54,160 The thief is in 1114 01:09:54,730 --> 01:09:57,930 There are thieves coming in - amazing 1115 01:09:59,110 --> 01:10:01,720 You are like kappa 1116 01:10:04,190 --> 01:10:06,400 please let us go 1117 01:10:06,400 --> 01:10:10,000 Live longer, don't go back to Kyoto, hurry up 1118 01:10:11,640 --> 01:10:14,260 what should we do 1119 01:10:14,260 --> 01:10:17,500 Just go back to Shimahara. Don't talk about it. 1120 01:10:17,500 --> 01:10:19,570 yes i won't tell anyone 1121 01:10:19,570 --> 01:10:21,480 I won't speak even if my mouth is cracked 1122 01:10:21,610 --> 01:10:28,620 Fragments of the bottle 1123 01:10:29,030 --> 01:10:32,370 Pillow's... 1124 01:10:32,490 --> 01:10:34,790 Are you going to kill the spy in Changzhou next? 1125 01:10:35,280 --> 01:10:36,900 Not yet 1126 01:10:37,090 --> 01:10:39,650 Those guys attacked Serizawa's faction 1127 01:10:41,820 --> 01:10:43,500 so scary so scary 1128 01:10:50,010 --> 01:10:52,500 This is to avenge Director Serizawa to let you know how powerful 1129 01:10:53,680 --> 01:10:55,040 This sleeve is different 1130 01:10:58,260 --> 01:10:59,920 This is Kondo 1131 01:10:59,920 --> 01:11:01,600 I am this 1132 01:11:01,730 --> 01:11:02,950 this is me 1133 01:11:15,720 --> 01:11:19,060 "Knowing is confusing, but not knowing is not the road of love" 1134 01:11:20,080 --> 01:11:20,830 Hey 1135 01:11:32,250 --> 01:11:34,370 Mr. Osawa, it's so nice of you to be so leisurely. 1136 01:11:34,490 --> 01:11:35,620 Leisurely? 1137 01:11:35,830 --> 01:11:36,860 Leisurely 1138 01:11:37,030 --> 01:11:38,540 leisurely - leisurely 1139 01:11:42,490 --> 01:11:43,640 Is it the Changzhou dialect? 1140 01:11:43,740 --> 01:11:44,600 Yes 1141 01:11:46,820 --> 01:11:48,260 please be wrong 1142 01:11:46,820 --> 01:11:48,260 (Note: Refers to decapitation for suicide by caesarean section.) 1143 01:11:48,260 --> 01:11:49,480 not yet 1144 01:11:53,400 --> 01:11:55,240 This guy bit his tongue and killed himself 1145 01:11:58,800 --> 01:12:00,270 carry away - yes 1146 01:12:09,280 --> 01:12:11,150 Didn't you say the punishment is pending? 1147 01:12:11,150 --> 01:12:14,170 Injured in a private duel in the city and let the other party escape 1148 01:12:14,320 --> 01:12:16,440 According to the law in the game, the abdomen should be cut 1149 01:12:16,440 --> 01:12:18,070 Can also be forgiven according to the situation 1150 01:12:18,070 --> 01:12:20,170 The place where he was beheaded was the woman's home 1151 01:12:20,170 --> 01:12:23,730 The Shinsengumi was originally a mob of Mr. Shannan 1152 01:12:23,730 --> 01:12:27,150 If you relax a little bit, it will be a mess of loose sand at any time 1153 01:12:27,710 --> 01:12:30,010 Do you know when it will be a mess of loose sand? 1154 01:12:30,870 --> 01:12:33,520 When you, the deputy chief, become cold-blooded 1155 01:12:36,400 --> 01:12:39,320 If as the deputy chief, I imagine you to be a good person 1156 01:12:39,760 --> 01:12:41,810 Difficult orders will come out of Kondo's mouth 1157 01:12:41,960 --> 01:12:42,900 Naturally... 1158 01:12:43,560 --> 01:12:48,300 Hatred will concentrate on Kondo, lose the trust of the team members and become a mess 1159 01:12:51,200 --> 01:12:54,020 Samurai in Japan are not good looking 1160 01:12:55,080 --> 01:12:56,590 The new group is different 1161 01:13:00,140 --> 01:13:04,490 Today, Rongbaohou Songping personally awarded us the flag 1162 01:13:04,490 --> 01:13:08,180 Eliminate the ronin with a mighty division under the banner of sincerity 1163 01:13:08,470 --> 01:13:11,840 Guarding the peace of the court is what he taught us 1164 01:13:13,000 --> 01:13:16,600 I hope you will remember that the roads and roads in Wangcheng are the battlefields of the Shinsengumi. 1165 01:13:16,600 --> 01:13:17,570 Yes 1166 01:13:17,730 --> 01:13:18,700 dissolution 1167 01:13:21,880 --> 01:13:22,780 Hijikata 1168 01:13:23,610 --> 01:13:25,340 If you look at the edge of the glasses 1169 01:13:25,340 --> 01:13:28,640 Which is bigger between Mr. Shannan's eyes and Mr. Shannan's glasses? 1170 01:13:28,640 --> 01:13:29,920 bigger glasses 1171 01:13:31,700 --> 01:13:33,930 Shannan investigated the details of the woman 1172 01:13:34,720 --> 01:13:36,030 is a strange woman 1173 01:13:36,400 --> 01:13:37,640 name is snow 1174 01:13:37,940 --> 01:13:39,590 do you know her deceased husband 1175 01:13:39,590 --> 01:13:40,330 no need to know 1176 01:13:40,330 --> 01:13:43,380 That can't be done, since she's the vice-chairman of the Shinsengumi group. 1177 01:13:43,380 --> 01:13:46,350 Mrs. Snow used to be the wife of the Kyoto practitioners 1178 01:13:43,380 --> 01:13:46,350 (Note: Pursuit Office, equivalent to the current municipal government agency, is called the Municipal Office in modern times; Tongxin, refers to the police) 1179 01:13:46,350 --> 01:13:48,700 Followed her husband to the Kyoto Institute... 1180 01:13:48,700 --> 01:13:52,370 Mrs. Snow came to Kyoto because she wanted to learn Shijo Maruyama school painting. 1181 01:13:52,370 --> 01:13:53,880 Not because of a good relationship 1182 01:13:53,880 --> 01:13:55,420 Reckless man, this is what you think 1183 01:13:55,420 --> 01:13:57,940 The reason why I didn't return to Edo after my husband died was because 1184 01:13:57,940 --> 01:14:00,100 Her natal family is the official of the Kuanyong Temple, and the income is very good. 1185 01:14:00,100 --> 01:14:03,090 What's wrong with living as long as you continue to pay living expenses 1186 01:14:07,210 --> 01:14:09,380 Her husband is a dog from Changzhou 1187 01:14:09,920 --> 01:14:11,410 was killed by a colleague 1188 01:14:12,840 --> 01:14:14,520 It's so nice today - yeah 1189 01:14:14,520 --> 01:14:16,570 very hot be careful 1190 01:14:19,300 --> 01:14:20,620 next please 1191 01:14:21,760 --> 01:14:22,880 be careful 1192 01:14:42,500 --> 01:14:45,930 After cooking the radishes, I'm going to Honganji Temple to do the cleaning 1193 01:14:47,600 --> 01:14:50,960 I like snow the most in the scenery of the twelfth lunar month in Kyoto 1194 01:14:50,960 --> 01:14:52,930 I stared at you for a day 1195 01:14:56,630 --> 01:14:59,930 Your husband seems to have been the dog of Changzhou 1196 01:15:03,290 --> 01:15:05,800 You may also be in touch with Changzhou 1197 01:15:07,180 --> 01:15:09,260 start painting the end of the world 1198 01:15:09,650 --> 01:15:11,520 Atonement for husband 1199 01:15:18,360 --> 01:15:20,240 see the remains of the husband 1200 01:15:21,130 --> 01:15:24,670 what do you think i think 1201 01:15:26,930 --> 01:15:30,820 It is precisely because I think he is stupid that I put my love on the apocalyptic paintings 1202 01:15:31,880 --> 01:15:37,880 Winter cherry blossoms are like dyed snow every moonlit night 1203 01:15:52,420 --> 01:15:56,510 I don't want to get dirty with this Haori inspection. Just be casual. 1204 01:15:56,510 --> 01:15:58,430 whatever you want - ok 1205 01:15:59,790 --> 01:16:02,240 well 1206 01:16:02,910 --> 01:16:04,730 oh i'm so happy 1207 01:16:05,410 --> 01:16:07,840 The Wisdom of Chief Shannan 1208 01:16:08,160 --> 01:16:09,930 Vice-Chancellor's Courage 1209 01:16:09,930 --> 01:16:13,330 With these two generals assisting me, and Miyoshitafu by my side 1210 01:16:09,930 --> 01:16:13,330 (Note: Taifu, who has a higher status in "Kabuki".) 1211 01:16:13,670 --> 01:16:14,840 I almost have to say goodbye 1212 01:16:16,930 --> 01:16:20,030 Just a mascot 1213 01:16:20,610 --> 01:16:22,660 No command over team members and vice-presidents 1214 01:16:22,900 --> 01:16:26,240 Organization, like swordsmanship, must be a little more sensitive 1215 01:16:26,690 --> 01:16:28,890 There is only one deputy chief in the command system, just one person 1216 01:16:28,890 --> 01:16:31,780 The system of the shogunate and the clan since ancient times 1217 01:16:31,780 --> 01:16:33,920 No matter what position it is, there will be several people 1218 01:16:33,920 --> 01:16:37,130 It was the Shinsengumi who had no trouble getting rid of that dross. 1219 01:16:37,130 --> 01:16:39,800 You are integrated into too many Western military systems. 1220 01:16:41,500 --> 01:16:42,870 It's not like Shinsengumi 1221 01:16:43,890 --> 01:16:45,420 not like japanese boys 1222 01:16:45,620 --> 01:16:49,120 This is Dawenri's banquet, two adults. 1223 01:16:49,360 --> 01:16:50,780 keep on keep on keep on 1224 01:16:52,370 --> 01:16:54,540 Ah, come back 1225 01:16:57,410 --> 01:16:58,520 Shannan... 1226 01:16:59,040 --> 01:17:00,390 Pour down the bar 1227 01:17:01,060 --> 01:17:03,140 You don't seem to have seen Mrs. Xue again. 1228 01:17:03,140 --> 01:17:05,670 It's not your turn to care 1229 01:17:05,670 --> 01:17:07,040 don't get me 1230 01:17:07,040 --> 01:17:07,880 why 1231 01:17:08,130 --> 01:17:10,020 Mrs. Xue asked me to pass a message 1232 01:17:10,020 --> 01:17:10,900 Send a message? 1233 01:17:11,260 --> 01:17:12,320 what words 1234 01:17:12,660 --> 01:17:13,920 She said she wanted to see you tonight 1235 01:17:13,920 --> 01:17:15,470 did she really say that 1236 01:17:15,970 --> 01:17:17,600 As far as I know it is 1237 01:17:17,600 --> 01:17:18,700 "as far as I know"? 1238 01:17:19,360 --> 01:17:21,060 walk around here 1239 01:17:21,060 --> 01:17:23,310 After seeing me, I saluted and ran away 1240 01:17:23,310 --> 01:17:24,960 What kind of message is that? 1241 01:17:26,140 --> 01:17:28,010 It's cruel to let Mrs. Xue wait for you 1242 01:17:28,010 --> 01:17:29,350 What do you know 1243 01:17:29,350 --> 01:17:32,560 I still know that women in Kyoto have a good eye for people, but their character is not good. 1244 01:17:32,960 --> 01:17:35,730 Mrs. Snow is from Edo, Mr. Hijikata, you... 1245 01:17:36,170 --> 01:17:38,340 It is "the road of love that is confusing if you know what you don't know" 1246 01:17:38,340 --> 01:17:39,540 Even so 1247 01:17:40,240 --> 01:17:42,440 I can't be ashamed to see her 1248 01:17:42,940 --> 01:17:43,680 why 1249 01:17:43,680 --> 01:17:45,650 The way I live will make women unhappy 1250 01:17:45,650 --> 01:17:48,580 I hate the way you look down on women 1251 01:17:50,560 --> 01:17:54,520 Mrs. Xue cherishes the time spent with you 1252 01:17:56,820 --> 01:17:58,200 hurry up 1253 01:17:59,060 --> 01:18:00,100 hurry up 1254 01:18:05,340 --> 01:18:06,350 close the door 1255 01:18:19,590 --> 01:18:24,120 Kyoto women have good eyes but bad character 1256 01:18:24,690 --> 01:18:25,860 Nonetheless 1257 01:18:26,870 --> 01:18:28,040 actually 1258 01:18:29,590 --> 01:18:31,480 Depends on how the man on the other side is 1259 01:18:45,880 --> 01:18:46,960 It's my native 1260 01:18:51,870 --> 01:18:52,790 please come in 1261 01:18:59,390 --> 01:19:00,630 I'm here to apologize 1262 01:19:03,470 --> 01:19:06,210 Just now, I asked Okita to send you a message 1263 01:19:06,210 --> 01:19:07,490 Did you send me a message? 1264 01:19:07,490 --> 01:19:10,390 Haven't you heard about Changzhou? 1265 01:19:10,760 --> 01:19:11,540 No 1266 01:19:12,530 --> 01:19:13,280 never mind 1267 01:19:14,460 --> 01:19:15,440 what's up 1268 01:19:16,910 --> 01:19:18,460 the boss guy 1269 01:19:19,840 --> 01:19:21,300 About Changzhou 1270 01:19:21,980 --> 01:19:26,170 Recently, the Ikeda House of Sanjo Bridge is replacing the door 1271 01:19:27,030 --> 01:19:31,610 Many guests in Ikeda House sleep with their feet facing east 1272 01:19:31,840 --> 01:19:33,730 even lying down 1273 01:19:33,730 --> 01:19:35,320 Also keep your feet facing east 1274 01:19:36,420 --> 01:19:37,340 what's the problem 1275 01:19:37,340 --> 01:19:38,570 They are from Changzhou 1276 01:19:38,570 --> 01:19:39,390 why 1277 01:19:40,160 --> 01:19:45,150 The Changzhou Maori became impoverished after losing a large tract of territory in the defeat in Guanyuan 1278 01:19:46,370 --> 01:19:51,990 That's why I always hated the Tokugawa clan's lords and all slept with their feet facing the Kanto 1279 01:19:52,480 --> 01:19:54,420 This is what my deceased husband told me 1280 01:20:01,530 --> 01:20:05,940 Hijikata-sama, your brothers are poets 1281 01:20:06,400 --> 01:20:10,720 The eldest brother is also the deceased Hayato-sama 1282 01:20:10,720 --> 01:20:11,960 The youngest brother too 1283 01:20:11,960 --> 01:20:13,830 I'm not good at writing poetry 1284 01:20:14,080 --> 01:20:17,660 The lack of poetry and algae, the lack of poetry, the lack of energy 1285 01:20:18,710 --> 01:20:20,200 that is also a poet 1286 01:20:21,830 --> 01:20:24,860 your only life 1287 01:20:25,550 --> 01:20:27,520 writing the only poem 1288 01:20:30,470 --> 01:20:32,030 sorry for doubting you 1289 01:20:33,370 --> 01:20:34,900 farewell tonight 1290 01:20:40,400 --> 01:20:42,080 Can you disturb me next time? 1291 01:20:42,410 --> 01:20:43,560 welcome anytime 1292 01:20:50,880 --> 01:20:52,900 Wild boars come down from the mountains on purpose 1293 01:20:52,900 --> 01:20:54,820 I want to eat crops, I want to eat 1294 01:20:55,000 --> 01:20:57,170 I want to eat cabbage, you know? 1295 01:20:57,170 --> 01:20:59,270 Not wanting to be eaten with cabbage 1296 01:21:00,270 --> 01:21:01,610 collection of surveillance personnel 1297 01:21:08,180 --> 01:21:11,350 There are ronin from each domain in the Changzhou domain mansion, right? 1298 01:21:11,350 --> 01:21:12,440 Usually there are 56 people hiding in it 1299 01:21:12,440 --> 01:21:13,110 What about the Changzhou vassal? 1300 01:21:13,110 --> 01:21:15,530 The left-behind person, Gui Xiaogoro, and a number of clerks 1301 01:21:15,890 --> 01:21:19,050 I want you to scan the small hotels from Sanjo to Sijo 1302 01:21:19,050 --> 01:21:21,510 Looking for guests who sleep with their feet facing east 1303 01:21:21,510 --> 01:21:23,030 They are the infiltrating soldiers of the Choshu clan 1304 01:21:24,180 --> 01:21:26,980 Ikedaya and several other places are their stronghold 1305 01:21:27,470 --> 01:21:30,280 Yamazaki, you pretended to be a guest and stayed in Ikedaya temporarily. 1306 01:21:30,280 --> 01:21:31,940 What kind of guest are you going to pretend to be? 1307 01:21:31,940 --> 01:21:32,820 drug dealer 1308 01:21:38,760 --> 01:21:39,650 welcome 1309 01:21:39,650 --> 01:21:41,420 welcome to cross house boss 1310 01:21:41,420 --> 01:21:43,150 I'm going to bother you for a while 1311 01:21:43,150 --> 01:21:45,320 prepare the room - yes 1312 01:21:45,320 --> 01:21:46,680 Do you make money as a pharmacist? 1313 01:21:46,680 --> 01:21:50,400 Ah, no, the merchants in Kyoto can't do it well 1314 01:21:50,400 --> 01:21:53,140 A business that can be done in one day in Edo-Osaka takes 10 days here 1315 01:21:53,140 --> 01:21:54,840 You can't make any money just by paying for accommodation. 1316 01:21:54,840 --> 01:21:55,860 that's true 1317 01:22:09,060 --> 01:22:10,860 Take down the bridge first 1318 01:22:10,860 --> 01:22:11,650 Yes 1319 01:22:13,370 --> 01:22:15,990 In Changzhou, please go to Nakajima 1320 01:22:16,280 --> 01:22:18,830 Can you bring the weapons from Yamato here? 1321 01:22:18,830 --> 01:22:20,000 Well that's good 1322 01:22:27,560 --> 01:22:28,680 uprising this month 1323 01:22:29,570 --> 01:22:33,640 Will take advantage of the strong wind to set fire to all parts of Kyoto to kill the guardian of Kyoto 1324 01:22:34,230 --> 01:22:37,130 At the same time, he rushed into the palace, kidnapped the emperor and took him to Changzhou. 1325 01:22:37,130 --> 01:22:39,150 What are you thinking about the Arabian Nights? 1326 01:22:39,150 --> 01:22:40,970 The leader is Higo's Miyabe Dingzo 1327 01:22:41,100 --> 01:22:42,260 Gui in Changzhou 1328 01:22:42,450 --> 01:22:44,380 He said "the time has not come", very cautious 1329 01:22:44,380 --> 01:22:45,750 What is the total number of insurgent groups? 1330 01:22:46,260 --> 01:22:48,660 More than 30 people as far as I know 1331 01:22:48,950 --> 01:22:50,300 who is the connector 1332 01:22:50,300 --> 01:22:51,670 Sakuya Kiemon of Sakuya 1333 01:22:51,670 --> 01:22:53,320 Is it the charcoal house of the nameless lane? 1334 01:22:53,320 --> 01:22:55,830 Yes, his real name is Kotaka Shuntaro 1335 01:22:56,030 --> 01:22:58,460 Omi was born as a royalist who was very close to Gongqing 1336 01:22:59,310 --> 01:23:00,860 Miyabe is lurking in the sakuya 1337 01:23:00,860 --> 01:23:02,200 What are the characteristics of the palace 1338 01:23:10,450 --> 01:23:13,120 Isn't this a painting by a slaver? I can't figure it out. 1339 01:23:10,450 --> 01:23:13,120 (Note: Servant-e refers to a form of Ukiyo-e from the Edo period to the Meiji period.) 1340 01:23:13,120 --> 01:23:14,280 around 45 years old 1341 01:23:14,280 --> 01:23:18,190 I heard that he made a bun string with the seal of his hometown Fujisaki Hachimangu Shrine 1342 01:23:18,190 --> 01:23:19,280 can not see clearly 1343 01:23:19,280 --> 01:23:20,870 continue to probe 1344 01:23:20,870 --> 01:23:24,460 I am only responsible for conveying the general content of the action 1345 01:23:24,460 --> 01:23:26,350 Going to Changzhou soon 1346 01:23:27,340 --> 01:23:29,530 Is there anything you want to convey to Mr. Kondo? 1347 01:23:30,250 --> 01:23:34,860 I'm tired of being a spy and want to become a regular member as soon as possible 1348 01:23:49,870 --> 01:23:50,610 Director General 1349 01:23:53,580 --> 01:23:55,500 Didn't Zuanosuke say don't kill him? 1350 01:23:55,500 --> 01:23:56,610 already killed 1351 01:23:59,740 --> 01:24:00,920 Hayataro - yes 1352 01:24:04,520 --> 01:24:05,600 found it 1353 01:24:09,220 --> 01:24:10,490 where is the palace 1354 01:24:11,380 --> 01:24:14,300 Are there other hiding places for weapons and ammunition? 1355 01:24:14,510 --> 01:24:16,580 Gu Gao is stubborn and refuses to speak 1356 01:24:16,580 --> 01:24:17,400 how are you over there 1357 01:24:17,400 --> 01:24:18,790 meeting place on letter 1358 01:24:18,790 --> 01:24:21,920 A small hotel between Gion and Sanjo in Shimamuraya Izutsu 1359 01:24:21,920 --> 01:24:23,330 It is also consistent with our exploration results 1360 01:24:23,330 --> 01:24:24,930 The palace is in that area 1361 01:24:25,240 --> 01:24:26,710 Let's go and search tonight 1362 01:24:26,710 --> 01:24:27,740 Yes 1363 01:24:30,890 --> 01:24:32,580 Is it Yayasan today? 1364 01:24:30,890 --> 01:24:32,580 (Note: Usually on July 15th, one of the key events of the Gion Festival.) 1365 01:24:32,960 --> 01:24:35,880 I heard that Shijo's Yamahoko and Umbrella came from Yagi Mansion. 1366 01:24:39,230 --> 01:24:40,890 welcome back - boss 1367 01:24:41,240 --> 01:24:42,580 feast tonight 1368 01:24:42,750 --> 01:24:44,170 How many servings to prepare 1369 01:24:44,170 --> 01:24:46,270 About 30 people 1370 01:24:46,980 --> 01:24:47,980 clear 1371 01:24:48,660 --> 01:24:49,640 hello - yes 1372 01:24:49,640 --> 01:24:51,550 can i borrow the chef 1373 01:25:05,870 --> 01:25:07,520 Hey, have you counted the armor? 1374 01:25:07,880 --> 01:25:09,520 Don't lose your attention 1375 01:25:09,520 --> 01:25:10,400 Mr. Yuan 1376 01:25:11,340 --> 01:25:14,150 Oh, does Yitong have a message? 1377 01:25:14,150 --> 01:25:16,270 Ikedaya has a party of 30 tonight 1378 01:25:16,580 --> 01:25:18,140 There are now 2 Langshi who can be confirmed 1379 01:25:18,140 --> 01:25:22,560 Yamato Ronin, Osawa Yiping, and the Samurai of the Round Sansheng Tortoiseshell Hualing 1380 01:25:22,560 --> 01:25:26,070 The contact point after receiving it is Gion Zen Dojo 1381 01:25:26,070 --> 01:25:27,040 Got it - yes 1382 01:25:29,340 --> 01:25:33,500 The family crest of the round Sansheng tortoise shell is the family crest of Ako Gengo Otaka. 1383 01:25:34,550 --> 01:25:36,580 Are you a descendant of Da Gao? 1384 01:25:36,580 --> 01:25:38,790 Banshu Hayashida clan Otaka Matajiro 1385 01:25:39,060 --> 01:25:40,690 In that case, is Ikedaya their home base? 1386 01:25:40,690 --> 01:25:41,490 Not sure yet 1387 01:25:41,750 --> 01:25:43,360 Isn't it the base camp - not sure yet 1388 01:25:43,360 --> 01:25:45,470 There may be a ronin plotting to retake Gugau 1389 01:25:45,620 --> 01:25:47,440 The stationed garrison should enter the battle situation 1390 01:25:47,440 --> 01:25:47,910 Yes 1391 01:25:47,910 --> 01:25:51,200 The others will gather at the Gion Zen Dojo immediately, put on your gear and stand by 1392 01:25:51,680 --> 01:25:53,770 Joint action with the Aizu side on behalf of Kuwana side 1393 01:25:53,770 --> 01:25:55,470 Got it - yes 1394 01:25:55,470 --> 01:25:57,890 Boss of the Cross House, are you a waiter tonight? 1395 01:25:57,890 --> 01:26:00,140 yes - he told me the banquet was handed over to him 1396 01:26:00,330 --> 01:26:01,660 Bring this one too - ok ok 1397 01:26:02,100 --> 01:26:05,250 Welcome, there are 3 people available 1398 01:26:07,980 --> 01:26:10,030 Don't slack off and keep preparing - yes 1399 01:26:10,340 --> 01:26:11,020 hurry up 1400 01:26:11,220 --> 01:26:12,600 Mr. Yuan, hurry up 1401 01:26:12,730 --> 01:26:15,560 Are the straps for the girdle sleeves - wrap the straps around 1402 01:26:15,690 --> 01:26:16,560 hurry up 1403 01:26:16,690 --> 01:26:18,060 very strange 1404 01:26:23,010 --> 01:26:24,200 what are you doing 1405 01:26:24,200 --> 01:26:26,720 The secret agents of the Pursuing Institute are still from the Shinsengumi. 1406 01:26:28,040 --> 01:26:30,300 Take Gugo back first and then revolt 1407 01:26:30,300 --> 01:26:31,220 no more free time 1408 01:26:42,420 --> 01:26:44,050 There's just a spy outside 1409 01:26:44,340 --> 01:26:45,050 ran away by him 1410 01:26:45,170 --> 01:26:47,050 It doesn't matter that spies are all-pervasive. 1411 01:26:47,220 --> 01:26:50,050 Gui hasn't come yet, let's have a drink 1412 01:26:51,150 --> 01:26:53,080 Hey boss, we're almost ready to start 1413 01:26:53,080 --> 01:26:53,660 OK 1414 01:26:53,660 --> 01:26:55,010 Let's have a seat 1415 01:26:55,010 --> 01:26:55,820 OK 1416 01:26:55,820 --> 01:26:57,440 it's time for a seat - ok 1417 01:26:58,530 --> 01:27:00,440 borrow it - ok 1418 01:27:02,550 --> 01:27:04,230 Vice-President-Yitong 1419 01:27:05,470 --> 01:27:08,220 I was found out by those guys from Tosa and couldn't see Yamazaki 1420 01:27:08,280 --> 01:27:09,940 It's alright to get dressed. 1421 01:27:11,420 --> 01:27:12,840 no new information 1422 01:27:13,280 --> 01:27:15,950 So please sit face to face 1423 01:27:17,380 --> 01:27:19,510 We're here to prepare the seats 1424 01:27:19,510 --> 01:27:21,130 Awaited 1425 01:27:21,130 --> 01:27:25,120 Ah Ju, come and put away everyone's saber carefully-Okay 1426 01:27:25,120 --> 01:27:27,020 Please leave it to us for safekeeping 1427 01:27:28,200 --> 01:27:31,890 Sorry, we'll take care of it 1428 01:27:34,390 --> 01:27:36,100 the music stopped 1429 01:27:36,530 --> 01:27:38,020 I'll go head to head 1430 01:27:38,100 --> 01:27:39,430 Let's go, Mr. Hijikata 1431 01:27:39,550 --> 01:27:41,890 It's unclear if Ikedaya is really their home base or just a trap 1432 01:27:42,160 --> 01:27:43,420 base camp for sure 1433 01:27:43,420 --> 01:27:44,510 Todo 1434 01:27:44,640 --> 01:27:46,190 I will bring people over to Ikedaya 1435 01:27:50,980 --> 01:27:53,260 Listen, we're splitting into two 1436 01:27:53,380 --> 01:27:56,140 The director leads Okita Yongkura Todo Sonosuke 1437 01:27:56,140 --> 01:27:58,840 Takeda Nitta, Asano Hayataro and ten members of Ouzawa 1438 01:27:58,840 --> 01:28:00,120 You go to Ikedaya 1439 01:28:00,220 --> 01:28:01,420 the rest come with me 1440 01:28:01,420 --> 01:28:05,480 The hotels and taverns along the road, let's go north to check each one 1441 01:28:05,550 --> 01:28:07,000 Yes! 1442 01:28:34,730 --> 01:28:35,880 Good work - thank you 1443 01:28:35,990 --> 01:28:37,700 Then I'll go back first 1444 01:28:43,480 --> 01:28:47,190 Even if Gu Gao is tortured and tortured, he should not let go. 1445 01:28:47,520 --> 01:28:49,760 But this matter needs to be discussed about the aftermath. 1446 01:28:50,000 --> 01:28:53,120 That is to say, should we go ahead as planned, right? 1447 01:28:53,120 --> 01:28:55,320 Do it! Do it! 1448 01:28:55,730 --> 01:28:57,880 But we can't just leave Gugao alone. 1449 01:28:58,070 --> 01:29:00,400 Qili and I both came with the consciousness of fighting to the death tonight. 1450 01:29:00,400 --> 01:29:01,760 Raid the Shinsengumi's station 1451 01:29:01,760 --> 01:29:03,820 Whoever killed them all set fire to the house 1452 01:29:03,820 --> 01:29:06,620 Googol is an ally and must save him 1453 01:29:06,730 --> 01:29:10,040 Mr. Gui has repeatedly told us not to act rashly 1454 01:29:10,780 --> 01:29:13,390 Mr. Gui is against the uprising. 1455 01:29:13,440 --> 01:29:15,560 No prospects! That's right! 1456 01:29:31,600 --> 01:29:34,440 Our Sakamoto Ryoma also disagrees with this. 1457 01:29:34,440 --> 01:29:36,060 You can't talk nonsense! 1458 01:29:36,140 --> 01:29:38,960 The road to recovery is still very long 1459 01:29:39,250 --> 01:29:41,260 We will die on this road and more will die 1460 01:29:42,700 --> 01:29:47,650 But Mr. Katsura and Mr. Sakamoto will carry this will to fulfill the righteousness 1461 01:29:55,690 --> 01:29:57,070 27 people including Miyabe Dingzo 1462 01:29:57,070 --> 01:29:59,160 They are all planning to rescue Gu Gao on the second floor 1463 01:29:59,200 --> 01:30:00,550 I've opened the door and the back door 1464 01:30:00,550 --> 01:30:03,550 The earthworkers are searching along the road, go and inform them 1465 01:30:03,550 --> 01:30:04,360 Wait a moment 1466 01:30:04,410 --> 01:30:05,710 Who will take us to recognize the palace when he's gone? 1467 01:30:05,710 --> 01:30:07,080 Yamazaki must be here 1468 01:30:07,080 --> 01:30:08,040 makes sense 1469 01:30:08,040 --> 01:30:10,000 Then after you recognize the palace department, you go to the earthwork and them 1470 01:30:10,000 --> 01:30:10,680 Yes 1471 01:30:10,950 --> 01:30:13,210 Sir, are you okay? 1472 01:30:13,680 --> 01:30:14,840 certainly 1473 01:30:19,770 --> 01:30:22,290 Remember to shoot to kill, don't let one go 1474 01:30:38,970 --> 01:30:39,980 Stairs are a bit narrow 1475 01:30:39,980 --> 01:30:41,390 Lower ceiling on the second floor 1476 01:30:41,390 --> 01:30:42,790 Don't lift the knife too high 1477 01:30:45,320 --> 01:30:46,120 mute 1478 01:30:52,340 --> 01:30:53,920 we'll be all right 1479 01:30:56,330 --> 01:30:58,040 Let's talk another day! 1480 01:30:59,420 --> 01:31:00,620 talk about it another day 1481 01:31:03,640 --> 01:31:04,460 What's up! 1482 01:31:19,660 --> 01:31:20,770 Who is Yamazaki 1483 01:31:20,770 --> 01:31:23,140 That's the palace over there! 1484 01:31:29,760 --> 01:31:31,930 Where is the knife? 1485 01:31:34,950 --> 01:31:36,630 it's here 1486 01:31:42,120 --> 01:31:44,490 Calm down and put out the candles 1487 01:31:44,730 --> 01:31:47,370 Good to see him, let's go Yamazaki 1488 01:31:47,720 --> 01:31:49,360 Protector of Miyabe 1489 01:31:55,500 --> 01:31:56,440 Boss of the Cross House? 1490 01:31:56,440 --> 01:31:59,560 I'm not Cross House, I'm Shigeru Yamazaki of Shinsengumi 1491 01:32:22,750 --> 01:32:23,880 come! 1492 01:32:25,170 --> 01:32:26,070 come! 1493 01:32:35,840 --> 01:32:37,120 come! 1494 01:32:42,020 --> 01:32:43,160 here 1495 01:32:49,310 --> 01:32:50,690 go in 1496 01:32:50,770 --> 01:32:52,050 quick 1497 01:33:22,500 --> 01:33:23,770 come 1498 01:33:28,500 --> 01:33:29,770 where is mr. 1499 01:33:29,770 --> 01:33:30,640 what happened to yamazaki 1500 01:33:30,640 --> 01:33:31,610 where is mr. 1501 01:33:31,610 --> 01:33:32,550 I'm here 1502 01:33:32,850 --> 01:33:34,500 27 people including Miyabe gathered at Ikedaya 1503 01:33:34,500 --> 01:33:36,260 Chief Kondo has already led the team to attack. 1504 01:33:37,610 --> 01:33:39,370 collection collection 1505 01:33:41,320 --> 01:33:43,200 Go to Ikedaya 1506 01:33:43,200 --> 01:33:45,030 Hurry up to Ikedaya - yes 1507 01:34:03,310 --> 01:34:05,300 Can't kill? 1508 01:34:12,310 --> 01:34:13,750 let's go 1509 01:34:14,170 --> 01:34:15,790 let's go 1510 01:34:38,180 --> 01:34:40,700 Mr. Miyabe has already killed his way through the back door. 1511 01:34:43,590 --> 01:34:45,060 Sugiyama 1512 01:34:49,550 --> 01:34:50,380 Mr. Miyabe's back door 1513 01:34:50,380 --> 01:34:52,910 Miyabe-san, let's run away, it's too late 1514 01:34:53,060 --> 01:34:55,440 Restoring the road to heaven is up to you 1515 01:35:02,920 --> 01:35:03,770 Seven miles! 1516 01:35:03,770 --> 01:35:04,860 Yoshida 1517 01:35:20,220 --> 01:35:21,570 Mr. Seven Miles! 1518 01:35:24,770 --> 01:35:26,150 go here and escape 1519 01:35:43,640 --> 01:35:45,340 Mr. Yuan, you lead people to block Kawaramachi 1520 01:35:45,340 --> 01:35:46,690 Leave Ikedaya to the Shinsengumi 1521 01:35:46,690 --> 01:35:48,010 I won't let anyone step in here 1522 01:35:48,010 --> 01:35:49,520 One team, let's keep going 1523 01:35:49,520 --> 01:35:51,370 Shimadabayashi went around to the back 1524 01:36:17,880 --> 01:36:21,750 You're too late, what are you doing? 1525 01:36:23,170 --> 01:36:24,610 I came running 1526 01:36:24,670 --> 01:36:29,070 All of you are maggots. History will be written by us. 1527 01:36:29,070 --> 01:36:29,880 maybe so 1528 01:36:29,880 --> 01:36:31,290 This guy is Miyabe 1529 01:36:31,500 --> 01:36:32,780 Do you need the wrong person? 1530 01:36:42,430 --> 01:36:44,610 I'll leave it to you on the second floor of Saito 1531 01:36:44,760 --> 01:36:45,680 Yes 1532 01:36:48,150 --> 01:36:50,630 Did the general manager lose to Qili? 1533 01:36:50,630 --> 01:36:52,220 how is this possible 1534 01:36:53,260 --> 01:36:55,890 The blood he vomited was tuberculosis. 1535 01:36:55,940 --> 01:36:57,440 I won't die so easily 1536 01:36:57,440 --> 01:36:58,960 Sir, take a rest 1537 01:36:59,180 --> 01:37:00,400 I'm watching right here 1538 01:37:00,400 --> 01:37:01,970 Go and deal with him - yes 1539 01:37:05,750 --> 01:37:09,180 Todo, leave it to me here, let's go 1540 01:37:09,210 --> 01:37:10,460 I do not go 1541 01:37:10,580 --> 01:37:11,760 Okay let's go 1542 01:37:17,900 --> 01:37:19,270 catch them 1543 01:37:19,960 --> 01:37:21,060 catch them 1544 01:37:21,940 --> 01:37:24,440 Where is the new group 1545 01:37:24,840 --> 01:37:26,960 Fight in front of Ikedaya 1546 01:37:27,830 --> 01:37:29,260 coming 1547 01:37:40,310 --> 01:37:41,920 See you! 1548 01:37:42,710 --> 01:37:44,640 kill him kill him kill him 1549 01:37:47,660 --> 01:37:48,790 come here 1550 01:37:49,400 --> 01:37:50,650 come 1551 01:38:11,720 --> 01:38:13,810 Everyone is injured and on their way back 1552 01:38:14,470 --> 01:38:15,560 Need to build an ambulance 1553 01:38:16,230 --> 01:38:19,040 Mr. Shannan, please prepare cotton water and hot water 1554 01:38:19,420 --> 01:38:19,980 ha? 1555 01:38:20,030 --> 01:38:21,600 Build an ambulance in the temple 1556 01:38:24,100 --> 01:38:26,600 It's a maid, you can come out 1557 01:38:30,280 --> 01:38:33,990 Are there any Changzhou people over there? 1558 01:38:34,310 --> 01:38:35,140 Changzhou people 1559 01:38:35,140 --> 01:38:36,640 I found a beautiful maid 1560 01:38:36,700 --> 01:38:37,950 is it here? - a little more inside 1561 01:38:37,950 --> 01:38:41,210 It's so stupid 1562 01:38:43,000 --> 01:38:45,400 Mr. Osawa Mr. Osawa 1563 01:38:47,100 --> 01:38:48,810 Mr. Osawa, take it off 1564 01:38:49,420 --> 01:38:51,740 Take it off to the point where only the crotch pants are left 1565 01:38:51,740 --> 01:38:52,600 Eh? why 1566 01:38:52,600 --> 01:38:54,150 quick - i got it 1567 01:38:59,710 --> 01:39:03,280 Shinpachi's knife is bent, the chief's hat is broken 1568 01:39:03,610 --> 01:39:07,520 Heisuke's blade tip is chipped, but Toru is fine 1569 01:39:07,730 --> 01:39:10,050 maid passed out 1570 01:39:11,560 --> 01:39:13,360 Has the chief been killed? 1571 01:39:13,710 --> 01:39:14,930 vomiting blood 1572 01:39:16,170 --> 01:39:17,990 I still have to go back by myself 1573 01:39:18,400 --> 01:39:22,650 I feel more and more that only the Shinsengumi can realize the true extermination of foreigners 1574 01:39:23,180 --> 01:39:27,860 But the shogunate did not oppose the barbarians, but I was beheading the patriots who were shouting at the barbarians 1575 01:39:28,120 --> 01:39:31,520 If you play the banner of extermination, you can't do anything. 1576 01:39:31,600 --> 01:39:32,350 That's right 1577 01:39:32,810 --> 01:39:35,150 Repelling foreigners is important, but the shogunate is more important 1578 01:39:35,200 --> 01:39:38,660 A thorn that grows in the territory directly under the general's control 1579 01:39:39,290 --> 01:39:42,800 After implementing the road of thorns, there is a new selection group 1580 01:39:44,040 --> 01:39:45,810 We will continue to do so in the future 1581 01:39:46,600 --> 01:39:48,210 Aya water is coming 1582 01:39:48,210 --> 01:39:50,400 Thanks for the help with the cotton cloth - ok 1583 01:39:50,400 --> 01:39:54,040 There aren't enough people here, you need to call someone else 1584 01:39:54,260 --> 01:39:55,630 quick 1585 01:39:58,700 --> 01:40:00,550 who are you looking for 1586 01:40:02,390 --> 01:40:04,760 What about Mr. Okita? Is Mr. Okita okay? 1587 01:40:04,830 --> 01:40:07,850 The seriously injured are all carried here. There is no Mr. Okita among them. 1588 01:40:07,930 --> 01:40:09,420 What about Mr. Kondo? 1589 01:40:09,820 --> 01:40:13,530 I went with Mr. Gen. to the Aizu domain and Kuwana domain of the Kyoto Shodai. 1590 01:40:13,730 --> 01:40:15,000 Can Todo be saved? 1591 01:40:15,000 --> 01:40:17,240 Although his forehead was broken, his life is safe 1592 01:40:34,500 --> 01:40:36,000 Deputy Chief of Earthworks? 1593 01:40:37,380 --> 01:40:38,320 Feel sorry 1594 01:40:39,180 --> 01:40:41,200 45 days after the Ikedaya incident 1595 01:40:41,380 --> 01:40:43,370 The war with Changzhou begins 1596 01:40:43,400 --> 01:40:46,320 It was the engagement of July 19, 1864, right? 1597 01:40:46,370 --> 01:40:47,970 Battle of the Clam Gate 1598 01:40:48,530 --> 01:40:50,730 Shinsengumi was dispatched to Fushimi 1599 01:40:51,210 --> 01:40:54,300 Basically they are chasing the enemy and there is no big battle 1600 01:40:55,350 --> 01:40:56,280 end of that year 1601 01:40:57,000 --> 01:40:59,990 The battle that split the Shinsengumi began 1602 01:41:06,120 --> 01:41:07,940 i got the chrysanthemum text 1603 01:41:12,320 --> 01:41:14,220 Does Mr. Okita want to eat? 1604 01:41:14,220 --> 01:41:16,280 No need I'll take a look here - Huh? 1605 01:41:16,680 --> 01:41:21,700 I have a small appetite and like to watch other people eat deliciously 1606 01:41:22,200 --> 01:41:25,120 I especially like the way Mr. Hijikata eats 1607 01:41:25,550 --> 01:41:26,890 what's the matter with you 1608 01:41:28,140 --> 01:41:31,140 Kennosuke Shiori, whose wrist was chopped off by you 1609 01:41:31,140 --> 01:41:33,240 Escaped from prison when he was about to be executed 1610 01:41:33,290 --> 01:41:34,960 Is that all there is to it? 1611 01:41:35,080 --> 01:41:36,900 I might meet him somewhere else. 1612 01:41:37,030 --> 01:41:38,560 Is there anything else besides that? 1613 01:41:41,530 --> 01:41:45,040 Mr. Ito and his party from Edo have arrived at Mr. Kondo's residence 1614 01:41:45,040 --> 01:41:46,480 Is it finally here? 1615 01:41:46,480 --> 01:41:48,950 Yeah join a bunch of awesome guys 1616 01:41:49,080 --> 01:41:51,310 Shannan and Tengtang passed by immediately, right? 1617 01:41:51,310 --> 01:41:52,170 you know 1618 01:41:52,170 --> 01:41:55,340 After all, they belong to the same family as Beichen. 1619 01:41:55,830 --> 01:41:58,610 But this news came to me to let me know 1620 01:41:59,080 --> 01:42:00,560 I'm the one who came to know you 1621 01:42:01,320 --> 01:42:03,210 They asked me to call you 1622 01:42:03,430 --> 01:42:06,560 Idiot, you said it earlier 1623 01:42:06,930 --> 01:42:09,980 Because I'd love to see how you change your face 1624 01:42:10,080 --> 01:42:10,920 really 1625 01:42:10,990 --> 01:42:12,260 Can you go right now? 1626 01:42:12,260 --> 01:42:14,670 I won't go - sure enough 1627 01:42:14,760 --> 01:42:16,540 Don't say that, get ready 1628 01:42:17,990 --> 01:42:21,460 Something is wrong with the director recently, right? 1629 01:42:22,520 --> 01:42:23,540 really 1630 01:42:24,100 --> 01:42:27,340 Something has gone wrong since I went to Edo to recruit members in September. 1631 01:42:27,720 --> 01:42:29,810 It seems that I met Laozhong in Edo 1632 01:42:27,720 --> 01:42:29,810 (Old middle school: The title of the Edo shogunate is roughly equivalent to that of the Kamakura shogunate or the director of the Muromachi shogunate) 1633 01:42:30,390 --> 01:42:33,100 After returning, as a member of the daimyo travel entourage 1634 01:42:33,470 --> 01:42:35,910 Go to Nijo Castle every three days 1635 01:42:36,480 --> 01:42:38,360 Discuss the world situation 1636 01:42:45,020 --> 01:42:47,920 Do you want Mr. Hijikata to be a daimyo? 1637 01:42:48,230 --> 01:42:49,840 not 1638 01:42:49,990 --> 01:42:51,950 Say it again in your native language 1639 01:42:53,390 --> 01:42:54,740 don't want to 1640 01:42:54,780 --> 01:42:56,850 I would like to hear more of your native language 1641 01:42:57,400 --> 01:42:59,410 I am a craftsman 1642 01:42:59,910 --> 01:43:01,750 no matter how the world 1643 01:43:02,640 --> 01:43:06,310 I just want to train the Shinsengumi to be the best fighting existence in Japan 1644 01:43:07,680 --> 01:43:08,680 Are you disappointed in me 1645 01:43:12,280 --> 01:43:13,870 I feel relieved 1646 01:43:31,020 --> 01:43:32,370 Then the native said 1647 01:43:32,450 --> 01:43:34,810 The palace is the battlefield 1648 01:43:35,070 --> 01:43:38,010 It was said during the Battle of the Clam Gate - so it is 1649 01:43:38,050 --> 01:43:43,010 I told him that Ah Sui is useless even if he chases three miles away. 1650 01:43:43,110 --> 01:43:48,210 The deputy chief angrily said that the important battlefield cannot be without the Shinsengumi! 1651 01:43:48,690 --> 01:43:52,290 It's a woman who wants to go back because she's worried about women 1652 01:43:52,580 --> 01:43:55,170 I said Ah Sui, calm down and think about it 1653 01:43:55,280 --> 01:43:58,130 The Battle of Ikedaya is praised for winning more with less 1654 01:43:58,200 --> 01:43:59,320 But this time is different 1655 01:44:00,160 --> 01:44:02,710 The shogunate has 40,000 Changshu only 2,000 1656 01:44:03,120 --> 01:44:07,250 If Changzhou is defeated, the shogunate will burn down the houses to force out the remaining soldiers 1657 01:44:07,320 --> 01:44:09,970 The people of Kyoto will therefore prefer Choshu 1658 01:44:10,330 --> 01:44:12,740 Our battlefield in Fushimi will not affect our reputation 1659 01:44:12,810 --> 01:44:15,070 Mr. Kondo is really an excellent political leader 1660 01:44:15,110 --> 01:44:18,020 It's not just Tufang who will take care of the overall situation 1661 01:44:19,000 --> 01:44:26,680 The moon floats on the sea hare... 1662 01:44:28,330 --> 01:44:30,820 The earthwork didn't show up till the end 1663 01:44:31,230 --> 01:44:33,250 I'll see you at the station tomorrow 1664 01:44:33,330 --> 01:44:35,320 What kind of person is Tufang 1665 01:44:35,370 --> 01:44:37,880 I'm the one who contradicts everything 1666 01:44:37,880 --> 01:44:39,000 is a fool 1667 01:44:39,120 --> 01:44:39,760 how do I say this 1668 01:44:39,800 --> 01:44:43,360 I don't know the dignity of kings, I don't know how terrible the barbarians are 1669 01:44:43,520 --> 01:44:45,250 Not knowing the urgency of the times 1670 01:44:45,350 --> 01:44:47,810 There is only Shinsengumi in this man's world 1671 01:44:47,960 --> 01:44:49,760 All I can think about is how to strengthen the team 1672 01:44:49,870 --> 01:44:51,670 He is a person who cannot be persuaded by reason. 1673 01:44:51,740 --> 01:44:53,960 The most annoying thing is this idiot 1674 01:44:54,200 --> 01:44:57,560 Compared with him, Kondo is a fighter and is easier to manipulate 1675 01:44:58,940 --> 01:44:59,880 oath 1676 01:45:02,880 --> 01:45:07,070 With our power, we will turn the Shinsengumi into a pure King of Diligence 1677 01:45:15,390 --> 01:45:17,010 As expected of Mr. Hijikata 1678 01:45:18,000 --> 01:45:20,560 He was able to raise 70,000 taels from Osaka merchants 1679 01:45:21,810 --> 01:45:24,770 I just mediated the loan application of the Aizu Domain. 1680 01:45:24,880 --> 01:45:26,770 I really admire you for being humble 1681 01:45:42,980 --> 01:45:44,480 Oh earthwork 1682 01:45:44,710 --> 01:45:46,240 do you want to be a courtier 1683 01:45:46,310 --> 01:45:47,920 Is this a "photography" 1684 01:45:47,920 --> 01:45:50,070 Don't you think your thoughts are a little weird lately? 1685 01:45:50,070 --> 01:45:53,180 It is said that when a person is on the throne of honor, he gradually loses his mind. 1686 01:45:53,180 --> 01:45:56,970 I didn't come to Kyoto to make you such a white-faced monster 1687 01:45:56,970 --> 01:46:01,000 I get a headache every time you make fun of it in Tama dialect 1688 01:46:08,720 --> 01:46:09,640 about to shoot 1689 01:46:13,920 --> 01:46:15,760 please hold your breath 1690 01:46:16,740 --> 01:46:19,830 It is said that Mr. Yoshihashi Yoshihashi likes photography 1691 01:46:19,830 --> 01:46:23,350 Mr. Qingxi personally said that Kondo would also take a photo 1692 01:46:23,620 --> 01:46:25,780 In other words, Mr. Kondo is now a famous name. 1693 01:46:25,780 --> 01:46:27,890 The Ito faction isn't even here. 1694 01:46:28,390 --> 01:46:31,120 Those people even feel that the footprints of the barbarians are not clean. 1695 01:46:31,400 --> 01:46:34,180 If you let them see the photography, they're going to be blind 1696 01:46:36,460 --> 01:46:38,160 It's so spacious here 1697 01:46:38,800 --> 01:46:41,160 Ideal as a new station for the newly selected group 1698 01:46:41,760 --> 01:46:45,500 Why is Mr. Shannan such a bitter expression? 1699 01:46:45,560 --> 01:46:48,720 If you want to change the stagnation point, there are many options. 1700 01:46:49,090 --> 01:46:51,260 you are not happy 1701 01:46:52,210 --> 01:46:54,420 Nishihonganji and Choshu Domain are complicit 1702 01:46:54,420 --> 01:46:57,210 This time the camp was moved to give them color 1703 01:46:57,210 --> 01:46:59,140 Mr. Kondo and Mr. Ito are both fooled 1704 01:46:59,140 --> 01:47:01,360 Living in Kyoto and forgetting about the barbarians 1705 01:47:01,780 --> 01:47:04,270 Hijikata Toshio, who went to intimidate the monks, was extremely stupid 1706 01:47:04,270 --> 01:47:06,830 Mr. Tufang has never talked about the rejection of foreigners 1707 01:47:06,870 --> 01:47:09,820 We came to Kyoto to chase away foreigners 1708 01:47:20,760 --> 01:47:23,150 what's the matter 1709 01:47:26,820 --> 01:47:28,800 Mr. Shannan defected 1710 01:47:34,660 --> 01:47:37,970 Imprisoned in the End of the World 1711 01:47:39,770 --> 01:47:42,150 he lost his place 1712 01:47:42,400 --> 01:47:44,150 lost long ago 1713 01:47:44,150 --> 01:47:45,760 what to do 1714 01:47:45,940 --> 01:47:48,320 According to the rules of the game, defectors should be cut to the stomach 1715 01:47:48,320 --> 01:47:50,620 No one who defected would cut his belly 1716 01:47:50,680 --> 01:47:53,000 Even the accommodation for tonight is clearly written down. 1717 01:47:53,360 --> 01:47:55,650 Boss, go after you 1718 01:47:56,600 --> 01:47:58,100 Maybe I'll let him go 1719 01:48:04,080 --> 01:48:07,710 Did Mr. Shannan run away and come back to cut his abdomen? 1720 01:48:07,960 --> 01:48:11,240 Keisuke Yamanami is different from us, he is a born samurai 1721 01:48:11,820 --> 01:48:14,510 You can see the difference from the cut 1722 01:48:16,100 --> 01:48:18,320 This is the beginning of the split 1723 01:48:21,880 --> 01:48:24,110 Mr. Shannan, I'm going to start 1724 01:48:26,300 --> 01:48:27,680 not yet 1725 01:48:36,520 --> 01:48:40,270 It was January of the second year after Mr. Shannan cut his abdomen 1726 01:48:40,360 --> 01:48:44,240 Satsuma, who has always been in dispute, hooked up with Choshu 1727 01:48:44,320 --> 01:48:48,820 The Sakagi Alliance is a major mission for Sakamoto Ryoma-sama. 1728 01:48:49,260 --> 01:48:50,750 In the presence of a burly man, Mr. Xixiang 1729 01:48:50,750 --> 01:48:53,520 With the quiet and steady Mr. Katsura Kogoro 1730 01:48:53,600 --> 01:48:55,970 Shouting "what happened to Satsuma and what happened to Changzhou" 1731 01:48:55,970 --> 01:48:57,970 "The most important thing is Japan" 1732 01:48:57,970 --> 01:49:01,000 So the downfall was formed 1733 01:49:01,350 --> 01:49:05,410 At the end of the year, Mr. Yoshihashi Keiki became the 15th General 1734 01:49:05,480 --> 01:49:07,900 The system is so outdated, it doesn't matter who is in power 1735 01:49:07,900 --> 01:49:11,840 20 days later, the emperor died of smallpox 1736 01:49:12,100 --> 01:49:14,550 Some say he died of poisoning 1737 01:49:14,550 --> 01:49:15,160 do not talk 1738 01:49:15,250 --> 01:49:16,630 That's right 1739 01:49:16,710 --> 01:49:20,340 Courtiers leaning towards Changzhou suddenly became smoother 1740 01:49:20,530 --> 01:49:22,650 Then this March 1741 01:49:22,730 --> 01:49:25,520 Mr. Koshitaro Ito was appointed as the guardian of the imperial mausoleum 1742 01:49:25,640 --> 01:49:28,390 I left the Shinsengumi 1743 01:49:28,520 --> 01:49:31,650 It's incredible that even Mr. Saito follows. 1744 01:49:32,010 --> 01:49:34,810 Saito-san went there as a spy, right? 1745 01:49:34,810 --> 01:49:36,460 to the opposite 1746 01:49:36,460 --> 01:49:40,490 Mr. Nori Nakajima, who was investigating the movements of Choshu, returned as a regular member 1747 01:49:40,570 --> 01:49:43,260 It's going to be a bloodbath again 1748 01:49:43,300 --> 01:49:47,490 Mr. Kondo, as a flag, should not act rashly 1749 01:49:47,490 --> 01:49:49,470 I'm really worried about Mr. Okita 1750 01:49:50,440 --> 01:49:54,820 I have vomited a lot of blood this year. 1751 01:49:54,960 --> 01:49:57,480 Where is Mr. Hijikata now? 1752 01:49:58,150 --> 01:50:00,090 Recruiting people in Edo 1753 01:50:00,270 --> 01:50:01,420 What about Mr. Kondo? 1754 01:50:01,680 --> 01:50:03,200 in Nijo Castle 1755 01:50:03,250 --> 01:50:05,660 (Return of the Great Government: In October 1876, the fifteenth general Tokugawa Keiki returned the power to the Emperor, marking the end of the Tokugawa shogunate's rule that lasted for more than 260 years) 1756 01:50:08,610 --> 01:50:11,440 300 Years Ago 1757 01:50:12,290 --> 01:50:15,370 Established the Tokugawa regime for world stability 1758 01:50:16,020 --> 01:50:20,330 Now for the sake of world stability, I have decided to give up power 1759 01:50:22,090 --> 01:50:22,860 no more 1760 01:50:24,360 --> 01:50:26,330 Although he renounces power, he will inherit the legacy of Duke Ieyasu 1761 01:50:26,710 --> 01:50:28,880 If this continues, Japan will be divided 1762 01:50:28,920 --> 01:50:32,900 If the Tokugawa family returns to power, then Japan is still a whole 1763 01:50:32,940 --> 01:50:35,040 does not have to be a whole 1764 01:50:36,720 --> 01:50:38,330 Probably a whole 1765 01:50:38,330 --> 01:50:39,840 not necessarily a whole 1766 01:50:40,280 --> 01:50:41,240 will be a whole 1767 01:50:42,840 --> 01:50:44,500 Do you have any objection? 1768 01:50:45,100 --> 01:50:46,450 If not, that's it 1769 01:50:48,530 --> 01:50:50,690 Will return to power 1770 01:50:51,030 --> 01:50:58,160 October 14, 1867 Tokugawa Keiki relinquishes the post of general 1771 01:50:58,230 --> 01:50:59,680 returned power to the emperor 1772 01:51:01,290 --> 01:51:03,000 I'm recruiting team members from Edo 1773 01:51:03,050 --> 01:51:06,600 I heard the news on the way back to Kyoto 1774 01:51:07,940 --> 01:51:10,540 At that time, there were girl flowers blooming by the roadside 1775 01:51:11,980 --> 01:51:13,140 what's that 1776 01:51:13,390 --> 01:51:15,500 It sounds like you're yelling, "It's fine, isn't it?" 1777 01:51:16,540 --> 01:51:19,780 Because of the return of Dazheng, the world has become inexplicable now 1778 01:51:20,040 --> 01:51:21,160 Mr. Source - Huh? 1779 01:51:21,320 --> 01:51:22,460 swaying the moon 1780 01:51:23,150 --> 01:51:24,370 take out all the knives 1781 01:51:51,100 --> 01:51:53,730 For the shogunate at sunset Xishan 1782 01:51:53,760 --> 01:51:55,660 The Shinsengumi is the strongest samurai group 1783 01:51:56,090 --> 01:51:59,270 Such an organization waits there like a woodland 1784 01:51:59,270 --> 01:52:00,590 is the most dreaded 1785 01:52:01,390 --> 01:52:02,350 maybe so 1786 01:52:02,350 --> 01:52:05,890 The leader personally negotiated between the shogunate and the vassal officials 1787 01:52:05,890 --> 01:52:07,960 chattering about the world 1788 01:52:08,030 --> 01:52:09,960 It's so ugly 1789 01:52:12,410 --> 01:52:15,610 Get well soon sir 1790 01:52:16,960 --> 01:52:18,110 Will do 1791 01:52:18,460 --> 01:52:20,340 This is called vanity 1792 01:52:20,640 --> 01:52:22,500 medicine for tuberculosis 1793 01:52:22,590 --> 01:52:24,460 I made it at home 1794 01:52:25,470 --> 01:52:26,340 Come 1795 01:52:34,250 --> 01:52:36,490 I only drink it for you 1796 01:52:40,840 --> 01:52:43,320 you are such a good man 1797 01:52:43,500 --> 01:52:44,630 Sounds a little disgusting 1798 01:52:45,780 --> 01:52:49,380 If I could be reincarnated 1799 01:52:49,760 --> 01:52:53,410 I want to be as honest and sincere as you are 1800 01:52:55,180 --> 01:52:59,680 I want to be as strong as you are 1801 01:53:01,800 --> 01:53:06,800 Strong personality can read Sun Tzu or Wu Tzu's Art of War 1802 01:53:08,260 --> 01:53:11,600 Live with the sole aim of defeating the enemy 1803 01:53:13,260 --> 01:53:15,540 You pull out the chrysanthemum character 1804 01:53:16,950 --> 01:53:18,690 and put it in front of my eyes 1805 01:53:31,580 --> 01:53:34,670 Knife is more beautiful than any beauty 1806 01:53:37,410 --> 01:53:38,870 But ironically 1807 01:53:39,510 --> 01:53:41,360 This knife kills... 1808 01:53:44,230 --> 01:53:45,870 Only Mr. Shannan 1809 01:53:50,770 --> 01:53:52,720 The Ito faction is eyeing me 1810 01:53:52,800 --> 01:53:54,040 This is what Saito investigated 1811 01:53:54,180 --> 01:53:56,290 Ito can already be said to wear the same pants as Satsuma 1812 01:53:56,290 --> 01:53:59,260 I want to gain the trust of the Fallen faction by assassinating Mr. Kondo 1813 01:53:59,260 --> 01:54:00,790 Ready to wait 1814 01:54:01,330 --> 01:54:02,280 Better to kill them 1815 01:54:02,320 --> 01:54:04,100 Ito is the guardian of the imperial mausoleum 1816 01:54:04,720 --> 01:54:06,760 If you kill the Royal Tomb Guard, you will become the enemy of the court. 1817 01:54:06,760 --> 01:54:08,120 so what 1818 01:54:09,000 --> 01:54:11,320 This is no different from the fact that the important officers were snatched by the Sachang Alliance. 1819 01:54:11,320 --> 01:54:12,480 If you wait for them to call 1820 01:54:12,480 --> 01:54:14,010 Then we are traitors 1821 01:54:15,120 --> 01:54:17,730 Don't be fooled by politics 1822 01:54:18,120 --> 01:54:20,100 This is a man's righteousness 1823 01:54:20,790 --> 01:54:23,680 I've been trampled on by Ito for two years 1824 01:54:24,820 --> 01:54:25,680 Ah Sui 1825 01:54:26,680 --> 01:54:29,920 I gave in and fulfilled Kondo Isamu's righteousness 1826 01:54:30,540 --> 01:54:31,910 if i don't budge 1827 01:54:34,110 --> 01:54:36,660 he wouldn't die like that 1828 01:54:36,780 --> 01:54:38,830 I've been thinking this way lately 1829 01:54:57,530 --> 01:54:59,930 Don't move, it's almost finished 1830 01:55:00,770 --> 01:55:03,840 It doesn't sound like the pen I used to use 1831 01:55:04,040 --> 01:55:05,750 charcoal for sketching 1832 01:55:06,800 --> 01:55:09,060 Axue's feeling is also different from before 1833 01:55:09,280 --> 01:55:13,010 Yes Ash is going crazy soon 1834 01:55:28,110 --> 01:55:30,380 the wilderness you live in 1835 01:55:30,630 --> 01:55:32,750 is the place I've been looking for 1836 01:55:42,560 --> 01:55:44,700 what did you put in your mouth 1837 01:55:45,930 --> 01:55:47,010 nothing 1838 01:55:47,600 --> 01:55:48,760 That is to say 1839 01:55:50,050 --> 01:55:52,780 Axue's mouth is naturally sweet, isn't it? 1840 01:56:00,040 --> 01:56:02,620 my husband 1841 01:56:04,290 --> 01:56:07,890 I've always hoped that one day you could call me that 1842 01:56:09,700 --> 01:56:10,430 Axue 1843 01:56:12,120 --> 01:56:14,760 I've always dreamed of one day 1844 01:56:16,030 --> 01:56:18,760 There can be a person who can call me husband 1845 01:56:20,220 --> 01:56:21,450 husband 1846 01:56:28,810 --> 01:56:31,400 Just ask what you want, I won't hide it 1847 01:56:33,140 --> 01:56:36,840 Mr. Ryoma Sakamoto, who facilitated the alliance between Satsuma and Choshu, was killed 1848 01:56:37,080 --> 01:56:39,070 I heard it was done by the Shinsengumi 1849 01:56:39,290 --> 01:56:42,450 It's not us Sakamoto Ryoma, people with existence value 1850 01:56:42,720 --> 01:56:44,100 three days later 1851 01:56:44,870 --> 01:56:48,090 Mr. Koshitaro Ito was also killed in the seven oil paths 1852 01:56:48,090 --> 01:56:49,000 that's what we do 1853 01:56:49,620 --> 01:56:51,520 Mr. Kondo invited him to his home 1854 01:56:51,900 --> 01:56:56,190 Ito slams the current situation and denounces the shogunate for being drunk 1855 01:56:56,190 --> 01:57:02,190 "Green Tree Shadow" 1856 01:57:02,210 --> 01:57:05,640 After killing Mr. Ito, you used his body as bait 1857 01:57:05,980 --> 01:57:09,490 "Rabbits also ride the waves" 1858 01:57:10,340 --> 01:57:12,400 This is the way of the sword warrior 1859 01:57:14,410 --> 01:57:16,250 Hijikata 1860 01:57:28,760 --> 01:57:29,660 brother 1861 01:57:31,040 --> 01:57:31,990 come out faster 1862 01:57:33,030 --> 01:57:35,490 damn you bastard 1863 01:58:20,180 --> 01:58:21,980 The morning after the incident 1864 01:58:22,320 --> 01:58:24,000 I went to the oil road 1865 01:58:26,050 --> 01:58:29,140 There are fingers everywhere 1866 01:58:30,400 --> 01:58:31,380 i'm so scared 1867 01:58:32,740 --> 01:58:34,190 I was scared too at Ikedaya 1868 01:58:35,280 --> 01:58:37,550 What I'm most afraid of is doing nothing and waiting 1869 01:58:37,740 --> 01:58:39,300 So I'll help you heal 1870 01:58:40,620 --> 01:58:43,020 going to war, right? 1871 01:58:44,050 --> 01:58:45,970 please let me go 1872 01:58:47,920 --> 01:58:50,040 i want to paint for you 1873 01:58:50,770 --> 01:58:54,120 I want to paint your fighting heroism for posterity 1874 01:58:54,590 --> 01:58:56,270 I can't involve you 1875 01:58:56,340 --> 01:58:58,150 I'm already involved 1876 01:59:00,320 --> 01:59:02,840 I was the one who compromised last night 1877 01:59:05,060 --> 01:59:07,300 This time it's your turn 1878 01:59:40,300 --> 01:59:42,660 The Shinsengumi is ready to fight 1879 01:59:42,660 --> 01:59:45,540 Move the position to the Fushimi Shrine 1880 01:59:57,210 --> 01:59:59,480 Is the director going to Nijo Castle today too? 1881 01:59:59,620 --> 02:00:01,850 He is going to talk to the remaining shogunate army 1882 02:00:01,850 --> 02:00:03,270 not yet at that stage 1883 02:00:03,270 --> 02:00:04,910 Then you stopped him - I stopped 1884 02:00:04,910 --> 02:00:08,740 The chief secretary is sick in bed, and most of the soldiers have fled, morale is low 1885 02:00:08,780 --> 02:00:11,660 The reinforcements from Aizu are coming in a few days. 1886 02:00:11,660 --> 02:00:14,030 It's really demoralizing 1887 02:00:15,410 --> 02:00:16,560 Mr. Kondo 1888 02:00:19,480 --> 02:00:21,510 i got shot 1889 02:00:21,760 --> 02:00:22,600 Did Changzhou do it? 1890 02:00:22,600 --> 02:00:24,050 Ito's remnant 1891 02:00:24,160 --> 02:00:25,080 bring the stretcher 1892 02:00:25,080 --> 02:00:26,450 hateful 1893 02:00:27,080 --> 02:00:27,800 give me the knife 1894 02:00:28,050 --> 02:00:29,800 The bone in your shoulder may be split 1895 02:00:29,850 --> 02:00:32,520 If you hurt your bones, you won't be able to hold a sword 1896 02:00:33,940 --> 02:00:35,130 lift up - lift up 1897 02:00:35,130 --> 02:00:39,320 It's not enough to just return the regime. The court also asked the Tokugawa family to hand over their territory. 1898 02:00:39,540 --> 02:00:42,160 In this way, the general and Qiben became beggars 1899 02:00:43,370 --> 02:00:46,060 A Sui Xinxuan will be handed over to you 1900 02:00:46,130 --> 02:00:47,410 Carry it away - yes 1901 02:00:53,520 --> 02:00:55,030 hateful 1902 02:00:55,030 --> 02:00:56,640 Send Chief Kondo to Osaka 1903 02:00:56,640 --> 02:00:57,970 there is the general's imperial physician 1904 02:00:57,970 --> 02:00:59,370 Ogata, please follow him to take care of him - okay 1905 02:00:59,370 --> 02:01:02,170 When Nakajima went to prepare the ship, he used the special ship of the shogunate. 1906 02:01:02,330 --> 02:01:03,580 Let the chief also get on board 1907 02:01:03,970 --> 02:01:04,960 Captain Okita should not go 1908 02:01:04,960 --> 02:01:06,460 Take him no matter what 1909 02:01:07,010 --> 02:01:08,650 The guards are back 1910 02:01:09,510 --> 02:01:11,320 He can't hold a sword anymore 1911 02:01:12,200 --> 02:01:14,000 How many people are left in Ito's party 1912 02:01:14,810 --> 02:01:18,600 15 days later, January 3, 1868 1913 02:01:19,710 --> 02:01:21,730 The Battle of Toba Fushimi begins 1914 02:01:21,730 --> 02:01:22,910 Mr. idiot is dangerous 1915 02:01:22,910 --> 02:01:24,940 alright alright - hello 1916 02:01:29,310 --> 02:01:32,160 Mr. Yuan is very dangerous, don't run around 1917 02:01:34,190 --> 02:01:36,920 When I first met you, you were like a kappa 1918 02:01:36,920 --> 02:01:38,700 What nonsense are you talking about 1919 02:01:38,740 --> 02:01:40,580 Suddenly he poked his head out of the river beside the garrison 1920 02:01:40,580 --> 02:01:42,340 With lotus leaves on his head 1921 02:01:42,340 --> 02:01:43,540 Mr. Yuan is enough 1922 02:01:43,540 --> 02:01:45,430 Want to hear something interesting from me? 1923 02:01:45,430 --> 02:01:47,340 If you can kill ten enemies, I will listen to you 1924 02:01:47,480 --> 02:01:50,880 I haven't killed anyone yet 1925 02:01:55,520 --> 02:01:56,420 are you listening 1926 02:01:56,580 --> 02:01:58,320 Well I already knew 1927 02:01:58,970 --> 02:02:01,420 what, so you know 1928 02:02:02,140 --> 02:02:04,750 But today I'm going to kill 1929 02:02:05,700 --> 02:02:08,240 Mr. Hi Yuan Mr. Yuan 1930 02:02:11,440 --> 02:02:12,530 Mr. Yuan 1931 02:02:14,140 --> 02:02:16,210 Deputy Head of Earthworks - Mr. Yuan 1932 02:02:16,210 --> 02:02:17,460 Mr. Yuan 1933 02:02:43,770 --> 02:02:44,900 kill me 1934 02:02:45,720 --> 02:02:49,770 Tokugawa Keiki personally led the unscathed rearguard reinforcements 1935 02:02:49,840 --> 02:02:51,330 we won the war 1936 02:02:54,320 --> 02:02:55,940 Are you going to fight the enemy yourself? 1937 02:02:57,530 --> 02:02:58,340 i'm running away 1938 02:02:59,750 --> 02:03:00,610 run away? 1939 02:03:00,820 --> 02:03:02,770 Now hurry up and follow me to Edo 1940 02:03:02,770 --> 02:03:03,910 why 1941 02:03:03,950 --> 02:03:05,180 The pennant appeared 1942 02:03:05,290 --> 02:03:07,220 Sa Changtu defected and became a member of the government army 1943 02:03:07,220 --> 02:03:08,670 I became a traitor 1944 02:03:09,350 --> 02:03:11,920 Stop the fight between the Aizu soldiers and the Shinsengumi 1945 02:03:11,920 --> 02:03:15,720 In order to forcibly stop those who do not obey orders, I have to resort to this 1946 02:03:15,760 --> 02:03:17,070 I'm going to escape to Edo and follow me 1947 02:03:17,410 --> 02:03:18,820 How can you leave your retainers and run away alone? 1948 02:03:18,820 --> 02:03:21,530 Have you forgotten the family motto of the Aizu Matsudaira family? 1949 02:03:44,500 --> 02:03:46,940 The General and Lieutenant General Aizu are gone 1950 02:03:48,640 --> 02:03:50,080 It seems to have been successfully captured 1951 02:03:50,420 --> 02:03:52,490 not attacked 1952 02:03:52,660 --> 02:03:54,860 I've never heard such a horrible thing 1953 02:03:56,230 --> 02:03:58,970 Unexpectedly, the lord of the Aizu domain would abandon his domain soldiers 1954 02:03:59,200 --> 02:04:00,760 This war is different 1955 02:04:00,760 --> 02:04:01,660 where is the difference 1956 02:04:03,810 --> 02:04:06,350 You don't know - what do you know 1957 02:04:06,640 --> 02:04:07,770 of course i understand 1958 02:04:12,480 --> 02:04:16,520 The sound of our guns is like the sound of gunfire on the opposite side of the storm, but it is sparse 1959 02:04:16,520 --> 02:04:19,670 yeah sparse 1960 02:04:19,790 --> 02:04:20,790 Yamazaki 1961 02:04:21,620 --> 02:04:24,170 After waiting until Edo, you can ask famous doctors from all over the country to treat you 1962 02:04:24,420 --> 02:04:26,680 I can't hold on to Edo anymore 1963 02:04:27,620 --> 02:04:29,830 Bury me at sea if I die on a boat 1964 02:04:30,040 --> 02:04:31,460 I don't want to be salted 1965 02:04:31,530 --> 02:04:32,380 where is okita 1966 02:04:32,540 --> 02:04:34,680 He's in the attic - quarantined 1967 02:04:36,710 --> 02:04:38,130 I hate being salted 1968 02:04:39,740 --> 02:04:40,810 it's me 1969 02:04:45,520 --> 02:04:46,320 I am coming 1970 02:04:47,160 --> 02:04:48,240 we lose 1971 02:04:52,340 --> 02:04:55,220 The doctor told me to rest more before I lay down 1972 02:04:56,050 --> 02:04:57,900 I'm actually healthy 1973 02:04:58,680 --> 02:05:00,160 you stay here today 1974 02:05:00,990 --> 02:05:04,410 There is no more general, the highest position in the world. 1975 02:05:04,660 --> 02:05:06,960 What will happen after the new election group? 1976 02:05:07,110 --> 02:05:09,470 Where to go sounds like a woman complaining 1977 02:05:10,020 --> 02:05:12,670 Men only find ways to solve problems 1978 02:05:13,220 --> 02:05:14,460 what are you going to do 1979 02:05:14,460 --> 02:05:16,850 Even if the entire shogunate army is wiped out, only one person remains 1980 02:05:16,850 --> 02:05:17,940 swear to defend 1981 02:05:20,890 --> 02:05:25,730 But women also think about solutions 1982 02:05:25,840 --> 02:05:26,510 would not 1983 02:05:29,250 --> 02:05:32,210 Mrs. Plum Snow is still alive 1984 02:05:37,480 --> 02:05:40,030 She comes to visit me every day 1985 02:05:41,080 --> 02:05:44,540 Wounded soldiers may now be treated somewhere 1986 02:05:45,540 --> 02:05:50,550 The survivors of the Shinsengumi will return to Edo on Mount Fuji 1987 02:05:53,560 --> 02:05:56,080 Did anyone in the test house die? 1988 02:05:56,820 --> 02:05:58,160 Mr. Yuan died 1989 02:06:01,340 --> 02:06:05,140 If only I could hear him tell the story of Kappa 1990 02:06:05,140 --> 02:06:06,490 i listened 1991 02:06:07,460 --> 02:06:10,420 Only you are intact 1992 02:06:12,340 --> 02:06:13,420 lively 1993 02:06:14,620 --> 02:06:16,880 One day I will die in this troubled world 1994 02:06:26,420 --> 02:06:31,170 Once they returned to Edo, the surviving members of the Shinsengumi were regarded as burdens 1995 02:06:32,670 --> 02:06:36,330 "Don't turn Edo into a battlefield and fight elsewhere" 1996 02:06:38,450 --> 02:06:40,370 They treat us as plague gods 1997 02:06:41,200 --> 02:06:46,090 While waiting for Mr. Yu to recover, we decided to meet the government forces in Kofu 1998 02:06:46,770 --> 02:06:50,600 Then I went to the Edo Aizu domain to report the matter. 1999 02:06:51,370 --> 02:06:56,650 Only you who fought bravely in the Battle of Toba Fushimi can be called role models 2000 02:06:57,280 --> 02:06:59,500 We will no longer be fooled by anyone 2001 02:06:59,810 --> 02:07:00,760 Aizu 2002 02:07:01,730 --> 02:07:03,940 Just go in the given direction 2003 02:07:10,660 --> 02:07:12,460 Everyone, have a drink 2004 02:07:14,800 --> 02:07:17,810 Sorry for making you all suffer - it's okay 2005 02:07:19,160 --> 02:07:21,650 Aizu and Shinsengumi who fought bloody battles 2006 02:07:21,820 --> 02:07:23,730 Probably will be kicked out of Edo 2007 02:07:23,980 --> 02:07:26,240 It is in line with the usual style of Qingxi that bastard. 2008 02:07:27,860 --> 02:07:28,910 sorry 2009 02:07:30,720 --> 02:07:32,920 The Aizu Matsudaira family is different from other clans 2010 02:07:33,230 --> 02:07:36,760 After the death of the feudal lord, he will not become a Buddha but become a god 2011 02:07:38,630 --> 02:07:40,460 I inherited such a family 2012 02:07:40,730 --> 02:07:46,280 As an adopted child, I may follow the family motto more than other people in Aizu 2013 02:07:47,880 --> 02:07:50,580 It was because of my cowardice that I took over the role of guardian of Kyoto 2014 02:07:53,320 --> 02:07:55,750 Of the two who escorted His Highness to Kyoto 2015 02:07:57,240 --> 02:08:00,210 One of them, afraid of death, bowed his head respectfully 2016 02:08:01,170 --> 02:08:04,990 Another person took a high position in the Restoration government to attack Aizu 2017 02:08:08,010 --> 02:08:10,310 It's stupid to change identities so quickly 2018 02:08:13,220 --> 02:08:14,300 Your Highness just wants to 2019 02:08:17,720 --> 02:08:19,300 cowardly 2020 02:08:20,300 --> 02:08:21,560 Deputy Chief of Earthworks 2021 02:08:23,430 --> 02:08:26,530 When did you cut your bun 2022 02:08:27,280 --> 02:08:32,340 Shinsengumi retreating from Kofu fights in various places 2023 02:08:33,300 --> 02:08:34,880 From Aizu 1st road north 2024 02:08:34,940 --> 02:08:36,620 When you meet us in Sendai 2025 02:08:37,060 --> 02:08:42,340 your bun is gone 2026 02:08:44,970 --> 02:08:46,570 I chose to cut the bun 2027 02:08:46,670 --> 02:08:50,680 It was decided when he returned to his hometown to meet with the peasant team organized by his brother-in-law, Hikogoro. 2028 02:08:51,280 --> 02:08:53,080 I got my sister to cut it 2029 02:09:01,720 --> 02:09:04,260 My friend said to raise troops in Edo 2030 02:09:04,500 --> 02:09:05,830 I'm going to meet them 2031 02:09:06,260 --> 02:09:09,030 Can't go to Edo, the situation is not good 2032 02:09:10,020 --> 02:09:13,210 Like Saito, it makes sense for them to target Aizu 2033 02:09:13,710 --> 02:09:16,650 I'd rather go to Edo than Aizu - go if you want 2034 02:09:16,860 --> 02:09:18,690 I can't say that, Mr. Kondo 2035 02:09:18,880 --> 02:09:20,810 I'm not your retainer 2036 02:09:20,880 --> 02:09:23,170 Facing Ah Sui who has cut off his bun, I no longer have the heart to fight with him 2037 02:09:44,160 --> 02:09:45,890 Here comes the deputy chief 2038 02:09:46,680 --> 02:09:48,610 There is a government army of about 500 people in the western forest. 2039 02:09:48,910 --> 02:09:50,820 Brother-in-law, call the peasant team 2040 02:09:50,820 --> 02:09:53,320 A year old, we were ordered to disband 2041 02:09:53,320 --> 02:09:55,200 who ordered it - Mr Yong 2042 02:10:01,950 --> 02:10:03,250 What’s wrong with you 2043 02:10:03,670 --> 02:10:05,740 I'm going to the base camp of the government army 2044 02:10:09,410 --> 02:10:11,570 Why go to the base camp of the government army 2045 02:10:11,770 --> 02:10:15,610 To explain that we, as curtain ministers, will not oppose the pennant 2046 02:10:15,860 --> 02:10:17,320 Don't worry I'll use a fake name 2047 02:10:17,320 --> 02:10:18,900 Are you serious 2048 02:10:18,960 --> 02:10:22,460 This is the conclusion I have come to after thinking about it for days 2049 02:10:22,460 --> 02:10:23,850 what to end 2050 02:10:25,230 --> 02:10:26,690 I ask you what to end 2051 02:10:26,900 --> 02:10:28,460 I told you this war is different 2052 02:10:28,460 --> 02:10:30,690 tell me i don't understand 2053 02:10:30,690 --> 02:10:33,900 This war has no plans 2054 02:10:34,160 --> 02:10:37,480 They don't necessarily want to be rebels 2055 02:10:37,720 --> 02:10:40,300 The one who gets the pennant is the winner has been around 600 years ago... 2056 02:10:40,300 --> 02:10:44,290 Are we going to fight for our lives according to the great principles of the ancients? 2057 02:10:44,470 --> 02:10:45,080 That's right 2058 02:10:46,480 --> 02:10:47,320 those so-called learned people 2059 02:10:47,320 --> 02:10:50,940 It's just spreading an ideology that suits its own interests. 2060 02:10:51,310 --> 02:10:54,450 Whether it is the minister of Tokugawa Qingxi who issued the imperial decree or Xixiang 2061 02:10:54,450 --> 02:10:56,640 They're all raccoon dogs 2062 02:10:57,300 --> 02:11:01,060 The country is easy to change, the nature is difficult to change 2063 02:11:01,370 --> 02:11:03,600 So we can get to where we are today 2064 02:11:04,290 --> 02:11:07,250 Don't surrender at this time. It's too ugly. 2065 02:11:07,260 --> 02:11:09,220 The new group is created by you 2066 02:11:10,560 --> 02:11:11,730 also built by me 2067 02:11:13,010 --> 02:11:15,310 Just let me go and set me free 2068 02:11:15,310 --> 02:11:18,210 I can't hold a knife in my hands, I can't even cut my abdomen 2069 02:11:20,420 --> 02:11:22,480 Just go your own way 2070 02:11:24,630 --> 02:11:27,590 I won't let you go take me 2071 02:11:28,560 --> 02:11:29,820 Thank you for all these years 2072 02:11:32,180 --> 02:11:32,970 Ah Sui 2073 02:11:41,220 --> 02:11:45,730 Kondo was beheaded 20 days after surrender 2074 02:11:47,010 --> 02:11:50,730 I heard that there are remnants of the Ito faction in the government army 2075 02:11:53,880 --> 02:11:54,850 elder sister 2076 02:11:55,790 --> 02:11:58,370 Soji, we also plan to escape to Edo 2077 02:11:58,760 --> 02:12:00,690 My husband said he was fighting in Shonai 2078 02:12:01,080 --> 02:12:03,990 I've cleaned your underwear for you 2079 02:12:03,990 --> 02:12:06,310 I also said hello to the old woman in Uegiya. 2080 02:12:06,460 --> 02:12:08,790 Edo is surrounded by government forces 2081 02:12:09,970 --> 02:12:12,680 What are Mr. Kondo and Mr. Hijikata doing? 2082 02:12:15,880 --> 02:12:17,300 Must be fighting 2083 02:12:18,210 --> 02:12:21,120 I will go to Shonai when I feel better. 2084 02:12:21,300 --> 02:12:25,280 If the long soldiers of Sasha attack from the west, I can stop me by myself. 2085 02:12:28,290 --> 02:12:31,130 Former Shinsengumi Isamu Kondo sentenced to death 2086 02:12:38,880 --> 02:12:42,310 May 30 in Ueokiya's warehouse 2087 02:12:43,130 --> 02:12:46,370 Director-General dies unsupervised 2088 02:12:54,120 --> 02:12:55,230 Deputy Chief of Earthworks 2089 02:12:59,570 --> 02:13:03,330 August 1868 Aizu near Lake Inawashiro 2090 02:13:11,090 --> 02:13:13,190 A peasant leads the way for the government army 2091 02:13:13,460 --> 02:13:15,550 It's the villager whose village was burned down by the Aizu clan warriors. 2092 02:13:15,550 --> 02:13:18,470 Just make good use of farmers and hunters to win in the mountains 2093 02:13:19,240 --> 02:13:23,010 The group of people in Aizu returned to Tsuru Castle and turned to defend the castle 2094 02:13:23,010 --> 02:13:23,860 gather 2095 02:13:24,280 --> 02:13:27,270 New Select Group Collection - Yes 2096 02:13:32,600 --> 02:13:34,380 After capturing Aizu, the next target is Sendai 2097 02:13:36,410 --> 02:13:37,970 You can choose to keep playing 2098 02:13:39,260 --> 02:13:40,470 You can also choose to go home 2099 02:13:40,710 --> 02:13:42,690 Are you saying that the law in the game is no longer valid? 2100 02:13:42,730 --> 02:13:43,300 right 2101 02:13:45,110 --> 02:13:46,510 Those who want to go north follow me 2102 02:13:52,330 --> 02:13:57,210 On September 3, the earthwork captured Sendai Castle. 2103 02:13:52,330 --> 02:13:57,210 September 22 Surrender of the Aizu Declaration 2104 02:14:00,340 --> 02:14:05,990 The Aizu Domain fought against the government. 2105 02:14:06,220 --> 02:14:07,370 but then defeated 2106 02:14:08,760 --> 02:14:11,060 Government forces also banned burial of dead bodies 2107 02:14:12,310 --> 02:14:15,280 More than 3,000 dead since Kyoto 2108 02:14:16,170 --> 02:14:19,880 This was the deadliest of the three hundred clans at the end of the Baku 2109 02:14:38,880 --> 02:14:40,370 what is that bamboo slip 2110 02:14:41,050 --> 02:14:42,630 This is Emperor Xiaoming's 2111 02:14:45,250 --> 02:14:46,200 handwritten letter 2112 02:14:46,510 --> 02:14:50,390 On October 21, Hijikata and other curtain guards' fleet retreated to Ezo land. 2113 02:14:50,790 --> 02:14:53,170 Aizu surrenders in September 2114 02:14:53,540 --> 02:14:56,370 At the same time our French missionary corps received an order to return home 2115 02:14:56,740 --> 02:15:00,890 We choose to stand on the same front as the remnants of the Curtain 2116 02:15:01,550 --> 02:15:05,130 After you land in Ezo 2117 02:15:05,320 --> 02:15:12,450 Braving the wind and snow, he occupied the Hakodate in just ten days 2118 02:15:12,540 --> 02:15:17,730 And captured Matsumae Castle and pacified Ezo land 2119 02:15:17,920 --> 02:15:24,190 If you want to sleep, go to Songqian Castle and sleep. It's your choice whether to attack the city or freeze to death 2120 02:15:24,300 --> 02:15:26,990 You boosted morale with this remark 2121 02:15:28,810 --> 02:15:32,380 Lead the soldiers into battle 2122 02:15:32,770 --> 02:15:33,820 Your command is excellent 2123 02:15:35,590 --> 02:15:37,480 It was terribly cold 2124 02:15:43,380 --> 02:15:46,070 you are a real samurai 2125 02:15:47,390 --> 02:15:49,730 I am honored to meet you 2126 02:15:59,690 --> 02:16:00,140 shoot it 2127 02:16:04,450 --> 02:16:06,370 Is it my turn to be filmed? 2128 02:16:08,250 --> 02:16:10,550 Please stay still for six seconds 2129 02:16:13,270 --> 02:16:14,510 one 2130 02:16:15,360 --> 02:16:16,280 two 2131 02:16:17,470 --> 02:16:18,500 three 2132 02:16:19,490 --> 02:16:20,670 Four 2133 02:16:21,720 --> 02:16:22,800 five 2134 02:16:23,830 --> 02:16:25,120 six 2135 02:16:27,370 --> 02:16:28,060 Governor 2136 02:16:28,100 --> 02:16:29,270 Governor of Earthworks 2137 02:16:31,470 --> 02:16:34,560 We will rescue regardless of the enemy 2138 02:16:34,590 --> 02:16:36,640 We will try our best to save the injured 2139 02:16:36,670 --> 02:16:38,710 There is no war or political affiliation here 2140 02:16:38,710 --> 02:16:41,200 This is commonplace in hospitals in Western countries 2141 02:16:42,050 --> 02:16:42,540 Understood 2142 02:16:43,700 --> 02:16:44,600 doctor 2143 02:16:44,650 --> 02:16:47,720 I heard that you are very active both in the Shinsengumi station and in Osaka 2144 02:16:47,770 --> 02:16:50,130 Miss Axue is the sweetheart of the governor of the earthwork, right? 2145 02:16:50,840 --> 02:16:54,540 I may have been kicked out by Mr. Hijikata 2146 02:16:56,060 --> 02:16:56,970 I'm sorry 2147 02:17:27,150 --> 02:17:28,020 you dropped something 2148 02:17:53,770 --> 02:17:57,890 As the spring of Ezo comes, the government army also starts to attack 2149 02:17:59,460 --> 02:18:02,520 Brunet and other French were sent home 2150 02:18:02,930 --> 02:18:05,090 Hakodate is surrounded by government forces 2151 02:18:07,160 --> 02:18:12,950 Even the way to Goryokaku, where Hijikata-sama is guarding, is blocked. 2152 02:18:25,300 --> 02:18:27,810 If you resist you will be killed 2153 02:18:28,200 --> 02:18:29,760 please don't resist 2154 02:18:29,760 --> 02:18:32,760 Mr. Takamatsu is negotiating with the government forces 2155 02:18:35,940 --> 02:18:37,310 The branch is on fire 2156 02:18:37,440 --> 02:18:39,120 superior 2157 02:18:39,780 --> 02:18:41,020 give it to me 2158 02:18:41,800 --> 02:18:44,230 No resistance, no weapons in hand 2159 02:18:44,340 --> 02:18:46,280 Everyone has no intention of resisting 2160 02:18:46,280 --> 02:18:48,480 Everyone has no intention of resisting 2161 02:18:48,840 --> 02:18:49,760 Step aside 2162 02:18:50,320 --> 02:18:51,820 stop 2163 02:18:53,090 --> 02:18:54,220 stop it now 2164 02:18:58,510 --> 02:19:01,380 Don't make any noise, this is a hospital 2165 02:19:01,440 --> 02:19:03,120 Treat the wounded as soon as possible 2166 02:19:03,180 --> 02:19:04,830 Treat the wounded as soon as possible 2167 02:19:04,830 --> 02:19:08,250 Patients and hospital-related personnel are prohibited from going out 2168 02:19:08,320 --> 02:19:09,320 listen to me 2169 02:19:09,350 --> 02:19:11,540 retreat - retreat 2170 02:19:12,400 --> 02:19:13,130 withdrawal 2171 02:19:13,410 --> 02:19:15,340 go fast 2172 02:19:16,110 --> 02:19:17,970 Guards - go fast 2173 02:19:19,520 --> 02:19:21,350 can you leave me some guards 2174 02:19:21,960 --> 02:19:23,680 Two guards left - yes 2175 02:19:24,980 --> 02:19:27,300 I heard that there are people here who are related to Hijikata Toshizo 2176 02:19:27,300 --> 02:19:30,940 I'm Hijikata Toshizo's wife 2177 02:19:31,670 --> 02:19:33,900 If you have any difficulty, you can give my name 2178 02:19:34,290 --> 02:19:35,950 I am the assistant of Qili Keno of Changzhou 2179 02:19:43,500 --> 02:19:45,980 Help me deliver this letter to my sister-in-law at Hinoju in Wuzhou 2180 02:19:46,780 --> 02:19:50,880 I want to fight to the end with the governor of the earthwork 2181 02:19:50,880 --> 02:19:53,230 This is my last word of obedience 2182 02:19:56,740 --> 02:20:00,660 Mr. Sato 2183 02:19:59,690 --> 02:20:01,160 Send me another message 2184 02:20:01,720 --> 02:20:06,560 I have never done anything to disgrace the Hino Sato family 2185 02:20:07,360 --> 02:20:08,590 please rest assured 2186 02:20:15,490 --> 02:20:17,630 Commander Enomoto seems to be inclined to defend the castle 2187 02:20:20,170 --> 02:20:22,540 Guarding the city just to wait for reinforcements 2188 02:20:22,870 --> 02:20:25,410 But there won't be anyone on our side in all of Japan 2189 02:20:28,610 --> 02:20:29,970 I want to take back the box house 2190 02:20:30,190 --> 02:20:31,100 I'll go with you 2191 02:20:31,140 --> 02:20:32,520 I want to die in battle as the Shinsengumi 2192 02:20:32,520 --> 02:20:33,840 no, go back 2193 02:20:34,640 --> 02:20:37,380 You can't win this battle today with your swords alone 2194 02:20:37,650 --> 02:20:39,990 I will recruit some volunteers from the western army 2195 02:20:40,040 --> 02:20:41,930 Of course we will fight with Western weapons 2196 02:22:43,720 --> 02:22:45,090 Someone came on a horse 2197 02:22:56,950 --> 02:22:58,240 ready to shoot 2198 02:23:05,110 --> 02:23:07,410 If you're here to surrender, you have to look like you're surrendering 2199 02:23:07,520 --> 02:23:08,760 sign up 2200 02:23:11,400 --> 02:23:14,860 Toshizo Hijikata, Deputy Head of the Shinsengumi Group 2201 02:23:16,310 --> 02:23:17,880 I have something to call the staff office 2202 02:23:17,880 --> 02:23:19,040 Hijikata? 2203 02:23:19,190 --> 02:23:20,450 what are you doing 2204 02:23:20,510 --> 02:23:23,110 Everyone said tha t I have something to call the General Staff Office. 2205 02:23:24,260 --> 02:23:26,270 Looks like I had to kill it 2206 02:23:29,040 --> 02:23:29,980 shot 2207 02:23:30,530 --> 02:23:31,450 shoot fast 2208 02:23:53,400 --> 02:24:03,099 {\move(10,10,190,230,100,400)\fad(0,1000)\fscx25\fscy25\t(0,6000,\fscx125\fscy125)\c&H000000&\3c&H00FFFF&}The end.. (((( Red & Black )))) 2757 02:24:03,199 --> 02:24:13,099 {\move(400,10,207,230,100,400)\fad(0,1000)\fscx25\fscy25\t(0,6000,\fscx125\fscy125)\c&H000000f&\3c&0000a6&} Sub_Master..