1 00:00:59,067 --> 00:01:01,442 Good evening. 2 00:01:01,608 --> 00:01:04,483 My niece would like a bike for Christmas. 3 00:01:14,025 --> 00:01:19,192 It's nice, but I don't like red. Do you have it in blue? 4 00:01:20,525 --> 00:01:24,483 - Do I have to order one of these? - Can I have one, please? 5 00:01:24,650 --> 00:01:27,525 Nothing in life is shown. 6 00:01:27,692 --> 00:01:32,567 Christmas is a long time. Maybe I'll give you one. Maybe you don't. 7 00:01:34,067 --> 00:01:37,650 - I think I'll get it. - God willing. 8 00:01:39,525 --> 00:01:41,400 We'll see. 9 00:02:39,858 --> 00:02:43,317 (the car will not start) 10 00:02:46,275 --> 00:02:49,733 (your phone is buzzing) 11 00:02:49,900 --> 00:02:52,233 It's Dad. 12 00:02:56,233 --> 00:03:01,400 - Hey, baby. Is everything OK? - Everything okay. Mathilde left? 13 00:03:01,567 --> 00:03:05,525 No. She's had her bike stolen at the station, so I'm going to take her. 14 00:03:05,692 --> 00:03:09,233 - But now the car won't start. - Oh, it. 15 00:03:09,400 --> 00:03:13,483 - Do you want me to call you a little later? - She's missing the first hour anyway. 16 00:03:13,650 --> 00:03:18,525 - What's going on? - Well, they've asked me to stay. 17 00:03:19,775 --> 00:03:22,442 How long? 18 00:03:23,817 --> 00:03:25,275 Three months. 19 00:03:41,525 --> 00:03:44,108 Isn't he coming home? 20 00:03:46,650 --> 00:03:48,733 Then. 21 00:03:48,900 --> 00:03:50,442 Well. 22 00:03:50,608 --> 00:03:56,025 That way we won't have him sitting in the barn staring. 23 00:04:01,025 --> 00:04:05,358 Came. Let's go down to the train. Put the phone away. 24 00:04:05,525 --> 00:04:08,733 Came. We're going to take a truancy day. 25 00:04:12,567 --> 00:04:15,150 The algorithm concluded unequivocally that 26 00:04:15,317 --> 00:04:19,692 - that lowest income group drove Kia, Fiat and Hyundai. 27 00:04:19,858 --> 00:04:24,400 The middle income group drove larger Toyotas, Ford and Volvo. 28 00:04:24,567 --> 00:04:30,317 - while the top group predominantly chose Mercedes, Tesla and Audi. 29 00:04:30,483 --> 00:04:34,233 - And how did it do that? The. - Otto, I'm going to stop you right here. 30 00:04:34,400 --> 00:04:39,442 How long have you and your team spent on this algorithm? 31 00:04:41,733 --> 00:04:43,983 Uha. It's hard to tell. 32 00:04:44,150 --> 00:04:46,775 - 46 weeks. - A lot was going on in the evening hours. 33 00:04:46,942 --> 00:04:49,983 One year and four million on an algorithm that shows 34 00:04:50,150 --> 00:04:53,067 - that the poor drive Kia, and the rich Mercedes? 35 00:04:53,233 --> 00:04:57,275 What's interesting is that the algorithm itself found and juxtaposed - 36 00:04:57,442 --> 00:05:01,608 - 82,504 registration certificates with tax returns in 46 municipalities - 37 00:05:01,775 --> 00:05:05,067 - to form the statistical basis. 38 00:05:05,233 --> 00:05:08,275 Are there contexts that are interesting to us? 39 00:05:08,442 --> 00:05:12,317 Yes, yes, but that's not the goal. You need to think bigger. 40 00:05:12,483 --> 00:05:16,108 This algorithm will, when we get enough processing power, 41 00:05:16,275 --> 00:05:18,317 - be able to predict events. 42 00:05:18,483 --> 00:05:21,775 Can you explain it? Incidents such as? 43 00:05:21,942 --> 00:05:25,900 All events are the product of a series of prior events. 44 00:05:26,067 --> 00:05:30,900 We most often have insufficient data and categorize it as coincidences. 45 00:05:31,067 --> 00:05:34,650 But it's not. If a drunk driver crashes in a snowstorm, 46 00:05:34,817 --> 00:05:40,442 - we don't call it a coincidence as we have data to conclude. 47 00:05:40,608 --> 00:05:45,483 But imagine that the error was discovered before it happened. 48 00:05:45,650 --> 00:05:47,942 What is macrodaktyli? 49 00:05:49,483 --> 00:05:54,775 That means club foot. My father's sister in Horsens suffers from it. 50 00:05:54,942 --> 00:05:59,650 The algorithm has examined links between club foot and hearing? 51 00:05:59,817 --> 00:06:03,483 - It's one of my big. - Let me do the talking. 52 00:06:03,650 --> 00:06:10,983 Here, the algorithm collected 41,534 patient records from 1912 to 2020. 53 00:06:11,150 --> 00:06:14,192 The earliest it found was... 54 00:06:14,358 --> 00:06:18,858 Was there a connection between being lump-footed and hearing badly? 55 00:06:19,025 --> 00:06:23,275 Context? No. No, not at all. 56 00:07:27,525 --> 00:07:30,817 - I thought it was nice. - Well, that's nice. 57 00:07:30,983 --> 00:07:34,525 Don't you want to sit here? There's a single seat. 58 00:07:34,692 --> 00:07:36,983 No, I don't have to. I'm fine. 59 00:07:37,150 --> 00:07:41,233 No, at last. I need to stretch my legs so that it... 60 00:07:45,192 --> 00:07:48,108 - Thank you very much. - You're welcome. 61 00:08:17,608 --> 00:08:20,817 (panicked breathing) 62 00:08:28,442 --> 00:08:31,733 (screams and crying in the background) 63 00:08:43,192 --> 00:08:45,900 Mother? 64 00:08:49,733 --> 00:08:51,567 Mother? 65 00:09:15,692 --> 00:09:18,275 Good work, boys. 66 00:09:18,442 --> 00:09:22,942 I'll meet you in the tent for debrief in 05. 67 00:10:56,233 --> 00:10:59,150 Police are still carrying out inquiries. 68 00:10:59,317 --> 00:11:03,067 All train traffic on the line has been suspended. 69 00:11:03,233 --> 00:11:06,358 The police ruled out the possibility of terrorism. 70 00:11:06,525 --> 00:11:10,067 - And right now, there's no indication that this is anything other than an accident. 71 00:11:10,233 --> 00:11:12,483 The accident happened at 3:31 p.m. 72 00:11:12,650 --> 00:11:17,192 - when part of a parked freight train collided with the S train. 73 00:11:17,358 --> 00:11:22,317 There is mainly damage to the right side of the train in the front three carriages. 74 00:11:22,483 --> 00:11:26,025 The death toll now stands at 11, and it's confirmed- 75 00:11:26,192 --> 00:11:31,108 - that the rocker Johan "The Eagle" Ulrichsen and his lawyer are dead. 76 00:11:31,275 --> 00:11:35,525 The eagle was to testify against his old brethren in the Riders of Justice. 77 00:11:35,692 --> 00:11:38,733 - among them the group's president, Kurt "Tandem" Olesen. 78 00:11:38,900 --> 00:11:44,442 The case he was supposed to testify in is the murder case from Kaalundsgade. 79 00:11:44,608 --> 00:11:48,275 - where four Turkish men were liquidated. 80 00:11:50,150 --> 00:11:53,275 (mumbles) 81 00:12:22,650 --> 00:12:24,775 Are we going home now? 82 00:12:26,650 --> 00:12:31,025 I don't know, I don't know. Not yet, I think. 83 00:12:31,192 --> 00:12:35,858 We are talking about four phases. The shock phase you're in now. The reaction phase ... 84 00:12:36,025 --> 00:12:40,442 - I'd like to see my wife. - I strongly advise against that. 85 00:12:40,608 --> 00:12:43,192 I'd like to see her. 86 00:12:46,567 --> 00:12:51,275 - You are perfectly entitled to... - I'd like to see my wife. 87 00:13:47,608 --> 00:13:52,317 I've been dealing with probability calculation for 26 years. 88 00:13:52,483 --> 00:13:58,358 - and there is too much to suggest that it is not an accident. 89 00:13:59,233 --> 00:14:00,567 Such as? 90 00:14:00,733 --> 00:14:05,192 The likelihood of a crown witness in a biker-related homicide case- 91 00:14:05,358 --> 00:14:09,942 - and his lawyer are killed in a train accident before he has to testify. 92 00:14:10,108 --> 00:14:13,525 - is according to my calculations ... What does it say? 93 00:14:13,692 --> 00:14:18,525 1:234.287.121. 94 00:14:18,692 --> 00:14:21,442 Too large a number to ignore. 95 00:14:21,608 --> 00:14:24,983 It's extremely unfortunate, but there's no indication that 96 00:14:25,150 --> 00:14:28,025 - that it is more than an accident. 97 00:14:28,192 --> 00:14:30,733 The numbers never lie. 98 00:14:30,900 --> 00:14:34,150 It would require someone from riders of justice to know- 99 00:14:34,317 --> 00:14:38,442 - in exactly which wagon and where in the compartment the Eagle sat. 100 00:14:38,608 --> 00:14:40,900 It doesn't make any sense. 101 00:14:41,067 --> 00:14:45,317 That's your job. I'm just saying, it's too big a number. 102 00:14:45,483 --> 00:14:49,483 We are very grateful for that. We'll take a look at it. 103 00:14:49,650 --> 00:14:52,317 We thank you for today. 104 00:14:52,483 --> 00:14:58,483 The problem is, I saw an extremely suspicious man get off the train. 105 00:14:58,650 --> 00:15:03,567 - just before the accident happened. 106 00:15:03,733 --> 00:15:07,442 Yes? What was suspicious about him? 107 00:15:07,608 --> 00:15:11,567 He boarded a Joe & the Juice sandwich and a big juice. 108 00:15:11,733 --> 00:15:14,942 - but he ate only a small bite and did not drink at all from the juice. 109 00:15:15,108 --> 00:15:21,608 All of a sudden, he gets up, throws out the whole sandwich and the juice, 110 00:15:21,775 --> 00:15:25,025 - and get off the train. 111 00:15:25,192 --> 00:15:27,858 Okay. Yes. 112 00:15:28,025 --> 00:15:30,650 A Joe & the Juice sandwich costs $5.99. 113 00:15:30,817 --> 00:15:35,317 65 if it is with extra filling, and a large juice costs 54. 114 00:15:35,483 --> 00:15:41,192 Nobody throws out $11.99 juice and sandwiches like that. 115 00:15:41,358 --> 00:15:44,400 - We'll take a look at it. - Thank you for your help. 116 00:16:07,692 --> 00:16:10,233 (text message audio) 117 00:16:31,483 --> 00:16:35,442 - I'll be in in a minute, baby. - It's okay. I want to go to school. 118 00:16:35,608 --> 00:16:40,942 I don't think you should. If you want to get out, we can go for a run together. 119 00:16:41,108 --> 00:16:43,900 I want to go to school. 120 00:16:45,567 --> 00:16:48,192 Have you stopped running? 121 00:16:48,358 --> 00:16:52,608 - No. - When was the last time you ran? 122 00:16:52,775 --> 00:16:54,608 I don't know, I don't know. 123 00:16:54,775 --> 00:16:59,358 Then you don't run the three times a week we agreed. 124 00:16:59,525 --> 00:17:04,358 - It's for your own good. - You're such a jerk. 125 00:17:04,525 --> 00:17:08,192 Mathilde! Why don't I drive you then? 126 00:17:22,442 --> 00:17:27,567 It wasn't an accident, it was an assassination, but I can't prove anything. 127 00:17:27,733 --> 00:17:31,192 If you can hack us into Fitness World's servers, there is a possibility. 128 00:17:31,358 --> 00:17:35,817 - Fitness World? The fitness chain? - No, the stonemason, Lennart. 129 00:17:35,983 --> 00:17:41,233 - Speak nicely, or I won't help. - Sorry. But would you be able to? 130 00:17:41,400 --> 00:17:43,942 A blind child can do that with his feet. 131 00:17:44,108 --> 00:17:48,608 I have hacked Fitness Worlds servers plenty of times. 132 00:17:48,775 --> 00:17:51,317 Have you hacked Fitness World's servers? 133 00:17:51,483 --> 00:17:55,857 - So Emmenthaler can go to pilates. - Do Emmenthaler grow pilates? 134 00:17:56,025 --> 00:18:00,400 Not. See how little you know about your team. 135 00:18:00,567 --> 00:18:04,941 Emmenthaler has had back problems for three years. I can't believe it! 136 00:18:05,108 --> 00:18:09,317 - What do you think you can find there? - Eagle. 137 00:18:11,317 --> 00:18:14,525 The eagle trained every day. He was methodical. 138 00:18:14,692 --> 00:18:18,275 Can we prove that he used the same treadmill? 139 00:18:18,442 --> 00:18:21,150 - He probably chose the same train seat every time. 140 00:18:21,317 --> 00:18:24,775 - And then they would have known where he was sitting. 141 00:18:24,942 --> 00:18:27,317 - Okay. - Thank you, Lennart. 142 00:18:27,483 --> 00:18:31,567 I still need to renew my crossfit card. 143 00:18:32,650 --> 00:18:38,483 When miracles happen, we often attribute a divine character to them. 144 00:18:38,650 --> 00:18:42,900 Conversely, when lightning strikes, when tragedy is a reality, 145 00:18:43,067 --> 00:18:46,650 - Then we'll have a hard time putting a sender on. 146 00:18:46,817 --> 00:18:49,733 - and we therefore call it coincidences. 147 00:18:49,900 --> 00:18:55,150 How can a merciful God share in such a cruel tragedy? 148 00:18:55,317 --> 00:19:00,067 - like the one who tore away your beloved mother and wife, Emma? 149 00:19:00,233 --> 00:19:04,358 But if it's all coincidence, isn't it obvious to feel... 150 00:19:04,525 --> 00:19:07,025 - that everything doesn't matter? 151 00:19:07,192 --> 00:19:10,108 Where do we go with all our grief? 152 00:19:10,275 --> 00:19:13,900 - all our anger, all our fear and loneliness? 153 00:19:23,858 --> 00:19:26,108 (door goes) 154 00:19:36,442 --> 00:19:39,483 - What's up, baby? - I can't sleep. 155 00:19:39,650 --> 00:19:43,817 Just try to close your eyes and count down from 500, okay? 156 00:19:46,192 --> 00:19:50,442 - Why do you think Mom died? - There's no point talking about that. 157 00:19:50,608 --> 00:19:53,900 - You think it was just a coincidence? - Yes. Came. I'm going in. 158 00:19:54,067 --> 00:19:57,775 - What if it wasn't a coincidence? - What else would it be? 159 00:19:57,942 --> 00:19:59,858 I don't know, I don't know. 160 00:20:02,108 --> 00:20:03,983 - God? - Stop. 161 00:20:04,150 --> 00:20:07,067 The priest didn't get half his own nonsense. 162 00:20:07,233 --> 00:20:11,483 So. Now you're just trying to close your eyes and sleep, baby. 163 00:20:13,358 --> 00:20:18,442 - Grandpa believed in God. - Yes. He wasn't too smart either. 164 00:20:20,608 --> 00:20:24,900 Didn't you do that when you were little? 165 00:20:25,067 --> 00:20:29,025 I believed in Santa Claus, too, but when you grow up, 166 00:20:29,192 --> 00:20:33,233 - one must be able to distinguish between reality and fantasy. 167 00:20:35,442 --> 00:20:40,567 The priest was sure that God had a reason for mom to die. 168 00:20:40,733 --> 00:20:45,525 Look how crazy that sounds. That's what insanity says. 169 00:20:47,275 --> 00:20:49,442 Sorry. 170 00:20:53,108 --> 00:20:56,817 It's just that I miss her so much. 171 00:20:58,358 --> 00:21:02,817 I can't bear to think she's all alone. 172 00:21:07,608 --> 00:21:10,108 I understand that. 173 00:21:11,650 --> 00:21:14,608 But she's not alone. 174 00:21:14,775 --> 00:21:18,567 She's nothing now. She's gone. 175 00:21:22,358 --> 00:21:25,233 - It's so unfair. - Yes. 176 00:21:29,483 --> 00:21:33,067 When people die, they're gone forever, baby. 177 00:21:33,233 --> 00:21:38,525 And you might as well learn that now. Because unless you die early, 178 00:21:38,692 --> 00:21:41,483 - You're going to put most of the people you love in your grave. 179 00:21:41,650 --> 00:21:44,858 If you have to torment yourself every time with false hope, 180 00:21:45,025 --> 00:21:49,733 - About souls and angels up in heaven, you're going to go crazy up in your head. 181 00:21:49,900 --> 00:21:51,400 Not? 182 00:21:55,442 --> 00:21:57,233 So. 183 00:21:59,650 --> 00:22:05,775 Now try to close those eyes and sleep. Count down from 500, baby. It helps. 184 00:22:19,692 --> 00:22:23,025 (a car is approaching) 185 00:22:43,692 --> 00:22:46,233 - Yes? - Markus Hansen? 186 00:22:48,275 --> 00:22:53,192 Good evening. My name is Otto Hoffmann, and it's Lennart. 187 00:22:53,358 --> 00:22:57,567 I was on the same train as your wife and daughter. 188 00:23:00,108 --> 00:23:03,442 Is your daughter okay? 189 00:23:03,608 --> 00:23:06,817 - How did you find my address? - It wasn't hard. 190 00:23:06,983 --> 00:23:09,817 I told you to call first. 191 00:23:09,983 --> 00:23:14,817 It's just that I was standing next to your wife and your daughter on the train. 192 00:23:15,942 --> 00:23:18,483 What do you want from me? 193 00:23:18,650 --> 00:23:23,108 I think you have a right to know that it wasn't an accident. 194 00:23:25,525 --> 00:23:29,233 Are you aware of who the rocker Johan "The Eagle" Ulrichsen is? 195 00:23:33,192 --> 00:23:36,233 - Can I...? - Here you go. 196 00:23:36,400 --> 00:23:41,192 - Just... I'm going to take these. - That was quite a barn. 197 00:23:42,483 --> 00:23:46,733 It is disproportionally large compared to the main house. 198 00:23:46,900 --> 00:23:52,233 - Do you know what year it's built? - What? No. What's all that? 199 00:23:52,400 --> 00:23:55,608 These are status certificates from the Eagle's doctor. 200 00:23:55,775 --> 00:24:00,567 His records, criminal record, bank details, 201 00:24:00,733 --> 00:24:04,525 - telephone lists and text messages. 202 00:24:05,525 --> 00:24:09,900 - Where did you get that? - Lennart is good at finding things. 203 00:24:10,067 --> 00:24:14,567 Yes. And it's not illegal. Or it's illegal, but not much. 204 00:24:14,733 --> 00:24:19,067 This is the same penalty as building a bathing jetty without permission. 205 00:24:19,233 --> 00:24:20,858 Why do you say it wasn't an accident? 206 00:24:21,025 --> 00:24:23,983 The surveillance footage shows- 207 00:24:24,150 --> 00:24:27,192 - that he was not only habitual, but suffered from OCD, 208 00:24:27,358 --> 00:24:29,775 - which his medicine card confirms. 209 00:24:29,942 --> 00:24:33,525 He was given citalopram and diazepam, which are given to OCD patients. 210 00:24:33,692 --> 00:24:39,525 In addition, on his criminal record there are six cases of hand-wringing on trains. 211 00:24:39,692 --> 00:24:41,733 At the end of November of this year, 212 00:24:41,900 --> 00:24:44,942 - Where he kicks a retired landscaper in the face, 213 00:24:45,108 --> 00:24:47,983 - when he refused to give him his seat. 214 00:24:48,150 --> 00:24:52,817 We have the statistical abnormality. We know riders of justice knew- 215 00:24:52,983 --> 00:24:58,442 - that the eagle, due to its OCD, always sat in the second carriage, row two. 216 00:24:58,608 --> 00:25:02,108 And then we have him here. 217 00:25:02,275 --> 00:25:04,067 - Who is he? - We don't know yet. 218 00:25:04,233 --> 00:25:09,067 He rushed off where your family was standing just before the accident. 219 00:25:09,233 --> 00:25:12,650 - I guess a lot of people did. - Yes. 220 00:25:12,817 --> 00:25:16,233 But this guy threw out a whole sandwich and a full juice. 221 00:25:16,400 --> 00:25:21,483 The night before, the same man was at Østerport Station at 10:14 p.m. 222 00:25:21,650 --> 00:25:27,858 - where there was free passage to the freight wagons that later hit the train. 223 00:25:32,483 --> 00:25:36,983 - Did you tell the police about this? - We can't show them this. 224 00:25:37,150 --> 00:25:41,400 But we've been to the police three times. They don't give a. 225 00:25:41,567 --> 00:25:46,025 They just think we're over-gifted charlatans. 226 00:25:46,192 --> 00:25:49,858 But this one's the key. We just need to find out who he is. 227 00:25:50,025 --> 00:25:52,650 We're on it, but it's not easy. 228 00:25:52,817 --> 00:25:57,483 We have fierce disagreements with our face recognition expert. 229 00:25:57,650 --> 00:26:03,317 Are these any disagreements you can resolve and try to find him here? 230 00:26:03,483 --> 00:26:07,442 We need to bring Emmenthaler. We need him. 231 00:26:07,608 --> 00:26:11,442 Never in life! That was a great barn, don't you think? 232 00:26:11,608 --> 00:26:14,692 It was the kind of one we had in Horsens. 233 00:26:14,858 --> 00:26:19,942 - Are you sure you should back down here? - Yes. There's a lot of room. 234 00:26:32,442 --> 00:26:35,067 Stone. There's a rock there. Be careful. 235 00:26:39,400 --> 00:26:43,983 The shock phase is individual. Some want care, contact and conversation. 236 00:26:44,150 --> 00:26:47,650 Others just want to be alone. Both are perfectly okay. 237 00:26:47,817 --> 00:26:52,317 We offer you cognitive therapy, individually or together. 238 00:26:52,483 --> 00:26:56,317 Thanks. I'll let you know if I have to. 239 00:26:56,483 --> 00:27:02,358 We can offer a child and an adult psychologist who will visit you. 240 00:27:02,525 --> 00:27:05,317 - That's a great idea. - I don't want that. 241 00:27:05,483 --> 00:27:08,983 - Why not? - Often you're not yourself... 242 00:27:09,150 --> 00:27:15,317 We're trying to get our lives back, so we're not going to have people running around. Came. 243 00:27:28,400 --> 00:27:32,192 yes, it's Dad again. It's 4:00, Mathilde. 244 00:27:32,358 --> 00:27:37,192 If you don't call me in five minutes, I'm going to go look for you. 245 00:27:46,067 --> 00:27:51,400 - Buster and Gustav were annoying. - They've never spoken to me before. 246 00:27:51,567 --> 00:27:56,358 Mathilde! It's 7:30. Why don't you answer the phone? 247 00:27:57,442 --> 00:28:01,775 - Sorry. We were at the movies. - You have to tell me something like that! 248 00:28:01,942 --> 00:28:07,067 - Don't be out at 11:00. - Mom and I agreed at 11:00. 249 00:28:07,233 --> 00:28:12,150 - Go home with you. Into. - No need to raise your voice. 250 00:28:13,525 --> 00:28:15,983 - What did you say? - I'll drive. 251 00:28:16,150 --> 00:28:21,192 But the tone towards Mathilde may not be what she needs. 252 00:28:22,483 --> 00:28:26,525 What the fuck are you doing, man? You're sick in the head! 253 00:28:28,692 --> 00:28:31,358 (moped starts) 254 00:28:45,775 --> 00:28:48,275 - Honey, open the door. - No! 255 00:28:48,442 --> 00:28:53,317 You can just kick it in, you fucking mugging psycho! 256 00:28:55,108 --> 00:28:59,692 Mathilde, I didn't mean to hit that hard. 257 00:28:59,858 --> 00:29:02,900 I shouldn't have hit. 258 00:29:06,775 --> 00:29:08,775 Who was he? 259 00:29:11,108 --> 00:29:12,567 Are you dating? 260 00:29:12,733 --> 00:29:15,900 I don't know when you just him up! 261 00:29:16,067 --> 00:29:18,775 Yes, it was also ... 262 00:29:18,942 --> 00:29:20,817 I didn't know he was your girlfriend. 263 00:29:20,983 --> 00:29:23,858 You don't know anything. You haven't been here. You don't know anything about me. 264 00:29:24,025 --> 00:29:26,858 You don't know me at all! 265 00:29:29,358 --> 00:29:31,733 Would you please open? 266 00:29:31,900 --> 00:29:34,358 I've gone to bed. 267 00:29:36,025 --> 00:29:38,275 Okay. 268 00:29:38,442 --> 00:29:43,150 Sleep well. I'll see you tomorrow, won't you? 269 00:30:19,567 --> 00:30:22,025 - What do you want from me? - This is Otto and Lennart. 270 00:30:22,192 --> 00:30:24,317 I can see that. Go away. 271 00:30:24,483 --> 00:30:29,358 Come on, Emmenthaler. We need you. We're unraveling a murder case. 272 00:30:31,150 --> 00:30:33,692 We brought pizza. 273 00:30:50,983 --> 00:30:55,317 I've got him. Aharon Nahas Shadid, 38. 274 00:30:55,483 --> 00:31:01,150 Works as a clinical dental technician. Nazlet al-Seman al-Kebli 21. 275 00:31:01,317 --> 00:31:05,150 - Nazlet el-Semman, al-Haram, Cairo, Egypt. 276 00:31:06,275 --> 00:31:07,567 - Then it's not him. - The. 277 00:31:07,733 --> 00:31:11,442 He is the only match above 99.12% on the biometric markers. 278 00:31:11,608 --> 00:31:14,525 Stick to matches at Danish addresses. 279 00:31:14,692 --> 00:31:20,067 Have you followed me? There is no nossefucking match in Pisdanmark. 280 00:31:20,233 --> 00:31:23,525 What is the highest match of one in Denmark? 281 00:31:23,692 --> 00:31:28,983 I haven't looked at that. There's nothing above the 99.12% limit. 282 00:31:29,150 --> 00:31:33,567 No, but I'm thinking, for example, if you lowered the limit, 283 00:31:33,733 --> 00:31:35,942 - to, for example, 95%? 284 00:31:36,108 --> 00:31:39,608 We can do that, but it doesn't make any sense. 285 00:31:39,775 --> 00:31:44,067 When you need to qualify for the Olympics in high jump, there is a requirement ... 286 00:31:44,233 --> 00:31:47,108 I don't know if I want to hear that Olympics story for the third time! 287 00:31:47,275 --> 00:31:50,650 We get it, but now we're asking you to change it. 288 00:31:50,817 --> 00:31:54,775 - so we don't just find people in fucking South America and Africa. 289 00:31:54,942 --> 00:31:57,567 I think we're just fucking shitty stuffing here. 290 00:31:57,733 --> 00:32:00,942 I'm not going to put up with that dick. Take the pizza and leave the apartment. 291 00:32:01,108 --> 00:32:06,358 - You ate that, you fat pig. - So. So. Relax, both of you. 292 00:32:06,525 --> 00:32:09,650 Emmenthaler, try listening sometime. 293 00:32:09,817 --> 00:32:15,900 The two surveillance footage we have was taken from high angles. 294 00:32:16,067 --> 00:32:21,358 - so any match will still be subject to some uncertainty, right? 295 00:32:21,525 --> 00:32:24,942 The. We don't have enough biometric data for a 100-% match. 296 00:32:25,108 --> 00:32:31,317 No, so now we're asking you to show us what you found in Denmark, right? 297 00:32:31,483 --> 00:32:35,233 Okay, but it just doesn't make any sense. 298 00:32:40,525 --> 00:32:46,400 There's a 95.84% there. Can we see him? Please? 299 00:32:56,650 --> 00:32:59,692 It's him. It's him. 300 00:33:01,400 --> 00:33:04,608 I know him from the train. 301 00:33:04,775 --> 00:33:08,483 Palle Olesen. Look at that. 302 00:33:12,567 --> 00:33:14,233 Fuck. 303 00:33:22,650 --> 00:33:25,400 Good morning, baby. Are you hungry? 304 00:33:25,567 --> 00:33:29,317 - I bought eggs and rye bread. - I don't eat eggs. 305 00:33:29,483 --> 00:33:32,025 Spend less time saving empty cans. 306 00:33:32,192 --> 00:33:34,733 - and empty the ashtray. It's disgusting. 307 00:33:34,900 --> 00:33:38,067 What do I have to do to make it up to you? 308 00:33:38,233 --> 00:33:41,483 Do you want me to call him? Talk to his parents and apologize? 309 00:33:41,650 --> 00:33:45,150 He's said he fell because he doesn't believe in revenge. 310 00:33:45,317 --> 00:33:50,192 He could have turned you in to the police. You gave him a black eye. 311 00:33:50,358 --> 00:33:52,900 What if I make spaghetti meat sauce? 312 00:33:53,067 --> 00:33:56,150 Then we can eat here, and then I can say I'm sorry. 313 00:33:56,317 --> 00:33:58,483 Spaghetti meat sauce? You think we're three years old? 314 00:33:58,650 --> 00:34:02,192 Then takeaway. Just tell me what you want. 315 00:34:02,358 --> 00:34:06,525 Come on, Mathilde. I'm doing the best I can. 316 00:34:09,275 --> 00:34:11,733 I'll ask him. 317 00:34:22,150 --> 00:34:25,358 There's the barn, Emmenthaler. 318 00:34:32,442 --> 00:34:34,608 - Hi. - Hi. 319 00:34:34,775 --> 00:34:37,108 It's Emmenthaler. 320 00:34:38,858 --> 00:34:42,275 Have you found out who he is? 321 00:34:42,442 --> 00:34:47,983 Everyone's been looking forward to seeing the barn, so why don't we go over there and talk? 322 00:34:49,483 --> 00:34:52,192 His name is Palle Olesen. 323 00:34:52,358 --> 00:34:58,525 He is a trained electrical technician specializing in train components. 324 00:34:58,692 --> 00:35:03,358 And he's the one who got off before the accident and hung out by the freight wagons? 325 00:35:03,525 --> 00:35:06,067 It's getting better. He's a brother. 326 00:35:06,233 --> 00:35:11,358 - to Kurt "Tandem" Olesen, president of riders of justice. 327 00:35:18,775 --> 00:35:23,483 - The one the Eagle was supposed to testify against. - Shut up. He knows that. 328 00:35:25,400 --> 00:35:28,650 So they are simply brothers. 329 00:35:31,275 --> 00:35:34,192 Everybody's in on the fact that we're on our way to a psychopathic biker, right? 330 00:35:34,358 --> 00:35:39,608 No. He's an electrical mechanic specializing in train components. 331 00:35:39,775 --> 00:35:42,942 "Possession of drugs, violence, aggravated assault, 332 00:35:43,107 --> 00:35:46,442 - theft, complicity in manslaughter, illegal possession of weapons, 333 00:35:46,608 --> 00:35:49,983 - horse theft, drug possession, possession of weapons..." 334 00:35:50,150 --> 00:35:55,066 Then he's an electrical mechanic who moves in an inflamed environment. 335 00:35:55,233 --> 00:35:58,942 - And who stole a horse. - Who at one point stole a horse. 336 00:35:59,108 --> 00:36:02,857 - That still doesn't make him a rocker. - Let's talk to him. 337 00:36:03,025 --> 00:36:06,150 See how he reacts, and then we go to the police. 338 00:36:29,358 --> 00:36:33,317 - Take a ride. He's not ready yet. - Dav. My name is Markus. 339 00:36:33,483 --> 00:36:36,567 It could be. He's not ready. Take a ride. 340 00:36:36,733 --> 00:36:40,983 - My wife was on the train. - He was there, too. 341 00:36:41,150 --> 00:36:44,442 - We know you were on the train, too. - What the fuck is going on? 342 00:36:44,608 --> 00:36:47,483 - We would like to ask you ... - You have to get out of here now. 343 00:36:47,650 --> 00:36:51,025 - If I may... - All you have to do is shut your ass right now. 344 00:36:51,192 --> 00:36:54,400 Are you going to have a bullet between your eyes? Get out of here. 345 00:36:54,567 --> 00:36:59,442 Bring your three little pigs. Get out of here, I'll tell you! 346 00:37:08,567 --> 00:37:10,983 At least we got it sorted out. 347 00:37:14,108 --> 00:37:17,275 Markus. No, no, no. Markus. 348 00:37:19,983 --> 00:37:21,775 Fucking... 349 00:37:48,358 --> 00:37:50,608 Is he dead? 350 00:37:52,733 --> 00:37:58,358 - Yes. Do you want me to call the police? - No, we can't. 351 00:37:58,525 --> 00:38:02,692 - It was in self-defense. - No police. Let's get out of here. 352 00:38:02,858 --> 00:38:07,025 If we don't report it, we'll at least have to remove the body. 353 00:38:07,192 --> 00:38:11,400 Forensic evidence traps the perpetrator in 87.4% of all homicides. 354 00:38:11,567 --> 00:38:16,275 Markus' DNA is all over him. Emmenthaler, come in here and help. 355 00:38:16,442 --> 00:38:19,567 - Now! Before anyone sees you. - We can't take him with us. 356 00:38:19,733 --> 00:38:23,942 It's overly illegal. I don't want to be a part of that. 357 00:38:25,525 --> 00:38:28,358 It was a mistake. 358 00:38:28,525 --> 00:38:33,567 I shouldn't have done that. I made a mistake. 359 00:38:33,733 --> 00:38:37,275 - We're leaving now. - He deserved it. 360 00:38:37,442 --> 00:38:39,692 He deserved it. 361 00:38:39,858 --> 00:38:44,067 If you knew how many times these have been after me. 362 00:38:44,233 --> 00:38:46,525 You're not so cool anymore, are you? 363 00:38:46,692 --> 00:38:50,858 See if you can bully now, you. 364 00:38:51,025 --> 00:38:56,358 Who's a little pig now, you fucking pussy dick? 365 00:38:57,150 --> 00:39:00,525 - Emmenthaler. So, then. - Cock! 366 00:39:00,692 --> 00:39:03,983 - Pussy! - So, Emmenthaler. Okay? 367 00:39:04,150 --> 00:39:07,400 - Well. Let's go. - What about him? 368 00:39:07,567 --> 00:39:10,192 We can't bring a dead man. 369 00:39:10,358 --> 00:39:13,858 Let me see if there's a DNA-degrading cleaner. 370 00:39:14,025 --> 00:39:17,900 Find something that contains sodium hydroxide or hydrogen nitride. 371 00:39:18,067 --> 00:39:21,275 - Benzylsulfamide is the best. - Stop chemistry class. 372 00:39:21,442 --> 00:39:25,358 Thanks! Get in the car and wait, and I'll take care of it. 373 00:40:07,900 --> 00:40:11,067 Have you killed anyone before? 374 00:40:14,692 --> 00:40:19,108 At least it looked like it wasn't the first time. 375 00:40:20,775 --> 00:40:23,900 I'm sure you've always worn a uniform when you've done it. 376 00:40:24,067 --> 00:40:27,067 Let's just be quiet, Emmenthaler. 377 00:40:27,233 --> 00:40:30,358 I understand how you feel, Markus. 378 00:40:30,525 --> 00:40:34,900 When I was little, I loved playing horns. 379 00:40:36,108 --> 00:40:41,983 - How does that correspond to...? - Let me speak out. . 380 00:40:42,150 --> 00:40:46,608 I played in tivoligarden in red uniform and black bearskin hat, - 381 00:40:46,775 --> 00:40:51,067 - But when I turned 17, you couldn't be in it anymore. 382 00:40:51,233 --> 00:40:54,067 Yes, then you were alone. 383 00:40:54,233 --> 00:40:57,150 I tried to play a couple of times. 384 00:40:57,317 --> 00:41:01,358 - But it was as if me and the uniform had played together. 385 00:41:01,525 --> 00:41:04,233 - And I couldn't do it alone. 386 00:41:05,483 --> 00:41:09,150 Why don't we put some music on? 387 00:41:09,317 --> 00:41:11,483 Yes. That's it. 388 00:41:50,108 --> 00:41:53,650 - I'm not going all the way up. - You want him to take a cab home? 389 00:41:53,817 --> 00:41:57,108 I don't want to back out. Last time I bumped into the fence. 390 00:41:57,275 --> 00:42:02,900 - Go all the way up to the house,. - Are you paying for the record work? 391 00:42:23,025 --> 00:42:27,025 - Hi. Sirius is here. - Yep. 392 00:42:29,067 --> 00:42:31,233 - Hey, Sirius. - Hi. 393 00:42:31,400 --> 00:42:35,358 - And I'm sorry. - Don't apologize for that. 394 00:42:35,525 --> 00:42:38,692 This is a difficult time for you. 395 00:42:38,858 --> 00:42:42,817 Yep. Okay. Fine. 396 00:42:45,608 --> 00:42:50,358 There is a link between people's professions and crisis management. 397 00:42:50,525 --> 00:42:53,775 A yoga teacher meditates on his problems. 398 00:42:53,942 --> 00:43:00,567 An athlete will add an element of competition and so on. 399 00:43:00,733 --> 00:43:04,983 And violence is a big part of your work and your everyday life. 400 00:43:05,150 --> 00:43:09,067 It's a part of you, Dad, and it's probably been for so long. 401 00:43:09,233 --> 00:43:13,025 - that it is the only option you know about. 402 00:43:13,192 --> 00:43:16,150 Do you understand what we're saying to you? 403 00:43:16,317 --> 00:43:18,442 Yes, I think so. 404 00:43:19,775 --> 00:43:22,442 What if you're a baker? 405 00:43:23,733 --> 00:43:27,900 How do you resolve conflicts if you're a baker? 406 00:43:28,067 --> 00:43:31,483 You cannot use the model in all professions. 407 00:43:31,650 --> 00:43:34,942 Well, it's such a model. 408 00:43:36,025 --> 00:43:40,900 - So, what else have you been up to today? - You need help. 409 00:43:42,150 --> 00:43:44,400 Have you talked to anyone? 410 00:43:44,567 --> 00:43:46,942 - Yes. - With whom? 411 00:43:49,525 --> 00:43:52,525 With you. We'll talk. 412 00:43:52,692 --> 00:43:55,817 Sirius meant a professional. And no, we don't. 413 00:43:55,983 --> 00:43:57,858 I think so. 414 00:43:58,025 --> 00:44:02,233 My mother is a psychologist and is available if it finally is. 415 00:44:14,275 --> 00:44:16,942 Come on, Mathilde. 416 00:44:18,233 --> 00:44:23,067 - What do you want me to do? - You need help, Dad. 417 00:44:24,525 --> 00:44:29,650 Let the crisis psychologists come here. That would be good for both of us. 418 00:44:38,317 --> 00:44:44,067 I can't, baby. Not right now. I can't figure that out. 419 00:44:50,983 --> 00:44:53,442 (door slams) 420 00:45:02,150 --> 00:45:05,817 Today, a verdict was reached in the case of the Kaalundsgade killings. 421 00:45:05,983 --> 00:45:11,233 Two riders of justice members were sentenced to 16 years in prison. 422 00:45:11,400 --> 00:45:15,442 - while Kurt "Tandem" Olesen, who is seen here leaving the courtroom - 423 00:45:15,608 --> 00:45:20,608 - with Kenneth "Turbot" Jensen, was acquitted on all counts. 424 00:45:20,775 --> 00:45:24,317 Of course we're disappointed, but without the Eagle's testimony, 425 00:45:24,483 --> 00:45:27,942 - We were standing on the ground. 426 00:45:28,108 --> 00:45:30,108 A brief statement? 427 00:45:30,275 --> 00:45:34,317 It's a great day for my brothers and I and for the legal consciousness. 428 00:45:34,483 --> 00:45:39,233 There's not much to celebrate, is there? Now I'm thinking about your brother's death. 429 00:45:39,400 --> 00:45:45,025 He wanted us to celebrate the victory of justice. 430 00:45:45,192 --> 00:45:50,108 So we do. Today we're going to party, drink and. 431 00:45:56,858 --> 00:46:00,525 - Thank you for coming. - What are we going to do? 432 00:46:00,692 --> 00:46:05,025 I'm going to ask you to find everything you can on riders of justice. 433 00:46:05,192 --> 00:46:08,775 How many members they have, what they are punished and suspected of. 434 00:46:08,942 --> 00:46:11,858 Names, addresses, family relationships, everything. 435 00:46:12,025 --> 00:46:15,525 Is that something you can do without it being traceable? 436 00:46:23,108 --> 00:46:28,108 - We understand it's easy for you. - It's easy for me. 437 00:46:28,275 --> 00:46:32,025 - What are you going to do with it? - I want to avenge my wife. 438 00:46:32,192 --> 00:46:34,358 Are you going to kill them? 439 00:46:34,525 --> 00:46:37,733 - I'm in. - No. Make sure I get close. 440 00:46:37,900 --> 00:46:40,900 - I'll take care of the rest. - We want to do it all. 441 00:46:41,067 --> 00:46:46,150 In fact, we have talked about something similar. I'd like to help. 442 00:46:46,317 --> 00:46:49,108 We haven't talked about killing people. 443 00:46:49,275 --> 00:46:53,817 No, but you'd empty their accounts and join associations. 444 00:46:53,983 --> 00:46:56,817 There's a leap from that to killing. 445 00:46:56,983 --> 00:47:02,067 We want to avenge it. If you deal with this deal, 446 00:47:02,233 --> 00:47:06,358 - It will be Markus who is responsible for the very illegal part of it. 447 00:47:06,525 --> 00:47:10,692 Otto, they're bikers. We're not going to bomb a crèche. We're in. 448 00:47:10,858 --> 00:47:15,525 We collect information on them, but we don't kill anyone. 449 00:47:15,692 --> 00:47:18,358 - I knew it. - You're a bad leader. 450 00:47:18,525 --> 00:47:23,108 That's how we do it. You get information, and I'll take care of the rest. 451 00:47:24,108 --> 00:47:27,150 - You just call me if it is, right? - Yes. 452 00:47:29,650 --> 00:47:31,775 I'll see you. 453 00:47:48,567 --> 00:47:52,025 - Hi. - Why are you home so early? 454 00:47:52,192 --> 00:47:56,192 It's Wednesday. We're off at 2:00. What's going on? 455 00:47:57,442 --> 00:48:01,942 The one who was on the train. Him and Mom, they talked. 456 00:48:04,150 --> 00:48:08,567 That's right. It's Otto. He was on the train, yes. 457 00:48:16,692 --> 00:48:21,067 - What's going on, Dad? - Yes, it's because he... 458 00:48:24,775 --> 00:48:27,150 I'll tell you what I'm going to do. 459 00:48:27,317 --> 00:48:31,025 We've had a confrontation between your father and Otto. 460 00:48:31,192 --> 00:48:34,483 Otto feels guilty that he gave your mother his place. 461 00:48:34,650 --> 00:48:37,900 - It's been very rewarding. - Really rewarding. 462 00:48:38,067 --> 00:48:41,692 Yes. That's what we're doing, Mathilde. 463 00:48:43,067 --> 00:48:45,525 No, Dad. Thanks! 464 00:48:45,692 --> 00:48:51,192 I was hoping you'd let them come. I'd like to talk to them, too. 465 00:48:51,358 --> 00:48:54,942 Yes. Who do you want to talk to? 466 00:48:55,108 --> 00:48:59,608 With the crisis psychologists. You're psychologists, aren't you? 467 00:48:59,775 --> 00:49:01,983 You have to say we are. 468 00:49:02,150 --> 00:49:05,483 - Are you a child or adult psychologist? - Adult. 469 00:49:05,650 --> 00:49:09,858 Dr.med., PhD Lennart Horsens... Horsensbygård. 470 00:49:10,025 --> 00:49:14,775 Mr Davs, Member of the Commission. And that's my colleague, child psychologist Ulf Emmenthaler. 471 00:49:14,942 --> 00:49:18,650 Ulf Emmenthaler, crisis child psychologist. 472 00:49:18,817 --> 00:49:23,233 Hi. I'm kind of in between. What would you advise me to do? 473 00:49:23,400 --> 00:49:27,483 Therapeutically, you're an adult. I'm the one you need to talk to. 474 00:49:27,650 --> 00:49:31,358 - You can wait, too. - No. That's what we're here for. 475 00:49:31,525 --> 00:49:35,358 It's good to break down the first barriers right now. 476 00:49:35,525 --> 00:49:37,858 Come on, Mathilde. 477 00:49:40,275 --> 00:49:43,192 Lennart's capable. 478 00:49:43,358 --> 00:49:46,483 He's been with over 25 psychologists in the last 40 years. 479 00:49:46,650 --> 00:49:50,900 He is personally in contact with virtually all diagnoses. 480 00:49:55,525 --> 00:50:01,192 The other day, Sirius and I saw a dog get hit by a car. It screamed and bled. 481 00:50:01,358 --> 00:50:04,567 - You're afraid of being run over. - No. 482 00:50:04,733 --> 00:50:09,483 I felt no pity. I didn't feel anything when I saw it. 483 00:50:11,067 --> 00:50:14,108 Maybe it's because you lost your mother. 484 00:50:14,275 --> 00:50:18,233 I'm not buying it because my mother's dead, and I'm in mourning. 485 00:50:18,400 --> 00:50:20,775 - so I can't feel anything for anyone else. 486 00:50:20,942 --> 00:50:27,525 That's not what I was going to say, but it doesn't matter now. 487 00:50:27,692 --> 00:50:30,983 I'm afraid I look like my father. 488 00:50:32,275 --> 00:50:37,983 I'm sorry every morning and I don't care about everything. 489 00:50:38,150 --> 00:50:41,317 Of course you look like him. You carry his genes. 490 00:50:41,483 --> 00:50:44,650 If I have children, they'll have those genes, too. 491 00:50:44,817 --> 00:50:48,608 - and becomes indifferent to others and violent and cold in the ass. 492 00:50:48,775 --> 00:50:52,275 - You can't say that. - Statistically, they will. 493 00:50:52,442 --> 00:50:55,233 Statistically, you can drown in a puddle. 494 00:50:55,400 --> 00:50:59,108 But you don't walk around and you're afraid of that. 495 00:51:00,150 --> 00:51:04,150 So much shit has happened that it's unlikely that more will happen. 496 00:51:04,317 --> 00:51:09,983 That's not how statistics work. A lot of terrible things can happen. 497 00:51:10,150 --> 00:51:13,942 There will most likely be. But there will also be some good ones. 498 00:51:14,108 --> 00:51:17,192 - and we should try to focus on them now. 499 00:51:17,358 --> 00:51:23,358 Remember the first time you saw something terrible on TV? 500 00:51:24,567 --> 00:51:29,733 Yes. Yes, we once saw footage from Auschwitz at school. 501 00:51:29,900 --> 00:51:34,442 - There were dead people in piles. - Yes, yes. 502 00:51:34,608 --> 00:51:38,233 - Did you get so upset about that? - Yes. 503 00:51:38,400 --> 00:51:43,692 Or I got more scared, I guess. But I wasn't that big back then. 504 00:51:46,275 --> 00:51:50,067 Yes, I was big. 505 00:51:50,233 --> 00:51:54,400 - But I wasn't very old, I mean. 506 00:51:56,775 --> 00:52:01,025 Quiet. If there was one thing I learned in Horsens, it's- 507 00:52:01,192 --> 00:52:04,567 - that people lose feelings about repetition. 508 00:52:04,733 --> 00:52:07,317 We're not laughing at the same joke for the third time. 509 00:52:07,483 --> 00:52:11,025 You stop crying when you're abused. 510 00:52:11,192 --> 00:52:17,358 - time and time again by his father or by all his uncles - 511 00:52:17,525 --> 00:52:20,275 - out in a barn for example. 512 00:52:26,358 --> 00:52:31,733 My point is that emotions arise when we are surprised or stimulated. 513 00:52:31,900 --> 00:52:35,525 There's death and mutilation on YouTube or on TV. 514 00:52:35,692 --> 00:52:38,192 - and therefore you do not feel anything. 515 00:52:38,358 --> 00:52:43,983 - You think that's just it? - 100 %. You're not callous. 516 00:52:45,192 --> 00:52:48,317 But you're fat. 517 00:52:48,483 --> 00:52:52,442 - What? - Yes. You're a little fat salge sausage. 518 00:53:05,817 --> 00:53:08,692 Does he speak Danish, that one? 519 00:53:08,858 --> 00:53:13,025 Do you speak Danish? What did you tell the police? 520 00:53:13,192 --> 00:53:16,400 Nothing. I don't see anything. I don't hear anything. 521 00:53:16,567 --> 00:53:20,775 - I'm like a little potato. - You see this? 522 00:53:20,942 --> 00:53:25,525 Maybe you remember a little better, too. Do you remember your name? 523 00:53:25,692 --> 00:53:28,733 Bodashka Litvinenko. 524 00:53:28,900 --> 00:53:31,358 No, it's not going to work. 525 00:53:31,525 --> 00:53:35,150 Your name is Jens-Ole. It's easier for us to remember. 526 00:53:35,317 --> 00:53:39,108 Yes. It's a lot easier. Thanks. Thank you very much for your new name. 527 00:53:39,275 --> 00:53:44,983 Bon appétit. If you don't remember now, I'm going to break your little fingers. 528 00:53:45,150 --> 00:53:49,567 And the last thing you hear, this is the one saying bang! 529 00:53:53,775 --> 00:53:57,358 - Let me hear it. - I only saw one man. 530 00:53:57,525 --> 00:54:01,317 He was well dressed. Handsome man. 531 00:54:01,483 --> 00:54:05,275 He kind of looks a bit like the guy with the guitar in Queen. Rockband. 532 00:54:05,442 --> 00:54:09,275 But I hear them shouting a name. 533 00:54:09,442 --> 00:54:12,067 One name. Rectums. 534 00:54:15,483 --> 00:54:18,650 - End of the world? - No, no. Rectums. 535 00:54:18,817 --> 00:54:23,067 Like the cheese sandwich. They shout it many times. 536 00:54:24,567 --> 00:54:29,150 - Ellemtaner? - Or emmentaler. 537 00:54:30,650 --> 00:54:31,733 Emmentaler. 538 00:54:44,192 --> 00:54:46,233 Okay. It's the last of them. 539 00:54:51,983 --> 00:54:57,150 - Do you want me to help with the wires? - No. Get off the wires! 540 00:54:57,317 --> 00:54:59,400 Go away. Away. 541 00:55:03,275 --> 00:55:08,483 Yes, I'm sorry, Markus. I'm going to be furious about bad resolution. 542 00:55:08,650 --> 00:55:12,608 Look at a solution Lennart's driving. We're going to have a sore eye. 543 00:55:12,775 --> 00:55:17,275 You're very close to the wires. Please step away. 544 00:55:17,442 --> 00:55:19,942 Get off the wires. 545 00:55:26,608 --> 00:55:31,150 All right, one more. A proper sip. And one more. 546 00:55:31,317 --> 00:55:33,900 You can take more. 547 00:55:35,608 --> 00:55:40,483 - What are you guys doing? - Drinking coke upside down. Impossible. 548 00:55:40,650 --> 00:55:44,150 - Lennart, Otto, come with me. - Not in the middle of a session. 549 00:55:44,317 --> 00:55:48,400 And then it's the ice. Just go to the ice. And eat. Eat. Lots of ice cream. 550 00:55:48,567 --> 00:55:52,817 - Don't eat all that shit. - Don't listen to him. Eat. 551 00:55:52,983 --> 00:55:56,025 - Lennart, come with me. - Don't give orders. 552 00:55:56,192 --> 00:55:59,233 - Lennart knows what he's doing. - Spit that shit out. 553 00:55:59,400 --> 00:56:02,233 This is where you're speaking out. Came. 554 00:56:03,192 --> 00:56:06,775 Dad, I'm not afraid to be fat. 555 00:56:06,942 --> 00:56:10,525 I'm not going to look like a starved sled dog. 556 00:56:10,692 --> 00:56:13,525 - because you're afraid of having an overweight daughter. 557 00:56:13,692 --> 00:56:18,442 It's cognitive therapy. Not graduated exposure, but flooding. 558 00:56:18,608 --> 00:56:23,108 - Mathilde faces his demons. - Lennart! 559 00:56:23,275 --> 00:56:26,858 - Working on a Core i9? - Yes. 560 00:56:28,108 --> 00:56:33,150 Are you a pisidiot? How am I supposed to track something on a processor? 561 00:56:33,317 --> 00:56:38,358 Somebody's got to drive in and get my servers and my monitors right now. 562 00:56:38,525 --> 00:56:42,358 - Otherwise, I'm not going to get started on this. computer. 563 00:56:42,525 --> 00:56:47,775 God, if you don't mind listening to that prima donna! You fat pig! 564 00:56:47,942 --> 00:56:52,858 As if your equipment is better! I'm not going out driving that trailer! 565 00:56:53,025 --> 00:56:55,192 Pee-wife screens! 566 00:56:55,358 --> 00:56:58,900 - What's going on, Dad? - Yes... 567 00:57:00,692 --> 00:57:04,317 MBT, right? 568 00:57:04,483 --> 00:57:09,067 That's exactly what I'm talking about. That's a good look, Sirius. It's exactly MBT. 569 00:57:10,358 --> 00:57:13,525 - What is MBT? - We'll have to take that later. 570 00:57:13,692 --> 00:57:18,983 - We're going to Emmenthaler's. - Mentalization-based therapy. 571 00:57:19,150 --> 00:57:22,692 You use role-playing to get an emotional response. 572 00:57:22,858 --> 00:57:27,275 - That's a simplistic explanation. - Lennart! 573 00:57:27,442 --> 00:57:31,442 - I'll tell you something. - Fuck you! 574 00:57:31,608 --> 00:57:33,942 (they argue further) 575 00:57:34,108 --> 00:57:37,192 Something's wrong. 576 00:57:40,858 --> 00:57:43,650 It works, Mathilde. View. 577 00:57:43,817 --> 00:57:49,025 Your father interacts. The most important thing is the result. 578 00:57:49,192 --> 00:57:52,483 He's acting weirder than ever. 579 00:57:52,650 --> 00:57:56,983 What are they doing with that computer in the barn? 580 00:57:57,150 --> 00:58:01,192 Don't say anything more to her or do anything else. Understood? 581 00:58:01,358 --> 00:58:03,983 She's afraid to gain because you're after her. 582 00:58:04,150 --> 00:58:06,942 - We're just helping. - She doesn't need any help. 583 00:58:07,108 --> 00:58:13,150 I've had over 4,000 psychology classes. I know a little more about it than you do. 584 00:58:13,317 --> 00:58:16,358 And you think those 4,000 hours have helped? 585 00:58:16,525 --> 00:58:20,525 Says the guy who breaks people's necks but is afraid of coke and ice cream. 586 00:58:20,692 --> 00:58:22,525 Be careful. 587 00:58:22,692 --> 00:58:26,942 You need help, too, and there's nothing embarrassing about that. 588 00:58:27,108 --> 00:58:31,192 The important thing is that you also start working with yourself. 589 00:58:31,358 --> 00:58:35,108 - Why can't she believe in God? - Stop. 590 00:58:35,275 --> 00:58:38,692 - She's just trying to understand. - I said stop. 591 00:58:38,858 --> 00:58:44,192 Well, that's not how it works. Once you've agreed to therapy, 592 00:58:44,358 --> 00:58:47,692 - Then you can't say stop when it snarps. 593 00:58:47,858 --> 00:58:53,067 I'm going to you both up if you don't shut up. 594 00:58:54,275 --> 00:58:56,442 One more word ... 595 00:58:59,858 --> 00:59:02,192 No, I'll tell you what... 596 00:59:13,692 --> 00:59:16,442 (pain outbreak) 597 00:59:24,150 --> 00:59:27,400 - No! No, I'm sorry! - What the hell are you doing? 598 00:59:27,567 --> 00:59:30,775 - No, no, no! - Hey, don't do that. 599 00:59:30,942 --> 00:59:34,358 - Would you please not? - Hey! Don't do that! 600 00:59:34,525 --> 00:59:38,358 I'll be nice. I'll be nice! No, no, no. 601 00:59:38,525 --> 00:59:41,775 Don't do this! Don't do this! No, no, I'm sorry! 602 00:59:41,942 --> 00:59:45,025 Sorry! Sorry! 603 00:59:45,192 --> 00:59:49,650 - No! No! - Oh, it. 604 01:00:38,358 --> 01:00:42,150 - I... - We don't have to talk about it. 605 01:00:46,275 --> 01:00:50,733 - I'm not from Horsens. - I don't want to hear any more. 606 01:00:52,900 --> 01:00:55,525 I've been lying all the time. 607 01:01:02,317 --> 01:01:04,275 I'm from Randers. 608 01:01:20,067 --> 01:01:22,733 - Is that them? - Yes. 609 01:01:22,900 --> 01:01:26,025 Let me see. Could it be this one? 610 01:01:28,525 --> 01:01:33,192 - Look at them. Is that them? - Yes. yes, it's him. It's him. 611 01:01:36,650 --> 01:01:38,025 Down! 612 01:02:12,817 --> 01:02:15,233 Down, down, down. 613 01:02:31,692 --> 01:02:34,567 (shot) 614 01:02:43,150 --> 01:02:46,275 No! No, don't kill him! 615 01:02:49,150 --> 01:02:51,192 Don't kill him. 616 01:02:51,358 --> 01:02:55,608 He's seen us. We'll just take him with us. 617 01:03:30,233 --> 01:03:34,067 - Are you going to kill me? - No, nobody kills anyone here. 618 01:03:34,233 --> 01:03:38,525 Well? Easy does it. What's your name? 619 01:03:38,692 --> 01:03:41,442 Bodashka Litvinenko. 620 01:03:41,608 --> 01:03:46,900 But a lot of people call me Jens-Ole. You'll have to, too, many times. 621 01:03:47,067 --> 01:03:51,692 No, why would we? We call you... the first one there. 622 01:03:51,858 --> 01:03:54,275 Do you have a cell phone? 623 01:04:03,483 --> 01:04:06,233 If they know who I am, I can't go home. 624 01:04:06,400 --> 01:04:09,483 Then you'll have to stay here and sleep. For now. 625 01:04:09,650 --> 01:04:14,608 - Isn't it safest for everyone to stay? - The. 626 01:04:14,775 --> 01:04:18,942 We need to get guns now so we can defend ourselves. 627 01:04:19,108 --> 01:04:25,025 - Can you work on Lennart's equipment? - Yes, but not light-beneled. 628 01:04:25,192 --> 01:04:28,483 It would be the happy madness not to give us weapons. 629 01:04:28,650 --> 01:04:30,442 I don't want you to have guns. 630 01:04:30,608 --> 01:04:34,150 It's one thing for me to smash my eyes in a cold barn. 631 01:04:34,317 --> 01:04:37,567 - and find a massive amount of data on a little computer, 632 01:04:37,733 --> 01:04:40,817 - But if I can't even take revenge myself, 633 01:04:40,983 --> 01:04:45,942 - Then I don't know if I want to be a part of it. This is crying out for revenge. 634 01:04:47,650 --> 01:04:52,733 I'm not going to touch a finger if we don't get gun training right now. 635 01:04:52,900 --> 01:04:58,150 Okay. Get the equipment up and running, and I'll train you. 636 01:04:58,317 --> 01:05:02,400 But find everything you can on every member and focus on Kurt. 637 01:05:02,567 --> 01:05:06,525 Okay. And we can just shoot some birds in the first place. 638 01:05:06,692 --> 01:05:09,900 Or a fox. Can't we shoot one each and then no more? 639 01:05:10,067 --> 01:05:14,275 - The. Just get on with it. - What about Bodashka? 640 01:05:27,817 --> 01:05:32,942 My mother gave our au pair extra because she thought the pay was too low. 641 01:05:33,108 --> 01:05:36,150 But it depends on how much Bodashka has to work. 642 01:05:36,317 --> 01:05:40,483 I guess just the normal. 37 hours, right, Markus? 643 01:05:40,650 --> 01:05:45,525 - 30 hours is max. for an au pair. - 37 hours is really good for me. 644 01:05:45,692 --> 01:05:49,525 How much did you work in the last place? 645 01:05:49,692 --> 01:05:52,817 - 10-12 hours every day. - People are pigs. 646 01:05:54,192 --> 01:05:57,525 - And how much did they pay you? - So... 647 01:05:57,692 --> 01:06:01,983 I make about $135,000 a month. 648 01:06:02,150 --> 01:06:05,650 - but I only keep 2000. 649 01:06:05,817 --> 01:06:10,775 Shall we say 30 hours a week? If you work more, we'll pay extra. 650 01:06:10,942 --> 01:06:14,150 - Don't you want to stay, Dad? - Let him go, Mathilde. 651 01:06:14,317 --> 01:06:18,025 It is important that he is allowed to resign. 652 01:06:19,942 --> 01:06:23,192 - Do you play chess, Mathilde? - No. 653 01:06:24,025 --> 01:06:27,025 No... 654 01:06:27,192 --> 01:06:32,108 But we can play the Star of Africa. We've played that a lot. 655 01:06:32,275 --> 01:06:35,692 I had a colleague called the Star of Africa. 656 01:06:38,317 --> 01:06:42,400 He was strangled on New Year's Eve by a core customer. 657 01:06:53,400 --> 01:06:55,942 (shouting from the inside) 658 01:07:13,775 --> 01:07:16,233 - Lennart? - Yes? 659 01:07:17,358 --> 01:07:22,108 You want to fuck my ass before you sleep so you can sleep rough and well? 660 01:07:24,275 --> 01:07:26,192 No. 661 01:07:26,358 --> 01:07:28,483 No, thank you. 662 01:07:28,650 --> 01:07:33,900 No, we have a really long day ahead of us. Otherwise, thank you. 663 01:07:34,067 --> 01:07:37,733 Ok. Goodnight. 664 01:07:37,900 --> 01:07:40,150 Goodnight. 665 01:07:45,525 --> 01:07:50,150 Lennart? Thank you for saving me. 666 01:07:50,317 --> 01:07:52,733 And thank you for not fucking my ass. 667 01:07:54,692 --> 01:07:58,900 You're welcome. Sleep well, my friend. 668 01:08:12,233 --> 01:08:14,483 - Good night, Emmenthaler. - Good night, Otto. 669 01:08:44,442 --> 01:08:46,650 Hi. Where's my dad? 670 01:08:46,817 --> 01:08:49,442 - He went to morning therapy. - In the barn? 671 01:08:49,608 --> 01:08:56,025 - Yes. - Okay. But then say hello and good day. 672 01:08:56,192 --> 01:08:58,900 You need a little button here. 673 01:09:00,608 --> 01:09:03,150 I'll sew that tonight. 674 01:09:05,192 --> 01:09:06,900 Wait a minute. 675 01:09:16,067 --> 01:09:20,442 That's it. You're very, very beautiful. 676 01:09:21,900 --> 01:09:28,525 - Remember the packed lunch. Have a good school day. - Yes. Thanks. Hey, hey. 677 01:09:28,692 --> 01:09:34,067 Kurt "Tandem" Olesen. Death sentence. Kenneth "Turbot" Jensen. Death sentence. 678 01:09:34,233 --> 01:09:35,983 Noah "Abe" Frandsen. Death sentence. 679 01:09:36,150 --> 01:09:40,525 Isn't it easier to say those who aren't doomed? 680 01:09:42,692 --> 01:09:45,525 Anker Trier, Tim "Tonser" Petersen and Vitus "Pork" Clausen walk free. 681 01:09:45,692 --> 01:09:48,900 - They have children. - Aren't those harsh punishments? 682 01:09:49,067 --> 01:09:52,317 - That's 22 homicides. - They tried to kill us. 683 01:09:52,483 --> 01:09:56,192 They know who we are and don't stop unless we kill them first. 684 01:09:56,358 --> 01:10:01,400 - So now we're going to do what we agreed. - So far, we've defended ourselves. 685 01:10:01,567 --> 01:10:05,233 When they find out it's an attack, it's going to be harder to reach Kurt. 686 01:10:05,400 --> 01:10:09,608 It already is. He always has 10 men around him. 687 01:10:09,775 --> 01:10:13,317 Why don't you kill one of them like it was an accident? 688 01:10:13,483 --> 01:10:16,192 - And then kill them all at the funeral? 689 01:10:16,358 --> 01:10:19,483 There are women and children at a funeral. We can't do that. 690 01:10:19,650 --> 01:10:22,483 - What about their clubhouse? - Lennart? 691 01:10:22,650 --> 01:10:24,483 Get out of here! Away! 692 01:10:24,650 --> 01:10:28,483 Even though the resolution is poor on these monitors, 693 01:10:28,650 --> 01:10:32,233 - then you can faintly see how the clubhouse is monitored - 694 01:10:32,400 --> 01:10:36,192 - 24 hours by the police and PET. That's impossible. 695 01:10:36,358 --> 01:10:41,317 But I have a handle on where they are and have track on their mobiles and emails. 696 01:10:41,483 --> 01:10:45,692 Then we'll have to wait for me to get a group where Kurt's in. 697 01:10:45,858 --> 01:10:50,317 - Five or six people max. - If the group is bigger, we can help. 698 01:10:50,483 --> 01:10:55,942 Especially when we soon get the massive weapons training we've agreed upon. 699 01:10:56,108 --> 01:10:58,900 The M10 is an old model. 700 01:10:59,067 --> 01:11:02,650 It consists of a trigger housing, a flask, buffer, spring, 701 01:11:02,817 --> 01:11:08,525 - steering frame, a pipe, optical sieve, bottom piece, impact bolt, 702 01:11:08,692 --> 01:11:15,608 - charging handle and magazine. We start by placing buffer in spring. 703 01:11:15,775 --> 01:11:19,067 - I can't get it in. - I don't think it's easy for you. 704 01:11:19,232 --> 01:11:24,192 - Put the spring into the flask. - Finished. 705 01:11:25,150 --> 01:11:27,649 Where did you serve military service? 706 01:11:27,817 --> 01:11:31,857 I don't have that anywhere. Look at me. 707 01:11:32,025 --> 01:11:35,233 - How can you do it so fast? - There are few components. 708 01:11:35,400 --> 01:11:38,692 - It kind of gave itself up. - It's crazy. 709 01:11:39,692 --> 01:11:42,191 Can you do it again? 710 01:11:50,482 --> 01:11:55,691 - I like to collect things. - Such. Finished. Second. 711 01:12:00,400 --> 01:12:04,982 I don't understand this. When are we going to need to collect a gun? 712 01:12:05,149 --> 01:12:10,357 Our lives may depend on it. But handsome, Lennart. What's it called? 713 01:12:10,525 --> 01:12:13,316 It's called Fuck You, Emmenthaler. 714 01:12:13,482 --> 01:12:17,566 If I wanted to collect things, I'd probably have gone to IKEA. 715 01:12:31,733 --> 01:12:36,817 They found the Ukrainian bush's cell phone at exit 51. 716 01:12:36,983 --> 01:12:40,900 We need to focus our energy around exit 51. 717 01:12:41,067 --> 01:12:46,816 - Focus? - Find the Ukrainian and we'll find them. 718 01:12:46,983 --> 01:12:50,857 Ulf Emmenthaler, he has two friends. 719 01:12:52,817 --> 01:12:55,983 They were all fired two weeks ago. 720 01:12:56,150 --> 01:13:01,858 These. Lennart Gerner Nielsen and this one, Otto Hoffmann. 721 01:13:02,025 --> 01:13:05,317 Otto Hoffmann has a schmuck arm. 722 01:13:07,483 --> 01:13:10,233 Don't you think it's a little easier to find them? 723 01:13:10,400 --> 01:13:14,775 - than sitting at exit 51 and waiting for a Ukrainian gay? 724 01:13:14,942 --> 01:13:15,858 Yes, yes. 725 01:13:17,483 --> 01:13:20,942 - Then find me that schmuck arm. - Yes, yes. 726 01:13:21,108 --> 01:13:23,942 Look at that. 727 01:13:24,108 --> 01:13:28,900 It's like pizza and yet it's not. Is that too much? 728 01:13:29,067 --> 01:13:32,108 - Still a little too much. - I just thought... 729 01:13:32,275 --> 01:13:35,983 - The Queen is the strongest, isn't she? - Numerically, she is. 730 01:13:36,150 --> 01:13:40,567 But strategically, it's the farmer. It changes from party to party. 731 01:13:40,733 --> 01:13:43,858 All pieces may turn out to be strongest. 732 01:13:44,025 --> 01:13:48,567 Chess is a game in which chance and luck are not a factor. 733 01:13:48,733 --> 01:13:54,275 No dice, no jokers, no hidden items. Everything's in front of us. 734 01:13:54,442 --> 01:13:57,983 - and it is only your own actions that determine the outcome. 735 01:13:58,150 --> 01:14:00,192 Then there's snacks. 736 01:14:00,358 --> 01:14:05,150 - Can't you take a picture of us? - Obviously. Move to the couch. 737 01:14:05,317 --> 01:14:07,650 - Can it be a video? - Like this? 738 01:14:07,817 --> 01:14:13,400 - We're at it. - I'm just going to get him here... 739 01:14:13,567 --> 01:14:19,025 Noller and a group of seven are meeting tonight at antorini restaurant. 740 01:14:21,317 --> 01:14:24,025 It's down in the harbor area. 741 01:14:25,275 --> 01:14:30,233 Turbot confirms kurt's going to be here tonight at 7:00. Noller gives. 742 01:14:30,400 --> 01:14:32,317 They'll be 12. 743 01:14:32,483 --> 01:14:36,525 Can you take that many? Otherwise, I can come with you. 744 01:14:36,692 --> 01:14:40,275 And Lennart and Otto hit a lot in the woods, too. 745 01:14:42,483 --> 01:14:47,150 We could take them when they get out. Catch them in a crossfire here and there. 746 01:14:49,650 --> 01:14:53,067 We're not going to get a better chance, Markus. 747 01:14:56,650 --> 01:14:58,775 You're coming with me. 748 01:15:03,942 --> 01:15:06,733 Neutrons are a bit heavier than protons. 749 01:15:06,900 --> 01:15:13,150 If it were the other way around, atoms couldn't exist. And without atoms no life. 750 01:15:13,317 --> 01:15:15,525 - We have to go. - Okay. What are we going to do? 751 01:15:15,692 --> 01:15:18,983 - I'll explain that in the car. - We're doing our homework. 752 01:15:19,150 --> 01:15:23,858 - Emmenthaler, this is it. - There's therapy for everyone. Come with me. 753 01:15:24,025 --> 01:15:27,650 - What the hell are you saying? - Don't grab him. 754 01:15:27,817 --> 01:15:30,567 - Why do you always have to...? - Shut up! 755 01:15:30,733 --> 01:15:33,483 Don't interfere. Let's go. 756 01:15:38,358 --> 01:15:42,108 You can't talk to your daughter like that. What's that? 757 01:15:42,275 --> 01:15:47,650 - Weapons? What are you doing? - Markus explains in the car. 758 01:15:47,817 --> 01:15:50,942 What are we going to do with the guns? Isn't that too dark? 759 01:15:51,108 --> 01:15:54,317 - Don't shoot anything. - All we have to do is crossfire. 760 01:15:54,483 --> 01:16:00,150 You're not going to get anything out of it other than getting shot or going to jail. 761 01:16:00,317 --> 01:16:03,400 - What about Mathilde? Don't you care? - Shut up. 762 01:16:03,567 --> 01:16:06,983 - Otto, I wouldn't. - You're not going to get your wife back. 763 01:16:07,150 --> 01:16:09,192 I'm going to break your nose. 764 01:16:09,358 --> 01:16:13,275 Why don't we just get this over with and come home and get banana cake? 765 01:16:13,442 --> 01:16:16,692 I'm just saying she's dead. 766 01:16:41,650 --> 01:16:45,358 - Don't we need crossfire now? - What's his problem? 767 01:16:45,525 --> 01:16:51,108 He's got a lot of people. But right now, he's lying unconscious on a bike path. 768 01:16:53,650 --> 01:16:56,608 His daughter died in a traffic accident. 769 01:16:56,775 --> 01:17:02,442 - so he can be touchy on behalf of other father-daughter relationships. 770 01:17:02,608 --> 01:17:07,442 But don't feel bad. That was many years ago. He crashed into a tree. 771 01:17:07,608 --> 01:17:12,192 That's how he got the withered arm. It was January 12, 2002. 772 01:17:12,358 --> 01:17:16,275 He had a blood alcohol level of 0.92 and was disqualified from driving conditionally. 773 01:17:16,442 --> 01:17:19,817 Was fined DKK 28,342. 774 01:17:19,983 --> 01:17:24,525 - Are you hacking your own friends, too? - No, no, no. 775 01:17:24,692 --> 01:17:27,608 Otto told us. 776 01:17:27,775 --> 01:17:30,900 Or at least he's mentioned it a few times. 777 01:17:31,067 --> 01:17:35,067 And then we've just read up on the details. 778 01:17:36,567 --> 01:17:39,525 He has a picture of his wife and daughter standing up. 779 01:17:39,692 --> 01:17:44,358 Then you ask for it yourself when you flash your privacy like that. 780 01:18:06,483 --> 01:18:08,692 Get ready. 781 01:18:12,692 --> 01:18:17,483 - On the right. Lennart, you stay here. - Isn't Lennart going? 782 01:18:21,817 --> 01:18:26,275 What kind of girls are these girls? 783 01:18:26,442 --> 01:18:30,567 It's just a lie. Didn't you tell me they were alone? 784 01:18:30,733 --> 01:18:34,400 That's what they wrote. Then someone must have brought ladies. 785 01:18:34,567 --> 01:18:37,067 So let's go home and have banana cake. 786 01:18:37,233 --> 01:18:39,692 We'll wait a while. 787 01:18:56,983 --> 01:19:01,317 - You stay here. - What's he doing? 788 01:19:30,233 --> 01:19:35,317 What the hell are you doing, man? Ouch for ... Fuck, man! 789 01:20:03,442 --> 01:20:05,942 Sorry... 790 01:20:09,275 --> 01:20:14,942 Sorry. I couldn't. I'm not good at it. 791 01:20:15,108 --> 01:20:19,442 - You're good at it. I'm not. - It's okay. 792 01:20:19,608 --> 01:20:22,025 No, it's not. 793 01:20:22,192 --> 01:20:25,400 They're dead now. He's dead. 794 01:20:27,233 --> 01:20:31,608 It's not easy to kill a human being. Especially the first time. 795 01:20:31,775 --> 01:20:34,525 No, no, I can't... 796 01:20:34,692 --> 01:20:39,608 I don't want to be a part of this anymore. I don't want to be a part of this anymore. Never again. 797 01:20:39,775 --> 01:20:45,567 You're not going to either. But try to remember why we do it. 798 01:20:45,733 --> 01:20:52,192 Why are we doing this? What if he hadn't been with...? 799 01:20:52,358 --> 01:20:57,358 He has! Shut up, he has! They all have. 800 01:21:00,525 --> 01:21:03,692 Try to think about what they've done. 801 01:21:03,858 --> 01:21:08,358 Think about how many lives they've destroyed. 802 01:21:08,525 --> 01:21:10,858 Oh, my God. 803 01:21:13,775 --> 01:21:17,608 Emmenthaler? Do you want me to put some radio on? 804 01:21:17,775 --> 01:21:22,025 Would you like that? To hear a little quiet radio? 805 01:21:23,317 --> 01:21:25,858 Such. 806 01:22:30,775 --> 01:22:34,733 - Father? - Not right now, baby. We're working. 807 01:22:34,900 --> 01:22:39,400 Okay. That's just what you said with that Otto guy with a schmuck arm. 808 01:22:43,233 --> 01:22:45,900 - I'm going to... - Yes. 809 01:22:49,108 --> 01:22:53,233 - Who is Sirius Zen? - Some homo I follow. 810 01:22:53,400 --> 01:22:57,275 I don't know him. He makes great recipes. 811 01:23:02,983 --> 01:23:06,067 - Reporter: Good morning. - Good morning, baby. 812 01:23:07,442 --> 01:23:09,608 Reporter: Good morning. 813 01:23:12,150 --> 01:23:14,817 What happened, Otto? 814 01:23:23,817 --> 01:23:28,567 You're the one who did that? You're sick. 815 01:23:28,733 --> 01:23:32,858 You're the fucking one who should be dead, not Mom! 816 01:23:33,025 --> 01:23:34,567 (door slams) 817 01:23:39,775 --> 01:23:47,108 I just want to say that it wasn't your father who did it. I fell. 818 01:23:47,275 --> 01:23:51,608 Don't lie to me. You're about it. 819 01:23:51,775 --> 01:23:55,525 - You all are. - Don't get mad at your father. 820 01:23:55,692 --> 01:23:59,233 He may not be doing the right thing all the time, but he's really trying. 821 01:23:59,400 --> 01:24:02,650 Then he's bad at trying. 822 01:24:02,817 --> 01:24:07,442 We can agree on that. But he's not doing so well. 823 01:24:07,608 --> 01:24:10,192 No. I know, I know. 824 01:24:16,192 --> 01:24:20,567 Are all the incidents leading up to the accident? 825 01:24:24,067 --> 01:24:27,983 And it started with your bike being stolen? 826 01:24:28,150 --> 01:24:33,858 Yes. If my bike hadn't been stolen, it wouldn't have happened. 827 01:24:34,025 --> 01:24:37,275 Then my mom wouldn't have to drive me, and then it didn't matter. 828 01:24:37,442 --> 01:24:40,608 - that the car could not start, and then we would not have taken the train. 829 01:24:40,775 --> 01:24:43,150 How does it matter that your father calls? 830 01:24:43,317 --> 01:24:45,317 He said he wasn't coming home. 831 01:24:45,483 --> 01:24:49,317 My mother was so disappointed that she suggested we take a truancy day. 832 01:24:49,483 --> 01:24:51,983 - and drove into town. 833 01:24:52,150 --> 01:24:57,358 All these incidents have their own individual course. 834 01:24:57,525 --> 01:24:59,525 What do you mean, you don't know? 835 01:24:59,692 --> 01:25:04,817 I got fired that day, so I took an earlier train than usual. 836 01:25:04,983 --> 01:25:09,650 But you have to go back to when I learned you give the seat to a woman. 837 01:25:09,817 --> 01:25:14,483 The man who taught me, he wants his very own course. 838 01:25:14,650 --> 01:25:20,817 Everything has threads that weave themselves into other events and life into one... 839 01:25:20,983 --> 01:25:23,650 Not infinity. In a very large equation. 840 01:25:23,817 --> 01:25:27,608 Not even the world's largest computers will be able to 841 01:25:27,775 --> 01:25:32,067 - to process all the data, and even if you're a smart girl, 842 01:25:32,233 --> 01:25:37,192 - your human brain will never be able to process a fraction of what 843 01:25:37,358 --> 01:25:41,108 - and you will therefore never be able to draw a useful conclusion. 844 01:25:41,275 --> 01:25:44,442 It's never going to make sense. 845 01:25:47,650 --> 01:25:50,525 So... 846 01:25:50,692 --> 01:25:53,275 It's a waste of time. 847 01:26:00,733 --> 01:26:03,233 I know that, too. 848 01:26:07,775 --> 01:26:13,150 I've rewinded everything a million times to find a reason. 849 01:26:13,317 --> 01:26:17,983 - But there isn't one. - Yes, that's it. 850 01:26:18,150 --> 01:26:21,150 There are centillions. 851 01:26:21,317 --> 01:26:24,900 But you can't use any of them for anything. 852 01:26:31,483 --> 01:26:35,733 I sometimes dream of finding the guy who stole my bike. 853 01:26:35,900 --> 01:26:40,442 I see him cycling off on my bike, and then I run after him. 854 01:26:40,608 --> 01:26:43,650 - and catch him. 855 01:26:46,567 --> 01:26:51,233 But I also know it's not his fault. It's nobody's fault. 856 01:26:52,817 --> 01:26:58,442 It just makes a little more sense if you have someone you can... 857 01:26:58,608 --> 01:27:01,442 ... get mad at. 858 01:27:07,275 --> 01:27:08,775 Yes. 859 01:27:11,317 --> 01:27:15,817 My mother had seven children, but the little ones were hungry. 860 01:27:15,983 --> 01:27:20,733 And thin as matches. And we froze, and winter came on the way. 861 01:27:20,900 --> 01:27:27,025 - So my mom's selling a baby. And then Palle came and took me to Germany. 862 01:27:28,483 --> 01:27:31,567 He rents me out... 863 01:27:33,692 --> 01:27:37,067 I'm like a city bike. 864 01:27:37,233 --> 01:27:39,733 - that anyone can just come and ride. 865 01:27:42,650 --> 01:27:48,192 But then we go home on vacation, and I meet you. 866 01:27:48,358 --> 01:27:53,525 We'll be here just three days before you kill him and save me. 867 01:27:53,692 --> 01:27:58,317 No, it can't be. No, Palle was on the train the week before. 868 01:27:59,275 --> 01:28:03,817 No. No, no, no trains. We're flying home. 869 01:28:03,983 --> 01:28:08,108 But not three days before. You must have come back from Germany earlier. 870 01:28:08,275 --> 01:28:11,358 No. Well, we landed Monday. 871 01:28:11,525 --> 01:28:14,608 - And you're going to kill him Thursday. 872 01:28:14,775 --> 01:28:18,525 There's something I need to check. 873 01:28:18,692 --> 01:28:21,192 Did I say something wrong? 874 01:28:33,358 --> 01:28:34,942 No. 875 01:28:38,442 --> 01:28:43,525 No, no, no, no, no. Oh, no. 876 01:28:51,692 --> 01:28:54,233 As-salaamu-alaikum. 877 01:28:54,400 --> 01:28:57,275 My lovely children. 878 01:28:59,525 --> 01:29:04,608 It's a beautiful country. Green and flat as flatbread. 879 01:29:04,775 --> 01:29:08,442 But the food was the biggest disappointment. 880 01:29:08,608 --> 01:29:12,525 - Dad had the worst sandwich in the world. - Worse than Grandma's? 881 01:29:12,692 --> 01:29:17,983 The tuna was old and wet. The bread was dry as desert sand. 882 01:29:18,150 --> 01:29:22,775 - and I got a juice that tasted like camel. 883 01:29:22,942 --> 01:29:27,233 I threw it in the trash and went to McDonald's. 884 01:29:28,900 --> 01:29:31,192 3.28% was missing. 885 01:29:31,358 --> 01:29:35,983 It's unlikely that anyone looks so much like Kurt Olesen's brother. 886 01:29:36,150 --> 01:29:40,108 I told you. The biometric limit value was not met. 887 01:29:40,275 --> 01:29:43,108 You wanted it to be true. 888 01:29:43,275 --> 01:29:46,692 No. He is a qualified electrical engineer specializing in train components. 889 01:29:46,858 --> 01:29:50,233 - It's close to impossible. - It was a coincidence. 890 01:29:50,400 --> 01:29:54,317 There's no connection. You created it, Otto. 891 01:29:54,483 --> 01:29:58,150 You said you recognized him from the train. 892 01:29:58,317 --> 01:30:01,483 That's what I thought I could do. 893 01:30:01,650 --> 01:30:05,233 I must have looked blind. 894 01:30:05,400 --> 01:30:08,942 So it was just an accident. 895 01:30:09,108 --> 01:30:14,400 - I'm so sorry, Markus. - Then who is it? 896 01:30:14,567 --> 01:30:16,317 What? 897 01:30:17,733 --> 01:30:21,400 If it's not him, who is it? 898 01:30:22,900 --> 01:30:25,317 Then who is it? 899 01:30:26,858 --> 01:30:30,400 You told me it wasn't an accident. 900 01:30:34,775 --> 01:30:37,983 But it's him. 901 01:30:41,567 --> 01:30:45,525 It's him. It's him. 902 01:30:46,525 --> 01:30:49,150 - Markus. Markus. - It... 903 01:31:24,650 --> 01:31:27,400 (bang and shout) 904 01:31:58,525 --> 01:32:00,108 Markus. 905 01:32:00,275 --> 01:32:04,275 Markus, Markus. Markus. 906 01:32:04,442 --> 01:32:09,567 - Breathe quietly. - What's going on? What's going on? 907 01:32:10,483 --> 01:32:14,275 - Don't worry about it. yes, that's it. - I'm scared. 908 01:32:17,650 --> 01:32:21,067 - What do you say? - I'm scared. 909 01:32:21,233 --> 01:32:24,775 I understand that. I understand that. 910 01:32:24,942 --> 01:32:27,400 I understand that very well. 911 01:32:28,692 --> 01:32:32,108 Look me in the eye. Look me in the eye. 912 01:32:33,650 --> 01:32:37,067 She's dead. She's gone. 913 01:32:38,900 --> 01:32:43,067 Yes. She's dead. Take a breath. So. 914 01:32:43,233 --> 01:32:48,067 Come on, here. Came. Come here. yes, that's so good. 915 01:32:48,233 --> 01:32:51,817 It doesn't matter. 916 01:33:25,942 --> 01:33:31,608 There is an old Ukrainian legend of chance. 917 01:33:33,192 --> 01:33:38,525 It's about Ljubaba Vasilkovna from Vitebsk. 918 01:33:38,692 --> 01:33:41,192 A beautiful princess. 919 01:33:41,358 --> 01:33:47,942 - which goes bear hunting the morning after the first full moon of spring. 920 01:33:48,108 --> 01:33:53,025 A giant bear comes and attacks her and bites her finger off- 921 01:33:53,192 --> 01:33:57,650 - with her beloved diamond ring on. 922 01:33:57,817 --> 01:34:03,317 Very sad for her. But then, exactly 10 years later, 923 01:34:03,483 --> 01:34:07,192 - the morning after the first full moon of spring, 924 01:34:07,358 --> 01:34:11,900 - in the same thick forests in the same precise place, 925 01:34:12,067 --> 01:34:14,025 - She goes hunting again. 926 01:34:14,192 --> 01:34:17,733 And this time, she shoots a big old bear. 927 01:34:17,900 --> 01:34:21,067 And when they open its belly, 928 01:34:21,233 --> 01:34:24,317 - There wasn't a ring in there. 929 01:34:25,983 --> 01:34:28,067 Nothing. 930 01:34:38,650 --> 01:34:40,567 Okay. 931 01:34:47,358 --> 01:34:52,983 Well. Now it will be really exciting to see if the water boils soon. 932 01:35:01,817 --> 01:35:04,983 Why did you come here anyway, Otto? 933 01:35:07,400 --> 01:35:10,400 Because the police wouldn't help. 934 01:35:17,483 --> 01:35:21,317 Or I came because we switched seats, I think. 935 01:35:22,733 --> 01:35:26,233 Because I was the one who should have died. 936 01:35:29,358 --> 01:35:34,192 Then I saw Mathilde in the hospital, and she looked so helpless. 937 01:35:37,817 --> 01:35:42,025 And Lennart and Emmenthaler, did they just follow? 938 01:35:42,192 --> 01:35:46,025 They don't have many friends. 939 01:35:46,192 --> 01:35:50,692 I think people with problems tend to get together. 940 01:35:50,858 --> 01:35:53,400 Like fat people, 941 01:35:53,567 --> 01:35:56,567 - so they look less thick when they are together. 942 01:35:56,733 --> 01:35:59,275 Then it's all a little easier to live with. 943 01:36:01,192 --> 01:36:05,233 You also have some things you need to learn to live with. 944 01:36:05,400 --> 01:36:08,942 I don't know if I have anything to learn to live with. 945 01:36:09,108 --> 01:36:12,817 You have to learn to live with the death of your wife. 946 01:36:15,942 --> 01:36:18,358 Why do I have to? 947 01:36:18,525 --> 01:36:22,483 You're going to have to get some real help. 948 01:36:22,650 --> 01:36:25,733 Nothing's going to help. 949 01:36:25,900 --> 01:36:30,108 - It doesn't matter. - Yes, but... 950 01:36:32,233 --> 01:36:36,775 - You have Mathilde. - We should never have had her. 951 01:36:38,358 --> 01:36:41,567 Before she got here, at least I was hoping that she'd be able to do it. 952 01:36:41,733 --> 01:36:46,108 - That once we have kids, it all makes sense. 953 01:36:47,900 --> 01:36:51,483 Well, you have a responsibility to your daughter. 954 01:36:55,317 --> 01:36:58,858 Yes. You were so fucking responsible to your daughter yourself. 955 01:37:16,650 --> 01:37:18,567 No. 956 01:37:20,817 --> 01:37:23,483 I wasn't. 957 01:37:23,650 --> 01:37:26,650 Because I was an idiot. 958 01:37:28,358 --> 01:37:31,067 I didn't think of anyone but myself. 959 01:37:36,358 --> 01:37:40,775 But not a day goes by when I wouldn't want... 960 01:37:45,192 --> 01:37:48,442 ... that I just once more ... 961 01:37:50,608 --> 01:37:54,233 ... be allowed to find her hairbrush for her- 962 01:37:54,400 --> 01:38:00,025 - or discuss with her if she could have a dog. 963 01:38:00,192 --> 01:38:05,192 Or get tired of her not figuring out how to put the milk in place. 964 01:38:22,858 --> 01:38:26,108 I don't have anything to be proud of. 965 01:38:27,650 --> 01:38:30,233 But you have. 966 01:38:32,067 --> 01:38:38,150 And I look at you and Mathilde, and I wish I were you. 967 01:38:40,900 --> 01:38:43,567 Then it may not all matter. 968 01:38:43,733 --> 01:38:46,858 - but that's all you don't have a relationship with. 969 01:38:47,025 --> 01:38:50,858 You don't know Mathilde. That's why you can't understand her. 970 01:38:51,025 --> 01:38:57,025 But you have to understand that it takes time for it to make sense. 971 01:38:57,192 --> 01:39:00,108 It costs time. 972 01:39:00,275 --> 01:39:02,733 But you have it. 973 01:39:04,942 --> 01:39:06,900 Then use it. 974 01:39:22,233 --> 01:39:25,650 I'm sorry if I got angry and raised my voice. 975 01:39:25,817 --> 01:39:27,900 It's okay. 976 01:39:29,692 --> 01:39:32,942 I'm sorry about the nose thing, too. 977 01:39:58,067 --> 01:40:00,525 - Hi. - Sirius. 978 01:40:01,817 --> 01:40:04,650 - Is that you? - Yes. 979 01:40:09,275 --> 01:40:11,942 No, it means "we'll be called." 980 01:40:12,108 --> 01:40:14,567 - Give me your hand. - What? No! 981 01:40:16,067 --> 01:40:19,067 Listen to me. I'm going to break your finger. 982 01:40:19,233 --> 01:40:23,233 - And then you tell me where you took that video of Otto Hoffmann. 983 01:40:23,400 --> 01:40:25,400 Where, when... 984 01:40:25,567 --> 01:40:29,275 I'll tell you what I'm going to do. Don't break my finger. 985 01:40:29,442 --> 01:40:34,650 - I'm going to break two because you broke off. - I'll tell you what I know. 986 01:40:34,817 --> 01:40:38,108 I'm going to break three because you're a little gossip. 987 01:40:38,275 --> 01:40:41,525 There it was four because you're a crying prince. 988 01:40:41,692 --> 01:40:44,067 It's just a finger. 989 01:41:02,483 --> 01:41:06,108 That sounds great. Very precise. It's a really good job. 990 01:41:06,275 --> 01:41:08,567 Maybe you could break it up a little bit. 991 01:41:24,900 --> 01:41:27,858 Get in the room. Hide under your bed. 992 01:41:28,025 --> 01:41:32,858 No matter what, you stay there. Is that clear? Get on your stomach. 993 01:41:42,692 --> 01:41:45,233 - Is anyone hit? - In the foot, I think. 994 01:41:45,400 --> 01:41:49,692 - Shoulder. Since. - I'm unstricken. 995 01:41:51,192 --> 01:41:55,400 - I'm unstricken, too. - Emmenthaler, down. Down, down! 996 01:41:55,567 --> 01:41:58,233 I just had time to duck. 997 01:41:58,400 --> 01:42:01,942 Lennart, I need help. Come here. 998 01:42:04,108 --> 01:42:08,233 The bag with M10s is at the end of the stairs. You're faster than me. 999 01:42:11,525 --> 01:42:14,233 Do you see it? 1000 01:42:14,400 --> 01:42:18,233 - Why the hell did you take them apart? - It doesn't matter. Throw them up. 1001 01:43:00,775 --> 01:43:02,400 Oh, hello. 1002 01:43:45,192 --> 01:43:47,275 Soldier boy! 1003 01:43:49,650 --> 01:43:52,067 Come out into the light. 1004 01:43:53,817 --> 01:43:56,442 Soldier boy, come out into the light! 1005 01:44:03,567 --> 01:44:08,067 Come all the way out into the light, or I'm going to fucking blow her head off. 1006 01:44:13,900 --> 01:44:17,358 Get down on your knees and throw that shit away from you. 1007 01:44:24,650 --> 01:44:27,525 That one on the panty line, too. 1008 01:44:39,900 --> 01:44:41,775 Then we're going to kill that fool. 1009 01:45:19,442 --> 01:45:23,692 Oh, my God, this is aummer, man. What the hell did we do to you? 1010 01:45:30,858 --> 01:45:35,067 Don't be afraid, darling. It's going to be okay. 1011 01:45:35,233 --> 01:45:38,233 We'll take care of you. Came. 1012 01:45:38,400 --> 01:45:41,400 I'll call you with an ambulance. 1013 01:45:49,275 --> 01:45:51,525 Don't be afraid. 1014 01:46:28,483 --> 01:46:30,483 Are you in pain? 1015 01:46:30,650 --> 01:46:32,275 No. 1016 01:46:35,192 --> 01:46:38,108 I'm just freezing a lot. 1017 01:46:38,275 --> 01:46:40,108 (sirens) 1018 01:46:40,275 --> 01:46:44,358 They're coming, Dad. They're coming. 1019 01:46:51,650 --> 01:46:54,900 I should have just listened to you. 1020 01:46:57,317 --> 01:47:00,317 I think I need help. 1021 01:47:05,692 --> 01:47:07,358 Sorry. 1022 01:47:13,650 --> 01:47:15,733 Father... 1023 01:47:17,650 --> 01:47:22,608 I want you to... They'll be here in a minute. You just have to keep talking. 1024 01:47:28,233 --> 01:47:31,067 Sorry. Sorry. 1025 01:47:35,275 --> 01:47:37,358 Father. 1026 01:47:38,608 --> 01:47:40,358 Father! 1027 01:47:42,650 --> 01:47:44,775 Father... 1028 01:48:02,567 --> 01:48:05,025 What's this? 1029 01:48:06,733 --> 01:48:11,108 - It's chess. Thank you so much, Mathilde. - You're welcome. 1030 01:48:12,108 --> 01:48:16,567 - I'm glad you did. - Otto's turn to find a gift. 1031 01:48:16,733 --> 01:48:21,233 Let's see what's here. It's this one. Uha. 1032 01:48:21,400 --> 01:48:25,608 "To Emmenthaler from Markus and Mathilde." 1033 01:48:33,692 --> 01:48:37,483 - Team... - What the hell is that? 1034 01:48:38,525 --> 01:48:40,983 It's a horn. 1035 01:48:42,150 --> 01:48:45,150 Can you conjure it, Emmenthaler? 1036 01:48:50,983 --> 01:48:56,192 No, I don't think I can. What am I supposed to play? 1037 01:48:56,358 --> 01:49:00,442 It's awesome. Play something! 1038 01:49:02,192 --> 01:49:05,108 But what? 1039 01:49:05,275 --> 01:49:09,067 yes, just play something random. 1040 01:49:17,358 --> 01:49:18,150 (false tones) 1041 01:49:18,317 --> 01:49:24,067 Hell, if I can sit and listen to it on Christmas Eve. 1042 01:49:24,233 --> 01:49:27,858 So, then. Take a breath. Take a breath. 1043 01:49:32,400 --> 01:49:36,025 - You're wearing a uniform. We're in Tivoli. - Yes. 1044 01:49:36,192 --> 01:49:38,775 - We're standing on the Lawn. - Yes. 1045 01:49:39,692 --> 01:49:42,067 So. I know you can. 1046 01:49:51,108 --> 01:49:54,317 (plays "Little Drummer Boy") 1047 01:53:50,608 --> 01:53:55,233 Danish texts: Jesper Buhl Scandinavian Text Service 1048 00:00:10,250 --> 00:00:20,250 Automatic Translation By: www.elsubtitle.com Visit Our Website For Free Translation