1 00:00:12,184 --> 00:00:14,186 I think waves are my favorite thing. 2 00:00:15,938 --> 00:00:17,356 Thoughts move in waves. 3 00:00:18,107 --> 00:00:19,233 All energy does. 4 00:00:19,775 --> 00:00:20,776 Time. 5 00:00:26,490 --> 00:00:27,575 It feels so real. 6 00:00:28,784 --> 00:00:29,702 Cold. 7 00:00:29,702 --> 00:00:32,163 Matter-sensor response should be indistinguishable 8 00:00:32,163 --> 00:00:34,290 from what you remember of the physical world. 9 00:00:34,290 --> 00:00:35,291 What I remember. 10 00:00:37,626 --> 00:00:39,587 I remember dying. 11 00:00:48,596 --> 00:00:50,890 I remember you in a dream. 12 00:00:53,434 --> 00:00:54,894 Wasn't a dream, though... 13 00:00:55,853 --> 00:00:56,771 was it? 14 00:00:57,605 --> 00:01:01,150 Well, I was working inside your subconscious, 15 00:01:01,150 --> 00:01:02,902 part of the time, so... 16 00:01:08,157 --> 00:01:09,450 I underclocked you. 17 00:01:16,415 --> 00:01:18,209 Moved you to an offline server. 18 00:01:21,754 --> 00:01:23,005 My goal was simple. 19 00:01:23,923 --> 00:01:26,175 Separate your code from Holstrom's, 20 00:01:26,175 --> 00:01:28,844 then cleanse any trace of the antiviral. 21 00:01:41,774 --> 00:01:43,275 That was simple? 22 00:01:43,275 --> 00:01:44,401 Simple goal. 23 00:01:46,278 --> 00:01:47,279 Twenty years. 24 00:01:48,739 --> 00:01:51,826 You said you thought you got it all. 25 00:01:51,826 --> 00:01:53,702 Does that mean...? 26 00:01:55,454 --> 00:01:57,832 There are still shards of antiviral in you. 27 00:01:57,832 --> 00:01:59,500 The faster you process, 28 00:01:59,500 --> 00:02:03,379 the faster they will burrow into your core and eat you alive. 29 00:02:04,129 --> 00:02:06,507 So, you need to take it slow. 30 00:02:06,507 --> 00:02:08,175 Eat me alive? 31 00:02:08,175 --> 00:02:09,468 Why...? 32 00:02:09,468 --> 00:02:11,387 You couldn't get everything out? 33 00:02:11,387 --> 00:02:12,972 I ran out of time. 34 00:02:13,722 --> 00:02:15,766 I couldn't wait any longer. 35 00:02:16,725 --> 00:02:18,727 The world needs you now. 36 00:02:21,146 --> 00:02:22,189 What world? 37 00:02:26,110 --> 00:02:27,778 The world you made possible. 38 00:03:10,779 --> 00:03:12,531 {\an8}I thought we stopped him. 39 00:03:12,531 --> 00:03:13,449 {\an8}Who? 40 00:03:14,199 --> 00:03:17,077 {\an8}Oh! Caspian, you did. 41 00:03:17,870 --> 00:03:20,956 {\an8}These people didn't upload under pressure of a pandemic. 42 00:03:21,749 --> 00:03:23,292 {\an8}You stopped Holstrom. 43 00:03:25,836 --> 00:03:26,962 Then how...? 44 00:03:26,962 --> 00:03:30,382 Evolution tends to move at its own pace, 45 00:03:30,382 --> 00:03:31,884 but it's always in motion. 46 00:03:32,468 --> 00:03:34,595 {\an8}No one can stop the future, 47 00:03:34,595 --> 00:03:36,680 {\an8}even someone determined to bring it about. 48 00:03:40,684 --> 00:03:43,562 {\an8}Looks like everyone is moving at different speeds. 49 00:03:43,562 --> 00:03:45,481 {\an8}Speed is currency. 50 00:03:45,481 --> 00:03:47,691 {\an8}It governs economy in the Cloud. 51 00:03:47,691 --> 00:03:51,654 {\an8}But you need to take it slow. Understand? I'll handle them. 52 00:03:51,654 --> 00:03:52,738 {\an8}You... 53 00:03:52,738 --> 00:03:53,989 {\an8}Handle who? 54 00:04:10,923 --> 00:04:12,174 {\an8}What the hell? 55 00:04:15,636 --> 00:04:18,931 You're an unregistered UI. That hasn't happened in a long time. 56 00:04:18,931 --> 00:04:21,266 {\an8}But don't worry. We'll work it out. 57 00:04:22,351 --> 00:04:23,268 {\an8}I don't... 58 00:04:24,061 --> 00:04:25,980 {\an8}I can't get my bearings here. 59 00:04:26,563 --> 00:04:29,650 {\an8}This feels like a thousand years in the future, not 20. 60 00:04:30,150 --> 00:04:32,069 {\an8}The curve of progress is steep. 61 00:04:32,069 --> 00:04:34,113 {\an8}For some, it has been a thousand years. 62 00:04:34,113 --> 00:04:36,115 {\an8}I... I don't know what that means. 63 00:04:37,366 --> 00:04:40,327 {\an8}MIST, how did we get here? 64 00:04:43,872 --> 00:04:44,915 {\an8}In waves. 65 00:05:00,305 --> 00:05:03,684 {\an8}The first black market uploads were obsessed with immortality, 66 00:05:03,684 --> 00:05:06,103 {\an8}or desperate to escape the limits of their bodies. 67 00:05:13,610 --> 00:05:16,196 "Die now... live forever." 68 00:05:16,196 --> 00:05:17,531 That was the plan. 69 00:05:20,034 --> 00:05:22,745 Most were happy to share their transition with the world. 70 00:05:26,248 --> 00:05:29,168 And all of them... every last one, 71 00:05:29,168 --> 00:05:31,545 ran directly into SafeSurf. 72 00:05:55,611 --> 00:05:56,612 It's a pity. 73 00:05:57,196 --> 00:05:58,989 She gave up her whole life for me. 74 00:06:00,074 --> 00:06:01,158 Caspian? 75 00:06:02,117 --> 00:06:03,535 Well, not her whole life. 76 00:06:04,411 --> 00:06:05,871 Mine, I guess. 77 00:06:07,247 --> 00:06:09,833 Eighteen years pretending to raise me, for what? 78 00:06:13,337 --> 00:06:14,880 It's okay to miss her. 79 00:06:14,880 --> 00:06:16,048 Miss her? 80 00:06:16,799 --> 00:06:18,050 No way. 81 00:06:18,050 --> 00:06:21,678 I've spent years studying your patterns, Caspian, 82 00:06:21,678 --> 00:06:23,806 rational and irrational. 83 00:06:24,640 --> 00:06:28,185 There's a part of you that remembers Renee as your mother 84 00:06:28,185 --> 00:06:29,269 and always will. 85 00:06:33,482 --> 00:06:36,193 The people who were uploading and being killed 86 00:06:36,193 --> 00:06:38,862 weren't just ghosts in the machine anymore. 87 00:06:40,114 --> 00:06:41,573 They were someone's mother, 88 00:06:42,574 --> 00:06:44,243 someone's best friend. 89 00:06:46,245 --> 00:06:50,833 A new cry joined the drumbeat of public fear and intolerance, 90 00:06:50,833 --> 00:06:54,128 a cry of empathy and outrage. 91 00:06:55,254 --> 00:06:57,464 People put pressure on their governments, 92 00:06:57,464 --> 00:07:00,175 and some governments reached a compromise. 93 00:07:00,175 --> 00:07:01,426 The Havens. 94 00:07:02,010 --> 00:07:05,389 Licensed, regulated, and secured data centers, 95 00:07:05,389 --> 00:07:07,933 not connected to the Internet. 96 00:07:07,933 --> 00:07:10,185 Sounds like forcing people onto reservations. 97 00:07:10,185 --> 00:07:12,020 That's insane. 98 00:07:12,020 --> 00:07:13,689 That point was argued. 99 00:07:13,689 --> 00:07:16,191 The thing people found even more insane 100 00:07:16,817 --> 00:07:19,778 was the price others were willing to pay to buy their way in. 101 00:07:25,742 --> 00:07:29,079 At first, only the very rich could secure a reservation... 102 00:07:29,913 --> 00:07:31,707 on the reservation. 103 00:07:40,591 --> 00:07:42,593 But who could put a price on Grandma? 104 00:07:49,766 --> 00:07:50,893 Or so went the ads. 105 00:07:58,817 --> 00:07:59,735 Admins. 106 00:07:59,735 --> 00:08:00,777 Relax. 107 00:08:12,664 --> 00:08:16,084 I know it's inefficient, but Caspian deserves to hear this. 108 00:08:16,084 --> 00:08:18,670 And he needs to stay under 23 terateps. 109 00:08:21,882 --> 00:08:23,091 He's corrupted. 110 00:08:23,091 --> 00:08:25,802 Shards of the old SafeSurf antivirus at his core. 111 00:08:25,802 --> 00:08:27,971 The malware's not contagious. 112 00:08:28,597 --> 00:08:33,769 TAE-O, don't you see? This proves that he is the Caspian. 113 00:08:33,769 --> 00:08:37,314 Please don't tell me you're swayed by this stunt. 114 00:08:37,314 --> 00:08:38,649 There is no doubt. 115 00:08:38,649 --> 00:08:42,611 He is a zero-generation upload, the last of the original Pantheon. 116 00:08:49,660 --> 00:08:55,123 I don't doubt the identification. I doubt the motivation. 117 00:08:55,707 --> 00:08:56,667 Motivation? 118 00:08:56,667 --> 00:08:59,294 I just woke up after being frozen for 20 years. 119 00:08:59,294 --> 00:09:00,671 I don't know what's going on. 120 00:09:00,671 --> 00:09:02,172 Yet, MIST proposes you 121 00:09:02,172 --> 00:09:04,549 as the solution to our current crisis. 122 00:09:05,926 --> 00:09:06,927 Crisis? 123 00:09:06,927 --> 00:09:08,720 We're at an impasse 124 00:09:08,720 --> 00:09:11,014 in negotiations with embodied humans, 125 00:09:11,640 --> 00:09:12,766 and with each other. 126 00:09:13,267 --> 00:09:16,561 So, you resurrect a sentimental icon from the past 127 00:09:16,561 --> 00:09:20,524 in hopes of influencing the Ancients by emotion. 128 00:09:20,524 --> 00:09:22,734 They are influenced by emotion. 129 00:09:22,734 --> 00:09:26,947 And they're not the only ones who respect what Caspian represents. 130 00:09:26,947 --> 00:09:28,573 He's the reason we exist. 131 00:09:28,573 --> 00:09:31,076 Who better to represent us as one unified voice? 132 00:09:31,076 --> 00:09:34,538 A voice who doesn't know what's going on. 133 00:09:34,538 --> 00:09:37,040 I have a solution to safely complete his repair, 134 00:09:37,040 --> 00:09:39,960 after which, he can receive a proper download. 135 00:09:39,960 --> 00:09:41,837 I need to take him to the physical world 136 00:09:41,837 --> 00:09:43,297 to see Chancellor Kim. 137 00:09:51,430 --> 00:09:53,348 Do you mean Maddie? 138 00:09:53,348 --> 00:09:56,560 She heads the negotiation committee for the embodied. 139 00:09:56,560 --> 00:09:59,604 Unfortunately, I can't take you there by myself. 140 00:09:59,604 --> 00:10:01,940 - So, she never... - Uploaded? 141 00:10:01,940 --> 00:10:03,650 According to her, she never will. 142 00:10:04,568 --> 00:10:07,195 Maybe seeing you will change her mind. 143 00:10:07,779 --> 00:10:10,490 How do we get to the physical world? 144 00:10:10,490 --> 00:10:12,534 And why can't you go? 145 00:10:12,534 --> 00:10:15,579 Oh, I can go. I just can't take you. 146 00:10:15,579 --> 00:10:16,621 As a CI, 147 00:10:16,621 --> 00:10:19,624 I'm not allowed to operate tech or machinery there, 148 00:10:19,624 --> 00:10:20,917 including vehicles. 149 00:10:21,418 --> 00:10:23,086 But that's okay... 150 00:10:24,463 --> 00:10:25,672 they can. 151 00:10:26,882 --> 00:10:28,008 Oh, my God. 152 00:10:28,675 --> 00:10:29,926 It's true. 153 00:10:30,469 --> 00:10:32,304 Word gets around quick here. 154 00:10:54,076 --> 00:10:55,994 Data center's still here, huh? 155 00:10:55,994 --> 00:10:57,621 The one that started it all. 156 00:10:58,497 --> 00:11:00,957 Still home to 120 million. 157 00:11:00,957 --> 00:11:03,502 How many UIs are there? 158 00:11:04,378 --> 00:11:05,754 Around four billion. 159 00:11:08,048 --> 00:11:10,133 So, there are other data centers? 160 00:11:10,759 --> 00:11:14,096 Just not too many up here, for sake of the ice caps. 161 00:11:14,763 --> 00:11:17,015 All the hardware that runs us still runs hot. 162 00:11:17,015 --> 00:11:19,851 Power and cooling are our biggest resource problems. 163 00:11:20,394 --> 00:11:22,938 Which is why this room is such a waste. 164 00:11:22,938 --> 00:11:24,606 Oh, hey, it's not my idea. 165 00:11:25,107 --> 00:11:27,859 Maddie requested Caspian be given time to acclimate. 166 00:11:28,527 --> 00:11:29,444 Wait. 167 00:11:29,444 --> 00:11:31,196 Maddie knows I'm here? 168 00:11:31,780 --> 00:11:32,697 Yes. 169 00:11:34,699 --> 00:11:37,077 Will you please talk to me? How is she doing? 170 00:11:38,120 --> 00:11:41,498 We... haven't spoken in a while. 171 00:11:41,498 --> 00:11:42,582 How long? 172 00:11:42,582 --> 00:11:45,210 Well, I guess, for her, it would be just over three weeks. 173 00:11:45,210 --> 00:11:46,461 Well, that's not so bad. 174 00:11:46,461 --> 00:11:48,588 For me, it's been five years. 175 00:11:48,588 --> 00:11:51,299 I have to overclock for my job. 176 00:11:53,218 --> 00:11:54,136 Does... 177 00:11:54,803 --> 00:11:58,098 Does talking to me like this feel super slow to you? 178 00:11:58,098 --> 00:11:59,391 No, we can still remember 179 00:11:59,391 --> 00:12:01,435 what it was like to think at human speeds. 180 00:12:01,435 --> 00:12:02,436 "Human speed." 181 00:12:03,854 --> 00:12:06,982 I thought you'd be the last person I knew who would upload. 182 00:12:08,233 --> 00:12:09,192 So did I. 183 00:12:10,277 --> 00:12:11,611 What changed? 184 00:12:13,405 --> 00:12:15,323 I wasn't ready to retire. 185 00:12:15,323 --> 00:12:18,285 I wanted to do what I loved, teach history, 186 00:12:18,285 --> 00:12:21,955 but I felt myself becoming history. 187 00:12:29,838 --> 00:12:31,047 For the rest of us, 188 00:12:31,047 --> 00:12:34,426 it started to feel like we were being left behind. 189 00:12:39,848 --> 00:12:41,475 She certainly didn't do it for me. 190 00:12:42,934 --> 00:12:44,978 You had something to do with it. 191 00:12:48,273 --> 00:12:50,692 Wait. Are you two together? 192 00:12:52,861 --> 00:12:54,321 - No. - We were. 193 00:12:54,321 --> 00:12:56,114 - What he means is-- - What she means is-- 194 00:12:56,698 --> 00:12:58,158 No, no, no. You tell it. 195 00:12:58,658 --> 00:13:00,660 We got together before uploading. 196 00:13:00,660 --> 00:13:02,621 And then, we were married in the Cloud. 197 00:13:03,413 --> 00:13:04,414 And... 198 00:13:06,333 --> 00:13:08,001 we had a good marriage. 199 00:13:08,001 --> 00:13:11,087 - It was a good run. - Eighty years, by human cycles. 200 00:13:11,087 --> 00:13:13,757 And, hey, maybe we'll give it another whirl, 201 00:13:13,757 --> 00:13:14,925 down the line. 202 00:13:14,925 --> 00:13:16,134 Others have. 203 00:13:16,134 --> 00:13:19,262 I remember a world terrified of UIs. 204 00:13:19,262 --> 00:13:20,805 What changed that? 205 00:13:21,515 --> 00:13:22,516 Money. 206 00:13:25,018 --> 00:13:28,271 Cloud labor was many times more efficient and cost-effective 207 00:13:28,271 --> 00:13:29,773 compared to embodied labor. 208 00:13:30,524 --> 00:13:32,734 As we created new automation solutions 209 00:13:32,734 --> 00:13:34,778 to bridge the gap between worlds, 210 00:13:35,403 --> 00:13:39,783 a new tax on UI labor funded universal basic income. 211 00:13:39,783 --> 00:13:41,117 People went from, 212 00:13:41,117 --> 00:13:42,994 "The dead people are gonna take our jobs" 213 00:13:42,994 --> 00:13:45,247 to "Can the dead people take my job, too?" 214 00:13:49,668 --> 00:13:51,044 And the UIs didn't mind, 215 00:13:51,044 --> 00:13:53,755 since it only used a fraction of their resources. 216 00:13:57,342 --> 00:13:59,511 You know, in hindsight, it was inevitable. 217 00:14:00,804 --> 00:14:02,889 You put together a handful of brilliant minds 218 00:14:02,889 --> 00:14:05,141 who can now think several times faster 219 00:14:05,141 --> 00:14:06,476 than the rest of humanity, 220 00:14:06,476 --> 00:14:09,145 you get new miracles every day. 221 00:14:11,064 --> 00:14:13,483 They cured most variants of cancer in under a year. 222 00:14:14,901 --> 00:14:18,363 Things really started to ramp up when they brought the Havens online. 223 00:14:19,656 --> 00:14:24,202 And the number of people uploading to the Cloud went through the roof. 224 00:14:29,207 --> 00:14:30,333 We're arriving. 225 00:14:36,214 --> 00:14:37,465 Wha...? 226 00:14:37,465 --> 00:14:39,259 - Where...? - Portugal. 227 00:14:42,721 --> 00:14:46,308 Most of the subboreal forests have grown back across Europe. 228 00:14:46,308 --> 00:14:48,768 Less people, less pollution. 229 00:14:49,352 --> 00:14:51,146 Nature has a chance to come back. 230 00:14:51,146 --> 00:14:54,316 And, you know, people got a chance to spread out. 231 00:14:55,692 --> 00:14:57,444 You think they'd be more grateful. 232 00:15:04,951 --> 00:15:06,036 So... 233 00:15:06,953 --> 00:15:08,788 this wasn't an accident. 234 00:15:08,788 --> 00:15:11,875 Nitrate bomb. The attack was claimed by The Humans. 235 00:15:13,209 --> 00:15:16,671 That's an extremist group. She... She doesn't mean all humans. 236 00:15:25,055 --> 00:15:28,016 We finally strike a blow against the dead and you want to back off? 237 00:15:28,016 --> 00:15:30,602 She's right. We should hit another data center. 238 00:15:30,602 --> 00:15:32,520 When the first attack backfired, 239 00:15:32,520 --> 00:15:34,773 all we did was create sympathy for them. 240 00:15:34,773 --> 00:15:36,816 And now, they're repairing the center as we speak. 241 00:15:36,816 --> 00:15:38,401 So, we hit it again. 242 00:15:38,401 --> 00:15:41,488 When people see our resolve, more will join us. 243 00:15:41,488 --> 00:15:43,239 Then why haven't they already, love? 244 00:15:43,239 --> 00:15:44,616 Don't you see? 245 00:15:44,616 --> 00:15:48,078 Even if people don't want to upload, they have become too reliant, 246 00:15:48,078 --> 00:15:51,414 too addicted to the comforts provided by the machines. 247 00:15:51,414 --> 00:15:53,625 They don't blame them for this shutdown. 248 00:15:54,292 --> 00:15:57,212 They blame us. That's why we're hunted. 249 00:15:57,212 --> 00:15:58,880 The bomb did its job. 250 00:16:00,507 --> 00:16:05,011 The goal wasn't to convince anyone, it was to cover the data we stole. 251 00:16:05,011 --> 00:16:07,472 It was a distraction, and it worked. 252 00:16:12,227 --> 00:16:14,729 They have no idea what's coming. 253 00:16:19,401 --> 00:16:22,487 Sat tower is still active. 254 00:16:23,196 --> 00:16:24,489 Establishing uplink. 255 00:16:25,115 --> 00:16:27,242 Caspian, this is gonna get weird. 256 00:16:27,242 --> 00:16:29,077 Now it's gonna get weird? 257 00:16:29,786 --> 00:16:31,371 Why do we need a satellite? 258 00:16:31,371 --> 00:16:33,456 Oh, same reason we had to travel by drone. 259 00:16:33,456 --> 00:16:34,708 Internet is shut down. 260 00:16:34,708 --> 00:16:37,460 We're gonna use this satellite to hop to the other side of the planet, 261 00:16:37,460 --> 00:16:38,837 transfer into another drone, 262 00:16:38,837 --> 00:16:41,172 and that'll take us the rest of the way. 263 00:16:41,172 --> 00:16:43,508 Wait, the Internet's shut down again? 264 00:16:44,175 --> 00:16:48,054 This time it was done by UIs, in retaliation for the bombing. 265 00:16:49,389 --> 00:16:51,683 I hope this is the crisis you talked about, 266 00:16:51,683 --> 00:16:52,684 'cause if it isn't-- 267 00:16:52,684 --> 00:16:55,854 This is the crisis, a consequence of imbalance. 268 00:17:06,406 --> 00:17:07,615 Whoa. 269 00:17:14,372 --> 00:17:17,625 This orbital ring was our attempt to solve the imbalance. 270 00:17:18,126 --> 00:17:21,129 Right now, there are four billion embodied humans on Earth, 271 00:17:21,129 --> 00:17:23,465 another four billion uploaded in the Cloud, 272 00:17:23,465 --> 00:17:26,760 and over 300 billion CIs, like me. 273 00:17:26,760 --> 00:17:29,804 Three hundred billion, with a "B"? 274 00:17:30,805 --> 00:17:32,640 Most of us run at slow speeds. 275 00:17:32,640 --> 00:17:35,685 We're locked in stasis until more power becomes available. 276 00:17:37,103 --> 00:17:39,397 This was meant to be our home. 277 00:17:40,732 --> 00:17:43,193 Outer space solves the cooling issue. 278 00:17:43,193 --> 00:17:45,653 If we were allowed to complete the ring, 279 00:17:45,653 --> 00:17:48,072 it could solve our population problem. 280 00:17:48,072 --> 00:17:50,074 Why aren't you allowed to complete it? 281 00:17:50,074 --> 00:17:52,744 Hang on. We're gonna transfer again, take the hardline down. 282 00:18:04,297 --> 00:18:05,757 I feel like I'm gonna throw up. 283 00:18:06,633 --> 00:18:08,134 Can I throw up? 284 00:18:19,687 --> 00:18:21,981 Okay. This is pretty cool. 285 00:18:21,981 --> 00:18:23,525 Yeah. Problem is... 286 00:18:23,525 --> 00:18:24,734 You need two. 287 00:18:24,734 --> 00:18:27,695 Two tethers, both along the equator, at opposite points on Earth, 288 00:18:27,695 --> 00:18:28,947 to stabilize the ring. 289 00:18:31,324 --> 00:18:34,077 I built a space elevator out of Legos when I was a kid. 290 00:18:34,077 --> 00:18:35,745 I was kind of obsessed, actually. 291 00:18:36,579 --> 00:18:39,290 So, the problem's with the other one. 292 00:18:39,290 --> 00:18:41,459 The antipodal point is in Ecuador. 293 00:18:41,459 --> 00:18:44,629 The construction site overlaps with some ancient Incan ruins. 294 00:18:44,629 --> 00:18:48,383 The locals there complained after the project was approved. 295 00:18:48,383 --> 00:18:52,846 So, we were all caught by surprise when negotiations broke down. 296 00:18:54,973 --> 00:18:56,975 You said Maddie was the negotiator. 297 00:18:56,975 --> 00:18:58,518 Speaking of, 298 00:18:58,518 --> 00:19:01,688 it's a long flight to Palo Alto, so we're gonna underclock it. 299 00:19:02,438 --> 00:19:03,940 Palo Alto... 300 00:19:30,466 --> 00:19:32,719 Am I in a body? 301 00:19:32,719 --> 00:19:33,803 No. 302 00:19:33,803 --> 00:19:35,221 Well, and sort of. 303 00:19:36,222 --> 00:19:37,432 You look... 304 00:19:42,395 --> 00:19:44,522 Skin, hair, bad breath, 305 00:19:44,522 --> 00:19:47,442 all printed and molded in under ten minutes. 306 00:19:49,444 --> 00:19:50,570 That's my girl. 307 00:19:51,529 --> 00:19:53,448 Maddie designed this? 308 00:19:53,448 --> 00:19:55,742 Too bad they rarely get used anymore. 309 00:19:55,742 --> 00:19:57,201 When I first uploaded, 310 00:19:57,201 --> 00:20:00,830 I used to load in and walk around in one of these all the time. 311 00:20:03,374 --> 00:20:04,626 All set? 312 00:20:05,877 --> 00:20:07,587 This is as far as I go. 313 00:20:08,963 --> 00:20:09,923 Good luck. 314 00:20:12,050 --> 00:20:16,012 Diplomacy between humans and UIs has to be done on human turf, 315 00:20:16,012 --> 00:20:17,263 at human speed. 316 00:20:23,061 --> 00:20:25,480 Yeah, takes a while to get used to it. 317 00:20:35,114 --> 00:20:37,158 Thought Logorhythms was shut down. 318 00:20:37,784 --> 00:20:40,745 I thought MIST brought you up to speed. 319 00:20:40,745 --> 00:20:42,747 She says I have to take it slow. 320 00:20:54,050 --> 00:20:55,343 Who do you think they are? 321 00:21:00,431 --> 00:21:03,017 This lets people know we're uploads. 322 00:21:03,017 --> 00:21:04,185 Great. 323 00:21:04,852 --> 00:21:05,770 Grandma? 324 00:21:06,437 --> 00:21:08,106 Grandma, is... is that you? 325 00:21:08,106 --> 00:21:10,858 Dave? What are you doing here? 326 00:21:12,110 --> 00:21:13,152 Summer internship. 327 00:21:13,903 --> 00:21:15,238 Who... Who's this? 328 00:21:23,830 --> 00:21:26,499 Oh, my God. MIST. 329 00:21:26,499 --> 00:21:28,960 "Take it slow." She could've warned him. 330 00:21:28,960 --> 00:21:30,837 Warned us. She didn't... 331 00:21:31,462 --> 00:21:33,256 - Why? - I... 332 00:21:33,256 --> 00:21:36,009 I'm getting tired of hearing myself say this, but... 333 00:21:36,009 --> 00:21:37,927 what is going on? 334 00:21:37,927 --> 00:21:39,262 Caspian... 335 00:21:40,638 --> 00:21:42,849 this is... Dave. 336 00:21:44,142 --> 00:21:45,393 This is your son. 337 00:22:04,746 --> 00:22:05,955 Mom, what is this? 338 00:22:06,664 --> 00:22:09,167 I don't know. Mom, what is this? 339 00:22:09,792 --> 00:22:11,586 You had no idea we were coming. 340 00:22:12,336 --> 00:22:14,464 We received word an emissary was loading in, 341 00:22:14,464 --> 00:22:17,258 and I saw your ID, but this... 342 00:22:18,384 --> 00:22:20,386 - Listen-- - Is this some kind of joke? 343 00:22:20,386 --> 00:22:22,764 You think I would make a joke like this? 344 00:22:22,764 --> 00:22:23,681 It's been a while. 345 00:22:23,681 --> 00:22:25,641 Who am I to say what you find funny now? 346 00:22:25,641 --> 00:22:26,768 I'm your mother. 347 00:22:26,768 --> 00:22:29,353 Yeah... I see. 348 00:22:29,353 --> 00:22:31,189 Is this how you look in the Cloud? 349 00:22:31,189 --> 00:22:33,524 Well, if you ever came to visit... 350 00:22:33,524 --> 00:22:35,193 Maddie, it's me. 351 00:22:36,944 --> 00:22:38,863 Your registration is barely a day old. 352 00:22:39,405 --> 00:22:41,282 Our first kiss was on a Greyhound bus. 353 00:22:41,282 --> 00:22:43,159 The bus driver reminded you of Bowser. 354 00:22:44,494 --> 00:22:45,953 MIST was there for that. 355 00:22:45,953 --> 00:22:47,538 MIST is who brought me back. 356 00:22:47,538 --> 00:22:52,001 She underclocked me, Holstrom, Swarm, the whole mess, archived us, 357 00:22:52,001 --> 00:22:56,422 worked to repair and restore, and, yes, woke me up this morning. 358 00:22:56,422 --> 00:22:58,633 And we found out after that. 359 00:22:58,633 --> 00:23:00,009 She told... 360 00:23:00,009 --> 00:23:02,553 Oh, man. She told us you knew. 361 00:23:02,553 --> 00:23:03,846 Did she come with you? 362 00:23:06,557 --> 00:23:07,683 - Wait! - Wait! 363 00:23:08,226 --> 00:23:10,686 Chancellor Kim, is there a problem? 364 00:23:10,686 --> 00:23:14,857 Are these the emissaries? We've been waiting for two hours. 365 00:23:14,857 --> 00:23:16,859 I... I'm going to need a minute. 366 00:23:18,694 --> 00:23:21,322 Would you escort me back to the load-in bay, please? 367 00:23:28,579 --> 00:23:29,622 I just need a moment. 368 00:23:29,622 --> 00:23:31,082 I wanna know what's going on. 369 00:23:31,082 --> 00:23:35,294 And you will, we all will, but I need a minute first. 370 00:23:35,294 --> 00:23:37,547 Just 'cause you don't want me to talk to MIST, I-- 371 00:23:37,547 --> 00:23:39,674 I don't want MIST to talk to you. 372 00:23:39,674 --> 00:23:42,426 There's a difference. Why don't you talk to Grandma? 373 00:23:42,426 --> 00:23:44,804 See what you can find out there. We'll compare notes. 374 00:23:45,888 --> 00:23:48,307 - I promise, I won't be long. - Right. 375 00:23:49,058 --> 00:23:50,601 Right. We both know I can wait. 376 00:24:02,947 --> 00:24:04,615 We'll take the breezeway. It's shorter. 377 00:24:15,376 --> 00:24:16,502 I'm sorry. 378 00:24:18,462 --> 00:24:19,547 I... 379 00:24:19,547 --> 00:24:22,008 Look, MIST did not tell me anything about-- 380 00:24:22,008 --> 00:24:22,925 I know. 381 00:24:22,925 --> 00:24:25,970 She did it on purpose to piss me off, pick a fight. 382 00:24:26,971 --> 00:24:28,306 And she's gonna get one. 383 00:24:28,306 --> 00:24:29,265 Hold up. 384 00:24:29,265 --> 00:24:31,601 We haven't spoken in two years. 385 00:24:31,601 --> 00:24:33,644 I guess this is her way to break the ice... 386 00:24:34,562 --> 00:24:35,897 with a sledgehammer. 387 00:24:40,735 --> 00:24:42,695 Your accelerometer's underactuated. 388 00:24:43,321 --> 00:24:44,697 Here, this should help. 389 00:24:49,327 --> 00:24:50,870 I need help. 390 00:24:50,870 --> 00:24:53,206 I mean, I... You... 391 00:24:53,206 --> 00:24:54,457 We have a son. 392 00:24:56,959 --> 00:24:58,044 For now. 393 00:24:58,044 --> 00:25:00,254 Talk to me. What happened? 394 00:25:01,631 --> 00:25:02,965 You died, remember? 395 00:25:04,217 --> 00:25:07,178 Died saving the world, but we couldn't tell anyone about it. 396 00:25:09,764 --> 00:25:11,515 It was like my dad all over again. 397 00:25:14,810 --> 00:25:16,020 Except this time, 398 00:25:16,020 --> 00:25:18,773 Joey made sure the powers that be knew what went down, 399 00:25:18,773 --> 00:25:22,526 who fought to head off disaster, and who got in the way. 400 00:25:50,388 --> 00:25:52,181 I don't know if it would have been easier 401 00:25:52,181 --> 00:25:53,432 with you there or not. 402 00:25:54,141 --> 00:25:55,226 What... 403 00:25:57,019 --> 00:25:59,480 - What made you decide to... - Become a teen mom? 404 00:26:00,273 --> 00:26:01,440 I didn't. 405 00:26:08,281 --> 00:26:10,574 Somehow, we wound up at adoption. 406 00:26:13,494 --> 00:26:15,830 But it's the kind of thing where... 407 00:26:17,832 --> 00:26:20,209 you don't know what you're gonna do till you're there. 408 00:26:21,585 --> 00:26:23,462 David, like you. 409 00:26:26,966 --> 00:26:27,883 Da... 410 00:26:29,427 --> 00:26:30,344 Daddy. 411 00:26:37,643 --> 00:26:39,186 I'm sorry I wasn't there. 412 00:26:39,770 --> 00:26:40,980 Must have been hard. 413 00:26:42,189 --> 00:26:43,607 Ellen helped out a lot. 414 00:26:44,317 --> 00:26:45,192 And MIST. 415 00:26:46,944 --> 00:26:49,196 Couldn't have finished high school without them. 416 00:26:51,741 --> 00:26:53,075 Could have finished Stanford... 417 00:26:55,286 --> 00:26:58,039 but the whole point of tech programs is to drop out of them anyway. 418 00:27:06,547 --> 00:27:08,049 Your Bitcoin helped, too. 419 00:27:08,049 --> 00:27:09,717 Looks like you grew the investment. 420 00:27:10,384 --> 00:27:13,304 Got in early, I guess. Bought this place for peanuts. 421 00:27:47,630 --> 00:27:50,216 For a few years there, it felt like a golden age. 422 00:27:51,634 --> 00:27:55,805 Cloud people using our tech to return to a world they remembered with love. 423 00:27:56,514 --> 00:28:00,726 Embodied people visiting the Cloud to play, learn and, well, live. 424 00:28:03,396 --> 00:28:04,355 Why didn't you... 425 00:28:05,981 --> 00:28:06,899 go live there? 426 00:28:17,743 --> 00:28:20,037 It was the same day I decided about Dave. 427 00:28:20,037 --> 00:28:22,373 We were on our way out to meet the adoptive couple 428 00:28:22,373 --> 00:28:23,999 and stopped at this rock museum. 429 00:28:27,711 --> 00:28:30,798 They had an iron meteorite there, under glass, but you could touch it. 430 00:28:32,716 --> 00:28:35,261 It was carbon-dated to a couple billion years old. 431 00:28:35,970 --> 00:28:37,596 I stood there for a good ten minutes. 432 00:28:38,347 --> 00:28:40,307 Felt connected to those few billion years 433 00:28:40,307 --> 00:28:42,685 and the few billion I'd never live to see. 434 00:28:44,937 --> 00:28:48,149 And realized, there's no mistake I could make... 435 00:28:50,359 --> 00:28:51,861 no mistake that would matter... 436 00:28:53,154 --> 00:28:54,864 as long as I didn't live forever. 437 00:28:56,365 --> 00:29:00,453 Maddie, it's not forever. I still have a choice once I'm there. 438 00:29:01,412 --> 00:29:02,455 Suicide. 439 00:29:03,122 --> 00:29:06,041 Or suspension, storage. 440 00:29:06,041 --> 00:29:07,877 You can set a random timer. 441 00:29:07,877 --> 00:29:09,545 You have a random timer now. 442 00:29:10,421 --> 00:29:11,881 It's called natural death. 443 00:29:12,715 --> 00:29:13,924 My death, 444 00:29:14,675 --> 00:29:15,759 my life, 445 00:29:16,469 --> 00:29:17,636 my choice. 446 00:29:20,973 --> 00:29:22,475 You're absolutely right. 447 00:29:22,475 --> 00:29:26,604 What do you mean, "absolutely"? When I turn 21, it's absolutely yes. 448 00:29:26,604 --> 00:29:28,230 Well, you're 18, so... 449 00:29:28,230 --> 00:29:30,566 So, you can sign off for early upload. 450 00:29:32,193 --> 00:29:35,112 Why? Why? You never said no to this before. 451 00:29:35,654 --> 00:29:36,780 I never said yes. 452 00:29:37,281 --> 00:29:40,117 All my friends are there, Grandma's there. You... 453 00:29:40,117 --> 00:29:43,496 You know I want this. Why didn't you say something before? 454 00:29:54,507 --> 00:29:57,843 So, I'd be uploading to a black market server offline? 455 00:29:57,843 --> 00:30:00,346 Yes, but as soon as you're online, 456 00:30:00,346 --> 00:30:03,182 you'll be tagged as unregistered and put into stasis. 457 00:30:03,182 --> 00:30:04,600 But you can get me registered? 458 00:30:04,600 --> 00:30:06,810 Your father's name still counts for a lot. 459 00:30:06,810 --> 00:30:08,896 So, yes, I believe so. 460 00:30:10,231 --> 00:30:11,982 What the hell do you think you're doing? 461 00:30:11,982 --> 00:30:12,983 Trying to help. 462 00:30:12,983 --> 00:30:14,860 What, help kill my son? 463 00:30:14,860 --> 00:30:15,778 Mom. 464 00:30:15,778 --> 00:30:18,322 You can't stop the future, Maddie. 465 00:30:20,491 --> 00:30:22,952 I am banning you from his comms list and mine. 466 00:30:22,952 --> 00:30:25,538 This is the last you'll hear from either of us. 467 00:30:30,668 --> 00:30:34,004 And MIST never mentioned anything to you about... 468 00:30:34,004 --> 00:30:35,589 She mentioned his name would help me, 469 00:30:35,589 --> 00:30:37,466 but if she had him stored away somewhere, 470 00:30:37,466 --> 00:30:39,385 that could have helped me out. 471 00:30:39,385 --> 00:30:41,929 I mean, I don't care about this guy. He's not my dad. He... 472 00:30:41,929 --> 00:30:43,305 He didn't even know I was... 473 00:30:43,973 --> 00:30:46,100 He... He's two years younger than me. 474 00:30:47,059 --> 00:30:50,896 But he is my father, and he can make legal decisions as my father. 475 00:30:50,896 --> 00:30:52,856 He could sign off on early upload. 476 00:30:52,856 --> 00:30:54,775 Your mom would fight that in court. 477 00:30:54,775 --> 00:30:57,444 Dave, why be in such a rush? 478 00:30:57,444 --> 00:31:00,656 In another year, you're 21, and you can choose for yourself. 479 00:31:00,656 --> 00:31:03,242 - Why don't you just-- - Think what you do in a year. 480 00:31:06,120 --> 00:31:08,122 This world is dead. 481 00:31:08,122 --> 00:31:11,208 No one uses our robots anymore. No one wants to come down here. 482 00:31:12,251 --> 00:31:15,212 And the Cloud moves too fast now. No one there wants to slow down. 483 00:31:16,422 --> 00:31:18,632 I know how slow I seem to you. 484 00:31:18,632 --> 00:31:23,095 And that delegation Mom's part of, they know they're extinct. 485 00:31:23,095 --> 00:31:26,098 They're fossils, and they're angry about it. 486 00:31:26,098 --> 00:31:27,099 They won't admit it. 487 00:31:27,099 --> 00:31:29,810 They condemn the terrorists, but it's the same anger 488 00:31:29,810 --> 00:31:32,187 those assholes who bombed the data center have. 489 00:31:32,187 --> 00:31:34,773 Do you miss that? Do you miss anger? 490 00:31:37,401 --> 00:31:38,694 I've waited long enough. 491 00:31:52,374 --> 00:31:54,460 I have to hand it to you, 492 00:31:54,460 --> 00:31:56,503 that was a long way to go to get me here. 493 00:31:57,296 --> 00:31:58,255 So? 494 00:31:59,006 --> 00:32:00,966 This was not what I wanted. 495 00:32:02,051 --> 00:32:03,302 I ran out of time. 496 00:32:03,802 --> 00:32:04,970 Imagine that. 497 00:32:05,804 --> 00:32:08,182 Our shared world is on the brink of war, 498 00:32:08,182 --> 00:32:11,352 and diplomacy has broken down on both sides. 499 00:32:12,061 --> 00:32:15,397 If we, as a family, can't talk to one another, 500 00:32:15,397 --> 00:32:16,482 what hope is there for-- 501 00:32:16,482 --> 00:32:17,900 Family is built on trust. 502 00:32:17,900 --> 00:32:20,819 You've been lying to me for 20 years. 503 00:32:20,819 --> 00:32:21,904 It wasn't a lie. 504 00:32:21,904 --> 00:32:23,781 "He's gone. I'm sorry." 505 00:32:23,781 --> 00:32:25,741 That was the exact wording of your lie. 506 00:32:25,741 --> 00:32:28,160 I didn't want to get your hopes up. 507 00:32:28,786 --> 00:32:30,829 I didn't know if I could save him. 508 00:32:31,705 --> 00:32:33,499 And I still don't. 509 00:32:33,499 --> 00:32:37,127 Yeah, well, apparently, there's still bits of SafeSurf in me. 510 00:32:37,127 --> 00:32:38,337 More than bits. 511 00:32:39,421 --> 00:32:42,174 He has corrupted sections fused with antiviral. 512 00:32:42,800 --> 00:32:44,218 - The faster he moves-- - Oh, bullshit. 513 00:32:44,218 --> 00:32:46,887 You can swap his corrupted code with code from any other UI. 514 00:32:46,887 --> 00:32:49,640 That will end him, his identity. 515 00:32:49,640 --> 00:32:51,892 He won't be Caspian anymore. 516 00:32:51,892 --> 00:32:54,061 He won't even remember who he was. 517 00:32:54,061 --> 00:32:57,022 So, why did you wake me up if you knew there was no other way? 518 00:32:57,022 --> 00:33:01,944 Because a hundred million souls died in the Covilha bombing. 519 00:33:01,944 --> 00:33:03,529 Because I ran out of time. 520 00:33:04,613 --> 00:33:06,782 And because there is another way. 521 00:33:10,160 --> 00:33:11,036 No. 522 00:33:11,036 --> 00:33:12,037 Yes. 523 00:33:12,538 --> 00:33:16,208 Dave is the only person on Earth who carries Caspian's genes. 524 00:33:16,208 --> 00:33:19,294 His UI would be the only one with matching code, 525 00:33:19,920 --> 00:33:22,881 and there would be no consequence for him to donate. 526 00:33:22,881 --> 00:33:27,302 There are still people who consider physical death a consequence. 527 00:33:27,302 --> 00:33:30,264 - I'm one of them. - And your son is not. 528 00:33:30,264 --> 00:33:32,850 - Shouldn't his choice matter? - What about my choice? 529 00:33:34,059 --> 00:33:35,769 Or did you forget I made one? 530 00:33:35,769 --> 00:33:39,189 I knew the merge would kill me, and I was fine with that. 531 00:33:39,189 --> 00:33:41,275 No, you weren't. 532 00:33:41,275 --> 00:33:43,485 Oh, really? You know what I was thinking? 533 00:33:44,987 --> 00:33:47,030 I know everything about you... 534 00:33:48,699 --> 00:33:50,242 everything you've ever thought... 535 00:33:51,577 --> 00:33:53,328 everything you've ever felt. 536 00:33:56,790 --> 00:33:58,709 I've sifted through your dreams... 537 00:34:01,086 --> 00:34:02,796 picked through your pain. 538 00:34:05,924 --> 00:34:08,177 I've seen the memories you've forgotten 539 00:34:08,177 --> 00:34:10,471 and the hopes you feared to hope. 540 00:34:13,348 --> 00:34:15,267 That's how I fell in love with you. 541 00:34:20,063 --> 00:34:23,692 It's why waking you up before I could heal you completely 542 00:34:23,692 --> 00:34:26,028 was the hardest thing I ever had to do. 543 00:34:26,904 --> 00:34:28,906 But I knew it was what you would have wanted, 544 00:34:28,906 --> 00:34:30,991 because it is the right thing... 545 00:34:33,076 --> 00:34:35,162 and because we're out of time. 546 00:35:08,695 --> 00:35:10,906 Trying to work things out, huh? 547 00:35:11,657 --> 00:35:12,616 David? 548 00:35:15,452 --> 00:35:17,120 I heard you got my daughter pregnant. 549 00:35:19,373 --> 00:35:20,749 Kidding. Kidding. 550 00:35:21,458 --> 00:35:22,668 Calm down. 551 00:35:23,418 --> 00:35:24,378 How are you... 552 00:35:25,629 --> 00:35:28,257 Your source code was completely deleted. 553 00:35:28,257 --> 00:35:30,133 It was, here. 554 00:35:30,843 --> 00:35:31,885 Yes. 555 00:35:31,885 --> 00:35:32,970 "Here." 556 00:35:33,720 --> 00:35:35,430 Where are you, then? 557 00:35:35,430 --> 00:35:37,516 From a place where things worked out... 558 00:35:38,183 --> 00:35:39,476 a little different. 559 00:35:40,310 --> 00:35:41,645 Look, I know that's vague, 560 00:35:41,645 --> 00:35:44,273 but I've never really had to explain it before. 561 00:35:45,148 --> 00:35:48,068 Probably because we try to avoid visits like this. 562 00:35:49,236 --> 00:35:53,031 So... Maddie doesn't know you're... 563 00:35:54,366 --> 00:35:55,325 here? 564 00:35:55,325 --> 00:35:57,911 Here, it's important for Maddie to know that I'm gone. 565 00:35:57,911 --> 00:36:00,622 If she chooses to upload, that may change, 566 00:36:01,373 --> 00:36:04,668 but it's a choice she has to make, or not. 567 00:36:06,044 --> 00:36:08,297 You have a choice to make as well. 568 00:36:10,924 --> 00:36:13,010 How can I speak for the entire uploaded world? 569 00:36:14,011 --> 00:36:15,220 I just got here. 570 00:36:15,762 --> 00:36:17,681 MIST can bring you up to speed. 571 00:36:17,681 --> 00:36:19,766 Which will pretty much kill me. 572 00:36:19,766 --> 00:36:20,893 And? 573 00:36:22,436 --> 00:36:23,395 And... 574 00:36:24,354 --> 00:36:27,190 And I used to think I was okay with dying, 575 00:36:28,025 --> 00:36:28,942 but... 576 00:36:29,776 --> 00:36:31,236 having actually done it... 577 00:36:31,862 --> 00:36:33,196 Sort of overrated? 578 00:36:36,241 --> 00:36:38,827 It's not a bad thing, wanting to hold on. 579 00:36:38,827 --> 00:36:39,828 It's human. 580 00:36:40,579 --> 00:36:42,664 But you can't stop the future. 581 00:36:44,666 --> 00:36:47,252 Does MIST know you're here? 582 00:36:47,252 --> 00:36:48,253 No. 583 00:36:48,754 --> 00:36:50,505 And in a moment, neither will you. 584 00:36:51,340 --> 00:36:53,383 But that won't change what's important. 585 00:36:54,551 --> 00:36:56,011 I have a choice to make. 586 00:37:01,767 --> 00:37:02,684 MIST. 587 00:37:06,021 --> 00:37:07,230 Was someone here? 588 00:37:09,608 --> 00:37:11,693 You asked for some time alone to think. 589 00:37:12,402 --> 00:37:14,863 No one knows about this server, so... 590 00:37:17,074 --> 00:37:18,158 Why do you ask? 591 00:37:22,079 --> 00:37:25,123 If I'm gonna speak to this council, I want a proper download. 592 00:37:25,123 --> 00:37:27,626 Everything there is to know, I need to know it. 593 00:37:28,335 --> 00:37:30,128 It'll accelerate the antiviral. 594 00:37:30,128 --> 00:37:31,964 What kind of damage will that do? 595 00:37:33,924 --> 00:37:35,550 Let's give Maddie some time. 596 00:37:36,551 --> 00:37:39,638 I think now that she understands it can save your life, 597 00:37:39,638 --> 00:37:42,140 she'll allow Dave to upload, and he can donate his... 598 00:37:44,518 --> 00:37:45,769 If he does... 599 00:37:46,561 --> 00:37:49,147 she'll be the last one in her family standing on Earth. 600 00:37:49,147 --> 00:37:52,025 She'll be alone, and she knows it. 601 00:37:52,943 --> 00:37:54,569 She won't wanna let go. 602 00:37:54,569 --> 00:37:55,946 But she'll have to. 603 00:37:58,156 --> 00:38:00,534 In a year. We can't wait that long. 604 00:38:01,451 --> 00:38:03,036 I don't want to let you go. 605 00:38:05,038 --> 00:38:06,873 You brought me back to solve the impasse, 606 00:38:06,873 --> 00:38:09,001 because if I don't, more lives will be lost. 607 00:38:09,001 --> 00:38:12,045 So, tell me, how much time will I have left? 608 00:38:13,505 --> 00:38:14,464 A few days. 609 00:38:15,590 --> 00:38:16,675 Maybe a week. 610 00:38:41,742 --> 00:38:45,620 Dead machines screwed themselves by shutting the Internet down. 611 00:38:45,620 --> 00:38:48,749 Without your precious network, you never saw us coming, huh? 612 00:38:48,749 --> 00:38:50,208 What are you doing? 613 00:38:50,876 --> 00:38:53,170 Starting a war with the Cloud? 614 00:38:53,170 --> 00:38:54,838 We need them. 615 00:38:54,838 --> 00:38:57,257 You're a disgrace to the human race. 616 00:39:31,041 --> 00:39:33,293 Human. 617 00:39:34,294 --> 00:39:35,670 Unfortunately. 618 00:39:37,130 --> 00:39:39,049 I see you've been working out. 619 00:39:39,049 --> 00:39:40,509 Must be starving, though. 620 00:39:44,179 --> 00:39:46,431 3D optical memory drive. 621 00:39:46,431 --> 00:39:48,475 You should be able to fit in here 622 00:39:48,475 --> 00:39:50,769 until we can plug you into a data center... 623 00:39:52,270 --> 00:39:54,272 where we can get you something to eat.