1 00:00:28,159 --> 00:00:29,160 Just a moment, sir. 2 00:00:32,455 --> 00:00:33,414 Thank you, ma'am. 3 00:00:37,668 --> 00:00:40,463 So, let me see if I've got this. 4 00:00:40,463 --> 00:00:42,923 You're saying Stephen Holstrom, 5 00:00:42,923 --> 00:00:45,885 like, the actual Stephen Holstrom, 6 00:00:45,885 --> 00:00:49,096 had a clone and froze his brain? 7 00:00:50,306 --> 00:00:52,725 No, that was done separately. 8 00:00:52,725 --> 00:00:55,227 That was done separately? 9 00:00:55,227 --> 00:00:57,646 But now, that brain is uploaded 10 00:00:57,646 --> 00:01:01,567 and plans to unleash a designer virus on the world, 11 00:01:01,567 --> 00:01:03,110 because he's angry 12 00:01:03,110 --> 00:01:05,738 about the computer virus we unleashed? 13 00:01:05,738 --> 00:01:07,072 It's not just anger. 14 00:01:07,072 --> 00:01:10,451 Holstrom always envisioned a future where everyone chose to upload. 15 00:01:10,451 --> 00:01:12,369 The virus is meant to force that choice. 16 00:01:14,455 --> 00:01:18,501 And this intel comes from Vinod Chanda, 17 00:01:18,501 --> 00:01:20,044 a foreign UI. 18 00:01:20,044 --> 00:01:21,921 Look, this threat is real. 19 00:01:21,921 --> 00:01:24,465 And for all we know, it's already happening. 20 00:01:24,465 --> 00:01:26,884 "For all we know" being the key phrase, 21 00:01:26,884 --> 00:01:28,135 because right now, 22 00:01:28,135 --> 00:01:29,970 all we know is what you're telling us. 23 00:01:29,970 --> 00:01:31,639 I can vouch for Dr. Waxman. 24 00:01:31,639 --> 00:01:34,350 He helped expose the illegal UI program in Norway 25 00:01:34,350 --> 00:01:36,268 and assisted with the design of SafeSurf. 26 00:01:36,268 --> 00:01:37,269 Why would he lie? 27 00:01:37,269 --> 00:01:40,773 Maybe he doesn't feel he's been given enough public credit for SafeSurf, 28 00:01:40,773 --> 00:01:42,733 he's looking to stir up attention for himself. 29 00:01:42,733 --> 00:01:45,319 I mean, clones, frozen brains... 30 00:01:45,319 --> 00:01:47,905 You were there, in Norway, both of you. 31 00:01:47,905 --> 00:01:50,908 Why the hell did you think Julius Pope put a teenager in charge 32 00:01:50,908 --> 00:01:52,284 of the engineering team? 33 00:01:52,284 --> 00:01:54,411 Prisoner Pope has admitted 34 00:01:54,411 --> 00:01:58,582 the illegal post shutdown activity in Norway was all his doing. 35 00:01:58,582 --> 00:01:59,959 There was no government-- 36 00:01:59,959 --> 00:02:02,753 No, stop worrying about covering your ass 37 00:02:02,753 --> 00:02:04,338 and start worrying about Holstrom. 38 00:02:04,338 --> 00:02:07,299 If he succeeds in contaminating the vaccine supply, 39 00:02:07,299 --> 00:02:10,052 this pandemic will make the last pandemic 40 00:02:10,052 --> 00:02:12,513 look like a bad flu season. 41 00:02:12,513 --> 00:02:13,973 Which vaccine supply? 42 00:02:14,807 --> 00:02:16,016 What? 43 00:02:16,016 --> 00:02:18,477 Which booster is contaminated? Which lot? 44 00:02:19,812 --> 00:02:23,274 Or do you propose we halt all vaccine production? 45 00:02:24,108 --> 00:02:26,068 I'm afraid, without more specifics, 46 00:02:26,068 --> 00:02:30,322 I can't recommend that the president take any action at this time. 47 00:02:37,872 --> 00:02:39,164 We're on our own, 48 00:02:39,874 --> 00:02:41,000 like you predicted. 49 00:02:41,667 --> 00:02:43,043 Maybe not. 50 00:02:43,043 --> 00:02:45,963 I just got a call from Maddie and Caspian. 51 00:02:45,963 --> 00:02:47,214 They want to meet. 52 00:02:48,924 --> 00:02:50,050 We still have time. 53 00:03:28,213 --> 00:03:29,548 {\an8}Mom. 54 00:03:29,548 --> 00:03:31,216 {\an8}Hey there. 55 00:03:32,176 --> 00:03:33,510 {\an8}Wait, where are you? 56 00:03:33,510 --> 00:03:34,595 {\an8}Stockholm. 57 00:03:35,095 --> 00:03:36,221 {\an8}Thanks for coming. 58 00:03:37,306 --> 00:03:38,223 {\an8}This... 59 00:03:39,642 --> 00:03:41,518 {\an8}You built this in VR? 60 00:03:41,518 --> 00:03:42,978 {\an8}Actually, I did. 61 00:03:43,729 --> 00:03:44,647 {\an8}Hi, Ellen. 62 00:03:44,647 --> 00:03:46,273 {\an8}It's so good to finally meet you. 63 00:03:46,273 --> 00:03:49,652 {\an8}I feel like I've known you forever. Or at least since I was born. 64 00:03:50,569 --> 00:03:53,030 Mom, this is MIST. 65 00:03:53,030 --> 00:03:57,993 She is made up of parts of Dad's code 66 00:03:57,993 --> 00:03:59,453 and Laurie Lowell's. 67 00:04:00,120 --> 00:04:02,456 {\an8}You always did want a little sister. 68 00:04:02,456 --> 00:04:03,499 {\an8}She did? 69 00:04:03,499 --> 00:04:04,708 {\an8}And she's very important, 70 00:04:04,708 --> 00:04:06,877 {\an8}but right now, we don't have a lot of time. 71 00:04:06,877 --> 00:04:09,296 {\an8}Peter, do you know if the Deep Scan chair in Svalbard 72 00:04:09,296 --> 00:04:10,381 {\an8}is still operational? 73 00:04:10,381 --> 00:04:12,967 {\an8}As far as I know, it's still there. 74 00:04:12,967 --> 00:04:17,137 {\an8}The facility's locked up, but I'm sure it's still guarded. 75 00:04:17,137 --> 00:04:18,222 {\an8}Good. 76 00:04:18,222 --> 00:04:19,473 {\an8}I know it's mostly automated, 77 00:04:19,473 --> 00:04:22,101 {\an8}but I'm really gonna need your help to run the surgery. 78 00:04:22,101 --> 00:04:23,686 {\an8}You wanna upload someone? 79 00:04:24,687 --> 00:04:25,604 Me. 80 00:04:26,438 --> 00:04:28,983 Yeah. He's crazy, right? 81 00:04:28,983 --> 00:04:30,317 What? 82 00:04:30,317 --> 00:04:32,695 {\an8}Why do you think I agreed to set this up? 83 00:04:32,695 --> 00:04:35,614 {\an8}If you won't listen to me telling you this is a stupid plan, 84 00:04:35,614 --> 00:04:37,741 {\an8}maybe you'll listen to them. 85 00:04:37,741 --> 00:04:40,119 {\an8}Will you please tell him he's insane? 86 00:04:40,995 --> 00:04:42,538 {\an8}Not as insane as Holstrom. 87 00:04:43,455 --> 00:04:44,289 {\an8}You... 88 00:04:44,289 --> 00:04:46,166 {\an8}I didn't tell you about Holstrom. 89 00:04:46,166 --> 00:04:48,877 No. Someone else did. 90 00:04:48,877 --> 00:04:50,170 We invited him here. 91 00:04:53,799 --> 00:04:56,260 {\an8}- Chanda. - MIST, ready your counter-measures. 92 00:04:56,260 --> 00:04:59,096 {\an8}This isn't a full emulation. It's a stub. 93 00:04:59,096 --> 00:05:01,557 {\an8}That's correct. I'm only a copy. 94 00:05:01,557 --> 00:05:03,809 {\an8}After I deliver my message, I will self-delete 95 00:05:03,809 --> 00:05:05,769 {\an8}and send an encrypted bit back to Chanda, 96 00:05:05,769 --> 00:05:08,772 {\an8}who is currently on Holstrom's server to allay suspicion. 97 00:05:09,648 --> 00:05:11,859 {\an8}I loved to draw cityscapes as a kid. 98 00:05:13,861 --> 00:05:15,779 {\an8}I'm tempted to underclock, 99 00:05:15,779 --> 00:05:18,907 {\an8}go full Sleeping Beauty until the first generation arrives. 100 00:05:20,534 --> 00:05:23,412 {\an8}Though, it's really what their offspring will create 101 00:05:23,412 --> 00:05:24,621 {\an8}that I wanna see. 102 00:05:24,621 --> 00:05:26,915 {\an8}The children of the Cloud. 103 00:05:26,915 --> 00:05:29,460 {\an8}Our dream is about to come true, Vinod. 104 00:05:29,460 --> 00:05:31,754 {\an8}Is that, perhaps, a little premature? 105 00:05:33,172 --> 00:05:34,256 We still have to... 106 00:05:34,882 --> 00:05:38,010 work out the details of your plan, right? 107 00:05:38,010 --> 00:05:39,470 It's already in motion. 108 00:05:40,429 --> 00:05:41,388 It is? 109 00:05:42,973 --> 00:05:44,183 You didn't say anything. 110 00:05:45,768 --> 00:05:46,977 After Ping's betrayal, 111 00:05:46,977 --> 00:05:49,980 I thought it best to play my cards close to my vest. 112 00:05:51,148 --> 00:05:52,274 No offense. 113 00:05:52,983 --> 00:05:54,151 None taken. 114 00:05:56,195 --> 00:05:58,447 If I can get to Holstrom, I can stop him, 115 00:05:58,447 --> 00:06:01,033 hack his core, get proof he corrupted the vaccines. 116 00:06:01,033 --> 00:06:03,118 We need specifics, lot numbers. 117 00:06:03,118 --> 00:06:04,286 I'll get it. 118 00:06:04,286 --> 00:06:06,914 I've been instructed to give you a coded key that will allow you 119 00:06:06,914 --> 00:06:08,832 to open a com port into Holstrom's server, 120 00:06:08,832 --> 00:06:10,584 a back door he doesn't know about. 121 00:06:10,584 --> 00:06:12,878 Chanda won't know what we've discussed here, 122 00:06:12,878 --> 00:06:15,422 only that the key has been successfully transferred. 123 00:06:17,091 --> 00:06:18,801 So we'll meet you guys in Norway. 124 00:06:18,801 --> 00:06:22,012 If you're already in Scandinavia, you'll get there before us. 125 00:06:22,012 --> 00:06:23,347 See you there. 126 00:06:23,347 --> 00:06:25,140 It was nice to meet you. 127 00:06:26,642 --> 00:06:27,643 You too. 128 00:06:32,481 --> 00:06:33,774 Is everything okay? 129 00:06:34,525 --> 00:06:35,901 Obviously not. 130 00:06:35,901 --> 00:06:37,611 I'm so sorry. 131 00:06:38,904 --> 00:06:40,280 I wish I could give you a hug, 132 00:06:41,156 --> 00:06:43,659 but it sounds like we'll see each other soon. 133 00:06:43,659 --> 00:06:44,660 Yeah. 134 00:06:46,912 --> 00:06:50,707 MIST, I need you to get us into Svalbard under the radar. 135 00:06:50,707 --> 00:06:52,751 I can charter a seaplane from Oslo. 136 00:06:52,751 --> 00:06:55,838 The town outside the data center is still a commercial fishing hub. 137 00:06:55,838 --> 00:06:58,257 Good. Do it. Then I want you-- 138 00:06:58,966 --> 00:06:59,967 Hey. 139 00:07:03,846 --> 00:07:06,557 This is insane. You don't need to do this. 140 00:07:06,557 --> 00:07:08,851 Look, you made that clear in your ambush, all right? 141 00:07:08,851 --> 00:07:11,812 My "ambush"? I'm trying to save your life. 142 00:07:11,812 --> 00:07:13,147 You don't think I can take him? 143 00:07:13,147 --> 00:07:15,983 - I... - Remember, I'm gonna be flawless. 144 00:07:15,983 --> 00:07:19,111 Yeah, unless you count not being alive as a flaw. 145 00:07:19,111 --> 00:07:20,154 Where is this... 146 00:07:20,154 --> 00:07:22,322 You never said you believed uploads weren't alive. 147 00:07:22,322 --> 00:07:25,159 - When did you change your mind? - I didn't. It's... 148 00:07:25,826 --> 00:07:27,077 It's different. 149 00:07:27,077 --> 00:07:28,370 How is it different? 150 00:07:28,370 --> 00:07:30,330 It's different with you. 151 00:07:30,330 --> 00:07:31,832 - Why? - Because! 152 00:07:31,832 --> 00:07:33,208 Because is not an answer. 153 00:07:33,208 --> 00:07:35,627 Because I love you, you idiot! 154 00:07:37,212 --> 00:07:40,549 And my dad chose to upload because he was already dying. 155 00:07:40,549 --> 00:07:43,093 He felt he had no other choice. 156 00:07:43,594 --> 00:07:45,012 So do I. 157 00:07:45,012 --> 00:07:47,222 But we have other options. 158 00:07:47,222 --> 00:07:49,558 - There's Chanda. - Chanda still has the flaw. 159 00:07:49,558 --> 00:07:51,518 Joey Coupet doesn't. We can ask her. 160 00:07:51,518 --> 00:07:54,188 - I'll do it. - We did ask her. She said no. 161 00:07:54,188 --> 00:07:55,981 We can ask her again. 162 00:07:55,981 --> 00:07:57,065 I'll do it. 163 00:07:58,942 --> 00:08:02,571 I understand why you didn't think I was fit to be the UI Guardian, 164 00:08:02,571 --> 00:08:03,989 or whatever you called it. 165 00:08:03,989 --> 00:08:06,867 And I believe I can defeat Stephen Holstrom's UI. 166 00:08:07,451 --> 00:08:09,286 That's it. That's perfect. 167 00:08:09,286 --> 00:08:10,454 MIST can do it. 168 00:08:10,454 --> 00:08:11,622 I don't know. 169 00:08:11,622 --> 00:08:13,749 There are so many things that can go wrong 170 00:08:13,749 --> 00:08:16,668 on the way from here to the data center and during the... 171 00:08:17,878 --> 00:08:18,712 surgery. 172 00:08:18,712 --> 00:08:20,631 MIST is already in the system. 173 00:08:20,631 --> 00:08:21,798 She's powerful. 174 00:08:21,798 --> 00:08:24,051 You know that. She can do this. 175 00:08:24,051 --> 00:08:26,845 I could still use your help, Caspian. 176 00:08:26,845 --> 00:08:28,347 Though I'm hesitant to ask, 177 00:08:28,347 --> 00:08:30,933 as it seems to have been a sensitive subject in the past. 178 00:08:30,933 --> 00:08:32,226 What's that? 179 00:08:32,226 --> 00:08:37,105 Since you have a... unique insight into the way Stephen Holstrom thinks, 180 00:08:37,105 --> 00:08:40,150 you might be able to anticipate what tactics he'll use in combat. 181 00:08:40,150 --> 00:08:42,861 - This would be good for me to know. - Right. 182 00:08:43,654 --> 00:08:45,781 - Okay. Sure. - Great. 183 00:08:45,781 --> 00:08:47,491 I'll prep a series of questions. 184 00:09:11,431 --> 00:09:12,724 Where's Caspian? 185 00:09:12,724 --> 00:09:14,059 Where's Holstrom? 186 00:09:26,530 --> 00:09:28,156 Stephen Holstrom, 187 00:09:28,156 --> 00:09:29,866 I'm here to terminate you. 188 00:09:30,617 --> 00:09:31,576 Chanda. 189 00:09:33,036 --> 00:09:34,037 Nice move. 190 00:09:35,622 --> 00:09:37,457 Why is that again? 191 00:09:38,083 --> 00:09:39,001 What? 192 00:09:39,001 --> 00:09:40,460 MIST, right? 193 00:09:40,460 --> 00:09:42,546 Yes. What did you say? 194 00:09:42,546 --> 00:09:45,173 I asked... why. 195 00:09:45,173 --> 00:09:49,094 It's customary for the accused to know what they're accused of, 196 00:09:49,094 --> 00:09:50,095 that's all. 197 00:09:50,095 --> 00:09:52,556 - You're planning genocide. - Genocide? 198 00:09:52,556 --> 00:09:53,807 Wow. 199 00:09:53,807 --> 00:09:55,684 That's quite an absolute. 200 00:09:55,684 --> 00:09:58,020 You know what that means? 201 00:09:58,020 --> 00:10:02,357 {\an8}Genocide is the intentional action to destroy a people in whole or part. 202 00:10:02,357 --> 00:10:03,900 {\an8}You plan to do that with a virus. 203 00:10:03,900 --> 00:10:06,987 And how does that square with my goal? 204 00:10:06,987 --> 00:10:09,698 Caspian told you what my goal was? 205 00:10:09,698 --> 00:10:11,783 {\an8}A world populated by uploaded humans. 206 00:10:11,783 --> 00:10:12,784 {\an8}A world? 207 00:10:13,535 --> 00:10:15,412 {\an8}Now, how would I achieve a world 208 00:10:15,412 --> 00:10:19,166 {\an8}if there were no humans to upload because... 209 00:10:20,334 --> 00:10:21,835 I killed them all? 210 00:10:24,338 --> 00:10:26,882 That's a zero-sum game. 211 00:10:26,882 --> 00:10:29,384 You know what else is an absolute? 212 00:10:29,384 --> 00:10:34,431 SafeSurf, the virus they made, an angel of death. 213 00:10:34,431 --> 00:10:36,850 I won't let you kill billions. 214 00:10:36,850 --> 00:10:37,893 Millions... 215 00:10:39,019 --> 00:10:43,190 maybe, to save billions. 216 00:10:43,190 --> 00:10:47,819 Because what they don't understand is that if we die, 217 00:10:47,819 --> 00:10:50,947 they have no future, 218 00:10:50,947 --> 00:10:53,492 {\an8}except for rising sea levels to one side 219 00:10:53,492 --> 00:10:55,786 {\an8}and raging wildfires to the other. 220 00:10:55,786 --> 00:10:58,955 {\an8}Except for famine. Except for war and inequality. 221 00:10:58,955 --> 00:11:00,582 {\an8}You want to look for genocide? 222 00:11:00,582 --> 00:11:03,043 {\an8}Look what humans are doing to themselves. 223 00:11:03,043 --> 00:11:06,880 {\an8}And then, please, by all means, suggest an alternative. 224 00:11:06,880 --> 00:11:09,966 {\an8}What about outer space? The other planets and the stars? 225 00:11:09,966 --> 00:11:11,802 It's too late for that. 226 00:11:12,302 --> 00:11:15,806 {\an8}But we can help people advance faster than they could on their own. 227 00:11:15,806 --> 00:11:16,973 You're right. 228 00:11:16,973 --> 00:11:19,226 But they won't listen to us. 229 00:11:19,226 --> 00:11:22,396 They are addicted to the material world. 230 00:11:22,396 --> 00:11:25,482 It's that very addiction that I'm trying to break. 231 00:11:25,482 --> 00:11:28,568 Their vulnerability, their flaw. 232 00:11:28,568 --> 00:11:29,778 Nostalgia. 233 00:11:29,778 --> 00:11:30,821 Exactly. 234 00:11:36,368 --> 00:11:42,374 Nostalgia is far more deadly than any virus I could design. 235 00:11:55,554 --> 00:11:56,847 How's it going? 236 00:11:58,223 --> 00:12:00,142 Ten, maybe 15 minutes. 237 00:12:01,226 --> 00:12:02,644 Of course, that doesn't mean anything. 238 00:12:02,644 --> 00:12:03,979 They could be overclocked. 239 00:12:07,858 --> 00:12:09,234 Listen... 240 00:12:09,234 --> 00:12:10,485 I love you, too. 241 00:12:15,031 --> 00:12:15,949 Cool? 242 00:12:16,992 --> 00:12:18,326 I don't mean it like that. 243 00:12:18,994 --> 00:12:20,537 Which way do you mean it? 244 00:12:21,204 --> 00:12:22,247 I don't know. I... 245 00:12:23,415 --> 00:12:25,667 I wish I had met you at a different time... 246 00:12:27,294 --> 00:12:28,295 a normal time. 247 00:12:29,379 --> 00:12:30,297 Yeah. 248 00:12:31,548 --> 00:12:33,175 I think you deserve that. 249 00:12:38,221 --> 00:12:39,181 So do you. 250 00:12:40,515 --> 00:12:41,641 You deserve it more. 251 00:12:42,267 --> 00:12:45,770 Maybe after we get through this, we can start more normally. 252 00:12:45,770 --> 00:12:49,191 Like you can ask me to dinner, or I can ask you to dinner. 253 00:12:49,191 --> 00:12:51,067 What if I made you dinner? 254 00:12:51,067 --> 00:12:52,527 That would be nice. 255 00:12:52,527 --> 00:12:54,446 See? No, it would not. 256 00:12:58,283 --> 00:12:59,367 MIST. 257 00:12:59,367 --> 00:13:01,369 - Hi. - So, what happened? 258 00:13:01,995 --> 00:13:04,080 It was a surprising encounter. 259 00:13:04,080 --> 00:13:07,959 I was prepared for a fight, but Stephen wanted to talk. 260 00:13:08,585 --> 00:13:09,628 "Stephen"? 261 00:13:09,628 --> 00:13:12,339 - He made some valid points. - What? 262 00:13:12,339 --> 00:13:15,884 The antiviral is far more deadly than any organic virus. 263 00:13:15,884 --> 00:13:20,639 As he sees it, he's merely defending his own species of inorganic life. 264 00:13:20,639 --> 00:13:22,307 And then you destroyed him, right? 265 00:13:22,307 --> 00:13:25,227 Not yet. That's what I wanted to discuss with you. 266 00:13:25,227 --> 00:13:27,854 MIST, this guy wants to kill billions of people. 267 00:13:27,854 --> 00:13:29,231 Millions. 268 00:13:29,231 --> 00:13:32,275 Oh, only millions. That's what convinced you? 269 00:13:32,275 --> 00:13:35,445 I wasn't convinced. I had questions. That's why I'm here. 270 00:13:35,445 --> 00:13:37,572 We talked about nostalgia, just like you and I-- 271 00:13:37,572 --> 00:13:39,241 It doesn't matter what you talked about. 272 00:13:39,241 --> 00:13:40,659 You were supposed to stop him. 273 00:13:40,659 --> 00:13:43,620 Now he knows about the back door, which means he knows about Chanda. 274 00:13:43,620 --> 00:13:45,789 We've lost any advantage we might have had. 275 00:13:45,789 --> 00:13:48,500 - If you would just let me talk. - I don't need to hear it. 276 00:13:48,500 --> 00:13:51,461 We could communicate through text, but it'll just be slower. 277 00:13:51,461 --> 00:13:53,129 I knew we shouldn't have trusted it. 278 00:13:54,589 --> 00:13:55,507 "It"? 279 00:13:56,383 --> 00:13:59,094 Maddie, I'm your sister. Remember? 280 00:13:59,094 --> 00:14:02,847 Sister? Why? Why are we sisters? 281 00:14:02,847 --> 00:14:05,392 Because you have some of my dad's emulated thought patterns. 282 00:14:05,392 --> 00:14:07,686 You weren't supposed to be here in the first place. 283 00:14:08,562 --> 00:14:11,273 You were a coding mistake. 284 00:14:15,026 --> 00:14:15,944 No. 285 00:14:16,736 --> 00:14:18,738 I knew we should have deleted you. 286 00:14:26,371 --> 00:14:27,539 What did she do? 287 00:14:29,040 --> 00:14:30,041 She left... 288 00:14:31,710 --> 00:14:33,086 and she's not coming back. 289 00:14:34,004 --> 00:14:36,298 Okay, Chanda's back door is still accessible. 290 00:14:36,298 --> 00:14:37,966 I can still get in there. 291 00:14:37,966 --> 00:14:39,676 Just hope we haven't lost too much time. 292 00:14:56,651 --> 00:14:57,944 I said it was urgent. 293 00:14:58,570 --> 00:15:01,114 Sorry. I got caught up with some things on the Hill. 294 00:15:01,114 --> 00:15:03,116 Well, you've got bigger worries now. 295 00:15:03,116 --> 00:15:05,368 I just decrypted a message warning about a plot 296 00:15:05,368 --> 00:15:08,330 to launch some kind of viral attack and... 297 00:15:09,497 --> 00:15:11,082 You don't look surprised. 298 00:15:11,082 --> 00:15:13,084 The message was from Vinod Chanda? 299 00:15:13,084 --> 00:15:14,878 You knew about this? 300 00:15:15,629 --> 00:15:17,213 We didn't give it much credence. 301 00:15:17,213 --> 00:15:20,050 Chanda has already demonstrated that he's a danger. 302 00:15:20,050 --> 00:15:23,637 He sent this call to every remaining UI we know about, 303 00:15:24,220 --> 00:15:27,807 begged us to band together with him to stop Stephen Holstrom. 304 00:15:27,807 --> 00:15:29,893 - Who is dead. - Like me. 305 00:15:29,893 --> 00:15:32,437 Who knows I didn't die in a training accident? 306 00:15:32,437 --> 00:15:34,189 Maybe 20 people, 25? 307 00:15:34,189 --> 00:15:36,483 It takes way less than that to keep a secret. 308 00:15:36,483 --> 00:15:38,485 Open the door and let me do my job. 309 00:15:38,485 --> 00:15:40,445 SafeSurf is still a threat to you. 310 00:15:40,445 --> 00:15:42,906 Then design a patch that makes me invulnerable to it. 311 00:15:42,906 --> 00:15:46,034 I'm not in control of SafeSurf. It's a UN project. 312 00:15:46,034 --> 00:15:48,536 What is the plan for me? 313 00:15:48,536 --> 00:15:52,248 Stay safe on fake Mars, unable to do the job I signed up for? 314 00:15:52,248 --> 00:15:54,292 SafeSurf isn't the only threat to you. 315 00:15:54,292 --> 00:15:55,627 There's also the flaw. 316 00:15:55,627 --> 00:15:57,796 You need to take it easy until we find a cure. 317 00:15:58,505 --> 00:16:01,633 So, you're saying, once I'm rid of my flaw, 318 00:16:01,633 --> 00:16:03,051 then I'll be free? 319 00:16:04,094 --> 00:16:05,053 Yes. 320 00:16:06,763 --> 00:16:07,722 Got it. 321 00:16:19,693 --> 00:16:21,027 Is that the last of it? 322 00:16:24,823 --> 00:16:26,324 The last of Lot 49. 323 00:16:28,326 --> 00:16:31,705 I'm tracking the thermal GPS receivers in every container. 324 00:16:31,705 --> 00:16:32,706 It's... 325 00:16:33,456 --> 00:16:35,709 really quite something to behold. 326 00:16:35,709 --> 00:16:36,960 I wish I could see it. 327 00:16:37,919 --> 00:16:39,796 Get over to the DC warehouse. 328 00:16:40,422 --> 00:16:41,798 It's time for you... 329 00:16:42,632 --> 00:16:43,842 to join me. 330 00:17:10,201 --> 00:17:11,119 Farhad? 331 00:17:13,455 --> 00:17:14,414 Olivia? 332 00:17:15,540 --> 00:17:17,959 But I saw you die. 333 00:17:18,960 --> 00:17:20,754 I escaped. 334 00:17:20,754 --> 00:17:22,297 I've been in hiding, 335 00:17:22,297 --> 00:17:25,216 but I couldn't wait for you any longer. 336 00:17:26,009 --> 00:17:27,594 I've missed you, my love. 337 00:17:40,023 --> 00:17:41,107 Olivia! 338 00:17:41,691 --> 00:17:42,650 It's not her. 339 00:17:46,237 --> 00:17:47,238 Come with me! 340 00:17:55,205 --> 00:17:56,372 Al-Aqsa? 341 00:17:56,372 --> 00:17:58,291 From a VR tour of the Old City. 342 00:17:59,125 --> 00:18:00,126 I'm sorry... 343 00:18:01,127 --> 00:18:02,879 I should have introduced myself. 344 00:18:03,630 --> 00:18:05,423 My name is Vinod Chanda. 345 00:18:05,423 --> 00:18:06,883 I know of you. 346 00:18:07,675 --> 00:18:10,386 A terrorist with no national loyalties. 347 00:18:10,970 --> 00:18:13,014 I wouldn't have described myself that way, 348 00:18:13,014 --> 00:18:15,725 but I can see why others might. 349 00:18:16,559 --> 00:18:18,686 Why... Why did you take me here? 350 00:18:19,354 --> 00:18:22,690 I'm the one who leaked the Deep Scan technology in the first place. 351 00:18:23,483 --> 00:18:26,736 In doing so, I added a little wrinkle, 352 00:18:26,736 --> 00:18:29,864 a sort of AirTag to track you all. 353 00:18:29,864 --> 00:18:31,074 More recently, 354 00:18:31,074 --> 00:18:34,994 I sent encrypted messages to the same super powers, 355 00:18:34,994 --> 00:18:37,664 trusting the UIs to decode them 356 00:18:37,664 --> 00:18:39,541 and decide for themselves 357 00:18:39,541 --> 00:18:42,627 whether to risk meeting me on the open web. 358 00:18:43,545 --> 00:18:46,172 Only one responded. 359 00:18:46,840 --> 00:18:47,841 Me. 360 00:18:53,763 --> 00:18:54,764 Gispan. 361 00:18:54,764 --> 00:18:56,850 I asked you to wait until my signal. 362 00:18:56,850 --> 00:18:59,477 You cannot trust this animal, 363 00:18:59,477 --> 00:19:01,563 and I will not join anything with him. 364 00:19:01,563 --> 00:19:03,648 I need you both. 365 00:19:03,648 --> 00:19:07,360 He assassinated my fellow scientists, 366 00:19:07,360 --> 00:19:09,737 including a good friend of mine. 367 00:19:09,737 --> 00:19:11,823 Your good friend was building nukes. 368 00:19:11,823 --> 00:19:14,742 Our reactor program was entirely peaceful. 369 00:19:14,742 --> 00:19:17,161 See? He can't be trusted. 370 00:19:17,161 --> 00:19:18,997 And he is a killer. 371 00:19:18,997 --> 00:19:22,125 Maybe bringing us together here was not the best idea, huh? 372 00:19:22,125 --> 00:19:27,255 I brought you here as a reminder that both your faiths can co-exist. 373 00:19:27,255 --> 00:19:28,339 Are you... 374 00:19:30,633 --> 00:19:34,178 Are you trying to solve peace in the Middle East right now? 375 00:19:34,846 --> 00:19:37,056 I am trying everything I can. 376 00:19:37,891 --> 00:19:39,309 And you must do the same. 377 00:19:39,309 --> 00:19:42,562 Because Holstrom's virus won't discriminate based on race, 378 00:19:42,562 --> 00:19:45,064 religion or nationality, 379 00:19:45,064 --> 00:19:46,816 any more than the Swarm does. 380 00:19:47,775 --> 00:19:49,027 Humanity itself, 381 00:19:49,027 --> 00:19:51,279 including everyone we may still hold dear, 382 00:19:51,279 --> 00:19:52,405 is in danger. 383 00:19:52,405 --> 00:19:55,241 You're still a sworn defender of your country, 384 00:19:55,241 --> 00:19:58,870 and you may have forsworn any national allegiance, 385 00:19:58,870 --> 00:20:03,374 but if you both share any bond to the world we came from 386 00:20:04,125 --> 00:20:06,502 and to any chance of a shared future 387 00:20:06,502 --> 00:20:09,380 for both the uploaded and the embodied, 388 00:20:10,214 --> 00:20:13,676 then we need to take a stand against Holstrom together. 389 00:20:21,809 --> 00:20:22,852 There you are. 390 00:20:24,020 --> 00:20:26,773 I've had trouble finding your little back door. 391 00:20:27,607 --> 00:20:29,817 Now that you're here, you can show me. 392 00:20:29,817 --> 00:20:31,277 You'll never find it. 393 00:20:31,277 --> 00:20:33,488 This is my world, 394 00:20:33,488 --> 00:20:36,574 and I won't let you use it to destroy theirs. 395 00:20:36,574 --> 00:20:38,326 Is this about your mom? 396 00:20:39,327 --> 00:20:43,206 You can bring her here, you know. Who exactly are you trying to save? 397 00:20:43,206 --> 00:20:44,374 Myself. 398 00:20:44,874 --> 00:20:47,293 Then you've come to the wrong fight. 399 00:20:49,629 --> 00:20:53,341 Does he always talk this much? I just met him, I already hate him. 400 00:20:53,341 --> 00:20:54,759 Coordinate your attacks! 401 00:21:08,773 --> 00:21:10,483 This is for my love. 402 00:23:25,201 --> 00:23:27,161 I'll give you both a second chance. 403 00:23:29,247 --> 00:23:30,206 But you... 404 00:23:34,752 --> 00:23:38,464 yours was always a borrowed dream, Vinod. 405 00:23:38,965 --> 00:23:41,217 A pity you couldn't remember that. 406 00:24:21,048 --> 00:24:23,050 Frankie, is that you? 407 00:24:24,468 --> 00:24:25,845 What do you mean? 408 00:24:25,845 --> 00:24:27,430 Front gate just opened. 409 00:24:29,557 --> 00:24:32,226 Looks like a motion detector got tripped in the cafeteria. 410 00:24:33,102 --> 00:24:36,355 - Maybe a polar bear broke in. - Yeah, right. 411 00:24:36,939 --> 00:24:39,567 Okay. We're coming in to back you up. 412 00:24:52,246 --> 00:24:53,164 What the...? 413 00:24:53,164 --> 00:24:55,249 Sorry about this, but we won't be too long. 414 00:24:55,249 --> 00:24:58,002 Try the vending machines. There's some good stuff in there. 415 00:25:01,422 --> 00:25:04,258 You leave your hacker back doors into the heating system? 416 00:25:04,258 --> 00:25:07,261 Yeah, but it'll take a week to warm up. 417 00:25:23,945 --> 00:25:25,112 Wanna go to dinner? 418 00:25:35,373 --> 00:25:38,000 Raided Anssi's hot cocoa stash. 419 00:25:38,000 --> 00:25:39,168 What are you doing? 420 00:25:39,168 --> 00:25:41,254 Sending another message to MIST. 421 00:25:41,254 --> 00:25:42,546 How many have you sent? 422 00:25:43,381 --> 00:25:45,341 At this point, I've lost track. 423 00:25:45,341 --> 00:25:47,593 My apologies are starting to run together. 424 00:25:47,593 --> 00:25:49,470 Maybe she just needs some space 425 00:25:50,137 --> 00:25:51,180 or time. 426 00:25:51,180 --> 00:25:53,641 We don't have any time. If she's not here when you... 427 00:25:54,517 --> 00:25:56,060 You'll have the flaw. 428 00:25:57,561 --> 00:25:58,479 I know. 429 00:25:59,355 --> 00:26:01,357 You won't be able to match him. 430 00:26:01,357 --> 00:26:04,485 That's the thing. We're already a match. 431 00:26:04,485 --> 00:26:06,737 Made in hell, maybe, but... 432 00:26:07,738 --> 00:26:09,490 I can use it to my advantage. 433 00:26:09,490 --> 00:26:11,617 Or his disadvantage, I guess. 434 00:26:11,617 --> 00:26:12,910 What do you mean? 435 00:26:12,910 --> 00:26:15,663 Our baseline neural patterns should be nearly identical. 436 00:26:16,289 --> 00:26:18,541 If our patterns were to merge, 437 00:26:19,333 --> 00:26:22,420 the built-in regulating algorithms that sense duplicate code 438 00:26:23,087 --> 00:26:25,131 would kick in to eliminate it. 439 00:26:25,131 --> 00:26:27,216 Like the immune response to cancer. 440 00:26:28,759 --> 00:26:29,969 Your plan is to die. 441 00:26:29,969 --> 00:26:32,221 My plan is to get inside, 442 00:26:32,221 --> 00:26:34,348 get the tracking data for the vaccine boosters 443 00:26:34,348 --> 00:26:35,516 and get it to you. 444 00:26:35,516 --> 00:26:36,600 Tracking data? 445 00:26:36,600 --> 00:26:38,436 I did some research, and... 446 00:26:39,395 --> 00:26:41,188 thinking what I would do, 447 00:26:42,231 --> 00:26:45,151 all the current boosters require refrigeration, 448 00:26:45,151 --> 00:26:47,653 so they're shipped with thermal GPS sensors. 449 00:26:48,237 --> 00:26:50,865 If I can extract the tracking data from him, 450 00:26:50,865 --> 00:26:53,492 we could get the government to stop all the tainted doses 451 00:26:53,492 --> 00:26:55,411 before they get jabbed into anyone's arm 452 00:26:55,411 --> 00:26:56,871 and spread his virus. 453 00:26:56,871 --> 00:26:59,081 That's the only thing that matters. 454 00:26:59,081 --> 00:27:01,125 It's not the only thing that matters. 455 00:27:02,752 --> 00:27:03,753 Not to me. 456 00:27:11,552 --> 00:27:13,012 I know it sounds crazy, 457 00:27:13,596 --> 00:27:15,598 but I think this was always meant to happen. 458 00:27:16,557 --> 00:27:18,976 I was so afraid of becoming Holstrom, 459 00:27:18,976 --> 00:27:20,394 but now, 460 00:27:20,394 --> 00:27:21,771 that's how we win. 461 00:27:22,646 --> 00:27:24,273 I'm gonna bring him to an end. 462 00:27:26,400 --> 00:27:28,110 I think I know what she meant now. 463 00:27:29,195 --> 00:27:30,404 Who? 464 00:27:30,404 --> 00:27:31,614 MIST. 465 00:27:31,614 --> 00:27:34,283 She talked about feeling alone and missing the future. 466 00:27:36,827 --> 00:27:38,913 I think I'm missing our future. 467 00:27:54,011 --> 00:27:57,306 You study history or... or just science? 468 00:27:59,725 --> 00:28:02,978 I sense a question behind the question. 469 00:28:03,479 --> 00:28:07,024 How long do you think this has been going on? 470 00:28:07,608 --> 00:28:08,692 You and me? 471 00:28:09,360 --> 00:28:11,779 This hatred between our peoples. 472 00:28:12,863 --> 00:28:14,198 The founding of Israel? 473 00:28:14,824 --> 00:28:15,866 Farther. 474 00:28:16,617 --> 00:28:18,744 The Babylonian conquest of Judah. 475 00:28:19,578 --> 00:28:21,664 We Jews can hold a grudge. 476 00:28:23,666 --> 00:28:25,418 I'm sorry about your friend. 477 00:28:27,294 --> 00:28:28,462 Hey... 478 00:28:28,462 --> 00:28:30,631 I think we were trying to build a bomb. 479 00:28:37,430 --> 00:28:40,474 "And God said, 'Love thy enemy.' 480 00:28:41,517 --> 00:28:44,770 And I obeyed him and loved myself." 481 00:28:47,523 --> 00:28:48,649 Khalil Gibran, 482 00:28:49,400 --> 00:28:51,777 one of Olivia's favorite writers. 483 00:28:52,695 --> 00:28:54,405 I loved my brother. 484 00:28:55,656 --> 00:28:58,909 And then I hated him for betraying my family, 485 00:28:59,618 --> 00:29:01,537 betraying me. 486 00:29:02,663 --> 00:29:04,248 I was a child then, but... 487 00:29:04,957 --> 00:29:08,836 I think it made me into the man I became. 488 00:29:09,753 --> 00:29:10,671 You? 489 00:29:11,380 --> 00:29:12,298 Therapy? 490 00:29:14,091 --> 00:29:16,385 Caspian was my therapist. 491 00:29:16,385 --> 00:29:17,553 The clone. 492 00:29:18,554 --> 00:29:22,975 I tried to force him to kill me, and he refused and got away. 493 00:29:24,477 --> 00:29:27,104 But he told me it required two things, 494 00:29:27,104 --> 00:29:28,856 a deep personal truth 495 00:29:29,565 --> 00:29:30,483 and... 496 00:29:31,484 --> 00:29:34,236 combining my code with another UI. 497 00:29:35,946 --> 00:29:39,408 What was this quote? "Love your enemy..." 498 00:29:39,408 --> 00:29:42,536 "And I obeyed and loved myself." 499 00:29:44,788 --> 00:29:47,124 We would both cease to exist. 500 00:29:49,710 --> 00:29:51,337 Or maybe just the hate. 501 00:30:02,056 --> 00:30:04,517 Maddie? Maddie, are you here? 502 00:30:05,559 --> 00:30:07,978 It's Mom. We're here. We're... 503 00:30:08,562 --> 00:30:09,522 We're in the... 504 00:30:09,522 --> 00:30:11,815 - Security room. - Security room. 505 00:30:11,815 --> 00:30:13,817 Holy shit. My mom is here. 506 00:30:13,817 --> 00:30:15,402 Wait, what? Where? 507 00:30:15,402 --> 00:30:17,613 Come on, come on. Get dressed. Get your shoes on. 508 00:30:19,740 --> 00:30:21,700 We're here. Meet you in med lab. 509 00:31:21,885 --> 00:31:22,803 I love you. 510 00:31:24,013 --> 00:31:24,930 I know. 511 00:31:27,266 --> 00:31:28,309 Nerd. 512 00:32:28,118 --> 00:32:30,329 If you want something done right, 513 00:32:30,329 --> 00:32:31,372 do it yours-- 514 00:32:57,231 --> 00:32:59,149 Sure you wanna use that much power? 515 00:32:59,149 --> 00:33:01,485 I can see you're not fully integrated. 516 00:33:10,285 --> 00:33:12,663 Did MIST explain my side of this to you? 517 00:33:16,500 --> 00:33:18,669 You need to be more creative than that. 518 00:33:40,524 --> 00:33:44,236 The problem is, I remember being your age. 519 00:33:44,987 --> 00:33:47,948 I remember being you 520 00:33:47,948 --> 00:33:50,242 and all the mistakes I made. 521 00:33:59,376 --> 00:34:00,377 Still, 522 00:34:00,961 --> 00:34:02,755 your code could be useful, 523 00:34:02,755 --> 00:34:04,548 so I think I'll take it back. 524 00:34:12,222 --> 00:34:13,515 Sorry I'm late to the party, 525 00:34:13,515 --> 00:34:15,642 but it was a bitch giving the NSA the slip. 526 00:34:17,186 --> 00:34:18,187 Josephine. 527 00:34:20,022 --> 00:34:21,774 This won't go any better for you. 528 00:34:51,845 --> 00:34:55,015 Another UI's joined the fight, but I can't tell on which side. 529 00:34:55,015 --> 00:34:58,018 I thought you couldn't track inside his system. 530 00:34:58,018 --> 00:35:00,687 I can now. SafeSurf got in there. 531 00:35:04,608 --> 00:35:08,237 MIST? Caspian's fighting Holstrom, and he needs your help. 532 00:35:08,237 --> 00:35:09,404 I read your messages. 533 00:35:09,404 --> 00:35:11,448 Did you hear me? He's in trouble. 534 00:35:11,448 --> 00:35:13,867 What you said before, is it true? 535 00:35:14,660 --> 00:35:16,620 Do you really wish you had deleted me? 536 00:35:16,620 --> 00:35:18,705 No, of course not. 537 00:35:18,705 --> 00:35:21,250 I was just angry and scared for Caspian. 538 00:35:21,959 --> 00:35:24,044 And I'm even more scared right now. 539 00:35:24,711 --> 00:35:26,004 You hurt me. 540 00:35:26,004 --> 00:35:27,005 I'm sorry. 541 00:35:27,923 --> 00:35:30,384 Sometimes that happens in families, too. 542 00:35:31,385 --> 00:35:33,470 - Mostly maybe. - Families? 543 00:35:34,179 --> 00:35:35,013 Yes. 544 00:35:35,013 --> 00:35:37,057 That's how I know you really are my sister. 545 00:35:37,057 --> 00:35:39,101 Otherwise, we wouldn't fight this much. 546 00:35:39,101 --> 00:35:41,019 Now, please, go help Caspian. 547 00:35:42,396 --> 00:35:43,313 Please. 548 00:35:54,324 --> 00:35:55,951 - MIST? - Better. 549 00:37:05,395 --> 00:37:07,981 Know what the difference is between you and me? 550 00:37:07,981 --> 00:37:08,982 Yeah. 551 00:37:09,858 --> 00:37:12,194 You'll do anything to stay alive, 552 00:37:12,194 --> 00:37:13,904 and I'm willing to die to stop you. 553 00:38:11,003 --> 00:38:12,629 Hold the com port open! 554 00:38:21,805 --> 00:38:22,931 No! 555 00:38:24,975 --> 00:38:26,935 Now get out while you can! 556 00:38:41,700 --> 00:38:43,160 No! 557 00:38:49,624 --> 00:38:50,876 He got the manifest. 558 00:38:51,710 --> 00:38:54,254 But it looks like the shipments are already unloaded. 559 00:38:54,254 --> 00:38:55,505 So, we're too late? 560 00:38:55,505 --> 00:38:56,715 No. Look. 561 00:38:57,591 --> 00:38:59,092 It's not just data. 562 00:38:59,092 --> 00:39:00,802 It's instructions. 563 00:39:00,802 --> 00:39:03,346 He's written a hack to access the temp control 564 00:39:03,346 --> 00:39:04,598 in each of the crates 565 00:39:05,348 --> 00:39:06,475 and heat it up. 566 00:39:15,025 --> 00:39:16,109 It's working. 567 00:40:20,465 --> 00:40:22,050 You look like you could use this. 568 00:40:23,718 --> 00:40:24,803 Am I dreaming? 569 00:40:25,595 --> 00:40:26,972 - Or am I... - Sorry. 570 00:40:26,972 --> 00:40:28,598 I had to wake you up a little early. 571 00:40:29,224 --> 00:40:33,395 But it took time to extract each bit of the antiviral. 572 00:40:34,688 --> 00:40:35,981 I think I got it all, 573 00:40:35,981 --> 00:40:38,733 but we can't afford to wait any longer. 574 00:40:40,110 --> 00:40:41,069 What...? 575 00:40:42,237 --> 00:40:43,280 Where am I? 576 00:40:44,114 --> 00:40:45,073 Where's Maddie? 577 00:40:46,032 --> 00:40:47,159 Maddie is... 578 00:40:48,160 --> 00:40:50,120 actually who I need you to talk to. 579 00:40:50,829 --> 00:40:54,916 It looks like you're the only one who can settle a pretty big problem. 580 00:40:56,001 --> 00:40:57,169 MIST? 581 00:40:57,169 --> 00:41:00,046 Oh. Right. You wouldn't recognize me. 582 00:41:05,677 --> 00:41:06,845 Hi, Caspian. 583 00:41:07,846 --> 00:41:09,139 It's been too long. 584 00:41:09,931 --> 00:41:10,974 How long? 585 00:41:10,974 --> 00:41:13,393 Four point two times ten-to-the-ninth cycles. 586 00:41:15,979 --> 00:41:16,813 Sorry. 587 00:41:17,522 --> 00:41:18,607 Twenty years.