1 00:00:06,429 --> 00:00:08,597 - Polyrhythms. - What? 2 00:00:08,597 --> 00:00:10,808 Multiple rhythms, different time signatures, 3 00:00:10,808 --> 00:00:12,518 superimposed over each other. 4 00:00:12,518 --> 00:00:15,354 It's why your head is bobbing to one beat and toes to another. 5 00:00:15,354 --> 00:00:17,148 All I know is it makes me wanna dance. 6 00:00:17,148 --> 00:00:18,065 Exactly. 7 00:00:18,065 --> 00:00:20,943 We don't perceive the differential, we just respond to it. 8 00:00:20,943 --> 00:00:24,071 But you can write an algorithm that quantifies the relationship. 9 00:00:24,071 --> 00:00:27,491 You are writing an algorithm to explain your favorite band again. 10 00:00:27,491 --> 00:00:30,995 Music's all math underneath, just like everything else. 11 00:00:31,620 --> 00:00:33,122 What about love? 12 00:00:33,122 --> 00:00:36,625 Polyrhythms require at least two rhythms to be played concurrently, 13 00:00:36,625 --> 00:00:39,879 one of which is typically an irrational rhythm. 14 00:00:39,879 --> 00:00:43,174 - So, there's your love. - You are so full of shit. 15 00:00:45,176 --> 00:00:46,635 Ah, Mozart! 16 00:00:47,845 --> 00:00:49,472 Used polyrhythms too. 17 00:00:49,472 --> 00:00:51,182 Not that my dad would know. 18 00:00:52,433 --> 00:00:55,311 - Won't you catch hell for that? - In 30 minutes, it won't matter. 19 00:00:55,311 --> 00:00:57,146 Emancipation day. 20 00:00:57,146 --> 00:01:00,649 At 18, I can make my own rules, choose my own name. 21 00:01:00,649 --> 00:01:05,070 I mean, I kinda like the old one, but at least you kept the "ph." 22 00:01:05,070 --> 00:01:07,573 Ready for an early birthday present? 23 00:01:16,207 --> 00:01:17,416 Supplies first. 24 00:01:18,417 --> 00:01:19,710 Chickenshit. 25 00:01:19,710 --> 00:01:22,004 Just hold that thought. 26 00:01:34,225 --> 00:01:36,852 - '67 Camaro, man. - What? 27 00:01:36,852 --> 00:01:40,356 My first time was in my dad's Z28. 28 00:01:40,356 --> 00:01:41,816 Bitchin' ride. 29 00:01:41,816 --> 00:01:45,861 But that four on the floor, dude, that was nearly a dealbreaker. 30 00:01:45,861 --> 00:01:47,071 Not my first time. 31 00:01:49,156 --> 00:01:50,825 {\an8}Dude, you 21? 32 00:01:50,825 --> 00:01:52,159 {\an8}Don't I look it? 33 00:01:52,159 --> 00:01:55,287 {\an8}Well, if it's fake, I guess that would explain the name. 34 00:01:55,287 --> 00:01:59,208 -"Phineas," huh? Right? - Not my first choice either. 35 00:02:04,129 --> 00:02:06,131 Holy shit, dude. 36 00:02:58,309 --> 00:02:59,935 Hey! Get away from there! 37 00:03:23,375 --> 00:03:24,293 Hey, kiddo. 38 00:03:56,700 --> 00:03:57,660 {\an8}What? 39 00:04:01,538 --> 00:04:04,166 {\an8}Hey. You get some sleep? That jetlag is-- 40 00:04:04,166 --> 00:04:06,543 {\an8}- They don't know, do they? - What? 41 00:04:06,543 --> 00:04:09,088 {\an8}The NSA, they don't know who you really are. 42 00:04:09,088 --> 00:04:11,090 {\an8}That's why Renee was threatening Pope. 43 00:04:11,090 --> 00:04:12,132 {\an8}Not here. 44 00:04:17,596 --> 00:04:19,723 Sorry. Proprietary technology. 45 00:04:24,520 --> 00:04:26,563 {\an8}This is where they keep all their latest R&D, 46 00:04:26,563 --> 00:04:28,899 {\an8}the pre-patent stuff they don't share with anyone. 47 00:04:28,899 --> 00:04:30,609 {\an8}All the tech is in the lenses. 48 00:04:30,609 --> 00:04:32,152 {\an8}Advanced AR, 8K recording, 49 00:04:32,152 --> 00:04:34,321 {\an8}triggered by the wearer's expressions. 50 00:04:34,321 --> 00:04:35,990 {\an8}Is this supposed to impress me? 51 00:04:37,533 --> 00:04:38,909 {\an8}Just put them on. 52 00:04:43,455 --> 00:04:47,501 {\an8}It's a digital interference pattern, blocks all electronic surveillance. 53 00:04:47,501 --> 00:04:49,003 {\an8}Guess I hit a nerve. 54 00:04:49,003 --> 00:04:52,631 {\an8}If you wanna out me, go ahead. It won't change my mind. 55 00:04:52,631 --> 00:04:54,717 {\an8}They'll shut you down, you and Pope. 56 00:04:54,717 --> 00:04:58,053 {\an8}They'll be pissed, but we're still their only shot. 57 00:04:58,053 --> 00:04:58,971 {\an8}And who knows? 58 00:04:58,971 --> 00:05:02,224 {\an8}They might think using Holstrom's clone to solve the flaw makes sense. 59 00:05:02,224 --> 00:05:03,642 It's good to be king, isn't it? 60 00:05:03,642 --> 00:05:05,853 Sit in the big chair, order your minions around. 61 00:05:05,853 --> 00:05:10,024 Only they're not your minions. They're Pope's. He's just using you. 62 00:05:10,024 --> 00:05:12,109 Maybe I'm using him to keep the NSA off my back. 63 00:05:12,109 --> 00:05:13,027 Come on. 64 00:05:13,027 --> 00:05:16,071 Pope knows I'm the only one who can crack Integrity. 65 00:05:16,071 --> 00:05:18,907 And David's the only one who can be trusted with that power. 66 00:05:18,907 --> 00:05:21,910 That's the secret that we're both protecting. 67 00:05:21,910 --> 00:05:25,080 The NSA doesn't want a savior, they want a superweapon. 68 00:05:26,582 --> 00:05:29,501 And my dad's definitely not the superweapon type. 69 00:05:33,172 --> 00:05:34,715 So, who is? 70 00:05:34,715 --> 00:05:35,966 What do you mean? 71 00:05:35,966 --> 00:05:38,677 The Russians have their UI. The Chinese have three. 72 00:05:38,677 --> 00:05:41,013 The NSA must have their own candidate for upload. 73 00:05:41,013 --> 00:05:44,141 Not just a candidate. They uploaded her. 74 00:05:44,141 --> 00:05:45,768 Her? Does she have a name? 75 00:05:46,977 --> 00:05:48,687 Yeah. Coupet. 76 00:05:49,438 --> 00:05:50,856 Josephine Coupet. 77 00:05:50,856 --> 00:05:53,776 - Hacker? Soldier? - Astronaut. 78 00:05:53,776 --> 00:05:57,571 Oh. Well, an astronaut sounds noble. 79 00:05:58,280 --> 00:06:03,035 - Why not give the cure to her? - I don't know her. I know your dad. 80 00:06:03,660 --> 00:06:05,954 What if you did know her? Have you even looked into-- 81 00:06:05,954 --> 00:06:08,248 I don't have time to get to know anyone. 82 00:06:08,248 --> 00:06:09,625 And I don't have to debate. 83 00:06:09,625 --> 00:06:13,545 World's coming back online, so are those other UIs. 84 00:06:17,674 --> 00:06:21,178 {\an8}Once again, the American people are being lied to. 85 00:06:21,178 --> 00:06:24,723 {\an8}This whole upload hysteria is a hoax, plain and simple. 86 00:06:24,723 --> 00:06:27,518 {\an8}What about the Saudi drone attack, the Nasdaq crash? 87 00:06:27,518 --> 00:06:30,187 {\an8}I'm not saying there weren't hacks. 88 00:06:30,187 --> 00:06:31,980 {\an8}America has enemies, 89 00:06:31,980 --> 00:06:34,399 {\an8}and they're all in the cyber game now. 90 00:06:34,399 --> 00:06:36,527 {\an8}But the real enemy, Senator Rivera, 91 00:06:36,527 --> 00:06:40,322 {\an8}who brought in this housewife from California, Ellen Kim, 92 00:06:40,322 --> 00:06:44,034 {\an8}to scare us with more tall tales of tech companies run amuck 93 00:06:44,034 --> 00:06:47,287 {\an8}and the cloud people lobbing nukes at us. 94 00:06:47,287 --> 00:06:49,248 {\an8}A nuke did detonate over the Pacific. 95 00:06:49,248 --> 00:06:52,835 {\an8}Right, if you buy that shaky footage on Twitter. 96 00:06:52,835 --> 00:06:54,795 {\an8}You mean that didn't convince you? 97 00:06:56,338 --> 00:06:57,756 {\an8}See what we're up against? 98 00:06:57,756 --> 00:06:59,883 My esteemed colleagues across the aisle 99 00:06:59,883 --> 00:07:02,553 have latched on to this UI-hoax angle. 100 00:07:02,553 --> 00:07:04,388 They're carpet-bombing the talk shows, 101 00:07:04,388 --> 00:07:05,931 tarring us both as liars. 102 00:07:05,931 --> 00:07:08,976 But everyone's seen Laurie's message. 103 00:07:08,976 --> 00:07:11,645 I mean, I thought these guys would be the first to believe 104 00:07:11,645 --> 00:07:13,230 there's ghosts in the machine. 105 00:07:13,230 --> 00:07:14,731 It's just politics. 106 00:07:14,731 --> 00:07:16,233 Sharff, and senators like him, 107 00:07:16,233 --> 00:07:19,027 want the Internet back online, right now, no matter what. 108 00:07:19,027 --> 00:07:21,530 "Cure is worse than the disease," and all that. 109 00:07:24,116 --> 00:07:26,994 Fortunately... we may have caught a break. 110 00:07:27,828 --> 00:07:30,414 Thanks to your testimony, the military's finally agreed 111 00:07:30,414 --> 00:07:32,124 to cough up Peter Waxman. 112 00:07:33,667 --> 00:07:35,878 - Where were they holding him? - I don't know. 113 00:07:35,878 --> 00:07:38,297 I also don't know if we can count on him. 114 00:07:38,297 --> 00:07:41,258 Are you sure he'll back up your claims? 115 00:07:41,258 --> 00:07:42,926 Yeah, he already has. 116 00:07:42,926 --> 00:07:44,303 Not under oath. 117 00:07:45,262 --> 00:07:47,097 I've known him for over 20 years. 118 00:07:47,097 --> 00:07:49,933 I know what he risked by exposing Logorhythms. 119 00:07:51,059 --> 00:07:54,479 Trust me... you can count on him. 120 00:08:06,491 --> 00:08:10,537 Did you know salmon is Norway's second largest export after oil? 121 00:08:10,537 --> 00:08:12,080 They should export more of it. 122 00:08:15,083 --> 00:08:17,419 I want you to know, I didn't choose to be here. 123 00:08:17,419 --> 00:08:19,796 After I went public at the Logorhythms protest, 124 00:08:19,796 --> 00:08:22,591 the military basically renditioned me to Norway. 125 00:08:24,635 --> 00:08:27,554 You know there's a "Where's Waxman?" meme back in the States? 126 00:08:27,554 --> 00:08:28,472 Really? 127 00:08:28,472 --> 00:08:30,974 People figure the government had you disappeared, 128 00:08:30,974 --> 00:08:33,018 either dead or dropped in a hole. 129 00:08:33,018 --> 00:08:35,103 Not dining on salmon, helping the NSA 130 00:08:35,103 --> 00:08:37,731 perfect the uploaded threats you warned about. 131 00:08:37,731 --> 00:08:39,233 - They forced me-- - Bullshit. 132 00:08:43,153 --> 00:08:45,364 Unlike you, who's here by choice. 133 00:08:45,364 --> 00:08:48,033 - To set my father to rest. - Bullshit. 134 00:08:51,370 --> 00:08:53,580 So, we're gonna be real with each other now? 135 00:08:53,580 --> 00:08:55,123 We're in a frozen nowhere, 136 00:08:55,123 --> 00:08:57,376 in a secret facility no one knows exists, 137 00:08:57,376 --> 00:08:59,336 so... why not? 138 00:08:59,336 --> 00:09:02,839 There's really no part of you that wants to see David again? 139 00:09:02,839 --> 00:09:05,884 You go first. Josephine Coupet. 140 00:09:07,719 --> 00:09:09,346 What do you wanna know? 141 00:09:09,346 --> 00:09:11,431 - Why do you-- - Caspian wants to make a god. 142 00:09:11,431 --> 00:09:14,268 He thinks the first flawless UI should be a flawless person. 143 00:09:14,268 --> 00:09:17,145 He thinks David's the only one who fits the definition. 144 00:09:17,145 --> 00:09:20,023 Oh, maybe I should tell him some of our college stories. 145 00:09:20,023 --> 00:09:21,066 Like what? 146 00:09:21,942 --> 00:09:23,694 Yeah, actually, don't tell me. 147 00:09:25,404 --> 00:09:27,906 - Joey. - What? 148 00:09:27,906 --> 00:09:30,409 That's what she goes by, not Josephine. 149 00:09:30,409 --> 00:09:31,576 Is she here? 150 00:09:31,576 --> 00:09:33,996 Secure server near DC. 151 00:09:33,996 --> 00:09:36,957 You can imagine, she's not happy with the circumstances. 152 00:09:36,957 --> 00:09:40,627 Giving up your body, only to learn your mind is gonna decay. 153 00:09:40,627 --> 00:09:42,212 Yeah, that'd piss me off. 154 00:09:42,212 --> 00:09:44,423 She knew about the flaw before she uploaded. 155 00:09:44,423 --> 00:09:45,674 I briefed her on it. 156 00:09:45,674 --> 00:09:47,759 And she volunteered anyway? 157 00:09:47,759 --> 00:09:51,054 Way she saw it, it was just another obstacle to overcome. 158 00:09:52,097 --> 00:09:54,099 Do you think I could talk to her or something? 159 00:09:54,099 --> 00:09:55,517 Glad you two are catching up. 160 00:09:56,310 --> 00:09:57,477 Salmon's good, right? 161 00:09:59,146 --> 00:10:00,439 Need you in my office. 162 00:10:01,565 --> 00:10:06,361 "We keep you alive to row this ship. Row well and live." 163 00:10:10,866 --> 00:10:12,659 Ellen Kim testified? 164 00:10:12,659 --> 00:10:15,203 - She went on the record. - And now, it's your turn. 165 00:10:15,203 --> 00:10:17,205 So, let me give you three words of advice. 166 00:10:17,205 --> 00:10:21,335 Deny, disclaim, disavow. 167 00:10:21,335 --> 00:10:22,753 Excuse me? 168 00:10:22,753 --> 00:10:26,298 After your testimony, you will be escorted directly back on the plane, 169 00:10:26,298 --> 00:10:29,217 which will take you directly back here. 170 00:10:29,217 --> 00:10:33,388 - We will complete this mission. - You're telling me to commit perjury. 171 00:10:33,388 --> 00:10:36,433 I'm telling you that if you support her claims in any way, 172 00:10:36,433 --> 00:10:38,685 you'll spend the rest of your life in a cube 173 00:10:38,685 --> 00:10:40,562 a lot smaller than this one. 174 00:10:40,562 --> 00:10:41,646 Let's go. 175 00:10:43,523 --> 00:10:46,193 I know you wanna protect her, Pete, 176 00:10:46,193 --> 00:10:47,611 so don't let us down. 177 00:10:47,611 --> 00:10:49,946 How is lying gonna protect Ellen? 178 00:10:49,946 --> 00:10:51,573 I'm not talking about Ellen. 179 00:10:53,658 --> 00:10:56,036 You're threatening teenage girls now. 180 00:10:56,995 --> 00:10:58,497 What a tough guy. 181 00:11:03,627 --> 00:11:07,130 She chose to upload, even though she knew it could be a death sentence. 182 00:11:07,130 --> 00:11:10,509 And before that, she volunteered for a one-way mission to Mars. 183 00:11:10,509 --> 00:11:12,052 She sounds like a psycho. 184 00:11:12,052 --> 00:11:15,555 She's an explorer who took a leap of faith. 185 00:11:15,555 --> 00:11:17,557 She could be just who you're looking for. 186 00:11:17,557 --> 00:11:21,019 - Even if she is, I still need David. - Why? 187 00:11:21,019 --> 00:11:24,981 I hit a wall, and he's the only one who can help me break through. 188 00:11:26,024 --> 00:11:28,693 But that means I need him fully himself. 189 00:11:31,780 --> 00:11:35,700 When he first reached out to me, when he first came back... 190 00:11:36,952 --> 00:11:38,620 I thought it was a miracle 191 00:11:38,620 --> 00:11:41,957 and a chance to feel happy again. 192 00:11:42,624 --> 00:11:47,796 But now, what I see is, it screwed me up, stalled me. 193 00:11:48,755 --> 00:11:52,717 We're supposed to mourn loved ones when they're gone. That's normal. 194 00:11:52,717 --> 00:11:54,094 That's healthy. 195 00:11:54,094 --> 00:11:56,471 You really want him gone forever, 196 00:11:56,471 --> 00:11:59,015 even if I could bring him back without the flaw? 197 00:12:00,267 --> 00:12:01,935 It's not just about me. 198 00:12:04,646 --> 00:12:09,192 If everyone lives forever, how does anyone ever grow up? 199 00:12:09,192 --> 00:12:10,193 What? 200 00:12:10,193 --> 00:12:13,697 Look, if your parents never got old or died, 201 00:12:13,697 --> 00:12:18,785 and neither did their parents, or grandparents, great-grandparents, 202 00:12:18,785 --> 00:12:23,540 if your family tree was alive and pressing down on you, 203 00:12:23,540 --> 00:12:24,708 it's like... 204 00:12:24,708 --> 00:12:27,586 it's like you never get your turn to be an adult 205 00:12:27,586 --> 00:12:29,171 and make your own choices. 206 00:12:30,213 --> 00:12:31,590 I never really had parents, 207 00:12:31,590 --> 00:12:33,633 but all my choices were made for me anyway. 208 00:12:33,633 --> 00:12:36,011 That's... You-- You're not-- 209 00:12:36,011 --> 00:12:38,638 Difference between me and David is David had a choice. 210 00:12:38,638 --> 00:12:40,807 He chose uploaded life. 211 00:12:40,807 --> 00:12:42,851 Now you're choosing for him not to live it. 212 00:12:42,851 --> 00:12:44,769 Real people don't have backups. 213 00:12:44,769 --> 00:12:46,897 If you can keep spinning up new versions, 214 00:12:46,897 --> 00:12:50,901 how is anyone really anyone and not just some copy, some-- 215 00:12:50,901 --> 00:12:51,943 Clone? 216 00:12:54,112 --> 00:12:56,239 You wanna guilt me into saying you're a freak, 217 00:12:56,239 --> 00:12:59,242 but, Caspian, I know you think you're awesome. 218 00:12:59,242 --> 00:13:01,411 You'll do anything to prove you're smarter 219 00:13:01,411 --> 00:13:03,121 and better than Stephen Holstrom. 220 00:13:03,121 --> 00:13:06,041 That's how you became your own person. 221 00:13:06,041 --> 00:13:08,919 That's why you, and you alone, need to cure the flaw. 222 00:13:08,919 --> 00:13:12,214 It's this chosen-one fantasy that ignores reality. 223 00:13:12,214 --> 00:13:13,423 What reality? 224 00:13:14,299 --> 00:13:15,675 Other people. 225 00:13:15,675 --> 00:13:18,094 That's how we got this far as a species. 226 00:13:18,094 --> 00:13:20,430 That's what we're alive to experience. 227 00:13:20,430 --> 00:13:22,891 And it's also why we have to die. 228 00:13:23,475 --> 00:13:25,852 I'm not gonna let you change life. 229 00:13:34,152 --> 00:13:35,320 Other people. 230 00:13:47,874 --> 00:13:49,459 Please state your name. 231 00:13:49,459 --> 00:13:51,336 Dr. Peter Waxman. 232 00:13:51,920 --> 00:13:56,383 And you were a top executive at the Logorhythms Corporation, correct? 233 00:13:56,383 --> 00:13:58,218 My title was senior vice president 234 00:13:58,218 --> 00:14:00,136 in charge of research and development. 235 00:14:00,136 --> 00:14:03,014 In which capacity, you made public statements 236 00:14:03,014 --> 00:14:05,725 regarding its involvement in the current crisis 237 00:14:05,725 --> 00:14:08,144 involving so-called Uploaded Intelligences? 238 00:14:08,144 --> 00:14:11,523 My concern at the time was defusing a protest 239 00:14:11,523 --> 00:14:13,858 that was in danger of becoming violent. 240 00:14:14,943 --> 00:14:18,280 They did not accurately describe the company's role. 241 00:14:19,030 --> 00:14:21,616 I remind you, Dr. Waxman, you are under oath! 242 00:14:21,616 --> 00:14:24,327 This committee can and will charge you with contempt. 243 00:14:24,327 --> 00:14:26,705 - Dr. Waxman... - The Chair has not recognized you-- 244 00:14:26,705 --> 00:14:31,835 Dr. Waxman, would you agree that this crisis is based on a hoax, 245 00:14:31,835 --> 00:14:33,420 pushed by some of my colleagues 246 00:14:33,420 --> 00:14:35,755 who are intent on exploiting the public's fears 247 00:14:36,339 --> 00:14:37,966 for their own political ends? 248 00:14:38,800 --> 00:14:39,926 No comment. 249 00:14:41,052 --> 00:14:44,097 This hearing is adjourned until we can get to the bottom of this. 250 00:14:47,767 --> 00:14:50,687 Tell the truth! Tell the truth! 251 00:14:51,479 --> 00:14:54,524 Tell the truth! 252 00:14:54,524 --> 00:14:55,567 Peter! Peter! 253 00:14:56,443 --> 00:14:57,694 Peter! 254 00:14:58,278 --> 00:14:59,738 Tell the truth! 255 00:14:59,738 --> 00:15:01,823 I'm so sorry, Ellen. 256 00:15:01,823 --> 00:15:04,826 Tell the truth! Tell the truth! 257 00:15:04,826 --> 00:15:06,911 - Peter! - Tell the truth! 258 00:15:06,911 --> 00:15:09,623 - Peter! Peter! - Tell the truth! Tell the... 259 00:15:10,415 --> 00:15:11,416 Ellen... 260 00:15:13,043 --> 00:15:14,377 I'm so sorry. 261 00:15:19,382 --> 00:15:20,550 Glasses case. 262 00:15:42,280 --> 00:15:45,950 Did you know salmon is Norway's second largest export after oil? 263 00:15:47,452 --> 00:15:49,037 They should export more of it. 264 00:15:49,037 --> 00:15:51,498 I want you to know, I didn't choose to be here. 265 00:15:51,498 --> 00:15:53,875 After I went public at the Logorhythms protest, 266 00:15:53,875 --> 00:15:56,920 the military basically renditioned me to Norway. 267 00:15:58,505 --> 00:16:01,091 Once again, I stood on the precipice, 268 00:16:01,091 --> 00:16:04,678 brimming with hope and fear of disappointment. 269 00:16:04,678 --> 00:16:05,720 Not this time. 270 00:16:06,638 --> 00:16:08,139 Where's my family? 271 00:16:08,139 --> 00:16:09,974 Am I dead? Wait... 272 00:16:09,974 --> 00:16:12,644 Do they know? What have you told my wife, my daughter?! 273 00:16:13,478 --> 00:16:15,146 This is the weak point, 274 00:16:15,146 --> 00:16:17,941 the vulnerability, the root of the flaw. 275 00:16:17,941 --> 00:16:20,276 - I don't see it. - It's not inside him. 276 00:16:21,403 --> 00:16:22,862 It's other people. 277 00:16:22,862 --> 00:16:24,406 I don't see other people. 278 00:16:24,406 --> 00:16:28,493 Yeah, that was always our problem. Not the way we're wired. 279 00:16:28,493 --> 00:16:30,620 What have you told my wife, my daughter?! 280 00:16:30,620 --> 00:16:31,538 But look. 281 00:16:31,538 --> 00:16:34,082 What have you told my wife, my daughter?! 282 00:16:34,082 --> 00:16:35,125 ...my daughter?! 283 00:16:36,251 --> 00:16:37,252 Look. 284 00:16:38,503 --> 00:16:41,464 - Fragments of neural map code. - That's love. 285 00:16:41,464 --> 00:16:44,551 A machine-readable expression of the OXT gene, 286 00:16:44,551 --> 00:16:45,844 or something close to it. 287 00:16:45,844 --> 00:16:48,513 OXT expression doesn't affect brain decay. 288 00:16:48,513 --> 00:16:50,724 I said something close to it. 289 00:16:50,724 --> 00:16:53,810 Look up "dementia checked by external factors." 290 00:16:54,769 --> 00:16:57,355 "Studies modeling the impact of social behaviors 291 00:16:57,355 --> 00:16:59,691 on the progression of cognitive decline 292 00:16:59,691 --> 00:17:02,861 suggest social isolation exacerbates impairment, 293 00:17:02,861 --> 00:17:06,322 whilst social interaction rescues patients' memory deficit." 294 00:17:06,322 --> 00:17:07,949 Social interaction. 295 00:17:07,949 --> 00:17:09,159 Other people. 296 00:17:09,159 --> 00:17:12,328 David Kim's UI wasn't whole until he reconnected with his family. 297 00:17:12,328 --> 00:17:14,831 Without them, his emulation falls apart. 298 00:17:14,831 --> 00:17:18,543 But there's a limit to human-UI interaction. 299 00:17:18,543 --> 00:17:20,587 - Speed. - Yeah. 300 00:17:21,254 --> 00:17:23,631 Just gotta grab a sample of this code, 301 00:17:23,631 --> 00:17:25,508 isolate the recursive components, 302 00:17:25,508 --> 00:17:28,386 and build... a love a machine. 303 00:17:33,558 --> 00:17:37,187 - There are gaps in the source lines. - Shit. Can't double up his. 304 00:17:38,480 --> 00:17:41,983 UIs are other people too. Let's bring up Laurie Lowell. 305 00:17:43,526 --> 00:17:44,903 These are just subroutines. 306 00:17:44,903 --> 00:17:47,489 Parts they captured when she hacked into Logorhythms. 307 00:17:47,489 --> 00:17:49,908 Would you stop being so negative all of the time? 308 00:17:49,908 --> 00:17:51,326 Take a leap of faith. 309 00:18:02,754 --> 00:18:06,132 Now we gotta compile. It's gonna be a massive build. 310 00:18:25,777 --> 00:18:26,903 Did you lose any work? 311 00:18:26,903 --> 00:18:28,655 They're telling me the whole system... 312 00:18:28,655 --> 00:18:30,907 nearly... crashed. 313 00:18:31,491 --> 00:18:32,700 I think I did it. 314 00:18:33,910 --> 00:18:35,537 I cracked Integrity. 315 00:18:39,207 --> 00:18:42,919 No matter how long this takes, we will succeed. 316 00:18:49,425 --> 00:18:54,973 "Beware; for I am fearless, and therefore powerful." 317 00:18:56,015 --> 00:18:58,226 Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus. 318 00:18:58,226 --> 00:18:59,769 Think I made a monster? 319 00:18:59,769 --> 00:19:01,020 No. 320 00:19:01,020 --> 00:19:03,022 I think you've stolen fire from Heaven 321 00:19:03,022 --> 00:19:04,524 and given it to man. 322 00:19:06,359 --> 00:19:07,861 - I'll round up the team. - No. 323 00:19:08,695 --> 00:19:09,529 What? 324 00:19:09,529 --> 00:19:12,657 I won't upload David Kim again without his daughter's consent. 325 00:19:12,657 --> 00:19:15,702 How do you know it works? We need to test it. 326 00:19:15,702 --> 00:19:17,745 He's been a guinea pig long enough. 327 00:19:17,745 --> 00:19:18,955 So have I. 328 00:19:18,955 --> 00:19:22,208 What if we test it on the NSA's UI, Commander Coupet? 329 00:19:22,208 --> 00:19:25,962 You wanna hand control over to the NSA? Here's your chance. 330 00:19:26,963 --> 00:19:28,506 What the hell just happened? 331 00:19:30,466 --> 00:19:33,344 System stress test. Got a little outta hand. 332 00:19:33,344 --> 00:19:35,471 A little? A little? 333 00:19:35,471 --> 00:19:37,891 Look, kid, this data center is not your toy. 334 00:19:37,891 --> 00:19:39,350 Don't call him "kid." 335 00:19:39,350 --> 00:19:41,185 He's project lead, 336 00:19:41,185 --> 00:19:43,187 and he's gonna get us all the way there. 337 00:19:43,980 --> 00:19:45,189 We do it his way. 338 00:19:46,107 --> 00:19:50,445 Dr. Kim, I trust you understand why we've recalled you? 339 00:19:50,445 --> 00:19:51,946 I'm not sure I do. 340 00:19:52,822 --> 00:19:54,699 I've told you everything I know. 341 00:19:54,699 --> 00:19:56,367 But having heard from Dr. Waxman, 342 00:19:56,367 --> 00:19:58,828 apparently what you told us was a pack of lies. 343 00:19:58,828 --> 00:20:01,539 Senator, you have no right to impugn Dr. Kim's honesty 344 00:20:01,539 --> 00:20:03,458 based on another witness' testimony. 345 00:20:03,458 --> 00:20:07,420 I not only have the right, Madam Chairwoman, I have the floor. 346 00:20:07,420 --> 00:20:09,964 Facts still matter, Mrs. Kim. 347 00:20:09,964 --> 00:20:12,675 And the inconvenient fact for you is, 348 00:20:12,675 --> 00:20:15,428 your testimony doesn't square with his. 349 00:20:16,721 --> 00:20:19,349 Do you want to accuse him of lying? 350 00:20:21,517 --> 00:20:23,978 I remind you, you are also under oath. 351 00:20:24,812 --> 00:20:28,483 Are you saying Dr. Waxman lied? 352 00:20:28,483 --> 00:20:30,735 I've told you the facts I can confirm. 353 00:20:30,735 --> 00:20:34,739 That Logorhythms uploaded my husband and used him as a business asset. 354 00:20:34,739 --> 00:20:37,992 Then how does that square with Waxman's testimony 355 00:20:37,992 --> 00:20:42,413 that Logorhythms did not have the technical capacity to even do so? 356 00:20:43,164 --> 00:20:45,124 I don't know. Maybe... 357 00:20:45,124 --> 00:20:47,919 Oh, we have a "maybe" now. 358 00:20:48,711 --> 00:20:49,921 Maybe what? 359 00:20:49,921 --> 00:20:53,091 Maybe Dr. Waxman never made it to Norway. 360 00:20:53,091 --> 00:20:54,676 Norway? 361 00:20:54,676 --> 00:20:57,470 What does Norway have to do with this? 362 00:20:57,470 --> 00:21:01,808 I'm sorry, I was referring to Logorhythms' data center 363 00:21:01,808 --> 00:21:03,351 near Svalbard. 364 00:21:03,351 --> 00:21:04,978 Why am I just hearing about this? 365 00:21:04,978 --> 00:21:08,106 I don't want your excuses. Find everything on Svalbard. Go. Go. 366 00:21:09,524 --> 00:21:13,069 Excu-- Excuse me. We have no records of any such facility. 367 00:21:13,069 --> 00:21:15,905 Why-- Why didn't you mention this before? 368 00:21:15,905 --> 00:21:19,075 I assumed it was shut down with the rest of the company. 369 00:21:19,826 --> 00:21:21,786 Do you guys really not know about Norway? 370 00:21:22,453 --> 00:21:24,539 Now we have secret data centers. 371 00:21:24,539 --> 00:21:26,457 Yeah, this is ridiculous. 372 00:21:26,457 --> 00:21:28,459 Or an inconvenient fact, Senator. 373 00:21:28,459 --> 00:21:30,670 I wanna see satellite imagery of the site. 374 00:21:30,670 --> 00:21:33,965 I'm calling for an immediate vote to issue warrants for any current 375 00:21:33,965 --> 00:21:37,969 or ex-Logorhythms employees found to be violating the upload ban. 376 00:21:37,969 --> 00:21:39,095 In favor? 377 00:21:40,888 --> 00:21:41,889 So ordered! 378 00:22:10,168 --> 00:22:12,211 Why do you get a Logorhythms babysitter 379 00:22:12,211 --> 00:22:13,838 and I get an NSA one? 380 00:22:14,589 --> 00:22:17,091 I think mine is to keep anyone from getting close to me, 381 00:22:17,091 --> 00:22:19,302 and yours is to keep you from leaving. 382 00:22:22,722 --> 00:22:25,683 As if that would make a difference to anyone, anywhere. 383 00:22:26,267 --> 00:22:27,852 I don't know. I think it would. 384 00:22:29,062 --> 00:22:30,813 You've already made a difference here. 385 00:22:30,813 --> 00:22:31,939 What's that? 386 00:22:31,939 --> 00:22:33,149 I did it, 387 00:22:33,149 --> 00:22:35,234 and I couldn't have done it without you. 388 00:22:37,278 --> 00:22:40,198 - This is... - The cure for the flaw. 389 00:22:41,532 --> 00:22:43,910 - You were right. - I was right? 390 00:22:43,910 --> 00:22:47,663 What you said to me, about "life's about other people," 391 00:22:48,581 --> 00:22:49,874 it sparked something. 392 00:22:49,874 --> 00:22:51,375 I only meant that like... 393 00:22:51,375 --> 00:22:56,297 I know, but it's true. Not only true, it's quantifiable. 394 00:22:56,297 --> 00:22:58,925 And it's the key to emulation integrity, 395 00:22:58,925 --> 00:23:00,134 I think. 396 00:23:00,134 --> 00:23:03,221 I mean, we haven't tested it yet, but that's why I'm here. 397 00:23:05,223 --> 00:23:06,516 This is the only copy. 398 00:23:07,433 --> 00:23:09,894 If you want, you can chuck it into the sea. 399 00:23:11,938 --> 00:23:13,606 What about saving the world? 400 00:23:14,732 --> 00:23:16,526 Maybe someone else will do that. 401 00:23:17,652 --> 00:23:20,863 Maybe everyone, all together, like Laurie wanted. 402 00:23:22,657 --> 00:23:23,699 I just... 403 00:23:25,660 --> 00:23:26,953 don't wanna become the guy 404 00:23:26,953 --> 00:23:29,163 who thinks he knows better than everyone else. 405 00:24:16,627 --> 00:24:18,045 I wanna see him again. 406 00:24:40,818 --> 00:24:42,028 Two hours. 407 00:24:42,028 --> 00:24:44,989 No way. Who are they sending? Santa Claus? 408 00:24:44,989 --> 00:24:47,408 FBI has a sub-office in Copenhagen. 409 00:24:47,408 --> 00:24:50,536 They're warming up their choppers. We're lucky to get the heads-up. 410 00:24:50,536 --> 00:24:53,080 Enough to get people out and the critical research. 411 00:24:53,080 --> 00:24:54,665 Well, what about you? 412 00:24:54,665 --> 00:24:57,877 Someone has to go down with the ship. Government needs deniability. 413 00:24:57,877 --> 00:25:01,297 And I'm fine to be the big, bad corporate guy, but... 414 00:25:02,089 --> 00:25:04,091 I expect to be taken care of. 415 00:25:06,469 --> 00:25:08,012 We were close, weren't we? 416 00:25:08,012 --> 00:25:09,472 We'll get there. 417 00:25:10,014 --> 00:25:12,308 All right, let's have an all-hands on the loading bay. 418 00:25:12,308 --> 00:25:13,476 We're on the clock. 419 00:25:16,187 --> 00:25:18,105 Should we wait till they go? 420 00:25:18,105 --> 00:25:19,982 No. Let's get started. 421 00:25:28,658 --> 00:25:30,868 If this works, how do we get him out of here? 422 00:25:30,868 --> 00:25:32,745 Hard drive and backpack. 423 00:25:32,745 --> 00:25:34,538 Jet's fueled and ready to fly, right? 424 00:25:34,538 --> 00:25:36,040 Right. 425 00:25:36,040 --> 00:25:38,167 I can do this myself if you want. 426 00:25:38,167 --> 00:25:40,628 You said it's bad when he wakes up, right? 427 00:25:40,628 --> 00:25:41,921 That's why I'm here. 428 00:25:43,297 --> 00:25:44,507 Execute. 429 00:25:59,063 --> 00:26:01,274 Hey, kiddo. You've grown. 430 00:26:02,525 --> 00:26:04,026 I know this is weird. 431 00:26:04,026 --> 00:26:08,197 Sorry I couldn't tell you earlier, but your mom and I decided... 432 00:26:08,990 --> 00:26:11,158 Wait, where's Ellen? Who's this? 433 00:26:11,158 --> 00:26:13,494 Mom's fine. She's in Washington, DC. 434 00:26:13,494 --> 00:26:14,620 She's... 435 00:26:15,538 --> 00:26:16,872 And you're grown-up. 436 00:26:16,872 --> 00:26:19,542 I'm guessing there was a hitch with this whole process. 437 00:26:19,542 --> 00:26:22,837 Yeah, you could say that, but it's been worked out. 438 00:26:22,837 --> 00:26:25,673 This is Caspian. He's gonna give you, like, a system patch. 439 00:26:25,673 --> 00:26:28,092 - A patch? - Like a booster shot. 440 00:26:58,205 --> 00:27:00,124 Oh. Hi there, kiddo. 441 00:27:01,250 --> 00:27:02,251 Hi. 442 00:27:02,251 --> 00:27:04,712 He's already forgetting. It's making it worse. 443 00:27:04,712 --> 00:27:07,423 Huh? Oh, no, Mads, I wasn't talking to you. 444 00:27:07,423 --> 00:27:08,674 I feel fine. 445 00:27:08,674 --> 00:27:10,134 Who were you talking to? 446 00:27:10,134 --> 00:27:11,093 MIST. 447 00:27:12,678 --> 00:27:16,057 Matrix is holding. Full integrity. 448 00:27:33,991 --> 00:27:36,035 Something's not... 449 00:27:37,495 --> 00:27:39,455 right... right... 450 00:27:41,540 --> 00:27:43,834 - It's killing him! - No, no, no. This... 451 00:27:44,543 --> 00:27:46,128 Hey! What the hell are you doing? 452 00:27:51,592 --> 00:27:54,095 Maddie, what's happening to me? 453 00:27:54,678 --> 00:27:56,263 No, no, no, no! No! 454 00:28:09,318 --> 00:28:10,569 Say the word. 455 00:28:13,531 --> 00:28:15,366 No. Stephen might wanna see him. 456 00:28:18,202 --> 00:28:19,537 Stephen? 457 00:28:19,537 --> 00:28:21,205 You were a close copy, kid. 458 00:28:21,205 --> 00:28:22,915 You'll never match the real thing. 459 00:28:22,915 --> 00:28:25,501 You were just holding his place till this brain 460 00:28:25,501 --> 00:28:27,545 could make it safe to upload his. 461 00:28:29,046 --> 00:28:30,840 Let's go. We're on the clock. 462 00:28:30,840 --> 00:28:32,174 You killed him! 463 00:28:35,553 --> 00:28:37,179 He died two years ago. 464 00:29:13,841 --> 00:29:14,925 Place is empty. 465 00:29:15,718 --> 00:29:19,430 Like it's brand-new, like when we started this. 466 00:29:22,266 --> 00:29:23,184 Look at him. 467 00:29:24,143 --> 00:29:25,269 He's perfect. 468 00:29:26,353 --> 00:29:28,772 Parietal lobes are dramatically asymmetric, 469 00:29:28,772 --> 00:29:31,859 and there's a fourth ridge on his mid-frontal lobe. 470 00:29:31,859 --> 00:29:33,861 Most brains have three. 471 00:29:33,861 --> 00:29:36,071 He's better than perfect. 472 00:29:36,071 --> 00:29:37,740 Yes, he is. 473 00:29:37,740 --> 00:29:39,033 Let's bring him back. 474 00:29:40,117 --> 00:29:41,660 You did it, Julius. 475 00:29:44,038 --> 00:29:45,247 We all did. 476 00:29:50,878 --> 00:29:53,589 It's like an upload. You have to be alive when they do it. 477 00:29:53,589 --> 00:29:56,675 The freezing fluid kills you, but glues the proteins in the brain, 478 00:29:56,675 --> 00:29:58,260 preserving the information. 479 00:29:58,260 --> 00:30:00,846 A while back, I found a cryonics paper in his archives, 480 00:30:00,846 --> 00:30:02,765 figured it was more upload research. 481 00:30:02,765 --> 00:30:03,807 Damn! 482 00:30:08,270 --> 00:30:11,690 Maddie... I need your help. I can't override the door lock. 483 00:30:12,316 --> 00:30:15,945 I watched him die... so many times. 484 00:30:17,446 --> 00:30:21,867 But I never, never thought it was my fault until now. 485 00:30:21,867 --> 00:30:24,036 You didn't kill him. They did. 486 00:30:24,036 --> 00:30:26,830 They had this planned. We can't let them win. 487 00:30:26,830 --> 00:30:27,957 They have. 488 00:30:27,957 --> 00:30:31,001 No, they made a mistake. They left us alive. 489 00:30:31,001 --> 00:30:34,338 They're gonna correct that as soon as they upload Stephen Holstrom. 490 00:30:34,338 --> 00:30:35,965 He will correct it. 491 00:30:36,590 --> 00:30:37,800 How do you know? 492 00:30:41,971 --> 00:30:42,972 Right. 493 00:30:42,972 --> 00:30:46,517 A UI, even a flawless one, is vulnerable in a closed network. 494 00:30:46,517 --> 00:30:49,478 We have to get outta here. We have to warn the government. 495 00:30:49,478 --> 00:30:51,647 And we can't get out without you. 496 00:30:53,023 --> 00:30:55,025 I'm also not so great in a closed network, 497 00:30:55,025 --> 00:30:59,113 but you, the way you turned that beater laptop into a Ferrari, 498 00:30:59,113 --> 00:31:01,949 you could use some of this crap to build us a new doorknob. 499 00:31:02,783 --> 00:31:04,034 I... 500 00:31:04,034 --> 00:31:06,870 I could try to rig up another access panel. 501 00:31:07,871 --> 00:31:10,040 Get a wireless signal to the one outside, 502 00:31:10,040 --> 00:31:11,250 own the controls. 503 00:31:26,390 --> 00:31:28,726 Stephen... over here. 504 00:31:30,185 --> 00:31:31,520 Stephen. 505 00:31:31,520 --> 00:31:32,646 Hey, Renee. 506 00:31:34,023 --> 00:31:36,066 My God. What year is it? 507 00:31:36,066 --> 00:31:39,987 Don't worry. Soon as I upload, I'll look 25 again. 508 00:31:39,987 --> 00:31:41,989 It's been 18 years. 509 00:31:41,989 --> 00:31:44,783 There's a lot to catch up on, but it's all in the archive. 510 00:31:44,783 --> 00:31:46,285 This body... 511 00:31:47,119 --> 00:31:48,746 is an illusion. 512 00:31:48,746 --> 00:31:50,456 We don't have a lot of time. 513 00:31:50,456 --> 00:31:53,459 You gotta absorb as much as you can, as fast as you can. 514 00:31:53,459 --> 00:31:54,752 Why? What's wrong? 515 00:31:55,919 --> 00:31:57,630 Never mind. I'll find out. 516 00:31:57,630 --> 00:31:58,547 Stephen... 517 00:31:58,547 --> 00:32:01,425 We're also gonna need an answer on that question I asked you... 518 00:32:02,259 --> 00:32:03,385 about Caspian. 519 00:32:04,011 --> 00:32:06,680 Caspian. Oh, my Go... 520 00:32:07,514 --> 00:32:10,809 Is that really how we cracked Integrity? 521 00:32:10,809 --> 00:32:12,061 Wait a minute. 522 00:32:12,728 --> 00:32:13,812 Eighteen years? 523 00:32:14,605 --> 00:32:17,399 Clone wasn't supposed to begin working on this until age 33. 524 00:32:17,399 --> 00:32:18,776 It's all in the archives. 525 00:32:27,284 --> 00:32:30,704 I'm not the only UI, and I'm not the first. 526 00:32:30,704 --> 00:32:33,874 You're the one without the core flaw, you're the only one that matters. 527 00:32:33,874 --> 00:32:38,545 If I can survive a world terrified of what I am, get me outta here. 528 00:32:38,545 --> 00:32:39,630 What about Ca... 529 00:32:40,255 --> 00:32:41,340 The clone? 530 00:32:43,342 --> 00:32:44,468 Yes. Memory. Yes. 531 00:32:44,468 --> 00:32:47,262 If Project Caspian succeeds... 532 00:32:48,347 --> 00:32:50,516 we won't just be creating a biological clone, 533 00:32:50,516 --> 00:32:52,101 but a true double. 534 00:32:53,268 --> 00:32:59,066 No matter how long this takes, we will succeed. There is no "if." 535 00:32:59,066 --> 00:33:00,442 Of course. 536 00:33:00,442 --> 00:33:02,319 But in success, 537 00:33:02,319 --> 00:33:05,239 after you're uploaded, that double will remain. 538 00:33:06,198 --> 00:33:07,533 Potentially... 539 00:33:07,533 --> 00:33:10,619 Well, potentially deluding your sense of self. 540 00:33:11,954 --> 00:33:13,747 Sounds like a champagne problem. 541 00:33:15,207 --> 00:33:18,085 And a small price to pay for saving the planet. 542 00:33:18,085 --> 00:33:19,169 All I'm saying is, 543 00:33:19,169 --> 00:33:22,089 it's not too soon to consider the consequences of success, 544 00:33:22,756 --> 00:33:24,717 and how you're prepared to handle them. 545 00:33:26,635 --> 00:33:29,471 You were right. It's served its purpose. 546 00:33:30,514 --> 00:33:31,890 I work for you, boss. 547 00:33:34,268 --> 00:33:36,186 The girl, too? 548 00:33:37,104 --> 00:33:38,021 Give it to me. 549 00:33:39,940 --> 00:33:41,442 Come on, give it to me! 550 00:33:48,449 --> 00:33:50,743 Something must be blocking the wireless signal. 551 00:33:50,743 --> 00:33:53,328 Maybe it's got a conductive layer. What do you think? 552 00:33:53,328 --> 00:33:54,329 I think we're dead. 553 00:33:55,873 --> 00:33:57,875 You warned me. Why didn't I listen to you? 554 00:33:57,875 --> 00:33:59,835 Oh, my God. Now you're depressed? 555 00:33:59,835 --> 00:34:01,420 There's a difference. 556 00:34:01,420 --> 00:34:05,132 All this... really is my fault. 557 00:34:05,132 --> 00:34:08,969 Yes, it is! So what? What now? 558 00:34:08,969 --> 00:34:13,098 Now we do something about it. Now we have to, you and me. 559 00:34:13,098 --> 00:34:16,518 We get out of here with the cure, and we give it not to the government, 560 00:34:16,518 --> 00:34:18,645 but to the UI we think is right. 561 00:34:19,480 --> 00:34:22,316 Thought you didn't believe in the whole "chosen one" thing. 562 00:34:22,316 --> 00:34:24,234 They're downstairs, summoning the devil, 563 00:34:24,234 --> 00:34:26,612 so we probably need a god on our side. 564 00:34:26,612 --> 00:34:28,572 Or a goddess. 565 00:34:29,323 --> 00:34:31,700 - The astronaut? - Only one way to find out. 566 00:34:31,700 --> 00:34:33,452 But first, we gotta get out. 567 00:34:37,873 --> 00:34:39,166 Did... 568 00:34:39,166 --> 00:34:40,501 you do that? 569 00:34:40,501 --> 00:34:41,543 No. 570 00:34:50,886 --> 00:34:51,720 Dad? 571 00:35:38,392 --> 00:35:39,893 The door's open, they're not here. 572 00:35:39,893 --> 00:35:41,603 {\an8}We need to lock down. 573 00:35:41,603 --> 00:35:44,481 FBI choppers are in our airspace. 574 00:35:45,732 --> 00:35:47,317 All right. Get him out. 575 00:35:47,818 --> 00:35:50,654 - I'll take care of Caspian. - I'm on it. 576 00:35:58,662 --> 00:36:00,789 Stephen... we gotta get outta here. 577 00:36:01,582 --> 00:36:04,668 Wait. I don't see how he did this. 578 00:36:04,668 --> 00:36:06,086 He was brilliant. 579 00:36:06,086 --> 00:36:08,839 But that's just because he's a lesser version of you. 580 00:36:08,839 --> 00:36:11,800 Your shadow. So, you'll clearly figure it out. 581 00:36:11,800 --> 00:36:14,177 - You just got here. - So did the FBI. 582 00:36:14,177 --> 00:36:16,847 And we won't be able to hide you, even in this system. 583 00:36:16,847 --> 00:36:19,641 Wait... What's happening? 584 00:36:19,641 --> 00:36:23,353 Someone's pulling the program to another node. 585 00:36:23,353 --> 00:36:25,689 Stop it! Stop the transfer! 586 00:36:26,732 --> 00:36:27,858 I'm locked out! 587 00:36:29,693 --> 00:36:31,904 That's my code, assholes. 588 00:36:31,904 --> 00:36:33,155 It's him. 589 00:36:34,698 --> 00:36:37,659 Give me access to the security network now. 590 00:36:37,659 --> 00:36:41,038 They've bypassed the airfield. They're coming right to the cube. 591 00:36:41,872 --> 00:36:44,041 Make the future happen. We'll all meet you there. 592 00:36:44,041 --> 00:36:45,000 What did you do? 593 00:36:45,000 --> 00:36:47,169 You're the only one not in the personnel log, 594 00:36:47,169 --> 00:36:48,921 so you'll have a head start. 595 00:36:48,921 --> 00:36:50,213 Keep him safe. 596 00:37:00,432 --> 00:37:02,893 Hurry up. Pope's coming down here. He's got a gun. 597 00:37:02,893 --> 00:37:04,186 Almost there. 598 00:37:07,564 --> 00:37:08,607 Come on! 599 00:37:11,360 --> 00:37:13,904 - Ha! Way to go, Peter! - Peter? 600 00:37:13,904 --> 00:37:15,906 Waxman. Who else could be helping us? 601 00:37:15,906 --> 00:37:18,617 They shipped him out to DC two days ago. 602 00:37:18,617 --> 00:37:20,202 Oh, I lost signal. 603 00:37:20,202 --> 00:37:21,787 I'm done. Let's go. 604 00:37:29,628 --> 00:37:31,129 Alpha Team, go, go, go! 605 00:37:49,648 --> 00:37:52,484 Get in. We got a plane to catch. 606 00:38:26,351 --> 00:38:27,436 I'm not going. 607 00:38:31,106 --> 00:38:33,900 You don't need me. You never have. 608 00:38:33,900 --> 00:38:36,403 I know Stephen, and... 609 00:38:37,654 --> 00:38:39,364 you're better than him. 610 00:38:39,364 --> 00:38:41,491 - Don't ever forget it. - We won't need it. 611 00:38:44,703 --> 00:38:47,914 How'd you like three million dollars for flying us to DC? 612 00:38:47,914 --> 00:38:50,375 You got three million in that backpack? 613 00:38:50,375 --> 00:38:52,461 Bitcoin. Use this Opendime USB. 614 00:38:52,461 --> 00:38:54,379 Download from a Blockstream satellite. 615 00:38:54,379 --> 00:38:57,007 When the net's back up, just plug it in and spend away. 616 00:39:00,218 --> 00:39:01,678 Or we could just take a boat. 617 00:39:12,189 --> 00:39:13,190 Be careful. 618 00:39:22,449 --> 00:39:25,827 Julius, these... men are from the FBI. 619 00:39:25,827 --> 00:39:27,037 Oh. 620 00:39:28,497 --> 00:39:29,539 Hello. 621 00:39:34,252 --> 00:39:35,754 No! No! 622 00:40:10,872 --> 00:40:13,250 Oh, no, Mads, I wasn't talking to you. 623 00:40:13,250 --> 00:40:14,626 Who were you talking to? 624 00:40:14,626 --> 00:40:15,627 MIST. 625 00:40:19,422 --> 00:40:21,133 Hey, let me see that. 626 00:40:21,800 --> 00:40:24,719 The drive with the cure on it. Let me see. 627 00:40:31,017 --> 00:40:32,102 What are you doing?