1 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:03,920 This programme contains some strong language 2 00:00:03,920 --> 00:00:06,520 I'm on the hunt for the UK's next top food and drink entrepreneur, 3 00:00:06,520 --> 00:00:08,320 so I've hand-picked 12 amazing contenders, 4 00:00:08,320 --> 00:00:10,400 each with an incredible up-and-coming business. 5 00:00:10,400 --> 00:00:14,320 I want to invest £150,000 of my own cash into one of them 6 00:00:14,320 --> 00:00:16,800 and catapult their business to the next level. 7 00:00:16,800 --> 00:00:20,480 But I'm not giving the money away easily. They'll need to earn it. 8 00:00:20,480 --> 00:00:22,160 SQUEALING 9 00:00:23,840 --> 00:00:25,360 That's not how you do it. 10 00:00:25,360 --> 00:00:26,400 It's on fire. 11 00:00:26,400 --> 00:00:27,760 SHE GASPS 12 00:00:26,400 --> 00:00:27,760 BLEEP! 13 00:00:27,760 --> 00:00:29,720 I'm setting my contenders a series of 14 00:00:29,720 --> 00:00:32,040 food and drink-related challenges... 15 00:00:32,040 --> 00:00:33,960 I mean, they're cooking, but in the wrong way. 16 00:00:33,960 --> 00:00:35,000 GRUNTING 17 00:00:35,000 --> 00:00:36,080 SPLUTTERING 18 00:00:36,080 --> 00:00:37,960 Stop now. You're being rude. 19 00:00:37,960 --> 00:00:40,440 ..which will test them on every element of the industry. 20 00:00:40,440 --> 00:00:41,600 Close up, please, Hebe. 21 00:00:41,600 --> 00:00:42,840 Just all stop. 22 00:00:42,840 --> 00:00:46,400 If anyone can't give me a standard, then please go home. 23 00:00:46,400 --> 00:00:48,880 Only one of them will make the grade. 24 00:00:48,880 --> 00:00:51,040 Who will be my Future Food Star? 25 00:00:54,320 --> 00:00:55,680 Previously... 26 00:00:55,680 --> 00:00:58,040 It's all about innovation and reinventing the classics. 27 00:00:58,040 --> 00:00:59,120 Oh...whoa! 28 00:00:59,120 --> 00:01:00,560 It's not good. 29 00:01:00,560 --> 00:01:04,520 You'll all be launching a high-end canned vodka drink. 30 00:01:04,520 --> 00:01:07,240 That's... A bit disappointed, if I'm honest. 31 00:01:07,240 --> 00:01:09,520 Everyone likes a cheeky vodka, don't they? 32 00:01:09,520 --> 00:01:12,160 Would you use words like "It's 12 o'clock somewhere" 33 00:01:12,160 --> 00:01:14,360 on any of your drinks? I don't think that we would. 34 00:01:14,360 --> 00:01:17,360 It's not advertising that it's a cool thing to do. It was a mistake. 35 00:01:17,360 --> 00:01:20,000 They left me to tidy up what they had created. 36 00:01:20,000 --> 00:01:22,360 That is as an out-and-out lie and, I'll be honest with you, 37 00:01:22,360 --> 00:01:24,040 excuse my language, but it's BLEEP! 38 00:01:24,040 --> 00:01:25,640 I need a leader, not a follower. 39 00:01:25,640 --> 00:01:27,160 Naomi, we're done. 40 00:01:36,720 --> 00:01:41,240 Oh, wow. Ooh! Well, this is quite impressive. 41 00:01:41,240 --> 00:01:42,600 Is it your house? 42 00:01:42,600 --> 00:01:44,320 Yeah...my house!? 43 00:01:44,320 --> 00:01:47,440 Welcome to Kier's place! Oh, you know...! 44 00:01:47,440 --> 00:01:49,880 It feels like I'm in Wonderland. 45 00:01:51,480 --> 00:01:54,120 I've invited the guys to meet me here in Lowther Castle 46 00:01:54,120 --> 00:01:56,200 in the beautiful Lake District, 47 00:01:56,200 --> 00:01:59,560 and I've laid on a stunning high-end afternoon tea for them all. 48 00:01:59,560 --> 00:02:01,640 Oh, wow, look at this. 49 00:02:01,640 --> 00:02:03,040 Aw, this is cute. 50 00:02:03,040 --> 00:02:05,680 Now, this week is all about creativity, 51 00:02:05,680 --> 00:02:07,440 making something out of nothing, 52 00:02:07,440 --> 00:02:10,520 and then turning humble ingredients into a huge profit. 53 00:02:10,520 --> 00:02:13,040 They say that money doesn't grow on trees. 54 00:02:13,040 --> 00:02:15,320 Trust me, it certainly does here. 55 00:02:19,280 --> 00:02:21,240 What is everyone going for? Ooh. 56 00:02:21,240 --> 00:02:23,400 Oh, my God, that is really good! 57 00:02:23,400 --> 00:02:26,360 I feel like we're going to have to really earn this afternoon tea. 58 00:02:26,360 --> 00:02:29,120 Abseil down the castle backwards or something! 59 00:02:30,200 --> 00:02:32,160 What flavour's on this? 60 00:02:32,160 --> 00:02:34,280 It tastes like, you know, like a scone. 61 00:02:34,280 --> 00:02:36,760 I hope we don't have to make them. Oh-la-la. 62 00:02:38,000 --> 00:02:39,400 Oh, here he is. Hello. 63 00:02:39,400 --> 00:02:41,640 Good morning. CONTENDERS: Morning. 64 00:02:41,640 --> 00:02:43,160 Are we good? 65 00:02:41,640 --> 00:02:43,160 THEY RESPOND QUIETLY 66 00:02:43,160 --> 00:02:45,480 How beautiful is this? 67 00:02:43,160 --> 00:02:45,480 THEY MURMUR POSITIVELY 68 00:02:45,480 --> 00:02:46,600 Stunning. 69 00:02:46,600 --> 00:02:48,920 Now, what you've just eaten really epitomises 70 00:02:48,920 --> 00:02:50,360 what I'm looking for this week - 71 00:02:50,360 --> 00:02:52,360 turning something humble, 72 00:02:52,360 --> 00:02:55,360 and elevating it into something really special. 73 00:02:55,360 --> 00:02:57,440 So, for your first challenge, 74 00:02:57,440 --> 00:03:02,640 I want you all to recreate four of those Michelin-starred 75 00:03:02,640 --> 00:03:05,200 mille-feuilles you've just eaten. 76 00:03:05,200 --> 00:03:09,840 First of all, you're going to need to forage for the star ingredient 77 00:03:09,840 --> 00:03:13,440 over there in that beautiful woodland nearby. 78 00:03:13,440 --> 00:03:15,480 The star ingredient - 79 00:03:15,480 --> 00:03:18,360 pine needles and pine cones. 80 00:03:19,560 --> 00:03:21,480 To get the needles and the cones, 81 00:03:21,480 --> 00:03:23,880 you'll need to climb 40 feet... 82 00:03:25,000 --> 00:03:26,880 No, Gordon! ..up a tree. 83 00:03:26,880 --> 00:03:28,680 LAUGHTER 84 00:03:28,680 --> 00:03:31,400 Today you'll be in two teams of four. 85 00:03:31,400 --> 00:03:33,840 Let's have Rachel, Hebe, Sam and Kier. 86 00:03:33,840 --> 00:03:35,520 You're going to be the Red team. 87 00:03:35,520 --> 00:03:40,040 That means Flo, Craig, Andy and Amy, you'll be the Blue team. 88 00:03:40,040 --> 00:03:44,240 I'd like two people from your team to get up into that tree 89 00:03:44,240 --> 00:03:46,480 and collect your needles and your cones. 90 00:03:46,480 --> 00:03:49,600 The other two will make the pine glaze 91 00:03:49,600 --> 00:03:52,240 and then construct that beautiful mille-feuille.. 92 00:03:52,240 --> 00:03:56,520 The winning team will have an advantage in tomorrow's challenge. 93 00:03:56,520 --> 00:03:58,040 Anybody scared of heights? 94 00:03:59,000 --> 00:04:00,880 Kier! Come on. 95 00:03:59,000 --> 00:04:00,880 LAUGHTER 96 00:04:02,600 --> 00:04:04,280 I told them on the form and...! 97 00:04:04,280 --> 00:04:05,600 LAUGHTER 98 00:04:07,600 --> 00:04:10,080 Right. Good luck. Off you go. 99 00:04:10,080 --> 00:04:12,640 Anyone got any tree-climbing experience? 100 00:04:12,640 --> 00:04:14,280 I've fallen out of a few. 101 00:04:14,280 --> 00:04:15,960 Don't say that. Don't say that! 102 00:04:18,400 --> 00:04:19,960 I would love to go in the trees 103 00:04:19,960 --> 00:04:22,760 but I think you two really want to go in the trees. Yeah. 104 00:04:22,760 --> 00:04:24,760 Yeah, you need hunks like us in the tree! 105 00:04:25,880 --> 00:04:28,360 Yeah, I'm well-confident. I just want to get sent up that tree. 106 00:04:28,360 --> 00:04:30,560 You'll probably see me shit myself a bit, but I'm ready. 107 00:04:30,560 --> 00:04:31,800 Tarzan! Yeah. 108 00:04:33,000 --> 00:04:35,040 You've got the hair for it. Thanks. 109 00:04:36,200 --> 00:04:38,880 OK, so we have to do the glaze and make the mille-feuille. 110 00:04:38,880 --> 00:04:41,440 Do you feel confident building? Yeah. OK. Yeah? 111 00:04:41,440 --> 00:04:44,400 You feel OK with glazing? Yeah. All right. 112 00:04:44,400 --> 00:04:47,720 Are we all good, we're ready? Yeah, we're good. I'm ready. 113 00:04:47,720 --> 00:04:49,360 Who's going to do the tree? 114 00:04:49,360 --> 00:04:51,360 I might freeze in fear if I'm... 115 00:04:51,360 --> 00:04:53,600 I'm going to be better up a tree than in the kitchen. 116 00:04:53,600 --> 00:04:56,120 See, I don't mind the tree, but I know when I get up there, 117 00:04:56,120 --> 00:04:57,640 the whole tree will vibrate. 118 00:04:57,640 --> 00:05:00,400 And I'll be like that if you put me in the kitchen. Yeah, all right. 119 00:05:00,400 --> 00:05:02,560 I'm happy to glaze the pastries. 120 00:05:02,560 --> 00:05:04,600 Obviously, I'm not climbing up in the tree. 121 00:05:04,600 --> 00:05:07,200 Balancing on a branch? No chance! Have you seen the size of me? 122 00:05:07,200 --> 00:05:09,640 I reckon I could have a go at building a mille-feuille. 123 00:05:09,640 --> 00:05:13,120 It's just pastry, bit of glaze, a bit of mousse, pastry... 124 00:05:13,120 --> 00:05:14,840 He's sacrificing you! 125 00:05:14,840 --> 00:05:16,080 You'll be all right. 126 00:05:16,080 --> 00:05:18,320 Get those pine needles. What could be so hard? 127 00:05:20,480 --> 00:05:23,240 While the teams get ready to climb the pine trees... 128 00:05:23,240 --> 00:05:25,200 Cal, are we good? We're good. 129 00:05:25,200 --> 00:05:27,280 ..I've gone to see Cal Byerley, 130 00:05:27,280 --> 00:05:29,800 co-owner and chef patron of Restaurant Pine, 131 00:05:29,800 --> 00:05:31,880 and creator of those remarkable mille-feuilles. 132 00:05:31,880 --> 00:05:33,560 Congrats on Restaurant Pine. Thank you. 133 00:05:33,560 --> 00:05:35,960 Sustainability is the DNA of the restaurant. Absolutely. 134 00:05:35,960 --> 00:05:37,520 You've been open a year. Yeah. 135 00:05:37,520 --> 00:05:40,600 The refreshing thing about these ingredients is they're free. Yeah, absolutely. 136 00:05:40,600 --> 00:05:42,840 So from a business perspective, you know, 137 00:05:42,840 --> 00:05:46,520 we get this humble ingredient and we elevate it to these beauties. 138 00:05:46,520 --> 00:05:47,760 Tell me about these. 139 00:05:47,760 --> 00:05:50,200 So this is the mille-feuille for our afternoon tea. 140 00:05:50,200 --> 00:05:53,200 So you've got layers of puff pastry which are glazed with pine, 141 00:05:53,200 --> 00:05:56,840 that they're going to make today. What does the pine do to the glaze? 142 00:05:56,840 --> 00:06:00,720 It just adds a lot of refreshing floralness to it, 143 00:06:00,720 --> 00:06:02,200 really helps bring it all together. 144 00:06:02,200 --> 00:06:04,720 Tell me about the glaze because it's no ordinary glaze, is it? 145 00:06:04,720 --> 00:06:06,320 What do the contenders have to focus on 146 00:06:06,320 --> 00:06:09,160 because if it goes too far, it crystallises. Yeah, that's right. 147 00:06:09,160 --> 00:06:11,160 If not in there long enough, it doesn't infuse. 148 00:06:11,160 --> 00:06:12,600 Yeah, it's not going to infuse. 149 00:06:12,600 --> 00:06:15,240 It won't have that right consistency to glaze the pastry with, 150 00:06:15,240 --> 00:06:16,520 so it will just be running off. 151 00:06:16,520 --> 00:06:19,880 Fingers crossed the contenders do it justice today. I hope so, cheers. 152 00:06:19,880 --> 00:06:22,480 Rock, paper, scissors for who goes first. 153 00:06:22,480 --> 00:06:23,760 One, two, three. 154 00:06:24,720 --> 00:06:25,760 Yes! 155 00:06:25,760 --> 00:06:28,080 Have you already found a couple of acorns? 156 00:06:28,080 --> 00:06:29,680 LAUGHTER 157 00:06:30,760 --> 00:06:33,040 Right, Blue team. Who's first? 158 00:06:33,040 --> 00:06:35,040 Craig, good luck, off you go. 159 00:06:36,280 --> 00:06:38,120 Each pair have 20 minutes 160 00:06:38,120 --> 00:06:41,960 to collect 25 pine cones and around 100 needles. 161 00:06:41,960 --> 00:06:45,440 Oh, yes, Rache! Yay! Legend, go on, mate. 162 00:06:45,440 --> 00:06:46,600 Ugh. 163 00:06:46,600 --> 00:06:49,840 They need to collect pine cones from the outer edge of the branches... 164 00:06:49,840 --> 00:06:51,240 Careful, careful. 165 00:06:51,240 --> 00:06:52,640 ..as these get the most sun 166 00:06:52,640 --> 00:06:55,680 and are the most succulent and unique in flavour. 167 00:06:55,680 --> 00:06:57,960 Yes, Rache. Yes! Ah, go on. 168 00:06:57,960 --> 00:07:00,440 Now just sit there and get everything. 169 00:07:00,440 --> 00:07:01,800 Don't sit down right now. 170 00:07:01,800 --> 00:07:03,720 Aah! 171 00:07:01,800 --> 00:07:03,720 SHE LAUGHS 172 00:07:03,720 --> 00:07:05,440 Just slightly behind you to your right, 173 00:07:05,440 --> 00:07:07,840 see how they're all exposed to that light there? Oh, yeah. 174 00:07:07,840 --> 00:07:09,120 Ugh. 175 00:07:09,120 --> 00:07:10,400 Yeah. There, there, there. 176 00:07:11,600 --> 00:07:13,400 Look at them. That's it. 177 00:07:13,400 --> 00:07:14,600 Well done. 178 00:07:14,600 --> 00:07:16,720 Let's go, Hebe. Oh. 179 00:07:16,720 --> 00:07:19,400 Next to climb the trees - Hebe... 180 00:07:19,400 --> 00:07:22,360 Let's go. Climb, climb, climb! 181 00:07:25,840 --> 00:07:27,160 HEBE SQUEALS AND LAUGHS 182 00:07:29,760 --> 00:07:31,440 ..and Andy. 183 00:07:31,440 --> 00:07:32,760 Right to the end. 184 00:07:32,760 --> 00:07:35,320 That's the ones in the sunshine. That's it. 185 00:07:35,320 --> 00:07:38,480 We've all seen your muscles. We know you can do it. 186 00:07:38,480 --> 00:07:40,120 HEBE SQUEALS 187 00:07:40,120 --> 00:07:42,280 Right, Hebe, turn round, you're going the wrong way. 188 00:07:42,280 --> 00:07:44,880 Ooh, this branch is so wobbly. Is it strong? 189 00:07:44,880 --> 00:07:46,680 Yes, it is. It's sturdy. 190 00:07:46,680 --> 00:07:50,200 It's being held up by the other one as well, so you're fine. 191 00:07:50,200 --> 00:07:52,880 I don't want to snap the tree! 192 00:07:52,880 --> 00:07:54,640 SHARP SNAP, TEAM GASPS 193 00:07:54,640 --> 00:07:56,240 Are you OK? Yeah, don't worry. 194 00:07:56,240 --> 00:07:58,720 One minute, one minute. Go on, Andy. Come on, Andy. 195 00:07:58,720 --> 00:08:00,560 You can do it, go, go. 196 00:08:00,560 --> 00:08:03,960 Right on the end, the branch in front of you. 197 00:08:03,960 --> 00:08:06,560 What, this little cone? No, not them. They're the wrong ones. 198 00:08:06,560 --> 00:08:09,320 They're dead. They're right on the end. 199 00:08:09,320 --> 00:08:11,080 30 seconds left. Come on. 200 00:08:11,080 --> 00:08:13,480 Brilliant, Hebe! Come on, Hebe. THEY SHOUT ENCOURAGEMENT 201 00:08:13,480 --> 00:08:15,600 Pull it, keep pulling. 202 00:08:15,600 --> 00:08:17,920 Well done. Oh, well done. Well done, boys. 203 00:08:18,880 --> 00:08:20,400 Ooh, my back. 204 00:08:20,400 --> 00:08:23,240 Well done. Well done, Hebe. Right, good job. You did good. 205 00:08:23,240 --> 00:08:24,400 Oh, my God. 206 00:08:24,400 --> 00:08:26,720 We've done OUR job. Yeah, well done. Now it's our turn. 207 00:08:26,720 --> 00:08:27,800 Mille-feuille, please! 208 00:08:27,800 --> 00:08:30,160 You get up there and you've got your face full of branches, 209 00:08:30,160 --> 00:08:33,080 you can't really see. I'm like battle-scarred and cut 210 00:08:33,080 --> 00:08:34,640 and I've got a wedgie! 211 00:08:36,160 --> 00:08:37,720 Right, I'm going to strip these down 212 00:08:37,720 --> 00:08:40,120 and then get the big cones out for you to crush. 213 00:08:40,120 --> 00:08:42,440 Pine cones and needles foraged... 214 00:08:42,440 --> 00:08:43,920 Ooh. Ah. 215 00:08:43,920 --> 00:08:46,960 ..the teams must now follow Cal's three-stage recipe. 216 00:08:46,960 --> 00:08:49,160 Is that enough? Definitely 200 in there, yeah. 217 00:08:49,160 --> 00:08:50,960 OK, so that's boiling. 218 00:08:50,960 --> 00:08:54,520 Where are the pine needles going? In here. In Sam's glaze. 219 00:08:54,520 --> 00:08:57,160 First, they need to boil the pine cones and needles 220 00:08:57,160 --> 00:08:59,520 to extract the flavour for their glaze. 221 00:08:59,520 --> 00:09:00,640 It's not boiling yet. 222 00:09:00,640 --> 00:09:03,280 Can't do anything, it needs to get a temperature. No. 223 00:09:03,280 --> 00:09:05,920 We should have thought about boiling it first. 224 00:09:05,920 --> 00:09:07,800 So the Blue team are a little bit behind. Yeah. 225 00:09:07,800 --> 00:09:10,120 They didn't bring it up to the boil first, so they stick 226 00:09:10,120 --> 00:09:12,840 all their pine in, it's going to take longer... They panicked early. 227 00:09:12,840 --> 00:09:15,120 I can have a little taste of them, I don't mind. 228 00:09:16,640 --> 00:09:19,280 It's got a good flavour, right? Wow. That's really good. 229 00:09:19,280 --> 00:09:21,720 Let's go. Yeah. Got the flavouring, let's do it. 230 00:09:22,720 --> 00:09:26,480 Ooh, it looks good. It's got some green colour. Yummy, yummy. 231 00:09:26,480 --> 00:09:29,360 The good news, the Red team, they're tasting their stuff. Yeah, yeah. 232 00:09:29,360 --> 00:09:31,840 It sounds like they've got the right flavours. Sounds good. 233 00:09:31,840 --> 00:09:34,000 Also, I don't think the Blue team tasted theirs. No. 234 00:09:34,000 --> 00:09:36,920 You can't guess it, right? You can't guess it, no, you should be tasting. 235 00:09:36,920 --> 00:09:39,720 And the quality, we've got time, and there's quality, quality - 236 00:09:39,720 --> 00:09:41,240 that's what we're being judged on. 237 00:09:41,240 --> 00:09:42,480 With glazes made... 238 00:09:42,480 --> 00:09:44,000 Just like your toothpaste! 239 00:09:44,000 --> 00:09:46,560 ..the next stage is to start assembling the mille-feuille, 240 00:09:46,560 --> 00:09:49,080 layering puff pastry with piped glaze. 241 00:09:49,080 --> 00:09:50,760 Good work, Flo, keep it going, girl. 242 00:09:50,760 --> 00:09:53,520 I've never done this before. Yes, my man! Oh, Kier. 243 00:09:53,520 --> 00:09:54,760 Lovely old job. 244 00:09:57,000 --> 00:09:59,200 Oh, I'm shaking like crazy. 245 00:09:59,200 --> 00:10:00,800 It looks amazing. Keep it going. 246 00:10:00,800 --> 00:10:02,600 It's hard to watch, isn't it? 247 00:10:02,600 --> 00:10:04,360 One of them's cracked already. 248 00:10:04,360 --> 00:10:07,440 Just kee... Ooh, yeah. It's very fragile. 249 00:10:07,440 --> 00:10:09,520 The final step is the most delicate - 250 00:10:09,520 --> 00:10:11,760 adding the tempered white chocolate layer. 251 00:10:11,760 --> 00:10:13,920 The secret to the white chocolate garnish 252 00:10:13,920 --> 00:10:16,040 is to lay it on the top and peel it off. Yeah, exactly. 253 00:10:16,040 --> 00:10:18,000 The second it's in your hand, it starts melting. 254 00:10:18,000 --> 00:10:19,360 It's very fragile. 255 00:10:19,360 --> 00:10:22,400 The longer it's in your hand, it's going to melt. Yeah. Oh. 256 00:10:22,400 --> 00:10:24,120 Sorry, that was my fault. 257 00:10:26,200 --> 00:10:27,800 30 seconds to go. 258 00:10:27,800 --> 00:10:30,040 Go on, Flo. Well done. 259 00:10:30,040 --> 00:10:31,080 We've got this. 260 00:10:32,120 --> 00:10:35,080 Five, four, three... 261 00:10:35,080 --> 00:10:37,640 two, one... And stop, guys. Well done. 262 00:10:37,640 --> 00:10:39,400 Good work, Flo. Good job. 263 00:10:41,720 --> 00:10:43,800 I never did that before. 264 00:10:43,800 --> 00:10:46,600 In my mind, I was like, it has to be kind of perfect 265 00:10:46,600 --> 00:10:50,440 because we are presenting our food to two Michelin-stars chefs, 266 00:10:50,440 --> 00:10:52,800 so it just has to be perfect. 267 00:10:54,360 --> 00:10:57,280 I think as much as the presentation is super-important right now, 268 00:10:57,280 --> 00:10:58,560 it's all in the taste. 269 00:10:58,560 --> 00:11:01,040 I mean, ours look a little bit messier, I think, 270 00:11:01,040 --> 00:11:03,960 but if the taste is there, then I think we'll edge it. 271 00:11:03,960 --> 00:11:07,440 Time to see if these desserts meet Cal's Michelin-starred standards. 272 00:11:07,440 --> 00:11:10,600 So, Blue team - they didn't taste it first. Yeah. 273 00:11:10,600 --> 00:11:12,360 How important is that? Yeah. Seriously. 274 00:11:12,360 --> 00:11:14,600 Colour-wise, what do you think? Yeah, colour's OK but 275 00:11:14,600 --> 00:11:17,080 I think it would have been better if they'd boiled it first, 276 00:11:17,080 --> 00:11:19,920 then added the pine in. It tastes nice. But it does taste good. 277 00:11:19,920 --> 00:11:21,440 They look beautiful. They do. 278 00:11:21,440 --> 00:11:24,000 Piping? Piping's very good. Very good. They've done well. 279 00:11:24,000 --> 00:11:25,720 The Red team, flavour-wise? 280 00:11:25,720 --> 00:11:27,320 Yeah. Good consistency. 281 00:11:28,720 --> 00:11:31,160 Ooh, that's delicious. Mm, very good. 282 00:11:31,160 --> 00:11:33,960 They've got one beautiful one. So they lost the final presentation 283 00:11:33,960 --> 00:11:36,600 because they... Handled it too long, yeah. Yeah. 284 00:11:36,600 --> 00:11:38,920 It's a shame because the glaze is delicious. Yeah, it is. 285 00:11:38,920 --> 00:11:41,280 HE SIGHS 286 00:11:38,920 --> 00:11:41,280 Tough. It's a close call. 287 00:11:44,000 --> 00:11:45,600 OK, well done. 288 00:11:45,600 --> 00:11:47,080 That was a tall order. 289 00:11:47,080 --> 00:11:50,080 The winning team is down to the tiniest of margins. 290 00:11:54,400 --> 00:11:55,920 Congratulations... 291 00:11:55,920 --> 00:11:58,200 ..Blue team, well done. 292 00:11:58,200 --> 00:12:00,600 MURMURS OF RELIEF 293 00:11:58,200 --> 00:12:00,600 Well done! 294 00:12:00,600 --> 00:12:04,000 The finesse was beautifully done to Cal's standard, 295 00:12:04,000 --> 00:12:06,400 Michelin-star standard. In fact, Cal said 296 00:12:06,400 --> 00:12:08,600 they could go into his restaurant tonight. 297 00:12:08,600 --> 00:12:10,520 Well done, guys. Well done. 298 00:12:10,520 --> 00:12:12,160 Red team, what a shame. 299 00:12:12,160 --> 00:12:15,040 When you put that white chocolate in your hands, it instantly melts it. 300 00:12:15,040 --> 00:12:17,640 Visually, it didn't have the impact. 301 00:12:17,640 --> 00:12:20,200 Blue team, tomorrow we've got a big challenge 302 00:12:20,200 --> 00:12:21,800 and you guys have got an advantage. 303 00:12:21,800 --> 00:12:25,240 Right, who'd like a bite? Let's go, dig in! 304 00:12:27,000 --> 00:12:29,040 I'm chuffed with everyone's performance. 305 00:12:29,040 --> 00:12:31,920 Obviously, Amy, with the syrup. Credit to Flo for the finesse of it. 306 00:12:31,920 --> 00:12:33,080 I'm just chuffed right now 307 00:12:33,080 --> 00:12:36,040 and I hope that we can carry this momentum over to tomorrow. 308 00:12:36,040 --> 00:12:38,760 Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Here's to tomorrow. 309 00:12:38,760 --> 00:12:42,360 It was Rachel who was peeling off the white chocolate layers 310 00:12:42,360 --> 00:12:44,280 and I think that's what we lost on. 311 00:12:44,280 --> 00:12:47,600 But...nothing we can do about it now. 312 00:12:47,600 --> 00:12:49,920 We need a medic to cut Craig out of his uniform! 313 00:12:49,920 --> 00:12:51,360 THEY LAUGH 314 00:12:51,360 --> 00:12:53,600 Blue team got a bit lucky there. Not tasting that glaze 315 00:12:53,600 --> 00:12:55,440 could have come back to bite them on the arse 316 00:12:55,440 --> 00:12:57,240 but it did look good and it tasted good. 317 00:12:57,240 --> 00:13:00,960 Sadly, the Red team, they lost it through the finesse. Tiny margins. 318 00:13:00,960 --> 00:13:03,800 Tomorrow is a big challenge but no room for error. 319 00:13:15,520 --> 00:13:19,560 Have you been to Newcastle before? Of course not! Miles away. 320 00:13:19,560 --> 00:13:21,200 I reckon the real challenge is 321 00:13:21,200 --> 00:13:23,360 to not get shit on by the seagulls. Yeah. 322 00:13:24,400 --> 00:13:26,320 I've asked the guys to meet me here 323 00:13:26,320 --> 00:13:28,680 at the stunning Hawker Market in Gateshead. 324 00:13:28,680 --> 00:13:31,360 Now, yesterday was all about using humble ingredients 325 00:13:31,360 --> 00:13:33,560 to create a high-end product. 326 00:13:33,560 --> 00:13:37,160 Today, I really want to see how they can take a store cupboard staple 327 00:13:37,160 --> 00:13:39,760 and transform it into something special. 328 00:13:39,760 --> 00:13:42,520 And trust me, that is not easy. 329 00:13:45,240 --> 00:13:48,920 Oh. Here we go! Uh-oh. Here he comes, here he comes! Here we go. 330 00:13:48,920 --> 00:13:51,840 Good...morning! ALL: Morning! 331 00:13:51,840 --> 00:13:53,160 Are we good? ALL: Yes. 332 00:13:53,160 --> 00:13:54,760 Right, for your next big challenge, 333 00:13:54,760 --> 00:13:56,720 I want all of you to take on 334 00:13:56,720 --> 00:13:59,800 an absolute staple from the dinner table. 335 00:13:59,800 --> 00:14:04,240 You'll be creating your very own brand-new bottled sauce. 336 00:14:04,240 --> 00:14:06,280 THEY GASP AND LAUGH 337 00:14:07,840 --> 00:14:09,080 Yes. 338 00:14:09,080 --> 00:14:12,240 Listen carefully. Think creatively. 339 00:14:12,240 --> 00:14:15,600 How is your sauce going to stand out on those supermarket shelves? 340 00:14:15,600 --> 00:14:17,000 Think about the occasion. 341 00:14:17,000 --> 00:14:20,080 When will your customers enjoy it, and what food 342 00:14:20,080 --> 00:14:21,600 will it pair with? 343 00:14:21,600 --> 00:14:25,560 Tomorrow, you'll have your very own stand here at this amazing market. 344 00:14:25,560 --> 00:14:28,600 Whoever sells the most bottles, wins. 345 00:14:28,600 --> 00:14:32,720 OK? Yep. Now, you're going to be in the same teams as yesterday. 346 00:14:32,720 --> 00:14:37,480 So Rachel, Hebe, Sam and Kier, you are the Reds, which means 347 00:14:37,480 --> 00:14:41,440 Flo, Craig, Amy and Andy, you are the Blues. 348 00:14:41,440 --> 00:14:44,480 Now, before we get started, I want to introduce you to an amazing 349 00:14:44,480 --> 00:14:49,480 couple who have turned the bottled sauce industry on its head. 350 00:14:49,480 --> 00:14:51,080 Sauce Shop... 351 00:14:51,080 --> 00:14:55,240 Welcome, Pam and James from the amazing Sauce Shop. 352 00:14:55,240 --> 00:14:57,200 Good morning. 353 00:14:55,240 --> 00:14:57,200 APPLAUSE 354 00:14:57,200 --> 00:15:01,200 Nottingham-based duo Pam and James started Sauce Shop in 2014 355 00:15:01,200 --> 00:15:02,880 from their kitchen. 356 00:15:02,880 --> 00:15:06,840 Nine years and multiple awards later, they now supply over 1,000 357 00:15:06,840 --> 00:15:08,800 shops and supermarkets. 358 00:15:08,800 --> 00:15:11,520 Good to see you. Good to see you. Take me back to the beginning. 359 00:15:11,520 --> 00:15:14,400 The inspiration came from where? We used to work in food product 360 00:15:14,400 --> 00:15:15,760 development, and we thought 361 00:15:15,760 --> 00:15:17,560 that the sauces in the supermarkets 362 00:15:17,560 --> 00:15:19,320 just weren't doing our food justice. 363 00:15:19,320 --> 00:15:21,440 We just thought - we can do better than this. 364 00:15:21,440 --> 00:15:25,720 What's the secret behind creating an exciting new sauce that absolutely 365 00:15:25,720 --> 00:15:27,360 blows those customers away? 366 00:15:27,360 --> 00:15:29,800 It's got to be unique and it's got to go with something. 367 00:15:29,800 --> 00:15:33,000 A lot of our recipes are kind of reinventions of classics, 368 00:15:33,000 --> 00:15:35,880 but we've obviously got some pretty unique flavours as well. 369 00:15:35,880 --> 00:15:37,240 Here's the good news. 370 00:15:37,240 --> 00:15:39,680 Both Pam and James have agreed that the winning sauce 371 00:15:39,680 --> 00:15:42,960 will be featured as a limited edition on their website. 372 00:15:42,960 --> 00:15:45,480 Yes. How cool is that? That's amazing. 373 00:15:45,480 --> 00:15:50,160 So, take inspiration from Pam and James because their business 374 00:15:50,160 --> 00:15:54,920 was in the exact same position as yours, under a decade ago. 375 00:15:54,920 --> 00:15:58,520 Blue team, as you won that mille-feuille challenge yesterday, 376 00:15:58,520 --> 00:16:01,440 you'll get to spend some very special time with Pam and James 377 00:16:01,440 --> 00:16:03,200 to give you some amazing tips. 378 00:16:03,200 --> 00:16:05,280 Excited? ALL: Yes! 379 00:16:05,280 --> 00:16:07,280 OK. Off you go, guys. Good luck. 380 00:16:09,680 --> 00:16:13,800 Right. Who has experiences with sauces? 381 00:16:13,800 --> 00:16:15,760 OK. 382 00:16:15,760 --> 00:16:18,440 As a prolific sauce entrepreneur... 383 00:16:18,440 --> 00:16:20,760 Are you feeling good? Feeling the pressure? 384 00:16:20,760 --> 00:16:23,120 I'm excited and terrified, all in equal measure. 385 00:16:23,120 --> 00:16:25,320 And, hopefully, I won't have a meltdown. Yeah. 386 00:16:25,320 --> 00:16:29,320 I'm setting this challenge because half of us use a condiment 387 00:16:29,320 --> 00:16:32,400 with every meal, which means the UK industry is worth around 388 00:16:32,400 --> 00:16:34,040 £2.5 billion. 389 00:16:34,040 --> 00:16:38,440 And honestly, it's a huge market. Crack it, you're onto a winner. 390 00:16:38,440 --> 00:16:40,840 I'm thinking, like, with your business, 391 00:16:40,840 --> 00:16:43,760 that hot sauce is the most popular sauce. 392 00:16:43,760 --> 00:16:46,240 I would go for the hot sauce if we took a vote on it. 393 00:16:46,240 --> 00:16:49,240 I literally do carry hot sauce in my bag everywhere I go. 394 00:16:49,240 --> 00:16:51,880 And for the pairing, if we've got hot sauce, we should do tacos. 395 00:16:51,880 --> 00:16:54,240 I think it just will marry-up well. 396 00:16:54,240 --> 00:16:58,120 I am feeling immense pressure because it's my thing, 397 00:16:58,120 --> 00:17:01,600 but everyone's looking at me like, "Kier, save us from the grilling." 398 00:17:01,600 --> 00:17:03,600 Keep calm. Carry on. 399 00:17:05,560 --> 00:17:08,200 We know that they're going to be relying on Kier. 400 00:17:08,200 --> 00:17:10,240 They're going to take his lead. Exactly. 401 00:17:10,240 --> 00:17:12,960 If they got for hot sauce, he's going to get judged on - that 402 00:17:12,960 --> 00:17:16,040 better be the bloody best hot sauce that they've all ever tried. 403 00:17:16,040 --> 00:17:18,160 If he doesn't live up to that, that's on him. 404 00:17:18,160 --> 00:17:20,600 I would more go round, like, a ketchup. 405 00:17:20,600 --> 00:17:22,880 It would have to be so original, though, wouldn't it? 406 00:17:22,880 --> 00:17:25,440 Could you not do a play on, like, a tartare sauce or... 407 00:17:25,440 --> 00:17:28,560 ..a mushy peas? Mushy pea ketchup? Yeah. 408 00:17:28,560 --> 00:17:32,080 With ketchup, you can pair it with fish, chips and gravy, fish, chips and curry sauce, 409 00:17:32,080 --> 00:17:36,000 fish, chips and mushy peas. Fish and chips, then? What?! 410 00:17:36,000 --> 00:17:38,080 Yeah. Fish and chips?! 411 00:17:38,080 --> 00:17:40,120 No, it's terrible. For me, it's terrible. 412 00:17:40,120 --> 00:17:41,600 I don't really eat fish and chips. 413 00:17:41,600 --> 00:17:44,440 I think I never had a good fish and chips in my life, 414 00:17:44,440 --> 00:17:48,080 and it's cultural, so doing a ketchup will be really hard for me. 415 00:17:50,320 --> 00:17:51,920 Decisions made, 416 00:17:51,920 --> 00:17:55,160 the teams now have two hours to develop their sauce recipes. 417 00:17:55,160 --> 00:17:59,240 I have to strip a little bit. Ladies, watch out. 418 00:17:59,240 --> 00:18:01,120 That is fenugreek. 419 00:18:02,160 --> 00:18:04,880 Yeah. And that goes really nicely with peas. Peas? 420 00:18:04,880 --> 00:18:06,360 Britain's favourite dish is curry. 421 00:18:06,360 --> 00:18:08,560 The second favourite dish is fish and chips. 422 00:18:08,560 --> 00:18:10,520 So I know we had the mushy pea idea. 423 00:18:10,520 --> 00:18:12,520 What about doing something like... 424 00:18:12,520 --> 00:18:15,080 ..like a tikka masala mushy pea ketchup? 425 00:18:15,080 --> 00:18:17,680 A curried ketchup? Yeah? Let's start. 426 00:18:19,080 --> 00:18:21,520 Base-wise, I think we've got to think about stuff that goes 427 00:18:21,520 --> 00:18:24,040 with Mexican food as well. So pineapple definitely could work. 428 00:18:24,040 --> 00:18:25,960 Molasses could work, but it's quite dark. 429 00:18:25,960 --> 00:18:28,080 Or you could have cider, so you could have a cider 430 00:18:28,080 --> 00:18:29,640 and pineapple hot sauce. 431 00:18:29,640 --> 00:18:33,560 I don't make sauce, but one thing, when I was travelling 432 00:18:33,560 --> 00:18:35,440 in Mexico, was chocolate. 433 00:18:35,440 --> 00:18:37,720 I just don't think I can make that taste nice. 434 00:18:37,720 --> 00:18:39,760 We use it with the molasses and the cider. 435 00:18:39,760 --> 00:18:42,480 I think pineapple and molasses is interesting enough. Yeah. 436 00:18:42,480 --> 00:18:45,960 Yeah. Pineapple, cider, molasses. Let's rock it. And I'm happy doing whatever. 437 00:18:45,960 --> 00:18:49,080 I know myself pretty well, and I know that I'm not the loudest one. 438 00:18:49,080 --> 00:18:52,800 And I think that can be a little bit hard to get your voice heard. 439 00:18:52,800 --> 00:18:56,480 Start with this pineapple. But it's about trying to make sure 440 00:18:56,480 --> 00:18:58,280 we play to everyone's strengths. 441 00:18:58,280 --> 00:19:00,880 Ah! I haven't really used molasses before. 442 00:19:00,880 --> 00:19:04,480 It's, like, I do this every day, but under this kind of pressure, 443 00:19:04,480 --> 00:19:07,600 I'm like, "Ah! Am I remembering everything?" 444 00:19:07,600 --> 00:19:09,280 As the teams cook-up their sauces... 445 00:19:09,280 --> 00:19:11,880 So we've started off with onions and garlic, basil, 446 00:19:11,880 --> 00:19:15,720 pea, gherkins and then fenugreek. 447 00:19:15,720 --> 00:19:18,720 ..yesterday's challenge winners... Hello. 448 00:19:18,720 --> 00:19:21,640 ..are getting some top tips from Pam and James. 449 00:19:21,640 --> 00:19:25,320 We know that you've got to hit a certain pH, slightly acidic, 450 00:19:25,320 --> 00:19:29,560 but don't go too far, because you'll create something really sour. 451 00:19:29,560 --> 00:19:31,360 OK. It's all about consistency. 452 00:19:31,360 --> 00:19:34,960 So you want your sauce to be coherent, smooth, homogeneous, 453 00:19:34,960 --> 00:19:38,120 and you achieve that by cooking it properly and blending it for long 454 00:19:38,120 --> 00:19:40,400 enough, as well, so it's all nicely held together. 455 00:19:40,400 --> 00:19:42,600 So the secret is blended? Yeah. 456 00:19:42,600 --> 00:19:45,680 And in terms of flavour? It's up to you. 457 00:19:45,680 --> 00:19:48,360 Ah! OK. OK. 458 00:19:48,360 --> 00:19:51,280 We'll have to work on the texture and the acidity. 459 00:19:51,280 --> 00:19:53,880 And I really like this fenugreek. 460 00:19:53,880 --> 00:19:55,960 We need a little bit more, I think. 461 00:19:58,240 --> 00:20:00,520 On the Red team... It's a good colour, isn't it? 462 00:20:00,520 --> 00:20:04,640 ..the first attempt at their pineapple hot sauce is ready to taste. 463 00:20:04,640 --> 00:20:06,720 Got the sweet balance right. 464 00:20:06,720 --> 00:20:08,480 I don't know if I can taste the pineapple. 465 00:20:08,480 --> 00:20:11,040 I think the after notes was pineapple. 466 00:20:11,040 --> 00:20:14,240 I don't feel like I feel flavours. I just feel, like, sweet and heat. 467 00:20:14,240 --> 00:20:17,200 It's not "pineapple-y" enough. The challenge is, though, 468 00:20:17,200 --> 00:20:20,400 if we increase too much more of it, it's going to get too thick. 469 00:20:20,400 --> 00:20:21,600 Yeah. 470 00:20:22,720 --> 00:20:26,280 Are you good, guys? Oh, hello. How are we doing? Hello. 471 00:20:26,280 --> 00:20:28,120 Well. Tell me, where are we going? 472 00:20:28,120 --> 00:20:31,320 We went with pineapple for the base of the hot sauce, 473 00:20:31,320 --> 00:20:33,640 but didn't want to go too standard. 474 00:20:33,640 --> 00:20:36,160 So we went with molasses to sweeten it, and it adds a little bit 475 00:20:36,160 --> 00:20:37,520 of bitterness as well. 476 00:20:37,520 --> 00:20:40,720 But, you know, it's counterintuitive because it's the base of a barbecue. 477 00:20:40,720 --> 00:20:44,200 Can be, but it's... I think it's a bit original. 478 00:20:44,200 --> 00:20:45,720 So, what's in here? Yeah. 479 00:20:45,720 --> 00:20:48,240 So we've got a bit of onion and garlic, just for the touch 480 00:20:48,240 --> 00:20:51,240 of savoury-ness. I like the heat level of that. 481 00:20:51,240 --> 00:20:54,840 Yeah? It's got a good heat coming through. Maybe a bit too much 482 00:20:54,840 --> 00:20:58,680 sort of fighting on the flavour-wise. The flavour doesn't come through enough - the pineapple. 483 00:20:58,680 --> 00:21:02,120 No. I lost that pineapple there. I want to taste that fruitiness. 484 00:21:02,120 --> 00:21:04,560 All right. Think carefully about naming it as well. 485 00:21:04,560 --> 00:21:06,640 There's quite a lot going on, isn't there? 486 00:21:06,640 --> 00:21:09,760 How do you communicate that flavour in a few words? 487 00:21:09,760 --> 00:21:13,040 What I need you to do, is all of you taste it, because you're a team. 488 00:21:13,040 --> 00:21:17,240 So you need to win as a team. OK? Good luck. 489 00:21:17,240 --> 00:21:19,880 Your successful hot sauce, does it have molasses in? 490 00:21:19,880 --> 00:21:21,960 No. We'd use that in a barbecue sauce. 491 00:21:21,960 --> 00:21:23,520 I've never seen it in a hot sauce. 492 00:21:23,520 --> 00:21:26,480 Yeah, it seems a bit of an obscure ingredient for a hot sauce. 493 00:21:26,480 --> 00:21:29,320 I don't know if they're doing enough to stand out. Like, the pineapple 494 00:21:29,320 --> 00:21:31,520 didn't come through. If it's a pineapple hot sauce, 495 00:21:31,520 --> 00:21:34,160 you really want to just taste a fresh punch of pineapple. 496 00:21:34,160 --> 00:21:36,480 Do you want to maybe ramp the pineapple up a bit, then? 497 00:21:36,480 --> 00:21:38,960 To see if we can get the pineapple to come through. 498 00:21:38,960 --> 00:21:42,360 I wouldn't go too much extra on the pineapple. 499 00:21:42,360 --> 00:21:44,720 I mean, personally, I think it's quite well-balanced. 500 00:21:44,720 --> 00:21:48,440 But he did just say there that he didn't taste the pineapple in it. Yeah. 501 00:21:48,440 --> 00:21:49,560 At all. Yeah. 502 00:21:49,560 --> 00:21:51,720 And I wouldn't want to lose the task based on the fact 503 00:21:51,720 --> 00:21:54,480 that the main element of the sauce isn't tasted. 504 00:21:54,480 --> 00:21:56,520 I just don't want to end up with something worse. 505 00:21:56,520 --> 00:21:59,040 Kier's pretty headstrong on what he wants to do. 506 00:21:59,040 --> 00:22:02,880 But from past experience, not taking the advice, you end 507 00:22:02,880 --> 00:22:06,200 up in the losing team, so, a bit concerned. 508 00:22:06,200 --> 00:22:08,200 Maybe, let's go up by, like, 10g. 509 00:22:08,200 --> 00:22:10,240 We can try it, absolutely. Yeah? 510 00:22:10,240 --> 00:22:13,160 I'm not going to be... not going to be a knob about it. 511 00:22:17,880 --> 00:22:19,320 How's that? 512 00:22:19,320 --> 00:22:21,400 Gosh, it's good. Ooh. 513 00:22:21,400 --> 00:22:23,480 That's very good. 514 00:22:23,480 --> 00:22:25,600 That's lovely. 515 00:22:25,600 --> 00:22:27,200 Are you happy with that consistency? 516 00:22:27,200 --> 00:22:29,160 No, it's too thick. 517 00:22:29,160 --> 00:22:31,160 So we need to work on the texture. 518 00:22:33,920 --> 00:22:35,680 Hello. Blue team, we good? 519 00:22:35,680 --> 00:22:38,240 How are we feeling? Good. Good. 520 00:22:38,240 --> 00:22:39,840 Where are we going? 521 00:22:39,840 --> 00:22:41,520 A mushy pea ketchup. 522 00:22:41,520 --> 00:22:43,840 Do you want a little taste? Yeah, absolutely. 523 00:22:43,840 --> 00:22:46,200 So, this is a real classic one, this one, right? 524 00:22:46,200 --> 00:22:49,000 In terms of, like, ketchup. So it needs to stand out. 525 00:22:49,000 --> 00:22:50,920 Visuals first. What do you think? 526 00:22:50,920 --> 00:22:53,320 It's, erm... For me, it's not really ketchup-y. 527 00:22:53,320 --> 00:22:55,880 I think it needs a lot more blitzing. Yeah. 528 00:22:55,880 --> 00:22:58,080 It's kind of like pea puree. It's more like a pea puree. 529 00:22:58,080 --> 00:22:59,920 Which is nice. So, I need to work on the texture? 530 00:22:59,920 --> 00:23:01,320 It needs to pour nicely. 531 00:23:01,320 --> 00:23:03,800 I'm getting really strong fenugreek. Did you put fenugreek? Yeah. 532 00:23:03,800 --> 00:23:06,320 Yeah, you literally get hit with that. Yeah, fenugreek's a bit weird 533 00:23:06,320 --> 00:23:08,680 in there, cos it's not the kind of thing you traditionally put 534 00:23:08,680 --> 00:23:10,880 on fish and chips. It stays with you, as well. 535 00:23:10,880 --> 00:23:12,800 So, it's working on the balance. 536 00:23:12,800 --> 00:23:14,720 OK, got it. 537 00:23:14,720 --> 00:23:16,920 So, Blue team, the consistency looked a bit... 538 00:23:16,920 --> 00:23:18,560 No, it wasn't ketchup. 539 00:23:18,560 --> 00:23:21,000 There's a shine that ketchup should have, cos of that sweetness, 540 00:23:21,000 --> 00:23:22,600 cos it's so well-blended. Yeah. 541 00:23:22,600 --> 00:23:24,720 So, how do we make it like a ketchup, then? 542 00:23:24,720 --> 00:23:26,480 Well, we blend better. 543 00:23:26,480 --> 00:23:29,160 Flavour-wise? Peas have got to come through, cos at the moment 544 00:23:29,160 --> 00:23:30,920 it does taste just like fenugreek. 545 00:23:30,920 --> 00:23:33,600 Yeah, it's not the kind of thing you find with peas, is it, fenugreek? 546 00:23:33,600 --> 00:23:35,680 Not really. No. You put it in curry. 547 00:23:35,680 --> 00:23:38,200 I'm not sure if it's even... Look. It's not enough. 548 00:23:38,200 --> 00:23:40,040 This is not a ketchup. 549 00:23:40,040 --> 00:23:41,800 So, more water. 550 00:23:41,800 --> 00:23:44,920 I didn't know it was so tricky to make a sauce. 551 00:23:46,920 --> 00:23:48,600 Shit! Fuck's sake. 552 00:23:48,600 --> 00:23:50,160 You OK, Kier? 553 00:23:50,160 --> 00:23:51,800 How are you getting on? Ugh... 554 00:23:51,800 --> 00:23:54,240 It's all sticking to the bottom. Fuck's sake. 555 00:23:57,840 --> 00:23:59,440 I know I'm panicking a bit. 556 00:23:59,440 --> 00:24:01,320 My entire future's at stake. No biggie. 557 00:24:01,320 --> 00:24:03,960 All our futures are at stake, though, as well, Kier, remember. 558 00:24:03,960 --> 00:24:06,080 Like, we all have to contribute enough to... Oh, I know. 559 00:24:06,080 --> 00:24:09,160 But maybe slightly less embarrassing for you. 560 00:24:09,160 --> 00:24:14,320 I'm thinking, am I in the process of destroying my reputation? 561 00:24:14,320 --> 00:24:16,280 I'm second-guessing everything. 562 00:24:16,280 --> 00:24:18,320 I'm a bit of a mess. 563 00:24:18,320 --> 00:24:20,480 Slightly less spice, slightly more pineapple. 564 00:24:20,480 --> 00:24:22,080 How's that taste? 565 00:24:22,080 --> 00:24:24,680 I'm finding it hard to find the pineapple in it, if you know what I mean? 566 00:24:24,680 --> 00:24:26,200 I don't taste pineapple either. 567 00:24:26,200 --> 00:24:27,440 Oh, fuck me. 568 00:24:27,440 --> 00:24:29,680 Right, let's just chuck a little bit more pineapple in there, 569 00:24:29,680 --> 00:24:31,040 and see what we can do. 570 00:24:32,960 --> 00:24:35,520 The teams now have 30 minutes left to perfect 571 00:24:35,520 --> 00:24:37,640 their final sauce recipes. 572 00:24:37,640 --> 00:24:40,520 Take a deep breath, Blue team. No panic. 573 00:24:40,520 --> 00:24:42,160 As well as producing their sauce... 574 00:24:42,160 --> 00:24:43,640 Ooh-la-la. 575 00:24:43,640 --> 00:24:45,280 Going to do a beer batter. 576 00:24:45,280 --> 00:24:47,680 ..the teams also have to come up with sample dishes 577 00:24:47,680 --> 00:24:49,400 to help showcase it tomorrow. 578 00:24:49,400 --> 00:24:51,520 A fish, chips and sauce - is that it? 579 00:24:51,520 --> 00:24:52,720 Yeah. 580 00:24:54,520 --> 00:24:57,440 We've got tortilla chips for the veggies, chicken tacos... 581 00:24:57,440 --> 00:24:59,960 I mean, we could make taco without the chicken on the top, 582 00:24:59,960 --> 00:25:02,160 then it's a veggie taco. 583 00:25:02,160 --> 00:25:04,520 But then it would just be a taco with just salad in it. 584 00:25:04,520 --> 00:25:05,840 Yeah. 585 00:25:05,840 --> 00:25:08,280 Me and Hebe conflict on a lot of stuff. Like, I think the ideas 586 00:25:08,280 --> 00:25:10,840 she comes up with are shit, and then she thinks ideas I come up 587 00:25:10,840 --> 00:25:13,040 with are shit, and we just conflict all the time. 588 00:25:13,040 --> 00:25:16,120 Tomorrow, I'm worried how much the kitchen team might have to do 589 00:25:16,120 --> 00:25:18,800 if they're doing a lot. 590 00:25:18,800 --> 00:25:21,280 But what we are meant to do, make the tacos shit? 591 00:25:21,280 --> 00:25:23,200 Well, not make the tacos shit... 592 00:25:25,000 --> 00:25:26,680 Has anybody thought of any names? 593 00:25:28,480 --> 00:25:32,360 I think we should play on the fact that it's ketchup and peas. 594 00:25:34,440 --> 00:25:36,240 Pea-ky Blinder? 595 00:25:36,240 --> 00:25:38,000 Pea, ha-pea... 596 00:25:38,000 --> 00:25:40,000 Ha'pea Ketchup? 597 00:25:40,000 --> 00:25:43,160 Like, as in "ha-pea", as in with a pea? Yeah. Ha-PEA. 598 00:25:43,160 --> 00:25:45,640 Like, H-A-P... Oh, I see what you mean. 599 00:25:45,640 --> 00:25:47,680 What did you think I meant? Oh! You're ha'pea! 600 00:25:47,680 --> 00:25:49,640 Just you were calling it a happy sauce. 601 00:25:49,640 --> 00:25:51,320 So, I like Ha'pea Sauce. 602 00:25:51,320 --> 00:25:53,880 We've got ten minutes to get this done, all right? 603 00:25:59,520 --> 00:26:02,240 Allez, allez, allez. Sorry. 604 00:26:02,240 --> 00:26:05,080 You say "allez" a lot when the time's going... I know, I know. 605 00:26:05,080 --> 00:26:07,360 It's just, let's go. We can do it. 606 00:26:09,560 --> 00:26:11,240 Ooh. No. 607 00:26:11,240 --> 00:26:13,080 I'm happy about the taste. 608 00:26:13,080 --> 00:26:14,760 I'm not happy about the texture. 609 00:26:14,760 --> 00:26:16,640 I think we are a little bit too thick. 610 00:26:16,640 --> 00:26:18,400 I like thick sauces. 611 00:26:18,400 --> 00:26:21,320 I think that will be a little bit tricky for tomorrow. 612 00:26:21,320 --> 00:26:23,240 Ah...! Oh, yeah. It's hot. 613 00:26:23,240 --> 00:26:24,720 Yeah, it's very hot. 614 00:26:33,560 --> 00:26:35,800 I can taste the pineapple a bit more. 615 00:26:35,800 --> 00:26:37,880 Can you taste the pineapple more? 616 00:26:37,880 --> 00:26:40,600 Wee bit. A wee bit? 617 00:26:40,600 --> 00:26:42,520 I think I'm tasting pineapple, yeah. 618 00:26:42,520 --> 00:26:44,840 So, this is the final recipe, right? Yeah. 619 00:26:44,840 --> 00:26:46,880 We're all going with it. We have to get behind it. 620 00:26:46,880 --> 00:26:48,520 Yeah, yeah. Let's do it. 621 00:26:48,520 --> 00:26:50,240 What are we going to go with? 622 00:26:50,240 --> 00:26:53,400 Pineapple Molasses Hot Sauce. Flaming Pineapple Molasses. 623 00:26:53,400 --> 00:26:54,920 What are you thinking, Hebe? 624 00:26:54,920 --> 00:26:58,840 I quite like the Flaming Pineapple Molasses. 625 00:26:58,840 --> 00:27:00,760 That's what it'll be. 626 00:27:00,760 --> 00:27:02,800 It was emotional, guys! 627 00:27:03,920 --> 00:27:05,600 It tastes fine. 628 00:27:05,600 --> 00:27:09,120 But it's been really tough juggling all of the opinions. 629 00:27:09,120 --> 00:27:12,400 I think I'm just a bit overwhelmed with the whole thing. 630 00:27:12,400 --> 00:27:14,400 It's just a lot of self-doubt. 631 00:27:25,440 --> 00:27:27,400 9am. 632 00:27:27,400 --> 00:27:30,400 Hawker Market. 633 00:27:30,400 --> 00:27:33,680 Nestled under the iconic Tyne Bridge, it's one of the top 634 00:27:33,680 --> 00:27:36,720 independent food markets in the north of England. 635 00:27:36,720 --> 00:27:39,840 A great place to showcase new food brands to members of the public 636 00:27:39,840 --> 00:27:42,080 and local retailers. 637 00:27:43,080 --> 00:27:44,840 Game faces on today. 638 00:27:44,840 --> 00:27:46,360 Let's do it. 639 00:27:46,360 --> 00:27:48,560 Peas. Mushy peas. Easy sell. 640 00:27:48,560 --> 00:27:50,920 So ready to sell the pea. 641 00:27:50,920 --> 00:27:53,840 Flaming Pineapple Molasses. 642 00:27:53,840 --> 00:27:56,440 It sounds really sexy. Ooh! 643 00:27:56,440 --> 00:28:00,400 Overnight, the teams' sauces have been mass-produced... 644 00:28:00,400 --> 00:28:03,480 We're really going to kill it today, guys. Show me the sauce. 645 00:28:03,480 --> 00:28:06,200 ..and I've set them up with their own stalls at the market, 646 00:28:06,200 --> 00:28:07,720 to sell them from. 647 00:28:07,720 --> 00:28:09,960 Ooh, this is a bit cute. Oh, that looks nice. 648 00:28:09,960 --> 00:28:12,640 Plenty of peas, guys. Plenty of peas. 649 00:28:12,640 --> 00:28:14,040 Oh. 650 00:28:14,040 --> 00:28:15,960 Oh, they're in there. 651 00:28:15,960 --> 00:28:17,760 Wow. 652 00:28:17,760 --> 00:28:19,600 Flaming Pineapple Molasses. 653 00:28:19,600 --> 00:28:22,800 I'm really happy with how it's come out. I'd buy that. 654 00:28:22,800 --> 00:28:24,720 Oh-la-la. Hey! 655 00:28:24,720 --> 00:28:27,160 Ha'pea Ketchup. 656 00:28:27,160 --> 00:28:30,320 Ah! I love it. Like it. 657 00:28:30,320 --> 00:28:32,120 Shall we try it? 658 00:28:32,120 --> 00:28:33,480 Taste. 659 00:28:36,200 --> 00:28:38,600 Oh, that tastes amazing. Yeah, it tastes really good. 660 00:28:38,600 --> 00:28:40,400 Tastes really good. It's hot. 661 00:28:40,400 --> 00:28:42,600 It tastes really good, it looks really good. 662 00:28:42,600 --> 00:28:44,160 I think it works. 663 00:28:44,160 --> 00:28:45,440 I'm feeling better. 664 00:28:45,440 --> 00:28:48,080 Obviously, yesterday was a bit of an emotional roller-coaster. 665 00:28:48,080 --> 00:28:50,200 Today's a new day. 666 00:28:50,200 --> 00:28:52,840 It's all about the selling now and... 667 00:28:52,840 --> 00:28:54,240 ..ta-da! 668 00:28:54,240 --> 00:28:55,840 So it should be good. 669 00:28:57,400 --> 00:29:01,000 Sort yourself out, why don't you? I'm having some happy sauce. 670 00:29:01,000 --> 00:29:02,920 You want more? That is so nice. 671 00:29:02,920 --> 00:29:05,080 It's got that curry kick to it a bit, though. 672 00:29:05,080 --> 00:29:07,200 It's different. It's curry. 673 00:29:10,920 --> 00:29:12,960 You'll need probably one of those two. 674 00:29:12,960 --> 00:29:15,400 Before their stalls open in 30 minutes... 675 00:29:15,400 --> 00:29:17,120 Yeah, baby, work it. 676 00:29:17,120 --> 00:29:18,960 Work it, baby, yeah. Oh, you're an animal. 677 00:29:18,960 --> 00:29:21,280 ..the teams have a chance to snap some promotional material 678 00:29:21,280 --> 00:29:22,720 for their sauces. 679 00:29:22,720 --> 00:29:25,480 Can we do, like, half the chips in... Exactly. 680 00:29:25,480 --> 00:29:27,160 Half the fish and chips in the shot. 681 00:29:27,160 --> 00:29:29,080 That's a nice one. That is a nice one. 682 00:29:29,080 --> 00:29:30,680 So, that's a barbecue underneath it? 683 00:29:30,680 --> 00:29:32,240 Yeah. Is there nothing else? 684 00:29:32,240 --> 00:29:34,680 What about out at that Portakabin? 685 00:29:34,680 --> 00:29:37,120 It's, like, got multiple colours, just outside a wee bit. 686 00:29:37,120 --> 00:29:39,840 We'll be back in a second, guys. OK. 687 00:29:39,840 --> 00:29:42,520 I just think the colours are irrelevant behind it. Yeah. 688 00:29:42,520 --> 00:29:44,680 I think the barbecue one looks really... it just blends. 689 00:29:44,680 --> 00:29:46,640 It's just dark. I don't really like it. 690 00:29:46,640 --> 00:29:48,320 She's a tough mistress, isn't she? 691 00:29:48,320 --> 00:29:50,800 It'd be nice once to just be like, "Oh, that's actually quite good." 692 00:29:50,800 --> 00:29:52,720 Yeah, she doesn't like anything! 693 00:29:52,720 --> 00:29:55,160 If it were me, I would've found something with red and yellow 694 00:29:55,160 --> 00:29:56,920 in the background. Red and orange. 695 00:29:56,920 --> 00:29:58,960 I just think it looks a bit lost. 696 00:29:58,960 --> 00:30:00,800 Yeah, can you take the pineapple out? 697 00:30:00,800 --> 00:30:02,760 And I'll just take one that's wider. 698 00:30:04,280 --> 00:30:07,480 Yeah, I mean, that's it. We have to go and have a look. See if... 699 00:30:07,480 --> 00:30:11,480 See if that meets Rachel's approval! 700 00:30:11,480 --> 00:30:13,960 So, this is what we have now. No, I know. I'm just saying... 701 00:30:13,960 --> 00:30:17,080 And we haven't got more time. Do you not think you were a bit far away, though? 702 00:30:17,080 --> 00:30:20,000 I mean, there's a lot of things we could, would and should've done. 703 00:30:20,000 --> 00:30:22,640 But there's no point in us worrying about what we could have done. 704 00:30:22,640 --> 00:30:24,760 This is what we have. It's going to be worst if we don't... 705 00:30:24,760 --> 00:30:27,080 One of these, I think, will look really cool. 706 00:30:27,080 --> 00:30:31,120 It's just typical Rachel. Not happy with a lot of things, as per. 707 00:30:31,120 --> 00:30:34,320 But, like Kier said, she's a hard mistress to please! 708 00:30:39,000 --> 00:30:41,040 One bottle, £3.50. 709 00:30:42,760 --> 00:30:44,960 We don't need to have them all out, though, do we? 710 00:30:44,960 --> 00:30:47,920 Just put them all out, Hebe, because that's our product. Like, that looks good. 711 00:30:47,920 --> 00:30:50,000 What is the argument for not having them out? 712 00:30:50,000 --> 00:30:52,760 If you knock one over, like, 20 will just fall off the side. 713 00:30:52,760 --> 00:30:55,480 I think, me and Rachel, we have to work together. 714 00:30:55,480 --> 00:30:59,600 Not let's talk for 20 minutes about how many exact bottles of sauce. 715 00:30:59,600 --> 00:31:01,440 Not really an important detail. 716 00:31:01,440 --> 00:31:03,760 We're in a team together. We have to make this work. 717 00:31:03,760 --> 00:31:05,720 I think we're focusing on a really minor detail 718 00:31:05,720 --> 00:31:07,280 a little bit too much. 719 00:31:07,280 --> 00:31:09,440 Do any of you have bricks and mortar shops, though? 720 00:31:09,440 --> 00:31:11,680 Like, do you know how visual merchandising works? 721 00:31:11,680 --> 00:31:14,600 There's just so many times you can say something without it being heard. 722 00:31:14,600 --> 00:31:17,160 But if the team don't want to hear it, then that's their problem. 723 00:31:17,160 --> 00:31:18,800 I'll fight my corner. 724 00:31:18,800 --> 00:31:20,680 All right, let's not have a tantrum. 725 00:31:20,680 --> 00:31:23,320 It's not a tantrum, Kier. It's a sales task. 726 00:31:23,320 --> 00:31:24,920 Yeah, I know. 727 00:31:24,920 --> 00:31:26,160 Just don't patronise me. 728 00:31:26,160 --> 00:31:27,840 You putting them all out? 729 00:31:27,840 --> 00:31:29,160 I just do as I'm told. 730 00:31:29,160 --> 00:31:31,160 There you go. Sauce just got real. 731 00:31:32,440 --> 00:31:35,720 With the market nearly ready to open its gates, 732 00:31:35,720 --> 00:31:38,480 the teams need to decide on their roles for today. 733 00:31:38,480 --> 00:31:39,720 Oh! 734 00:31:39,720 --> 00:31:42,000 I think it's a given that I'm going to be out. 735 00:31:42,000 --> 00:31:45,200 I'm more confident selling. So, I'll be in the kitchen with you, 736 00:31:45,200 --> 00:31:48,800 I'll be here with you, and then you two will be out on the pitch. 737 00:31:48,800 --> 00:31:51,800 Yes, I'm going to start in the front. 738 00:31:51,800 --> 00:31:53,320 Amy's starting in the kitchen. 739 00:31:53,320 --> 00:31:54,680 I'm out the front. 740 00:31:54,680 --> 00:31:56,880 No, no. I will be on the front, too. 741 00:31:56,880 --> 00:31:58,440 We have, we have turns. 742 00:31:58,440 --> 00:32:00,240 We just have turns. Make sense? 743 00:32:00,240 --> 00:32:01,640 If I'm being honest, 744 00:32:01,640 --> 00:32:03,280 I don't see myself in that kitchen. 745 00:32:03,280 --> 00:32:06,040 I understand we want turns, but in the kitchen, I'm just going 746 00:32:06,040 --> 00:32:08,200 to be useless there. I'm better with people. 747 00:32:08,200 --> 00:32:09,520 There is absolutely no way 748 00:32:09,520 --> 00:32:12,640 they're going to stick me in the kitchen and cooking again. 749 00:32:12,640 --> 00:32:13,880 No way. 750 00:32:13,880 --> 00:32:16,720 I work too hard to make this sauce, so I'm going to sell it. 751 00:32:21,800 --> 00:32:23,080 Here we go! 752 00:32:23,080 --> 00:32:25,600 Midday and the market is open. 753 00:32:25,600 --> 00:32:28,480 Does anyone like hot sauce? Roll up, roll up. 754 00:32:28,480 --> 00:32:31,080 So this is our little spin on a mushy pea sauce. 755 00:32:31,080 --> 00:32:34,520 The teams have 90 minutes to sell as many sauce bottles as they can. 756 00:32:34,520 --> 00:32:37,400 Here we are. Get a little dish of this. 757 00:32:37,400 --> 00:32:39,360 Only £3.50 for a bottle. 758 00:32:39,360 --> 00:32:41,440 Or three bottles for £10. 759 00:32:41,440 --> 00:32:42,880 So, how many would you like? 760 00:32:42,880 --> 00:32:44,760 Three, please. Three bottles. 761 00:32:44,760 --> 00:32:47,080 Three bottles! First order of the day! 762 00:32:47,080 --> 00:32:49,280 Have you guys tried some? Do you want to come forward? 763 00:32:49,280 --> 00:32:50,600 Limited edition. 764 00:32:50,600 --> 00:32:52,320 Guys, it's going to be a manic situation. 765 00:32:52,320 --> 00:32:54,800 Let's not panic, do you know what I mean? We are not panicking. 766 00:32:54,800 --> 00:32:56,720 I'm happy to go out also at some point. 767 00:32:56,720 --> 00:32:58,600 Yeah, no worries, we'll come back. 768 00:32:58,600 --> 00:33:00,000 Here we go. Let's go. Let's go. 769 00:33:00,000 --> 00:33:02,280 Let's do it. Grab a fish and chip. Thank you. 770 00:33:02,280 --> 00:33:03,520 Grab your sauce. 771 00:33:03,520 --> 00:33:05,600 This is our take on a mushy pea ketchup. 772 00:33:05,600 --> 00:33:07,760 It's a bit different. What do we think? 773 00:33:07,760 --> 00:33:10,480 Tastes like mushy peas with a curry taste. 774 00:33:10,480 --> 00:33:12,200 That's banging. Banging, innit? 775 00:33:12,200 --> 00:33:14,600 Can I interest you in a little bundle? Why not? Yeah? 776 00:33:14,600 --> 00:33:17,280 So it's called our Ha'pea Ketchup. 777 00:33:17,280 --> 00:33:20,240 Bit punny, but the main thing is the gold in the inside, you know? 778 00:33:20,240 --> 00:33:23,000 We're only here for the day, so we're really the only people 779 00:33:23,000 --> 00:33:24,600 to do something like this. 780 00:33:24,600 --> 00:33:27,360 So, Andy's got this patter about him that he can sell stuff 781 00:33:27,360 --> 00:33:29,120 and he's selling to everyone. 782 00:33:29,120 --> 00:33:30,920 So we do the one for 3.50 783 00:33:30,920 --> 00:33:33,080 or you can get the three for a tenner. 784 00:33:33,080 --> 00:33:34,600 Yeah, I'll take three for ten. 785 00:33:36,800 --> 00:33:40,480 With sales in full swing, I want to check-in on the teams. 786 00:33:40,480 --> 00:33:43,120 Are we happy? We are happy. 787 00:33:43,120 --> 00:33:46,400 How's it going? Really well. You want to try it? I'd love to try one. 788 00:33:46,400 --> 00:33:47,920 Yes, please. Thank you. 789 00:33:47,920 --> 00:33:50,920 What's the feedback? They're getting the fenugreek, definitely, 790 00:33:50,920 --> 00:33:52,280 and they do love it. 791 00:33:52,280 --> 00:33:54,280 Keep on pushing them. Absolutely. 792 00:33:55,400 --> 00:33:57,240 Thank you. 793 00:33:57,240 --> 00:33:58,680 The Blue team off to a flying start. 794 00:33:58,680 --> 00:34:00,440 Smart move, that, with the fish and chips. 795 00:34:00,440 --> 00:34:02,560 What's impressive about the Blue team is the system 796 00:34:02,560 --> 00:34:05,440 because Craig and Andy are out the front and they've got this beautiful 797 00:34:05,440 --> 00:34:07,880 mechanism where they are dropping the fries 798 00:34:07,880 --> 00:34:09,640 and sending them immediately. 799 00:34:09,640 --> 00:34:12,400 Customers are eating and they're happy. 800 00:34:12,400 --> 00:34:13,960 On the Red team... 801 00:34:13,960 --> 00:34:15,840 Have we got any more samples on the way? 802 00:34:15,840 --> 00:34:19,320 We're just getting some more samples, everyone, hold tight. 803 00:34:19,320 --> 00:34:21,960 ..there are some issues with their production line. 804 00:34:21,960 --> 00:34:24,560 If anyone wants to buy any without testing them first, 805 00:34:24,560 --> 00:34:27,320 you're more than welcome to come over here and grab it. 806 00:34:27,320 --> 00:34:30,240 People are waiting, like. We're going as fast as we can. 807 00:34:30,240 --> 00:34:32,960 Our biggest challenge really so far has been we haven't been getting 808 00:34:32,960 --> 00:34:35,600 the food out quick enough for people to sample the sauce, 809 00:34:35,600 --> 00:34:37,920 so we can sell it to them. I know, it's coming. 810 00:34:37,920 --> 00:34:39,040 It's coming. 811 00:34:39,040 --> 00:34:41,840 Oh, my Lord. We're getting them as fast as we can. 812 00:34:41,840 --> 00:34:45,520 They're just sort of like getting all the bits ready individually. 813 00:34:45,520 --> 00:34:47,160 Bam. 814 00:34:47,160 --> 00:34:49,200 Production seems a little slow. 815 00:34:49,200 --> 00:34:52,720 Try and get a conveyor belt working where you do five tacos in one, 816 00:34:52,720 --> 00:34:56,000 so lettuce, chicken, garnish, garnish, rather than one at a time. 817 00:34:56,000 --> 00:34:58,760 OK. Because that's what's going to sell that sauce. 818 00:34:58,760 --> 00:35:01,400 And also tell your team to take the business down there! 819 00:35:01,400 --> 00:35:03,320 Don't just stay in here. OK. 820 00:35:03,320 --> 00:35:04,880 Go, go, go. 821 00:35:04,880 --> 00:35:07,120 Red team feel a little bit more disorganised 822 00:35:07,120 --> 00:35:10,400 because they're all clustered round the front of that kiosk. 823 00:35:10,400 --> 00:35:11,720 There's 200 people here. 824 00:35:11,720 --> 00:35:12,880 Get out, sell it. 825 00:35:12,880 --> 00:35:15,400 This place is packed and they can't execute the tacos quick enough. 826 00:35:18,760 --> 00:35:22,480 Would anyone else like a lovely bottle of hot sauce? 827 00:35:22,480 --> 00:35:25,680 30 minutes till the market closes its doors. 828 00:35:25,680 --> 00:35:28,360 Can I interest you in a little bundle deal? What do you reckon? 829 00:35:28,360 --> 00:35:29,880 You're going to buy one. 830 00:35:29,880 --> 00:35:33,000 But before it does, I've sent in some pretty special customers. 831 00:35:33,000 --> 00:35:36,000 These guys have the potential to blow the team's current sales 832 00:35:36,000 --> 00:35:37,640 out of the water. 833 00:35:37,640 --> 00:35:39,320 Ready for trying? Ready. 834 00:35:39,320 --> 00:35:43,200 Checking out the team's sauces are Charlotte Macken and Dave Akmeta 835 00:35:43,200 --> 00:35:46,840 from on-demand grocery delivery company Gorillas. 836 00:35:46,840 --> 00:35:49,280 I'm getting a lot of curry. A lot of curry. 837 00:35:49,280 --> 00:35:52,120 What food is it meant to go in, or is it like anything, very versatile? 838 00:35:52,120 --> 00:35:53,680 Really good with Mexican food, 839 00:35:53,680 --> 00:35:56,440 really good on your eggs in the morning. It's got a kick. 840 00:35:56,440 --> 00:35:59,840 Haris Deane from high-end supermarket chain, Booths. 841 00:35:59,840 --> 00:36:01,320 You can definitely taste the pea. 842 00:36:01,320 --> 00:36:04,520 Yeah. There's a good percentage of pineapple in there. Yeah. 843 00:36:04,520 --> 00:36:09,840 And Paul Hargreaves, CEO of leading fine food suppliers Cotswold Fayre. 844 00:36:09,840 --> 00:36:13,720 It's reminding me a bit of curry and chips I used to get at school. 845 00:36:13,720 --> 00:36:16,600 What do you think? It's tasty, yeah. 846 00:36:20,600 --> 00:36:24,040 After sampling the team sauces, I want to see whether these buyers 847 00:36:24,040 --> 00:36:26,840 are impressed enough to spend big. 848 00:36:26,840 --> 00:36:29,320 So, Red team's Flaming Pineapple Molasses. 849 00:36:29,320 --> 00:36:32,080 First impressions? It probably wasn't flaming, 850 00:36:32,080 --> 00:36:33,640 I didn't get a lot of pineapple 851 00:36:33,640 --> 00:36:35,840 and didn't get too many molasses either. 852 00:36:35,840 --> 00:36:37,200 I didn't get a lot of anything. 853 00:36:37,200 --> 00:36:39,480 There's not much depth of flavour with that product. 854 00:36:39,480 --> 00:36:42,440 Flaming Pineapple Molasses, first thoughts...? 855 00:36:42,440 --> 00:36:45,200 The bottle, I think the biggest thing, it doesn't tell you 856 00:36:45,200 --> 00:36:47,720 what it is. There's nothing about it's actually a hot sauce. 857 00:36:47,720 --> 00:36:49,600 It's a big miss. 858 00:36:49,600 --> 00:36:52,120 And how did you find the flavour on the taco. Taco's nice. 859 00:36:52,120 --> 00:36:54,200 When you're kind of eating it, like, it's a nice eat, 860 00:36:54,200 --> 00:36:56,640 but the pineapple just doesn't come through that strongly. 861 00:36:56,640 --> 00:36:58,480 That's the first thing that you want to taste 862 00:36:58,480 --> 00:37:00,440 and it's just not, yeah, it's not strong enough. 863 00:37:00,440 --> 00:37:02,960 I think if you're a consumer and find this in the hot sauce section, 864 00:37:02,960 --> 00:37:05,000 I think you would be a little bit confused. 865 00:37:05,000 --> 00:37:07,800 Fair enough, it does say flaming, but that could be like cooking it 866 00:37:07,800 --> 00:37:10,280 on a barbecue to get that chargrilled flavour. 867 00:37:10,280 --> 00:37:12,720 Let's talk about the pea, Ha'pea Ketchup. 868 00:37:12,720 --> 00:37:15,040 How did it taste? Better than I expected. Really? 869 00:37:15,040 --> 00:37:17,600 Did taste a bit like the curry and chips I used to sneak out of 870 00:37:17,600 --> 00:37:19,920 the back of the school gate to buy at lunchtime. 871 00:37:19,920 --> 00:37:22,160 I was there as well. Ha'pea Ketchup. 872 00:37:22,160 --> 00:37:24,800 Love the name. The product is, like, different, it's fun, 873 00:37:24,800 --> 00:37:26,000 it's completely new. 874 00:37:26,000 --> 00:37:29,280 I think my issue with it was it's being branded as a pea product, 875 00:37:29,280 --> 00:37:31,800 but it is the texture you get from the mushy peas 876 00:37:31,800 --> 00:37:34,920 and you can't really taste the pea as much as you'd probably like to, 877 00:37:34,920 --> 00:37:36,400 but it's a pea product. 878 00:37:36,400 --> 00:37:37,880 Branding wise, in terms of name, 879 00:37:37,880 --> 00:37:39,960 on point? In terms of the name, I really like it. 880 00:37:39,960 --> 00:37:42,040 I guess my only concern with this product, Gordon, 881 00:37:42,040 --> 00:37:44,160 is you might buy this and have it with fish and chips, 882 00:37:44,160 --> 00:37:46,800 but if you don't have fish and chips as frequently, you know, as some 883 00:37:46,800 --> 00:37:49,160 other people, then you'll just be left with the product 884 00:37:49,160 --> 00:37:51,120 in the fridge and that's the last thing you want. 885 00:37:51,120 --> 00:37:53,960 The buyers have given their feedback on the teams' efforts, 886 00:37:53,960 --> 00:37:56,200 but will they place any orders? 887 00:37:57,520 --> 00:38:02,560 So we have a beautiful, juicy, flavoursome concoction 888 00:38:02,560 --> 00:38:03,840 of flavours here. 889 00:38:03,840 --> 00:38:05,880 So are we going for the three for ten? 890 00:38:05,880 --> 00:38:08,400 Yes. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. 891 00:38:08,400 --> 00:38:10,560 That's what we like to hear. 892 00:38:10,560 --> 00:38:14,440 Back at the market, 15 minutes to shift their sauces. 893 00:38:14,440 --> 00:38:17,800 So I'm just checking the kitchen one more time. 894 00:38:17,800 --> 00:38:20,280 You OK? I'm pissed off, but it's a team work. 895 00:38:20,280 --> 00:38:22,440 That's it. Don't want you in the kitchen, 896 00:38:22,440 --> 00:38:24,040 I genuinely want you to... 897 00:38:24,040 --> 00:38:25,880 To sell. To thrive somewhere else. 898 00:38:25,880 --> 00:38:28,120 Like, I don't want you to feel like you're being... 899 00:38:28,120 --> 00:38:29,960 Stuck in the kitchen. ..pigeonholed. 900 00:38:29,960 --> 00:38:33,240 We had a deal that at some point I wouldn't be stuck in the kitchen, 901 00:38:33,240 --> 00:38:36,160 so I'm waiting for Craig to come back in the kitchen, 902 00:38:36,160 --> 00:38:38,240 like that, I can go out a little bit more. 903 00:38:38,240 --> 00:38:39,720 Sorry, we were selling so many. 904 00:38:39,720 --> 00:38:41,440 We're selling so many. 905 00:38:41,440 --> 00:38:43,680 OK, let's go. We have one more tray ready. 906 00:38:43,680 --> 00:38:45,480 We're smashing it. Let's just carry on. 907 00:38:45,480 --> 00:38:46,720 Just take it. Let's go. 908 00:38:46,720 --> 00:38:48,960 OK, grab that. 909 00:38:48,960 --> 00:38:51,800 There was obviously a strategy at the beginning to send two out 910 00:38:51,800 --> 00:38:54,400 and two stay in and then rotate, and Flo wanted to go out on the floor. 911 00:38:54,400 --> 00:38:56,880 Do you want to try some fish and chips 912 00:38:56,880 --> 00:38:59,560 with a little bit of pea ketchup? 913 00:38:59,560 --> 00:39:01,040 I knew they were pressing for it, 914 00:39:01,040 --> 00:39:03,880 but sometimes, just fucking ignore them. You know what I mean? 915 00:39:03,880 --> 00:39:06,360 They wanted to get out, but we're, like, useless here. 916 00:39:06,360 --> 00:39:08,480 My bread and butter is really selling with people, 917 00:39:08,480 --> 00:39:10,200 like, making deals. I'm ready to go. 918 00:39:10,200 --> 00:39:11,760 I just want to get back into it. 919 00:39:11,760 --> 00:39:13,280 Want to go back home with one? 920 00:39:13,280 --> 00:39:15,320 I'll have a think about it. It's nice. 921 00:39:15,320 --> 00:39:17,320 Go, go, go, go, go. 922 00:39:18,800 --> 00:39:23,080 I kind of sent Andy back out to sell as many bottles as possible, 923 00:39:23,080 --> 00:39:24,960 so we had to keep him out there. 924 00:39:26,360 --> 00:39:28,040 I know that's frustrating. 925 00:39:28,040 --> 00:39:29,600 It's fucking frustrating. 926 00:39:29,600 --> 00:39:31,360 He's selling so much sauce. 927 00:39:31,360 --> 00:39:33,040 Honestly, he's a machine. 928 00:39:33,040 --> 00:39:34,400 I'm fuming. 929 00:39:36,920 --> 00:39:39,920 If we can get some more, a couple of samples, that'd be wonderful. 930 00:39:39,920 --> 00:39:42,760 We're just waiting for more tacos to come out of the kitchen. 931 00:39:42,760 --> 00:39:44,160 Like, it's taken too long. 932 00:39:44,160 --> 00:39:45,520 I knew these were too fatty. 933 00:39:45,520 --> 00:39:49,080 Can we help? Just get in there and just chuck a tray with some nachos 934 00:39:49,080 --> 00:39:51,800 on it. Sorry, guys. I'm going to just help. 935 00:39:51,800 --> 00:39:54,520 I get you want to get the nachos out fast, but we want something 936 00:39:54,520 --> 00:39:56,960 that's going to really sell the sauce. 937 00:39:56,960 --> 00:39:59,560 Let's just work in a production line and just get stuff streamlined. 938 00:39:59,560 --> 00:40:00,760 And that's the problem. 939 00:40:00,760 --> 00:40:02,880 Can we, look, we're just fucking about now. 940 00:40:02,880 --> 00:40:05,080 I'm disappointed in Rachel, If I'm honest. 941 00:40:05,080 --> 00:40:07,760 In a task like this, you want the rest of your team to be on board 942 00:40:07,760 --> 00:40:09,240 and I don't think she was. 943 00:40:10,520 --> 00:40:13,880 Here's a trade. Go out and then I'll deal with people that come here. 944 00:40:13,880 --> 00:40:16,920 Hi, guys. How are you? Do you want to come closer? 945 00:40:16,920 --> 00:40:19,280 Gents, we're ending in five minutes. 946 00:40:19,280 --> 00:40:21,920 So could we interest you in a little bulk order just before we go? 947 00:40:21,920 --> 00:40:25,760 It's a limited edition, so I think you should have this in your shop. 948 00:40:25,760 --> 00:40:29,200 We have a prize for, like, 20, 10 bottles. 949 00:40:29,200 --> 00:40:30,920 Do you like mushy peas, normally. 950 00:40:30,920 --> 00:40:32,560 Yeah? I don't. 951 00:40:32,560 --> 00:40:34,400 These will go off the shelf in a shop 952 00:40:34,400 --> 00:40:36,240 because there's nothing like it. 953 00:40:36,240 --> 00:40:38,320 One minute left! 954 00:40:38,320 --> 00:40:40,440 Go, go! 955 00:40:40,440 --> 00:40:43,080 I'll tell you what, We'll take ten off you. Yeah? 956 00:40:43,080 --> 00:40:44,360 There you go, buddy. 957 00:40:44,360 --> 00:40:45,480 Thank you very much. 958 00:40:45,480 --> 00:40:48,000 You go for 20 bottles it's £60, just saying. 959 00:40:49,640 --> 00:40:51,560 I am, innit! Go on. 960 00:40:51,560 --> 00:40:52,800 Go on, then. 961 00:40:52,800 --> 00:40:55,040 Hey! Thank you so much. 962 00:40:55,040 --> 00:40:56,360 Thank you so much, guys. 963 00:40:56,360 --> 00:40:57,720 Really appreciate that. 964 00:40:57,720 --> 00:40:59,160 Well done, Sam. 965 00:40:59,160 --> 00:41:01,240 Can I interest you in a bottle each? 966 00:41:01,240 --> 00:41:02,600 We'll get three. 967 00:41:02,600 --> 00:41:05,480 Don't worry about this guy. Don't worry about this guy. 968 00:41:05,480 --> 00:41:07,000 Is that time up? 969 00:41:07,000 --> 00:41:09,440 We're done. Oh, well done, guys. 970 00:41:09,440 --> 00:41:11,360 Well done. Good work. 971 00:41:11,360 --> 00:41:12,880 I don't know how many we sold. 972 00:41:12,880 --> 00:41:15,080 It was just a blur of, we were selling a lot. 973 00:41:15,080 --> 00:41:17,600 So I'm really pleased with the performance in terms of sales. 974 00:41:17,600 --> 00:41:19,280 Yeah, we'll see. We'll see. 975 00:41:19,280 --> 00:41:20,720 Put it there. Put it there. 976 00:41:23,440 --> 00:41:26,680 I think winning for me would just be a relief 977 00:41:26,680 --> 00:41:31,480 because my reputation's on the line, or at least it feels like that. 978 00:41:31,480 --> 00:41:34,640 So if we win, I think it'll be tears of relief 979 00:41:34,640 --> 00:41:37,720 more than anything else. In it to win it, baby. 980 00:41:37,720 --> 00:41:39,360 We're in it to win it! 981 00:42:03,240 --> 00:42:05,280 Ready, Andy? I'm ready. 982 00:42:05,280 --> 00:42:07,400 It's going to be close. 983 00:42:07,400 --> 00:42:08,800 Did we sell enough? 984 00:42:13,440 --> 00:42:15,320 Good morning. Good morning. 985 00:42:17,680 --> 00:42:21,800 Right, we are now getting into the latter stage of the process, 986 00:42:21,800 --> 00:42:24,960 and trust me, the competition is really heating up. 987 00:42:24,960 --> 00:42:28,600 You all had to create a brand-new original sauce 988 00:42:28,600 --> 00:42:32,600 to sell to local retailers and members of the public. 989 00:42:32,600 --> 00:42:36,560 Let's start with the Red team, Hebe, Sam, Rachel and Kier. 990 00:42:36,560 --> 00:42:38,600 Flaming Pineapple Molasses. 991 00:42:39,920 --> 00:42:44,120 Obviously, Kier, you've got a range of delicious hot sauces yourself. 992 00:42:44,120 --> 00:42:49,120 Mm-hm. So did this feel like it was in your comfort zone? 993 00:42:49,120 --> 00:42:52,560 It was, obviously, but that was almost to my detriment in some ways. 994 00:42:52,560 --> 00:42:55,480 Like, I think I definitely overthought a fair bit. 995 00:42:55,480 --> 00:42:59,480 Kier was under a lot of pressure and there was a lot of opinions, 996 00:42:59,480 --> 00:43:02,400 and I think he did really well to keep us sort of 997 00:43:02,400 --> 00:43:04,160 on the right tracks. 998 00:43:04,160 --> 00:43:07,240 It was so many cooks in the kitchen situation. 999 00:43:07,240 --> 00:43:10,280 Why no mention of hot sauce on the bottle? 1000 00:43:10,280 --> 00:43:12,560 That was one of those wake-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night, 1001 00:43:12,560 --> 00:43:14,600 fuck, moments for me. Yeah. 1002 00:43:14,600 --> 00:43:16,120 So, yeah, that was an oversight. 1003 00:43:16,120 --> 00:43:19,120 I think it's so easy just to forget those small details. 1004 00:43:19,120 --> 00:43:22,360 Yeah. I respect your honesty, but it's pretty key, isn't it? 1005 00:43:22,360 --> 00:43:24,640 Yeah, it is. It's a stupid mistake. 1006 00:43:24,640 --> 00:43:28,600 Blue team. Flo, Amy, Andy and Craig. 1007 00:43:28,600 --> 00:43:32,000 Ha'pea Ketchup. Flo, we established very quickly 1008 00:43:32,000 --> 00:43:35,280 you're not a fan of fish and chips or ketchup! 1009 00:43:35,280 --> 00:43:38,160 Not really, but I follow my team. 1010 00:43:38,160 --> 00:43:40,080 They are English. 1011 00:43:40,080 --> 00:43:41,840 Their culture is not mine. 1012 00:43:41,840 --> 00:43:43,320 I tried your sauce. 1013 00:43:43,320 --> 00:43:47,800 I noticed it had a strong curry flavour with that fenugreek. 1014 00:43:47,800 --> 00:43:52,040 We all really liked it because we felt as though it sort of combined 1015 00:43:52,040 --> 00:43:54,600 those classic flavours that you would have on a fish and chips, 1016 00:43:54,600 --> 00:43:57,120 which is, like, ketchup, peas and curry sauce. 1017 00:43:57,120 --> 00:44:00,320 Yeah. But there's no reference to the curry on your bottle. 1018 00:44:00,320 --> 00:44:02,880 So how are the customers going to know that? 1019 00:44:02,880 --> 00:44:06,000 It was a bit of an oversight on our part. 1020 00:44:06,000 --> 00:44:08,040 Right, on to results. 1021 00:44:11,440 --> 00:44:14,680 Blue team, in that very busy market, 1022 00:44:14,680 --> 00:44:19,320 you ended up selling 133 bottles of Ha'pea Ketchup. 1023 00:44:21,760 --> 00:44:25,760 Red team, with your pineapple molasses hot sauce... 1024 00:44:29,040 --> 00:44:30,680 ..you managed to sell... 1025 00:44:33,440 --> 00:44:35,280 ..118 bottles. 1026 00:44:37,840 --> 00:44:41,360 So, Blue team, you sold the most in the market. 1027 00:44:44,800 --> 00:44:48,480 But just press pause on the celebrations for one moment. 1028 00:44:51,920 --> 00:44:55,400 Amongst the public and the local retailers of that market 1029 00:44:55,400 --> 00:44:58,680 were some very, very special big buyers. 1030 00:44:58,680 --> 00:45:04,200 The CEO of wholesaler Cotswold Fayre was there. 1031 00:45:04,200 --> 00:45:09,480 Also the head buyer of the largest independent supermarket 1032 00:45:09,480 --> 00:45:13,560 in the north-west, Booths, came along, 1033 00:45:13,560 --> 00:45:17,080 as did the head buyers from Gorillas. 1034 00:45:17,080 --> 00:45:20,480 So that is a massive buying potential right there. 1035 00:45:20,480 --> 00:45:21,960 That's crazy. 1036 00:45:21,960 --> 00:45:24,120 Blue team, let's start with Gorillas. 1037 00:45:24,120 --> 00:45:27,720 They felt your sauce was more curry than pea. 1038 00:45:27,720 --> 00:45:30,840 They felt that the lack of description of your flavours 1039 00:45:30,840 --> 00:45:33,840 could be very misleading to their consumers. 1040 00:45:33,840 --> 00:45:36,600 They placed no order for your sauce. 1041 00:45:36,600 --> 00:45:41,320 Red team, Gorillas felt that the word molasses was a strange choice. 1042 00:45:41,320 --> 00:45:44,120 They were slightly worried that customers wouldn't understand 1043 00:45:44,120 --> 00:45:48,120 what it is. But when they tried your sauce, they liked it and they placed 1044 00:45:48,120 --> 00:45:51,400 an order of 50 units. 1045 00:45:51,400 --> 00:45:53,240 50 units. 1046 00:45:53,240 --> 00:45:56,320 Blue team, Booths... 1047 00:45:58,080 --> 00:46:01,120 ..they were worried about the usage of your sauce. 1048 00:46:01,120 --> 00:46:04,160 Apart from fish and chips, what else would it pair with? 1049 00:46:04,160 --> 00:46:08,440 But they felt the sauce was unique and that it would stand out 1050 00:46:08,440 --> 00:46:09,680 on their shelves. 1051 00:46:09,680 --> 00:46:12,360 They placed an order for... 1052 00:46:12,360 --> 00:46:14,560 ..300 units. 1053 00:46:17,120 --> 00:46:22,560 Red Team, Booths felt that your sauce flavours didn't stand out. 1054 00:46:22,560 --> 00:46:27,280 They felt that it wouldn't be any good in an already congested market. 1055 00:46:27,280 --> 00:46:29,840 They placed zero orders. 1056 00:46:29,840 --> 00:46:31,720 Finally, 1057 00:46:31,720 --> 00:46:33,320 Cotswold Fayre. 1058 00:46:33,320 --> 00:46:37,880 Blue team, Cotswold Fayre felt that your name was pretty cool. 1059 00:46:37,880 --> 00:46:40,160 They loved the depth of flavour. 1060 00:46:40,160 --> 00:46:42,040 They placed an order... 1061 00:46:42,040 --> 00:46:44,360 ..for 360 units. 1062 00:46:46,560 --> 00:46:49,040 Red Team, Cotswold Fayre, 1063 00:46:49,040 --> 00:46:52,200 they loved the pairing with the tacos, but they felt 1064 00:46:52,200 --> 00:46:56,440 the pineapple flavour wasn't strong enough, and they said the lack 1065 00:46:56,440 --> 00:46:59,160 of hot sauce in the name would be extremely 1066 00:46:59,160 --> 00:47:01,160 problematic for them. 1067 00:47:01,160 --> 00:47:02,720 So they placed... 1068 00:47:05,880 --> 00:47:07,320 ..zero orders. 1069 00:47:11,040 --> 00:47:15,560 That makes the Blue team the winners of this week's challenge. 1070 00:47:15,560 --> 00:47:17,320 Blue team, well done! 1071 00:47:17,320 --> 00:47:18,760 Here's a really cool thing. 1072 00:47:18,760 --> 00:47:22,040 Your Ha'pea Ketchup will be featured as a limited run 1073 00:47:22,040 --> 00:47:24,160 on the Sauce Shop website. 1074 00:47:24,160 --> 00:47:25,640 Well done. 1075 00:47:25,640 --> 00:47:28,080 Red team, I'm sorry - you lost. 1076 00:47:29,200 --> 00:47:31,000 Absolutely pummelled. 1077 00:47:33,240 --> 00:47:36,480 But I would like to single one individual out, 1078 00:47:36,480 --> 00:47:39,880 because I felt they did really well in the selling and hustled nonstop, 1079 00:47:39,880 --> 00:47:43,560 and without whom, I don't think you'd have anywhere near 1080 00:47:43,560 --> 00:47:45,840 the sales you did. 1081 00:47:45,840 --> 00:47:49,160 Sam, I will not be grilling you this week. 1082 00:47:50,440 --> 00:47:52,400 Kier, Rachel and Hebe, 1083 00:47:52,400 --> 00:47:55,120 I'd like to see all three of you in the restaurant, 1084 00:47:55,120 --> 00:47:57,040 to grill you on your performance. 1085 00:47:57,040 --> 00:47:59,360 From that, somebody will be leaving tonight. 1086 00:47:59,360 --> 00:48:00,920 Blue team, well done. 1087 00:48:00,920 --> 00:48:02,640 Great job. 1088 00:48:04,640 --> 00:48:06,160 Here we go again. 1089 00:48:06,160 --> 00:48:07,760 Worst-case scenario! 1090 00:48:07,760 --> 00:48:10,600 That word "flaming", it wasn't clear enough. 1091 00:48:10,600 --> 00:48:13,080 It should have been Pineapple Molasses Hot Sauce. 1092 00:48:13,080 --> 00:48:15,480 Like, yeah, kick myself. 1093 00:48:15,480 --> 00:48:18,280 I had a feeling it was going to go this way. 1094 00:48:18,280 --> 00:48:20,840 I think we worked really hard. I'm proud of what we did, 1095 00:48:20,840 --> 00:48:24,080 but I think I just got up too much in my own head and let that impact 1096 00:48:24,080 --> 00:48:26,200 what I did. 1097 00:48:26,200 --> 00:48:29,680 In the other tasks, I've known that I've made mistakes that have led 1098 00:48:29,680 --> 00:48:31,520 to the failings of the task, 1099 00:48:31,520 --> 00:48:33,880 but this time around I don't feel that. I'm just going to go in 1100 00:48:33,880 --> 00:48:36,600 and state where I feel the failings were and hopefully Gordon can see 1101 00:48:36,600 --> 00:48:38,600 the same as I can. 1102 00:48:42,360 --> 00:48:44,360 Kier, sit down, please. 1103 00:48:45,400 --> 00:48:48,840 Rachel, take a seat, please. Thank you. 1104 00:48:48,840 --> 00:48:51,800 Hebe, sit down, please. 1105 00:48:51,800 --> 00:48:55,160 Looking at your brand and how successful that's been, 1106 00:48:55,160 --> 00:48:57,520 I'm talking about award-winning sauces. 1107 00:48:57,520 --> 00:48:59,800 Honestly, I was expecting more from you. 1108 00:48:59,800 --> 00:49:01,360 I'm gutted, to be honest. 1109 00:49:01,360 --> 00:49:02,960 Like, devastated. 1110 00:49:02,960 --> 00:49:05,480 I was so worried about getting a sauce that tasted good 1111 00:49:05,480 --> 00:49:10,120 and also paired well with the food, that I think I played it too safe. 1112 00:49:11,840 --> 00:49:14,280 I don't make sauce. Kier makes sauce. 1113 00:49:14,280 --> 00:49:16,080 I'd taken a sort of back-seat. 1114 00:49:16,080 --> 00:49:18,920 The word "back-seat" doesn't resonate with me. Especially... 1115 00:49:18,920 --> 00:49:21,720 However, in the kitchen, I recognised that their strengths 1116 00:49:21,720 --> 00:49:24,160 were stronger than mine. You can't have all of these voices 1117 00:49:24,160 --> 00:49:25,480 coming in at different angles. 1118 00:49:25,480 --> 00:49:28,440 You have to at some point realise their skills are stronger 1119 00:49:28,440 --> 00:49:31,520 in the kitchen, and I'm here to help them. 1120 00:49:31,520 --> 00:49:35,360 When Kier was doing the samples, I was continually saying to him, 1121 00:49:35,360 --> 00:49:38,320 "We can't sell a hot sauce that says pineapple on it 1122 00:49:38,320 --> 00:49:39,960 "that doesn't taste like pineapple." 1123 00:49:39,960 --> 00:49:42,320 Any time he was met with any sort of feedback, 1124 00:49:42,320 --> 00:49:44,080 he just wasn't prepared to take it. 1125 00:49:44,080 --> 00:49:46,680 He was just dead set on what he wanted to do. 1126 00:49:48,400 --> 00:49:51,080 Let's talk about the name. I've got a website up here. 1127 00:49:51,080 --> 00:49:53,640 You probably recognise that. Yeah, it's mine. 1128 00:49:53,640 --> 00:49:56,560 "Smokey Dragon Hot Sauce." Yeah. 1129 00:49:56,560 --> 00:49:58,040 "Seance Hot Sauce." 1130 00:49:58,040 --> 00:49:59,520 Yeah. 1131 00:49:59,520 --> 00:50:01,520 "Siren's Island Hot Sauce." 1132 00:50:01,520 --> 00:50:03,800 What's common with all those names? 1133 00:50:03,800 --> 00:50:06,360 Honestly, Gordon, I'm kicking myself more than, 1134 00:50:06,360 --> 00:50:07,880 more than anyone else could. 1135 00:50:07,880 --> 00:50:10,880 These are your fricking award-winning sauces, 1136 00:50:10,880 --> 00:50:14,200 all stipulating hot sauce on the front of the fricking bottle. 1137 00:50:14,200 --> 00:50:16,400 I had a bad day in the office. 1138 00:50:16,400 --> 00:50:18,920 I got in my head and I made some stupid mistakes 1139 00:50:18,920 --> 00:50:21,280 that I would never usually do, outside of this environment. 1140 00:50:22,560 --> 00:50:25,440 You were in that room when they were coming up with a name. 1141 00:50:25,440 --> 00:50:28,200 How in the hell do you let anybody in your team 1142 00:50:28,200 --> 00:50:30,160 put the word "molasses" on there? 1143 00:50:30,160 --> 00:50:32,880 Well, I opposed it. There was a lot of names getting fired about 1144 00:50:32,880 --> 00:50:34,480 that I said that I didn't like, 1145 00:50:34,480 --> 00:50:36,920 and I didn't like the molasses element from the get go, 1146 00:50:36,920 --> 00:50:38,880 and I did highlight that. I did try. 1147 00:50:38,880 --> 00:50:42,480 "Hot sauce" was not used and so you lost multiple sales 1148 00:50:42,480 --> 00:50:44,560 from all three major supermarkets. 1149 00:50:44,560 --> 00:50:47,120 I did want to put hot sauce, but when you've got someone 1150 00:50:47,120 --> 00:50:49,400 that's so stuck on what they're doing, like, 1151 00:50:49,400 --> 00:50:52,240 what can you actually do apart from just keep saying it? 1152 00:50:52,240 --> 00:50:54,640 I do feel like I'm trying to put points across. 1153 00:50:54,640 --> 00:50:57,440 I can't help it if they're not heard. 1154 00:50:57,440 --> 00:51:00,600 I've studied your drinks on your website and it's clear - 1155 00:51:00,600 --> 00:51:04,080 when you order, you know exactly within seconds what it is. 1156 00:51:04,080 --> 00:51:06,640 "Flaming Pineapple Molasses". 1157 00:51:06,640 --> 00:51:09,560 How do we end up with that on the bottle? 1158 00:51:09,560 --> 00:51:12,720 It was this breakdown of communication. 1159 00:51:12,720 --> 00:51:15,120 At some point, you're bickering, bickering, bickering. 1160 00:51:15,120 --> 00:51:17,920 Someone has to back down, because then we end up with no name. 1161 00:51:17,920 --> 00:51:20,560 We had room for four words on that bottle. 1162 00:51:20,560 --> 00:51:24,680 It should have been "Pineapple Molasses Hot Sauce". 1163 00:51:24,680 --> 00:51:27,320 It was obvious the tacos were so elaborate, cos you couldn't get them 1164 00:51:27,320 --> 00:51:29,800 out quick enough in order to taste the sauce, 1165 00:51:29,800 --> 00:51:31,720 because the tacos were too complicated. 1166 00:51:31,720 --> 00:51:34,760 I think in retrospect, I didn't really take on board 1167 00:51:34,760 --> 00:51:37,920 just how much volume of people would come through the door so quickly. 1168 00:51:37,920 --> 00:51:40,760 But I did try to set up a production line with everything in order, 1169 00:51:40,760 --> 00:51:43,760 like, as it would go on the taco. 1170 00:51:43,760 --> 00:51:47,280 You could have trebled those sales had you been organised. Yeah. I agree. 1171 00:51:47,280 --> 00:51:50,320 And had the - the taco hadn't been so difficult to execute. 1172 00:51:50,320 --> 00:51:54,040 I was the only one saying these tacos are too elaborate, 1173 00:51:54,040 --> 00:51:56,440 but yet again, Rachel didn't listen. 1174 00:51:56,440 --> 00:51:59,320 I was in the team with Rachel last week, and I saw the same pattern 1175 00:51:59,320 --> 00:52:02,480 of behaviour. When an idea isn't carried forward that she likes, 1176 00:52:02,480 --> 00:52:05,480 it's like a strop. We spent I don't know how long bickering, 1177 00:52:05,480 --> 00:52:07,800 wasted precious time on that day too, 1178 00:52:07,800 --> 00:52:10,120 when we should have been prepping the tacos. 1179 00:52:11,120 --> 00:52:13,400 The sauce was actually going down really well. 1180 00:52:13,400 --> 00:52:16,080 The kitchen basically couldn't keep up. 1181 00:52:16,080 --> 00:52:19,480 Whilst I will put my hands up and accept my role in this, 1182 00:52:19,480 --> 00:52:22,440 it was, at the end of the day, a team task 1183 00:52:22,440 --> 00:52:25,320 and the kitchen didn't carry its weight. 1184 00:52:25,320 --> 00:52:28,320 It felt like we were all on these different islands. 1185 00:52:28,320 --> 00:52:31,840 Yeah, I think particularly Rachel I had some trouble with. 1186 00:52:31,840 --> 00:52:34,760 She checked out. Rachel checked out? 1187 00:52:34,760 --> 00:52:37,680 She did, yeah, yeah. We didn't immediately see eye-to-eye, 1188 00:52:37,680 --> 00:52:40,360 and she just kind of got her nose put out of joint, 1189 00:52:40,360 --> 00:52:44,040 and then from that point, barely talked to the rest of us. Wow. 1190 00:52:44,040 --> 00:52:48,240 And it kind of felt like it was us three and her, to a degree. 1191 00:52:48,240 --> 00:52:50,200 No, that's not true. 1192 00:52:50,200 --> 00:52:53,920 I mean, I think when you continually give someone your opinion 1193 00:52:53,920 --> 00:52:57,040 and it's not met, you just have to stick to what you're doing, 1194 00:52:57,040 --> 00:52:58,640 and that's what I did. 1195 00:52:58,640 --> 00:53:01,480 Tell me why I should keep you in this competition. 1196 00:53:01,480 --> 00:53:04,240 Prior to this week, I'd won three challenges in a row. 1197 00:53:04,240 --> 00:53:07,280 I've brought two brands to market, successfully, 1198 00:53:07,280 --> 00:53:09,040 and won those challenges. 1199 00:53:09,040 --> 00:53:11,280 This challenge was in your back garden. 1200 00:53:11,280 --> 00:53:13,200 This was yours to absolutely nail. 1201 00:53:13,200 --> 00:53:15,000 And I didn't. 1202 00:53:15,000 --> 00:53:17,600 Partly because I was not on my A-game, 1203 00:53:17,600 --> 00:53:20,120 and partly because I think the rest of my team stood back 1204 00:53:20,120 --> 00:53:21,600 and enjoyed the ride. 1205 00:53:22,800 --> 00:53:24,960 Are you coasting? No. 1206 00:53:24,960 --> 00:53:27,760 I know it might appear that I'm in the background. 1207 00:53:27,760 --> 00:53:31,000 However, there are key moments when I've either taken leadership 1208 00:53:31,000 --> 00:53:33,400 or become a really valuable member of a team. 1209 00:53:33,400 --> 00:53:35,840 I'm so far out of my comfort zone in the kitchen. 1210 00:53:35,840 --> 00:53:37,520 However, I am getting on with it. 1211 00:53:37,520 --> 00:53:40,840 I'm getting my head down and I'm learning new skills. 1212 00:53:40,840 --> 00:53:44,360 You've lost four out of the last five challenges. 1213 00:53:44,360 --> 00:53:47,800 Are you difficult to work with in a team? 1214 00:53:47,800 --> 00:53:49,560 Why am I seeing you the most? 1215 00:53:49,560 --> 00:53:52,760 I think you've seen me the most because I am not taking back-seats. 1216 00:53:52,760 --> 00:53:55,400 I'm always putting myself out there and letting my voice be heard, 1217 00:53:55,400 --> 00:53:57,880 which can sometimes transpire as being difficult 1218 00:53:57,880 --> 00:53:59,560 but I don't think that it is, 1219 00:53:59,560 --> 00:54:02,160 and the one task that I did do exceptionally well on 1220 00:54:02,160 --> 00:54:04,760 is the one that is closest to my business. 1221 00:54:04,760 --> 00:54:07,880 So I think the fact that Kier has flopped in this task, 1222 00:54:07,880 --> 00:54:09,760 it can't be me that's to blame. 1223 00:54:09,760 --> 00:54:12,040 Thank you, Rachel. Thank you. 1224 00:54:12,040 --> 00:54:13,720 Thank you, Kier. 1225 00:54:15,360 --> 00:54:16,920 Thank you. 1226 00:54:16,920 --> 00:54:19,320 Thank you very much for the opportunity, as well. 1227 00:54:23,880 --> 00:54:25,280 All right? 1228 00:54:28,160 --> 00:54:29,320 I didn't cry. 1229 00:54:29,320 --> 00:54:30,560 Oh, well done. 1230 00:54:37,160 --> 00:54:39,920 Kier, Rachel and Hebe, 1231 00:54:39,920 --> 00:54:42,800 overall, this was not a good week for all of you. 1232 00:54:42,800 --> 00:54:45,400 Kier, everyone is allowed a bad day at the office, 1233 00:54:45,400 --> 00:54:49,040 but you chose a pretty terrible day to have it. 1234 00:54:49,040 --> 00:54:50,840 Yeah, I agree. 1235 00:54:50,840 --> 00:54:54,840 Rachel, you've been in the losing team now four times, 1236 00:54:54,840 --> 00:54:58,440 and in this challenge, it felt like you felt you could hide 1237 00:54:58,440 --> 00:55:02,640 behind Kier as the expert, and avoid collateral damage. 1238 00:55:02,640 --> 00:55:06,040 Hebe, this week, much like the previous weeks, 1239 00:55:06,040 --> 00:55:09,960 I'm struggling to identify any ideas that you actually managed to get 1240 00:55:09,960 --> 00:55:11,520 on the table. 1241 00:55:11,520 --> 00:55:14,120 This has been a really tough decision. 1242 00:55:15,840 --> 00:55:18,520 The person I will not be investing in... 1243 00:55:19,880 --> 00:55:21,720 HE SIGHS 1244 00:55:21,720 --> 00:55:23,120 ..is Rachel. 1245 00:55:25,600 --> 00:55:28,640 In business, we need to be proactive, not reactive. 1246 00:55:28,640 --> 00:55:32,120 And I wish you all the very best with your eco cafe, 1247 00:55:32,120 --> 00:55:33,760 but I'm afraid we're done. 1248 00:55:33,760 --> 00:55:37,280 All of you just stay seated for a moment. 1249 00:55:37,280 --> 00:55:40,080 There were too many mistakes for just one of you to leave 1250 00:55:40,080 --> 00:55:43,360 the competition this week, and it's too late, especially at this stage 1251 00:55:43,360 --> 00:55:46,840 in the competition for anyone to be fading into the background. 1252 00:55:46,840 --> 00:55:49,280 So, I'll also not be investing in... 1253 00:55:53,160 --> 00:55:55,280 ..Hebe. 1254 00:55:55,280 --> 00:55:59,640 Young lady, I love the energy you brought to this competition, 1255 00:55:59,640 --> 00:56:03,240 and I know that your kombucha bar down the line 1256 00:56:03,240 --> 00:56:05,640 will be a huge success, 1257 00:56:05,640 --> 00:56:09,160 but unfortunately it won't be with me. Thank you. 1258 00:56:17,880 --> 00:56:20,360 Now, we all make mistakes in business, but for me, 1259 00:56:20,360 --> 00:56:21,880 it's about accountability. 1260 00:56:21,880 --> 00:56:24,440 And Kier stood up and owned his. With the other two, 1261 00:56:24,440 --> 00:56:27,080 one person didn't listen, and the other couldn't be heard, 1262 00:56:27,080 --> 00:56:30,520 so that's why Rachel and Hebe had to go. 1263 00:56:30,520 --> 00:56:35,240 I'm a little bit gutted, but I'm leaving with my head held high 1264 00:56:35,240 --> 00:56:38,280 and I wish all of them the best of luck. 1265 00:56:38,280 --> 00:56:40,040 I do need to get my voice heard, 1266 00:56:40,040 --> 00:56:42,520 so I've learned a valuable lesson here. 1267 00:56:42,520 --> 00:56:46,080 I'm excited for the future and for what I'll go on to achieve. 1268 00:56:46,080 --> 00:56:49,080 I've done a lot in the past two years, and with all this experience 1269 00:56:49,080 --> 00:56:51,440 and knowledge that I've learned, I'm going to go on 1270 00:56:51,440 --> 00:56:52,960 to do something great. 1271 00:56:52,960 --> 00:56:54,560 I'm surprised to stay in, 1272 00:56:54,560 --> 00:56:57,640 because I thought I'd fucked-up too badly this week. 1273 00:56:57,640 --> 00:57:00,440 Six people have gone, six people are left. 1274 00:57:00,440 --> 00:57:03,360 It's getting tantalisingly close to actually being able 1275 00:57:03,360 --> 00:57:07,680 to win this thing. So, yeah, I'm in it. I'm in. 1276 00:57:07,680 --> 00:57:09,200 Next time... 1277 00:57:09,200 --> 00:57:10,720 It's all about quality. 1278 00:57:10,720 --> 00:57:12,360 It's a little bit hot. 1279 00:57:12,360 --> 00:57:14,800 Embrace the world of high-end hospitality. 1280 00:57:14,800 --> 00:57:18,040 I'm talking. I'm asking a question. I need... Listen. 1281 00:57:18,040 --> 00:57:19,560 Go back to the kitchen. Oh, God. 1282 00:57:19,560 --> 00:57:21,320 My restaurant, your quarterfinal. 1283 00:57:21,320 --> 00:57:23,720 Sorry to keep you waiting, guys. It won't be too much longer. 1284 00:57:23,720 --> 00:57:25,640 That, nowhere near, mate. 1285 00:57:25,640 --> 00:57:27,360 Fucking hell, what have I done?