1 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:04,840 I'm back on the hunt for the UK's next top food and drink entrepreneur, 2 00:00:04,840 --> 00:00:07,440 so I've hand-picked 12 amazing contenders, 3 00:00:07,440 --> 00:00:09,760 each with an incredible up-and-coming business. 4 00:00:09,760 --> 00:00:14,000 I want to invest £150,000 of my own cash into one of them 5 00:00:14,000 --> 00:00:16,480 and catapult their business to the next level, 6 00:00:16,480 --> 00:00:19,000 but I'm not giving the money away easily. 7 00:00:19,000 --> 00:00:20,480 They'll need to earn it. 8 00:00:20,480 --> 00:00:23,280 SCREAMING 9 00:00:23,280 --> 00:00:25,480 That's not...how you do it. 10 00:00:25,480 --> 00:00:27,600 It's on fire. BLEEP! 11 00:00:27,600 --> 00:00:29,840 I'm setting my contenders a series 12 00:00:29,840 --> 00:00:31,880 of food-and-drink-related challenges... 13 00:00:32,880 --> 00:00:34,560 Cooking, but in the wrong way. 14 00:00:37,080 --> 00:00:38,680 Stop now. Stop now. You're being rude. 15 00:00:38,680 --> 00:00:41,120 ..which will test them on every element of the industry. 16 00:00:41,120 --> 00:00:42,280 Close up, please. 17 00:00:42,280 --> 00:00:44,960 Let's just all stop. If anyone can't give me a standard, 18 00:00:44,960 --> 00:00:46,800 then please go home. 19 00:00:46,800 --> 00:00:49,000 Only one of them will make the grade. 20 00:00:49,000 --> 00:00:51,320 Who will be my future food star? 21 00:00:54,760 --> 00:00:56,120 Previously... 22 00:00:56,120 --> 00:00:58,440 Anybody scared of heights? Oh, my God! 23 00:00:58,440 --> 00:01:00,320 This week, it's all about creativity, 24 00:01:00,320 --> 00:01:02,840 turning something humble into something really special. 25 00:01:02,840 --> 00:01:04,840 Make your very own bottled sauce. 26 00:01:06,080 --> 00:01:09,280 Oh, no! Here we go. Does anyone like hot sauce? 27 00:01:09,280 --> 00:01:12,080 The main thing is the gold in the inside. Ah! 28 00:01:12,080 --> 00:01:14,480 Let's not have a tantrum. Don't patronise me. 29 00:01:14,480 --> 00:01:16,880 I'm kicking myself more than anyone else could. 30 00:01:16,880 --> 00:01:18,240 I'm letting my voice be heard, 31 00:01:18,240 --> 00:01:20,360 which can sometimes transpire as being difficult. 32 00:01:20,360 --> 00:01:22,480 We spent I don't know how long bickering. 33 00:01:22,480 --> 00:01:24,800 We wasted precious time on that day two. 34 00:01:24,800 --> 00:01:26,080 There were too many mistakes 35 00:01:26,080 --> 00:01:28,320 for just one of you to leave the competition this week. 36 00:01:28,320 --> 00:01:30,280 Rachel, Hebe, we're done. 37 00:01:31,280 --> 00:01:38,320 This programme contains some strong language 38 00:01:41,960 --> 00:01:45,080 I can't believe how small this group feels now. 39 00:01:45,080 --> 00:01:48,000 Did we think we were going to be at week six or did we just hope it? 40 00:01:48,000 --> 00:01:51,040 Oh, I knew. I knew it. You knew? I knew. 41 00:01:51,040 --> 00:01:53,080 It's the quarterfinals of the competition, 42 00:01:53,080 --> 00:01:55,040 and I've asked the contenders to meet me here 43 00:01:55,040 --> 00:01:57,680 at The Fish Society in Surrey. 44 00:01:57,680 --> 00:01:59,720 Oh, I smell the fish! 45 00:01:59,720 --> 00:02:04,160 Founded 25 years ago, it's the UK's leading online fishmonger, 46 00:02:04,160 --> 00:02:07,680 supplying everything from crab to caviar. 47 00:02:07,680 --> 00:02:11,040 This week is all about the finer things in life, 48 00:02:11,040 --> 00:02:13,880 celebrating high-end ingredients and hospitality, 49 00:02:13,880 --> 00:02:17,280 and, trust me, this is going to be the hardest week to date. 50 00:02:18,440 --> 00:02:21,760 Ooh! There's a coche. A cloche, coche? 51 00:02:21,760 --> 00:02:25,200 No, what is under that? Fish? A big fish? 52 00:02:28,400 --> 00:02:30,440 Good morning. ALL: Good morning. 53 00:02:30,440 --> 00:02:34,000 I've brought you to the amazing Fish Society here in Surrey 54 00:02:34,000 --> 00:02:36,600 because, this week, it's all about quality. 55 00:02:37,680 --> 00:02:40,560 I want you all to tackle one of the most expensive 56 00:02:40,560 --> 00:02:43,040 and delicious foods you'll find on any menu. 57 00:02:47,040 --> 00:02:49,640 Ah! Lobster. There we go. 58 00:02:49,640 --> 00:02:51,680 Each of you will have a fresh lobster 59 00:02:51,680 --> 00:02:53,960 that I want you to shell. Oh! 60 00:02:53,960 --> 00:02:56,600 You need to remove all the meat intact 61 00:02:56,600 --> 00:03:02,040 because the more intact the meat, the higher the price when it's sold. 62 00:03:02,040 --> 00:03:04,640 This thing costs around £30, 63 00:03:04,640 --> 00:03:08,400 but has a yield in a restaurant of around four times that. 64 00:03:09,720 --> 00:03:11,120 Understood? ALL: Yeah. 65 00:03:11,120 --> 00:03:13,120 I'm going to give you all ten minutes 66 00:03:13,120 --> 00:03:15,080 to de-shell your lobster. 67 00:03:15,080 --> 00:03:17,520 Now, the person who impresses me the most 68 00:03:17,520 --> 00:03:21,120 will get a big advantage in tomorrow's challenge. 69 00:03:21,120 --> 00:03:23,640 But, first, I'm going to give you a masterclass. 70 00:03:23,640 --> 00:03:26,000 All of you, watch and learn. 71 00:03:33,200 --> 00:03:37,040 OK, we're going to snap off the claws first. 72 00:03:37,040 --> 00:03:40,440 Hold firm the head and twist that tail round 73 00:03:40,440 --> 00:03:42,040 and pull that out there. 74 00:03:42,040 --> 00:03:44,880 Two claws, tail and the head. 75 00:03:44,880 --> 00:03:47,320 Now, it's one of the most expensive parts - the tail. 76 00:03:47,320 --> 00:03:50,440 Open up the tail. Grasp your cloth cos it's still very hot, 77 00:03:50,440 --> 00:03:53,720 and just press gently, gently, all the way down. 78 00:03:55,600 --> 00:04:00,640 Pull that shell back, and that tail should just shake out. 79 00:04:00,640 --> 00:04:04,280 There you go. Got a beautiful lobster tail. 80 00:04:04,280 --> 00:04:08,440 Now, for the claws, separate the knuckles, 81 00:04:08,440 --> 00:04:10,160 pull off the little pincer, 82 00:04:10,160 --> 00:04:13,440 get your knife in and twist. 83 00:04:13,440 --> 00:04:15,000 Just twist and break. 84 00:04:15,000 --> 00:04:20,480 Very carefully, finger in, and just...pull out. 85 00:04:20,480 --> 00:04:21,720 Wow. 86 00:04:21,720 --> 00:04:26,120 With the knuckles, slice up, and then open it up. 87 00:04:26,120 --> 00:04:27,880 Come through. 88 00:04:27,880 --> 00:04:30,840 Push down with the scissors and then pull that whole knuckle out. 89 00:04:30,840 --> 00:04:33,400 It's amazing how much meat comes out there. 90 00:04:33,400 --> 00:04:34,920 Eight legs. 91 00:04:34,920 --> 00:04:38,680 The yield inside here is extraordinary. 92 00:04:38,680 --> 00:04:42,360 Take your rolling pin and very carefully squeeze! 93 00:04:42,360 --> 00:04:45,280 ALL: Ah! And squeeze! 94 00:04:45,280 --> 00:04:48,040 That is mad, isn't it? 95 00:04:48,040 --> 00:04:50,520 And now for the presentation. 96 00:04:50,520 --> 00:04:53,840 Claws - one on that side. 97 00:04:53,840 --> 00:04:57,000 The beautiful knuckles. From there, the body. 98 00:04:57,000 --> 00:05:00,560 That just sits on there beautifully, like that. 99 00:05:00,560 --> 00:05:05,280 Top legs - two, four, eight. 100 00:05:05,280 --> 00:05:07,000 Tuck that underneath, 101 00:05:07,000 --> 00:05:09,280 and there we go - a beautiful lobster 102 00:05:09,280 --> 00:05:11,560 with two claws, two knuckles... 103 00:05:09,280 --> 00:05:11,560 APPLAUSE 104 00:05:11,560 --> 00:05:15,720 ..and eight legs, extracted... In ten minutes. 105 00:05:15,720 --> 00:05:19,360 Seven and a half. I'm giving you ten. Oh! 106 00:05:19,360 --> 00:05:23,160 Any questions? No. Right, head to your benches. Good luck. 107 00:05:23,160 --> 00:05:27,960 Thank you. Let's go. That's mental! That looks tough. 108 00:05:27,960 --> 00:05:29,920 Gordon's just literally smashed a lobster up 109 00:05:29,920 --> 00:05:32,360 and made a lobster out of a lobster. 110 00:05:32,360 --> 00:05:35,920 And I have never chopped a crustacean in my life. 111 00:05:35,920 --> 00:05:38,720 I've peeled a prawn with a fork once. 112 00:05:38,720 --> 00:05:40,840 He makes it look so easy, doesn't he? He does. 113 00:05:40,840 --> 00:05:42,680 He's just like, "Knock that out there, 114 00:05:42,680 --> 00:05:43,960 "snip that, push that." 115 00:05:43,960 --> 00:05:47,040 So, you feel confident? Yeah. It's not foreign to me. 116 00:05:47,040 --> 00:05:48,720 I've got a seafood boil company, 117 00:05:48,720 --> 00:05:51,920 so it is so important that I smash this challenge out of the park. 118 00:05:54,480 --> 00:05:57,080 Praying to the lobster gods? Mm-hm. I'll need it. 119 00:05:57,080 --> 00:06:00,440 It's a bit stingy, innit, ten minutes for a whole lobster? 120 00:06:00,440 --> 00:06:03,280 Well, you know, it's just another day at the office, isn't it? 121 00:06:08,800 --> 00:06:10,880 Let's go. When it's hot, let's go. 122 00:06:10,880 --> 00:06:13,640 Ten minutes. Good luck. Your time starts now. 123 00:06:19,320 --> 00:06:20,640 Oh, fuck, it's hot! 124 00:06:22,320 --> 00:06:24,840 Once cracked, they need to tackle the tail - 125 00:06:24,840 --> 00:06:27,000 the most expensive part of the lobster. 126 00:06:27,000 --> 00:06:30,320 Ooh! Oh, God. Don't know what that is. I think it's guts. 127 00:06:30,320 --> 00:06:32,160 This challenge is all about celebrating 128 00:06:32,160 --> 00:06:34,840 the best ingredients and following instructions. 129 00:06:34,840 --> 00:06:38,000 Oh, shit! Why is it stuck to the shell? 130 00:06:38,000 --> 00:06:41,280 I'm looking for a maximum yield and a perfect extraction - 131 00:06:41,280 --> 00:06:43,120 no broken bits. 132 00:06:43,120 --> 00:06:45,920 Oh! It's a little bit hard. 133 00:06:45,920 --> 00:06:48,840 The better they do, the more the lobster will sell for, 134 00:06:48,840 --> 00:06:50,760 and that ultimately means more profit. 135 00:06:50,760 --> 00:06:53,520 Come on, Mr Lobster. Get yourself out of here. 136 00:06:53,520 --> 00:06:56,480 Mine's glued. It is so much harder. 137 00:06:56,480 --> 00:06:58,720 Come out. Come out! That'll do. 138 00:06:58,720 --> 00:07:01,160 Two minutes gone. You know what you're doing, Sam. 139 00:07:01,160 --> 00:07:03,200 Eight minutes to go. Come on. 140 00:07:03,200 --> 00:07:05,200 Next, the claws. 141 00:07:05,200 --> 00:07:09,480 To break through the tough shell requires excellent knife skills. 142 00:07:09,480 --> 00:07:10,760 Ah! 143 00:07:10,760 --> 00:07:13,920 Oh, no! I broke my knife. Fuck! 144 00:07:16,000 --> 00:07:17,680 Thank you. Thank you. 145 00:07:19,720 --> 00:07:23,560 Are you actually taking the mick? Has anyone got a claw out? 146 00:07:24,760 --> 00:07:28,600 SHE GASPS Oh, Lord! The claw's falling apart. 147 00:07:30,880 --> 00:07:34,200 Bah! You OK? I broke it. 148 00:07:34,200 --> 00:07:37,480 Any meat wasted is profit down the drain. 149 00:07:37,480 --> 00:07:41,320 Craig, how's it going, mate? Really badly. Arrgh! 150 00:07:42,440 --> 00:07:44,560 SHE GIGGLES EXCITEDLY 151 00:07:46,720 --> 00:07:49,760 Just coming up to halfway. Shit! 152 00:07:49,760 --> 00:07:51,560 Then the knuckles. 153 00:07:51,560 --> 00:07:54,760 Most important part - tail, claws, knuckles. 154 00:07:54,760 --> 00:07:56,840 Mine's, like, hench. 155 00:07:56,840 --> 00:08:00,640 Oh, no! Whoops! Let's try another knuckle. 156 00:08:02,240 --> 00:08:03,360 Ooh! 157 00:08:04,840 --> 00:08:07,880 He made it look so easy. Oh! 158 00:08:10,000 --> 00:08:13,800 Three minutes to go. What?! Come on, we've got this. 159 00:08:13,800 --> 00:08:17,920 And finally, extract the eight delicate legs. 160 00:08:17,920 --> 00:08:20,640 Roll too hard and the meat will be ruined. 161 00:08:20,640 --> 00:08:23,440 Yeah, boy! Out you come. Out you come. 162 00:08:25,320 --> 00:08:27,120 Why are my hands shaking? 163 00:08:29,800 --> 00:08:33,280 Oh, lobster juice in my face! Lovely! 164 00:08:33,280 --> 00:08:35,600 60 seconds to go. Good job. Come on. 165 00:08:38,000 --> 00:08:39,960 Right, at least he's got a head. 166 00:08:41,120 --> 00:08:44,760 Ten, nine, eight, seven, 167 00:08:44,760 --> 00:08:48,120 six, five, four, 168 00:08:48,120 --> 00:08:50,520 three, two, one. 169 00:08:50,520 --> 00:08:52,360 And stop. Hands in the air. 170 00:08:52,360 --> 00:08:54,640 SAM LAUGHS 171 00:08:54,640 --> 00:08:56,760 Sam, are you OK? 172 00:08:56,760 --> 00:08:59,800 Are you waving at me or are your hands shaking? I don't know! 173 00:08:59,800 --> 00:09:02,000 Well done. 174 00:09:02,000 --> 00:09:03,600 Thank you. 175 00:09:03,600 --> 00:09:05,240 I would shake your hand, but... 176 00:09:06,760 --> 00:09:08,760 ..I've got lobster all over it. 177 00:09:08,760 --> 00:09:10,200 I think I managed to get meat 178 00:09:10,200 --> 00:09:13,840 from every part of the lobster, which is a plus, 179 00:09:13,840 --> 00:09:16,800 so, yeah, I'm pretty proud of myself for the first time. 180 00:09:18,560 --> 00:09:20,280 It went so quick. 181 00:09:20,280 --> 00:09:22,000 I struggled with the knife 182 00:09:22,000 --> 00:09:25,000 and I'm not happy about my job, to be honest. Not at all. 183 00:09:26,040 --> 00:09:28,000 My hands were shaking because 184 00:09:28,000 --> 00:09:30,160 I put a lot of pressure on myself to really kill it, 185 00:09:30,160 --> 00:09:32,720 but I'm just hoping I've won that. 186 00:09:32,720 --> 00:09:34,360 I think it's quite close. 187 00:09:41,200 --> 00:09:43,040 I've assessed the contenders' lobsters, 188 00:09:43,040 --> 00:09:46,320 and I've ranked them from highest yield produced to lowest. 189 00:09:57,440 --> 00:09:58,680 Right... 190 00:10:01,160 --> 00:10:02,320 ..results. 191 00:10:03,360 --> 00:10:05,600 So, let's go from the bottom to the best. 192 00:10:08,080 --> 00:10:12,240 So, this one had some issues - claws missing, obviously knuckles. 193 00:10:12,240 --> 00:10:14,280 There's one leg. I think it's one leg. 194 00:10:14,280 --> 00:10:15,680 Either that or they sneezed. 195 00:10:15,680 --> 00:10:18,280 And it looks like it was done with a hammer. 196 00:10:18,280 --> 00:10:20,200 This one belongs to... 197 00:10:20,200 --> 00:10:22,520 That's mine, yeah. ..Craig. 198 00:10:22,520 --> 00:10:25,760 In terms of business, the worst yield. The worst. 199 00:10:27,000 --> 00:10:30,360 Moving along, no legs on this one. Two claws, one broken. 200 00:10:30,360 --> 00:10:33,200 The head's been cracked, as well. Flo. Yeah, I know. 201 00:10:33,200 --> 00:10:35,720 I thought you were going to shine in this one. Me, too. 202 00:10:35,720 --> 00:10:37,960 Right, this one's missing the head. 203 00:10:37,960 --> 00:10:40,960 Presentation is key. What happened to the head? 204 00:10:40,960 --> 00:10:44,160 Andy? I just ran out of time, and I was just trying to focus on 205 00:10:44,160 --> 00:10:45,760 getting quality out of what I did have, 206 00:10:45,760 --> 00:10:47,680 rather than force what I didn't. 207 00:10:47,680 --> 00:10:49,760 So, in third place... 208 00:10:51,440 --> 00:10:56,040 ..two nice claws, knuckles, beautifully presented, but six legs, 209 00:10:56,040 --> 00:11:00,080 Sam. It's the legs that let you down because eight legs on that 210 00:11:00,080 --> 00:11:02,680 and I'm talking about yield in business, OK? 211 00:11:02,680 --> 00:11:04,200 So, third place. 212 00:11:06,400 --> 00:11:10,200 Top two. This one - eight legs, two knuckles, 213 00:11:10,200 --> 00:11:13,360 claws are out beautifully and a really good yield. 214 00:11:13,360 --> 00:11:16,000 In first place, congratulations goes to... 215 00:11:17,160 --> 00:11:18,960 ..Amy. Well done. 216 00:11:18,960 --> 00:11:20,320 Really well done. 217 00:11:20,320 --> 00:11:22,800 Thanks. That is a really strong effort. 218 00:11:22,800 --> 00:11:27,640 Kier, the claw let you down, but strong yield again. 219 00:11:27,640 --> 00:11:29,840 Amy and Kier, in terms of business, 220 00:11:29,840 --> 00:11:34,240 we can sell all that for £180 upwards. 221 00:11:34,240 --> 00:11:35,560 Well done. 222 00:11:35,560 --> 00:11:39,240 Now, if you thought today was all about quality, 223 00:11:39,240 --> 00:11:42,760 wait till you see what's just around the corner. 224 00:11:42,760 --> 00:11:45,600 Rest, please, cos you're going to need it. 225 00:11:47,160 --> 00:11:49,960 Well, that went well. Well done. Well done, well done, well done! 226 00:11:49,960 --> 00:11:51,720 Don't even know why you're happy any more. 227 00:11:51,720 --> 00:11:53,480 You're getting so used to winning! 228 00:11:55,760 --> 00:11:58,160 I'm just chuffed. I gave it my best, 229 00:11:58,160 --> 00:11:59,520 and it worked. 230 00:12:00,680 --> 00:12:03,160 Good boy! Good boy! 231 00:12:03,160 --> 00:12:08,640 Yeah, ranked dead last again, which is, yeah, a 100% record. 232 00:12:08,640 --> 00:12:10,200 But I've still got a chance. 233 00:12:10,200 --> 00:12:12,600 It's just making sure I'm positive and keep going. 234 00:12:12,600 --> 00:12:14,840 I need to nail the next challenge because 235 00:12:14,840 --> 00:12:16,800 there's absolutely no way I want to leave 236 00:12:16,800 --> 00:12:19,320 now I'm so close to the final. 237 00:12:19,320 --> 00:12:20,880 Tomorrow, I will be better. 238 00:12:34,760 --> 00:12:38,320 Oh, is this us? Lucky Cat. Who's feeling lucky? 239 00:12:38,320 --> 00:12:39,920 Ooh! Here we go. 240 00:12:41,160 --> 00:12:43,320 This week's all about the finer things in life. 241 00:12:43,320 --> 00:12:46,320 Yesterday was all about preparing quality ingredients. 242 00:12:46,320 --> 00:12:50,080 Today, I want the guys to experience high-end hospitality, 243 00:12:50,080 --> 00:12:53,920 so I've arranged for them to eat at one of my top London restaurants 244 00:12:53,920 --> 00:12:55,280 right here in Mayfair. 245 00:12:55,280 --> 00:12:59,320 I may be picking up the bill, but that meal will come at a price. 246 00:13:01,320 --> 00:13:03,920 Afternoon, guys. Welcome. Six of you? ALL: Yes. 247 00:13:03,920 --> 00:13:06,640 Follow me, please. I'll show you to the table. Oh, my goodness! 248 00:13:06,640 --> 00:13:07,880 Been here before? 249 00:13:07,880 --> 00:13:10,160 Can't say I can afford it, I'll be honest. 250 00:13:12,040 --> 00:13:16,520 Inspired by Tokyo's 1930s jazz bars and Shanghai's drinking dens... 251 00:13:16,520 --> 00:13:17,680 Thank you. 252 00:13:17,680 --> 00:13:20,040 ..I opened my Mayfair restaurant hoping to bring back 253 00:13:20,040 --> 00:13:21,400 some of the culinary wonder 254 00:13:21,400 --> 00:13:24,000 from my trips to Southeast Asia and Japan. 255 00:13:24,000 --> 00:13:26,040 So, we've got some snacks to start with, 256 00:13:26,040 --> 00:13:28,360 our pea guac with some rice crackers on the side. 257 00:13:28,360 --> 00:13:30,440 Oh, my days! Wow. For today, we'll be serving 258 00:13:30,440 --> 00:13:32,880 a selection of three different bento boxes, 259 00:13:32,880 --> 00:13:36,400 which you can choose between a fish, a meat or a veggie one. 260 00:13:36,400 --> 00:13:38,120 At the heart of the lunchtime menu... 261 00:13:38,120 --> 00:13:40,680 We got a shiitake on, yeah? ..bento boxes. 262 00:13:40,680 --> 00:13:42,720 Compact and creative, 263 00:13:42,720 --> 00:13:44,920 these all-in-one Japanese-style lunch boxes 264 00:13:44,920 --> 00:13:47,680 contain several portions of a balanced meal. 265 00:13:47,680 --> 00:13:49,840 Can I have the fish bento, please? Sure you can. 266 00:13:49,840 --> 00:13:53,560 May I have the same? And the meat for me, please. 267 00:13:53,560 --> 00:13:55,880 Chefs, check on. Three meat, three fish. 268 00:13:55,880 --> 00:13:57,440 Once an order's placed, 269 00:13:57,440 --> 00:14:00,360 the food needs to be on the pass within ten minutes, 270 00:14:00,360 --> 00:14:02,720 meaning my restaurant team of top chefs 271 00:14:02,720 --> 00:14:05,640 have to work in perfect unison to create the boxes. 272 00:14:06,840 --> 00:14:09,680 Hey, guys, are we hungry? ALL: Yes! 273 00:14:09,680 --> 00:14:12,480 Oh, my days! That smell! What?! 274 00:14:12,480 --> 00:14:14,360 From the fish option, you've got 275 00:14:14,360 --> 00:14:16,360 some king prawn skewers with yuzu kosho. 276 00:14:16,360 --> 00:14:18,200 We then move into salt-and-pepper squid, 277 00:14:18,200 --> 00:14:19,400 courgette tempura, 278 00:14:19,400 --> 00:14:21,520 wakame seaweed salad, some steamed rice. 279 00:14:21,520 --> 00:14:23,400 On the meat option, we've got fried chicken, 280 00:14:23,400 --> 00:14:26,120 pork belly skewers glazed with honey soy sauce, 281 00:14:26,120 --> 00:14:28,440 some steamed edamame, seaweed salad again. 282 00:14:28,440 --> 00:14:31,720 Enjoy. Buon appetito. Thank you so much. Prego. 283 00:14:31,720 --> 00:14:33,920 I'll swap you a chicken for a squid, yeah? Go on, then. 284 00:14:33,920 --> 00:14:36,400 Mm! Those prawns are really good. 285 00:14:36,400 --> 00:14:39,640 Beautifully seasoned. Oh, my gosh! This is insane! 286 00:14:39,640 --> 00:14:42,600 Whenever we get nice stuff like this, I'm like, 287 00:14:42,600 --> 00:14:46,640 "What's the catch? What is he about to do?" 288 00:14:46,640 --> 00:14:50,200 The Last Supper. Gordon is coming. 289 00:14:53,920 --> 00:14:55,400 Good morning. 290 00:14:55,400 --> 00:14:58,280 Hello. How was lunch? Absolutely beautiful. 291 00:14:58,280 --> 00:15:01,040 Unreal. Yeah. Excellent, 292 00:15:01,040 --> 00:15:02,840 because, for your next challenge, 293 00:15:02,840 --> 00:15:07,120 I want to see all of you running a lunch service here - 294 00:15:07,120 --> 00:15:10,200 three in the kitchen and three in the dining room, 295 00:15:10,200 --> 00:15:12,600 one big, dynamic team. 296 00:15:12,600 --> 00:15:15,600 Amy, as you impressed me the most in yesterday's challenge, 297 00:15:15,600 --> 00:15:18,280 you get to decide who goes where - 298 00:15:18,280 --> 00:15:21,880 who's running front of house and who's running the kitchen. 299 00:15:21,880 --> 00:15:24,000 Allocate the roles wisely. 300 00:15:24,000 --> 00:15:25,840 Lunchtime diners want to come in and out. 301 00:15:25,840 --> 00:15:29,120 They haven't got three hours. It needs to be efficient. 302 00:15:29,120 --> 00:15:30,240 Understood? 303 00:15:31,760 --> 00:15:35,640 This is my restaurant, so my reputation is on the line. 304 00:15:35,640 --> 00:15:38,320 Good luck. Let's get started. Thank you. Thanks, Gordon. 305 00:15:38,320 --> 00:15:40,520 Oh, my gosh, Amy! Pressure on you. 306 00:15:41,800 --> 00:15:43,760 Now, I'm setting this challenge because 307 00:15:43,760 --> 00:15:46,480 I want to see if they can work together as a team, 308 00:15:46,480 --> 00:15:48,360 especially when the stakes are this high. 309 00:15:48,360 --> 00:15:51,360 It is my name above the door and, as always, in my restaurants, 310 00:15:51,360 --> 00:15:54,240 I expect nothing but the very best. 311 00:15:54,240 --> 00:15:56,360 I think I'm going to run the kitchen. 312 00:15:56,360 --> 00:15:59,080 It's your chance to shine, so go for it. 313 00:15:59,080 --> 00:16:01,800 Do you feel confident in the kitchen, Kier? Yeah. 314 00:16:01,800 --> 00:16:03,560 Flo, kitchen. Of course. 315 00:16:03,560 --> 00:16:06,560 So, we're going to go kitchen - me, Flo, Kier. 316 00:16:06,560 --> 00:16:09,800 Front of house, we've got Sam, Andy, Craig. 317 00:16:09,800 --> 00:16:12,080 I'm happy to run front of house. 318 00:16:12,080 --> 00:16:13,800 You want to maitre d'? Yeah. 319 00:16:13,800 --> 00:16:16,440 I will throw my hat into the pot. To what? To run it? 320 00:16:16,440 --> 00:16:18,640 My job is front of house, isn't it? 321 00:16:18,640 --> 00:16:21,200 But the thing is, like, when you're running the front of house, 322 00:16:21,200 --> 00:16:23,560 you have to make sure that it runs like clockwork. 323 00:16:23,560 --> 00:16:27,920 I'm putting myself out there this week. This is my thing. 324 00:16:30,880 --> 00:16:32,280 I'm going to go with Craig 325 00:16:32,280 --> 00:16:34,720 only because that's what Craig does every day. 326 00:16:34,720 --> 00:16:38,000 I'm happy to do it. Yeah? Yes, that's fine. 327 00:16:38,000 --> 00:16:39,720 I'm happy to be wherever. 328 00:16:40,760 --> 00:16:44,480 I haven't known Craig to successfully lead any challenges 329 00:16:44,480 --> 00:16:46,680 during this whole experience, 330 00:16:46,680 --> 00:16:50,320 but let's just hope that Craig is up for the challenge. 331 00:16:51,680 --> 00:16:54,400 There is no easy role. There's nowhere to hide. 332 00:16:54,400 --> 00:16:57,000 There's six people. Oh, God! Now I feel nervous. 333 00:16:57,000 --> 00:16:59,280 And I'm going to run Gordon Ramsay's kitchen. 334 00:16:59,280 --> 00:17:01,520 LAUGHTER AND CHEERING 335 00:17:01,520 --> 00:17:03,880 One team, one dream! 336 00:17:03,880 --> 00:17:05,440 This is make or break today. 337 00:17:05,440 --> 00:17:08,440 If I cock this up, then I'm going. 338 00:17:13,240 --> 00:17:15,360 With only a few hours until this restaurant 339 00:17:15,360 --> 00:17:19,480 is packed with expectant guests... These are the aprons. 340 00:17:19,480 --> 00:17:21,840 ..the contenders have a lot to learn. 341 00:17:21,840 --> 00:17:26,080 Is yours the wrong way round? Yeah. Spot who works in a pub. 342 00:17:27,160 --> 00:17:28,600 Are we ready for this? 343 00:17:28,600 --> 00:17:31,080 Showing them the run of service... Think so. 344 00:17:31,080 --> 00:17:33,560 ..my director of restaurants, Mario. 345 00:17:33,560 --> 00:17:36,000 So, who's going to be the maitre d'? 346 00:17:36,000 --> 00:17:40,000 That's me, yeah. The fun part. CRAIG CHUCKLES 347 00:17:40,000 --> 00:17:43,560 And in the kitchen... Hello. CONTESTANTS: Hello. Welcome. 348 00:17:43,560 --> 00:17:45,440 ..group executive chef Jocky. 349 00:17:45,440 --> 00:17:48,640 Got your aprons? All the gear, no idea. 350 00:17:48,640 --> 00:17:49,800 Have I mentioned that 351 00:17:49,800 --> 00:17:52,480 I've never worked in a professional kitchen before? 352 00:17:54,200 --> 00:17:58,600 Right, so any of you have any experience in hospitality? 353 00:17:58,600 --> 00:18:00,320 I've got a couple of pubs. 354 00:18:00,320 --> 00:18:03,160 OK. I deal with the public, so... Great. 355 00:18:03,160 --> 00:18:07,840 So, today, we have 35 guests coming through the doors. 356 00:18:07,840 --> 00:18:10,240 The room is going to be split in three sections. 357 00:18:10,240 --> 00:18:12,680 You are the maitre d' and you will decide where they go. 358 00:18:12,680 --> 00:18:15,320 Yeah. The maitre d' will always welcome them at the door 359 00:18:15,320 --> 00:18:18,640 when the guests arrive, and then sit the guests down at the table. Yeah. 360 00:18:18,640 --> 00:18:22,000 And very important that you take the order 361 00:18:22,000 --> 00:18:24,280 as per the timing that they sit down. 362 00:18:24,280 --> 00:18:26,120 It's very crucial that table four 363 00:18:26,120 --> 00:18:28,000 doesn't get the food before table five. 364 00:18:28,000 --> 00:18:30,400 Obviously, when I'm spreading the customers out into... 365 00:18:30,400 --> 00:18:33,160 Guests, please. Guests. They're guests in our house. 366 00:18:33,160 --> 00:18:35,200 Remember, you work for Gordon Ramsay, 367 00:18:35,200 --> 00:18:38,040 one of the most powerful people in the hospitality industry, 368 00:18:38,040 --> 00:18:41,280 so it's important that we have that standard. Yeah. 369 00:18:41,280 --> 00:18:43,920 I run pubs for guys that have just finished work, 370 00:18:43,920 --> 00:18:45,240 guys that want a pint. 371 00:18:45,240 --> 00:18:48,960 It's not high-end at all, but it's go-hard-or-go-home today. 372 00:18:48,960 --> 00:18:50,360 Yeah. 373 00:18:50,360 --> 00:18:52,680 When you're getting the drinks, at the same time, 374 00:18:52,680 --> 00:18:54,800 you will be getting some snacks for the table, 375 00:18:54,800 --> 00:18:56,800 so you don't waste time going back and forth. 376 00:18:56,800 --> 00:18:58,360 Time is very crucial for you guys 377 00:18:58,360 --> 00:19:01,320 and you have to always be on the floor with your guests. 378 00:19:02,440 --> 00:19:04,360 The first section I'm going to show you 379 00:19:04,360 --> 00:19:05,840 is the robata and the grill. 380 00:19:05,840 --> 00:19:08,720 Back in the kitchen, a crash course on the food stations 381 00:19:08,720 --> 00:19:10,680 from exec chef Jocky. 382 00:19:10,680 --> 00:19:11,960 As soon as a check comes on, 383 00:19:11,960 --> 00:19:13,840 it needs to be gone within ten minutes. 384 00:19:13,840 --> 00:19:17,760 Prawn - skewer on. Pork skewer - shiitake mushroom on. 385 00:19:17,760 --> 00:19:19,480 This is, like, a four-, five-minute cook. 386 00:19:19,480 --> 00:19:22,800 This will go up to the pass. Everything goes into the middle. 387 00:19:22,800 --> 00:19:24,680 Next up will be the wok station. 388 00:19:24,680 --> 00:19:28,400 A little bit of oil, salt. Bok choy goes in. 389 00:19:28,400 --> 00:19:32,040 Meanwhile, this is for the edamame. Boiling water. 390 00:19:32,040 --> 00:19:33,520 It's quite overwhelming. 391 00:19:33,520 --> 00:19:37,680 There's an extremely large amount of stuff to remember. 392 00:19:37,680 --> 00:19:40,360 You drain it, and that'll go to the chef on the pass. 393 00:19:40,360 --> 00:19:43,400 I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't anxious. 394 00:19:43,400 --> 00:19:46,000 All right? So, next up, tempura section. 395 00:19:46,000 --> 00:19:50,400 Open vats of oil. Do not be sticking your hand in the oil, all right? 396 00:19:50,400 --> 00:19:52,640 Squid into the basket. 397 00:19:52,640 --> 00:19:55,400 So, the aubergine goes into the tempura batter. 398 00:19:55,400 --> 00:19:57,480 About five minutes, it takes to cook. 399 00:19:57,480 --> 00:20:00,280 So, you just have to kind of guess what five minutes is. 400 00:20:00,280 --> 00:20:02,960 You've got a watch. That is true. 401 00:20:02,960 --> 00:20:06,480 This is a very super fast service. You'll communicate with each other 402 00:20:06,480 --> 00:20:08,720 and work together to deliver the box. 403 00:20:08,720 --> 00:20:11,640 I'm not sure I'm confident for the challenge today because 404 00:20:11,640 --> 00:20:14,280 we need to keep communicating between each other 405 00:20:14,280 --> 00:20:16,480 without shouting to each other. 406 00:20:16,480 --> 00:20:18,200 That will be a challenge. 407 00:20:18,200 --> 00:20:20,880 You work as a team. This is the whole thing about this. 408 00:20:20,880 --> 00:20:23,800 To be successful in this challenge, jump in, get involved. 409 00:20:23,800 --> 00:20:27,720 That's what we're doing every day. It's about supporting each other. 410 00:20:27,720 --> 00:20:30,560 So, this is where we're going to be welcoming the guests. 411 00:20:30,560 --> 00:20:32,560 The maitre d' is going to be standing here, 412 00:20:32,560 --> 00:20:34,000 and when the guests are coming, 413 00:20:34,000 --> 00:20:37,240 "Good afternoon. Welcome to Lucky Cat. Come through." 414 00:20:37,240 --> 00:20:41,440 So, table one, table two, table three behind us, 415 00:20:41,440 --> 00:20:44,280 and then table four. We have to memorise these table numbers, 416 00:20:44,280 --> 00:20:45,520 do we? That's right. 417 00:20:47,280 --> 00:20:50,960 What table number was that again? Six. Sev... Ah, six. 418 00:20:50,960 --> 00:20:53,680 You don't want to get the wrong food to the wrong table number. 419 00:20:53,680 --> 00:20:55,320 We're laughing about it now, 420 00:20:55,320 --> 00:20:58,880 but it's not going to be a joke when you're in the service. Yeah. 421 00:20:58,880 --> 00:21:02,680 Right, now it's a case of building the bento box. 422 00:21:02,680 --> 00:21:03,920 This is the pass. 423 00:21:03,920 --> 00:21:05,440 It's about listening to one voice, 424 00:21:05,440 --> 00:21:08,360 and that one voice is the person who's on the pass. 425 00:21:08,360 --> 00:21:09,840 We have rice, 426 00:21:09,840 --> 00:21:12,920 the pickles, the seaweed and cucumber salad. 427 00:21:12,920 --> 00:21:16,400 Skewers - always top right. All the boxes are looking the same. 428 00:21:16,400 --> 00:21:18,200 The only way it's not going to be a success 429 00:21:18,200 --> 00:21:19,800 is if you haven't got good leadership. 430 00:21:19,800 --> 00:21:22,960 Who's going to do what section? I'm gravitating towards the grill. 431 00:21:22,960 --> 00:21:27,120 That's fine, but please make sure everything's cooked, yeah? 432 00:21:27,120 --> 00:21:30,040 So, fryers. Fryers for me? Yeah. 433 00:21:30,040 --> 00:21:32,440 And if I get slammed, then just jump over 434 00:21:32,440 --> 00:21:34,920 and maybe help with the bok choy. 435 00:21:34,920 --> 00:21:36,360 I'm running the pass, 436 00:21:36,360 --> 00:21:38,080 so that's communicating with everybody 437 00:21:38,080 --> 00:21:39,920 and putting all the dishes together. 438 00:21:39,920 --> 00:21:43,240 I've put myself in the firing line and it's sink or swim. 439 00:21:43,240 --> 00:21:44,760 What could possibly go wrong? 440 00:21:46,960 --> 00:21:49,240 With less than an hour until the doors open 441 00:21:49,240 --> 00:21:51,360 and my reputation on the line, 442 00:21:51,360 --> 00:21:53,840 I'm paying the contenders another surprise visit 443 00:21:53,840 --> 00:21:55,600 for a trial run before service. 444 00:21:55,600 --> 00:21:57,960 Gordon's here. Oh, shit! 445 00:21:57,960 --> 00:21:59,960 We're OK. We're OK. 446 00:22:01,280 --> 00:22:04,000 May I have a look at the menus super quick, yes? 447 00:22:04,000 --> 00:22:05,840 Sam, what are the snacks, please? 448 00:22:05,840 --> 00:22:07,560 Erm, the snacks. 449 00:22:07,560 --> 00:22:12,600 So, we have a pea guacamole and... 450 00:22:12,600 --> 00:22:17,320 Oh, God! I didn't write it down. A pea guacamole with cucumber 451 00:22:17,320 --> 00:22:19,320 and smashed cucumber... OK, stop, stop, stop. 452 00:22:19,320 --> 00:22:21,920 You guys need to learn this. You've only got two things on there. 453 00:22:23,280 --> 00:22:25,480 Let's have one meat, one vegetarian 454 00:22:25,480 --> 00:22:28,400 and one fish bento box, please, with the snacks. 455 00:22:28,400 --> 00:22:33,000 Thank you. Craig... Yeah? ..how can Sam not know about the snacks? 456 00:22:33,000 --> 00:22:34,640 Yeah, she should. 457 00:22:34,640 --> 00:22:37,040 Crackers and pea guacamole. 458 00:22:37,040 --> 00:22:38,880 This is for Gordon. 459 00:22:38,880 --> 00:22:42,280 Check on - one meat, one veg, one fish. 460 00:22:42,280 --> 00:22:43,760 You've got ten minutes. 461 00:22:43,760 --> 00:22:45,880 Craig, can you turn around, tuck your shirt in? 462 00:22:45,880 --> 00:22:48,600 It's all hanging out at the back. Yeah, yeah. Sorry. Thank you. 463 00:22:48,600 --> 00:22:50,640 I've seen better service down the Golden Egg 464 00:22:50,640 --> 00:22:51,840 down the Old Kent Road. 465 00:22:54,000 --> 00:22:56,520 I think all three of us need to relax a bit, you know what I mean? 466 00:22:56,520 --> 00:22:58,320 Just taking the pressure off ourselves. 467 00:22:58,320 --> 00:23:00,400 Just going to top his water up. Yeah, yeah. 468 00:23:00,400 --> 00:23:03,320 Have you got your skewers on, Kier? I had to take this out. 469 00:23:03,320 --> 00:23:07,040 That's going to wait. Please put them on now. 470 00:23:07,040 --> 00:23:09,520 Get your edamame down. Are you OK, Flo? 471 00:23:09,520 --> 00:23:12,160 So, you've got flour, then batter for your courgette. 472 00:23:12,160 --> 00:23:14,840 I'm not sure about the flour, but let's see. 473 00:23:14,840 --> 00:23:17,240 Have you got your bok choy in? No, I haven't yet. 474 00:23:17,240 --> 00:23:19,120 We need to be thinking. Get your meat on, 475 00:23:19,120 --> 00:23:22,600 then move on to your edamame and your bok choy. Yeah. 476 00:23:22,600 --> 00:23:25,360 Craig, one thing you should know about the guests here is 477 00:23:25,360 --> 00:23:27,840 they're in and they're out, so be efficient. 478 00:23:27,840 --> 00:23:30,200 Sam, what are the snacks, please? 479 00:23:30,200 --> 00:23:33,560 Pea guacamole with rice...with rice cake...crackers. 480 00:23:33,560 --> 00:23:35,520 Sorry. And, erm... 481 00:23:39,200 --> 00:23:41,960 Go back to the kitchen. Oh, God! 482 00:23:41,960 --> 00:23:43,600 Oh, my Lord. 483 00:23:43,600 --> 00:23:46,480 Kier, my squid cooked really quickly. 484 00:23:46,480 --> 00:23:47,640 Are you ready or not yet? 485 00:23:47,640 --> 00:23:50,520 Erm, just got to make sure I don't burn this meat. 486 00:23:50,520 --> 00:23:54,080 Courgette for the fish. Salt. Don't worry about the... Salt. 487 00:23:54,080 --> 00:23:56,120 Ow! Salt. Yeah, yeah, we're all good. 488 00:23:56,120 --> 00:23:58,240 I'm done with the fish. How long, Kier? 489 00:23:58,240 --> 00:24:00,800 I'm nearly there. There's the meat. 490 00:24:00,800 --> 00:24:05,080 Service, please. One meat, one fish, one vegetable. 491 00:24:10,120 --> 00:24:13,960 In the fish bento, we have yuzu-glazed prawns 492 00:24:13,960 --> 00:24:16,760 with tempura, erm, courgettes, 493 00:24:16,760 --> 00:24:21,040 seaweed salad, rice and, erm, salt-and-pepper squid. 494 00:24:21,040 --> 00:24:22,920 Nice explanation. Just need to be quicker. 495 00:24:22,920 --> 00:24:24,240 OK. I need you to be more fluid. 496 00:24:24,240 --> 00:24:27,120 Thank you. Is everything OK with your meal? 497 00:24:27,120 --> 00:24:28,360 I haven't tried it yet. 498 00:24:28,360 --> 00:24:30,440 It'd be nice if you let me have a little bite to eat, 499 00:24:30,440 --> 00:24:33,840 and then I'll let you know. Thank you. Thank you. Sorry. 500 00:24:38,000 --> 00:24:39,160 First time in a restaurant, 501 00:24:39,160 --> 00:24:40,880 Gordon Ramsay's just eating your food. 502 00:24:40,880 --> 00:24:42,280 No biggie. No biggie. 503 00:24:44,400 --> 00:24:45,440 Shit! 504 00:24:47,440 --> 00:24:49,440 Is everything OK with your meal? 505 00:24:49,440 --> 00:24:51,120 Would you mind just taking that one back? 506 00:24:51,120 --> 00:24:53,720 There's no seasoning on the squid whatsoever. It's just bland. 507 00:24:53,720 --> 00:24:56,400 Sure. Thank you. Oh, no! He's not sending something back, is he? 508 00:24:56,400 --> 00:24:59,720 What is he sending back? The squid - he said it's bland. 509 00:24:59,720 --> 00:25:01,880 Yeah? We can try and reseason the batter. 510 00:25:01,880 --> 00:25:05,000 More salt? Salt and pepper. Can we change the batter? 511 00:25:05,000 --> 00:25:07,320 Do you want me to recook anything of that? 512 00:25:07,320 --> 00:25:10,360 It should be OK. Close the bento to keep it hot. 513 00:25:10,360 --> 00:25:12,680 This is exactly what they need to avoid. 514 00:25:12,680 --> 00:25:15,840 Every returned box not only affects the customer experience, 515 00:25:15,840 --> 00:25:17,640 but also has huge cost implications. 516 00:25:17,640 --> 00:25:20,880 It's crispier. Definitely crispier. Service! 517 00:25:23,920 --> 00:25:27,000 Right. Erm... 518 00:25:27,000 --> 00:25:29,440 Just so I'm clear, the box went back to the kitchen, 519 00:25:29,440 --> 00:25:32,280 and they redid the squid, and everything else is the same? 520 00:25:32,280 --> 00:25:35,240 When we send something back to the kitchen, what do we do? 521 00:25:35,240 --> 00:25:37,480 The whole thing would get redone. The whole thing. 522 00:25:37,480 --> 00:25:39,400 That is basic - very basic. 523 00:25:41,280 --> 00:25:44,640 If somebody complains about one sector of that box, 524 00:25:44,640 --> 00:25:47,080 the whole lot needs to get redone. 525 00:25:47,080 --> 00:25:50,040 OK? We're in Mayfair, not a camping site. 526 00:25:50,040 --> 00:25:52,320 Yeah. Yeah? Standards, OK? 527 00:25:52,320 --> 00:25:54,240 I know we can be a lot better. 528 00:25:54,240 --> 00:25:57,560 My restaurant. Your quarterfinal. Own it. 529 00:25:58,680 --> 00:26:00,720 Good luck. ALL: Thank you. 530 00:26:00,720 --> 00:26:02,720 Oh, I feel like I want to cry. 531 00:26:02,720 --> 00:26:04,920 GORDON SIGHS 532 00:26:02,720 --> 00:26:04,920 Hey, we ordered the snacks. 533 00:26:04,920 --> 00:26:06,440 No snacks. Fuck me! 534 00:26:06,440 --> 00:26:08,240 Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. We got this. 535 00:26:08,240 --> 00:26:10,920 I think people are feeling the pressure. Final six. 536 00:26:10,920 --> 00:26:12,120 No-one can really hide. 537 00:26:12,120 --> 00:26:14,840 But I just think this is still way too early for me to go home, 538 00:26:14,840 --> 00:26:16,520 and I would hate to go home on something 539 00:26:16,520 --> 00:26:17,840 that's not in my back garden. 540 00:26:17,840 --> 00:26:20,680 Just positive. It's fine. We are here. We are a team. 541 00:26:22,920 --> 00:26:27,880 I am treating every single bento box like it's a bento box for Gordon, 542 00:26:27,880 --> 00:26:30,760 without missing anything off or falling behind on timings 543 00:26:30,760 --> 00:26:33,240 and making sure that everyone's doing it in the kitchen. 544 00:26:33,240 --> 00:26:36,680 Ah! I think I've just realised what's about to happen. 545 00:26:39,880 --> 00:26:41,480 I don't have any concerns. 546 00:26:41,480 --> 00:26:44,120 No, no, no. It'll go well. It'll go well. 547 00:26:44,120 --> 00:26:47,080 It'll go well. Yes, it will go well. 548 00:26:47,080 --> 00:26:51,160 So, smashed cucumber. Pea guac with rice crackers. OK. 549 00:26:51,160 --> 00:26:53,880 Not the best start. Slightly all over the place. 550 00:26:53,880 --> 00:26:56,760 That's just with one customer sat in the dining room. 551 00:26:56,760 --> 00:26:59,120 Can you imagine when there's 30 in there? 552 00:26:59,120 --> 00:27:01,120 Right now, I'm not feeling too good. 553 00:27:07,560 --> 00:27:09,520 With the start of the lunchtime service 554 00:27:09,520 --> 00:27:12,600 only minutes away, I hope the teams have taken on my feedback. 555 00:27:12,600 --> 00:27:14,680 Guys, you've checked all your fridges, yeah? 556 00:27:14,680 --> 00:27:16,440 The only way they're going to succeed 557 00:27:16,440 --> 00:27:18,960 in this quarterfinal challenge is if they communicate... 558 00:27:18,960 --> 00:27:21,520 Four, five, six, nine and seven. 559 00:27:21,520 --> 00:27:22,880 ..and keep calm. 560 00:27:25,600 --> 00:27:30,080 1pm, and the guests are starting to arrive for lunch. 561 00:27:30,080 --> 00:27:33,720 So, you've got two woks, you've got enough clean water. 562 00:27:33,720 --> 00:27:36,480 Can you tie me up a bit tighter? 563 00:27:36,480 --> 00:27:37,920 It's a 90-minute service 564 00:27:37,920 --> 00:27:40,640 and I expect every guest to leave the restaurant 565 00:27:40,640 --> 00:27:43,000 with the same high-end dining experience, 566 00:27:43,000 --> 00:27:45,240 as well as a swift and delicious meal. 567 00:27:45,240 --> 00:27:46,520 Be yourself, girl. 568 00:27:46,520 --> 00:27:49,280 That's how you smash it - just being yourself, innit? Yeah. 569 00:27:49,280 --> 00:27:50,640 Be myself. 570 00:27:52,320 --> 00:27:54,320 With my expert team and I keeping an eye 571 00:27:54,320 --> 00:27:56,280 on the contenders' performance, 572 00:27:56,280 --> 00:28:00,520 it's time to see who shines under this added level of pressure. 573 00:28:00,520 --> 00:28:03,360 Hi, guys. How are you? Welcome to the Lucky Cat. 574 00:28:03,360 --> 00:28:04,920 Nice to meet you. I'm Craig. 575 00:28:04,920 --> 00:28:07,040 Follow me through and I'll show you where to sit. 576 00:28:07,040 --> 00:28:09,080 You can sit at table 12. Everyone looks nice. 577 00:28:09,080 --> 00:28:10,480 Enjoying the weather? Thank you. 578 00:28:10,480 --> 00:28:13,640 You'll be looked after by Sam today, so take care. 579 00:28:13,640 --> 00:28:16,520 AMY: We've got guests coming in, so look alive. 580 00:28:16,520 --> 00:28:19,280 Would you like to wait there, guys, and I'll be with you in a second? 581 00:28:19,280 --> 00:28:21,720 I'll take you to your seats. How are you? You all right? Yeah. 582 00:28:21,720 --> 00:28:24,600 Enjoying the weather? My name's Sam and I'll be your server today. 583 00:28:24,600 --> 00:28:26,120 Do you know what you'd like to drink? 584 00:28:26,120 --> 00:28:28,280 I'll leave you with Andy. Thank you, Andy. 585 00:28:28,280 --> 00:28:30,840 My name's Andy. Like Craig said, welcome to Lucky Cat. 586 00:28:30,840 --> 00:28:33,560 For drinks, what would you like? We'll have white wine. 587 00:28:33,560 --> 00:28:35,600 Everyone with a white wine, right? OK. 588 00:28:35,600 --> 00:28:37,280 With the restaurant filling up... 589 00:28:37,280 --> 00:28:38,800 Enjoying the weather, then? 590 00:28:38,800 --> 00:28:40,880 ..and the welcome snacks finally served... 591 00:28:40,880 --> 00:28:44,640 We have some pea guac and some smashed cucumber. 592 00:28:44,640 --> 00:28:46,320 That's my favourite. 593 00:28:46,320 --> 00:28:48,320 Have you looked through the menu at all? 594 00:28:48,320 --> 00:28:50,120 I'll go for the meat, please. 595 00:28:50,120 --> 00:28:52,160 Three fish and a meat, yeah. 596 00:28:52,160 --> 00:28:55,160 ..Craig wastes no time taking orders to the pass... 597 00:28:55,160 --> 00:28:58,920 Guys, check. Right, three fish, one meat. 598 00:28:58,920 --> 00:29:02,520 ..but, for Mario, standards are already falling short. 599 00:29:02,520 --> 00:29:05,840 We just started the service and Craig's already messed it up. 600 00:29:05,840 --> 00:29:08,600 You look after the tables on the order of sitting down, 601 00:29:08,600 --> 00:29:10,440 so the first seated gets served first. 602 00:29:10,440 --> 00:29:12,040 He's taken an order from other tables, 603 00:29:12,040 --> 00:29:14,120 rather than taking the order from the first table, 604 00:29:14,120 --> 00:29:15,480 so they're already behind. 605 00:29:15,480 --> 00:29:17,600 Not a great start. 606 00:29:17,600 --> 00:29:21,440 What? Six skewers, yeah? Yeah, will do. 607 00:29:21,440 --> 00:29:24,640 Rock that edamame, as well. Just one portion of edamame. 608 00:29:24,640 --> 00:29:28,160 We need three minutes for the meat, so, wait, wait. Yeah. 609 00:29:28,160 --> 00:29:30,960 My name's Sam. I'll be your host today. 610 00:29:30,960 --> 00:29:33,840 And it's not long before the problems from their practice run... 611 00:29:33,840 --> 00:29:38,480 So, on the menu today, we have a meat bento, fish and, erm... 612 00:29:40,600 --> 00:29:42,400 ..veg. ..crop up again. 613 00:29:42,400 --> 00:29:45,280 How did I forget that veg? Oh, boy! 614 00:29:46,680 --> 00:29:49,640 I had the fish earlier and I thought it was great, to be honest. 615 00:29:49,640 --> 00:29:52,520 But whilst the first order is yet to be boxed... 616 00:29:52,520 --> 00:29:55,640 See with this one? That's meat without the seaweed salad. 617 00:29:55,640 --> 00:29:56,960 What would you like? 618 00:29:56,960 --> 00:29:58,880 ..a rapid stream of checks to the pass... 619 00:29:58,880 --> 00:30:01,080 I'm meat, as well, yeah. Fantastic. Thank you so much. 620 00:30:01,080 --> 00:30:03,080 ..is already overburdening the kitchen. 621 00:30:03,080 --> 00:30:05,000 So we've got table 12. 622 00:30:05,000 --> 00:30:06,760 Yeah. Just leave it. 623 00:30:06,760 --> 00:30:08,560 Where would you like this, Amy? 624 00:30:08,560 --> 00:30:10,000 Just stick it on the board. 625 00:30:10,000 --> 00:30:11,240 I want to put this cup here. 626 00:30:11,240 --> 00:30:13,800 So we've got another three fish, one meat. 627 00:30:13,800 --> 00:30:15,320 I'll get that on in just a sec. 628 00:30:15,320 --> 00:30:17,120 Watch that prawn doesn't burn there, Kier. 629 00:30:17,120 --> 00:30:19,800 It's caramelised, yeah, not burnt, yeah? Big difference. 630 00:30:19,800 --> 00:30:23,360 So I have six prawn skewers there. Yeah. 631 00:30:23,360 --> 00:30:25,520 You've got five prawn skewers here, Kier. 632 00:30:25,520 --> 00:30:26,880 I need another one now. 633 00:30:26,880 --> 00:30:29,360 What? Is there only five? Now. Kier. 634 00:30:29,360 --> 00:30:31,520 Three twos are six, yeah? Not five. Yes? 635 00:30:31,520 --> 00:30:33,040 You need to be super-vocal. 636 00:30:33,040 --> 00:30:36,440 Kier, do you need help? I'm OK, actually, yeah. Maybe. 637 00:30:36,440 --> 00:30:37,600 What have we got? 638 00:30:37,600 --> 00:30:39,560 We've got three fish and one meat on the next. 639 00:30:39,560 --> 00:30:41,000 Listen. Yeah, I'm listening. 640 00:30:41,000 --> 00:30:43,680 Tell me what I have to do. 641 00:30:43,680 --> 00:30:46,160 Three, one, two... 642 00:30:46,160 --> 00:30:50,640 Kier, you can't lift the shrimp and the pork with the same tongs. 643 00:30:50,640 --> 00:30:51,680 OK? OK. 644 00:30:53,560 --> 00:30:55,280 Starting to regret this. 645 00:30:56,720 --> 00:30:58,760 I'll bring over some snacks for you and also 646 00:30:58,760 --> 00:31:00,400 put your drinks order through. 647 00:31:00,400 --> 00:31:01,440 Thank you. Thank you. 648 00:31:05,360 --> 00:31:07,720 How are you? Are you well? Very well, thank you. That's good. 649 00:31:07,720 --> 00:31:10,680 I'm sure Craig will be over to seat you in a second, OK? 650 00:31:13,800 --> 00:31:16,360 Just ignoring the guests waiting at the entrance. 651 00:31:18,680 --> 00:31:21,400 Tell him. Yes. Just tap him and tell him. 652 00:31:21,400 --> 00:31:23,360 Your guests are at the entrance waiting. 653 00:31:23,360 --> 00:31:25,200 Yep, no worries. Let's go. Let's go. 654 00:31:28,440 --> 00:31:30,680 Sorry, I won't be a second. That's OK. 655 00:31:30,680 --> 00:31:32,080 Nice cold beer... 656 00:31:32,080 --> 00:31:33,120 Thank you. 657 00:31:34,560 --> 00:31:35,600 INDISTINCT 658 00:31:37,840 --> 00:31:40,040 Be back with your drinks in two seconds. 659 00:31:41,200 --> 00:31:42,840 Would you like to come with me? 660 00:31:42,840 --> 00:31:45,080 How are you enjoying the weather? 661 00:31:45,080 --> 00:31:48,640 I'll get you seated. Just over here for me. 662 00:31:48,640 --> 00:31:51,880 The guests at the entrance are waiting for a long time. 663 00:31:51,880 --> 00:31:53,400 Oh, my God. Craig's lost it. 664 00:31:53,400 --> 00:31:55,520 The room's running him rather than him running the room. 665 00:31:55,520 --> 00:31:57,480 There's no communication with him or his team. 666 00:31:57,480 --> 00:32:00,000 Guests waiting at the door. Say again. Guests waiting at the door. 667 00:32:00,000 --> 00:32:01,720 OK. Thank you. 668 00:32:01,720 --> 00:32:04,080 Hello, ladies, how are you, all right? And gentlemen, I can see. 669 00:32:04,080 --> 00:32:05,760 Come through. Come through. 670 00:32:06,920 --> 00:32:07,960 Service! 671 00:32:09,120 --> 00:32:12,680 20 minutes into lunch, and with the restaurant almost at capacity... 672 00:32:12,680 --> 00:32:13,760 My pleasure. 673 00:32:13,760 --> 00:32:16,400 ..the service team are still finding their feet. 674 00:32:16,400 --> 00:32:18,320 We are ready for the big reveal, yeah? Absolutely. 675 00:32:18,320 --> 00:32:20,760 One, two, three. There we go. Sorry. 676 00:32:20,760 --> 00:32:22,800 I hope you all enjoy your food. 677 00:32:22,800 --> 00:32:24,080 Thank you. Andy. 678 00:32:24,080 --> 00:32:25,920 No-one's explained what's in there. 679 00:32:25,920 --> 00:32:27,840 Come on, give me those. Give me those. 680 00:32:27,840 --> 00:32:29,080 Come on. 681 00:32:29,080 --> 00:32:31,080 Let me just give you a little rundown on what we have. 682 00:32:31,080 --> 00:32:32,760 Let's see if I get this the right way round. 683 00:32:32,760 --> 00:32:36,680 OK, so we have the fish and meat, and the big reveal. 684 00:32:38,320 --> 00:32:40,520 Is this the wrong way round? 685 00:32:40,520 --> 00:32:42,880 We've swapped meals. OK. 686 00:32:42,880 --> 00:32:44,520 Bloody hell. 687 00:32:44,520 --> 00:32:46,640 Sam, they're positioned on the check. 688 00:32:46,640 --> 00:32:49,040 So you don't go over there, "Who's having fish, who's having meat?" 689 00:32:49,040 --> 00:32:51,760 But more importantly, you've got to be in and out. Nippy, nippy, nippy, yeah? 690 00:32:51,760 --> 00:32:53,360 A little bit quicker. Let's go. 691 00:32:55,280 --> 00:32:59,360 I am about one minute off on the fish and about two minutes off on the meat. 692 00:32:59,360 --> 00:33:01,360 When did you put that edamame in, mate? 693 00:33:01,360 --> 00:33:04,200 Right at the start. Get it out. Get a fresh one in. 694 00:33:04,200 --> 00:33:05,840 With orders backing up in the kitchen... 695 00:33:05,840 --> 00:33:08,000 Meat. No seaweed. Mushroom instead. 696 00:33:08,000 --> 00:33:10,520 ..it's vital that Amy and her team box clever... 697 00:33:10,520 --> 00:33:12,680 Fish, no seaweed, mushroom instead. 698 00:33:12,680 --> 00:33:14,400 ..and communicate any changes... 699 00:33:14,400 --> 00:33:18,560 Three fish, three prawns incoming. Fish, no seaweed, mushroom instead. 700 00:33:18,560 --> 00:33:21,520 ..otherwise, there's no way guests are getting fed. 701 00:33:21,520 --> 00:33:23,360 I've got my three fish there. 702 00:33:23,360 --> 00:33:26,600 Stop talking while I'm thinking, please, I pray to God. 703 00:33:26,600 --> 00:33:30,440 Well, that's going to be difficult. Please, just literally just give me silence 704 00:33:30,440 --> 00:33:31,600 for two minutes. 705 00:33:31,600 --> 00:33:33,680 This next check, right... Bit louder, Amy. 706 00:33:33,680 --> 00:33:35,000 I'm not talking to you. 707 00:33:35,000 --> 00:33:36,600 It's fine. Amy. 708 00:33:36,600 --> 00:33:37,880 You're landing the aircraft. 709 00:33:37,880 --> 00:33:40,800 So you're central control to this, that's why you talk to each other. 710 00:33:40,800 --> 00:33:43,280 The timing and the communication is off. 711 00:33:43,280 --> 00:33:45,280 We need to get our timing back, please. 712 00:33:45,280 --> 00:33:50,600 Right. So we are sending three meat, three fish, yeah? 713 00:33:52,680 --> 00:33:56,040 When done correctly, the bento boxes should be cooked and served 714 00:33:56,040 --> 00:33:57,520 in around ten minutes. 715 00:33:57,520 --> 00:33:59,600 Sorry about the wait, guys. I've just chased up your food. 716 00:33:59,600 --> 00:34:01,200 It should only be a few minutes. That's OK. 717 00:34:01,200 --> 00:34:04,240 How long on table ten? That? Nowhere near, mate. 718 00:34:04,240 --> 00:34:06,560 But with the kitchen behind... Table 12, how long, please? 719 00:34:06,560 --> 00:34:09,840 ..timings have gone completely out the window... 720 00:34:09,840 --> 00:34:11,360 Table nine is waiting. 721 00:34:11,360 --> 00:34:13,080 Everyone's waiting at the moment. 722 00:34:13,080 --> 00:34:15,440 ..and guests are getting hungry and restless. 723 00:34:18,800 --> 00:34:21,680 Sam, table 12 was the first table in. 724 00:34:21,680 --> 00:34:23,280 We've already fed three other tables. 725 00:34:23,280 --> 00:34:24,440 What's happened to their food? 726 00:34:24,440 --> 00:34:26,520 I've asked them several times and they keep saying, 727 00:34:26,520 --> 00:34:27,640 "It's coming, it's coming." 728 00:34:27,640 --> 00:34:29,840 Well, it just looks a bit embarrassing, they're looking round. 729 00:34:29,840 --> 00:34:31,280 How long for table 12, please? 730 00:34:31,280 --> 00:34:33,440 They were here first and still haven't been served. 731 00:34:33,440 --> 00:34:35,600 OK, I swear to God it's coming. 732 00:34:35,600 --> 00:34:37,000 Guys, I'm so sorry about the wait. 733 00:34:37,000 --> 00:34:39,680 Your food is just getting plated now. 734 00:34:39,680 --> 00:34:42,520 Table 12 is our first table to sit down and no food. 735 00:34:42,520 --> 00:34:43,880 There's no communication. 736 00:34:43,880 --> 00:34:45,280 Craig is not talking. 737 00:34:45,280 --> 00:34:47,240 And Amy's shut down. 738 00:34:47,240 --> 00:34:49,000 What a shame. 739 00:34:49,000 --> 00:34:51,360 An hour into the 90-minute service... 740 00:34:51,360 --> 00:34:53,040 This is table 12. 741 00:34:53,040 --> 00:34:56,280 ..and table 12's order is finally on the pass. 742 00:34:56,280 --> 00:34:58,040 Going to go and get your food for you now. 743 00:34:58,040 --> 00:35:00,040 Thank you so much for your patience. 744 00:35:00,040 --> 00:35:01,840 All right, there's the meat. 745 00:35:01,840 --> 00:35:03,760 But there's another problem. 746 00:35:03,760 --> 00:35:06,320 Hey, come on, look at this. Black is burnt. 747 00:35:06,320 --> 00:35:08,680 Kier, get some more pork on. Oh, my gosh. 748 00:35:08,680 --> 00:35:10,560 We have to restart all of them. Yeah. Come on, guys. 749 00:35:10,560 --> 00:35:12,080 Let's pick it up. How much? Six. 750 00:35:12,080 --> 00:35:14,880 Kier looks a mess, man. 751 00:35:14,880 --> 00:35:17,120 He's not even thinking about what he's doing. 752 00:35:17,120 --> 00:35:18,680 Flo, she's working super-fast. 753 00:35:18,680 --> 00:35:20,840 She should have been on the fucking hotplate, if I'm honest. 754 00:35:20,840 --> 00:35:22,920 We need to keep an eye on this pork. 755 00:35:22,920 --> 00:35:24,280 Kier, how many have you burned now? 756 00:35:24,280 --> 00:35:26,760 Eight. Too many. Eight. Yeah, sorry about that. 757 00:35:26,760 --> 00:35:28,800 When you put too much on there, it's just starting to burn. 758 00:35:28,800 --> 00:35:31,560 Yeah, yeah, I get it. And then there's no point in putting 12 on and burning six, right? 759 00:35:31,560 --> 00:35:32,720 Yeah. 760 00:35:32,720 --> 00:35:33,800 Please be careful. 761 00:35:33,800 --> 00:35:35,040 Kier's got no standards. 762 00:35:35,040 --> 00:35:38,320 There's no standards being held there. No. 763 00:35:38,320 --> 00:35:41,280 There you are. My pleasure. 764 00:35:41,280 --> 00:35:44,760 Is everything OK with your food? It's pretty nice. Fantastic. 765 00:35:44,760 --> 00:35:45,960 Enjoy. 766 00:35:45,960 --> 00:35:47,240 How is the wine? 767 00:35:47,240 --> 00:35:49,560 Exquisite. That's what I like to hear. 768 00:35:49,560 --> 00:35:51,400 Right. Bring the pork here now. 769 00:35:53,120 --> 00:35:55,600 Craig, pick this up, please. That is table 12. 770 00:35:55,600 --> 00:35:58,360 You've got fish, meat, fish, meat. OK. 771 00:35:58,360 --> 00:35:59,800 You've got a fish. 772 00:36:01,240 --> 00:36:03,400 Thank you. And a meat. Enjoy. It's delicious. 773 00:36:03,400 --> 00:36:05,400 Craig? Thank you. Thanks. You just put them down. 774 00:36:05,400 --> 00:36:07,160 No-one's got any idea what they're eating. 775 00:36:07,160 --> 00:36:08,960 No, that's fine. Explain. Quickly. 776 00:36:08,960 --> 00:36:12,640 Sorry, guys. I should have explained exactly what you're eating. 777 00:36:12,640 --> 00:36:14,760 So, what's next? Hang on. 778 00:36:14,760 --> 00:36:16,640 Yeah, I just need to know so I can cook. 779 00:36:16,640 --> 00:36:18,800 Yeah. No, I know you do, but please just be quiet. 780 00:36:18,800 --> 00:36:20,320 Kier and Flo can't see the tickets. 781 00:36:20,320 --> 00:36:22,400 They're depending on Amy to co-ordinate that. 782 00:36:22,400 --> 00:36:23,840 Now she's shut down. 783 00:36:26,080 --> 00:36:28,840 Amy? You've got to communicate to the team. Yeah. 784 00:36:28,840 --> 00:36:31,120 Up next... Yeah. ..five meat, one veg. 785 00:36:31,120 --> 00:36:33,040 After that, two veg, two fish. 786 00:36:33,040 --> 00:36:34,920 You need to speak up now and use your voice. Yes. 787 00:36:34,920 --> 00:36:36,320 So we are going on table eight, 788 00:36:36,320 --> 00:36:38,120 which is five meat and one vegetable. 789 00:36:38,120 --> 00:36:40,720 After that, we are going on table nine, which is two meat, 790 00:36:40,720 --> 00:36:43,200 after that, two meat, so we're making... OK, well, stop there. 791 00:36:43,200 --> 00:36:45,240 Yeah? So that's easy. Put two twos together. 792 00:36:45,240 --> 00:36:47,240 Start a time. Yeah. Four minutes, three minutes. 793 00:36:47,240 --> 00:36:49,360 So we work in unison, please. OK. 794 00:36:49,360 --> 00:36:51,160 We can do this, guys. We can do it! 795 00:36:54,120 --> 00:36:55,880 With food stalling in the kitchen, 796 00:36:55,880 --> 00:36:59,160 the service team have to deal with the fallout in the restaurant. 797 00:36:59,160 --> 00:37:01,840 Sorry to keep you waiting, guys. It won't be too much longer. 798 00:37:01,840 --> 00:37:03,720 Can I get you a drink at all? 799 00:37:03,720 --> 00:37:05,880 Can you look if our bentos are coming? 800 00:37:05,880 --> 00:37:07,400 I'll chase that for you now. 801 00:37:07,400 --> 00:37:08,880 I'm here with more drinks. 802 00:37:08,880 --> 00:37:11,400 But they've got problems of their own. 803 00:37:11,400 --> 00:37:14,160 Craig, we're still leaving the menus on the table. Looks so tacky. 804 00:37:14,160 --> 00:37:17,760 OK. Get some standards across the service now. Of course, yeah. No worries. OK. It's not a pub. 805 00:37:17,760 --> 00:37:19,560 I've never, ever seen a service like this. 806 00:37:19,560 --> 00:37:23,360 Menus around, guests complaining, hands up on the tables everywhere. 807 00:37:23,360 --> 00:37:25,040 This is not a service. 808 00:37:25,040 --> 00:37:26,480 This is a mess. 809 00:37:26,480 --> 00:37:28,800 Fucking hell. What have I done? 810 00:37:28,800 --> 00:37:30,040 Come on, let's do this, yeah? 811 00:37:30,040 --> 00:37:31,360 Thank God we have Andy. 812 00:37:31,360 --> 00:37:33,200 Sam, go in front of me cos you're one and two. 813 00:37:33,200 --> 00:37:35,400 He's speaking to the guests. He's speaking to his team. 814 00:37:35,400 --> 00:37:37,600 He's communicating very well with everyone around him. 815 00:37:37,600 --> 00:37:39,400 He's owning his section. 816 00:37:39,400 --> 00:37:41,720 ALL: Wow. 817 00:37:41,720 --> 00:37:44,560 OK. I'll bring over some water in a second for you. Yeah? 818 00:37:44,560 --> 00:37:46,360 GUESTS: Thank you. My pleasure. 819 00:37:54,720 --> 00:37:56,760 How long's that ticket been there, Craig? An hour. 820 00:37:56,760 --> 00:37:59,400 Yes. One hour. You're supposed to be in and out within an hour. Yeah. 821 00:37:59,400 --> 00:38:01,520 Not sat for an hour. No worries. We're so sorry. 822 00:38:04,080 --> 00:38:06,120 Yeah. 823 00:38:06,120 --> 00:38:07,920 Yeah, we'll just chase for you. I apologise. 824 00:38:07,920 --> 00:38:09,800 I'll check with the kitchen. 825 00:38:12,120 --> 00:38:13,720 Table seven need to go home. 826 00:38:13,720 --> 00:38:15,280 So... I don't know how I'm supposed 827 00:38:15,280 --> 00:38:17,720 to physically cook food quicker, though, Craig. 828 00:38:17,720 --> 00:38:19,640 Yeah? I've offered them a complimentary wine. 829 00:38:19,640 --> 00:38:22,560 I'll pay the bill. No, no, no, it's fine, but I've given them a drink. 830 00:38:22,560 --> 00:38:24,920 Amy, just give me a time for table seven, please. Meat and fish. 831 00:38:24,920 --> 00:38:26,160 How long on a meat? 832 00:38:26,160 --> 00:38:27,560 I am two minutes off on the meat. 833 00:38:27,560 --> 00:38:29,000 How long on a fish? 834 00:38:29,000 --> 00:38:31,240 Er... Two minutes, three minutes, yeah? About one minute. 835 00:38:31,240 --> 00:38:33,480 More edamame working, yeah? Thanks. That's all right. 836 00:38:33,480 --> 00:38:36,520 Would you mind chucking some edamame in for me? 837 00:38:36,520 --> 00:38:39,240 You're an absolute legend, Flo. Thank you for that. 838 00:38:39,240 --> 00:38:41,320 I couldn't have simplified the menu any more. 839 00:38:41,320 --> 00:38:43,520 There's three boxes on there. Meat, fish and veg. 840 00:38:43,520 --> 00:38:45,680 I agree. I agree. Come on. 841 00:38:45,680 --> 00:38:47,920 Kier, four minutes for me. Is it OK for you? 842 00:38:47,920 --> 00:38:50,360 I am nearly there on the fish. 843 00:38:50,360 --> 00:38:53,800 90 minutes up and the lunch service should be coming to its end. 844 00:38:53,800 --> 00:38:55,560 Service, please. 845 00:38:55,560 --> 00:38:57,240 Service, please. 846 00:38:57,240 --> 00:38:59,080 Where are they? 847 00:38:59,080 --> 00:39:02,960 But instead, some tables are only just receiving their food. 848 00:39:02,960 --> 00:39:05,480 So sorry about the wait there, guys. I'm really sorry. 849 00:39:05,480 --> 00:39:07,320 Can I get you a drink at all? 850 00:39:07,320 --> 00:39:09,120 Here you go. This one's for you. 851 00:39:09,120 --> 00:39:10,320 This is the meat, right? Yes. 852 00:39:12,560 --> 00:39:14,000 I'll get the chopsticks. 853 00:39:14,000 --> 00:39:15,840 There you are. 854 00:39:15,840 --> 00:39:17,360 Thank you, my friend. 855 00:39:18,840 --> 00:39:21,200 Come on. The last table's a fish and a meat, yeah? 856 00:39:21,200 --> 00:39:23,320 One fish, one meat. Let's go. 857 00:39:23,320 --> 00:39:26,440 The contenders have one last push to turn this around. 858 00:39:26,440 --> 00:39:28,400 Is this the last one? Kier just cooked that. 859 00:39:28,400 --> 00:39:30,440 Come on. Chicken is done. 860 00:39:30,440 --> 00:39:31,920 Last one. Come on. 861 00:39:31,920 --> 00:39:34,280 Done? Done. 862 00:39:34,280 --> 00:39:36,320 It's on the pass. It's on the pass. I'm so sorry, guys. 863 00:39:36,320 --> 00:39:38,240 Oh, thank you, darling. Yeah? Are you OK? 864 00:39:38,240 --> 00:39:41,120 I'm starving! Yes. Very hungry? Yeah, I'm sure. Yeah. 865 00:39:41,120 --> 00:39:44,040 I'm starving! I promise you...I promise you. It's on the way. 866 00:39:46,000 --> 00:39:48,080 Kier, come over. I just touched them. 867 00:39:48,080 --> 00:39:50,200 They've been sat there five minutes... Yeah, yeah. 868 00:39:50,200 --> 00:39:51,840 ..because no-one's on the same page. 869 00:39:51,840 --> 00:39:54,720 I mean, I am calling out our times, I just... It's fine. 870 00:39:54,720 --> 00:39:56,600 It's not fine. It's a shitshow, 871 00:39:56,600 --> 00:39:59,040 and the last three tables there was just embarrassing. 872 00:39:59,040 --> 00:40:01,400 So can you and Flo talk and give me a fresh one 873 00:40:01,400 --> 00:40:02,760 for the last table, please? Yes. 874 00:40:02,760 --> 00:40:04,600 Is that too much to ask for? No, it's not. 875 00:40:04,600 --> 00:40:06,480 No. So, I'd like a standard to be set. Yes. 876 00:40:06,480 --> 00:40:09,480 So can we have fresh? Yeah. Absolutely fresh on. 877 00:40:09,480 --> 00:40:12,320 Two prawns, two pork skewers, two prawn skewers. 878 00:40:12,320 --> 00:40:13,920 Can you do it in three minutes? 879 00:40:13,920 --> 00:40:15,760 Yes, I can. OK. 880 00:40:28,040 --> 00:40:29,800 Service. 881 00:40:30,880 --> 00:40:32,880 Ah. Well done. 882 00:40:32,880 --> 00:40:35,320 There you are. Ooooh! 883 00:40:45,000 --> 00:40:46,360 How do you feel? 884 00:40:48,160 --> 00:40:50,560 Don't break. Not now. Not now. Not now. 885 00:40:53,360 --> 00:40:56,880 It's almost three, and the lunch service is finally over. 886 00:40:56,880 --> 00:40:58,840 Thank you. No worries. Yeah, lovely to meet you. 887 00:40:58,840 --> 00:41:01,080 Take it easy. Thank you. And sorry for the delay again. 888 00:41:03,240 --> 00:41:05,600 Table six were waiting for... 889 00:41:05,600 --> 00:41:07,960 ..45 minutes, it was. An hour. 890 00:41:07,960 --> 00:41:10,160 I think there's going to be a ton for Gordon to critique us 891 00:41:10,160 --> 00:41:12,760 on in the grilling. For people to wait 50 minutes... 892 00:41:12,760 --> 00:41:14,680 There's no way there should be a compliment there. 893 00:41:14,680 --> 00:41:17,560 Just communication for me. I was shit at that. It's cool, man. 894 00:41:17,560 --> 00:41:19,400 I think we controlled the controller. 895 00:41:19,400 --> 00:41:21,560 I wish I could have done better, 896 00:41:21,560 --> 00:41:24,680 but I did the best that I could to keep the guests happy. 897 00:41:24,680 --> 00:41:28,640 In a room of this size with three people, it's tough, isn't it? 898 00:41:28,640 --> 00:41:31,520 I feel proud of myself that I've given it a shot, 899 00:41:31,520 --> 00:41:33,480 but I would change a few things if I could. 900 00:41:33,480 --> 00:41:36,200 Because you're not in the pub, Craig. 901 00:41:36,200 --> 00:41:39,080 Yeah. I must say, not my favourite thing. 902 00:41:39,080 --> 00:41:42,360 That was the hardest thing I've ever fucking done in my life, I think. 903 00:41:42,360 --> 00:41:44,400 I did my best. I jumped 904 00:41:44,400 --> 00:41:48,480 a lot on Kier's station to help him 905 00:41:48,480 --> 00:41:51,240 because I didn't want to let my team down today. 906 00:41:54,880 --> 00:41:57,840 I didn't take the easy road and I put my neck on the line. 907 00:41:57,840 --> 00:42:00,720 I feel like I was supported, especially by Flo. 908 00:42:00,720 --> 00:42:02,960 Kier did come into his own towards the end. 909 00:42:02,960 --> 00:42:05,160 But it's too little, too late. 910 00:42:12,000 --> 00:42:13,440 OK. 911 00:42:13,440 --> 00:42:16,880 Last guest just gone. That was a tough 90 minutes. 912 00:42:16,880 --> 00:42:18,920 It's painful. It's very painful. 913 00:42:18,920 --> 00:42:21,040 Let's talk about the service first. Front of house. 914 00:42:21,040 --> 00:42:24,400 Watching guests being ignored at the reception, watching guests waiting 915 00:42:24,400 --> 00:42:27,440 for their meal and watching the maitre d' in charge 916 00:42:27,440 --> 00:42:30,360 not communicating with the kitchen or not with his team, 917 00:42:30,360 --> 00:42:32,520 that was very painful as well. Right. 918 00:42:32,520 --> 00:42:34,400 Craig should have led that... 919 00:42:34,400 --> 00:42:37,200 Craig wasn't in charge. He should have led the whole operation. 920 00:42:37,200 --> 00:42:41,080 He just lost it. The service looked a little bit haphazard. 921 00:42:41,080 --> 00:42:42,920 They were just throwing the food at the table. 922 00:42:42,920 --> 00:42:45,360 They weren't even telling the guests what was in the boxes. 923 00:42:45,360 --> 00:42:48,000 In the kitchen, Amy started with a strong voice. Yes. 924 00:42:48,000 --> 00:42:50,560 What happened there? She got spun out from the first check 925 00:42:50,560 --> 00:42:53,520 and never managed to really catch up on herself. 926 00:42:53,520 --> 00:42:57,720 It's just too much information. She didn't know how to get that information out. 927 00:42:57,720 --> 00:43:00,280 So, what happened with Kier burning those skewers? How do you burn a 928 00:43:00,280 --> 00:43:02,080 skewer? They're only on there for two minutes. 929 00:43:02,080 --> 00:43:05,480 Yeah, the fact was that he burned them. He was told they were burnt. 930 00:43:05,480 --> 00:43:07,840 And then he sent out even more burnt skewers. 931 00:43:07,840 --> 00:43:09,480 I just felt it was a lack of interest. 932 00:43:09,480 --> 00:43:12,600 Kitchen-wise, standouts. I mean, Flo seemed organised. 933 00:43:12,600 --> 00:43:14,280 Flo was running. She started running. 934 00:43:14,280 --> 00:43:16,640 She started jumping onto Kier's side as well, 935 00:43:16,640 --> 00:43:19,760 and was super positive in the way she handled herself. 936 00:43:19,760 --> 00:43:22,560 So, calm, collected service by Andy. 937 00:43:22,560 --> 00:43:25,920 Andy is. Andy really, really kept his cool, smiling all the time, 938 00:43:25,920 --> 00:43:28,000 even though there were some delays on his tables. 939 00:43:28,000 --> 00:43:29,920 He was going to the tables, speaking to his guests. 940 00:43:29,920 --> 00:43:31,680 Really good feedback. Appreciate it, gents. 941 00:43:31,680 --> 00:43:35,120 Thank you. Thank you. See you later. Take care. See you. Thank you. 942 00:43:36,360 --> 00:43:38,040 Fucking hell. 943 00:43:57,280 --> 00:43:59,320 Back here so soon. 944 00:43:59,320 --> 00:44:01,440 Here we go, here we go. 945 00:44:01,440 --> 00:44:03,200 Here we go. 946 00:44:03,200 --> 00:44:05,560 Here we go, kitchen team. 947 00:44:05,560 --> 00:44:07,560 Did anyone else not sleep last night? 948 00:44:07,560 --> 00:44:10,880 My dreams are just like... either have got Gordon in them, 949 00:44:10,880 --> 00:44:13,200 or I'm doing some form of task. Yeah. 950 00:44:13,200 --> 00:44:17,200 I'm like, "Oh, no!" Like... 951 00:44:18,680 --> 00:44:20,200 Welcome back. 952 00:44:21,560 --> 00:44:23,680 Good to see you all. 953 00:44:23,680 --> 00:44:27,080 This week was all about quality and high-end service. 954 00:44:27,080 --> 00:44:29,600 Crucial in business. I told you it was going to be tough, 955 00:44:29,600 --> 00:44:31,320 and I wasn't lying. 956 00:44:31,320 --> 00:44:34,560 Now, this challenge was in my restaurant, my name above the door, 957 00:44:34,560 --> 00:44:39,720 and I handed my 25 years' experience to you six. 958 00:44:39,720 --> 00:44:42,680 I had my staff training you, 959 00:44:42,680 --> 00:44:47,680 and myself and they were watching you across every minute of that service. 960 00:44:47,680 --> 00:44:49,640 We're in the quarterfinals now, 961 00:44:49,640 --> 00:44:53,000 and the margins for error are so slim. 962 00:44:55,200 --> 00:44:58,720 So, I had a big debrief with Mario and Jocky at the end 963 00:44:58,720 --> 00:45:01,200 of that service and discussed all your performances, 964 00:45:01,200 --> 00:45:06,720 and we all agreed that there were two of you that stood out 965 00:45:06,720 --> 00:45:10,040 across this challenge as two strong performers, 966 00:45:10,040 --> 00:45:12,720 and for that reason, 967 00:45:12,720 --> 00:45:15,560 the first person that I will not be grilling tonight 968 00:45:15,560 --> 00:45:19,600 and will be in the semifinal... 969 00:45:19,600 --> 00:45:21,800 ..is Flo. 970 00:45:21,800 --> 00:45:25,360 Thank you. Young lady, you acted professionally in the kitchen, 971 00:45:25,360 --> 00:45:29,760 offering help to cover all aspects of that kitchen, 972 00:45:29,760 --> 00:45:32,960 and honestly, I felt without you, it would've been an even bigger 973 00:45:32,960 --> 00:45:36,440 disaster than it actually was. So, good job. Thank you. 974 00:45:36,440 --> 00:45:41,120 The second person I won't be grilling this week kept their cool 975 00:45:41,120 --> 00:45:47,120 under pressure and actually did manage to keep a decent level 976 00:45:47,120 --> 00:45:49,520 of communication on the floor. 977 00:45:49,520 --> 00:45:52,040 My second semifinalist is... 978 00:45:53,720 --> 00:45:56,080 ..Andy. 979 00:45:56,080 --> 00:45:59,640 Just unfazed under pressure, which is a great sign. 980 00:45:59,640 --> 00:46:01,160 Well done, young man. Thank you. 981 00:46:01,160 --> 00:46:04,960 As for the rest of you, simply not good enough. 982 00:46:04,960 --> 00:46:08,840 Sam, Craig, Amy and Keir. 983 00:46:08,840 --> 00:46:12,120 I want to see all of you in the restaurant to grill 984 00:46:12,120 --> 00:46:14,280 you on your performances. 985 00:46:14,280 --> 00:46:18,200 At least one of you will be leaving tonight. 986 00:46:18,200 --> 00:46:20,640 Good job, Flo, Andy. Well done. 987 00:46:20,640 --> 00:46:23,160 Well done. Well done. 988 00:46:23,160 --> 00:46:24,440 That was well deserved. 989 00:46:24,440 --> 00:46:25,760 Well done, bud. 990 00:46:25,760 --> 00:46:27,560 Well done. 991 00:46:27,560 --> 00:46:29,960 I'm not surprised that I'm in grilling this week. 992 00:46:29,960 --> 00:46:33,760 I did struggle with the challenge, but I'm going to fight my corner. 993 00:46:33,760 --> 00:46:36,160 I had a bad day in the office, if you like. 994 00:46:36,160 --> 00:46:39,160 So, I have to tell Gordon exactly why I need to be here 995 00:46:39,160 --> 00:46:41,600 and that I deserve to be here, and I do. 996 00:46:41,600 --> 00:46:47,120 We're on week six and I've been five weeks on the winning team 997 00:46:47,120 --> 00:46:51,080 and I need to prove to Gordon that the common denominator 998 00:46:51,080 --> 00:46:54,160 between all of these winning teams was me. 999 00:46:54,160 --> 00:46:56,360 It would be really difficult to go out now 1000 00:46:56,360 --> 00:47:00,160 because it's, like, in touching distance. There's a lot at stake. 1001 00:47:00,160 --> 00:47:03,200 So, yeah, I'm going to fight for it because I want to be in the final. 1002 00:47:03,200 --> 00:47:04,720 That's what I'm going to do. 1003 00:47:07,880 --> 00:47:09,560 Kier, sit down, please. 1004 00:47:11,760 --> 00:47:14,320 Sam, take a seat, please. 1005 00:47:14,320 --> 00:47:16,280 Craig, sit down, please. 1006 00:47:17,640 --> 00:47:19,480 Amy, sit down, please. 1007 00:47:29,480 --> 00:47:31,800 In your mind, what went wrong? 1008 00:47:31,800 --> 00:47:34,480 Obviously, I made errors. Of course I made errors. 1009 00:47:34,480 --> 00:47:38,440 But it was very difficult having food coming from one side 1010 00:47:38,440 --> 00:47:41,960 and the other side, getting one on time 1011 00:47:41,960 --> 00:47:44,800 and then finding out that six skewers have gone in the bin. 1012 00:47:44,800 --> 00:47:47,080 So on that note, did you shut that communication down? 1013 00:47:47,080 --> 00:47:48,520 Is that why they weren't talking? 1014 00:47:48,520 --> 00:47:50,760 I didn't shut the communication down between that. 1015 00:47:50,760 --> 00:47:53,720 I was asking Kier questions and he was getting very confused. 1016 00:47:53,720 --> 00:47:58,480 And I'm like, "No, listen, don't talk. Just listen, listen to me." 1017 00:47:58,480 --> 00:48:02,560 Those levels of communication should have been so much easier. 1018 00:48:02,560 --> 00:48:04,480 Why had you shut down? 1019 00:48:04,480 --> 00:48:08,040 I think communication between me and Flo was good. 1020 00:48:08,040 --> 00:48:09,600 But without mincing words, 1021 00:48:09,600 --> 00:48:12,040 Amy kept telling me to shut up, literally. 1022 00:48:12,040 --> 00:48:14,480 And there's only so many times you can be told 1023 00:48:14,480 --> 00:48:16,360 to shut up before you have to, really. 1024 00:48:16,360 --> 00:48:19,960 Because it was Amy's show. She was running the kitchen. 1025 00:48:19,960 --> 00:48:22,200 If I was going against her in that respect, 1026 00:48:22,200 --> 00:48:24,920 the wheels would have fallen off even more. 1027 00:48:24,920 --> 00:48:27,280 Let's make one thing fundamentally clear. 1028 00:48:27,280 --> 00:48:30,920 That is not how I'd like to operate a service in the middle of Mayfair. 1029 00:48:30,920 --> 00:48:34,040 No. That 90 minutes was a shambles. 1030 00:48:34,040 --> 00:48:36,040 You were all over the place. 1031 00:48:36,040 --> 00:48:38,880 You were literally putting those boxes down and disappearing. 1032 00:48:38,880 --> 00:48:40,800 Yeah. You weren't even explaining. 1033 00:48:40,800 --> 00:48:42,440 No, no. Why? 1034 00:48:42,440 --> 00:48:45,800 I'm not going to sit here and say I was at my best yesterday. 1035 00:48:45,800 --> 00:48:47,480 I can't do that, because I wasn't. 1036 00:48:47,480 --> 00:48:51,880 I just made a couple of mistakes yesterday and I've learnt something. 1037 00:48:54,240 --> 00:48:57,120 We start the service. Yes. You get one of the first tables sat. 1038 00:48:57,120 --> 00:48:58,600 Yes. 1039 00:48:58,600 --> 00:49:01,840 45 minutes later, still no food on that table. Yes. 1040 00:49:01,840 --> 00:49:04,800 How does that happen? You'd have to ask Amy. 1041 00:49:04,800 --> 00:49:06,840 There was no movement in the kitchen. 1042 00:49:06,840 --> 00:49:09,920 Two thirds of the way through, we were still taking orders 1043 00:49:09,920 --> 00:49:11,400 and leaving the menu on the table, 1044 00:49:11,400 --> 00:49:14,000 which was causing mass confusion amongst all three of you, 1045 00:49:14,000 --> 00:49:15,800 to who had their order taken. 1046 00:49:15,800 --> 00:49:18,280 Why can't we clear the menus after we've taken the order? 1047 00:49:18,280 --> 00:49:20,440 My mistake. Hands up. That was my mistake. 1048 00:49:20,440 --> 00:49:22,720 But as soon as it was brought to my attention, 1049 00:49:22,720 --> 00:49:24,280 I cleared them straight away. 1050 00:49:24,280 --> 00:49:26,960 Yesterday was a shitshow, but I can tell you 1051 00:49:26,960 --> 00:49:29,840 that that's not how I run my business. 1052 00:49:29,840 --> 00:49:32,680 It's not a reflection of what I can do. 1053 00:49:34,560 --> 00:49:37,600 The big question for me is where was your quality control? 1054 00:49:37,600 --> 00:49:41,040 Knowing full well that you can't overcaramelise them, 1055 00:49:41,040 --> 00:49:42,440 then they look burnt... Yeah. 1056 00:49:42,440 --> 00:49:44,560 ..and yet you did that and sent them to the hotplate 1057 00:49:44,560 --> 00:49:47,000 when you know the standard. Why do that? 1058 00:49:47,000 --> 00:49:49,360 In retrospect, it was a silly mistake. 1059 00:49:49,360 --> 00:49:52,440 I wasn't trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes, 1060 00:49:52,440 --> 00:49:54,840 but I think it was Amy's call. 1061 00:49:54,840 --> 00:49:58,240 If she wasn't happy with it, she could give it back to me. 1062 00:49:58,240 --> 00:50:01,680 The minute you dispose of something, your job is then to communicate 1063 00:50:01,680 --> 00:50:04,000 to your team, can we flip the ticket? Yeah. 1064 00:50:04,000 --> 00:50:06,960 Can we go elsewhere? Because I've just ruined something. 1065 00:50:06,960 --> 00:50:08,720 I was trying to communicate. 1066 00:50:08,720 --> 00:50:11,800 I had learned from previous weeks that that was important. 1067 00:50:11,800 --> 00:50:14,400 Amy was so overwhelmed at that pass, 1068 00:50:14,400 --> 00:50:18,640 partly because the front of house team hadn't assigned one person 1069 00:50:18,640 --> 00:50:20,160 to communicate to her, 1070 00:50:20,160 --> 00:50:23,160 so she was getting three or four voices in her ear at one time. 1071 00:50:23,160 --> 00:50:24,920 Were you overwhelmed? 1072 00:50:24,920 --> 00:50:28,360 Oh, my God, yeah. Absolutely, I was overwhelmed. 1073 00:50:28,360 --> 00:50:31,480 But I pushed and pushed and I didn't crumble. 1074 00:50:31,480 --> 00:50:36,640 I pushed until every box had every element cooked well. 1075 00:50:36,640 --> 00:50:38,600 No food came back into the restaurant. 1076 00:50:38,600 --> 00:50:40,440 There was no components missing. 1077 00:50:40,440 --> 00:50:42,840 The quality of the food was there. 1078 00:50:42,840 --> 00:50:46,120 The timing of the food was an issue. 1079 00:50:46,120 --> 00:50:50,400 How do we wait nearly 60 minutes for a ten-minute pick-up of a box? 1080 00:50:50,400 --> 00:50:53,160 That's the situation we were in. And from my perspective, 1081 00:50:53,160 --> 00:50:55,000 I couldn't get the food out any quicker. 1082 00:50:55,000 --> 00:50:58,200 What I could do is try and salvage the situation by pacifying people. 1083 00:50:58,200 --> 00:51:00,000 That's where I draw on my experience. 1084 00:51:00,000 --> 00:51:02,480 Yes, it's pubs, it's not your level of business, of course, 1085 00:51:02,480 --> 00:51:04,800 but a lot of those people waited 60 minutes and they left 1086 00:51:04,800 --> 00:51:07,360 with a smile on their face. So I had to draw on what experience 1087 00:51:07,360 --> 00:51:08,680 I had to do that. Sure. 1088 00:51:08,680 --> 00:51:11,200 I actually stopped half of that restaurant walking out, 1089 00:51:11,200 --> 00:51:12,800 because they would have done, Gordon. 1090 00:51:12,800 --> 00:51:15,400 But by giving them free drinks and compo meals. 1091 00:51:15,400 --> 00:51:18,240 You have to speculate to accumulate. 1092 00:51:18,240 --> 00:51:21,080 Craig was the maitre d'. Yes. You and Andy were supposed to be 1093 00:51:21,080 --> 00:51:22,600 the sort of wingmen. Mm-hm. 1094 00:51:22,600 --> 00:51:24,840 Did you feel he led the dining room properly? 1095 00:51:24,840 --> 00:51:27,080 No. I don't feel like he led the dining room. 1096 00:51:27,080 --> 00:51:29,400 Andy took a bit more control than Craig. 1097 00:51:29,400 --> 00:51:31,840 You could see the wheels were falling off in service. Yes. 1098 00:51:31,840 --> 00:51:37,240 Why didn't you then call a meeting, take control of the dining room 1099 00:51:37,240 --> 00:51:40,040 and reconstruct that whole service? 1100 00:51:40,040 --> 00:51:42,000 When I tried to communicate with the kitchen, 1101 00:51:42,000 --> 00:51:43,440 Amy wasn't... 1102 00:51:43,440 --> 00:51:47,160 It was... You were literally shooed away. 1103 00:51:47,160 --> 00:51:50,680 It's the semifinal... Yeah. ..next week. Mm-hm. 1104 00:51:50,680 --> 00:51:53,520 The pressure's off the charts. Mm-hm. 1105 00:51:53,520 --> 00:51:55,400 Have you plateaued? 1106 00:51:55,400 --> 00:51:58,720 Have you maxed out with what you can deal with in this competition? 1107 00:51:58,720 --> 00:52:01,040 No, I haven't maxed out. Impossible. 1108 00:52:01,040 --> 00:52:03,120 I've survived two heart surgeries. 1109 00:52:03,120 --> 00:52:05,640 That's not enough for me to max out. 1110 00:52:05,640 --> 00:52:08,480 There's a semifinal place at stake. Yeah. 1111 00:52:08,480 --> 00:52:10,320 Tell me why you think you should be in that. 1112 00:52:10,320 --> 00:52:12,320 I think I've managed to relate to people well, 1113 00:52:12,320 --> 00:52:15,160 which I think is important. I think I've been vulnerable. 1114 00:52:15,160 --> 00:52:18,520 I think that's just as important as barking orders. 1115 00:52:18,520 --> 00:52:21,520 And, yeah, this has been the hardest experience of my life. 1116 00:52:21,520 --> 00:52:22,920 But I'm still here. 1117 00:52:22,920 --> 00:52:25,880 I'm still fighting, and I want to do it. 1118 00:52:25,880 --> 00:52:28,760 What have you done to warrant a place in the semifinal? 1119 00:52:28,760 --> 00:52:31,800 Look at all of the six tasks. Yes. Look at profit margins. Yes. 1120 00:52:31,800 --> 00:52:33,120 Look at being part of a team. 1121 00:52:33,120 --> 00:52:35,320 Look at some of the stuff I did for you yesterday 1122 00:52:35,320 --> 00:52:37,640 to save you from losing customers in that restaurant. 1123 00:52:37,640 --> 00:52:39,720 I'm not a finished article in terms of a business, 1124 00:52:39,720 --> 00:52:42,160 but I've learnt something yesterday and I learnt something 1125 00:52:42,160 --> 00:52:44,640 the day before and I learnt something the day before that. 1126 00:52:44,640 --> 00:52:47,200 And what I have got is a product that would make you a lot of money 1127 00:52:47,200 --> 00:52:48,880 because it's innovative and it's unique 1128 00:52:48,880 --> 00:52:51,600 and it's new and nobody in my sector of the business is doing it. 1129 00:52:51,600 --> 00:52:53,200 I would like to take you along the way, 1130 00:52:53,200 --> 00:52:55,480 and I deserve the investment. I deserve to be here. 1131 00:52:55,480 --> 00:52:58,840 But I just made a couple of mistakes yesterday. 1132 00:53:00,040 --> 00:53:05,080 I have shown you over the last five weeks that I am competent 1133 00:53:05,080 --> 00:53:06,480 across the board. 1134 00:53:06,480 --> 00:53:09,520 I have won every single challenge. 1135 00:53:09,520 --> 00:53:13,800 Marketing, tag lines, things that I have no experience in, 1136 00:53:13,800 --> 00:53:17,800 no formal training in, I have excelled in. 1137 00:53:17,800 --> 00:53:21,160 Everything that I put my mind to, I can achieve. 1138 00:53:21,160 --> 00:53:23,920 Amy, thank you. Thank you for giving me the opportunity. 1139 00:53:23,920 --> 00:53:26,240 Genuinely appreciate it so much. 1140 00:53:27,400 --> 00:53:29,040 Kier, thank you. Thank you very much. 1141 00:53:30,320 --> 00:53:32,160 Thank you, Craig. Thank you. 1142 00:53:33,960 --> 00:53:36,040 Thank you, Sam. Thank you. 1143 00:53:45,480 --> 00:53:48,440 Hiya. Hi. Oh, God! 1144 00:53:53,960 --> 00:53:57,360 Amy, Kier, Sam and Craig. 1145 00:53:57,360 --> 00:53:59,720 Running one of my restaurants was never going to be easy, 1146 00:53:59,720 --> 00:54:02,000 but this is for a place in the semifinal. 1147 00:54:02,000 --> 00:54:03,640 Amy, for me, 1148 00:54:03,640 --> 00:54:05,760 you shut down your team in the kitchen 1149 00:54:05,760 --> 00:54:08,920 and you couldn't control the voices from the restaurant. 1150 00:54:08,920 --> 00:54:13,400 Kier, the food wasn't coming out of the kitchen fast enough. 1151 00:54:13,400 --> 00:54:15,960 And one of the main reasons for that was quality control 1152 00:54:15,960 --> 00:54:17,440 from your station. 1153 00:54:17,440 --> 00:54:21,560 Craig, your team looked towards you as a leader, and honestly, 1154 00:54:21,560 --> 00:54:23,960 at times you were like a deer in headlights. 1155 00:54:23,960 --> 00:54:26,480 Sam, the pressure got to you on that floor, 1156 00:54:26,480 --> 00:54:29,880 and I don't think we saw the best of you. 1157 00:54:29,880 --> 00:54:33,320 I've done a lot of thinking, and especially at this stage 1158 00:54:33,320 --> 00:54:35,680 of the competition, nothing's easy. 1159 00:54:35,680 --> 00:54:37,080 I've made a decision. 1160 00:54:38,240 --> 00:54:40,920 The service started off on the bad foot. 1161 00:54:40,920 --> 00:54:45,320 And from that point, honestly, I don't think it ever recovered. 1162 00:54:46,600 --> 00:54:49,320 So the person I will not be investing in... 1163 00:54:52,200 --> 00:54:53,680 ..is Craig. 1164 00:54:53,680 --> 00:54:55,280 Thank you. 1165 00:54:55,280 --> 00:54:58,440 Young man, you had that pressure on your shoulders. 1166 00:54:58,440 --> 00:55:00,440 You were supposed to be running that service. 1167 00:55:00,440 --> 00:55:02,640 Unfortunately, it was running you. 1168 00:55:02,640 --> 00:55:05,040 I hope you take a lot of these lessons and apply it 1169 00:55:05,040 --> 00:55:08,880 to your phenomenal business. You've got two smart micro pubs. 1170 00:55:08,880 --> 00:55:13,560 Yeah. And I know...are going to go on and become a huge success. 1171 00:55:13,560 --> 00:55:16,080 Thank you. But I'm afraid we're done. 1172 00:55:19,920 --> 00:55:24,840 It wasn't only service where we had issues this week. 1173 00:55:24,840 --> 00:55:28,280 There were problems in the kitchen that led to the breakdown 1174 00:55:28,280 --> 00:55:30,200 throughout that challenge. 1175 00:55:30,200 --> 00:55:33,080 Which means I'll also not be investing in... 1176 00:55:36,600 --> 00:55:37,800 ..Kier. 1177 00:55:39,560 --> 00:55:43,080 Last week, I gave you a pass, and this week I really needed 1178 00:55:43,080 --> 00:55:46,160 to see you step up. And honestly, I don't think you did. 1179 00:55:46,160 --> 00:55:47,560 OK. Yeah. 1180 00:55:47,560 --> 00:55:53,280 I know that you're an incredibly articulate man with a huge future, 1181 00:55:53,280 --> 00:55:57,200 and I understand how passionate you are with those sources. 1182 00:55:57,200 --> 00:56:00,120 Take everything you've done in this competition 1183 00:56:00,120 --> 00:56:03,160 and put it into that business. All right. 1184 00:56:03,160 --> 00:56:08,000 Congratulations, Amy, Sam, Andy and Flo, 1185 00:56:08,000 --> 00:56:10,280 into the semifinals. 1186 00:56:10,280 --> 00:56:15,600 The margins of error are going to be even smaller next week. 1187 00:56:15,600 --> 00:56:20,680 Understood? Yes. Yeah. Congratulations. Thank you. 1188 00:56:20,680 --> 00:56:25,000 Well done, guys. Well done. Give me a hug. 1189 00:56:25,000 --> 00:56:27,280 Craig was overwhelmed with the challenge. 1190 00:56:27,280 --> 00:56:29,640 He fell asleep during service. 1191 00:56:29,640 --> 00:56:31,880 With Kier, it was a really difficult decision 1192 00:56:31,880 --> 00:56:34,640 because I gave him a chance last week and I needed to see 1193 00:56:34,640 --> 00:56:37,040 more of him this week. Sadly, I didn't. 1194 00:56:37,040 --> 00:56:39,840 Really excited with the four talented guys 1195 00:56:39,840 --> 00:56:42,280 in the semifinal, and if they didn't know beforehand 1196 00:56:42,280 --> 00:56:45,440 how high the stakes are, they definitely do now. 1197 00:56:45,440 --> 00:56:47,960 I've really enjoyed the competition. 1198 00:56:47,960 --> 00:56:49,960 This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. 1199 00:56:49,960 --> 00:56:53,640 I'm so lucky to have got this far, so I'm not going to take anything 1200 00:56:53,640 --> 00:56:55,280 other than positive stuff from it. 1201 00:56:55,280 --> 00:56:57,880 It sounds super cheesy because everyone says that, don't they? 1202 00:56:57,880 --> 00:56:59,960 They all go, "Oh, I've had this amazing experience 1203 00:56:59,960 --> 00:57:01,720 "and I'm so much of a better person now." 1204 00:57:01,720 --> 00:57:04,120 But I have learned a lot. I have grown. 1205 00:57:04,120 --> 00:57:06,880 So it's been an incredible experience. 1206 00:57:08,480 --> 00:57:09,800 Next time... 1207 00:57:09,800 --> 00:57:11,600 It's all about creativity. 1208 00:57:11,600 --> 00:57:14,160 Create social media videos. 1209 00:57:14,160 --> 00:57:16,480 You are taking over. You are not listening. 1210 00:57:16,480 --> 00:57:18,240 This is like a horror movie. 1211 00:57:18,240 --> 00:57:20,040 There's a place in the finale at stake. 1212 00:57:20,040 --> 00:57:22,360 When I ask you questions, don't go on for too long. 1213 00:57:22,360 --> 00:57:24,480 Et voila! 1214 00:57:26,600 --> 00:57:28,360 Oh, the egg. Yeah.