1 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:03,680 This programme contains some strong language 2 00:00:03,680 --> 00:00:06,520 GORDON: I'm back on the hunt for the UK's next top food and drink entrepreneur, 3 00:00:06,520 --> 00:00:08,320 so have hand-picked 12 amazing contenders, 4 00:00:08,320 --> 00:00:10,360 each with an incredible up-and-coming business. 5 00:00:10,360 --> 00:00:13,840 I want to invest £150,000 of my own cash into one of them 6 00:00:13,840 --> 00:00:16,520 and catapult their business to the next level. 7 00:00:16,520 --> 00:00:19,120 But I'm not giving the money away easily. 8 00:00:19,120 --> 00:00:20,560 They'll need to earn it... 9 00:00:20,560 --> 00:00:22,960 SCREAMS 10 00:00:24,800 --> 00:00:26,080 It's on fire. 11 00:00:26,080 --> 00:00:27,440 BLEEP. Oh! 12 00:00:27,440 --> 00:00:29,800 ..so I'm setting my contenders a series 13 00:00:29,800 --> 00:00:32,160 of food and drink-related challenges... 14 00:00:32,160 --> 00:00:34,760 Are you ready? Yep. Action. 15 00:00:34,760 --> 00:00:35,920 I really need help. 16 00:00:35,920 --> 00:00:37,280 That is foul. No. 17 00:00:37,280 --> 00:00:40,480 ..which will test them on every element of the industry. 18 00:00:40,480 --> 00:00:42,760 You are really right. I like that. 19 00:00:42,760 --> 00:00:45,040 And the crowd went wild. 20 00:00:45,040 --> 00:00:47,200 Yeah! 21 00:00:47,200 --> 00:00:49,000 Only one of them will make the grade. 22 00:00:49,000 --> 00:00:51,360 Who'll be my future food star? 23 00:00:55,080 --> 00:00:56,680 Previously... 24 00:00:56,680 --> 00:00:58,720 It's all about quality. It's a little bit hard. 25 00:00:58,720 --> 00:00:59,960 Out you come. 26 00:00:59,960 --> 00:01:02,920 I want to see all of you running a lunch service 27 00:01:02,920 --> 00:01:04,720 at one of my top London restaurants. 28 00:01:04,720 --> 00:01:06,960 Sorry to keep you waiting, guys. It won't be too much longer. 29 00:01:06,960 --> 00:01:09,960 Table nine. That - nowhere near, mate. Sh. 30 00:01:09,960 --> 00:01:12,160 That is not how I'd like to operate a service. 31 00:01:12,160 --> 00:01:13,360 I deserve to be here. 32 00:01:13,360 --> 00:01:15,560 I was trying and literally being told to shut up. 33 00:01:15,560 --> 00:01:17,640 I pushed and I didn't crumble. 34 00:01:17,640 --> 00:01:21,000 The person I will not be investing in is Craig. 35 00:01:21,000 --> 00:01:23,080 It wasn't only service where we had issues, 36 00:01:23,080 --> 00:01:26,280 which means I'll also not be investing in Kier. 37 00:01:26,280 --> 00:01:27,600 We're done. 38 00:01:27,600 --> 00:01:28,840 ELECTRONIC MUSIC PLAYS 39 00:01:37,720 --> 00:01:39,440 We are in the semifinals. 40 00:01:39,440 --> 00:01:41,040 Why are we walking so fast, guys? 41 00:01:41,040 --> 00:01:43,160 I don't know. Cos we're going for war! 42 00:01:43,160 --> 00:01:44,280 There's only four of us. 43 00:01:44,280 --> 00:01:45,960 That's a one in four chance of winning. 44 00:01:45,960 --> 00:01:47,760 I'm getting to that final. 45 00:01:47,760 --> 00:01:49,960 No questions. No doubt about it. 46 00:01:49,960 --> 00:01:51,760 How small does it feel, though? 47 00:01:51,760 --> 00:01:53,080 So small! 48 00:01:53,080 --> 00:01:55,880 I keep looking for people, like... Oh, no, it's only us now. 49 00:01:55,880 --> 00:01:58,240 Obviously, the spotlight is a bit brighter 50 00:01:58,240 --> 00:01:59,840 when there's only four of you. 51 00:01:59,840 --> 00:02:01,480 But you don't want to go out now, 52 00:02:01,480 --> 00:02:03,560 because you're so close to that end goal. 53 00:02:03,560 --> 00:02:05,640 Oh, it's like a food market. 54 00:02:05,640 --> 00:02:08,600 This week is all about visuals and being forward-thinking. 55 00:02:08,600 --> 00:02:12,640 Who can catch consumers' attention and move with the times? 56 00:02:12,640 --> 00:02:14,040 It's the semifinals 57 00:02:14,040 --> 00:02:18,320 and I'm just one week away from crowning my future food star, 58 00:02:18,320 --> 00:02:22,400 but I'll only invest in someone who's one step ahead of the game. 59 00:02:24,160 --> 00:02:26,280 Today is all about social media, 60 00:02:26,280 --> 00:02:29,320 an essential tool in promoting any food and drink business. 61 00:02:29,320 --> 00:02:32,440 And it's an area I have a fair bit of experience in, 62 00:02:32,440 --> 00:02:36,720 having amassed over 100 million-plus followers across all my channels. 63 00:02:36,720 --> 00:02:38,200 Shit, I'm getting good. 64 00:02:38,200 --> 00:02:41,280 So the contenders are going to have to work extra hard 65 00:02:41,280 --> 00:02:43,240 to impress me. 66 00:02:43,240 --> 00:02:45,000 Good morning. ALL: Morning! 67 00:02:45,000 --> 00:02:49,080 I've brought you all here to the stunning Shelter Hall, 68 00:02:49,080 --> 00:02:51,800 Brighton's first and only food market, 69 00:02:51,800 --> 00:02:56,560 because today I'm going to pair you up with two incredible vendors. 70 00:02:56,560 --> 00:03:00,560 I'd like you to create social media videos. 71 00:03:01,960 --> 00:03:03,360 Flo? 72 00:03:03,360 --> 00:03:05,200 I'm really not into the social media. 73 00:03:05,200 --> 00:03:07,320 So, for me... Oh, la, la, la, la. Mon Dieu! Mon Dieu! 74 00:03:07,320 --> 00:03:09,440 I know! I will do my best. I know, I know I can nail it. 75 00:03:09,440 --> 00:03:12,480 Well, we need to be into the social media platforms, 76 00:03:12,480 --> 00:03:16,120 because every business depends on it. 77 00:03:16,120 --> 00:03:18,240 Andy and Flo, you'll be the Red Team... 78 00:03:18,240 --> 00:03:19,760 OK. 79 00:03:19,760 --> 00:03:22,200 ..which means Sam and Amy, 80 00:03:22,200 --> 00:03:24,720 you will be the Blue Team. 81 00:03:24,720 --> 00:03:28,440 Now, you've got seconds to engage your audience, 82 00:03:28,440 --> 00:03:32,200 so your video should be unique, exciting, captivating, 83 00:03:32,200 --> 00:03:35,080 but, more importantly, do the brands justice. 84 00:03:35,080 --> 00:03:36,560 OK? Yes. 85 00:03:36,560 --> 00:03:38,040 Semifinal. Yeah. 86 00:03:38,040 --> 00:03:39,960 There is no room for error. 87 00:03:39,960 --> 00:03:41,920 Good luck. Off you go. 88 00:03:41,920 --> 00:03:45,280 Thank you. Let's go, girl. Let's go, let's go, let's go. 89 00:03:45,280 --> 00:03:47,160 Come on, girl. We've got it. 90 00:03:47,160 --> 00:03:50,320 My business, we stay with the times. 91 00:03:50,320 --> 00:03:52,360 42,000 followers on Instagram. 92 00:03:52,360 --> 00:03:55,040 We've got the largest social following 93 00:03:55,040 --> 00:03:57,280 of seafood boil companies in the UK. 94 00:03:57,280 --> 00:04:00,120 Yeah, my experience in this field is a big bonus. 95 00:04:00,120 --> 00:04:02,080 Let's go. Let's go. 96 00:04:02,080 --> 00:04:03,360 Come on, come on. 97 00:04:03,360 --> 00:04:06,480 Social media for me is something that I don't really enjoy, 98 00:04:06,480 --> 00:04:08,920 but I'm really creative. Let's do it. 99 00:04:08,920 --> 00:04:10,400 I just want to nail it. 100 00:04:14,400 --> 00:04:18,160 So we are your social media marketing team. Amazing. 101 00:04:18,160 --> 00:04:19,680 For the Blue Team... 102 00:04:19,680 --> 00:04:22,480 We're going to create magic for you today. We absolutely are. I hope so. 103 00:04:22,480 --> 00:04:26,520 ..they'll be promoting Sussex-based hamburger brand Patty Guy. 104 00:04:26,520 --> 00:04:28,560 We smash our burgers American-style, 105 00:04:28,560 --> 00:04:30,480 done simply but done really, really well. 106 00:04:30,480 --> 00:04:32,840 And that's...that's, for me, the most important thing. 107 00:04:32,840 --> 00:04:34,560 Just your classic cheeseburger. 108 00:04:36,360 --> 00:04:37,720 Oh, my God. 109 00:04:37,720 --> 00:04:39,120 That is unbelievable. 110 00:04:39,120 --> 00:04:41,760 If you eat one of them, you're coming back. Yeah. 111 00:04:41,760 --> 00:04:44,240 People need to see what it is that we're feeling... 112 00:04:44,240 --> 00:04:46,600 I know. Yes. ..and that's what we're going to do. 113 00:04:48,240 --> 00:04:50,280 Morning, guys. Morning. Morning. How are we? 114 00:04:50,280 --> 00:04:51,640 The Red Team's client - 115 00:04:51,640 --> 00:04:53,680 a Brighton-based chicken brand... 116 00:04:53,680 --> 00:04:56,000 Chicken wings is probably our speciality. 117 00:04:56,000 --> 00:04:57,520 ..Chick Chick Crew. 118 00:04:57,520 --> 00:04:59,720 Our main thing, we're saucy, saucy, saucy. 119 00:04:59,720 --> 00:05:01,800 And they range from, like, medium hot, 120 00:05:01,800 --> 00:05:02,960 and then we go to super hot. 121 00:05:02,960 --> 00:05:05,480 Have you we had people come in and do, like, the challenge-esque things? 122 00:05:05,480 --> 00:05:06,560 Yeah, absolutely. 123 00:05:06,560 --> 00:05:08,600 Have a little try. Thank you. 124 00:05:08,600 --> 00:05:10,880 Get messy, right? Yeah. Yeah. Get in there. 125 00:05:10,880 --> 00:05:12,200 It's got to be fun. 126 00:05:12,200 --> 00:05:14,880 Outrageous. Get... Get people going, "Wow, what is that?" 127 00:05:14,880 --> 00:05:17,000 Ooh-la-la. 128 00:05:17,000 --> 00:05:18,560 It's hot. 129 00:05:18,560 --> 00:05:20,400 See you soon. Good luck. 130 00:05:20,400 --> 00:05:22,280 Briefs from the clients acquired... 131 00:05:22,280 --> 00:05:25,120 Good luck, guys. Thank you. Bye. Alle, alle. Thank you. 132 00:05:25,120 --> 00:05:28,680 ..now to come up with a catchy concept for the videos. 133 00:05:28,680 --> 00:05:30,320 These are just one of my mental ideas. 134 00:05:30,320 --> 00:05:34,920 Like, almost like letting the general public choose your meal. 135 00:05:34,920 --> 00:05:37,720 Excuse me, madam, this hand or this hand? 136 00:05:37,720 --> 00:05:39,440 Double cheeseburger. 137 00:05:39,440 --> 00:05:41,160 Do you know, I love the idea... Mm-hm. 138 00:05:41,160 --> 00:05:44,280 ..pick this or this, and then it's like chips or tater tots. 139 00:05:44,280 --> 00:05:47,360 I know that Sam does a lot of content, 140 00:05:47,360 --> 00:05:50,120 she's like the marketing manager for her business. 141 00:05:50,120 --> 00:05:52,320 I didn't want to be overshadowed, 142 00:05:52,320 --> 00:05:53,560 so straight away I was like, 143 00:05:53,560 --> 00:05:56,800 "No, no, no, like, we need to get my personality into this." 144 00:05:56,800 --> 00:05:59,400 Are we vibes-ing right now? We are vibing. We're vibes-ing! 145 00:05:59,400 --> 00:06:00,600 Emphasis on the sauce 146 00:06:00,600 --> 00:06:01,880 and then the reaction. 147 00:06:01,880 --> 00:06:04,760 I think, sort of challenge-y, review-based... 148 00:06:04,760 --> 00:06:08,320 Yes. Can we play on something like Blindfolded Buffalo Challenge? 149 00:06:08,320 --> 00:06:10,040 Wings...? Yeah, yeah, that is a good one. 150 00:06:10,040 --> 00:06:12,800 Even though Flo initially might not have been the happiest 151 00:06:12,800 --> 00:06:14,240 with the social media challenge, 152 00:06:14,240 --> 00:06:15,320 I love working with her. 153 00:06:15,320 --> 00:06:16,880 I know she works real hard. 154 00:06:16,880 --> 00:06:18,640 She's great at adapting, creative. 155 00:06:18,640 --> 00:06:20,840 And I think what we're thinking of doing is unique 156 00:06:20,840 --> 00:06:23,360 and I think it's going to impress Gordon, hopefully. 157 00:06:23,360 --> 00:06:25,760 We can be, like, funny and we've almost got that chemistry 158 00:06:25,760 --> 00:06:27,960 in front of a camera, so I think that would work. Yeah, yeah. 159 00:06:27,960 --> 00:06:30,200 I think this could be good. Yeah, yeah. 160 00:06:33,400 --> 00:06:35,640 While the teams crack on with the videos, 161 00:06:35,640 --> 00:06:39,760 I'm meeting comedian and social media legend Nigel Ng. 162 00:06:39,760 --> 00:06:41,920 Nigel, good to see you. Good to see you, Gordon. 163 00:06:41,920 --> 00:06:44,240 With over 22.6 million followers, 164 00:06:44,240 --> 00:06:46,880 Nigel is best known as his alter ego, 165 00:06:46,880 --> 00:06:49,520 Malaysian food critic Uncle Roger. 166 00:06:49,520 --> 00:06:51,360 Three tablespoons of soy sauce... 167 00:06:51,360 --> 00:06:54,080 Three tablespoon, three tablespoon 168 00:06:54,080 --> 00:06:56,520 and then he pour half the bottle... 169 00:06:56,520 --> 00:06:58,000 Hi-yah... 170 00:06:58,000 --> 00:07:00,160 Notorious for his no holds barred approach, 171 00:07:00,160 --> 00:07:01,280 even the world's most 172 00:07:01,280 --> 00:07:04,440 famous chef isn't safe from his devastating reviews. 173 00:07:04,440 --> 00:07:05,960 Remember, niece and nephew, 174 00:07:05,960 --> 00:07:07,640 Gordon nail his egg fried rice - 175 00:07:07,640 --> 00:07:09,320 he get called Uncle Gordon. 176 00:07:09,320 --> 00:07:11,000 But then he fucked up ramen - 177 00:07:11,000 --> 00:07:14,120 so Uncle Roger take that title away from him. 178 00:07:14,120 --> 00:07:16,280 Uncle Roger has become a worldwide phenomenon, 179 00:07:16,280 --> 00:07:18,960 with millions and millions of followers on social media. 180 00:07:18,960 --> 00:07:21,480 Take me back to the start. 181 00:07:21,480 --> 00:07:22,920 How did it kick off? 182 00:07:22,920 --> 00:07:24,400 Well, I was a stand-up comedian. 183 00:07:24,400 --> 00:07:25,640 I still am, I guess. 184 00:07:25,640 --> 00:07:27,920 And then when the pandemic hit, 185 00:07:27,920 --> 00:07:30,560 no, no jobs at all. Right? So I had to figure something out. 186 00:07:30,560 --> 00:07:32,600 I was already doing social media at the time, 187 00:07:32,600 --> 00:07:35,160 so I just doubled down and came out with this character 188 00:07:35,160 --> 00:07:36,520 and then it just took off. 189 00:07:36,520 --> 00:07:38,600 Online, it is off the charts. 190 00:07:38,600 --> 00:07:40,280 Everybody hates shit cooking. 191 00:07:40,280 --> 00:07:41,720 Yes. So I need to call it out. 192 00:07:41,720 --> 00:07:44,480 Now, the contenders are here devising a social media post. 193 00:07:44,480 --> 00:07:46,200 Mm-hm. What should they consider, 194 00:07:46,200 --> 00:07:48,680 getting something dynamic out there online? 195 00:07:48,680 --> 00:07:51,240 You want it to have the potential to go viral, 196 00:07:51,240 --> 00:07:53,320 so if someone sees it, they want to share it. 197 00:07:53,320 --> 00:07:57,000 How many seconds at the top of that video do you need to draw them in? 198 00:07:57,000 --> 00:07:58,800 Because it's got to be quick, right? 199 00:07:58,800 --> 00:08:01,600 Instant. Two seconds. One second. 200 00:08:01,600 --> 00:08:03,960 Just start with the food, mate. Grab people's attention. 201 00:08:03,960 --> 00:08:07,800 Yeah. Tell us what we can get from watching this 20-second video. 202 00:08:07,800 --> 00:08:11,120 About a year ago, I was crowned Uncle Ramsay. 203 00:08:11,120 --> 00:08:13,760 You then kicked me in the nuts and took my crown away from me. 204 00:08:13,760 --> 00:08:15,880 What do I need to do to get my crown back? 205 00:08:15,880 --> 00:08:17,720 You know, make a good Asian dish. 206 00:08:17,720 --> 00:08:19,600 You messed up ramen. Come on, man. 207 00:08:19,600 --> 00:08:21,960 The amount of time you've spent in the UK now, 208 00:08:21,960 --> 00:08:24,600 I've spent more time in Indonesia than you ever have done. 209 00:08:24,600 --> 00:08:26,200 LAUGHS 210 00:08:24,600 --> 00:08:26,200 See how many woks I've got? 211 00:08:26,200 --> 00:08:27,640 How many? 73. 212 00:08:27,640 --> 00:08:29,840 Then why didn't you use them in your ramen video? 213 00:08:29,840 --> 00:08:32,200 THEY LAUGH 214 00:08:34,800 --> 00:08:36,880 Grab that phone out. Let's start trying to set up 215 00:08:36,880 --> 00:08:38,960 what we're going to be doing here. 216 00:08:38,960 --> 00:08:41,840 With Uncle Roger and myself eagerly awaiting the videos... 217 00:08:41,840 --> 00:08:43,520 Maybe we should run. Yeah. 218 00:08:43,520 --> 00:08:45,920 ..I've given the teams 90 minutes to shoot 219 00:08:45,920 --> 00:08:47,920 and then edit their one-minute post. 220 00:08:47,920 --> 00:08:51,920 We need a lot of shots. It's better to have more video than not enough. 221 00:08:51,920 --> 00:08:56,440 AMY: Ladies, I'm going to run up to you holding two things. 222 00:08:56,440 --> 00:08:58,600 I need you to choose this one. 223 00:09:00,000 --> 00:09:01,480 This or that? 224 00:09:01,480 --> 00:09:02,680 This one. This one? 225 00:09:02,680 --> 00:09:04,480 No, that one. No, we need to do it again! 226 00:09:04,480 --> 00:09:06,720 Gordon said, you've got to captivate them. 227 00:09:06,720 --> 00:09:08,960 You've got to bring in personality. Funny. 228 00:09:08,960 --> 00:09:11,200 We're going to take the viewer on this game of 'This or That?' 229 00:09:11,200 --> 00:09:13,840 The idea being that it doesn't matter what you get from the vendor, 230 00:09:13,840 --> 00:09:16,160 because it's going to be delicious. So it could be anything. 231 00:09:16,160 --> 00:09:17,840 Ooh, the lifeguards. 232 00:09:17,840 --> 00:09:19,440 Lifeguard? Excuse me. 233 00:09:19,440 --> 00:09:21,080 Just look lifeguard-y, yeah. 234 00:09:21,080 --> 00:09:23,440 And action. 235 00:09:23,440 --> 00:09:25,040 Take a break from saving lives. 236 00:09:25,040 --> 00:09:26,080 This or that? 237 00:09:28,080 --> 00:09:29,560 We're here at Chick Chick Crew 238 00:09:29,560 --> 00:09:31,760 doing the Blindfold Buffalo Challenge. 239 00:09:35,000 --> 00:09:37,360 Mine is good. 240 00:09:37,360 --> 00:09:38,440 Hot? 241 00:09:38,440 --> 00:09:39,880 A little bit hot. 242 00:09:39,880 --> 00:09:41,200 But it's fine. 243 00:09:41,200 --> 00:09:42,640 Our video is going to be organic, 244 00:09:42,640 --> 00:09:46,120 our natural reactions to the sauces 245 00:09:46,120 --> 00:09:47,480 that the guys provide. 246 00:09:47,480 --> 00:09:49,440 They're going to be at different heat levels... 247 00:09:49,440 --> 00:09:51,120 Ah! So hot! 248 00:09:51,120 --> 00:09:53,280 ..which is going to hopefully entice some brand engagement, 249 00:09:53,280 --> 00:09:54,680 what the guys wanted from the video. 250 00:09:54,680 --> 00:09:56,560 Oh! 251 00:09:56,560 --> 00:09:57,880 COUGHS 252 00:09:59,960 --> 00:10:01,040 Keep cooking. 253 00:10:01,040 --> 00:10:03,120 Just keep cooking, yeah? Just keep cooking. 254 00:10:04,320 --> 00:10:05,760 Oh, no, don't start that yet. 255 00:10:05,760 --> 00:10:07,040 So happy to be in a team with Amy, 256 00:10:07,040 --> 00:10:09,640 but are we hitting the points that you need 257 00:10:09,640 --> 00:10:11,280 in a marketing campaign? 258 00:10:11,280 --> 00:10:14,040 Can we do it one more time? 259 00:10:14,040 --> 00:10:15,440 I think we can cut it. 260 00:10:15,440 --> 00:10:16,600 OK. Don't worry. 261 00:10:16,600 --> 00:10:17,960 It's all right, don't worry about it. 262 00:10:17,960 --> 00:10:21,920 Yes, the idea is great, but I feel like she's very... 263 00:10:21,920 --> 00:10:24,800 .."Ch-ch-ch" and then I, like, bring things together. 264 00:10:24,800 --> 00:10:27,280 We only get, like, one shot at this... OK. 265 00:10:27,280 --> 00:10:29,480 ..so really, like, exaggerated. 266 00:10:31,480 --> 00:10:32,760 Oh, my God. 267 00:10:32,760 --> 00:10:34,240 That's so good. 268 00:10:34,240 --> 00:10:35,680 FLO: You know, you can film like that. 269 00:10:35,680 --> 00:10:38,240 Rather than stop, start, stop, start, stop, start, 270 00:10:38,240 --> 00:10:40,600 I think we need emphasis on the challenge, you know what I mean? 271 00:10:40,600 --> 00:10:41,960 It's a challenge. I know. 272 00:10:41,960 --> 00:10:43,960 It's better to have more video than not enough. 273 00:10:43,960 --> 00:10:46,040 Collaborate. Let's not... I want to collaborate, 274 00:10:46,040 --> 00:10:48,600 but you are not listening. I'm listening, but the thing is... 275 00:10:48,600 --> 00:10:50,960 No, you are taking over, and you are not listening. 276 00:10:50,960 --> 00:10:54,240 It was intense. I wanted to focus on the heart and belly of the reviewing 277 00:10:54,240 --> 00:10:56,120 and trying the food and, you know, Flo 278 00:10:56,120 --> 00:10:58,440 wanted to shoot as much as possible so we could trim it, 279 00:10:58,440 --> 00:11:00,800 but under time constraint, I didn't think it was the best idea. 280 00:11:00,800 --> 00:11:02,000 We don't know... Relax, man. 281 00:11:02,000 --> 00:11:04,880 Just... You don't have to react like that with me. Talk with me. 282 00:11:04,880 --> 00:11:06,680 Andy, you take my nerves right now. 283 00:11:06,680 --> 00:11:08,360 You really take my nerves. Just work with me. 284 00:11:08,360 --> 00:11:10,960 Don't... You're being reactive. Work with me also. 285 00:11:12,760 --> 00:11:16,880 We had a little argument, because he was focused on one idea. 286 00:11:16,880 --> 00:11:19,160 You need to think of the global video. 287 00:11:19,160 --> 00:11:21,080 Don't be stuck on one point. 288 00:11:21,080 --> 00:11:22,280 Just take the shot, 289 00:11:22,280 --> 00:11:23,680 if we don't use it, we don't use it, 290 00:11:23,680 --> 00:11:25,360 but at least we got it. 291 00:11:28,680 --> 00:11:30,680 Yay, I've never edited this fast. 292 00:11:30,680 --> 00:11:32,520 Filming done. 293 00:11:32,520 --> 00:11:35,920 FLO: We are too long. We want to keep the dynamic of the video. 294 00:11:35,920 --> 00:11:39,160 The teams now need to cut their footage down to a one-minute video. 295 00:11:39,160 --> 00:11:41,160 AMY: Oh, my God. 296 00:11:41,160 --> 00:11:42,640 I've never seen myself run before. 297 00:11:42,640 --> 00:11:44,120 It's not attractive. 298 00:11:47,160 --> 00:11:48,360 I'd have that on my Instagram. 299 00:11:48,360 --> 00:11:49,680 Yeah, so would I. 300 00:11:49,680 --> 00:11:51,920 Well, maybe without my face and my voice. 301 00:11:51,920 --> 00:11:53,240 God. 302 00:11:53,240 --> 00:11:54,480 Intro first. 303 00:11:54,480 --> 00:11:56,440 Let's see what the better clip of the two is. 304 00:11:56,440 --> 00:11:58,400 This one, I'm not sure. Not now. 305 00:11:58,400 --> 00:12:01,920 We just want a toss. We don't want the guy pouring all the sauce. 306 00:12:01,920 --> 00:12:03,960 We only need one toss. Do you want to pick the best toss? 307 00:12:03,960 --> 00:12:06,960 No, we don't. Don't even need this one? We don't need this one. 308 00:12:06,960 --> 00:12:10,040 All the things, we can cut it. Cut, yeah. Cut, cut, cut. 309 00:12:10,040 --> 00:12:12,160 I do understand Flo's sentiment of wanting to get as many 310 00:12:12,160 --> 00:12:13,200 clips as possible. 311 00:12:13,200 --> 00:12:14,600 We don't need that. 312 00:12:14,600 --> 00:12:16,200 Yeah, cos there's a lot there. 313 00:12:16,200 --> 00:12:17,520 When we got to the edit, you know, 314 00:12:17,520 --> 00:12:19,200 it did turn out that we shot a bit too much. 315 00:12:19,200 --> 00:12:21,880 We deleted probably three quarters of what we had 316 00:12:21,880 --> 00:12:24,680 and only ended up using about four or five videos. 317 00:12:24,680 --> 00:12:26,400 Are you happy with the job? I think so. 318 00:12:26,400 --> 00:12:28,080 Yeah... I think we've... Considering, yeah. 319 00:12:28,080 --> 00:12:29,560 Not considering. Are you happy? 320 00:12:29,560 --> 00:12:31,240 If you're not happy now... Considering... 321 00:12:31,240 --> 00:12:32,880 You know, we have time, you know. 322 00:12:35,400 --> 00:12:37,400 Social media videos complete... 323 00:12:37,400 --> 00:12:38,960 Oh, my God. 324 00:12:38,960 --> 00:12:41,720 ..time for them to face the critics. 325 00:12:41,720 --> 00:12:43,560 Right. How are we feeling? 326 00:12:43,560 --> 00:12:44,920 ALL: Good, good. 327 00:12:44,920 --> 00:12:47,360 Good. Two great brands. Happy with the videos? 328 00:12:47,360 --> 00:12:48,400 ALL: Yes. 329 00:12:48,400 --> 00:12:51,600 Good. I've got a very special treat for you all. 330 00:12:51,600 --> 00:12:53,880 Helping me judge your videos today, 331 00:12:53,880 --> 00:12:57,800 please welcome the internet sensation Uncle Roger. 332 00:12:57,800 --> 00:12:59,280 Oh, my God! 333 00:12:59,280 --> 00:13:01,160 LAUGHTER, CHEERS AND APPLAUSE 334 00:13:01,160 --> 00:13:04,760 Oh, hello, hello, Gordon. We meet again. 335 00:13:04,760 --> 00:13:06,320 So many empty seats here, 336 00:13:06,320 --> 00:13:08,000 remind me of your restaurant. 337 00:13:08,000 --> 00:13:09,280 Eh... 338 00:13:09,280 --> 00:13:11,360 As you can see, not the best of friends, 339 00:13:11,360 --> 00:13:13,440 but he knows his stuff. 340 00:13:13,440 --> 00:13:15,440 First up to face Uncle Roger's wrath... 341 00:13:15,440 --> 00:13:17,200 ..the Blue Team. 342 00:13:17,200 --> 00:13:18,840 OK. 343 00:13:18,840 --> 00:13:21,080 Let's play a Patty Guys 'This or That?' 344 00:13:21,080 --> 00:13:22,320 Let's go. 345 00:13:22,320 --> 00:13:23,360 This or that? 346 00:13:23,360 --> 00:13:25,080 That. 347 00:13:25,080 --> 00:13:26,840 Saving lives. This or that? 348 00:13:30,440 --> 00:13:32,600 Guys, this or that? 349 00:13:35,520 --> 00:13:37,520 What... what happening? 350 00:13:37,520 --> 00:13:39,880 Are you playing some game or something? 351 00:13:39,880 --> 00:13:43,440 If you want to play game, you need to explain what the game is, 352 00:13:43,440 --> 00:13:46,680 otherwise you just look like some mad woman 353 00:13:46,680 --> 00:13:49,360 running on beach bothering people. Haiyaa. 354 00:13:51,520 --> 00:13:53,360 I need this, this and this. 355 00:14:00,680 --> 00:14:03,320 Ah, I like the creative camera angle, 356 00:14:03,320 --> 00:14:05,600 the top down thing you do. 357 00:14:17,520 --> 00:14:19,120 Ah! Oh, no. 358 00:14:19,120 --> 00:14:20,320 What that face? 359 00:14:20,320 --> 00:14:21,960 Don't pause it there! 360 00:14:21,960 --> 00:14:24,120 You can't do another take? 361 00:14:24,120 --> 00:14:27,040 This not food video any more. This like horror movie. 362 00:14:31,560 --> 00:14:34,120 It doesn't matter what you order from Patty Guys, 363 00:14:34,120 --> 00:14:36,680 cos it's going to be absolutely delicious. 364 00:14:36,680 --> 00:14:37,880 OK. Not bad. 365 00:14:37,880 --> 00:14:39,520 I see the food, it look good. 366 00:14:39,520 --> 00:14:42,280 OK, shall we look at the Red Team's effort? 367 00:14:42,280 --> 00:14:45,200 We're doing the Blindfold Buffalo Challenge. 368 00:14:45,200 --> 00:14:47,480 Are you ready? Don't know. Me neither. 369 00:14:48,560 --> 00:14:50,520 We will do it for you guys. 370 00:14:52,040 --> 00:14:54,120 All right, Flo, blindfold on. 371 00:14:54,120 --> 00:14:57,600 Take, what, 20 seconds before the food show up? 372 00:14:57,600 --> 00:15:00,680 And then it just look so unappetizing. Haiyaa. 373 00:15:00,680 --> 00:15:03,160 That is not really showcasing the food. 374 00:15:06,320 --> 00:15:09,440 Our hottest sauce. Fermented Carolina Reapers. 375 00:15:09,440 --> 00:15:11,720 Hot? A little bit hot. 376 00:15:11,720 --> 00:15:14,760 Rufio. Our second hottest sauce. Fermented Scotch Bonnets. 377 00:15:14,760 --> 00:15:16,360 COUGHS 378 00:15:18,000 --> 00:15:19,640 How was that? 379 00:15:21,520 --> 00:15:24,400 Woman choking and blindfolded. 380 00:15:24,400 --> 00:15:27,480 Is this chicken wing or 50 Shades of Grey? 381 00:15:27,480 --> 00:15:30,080 You're supposed to be enjoying the food. 382 00:15:30,080 --> 00:15:31,920 GORDON: Videos critiqued. 383 00:15:31,920 --> 00:15:33,800 Now to decide on a winner. 384 00:15:33,800 --> 00:15:36,840 Uncle Roger, you've just witnessed both teams' videos. 385 00:15:36,840 --> 00:15:38,600 Do you have a winner? 386 00:15:41,240 --> 00:15:43,400 Uncle Roger definitely think... 387 00:15:45,600 --> 00:15:47,160 ..Blue Team better. 388 00:15:48,720 --> 00:15:52,000 The video, they showcase the food, the food looked appetising 389 00:15:52,000 --> 00:15:53,520 and I feel like I want to eat it, 390 00:15:53,520 --> 00:15:55,360 I want to check out the restaurant afterwards. 391 00:15:55,360 --> 00:15:56,800 So, good job, Blue Team. 392 00:15:56,800 --> 00:15:59,800 It had pace, it was engaging, and it looked like you were having fun. 393 00:15:59,800 --> 00:16:03,200 And the Red Team didn't live up to your standards. Why? 394 00:16:03,200 --> 00:16:05,920 You don't even see close-up of the chicken wing, 395 00:16:05,920 --> 00:16:08,520 the same angle throughout whole video. 396 00:16:08,520 --> 00:16:10,840 And then, the editing a bit dated. 397 00:16:10,840 --> 00:16:13,680 It's almost like we're focused on you, as opposed to the food. 398 00:16:13,680 --> 00:16:16,120 Feedback's been amazing. As always, continued success... 399 00:16:16,120 --> 00:16:18,280 Thank you. ..and stay away from my restaurants. Thank you. 400 00:16:18,280 --> 00:16:20,360 THEY LAUGH 401 00:16:20,360 --> 00:16:21,720 Take care. 402 00:16:21,720 --> 00:16:22,960 APPLAUSE 403 00:16:22,960 --> 00:16:24,640 Blue Team, congrats. 404 00:16:24,640 --> 00:16:27,440 Amy and Sam, I think you really did the brand justice. 405 00:16:27,440 --> 00:16:28,760 Well done, both of you. 406 00:16:28,760 --> 00:16:30,480 I'm so happy with the video. 407 00:16:30,480 --> 00:16:32,400 I'm not happy about the still... 408 00:16:32,400 --> 00:16:34,160 ..in the video, 409 00:16:34,160 --> 00:16:35,800 but I'm happy about the video. 410 00:16:35,800 --> 00:16:37,320 If we'd have had five more minutes, 411 00:16:37,320 --> 00:16:39,080 we could have polished that little bit up. 412 00:16:39,080 --> 00:16:41,280 Red Team, it was somewhat lacklustre, OK? 413 00:16:41,280 --> 00:16:43,840 The food was in the background and you were in the foreground, 414 00:16:43,840 --> 00:16:45,360 so just be mindful of that. 415 00:16:45,360 --> 00:16:47,640 I wanted the room to swallow me up, you know what I mean? 416 00:16:47,640 --> 00:16:49,120 It was just embarrassing. 417 00:16:49,120 --> 00:16:52,160 I think maybe we were just too focused on 418 00:16:52,160 --> 00:16:53,640 trying to make something too unique. 419 00:16:53,640 --> 00:16:55,400 Yeah, it was kind of hard to watch it. 420 00:16:55,400 --> 00:16:57,280 But what else can you do, you know what I mean? 421 00:16:57,280 --> 00:17:01,000 That was one small challenge today, but let me tell you... 422 00:17:01,000 --> 00:17:03,160 ..an even bigger challenge tomorrow. 423 00:17:03,160 --> 00:17:06,160 And I really do need all of you bringing your A-game. 424 00:17:06,160 --> 00:17:08,560 There's a lot more to show, a lot more to prove. 425 00:17:08,560 --> 00:17:11,600 But off the back of this, it's given me, you know, the push, 426 00:17:11,600 --> 00:17:14,480 the confidence going into the next challenge. 427 00:17:14,480 --> 00:17:17,440 There's a place in the finale at stake. 428 00:17:17,440 --> 00:17:20,480 It's my last chance tomorrow to nail this challenge 429 00:17:20,480 --> 00:17:22,360 and get my place in the final. 430 00:17:22,360 --> 00:17:25,800 So, yeah, I need to... I need to fight. 431 00:17:35,200 --> 00:17:37,120 How do you feel going into this? 432 00:17:37,120 --> 00:17:38,760 We're backed into a corner. 433 00:17:38,760 --> 00:17:40,800 We're going to fight. We are fighters. We're fighters. 434 00:17:42,240 --> 00:17:44,720 Now, it's all about visuals this week. 435 00:17:44,720 --> 00:17:47,480 Who knows how to capture a market, sell a brand, 436 00:17:47,480 --> 00:17:49,560 and hook people in immediately? 437 00:17:49,560 --> 00:17:52,280 Trust me, the pressure's on, because after this challenge, 438 00:17:52,280 --> 00:17:56,240 I'll choose my three finalists and I'll be sending somebody home. 439 00:17:56,240 --> 00:17:59,800 And, honestly, no-one wants to fall at the last hurdle. 440 00:18:04,560 --> 00:18:06,160 Good morning. 441 00:18:06,160 --> 00:18:08,560 Good morning. Morning. Morning. 442 00:18:08,560 --> 00:18:11,880 Right, for your next challenge, I want you to create 443 00:18:11,880 --> 00:18:17,640 a stunning, delicious, eye-catching meat-free recipe. 444 00:18:17,640 --> 00:18:21,840 Then I'd like you to style and photograph it. 445 00:18:21,840 --> 00:18:25,280 Because if it's good enough, it's going to feature 446 00:18:25,280 --> 00:18:29,280 on the front cover of Waitrose in-house magazine - 447 00:18:29,280 --> 00:18:31,480 read by half a million people a week, 448 00:18:31,480 --> 00:18:33,120 two million people a month. 449 00:18:33,120 --> 00:18:34,600 That's big. 450 00:18:35,680 --> 00:18:40,080 After you've done that, tomorrow, you'll be demoing your dish 451 00:18:40,080 --> 00:18:44,320 live in front of experts, who will then decide 452 00:18:44,320 --> 00:18:47,120 which one is worthy of hitting the front cover. 453 00:18:47,120 --> 00:18:48,880 It's a big challenge, 454 00:18:48,880 --> 00:18:52,000 and a big brand is risking everything on you four. 455 00:18:52,000 --> 00:18:54,560 Now, you'll be in the same teams for this. 456 00:18:54,560 --> 00:18:56,360 It's the semifinal. 457 00:18:56,360 --> 00:18:58,600 Only three of you are going to make it into the finale. 458 00:18:58,600 --> 00:19:00,840 Do not be that person leaving this week. 459 00:19:00,840 --> 00:19:03,080 All four of you, good luck. Off you go. 460 00:19:03,080 --> 00:19:04,440 Thank you. Thank you. 461 00:19:09,000 --> 00:19:12,360 I just feel like I've got a lot of ideas running through my head. Same. 462 00:19:12,360 --> 00:19:13,920 This is the semifinals. 463 00:19:13,920 --> 00:19:17,840 Every week I put 110% in, and it's not failed me yet, 464 00:19:17,840 --> 00:19:19,720 and that's exactly what I'm going to do today. 465 00:19:19,720 --> 00:19:21,240 I feel confident. 466 00:19:21,240 --> 00:19:23,280 This is your thing, you've got a cookery school. Yeah. 467 00:19:23,280 --> 00:19:25,440 You've done recipe cards, right? This is your strength. 468 00:19:25,440 --> 00:19:27,680 I'm just going to facilitate you, but we'll do it together. 469 00:19:27,680 --> 00:19:30,440 I can't fail in this challenge - it's just my daily life, 470 00:19:30,440 --> 00:19:32,160 teaching how to make a recipe - 471 00:19:32,160 --> 00:19:35,080 and the fact that I failed the previous challenge. 472 00:19:35,080 --> 00:19:38,200 I have to be successful today, it's just no choice. 473 00:19:38,200 --> 00:19:42,360 A modern food customer is absolutely bombarded with choices these days, 474 00:19:42,360 --> 00:19:46,080 so only something that's appealing and of the highest quality 475 00:19:46,080 --> 00:19:48,240 is going to make the grade. 476 00:19:48,240 --> 00:19:49,760 People want something easy. 477 00:19:49,760 --> 00:19:51,840 If it's too complicated, they will be like, "Ugh!" 478 00:19:51,840 --> 00:19:53,400 They'll be unengaged, yeah. 479 00:19:53,400 --> 00:19:56,080 I would say, let's go on a cold dish, like a salad, 480 00:19:56,080 --> 00:19:58,640 but you also have to use your pan. 481 00:19:58,640 --> 00:20:01,240 To secure the front cover, the teams' dishes 482 00:20:01,240 --> 00:20:03,080 will need to be visually exciting... 483 00:20:03,080 --> 00:20:05,960 An upside down strawberry shortcake cheesecake. 484 00:20:05,960 --> 00:20:08,480 Something that the family can do. I like that concept. 485 00:20:08,480 --> 00:20:11,920 ..highlighting a hero vegetarian ingredient. 486 00:20:11,920 --> 00:20:13,960 I quite like the asparagus. 487 00:20:13,960 --> 00:20:15,720 British asparagus. 488 00:20:15,720 --> 00:20:20,680 You can fry them, and then you pour with a little bit of balsamic glaze. 489 00:20:20,680 --> 00:20:23,040 Ooh. You pour it on the top. Mm! 490 00:20:23,040 --> 00:20:25,880 I'm someone that probably wouldn't be the biggest salad eater, 491 00:20:25,880 --> 00:20:28,360 it's not something that I'm the hugest fan of. 492 00:20:28,360 --> 00:20:30,200 But, yeah, I'm here to help Flo out. 493 00:20:30,200 --> 00:20:33,160 And then, come tomorrow in the demo, I'm showing my personality. 494 00:20:33,160 --> 00:20:35,240 I'm putting myself out there. 495 00:20:35,240 --> 00:20:37,600 Let's go over, like, exactly what we're doing, 496 00:20:37,600 --> 00:20:39,880 so that we can be on the same page. 497 00:20:39,880 --> 00:20:42,680 When you write a recipe, you need to be just... Yeah. 498 00:20:42,680 --> 00:20:44,120 ..efficient. 499 00:20:47,120 --> 00:20:50,200 Need to think about how we're going to add colour to the top, 500 00:20:50,200 --> 00:20:53,240 because when I look at food magazines, the more colourful it is, 501 00:20:53,240 --> 00:20:54,440 the more it draws me in. 502 00:20:54,440 --> 00:20:56,760 So, we can add some lemon to it. 503 00:20:58,040 --> 00:21:00,600 Typically, I don't really cook food like this, 504 00:21:00,600 --> 00:21:02,760 but I'm a very visual person. 505 00:21:02,760 --> 00:21:06,480 So, for me, the part of the brief that I want to hit is, you know, 506 00:21:06,480 --> 00:21:09,640 making it eye-catching, making it a beautiful piece of food, 507 00:21:09,640 --> 00:21:12,720 that when people see the cover, they want to cook it. 508 00:21:12,720 --> 00:21:14,480 Lemon changes the flavour. 509 00:21:14,480 --> 00:21:15,800 A bit of lemon zest on top. 510 00:21:15,800 --> 00:21:18,480 But then, they're going to come in and go, "So where's the lemon in this?" 511 00:21:18,480 --> 00:21:20,600 And I'll be like, "It's white chocolate..." Do you know what? 512 00:21:20,600 --> 00:21:23,200 Then we just add a little bit of lemon. No. I hate lemon. 513 00:21:23,200 --> 00:21:26,080 But it's not just about our personal preferences. 514 00:21:28,160 --> 00:21:31,080 As well as nailing the recipes, they'll need their dishes 515 00:21:31,080 --> 00:21:34,280 to be visually stunning to secure that front cover. 516 00:21:34,280 --> 00:21:38,080 So, I'm meeting with world-renowned photographer and vegetarian cookery 517 00:21:38,080 --> 00:21:40,600 book writer Mary McCartney. 518 00:21:40,600 --> 00:21:43,360 You've been part of this huge movement of incredible 519 00:21:43,360 --> 00:21:46,800 vegetarian food and eating meatless. 520 00:21:46,800 --> 00:21:49,760 How important is that on a cover? 521 00:21:49,760 --> 00:21:52,840 Well, my mum, I think most people would agree, 522 00:21:52,840 --> 00:21:56,200 was, like, the vegetarian pioneer - Linda McCartney. - 523 00:21:56,200 --> 00:21:59,080 and my dad was really there backing her. 524 00:21:59,080 --> 00:22:02,080 So, I'm more aiming towards not vegetarian and vegans, 525 00:22:02,080 --> 00:22:04,600 I'm more aiming towards meat reducers who say, 526 00:22:04,600 --> 00:22:06,840 "Look, I want to do one day a week." 527 00:22:06,840 --> 00:22:09,160 Less. "Less meat, Meat Free Monday. 528 00:22:09,160 --> 00:22:11,080 "It helps me reduce my carbon footprint 529 00:22:11,080 --> 00:22:13,800 "and it's something I can really do at home." 530 00:22:13,800 --> 00:22:15,600 You know the art of demonstrating, 531 00:22:15,600 --> 00:22:18,400 taking pictures and keeping the audience alight. 532 00:22:18,400 --> 00:22:19,840 What's the secret behind that? 533 00:22:19,840 --> 00:22:21,480 The secret is thinking of the audience. 534 00:22:21,480 --> 00:22:22,880 Make it accessible. 535 00:22:22,880 --> 00:22:24,680 So, it's like, "That's something I could cook." 536 00:22:24,680 --> 00:22:26,000 Not too intimidating. 537 00:22:26,000 --> 00:22:27,400 A cover is a big deal. 538 00:22:27,400 --> 00:22:29,320 What do you focus on when you shoot a cover? 539 00:22:29,320 --> 00:22:32,960 The cover shot has to just immediately be like, "Buy me." 540 00:22:32,960 --> 00:22:35,160 You want that image to pop out at you. 541 00:22:35,160 --> 00:22:38,000 Some of your foods, I'm surprised how easy it is. 542 00:22:38,000 --> 00:22:40,440 Is there a sort of cut-off in terms of steps? 543 00:22:40,440 --> 00:22:44,080 I think with vegetarian, meat-free cooking, people think it's going 544 00:22:44,080 --> 00:22:47,120 to be loads of ingredients and really a faff to make. 545 00:22:47,120 --> 00:22:50,120 The pitfalls are having too many different things to do. 546 00:22:50,120 --> 00:22:52,720 Like, you don't want to have to boil one thing, fry another thing, 547 00:22:52,720 --> 00:22:55,480 bake another thing. Just keep it as simple as possible. 548 00:22:55,480 --> 00:22:57,240 Love that. 549 00:22:57,240 --> 00:23:00,520 We need colour. I'm going to tell you like I do with my kids. Yeah. 550 00:23:00,520 --> 00:23:03,120 You need to eat the rainbow every day. 551 00:23:03,120 --> 00:23:04,840 We need to have something red. 552 00:23:04,840 --> 00:23:06,760 Pomegranate will work well. 553 00:23:06,760 --> 00:23:08,560 Oh, I love pomegranate, yeah. 554 00:23:12,440 --> 00:23:16,160 In the next one we make, can we try using less white chocolate? 555 00:23:17,440 --> 00:23:19,040 Just cos it tastes really sweet. 556 00:23:19,040 --> 00:23:21,240 Try it. Try it. 557 00:23:23,200 --> 00:23:24,680 It's lovely. 558 00:23:24,680 --> 00:23:26,800 That's way too sweet. 559 00:23:26,800 --> 00:23:30,480 So, if we could try less white chocolate, please. 560 00:23:30,480 --> 00:23:32,480 Do you have a separate section for, like, say, 561 00:23:32,480 --> 00:23:34,840 the salad, and then the marinade, or are they in the same...? Yeah. 562 00:23:34,840 --> 00:23:37,480 You always have a little... Separate them? Yeah. OK. 563 00:23:37,480 --> 00:23:40,080 LAUGHING: Andy knows basically nothing about food, 564 00:23:40,080 --> 00:23:41,560 so it's on me. 565 00:23:41,560 --> 00:23:44,480 I've got eight steps on the cooking instructions, four on the marinade. 566 00:23:44,480 --> 00:23:46,920 Four steps sounds a lot. Yeah? Yeah, yeah. 567 00:23:46,920 --> 00:23:48,920 We can refine that together. 568 00:23:50,560 --> 00:23:53,200 With the teams' recipes nearly finished... 569 00:23:53,200 --> 00:23:55,000 Are you doing basil or mint? 570 00:23:55,000 --> 00:23:56,840 I just did basil and lemon. 571 00:23:56,840 --> 00:24:00,840 ..it's time for me to see if either of them feel front-cover-worthy. 572 00:24:00,840 --> 00:24:02,720 Hello. Right. How are we? 573 00:24:02,720 --> 00:24:05,000 How are we feeling? We're doing good. Yeah, good, thank you. 574 00:24:05,000 --> 00:24:07,480 What is the dish and what's the hero product? 575 00:24:07,480 --> 00:24:09,800 So, the hero product is strawberry. 576 00:24:09,800 --> 00:24:12,080 The concept was, basically, we wanted to go down 577 00:24:12,080 --> 00:24:14,320 this whole family route, a family favourite, 578 00:24:14,320 --> 00:24:17,240 with, like, an upside down strawberry and white chocolate cheesecake. 579 00:24:17,240 --> 00:24:19,880 I thought that was a trifle. I had no idea it was a cheesecake. 580 00:24:19,880 --> 00:24:23,760 OK. Don't forget, it's a cover we're trying to win. 581 00:24:23,760 --> 00:24:25,280 The cover. 582 00:24:25,280 --> 00:24:26,480 OK? OK. 583 00:24:26,480 --> 00:24:27,560 Let's have a taste. 584 00:24:28,880 --> 00:24:31,600 My mouth is just obliterated with sugar. 585 00:24:31,600 --> 00:24:33,680 Do you honestly think this is family-friendly, 586 00:24:33,680 --> 00:24:35,200 with the amount of sugar in it? 587 00:24:35,200 --> 00:24:37,120 The amount of... No, yeah, you're right. 588 00:24:37,120 --> 00:24:38,880 It's too sugary. 589 00:24:38,880 --> 00:24:40,960 And the whole thing about cheesecake, 590 00:24:40,960 --> 00:24:43,200 when you think about it growing up, is the layers - 591 00:24:43,200 --> 00:24:46,760 but it doesn't strike me as an upside down cheesecake. 592 00:24:46,760 --> 00:24:50,960 That does not feel like a semifinal attempt 593 00:24:50,960 --> 00:24:53,840 at getting yourself into the finale, 594 00:24:53,840 --> 00:24:55,440 Have a think, ladies. 595 00:24:57,920 --> 00:24:59,320 Man... 596 00:25:02,480 --> 00:25:03,760 OK, what can I do? 597 00:25:05,320 --> 00:25:07,040 Blue Team. That's so frustrating. 598 00:25:07,040 --> 00:25:09,560 They're going for this upside down cheesecake. 599 00:25:09,560 --> 00:25:11,960 Amy wants to bring this sort of family style. 600 00:25:11,960 --> 00:25:13,760 But that's not family style. 601 00:25:13,760 --> 00:25:17,120 That's just a family sugar high, because it's sweet on sweet on sweet. 602 00:25:17,120 --> 00:25:19,160 And secondly, it looks like a trifle. 603 00:25:19,160 --> 00:25:20,920 They're upside down in there right now. 604 00:25:22,160 --> 00:25:23,680 How are we? 605 00:25:23,680 --> 00:25:24,960 Good. Hello. 606 00:25:24,960 --> 00:25:27,040 We good? Yeah. Yeah. Excellent. 607 00:25:27,040 --> 00:25:28,360 Right, tell me about the dish. 608 00:25:28,360 --> 00:25:30,640 What's the hero ingredient first, please? Smells good. 609 00:25:30,640 --> 00:25:31,800 The asparagus. Yeah. 610 00:25:31,800 --> 00:25:33,000 What's the dish? 611 00:25:33,000 --> 00:25:35,840 Balsamic glazed asparagus on a bed of seasonal veg. 612 00:25:35,840 --> 00:25:39,720 So, we've got some sweetness in there with our pomegranate tomatoes, 613 00:25:39,720 --> 00:25:41,760 also egg and radish. 614 00:25:41,760 --> 00:25:44,440 I think you've got a really smart choice with asparagus. Yeah. 615 00:25:44,440 --> 00:25:46,520 I think what I'm going to ask you both now, 616 00:25:46,520 --> 00:25:50,200 is this dish interesting enough for semifinalists? 617 00:25:50,200 --> 00:25:51,760 We wanted something colourful, 618 00:25:51,760 --> 00:25:54,960 because we want to bring the summer vibes with the asparagus. 619 00:25:54,960 --> 00:25:56,600 So we have some sweetcorn. 620 00:25:56,600 --> 00:25:59,760 We have a lot of easy slicing with the tomatoes. 621 00:25:59,760 --> 00:26:02,560 This demo almost is like a chopping demo, 622 00:26:02,560 --> 00:26:05,400 as opposed to a dish that's going to blow their socks off. 623 00:26:05,400 --> 00:26:08,160 I don't know if it's captivating enough for a cover. 624 00:26:08,160 --> 00:26:09,480 OK. OK? 625 00:26:09,480 --> 00:26:11,040 Semifinal. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. 626 00:26:11,040 --> 00:26:14,320 No, we're with you. We get what you're saying. Thank you. Thank you. 627 00:26:14,320 --> 00:26:16,240 OK, we need to rethink. All right. 628 00:26:16,240 --> 00:26:19,600 He wants the people in front of us saying, "Wow." 629 00:26:19,600 --> 00:26:21,960 Frustrating, that Red Team, Flo and Andy. 630 00:26:21,960 --> 00:26:24,000 It's almost like there's style over substance, 631 00:26:24,000 --> 00:26:25,600 because there's no actual dish. 632 00:26:25,600 --> 00:26:27,760 It's just like a cold chop salad. 633 00:26:27,760 --> 00:26:30,040 The asparagus is supposed to be the hero. 634 00:26:30,040 --> 00:26:33,160 So, there's another nine or ten ingredients mixed in with that. 635 00:26:33,160 --> 00:26:35,760 The asparagus is lost in translation. 636 00:26:35,760 --> 00:26:38,200 We need to do something else with the asparagus. 637 00:26:38,200 --> 00:26:40,880 I'm going to cook them, I'm going to blend it, 638 00:26:40,880 --> 00:26:42,960 and I will make a sauce. 639 00:26:44,800 --> 00:26:48,960 The teams have only got one hour left to refine their dishes... 640 00:26:48,960 --> 00:26:53,280 Maybe fill in cheesecake with strawberries, 641 00:26:53,280 --> 00:26:55,040 and then build it up like that. 642 00:26:55,040 --> 00:26:59,960 ..as well as taking their cover photos and writing up the recipes... 643 00:26:59,960 --> 00:27:02,360 Would you like a method? I would love a method. OK. 644 00:27:02,360 --> 00:27:04,840 ..I provided the teams with some of the magazine's in-house 645 00:27:04,840 --> 00:27:07,400 copywriters and photographers. 646 00:27:07,400 --> 00:27:09,080 Boil another pan of water. 647 00:27:09,080 --> 00:27:11,320 Is this one a separate...? Yeah, this is number two. Sorry. 648 00:27:11,320 --> 00:27:12,800 Yeah, that's OK. 649 00:27:12,800 --> 00:27:15,400 Do you want to see it up high or down low? 650 00:27:15,400 --> 00:27:17,960 Is it possible to see what it looks like as a tight shot? 651 00:27:17,960 --> 00:27:19,280 Yeah. 652 00:27:19,280 --> 00:27:21,400 See if we can capture any of the layers. 653 00:27:21,400 --> 00:27:24,040 This cheesecake incorporates silky smooth white chocolate 654 00:27:24,040 --> 00:27:26,640 and a zesty strawberry compote, meaning every single spoonful... 655 00:27:26,640 --> 00:27:28,360 I'm thinking that... 656 00:27:28,360 --> 00:27:30,600 Should we include the fact that it's really quick to make? 657 00:27:30,600 --> 00:27:32,520 Yeah. Really quick and it looks amazing. 658 00:27:32,520 --> 00:27:34,280 Trust me. I'm getting there. 659 00:27:34,280 --> 00:27:37,920 Not only is this dessert going to... 660 00:27:37,920 --> 00:27:39,600 ..impress friends and family, 661 00:27:39,600 --> 00:27:43,800 once brought to... It's quick and easy to make. Yeah. 662 00:27:43,800 --> 00:27:47,680 So, it's super-quick...and easy to make. 663 00:27:47,680 --> 00:27:50,120 I've worked with Sam on a few challenges, 664 00:27:50,120 --> 00:27:52,480 but I feel like this has been the hardest one. 665 00:27:52,480 --> 00:27:55,160 And don't forget the lemon zest that goes on the top, yeah? 666 00:27:55,160 --> 00:27:58,480 OK, I know, but lemon zest and mint are literally the... 667 00:27:58,480 --> 00:28:01,400 ..the least of my worries at the moment. 668 00:28:01,400 --> 00:28:05,360 I've taken on 80% of the workload, and... 669 00:28:05,360 --> 00:28:07,080 ..she's took three photos. 670 00:28:07,080 --> 00:28:09,520 We've got limited time. I'm not having an argument about it. 671 00:28:09,520 --> 00:28:12,760 All I can do is put 110% into what I'm doing. 672 00:28:12,760 --> 00:28:14,960 But it's three photos. 673 00:28:16,520 --> 00:28:19,920 Flo, I've gone with Two Way British Asparagus Salad. 674 00:28:19,920 --> 00:28:21,960 I think we want to highlight it's British. 675 00:28:21,960 --> 00:28:23,720 Move on from that, yeah? 676 00:28:23,720 --> 00:28:26,440 More asparagus. 677 00:28:26,440 --> 00:28:29,520 Do I have to say deshell egg, or is that obvious, Flo? 678 00:28:29,520 --> 00:28:31,160 No, it's obvious. Cool. 679 00:28:31,160 --> 00:28:32,600 Did that delete something? 680 00:28:32,600 --> 00:28:35,360 Flo, when you made this thing... Yeah. ..what is it? 681 00:28:35,360 --> 00:28:39,040 You boil the asparagus bottom until soft... OK. 682 00:28:39,040 --> 00:28:41,200 ..and then you blend it. 683 00:28:41,200 --> 00:28:42,480 That's it. 684 00:28:42,480 --> 00:28:44,160 But I've already got, like, eight points. 685 00:28:44,160 --> 00:28:45,680 Add salt. Add salt in the water. 686 00:28:45,680 --> 00:28:47,640 Cook for 12 minutes. All right, I've got it. 687 00:28:47,640 --> 00:28:49,760 Have you got it? So, now we're just going to do it simple... 688 00:28:49,760 --> 00:28:51,200 Easy wording. Cool. 689 00:28:51,200 --> 00:28:53,640 Add two tablespoons... I've still got so much to do. 690 00:28:53,640 --> 00:28:55,640 First, it was a glazed something. 691 00:28:55,640 --> 00:28:57,600 Now it's not. It's a two-way, and it's... 692 00:28:57,600 --> 00:28:59,200 We've added this and we've taken this away. 693 00:28:59,200 --> 00:29:00,840 The ingredients changed. 694 00:29:00,840 --> 00:29:02,680 Obviously, I'm writing down the ingredients, 695 00:29:02,680 --> 00:29:05,920 and as I'm writing them, they're different to what it is. 696 00:29:05,920 --> 00:29:08,200 I mean, it's... What can I do, innit? 697 00:29:09,480 --> 00:29:12,120 It's up to you which one you want to pick for the cover. 698 00:29:12,120 --> 00:29:13,600 Time's almost up... 699 00:29:13,600 --> 00:29:14,960 This is definitely the front page, 700 00:29:14,960 --> 00:29:17,080 cos I love the details on the front of that. 701 00:29:17,080 --> 00:29:19,800 ..and the teams need to sign off on their magazine content. 702 00:29:19,800 --> 00:29:21,080 I like this one. 703 00:29:21,080 --> 00:29:23,200 It's good, huh? Looks lovely. 704 00:29:23,200 --> 00:29:25,880 Delicious Summer Strawberry Surprise. 705 00:29:26,880 --> 00:29:29,600 Yeah. Delicious Summer Strawberry Surprise. 706 00:29:29,600 --> 00:29:31,080 Where would you like it? 707 00:29:31,080 --> 00:29:32,440 That's not bad. 708 00:29:32,440 --> 00:29:35,160 You can see a lot of the cheesecake, you can see all the top. 709 00:29:35,160 --> 00:29:36,760 Beautiful. Love it. 710 00:29:36,760 --> 00:29:38,760 Yeah, happy? Yeah. Cool. 711 00:29:38,760 --> 00:29:41,760 Happy. All right. Thank you so much. Thank you. 712 00:29:41,760 --> 00:29:45,600 I'm not a baker, but I did my best to give my opinion 713 00:29:45,600 --> 00:29:48,360 where it's needed and to uplift the product. 714 00:29:48,360 --> 00:29:50,080 I'm feeling confident. 715 00:29:50,080 --> 00:29:52,880 Yeah, I can literally taste the final. I'm not going home. 716 00:29:52,880 --> 00:29:55,360 Place your asparagus on top and dress with your.. 717 00:29:56,360 --> 00:29:57,760 OK. 718 00:29:57,760 --> 00:30:00,400 Wait. Dress.... Place your asparagus on the salad bed. 719 00:30:00,400 --> 00:30:03,520 Oh, no. On top, and then take out... Yeah. 720 00:30:03,520 --> 00:30:05,560 Uh... Sorry. 721 00:30:05,560 --> 00:30:08,080 So, we really need to send this across now, so when you're ready. 722 00:30:08,080 --> 00:30:09,680 Andy, recipe? OK. 723 00:30:09,680 --> 00:30:11,880 How is it going? I've done what I can. 724 00:30:11,880 --> 00:30:14,400 Are you happy with the instruction? Is it clear? 725 00:30:14,400 --> 00:30:16,400 We've made it as clear as possible. Cool. 726 00:30:16,400 --> 00:30:18,080 And tried to refine every step. 727 00:30:18,080 --> 00:30:20,600 I struggled to try and get the changes into the stuff 728 00:30:20,600 --> 00:30:23,120 I'd already written, cos I thought it was set in stone, you know? 729 00:30:23,120 --> 00:30:27,600 I think Andy had a little bit of tricky time with the instruction. 730 00:30:27,600 --> 00:30:31,360 I don't really know, because I was so focused on making a recipe. 731 00:30:31,360 --> 00:30:35,240 We still have the demo tomorrow to go together, as a team, 732 00:30:35,240 --> 00:30:37,520 strong and smash the challenge. 733 00:30:37,520 --> 00:30:39,480 I'm confident with him. 734 00:30:39,480 --> 00:30:41,480 We had a hard day today. We get on with it. Yeah. 735 00:30:41,480 --> 00:30:43,840 Do the same tomorrow. Cos we can't go home. No. 736 00:30:43,840 --> 00:30:46,440 Well done, though, you smashed it. Well done. 737 00:30:55,000 --> 00:30:58,080 Today I've arranged for the teams to demo their front cover recipes 738 00:30:58,080 --> 00:30:59,960 at Season Cookery School. 739 00:31:01,160 --> 00:31:03,680 Are you ready? Do you know what? I am. 740 00:31:03,680 --> 00:31:05,680 How do you feel? Yeah, I feel good, actually. 741 00:31:05,680 --> 00:31:08,120 I think this is where we actually excel. Yeah. 742 00:31:13,240 --> 00:31:15,080 Dun-dun-dun! Do you want to turn them over? 743 00:31:15,080 --> 00:31:16,440 Oh, wow. 744 00:31:16,440 --> 00:31:19,080 Before the teams get started, a chance to check out 745 00:31:19,080 --> 00:31:21,120 their potential magazine covers and recipes. 746 00:31:21,120 --> 00:31:22,200 Nice. 747 00:31:23,320 --> 00:31:26,080 Delicious Summer Strawberry Surprise! 748 00:31:26,080 --> 00:31:29,800 I'm proud of the photographs. It's beautifully captured... 749 00:31:29,800 --> 00:31:32,000 ..the lemon zest that you were fighting with me...! 750 00:31:32,000 --> 00:31:33,640 Are you happy with it now, Amy? 751 00:31:33,640 --> 00:31:35,720 I'll tolerate the lemon zest, yeah. 752 00:31:37,280 --> 00:31:39,400 That page looks colourful and beautiful. 753 00:31:39,400 --> 00:31:41,160 OK. What about the recipe? 754 00:31:41,160 --> 00:31:42,760 Uh... 755 00:31:42,760 --> 00:31:44,200 What's wrong with that? 756 00:31:44,200 --> 00:31:46,000 It's a lot of wording. 757 00:31:46,000 --> 00:31:48,120 I think some steps on the recipes are missing. 758 00:31:48,120 --> 00:31:50,320 Yeah... I mean, it was hard for me to get that down. 759 00:31:50,320 --> 00:31:52,680 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know? It's fine. It's fine. 760 00:31:52,680 --> 00:31:55,000 It's easy to, like, say, "Right, this should have been done. 761 00:31:55,000 --> 00:31:56,280 "This should have been done." 762 00:31:56,280 --> 00:31:58,560 I think there's an element of saving face on Flo's part. 763 00:31:58,560 --> 00:32:01,200 "I really love the pictures. You missed this. You missed that." 764 00:32:01,200 --> 00:32:02,280 "You missed this." 765 00:32:02,280 --> 00:32:04,640 But there was no comms during it to tell me that. 766 00:32:05,880 --> 00:32:08,600 Prep-wise, let's do as much as we can of it. 767 00:32:08,600 --> 00:32:11,680 Really thin, the radishes, if you can. Yeah. 768 00:32:11,680 --> 00:32:13,760 The teams now need to prep their ingredients 769 00:32:13,760 --> 00:32:15,280 and rehearse their demos. 770 00:32:15,280 --> 00:32:17,760 So, Andy, beautiful British asparagus. 771 00:32:17,760 --> 00:32:19,320 Do you eat asparagus? 772 00:32:19,320 --> 00:32:20,880 All the time. All the time. 773 00:32:20,880 --> 00:32:22,600 Are you a big fan of asparagus? A huge fan. 774 00:32:22,600 --> 00:32:23,920 A huge fan. 775 00:32:23,920 --> 00:32:26,600 Their demos will offer the opportunity to showcase the dish 776 00:32:26,600 --> 00:32:30,120 and prove that their recipe works and is easy to follow. 777 00:32:30,120 --> 00:32:32,400 Do you have any tips when they're whisking it? 778 00:32:32,400 --> 00:32:34,120 What should they be looking for? 779 00:32:34,120 --> 00:32:36,480 It's probably going to be quite liquid to start with, but you'll 780 00:32:36,480 --> 00:32:39,480 find that, especially in this heat, it comes together quite quickly. OK. 781 00:32:39,480 --> 00:32:42,040 Which we're looking for before we start to add the cream cheese. 782 00:32:42,040 --> 00:32:45,680 Obviously, if you're at home, you can do this with a stand mixer. 783 00:32:45,680 --> 00:32:48,600 But for the purposes of today, we are going to... 784 00:32:48,600 --> 00:32:52,240 OK. So, basically, when I ask you questions, don't go on for too long. 785 00:32:52,240 --> 00:32:54,600 Cos, otherwise, I'll be stood there doing nothing. 786 00:32:54,600 --> 00:32:56,200 Try and be straight to the point. 787 00:32:56,200 --> 00:32:57,640 Do you know what it is? 788 00:32:57,640 --> 00:33:00,680 I don't want to feel the dish that I've literally put everything into 789 00:33:00,680 --> 00:33:03,080 over the last couple of days... You haven't done it alone, Amy. 790 00:33:03,080 --> 00:33:04,600 You've done it as a team. 791 00:33:04,600 --> 00:33:06,560 I know it's a team effort... This isn't about ego. 792 00:33:06,560 --> 00:33:08,120 It's not about ego. 793 00:33:08,120 --> 00:33:10,360 I don't want to feel like I'm being sidelined. 794 00:33:10,360 --> 00:33:12,480 I'm not going to let somebody stand there and be 795 00:33:12,480 --> 00:33:15,200 at the forefront of selling a product that I've created. 796 00:33:15,200 --> 00:33:17,680 I'll make myself involved, basically. 797 00:33:17,680 --> 00:33:21,080 The purpose of this challenge is for us to present it. 798 00:33:21,080 --> 00:33:23,920 Don't try and sabotage it by doing all the talking, 799 00:33:23,920 --> 00:33:26,120 and I'm just stood there. Don't do that. 800 00:33:26,120 --> 00:33:29,320 It did feel like I was trying to rein in a child. 801 00:33:29,320 --> 00:33:31,520 We need to work as a team. 802 00:33:31,520 --> 00:33:33,280 I'm just praying that when we go up 803 00:33:33,280 --> 00:33:35,560 that Amy doesn't try to take the whole stand, 804 00:33:35,560 --> 00:33:38,680 when the purpose of this challenge is to work together. 805 00:33:42,920 --> 00:33:45,600 The winning team's recipe will feature on the front cover 806 00:33:45,600 --> 00:33:47,920 of Waitrose in-house magazine. 807 00:33:50,520 --> 00:33:53,040 The teams will not only have to demo in front of 808 00:33:53,040 --> 00:33:55,160 a live cookery school audience, 809 00:33:55,160 --> 00:33:59,120 but they will also have to impress some top industry experts. 810 00:33:59,120 --> 00:34:01,760 Joining me again, Mary McCartney, 811 00:34:01,760 --> 00:34:04,840 food author and broadcaster Yasmin Khan, 812 00:34:04,840 --> 00:34:07,960 and Waitrose food and drink editor Alison Oakervee. 813 00:34:09,040 --> 00:34:11,840 What you expecting today, Yas? What are you hoping to see? 814 00:34:11,840 --> 00:34:16,240 What I really want is a clear guide to how they're making these recipes. 815 00:34:16,240 --> 00:34:18,800 Sure. I want clear, step by step, so if I'm at home and I'm busy, 816 00:34:18,800 --> 00:34:20,640 I can just whack it together. 817 00:34:20,640 --> 00:34:23,400 When that copy becomes a favourite, and we're talking about hundreds 818 00:34:23,400 --> 00:34:26,600 and hundreds of thousands of people, it becomes a... Kind of a... 819 00:34:26,600 --> 00:34:28,920 ..a classic. One of the classics that people go to, 820 00:34:28,920 --> 00:34:31,160 and that's what we want every recipe to do. Sure. 821 00:34:31,160 --> 00:34:33,640 And can we get something that dynamic across in 20 minutes? 822 00:34:33,640 --> 00:34:34,920 You should be able to. 823 00:34:34,920 --> 00:34:36,600 I think they can, yeah. 824 00:34:36,600 --> 00:34:39,000 But it's not easy, even for professionals. 825 00:34:39,000 --> 00:34:41,240 The chemistry between them is quite important, 826 00:34:41,240 --> 00:34:44,760 and that will reflect in the actual finished recipe, I think. 827 00:34:47,440 --> 00:34:49,800 First to demo will be the Blue Team 828 00:34:49,800 --> 00:34:52,680 with their family-friendly strawberry cheesecake. 829 00:34:52,680 --> 00:34:54,760 Blue Team, first impressions visually. 830 00:34:54,760 --> 00:34:56,160 Does it scream cheesecake? 831 00:34:56,160 --> 00:34:58,120 It does look delicious, but it looks like a trifle, 832 00:34:58,120 --> 00:35:00,080 so you kind of need to read what it is. 833 00:35:00,080 --> 00:35:02,480 Sort of targeting this towards the family, kids. 834 00:35:02,480 --> 00:35:05,080 If it's a family, then you want four or five of those. 835 00:35:05,080 --> 00:35:06,960 Are they individual? Are they for two? 836 00:35:06,960 --> 00:35:09,320 It always feels weird with just one. Yeah. 837 00:35:09,320 --> 00:35:11,640 Cos when you think family, you think serving, style, 838 00:35:11,640 --> 00:35:13,280 a big thing you can all tuck into. 839 00:35:13,280 --> 00:35:15,800 Look, it is looking bright and summery, isn't it? 840 00:35:15,800 --> 00:35:17,680 It's all down to the demo. Yes! 841 00:35:17,680 --> 00:35:20,520 They're up first. Shall we? Yeah. Looking forward to it. 842 00:35:21,720 --> 00:35:24,400 Hello. Hi, everyone. Hello, everyone. 843 00:35:26,160 --> 00:35:28,760 Welcome. My name is Sam and this is... Amy. 844 00:35:28,760 --> 00:35:31,800 And today we're going to demonstrate for you how to make this 845 00:35:31,800 --> 00:35:34,640 delicious summer strawberry layered cheesecake. 846 00:35:34,640 --> 00:35:38,680 So, first, we're going to start with melting the chocolate. 847 00:35:38,680 --> 00:35:41,240 That gets whipped into the cheesecake layers. 848 00:35:41,240 --> 00:35:43,160 So, Amy, what are you doing here? 849 00:35:43,160 --> 00:35:46,120 So, what I'm going to do now is, use the stand mixer to create 850 00:35:46,120 --> 00:35:48,040 some soft peaks within the cream, 851 00:35:48,040 --> 00:35:50,520 ready to incorporate our cream cheese into it. 852 00:35:50,520 --> 00:35:52,600 OK, so... We've got some beautiful as well... 853 00:35:52,600 --> 00:35:56,080 some beautiful vanilla bean, as well, to go through that mixture. 854 00:35:56,080 --> 00:35:58,720 We're going to fold in the melted white chocolate, 855 00:35:58,720 --> 00:36:00,720 and then just layer everything up. 856 00:36:00,720 --> 00:36:03,120 We've got a gorgeous shortcake crust. 857 00:36:03,120 --> 00:36:05,480 So... It's delicious. 858 00:36:05,480 --> 00:36:06,680 It's... Yeah. 859 00:36:06,680 --> 00:36:08,640 How are we doing with that chocolate? 860 00:36:08,640 --> 00:36:10,440 Yeah. So, the chocolate's almost done. 861 00:36:10,440 --> 00:36:12,520 Fantastic. That's ready... Is that ready to go in? 862 00:36:12,520 --> 00:36:14,760 This is ready to be incorporated. Lovely. 863 00:36:14,760 --> 00:36:16,920 There we go. Thank you. 864 00:36:16,920 --> 00:36:19,600 So, Amy, you have a family, you have a son. Yes. 865 00:36:19,600 --> 00:36:22,880 So I guess, like, this dish is perfect for your family 866 00:36:22,880 --> 00:36:24,320 to make together. 867 00:36:26,160 --> 00:36:27,560 My son's four. 868 00:36:27,560 --> 00:36:30,600 So, he can mash things together, he can smash the biscuit. 869 00:36:30,600 --> 00:36:32,960 So this is great for your kids to get involved 870 00:36:32,960 --> 00:36:34,280 if you have any children. 871 00:36:36,040 --> 00:36:38,120 And, I have to say, that strawberries are definitely 872 00:36:38,120 --> 00:36:40,200 arguably one of Britain's best produce. 873 00:36:40,200 --> 00:36:41,920 They really are. Fresh strawberries. 874 00:36:41,920 --> 00:36:44,160 I love taking Alby strawberry picking, as well. 875 00:36:44,160 --> 00:36:46,680 I don't like it when he's wearing white, 876 00:36:46,680 --> 00:36:49,000 but I definitely enjoy taking him there. 877 00:36:52,800 --> 00:36:55,280 So, what we can do is start to layer the glasses. 878 00:36:55,280 --> 00:36:58,480 And then what I'm doing here is, I'm just thinly chopping 879 00:36:58,480 --> 00:37:01,440 the strawberries, which we'll add to the layers as well. 880 00:37:01,440 --> 00:37:04,560 This is the perfect summertime dessert. 881 00:37:10,640 --> 00:37:12,800 How are you getting on with the compote? 882 00:37:12,800 --> 00:37:14,560 It smells amazing. It's almost done. 883 00:37:14,560 --> 00:37:16,320 Can you smell it from where you are? 884 00:37:16,320 --> 00:37:18,800 Yeah, we can smell it. We can smell it. Looking good. 885 00:37:18,800 --> 00:37:21,120 Just dress this last one here with the compote, 886 00:37:21,120 --> 00:37:23,200 the zest and the mint. 887 00:37:23,200 --> 00:37:25,560 And then we put the strawberry on to end it. 888 00:37:25,560 --> 00:37:28,320 And then we've got a little bit of the lemon zest. 889 00:37:28,320 --> 00:37:30,320 Last little sprigs of mint. 890 00:37:30,320 --> 00:37:31,800 And, voila. 891 00:37:36,680 --> 00:37:39,080 And we would absolutely love to take some questions 892 00:37:39,080 --> 00:37:40,760 from you now, as well. 893 00:37:40,760 --> 00:37:42,720 Well, well done. You did a great job. 894 00:37:42,720 --> 00:37:45,080 I loved your chemistry, and it was really, really engaging. 895 00:37:45,080 --> 00:37:46,400 Thank you. 896 00:37:46,400 --> 00:37:48,360 Tell us, on the front cover, 897 00:37:48,360 --> 00:37:50,840 you call it a Delicious Summer Strawberry Surprise. Yes. 898 00:37:50,840 --> 00:37:52,480 What's the surprise? 899 00:37:54,160 --> 00:37:56,880 When you take the, like, the mouthful of it... Yeah. 900 00:37:56,880 --> 00:37:59,080 ..the flavours in your mouth is like, "Wow!" OK. 901 00:37:59,080 --> 00:38:00,720 And that's the surprise. 902 00:38:00,720 --> 00:38:04,080 And by putting that on the front page, it's to invite people in. 903 00:38:05,800 --> 00:38:07,120 Look at it, though. 904 00:38:07,120 --> 00:38:09,440 Array of glasses there, they look beautiful. 905 00:38:09,440 --> 00:38:11,280 This looks way more attractive. 906 00:38:11,280 --> 00:38:14,880 Why not a cluster for the potential cover, as opposed to sticking one 907 00:38:14,880 --> 00:38:17,880 on there and covering it with a big, bold text? 908 00:38:17,880 --> 00:38:20,160 I mean, the text can be taken off. 909 00:38:20,160 --> 00:38:23,720 The glass looked quite lonely, and I was like, "Oh, it's a family dish," 910 00:38:23,720 --> 00:38:26,280 but that doesn't scream family to me, you know. No. 911 00:38:26,280 --> 00:38:27,760 It's individual portion. 912 00:38:27,760 --> 00:38:30,840 Because it's for children, and there's some really strict 913 00:38:30,840 --> 00:38:33,360 guidelines about fat and salt and sugar levels, 914 00:38:33,360 --> 00:38:36,480 is there any way we can lighten it up, so that it can say 915 00:38:36,480 --> 00:38:38,920 it's for children with kind of a clear conscience? Yeah. 916 00:38:38,920 --> 00:38:41,360 Well, like I say, it wasn't aimed specifically at children. 917 00:38:41,360 --> 00:38:44,160 It was aimed at more the family. OK. As a mother.... 918 00:38:44,160 --> 00:38:46,760 So, it was something that, I would enjoy this, 919 00:38:46,760 --> 00:38:48,480 I would let my little boy have it. 920 00:38:48,480 --> 00:38:51,560 But obviously, it's a balanced diet with...with children. 921 00:38:51,560 --> 00:38:53,600 No way would he eat a full one. 922 00:38:53,600 --> 00:38:56,240 But what I would do is, get a separate bowl, a bit of crumb, 923 00:38:56,240 --> 00:38:58,560 fresh strawberries, and a little bit on there. 924 00:38:58,560 --> 00:39:00,960 Ladies and gentlemen, please give it up for Amy and Sam. 925 00:39:00,960 --> 00:39:02,400 Great job. Thank you. Thank you. 926 00:39:07,080 --> 00:39:09,720 That couldn't have gone better. It couldn't have gone better. 927 00:39:09,720 --> 00:39:11,320 We bounced off each other. 928 00:39:11,320 --> 00:39:13,120 And the questions, we had answers to. 929 00:39:13,120 --> 00:39:15,600 Wasn't even good. That was great! 930 00:39:15,600 --> 00:39:17,400 It was clear, it was concise. 931 00:39:17,400 --> 00:39:19,760 I would find that a very easy recipe to follow. Yeah. 932 00:39:19,760 --> 00:39:21,800 I need more strawberries in there, though. I agree. 933 00:39:21,800 --> 00:39:23,240 Cos that was the hero, right? 934 00:39:23,240 --> 00:39:25,480 That's the point of this, a strawberry layered cheesecake. 935 00:39:25,480 --> 00:39:27,000 I embraced the challenge. 936 00:39:27,000 --> 00:39:31,040 I reined Amy in, I made sure that we were on the same page. 937 00:39:31,040 --> 00:39:33,640 The panel said that they loved our chemistry. 938 00:39:33,640 --> 00:39:36,960 If I hadn't reined it in, it would have been a different outcome. 939 00:39:36,960 --> 00:39:38,640 So, child-friendly or not? 940 00:39:38,640 --> 00:39:40,960 It's good for children to cook, but not to eat. Yeah. 941 00:39:40,960 --> 00:39:43,080 But it would be so easy to lighten it, wouldn't it? 942 00:39:43,080 --> 00:39:46,440 Instead of using double cream, use creme fraiche, use yoghurt. 943 00:39:46,440 --> 00:39:49,240 Exactly. Give it that kind of lovely kind of summer freshness. 944 00:39:49,240 --> 00:39:50,600 Yeah. 945 00:39:50,600 --> 00:39:53,440 All I can control is my contribution, 946 00:39:53,440 --> 00:39:57,000 and I feel I've definitely done enough to justify 947 00:39:57,000 --> 00:39:58,880 why I should be a finalist. 948 00:40:00,640 --> 00:40:02,720 Next up is the Red Team, 949 00:40:02,720 --> 00:40:06,000 showcasing their Two Way British Asparagus Salad. 950 00:40:06,000 --> 00:40:08,560 First impressions. Asparagus being the hero, what do you think? 951 00:40:08,560 --> 00:40:10,440 Well, you can tell it is asparagus, I think. 952 00:40:10,440 --> 00:40:12,920 There's a lot of ingredients, though, wouldn't you say? 953 00:40:12,920 --> 00:40:16,480 Yeah, I have to say, I'm a little bit surprised, for something 954 00:40:16,480 --> 00:40:19,800 that should be ready in 20 minutes, there is coming on... 955 00:40:19,800 --> 00:40:21,760 ..ooh, 13 steps. 956 00:40:21,760 --> 00:40:24,920 I would say that it looks good, but it's far too complex a recipe. Yeah. 957 00:40:24,920 --> 00:40:27,040 Well, it's all going to be down to the demo. Yeah. 958 00:40:27,040 --> 00:40:29,320 Shall we? Let's do it. Great job. 959 00:40:30,920 --> 00:40:33,320 Welcome, everyone. Hello! 960 00:40:34,600 --> 00:40:36,880 My name is Andy, I'm here with... Flo. 961 00:40:36,880 --> 00:40:40,640 Today we're going to be doing for you a Two Way British Asparagus Salad. 962 00:40:40,640 --> 00:40:42,360 You can do it in 20 minutes. 963 00:40:42,360 --> 00:40:44,560 Are you ready to do it in 20 minutes, guy? 964 00:40:44,560 --> 00:40:46,360 Yeah? 965 00:40:46,360 --> 00:40:49,240 We'll have a pan for the bulgur quinoa. 966 00:40:49,240 --> 00:40:50,680 We will have a pan for the eggs, 967 00:40:50,680 --> 00:40:52,720 because we're going to boil the eggs. 968 00:40:52,720 --> 00:40:56,840 And we will have another pan to boil the end of the asparagus. 969 00:40:56,840 --> 00:41:00,000 We're going to use some of the water from the asparagus, and we're going 970 00:41:00,000 --> 00:41:02,800 to use that to give it a nice texture, something that's going to 971 00:41:02,800 --> 00:41:04,880 be a bit creamier to add at the end to our salad. 972 00:41:04,880 --> 00:41:06,600 Am I right? You are really right. 973 00:41:06,600 --> 00:41:07,960 Thank you. I like that. 974 00:41:11,600 --> 00:41:13,920 With our dressing and our marinade what we're going to do is, 975 00:41:13,920 --> 00:41:17,480 we're going to start with two tablespoons of our olive oil. 976 00:41:17,480 --> 00:41:18,760 Yeah. 977 00:41:18,760 --> 00:41:20,520 Apple cider vinegar. 978 00:41:20,520 --> 00:41:22,560 We're going to go in with one teaspoon. 979 00:41:26,440 --> 00:41:28,760 Next step, the courgettes. Courgettes, yes. 980 00:41:28,760 --> 00:41:31,640 So, rather than just chopping the courgette, we wanted to add a bit 981 00:41:31,640 --> 00:41:33,760 of, you know, zhoosh to our courgette. 982 00:41:33,760 --> 00:41:35,560 So, basically, we are making little ribbons. 983 00:41:35,560 --> 00:41:37,480 Cos we are not cooking the courgette. 984 00:41:37,480 --> 00:41:40,080 We're going to marinate the courgette with our dressing. 985 00:41:41,800 --> 00:41:44,400 Pour a bit of that marinade in. Et voila. 986 00:41:44,400 --> 00:41:46,760 Are you turning French? Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah, cool. 987 00:41:46,760 --> 00:41:48,160 Everything's a bit better in French. 988 00:41:48,160 --> 00:41:49,520 Oui, Gordon? 989 00:41:49,520 --> 00:41:51,160 Yes. Here we go. 990 00:41:51,160 --> 00:41:52,920 There we go. 991 00:41:57,200 --> 00:42:00,600 You take your little tomatoes, play with the colours, 992 00:42:00,600 --> 00:42:02,600 put them how you want. 993 00:42:02,600 --> 00:42:04,600 We're going to go in with our asparagus. 994 00:42:11,440 --> 00:42:14,240 You take the ribbon. If you want to play with the ribbon, 995 00:42:14,240 --> 00:42:17,840 you can roll it like that with your finger and you can drop it. 996 00:42:17,840 --> 00:42:21,280 Be creative. It's fine. It's your recipe now, right? 997 00:42:21,280 --> 00:42:23,840 So, you take your asparagus, you put them on the top. 998 00:42:23,840 --> 00:42:25,200 Voila. 999 00:42:25,200 --> 00:42:26,800 And the final touch. May I? 1000 00:42:26,800 --> 00:42:28,240 Yeah, go. Please. 1001 00:42:34,760 --> 00:42:37,240 And voila! There you are. 1002 00:42:40,720 --> 00:42:42,360 QUIETLY: Huh? Egg... 1003 00:42:42,360 --> 00:42:44,440 And before we finish... Oh, the egg, yeah. 1004 00:42:44,440 --> 00:42:47,360 Rather than just taking the egg and splitting it, 1005 00:42:47,360 --> 00:42:49,520 we're going to shave it. Exactly. 1006 00:42:49,520 --> 00:42:51,520 Coming out just like that. 1007 00:42:51,520 --> 00:42:54,120 How good is it? Ready to try it? 1008 00:42:57,360 --> 00:42:59,400 We'd love to take some questions. 1009 00:43:00,560 --> 00:43:02,280 Really well done. 1010 00:43:02,280 --> 00:43:05,200 I know it's not easy to cook and talk at the same time. Thank you. 1011 00:43:05,200 --> 00:43:09,920 I guess my first question is maybe about the title of the recipe - 1012 00:43:09,920 --> 00:43:12,680 the Two Way British Asparagus Salad. Yeah. 1013 00:43:12,680 --> 00:43:16,320 I guess what confused me about that is, we've got pomegranates 1014 00:43:16,320 --> 00:43:19,000 from the Middle East, we've got bulgur wheat from the Middle East, 1015 00:43:19,000 --> 00:43:21,040 quinoa from Latin America, 1016 00:43:21,040 --> 00:43:23,080 we've got balsamic glaze from Italy. 1017 00:43:23,080 --> 00:43:26,120 I just wondered how the title fitted with the recipe. 1018 00:43:26,120 --> 00:43:30,000 So, with the "British", we were more so referring to the asparagus itself. 1019 00:43:30,000 --> 00:43:32,280 But we didn't want to just have a generic salad. 1020 00:43:32,280 --> 00:43:34,480 We tried to add different inspirations. 1021 00:43:34,480 --> 00:43:37,520 So, there is a bit of, you know, a difference to this dish. 1022 00:43:38,880 --> 00:43:41,160 It looks delicious and colourful. 1023 00:43:41,160 --> 00:43:42,440 Thank you. 1024 00:43:42,440 --> 00:43:45,360 How would you simplify the recipe? Cos it did feel like a lot of steps. 1025 00:43:45,360 --> 00:43:47,120 OK. 1026 00:43:47,120 --> 00:43:49,720 In terms of courgette, if you don't want to spend time 1027 00:43:49,720 --> 00:43:53,560 doing the ribbons, you can just chop it. It's quicker. 1028 00:43:53,560 --> 00:43:56,920 And, uh...and then you put them in the salad dressing. Mix it. 1029 00:43:56,920 --> 00:43:58,160 Interesting. 1030 00:43:59,320 --> 00:44:01,440 So, on the beautiful picture... Yeah. 1031 00:44:01,440 --> 00:44:05,280 ..you've got whole asparagus, and the dish has got tips of asparagus. 1032 00:44:05,280 --> 00:44:07,920 So it's just a little bit inconsistent. 1033 00:44:07,920 --> 00:44:10,080 Which is the right one to follow? 1034 00:44:10,080 --> 00:44:13,480 We would definitely say to do it this method, mainly because you do 1035 00:44:13,480 --> 00:44:16,600 want to make your sauce out of the hard ends itself. 1036 00:44:16,600 --> 00:44:17,840 Right. 1037 00:44:17,840 --> 00:44:20,160 Excellent, Flo and Andy. Well done, good job. 1038 00:44:28,600 --> 00:44:30,560 Oh, alors. Good. Alors. 1039 00:44:30,560 --> 00:44:32,000 Happy with that? Yeah, I'm happy. 1040 00:44:32,000 --> 00:44:33,720 We couldn't do better. 1041 00:44:34,840 --> 00:44:37,200 Their enthusiasm came through for it, actually, 1042 00:44:37,200 --> 00:44:39,880 and I think that's really important when you're trying to sell a dish. 1043 00:44:39,880 --> 00:44:42,440 It was an entertaining demo. There was bits of humour. 1044 00:44:42,440 --> 00:44:43,920 Could you follow it easily? 1045 00:44:43,920 --> 00:44:45,160 No. No. 1046 00:44:45,160 --> 00:44:47,000 Today has been quite emotional. 1047 00:44:47,000 --> 00:44:49,640 I wanted to show that, OK, I can do it. 1048 00:44:49,640 --> 00:44:52,240 I'm here, this is my job, and I'm good at that. 1049 00:44:52,240 --> 00:44:54,840 I think I'm happy with the result. 1050 00:44:54,840 --> 00:44:58,040 I just think it's a really nice salad, and they overcomplicate it, 1051 00:44:58,040 --> 00:44:59,960 cos the asparagus is great. 1052 00:44:59,960 --> 00:45:02,960 It took 2 of them 20 minutes, so that's 40 minutes cooking time. 1053 00:45:02,960 --> 00:45:04,840 It could be simplified. Yeah. 1054 00:45:04,840 --> 00:45:06,680 And there's a lot of washing-up. 1055 00:45:06,680 --> 00:45:07,960 Yeah, I'm happy with it. 1056 00:45:07,960 --> 00:45:10,040 There's definitely some things that I'd have liked 1057 00:45:10,040 --> 00:45:11,720 to have done a bit different. 1058 00:45:11,720 --> 00:45:14,240 I'm worried that the steps were complicated. 1059 00:45:14,240 --> 00:45:18,000 You know, I struggled to try and get all of the steps in there, 1060 00:45:18,000 --> 00:45:20,240 and still have a small amount of them. 1061 00:45:20,240 --> 00:45:24,120 But I'm just praying it's enough for...to get us through. 1062 00:45:28,120 --> 00:45:30,920 Two really good demos. I mean, potential cover? 1063 00:45:30,920 --> 00:45:33,560 I think they're both...they both could be a potential cover. 1064 00:45:33,560 --> 00:45:35,280 I think there's some title changes 1065 00:45:35,280 --> 00:45:37,480 and I think there's some simplification of both recipes. 1066 00:45:37,480 --> 00:45:40,000 Got a lot to think about here, because it's the semifinal stage. 1067 00:45:40,000 --> 00:45:41,360 Yeah, it's going to be tough. 1068 00:45:41,360 --> 00:45:42,840 You've been amazing, all three of you. 1069 00:45:42,840 --> 00:45:44,440 Thank you so much. Thank you. 1070 00:45:44,440 --> 00:45:47,480 The contenders have given their all. 1071 00:45:47,480 --> 00:45:51,440 Tomorrow, I will decide who will make it into the final. 1072 00:46:15,080 --> 00:46:16,880 How are you guys feeling? 1073 00:46:16,880 --> 00:46:18,760 It's all in the balance now. We don't really know. 1074 00:46:18,760 --> 00:46:20,280 We have no idea. 1075 00:46:23,880 --> 00:46:26,360 Good morning. Good morning. 1076 00:46:31,080 --> 00:46:33,320 Semifinals. 1077 00:46:33,320 --> 00:46:37,800 We are literally within touching distance of the finale. 1078 00:46:39,040 --> 00:46:43,040 This week was all about creating visually-engaging content. 1079 00:46:43,040 --> 00:46:47,600 It's an area that is essential to any food and drink business. 1080 00:46:47,600 --> 00:46:52,040 I set you all a massive task, trying to create a recipe 1081 00:46:52,040 --> 00:46:55,160 to feature on the front cover of the weekend supplement 1082 00:46:55,160 --> 00:46:58,280 for one of the largest supermarkets in the country, 1083 00:46:58,280 --> 00:47:01,400 and then present it to a panel of experts. 1084 00:47:01,400 --> 00:47:04,400 Red Team, Two Way British Asparagus Salad. 1085 00:47:04,400 --> 00:47:05,840 Andy, what does that mean? 1086 00:47:05,840 --> 00:47:08,680 So, firstly, we started with the Two Way because we wanted to 1087 00:47:08,680 --> 00:47:11,280 put emphasis on the fact that it wasn't just one way of doing 1088 00:47:11,280 --> 00:47:14,600 the asparagus and, you know, make use of the hard ends. 1089 00:47:14,600 --> 00:47:17,320 The "British" mainly came from the asparagus being British. 1090 00:47:17,320 --> 00:47:20,400 I took the feedback about, you know, it had the, sort of, almost 1091 00:47:20,400 --> 00:47:22,760 a Middle Eastern feel with pomegranate and stuff. 1092 00:47:22,760 --> 00:47:25,480 It was to have all of the elements of a summery vibe, 1093 00:47:25,480 --> 00:47:27,480 but also have that sweetness... Sure. 1094 00:47:27,480 --> 00:47:30,320 I'm glad you stopped at Two Way, because I don't think any magazine 1095 00:47:30,320 --> 00:47:32,560 would feature a Three Way on the cover. Yeah! 1096 00:47:33,920 --> 00:47:37,320 I'll talk about the elephant in the room here. 1097 00:47:37,320 --> 00:47:42,040 How did we end up with 13 steps for a salad? 1098 00:47:42,040 --> 00:47:45,040 It was a bit of a lack of communication, shall I say, 1099 00:47:45,040 --> 00:47:46,600 just between myself and Flo. 1100 00:47:46,600 --> 00:47:48,200 I was doing the photos. 1101 00:47:48,200 --> 00:47:51,280 I jumped on Andy's work at the beginning to correct the recipe 1102 00:47:51,280 --> 00:47:54,160 and tell him, "OK, we have to be more punchy, short words." 1103 00:47:54,160 --> 00:47:56,920 I did it, and I didn't do it at the end of the recipe. 1104 00:47:56,920 --> 00:47:59,840 I didn't have enough time. So, my bad. 1105 00:47:59,840 --> 00:48:03,040 Talking, cooking, demoing at the same time 1106 00:48:03,040 --> 00:48:05,000 is bloody difficult. 1107 00:48:05,000 --> 00:48:07,600 I just think you made such hard work of something 1108 00:48:07,600 --> 00:48:10,480 that could have been a lot more simpler. 1109 00:48:10,480 --> 00:48:12,600 Right, Blue Team. 1110 00:48:12,600 --> 00:48:14,360 The visuals. 1111 00:48:14,360 --> 00:48:17,400 Why go for one single glass, which is very hard to shoot, 1112 00:48:17,400 --> 00:48:19,240 covered by text? 1113 00:48:19,240 --> 00:48:23,200 In the image, like, ideally we would have had multiple glasses. Yeah. 1114 00:48:23,200 --> 00:48:27,520 But we only had the one, so I just had to get right in close 1115 00:48:27,520 --> 00:48:30,080 with the dish that we had and make it shine. 1116 00:48:30,080 --> 00:48:32,720 It needs napkins, spoon. 1117 00:48:32,720 --> 00:48:34,920 You know, texture. OK. 1118 00:48:36,000 --> 00:48:38,600 This was a kid-friendly recipe. 1119 00:48:38,600 --> 00:48:41,280 White chocolate. Yeah. Double cream. 1120 00:48:41,280 --> 00:48:43,240 Shortbread. Yeah. 1121 00:48:43,240 --> 00:48:45,040 Sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar. 1122 00:48:45,040 --> 00:48:47,640 It was never aimed at children, at all. 1123 00:48:47,640 --> 00:48:50,400 It was something that as a family of four, five, six, 1124 00:48:50,400 --> 00:48:52,920 you could make it, and there's elements in there 1125 00:48:52,920 --> 00:48:55,720 that every single member of the family can enjoy. 1126 00:48:55,720 --> 00:48:58,080 So, they can make it, but the kids can only eat the strawberry, 1127 00:48:58,080 --> 00:49:00,240 because there's too much sugar underneath. No. God, no. 1128 00:49:00,240 --> 00:49:03,240 If you're going to say family-friendly, then you need to be careful. 1129 00:49:03,240 --> 00:49:05,360 OK, on to the results. 1130 00:49:07,800 --> 00:49:10,720 I consulted at length with the panel. 1131 00:49:13,400 --> 00:49:17,080 They were unanimous in their decision. 1132 00:49:18,720 --> 00:49:23,000 The winning team this week and going through to the finale... 1133 00:49:24,080 --> 00:49:26,680 Congratulations... 1134 00:49:26,680 --> 00:49:28,800 ..Blue Team. 1135 00:49:28,800 --> 00:49:29,960 Well done. 1136 00:49:31,320 --> 00:49:33,480 A couple of changes to the images, 1137 00:49:33,480 --> 00:49:37,480 they would be happy to feature your recipe on the cover. 1138 00:49:39,320 --> 00:49:40,760 Congratulations. 1139 00:49:40,760 --> 00:49:43,000 That means you're in the final, both of you. 1140 00:49:45,400 --> 00:49:47,080 Right, unfortunately, Red Team. 1141 00:49:47,080 --> 00:49:49,800 Gallant effort. 1142 00:49:49,800 --> 00:49:53,440 The panel felt, overall, the recipe was just too complicated. 1143 00:49:53,440 --> 00:49:57,920 13 steps for a salad would never make it into the magazine. 1144 00:49:57,920 --> 00:50:01,720 Which means, Andy and Flo, I'd like to see both you in the restaurant 1145 00:50:01,720 --> 00:50:03,840 to grill you on your performances. 1146 00:50:03,840 --> 00:50:06,040 One of you will be making it into the final. 1147 00:50:06,040 --> 00:50:09,080 Sadly, one of you will be going home. 1148 00:50:09,080 --> 00:50:10,800 AMY: Thank you. 1149 00:50:10,800 --> 00:50:12,760 The recipe had a lot in it. 1150 00:50:12,760 --> 00:50:15,240 But, you know, what do... I don't know about cooking. 1151 00:50:15,240 --> 00:50:18,280 I haven't done a demo before and I looked to Flo for guidance at times. 1152 00:50:18,280 --> 00:50:20,520 I can't put the right copy in if I'm not told. 1153 00:50:20,520 --> 00:50:22,600 Yeah, I'm ready to get in there, explain my point. 1154 00:50:22,600 --> 00:50:26,080 And if Gordon, you know, picks me or doesn't, then that's what it is. 1155 00:50:27,960 --> 00:50:29,800 Well done. Thank you. 1156 00:50:29,800 --> 00:50:32,000 I'm upset. I'm really upset. 1157 00:50:32,000 --> 00:50:34,000 It was my fear to be in the grilling. 1158 00:50:34,000 --> 00:50:36,160 In we go. I'm here. 1159 00:50:37,760 --> 00:50:40,960 I just need to fight now to get my place in the final. 1160 00:50:40,960 --> 00:50:43,800 So, yeah, I'm going to fight for my business. 1161 00:50:45,240 --> 00:50:46,720 Flo, sit down, please. 1162 00:50:49,560 --> 00:50:51,600 Andy, take a seat, please. 1163 00:50:53,720 --> 00:50:56,200 We're agonisingly close to the finale. 1164 00:50:56,200 --> 00:50:58,360 The outstanding performances you've put in 1165 00:50:58,360 --> 00:51:00,080 over these last couple of weeks. 1166 00:51:00,080 --> 00:51:01,720 Uh, this is painful. 1167 00:51:01,720 --> 00:51:04,360 Let's talk about the social media performance. 1168 00:51:04,360 --> 00:51:07,480 I failed the challenge. Now I learnt from the challenge. 1169 00:51:07,480 --> 00:51:09,920 I know that I have to focus on the social media. 1170 00:51:09,920 --> 00:51:13,200 If we're going into business, social media is huge, 1171 00:51:13,200 --> 00:51:16,080 and I have to depend on those platforms on a daily basis. Yeah. 1172 00:51:16,080 --> 00:51:17,880 Why are you so anti it? 1173 00:51:17,880 --> 00:51:21,760 Social media takes a lot of time if you want to be good at it. 1174 00:51:21,760 --> 00:51:23,360 So that is one of the reasons. 1175 00:51:23,360 --> 00:51:26,000 So, it's not the fact you don't like it. You just haven't got time to do it. 1176 00:51:26,000 --> 00:51:27,800 I don't have time to do it. Right. 1177 00:51:29,520 --> 00:51:32,560 That social media challenge, how could it go so wrong? 1178 00:51:32,560 --> 00:51:35,520 I think I was just trying to find a balance between my idea 1179 00:51:35,520 --> 00:51:37,520 and how Flo wanted to execute it. 1180 00:51:37,520 --> 00:51:39,320 With what you're saying, I completely agree. 1181 00:51:39,320 --> 00:51:40,960 I was not happy with how it went. 1182 00:51:40,960 --> 00:51:42,520 I know that I am that target market, 1183 00:51:42,520 --> 00:51:44,320 and how I should have performed on it. 1184 00:51:44,320 --> 00:51:48,360 I think I show in my own business how powerful I can be in that realm. 1185 00:51:49,760 --> 00:51:52,920 Let's talk about the potential cover, and then the demo. 1186 00:51:52,920 --> 00:51:54,480 Mm-hm. 1187 00:51:54,480 --> 00:51:59,280 You must have realised that 13 steps across this salad 1188 00:51:59,280 --> 00:52:02,120 was way too many. Yes. 1189 00:52:02,120 --> 00:52:06,000 I think my mistake has been that I didn't explain properly to Andy 1190 00:52:06,000 --> 00:52:09,360 how to combine all the steps together. 1191 00:52:09,360 --> 00:52:12,680 And so, then you have less steps in your recipes. 1192 00:52:12,680 --> 00:52:15,280 I've got 3,500 dishes on my website. 1193 00:52:15,280 --> 00:52:18,280 There's one dish with 11 steps, and it's a beef Wellington. 1194 00:52:18,280 --> 00:52:21,040 A masterpiece, a showpiece... A beef Wellington! Yeah, yeah. 1195 00:52:21,040 --> 00:52:22,640 Your salad had 13 steps. 1196 00:52:22,640 --> 00:52:25,520 I was involved in the copywriting, but I was going off what I was told 1197 00:52:25,520 --> 00:52:27,920 of what was in the recipe, cos I didn't write the recipe. 1198 00:52:27,920 --> 00:52:29,520 I don't know what it's like to cook. 1199 00:52:29,520 --> 00:52:33,680 Flo is the expert in that challenge when it comes to taste and recipes. 1200 00:52:35,080 --> 00:52:38,920 When you've got Great British salad in your title, 1201 00:52:38,920 --> 00:52:41,640 and barely none of those ingredients were from Great Britain, 1202 00:52:41,640 --> 00:52:44,200 what does that say about that whole demo? 1203 00:52:44,200 --> 00:52:46,800 I agreed with the title at the beginning, to be honest. 1204 00:52:46,800 --> 00:52:48,600 It was British asparagus. 1205 00:52:48,600 --> 00:52:51,840 And I wanted to bring a little bit of his culture, a little bit of mine, 1206 00:52:51,840 --> 00:52:54,000 and that has been my mistake, I think. 1207 00:52:55,440 --> 00:52:58,400 If I asked you to do that demo again in half the time, 1208 00:52:58,400 --> 00:53:00,560 in ten minutes, what would you do? 1209 00:53:00,560 --> 00:53:03,760 I would simplify it, I wouldn't have as many cooking elements in there 1210 00:53:03,760 --> 00:53:07,040 and I would remove some of the complexities that was contradicting 1211 00:53:07,040 --> 00:53:08,920 to the fact that it was British. 1212 00:53:10,720 --> 00:53:13,120 There's one spot left in this finale. 1213 00:53:13,120 --> 00:53:15,880 I know how much this means to you, I can see how much effort 1214 00:53:15,880 --> 00:53:18,360 you've put into this competition on a weekly basis. 1215 00:53:18,360 --> 00:53:20,280 Why should you gain that spot? 1216 00:53:20,280 --> 00:53:22,120 I've got eight years of experience. 1217 00:53:22,120 --> 00:53:26,160 Where I started, in Belgravia, in the most competitive area in London, 1218 00:53:26,160 --> 00:53:30,200 my clients put pressure on me every, every single day. 1219 00:53:30,200 --> 00:53:31,800 I know how to deal with that. 1220 00:53:31,800 --> 00:53:34,000 I'm the cool head of the competition. 1221 00:53:34,000 --> 00:53:37,360 In six months' time, I will have another kitchen open, 1222 00:53:37,360 --> 00:53:40,640 and in one year time I will have three kitchens running. 1223 00:53:40,640 --> 00:53:42,520 And we can go everywhere in the world. 1224 00:53:42,520 --> 00:53:44,760 The business is capable. 1225 00:53:44,760 --> 00:53:47,800 What would I see from you if I put you in the finale next week 1226 00:53:47,800 --> 00:53:49,720 that I haven't seen already in this competition? 1227 00:53:49,720 --> 00:53:52,800 I'm here to grow. I'm not here to be heard all the time 1228 00:53:52,800 --> 00:53:54,760 just because I want to say something. 1229 00:53:54,760 --> 00:53:58,000 Across the whole seven weeks, I have been, you know, investable 1230 00:53:58,000 --> 00:54:01,080 by just the fact that I want to learn. That's my dying need here. 1231 00:54:01,080 --> 00:54:03,640 I had a goal to be in this final, 1232 00:54:03,640 --> 00:54:06,120 and I don't think I can go home, because I feel like I've showed 1233 00:54:06,120 --> 00:54:08,280 throughout this seven weeks that I am adaptable. 1234 00:54:08,280 --> 00:54:10,040 I evolve every single time. 1235 00:54:10,040 --> 00:54:12,520 I think it's not just going to be a loss for myself 1236 00:54:12,520 --> 00:54:15,040 if you don't invest in me, I think it will also be for you. 1237 00:54:15,040 --> 00:54:18,000 I think with this industry that I'm in, albeit innovative, 1238 00:54:18,000 --> 00:54:20,760 I'm a maverick in this industry, and I feel I'm going from strength 1239 00:54:20,760 --> 00:54:23,120 to strength every week, but daily as well. 1240 00:54:23,120 --> 00:54:25,360 Thank you, Andy. Thank you, Gordon. 1241 00:54:25,360 --> 00:54:27,480 Flo, thank you. Thank you. 1242 00:54:44,000 --> 00:54:47,680 Flo, Andy, thank you for your time in the restaurant. 1243 00:54:47,680 --> 00:54:51,720 Being this close to the finale and having it within reach, 1244 00:54:51,720 --> 00:54:55,360 I can understand how much this means to both of you. 1245 00:54:57,520 --> 00:55:01,280 Flo, honestly, it was your area of expertise, 1246 00:55:01,280 --> 00:55:05,760 but I don't think you quite delivered across that demonstration. 1247 00:55:08,520 --> 00:55:13,000 Andy, I felt if you'd just communicated more with Flo, 1248 00:55:13,000 --> 00:55:15,960 we wouldn't have ended up in the mess we did. 1249 00:55:17,600 --> 00:55:21,320 This has been a very difficult decision to make. 1250 00:55:23,000 --> 00:55:25,960 The person I will not be investing in... 1251 00:55:29,400 --> 00:55:30,960 ..is Flo. 1252 00:55:32,920 --> 00:55:36,680 Flo, you've been an incredibly strong contender, 1253 00:55:36,680 --> 00:55:39,600 and what you've already achieved across your own business 1254 00:55:39,600 --> 00:55:41,200 is incredible. 1255 00:55:41,200 --> 00:55:45,000 With your determination, I know it's going to be a success. 1256 00:55:45,000 --> 00:55:47,920 Andy, Sam, Amy, congratulations. 1257 00:55:47,920 --> 00:55:52,000 You've all proved to me that you are investable as individuals, 1258 00:55:52,000 --> 00:55:54,880 but now it's going to be about your businesses. 1259 00:55:54,880 --> 00:55:58,480 And, trust me, I will not leave any stone unturned. 1260 00:55:58,480 --> 00:56:00,000 Understood? 1261 00:56:04,640 --> 00:56:07,360 I'm fine... 1262 00:56:07,360 --> 00:56:10,320 Both Andy and Flo had very similar records across this competition, 1263 00:56:10,320 --> 00:56:12,800 and Flo was very unlucky not to make it into the finale. 1264 00:56:12,800 --> 00:56:14,480 I just think when it came down to it, 1265 00:56:14,480 --> 00:56:16,360 I saw a bit more potential in Andy. 1266 00:56:16,360 --> 00:56:19,200 I'm really excited to see what Andy, Amy and Sam will bring 1267 00:56:19,200 --> 00:56:20,560 to the finale next week. 1268 00:56:20,560 --> 00:56:24,040 This will be the hardest challenge they've ever faced. 1269 00:56:24,040 --> 00:56:26,120 I lost. Obviously disappointed. 1270 00:56:26,120 --> 00:56:28,120 I took a risk, it didn't pay off. 1271 00:56:28,120 --> 00:56:30,400 But I'm leaving this competition with my head up, 1272 00:56:30,400 --> 00:56:32,880 and I'm really happy for the other contestants, 1273 00:56:32,880 --> 00:56:35,600 because they have good businesses, too, so it's good. 1274 00:56:35,600 --> 00:56:37,480 It's not nice. It's not. It's fucking horrible. 1275 00:56:37,480 --> 00:56:39,600 I'm just overwhelmed. 1276 00:56:41,760 --> 00:56:43,840 I'm so proud of myself. 1277 00:56:43,840 --> 00:56:46,600 I'm really looking forward to the final and showcasing 1278 00:56:46,600 --> 00:56:48,120 my business to Gordon. 1279 00:56:48,120 --> 00:56:50,560 It's all to play for now, isn't it? 1280 00:56:50,560 --> 00:56:52,720 I'm still not content. Still not content. 1281 00:56:52,720 --> 00:56:54,440 I have to win this thing. 1282 00:56:54,440 --> 00:56:56,520 Proud of myself, all of the goodness. 1283 00:56:56,520 --> 00:56:59,320 but, yeah, I need to... I need to win this. 1284 00:56:59,320 --> 00:57:00,560 Next time... 1285 00:57:00,560 --> 00:57:02,360 Congratulations for making it into the finale. 1286 00:57:02,360 --> 00:57:03,880 I'm going to take that 150 grand home! 1287 00:57:03,880 --> 00:57:06,320 Are you sure it's good? Cos you don't look like you're enjoying it. 1288 00:57:06,320 --> 00:57:07,720 Would you like to try some CBD? 1289 00:57:07,720 --> 00:57:10,400 This investment would absolutely change my life. 1290 00:57:10,400 --> 00:57:13,040 There's nothing to lose by trying to be great. 1291 00:57:13,040 --> 00:57:15,560 In less than five years' time, this could go global. 1292 00:57:15,560 --> 00:57:18,120 I am the best option, and I won't let you down. 1293 00:57:18,120 --> 00:57:19,840 I've made my mind up.