1 00:00:05,867 --> 00:00:07,867 [Bill] Up next, two women 2 00:00:07,867 --> 00:00:09,467 in love with the same man. 3 00:00:09,467 --> 00:00:12,700 [James] These two women wanna spend time with the bad boy, 4 00:00:12,700 --> 00:00:16,000 I think he was a... kind of a gigolo kind of guy. 5 00:00:16,000 --> 00:00:19,000 [Bill] One member of this love triangle is murdered. 6 00:00:19,000 --> 00:00:22,700 They got to the point where they completely hated each other. 7 00:00:22,700 --> 00:00:24,500 [Kelly] If anyone shot in the back of the head 8 00:00:24,500 --> 00:00:26,100 that's an execution. 9 00:00:26,100 --> 00:00:28,000 Somebody wanted that person dead. 10 00:00:28,000 --> 00:00:30,000 [Bill] But even after an arrest, questions remain. 11 00:00:30,000 --> 00:00:31,700 [Bill] But even after an arrest, questions remain. 12 00:00:31,700 --> 00:00:34,500 Everything inside of me had been sucked out. 13 00:00:34,500 --> 00:00:36,333 Hope is gone. 14 00:00:36,634 --> 00:00:38,233 Completely helpless. 15 00:00:41,166 --> 00:00:42,367 [opening theme music playing] 16 00:00:59,700 --> 00:01:00,000 [Bill] Amarillo, the largest city in the Texas Panhandle 17 00:01:00,000 --> 00:01:04,066 [Bill] Amarillo, the largest city in the Texas Panhandle 18 00:01:04,066 --> 00:01:07,467 was once known as the helium capital of the world. 19 00:01:07,467 --> 00:01:11,500 It used to be one of the most helium rich places on the planet. 20 00:01:11,500 --> 00:01:16,266 At one point helium was much more important 21 00:01:16,266 --> 00:01:20,634 in the manufacture of lots of things, 22 00:01:20,634 --> 00:01:24,634 including a lot of military devices and weapons, 23 00:01:26,266 --> 00:01:30,000 it doesn't play as crucial a role now as it once did. 24 00:01:30,000 --> 00:01:30,634 it doesn't play as crucial a role now as it once did. 25 00:01:31,600 --> 00:01:34,500 [Bill] On an April morning in 2014, 26 00:01:34,500 --> 00:01:39,000 local police were called to the outskirts of town to Helium Road. 27 00:01:39,000 --> 00:01:43,467 The name harkening back to Amarillo's former role in helium production. 28 00:01:43,467 --> 00:01:46,700 It's a dirt road, so a lot of people would still use it 29 00:01:46,700 --> 00:01:49,600 uh, for a shortcut to get to where they're going. 30 00:01:49,600 --> 00:01:54,700 [Bill] A sheriff's officer found the body of a young woman lying next to an SUV. 31 00:01:54,700 --> 00:01:58,533 The victim suffered extensive trauma to the back of her head. 32 00:01:58,533 --> 00:02:00,000 She had no ID, no phone, no wallet. 33 00:02:00,000 --> 00:02:02,166 She had no ID, no phone, no wallet. 34 00:02:02,166 --> 00:02:05,700 But investigators were able to trace her vehicle. 35 00:02:05,700 --> 00:02:10,100 It belonged to 32 year old Robin Spielbauer. 36 00:02:10,100 --> 00:02:14,600 [Steve] They informed us based on a couple of pictures that my wife had 37 00:02:14,600 --> 00:02:17,000 that it in fact was Robin. 38 00:02:18,367 --> 00:02:21,734 So we were going through our mind of like okay, 39 00:02:21,734 --> 00:02:23,467 what, who, why? 40 00:02:24,066 --> 00:02:26,734 Um, all sorts of questions. 41 00:02:26,734 --> 00:02:29,867 [Bill] The crime scene provided only a few answers. 42 00:02:29,867 --> 00:02:30,000 Blood evidence showed Robin had been killed where she was found. 43 00:02:30,000 --> 00:02:33,600 Blood evidence showed Robin had been killed where she was found. 44 00:02:33,600 --> 00:02:36,700 Despite the massive blows to the back of her head 45 00:02:36,700 --> 00:02:38,867 that wasn't what killed her. 46 00:02:38,867 --> 00:02:42,166 [Kelly] It was during the autopsy that they discovered that, 47 00:02:42,166 --> 00:02:47,166 she'd actually been shot as well with a 22 caliber weapon. 48 00:02:47,166 --> 00:02:52,100 [Bill] The oddest clue at the scene was on one of the windows of Robin's vehicle. 49 00:02:52,100 --> 00:02:56,734 Their appeared to be a slight damage to the 50 00:02:56,734 --> 00:02:59,000 window itself, like a 51 00:02:59,000 --> 00:03:00,000 like your windshield when a rock hits it creates a little star break. 52 00:03:00,000 --> 00:03:03,266 like your windshield when a rock hits it creates a little star break. 53 00:03:03,266 --> 00:03:05,867 Uh, there were two or three spots like that 54 00:03:05,867 --> 00:03:08,700 and a pink substance of some kind, 55 00:03:08,700 --> 00:03:14,233 and it looked to be associated with these, uh small chips in the window. 56 00:03:17,367 --> 00:03:20,734 [Bill] Robin's murder stunned her family and friends. 57 00:03:20,734 --> 00:03:26,734 [Erin] Robin always had like this here I am personality. 58 00:03:26,734 --> 00:03:30,000 You know, and you knew she was in the room when she was there and 59 00:03:30,000 --> 00:03:30,700 You know, and you knew she was in the room when she was there and 60 00:03:30,700 --> 00:03:32,634 friendly with everybody. 61 00:03:32,634 --> 00:03:37,166 [Bill] Maybe not everybody. Robin the mother of two young girls 62 00:03:37,166 --> 00:03:39,166 had divorced the girl's father 63 00:03:39,166 --> 00:03:42,867 JD Spielbauer just 18 months earlier. 64 00:03:42,867 --> 00:03:48,266 JD and Robin began their romance nearly a decade before Robin's murder. 65 00:03:48,266 --> 00:03:51,600 She was, I think desperately in love with 66 00:03:51,600 --> 00:03:55,000 with Mr. Spielbauer and 67 00:03:55,000 --> 00:03:59,634 very desirous of spending the rest of her life with him and the two of them 68 00:04:00,266 --> 00:04:01,900 uh, raising their children. 69 00:04:03,000 --> 00:04:05,967 [Bill] But JD strayed repeatedly from the marriage. 70 00:04:05,967 --> 00:04:09,367 After seven years together, Robin finally called it quits 71 00:04:09,367 --> 00:04:11,066 and took the kids with her. 72 00:04:12,000 --> 00:04:14,500 JD denied any involvement in her murder. 73 00:04:14,500 --> 00:04:19,734 But even he couldn't deny his place as a prime suspect in his ex-wife's death. 74 00:04:19,734 --> 00:04:22,367 [James] The sheriff's department, they ask him, 75 00:04:22,367 --> 00:04:25,367 "Do you have any information that will be of help to us?" 76 00:04:25,367 --> 00:04:30,000 His response was, No, I don't know of anything, I'm of no help to you. 77 00:04:30,000 --> 00:04:33,066 I just have no information. I don't know anything. 78 00:04:44,634 --> 00:04:48,867 [Bill] When JD Spielbauer and his future wife Robin met in 2003 79 00:04:48,867 --> 00:04:52,166 the relationship turned red hot almost immediately. 80 00:04:52,166 --> 00:04:56,867 They spend all their time together and actually got pregnant within 81 00:04:56,867 --> 00:05:00,166 the first like four to five weeks of them starting dating. 82 00:05:01,166 --> 00:05:05,367 So, it sped everything up a lot faster. 83 00:05:05,367 --> 00:05:08,266 [Bill] Robin's parents were both ex-military. 84 00:05:08,266 --> 00:05:10,367 She grew up at times overseas, 85 00:05:10,367 --> 00:05:12,365 as what some call a military brat. 86 00:05:12,365 --> 00:05:13,467 as what some call a military brat. 87 00:05:13,467 --> 00:05:17,734 JD told her he'd done tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan 88 00:05:17,734 --> 00:05:22,100 He seemed a solid bet as a responsible husband and father. 89 00:05:22,100 --> 00:05:24,533 She was more like, wanted something stable. 90 00:05:25,533 --> 00:05:27,533 And you know, down home, 91 00:05:27,533 --> 00:05:29,533 she wanted a family and just... 92 00:05:30,533 --> 00:05:34,166 the, uh, proverbial house with a picket fence. 93 00:05:36,867 --> 00:05:41,000 [Bill] After the wedding JD began carrying on a couple of affairs 94 00:05:41,000 --> 00:05:42,365 while Robin raised their two young children. 95 00:05:42,365 --> 00:05:43,634 while Robin raised their two young children. 96 00:05:44,734 --> 00:05:48,000 [Erin] She wanted what her parents had so bad, 97 00:05:48,000 --> 00:05:52,867 that she thought she could find a way to make him happy to what he would stay. 98 00:05:52,867 --> 00:05:57,634 [Bill] But JD finally crossed a line that even Robin couldn't tolerate. 99 00:05:57,634 --> 00:06:01,000 He had an affair with a woman names Katie Phipps. 100 00:06:01,000 --> 00:06:03,367 Why was this worse than the others? 101 00:06:03,367 --> 00:06:08,266 Because Katie was someone Robin opened up to about the troubles of her marriage. 102 00:06:08,967 --> 00:06:12,365 Robin knew Katie before JD did and, 103 00:06:12,365 --> 00:06:13,166 Robin knew Katie before JD did and, 104 00:06:13,800 --> 00:06:15,967 as is always the case with 105 00:06:15,967 --> 00:06:20,533 an affair and an unhappy marriage, it eventually resulted in divorce 106 00:06:20,533 --> 00:06:22,634 by 2014. 107 00:06:22,634 --> 00:06:25,634 And... And after that JD had married Katie. 108 00:06:26,367 --> 00:06:28,100 [Bill] To make matters even worse, 109 00:06:28,100 --> 00:06:30,533 JD and his new wife Katie 110 00:06:30,533 --> 00:06:34,266 moved into a house very near where Robin was raising the children 111 00:06:34,266 --> 00:06:35,900 she'd had with JD. 112 00:06:35,900 --> 00:06:40,166 And the weird thing about it was that it was two houses down from our house. 113 00:06:40,166 --> 00:06:42,365 [Bill] This has an inherently volatile situation, 114 00:06:42,365 --> 00:06:43,000 [Bill] This has an inherently volatile situation, 115 00:06:43,000 --> 00:06:48,266 especially with young children being moved between both houses day after day. 116 00:06:48,266 --> 00:06:52,533 Katie and Robin, there were a lot of hostility between the two women 117 00:06:52,533 --> 00:06:56,166 they both, cared about JD and 118 00:06:56,166 --> 00:07:01,166 and, uh JD had been involved with both and it was a classic triangle. 119 00:07:01,166 --> 00:07:04,467 [Bill] Over the 2013 Thanksgiving holidays 120 00:07:04,467 --> 00:07:08,734 The hostility between these two romantic rivals boiled over. 121 00:07:08,734 --> 00:07:12,365 [Erin] Robin walks into the house to go upstairs to get her girls 122 00:07:12,365 --> 00:07:12,867 [Erin] Robin walks into the house to go upstairs to get her girls 123 00:07:12,867 --> 00:07:17,367 and Katie follows her in the house grabs her by the hair, 124 00:07:17,367 --> 00:07:21,734 pulls her down off the stairs onto the floor, 125 00:07:21,734 --> 00:07:25,100 and on top of her where 126 00:07:25,100 --> 00:07:29,867 Robin in turn kicked her off and kicked her into the fire place. 127 00:07:29,867 --> 00:07:32,900 I honestly told her, I said, "She's the kind of crazy that'll kill you." 128 00:07:35,467 --> 00:07:40,100 [Bill] No charges were filed but this did nothing to relieve the tension. 129 00:07:40,100 --> 00:07:42,365 In fact both women were convinced that JD was sleeping which each of them 130 00:07:42,365 --> 00:07:44,533 In fact both women were convinced that JD was sleeping which each of them 131 00:07:44,533 --> 00:07:46,000 behind their backs. 132 00:07:46,000 --> 00:07:50,000 Katie was livid about it and made no secret about it. 133 00:07:50,000 --> 00:07:54,634 She was just hammering on JD everyday in text messages, 134 00:07:54,634 --> 00:07:57,367 "I believe you're having and affair with Robin." 135 00:07:57,367 --> 00:07:59,166 JD would deny it, 136 00:07:59,166 --> 00:08:02,634 but Katie wasn't buying it, she was convinced 137 00:08:02,634 --> 00:08:06,800 that he was seeing Robin behind her back. 138 00:08:06,800 --> 00:08:09,100 [Bill] A search of Katie's cellphone showed that 139 00:08:09,100 --> 00:08:11,734 in the four days before Robin was killed, 140 00:08:11,734 --> 00:08:12,365 she sent more than 300 of these texts, 141 00:08:12,365 --> 00:08:15,000 she sent more than 300 of these texts, 142 00:08:15,000 --> 00:08:19,533 that's an of nearly average of four texts every hour on the hour 143 00:08:19,533 --> 00:08:21,967 twenty four hours a day. 144 00:08:21,967 --> 00:08:25,100 There were text messages with Katie threatening 145 00:08:25,100 --> 00:08:28,367 Robin, either directly or indirectly. 146 00:08:28,367 --> 00:08:30,900 [Kelly] When you read Katie's text messages 147 00:08:30,900 --> 00:08:35,266 she says that, uh she can't do it anymore and she's gonna finish it. 148 00:08:36,367 --> 00:08:40,734 Does that mean murder someone or simply divorce them? 149 00:08:40,734 --> 00:08:42,365 When you see a text message like that, it kind of points 150 00:08:42,365 --> 00:08:44,100 When you see a text message like that, it kind of points 151 00:08:44,100 --> 00:08:46,066 more toward her being guilty. 152 00:08:48,867 --> 00:08:52,967 [Bill] Now, five months after the Thanksgiving altercation 153 00:08:52,967 --> 00:08:57,000 Robin Spielbauer was in a morgue with a fatal bullet wound. 154 00:08:57,000 --> 00:09:02,166 Katie, her romantic rival, clearly had a potential motive to kill her. 155 00:09:02,166 --> 00:09:06,266 But when brought in for questioning her top priority wasn't the murder. 156 00:09:26,266 --> 00:09:29,166 [Bill] Soon Katie had even more things to be upset about. 157 00:09:29,166 --> 00:09:31,900 Detectives located the murder weapon. 158 00:09:31,900 --> 00:09:35,367 They also found this photograph of Katie 159 00:09:35,367 --> 00:09:38,533 holding what looked to be that very same gun. 160 00:09:38,533 --> 00:09:41,967 When I first saw that picture I was like, Oh my gosh she did it. 161 00:09:52,734 --> 00:09:54,166 [Bill] When Katie Phipps emerged 162 00:09:54,166 --> 00:09:57,634 as a possible suspect in the murder of Robin Spielbauer 163 00:09:57,634 --> 00:10:01,900 police searched the home Katie shared with Robin's ex-husband, JD. 164 00:10:02,467 --> 00:10:04,634 During the search warrant 165 00:10:04,634 --> 00:10:09,734 a 22 SIG Sauer Mosquito automatic pistol 166 00:10:09,734 --> 00:10:12,800 was recovered along with several other firearms. 167 00:10:12,800 --> 00:10:16,800 [Bill] This 22 caliber pistol was a distinctive weapon 168 00:10:16,800 --> 00:10:21,166 it had pink polymer plating apparently a marketing device. 169 00:10:21,166 --> 00:10:21,841 With the pink casing you'd automatically assume it's a woman's gun, 170 00:10:21,841 --> 00:10:27,100 With the pink casing you'd automatically assume it's a woman's gun, 171 00:10:27,100 --> 00:10:29,867 misogynistic, yes probably but, 172 00:10:29,867 --> 00:10:31,634 uh, that was one of those things that 173 00:10:31,634 --> 00:10:33,867 immediately pops into your head 174 00:10:33,867 --> 00:10:38,734 The fact that it's pink, fantastic, mine is purple. 175 00:10:38,734 --> 00:10:44,800 It's nothing out of the normal for you know, a lot of people around here in Texas. 176 00:10:44,800 --> 00:10:47,734 [Bill] Investigators now employed a rarely used 177 00:10:47,734 --> 00:10:51,841 but simple forensic technique called a physical fit. 178 00:10:51,841 --> 00:10:52,100 but simple forensic technique called a physical fit. 179 00:10:52,100 --> 00:10:54,166 Like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle 180 00:10:54,166 --> 00:10:58,800 a shard of metal that chipped off the gun and was found at the crime scene, 181 00:10:58,800 --> 00:11:02,533 fit perfectly with the gap left on the gun itself. 182 00:11:02,533 --> 00:11:08,233 And a test fire of the weapon confirmed what this evidence already showed. 183 00:11:08,233 --> 00:11:14,166 It was Katie's gun, there were pictures all over Facebook of her shooting this strange 184 00:11:14,166 --> 00:11:16,000 pink gun. 185 00:11:16,000 --> 00:11:20,433 [Bill] So Katie owned the murder weapon and she clearly had a motive. 186 00:12:02,634 --> 00:12:06,533 [Bill] Katie actually requested polygraph examination. 187 00:12:06,533 --> 00:12:10,734 My lawyer told me, "Do not do this. You are going to fail it, 188 00:12:10,734 --> 00:12:15,000 they want you to fail it. They're going to tell you that you failed it, 189 00:12:15,000 --> 00:12:17,533 hoping that you're going to confess." 190 00:12:17,533 --> 00:12:20,967 Of course I failed it, just like he told me I would. 191 00:12:20,967 --> 00:12:21,841 [Bill] Even worse, Katie did not have a rock solid alibi 192 00:12:21,841 --> 00:12:24,367 [Bill] Even worse, Katie did not have a rock solid alibi 193 00:12:24,367 --> 00:12:25,967 for the night of the murder. 194 00:12:25,967 --> 00:12:29,333 She said, she was at a friend's house close to Helium Road 195 00:12:29,333 --> 00:12:31,333 and never saw Robin that night. 196 00:12:31,333 --> 00:12:34,000 But she turned off her cell phone, 197 00:12:34,000 --> 00:12:36,066 so it couldn't be used to track her. 198 00:12:50,467 --> 00:12:51,841 [Bill] And as an ex-husband, JD had to be looked at 199 00:12:51,841 --> 00:12:54,166 [Bill] And as an ex-husband, JD had to be looked at 200 00:12:54,166 --> 00:12:57,000 as a possible suspect. 201 00:12:57,000 --> 00:13:03,166 A background check revealed that JD's claims to be war veteran were all lies. 202 00:13:03,166 --> 00:13:07,166 I'd rather pissed, 'cause I mean that's uh, 203 00:13:07,166 --> 00:13:09,333 to me it's something you don't lie about. 204 00:13:09,333 --> 00:13:12,166 It just, uh didn't sit well. 205 00:13:12,166 --> 00:13:15,467 [Bill] JD claimed that he had no contact with his ex-wife Robin 206 00:13:15,467 --> 00:13:17,533 on the night she was murdered. 207 00:13:17,533 --> 00:13:21,266 But cellphone records expose this as another lie. 208 00:13:21,266 --> 00:13:21,841 In the text messages, they discovered that 209 00:13:21,841 --> 00:13:24,800 In the text messages, they discovered that 210 00:13:24,800 --> 00:13:29,800 Robin was communicating with JD on the seventh, 211 00:13:29,800 --> 00:13:34,634 several times and making reference to a meeting that was to take place, 212 00:13:34,634 --> 00:13:36,533 with JD. 213 00:13:36,533 --> 00:13:39,634 [Bill] That meeting was set for the night Robin was killed. 214 00:13:39,634 --> 00:13:43,634 When confronted with this evidence JD changed the story. 215 00:13:43,634 --> 00:13:46,533 He admitted meeting Robin at Helium Road 216 00:13:46,533 --> 00:13:49,800 and said someone unexpected showed up in that meeting. 217 00:14:25,467 --> 00:14:28,367 [Bill] But according to JD Katie didn't follow. 218 00:14:28,367 --> 00:14:31,900 He said the two women continued yelling at each other as he drove away. 219 00:14:33,467 --> 00:14:35,800 The next day Robin was found dead. 220 00:14:35,800 --> 00:14:39,867 JD's story or stories were changing by the hour. 221 00:14:39,867 --> 00:14:45,166 But detectives, convinced Katie was the killer, thought there was a good reason. 222 00:14:45,166 --> 00:14:48,467 [James] We believe that JD Spielbauer, 223 00:14:48,467 --> 00:14:51,841 was telling false stories and the stories were changing 224 00:14:51,841 --> 00:14:53,266 was telling false stories and the stories were changing 225 00:14:53,266 --> 00:14:58,333 because he was trying to protect his wife, Katie. 226 00:14:58,333 --> 00:15:00,734 [Bill] Three days after Robin's body was found 227 00:15:00,734 --> 00:15:04,000 Katie was arrested and charged with capital murder. 228 00:15:04,000 --> 00:15:07,166 [Katie] And I looked over and there's my son 229 00:15:07,166 --> 00:15:09,800 getting out of my sister in-laws car. 230 00:15:10,734 --> 00:15:15,066 And he watches them put me on the ground at gun point, 231 00:15:15,066 --> 00:15:16,734 and handcuff me. 232 00:15:18,467 --> 00:15:21,700 And I remember just looking at my son like, 233 00:15:22,467 --> 00:15:25,500 I'm not gonna see you for a long time. 234 00:15:39,634 --> 00:15:42,000 [Bill] Katie Phipps maintained from the beginning that 235 00:15:42,000 --> 00:15:44,467 she had problems with Robin Spielbauer 236 00:15:44,467 --> 00:15:46,734 but would never resort to murder. 237 00:15:46,734 --> 00:15:48,533 Detectives weren't buying it 238 00:15:48,533 --> 00:15:51,333 and Katie remained behind bars for more than a year 239 00:15:51,333 --> 00:15:53,100 while they built their case. 240 00:15:53,100 --> 00:15:55,867 [Katie] I spent my 29th birthday in jail. 241 00:15:55,867 --> 00:15:58,166 I lost my kids to CPS. 242 00:15:58,900 --> 00:16:01,867 My ex-husband took all of my stuff, 243 00:16:01,867 --> 00:16:05,533 except for the little bit of clothes he allowed my brother to come pick up. 244 00:16:05,867 --> 00:16:07,333 I lost everything. 245 00:16:10,967 --> 00:16:15,367 [Bill] JD Spielbauer's cellphone put him at the scene of the murder. 246 00:16:15,367 --> 00:16:19,800 Since Katie's phone was off it could not be used to track her. 247 00:16:21,066 --> 00:16:24,467 But then detectives found out about a relatively new way that 248 00:16:24,467 --> 00:16:29,367 they could pin point her location at the time of the murder. 249 00:16:29,367 --> 00:16:36,066 Mark Sedwick is a member of the FBI's cellular analysis survey team or CAST. 250 00:16:36,066 --> 00:16:38,354 What we do, our biggest thing if there's a kidnapping, 251 00:16:38,354 --> 00:16:39,533 What we do, our biggest thing if there's a kidnapping, 252 00:16:39,533 --> 00:16:43,166 uh, we will do, exploit any phone 253 00:16:43,166 --> 00:16:46,634 social media type data that gives us any location 254 00:16:46,634 --> 00:16:49,367 to try and locate that missing child. 255 00:16:49,367 --> 00:16:54,367 [Bill] This method targets the cellphone's wireless capacity or Wi-Fi 256 00:16:54,367 --> 00:16:56,900 and can provide a nearly exact location. 257 00:16:57,533 --> 00:16:59,867 It doesn't rely on cell towers. 258 00:16:59,867 --> 00:17:02,333 It goes directly to your phone. 259 00:17:02,333 --> 00:17:06,166 You get a lot more accurate readings and the GPS 260 00:17:06,166 --> 00:17:08,354 is your GPS and it works off the satellite 261 00:17:08,354 --> 00:17:08,533 is your GPS and it works off the satellite 262 00:17:08,533 --> 00:17:13,266 uh, your satellite signals that your phone's GPS antenna saves. 263 00:17:13,266 --> 00:17:16,634 [Bill] Since Katie's phone was off on the day of Robin's murder 264 00:17:16,634 --> 00:17:19,166 this wasn't an option with her phone. 265 00:17:19,166 --> 00:17:23,467 But she was seen at numerous points at that day and night 266 00:17:23,467 --> 00:17:26,233 with her eleven year old son Diego. 267 00:17:26,233 --> 00:17:31,000 And the Wi-Fi on his phone was up and running the whole time. 268 00:17:31,000 --> 00:17:33,967 The targeting of that phone left no doubt, 269 00:17:33,967 --> 00:17:38,233 Katie was not at Helium Road when Robin Spielbauer was shot 270 00:17:38,233 --> 00:17:38,354 at about 9:50 that night. 271 00:17:38,354 --> 00:17:40,800 at about 9:50 that night. 272 00:17:40,800 --> 00:17:43,467 We had three adult eye witnesses who all agreed 273 00:17:43,467 --> 00:17:46,266 Diego and Katie were together all day. 274 00:17:46,266 --> 00:17:51,066 She never left or left him there, she never left without Diego. 275 00:17:51,066 --> 00:17:53,333 Katie could never have killed Robin 276 00:17:53,333 --> 00:17:56,166 she was never there, she was never at Helium Road that night. 277 00:17:57,333 --> 00:18:00,100 [Katie] Mr ... said today I am dismissing her case. 278 00:18:01,467 --> 00:18:05,634 And I fell out the chair, and I hit the ground, 279 00:18:05,634 --> 00:18:08,354 and I cried and I cried 280 00:18:08,354 --> 00:18:08,967 and I cried and I cried 281 00:18:08,967 --> 00:18:12,233 and I don't know how long I cried. 282 00:18:14,734 --> 00:18:16,367 [Bill] Following Katie's release, 283 00:18:16,367 --> 00:18:20,533 JD Spielbauer found himself a charge of facing capital murder. 284 00:18:21,800 --> 00:18:25,066 Prosecutors are convinced JD planned the murder. 285 00:18:25,066 --> 00:18:27,333 He lured Robin to Helium Road and had 286 00:18:27,333 --> 00:18:30,734 Katie's pink plated 22 caliber in his trunk. 287 00:18:30,734 --> 00:18:33,166 Robin had no idea what awaited her. 288 00:18:33,166 --> 00:18:36,734 In fact she also wanted the meeting. 289 00:18:36,734 --> 00:18:38,354 [James] She was gonna meet with JD and tell him no more bully calls 290 00:18:38,354 --> 00:18:40,533 [James] She was gonna meet with JD and tell him no more bully calls 291 00:18:40,533 --> 00:18:43,066 it's over she told several other friends, 292 00:18:43,066 --> 00:18:45,734 "I'm ending this affair with JD." 293 00:18:45,734 --> 00:18:50,367 From now on, I only wanna see him if it involves the girls 294 00:18:50,367 --> 00:18:53,367 and I want all of my child support. 295 00:18:53,367 --> 00:18:57,100 [Bill] The couple while in Robin's SUV started fighting. 296 00:18:57,100 --> 00:18:59,800 JD apparently got out of the SUV, 297 00:18:59,800 --> 00:19:04,634 went back to his truck and came back brandishing the pink plated pistol. 298 00:19:04,634 --> 00:19:07,433 Robin hit automatic lock on all her car doors. 299 00:19:08,367 --> 00:19:11,100 JD pounded the gun on the rear window. 300 00:19:11,100 --> 00:19:13,467 Strike marks from the plastic handle, 301 00:19:13,467 --> 00:19:15,367 and the piece of metal chipped of the gun 302 00:19:15,367 --> 00:19:17,634 related match back to Katie's gun. 303 00:19:19,100 --> 00:19:22,533 Ultimately it appears Robin exited her SUV. 304 00:19:22,533 --> 00:19:26,166 Apparently, thinking JD would never actually shoot her. 305 00:19:26,166 --> 00:19:28,100 -[Bill] She was wrong. -[gunshot] 306 00:19:28,100 --> 00:19:32,100 He fired once hitting her and intended to fire again. 307 00:19:32,100 --> 00:19:33,533 But the gun jammed. 308 00:19:33,533 --> 00:19:35,800 It appears he walked back to his truck 309 00:19:35,800 --> 00:19:37,533 came back with some type of tool, 310 00:19:37,533 --> 00:19:38,354 possibly a tire iron and made sure Robin was dead. 311 00:19:38,354 --> 00:19:41,166 possibly a tire iron and made sure Robin was dead. 312 00:19:42,800 --> 00:19:46,734 His attempt to frame Katie for Robin's murder almost worked, 313 00:19:46,734 --> 00:19:49,634 after all the ballistics tied the shell casing 314 00:19:49,634 --> 00:19:51,967 back to Katie's pink pistol. 315 00:19:51,967 --> 00:19:54,100 But JD failed to realize, 316 00:19:54,100 --> 00:19:57,166 cellphone evidence put him at the sight of the murder 317 00:19:57,166 --> 00:19:59,166 and showed Katie was not there. 318 00:20:02,467 --> 00:20:06,367 To pull Arthur Conan Doyle through the lips of Sherlock Holmes 319 00:20:06,367 --> 00:20:08,354 when you have eliminated every other possibility whatever is left 320 00:20:08,354 --> 00:20:10,467 when you have eliminated every other possibility whatever is left 321 00:20:10,467 --> 00:20:11,900 is the truth. 322 00:20:12,634 --> 00:20:14,967 [Bill] In January of 2018, 323 00:20:14,967 --> 00:20:18,734 a jury found JD Spielbauer guilty of first degree murder, 324 00:20:18,734 --> 00:20:21,533 and sentenced him to life in prison. 325 00:20:21,533 --> 00:20:26,533 Katie, forever grateful for the cellphone technology that proved her innocence, 326 00:20:26,533 --> 00:20:30,100 is now using her experience on both sides of the law 327 00:20:30,100 --> 00:20:32,734 as a criminal paralegal near Dallas. 328 00:20:32,734 --> 00:20:35,166 [Katie] Cellphone records are the new DNA. 329 00:20:35,867 --> 00:20:37,634 It doesn't matter, 330 00:20:37,634 --> 00:20:38,354 where you come from in life, how much money you make 331 00:20:38,354 --> 00:20:40,533 where you come from in life, how much money you make 332 00:20:40,533 --> 00:20:42,166 you have a cellphone, 333 00:20:42,166 --> 00:20:44,800 and that cellphone is traceable. 334 00:20:44,800 --> 00:20:49,100 If it wasn't for today's technology 335 00:20:49,100 --> 00:20:51,967 and all the advances that we've made, 336 00:20:51,967 --> 00:20:55,800 I would surely be spending the rest of my life in prison.