1 00:00:06,415 --> 00:00:10,342 (suspenseful music playing) 2 00:00:12,680 --> 00:00:14,513 (man speaking) 3 00:00:42,434 --> 00:00:43,625 (policeman speaking) 4 00:00:47,697 --> 00:00:49,631 (man speaking) 5 00:00:56,706 --> 00:01:00,517 Man: I am being accused of something I had nothing to do with. 6 00:01:02,546 --> 00:01:04,563 If I lose and I go spend 15 years in a cell... 7 00:01:06,292 --> 00:01:07,691 (bleep) 8 00:01:26,161 --> 00:01:28,337 Max: My name is max hiltner, I'm a criminal defense lawyer. 9 00:01:30,649 --> 00:01:32,482 I'm currently representing ramon nieves, 10 00:01:32,576 --> 00:01:35,152 He's charged with felonious assault. 11 00:01:35,170 --> 00:01:37,504 Basically causing, or attempting to cause 12 00:01:37,656 --> 00:01:39,840 Serious physical harm to another person. 13 00:01:39,934 --> 00:01:45,104 In this case, shooting someone in the face with a shotgun. 14 00:01:45,255 --> 00:01:48,565 And if he's convicted, ramon's looking at 15 years in prison. 15 00:01:51,094 --> 00:01:53,094 The shooting took place in athens, ohio, 16 00:01:53,188 --> 00:01:54,696 In January of 2017. 17 00:01:56,525 --> 00:01:59,176 The victim's alex andrews. 18 00:01:59,194 --> 00:02:02,362 As he's doing the dishes, he gets shot through the window 19 00:02:02,456 --> 00:02:05,365 In the left side of his face with birdshot. 20 00:02:05,517 --> 00:02:08,610 So it's small pellets that hit him right in the eye... 21 00:02:08,629 --> 00:02:10,629 And caused a lot of damage. 22 00:02:12,024 --> 00:02:14,191 He was a tattoo artist. 23 00:02:14,209 --> 00:02:15,801 He had to sell that business, he can't do it anymore 24 00:02:16,028 --> 00:02:18,453 Because he's blind in the left eye, 25 00:02:18,547 --> 00:02:21,598 And then his right eye, he's partially blind, but he survived. 26 00:02:24,461 --> 00:02:27,646 The prosecution investigated this case for a couple of years. 27 00:02:27,873 --> 00:02:30,557 It wasn't until two confidential informants, 28 00:02:30,709 --> 00:02:33,301 Ramon's friends, found themselves arrested, 29 00:02:33,395 --> 00:02:36,046 About to be charged, and to get out of it they said, 30 00:02:36,139 --> 00:02:38,215 "oh, we know about a shooting in athens, ohio, 31 00:02:38,233 --> 00:02:39,232 "and we know who did it." 32 00:02:39,385 --> 00:02:42,219 And they said ramon's name. 33 00:02:42,237 --> 00:02:46,498 After that the police got a search warrant for ramon's dad's hunting cabin, 34 00:02:46,725 --> 00:02:51,077 And they found the shotgun, they determined it to be the attempted murder weapon, 35 00:02:51,172 --> 00:02:54,656 And they have the shotgun shell found at the scene. 36 00:02:54,675 --> 00:02:56,824 It has ramon's dna and fingerprints on it. 37 00:02:56,919 --> 00:02:59,419 (suspenseful music playing) 38 00:02:59,571 --> 00:03:03,331 From a jury's standpoint, there's a lot of physical evidence, 39 00:03:03,425 --> 00:03:07,594 And it seems pretty, you know, open and shut that ramon did this. 40 00:03:07,746 --> 00:03:11,523 But ramon's been adamant the entire time he is innocent, 41 00:03:11,750 --> 00:03:14,251 That he was in columbus the day of the shooting. 42 00:03:14,344 --> 00:03:18,271 So, we think that ramon was set up. 43 00:03:18,424 --> 00:03:22,259 The problem is with the facts and all the physical evidence, I'd say at best, 44 00:03:22,352 --> 00:03:24,369 Twenty-five percent chance that ramon doesn't get convicted. 45 00:03:25,948 --> 00:03:28,448 I 100% believe ramon' s innocent. 46 00:03:28,600 --> 00:03:30,500 But it's an extremely tough case to win. 47 00:03:36,625 --> 00:03:38,884 (somber piano music playing) 48 00:03:42,781 --> 00:03:46,783 Ramon: It's really, like, a first-grade science experiment. (snickers) 49 00:03:46,802 --> 00:03:48,060 Come on, buddy. 50 00:03:49,137 --> 00:03:51,879 Yeah, we got power. 51 00:03:51,974 --> 00:03:53,357 That to me is a little victory. 52 00:04:03,744 --> 00:04:06,970 Boredom is a hell of a thing. 53 00:04:06,989 --> 00:04:12,567 And all the science books I have, story of electricity, elements, basic physics. 54 00:04:12,586 --> 00:04:14,086 Something that keep me occupied. 55 00:04:17,741 --> 00:04:20,241 So, this is a g.P.S. Monitor. 56 00:04:20,335 --> 00:04:22,386 I have a 300-foot radius around my house. 57 00:04:23,747 --> 00:04:26,080 That's as far as I can go. 58 00:04:26,174 --> 00:04:29,101 Um... There's no curfew. I'm just here. 59 00:04:30,329 --> 00:04:32,420 Trapped in my house. 60 00:04:32,439 --> 00:04:37,183 I'm not much of a homebody, that person. I'm more... Get out, do things. 61 00:04:37,336 --> 00:04:39,278 Now, I'm just here. 62 00:04:40,672 --> 00:04:41,446 Kind of in a fish bowl. 63 00:04:51,107 --> 00:04:53,850 I spent the last two years, before this whole incident happened, 64 00:04:53,869 --> 00:04:55,519 Trying to build my career, 65 00:04:55,612 --> 00:04:58,688 Working with different human rights groups. 66 00:04:58,707 --> 00:05:01,633 Definitely the happiest times of my life. 67 00:05:01,785 --> 00:05:04,636 I was actually at a point where it was starting to take off, 68 00:05:04,788 --> 00:05:07,264 And then everything just got stripped away. 69 00:05:09,201 --> 00:05:10,100 It's ruined my career. 70 00:05:11,703 --> 00:05:14,313 Put a strain on all my relationships, basically. 71 00:05:14,540 --> 00:05:17,316 This has ruined who I am as a person. 72 00:05:19,061 --> 00:05:21,153 I didn't do this. I wasn't there. 73 00:05:28,162 --> 00:05:30,495 (dramatic music playing) 74 00:05:39,322 --> 00:05:40,897 -Max. -Ramon. What's up, man? 75 00:05:40,990 --> 00:05:42,007 -How's it going, man? -Good, man. 76 00:05:50,759 --> 00:05:54,411 All right, ramon, so we're here today to talk about the charges 77 00:05:54,504 --> 00:05:56,746 That you currently have against you. 78 00:05:56,765 --> 00:05:59,024 So you've got the felonious assault, 79 00:05:59,175 --> 00:06:02,769 And that you used a gun to shoot alex andrews. 80 00:06:02,863 --> 00:06:04,446 Where were you at the time of the shooting? 81 00:06:05,699 --> 00:06:06,823 I would have been in columbus. 82 00:06:09,428 --> 00:06:13,279 Columbus which is a little over an hour away from athens. 83 00:06:13,432 --> 00:06:16,023 -Did you know alex andrews? -Ramon: No. 84 00:06:16,118 --> 00:06:18,526 Ramon: I've only ever met him once. 85 00:06:18,620 --> 00:06:21,546 I know of the guy. I mean, he runs a tattoo parlor in athens. 86 00:06:22,365 --> 00:06:23,715 Max: Okay. 87 00:06:23,942 --> 00:06:26,218 Felonious assault is punishable by... 88 00:06:26,369 --> 00:06:28,553 Up to eight years in prison, okay? 89 00:06:28,705 --> 00:06:31,056 And then there's a firearm specification, because they're alleging 90 00:06:31,207 --> 00:06:33,892 That you used a gun, you know, to commit this crime. 91 00:06:34,119 --> 00:06:37,396 That's an additional mandatory three years, okay? 92 00:06:37,547 --> 00:06:41,307 And because they say you tampered with your ankle bracelet, 93 00:06:41,460 --> 00:06:45,128 That is tampering with evidence. So, that's punishable by three years, 94 00:06:45,221 --> 00:06:48,055 And then they are saying you damaged the device. 95 00:06:48,075 --> 00:06:50,800 Vandalism is punishable by up to one year. 96 00:06:50,894 --> 00:06:54,329 That's how we get to a total of 15 years of total potential liability. 97 00:06:57,233 --> 00:06:58,642 I think... 98 00:06:58,660 --> 00:07:00,644 The tampering with evidence and the vandalism 99 00:07:00,737 --> 00:07:04,071 Shows just the lengths that the state's willing to go to get you on something. 100 00:07:04,091 --> 00:07:05,573 -Right. -Okay? 101 00:07:05,592 --> 00:07:07,259 Because I think we both agree that it's total bs. 102 00:07:07,928 --> 00:07:09,486 Yeah. 103 00:07:09,504 --> 00:07:12,672 The way they identified you as a suspect in this case 104 00:07:12,824 --> 00:07:16,493 Is based on the testimony of two old friends, 105 00:07:16,586 --> 00:07:18,270 These confidential informants, 106 00:07:18,497 --> 00:07:20,664 Who were trying to get out of different charges, 107 00:07:20,757 --> 00:07:23,567 Told investigators that you had something to do with this. 108 00:07:34,938 --> 00:07:37,347 Based on what these people told investigators, 109 00:07:37,440 --> 00:07:39,875 They searched your dad's hunting cabin, 110 00:07:41,203 --> 00:07:44,963 And tested one of the shotguns. 111 00:07:45,190 --> 00:07:49,468 And that shotgun was shown to be the weapon that shot alex andrews. 112 00:07:52,547 --> 00:07:58,143 They were able to prove that based on pinpoint or firing pin impressions, 113 00:07:58,294 --> 00:08:00,203 'cause every firearm leaves a certain pin impression 114 00:08:00,222 --> 00:08:03,206 And the shell casing left at the scene 115 00:08:03,225 --> 00:08:08,228 Had that pin impression from the gun in your dad's hunting cabin. 116 00:08:08,380 --> 00:08:11,156 The shell casings also have your dna and fingerprints on them. 117 00:08:13,051 --> 00:08:14,159 But you've been adamant from the very beginning 118 00:08:14,310 --> 00:08:16,661 That you were set up, that you did not do this. 119 00:08:16,888 --> 00:08:23,001 So, how are we going to explain that your fingerprints and dna get on the shell casing? 120 00:08:24,171 --> 00:08:25,745 Ramon: That's simple. 121 00:08:25,839 --> 00:08:27,822 I handle all the shells. 122 00:08:27,841 --> 00:08:30,634 I mean, everything there at our property is inventoried, 123 00:08:31,753 --> 00:08:33,678 And I am the one who does that. 124 00:08:33,905 --> 00:08:36,422 What do you guys do with the shotgun shells that you've already shot? 125 00:08:36,575 --> 00:08:38,424 Any spent casings, if we find them, we... 126 00:08:38,519 --> 00:08:40,910 Generally tend to pick them up, throw them away. 127 00:08:41,004 --> 00:08:43,838 Uh, well, we keep them in our property. 128 00:08:43,857 --> 00:08:45,840 Okay. 129 00:08:45,934 --> 00:08:48,026 So, you mean, throw them away, you just put them in-- 130 00:08:48,253 --> 00:08:50,754 -You just mean put them in the trashcan on the property. -Yeah. Yeah, we got a bin. 131 00:08:50,772 --> 00:08:55,108 -Did anybody else have access, uh, to the hunting cabin? -Yes. 132 00:08:55,202 --> 00:08:56,593 Other individuals. 133 00:08:56,611 --> 00:08:59,037 (suspenseful music playing) 134 00:08:59,264 --> 00:09:01,373 Max: Did the confidential informants have access? 135 00:09:01,933 --> 00:09:02,707 Yeah. 136 00:09:04,786 --> 00:09:07,879 -So, the cis could have set you up. -That's what I'm thinking. 137 00:09:11,200 --> 00:09:12,942 Max: I'm gonna be super honest with you. 138 00:09:13,036 --> 00:09:16,388 The forensic evidence looks really bad on the surface, okay? 139 00:09:16,539 --> 00:09:18,723 And the prosecution's gonna want the jury to believe 140 00:09:18,950 --> 00:09:20,350 That based on that evidence alone, you're guilty. 141 00:09:22,804 --> 00:09:26,456 We got a rough hill to climb, but we tell your story to the jury, 142 00:09:26,549 --> 00:09:30,977 And I think they're going to see that other people had access to the dome, 143 00:09:31,071 --> 00:09:35,481 And, you know, had means and opportunity, you know, to set you up. 144 00:09:35,634 --> 00:09:36,741 Ramon: Thanks, max. 145 00:09:41,564 --> 00:09:43,306 Max: Jurors love to see the forensics 146 00:09:43,325 --> 00:09:45,232 And here they have the smoking gun. 147 00:09:45,252 --> 00:09:47,160 On the shell casing at the scene of the shooting, 148 00:09:47,254 --> 00:09:48,878 Is ramon's dna and fingerprints. 149 00:09:50,406 --> 00:09:53,258 This is an extremely strong forensic case, 150 00:09:53,409 --> 00:09:54,818 But we just have to prove that he was set up, 151 00:09:54,836 --> 00:09:55,927 Which is going to be very difficult. 152 00:09:56,930 --> 00:10:00,098 Ramon's life's on the line. 153 00:10:00,325 --> 00:10:05,178 Ramon: I am being accused of shooting a person I have met one time, 154 00:10:05,272 --> 00:10:07,513 Someone who I had nothing to do with. 155 00:10:07,666 --> 00:10:09,833 And I'm looking at 15 years of my life, 156 00:10:09,851 --> 00:10:13,186 Plus the years of my life they've already taken. 157 00:10:13,280 --> 00:10:17,431 The prosecutors aren't interested in justice or the truth. 158 00:10:17,525 --> 00:10:21,769 They're just interested in a body, and currently, I am that body. 159 00:10:21,863 --> 00:10:23,788 So, I'm terrified about prison. 160 00:10:36,544 --> 00:10:40,287 Max: Ramon's charged with felonious assault for allegedly shooting 161 00:10:40,307 --> 00:10:43,141 Alex andrews in the face with a shotgun. 162 00:10:43,292 --> 00:10:46,478 And if he's convicted, he's looking at 15 years in prison. 163 00:10:56,231 --> 00:10:59,899 We know where ramon was working the day that alex andrews was shot. 164 00:11:00,051 --> 00:11:02,402 He was working on the west side of columbus, 165 00:11:02,554 --> 00:11:05,405 Several hours away at a hotel. 166 00:11:05,499 --> 00:11:10,317 The prosecution are alleging that ramon drove from columbus, to the hunting cabin, 167 00:11:10,337 --> 00:11:13,320 Picked up a gun, went to the victim's house, 168 00:11:13,340 --> 00:11:18,584 Shot him in the face, then drove back to columbus in time, that night, 169 00:11:18,737 --> 00:11:21,179 To start his shift the next morning at 6 a.M. 170 00:11:25,501 --> 00:11:27,243 So, I've got to sit down with ramon, 171 00:11:27,262 --> 00:11:29,854 Go over that route with him, and see if it's even possible. 172 00:11:33,026 --> 00:11:35,268 So, ramon, we know based on your work records, 173 00:11:35,362 --> 00:11:37,270 Which we have, 174 00:11:37,422 --> 00:11:42,033 That you worked the shift before alex andrews was shot in columbus 175 00:11:42,260 --> 00:11:44,351 And then you worked a shift after... 176 00:11:44,371 --> 00:11:45,704 -Right. -...Alex andrews was shot. 177 00:11:48,934 --> 00:11:52,669 The state believes this is the route you took to go shoot alex andrews. 178 00:11:53,714 --> 00:11:57,790 So, to go from your work 179 00:11:57,943 --> 00:12:00,885 To the hunting cabin, where they say you went to go get the gun. 180 00:12:01,037 --> 00:12:04,964 Then they say from there you went to go shoot alex andrews, 181 00:12:05,058 --> 00:12:07,283 And then from there, went back to the hunting cabin, 182 00:12:07,302 --> 00:12:09,302 Dropped the gun back off again. 183 00:12:09,454 --> 00:12:11,788 And then went from your hunting cabin... 184 00:12:11,806 --> 00:12:14,640 To your house in the west side of columbus. 185 00:12:14,735 --> 00:12:17,051 So, that entire trip, 186 00:12:17,070 --> 00:12:20,646 No stops, no nothing, no delays, no gas... 187 00:12:20,741 --> 00:12:24,634 Is eight hours and 42 minutes, and it's 538 miles. 188 00:12:24,652 --> 00:12:26,319 My car can't even do that. 189 00:12:26,471 --> 00:12:28,488 Yeah, well, that actually brings me to my next question. 190 00:12:28,640 --> 00:12:30,081 What kind of car were you driving at that time? 191 00:12:30,233 --> 00:12:31,583 Uh, cavalier. 192 00:12:32,419 --> 00:12:34,235 Okay. 193 00:12:34,329 --> 00:12:36,646 So, it's just a two wheel drive, front wheel drive car, right? 194 00:12:36,739 --> 00:12:39,549 Yeah. And I'm pretty sure it only can get 300 miles out of a tank. 195 00:12:41,261 --> 00:12:43,410 Max: What's the driveway made of up to the hunting cabin? 196 00:12:43,505 --> 00:12:44,670 Because I know it's very rural. 197 00:12:44,765 --> 00:12:46,005 It's just dirt. 198 00:12:46,157 --> 00:12:47,490 I mean, there's a little bit of gravel on it, 199 00:12:47,583 --> 00:12:48,992 But most of it is washed away. 200 00:12:49,085 --> 00:12:50,769 Okay. Is it hilly? Is it flat? 201 00:12:50,920 --> 00:12:52,437 And, uh, it's hilly. 202 00:12:52,588 --> 00:12:54,421 It's beat up. 203 00:12:54,441 --> 00:12:56,015 Max: Would your car be able to get up there? 204 00:12:56,167 --> 00:12:57,667 Ramon: If it's wet, zero chance. 205 00:12:57,685 --> 00:12:59,185 (suspenseful music playing) 206 00:12:59,337 --> 00:13:01,762 Max: Well, this is ohio in January. 207 00:13:01,782 --> 00:13:03,673 There's likely at least snow. 208 00:13:03,691 --> 00:13:05,933 Would you have been able to get your car up there in January? 209 00:13:05,952 --> 00:13:07,677 No. You need a truck. 210 00:13:07,695 --> 00:13:10,789 -Okay. Did you have a truck at the time? -No. 211 00:13:11,016 --> 00:13:12,290 Ramon: If the car can't get up, you gotta walk. 212 00:13:13,460 --> 00:13:15,184 Could you have walked it at the time? 213 00:13:15,203 --> 00:13:17,353 No. My leg was messed up. 214 00:13:17,446 --> 00:13:18,538 -You were injured? -Yeah. 215 00:13:18,690 --> 00:13:19,872 What did you do to your leg? 216 00:13:20,025 --> 00:13:22,191 I got injured in an accident. 217 00:13:22,285 --> 00:13:23,301 I'm pretty sure I was still on a cane. 218 00:13:24,362 --> 00:13:25,878 I did get an x-ray. 219 00:13:25,972 --> 00:13:29,307 -They told me that I probably tore my acl. -Okay. 220 00:13:29,458 --> 00:13:32,368 -So, your car can't get up the driveway in January? -No way. 221 00:13:32,461 --> 00:13:35,204 -You physically couldn't get up the driveway in January? -Definitely not. 222 00:13:35,223 --> 00:13:37,874 (suspenseful music playing) 223 00:13:37,967 --> 00:13:41,486 Max: They have nothing that puts you in athens or doing this trip. 224 00:13:41,637 --> 00:13:42,654 You'd have to keep a low profile. 225 00:13:42,805 --> 00:13:44,638 No speeding tickets. 226 00:13:44,732 --> 00:13:47,492 Not captured at any gas stations or anything like that. No receipts. 227 00:13:47,643 --> 00:13:50,644 You know, refueling. I mean, nothing. 228 00:13:50,664 --> 00:13:53,331 So, yeah, I think mapping this out is extremely helpful. 229 00:13:53,558 --> 00:13:55,834 If it's impossible for you to have done it, 230 00:13:56,061 --> 00:13:57,669 It really puts a hole in their case. 231 00:14:03,492 --> 00:14:05,343 (dramatic music playing) 232 00:14:12,001 --> 00:14:15,186 Max: I mean, look at how we're bouncing around. This is insane. 233 00:14:27,516 --> 00:14:32,704 The confidential informants, these ci's say that ramon drove out here 234 00:14:32,931 --> 00:14:38,042 On this road in January where there would have been snow on the ground. 235 00:14:38,194 --> 00:14:41,880 There's no way he made this drive in a cavalier. No way. 236 00:14:49,114 --> 00:14:50,555 It's a lot bigger than I thought it would be. 237 00:14:50,706 --> 00:14:54,300 It is. It's crazy that ramon and his dad built this place. 238 00:14:54,394 --> 00:14:56,895 Max: Yeah. 239 00:14:57,046 --> 00:15:01,048 What we want to prove as part of this elaborate setup was that the ci's 240 00:15:01,067 --> 00:15:05,737 Could have come out here at any point in time, picked an ejected shotgun shell 241 00:15:05,964 --> 00:15:08,389 Out of one of ramon's guns that's on the ground. 242 00:15:08,483 --> 00:15:12,135 -Lauren: Yeah -max: And that would have ramon's dna on it. 243 00:15:12,228 --> 00:15:15,972 -Right here on this panel, that's all bird shot. -Lauren: Yeah. 244 00:15:16,065 --> 00:15:17,898 On the pin there, that's bird shot. 245 00:15:17,918 --> 00:15:21,310 So same type of ammunition used to shoot alex andrews. 246 00:15:21,329 --> 00:15:22,253 So, right here. 247 00:15:26,668 --> 00:15:30,428 Yeah. Right here. We've got a little remington, uh, .223 round 248 00:15:30,579 --> 00:15:33,414 Now it has my touch dna on it because we're just dealing with skin cell dna. 249 00:15:33,433 --> 00:15:37,677 -Lauren: Yeah. -Max: But this has whoever's dna shot it, on it. 250 00:15:37,829 --> 00:15:40,754 Lauren: We know that the ci's had access, 251 00:15:40,774 --> 00:15:45,276 But their dna was never tested against the bullet. Is that right? 252 00:15:45,428 --> 00:15:49,005 No, they just tested against ramon and it had ramon's dna. 253 00:15:49,023 --> 00:15:51,449 But it's his gun and he's out here shooting stuff all the time. 254 00:15:51,600 --> 00:15:53,785 Like this, I guarantee if we tested, it has ramon's dna on it. 255 00:16:04,522 --> 00:16:05,421 Hey, max. 256 00:16:07,801 --> 00:16:10,860 Max: And there's the shell casing. Where are those at? 257 00:16:10,878 --> 00:16:12,211 -Lauren: In the trash. -Max: Really? 258 00:16:12,363 --> 00:16:13,713 Yeah. 259 00:16:13,807 --> 00:16:16,307 These, 100%, would have somebody's dna on it. 260 00:16:16,534 --> 00:16:20,794 So if the ci's came up here, they would know that ramon picks up his empties, 261 00:16:20,814 --> 00:16:24,040 Throws them in the trash. So they wouldn't even have to go scouring the field. 262 00:16:24,058 --> 00:16:24,983 They could walk right over, 263 00:16:26,635 --> 00:16:27,819 Pick out of the trash, 264 00:16:27,970 --> 00:16:29,654 The box of spent shells, 265 00:16:29,805 --> 00:16:32,565 Carry it with them, drop it at the scene of the shooting. 266 00:16:32,717 --> 00:16:34,884 And boom, you've got a suspect. 267 00:16:34,977 --> 00:16:38,145 Lauren: I think those are the exact same type of the spent shell casing 268 00:16:38,164 --> 00:16:39,813 That was found at the scene, right? 269 00:16:39,833 --> 00:16:41,958 Max: They are, and these are birdshot. 270 00:16:42,669 --> 00:16:44,168 This is huge. 271 00:16:44,395 --> 00:16:46,337 We've got to document this for trial 272 00:16:46,564 --> 00:16:47,672 Because these are exhibits we can use. 273 00:16:48,750 --> 00:16:50,991 Oh, we got another one. 274 00:16:51,011 --> 00:16:54,754 Today we learned that it's entirely possible that 275 00:16:54,906 --> 00:16:57,515 The two ci's set ramon up for the shooting 276 00:16:57,742 --> 00:17:00,167 Which is the whole theory of our case. 277 00:17:00,186 --> 00:17:03,021 Anybody could pick up any of these spent shell casings, 278 00:17:03,248 --> 00:17:06,673 Any of these spent cartridges, and that they would have ramon's dna on them, 279 00:17:06,693 --> 00:17:08,267 And put it wherever they wanted to. 280 00:17:08,361 --> 00:17:10,753 So that's all anybody would have to do. 281 00:17:10,846 --> 00:17:12,697 It's totally possible that 282 00:17:12,848 --> 00:17:15,324 Ramon's dna gets to the crime scene, and he was never there. 283 00:17:26,212 --> 00:17:27,937 -Ramon: Hey -hey, son, how you doing? 284 00:17:27,955 --> 00:17:29,672 Ramon: I'm good. How are you, man? Good to see you. 285 00:17:41,061 --> 00:17:45,229 You're in trouble now, boy. No, your not... (laughs) 286 00:17:45,456 --> 00:17:47,640 Ramon: My dad's one of my best friends. 287 00:17:47,792 --> 00:17:49,233 He's definitely a hero of mine. 288 00:17:51,296 --> 00:17:53,863 He's always had my back, no matter how weird it's gotten. 289 00:17:54,890 --> 00:17:56,557 I mean, financially, 290 00:17:56,651 --> 00:17:59,318 There's no way I could have done this without him. 291 00:17:59,470 --> 00:18:02,805 Um, I could not afford max as a lawyer. 292 00:18:02,824 --> 00:18:05,658 All that takes money and that's money he's saved up 293 00:18:05,810 --> 00:18:09,587 For his retirement and now it's being spent towards this case. 294 00:18:11,740 --> 00:18:13,091 Ah, checkmate. 295 00:18:14,335 --> 00:18:16,819 He's got me beat. Done for. 296 00:18:16,838 --> 00:18:18,930 (both laugh) 297 00:18:19,081 --> 00:18:20,431 -Good game. -Antonio: That was good. 298 00:18:22,251 --> 00:18:24,393 (somber music playing) 299 00:18:26,088 --> 00:18:26,896 Antonio: Ramon is a go getter, 300 00:18:27,607 --> 00:18:28,439 He's a hard worker 301 00:18:29,016 --> 00:18:30,499 And so... 302 00:18:30,518 --> 00:18:32,944 Being cooped up in the house, under house arrest 303 00:18:33,095 --> 00:18:36,339 -For two years now, two and a half years... -Ramon: Yeah, roughly. 304 00:18:36,432 --> 00:18:37,240 ...Has been very difficult. 305 00:18:39,101 --> 00:18:41,435 I worry about you going to jail, 306 00:18:41,529 --> 00:18:45,456 I know that being in jail is a "dog eat dog" situation. 307 00:18:47,034 --> 00:18:47,792 What are your fears? 308 00:18:50,371 --> 00:18:52,421 I mean, obviously, I'm worried about going to prison. 309 00:18:53,967 --> 00:18:57,135 And, you know, it's a harsh environment. 310 00:19:00,531 --> 00:19:01,430 Antonio: It's a dangerous situation. 311 00:19:04,627 --> 00:19:05,476 See you soon. 312 00:19:07,981 --> 00:19:09,814 Having one of your children accused of doing 313 00:19:09,965 --> 00:19:13,225 A crime and having to spend numbers of years in jail 314 00:19:13,378 --> 00:19:15,778 Is a very stressful and it's very painful. 315 00:19:17,732 --> 00:19:19,973 I'm thinking about my son and how I can help him the most 316 00:19:20,067 --> 00:19:21,492 In this dire situation. 317 00:19:23,721 --> 00:19:25,997 He's a people's person, he's always out making friends. 318 00:19:27,000 --> 00:19:29,000 He's a good kid. 319 00:19:29,151 --> 00:19:31,836 The system has never been for black or puerto ricans. 320 00:19:31,987 --> 00:19:35,064 He could be treated differently because of his color. 321 00:19:35,082 --> 00:19:36,966 I'm worried about him going to prison and never coming out. 322 00:19:41,514 --> 00:19:43,973 (dramatic music playing) 323 00:20:00,349 --> 00:20:03,259 Max: The confidential informants, ramon's friends, 324 00:20:03,352 --> 00:20:07,187 Are the ones that started the whole investigation into ramon. 325 00:20:07,207 --> 00:20:09,356 Sometimes informants are confidential 326 00:20:09,375 --> 00:20:11,876 Because they know the person that they are pointing the finger at. 327 00:20:12,954 --> 00:20:15,104 It could just be john doe, 328 00:20:15,122 --> 00:20:17,197 A law-abiding citizen who is coming forward, 329 00:20:17,217 --> 00:20:19,550 But is sort of afraid of retribution, 330 00:20:19,702 --> 00:20:21,368 Doesn't want their name out there. 331 00:20:21,387 --> 00:20:23,279 Or it could be like a jailhouse snitch 332 00:20:23,297 --> 00:20:25,130 That's coming forward, you know, 333 00:20:25,225 --> 00:20:27,783 To sort of lighten a sentence or get out of trouble. 334 00:20:27,802 --> 00:20:28,951 -Hey, lauren. -Lauren: Hey. 335 00:20:29,044 --> 00:20:30,061 Ready to dig into these tapes? 336 00:20:30,972 --> 00:20:32,855 -Lauren: I am. -Good. 337 00:20:36,294 --> 00:20:37,293 Max: Our theory is that 338 00:20:37,386 --> 00:20:39,962 Ramon was set up by these two. 339 00:20:39,981 --> 00:20:42,147 So seeing how credible they are is everything, 340 00:20:42,300 --> 00:20:43,741 Because that's the story we're going to tell to the jury. 341 00:20:57,924 --> 00:21:00,758 So both these ci friends of ramon, 342 00:21:00,985 --> 00:21:03,168 Uh, are basically saying he shot him 343 00:21:03,263 --> 00:21:06,413 And that he confessed this to us at a party. 344 00:21:06,432 --> 00:21:11,602 And then they say ramon and the victim have, like, a woman in common. 345 00:21:14,515 --> 00:21:17,016 It sounds like there was some bad blood for a while between them. 346 00:21:17,110 --> 00:21:19,001 Max: Yeah. 347 00:21:19,020 --> 00:21:21,112 If you believe them, ramon's the new boyfriend trying to protect 348 00:21:22,023 --> 00:21:23,281 His new girlfriend. 349 00:21:24,450 --> 00:21:26,175 That gives the motive 350 00:21:26,193 --> 00:21:28,344 That we didn't know before. 351 00:21:28,437 --> 00:21:30,679 If there's a woman in common, 352 00:21:30,698 --> 00:21:34,016 Potentially some overlap, maybe the prosecution's going to say that's the motive. 353 00:21:34,109 --> 00:21:36,018 When it turns into a thing about a girl 354 00:21:36,037 --> 00:21:39,297 That becomes a more clear, understandable, relatable, 355 00:21:40,133 --> 00:21:41,132 Believable motive. 356 00:21:42,710 --> 00:21:46,286 These guys are really tough witnesses for us. 357 00:21:46,380 --> 00:21:49,473 I mean, if the fingerprints and the dna weren't damning enough... 358 00:21:50,626 --> 00:21:52,535 Max: These two ci's 359 00:21:52,553 --> 00:21:53,602 Could really sink our case. 360 00:22:02,380 --> 00:22:04,213 Max: So both these confidential informants, 361 00:22:04,231 --> 00:22:06,473 These ci's, are basically saying 362 00:22:06,492 --> 00:22:10,661 Ramon and the victim have, like, a woman in common. 363 00:22:12,147 --> 00:22:13,622 -And that is not good for us. -No. 364 00:22:16,318 --> 00:22:17,893 Max: The thing that bothers me is 365 00:22:17,912 --> 00:22:21,005 The detail of the shooting that only the shooter would know. 366 00:22:21,566 --> 00:22:23,490 Mm-hm. 367 00:22:23,509 --> 00:22:26,802 The ci says where the shooter was positioned, which we know is true. 368 00:22:28,997 --> 00:22:30,348 The kitchen window, right? 369 00:22:30,575 --> 00:22:33,834 Max: Yeah, outside the kitchen window. 370 00:22:33,853 --> 00:22:36,579 And then the most important thing, which again, 371 00:22:36,597 --> 00:22:39,081 I think, is terrible for us is, 372 00:22:39,100 --> 00:22:42,918 He describes the shooter shooting him once 373 00:22:42,937 --> 00:22:46,012 And then going to shoot him with a second shot, 374 00:22:46,032 --> 00:22:51,260 But the gun jammed and that the second round ejected 375 00:22:51,353 --> 00:22:52,286 And then was left on the ground. 376 00:22:53,931 --> 00:22:56,765 Those are extremely accurate details 377 00:22:56,784 --> 00:22:58,767 That nobody knows 378 00:22:58,786 --> 00:23:01,295 Except for the shooter, or somebody that was there. 379 00:23:03,457 --> 00:23:06,792 So, either ramon actually said this stuff to these ci's 380 00:23:06,944 --> 00:23:09,128 Or these ci's were there. 381 00:23:09,280 --> 00:23:11,347 That's the only other possible explanation. 382 00:23:13,117 --> 00:23:15,059 They have been picked up in a criminal matter. 383 00:23:16,229 --> 00:23:18,378 And they're telling this story 384 00:23:18,398 --> 00:23:20,639 -As sort of a get-out-of-jail-free card. -Yeah. 385 00:23:20,733 --> 00:23:23,125 The only other alternative is these two did it 386 00:23:23,144 --> 00:23:26,145 And are setting up ramon. That's the only thing. But that is... 387 00:23:26,297 --> 00:23:29,131 -That is a tall order to get a jury to believe. -Yeah 388 00:23:29,150 --> 00:23:31,725 Because it's ramon's dna and fingerprints 389 00:23:31,819 --> 00:23:34,245 On the shell casing at the scene. 390 00:23:34,472 --> 00:23:36,305 And if there's a woman in common, 391 00:23:36,323 --> 00:23:38,641 Maybe the prosecution's going to say that's the motive, 392 00:23:38,659 --> 00:23:40,993 And that's going to be very bad for us. 393 00:23:41,145 --> 00:23:43,587 So we've got to talk to ramon about this 394 00:23:43,739 --> 00:23:46,257 Because we have to assume these are people that are going to testify 395 00:23:46,484 --> 00:23:48,050 And we have to know how to respond. 396 00:23:51,764 --> 00:23:55,015 (dramatic music playing) 397 00:24:12,343 --> 00:24:14,677 Max: So we've got two confidential informants. 398 00:24:14,770 --> 00:24:17,103 Okay? We have their audio recordings. 399 00:24:17,198 --> 00:24:18,939 Lauren and I sat down with them 400 00:24:18,958 --> 00:24:21,274 And listened to them from start to finish. 401 00:24:21,294 --> 00:24:24,703 These people say some very damaging things against you. 402 00:24:24,797 --> 00:24:28,707 They provide pretty much everything the prosecution needs to know to lock you up. 403 00:24:28,801 --> 00:24:31,451 (dramatic music playing) 404 00:24:31,471 --> 00:24:33,378 They claim to know the motive 405 00:24:33,473 --> 00:24:36,307 For you to supposedly shoot alex andrews, the victim. 406 00:24:38,144 --> 00:24:41,645 The fact that, um, you and he shared the same girlfriend. 407 00:24:42,873 --> 00:24:44,707 Right. 408 00:24:44,725 --> 00:24:47,226 This is really bad for us, if it's true. 409 00:24:47,320 --> 00:24:49,153 The fact that you two dated the same girl 410 00:24:50,323 --> 00:24:51,547 At some point in time. 411 00:24:51,640 --> 00:24:54,233 -Years apart. -Years apart. Okay. 412 00:24:54,327 --> 00:24:58,237 Ramon: She dated him four years before her and I even met. 413 00:24:58,331 --> 00:25:00,998 Max: Okay, so there's no overlap in the relationship? 414 00:25:01,149 --> 00:25:04,335 Ramon: Not at all. I've only ever met him once. 415 00:25:07,915 --> 00:25:09,423 Max: Is there anything else I need to know? 416 00:25:11,902 --> 00:25:13,827 Ramon: I really don't even know what the hell's going on. 417 00:25:13,921 --> 00:25:17,765 I'll tell you the same thing I told the detectives. It's a setup. 418 00:25:18,684 --> 00:25:19,600 Okay. 419 00:25:22,096 --> 00:25:23,854 The prosecution categorized 420 00:25:24,081 --> 00:25:27,858 These two ci's as subjects of a criminal matter. 421 00:25:31,255 --> 00:25:34,606 Obviously, the information that they're sharing is very bad for you, okay? 422 00:25:34,759 --> 00:25:38,110 But the information that they're sharing is also very good for them. 423 00:25:38,262 --> 00:25:42,706 Okay? Because the only reason to share this information is to sort of help themselves 424 00:25:42,858 --> 00:25:45,025 Because they can potentially get charges dismissed, 425 00:25:45,044 --> 00:25:46,544 They can get a shorter sentence. 426 00:25:46,695 --> 00:25:49,288 They have a lot of motive. 427 00:25:49,382 --> 00:25:52,883 So that's all stuff that we can cross-examine them with at trial. 428 00:25:53,110 --> 00:25:55,277 We can affect their credibility at trial. 429 00:25:55,370 --> 00:25:57,629 The jury is going to look at them much differently 430 00:25:57,723 --> 00:26:01,116 Than if they're just a concerned citizen coming forward 431 00:26:01,135 --> 00:26:02,059 With information. 432 00:26:03,470 --> 00:26:06,955 Because I do think knowing that 433 00:26:07,049 --> 00:26:11,569 Makes our theory of a setup much more plausible and much more likely. 434 00:26:11,796 --> 00:26:13,629 It also makes what they have to say 435 00:26:13,722 --> 00:26:15,739 Much less credible, in my opinion. 436 00:26:15,966 --> 00:26:18,742 And I believe we can, you know, sell that to the jury as well, okay? 437 00:26:18,969 --> 00:26:19,868 Ramon: Okay. 438 00:26:24,250 --> 00:26:26,417 (somber music playing) 439 00:26:40,082 --> 00:26:43,267 Ramon: Hey, ma, dinner in, like, ten. 440 00:26:43,418 --> 00:26:44,893 -Mother: Yeah, that's fine. -Ramon: All right. 441 00:27:00,344 --> 00:27:03,362 Ramon: So my mom needs me to cook for her 442 00:27:03,456 --> 00:27:06,457 Because of her vision, it's deteriorating. 443 00:27:06,684 --> 00:27:08,867 She's got a few health complications. 444 00:27:09,019 --> 00:27:10,961 She had a stroke a few years back 445 00:27:11,188 --> 00:27:13,464 And she's at high risk for strokes again. 446 00:27:13,691 --> 00:27:14,923 I'm her caretaker. 447 00:27:17,119 --> 00:27:19,261 So, (sighs) you know, if things go south at trial, 448 00:27:21,198 --> 00:27:22,097 I don't know what she's going to do. 449 00:27:23,792 --> 00:27:25,309 I hope that she can take care of herself. 450 00:27:26,387 --> 00:27:28,203 That worries the hell out of me. 451 00:27:28,222 --> 00:27:29,563 That's one of the things that makes me angry, too. 452 00:27:32,042 --> 00:27:35,069 Any time I can't support her, I get mad. 453 00:27:42,403 --> 00:27:44,828 Mother: Bless me father for this meal we are about to receive 454 00:27:45,055 --> 00:27:50,167 There's just one thing our bodies want to your wealth, in jesus' name, we pray. Amen. 455 00:27:50,394 --> 00:27:53,820 Ramon: This whole situation is backwards. 456 00:27:53,839 --> 00:27:57,733 It's just a bunch of criminals trying to get away with this and throw me under the bus. 457 00:27:57,826 --> 00:27:59,584 Can you pass me the hot sauce please? 458 00:27:59,737 --> 00:28:01,345 -Mother: Uh, which one? -Green. 459 00:28:02,589 --> 00:28:04,014 They want to frame me for this, 460 00:28:04,241 --> 00:28:06,350 Then let them do the work. Let's go to trial. 461 00:28:17,087 --> 00:28:18,921 All right. So it looks like we are coming up 462 00:28:19,014 --> 00:28:21,532 On the house here on the left. 463 00:28:31,693 --> 00:28:36,529 So the prosecution's alleging that ramon parked his car up that hill. 464 00:28:36,623 --> 00:28:39,775 Um, there's a little alleyway back behind this house. 465 00:28:39,793 --> 00:28:42,702 I think that's the alley they're talking about. 466 00:28:42,722 --> 00:28:45,447 Lauren: Oh, I see that there. Yeah, there's like a... 467 00:28:45,466 --> 00:28:48,708 -Max: There is an alley. -Lauren: A gravel path there. Yeah. 468 00:28:48,728 --> 00:28:51,286 Max: You know, it seems like what the state's theory is, 469 00:28:51,379 --> 00:28:55,399 He parked over there, stood in wait outside the back of the house, 470 00:28:55,550 --> 00:28:57,459 Waiting for him to come into the kitchen 471 00:28:57,552 --> 00:28:59,903 And then shot him, you know, point blank in the face with the shotgun. 472 00:29:04,985 --> 00:29:06,985 I think what's interesting, though, is how close 473 00:29:07,079 --> 00:29:09,037 And how on top of each other all these houses are. 474 00:29:12,476 --> 00:29:14,585 This is a college neighborhood, 475 00:29:14,812 --> 00:29:19,147 So it's not weird for people to be up at like 1:30 in the morning. 476 00:29:19,241 --> 00:29:21,908 So I think it's strange, there's no witnesses that saw anything, 477 00:29:21,927 --> 00:29:25,763 Heard anything or saw anybody running away or limping away 478 00:29:25,990 --> 00:29:28,265 Because we know ramon would have been limping because he had the bad leg 479 00:29:28,492 --> 00:29:30,342 And he was using a cane at the time. 480 00:29:30,494 --> 00:29:33,419 -Um... -You'd think the police would have found at least one witness 481 00:29:33,439 --> 00:29:35,755 That could say, " yeah, I saw a red cavalier was parked 482 00:29:35,849 --> 00:29:38,066 -In the back of my house or in front of my house. -Max: Right. 483 00:29:39,686 --> 00:29:44,339 So, I took a look at the 911 dispatch transcript. 484 00:29:44,432 --> 00:29:47,117 The shooting happened at, like, 1:52. 485 00:29:47,269 --> 00:29:49,845 Uh, the call came into the police at 1:54, 486 00:29:49,938 --> 00:29:51,696 And they were dispatched then. 487 00:29:51,849 --> 00:29:56,184 And then the first officer is clocked in at getting here at 1:55. 488 00:29:56,203 --> 00:29:59,187 So the police, like, arrived at the scene within three minutes 489 00:29:59,206 --> 00:30:01,189 Of the actual shooting. 490 00:30:01,208 --> 00:30:05,618 So, the perpetrator would have had to flee like, super, super-fast. 491 00:30:05,712 --> 00:30:08,955 I mean, you would still be-- you'd be hearing the sirens coming 492 00:30:09,049 --> 00:30:11,049 And that the person would still be fleeing at the same time. 493 00:30:11,201 --> 00:30:12,434 That's how tight of a timeline they were on. 494 00:30:15,205 --> 00:30:17,147 I don't think it's possible ramon could have done this, 495 00:30:17,299 --> 00:30:20,392 Just given his physical ailments at the time, with his bad knee. 496 00:30:20,486 --> 00:30:22,969 It would have required him to carry a shotgun, 497 00:30:22,988 --> 00:30:26,472 Park his car, and then go up that slippery, muddy hill, 498 00:30:26,492 --> 00:30:29,618 Um, to his car and drive away undetected. I just don't think it's possible. 499 00:30:40,080 --> 00:30:42,172 (cell phone ringing) 500 00:30:50,850 --> 00:30:52,182 Okay, cool. Sounds good. 501 00:30:53,427 --> 00:30:54,810 All right. Bye-bye. 502 00:31:01,509 --> 00:31:02,860 So, I've just heard from the prosecutors. 503 00:31:03,011 --> 00:31:04,753 They've just reached out and offered 504 00:31:04,771 --> 00:31:06,922 A pretty appealing plea bargain. 505 00:31:07,015 --> 00:31:09,015 Two and a half years in prison 506 00:31:09,034 --> 00:31:11,684 And pay the victim, alex andrews, 507 00:31:11,778 --> 00:31:13,495 $100,000, restitution. 508 00:31:26,110 --> 00:31:28,051 I think it's an extremely good offer. 509 00:31:28,203 --> 00:31:31,613 I was shocked that the prosecution was willing to make that offer. 510 00:31:31,632 --> 00:31:34,132 It's something ramon's really got to consider. 511 00:31:34,226 --> 00:31:36,968 You know, he's looking at 15 years in prison, 512 00:31:37,062 --> 00:31:39,045 If he goes to trial and is convicted on everything. 513 00:31:39,064 --> 00:31:41,899 So I've texted ramon to call me asap, 514 00:31:42,126 --> 00:31:43,734 And I'm just waiting on that call now. 515 00:31:45,646 --> 00:31:47,571 I think we've gotten this offer 516 00:31:47,722 --> 00:31:50,908 Because the prosecution's getting a little more nervous about their case 517 00:31:51,135 --> 00:31:53,318 And seeing that, "hey, look, you know, 518 00:31:53,470 --> 00:31:55,895 "we do have two confidential informants 519 00:31:55,989 --> 00:32:00,825 "that have a lot of reasons to lie and a lot of reasons to point the finger at ramon." 520 00:32:00,978 --> 00:32:05,981 They're worried that, uh, potentially, ramon could walk, entirely, 521 00:32:05,999 --> 00:32:09,668 If they put these, these couple of witnesses on the stand. 522 00:32:09,820 --> 00:32:12,930 So, I think they finally decided to make us a somewhat reasonable offer. 523 00:32:16,084 --> 00:32:18,343 (cell phone ringing) 524 00:32:18,437 --> 00:32:21,087 -Hey, ramon, how you doing, bud? -(ramon speaking over phone) 525 00:32:21,181 --> 00:32:23,682 Yeah. So I just got off the phone with the prosecution. 526 00:32:23,834 --> 00:32:28,186 Um, they are offering, in exchange for a plea to the felonious assault, 527 00:32:28,280 --> 00:32:32,432 And criminal damage, two and a half years in prison, 528 00:32:32,451 --> 00:32:38,513 And restitution of approximately $100,000 to alex andrews. 529 00:32:38,532 --> 00:32:40,015 (ramon speaking over phone) 530 00:32:40,033 --> 00:32:42,626 So, I know with trial coming up, that's a big decision, 531 00:32:42,777 --> 00:32:45,704 But the prosecution is going to want an answer essentially right away. 532 00:32:45,856 --> 00:32:48,206 And so that's where they're at. 533 00:32:48,300 --> 00:32:50,025 I mean, what are you feeling? What's your initial instinct 534 00:32:50,118 --> 00:32:51,426 Hearing, you know, what that offer is? 535 00:33:01,872 --> 00:33:05,816 Max: The prosecution are offering a pretty appealing plea bargain. 536 00:33:05,967 --> 00:33:11,804 Two and a half years in prison and restitution of $100,000. 537 00:33:11,824 --> 00:33:14,449 What's your initial instinct hearing, you know, what that offer is? 538 00:33:19,481 --> 00:33:20,739 (ramon speaking over phone) 539 00:33:20,833 --> 00:33:23,500 (ramon sighs and continues speaking over phone) 540 00:33:31,159 --> 00:33:32,342 Okay. All right. 541 00:33:32,569 --> 00:33:34,327 So, all right. We'll just, you know-- 542 00:33:34,346 --> 00:33:36,571 Do me a favor, ramon, shoot that to me in an email, 543 00:33:36,590 --> 00:33:39,332 You know, and then I'll email her right away. 544 00:33:39,351 --> 00:33:41,259 -Okay? -(ramon speaking over phone) 545 00:33:41,411 --> 00:33:42,853 All right. Take it easy. Bye-bye. 546 00:33:46,416 --> 00:33:49,417 Max: Well, I'm somewhat surprised. 547 00:33:49,436 --> 00:33:53,513 The entire time ramon's been adamant he's going to trial, 548 00:33:53,607 --> 00:33:57,183 But it seems ramon's weighed the risks associated with it 549 00:33:57,202 --> 00:34:01,096 And has decided that, you know, the sure thing of two and a half years 550 00:34:01,189 --> 00:34:02,539 Is pretty appealing to him. 551 00:34:04,268 --> 00:34:06,526 Limiting his risk from 15 years 552 00:34:06,545 --> 00:34:09,862 To two and a half and being able to move on with his life, 553 00:34:09,882 --> 00:34:12,624 You know, before he's 30, have a family 554 00:34:12,776 --> 00:34:15,052 And, you know, get his career going again. 555 00:34:15,279 --> 00:34:17,445 I think he's making the right choice. 556 00:34:17,464 --> 00:34:18,889 It's a tough choice. But I think it's the right one. 557 00:34:21,451 --> 00:34:24,953 All right. So I just sent that email off to the prosecutor. 558 00:34:25,046 --> 00:34:28,231 So, um, I don't really think there's anything else to button up 559 00:34:28,383 --> 00:34:30,125 Other than signing the final paperwork. 560 00:34:30,143 --> 00:34:34,071 We have a deal, in principle, and case is over. 561 00:34:45,066 --> 00:34:47,475 (cell phone ringing) 562 00:34:47,569 --> 00:34:48,977 Max: Hey, ramon, what's up, bud? 563 00:34:48,995 --> 00:34:51,088 (ramon speaking over phone) 564 00:34:55,502 --> 00:34:57,243 Max: Okay. 565 00:34:57,262 --> 00:34:59,596 I mean, I guess I just kind of want to know your rationale. 566 00:35:00,841 --> 00:35:02,265 (ramon speaking over phone) 567 00:35:04,770 --> 00:35:05,769 -Uh-huh. -(ramon speaking over phone) 568 00:35:07,998 --> 00:35:09,272 -All right. -(ramon speaking over phone) 569 00:35:12,260 --> 00:35:14,352 Ramon, I'm just-- I'm very confused 570 00:35:14,446 --> 00:35:17,948 Because you represented that this was a done deal. 571 00:35:18,099 --> 00:35:21,025 I let them know that, you know, I tell them that we're good to go. 572 00:35:21,178 --> 00:35:23,027 The prosecution relies on that. 573 00:35:23,122 --> 00:35:25,080 And, you know, they relayed that to the victim. 574 00:35:26,700 --> 00:35:28,608 (ramon speaking over phone) 575 00:35:28,627 --> 00:35:31,628 Okay, well, I-- I think you just need to sleep on it. 576 00:35:31,779 --> 00:35:35,023 If you're open to that, let's just reconvene tomorrow. 577 00:35:35,116 --> 00:35:38,360 You, me and your dad. Let's get on the phone and let's talk this out. 578 00:35:38,378 --> 00:35:40,786 You know, I know this is a tough decision, but, you know, 579 00:35:40,806 --> 00:35:43,882 I think before I tell them what you want me to, I think we all got to talk. 580 00:35:44,034 --> 00:35:46,034 -Okay? All right. -(ramon speaking over phone) 581 00:35:46,052 --> 00:35:48,145 All right. Talk to you tomorrow. Bye-bye. 582 00:35:53,226 --> 00:35:54,151 (exhales) 583 00:35:56,880 --> 00:36:01,716 It's so frustrating because this is really going to piss the prosecutors off. 100%. 584 00:36:01,809 --> 00:36:05,720 Um, you know, what they could do, is they could re-indict him. 585 00:36:05,739 --> 00:36:08,556 They could re-indict him with attempted murder. 586 00:36:08,575 --> 00:36:11,393 You know, then his 15 years of potential prison 587 00:36:11,486 --> 00:36:14,504 Could turn into several more decades. 588 00:36:14,731 --> 00:36:16,339 It is really going to anger them. 589 00:36:16,491 --> 00:36:18,675 And it's really going to harm ramon, I think. 590 00:36:33,358 --> 00:36:35,025 (exhales) 591 00:36:38,363 --> 00:36:40,255 For the last two and a half years, 592 00:36:40,273 --> 00:36:43,516 I've pretty much told myself every day 593 00:36:43,535 --> 00:36:44,367 That I would fight this. 594 00:36:49,023 --> 00:36:50,040 I don't know. 595 00:36:58,458 --> 00:37:03,278 At least if I fight them, I can say that I tried. 596 00:37:03,296 --> 00:37:05,222 And I didn't just roll over and give up. 597 00:37:06,950 --> 00:37:08,391 (exhales) 598 00:37:08,543 --> 00:37:09,684 But, um... 599 00:37:12,622 --> 00:37:16,066 If I lose, I'm really screwed. 600 00:37:20,146 --> 00:37:21,813 Just everything about this just screams, like, 601 00:37:21,965 --> 00:37:24,574 They don't really have it together. 602 00:37:24,801 --> 00:37:26,743 'cause I think if we really presented it, 603 00:37:29,230 --> 00:37:30,080 I could clear my name. 604 00:37:33,085 --> 00:37:35,043 Everyone I've talked to wants me to sleep on this. 605 00:37:36,588 --> 00:37:38,588 I've slept on it for two and a half years. 606 00:37:42,002 --> 00:37:43,093 I want to fight this case. 607 00:38:14,518 --> 00:38:15,417 Ramon: I talked to some friends. 608 00:38:17,445 --> 00:38:18,586 I talked to my mother. 609 00:38:19,856 --> 00:38:22,465 I talked to my old man. 610 00:38:22,692 --> 00:38:25,302 Everybody seems to think the best course of action is to take this deal. 611 00:38:27,881 --> 00:38:29,139 I'm not inclined to agree. 612 00:38:31,643 --> 00:38:32,809 I'd rather go down fighting. 613 00:38:35,314 --> 00:38:37,314 I could roll the dice and, uh... 614 00:38:39,484 --> 00:38:40,317 I could lose. 615 00:38:41,878 --> 00:38:43,153 And my parents are old. 616 00:38:46,140 --> 00:38:49,659 And my dad is my hero and my mother's done everything she can. 617 00:38:51,813 --> 00:38:53,121 She's a good woman. 618 00:38:55,075 --> 00:38:56,291 (exhales) 619 00:38:58,486 --> 00:39:01,338 If I lose, then I go spend 15 years in a (bleep) cell. 620 00:39:02,916 --> 00:39:04,174 And, if my mother dies... 621 00:39:09,739 --> 00:39:10,805 (sobbing) how could I forgive myself? 622 00:39:25,030 --> 00:39:26,196 (bleep) 623 00:39:33,113 --> 00:39:34,371 (cries) 624 00:39:35,765 --> 00:39:36,706 (sobs) 625 00:39:45,384 --> 00:39:46,549 Damn it! 626 00:40:11,410 --> 00:40:13,317 Max: Today is ramon's plea decision. 627 00:40:13,470 --> 00:40:15,895 Only he can make that decision. 628 00:40:15,914 --> 00:40:18,581 So we're about to go in there and ramon's going to learn his fate. 629 00:40:20,401 --> 00:40:22,660 Ramon's got an extremely good offer. 630 00:40:22,812 --> 00:40:25,571 But I can't tell him what to do. 631 00:40:25,590 --> 00:40:29,759 Accepting this deal, he'd be a convicted felon for the rest of his life. 632 00:40:29,911 --> 00:40:32,503 But if he goes to trial and is convicted on everything, 633 00:40:32,597 --> 00:40:35,098 He's looking at at least 15 years in prison. 634 00:40:35,249 --> 00:40:38,101 So, it's an incredibly difficult decision to make. 635 00:40:41,106 --> 00:40:43,347 Ramon: I've been playing this over in my mind a lot. 636 00:40:43,500 --> 00:40:46,834 There is a lot of emotions going on. 637 00:40:46,853 --> 00:40:47,944 A lot of things going through my head. 638 00:40:53,359 --> 00:40:55,693 Everything about this situation makes me angry. 639 00:40:55,845 --> 00:40:57,454 But I can't afford to be angry right now. 640 00:41:10,193 --> 00:41:11,801 (suspenseful music playing) 641 00:41:38,555 --> 00:41:40,330 (melancholic music playing) 642 00:41:54,738 --> 00:41:57,405 We had to watch ramon go away in handcuffs. 643 00:41:57,498 --> 00:42:00,408 Had to watch him, you know, tear up saying goodbye to his dad. 644 00:42:00,501 --> 00:42:01,518 It was just very emotional. 645 00:42:03,930 --> 00:42:06,748 But, you know, at the same time, this was a decision 646 00:42:06,766 --> 00:42:08,691 That was made, not about himself, but about his family. 647 00:42:11,846 --> 00:42:14,179 It is a tough pill to swallow. 648 00:42:14,199 --> 00:42:17,942 But they were threatening to re-indict him with attempted murder. 649 00:42:18,094 --> 00:42:20,370 They could have stacked all that on top of him at trial 650 00:42:20,597 --> 00:42:22,096 And he'd be doing decades in prison. 651 00:42:22,115 --> 00:42:23,498 That would ruin his life. 652 00:42:27,361 --> 00:42:29,620 Ramon: I took the deal because it was the least risky thing 653 00:42:29,773 --> 00:42:31,214 I could do in this situation. 654 00:42:33,885 --> 00:42:38,221 I'd rather go down fighting, but, um, both my parents are old. 655 00:42:38,372 --> 00:42:41,299 There's a time to be selfish and there's a time to not be. 656 00:42:41,393 --> 00:42:42,725 That's what I'm going to keep in my mind.