1 00:00:05,247 --> 00:00:07,172 (suspenseful music playing) 2 00:00:09,902 --> 00:00:11,826 (telephone ringing) 3 00:00:11,920 --> 00:00:14,662 (911 operator speaking) 4 00:00:14,682 --> 00:00:15,514 (man speaking) 5 00:00:20,429 --> 00:00:24,931 (911 operator speaking) 6 00:00:25,026 --> 00:00:26,692 (policewoman speaking) 7 00:00:26,843 --> 00:00:29,278 -(911 operator speaking) -(policewoman speaking) 8 00:00:33,108 --> 00:00:34,758 Sakai: It was a normal school day. 9 00:00:34,851 --> 00:00:37,161 Woke up, went to school, was on time. 10 00:00:43,193 --> 00:00:46,211 Reporter: Gunfire on the far edge of canyon springs high school. 11 00:00:46,363 --> 00:00:48,380 An 18-year-old shot and killed 12 00:00:48,607 --> 00:00:51,108 At the baseball field at the school. 13 00:00:51,201 --> 00:00:52,718 Sakai: After hearing the gunshots, 14 00:00:52,945 --> 00:00:54,678 We ran the same way everybody else ran. 15 00:00:58,893 --> 00:01:01,393 Reporter: 16-year-old sakai kayin-french, 16 00:01:01,620 --> 00:01:03,711 Booked for murder with a deadly weapon, 17 00:01:03,731 --> 00:01:06,973 And possession of a dangerous weapon on school property. 18 00:01:07,068 --> 00:01:11,478 Ryan: We don't want an innocent kid to go to prison 19 00:01:11,572 --> 00:01:14,239 For a crime that he didn't do. 20 00:01:14,466 --> 00:01:15,741 Sakai: You gonna fight it and fight it, 21 00:01:15,968 --> 00:01:17,242 Until you can't fight it no more. 22 00:01:37,990 --> 00:01:39,681 (suspenseful music playing) 23 00:01:45,180 --> 00:01:46,997 Ryan: My name is ryan helmick. 24 00:01:47,015 --> 00:01:49,499 I'm a criminal defense lawyer here in las vegas. 25 00:01:49,518 --> 00:01:51,360 And I represent sakai french. 26 00:01:52,688 --> 00:01:55,597 Sakai is being accused of first-degree murder 27 00:01:55,616 --> 00:01:58,784 For the killing of an individual named dalvin brown. 28 00:02:01,438 --> 00:02:05,198 This incident occurred on 9-11-2018 29 00:02:05,292 --> 00:02:09,419 On the school grounds of canyon springs high school, 30 00:02:14,117 --> 00:02:20,288 Sakai french was 16 years old at the time of this alleged crime. 31 00:02:20,307 --> 00:02:25,644 What happened was one of sakai's friends was getting jumped after school 32 00:02:25,795 --> 00:02:29,631 By three individuals, including dalvin, 33 00:02:29,725 --> 00:02:30,899 Who was the victim in this case. 34 00:02:32,544 --> 00:02:35,061 They were stomping him, they were punching him. 35 00:02:35,156 --> 00:02:39,900 And so, at some point, with multiple people around, 36 00:02:39,994 --> 00:02:41,827 Somebody pulls out a gun 37 00:02:42,054 --> 00:02:46,165 And shoots, uh, dalvin, and ultimately kills him. 38 00:02:49,061 --> 00:02:51,411 The prosecutor's position, in a nutshell, 39 00:02:51,505 --> 00:02:54,398 Is that sakai brought a gun to the school, 40 00:02:54,491 --> 00:02:59,236 And when he saw his friend getting beat up by three other individuals, 41 00:02:59,254 --> 00:03:01,847 He shot one of them and killed him. 42 00:03:01,998 --> 00:03:05,333 Our position is the complete opposite. 43 00:03:05,352 --> 00:03:07,669 That sakai never had a gun. 44 00:03:07,688 --> 00:03:09,596 And that, yes, he was there, 45 00:03:09,748 --> 00:03:11,506 When the fight took place, 46 00:03:11,600 --> 00:03:13,675 But he was not the individual 47 00:03:13,769 --> 00:03:16,320 That pulled out a gun and shot dalvin. 48 00:03:18,090 --> 00:03:19,940 Sakai is a great kid. 49 00:03:20,034 --> 00:03:22,016 He doesn't seem at all like an individual, 50 00:03:22,036 --> 00:03:26,613 Who would do what he's being charged with. 51 00:03:26,707 --> 00:03:29,433 This is a kid who's got his whole life ahead of him. 52 00:03:29,526 --> 00:03:31,435 And I'm going to do everything I can 53 00:03:31,453 --> 00:03:33,378 To keep him from going to prison. 54 00:03:37,051 --> 00:03:39,801 (somber music playing) 55 00:03:53,959 --> 00:03:56,551 Sakai: I would say, of course, going in there at 16, 56 00:03:56,645 --> 00:04:00,130 It definitely matured me at an early age. 57 00:04:00,148 --> 00:04:02,466 Unfortunately, I had no choice. 58 00:04:02,559 --> 00:04:06,136 It's a lot of injustice in there, 59 00:04:06,229 --> 00:04:08,413 And you would be surprised what... 60 00:04:09,733 --> 00:04:11,250 People would get away with in here. 61 00:04:11,477 --> 00:04:14,327 But it was just like almost taking it one day at a time. 62 00:04:14,421 --> 00:04:15,754 For 19 months. 63 00:04:25,599 --> 00:04:28,934 I was a good kid. I always obeyed the rules. 64 00:04:29,161 --> 00:04:32,329 But I was always the one that was the type to... 65 00:04:32,347 --> 00:04:34,589 "I'm never going to go to jail and get in trouble." 66 00:04:34,683 --> 00:04:38,026 I've never even stole from a local candy store. 67 00:04:40,522 --> 00:04:43,340 But now I am charged with murder 68 00:04:43,358 --> 00:04:47,101 And possession of a firearm on school property. 69 00:04:47,195 --> 00:04:51,290 Which, the penalties for that could be life in prison. 70 00:04:54,128 --> 00:04:57,879 Saying that feels unreal, 'cause it's like... 71 00:04:59,300 --> 00:05:00,716 It's... I don't know. 72 00:05:05,030 --> 00:05:05,804 Yeah. 73 00:05:10,536 --> 00:05:12,794 I am currently on high-risk house arrest, 74 00:05:12,888 --> 00:05:17,149 So I have a six o'clock curfew. 75 00:05:17,300 --> 00:05:20,819 There are certain places that I'm not allowed to go. 76 00:05:21,046 --> 00:05:24,230 Malls, I'm not allowed to be in, um, parks. 77 00:05:24,383 --> 00:05:25,615 I'm inside a lot. 78 00:05:27,811 --> 00:05:30,787 It takes a toll, yeah. Definitely. 79 00:05:32,224 --> 00:05:33,481 It's... 80 00:05:33,500 --> 00:05:35,000 Yeah, it's difficult. 81 00:05:46,180 --> 00:05:48,588 (typing) 82 00:05:48,740 --> 00:05:50,073 Ryan: There was no murder weapon found in this case. 83 00:05:50,092 --> 00:05:51,908 There was no forensics. 84 00:05:51,927 --> 00:05:55,020 There is literally zero physical evidence 85 00:05:55,247 --> 00:05:59,691 To tie sakai as the one who was the shooter. 86 00:06:01,028 --> 00:06:02,435 In a nutshell, 87 00:06:02,588 --> 00:06:04,863 This is a case of misidentification. 88 00:06:05,014 --> 00:06:07,532 Eyewitness testimony being flawed. 89 00:06:09,261 --> 00:06:11,018 -How you doing? Good. -Sakai: All right. 90 00:06:11,038 --> 00:06:13,446 Ryan: And, today, I'm meeting with sakai. 91 00:06:13,599 --> 00:06:16,041 We're going to get into a lot of details, 92 00:06:16,192 --> 00:06:19,102 Which is going to help us develop the story of the case, 93 00:06:19,195 --> 00:06:21,380 And ultimately build our defense. 94 00:06:22,958 --> 00:06:25,959 I do it to put myself there with sakai, 95 00:06:26,111 --> 00:06:28,128 So I can kind of visualize everything, 96 00:06:28,222 --> 00:06:30,722 And get a full understanding of the entire picture. 97 00:06:38,624 --> 00:06:44,218 The prosecution's position in this case is that you were the shooter, right? 98 00:06:44,238 --> 00:06:48,148 That's why you have been charged with shooting dalvin brown. 99 00:06:48,242 --> 00:06:51,392 Their position is that you... 100 00:06:51,486 --> 00:06:54,896 You were worried about your friend, anthony, getting into a fight 101 00:06:54,915 --> 00:07:01,978 And that you came to school with a gun, um, in order to protect him. 102 00:07:02,071 --> 00:07:03,663 Take me through the part when you get to 103 00:07:03,757 --> 00:07:06,049 Canyon springs high school and then we'll kind of go from there. 104 00:07:12,916 --> 00:07:15,675 Okay, so arriving at canyon springs, 105 00:07:15,769 --> 00:07:18,586 Um, I was with a friend of mine. 106 00:07:18,605 --> 00:07:21,014 Our plan was to meet the cheerleaders 107 00:07:21,108 --> 00:07:24,258 -That were supposed to be practicing after school. -Ryan: Mmm-hmm. 108 00:07:24,278 --> 00:07:26,503 So I mean, you guys are trying to hang out with... 109 00:07:26,596 --> 00:07:29,096 Uh, uh, some girls, right? 110 00:07:29,116 --> 00:07:30,431 Yeah. 111 00:07:30,451 --> 00:07:32,951 We stopped briefly and we talked to anthony. 112 00:07:33,178 --> 00:07:37,197 He briefs us as far as, that multiple individuals that had a problem with him. 113 00:07:37,291 --> 00:07:38,865 Ryan: Mmm-hmm. 114 00:07:39,017 --> 00:07:41,868 Sakai: The day before, it was a facebook status 115 00:07:41,962 --> 00:07:44,946 That had indicated that um, they were going to jump him. 116 00:07:44,965 --> 00:07:49,134 He did kind of express to us that he did feel unsafe. 117 00:07:49,361 --> 00:07:52,804 We did advise him to maybe try to switch his route. 118 00:07:53,957 --> 00:07:55,865 We parted, we shook hands with him. 119 00:07:55,884 --> 00:07:58,143 From there, he walked off and left. 120 00:07:58,370 --> 00:07:59,460 Mm-hmm. 121 00:07:59,554 --> 00:08:01,204 Sakai: So we continue along, 122 00:08:01,223 --> 00:08:03,389 We kind of noticed a lot of activity, 123 00:08:03,484 --> 00:08:05,817 Like a lot of verbal arguing. 124 00:08:06,044 --> 00:08:07,060 Mmm-hmm. 125 00:08:07,154 --> 00:08:08,561 Sakai: Upon approaching, 126 00:08:08,655 --> 00:08:12,657 One male was kind of like scanning the crowd. 127 00:08:12,809 --> 00:08:15,160 -Um, and that male was dalvin. -Mmm-hmm. 128 00:08:15,387 --> 00:08:17,496 Sakai: He actually confronted my friend. 129 00:08:24,746 --> 00:08:26,821 In regard to dalvin, did you know him? 130 00:08:26,915 --> 00:08:28,231 No, I did not know dalvin. 131 00:08:28,324 --> 00:08:30,400 Okay, did you know anything about him? 132 00:08:30,418 --> 00:08:31,659 No. 133 00:08:31,678 --> 00:08:33,845 It started off with a couple hits, 134 00:08:33,997 --> 00:08:35,922 I would say the third hit, 135 00:08:36,016 --> 00:08:38,241 -My friend was dazed at that point. -Ryan: Mmm-hmm. 136 00:08:38,334 --> 00:08:41,019 Um, from there, we kind of noticed 137 00:08:41,246 --> 00:08:43,271 It was commotion further back in the crowd. 138 00:08:50,179 --> 00:08:51,755 It kind of caught everybody's attention 139 00:08:51,773 --> 00:08:54,424 'cause it caught dalvin's attention, too. 140 00:08:54,517 --> 00:08:57,761 Um, to where, that's actually what stopped him from fighting my friend... 141 00:08:57,854 --> 00:08:59,112 -Ryan: Hmm. -...Is the commotion. 142 00:08:59,206 --> 00:09:01,188 And he joins back in. 143 00:09:01,283 --> 00:09:04,859 Now we can see that it is anthony on the ground getting jumped. 144 00:09:04,878 --> 00:09:06,603 Hmm-mmm. 145 00:09:06,696 --> 00:09:08,696 Sakai: Two to three seconds went by, 146 00:09:08,715 --> 00:09:10,882 And all of a sudden we heard the gunshots. 147 00:09:21,395 --> 00:09:22,786 What did you do next? 148 00:09:22,804 --> 00:09:26,790 Um, I ran. Like everybody else. 149 00:09:26,883 --> 00:09:31,294 Okay, so our position is, is that this was a case of mistaken identity. 150 00:09:31,387 --> 00:09:32,962 That's really what this case is about. 151 00:09:33,056 --> 00:09:34,964 There's no dna, there's no forensic evidence. 152 00:09:35,058 --> 00:09:36,575 There's no gun that was found. 153 00:09:36,802 --> 00:09:39,727 -Right. -There's nothing else, but witness testimony. 154 00:09:39,821 --> 00:09:41,913 But one of the most damaging... 155 00:09:42,065 --> 00:09:44,490 (sighs) parts of the case that we have to overcome 156 00:09:44,643 --> 00:09:48,661 Is that there's three people that were there on the scene 157 00:09:48,755 --> 00:09:52,757 That, uh, point the finger at you as being the shooter. 158 00:09:53,743 --> 00:09:55,594 And one of them is anthony. 159 00:09:57,339 --> 00:10:02,508 And what's difficult about him is that he's your friend, right? 160 00:10:02,603 --> 00:10:05,854 -Sakai: Yeah. -That you have known since second grade. 161 00:10:07,833 --> 00:10:10,591 Why do you think that he... 162 00:10:10,611 --> 00:10:12,259 Pointed to you as the shooter? 163 00:10:12,279 --> 00:10:14,112 I honestly don't know. 164 00:10:19,602 --> 00:10:23,196 (somber music playing) 165 00:10:23,290 --> 00:10:27,533 Today is Sunday dinner for sakai, me, and his siblings. 166 00:10:27,686 --> 00:10:30,277 We try to gather as much as we can. 167 00:10:30,297 --> 00:10:33,465 -What, what's up, what's up? -Deborah: Hey, hey. Hi. 168 00:10:33,692 --> 00:10:36,134 We look forward to days like this, 169 00:10:36,361 --> 00:10:38,637 And we try to keep it all positive. 170 00:10:38,788 --> 00:10:42,974 You know, considering what our family right now is enduring. 171 00:10:43,201 --> 00:10:45,977 -Hey! How's it going? -Hello! Good! 172 00:10:46,204 --> 00:10:48,462 Come say hi. 173 00:10:48,556 --> 00:10:51,132 That yellow thing is a pepper so you might want to avoid that. 174 00:10:51,151 --> 00:10:52,633 (deborah laughing) 175 00:10:52,653 --> 00:10:55,228 (piano music playing) 176 00:10:55,322 --> 00:10:57,563 Heavenly father, we thank you for this food 177 00:10:57,716 --> 00:11:01,901 That we are about to receive that nourishes our bodies. In christ. Amen. 178 00:11:01,995 --> 00:11:04,162 All: Amen. 179 00:11:04,389 --> 00:11:06,222 Deborah: When sakai had to go to jail, 180 00:11:06,241 --> 00:11:08,408 Probably the hardest thing that we can go through, 181 00:11:08,502 --> 00:11:12,170 Was not having him present for about 19 months. 182 00:11:14,399 --> 00:11:18,659 If we can think back, 2018 at this time, 183 00:11:18,679 --> 00:11:20,586 Raeanna: Hmm-mmm. 184 00:11:20,681 --> 00:11:23,497 -Um... We weren't. -We weren't even cooking dinners. 185 00:11:23,591 --> 00:11:25,575 -We weren't even eating. -Yeah. 186 00:11:25,668 --> 00:11:26,926 -I don't even remember eating. -Taneah: Yeah, we were barely eating 187 00:11:27,078 --> 00:11:29,003 It was like, "oh, he ain't eating no good meal, 188 00:11:29,022 --> 00:11:30,747 -"we ain't gonna eat no good meal." -taneah: Right. 189 00:11:30,840 --> 00:11:35,768 He's not celebrating a holiday, we're not celebrating a holiday. 190 00:11:35,921 --> 00:11:38,345 Deborah: Buddy, you got to keep on smiling. 191 00:11:38,365 --> 00:11:39,847 Keep that beautiful smile up, 192 00:11:39,866 --> 00:11:42,349 And don't let nobody take your joy. 193 00:11:42,369 --> 00:11:44,777 You've got to be able to smile through all the bs. 194 00:11:44,930 --> 00:11:47,430 -Sakai: Yeah. -Deborah: Yup. 195 00:11:47,523 --> 00:11:50,116 Man, that's the only thing I got to hold onto, is the smile. 196 00:11:50,268 --> 00:11:52,101 -Deborah: Hmm-mmm. Yes. -Ricky: Can't nobody take that. 197 00:11:52,120 --> 00:11:53,211 Taneah: Ain't nobody take that. 198 00:11:54,381 --> 00:11:55,696 Deborah: They took my child away. 199 00:11:55,790 --> 00:11:57,882 He was my baby, still. 200 00:11:58,034 --> 00:12:00,944 And imagine, your child, 16 years old 201 00:12:01,037 --> 00:12:02,703 And never been out your sight. 202 00:12:02,797 --> 00:12:06,224 You know, he... I'm sorry. 203 00:12:07,953 --> 00:12:10,620 I recall that, um, when he was released, 204 00:12:10,638 --> 00:12:13,973 I felt like he was a total different person. 205 00:12:14,067 --> 00:12:18,219 He began to go through, um, severe anxiety, 206 00:12:18,313 --> 00:12:20,146 And have panic attacks. 207 00:12:20,240 --> 00:12:23,074 We're still in a position that sakai can go back. 208 00:12:23,577 --> 00:12:25,910 I feel like... 209 00:12:26,137 --> 00:12:28,729 We're about to relive this nightmare again. 210 00:12:28,823 --> 00:12:30,915 (indistinct conversation) 211 00:12:39,575 --> 00:12:42,409 (tense music playing) 212 00:12:42,429 --> 00:12:45,989 Today, I'm with, uh, my private investigator, wayne, 213 00:12:46,082 --> 00:12:48,057 Who is an ex-homicide detective. 214 00:12:57,519 --> 00:13:00,111 We're going to go interview some very important witnesses in this case, 215 00:13:00,338 --> 00:13:03,523 Who have given interviews to the detectives. 216 00:13:03,675 --> 00:13:07,010 This is very, very important because this case is all about witnesses, 217 00:13:07,028 --> 00:13:10,955 As opposed to physical evidence or dna or anything like that. 218 00:13:11,107 --> 00:13:14,851 This is a misidentification case. 219 00:13:14,944 --> 00:13:16,961 It's the defense that we're going on... 220 00:13:17,188 --> 00:13:19,798 And so we've got to talk to these people. 221 00:13:20,025 --> 00:13:22,091 Today, we're searching for the truth. 222 00:13:27,307 --> 00:13:29,307 Wayne: So right now we're driving out to meet anthony. 223 00:13:29,458 --> 00:13:31,643 He's by far one of the most important witnesses 224 00:13:31,870 --> 00:13:33,536 To the state's case, as well as ours. 225 00:13:33,555 --> 00:13:35,038 Him and sakai were friends. 226 00:13:35,131 --> 00:13:37,148 And he identifies him as the shooter. 227 00:13:37,300 --> 00:13:38,799 We really kind of need to figure out 228 00:13:38,819 --> 00:13:41,152 Why he ultimately identified his friend as being involved. 229 00:13:43,824 --> 00:13:46,825 -Ryan: You ready? -Wayne: I'm ready for it. Let's do this. 230 00:13:55,669 --> 00:13:59,003 (wayne speaking) 231 00:14:05,236 --> 00:14:08,012 Wayne: Holy smokes, man, I'm absolutely ecstatic. 232 00:14:12,577 --> 00:14:13,926 Wow. 233 00:14:14,079 --> 00:14:16,412 "wow" is really the only thing that I can... 234 00:14:16,431 --> 00:14:17,480 I can describe right now. 235 00:14:23,697 --> 00:14:28,424 So he tells us point-blank that despite a photo lineup, 236 00:14:28,517 --> 00:14:30,368 Which would indicate from police 237 00:14:30,595 --> 00:14:32,595 That he did identify sakai as the shooter, 238 00:14:32,614 --> 00:14:35,540 He tells us today that absolutely did not happen. 239 00:14:35,767 --> 00:14:38,117 He admits that his name was on the lineup. 240 00:14:38,269 --> 00:14:41,212 But that, if anything, he does nothing more 241 00:14:41,364 --> 00:14:43,030 Than identify sakai as his friend. 242 00:14:43,049 --> 00:14:44,365 Somebody he knows. 243 00:14:44,384 --> 00:14:46,217 The biggest thing that I took away from it 244 00:14:46,369 --> 00:14:50,889 Is him specifically stating that the police threatened him 245 00:14:51,040 --> 00:14:55,226 And scared him, uh, about being charged with something or be taken... 246 00:14:55,378 --> 00:14:59,122 ...Or being taken to jail if he didn't pick this person. 247 00:14:59,140 --> 00:15:01,807 Which is completely improper for a photo lineup. 248 00:15:01,902 --> 00:15:06,312 So they messed up big time in their investigation, 249 00:15:06,406 --> 00:15:10,074 And scared a crucial witness into picking somebody, 250 00:15:10,301 --> 00:15:12,985 Uh, only because he knew that person. 251 00:15:13,138 --> 00:15:16,230 And it was huge that he said multiple times 252 00:15:16,324 --> 00:15:18,232 That sakai was not the shooter. 253 00:15:18,251 --> 00:15:19,900 It doesn't get more sensational than this. 254 00:15:19,920 --> 00:15:22,420 You have a key prosecution witness 255 00:15:22,647 --> 00:15:25,665 Who says that sakai is not the shooter. 256 00:15:25,817 --> 00:15:28,167 And that, if anything were said to the contrary, 257 00:15:28,319 --> 00:15:31,412 He is willing to go and testify, under oath, 258 00:15:31,431 --> 00:15:34,933 That he did not witness sakai, uh, shoot the victim. 259 00:15:35,160 --> 00:15:37,660 -That's absolutely huge. -And this is only one kid. 260 00:15:37,679 --> 00:15:38,561 Wayne: Exactly. 261 00:15:41,441 --> 00:15:43,399 (somber music playing) 262 00:15:56,347 --> 00:15:59,198 He's a crucial witness for the prosecution, 263 00:15:59,350 --> 00:16:02,961 Because he claims that he saw sakai shoot. 264 00:16:19,295 --> 00:16:22,888 Okay, so now he says he never saw him fire the gun. 265 00:16:23,041 --> 00:16:26,876 He doesn't know what direction the shots were even coming from. 266 00:16:26,969 --> 00:16:29,712 -Wayne: That's true. -And the most important thing is that he agrees 267 00:16:29,731 --> 00:16:32,639 That it's possible that somebody else could have shot the gun. 268 00:16:32,659 --> 00:16:34,826 I guess, for me, I just didn't like the fact 269 00:16:35,053 --> 00:16:38,162 That you have a witness who does identify sakai as holding the firearm. 270 00:16:38,389 --> 00:16:39,455 -Ryan: Holding the gun, yeah. -Yeah. 271 00:16:42,151 --> 00:16:44,410 Wayne: So the next person that we're going to go speak with 272 00:16:44,504 --> 00:16:47,005 Is a crucial, uh, witness to the state's case. 273 00:16:47,232 --> 00:16:50,991 He, uh, selects sakai from a yearbook, 274 00:16:51,011 --> 00:16:53,011 Uh, and identifies him as being the shooter that day. 275 00:16:54,906 --> 00:16:59,333 He is the other ace up the prosecutor's sleeve. 276 00:16:59,352 --> 00:17:01,335 If he gets on board with the fact 277 00:17:01,429 --> 00:17:03,429 -That he didn't see sakai shoot... -Wayne: Yeah. 278 00:17:03,523 --> 00:17:06,190 Ryan: Then the prosecutor's case is significantly damaged. 279 00:17:12,866 --> 00:17:15,775 Ryan: We just got done interviewing the witness. 280 00:17:15,869 --> 00:17:19,762 He says he sees sakai have a gun at his side. 281 00:17:19,855 --> 00:17:25,101 And sakai pulls up the gun when three people are running towards him. 282 00:17:25,119 --> 00:17:26,377 You know, remember that... 283 00:17:26,604 --> 00:17:28,788 That high, that "wow" that I felt 284 00:17:28,882 --> 00:17:31,123 -When we interviewed that first witness? -(ryan sniffles) 285 00:17:31,276 --> 00:17:33,867 Uh, at the end of the day, our last witness, 286 00:17:33,961 --> 00:17:37,371 -Um, you know, it kinda brings me back to reality. -Ryan: Right. 287 00:17:37,465 --> 00:17:40,224 Here's an individual that says, "yeah, you know what? 288 00:17:40,451 --> 00:17:41,967 "I did see, 289 00:17:42,120 --> 00:17:44,470 "uh, sakai with a firearm," and he's able to pull sakai 290 00:17:44,622 --> 00:17:47,881 Out of a yearbook full of hundreds of people. 291 00:17:47,901 --> 00:17:51,569 So we're right back to, you know, this case is not perfect for either side. 292 00:18:03,641 --> 00:18:07,310 I've gone back and reviewed the audio recording 293 00:18:07,403 --> 00:18:11,589 That anthony made to police, uh, during the initial lineup process. 294 00:18:11,816 --> 00:18:13,591 And I learned something rather interesting, 295 00:18:13,818 --> 00:18:15,551 Uh, that I'm anxious to share with ryan. 296 00:18:25,087 --> 00:18:27,271 -Hey, my man. Good to see you. -Hey, good to see you, brother. 297 00:18:28,683 --> 00:18:30,942 Wayne: So, this is the audio interview 298 00:18:31,093 --> 00:18:33,945 -That police do with anthony during the lineup process. -Ryan: Right. 299 00:18:34,096 --> 00:18:35,762 Wayne: So this is an important witness. 300 00:18:35,782 --> 00:18:36,906 I'll go and play that for you. 301 00:18:44,866 --> 00:18:46,249 (investigator speaking) 302 00:18:47,794 --> 00:18:49,109 (anthony speaking) 303 00:18:49,203 --> 00:18:51,129 (investigator speaking) 304 00:18:53,040 --> 00:18:55,207 (anthony speaking) 305 00:18:55,301 --> 00:18:58,302 Wayne: So if you heard, he says he doesn't recognize anybody in the photo lineup. 306 00:19:05,294 --> 00:19:07,311 There's two photo lineups. 307 00:19:07,463 --> 00:19:10,797 The first one, he says that he did not recognize anybody in the photo lineup. 308 00:19:10,817 --> 00:19:12,558 That is, uh, validated 309 00:19:12,710 --> 00:19:14,894 -With what you're hearing on the audio. -Ryan: Right. 310 00:19:15,046 --> 00:19:16,729 Here's where it gets interesting. 311 00:19:16,881 --> 00:19:21,050 If you listen to the very end before the recording... Stops, 312 00:19:21,068 --> 00:19:22,994 Listen to what the investigator says. 313 00:19:26,240 --> 00:19:27,290 (investigator speaking) 314 00:19:31,896 --> 00:19:33,913 -"here's the deal." and guess what? -Ryan: "here's the deal." 315 00:19:34,065 --> 00:19:35,256 The recording stops. 316 00:19:43,832 --> 00:19:46,667 Wayne: This is the lineup in which he actually selects sakai, 317 00:19:46,686 --> 00:19:48,519 But none of that's been recorded. 318 00:19:48,671 --> 00:19:52,748 Why would you ever stop an audio recording in a murder investigation 319 00:19:52,841 --> 00:19:54,675 With what clearly is a crucial witness? 320 00:19:54,694 --> 00:19:58,103 And we know, from interviewing him, 321 00:19:58,198 --> 00:20:03,442 That he was pressured into, uh, picking sakai. 322 00:20:03,594 --> 00:20:04,927 This is the star witness... 323 00:20:04,946 --> 00:20:07,521 -Ryan: Mm-hmm. -...In a murder investigation, 324 00:20:07,540 --> 00:20:09,949 Who the prosecution intends to call, 325 00:20:10,101 --> 00:20:14,119 Who's identified, allegedly, sakai from the photo lineup. 326 00:20:14,214 --> 00:20:17,030 And there is no audio proof to substantiate 327 00:20:17,124 --> 00:20:19,124 How the identification unfolded 328 00:20:19,277 --> 00:20:20,301 In front of police. 329 00:20:34,717 --> 00:20:37,401 Ricky: My business is a all-purpose cleaning service. 330 00:20:37,628 --> 00:20:39,462 Working with my brother is pretty cool. 331 00:20:39,480 --> 00:20:40,721 I get to hang out with my brother all day. 332 00:20:40,815 --> 00:20:42,365 (engine starts) 333 00:20:43,968 --> 00:20:45,317 Sakai: Me and all my siblings are close, 334 00:20:45,411 --> 00:20:47,561 But me and my brother, I would say, yeah, 335 00:20:47,580 --> 00:20:49,538 We definitely are closer than brothers, too. 336 00:20:50,917 --> 00:20:52,750 Work is definitely a getaway. 337 00:20:52,901 --> 00:20:55,068 And me, I'm not that type of person who is like, 338 00:20:55,162 --> 00:20:56,570 "oh, I got to go to work again today." 339 00:20:56,589 --> 00:20:58,381 I, actually, I look forward to it. 340 00:21:07,492 --> 00:21:10,083 -(indistinct conversation) -(both laughing) 341 00:21:10,103 --> 00:21:13,329 I was being hired on to the same police department 342 00:21:13,422 --> 00:21:15,664 That just took my brother into custody. 343 00:21:15,683 --> 00:21:17,591 My emotions were everywhere. I went from, 344 00:21:17,685 --> 00:21:20,853 "they made a mistake", to "do I really want to work for this department?" 345 00:21:20,947 --> 00:21:22,855 Um, are they not as thorough? 346 00:21:23,007 --> 00:21:24,023 Like, how did this work? 347 00:21:24,175 --> 00:21:26,099 How did this happen? 348 00:21:26,119 --> 00:21:29,102 I have friends that worked in the same facility as sakai. 349 00:21:29,122 --> 00:21:31,938 They all would come to me and... 350 00:21:31,958 --> 00:21:35,126 Express to me how... He was being mistreated. 351 00:21:36,629 --> 00:21:39,630 And that's the harsh reality about the justice system 352 00:21:39,782 --> 00:21:42,300 When it comes to being in prison or being in jail. 353 00:21:44,045 --> 00:21:46,953 I definitely hope my brother doesn't go to prison. 354 00:21:46,973 --> 00:21:49,307 Not only because I enjoy working with him every day. 355 00:21:53,037 --> 00:21:54,103 (chuckles nervously) 356 00:21:56,557 --> 00:21:57,773 Mentally, I don't want it to get to him. 357 00:22:00,895 --> 00:22:02,378 It was a lot of guys... 358 00:22:02,396 --> 00:22:06,048 Broken from being incarcerated. 359 00:22:06,141 --> 00:22:10,494 I definitely hope my brother doesn't become one of those statistics. 360 00:22:19,413 --> 00:22:20,838 (suspenseful music playing) 361 00:22:26,012 --> 00:22:28,829 Ryan: We received a piece of evidence from the prosecutor 362 00:22:28,923 --> 00:22:30,681 In the form of a jail phone call. 363 00:22:32,852 --> 00:22:36,020 It's a piece of evidence that is not favorable to us 364 00:22:36,247 --> 00:22:40,649 In regard to what this individual claims that sakai said. 365 00:22:46,366 --> 00:22:49,325 (inmate speaking) 366 00:22:58,694 --> 00:23:03,288 This inmate says that they have the person 367 00:23:03,441 --> 00:23:06,275 That killed dalvin in the jail with him. 368 00:23:06,293 --> 00:23:09,945 Then he says, "french," which is sakai's last name. 369 00:23:09,964 --> 00:23:12,723 (inmate speaking) 370 00:23:14,710 --> 00:23:19,188 Ryan: He's claiming that sakai is saying that he "smoked" dalvin. 371 00:23:20,400 --> 00:23:23,216 And so that's damaging for us. 372 00:23:23,310 --> 00:23:27,463 This piece of evidence is serious enough for me 373 00:23:27,481 --> 00:23:33,411 To now tell sakai that, "hey, you might want to think about a plea deal." 374 00:23:42,237 --> 00:23:44,922 Going to trial, there's an element of risk. 375 00:23:45,149 --> 00:23:47,425 You don't know how the jury is going to react 376 00:23:47,652 --> 00:23:50,486 To this other inmate's statement. 377 00:23:50,504 --> 00:23:54,932 Do I think some jurors will be negatively impacted by this? 378 00:23:55,083 --> 00:23:55,933 Yes, I do. 379 00:24:11,266 --> 00:24:13,676 Automated voice: Hello. This is a free call from an inmate 380 00:24:13,694 --> 00:24:16,436 At clark county detention center. 381 00:24:16,456 --> 00:24:18,622 This call is subject to recording and monitoring. 382 00:24:28,375 --> 00:24:31,093 (inmate speaking) 383 00:24:41,481 --> 00:24:43,463 Do you know the inmate 384 00:24:43,483 --> 00:24:46,233 That was, um, talking, speaking about you? 385 00:24:47,545 --> 00:24:51,972 Um, I know of him. Like, personally, no. 386 00:24:52,066 --> 00:24:53,640 As far as being friends, no. 387 00:24:53,659 --> 00:24:55,642 Deborah: And you guys were never housed together? 388 00:24:55,661 --> 00:24:57,553 -Not at all. -Deborah: Wow. 389 00:24:57,571 --> 00:25:02,500 I was moved out of there before he was even incarcerated. 390 00:25:02,651 --> 00:25:07,062 The thing that worries me is how something 391 00:25:07,081 --> 00:25:13,135 That dishonest can weigh down on your case. 392 00:25:14,088 --> 00:25:16,905 That's, that's frightening. 393 00:25:16,924 --> 00:25:20,909 Sakai: My lawyer and investigator are supposed to be seeing this guy. 394 00:25:21,003 --> 00:25:25,022 Um, so really, we're just going to see what he says in a few days. 395 00:25:25,249 --> 00:25:29,693 But it is another story that my lawyer has to unpaint. 396 00:25:30,863 --> 00:25:32,655 It's another hurdle that's in the way. 397 00:25:38,612 --> 00:25:40,496 (suspenseful music playing) 398 00:25:42,375 --> 00:25:45,358 Today, me and wayne are going to go out to the prison. 399 00:25:45,378 --> 00:25:50,363 We're going to interview the individual that was on the jail phone call. 400 00:25:50,383 --> 00:25:51,774 Good to see you, my man. 401 00:25:51,867 --> 00:25:53,199 You, too. Are you ready for a productive day? 402 00:25:53,294 --> 00:25:56,554 This is crucial to the case, crucial to our defense. 403 00:25:56,781 --> 00:26:00,224 It's very possible that we could go up there and he could refuse to talk to us. 404 00:26:00,451 --> 00:26:01,392 But we have to try. 405 00:26:04,638 --> 00:26:06,789 The prosecutor sent me a notice the other day 406 00:26:06,807 --> 00:26:13,404 That they're going to use this individual, uh, to transport him to testify. 407 00:26:13,631 --> 00:26:14,797 And so we've got to interview him 408 00:26:14,890 --> 00:26:16,740 Just to be prepared on what he's going to say. 409 00:26:49,850 --> 00:26:52,592 Wayne: So I've got to tell you, I thought that went rather well. 410 00:26:52,612 --> 00:26:54,260 Ryan: I thought it went very well. 411 00:26:54,280 --> 00:26:56,262 -Very surprised. -Very surprised. 412 00:26:56,357 --> 00:26:59,432 The guy denies saying it. 413 00:26:59,526 --> 00:27:03,269 So, and he basically doesn't want to cooperate with the prosecutor, 414 00:27:03,289 --> 00:27:05,030 Doesn't want to testify. 415 00:27:05,124 --> 00:27:06,624 This is a good day for sakai. 416 00:27:09,795 --> 00:27:11,462 -Sakai: Hello. -Hey, sakai. 417 00:27:11,689 --> 00:27:12,630 It's ryan and wayne. 418 00:27:13,691 --> 00:27:15,357 Sakai: Hey, how you doing? 419 00:27:15,450 --> 00:27:18,469 Yeah. Sakai. I got to tell you, it was a, it was a good visit. 420 00:27:18,620 --> 00:27:20,529 He was very vocal. 421 00:27:20,547 --> 00:27:24,290 His testimony intends to be that you two did not discuss the case. 422 00:27:24,310 --> 00:27:27,052 You did not share any details. 423 00:27:27,204 --> 00:27:29,705 Sakai: Okay. That, that's good. And I figured... 424 00:27:29,723 --> 00:27:31,273 (sakai continues speaking) 425 00:27:41,810 --> 00:27:45,904 Sakai: I'm very active with the facts and details of the case. 426 00:27:46,056 --> 00:27:48,557 Now that ryan has been to the prison 427 00:27:48,650 --> 00:27:51,985 And talked to the individual that was there, 428 00:27:52,079 --> 00:27:54,004 I'm standing in the same position 429 00:27:54,231 --> 00:27:56,565 As far as considering the plea deal, 430 00:27:56,583 --> 00:27:59,301 Which would be really little to no interest. 431 00:28:00,829 --> 00:28:03,997 Knowing what it's like being incarcerated, 432 00:28:04,016 --> 00:28:07,500 It's really a place that nobody wants to be. 433 00:28:07,520 --> 00:28:11,930 My biggest concern is going to prison. 434 00:28:12,024 --> 00:28:15,859 So, currently, I am going to be going to trial. 435 00:28:17,771 --> 00:28:21,699 Trial could be what sets me free or trial could be 436 00:28:21,926 --> 00:28:24,660 My freedom being taken for the rest of my life. 437 00:28:32,269 --> 00:28:33,669 (suspenseful music playing) 438 00:28:42,704 --> 00:28:45,872 We have a very important meeting tomorrow. 439 00:28:45,891 --> 00:28:47,373 It's called a "settlement conference." 440 00:28:47,393 --> 00:28:48,892 It's almost like a mediation. 441 00:28:56,810 --> 00:28:59,144 Sakai has rejected the plea deals 442 00:28:59,296 --> 00:29:02,555 That have been given to us throughout this entire case. 443 00:29:02,575 --> 00:29:08,136 But plea deals really start to, in my experience, come to fruition 444 00:29:08,155 --> 00:29:12,583 At this particular point in time because the client is realizing, 445 00:29:12,734 --> 00:29:16,995 "all right, you know, am I really going to risk 446 00:29:17,147 --> 00:29:20,674 "possibly, you know, losing and doing a life sentence?" 447 00:29:21,652 --> 00:29:23,743 Could we win? Absolutely. 448 00:29:23,763 --> 00:29:25,153 Is it possible that we could lose? 449 00:29:25,172 --> 00:29:26,430 That's also true. 450 00:29:26,657 --> 00:29:27,681 You never know what the jury is going to do. 451 00:29:29,343 --> 00:29:30,917 Sakai is a great kid. 452 00:29:31,011 --> 00:29:34,104 He's 19 years old and he can face life in prison. 453 00:29:50,289 --> 00:29:52,539 Hey, richard, raeanna, are you guys there? 454 00:30:00,448 --> 00:30:01,465 How would you guys feel about that? 455 00:30:02,876 --> 00:30:04,376 Ricky: Absolutely not. 456 00:30:04,470 --> 00:30:05,618 Don't let them pressure you into that. 457 00:30:05,638 --> 00:30:07,453 Keep your faith. 458 00:30:07,473 --> 00:30:09,556 Raeanna: Yeah. Why not fight all the way to the end? 459 00:30:10,367 --> 00:30:11,141 Sakai: True. 460 00:30:12,311 --> 00:30:13,936 We ain't gonna go out like that. 461 00:30:14,872 --> 00:30:17,648 You know, we can't. 462 00:30:17,875 --> 00:30:20,058 Ricky: At the end of the day, we're going to fight this one to the end. 463 00:30:20,152 --> 00:30:22,044 I mean, again, 464 00:30:22,062 --> 00:30:23,712 We're going to follow what you want to do. 465 00:30:23,730 --> 00:30:25,972 -So we ready to box it out. -Right. 466 00:30:25,991 --> 00:30:28,550 -Ricky: Then box it out again, and box it out again, like... -Right. 467 00:30:28,569 --> 00:30:30,828 -Ricky: We ready for it. -Sakai: Right. 468 00:30:31,055 --> 00:30:32,496 -All right. Love you all. -Ricky: Love you, too. 469 00:30:32,647 --> 00:30:33,889 Deborah: Okay. 470 00:30:33,907 --> 00:30:36,166 -Bye. -Ricky: Bye. 471 00:30:36,318 --> 00:30:39,411 If you make any decision, whether it's go to trial 472 00:30:39,563 --> 00:30:44,900 Or to take a deal, you have to make that decision... 473 00:30:44,918 --> 00:30:45,676 Selfishly. 474 00:30:46,570 --> 00:30:47,845 It's, it's so much. 475 00:30:48,072 --> 00:30:49,738 That's why I'm in, like, a harder position, 476 00:30:49,756 --> 00:30:51,573 'cause it's so much to think about. 477 00:30:51,666 --> 00:30:56,854 You know that we are 100 percent in support of whatever you decide. 478 00:30:57,081 --> 00:30:57,855 We're here. 479 00:31:06,940 --> 00:31:09,758 Ryan: Plea negotiations are very, very common. 480 00:31:09,776 --> 00:31:13,929 The only reason that cases go to trial 481 00:31:13,947 --> 00:31:17,449 Is because negotiations have failed. 482 00:31:17,543 --> 00:31:21,620 Sometimes clients have a position that they want to take, 483 00:31:21,772 --> 00:31:24,789 And as we get closer towards the trial date, 484 00:31:24,942 --> 00:31:27,134 Things become to get more real. 485 00:31:36,787 --> 00:31:39,137 No matter how strong of a case you have, 486 00:31:39,231 --> 00:31:41,982 You can't guarantee that we're gonna, you know, win. 487 00:31:54,638 --> 00:31:55,829 -Raeanna: Hi. -Ricky: Hi. 488 00:31:56,898 --> 00:31:59,491 -What up, brother? -Sakai: Hi. 489 00:31:59,643 --> 00:32:03,754 Feeling kind of anxious, kind of, I wouldn't really say nervous, 490 00:32:03,905 --> 00:32:07,758 But it's kind of the first for everybody, really. 491 00:32:07,985 --> 00:32:09,676 So it's just, I don't really know what to expect. 492 00:32:17,511 --> 00:32:18,727 (suspenseful music playing) 493 00:32:29,114 --> 00:32:30,948 Ryan: We had the settlement conference. 494 00:32:31,175 --> 00:32:35,953 We got sakai voluntary manslaughter without the use of a deadly weapon 495 00:32:36,104 --> 00:32:38,271 And the possession of a gun on school property, 496 00:32:38,290 --> 00:32:40,040 Which is just a gross misdemeanor. 497 00:32:47,708 --> 00:32:49,374 Ultimately, it's up to sakai, 498 00:32:49,526 --> 00:32:51,543 But I would advise him that he should take the deal. 499 00:32:51,695 --> 00:32:53,378 You have a tough case here 500 00:32:53,472 --> 00:32:55,222 And you never know what the jury's going to do. 501 00:33:10,656 --> 00:33:13,139 Sakai: Sitting down with the chief judge today, 502 00:33:13,233 --> 00:33:16,660 She kind of just explained to me that even if it is looking good, 503 00:33:16,887 --> 00:33:19,329 That it's always a risk that I could lose. 504 00:33:22,559 --> 00:33:24,626 I am in a tough position. 505 00:33:26,005 --> 00:33:27,754 Kind of undecided right now. 506 00:33:29,082 --> 00:33:32,509 Especially with having less than 24 hours 507 00:33:32,660 --> 00:33:33,659 To make the decision. 508 00:33:33,754 --> 00:33:35,178 It's, it's tough. 509 00:33:43,764 --> 00:33:46,264 Ryan: Today is the entry of plea, 510 00:33:46,416 --> 00:33:52,529 So we're going to figure out whether sakai is going to accept the plea deal, 511 00:33:52,680 --> 00:33:56,616 Or whether he is going to announce ready for trial. 512 00:33:59,538 --> 00:34:01,446 I hope that he takes the deal. 513 00:34:01,540 --> 00:34:05,691 There is a risk in regard to taking the case to trial. 514 00:34:05,711 --> 00:34:07,285 It's always a bit of a gamble, 515 00:34:07,437 --> 00:34:09,796 And if we lose, it's a life sentence, 516 00:34:14,369 --> 00:34:15,886 (judge speaking) 517 00:34:22,394 --> 00:34:23,185 (judge speaking) 518 00:34:24,730 --> 00:34:25,812 (judge speaking) 519 00:34:43,582 --> 00:34:45,082 (judge speaking) 520 00:34:50,923 --> 00:34:53,590 (judge speaking) 521 00:35:19,100 --> 00:35:20,242 (judge speaking) 522 00:35:38,637 --> 00:35:42,380 Sakai felt that this was in his best interest 523 00:35:42,474 --> 00:35:46,534 As opposed to rolling the dice and taking the risk 524 00:35:46,553 --> 00:35:49,146 Of possibly being convicted of first degree murder. 525 00:35:57,714 --> 00:35:58,971 Sakai: It was hard. 526 00:35:59,065 --> 00:36:00,899 It was definitely hard. 527 00:36:01,051 --> 00:36:05,403 Um, 'cause I just stood so strong on my position of not taking a deal. 528 00:36:05,555 --> 00:36:10,167 But it left me in a position where, really, I had no choice. 529 00:36:10,394 --> 00:36:12,894 Knowing that I do have a sentencing date, 530 00:36:12,987 --> 00:36:17,174 It's like, I have to mentally prepare myself now to go back to that. 531 00:36:18,585 --> 00:36:20,010 To go back to incarceration. 532 00:36:35,919 --> 00:36:37,677 Ryan: After the settlement conference, 533 00:36:37,696 --> 00:36:42,532 Sakai took the plea deal and it was a strategic move 534 00:36:42,684 --> 00:36:45,593 That gave him a level of certainty 535 00:36:45,687 --> 00:36:47,871 As to what he would be facing. 536 00:36:51,117 --> 00:36:54,044 Since then, sakai's position 537 00:36:54,195 --> 00:36:57,547 And role in the incident has changed. 538 00:36:58,700 --> 00:37:00,217 (dramatic music playing) 539 00:37:15,292 --> 00:37:18,960 Sakai: I am writing the letter that I have to read to the judge 540 00:37:18,979 --> 00:37:22,221 'cause I am going to be speaking at my sentencing. 541 00:37:22,241 --> 00:37:23,740 Tomorrow is going to be the first time 542 00:37:23,891 --> 00:37:27,577 That I'm going to be allowed to really tell what happened. 543 00:37:31,825 --> 00:37:34,251 You never can go wrong with the truth. 544 00:38:03,282 --> 00:38:05,431 Judge: Let's go to the record on page 21. 545 00:38:05,525 --> 00:38:08,785 C-335675. Sakai french. 546 00:38:10,289 --> 00:38:11,288 (sakai speaking) 547 00:39:56,210 --> 00:39:59,137 Your honor, I want you to get the full picture of what happened. 548 00:39:59,231 --> 00:40:03,141 His best friend from second grade is on the ground 549 00:40:03,293 --> 00:40:05,476 Getting beat up by three people, 550 00:40:05,570 --> 00:40:08,738 And potentially, is in a position to get killed. 551 00:40:08,965 --> 00:40:15,745 And so, at that particular time, sakai reasonably believed that it was necessary 552 00:40:15,897 --> 00:40:18,898 To shoot the gun to help his friend, 553 00:40:18,917 --> 00:40:22,493 The defense of others, your honor knows this very well. 554 00:40:22,646 --> 00:40:25,496 The offense was made probation-able for a reason. 555 00:40:25,590 --> 00:40:29,092 And your honor, that's what we're asking for. 556 00:40:31,430 --> 00:40:32,429 (judge speaking) 557 00:41:45,820 --> 00:41:50,581 Deborah: As a mother, to see my son in this situation that he's in, 558 00:41:50,675 --> 00:41:52,917 It's heartbreaking. 559 00:41:53,069 --> 00:41:56,346 There's no happy ending to any of this. 560 00:41:57,924 --> 00:41:59,349 I'm not the only mother hurting. 561 00:42:01,002 --> 00:42:04,579 Ryan: The judge ended up doing three to ten years. 562 00:42:04,597 --> 00:42:08,191 That means he'll be eligible for parole after a year and a half. 563 00:42:09,586 --> 00:42:11,435 This case was not black and white. 564 00:42:11,588 --> 00:42:14,531 It was a very complicated case. 565 00:42:14,758 --> 00:42:18,183 Sakai admitted that he was the shooter. 566 00:42:18,203 --> 00:42:20,185 But he acted in the defense of others 567 00:42:20,280 --> 00:42:21,779 Because his best friend 568 00:42:21,931 --> 00:42:26,525 Since the second grade very well could have been killed. 569 00:42:26,545 --> 00:42:29,787 The real world is sometimes complicated and messy, 570 00:42:29,881 --> 00:42:32,549 And so can be the criminal justice system. 571 00:42:34,127 --> 00:42:37,278 But ultimately, this was a very tragic case. 572 00:42:37,297 --> 00:42:42,392 We have a young man who died and we can't forget that.