1 00:00:09,752 --> 00:00:10,592 (phone dialing) 2 00:00:11,737 --> 00:00:13,429 (operator on phone) 3 00:00:14,015 --> 00:00:15,264 (man on phone) 4 00:00:30,756 --> 00:00:32,680 (operator on phone) 5 00:00:32,700 --> 00:00:34,783 (man on phone) 6 00:00:47,606 --> 00:00:49,106 Jami rebsom: Brad has no criminal history. 7 00:00:49,199 --> 00:00:51,625 Young man. Reputable career. 8 00:00:51,777 --> 00:00:54,386 He's adamant he did not hurt his wife amanda. 9 00:00:54,538 --> 00:00:57,723 In fact, bradley was trying to save his wife's life that morning. 10 00:01:02,638 --> 00:01:07,566 Bradley hillious: My wife was one of the most patient, loving, caring, 11 00:01:07,717 --> 00:01:10,903 Understanding people I've ever met. 12 00:01:11,130 --> 00:01:16,724 And I'm accused of a crime that I would never 13 00:01:16,744 --> 00:01:18,202 Dream or think of doing. 14 00:01:30,499 --> 00:01:33,317 A father behind bars, his wife dead, 15 00:01:33,410 --> 00:01:35,743 And four children without a mother. 16 00:01:35,763 --> 00:01:38,655 Prosecutors charge bradley hillious with deliberate homicide. 17 00:01:38,674 --> 00:01:42,826 Investigators say his 33-year-old wife amanda died December 19th, 18 00:01:42,845 --> 00:01:45,437 Four days after a violent attack. 19 00:01:52,095 --> 00:01:55,572 My name is jami rebsom and I'm an attorney in livingston, montana. 20 00:01:57,192 --> 00:01:58,692 I represent bradley hillious. 21 00:01:58,786 --> 00:02:01,269 He is charged with deliberate homicide. 22 00:02:01,363 --> 00:02:05,273 This is the most serious charge you could ever be accused of 23 00:02:05,292 --> 00:02:09,035 In the state of montana, and it carries up to 100 years in prison. 24 00:02:09,130 --> 00:02:12,614 The state is claiming that bradley and his wife amanda 25 00:02:12,633 --> 00:02:14,299 Got into an argument that morning that got out of hand. 26 00:02:15,452 --> 00:02:17,527 The state is going to allege 27 00:02:17,621 --> 00:02:21,214 That brad killed his wife amanda by beating her, 28 00:02:21,308 --> 00:02:23,725 Strangling her and then throwing her down the stairs. 29 00:02:25,795 --> 00:02:28,722 Brad is married to amanda, they have four kids, 30 00:02:28,816 --> 00:02:32,967 And also in the home is scott hillious, brad's father. 31 00:02:33,061 --> 00:02:36,546 Brad claims that on the morning of December 15th, 2020, 32 00:02:36,640 --> 00:02:39,491 He's woken from a deep sleep by a loud noise. 33 00:02:39,643 --> 00:02:41,568 He rushes out of bed, runs through the house, 34 00:02:41,720 --> 00:02:44,054 Trying to find out what's going on. 35 00:02:44,072 --> 00:02:48,392 When brad reaches the stairwell to the downstairs basement, 36 00:02:48,485 --> 00:02:51,336 He sees his wife, amanda, laying at the bottom of the stairway. 37 00:02:53,899 --> 00:02:57,325 Bradley tells me he immediately begins cpr on his wife. 38 00:02:57,419 --> 00:03:01,496 At that point, bradley yells out to his dad, "call 911, dad. 39 00:03:01,515 --> 00:03:03,473 "amanda has fallen down the stairs." 40 00:03:05,001 --> 00:03:08,261 When medical arrives, brad is sweaty and exhausted 41 00:03:08,355 --> 00:03:09,438 And distraught. 42 00:03:10,024 --> 00:03:11,190 Come on, babe. 43 00:03:13,360 --> 00:03:15,527 Come on, baby. 44 00:03:15,679 --> 00:03:18,605 Emt and paramedics work on her for 40 minutes 45 00:03:18,757 --> 00:03:20,699 Before they transport her to the hospital. 46 00:03:21,777 --> 00:03:24,203 And amanda ultimately dies. 47 00:03:36,442 --> 00:03:40,034 My initial review of this case is that the medical records 48 00:03:40,128 --> 00:03:43,037 Indicate that there doesn't seem to be any signs 49 00:03:43,131 --> 00:03:45,449 Of strangulation or assault. 50 00:03:45,542 --> 00:03:47,226 It looks like a fall down the stairs. 51 00:03:48,303 --> 00:03:49,970 Brad has no criminal history. 52 00:03:50,122 --> 00:03:53,640 Young man, father, reputable career. 53 00:03:53,734 --> 00:03:58,070 Bradley is adamant he did not hurt his wife that morning. 54 00:03:58,297 --> 00:04:01,798 What the state has to prove beyond reasonable doubt to the jury is that 55 00:04:01,817 --> 00:04:05,727 Brad purposely or knowingly caused the death of amanda. 56 00:04:05,746 --> 00:04:09,322 But it's one of the hardest cases to defend. 57 00:04:09,416 --> 00:04:11,750 Juries always want somebody to be held accountable. 58 00:04:11,977 --> 00:04:15,996 And it's really difficult for a jury to say the words "not guilty" in a case 59 00:04:16,090 --> 00:04:18,924 Where somebody has died and someone is charged with their death. 60 00:04:20,594 --> 00:04:23,595 Bradley is facing 100 years in prison. 61 00:04:23,822 --> 00:04:26,431 We are fighting to save brad hillious' life. 62 00:04:45,344 --> 00:04:50,013 Hillious: This last year has been an absolute horrific nightmare. 63 00:04:50,032 --> 00:04:53,517 My life has gone from a beautiful home 64 00:04:53,535 --> 00:04:56,536 With an amazingly gorgeous family 65 00:04:56,688 --> 00:05:00,465 To living in an unfurnished basement apartment. 66 00:05:03,804 --> 00:05:05,862 I wasn't a perfect husband. 67 00:05:05,955 --> 00:05:07,597 She forgave me for a lot of things. 68 00:05:08,884 --> 00:05:10,309 She'd yell at me sometimes, 69 00:05:11,053 --> 00:05:13,053 Get pissed off at me. 70 00:05:13,147 --> 00:05:16,464 We'd argue, we'd say what we have to say to each other, 71 00:05:16,558 --> 00:05:17,566 Then we'd forgive each other. 72 00:05:19,135 --> 00:05:22,571 I would do anything to trade my life for hers. 73 00:05:31,890 --> 00:05:34,074 The nature of being gone at work so much, 74 00:05:34,226 --> 00:05:36,918 I leave my kids when they're infants and I come back 75 00:05:38,005 --> 00:05:39,229 And they're crawling, 76 00:05:39,247 --> 00:05:40,730 And I leave when they're crawling 77 00:05:40,749 --> 00:05:42,990 And I come back and they're running 78 00:05:43,010 --> 00:05:43,967 And riding bicycles. 79 00:05:45,587 --> 00:05:47,161 I never thought it could be worse. 80 00:05:47,181 --> 00:05:50,832 Now they're not even living in the state of montana. 81 00:05:50,926 --> 00:05:52,592 They're living... (sniffles) 82 00:05:52,744 --> 00:05:55,687 ...With my mother-in-law in oregon. 83 00:05:57,082 --> 00:06:00,083 Two days after my wife had her accident, 84 00:06:00,102 --> 00:06:01,526 Child protection services 85 00:06:02,696 --> 00:06:04,029 And law enforcement came 86 00:06:04,256 --> 00:06:06,698 And physically removed them from the house. 87 00:06:06,850 --> 00:06:11,536 Right now my focus is to prove my innocence... 88 00:06:15,267 --> 00:06:17,709 ...And get our babies back home with their daddy. 89 00:06:30,891 --> 00:06:32,557 -Morning, brad. Come on in. -Good morning. 90 00:06:33,227 --> 00:06:34,142 Take a seat there. 91 00:06:42,794 --> 00:06:45,404 Talk me through what happened that morning. 92 00:06:45,555 --> 00:06:49,699 She had woke me up, talking about christmas presents for the kids, 93 00:06:50,469 --> 00:06:52,469 And we were arguing. 94 00:06:52,562 --> 00:06:55,580 I told her, "hey, you know, back off." 95 00:06:55,807 --> 00:06:59,159 And she went out. I had gone back to bed. 96 00:06:59,253 --> 00:07:04,089 I don't know what time elapsed but I heard someone scream. 97 00:07:06,927 --> 00:07:10,912 I got out of bed, didn't see amanda anywhere. 98 00:07:11,006 --> 00:07:12,597 I rounded near the stairs, 99 00:07:13,659 --> 00:07:16,250 Saw my wife's at the bottom. 100 00:07:16,270 --> 00:07:21,164 Once I got downstairs, I rolled amanda over, did a pulse check. 101 00:07:21,183 --> 00:07:24,017 There was a very, very faint, weak pulse, 102 00:07:24,111 --> 00:07:27,504 And started immediately doing chest compressions. 103 00:07:27,597 --> 00:07:33,693 I had to tell my dad to call 911 and then I remember doing cpr. 104 00:07:33,787 --> 00:07:37,030 All right, and then the sheriff's deputies arrive? 105 00:07:37,182 --> 00:07:40,608 Yeah, I don't know how long it was after cpr. 106 00:07:40,627 --> 00:07:44,129 A short time after that, the fire department arrived 107 00:07:44,356 --> 00:07:47,040 And they were continuing to work on her. 108 00:07:47,134 --> 00:07:49,718 (hillious crying) 109 00:07:51,713 --> 00:07:54,121 Hillious: I was told to go back upstairs. 110 00:07:54,141 --> 00:07:58,459 That's when the bombardment of six, seven officers 111 00:07:58,479 --> 00:08:01,980 Standing in my home, questioning me simultaneously. 112 00:08:31,920 --> 00:08:33,345 What the state has against you, 113 00:08:33,496 --> 00:08:35,663 What they're going to be claiming at trial is that 114 00:08:35,682 --> 00:08:40,352 You beat amanda, strangled her, threw her down the stairs. 115 00:08:40,503 --> 00:08:44,856 We got to argue that her injuries are from a fall down the stairs. 116 00:08:45,083 --> 00:08:48,009 And we've got some evidence to support that. 117 00:08:48,028 --> 00:08:50,754 The marks on her body that we see in the hospital, 118 00:08:50,772 --> 00:08:56,593 They all look like injuries that you would have sustained from falling down the stairs. 119 00:08:56,686 --> 00:09:02,874 But we know that the state is going to bring up your affair with miss adams. 120 00:09:11,868 --> 00:09:14,277 They are going to pull in miss adams to discuss 121 00:09:14,296 --> 00:09:16,537 A relationship that you had with her 122 00:09:16,631 --> 00:09:19,724 As some kind of motive for you to do something to your wife. 123 00:09:19,951 --> 00:09:23,136 To me, an affair is not motive for homicide, 124 00:09:23,230 --> 00:09:24,896 It's motive for divorce. 125 00:09:25,123 --> 00:09:28,625 And so, we'll have to deal with that at trial, 126 00:09:28,718 --> 00:09:32,070 But if the jury buys the state's case, 127 00:09:32,297 --> 00:09:34,573 You're looking at up to 100 years in prison. 128 00:09:37,411 --> 00:09:39,911 Brad, we have to do whatever we can to make sure that 129 00:09:41,064 --> 00:09:42,581 You're acquitted of this charge. 130 00:09:49,906 --> 00:09:53,174 Hillious: After hearing that I could be facing up to 100 years, 131 00:09:54,336 --> 00:09:57,262 That's utterly crushing. 132 00:09:57,413 --> 00:10:03,101 The jury could believe that I committed a crime and they could convict me of this. 133 00:10:05,772 --> 00:10:10,166 What is really upsetting is the fact that an accident 134 00:10:10,185 --> 00:10:13,186 Has taken my family, my home, 135 00:10:13,338 --> 00:10:15,780 My job and everything away from me. 136 00:10:17,342 --> 00:10:19,367 Right now, I'm feeling absolutely destroyed. 137 00:10:21,847 --> 00:10:23,121 Like I don't have a future. 138 00:10:28,703 --> 00:10:32,297 My client brad hillious is charged with deliberate homicide. 139 00:10:32,448 --> 00:10:34,466 It carries up to 100 years in prison. 140 00:10:34,693 --> 00:10:38,136 And I'm on my way to his house to meet with brad. 141 00:10:39,714 --> 00:10:41,122 I'm going to be able to look 142 00:10:41,216 --> 00:10:43,308 At these stairs that amanda fell down, 143 00:10:43,535 --> 00:10:45,626 And have brad walk me through that morning 144 00:10:45,720 --> 00:10:46,936 And what he recalls. 145 00:10:53,561 --> 00:10:55,153 -Hi. -Hi. How are you? 146 00:10:55,380 --> 00:10:56,154 Good. 147 00:11:09,394 --> 00:11:12,061 So, this is mine and amanda's room. 148 00:11:12,155 --> 00:11:13,988 And which side of the bed is yours? 149 00:11:14,007 --> 00:11:16,675 I sleep on this side of the bed over here. 150 00:11:16,826 --> 00:11:18,251 And that's where you were that morning? 151 00:11:18,403 --> 00:11:19,427 That's where I was. 152 00:11:28,855 --> 00:11:30,263 Then what happens? 153 00:11:30,415 --> 00:11:33,340 Hillious: I heard someone scream. 154 00:11:33,435 --> 00:11:37,862 I got out of bed, came around here and headed for the door. 155 00:11:39,090 --> 00:11:41,090 I come around here. 156 00:11:41,109 --> 00:11:44,260 When I got here, I reached over and hit the light on, 157 00:11:44,279 --> 00:11:47,372 Looked down the stairs. I saw my wife at the bottom. 158 00:11:54,105 --> 00:11:56,197 Wow. So, there's not a lot of room here. 159 00:11:56,216 --> 00:11:58,199 And she was right here, brad? 160 00:11:58,293 --> 00:12:00,201 She was right in this area right here. 161 00:12:00,295 --> 00:12:05,372 Obviously, from here, I was like, okay, I got to move her. 162 00:12:05,392 --> 00:12:08,876 I had gotten up, came around here. 163 00:12:08,895 --> 00:12:10,620 And that's when you start cpr? 164 00:12:10,713 --> 00:12:13,639 -Yes. I started chest compressions. -Okay. 165 00:12:13,734 --> 00:12:16,292 And I continued that. 166 00:12:16,385 --> 00:12:19,386 -Rebsom: Where was your dad? -Um... 167 00:12:19,481 --> 00:12:25,134 You know, I... I think he was down on the stairs right here. 168 00:12:25,228 --> 00:12:28,488 Okay, and then your dad called 911? 169 00:12:28,640 --> 00:12:32,642 Right, that's when full reality had set in. 170 00:12:32,660 --> 00:12:36,813 "oh, my god. I've just done cpr on my wife." 171 00:12:36,831 --> 00:12:40,592 Rebsom: Amanda's injuries are consistent with a fall down the stairs. 172 00:12:40,819 --> 00:12:44,337 All of the bruising are abrasions or scrapes, 173 00:12:44,431 --> 00:12:47,748 Which is consistent as to appear that they were caused 174 00:12:47,842 --> 00:12:49,434 By her falling down the stairs. 175 00:12:50,253 --> 00:12:52,829 So this is all adding up. 176 00:12:52,847 --> 00:12:55,089 All right, brad, well, thanks for letting me come in. 177 00:12:55,108 --> 00:12:56,833 Okay? We'll be in touch and I'll call you. 178 00:12:56,851 --> 00:12:58,276 -Okay, sounds good. -Great. 179 00:13:03,617 --> 00:13:06,951 What strikes me when I walked into brad's house today is, 180 00:13:07,103 --> 00:13:10,530 Of course, the staircase, it's very treacherous. 181 00:13:10,682 --> 00:13:12,532 It's very narrow. 182 00:13:12,684 --> 00:13:16,610 We know that it was dark. They're bare wood. 183 00:13:16,704 --> 00:13:19,464 I think it's a staircase that if you fell and had an accident, 184 00:13:19,691 --> 00:13:21,949 It might cause the kind of injuries, obviously, 185 00:13:21,968 --> 00:13:24,285 That she has. 186 00:13:24,304 --> 00:13:27,955 So now we want to look deeper into the medical evidence to see if, 187 00:13:28,049 --> 00:13:31,142 In fact, amanda's injuries 188 00:13:31,369 --> 00:13:34,203 Support this being an accidental fall 189 00:13:34,222 --> 00:13:37,148 Or a strangulation, as the state claims. 190 00:13:44,732 --> 00:13:48,576 Hillious: I am charged with an extremely heinous crime. 191 00:13:50,664 --> 00:13:55,316 People I don't even know are literally typing in social media 192 00:13:55,335 --> 00:13:58,002 That I'm going to disappear, 193 00:13:58,154 --> 00:14:01,965 That I am scum, that I don't deserve to live. 194 00:14:03,735 --> 00:14:06,511 It is unbelievable. They don't know me. 195 00:14:08,682 --> 00:14:12,408 I am no longer living in kalispell because 196 00:14:12,501 --> 00:14:16,596 I have received a lot of death threats. 197 00:14:16,690 --> 00:14:22,193 There is a lot of concern in my mind that even after this, 198 00:14:22,420 --> 00:14:24,511 Being able to return home an innocent man 199 00:14:24,531 --> 00:14:29,183 Whether or not the community is going to support that 200 00:14:29,202 --> 00:14:32,036 Or just be more angry with me. 201 00:14:40,788 --> 00:14:42,881 Hey, dr. Kohr, it's jami. 202 00:14:43,032 --> 00:14:44,549 Dr. Kohr: Good afternoon. 203 00:14:52,392 --> 00:14:56,210 Dr. Kohr, what kind of injuries did you see on amanda 204 00:14:56,304 --> 00:14:59,480 That supports, you know, that this is a fall down the stairs? 205 00:15:04,905 --> 00:15:06,237 I see. 206 00:15:13,580 --> 00:15:16,748 From your opinion, medical opinion, you've determined that 207 00:15:16,975 --> 00:15:20,418 Homicide as a cause of death was inaccurate. 208 00:15:44,686 --> 00:15:46,352 Mmm-hmm. Right. 209 00:15:46,446 --> 00:15:49,447 And she does have that bruise right under her chin there. 210 00:15:51,267 --> 00:15:53,034 Well, thank you, dr. Kohr. 211 00:15:55,346 --> 00:15:57,938 Well, that was great, that was really good. 212 00:15:57,958 --> 00:15:59,248 Yeah. 213 00:16:00,852 --> 00:16:04,111 The biggest takeaway from today is that amanda 214 00:16:04,130 --> 00:16:06,689 Was not strangled and her injuries 215 00:16:06,708 --> 00:16:09,801 Were from a fall down the stairs, and that is his opinion. 216 00:16:10,028 --> 00:16:12,053 We're going to be able to tell the jury that. 217 00:16:20,538 --> 00:16:22,221 -Hey, brad. -Hillious: Hi, jami, how are you? 218 00:16:22,315 --> 00:16:23,648 Come on in. I'm good. 219 00:16:30,732 --> 00:16:33,216 We need to have a conversation about what's going to be 220 00:16:33,309 --> 00:16:35,476 The elephant in the room at trial, 221 00:16:35,570 --> 00:16:37,662 And that is the young lady that he did have an affair with. 222 00:16:45,413 --> 00:16:48,914 We got to talk about the riley factor. 223 00:16:49,067 --> 00:16:52,343 Obviously, you didn't plan to have an affair, I'm assuming. 224 00:16:52,570 --> 00:16:55,329 Hillious: I did not plan to have an affair. 225 00:16:55,423 --> 00:16:57,515 Amanda and I had our differences. 226 00:16:57,666 --> 00:17:00,426 -Rylie and I clicked. -Right. 227 00:17:00,578 --> 00:17:04,439 And it grew and manifested itself from there. 228 00:17:15,777 --> 00:17:19,186 You've got to explain to me why did riley move to kalispell? 229 00:17:19,205 --> 00:17:23,949 Because she accepted another position with another company. 230 00:17:24,044 --> 00:17:27,787 I do know that you told the detectives on the 24th, 231 00:17:27,881 --> 00:17:31,457 That, you know, once rylie had gotten moved up there, 232 00:17:31,551 --> 00:17:34,535 You were going to call quits to the relationship with her. 233 00:17:34,629 --> 00:17:36,345 -Mmm-hmm. -So is that true? 234 00:17:36,948 --> 00:17:38,447 (sighs) 235 00:17:38,541 --> 00:17:41,284 -Yes, it was wrong. -Yeah. 236 00:17:41,302 --> 00:17:44,954 I reached out to rylie, and I went outside of the marriage. 237 00:17:44,972 --> 00:17:47,732 I did. And I messed up. 238 00:17:49,811 --> 00:17:50,976 Well, I think it's going to be hard. 239 00:17:51,071 --> 00:17:52,553 It's going to be embarrassing. 240 00:17:52,647 --> 00:17:54,906 Because the state's just going to hit on right away 241 00:17:55,057 --> 00:17:58,409 That the timing of her moving to kalispell is, you know, an issue. 242 00:18:00,062 --> 00:18:02,655 I definitely dread the day that we're in court 243 00:18:02,749 --> 00:18:05,732 And the state's bringing in rylie adams to testify. 244 00:18:05,827 --> 00:18:07,418 I dread that moment. 245 00:18:07,645 --> 00:18:09,903 The most damaging evidence is the fact 246 00:18:09,997 --> 00:18:13,499 That he was seeing rylie at the time of amanda's fall. 247 00:18:13,651 --> 00:18:17,261 It gives the state a motive for him to want amanda out of the picture. 248 00:18:19,415 --> 00:18:23,559 It's just going to be the worst obstacle to overcome in this trial. 249 00:18:41,028 --> 00:18:42,361 The montana state crime lab 250 00:18:42,513 --> 00:18:43,696 And the death certificate 251 00:18:43,790 --> 00:18:45,123 At least tell us 252 00:18:45,274 --> 00:18:47,850 That the cause of death is blunt force trauma, 253 00:18:47,869 --> 00:18:51,854 Neck compression. No mention of any strangulation. 254 00:18:51,947 --> 00:18:54,298 But when we get the autopsy report back, 255 00:18:54,525 --> 00:18:57,784 We get photographs of a hyoid bone removed 256 00:18:57,804 --> 00:19:02,531 From amanda hillious that is fractured bilaterally. 257 00:19:02,550 --> 00:19:06,126 The hyoid is a bone located just below your tongue. 258 00:19:06,146 --> 00:19:08,871 And in cases of strangulation, 259 00:19:08,964 --> 00:19:13,042 The hyoid is often fractured or broken. 260 00:19:13,060 --> 00:19:16,154 And as you can see it's completely severed on the ends there. 261 00:19:24,480 --> 00:19:27,907 Right now we're looking at a head-neck ct scan 262 00:19:28,001 --> 00:19:32,653 Of amanda hillious the morning she arrived at the hospital. 263 00:19:32,672 --> 00:19:35,398 And we're looking at images specifically to focus 264 00:19:35,491 --> 00:19:38,325 Our attention on the hyoid bone here. 265 00:19:38,344 --> 00:19:41,921 If there was a fracture or complete break-off here, we would see this. 266 00:19:42,073 --> 00:19:46,667 And you do not see any breaks. No fractures. 267 00:19:46,686 --> 00:19:49,929 Look at it. Completely intact. 268 00:19:50,081 --> 00:19:54,250 So her hyoid could have been broken at autopsy? 269 00:19:54,268 --> 00:19:55,693 Rebsom: That's correct. 270 00:19:56,512 --> 00:19:59,012 This is huge. 271 00:19:59,106 --> 00:20:03,618 If this is broken at autopsy, clearly this was an accident. 272 00:20:06,280 --> 00:20:08,264 There's no evidence, in our opinion, 273 00:20:08,282 --> 00:20:10,524 That amanda had been strangled at all. 274 00:20:10,543 --> 00:20:12,877 So we believe the state has a problem here 275 00:20:13,104 --> 00:20:14,962 With their allegation that she's been strangled. 276 00:20:32,957 --> 00:20:37,551 So we're off to kalispell to interview dr. Stine. 277 00:20:37,570 --> 00:20:40,554 Dr. Stine is one of the radiologists that reviewed 278 00:20:40,648 --> 00:20:44,984 The ct scans of amanda hillious in December of 2020. 279 00:20:45,078 --> 00:20:49,472 It's essential that we prove that this hyoid wasn't broken, 280 00:20:49,490 --> 00:20:51,999 So we'll see if dr. Stine can today. 281 00:21:17,668 --> 00:21:18,609 Oh, my god. Heather. 282 00:21:18,836 --> 00:21:21,687 Dr. Stine pulls up some other scans 283 00:21:21,839 --> 00:21:23,355 That you and I hadn't looked at. 284 00:21:23,449 --> 00:21:25,265 It's the neck ct, 285 00:21:25,359 --> 00:21:27,009 And it's the side of the hyoid. 286 00:21:27,102 --> 00:21:30,696 And she points to these displacements. 287 00:21:30,790 --> 00:21:33,958 And they look like fractures. 288 00:21:37,522 --> 00:21:38,462 I know. 289 00:21:39,357 --> 00:21:41,874 I can't believe it. 290 00:21:42,026 --> 00:21:45,594 Yeah, this is a major setback in the case today. 291 00:22:06,141 --> 00:22:07,883 This morning, brad's going to come in 292 00:22:07,902 --> 00:22:09,643 And we're going to watch some videos from 293 00:22:09,737 --> 00:22:11,829 December 15th, that morning. 294 00:22:12,056 --> 00:22:15,499 We're going to see how his dad's behavior is odd and suspicious. 295 00:22:17,244 --> 00:22:21,080 Scott's relationship with amanda was somewhat tumultuous. 296 00:22:21,174 --> 00:22:24,175 Her and scott had a lot of arguments. 297 00:22:24,402 --> 00:22:26,660 -Hey, brad, come on in. -Hello. 298 00:22:26,679 --> 00:22:28,237 Rebsom: Scott lived in the home 299 00:22:28,330 --> 00:22:29,738 Because brad worked out of the home 300 00:22:29,832 --> 00:22:32,091 For about eight to nine months of the year, 301 00:22:32,185 --> 00:22:34,076 So when amanda was at work, 302 00:22:34,095 --> 00:22:36,520 Scott would tend to the children during the day. 303 00:22:49,017 --> 00:22:51,110 Rebsom: This is when your dad comes into view and we see him 304 00:22:51,262 --> 00:22:52,620 Hanging out in the living room here. 305 00:22:55,375 --> 00:22:59,435 He's just standing there and he was professionally trained 306 00:22:59,453 --> 00:23:02,213 To render first aid cpr 307 00:23:02,364 --> 00:23:05,958 And he's just standing in the living room watching 308 00:23:06,110 --> 00:23:10,295 What's going on, watching me cry at the feet of my wife. 309 00:23:10,448 --> 00:23:12,114 And he steps over. 310 00:23:12,133 --> 00:23:15,801 He doesn't offer any help. He doesn't do anything. 311 00:23:15,895 --> 00:23:18,621 What was the relationship like between amanda and scott? 312 00:23:18,714 --> 00:23:19,897 Hillious: They butt heads a lot. 313 00:23:20,048 --> 00:23:24,402 He was notorious for just being belittling 314 00:23:24,553 --> 00:23:27,238 And aggressive toward her. 315 00:23:27,465 --> 00:23:29,824 Anything could set him off at any given time. 316 00:23:40,494 --> 00:23:42,086 My dad came upstairs 317 00:23:42,313 --> 00:23:44,755 And he looks at me dead square in the face, 318 00:23:44,907 --> 00:23:46,907 Pale white, and goes, "do you love me?" 319 00:23:46,926 --> 00:23:49,576 And I said, "well, of course I love you. What's going on?" 320 00:23:49,595 --> 00:23:53,097 He goes, "I can't... I can't do this anymore. I'm not going to prison." 321 00:23:55,751 --> 00:23:58,160 Approximately 30 minutes after that, 322 00:23:58,179 --> 00:24:02,440 I heard a gunshot from the barn outside and... 323 00:24:04,335 --> 00:24:05,684 (sighs) 324 00:24:05,836 --> 00:24:07,862 At that point, I knew what my dad had done. 325 00:24:23,688 --> 00:24:26,797 It looks like maybe his dad had something to do with it. 326 00:24:27,024 --> 00:24:29,783 Scott's behavior that morning is really bizarre. 327 00:24:29,877 --> 00:24:32,118 All right, jami, thank you. 328 00:24:32,138 --> 00:24:36,474 My take on it is brad's father was a much more likely suspect. 329 00:24:42,798 --> 00:24:45,983 I do think they were looking at the wrong individual from the get-go. 330 00:24:46,210 --> 00:24:51,714 So if the jury believes scott had done something to amanda that morning, 331 00:24:51,807 --> 00:24:53,616 They've got to find brad not guilty. 332 00:25:21,503 --> 00:25:25,264 Rebsom: Amanda says, "brad does pin me against the kitchen sink 333 00:25:25,416 --> 00:25:27,858 "with his forehead and says, 'you're not leaving with the kids,'" 334 00:25:28,936 --> 00:25:31,603 And he smashed her phone. 335 00:25:31,756 --> 00:25:34,031 She talks about how scott is threatening, 336 00:25:35,109 --> 00:25:36,700 Yells at her and says, 337 00:25:36,852 --> 00:25:40,186 "I know hells angels, they can kill you." 338 00:25:40,281 --> 00:25:43,098 Amanda puts this all in her restraining order paperwork. 339 00:25:43,117 --> 00:25:46,435 You know, that's not going to be good for our case at all. 340 00:25:46,453 --> 00:25:49,004 -Hey. -Suzanne marshall: Hi. How's it going? 341 00:26:13,906 --> 00:26:15,314 Suzanne: What is scott doing? 342 00:26:15,408 --> 00:26:17,966 He is right now threatening to go get a gun to shoot 343 00:26:17,985 --> 00:26:19,076 Law enforcement or himself. 344 00:26:23,583 --> 00:26:24,915 Officer: Hey. Hey. 345 00:26:30,815 --> 00:26:31,922 Officer: Yeah. Have a seat on the bumper. 346 00:26:32,074 --> 00:26:33,498 -Scott: Shoot me. -Officer: We're not going to. 347 00:26:33,651 --> 00:26:38,320 Shoot me. Please. Please. 348 00:26:38,339 --> 00:26:41,915 Brad's wife serves scott with a temporary restraining order, 349 00:26:42,009 --> 00:26:46,770 Which kicks him out of his home and he instantly is upset 350 00:26:46,997 --> 00:26:48,606 Because amanda is taking his grandkids away. 351 00:26:49,609 --> 00:26:51,834 Scott: I have nowhere to go. 352 00:26:51,852 --> 00:26:54,094 I have nothing to live for. 353 00:26:54,113 --> 00:26:57,022 Because I'll never be able to hug my grandkids again. 354 00:26:57,116 --> 00:26:59,933 Scott's whole life is in this home, with these kids, 355 00:27:00,027 --> 00:27:02,194 With his dogs, his possessions. 356 00:27:02,288 --> 00:27:03,770 His dog and his pets. 357 00:27:03,789 --> 00:27:06,123 Listening to him, it's not surprising what he did, 358 00:27:07,293 --> 00:27:09,701 In terms of his suicide. 359 00:27:09,854 --> 00:27:11,611 So this is essential, I think, for our case. 360 00:27:11,631 --> 00:27:13,613 I think the jury really needs to see this, don't you? 361 00:27:13,707 --> 00:27:14,798 Oh, for sure, for sure. 362 00:27:28,630 --> 00:27:31,373 Hillious: I'm pretty much emotionally wore out. 363 00:27:31,392 --> 00:27:35,486 I've relived this whole thing every single day. 364 00:27:36,638 --> 00:27:37,729 Here we are at the 11th hour 365 00:27:37,882 --> 00:27:38,972 Getting ready to head into trial 366 00:27:38,991 --> 00:27:42,050 And the anxiety is extremely high. 367 00:27:42,144 --> 00:27:45,496 I rely on proving that I'm exonerated and innocent of this. 368 00:27:47,224 --> 00:27:50,058 I hold onto the hope that someday very soon 369 00:27:50,152 --> 00:27:51,669 I'll be reunited with my children. 370 00:27:59,845 --> 00:28:03,163 So, suzanne, these photographs are somewhere. 371 00:28:03,257 --> 00:28:04,181 I think I saw those. 372 00:28:13,083 --> 00:28:16,101 Oh, my gosh. Suzanne, look at this. 373 00:28:16,195 --> 00:28:21,031 Look at this red duffle bag with rylie's clothes right on amanda's side of the bed. 374 00:28:23,594 --> 00:28:27,353 This is only nine days after amanda's fallen down 375 00:28:27,448 --> 00:28:29,206 The stairs and died. 376 00:28:29,433 --> 00:28:32,100 -These are definitely not good. -Right. 377 00:28:32,194 --> 00:28:34,102 Suzanne: The bed looks slept in. 378 00:28:34,121 --> 00:28:36,455 Rebsom: That's not going to look good for brad. 379 00:28:36,549 --> 00:28:39,291 It looks like she was planning on being there for a while. 380 00:28:39,443 --> 00:28:42,886 Mirror right on the nightstand, on amanda's side of the bed. 381 00:28:44,039 --> 00:28:46,372 -This is terrible. -Right. 382 00:28:46,467 --> 00:28:48,892 That's probably the worst evidence that we have in the case. 383 00:28:58,479 --> 00:29:00,479 Rebsom: Well, this is definitely an uphill battle. 384 00:29:00,631 --> 00:29:02,239 Everything's on the line here for brad. 385 00:29:04,243 --> 00:29:06,226 You know, we walk in 386 00:29:06,245 --> 00:29:08,653 And just being the defendants puts a target on us. 387 00:29:08,806 --> 00:29:11,306 Woman: Can you find, like, an extra box? 388 00:29:11,325 --> 00:29:14,084 Hillious: I'm nervous. Scared. 389 00:29:14,236 --> 00:29:17,070 I'm not the first person in history to have an affair. 390 00:29:17,089 --> 00:29:19,739 But I didn't have any involvement in this. 391 00:29:19,759 --> 00:29:22,593 I'm not the person they're making out. 392 00:29:22,744 --> 00:29:26,597 Yeah. (sniffles) so we'll just see how it goes. 393 00:29:28,768 --> 00:29:30,509 Court recorder: District court is now in session 394 00:29:30,661 --> 00:29:31,894 With the honorable bob allison. 395 00:29:33,347 --> 00:29:34,605 Judge: Be seated, please. 396 00:29:43,173 --> 00:29:45,190 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. 397 00:29:45,284 --> 00:29:49,861 What we want you to know about this case is that 398 00:29:49,955 --> 00:29:52,605 There was a total rush to judgment by law enforcement 399 00:29:52,625 --> 00:29:55,851 Accusing mr. Hillious of harming his wife. 400 00:29:55,869 --> 00:29:59,354 Mr. Hillious is considered suspect number one, 401 00:29:59,373 --> 00:30:02,966 The only suspect from the minute law enforcement get there. 402 00:30:03,118 --> 00:30:06,044 But not one piece of evidence proves beyond a reasonable doubt 403 00:30:06,138 --> 00:30:09,364 That mr. Hillious caused the death of his wife. 404 00:30:09,457 --> 00:30:12,100 So we're going to ask you to please look at the actual evidence 405 00:30:13,053 --> 00:30:14,812 And find mr. Hillious not guilty. 406 00:30:23,881 --> 00:30:26,548 Ahner: Did amanda's injuries seem consistent 407 00:30:26,567 --> 00:30:28,066 With a fall down the stairs? 408 00:30:28,160 --> 00:30:30,735 Her injuries were far more severe than we would 409 00:30:30,888 --> 00:30:32,788 Normally expert with a fall down the stairs. 410 00:30:35,835 --> 00:30:39,394 Donovan: Did you become suspicious about the mechanism 411 00:30:39,413 --> 00:30:40,745 That caused these injuries? 412 00:30:40,898 --> 00:30:43,415 The injuries were extensive enough, 413 00:30:43,509 --> 00:30:46,751 Especially in the areas about her head that did not 414 00:30:46,904 --> 00:30:50,255 Appear consistent with a fall down the stairs. 415 00:30:50,349 --> 00:30:51,348 Donovan: Okay. 416 00:30:54,186 --> 00:30:58,689 Could you describe that fracture of amanda's hyoid? 417 00:30:58,840 --> 00:31:02,267 It's typically seen in the setting of hanging, 418 00:31:02,361 --> 00:31:08,699 Or strangulation or some sort of forceful, direct trauma. 419 00:31:16,266 --> 00:31:20,785 Donovan: Doctor, had you treated patients falling down stairs before? 420 00:31:20,938 --> 00:31:22,862 Yes. 421 00:31:22,882 --> 00:31:26,717 Was the injuries that miss hillious had consistent 422 00:31:26,868 --> 00:31:29,553 With individuals falling down stairs? 423 00:31:30,872 --> 00:31:33,706 It seemed a little unusual to me 424 00:31:33,800 --> 00:31:40,972 That such severe swelling and injuries would likely happen in a fall. 425 00:31:41,066 --> 00:31:42,900 Donovan: What's your understanding of the mechanisms 426 00:31:43,127 --> 00:31:45,310 That can cause injury to the hyoid? 427 00:31:45,462 --> 00:31:50,574 Overwhelmingly, injuries occur from either hanging or from strangulation. 428 00:31:55,414 --> 00:31:57,305 Rebsom: Dr. Craig, 429 00:31:57,324 --> 00:32:00,308 When did you start doing a bunch of research on the hyoid bone? 430 00:32:00,327 --> 00:32:05,814 Dr. Craig: When I learned somewhat after the fact that the hybrid bone was fractured. 431 00:32:05,907 --> 00:32:09,718 Rebsom: Have you created any report on this hyoid bone research? 432 00:32:10,154 --> 00:32:12,596 No. 433 00:32:12,823 --> 00:32:16,767 Rebsom: You're aware that a hyoid bone can be broken in a fall, correct? 434 00:32:18,420 --> 00:32:19,937 I think it's possible. 435 00:32:20,088 --> 00:32:21,329 Rebsom: Well, there's literature on it. 436 00:32:21,348 --> 00:32:22,831 Didn't you read the literature on that? 437 00:32:22,849 --> 00:32:25,275 Dr. Craig: I haven't seen every article in the world. 438 00:32:25,502 --> 00:32:27,110 Rebsom: Dr. Craig, I'm going to let you go. 439 00:32:27,337 --> 00:32:28,779 I don't have any other questions for you. 440 00:32:29,006 --> 00:32:30,113 -Thank you. -Dr. Craig: Thank you. 441 00:32:32,767 --> 00:32:35,527 I feel like dr. Craig's testimony today was very helpful 442 00:32:35,679 --> 00:32:37,788 To our case, to acknowledge that 443 00:32:38,015 --> 00:32:41,750 The broken hyoid itself does not definitely indicate strangulation. 444 00:32:42,461 --> 00:32:43,627 That was magnificent. 445 00:32:43,854 --> 00:32:45,253 I really saw the jury take note of that. 446 00:32:59,720 --> 00:33:01,478 Court recorder: You do solemnly swear the testimony 447 00:33:01,705 --> 00:33:03,146 You're about to give is the truth, 448 00:33:03,298 --> 00:33:04,964 The whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you god? 449 00:33:05,058 --> 00:33:06,149 Michelle wungluck: Yes. 450 00:33:16,053 --> 00:33:20,664 We were sitting out in the waiting room to go back into the icu. 451 00:33:22,909 --> 00:33:26,986 And I was having a conversation with him. 452 00:33:27,080 --> 00:33:31,916 Because of his job, he can live pretty much anywhere. 453 00:33:32,069 --> 00:33:36,496 And I told him I would really like him if he could move to oregon... 454 00:33:36,590 --> 00:33:38,181 (voice breaking) ...So I could help him with the kids. 455 00:33:39,743 --> 00:33:44,913 (crying) because I wanted them to grow up 456 00:33:44,931 --> 00:33:47,082 Knowing who their mom was and how wonderful she was 457 00:33:47,175 --> 00:33:49,601 And how much she loved them. 458 00:33:49,753 --> 00:33:53,321 And brad said, "yeah, they'll always know who amanda is. 459 00:33:55,034 --> 00:33:57,159 "but the kids and I have to move on with our lives." 460 00:33:58,428 --> 00:34:00,612 My daughter is sitting in an icu bed 461 00:34:00,764 --> 00:34:03,356 Just through some double doors. 462 00:34:03,375 --> 00:34:06,168 She's not even gone yet. 463 00:34:24,288 --> 00:34:28,023 Scott: Shoot me, please. Please shoot me. 464 00:34:29,459 --> 00:34:30,567 -Officer: We're not going to. -Shoot me. 465 00:34:31,570 --> 00:34:33,737 I have nothing to live for. 466 00:34:35,632 --> 00:34:38,909 Rebsom: We know that after the autopsy results come back, 467 00:34:39,136 --> 00:34:43,988 -30 minutes later, scott's dead. -Okay. 468 00:34:44,141 --> 00:34:47,084 He's committed suicide. That would indicate 469 00:34:47,311 --> 00:34:49,920 That he is much more likely of a suspect. 470 00:34:59,098 --> 00:35:02,748 Judge: So we will pick this up where we're leaving off 471 00:35:02,843 --> 00:35:05,009 Right now at nine o'clock. 472 00:35:05,162 --> 00:35:06,895 Once again, thank you very much. 473 00:35:07,439 --> 00:35:08,396 So, thank you. 474 00:35:17,007 --> 00:35:18,598 Judge: Have a seat, counsel. 475 00:35:18,617 --> 00:35:23,862 I just wanted to make, I guess, a supplemental ruling. 476 00:35:24,014 --> 00:35:29,609 Here's what I'm going to do with respect to the death of scott. 477 00:35:29,628 --> 00:35:33,538 I'm going to order that neither party are to refer 478 00:35:33,632 --> 00:35:37,801 To that as anything other than scott's suicide. 479 00:35:39,546 --> 00:35:41,138 No descriptive adjectives. 480 00:35:41,289 --> 00:35:46,977 Nothing like his mysterious death or his guilt-riddled suicide. 481 00:35:47,204 --> 00:35:50,038 What the jury needs to hear is facts. 482 00:35:50,131 --> 00:35:54,392 And if I hear any from your mouth, 483 00:35:54,486 --> 00:35:57,112 I'll call you out on it in front of the jury. 484 00:36:04,979 --> 00:36:09,332 Rebsom: We were absolutely blown away by the fact that we couldn't use a defense 485 00:36:09,484 --> 00:36:15,079 In trial that scott was guilty and that's why he took his own life. 486 00:36:15,232 --> 00:36:17,174 It completely devastated our defense. 487 00:36:25,409 --> 00:36:26,925 These last couple of days in court 488 00:36:27,077 --> 00:36:28,593 Have been pretty rough. 489 00:36:28,745 --> 00:36:32,505 I can't even imagine being in brad's position right now. 490 00:36:32,599 --> 00:36:34,858 I think he's terrified. 491 00:36:35,009 --> 00:36:37,861 To me, they're continuing this witch hunt, 492 00:36:38,755 --> 00:36:40,922 And they are negligent. 493 00:36:41,015 --> 00:36:43,258 They are wasting taxpayer money, 494 00:36:43,276 --> 00:36:45,535 They are wasting their time and everyone else's. 495 00:36:45,762 --> 00:36:50,098 This is just a humongous miscarriage of justice. 496 00:36:50,116 --> 00:36:54,044 Rebsom: Today, the state starts presenting evidence of the affair with riley adams. 497 00:36:54,271 --> 00:36:56,771 I hate that the state is using that 498 00:36:56,790 --> 00:37:01,367 As that's their only real evidence towards any kind of motive in this case. 499 00:37:01,461 --> 00:37:03,278 Court recorder: You do solemnly swear the testimony 500 00:37:03,296 --> 00:37:05,129 You're about to hear is the truth, the whole truth, 501 00:37:05,282 --> 00:37:07,057 And nothing but the truth, so help you god? 502 00:37:07,284 --> 00:37:08,391 -So help you god? -Rylie adams: Yes. 503 00:37:15,459 --> 00:37:17,625 -Ahner: Good morning. -Good morning. 504 00:37:17,644 --> 00:37:20,070 Ahner: Please state your first and last name. 505 00:37:20,797 --> 00:37:23,389 Rylie adams. 506 00:37:23,483 --> 00:37:26,243 Ahner: Did you begin having an affair with the defendant 507 00:37:27,412 --> 00:37:30,989 -Sometime before April of 2020? -Yes. 508 00:37:31,083 --> 00:37:34,142 Ahner: When law enforcement questioned you, 509 00:37:34,160 --> 00:37:35,326 You actually refused to answer questions 510 00:37:35,420 --> 00:37:37,212 About your relationship with him, didn't you? 511 00:37:37,831 --> 00:37:38,922 I don't recall. 512 00:37:40,241 --> 00:37:44,052 Okay. Miss adams, do you recognize that? 513 00:37:47,324 --> 00:37:49,266 -Looks like his master bedroom. -Okay. 514 00:37:50,918 --> 00:37:52,994 That's amanda's side of the bed. 515 00:37:53,087 --> 00:37:54,104 That's your mirror, isn't it? 516 00:37:54,831 --> 00:37:56,106 Yes. 517 00:37:56,333 --> 00:37:58,257 Ahner: Miss adams. That's your bag, right? 518 00:37:58,277 --> 00:38:00,277 -Adams: The red one? -Yep. 519 00:38:00,504 --> 00:38:03,838 That's at the base of that nightstand on amanda's side of the bed, right? 520 00:38:03,857 --> 00:38:05,282 -Okay -ahner: Is it? 521 00:38:06,285 --> 00:38:07,859 From the picture, it looks like it. 522 00:38:07,953 --> 00:38:10,102 Ahner: Do you not remember where you put your bag? 523 00:38:10,122 --> 00:38:12,247 -I do not remember where I put my stuff. -Ahner: Okay. 524 00:38:15,276 --> 00:38:17,777 You and the defendant were hoping to get amanda out of the house. 525 00:38:17,796 --> 00:38:20,021 -Weren't you? -No. 526 00:38:20,114 --> 00:38:23,191 You were ready to move into this house 527 00:38:23,209 --> 00:38:25,209 The end of November of 2020, weren't you? 528 00:38:25,362 --> 00:38:26,786 No. 529 00:38:26,805 --> 00:38:28,972 I was under the impression that on their own accord, 530 00:38:29,199 --> 00:38:31,032 They were separating and divorcing. 531 00:38:31,125 --> 00:38:33,217 I didn't "want" amanda out of the house. 532 00:38:33,312 --> 00:38:35,537 I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. 533 00:38:35,555 --> 00:38:37,981 I didn't want anything bad to happen to anybody. 534 00:38:39,651 --> 00:38:42,393 No. I did not "want" amanda out of the house. 535 00:38:42,487 --> 00:38:44,988 How dare you accuse me of even wanting that? 536 00:38:46,825 --> 00:38:49,284 Thank you. I don't have any other questions. 537 00:38:51,663 --> 00:38:54,238 Our last witness is detective rich schuster. 538 00:38:54,391 --> 00:38:57,241 Rebsom: You could see a total shift in the jury's composure 539 00:38:57,336 --> 00:39:00,152 And demeanor as a result of hearing that evidence. 540 00:39:00,246 --> 00:39:03,081 And, of course, I just feel like it was highly inflammatory 541 00:39:03,175 --> 00:39:04,507 And that's exactly what the state wanted. 542 00:39:22,343 --> 00:39:24,152 This wasn't a fall down the stairs. 543 00:39:25,847 --> 00:39:30,367 The medical examiner goes through and documents 544 00:39:30,594 --> 00:39:33,370 36 separate injuries on this woman's body 545 00:39:34,706 --> 00:39:36,539 From the head all the way to her ankles. 546 00:39:38,935 --> 00:39:41,044 Seventeen just in her head. 547 00:39:42,697 --> 00:39:43,880 And what was the motive? 548 00:39:46,051 --> 00:39:48,276 The motive was to get this squatter out of the house 549 00:39:48,369 --> 00:39:50,461 And get his new girlfriend in. 550 00:39:50,555 --> 00:39:53,556 Ladies and gentlemen, return a guilty verdict 551 00:39:53,783 --> 00:39:55,392 On the charge of deliberate homicide. 552 00:40:00,457 --> 00:40:03,791 Whose job is it to prove the case to you? 553 00:40:03,810 --> 00:40:05,476 Is it brad hillious and I? 554 00:40:05,629 --> 00:40:09,555 No. It's the state of montana only. 555 00:40:09,574 --> 00:40:14,411 If you think for one second that scott hillious lost his mind on December 15th 556 00:40:14,562 --> 00:40:16,971 And thought maybe brad and amanda were fighting 557 00:40:16,990 --> 00:40:20,083 And helped her down the stairs, you have to vote "not guilty." 558 00:40:22,421 --> 00:40:25,329 You have not seen one shred of evidence 559 00:40:25,482 --> 00:40:28,240 That this man harmed his wife that morning. 560 00:40:28,260 --> 00:40:33,154 And so we are asking you to please say, "not guilty." 561 00:40:33,173 --> 00:40:35,098 Don't be afraid to do that. 562 00:40:36,435 --> 00:40:37,392 Thank you. 563 00:40:38,270 --> 00:40:39,602 Judge: Thank you, miss rebsom. 564 00:40:47,428 --> 00:40:49,353 Hillious: Been about four and a half hours 565 00:40:49,506 --> 00:40:51,931 That the jury has been talking this over. 566 00:40:52,025 --> 00:40:56,619 At any moment, my life could become worse or become better. 567 00:40:59,365 --> 00:41:00,290 They have a verdict? 568 00:41:35,327 --> 00:41:38,477 Ladies and gentlemen, have you reached a verdict? 569 00:41:38,497 --> 00:41:41,222 -Jury foreman: We have. -Judge: All right. 570 00:41:41,315 --> 00:41:46,669 State of montana, plaintiff, v. Bradley j. Hillious, defendant. 571 00:41:48,507 --> 00:41:52,634 Verdict, we, the jury, find the defendant as follows: 572 00:41:55,255 --> 00:41:59,073 -Guilty. -(girl crying) 573 00:41:59,166 --> 00:42:02,352 Judge: The defendant is remanded in the custody of the sheriff. 574 00:42:13,606 --> 00:42:17,182 No matter how much I say, we presented a good case, 575 00:42:17,277 --> 00:42:20,203 To hear the word "guilty" was so devastating for us, 576 00:42:21,355 --> 00:42:23,856 Because all that hard work, 577 00:42:23,875 --> 00:42:26,434 Believing your client is innocent, 578 00:42:26,452 --> 00:42:28,211 It's just so shocking. 579 00:42:29,530 --> 00:42:31,773 I just feel so bad for brad. 580 00:42:31,791 --> 00:42:34,442 I feel like he's in jail because he had an affair, 581 00:42:34,460 --> 00:42:36,219 Not because he's guilty. 582 00:42:36,370 --> 00:42:37,887 (somber music playing)